#anyways. junior can be a lesbian if i try hard enough (im a lesbian and i say so!)
unvexes · 11 months
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my weed smoking girlfriend
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bloomtech · 5 years
( Alberto Rosende + NB Man + He/They ) isn’t that Carlos Tavor over there singing?  they’ve been in bloom for one year and I didn’t know they did that. somehow i know they’re a twenty-six-year-old stage tech. i’m pretty sure they’re bi with a strong preference for men and i heard they’re into hair pulling + oral fixation they’re staying at bloom court so maybe you stand a chance. ♡ penned by Terry & pacific & he/they/it
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mic.off: Hey!! My name is Terry and I’ll be penning for Carlos and another baby ( hopefully ) sdlfkj I haven’t been in a group RP in a while and I'm very excited. I'm twenty-five and I’m an nb trans man as well as being gay sdljkf Carlos is a new muse that I have yet to write for so bare with me if he’s not totally realized. Here’s some info about him! Apologies I’m not the BEST at writing bios. There are two people mentioned in his bio Iris and Iris’ ex-boyfriend, both id’ totally love to see realized here in wanted connections if anybody is at all interested. 
Name: Carlos Alvaro Tavor 
Age: Twenty six
Sexuality: Bi with a heavy preference for men, he’s not at all opposed to being with a woman and is attracted to them it’s just basically easier for a man/male aligned person to get in bed with him or have a flirty romantic relationship than for a binary woman
Gender: NB man, he’s amab but like what the fuck is gender anyway?
Family and friends: Carlos has four sisters, one mother, three best friends back home and little to no friends at bloom. He tends to focus all his energy and attention into his job so even if you know him, he’s only been there about a year so it’s likely he won’t consider anyone a friend yet. His father passed away in an incident he doesn’t wish to discuss. 
Sexually: Carlos is a verse, he tends to prefer being the submissive one but most definitely enjoys dominating the situation as well. Top or bottom is fine real men get pegged and he has an oral fixation and loves giving head to his partners regardless of what they have going on. He’s kinda into dirty talk but if you try and get him to speak Spanish during sex he’s just gonna fuckin leave lskjdhfjsdfg he has no patience for that Latin lover bullshit
Bio: Carlos was born the youngest of five children and the first and only boy of his parents. His father died when he was about two years old and only he, his family and his best friend Iris really know all the details, he really clams up when asked about it.
 When he was four he met Iris, an Irish girl who would later turn out to be his very best friend.
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 They were inseparable and saw each other through so many hardships, their families even becoming very close and Iris’ father and Carlos’ mother even grew closer as well. 
Carlos lived a pretty basic childhood if you asked hi. He picked up music from a very young age as a way to stay connected to his Cuban roots, learning the guitar, piano and how to sing. He could never get lessons because his mother was working three jobs to support five children ( his two oldest sisters also had part-time jobs while attending high school ) so he would never even consider asking. He considered it a blessing when he got his acoustic for his fourteenth birthday, crying when his mom told him she’d been saving up for it since he was ten and she saw him dancing around the living room strumming an air guitar to some of his favorite songs. He hugged his mom and promised to keep it safe and loved ( which he has, he still owns it to this day though it’s age is beginning to show a bit he’s never let any harm come to it ) 
When he entered high school is when things got, complicated. He was still a pretty average guy, he loved comics and videogames and anime, he joined band and theater as a stage tech. There he found his other calling, production. Turns out he was just as comfortable behind the stage as he was on it and was a natural leader with keeping things in check and order. Freshman year was also a big change for him because of Iris’ boyfriend, and not ... why you’d think. Or maybe exactly why you’d think cause he’s a giant gay cliche. He ended up being very attracted to the tall, intimidating heterochromatic jock. 
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which was, scary. like really really scary because he felt he’d never really been THAT into guys before. Sure he’d thought guys were hot but .. so do most guys right? Yeah no.  Throughout his freshman year, Carlos quickly realized he was more in the middle of the Kinsey scale, finding attraction in men, women and pretty much everyone he met depending on the person. Iris supported him fully in this discovery, though never knowing about his massive crush on her then-boyfriend, and even helped him understand his gender confusion and pick up the non-binary label and they pronouns. 
Which, is why come junior year when Iris is doubting her own sexuality, Carlos had her back and helped her come to realize she was, in fact, a lesbian. Her at the time boyfriend was surprisingly perfectly okay and supportive and stayed close friends with them both which just made Carlos fall even more smitten with the stupid sexy het jock goddamnit. 
Enough about his highschool pining drama, Carlos graduated with honors and worked his ass off to get a full-ride scholarship to a moderately known performing arts school where he honed his skills both behind and on the stage as a performer for years. Graduating with a degree in music production with a minor in stage management. 
With the support of two of his best friends he launched himself into the world and was, immediately exhausted and sad. Playing bar after underpaying bar, working low pay low appreciation stage tech and management jobs he was almost ready to quit the music industry entirely were it not for his sisters and Iris especially. Eventually, Iris ex saw an advertisement saying bloomfest was looking for new stage crew and tried to convince Carlos to go saying this would be good for him and help him find a place where his talent and craft are truly appreciated. 
After talking it over with Iris, his mom, his sisters he found they all agreed and said he should go so, taking a chance his basic ass never thought he would he packed up his bags and moved to bloomfest as a permanent resident and employee. While he hasn’t been there long he’s made a name for himself as a reliable tech who will go above and beyond to get what you need and get it done even if he’s a bit grumpy about it. While his official job is dealing with stage tech, he spreads himself wherever he is needed in bloomfest and can often be found doing many odd jobs around in bizarre places. It’s just the kind of person he is. Helpful to a fault. 
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Personality: He’s a bit grumpy seeming when you first meet him, but that’s just because of how little sleep the idiot gets. He’s actually an absolute puppy if you don’t upset him. Loyal to a fault, eager to please and always willing to make friends if it’s not getting in the way of his work. He’s a bit more, bitter towards musicians at Bloom fest simply because he’s jealous, and a bit sick of catering to the needs of over specific spoiled musicians and recieving no credit for his hard work or even a thank you. Don’t take it personal, if you have a good additude he’s likely to warm up fast. He’s always down to play flirt or real flirt really, he’s a fuckign flirt of flirts nobody is safe ( unless they say like hey im uncomfortable don’t do that then of course he’d stop but you get the idea ) He’s got a passion for music and creative arts, and a special love for comics, videogames and anime. Due to his oral fixation you’ll often see him with hard candy or gum or his batman shaped chewey necklace! He’s also FIERCELY protective of women so watch out for that cause he can and will punch you.
Strengths: Loyal, skilled, charming, kind, creative, hard working.
Weaknesses: Too trusting, quick to solving things on his own without thinking, stretches himself too thin, kinda snippy at times, closed off to really falling in love due to emotional traumas from his past, 
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vampire-core · 7 years
/post/161320161315 every single Fucking cmnc character. every single one. trust me dude (if u want!!!)
fucken hell yeah hyperfixation time
A: what I think realistically
tbh frances seems like the type of person where playin the piano is like. a coping mechanism for her?? like if shes stressed/angry/havin a Bad Time she either
a: plays a Sad Tune to angst
b: plays something AGGRESSIVE to get her anger out
c, a rare option: plays smth happy to take her mind off it
bc she seems like the person to Wallow in her own sadness tbh im guessin c is Rare but
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
frances wears horribly fucking clashing colors like. bright neon orange and the ugliest brown-green mixed and goes out like that in sunglasses
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
frances didnt have a good home and she got with junior to get Out of it and then he turned out to be a piece of shit and her life just spiraled Down
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes an agender lesbian with three gfs
A: what I think realistically
tbh henry totally seems like hed learn to bake for nancy like. i know hes in-canon a horrible cook but like. imagine this sweetie taking secret baking lessons for like Forever and then he surprises nancy on her bday with like. a rlly nice homemade cake and they cry together :’)
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
henry is a clumsy-ass Shit so he breaks things like 384723897423894x and once he managed to break a vase nancy Really liked and she walked in on him Coated in glue and just. “what are you doing” “no nothing what nothing is broken” “henry the vases shards and glue are both everywhere” “everything is fine nancy”
also nancy being at the store and henry seeing a spider and screaming on the counter until she got home
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
henry living with the eternal guilt over taking the “wrong” choice even though there was no good choice because he either stayed in a place where no issues were being worked out or he left :^)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
A: what I think realistically
tbh i can imagine her bein in a book club but being the Shy One who never talks during meetings
also i can imagine her learning to paint and Loving It and showing henry the paintings which show what her world is like and hes like “:00!!!”
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
nancy living with crushing guilt and abandonment issues but hiding it because she doesnt want to bother henry and she keeps randomly crying :)))
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes genderfluid as FUCK and has a gf
A: what I think realistically
tbh this dude is fuckin Shitty and hes def the type of dude to have like 3 gfs at once but not an open relationship just straight-up cheating
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
in a modern au junior discovers furry culture and refuses to wear anything but a pigeon fursuit for three years straight
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
he left frances with more trauma than she mayb had :))))
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
A: what I think realistically
she has a Huge family and sends all of them christmas cards, and she only has one great-niece who cares enough to reply and visit and stuff and sometimes the neice brings her kids and patty fuckin loves kids and spoils em like a grandchild
also she sends christmas cards to her neighbors and invites them over for dinner weekly
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
she sews and she once had an awful neighbor who was a total bitch so she bought this cheap-ass shirt, fixed it up in a day, but it looked new and beautifully made and the neighbor felt so bad and patty just. >:3c dont be a bitch
the neighbor got to keep the gift tho and was Nicer and patty was :3c
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
she feels SO BAD that she didnt notice henry and nancy being missing sooner bc she ALWAYS wanted to be friends w them both and she loved em to bits
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes a trans lesbian and has a long-time wife :3c
KENNITH (this ones just gonna be kin shit but shhhh ;))) )
A: what I think realistically
if its not a school day and hes home alone kennith 100000% will Not change out of his pajamas and will yell at you for wearing shoes in his room dont fuckin touch him with your nasty-ass feet stephamie
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
kennith has an ed he doesnt know how to deal with and doesnt even think is that Bad so hes just suffering :’))) can relate buddy
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
hes trans you cowards and in a qpp with steph
A: what I think realistically
steph is Rlly skilled at punching and taught kennith how to punch but also if u rub her back she will Deactivate in .2 seconds so even if she acts tough she has a fuckin self-destruct button and its her back
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
steph tends to put on a Happy Face bc she thinks kenniths problems are worse than hers, so she has no help and no clue how to deal with them and just gets worse and worse :’))
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes a fuckin lesbian in a qpp with kennith you cowards and shes genderfluid
A: what I think realistically
this man has fuckin Depression my lads and anxiety and tends to self-medicate with weed even tho he Knows its prob not the best option but i mean. hes a retail worker can he afford meds? no
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
if you do Anything greg will probably stay apathetic, and he can say most things with a straight face. he enjoys making completely filthy jokes with an unwavering neutral expression and watching people crumble
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
……………tbh hed prob think he couldve done More to help kennith after he Died but never did so i can imagine hed feel. kinda guilty sdkjfhsdkf maybe my kin ass is just hopeful
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
let him have two moms you cowards (also him and kennith are boyfs dont make the rules my kin ass is GAY)
A: what I think realistically
….tbh they seem like the type of person who always has a sketchpad and paints a lot and is just Super artsy
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
jenny and kennith lock eyes and they can instantly feel the hatred kennith emits bc t h a t s  h i s  f p  but also they can tell he wants steph to be happy and they can SEE the STRUGGLE on his FACE and he looks kind of like an angry chihuahua
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
…..tbh i dont have anything for them
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
let them be a nonbinary lesbian who draws their gf constantly
BRI (aka kin ass two: electric bogaloo :3c)
A: what I think realistically
tbh they seem like the type of person to have a cat. in my canon it was an orange cat named sherbet B3c they love that cat to Death and show it to avery on video calls
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
bri says “rawr XD” out loud and accidentally says that to a teacher, who stands there for .3 seconds and kind of just goes with it
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
they dont actually die and have to live with their gf bein dead :’)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
they live and also so does avery and theyre happy fuck you
A: what I think realistically
tbh she seems like the type of person to have a wide friend group but only be “close” close with like. 1-2 people??? and like she loves all of her friends but she cant maintain that many close friends
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
she once laughed so hard she snorted soda out of her nose during a video call
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
her last thought is of bri :’)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
A: what I think realistically
they seem the type of person to like???? fuckin rag on shows while watching them, ie shout at the screen, point out plot holes etc and then say “wtf i loved it” at the end
also they throw popcorn at the screen during the movies
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
they hide under nancys table and let out a vicious shriek whenever nancy accidentally kicks them
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
they cause Endless Suffering and dont even care like they cant sympathize or manage to be Decent and like. they LAUGH at it and its like??? a s s h o l e
(and i have like No Empathy but i can still manage to be a nice person so?? no excuse there)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
theyre the one stealing nancys bobbins >:00
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