#anywayyyy yah!
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sappy-detective · 1 year ago
another saiouma ‘detective’ AU i’ve had for a while but done know how to write down without sounding dorky. but then i remember this is tumblr, so here
have you guys watched that episode of attorney woo (ep 10) where woo is on the train and sees a guy getting arrested and try’s to help? yah but make it saiouma (and semi chaotic).
shuichi is doing something, on the train, or at a coffee shop and this cute preteen boy bursts through the door, looks at shuichi and
K: “hey! aren’t you like that detective guys nephew yah!?“
and like 5 officers are casing him with guns and he hides behind shuichi
K: “dude you need to help me! make them go away!”
S: “w-what??! i’m his nephew not a magician! the hell am i supposed to do!”
K: “i don’t fucking know do something!!”
S: “im 15 what am i supposed to do!?-“
PO: “sir step away from him, he’s a murder suspect”
S: “i would like to but he won’t let me”
that OR and AU where they’re very happy and steady on a four year long relationship and one thanksgiving day there’s a mock knock at the door, it’s shuichis work buddy’s
S: “um.. sorry but you wernt invited to my thanksgiving..”
PO: “actually we’re here him, kokichi ouma- you! you’re under arrest for-”
and boom he starts running, other cops start looking around their home and he’s like
S: “um you can’t do that withou-”
PO: “we already have a warrant.”
oumas under arrest for murder (he ran before they even said what it was in the beginning) he thought it was something else he did and IS in fact, guilty of but it’s WAYY less crazy then murder. him running just makes him look guilty as fuck.
shuichi has to go through the crazy though of his boyfriend actually doing something that fucking atrocious. and, we’ll, prove him inocente, not in an official way, but the same way he solved a cold case when being underage.
ANDDD! not to mention ouma lying about a lot of stuff to do his real, not so crazy, but also not so small crime (probably something involving DICE. don’t have to be crazy but i do think that’s his family and he’d do a LOT for them, including lying about what and where he is to shuichi)
either way, ouma is going to jail for something he didn’t do! because,,, obsessed with detective shuichi.
but then again… it would be a lot of shuichi and not enough ouma to be considered a saiouma fic… so maybe not that interesting … whomp whomp whatever! they’re AUs i like to think about trying to sleep :3
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cronchyyysantiago · 2 months ago
Since I saw you're doing asks I got one!) Dandy what made you want to help finn revert back to normal? And Shrimpo when you were alone what did you do if yah got bored? Like did start any hobbies or continued old ones?
I’m only doing one this time since I drew a lot for this question!!
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For the first part of the question
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ANYWAYYYY! I might draw some sorta poster for my au in all honesty! Or something a tad more “serious” in regard to art for it. Basically it would be a poster though. Fun fact! Shrimpo is about like- 5’1- 5’5. Either way, he’s a short guy; so Dandy would technically be like- 4 foot ish? Maybe more than that. But I’d have to find a height generator thing. I’ll do the “math” eventually.
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crappymixtape · 1 year ago
aight, so part 3 and 4 of because of you is coming! hopefully both next week?? thinking of posting another teaser OR just all of part 3 today, might just be shorter than i anticipated.
and THEN, then then then, yah girl is gonna be putting a CHUNK of time into writing the book i’m gonna publish ( saying this like it’s gonna happen cos we are manifesting 👏🏼 that 👏🏼 shit 👏🏼 ) sooooo…
any of my moots or lovely readers wanna be beta readers for it??? if you’re interested DM me or send me an ask and i can share drafts with you as they’re ready 🙏🏼 at some point i wanna compensate people for their time too, just don’t have the $$ yet, but TRUST i got your name on a list and i intend on appreciating you 🖤
anywayyyy, here’s to not doing the same shit over and over and breaking the stupid corporate cycle and going after your dreams because fuck it you deserve to be happy!! ✨✨
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finders-keepers-ada · 1 year ago
You've got to be kidding me..
Do I have to do this? . . . I suppose if Father and my girlfriend are here I'll deal with everyone.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------shoot me now guys<3/j Molly is an orphan the agency picked up and could never get rid of^^
Her ability is "Finders Keepers", it allows her to leave a mark on someone, great for if a suspect runs away when on a case. ANYWAYYYYS ITS YAH BOI LEON HERE HEHE
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legobatjoker · 2 years ago
yo its like 4:30 slayy and funfact idk where my phone is and ithink its downstairs and im not going to go down there to check bc wasking ppl up ill just ask someone else to do find my iphone tmrw its times like this were i wish i had a stupid fucking macbook isntead of a hp laptop so i cld at least know if its in my room but then i remeber that stupid fucking macbooks are stupid but tht does mean tht i cant set an alwarm so ill wakeup whenever form a probably 5am bettime knowing when how long it takes me to sleep. whatever man also i might do one quick check of my room and find it but maybe no who knows !!! my plan for this week is just to sleep in however much anyway ANYWAYYYY suchh a long unnsessiary rant BUT i need ot get to bed ASAP so i will but beofre i do i rly just wanna say tht !! u rly are just such a lovely time getting to vc today and to chat and talk and hear ur voice nad spend time w you just like i always do dearest and ihope you know i really do just love oyu soso very much and i really am just sos gla and grateful to like be friends with you and like have u like in my life nd tht ur so like kinda and caring and thoughtful and sweet and understanding and good to me i rly do jsut appreacite it soso much and just like. you are just such a wonderful like part of my life like just such a wonderful warm comforting part of it and just knowing u brings me osos much joy nad light and happiness and i hope you know that u rly od mean the world ot me and i really do just love you soso very much dearest, mwah !!! 💕💗🐞🦋🌻🌸🐛💞💞💖💖💗💗✨✨✨
deudhjcdfnd naurrr not the missing phone and 5amness !! and i sooo get u on the macbook thing like i want a macbook but no i absolutely do not LMFAO anywayyy YES LITERALLY SLEEP IN AS MUCH AS U WANT !!! sleep is important and i hope u can get good rest in <333 but anyway yah omggg bcing was sooo lovelyyy like i really did lovee getting to chat and watch the video ad just like !! its sooo wonderful to be friends with you and spend time with you dearest like i am sosoooo grateful i get to and u just are suchhhh an amazingly incredible part of my life tooo and im sooo glad i can b the same for u and like u do absolutely just mean the world to me as well like !! yah ahh i just love yousooooo muchhhhhhhh !! mwah gnightt
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extenler · 7 months ago
TOP 3 KU Horizon (karena ini aku jadi jatuh cinta sama hongjoong) tulisan kamu di sini jugaaa baguss sekalii aku jadi merasa ikutan disayang seperti axelle, apalagi yg pov nya lingga🥺
Terusss Soundtrack (aku suka karena perpaduan bahasa inggris dan indo di narasinya makin smooth gitu, makin enak dibacaaa) ini overdrive jugaaaaaa sihhh haduhhh masa cuma 3...
Trusssss Blue, Khaissa🥺 menurut akuuu setelah before may, au kamu yg konfliknya bener bener kayak mengurassssssss emosiii saat baca ya blue ini, dan jujur ajaa blue au non nct pertama yang aku baca dan aku jatuhhhh cinta yang cinta bgtt kayak, wahh ternyata aku sukanya memang sama tulisan kamu bukan sama fc yang kamu pakai. Jadiii please teruss menulis ya kakak, aku suka sekaliiiiiiiiiii
Setelah blue 1995 series... EHEEHEHEHEHEHEH gamaw ah kalau cuma 3, aku suka semua tapi kalau 1995 series diturutin aku suka joel-orion-daniel-theo. Tapi sebenernya cinta pertamaku di universe kamu orion sih kak, yaampunnn dia masih jualan kutang ga? Hehehe, aku baca Randesvouz diawal 2023 setelah itu baru aku baca 1995 series semuaaa abistu baru blue pas udah mendekati ending alias pas issa menghilang dari khai huhu so sad. Jadi itunganya aku new readers, yah?? Tapi gpp gasiiii kan aku tetap cinta kamu.
Sudah deh kayaknya kok pajang bgtttttt, intinya terimakasih sudah menulis ya kak, love u🤍
OMGGGGGG senang sekali membacanyaaaahhhh!!! that’s okay anywayyyy mau baru atau nggak semuanya sama saja kok as long as you enjoy reading my writing then it’s all good!!! terima kasih sudah menyampaikan pendapat km sayang i appreciate it a lot love you too met bobo yaaah 🩶
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gemsofthegalaxy · 4 years ago
i saw a post that was like "yes im a hypocrite because i am villain stan but i Hate Matthias" and i find it funny bc im (usually) the opposite?
it has spurred yet another round ofquestioning my own tastes. Plot twist, i don't usually like villains. My favourite character for a long time was Steve "I dont like bullies and I would move mountains for my best friend" Rogers (pre endgame, obvi, dont touch me). So umm Intense, powerful, dominant or domineering men arent reaaallllyyy my thing (again, Usually.
Like if im REALLY honest the Darkling doesn't do much for me- when i was reading the book, i was very intrigued when it seemed like he might actually be an ally to Alina, but with an edge to him. Then when he went full evil i was like "Sigh. Yeah. I'm disappointed but not at all surprised, I mean his name is the Darkling for gods sake"
And yet..... I Like Matthias. Or, at least, I want to like Matthias, more than I want to like the Darkling. Note, i haven't read SOC yet so my opinions might change but its more about his character type
I should take the time to say- I know I dont Need to dissect my likes and dislikes, and being too introspective is actually probably a bad thing but i also.... need to dissect my likes and dislikes ughh lmao.
Anyway, I wonder if its not based on how much power the character ACTUALLY has? Like. If a man has too much Actual, Social power over a woman I am squicked and dislike it. However if he's a dick but their power imbalance is not as skewed, or if he's ill-informed, raised to be an ass and could get Better (i love me a jerk w a heart of gold), that's more likely to be something I like?
Because other Asshole Men I have liked are like, Draco Malfoy, with Hermione. he has some power over her for sure, he's of the oppressive class etc, but hes not Voldemort nor an adult or teacher/mentor and she is Smarter than him so it feels a bit more even? And then Damien from the Bright Sessions, who does have literal power over people because he can essentially influence their decisions (which I do sometimes like at a darker level tbh), but I also like the idea of him being a jerkass with Limits, the vestiges of a Moral Compass and the potential to Get Better. And, he might have power at that individual level, but he's, again, not some rich CEO or teacher.
Also, I will say, sometimes just the presence of an alternative character more typical to my likes is enough to turn me off the potential bad boy. For instance, hh i just Cant honestly truthfully get fully into Zutara (and tbh Zuko ISNT as... dark as many of the others on the list? He has More softness than most anyway, especially as time goes on) because. Well, Aang is right there and he's sweet and funny and they're best friends and Katara does like him back lmao so as much as I am like "yeah i can see the appeal in zutara and i like it well enough"... at the end of the day, it's Kataang for me
And i guess ultimately... that's the thing. No two characters are exact copies, so my relationship to each and every character will be different, even if there are trends and predictors i can use, sometimes you just latch onto something even if its not your norm. I still like to think about myself and my relationship to characters because thats part of fandom that brings me joy/i cant help myself tbh but. Yah. Anywayyyy
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welcometoherdomain · 4 years ago
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Chapter 3.
"ken-ken!" Y/N yelled from the balcony of their 2nd floor. As she waves her hand in the balcony to Kenma's window because she locked her out from his room to prevent her from ruining his streams. He looked at her from the inside annoyed, she laughed even more. But Kenma walked near to his window, looking at her. She waved again and put her cardboard up with some writings in it.
'PLEASE PICK ME FOR YOUR STREAM! it was written, he just looked at her as she points the writing on the cardboard. Ever since the day he secretly looked at Y/N he tried avoiding her even more, and continuously hated her for being such an annoying pain in the ass in his quiet life.
Then before he can close the curtain, the doorbell rang, fast as a cat, YN run, Kenma sighed and open his room door, and followed her. YN opened the door as Kenma makes his way down the 1st floor to the door. "YN!" An orange-haired guy smiled sweetly at YN and she gives her also her sweet smile. "Shoyo!" then she hugged him, welcoming him to the house.
"Where's Auntie? "Shoyo asked her. "with grandmother," she answered, he nodded, Kozume smiled when he saw Shoyo. "Kozume!" Shoyo greeted and make his way to Kenma, giving him a hug too. YN pouted because Kenma can't give her a smile like that.
YN breaks the hug, pulled Kozume away from Shoyo, "No. Too much!"she whined. Shoyo laughed as he sees YN pouted, Kozume just blinked and ignored her. Still letting her clung into his arms, felt right for him.
They now play with Kozume thanks to Shoyo, she gets to play with him. "Are you going  to stream today?"Shoyo asks as he munched the chocolate chip that YN made.  While YN plays Resident evil on Kenma's big gamer Tv and console. Almost her attention is in it. "No. I'll just move it tomorrow," he answered, looking at Shoyo seating on the ground with Y/N.
"Yah! Fuck you!" Y/N screamed almost throwing the console. "Hey! I'll kill you if you broke that game console!"Kenma screamed back. "Whatever babe." she teased and still focused on the game. "Babe?" Shoyo asked. Kenma completely shakes his head. "never."
"Then can I date her then?" A voice from his door echoed and Kuroo was now in the door frame. He smiled and put his keys on Kozume's table and the paper bag with strawberry cake in it. Y/N smiled at him widely and waved at him.
"How did you get here, the door was locked," Kozume said plainly as he opened the paper bag. "Y/N gave me a spare key," he said. "Why did you do that?" Kozume asked now looking at Y/N who is still focused on the game.
"Yah! Get the fuck out there! Where's my gun?" she yelled not minding Kozume's question. Shoyo just laughed and fed her a cookie still mumbling some things on the game.
Kenma just shakes his head and makes his way to the kitchen to get plates and utensils while Kuroo is seating on the sofa behind Y/N and Shoyo.
"WAAHHHH!! DIE DIE DIE!" Y/N yelled almost pressing the console so hard and Shoyo cheering him up making her adrenaline even more on fire, Kuroo laughed and smiled at the sight of her. Kenma went in and put the plates with slices in them and hand them to Shoyo and Kuroo.
"Where's mine?" Y/N asked still focused on the screen, some glances give to Kenma. "you get it." he said not looking at her. She moaned angrily, "I hate you!" she said Kenma was somehow shocked, the first time hearing her say that word because she always says she loves him and like him over and over again.
"Finally, Y/N hated  Kenma." Kuroo teased and claps. "Joke!' YN laughed. "Love you mwuahh!" she said glancing at Kenma, and give him a wink. Kenma for some reason felt at ease that Y/N take her words back.
An hour later Y/N and Shoyo are done playing and tugged Shoyo outside. While Kenma and Kuroo talked business stuff. They're too focused that they didn't notice Shoyo and Y/N got out.
"Y/N where we going?" Shoyo asked,  Y/N just smiled. "Let's go party!" she said now getting her big speakers in her room. "Sure! here let's go!" Shoyo said but YN hold his arm and went outside.
"Not there,  here!  outside! Making a goddamn party here!" she said. As she put down the speaker beside the road. Shoyo's eyes widened.
"What? no!  It's embarrassing! This might get us in trouble" he said quickly but she shushes her. She gets her phone and calls someone and without a minute.
"Hinata!!!!!!!" from a distance he can see his teammate Bokuto running to their place while Akaashi is beside him, he then saw Atsumu with his brother Osamu.
Y/N jumped and waved at them. "We're not alone!" she said jumping.
"y/n!" from the other side she can see Yachi with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima and Kageyama. "perfect!" she smiled.
Shoyo looked at her, "I really want to do this before I go!" she said. She then now looked at Shoyo with her puppy eyes. "Please." Shoyo deleted his hesitation and smiled happily at her.
"Let's fucking do this!" she said and played a blasting song on her speaker.
"If the guards come,  better run okay?" she yelled. And without a minute cars parked around the round blasting their headlights and speakers in it.
Still focused on business things as Kozume and Kuroo talk, then nonstop horns from the outside disturb their talk, he thought that Shoyo and Y/n just got out for a drink. He then looked at the window and his eyes widened, a party at the road was made. Four cars making honking sound nonstop with blasting music, Kuroo looked from behind him and laughed.
"She is really interesting," he said and went to take his coat out. "I'll be joining them," he said. But Kenma is annoyed what she's doing, making such trouble in this neighborhood will definitely get them in trouble. He and Kuroo went out quickly,  he locked his house door and they were surprised even more at how many people were in there, it's a damn party, how long they've been here?  Some of the people in the neighborhood join and bring their own drinks.
"Bokuto bro!" Kuroo yelled as he sees Bokuto dancing nonstop like no ones was around, he and Kuroo hugged and pulled him in.
Kenma wandered his eyes to find someone, and he finally saw her, dancing with Atsumu so crazily. He makes his way to her but Shoyo waved at him and stop his way.
Dawn has now finally begun and it's turning dark soon, he smells the alcohol on Hinata's breath,  "Join us Kenma woohh!" He said and pulling him in, "Shoyo, are you drunk? you reek so much in  alcohol."He said softly. Shoyo then shakes his head and leaves him so suddenly and went to Bokuto and Kuroo. Kenma now makes his way to Y/N with Atsumu but they moved and pulled Bokuto and others in the middle.
"Shit.' Kenma mumbled, disaster,  trouble ugh! he thought.
He tried to make his way to her, then all of a sudden because of too much alcohol, she pulled Kuroo to her and kiss him. The whole crowd yelled, Kuroo blinked and Y/N stopped and sleepily made a shocked face. "Yah! I thought you're loyal to tHE CEO!" Alisa said,  sister of Lev who is now holding Lev drunk.
Y/N looked around looks like finding Kenma,  she didn't spot her because her vision is getting blurry. "Whatever, he doesn't like me anywayyyy!" she whined like a baby. Kenma stood silently while looking at her. Something build on Kenma's chest, anger? jealousy? Impossible, he thought. Then out of nowhere, police sirens come and so the rain started pouring heavily.
The whole crowd panic. "Stop this party you're disturbing the neighborhood!" the police yelled, Y/N smiled "Run!" she yelled, and before she can run someone pulled her hand and it was Kenma. The crowd runs so as the cars,  police starting to halt them but even though they're drunk it was planned. Everyone makes their way to escape.
Kenma run with YN while she laughed at them, as she let the unknown guy to her pulled her. Finally out of sight they hide behind the car as the rain continues to pour. "I hope all of them got out !" Y/N yelled Kenma covered her mouth because they might get caught. YN looks at him, "hey you look like Kyanma!" she said in a muffled tone because Kenma's hand is covering her mouth. "I am Kenma, idiot.' he softly said now looking at her, who is now drenched. "Look what trouble you cause," he said looking at her. "No not kenma! wait no." YN said almost sleepy and holding her chest, 'no' she thought. "Let's go home," he said. He pulled her making her stand up, yet she stumbled because of how drunk she is. "Wait you are Kenma! You pulled me!" she yelled almost jumping. Fixing her vision while he pulled her back in the direction of the house. "Do you like me already?" she said happily,  eyes are sleepy, he didn't answer letting the rain poured them over and over again so drenched.
"Well you can't like me though!" she said. "Why?" Kenma answered quickly. "because I'm-"Leaving."  he cut her and she nodded even though he still pulling her from behind. He just went silent as they continue walking.
Almost closed to the house, it was now empty, Kuroo is sleeping outside on the bench of the garden of the house so as Shoyo, Bokuto and Akaashi, he then saw Yachi and Akane. He sighed and let go of YN's hand. Leaving her behind. He opens the door and sighed because tomorrow the cops will definitely ask him what happened. He then realizes YN is not behind him, he looked and he saw she's beside the road where he left her and hand, hugging her knees, his eyes widened, worried. He went near her. He lifts her head slowly, putting away the wet strand of her hair away from her face, he saw her holding her chest tightly and her eyes are red like she's crying, Kenma's eyes widened and hold her cheeks. "what happen are you hurt?!" he asked worriedly. still drenched she smiled, her chest burns, the heart pumps like it hurt every beat.  Her breath shortened, she still smiling beside what she feeling.
"Let me." she softly said. And then a swift second she kissed him, it's like it is her medicine. Kenma let her for some reason, his hands want to push her away but it's like he wanted it, liked it. She broke the kiss and now looked at him. "I- h-hate you." out of nowhere he said. "You ruin-ruined my life," he said softly, he doesn't know where that comes from but he knows he's scared because that line was supposed to be negative but it was a positive statement. "hate me more please," she whispered almost her eyes sleepy and then she smiled. "I kissed a guy so hate me- more," she said softly her head almost falling down.
He looked at her. "Yes and I hate you for doing that, it supposed to be-"he cut his words because she put her forehead on his, she smiled while closing her eyes. "Goodnight~" she said and drop her forehead on his chest.
And for this moment, Kenma knows what he will do. And what he really wants.
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caruliaa · 3 years ago
okay i am going to try to go to sleep super early so i can get up super early and hopefully this will allow me to survive school JSJSJSKSJ!!!!! but anywayyyy i am so so super greatful to get to be your friend flappy like when i got home from work and saw ur messages and the posts you sent it was such a pick me up that brought a smile to my face and like its that kind of thing all the time with you i feel like you always just make me smile and feel better and warmer and safer so much and i just think youre an incredible friend as well as an amazing person who is sosososooooooooo good and talented and lovely ladybird and i really truly hope to always be as good a friend to you as possible and just yah b a rlly good friend who you know is here for uou and cares about you so much!!!! and inlove you sosoooo much ilyyy (hugs youuuuu :’3333!!!!! sm if u want to!! )💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🐱🐱💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
!!!! ya that is v muh undestrandable and i hope u did sleep v well !!! unlike me who went ot bed at. 3 am. GDHGHDFHDF omg the jetlag is gonna b hell when i get back to the uk ANYWAYY !!! omg mx ur so so sweet and kind omg !!! i hope u know that im rly soso glad that like getting my messages and stuff can b something that helps make u feel better and happier warmer after a long day and just in general and that i can be a good friend to you my beloved becuase u rly do deserve it soso much and more than that i just rly rly do want to soso much beucase yell i rly do love you sm my belovedest i rly rly doo and u rly are such a wonderful incredible friend to me who makes me feel so so so so loved and cared for with you and are also jsut such an amazing inredible lovely sweet kind talneted fun funny loveable person my dearest and im jsut soso glad and greatful and lucky to have you in my life and be your friend my dearest and i hope you know that im always always here for you whenever you need me, i love you so so much !!!! :'> *hugs you back so so muchly if thats okey * !!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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joonsoulmap-archived · 8 years ago
[ never will i ever ]
Prompt: Enemies To Lovers What: BTS Drabble/Oneshot Genre: Fluff Pairing: Taehyung x Reader Wiords: 3k
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Summary: Your best friend is an idol and being an idol comes with its trappings. When she tells you that she’s signed up for We Got Married, you’re super excited for her. You are less enthused when you find out who her partner is going to be. Your teenage nemesis - Kim Taehyung
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Y/N!! Open up!! Wake up ya binch!!!” a shrill voice says in a register that can only be described as excited.
You shoot up in bed, the blood rushing to your head quickly causing the room to spin a bit. Squinting at the clock, you register the time, it’s 7 am. For fuck’s sake, why is this dumbass waking you up this early. Sometimes her enthusiasm is irritating.
You contemplate going back to sleep, debating whether it’s worth to let your best friend murder you for a few more hours of sleep.
Then you hear another frantic knocking spell.
“Y/NNNNNN…. get your lazy ass out of bed or I’m going to open the door with the spare key hidden in….”
“Oi!!!” you shout from inside the apartment, “We don’t need my whole floor knowing where I keep my spare key!!”
“Then open the damn door!!!” Jang-mi yells back with gusto.
Your curse the day you became friends with Park Jang-mi. Your life had never been the same. She seems to have taken the motto “Carpe Diem” as a personal goal. Your weary soul needs rest.
Grumbling you put on your comfy robe over your pajamas and make your way to the door.
You barely have the door unlocked when Jang-mi comes barreling in. What infuriates you the most is that she looks the picture of perfection, hair done, make up perfect. “Yah, why do you look like you’re going to an award show at 7 fucking am” you say in a sulking tone because you both know there’s no malice in there.
“Excuse me did you forget? I’m an idol, I always have to be the picture of perfection. One wrong HQ fansite picture and my career is donezos” Jang-mi replies in a sickly sweet voice, which she knows gets on your nerves
“Ugh man I will never understand you guys’ world” you replied, rolling your eyes, standing in stark contrast to your best friend, with your messy hair, bad breath, and sleep crusty eyes.
“ANYWAYYYY, the reason I came here at this god forsaken hour is that I have big news and you’re the first person I wanted to share it with!!” she squealed warmly.
“Umm ok, it sounds important, let me put a pot of coffee on.” you say. You need the life giving liquid if you want to stay awake for this conversation.
“Yes please, coffee sounds amazing” Jang-mi replies as she walks towards the couch in your lounge, settling down comfortably with her legs spread out.
“Idol my ass.” you say under your breath and chuckle, but you’re secretly pleased that your best friend has a place where she can be herself; away from prying eyes.
Setting down two steaming mugs of Sumatra’s finest on the table, you look over to your best friend curiously. “So what exactly is it that made you almost break down my door at 7 am?” you finally ask
“I’m getting married!!” she yells out and your head snaps from the cup to your best friend. The shock must be clear on your face because she hastily continues, “Not real life married, relax. If I was dating anyone, you’d be the first to know duh.” she says with annoyance as if it’s a fact.
“I’m still lost, you’re getting married….?” you ask again.
“You remember I told you about the conversation I had with my manager? About raising my profile? The group’s becoming more popular, but I just need the extra push. Finally he’s found me the best thing!” each syllable came out faster and more excited than the last. This is clearly something she’s thrilled about, you think to yourself.
“He managed to get me on We Got Married!!” Jang-mi finally lets the cat out of the bag, throwing her arms in the air in celebration.
“Whaaattttt??!! We Got Married??? Omg, I love that show soo much!! Aaaahh, I’m so excited and so jealous of you wench!! That’s amazing! Perfect for your career and image!!” you can’t help squeal along with your best friend.
The show is one of your absolute favourites, despite your curmudgeon appearance, you are a romantic at heart. You know the relationships on the show are fake but you can’t help get carried away with the mushiness of it all! Blame it on the editors!
“Wait till you hear who my “husband” is going to be! You’re going to be yelling your lungs out with joy. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get a lot of hate mail soon.” she says with a smirk, clearly not fazed by the possibility of dealing with crazy fangirls.
“Oooooh, who is it? A fellow idol? An actor? Don’t leave me hanging!!” you say in an agitated tone to your best friend who is now walking over to your fridge, undoubtedly to make herself a snack.
“Oh no one special, just a member of probably the most popular boy band these days.” she says smugly, enjoying how your face has contorted with distaste at her coyness.
“Please tell me it’s not Chanyeol, I will kill you with my own hands. DON’T BREAK THE BRO CODE!!!” you practically yell at her.
“Omg chill, I’m not getting fake married to your future husband. It’s actually V, umm, Taehyung from BTS.” Jang-mi finally tells you.
You splutter out the sip of coffee you are taking, almost choking on the liquid. Jang-mi runs to you when she sees you struggling a little for air.
“Are you ok? Take it easy, don’t inhale your drink.” she laughs as she rubs your back.
Your eyes are mere slits as you look at your best friend, “Who did you say was cast as your husband? Taehyung? As in Kim Taehyung from Daegu?” you manage to say through gritted teeth.
“Uh huh, that’s his name, not sure about his hometown. Why? You’re not a fan? I thought you loved BTS’ music?” she says worriedly with a hint of confusion.
“A FAN?? There’s no way in hell I would be a fan of the guy who made my life a living hell in middle school. He’s such a jerk!! The absolute worst!” your words are coming out fast and angry, which scares your best friend.
“Calm down Y/N, what are you talking about? I’ve met him a few times at music shows, he seems like a sweet guy, always polite and friendly. You went to middle school with him? Maybe you’re confusing him with someone else.” Jang-mi looks at your skeptically.
“Nope, it’s him alright, I’d recognise that stupid face and that dumb rectangular smile anywhere.” you say as faded childhood memories come back to you in pieces.
6th Grade:
“Haha look at Miss Greasy Pigtails, she’s so slow, she wouldn’t even win second place if it was a two person race!! Next time, you should just partner with me, at least you won’t embarrass our class like this.”
7th Grade:
“Hi Miss G.P., did you even look at the mirror before coming to school today? That flower headband looks stupid on you. Look everyone, Y/N’s trying to be a pretty girl but it’s not working awww.”
8th Grade:
“Your shoes are sooo old and gross. If you need shoes, tell me my uncle owns a shoe store, I’m sure I can get Miss G.P. a discount.”
9th Grade:
“Soo…crying over Se Joon? Pfft what did you think, you’d confess to him and he’d confess his undying love for you? Toughen up princess.”
“4 years. 4 years of relentless taunts and teasing. He was horrible to me. I repeat, the absolute worst.” you said as tears started pricking at the corner of your eyes. “I will not let me best friend go through that man’s torture, he may seem sweet and angelic on camera but I know what he’s like in real life, I won’t let you go through what I did!” you say with determination
“Calm down Y/N, that was a long time ago, I’m sure he’s changed since then. Everyone does stupid shit when they’re kids. From whatever I’ve seen, he’s a perfect gentleman.” she says to calm your fears.
“The devil does not change his colours. I’m telling you, he will make you cry. Can’t believe I ever used to like him….” you trail of as a different memory bubbles up in your mind.
“Wait, you used to like him? This just made it more interesting! What happened? He rejected you and you became an anti-fan?” your best friend seems to be enjoying your discomfort at this particular memory.
“No…it just… I was going to confess my feelings to Taehyung, even though he was always such a jerk to me, so to gather some courage, I went to talk to our mutual friend Se Joon about it, asking his advice. Se Joon and I had a really positive conversation and he said I should go for it. I mustered all the damn courage I had and went to find him. Only to see him tongue deep with a girl from our class. After that I just…never mind. My dislike for him isn’t because of this, it’s because of his nasty attitude. He was quite foul with me for a few weeks after this incident and then came grade 10 and he left for Seoul.” you realize that you have rushed through the story without a beat, so you take a few deep breaths to calm down.
“Anyway, none of that matters, what matters is that I will not let you be treated badly by that man! Please tell me you’re going to reconsider this fake marriage thing. Or find another partner. Someone who won’t treat you like dirt.” you all but plead your best friend.
“I don’t know Y/N. I’ve all but signed the contract, the two of us are meeting at the broadcasting company’s HQ today at 5. I think it’s too late to reconsider.” Jang-mi tells you patiently.
“Noo, please you have to believe me, it’ll be an unpleasant experience for you! I want to protect you from that!” you say impatiently, you have to save her from this experience, you love her too much.
“I’m a big girl Y/N, I can take care of myself. I don’t think he’s as bad as you make him sound. I have to go now, I have a schedule before the meeting.” she says with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
“I’m sorry Jang-mi, I just don’t want anyone to treat you anything less than spectacular. You deserve the world. Anything less than that and I will hunt down the man and end him myself.” you reply sheepishly, knowing that nothing would come out of arguing with your best friend.
“Oh god, you’re such a pile of mush. Fiiiine, you can come with me to the preliminary meeting and if you feel like anything’s off, then I will reconsider it!” she replies with a grin on her face.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, I haven’t seen him in what, 7 years? But for you, I am willing” you reply with a sigh.
“Good, don’t be late, I will text you the address, and dress nicely. Think of my reputation.” Jang-mi chuckles before picking up her things and exiting your apartment, leaving you to your thoughts.
“Well, well Kim Taehyung, what a strange world. Can’t believe I’m going to see your idiotic face again.” you say to no one in particular.
5 PM, MBC Broadcast Station
“Shoot, can’t believe I’m running late, Jang-mi’s going to kill me” you mumble to yourself as you race from the subway station to the address your best friend texted you hours ago.
You’re out of breath and your hair’s a mess when you finally arrive at the front desk of the building.
The receptionist eyes you uncertainly till you say, “I’m Y/N, I’m here to see Park Jang-mi, she’s expecting me.”
She checks a list and says, “Ahh yes, they’ve been waiting for you, right this way.”
You follow the receptionist to the corridor with the elevators and she turns to you, “Straight up to the 8th floor, the meeting room is right opposite the elevator.” her tone is brisk and efficient and she’s already heading back to her desk before you can mutter out a thank you.
You step into the elevator and your nerves have taken a sudden hold of you. What will it be like? To see your tormentor after 7 years? He would have to be nice to you right? He was in public.
The ding of the elevator makes you jump out of your skin a little. You are here. This is it. Time to face the dumbass head on and prove your point to Jang-mi.
You clear your throat as you enter the room, expecting it to be filled with crew, managers, PDs etc but to your surprise it’s just the two of them.
Jang-mi and him.
He is making her laugh, and your war mode switches on automatically. If he’s making her laugh, this will be an uphill battle.
“Hi Y/N!! You’re finally here, I told you not to be late but your punctuality is a lost case.” Jang-mi says as she spots you standing at the door.
“I’ll make introductions, Tae this is my best friend in the entire world - Y/N. Y/N says she already knows you personally so I don’t think I need to introduce any further.” she finishes with a laugh.
“Oh really.. and how does the lovely lady know me….” his voice trails off as he finally turns to look at you, recognition dawning on his fate.
“Do mine eyes deceive me? Is it really Miss Greasy Pigtails??” Taehyung says with a childlike excitement.
You roll your eyes, pointedly ignoring him and speak to your best friend instead, “See I told you… it’s him alright. He’s already started to show his true colours.” you say flatly, glad your point is proven without you having to do much work.
“It’s just with you Y/N. Something about you just riles me up. I can’t help it. How have you been? It’s been a while. Are you well.” his tone is soft as he asks about you.
You’re taken bit taken aback but you decide not to let him faze you. You’re here on a mission. You quickly take a seat next to Jang-mi and across from him.
“We’re not friends, Mr. Kim, let’s do away with the niceties. I’m just here to convince my best friend not to get fake married to you.” you say in the coldest voice you can manage.
“Well well Miss. G.P. I don’t recall giving you permission to be in charge of my dating life.”
“This isn’t real Taehyung, it’s a TV show.”
“Why, are you mad that I may end up dating your friend for real?”
“Oh please, I’m just worried she’s going to be stuck with a complete and utter ass for the next 6 months.”
“Well if she’s managed to stay friends with you after knowing you this well I think she’ll do just fine”
“I knew it, you haven’t changed. Always the disrespectful brat.”
“Correction, only you bring that ass out of me; so take responsibility.”
“I’m sorry Miss Jang-mi you’re a wonderful person but I don’t think I’ll able to do the show with you.” Taehyung finally says to your best friend.
Getting up from his seat, he looks at you for an instant and opens his mouth to speak.
“Are you free tonight around 8?” he says to you as he takes out his phone.
“Yes. Why?” your eyes narrow in suspicion.
“I’ll pick you up around 7:45. There’s this place I want to take you. Wanted to take you there ever since I moved here. So be ready on time. Your number hasn’t changed has it? I’ll text you.” Taehyung says airily as he starts to walk away from the two of you.
“Wait, what’s happening? Are you asking me out?” you ask him, utterly confused by the happenings of the last two minutes.
He stops in his tracks and walks over to where you are sitting. He places one hand on the arm of the chair you’re in and leans down close enough to you that you can count his eyelashes.
“If you think that after 7 years of being apart,  I’m going to let you slip away again, you’re mistaken love.” his voice is soft and melodious. His proximity and his little confession is making your poor heart beat a thousand beats per minute.
He smiles his signature rectangular smile at you and gets up to leave.
He’s near the door when he turns to you again and says, “I’m glad I found you again, Miss G.P. See you at 8.” with these words he’s disappeared out the door.
Your echo of “See you at 8.” hangs in the air as your hear a loud rumbling laugh come from best friend.
You don’t know how it happened but it was certainly wasn’t what you had expected.
Kim Taehyung had just asked you on a date.
7 years ago:
“So what do you think So-mi, should I tell Y/N how I feel? I don’t think she’s getting the dumb hints I’m dropping.” Taehyung says nervously to his friend
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Tae. Look, she’s going over to confess to Se Joon I think. I heard she has a huge crush on him.” So-mi replies
“What? No. That can’t be true.” he says angrily, not willing to believe the piece of gossip.
“Look at them, look how they’re smiling and laughing. Looks pretty legit to me. Oh she’s coming over here. We should congratulate her.” So-mi said smirking towards Y/N’s direction
In a flash Taehyung has his lips on So-mi’s and his soon his tongue follows when he sees Y/N approaching. He knows she can see them.
Her confused and defeated face is the last thing he remembers.
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extenler · 2 years ago
Kil, please dont feel pressured for update your au or story 😭
Please rasanya aku mau marah-marahin yang bikin kamu sedih atau bete atau apapun itu!!!
Take your time, Kil.
Istirahat kalau capek yah, lakuin apa yang bikin kamu happy, gak usah buru-buru 😥 Lakuin apapun sesuai pace-nya kamu aja.
Love you, Kil 💚
makasih ya cintakuuuu <33 semoga kalian mau bersabar lebih banyak ya karena aku jg gak paham kenapa update hwiyoung lama bgt wkwkwk ternyata udah dari juli ya itu aunya HAHAHAHA sorry, but i promise i’d finished the story kalau gak bulan ini ya awal bulan depan 🥺 i’m trying my best buat selalu update dan menghibur kaliannnn hehe love you too anywayyyy, have a great monday! 💗
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