#ao3 commissions open
ekingstonart · 5 months
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“Here they are. We have a few different lines of toys here, different sizes, and the squeakers themselves vary from brand to brand. Some of these are very loud.”
—from Treats and Collars on ao3
Thank you so much @makicarn for commissioning me to illustrate this scene from @trashpandato’s ADORABLE fic! It has been an absolute pleasure working with/for you both!
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fawnim · 4 months
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"Good morning, dear."
[Alt version under the cut !!] im so insane about back tattoos - tr@mp stamps especially - and im so insane about my fem azira so when Ace suggested it, i screamed WHY NOT and blacked out and now we are here.
If you want to support me, please consider commissioning me or tipping me over on kofi! I have a goal of $200 for school and living expenses, just so i can help alleviate some burden for my dad who's getting a heart surgery soon. I also offer sketch commissions on kofi for $5-$15! Any help would be a biiiig help. Thank you so much!
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xxninjacatboyxx · 24 days
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Hi, due to literal unforeseen circumstances, a huge strike of lightning hit my house and promptly destroyed a bunch of electronics. LEDs, Wi-Fi router and more. Those have been fixed but the lightning somehow burned my motherboard and lost my ENTIRE HARDDISK FULL OF MY ART FROM THE LAST 7 YEARS
To say I was devastated would be an understatement. My art is part of me and having lost it has made my depression relapse. But I've found out, that but using Data Recovery services online I can get my files back. So, to pay for it I'll be opening emergency commissions.
5 USD (Coloured & Shaded)
15 USD (Flat Colours)
20 USD (Coloured & Shaded)
25 USD (Flat Colours)
35 USD (Coloured & Shaded)
Background (simple) $5
Background (detailed) $10
Extra Chara $10
18+ Artwork
Ships from all fandoms!
Self ship
Fanart and OCs
Object Heads
Hate speech
Payment will be done through Paypal
Further details can be discussed through a DM or Discord if preferred
Please boost if you can!
p.s free sketch of your choice if you get a commission worth more than 20 USD! but you didnt hear it from me hehehe
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ilreleonewikiart · 3 months
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Alysanne and Alaric in the crypt of Winterfell
for @targaryen_the on twitter
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mariaseelie · 3 months
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A lucilith scene commissioned by bearly_charis as a present ffor @pastelburnish / Bambie_Lesbian on AO3 !!
Please check her beautiful lucilith fanfiction Deja Vu ! I’m currently obsessed with the story !
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 6 months
Vox x Fem! Reader || Caught In Wires 🔪🫂
Word Count: 2,109
Warning: Possessive behavior, abuse of power, Stockholm syndrome signs(?)
Scenario: Stop running for it is foolish. An animal worth keeping alive knows what its purpose in the end is. Requested from my AO3.
(Note for Requests and Commissions. I'm open to taking requests now but only because I'm trying to grow my accounts. Commissions are still needed and preferred but gotta do what you gotta do I guess. If you want to request then you can buy commissions get done quicker and faster. I'll take six commissions and six requests at a time.
Commissions number currently - 1/6
Requests number currently - 0/6)
Vox is a powerful man, one of the most powerful and that meant that in most of not all cases he tended to get exactly what he wanted.
You had been working for him for a while now. Some silly girl who needed a job when you fell down here and if you weren't blessed with anything else you had managed to be blessed with your skills in combat.
You were a damn good fighter, one who seemed to hold so much potential. You could tear through flesh like a knife through butter, could bite through metal with how competent your teeth and fangs were, and you spilled blood like you had a knack for it.
To see the least, you managed to reel in attention, a lot of it but imaging your surprise when you found yourself face to face with the TV overlord himself, Vox.
He had stood before you, a charming smirk on his face as you kneeled in front of him and you had huffed.
At first, you had been pissed. The last thing you needed was for some overlord to come knocking around and claiming you and yet… that's exactly what had happened. You had been swarmed, collected and kidnapped, a bag being tossed over your head and your hands being tied behind your back. You had spent so much time ducking and dodging these sketchy people, these sketchy places… and yet he had still managed to track you, chase you, and find you.
Vox was a determined mother fucker.
You could give him that, the two of you had a bit of history. History that made sense as to why he's spent all this time looking for you and the reason simply had been that you knew him.
And he knew you.
There was a story there that only the two of you seemed to know about and basically it was that you had known each other for a while now.
It started with you working under Valentino, the bastard. You had refused to give your body over in the aspects that were expected of you and so you had been tossed out. Though, prior to said time Vox… had often come to you.
Speaking with you, touching you, caressing you and you'd be a liar to say that his touch hadn't been the only touch to actually make you feel something in this hellhole.
Honestly being tossed out had been both a blessing and a curse, the blessing being that you had finally escaped… even for just a little bit and the curse was that though you hated that place if there was one thing you missed it would have been him.
The TV overlord himself.
It was irritating, annoying how much time you spent thinking of him. His hands as they held you close or his voice that always seemed to make you shiver. When you ran away there had been many times where you yourself had contemplated if leaving… had actually been the right idea. The right thing to do. Outside of the ghostly touches that seemed to linger it always felt like you were being watched and even you knew that with the amount of surveillance he had, it was only a matter of time before he truly got back to you.
So as he stood before you after the guards were ordered to leave, you huffed, turning your gaze down for a moment to try and avoid that smug look that you knew was already on his face. As expected he doesn't quite allow that as he squats and gently or as gently as he could manage as excitement ran through him and he took hold of your chin. His nails just lightly sink into your skin as he tilts your head up and defiantly, you bare your teeth and fangs. It doesn't seem to do anything but make him chuckle as the two of your eyes connected. Yours narrowed while his… sparkled like a child after finding their favorite toy.
You had seen that look on his face many times now and still it raised the hairs on your neck and made you shiver.
You snap your snap aside, growling and the second time he reaches out to take hold of your face he's not so nice.
His hold is firmer this time, his thumb and pointer finger squished your cheeks and made you pucker and as annoying as it was you couldn't stop the way your face felt a bit warmer. When you had been working he had done this many times, holding you like this enough that it stuck in your head as something that only he was allowed to do to you.
As you look up again you can see that predatory look in his eyes and even with his hold you know he's being patient. His patience was definitely why you had ran to him when working with Valentino had finally drove you crazy. Valentino would have hit you by now, putting his hand on that pretty face of yours in a not so pretty way.
It truly was a blessing in a curse.
“Oh, look what the cat dragged in.” Vox chuckles as he gently pets you, your bound hands being tied behind your back as he of course feels no reason to rush what he's doing. With the two of you here alone now he could spend hours admiring this face of yours without getting tired.
“They do say that lost items do tend to find their way home after a while of being lost.” He says in that eerily calm voice of his, that tone that he didn't seem to use often except for in this situation. Not just that but his eyes are lidded and you can't help but want to keep your own eyes on them just to watch him because at times Vox had and could be unpredictable. Just because he was being nice didn't mean he had to be such and you had seen his interactions with others to know such. Even if he himself didn't lay his hands on you Vox always had the power to order it to be done even by someone else.
He tend not to treat you like that though. Yes, sure he had stalked you and kidnapped you but if anyone was to lay their hands on you then he would admit that he preferred that someone being him. If they were to kiss you, hold you, fuck you then yes… he'd prefer it to be him and as unclassy as it would be for him to harm you in such ways Vox was never against a good well earned punishment. He could put you in your place if he really wanted to, could make you beg for forgiveness with your eyes full of tears if that what he really craved and he did crave such but he did prefer it when your tears came from mind numbing ecstacy instead of earth shattering pain.
So no matter how many times you ran thinking you could actually get away and how angry you seemed whenever the two of you were together, Vox would be patient with you.
Well, sorta patient.
Even good dogs need correction from time to time.
He looks at you for a moment before moving that hand to slowly trail down your neck and you can't stop your own breath from hitching at the touch. You weren't sure if you were just crazy or maybe he had finally managed to get under your skin a little but the feeling of his grip reminds you of the many nights he's used it on you before. A surge of electricity runs through you when his hand wraps around your throat and it's not tight but definitely a good hold, firm and strong. The nights that you found yourself covered in his kisses, in his caresses and as much as you wanted to hate it you had come to really, really enjoy it.
He was crazy, fucking insane and you couldn't exactly tell if you were secretly lucky or very misfortuned.
You could make a guess.
“Fuck you Vox..” you snarled and you could have imagined it but you could have sworn the mother fucker bit his fucking lip just from hearing you say that and there's so much tension in the air that you felt like you could feel in on you skin, taste it on your tongue as you practically spat out his name and before you could even understand it he leans in and presses close.
Something wet and slurpy slides against your bottom lip and you gasp, shock and heat shooting up your spine, eyes widening and it's not until you feel a wet slide that you calculated it being his tongue.
You accidentally moan.
It's wet and warm and long and when you gasped he slid it inside, keeping his lidded eyes open just to watch your reaction. You remembered his taste after all this time and as his tongue slides against and over yours in the lewdest of ways you can't seem to fight off the many memories he left you with of that tongue and its taste and before you can bother to get your scattered brain together you seem to melt. Falling into his hold like a damsel in distress and he was your knight, the one who was here to save you from your own damnation.
It almost felt right, felt…normal. To be here with him, tied up as the two of your tongues tangle and as angry as you are made you really did miss him and so… you can't help but give in, kissing, smooching, sucking on each other's tongues.
You find that there's nothing more you want to do be to reach those bond hands up to touch him, to hold him, to cling to him because after all this time maybe Vox really was your salvation and really he was just trying to remind you of that.
Remind you of the sins that led you to hell to begin with, or the way Valentino had treated you when you were under his rule even and you were sure if he had a point or if you were actually losing your mind but maybe Vox had another point stacked against you.
Maybe you were nothing but a silly woman who need guidance and Vox was one thing but you had been in hell long enough to know that even with who he was… being with him and by his side was a lot better, safer, than bwjng around and with many others down here.
And maybe, just maybe you were tired of fight, of running from him because Vox had also stated many times that you would never get away from him and you were starting to see it over, and over, and over again now. And unholy hell were you exhausted.
You slowly but sure give into his kisses, returning them out of both anger and desperation and all you want to do is have your hands be free so you could jump on him, cling to him like he was the only thing there in this hell but to your dismay and his pleasure, your still bound, even when he pulled away and left you panting heavily for breath that you previously didn't know you'd been missing.
“It doesn't matter how many times you run, I will always come and find you.” He says with a hum, a low sing songy voice as he caresses your cheeks again, watching as your chest heavily rises and falls and how red your face has grown just from a kiss all on its own. After all, if a kiss could make you blush so easily, imagining your reactions to biting you until you were covered in his marks or to him pounding you pussy open with his cock while you squeeze him only seemed to drive him wild with mad passion and lust.
To put it lightly, you belonged to him and if you needed to be taught such a lesson then he would teach you, over and over again until it finally stuck forever in that precious little head of yours.
“I own you and I'll make sure you know that, my love.” He says with a low and deep chuckle and you feel weak in his hold, useless, discouraged as well as… loved, admired, and adored… interestingly enough.
How were you supposed to make it out of this one?
Even you don't know the right answer right now.
~ ✨
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zabrya-art · 3 months
Between Secrets & Roses
Sora gave him a radiant smile, one that lit up the atmosphere, and replied with a simple "yes." She took the young sorcerer's hand and together they began to dance. The awkward movements at first, gradually turned into an elegant waltz, a reflection of their hearts trying to reconcile. The music enveloped their souls, healing wounds and building a bridge between the past and the present.
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by the way I draw commissions (any fandom).
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ntls-24722 · 1 month
#192 on the vetted fundraisers sheet
I have severely fucked up. I shared the misinformation Mohammed was a scammer when I had seen that his original gfm link had finished its goal and was no longer accepting donations, but the reality is worse.
Mohammed Al Manasra has lost his funds. His GFM was shut down and he lost the funds that could have evacuated him. Funds that are even more dire now because Mohammed has an injury to his leg that may need amputation if not treated. There is little medication in Gaza already and there is little anesthesia as well.
He has been re-verified, his new gfm is on the sheet.
$10,174 CAD/$50,000 CAD
If you send me a screenshot of your donation I'll give you art for it. If you're not a fan of my artstyle, or you want writing commissions, check out this directory of talented artists.
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tanuki-pyon · 8 months
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"...But she never got a chance to, because Akko was suddenly in front of her, her wand whipping out with lightning speed as, at the same time, she grabbed Sucy by the waist and pulled her close, and faster than she’d ever heard, Akko shouted, "Metamorphie Fociesse!"
A spark ignited on the the tip of her wand, and green energy suddenly washed over the bats like a crashing wave. There was a poof of smoke, and then, bright pink butterflies, ones that almost looked like the shape of hearts, came from within, harmlessly flying past them. The fading green lights of the spell cast a perfect glow on her face, highlighting her protective frown, and the determination in her eyes made it clear no one was getting past her..."
LWA commission for @the-black-mage-of-phantasm and their fic Envenomation :)!
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royaltea000 · 8 months
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An extremely American post
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avis-fictional-world · 9 months
Happy to have contributed to How I learned to stop worrying and— oops wrong title— katydid and Zyla_SweetBean’s “How to Stop Fainting and Love Hu-mans”
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Art for @aimportantdragoncollector
If you like this commission and want to illustrate your Fics too, just send me a message 😉.
Go read the fic! You’ll love it 😉 imagine if all the UA students where cool aliens and Izuku, being a human is of course the most dangerous one of all !
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fixmeup000 · 1 month
So uh I'll be explaining it in the picture but basically I'm going homeless and I need money so all commissions are 10 dollars or less
Click on the images to see the full image
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waywardwritesstuff · 2 months
Wayward hi!!!! 👀👀 I would like to request something 🥰 May I request some fluffy headcanons with a gender-neutral reader telling Echo that he's beautiful and telling Crosshair that he's special to them? 🥺✨ May the force be with you
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Sorry it took me so long to answer this. I am terrible with my requests honestly
Telling Echo/Crosshair that they are beautiful
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When you first tell him he stops in his tracks, sort of tripping over his own feet like he had heard you but hadn't registered what you said. He stops and turns to you, his eyes kinda wide with his head tilted slightly in question.
"I said you're beautiful Echo" you say again
He goes stiff, he definitely heard you this time. His heart kind of melts a little bit, you are always a sweetheart, but he had never been called beautiful. Quite frankly he felt a bit ugly, especially since what happened on Skaco Minor. You grab him by the hand and give it a small kiss
"You...really believe that?" he asks timidly
You give him another small kiss on the hand and a reassuring caress on his arm "I really do"
He smiles at that, you are always so kind, he feels so lucky to have met you. To have you by his side through thick and thin.
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When you say it Crosshair whips around to face you, a confused scowl on his face.
"What did you just say?" he says gruffly
Not deterred by his rough attitude you smile at him, "I called you beautiful"
"What are you on about? Shut up"
He scoffs and glowers at you. What are you on about? Are you blind or something? His face is scared up and he can't remember the last time he smiled. Why would anyone, especially you think he was beautiful?
You cup his face with your hand "Listen, I know you won't believe me, but I really think you are beautiful"
"Tsk...you're the one who's beautiful" he mutters under his breath
It's your turn to smile now, you wished you could help Crosshair to see, but you knew his mild attitude was close enough
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kit27x · 1 year
My shadow follows me(ch4)
Chapter 4 So much art this chapter :0
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Macaque was so much fun to draw in this panel. I cant wait for in the story I get to draw him more. But atlas he hiding as a Mk clone.
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This was pose to be a gif, but couldn't get it working.
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Funny thing this happened before season 4 special in our rp/fic.
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I despised drawing Red Son. Just not used to him, but hey I couldn't get Mac pose right. So I made him a shadow ehehe.
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My favorite piece of this chapter next is the noodles one. Also i like drawing monkeys more then human lego Mk.
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ghostlylicious · 2 months
Hellooooo welcome to my silly little blog :3333🐸🇵🇭🍉🏳️‍⚧️
things in this post:
abt this blog
intro to meee
links to help and learn more about 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
other socialsss
commissions‼️(i only accept php)
my ao3 account
❓️about this blog❓️
-asks aren't open for past drama reasons HELPPP
-occasional fanart
-lgbtqia+ safe space
-neurodivergent safe space
-poc safe space
-furry safe space cuz you guys' arts r cute and cool
-not safe space for homophobes, transphobes, racists, prosh*ppers, MAPs, z*onists, anyone in the basic dni criteria really <- instant block🚫
🎉intro to meeee🎉
-you can call me jared, crisanto, or ghostly(licious)🔥
-16 y/o 🥶🥶🥶
-neopronoun user loser (he/they/fae/faer/frog/frogs)
-transmasculine agender‼️
-chaos bi
-writer and artist who barely posts abt ocs and original novels
-anti-social libra ♎️
-identifies too much w angelo from afk game
-can speak english and filipino but sometimes i cannot speak🔥🔥
-constantly shifts between fandoms w no warning
-makes art once every blue moon
-likes: frogs, fantasy stuff, bards, procrastinating, book dandelion, sibling angst, found family, the witcher, cyrano de bergerac, literature, reading, reading abt polyamory
-dislikes: procrastinating, forgetting to eat, the fountain of youth (im scared of the idea of it), society's beauty standards, those fuckass colonizers, studying, cishet guys, ppl who can somehow hold zero respect
🍉links to help and learn more about 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸‼️🍉
i made this art for palestine and decolonize palestine and arab.org are in here 🍉
😲other socialss😲
insta art acc:
fb page for commissions:
if you want to commission plsss message me on fb or instagram for easy communication ✨️
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😰my ao3 acc😰
⚠️WARNING⚠️: theres nsft here but also a good mix of general audiences ones‼️
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the fic i want to promote hsgghs:
anyways thats it ty :3
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 5 months
🍋 Asmodeus x AMAB Reader || More Than Just A Taste~ 🍋
Word Count - 4, 136 words
Genre - Smut/Rated R/18+
Scenario - Asmo wakes up looking for a bit of fun from one of his favorite humans (you). Who would you be to not give him exactly what he wants?~
Thank you for commissioning! I really appreciate the support and love working together! If you wish to work again at any point then I am happy to accommodate you! 💪🏾🫶🏾
Please enjoy the story! I hope you love it!
Light pours into the room, running over two figures that are laid in a snuggly pile of pillows and blankets and such.
Turns out, the house had needed a bit of a break. Recently everyone had been working so hard and Mammon and Asmodeus had come to a conclusion that a sleepover would be great.
There were a bit of complaints but everyone had interestingly enough come to an understanding and so pizza had been ordered, snacks had been made, movies had become analyzed… This actually wasn't such a bad idea.
It was a thought that everyone had eventually came down to, especially you who had been eager from the very start.
You had seemed to have the most fun, from eating the popcorn with Beelzebub to hysterical laughter with Leviathan.
You had fallen asleep before you even realized it, cuddled up with a certain strawberry blond who seemed to already be awake, humming softly while gently rubbing up and down your side. It's light, unconscious even, the little giggle you let out as his fingers drum along your side and when he hears it he grows a smug, sinister look on his lips.
You had slept enough by now right? After all, you were the first to eventually doze off against him. Surely, waking you up now wouldn't be a problem right? And even if it did, you could just forgive him later, yes?
He hums, admiring the sunlight as a crack of it shines along your skin from a crack in the curtains. One of his hands slowly move under you, wrapping around you to caress you stomach, ruffling your shirt before slowly lifting. His other hand continues it's antics, drumming fingers turn to nails lightly running over the now exposed skin of your stomach and you fall right into his trap, waking up with delirious little laughs.
“W…What are you up to?~” you snort, squirming a little, arching into his hold as if to somehow run from the attack but Asmodeus seems to have a nice, firm hold.
He leans in, his breath warm against your throat as he presses against your back and it makes you shiver all over. You could never understand, fathom if these moments between you and him..with his powers you were sure he could make you bend to his whim at any time but you had also come to an understanding that you definitely felt attraction towards the King of Lust whether he used his powers or not. He didn't have to make you submit because you were always ready for him nonetheless. Even with the question you know exactly what he's doing and you nibble at your bottom lip, breath hitching as the uncontrollable need to laugh and the arousal running through you seems to boggle your mind.
“Must I explain? What else am I supposed to do when you're so happily snuggled up to me?” He questions with a playful edge, his voice soft but firm in your ear and you shudder.
“Plus, do you really expect me to resist when you were whimpering and whining my name in your sleep?” He says though his sentence ends in a growl now, his teeth nipping your ear and making you jolt. It's not until you're breathless and shivering, twisting at the feeling of his other hand cupping your crotch that you notice just how hard you are already and with the way he pulls back and giggles Asmodeus seems just as surprised by the appearance.
“Your body is just so honest whenever it's in my care~” he coos, warm breath running over your skin as he moves and nuzzles his face into your nape. He fondled you, cupping your bulge and listening as your voice comes out as a strangled moan. Finding your voice again becomes a hassle, especially when you find yourself rocking against him, rolling your hips between the friction of his hand and his own hips.
He's hard, you can feel it distinctively against your ass, hot and heavy.
“I love that~” he practically sings softly and sweetly in your ear, all cute and innocent even though his intentions are very much clear.
“What…what about the other's?” You breathe, nearly whimpering as his other hand moves to tug down you night pants. You gasp, being exposed and you cock twitching, standing proudly and red at the tip.
“What about em?” He purrs in response and clearly you've managed to fall right into the jaws of a predator. Prey squirming and shivering as his hand moves to run down your stomach, nails gently running along your skin and making your eyes flutter shut tightly. When his hand finally wraps around the base of your cock your breath hitches and you moan brokenly, rutting your hips into his hand and the feeling of pleasure that claws up your spine as he lets you use his hand is enough to make you forget for just a moment that the two of you were in fact not alone.
Someone stirs, groaning slowly in the background and in shock you move a hand to cover your mouth, eyes snapping open while the other hand shoots to grab shakily onto the demon's own wrist.
Asmodeus moves his free hand, the one that's not currently wrapped around your length and quickly covers your mouth for a second.
He seems to pause but not completely, still rolling his wrist around your cock and do so slowly and firmly and it makes your body quake and your eyes roll. You couldn't believe he was putting you through this right now but knowing him of course he was. The idea of being caught probably didn't even bother him and as much as you wanted to say the opposite you had to admit that maybe… you got a bit of a rush from the very idea as well.
What has he made you into?
It's not to say you didn't know a thing or thing about a thing or two but being with Asmodeus was always an experience.
He had done many, many, sinful things now and if he hadn't done them yet he definitely planned to and maybe… this was one of those times.
The Demon of lust seems to pull his hands back for a moment, nails raking back and over your hips and it gets a giggle out of you and a wiggle and as he looks at your back with hungry, lidded eyes, Asmo uses just a bit of magic to slip out of his own pants. Not completely no but enough for his own eager cock to jump out, slapping against your cheeks. It's hot against you honeyed skin and immediately you know what it is, cheeks turning a dark shade of red before you give that ass of yours a wiggle.
It seems to excite the demon, his nails digging in just a bit more as he holds you and his breath coming out in a few pants.
“Careful… don't think I can't hush that mouth of yours even in a scenario like this~” Asmo cooes and just as one would imagine it stirs the already boiling heat in your gut even more. You needed this, needed him and your heart was racing but oh were you eager, eager to have him touch you, rub you, play you like the toy you are.
He bites his bottom lip behind you, admiring your back and smooth lovely skin and then down to your lush, thick ass and his cock that rested beautifully against the cleft of it, his skin standing out against your skin and he loved it almost too much. He just wants to put you on your tummy and fuck your ass open until you begged for mercy or take you and record you for all to see but for now he's content with this… content with his hard cock rested against those juicy cheeks.
He gives a rut, pulling you and rubbing his cock against your skin and it sends the most delicious vibrations running through you just knowing he's just as excited as you are. A pattern is quickly formed, him rocking against you and you rocking back against him and of course at some point Asmodeus leans in whisper the filthiest of things to you. The things he dreams of doing, the things he desperately wants to do and he's kissing at your skin. His lips going from your jawline to your throat and when his cock slips and slides between your thighs thanks to the slick he's built up the both of you seem to moan.
His cock slides against your twitching anus having threatened to penetrate it before slipping on sweet juices the two of your bodies had formed and with guided slick the meaty head of his cock grinded firmly between your thighs before laying hotly under your own cock. It makes your back arch, makes your mouth fall open and your hands grip at the blankets against you and your toes curl and he definitely notices. Asmodeus leans in, groaning lowly, opening his mouth and showing his fangs before lightly biting down into your shoulder and even though the pressure isn't too heavy you feel you asshole twitch with yearning and your cock jumps as precum drips heavily from the tip.
You need him, need him so bad to just stick it in and honestly yours losing your mind, the way that the feeling of his cock heavily pressing against you seems to make you…giggle.
It's like an itch and one your body can't seem to fully handle and so when the noise leaves you Asmo lifts a playful brow, grinning against your skin before sinking his teeth in just a bite harder, forming an indent and you feel yourself completely break.
It's so hard to explain the way Asmodeus feels when he's against you. Of course you knew what he was, who he was but there was nothing like actually being in his arms, held tightly against him while lips ran over you. You get hot and bothered by many things but there was just something specific that seemed to come with him, not just him but everyone…
It's because he's Asmodeus and you enjoy him so much, enjoy when he touches you, tastes you, fucks you and both of you knew that.
“A-Asmo..” you manage to choke out, blushing even heavier as you feel his cock twitch at the way you say his name.
He doesn't immediately respond, purring instead, pulling back from you to take hold of your ass cheeks and spread them. The cool breeze of air that runs over your entrance makes you heart jump into your throat, a mewl falling from your lips as you realize Asmodeus is taking in the scene, the way his cock looks stuffed happily between your thighs while one of the lewdest parts of you glistens on display just for him.
There's a moment where his eyes seem to darken and you shudder, practically feeling the energy vibrating off of him as he lingers close. It's a weighted scent, one that sends emotions through you in a way that makes you just want to give in already. It's good being even just this close to him and Asmodeus has hardly even done anything to you yet. You revel, cheeks red with the blush that colors you beautifully bronze skin and your cock jumping, twitching in excitement.
It's only now that a surge of magic seems to ripple through the air before you find yourself getting wrapped up in the man's arms and hauled up easily. You move to squeak out loud but Asmo quickly covers your mouth with a firm hand, pressing close to your back as he holds you and then begins to move, gathering your sweet body in his arms before quickly moving away and putting distance between the two of you and the group.
He takes you away, quickly moving and rushing to his room, entering and kicking the door closed behind him just to fall with you onto his fluffy bed and sheeting in a fit of limbs.
He huffs out a laugh as you chuckle, his hair slightly messy and his eyes shining as he now towers over your form, looking down at you and your face… your beautiful skin and hard cock which stood proudly even though your shorts loosely hung around your ankles. As he moved to lift your thighs, smooth and warm hands slowly sliding over and under your melanated thighs in order to push them up and it makes you blush deeply especially as Asmodeus doesn't see any problem with looking at you as if you were a meal beautifully wrapped up just for him to dig into. He takes his time even though he's so excited himself, moving in close after a moment, his eyes lidded and focused and yours and you feel your heart banging around in your chest like it's trying to escape your desire for lust even though you definitely weren't going anywhere now.
Not after he so easily swept you up in his arms and ran off like a knight in shining armor.
You wait until he's close, closer than he's probably ever been and gently brush your lips over his own and Asmodeus hums softly at the reaction before pressing his lips into yours.
He's careful at first, so patient and caring and then he gets rougher, nipping and biting your lip after you've kissed for so long that you began to lose your breath. His lips are smooth, his mouth so adamant and your head was spinning, your body growing more and more desperate as the two of you taste each other. It's addicting, the way his lips feels against yours, so much so that when he pulls away… even for just a moment, you manage to whimper.
“Don't worry, I'll take care of you~” Asmodeus coos and it sends you into a frenzy, much more so when he leans in, kissing your lips once more before moving and kissing your jawline and then your throat. As he nips at your collar bone just moments later you groan out, hands moving to grab hold of him but Asmo seems to see it coming, lifting his gaze to look up at you with those eyes of his and while you can see he wants you you can also see that he clearly… wants you to wait. To behave. You suck in a breath before shakily moving your hands to instead grip at the sheets under you.
He doesn't rush; though he's careful as if he's counting the pores on your tanned skin, humming softly here and there when you seem to stir as he presses his lips against spots that are sensitive. He finds it alluring, cute, attractive and Asmodeus can't seem to really control himself the more kisses he lays against that skin. The heated smooches lead lower and lower until you lose track of controlling your own desire. Just from kisses alone he has you rolling your head back, biting your bottom lip, shivering… and you can't imagine what it'll feel when you actually give yourself to him.
“A-Asmo-” you whine only to jerk, gasping loudly when something hot and slippery runs leisurely over your puckered anus. He purrs between your legs, liking that sound…loving the reaction and so Asmodeus does it once more. Trailing that heated tongue of his slowly and firmly over you asshole and as you mewl, twitching and squeezing around nothing already Asmo takes the time to now wrap a hand slowly around your cock as his tongue swipes and swirls sinfully at that sensitive hole of yours. There's nothing you can do but accept that passion, panting now and heavily as your eyes flutter shut and squeeze tight. You move your hands down, freeing the sheets from the death grip you had on them and now moving them under your hips.
Asmo keeps his eyes on you, lidded and curious and when you take hold of you fat and plush ass cheeks before spreading them for him.. holding them open some more as well as your thighs which shook now, Asmo felt something in himself fall apart.
“A-Asmo… Asmodeus please..” you gasped, breathing heavily as your toes curl now. How could you not? Who would you be to refuse him?
You simply couldn't and he loved knowing that.
He pulls back from you puckered and now slobbery wet anus, taking a moment to watch you pant and watch it twitch, clearly craving to be filled. Asmodeus was hard, extremely and so much so that he also moves to now slowly wrap his hand around the based of your heated cock.
It makes you cry out, the feeling of him touching you where you seemed to need it the most while also taking the time to continue eating your ass.
You can't seem to handle your voice now, nipples hard and cheeks red as your legs settled on his shoulders. As long as you've been here now there just always was something that absolutely drove him crazy about this demon and the others.
Asmo eventually pulls away, slowly; his head carefully pulls back and a strand of saliva can be seen connecting him to you before the strand breaks and begins to cool on your twitch anus. His cheeks are red too, granted probably not as bad as your own but when Asmo looks you in the eyes again he chuckles softly before snuggly wrapping his hand around your cock again but this time he gathers your testicles in his hold as well… kinda like a cock ring. Holding you in the most sensitive of places right now.
You whine loudly not caring at all now if there was a possibility of getting caught because you were getting off one way or another.
“I love hearing you beg~...” He breathes, panting heavily before he lets you go but only for a moment in order to pull his trousers down and release his cock from his confines. It jumps out, hard and pink at the tip due to sensitivity and you blush deeply when you return to look at it taking in account of its impressive length and the sweet, smooth skin of it that just made you want to touch it all over and in every way possible.
“Do it more.~” Asmo purrs as he moves to put his hands back on you and like a good boy you lay back again but not without reaching your hand out to touch him so more. It's hard not to with him being so close, Asmodeus really was a fine man and it was clear just why he was known for what he was known for. Your stomach is bubbling with need and you beg him, panting out for him to come closer… to give you what both of you wanted and Asmo could spend hours, days, teasing that beautiful body of yours until you quite literally a broken mess. The look in your eyes says it all and for a moment as he sees it Asmodeus smiles, then chuckles softly before placing his hands on each side of your body to stabilize himself.
He can't wait.
He needs to fuck you silly, and so he moves his hips against yours, biting his lip and groaning when his cock slides against your own before getting caught and the slippery rim that throbbed and twitching, being him to enter. Who would Asmo be not to help? And so, he shifts, the head of his cock getting caught on your skin again before slowly pushing forward, the round and hot tip pushing past your tight muscle and you jolt, arching under him as a long moan falls from your lips as Asmodeus pushes in inch by inch until his cock is snuggly wrapped around your fluttering pink walls.
He's only just started and yet your breath is ragged, ruined.
The feeling of him pressed balls deep in your wet and slutty asshole leaves you breathless, the itch of it all just starting to kill you. You hadn't even noticed until now, until you felt the head of his cock nudging your pink walls but you're definitely closer than you'd like. You wanted to last longer, to just hold and fuck him all night but maybe Asmodeus was just too good at his job. Too good at charming his way into bed with people in order to have his way with them and oh you wanted to be used…
Needed to be used.
“P-Please Asmo! Pleasepleaseplease, just fuck me already just ram it into me-AHN!~” You cried out, gasping and jerking when Asmo slowly pulls his hips back just to slam right back in and when he slams into that sweet bundle of nerves in you it's clear that you've lost your mind; shaking, trembling, moaning and whining as he doesn't waste time building a pattern, quickly taking notice of what you seemed to like. He's so good, so adamant, so talented at just what he does and you're so helpless under her.
He touches you, hands moving and caressing you all over until he grins wickedly and takes hold of your cock and balls again, wrapping a hand around them before squeezing, groping, and tugging on them and it's simply too much.
Your head felt like goop, as if you had easily and willingly given yourself to a starving creature who was more than happy to consume you whole. More than happy to take you in every fashion of the word until all you should do is squeak and gasp and beg for both mercy and so, so much more.
He slides in and out, over and over and over again, the sound of skin slapping against skin and groans and moans filling the air as he fucks you, holding and tugging on you and matching up with each thrust in the process before he manages to get even greedier. As you grow louder, needier, dirtier, Asmodeus hisses under his breath. He curses softly as he looks at you, the way your face is all sweaty and red and your lush lips are open in desperate cries. From time to time you will open your eyes as an attempt to watch everything he's doing to you but when he hits one of those perfect spots you jolt and buck and beg him for more even though it feels almost too much, so much.
He moves to lean in even closer, watching you with his lidded eyes as he leans in, hooking his hands under your knees in order to keep you nice and open with he fucked your asshole open and coated his cock with your natural juices. It doesn't help that the slight change in position allows him to sink deeper. His cock firmly rutting and slamming into your prostate and what else can you do but take it like a good fucking boy?
“You're so cute…” he growls.
“Crying out my name, taking my cock like you're supposed to… that's right take it.” He says and his tone is a bit lower, feral, primal, and it's clear that he's just as gone as you are not.
It's so good that there's tears in your eyes ready to fall and run down those red cheeks of yours and Asmo loves it, loves knowing that currently out of everyone else… he was the one who was having you like this… having you like a slut on the corner, fucking you like he wanted to cum inside and breed you.
“Takeittakeittakeit.” he hisses, groaning as he continues to slam in and out of you, abusing your hole at this point until you cried out again, shouting out his name as you cum so fucking hard that I feels like the world is crashing around you as you toss your head back and rut until cum shoots up from your cock in a thick and heavy load. It makes him giggle, watching as you gasp and shake and then move your hands to shakily push on his chest like you can't decide whether or not you actually want to stop and he can't resist it either.
He cums hard, thick fluid shooting out of his cock and coating your twitching walls until you were so full of his cum that it carefully dripped out and slowly down the crack of your ass cheeks.
The two of you pant heavily; messy and covered in sweat and cum and fuck you loved when he did this to you and oh boy did Asmodeus love doing it.
You doubted you'd ever get sick of being under him.
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