#anyways... imma stop being cringe for now
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shuploc · 1 year ago
I will be posting a little Astarion piece later today! đŸ€—
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restinslices · 1 year ago
We going fluffy for a lil? YAY! Can I request EarthRealm guys being dads for the first time?
This is longer than what the Earthrealm guys typically get. Usually they all get around 200 words because writing for them takes longer because it’s 5, but this was so cute I got carried away and they all got around 400-500 words😀
Johnny Cage
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A mini Cage? Are you serious? 
Can I be honest with y'all? I think this kid would be an accident 
Because of that he'd be nervous. Johnny has a huge ego but he also has huge debt and a dwindling career so he'd be worried about how he'd even take care of this child 
He'd work extremely hard to get more money. He'd even sell his house to get a smaller one that's more affordable (that's how you know he's serious)
He covers his nervousness with humor. This is a whole human he's gonna be raising now
The closer the delivery date gets, the more nervous he gets. His partner moves a little weird and he's “IT'S COMING!”
Calm down Johnny. Damn. 
The entire delivery he's jumpy as fuck. He didn't realize how long it'd take and his nerves are through the roof 
Does Johnny have a huge ego? Yes. Is he an asshole? Yes. Does he make everything a joke? Yes. But this is different. There's a human that's relying on him to survive 
Everytime he looks at the baby he's like “oh shit, I got a baby”
Baby accidents actually make him cringe. His baby vomits on him and he has to physically stop himself from throwing it 
Johnny as a girl dad? Omg. 
That's his little princess. Any money he makes goes to her. She has so many unnecessary toys and he dresses her like an actual princess 
The baby got its own room from jump 
He'll never be against a tea party or a makeover 
During those makeovers he's giving pointers. “Don't use that color, it'll clash with my hair” type of shit 
Be prepared. No matter how hard you try, this kid is becoming a mini Johnny 
He tries to be really active in her life when he's not acting 
Has debated on retiring but you need money so that's not happening 
You'd think he'd want his kid to become an actor but he knows that shit is not safe so absolutely not 
He makes little films with her though. Really cute shit he'll rewatch when she's older 
Time to him goes by so fast. He feels like he blinked and suddenly she was 18 
He's the dad that gets emotional at her graduation. Straight sobbing as she walks the stage
“I'm a cool dad” *puts on shades*
Ok Johnny 
His ability to not take shit serious doesn’t entirely disappear. He’s the parent the child wants the principal to call when in trouble
Little fashion shows? Absolutely
His kid is so spoiled, it's ridiculous. Even if he didn't want a child, he loves them with every part of him 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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Another accident baby-
He's trying to fix this whole clan situation so a baby is not something he was thinking of
So when he's told he's gonna have a baby his heart stops for a quick second 
Being terrified is a normal reaction and trust me, he's terrified 
He doesn't know how to be a dad at all and videos aren't helping 
I know I mention this whole on the run from the Yakuza thing a lot but that's a big ass problem. How do you have a baby when mfs are gunning for you?
Why does he agree to keep it? I ain't think that far but anywho, it's too late now. Too far along-
He tries to prepare himself by looking up videos and reading books. He wants to be an amazing dad for his baby 
We don't know how his parents were but I'm assuming his childhood wasn't the best
He promised himself that he's gonna care for this baby and give it a fantastic childhood 
Idk how his vision works now tbh. I'm assuming he can always see so I'm guessing that's not a problem 
Once the baby is here he's all over it. You'd think he gave birth with how much he's playing with it 
I wanna make all of them girl dads tbh and I'm the one writing this soooooo that's what imma do-
Kenshi is making sure everyone is comfortable. His partner and the baby. He's gonna help anyway he can
Having a tiny human depend on him is definitely a wild concept to him
He wants to teach his daughter how to fight but he doesn't want to make her a monster if that makes sense 
He wants to make sure she never uses her skills to harm others for no reason and because of that, any school reports about violence is taken seriously 
Let that school call him and he's asking 20 questions tryna see who the aggressor was. If his daughter was being harassed and she defended herself  then as long as someone wasn't seriously hurt then it's ok. If his daughter was the aggressor? Oh nah
Kenshi is not afraid to lecture and discipline (I don't mean whooping. Whether or not you think any of them would is up to you. I'm not getting into that. Be free) his daughter 
His kid is never walking all over him. He don't let them slide with shit 
He's harsh but it's in a loving way. He's not on her ass for no reason. He wants her to conduct herself well and to be a good person and better than the people he's been surrounded by. He carries this out by being a bit more harsh and strict than he needs to be
That teenage rebellion phase is gonna kick his ass. Omg
He's strict but I don't think he'd be unsafe for his daughter to go to, yk? His daughter knows she can go to him if she needs anything 
If she felt like she couldn't tell him something, his poor little heart would break
I don't think he'd ever take his bandana off around them. Idk how the healing would work but I could imagine it'd still look brutal 
So protective of her. Let someone move towards her a little quick, he's on his feet before he even realizes it 
He doubts his parenting at time and how safe he can keep her but he's doing a really solid job 
Kung Lao
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Idk whether or not his baby would be an accident or not 
Either way, Kung Lao has a huge ego and he'd assume it can't be that bad 
He definitely can figure all this out as he goes along. It'll be easy. Nothing to worry about 
He wishes he could go back in time and smack himself for being so stupid 
At first it's fine, then he remembers he has to consistently deal with a baby and he's like “I may have miscalculated”
Why do babies shit so much? They're so small. 
Terrible Twos have him stressed 
When the baby's teething he slowly starts to lose his grasp on reality. All the yelling drives him nuts but he's locked in now 
He tries to use his baby as a challenge to keep him motivated but honestly babe, you're never winning that challenge. Babies are unpredictable 
He has to learn that. Babies are a learning experience and you can't try to use them as some great challenge. Just relax and take things one at a time 
He also teaches his baby how to fight 
Makes them a mini hat but puts something non sharp on the edges, like crayons or something 
Some may think “oh a daughter! She has to be feminine and sweet and blahblahblah!”
Nah, that's now how it works with him
His daughter is learning some Leon Kennedy moves 
After what he's been through he's definitely teaching them how to fight because conflict will always happen. You're never catching his daughter slipping 
The dad that asks “did you win?” if his child gets in trouble for fighting at school 
Let's his child watch scary movies 
He's never doing that bullshit again. She was up all night and he's never regretted anything more 
The type to “randomly” decide to sharpen his hat when his daughter brings a boy over 
“What are you doing dad?” “I'm sharpening my sharp hat that's sharp enough to cut through humans
 because it's so sharp”
Puts “The Great” in front of her name whenever describing her 
His daughter probably has a huge ego also. This dude does not teach her to be humble and compliments her when she does anything 
You think a mini Johnny is bad? Mini Kung Lao gives them a run for their money. 
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I feel like Raiden would have kids when he's older. Idk why but I think he'd be way more careful than everyone else 
So when he hears he's having a baby, he's both nervous and excited 
He's on it. Decorating the nursery, reading books, looking at websites, he's on it all. 
He wants to be prepared so he doesn't mess up 
Messing up is inevitable but don't tell him that 
Once the baby is here, he's super happy. The room is already decorated and he's so glad they can lay in there 
Super affectionate towards his baby. Constantly kissing her head and playing with her 
If any of the other Earthrealm men have a baby, he insists on playdates 
Even if they don't, he plays with his daughter enough 
The type to actually make his voice higher when playing with dolls
Gives his kid cute nicknames that they'll undoubtedly get embarrassed by when they're older 
Are we surprised he also teaches his daughter to fight? No. 
He was minding his business and was told he had to help protect Earthrealm. His kid gotta know how to scrap 
He keeps a good balance of combat and normal childhood so it's fine 
He does little lightning shows for his kid. Is it irresponsible? A little. Is Liu Kang gonna take it back though? No. 
Raises a daughter similar to him; soft spoken and sweet but is willing to throw down when necessary 
He's the parent that genuinely hears his kid out when they get in trouble 
Since this is his first kid he's new to all of this so making mistakes is something that'll happen. Good thing about Raiden tho is that he's willing to apologize when family conflict happens 
He takes so many pictures, it's ridiculous 
Takes pictures the entire first week of school and is spamming Kung Lao with them
He's really invested in child drama ngl. A kid threw a book at another kid? Tell him more so he can gossip with Kung Lao
Discipline is difficult for him because he honestly doesn't know what to do. He's worried he's being too harsh and doesn't wanna push his kid away. It's common knowledge that they'll grow up, move away and he won't see her as much so he doesn't want to push them away and lose them earlier than necessary 
Kids need some sort of discipline though so he gotta figure it out 
When his daughter no longer needs him to check the closet for monsters, his heart might shatter a little bit ngl 
He's taking it one step at a time and honestly? He's doing really good 
Liu Kang
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Probably didn't even know he could have kids
He just assumed a keeper of time was outta the game so wdym a baby is on the way?
Liu Kang has watched humans evolve so he's watched plenty of parents raise their babies so he has a lot of references 
He's not as nervous as everyone else. Like I said before, he has plenty of references of what to and what not to do so he's pretty confident in his abilities 
He's only nervous about the threats they'll face once they're alive. Man is used to fighting for his life 
Decorates the nursery and child proofs the entire house 
Makes sure his partner is incredibly comfortable. He wants them completely relaxed 
He packs the bag for when the delivery happens, he doesn't leave the room unless necessary, he's really supportive. 
Once the baby is here he's lowkey hogging the baby 
Thinks his partner should be relaxing after so the baby is always in his arms 
This baby to him is the most precious thing he's ever seen. Having a family is something he really wants so he's on cloud 9
Watching over his kid to see if they get any powers like him, which is likely 
Liu Kang has a good balance between discipline and softness. He's not super strict but he doesn't just let them get away with anything 
Imma sound like a broken record but his daughter is scraping. This is Liu Kang we're talking about 
His daughter is gonna become Gamora-
Fighting skills will be impeccable. Say excuse me if you bump into her or she's going 2 back flips, lighting her body on fire and blowing the area up 
He wants to spend so much time with his daughter. He knows how fast time flies. He's seen humans not appreciate each other and that's not happening with him. His daughter will know she's loved 
He has references like I said earlier but that doesn't mean it's the easiest to do. He tries his hardest though and is probably the most patient
He's more excited for the firsts than they are. This is not your first day of school Liu Kang, why are you so geeked?
Tons of photos of his baby 
Other dads can be really stressed when it comes to their kid growing up but I think he's more accepting of it. Is it sad seeing his baby grow up? Yes. He's used to the idea of aging though. Also his kid is immortal like him so he's comforted by the idea of them never growing older than him 
Liu Kang is a parent that is 100% ok with admitting when he's wrong. There's no toxic shit with him. If he fucked up, he fucked up. 
Probably has the most or one of the most humble kids 
Very affectionate 
Probably wants more kids 
10/10 dad and imma stand on it
“Forgive me Kenshi. I misspoke.” Liar.
I always ramble at the end of these so here I go: y’all I am out of dry dog food and I’m broke so I can’t pay my sister to get food from her job so I’ve been feeding my dog wet food, right. It is 3am, so naturally we’re not on a walk rn. Why did she drop the most devastating shit? I actually wanna walk into traffic. I did not know it could be audible. She didn’t even eat anything before she did it. Donate to $JMentallyUnstable for my cause😔 (I’m joking but not about my suffering. She’s small. HOW is a felony coming outta you bro?) (If I find a tall building-)
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aliceismypixie · 2 years ago
The villain of my story ∄ Ten days granted
Summary - "The villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story" or atleast that's what they say. No one knew why you became what you are. But you wanted your revenge on Isabella Marie Swan and you were ready to do anything to have it.
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Pairing - Twilight x villain!reader
Pronoun - she/her (but can be read as a male reader or gn reader)
Warning - The reader is an immortal child, swearing, talk of kidnapping, brief mention of killing, my poor writing skill for hunting, mention blood, Edward being full of himself
Words count - 1.66k~
Set - After Breaking-Dawn Part 2
Chapter 2 - Masterlist
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You were annoyed. You had Ratatouille Renesmee in your lair for five days now and honestly, she was slowly making you regret ever kidnapping her.
"So you don't want to kill me ?"
"But you want my mommy ?"
"Why ?"
"Because is not a reason. Really you could have targeted someone with a family weaker than ours.".
"I have good reasons."
"What are they ? It's kind of boring here don't you think ? You should add some colors on your wall !"
"Why not ?"
"Because I say so."
"But it's boring !"
"Shut up."
"That's a bad word !!"
"SHUT THE F― oh my God, kids nowaday."
"You look younger than I though."
"I'll burn the kid today." A groan escaped your lips as you turned away to grab your coat and out on your hood.
"Imma go on a little hunt. Stay in your cage and try to find something to distract you in your tiny space." You walked out as the girl started to speak again.
"Hey, don't leave me alone ! That's not very kind !"
The moment you closed the door, you finally felt like you could breathe. How was that kid Isabella's daughter ? She was so talkative while her mother was probably the most awkward introvert you've ever got to meet. But when you were younger, people always prefered a shy introvert who loved to read than a loud extrovert who jumped on trees.
Rolling your eyes at the thought, you made your way toward the entrance of the wood and jumped on a few trees. It was always better up there, that way you could see your prey any human much better. And as if your thought summoned them, a couple walked in the forest. They were dressed in a bunch of hiking equipment so they were probably here to see the awesome view the mountain offered them once they reached the top. Sadly they would never get the chance to.
Following behind them quietly, you always vomit your dinner hearing their cringe lovey-dovey discussion. The couple was talking about their movie date a week before and it was an awkward date and also an annoying one. Because honestly, who goes to the movie theater to watch a documentary on otters ?
"I love you bug-a-boo~"
"And I love you more winnie poo~"
"No ! Me bug-a-boo !"
"Me winnie-poo !"
"Both of you are dead now anyways." You jumped off the trees you were on and you pinned them both on the ground with your feet smoothly.
"Who am I going to eat first ?" You smirked at their horrified expression and lowered yourself before taking a deep breath.
"You love alcohol don't you ?" You asked the man and his eyes widened while his girlfriend glared at him.
"What !? I thought you stopped ?!" She claimed and you rose and eyebrow surprised.
"Man you lied to your girl ? That's kinda low." You pointed out and the woman huffed before looking away from her boyfriend and you smirked.
"She cheated on me three times with all my boys !" He claimed and you looked at the girl in surprise.
"Damn, low blow girl." You acknowledged and the girl gasped dramatically before glaring at her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend whatever.
"Both of you are dead anyways."
Screams echoed through the forest and then there were two bodies, lying lifelessly on the ground, a bunch of claw marks on their bodies along with a few burns but no blood coming out of their injuries. Their blood got drained and the bear that clawed them was already jumping from trees to trees to go back home.
On your way back, you crossed a deer drinking some water and you stopped on your track. For the past five days she was there, Renasberry didn't eat all because she was brainwashed into their weird aff vegetarian diet or because the hybrid weird kid wanted human's food. But you needed to keep her alive somehow. A silent groan escaped your lips as your eyes the deer before you and prepared yourself to kill it.
Snapping its neck was an easy part honestly, especially since you just feet, carrying it to your super villain's lair was also an easy part, opening the door though, was kind of harder. But you were a super villain so you guess what you did ? A badass kick in the door and busted in.
The weird hybrid kid named Rasputin turned toward the door in shock and you rolled your eyes before dumping the deer in her cage and creating a new fire door for your lair.
"Eat up. You're paler than your mom when she was able to be sick." You glared before turning away and the kid looked at you with a teasy grin.
"You got me some food ! It's because you care~" Renesmee teased and you rolled your eyes annoyed.
"No I don't."
"You so do."
"Do not !"
"So do !"
"Do not !"
"Do not !"
"So do !" You replied and the kid smirked at you while you realized what you just said and a groan escaped your lips once again.
"How the fuck did I fall for that stupid two year old trick ?" You muttered.
"You said a bad word !"
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The Cullen's household wasn't happy anymore. You know how Bella used to say that her life was a nightmare before meeting Edward because now she has a handsome rich vampire husband ? Well now she thought that her life was worse because she lost her beautiful super rare hybrid daughter.
"We couldn't find her anywhere." Jasper announced seriously as him, Emmett and Seth arrived in the living room and Edward rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Seeing his brother's reaction's Emmett felt his own anger starting to rose up. Yes, Emmett wasn't the type to get annoyed or angry, except if you won against him in video games, but he wasn't annoyed for that. No, the big bad himbo vampire was annoyed because Edward was acting like he was the only one affected by the disappearance of ReNameMe, sorry oh my goodness, your author may have a problem with Razzel Dazzel's real name, Renesmee. Edward was acting like Rosalie wasn't isolating herself in her room out of guilt and refused to face anyone. See Emmett was usually very playful. That was until his wife was hurting and everyone just ignored it.
But was Emmett McCarty Cullen the main character ? No, you guessed it. He was probably the most underrated sibling of the Cullen's family but let's not talk about that.
Reading the thoughts of his brother, Edward glared at him from his seat on the couch and scoffed.
"Well I'm sorry, if your wife would have kept a eye on my daughter we wouldn't be here !" The golden brunet expressed and Emmett growled.
"Hey ! Rose did what she could ! You should have kept on eye on Renesmee she is your daughter after all ! Don't put everything on my wife !" Emmett's eyes turned darker as he was ready to jump on his brother.
Seeing the outbrust about to happen, Alice decided to take Jasper out of the room. The empath was already overwhelmed enough by everyone in the room, he didn't need to feel the emotions of the fight as a plus. Seth followed shortly after them, believe it or not he thought of them like his second parents. Leah followed her brother obviously, leaving Esme, Carlisle, Bella, Jacob, Edward and Emmett in the living room.
"Everyone calm down." Esme tried to sooth the atmosphere miserably.
Poor woman hated to see her children hurting and she hated even more to see them fight each other. Over the past few years, it has been hard for everyone between the hunters, the newborns army, the pregnancy and all the drama following the Volturi, Esme's caring nature couldn't help but worry for her children. But people oftenly forget that she existed too. She was Dr. Cullen's wife, not Esme, just Dr. Cullen's wife, so let's not make a big deal about her and how she might feel after all those years, yes ?
"No Esme, I'm sorry but Edward here needs to know that he is not the only one being hella worried about Nessie." Jacob butt in and Edward growled at him before getting up and face the alpha.
"If you were so worried you would have run faster !"
"And if you were so worried you wouldn't have let your daughter in the guard of other people ! Especially if you're not gonna assume your mistake after it !"
"I'm going to―"
"Boys ! Please ! Don't fight each other. Not now." Bella begged and the two turned toward her pleading eyes before getting off each other.
Like usual, Bella was the peacemaker between the two boys. Were they supposed to be adult now ? Yes they were. But the main character is the hero in every situation am I not right ? So let's make Bella act like the perfectly not-awkward-anymore-super-powerful-vampire-newborn main character that she is.
"Emmett, go check on Rosalie yes ?" Carlisle told his second son who simply huffed before being taken out of the room by his adopted mother.
"Edward, I know that you're frustrated but we're all soing our best to find her. And Jacob, I know that your imprint link makes you act up but we need to calm down and sit to think about a way to get Renesmee back without any harm." Carlisle announced when suddenly Seth ran back into the room, a familiar type of half burned letters in hands and a horrified expression on his face.
"Carlisle ! This was by the entrance of the wood. The child's sent is all over it." The young shifter exclaimed and Edward snatched the letter from his hands before that his expression fell and the words of the letter rolled off his tongue.
"'Fighting each other for five days, losing her more for five days. You had ten days granted. Tic, tac, fire and flames'."
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Chapter 4
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goose-ate-thebee · 1 year ago
Okay so this is my first smut so please give me some slack 😭
But it is fem!readerxGhost and it is smut....this might be cringe asf imma try and improve 😔
give me some suggestions whom should be next
anyway enjoy this Abomination
Late night in a dead silence with You, your thoughts, and the 6'4 tall British man that wears a skull mask named Simon Riley aka Ghost. You and Ghost were sitting in the silent back of a random abandoned room where some things were still in good condition like the lights and the ripped-up sheeted bed. You try to walk over to the dresser but Ghost pulls you back "Don't be stupid now y/n you might get killed for being so wreckless" Ghost spoke as he pulled you behind him and slowly opened the dresser from a slight distance. There lies a necklace, money, ID cards, and other random stuff but the one that sticks out the most is a condom that looks brand smacking new. "Uhh Ghost you see what I see" you spoke trying to hold in a giggle, Ghost looked over at you with disappointment in his eyes "Really!" Ghost snapped at you as he gripped your face looking into your eyes. "SORRY, SORRY I WAS JUST TRYING TO LIGHTEN UP THE MOOD IT WAS SILENCE FOR TOO LONG!" you apologized holding onto his exposed veiny forehands as he just signed and let out. "Do it again and you'll get a hard lesson from me next time" Ghost threatened you to stop your nonsense but you thought he was just joking back. you giggle and put your hands on your waist "Okay Simon". Ghost death stared you down "The fuck you just say Y/n" Ghost walk towards you causing you to walk backward then eventually you walk back into a wall "Want to try again Love, I'm waiting" he tower over you staring you down. "Okay, Simon its‐" you were cut off when he shoved his fingers into your mouth and the other hand of his held your chin up to him "I gave you one chance and you fuck up so badly, I might have to punish you for failing such a little lesson huh you dumb bitch". You gagged on his fingers a little bit and wrapped your hands around his forearm again, you moan over his finger feeling a little arousal maybe a little too much arousal by the situation "Your acting like such a whore it adorable" Ghost taunts you as he let go of you. You fall on your knees looking up at him breathing heavily "No I'm not shut the hell up Si‐ Ghost" You look down slightly flustered. Ghost smiled to himself happy that she fixed it herself before Ghost did it for her again. "You are but it's fine 'cause you're my whore, now get on your feet so we can get a move on" He gestures to you to get up. You slowly stand up to gain more strength again "Yes Lt. Ghost"
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honestreviewsblog · 4 months ago
Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale - A Fan's Journey (with spoilers!)
Ep 1-2
OH MY GOD THIS IS HILARIOUS. It's givinggg 2011-2013 Kdramas in the best way possible. Very well casted I might say, I've watched Pyo Yejin before and I've always loved her in every role I've watched her in so I already expected she was gonna nail this one too but it's my first time watching Lee Jun-young and omggg I LOVE him hahahahaha. He's so gorgeous, and the role fits him so well. Their chemistry is off the charts and it was going so well for the past 2 episodes that I was actually wondering, 'Wait, if they both like each other now, what about the rest of the episodes?' then BAM insert obligatory Kdrama fiancé. Which is hella cliché but the drama IS all about clichés so really it's just living up to it's expectations.
There's a thin line between cringe in a good way and cringe in a bad way and so far, this drama is in the good-o-meter lololol. We'll see tho in the next few episodes and dammit I'm excited. I do love my melo dramas and action packed thriller dramas but really I'm just a girl, I also crave cute, hilarious, weird sht every so often.
Ep 3-4
Can I address their names?? Hahahahaha. Cos Prince Cha min is hilarious and you kinda get it from the get go (Prince Charming = Prince Cha min) but Cinderella is a bit too Korean-ized that you don't get it until you've watched 3 episodes lololol (Just a theory this might be a stretch but Koreans put -nim as a suffix for jobs, titles, or relationship to show respect, ex. harabeonim (grandpa but probably not your own grandpa because adding -nim means that you're not that close), gisanim ("gisa"/driver is the root word, adding -nim is a polite way of saying it and mostly used when you speak directly to the person). So my theory is Cinderella 》 Cinder-nim 》 Cinder-im 》 Shin Jae rim.
Anyway back to the episodes, I looove that line about the reason why Jae rim wanted to marry rich because giiiirl I probably won't do it but I totally get it lolololol. Her ambition was revealed tho and it does not look good esp among the rich. It must've felt soo humiliating, and I can feel her pride slowly ebbing away. The ending WAS a total cliché but I loooove it, can't wait for more lol.
Also, can I just say Cha min's business is sooooo fun. It's exactly the type of business that we think about in our daydreams and when asked the question, "What would you do if you have a lot of money". Cos I'm totally going to build myself a playground for adults to have fun in, adults need it more than kids anyway.
Really happy for Jae rim and her painting, she's sooo good, I also wished she continued her passion, but I have high hopes for the next few episodes.
Ep 5-6
OH MY GOD THEY KISSED AAAAAAAAA. And I gotta say it was marvelous hahahhahaha—not the regular cutesy cutesy kissing scenes we normally see in cutesy cutesy Kdramas. Really just from the kissing scene alone I gotta give ep 5 a standing ovation lololol.
I totally expected Jae rim's visit in Do hong's studio to go horribly wrong but it's nice to be wrong for once hahahaha. We got to see his "weakness" and don't we just love to discover those? Makes the characters more human. Dan-a and Jae rim's face off tho 👀 Our girl totally held her ground with the line, "I had fun too. He's a very good kisser" YOOOOOOOOOO Imma tell you the way I gasped?? I was so gagged???
And the scene AFTER that, the way she bursted out her frustrations on Cha min and him not knowing what to do or what to say or how to make things right because in his point of view, he never meant to be cruel, everything he did was just self-preservation.
Ep 7-8
Hello??? I was so invested on that kiss and you're telling me it was a dreamscape?? Call the authorities, straight to JAIL. But on a more serious note, I love how her doubts and her fears of not being enough was easily eliminated by Cha min, and her voice over about being comforted by this was sooo heartwarming, the butterflies in my stomach won't stop churning!!
The ending was emotional but I gotta say, probably bcs we didn't get to have that many teary eye scenes so far, the scene with Cha min's mom just felt a bit I dunno, I didn't cry that's for sure. But I guess we weren't meant to cry, we were meant to feel for him and comfort him.
Ep 9-10
/sigh/ I think I just got diabetes. It was so sweeeet. Have I said Jun young is so gorgeous? Cos he's so gorgeous. I gotta tell you about 90% of the reason why I'm watching it is bcs I just gotta see him smile hahahahahahha. Happy ending all around, really cliché so I can see why some people might not like it. But I loooovee clichés, it calms my anxiety and it's sure to be a happy ending, what's not to love?
The thing about this drama tho, is it's very self-aware and doesn't take itself too seriously and I think that's part of the reason why it's so charming (pun intended). 10/10 cutesy ending I got what I came in for and I'm happy about that, satisfied customer here! Hahahahahaha
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padawansuggest · 1 year ago
I want to talk to people about my Harry Potter series (where Harry gets adopted by Bill and nothing bad happens -for at least a few years- and Bill is bi and Harry is too but Harry is also transfluid and everyone is an Actual Threat to JKRs existence) but I don’t wanna repopulate my HP blog cause I feel like y’all are so mean to the HP writers now like bitch she HATES ff and especially gay and trans ff and that’s all I’m doing and NONE of them are straight and Snape went to fucking therapy and Draco isn’t cocky in this AU because he has a specific magic ability that I haven’t revealed yet but it makes him sorta quiet and thoughtful around others cause he can’t stop dissecting their actions and also Neville is gonna be taken better care of too and Harry is half Indian so he’s also not white because I think that’s way better in all ways and everyone is gay and trans so like???? Obviously it’s superior to all canon ever, and I ain’t supporting the actual HP franchise cause ewwwwwwww, but like??? I just wanna talk to you guys about a chat Snape is gonna have with Blaise about using his extremely rare Veela magic to get Potter to think twice before he touches the next cursed object in sight and Snape can keep one more nerve maybe but it sorta just tumbles into puppy love because Harry is all ‘oh; prettiest person I have ever met wow’ and Blaise is like ‘huh
 he’s kinda cute
’ and now they’re in love and instead Snape has to watch them mooning over each other and it’s cute to the readers but not him.
Anyways. I like this rarepair with a burning passion, I am falling back into the cringe to enact the Dark Veela trope and hand it to Blaise as a super mega rare male Veela (it’s already rare as a whole but him being a child of a full blood Veela but a boy is just wild it’s the highest Veela concentration a boy can have) and I’m legit considering making Draco get slightly obsessed with cousin Tonks and she’s all ‘you obviously aren’t a metamorph because you would have had uncontrollable powers before now’ and he’s all ‘BUT TRANSFIGURATION EXISTS IMMA LEARN IT’ and now he’s less of a brat because he keeps following Tonks around everywhere and it’s kinda funny. Neville is his new BFF and they’re so weird.
Idk man I’m like. I’m trying to make this as threatening to JKR as possible (WolfStar is real and they’re married and gonna survive the whole series don’t TEST me) but I still don’t really
 wanna restart the HP blog
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rufpup47 · 8 months ago
Once again, I’m bored so imma give you a random lazily rewritten version of an SaD one shot I wrote a year ago. It was originally a comic but I’m not comfortable with sharing it.
TW: Contains angst, hurt/comfort, and probably cringe.
Btw just a few fyis, “Noah” is one of the ghosts of the missing children if you were not aware. The missing children in SaD are not the same exact kids from the original fnaf. I’m apologizing in advance for my terrible writing skills. I re-use worlds like “said” and “asked” way too much. Also I made Springtrap have claws because I said so.
Anyways here it is.
It’s almost 6 o’clock in the evening, and Harry was strangely not home from school yet. Springtrap’s separation anxiety has recently been getting worse due to his abandonment issues, and he was starting to get a little anxious. “How is Harry still not home yet??” He thought to himself. Noah was looming over Springtrap’s shoulder as usual. “You’re worried about him aren’t you?” Asked the ghost. “N-No
” Springtrap replied. Noah chuckled. “You're such a liar.” Springtrap turned around and gave Noah a very annoyed look. “Whatever
” Said Springtrap. “Chances are he probably forgot about you like Deliah.” Noah said. Springtrap visibly flinched. He remembered the time he almost hurt Deliah. This instantly triggered a panic attack. “NO HE DID NOT!” He yelled at the ghost. Noah giggled. “Wow
 you’re that in denial that you’re refusing to believe that sometimes people don’t like you!”. “Shut up!!” Springtrap’s claws dug into face as he panicked even more. Just as he was overthinking everything, he heard the front door crack open. “Hey, Spring! Sorry I’m back so late.” Harry said, standing in front of the door with his backpack in his hand. He tossed his bag aside. He was going to explain his reason but was cut off by Sprigtrap hugging him. “Please don’t leave me alone that long again
” he said. Harry regained his balance and hugged back. “It’s okay
 I won’t.” He replied. Springtrap suddenly burst into tears. “Hey, Hey, Hey! Wait! There’s no reason to be upset! I’m home now.” Said Harry. Springtrap could barely speak. “B-But I- I was alone
 I was panicking!” he said, crying harder. “Stop being stuck on it. It's over.” Harry replied. They both pulled away. Springtrap sat down on the floor at Harry’s level and avoided eye contact. “Hey, look at me. You're okay now.” Harry reassured. Springtrap sighed. “I’m sorry
” “Don’t be sorry! Just calm down.” Harry replied. Springtrap wiped the tears off of his face. He sighed. “O-Okay
Thank you for reading my dumb story lmfao
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tojiscrack · 14 days ago
'mmm ok yeah fair enough. i do things without shame tho, so idk if you’d like to be on my other side and witness that
'yk my minimum is, like, ten for that specifically. and seven of those are probably in public too 💀 i’m clumsy-clumsy
i think thats like a sign of some medical thing but my medical degree is from greys anatomy so take this with a grain of salt
'my requirement is that they have to BE in jjk 😋 and BE satoru g'
'(i’m still lowkey scared bc a lot of the things other ppl put in their stories cringe me out and then i get put off 😓).'
i swear i'm not cringe 🙏🙏🙏 (probably)
'an smau.'
LMAO SMAU'S ARE SO GOOD FOR THAT KIND OF SHIT. literally ive gotten hate comments for making 'lazy content' and i defend it w my life but if i'm being so fr... it's very low effort.
'and i won’t be expected to do it repetitively like chapters for a story. i see why you do them now đŸ«ą'
'but if i see a cringey nickname or smth about gojo wearing a maid dress, i’m gonna levitate off planet earth đŸ„Ž'
i keep nicknames NORMAL or like purposefully cringe to piss a character off ykwim
'you have, hahaa. maybe use c.ai to fill the void? 👀 i use it before bed LMAOO'
if i start, i wont stop i fear. and then i will never get a boyfriend.
oh my god lore drop.
so basically i recently because friends again w my ex bf. we had a super messy breakup but at the end of the last school yr, we learned that our breakup was pretty much like influenced by people outside of our relationship. and i found out my ex bsf lied to me ab why he broke up w me so that was funny.
but anyways.
we became friends again recently and are doing our english project together. so, he drags his chair over to my table so we can work on it.
and every day after class, my friend who sits at my table tells me that my ex bf is interested in me.
lets nickname him. imma call him uhhhhhh... lets go with uhhhh actor bc he does theatre. (ikik).
but she's been like texting me everyday saying that he's interested in me. so, for like a day, i was like 'omg yeah he def likes me and maybe i'm interested in him too?'.
but then i like took a shower and thought about it for a sec. and i realized i probably don't actually like him but since my list prospects is so slim, i was trying to add one to the list.
however, with that said, if he were to ask me out or show more interest in me, i'd probably entertain it just to see if there's a spark there again.
especially since tolo (our winter formal) is soon and i need a date 🙏
last year i had a date and he sucked ass so i need to top that w someone i actually enjoy talking to.
so we shall see what happens with that!
back to our regularly scheduled content.
'he acts like a fully grown MALAKAI MORTIMER 💀'
'ahh, it’s fine! there are other better options out there for you, i’m sure đŸ©”'
exactly! however 3/5 of my top 5 schools come out this friday! i want to die!
i'm so scared.
'yeah but with me, i’ll get addicted and hooked on and then abandon studying altogether đŸ„Ž idk why i’m like that, i just am'
ngl i'm doing that rn
'so maybe i’ll do LL smaus instead of gojo ones (i love love loveee gojo but my target audience is my LL audience).'
'i’ll maybe do more gojo ones once i’ve finished planning my gojo fic — which won’t be out until LL’s done :/'
danm </3
'about to go to sleep and i can do it imagining you and me and us at the beach or smth with a bonfire and chatting absolute shit about shitbag <3333'
lowk if i'm ever in the UK we should hang
give me a sumaya lore update pls 🙏🙏🙏
I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO REPLY TO THIS IM SO SORRY’ — GIRL YOU’RE ALL GOOD, look at me replying late ‘cause i decided to disappear off the face of the earth đŸ˜­đŸ«¶đŸœ
‘I HAVE DONE WELL ON CUTTING HIM OFF TOO. HAVENT SPOKEN TO HIM EVEN ONCE SINCE’ — i’m so proud, i’m like a proud mother watching you thrive đŸ˜«
‘i swear im not cringe’ — I HOPE SO 😭
like the reason i write rom-COMS (emphasis on COM) is ‘cause i get cringed out by the lovey-dovey stuff. like, a lotttt. i’m talking the simple stuff too — nicknames are fine, but i have this hatred of shortening names unless they’re already shortened in canon 😟
like armin from aot being ‘min PISSES ME OFF 😭
or, honestly, looking at tumblr, i’d probably get jumped for this but idc — gumi for megumi actually makes me decompose (i don’t even read fics at all but when it comes up on my feed and i catch sight of it, i have to pace around my room for a bit 💀)
‘literally ive gotten hate comments for making lazy content' — girl you’re lying, there’s no way 😭 ppl will find anything to hate on i swear 💀
‘i keep nicknames NORMAL or like purposefully cringe to piss a character off ykwim’ — thank godddd đŸ˜« i literally have a list of shortened names that make me wanna disappear 🌝
i like stupid stuff (hence megumi and y/n’s porcupine and mermaid — it’s dumb and used to annoy each other)
and in my levi fic, mc’s called fart girl bc of
 an incident 💀 i’m telling you, if you ever do read it (don’t) venture carefully. the shit she does there is wild.
but again, you will never catch me using shortened names (wdym ppl call eren ‘ren??? HIS NAME IS ALREADY SHORT 😭)
‘if i start, i wont stop i fear. and then i will never get a boyfriend.’ — is that such a bad thing? 👀 you’re too fine to be with a m*le 😋
‘oh my god lore drop’ — 😋
read that whole thing and thanked the lord shitbag wasn’t mentioned HAHAHA. you really did drop him đŸ˜«đŸ‘đŸœ
actor may be a good person for you. but like, don’t lead the guy on just cuz you want a bf. let him know you’re just testing the waters or whatever 🙂 also this ex bsf or yours has been scattered around ur asks to me a fair few times — she seems EVIL wth 😭
‘exactly! however 3/5 of my top 5 schools come out this friday! i want to die!’ — YOU’LL BE FINE I’M SUREEEE
i think you sent another ask and it might’ve been about that, but my memory’s been so bad recently so i might just be tweaking 💀
‘THIS IS A GREAT PLAN. lowk if i'm ever in the UK we should hang’ — i’d loveee that but i’d be a terrible tour guide, like idek how to use the trains around here 😭
‘give me a sumaya lore update pls’ — we’ve been through this, i have a very generic life. i journal, bake, crash out, study, cry about satoru, cry about aot, and then repeat đŸ„Č
i did just recently book a ticket to watch the aot movie in late feb with my sister tho, so there’s that! 😋
ILYTTT I’LL TTYL WHEN I’M FREE (from the shackles of exams sigh) đŸ©”đŸ©”đŸ©”
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ceruleanchillin · 4 years ago
When You're At The Function F***in It UP And Your Man Walks In (Mayans)
Warnings: Implied sexual content, language, fighting
Characters: Angel, Coco, & EZ
You’re on thin ice as it is sis. The little forest-green dress with the the deep plunge front and slit sides, the one that ended up purchased after your friends hyped you into it. That’s supposed to be in the trash according to one Angel Reyes. That, or reserved for private nights in.
Currently, it was wrapped around your form, helping you grab envious/admiring glances from around the room.
Your hips twisted to the layered bass, using the random behind you for stability. Your friend next to you cheered you on, her inner hype man on full display. There’s a breakdown in the song, and you lose yourself in the rhythm. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice telling you “Superstar mama, say hi for the gram!”.
Your eyes zone in on Gilly, eyes wide. Everyone knew the Mayans rolled deep when they went anywhere. Where there was one, there was the rest. Especially when it came to the three musketeers and their wrangler, EZ.
Like you were busted sneaking back into your room as a teen, you froze. You narrowed your eyes at your friend who shrugged and mouthed sorry before disappearing.
“Gilly fuck off!” You hissed, moving away from the random. Your eyes scanning the crowded den.
Gilly laughed, tucking his phone into his kutte. “Ayy, don’t get mad at me,” he fluttered his eyelashes and fake coughed into his hand. “I don’t feel so good baby, I’m just gonna stay in tonight.”
You narrowed your eyes at his high-pitched mimicry of your last conversation with Angel.
He wasn’t even supposed to be there. Your friend swore she nixed all Mayan related invites, just for that night, on your behalf. All you wanted was to be able to turn up like you did pre-relationship. Normally you could at clubhouse parties since Angel trusted everyone there with his life. Any party outside of that was a gamble, and Angel could referee like he got a check for it.
Your eyes finally met said man’s across the party and a chill and went down your spine. Angel was propped against the wall across the way, eyes on you.
The rest of party fell away as you made your way over to him, schooling your features into your ‘what did I do daddy?’ pout.
“Nah, don’t come over with that lip poking now.” He shook his head, speaking when you were in range of him.
“And what are you doing wearing this fucking pillowcase out here? What did we talk about?” He pinched the thin strings of your dress.
“Nooo, don’t be mad. I was walking through my closet and it fell on me. Besides, you liked it when I modeled it for you.”
Angel scoffed, refusing to even entertain your comments. Coco chuckled from his spot next to his friend as he lit a cigarette.
“I thought you had club shit, I didn’t even know you’d be here.” You cringed as soon as the words left your lips, the shots you’d taken earlier still putting in work.
“I didn’t know you’d be here either. I thought you were sick. There’s some soup in the car that thought it was getting dropped off. Apparently wrong thoughts is the theme of the night.”
Petty by Angel Reyes.
“Soup? Baby, that’s so sweet.” You tried to pet his cheeks, but he was keeping you at bay.
“You aren’t even sick! Imma give that shit to Gilly.”
“Nooo.” You whined again, still trying to get him to let you touch him in some way.
“Get that bitch you were dancing with to buy you soup.” It was his turn to pout, but there was fire in his eyes as he tracked the guy you’d been dancing with. “It’s all he’s gonna be able to fucking eat in a minute anyways.”
“Sorry I blew up your spot ma, I just wanted to see my plug and get out.” Coco opened the palm of his hand not holding the cigarette and revealed a small bag of weed.
Angel snapped his head towards him, expression incredulous. “Don’t apologize to her, she lied to her man! She gave some puto hope! Get on code!”
“I love you hermano, but this is your guard dog-ass fault.” He pointedly ignored his friend’s heated glare as a girl in the doorway caught his interest, slipping away when she positively returned his gaze.
Angel’s attention was claimed by you once again when you pulled his head down towards you. You smothered his cheeks in kisses, to which he was physically unresponsive.
“I don’t know if I want you kissing on me querida.”
You rolled your eyes. Petty or not, everyone knew Angel’s life force depleted the longer he went without touching you. Even in your tipsy state you could see his fingers literally twitched with the need to take their rightful place on your hips.
“I just wanted to dance like I used to, and you don’t dance. Then you beat down guys who want to. You left me no choice, so let me have kisses.” You locked your arms around his waist, successfully avoiding his half-hearted attempts to push you away.
He scrunched up his face. “How the fuck am I catching strays in this situation? I’m the victim!”
“I’ll make it up to you later if you stop being a hatin’ wallflower and let me grind on you.” Your hips found the rhythm of the slow wind song thumping through the room.
His hands encircled your throat, drawing you closer to his person. Your pupils blew at his darkened expression, your lower half squirming with interest. He pressed his lips to yours, and the party faded to nothing again. His fingers flexed around your throat before closing just enough for him to draw the subtlest gasp from you. He felt it more than heard it over the noise, but it was enough.
He pulled away, licking his lips as you tried to remember where you were and if sin always tasted so good.
“You’ll make it up to me right now in the traitor’s car.” he held up keys you recognized to be Coco’s.
You started to protest on principle, but your body was going through withdrawals from a lite touch (for Angel). He could see the wheels turning, but you were letting him lead you out of the room, palm openly covering your ass.
“Who are you texting?” You asked, more annoyed with how his hands were no longer possessively roaming your body than a real answer.
He quickly pocketed his phone and returned his hands to you. “No one baby.” definitely not telling his boys via group chat to handle the random for him. “Stop worrying about anything other than how you’re gonna get around at work tomorrow.”
It was bad enough you couldn’t make it to New Orleans due to work, and Old Lady “responsibilities”, but this petty fight you were in with Coco was the kicker. You couldn’t even remember how it started, but it escalated back and forth until you weren’t speaking and were back staying at your apartment.
Poor Letty had been reduced to messenger girl, especially now that she had a car. A tug of war with your point being “she was my girl first, that’s how we met” and his point being “she’s my kid, blood first ma” had broken out. You didn’t know what was going to wear through its welcome first, your lack of Coco, or Letty’s patience, but they were competing. It wasn’t like Coco was doing any better if your daily updates from Letty were any indication. He was impatient, tense, chain smoking, and was getting closer and closer to going through with the apology call he was openly fighting.
It wouldn’t be long before you were back to getting your back arched out of shape if that was anything to go by. Not a moment too soon if your own miserable habits were anything to go by. You wanted to use the party to distract yourself, hoping Coco would break first the following day. If not, it was sure to be you.
You spent the whole day throwing your frustrations into decorating your best friend’s backyard. It looked like the French Quarter threw up its best years, but it was the perfect backdrop to lose yourself to some bounce music.
Normally, you could goad Coco into being your twerking post, and that resistance (plus his turned on bi-lingual hypeman compliments in your ear) was everything missing at the moment.
You pouted and weaved your way out of the crowd to your friend who was busy playing good hostess.
“Ah ah, no whining. If you wanna really make it Mardi Gras, shake your ass on a dude.”
You narrowed your eyes, annoyed she shut down and solved your problem before you could whine about it. “Coco hates that shit! Plus he’s spoiled me, it won’t even be the same.”
“Coco isn’t here, and it doesn’t have to be the same, it just has to do.” She turned away from where she’d filled two shot glasses for the two of you. “Besides, we both know your ass is gonna be all in his neck crying about how you miss him tomorrow. Do your thing before you go out sad.”
She clinked shot glasses with you, pleased at her accurate assessment and your sourpuss face.
“Fuck you.” You laughed, voice rough from the burn of the shot.
“Save that for Coco.” She smacked your ass, draped one of the many beaded necklaces hanging off her shoulder around your neck, and sent you on your way back to the crowd of writhing bodies.
It was nothing to find dudes to grind on, and you fell into the synergy. You couldn’t count how many fast paced songs you’d thrown it back to, or how many guys you’d danced with. The stack of beads you’d acquired gave some idea though.
Meanwhile, Coco’s skin was alive with the kind of anger he felt. He’d been seriously contemplating coming to your place and forcing out admissions of how his life wasn’t right without you in it. He couldn’t remember who or what started it, but it didn’t even matter when your scent was starting to fade from his pillow, and his touch starvation was acting up.
All of that went careening out the window when he stumbled upon a pouty Letty, huffing and sucking her teeth at her phone. Turns out you, and “everyone in the goddamn world but me” according to Letty, were at your friend’s blowout Mardi Gras party. Coco knew it was your favorite holiday, but it was news to him that you had any plans since you couldn’t officially go this year. News he didn’t welcome at all, since all of the videos he saw you in you were throwing (his) your ass on multiple dudes. Did you think he wouldn’t fight everyone???
He was already on his bike before he’d even registered leaving the house. He sent a quick summoning call in his boy’s group chat, your friend’s address the destination.
The party was louder and wilder than the videos let on. He’d already spotted his boys by their kuttes, mingling in their respective ways, but didn’t seek them out. They’d find him if he needed them to. Coco on the other hand, needed to find you.
His eagle eyes picked apart the crowd until he spotted you twisting yourself to the rhythm. Coco didn’t know whether to shoot the asshole behind you, or take you away to deal with the feelings you were bringing out of him.
You knew he loved when you brought the South to the West Coast with your hips and ass.
He charged into your space, his hands immediately going for the guy’s arm and snatching him towards him.
“Make a choice cabrón. Get the fuck out, or be an expensive bill and sad memory for your moms by morning.” He pressed his kutte to his person, emphasizing that he was strapped.
The guy raised his palms and quickly exited the scene. Unwilling to test what clearly was a warning that Coco would happily make good on.
You tugged on him, trying to get him to move away from the crowd. Scanning those around you to see who saw or heard, you noticed more than you would’ve liked. They wouldn’t make a fuss, noting his kutte, but still.
“Stop it. What are you even doing here?” You hissed, tugging his arm harshly for his attention.
He turned his gaze, wild with adrenaline and arrogance at his victory, on you. “You should’ve stopped yourself before throwing it back on random fuckers for the internet. This is on you.”
“No, this is on you. If you hadn’t done what you did or said what you said
”. You trailed off remembering that you couldn’t recall what had happened, just the frustration.
“What did I say or do (y/n)?” He noted your visible annoyance that he’d chosen to use your real name instead of a pet name, and with a smirk, he walked you backwards until your back gently hit the fence.
Between not recalling what started the fight, and your man looking amazing, you settled on a pathetic. “You remember.”
“No I don’t, and neither do you.” that familiar prickle of intensity sparked between the two of you.
Everything between you and Coco felt like a live wire dancing back and forth. High energy moments usually ended in either great sex, or separation (sometimes by the force of your friends) to let things cool down.
“I know you’re gonna catch a case if you keep moving like that Johnny. Is that what you want?”
“Nah mujer, that ain’t what I want. I want you home where you belong, but you’re out here playing me instead.” Slender fingers tugged sharply at a few of the beaded necklaces in your stack.
You sucked your teeth and turned your head, ignoring the warm cheeks and butterflies in your stomach at his on-brand admission of missing you.
He placed a hand on the fence next to your head, grasping your chin to turn your attention back to him.
“You’re being a drama queen. I thought I was talking to Angel for a second.”
He threw his head back as laughed, and you got an almost overwhelming urge to kiss him. Or at least bury your fingers in his soft curls, they were begging for it at this po-
“Fuck that, he’s still got me beat. Wait til you see the tantrum he’s saving for you for not getting invited tonight.”
“He was, I just told her to can it because of you. He should be mad at you.” You pouted, but your tone was teasing.
“I could put in a good word for you
you know, if you’re done being petty.” He leaned in, running his lips over the shell of your ear.
“Or I could just offer to throw it back on him to make him forget.”
It was your turn to laugh when Coco tensed, and pulled back from where he’d been teasing you with light touches. You didn’t love him no longer touching you, but faltering him made it almost worth it.
“Or you could take me home and we could both forget
” you clutched at his kutte, leaning into him.
He pulled your hands away by your wrists, his thumbs rubbing over your pulse points.
“Nah, if dancing is this fucking important to you, come on then.” He pulled you after him.
“Cocooo,” you whined, more interested in getting him to touch you again. “Take me home already.”
“My lady wants to dance.” He sat on the outdoor wicker couch and patted his lap. “So dance.”
You stood there in confusion for a second, before what he meant became clear. “I’m not doing that here!”
“You didn’t have an issue earlier, move those hips ma.” He looked between you and his lap again.
Could’ve been the way he was biting his lip, or the laid back way he rested against the couch, but that coupled with lack of access to him, had affirmative words running through your mind.
You playfully rolled your eyes, faking like his request was that expensive. “Only because I want to get you home, and I know you’ll never quit whining if I don’t.”
You slipped onto his lap, the action already drawing attention from partygoers just for the potential of what was to come.
He grasped your hips to still you before you started to move, his palm pressing you back to him by your throat. “And don’t half-ass it yeah
or I might do the same when I get you home.”
It wasn’t until Creeper hit his shoulder and informed him of how hard he was smiling that EZ realized his cheeks ached. He couldn’t help it, he loved watching you dance more than anything.
As soon as you heard a melody you liked, you came alive to it, and stole everyone’s attention. You could find the beat on anything.
That wasn’t his sole reason for cheesing so hard though. Tonight had been the first night you brought your closest friends around the club, and he knew it took great trust in him, his brothers, and your relationship to do that. Your family was on the East Coast, so your friends filled that role for you. Coupled with EZ, they were your world and he thanked you everyday for letting him in.
“Gonna stop calling you boy scout if you keep enjoying the show this much.” Creeper took the seat across from him, half blocking his view.
“Oh you didn’t know how EZ gets down?” Angel’s lips formed that mischievous grin, his eyes taking on the same glint. “You should’ve seen him begging me for tales from Angel’s crib.”
“She and her girls look good out there. Might be too much for you junior.”
EZ rolled his eyes at the ribbing from his brothers, his grin still intact. “At some point I’m gonna be patched, I’m happy to make a cage date for that day. Pretty sure I can take both of you.
Creeper and Angel exchanged exaggerated incredulous expressions.
“See what happens when you go easy on the help?” Angel scoffed. “You sound like you’re hurtin’ for work prospect.”
“Could use some more water.” Creeper shook his water bottle at him, just barely missing splashing him.
EZ rose from his seat, empty beer bottle in hand. “Just remember that day is coming.”
Angel and Creeper laughed raucously at that.
“Don’t get your ass beat in front of your woman lil bro!”
EZ shook his head, choosing to ignore his dumbass older brother. and tossed his bottle in the trash. Slipping through the moving bodies until he was near you, he gently patted your friend who nodded and stepped from behind you.
You jumped, surprised at his sudden appearance, but settled back against him.
“Hey baby.” You gently encouraged him to follow the sway of your hips as he placed his head on your shoulder.
“Hey. I’m back on the slave clock, you want anything?”
You turned to him, his arms instinctively encircling your waist. “Hard tea please.”
“I gotta go to the trailer for that, and get the variety hour table over there a drink. I’ll try to be quick.”
“Don’t rush, but remember, you owe me a dance.” You cupped his cheeks and pressed a kiss to his lips.
He grinned goofily, his attention solely yours until he felt your girls draping themselves over him.
“Can you get us some too Zeke? Thanks.” “Preciate it Z.”
You giggled pushing them off him, but you knew he didn’t mind. You guys were a package deal and he’d take whatever you came with. At least their requests came with pleasantries.
“Sure ladies, not a problem. Don’t let anyone take her while I’m gone.”
They laughed, giving affirmative replies while you rolled your eyes pushed him towards the side door.
Once he began his drink fulfillment quest, it was like every brother wanted something from him. It was a full house that night and he should’ve known once he was no longer under Angel’s break protection, he was back to errand boy status.
Every task he completed was met with teasing about how his rushed pace clearly pointed to him wanting to get back to you. He didn’t argue the fact, just moved faster every time you were mentioned.
Finally, he was able to to focus on your request when he stopped being flagged down.
He was heading to the trailer when one of your friends stopped him.
“One of the other charter’s guys is annoying our girl. She doesn’t wanna make a fuss cause’..you know.” She gestured to his vest to signify his prospect status. “But I know she’s not feeling it.”
He could feel the the muscles in his jaw flex in anger, feet carrying him across the crowded yard. People moved before he could plow through them, which was just as well, because he wasn’t fully in control at that point, and didn’t think he could slow down enough to sidestep them.
The clubhouse had filled considerably since his absence. He scanned the room for you, finding you in a crowd of moving bodies. Your friend was right, you had a good poker face, but your man knew you.
He didn’t waste time physically separating you from the Yuma patch member. He gently put you behind his person, feeling your small hands press against his back through his vest.
“I’m good baby. He agreed this was the last dance.” Your voice belied your annoyance despite your words.
“I’m guessing he said that more than once.”
“I don’t mind, I know clu-“
Yuma interrupted you. “See, she doesn’t mind. Go find something to do with yourself prospect.”
“I’ve got a project in mind.” EZ pushed you back a little more to give himself room to work with.
“Be smart bare vest.” Yuma smirked, his eyes saying how much he’d love for EZ to make the mistake he was thinking about.
In the span of the next few seconds, Yuma’s vest and shirt was covered in beer and Coco had appeared at the same time. If the obvious way he was holding the bottle didn’t give away he did it on purpose, his dry “my bad” and shrug did.
Yuma swung on Coco who anticipated it and dodged it, before firing back with a successful punch of his own. A sea of Mayans of mixed charter filled the space and EZ quickly pushed you behind the bar before he lost you in the shuffle.
Understanding what Coco had done, he got in the middle to give the Yuma patch what he’d been asking for while he was covered by the chaos.
It didn’t last long before the presidents stepped in, but it didn’t have to. He was happy to take the few licks he’d received, because he was pretty sure he’d broken Yuma patch’s nose, and would get away with it.
His brother’s words against theirs, and the presidents didn’t feel the need to make it a drawn out issue. He pretended to have played bouncer instead of active participant, and it all ended with a basic chewing out.
His only thoughts were of you once his rage had subsided, and he could think clearly again. Had he scared off you and your friends? Embarrassed you?
He was happy to find that hadn’t. Your friends couldn’t help but fawn over him and how “perfect for you” he was. He especially enjoyed reveling in the jealousy of Coco, Angel, Gilly, and Creeper. Coco slightly less salty when he got praise for his efforts.
He got his admiration from you later when you patched him up in the trailer, soft voice telling him how sexy he looked to you, and how you appreciated him thinking of you in his position. You held his face and gently went over everything you could find, while he said on his makeshift bed content to let you.
He couldn’t stop grinning, the one that always got him mercilessly mocked because it was now associated with him thinking of you.
“Seriously EZ,” you dabbed at the final cut you hadn’t attended to. “Thank you.”
“I want you to feel safe with me, it’s only fair if you can accept all this shit.”
You grinned down at him, hair framing your face, and he had to remind himself to breathe at the sight. “I do, all the time.”
He cupped the side of your face, unwilling to fight the urge to kiss you any longer.
You laughed speaking between kisses. “I’m not done.”
“It’s ok, I’m good.” He chased your lips, unashamed to want you so badly.
“Ok,” you returned his kisses, your fingers dancing down the nape of his neck. “But I’d like to cash in that dance you owe me
you know, before we get too busy.”
He rose to full height, hands finding both of yours. “I can do that.”
I don’t speak Spanish, so if I made a mistake feel free to hop in my messages and let me know and how to fix it please. You’re more than welcome to.
1.) I remember seeing a meme vid about this years ago, and finding it hilarious. I could see this happening with these dudes and their personalities. That, and I just really wanted a lil southern culture in a Mayans drabble. đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž
2.) I did a rewatch of the whole series (including the original), and I’m back on the obsession train. Just tryna to be happy before S4 kicks my shit in.
3.) I kept telling myself I wouldn’t end up writing for these fools and here I am in my Ringling Bros. bestđŸ€Ą.
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bvleraddict · 3 years ago
Story time about my Byler journey!
Ok imma admit it, I once was too a milkvan shipper and an ant! Byler. Dark ages, ik. BUT I HAVE AN EXPLANATION!
so when I first started watching stranger things I was about 2 or 3 years younger than how old I am now, and a lot can change during that time. At that time I was not really aware of the Byler ship because I was a really cringey child who was trying to convince myself I was straight, much like mike. Anyways, I was legit obsessed with milkvan and I was so happy when I heard millie say she wanted a milkvan wedding (which she said later she was pressured into saying).
when I became more aware of Byler, I hated it, not only because I loved milkvan, but also because I loved Will if that makes sense. I thought that will deserved better than mike.
later I stopped shipping milkvan because I started realizing how toxic it was. So I decided that mike was an ass, and will just needed to find another guy of his dreams.
ok now I’m not even gonna lie to you all on how I turned into a Byler stan. It was the memes. The memes turned me. I was scrolling on Pinterest and i was just like whoa look at that art, look at that theory, look at that fanfic, Etc etc to the extent that I became obsessed with collecting Byler memes and other stuff, (which I still am). And then, I found tumblr. at first my tumblr was a really sad page that I legit never used and it had one repost about some sims 4 custom content that I wanted of this character ralsei from the game deltarune. Naturally, I gravitated straight towards the Byler hashtag and I found this place.
anyways yeah, so being a milkvan shipper is something I look back on and cringe internally really bad, istg no cap. As of today I have a note book filled with Byler content and proof, I have read so many fan fics oml, I read the 324 Byler proof slide by @beepboop358 (which really helped my journey), and I now have over 300 (almost 400) posts and reposts about Byler on my tumblr ✹
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rawrtriesagain · 2 years ago
I binged the entirety of arcana and also fucked up my sleep schedule and I’m pleasantly surprised to see that most of it actually does flow together lol (or maybe I was sleep deprived as all hell). If you’re like “well why shouldn’t it”: it’s because my updates for the fic are sooooooo spread out throughout time that I was surely convinced it’d just slowly change due to me forgetting details, subtly changing the way I write, and wanting something else to happen instead. Like that fic has literally been going on for 3 years. I can see when and where hiatuses happen but it doesn’t feel really jarring, and I’m sure to most readers going thru the fic it isn’t noticeable at all hopefully.
I straight up couldn’t finish the latest chapter though because I started cringing so bad, so yea that needs work. If you’re wondering why, it’s because it feels very,,, as if I’m trying to just fill up space to move the plot along. And I know that could be said about anything, but it’s like a specific type of writing that just falls so flat. Basically I couldn’t figure out what to do with what I wanted to do and so the scenes I wanted to write aren’t being properly carried by the info/writing around it and so it’s just like wtf is going on. Also I HATE that there’s another “character” talking other than diakko which is stupid as fuck LOL but something about it just ruins the vibes of loneliness and despair. But I can’t hate the character because I lit rally need it there but UGH not fun I can’t explain it it like disrupts the whimsicalness of it all. I think I just didn’t handle it very well cause fuck it’s that character that gives me embarrassment
Some random lore about me but I’ve lit rally never made an OC before because I don’t like to, so now when I’m trying to it for once it just makes me cringe so bad. It’s probably why I feel everything’s so forced because I had to make this ‘Human’ Character that pushed the plot along when I’ve never done that before. This is super stupid because I’m genuinely so excited for the next chapter that uses yet another OC. Anyway ya imma try to rewrite it so if ur planning to give it a read you can stop at the Time box one
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cloudninetonine · 3 years ago
Imma go back to sending ideas and thoughts via anon, because anxiety brain is evil, however I do have thoughts.
These ones stem from cooking.
In Breath of the Wild there are a lot of different approximations and replacements for different foods but one thing that pains me is the fact of, other than rock salt and goron spice, there is practically no seasonings!
If I was Player, I'd flat out cry from food being plain and take over cooking to the best of my ability. Because Wild probably doesn't save the grease from things that he cooks so that he can add that flavor to other meals which is a really useful tip for cooking when low on seasonings.
Most recipes don't even call for seasonings.
So just, Player introducing the Chain to flavorful food that they're not really used to having and absolutely refusing to eat most cooking without seasonings, much like I would.
Anyway! I'm probably done projecting for now.
-Fruit Anon
I understand what you mean by anxiety! Trust me!
Also, I was thinking about this the other day and I just cringed, coming from a family who always uses spices or adds flavour to their meals I would get tired of bland food hella quick.
I feel like Wild would definitely love to learn about variety in cooking, so I believe him and the Player would try experimenting with different plants...
Wild: Why don't we try this-
Player: *Puts it in mouth*
Player: *Spits it out after a few quick chews* This tastes like Ginger! Perfect for our dish!
Wild: You just ate-
They share exactly one (1) brain cell and Hyrule has it. Sometimes he gives it to Wild.
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whats-rambled-rambled · 4 years ago
Long Nights - part 2
Neil x Reader
Chapter 2: Praise you
(see chapter 1)
summary: you found tremendous joy in coming up with new ways to make the lockpicking sessions challenging. And entertaining. 
...even if the last part was mostly a one-sided thing.
warnings: 18+, explicit language, teasing, implied smut I guess? oh, and of course - ✹hand content✹
author’s note: Took me a while, but it was fun to write! Didn’t expect it to get this long, but here we are - over 4,2k words of shameless hand content
The song for this chapter is Fatboy Slim - Praise you
Anyway, enjoy! All feedback is greatly appreciated, let me know what you think?
Tag list: @vaneilla @gallifreyan-uprising​ @ergunbilge @invertedneil @wanderedaway​ @truly-insatiable​ (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list)
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You cracked it.
It took you a good while, though. A whole sleepless night, even.
And half of the morning after that.
But maybe the absolute exhaustion was the key, pun intended.
At first, it boggled your mind so much that you were dangerously close to using brute force just to examine that lock. You tried every technique that you could think of - to no effect. It wasn’t like anything you’d seen before. The mechanism wasn’t responding as usual, it was more like a thing from goddamn Upside Down, or however the fuck that was called.
It became a matter of pride.
The sun had risen over an hour ago and the sunlight was pouring through the gaps in the blinds. Grasping at the last strands of sanity, you decided to take a break. You put on your headphones and danced around your apartment to the sounds of a song with that one bloody line that somehow seemed fitting for this madness.
Is it worth it? Let me work it, I put my thang down, flip it and reverse it
Because it felt exactly like that was what had happened to it. And no amount of cursing and switching tools would help in the face of glitched reality.
And when you sat down at your desk again, with your head so empty that your last brain cell was amusing itself by yodeling and listening to an echo, you bound the first pin. The sound was so distorted it almost startled you. The last thing you needed right then was to break the hook inside the keyway, so you leveled your breath and continued, even though your fingers cramped painfully. That wasn’t enough to stop you. Not as you finally got proof that the task was actually within your reach. 
With every click like a backwards version of the sound you knew so well, the next pins got set quicker and smoother. And when you opened the lock, you couldn’t help the cheerful scream that escaped your mouth.
“Fuck yes!” You punched the air, the adrenaline rushing through your veins, the biggest grin lighting up your face.
That’s when you knew there was no way you were going to sleep anytime soon. Besides, you still didn’t know how you managed to convince that device to cooperate. You had to prove to yourself that it wasn’t dumb luck, and should you ever come upon a bloody nightmare like that, you’d be able to use the experience to crack it open. Because of that, you spent the next couple of hours reverse-picking it (which turned out to be another level of bonkers) to lock the damn thing, only to open it back again. And again. And then three times more. When you got comfortable with the process, your eyes were burning, your fingers stiff and trembling, but the immense satisfaction was worth every bit of it.
You were about to crash on the bed as your phone buzzed, and you glanced at the incoming message.
//did you pick it?
At first, you assumed you got it from Mahir, but as you were typing in a long rant, you realized that there was no history of the previous conversations on the screen, so you checked the sender again.
You’d exchanged the numbers the day before, but you didn’t expect to hear from him until they got everything ready to start the lessons. Oh well. You snapped the picture of the open lock and sent it back, adding a short message.
          //that was fun, hope you have more of them
As you faceplanted on the bed, the phone buzzed with a reply.
//N: you bet
You couldn’t wait to get all the answers about how they managed to manufacture the most bizarre and mind-bending thing you’d ever seen, but there was no point in asking those questions over the phone. Plus, you really needed to get some rest.
          //awesome! now excuse me, imma get some Zs - let me know when you  guys are ready to start
After a second, you typed in another text.
          //ps. how’s your nose?
//N: will do, sleep well!
//N: as for my nose...let’s say I’m glad it wasn’t the straightest one in the first place
That cheeky bastard.
          //hey, don’t try to guilt-trip me, i’m trying to sleep
You almost drifted off, but you couldn’t resist checking that last notification.
//N: ...I wouldn’t dare
Snorting, you rolled to the side.
Then you fell asleep, dreaming of the impossible locks.
It took them another day to prepare all the stuff, and after several further messages you got a date and location.
The building looked like a contemporary tenement house, definitely standing out from two older ones at its sides. You always assumed it belonged to one of those fancy start-ups, but apparently it was some sort of temporary headquarters of your new associates.
It didn’t surprise you that you weren’t given a tour of the place, you assumed you needed to have some sort of clearance to walk freely through the area. For now, you were restricted to the ground floor, or rather to the lobby and your classroom - a rather cozy space, but equipped with everything you needed to begin.
Neil turned out to be a fast learner, at least when it came to covering the theoretical side of lockpicking. You walked him through the basics, but you couldn’t help the itch in the back of your brain. After the encounter with the preposterous lock, your mind started to question everything that used to be unshakeable.
And of course you asked Neil about that bloody device as soon as you saw him, but he just smiled lightly and said that The Protagonist insisted on telling you all that himself when the time was right. So you had nothing left to do but to continue with the lessons, hoping that you the man himself would decide to grace you with his presence sooner than later.
You propped the chin on your hand and watched as Neil grabbed the tools. Your gaze wandered over his outrageously long fingers as he gave the lock a try, but apparently, the most idiotic grin on your face didn’t go unnoticed.
“Hey, eyes up here,” snorted Neil, and you looked at him just to meet his amused face. He caught you shamelessly staring, and there was no point in denying it.
Trying to salvage your mental coherence, you choked out, “Dude, your hands are--”
“What?” he asked, tilting his head.
“...huge,” you finished, the wide smile not leaving even for a second. You bit your lip and glanced back at Neil. “Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna stare for a bit longer.”
A hint of a blush crept upon his cheeks. My, oh my. Blinking rapidly, he cleared his throat and proceeded to bind the first pin, pressing his mouth into a thin line in an attempt to keep a composed demeanor. The sparkles in his gaze were quite telling, though.
The sight was utterly adorable, but more importantly, it planted a rather gut-busting idea into your head.
You stifled a giggle.
All in due time.
One of the perks of the location was a small cafe on the other side of the street.
Neil took you there on your second day during a break, walking in with a confidence of a true regular. He knew the staff by name and vice-versa, so it didn’t surprise you as he charmed his way through the conversation.
“I’ve got this,” he said, raising a hand to stop you before you could place your order. “One black coffee and one--...” he hesitated, still preventing you from chiming in. You crossed your arms and watched as his forehead creased, the confidence leaving him with every second passed. He narrowed his eyes, and you could almost hear the gears grinding in his head.
Whatever he was doing, or trying to do, it was time to put him out of his misery.
“Iced mocha for me, please,” you said, wondering which one of you had a more puzzled expression. “Cat got your tongue?”
Neil shook his head.
“No, it’s just
” - he let out a small sigh - “I can’t read you.”
“Good,” you snorted. “Why would you want to, anyway?”
The young barista smiled, putting the first coffee on the counter.
“Oh, your colleague here has a thing.”
“Oh?” You arched a brow. “Do tell!”
“It’s nothing,” said Neil, cringing slightly, but it wasn’t enough to prevent the enthusiastic answer from spilling from the barista.
“He likes to guess the orders of his companions, but this is prolly the first time I ever saw him freeze like that. Can’t wait to tell Doris!”
Neil groaned, avoiding your amused stare. “Spare me, Max.”
“Aww, man, I’m honored to be your first!” you teased, nudging his arm lightly and snickering at the absolutely done face he gave you in return.
That cafe quickly became your place of choice during breaks, but sometimes, if the weather was nice enough, you ordered to-go, just to spend that bit of free time between lockpicking sessions sitting on a grassy hill overlooking a bank of the river. You chatted about everything and nothing in particular, or simply sat in silence, enjoying the ambiance, beverages, and each other’s company.
The last thing took you by surprise, in a way. You’d expected those brief moments of a break during the day to be your sacred moments of solitude, the usual necessity to avoid getting too cranky around people. As Neil joined you on that second day, you found out that his presence was not bothering you, or at least your social batteries weren’t being drained in their regular manner. Sure, it probably helped that he was incredibly easy on the eyes, but a real treat were those moments when you ventured onto a territory he felt strongly about. In a wink, he was ready to drop his typical composure just to go straight into bubbly rants, gesturing wildly, the blue irises lit by the fire that he most often kept under wraps.
There was nothing more boring than people who lacked passion.
Lucky for you, that was not the case with Neil.
Moreover, he made you laugh.
A dangerous combination.
Alluring, even.
Good thing that you were not one to become smitten that easily.
That didn’t mean you couldn’t have some fun, though.
“You need to listen to what the lock has to say,” you prompted, pacing through the room and watching as Neil struggled with a new type of mechanism. “It’s all about feedback.”
He pulled out the tools and rubbed his face, trying to hide the first hints of frustration.
“What if we apply heavier tension to amplify it?” he said and glared at the lock as if it was taunting him from its place on the practice stand.
“Sure, “ - you leaned over the table to rest the chin on your laced fingers - “but can you think of any reasons not to do that, my dear Physics Boy?”
“The higher possibility of breaking tools?”
“Precisely,” you said as you snapped and pointed your fingers. ”Also, you risk binding the pins too tightly and you wouldn’t want that, either.”
Neil sighed and slumped his shoulders.
“So...patience, then?”
“Yes,” you beamed. “It really comes down to one thing - you have to feel it.”
A corner of his lips twitched. “I’ve heard it before,” he said, shifting in his seat.
You shrugged, eyeing him curiously.  
“Maybe because that’s one universally useful advice?”
“Would help if I understood it, too.” He gave you a weak smile, but his expression told you he wasn’t convinced.
You hummed in acknowledgment.
“Listen, I can smarten it up for you, but let me just show you what I mean.” You grabbed the second pair of tools from the table and placed them inside the keyway, but as soon as you opened your mouth to provide some follow-up instructions, you got struck by a better idea. Your eyes flared up. “Okay, know what? I’m just gonna-- if you could scoot back a bit--...” you said, shuffling in his direction. Neil’s brows snapped together in consternation, but he moved back. Without further ado, you sat down in front of him, nestling yourself between his spread legs on the edge of the chair, and let out a content sigh. “Should be easier now. Put your hands on mine.“
Neil tensed, and you could swear you heard him swallowing hard behind your back. He followed your suggestion, wrapping his arms around you and placing his hands on top of yours.  
“Now, lay your fingers on the tools just above mine,” you continued as you slid your digits back to make more room for him. “Great, try not to press them and focus. Close your eyes, if you want.” As you gently moved the tools, you couldn’t resist but to add, “You can breathe though, you know?”
You giggled at the sarcastic bit in his tone and drew a long breath, hoping that Neil would follow it, and focused back on the lock. Purposefully slowing down your movements to allow him to feel how the mechanism responded to your ministrations, you kept sliding the hook back and forth the keyway, setting pin after pin. Neil relaxed after a moment, his shallow breath ghosting over your shoulder got deeper and more steady. His palms rested heavier on your hands, and you marveled at their size again, nibbling on your bottom lip. With all your senses sharpened, you stole a brief moment of self-indulgence, closing your eyes and relishing in the warmth radiating from Neil, the way it enveloped you, carrying a scent of his cologne - airy citrus undertones mixed with hints of powdery musk, a fresh and unostentatious combination you found fitting him so well.
The final click, more pressure and voilĂ  - the lock was open.
“Did you feel it?” you asked softly, weirdly unwilling to move, hoping to linger in the position for a little while longer.  
“Yes,” said Neil, and his husky voice made you turn your head to look at him. As he pulled his hands back somewhat hesitantly, you noticed his dazed expression and slightly flushed cheeks.
“Good,” you chirped, grinning, then reached out over your shoulder and lightly booped his nose, enjoying probably a bit too much the way his eyes widened. “Your turn.”
Days. Weeks. Or was it months, plural?
You lost track of how much time had passed since that morning in the Old Town district.
The progress was counted by the number of models you introduced to Neil, showing him all the tricks you’d learned over the years. You still waited for the meeting with The Protagonist, although, ever since your student spilled a little too much information during one of his enthusiastic rants at the breaks (seriously, how could a person that bad at keeping secrets survive so long in any sort of spying business was beyond you), your initial curiosity itch had been scratched, and you were now in that blessed moment before it got unbearable again and demanded taking further actions.
It also helped that you found tremendous joy in coming up with new ways to make the lockpicking sessions challenging. And entertaining. Even if the last part was mostly a one-sided thing.
Neil was clearly feeling confident that evening. He really started to get a hang of this, and you loved watching him like that - fully focused, blonde strands falling to the eyes, with the tip of the tongue poking out...
It would be a shame if someone was to test his level of concentration.
“You know, I spend so much time looking at your hands that they recently started making cameos in my dreams.”
The blue eyes darted at you from under raised brows.
“Is that so?" asked Neil, switching his attention to the lock again.
“Yep. Mind you, most of those dreams are rather uneventful.” You pouted, sliding from your place on the windowsill. “Still waiting for one that is not so boringly PG-13.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line and swallowed with effort.
Circling the table, you stopped behind Neil’s chair.
"I’m just saying,” - leaning over, you purred right into his ear - ”that such long fingers like yours can give a girl all sorts of ideas--"
You bit back a satisfied smile and smacked your tongue. “Those were perfectly fine tools, you know.”
Neil turned in his seat and gaped at you.
“Why are you like this?” he complained, helpless and flustered.
You shrugged. “I thought it was a high time for a little stress test. Might come in handy later.” Snickering at his puzzled face, you added, “What? You’re not exactly in a stress-free line of work.”
He shook the head lightly and scoffed. “... yeah, I see your point,” he said, a corner of his mouth curling into a half-smile. “But I don’t think there’s a high risk of someone trying to seduce me in the field.”
“Do you think that’s what I’m doing?” you asked, arching a brow, your tone nothing but serious.
The panicked look on his face as he blinked rapidly was more than enough to break your deadpan façade.
“Oh man, I’m just pulling your leg. You should’ve seen your face though.” Giggling, you grabbed a fresh lock from a shelf and tossed it to Neil. He sighed and replaced the messed-up device. “Besides,” you continued, “if there is one thing that the espionage movies have taught me, it’s that the spy always has plenty of beautiful creatures willing to keep his bed warm.”
The playful sparks appeared in Neil’s eyes.
“Is this a very elaborate way of asking me if I’m seeing someone or are you volunteering?”
Well, well, well.
“What if it’s both?”
“Then the first answer is no. As for the second one--” he hesitated, tugging the bottom lip between the teeth. “...a follow-up question - is it a good idea?”
You tilted your head, sitting down on the edge of the table in front of him.
“What if it’s gonna make things
 I don’t know, weird?”
You gestured vaguely. “Can’t get any weirder than all your timey-wimey, inverted entropy bullshit.”
“That’s not exactly--”
“I know what you meant,” you sighed and met his darkened gaze, a shade of smile tainting your lips. “And yet, you’re trying to appeal to my reason while looking at me like that.” You left your seat and grabbed your backpack. “It’s getting late. Finish with this one and get some rest.”
Then you left, not waiting for a reply.
It was one of the warm nights and you decided to take a walk. A promenade near the river was not as crowded as you expected, making your journey home way more enjoyable. With your favourite tunes seeping through the headphones, you took in the view, the city lights reflecting in the water only added to the ambiance.
The phone buzzed in your pocket.
//N: I can’t believe you left like that
You chuckled, texting him back.
          //why, you had any plans?
The answer came almost instantly.
//N: maybe
He was adorable. But--
          //have you finished with the lock?
//N: wait are you gonna use our conversation as some sort of motivational tool now
Even if you weren’t, after getting a message like that?
You just had to.
//N: jesus
          //sex is but a great metaphorical carrot. besides - it’s all about that delayed gratification and whatnot
A moment of silence.
And then:
//N: you’re evil.
That spiteful period at the end got you snickering loudly, earning you some curious looks.
A huge grin lit up your face.
          //gn <3
You must admit, that game was quite exciting.
And Neil was getting better at it, and soon implying became no longer enough to make him lose his focus.
At first, it was relatively easy to prompt a blush or a slight tremble of a hand. But with every next attempt, he grew more and more resilient, and soon, the only indication that he heard you was the fire burning in his eyes.
Then you got really mean, throwing some ambitious tasks in front of him, tricky locks and complex mechanisms, as your teasing got more straightforward.
And descriptive.
It became hard to shake it off once you left the training room. The lingering looks. The accidental touches. The atmosphere, almost electric. In other words - the heat sink was ready to be popped, and it was no longer a matter of if, but more of when.
“4 minutes.”
Neil barely nodded, lips pressed together and brows knitted in concentration.
3 locks in 15 minutes. Difficult, but doable, considering his current level of skill. Too bad he’d slacked at the second one, not leaving too much time for the final push. Sure, you didn’t go easy on him along the way, but the real challenge was supposed to be a race against the clock, so now you just watched him with bated breath.
You checked the time.
“45 seconds”
“Goddamnit!” he uttered through gritted teeth, readjusting cramping fingers on the tools.
“Come on, you’ve got this,” you said, taking a step closer.
Another click.
He didn’t know that there was only one pin left to set. You did, that’s why you tried your best not to reveal it with your expression. Too early to celebrate, anyway.
“Nine... eight
That’s when you heard a final click and you looked up from your phone, only to see the lock giving in and opening up.
“Yeah!” Neil cheered, banging a fist on the table and tossing the tools away.
You smiled, hiding the phone in the pocket. “Good job, I knew--” but before you could finish a sentence, Neil sprung up from his chair and closed the gap between you, then cupped your face with his palms and kissed you hungrily.
You froze for a second, but as your mind caught up, you kissed him back, tugging at the light blue shirt. He smiled against your lips and made you back away until you hit the wall, huffing at the sudden coldness of the surface. But he was bent on kissing you senseless until you both ended up gasping for air.
“You’re so paying for all that teasing,” he panted, running the tip of the tongue through his swollen lips. “Not to mention, you’ve given me a few fascinating ideas, and I’m very much willing to give them all a try.”
You grinned, fighting with your evidently short-circuiting brain for a grasp of coherence as his hands traveled down your body.
“My, my, all of them?”
“The night is young,” - his throaty chuckle sent a wave of heat through your body - “and I’m up for a challenge.”
“I’m counting on it,” you breathed, burying your fingers in his hair, and pulling him into a kiss again.
Actually, the challenge started right away, and that meant getting to Neil’s place, as the company conveniently rented him a room in a nearby hotel. Walking distance, but in your current quite heated state, every distance seemed way too long. Especially when you had to keep up appearances.
At least until the elevator’s door closed behind you.
The dark gaze fixed on you. Your breaths intertwining. His bottom lip between your teeth. The five o’clock shadow under your fingertips. Your hands sliding under his shirt. His knee parting your legs. The intoxicating smell of his cologne. Your quiet moan. His tongue slipping into your mouth--
A quiet sound announced you reached your floor, and you stumbled out into the corridor, giggling, unable to keep hands and lips off each other.
Your back hit the door, barely missing the knob. Without skipping a beat, Neil reached to the pocket of his pants, then into the other one. When he tried the third one, you broke the kiss, your expression nothing but innocent.
“Looking for this?” you asked, showing him a key card.
He furrowed his brows. “Yes, thank you, I don’t know how--...” he started, but when he tried to snatch his property, you hid your hand behind your back. His jaw went slack as it dawned on him and he stared at you in disbelief. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, but I am.”
He groaned.
“You’re unbelievable,” he uttered as he pulled out his wallet. “Credit card?”
“Only if you’re not overly attached to it.” The roguish lights danced in your gaze. “Especially when you’re in a hurry,” you hinted, palming over the bulge in his pants. Neil squeezed his eyes shut, biting back a moan, and you stifled a chuckle. “Try any membership card.”
He glared at you. “You’re so in for it, you have no idea.”
“Promises, promises,” you pouted, trying not to burst into laughter at his wounded expression. “Work it.”
“Gladly, just tell me what to do.”
So you walked him through the process.
Fortunately, Neil really was a fast learner, making the door give way in no time.
“Good boy,” you hummed, and the blue eyes flared up.
He crashed his lips on yours, closing the door behind you.
Then he gave you a taste of what was coming for you.
And then some more.
And then

...he gave you all.
(next chapter ->)
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robynlilyblack · 3 years ago
I'm sorry about how many I've asked 😂
3. Trope that makes you cringe?
7. Do you ever request fanfic from others?do you request anonymously?
23. Do you enjoy getting feedback?
30 which character do you find easiest/hardest to write?
43 how many drafts do you usually do before you finalize a fic?
45 do you wish your followers interacted with you more?
61 what is something you wish you could say to your favorite character?
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No worries love thank you 💛
3. In Harry potter ones I think the love potion made them cheat, i get it but it makes me feel a bit weird. In general fanfics (usually long haul ones) i know there needs to be some drama after the characters get together but the introducing a brand new character just for jealousy? Like i’d prefer fluffy domestic stuff like them arguing about dishes or work or something but thats just me being a softie for the real stuff 😅
7. Yes I have, I’ve done it both anonymously (pre writting and when i first started this blog) and as myself, at present I now just send in things as me since i’m more confident x
23. YES! Love it when i see someone comment, especially little quotes from my diaologe or specific scenes just makes my whole day 💕 I also don’t mind if people give me advice or if i got something wrong, it helps me improve x
30. Freddie and Sirius come very natural to me (which is ironic as they are the loudest and imma shy hermit) x Remus and Draco i defo need to be in the mood to write as i go through phases with them. Other characters that are like side charaters in fics, James and Marlene aww i love them to bits! Alex and Amos from bookshop girl also very easy. I’d probs say maybe ginny, ron, mione etc are the hardest to write because i’ve written marauders era so much...hint hint send me golden era stuff hehe (but also love writing marauders so please son’t stop those either haha)
43. So i have the base plan (all bullet pointed), then it depends on my mood whether i write detailed from the start (this happens when i’m most inspried) or i write rough, mostly dialogue. Anyway it’s probably one draft and then i go through it adding in little deatials sometimes even an extra scene before going away to sleep or eat before giving it one last read through and then post. So probs 1-2 for requests and maybe 3-4 with my own series and oneshots
45. Sometimes? I feel like everyone craves it but i favourite thing is seeing the same people popping up on my activity, or when i see someone like a fic then proceed to go down one of my masterlists just gives me so much serotonin. Only thing i’ll never say no to is comments even if its just a quote you liked it helps me figure out what dialogue people like and if i’m writing the characters well x
61. Wish you were real haha, honestly i’s probably thank them for being a constant in my life, being something no one can ever take from me and giving me just sheer unadulterated happiness 💛
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ehbunnehsblog · 4 years ago
First off I just wanna say holy shiz! My last post did really good! So thank you guys for the support, liking, reblogging, following me and my content. I know it's just a basic nostalgia blog but it's really cool to know that some really like the stuff I post.
I always try to post stuff that is nostalgic to me but also stuff others might find nostalgic as well because this blog isn't just about me it's about you as well but anyways I saw this post a while back about what you searched up on YouTube as a kid and I thought hey why not do this myself! I thought it would be a neat little idea that would bring us together more and let you cool dudezzzzz get to know me so with all that said let's get to it! (Also I apologize if its absolutely cringe lol!)
1. Salad fingers
So pretty much everyone knows who and what salad fingers is we don't really have to get into it but idk how but I was just never scared of it. I remember as a child one of my friends was terrified of salad fingers yet I somehow was okay with it. I remember seeing a fake episode of it and it being a rickroll because that was sorta popular back than. I think salad fingers is pretty cool tbh its neat.
2. Wasabi Productions
This was a channel I frequented quite a bit. It had some really funny humor at the time I mean I was a kid so really anything was funny most of the time. The channel imo was just sorta random and the humor was pretty random. Humor in this era of YouTube was just something else lol.
3. Simply Spoons
Don't remember this one as much tbh but my friend at the time loved like absolutely LOVED One Direction and we would sometimes watch this channel and this person would do prank calls while trying to impersonate Harry Styles and etc. Because my friend at the time was super into 1D we checked out a lot of 1D content.
4. The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction
Another gem of 1D content was these videos. We watched them a lot everytime a new video came out we would check it out. I don't know if I have a lot to say about this channel except for that most of the content was 1D and cartoons. I think the person still posted some 1D videos so if you want to check it out I will leave links below.
5. SophieGTV
Okay imma get to it because I know what some of you guys are thinking yes I absolutely loved LPS Popular lol but actually just Sophie's stuff altogether I really liked also SHES CANADIAN LIKE ME! Not many youtubers I know are from Canada so that's really heccin cool but anyways I loved her channel as a kid if you were talking to lil me I would probably say shes my favorite YouTuber. Sophie doesn't post much anymore but I remember when EVERYONE wanted a face reveal but I hope she is doing well now. She posted one year ago but hasn't posted since.
6. LPS popular
Hunny you know it. You know it. *insert will Smith that's hot that's hot* I know i just posted that i loved this series but really though this was my YouTube childhood I was absolutely in love with this series. The tea! The tea! I can't I used to binge this series all the time I remember my old friend absolutely loved this channel. Dude I miss being a kid sometimes with a wild and wacky imagination if I were a kid again I would totally rebinge this series lol!
7. LPSHannah
This girls channel was also amazing I didn't watch her videos a lot but I definitely liked a good handful of em. Her channel was just really cool and she did a face reveal! I don't know when but its definitely surprising! She sadly stopped making videos though (just checked big sad) do to coppa but I hope what she is doing is making her really happy and all the best to her. You can now find her posting on Hannah's Haven.
8. NamanthaSuxx
I wanna say she is also Canadian but honestly I have zero clue. I used to watch her channel sometimes when she would post videos about Monster High because at the time I was into those dolls which idk for sure but I think might be coming back? Anyways i wasnt as into the channel as my friend who introduced me to Namantha's channel.
9. Jpopluvr1000
Okay idk if this persons channel was always named this but I remember looking at their channel because they made a lot of Bratz themed videos and well me I am a Bratz fan and I remember this person got I think all or almost every 10th anniversary Bratz doll and making a video on it. I was really into Bratz maybe even more than Monster High tbh like those dolls were made the year I was born. Getting real for a moment but it is crazy knowing that they will be having their 20th anniversary and I am really hyped for the new dolls like honestly I love the screening and it might even be better than the last dolls lol but anyways I loved this persons channel it was great.
10. Webkinz, LPS, Bratz and monster high pool party videos
This one is just one big group because all were under the same thing. I really liked and still like swimming and so that's probably why I liked these videos as a kid there are some I watched but can't remember the name of at the moment and YouTube doesn't let you make it so you can find old videos easily especially if you can't remember them. I did remember I watched StarryStarr33 and I think strawberry516 but I don't know about strawberry for sure.
11. Smosh
The duo Ian and Anthony were sorta like a must watch on YouTube back in the day. They were just really big and it was difficult to ignore how popular they were on the site for a while. I loved their Honey Boo Boo video and I also remember watching Ian and Anthony open things on another channel. The humor was also very YouTubery it probably wouldn't be good in professional stuff but for teens and kids at the time most of us thought it was pretty funny.
12. Bratz collection
Just like jpopluvr1000 I just really liked Bratz dolls and collections of them.
13. LPS music videos
Didn't matter what it was I loved LPS as a kid so I was willing to watch anything with them.
14. KyleMonkey
My sister showed me this weird dude who made a video with him just eating chapstick and another of him farting, spitting out grapes and just being crazy and yeah honestly idk what to say about this dude lol
15. Key of Awesome
Didn't check them out a whole lot tbh but I enjoyed some of their parodies
16. Fred
Everyone acts like the didn't watch him but you know some of them have. I liked watching his videos as a kid I remember when one of them was rated for older people for no reason. Also is it just me or did anyone else like his songs?
17. The Annoying Orange
Same deal just orange and an orange. These videos were cool I remember when Fred and him had that lil vs battle thingy you kinda just had to be there to understand the hype about the annoying orange. The humor has died out but it was a nice thing while it lasted unless you got easily annoyed.
18. Wafflepwn and the greatest freakout ever
I remember watching these videos with my friend at the time we just thought it was the most hilarious thing honestly the first video where the dude stick a remote up his butt still makes me chuckle somehow but I remember my dad being very upset when he saw I watched these videos and also having a difficult time coming to the fact that SPOILER ALERT!
It was fake all along. If people didn't know that you know these videos would be extremely problematic.
Conclusion: YouTube still felt so new and different at this time and things were growing although a lot of the humor would not fly for understandable reasons I feel like it was charming and I was very lucky I got to be on YouTube. I was very young so a lot of the channels I watched were more kiddy and childish but it felt sweet and nice. A lot of these channels were so cool and sometimes I would stay up late and watch them. With all that said I will probably make a second one of these. I was very unsure whether or not I wanted to post this because a part of me thought it would be cool but another felt like it would be cringy and wanna know what? It's both lol that's my entire conclusion this post was cool, fun and very very cringy but hey why not make another again sometimes? It will be cool to look back on and maybe if I forget something I can just come back here and remember it! Do you have anything you searched a lot as a kid? Comment below!
☆With all that said if you like what you see please give me a follow and a like I make many more posts like this☆
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imtheiliad · 3 years ago
So Eddie says he's an excellent answer.
This is canon.
We need to see it.
-Quarantine Anon
so first off yes- now i fully believe he does dory dad dancing just to annoy chris, but also buck has no idea and then one day bucks like idk how to dance :((( and eddie says he'll teach him, pls i need this to be canon thank you
imma throw all your asks into one post here just for ease :))
Can everyone on this show stop trying to solve their problems with violence?
I'd appreciate it very much.
yeah i dont feel great about this aspect of this season. hopefully all will be resolved in both cases. this weeks case could have 100% been handled differently and have the same effect of getting Athena to therapy etc.
I love Hen Wilson with my whole heart 💙💙💙
listen Hen is a big sister. like she filled that role for buck when maddie couldn't and shares it now. like that whole scene with Ravi had so much older sister patching things up between her brothers energy.
For a minute there I was scared that Buck was actually going to transfer to a different station.
I'm so glad that he's not going to.
I'm also still upset that we were deprived of the Eddie/Chimney and Bobby/Chimney conversations last week.
like i could feel that was what he was gonna say and my heart dropped. and i also knew they wouldnt let him. but bobby being like but im the captain and i wont let you do that had me cryiinngg. but also taylor's words not reassuring him at all and the firefam's just immediate understanding, and eddies "you're stuck with us." 👀👀- anyway.
Look, I really wanted to like BuckTaylor. I really wanted to. And tonight I almost did.
But I cringed at that beginning scene. Taylor still doesn't really get Buck, and it showed.
Then their scene at the end was cute.
But then...
I don't know. Yes, Buck deserves to be happy, and he seems happy with Taylor. But everything about their scenes together, except for waking up next to each other, could have happened petty much the same if they were just friends instead.
I'm having mixed feelings about them.
That doesn't mean that I'm not impatiently waiting for them to break up.
yeah, like i dont really get what she was doing at the end? like yes buck deserves nice things but that was weird for some reason. it felt so forced, like the writers had to give her a reason to be there. and 100% all of that could have been as friends. i feel like at some point it has to come up that Buck was not in a good head space at all when they got together. idk, i feel like that could be an important factor.
Maybe Maddie's in Pennsylvania? Buck seemed to know exactly where she was, and the Buckley parents don't exactly strike me as parents who would travel with their kids.
Also maybe it's somewhere she would take Buck to when he was a kid? So he recognized it, and it's a place that she feels safe?
like that makes the most sense? Cause i dont think there are a lot of places where they have been together outside of PA and LA. But istg if she ran to their parents (â•ŻÂ°â–ĄÂ°ïŒ‰â•Żïž” ┻━┻ <- will be me. cause that makes NO DAMN sense.
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