#anywya lmao
kuiinncedes · 1 year
i miss him :c
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sasdavvero · 2 years
I see all y'all's little tags and I appreciate them (even know I dunno how to answer lmao)
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fereldanwench · 4 months
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🍿 NOW PLAYING 🍿 Immortal in the Code: A Cyberpunk 2077 Series
Compelled by a desperation that only Night City can incite, two Arasaka veterans become unlikely partners in a quest for atonement and salvation. Just renewed for a fourth season!
[created with this template by @seungnm ♡]
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dailyserirei · 1 year
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(Valentines Day // White Day PART2)
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zrllosyn-art · 1 month
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In which naru has a proper older sibling moment, for once.
prompted by smth @eizaamkc mentioned in the KN8 discord
(go check out her art!!! its good!!)
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pencilhattopy · 1 year
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sns and hsmd
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shimmerstar · 1 year
Idia when he steps out of his room on episode 7 part 3:
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wickjump · 12 days
okay so i’m not much a fan of there being other dreams and nightmares out there in the mv for whatever reason. but like.
it’s rare for aus to just have one version like dreamtale seems to. and i get its nim being from another world yadda yadda but what if. what if there are multiple dreamtales out there, with “routes” like other aus. the negative route being where nightmare eats the apple, and the positive one being where he doesn’t.
and in the negative route, nightmare is supposed to remain in dreamtale. he’s not supposed to leave, rather rule over the land and be alone, either with dream killing him or dying after 500 years. but neither of them are supposed to leave. but in the dreamtale we know in love, there was a flaw. similar to error, similar to ink, similar to core or fatal error. and nightmare managed to escape, as did eventually dream.
this would also mean that there are positive routes to dreamtale where dream and nightmare live happily. because they’re too positive, nightmare doesn’t go to them. and dream didn’t realize they existed. but imagine being dream, and finding a world like your own, a world that is your own. one you didn’t think existed, you thought you were the only one. and in this world, you’re happy, your brother is alive, he’s happy. or maybe finding your world before the apple incident, and you know this is a bad route. but you know just as much that the one you’re working with (ink) would not be happy with you changing the script.
would he break that rule and hope ink didn’t notice? would he sit and watch, because his memory was so blurry at the time, thinking about what he could’ve done different? would he go to a timeline far back enough that there was no worries, to reminisce on the time he and his brother were kids, yet between the smiles he can notice the bruises he didn’t when he was a young child, and he starts to feel sick to his stomach, because he should have known, and now he can’t do anything about it.
if we go a more fanon route, where nightmare isn’t satan incarnate and is passive except darker morally, how would he react? how would he feel, knowing that there was an easier route to this, where he could’ve stayed happy, that he didn’t need to do what he did. would he regret it? or if corrupted and passive are separate entities, and passive is just a ghost following him around, would he go to other dreamtales per passive’s request?
he gets the mtt treatment whenever they visit a pacifist classic timeline lmfao
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gojonanami · 4 months
lmaooo is satoru just like getting ice cream?? like what??? ahahaha i can't even
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he is truly our pookie and I love this idiot
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micamicster · 26 days
HII MICA i just wanted to ask your thoughts in the new season now that youve finished it, especially your favorite moments, episodes, and songs!!
Ok here are my long awaited (sorry babe!) season 2 thoughts! This really got away from me haha but long story short: I loved it ❤️
Long story medium: Nida Manzoor has done it again—beautiful, vibrant, funny, and poignant. A season 2 that succeeds in expanding the world and deepening our understanding of the characters. And the songs are great!
Long story LONG: under the cut <3 (and also I’ve reread this and i have managed to avoid any major spoilers so if you haven’t watched yet this post should be safe!)
I went into this season VERY apprehensive. I think the first season is a practically perfect season of television, and over the last few years I’ve had plenty of time to think of all the ways a second season could fail to deliver. But as the credits rolled on season 2 episode 1 my sister and I just sat there grinning at the screen like you guys we are SO back!!!!
Some thoughts, in no particular order:
The writing: Nida Manzoor has a knack for putting her finger right on the sore spot—right on the place where the show is most likely to receive criticism, and digging in. Not in a gotcha, bad faith sort of way, but by pulling those issues apart and showing how painful and complicated and nuanced these questions of representation and responsibility really are. Not to give too many spoilers but whew. Her episode fives! Other people can speak to this better than me but this seasons episode 5 was raw, painful, pointed… simultaneously a criticism of art and representation as political commentary, and like the only possible political commentary that could be made under these conditions. Fictional battles with censorship, identity, representation, and responsibility meet the very real world, where Nida Manzoor is producing a real show. To quote manzoor herself, “i don’t want to give the answer to the audience because i don’t have it—I don’t want to ever feel like I’m preaching or delivering a sermon about anything; instead, just posing the question.” It’s such a good show guys.
Character Arcs: The arcs given to the band members who were secondary characters in season one were executed beautifully. Getting more insight into Taz, Ayesha, and Bisma (and giving more to do to their incredible actresses!) was exactly what I’d hoped for from a season 2.
God I Wish The Show Was Longer part A: While I loved (and badly wanted!) more time with the other girls, I did miss the tight focus on saira and Amina as narrative foils and drivers of each others character development that season one had. Not just from a shipping perspective! (although we all know I’m guilty of shipping for sure lol). But I did miss their relationship, and a longer season would have given us more time to spare from the other important arcs going on to return to things I loved about season one.
Compared to season 1: One difference I noticed was how the surrealist elements aren’t only contained to Amina/her narration anymore, but that other characters have them or interact with them (Bisma pausing her arguments, Ahsan trying and failing to interrupt the spotlight on Amina and Billy). I thought it was a great way to show how much closer the characters have become (that Ahsan would even notice Amina’s little fantasy!) and also as a way to give narration over to different characters (Bisma being the clear pov in those fights as compared to Amina narrating things she’s only heard about in season 1). Another difference is how each episode of season 1 is so well-contained and precise, while I feel the show sprawls more in season 2 as a result of expanding the world and becoming more of a true ensemble show. This isn’t a criticism—shows need to expand in order to continue to grow! Just an observation, which leads us to:
God I Wish The Show Was Longer part 2: Around episode 4 and 5 I wondered if they were going to be able to tie everything up, given how many complex issues and conflicts had been raised. I had no reason to doubt—Nida Manzoor brought these conflicts and arcs to deeply satisfying conclusions, without feeling like these issues lost nuance or were reduced in complexity for the sake of a finale. It’s incredible what all she managed to achieve in 6 episodes! That said, I would have loved to have been able to see more of the characters journeys, and one or two more episodes would have given things more room to breathe. I would have loved to see more of Taz’s work with other artists, or Saira becoming more comfortable with the idea of herself as a mentor. Bisma’s arc in particular I thought could have used more time, although Faith Omole’s stunning performance of Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood does beautiful emotional work for her arc (and tbh for everyone else’s arcs—it’s a centerpiece of the episode and a great example of what a song can do for character, emotion, and arc in a musical narrative). Which brings us to!
The performances/songs: Putting these two together to say that every actress delivered an incredible award-worthy performance, juggling comedy and dramatic acting skillfully. And the songs! Villain Era is on fucking repeat in this house. Already said Misunderstood is amazing but it should be said again. Nina is pretty much the toughest act in the world to follow but Faith fucking does it. Stunning ❤️ Speaking of Faith her doing the voices in Oops I Did It Again was the happiest I’ve been all year oh my god this show is so much funnnnnnn everyone watch it it’s so! fun!
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bushmonsterr · 9 months
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god i love dinosaur deer lesbians
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doodles-in-sand · 5 months
Sunagram -- Jackalope (Jackie) and Es
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made these assets for a strawpage thing for my ocgram :)
I forgot to post these 😔 look at my ocgram wardens boy
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chalkeater · 2 years
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I’m SO glad you guys agree with this so here’s a bonus just for you (and me bc i LOVE being self indulgent as you may know) (oh my god its @girlnextdeer my girlfriend)
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nosleep83 · 10 months
Can we get an info dump on mm rasey pls
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angelpuns · 10 months
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this is frustratingly not the full sized image but instead a screesnhot :(
I had some issues exporting this cause it's a big file and my computer is actively dying, but here's dystopian au Eugene!!
Except, he can't really remember his name or where he came from, all he knows is he misses something. Something or someone important. He can't remember faces or names, but he remembers a feeling. And he remembers being a lot smaller. I think the dystopian au is a branch off of Eugene's normal timeline, since he can live for a very very very long time! One day he'll be big enough to hold a planet in his hands sooooo it's safe to assume he's gonna live a long long tim :)
also here's some design notes cause I thought about this way too hard:
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idk how legible they are, so I'll type a few of them out:
telephone poles got stuck in his back when he cooled and he got tangled in them the first time he tried to actually get up.
gets bigger every year, but as soon as he grows that part cools over again and he's stuck.
so much rock has accumulated on his legs/knees that he can't get up and he's afraid he'll lose another limb if he tries to break free.
can't speak (no mouth) but you can hear him crying sometimes :)
cried so hard he left pools of magma/lave (idk the difference between the two) running down his cheeks :)
scars and stuff that were there before stayed open for some reason? he doesn't know why. He doesn't remember how they got them either.
he tried to get the rock off of his arm but ended up breaking off the entire arm and now there's lava free flowing from there. He can sort of harden it to move it, but it doesn't ever cool quickly enough to hard again.
maybe he did this on purpose to protect someone. He doesn't know. But he can't grow hot enough to get out anymore.
overall the science of this doesn't make sense, but since he's sort of a mystical creature anyway it's aafe to say his body properties are a little fucked up :/
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zrllosyn-art · 1 month
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Drawn based off the realization kikorun is like, a rich kid, rich kid.
(Naru on the other hand is big orphan kid energy)
(also sibling bonding hours)
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