#anyways pt.2
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softandwildx · 9 days ago
Sometimes I think about the 4 years and countless dollars I spent in art classes + college level studio art senior year and laugh because I can't fucking draw
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krscblw-2 · 2 months ago
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nonbinoclard · 6 months ago
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a conversation on the coast (original fanfic + inspiration)
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tomcriuse · 9 months ago
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Thomas Gibson as Aaron Hotchner Criminal Minds 2.01 'The Fisher King: Part 2'
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theythemmer · 2 months ago
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r we phuckin w the phaltar
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 year ago
cookie, cookie !!
baking cookies with suki :3
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katsuki’s been hovering around you for about 6 minutes now.
you had decides on a whim you wanted to bake some cookies, and since the holidays were coming up, now was the perfect excuse to. you were soon joined in the dorm kitchen by your grouchy boyfriend, who had just come back from his morning run.
you explained you were in the mood for cookies and he responds with a grunt. but then he proceeds to stay in the kitchen, awkwardly standing around looking at the cupboards and utensils like this is the first time he stepped foot in a kitchen before.
he then proceeds to just hover around behind you, staring over your shoulder like a child waiting to see if the cookies were done yet. you found it cute at first, but that constant scowl and scrutinizing look on his face makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong, and frankly it’s making you a little nervous and baking cookies should not be nerve racking !
“would you stop doing that ? i know what i’m doing” you snap your head to squint at him and he stiffens like he’s been caught, like he was being even remotely close to sneaky to begin with, which he wasn’t.
“m’not doin’ anything” he mutters defensively, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweats. “just lookin’ atcha. m’i not allowed to ?” he leans in so his nose is almost touching yours, that stupid little handsome smirk on his lips as his eyes fixate themselves on your lips before looking back up. you gulp, then you place your hand on his face and push him away lightly “you’re distracting me” you mutter, feeling your face grow hotter. he chuckles to himself before turning on his heels and leaning again the countertop.
it’s quiet for a second before you feel like calling him out as payback for teasing you “ is there a reason you’re still here ? you wanna lick the batter or something?” you quip teasingly and you snort when his face morphs into one of disgust “hell no.” he scoffs, looking at you before looking down at the batter you’re currently mixing the shit out of, screw whoever broke the mixer. “how long are ya gonna keep mixing that ?” his eyebrow raises in question
“until it’s good” you huff, taking a break from mixing to keep your fingers from cramping up. then you suddenly get an idea
“oh, suki~” you sing turning to look at him. he eyes you suspiciously, crossing his bulky arms across his chest and grunting out a suspicious “what do you want ?”
“well~” you start walking towards him, proceeding to wrap your arms around his middle and give him your best puppy eyes. his doesn’t budge but he squints at you even harder and you can basically feel him cave already “what?” he urged again.
“since you’re oh, so strong and handsome, could you please do me a favor and mix the batter for me, my handsome boyfriend?” you give him your sweetest smile and he scoffs, “what the fuck does being handsome even have to do with it ?”he mumbles. pink dusts his cheeks and he looks away from you, already feeling his resolve crumbling at your shallow praise. he hates how easily he gives in to you sometimes. you squeeze at his waist, he grunts “thought you said i was distracting you.”
you’re pouting at him, he sees it from the corner of his eye and he’s this close to blowing up. “that was before. you’d be helping me out lots now if you did this for me” you’re relentless, standing on your tippy toes to lean in close to his face cus he won’t stop leaning further away from you.
he could very easily just shove you off if he wanted to, but you have a feeling he doesn’t want to. you know he doesn’t want to when he closes his eyes shut and his eyebrows furrow and then he groans, letting his hands fall at his sides limply before glaring at you. “gimme the damn bowl.” he growls. you squeal, pressing kisses all over his face and a finisher one right on the tip of his red scrunched up nose, he grunts at you but gives you a light pat to the back, rubbing his warm hands up and down your spine. then he pinches you, you giggle. “thank you ‘suki.” he responds with a “yeah, yeah whatever.”
he grabs the bowl from your hands starts mixing..hard. letting off his aggression on the bowl like it was at fault for his weak will to deny you. you smile to yourself and turn to the cupboard so you could grab the decorations and of course, the chocolate chips.
you watch for a bit as your boyfriend mixes away, you’re watching how his toned arms flex and how the muscle of his arms tightens and tenses up, more specifically. one thing’s for sure, you’ll never get tired of his arms. you quickly turn away before he can catch you staring and teases you again.
you jump when he calls for you not even a second later “s’this good?” he asks gruffly, leaning forwards to show you his work. you feel your face warm as you squeak out a curt “yeah, looks good !” before taking the bowl back from him and turning right back around to reach for the baking sheet you had prepped. he’s none the wiser for a moment before a knowing grin crosses his face, he shakes his head.
you place everything down on the counter and sigh happily to yourself, feeling accomplished. you walk over to your grumpy boyfriend and place a sweet kiss to his cheek “you’re the best.” he clicks his tongue, muttering out a “tell me something i don’t know.” while the pink on his cheeks grows darker, you let out a giggle.
“you done with this ?” he asks lifting the spatula in the air for you to see, you offer him a simple “mhm” and a smile before turning back to the task at hand and watch from the corner of your eye as he places the spatula in the sink.
not before taking a lick of the excess batter still on it.
your head shoots up and you stare, he stares back. then you let out a loud belly laugh and clutch your stomach “so you were just here to lick the batter !” katsuki only grunts. there’s a light smirk on his face as he licks away a speck of cookie dough batter off his lips. he shrugs, walks up to you and places his head on your shoulder.
“figured i deserve a little somethin’ for my hard work.” you roll your eyes. his hold on you tightens and he huffs, trying to get as comfortable as he can while still standing up as he simply watches work.
“hmm..” you decided to humor him “ you did help a lot, i think i can give you a little more" you look at him from your shoulder just in time to catch his eyebrow raise as he registers what you said, a smirk playing on his lips when he does. he readjusts his head to look you in the eyes.
“yeah ?”
“mhm..” you hum. his grip tightens, his hands feel warmer.
“whaddya have in mind then, huh ?” he whispers. he’s so close and you can smell your body wash, probably because he keeps stealing it but you keep quiet about that for now.
“i dunno..” you trail off shyly, your confidence melting away under his smoldering gaze. “would…a smooch suffice ?” you giggle. he chuckles to himself at your choice of words. he grabs the back of your head softly, pulling you in closer until your noses brush against each other and he gives you a half hearted little nose kiss, you giggle and he smiles a little wider.
“s’a good start” he concludes before pressing his lips to yours.
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
Darry came home to odd shit in his house all the time. To be fair he was related to two 'n the others, well, he couldn't get rid of them now. But other than its occupants, Darry was used to comin' home to cans twisted up to look like little men, knives stuck in the wall holdin' up keys or notes, 'n the odd beer bottle with a candle stuck down in it. His brothers had an affinity for the type of decor that would be home in a kindergarten class 'n Darry had to pick his battles. Glory knows they gave him his choice.
Hell, last month he'd come home to three traffic signs mounted around his living room. He'd promptly forced Soda, Steve, Two, 'n Dallas to return them to wherever the hell they had taken 'em from. They had bitched 'til kingdom come until Darry had threatened to load them up into the truck with those forsaken signs 'n call the damn cops on them himself. Of course, he hadn't meant it. They'd trudged out with one sign between the four of them swearin' they'd come back for the others too. And, naturally, they got caught.
Soda had used his one phone call to beg Darry to pick them up, Steve to whine about how they'd only gotten caught 'cause Darry had made them put them back, 'n Two to make a long series of jokes that ended with Darry threatenin' to leave him there for the night. Dallas had apparently elected to call Tim to bitch instead. 'N Tim had called him. Glory, he should have just left them there forever.
Since both groups were firmly blamin' the opposite party for the events of that night, Darry had elected to save himself the damn headache 'n just let them leave the two signs they hadn't managed to return on their walls. The odd street sign would still sometimes show up, but as long as they weren't important ones Darry simply pretended they weren't there.
So when he trudged into the house 'n glanced at the peelin' wallpaper, he wasn't necessarily surprised to see the new addition. He toes off his boots 'n hangs his keys on the knife buried so deep in the wall none of them can get it out. Darry makes an absentminded mental note to ask one of the men on his crew about it. Pony knew his son 'n he's sure he'd seen worse.
He turns to take a look at whatever was simmerin' on the stove when he catches his name on the piece of paper haphazardly drawn out into a chart 'n pinned to the wall.
In descendin' order the chart reads angelic, good enough, toein' the line, in the shit, Darry's gonna kick your ass, capital F fucked.
"Hey y'all, what the hell is this?" Pony looks up from the kitchen table where him 'n Soda are scratchin' away at old clothes pins. Pony's holdin' a pen knife clenched in his fist, stabbin' away far too close to his fingers for comfort. Darry reaches over 'n adjusts his grip, whackin' him gently on the head.
Steve ducks into the kitchen, brandishin' his own clothespin. He shoots Darry a grin 'n clips it to the chart at angelic. Darry can see his name carved into the side. "Provin' a point is what it is."
"Knock that shit down to fucked- you're pissin' me off." Pony scowls, goes back to his project, lookin' at Darry pointedly as he moves his fingers away.
"Ok. Well. Anyone wanna explain the point to me or am I gonna have to figure it out myself?" Darry sighs, glances into the living room where Two-Bit has been conspicuously silent. He's standin' on the couch, tongue between his teeth 'n brow furrowed as he frantically screws a yield sign into the wall, not noticin' Darry at all. "Two-Bit Matthews!" Two's head whips up at him with a big grin, droppin' the screwdriver 'n leanin' against the wall to block his handiwork like Darry hadn't just watched him for a full ten seconds.
"Darry! What are you doin' here?" Darry rolls his eyes 'n Soda snickers from somewhere behind him.
"Oh fuck, Soda, casserole." Soda scrambles up from the table so fast his chair falls backward. Darry shakes his head 'n sighs.
"Two I live here."
"So... come here often?" Both Pony 'n Steve snicker 'n then glare at each other like it was a cardinal sin that they both find the same joke funny.
"I'm gonna close my eyes 'n if that damn sign is gone by the time I open them I won't kick your ass." Darry drops his head against the door frame 'n shuts his eyes 'n Two mutters fuck 'n dives for the screwdriver. "Now would be an excellent time to explain that shit on my wall, by the way, Pone." Darry prompts, eyes still shut. Glory, he could fall asleep right there in the doorway.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." Soda opens the oven 'n the distinctive smell of burnin' food pours into the kitchen. Darry raises an eyebrow 'n turns half around.
"Hey, don't open your eyes yet I'm workin' on it!" Two shrieks 'n Darry manages to roll his eyes with them still closed.
"Lordy, fine. Soda, lil' buddy? All good?" There's half a second of silence 'n then Soda snorts a laugh.
"Anyone want Dairy Queen for dinner?" Darry lets out an almighty sigh 'n Soda makes a disappointed sound in the back of his throat.
"Well, worth a shot. PB 'n J guys?" Pony groans 'n Darry can hear the thunk as he drops his head hard onto the table.
"Pone, this shit on my wall?"
"Oh. Steve thinks he's less of an asshole than I am. 'N I think he's a liar. So we're provin' it-"
"Nuh-uh. The kid thinks he's better behaved 'n I think that's horseshit. So we're doin' a chart to prove that he's the one always actin' like a hooligan-"
"Who are you callin' hoologian? Don't you have your own house? Why don't you stop loiterin'-"
"You're just mad Soda actually picked my ass 'n got stuck with you-"
"Glory God almighty. This shit's like, what? A behavior chart? What level is pissin' me off 'cause you're both there right now."
"Aw, man c'mon. We didn't mean it." Darry stops noddin' off standin' up to glance over his shoulder at Pony 'n Steve. Their fightin' damn near forgotten they're both starin' at Darry with twin pouts. Darry actually snorts a laugh before he swallows it down, muffles it with a cough.
He fixes them both with a glare 'n jerks a thumb at the chart. "C'mon. Both of you down to, uh," He peeks over his shoulder at the rankin', "in shit. I'm sick of you fightin'." He really doesn't know what he expects but he can tell you what he doesn't. 'N that's for both Steve 'n Pony to glower at each other but shuffle sadly over to the wall to fix their clips 'n then plop back down at the table 'n actually knock it off.
"C'mon, if I have to get knocked down for just ribbin' the kid then Two better get knocked down for that sign shit." Two lets out an indignant gasp 'n clutches a hand to his chest, finally reappearin' in the kitchen with the sign held behind his back.
"What sign?" Darry narrows his eyes at him in contemplation, rockin' his jaw back 'n forth like he always does when he's thinkin'.
"Yeah, alright. You're below Steve 'n Pony." Two's jaw drops open 'n he lets out an indignant wail.
"Woah, woah, woah! C'mon I'll patch the hole I put in the wall." Darry opens his mouth 'n Two barrels on. "In fact I'll even patch the holes from the last one too." Two wheedles, droppin' the sign behind his leg, foldin' his hands together 'n blinkin' up at Darry.
"Fine. You can be on Steve 'n Pony's." Two hoots 'n snatches one of the unmarked pins, scratchin' his name into it 'n slidin' it over Pony's.
"That's not fair!"
Darry rolls his eyes. "Well, I didn't hear any offers from you two." Two grins smugly at them, Steve flips him off 'n Pony sticks out his tongue.
Soda snatches up his, suddenly very interested in the proceedin's. "Where am I, Dar?" Darry studies him, finger pressed to his lips.
"You can be in toein'. All you did was burn dinner, that's in your nature I should have known better." Darry ruffles his hair when Soda lets out a little scoff. He flounces past Darry, stickin' his tongue out at Steve 'n puttin' his clip the highest of all of them with great flourish.
"Hey Dar, why don't we get somethin' if we don't get bad marks for the week?" Pony sticks his bottom lip out a lil' 'n Darry rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, I'll tell you what you get. Your ass not kicked."
"Aw, c'mon Dar. What if when we stay good we get Dairy Queen?" Darry leans against the door frame. Studies his kid brothers gathered in the kitchen as they all blink back at him 'n suddenly remember somethin' they all have in common.
"How about this, if you all stay in the black you get Dairy Queen at the end of the week." Two 'n Soda let out a whoops 'n Pony 'n Steve grin. Darry puts up a hand to indicate he ain't finished yet. "'N the lowest one has to pay."
A fierce urge to win. Especially against each other.
They all stop, eye each other with sharp-toothed grins 'n mischievous smirks.
Well. For once one of Steve 'n Pony's fights had done Darry a favor. 'N he had a feelin' that stupid chart was about to make his life a whole lot easier.
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94erz · 6 months ago
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j-hope & Boogaloo Kin dancing to Still Life by RM (feat. Anderson .Paak)
(cc. QDEOKS)
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januaryrabbit · 7 months ago
ateez texting their crush when they get ghosted!! (pt. 1) (╯✧▽✧)╯
pairing: 1/2 ateez x gn!reader
warnings: mild cursing, teasing each other
other disclaimers/notes: context for yunho's text is that they played stardew valley together hehe!!! also, i'm writing for ateez now so requests are open for them and are still open for seventeen :)
a/n: i'm back with something new! lately, i've been enjoying reading text-based fics and i really wanted to try my hand at it~ please let me know if you enjoy this format, i'd love to do part 2! enjoy :)
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liddlediddy · 3 months ago
squid game season 3 spoiler
Gi-Hun (after the inevitable Frontman reveal): if i had a nickel for every time I played the games and formed a close bond with player 001 only to be devastated when my choices directly lead to them being killed, and then later find out that not only did player 001 fake their death but turn out to be the person in charge of running the games, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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sen-ya · 1 year ago
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I am generally Nervous and Embarrassed abt posting my lawlu comics but I simply love shachi and it feels like my duty to share every piece of shachi content I have
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wheatcak3 · 9 months ago
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a cheeky little guy whom i miss 🥺💖💖
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cowboyshadows · 2 months ago
lonely and rich? or perhaps, lonely and poor? one
i read this delicious thing and i couldnt stop thinking abt ghost being taken care of by a sugar mommy :( also inspired by this masterpiece (cw: f1 rpf)
simon is fed up of the veteran life. there's no money, no joy, no nothing. but an interesting advertisement promising everything he needs might change that...
warnings: offhanded mention of a porn addiction, mention of accident leading to chronic pain/disability, ghost is kind of like a personal cam girl?, sexting, masturbation, very brief mommy kink. MDNI 18+
Simon doesn't know who he is, if not Lieutenant Riley. He spent so much time working that he forgot to... live.
Not that he has a choice now. His leg got all busted up thanks to a less-than-tasteful explosion in Al Mazrah. All he got was two months in the hospital, an honorable discharge, and hospital bills that rivaled his mortgage.
His pension was barely keeping him afloat. Savings were something that hadn't ever occurred to him, what with being a cocky young soldier.
He's laying on his floor-bound lumpy mattress, on his nightly doomscroll through some brain-dead porn site. (He doesn't want to spend whatever little money he has on a bedframe. Good rest and healthy sleep is for the weak, anyway.)
The same kinds of videos show up over and over again. He almost feels nauseous at how depraved he was getting just for a few seconds of dopamine.
A bright, flashy advert catches his eye.
Are you a good boy?
He frowns, examining the banner closer. Below those pink, glossy letters, there's a light blue button.
Let mommy take care of you.
He sits up a little, wincing from the jolt of chronic pain in his shin. (It had been operated on, but he was still chained to taking painkillers for the rest of his miserable life. Now, if only his insurance covered his medicine, he wouldn't be so grumpy all the time.)
His thumb hovers over the blue button, the text blinking black and white at him.
It was different than the usual adverts on the site. Only text, sans explicit photography.
Okay, fuck it. He can be a good boy.
The button redirects him to a site that looks suspiciously close to a dating app.
The big letters on the page were the same as the advert. Below, there's smaller text. (He has to hold his phone a little further from his face to be able to read it.)
Lonely and rich? Or perhaps, lonely and poor? Worry not. Meet your match today!
He still wasn't entirely sure what this site was proposing. It seemed to be some sort of... transaction. Money for affection.
Hell, beggars can't be choosers.
He clicks on the "sign up" button on the top left. Scrolls through his gallery for an old photograph of himself. Finds one where he's at the park, eating ice cream. His mask is off, revealing a face that's significantly less scarred.
He fills in all the necessary fields like it's just another hospital form.
The slow flicker of the cursor in that blank field taunts him. What interests?
He decides to click "save profile" without filling the field. He's immediately bombarded with an onslaught of profiles: women that looked to be older than him. He scrolls through absentmindedly.
His phone vibrates with a ping, the small notification banner coming through.
Someone liked your profile! Say thanks.
He's looking at a picture of you. Smiling at the camera, wearing a red cocktail gown that bares your back and arms. Your teeth are perfectly straight pearly whites; hair and nails looking kempt and healthy expensively so.
He peruses your profile. You're a couple of years older than him. Your interests list the opera, cricket, and history. Bit of a mixed bag, he notes.
Message request.
| Hey handsome :)
He blinks at it for a few moments. You weren't wasting any time, huh?
| Hi
He couldn't be more robotic if he tried. For fuck's sake.
| Sorry I've never done this before
| Not sure I even know what this is
| That's alright.
| Do you want me to sugarcoat it, or cut the crap?
He thinks he might like you.
| Cut the crap, please
| I like you, Simon :)
Something weird happens in his belly.
| I pay you for your company.
It still seemed like you were beating round the bush.
| It doesn't necessarily have to be sexual per se... but I wouldn't mind that. It's all up to you, sweetheart.
There it was again, this thing in his stomach. It kept reacting to your terms of endearment in that strange, unfamiliar way.
| You decide what you're comfortable with. Online, or physically. Whichever way suits your fancy.
Huh. The ball was entirely in his court.
| Oh.
| Thanks for explaining
| Do you do this a lot?
| You could say that, haha.
Your little "haha" does nothing to quell the tiny but unwelcome wave of jealousy rising in his throat.
| Honestly, I'm yet to find an arrangement that works for me.
| I just want someone I can talk to about my day, I guess. Take care of, buy pretty things for.
He wonders why a bird like you is on this godforsaken site. You are gorgeous, without a doubt. You are clearly loaded, if all you want in a partner is someone to spoil and talk to. And, well - when you've got a personality like Simon's; judging other people for it doesn't exactly come easy.
| Those things you said
| Do you pay people to talk to you?
| When you put it that way... I suddenly feel so sad!
| Kidding. It depends, really. But I would prefer to pay for something more substantial than texts. Like calls or pictures.
He continues talking to you. Apparently, you're some big-shot fancy divorce lawyer. Ironically, you said you were "married" to your job. Chained to a desk.
That explains it.
He mulls it over in his head, all these exciting new prospects.
| I can send you pictures
| I don't mind.
He watches the animated text bubble pop up and disappear in succession a few times. Maybe he was coming off too eager?
Finally, a text comes through.
| £500 credited!
| Half as assurance. I'll send the other half once I receive the picture. Is that alright?
Jesus Christ. He damn near jumps out of his skin. Five hundred? That's easily five months' pension. And he didn't even do anything yet.
| Yes it's fine
| I'll send the picture in a minute
He stares at his forearms, then his thighs.
| Is there anything specific you want?
| Whatever you're comfortable with, love
He settles on a gym picture of his quads. He'd taken it a week ago to send to Soap. (They had this thing where they exchanged muscle pictures in some strange competition of strength. Although, Simon did suspect Johnny might have less-than-innocent motives.)
It's a nice picture, he has to admit. His shorts were bunched up as he sat on the seat of his car, allowing for each and every tendon and vein to glow in the sheen of his sweat.
| £1000 credited!
| A little more than I was supposed to send, hope you don't mind :)
| I am just very pleased with what I see.
A small smile creeps onto his face. This is more attention than anyone's given him in years, if he has to be honest.
| Thanks
| :)
Over the next few weeks, he finds himself readily doing things he never though he'd be doing. Even going so far as getting Soap to take a picture of his flexed back, only to send it to you. Embarrassing, Lt., Soap would say. He doesn't care. He can't bring himself to, because not only is he getting paid filthy for it, he is also being showered in affection by a woman respectfully out of his league.
It's his new normal. Texting you every night. It is one such night, quiet and drizzly, as he waits for the familiar ping of your texts to sound through.
| I went shopping today. Wanna see?
He smiles, ears perking up.
| Of course I do
| An image of you in what seemed to be lingerie, back arched on all fours all feline. Your face is peeking in the corner of the frame, majority of it occupied by your lace-clad – barely – arse.
Jesus Christ... for free, birdie?
| Fuck
Absolute tosser, this lad. She sent you a picture like that and all you can do is curse?
| I mean
| You're so hot
| You think?
| Yes
In addition to him, his cock also seems to think that. If it was any indication that it was threatening to tear a hole through his boxers right now.
He sits up, tugging his boxers off. As he points the phone camera, he wonders to himself. He's never sent you anything like this before. Not like you've asked. What if you think he's a creep?
You idiot. She's just sent you a picture of her bare ass, and you're worried about her thinking you're a creep?
Fair point. He presses the red "record" button.
He strokes his length slowly, bringing his thumb to swipe over his slit. The translucent beads of his arousal roll down his shaft, and his palm follows. He gives himself three pumps for good measure, unable to keep his shaky breath from escaping.
| Oh, sweetheart...
His cock twitches of itself.
| £2500 credited!
| What a good boy
He doesn't know whether to prematurely ejaculate or preen at the praise. His head feels all foggy.
| Thank you
It wasn't nearly enough. You'd been throwing money at him like it meant nothing to you. How could one "thank you" ever suffice?
| I want to see you come for me baby
You were gonna be the death of him, that much was for sure.
He props his phone up by the wall, and starts fisting himself. The very idea that someone like you was going to derive pleasure from the mere sight of him touching himself made his balls tighten.
He firms his grip around himself, allowing his moans to slip and expression to contort.
His hips buck up into his hand as he feels that familiar tight coil snap, vision spotting in the wake of his peak. His release seeps out, dripping over his fist and onto the floor. His pace grows more languid, free hand reaching to send you the video.
| £3000 credited!
| You're so good for me, sweetheart
| Aren't you?
His cheeks flush wildly, both from the intensity of his climax and the gravity of your words.
| Yes, mommy
He doesn't even recognise himself anymore. Orgasming will do strange things to a man's dignity.
check out part two
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lovesickeros · 2 years ago
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☆ glimpse of divinity
{☆} characters lyney, neuvillette [ separate ] {☆} notes cult au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings none {☆} word count 0.8k
× neuvillette
The first time he sees you strolling the streets of Fontaine with a glint of wonder in your eyes, he thinks he must have finally lost it. He has to rub his eyes and check a few dozen times before he's certain that you are, in fact, real and not some figment of his imagination conjured by a lack of sleep and overdose on caffeine.
..Though now that he gets a better look, it's not quite the same. Like a smudged painting, he thinks. Still, the uncanny resemblance to the visage of the Divine One has him lingering around the area just to stare a little longer, a deep, devoted sense of affection bristling beneath his skin.
And then you turn sharply on your heel, staring directly back at him, and he feels a sudden wave of embarrassment and something akin to shame.
Archons, he'd just made a fool of himself, hadn't he?
He quickly turns away, clearing his throat and hiding his embarrassment behind his hand. Though it does not seem to deter you, the soft tap of your shoes growing closer until you were peering up at him with wide eyes.
"..Hello." He offers awkwardly, a little too stiff and a little too formal, but you don't seem to mind in the slightest. He knows that your appearance, your vague similarities to the Divine One are mere coincidence, but it does not stop his heart from skipping a beat when you smile up at him. "I– apologize for being so uncouth and staring, it's just.."
His voice trails off into a breathy exhale, his hand twitching on his cane as if he wanted to reach out and touch you..but he restrains himself in time. He could not make a bigger fool of himself – he would never hear the end of it from lady Furina.
"You remind me of someone."
He decides, readjusting his hands on his cane as he bows his head for a moment is a show of genuineness, though it must look awkward with how stiff his body feels.
Yet he cannot help but want to get closer anyway, to hear the silky lilt of your voice grace his pointed ears. This is as close as he will ever get to the Divine..he is a weak man, he finds, as he offers a hand to you.
"I understand if this is a bit..forward, but would you mind joining me for tea?"
× lyney
He is a master magician – his entire work is built on keen misdirection and sleight of hand, but even he stumbles for a minute thinking he'd seen an illusion in your warm smile and striking features. Almost an exact copy of the Divine One, yet not quite..
Still, it's enough to pique his interest – enough, too, to give him the confidence to slip into your conversation with ease, all smiles and the slip of a card between his fingers.
"Hello, stranger – I don't think I've seen you in Fontaine before," He laughs, his hand reaching around to rest gently on your opposite shoulder, his voice a ghost of a whisper in your ear. "Say, could I interest you in a bit of magic?"
He perks up at the way you seem to light up like fireworks at his offer, a spark almost like recognition in your eyes he brushes aside – he's quite well known, after all.
"Good! Now, if I may just borrow your attention for a minute.." He grins, stepping around you and turning sharply to face you, his hand outstretched with a deck of cards in his hands, face down. "Let's start simple, shall we? I shan't overwhelm my audience – pick a card."
He holds the cards out again, his features twisted in something like awe, though he hides it well.
His heart flutters at the briefest of glances of your hand against his as you pluck a card from his hand, and he quickly retracts it, reshuffling the deck with a broad grin and a wink.
"Do your best to remember it! If you could return it to the deck.." The card is placed back in it's place amongst the rest, and the magic begins!
"Now then, let's see..hm," He hums for a long moment, the silence filled by the constant shuffle of cards until he suddenly plucks one from the deck, flipping it around for you to see. "Is this your card?"
He frowns when you shake your head, almost pouting, before he lights up again and steps forward.
"Ah! How foolish of me, I missed it..it's riiight here, see." He winks, reaching behind your ear..and pulls free a card from seemingly thin air. He flips it around for you to see again, and when you tell him it is, in fact, your card, he flips it around again.
And before you can see it, he's holding a rainbow rose between his fingers, his hand outstretched as he bows.
His eyes glint with a sort of wonder as he looks at your features, his smile widening a fraction.
"Well, dear stranger? Did you enjoy the show?"
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tamakifox · 3 months ago
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Fanart for @hockeyisforthegays!! The chapter 11 scene where Yuuji eats his old finger and gets a flashback. And during that flashback he makes eye contact with pre-timeloop Gojo…
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Dear supervisors at work
You do not get to tell me to suck it up
I have endometriosis
I am sucking it up
It's a miracle I'm even at work right now so please
Sincerely, the kid you shouldn't be getting this mad at over a debilitating and incurable condition
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