#aoi aisahina
justrandomgrill · 1 year
shopping together for the celeshina prompts?
OKAY turns out shopping was also @dr-rarepair-week-blog's prompt Day Three (June 16th): studying/shopping so I'm also posting it for that!
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(I'm still gathering prompts for them btwww)
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The last ask kinda inspired me- Do you mind if I ask Shuichi, Aoi, Akane and Tsumugi falling for a person who seems low-key interested in someone else?
It was fun to do! But I definitely didn't accidentally delay it because I forgot time existed (again) and ended up wasting my time gaming and drawing.
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Shuichi, Aoi, Akane and Tsumugi falling for reader who seems interested in someone else
Shuichi Saihara
He knew that he fell for you the second his feelings appeared. But he was aware of your interest in somebody else.
He accepted that fact and didn't fight for you. Although he really wanted to.
Why he didn't do it? Because his feelings to him are much less important than yours. If you liked someone else all he could do was face the truth and walk away...
But thanks to certain pianist whose name I don't have to tell found out about his feelings becouse of a small... Slip.
Shuichi always keeps his thoughts to himself that is the truth but his gazes were something he couldn't stop himself from doing.
So she encouraged him to confess. It did take a heck lot of convincing but he confessed not to be yours but to just quit lying to himself.
Of course whether or not you accept him is up to you...
Aoi Aisahina
It was sad... But she can't complain that someone else makes you feel happy... Even though it's not confirmed.
As long as she can stay by your side she's satisfied enough. But she of course imagines what it would be like to be your girlfriend.
Sometimes she'd lie to herself and think of the time you spend together, just the two of you is a date. However she wouldn't dare to flirt with you or make a move on you.
To her it was only way to not be completely broken after you end up with that someone. She'd have her memories no matter what after all.
Akane Owari
She's super honest about anything so even though she knew that you liked someone else she'd still stay true to herself.
"Do you like them? I love you but I'll help ya out if it makes you happy" would be her reaction and confession.
Of course it could be taken in many ways but if you asked her what does she mean by "love" she'd confirm that it's romantic kind.
She completely understood if you might not like her back but what can she say... It hurts but it shouldn't matter, at least she tried.
Tsumigi Shirogane
That just wasn't fair! She finally found someone she doesn't feel insignificant around and you obviously had to fall for someone else.
At least that's what she believes, she's very jealous but she is doing great job hiding all this envy.
She just wants you to look at her they way you look at them, smile around her the way you smile around them and just get all of your love and attention.
Though she wouldn't fight for you in the end. You just seem so happy around that person that she feels like she has no say in the matter.
~Mod Angie
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what if,,, mahiru and aoi,,, hung out,,,
Aoi: You're Mahiru right?
Mahiru: Yes... Do you need anything?
Aoi: I just wanted to tell you that the photos you displayed were just beautiful!
Mahiru: Thank you!
Aoi: Also I heard it's your birthday today.
Mahiru: So it is.
Aoi: It also happens to be mine-
Mahiru: Oh! That's nice, happy birthday!
Aoi: Do you want to celebrate it together?
Mahiru: Alright!
Their relationship grew greatly!
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justrandomgrill · 1 year
Please send me some CeleHina prompts to celebrate blocking that guy who hardssed me for drawing them 🙏🙏🙏
@danggirlronpa I'm sorry for tagging you but I'd really appreciate if you could help me spread this post for a w for the girls! You can ignore it if you'd like of course!
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Howdy! If you remember the kabedon ask, would you mind doing the same scenario but for Aoi, Sakura, Akane and Tsumugi? Also, sorry for requesting Junko in the first one, it kinda slipped for a moment the fact that you don't write her!
It's funny that earlier I didn't write for her and now her scenario is the longest
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Aoi, Sakura, Akane, Tsumugi and Junko doing the kabedon on their female crush
Aoi Aisahina
The two of you were just talking and she did it without thinking.
When both of you realized what was happening she put her other hand on your other cheek causing both of you to blush.
"Ah I'm sorry I don't know why I did that" she took a step back "I just couldn't help it you... look so pretty" she smiled at you.
Sakura Oogami
She told Aoi about her crush on you and she told her to do the kabedon.
Listening to her friend's advice Sakura walked up to you and did just that. You looked at her as she smiled at you wich made you smile as well.
The height difference between the two of you may made things rather funny but it wasn't bad.
She got to appreciate your beauty for a while but she didn't say a word.
She just couldn't let any words out and she may wasted the perfect moment to confess.
Akane Owari
She heard somewhere that it whould be romantic to do it.
She waited for that perfect moment when it finally came she sprinted towards you and did the kabedon.
When she saw your cute face she didn't knew what to do next so she just decided to say "So... Ya want to go out sometime?"
Tsumigi Shirogane
She saw it so many times in many shows she watched and she wanted to give it a try.
Her main goal was to confess but things didn't go so smoothly...
She wasn't too confident she smiled nervously and said "Sorry I just really wanted to try it!" and ran away.
Just looking at how pretty you looked from up close made her panick so she just couldn't say anything more.
It felt like a dream but it was reality so she quickly made up some excuse so you wouldn't think she's wierd.
Junko Enoshima
She was super confident about it. She approached you and she didn't say anything as she was walking closer in response you took steps back and asked her what she was doing. This continued until you were against a wall.
She did the kabedon and maybe she slapped the wall too hard but she was smiling at you.
Your flushed reaction with bit of confusion wasn't something boring at all, she just thought it was super cute.
"Ah how adorable you can get? You already stole my heart not fair! Let me steal yours as a punishment!" she said and you didn't know how to respond to that.
After few seconds she was done "Don't ignore me when you have such a beauty in front of you!" she pouted and few seconds later she stepped back "Ah you must hate me... That's sooo despairing!" she faked tears as she walked off.
~Mod Angie
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Aoi gives Sakura a pretty dress and takes her on a picnic to celebrate her birthday!
Aoi: I knew it'd looked great on you!
Sakura: Thanks, both for the dress and compliment.
Aoi: Don't mention it! Now follow me... I have another surprise ready.
Their relationship grew by a lot!!!
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Aoi and Byakuya run into each other and start talking since they’re going the same way.
Byakuya: Will you stop following me? It's quite annoying.
Aoi: I'm just going the same way.
Aoi: You really are quick to assume things huh?
Byakuya: Think what you will, it won't change the fact that I don't care.
Aoi: Well you're stuck with me either way.
Byakuya: Just be quiet I don't have time for this nonsense.
They are annoyed by each other.
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Heya! Mind if I ask Aoi, Akane and Tsumugi crushing really hard for a girl, but being in denial about their feelings?
Okay I wasn't sure if you thought of it as "She denies her feelings cuz you are both girls" so I decided to make the denial cuz of different reasons- well not all- Aoi p much has this theme going on there
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Aoi, Akane and Tsumugi crushing really hard for a girl, but being in denial about their feelings
Aoi Aisahina
She allways loved you but she wasn't comfortable admitting it. Normally she would just say it but she was too anxious for that.
You were just the perfect girl. Her main worry was that you might not like girls and it would make things akward between you and her.
So she decided to just pretend and ignore, it was easier and that way she can still be close with you without any problems.
With time she started to think that her feelings were wrong... Not because you were amazing but because she couldn't think that way about you.
She still felt differently around you but she decided to ignore such feelings.
Akane Owari
Her feelings weren't actually in denial, she was oblivious to them and didn't understand what she was feeling.
But she expressed what she thought and since your response was usually rather friendly she never thought that she might be actually in love with you.
Wanting to hold your friend close and allways making sure they are happy and wanting to say how much they mean to you is normal right?
Sometimes it hurt whenever she saw you being close with others but she was angry at herself for that. Seeing you smile made her happy... However not being the reasons you are smiling often hurt.
Tsumigi Shirogane
She told herself that she couldn't be in love with you.
You definitely weren't her type... At all. Nope she doesn't think how much she wants to be close to you.
She just can't think why someone like you would like someone as plain as her so instead she wants to pretend she doesn't like you- that way she can't be heartbroken if something happens.
Bottling up her feelings wasn't that easy though. Her heart couldn't help but skip a beat whenever she saw your face not to mention your smile.
However she tried to convince herself that you were just a friend and that to her was enough- it a a lie but it will definitely save both of you problems.
~Mod Angie
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Aoi, maybe you should see if Makoto would like to go swimming with you?
Aoi: Bold of you to assume we didn't swim at all!
Aoi: It's quite fun to hang out by the pool with my class!
Makoto: I agree!
Makoto: I just really hope we can hang out more often.
Aoi: So let's go!
Their relationship grew greatly!
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Makoto, Aoi, Sayaka, and Mukuro should all go out together!
The group went bowling. Aoi and Sayaka were talking about some shenanigans that happened in the past weeks while Makoto didn't pay much attention to the conversation.
Aoi: Makoto, are you alright? You seem a bit distracted.
Makoto: Oh it's nothing!
Sayaka: Is it really?
Makoto: I'm just trying to pay attention to Mukuro-
Sayaka and Aoi: Oh?
Makoto: and her techniques. I mean look at the scores.
Aoi: Wow I didn't pay attention to that.
Mukuro sits back down after her turn.
Mukuro: If you want my help I can give you some tips.
Makoto: That would be nice thanks!
Everyone is impressed by Mukuro and relationship between all grew greatly!
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Hey Sayaka, why don't you see what Hina's up to?
Sayaka: Aoi! I was looking for you!
Aoi: What's the matter? Do you need something?
Sayaka: I just wanted to talk to you. They recently opened a bakery and I was looking for someone to go with.
Sayaka: But if you have other plans that's okay.
Aoi: No! I'd love to go! Do you mind if I invite someone too?
Sayaka: Not at all! Feel free to bring anyone.
Sayaka Aoi and Sakura ended up going together to the bakery the three had a lot of fun and their relationship grew by a lot!
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If crossovers are allowed, Asahina seeing if Hoshi would be more up for trying a different sport (swimming) since tennis reminds him too much of his troubled past?
You can just look at the old posts! Crossovers are okay!
Aoi: Hello! You're Ryoma right?
Ryoma: Yeah... Do you need something?
Aoi: I heard that you don't practice your talent at all. I know it's none of my business but can I know why?
Ryoma: If you don't know you're better of not knowing at all. Best if you avoided me too, it's just not worth it.
Aoi: Well I'm not going to push it if you don't wanna talk about it.
Aoi: How about we go for a swim together instead?
Ryoma: Didn't I just tell you that it'd be best if you avoided me?
Aoi: What was that? I can't hear nonsense.
Ryoma: ...
Aoi: For real though if you want to join me I'll be waiting for you! Feel free to stop by whenever you'd like.
Though unsure if he should do it Ryoma decided to join her. It would be rude if he just ignored her invitation even though it all felt quite akward.
Their relationship grew slightly!
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Could: Asahina & Sakura work together (Btw, I've said before but this is such a cool concept!)
Aoi is in the classroom and looks at the windows. She unfortunately couldn't reach the high spots.
Aoi: Why do the windows have to go so high...
Sakura: Do you need help?
Aoi: No I can just get a chair I guess.
Sakura: It's okay I'll take care of the windows. I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself.
Aoi: Alright I guess I'll wipe those desks... Thank you!
Their relationship grew slightly!
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Could I please request scenarios with the v1 girls and their Ultimate Poet s/o writing a poem for them? (Preferably with a female s/o?)
This sounds pretty cute. It was long since I wrote for entire casts (or halfs) or I just feel like it was long time ago
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THH girls react to their fem! Ultimate Poet s/o writing a poem for them
Toko Fukawa
She often reads your poems but she was surprised when you wrote one just for her.
You were extremely skilled and she just couldn't belive you whould waste your effort into this. Even though you two are girlfriends...
Of course she told you what she thought about your work in the end.
Sakura Oogami
When you were writing she was training so she definitely didn't expect that it was coming.
After her training she met up with you and was surprised by your gift. As she red it she actually felt a bit touched by your writing since it was amazing.
This poem was different than the other ones you showed her but she highly appreciated it.
Aoi Aisahina
Each time you were writing she gave you enough space and time alone and she didn't suspect a thing.
When you were done she was excited to read it. But before she could even read it you told her that you wrote it thinking about her. It made her super happy just the thought that you did it for her.
Needles to say she was amazed by it. Aoi praised you so many times about it! No wonder you are an ultimate!
Mukuro Ikusaba
She didn't even notice that you started writing it in the first place so when you gave it to her she was a bit surprised.
She red it few times actually it was really sweet poem... And said what she thought about it.
From that time she had it allways with her folded in one of her pockets and often red it.
Celestia Ludenberg
She noticed that you were writing a bit more lately but she didn't find it odd.
When you gave it to her she red first sentence and asked you to read it for her since she wanted to hear your voice.
She was smiling entire time you read it. Of course she was happy to hear your poem so far you have never wrote something just for her.
She kept the poem and it's allways placed where she could see it.
Kyoko Kirigiri
She doesn't know what you were up to lately sure you were writing something but you refused to tell her what I it was wich highly annoyed her. I mean she knew it was a poem but you refused to tell her more about it like you usually did.
She let that slide but was still curious about it.
When you were finally done you approached her with that piece of paper.
Kyoko waited for you to say something before she spoke up. You gave her your poem and said that it was for her.
She red it carefully and smiled it was a nice surprise and she made sure to thank you for it.
Sayaka Maizono
She allways appreciated your talent your poems are great and she has fun time interpreting it.
So when she saw you working on another piece she was happy that soon she will be able to read another of your works.
When she found out it was just for her she was surprised but super happy. She appreciated your poem and actually remembered every line.
She often reads it from time to time and thinks to herself how amazing her girlfriend is!
~Mod Angie
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Hey! Idk if you still take scenarios but can I get a Aoi x Shuichi confession plot? Please? Thank you. ~Star Anon💫
Friend my blog name has 'scenarios' in it and my title is 'allways open for requests' so of course I take them! I take all kinds of requests! Heck even if you sent a Christmas request in the middle of summer I whould do it! Please don't take it as sass I just want yall to not be scared to request anything at anytime that doesn't violate my rules or make me uncomfy but that's too flexible to just write it down
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Aoi x Shuichi confession plot
She was the one to plan the first move. Once she found out how she really felt even though she was nervous she couldn't back off.
Shuichi was allways sweet and seemed to like rather simple gestures so to her something big was out of the question.
It took her a while to decide on something so each time she spent with Shuichi caused him to be a bit suspicious of her.
So he tried to find out if nothing was bothering her. That behavior seriously made him to worry.
First thing he did was asking Sakura, it was only logical considering that the two were very close friends. Sakura said that he should wait since it's something Aoi herself should say.
Needless to say it made him worry even more and also added feeling of anxiety. After all she could be fed up with him for all he knows.
He ALSO suspected that she might have feelings for him... But this is just his last guess. Since her signs were super mixed.
She asked him to hang out together and as allways he agreed to meet with her.
They had a regular walk. The atmosphere was akward but Aoi was trying to tell some jokes in order to light up the mood.
Their destination was a river that wasn't so far away but the awkwardness made it feel like the walk took hours.
The scenery at that time looked beautiful and she was so glad they made it before the sun set.
"You know I thought that I should just say it but well better have something nice to look at if things go surprisingly akward" she said as she took a small box of chocolate out of her bag "I really like you Shuichi- no... I'm in love with you" she smiled at him and let out a small laugh after seeing his embarrassed expression "I'm sorry but you look so cute you make me fall for you deeper not fair!"
He couldn't help but smile after her little remark "I'm sorry. But the fact that I feel for you makes it even"
~Mod Angie
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DR1 kids w/ their s/o running for their lives from a bunch of monokumas. when they get cornered, s/o saves them both by yelling "THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!!", causing the monokumas to scramble to get out of the Lava
It was quite hard to write since I have small trouble with THH cast but I hope you enjoy it!
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THH cast and their S/O running for their lives from a bunch of monokumas. When they get cornered S/O saves them both by yelling "THE FLOOR IS LAVA!!!!"
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
He tried to come up with solution but it just wasn't as easy as he thought it whould be.
When you had an idea you quickly shouted "The floor is lava!" the monokumas quickly ran away since there was nothing to stand on nearby.
You didn't thought it whould actually work and both you and Kiyotaka were just looking at each other with shocked expressions.
But then he was so glad it worked "S/O I never thought you whould come up with such solution!" the two of you managed to sneak to more safe place.
Thanks to you thinking out of the box Kiyotaka and you were using similar solutions to trick monokumas. He was even more glad to have you around...
Chihiro Fujisaki
He looked at you obviously scared and started crying "What do we do now S/O" he said while monokumas were slowly coming closer.
You suddenly yelled "The floor is lava!" and surprisingly it worked??? All monokumas ran to find something to stand on while you grabbed his hand and ran away.
When you managed to get to safe place he was quite excited and was very thankful and impressed. He didn't think that their program whould react like this!
Toko Fukawa
She started panicking with each step those monsters took she couldn't turn into Genocider and she felt helpless.
But it didn't mean that you gave up you and Toko held each other close and that's when idea came to your mind.
You told Toko to get ready becouse you will distract monokumas. She was confused but you shouted "The floor is lava!" Toko looked at you like you were an idiot to believe this whould work.
That's when she saw monokumas run away and stand or something to not touch "lava". She couldn't belive this worked but now you were able to make a run for it and get away.
When you found a place where you could rest she said "Wow I-I didn't expected for s-such childish and ridiculous idea to w-work but if not for you we whould be dead by now S/O".
Sakura Oogami
She knew that she couldn't possibly hold back this amount of monokumas even with your help.
The last thing you wanted was to give up. So even the most ridiculous ideas have to do. Then the next thing you know is you shouting "The floor is lava!" your girlfriend was caught off guard but your idea seems to work so you managed to get away.
When it was safe to say no monokuma is chasing you she really appreciated what you did "S/O you did great job back there who whould have thought that this is how monokumas whould react!" also she checked if you were fine and didn't injure yourself by any chance.
Leon Kuwata
He had no problem with running fast but just he didn't had map of a godamn place and it led you to dead end.
You could feel how much despair he felt when he saw the wall that stopped you from your escape. The words like 'we can't end like this' and 'this is bullshit' or 'I don't want us to die!' we're something he kept saying under his breath as he looked for solution.
But sometimes the most ridiculous ways might be the solutions "The floor is lava" was what you yelled very loud so every monokuma could hear it.
So the robots played that game and it bought both you and Leon enough time to get away. He was extremely impressed and thankful "S/O... You were incredible! I can't believe it worked but I'm so glad it did and you thought about something like that!".
Aoi Aisahina
Aoi tried to do something and she didn't gave up no matter what. But nothing so far worked and you started to have most ridiculous ideas.
You had to try it so when Aoi tried to push monokumas away and threw random objects at it you yelled "The floor is lava!" she was surprised at first but the monokumas got distracted and you two managed to escape.
And where you were finally safe she was very excited "That was fast thinking there S/O! Great job! God If not for you we whould be dead by now!" then she hugged you.
Mondo Oowada
He tried to protect you no matter what but now there was nothing he could do... There was too much monokumas and he couldn't possibly destroy them all.
So when you were cornered he felt very bad that he couldn't do anything but push monokumas away.
That's when you had that ridiculous idea but it's better to try it than die. As soon as you shouted "The floor is lava" every monokuma played this game wich allowed both you and Mondo to escape.
When you took a break from running he looked down "Sorry" when you asked what he was sorry for he replied with "For not being able to protect you dammit" he couldn't be possibly serious right now... I mean he fucking did great job protecting you all this time since you weren't injured even the slightest.
Makoto Naegi
When Makoto saw how many monokumas were surrounding you he tried to not give up but he was just so terrified but hey so were you.
You were close to each other as monokumas were getting closer with every seconds and that's when out of panic you shouted "The floor is lava!" multiple times.
He was surprised but he noticed that it worked so he grabbed you by your hand and you ran away.
Since you were running for such a long time you stopped for a minute to catch your breath. Makoto took your hands in his and told you "That was amazing S/O! You saved us!" he also apologized that he wasn't much help back there.
But you told him that he actually did good job as well since he noticed first that it worked and managed to react fast enough!
Mukuro Ikusaba
She was destroying monokumas with ease but there was just too many for her to keep it up so she had no other choice but to back down.
You couldn't believe Mukuro was giving up... So now you have to try something quick. Suddenly words "The floor is lava" came out of your mouth and after seeing reaction from several monokumas you repeated it but louder.
Your girlfriend was not so surprised that it worked since Junko probably thought of something like that. But she felt ashamed she didn't think of it herself...
So when you were finally about to catch a breath without monokumas trying to kill you she said "I'm sorry that I didn't thought that my sister whould think of something like this" you actually didn't give two shits that she didn't thought of it at the time you didn't too! More than that Mukuro protected you for so long it doesn't matter to you.
After this you decided to be more sneaky and don't draw any attention.
Celestia Ludenberg
All the time she was acting like she wasn't scared at all but when there was no escape you could see how frightened she was. Her hands were shaking as the two of you took steps back.
You couldn't let it end like this so even the most ridiculous idea needs to be tried out. So that's the time where you yelled "The floor is lava!" Celeste was surprised at first but then she noticed how monokumas reacted so the two of you managed to get away!
She smiled at you and didn't say anything. To be honest she found this quite funny.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
He was freaking out and tried to do something and he ended up throwing everything at monokumas even though there was almost no objects around.
When there was nothing left you managed to come up with something so you said "The floor is lava!".
Yasuhiro was impressed that it worked and as you were running away he also noticed that the monokumas stopped chasing you.
After you finally were safe he waa relieved "S/O I have no idea what whould I do without you!".
Kyoko Kirigiri
She remained calm for most of the time but when she saw there is no escape you could see that she began to be nervous instead.
She thought of quickest solution but you decided to take an action so you shouted "The floor is lava" causing monokumas to leave you alone.
It was obvious she was impressed by your idea but now you have to run while you can!
After this she smiled "Good job S/O who whould have thought that monokumas were programed this way when these are killing machines" the two of you remembered this and thanks to that you used ridiculous solutions like this to survive and it worked.
Byakuya Togami
So far you two managed to outsmart monokumas but well this time you ended up catching attention so now you were surrounded...
This doesn't mean that you gave up! Both you and Byakuya tried to do something.
That's when it hit you that they might react to something ridiculous you were embarrassed to shout it in front of him and at situation like this but you did it "The floor is lava!" escaped your mouth.
Surprisingly it worked and both you and Byakuya were pretty surprised at that point. But it didn't stop you from running away.
Byakuya didn't say anything about it but he thought that you did well and it was easy to tell that he was impressed.
Hifumi Yamada
After running for so long you and Hifumi were fucked. Why? Because there was a dead end and you had many monokumas right in front of you.
He was scared and so were you. So at the times like this even the most ridiculous ideas may work.
So there you stood and said "The floor is lava" loud enough so every monokuma heard it. Hifumi noticed that it worked so you managed to get away in time.
After this both of you were surprised that It did work but who cares you are alive! "Mr/Ms (last name) that was amazing!" and thanks to that not only two of you survived you had a solution if something similar happened!
Sayaka Maizono
Sayaka was shaking like crazy and was holding your hand seeing this huge numbers of monokumas overwhelmed her and she didn't knew what to do.
You could hear her saying 'I don't want to die' repeatedly and so you decided to do something.
It seemed ridiculous at first but you decided to do it since you had nothing else to do anyways!
"The floor is lava" was next thing you said it was loud enough so every monokuma heard it. So the two of you took the opportunity and ran away.
You could tell Sayaka was happy she didn't say anything about the situation however.
~Mod Chiaki
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