#sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights
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{ cont'd from here }
Ren's helm bore down on Kai's.
"No," the totem modulated, shaking itself slowly. Softly, for all its brutality. "I think you'll find we're not, and it doesn't."
He approached her softly, softly as one could tread a minefield. His boots sifted the gravel in a whisper, and Ren whispered to Kai. They could parse each other's minds with their fingers even while she held her fists at her sides and he gripped his hilt.
There was such pain there. He didn't have to sift through the images; it was as strong and certain as the moon and tide. The twenty-five-boned constellation of Ren Prime rattled in his stole. Such pain, such pain.
"You may be able to mask with him." Snoke, the malformed old tumor, fool enough to sit on a throne, to think that distance gave him some advantage. "I know."
Ren, the solid work of shadow that shouldered the meager space between himself and Kai. He knew. His chromium lattice slipped sideways in his study of her, the agile brawn snapping with tension.
"I will never be finished," he said, hand on hilt. Panthering, crunching gravel, black totem boring. "Worthy. I invite you to try and make me either. Bring this all to an end. The Ren. Me."
He sidled around her armored back and felt her entire body compacted with inner suffering yet to be focused and exercised. Kyber rage. Anger was useful for a time, but there could be something more—something the Ren might like to cut its teeth on.
"You can end it right now," the helm hummed. "But you'll have to answer to the Supreme Leader when you do. Won't you?"
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Ah, so there is darkness in her heart. The fair green of his own wanders a forest moon, a ghost for all time - but there is still a light within that scaffolding. Crimson, frothing. A singular and supple ventricle.
The soft, staring thing underneath the steel sigil Hara turns halfway to and from knows seven afflictions. He will collect each one by one- wield their dual blades.
Hara may yet be one of them. The first affliction. Susurrus leaks through Ren's helm, the vein she pricked with three impossible words.
"I know it."
His palm finds its balance around her throat. She wears it well. His hand and her wide eyes.
"Show it to me."
The sunlight is seen only through her. Imagined-made. Blink again and she feels the imbibe of night. It was never day. The green is black. Her lids stick half way down her eyes.
But the brother, he is still dead.
And the pinch at the universe spot runs a warning thread from there to the temples. Where he knocks once and mocks twice. And she's wedged in between freeze and fawn.
Clarification-need sits the back of her throat but never sees fruition another than a knot of two to swallow.
❛ I... desire the first desire. ❜
Without idiosyncratic order, Death, naturally, is a last. Perhaps he pets the residual wanting of it but it's here now. Not when her eyes begin to widen and she pulse jammy.
❛ Do you know it? ❜
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“Can you feel death's cold grip?”
{ 🎲 You rolled: Soft!Ren }
"What makes you think death has a cold grip?" He answered through a silent, itching wound of wrath. Answered with blood on his tongue. Blood tracks on the edge of his chin. "Children's stories?"
Yet, he wouldn't bare his teeth. Kylo Ren parried Kun's blow, his right heel dug into the ground, a mouth closed onto the earth, his saber a fire splashing above it. Above them. And above, and all around them, the Force, and in it, its nucleus, the Ren.
Was Exar Kun aware of this cellular repositioning of their galaxy? Take off that mask, fight me face-to-face. Kylo Ren bared his teeth now, pushing his blade into Kun's light blue and flickering lie. Blood was black on his gums. Disdain was black in his eyes, frozen on his battered young face, where specks of blood merged with specks of moles. Within its scant lines dwelt The Ren, making his mien, the bent nose, even the slick, wild hair surrounding it, a mask of itself.
"Perhaps..." Ren rasped, near a whisper. Held his ground and felt the blood welling in a trauma location he could no longer perceive. Choked on the effort. "Perhaps you've lived too long."
#sithisms#sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights#{i thought this was from a meme prompt list but... maybe not?}
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{ cont'd from here }
He could almost sip Violet's blood from the air, the scent of it held so strong. They'd become less of the same blood as the moons turned faces, but it still tasted like his.
War animal, man, machine. Kylo Ren drew nigh from his defence, seething at their aborted battle. The hilt disappeared in his robes.
With the tilt of his head, he uttered, in many chilling whispers, overlapped ice sheets, "You know I didn't come to kill you."
Not on his terms. Not when the First Order had its palm on the planet's troposphere.
It seemed not to bother this mast, this durasteel totem inlaid with chromium, this primed sarcophagus for a dead past and future, that he was a sickle used at Snoke's employ.
Why, the future was the very reason he wouldn't feint Violet's blows. Still, the past clung to each of them like vines rotting over Theed's archways, their sweetness tainted.
"And is Vader with us now?"
Ren's tone belied no concern regarding Violet's claims, one way or the other. Yet he was here and came alone, though it might be that a Knight lurked somewhere beyond her grasp, dwelling in the shadows that hemmed the brittle ranges, or of shadow and all around them, like their grandfather, like the night.
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{ cont'd from here }
He reached the leather-sheathed apparatus of his hand into that shimmering fury. Gently stoked the air with his index finger extended. To Ren, rage was always a frost. How warm hers was. War's fury. Perhaps it would spit the flesh off his bone.
"You're so angry," he spoke softly, letting the hand fall at his side, ulnar and radial channels tingling, warping like his helm's tenor. "I wonder if I should call upon a more stable warrior for this mission. Vicrul... Underskilled, but...”
Animals chattering, groaning, warmongering. Gnashing teeth and clanging in their pens. Ren's helm was one such pen for a creature Shiloh had never seen outside its cage. A wolfing creature in a cowl whose stole clinked with a twenty-four-point vertebral constellation, making half its revolution around her, tempting fate. Drawing the visors of the troopers and the stench of expectancy from the bridge their way.
The helm addressed Shiloh with its chromium scowl, drawn closer, blinking with the ceiling panels.
"You'll fall apart at two words."
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❝ do you think we fight hopeless wars? ❞ ~ Wedge in his time-skip verse
{ 🕯️ You conjured: Soft!Ren }
There's no telling if Kylo Ren finds amusement in the realization that etches itself on the pilot's face. He is without face. A monolith, at least until he moves. Then he is a beast.
And there's hardly what one would call movement in how his helm tilts. It's haunted by the impression of the man that lays inside. That chrome latticed skull assesses Antilles and hums—
"You think there's hope?"
—as if hope were as ludicrous as the initial question. No dead man could prevail into the future by drawing on the tides of a stream as shallow as hope. Jawas knew as much.
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What Does Your Heart Look Like?
sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights
iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
tagged by :// @ofcatnaps
tagging :// @ronmanmob, @riiese, @affcgato, @irrfahrer, @yunharlaquin, @ofthestcrs, @pxis, @errantwish, @wxr-zxne, @desireandduty, @datapadz, @brooklynislandgirl, @graysistance, @hopegained, @lastxdragon, @corinnebaileyrp, @chromium-siren, @mayxthexforce, @smokinmirrors, @talesofshadowandlight, @etoilebleu,, @kyberllcore, @jakkuforce, @sheresists, @big-d-little-i-big-n-little-ozzo, @lightsiided, @kyberllcore and you ~
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@lightsiided :// { cont'd from this dramatic entrance }
— ☾ —
"Wait—" But it's too late to dispel her hand from the wound, and even if he could do so, Rey long occupied the part of him buried deep within his flesh, where his tendons begin to knit themselves back together. "I—don't know," he says, with a bloody knife's edge of a smile. Flash and gone. Just blood now; his mouth fills with metallic undertones of spoilt body and mind. He tries and fails to hold his ground, the heels of his boots scuffing the gravel as his knees buckle. "No." This time with certainty. He couldn't walk. He could probably fall. The thin blade of a smile again. "Why?" he begins. Bile rises within him. "You—" Actual bile. Putrid liquid iodine. When Ren lifts his head, a black bead rolls down his chin. It's the color of the failing eyes that behold two Reys. Two Reys balancing the simulacrum of Ren's body, two pairs of hands struggling to support it, slipping from under his black knit arms at points, partly due to his deadweight and partly to her crimson-slicked fingers. Speech eludes him. The blanched scratches of sky and rock spires become a blur. Why did everyone want to go back to Jakku? For Ren, the answer is simple. He had come for Rey. Ren's implicit sentence hangs in the air and fizzles away. You could claim victory for the Resistance. All she'd had to do was lay his body out to dry, and the vultures would swoop.
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Thunder rolled over and through the marble city. Lighting flashed between Inuja's towers like a cat's eye. Above the clouds hung a First Order squadron clogging the atmosphere; they pulsed there, foreign organs.
Kylo Ren and the squadron followed a simple directive: locate the queen and threaten her people with the blackest threats. Eris was governed by her people; their pain and fear were hers. She deferred so doubtlessly that it touched him in a dead place.
Now his looping chromium lattice traced her vision, her rage. Poor thing. Devastated by feeling, moon skin imbued with the warmth of an inner sun, burning away in her lace. How she burned to save anything she thought she could touch.
"You," Ren's vocoder echoed, buzzing with irony. "You think I came here unaware?"
He held her presence on his shadow tongue. Ren Prime rattled in his stole. A gale carried the feathers, the bones. His helm sloped down. He carried death on his shoulders. But also Ren carried a shard within him.
The troopers shoved Eris forward.
"Get on the ship."
twilight sky was covered by dull low hanging clouds, thick mist enshrouding the air around them. thunder rumbled in the distance, enclosing the planet in an already gloomy atmosphere.
she had felt this months before, the feeling in her chest. one of the more prominent gifts the force had given her. a future sight.
fear, petrichor, longing, struggling to find words due to the way something broke a heart and---anger. were they all hers to feel ?
the inujan queen didn't even need to be fetched to see it herself. the feeling ripped her open while she was drawn to one of the palace's open balcony's, watching as an unfamiliar ship made their way down, knuckles white against marble. the rest was honestly a blur.
what was that? why was she feeling that?
just who exactly was here?
it felt as if it were going to gain life and crawl up her throat and out of her mouth. stare was vacant while she thought about it, eventually being accompanied by two storm troopers while they took her toward the landing.
there were creatures on inuja that called their own to home during these hours. especially when it was going to rain. and she knew it well. long afternoons that stretched into sunset playing in the jungle and their screeches reminded her and a beloved childhood friend to go back to where it was safe and warm.
throat tightened and eyes widened, the inujan queen taking a deep breath through her nostrils, lifting her head a little higher at the sight. the looming dark figures that intended to intimidate. a contrast to the cream colored marble planet they walked upon. especially to its delicate looking queen, draped in light colored silks and skin as pale as the moon.
the creatures called again into the night, his essence becoming more clear now. it was dipped and dunked into someone else entirely--but it was him. the smallest bit in there….somewhere.
eris wasn't sure why those words jumped out of her mouth without thinking, her quick step forward being halted by the storm trooper on her right, who held her back with a hand on her shoulder. but she just ignored them, bright green eyes staring into the void of his helmet.
there was so much swirling around in there. it was haunting.
breathes deepened, a sorrowful chuckle leaving her while she shook her head. "oh come on. " she muttered, swallowing dryly. why did he have to come back like this ?
the breeze blew strands of hair in her vision, eris practically seething with rage. but it wasn't directed at him. " you-- " stray hairs gently blew into her vision, eyes narrowing.
" you feel it. don't you ? "
she couldn't take no for an answer. no--she wouldn't. // @kylo-wrecked
#etoilebleu#sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights#{'why did he have to come back like this'}#{LMAO}#{:/ we can't all pull of light silk ok}
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@mayxthexforce sent:// 'I thought you outgrew superstition.' (from Voe to soft!ren)
{ from this meme / not currently accepting }
"I thought you outgrew your recklessness," he responded. "Wait and listen."
There was a great, rasping groan. A horrible cry that seeped into the marrow. Ren's helm moved toward it, scanning the gloom of mud and rust. Voe began to muscle the whole of her frame down the tunneled hovel without a second thought. He watched her long enough to glimpse the crushed shells, sediments, shards of bone, and russet crystals glinting in the light reflected by his lattice.
"Quiet," he hissed and shoved Voe back.
She hadn't said anything, but Ren had heard anyway. He felt Voe's restive drive to shed light on any subject or incident as soon as it reared its head. (Everything seemed a threat to Voe; nothing worth her consideration or empathy. Perhaps he'd taken that from her when he stabbed her in the heart.) This was a dangerous way for a Jedi. That she didn't seem to see this was so surprised Ren, but what surprised him most was how the notion had burrowed under his skin, infecting him with agita.
Perhaps she was right, too; that more than the creature, more than having found Han Solo, Kylo Ren feared Voe. Feared for Voe, her eyes scintillating with umbrage and spite, and her starlight hair whipping against his shoulder, and her grip gouging his arm, and how she spat at him, she 'knew what she was doing,' and how all that made her shine so unforgivably might vanish in a flash of supernova, snapped away by hands outside their reach.
#mayxthexforce#sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights#hallowmemes 2k23#queue de la k#{voe... kylo ren hasn't outgrown anything}#{except his clothes}#{man body; lizard brain}
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🖤 from Voe :3c
{ from this meme }

repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending!!! / fuck no!!!! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
Voe: I hate you. >:T
Ren: I know. :)
#amalgamatus#mayxthexforce#muse meme#sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights#ben & voe: like a moth to a flame
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@jakkuforce :// { cont'd from this sweet thing here }
— ☾ —
"Oh yes," he said with a vile expression. Smile-like though he bit the inside of his lip, drawing his mouth into a caviling knot. "I've had the sort of fun that'd bring tears to your eyes."
He stopped pacing at least, and training his vision on the snowcapped peaks that obstructed the night, Ren answered her question.
"Your grandfather believes you're becoming a burden."
Certainly, Rey's removal from Exegol was presented by the Emperor as a matter of practicality, subterfuge, and diversion to smite his opposition. Really, it was because the old fluke had grown weary of his progeny. Weary rather than frightened.
"He doesn't see you as a threat," Ren said, following her stunned silence. "You understand the problem."
As for why the Emperor shipped Rey off-world with him, Ren set his jaw. He watched the mountains. Like his helm, they had silver inlays. How Ren wanted for it now. He should never have taken it off.
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"Voe, be—" serious. Be serious. That's what he was going to venture to the negging, halfling-Jedi. Good thing then that she grabbed his arm, yanking him back to attention, Nar Shaddaa and its sick dog yellow haze. Its food-stall yappings. Children who were most certainly corner boys, spies for the big bosses, as Syrax Ren had been. All of it rose above them as they dropped and touched ever more squalid ground, soundless as falling leaves. His gloves fallen like leaves.
Pressure points at every level, every apse, and hollow. They were close. So then would this brief reunion come to its bitter end. Fine. Kylo Ren observed Voe's stance. Firm, yes. Always. But shaken. And impatient. Ever impatient, too.
Ren rolled his shoulder.
"That's all you have for proof of faith?"
The faith that she would land well. He peered at her with an expression more than sympathetic; it saw her. An odd look on him, to be sure.
"I'm sorry."
Was she too blind-sided by her diminished faith to hear the softness in his voice? See it in his crescent jasper gaze? A gaze that was a knife sunk deeper then yanked away.
Kylo Ren counted the pressure points around them, made rudely aware that he'd miscalculated several risks, including that of his split soul. He swathed his face in his stole and kicked his cowl under a vile heap of wires and plugless motherboards. Old bones.
And should these bones, and the feeling here, between his spine and the memory in his ribs, be raised from their grave... did he call upon Pernix? Syrax? A knife and a reservatory? Dräede? Did he call upon another corpse to shoulder this memory before him?
His eyes slid toward Voe, his scowl veiled by monk's cloth. His hands were bare and balled into fists.
"Well then? You have the intel, 'Princess Jedi.' You can end this any time."
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@desireandduty sent:// [ sidecar ] what type of person are they most likely drawn to?
{ from this meme }
Soft!Kylo is drawn to confidence, poise, and kindness. But, as an impressionable and gullible child who seeks affection wherever he can find it, he doesn't know 'when kindness is manipulative.' When 'good behavior' is all part of an act. (The Ren don't fit this definition; Kylo joins the Knights for his Very Own reasons, and in my playground, they're found family. They're also a cult, but that's okay! Kylo: A CULT IS A CULT MOM YOU HAVE YOUR FOLLOWERS AND I HAVE MINE. Leia: No. Well... yes, but—)
If mun is to speak on behalf of muse, they would say... this conflation?? Never really goes away?? Even when he's Dark!Ren, and he's this 45 y/o, Force-powerful machine-man, Full Goth RoboCop, who can rearrange your bones with the flex of his palm, he's looking for mommy. most those who are fierce and angry, but composed, regal. Intelligent. Sensitive. Otherworldly. Also, OP af.
Sidenote: Soft!Ren's a hoe for brilliantly angry people. Like beings shining with rage. Point that his way, please. Do you hate him? Good, he loves you too. Did you almost kill him? Hello, Nurse, or more accurately, "You left me legless. I'm impressed, and so are the Knights. Have you heard about the might of the Ren?" *offers pamphlet*
edit: in our verse he's very much awed by Padmé.
#desireandduty#headcanons#sw au | soft!kylo: the boy knight#sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights#sw au | dark!ren: renegade knight#soft!kylo headcanons#soft!ren headcanons#dark!ren headcanons
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❛ so, to what do i owe this pleasure? ❜ (from Uncle Obi).
He had known he would be here—Obi-Wan, extending his exile onto Takodana. Living in a thatched roofed shack, denning with foxes. A holo's flicker of a life Kylo Ren almost remembered.
Ren's singular shape, the sickle of his shadow, swung forward. He had told the others to stay behind. This one was his. This one would fight for his tattered life.
"Your head,” Ren replied.
He then activated his saber, crackling ruby and rage, and his helm shone in its pale rising light.
#shadowedlights#prompt#sw au | soft!ren: master of the knights#queue de la k#edited: for quality assurance
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@mayxthexforce sent :// 🤕 - Dress a wound on my muse. (From Voe)
{ from this meme }
Her eyes are like ice, but her blood is hot. She gives Ren two seconds to examine the wound before swatting him away.
"Voe." This is the third time he's said her name. "Enough."
He reproves her with a glare and steadies his hand at her side. His eyes roil in the bile of light, the gemstone brown of them black and blown wide from their grisly clash with a group of pirates. Not the horde they'd come for, but they were close. Ren anticipated the nagging sensory register of Han Solo nearby. That was before Voe was struck abruptly by blaster fire. Amid a petty argument, neither of them felt the pirates approaching, the fuzz of dim neon, the heat and the dark pressing them.
Ren should have let her die. He should have left her to rot like he did all those years ago, finished the job, avulsed the pulmonodes from her ribcage. He knew how he would do it, where to make the incisions, and instead crossed them into the soft stomach of some sentient worm. And he had to. Had to, but couldn't. Voe was the last living piece of him.
One bolt had grazed her shoulder—something to worry about tomorrow. Another ate her thigh, through and through, and the next few hours would be vital—
"Unless you want to slow down," he mutters, "for good, let me help you."
He'd started rummaging through Ap'lek's woven sack earlier, scraping its black womb for the kit, and having fished it out and snapped it open, he now assesses the scale of damage. Ren places his bare hand on her thigh, a touch away from the ground zero of Voe's flesh pulping through broken seams. It's a nasty close-range wound. His eyes narrow at the cuff of blood developing above her knee.
"You need to stop fighting. You can't do this alone."
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