#anyways this is tord guys say hi tord
biioniic-biiohazard · 2 years
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i spent like four hours on this help me
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balloooonn · 1 month
HEYA GUYS GIRLS NON BINARY NO GENDER ALL OF YOU HOW ARE YOU!!! (Long text aheadd!) (Plus grammatic isn't that good I think, apologizes for that)
So I can't stop combining my fixations together. I had to mix Eddsworld with Gravity Falls, since this last one revived haha. Sorry not sorry! As I said on Instagram, this is TOTALLY NOT an excuse for making eduarjon/jonuardo... Yeah, yeah totally not... Anyways, look at these guys, Eduardo as stanford, Jon as mcgucket!!
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I have to say these are just my own, personal interpretations for the characters. It's totally OK if you don't think the same as me!! I made this for fun, and oh boy It was so fun while making it and deciding which characters could fit in each other's papers.
Let me show you some more!! :D
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To my surprise (not really LOL), I searched if anyone made the same in the past, and I found out they thought exactly the same as me! Tom is dipper, Matilda is Mabel, Stanley is Edd and Stanford is Eduardo. Makes sense to me.
And I thought it would be funnier (and better!) if instead of normal Edd, it was Future Edd. Thinking about an old man like Future Edd, who just wants to die but has to maintain a work for 30 years just to re-meet his brother... That makes me laugh, for some reason. XDD Look at his face. Poor guy!
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And for Bill, well, guess who is it here? Tord, because I couldn't think about anyone else! And it wouldn't make sense if he had a human design, because you know what kind of interdimensional, two-dimensional triangle without real physical form he is. Mm, maybe I'm wrong and he could actually have a human form. Should I try making a design for Tord Cipher later?
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That one looks silly! He's just Bill, technically red, has a weird hat and Tord's typical band-aid at the right. Didn't know how to draw this one haha
That's all for now! I'm thinking about the other characters. For now, in my mind, Laurel is Wendy, but mmmmm I don't agree too much, idk. Diwi could be Soos, and I'd LOVE seeing Bing and Larry as the stupid police xD
And MAAAAAYBE an unpopular opinion and somewhat obvious?, But I'd love mixing Eddsworld and Gravity Falls characters personalities together and other things that make them unique, not just switching them fully. What I try to say is, for example, I imagine Edd having his obsession with cola as always, Eduardo with diet cola as well. Edd could have his lucky can, somewhere, and he's just as pathetic as Stanley, despite he's usually more pessimistic, dark and irritable than him sometimes. Tom still haves that sarcastic, rude? essence, but is fascinated with mistery and you know, the weird things that happens in town! And he still conservates liking ska bands. You know, some ideas like that!
Just sharing my silly ideas here. Hope you like it :3 ! Thanks for watching.
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c0la-queen · 5 months
You | Tord x Reader
Here we go! I'm sorry if this isn't my normal quality, I wrote it while fighting off a headache... but also, I wanted to be a little silly! Because these are silly guys! I hope you enjoy the slight cliffhanger I left it on, hehe! Mwah, mwah!
Warnings: Tord is a bit of a weirdo, stalking behavior, obsession, Tord is 100% making assumptions about you and your personality, love this little freak <3
Words: 1.5k
Being a quiet person is not always an easy thing.
Some people would think it was. You never have to worry about saying the wrong thing. There were less chances of you offending anyone from your words.
Or, some people think the opposite. "I could never handle being so quiet" they say. It must be a headache to be around so much noise.
And… they were right, in Tord's opinion. It was nice to not have to get stuck in awkward conversations. He had the added bonus of being intimidating, so people eventually got the hint and stopped trying to talk to him. However, he also had to keep enough Advil on hand to tranquilize a small horse, considering he decided to live with the three loudest motherfuckers on the planet. Pros and cons, and such.
There were times when it proved to be nice, though.
Like right now.
The odd occasions where he had the day to himself. Tom and Matt were at work, Edd was visiting his parents, so that left Tord to his lonesome. What a great day.
As much as he would have liked to spend the whole day in the house, he couldn't. He needed to go grocery shopping - the fridge looked abysmal. At least it was warm and sunny outside. Still, he dragged his feet. He really didn't want to go to the store.
He was the son of the Red Leader. He had seen much worse shit. He had killed men in cold blood without batting an eye. He was not going to be bested by the looming possibility of social interaction.
…maybe he needed therapy?
If Tord ever managed to invent a time machine, the first thing he was going to do was find the person who developed wireless earbuds and give them a kiss.
Being an intimidating looking person was a great way to ward off unwanted conversations. But there were always people who had no sense of self preservation and chose to try and talk to him anyway. Wearing earbuds while he was out helped with that. Nobody was stupid enough to try and deliberately get him to take his earbuds off. (Except Edd and Matt, but they know that they'll get away with it.)
The basket handle on his arm was starting to dig into his arm as he stood in front of the pasta aisle, watching his pet idiots (roommates) argue on the group chat over what type of noodles to get. Edd wanted Ziti, Tom wanted Angel Hair, and Matt wanted Bowtie… for some reason.
Tord was busy calculating the risk vs. reward of banging his head against the shelf until he bled out of his ears when it happened.
You happened.
Through his music, he heard the sound of laughing and giggling. He glanced to the side, expecting a gaggle of obnoxious, immature 20-something year olds with the sole purpose of ruining everyone else's relaxing shopping experience. And that's mostly what it was. But, standing in the middle of them was you.
Hello, you.
You were laughing, just like the others. But not the fake laughter of conformity - no, it was real, genuine laughter. Tord didn't think he had heard anything so beautiful. He even paused his music just so he could hear it in its pure form.
The more he looked, the more he saw of you. You were like the sun, so golden and bright compared to these others you were standing with. He could tell you weren't like them, he could tell you weren't using some made up personality to try and fit in.
What the hell were you doing with people like that?
Then, you were moving. Your little group had apparently decided the joke wasn't funny anymore, so you were moving on. Disappearing into the next aisle. Disappearing from his life.
Tord threw a couple boxes of noodles into the basket without even looking at it, shoving his phone back in his hoodie pocket and moving on to the next aisle. He pretended to deliberate over what brand of laundry detergent to get as he subtly watched your group at the other end of the aisle. He was able to get a better look at you.
You were wearing a brightly colored cardigan, wool by the looks of it, that perfectly matched the colors of your earrings and purse. You liked to coordinate your outfits. You had on a little skirt that teased just enough of your thighs to draw attention without being slutty, but you also had black tights on. You liked to look attractive while still feeling like you were being modest. Your earrings and the clip in your hair looked like they had been bought from the girls' department store in the mall right across from Matt's store, that was always playing mind numbing pop songs and had unicorns everywhere. You liked cutesy, almost juvenile things.
Tord wanted to know more. He wanted to know everything about you.
A peaceful day all to his lonesome where he would force himself to get groceries before wasting the day away on the couch quickly shifted - now, he was spending the rest of the afternoon with you.
Well, almost.
You and your friends were walking around town, enjoying the warmth and dipping into any stores that caught your attention. Tord was also walking around town, a good distance behind your group, enjoying your warmth and drinking in every detail he could get.
And he had learned plenty.
He had no idea why you were friends with these people. From what he could tell, you were stifled in this group. They would talk over you, ignore things that you pointed out, refuse to go to stores that you wanted to go to, tease and taunt you, and walk ahead of you. Despite it all, you always kept a smile. You kept shining, kept illuminating the area around you.
They don't deserve your light.
Oh, but you knew that, didn't you? You knew, but you were so sweet and gracious that you gave it to them anyway. Maybe if you shone bright enough, warmed their skin enough, they would finally give you attention.
Tord would give you that attention. He already was, and you weren't even giving him your sunlight.
And he never would ask you to.
No, your sunlight was going to be a gift that he had to earn. It would be a blessing that he was going to work hard to have bestowed upon him.
He would never exploit you.
Like they did.
Tord slipped into the coffee shop, running a hand through his hair. The warm weather was causing a light amount of sweat to gather on his skin.
He pretended to look across the overfilled menu, taking in the names of all the absurd drinks available. He already knew what he was going to get.
"Hi, welcome in! What can I get started for you today, sir?"
The barista was smiling at him too much. Her eyes drifted down his chest, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. Her pupils her dilated. She was checking him out.
Not that he cared. On an objective standard, she was pretty. But she didn't shine. She wasn't sunlight. She didn't brighten up the entire room just with her smile. She didn't make the birds sing by just looking in his direction.
She wasn't you.
"Iced Americano."
"Will that be all for you? We have a whole menu of signature flavors. I'd recommend-"
"Just an Americano."
The barista blinked in surprise when he cut her off. Typical. A pretty person with a shallow mind that couldn't comprehend the idea of a person not being interested in them. She huffed softly before ringing him up and telling him his total.
He paid, then turned to go sit and wait for his order to be made. He didn't get very far, though, before he almost ran into someone.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I totally wasn't looking where I was going!"
It was you.
You were talking to him.
You were looking at him.
You were so warm.
"It's fine."
As Tord fled like a fucking coward, you gave him a sweet smile. You smiled at him. And he just walked away. Asgardians above, his father would have been so disappointed in him.
His phone buzzed in his pocket as he sat at a window table, watching your friends snicker at the coffee shop mascot.
"Mate, you've been out shopping for like 4 hours. Where are you?"
Edd's voice drifted out from his phone speaker as Tord pressed the screen to his cheek.
"Something came up."
"Did you get the bowtie noodles? Did you? Tord?"
There was a muffled 'Matt, get off me' and some shuffling fabric before Edd's voice returned.
"The fuck do you mean something came up?"
Tord glared at the boy you were talking to, watching you give him an adorable pout. Oh, the things Tord would do to you.
"I found the perfect girl for us."
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lynn-tged-posting · 19 days
tged webtoon ep 157 spoilers and thoughts but also a good amount of panel dissection that might be overanalyzed but i couldn't stop thinking about it so just let me yap okay it plagued me all weekend
i am so serious when i say this entire episode gave me like. so much worry and anxiety over the characters that i made myself upset thinking about it . the only thing saving me is everyone's fun expressions in this and specifically this panel of javier
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anyway . to the brainrot
i think this panel of lloyd turning his back to javier, immediately after telling javier to go on break for a while, was the first little indicator of "oh no" for me
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it really worried me that he said this, especially when they've been working together so much on their journey, so this was tiny little moment of "oh boy whats going on,,," for me,,, idk if anyone else felt the same but i had a feeling i would Not be ready for this ep. and i was right i was absolutely not ready
and then we hit the montage of javier going around the estate and observing how much the land has changed, and i really loved that!! it was really heartwarming seeing everyone, smiling and achieving dreams and stability in a way that the fronteras hadnt seen in a long time (hell i was convinced "oh everythings fine nvm" 😭)
some of my favorite panels in that sequence heehee bayern and his kids this was really really sweet WAAAHH
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JAVIERS EXPRESSION HERE WAS SUPER FUNNY TOO absolutely gonna use this as a reaction image
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ALSO THIS STATUE OF LLOYD ADHAHAHAHAHDFAHA IM PRETTY SURE IT IS RELATED TO IF NOT THE SAME AS THE STATUE IN CPSM they do have different poses so it mightve had to be rebuilt or something but either way . lloyd statue where he's near naked for some reason in the middle of frontera estate. a wonderful center piece good work team
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AND MY BABY BOY SOLITAS he finally managed to create something im so proud of him GOOD JOB BUD!! THE CARVING IS BEAUTIFUL!!!
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it just hit me as im typing this that they also say "[project name] complete" not sure if this is a translation thing or if it's something they picked up from lloyd saying "construction complete" but if its the latter thatd be REALLY CUTE
also that panel of tordes by the mines he looks genuinely . satisfied and happy?? the guy punished to work for the fronteras for over 100 years is having a great time LMAO
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it's really really pretty, and javier can see that. he can see that the estate has grown and changed into a strong and capable place, and he echoed this in the last chapter but it's really worth celebrating this. so many accomplishments, in so little time, with so much efficiency. frontera estate has been raised from the ground up and seeing it all accumulated was so so beautiful,,,
so seeing this panel absolutely devastated me
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the contrast is STRIKING. all of the brightness and light and warmth of the street javier is in is only seen in partial rays streaking in. lloyd is alone, surrounded by books and in a darker corner of the panel. isolated, facial features unreadable and working by himself,,, refusing to see or ignoring all of the accomplishments behind him.
it's like he's falling back into old habits. that workaholism that kept him alive when he was only kim suho in korea. in order to survive, to keep up, to stay afloat, to stay ALIVE, you must keep working. go to the next project, the next problem, the next assignment, and everything will be fine. only then will freedom be yours to have. only then will you be free of this responsibility you bear for those you love.
but he really doesn't need to do that anymore! he has a whole estate of people who will follow him to the ends of the earth, because he's proven himself to be capable of protecting them. he has parents who love him, despite his changes, despite his past, who have grown to believe in him.
he has his beloved knight, who is waiting for him to call for aid. who only needs a glance or a word to lend a hand. who is waiting for him to come outside and just SEE all that he's done. to celebrate, to have peace. to enjoy home. to simply be at home, together.
"when will you be able to come here...?"
javier, protagonist that he is, sees all this light around, and it's peeking into this library that lloyd is in, wondering where the engineer is, but his nose is to a book. because he is working. and that's,,, scary to see. there's a level of distance already taking shape because of old habits, and i don't know if either of them realize it
and like you look at the panel javier is in one more time and you can see, there's kids playing as javier and lloyd! they even have matching hair, and the dog is colored exactly like ppodong. super cute! but it worries me that they're on opposite sides of javier.
said this earlier; this is probably an overanalysis and this probably means nothing. it really is a cute lil cameo of some kids in town! but the fact that they are split like this is eating at me. ppodong-dog is on javier-kid's side, when ppodong is lloyd's summon? and again, they're on opposite sides of javier, will they join back together and keep playing? lloyd-kid is ahead of javier-kid, will he run on ahead without looking back? it's so cute and yet it's making me anxious!!! am i overthinking???
anyway, this split and the two panels contrasting each other like this filled me with so much nervousness that i had to close my eyes and just breathe for a little bit
then we see arcos and marbella talking about lloyd and it's clear they're worried about him, still unsure of where these changes in behavior came from and yet accepting it nonetheless because god dammit theyre good kind people
and when we see lloyd he looks,,,
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tired, and disheveled, and still only thinking about working on the next thing. he keeps going on too, like there's nothing currently wrong with this; he's probably used to it, handling everything without a moments rest. the count and countess even mention it at the end of the episode
and when he treats the formal frontera attire lightly and scurries off again, it's like a final nail in this sinking coffin. honestly, i think early lloyd probably would have said similar things to try and skirt the count's attention, but this scene in combination with lloyd being depicted as separated from lloyd, appearing exhausted from continuous work, as well as the following panels of lloyd leaving,,, it fills me with anxiety and dread.
face shrouded in the darkness of the hall, so his features are unrecognizable, just like the library panel. who is that? is it suho or is it lloyd speaking right now? where are you going, into that darkness by yourself, shying away from the light you've brought to this estate? you don't have to do this alone.
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and this long, looming distance stretching between him and arcos and marbella. stretching further as lloyd marches onward and alone, working by himself, away from the moments of peace and celebration that his family and his estate bring. into the dark. it's a little haunting to me.
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these panels did a really, REALLY good job at solidifying this growing degree of isolation that lloyd is putting himself into, intentionally or not (for lloyd and for the artist lol). he's getting out of reach in his desire to protect everyone, to complete this responsibility he gave himself for the estate.
it's almost,,, backwards? in a way? in the early webtoon, there's a panel where suho is shown trying to reach for a light in the darkness. he believed that if he kept working towards that light, he'll find a way out of this hell he's found himself in, and so everything would be fine. here and now, it could be that he still thinks that this is the case, when it's in fact the opposite. he's brought this light to the estate, but he's putting himself in the dark (and alone, at that) in an effort to reach for the "next light". i don't think he realizes it. this makes me really, really sad. jesus christ well done artist/adaptor
what is it all for if you won't even rest? if you won't turn around and look at all these people who need you around? and not need you as in doing work for them, but need you as in wanting to be with you, and cherishing you, and spending time with you, and simply loving you. yes, time is short and yes, fate is looming, but all this effort to fight those things is still making him lose this connection he has with the estate. he doesn't have to do this alone,,, he doesn't have work endlessly. take a BREAK LLOYD
and by the end of the episode it's to the point that arcos and marbella have realized that that's not lloyd frontera. that's someone else. and gods their faces are DEVASTATING
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eyes shadowed, irises blank and lost. they're not frowning deeply, but i can feel the upset layered in. is it disappointment or is it grief? i can't really say for sure, but man,,, man.
anyway yeah i hope u guys understand why this episode gave me anxiety LMFAO
i am so so so sorry for the overthinking/overdissection in this post but my brain started connecting things . whether or not they make sense or if it's just being nitpicky is impossible for me to see so. yeah take this however u will
i actually also briefly saw someone on twitter say that this wasn't in the novel? which is interesting and also a little scary i hope lloyd will turn out alright AHHH
i really hope next episode everyone will be alright ,,, please i cant take this much emotional twisting and turning im gonna lose my mind
see y'all next week or in the next shitpost,,, whichever comes first
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vinnystarman · 4 months
"Wait this thing has LORE????" Yes!!! IT HAS LORE
I just rewatched eddsworld for the 2334idfk443th time in a row and realized I haven't seen (not that there isn't I just haven't seen) people talking about the fact that the series seems to have a really weird (and quite frankly fragile) canon, this goes to some minor details like differences between the stages of the series (retro, classical, legacy and beyond) and other stuff like how I think we actually kind of know what in the actuall hell was Tord even doing in those 8 years between his original departure and the end in eddsworld legacy BUT I'M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF before we start I want to make some points clear for the sake of clarity:
☆ I will be talking about the series and it's characters specifically in the context of the series, for example: I know why Tord the irl person left the series but I would be speaking only about Tord's (the character) departure, the same goes to any other irl event that had an impact on the series
☆ keep in mind this is only what I think (even though I think i'm absolutely right about everything) so if you disagree in any of my points that's absolutely fine!
☆ I will be speculating about future stuff so take all of those bits with a grain of salt because i'm a great observer but (unfortunatelly) not god so I can't acurrately see the future lolz
so…. how do we start?
well… we could start strong by one of the most interesting points I thought about!
as ridiculous as it sounds, i'm pretty convinced that Tom always knew about Tord's laboratory! and I have proof of it actually
one of the most solid proof I have appears in the episode "The Snogre" to be fair, that episode is gonna come up A LOT in this so you might want to re watch it first :3
in the minute 1:57 Tom apears with a "snow tank" that he uses to defeat the snogre, later, him and Edd have this exchange:
How'd you build that snow tank so fast?
Snow tank? (the snow falls off the ACTUALL TANK TOM CASUALLY IS OPERATING???)
this tank has the (i don't know how to call it so let's just say) serial number "CDT-01" which at the time was a nice little nudge to "moving targets" since it's the same tank the guys use in that episode but in this post "The end" world it should be noted that the "CDT-01" tank also appears in the minute 3:25 meaning up to that point the only way to access the tank was getting into Tord's laboratory and figure out what to press to get it (This tank might also be the one portrayed in movie makers but it's most likely that they are the same tank since they have the same serial number and in moving targets, this tank is stolen from Paul in that same episode AND THIS IS RELATED TO SOMETHING ELSE THAT I'M GONNA SAY HERE SO IT'S NOT A PLOT HOLE OK? BARE WITH ME)
the second one is that the lab was in Tom's room aka Tord's old room, this is the primary reason why Tord came back anyways, to get back to his laboratory (OR IS IT)
This is what I think happened:
Tom found a really suspicious button behind two frames (or one) maybe when he was moving his stuff into it and painting the walls (I highly doubt Tord had blue walls on his room), made a little mess trying to figure out what the actual fuck was going on, realized what it was and decided not to tell the guys because well… as we can see they LOVE pressing buttons and Tom knew it was gonna end up in catastrophe and shut his mouth because of that
that aside of ourselves, my second point:
The real reason why Tord was so hostile to Tom in the end wasn't (or at least not exclusively) because of his rivarly with him but more so because Tord wanted to capture monster Tom!
what do I mean by this? well to understand my point we need to understand how (i think) Tord and his army were operating at that time:
The red army as a whole has only been described once at this point in time and it was in the episode "Fun Dead" in the second 0:08 by the news lady as "Armed vigilantes" that were controlling the Zombie situation (that they [even though accidentally] caused) this meaning that as for now they aren't seen as a threat, on the contrary! They were helping the population! and maybe i'm giving Tord too much credit for this but I bet THAT (beeing seen as vigilantes and not some terrorist group) was intentional, you see, Tord is smart and a little manipulative, the most "evil" thing to do was letting the zombie infection run free and then take control of the post apocaliptic, in shambles world but he didn't, Why? you may ask; because he is more treacherous than Judas, that's why, maybe i'm looking a little too much into this but if this is the route he is going he would need more than one threat right? this is where monster Tom comes into play, I DON'T KNOW WHY ANY OF YOU HAVE EVER ASKED IT BUT WHY DID TOM BECAME A MONSTER RANDOMLY IN POWEREDD? I know it was hinted before that maybe he is half demon somehow??? BUT LIKE… MAYBE I'M DUMB BUT THAT'S WEIRD. And as the scientist he is (why don't I see more scientist Tord fanart?) Tord asked himself the same question, we know that because when we took a look into his laboratory we saw that he was studying monster Tom as it's shown in the end part 2 in the minute 2:42 (THIS GUY'S LAB IS SO MUCH TO UNPACK) this indicates that it isn't crazy to assume he was trying to take Tom out of his senses to get to monster Tom, because as we can see in that same episode he is wanted by the authorities for a large amount of money, probably because they got caught doing some sketchy stuff so, in an attempt to hype up his organization's reputation once more he tried to cause another problem for them to solve
this is what I think happened: Tord somehow knew about monster Tom and realized he could use him not only as another way to make his organization look like heroes to the public eye but also for studying (and maybe experimentation but not really sure since at that point Tord already had that weird chemical that gave life to stuff and converted people to zombies) he assumed the way to get to the monster was making Tom furious so that's what he tried, that's why he was specially hostile to Tom, that's why he was so surprised when Tom left the house (because i've seen people assume that was his objective but if it was then why did he looked so taken aback?)
continuing with Tord my next point is: We kind of know what Tord was up to all along and i'm not so sure he created the red army
well yes, that is true but just because he later on becomes the red leader it doesn't mean he created the red army as it is.
let me explain: in the episode "moving targets" not only do we are shown Tord's fondness of militaristic activities but also in the minute 6:12 we see Paul and some unnamed enemy base guard (that i'm pretty sure had a fanon name but I completely forgot oh well) and you may ask "ok so what?" ... Sir that's Paul, this openly states that before he joined the red army, Paul was with this other random army which if you look closely has a suspiciously similar design to the red army's uniform, not only that but again, in Tord's lab we can see a picture of 4 people (minute 2:42) and these people are: Tord, the enemy base guard marked with a big X (maybe he's dead or simply left the army), Paul and Patryck, this meaning that Tord knew them from before, now, as always, here is what I think happened: After his departure in the episode 25ft under the seat, Tord at some point found the enemy army from the episode moving targets and considering how the gang messed them up they weren't in the best conditions, so at some point between the episodes movie makers and space face Tord takes control of this army and makes it HIS red army, this could've been by force or (what I see more plausible but who knows) joined the army as it is and began working his way up until he ended up leader of it CONTINUING WITH TORD BECAUSE HE IS A SNEAKY BASTARD (i love him i hate him so much) WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIS LAB??? Tord's laboratory even though solves some questions it opens up even MORE questions like these: HOW DID HE KNEW ABOUT MONSTER TOM IF HE ONLY APPEARED IN POWEREDD AND THAT EPISODE AIRED LONG AFTER HE LEFT?? WHY DOES HE HAVE BARRELS OF THE WEIRD LIFE-GIVING CHEMICAL FROM "THE SNOGRE" AND "FUN DEAD" IF THAT ALSO HAPPENED LONG AFTER HIS DEPARTURE??? WHY DID HE INSTALLED A SECURITY SYSTEM IN THE HOUSE???
well I have answers for 3 of those 4 questions, so, hear me out on this one: Tord kept using his laboratory even after he left. THIS SOUNDS CRAZY AND IT IS BUT HEAR ME OUT.
in the end part one, even though he was let in by edd Tord tried to sneak into Tom's room anyway, and he did it in a way that showed that maybe, just maybe it wasn't his first time doing it and if we look at it from a strategic perspective it's basically the perfect place to hide something like that.
it's a place that no one would search him in because well... at that point it had been years since he left, it's just a normal house where three friends live, nothing suspicious going on with that so if he had his laboratory right there it would be convenient... Really convenient, this is the reason he has stuff from stuff he couldn't have possibly had from before, that's why he had time to build his giant robot, he had all the time he was living there and also when he wasn't, that's what he knew about monster tom. that's why he had pictures of his army friends, that's why he had the chemical, because he never truly left.
this would also make my first idea even more possible because Tom wasn't even surprised to see Tord's laboratory in his room and Tord wasn't surprised either to see Tom there, this meaning that maybe somehow they had seen eachother before, maybe while Tord was sneaking in or out and Tom in an act of friendship decided to not get Edd or Matt involved for their own good
that aside because I got overly happy when I remembered that
in the episodes "the surf and turf wars pt 1 and 2" we are presented with a new problem, for the ones that haven't seen it or don't remember, in the episodes, Matt gets turned into a lobster monster by a chemical with dubious origin, we actually have a name for this chemical! it's named "NM-8" and ok, this is maybe a far FAR stretch BUT I CAN'T POSSIBLY BE THE ONLY ONE WITH THE THEORIE THAT MAYBE, JUST MAYBE THIS CHEMICAL IS AN ADVANCED FORMULA OF THAT LIFE-GIVING CHEMICAL OF TORD'S I say this since both substances have similar effects, and according to this, in the same episode, the barrel of nm-8 ends up there anyways because while transporting the chemical THAT IS WIDELY STATED THE ORIGIN OF IT IS HIGLY CONFIDENTIAL NO QUESTIONS ASKED the ship hits a bump and when the captain asked "what happened" is sent to the brig because he broke the rule of not asking questions, this leading to the barrel falling overboard and ending up in the beach where it's found by Matt and the episode continues
who would need such level of secretism? who would need that much confidentiality? well I have certain people in mind, if we think about it from a narrative perspective it would make sense for the chemical to be property of the same guy (or guys) that made the other chemical to be responsible for it, maybe in some elaborate scheme to finally get back at the world after the giant robot fiasco and hey, maybe it was impossible before but now with the Tord Youtooz? WITH TORD APPEARING IN MATT'S VIDEO AS AN INTERRUPTION WITH THE STYLE OF A STOLEN TV SIGNAL???? IT'S PLAUSIBLE AND IT WOULD MAKE A LOT OF SENSE! but as always that is only speculation, I can't see the future, just theorize and communicate what I think and let's be honest, the next episode will probably be about the guys cleaning up the lobster mess (WHICH IS AMAZING AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE) but always remember, Tord ends up taking the world in the future anyways so stopping him right now, whatever he is up to is not really an option unless someone comes back from the future to help
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glitchcat808 · 2 years
*crawls out of hiding hole* idk if requests are open but can u do the main eddsworld guys with a s/o that likes to embarrass them (affectionately🥺) in front of others?? Like calling them cute nicknames in front of the guys or just attacking them with affection 💕
(ignore this if ur not doing requests rn-)
*Hummh* excuse me but you give me a HEART ATTACK O_O
Anyways, of course i can! (don't do that again please TwT)
Eddsworld Main 4 with a s/o who likes to embarrass them (in a good way)
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He will get confused and sad, why you doing that :[ ?
But then he understands that you are playing so, two can play one game!
If you embarrass him saying things like "you are the pwetiest little babwy :3" he would DOUBLE the embarrassment like "you are my little wubby dubbly little kitty, yes you are, who is a good kitty kitty kitty-" and more lol
The boys don't care, especially Matt, but Tom hates it. Is annoying like he says
But at the end of the day, we all know you love eachother, and is all that matters!
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He will be flustered, stoop please ;-;
But he doens't mind at all, he thinks is cute!
If you pinch his cheek and say sweet nothings he will be a red to-matt-to! (get it? because tomato and i changed it to-)
When you guys go shopping and you say thinks like "you are so handsome" or "i am so lucky to have you :]" he will stop working and just- gets on the ground and covers his face, STOOOOP 😭
He stills loves you anyways smh
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He thinks is annoying, you are no baby here >:(
"Hey can you stop that, i don't like it" "But babe, you are my little meow meow :(" "Stop."
He will let you flirt with him, but not to much lol
He gets red when you flirt or embarrass him in front of his friends, they tease him about it but he don't care anyways
When he is on the mood he will flirt back, but 20x worst lol
And there we look at, two lovers flirting with eachother all red on the wild
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Ohh no, you don't embarrass the red leader, the red leader embarrass you >:]!
He gets pink cheecks when you do compliment him, but they don't last long
He will get touchy and flirt with you when he wants to, and you can't escape!
Paul and Patrick will be like "Ayoo 🤨??" but they just let you guys be smh
And also, he plans to make you his wife/husband/married partner, so he tells you how his dreams will be and you get like "WJWOSVQJSKKSBSOSBSLD"
Well there we go!
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obsessivelyloved · 2 years
Something, anything, with Tord. We’re starving 😩
I'm sorry for being gone 😭😭. I started a new job and have been playing re4 in my free time. Leon made me realize that my type is gun-wielding twinks. As always, reader is gender-neutral <3
Tord reached out blindly for his phone, finding it after moving his arm around. 
6:17, his phone screen read. Hmm, normally he’d be up by now, working on something. But with you by his side, he’d stay in bed. He preferred your warmth to the chill of the house. And he’d hate to wake you. 
Winter was his favorite time of year. Especially once December was over and Tom chilled out. As amusing as watching the guy lose his shit over christmas, it got tiring after a few years. Watching him set fire to the christmas tree got old three years ago. Though it didn’t stop Tord from egging him on every year. It was just too easy. 
Besides that, Tord loved the snow and the cold. It meant he could keep all his loved ones in place. No one really wanted to go anywhere while it was freezing. 
This year, that included you. This was the first year you two had been together. And for once, he didn’t mind december. He was excited to give you his gifts, once the time came. Although he wasn’t sure if you celebrate christmas, he’d give you gifts anyway. Christmas just never came up in conversations, despite it being December, and he didn't want you to think he was expecting you to get him gifts.
You deserved the world. You deserved so much more than what Tord could get his hands on. It had taken a lot of saving up to get you everything you mentioned wanting. Getting to see the look on your face was going to be worth it. 
And maybe he’d gift you something else if you felt up to it… Not that he was hoping for that. No, he wasn’t so shallow as to give you things in hopes of favors. In truth, Tord didn’t care if you got him anything. He was happy with you. 
You’re the best thing to have ever happened to him. Your love was more than enough for him. Especially now that you seemed fine with staying over with him at the house. It warmed him to see you chill with his friends. All his favorite people in the same place…
However, his friends, if they got him nothing this year, he’d put rocks in their shoes and coal in every nook and cranny of their rooms. He didn’t get them things too just to get nothing in return, Only you get a pass.
“Tord, what time’s it?” 
Tord blinked, rubbing his eyes. He checked his phone again. 
“It’s only 7 o'clock, love. You can go back to sleep. We don’t have to be up until 9.”
Damn, he spent forever thinking. How time passes by your side. 
You mumble something, but he didn’t quite catch it. You push yourself closer to him, smushing your face against his neck. 
“Stay with me,” you say. 
His heart flutters. 
“Of course. I didn’t plan on leaving bed without you.” 
He wraps his arm around you. Perhaps he’ll be able to go back to sleep. If not, he didn’t mind. He’d spend all day in bed with you if that was what you wanted. The plans you made for today could wait if it came to it. 
With that thought, he sighed and closed his eyes. The lull of sleep takes him and you two sleep for a couple of hours until his alarm goes off.
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littlefanficprincess · 8 months
Chapter 03: Cute Intruder Alert
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Tom's empty eyes flicker open, slowly waking up. All he remembers was looking in the fridge for alcohol and then being hit by a blunt object.
He turns his head up, finding the girl from before standing infront of him. She was holding a bat, pointing it at him.
He tries to get off the chair he was sitting on, only to realize he was tied to it "Shit" he mutters under his breath.
"Who are you and how did you get in my apartment?" (Y/n) questions, pushing the bat against his chest "And what have you done to the black cat?"
Tom looks at his 'friends' who where in their cat forms in the corner of his eyes. Silently questioning them and himself if he should spill the truth.
The mentioned cats just look at him blankly, not entirely sure what do themselves. Edd meows, making the girl turn to him. In a blink of an eye, he had turned into his humanoid version.
(Y/n) drops the bat to the floor, as her eyes widen in shock and surprise. It wasn't long till' her body fell to the ground, fainting due to shock.
"Was that too much?" Edd asks, turning to the others. "Men, she was going to figure it out anyways, you just shortened the amount of time" Tord replies, approaching the girl's unconscious form.
"Are you guys going to untie me?" Tom chimes, still bindend by a garland.
The other three look at eachother for a moment "Nah" They see say in unison.
"I hate you all so much"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
(Y/n) wakes up, feeling her bed under her "Thank god, it was a dream" she sighs. She turns her head, be met with an unfamiliar face. "Ah!"
"Had a nice nap, sleeping beauty?" The guy asks, sounding like he was teasing her. She takes note of the barely visible cat ears on his head, matching the ones she saw on two unknown men from before.
"Okay, Matt, get off" He commands, looking at the ginger cat that was laying on the girl's lap. He was resting on it, softly purring. With hesitantion, he jumps off.
"Don't mind him, he just has a tougher time switching forms.
There was a knock on the door of the bedroom. Edd opens the door, peaking his head from behind it "How is she?"
"Still a little freaked out, but less screaming that expected" Tord answers, his gaze flickers from the girl to Edd and back to the girl.
(Y/n) gets out of bed, dragging herself through the room. She pushes past Edd and walks to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass, filling it with water and chugging it down in one go.
She removes the garland from the still tied up Tom and sits down on the couch. The two boys leave her room and sit near her, along with a new boy which she assumed was Matt.
"So you guys are like a half cat people, who can transform into cats?" (Y/n) questions, putting her head in her hands.
"I guess so, it's kinda complicated" Edd answers, slightly shrugging his shoulders "I've only been like this for like....five years? It's not long compared to the others"
"Did you guys just woke up and went "Oh, I'm a cat now, oh well!"?" (Y/n) raises his eyebrows.
"Oh, we wished" Tom comments, leaning over the couch.
"How did you four even end up in that box?"
"Someone found out about us not being your average feline, they almost dropped us in a lake" Matt smiles. (Y/n) looks at him very concerned at his positivity.
"Right, well, my name is (Y/n)" The (h/c)nette introduces herself, she puts her eyes on the ginger "I know that you're Matt, who are the rest of you?"
"I'm Edd"
They all look at Tom, who's mind drifted off. He was brought back and mumbles "Tom"
"Do you guys have anywhere to stay?" (Y/n) looks at them curiously. She was met with diverted gaze, her expression sours.
'Great, just great'
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sunny6677 · 3 months
Eddsworld: The Literature Club.
You're just some random person trying to survive in some random city in Britain, when out of nowhere, your best mate from childhood decides to invite you to a club he started that has a bunch of basic but somewhat decent-looking boys! Starring, your best mate (and also childhood friend) Matt! The overly deadpan and sarcastic serious guy, Tom! The trigger-happy maniac, Tord! And finally, Edd—the president who's also really addicted to cola for some reason! And.. despite them not being the best options out there, you're kind of desperate for a boyfriend, so you figure giving the club a shot won't hurt! Will you somehow manage to charm them into dating you?
Chapter 3: An Idea!
After a few more minutes, Tord eventually came back into the living room—with several plates of bacon strung along the five paper plates he had retrieved. With a blank expression, he placed them all on the table. The bacon looked crisp, and greasy. I could practically smell its fresh scent oozing from its form. And as he placed one of the plates before me, my stomach rumbled.
Tord then went over to where Tom was now sitting, and placed one before him. Though the bacon pieces seemed.. strangely dark and almost burnt. Tom scowled with a grumble, and in return, a sly smirk made its way onto Tord's lips.
I glanced over at Tom, and then spoke up. "So, uh.. you—like alcohol, huh?"
"Yeah." Tom shrugged, noticing I was speaking to him. "What's it to you?"
"Uh—nothing. I just.. kinda figured you did since you tried giving me alcohol."
"..well, you'd be right. I do like alcohol." Tom replied blankly, looking ahead of himself.
..geez, I wasn't really sure what to say to this guy. Well—he didn't seem mean or anything. But he was kinda hard to talk to. I didn't even know what to say to him.
Tord then walked around the sofa, and took a rather firm seat between both me and Tom. That same old weirdly smug grin was plastered on his face as he did so.
"So—you gonna chow down, new member? I kind of want to see what you think of my cooking, you know." Tord grinned, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh.. uh—right." I replied, looking away as my face slightly burned. Tord looked at Tom from behind me. I couldn't see Tom's face, but whatever face he was making, it only appeared to make Tord's smug grin bigger.
I leaned foward, and grabbed a fork he had placed beside the plate. And once I had grabbed it, I poked its sharp edges into one of the pieces, and lifted it toward my mouth. I took a gentle bite of the chewy piece. And.. an explosion of flavor entered my mouth.
"..damn." I said aloud. "This is pretty good."
"Oh, thank you, new member!" Tord replied with a grin, his smooth voice sounding almost a bit too friendly. "Nice to know someone appreciates my stuff. You know, since you like my cooking, I could show you my inventions sometime—"
"..Tord—" Edd spoke in a stern but cautious manner, "What did I say about trying to impress the new member so they like you more than they like Tom?"
Tord blinked, and gave a roll of his eyes. "Oh, pssh.. that's not what I'm trying to do, Edd!" He spoke with a wave of his hands. "Besides—" He grinned, "It's not like they'd really care for Tom's weird smirnoff drink thing anyway."
I could practically hear Tom growl from beside me. I gained an awkward, but somewhat wobbly grin on my face as I gave a nervous laugh. "Heheh.. well—I, uh.. I appreciate the bacon either way. And the smirnoff too, even.. even though I didn't even get to drink it."
I could see Tord raise a brow, slightly glancing at me in a weird way.
"..well, that's good." Tom spoke from behind me, "Maybe I could—"
Before Tom could finish, he stopped—noticing Edd presumably looking at him from behind, and he came to a stop.
Edd's voice then spoke from behind me, speaking in a friendly manner, "So—what made you wanna join?"
I blinked, and gave a sheepish laugh. I.. didn't really wanna tell him Matt had basically dragged me all around the town just so I'd come here. I replied, "Uh.. well—you know.. I don't really have much to do after work, and Matt seems to really like it here, so.. ahah.."
There was silence. A thought then entered my mind. Come to think of it, all I really knew about this club was that Matt had started it with someone. So who was actually in charge here?
I spoke curiously, "Uh—say, who's actually president here? I mean, I know Matt's the president and stuff. But I don't really know who's actually in charge."
"Oh—uh.. that'd be me, actually!" Edd replied with a smile.
"..huh? Really?"
"Yeah—Matt wouldn't really stop talking about it, so.. I figured we could at least give it a go. Besides, it doesn't really hurt to get into books every once and a while."
"..eh. Yeah. I get that." I shrugged. I then turned to Matr, who was still sat on the couch beside me. "..hey, how come you wanted to start a club about reading anyway?"
"Because reading is a smart thing!" Matt replied, placing a hand on his chest as he spoke proudly. "And I'm the smartest man alive!"
"..yeah. Sure." I said dryly, my eyes becoming half-lidded.
"Well—it's a good thing he started a club around it at least." Tord grinned. "If starting a club will make him finally read, then maybe it's worth it after all."
"Yeah! I.." Matt proudly exclaimed. And then his smile gradually faded into a deep frown as he practically glared at Tord.
Looking away from his glare, I inquired, "..has.. anyone else come to join the club yet?"
"Er.. no. But I'm sure some people will!" Edd said with a nervous chuckle, "Besides—I put up a bunch of different posters all over the city, so there's no way people will miss it!"
..huh. Is that why I saw a bunch of posters with weirdly good drawings plastered all over some random buildings?
"Right, guys?" Edd smiled, turning to the others.
"Sure!" Tord replied with a grin.
"Popular—!" Matt screamed quickly, putting his fists up in the air.
"..yeah. Sure." Tom shrugged, leaning foward.
..damn. They weren't that enthusiastic, were they?
Tord then tilted his head to the side, smiling down at me. "So—how about we get to know eachother a little more? Are you by chance into any sort of weapons?"
..weapons, huh?
"Uh.. well, not anything specific. I always thought harpoons seemed pretty cool though."
In the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw Tom look up a little, barely raising a brow. Though once I looked back at Tord, I noticed how his face seemed to shift, and I quickly mustered a panicked response.
"Bu—But, I can.. get into more stuff if you want me to."
"Hmm.. well, I'll help you with that!" Tord cheerfully said. "You know, I really like guns because of how fast they are. They can hit their victims pretty easily if you have a good enough aim, and it's kind of fun to see how messy it gets after you do enough shooting!"
..okayyyy. This guy was starting to scare me a little.
"..ugh. Seriously? Guns suck." Tom spoke aloud from beside me. I looked over to him with a curious raise of my brow.
"Really? Why?" I asked.
"It's.." Tom trailed off. "..not important."
"..yeah. You sure showed that in that one poem you wrote." Tord laughed.
If Tom were holding a drink, he probably would have spat it out by now. His eyes seemed to widen a little, as his lips curled into a snarl of a frown. "What?!"
"Yeah!" Tord snickered. "It was really interesting actually! It was called—"
Without thinking, Tom had reached his arm foward, his lips curled into a sharp snarl still as he swiped his hands at Tord. I flinched, and pressed my hands to his wrists, holding back his hands as Tord backed away slightly. Edd widened his eyes slightly at the situation, and immediately ran behind Tom, letting his arms slip under and hold him back more.
"If you say anything else, I swear I'll—" Tom's yelling became unintelligible.
"To—Tom.." I breathed out, trying to save the situation. "You.. you like poems..?"
"Well, I.. think that's kind of.. impressive—maybe you should share them sometime.."
Tom growled, but then the blackness in his eyes seemed to fade back in as he processed my words, and he stopped shaking.
"I think its.. kind of impressive." I replied.
Tom went quiet, and let out a sigh, the tension in his body seeming to fade as he pulled back. "..well.. thanks."
"..hmm.. oh! I've got an idea!" Edd spoke aloud as he released his grip off of Tom. "Tord, Tom.. since you can't really get along, why don't we all try to get along by writing poems and sharing them?"
The room went quiet as Tord and Tom looked up at him with slightly frustrated expressions.
"What? But we barely do anything in this club!" Tom protested, "Why do we need to do that kind of stuff no—"
"Poems?!" Matt exclaimed with a grin, "Thats a wonderful idea!"
"Guys, we have a new member. We need to have something for them to look foward to." Edd sternly said. "If they're going to be coming here every night, we need to actually do something related to literature instead of just sitting here."
I hesitated. Ah. There, uh.. there was kind of a problem with that.
"Wait, Edd—I, uh.. there's.. kind of a problem with that."
"..huh? What do you mean?"
I hesitated, and let out a sigh.
"..well, I.. I never said I'd actually.. join this club."
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baconcolacan · 11 months
Just a quick thing before I forget
In all AUs would Tord and Toms relationship be any different if Tord actually made a move when they were younger, like one date, and (completely his fault (weebcel)) Tom wasn’t into it
Would this increase/decrease his incel behavior by chance
Oh anon I really don’t think his shitty behavior is dependent on whether or not he gets a date.
Readmore cause I think this warrants a longer discussion lmao ik it shouldnt be this serious BUUUT
Just saying but, someone’s shitty behavior is generally always supposed to be THEIR responsibility. The burden should never HAVE to fall on another person, excluding of course medical professionals who are TRAINED and PREPARED to deal with difficult personalities or otherwise hurting individuals.
Stuff like what you asked above falls under that trope of ‘I can fix them’ which, while funny when used jokingly, isn’t a caveat of a real life romantic relationship ANYONE should want. I should stress now that that kind of shit is ‘nice guy’ levels of red flags.
In the case of Regimen Tord, I always joked and said that he was the worst version of Tord I can think of. Which is rooted in some truth, his behavior, mentality, and mannerisms came from my time inside the weebier parts of the anime community plus manosphere bullshit and /b/. He’s very tied to a lot of my real life experiences and shitty people I’ve met and tried to be. He’s the type of guy who CAN be better, but choses not to be.
Thats the key point, he CHOOSES to be shitty, to hurt people, to be selfish to the most negative degree. Sure he might have had a hard life that led him to develop these unhealthy coping mechanisms and survival tactics, but he refused any sort of help that was extended to him, justifying everything that he did as Right.
Sometimes people are just cunts.
Stay Tord is my favorite Tord (duh lmao) cause he’s somebody who fell into the same habits, but at some point took a good long look at himself and found that he didn’t like who he saw. So he changed. Tried to be better.
Anyway, I’m not sure how to wrap this up buuut basically, personal responsibility, it isnt anyone’s fault but yours if you’re an asshole. There are other factors of course that led to Regimen Tord and Stay Tord finding different paths, but from an individual point, this is what separates them.
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soniczelda16 · 4 months
I would like to share some headcanons about my AU because it won't leave my mind! 😂
Okay, so, for the main story premise, this all takes place post-The End. The headcanons I will be sharing are after the gang reconciles with Tord after he goes through a crazy redemption arc.
My OC Terri, who is part of this AU, will also be included in these headcanons because she is my feral gremlin and I love her!
Anyway, here we go!
Eddsworld: Back At It Again Headcanons
-Edd's an indie animator responsible for creating a popular web cartoon based on the gang's adventures. In other words, it's this universe's version of Eddsworld.
-Edd is slightly chubby for a guy who looks skinny with his hoodie on. His clothes are pretty good at making it hard to tell if he is.
-Edd's the type of guy who will watch animation meme compilations until 3AM. Usually, to inspire his own animations or just for fun.
-Edd is the middle child of their small friend group. Yet, sometimes, he feels like the reluctant older brother because of how much chaos he's been subject to.
-Edd will livestream about his show or do art for fun very often. Sometimes his roommates join in or can be heard in the background.
-He has his own personal cola fridge in his room! If he runs out of room in the regular fridge, he will use it for extra cola and have it near him at all times.
-Tom has been trying his best to improve his drinking habits since the gang got back together for real. He still sometimes stumbles home drunk though. At least his friends know how to take care of him when that happens.
-Tom and Terri have their own recording studio in the basement of the house. Tom uses it to livestream music and sometimes even helps Edd with the show using the equipment down there.
-Tom still has his monster form. It only comes out when he's super angry though. He's been trying to teach himself how to use it at will.
-Tom keeps harpoons in his room. His old harpoon cannon doesn't work anymore, but he doesn't wish to part with the ammo.
-Tom will never be able to describe the deal with his eyes fully. When the topic comes up, there's either an interruption or something that makes it hard to hear what he's saying.
-Tom may be the occasional voice of reason, but he's dumb in his own way. Sometimes even he won't know what's going on.
-Much of his redemption arc included therapy with Terri's mom. He was so happy to get it though. He even got to know Terri properly through it.
-He loves anime, but will simp over hot anime girls in a way he shouldn't. He's been trying to improve, but old habits die hard. Terri and Edd are always the ones to remind him he should snap out of it.
-Tord loves to create updates for his robot arm. He hopes to implement a laser blaster into it someday.
-Leading an entire army left to him by his parents is tough. Whenever he has to attend meetings, he's always bored. So bored that he'll find ways to sneak in a distraction. One time he brought in a Rubix cube that was solved by the end of the meeting.
-Tord's identity as Red Leader is unknown to the public. It's done to protect his family and friends. Edd, Tom, and Matt sometimes act as his bodyguards and have cool code names that keep up with their color scheme. Edd is the Green Crusader, Tom is the Blue Commander and Matt is the Violet Vampire.
-Tord does his own art in his own time. He draws a lot of action poses and animals. Edd will sometimes share it on his streams too.
-Matt has a daily skincare routine that he loves sharing with people. He'll even convince his friends to have self-care days with him.
-He has a personal fridge in his room filled with donated blood to satisfy his vampire urges. His least favorite blood type is B- though.
-When he first met Terri, Matt was ecstatic to have a ginger buddy! They bond a lot over their red hair and freckles. As the tallest of the group, Matt likes to tease Terri about her short height. She finds it irritating, but it's all in good fun.
-Matt is a known drama queen. Sometimes he'll complain like a diva. Sometimes he'll be screaming mercy for his precious face.
-Has more fashion sense than his peers. Matt will often try to convince his roommates to find more sense in style, but it's really hard to do so. Especially when you have Terri's tomboy fashion sense.
-If he doesn't get enough blood during his monthly vampire frenzy, Matt will go into a blood rage. Terri, the group's vampire expert, guides the rest of the boys on how to handle him until they can get some blood in his system.
-Terri is the little sister of the group and wears that title proudly. She knows just how to push the boys' buttons. Her already being a harbinger of chaos proves she knows how to do the job.
-Terri is a part-time cadet for the Red Army. She will go on missions if necessary, but she still has a lot of military training to get near Tord's level.
-Terri's love for 80's rock knows no bounds. Her favorite artists include Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Queen, Metallica, and many others. But nothing gets her going like Journey. Her favorite track from them is Separate Ways, a comfort song that helped her through some tough times.
-Terri wishes to be a rock star when she's out of college. As part of that journey, she collaborates with Tom on covers and original songs. Music has been their way of bonding since they met.
-Terri loves vampires from both classic and modern literature. She's read Dracula too many times to count. As for modern vampires, she likes this one vampire anime that Tord likes to tease her about. She teases him back with his own animes.
-Terri has an electric guitar she inherited from her dad as a birthday present. She's always playing it whenever she has time. She even knows how to do the guitar riff from Van Halen's Eruption.
Matt- 6'4
Tord- 6'2
Edd- 5'11
Tom- 5'10
Terri- 5'5
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katielovably · 6 months
Like the morning before TJ was Tord's alarm clock. By sitting on him.
Oof! Really? Tord groaned.
You my seat now. TJ said as Tord checked the time.
It was just getting 5 but Corporal Aunan is very keen on being early.
He groaned getting up and getting changed (TJ dressed himself).
Edd walked to the living room drinking a cola.
Tord slipped it away the can.
Hey, What are you... Tord got an elbow to the stomach. Tord groaned as Edd took back the cola. TJ laughed so hard he was on the floor. Tord managed to swallow the cola.
It was that funny, TJ. Tord said.
Touch my cola again and you'll get far worst then that. Edd said.
It wasn't that, I didn't want to choke. Tord said.
Sure, pal. Don't touch my cola. Edd said.
That's how most of the clones died. Edd blow the Edd clone who took the last cola's head with a shot gun then most of the clones died. You got lucky. TJ said as he paddled to put up
Then how are you still here? Edd said.
Simple, I told Edd to run and ran also getting shot in the shoulder by that asshole. Then Edd found me and helped. I'm Indebted to him. So I want to go back! TJ said.
I know you been saying that since you could talk! Anyways, we'll be back late again. Hopefully we finish today because I want it too. Also the radio will be deemed useless to you because we'll be talking in code in it because there's a group listing. Also... Tom walked in Tord grabbed him and sat him in the chair.
STAY! Tord said.
Really? Tom said.
Yes, you embarrassed me yesterday! Tord said.
And tipped my water bottle to spill on me getting me all wet! TJ said.
What? Tom! Edd said as Tord slipped on his boots.
Yeah, yeah. Tom said
Wait, no breakfast? TJ said in Norwegian popping up beside him.
We'll eat when we get there. Tord said in Norwegian.
Glad to know you just crash here and do I don't... Do what you did your first few days? Anyways, see you. Tord interrupted.
You will call like you did yesterday? Edd said.
Yep, stay out of trouble. Tord said and slipped out the door. About to run to vehicle but like he was looking at a mirror their was a man with light brown hair burgundy button up. Jeans and shoes.
Um, hi. You must be Tod? The man said in an American accent stopping Tord.
I'm Tord. There's an R in my name.Tord said trying to leave but he fallowed him from the other side of the fence
I'm Todd... you have an accent?He said.
I'm Norwegian. Tord said wanting to be left alone
Obviously. I'm American. From Texas. Your part of the military. I'm actually part of the Navy. I just came back yesterday. Todd said
I would like to talk but I'm going to be late. I have to go. Tord said trying to keep his cool (but he wanted to punch him so badly) buckling TJ who stared at Todd.
Yeah, alright. I don't want to have bad blood like the others. Todd said.
Me nether. Tord said as Corporal Aunan voice told him to hurry up (he was acting early since the sun was just rising.
I'm coming. He said in Norwegian.
I would be careful, there are zombies around, don't want you to turn into one. Tord said getting in.
Ah, good to know. Todd said.
Tord drove off.
Tord lit a cigarette and got out .
I thought you were cutting back. TJ said as he opened the door to find the three year old standing there before hoping down to the ground.
Talking to that guy, I needed one. Tord sighed getting yelled at by Corporal Aunan again. Tord put out the cigarette and entered with TJ paddling at his side.
Morning. that woman behind the desk said with a smile.
Morning, Anne. TJ said, Tord raising an eye brow at him. This was the first time he entered the hotel.
Oh my God! Aren't you a little cutie!? "Anne" said as they walked away
do I even want to know? Tord said to TJ who looked up.
about what? Uppies. TJ said as they came to stairs.
Tord rolled his eyes and picked him up and went to the room knocking a secret knock before being let in.
Your early. Private Hermansen said giving Corporal Aunan a look.
They sat together and came up the code before eating at the dinner down stairs (yes, Tord got his bacon) before going out in the same formation as the day before even TJ getting his handgun again, they even parked in shade for TJ and the Lieutenant which helped TJ because he's could shoot into the forest himself.
They rarely used the radio and there weren't any sign of the other group up until 3 pm. When TJ gave a warning of seeing "evil Tord" (yep, there's goes the last of Tord's reputation)
They did it and even found the second half of the plane.
The were supposed to leave until they found the tires of the semi destroyed.
They hide the equipment. Tord and TJ (after trying to get a hold of Edd) returned back to Edd's place.
I'm back! Tord called and TJ put on the news after taking off his shoes and little black jacket.
Edd? Tord said looking in his room finding no Edd. Matt? No Matt. Tom? No Tom.
Where did they... there was a note.
Went out for groceries. I figured we'd get more food after TJ commented on our bread (which was pretty gross) and I realized we had no bacon or cola! :(
We'll try to come home as fast as we could.
Ps. I got Tom under my and Matt's watchful eyes.
Oh, ok. Tord said with a sigh before realizing... this isn't Edd's handwriting.
Oh? TJ said popping up beside him on a chair.
Hello, Tord. He heard his own voice say.
What did you do!? See he evil! You always dobt me but he's bad! TJ said fleeing to the TV popping up nto front of it as Tord watched the screen trying to listen.
Basically "I have your friends! Never seeing them again." Blah, blah, blah.
Tord! What are we going to do? TJ said as Tord walked down the hall moving a framed photograph (he was glad they hadn't found it) revealing lever.
What are you doing? TJ said climbing up Tord to sit on his back as Tord pulled the lever.
A hissing sound came from Tom's room. Tord watched as the wall opened revealing his old lab.
Tord walked to it and slipped behind the computer and after some typing. A map of the world came up before zooming into London then a dot showed up in building that looked like a warehouse.
Putting a tracker on Tom came in handy... surprised he hadn't noticed after all these years. Tord said with a shrug before looked to TJ picking up the toddler glancing at Blue prints of a monster, he doesn't remember why he did it but he did. With lasting consequences but that's for future Tord to worry about.
It could be a trap. TJ said as Tord closed his lab again.
I wouldn't be surprised. Tord said taking more weapons and changing his clothes to all black (his old black coat with t-shirt under it and black camo and lighter boots that did clomp) as did TJ but this is one mission he'll not be part of... but also he can't leave him.
Tord slipped out with TJ on his back and ran to the vehicle and drove off the neighbors were out but Tord was in the mood he needed to save his friends.
Part 7 or ???
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zeddsart · 2 years
Just remembered I can post WIPs here
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^ Part of a hugging collage with Eddsworld characters and anon or y/n
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^ Comic “Insults”, where Tom is the only one allowed to insult his friends
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^ Eddsworld x Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! It’s Edd and Ringo (Ringo is Weed Cat Sprigatito)
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^ Template for anon, BECAUSE I NEVER KNOW WHAT TO DRAW WHEN YOU GUYS SAY “Can I hug ___” or “I want to give ___ a pat on the head”. SO HERE’S WHO YOU’LL EXPECT TO SEE DOING YOUR ACTION
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^ Uno part 2!! Tord vs Tom! no spoilers ^^
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^ Funny little animation I’m making for @.oshsaysstuff... I’ll prolly never finish this either DD:
Anyways, I keep starting stuff and never finishing it, so please bare with me- 
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beplinkclick · 2 years
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WEARING: Ehh... nothing special just fluff mostly, if I forgot something let me know
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He is very confident with almost everyone.
And having a shy s/o would make him change his skills a little around you.
If you were in a store, and you were embarrassed to order something, he would be there to help you, telling you not to be afraid.
...but if you continued to refuse, he would commit for both of you.
They would understand your feelings, and not make fun of you because of your more withdrawn nature.
But he would always do cute things to upset you.
"Have I ever told you you have gorgeous eyes dear?"
Yes .. he loves you anyway!💚
To be honest, he doesn't really care anymore...
It would be cool with all this.
But don't think you get off that easily, he would do some pretty awkward things (not in a weird way!?) to unsettle you!
What would it be like if he gets out of the shower shirtless while you're in bed and you notice that, you get extremely red and flustered as hell!?
But he would also be a bastard, pretending he doesn't know what's going on!
"Something happened, why are you so red?"
But you can't blame the poor boy..he'll apologize anyway 💙
He would think he is so cute!!
He don't judge.
He would compliment you all the time thinking that you will forget your shyness
But it's possible that be compliments you too much and you end up being overwhelmed.
But it's not his fault, he still acts like a child
"OMG, my love you look amazing in that dress!?"
In case he realizes that he is exaggerating, he would come to you and give you a hug saying that everything will be fine..🧡
This bitch...
He will always make dirty jokes to make you blush.
One day you were just sitting quietly and watching TV, and Tord just walked up to you holding something behind his back, when you asked what he wanted, Tia showed his Hentai ...
He woke up with a vase on his head and a red s/o screaming at him...
Mission complete!
But there are also phases when it can be really sweet
If he overdoes it, he'll end up snuggling with you and apologizing while giving you sweet kisses
"I'm so sorry love...do you forgive me?~"
He really loves you!❤️
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Love you guys! I am waiting for your request !!💚💙🧡❤️
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cherrysmokesaconha · 8 months
Just warning my sweet new followers (and also the ones that are going to follow) that i headcanon the 2004 Eddsworld characters to be 20 or older than 20 yrs old and NOT TEENAGERS
You guys will see content of 2004 Tord with his adoptive son Ricky. So i ask u guys gently to NOT mention that "2004 ew are minors!!" on my askbox or in my posts or WHATEVER. i really hate that headcanon and literally made me feel anxious about that /srs /neg
It's okay if u guys hc them to be minors, but i don't hc them as such so please don't come to me to say stuff like that. it's not canon. stop believing in random shit u see in the internet.
anyway, I appreciate everyone's understanding <3
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yoinkschief · 9 months
I too have that little ‘no one understands them like I do’ thing going on. It is only partially not my fault
Bro help I hate the fandom so much with my little guy specifically. Every time I try to find stuff about them I can never escape just how much people infantalize them. It is an issue
And yes, I would be crucified by many for saying ‘that’s an adult’. And shipping??? Oh yea my head is ending up on a spike for that :)
I mentioned this on the tags of the last post and it's not a huge deal more of an ick cause orgs not canon (yet(?)) but Marvin within the fandom, at least last I checked, is like FAMOUSLY asexual, yet I cannot escape the amount of ns//fw shit with him in it it makes me crazy
Gol-ly man, the infantilization of characters has followed me EVERYWHERE, 2016-2018 Tord specifically, also Edd and SEVERELY Matt, I know everyone talks about Tord because he's like the most jarring to see in that way but MATT WAS DONE SO DIRTY
Bro was treated like Derpy Hooves was by the majority of the fandom, incredibly ableist towards a very autistic coded character and infantalizing
God and pro shippers too, it's like really bad now cause I'm like an adult and it's so hard getting into fandoms that is prominently kids, like Gravity Falls ran in my youth so the people who watched it at the same time are like the same age as me, but The Owl House is ROUGH, and my bestie and I share this sentiment because we both love TOH BUT WE DON'T CARE WHO HUNTER WANTS TO KISS I WANNA KNOW HOW FUCKED UP HIS CHILDHOOD WAS SO I CAN GAUGE HIS TRAUMA METER RAHHH
But like actual proshipping sucks so hard cause even when I was kid I had that shit around me at all times, I WASN'T EVEN ONLINE THEN EITHER, not prominently anyway, I had CLASSES with this chick who OPENLY SHIPPED DIPPER AND MABEL
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