emyn-arnens · 6 months
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“There lies the fastness of Southern Mirkwood,” said Haldir. “It is clad in a forest of dark fir, where the trees strive one against another and their branches rot and wither. In the midst upon a stony height stands Dol Guldur, where long the hidden Enemy had his dwelling. We fear that now it is inhabited again, and with power sevenfold. A black cloud lies often over it of late.”
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dayqyeen · 7 months
I saw a theory that elain is being manipulated by koschei under the guise of helping her become human again and it's soooooo sexy >.>
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hauntingblue · 1 year
He's touch starved Claire you're gonna give him a heart attack
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djoglobal · 2 years
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The DynaClip's versatile design, multiple configurations, and size options enable dependable durability and dynamic compression in a wide range of surgical applications. To know more, visit https://www.djoglobal.com/sites/default/files/DynaClip%20Procedure%20Guide_Rebranded.pdf or call us at 800.321.9549.
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daydreaming-nerd · 4 months
The Angel of Music (Azriel x Reader)
AN: guys this is always one of my emotional support movies/plays I’ve seen it a million times so it only seemed fair that I give it the ACOTAR collab it deserves. 
Summary: It was the inner circles first time at the theater and from the way the Shadowsinger was blushing they all had a feeling it wouldn’t be the last. (the reader plays Christine Daae in Velaris’ adaptation of The Phantom Of The Opera and Azriel falls in love with her, but he’s afraid that she won’t like him because of his scars because she choose Raoul in the play) Set between ACOWAR and AOFAS
Warnings: Angst because of Azriel’s scars, shy az, but so much fluff, (just a little Az brain rot, didn't take this too seriously)
Word Count: 3,070
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It wasn’t the shadowsinger's usual scene. Bustling people dressed to the nines, plush red chairs, gold sconces, orchestras. But Cassian had been tirelessly trying to make Nesta smile, and Ferye wanted to try and get her sisters together, so here he sat in the box that Rhysand had purchased for the night. 
Nesta loved the music and dancing, Elain loved the romance, and Feyre loved the costumes and color palettes of scenes. Cassian wanted to see Nesta smile, and Rhysand would do just about anything Feyre asked of him. 
In all his 500 years of life, Azriel had never thought to go to the theater. When he was a child he heard of his parents going but of course, he never got to go. As he grew the idea of going to see a show simply never crossed his mind.
When the lights went down and the orchestra came to life he spent most of his time watching Cassian, who was watching a very intrigued Nesta. He stayed that way until a clap and a spark echoed throughout the room. At first, he thought there was danger, but as soon as he turned his attention towards the stage he saw the large chandelier raise itself to life bringing the dilapidated stage with it. Golds, reds, and vibrant colors filled the room. 
Still, Azriel had trouble following the plot. But as he watched Nesta and her sisters become entranced by the music and dancing. The loud organ had stirred something in him, but he didn’t truly feel moved until her. 
Think of me, think of me fondly when we’ve said goodbye…
Azriel was sitting in a box at the edge of the theater, but even from this distance, he could tell that she was the most beautiful female he had ever seen.  He scooted to the edge of his seat a tad just to be that much closer to her. Her voice was that of a siren, no not a siren, an angel. His shadows danced around his ears and his wings at the sound of her ballad. Even the rest of the inner circle seemed to be entranced by her spell. 
As the play went on he found himself becoming irrationally jealous of Raoul. The pretty Viscount had not given her a second look at the beginning of the play. It wasn’t until the organ sounded again that the sound of her voice graced Azriel’s ears. The woman walked through a mirror towards a masked man. 
Who was this masked man? Where was he taking her? It wasn’t until Mor rested her hand to where he was gripping his chair with white knuckles that he remembered it was just a play. He sat back in his seat more, trying to tell his shadows to calm down. But as her voice climbed and climbed that beautiful crescendo they twisted and turned around him. 
Azriel spent the rest of the play being utterly entranced by the beautiful singer’s relationship with the Phantom. The masked man was dark and radical, staying in the shadows where no one could see him. He observed her from afar. Much like the shadowsinger did himself in every aspect of his life. 
It was clear to him that the Phantom was in love with Christine. So when Raoul and Christine kissed he nearly felt his heart shatter. The way the Phantom mourned, and cried, it felt all too personal to Azriel. 
I  gave you my music, made your way. And now how you’ve repaid me, denied me and betrayed me…
  From there on out Azriel found himself rooting for the Phantom, the man he saw so much of himself in. He nearly shed a tear when he found out why the man wore a mask. A scared child in a cage made to perform. 
He looked down at his mangled hands sitting on the arms of his chair. He had known a similar childhood and had suddenly wished he had something like a mask to cover such torn flesh. Maybe then the beautiful woman on stage might look at him with that same lovesick gaze, she wore now for Raoul, but he knew that could never be.
For a moment he felt joy, seeing her kiss the Phantom with such passion, such love. Only for that joy to be extinguished like a candle when she walks out with the Viscount. Of course, she would choose him, life does imitate art after all. It wasn’t until the curtain went down and the crowd erupted in thunderous applause that Azriel broke from his trance, standing to applause with them. 
“Well that was wonderful,” Feyre beamed, linking her arm with Rhysand’s. 
“I’ll say, that girl sang like an angel,” Mor gushed, fanning herself with her program as we all made our way out of the box. “Even Azriel seemed to enjoy it,” the female smirked, bumping Azriel with her shoulder. She had seen the lovesick gaze in his eyes. 
“It was so romantic the way Raoul came to rescue her,” Elain swooned, grabbing her sister's other arm. 
“Oh please, the Phantom was the obvious choice!” Nesta huffed at her sister's comment. 
“Nesta, would you like to meet the cast? Maybe talk to some of the dancers?” Feyre asked, changing the subject quickly before conflict arose. 
Nesta thought for a moment and spoke again, “Yes I would.” all she said. 
Of course, it was an easy task for Rhys to sweet-talk his way backstage, the inner circle sticking out like a sore thumb as they weaved past props, costumes, and the ensemble. Azriel’s eyes stayed ever vigilant, unable to let go of years of training as they walked down a dark hall. A cast member opened a door at the end of the hall to reveal mirrors with glimmering faelights around them. Vanities with every manor of makeup and costume jewelry. Two men he recognized as the actors who played the Viscount and the Phantom. 
The Phantom had washed off the makeup that made his face look scarred. Once again Azriel wished he too had that ability. Rhys and Feyre shook both their hands introducing them to the whole inner circle, but Azriel paid no mind. His hazel eyes were searching for a hint of her.
“Oh y/n there’s someone who wants to meet you!” called out one of the actors. 
“Oh, really who?” called a voice so melodic Azriel just knew that she had to be an angel. 
His shadows wisped around him frantically, calling out her name in his ear, like they were excited to finally know it. Rhys and Feyre’s eyes looked to their friend and smiled at one another. 
She walked around from a changing screen, tying the strings of the robe she was wearing that looked similar to the one she had worn on stage. She nearly stopped in her tracks as she saw her High Lord and Lady staring at her. 
“My Lord, My Lady,” she bows. “It is an honor.”
“No, no, please don’t bow,” Feyre rushes over, bringing the singer upright. “If anything we should be bowing to you. You sang like a goddess out there, you are truly talented.”
“Why thank you, my Lady, I’m truly happy you enjoyed the show,” she smiled and Azriel’s heart all but glowed. 
“Please call me Feyre,” the High Lady smiles, extending her hand. 
“Y/n,” the singer replied, taking her hand and shaking it. 
Azriel kept to the sidelines as the inner circle conversed with the cast and crew. Feyre and Rhys praised the play director and claimed they would be purchasing their box for the rest of the season. Nesta picked the brains of the dancers and their instructor, Cassian listening dutifully behind her. Elain chatted up the Phantom and Raoul, both actors seemingly falling for her, once again showing how life imitates art. 
Mor talked to y/n, about what? Azriel didn’t know. But the second Mor caught Az gazing at y/n she held out a hand to him. 
“Y/n I’d like you to meet Azriel, spymaster for the night court,” Mor said, beckoning Azriel over. 
Azriel quickly put his hands behind his back, not wanting to scare her with his scars. He could’ve sworn he saw her cheeks tint a shade pinker as he approached, looming over her in size. 
“How do you do?” y/n asks.
It takes a second for Azriel to realize that her angelic voice is speaking to him.
“Oh um, very well thanks.” he stutters, already feeling like a fool. Gods she was even more beautiful up close, he found himself suddenly longing for the box that offered him sanctuary, or a mask like the Phantom had. 
“Did you um, enjoy the show?” she probed and Azriel realized that Mor had conveniently dismissed herself. 
“I did,” he said quickly. “You have a beautiful voice, I could’ve listened all night.” 
Once again he swore he saw y/n blush as she looked down at her feet, “Thank you, though I think I fell flat a little in the first song. Opening night and all,” she laughed nervously and oh Cauldron, the sound of her laughter was enough to make Az take one step towards her. 
“No it was perfect, all of it.” he spat out, not standing to hear her say one more bad thing about herself. 
“Well thank you Azriel,” she said and by the fucking Cauldron she smiled at him. His name fell off her perfect lips and she smiled at him. He must’ve been dead and somehow gotten to heaven, there was no other explanation. 
The rest of the inner circle watched the pair intently. Feyre sank further into Rhysand’s side as they both realized they were watching Azriel fall in love in real-time. The yin and yang of the pair was near poetic and Feyre told herself she would pain this exact moment tomorrow morning. 
“Y/n why don’t you come to dinner with us? We would love to hear more about you,” Rhysand smiled.
His words broke the trance y/n was in, “Oh my Lord I truly wish I could, but I have an early day tomorrow and my apartment is clear across town.” She apologized. 
“No worries, it sounds like we will all be back for tomorrow night's show as well. Though I would hate for you to walk home alone,” Rhys smirked trying to get Azriel to bite at the bait.
“Not to worry I make the trek all the time,” she smiled, picking up the many vases of flowers people had left for her on her vanity. 
“Azriel could walk you home, couldn’t you Az?” Mor chimed in and Azriel shot her a look. 
“Uh, yeah I could if you’d like,” Azriel mentioned stuttering over his words as he scratched the back of his neck. 
“Oh no I wouldn’t want to take you from dinner with your family,” she assured him, picking up two large vases of flowers. 
“Not at all, I would be honored to walk you home,” the shadowsinger said a little too quickly. Feyre tried to stifle her laugh in Rhys’ side, she had never seen her spymaster so flustered. 
“Okay then,” the girl smiled and soon enough they were off down the cobblestone street, their way lit by dim faelight. 
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y/n’s pov:
“Your shadows are incredible,” I smile watching as the dark wisps carry the various vases of flowers down the road. 
I had been more than happy to have the High Lord’s shadowsinger walk me home. In all honesty, I was captivated by the male the moment I set eyes on him. Sure he was hard, dressed in black, and over a foot taller than me. 
A sane woman might’ve kept her distance from the male, he was dangerous after all. But I knew the moment he spoke that he wasn’t a threat. There was a quiet and gentle calm underneath all that darkness.
“Thank you,” he says and I swear I see him blush. “They seem to really like you.” 
“They do? How can you tell?” I laugh as one of the little fellas brush against my cheek like a cat brushing against an ankle. 
“They went wild when you were singing tonight,” he chuckles, seemingly remembering how they danced. 
“Really?” I ask balking a bit. 
“I’m serious, give it a try,” he smiles, motioning for me to sing again. 
I shrug and clear my throat before singing a line from the play, “Angel of Music, hide no longer. Come to me, strange angel,” I sang softly and sure enough the little shadows danced and swirled around me. Threading themselves through my hair and around my arms where they held my vases of flowers. 
“That’s amazing,” I breathe finally watching the small wisps die down, hiding behind their master like they were shy. 
“You’re amazing,” their master spits out and then blushes. ‘
I can’t help but feel myself blush too, shying away from the hulking Illyrian. He didn’t look so tough as his shadows carried dozens of flowers behind him. He had walked down the street with his hands behind his back the whole time, not needing to lift a finger. 
The little purple door I’m so used to seeing comes into view. Outside the cottage are dozens and dozens of roses and the light inside is out. 
“I leave these here,” I say gesturing to the flowers I’m holding as I set them on the front porch. 
“Why not take them home? Were they not gifted to you?” Azriel cocks an eyebrow as his shadows place the flowers neatly next to the ones I set down. 
I laugh starting back down the path towards my place, “I get so many, I can’t possibly keep them all. Marla is an elderly woman who lost her husband years ago. It brings her joy to have them, so I leave them for her. Besides it’s not like they’re from anyone special,” I shrug, subtly dropping the hint to Azriel that I’m not otherwise engaged. 
Azriel pauses beside me and approaches a rose bush blooming near one of the cottages. Drawing his dagger, he carefully slices off a vibrant red rose. Before offering it to me, he painstakingly removes every thorn with the same blade, as if to protect my hands from even the slightest prick.
“You deserve to have at least one flower,” he says offering me the rose. 
I blush and go to reach for it when I catch sight of his hand. The mangled and marred flesh. I can’t help but feel my breath hitch as I wonder who could’ve done such a thing to such a gentle soul. The scarred hand pulls back a bit as if realizing my staring. 
“I guess I’m more Phantom than dashing Viscount,” he utters sadly, referring to my play and my role in it. My heart shatters as I see his broken expression. 
“You know,” I smile, taking the rose from his scarred hands. “I always thought that Christine should end up with The Phantom, he was clearly the better choice.” 
His head whips up as if I’ve uttered an inconceivable phrase. “Even though he had ugly scars?” Azriel inquires, his face tight like he might not want to hear whatever answer I provide.
“Who said he was ugly?” I laugh, did this beautiful specimen of a male truly believe he was ugly because his hands bore scars? 
“So you would choose the Phantom?” he cocks an eyebrow as if trying to read if I was telling the truth.
“In a heartbeat,” I affirm confidently and honestly.
He takes a step towards me, his form getting even bigger, “and what about scarred hands? Is that a deal breaker?” he probes, holding out his hands so I can see that they both harbor similar markings.  
I shake my head taking another step towards him, appreciating the beauty that is him. From the white scars that ran up his hands, to the shadows that danced around him like they they were whispering to him.
“So if I asked you to dinner after your show tomorrow?” he queries taking a step towards me as well.
“I would ask you where we are going?” I reply feeling my cheeks heat up. Was he asking me out? I tried to push the butterflies down in my stomach.
“Rita’s ?” he shrugs, stepping forward. 
“Sounds like a plan,” I smile moving towards him more, like I was compelled to.
“I’ll swing backstage after the curtain closes,” he smiles, seemingly becoming more confident in himself as we step closer together just a few feet apart.
“I’ll put your name on the list,” I say, feeling his presence pull me in. 
“And if I were to send you flowers? What kind would you like?” he interrogates further. 
I think for a moment, no one had ever asked me what flowers I might like to receive. My eyes look around as if searching for inspiration until they land on a blue siphon adorning his chest that’s right in front of me. 
“Something blue,” I blush knowing that when I see the cobalt flowers on my vanity I will know they are from him. 
“Consider it done,” he smiles and I suddenly realize that we’re mere inches apart now. 
I turn to my right where the blue door to my house beckons to be opened. Pulling out my keys I unlock it and use my shoulder to shove it open as it always gets stuck. 
“Well,” I say shyly. “Thank you for walking me home,” 
“Anytime,” he smiles looking down at his feet. 
The sight of the bashful warrior on my front doorstep has me melting. His face is so beautiful and perfectly carved I can't help but lean up on my toes and kiss his cheek. I almost regret it when it’s over but the violent red of his cheeks makes me smile again.
“Well goodnight,” I say, trying not to let my words shake in the process. 
“Goodnight,” he smiles, brushing a hand against his freshly kissed cheek.
I close the door and place the single, thornless, rose he cut for me in a vase. It isn’t until I turn on a light that I hear him take off into the night and I swear I hear him let out a grand whoop from way up in those clouds.
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202 , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark , @cheneyq
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bonefall · 1 year
Bones, can you help me translate these names in clanmew?
Hmm... well, I can't do the direct translations for you (mostly because then I'd have to translate everyone's, and then it would defeat the point of encouraging people to take a swing at it on their own!) BUT I can go through a couple of the words here I know are missing
Here is a preview from the moth post which is going to come later this month!
Flare/Confident/Perpendicular = Akeye An emotion and a shape, describes things that 'stick up,' like the wings of Plumes and Butters. Not like "raised hackles," more like fluffing one's fur out or puffing your chest.
Since they wouldn't have flares as in flashing fire signals, "flare" in Clanmew is a shape and an emotion. It's holding things up, standing out, having confidence. Like "to flair."
They actually have a few species of poppy in the area, but I'm gonna chance that this OC is the bright red poppy that produces painkillers as seen in the books. The word for Papaver somniferum is Liafi.
Poppyflare = Liafiakeye = Sleeping Poppy Confidence!
There's a few types of spikes, and a few types of manes.
So in spike types, the simplest word here would be Bach, 'bristle,' the 'spiky' texture of hair. On the same note of texture, Chych is 'coarse,' like the flared mane of a boar. There's also Kik, spike or spine, the things seen on hedgehogs.
There could also be a new word here, prickle, Beki, tiny stabs that come from stinging nettle or the uncomfortable bristles on some caterpillars.
And next, onto the manes.
They have a bunch of different 'shapes' that manes come in, with each of the big cats of the Great Clans displaying a different characteristic one that didn't translate into English.
There's the classic Raofa, the Lion Mane, which is a mane that encircles the entire neck. ThunderClan sees a lot of cats with these, but it's also the defining trait of a 'family' of moths, and sometimes seen on red stags.
Then there's the Gaofa, the Tiger Mane, which I like to translate as "cravat." This is a mane that ONLY grows off the neck. This is also seen in red stags. (i like this a lot because there could be a phoenix wright stag with a raofa and a miles edgeworth mane with a gaofa)
The last of the mythical mane types is the Saofa, the Leopard Mane, which is the type of mane I draw on Graystripe and his family! IT could be translated as 'ridge' or 'mullet.' It's a mane that runs down the back but nowhere else, the opposite of the Gaofa.
But if Spikemane doesn't have a 'mane' as much as he has several fancy tufts, the word for that is Wraofa, the Boar Mane, better known as its translation 'ruff.' It's what Doestar had, a very fluffy neck that didn't really fit any of the distinct mane types.
And if all that fails, the base word at play here was tuft, Aofa, which is just a fancy clump of fur!
First off, there's three words for teeth! Take your pick! There's Groq for the back teeth, Koss for the front, and Ki for canine fangs.
I will also be adding some for the cool factor; Agloss, saber. For any teeth that extend outside of the mouth, like snaggle teeth or those of muntjacs. There's also the tusks of boars, Goqeb.
And for blizzard, a ferocious snowstorm, the new word for this is; Os'hauoo
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kopfkino-o · 1 year
They are sharing so much misinformation instead of letting their followers accept that it'll be Elain. Refusing to accept they are wrong, even hinting BB is sharing wrong information. That's just? No doubt that when the announcement comes, most of them will accuse and blame SJM. It's already happening.
Yeah I find it so so strange people are trying to say SJM/Bloomsbury are like trying to mislead or outright lie. The author herself literally said the next book should be obvious. Feyre had her story, then Nesta, so what’s the most “obvious” choice for the next book? The third and final sister! Plus, SJM has been talking about an Elain book since like AOFAS…
The next book is obviously going to be Elain’s with either Azriel or Lucien as the second POV 🤷‍♀️
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Happy egg day! Easter egg hunts in my nan's overgrown garden are one of my fondest childhood memories!
Lea and Aofa are reliving it for me.
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ankhlesbian · 2 years
Yeah it would be sm easier to edit my spreadsheets on da desktop but hnggg aofa comfeh
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laiperoconi · 3 months
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Yo aofa
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emyn-arnens · 7 months
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Not far from the mouth of the Forest River was the strange town he heard the elves speak of in the king's cellars. It was not built on the shore, though there were a few huts and buildings there, but right out on the surface of the lake, protected from the swirl of the entering river by a promontory of rock which formed a calm bay. A great bridge made of wood ran out to where on huge piles made of forest trees was built a busy wooden town, not a town of elves but of Men, who still dared to dwell here under the shadow of the distant dragon-mountain.
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bloginnovazione · 9 months
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pacosemnoticias · 1 year
Forças Armadas perderam 738 efetivos este ano
As Forças Armadas perderam 134 efetivos no segundo trimestre deste ano, elevando para 738 a redução de militares durante 2023, alertou a associação de oficiais (AOFA).
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"As Forças Armadas Portuguesas registaram, uma vez mais, uma redução de efetivos que só no segundo trimestre de 2023 se cifra em 134. Só este ano de 2023, as Forças Armadas já perderam 738 militares", adianta a AOFA, numa análise aos dados da Direção-Geral da Administração e Emprego Público.
Segundo a associação, entre 2011 e o segundo trimestre deste ano, o número de efetivos nas Forças Armadas passou dos 34.514 para 23.558, ou seja, menos 10.956 militares.
"A limpeza de efetivos nos últimos anos é de 10.956 militares, a que corresponde percentualmente uma colossal redução percentual de 31,74%", refere ainda a análise da AOFA aos dados estatísticos da direção-geral.
Em agosto, a ministra da Defesa reconheceu existirem dificuldades em Portugal e noutros países no recrutamento de militares, mas assegurou que o Governo está a trabalhar para atrair e reter efetivos.
As dificuldades de recrutamento e retenção "sobretudo têm vindo a ser reconhecidas em Portugal e noutros países que enfrentam essas dificuldades. Temos feito um conjunto de medidas para lidar com estas dificuldades", disse assegurou Helena Carreiras.
"Há um conjunto de medidas a que se somam medidas na área dos rendimentos. Tal como fizemos em 2022, em que foi possível aumentar os salários entre dois e oito por cento e para as categorias mais baixas da tabela remuneratório aumentar até 100 euros, valorizando um conjunto de oito mil militares", disse a governante.
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Our Raison d’Etre - AGE OF AUTISM
“Raison d’etre” is a fancy, French way of saying “Why I am still keeping AofA online despite everything.”  Wit, snark, humor, call it was you will. We need it. And Twitter is a great place to be pithy and pointed. Follow us www.twitter.com/ageofautism  Look who’s back after seeming to have been boosted out of the static during Covid. The King of False Promises himself. Oh, that moniker? Before…
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bonefall · 1 year
With the new texture words in clanmew added I have to wonder. Do any of the cats ever give themself a funny little haircuts? (Furcuts?) like an apprentice shaves their chest fluff or cheek fluff to be rebellious or stylish!! I realize while typing this this would probably be bad for battles and such (fur plays such a big role in protecting from scratches and bites) but it’s fun to imagine these silly kitties having funny haircuts to be unique and trendy (I can imagine the shadowclan apps doing it in avos. Imagine needletail with a mohawk… the swag…)
Most cats have fur that's waaaay too short to stylize, but I'm actually planning to work in that Needletail and Sleekwhisker had matching ear piercings! They were just rebel girls at one point, and it was an edgy thing to do together.
At Needletail's last stand, she manages to land a hit in, slashing Sleek's piercing so that her whole ear is torn and she can no longer wear the earring.
Here's some more Clanmew fur features though:
Mane = Raofa (Lion-tuft)
Mullet/Ridge/Spine-mane = Saofa (Leopard-tuft)
Cravat/chest-mane = Gaofa (Tiger-tuft)
Ruff/irregular tufts of fur around the neck = Wraofa (Boar-tuft)
Tuft/clump = Aofa
Feathering/Long fur around the paws = Pwyfao
Cowlick/swirl = Lirroo
Tip (of fur) = Efe
A single strand of hair = Ulfaf
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Pain - Foot Heel Pain Treatment for Foot Pain Relief
Does your heel hurt every time you walk or stand on it? When you play sports, do you have to continuously call time-outs because of heel pain? When you wake up in the morning, do you experience excruciating pain in your heel? If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may have a foot spur and need treatment. Foot heel pain treatments vary as to their effectiveness.
Causes of Foot Heel Pain
Many different things can lead to heel pain. The first step in foot heel pain treatment is to see your doctor or a podiatrist. Your doctor can determine why you are experiencing heel pain and work with you to determine which foot heel pain treatment plan is right for you.
· Plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a condition that occurs when the fascia (the band of tissues that connects your heel to your toes) becomes inflamed. This can happen from too much jumping or running, arthritis, or Orthotic shoes sandal wearing poor-fitted shoes. Foot heel pain treatment for plantar fasciitis includes: specific exercises, rest, and/or heel inserts. If the pain is unbearable, your doctor may recommend medication to reduce the swelling.
· Stone Bruise. Something as simple as a stone or rock may be the cause of your heel pain. Sometimes when we step too hard on a solid object, we can bruise the pads of our heels. The foot heel pain treatment for a stone bruise is rest, walk on the ball of your foot, and ibuprofen to reduce inflammation. The pain will gradually go away.
· Tendonitis. Wear and tear can negatively affect the tendons in the foot, especially the Achilles tendon. When this happens, the Achilles tendon becomes inflamed, and pain behind the heel occurs. The foot heel pain treatment for this condition includes stretching exercises, heel inserts, pain medication, (Advil or Tylenol) or wearing open-backed shoes.
· Heel Spur. Your doctor or podiatrist will be able to point out if you have a spur by an x-ray. Causes of your heel pain could include inadequate flexibility in your calf muscles, lack of arch support, being overweight, suddenly increasing physical activity, and spending too much time on your feet. Treatment can involve any of or all of the following remedies as in rest, ice application, stretching, taping the heel for support, and orthonics for you shoes.
Foot Heel Pain Treatment: According to the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS), 72% of people who used stretching exercises to lesson heel pain, had the pain subside. Do not ignore heel pain. It could be an early sign of a variety of serious conditions. That is why early treatment of your heel pain is so valuable. And the good news is, most foot heel pain treatment plans are easy and can be conducted at home. Surgery is hardly ever necessary unless you let it get out of hand.
So, what are you waiting for? Don't let heel pain interrupt your life a minute more. Find the best foot heel pain treatment available by talking to your podiatrist and agreeing on a course of action.
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