#anyways pls feel free to tag me in anything <3 i like to see things people make or say :)
putterphubase · 27 days
hi everyone!! i am now going to track #forfive so if you want to tag me in anything - mutuals or anyone!! - that you would like to share with me please feel free!
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notetaeker · 7 months
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Welcome to this years Ramadan Challenge! This is something I've been doing for the past 3 years and it has been so beneficial to me so I hope it is the same for you. Everyone is welcome to join! Please also let me know if u have any suggestions / notice any mistakes ;_;
Special thank you to @nuuralshams 💕 and @laikastudies ✨
Reblog this post to let me know you're in! (and to have as reference)
Pls use the tag '#RamadanChallenge2024'
I will be rb-ing every post I see in there (unless it's spam bots)
You can do a question per day or batch them together if you like
You can also do some questions out of order if you want (like answering the surah kahf question on a friday)
Feel free to skip any question or just post abt how ur ramadan went that day / what you ate for iftar / anything tbh
You are also welcome to start late (or early! If you want to use some of the questions as a countdown to Ramadan!)
I also included some Ramadan Prep questions + Eid post if you'd like! ( Very optional!)
I will be starting the challenge when I personally start Ramadan but if Ramadan starts a day earlier for you- you can just start then!
I added a bonus day in case Ramadan is 30 days lol but you can skip it if you want if Ramadan is only 29 days
I will try my best to queue your posts but knowing me I might just mass-reblog 🤡
Anyway Allahumma Balighna Ramadan!!! / Ramadan Mubarak !!!! (based on when you're reading this)
Let me know! If you want to be tagged / reminded when we start!
Prep day 1: One thing you're looking forward to this Ramadan
Prep day 2: Anything you are scared of / worried about for this year?
Prep day 3: List one thing that would help future-you get the most out of this Ramadan, and go do it now! (if possible)
Day 1: What are your goals this Ramadan? Possible suggestions: 1 habit to build, 1 habit to break, and one accomplishment you hope to gain!
Day 2: What are your other obligations this month? How does it compare to previous years? How do you balance them with ramadan?
Day 3: What is your favorite act of worship? Has it always been your favorite?
Day 4: Ramadan is the month of the qur'an. What is an ayah from the Qur'an that has changed your view of things or impacted you deeply (this year)?
Day 5: Share a treasured ramadan memory
Day 6: Biggest life lesson or advice you would give to others
Day 7: Best iftar item?
Day 8: What is a suhoor necessity to get you through the day?
Day 9: Share a hadith you’ve been thinking about recently or try this link that gives you a random hadith. How does it relate to you? (Does it?)
Day 10: First 10 days end today! Share a taraweeh tip! If you haven't prayed Taraweeh before, what is something that feels difficult about it?
Day 11: How has your experience of Ramadan changed over the years (Has it?)
Day 12: Most challenging thing about Ramadan and how do you try to overcome it?
Day 13: What aspects of the qur'anic science have you explored, and how did that go? (e.g tafsir, translation, memorization, tajweed, recitation)
Day 14: Favorite lesson(s) from the surah kahf stories?
Day 15: Any islamic lecture series / podcast / book that you would recommend?
Day 16: Favorite time to read qur'an during Ramadan? What about outside of Ramadan?
Day 17: What is your Ramadan Routine this year?
Day 18: the second 10 days is almost over! Are you part of any islamic communities during Ramadan? What about outside of Ramadan?
Day 19: What is something you are grateful for this Ramadan?
Day 20: Have you ever done i'tikaf or qiyamul-layl in previous Ramadans? Are you doing any this time?
Day 21: Any feel-good dua acceptance stories to share? It could be your own story, a friend's, or even from a lecture that you heard
Day 22: What is something you always miss about Ramadan when it's over? / What do you think you might miss this year?
Day 23: Are you making dua for anything specific? (Any dua you want us to make for you?)
Day 24: Share an Eid memory that sticks out to you! What kind of Eid traditions do you have?
Day 25: Who is a sahaba (companion of the prophet ﷺ) that you feel inspired by? Can you share the story that inspires you?
Day 26: Your Laylatul-Qadr worship routine! Dhikr? Dua? Salah? Tell us!
Day 27: Mention a favorite story about the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, or which of his qualities you look up to the most.
Day 28: Think over the last month and the Ramadan that you've spent. Is there something you wish you had spent more time on? There's still 1-2 days left! What's your plan?
Day 29: Ramadan is our honorable yearly guest who is now preparing to leave 💔 What are 3 gifts Ramadan is leaving for you as a parting gift until we meet it again (inshallah) next year. It could be habits
Day 30 / BONUS DAY: If you were given an extra day to live, what would you do on that day?
EID: Eid Mubarak! Post a 3x3 or a 3x2 photoset of your eid celebrations! (Optional)
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
also little (ok not so little. at all) personal thing as a way of mass–apologizing in advance to friends/moots for being slow with replies/not super interactive for a bit (possibly? always hard to predict) but pls god feel free to ignore this <3
i hate talking ab not–fun personal stuff on here (if it's not hidden deep in tags LOL), but i feel so so guilty for being so slow at replying to messages here/on discord and i would never want any friends to feel ignored or like i'm not enthusiastic to chat bc i genuinely have the most fun yapping together in the wota server and it's been such a joy making more friends here and getting closer with some ppl 🥺 it's just eating me up even tho ik i don't have to apologize/explain myself and i'd never hold it against someone else if the roles were flipped!! it's just to put my mind at ease so i can feel less guilt/pressure :')) and i am Uncomfortable talking about bleh emotions so it's easier to just plop it here and not have to explain myself one on one lmaoo tbf i may delete this in a few hrs bc just typing this up might give my brain some relief anyway and then i won't feel like this is necessary!
but sam lore the quick of it is i have # bipolar and i've been in an originally manic, then hypomanic episode essentially since around the time i started this account? it's the longest 'up' episode i've had but it's also the first one i've been off bp meds for so that might be why (long story dw i see my dr monthly <3 sorting life out rn) and i think starting stimulants back in may prolonged it a bit bc yk. meth LMAO but it finally petered off a few weeks ago and now i am entering the Big D (and not the fun kind) so some days i just do not have any energy for anything other than survival mode and when i'm suddenly super chatty or active, 99% of the time it's bc i just took my adhd meds and downed an iced coffee lmaoo genuinely so grateful i have those meds to keep me from fully sinking deep into a bad episode for now at least. so tldr; not trying to be antisocial or ignore anyone, just tryina truck thru :-)
i'm so thankful for all the cool ass friends i've met thru mota and i have been rly scared since i felt myself swinging to the other side of the bp spectrum last month bc i've been very up since i joined tumblr and i don't want a sudden change in vibes to be taken personally or for it to seem like i've lost interest in fandom!! i also get scared i'll just be dull and boring to friends now who have only known me while i'm manic which is understandable bc it's a big switch up but i think over text it shouldn't be as jarring bc yk i have time to think ab my words more and all. i am a little surprised actually that if anything, my motivation for writing has only intensified in the past month, but i think it's the first time i've had a healthy form of escapism in an episode and my brain has definitely latched onto it to get me thru that and a lot of shit stuff that's been happening irl this summer, so i'm unbelievably thankful that this fandom dragged me back into fic writing as hard as it did <3
but as sometimes happens with depression as i'm sure most of us have experienced, motivation/energy loss can hit even our biggest passions and i'm Terrified and hoping so very hard that it doesn't, but if fic updates do abruptly slow down as i ride this episode out, that's likely the reason. can't see myself losing interest in mota anytime soon but ik that if someone's usual writing pace suddenly slows down, ppl often jump to that conclusion (myself included lol) and i just want to make it clear i will Not be abandoning my fics and as of now, i'm still plowing ahead on all of them. AND THAT'S ALL FR BACK TO MY GOOGLE DOCS fuck do i think this is a journal?? jesus christ my bad
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
lee felix sfw alphabet
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genre: fluffy wuffy for the fluffiest boy in town
word count: 2k
warnings: none
song rec: magic by coldplay
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
lee felix is the definition of love
therefore, he shows affection in pretty much every single thing he does
without even trying, he is effortlessly affectionate and never fails to make those around him feel safe, happy and loved
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
as your bestie, he's tagging you on every social media and spamming with your memes and tiktoks to watch. like... that's basically a given, anyway
he's just so sweet really
is down for anything you want to do
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
bro, where do i begin...
he's a cuddle bug. literally the most cuddliest person in the whole world who will literally die if he doesn't get his hourly cuddles so you better cuddle him lots istg-
basically, yes. he loves cuddling
he's such a fluffy human being, inside and out. he needs his partner to like cuddles fr; this will probably be a genuine reason for him to date you if i am being totally honest
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
felix totally wants to settle down
and i feel like once he finds the right person there's no going back for him. the only way is up!!
he's good at baking and likes making little treats every now and then for the two of you to share
has tried his hand at cooking too and makes a pretty good chef!
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
damn he hates even thinking about stuff like this
just expect a lot of tears; a lot of conflicting and confusing emotions all at once
he hates confrontation in general so having to prompt a break-up is not where he wants to be in a relationship, ever
it will take a massive toll on him and will be emotionally exhausting for the both of you
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
big fan of commitment
only has eyes for his soulmate and no one else
because... why should he? at the end of the day, he is loyal, through thick and thin
he won't get married too quickly but then he wouldn't wait too long either. i feel like he would be nervous and would need to know for definite that, if he proposed to you, you would 100% say yes
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
i don't even feel the need to say anything for this one
he's literally a baby chick. what's he gonna do? peck you to death? yeah, i didn't think so
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
i mean this one goes without saying, doesn't it?
felix lives for hugs. he needs the to survive. he has them for breakfast
hugs. hugs. HUGS.
there's something about how warm and welcome he feels inside when someone gives him a hug
he loves all forms of hugs
back hugs make him feel protected if he's on the receiving end of it. he loves to be in his lover's arms like that
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
it's so hard to say
part of me is thinking he might just blurt it out spontaneously, much like an intrusive thought. he might not even think about it when he says it until he realises and his eyes grow super wide like 'omg i just said the L word to you for the first time wtf'
the other part of me knows that felix is a deep thinker. he overthinks everything and is therefore likely to hold back on confessing such strong emotion so quickly
but holding his love back won't be easy regardless of what he chooses, so the likelihood is that he would definitely confess to you before you confess to him
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
i can see him getting jealous tbh
and he never means to. he's not one to look for things to argue about and stuff
but because he has so, so much to give, if he isn't receiving that same amount of love it's hard for him. then, seeing you get closer or flirting with another person is even harder for him
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
his kisses on the lips are usually soft and tender
he literally doesn't have a favourite place to kiss you because he will kiss you everywhere
but for him? he won't tell you unless you brought it up, but... his neck is super sensitive
he doesn't even have to tell you because it's so easy to tell. when his breath becomes hitched in his throat when you kiss him along his neck. when his grip becomes tighter when you merely brush your lips over the sweet spots of his neck. yeah. he's not exactly subtle when it comes to what he likes
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he loves children and is so sweet to them
will cater to their every need and spoil them horrifically
will even carry them everywhere if they so wished
and when it comes to babies, he can't help but coo and squish their cheekies :(( he just loves them to bits
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
he wakes up smiling because he is next to you
you make him so freaking happy
he usually wakes up earlier than he usually would now that he is with, you, just so he can fit in a cuddle sesh before he starts the day
and then he reluctantly gets out of bed, stretching in every sort of way possible before getting in the shower
some days he will spontaneously decide to make pancakes for you both :] and drizzle those bad boys with maple syrup and crispy bacon, yes sir
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
again, a very cuddly and cosy affair
fluffy pyjamas on, skincare products ready, and a disney film ready to play
all you guys need is a pile of blankets and a box of takeaway, and you got yourselves an ideal night
this is definitely his fave time of day <333
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
literally asap
that's the whole part of getting to know someone better, no? reveal different parts of yourself, piece by piece, like a jigsaw puzzle. that's how felix views it
he's big on quality time so the more time and energy you invest in him, the more he opens up to you and feels comfortable around you
so it solely depends on how much time you spend together
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
he is not a naturally angry person
like, i know some people who are just prone to anger. they have a certain type of aggression on the surface that rises every time a minor inconvenience happens
but even in those types of situations, felix is much more likely to get upset than angry
although sometimes in an argument, his sadness comes with anger. his tears come with his raised voice and the overwhelming stress of it all. his emotions aren't necessarily black and white, especially his negative ones. they are sort of an accumulation of each other.
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
felix is such a caring person and it's quite impressive to see just how much he remembers about everyone he loves
that's why he is so good at giving gifts! he remembers what people have pointed out before in the past, or remembers everyone's hobbies and interests
just everything. he knows a lot more than he gives himself credit for, that's for sure
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
every single moment with you is genuinely so impactful and important for felix
that's why he remembers every little detail. that's why he takes pictures whenever you go out together. that's why he always thinks fondly of the past whilst readily arranging more stuff for you to do together
all the moments with you are his favourite, as cliché as it sounds. he genuinely couldn't be happier
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he is quite protective actually
he just needs to know your okay and well and if you're not then he gets upset
loyalty to the end and will defend you for as long as possible
but typically, felix is on the receiving end of protection. so i feel like it would work both ways in your relationship
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
felix is notorious for being the best gift-giver
and he doesn't need a special occasion to prove his love for you
sometimes he will buy you things he comes across randomly
"i saw this and thought of you"
and sometimes he will even make a gift for you. there are no limits to his love!
in regards to dates, i'd say he's a romantic guy for sure so he will try and do all the cliche dates to ever exist just because he thinks it's such a cute idea
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
he doesn't have any bad habits.
that's it. that's me done for this one.
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
this guy has a fluctuating self-esteem and, more recently, a negative view of himself and his body
so he is concerned with his looks. much more than he should be
and all i hope for him is that he comes to a time in his life where he is happy with how he is and doesn't feel the need to change anything about himself
because he is perfect. he really is.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
yes. felix is a person who has the tendency to rely on others
and once he finds his special someone, there's no turning back for him
he does believe in soulmates and after meeting you, he realises that his life has changed forever. living without you simply isn't a real reality to him
doesn't matter what multiverse you're in, in every case you are his and he is yours
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
brownie boy here needs to have baking dates with you
he likes feeling useful so when you ask how to make his special type of brownies he feels confident in himself as he teaches you how to make them
and he is a gentle and calm teacher <3
just wants to have fun tbh
ends up throwing flour on your just because
you both are licking all the brownie mixture off the cutlery once you're done #traditions
idk it's just such a good time and he loves having that type of fun with you
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
felix is a very accepting and tolerating person
but he dislikes people who are ruthless and insensitive
he has a very sensitive soul to begin with. then, paired with someone who is unnecessarily harsh and doesn't even seem to care they've hurt someone? not a good mix
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
i don't know what to tell you, except for the fact that he looks just so at peace when he sleeps
truly angelic
probably has a very cute, quiet little snore
and will have to cuddle into you because he's just ;-; yeah
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gothcsz · 6 months
𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒇𝒂𝒓𝒆 / Chapter I.
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PAIRING: Javier Peña x Original Female Character
SUMMARY: Javier gets acquainted with his new job and new life in small town, Texas.
RATING:   18+ Mature topics such as sex, drugs, murder, the occult, religion, cannibalism and other triggering matters will be explored in this body of work. Minors DNI.
CHAPTER SPECIFIC TAGS: Mutual pining, talks of homicide, they really wanna fuck each other, beginning of a beautiful slow burn, lots of smoking, southern gothic vibes are strong with this one, if you love worldbuilding then this is the fic for you, mentions of a religious cult, subtle slutshaming.
DISCLAIMER/WARNINGS:   The Javier Peña referenced in this body of work is solely based off of the character that appears in Netflix’s Narcos and not the actual person. Very canon divergent and I will tweak things as I see fit to compliment the narrative of this story. While efforts have been made to be accurate in terms of canon timeline, a lot of details will be fictionalized.
A/N: it’s official, i am now licensed! lol jk jk but hooray to a first chapter! i’ve been working on this thing non stop trying to get the characterization and dynamic and overall voice of the story down pat. i had so much fun writing this tbh and i hope the person reading this enjoyed… well… reading it! i’m still trying to get the hang of writing/posting a whole ass fic while also learning how AO3/Tumblr works so pls be GENTLE with me *cries* i'm not sure what the upload schedule will be yet but just know ya girl is devoting all her free time to this currently.... anyways feel free to drop any type of feedback in my ask. < 3
♰  read on ao3. ♰
♰  playlist | pinterest | series masterlist ♰
Javier Peña doesn’t know if he should see this reassignment as a good thing. He had gotten himself in a pretty hairy situation down in Colombia. His involvement with a death squad and the cartel had him pulled from the biggest case of his career right as they were on the verge of catching Escobar… and only he is to blame for that. He crossed a boundary with himself, gotten innocent people killed and what exactly does he have to show for it?
A reassignment to a small, shitty town in the middle of Texas. 
At least in South America he had a great view to cope with the shitty happenings. The lush mountains of Medellín that stretched for miles and miles, the bustling of the the country’s capitol, Bogotá, or the portrait perfect skyline of Cali. 
Here, it’s just dirt roads with barbed wired fences lining the vast amounts of grassy lands. Occasional livestock litter the area; Seminary’s only lifeline is farming since most of the families that reside here own ranches or crop fields. The town is able to sustain itself with what it produces, therefore not needing many additional businesses. Just a few blocks of shops and civil buildings. No hospital but a doctor’s office with one singular clinician, a grindhouse, some boutiques, a bakery, a very small post office that shares its space with the local newspaper.
Typical spaces you’d find in a settlement like this.
He can’t change his past and all his wrongdoings. Instead, Javier can try and see the fucking silver lining of the situation; that he finally has time to catch his breath… to slow down, for once. The concept is foreign to him. He’s been fleeing from it since he was an adolescent.
A fact that his father, Chucho, had brought up when Javier told the older man of his new job.
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“Seminary? ¿Donde putas es eso? (Where the fuck is that?)”
“Couple hours southwest of El Paso. A smidge on the map.”
“A smidge on the map sounds like exactly what you need, hombre (man).” His pops tells him, taking a swig from his beer as the two lean against the wooden fence that keeps the herd of horses from running amuck.
Javi doesn’t say anything, instead gazing out into the vastness of the family ranch.
“All that craziness down there in Colombia te pudre le mente. El cuerpo. (It rots your mind. Your body.) And I’ll be damned if a heart attack takes you out before me.” The men chuckle briefly, sounding just alike.
“Comes with its own shit. A damn ‘cult’.” Javi scoffs, taking a smooth drag from the cigarette between his lips. “Least that’s what the locals think. Could just be a damn serial killer.” No different from what he’s experienced with the cartel.
“Shit is goin’ to be anywhere you go, hijo (son), pero se me hace a mi (it seems to me) that the shit they got goin’ on in Seminary is much more manageable than la mierda con Escobar (the shit with Escobar).” Just hearing his name has Javier clenching his jaw subconsciously and Chucho takes notice.
“Just an old man’s opinion. Take this time to look within. Figure out the type of man you want to be after being chewed up and spat out of Colombia.” Another swig of beer, “Pero eres tan bruto, nunca me haces caso (but you’re so stubborn, you never listen to me). ”
“In a shocking turn of events, this might be the one time I do.” Javier snuffs out the finished cigarette against the wooden pole, tossing it aside carelessly and crossing his arms against his chest. “But don’t get your hopes up. ”
“As long as you don’t drink the damn kool aid, vaz a estar bien (you’re going to be fine).” The father and son share another laugh, this time much more lighthearted.
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Javi blinks slowly behind the aviators that sit on the bridge of his nose, the bright and grueling Texas sun beaming down on him harshly. Finishing his cigarette, he pushes himself off the hood of his restored Ford pickup truck. He’s been sitting outside of Seminary’s Sheriff’s Department for about ten minutes now, the small building located right in the middle of town very easy to find.
Then again, it wasn’t hard to get lost in a place this small.
It is unimpressive and has the makings of any other small town government building. An American flag flown proudly above Texas’s, the lettering that labeled the building faded due to being unkept and time. 
Javier knows that the dread he feels comes from not being able to sit still. It’s why he found some kind of pleasure working down in Colombia. Things were always moving at a fast pace, albeit he had done a lot of pencil pushing and running down the clock, but the city itself was bustling with life and culture that kept him on go even when he was idle. 
Here, however, the stillness is suffocating and he wonders how the people of Seminary can breathe. 
Is this sentiment what sparked the murders? Had someone finally had enough of the mundane and decided to spruce things up?
His eyes narrow, if he continues to stand out here any longer, the sheriff will begin to wonder if the new guy had bailed before even coming in.
He jogs up the steps that lead up to the main building, taking them two at a time then pushing open the worn, glass door of the entrance; removing his sunglasses and letting them hang from the collar of the cream colored button up shirt he’s wearing. 
He takes in his surroundings and somehow he feels like he and Murphy had more space back at the embassy than what they have here. 
There’s a front desk to the immediate right being tended to by an older woman with fiery red hair that’s got reading glasses on, too engrossed in her novel to notice that he’s stepped in.
Other than that, it's everything one would expect a sheriff’s department to look like. Desks pushed together here and there, singular ceiling fan lazily spinning in the center of the room, a break room tucked to the back, the hallway that led to detaining rooms and other necessary spaces, variety of office supplies and filing cabinets.
It almost looks too normal.
“Need somethin’, dear?” He is returned to himself as the older woman finally takes notice of him with a friendly smile, her eyes not so subtly giving him a once over. “We don’t usually get hunks ‘round here. You must be lost, sugar.”
Javier smirks, even without trying he’s got women smitten.
“Fortunately for you, ma’am, seems like I’m in the right place. Javier Peña, new Deputy Sheriff.” He strolls over to her desk, leaning against it as he reaches his hand out for her to shake. 
She lets out a warm laugh and they shake hands in which Javi notices a soft pink tint of blush on the apples of her cheeks. “Fortunately for me indeed. I’m Lorraine, darlin’, I pretty much run everythin’ ‘round here but don’t you go tellin’ Romeo that.” She winks at him.
“Don’t go tellin’ Romeo what now, Lorraine? That you’re gunnin’ for my job?” A boisterous voice interrupts them and Javier immediately recognizes it to be the sheriff. 
“Oh, I thought that was somethin’ we all already knew?”
“Hate to say it but she’s right. Works circles around me that one. Romeo Leighton. Great to have you here, Javier.” The sheriff now speaks to Javier directly, and he takes this as a sign to straighten his posture and formally introduce himself as well.
The man has a good fifteen years on Javi, standing a few inches taller with a much more worn look to him. He’s a bit skinny yet built, except for the typical beer belly most southern men tend to have. A scruffy and short beard with unruly hair that’s a mix of grays and dark browns.
“Thanks for having me.” The two share a brief handshake, “M’sure you two could handle the town all on your own, so I appreciate you making room for a plus one.” Javier decides to turn on the good ‘ol southern charm and it seems to land as intended as the atmosphere in the room remains friendly and the sheriff chuckles.
“Look at him catchin’ on so quick. We just might not let you go, amigo.” Lorraine playfully rolls her eyes and reaches over to pass the older man a stack of files. “These just came in from Rankin County.”
“You got here just in time. We got some new developments on the murders.” And just like that, the lively talk is over and they get right into the job. 
“Heard there were mentions of a group of some sorts?” Javier brings it up, wanting to get a gauge on the sheriff’s reaction instead of just reading about it through reports.
“Just rumors. Nothing concrete to back it up.”
The two men now find themselves in Romeo’s office, each smoking a cigarette with multiple files sprawled across the wooden desk.
Here’s what they know: three woman murdered along the highway that these towns share all within a year. They sustained multiple stab wounds, yet the fatal insertion was that of a sharp blade going straight through the heart. The men don’t know if that was intentional or accidental due to the amount of times their chests had been punctured.
It is gruesome, to say the least, but nothing that Javier hasn’t seen before, unfortunately. The way the cartel got creative with their murders just to send a message to their rivals had him exposed to many atrocities; he was desensitized to most forms of violence. Yet, the passion behind these crimes and unclear motive has piqued Javi’s interest the more they discussed it. 
“Then again… it could be nothin’. Just a giant, fucked up coincidence.” The sheriff grumbles, clearly frustrated by the lack of information.
“No, I don’t think so. Too similar of a killing method. Any clue what weapon was used?” Javier leans forward in the uncomfortable, leather chair to ash his cigarette and sifting through the papers, trying to find the coroner’s reports for all three victims.
“Some kind of dagger or knife. Thought it might have been a huntin’ knife but all the wounds were clean cut. No serrated edges on the weapon.”
Javi hums, going over the details in his head for the millionth time trying to see the picture that was so clearly painted in front of him.
There was just simply not enough evidence to make anything out of it. On top of that, the assailant hasn’t struck again in months. A good thing for the general public but not for them if they have any intention of bringing justice to the families of the victims and catching whoever was behind these heinous crimes.
Javier also realizes that while these murders were tame to him, they were most certainly not tame to the people around here. Atrocities as these simply didn’t happen in places like Seminary and surrounding areas. Now that they were dealing with the aggressive reality of humanity, it was shaking them to their core.
So much so that the God fearing townsfolk began spreading rumors that the devil had its eye on the town and already infiltrated the progressive minds of the local youth.
“There’s always some truth to rumors, you know.” Javi begins, gray smoke flooding out from his mouth and nostrils as he puffs out from the nicotine stick, “Someone must’ve seen or heard somethin’ to implicate the younger crowd. ”
The sheriff leans back in his chair, using his thumb to rub out the concentrated frown that had etched itself between his brows, “People ‘round here are pretty stuck in their ways, myself included at times, they don’t like the way this new generation is comin’ up. Barely goin’ to church, spendin’ more time at the bar than at work. How sexual music’s gotten. Small shit like that gets people talkin’. It’s annoyin’ but it’s just talk.”
Javier is going to have to polish his interpersonal skills. Something larger could be at play here so he makes a mental note to go out and talk to these people himself to get a better feeling for what the general sentiment is.
Hell, he might even start going back to church. He can’t remember the last time he step foot in one. With what all had transpired further south; he’d lost his faith entirely. There was so much evil and greed in the world, he felt helpless at the realization that even religion became aversive to him. 
“M’sure somethin’ll come up eventually.” Javier decides to be optimistic, struggling to do so but also wanting to turn over a new leaf, “In the meantime we’ll just have to make do with what we got. It’s been a while since the fucker struck so maybe they're done. Got a taste for it and decided they didn’t like it.” He finishes off his cigarette, stubbing it out and leaning back against the chair.
“A fresh set of eyes will really help with that. Appreciate you comin’ here, Peña. Don’t know much about your time down in Colombia but I can imagine it was rough. This is a massive change for you. Goin’ from damn drug traffickers to a coupla girls gettin’ stabbed on the side of a highway.” The older man continues to puff on his cigarette, his statement falling flat and almost in bad taste but Javier doesn’t say anything, instead shrugging. 
“I got a job— M’not complaining’.” That was almost not the case, and a nasty feeling at the pit of his gut stirs at the remembrance of his meeting with the board in D.C. in a few weeks to get his official reprimanding for his ties with Los Pepes. 
Javi is surprised that the Sheriff doesn’t bring up Judy Moncada’s quotes from the Miami Herald. Either he wasn’t informed or he simply did not care.
“That’s the spirit. What do you have goin’ on tonight?” Romeo begins, changing the subject entirely, and Javier can sense an invitation incoming. “‘Cause I’d love to have ya over for dinner. Give you a proper introduction to Seminary. You can meet my daughter, Paloma, too.” The sheriff then picks up one of the framed photos on his desk, turning it over for Javier to see.
A portrait of a stunning young woman sporting a cowboy hat, smiling brightly at the camera.
“Ain’t she a beaut?” He pulls the picture back, asking rhetorically and Javier clears his throat. 
For a moment he contemplates the dinner invitation, part of him wanting to be alone in the comfort of his new space but the other part wanting to just throw himself into this to keep his mind occupied and away from the grueling memories of the lengthy time he’d spent in Colombia.
“Sure, I’ll come by.” He decides. If he thought about it for a second longer, he’d talk himself out of going.
A large, friendly grin spreads on Romeo’s face and he nods, finally finishing off his cigarette. “Alright now, you can stop by ‘round 7.” He moves some of the files aside revealing a notepad and he digs in his shirt pocket to pull out a pen. Scribbling down his address messily onto the blank piece of paper, he tears it off and leans over to hand it to Javier.
“Not that hard to get to.” Javier nods curtly and takes the paper, folding it and stuffing it into his back pocket.
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It’s later in the day, the sun cascading into the distance; its hues of deep oranges and reds softening as the night sky begins to take over.
Paloma sits on the rocking chair that matches her father’s out on the porch. A guitar nestled in her lap and personal booklet resting on the arm of the chair as she strums lightly, building the chorus of her new song out loud. She takes the pencil from behind her ear and jots down something quickly and messily, returning to strumming and humming simultaneously.
“Paloma!” She hears the loud voice of her father practically making the walls shake as he calls out for her from his bedroom that was on the other side of the house. They often opened all the doors and windows to allow the soft breeze to flow throughout their space. 
She groans, stopping her actions as the melody she was on the brink of figuring out leaves her entirely.
“What, daddy?!” She yells back, waiting for his reply which never comes.
He does this all the time.
Cursing quietly, Paloma stands from her comfortable spot, gently leaning her guitar against the wall then walking in to the house.
She finds Romeo exiting his bedroom and walking towards her, bottle of his good scotch in hand with a relieved look on his face. “Couldn’t find the goddamn liquor. Thought you had nabbed it from me.” He pinches her nose as he walks by her, in which she scrunches her face at the action. It's something he’s done since she was a little girl. It can be endearing but most of the time; it was just annoying.
“That’s the good stuff, daddy. I would never.” She follows behind him as they enter the kitchen, “Man must’ve left quite an impression for ya to be bustin’ out the crown jewel.” She watches as he begins to set out the dinnerware for tonight, and that’s when she realizes how late it has gotten.
It’s easy for Paloma to lose herself in her music. She has been able to since she was a child. Her mother had nursed the hobby the moment she saw how truly talented her daughter was. In return, Paloma became skillful in being able to play damn near any instrument put in front of her. And she could sing, too.
“Javier’s got a sharp mind that I can use ‘round here. Thinkin’ I can finally start makin’ some damn progress. That deserves a special drink, don’t ya think? Come help me set the table.” She obliges, thinking her father’s words over.
The murders have been weighing heavily on his shoulders since they began. All the time and effort he’s put in to make the puzzle pieces fit only to come up empty handed. Paloma doesn’t know the specifics of it, just what he rants to her here and there. He doesn’t like to bring his work home.
Romeo has been away a lot since putting his entire focus on the cases. Many nights spent at the office but he at least tries to share one meal with his daughter throughout the week. Paloma understands this, and like always she gives him his space and doesn’t complain about it. 
The only reason she’s stuck around Seminary for so long is for him. He wouldn’t know what to do without her.
“Well I’m glad things are lookin’ up, finally. Can’t wait to meet this sharp thinkin’ Javier.” They finish setting up and Paloma excuses herself to go get changed into something a little more dressy seeing as her father was looking more put together than usual.
He must really be trying to make an impression.
Her room is on the second floor, alongside her childhood playroom and the empty room that contained some miscellaneous items.
Like her mother’s things.
Paloma always has a habit of letting her gaze linger at the closed, white wooden door of the room every time she passes it. In a strange way, she feels like her mother is standing behind that door; just waiting for her to open it and greet her like her daughter wishes she could.
But she hardly ever does, the sorrow feeling in her chest too heavy for her to bear being in there for longer than a few minutes.
She passes it with a quick glance, now entering her bedroom and throwing open her wardrobe doors. It’s a mess, like it usually is, but it’s an organized chaos that only Paloma Leighton could decipher. 
After eyeing some outfits, she decides on a cream toned, linen romper with shorts. It has a deep V cut in the front that tastefully exposed some of the tanned skin between her breasts. However, she puts on a matching lace bralette underneath to soften the risqué of the outfit.
Her hair is the brown of aged mahogany. Long and thick, it falls almost to her waist and she does nothing but brush it out. It naturally falls the way she likes. A beautifully sculpted cross necklace hangs from her neck; it was her mother’s and she’d given it to Paloma shortly before passing. She finishes getting ready by spritzing some of her perfume and applying lip gloss before sauntering down the steps.
She hears the soft sound of her father’s record playing some old school country tune, the song sounding throughout the house and she smiles gently. She crosses the threshold and is out on the porch to gather her things from earlier when she catches the headlights of a vehicle coming down the elongated driveway of the property.
That must be him.
“Daddy, your friend’s here!”
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Javier got a chance to get to get acquainted with the town before his dinner with the sheriff. He wandered around the shops and establishments that littered the main street of Seminary, drove the backroads then up and down the highway a few times to get a feel for how he would approach his new job. 
The conclusion he’s come to is that the town, for the most part, is harmless. But he’s only been here one afternoon so what the hell does he know?
After his exploration, he finally made it to the place he would be calling home until further notice. A dingy yet quaint trailer home located on about two acres of land. It has everything he requires. Furnished neatly and stocked with all the cooking utensils he could ever need but ultimately never use. Javier found himself more comfortable after unpacking the few items he’d brought along with him.
Maybe his father was right. Maybe he can finally slip into some normalcy.
But he’s only been here one afternoon so what the hell does he know?
After a stop at the local bakery, an ‘if you blink you’ll miss it’ type of establishment, and the purchase of some homemade banana pudding; the man is driving up a dirt path to Romeo’s home.
The sheriff lives on an impressive mount of land, his house looking like something plucked straight out of an old southern painting. A large, two story home with a wraparound porch. A typical white picket fence surrounds the immediate area. The landscaping is beautiful, it looks very well tended to and he can hear Chucho’s voice ringing in the back of his head.
“¿Vez? Que te dije (see? what did I tell you)— peaceful.” 
He cuts the engine of his Ford, checking his appearance in the rearview mirror before grabbing the tinfoil container from the passenger’s seat and getting out.
The first thing he sees as he approaches the front door are long, tan legs that lead up to some full and soft looking thighs that instantly have him licking his lips.
And who is this?
“Good evening, ma’am.” His deep voice cuts through the sound of the summer evening, his Texan accent thick. The sounds of toads croaking in the distance and different insects chirping about set a pleasant ambiance for the southern night.
The woman stands alert at the sound of his voice and turns to face him, which causes Javi to damn near lose his breath at the sight of the beauty in front of him.
It is the same woman that Romeo had shown him earlier, except the picture didn’t do her natural beauty any justice. She’s got the most gorgeous features he’s ever seen on a woman, and he’s been around a lot of beautiful women. 
Her lips are pouty and pink, the gloss she’s wearing accentuates their plushness so well. Honey colored brown eyes that even from where he stands can see twinkle with curiosity beneath the soft porch lights. Freckles sprinkle across her nose and the tops of her cheeks complimented by her natural blush. 
“You must be Javier. I’m Paloma, Romeo’s daughter.” She smiles at him in which he can’t help but mirror as she sets down the guitar in her possession and he slowly walks up the porch steps.
Well, this certainly is a pleasant surprise. When Paloma’s father had told her about the new guy that was joining the department, she just pictured some run of the mill, old looking man. One that looked like every other one of his colleagues. 
She most definitely wasn’t expecting such a handsome man like the one that’s in front of her.
“Paloma.” The way her name falls from his lips with a Spanish accent has her stomach erupting in butterflies.
She’s never heard anyone say it like that.
“Beautiful name. Very fitting.” The flirtatious compliment is one she’s heard too many times to count, but hearing it come from him makes it feel like the sweetest thing she’s ever heard. Their close proximity has her catching a whiff of his cologne mixed with.. cigarettes?
Her thighs clench involuntarily.
Javier takes her hand in his as she extends it to greet him. Instead of going in for a handshake, he brings it up to his lips and places a soft kiss against her knuckles. It has her tingling all over; electricity sprouting from the spot where the kiss is planted. She can’t help the way her blush deepens at the action, and she almost wants to slap herself for reacting so easily.
Dating isn't a priority in Paloma’s life. Any man worth having in this town is already taken and the rest are nothing but a waste of time. Just some fun for her to have, hooking up with a handful of them whenever her fingers couldn’t get the job done. 
It is rare when there's an eligible newcomer and even then she is too preoccupied with keeping the family home in shape and her music to even think about dating. She is aware of the way the gossips in town talk about her, disliking that she is a single and childless twenty-six year old woman.
“She should be married by now. At her age I already had three kids.”
“It’s so sad, really.”
“I’ve heard she’s given it up to about half the boys in town.”
They gasp and glance over at her over their shoulders. Paloma pretends she doesn’t see them do this.
Her true love, aside from music, is that of traveling. She wants nothing more than to leave Seminary all together and head west, see what the rest of the world has to offer. Take a chance on her music... make a name for herself.
Unfortunately for her, she’s got some heavy family ties here in Texas (her father) and after the death of her mother— she wouldn’t dare leave him. The guilt would eat her alive.
Was it fair for her to give up her aspirations just to keep one person happy? No… but things aren’t always fair and she has a decent life here in Seminary. She doesn't have to worry about paying any bills or surviving on her own; though she knows she’s more than capable of doing so if she really had to. She only has that job at the library to help pass the time whenever she’s not buried in a book or playing her day away on the piano. Any money she receives is stashed away in an old jewelry box in the back of her closet in case one day she finally decides to leave.
All that to say that romantically, men aren't something she focuses on. However, this man in particular, she could spare some of her attention to. Something about his swagger is attractive. He shifts his weight onto one foot and pokes his hip out slightly; giving her a good view of his built figure.
“Clever and charming. Guess daddy was right about you.” Paloma cocks her head to the side slightly, taking in his appearance better now that he was closer and damn, is he handsome. The type of handsome that you only see on TV. 
He’s clad in a long sleeve, forest colored shirt with a few buttons undone at the top; a gold chain teasing her against his brown skin. He’s rolled the sleeves up on the shirt up to his elbows and she notices how rugged he looks, veins on his forearms flexing ever so slightly. Tight cowboy jeans are paired with some expensive looking brown leather boots and a nice belt to tie it all in together.
Her eyes travel up from his body to his countenance, noticing how truly handsome and mature he is. Like he’s experienced things she’d never come close to imagining. She wants to know it all. The full 70s looking pornstache above his lip somehow very appealing to Paloma, whose ‘type’ up until this moment has been clean cut, military boys.
He is anything but clean cut, and she likes that. 
His lips full, nose very distinguished with a devilish curve and… stable looking. A perfect seat for her to perch herself on. She can practically feel it nudging against her clit before he completely devours her.
A lazy yet cocky lopsided smile tugs at his lips, as if he can see the filthy thoughts in her head. “Already talking me up, I see.” he greets Romeo, whom Paloma hadn’t realized had stepped outside since she was too preoccupied eye fucking the stranger in front of her. 
“Didn’t tell her nothin’ that wasn’t true. What’s that you got there?” The older man gestures to the container.
“I could spot Betty’s homemade banana puddin’ with my eyes closed.” Paloma speaks up, trying to recover from the slight embarrassment she feels for thinking so sinfully about him.
Javier’s onyx colored eyes meet hers again and she looks away almost bashfully, occupying herself by finally gathering her things.
“I couldn’t show up empty handed. Ma woulda slapped me right upside the head. Where are your manners, niño (boy) ?” He does what she would assume is an impression of his mother and this gets a giggle out of her.
She is utterly interested in getting to know him better.
“On behalf of us, you can thank your mother for instilling manners into ya. Come on in, we cleaned for once.” He jokes, ushering his company in and she just rolls her eyes playfully at her father’s antics.
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The night turns out to be very enjoyable for Javi. He is in good company and the dinner provided, cooked by Paloma since she didn’t let her father take credit for any of it, definitely helped soothe over some of the smaller, sore spots left by Colombia. 
They laugh and swap stories, Javier shares some of his more lighthearted moments in the country down south while Paloma and Romeo try to out-embarrass each other with different family tales.
It helps to have some eye candy, though, as he finds it difficult to keep his eyes away from her longer than a few seconds. Even while the sheriff is in direct conversation with him, Javier can see her from his peripheral and how she also can’t seem to peel her gaze from him.
Murphy always gave him a ‘hard time’ about his effect on women and how Javier used it to his advantage. It’s the only way he got shit rollin’ down in Colombia. The only people that approached him willingly were the working ladies that resided in the city.
And who was he to turn down a good, even great time?
Quickly enough, word had spread amongst the girls and next thing he knew; he had a list of ‘informants’ so long that even he began to lose track.
It was simple, getting information from them then taking them back to his place… his car… or the bar restroom. Whatever was most convenient.
Most of the time they would come to him with bullshit leads just to see him again, and most of the time he would just give them what they wanted, which was just another blissful night with Agent Peña.
Something about Paloma, however, gives him the impression that he wouldn’t fuck her how he did those girls down south. Not unless she asked… begged him to, at least.
He’d make sure to kiss every inch of her golden skin, make her feel good and satisfied before burying himself deep inside her. What’d he do to see those pretty lips parted with his name falling from them like a prayer.
“You should sing him somethin’. ”
Romeo’s suggestion has Javier raising his brows and snapping him out of his thoughts.
They’ve moved out onto the porch, taking in the peacefulness of the night and the clear view of all stars the littered the unobscured sky. The banana pudding long gone.
“I am not some show pony you can just make do tricks whenever you like, old man.” She retorts playfully from her spot on the top of the porch steps, meddling with the rings on her fingers.
From this angle, Javier is able to get a better look at those thighs he’s been fantasizing about all night. Is it a terrible move to go after your quote un quote ‘bosses’ daughter after just meeting her? Probably, but Javi’s done worse and he’s picked up that she seems to be very keen to his subtle advances. Or not subtle, depending on how well he is able to hide any type of direct flirtation with his natural charisma.
“You shy to?” Javi asks her, lighting the cigarette that rests between his lips. He is a pro at chain smoking, this making it the fourth one he’s smoked in the last hour that they’ve been out here. 
She snorts, shaking her head and looking over at him. When their gazes meet, he can’t help the shadow of a smirk hover his lips and she slightly narrows her eyes at him.
“That one? Shy? The last damn word I’d use to describe her.” Romeo takes a swig from the scotch he’s poured, pointing at his daughter. “Sometimes I can’t get her to shut up.”
“Wow, and father of the year goes to…” She replies sarcastically, standing which allows Javier to let his eyes linger over her body, taking a long drag from the cigarette to keep his perverted thoughts at bay.
Like how he wanted to feel her thighs wrapped around his waist. Or better, his head.
“I’m just teasin’. She’s got such an angelic voice, I never get tired of hearin’ her sing.” The sincerity in Romeo’s tone pulls Javier out of his ogling, attention now over to the older man. 
“You should come see her at The Whiskey Fox weekend nights. Puts on one hell of a show.” She leans back against the railing, crossing one foot over the other. This causes the shorts of her romper to rise up slightly, exposing more of her skin.
Like a moth to a flame, he’s eyeing her once more but doesn’t make it as obvious. He wouldn't want to be chased out of here by a shotgun wielding, overprotective father.
“Is The Whiskey Fox the spot to go to in town?” Javier asks to no one in particular, ashing his cigarette on the small plate that sits on the small table between him and the sheriff.
“More like the only spot in town. It’s a bar with a stage, n’they have the best loaded fries. Swear.” She informs him, once again commanding his undivided attention.
No matter how many times he looks at her, he’s still taken aback by how breathtakingly beautiful she is.
“Well if you swear then I guess I’ll have to stop by some time.” He nods his head towards her and she smiles softly, pushing herself off the railing.
“Just give me a heads up when you decide to make your first appearance.” He hears a hint of flirtatiousness in her statement, as if she’s rolling the ball in his court to make the first move. 
As badly as he wants to take her up on that, thinking on a whim like he always has; Javier stops from doing so. This was a chance for him to start anew, amend for all the mistakes he made in Colombia.
But she’s making it very difficult for him to.
Did he really have any intention of changing if all it takes to throw caution in the wind is one pretty girl?
“As much as I’d love to stay in the pleasure of y’alls company….” She runs her hands down the front of her outfit and begins to head inside, “I have to be up early to open the library. You still takin’ me, daddy?” She asks the sheriff softly, stopping by the front door and Javier looks away, glancing out into the distance.
The older man grumbles out, “Yeah. We gotta get that car of yours up and runnin’ though. Don’t know how many free rides I got left in me.” The statement piques Javier’s interest and he can’t help but to rejoin the conversation.
“Got car problems?” He looks between them two, gaze lingering over her as she speaks up. 
“Yeah, my Darla quit on me ‘bout a month ago. Mechanic in town can’t seem to fix the problem.” Paloma seems annoyed by that fact and that has him offering to help before his own brain can stop him from doing so.
“I restored my truck. Had some help from my pops but I pretty much got her up and runnin’ all by myself.” Javier takes another puff of his cigarette, keeping a small smirk at bay as he catches Paloma’s attention drift over to his vehicle in interest. “I wouldn’t mind takin’ a look at yours. If that’s okay. ”
Her father also lets out a sign of content, “That’d be fuckin’ great, Javi. Godsend this guy, poppin’ into town and helpin’ me solve all my goddamn problems. What’s it been— not even a day? Shiiit.” Romeo lets out a laugh, finishing off the contents in his short glass.
Javier would usually find this amount of praise annoying–– ass kissing to keep him content in the shitty position he’s been put it in. However, in this instance, he doesn’t really mind it. It would also give him an opportunity to get to know Paloma better without it crossing over into more nefarious territory.
“Yeah, very sweet of you. I’d really appreciate that.” Yet another glimpse of her enchanting smile. She bends down to place a kiss on her father’s cheek and then waves at him. “Good night y’all. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Peña.” Even though Javi had already told her to call him by his first name earlier, he can’t help but enjoy the way his surname pushes past her lips. That sweet voice of hers sounding like pure honey.
“Pleasure’s all mine, Miss Leighton.”
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phxntomhives · 5 months
Welcome to my sideblog
That has most likely become my main one. But idk how to change main and second one. So yeah. So if you see @phxntomhives-98 it's still me. I just don't know why sometimes I can't switch accounts and sometimes I can.
I will try to keep this blog mostly related to Kuroshitsuji and twst but who knows what I will like next. From memes (mostly repost because I am not that funny) to theories you can find anything here.
I am not spoiler free BUT I try my best to protect the new fans and hide things under the cut. Unfortunately, I am human, so you may run into spoilers, I am truly sorry.
I am 25, she/her pronouns, INTP. I would love to get to know more people in the fandoms I am in, but eeeh my social skills are lacking. So feel free to hit my dms, I don't bite I promise. I am trying to make more moots/mutuals pls
Here most thing you can find me posting about/comments etc (under the cut because it became long ops)
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Sebaciel shippers do not interact. I will just block and move on. If you see me liking one post tagged like that it's because I am stupid and I don't always read the tags, pls let me know and I will fix the problem.
Now that the important part is over: I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW SEASON AAH. The Weston College arc is my favourite so I am very happy and it feels so nice to see my children here :3
I am up to date with the manga as well, so if you need to cry with someone, I am here. Sobbing.
My fave is Ciel, and Lizzie slander shall not be tolerated (half joking, you are free to dislike her but I am ready to fight at any time to defend her).
A couple of things you may want to check? If you are bored???
New manga chapter comments under: #Phxntomhives Kuro manga yapping
"The Parade of Battlers" song analysis
Finny grew up (chapter 211 spoilers)
Short analysis of the GFantasy May cover
The unlucky fate of the P4
Silly theory of the cricket's ending dance
Edgar sure is very much unlucky when it comes to life decision...
About Lizzie's anger (reblog theory)
Chapter 209 crack theory (to welcome denial)
Short analysis of Bluewer talking to Ciel during the Midnight party (from a reblog)
Short analysis of Undertaker's GFantasy cover
P4 headcanons
My kuro AU, kuro AU pt 2
Gregory scream headcanons (kind of angst)
Pandora Hearts
Very new to the fandom and I understood like half of it. Anyway it's beautiful and you all should read it! Come cry with me!
Here some fresh thoughts after I read the last chapter
Headcanon to hurt my soul
Vanitas no carte/The case study of Vanitas
Up to date with both anime and manga! And not so patiently waiting for each update. I miss them, I hope for a new chapter soon.
Twisted Wonderland (JP SERVER)
Up to date with main story and eons behind with the events ops. No I do not know japanese, tho I am trying to learn, but I started the game when that was the only version avaiable and I will not start again on eng server sorry. (Technically I have started but I had no more space on my phone and one had to go)
If you are curious about what I think about the story check #phxntomhives twst yapping (because I plan to type a lot and refuse to keep updating this list it's supposed to be pretty after all)
Events are canon. Part 2: wish upon a star.
Silver gets a title copium.
Tokyo Aliens
Parallels between Tokyo Aliens and Negai no Astro
Spoiler/Analysis from scans: chapter 41, chapter 42, chapter 43, chapter 44, chapter 45, chapter 46, chapter 47, chapter 48, chapter 49, chapter 50 (After I added these I basically took over the tags plsssss)
Dr stone
It's appearing more on my feed so I had the feeling I had to add this lol. I love it dearly, I finished the manga and I need to catch up with the anime. I am extremely worried about the rumored (?) new volume that is coming ngl
Negai no Astro
Damn, I am hooked.
Parallels between Tokyo Aliens and Negai no Astro
Aaand honestly many more, feel free to ask! If it helps, here is my not updated because it takes forever MyAnimeList! But I probably missed many of them so really, just come and ask.
I may drop some suggestions to read too sometimes, here they are
Suggestions for you <3
Why you should read Merry Marbling
If you like Negai no Astro or Tokyo Aliens PLEASE CHECK THE OTHER SERIE MENTIONED.
8 notes · View notes
peachanonie · 1 year
hi hi!
just making this quick post for anyone who wants to know more abt this blog :3
u can call me peach :) twenty-something
she/they pronouns <3 queer
feel free to call me any nicknames or pet names if we’re moots EXCEPT pookie (i fucking HATE that shit so much i am begging u)
first and foremost: this is a mainly nsfw blog so MINORS DNI!! if you’re an ageless blog or a minor i will immediately block you!
this is primarily a space for me to reblog stuff and occasionally post hard thoughts (mainly nct + txt but sometimes other groups as well!)
i am by no means a writer but my asks are always open if you’d like to send in hard/soft thoughts (or anything really) + feel free to send nsfw links as well!!!
things i’m uncomfy with: genderbent!idol (cross-dressing and feminization are fine tho), incest, scat play, idol x idol (threesomes are totally okay tho), hybrids, abusive!idol or reader, anything involving substance abuse or sh, high school au, age play, angst (a tiny bit for the sake of the story is okay but i just hate reading angst lol)
things i’m on the fence abt: (feel free to send asks/talk abt these, if they make me uncomfy i’ll say so or ignore!): non-con (this one is like 90% of the time a hard no but some instances are okay, it really just depends on how hardcore it is), step-cest, large age gaps, daddy kink
things i LOVE talking/reading abt: mommy kink, nipple play (f and m receiving), chubby!reader, body hair, stoner!reader or idol, squirting, lube, pussy pumps, oral (f and m receiving), body worship, praise, mutual pining…
also wanted to add that if you’re a writer and anything i post on here inspires u, PLS feel free to write a fic/drabble/more thoughts on it!! + tag me cus i would absolutely love to see it :)
anyway that’s it :p bye~
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nanitasheart · 9 months
welcome to my blog... u can call me nana or nanita :-)
no sideblogs we die like men (not any yall need to know about anyway...) so i post mostly whatever the hell i want on here but i'm sort of on hiatus on this account
apart from fandoms i like to write and draw a lot so good chances are you'll probably either be here because of that or see more while you're here. joyous day
my dms and asks are always open it makes me very happy when people send me asks and things..! i like to interact with u guys PLEASE please send me 1000 things 1000 things forever plese
pls note this blog is kind of a mess because i can never stick to one theme and i literally tag things however i feel like it on a given day but im trying to have some consistency </3
some other stuff about me: i like mitski. a lot. ive listened to every song mitski has ever had any involvement or influence over trust me. my time zone is gmt also. i like vintage stuff a lot i LOVE frank sinatra and mel tormé and i have a turntable. i'm unwell over the jersey boy fanfic. i'm unwell over my own fanfics too. im the bejeweled guy i fucking love bejeweled. i write my own stuff too (<- + fallen london stuff)
i have an ao3 account which is where i write ... if u want to ask me anything about my fics pls feel free :-) my tags: my (finished) art / doodles / my writing / my rambles / meta posts / friends / asks / favs / art inspiration
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byuteablanc · 6 months
Requesting or Asking with Percie / Tea !
FYI, you can also just ask me questions in general! I love to talk about characters, my writing process, fandom things, and over all fun junk!
What media can you request for?
(purple represents what I’m currently interested in, still feel free to request anything different than what’s purple!)
> Avatar and the Last Airbender
> Blue Period
> Carmen Sandiego (2019)
> Inside Job
> Lego Monkie Kid
> Miraculous Ladybug
> Nimona
> Rick and Morty
> Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
> Steven Universe
> Super Mario Bros (2023 Movie)
> She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
> The Legend of Korra
> Transformers (Bumblebee movies, G1, TF Prime, Rescue Bots)
> Trolls (All Media, except the show)
> Undertale (Original and AUs)
> Villainos
> Voltron
> Young Justice (2012)
Media may be added or deleted over time**
What can you request?
That one Alphabet thing, I’ve seen it and I forgot what it’s called
Drabbles (100 - 350 words)
Short Oneshots (400 - 1000)
Long Oneshots (1500 - 2000)
I will not go higher than that! If you want something super extensive, you’re gonna have to pay me. I have commissions open for those who might be interested! Click here to see my info on commissioning me!
What are my boundaries?
For general asks
> I feel like this is pretty obvious but I’m gonna add it anyways! Please don’t ask me about anything personal like: age, where I live, what I look like, or anything else like that. With AI coming to fruition, I want info (especially about what I look like) kept tight to my person.
> Know that if you ask for my opinion on something, I might not be very nice about it. Big examples: ships, tropes, etc. I don’t try to be mean, and I will add tone tags, but I won’t lie either
For writing requests
> I’m a minor, so no sexual things please.
> I’m an anti-shipper, so if you request something that’s proship esque (ex. minors in borderline sexual situations, incest pairings, etc) that’s an immediate denial
> I’m allowed to deny a request even if it’s not something that expressly goes against anything explicitly listed.
> Be specific with your requests! If I don’t understand the gist, I’ll respond asking you to elaborate. Over explaining what is always better than under explaining.
> Do not ask me to do your request! Respectfully, I have a process and it demotivates me when I feel pressured to deliver. (But ofc, after like a month and I still haven’t answered your text, pls shoot me another one!)
> I’m perfectly ok with criticism of my writing! It helps me grow and I always love hearing how I can improve! Just know the difference between constructive, helpful criticism and slander. (If you’re ever confused on your tone when criticizing me, feel free to use tone tags!)
Boundaries may be added over time**
If you ever need to find my posts…
Search up “percie responds to inquiries” for general asks
And “tea writes requests” for my writing requests!
If you ever see something I incorrectly tagged, please leave me a comment! I tend to forget.. ^^’
Thank you for looking at this and happy requesting / asking ! <3
I accidentally added a poll on mobile and it’s not letting me delete it :((
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Genuine question: why does disagreeing (without being all ‘u r wrong’, but simply just saying ‘cool! Here is my take on this’) with how others see a character get you immediately labled a ‘transphobe’? Or just labled as anything really. Like. Fandom space is for having fun, fandom space is a place of many different & wonderful headcanons & new ways of seeing things! Yet ‘headcanon’ is still not ‘canon’, and can be disagreed with. Hell, you can very well disagree with some of the stuff canon does! It doesn’t make it less canon of course, it just makes your experience with it more palatable to you.
So when a person says ‘here is my blorbo! I imagine him as trans and like viewing related content!’ and you say ‘awesome take, i bet there are a lot of interesting things you can do with this if you explore this more! I personally like thinking of this character & looking at content of him as biologically male, as described in canon!’ shouldn’t the answer be ‘wow! Two cakes! So cool!’ instead of ‘u r just a bigoted transphobe, the only right way to see him is as [insert specific gender identity] or literally as anything BUT what u see him as, because canon mentioned these select things that pertain to said character taking on masculine and feminine traits specifically from a narrative standpoint’ ??
I’m seriously just so lost. Just because someone doesn’t like seeing a certain character a certain way, (without disrespecting other interpretations,) it suddenly catapults them into being an awful person??? huh??
Of course it also works the other way, and with many other things, which is just as weird, which is exactly the point of my question here.. bros, the world... 💔 (m so sorry this is so long ong. i tend to ramble. pls don't answer if u don't have the time, have a good one <3)
oh man this is. first of all i'm not sure if this is in reference to some specific post or tag or if it's just because i've been very opinionated recently. but i do love to talk, so you're in luck.
also i'm not. sure if this is bait? i'm going to answer under the assumption that it isn't because it's. honestly a pretty good summary of a very real issue not with fandom exclusively but more so the internet as a whole. if anyone else has gotten this exact ask copy-pasted in their askbox let me know in the replies. (sorry if this is 100% genuine op, there's just a Lot Of Bait on this topic going around at all times forever and it's. june. so.)
objective disclaimer: don't. insult or accuse people of things. because of the art they make?? especially not fanwork for free for fun??? have you seen the state of the world right now? Now Is Not The Time To Be Arguing About Trans Headcanons. i'm answering this because i have a lot of thoughts on the nature of fandom, not because i think knee-jerk anger at anyone is helpful right now. if you're big mad, write to your senators or donate to the trevor project.
basically: it's twitter's fault. [not just twitter, but twitter is The example of this] the algorithms of most websites, especially social media websites, prioritize arguments and things that are generally clickbaity because if you're spending a lot of time arguing, you have your eyeballs pointed at the site for longer and therefore you see more ads and therefore the advertisers and therefore the app makes more money. therefore the kinds of "you're disagreeing me therefore you must be bigoted against my opinions" kind of kneejerk discourse gets a lot of clicks and very mainstreamed. this is an issue the entire internet has, and also politics. it's twitter's fault. i hate it here.
in the specific circumstance you're describing. it's a few things, a lot of it being. gestures at the current state of the world. there's a lot of genuine anger towards genuine injustice boiling inside of a lot of people, and it's getting thrown at the nearest target because systematic change is difficult and slow, and sometimes it feels good to give someone a hard time for a tiny microcosm of something you're angry about because you can't wrestle god or throw a brick at a politician.
a lot of us in fandom are queer and scared. it doesn't justify hurting other queer people over different interpretations of a media property, but that is often why it happens. can't stop current events? yell at someone you feel is putting art in the world that Isn't Queer Enough (don't fucking do that, yall. there is room in the world for a lot of art. and just because it's not Visibly Queer or Queer In The Way You Are doesn't make it less valid as art. certainly don't accuse people of bigotries about it.) or that they feel like their space is being encroached upon by an outsider (no one has to tell you their list of marginalized identities to have their art allowed past the threshold of Queer Enough! don't fucking do that either, yall! you sound like cops!)
there's also the fact that people tend to put themselves in their art and interpretations. so seeing "i don't view this character this way" can feel like "i don't think You are valid". it's important to recognize when you're taking something Personally when it Isn't Personal. you're allowed to have your Big Feelings about particular art or interpretations. god knows i do! but the artist probably has Big Feelings about their art too, and while you may not understand them, that should be respected.
and this "seeing yourself (or not seeing yourself and it hurts) in art" goes both ways. a lot of the same body types often gets headcanoned as trans, because it's a very easy in for Baby's First Trans Headcanon, and as far as human sexual dimorphism goes, there are some patterns. but, say, what if a skinny, short, baby-faced cis man wants to see art of babyfaced cis men, without feeling within the queer community the kind of scrutiny he experiences outside of it, the assumption that his masculinity must be different, that obviously someone who looks like that is a trans man. what if a six foot tall cis woman sees the way that big, tall women in media are so often headcanoned as trans, more often than shorter, thinner women, and feels othered by it? wanting to represent themselves in art does not become somehow less valid because of their gender identities. that's ludicrous.
but people are angry and scared, and people put themselves in their art, and people get angry when they feel like their space is being encroached on, and they lash out. it's not fair, and i hate how common it's become, but i see how it happened.
honestly, i've thought about this specific issue a lot, so thank you for possibly-baiting me, anon. this is such a. it's such a bubble issue, but it's a microcosm of a very widespread problem of outrage merchants and Doing Things Correctly and What Is Allowed To Be Queer.
it's all allowed. all of it. even the stuff you hate. even the stuff that's Too CisHet. there are so many bigger problems than fanwork right now.
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notetaeker · 2 years
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After doing a ramadan challenge for 2 years so far and benefitting immensely from it, I thought I would post some questions this year! Everyone is welcome to join! Please also let me know if u have any suggestions / notice any mistakes ;_; this is my first time hosting a challenge
Just wanted to thank the anon who asked me abt this, and also @tranquilstudy and @caramelcuppaccino. Your challenges really were my main inspiration when I decided to do a challenge ~ thank uuuu and to @nuuralshams who gave me a lot of ideas for questions and was v excited abt it 💕
Reblog this post to let me know you're in! (and to have as reference)
Pls use the tag '#RamadanChallenge2023'
I will be rb-ing every post I see in there (unless it's spam bots)
You can do a question per day or batch them together if you like
You can also do some questions out of order if you want (like answering the surah kahf question on a friday)
Feel free to skip any question or just post abt how ur ramadan went that day / what you ate for iftar / anything tbh
You are also welcome to start late (or early! If you want to use some of the questions as a countdown to Ramadan!)
I also included some Ramadan Prep questions + Eid post if you'd like! ( Very optional...)
I will be starting the challenge when I personally start Ramadan but if Ramadan starts a day earlier for you- you can just start then!
I added a bonus day in case Ramadan is 30 days lol but you can skip it if you want if Ramadan is only 29 days
I will try my best to queue your posts but knowing me I might just mass-reblog 🤡
Anyway Allahumma Balighna Ramadan!!! / Ramadan Mubarak !!!! (based on when you're reading this)
Let me know! If you want to be tagged / reminded when we start!
Prep day 1: One thing you're looking forward to the most this Ramadan Prep day 2: Do you plan on completing the Qur'an and if so, what's your plan? Are you going to start before Ramadan? Prep day 3: List one thing that would help future you get the most out of this Ramadan, and go do it now! (if possible)
Day 1: What are your goals this Ramadan? Possible suggestions: 1 habit to build, 1 habit to break, and one accomplishment you hope to gain!
Day 2: Are you working/going to school during this month? What about in previous years? How does it affect your ramadan? How do you balance the two?
Day 3: What type of worship comes the easiest to you?
Day 4: Ramadan is the month of the qur'an. What is an ayah from the Qur'an that has changed your view of things or impacted you deeply?
Day 5: Share a memory of Ramadan from your childhood or when you first embraced Islam
Day 6: What are some Ramadan traditions you have, and what are some that you'd like to pass on to others?
Day 7: Best iftar item?
Day 8: What is a suhoor necessity to get you through the day?
Day 9: Share a hadith with us that you read today!
Day 10: First 10 days end today! Do you usually pray taraweeh? If you do then is it at home or at the masjid?
Day 11: How was Ramadan during the covid era? Has everything gone back to normal where you are? Anything you miss from back then?
Day 12: Most challenging thing about Ramadan and how do you try to overcome it?
Day 13: Have you ever completed the qur'an? Ever? What abt during Ramadan?
Day 14: Which story from surah kahf hits you hardest?
Day 15: Do you follow any Ramadan lecture series online? Any that you recommend?
Day 16: Best time to read qur'an during Ramadan? What about outside of Ramadan?
Day 17: What does your ideal Ramadan day look like? What about your Ramadan routine this year?
Day 18: the second 10 days is almost over! Have you ever experienced Ramadan burnout? Any tips to overcoming it?
Day 19: Who are you spending Ramadan with? Family? Roommates? Alone? What is 1 good thing about that arrangement?
Day 20: Have you ever done i'tikaf or qiyamul-layl in previous Ramadans? Are you doing any this time?
Day 21: Any feel-good dua acceptance stories to share? It could be your own story, a friend's, or even from a sheikh that you heard
Day 22: What is something you always miss about Ramadan when it's over? / What do you think you might miss this year?
Day 23: Are you making dua for anything specific? (Any dua you want us to make for you?)
Day 24: Share an Eid memory that sticks out to you! What kind of Eid traditions do you have?
Day 25: Who is a sahaba (companion of the prophet ﷺ) that you feel inspired by? Can you share the story that inspires you?
Day 26: Mention your favorite story about the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, or which of his qualities you look up to the most
Day 27: Your Laylatul-Qadr worship routine! Dhikr? Dua? Salah? Tell us!
Day 28: Think over the last month and the Ramadan that you've spent. Is there something you wish you had spent more time on? There's still 1-2 days left! What's your plan?
Day 29: Ramadan is our honorable yearly guest who is now preparing to leave 💔 What are 3 gifts Ramadan is leaving for you as a parting gift until we meet it again (inshallah) next year. It could be habits
Day 30 / BONUS DAY: If you were given an extra day to live, what would you do on that day?
EID: Eid Mubarak! Post a 3x3 or a 3x2 photoset of your eid celebrations! (Optional)
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happycemicalcells · 1 year
Introductory post!!
Hello! Names's Cemical.
I use any pronouns, tbh i probably wont be too active unless i have something to post about. I just now started using this account just to post/share random thoughts and or realizations about Omori, but i would most likely post about other stuff too!
If you couldn't tell I am going through that Omori brain rot HARD, i rlly love Omori. I'm also proud to say that i am a Dragoon and Pomudachi o7, some other things that i love is Adventure Time and its spin offs, He-man and the Masters of the Universe, Mitski, Gwitch, Popee the Performer, and Arcane.
I draw btw! I have difficulties drawing humans, my strong points in art are animals and backgrounds! Basically anything that doesn't involve humans LMAO. I don't do commissions and i honestly do see myself opening commissions pretty soon. Almost forgot but I mainly do traditional art, I do occasionally do digital art tho!
(Keep reading pls 🙏)
Things about me >:3
i am a minor. yes, i make suggestive jokes, and yes, i don't mind hearing them. However! i will not do any sort of explicitly nsfw content.
The one thing i love the most is OMORIIIIII EHHEJHEjEl. I love Omori a normal amount/j I especially love sunburn (THEY'RE SO CUTE I CANT) ANyways if you love Omori too pls be my mutual, i wanna talk to ppl who love Omori like i do!!
Another thing I'm heavily interested in is He-man and the Masters of the Universe! So the same thing i said about Omori applies here, probably even more so since it is an old tv show AJHBdj(MOOTS PLS)
I mainly text on discord so if you want to chat on there DM on here so i can give you my discord username!
im very bad at spelling (my name is literally chemical spelled wrong LMAO) 👍
Like i said earlier, i am a proud Pomudachi and Dragoon o7, the amount of love I have for Selen and Pomu is insane-
If you are: A proshipper, homophobic, racist, transphobic, ableist, xenophobic, or just anything like that, i don't like that shit.
My tags...?
I'm new to using Tumblr if that wasn't obvious but i do know that this should help organize things so lets gooo!
Cemical Doodles - Just for my art, not just for doodles 😼
Neuro Wavelengths - for if ppl ask me questions!
Cemical thoughts - For random things that i think about, honestly it might just be filled with Omori related things 💀
Please feel free to ask questions! Preferably something related to my interests or maybe just wanting to learn more about me, but i wouldn't mind random questions ONLY if they're appropriate.
I also wouldn't mind if you request me to draw/doodle smth just don't expect me to do it. 😼👍
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naitosutan · 1 year
(I didn't know how to respond to your tags on your reblog so I thought I would just send you an ask-)
I'm glad you thought I had some good concepts, I'm terrible at explaining things so it's nice to know that some people understood what I was getting at. And your tsum tsum steek drawing lives rent free in my head, it is so fricking cute. I love tsum tsums!! And I was glad I could influence your love of Steek, kvasgi's art of Steek was one of the first pieces of art for that ship that I saw which was part of the reason why I got into the ship too! And your sister's art is super cute as well, I love it all so much, especially her AU!
Since I'm here, I'd like to ask you, who are your favorite characters and what are your favorite ships?
Thanks again for the sweet response, have a great day!! ❤️❤️
@/steeklover AHH I’M SO SORRY I FOOLISHLY SAVED YOUR ASK AS A DRAFT ON MOBILE AND TUMBLR ATE IT 😭 Luckily, I had part of my response written already and I’ll try to reply as best I can to what I remember of your ask!
Did you know I’m a fool and inept at anything technology ._. I found the ask; somehow I saved the ask in my drafts completely separate from my response ahskkgj
Pls forgive me for the repost, I wanted to keep the original ask attached 🙇🏻‍♀️
I think you explained yourself pretty well! Legit, I always love reading your thoughts on Steek and seeing the ideas you have for them, whether it be your mood boards or playlists, I enjoy your ideas! You are THE Steek shipper to me so I really value your perspective on them and keep some of your posts in mind whenever I try to portray them!
Tsums are definitely a long standing obsession of mine lol Evie says thanks for the praise as well! Her AU means a lot for the three of us ✨
(Long post so favs and ships under the cut haha)
To answer your questions, I’d say Tweek is my favorite from the show, but Stan had definitely settled into also being a major fav of mine! When I was first watching it, I went into season six a bit bitter about Tweek taking Kenny’s spot but… he’s just a little dude :3 Simpsons Already Did It is one of my top favorite episodes lol Stan was a surprising favorite but I guess following him and his friends around the most, I really liked the way he was characterized and the struggles he deals with? I also love Kenny content 🥺🧡 Anything and everything for Kenny lol
Anyways, here are some of my top favorite ships!! As you can probably tell, my sisters and I have a lot of overlap in the ships we like, and tend to influence each other a lot lol I’m a multi-shipper who generally likes a ton of ships and also really enjoy crackships and rare pairs cuz of the untapped potential of interactions that could happen! I also enjoy polys but for simplicity I’ll put just pairings here! I had tried organizing them in a tier list but… it ended up as a ranking list anyways so…
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Stenny - I actually surprised Kim a lot when I first brought up that I liked her old flame lol My first and my fav ship, there’s something about them that makes me extremely happy and I can’t quite explain it. It probably has to do with their personalities and interactions, but I can’t really articulate it into words haha I also love all the fan created content of them! They’re lovely and adorable 💖
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K2 - The OTP of my sisters means a lot of amazing fics recommended to me that makes it hard to not love lol I’m not picky about how the dynamic is portrayed, I’m always down for these two together! They baby 🥹
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Steek - <333 SO much love for these two! Like I had said you were definitely a big reason for it. Plus why NOT ship your favorite characters together? They both have a tendency towards destructive patterns that I think the other could relate to, especially with seeking validation on their feelings? I think potential interactions between these two are severely under explored so I’m always searching for more Steek content!
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Revin - OKAY. This one was definitely a ship I shipped from the show before looking at the fan content lol Constantly seeing them together in the background just reminded me of playground crushes, and their moments were small but cute. AND THEN WHEN THEY BROKE UP I WAS DEVASTATED. CONFIRMATION THEY WERE DATING AT THE COST OF THEIR BREAK UP AND NEVER SEEING THEM TOGETHER AGAIN 😭 We’ve also headcanoned their personalities quite a bit and so I like to think of them both being a bit airheaded? Kevin constantly thinking about his sci-fi and Red seemingly not pay attention to things around her? Kevin calling their fruits sandwiches and Red just going along with it was also funny even if it’s just an animation error lol ALSO KEVIN BEING SO SAD AT THE BAY OF MEMORIAL PIGS DANCE AS RED DANCED WITH TOLKIEN I CAN’T 😭 I love little background details the most when it comes to characters, I think.
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Crenny - Again, Kim was a big influence in me liking Kenny ships, also Crenny has some of the most beautiful and heartfelt works I’ve ever seen and read? I think things would be pretty easy with these two and they’ve had some good moments together!
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Cryle - I know people say they don’t interact much but when has that ever stopped me lol They’re both stubborn in different ways, Craig more passive and Kyle more confrontational, I think? Like, I really liked the scene in Fishsticks where they’re both advising Jimmy. They were basically indirectly arguing against each other and I think that’s such an interesting and fun dynamic lololol There’s enough there for me to enjoy them together!
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Creek - Just LOOK at them lol. I do admit I like them a lot in the show but don’t seek them out in fanworks but they’re great <3
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Stendy - I HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT THEM TOO. Like Stendy is complicated but they’re also elementary school kids, of course they’re not gonna know how to relationship properly. But they’re still so messy?? And it’s just on their personalities mannn. I think Stan very much takes his friends for granted sometimes and especially his girlfriend. And Wendy isn’t a part of his friend group enough to really be comfortable discussing their faults? Like obviously he’s done some things and she has as well but things are always resolved offscreen or brushed aside so we never really see how they get over it. Basically they’re cute when he’s pining or when they’re domestically together and supportive but when they’re just not paying attention to each other they’re difficult lol
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Stolkien - Another ship from the show, I think their interactions are always so fun, especially in the later seasons 🥺💕
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Staig - I love rivals lol I think fandom plays up their hatred for each other a lot but Scauses really convinced me that they do notice each other lol That and Craig likes stirring the pot a lot XD
It feels like I’m missing so many characters and ships but I had to limit myself! Ten is enough haha (shout out to all the ships I do ship but didn’t make it to this list 😔) I tried to keep this short lol
I hope your days have been great as well!! Thank you so much for the ask!! 💖
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meimeimeirin · 1 year
my gift for you is just a silly little thing, hehe! and you deserve it for all the hard work you put into your blog even when you're busy/tired :( <3 seriously, i need to catch up on all your recent works because i really have fun when i go crazy in the tags on my reading blog 🤭
but most importantly... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🥳 happy birthday to you, happy birthday to rin jie, happy birthday to you~ ♪ (what am i doing. /lh anyway ignore my attempt at singing the national birthday song for you in your inbox—)
thanks for being one of the best people on this site for me, rin jie! i love seeing you interact with your followers / friends even if i'm not the one talking to you and i keep telling myself to just shove down the embarrassment and go drop by your inbox every single time 😭 but but but hopefully, i'll be able to do that a lot more often in the future! (>_<) i really missed talking to you even if it's about silly things like what i did today or some stupid achievements i got on genshin hdjskdkks ANYWAY YES, I HOPE TODAY WILL BE A SPECIAL ONE!! go easy on yourself today and relax, rin jie~ manifesting that your parents will give you many, many headpats as you deserve today! mwah mwah <3
- lia ʕ⁠ ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ
IT'S NOT SILLY AND I ALREADY KNOW I WILL LOVE IT!!!! pls you're too kind <3 and and and hsdlfjksdjfl i will be waiting to see you screaming in the tags hehehee
AND THANK YOU!!!! you're too sweet *squishes you* /aff the attempt was received and will be treasured bc that is the most endearing thing sobsob you're too precious lia i swear to gods if ayato or wanderer ever hurts you imma go ballistic grrr grrr bork
pleaseee you're always always always welcome in my inbox!!! i love talking to all my friends and you're definitely one of them <3 i know school and assignments are making you busy so you don't have to feel pressured or anything but feel free to crash into the teahouse ANYTIME okay??? even for silly little things like 'i saw a cute bird today' or 'i tried a new boba flavor today'!!! i love hearing about my friends' days <3
i shall have a good birthday and fully relax today and tomorrow yes yes thank you sweetie!!! i hope you'll be having a good rest of the week and remember to drink water, eat your meals, and take regular breaks!!! <3
0 notes
zgvlt · 2 years
Hello again, this is the same anon from here
Honestly any fanfic would do, a series or one shot that seems to have really good writing. I've been trying to look for well written one shots for awhile on tumblr. My friend on here actually introduced me to your blog, they speak very highly of you. But other than your blog I did find people who write in detail but they're from another fandom sadly:(
A questio, do you know the self aware twisted wonderland AU? It's a very interesting AU. You should see the one shots made for the AU although they don't write in detail as much but their ideas for said AU is very interesting, nowadays most of the things being posted about the AU is all about writing letters to your favorite characters instead of one shots so that's why I was hoping you could give me a few recommendations:)
ohhhh i think i understand better now yes. and yes, i know about the self-aware AU! it was popular in the mysmes fandom too haha, it's a fun au for any game. i think a couple of writers have done their take on it so i don't really know who you're referring to or who did it first haha
regardless i guess i'll recommend fics (and honestly? just writers) i personally enjoy, and you can see if they're to your taste as well! or you can scroll through their masterlists yourself! and also this is my opportunity to talk about my talented mutuals oopsies
sorry for the tags pls forgive me hehe 🤗
i already talked about this in a post a few months ago, but i love anything written by @traumxrei-archive !! one of trau's leona fics titled "the shape of one's heart" is an easy new favorite of mine, i love character studies so much and screams and falls into a pit. and speaking of series! trau has a mini series based on fairy gala, fittingly named "the fairy gala collection"... and then and then just... trau's fics <3 heart eyes only!!
these are short but intimate... which makes sense because "fondness found amongst fleeting intimacy" [part 1 w/ idia, vil, mal, crewel] [part 2 w/ savanaclaw boys] by @twsthearts i just think about them every so often, the title itself enraptured me and i was just compelled to read and i had no regrets knox if u see this i adore ur writing sm i always feel like i'm reading one of my poetry books or the diaries of novelists excerpts from your works feel like they belong on a book, and then a pinterest girlie will be so in love they'll scan it and post it on their board
@twstedstoryshop hi okay so i'm going to admit i haven't finished shopkeep's full catalogue yet but i'm going to say "convenient marriage" (deuce historical AU) is probably my favorite bc i just... historical AUs, but i also enjoy "funny thing called fate" (azul soulmate AU) because i'm predictable and I think soulmate AUs are the best!!
@kaiijo ying...!!! such charming writing...! "magnetic" (azul frenemies to lovers) might be to your taste! although i am a simple human and the love triangle [part 1] [part 2] ones are my favorites dreamy sighing
i haven't actually read any of these yet (bc i want to binge all of them in one day oops) but since you mentioned series of one shots i thought of "the who does the prefect like" collab bc some of my (again, talented!) mutuals are participating in it i think it's worth checking out!
these are all i can think of right now off the top of my head that you might enjoy but if i think of more i'll reblog this!
anyway to whoever else is reading this feel free to recommend me some fics as well because i have not been reading a lot of fanfic lately hjsjsjsd i haven't had the time to finish my mutuals masterlists cries +++
i would love to follow more people ahhhh give me your recs &lt;3
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suguruverse · 4 years
hi!! i really loved your "being best friends with the inarizaki trio" and i was wondering if you could do a "being best friends with tanaka and nishinoya". thank you!!!!
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includes - nishinoya yuu and tanaka ryuunosuke
a/n - hi bub!! i’m so happy you liked my post about being bsfs w the inarizaki trio pls enjoy <33
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google search bar: ‘define loud and annoying”
- a pic of your guys showed up <3
- jesus christ these boys are so protective over you it’s crazy
- 2 hype men for the price of 1
- sneaking out and getting food with them at 2am
- tutoring them so they can go to training camps
- YALL BITE EACH OTHER SO MUCH its basically yalls love language
- they literally start complaining if you don’t go to their games
- they always fight over who’s spare jersey you should wear
- one time you got a jersey that had ‘9′ on it because it was their numbers but added together but they misunderstood and thought you were supporting kageyama
- kageyama was so confused why his upperclassmen where glaring at him whenever he entered a room
- tanaka and noya forced kageyama to buy them meat buns after practice
- poor bby was so lost but he still did it anyways
- they think you look hot when you’re mad
- so. many. petnames.
- like at this point they don’t ever call you by your real name
- feeling insecure? sad? lonely? yeah not on their watch
- be prepared for cuddles, snacks and hugs galore
- if you’re crying they do 2 things:
1. threatens whoever or whatever made you cry no matter what is
2. hold you so tightly and declare their undying love for you and maybe a lil forehead kisses
- scares you as much as they can because they love your reactions
- they take up 80% of your free time because they insist that you can’t handle being without them
- one time you cancelled on them to hang out with saeko for a girl’s day and 20 minutes into your shopping trip you saw them running straight towards you
- you tried to run away but you were outnumbered </3
- always sharing snacks at the back of the classroom
- they always tell you to stay away from other boys because they’re gross and don’t deserve you
- but if you do get a boyfriend, 9 times out of time, they would hate him
- to them, you’re their soulmate, bestfriend and everything in between
- and this musty boy thinks he’s good enough for you? no <3
- they’re the type of people to give backhanded compliments 
- but they never take it too far because this is still the person you chose and they SOMETIMES respect that
- but if a miracle happens and they do actually like your partner then prepared to be teased 24/7 (as if you don’t already get teased)
- also for some reason if they ever post chaotic groups pics of you guys and they tag you? it’s not even in you, it’s on their buttcheek
- ceos of platonic flirting and i love yous
- at the end of the day, they are the most loyal, loving and supportive best friends you’ll ever have
- pls their comments on your ig posts *chefs kiss*
- its always them hyping you up
your comment section:
okay best friend, get it i guess
marry me??
please step on me i would do anything
for any of the boys in this comment section. go choke they’re mine 😋
did you take my hoodie?
choke me
lol sit on my face
gc name: soulmate shit *insert lip bite emoji* anyways this is a convo before a party
noya; hey hotties
tanaka; i just took a massive dump and i think i just lost 10 kilos
noya; what’s it like being a fucking idiot NOW WHERES MY BABY 😩🥰
tanaka; i thought i was your baby
noya; no ❤️
noya; babe
noya; my dear
noya; my love
noya; honey
noya; cupcake
noya; my sweet pea
noya; schnookums
tanaka; sweetheart please just answer
you; i have arisen from the dead
tanaka; lol same what are y’all wearing send pics
*the three of you guys send pics*
you; TWINS
noya; TWINS
tanaka; TWINS
noya; babe
you; yesss
tanaka; she’s even wearing the necklace we got for their bday 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
you; you guys like or should i change??
tanaka; pump ya brakes do not change you’ll be doing everyone a favour by blessing them with your looks 😌😌
noya; bubs pls don’t. we get free drinks when you dress sexy 😾
you; i gotchu
tanaka; glad doing business with you 🤝
noya; we on our way now angel
you; okay see you soon bubba 🥰
noya; okay see you
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