#anyways. i think i kinda like drawing exos
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kaiserouo · 4 days ago
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hehe handsome guy
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oneuldoh · 2 years ago
06월 06일 2023년
Life Log — Entry # 03
I almost made a new account here on Tumblr. I deleted it after 5 minutes of signing up. I (again) wanted to make a separate account for personal stuff. I tried doing it four months ago and when I did, I stopped posting all together; thinking no one’s going to read it anyway. But that was the point though? I ended up deleting it and moving back to this account.
I just couldn’t delete this account mainly because I have followers here even though I haven’t interacted with most of them. Anyways! I decided to make a side blog instead so I could still access my main account. I made this private too so I could post at ease without having to worry about getting judged. Guess I’ll never be comfortable spilling my thoughts out in the open.
This week, dad and I are alone at home. Mom went to Japan and will be staying there for a week. Jan is at Boracay with Pau, babysitting. I’m doing my best to do house chores while getting my stuff organized.
These days I am trying to be productive by:
Cleaning up my socials. I set up my Letterboxd account! I also made a new YouTube channel because I felt like separating my fangirling account will make my life seem like it’s organized. I also cleaned up my Twitter accounts.
Applying to jobs. I’ve been applying to jobs since last year but I didn’t took it way too seriously. Now that I’m desperate for money, I’m taking it seriously by answering calls and attending those damned interviews. I really suck at interviews. I stutter a lot and I couldn’t make a cohesive sentence. Maybe it’s one of the reasons why I couldn’t get a job offer. Oh, I have a scheduled interview this Thursday at Makati near my old office. It’s an 8am-5pm job and I’m not sure if I’m ready to commute. I hope there’s a job opportunity where I could work from home.
Listening to kpop boy group discographies! These days I’m into EXO, BTOB, and Seventeen! I’m kinda giddy that I’m discovering these groups like I’m in my teens again. I can’t believe I only liked one boy group since 2007 and that’s Bigbang. There’s news that TOP is no longer with YG and Bigbang. GD’s contract ended, too. Well, Still Life felt like it was a really good bye but I was hoping it was a See You Again type of song. Anyway! I’m listening to all of these boy groups’ albums from their first album release up to present. I want to sincerely enjoy their music. I have been following EXO since 2020 but I haven’t had the chance to discover their old songs so I couldn’t say that I’m a solid fan yet. As for BTOB, I’ve known them because of Sung-Jae BUT it’s just this year that I wanted to dive into their fandom because of Chang-Sub. I would say he’s my bias. I discovered him thru his Youtube segment Jeongwaja in ootb studio’s YouTube channel (I’ve watched all of his videos! This week, he’ll go back to the military as a promise for reaching 500k subscribers haha!) As for Seventeen, I’ve been seeing this member on Twitter and he’s just handsome af haha! His name’s Wonwoo! Although I hate getting into boy groups with more than 10 members (my memory is frail plus I can’t remember who’s singing), this group may be an exception. Their albums and songs are all a bop (although most of it were kinda sound the same). I really liked it!
Here’s a song I recently discovered that I like:
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Chanyeol launched his personal YouTube channel! He talked about the meaning behind his channel name and how he got it (thanks to Zzar!). Zzar stole the show here. She knows she’s the boss haha! Hoping to get to know more of Chanyeol through his YouTube! He’s my bias (just look at that face!!!!) and seeing him with Zzar made me fall in love with him more.
I know this is a distraction from SM Ent because of the ongoing lawsuit. I hope all members of EXO leave that shitty company and just make their own company. I’ll support them no matter what happens!
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Photo credit of Chanyeol’s drawing
Anyway! I typed a lot which is new. Maybe because no one’s going to read about this? And I didn’t care about whether my sentences made sense or not. I just wanted to post something.
It’s currently 11:30pm and I wake up at 6am to drink meds. Oh, I finally finished all those big pills for treating TB today. I was taking 1200mg of meds in the past two months. I can finally say good bye to those big pills. Tomorrow onwards, I’ll be taking the small pills. Hopefully, my month 2 sputum result is negative. Lately I’ve been coughing again.
Anyways. Bye for now!
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elsewhereuniversity · 4 years ago
rescue mission
It’s been five weeks and two days since Fake Dana was kil- disappeared and Real Dana came back. I didn’t know exactly what would happen to me should I complain about it to anyone but the dean, so I was laying low, but… the recent discovery of my roommate’s skin being a bright shade of green changed some of my plans.
When I told him - Threeox - about Real Dana murdering Fake Dana, and now living invisibly on the campus (I’d never seen her again), he sighed, locked the door and windows, before making me sit on the floor between our beds and getting out a small wooden key out of a seemingly lidless box made of shimmery dark brown wood. The box was amazingly carved, so much so that looking at it too long made me dizzy, and I had to close my eyes not to faint as the patterns on the lid started to sway as to a sharp breeze.
“Threeox, what’s that about ?” I asked, a little confused - and a whole lot scared.
That was probably not my smartest move - Threeox doesn’t talk per se, he just… gets his point across in a remarkable way that I had yet to pin down. A series of drawings of a cat with five eyes and a full ten minutes of interpretative dancing later, I kind of gathered that Fake Dana was trapped in the mirrors in the North Dorm, and couldn’t get out because of all the iron.
Naturally, I tried to organise a rescue mission, but gathering partners proved difficult. Real Dana apparently gained quite a reputation among the Student Witches, and everyone kept looking at me weirdly when I asked where Fake Dana was and if we could, like, rescue her maybe ? No one wanted to talk to me for more than two minutes, fidgeting uncomfortably and asking me if I’d packed my suitcase yet. I wasn’t going anywhere without Fake Dana, but hey, who am I to contradict the masses ? I’d just have to lay low a little longer.
It started on rocky grounds but I did gather for this mission a few seniors, all knights that had a history of being kind(er) to the Changelings, even though I’d never heard of them before. Their names were Toll, Bell and Eulogy, which - okay, some of us have weird names, but… It’s not that hard to pick a happy one. I couldn’t quite remember what mine was now but people had no trouble remembering me when I talked to them, so I assumed that was fine.
Add to the knights a freshman, EXO. Freshmen are probably a bit too young and frightened for that, but the fearless EXO wasn’t, uh, exactly a freshman ? Freshperson ? They were at least two metres tall and they had that look in their eyes that told you not to mess with them or they’d do unspeakable things that I, well, couldn’t speak of. Just know they were good for stuff like this. Or so I assumed, since they were the one who brought the knights to my bi-weekly “Where is Fake Dana” search.
We got some supplies: the baseball bat Fake Dana hid under my bed that one night the dean decided to do a room check, a good couple teaspoons of charcoal, some rags, a freaking battleaxe that Toll swooshed around like it weighed nothing, and that one river rock the archivist kindly lent us, and we departed for the wild wild north. Midnight seemed an appropriate time.
The dorm looked fancy, not gonna lie, the iron structure glimmered and almost rippled under the moonlight. I felt EXO shiver as we entered, their eyes losing any life that they might have had, their skin getting that weird greenish hue it didn’t have just moments before. The knights also shivered, but that might have been the cold.
The entrance was deserted, no sign of life save for a calico cat who meowed at us and tried to eat my shoelaces. She promptly departed when I told her they were a gift from the president, though I didn’t specify which president. It was the president of the cross-stitching club I was in in middle school, and she, uh, suffered from a slight eye issue after she looked through my hagstone. I mean, I did warn her about seeing the Nethers through the hole, but she didn’t listen.
Anyways, enough of that. Toll started to hack at the nearest door with his axe, waking up the poor unsuspecting students living there. “Where the fuck is she ?”, I asked, peeking around Toll’s shoulders. The two girls looked at each other, at Toll’s axe, at each other again, and one of them ended up spitting out “Basement. Third door to the left. Hope you die a slow, painful death, girl, you deserve it.”
Eulogy, true to her name, sang a few verses in Tamil, and we all collected our spirits before walking towards the basement. The iron in the walls seemed to sing to the beat of our steps, the doors creaking to the rhythm of our breaths. EXO seemed paler and paler under the dimmed overhead lights, until Eulogy sprayed us all with what I can only assume is water from that Wishing Well we’re not exactly supposed to talk about. That seemed to calm us down a little. I squeezed EXO’s hand when they looked at me questioningly, my smile thin and eyes dulled by fatigue. I couldn’t sleep that well since Fake Dana was gone, so I just wanted this to be over with already. 
The third door was cracked open, but no sounds emanated from behind the heavy iron and the weird, Tolkien-inspired words of advice in elvish. I could recognise “The way is shut, and the Dead keep it”, which wasn’t even the full correct quote. The door swayed to an invisible breeze and it opened way too silently for something made of rusty metal. As we went down the stairs, we could hear the stone crackle with contained electricity, so much so that Toll, Bell and Eulogy decided to stay up to guard our backs. EXO grit their teeth but didn’t stop, grabbing Toll’s axe on the way.
“Good luck, bro, and good riddance, you girl,” Eulogy waved, and the three knights were gone as if they were never here. I wondered what she meant by that, but I couldn’t ask in time. EXO gestured to the stairs, mouth shut tight. I was kind of getting tired of everyone telling me I should leave, so I hoped at least Fake Dana would help with that. Hadn’t I been working so hard to rescue her ?
At the bottom of the narrow stairs were two doors, also made out of metal, and what Threeox told me about - the mirror.
Ten feet tall, circled with iron chains, the metal behind the glass pane was reminiscent of clouds, though it was most likely silver. I could see a prostrate silhouette in the bottom right corner, faint tremors running through her whole body, sobs muffled, whimpers of pain spread between fits of coughing.
I yelled something I couldn’t really understand, a guttural sound that made her raise her head, and I saw Fake Dana’s eyes grow wide as she recognised me.
“Missed me ?” She smiled, teeth sharp.
My throat went tight as she started to slam her fists against the glass. “It’ll be okay soon. I promise,” I said, examining the lock keeping the iron chains together.
“Hey, move, I’ll take care of it,” a voice I pinned on EXO whispered in my ear. “Tell her to stand back.”
I did so, and Fake Dana retreated to the far side of the mirrorspace. With three swipes of his axe, EXO managed to hack away most of the chains, and the rest I hastily discarded, fists pounding on the glass as Fake Dana pounded back. 
“The key. The lock.”
“Fuck.” I started rummaging through my satchel, finally finding the small piece of wood that has slithered into the bag of crackers I keep for the crows. “Where is that fucking lock ?”
EXO gestured to the back of the mirror and helped me turn it around, their skin starting to sea as they kept pushing the metal. They eventually managed to shift it enough that I could wrestle my arm in and fit the key into an oddly shaped keyhole. 
The back of the mirror started glowing a pale green before cracking open, revealing a room barely large enough to fit Fake Dana. Tears welling up in my eyes, I did my best to extract her without causing her too much damage until she finally made it out to the other side.
“Friend,” I said. “I didn’t think I’d ever find you ! Thankfully Threeox helped, and there’s - look,” I continued, turning back to face my rescue team, forgetting it was only me and EXO now.
They were smiling, too, and they gestured at the stairs. I understood what they meant - out.
I turned to Fake Dana again, still somewhat relieved to see her dry her tears and gracefully get up without giving me the time to offer help. She smiled like nothing was wrong. I followed her up the stairs and into the hall, her naked feet sizzling and leaving angry red marks on the floor, probably due to the iron dust covering every inch of the place. EXO swung the the front door open, touching the iron pane with a quickly blistering hand, and as I looked at them more closely, I couldn’t help but mouth “Threeox”. 
“Oh shit, right, come here !” Fake Dana grabbed my face with both her hands, her palms wet with leftover tears and blood, the feel of them sending shivers down my spine. She spat in my eyes like she’d done before, and suddenly the night became less bright, her skin less pale, EXO’s features morphing into the face of my roommate, skin going from that red I’d been kinda surprised about, to the vibrant green that the cat warned me about. 
Toll, Bell and Eulogy were nowhere to be seen. I started wondering if I’d dreamed about them, if they were ever here at all. Their names had stuck in my mind and once again I wondered what mine was. I know Sizzle, my roommate, was quite upset before shoving me out of the room - which room was that again ? 17 ? 23 ? I forgot.
Fake Dana interrupted my thoughts with a light shove on my arm. “You can leave, now, you’ll remember who you are soon. It’s okay, it’s done.”
“What’s done ?” I tried to ask, but my eyelids suddenly became so heavy I had trouble keeping them open.
The last thing I heard were guttural sounds, so unlike Fake Dana’s voice, and a wet caress on my back.
I woke up on this train a few moments ago. I don’t know where it’s going, except from “Far away” and “Not where I came from”. My suitcase is filled with all my belongings, except the iron jewellery I acquired during my two years as Elsewhere U. And as I look at the landscape we are zapping by, I do not recognise the streets nor the trees.
The only thing keeping me from falling asleep again is the sticky red liquid pouring out of my nose, making me curse out loud as I scramble for a handkerchief. The blood stops flowing after a while, and I catch my reflection in the window across me.
I have several streaks of white hair, the contrast sharp with my otherwise dark brown ponytail. My eyes are bloodshot and I have blood caked on my face in the shape of hands. My skin is pale, my eyes gleam a quickly fading red.
I remember it now. My name is Dana.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years ago
I have some thought vomit so take it lmao. So idk my brain keeps saying hey I totally bet Gundham would be very interested in watching his s/o play scp-containment breach. Bubbling with questions and maybe even lay down next to them while watching some scp animated tales from the foundation episodes. Or listening to his s/o read about some scp files. /// > < Ps- Oh btw what do u think of big naga’s ? Aka adorable noodles they’re great cuddlers I bet :3c
Anon do you wanna kiss rn?
Naga's are really popular art wise (as I follow the exo/terato tags on instagram and tumblr) and their tails look very fun to draw so as someone who draws each indivisual scale on mermaid tails I kinda wanna try to draw one. Being wrapped up in one sounds like a dream. My grandma has a phobia of snakes tho so she wouldn't be able to meet my sexy naga boyfriend SMH!!!!
Also I lowkey hc Gundham to be like Damien(?) from Dream Daddy - meaning I think he'd be easily scareable. Like when he watches you play he'll want to listen to you explain all the lore but you bet he's gonna close his eyes when he gets a little freaked out.
My boyfriend is like that. He gets scared playing fnaf but he loves loves loves the lore,,, I imagine Gundham might be like that too.
(also on a sexual level naga's are ideal because I hate the lower half of men anyways) /j
-Mod Souda
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fernsplaysthings · 4 years ago
Is this going to be ongoing?
Looks like it. Whoops.
Fireteam Mayhem discuss ‘important’ things.
Somehow Artemis, the most grounded, sensible and responsible of the trio was the only one to raise a metallic brow in amusement, impressed with the new snippets of information being provided by the fireteam’s Hunter and leader. Salome was either in deep consideration or possibly comatose when Kestral glanced up at her. 
Even the Ghosts had decided to get in on the gossip.
Well, of course Roost had. He’d been the little shit that’d ‘accidentally’ let slip why his Guardian had been unusually light and cheery. Conveniently just after Zavala’s peaceful meeting with Caiatl had taken a sharp swerve into assassination territory and and blown a certain Hunter’s cover.
“Handsome, dark haired Awoken Guardian with a hint of ‘shifty’? Who could have possibly seen that coming?”
Artemis’ hand flew to cover her Ghost’s face in a futile attempt at hushing her before she finished that thought, a hissed ‘Diana, no’ behind her own barely tamed smug smirk. Her hand passed by her little light who’d already turned to look at the non-responsive Warlock, look back at Kestral and flicker her shell in a close approximation of a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
Although the Hunter really wanted to object they simply relaxed their features and gave a reluctant nod of acceptance.
The details of Crow’s former life had stopped being a point of concern for Kestral since...what felt a lot like forever ago. Of course it’d only been since the Dawning. They’d come to terms with a lot of stuff and had optimistically thought that it’d be just as easy for everyone else. What they hadn’t expected was for Artemis to be the one to quickly accept that the circumstances of his rebirth should’ve really been foreseen and that all Guardians deserved a second chance if that was what the Traveler had planned.
That was meant to be Salome’s job. She was supposed to have had a tiny existential crisis, a sharp quip and then go back to ribbing the Hunter about their stupid feelings.
She hadn’t actually said anything yet and her Ghost was buzzing around her head in the uncomfortable silence.
“Is...she alright, Lazarus?” asked the Exo softly.
The little light in the dark shell abruptly stopped the figure-eight loops above his Guardian and turned, clearly ruffled, “I think so? I think the uh...the ‘Reefborn’ in her is having a moment.”
Kestral had forgotten that their resident Awoken might have something to say about the complications of getting romantically involved with the resurrected, amnesiac brother of the Awoken Queen.
After what felt like an eternity of silence Salome let out a sharp breath and, hands in a prayer-like position, palm to palm, pointed her fingers out towards where Kestral was sitting.
“I get it. I do,” she said with an uncomfortable amount of certainty that almost had the Hunter believing they were in for an enormous telling off, “He’s hot. And I assume he remains as such despite having been dead a while.”
Kestral unconsciously nodded and immediately stopped themself at Artemis’ and Diana’s combined chuckle.
“And like, I don’t doubt that you spent a good while convincing yourself that catching feelings for the former Prince of the fucking Reef who, I should add, you hunted across the system to put a bullet in, was a horrible fucking idea…”
“Oh boy did they,” Roost quickly added with a sly side eye to his Hunter.
“...But what in the fuck are you going to do when the Queen inevitably pulls back up in the Dreaming City and realises you’re canoodling with her now not-brother?”
There was a pause that lasted a little too long for Salome and, in Lola fashion, she broke the tension with an incorrect assumption of what was causing the inability to answer.
“I mean, I assume you two have…” she raised one hand, pointer finger and thumb touching in a loop, her other hand raising to complete the gesture with her pointer finger extended.
Artemis swatted her hands down hurriedly, noting the rising colour in Kestral’s face, “Don’t be crude.”
“Hey, am I not allowed to take a healthy interest in one of my best friend’s lovelife? It’s been a while since they’ve gifted me some of that juicy gossip about who’s been banging the Young Wolf recently.”
Roost’s shell shivered in frustration, “They sure haven’t, and if they could get it over with so Glint and I can get some peace and…”
“Roost, have you considered not?”
The Ghost turned to his Guardian who had by now turned a remarkable shade of red that coated not just their face but both ears and a good potion of their exposed collars and chest.
“Anyway…” Artemis desperately pulled the conversation back to where she needed it to be which was making sure her leader and friend was alright, “...You actually like him? It’s not some kind of weird way of grieving or expressing guilt or…”
“No! No I do. And I think he likes me too,” they stuttered only a breath away from hiding their face behind their hands, “He was the one that kissed me so...yeah. I’m not just the Young Wolf to him I think, he had no idea that I’ve killed Gods and saved humanity more times than anyone cares to remember. We just worked together and bonded over stuff and by the time Osiris spilled the beans on the ‘Hero of the Red War, etcetera, etcetera’ stuff I think it was kinda too late.”
“Is it not a bit fucking weird making out with Uldren Sov’s face?”
Kestral visibly wanted to curl up into a ball tight enough that they’d eventually just vanish from existence and Salome knew asking that question would do it, “It was a weird thought to start off with but then...it’s Crow. And I couldn’t help it. Sure, in the beginning it’d remind me of the times Sov would stare at me in a way that was definitely him fantasising about how he’d like to watch me die which...now that I think about it was also kinda hot and I really don’t want to unpack that but…”
“I’d like to unpack that.”
“Lola, shush.”
“...But, it doesn’t matter. They’re not the same person. Besides, it’s not like I can control who I, you know, like.”
“‘Like’, huh?” Rooster floated a few inches from his Hunter’s face, “I think you’re probably in it a bit deeper than that.”
Kestral, with an expression a mix of surprise and some kind of hurt, reached up and gently grasped their Ghost in both hands, drawing him in a little suddenly and pressing him to their forehead, then cheek. Somewhere off to the side Diana uttered a long, sympathetic ‘ooh’ and nestled against Artemis’ arm, sharing a knowing look with her Titan.
“I...Maybe? But I shouldn’t. I don’t want to hurt him. There’s so much happening at the moment with the aftermath of Caiatl’s visit and these new Vex reports. Zavala’s still got to come to terms with seeing Crow around the tower and...and he’ll definitely ask me to do something dangerous again soon, and…”
Salome let out a dramatic sigh, startling her Ghost, “Surely if things are going to shit and everything is uncertain and stupid, this is the ideal time to confess all your feelings or see if you both want in each others pants or whatever. 
“When did you become a romantic,” teased Artemis, turning away from the once again reddening Hunter, “Something happen with you and-”
“No no, I’m just taking a healthy interest in my favourite Warlock’s lovelife.”
“I know exactly what you’re doing, Arti, you judgmental tin of beans.”
Tuned out from the bickering, Kestral stealthily snuck out of the gathering with Roost quickly realising they’d left and transmatting after them.
“What’s the matter?”
The Hunter pulled their hood up to cover enough of their blush covered face as they left the apartment, “I’m gunna go see Crow.”
“After that emotionally charged conversation?!”
“I’m full of terrible ideas.”
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years ago
So, When Can We Tell The World? {1} Min Yoongi x black! fem! reader
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Parts: 1 2 3 4  5 6 
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Summary: You and Yoongi have been collaborating for a few years, what the public world didn’t know however was that the both of you were in a happy, functioning relationship. After showing up to support at one of your shows, Yoongi suggests going public, making you anxious for him, but most of all your own well-being with his fans and of what the South Korean public would think of you. 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance, Idol-verse, Smut (hinted at in this part, but none explicitly)
Word Count: 2, 046
Author’s Note: So, here we are another series. I know too many, but this one will probably be the same chapter length as Shakespeare Sub, I promise. Anyways, I hope ya’ll enjoy it and if ya’ll have any BTS or EXO requests, send them my way. Thanks!
The last song of the concert always feels surreal. The stage isn’t huge, just a decent sized theater in Bluetsville(your hometown). It’s the thought that gets me, I’ve played at bigger venues before, yet coming back always gets me emotional. Once the song finishes I smile so hard my cheeks hurt and glance out into the crowd as applause fills the entire venue. 
One person stands out the most with his over-sized black hoodie, glasses and a cap with my stage name on it. I wouldn’t have done a double take if he didn’t flash that familiar gummy smile, as if he knew I was going to look there. It’s only a moment, yet I recognize Yoongi’s smile anywhere, he hardly does it even around me. Maybe his fans don’t notice him but in that slip second I did as he claps the loudest before sending me his finger hearts. I start to do it back, but stop myself abruptly. No, that’ll just draw attention to us. It’s almost an exclusive k-pop gesture, which someone on Twitter could easily pick up on. Instead I send him a quick wink. 
“Thank you so much!” I scream.
The crowd reacts in thunderous applause once more, I give one last bow and turn back towards the curtain, disappearing behind it.
I find myself dressed down in my dressing room, wearing one of Yoongi’s old hoodies, a snapback and grey sweats. My phone lights up abruptly, signalling an upcoming call from my brother, Kevin of all people. 
“Sup loser,” I say through a low giggle. 
“Yo idiot,” he answers back, “how’d the show go?”
I sigh with a dopey grin.
It was amazing. Even though the people packed together in swayed, waved and sung together like a frenzied horde, I couldn’t help but think back to Yoongi. I hope he got to wherever he needed to safely. 
“Uh, did you hear me?” Kevin asks. 
“Y-Yeah,” I say quickly, “it went amazing, a little more daunting compared to my first tour.”
Kevin gaffs.   
“If that didn’t boost your chances at the Grammys, I don’t know what will!” 
I chuckle against the phone at my brother’s words. 
“I don’t think that’s how it works Kev,” I say, “I don’t really care, they invited me, I guess to preform.”
Kevin hums. 
“Yeah?” he asks, “And what about ol’ Agust D, eh? he performing with you? I heard him and the guys were supposed to be there too.”
I can’t help but smile when he mentions Yoongi’s other rap persona. That album was what made me discover Yoongi’s music, along with BTS’s discography and eventually pushed me to want to collaborate with them. What I didn’t expect was to fall in love with Yoongi during our time recording All The Crown Players(a song from your album). 
“I’m not really sure,” I say, “you know how they can be.”
“Oh, I know, how can they snub you twice!” Kevin whines, “anyway, I gotta go! Next time you talk to ol’ Suga tell him I said hey!”
I roll my eyes. 
“I told you  to call him Yoongi,” I groan. 
“Ey, that’s what the fans call him,” he says, “talk to you later, love you.”
“Love you too idiot,” I say.
Kevin starts to say something else but I hang up anyway. If he’s got something to do he won’t call back as fast and I won’t get another earful. 
“That’s what you get for teasing me about my boyfriend,” I mutter to myself.  
A text from Yoongi lights my phone up instead. 
Yoongi: It amazes me every time you perform, God you were so amazing babe
My dopey smile returns once my fingers numbly tap the keypad in response.
Me: I saw you at the end! How the hell did you get in without anyone recognizing you?
Yoongi responds straight away.
Yoongi: I have my ways. I’ve been doing this for seven years sweetheart, I’ve mastered the art of incognito mode. 😎
My grin spreads out at his message. My fingers follow the lame joke that pops into my head, yet I couldn’t care less.
Me: So, what you’re Batman? No, Anpanman! 😂😂
I giggle out as Yoongi’s response takes a little longer, as it should. Between my lame jokes and Jin’s dad jokes I think he’s fed up with the both of us. At least with me it makes some sort of sense. 
A moment passes, instead of a text back I get a call from Yoongi. Oh boy. 
“Hello?” I answer.
“I know you’re laughing,” Yoongi says, “I just want to confirm that it wasn’t funny.”
I cover my mouth to stifle the remaining giggles that flood out. 
“I know, but it’s true,” I say, “you are my Anpanman.”
Yoongi grumbles something that I can’t make out. 
“Sorry babe, what was that?” I ask. 
“Nothing Jagi,” he says, “anyway —”
“Yoongi,” I warn, “tell me, please?”
Yoongi sighs deeply.
“I said, I better be your Anpanman,” he admits, “are you happy now?” 
“Yes,” I say, “how long are you gonna be here?”
“As long as you want me,” Yoongi answers, “we got a small break before Grammys and the MMAs. I was wondering if we could meet at your place.”
My heart hammers in my chest at his words. We’ve stayed with each other overnight before, yet I always feel like I’m some lovestuck teenager when I’m around Yoongi. We rarely get moments together, if it’s public we have to remain friendly, but not too friendly to raise dating suspicions. Even when he’s here in America it’s difficult to schedule time for each other. I’m an artist too and BTS is getting just as huge, the fact that Yoongi and I both have time before the Grammy’s is a God send.    
“Y/N?” Yoongi asks, breaking me from my thoughts. 
“Yeah, we can meet there,” I reassure, “you still have a key?”
“You know I do,” he says, “see you there.”
I bit my lip before humming in agreement. 
The moment I step across the threshold of my house, I shut the door and twist the locks in place. A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist before I can get a chance to take my hands off the cold locks. 
“I need to go to your shows more often,” Yoongi says. 
I shiver at his breath near my ear and turn around in his arms to face him. He’s in his dark hoodie, but the hat is gone, revealing soft, short brown hair that falls into his eyes. 
“You come when you can,” I say, “I’m just glad you got there safely.”
Yoongi chuckles while he moves a hand up to cup my face. 
“You worry too much,” he notes, “I’m here, ok?”
His eyes soften as they bore into mine, he leans in to press our foreheads together. I follow his lead, our lips meet in a fierce kiss, something we haven’t been able to do in months. My fingers find themselves in his brown locks as he groans into the kiss, backing up slightly, yet not disconnecting from my lips. 
I pull back with a giggle.
“Are you good?”
Yoongi nods and nudges his head towards my velvet sofa. 
“I just wanted to take this to the couch,” he admits, “your concert took everything out of me.”
“Oh really?”
Yoongi nods as I take his hand and lead him to the sofa before we both plop down on it. 
“Really,” he confirms with a kiss, “you kinda got me worked up actually.”
I return his kisses fully, pull myself up into his lap and rub down his chest. 
“Is that in a good way?” I challenge. 
Yoongi growls against my jaw, kissing down my neck as his hands rub up and down my sides. 
“Oh it’s good baby, so good,” he groans, “God, tug your fingers in my hair again.”
I nod as our lips meet once again, my fingers find themselves in his hair as our make out continues. His moans make me smile, his hips bucking up against me as the kisses grow hungrier. 
“You’re so needy,” I whisper, “do you need me to take care of that?”
Yoongi’s eyes close as he nods. 
“Please, I, God, I love you,” he moans. 
My hands freeze once I reach for the buckle of his pants. Did he just say the l word? 
Yoongi opens his eyes, the lust that was once there is replaced with concern.
“Y/N?” he asks, “you all right?”
I nod and slide back onto the couch from his lap. 
“Yeah,” I lie. 
Of course I knew he loved me, he never says it though. I’m the one you says it, and Yoongi always responds with a “me too” or “love you more.” Never fully. It shouldn’t bother me much, yet it does for some reason. 
“Y/N,” Yoongi says. 
I look up and his face is only an inch from my own. 
“Was that too much?” he asks, “what did I do wrong?”
I stroke his cheek and shake my head. 
“Nothing, it’s just,” I pause before continuing, “it was just surprising to hear I love you from you.”
Yoongi pulls back to pull me into an embrace. 
“You had me worried,” he whispers, “I know I need to say it more especially when we’re pressed for time together.”
I smile in the crook of his neck. 
“No, it’s fine,” I say, “we can keep it between us.”
Yoongi pulls back with a puzzled glare.
“What do you mean?”
I sit up and gnaw at my lip. 
“Maybe, we shouldn’t say it often, because I don’t want it to slip out at the wrong time,” I explain, “with ARMY and all those girls clawing at you.”
Yoongi chuckles as he leans in to plant a few kisses down my neck. 
“Do they make you jealous?” he asks.
I can hardly focus as his lips continue to work. 
“Well, a little,” I say, “it’s a lot to live up to.”
Yoongi grows serious. I end up against his chest as his arms wound themselves tightly around me. His heart beats rhythmically in tune with mine, forcing me to calm down just a bit.
“They don’t hold a candle to you,” he says, “I love them, but it’s a different type of love. You know I’d do anything for you, right?”
The words get lodged in my throat at the intense look Yoongi throws at me. He’s completely serious. 
“Y/N, I want to tell the world,” he admits, “ARMY, everyone.”
Where is he going with this?
“Yoongi, what are you-”
“We should be official,” Yoongi declares.
My mind goes haywire. He isn’t serious, right?
“But we are official,” I say, “Yoongi, we’ve already established that we’re dating.”
Yoongi shakes his head this time.
“Y/N you know what I mean,” he says, “I don’t want to hide anymore.”
A rush comes to my head at once. The headlines would be horrendous: “BTS star Suga has been revealed to be dating ‘urban’ Hip Hop artist Y/N Y/L/N.” Kpop Twitter will literally implode in on itself. Yoongi won’t get any rest and I won’t be able to live it down. If I was Korean maybe, just maybe I would get out alive, even if I was white too, but as a black woman? There’s not a chance in hell.
“Babe, please tell me what you’re thinking,” Yoongi pleads,”you’ve been quiet for awhile.”
“Yoongi, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say.
“How come?” he asks.
“Well, for one, do you know what happened with Chen? Kai? Jennie?” I ask, “the fans would devour me!”
“They wouldn’t,” he grumbles, “you’re an amazing person, singer, rapper and writer.”
“Yeah and black,” I say bluntly, “they can’t get past that.”
Yoongi takes both of my hands prior to squeezing tightly. 
“I know, but they’ll just have to handle it, right?”
It’s like the words aren’t even being comprehended. Does he not hear me? 
I inhale slowly and stand from the couch. 
I give Yoongi an artificial smile, something to get him off my back for a moment. 
“I-I’m ok, I-I just need some time to myself,” I say. 
Yoongi deflates, but nods anyway before leaning back into the couch. 
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whirlybirbs · 6 years ago
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☄     -----    MOONRISE RADIO. 
summary: you’re hawkins high’s new science teacher, faculty advisor for the newly reinstated hawkins av club, and crazy townie who overhears a russian comminucae on a broken ham radio. chief jim hopper is into it. joyce is a good wing-woman and the kids just want to listen the the buggles.  pairing: jim hopper x reader, murphy as a placeholder surname. rating: t, some swears. word count: 3.8k a/n: this is a season three au! here’s the set up for all the drabbles i am going to end up writing for hopper bc he literally owns my whole ass, thanks, enjoy ;)
Hawkins, Indiana is a small town.
For this exact reason, Chief of Police Jim Hopper knows everyone.
... Seriously.
Hawkins is kind of like Saturn: try to leave its orbit and you’ll get caught in the rings -- literally. Y’know, high school sweethearts marry one another, settling down, and boom! Hopper winds up at their end-of-the-cul-de-sacs on domestic dispute calls and reunites with that shithead co-captain of Hawkins basketball team who keyed his car Sophomore year.
Life in Hawkins is a never-ending cycle of existence that renders everyone in the small town a familiar face. Everyone knows everyone’s business. Everyone knows everyone. 
And everyone certainly knows Jim Hopper.
So, imagine his surprise when after her first day of high school, over a ravoli dinner, El nudges a crumbled pink piece of paper his way with an excited look on her face. The paper is well-loved paper and home to her new class schedule, a point of interest -- she’s marked what classes she has with the boys and Max.
“I like science,” she says with a full mouth, “Fun.”
El points to her sixth period.
Imagine Chief of Police Jim Hopper’s surprise when he sees an unfamiliar name. Someone he doesn’t know.
And she teaches science.
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Summer fades with a wave of heat and full moons.
The last week of August creeps up on you and before you even realize it, you’re moving into the cleared out room of a retired Mrs. Gomez and hanging your own name up on the door along with three planetary mobiles, a periodic table and a big exo terra tank for the freshmen class pet on the back windowsill. 
One period turns into six, and a week turns into three.
Your life begins again, Hawkins style.
“Miss Murphy!”
You’re wiping down the chalkboard, smearing drawings of ionic bonds into dust when the stampede begins.
Typical Friday.
You like Mike and Will and Lucas and Dustin and El and Maxine. The little squadron of hellions had managed to win you over easily within the first three weeks of school -- between the abundant D&D references and constant “curiosity voyages”, you’d seemingly become their go-to with questions, gossip, and over-all mentor-ship. 
The whole bunch of them sat together in your sixth period class, and the whole bunch of them were really the only ones excited about Dash, that aforementioned freshmen class pet that you’d scooped up behind the school and saved from being roadkill.
El immediately wanders to the tank and makes sure the heat lamp is on.
You can’t help but smile. These are good students. You like them. They like you.
Maybe it’s because when you were younger, you were just like them.
It’s like a sixth sense. They just... know. 
“We have a question.”
“Is it about reptiles again?” you chirp, wiping your hands, “I don’t know, like, anything about komodo dragons, Dustin, I told you --”
“No!” Dustin waves his hands, hopping up onto the edge of your desk, “No, this is about the AV Club.”
“AV Club?”
Mike rolls his eyes. “The AV Club!”
You blink. All six of them are looking at you expectantly. You deadpan.
“You lost me.”
“She’s new here, guys,” Will sighs, gently nudging Lucas who makes an O with his mouth, “Remember?”
“Right, right, right,” Dustin sighs, waving his hands with a charismatic no-front-teeth smile, “Sorry, Murph, my excitement precedes me --”
You shoot Dustin a look. No nicknames. He knows the rule.
“Make it quick,” you groan, waving an apologetic Dustin off your desk as you begin to collect papers from the previous period, “I have the open house tonight and I gotta get some grading done before -- you’ve got fifteen to catch me up on this AV Club thing.”
Lucas claps his hands. They all settle into the desks in-front of you.
You narrow your eyes.
Mike begins.
“So, there’s all this old radio station equipment in the top of the gym...”
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You wring your hands.
You fiddle with the hem of your dress.
This is nerve-wracking.
For the first time in a while, you curse the fact you’ve got mostly freshmen in your classes -- with every new round of bright blue visitors stickers, parents are eager to pick your bones when you begin talking about your curriculum, expectations and the like. I mean, it’s good, you guess, that there’s parents who are engaged but... as a new teach at Hawkins, you can’t help but feel like you’re missing a part of the bit.
It’s nearing the end of the night now and you’ve noticed the parents don’t greet you like they do the other teachers. Like... like friends.
Maybe it’s because you’re new.
New to the town, too. Not just teaching high school science, you mean.
You wonder if all the news stories pouring out of that Hawkins Lab have anything to do with how cheap rent is in the area. The multi-family unit you’ve settled into is in a nicer suburb in town -- green lawns, a playground, neighborhood BBQs... You’d moved on the pretense of your hiring, excited at the chance to get out of the city for a while and live a quieter life.
You jump six feet in the air when someone knocks on the door-frame of your classroom.
“Oh my god --”
Your hand flies to your chest.
“Uh, sorry -- Sorry, is this... is this Miss Murphy’s room?”
The first thing you notice is the badge. It glints in the florescence.
The next thing you notice is... him. I mean, he’s tall -- tall and broad and intimidating but... soft. His eyes are tired and his voice is quiet and you’re staring, Jesus Christ, you’re staring --
Chief of Police Jim Hopper has never felt smaller.
You’re new -- definitely new. Hopper knows, in that moment, that you must be, He would remember someone like you. I mean, how could he not?
(Everyone knows he’s got a soft spot for beautiful women, but he’s damn near mush right now. Pudding. His knees are pudding. He is an idiot and his knees are pudding.)
He makes the doorway look tiny.
You sputter. “Y-yes! Yes, it is. Hi, I’m, uh, Miss Murphy.”
“I figured,” he chirps, lips quirking under his mustache. He waves the piece of paper in his hands, “Kinda... kinda said so on the schedule, y’know?”
Immediately, someone shoulders his backside.
Right in the damn kidney.
“Christ, Joyce, ow --”
“Be nice!” she cries with a laugh, stepping around him.
The woman is comically smaller than the police officer before you. Joyce has a kind smile and sweet doe eyes and she excitedly rushes to shake both your hands in her own.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” she gushes, “Will has said so many great things about you --”
Your eyes widen. “You’re Will’s mother? Will Byers?”
“Yes!” she nods, “Yes, and, uh, this is Hopper --”
Joyce nearly snorts when Jim just blinks. She elbows him. He jumps.
He was staring.
“Jim Hopper,” he clears his throat, trying to regain any semblance of composure. This really knocked him off his game -- you really knocked him off his game. He was fully expecting some nasty old widow to be teaching, not a young, brightly dressed woman who’s smiling at him, Christ almighty, smiling, “Chief of Police.”
He offers his hand. You shake it and your lips quirk. “Are you... here to investigate me, or...?”
“Oh!” his eyes widen, “No, no, uh -- El is my daughter. Adopted.”
“Ah, right. Miss El. Got it,” you laugh a little, nodding, “Groovy.”
(Joyce narrows her eyes, grinning between yourself and Hopper. Groovy indeed.)
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“She was nice.”
Jim’s cigarette glows red in the evening September air. Joyce, beside him, has this horrible, conniving look on her face -- the same look she gave him when she convinced him to ask Jenny Gonzalez out Junior year -- and Jim immediately goes on the defense.
“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about.”
“Miss Murphy,” Joyce grins, “I saw you staring.”
“I was not.”
“C’mon, Jim,” she chirps, “She’s pretty --”
“Yeah, a pretty bad idea.”
Joyce rolls her eyes so hard Hopper can feel it.
“Listen,” Jim says, flicking his cigarette into the pavement, “With everything goin’ on, I don’t have time for something like that.”
“Jim, stuff like that doesn’t care if you’ve got time.”
Joyce watches him climb into his truck. He slams the door shut,
“If it’s meant to be, it happens anyways!”
He narrows his eyes.
Then, cranks the window down and raises one finger.
“Not on my watch.”
Famous last words, Jim Hopper. Famous last words.
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Happy Monday.
“I’m joining AV Club.”
“AV Club. Science. Fun.”
Hopper just takes a looooooong sip from his morning coffee. Eleven stabs her eggos. She forks a hunk into her mouth and chews.
Hopper takes another sip.
“AV Club.”
“Yes. Radios.”
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You’re sweating.
The storage space of Hawkins High’s gym is ninety degrees at least -- and here you are, brandishing a flashlight in the dark as the Mighty Hellions dig through the space and pull box after box from the makeshift sauna.
“Think this stuff still works, Murph?” Maxine asks.
You ignore the informal nickname and pull open a box to eye a bundle of cables. They’re in good shape. The mic, at the bottom, is too if not a little grimy.
“I don’t see why not.”
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After a grueling hour and a half, they finally set up shop in the closet across the hall from your classroom. It’s usually where they keep glassware and Bunsen burners but... with a little begging and a dejected look from Dustin, you grant them their plea and help them set up the impromptu radio station with relative ease.
The desk in the center of the room -- Mrs. Gomez’s old one -- is a little wobbly, but it works.
“And now,” says Mike, “The moment of truth.”
El flicks the switch.
And nothing happens.
Not so Happy Monday.
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"How was AV Club?”
Hopper’s mouth is full.
“Radio is broken.”
“Oh,” Hop hums, “M’ sorry, kid.”
“It’s okay,” El says slowly, looking out the window on the ride home, “Miss Murphy buying us new wires.”
Hopper blinks. “Miss Murphy?”
“Yes. Nice.”
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Joyce rings you out the next evening at Melvald’s.
“I’m surprised you didn’t try Starcourt.”
You laugh a little. “What, that super mall?”
“I heard they’ve got everything,” Joyce chirps, “Will and the kids go there nearly every weekend. Ice cream, movies... you name it. A great place for a date, I bet.”
You laugh and pull out your wallet. “Oh to be young and in love.”
“No kidding,” she grins, taking the cash, “Speaking of... are you...?”
“Young?” you laugh, propping your elbows up on the counter, “Or in love?”
You like Joyce. She’s funny. 
“No,” you sigh, “Nope. No, not right now. Neither. I spend my Tuesday nights with wine and a TV dinner.”
“Y’know,” Joyce hums, a knowing look in her eye as she bags the radio supplies, “I know someone who does the same exact thing.”
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It’s Miller High Life, actually. And Tostitos. 
That’s besides the point, though, because while Joyce is still very much on his case about the new science teacher, Jim is very much focused on the fact none of the stations god damn radios are working.
He could really go for a beer right now.
Something is jamming the signal.
Actually, to clarify -- the same fucking song on repeat is jamming the signal.
For the last two hours, it’s just been Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles over and over and over and over again. And then again, just for good measure. On the fourth round of the song, Jim had unceremoniously lobbed his walkie across the station. On the tenth, he’d yanked the chord for the radio out of the wall.
If Hopper hears that fuckin’ oh oh sound one more time, he’s going to lose it.
Callahan just shrugs when, finally, the music stops and the booming voice of Dustin Henderson comes over every walkie in the room.
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Hopper peels into the high school parking lot.
Long strides carry him through halls that he knows way too damn well -- halls that wind and turn and lead him right to room 305. Your name is scrawled across the door alongside a picture of a constellation and a beaker.
But, the classroom is empty.
And then he hears it.
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“I am so sorry, Chief Hopper -- I had no idea that was the PD’s frequency.”
You’re wringing your hands but you’re also two beats from laughing and Hopper is really trying to keep it together because... I mean, it’s funny. 
Jim pinches the bridge of his nose. He feels bad. He... well, he probably shouldn’t have slapped the broadcasting mic out of Dustin’s hands. He’s got a short wire now-a-days, blame the whole Hawkins Lab incident and the fact he’s essentially harboring a fugitive and allowing aforementioned fugitive to go to high school and jam radio channels with Today’s Top 40 in her free time.
“No, no -- I... It’s fine. It’s fine, really, just...”
Hopper drops his hand. You’re trying your best to hide a smile that’s threatening to sweep across your whole face. 
“Do not let Dustin play any more of The Buggles, okay?”
You chew your lip and lean closer, whispering. “... Did it really play for two hours straight?”
Hopper’s nostrils flare. He nods weakly. You note the missing walkie from his belt.
And then you burst into laughter.
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You buy more cassettes at Melvald’s the next week.
“Oh,” Joyce grins, holding up a Madonna album before scanning it across check-out with a beep, “Nice stuff -- is this for AV Club?”
You laugh. “Let me guess, Chief Hopper told you about ‘The Incident’?”
Joyce's lips quirk and she tilts her head, eyeing you carefully as you bite back a smile and muscle out your wallet from your bag. “... No, he did not.”
“The kids were on the wrong frequency,” you gesture, a bit sheepish, “And, I mean, I had no idea until Chief Hopper had to come to the high school and let us know that he’d been listening to Video Killed the Radio Star for two hours straight.”
“Oh god.”
“Yeah,” you raise your brows, pull a face and mimic the catchy hook, “Oh oh god.”
Joyce snorts.
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“It’s not working!”
“Boys,” you sigh heavily, “Just... Just let me look at it.”
There’s a scramble and the sea of bodies part. Max and El are posted by the door, watching with a dejected sort of disappointment. Your knees hit the floor and you ignore the fact your jeans are going to be covered in nasty dust from the underside of Mrs. Gomez desk. Your necklace jingles and you sigh, settling on your back and waving for Dustin to pass you the flashlight.
“Did Hopper break it?” it’s Mike, “If Hopper broke it, I swear to shit --”
You squint, pushing apart the mess of wires and sighing loudly when you find the problem.
It’s... weird. Like... Like some of the wires have been chewed clean through.
“Looks like one of the wires is frayed.”
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You take the main component home with you.
It’s sitting on your passenger side seat when you pull into Melvald’s.
In the spot in-front of the store sits a Hawkins Police Dept. truck with a CHIEF decal on the side.
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“She’s funny and smart and came in here and talked about you --”
“Talked about me?” Jim’s leaned against the counter, coke in his hands, “Hold on, what? You didn’t tell me that.”
“Yeah,” Joyce’s voice lilts, “She, uh, was telling me about The Buggles incident.”
Jim groans. 
“Oh, yeah, when I nearly drove my fist through the kids’ new hobby?”
“-- Funny, she left that part out --”
“I made an ass of myself, Joyce.”
“Hey,” Joyce coos, throwing her hands, “Maybe she likes that about you... y’know... your uncanny ability to be a... uh, an ass?”
“I’m kidding.”
The shop door dings and Chief of Police Jim Hopper chokes on his diet coke.
You stop short in the doorway. 
The store is mostly empty -- it’s almost closing time, anyways -- and you can’t help but feel like you’re intruding on Hopper and Joyce’s conversation, especially when Hopper is cursing and wiping at the soda spilled down the front of him. 
Overhead, Movin’ Out by Billy Joel plays.
“-- Workin’ too hard can give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack --”
“Miss Murphy!” Joyce grins, “Hi there!”
“Hi Joyce,” you smile, nearing the counter. You can’t help but hide a smirk as Hopper sighs and stands. He drops his hands to his side and you get a full view of the coke down the front of his uniform, “Chief.”
(A little part of him dies inside then.)
(Joyce sees it.)
“Evening, Miss Murphy.”
“Rough night?”
“Little bit,” he heaves, downing the rest of his soda and crushing the can. He lobs it into the trash can beside the register with ease, “Well, duty calls, ladies.”
“Duty calls?” Joyce asks, crossing her arms. Suspicion paints her features.
She’s trying to get him to stay -- trying to goad him into a conversation with you, just like she always does, but the problem is that Joyce is a great wing-woman and honestly? 
That kind of terrifies him. 
It’s been a minute and a half since he’s considered anything more than a one-night stand with someone. He’s been busy, y’know, saving this dimension and keeping a top-secret government facility secret. 
“Yeah,” he deadpans, not feeding into it, “Duty.”
You blink between them both.
Jim’s out the door with the tinker of the overhead bell.
Ouch. You turn to Joyce.
“I don’t think he likes me very much.”
Famous last words.
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“Testing, one, two, three --”
You groan, switch frequencies one more time, and throw your hands.
Maybe the whole Hawkins High Radio Station idea was never meant to come to fruition. It hurts to admit it and you know the kids are going to be so damn upset, but no amount of soldering and wire replacements seems to be getting this hunk of junk to give out any sort of signal. 
You take a long drink from your glass of wine and collapse back onto the couch.
Then, you hear it.
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"I’ll be sure to let Chief Hopper know, Miss Murphy.”
“Listen, I... Is he here? I’m kinda in a rush and this is sort of important --”
You’re pushing past Florence, the nice secretary, before you even realize it.
You’d known Hawkins was a weird town. That much was pretty clear from the odd disappearances, government labs and toxic leaks. But this... this is more than just weird. This is borderline panic inducing.
Hopper has a cigarette between his lips and his hat on his desk when you barge in.
He jumps six feet in the air and spills his coffee.
“Jesus --”
“Listen, Chief, I know you’re a real busy guy, but --”
“I am so sorry, Jim,” it’s Florence, moving to put herself between you and the Chief, “Miss Murphy, please, if you can take a seat, Chief Hopper would love to hear all about your top secret Russian communicae when he’s done his coffee --”
When Jim’s eyes widen a mile, you realize he knows something you don’t.
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Jim feels small in your living room.
It’s a nice place -- furnished with plants and art and your TV has a stack of sci-fi movies atop of it. In the middle of your rug, though, sits the ham radio surrounded by a winding mess of wires. It’s off, and when you near it, you wring your hands. You’re nervous, he can tell. You can hardly stand still.
“Do you think I’m crazy?”
Hopper blinks. He clears his throat. “What?”
“This... Hopper, I swear, I heard Russian --”
“No, I... I believe you,” he says slowly, narrowing his eyes, “Hawkins is a...”
“Weird town?”
“Weird town.”
You nod slowly then, crank the on switch, and the radio hums alive in a language neither of you know.
Hopper just sighs. 
“... What do you know about radios?”
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“It’s close,” you say finally, blinking up from the manual, “It has to be -- I mean, this specefic model only broadcasts and receives up to fifteen miles. That’s... what? Like, all of Hawkins?”
“Just about,” Jim hums, hands on his chin, “and what about the channels?”
“I mean, it’s messy -- I hijacked your frequency. On accident.”
Hopper smothers a smirk with a drag of his cigarette. You grin. His office back at Hawkins PD falls quiet for a moment and you catch yourself staring again. Across from him, you squirm a bit in your seat and turn your attention back to the Olympia Radio booklet. 
“There’s no way of tracking the channels,” you sigh, “I... I dunno. I’m kinda out of my element here.”
“What is your element?”
“Chemistry,” you chirp, “And biology. And some physics.”
“Chemistry, huh?”
“Speaking of which, I know you don’t like me much but,” you rush, blinking up at him, “Thanks for believing me.”
The moment would have been sweet if Hopper hadn’t reeled backwards, like he’s been punched. His face screws up in confusion and he waves, cigarette smoke halo-ing around his head as his mustache twitches.
“Wait... hold on --”
“It’s okay,” you console, “Seriously, I... I’m new around here, I... I get it a lot. Folks don’t really trust the new girl next door. Especially with everything that’s been going on.”
“I... I never said --”
You serve him a look.
“... I panicked.”
Hopper sighs. “You’re just as bad as Joyce.”
Your brows raise. “Are you and her...?”
“No!” he cries, “No, no, I... I am single, I am very single, and I am very busy, but despite that, I still would like to ask you out to dinner, and that is terrifying, okay --”
You blink. “You... what?”
Jim’s about to try and dig himself out of his metaphorical grave when the radio flares up again.
You scramble to grab the recorder and Jim turns the volume up -- quickly, you record the repetitive sentence and when the line finally goes silent again, you spare Hopper a look.
“How about dinner and Russian For Dummies?”
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cazziamo · 5 years ago
Runaway [8]
requested: no lol
group/member: EXO/ Baekhyun
word count: 5.9k
summary:  All it takes is being at the wrong place, at the wrong time for you to be dragged back into the world you had tried so hard to leave behind.
[a/n]: aaaaaand i’m finally back lmfao so to make a long story short i rlly have no idea where this story is going so i just kinda write?? and whatever happens happens and well,,,,,,, this happened. unedited bc we die like men also i’ve had no sleep
warnings: violence, mentions of drug/drug use (marijuana), alcohol, smut (finally bitches)
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When you say the boys bickered the entire way to the fair, you meant the entire way. Baekhyun was being as annoying as ever, teasing both you and your brother constantly. You were used to it but Tae was not, and the fact that his temper may have been quicker than yours started to show. Everything you said just seemed to make it worse, so you decidedly kept your mouth shut for most of the walk, but there was no stopping the grin on your face. 
"And just what are you grinning at?" Your brother whipped his head towards you, lifting his hand to push at your forehead. "Wipe it off your face, you look dumb."
"I just missed you." You said, a little surprised at your own tone. "I haven't seen you in a while and so much has changed again recently that it's good to do something... normal, y'know?" You ignored the way your brother side-eyed  you for a moment, the corners of his lips tugging down into a frown. He didn't say anything, but you knew it was enough to clue him in. He'd always been too smart for his own good.
"You said we had a lot to talk about." Tae said it bluntly, not asking you in any way.  He stopped walking and turned to face you directly with furrowed brows. You stopped also, but with much more hesitance than he had, grateful that the streets had emptied out and there were hardly any people near you. "Is it what I think it is?"
"...yeah." You answered honestly, keeping your eyes locked on his. "But it's not exactly how you're thinking it-"
"I don't care how different it is, you promised!" He hissed angrily, grabbing at the sleeves of your jacket. "You promised me no more, that you were done-"
"I was!" You yelled. Baekhyun, who was being strangely silent, began to look around, and so you made sure to quiet yourself. "I was done, but I didn't have a choice this time. I would have been killed." You explained in as little words as possible, hoping that your brother would let it go for now. "That's why I said we had to talk about it, but can we have just a couple of good hours together before we go back and deal with this shit? Please?"
The tendons in your brother's neck jumped as he grit his teeth, jerking his body to the side, where his eyes landed on Baekhyun. "And how is he involved?"
"Later, please." You hated how exhausted you sounded, how 'emotionally tired' practically dripped from your words. But it was enough that your brother seemingly let it go, his shoulders sagging with the long exhale he gave. Without another word he turned and continued walking, leaving you behind. Baekhyun came around to your side and nudged you forward, looping his arm back around your shoulders. Your brother hadn't gone too far ahead, having stopped to wait for you guys at the corner, but once he saw you two were following he continued on his way. It was reassuring that he was still going to the fair with you, and hopefully it meant that he would be just as forgiving later when you actually explained. If he wanted nothing to do with you, then he would have already been gone. He's always been the type to stick to his guns, whether the people involved were strangers, friends, or family. 
"You don't have to stay while we talk later." Baekhyun didn't look your way after you spoke, and for a moment you were worried you had spoken too lowly.
"Do you want me too?" He asked in response, again not looking your way at all, and somehow that bothered you. You still didn't understand why he was acting so differently around you, and you knew that there was no merit in what he told you earlier. Of course he had been teasing you, because who admitted to a crush so casually after so little time knowing that person? And in public in broad daylight?
You weren't a virgin by any means, but your actual romantic experience was next to nothing. Your parents had never had a good relationship so there were no early examples to draw from, and the older you got the less of a chance you had to find something for yourself. If it hadn't been for the fact that you were forced to go to extreme lengths for your family, then maybe you would have, but it was hard to have crushes when you're surrounded predominantly by older, mean, ruthless men and a whole lot of bloodshed. There were one night stands all the time, so it wasn't that you were unsatisfied, but you didn't know how to tell genuine interest from anything else. 
As far as you knew, Baekhyun could just be wanting to keep an eye on you, make sure you wouldn't try to bail, or he was trying to get close to you to convince you to give up the key. He was just invested because of his pride, not because he actually wanted you. There had been too many incidents, too many accidents and 'I didn't mean it's and altercations because you had been dumb enough to trust a man in your line of work. 
Even still, you found yourself answering Baek with "No." You wet your lips and couldn't help but bite onto your bottom one anxiously. "I would honestly feel better if you stayed, I guess."
"Then I stay." His answer came quick, and his voice was firm when he said it, like he wasn't going to change his mind for anything. He stopped walking and used the arm on your shoulder to stop you also, turning to face you. "Don't worry about that for now, anyway." He reached upwards and pushed your hair back, lifting his other hand to smooth the frizz down at the top, before leaving them resting on your cheeks. Either you were beginning to blush or his hands were just very, very warm. "We're gonna go to this carnival, have some fun, get some food, and then figure it out as we go, so get stepping." He turned you to face forward again and shoved you lightly, making sure to fall in line with you after. It was enough to make you laugh, deciding to do as he says and just deal with everything as it happens instead of ruining the time out by stressing. Besides, who knew when you would be able to leave the hideout like this again, so it was better to just take advantage of it. 
By that time, you guys could finally see the fair at the corner, and the awkward form of your brother leaning against the gates of the entrance. He had already bought his wristband and had it looped loosely around his right wrist, his left hand fiddling with his phone. As the two of you hurried over to join him, Tae stood fully, shoving his hand roughly into his pocket to pull something out.
"Here," His hand shot out towards the two of you before you were even fully there, and you saw two more wristbands dangling from his hand. "Hurry up, I want to ride the Zipper first." Without another word, he turned and went through the gates, flashing his wristband when the attendant tried to stop him. You moved quickly after him, fastening the wristband around yourself as you darted through the gates, Baekhyun close behind on your heels. 
The lines weren't too bad tonight, and you guys were able to quickly get on the rides that you wanted. True to your word from earlier, you sat next to your brother on almost all of the rides and Baekhyun didn't say a word about it, just settling himself in the carts behind you or even skipping the ride altogether. He claimed that the Zipper would make him way too nauseous and resorted to being the bag man of the trip, to which your brother certainly wasn't complaining. Tae would just pile his jacket into Baek's arms and throw his little backpack at him before getting into line without a word. You knew that he was just giving you and your brother the time together, and you really were thankful for him letting you out. You didn't know if you two would be in trouble with Suho later, but hopefully once the two explained everything he would let you off easy. 
The three of you rode most of the rides there (thanks to the wristbands) and played quite a few games in between, which is where Baekhyun really became useful. It came to the point where you couldn't even see Baekhyun's hair over the pile of giant stuffed animals in his arms, of which only two were yours. The other few of them belonged to your brother, who surprisingly had very good aim (it must have run in the family). Tae seemed to be enjoying himself well enough, your usually rather stoic brother cracking more than a few grins throughout the night. It was nice to have the time with him, and the longer you spent out, the less you minded Baekhyun being there with you. 
It was after you caught your brother stifling his third yawn in about twenty minutes that you made the suggestion to leave. He blinked at you with bleary eyes and agreed with you, and it was then that you felt the anxiety begin to bubble in your stomach. Grabbing a few of the stuffed animals from Baekhyun, the three of you left the park and headed towards the train station; your brother lived only two stops away from where he worked, which was one of the reasons why he liked the job. He said it was a pain to find work somewhere else since everywhere else was too far, but you had the sneaky suspicion your brother just liked the tips he would get from the university girls. 
Usually anxiety made you feel like everything was moving at a snails pace, slow and steady to the point you felt like you would go insane before anything happened. Today, it felt like everything was sped up, like someone had pressed the nitro boost on the train to make it accelerate at an alarming rate. Things were moving too fast for you, and you were scrambling to make a plan for when you spoke to your brother, but your brain was too overcrowded with worst case scenarios and blow out arguments to even start. The two stops passed fast enough that you felt you had only just sat down, and then a few blurry moments later your brother was putting his code in for the door to his apartment. He kicked off his shoes at the door and left them where they landed, trudging in to plop onto his armchair. You followed behind him, taking the time to put his sneakers on the rack and placing yours neatly by the edge before following him into the living room, Baekhyun right behind you. 
As you situated yourself on the side of the couch closest to your brother, he began to speak. "So, please, enlighten me as to how everything is different this time, and how the bozo on your left is involved." 
Baekhyun huffed indignantly but otherwise stayed silent, wisely redirecting his attention somewhere else. You ran a hand through your hair, mussing it up before flopping it back down to your lap, huffing yourself. "It's different this time because I didn't have a choice, Tae. I didn't even go willingly this time, I was knocked out and taken. Saw something I wasn't supposed to, and the option was do as they said or die. If I'm being honest, I told them to just kill me, but then the asshole just smirked at me and told one of his guys to take me to my room. And then some people from Owls showed up at my apartment and shot the place up and that's how I got sucked back in." You weren't sure how much you had actually breathed while spitting that out, and if how you were panting was anything to judge by, you didn't think you had. "And then I got used as bait and we took down the guys who were trying to kill me but then they said that they knew you and I didn't have a choice, Tae. I did what I had to." 
Your brother was completely silent while you spoke, only blowing a strand of hair out of his eyes when you had finished. "And him?" He asked, jutting his chin towards Baekhyun.
"I was the one who brought her in." Baek spoke before you could, and effectively telling your brother the one thing you wouldn't have mentioned. "I had a deal outside of her apartment building, and she came home right in the middle of it. She put up a good fight, but I got her  and now here we are."
You shifted nervously, picking at the fabric of your pants with eyes that flickered back and forth between Baekhyun and your brother. Your brother leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, running his hands through his hair and messing it up. "So you're the reason we're going through this shit again?" He huffed, standing up straight out of the chair. He only took a few steps forward, but everything about him screamed that he was a second from snapping. "You-" His voice was raising and he aggressively pointed at Baekhyun, stepping close enough this time that his fingertip was inches away from Baekhyun's face. "You are the reason that everything has gone to shit again?"
Baekhyun's face was steeled- a dangerous sort of calm as he reached up and moved your brothers hand out of face. "Yeah."
The hand that Baekhyun had moved away suddenly curled into a fist and flashed forward so quickly you would have missed it if not for your hyper vigilance in the tense atmosphere. Baekhyun's head had snapped backwards, one arm reaching backwards to steady himself on the back of the couch and the other flinging forward to grab onto your brothers shirt. He pushed himself off of the couch with his legs and used his momentum to shove Tae backwards. Tae tripped over the coffee table and fell backwards, Baekhyun quickly getting on top of him. Baek's knees were on your brothers forearms and he was sitting on his chest to keep him pinned. Your brain finally kicked in and you lunged off the couch, throwing yourself across the table to tackle Baekhyun off of him, and as soon as Baek's weight was gone, your brother rolled over and got up, swinging at Baek again.
"Tae, stop!" You yelled, trying to grab his arms, but he shook you off roughly and went after Baekhyun again and again. Grabbing his arms again, you tried to pin them behind his back but he shoved you this time, sending you crashing into the table.
"You motherfucker!" Tae screamed, throwing his leg out to kick Baekhyun in his side, who managed to grab his leg and yank him to the floor, rolling on top of him again. "You fucking asshole, do you have any idea what you've done?" He bucked and threw Baekhyun off of him, shooting up onto his knees to drive an elbow into Baekhyun's chest. The two continued to grapple on the floor until you had finally had enough, anxiety and adrenaline and upset all bubbling forward until you abruptly sat on the couch and burst into tears.
Your brother was just venting, and you knew it, but for some reason you couldn't focus on anything other than the fact that despite all of the attacks on him, Baekhyun had yet to retaliate against your brother even once. Every move he had made towards Tae was purely of defense and attempts to pin him, and it showed you a different side of Baekhyun. Maybe you were being self-centered in the whole situation, thinking things were because of you when they probably weren't, trying to make yourself into a victim when you most likely didn't have a right to be, but there was a part of you that believed Baekhyun was trying to spare you as much in the situation as possible.
And the situation was one that honestly scared you, and wondered where your brother had been keeping all of this rage and sadness bottled up inside of him. He was screaming about the times before and how things had been so, so good, and it broke your heart. You knew he wouldn't ever turn out the way you had, that he wouldn't make the same rash decisions you had at his age, but watching him throw perfectly formed punches with a brutal amount of force behind them made you think about the circumstances in which he had learned them. 
The two stopped almost immediately, both freezing in place before turning to look at you. Your brother managed to scramble over first, fixing his hair with one hand and using the other to awkwardly pat your shoulder. 
"You two are such assholes!" You blubbered, gesturing vaguely between the two of them. "This- this isn't what I wanted, I just wanted you not to hate me and cut me off and-"
"I don't hate you." Your brother rushed out, almost slurring his words with how fast he tried to speak. "And I'm not gonna cut you off or anything so just- just don't do that." He gestured to your face, cringing away from you after. "Just don't cry, I don't know how to handle people crying."
So you cried more. "I didn't have a choice, Tae, they knew where you lived!"
"I know, I know." He frantically tried to soothe you. "I'm not mad at you, I just don't want things to be like before-"
"I didn't have a choice then either, Tae! Neither of them were working and we were starting to get eviction threats, for Christ's sake. I did what I had to!"
"You left me-"
"They threw me out! Beat the shit out of me and then threw me on the streets in the middle of the fucking night." Your voice broke again, and it was then that Baekhyun slumped down on your other side, his arm finding its way onto your hunched back, his thumb gliding gently. "I was fifteen, too young for a real job and no where else to go. I didn't have a choice, Tae. I just did what I could to make shit work." There was a long pause after you finished, the silence of the room filled with your shaky breathing and sniffles.
"Well, it didn't." He finally said. His voice was harsh and firm and he turned to glare down at you, lips pursed like he had something more to say. Instead of speaking, he just licked his lips and huffed, turning on his heel and walking down the hallway, leaving you and Baekhyun in the wavering silence of the living room. Wavering because you were trying to pull it together, to turn the sobbing into silence, relapsing back into cries every couple of tries. Baekhyun was still being quiet, not getting too close as you worked through your shit, and eventually you had pulled it together enough to speak clearly. 
"I guess that's our cue to show ourselves out." You said with a shaky voice, rubbing the palms of your hands against your legs before patting them and standing. 
He reached out and grabbed one of your hands, cupping it in both of his before grabbing the other one and covering it. "You're shaking," He murmured, sounding like he was talking more to himself than he was to you. 
You shifted your weight awkwardly, pulling your hands from him and shoving them into your jacket pockets. "Can we just go already?" You whined, already moving towards the door. He trailed after you, putting his shoes on halfway before following you out of the door and fixing them as he went. He came up behind you and tried to pull your hand out of your pocket, but you yanked yourself away from him and quickened your pace, eager to get home and sleep and forget about all of this as soon as possible.
A few hours, a good cry, and a fat nap later, you found yourself waking up in the near middle of the night. You had skipped dinner after your explanation to Suho (who looked like a disappointed father when you returned) and went right to your room, and you could feel the effects of not eating coiling in your stomach after so long. Still in your clothes from earlier, you stumbled out of your room and headed towards the kitchen.
The light was already on in there, and the sliding door that lead to the smoking room was open a few inches. You ignored it, pouring yourself a glass of water and heating it up in the microwave for some tea. Rummaging around in the fridge yielded nothing but leftovers and small snacks, so you settled for kimchi and cold fried rice, eating while your tea steeped. It wasn't until you had shoveled your first large bite of mixed food into your mouth that you heard the muffled cursing from the room beside you. Cheeks still puffed from the food, you stood and made your way over to the door and peeked in. 
You were surprised to see Baekhyun sitting there, an open bottle of whiskey and a tall glass filled halfway with the said drink next to him. He was fiddling with something in his hands, and as you opened the door wilder and walked in, you realized he was running his lighter down a barely lit joint. 
"Damn," He hissed, putting it out before attempting to relight it, and even from where you were standing, you could see how his form hunched in the chair and how his hands were shaking. He hadn't even noticed you were in the room yet, showing you just how smashed he was, so you walked over to him and snatched the joint from him, setting it in between your lips and pulling to light it. After you exhaled the smoke and checked to make sure it wasn't canoeing like before, you passed it back to him. He took it and immediately inhaled deeply, exhaling through his nose before hitting it again and passing it back to you. 
"What are you doing, Baek?" You asked him quietly. "I thought I was the one with midnight breakdowns around here."
He laughed humorlessly, a quick scoff that made you sit straight. "I needed everything to stop for a little while." He replied, taking a long swig of his drink. "Was too loud." He mumbled.
You reached over and took the bottle, dragging it to your side of the coffee table before taking a long sip, wincing from the burn after. "Wanna talk about it?" You ashed the joint and passed it back to him, but your only answer was a long groan as a soft thud as his head hit the table. 
"I fuck up everything in sight." He whined, lifting his head just enough to take a long puff before setting it back down again. "No matter where I go, I fuck things up so I feel good and then it bites me in the ass later."
"What'd you do this time?" You asked, barely managing to hide the amusement in your voice, although any that you felt was immediately squashed after he spoke next. 
"You." He moaned miserably, burying his head in his arms. You didn't know how to answer and just decided not to, watching the ashes fall from the end of the paper and flutter to the floor. "I've never had to deal with this shit before. Anyone I've brought in, I've never been close to like this. I didn't just see what I did to you, but I had to face your brother and see what I did to him too. And I can't fix any of it, can't do a damn thing about it."
"Why is it bothering you so much, Baek?" You leaned over and placed your hand on his head, threading your fingers through his soft hair and running your hand through it to soothe him. "I'm not mad anymore, I've accepted it."
'Because I have big feelings for you. I don't wanna name them yet because that shit scares me, but I do." His free hand reached upwards to cover yours on his head, stilling it. He didn't turn to look at you, but somehow you got the feeling that he wasn't as smashed as you had thought. 
"What feelings?" You surprised yourself by asking. 
"Sappy shit." He spat out, sounding almost angry. "I like your face, but I like your smile more. I like your eyes and your stupid nose and your witch cackle laugh and the weird snort you sometimes do when you try not to laugh. I like how much you like penguins and sharks and how loyal and strong you are. I like how hard you've worked to take car of your brother, and how you're trying to take care of me now. I like how excited you get when you talk about shit you like because you're just so fucking cute sometimes that it disgusts me, and then I get disgusted by how much I like liking you. It shouldn't be like this but it is and I know shit won't go anywhere because I fucked your life up again, and it doesn't matter if you don't hate me for it because I already hate myself." He rambled on and on, stopping only once to take another insanely long drag of the joint, followed by an even longer swig of his whiskey, draining the glass. 
"I'm only gonna say this straight because of how drunk you are, it's kind of hard to get embarrassed." You smiled, reaching with your other hand to take the joint from him and place it down in the ashtray. You pulled both of his hands away from himself, pulling him into a straight sitting position and locking eyes with him. "I'm pretty sure I like you too. You annoy me but it's only because the things you say make me embarrassed, and I hate how I can't react the way I want to around you. My heart does fucking flips in my chest and I feel like throwing up all of time because I'm stuck between wanting to touch you and wanting to stay away so I didn't catch these feelings, but obviously it didn't work, because here we are."
" 'M drunk," He whispered, slurring his words slightly. His eyes were cast aside, avoiding yours as best as she could, so you grabbed him by the cheeks and forced him to look at you. 
"You are, but that doesn't mean this isn't real." He leaned into your palms, turning his head to the side to press a light kiss to your hand. 
You laughed lightly, starting to draw your hands back. Baekhyun followed your movements, rising on wobbly legs to lean over the coffee table towards you, slumping clumsily towards you. His forehead knocked into yours harshly and he lost balance, nearly falling on top of you, but you were quick enough to steady him and laughed breathlessly. His eyes were closed, his breath warm as his god damn whiskey breath smacked you in the face, but the tension in the air was enough that you ignored it, moving your eyes from his closed ones to his lips, and you decided to hurry up and just do it, surging upwards to close the gap.
His reaction was instantaneous- his arms flying up to your back, one of them sliding upwards to wind itself tightly into your hair. His mouth slotted sloppily over yours, using his hand in your hair to angle your head to deepen the kiss. He stepped around the small coffee table, managing not to lose contact with your body, instead pressing himself against you. The space between you two was minimal, reduced to nothing as he absolutely dominated the kiss. It was hot and heavy and aggressive, like a stretched out rubber band that was about to snap at any moment. 
Baekhyun spun your bodies around, taking up where you had previously been sitting on the chair and yanking you down onto his lap. The hand in your hair tightened, pulling your head back sharply and breaking the kiss, allowing Baekhyun the room to mouth hotly at you neck, pressing open mouthed kisses and laving his tongue down to your clavicle before moving back upwards to bite down near your pulse point. You keened, moaning airily at the sensations. Your hand flew upwards, grappling at his shoulder to find purchase, to steady yourself in the too fast and too intense situation. 
The hand wrapped around your waist slinked lower, his hand coming down to palm your ass, gripping it roughly before moving back to your waist, pulling your hips down to grind harshly into his. You were turned on enough at this point that the smallest bit of pressure sent your nerves haywire, and feeling his already hard length pressing into you sent your body up in flames. Your breath hitched, choking on the groan that rose in your throat, and you could feel the vibrations on your neck from Baekhyun's satisfied hum. 
"So eager already." He murmured, pulling back from you to stare at you with hazy eyes. His hands never stopped moving, one moving back to your ass and the other trailing to your front to palm your heat through your jeans. His hands would fiddle with he button of your jeans before trailing down to your center, putting pressure against you as he dragged his hand back upwards again to the button. "Want me to touch you, baby?"
"Yes," you breathed, shuddering on his lap. "Please, Baekhyun."
He hummed, flicking open the button and pulling down your zipper far enough that his hand fit in, and he wasted no time in touching you. His fingers dragged roughly over your panties before finding the edges, wiggling his hand past the band and right onto your soaked mound. "So wet, so hot." He said, fingers gliding across your clit with ease, sending you bucking into him.  "Want you so much, wanna bend you over this table and fuck you stupid right here."
You groaned , placing your hands behind you on Baekhyun's knees to steady yourself, leaning back to there was more room between the two of you. He started to tug at the waistband of your jeans, and you lifted off of his lap so he could tug them down for you. He was frenzied now, moving so quickly that he didn't bother taking your pants all the way off, leaving the jeans and panties dangling from one of your ankles. Instead of sitting back on his lap, he flipped you over and pinned your body to the couch, stuffing two fingers inside of you. 
Your hips bucked, forcing Baekhyun to put his hands on your hips and push to keep you still. A long, feral moan tore from your throat, one arm flying into his hair to grip tightly. His fingers were long and thin, reaching deeper parts of you that you could never reach yourself, and as he crooked his fingers inside of you, you felt like you were melting into the couch. 
"Please," You begged, voice breathy and words slurred almost to the point of in-coherency. "Please, Baek, need more." You groaned, attempting to roll your hips into his. He didn't respond, opting to move instead. Without a word, he slid his body down yours until his face was directly in front of your sopping heat, and you watched him lick his lips once before diving in. 
The second his lips wrapped around your clit and sucked your body caved in on itself, body twitching at the sudden over-stimulation. His fingers were thrusting in and out of you at a rapid pace, his wrist flicking skillfully to drag them along your inner walls in rhythm with his swirling tongue. He was eating you like a man starved, and had you not been so many sheets to the wind, you might've been embarrassed at the obscene noises the two of you were making.
Your body shuddered, walls fluttering over his fingers as he pushed you closer to the edge. You whined desperately, writhing on the couch underneath his onslaught. "Gonna come on my fingers, baby?" Baekhyun suddenly sat up onto his knees, putting more force behind his hand. "I want you to, wanna see you dripping all over my hand, wanna see your face all fucked out underneath me. Would you like that, baby?" Moaning loudly, you nodded frantically, eyes screwed shut. You could feel the pressure building, the coil in your stomach burning bright red with the heat you were feeling You just needed one good push, just a little more to send you over the edge, and Baekhyun didn't disappoint. His other hand trailed upwards from where it had been occupied with your breasts, up to your throat where it curled around it, fingers squeezing with just enough pleasure to have your head tipping back and hips stuttering. 
Everything was building up, it was reaching a peak so intense that it almost scared you. You had never felt like this before, not this fast, and most certainly not just from someones fingers. His thumb rubbing on your clit, his fingers hitting all the right spots inside you, and his had wrapped around your throat was finished off by his single word. "Cum." And you did. You did so strongly that you swear you blacked out for a moment, eyes squeezed shut tightly enough that white exploded behind them, Your body arched higher than it had before, shuddering and twitching as he continued his onslaught, high pitched whines flowing continuously from you. 
"Good girl." He said, slowing his thrusts gradually, letting you ride out the last bits of your high. He pulled his fingers from you slowly, dragging them over your clit and sending you whining, body twisting to get away from the near painful sensations. His hand reached up to smooth over your mussed up hair, and even as your body shook from the aftershocks, your eyes slid closed. You were trying to catch your breath, but Baekhyun was trying to clumsily detach himself from you. Eventually he did so and disappeared for a moment, returning shortly with a few tissues.
"Let's get you cleaned up and in bed, baby girl." You hummed in complacent agreement, not yet having the energy or will to move. He carefully dressed you back up, not bothering the button your pants all the way, however, as he attempted to help you up. Both of you were still shaky, but the experience seemed to have sobered him up enough that he could support your weight. The two of you made your way back into your room, Baekhyun flopping onto your bed while you slowly changed, before settling in beside him. As the two of you situated yourselves, intertwining legs and maneuvering arms around, you realized that this was a type of complacent you hadn't felt in a long time, a content, calm, and happy feeling settling inside your chest. It was with this warmth, this content inside and out, and in Baekhyun's arms that you drifted off to sleep, for once not worried about tomorrow. 
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k01ku · 4 years ago
I'm just gonna rant about what i'm excited for in Beyond Light, because there's a lot going for it in my opinion:
1. Were finally getting an expansion on the Fallen since House of Wolves way back when, the Fallen have potentially the most interesting story beats going on in the game rn, and they've been kind of shunted to the background for so long and it's kinda sad.
There's literally a Game of Thrones style faction war going on rn that a lot of players probably don't even know about! So finally getting to see a bit of what's going on is super cool. Cause it's been hidden in the lore for awhile so i'm so excited for that whole situation to come to the forefront.
2. Stasis in general. This is the first time we're getting a new damage type since the game first came out, and from the looks of it it's gonna have some crazy customization potential! I'm getting real d1 subclass vibes here and i'm very happy, don't get me wrong, our subclasses now are cool, but i do miss the level of customization that d1 gave you, and now we get to have that back.
This is a personal bias but i've also just wanted a darkness flavored subclass since I killed the black garden back in d1.
3. The potential reactions to Stasis from characters is also a big plus for me. This kinda splits off into headcanon territory but this situation has the potential to be one of the most interesting and personal moments in the story since our chat with Ghost in Rise of Iron, and pretty much the entirety of Forsakens story.
Our guardian seems to have little agency but obtaining Stasis seems like a very personal choice for our guardian to make, and there's two characters that I really REALLY want to see the reactions of in particular. Which are Zavala and Ghost. Zavala's character is in an interesting place rn because voice lines and a couple lore cards make it seem like he's kind of losing faith in the Traveler and the light, and there's also the fact that our relationship with him has been strained ever since Forsaken.
So I could see his reaction going one of two ways:
a. He gets really angry at us for finally stepping too far over the line. This is the reaction i most expect to get, but i think it would be super interesting to get, like, an extreme reaction, maybe he says that we're no longer a guardian or something of that like. Mayhaps kicking us out of the Tower or something? Like I know that would never happen but that would be awesome to see what they'd do with that. (especially with whats going on with Uldren but I'll talk about that later)
b. He finally loses faith in the light and in the traveler. This one i don't think will happen in the next expansion, like, maybe something happens further down the line to trigger this. But it could also be potentially interesting if he just kinda gives up and lets guardians get stasis out of necessity and questions even more about what counts as a guardian. Or if we even are guardians anymore.
Now let's talk about Ghost. I see the same kind of options for his reactions as far as emotions go but for slightly different reasons:
a. He gets frustrated or disappointed in us for our choice. For a long time, Ghost has expressed hesitance to outright distaste for what our guardian has been doing as of late. We've been teetering on that line between light and dark for a long time and I could see him finally getting fed up with us and we get something like an 'I don't even know you anymore' kind of deal.
b. Or, the more sad (and kinda what i wish would happen) option, he outright BEGS us not to use the darkness because he just doesn't wanna see us get hurt. Potential worry about us getting resurrected could also be a cool thing here I think. Basically the whole Stasis thing just has the potential for really interesting and nuanced character moments.
4. I'm also excited to see what they're gonna do with Uldren. Ever since that teaser of the image that Uldren wears on his chest plate, and the lore card of him running around the Cosmodrome, I've been wondering if he would make an appearance within the next season/expansion. And since we're getting the Cosmodrome back we might be able to see him or he could potentially be the vendor for it, which would be super neat! (even tho i want it to be shiro but that's whatever) This Uldren storyline is especially cool for me because of that idea that I want to happen about Zavala kinda exiling us from the tower. So our guardian would be FORCED to hang out with Uldren if we remained on-planet.
5. The exo stranger and exos in general!! And it's not just because i have a crush on her or anything. They literally abandoned the strangers story for YEARS and now we're finally gonna get some closure, or at the very least, some information about how the lady can goddamn time travel and i'm interested to see how she's gonna help us. I'm pretty sure she'll be the vendor of Europa which i'm excited about.
And that's not even mentioning the Raid!!! I don't know if it was just a rumor or not that the raid would take place in the Deep Stone Crypt but if it's true i will in fact be flipping my shit. We've gotten next to no information about Exos at all and now we might finally be getting some answers about it!! Maybe i am simply excited to finally have a reference from which to draw exo bodies but that's besides the point.
Anyways this ran WAY longer than I thought it would, I'm just really excited for this expansion :))
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yan-purgatory · 6 years ago
Hello? Can you do an EXO yandere headcannon or reaction of them being jealous ?
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admin: ☕️ / cory
request:  hello? can you do an exo yandere headcannon or reaction of them being jealous ? (fem reader)
note: hey! I hope this is alright? I’m not that used to making hcs but i tried my best for you, lovely anon! 
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despite the fact that minseok often kills for you, it rarely is ever out of jealousy
it’s just to show you just how much he loves you
and to enjoy that expression on your face when you’re watching him murder a man just for you
it’s pretty hard to make him jealous anyways
he knows you’ll never leave him
you would be too scared of the consequences
but, if he ever some how felt threatened by another guy
said guy would get a fate much worse than death
“So you think you’re good enough for my doll, huh? Ha… that’s hilarious…”
he would have that man tied up in his basement
if you thought he tortured his victims usually, well you’re in for a treat now
he would get the dullest knives he could find
and in the slowest, most agonizing pace, he would carve the word scum absolutely everywhere possible
no one besides him could ever even dream about being with you
he’d use some of his normal techniques as well
like breaking all the bones in both his hands
along with keeping him alive as long as possible, only allowing them to finally die from starvation or dehydration
all the while making you watch
“Be careful y/n, if this happens again ill make you participate.”
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this is never unexpected when you guys go out
it always seems to happen with how perfect you are
some guy walking up to you and deciding to press his luck by talking to something that’s not his
of course junmyeon wouldn’t show much feeling toward the act
but inside he was already planning his murder
he would flash a fake smile at the lousy excuse of a human and speak calmly toward him
“Would you excuse us, we’ve got a date to get to.”
he would scoff silently to himself and then carry on doing what you had been
you might’ve thought he got over it, but of course he didn’t
once he dropped you off he would make up some excuse to leave
“My boss called me in. I know it’s late, but it seemed important.”
he would promise to be back as quick as possible and then he’d be gone
finding the guy would be easy with his connections
unlike minseok, when he finally got his hands on the guy he wouldn’t spend much time murdering him
any of his victims don’t deserve his time
you’re the only one who does
they’re just the dirt beneath your guys’ feet
once the job was done he would drive home, already in other set of clothing
happy to finally be able to relax with his one and only
“I just spilt a drink on my clothes and had to change, don’t worry so much love.”
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yixing would be the most reasonable in this kind of situation
not cause he was right in the head or anything
no, far from it
but only because if he did what he actually wanted to he knew that you would surely end up hating him for it
so he would try his best to be as calm as possible if someone tried hitting on you
“Going after taken girls isn’t really a good strategy is it?”
he would pull you as close as possible to his body
and keep his arm around your waist
a glare on his face that would surely scare any person
and his jaw clenched tightly
to not let any other remark leave his mouth
he would be fuming as the man walked away, but still try to keep his composure until he left his sight
“I can’t believe some people…”
he would turn to you
mood completely opposite
he would smile down at you
and kiss your cheek
“I didn’t even touch the guy this time. Once we get home you should reward me don’t you think?”
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if a guy tried to steal you away from him, he knew it would never work
baekhyun had you wrapped around his finger
but baekhyun likes to use anything as an excuse to punish you
so even though he doesn’t really get jealous he would definitely act like it
“Y/n, who is this? Your new boyfriend or something?”
he would interrupt you trying to reject some guy’s pickup lines
he would look furious
his expression being able to scare even the most fearless people
so obviously the guy didn’t take long to leave
“I guess you leave me no choice…I can’t have you talking to other guys. You’re mine.”
your pleads would do nothing to stop him
he would drag you home and quickly get to work
smirking the entire time as he punished you
he would make sure to use all of his favorite tools
being very meticulous in his actions
your cries of help would do nothing to stop him
“You look so beautiful right now.”
he would continue on for hours, your expressions never getting old to him
“No one else can ever see you like this. This is sight will forever only be for me, darling.”
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chanyeol is usually calm at all times
that is until someone decides to try to interact with you
how dare anyone try and take away his possession?
he would have absolutely none of it and put an end to the attempt very quickly
“Excuse me, I don’t believe I said you could talk to what’s mine.”
no one would even be able to get far enough into a conversation to pull out a pickup line
he knows he dresses you nicely and manages to make you look even more perfect
but that doesn’t mean anyone else should be able to get all googly eyed at you
only he can
he would threaten anyone, male or female, no matter their sexuality
“If I catch you looking at her one more time I’ll rip your eyes out so you can’t anymore.”
just having you wear a collar around your neck with his name lettered on to it wasn’t enough for him
if you two were in the field of view of anyone he would make sure to claim you
kissing you in public and even occasionally leaving marks on you was definitely a good way to do so
not even caring how embarrassed it made you
“Shhh. Your complaining is just drawing more attention.”
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he was the literal definition of jealous whenever you were out of the house
he just couldn’t help himself
obviously he wasn’t worried about you doing something
no, it was everyone else he was worried about
if you weren’t locked up with him in his house then who knows what someone could do to you
even if he was with you it didn’t really help, not that he would let you be without him anyways
but he would just be hostile to absolutely everyone
no matter what their intentions
if anyone approached you he would growl out a threat of some sort as a warning
“Pal, I highly suggest you just move onto the next girl. My y/n isn’t just another slut despite what you may think.”
you wouldn’t even be able to respond he would interfere so quickly
he wouldn’t want to get violent
but if he really had to he wouldn’t hesitate to do so
no matter if he was in front of you or not
“I’m sorry darling, I was just trying to protect you. I promise i’ll try to restrain myself next time.”
of course that wouldn’t be the case
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he would not get jealous at that someone decided to talk to you, but the fact that you responded
the only person you should speak to is him
no one else deserves to hear your voice
he’d threaten the guy in some way just to get him to leave
“Unless you’d like to get a black eye I’d suggest you walk away.”
the cliche of how stuff turns out when guys get jealous is absolutely not the case with jongin
he would focus his anger on you
you knew he hated when your attention was anything besides him
and yet you do this
it’s like you’re just asking to get punished
“We’re leaving. God, you can never listen can you? You’re so lucky I actually put up with this.”
don’t expect anything on the lenient side
he would be absolutely pissed with you
more than likely opting to do something irrational and crazy
like injuring your vocal cords so you can’t speak
“See, look what you made me do.”
he would feel guilty quickly though and try his best to help you heal as quick as possible
“I read that warm liquids really help. Now, drink up. I wanna hear your sweet voice again. I already miss it”
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usually not the type that’s jealous
just because when he’s constantly showing you PDA when you’re out it’s kinda hard for people not to take the hint that you’re together
on rare occasion that someone does actually approach you with some stupid pickup line though, he’s in full blown jealous mode
at first he’ll just hold onto you in some way
anything to show you’re his
holding hands, hand around your waist, etc.
if the person persists it’ll escalate
he’ll shove the guy away from you
“Hey, are you blind? She’s taken, back off.”
and, if he dared to talk back to him, sehun wouldn’t be so nice
he’d walk up to the guy and grab him by his shirt
“You should’ve just kept quiet.”
sehun’s fist would meet with the man’s face
he’d drop him to the floor and begin kicking him in the stomach
once he decided he was done with him, he would grab you tightly by the wrist
“Let’s go, I shouldn’t have brought you out. This will never happen again.”
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usoibish · 4 years ago
Welcome to my blog!
Hey, my name is.... let’s go with kiki. Here, I’ll post kpop/ kdrama content, anime suggestions/reviews, my favorite edits from tiktok. Maybe I’ll make my own edits. I do draw a little so I might post some of that.
about me
I’m an 18 year old college student and well, long story short...I’m a weeb turned kpop stan. I started watching anime from the age of 6-ish (before I even knew what anime was). I started really getting invested in anime and Japanese culture at 11/12. And thennn, I found kpop. I think I was 12? It was definitely before 2015. I spent all day on youtube watching music videos. They were just really entertaining. What’s funny is before that, I used to watch these Singaporean youtubers (esp JinHaoTan). And I would end up clicking on those emotional sad short films. I think most of them were Thai. I would watch those and then get suggestions for kpop mvs and watch them (again, without realizing what it was). Then, I saw the youtubers react to kpop video and fell down the rabbit hole🙃.
I started out as an EXO fan (back when there were 10 members😓. 12 members! Oh my god what is wrong with me). Luhan was my fave at the time. I was also into BIGBANG, 2NE1, and SNSD. I really enjoyed watching snsd performances. I stumbled upon BTS a few times without realizing. I didn’t really pay attention to artist names then. Honestly, I was still new to music as a whole. My parents are very religious so they never allowed it. So while I definitely could have been an ARMY since their debut, I wasn’t. I just kinda watched mvs at random. Oh I also really liked INFINITE. But anyway, it wasn’t until I saw the music video for Dope that I really became interested in BTS. Bias? Well, the first one to catch my eye was suga. But ultimately I ended up biasing Jimin for the longest. Now I’m OT7 tho.
Some other groups I stan are: TWICE, TXT, and StrayKids. I’m gonna have to make a separate post for solo artists and anime cuz chile....
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dojaeism-archived · 4 years ago
Ah, don't fret it asfhgkshj I hope you're feeling better after that not-exactly-a-break-but-a-break anyways! Ooh, is the same as Socio-cultural anthropology? I've found it quite intimidating for some reason but sociology along with it are both such interesting disciplines, maybe that's because it has to do with behavioural cycles; thus is close to Psychology in a way - ❄️
ive been trying to put these under a cut but i dont think they’re working ;-;
Wow your brain is incredible! I never liked theories in either Physics or Math but the practical parts and numerical analyses were always my strong point... Bio + Chem both made much more sense than any law or theory I have ever studied during the few years I had with Physics haha Ah, ok; I was confused as to whether it applied to blinding pink alone or other striking colours too! - ❄️
It was rather relaxing, and I used to be so happy if anyone complimented mine ;-; Oh, I did enjoy cooking/baking & drawing but other things I've taken up this year are gif-making + learning French because quarantine had me bored to no end 😂 I've still got a while before I start going to college so I'm also writing quite a bit these days! - ❄️
Mario Kart XD I think I'll give thought to that but omg you play Genshin? That's such a cool idea to play with, so many directions this crossover could go to! Oh god, how can one drink so much coffee? I like it too but you're on another level sjsjsjsjsjsj (pst, Uni; stop being so hard on her!) My day has been fluctuating too much for my liking; one moment it's good the next something just ruins it but I've been okay~ you too 🥺 have a wonderful day/night! - ❄️
im putting the asks all together as its easier to answer like this and i dont wanna clog my dash haha but hello!! i wouldnt say im feeling better, unis still kinda crazy rn but i managed to reschedule all my classes into the same few days so hopefully it’ll be better!! i hope you’ve been keeping well 💗
and yes, social anthropology is the same as socio-cultural anthropology but its just a different name i suppose. it is kinda intimidating, in the sense where there’s always a million different aspects of something to think about and to consider whenever you’re talking about anything, nothing is ever just as it is which gets a little frustrating sometimes bc its soooo open-ended haha but its definitely super interesting because of that! and you’re right, it’s super close to psychology too! a lot of my mates do like... soc. anthro with psychology or choose psych modules bc it ties in a lot with the main module, which is really cool! i think psychology is super interesting too, and some days i really wish i’d chosen it as a major instead hahaha
but omg noo my brain isnt incredible, i just really enjoy maths and so physics naturally as well, i wouldn’t say chem and bio were difficult subjects for me, but i just found them so boring compared to the rest that i never wanted to try 😭😭
oh i’d love to see some of your art someday! (not sure how that’d work but im sure its amazing welp) and you like to cook/bake?? that is sooo cool, do you have any fav dishes to make? i used to be a complete hazard in the kitchen before going off to uni, i literally didnt know how to do anything but boil water lmao but turns out that living alone forces you to learn a loooot, and im actually a p good cook now hhhehe and omg!!! i picked up gif-making in the summer bc of quarantine too 🤣 do you mostly gif exo only? i have like 6 different sideblogs so im always a mess abt giffing people hahaha how’s learning french going? mon français est si mauvais que c'est embarrassant 😅 and wow, when do you start college? 
ngl tho, i know absolutely nothing about mario kart, gaming in general is Not my forte unless you’re talking FIFA (literally the ONLY game i know how to play LOOOL) but yeah i recently started genshin bc my sister plays it and i was just sooo bored (if ur in the europe server, hmu!) but idk, i think it might be a genetic thing tho bc my dad doesnt drink anything but coffee (literally never seen him drink anything else my whole life) haha
i hope things calm down soon!! its so hard to keep up when things keep fluctuating, so for your sake i hope they get better 🥺🥺 take care of your health, and don’t stress abt things too much! <3
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you-did-well-moon · 5 years ago
You are so lovely🥺Maybe I should start with being shy (which is why I prefer doing it as an anon TT). I like to write, read and I love music. I prefer to spend my free time at home playing games or with a good book than going to a party. I only have a few trusted friends. When I meet someone, I am very quiet but when I get ussed to be around new peoole I gets louder than everyone around me👉👈 For groups Nu'est, Sf9 and Exo/Day6(i can't choose)
NU'EST AND EXO SIS YOU JUST MADE MY DAY XJENEJE. Also im doing all four bc i want to.
Sf9: Inseong
I had a hard time choosing with this one it was either him, Zuho, or chani. When yall first met oh my you both almost ran away from eachother. Inseong is shy and can be a bit awkward, and you are also shy so it was like "name what your is" and "......uh" but he likes you too much to just let this chance go, so he decided to over come his shyness and try to get to know you. You guys will have the softest moments where both of you arent talking, you're reading, and he's drawing and you guys look up at eachother and smile softly with love in your eyes and hdkahs is this a disney movie because you guys are such a cute couple uwu. He likes laying his head on your lap while you read bc he just really likes your voice and it gives him so much comfort. Or when you play a game and he tried playing with you just to pout because you called him a grandpa when he had a hard time with the controls. He made you loose by tickling you... You guys are so loud together because seperate you guys are pretty chill but together oh my what a nightmare. So. much. screaming. You guys bring out the psychopaths in each other. peace doesnt exist aroung you guys.
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Nu'est: Jr
SOULMATES. wow you guys need some vitamin d (is it vitamin d??) because the sun has not seen you guys in EONS. You both would rather stay at home. You both are shy. You both can get loud. You both play games. YOU BOTH LIKE READING. SOULMATES. When you guys play games seperately it's already kinda scary bc youre looking at the screen like it killed your family. but when you guys play together???its literally just "you were supposed to get that...." "i thought you were gonna get that..." *chair being thrown* jkjk jr would never throw a chair at you. You threw the the chair at him.... IM KIDDING YOU GUYS LOVE EACHOTHER TOO MUCH TO THROW ANYTHING AT EACHOTHER. Anwyays jr is gaming and if youre in the room he'll pause a little bit to look at you bc wow he cant believe someone as perfect as you is with him and loves him as much as he loves you bc wow he really does love you a lot. If youre not in the room he'll pause the game to go look for you and cuddle with you because he just loves your touch and your body and your everything idkdj jr could cry witn the amount of love he has for yoy. When you guys are reading its...chaotic. He wants to see what you're reading and you show him and hes like "thats a lot of words..." and he shows you what hes reading and youre like "that's a lot of pictures..." and you guys stare at eachother before laughing and switching books just to try it out. And you have moments where youre under the soft lights of your home snuggled together under a blanket and leaning against eachother while reading your respective choices and i need to stop here jsjehjxks
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Day6: Jae
i know i know this is a little unexpected bc jae is outgoing and likes going out...but...HE JUST THINKS YOURE SO CUTE LIKE WHY ARE YOU MAKING HIS HEART MELT LIKE THAT, THAT SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED. He would be living in denial. "jae do you like her?" "...no >:(....maybe.." You're shy and he just wants to put you in his hoodie pocket and fight anyone who dares try to hurt you. He likes you, and he wants to get closer to you. Will write songs about you bc let me tell you when jae falls in love, he falls hard, and would you look at that. He fell for you :) . He would look at you with such obvious love in his eyes and when you guys are together. The headaches everyone gets.....like dang guys ppl on mars can hear you what the heck- He likes playing games with you because he just loves all your little gestures when you play games and will probably write lyrics about them. He doesnt care that you dont want to go out or hang out with his friends because to be honest, he loves you, and he respects and understands your comfort zones. even if you beat him, he'll complain about it "nah that was wack you distracted me" "jae i didnt do anything..." "i know". he just writes lyrics about everything you do ok. He'll come back home to find you reading and he flops onto the couch and just stares at you with the softest look in his eyebc wow, this person chose to be in his life, and hes so glad for it. then he hits you with a pillow bc dang it woman he wants attention AND ATTENTION HE WILL GET. I need to stop. i could go on...but i wont...
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Exo: Chanyeol
i know i know. Another one that is outgoing evelyn what the heck are you doing but hear me out. Yeol can also be very shy. If he likes you AND thinks you are attractive. This dude could barely speak. all the akward laughs and eye contact you will go through WILL BE WORTH IT. When you guys open up to each other and show your true colors...Kyungsoo now has two people to stoo himself from murdering, but he likes you bc you make Yeol happy and less..murderable. ANYWAYS Yeol is a free spirit and very much likes going out, but you dont AND THATS OK. You guys compromise. He doesn't make you do anything thats out of your comfort zone, he jusy helps bring you out of your shell. He takes you to a carnival or a park. there are times where he doesnt want to go out and will absolutely turn into a 6'1 koala and cling to you. Yeol likes writing lyrics with you while you read because you help him concentrate. Your calming presence comforts him, and he has never felt more safe writing lyrics than with you. Yeol is competitive, so when you get him to play with you, move anything that breaks easily out of the room....this boy just loves you with all his heart and sometimes even tears up when thinking of you.
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youngster-monster · 6 years ago
rare and sweet as cherry wine
Razel enters the hangar and makes a beeline for Cayde, giving Amanda a high five on his way.
“Hey, buddy! Didn’t know you were in town.” Surprise, the happy kind, colors his tone as they fistbump.
He shrugs a shoulder, attempts standoffish-ness. “I thought it’d be nice to take a brea-”
“Ikora grounded you again, didn’t she.”
He laughs. “Yeah. On an unrelated note, you were right: the Cabal have no sense of fair-play.”
Cayde blinks, confused for a second. Razel can see when it dawns on him by the way his eyes light up, glowing an even brighter blue. “You didn’t-”
“Fight a Gladiator with my bare hands? Hell the fuck yes I did. Bet ya I would, didn’t I?”
He smiles, smug, and Cayde lets out a delighted laugh. “Shit, well done. How was it?”
“Fun, until I had to stop his sword with my bare hand and it burned through my gloves… and a few layers of my skin. Hurt like a bitch.”
“Don’t bullshit me, I know that was your favorite part.” He bumps their shoulder and Razel hums in assent. Yeah, honestly, that was fun. Gladiators are huge and their sword-cleaver thing can cut clean through a guardian. The fact that he managed to catch the not-sharp side of it was impressive enough. That it managed to hurt him anyway… Yeah. Fun times. Challenging. “I get why Ikora grounded you though. Did she give you the speech? Tell me she gave you the speech.”
“The one about ‘being a hazard to myself and others’?”
“A classic.” Cayde pitches his voice higher in an imitation of Ikora’s. “Maybe this time you will learn your lesson about not needlessly endangering yourself for the sake of glory or stupid baits.”
A pause, and they both break into giggles. They’ve heard that speech countless times before. At this point Razel’s pretty sure Ikora only does it to keep face because it sure as hell isn’t working on them. As for the grounding— well. She’s always telling him he should take a break. That must be her way of making sure he gets one.
“Yeaah, I give her three days before she kicks you out of the Tower herself.”
“Wanna bet on it?”
Cayde punches his arm lightly. Or as lightly as it gets when you’re immortal and used to kinda-killing your friends for fun. “Don’t take bets you know you’ll lose. Not with a Hunter, at least.”
He shrugs. “It’s fun. And I don’t mind losing to you.”
It’s true. Usually Cayde gives him dumb dares or make him pay the bill when they go eat ramens. He has a thing against big Bets… Something to do with the previous Hunter Vanguard is all he told him. Razel doesn’t pry.
Cayde pushes away from the beam he’s leaning against, pats Razel on the shoulder. “Lemme settle that one first, then we can make another. What was it we bet again?”
“A night’s worth of drinks, I think.” A better deal for Cayde, who has an impressive alcohol tolerance even for an Exo. Razel is a bit of a lightweight— he doesn’t have the same experience with booze.
“Sounds about right. Hey, Amanda! We’re going drinking tonight, you comin’?”
The shipwright doesn’t look up from the parts she’s inspecting as she yells back, “I’m in!”
Cayde turns back to Razel. “Well, we got some time before she’s done here. Fancy a meal?”
“If you’re paying, sure.”
They catch up over spicy ramen and a cold beer. Cayde almost stabs Razel’s eye out with his chopsticks while telling him about the missions he ran before joining the Vanguard.
They relocate to a bar. Cayde and Amanda bicker over their drinks — she says he should pay the first round, while Cayde insists he only promised he’d pay Razel’s drinks and she was old enough to buy her own alcohol.
They drink. And drink. And… drink some more. At some point there are shots. That’s when it starts to get blurry. Razel remembers… looking at Cayde. Maybe spacing out while looking at Cayde? Also, dancing with Amanda, and watching the two of them engage in a drinking game that is clearly biased toward the robot side of the competition.
It’s unfair that he can’t really get drunk.
Razel tells him just that as they’re walking out of the bar. Well, he’s not quite walking out on his own two feet. Amanda has his arm over her shoulder and they’re kind of keeping each other up, swaying in time with the tune she’s humming.
“And yet she keeps trying,” Cayde says. He’s slurring a little, his voice box trying and not quite succeeding to keep up despite the liquor in his system. He’s not that steady on his feet either. He’s just better at pretending he’s sober.
“And one day I’ll...” Amanda trips on thin air and almost sends the two of them sprawling. They keep their balance through sheer luck and uncoordinated flailing, Cayde cracking up at the spectacle. “Fuck. One day I’ll beat you.”
“The day you beat me at a drinking game is the day I retire, kiddo.”
“Or y’can- y’can- you… can be a robot too?” Razel leans to the side, dragging her with him, before stumbling a few steps and righting himself. “Wait. How does that work.”
“Dunno. Not like that, though. I think,” Cayde replies.
They walk a little while still before Amanda painstakingly peel herself from Razel’s side. “That’s my stop boys,” she says before turning to Cayde. “You’ll be alright with him?”
Razel stands in place and focuses very hard on his feet so he doesn’t fall while they talk. It’s hard, because the ground keeps moving and his legs aren’t responding like he expects them to. He sways, almost falls, and an arm snakes behind his back, a hand coming to rest on his waist to steady him. He’s used to it, by now, so it doesn’t take him long to find the coordination necessary to throw his own arm around Cayde’s shoulders.
“Yeah, it’s like that every time. We got a system.” Cayde hauls Razel up, the other guardian going limp in his grasp. “I just got to get him to my couch and we’ll be golden.”
They exchange good nights, Razel mumbling his into Cayde’s shoulder, before she leaves. They’re left standing in the middle of the street, Cayde easily bearing his weight against him despite not being exactly sober himself.
Razel hums something vaguely positive, and they’re off.
The walk to the Vanguard’s chambers isn’t a short one. They could go to the Hunters’ barracks, Cayde has a bed there, but his actual apartment is just… more practical. And the trip goes by quickly anyway, the way it does when you’re too drunk to keep track of time. Razel sings under his breath, an off-key rendition of the songs that were playing in the bar, and leans against Cayde until he’s practically carrying him.
It feels like a blink of an eye before they’re standing in front of his door. Razel hangs off Cayde’s shoulders as he unlocks his door with fumbling hands.
“You’re druuunk,” he sing-songs.
“And you’re trashed.”
He laughs. “Yeah.”
Finally they stumble through the door and it locks on its own behind them. They fall over themselves and against a wall, leaning on each other to stay on their feet. Razel, who pretty much fell on top of Cayde, rests his chin on his shoulder.
“Cayde… bro.”
“I love you, bro.” Razel leans all his weight against Cayde, sighing softly. Comfy…
“Yeah, I know,” Cayde replies, sounding like a man trying really hard to gather the few brain cells he has left to accomplish the one simple task of getting the two of them to their respective bed.”
Razel frowns and pushes back, just far enough to look Cayde in the eyes. It’s blurry and not quite a still picture, but at least there’s an effort. “No, bro, you don’t get it. I love you. You’re so fucking… important to me and shit. You’re my best friend. I love you so much.”
“You’re my best friend too. Even if you’re crushing me.”
A spark goes through Razel’s mind. He leans forward, so close the blue light of Cayde’s eyes fill his vision. “Let’s make a bet.”
That catches his attention. “Sure. What d’you wanna bet on?”
“Betcha I can’t kiss you right now,” he says, and does exactly that.
It’s clumsy, because he’s drunk and more ‘falling on Cayde’s face’ than kissing him. It’s also awkward, because Cayde doesn’t have lips and Razel isn’t exactly experienced in kissing people, let alone Exos.
But it’s amazing. Probably because it’s Cayde, and Razel has been wanting to do this for forever. Apparently. He didn’t notice, but now he knows. It feels so good, he should have done it months ago.
Cayde is struck speechless when he draws back. He looks at him quizzically. Did he break him? Is that a thing that can happen and no one saw fit to warn him?
Finally, he says, “I don’t think you know what a bet is.”
“Sure I do,” he replies with the absolute certainty of a drunk guy with only a distant knowledge of the subject matter. “I lost.”
The hand still holding on to the back of his shirt flattens against the small of his back, a slight pressure drawing him closer. Another falls on the back of his neck, fingers threading through his hair. Cayde leans in, or maybe he does, and they’re so close they would be sharing air, if Exos breathed.
“And what did I tell you about taking losing bets?”
He kisses him again before he gets the chance to reply.
(They wake up together on Cayde’s small couch, their legs tangled together and Razel’s head slotted under Cayde’s chin. Both with a creak in their neck to go with the hangover.
Worth it. But next time they’ll at least take off their shoes before passing out.)
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forthebetterevil · 5 years ago
my first exo concert!
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just gonna detail my experience going to my first exo concert as a 1.5-year-old exol. this is the Singapore 190915 EXplOration concert, missing ksoo (my crown prince) and xiu (my second prince). (p.s. jun is my third prince so that’s why i bought his fan ---- my face when i realised i unknowingly stanned exo’s enlistment line after ksoo dropped the bomb on us: 😊🔫)
and still missing lay, of course (*rolls eyes at china*). it was a blast but i didn’t die too hard, probably because it’s just 6 of them haha. my throat still died from screaming so hard though.
in my rambling i shall cover details of the merch in the picture, and comments (babbling) on each member.
to my great fortune, i was seated in the middle of a middle block facing the stage. i didn’t want to attend the concert in the standing pen area because i prefer observing the group as a whole to being up and close with them but missing out on all the dance formations. i’m here forking over S$302 for a concert where i can’t see ksoo or xiu so... anyway even if they were here i would still prefer to sit and watch the full performance.
the black banner (which i still can’t read) was laid on every seat, and overleaf, exols were asked to hold this banner up during their ending ment. the community is really cute.
the eribong v.3 is pretty when lit up (more later). it came with the bottom right sticker set, and a random photocard. i managed to trade for a ksoo card in the end :-)
the 7th anniversary pink leather keychain is not part of concert merch, but it’s pretty so i threw it into the pic (only for this concert did i break it out of its box to attach it to my bag LOL)
i got a ksoo ... vertical banner? thin poster? thing after the concert was over, when merchants were desperate to sell their unsold goods. of course there was a ton of baek yeol 5ehun jun and j0ngin merch, but i was surprised i didn’t see as much of dae than i did ksoo. perhaps dae’s merch already sold out?? anyway, i saw ksoo’s marie claire photo and IMMEDIATELY shuffled over to ask for the price, which wasn’t too bad ($5, which became $4 because the merchant didn’t have exact change)
i pasted a xiu name sticker on one side of the eribong, and ksoo on the other. doubles as a “yeah these are my first 2 princes″ and a “at least they’re still with me today in spirit” ... *bursts into tears*
for xiu’s merch, there was NOTHING except maybe a tiny photo of him bunched with other members’ photos. i kept asking “do you have xium1n?” *merchant who usually isn’t a fan is confused* “um... kim minse0k?” *?* “this one, *points to xiu in a group photo*, do you have?” *shows me a j0ngin pic* “ok nvm” this was extremely upsetting. but hey at least i got to see xiu in printed group photos. because...
lay didn’t even make an APPEARANCE amongst the goods. rip xingmis. a fellow exol told me someone in the standing pen was waving a ZYX banner around though, so there’s still hope amongst the singaporean xingmis at least
i got a fan-produced jun fan before the concert because i didn’t know the venue was air-conditioned haha whoops.
during the concert, his second outfit (after the tempo perf) was a poofy white long-sleeved top and rather well-fitting black trousers/pants and lemme tell you.... HE’S PRINCE ERIC. HE’S SO HANDSOME AND HE’S SO NICE AND SWEET AND HIS ENGLISH WAS SO GOOD, LIKE, EVERYONE IS WHIPPED FOR KSOO’S ENGLISH BUT HONESTLY JUN REALLY TRIED TO COMMUNICATE TO US IN ENGLISH IT WAS AMAZING AND HE PUTS IN SO MUCH EFFORT AND HE SHOULD BE APPRECIATED MORE (and this is coming from a ksoo stan..). you have no idea how upset i was when everyone was screaming their heads off for the other 5 performing members during their little video interludes, but when jun came on screen, there were just screams. heads did not pop off. NO! WHAT IS THIS DISRESPECT AND UNDERAPPRECIATION???!!!! i screamed my head off for him but one person alone can’t make up for the difference... jun was so nice and kept waving and making eye contact with the audience, doing cute poses for us here and there, being his little awkward leader self (as SM boy band leaders seem to do...), and basically tanking the transitions between performances. christ. also he freakin CARRIED the backing vocals AND the main vocals (i mean dae and baek too but everyone already explicitly appreciates them so i don’t need to give them special mention for carrying). he is ALWAYS being slept on, and it’s just not doing him justice. what the hell. junmye0n deserves the world :-(
for his BEEN THROUGH 👀👀👀👀 performance, he told us he decided to change the shirt colour to red because he thought it would match Singapore well (or something along those lines). like. WOW????? THANK YOU FOR EVEN CONSIDERING MY COUNTRY IS WORTH NOTICING TO CHANGE YOUR OUTFIT???? i hope i’m not sounding sarcastic - it’s such a small action but i felt a little touched?? like wow, he noticed.
my binoculars was glued on him half the time. he’s so handsome and pretty at the same time. part of the reason why i still went was to see if everyone’s claims that “suh0’s pictures don’t do him justice” were legitimate because when i first saw jun′s pic (i forgot which exact one), i literally thought, “that’s the handsomest man i’ve ever seen”. so i suppose the claim depends on angles. because ALL of em look like their pictures - their GOOD-ANGLE pictures. MEANING, jun looks as good as his best photos (which tend to be the ones where he faces straight to the front), but now he looks good from whichever angle in motion. he is actually very fair-skinned too! his face was like a beacon of light.
also, in his first ment greeting us, he was such a cheeseball saying our country is beautiful... like us. JUNMYE0N PLEASE.
so to reiterate: i have the biggest soft spot for junmye0n and i love him.
OH, DURING ONE SONG, 5EHUN CAME OVER TO RUB HIS HEAD ON JUN’S CHEST, AND I WAS LIKE AAAWWWW!!!!! and died. but jun’s back was facing me so i more or less couldn’t see much. after the concert, i found out that  5EHUN TRIED TO LIFT JUN’S SHIRT TO SHOW HIS ABS DURING THE NUZZLE. so i revived and died again. there were a lot of other small interactions too. seho stans won tonight.
below are some of my friend’s standing pen privilege pics:
what i could see from my seat behind -
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seho stan: *dies*
anyway... i wasn’t paying close attention to 5ehun during group performances (other than when it was his solo dance break and exo-sc perfs), tho i felt like he wasn’t as “engaged” as, say, jun or yeol. but i thought that was normal because yaknow... he’s not very talkative, and i was probably getting that impression just from his naturally stern (rbf LOL) face. 
his dance break was COOL and his exo-sc performances were LIVELY. and when he actually gets to sing (... T_T) nothing went wrong so i thought everything was fine.
however, during one of his ments, 5ehun admitted to us that he felt bad coz he wasn’t up to standard today (because he’s sick?? translator was not doing a thorough job, i got this info from another friend), and he’s sorry. some of us were like “huh?? no?? GWAENCHANA!!!!” and the translator said he said, “no i’m not saying this just so yall will say that, if you continue i’m not gonna share my feelings like this anymore” so we all shut up.
i can’t remember if it was in that same ment, but during one of the ments, the whole time 5ehun was talking, jun was standing waayyyy in front of the line to turn his body to look at 5ehun. i think he was worried for him :”( 5ehunnie bb please don’t beat yourself up over this. my friend in the standing pen said yeah, he was pretty out of it today, he kept staring into space instead of making eye contact with fans. :-(
spEAKING of out of it, the same can be said for j0ngin. don’t get me wrong, his dancing was still otherworldly. i was looking through my binoculars to focus on the dance formation and/or jun, but suddenly i was like “wait, i’ve been looking at ka1 dancing this whole time”. IT’S SO FLUID AND SHARP AT THE SAME TIME. EVERY MOVE IS EXECUTED PERFECTLY. IT JUST DRAWS YOU IN.
... but that can only be said for some stages. i felt like his moves were not as sharp/confident sometimes?? i mean they were still graceful, but somehow it feels kinda tired???????? k who am i to judge, i’m not the one dancing and singing for 2 hours straight lmao he obviously needs downtime...
THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT. unfortunately, during the ments, he also wasn’t very hyper (like hE WOULD BE WITH A CERTAIN SOMEONE.............. UGH MY KADI HEART IS ACHING). he dance-bopped around and interacted with yeol a little but that’s all. i know j0ngin is actually a shy boi but he REALLY didn’t talk much. :-(  i honestly suspect the Other Project (s*perM) is tiring him tf out.
am i hallucinating? or maybe i’m being overdramatic. i don’t know. it’s not that i was constantly following his movements like i was junmye0n’s during the concert anyway.
he didn’t SEEM as tired as j0ngin thanks to that Other Project. his diet of CDs didn’t change, and he was still the goofball during ments / soft toy fun times. also, man, the amount of screams he got. and MAN, THE UN VILLAGE ROLLING HILLS PART..................... *GURGLES*
perhaps i’m not a baek stan, so i didn’t realise, but my friend commented that while he was not in as bad a state as j0ngin, he COULD’VE been more hyper.
okay DUDES this guy was the guy who warned the middle standing pen fans to stop f*cking pushing because they don’t want to get anyone hurt. “ok everyone in the back row (of the standing pen) please raise your hands. can those who raise your hands take one step back please” ... “ok yall raising your hands but you’re not moving back” ... (him/suh0) “we have to be very wary because if you get hurt then we can’t come back”  the entire stadium collectively went “oOOOHHHH” (not in a good way)... BUT THEY STILL DIDN’T MOVE BACK. (him/suh0) “okay you don’t want to move back? then we’ll retreat to the stage behind then” *walks from from the smaller stage closer to exols back to the larger stage all the way at the front*
he was legit not happy. and goodness gracious did he have the right to be. didn’t this nonsense happen with exo-sc kfans before? and at that time 5ehun was the one who got angry.
anyway not only did they leave to continue performing the second set of songs on a bad note FURTHER AWAY, i HIGHLY SUSPECT that the other punishment was to take away one performance. WHICH WAS MY MOST HIGHLY ANTICIPATED ONE - SIGN. YEAH. THEY DIDN’T PERFORM IT. SHOOT ME NOW. THAT WAS THE B-SIDE I WAS IMMEDIATELY WHIPPED FOR ONCE THE TEMPO ALBUM DROPPED. f*ck.
OKAY ALL THAT ANGST ASIDE, he’s still the main goofball of the concert. HE TRIED TO TEACH US HOW TO DAB INTO THE INSIDE OF OUR ELBOWS. HE GROPED CHEN ON STAGE. HE... he does his job of an entertainer well. OMG. HE TOOK SOMEONE’S PHONE AND TOOK PICS/VIDS OF HIM AND SEHUN????? when i finally noticed it happening i thought he literally took his own phone out during performance/fan-interaction-time to take a selfie but then i find out after the concert that NO, IT’S NOT HIS PHONE. ... that phone case must be enshrined immediately.
also he had to take over some lines for some songs, and BOI DELIVERED. he sounded really nice singing :”)
not only did he eat CDs while looking super cute in that blue suit, he BELTED OUT LIVE HIGH NOTES AND ADLIBS AND WHATEVER YOU CALL THEM. I’VE NEVER HEARD EXO LIVE, SO, OH MY GOD. it’s like you’re either screeching or silent because they’re performing but there were parts of dae’s performance where had to stop everything, put down my binoculars and eribong, stare into the air for a second, and literally say “wow” out loud. it was surreal. it was crazy. it got to the point where he covered one of xiu’s lines (i forgot which song), and i thought “oh wow, he sounds better singing this line than xiu” and i IMMEDIATELY felt guilty (I ONLY THOUGHT THIS FOR *ONE* OF XIU’S LINES, DON’T KILL ME)
he was quiet during the ment until his turn. when he was engaged he... engaged. haha about the members’ comments that his solo perf was a “different kind of sexy” from j0ngin, where he had only one drop of sweat. HAHA. *does lunges on stage* *gets molested by yeol*
dae’s actually really low-key. he’s like... a “good” boi. will respond well and politely but only when spoken to. what else do i say. sunshine angel. his smile is cute. CAT SMILE :3
speaking of cats... baek asked us at the beginning of the concert: why’s the dress code white?
here’s a crappy pic from my android phone one minute before the lights were dimmed:
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us: POWER!!! POWER!!!
exo: oh?? baek: does it represent the light power??
us: (loud murmurs of disagreement)
exo/baek: so you’re saying that’s not it... (discusses with members in korean) is it... the white marble???
us: (louder murmurs of disagreement)
exo/baek: hm i guess we can continue guessing till the concert is over haha
im not sure if anyone in the front rows, perhaps a korean fansite, screamed “cat” in korean, but after some discussion again,
exo/baek: (korean) some exols: *SCREAMS* translator: is it cat? exol: *SCREAMS AND WAVES ERIBONGS*
and this was the only legit interaction i feel we got with exo this concert... after having a taste of it at the start, i was subsequently kinda bummed we didn’t get to do this back-and-forth talking with exo (even at a shallow level) likely because of a language barrier. it felt so cool.
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the entire spectrum could be shown on this eribong. this pic more or less covers the softer range of colours this eribong is capable of. it can also show the harsh red, blue, green, yellow, and of course, white.
a 1-pixel screenshot of my Telegram video to my friend in the standing pen:
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the boys were great, the performance was overall astounding, the lights and effects were stunning and pretty, and the time we spent together was too! short! exo also mentioned it’s a shame they could only come this one day for a concert, next time they’ll do two, no, THREE days... for their next album
exols: ganrklflm;fsklflkgsrkg
tl;dr i love EXO with my entire heart. i count myself lucky for being alive at the same time exo is active and performing live.
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softtm · 7 years ago
Boyfriend! Cai Xukun
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listen I’m so soft for this boy, someone send help and maybe the Yuehua boys
first of all oof, can we just appreciate his visuals like god damn
I want to snuggle you and drench you in holy water at the same
onto the meeting
you’re our dear Lay PD’s little sister like wow, must be nice to have an angel for a brother
when you heard he was gonna be the host/judge/pd for a show with 100 cute ass boys you were like ‘sign me the fuck up’
big bro Lay chips just laughed and was like ‘ha ya wish, I wouldn’t introduce you to Nct what makes you think I’ll let you scar my other pure children’
rip you
but like nah homie, you still plan on going to the idol producer show live so you can support your brother and our Yuehua boys plus Cai Xukun
cue final episode where you actually show up and get everyone food cus you a nice sis who uses her brother’s money to buy him + his children food
might sound a bit shady but you over here living as a poor student so using your rich ass bro might be a good thing this one time
Don’t steal kids
so you’re backstage handing out food and trying to find out where tf Yixing was when this one dude slightly bumps into you making you ALMOST drop the snacks
you’re here like ‘it’s fine my dude’
then you hear Cai Xukun’s voice and HOLY SHIT HE WAS MORE BEAUTIFUL IN REAL LIFE
but you’re like chill y/n
Xukun is still apologizing cus he’s an angel with very good manners and oof I love him sm
so you’re like
why not seize the opportunity
‘can you help me find where my brother is then?’
he’s like sure who is it
‘Zhang Yixing’
cue shook Xukun
y’all ignore the task at hand cus you somehow get side tracked and eventually Lay comes and finds you and he’s really not surprised
‘damn there goes another one of my favorites, y/n stealing my sons from me’
you smacked him lightly while Xukun is embarrassed/happy about being one of Yixing’s favorite sons
after Yixing leaves cus my mans is a busy man you and Xukun get to talking and damn y’all hit it off pretty well
you exchanged numbers and that eventually leads to feelings and that led to him asking you out on ft at 2am
now actual boyfriend! Xukun
I mean
yeah he’s very protective but not the over baring way, just he doesn’t want to see you getting your feels hurt or go through anything too stressful
and you’re like “then you can take college for me” and this boi turned from that sweetheart to a tiger mom real quick
helps you study for all your tests and quiz’s even if he doesn’t know what’s happening
still wants to help so he reads flash cards
you appreciate it a lot especially when he gives you tiny little kisses everytime you’re right
cuddling is a must
has his arms around you anytime he can and makes you surprised most of the time
like you could be doing yoga and a wild Xukun shows up back hugging you and scaring you outta your mind
cue giggles from Xukun
you sharing your mans with Ziyi
not that you mind but sometimes you get third wheeled
like if you’re at a fair and Ziyi suddenly shows up (spoiler, he checked sc map) you bet your ass that Xukun is spending at least 10 minutes chatting with him while you wonder off to go get some food
he was so surprised when he turned and saw you gone that he went on worried mode
probably almost cried in relief when he saw you stuffing your face with churros
listen he is a big softie even when he acts hard
so sometimes you’re gonna have to squeeze it outta him
if it’s like 2am and he’s not home, you can almost bet your ass he’s a the studio either practicing or writing
on those days you know that if you go try to drag him out that it would take a long ass time so you kinda just go there and drag him to a near by couch to sleep
don’t drive when you’re sleepy kids
and really y’all are just right for each other
I don’t think he would get really jealous but you could definitely see his change in moods when you get a little too close to someone he doesn’t personally know
since he’s also good at sending your emotions, he knows when you get jealous too and does this thing where he holds you hand even tighter and starts drawing circles on your palm as a little sign to signify that he’s only yours
oof im getting too into this
so remember how I mentioned Lay being your big bro?
yeah you and Xukun (ONE OF HIS FAVS) were dating so the news would have to get to him somehow right?
boy didn’t even know
at least he didn’t show any signs of knowing
you and Xukun on the other hand didn’t know that he didn’t know about your relationship making you guys think you got the okay
lmao it was not okay
so like he didn’t actually find out until y’all were in the move in phase together like wow that’s a long ass time
not his fault because in this universe he reunited with the rest of Exo and wows the world with their comeback and OT9 for life man
I mean yeah, he’s busy
so of course being the nice and caring brother he is he comes back to China, aka where you are, for vacation and decides to pay a visit with gifts cus he’s an angel and no one can convince he otherwise
he even made plans for a family dinner and bonding time like oof wish my brother was like that
so he comes and surprises you cus he wants to see how his precious little sister was doing
lmao he gets surprised instead
imagine the look on his face when Xukun opens the door instead of you cus you were showering or smth
“... hi gege”
“what the actual fuck man”
so now you have a confused/angry/hurt Yixing in your living room along with your scared boyfriend
wow whatta mess
so you come outta the bathroom and look at the situation and slowly backed up into the bathroom
lmao someone is in trouble
cue you and Xukun getting the talk from Lay
during the whole thing Xukun and you have a silent convo with your eyes cus y’all are THAT close
‘bitch wtf I thought he knew’
‘oops I guess not’
‘am I going to die’
‘I hope not’
Yixing catches one and is like oh hell nah
wow there Lay
what is he on
so Lay leaves and it’s just you and Xukun in the living room still confused about the situation
then he’s like
“Netflix and Chill?”
“hell yeah”
wow that was a long ass ride, more Lay-centric then anything
I’m so sorry this was more crack then fluff
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