#aoi matsubara
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aniwebfindsko · 2 years ago
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lily-visual · 4 months ago
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| Full art pages from Visual Works To Heart Anthology Alpha.
| Artists are credited in the alt txt on each image.
| Release date 1999.
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akarikamigishi · 2 years ago
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To heart (PlayStation 2) cg collection: Aoi Matsubara
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ecargmura · 10 months ago
ToHeart Volume 2 Review
Come read my review of ToHeart Volume 2 on my blog, Arum Journal!
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okaeri-ossan · 10 months ago
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Sis scouted an adorable Aoi at the coolest shop in the city.
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sarukahparullah · 3 months ago
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I had a vision
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animemakeblog · 1 year ago
“Astro Note” The First Promo
The Astro Note television anime's official website unveiled the first promotional video, the opening theme. The first showing of the original anime is slated for April 2024.
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colasarchive · 9 months ago
A look at To Heart Prerelease
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A look at some assets and early designs shown before the release of ToHeart
If you've ever downloaded the original ToHeart, you may have noticed a strange sprite used during installation
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Though it's clearly Akari, some features are a bit off, and the sprite itself never appears in any gameplay. Thats because this sprite is based off an earlier design of the character.
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scan by Game Vecanti
Though there are plenty of designs for unused girls in To Heart's Fanbook, by the time promotional artwork started coming out the designs for the chosen girls were pretty solidified. So most changes we go over aren't gonna be anything too thrilling, but someone should has to do it : )
Design changes for all girls
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all uniforms initially had a small yellow symbol on their collar, this would later be removed. Thats it.
Akari Kamigishi
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Hair length shortened, in concept art even earlier in development it was much longer than this, though i'm going to keep most comparisons to this line of near-final designs
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HMX-12 Multi
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Hairstyle slightly changed to be a bit thinner in the back, her ear pieces became less metallic looking and moved to a more turned down placement
Lemmy Miyauchi
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Given fangs, (you'll see it a bit clearer when comparing unused sprites), the front pieces of her hair are drawn a bit longer flowing
Shiho Nagaoka
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Change in design of her socks and shoes
Serika Kurusugawa
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Changed to black socks
Girls with no specific changes
Kotone Himekawa
Tomoko Hoshina
Aoi Matsubara
Early game assets and their differences from Gimix
In Megastore Gimix Vol 5, a bunch of early game screenshots and assets were shown off, this section will go over any differences between these and the final game.
Special Thanks to Brad for letting me take a look at the files
Here's a broad comparison of every change, I'll talk in more in depth about some but others don't really need it
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The Lemmy sprite shows her old design (no fangs). Asides from the change in colors of the background all the trees have been totally redrawn. Lemmy's also given an unusually bright eye color that not even her reference sheet had.
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Along with the color change the shoe lockers are given more detail. Shiho's sprite would later be redrawn.
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another sprite that would be redrawn
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Redrawn trees and adjusted shading, it's most apparent on the roof
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Aoi's face has been slightly redrawn, the shading on her uniform was also changed.
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Shading style completely changed
also somehow this version of the cg ended up on the back of the box
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next up is a look at the demo disc, due to the tumblr image limit, click here to continue
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priest-iuput · 1 year ago
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Aoi Matsubara
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knitmylove · 3 months ago
15: from me to you by jungwoo
29: ruler of my heart by bl8m, rubyeye
47: mystery of love by sufjan stevens
63: stay with me by miki matsubara
76: fall in love by hideaki tokunaga
99: こころをこめて by aoi teshima
send me a number 1-100 and i’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist
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meyer-sensei · 2 years ago
Higashiyama ↔︎ Arashiyama
Kurama ↔︎ Ōhara
Uji ↔︎ Fushimi
Shōgunzuka ↔︎ Daimonji-yama
Katsura Rikyū ↔︎ Shugaku-in Rikyū
Higashi-Honganji ↔︎ Nishi-Honganji
Ginkakuji ↔︎ Kinkakuji
Eikandō ↔︎ Tōfukuji
Daitokuji ↔︎ Myōshinji
Kamigamo Jinja ↔︎ Shimogamo Jinja
Kamogawa-tsutsumi ↔︎ Kyōto Gyoen
Aoi-Matsuri ↔︎ Gion Matsuri
Gion ↔︎ Miyagawachō
Tōji no tō ↔︎ Yasaka no tō
Matsubara-bashi ↔︎ Gojō Ōhashi
Sakura ↔︎ Momiji
Ritz Carlton ↔︎ Okura Hotel
Nishiki Ichiba ↔︎ Demachi Masukata Shōtengai
Teramachi Kyōgoku ↔︎ Shinkyōgoku
Takashimaya ↔︎ Daimaru
Kitaōji Aeon Mall  ↔︎ Rakuhoku Hankyū Square
Shizuya ↔︎ Shinshindō
Izumiya ↔︎ Fresco
Tenjin-san ↔︎ Kōbō-san
Keihan ↔︎ Hankyū
Karasuma ↔︎ Tōzai
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saint-miroir · 3 years ago
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To Heart pages included in Raspberry Magazine vol. 3 (2002). Scanned from my personal collection.
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magical-xirl-4 · 4 years ago
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ecargmura · 8 months ago
Astro Note Episode 12 Review + Final Thoughts - Happy Endings For All
The ending, while happy, was something I did not expect and that’s a good thing. I mean, I didn’t predict that this show would turn into a mech one and that the mecha robot would be participating in a final battle Astro Lodge and fish aliens. I like the unpredictability this show gives!
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I didn’t expect that the reason the Hubby king was after Mira was so he could marry and have babies with her. He failed with Adara, so he was settling for Mira. The reason why he wanted to marry a Wido was because he wanted to have beautiful and talented children. That’s a very dumb reason, but I didn’t see that coming. I’m guessing Widos are objectified and glamorized like how Asians are objectified and glorified by Western countries. I also didn’t expect that Shoin’s house was a spaceship and that it cannot transform into a mech like Mira’s. He was promised marriage with Mira if he abided to the Hubby king’s order, but it was all a lie. Geez, all these people are trying to court Mira, but Takumi comes out the victor because she professes her love for him to the aliens.
I also didn’t predict that the Astro Lodge tenants would be chilling and eating food. They’re so free-spirited! Though, if I was in my house that turned into a spaceship and I wasn’t the one piloting it, I too would be chilling and waiting until the pilot finishes their task. Freaking out over alien attacks would only last a moment.
Mira decides to renounce her right to the throne and decide to stay on Earth and on Astro Lodge as its landlady. I honestly did not predict this. Usually, these types of stories have it to where someone from another planet would go back and leave Earth. Astro Note breaks all of those cliche tropes. She says that she doesn’t want to be tied down by duties she doesn’t want and rule a place she had no attachment towards. Honestly, go Mira for chasing after what she wants! I’m glad that she actually decides to stay!
Mira’s decision of not wanting to be tied down actually inspires the tenants. They all get happy endings, surprisingly! Ren decides to wear skirts to school and it seems that his friend Haruto and the girl with the frilly dress are okay with it! Tomihiro feels proud that Ren is becoming confident and it seems that he got a job of his own too! Aoi finally gets a job as a legal assistant to Tasuke’s lawyer, the lady who helped her out with Tasuke when she was homeless. She even grew to like dogs as she is seen petting her boss’s Cavalier Spaniel at the same bench Shokichi sat on. While the Naosuke and Aoi romance didn’t happen, I’m glad that it stayed a platonic relationship. He’s the reason why she became more assertive now. She even gave Naosuke a radio so he can remember her with it; she even submitted an entry so that Naosuke can listen to the song she requested on the radio. Aw, it’s like what he did for her in the previous episode. Teruko is finally seeing some success as an idol as she’s on the front cover of a magazine! I seriously thought Shokichi died, but it was a fake out. It turns out that he wants to go to space with Naosuke and visit Planet Wid so that he can write a book about it; he’s trying to finish writing a sci-fi novel that revolves around a man meeting a space alien girl—sort of like Adara and Mira’s situations. Takumi gets a job in a restaurant where he works lunch shift. I didn’t expect Shoin to end up being a tenant for good and returns to being Takumi’s apprentice. He is last seen working at a bakery where he’s a hit with the female customers. The only one who didn’t get a happy end was the Hubby king and he deserves a bad end for all the trouble he caused.  I actually like that everyone got happy endings and that there’s no need for a Season 2! Everything concluded satisfactorily. 
However, Naosuke is going to go back because he wants to. Mira revokes his duty of protecting her for life, so he decides that he’s going to protect the key. I guess that’s his version of a happy ending? At least Shokichi will come along with him, so he has a remnant of Earth with him.
This is probably one of the happiest endings I’ve seen in anime. While some things did get rushed, it was a nice blend of comedy, romcom and sci-fi.
Final Thoughts
I just decided to watch Astro Note because it looked like a weird anime and I figured out I was a weird anime enjoyer. Yes, it was weird, but it was surprisingly entertaining! I do like that the writing makes it in a way that some predictable things aren’t as predictable as I would assume like with the whole ordeal with Ren liking skirts or the whole finale.
It’s not a perfect anime, but I did enjoy the characters and gags a lot. However, if I were to be a critic, I’d say that not all characters got fleshed out in this 12-episode run. There’s a lot I don’t know about Shokichi. Heck, even Takumi doesn’t get fleshed out a lot. All we know about him was that he lost his job at a hotel due to bankruptcy and is working at Astro Lodge now. I’d like to learn a little bit more about him like where he’s from or his background before getting into cooking. Heck, I would’ve liked to learn a bit more about Shoin too! I feel like characterization got shoved to move the plot forward. It’s also a crime that we didn’t see what Planet Wid looks like. Despite that, the anime does do a great job showing that Astro Lodge is a share house full of kooky tenants; the supporting cast are all kooky and it’s presented well.
The voice cast was stacked, surprisingly. A lot of A-list actors and actresses are casted here! We have Soma Saito and Maaya Uchida as the leads and the supporting cast consists of names such as Shinichiro Miki, Junichi Suwabe, Tomokazu Sugita, Rie Kugimiya and more. This anime is perfect for anyone who’s a fan of any of these actors. The only voice actress I’m not familiar with is Ai Furihata, who voices Teruko, but that’s because I’m not into Love Live. She does do a good performance, though!
The soundtrack fits the whimsical atmosphere, but I did like the opening and ending songs a lot. The opening sound is sung by Ai Furihata and the ending song is sung by Soma Saito and Maaya Uchida. I really like it when anime voice actors participate in the opening or ending songs. It makes them feel rather involved, you know?
I think that this is a good anime to just kick back, relax and laugh at the craziness transpiring. It’s nothing too serious to think about. If you like animes like that, I suggest you try watching this!
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daa-daa-daa · 8 years ago
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bubblyqueer000 · 3 years ago
Hi there! May I request the thh girls with an male ultimate singer/songwriter s/o who dedicates his songs to her?
THH Girls x Ultimate!Singer/SongWriter!Reader Who Writes Songs For Them
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I've never even had a poem written for me ٩(๑ `н´๑)۶
I need better friends!! (Kidding)
Oh, also I added some J-Pop songs that I love that remind me of each of the characters so I hope you enjoy the song recs!!
Love you! Hope you all enjoy it!
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Kyoko Kirigiri
♡ She genuinely doesn’t know how to respond when you tell her you wrote a song about her. 
♡ Sure, she was flattered, but Kyoko isn’t normally all that affectionate. Still though, she was completely willing to sit and listen to what you wrote for her. 
♡ On the inside though she’s way more excited than she’s pretending to be. 
♡ All through the song, Kyoko smiled timidly. At the very end, you looked up at her.
♡ “Kyoko- are you alright.”
♡ “Yes. I’m completely fine.” She spoke in a whisper, while wiping her eyes gently. “I’m… Better than fine actually.” For the first time in your relationship, Kyoko slowly began removing her gloves, shaking as she did. Hesitantly, she reached out for your hands and hoped that you would take them. When you finally did she jumped… And finally smiled. 
♡ You kissed her hands while she smiled at you lovingly, trying not to let any more tears spill out onto her face.  
♡ Song that reminded me of her: Stay With Me- Miki Matsubara
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Aoi Asahina
♡ Hina smiled so wide when you told her you’re writing a song about her! She sat next to you the whole time you were writing it.
♡ “Is it done yet?”
♡ “No.”
♡ *Ten minutes pass*
♡ “How about now?”
♡ “Still no.”
♡ *Five minutes pass*
♡ “Now?”
♡ “Hina.”
♡ She was so impatient waiting for you to finish her song!! She knows how talented you are and was so happy to know you would use your talent for her. 
♡ When it was finally done she danced to it while you performed. Awkward right? Aoi didn’t care. She couldn’t hold back how happy she was.
♡ After that, she made you your favorite baked good and shared it with you! 
♡ “I loved your song so much, Y/N! I’m going to listen to it every day!
♡ Song that reminded me of her: Bay City- Junko Yagami
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Toko Fukawa 
♡ She. Would. Cry if you wrote a song for her.
♡ Toko would be so honored!! Going on and on about how kind you are for writing a song about ‘someone like her’
♡ She won't even know what to say when you perform the song that you wrote for her. She becomes a sweaty, stuttering mess, and mumbles incoherently about how much she doesn’t deserve such a sweet gift.
♡ A few hours after you perform your song for her, you realize that you can’t seem to find Toko anywhere around the school. Eventually, you give up on finding her and go sit in your room to write more music, but after only a few minutes of this, Toko bursts through your door holding a stack of papers. It looked like it could have been hundreds of them. 
♡ “Uh… what’s all that paper for?”
♡ “Well… It’s n-nothing compared t-t-to what you- you wrote me, Master… But… I wrote you some poems!”   
♡ You spent the rest of the afternoon listening to the impressive amount of love poems Toko wrote for you.
♡ Song that reminded me of her: Suki Suki Daisuki- Jun Togawa
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Sayaka Maizono
♡ Another character who would probably cry. 
♡ She’s an idol so music is so, so important to her, but as far as she knew no one had ever written a song about her.
♡ After you get done performing she would run over and hug you so tightly.
♡ “I loved it so much, sweetheart! You’re the best boyfriend in the whole world!” She’s so sweet to you about it!! I’m sorry I love Sayaka vbhvnjbhn
♡ Sayaka loves your songs and tries to get her managers to let her and her idol group sing covers of them.  
♡ Song that reminded me of her: Plastic Love: Mariya Takeuchi
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Celestia Ludenberg
♡ “Oh you have something for me, dear? I’d love to see it.” 
♡ Celeste kept her cool when she heard you had a song for her, but on the inside, she was so excited. 
♡ You performed it for her while she drank her tea. 
♡ After it was over she held your hand and thanked you, telling you how much she loved your music. 
♡ “Your songs are truly befitting for royalty, my love,” Celestia told you with a giggle.
♡ Song that reminded me of her: Deal with the Devil- Tia
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Sakura Ogami
♡ At first, she worries that you’re making fun of her.
♡ Why would you want to write about a girl like her?
♡ But when you played her song she was so happy. Sakura fell in love with you again and again with every note that you played and every word you sang. 
♡ After you finished she walked over and hugged you.
♡ She didn’t cry but she really wanted to. 
♡ “Thank you, my dear. I can’t tell you how much I love this… How much I love you.”
♡ She ended up saving the song to her playlist and listened to it whenever she worked out. It’s usually the first thing she listens to in the morning during her early workouts.
♡ Song that reminded me of her: Update- Miwa
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