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yourfavesaysfag · 5 months ago
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Ap'Lek from The Star Wars Franchise says Fag.
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kylo-wrecked · 11 months ago
{ cont'd from here }
Blood had never run thicker than water.
Seth still wore his face, those same eyes. Too full of grief to perceive beyond the end of his nose.
"So, your sufferings have brought you clarity. I fail to see the problem. You were left to die so that you might become," Ren hummed, igniting his saber in turn. A courtesy at this point. "And here you are, half finished."
He didn't wait for Seth to make the first blow. Suns had set on that honor. Ren had many siblings now. He carried each of them in his mind's eye, in Zela of Ren, once Hindrel of Ren, once Ap'lek of Ren, for what ruby beat and bled in Seth was a husk in the shadow of his brother.
In a sweep of shadow cut by hissing kyber, crimson crossed crimson.
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blue-flamed-phoenix · 1 year ago
Part I
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'I watch you suffer as I once had, I sense the pain in you, the pain I once endured.'
'And I revel in it'
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'You won't admit it because you can't even admit it to yourself. We are one and the same.'
'Two parallel counterparts, creating a dyad within the dark side of the force.'
:::Kylo Ren:::
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'Let those who hurt you fall and take pleasure in them watching, as you rise'
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'Let there eyes fill with jealousy at the sight of your newborn power.'
'For deep down within them, they fear it' 
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'But of course, young one. You died young but within the flames you were reborn'
'And from ashes of the fallen you rose'
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'You strive to be the unexpected and as for those that do not expect you, well...'
'Let them suffer the consequences'
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'Many cower in the face of the shadow, Many die there but you...'
'You seem to thrive there'
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'People will learn to fear you once they see you standing atop your enemies bodies...'
'They will look on with fear in their eyes and will never make an enemy of you.'
'Rather a god.'
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years ago
The Stars Can't Separate Us
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VMQTALm
by Nat_Snips
What if Kylo Ren had surrounded Rey and her friends on Pasaana giving Rey a choice? Come with him or her friends die. Left against the wall Rey has to figure out what the Force has planned as she lets herself go one night and changes her life forever.
Kylo gave his troopers a hand signal. All their blasters were aimed at Finn, Poe, and Chewie. He watched the fear grow in them but focused on Rey. “I now have some of the most important people to you at gunpoint. Come with me, and I'll spare them. Refuse and they face a gruesome death here in this desert. That is the choice.”
Words: 3237, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Tishra Kandia, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Armitage Hux, Enric Pryde, Rose Tico, Harter Kalonia, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Knights of Ren, Vicrul (Star Wars), Ushar (Star Wars), Cardo (Star Wars), Ap'lek (Star Wars), Trudgen (Star Wars), Kuruk (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey
Additional Tags: Tags May Change, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, Post-Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Kidnapping, Rey is a Palpatine (Star Wars), POV Kylo Ren, POV Rey (Star Wars), Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Fix-It, Eventual Smut, Unplanned Pregnancy, Finn is a Disaster (Star Wars), Leia Organa Ships It, Reylo - Freeform, Force Bond (Star Wars), Inappropriate Use of the Force, Empress Rey (Star Wars), Protective Kylo Ren, Tags Are Hard, Implied/Referenced Torture, Protective Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Hurt Rey (Star Wars), Force-Sensitive Finn (Star Wars)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VMQTALm
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cottontailcomics · 3 years ago
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another KOR meme redraw because i’m at home sick and i’m bored lol
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dswcp · 4 years ago
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🏳️‍🌈Star Wars Comics Pride Flag Icons: Set #1!🏳️‍🌈
To celebrate 600 followers, I’m making a few sets of these! Please ask if you would like a different pride flag for any of these characters; they are super fun to make and I would be thrilled to match your fave with your flag. If you use one of these icons on Twitter, you can credit me there @ thedishmelter. You can also credit the artists:
⭐ Trans Leia by Yusaka Komiyama ⭐ ⭐ Non-binary Neeku by Valentina Pinto ⭐ ⭐ Gay Fancy Luke by Marco Checchetto ⭐ ⭐ Pan Concept Art Rey by Iain McCaig ⭐ ⭐ Ace Ventress (the color coordination!!!) by Nick Brokenshire ⭐ ⭐ Bi Storyboard Grievous by Derek Thompson ⭐ ⭐ Gay 3PO by Tony Harris ⭐ ⭐ Lesbian Ap’lek by Alan Batson ⭐ ⭐ Trans Chibi Ahsoka by Dave Filoni ⭐
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sepublic · 4 years ago
Disparity between the Knights of Ren and Kylo
           But something about the Knights of Ren, in contrast to their leader, is that they seem so much more… scrappy? Dirty, unorganized, but also used and worn-out, and thus genuine? Like they’ve really put themselves out there into the harsh work with rolled-up, tattered sleeves, and you get this sense of them actually being in the fray and on the frontlines.
           You’ve of course got their dirt-covered boots and whatnot, but also you have people like Vicrul or Cardo, who use the hides of animals as part of their attire… Ap’lek’s cloak is oiled to shed aside water, he’s clearly someone who works within the elements to take advantage of them as part of his stealth, they’re his dirty unglamorous home. Clearly the Knights of Ren do a lot of work putting together scrap metal, like you see with Ap’lek’s mask, Kuruk having those pieces bent around his helmet to help focus his vision, Cardo’s mask is just a repurposed furnace plate! Ushar’s mask has a straight-up dent in it that he’s never bothered to fix, even when he has access to Albrekh; Likely as a twisted memento of honor and tribute to the victim who inflicted the damage. Trudgen straight-up has part of a Death Trooper’s helmet incorporated into his own mask as well!
           Then you’ve got the Night Buzzard, which is dirty and grimy, and has received constant modifications, likely by Kuruk, that cause it to spew noxious gas. Vicrul’s pistol has also been pushed to its limits with alterations, and Cardo is obsessed with modifying and enhancing weapons, keeping them up to date and ready for the next battle; The Knights of Ren have weapons that are a more cold, dull steel and gray, not polished and refined. Their armor and outfits feel much more scratched-out and faded, used and worn in. You get the sense almost that they’re kind of like scavengers themselves, similar to Rey; Making do with what they find, not too focused on aesthetical neatness nor tidy appearance, just getting the point across, salvaging trophies from victories.
          And, it fits with their philosophy, the Ren- Which revolves around basically just living in the moment, unapologetically taking and consuming and resorting to nature and instinct… Letting the ‘Shadow’ guide and feed them, like they’re always on the fringe of society, gathering and appreciating what they can and making use of it, having to make the most of their tools, constantly altering and patching themselves up. They don’t have the access to the best resources, not fancy luxuries or anything like that; It’s almost rather working-class, I’d say! It of course matches with their origins as essentially criminals and a cult-ish biker gang, a ragtag group of mercenaries.
          Even their original, nameless leader kind of fits this more down-to-earth, cobbled-together aesthetic, with a gray mask that he’s customized with a red symbol, amidst the scratches; Not wearing much save for a tattered cloak and glove, and his pants and boots, and that’s about it! Nothing particularly polished nor clean. He’s dirty, roughed-up, and covered in scars, he has not gone unscathed and he doesn’t need to protect himself from the elements, he wears his damage and past on his (metaphorical) sleeve and possibly even has a cybernetic hand, to go with the Vader parallel that Charles Soule intended!
           All of this of course contrasts with Kylo Ren, who… His mask is clearly hi-tech, up-to-date, with a full-on vocoder and mechanical function that causes it to open up and close, possibly somewhat vacuum-sealed as well. The metal is polished and shiny, the mask a smooth, likely painted, matte black. His clothes are tidy and almost prince-like, made of what seems to be more comfortable and fancier cloth and fabrics, a nice deep black that’s clearly taken care of, shiny boots, the works. While the Knights of Ren make do with just their Night Buzzard and weapons they scrounge for, constantly patching up and honing them between battles to keep them almost good-as-new, Kylo Ren has his clean and sleek, modern ships supplied directly from the First Order; He’s got his command shuttle, the TIE Silencer, and at least two TIE Whisper’s.
           His vehicles have red, vibrant and glowing lights and paintjobs, and are likely the sleek pinnacle of First Order engineering, with Kuat and rich backers from Canto Bight to contribute to development. Kyle Ron probably has his entire team of engineers to prepare and take care of his ship before him, even before becoming Supreme Leader- Especially when he tells a pair of officers to prepare his TIE Silencer for him, even before he usurps Snoke. He was clearly the golden child throughout his life in a sense, born into a privileged, luxurious family with a lot of power and fame; And then serving Snoke, who himself had all of the inexplicably vast resources of the First Order behind him, invested everything into Kylo Ren’s training and upkeep… Kept him well-fed and taken care of (at least physically).
           Yeah, Kylo has trained vigorously, and his own lightsaber is a patchwork job, but that was built back when he was ‘just’ leader of the Knights of Ren, newly anointed, and before he’d started serving in the First Order; And as a major political influence, with a LOT of authority and power behind him, serving as a triumvirate alongside Hux and Phasma, right beneath Snoke himself! You get the sense that he always had something to fall back to, a comfortable safety net- That when all was said and done, he had a retinue of medical droids to patch him up, a team to keep his laundry nice and clean and ‘presentable’. That he always had his parents who were welcoming of him, trying to be patient, always offering him the opportunity to go back home; He had SO much, and yet he really threw it all away for some fantasy, didn’t he?
           Kylo Ren really comes across as like… A privileged rich kid, a pampered brat who doesn’t really know what it’s like to work out in the fringes, to have to constantly fight and kill just to survive, to be fed the next day. To not have the luxury of mindlessly destroying the hard work and machinery, the craft of others he’s taken for granted, every time he has a temper tantrum- Leaving people to clean up the mess and replace it good as new. The Knights of Ren couldn’t be so frivolous with THEIR resources, they had to make everything count, reuse and recycle, scavenge from scrap metal, tidy things up at least a little; But they didn’t have the luxury to make themselves sleek and polished, nor access to the most up-to-date technology of an entire military junta.
          They had to get their hands dirty and personal, all of the time, they didn’t have the pride and privilege to turn down jobs; They took whatever mercenary work was offered to stay fed and clothed. And yet they remained just as vigilant and dedicated to the Ren as ever, never wavering as far as we can tell; Even when their original leader was slain, they didn’t throw a fit, but just made do with the situation, accepted that this was all they had left, and had Kylo as their new master.
           While Kylo was no doubt living the high-life at the very top of the First Order pyramid, we rarely see the Knights of Ren, who don’t have Snoke’s personal precious attention and protection. They’re likely out there doing the dark, unknown and unglamorous dirty work, quietly coming back to restock and refuel, no ceremonies nor worship from Stormtroopers, most of whom seem to regard them in disgust as ‘Ghouls’. Unlike Kylo, they fully chose and accepted and embraced their roles, they provided their ‘good’ deaths and earned their spots within the group, not fighting it, not constantly lamenting and whining about how they deserved better, because anything is good.
          Even when Kylo Ren became Supreme Leader, it seems that for whatever reason, the Knights of Ren didn’t embrace the new resources at their disposal- Did Kylo not bother to take care of them, or were they just so used to working as scrappy little mercenaries, that the high-end luxuries of the First Order somewhat bothered them? That they preferred to keep doing things as they did, that this organized, political and polished structure wasn’t for them. Hux regards them as distasteful for it, but while he and Kylo have entire armies and servants at their beck and call and disposal, the Knights of Ren have only themselves and each other to carry out the missions assigned to them, and they do their tasks silently, dutifully, and without complaint.
           To contrast, Kylo Ren has a much cleaner, brighter aesthetic, flashy and red like his lightsaber, and later the Sarrassian iron that puts together the fragments of his helmet. He’s a leader, a political figure, who intentionally draws attention to himself as the heir to Vader, he thinks he’s entitled to Anakin’s lightsaber, and can afford to draw attention to himself, he wants it. But the Knights of Ren, they have to be practical and dark, hiding to survive, Ap’lek especially, although of course some manner of exception is made with Ushar and Cardo. It’s not like they’re just hunters, but also prey as well, like the Mandalorian coverts… Their dirtied, roughened-up appearance, more battered and humble like what you would see with the Millenium Falcon, paints the Knights of Ren as more underdogs than their leader.
           In essence, you get this sense of privileged disconnect between the Knights of Ren and Kylo; That he’s this bourgeoisie rich kid, whose parents bought him everything, that he never REALLY had to work for things, there was no genuine struggle nor danger for him. Work and training may as well have been a hobby for him, he can afford to throw things away, while for the Knights of Ren it very much is a matter of survival, life or death. And with how Kylo wants to join them for some reason after leaving the Jedi Order, even though he only had ONE encounter where they tried to kill him, Luke, and Lor San Tekka; And all their previous leader did was just leave an open invitation…
           And again, you get the idea that Kylo Ren has this idealized, glamorous, almost fetishizing and romanticized view of what it’s like to be a Knight of Ren, that it’s some cool club to join- And not a genuine, forged-in-fire, rigorous existence. That it’s tough and painful and very much a deliberate choice, not something done lightly and for fun, which he finds out when he tries to join them for ‘comradery’ I suppose, only to be oh-so shocked at seeing them kill people, as if he hadn’t always known this. Kylo Ren didn’t really want to be a Knight of Ren, just his cool idea and fun of what it’d be like, how he doesn’t REALLY want the Empire back, just the idealized version of the past. He’s a pampered brat playing pretend, so psyched up for the dream of the job, but when he actually has to do the hard work and unglamorous parts, he caves and hesitates, while the actual Knights of Ren roll their eyes, because of course this little kid does. He has no idea what he’s getting himself into, he’s so dumb and naïve and reckless.
           It’s telling that the Knights of Ren have no issues working with Albrekh, an alien, especially because they know they can’t afford to be picky with their allies and friends, beggars can’t be choosers; While Kylo “My parents didn’t love me enough” Ron is willing to kill an officer for asking a reasonable question, and throws aside all of the people in his life that he takes for granted. Similarly, the only person resembling an alien that we see Kylo Ren actually work with is Snoke, whom he hated and eventually killed, and even Snoke was at least part-human, so given his worship of the Empire, and Kylo Ren likely looks down on non-humans.
           Not to mention, with how Kylo sometimes refers to Rey as ‘the scavenger’, and you get this sense of like… disdain from him towards her more humble, downright impoverished, background and conditions of her home life, and the way she had to keep herself fed. And you can’t help but wonder if the Knights of Ren picked up on this, that part of the reason they never enjoyed the First Order’s resources was because they knew that they didn’t belong in this neat and tidy, posh hierarchy of political society and advanced tech; That they were regarded as savage monsters and ghouls by the First Order, dirty and unkempt. Their own leader didn’t really know or understand them, he only had leadership by virtue of power and affinity to the Dark Side, but not much else; And he was constantly fighting the Dark Side, always in the hand of Snoke, never really leading the Knights of Ren alongside them as equals and comrades like their past leader.
           He probably didn’t care for, nor appreciate them- Kylo probably even looked down on them, even! Not fully and openly, but there was likely this implicit disdain and disgust… Or at the very least, he made an ‘exception’ to them, but with how he regarded scavengers and lower-class people like them… The Knights of Ren could only wonder just how conditional his tolerance was. He praised and elevated them, borderline glorified and romanticized; But he could never truly be one of them, he never knew what it was like, he had no idea, he could only guess and play pretend, and never admit that truth. There was a growing disconnect, likely a dissatisfaction between the Knights of Ren towards Kylo, and it just worsened with his agendas with Rey, forcing them to do the work of capturing her by themselves, forgetting the Knights in his own confrontations, etc.
           Kylo didn’t really feel like one of them, like a part of them- He saw himself as elevated and separate, more like lapdogs and attacks dogs, tools to point in a direction, not true brothers-in-arms on the same level, regardless of leadership role. And this ignorance, this subtle lack of regard and attention, quickly abandoning the Knights of Ren to focus on his drama with his parents, Luke, Snoke, and Rey… It must’ve been frustrating and alienating for the Knights of Ren.
          The closest Kylo ever got was when he repaired his shattered helmet using Albrekh himself, with the dented and scratched-up look more akin to them, uniting the aesthetic more… But again, there was always that fancy, graceful training from Luke and Snoke, and his special little lightsaber. Then the attention from Palpatine… And when he had to go to Exegol, when he confronted Rey, Kylo never did so with the Knights of Ren, because he never truly trusted nor felt like they had his back, he never truly saw himself as one of them, and didn’t think it necessary to bring them alone, to include them all.
           They weren’t special, chosen ones with the cool bloodlines and parentage that gave them special innate talent and Force powers, they were more like Voe if anything else. The Knights of Ren had force-sensitivity, but it was stunted and much weaker than Kyle’s natural, unearned talent and gifts; Everything they got, they had to fight and train and work for, self-taught and without the guidance of some wiser leader, because I doubt Kylo trained his own Knights either. Their fighting style is more brutal and utilitarian, with the use of a wide variety of tools and actual blasters- The Knights of Ren had to make a name for themselves, carve out their own reputation, because they started from nothing, and their original leader best exemplifies this with his lack of name, the closest being the title of Ren that he shares with everyone else anyway.
           The Knights of Ren didn’t have a special destiny, nor a bond as part of some sacred, prophesized dyad- If anything, they were more like Rey, before THAT reveal… Just lowly nobodies who had to make a name for themselves, stumbled across their own version of found family in a sense- Did what they needed to survive, had to go through the grueling agony of existence on their own. They actively looked for new members to add into their group, other lowly and despised criminals and others of society, as could’ve been the case with Karrst. There was no special place for them within the story, and yet they were still relegated to doing nameless, thankless jobs and tasks, not even acknowledged individually, and forgotten and abandoned by even their own leader, for some stranger he’d just met.
          When he turned to the Light Side, did their time together mean nothing for Ben to leave them- Of course it did, because there wasn’t REALLY anything there, and he never tried, or at least never could’ve understood, and never realized this from the position he was in. He tried to force his way in and it just created this uncomfortable, begrudging toleration by the Knights of Ren, until finally their resentment boiled up and bubbled over and burst; And they took their sweet time, vengefully confronting their former leader and beating him up slowly, because they wanted this to hurt. They wanted him to know what it was like to be beaten down with no hope, with no glimpse of light, nobody to pick him up and comfort him, no luxury nor resources or sacred destiny; To have only darkness and shadow to hide and thrive in, to embrace and become grateful towards… As they scrounged up and kept fighting, determined, not entitled by any parentage or destiny, but because they simply chose to keep biting and survive.
           Nobody seemed to care nor remember the Knights of Ren, they were just disposable tools for everyone, except their original leader, who really did seem to be on amicable relationship with them; Addressing them by name, in a casual manner that alluded to past comradery and shared knowledge, bonding… Someone they felt safe actually speaking up and talking to, asking questions instead of silently waiting for orders and accepting things as they were. There was no special Force powers, for they did not expect anything from the Shadow, and when they did receive, they made sure to venerate it in return, for of course this was owed back, they had to pay back the force that guided and fed them.
          They had a gratitude, and as their Ren codified, the Knights learned to disregard societal norms and obligations, and attitudes, and just live, doing what they needed to survive. No apologies, no glorifications, they just were, that’s all they wanted and needed. Obviously this independent, not-caring-what-anyone-thinks attitude was no doubt ‘cool’ to a young Kylo Ren, which was why he wanted to join them, while misunderstanding so badly how the Knights of Ren even got to that point in the first place, and what came with this. Kylo kept being concerned about how others perceived and looked at him, because he was a sad, pathetic, insecure little child; While for the Knights of Ren, it just didn’t matter.
          They could be hated, or beloved- It wasn’t important at all how others regarded them, because they didn’t heed how outsiders felt, they didn’t apologize nor account for their existence, didn’t try to justify anything. It was Us VS Them, they found solace in just each other, and recognized and prepared themselves for an entire world against them, anyone else as fair game and a potential enemy. Their prior leader rightfully regarded Kylo with suspicion, kept a cautious distance- So nothing was lost when they confronted Kylo on Exegol to kill him, no tears shed nor regrets made whatsoever, besides having not done this sooner.
           But of course, special Ben Solo gets his redemption or whatever, he gets his spotlight and glory as he saves the day, or at least sort of tries to contribute. He is glorified by the narrative and likely in-universe, venerated for his ‘noble’ turn and sacrifice, especially by the real-life fandom; But the Knights of Ren, nobody cares for them. And it doesn’t matter- They’re used to it, they’ve learned to accept and adapt, this is just the normal status quo for them. They don’t need veneration nor hatred, they’re just here to get through the day and only focus on what matters, themselves and each other.
           …In that sense, with all of this meta about the Knights of Ren being more like ‘nobodies’, poor and scavenging, having to work for things; And Rey, the contradictions of her character be damned, feels like she’d be a more welcome fit as a new leader than Kylo. Maybe there could be an AU where she joins them, and the Knights of Ren bond with this new kid, this little sibling, who’s a dirty feral gremlin like them who likes to scavenge and experiment, modify, messily and shoddily cobble stuff together.
          I do have to wonder if Rey calling herself a nobody, initially intended at one point to have no special place nor destiny in the narrative, besides the one she made for herself with her found family- If that was meant to be a parallel to the Knights of Ren and their former leader, who also calls himself a nobody, and goes by no distinctive name himself. I can only imagine, but I bet that a Dark Side Rey would be a much more attentive, down-to-earth, and ultimately preferable leader to the Knights of Ren, as someone who actually bonds with and understands them, and learns to value them; To the point where if she DID make a turn to the Light, she’d probably invite them to come with her out of concern, and the Knights of Ren would be touched enough to even consider, or at least spare, Rey…
           At the very least, I don’t think Rey would immediately throw them aside like the garbage they always were, because she was good now and too enlightened and heroic to be level with these evil monsters; She knew someone who was a masked ‘monster’ himself, Finn, and she fell in love and found acceptance with him, and vice-versa. Rey, for better or worse, has the patience to reach out and give others the benefit of the doubt, to hope for them, to not hypocritically condemn, for she knows her own mistakes and weaknesses as well… So I think the Knights of Ren in this AU would be much more likely to be touched- And that even if they were to lash against a reformed Rey, it’d come from a genuine sense of hurt and betrayal, grief and loss; And not just a relieved desire to get rid of this pesky brat that’s been bugging them for the past several years.
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kylo-wrecked · 2 years ago
@mayxthexforce sent :// 🤕 - Dress a wound on my muse. (From Voe)
{ from this meme }
Her eyes are like ice, but her blood is hot. She gives Ren two seconds to examine the wound before swatting him away. 
"Voe." This is the third time he's said her name. "Enough."
He reproves her with a glare and steadies his hand at her side. His eyes roil in the bile of light, the gemstone brown of them black and blown wide from their grisly clash with a group of pirates. Not the horde they'd come for, but they were close. Ren anticipated the nagging sensory register of Han Solo nearby. That was before Voe was struck abruptly by blaster fire. Amid a petty argument, neither of them felt the pirates approaching, the fuzz of dim neon, the heat and the dark pressing them.
Ren should have let her die. He should have left her to rot like he did all those years ago, finished the job, avulsed the pulmonodes from her ribcage. He knew how he would do it, where to make the incisions, and instead crossed them into the soft stomach of some sentient worm. And he had to. Had to, but couldn't. Voe was the last living piece of him. 
One bolt had grazed her shoulder—something to worry about tomorrow. Another ate her thigh, through and through, and the next few hours would be vital—
"Unless you want to slow down," he mutters, "for good, let me help you."
He'd started rummaging through Ap'lek's woven sack earlier, scraping its black womb for the kit, and having fished it out and snapped it open, he now assesses the scale of damage. Ren places his bare hand on her thigh, a touch away from the ground zero of Voe's flesh pulping through broken seams. It's a nasty close-range wound. His eyes narrow at the cuff of blood developing above her knee.   
"You need to stop fighting. You can't do this alone." 
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totheark-exe · 3 years ago
Daily reminder that all the Knights of Ren r in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
Have a great day.
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morbidfantasy21 · 5 years ago
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Wrathful Winds by Friendly Robot
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ao3feed--reylo · 2 years ago
A Perfect Circle
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/i9Sdz83
by OnyxAcheron
Words: 3994, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Bijou trilogy
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Rose Tico, Finn (Star Wars), Jannah (Star Wars), Kaydel Ko Connix, Kuruk (Star Wars), Trudgen (Star Wars), Ap'lek (Star Wars), Cardo (Star Wars), Lando Calrissian, Original Characters, Poe Dameron, Phasma (Star Wars), The Padawans
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Rebirth, Everything's connected, I found some angst in my pocket, the dead speak, Oh lordy there's a Force ghosty, Rey is back and things have changed, War, Ben is darker, Is it Rey or R'iia?, Visions, Don't mess with the Vein of R'iia, the creator - Freeform, The Destroyer - Freeform, light and dark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/i9Sdz83
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kittystargen3 · 4 years ago
Summary:  AU-Canon Divergence where Anakin is not such a deadbeat grandfather. Pun definitely intended. Begins before the events of The Force Awakens when Force Ghost Anakin drags Han Solo back to Leia and tells them what's what. He's got a plan on how to save Ben, and this time, nothing is going to stop him. Hint it involves a certain desert scavenger. Han Solo lives! Series rewrite.
Today I added chapter 26 to The Skywalker Tale:  A Legacy Restored.  Below is a small selection, please click the link to read more.  
Chapter 26 - Another Option
Ben awoke early that morning and tried to roll over and go back to sleep.  Only he had a problem; he couldn’t move his leg.  He laid still for a few more minutes until his brain had woken enough to figure out the situation.  When he did he almost rolled his eyes.
It was Rey and their bond again.  ‘Must’ve opened in the night,’ he thought.  She lay, wrapped in her own blankets, seemingly on the same bed that he lay on.  And her leg had been kicked over his own while they slept.  
Ben collapsed back on the bed.  It was thanks to this bond that he knew she was a light sleeper, and that she often kicked in her sleep.  Ben looked over at Rey’s sleeping form.  Strangely, though, it was this bond that, of all the recent changes to his life, he found to be the least unbearable.  ‘No, that’s wrong ,’ ben thought.  ‘Not unbearable at all, indispensable, that’s what this is.’  
Ben only wished that he had some ability to control when these ‘bond moments’ occurred, or at least that he’d have some understanding of why they occurred when they did.   He and Rey had been experimenting, with Luke’s help, trying to gain better control over this thing.  And they had succeeded in improving in several areas.  He could sense her emotions from short distances now, and dangers from slightly farther, but the actual bond.  Whatever made them see each other from across distances, that remained a mystery.  
Ben sighed.  He figured he shouldn’t stay there all morning.  If she woke up now, she’d find him staring at her, and she might find that strange.  With surprising gentleness, he used the force to move her leg and he slipped off the bed.  ‘Caff, that’s what I need.’   After using the ‘fresher, he left his quarters.
Ben had gone only a few doors down when he ran into an unexpected figure.  “Luke!”
“Oh, Ben.  How are you this morning?” his uncle greeted him with a big smile.
Ben squinted his eyes to be sure he was seeing things right.  
“It’s early to see you.  Are you going to get Caff?” Luke continued.
‘Is he smiling?  Something has to be up,' Ben thought, and then he asked out loud, "What are you doing here?  I thought your quarters were in the other wing?”
“Oh, uh, yes.  I was just having a little walk.  Are you going to get Caff?” Luke repeated his question.  “I’ll walk with you.”
Ben turned to continue walking, his brow still tense with thought.  “A walk.  Did you have another panic attack?”
“No, no.  I’m feeling great today.”
‘I’ve noticed,’ Ben thought.  They kept walking.  
Then Ben got an idea.  He walked down another hall and stopped near one of the doors..  “I’m going in here.”
“Your parent’s quarters?” Luke asked.
“Yeah, my mom’s been wanting to have me over,” Ben said, truthfully.
“A little early for that, you think?” Luke pointed out.
Ben shrugged, “She said drop by anytime.”
Luke nodded, and backed up a step.  “Well, it's your risk. I’ll leave you to it.  I learned early on not to wake those two before dawn.”  With a last wave, Luke turned and continued down the hallway.
Ben stood watching his Uncle with a curious stare.  There was something about Luke’s gait this morning.  His shoulders were high and his step was light.  He looked, almost proud, if that was the right word for it.  
Ben turned back to his parents door, satisfied that he would never understand his Uncle completely, and rang their buzzer.  
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cottontailcomics · 3 years ago
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you can thank my discord for this one.... i love my six dumb sons
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sith-lords-consort · 4 years ago
Joint Custody Ch 1
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Knights of Ren X Reader Poly A/B/O Fic
Minors Do Not Interact
Ever since being stationed on Star Killer base, true sleep was rare. Any time you laid down to rest, you would feel a tugging sensation in your mind, this compulsory need to get up and go… somewhere. You weren’t sure where it was, and a few times you had entertained the feeling, getting up and wiggling into a pair of lounge pants and your issued cold weather jacket, you would leave the small closet sized bedroom you were assigned, tiptoe through the common areas you shared with your fellow mechanics. You walked down the halls quietly in the dead of night, moving through the base quickly until you got to the doors leading outside into the frozen wasteland known as Ilum. Whoever’s bright idea it was to put this base on a giant chunk of frozen ice should have been sucker punched in your honest opinion. Even just standing in the halls near one of the man exits had small shivers escaping you, clouds of fog escaping your lips with every breath.
So, possessing a sound enough mind to not attempt to go out into the constant blizzards of Ilum, you would always return to your bed, fitfully tossing and turning until your alarm went off. A quick trip to the mess hall for the biggest cup of caf you could find helped the first few nights, but after that you found yourself needing to report to your unit’s medical officer to request some type of sleep aid. The first time the young doctor had smiled understandingly, handing over some tea packets and giving some generic advice about not being on your holopad before bed, a few breath exercises, and even recommending a few podcasts he listened to with sounding sounds and meditation guides. The second time when you walked in with more bags under your eyes than actual eyelids, he quickly gave you some medication and requested you to keep a log of when you actually managed to sleep, when you took your meds, all caffeine consumption, and other such relevant activities.
Despite your issues, work pressed on as normal. When you joined the First Order, you had mostly wanted to work on droid repair, but the First Order didn’t care what you wanted, which you understood. You were usually assigned to repair broken equipment around the base, anything from the HVAC systems, to star ship repair, to terminals a certain someone tended to partially slice and partially melt with a certain red sword. You managed to average at least four hours of sleep a night before work, and with your caf consumption climbing to around six cups a day, your heart was not thanking you. Neither were your teeth, considering the amount of sugar and caramel you added to make it palatable.
Today, after eating the bland breakfast of dehydrated eggs and some type of meat or meat substitute that the cooks had pressed into a somewhat sausage like form, you took your 24 oz thermos to the caf stationed, made yourself your typical morning caf with cream and caramel, and dragged yourself to work, mood improving with every sip.
Your captain who oversaw the small group of mechanics you were assigned to as your squad gestured you over the moment you walked in. “We’ve got an issue in the upper levels, holoterminal destroyed, and the droids we’d usually send… also destroyed.”
You paused, “And by destroyed you mean?”
“Commander Ren.” He said regretfully. “But I’m told he stormed off to his ship along with the other knights, so you should get going before they come back.”
You grabbed your tool belt and satchel of equipment, taking out your holopad to review the official work order. Seems a Lieutenant Mitika had placed the work order, having provided temporary access codes so you could get into the area of the damage and get out without an escort. Excellent, you hated an audience when you worked.
However, as the directions took you further and further up the levels of the base, your stomach started to sink. Your suspicions of the location were confirmed when you stopped seeing Storm Troopers guarding the doors and walking the halls. And once you got to a certain door, the very air around you thick with something dangerous and dark, you knew. Commander Ren hadn’t just destroyed any holoterminal, he had destroyed one kept in the Knights of Ren’s quarters.
You took a deep breath, noting the broken bits of droid laying around the door, some pieces still smoldering from where they had been sliced by his famous weapon. Entering the temporary code, and sending a quick message to your friends that you would likely have to work through lunch, you entered, despite every instinct in your body begging you not to.
The living quarters of the most feared men (Women? Humanoids? Droids disguised as humanoids?) on the base and possibly the galaxy were… normal. Much bigger than the ones you and your coworkers shared, the layout was still similar. One large living space and common area with a space for lounging and watching the holonet, a kitchenette, and several doors leading to what you assumed were various bedrooms and refreshers. The furniture was the same muted grey and… other shades of grey that everything on the base was. Near the front of the living area you could see the smoldering and chopped up remains of the holoterminal and inwardly cringed. So much would need to be replaced on it that you might as well just get rid of the debri and order a new one. Still, in order for that to be authorized you would have to write up a thorough report as to why it couldn’t be repaired, so you still need to inspect it.
Still standing in the doorway, you leaned in a bit, giving the room a cursory sweep to see if anyone was around. It seemed empty.
You walked in, trying to make as much noise as possible so as to not sneak up on anyone. You even hummed to yourself a bit as you set down your equipment, taking another long drink of your caf and once again turning on your holopad. You messaged a friend of yours, Bordi, who worked primarily in the Star Ship hangars.
Hey, sry to bother you at work, but is the Night Buzzard still docked or have the KOR taken off?
You opened your satchel, taking out your work gloves and started moving various pieces of debri, trying to locate the central power supply. If that wasn’t broken, you might have a prayer of fixing it.
Your holopad lit up with a notification from Bordi. They took off this morning, why what’s up?
Nothing major, but can you just give me a heads up if they come back? Doing some repairs in their quarters and DO NOT want to be here when they get back.
You could almost feel his sympathy for you in his response. Ick. Yeah sure, sure. You coming out tonight? The crew that got dispatched to The Finalizer is coming back and we were gonna take em out for drinks.
If I’m not dead, sure.
You turned your holopad off, getting down to work for real. You usually didn’t like going out with Bordi to the cantina. Sure, the drinks were cheap, but that many alphas in one place, most under the influence of alcohol? You really didn’t want to be anywhere near that situation. Bordi was the only other omega in your squad, and despite being jealous that he got to work on Star Ships while you were doing boring shit like this, you liked him. During heats, you two had even made nests together and shared them, comforting each other platonically through the rough spots of your heats. So, despite not wanting anything to do with that smelly cantina and dozens of drunk alphas, you would go, if only to keep an eye on Bordi.
You worked diligently, making a neat pile of what couldn’t be salvaged from the broken holoterminal and the broken droids, and scheduled a scrap pick up. The scraper droids came and went, leaving you to take your torch and start patching where you could, thanking the stars themselves that the main power supply hadn’t been damaged. It wasn’t particularly difficult work, but it took a long time.
You had worked straight through lunch, and eventually found yourself opening the maintenance hatch on the side of the terminal, just barely managing to wiggle your head and one arm into the crawlspace to root around to find whatever disconnection was happening to prevent it from turning on. The crawlspace was meant for a small droid, not an adult human, and it was a tight fit as it was.
You could hear your holopad dinging, most likely your boss asking for an update on the situation, or maybe your parents checking in to see how you were doing. Your mom had a habit of sending you a lot of care packages, and messaging you constantly until you received them. Frustrated you could barely reach the wire with the tip of your fingers, the flashlight in your mouth flickering as its battery drained, you kicked out with your foot, barely managing to get enough momentum to inch inside the crawl space just a little more so you could actually plug the wire back.
You moved to wiggle back out but quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen without help. Kriff.
You flicked your wrist, turning on your holocom connected to your holopad. “Call Bordi.”
You heard your holopad lighting up, Bordi’s voicing ringing clear from outside the terminal you were stuck under. “Ugh, kriffing finally, I messaged you like ten times.”
“Bordi?” You asked. “I’m kinda uh… stuck, I’m stuck. If you can run up here to pull me out, or send someone, I can tell you the access codes to-”
“Stuck!?” Bordi’s voice hissed. “I messaged you already, the Knight’s docked!”
“Dank Farrik.” You snapped. “Can you beat them up here? I know you hate running, but-”
“They left five minutes ago, and they looked tired as hell.” Bordi said, “I’m surprised they’re not there-”
You heard footsteps thumping down the hallway outside and almost wished you could pull your torso and legs into the crawlspace too. “End call.”
Your holopad turned off, Bordi’s voice disappearing. You stayed still as possible as you heard the door open, many pairs of heavily armored feet thumping on the ground as they walked into their living quarters, and every single one of them coming to a stop as they saw you, head and shoulders stuck under their holoterminal.
There was a loaded silence for a moment, before one lone male voice broke through it. “Well,  this isn’t the worst thing I’ve walked in on.”
You heard a few chuckles, and you built your courage up enough to manage to speak. “Uh, hello. I was sent here to fix this terminal and uh… I think I did.”
“You think you did?” A gruff, unfriendly voice snapped.
“I mean, I can check but… I need a… a little pull.” You admitted, your fear and embarrassment mixing in a very unpleasant way. “If someone were to uh, just give my legs a tug, or maybe just call maintenance-”
You yelped as two hands wrapped around each of your ankles, yanking you harshly and actually managing to free you from the crawlspace. Coming out, you expected to see the masked faces of the Knights of Ren, but instead, you saw six very human, and very attractive faces. The second thing you noticed was the smell. Thick, heavy, and unmistakably alpha in a way that beckons you to bare your neck, chirp out an invitation, and roll over to present yourself. You were used to working with alphas that wore scent blockers, but these men smelled like they had never even heard of them. Part of you wondered if their helmets just kept their scent in all day, and when they had taken them off, all that built up alpha smell had rushed out to personally assault your senses.
The one who had pulled you free was crouched over you still, long dark hair falling around his chiseled face, a strong jawline sprouting a short beard, a smirk on his lips as one of his eyebrows was raised, a small scar cutting through the dark hair of his left eyebrow.
You blanked for a moment, not sure what to do or say, until you remembered: you were sent here on a work order. Stuttering out a thanks, you turned your back to the six alphas (your instincts screaming at you to please not do that) and fiddled with the controls to the terminal, a sigh of relief escaping you when the blue light flickered on, displaying a news station that First Order allowed to play on it’s channel.
“Looks like it works.” You said, trying to pretend you weren’t terrified as you gathered your tools and tossed them into your satchel, stripping your gloves off to toss them in as well. “You might notice it getting slightly warmer, the cover for it was unsalvageable, so I’ll put in a request for one as soon as I get back. Until then, just don’t leave it on overnight, and don’t put anything flammable on it. Call if it breaks again.”
You stood, waving a farewell and moving to leave the room until you heard a loud slurping noise. Turning to look, one of the knights, judging by the helmet in his lap, Vicrul, was sitting on the couch, your tumblr in his hand, helping himself to the last of your caf.
You stood there awkwardly for a moment as he polished it off, managing to slurp up the last of the caramel at the bottom of the cup. “Not bad, but I gotta say, is there much point in even adding the caf? Might as well just scoop some ice cream in it, it’s practically a milkshake already.”
He tossed the now empty tumbler back to you, and you managed to catch it, throwing a, “Thanks!” over your shoulder as you booked it out of the room and down the corridor, not looking back.
The walk back to your living quarters took forever, as did the shower in your shared refresher where you scrubbed every bit of muck and grime off your body that a full day of repairs had left on your skin.
It wasn’t until later when Bordi came into your room, knocking politely and grinning ear to ear, “Hey, you’re alive!”
You grunted in acknowledgment, finishing up the request for a new terminal cover for the Knights.
“So… drinks?” He asked casually.
You sighed, tossing your holopad down and standing to fish out some clothing from your closet. “Sure.”
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dswcp · 4 years ago
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This week’s theme: Headcanons! Feel free to use my headcanons as inspiration for your fics. And please send in your own headcanons, and I will try to find a comic panel to go with them!
I have a lot of headcanons about the Knights of Ren, but the most important one is that they all miraculously survived Kylo’s attack at the end of the movie! The KoR are thriving out there, somewhere, flying around in the Night Buzzard with Albrekh the monkey. They are still not over Kylo, though...
Little Golden Book: The Rise of Skywalker. August 25, 2020. Illustrator: Alan Batson. The writer is not credited! This is strange, since they are credited in every other Little Golden Book. It seems the words manifested from thin air.
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sepublic · 4 years ago
Knights of Ren Horror
           What I would give to see a Knights of Ren film, or perhaps episode from one of the upcoming Star Wars shows, that does them justice as ‘ghouls’ who have had tales and horror stories spread about them in the Outer Rim. Maybe we’d see stories of certain systems being considered ‘haunted’ because of folklore involving the Knights of Ren inexplicably appearing to wreak havoc and carnage, before suddenly disappearing without a trace…
          Like a story of a crew of pirates travelling at sub-light speed, only for the Night Buzzard to suddenly jump in from hyperspace and relentlessly attack! The Night Buzzard fires an ion cannon that disables the pirate ship, as they’re boarded and besieged by the Knights of Ren from multiple angles, their ship dark and quiet without power as they tensely wait to be raided. And when it’s all said and done- The Knights of Ren finish their massacre and don’t even bother looting the ship, instead leaving its wreckage to drift through space and eventually be scavenged.
           Or another tale, of the Knights of Ren suddenly attacking a village on a distant moon, in the dead of night- Cutting their way through, as Cardo sets the surrounding wilderness ablaze, stoking the flames and fear! Locals who have heard the stories can see their arrival ahead of time- All animals nearby go into a frenzy and run, sensing the Knights of Ren making their way through, their shrieks hailing their arrival like an omen. 
          In the distance, one sees ships from another settlement flying off into the atmosphere as smoke billows and plumes up, hinting at an attack. While many visitors take to their ships and fly off, many locals desperately fortify and prepare themselves to defend against the upcoming siege- Only to be wiped out, as the Knights of Ren cut a swathe of destruction as Kuruk shoots from afar, an unseen hunter who isn’t even present.
           Imagine the Knights of Ren being truly unknown and ghastly- They have no understandable motives, all that’s known is that they suddenly appear and go on their destructive hunts, before leaving. They don’t take anything besides lives, and there is no known sightings or legitimate claims to where they must get their resources and ammunition from. In areas of the Outer Rim where the Knights of Ren have been sighted, assorted rumors and stories have sprung up.
          Some claim the Knights of Ren are acolytes of the Dark Side, worshipping ‘The Shadow’ by routinely sacrificing innocent lives and blood to it. One story tells of them as ghouls who sprung up after a horrific massacre of the ‘Kingdom of Ren’, rising from the ashes of the burnt-down civilization as they hunted down the perpetrators- Before going on to haunt the rest of the Outer Rim. Perhaps the Knights of Ren are the collective grief and revenge of those innocents slain, the personified specters taking out the injustice done unto them onto the rest of the living.
           Another tale claims that each Knight once laid claim to a title known as ‘Ren’, before dying and returning as a clad-in-armor figure. Such a backstory believes that a new member is inducted if proven worthy to act as a living spokesperson and leader- And upon their death, this Ren joins the group as another faceless marauder, as the Knights of Ren claim yet another to their number and go on the search for more.
          There was once a fable of a hero who seemingly took down the Knights of Ren, slaying them in combat as their remains burned with the rest of a town they had attacked- Only for the Knights of Ren to appear once more, inexplicably, for yet another attack. Are they ghosts, undead, and unkillable? Or is this just the work of impersonators and clever assassins, capitalizing on the legends- Wearing it like a mask to be passed down, perhaps literally in some scenarios?
           There’s a claim that the Knights of Ren were Sith who were cursed to have the minds and instincts of beasts, yet retaining the bodies and skills of hunters. Some stories cite the Knights of Ren targeting specific victims who put up a good fight, dragging them off to the Night Buzzard, never to be seen again. For all anyone knows, the Knights of Ren are the literal personification of Death, coming to reap the souls of the living...
           Like, imagine an episode where Boba Fett is trying to bring some semblance of order with his own criminal organization throughout certain pockets of the Outer Rim- But then he hears stories of spacers who advise him not to spread his influence here or there, because those areas and systems are supposedly haunted by the Knights of Ren. To bring hope and security to his ‘subjects’, this criminal king goes on a personal journey; Boba Fett launches a crusade and hunt for the Knights of Ren, only to find himself hunted in return. 
          He clashes with the various Knights, even as Fennec Shand engages Kuruk in a sniper battle- And when all is said and done, and when the smoke clears… There are no bodies to be found. Even the Night Buzzard, which landed nearby, has inexplicably disappeared- No traces nor trails of its existence. It’s as if the Knights of Ren never existed… A genuine ghost story for the Outer Rim, certainly. But to Boba Fett, they’re gone- For now.
           Still, every time there’s a disappearance, or a ship inexplicably found empty, drifting through space- A town with no inhabitants, whose citizens disappeared overnight… Many will suggest the Knights of Ren as potential perpetrators. Even to the hardened Boba Fett, it had brought chills down his spine, when years after he killed the Knights of Ren, he’d heard news of their return and of various massacres they were now carrying out. 
          Just, imagine- The Knights of Ren, but as terrifying folklore and haunted tales incarnate, like the Headless Horseman chasing down Ichabod Crane. Have the Knights of Ren strike fear into hiding victims as they approach, their shadows on the horizon- Just like Man from Bambi, compelling some to burst from their spots in terror; Only for those unlucky few to be abruptly shot down by Kuruk, unseen and like a phantom, an invisible reaper. Have them as horror movie villains, who take multiple wounds and shots yet somehow keep going, undaunting like the undead- While wielding supernatural strength and sometimes letting out guttural, animalistic growls and roars, occasionally getting on all fours to chase after victims like a predator.
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