#anyways please do not call me insane i swear this is normal behavior
accirax · 8 months
Soooooo... remember when I said I was rewatching DRDT?
Well, here's the result of that! As I did, I made a Danganronpa: Despair Time Episode Guide, full of links to specific, labeled parts of each episode to make it easier to rewatch and reference. The document should be available to all, so hopefully it'll come in handy for anyone who's interested in theory writing. Since it's taken me a bit review the story, I've already been using the guide to put together some of my theories over the past couple of months, and man has it saved me some time.
As I say in my opening blurb on the document itself, if you notice that anything is wrong or unclear, feel free to let me know! You can use the comments on this post to point stuff out as well.
I hope that you find this useful! (the cost of admission is putting up with my terrible scene title jokes)
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andyling · 2 years
Okay now that I got my Tango rambling out of the way IT’S TIME FOR A BUNCH OF OTHER PEOPLE
Jimmy Solidarity (aka the man sending team rancher fans into a collective breakdown, it’s me I'm team rancher fans)
stealth mission IMMEDIATELY failed
Tango congratulating Jimmy on killing him (even though it was Joel) Team Ranchers is still alive guys I swear, NO ANGST HERE IT’S FINE GUYS
Love how Joel is being attacked and Grian is nowhere to be found because he’s too busy hunting down Impulse
jimmy shouting tango’s name and literally jumping towards him as he places tnt counts as a rancher moment 
either he’s stupid or he was confident tango wouldn’t blow him up, it’s probably the former but hey I choose how I interpret this chaos
mans was literally just :O
“what I'm realizing right is that everyone is thirsty” did ya have to phrase it like that??? I can hear the out of context compilations clipping this
Jimmy sounding so shocked that Tango was fighting Martyn as if he didn’t just spend several minutes fending him off from killing Joel
oh uh, the flower husbands are fighting
damn flower husbands enjoyers must be in absolute misery
love how Jimmy is not even trying to find Tango he’s just there watching this chaos unfold
“guys he’s not gonna respond” Jimmy you underestimate how dumb your rancher is, there is a reason I call both of you wet cats
the way jimmy hunches over closer to his mic when he’s whispering is so funny, he’s trying to hide irl 
ah yes, “the bad boys bread bridge bakery in the sky” my beloved
hey now Jimmy has been trying to protect Joel for half the session don’t kick him out, I mean he failed but at least he was trying
ending the session with robbery, how wonderful
“looking tasty” aaaaand that’ going into the out of context compilation
Grian seems to be extra manic this episode, I'm blaming that on the fact that he missed a session
the entire “definitely” bit is so stupid but I find it so funny
“normally this is last episode behavior” I mean last session was last episode behavior too I think this season has just made everyone crazy
oh my god the yellow hoard is even funnier from their perspective
the pufferfish plays are insane goddamn
“How about we just kill him for fun now?” SCAR NO
tango just has a 6th sense for wardens now
awwwwww grian’s sharing in order to help skizz (pity totem is still totem)
someone is gonna trap those ender-porters I just know it
the mean gills chatting on their little island resort really contrasts how badly the rest of this session is gonna go
Bdubs running to Etho for protection is hilarious in every POV
the bread bois and team ties have a fast travel to each other . . . we’ll see how that works out (please become allies please please please)
Martyn didn’t even realize Tango was still trying to kill him lmao
poor scar stood in the wrong place at the wrong time
Etho trying desperately to get people to leave Tango and Impulse alone
god Martyn is just having an awful time trying to stay alive this session
bruh Martyn really teasing us all with actual lore 
So uh, yeah that session was bonkers SEE Y’ALL NEXT WEEK
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youryanderedaddy · 4 years
Hello, dear 💛 firstly, I am congratulating you for your blog, you’re doing an amazing stuff and I’d very delighted to support ya’ 💕 so here’s mine; what about a hitman/assassin yandere who is very infamous in underworld for his reputation finally finding his darling, what would be his first encounter and the after? A little bit smutty maybe? It’s up to you, 🌹
Aww, thank you so much for the support and for the idea. I hope that you will like how it turned out. It isn’t as filthy as I wish it was, but oh well, there is always a next time lol
 Title: Stone cold 
 Tw: female reader, obssessive behavior, non-con, dub-con, veery slight knife play, slight dirty talk 
   You should have known that something was up the very moment someone knocked on your door on a Friday night – it was unusual. Especially when you take into an account the weird accidents that had been happening the last three months. People in the neighborhood went missing one by one, some of your personal items like clothes, lipsticks and even toothbrushes were stolen and you always felt a pair of eyes burning a hole through your back. But still, you didn’t want to freak yourself out and tried to stay positive, reasonable. If someone wanted to take you out, they would have already done it, right?
 While mentally encouraging yourself, you slowly got closer to the black door. By now the knocking had stopped, but you could hear the soft breathing of your visitor outside of the apartment. In a way you really wanted to stop for a second and rationalize why this unknown person was breathing so damn loud, but decided against it – what good would it do anyways? With that in mind you finally reached out to unlock the door and slowly opened it to reveal a man, covered from head to toes in black. The darkness of the corridor had swallowed  all of his recognizable features and you could only make out his eyes, while his mouth and nose were hidden away by a ski mask. And if this wasn’t alarming enough, the bulge in his right pocket looked suspiciously close to the shape of a gun.
“Caught you.” The intruder hummed, looking more than pleased with himself, and his eyes sparkled with a wild emotion you didn’t know the name of. Your body was paralyzed at the sight of the weapon and you were starting to regret moving into such a dangerous area where no trace of a police involvement could be found. Not that you would have the time to call them anyways since the next moment the man had managed to push you  to the floor with a loud „boom”, pinning your body down with his own. You finally gained the courage to scream your heart out, but your terrified cries were quickly muffled by the gloved hand, covering your mouth.
 “You scream one more time and I will drill a fucking hole into your pretty little head.” The man whispered into your ear in a dark, eerie voice. “Right here.” He gently touched your forehead in a clear warning. You broke out into a cold sweat, but remained motionless, immobile. “Do you understand me?” The hitman asked huskily and pressed his elbow into your shrinking stomach. You nodded quickly, your heart now racing so fact you could almost feel the abrupt beats against your skin. You had made a grave mistake opening the door, but it was too late now.
 “Good.” The stranger smirked like a wolf, ready to tear apart the innocent lifeless lamb in front of him. He finally raised his hand away from your mouth. As if to prove your darkest fears and theories, the man suddenly took a sharp shiny knife out of his left pocket and slowly ran it trough your exposed collarbone. He only let the very end touch your skin but its coldness, combined with the adrenaline rushing into your veins, were enough to send you over the edge with fear. “Don’t panic. I have already decided to keep you for myself, so as long as you behave, I have no reason to hurt you. ” The man finally uttered after watching you squirm helplessly for a while, the stupid teasing smile never leaving his lips. He took off his mask and dropped the knife on the ground, just a few inches away from your carotid artery, and fiddled with the first button of your thin shirt. This mere action of his made shivers run down your spine and you couldn’t help, but shut your eyes tight, just for a moment, just to put yourself together.
 “Why are you doing this?” You whimpered, cringing at the way your voice broke into a sob right at the end. You never thought that you would be violated on the cold, hard floor by an unhinged psychopath, but fate always finds a way to screw with us, they say.
 “Do you know who I am, princess?” The man asked with a smug, arrogant expression on his face. You shook your head in response. In an alternative universe you might have thought that the intruder was quite handsome – broad shoulders, dark green eyes, a well defined jaw line and a strong muscular body. But in the current situation the only word you could use to describe the dangerous fellow was insane. He had shamelessly attacked you in your own home, your supposed safe heaven, and showed no remorse whatsoever. “You might not know me, but I know you.” The man continued. “I used to work with your father. ” His gaze was now fixed on you. “I doubt that daddy dearest has ever shared with you what he does for a living, but tell you, it isn’t pretty.” The trespasser lowered his head to bite at the soft skin of your neck, making the hairs on your neck bristle due to the unexpected contact with his teeth and because of that you couldn’t even register the hurtful words he was spitting about your father. You didn’t want to believe him anyways. “But he made a mistake.” The man added, still licking your sensitive skin. “The bastard messed with the wrong people. Stole money from my boss too. Lots and lots of it.”
 “T-that can’t be true.” You moaned in discomfort against your better judgment and tried to kick at his joints out of impulse. But of course, he quickly grabbed your leg before any damage was done and pinned it back to the floor.
 “Oh, but it is, princess. And that’s where I come into the picture.” The man purred contentedly, his attention on you once again. “I am quite infamous in the underworld, ya see. ” He stopped to make air quotes with his fingers. “ My name is Edgar, I am an assassin. I would kill anyone and everyone for the right price. ” For a second the murderer stared at intensely. You could swear that his eyes turned red in a spar of moments and in them you saw a mixture of bloodlust and a desire for flesh. “So when  they asked me to hunt you down in order to mess with your dad, I obviously agreed. It started off as a way to make an easy buck, but the more I followed you around and collected private information, the more I postponed killing you.” The man sighed, seemingly frustrated with himself. “At first I thought that I wanted to plan out your disposal well ahead of time and that’s why I was wasting so much time, but soon enough I realized I was interested in you.” He smiled softly this time as if he was recalling a pleasant memory, involving you. “You were so sweet, so… normal. I wanted you.”  The assassin admitted at last and took a deep breath. His little confession had made you vivid, frantic with worry, and suddenly you were a living, breathing creature again. You scratched at the back of his neck and summoned all of your strength left to get your hand out of his grasp. You tried to punch him right in the face, but your attempts were fruitless as he easily overpowered you. Before you could strike again the ruthless killer picked up his knife from next to you and put the blade under your chin. His eyes sparkled with childlike excitement.
 “There is no point in fighting me. Everyone already thinks you’re dead, I made sure of it.” The man moved the edge down, stopping at your cleavage. He licked his lips suggestively and the alarms in your mind went crazy all over again. “Your life belongs to me – your body and your heart too. I will take you right here and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” Edgar laughed cruelly as he cut the fabric of your blouse, revealing your chest, hidden by your plain bra. With one swift move the string holding it together was ripped apart and your upper body was fully exposed to the hungry eyes of the stranger. He cupped your breasts with his palms and massaged them gently, twisting your erect nipples lightly with his fingers. You wanted to numb the unfortunately pleasurable feeling but it wasn’t going away as the intruder kept on teasing the swollen tips.
 “S-stop!” You protested, shaking your shoulders violently. Everything was starting to feel too real and you couldn’t let the savage man take away from you something so intimate and personal. In the end he paid no mind to your continuous struggles and selfishly did as he wished.  Soon enough his hand traveled down your thighs, to your crotch. Edgar slid his wrist beside the elastic waistband of your panties and wasted no time, starting to rub the sweet spot between your legs. You held back a moan, as the embarrassment washed over you.
 “Don’t hold your voice back, princess.” The assassin growled in your ear, pressing harder on your sensitive bud. You couldn’t help, but cry out due to the intense pleasure you were receiving. “Yeah, just like that, let me hear you.” The man kept fingering you, while you arched your back, and eventually you felt yourself getting damp down there. The killer chuckled, satisfied with your cute reaction and the way you were squirming around his forefinger.
 “You act like you hate all of this, but your pussy is so wet, baby.” He suddenly drew his fingers in and out of your entrance, making a lewd pop of splashing juices just to get his point across. “You might turn out to be a little slut after all, huh.” Edgar whispered in your ear and licked the trace of salty tears down your scarlet cheeks. Your face felt red and hot, your eyes were still shut tight. The way his touch made you feel was so invasive, yet ecstatic none the less
 After the man had stretched you properly, he was ready to claim his prize. The assassin had spent so much time stalking you, following you, desiring you and now he finally had you in his arms, exposed and split open for him alone. Moving down to leave wet kisses and love bites along your shoulders and collarbone, the intruder lowered himself onto your tight, sloppy hole and you felt his hard erect member rubbing onto your tight entrance. A new powerful wave of hot, choking tears fell down your cheeks as you shook your head violently.
 “Please, I am begging you, don’t do it!” You whimpered, defeated and light-headed from the fear, arousal and adrenaline, pumping in your veins. Edgar ignored your pathetic pleas and instead decided to shut you up by gently pressing his lips against yours, moaning into his little seal of love. He pushed his big throbbing cock into your heat ruthlessly, unable to wait any longer, simply using your wetness as a lube. The murderer started thrusting into you in a steady, harsh rhythm, without giving you the time to adjust to his inhuman length. In just a few minutes your mind had stopped worked and you were reduced to a mumbling mess of tiny moans and mewls.
 “S-shit, you feel so good, princess. So fucking tight.” The man exclaimed, breathing heavily and quickly moving his hips back and forth along the way. One particular move of his send you very close to the edge and your walls clenched down on his dick, which didn’t go unnoticed. “Did I hit your sweet spot?” The man smirked, running a hand trough his sweaty dark hair. The other one went straight to your nipples, twisting and rolling them once again. You couldn’t stop yourself from crying out in unwanted, but intense pleasure. “Wanna cum, baby?” Edgar teased, as he touched every part of you  – your breasts, your belly and your soft thighs. “Wanna squirt all over my cock?” The criminal kept taunting you, driving you crazy little by little. “Do it. Cum for me, princess.” Soon enough your sensitive, over stimulated body convulsed as the powerful hot orgasm washed over you. You felt dizzy, tired and lost. Unfortunately, the crazed man wasn’t finished yet – he kept thrusting and thrusting, until he finally released into your very core.
 Once his breathing calmed down, the intruder pecked your cheek tenderly, pulling you in his lap. It went better than he had imagined it would.
 “You did so well, princess. So good for me.” Edgar stroked your hair lightly, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. But you couldn’t make half of his words as exhaustion and shame overtook your tired mind, the voice in your head screaming louder than the man’s love affirmations. But maybe it was better that way – anything else would be too painful after everything that had happened. “You are mine now.” The killer spoke after a while, before hugging you even tighter. Soon enough you would realize there wasn’t an easy way out of his warm, deathly embrace.
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anonniemousefics · 4 years
My Dearest Inej | Chapter Nine
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Chapter Masterlist
Originally posted on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up
Synopsis: A series of letters kept among the personal belongings of Captain Inej Ghafa.
Chapter Nine: Temporary Arrangements 
My dearest Inej,  
I think I’ve stared at the window for the last hour, at the spot where you said you’re in love with me. This can’t be normal behavior, and I should probably be more concerned. Tell me you’re as distracted as I am.  
I think I like kissing, but thorough reconnaissance ought to be conducted before we make any real conclusions. At least a hundred similar nights ought to do it, don’t you think? We should really know this thing inside and out – a sentence that I did not intend as a double entendre and now I immediately regret writing it. I would ordinarily be throwing this out and starting again. But you said you wanted it all, not just the sides of me that are acceptable and amusing. So, here we are and now you know. I’m only human and sometimes I write regrettable things in black ink.
Are you’re enjoying how flummoxed you’ve left me? Because I’ve reached truly unprecedented levels of flummox. I’ve done hardly anything this week. I’ve spent a fair amount of time moving some stocks and shares around, and given the high return on investment I’m gaining back from that, I should probably be spending more of my time pencil-pushing anyway.  
Gods, I’m boring myself. I’d rather be kissing you again. I’d rather be kissing you than doing just about anything else.
Will you still be amenable to kissing me again if the aftermath of our first kiss turns me into a simple moon-faced, pencil-pushing mercher? Inquiring minds need to know.
It’s mine, full disclosure. It’s my inquiring mind. Tell me when I’ll be able to kiss you next. Come home and flummox me again.  
With a disgusting and mortifying amount of affection,
I’m yours,
My most perplexing Inej,
This letter of yours, Inej, was a bit of a ride. It starts out so well, and then… Why wouldn’t you just tell me about the teeth grinding while you were here, if it was that bad? I could have done something, and then you might have slept better. Now what am I expected to do? I can’t very well experiment with solutions on my own, now can I?  
I don’t know how to answer any of your questions. Am I meant to read these as concern or condescension? I suppose I still have teeth because it’s not actually as bad as you’re hyperbolizing. I don’t know why my jaw doesn’t hurt. Or maybe it does. Maybe you’ve never met me – something literally always hurts. You live with pain long enough, and it gets difficult to discern after awhile.
Damnit, Inej. This is going to bother me.
I’m not ready to be angry. It’s too nice being flummoxed. I propose a change in subject.
Jesper and Wylan have done something dumb. There have been a string of break-ins in their neighborhood, which I could easily have taken care of for them, but instead Wylan’s gone and decided they need a dog. Which is beyond me – he lives with the best marksman I’ve ever known. A dog isn’t going to improve their situation. And certainly not the dog they’ve picked out.  
I think it’s supposed to be some kind of hound someday, but it’s barely weaned from its mother. They’ve named it Ambroos, and the name is bigger than the dog itself. It can fit in the middle of a single kitchen tile. It’s not going to protect them from anything except respectability. I’ve been told it’s already peed on every surface in the house and howls at least four times a night.  
Inej, it is so useless and stupid and fucking delightful. It will actually trip over its own ears when it runs to greet you at the door. It sleeps with this hot water bottle that’s nearly twice its size. I find myself visiting it almost every lunch hour. I hate myself. You have to come see it.
All of this goes to say, you have two equally grim options for sleeping arrangements when you return next month. You get to choose between my teeth grinding or Ambroos’ whining and house breaking. You’re really excited to visit now, aren’t you?  
Inej, most charming treasure of my heart,  
Miscommunications happen. We’ll call it water under the bridge. Incidentally, once I stopped grumbling, I did visit a medik for some recommendations. Wouldn’t it be something if maybe my jaw had been hurting this whole time, and I wake up one morning and find myself less loathe to face the day? Maybe you’re about to change my life again.
The medik gave me some muscle relaxer that might help with the way stress manifests at night. You are going to be so entertained with how I’m about to test this out.
I’m staying at Jesper and Wylan’s this weekend. We’re all sleeping in the parlor and taking turns trying to get Ambroos to do his business outside instead of on the rug. They’ll let me know how this muscle relaxer works.  
Remember this moment if you find yourself doubting the depths of my love for you, Inej. Think of me standing outside alone in the cold, dark night with the tiniest, dumbest dog in Kerch, all in the hopes that you will sleep comfortably in my bed next month.  
Fine – if we’re being completely honest, the dog listens to me, for some inexplicable reason. Jesper and Wylan begged for my help, and we made an arrangement. But the depths of my love thing is still true.
Our strong and stalwart Inej,  
We send our deepest regrets, but we have to do it. We tried for three nights, but now we’re lying to Kaz and telling him the muscle relaxer works. He can’t stay here again; it’s too awful. The only thing it does is make him sleep like the dead, and then he was absolutely no help with Ambroos at all. So, we’re sending him home and it’s up to you now. Our hands are too full with house breaking for this particular nonsense, too.  
Good luck and godspeed, old friend. That is a truly abhorrent sound you’ve discovered.
Our hats are off to you.  
With deepest respect and sympathy,
Jesper and Wylan
My dearest Inej,
Well, the arrangement failed. Jesper and Wylan obviously cannot withstand the dreaded teeth grinding. They’ve just lied to my face and sent me back to The Slat.  
I wish I’d known I was capable of torturing with so little effort. The things I could have been doing with all that extra free time. I’d probably have far fewer scars on my knuckles.
Never fear, my love. I am not so easily deterred. I think I’ll pay a visit to a Fabrikator this week. Maybe I just need to have my jaw wired shut.
This evening took an interesting twist while I was in the middle of writing this letter to you. Someone knocked on the front door of The Slat. No one ever knocks. And then some events transpired, and now there’s a kid asleep in my bathtub. Don’t worry – he won’t try to kill me in my sleep tonight. I’ve locked him in. (Calm down – there’s a toilet, there’s water. What else could a person need?)
There was a kid who tried to mug me on the street one evening a couple months back. I think I told you about it, if you ever got that letter. He had made his own shiv. He was incredibly stupid. I did what I had to do and left him with my card. He had the looks of a good spy, but far too much foolhardy self-assuredness. The Barrel needed to break him a bit more. The Barrel always does.  
It’s been cold here this week, and raining. It’s been raining for days. And it seems the kid got desperate enough.  
He came knocking tonight, and Pim brought him up. Probably twelve or thirteen by the looks of him, though he’s on the smaller side. I don’t think he’s been eating well. He’s Kaelish and homely as hell, with the red hair and freckles and a giant gap in his teeth. He said his name’s Arthur Galligan. He said he goes by Artie, and he wants to join the Dregs.
For the record, I didn’t want to. I’d much rather leave him on the streets and pay him for information. We have no room here in The Slat. Recruitment has been at all-time high. And Artie’s got that mean, unpredictable spark in his beady eyes still and a smart mouth to go with it. He does not have the air of someone easy to rein in. I fully expect him to try to stab me again.  
I don’t know what it is I like about him.  
And it’s too cold and wet for anyone to be sleeping outside. We gave him some dry clothes and the only available place in The Slat to sleep: my bathtub. I’ve moved the bed in front of the door so he can’t get out and slit my throat in the night when my teeth grinding inevitably pushes him to the brink of insanity.  
I am as dumb as Jesper and Wylan, aren’t I? Damnit.  
If I’m found dead in the morning, let this letter serve as evidence of the perpetrator’s identity and motives. Avenge me, Inej.
Yours until my untimely demise,
P.S. – I just had this blinding image of the face you’re making while you’re reading this. I will find another room to lock this kid in while you’re here, I swear it. There will not be some Kaelish mugger in my bathtub while you’re in my bed. This is a temporary arrangement. Just so we’re clear.
Kaz -
Please tell me you let Artie out of your bathroom. Did you ask him anything at all about how he got to Ketterdam? About where his parents are? Is he being fed?? I’ll be there in a week – do not kill this kid before then.
And, for Saint’s sake, stop locking him up alone in rooms in The Slat. Sankta Alina, Kaz. I would stab you, too.
With love and exasperation,
P.S. – I’m bringing earplugs. Don’t you dare let a Fabrikator anywhere near your mouth. I only just started kissing you. I am not letting you ruin it now with a bunch of wires.
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noonaficcorner · 5 years
Rose-Colored Boy | Part One
Paring: Mark Tuan | Reader
Genre/Rating: Friends to Lovers |  Fluff, Smut (later on), Slight Angst
Warning: Language
Summary: What happens when you get to meet one of your online friends in real life? Will the friendship hold up when you realize that everything is not as simple in the game? When the computer screens aren’t in the way, hopefully your walls don’t come between you and something great. 
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
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A/N: This is my first kpop fic so please be kind. I couldn’t get the urge out of my head to write, so here is part 1. I don’t know how many parts this is going to be, but enjoy!
“I swear to god, if you don’t get this asshole off my six I’m going to die and make sure I’m reincarnated as the worst ingrown nail on your big toe! Kill him!” Your voice carried so loud, you were sure that your neighbors assumed someone was really committing a murder. It wasn’t that you were normally a violent person, but the way that the game caused you to lose all sense of your surroundings and common sense, possession was the only semi-logical explanation for that kind of behavior. Your fingers started to ache from the intense banging on the keyboard and quick back and forth of the mouse beneath your palm, but you couldn’t stop. The rest of your team was in your ear, yelling out curses for help, and you were right there with them.
“Sinderella, reload! Reload!” FlyingRooster93 screamed in your ear, but it was too late. Just as you were taking his advice, a headshot took you out of the game.
“Fuck!” Your head fell to the desk and you wanted to beat something up or wallow, but a ding from the computer brought you back. It was a request for a private chat. Not really wanting to talk to anyone, you saw it was FlyingRooster93 and a small smile touched your lips before accepting.
FlyingRooster93: Sorry for telling you too late >_<
Sinderella: It’s okay. I should have gotten off hours ago. I start my new shift at work tomorrow.
FlyingRooster93: That’s right! Washing the asses of old people or something.
Sinderella: Not exactly, dumbass. I’m moving to the day shift and it happens to be on the elderly floor.
FlyingRooster93: Does that mean you’re not going to washing some old dude’s balls?
Sinderella: You just wish someone would wash your balls.
FlyingRooster93: You’re right, I do. I’m exhausted, too much effort. And you still didn’t say no, so I’ll take that as a yes lol.
Sinderella: Whatever! What are you still doing on anyway, didn’t you say you were going on some big trip or something in the morning.
FlyingRooster93: Crap… you’re right. It’s been so long since I’ve been on, I lost track. Thanks, Sin.
Sinderella: No worries. It will be another 83 long years before I see you again anyway.
FlyingRooster93: Dramatic much? Want me to draw you like a French girl, so you could then leave me to die in some ocean?
Sinderella: Maybe, but I need a sugar daddy to give me a big diamond first. Gotta pay for your funeral somehow.
FlyingRooster93: Should have known you only cared about wallet size.
Sinderella: Fuck yeah I do! Have to pay these student loans off somehow. But for real, will I see you sometime this decade or wait forever and a year again?
FlyingRooster93: Or I could text you as you hit on the grandpas….
Sinderella: …
FlyingRooster93: What? Want to hit on the grandmas instead?
Sinderella: In order for me to text, I would need your number or am I doing this telepathically?
FlyingRooster93: If you did, that would fucking awesome for one, but yeah, I mean, we’ve been on the same squad for 2 years now and we talk all the time. This is what friends do, right?
Sinderella: Friends…
FlyingRooster93: Are we mortal enemies or something? Sin, it’s no big deal. Here, 116-201-4947. I gotta go pack. Text me, okay? Don’t be freaked.
Sinderella: So bossy. Fine. You text me first. 868-112-2586.
Sinderella signs out.
The last thing you expected was to exchange numbers with someone you’ve been gaming with for the last 2 years. You didn’t know each other’s names, just handles, but for some reason, this made you nervous and excited. You both knew certain aspects of each other’s lives. Like age and the base of your professions, but that was it. You knew he was a “he” because his voice was one of the only ones you could pick out while playing. You didn’t want to admit, but it was a really nice one and somehow eased your game rage. But texting? What did that mean? Was this going to lead to phone calls? Video chatting? You turned around and looked into your mirror to see your makeup-less face and messy bun. Shuddering at the thought, you left your desk and jumped into your bed. Just then, your phone flashed with an incoming text. Why was your heart about to punch through your chest cavity? Calm the fuck down, it was probably just spam. Holding the phone face down in your palm, you slowly turned it over.
116-201-4947: Are you going to save me as FlyingRooster93 or should I give you my name as well?
Asshole. You laughed and your fingers flew across the screen.
Sin: I mean, a name would be nice, but I could also save it as pushy bird.
Mark: I am not pushy. But, it’s Mark. Should I keep calling you Sin?
Sin: I mean you can. But, it’s y/n. Mark… I was expecting something more manly.
Mark: It’s very manly. Anyway, go to bed, you have to catch a rich grandpa in a few hours. Night, y/n.
Sin: And you have to… go away for a million years. Night, bossy Mark.
Mark: ;-)
Tossing your phone to the side, a smile was on your lips as you laid back down. Your online friend was becoming less abstract and more real and it didn’t feel so bad. Even though you joked, you really hoped he didn’t ghost you like usual now that a window had opened between the two of you.
What you didn’t expect was for that window to stay wide open. Mark would text you almost every day. It wasn’t fully deep conversations. He would send you the occasional joke or something that crossed his mind. You would reply with a meme or snarky comeback. Your gif wars were insane, but made you laugh on days that were really rough either with work or at home.
There were things that were still a mystery. The fear of having voice or facetime was never tested because all you both did was text, but some truths were told. The 93 in his username was for his birth year. All the traveling he seemed to do was for work, even though he never said exactly what his job was. You found out that he had 3 siblings, but he was living away from his family due to work. He lived with his friends and he loved meat. Both of you talked about your favorite BBQ spots and some even overlapped. You found yourselves arguing when it came to which bubble tea places were the best. You even divulged some things about yourself. Like how you just moved out from home and living alone for the first time. How you really enjoyed becoming a nurse and hoped to move up in the hospital. Little facts were exchanged and you found the awkwardness melted away. It was nice to know more about a guy beyond how quick he was on the reload. Weeks turned into months, and before you knew it, two months had passed. However, when your phone rang one night, the shock at Mark’s name across the screen had you stuck.
“Hello?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as a whisper even though you were alone, but the surprise at the call itself had you on edge.
“Is that how you always answer the phone? As if you just did something wrong?” His laugh came in deep and hearty. You could tell he was smiling even if you didn’t know what that smile looked like.
“Well, when strange men call me after midnight, I’m not sure if I should answer.”
“Yeah, about that. Sorry. I just needed to talk and my hands were too heavy to type.”
“Likely excuse. Told you to stop rubbing it out so often, you’ll get weak bones and go blind.” Laying back against your pillows, comfort easing in as you listened to his laugh again.
“If I go blind, you have to take care of me before I get a dog.”
“Are you saying I’m dog-ish?! Wait, what’s that noise?” You heard some muffling voice through the speaker. It sounded like an announcement of some sort.
“I didn’t say anything. Anyway, I’m at the airport heading home. Finally, right? I start to board in about 40 mins and wanted to kill some time and…”
“And what? Bother my beauty sleep?”
“That was terrible of me; you need all the beauty sleep in the world.”
“Hey! I’ll have you know, I’m gorgeous even on minimal sleep.”
“Prove it. Want to meet up tomorrow?”
The phone slipped from your fingers as if it morphed into water. Meet. Up? Like face-to-face? Human-to-human? Was he serious?!
“Yes, I’m serious. y/n? Pick up the phone.” His laughter came through again. Shit, he knew that you dropped the phone and you must have spoken those last words aloud.
“Are you back, y/n? I’m coming home and I want to hang out with you and not through a screen. I know it’s shitty of me to spring this request on you this late, but you’ve really become one of my closest friends in just a matter of weeks and it’s just natural to want to meet, right? Or maybe I’m way off base and you don’t. Fuck, didn’t think about you…”
“Mark.” You said over his rambling,but he just kept on.
“I mean we text every day and I thought we could just watch something or go eat something…”
“MARK!” You yelled, and finally he shut up.
“Thank God. I didn’t think you would shut up. Do you want an answer to the question or would you like to continue with your monologue? I can get you a skull if you want to get deeper, hamlet.”
“Yes you want a skull or you want an answer?”
“Answer damn it!”
“Yes. I’ll meet up with you.” You breathed out. You tried not to laugh at his eagerness, but the realization of what you just agreed to started to dawn.
“Okay… awesome.” He breathed out and you could tell the smile was back on his lips. Lips that you were about to be able to know what looked like. Shit.
“I promise I’m not some psycho killer, but would it be okay if we met up at my apartment? It’s just…”
“Sure. I’m off tomorrow so I can just, go there?” You interrupted. You didn’t want to sound so eager yourself, but you were trying to beat back the worries that started to build up in your chest like a bad case of indigestion. You wanted to meet him, he’s basically been your friend for two years, why would this be hard?
The sound of the announcements came through the speaker again. “Crap, that’s me. I have to board. I’ll text you my address and a time that works. See you tomorrow y/n.” Before you could even say bye, the line went dead. As you sat on your bed staring at the phone as if it would bite you, Mark’s text came through with his address and apartment number.
Holy shit! You were really going to meet FlyingRooster93 in person.
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Vocal Mayhem pt. 5
Summary: A magical accident during a meeting between the Iplier and Septic Egos leads to some interesting developments, some miscommunications and someone hiding a secret.
Pt. 1
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Requested tags: @pleaseletthisjimbetaken @littleteenblog @immortalpoptart @sketchy-scribs-n-doods @ako1209 @silver-owl413 @the-asexual-reaper @druggie-for-your-buggies @destinggirl@risiskifi @thenarritiveofthehost @kayladaslaya @sassyinglasses @sanspie122 @supersepticsteph@mythicaltimewolf @of-chaos-and-flame @spookyscarydarky@thatonegirlwhoseobsessedwithspace (I think this was everyone that wanted one)
It had been a great week to be a Jim. The Jims had been running around the Office, chatting back and forth at a million miles an hour with smiles bright enough to see from space. Their old language, the one their Mother Jim had jokingly named Jimease, had returned to their minds. Dr. Iplier had been intrigued, telling them multiples often made up a language all their own until they were old enough to learn a proper language. They knew it was slightly wrong, after all, how could Doctor know the truth? They were very good at hiding behind everyone else's assumptions about their behavior, making them believe the innocence they so carefully crafted through skilled past down the Jim family line.
They had taken over the Studio, as Wilford had vanished somewhere for the day, when Bim appeared and ducked under his desk, not noticing the brothers. Slowly and as quietly as Uncle sneaky Jim had taught them and climbed on top of the wooden desk. Field Reporter Jim pulled out his note-taking book and wrote down a message to send below. Showing his brothers and gaining approval he ripped it from the pad and held it over the edge of the table.
Everything alright Jim with a B?
A hand came up and took the paper, they heard a snap before a pen on paper from below, then a hand appeared with a return note.
Yeah, guys. I’m fine, just some of the others are driving me up a wall.
Four head tilts were almost audible through the room before another note was passed down.
Pink Jim has disappeared for the day. We thought only he and Monochrome Jim drove you insane.
There was an angry huff and Bim peaked out from under the desk to glare up at them, handing over his response.
It’s literally just us in here. I know you know their actual names. Please use them, the security cameras aren’t good enough in here for anyone to be able to read the notes from them.
You’re seriously no fun Jim with a B! Field Reporter said sticking out his tongue at the older man. Bim rolled his eyes, scribbling his message down quickly.
Whatever, you pests. And yeah normally Wilford is the only one that makes me want to pull my hair out, but Anti, Jameson, Mark, Yan, and King all seem intent on getting me to speak before the spell is lifted since they realized I’m stuck in my first tongue.
The Jim’s shared a look, eyes widening. They forgot that their friend was also affected by the spell and that the others didn’t know the reason behind it like they did.
I’m sure it’s not that big of a deal.
Bim bit out a harsh laugh at Weatherman’s message.
Anti and Jameson are the biggest pranksters of the Septics, plus I think they teamed up with Bing and the Googles, Yan is definitely crazy and doesn’t know limits, King is way more clever than anyone gives him credit for, and Mark’s our creator.
Cameraman grabbed the notepad, You’re right. You’re screwed, boss
How many times do I have to tell you guys to stop calling me boss?
About 300 more times since last time you asked, boss the cheeky grins the four showed him made him smile fondly
I hate all of you
No, you don’t
Bim sighed, flopping down on the floor, legs still tucked under the desk, putting an arm over his eyes.
“Hey Jim,” Field Reporter asked turning to Reporter.
“Yes, Jim?”
“We could do a lot of mischief right now with this,”
“That’s very true, Jim,” Reporter said sharing a wicked smile with his brothers. Cameraman let out a quiet giggle drawing attention to him.
“Have something to add, Jim?” Weatherman asked, already having an idea of what the youngest was thinking.
“Well,” He started, “There is definitely a lot of mischief we can make, but for which side do we want to play for?”
Their laughter increased, causing Bim to peak out from under his arm only to snap up as he saw the Quads leering down at him.
If you’re planning on going against me I will pull rank
Cameraman batted his eyelashes, the pictures of innocent to anyone but the beings around him, But I thought you said that you weren’t our boss anymore?
Field Reporter grabbed the notepad with his own facade of innocence, Plus didn’t you say we should let the others know of our connection?
If I get found out so do you, Bim reminded them with a stern glare, Then you can’t be considered innocent baby egos anymore and Dark will most definitely put you to work.
We only listen to our favorite boss so Monochrome Jim can have fun trying to convince us otherwise~ Reporter showed off his note and Bim sighed knowing it was true. The four of them were incredibly loyal to him and he really did love it, but Dark, on the other hand, would probably just end up trying to strangle the mischief-loving brothers.  
Alright Fine, but you have more targets if you helped me but do whatever you want
The brothers pouted, a tear falling down Weatherman’s face as he wrote out, I mean we were going to help you anyways but if you’re gonna be so rude….
The game show host sighed taking off his glasses to rub his eyes.
You all are going to be the death of me I swear, you little imps.
The Jims smiled before hopping on the floor next to him, We try Boss.
He shook his head returning their look before his grin turned predatory, So, shall we plan or are you four going to just going to run amuck around the building and confuse everyone without telling me the details?
Reporter made a noise of protest scratching harshly onto the pad, before it was snatched from him by Weather, then Field Reporter, and finally Cameraman before it was turned back to Bim.
I’m seriously insulted you even had to ask Boss.
It’s like you don’t know us at all
I thought you loved us! How could you ask something like that??
The Jims each fell into dramatically wounded positions as he read through their remarks shaking his head with a sigh.
Right, Stupid question. He wrote back, handing the last page to them as he stood up, brushing off his suit, I’ll just go hide in my room for the rest of the week. Please don’t set the Office on fire, or turn it into Jello.
They saluted, not moving as Bim snapped his fingers and had the small pile of used paper burst into flames. As one they rose to their feet and sprinted as fast as their ridiculous walks would take them out of the room, babbling away to each other about plans.
Good Luck everyone, Bim thought as he watched them leave feeling a weary cold sneak up his spine, You’re gonna need it against that hurricane.
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hunky-dunky · 7 years
Castiel x Reader
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Gif above belongs to subcas
Kidnapping, graphic and horrendously realistic depictions of violence and torture -far more graphic than in the show-, gore, various types of assault, bodily fluids, swearing, degrading terms, hospitals, suicide mention
18+ for strong language, incredibly intense violence, and brief sexual references.
Castiel x Reader
Platonic Sam x Reader
Platonic Dean x Reader
Important Note:
*Deep sigh* This is a big one, guys. I would just like to start by saying that I am not in any way attempting to portray kidnapping or any of the other mentioned warnings in a romantic way of any kind, or make it seem like it is meant to be taken lightly. And i wholeheartedly apologize for anyone who has been through anything of the sort, I am so sorry people are so cruel. I do also believe these topics can be written about in a respectful or informative way, and can even be used to help cope with situations or relieve stress for readers and writers, or for understanding, education, or I guess in sometimes in certain cases, entertainment. I am only attempting to put a realistic spin on the TV Show Supernatural and use the truth of kidnappings and torture, and write in a way which captures some of the evils of the real world, and that the true monsters can be other people. I’m also testing out different genres. This is much darker than anything I’ve ever written.
I did do some research on this topic before writing, but if anything is incorrect or you think I may be romanticizing something or need to add another warning, please inbox me and let me know.
Please, do not read if you may be harshly upset or distressed by anything mentioned in the warnings. And if you ever need to talk to anybody, my ask box or my messages are always open. Please don’t be afraid to talk to someone.
If you ever feel like you’re in a dark place because of previous situations, here are some phone numbers you can call. Let me know if you think there is something else I should add.
Suicide Prevention: 1-800-273-TALK
Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
It’d been days, I think. No.
Maybe weeks?
I couldn’t tell anymore, I faded in and out of consciousness frequently, at least I think so. I couldn’t really remember.
The only thing that could maybe tell me how long I’d been here, how long I’d been suffering, was a broken clock on the other side of the room. Hanging on the wall, ticking so slowly that it seemed to not work at all. Maybe it didn’t work. But the faint ticking sound said otherwise.
Or maybe it was perfectly normal, and everything was just moving so slowly in my version of reality. I at some point began to think, maybe that’s why it’s there. 
Maybe it was put there to torture me, and make me question reality. Made me question everything. Made me question if any of this was real, if I was real. Drive me slowly towards my own insanity. Half the time I was in the room, pain all over, the sound of ticking or maybe my own pained sounds and ragged breathing. If it was an especially bad moment, the sound of my own heartbeat.
Surely any creature, no matter what species or kind, no matter how evil, could do this to anyone. It had to be fake.
But I know that’s not true, it’s a demon, right? The most cruel demon I’d ever come across. I’d only heard of such ruthless acts, never experienced. At least I thought it was a demon at first, but I saw no black eyes in all the time they held me. I smelled no sulfur. I saw a passion in their eyes, a cruel and sadistic pleasure taken from the pain I received. I guess maybe that’d be the most dangerous type of creature. Something with a soul, with a horribly sick passion.
Captured, humiliated, tortured, for information I didn’t have. “Where are the Winchesters?” They’d asked, but I did not know. They weren’t demons, why did they want the boys? How did they know who they were, who we are? Hunters  with a thirst for revenge? A reward? Or did they just enjoy causing pain?
I’d gone on a hunt on my own, yet I knew the boys weren’t at The Bunker either. I knew they weren’t, they’d left on a hunt just hours after me. They didn’t say where, or at least not that I’d heard. I found myself sometimes wishing I’d listened to where they said, so I could tell them and make it stop... But I felt guilt whenever I had those thoughts. These people, no -these monsters- -they don’t deserve to be called people- were worse than any being I’d ever run into. I didn’t know if the boys could have even handled them if somehow they did go after them.
But it wasn’t even about answers anymore. It was about something else. Along the way, they definitely learned I had no idea. They just didn’t want to stop. Maybe it was about something else the entire time, and wanting answers was only an excuse.
Castiel, my partner, was supposed to meet me on my hunt at a diner at 8, but I never made it to the location. I don’t think so, at least. I couldn’t remember anything past falling asleep in my motel room for a nap. I’d been driving for hours and hours until I couldn’t even feel the steering wheel in my hands anymore, so I was so relieved to finally arrive, and be able to get some rest before meeting up with Cas. Well, I thought so.
When they took me, they either broke or took my phone, they beat me until I could hardly think anymore. Or at least nothing except for, why? And at that point I couldn’t feel anything except for pain
But they didn’t want to kill me, no, they wouldn’t let me die, they wanted me to hurt. No matter how much I screamed, begged for them to stop, or to kill me, or do something, anything, oh God, help me please.
I screamed until my throat was beyond raw, until I thought my lungs were bleeding.
They were beyond inhumane. In behavior, actions, words... And yet they looked so human. A man, a woman. I was tortured, I was broken, and they enjoyed every second.
And that’s how I was in the position that I was in. For so long, all that I could smell was blood, and hear a deep ringing as well as a constant drip as my blood or whatever else hit the ground. I could barely hold my head up, and I could feel the lack of blood in my hands as they tied me with a rope to a wall, strung up at the wrists, my feet to the floor. It was an almost medieval torture.
I didn’t know what they did to me when I was unconscious, I was briefly thankful and yet simultaneously terrified about that. I tried to block out the thoughts, the ideas, the pain I knew I felt, the bruises on my sides and the pain in my legs, but I tried to pretend I didn’t know or feel a thing because it made it easier to live. As easy as things could possibly be.
But when I was awake, they dragged red heated knives all over my body, blood leaking, dripping, pouring, searing hot pain spreading throughout my entire body as I let out violent screams. And that was only in the beginning. A human being could only take so much. I got weak at some point. I spewed whatever locations to the people I could think of. Random states, cities, anything to get it to stop. But they kept going, they didn’t believe me, or they didn’t care.
I screamed in pain until I couldn’t breathe, until I didn’t have a voice anymore. Until all I could do was let tears stream down my face as my shrieks came out as gasps, or nothing at all. I cried until I didn’t have any tears left and I was left with a headache almost as bad as the pain they made me feel.
I felt pain, such horrible pain as they stuck tiny needles into my body and cut open my skin with shards of broken glass, and whatever else. At the beginning, I had it easy. It began only as stripping me of my clothes as a way to humiliate me. Or something else.... I preferred not to think about that.
Because of the pain, shock, and intense emotions, I ended up with my own vomit all down the front of myself until my insides ached worse than they ever had. Over and over again as the pain only got worse, until I didn’t have anything left to escape my gut except bile. And even then it didnt stop.
I wanted to die. At this point, I was ready to. And I didn’t want to be found like this.
They put a pillow on the wall behind my head, they must have assumed I was getting desperate enough to slam my head against the wall until my heart stopped beating. But at this point, I couldn’t pick my head up anymore anyways. I couldn’t move my fingers, or my arms, or my legs, I could hardly even open my eyes. A combination of being weak from the hell I'd endured, and my eyelids being swollen.
I tried so hard to fight back, to not let them have the satisfaction of taking away whatever I had left, whatever I had left of myself, but I lost it. I lost it. I lost control of functions of my body, of my voice, my organs, my waste. I was a mess of a human being, if you could even call me that anymore. I tried to convince myself that maybe they took care of me, maybe they sprayed me with a hose to clean me, even if the pressure was painful, because I know they cleaned my wounds every now and then, but really I knew it was only enough to make me stop bleeding so I didn’t die so they could keep on with the suffering, and stitched me up with a painfully large needle. They tried to break me in every way they knew how, and it worked.
Their words were cruel too. “The scars are going to cover your face and your body when you heal. If you manage to live, your angel will never want to fuck you again. He’ll just see you as the ugly, pathetic, used whore you are.” But those became compliments in comparison to the other things. I was in candyland if all they did was insult me. But it didn’t stop there.
I could feel the blood and whatever else crusted to my face, to my body. They accomplished what they wanted. I knew it deep down inside, the boys weren’t coming to save me. This world, my world, it doesn’t work that way. I was going to die, I wanted to. But it wouldn’t happen soon enough.
Sometimes the monsters aren’t even monsters. Sometimes they’re other people, with no intention other than to be evil. To make you hurt. To break you down in every way possible.
They say you can die from extreme pain, that your body can get so worked up that you can just die. Your heart can give out, or something like that, I couldn’t remember. 
Why couldn’t I please be given that? The sweet mercy of the end?
Hell would be better than this.
Being kidnapped and tortured wasn’t beautiful. Or romantic.
I wasn’t a damsel in distress.
I was a broken piece of something that used to resemble a person, who now couldn’t breathe properly without wheezing and pain, who couldn’t breathe in through my nose without choking on my own blood.
Everything was dark, all of the time, except for the small dim light on the far side of the room. I could see that much when I could still open my eyes. But at some point, I could just hardly even open my eyes to see what a mess I was. Where I was going to die.
Whatever I did to deserve this, I’m sorry. I found myself thinking that a lot. I just wanted it to be over. Small holes lined my abdomen, scrapes and slices lining my skin. Pain, everywhere. Bruises, blood, and the psychological torture. I think any time I was out with a weakening heartbeat, they shocked me or gave me a shot of something to get me going again. That’s why I couldn’t die.
No reapers came. Nobody came.
Eventually, the captors stopped coming in. I couldn’t even pick up my head, I could feel the broken capillaries in my previously numb hands every time I had a bit of strength to tug at the restraints, I could smell the bile and whatever else coating the floor at my feet, or dripping down the front of my bare, exposed, ruined body.
Nothing was ever like it was now. Not a thing. Nothing had ever been so bad.
I prayed to Cas every single day, and he was nowhere. Maybe he didn’t care. Maybe nobody did, just like they’d told me. Maybe he was dead. Or maybe the place was heavily warded. I didn’t know who these people were, maybe they did have it completely warded inside and out. If they were humans, they sure knew what they were doing. With a plan of breaking another human being.
I hung there for- I don’t even know how long. My head slumped, my stomach had been previously screaming in hunger. But now I was in too much pain, too nauseous. I had no more strength. No more will.
When I finally thought they’d leave me, maybe I could starve silently, I heard it. Footsteps in the distance.
“Not again” my voice cracked, raspy, desperate, tearful, hopeless, and in all honesty I’m unable to even complete my broken statement. I couldn’t even talk. I couldn’t even say those two words. I could feel the pain, but it was dull. Weaker. I was almost numb, in a way. It felt like I was feeling it, but from outside of my body, if that made any sense.
Then, the door popped open. I could slightly hear it over the sound of ringing, and my own heartbeat pumping in my ears.
I couldn’t open my eyes now though. My lids were crusted, or maybe swollen shut.
A pause of silence, and then gently “Oh my God”, but I can’t even think straight to process it much more than the notice of a distance echo in the sound.
Whoever or whatever it is, maybe they can put me out of my misery.
And then they cut the rope at my hands,, and an inhumane and guttural wail that I didn’t know I even had the energy for left me. But I couldn’t feel myself making the sound. I couldn't even tell it was me at first.
The only thing I could feel was an intense pain all through my body, as if every single piece of me was being ripped apart all at once. As if the slight return of blood flow in my hands caused the feelings to return. Caused the nerves to work again.
Whoever held me, bawled as they lifted me, not saying a word and shaking, wrapping me in something. Somebody beside them freaked out, panicking, rushing out words.
“Oh my fucking God, Y/N you’re okay, everything is going to be okay.” The person said shakily. But I couldn’t even process the words. I could barely process the familiarity of the voice I heard.
“Cas! Sam!” Another voice is heard from the hallway. I think it came from the hallway at least. I couldn’t think, hear, or even breathe right, and I was getting weaker.
Is it Dean?
Sam and Dean? Who was holding me? Cas?
Did they finally come?
Broken sobs and shuddering breaths are all I could hear, and then the sound of someone throwing up in a corner, and then nothing except for ringing, as I could for a few seconds feel myself being carried out of the room.
In all of the time I was here, I waited, and waited.
I couldn’t wait anymore.
Right, so um... That was definitely the darkest thing I’ve ever written. Would anybody like a part two to this? A conclusion, or maybe make it a series? Let me know.
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prompt-master · 7 years
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Juliette Solo XIII
Trigger Warnings: Death, murder, gore.
Stubborn was probably one of the easiest words to describe Jules. Perhaps the most accurate. Some called her evil, or horrible, or just plain mean. Some tried to say her unmoving nature was just resolve, but those who really knew her knew that while in some ways, that was true, in most, her behavior came straight down to being stubborn. There was only one person who knew her well enough to know that. A certain blonde.
She wished she could have as much stubborn will power in the moment as she did when she had refused to see Ainsley off. Juliette knew it was a suicide mission. She knew Ainsley had been up against the man time and time before and now was just the same as it had been any time before. Ainsley was going to lose. She just hoped that she would lose and have time to get away with her life in the process. Either way Juliette certainly wouldn’t be sending her off with smiles and wishes for good luck.
She scoffed at the other friends for doing such a thing for the blonde. Idiots, the lot of them. She shook her head slightly. She had as much faith in Ainsley as the next person, but she wasn’t undead anymore, she would die and she wouldn’t come back this time if she went on. The man who had been responsible defeating her over and over again would just do it again. Juliette wouldn’t be a witness, and she certainly wouldn’t stand by and support the girl in a stupid decision that could only end in one way.
Holing herself up in her little room at the castle was how far she went to protest Ainsley’s stupidity. She sat at her desk, trying to focus enough to write some letters up to send out. Mainly a few to her parents, to Millie. Ever since she’d told them that she was alive, she sent them letters every now and then, mainly because she didn’t want them to think they were crazy, and so they’d know she was okay. She didn’t really bother including a return address. There was no point. They had grieved her already, and she knew if given the chance they’d just take her back and grow reattached. Then in a few years, she’d die again.
She was in the middle of a paragraph, just a little one explaining that things were well. It was a complete brush over what was going on. It wasn’t as if she was going to tell her parents she was stuck in an arranged marriage with a man who was part of a secret and horrid race. It would really make them insane if they even delved into that topic. And god knew someone might try to hurt them if they knew too much.
Then it hit her. It was like a crashing wave, hitting her all at once and pulling her down under the water so she could never escape. Couldn’t catch her breath. The pain was like hundreds of needles piercing her head all at once. No, needles was too light a pain. Nails. Hundreds of nails. And each one of them was searing hot. And it felt like there was some kind of pressure building in her skull. She couldn’t explain it. There was such an overwhelming amount of sensations.
She clenched the pencil in her hand so hard she could feel the wood snap and splinter. She didn’t care if any of the splintered shards dug into her palm. Any pain it would have brought rarely registered compared to the shattering ache in her skull. It didn’t take too long to recognize the pain in her skull. It wasn’t some normal migraine. She didn’t get those before anyway. This was something entirely. This was one of her banshee visions, and after she suffered for hours, a scream would come, and as her wail permeated the room and likely the wing of the castle, it would serve as the final toll of the clock of someone’s life.
The life of someone she knew.
There were not many people she knew that would be on the brink of death in the moment, close to dying. Except one. Even through the practically blinding pain, she could figure it out rather easily who was about to die. The same person who refused to see reason when it came to her vendetta against a man she couldn’t defeat. Ainsley.
Juliette growled a little. But she didn’t waste time. Despite the way the pain seemed to paralyze her most times when she was in these states, there was something stronger inspiring her to do something besides curl into a ball on her bed and wait until it was over like she so often did. Despite the pain, she forced her feet into her boots and pulled on one of her jackets haphazardly. It was a little clumsy, the dizziness causing her head to spin, but despite that, she managed it well enough.
Without another thought, she was out the door, and she was determined to find Ainsley before she did something so incredibly stupid that she couldn’t reverse it.
She might have been a little late, and had definitely missed the sendoff party. But at least she caught her in time, before she went off wherever she had planned to meet Nikolai. She immediately grabbed her arm as she was ready to head off. She could see a smug look crossing Ainsley’s face, which only had Juliette rolling her eyes.
“I knew you would come,” Ainsley told her. Juliette didn’t have time to psychoanalyze Ainsley, or the focus for that manner. Even if she had fought through the pain enough to be there in front of the blonde woman. She didn't have enough focus to properly think.
“You have to stop this. Ainsley you can’t go,” Juliette said, trying to hide some of the rasp of her voice from Ainsley. She had become very good at hiding away and making sure no one knew how much pain she was in when she had a vision.
“You won’t talk me out of this,” through Jules blurred vision, she could set the firm, stubborn set of Ainsley’s lip.
“You are going to die if you go up there Ainsley. You will not make it out alive,” Juliette said, gripping the woman’s shoulders. “Trust me. I know, I can feel it,” Juliette clenched her jaw, trying to block out the pain as best as possible. “Please, do not go up there. You have kids, you have Essyn, please do not do this,” she begged the woman.
“I have to, please understand that I have to.” Ainsley tugged from her grip.
Juliette was on the brink of tears. From the pain maybe, or because of Ainsley not listening to her. She gripped her head a little, pressing her fingers to either side of her head as she winced. “Ainsley just listen to me,” she shouted the words more angrily than she intended. “I’m having a vision, and who else do we know whose about to do something so stupid.”
“Did Jess put you up to this? Tell you to fake this vision so that I wouldn’t go? I can’t believe you’d go along with that,” Ainsley seemed grumpy. And Jules was certain she was just about ready to strangle the woman for the way she was getting on. “I’m going, that’s the end of it,” she turned to leave.
Jules growled again, reaching out for the woman. She would drag her kicking and screaming if she had to. But of course, as soon as she gripped the back of the woman's jacket, she disappeared. Just as soon as she’d been holding a fist full of leather material, she wasn’t. Nothing rested in her clutches palm. Not one thing.
“Goddamn it,” Jules snarled, her clutched fist slamming into the wall. The pain in her knuckles was a brief relief from the pain in her head. It didn’t last long though. It didn’t matter how, she had to go after Ainsley.
Using the portals had not been easy, especially considering her brain felt like mush at this rate. She was deteriorating, the pain seeming to make up every nerve of her body. All she wanted to do was just collapse. Die. If it got her away from this terrible pain in her head she’d take that in the moment. An out, any out.
She kept on though and found one of the portals, and convinced one of the people with powers to help wield it to her desires. Sure enough, it took her to Ainsley. Or at least where Ainsley was. Which happened to be the snowy mountain tops of Sweden. It was cold, and her thin jacket didn’t help much. But her skin had a strange bite back against the cold. As if she could feel it but it wasn’t intolerable.
Juliette wasn’t spit out by the portal too far from where Ainsley happened to be. She could hear the voices. Hear Nikolai, hear Ainsley. Even their voices was too much for her head. But she forced herself one step after the other up over the hill. Her feet implanted into the snow and she was careful not to slip. She was more than out of breath by the time she reached the top of the hill and could get a view of the battle field.
“Carson! Ainsley, I swear to whatever god exists,” she huffed, grasping her hand on her side. She was pissed. Pissed that Ainsley hadn’t believed her. Pissed that she had gone in the first place. Anger darkened her gaze, and though she was mainly angry with Ainsley, she let her gaze come to level with Nikolai, the promise of death in her eyes. Turning her look back to Ainsley, she leveled her angry gaze at her. “If you die, I will bring you back and kill you myself. You hear me?” Juliette wasn’t supportive, but she knew it was too late to stop it. She would just try to do what she could.
The two were a flurry of movement. Steel flying, flashes and glints of it showing in the little tornado that danced across the space. They were almost too quick to keep up with. She could only tell by the occasional flash of blood hair which was Ainsley. She wanted to get in the middle, wanted to focus her power, but she was scared she might wound Ainsley in the process. And she wasn’t even sure she could wield it with the pain. Red flashed on the steel, stained and melted the snow at their feet.
She was too distracted in the moment. The pain, trying to decide if she could help. By the time she the woman’s figure, it was just a second too late. She saw the bow raise, and then she immediately through herself in front of Ainsley. Not a thought in the mind. She knew that there was a chance that whatever enchantment on the weapon meant to kill a demon would hurt her too. But she didn’t care. All she knew was that she had to save Ainsley.
The dive was too late. She did catch some of the arrow, but it was too strong. The force behind the bow had it going right through her shoulder and into Ainsley, right into her chest. She wouldn’t need to open Ainsley up to know that the arrow pierced her heart. She felt the pressure building in her skull finally come to a climax, build so much it felt like she was exploding. And the scream rose from her throat and poured out her lips easily. The sheet power of it knocking the woman with the bow back. Her throat felt raw by the time it stopped. And despite the weakness in her body from the blast of power, she turned to Ainsley’s fallen form.
Red stained the snow around her. Juliette dropped to her knees, she gathered Ainsley in her arms. The tears she was so good at holding back were free falling now, coming easily, without problem. It was too late. She had tried so hard, she had come, she had thrown herself in front of the arrow. But her friend was there, dying in her arms. She couldn’t stop it. She felt helpless. “Please, come on Ainsley. Please. Just hold on,” she begged. “Jess will be here soon I’m sure. She’ll come after me after she hears. Just hold on. She’ll heal you.”
She had her doubts that Jess would make it in time. With her teary eyes, she could see Ainsley try to open her mouth to say something. No words came out. And then she felt her go still in her arms. It was like having the woman disintegrate in front of her. Her powers seemed to give her the ability to practically feel her soul pouring from her body.
Pressing her forehead to Ainsley’s, she sobbed quietly. “Come on, come back.” Yet she knew she couldn’t.
Nikolai and Kennedy had cleared out rather quickly after they’d accomplished their goal. Juliette was a small fish, now that Ainsley was taken care of, they didn’t seem to have cared about Jules much. She swore one day she’d make them pay for what they’d done to Ainsley. She’d of loved to see them go up against someone who wouldn’t be so easily killed. She might not have been skilled, but she’d become their nightmare for what they’d done to her friend. The sister she’d never had.
Still hoping that maybe if she got Ainsley to Jess quickly enough, it might be enough time to bring her back, Jules decided to expand her wings and took off flying with Ainsley’s form in her arms. She wasn’t super strong by any means, and had to stop a lot to adjust to the odd weight of the woman’s form in her arms. There was no help from Ainsley’s body, it was dead weight.
Finally, she got to one of the portals she used when she was moving back and forth between earth and the Underworld. She was allowed through it, and just like that she was back in the Underworld, carrying Ainsley’s body to the common room where the friend’s often hung out, hoping to god the kids were all still with Vincent where they’d been when she got back.
Essyn was the first to see her there. Things were fairly blurry from there on. Maybe it the exhaustion with all the adrenaline leaving her, or the shock of what had happened. Things happened in a flurry. Suddenly everyone was there, someone took Ainsley’s body from her arms. Something she didn’t want, but she couldn’t fight much with the exhaustion. She heard the voices. Hear Essyn screaming at Jess to do something. She heard Vincent yelling back at the woman to calm down and let his wife work. She could hear sobbing. So much sadness. It was drowning her. She stumbled back against the wall, her blood covered form letting it hold her up. She wanted to sink down against it but couldn’t even find the strength to let her legs unlock.
“The arrow,” she heard Jess’ shaky voice. “It makes my entire body quiver. Dark magic, it’s meant to kill demons, I don’t know how.”
“How did they access such magic?” Vincent.
“I don’t care how she died! Bring her back!” Essyn.
“Maybe a spell,” Persephone.
It all blurred together. She knew they wouldn’t be able to manage it. She could feel it. Ainsley would be gone for good. Essyn would be left without someone she loved. Ainsley’s kids would be orphans. Jess, Persephone, even Christian would all have lost a friend. And she had lost someone who’d been like a sister to her. Someone who had become so important. What was she going to do?
“I have to get out of here,” she said, feeling nausea rise up in her stomach. She wasn’t sure anyone heard her. Or if they did they didn’t care. She couldn’t be bothered to think about it. She had to get away from it all, had to escape the aura of death and sadness that permeated the room. Jules forced her legs to move. They barely carried her out of the room and down the hallway before she had to stop and bend over, hurling any food she’d eaten up and onto some ornamental rug Jess had laid out for her hallway. She didn’t even care. When she’d emptied her stomach, she straightened up.
Starting down the hallway further, as far away as she could get from the room where Ainsley’s body was, she eventually found herself somewhat lost. She gave up trying to find her way out of the interconnecting hallways and slid down against the wall, curling her knees to her chest. It didn’t hit her all at once.
But it slowly crept in, the realization that Ainsley was gone. And as that hit her, so did the sadness. It was crippling. Unlike any other pain she felt. She wanted to scream, the curse the world for taking Ainsley out of it. But she knew it wouldn’t help. It wouldn’t bring her friend back, wouldn’t save her, wouldn’t bring her back from the dead or undo time. There was nothing. Not one thing she could do. Feeling entirely helpless, she grasped handfuls of her hair and sunk her face down in her lap, letting the tears that had built up fall freely.
Juliette felt empty. Everything she did was robotic. Every move she made was mechanic and stiff. She was crushed, weighed down by the force of her grief. She felt like she would drown in it. Not even Haelyn could make her smile. While she still got up to take care of her every morning, she didn’t want to move at all. She wanted to stay in bed and mourn.
It was hard to be around any of the kids in the Underworld. So young and confused. Especially Ainsley’s kids. They looked like her, and they were constantly asking where their mother was. No one would tell them. It was hard to be around any of them, really. The adults too. They were sad, mourning for their friend that seemed to be gone completely. Not even Jess was sure she could bring her back.
Instead of dealing with them, she’d gone to the eroseelie realm and decided to stay on Soren’s little island. It wasn’t much better. Soren tried to offer some help, advice. But she just rebuked him, often meeting him with hostility whenever he even tried to brush the subject. She stayed in her room with Haelyn, and the time that she wasn’t with her, she was either sitting in silence in her room, or pouring over books to find a way to bring Ainsley back.
The redhead eventually found herself looking in a book about a creature that was rumored to have been banished to the eroseelie realm. After tricking several creatures into bargaining for their deepest desires only for the deals to kill them in the end, he was finally captured by the seelie Queen and sentenced to an eternal sentence within the walls of the prison realm. Interest peeked, Juliette decided to find more research.
She consumed it all, eventually figuring out how she might go about summoning him. It was a risk, but she knew it was one she would have to take if it meant getting her friend back. So she left the home that Soren had her staying in and made her way out of the island. She went by flight. It wasn’t too long, and eventually she found herself in the non-sheltered part of Vankila. She wouldn’t bring the trickster being to Soren’s Island. Wouldn’t risk letting it harm the people there.
It took a while to gather up the things she needed, and when the summoning was complete. She waited. She stood against a tree and tried to stay calm as possible, though every limb in her body was electrified by nervousness. Sure enough, he appeared. A little bit of alarm shook her when a form appeared in her, one that was the spitting image of Chris. She blinked a few times. “Chris?” She asked slowly, unsure if she could trust her own eyes.
“Try again, deary,” it sounded just like Chris. But different. She quickly realized that this was how it worked. Maybe the being didn’t have its own form. Or maybe its form was so ugly that it had to appear as something trusted. Immediately, she wiped the shock of her face, any sign of vulnerability.
“It must be boring I suppose, I take it you’re not finding many who fall for your tricks here,” she commented, trying to steel her voice.
A humorless chuckle left his lips. She didn’t let herself cringe at the way it sounded like Chris but not like him at the same time. “You are right, business isn’t exactly booming lately,” he remarked, tilting his head to the side and shaking. Then the blue eyes focused on her, blue eyes she’d looked into so many times, but colder this time. “Now you, you are something interesting. How on earth did you ever end up here?” He asked, stepping closer. His gaze made her feel stripped bare. Whatever he was, he seemed to know what she was. Or that she was something different. “Immortal, but not. Indestructible, practically, how delicious,” he said, a rather Cheshire grin forming on his lips. “I don’t suppose there’s anything I can give you, is there?”
“I’m not like the ones you tricked before, I know what you want. You give me what I want and take my life so I never have the chance to enjoy it,” Juliette said, reciting it as if she was bored by such information.
“Well if you already know my tricks, why are you here?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I want to make a deal. You can have my life, my temporary immortality, whatever you want, but you have to bring my friend back,” she told him. She didn’t care about the consequences. She knew she would be gone, that she’d die, but she didn’t care. She had to save Ainsley, whatever it took to do that.
“Some people call it selfless, honorable, sacrificing one’s self for another. But after seeing thousands of people throw themselves at my feet to bring back their loved ones, I’ve learned it’s just stupidity,” he droned on.
“I didn’t come for your opinions. I came for a deal, unless you’re not interested of course, in which case I will find someone else to help me,” she responded, clenching her teeth. She was bluffing. She knew he was one of the few options she had unless she went into the belly of the beast and found out what kind of magic Nikolai had used on the weapons that had killed Ainsley.
“Don’t get so touchy little one. It’s a deal,” he said, waving his hand dismissively.
“I’ll meet you here at midnight,” she told him, nodding briefly once before turning to walk off. She knew he wouldn’t deny her, he was probably the type of creature that feasted on the lives he took. And he was probably ravenous. It was a theory, but it seemed to be proven right when he didn’t tell her that it had to be now.
She didn’t have much time to get her affairs in order, but she had enough to at least write Soren a letter. Maybe it was cruel, to leave him in charge of everything, to leave it hanging on his head to tell the others. But surely it would only be a short term annoyance as opposed to having to spend the next few years married to her. She knew they had become more than just enemies. And she knew she could trust him. She knew he cared enough about Haelyn for the responsibility she was about to put on him.
Sitting at her desk, she started writing.
“Dear Soren,
I know this is a lot. I’m sorry to put this all on you. I don’t really know how to explain this to you, what I’m about to do. I guess it’s just easier to say that a few years ago, I shouldn’t have been brought back. When Freya killed me. I should have stayed dead. I was ready to go. I was tired. Learning that being an angel didn’t change things all that much, being a victim to Noah and the other demons. I was ready to go somewhere better.
I was marked by death then. And I’ve escaped it far too many times since. Each time I escape I feel more and more tired. But, more than that, for so long I didn’t feel I had a reason for being alive. I felt that being brought back was just pointless torture, and that being brought back was just someone’s idea of a cruel joke to make me suffer longer. It felt wrong, as if death had a hold on me and was telling me I did not belong in this world.
But then I found things. Things that gave me a reason to be alive. That showed me I was meant to be here. I helped Ainsley deliver her twins, helped bring Haelyn into this world and saved her from being abandoned to die by the horrid people of the asylum. I believe I was here for a reason. I had to do those things. But now there’s something else I have to do.
I have to save my friend. I swore when she named be godmother of her son, that I would protect him, protect his sister. I swore to those kids I would protect them from anything that might hurt them. But now they’re suffering a loss of unimaginable pain. Their mother is gone, and their father is gone. They are alone in this world. And there’s nothing anyone can do, besides me. I’m the only one who can do something to save them, and I have to protect them.
Staying here, it’s tempting almost. I want to be here, to see Haelyn’s adoption through. To make sure she goes to a good home, that she ends up in the right hand. I want to help bring peace and stop war between the eroseelie and the people of the Underworld. But I can’t. In a perfect world, maybe I would be fit to keep Haelyn, to be the mom she deserves. Maybe I wouldn’t be a ticking time bomb that’s going to devastate everyone around me when I die. But it’s not a perfect world.
With you, I’m entrusting Haelyn. I’ve seen that you are good with her. And as much as it pains me to trust anyone with her, I know I can trust you. I know you’ll make the right decision for her, that you’ll keep her safe. If you choose to give her to the parents I chose, I know it must be right. If you perhaps decide something else, if you look after herself, I believe you’ll do well.
You’re…not so bad after all Ikelos. I know we started out roughly. But I know there’s so much more underneath the façade of an arrogant asshole. Or well, there’s a heart in there somewhere. I know you would have done right by me, when we were wed. And I know you’re not the nightmare everyone says you are. I know you’re better than that. So, don’t make me regret trusting you. Goodbye Soren.
It was almost hard to say goodbye, even in the letter. Slowly, she closed the letter, writing his name on it. She carefully walked over the Haelyn’s crib and set the letter beside her. Leaning down, she kissed the baby on her forehead gently. “Goodbye,” she murmured gently. That one hurt. She knew if she stayed any longer she’d talk herself out of it. So instead, she headed off, making her way to the spot she said she’d meet the creature to.
It seemed like too short a journey to get there, but she knew she had a mission. She knew what she had to do. Soon enough, she arrived in the clearing and crossed her arms over her chest as she stood there. Her gaze flickered around briefly. Maybe the creature wasn’t going to show. She was anxious that he wouldn’t, and anxious that he would at the same time. Such a strange feeling.
“Have you said your goodbyes?” The voice took her by surprise. Immediately she turned on her heel, whipping in the direction of the voice.
“Yes, I have,” she said, trying to keep the sneer out of her voice.
“Why bother? Why not just let the dead stay dead?” The creature asked. For once, not mean and malicious, but curious, as if it couldn’t grasp the concept.
Usually, she’d shoot a snipe. But since she was about to die, she supposed there was no point in wrapping herself in the cover that was the hard façade. “Because that’s what you do for people you love, you make any sacrifice you have to in order to keep them safe.”
The creature seemed to ponder that for a moment. As if it was genuinely trying to grasp the concept. “Alright deary, are you ready?” It asked.
“Yes,” she said. She wasn’t, but she told herself she had to be. It was time. It was her time. It had been her time for a while. She had cheated death too many times. The pain was dim at first, like something was being pulled from her. Something small at first. But then it felt as if she was in the middle of a game of tug a war. Her body didn’t want to let go of whatever was being pulled from her.
She winced, trying not to show weakness in those final moments. But it was brutal, maybe even more so than her banshee visions.
“Since you won’t be telling anyone, I’ll share a secret,” the creature said, approaching her. Each step it took, the pain seemed to get stronger in her body. She winced a little. The creature looked so much like Chris that for a moment, she wanted to hold onto it. She knew the difference though. “I have seen so many people march to their deaths for those they love. And I wonder what it is to love and be loved enough to make such a sacrifice.”
The pain was overwhelming, but it was bringing her to hysterics almost. She wanted to laugh a little at such a strange confession. Soon though, the pain stopped, and then there was nothing. Only blackness.
0 notes
seiya-starsniper · 8 years
What’s in a Name?
Read on Ao3: [Link]
It was no secret that Nate and Ray were head over heels, over the moon in love with one another. They worked well together on missions (when they weren't messing things up), they were excellent sparring partners, and they knew exactly how to motivate one another to do better. Their constant playful ribbing wasn't fooling anyone either, anyone could see that they were flirting.  
The problem was that it seemed obvious to everyone on the Waverider except for them. The worst part though, was the pet names.
It had started out innocently enough. Mick and Len were the first to start out with nicknaming other members of the crew, and then after Len had died, Ray had started doing it too. But then Nate came on the ship, and then he and Ray had taken to reaffirming their 'bro' status at every opportunity.  
"If I have to listen to them calling each other 'bro' again, I'm going to start shooting at them," Mick says one day over dinner with Sara and Jax.
"This is your fault, you know Mick," Jax huffs, rolling his eyes as they watch Nate and Ray once again start play punching each other.
"My fault?!" Mick barks back indignantly.
"Yeah, if you hadn't given everyone nicknames, Ray wouldn't have started doing it after he started hanging out with you all the time, and then we wouldn't have to keep hearing about 'bro hugs' and 'bro bonding' and 'bro fights'", Jax asserts. Mick looks to Sara for support, but the blonde only shrugs in agreement with Jax.
"I usually stick to one name, Haircut seems to have a whole book of 'em, you can't pin this on me," the arsonist counters before shoveling another cinnamon bun into his mouth.
"Either way, if this," Sara gestures to the two men, who have now taken to play wrestling. "...continues, we may need an intervention."
Even Martin has grown weary of Nate and Ray's obnoxious flirting. Not only are they distracting one another during missions, but their "sibling rivalry" has escalated into the labs where the scientist used to be able to do his research in peace. Nowadays, he's stuck listening to Ray trying to show off his scientific knowledge, while Nate tries to goad him into doing live demonstrations.
Martin begins to wonder if he was ever this insufferable when he was trying to impress Clarissa. He certainly hopes not.
"We could lock them in a closet and wait for them to finally come out...literally," Jax says after Ray and Nate have accidentally caused an explosion.
"Jefferson, I don't think that will stop the nicknames or their current behavior. It might just make things worse."
Martin's right. After Nate and Ray finally realize their feelings for one another, their behavior and the pet names definitely get worse. Astronomically worse.
"Hey pumpkin, could you pass me that map over there?" Nate asks one day while he and Ray are investigating a potential time aberration in the library. Sara's trying hard to pretend she didn't just hear something so grossly domestic on a time traveling spaceship.
"Of course babe," Ray practically sings. Sara makes a note to go back through the security footage of the ship because otherwise no one will believe her when she tells them Ray just skipped to the maps.
"You're the sweetest," Nate coos when Ray brings him what he needs. Ray blushes so hard Sara's sure the scientist increased the library's temperature at least a few degrees. If the historian wasn't distracted before, he is now and Sara really doesn't have time to watch them make eyes at each other, not when she needs results fast.
"Hey pumpkin!" she calls out mockingly, completely destroying whatever moment they're currently having. "You're needed out front."
Ray's making dinner in the kitchen and Nate's trying his best to help but he's too distracted by how cute his lover looks in an apron. Amaya sighs for the what feels like the thousandth time after Nate knocks over yet another bowl of ingredients. At this point, the team wouldn't be getting dinner until the following morning.
"You know, maybe it's better if you stay outside the kitchen. You've got a pretty bad case of butterfingers there and you haven't even touched the butter," Ray interjects when Nate drops an entire carton of eggs.  
"No! Come on, I swear I can be help-" Nate's barely gotten his defense in before he's dropping the flour, causing a cloud of smoke to erupt between the two of them. Amaya's expecting to hear a fight break out now, but instead the two of them burst out laughing.
"Nate you silly goose," Ray says affectionately once the two of them have calmed down a bit.
A beat. "I'm your silly goose though," Nate grins.  
"That you are, darling," Ray replies.
Neither man hears Amaya dramatically exiting the kitchen.
Ray is helping Jax with repairs to the ship's jump drive when Nate comes searching for him.
"Hey Ray-ray, you wanna go spar for a few rounds?" the historian asks. "If I keep staring at these texts I'm going to drive myself insane."
Ray-Ray? Jax thinks. Seriously? They were going to need to have a talk about this soon. That, and the fact that while they two of them may not be as physically affectionate nowadays (those first few weeks were unbearable), if Jax had to sit and watch them stare at each other doe eyed for one more second, he was going to toss them both out the cargo bay doors.
Ray looks to Jax for permission to leave, and the mechanic waves him off. The repairs were pretty much done anyway.
"Let's go sugar plum!" the scientist exclaims and the two of them race off to their sparring session.
"...in what universe is Nate is goddamn sugar plum," Jax groans to the now empty engine room.
It doesn't take long for things to come to a head. Sara's pretty sure Nate and Ray have gone through every imaginable pet name in the English language, and a few in German and French. If she had forgotten Nate spoke multiple languages before, she definitely wasn't going to ever again.
They're making a plan for what to do next about the Legion of Doom (Sara still hates that name but Nate's worn everyone down). Normally, Ray and Nate are on the same page, but this time, they're arguing about who should be the decoy for the speedster.
"I'm just saying, that I look more like their target, so it really should be me that goes," Ray argues but Nate's having none of it.
"Well, that's sweet of you honeycake, but I really think..."
An awkward silence descends upon everyone.
"...Oh come on," Nate laughs awkwardly after a few moments. "It's not that bad..."
"Do you two even know each other's names anymore?" Amaya snaps at them. "Because I sure don't."
"You two are allowed one pet name each and that's it," Mick growls before either of them have a chance to defend themselves.
"What?! How are we supposed to just pick one?" Ray sputters.
"Easy. That's Pretty, and you're Haircut. If I can pick just one for each of you, then you can too."
"But we don't even like..."
"One. Nickname. Each. Capiche?" Sara cuts in. Ray looks like he wants to say something more but he shuts his mouth instantly when he notices the seriousness in her glare. The pair share a look of understanding before nodding their reluctant agreement.
"Good, now let's get back to planning."
Nate eventually comes up with the perfect nickname for Ray. It happens after a mission when Ray makes a dramatic entrance to save the rest of the team when they've been captured.
Combat is normally not the scientist's strong suit, however, today he's on point. He does everything right, and Nate is pretty sure he's falling in love all over again.
"Wow, that was amazing!" Nate says once they've all been freed. "Like super amazing. You're like, like a super amazing man! No wait! A Superman!"
"Really?" Ray says eyes shining. "You really think so?"
The historian looks far too pleased and the rest of the team knows that unless they do something about it now, Ray's going to latch onto this new nickname faster than a speeding bullet and never let it go.
"We're not changing your name to Superman," Mick interrupts before the two of them can take the thought any further. "It sounds stupid. Just like Supergirl."
"No." Sara says with finality. "You're the Atom. That's it. You don't get a second chance at a superhero name."
"Aw man."
Nate still calls him his Superman in private though. And that's enough for Ray.
I’m dedicating this to @kiras-sunshine because they’re wonderful and lovely <3 And also to my nickname anon! I’m sorry this is so late, but I hope you like it!
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bwicblog · 7 years
 II: Well, that was a bit disappointing, but it'll all be useful for the fleet I suppose.
II: What is everyone else up to?
ID: a whole lot of nothing.
II: That can be restful!
II: Unless you are bored, haha.
ID: i mean i need plenty of rest, so i'm taking it.
II: Ah, are you recovering from something?
ID: yuppp. got a broken arm and a big ol wound to the shoulder.
II: My goodness. That sounds like quite the fight. Or accident?
ID: definitely fight. all legal, i promise! =:P
II: Pfft, I wasn't going to question you. There are plenty of legal skirmishes on Alternia.
II: In fact I'd say there are probably more legal than not.
ID: it was mostly a joke, dw.
II: Haha
II: Fair
II: ...oh, bother, I swear if one more tall tealblood gets in my way...
II: Why is everyone so _towering_ .
SA: break kneecaps 😃
II: It might be good for some of the neophytes, but greatly frowned upon.
ID: how tall are you?
II: Not terribly short, but short for my caste. 5'5
II: And I swear half these teals look like someone stretched them and pulled them.
ID: i'm 6'1" so. member of the stretch and pull club here.
II: Oh my, you _are_ tall for a rust
II: That must be useful
ID: oh yeah, get to pop over the waves of rust. totes useful.
II: Pfft
II: _Finally._ I thought they'd never stop crowding the doors.
ID: i was scared of blending in, y'know. with all the other horn-floating tattooed maroons. thankfully i have my height to be unique.
II: Ah yes. Your most distinguishing feature, I am sure.
II: You are such a normal troll otherwise. Painfully dull.
ID: i know. shame i haven't taken up a life of crime, you'd never find me in all the other dull faces.
II: Pffft
ID: =;P
II: I have never actually used an emote before
II: But I feel compelled to respond with one
II: 😹
II: ... never mind
II: That looks terrible
II: 🐱 there, much cuter
ID: yeah that. was not a wise choice.
ID: that's better.
II: Haha, it was not, who made that monstrosity I wonder?
II: I thought cat emotes would be cute. That looks awful.
ID: 🐯
ID: ....
ID: 🐅
ID: hey that one isn't too bad.
II: 🦁
II: That one's a bit odd.
SA: 🐍
SA: 🐃 it's your lusus
ID: 🦌
ID: mix those two together, maybe.
II: Haha, it's been a while since I was at circus
II: ...which is a good thing, admittedly.
II: Though some of them do have wonderful menageries.
ID: i was wondering why you were hanging with the teals and all when your caste usually did.
ID: other things.
II: Other less than tasteful activities you mean?
II: Don't worry. I don't endorse a lot of what the church does, even if I am technically part of it. It needs heavy reform in some areas.
ID: i was gonna leave it at other, but p much! =:P
II: Tactful of you, but I certainly don't mind.
II: In the legislacerator business you learn to talk frankly about Imperial bodies. They have their flaws like any other.
II: But that's a dreary topic for most people, so instead I think I'll segue into commenting on this lovely train I'm on.
ID: hahahah, trains are a safer subject for a lil rustie to comment on anyways. =:P
ID: does it have a snack cart.
II: I think if anyone ever called you a "lil rustie" they'd lose a limb, but of course it does.
II: What is a train without a snack cart, I ask you.
II: Incomplete.
ID: you could play along with my weak lil rustie gig, hella rude. =:'(
II: Ha
ID: ...though tbh i was never good at it.
II: Nice try, I've known far too many rusts to fall for that.
II: Idiot neophytes in my class got themselves killed underestimating lowbloods. I learned not to make their mistakes.
ID: well if it makes you feel better i have no plans of culling you, random stranger on the chatroom. =:P
II: Hahahaha
II: I figured not, what would you gain from it?
II: Nothing except a lot of trolls on your tail.
ID: ...i mean...
ID: things.
ID: your wallet.
ID: trolls have killed for less!
II: Pfft, wealth perha - oh, now I'm just hurt, only killing me for my wallet? Not for vengeance or something interesting? You wound me, ID.
II: At least make a penny dreadful out of it.
ID: i mean vengeance for what.
II: Oh I don't know, being purple. Some trolls are that petty.
ID: i mean. for a purpleblood you're like. the least offensive thing i've met.
II: Haha, well, I try to be reasonable. I think rather little of highbloods who believe they can be ill-mannered or wild just because of their blood.
II: They give all of us such a terrible image.
ID: yeah, well. they're pretty encouraged to be awful.
II: Mm, they are, it's deeply unfortunate.
II: I was lucky enough to be raised by trolls who taught me proper behavior young, but in places with less Imperial instruction standards can be _quite_ dismal.
ID: ...raised by trolls?
II: Oh, I had my lusus of course, but I _was_ part of the church's creche when young, before I changed my mind to go into law. So I was always surrounded by proctors of some sort.
ID: oh. huh.
ID: yeah i was raised in the desert.
II: Oh! They can be such fascinating places. What was your upbringing like?
II: Did you live on your own, or in a town?
ID: i had one neighbor pretty much.
II: Ah, isolated then.
ID: preeettttyyy much. we became buddies though. since. lack of options really.
II: Haha, naturally.
II: But you say you were raised there - I presume you left?
ID: oh, yeah. i travel now.
II: Do you? What sort of places do you go?
II: What kind of work do you do?
ID: uh i pretty much just pick a direction and walk.
ID: work is uh. mostly fighting trolls for money?
II: Oh, ring fighting? Or less formal street affairs?
ID: less formal. definitely.
ID: though sometimes ring.
ID: last fight was in a ring.
II: Do you have a preference, or is it simply a matter of convenience which you choose?
ID: ehhh i prefer less formal generally!
II: Smaller crowds and less pressure?
ID: but this time the guy challenged and the fact everyone was telling me i'd just get hurt if i did pissed me off.
II: Pfft, I can see that
ID: less rules. =:P
II: Always irritating to be told - hahaha
II: I suppose I can't argue with that, given my preferred method of combat is shooting my enemies with acid. That's certainly not in any honorable rule book.
II: But it is effective.
ID: whatever works, right?
ID: but yeah. i fucking hate being told i can't do shit.
II: Certainly, given my arsenal of other weapons and technology.
ID: get enough of that in life.
II: Certainly it seems silly to try and dissuade you from a fight, particularly if that is how you live.
ID: besides, it ended in a tie so everyone was wrong on who'd win!
II: Hahaha
II: That is amusing
ID: yeah, well. it happens. as long as no one got salty when i refused to listen, idgaf.
II: Well, I figure it's their problem if they do.
ID: p much! unless they got clades that you're friends with and then they get dragged in to it and it can get messy.
II: Hahah oh my, that sounds quite alarming.
ID: like i'm pretty sure there are trolls upset at what i did to the other guy.
ID: but whatever. he challenged me, and he was the one who made dumb mistakes in the fight.
ID: anddd i'll stop venting to a stranger about it now. sorry.
II: I don't mind! It sounds like it was quite the event.
II: I certainly have nothing better to do than stare at my fellow passengers or browse the internet, and most of the trolls around me aren't terribly interesting looking.
ID: it was fucking something alright.
ID: how long do you have to travel?
II: Oh, a few hours. The lecture I was at was firm-mandated, now I'm back on one of my own cases.
II: I mean, I get cases passed to me through the firm too, but it was a mandatory summons for everyone from our firm regardless of case.
ID: i see. an interesting case?
II: Mmm, I've had duller I suppose. It's mostly just cleaning up loose ends from a mutant fighting ring that was already busted, and we're just chasing down the remaining culprits.
II: Nothing terribly exciting, but it's necessary work.
ID: huh. well, good luck with that.
II: It should be fairly simple; we're not dealing with terribly smart trolls here. They got caught because one of their members accidentally left a _window_ open.
II: Laughably careless.
II: It's a wonder one of them had the brains to set it up in the first place.
ID: a brief spark of genius that quickly waned. =:P
II: In fact I think the leader got culled by some backstabbing subordinate, who then started to get complacent and run the organization with a looser hand, allowing us to get the drop on them.
ID: greed can be the downfall of many a troll i suppose.
ID: but hey, makes your job easier when they're culling each other.
II: Sometimes! Sometimes it leaves us with less information to catch the others with, unfortunately, but in this case that's not an issue.
ID: go on out there and keep our streets safe. =:P
ID: ...well. barely maybe safer.
II: _ha_
II: I'd need a whole team of trolls to make things safer
II: I'm very good at my job, but I'm only one person
ID: aww c'mon. just be troll batman.
II: That costume would look ridiculous on me.
II: I adore the movies, mind you, despite the terrible example he sets.
II: But I could not get away with wearing that.
ID: ...troll batgirl?
II: Even worse in the costume department. I'd like a word with whoever designed that. Any legislacerator with half a brain wouldn't be caught dead in that. Insanely impractical.
ID: was it ever really designed to be practical though.
II: No, it was designed for lowlifes to drool over, certainly.
II: Which I suppose is its own appeal, but I can't see a costume like that as at all attractive given the career I have.
AM: Hello, hello sweet honies of the night~
ID: ...ii are you a sweet honey of the night.
ID: because i know i'm not.
AM: Sweetie, honey please. Don't be so down on your self! Anyone can be a sweet honey of the night if you play your cards right, doll!
ID: that sounds vaguely creepy as fuck. =:I
II: ...I believe I am more like a tasteful...never mind I forget where I was going with that, but I don't think so?
II: Certainly it's nice to be called sweet, but honey just seems redundant in that context.
II: It isn't as if honey is going to be bitter.
AM: Hmm...hmmm you've got that right then sugar. Listen babes if you want a different title then cough up some names then eh? Cause listen sweethearts we can dance around that all we want but it's MUCH better for everyone if we cut to the chase with these introductions. Now what's the set of letters stamped on those business cards of yours honies?
II: Gracious, aren't you forward.
AM: Time's money babe.
ID: i feel like i need a second bath tonight now.
ID: hadean.
II: ...I suppose I cannot argue with that. I am Indrid.
AM: Hadean and Indrid. Great meeting you two! Names Ashley- but listen. Babe. Listen. A second bath is a no go. Your skin will DESPISE you, even if you're moisturzing then toning and scrubbing thrice a week honey. It's just not good for that dermis of yours.
SA: i'm sorry what's happening here.
AM: Oh an actual honey! S'up honeysuckle what's YOUR name hm?
ID: run pris. run.
II: Flee.
SA: why am I fleeing.
ID: also i thought giving our names would stop the assault of nicknames. =:I
SA: and why do they keep calling you honey.
II: I haven't the faintest idea.
AM: Run, flee? Sweethearts PLEASe you're harming my poor self. I came in here for a good time and- here let's sit and just chat. Really babes, calm yourselves.
ID: names.
II: Haha, I was merely joking along with ID. It's never in good taste to not tag along with one's conversational partner.
AM: Yeah, yeah I got it bud. Chill it's fine. These EYES HERE, reading through some GRADE-A lenses and typing like the wind now for your names, babe- oop. Yes gotit.
AM: _Hadean_
II: What's your name, AM?
ID: there you go, give the barkbeast a bone.
ID: ashley.
AM: Ashley, sweet heart. Take note of it, I'm digging the VIBES in here I wanna swing around more often.
SA: i like the lowblood chat, i've decided.
SA: it's a safe place.
II: Take me with you. I _will_ miss ID's commentary.
ID: i multitask.
ID: like i'll let a purple scare me out of here.
II: Scare? They aren't so alarming, merely...unusually exuberant!
SA: oh it's not scary at all.
SA: I just. Don't understand.
AM: Oh, darlings, please. I'm not scary. Don't be so intimidated really, just everyone take a breath. A sip of Chai. Excuse me for just being so EXCITED babes.
II: Haha, I'm not intimidated. And surely we can forgive you being excited.
ID: i've been called honey and babe more in these few minutes than i've ever been subjected to in my life. =:I
SA: lavender chai?
II: I'm sure AM was merely unusually free with their charmingly tawdry speech out of gushing enthusiasm.
AM: A LAVENDER CHAI EXACTLY, look this, this one. I like you, what's your name babe?
AM: You've got good taste.
SA: ...Prisma.
SA: please do not call me babe.
AM: Prisma, sweetheart. You've got it.
SA: 👌
ID: i don't think he wants the sweetheart part either tho.
SA: it's preferable.
SA: I am still only perdia's honeycomb.
AM: Listen babes. Listen. I'm telling you this as someone that cares and is going to be forward. Noting held back here alright? Don't take the babe and sweetheart as like ahh...How do I say this nice. A ..PROPOSAL yes a proposal.
AM: It's just friendly sweet talk you know, sweethearts?
AM: A bit of sugar coating on the words. Can't leave a bitter taste in anyone's mouth after all. Nono. we can't have that haha
AM: Bad for business, yadayada.
SA: 🙊
AM: But let's not talk business babes.
SA: let's. Not. yes.
AM: Those are just all WONDERFUL handles by the way.
SA: I still don't understand hadean's tag.
SA: I've been meaning to say.
ID: ˙sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉl ǝʇᴉɹʍ ʎllɐnsn ᴉ
ID: ˙ʍou ʇ,uop ƃuᴉʞɔnɟ ᴉ os ʇᴉ ʇnoqɐ sǝᴉɹɔ ǝuoʎɹǝʌǝ ʇnq
SA: don't ever do that again.
ID: you're all fucking welcome.
SA: I can read it just fine but.
SA: no
AM:Talented, very nice babe. Incredible. Really. But I have one critique.
SA: thank you.
AM: Don't do that, as Prisma said honey.
II: I look away for a few minutes
ID: ˙ssɐ ɹnoʎ uo sʇoq ʎds ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʇʇǝƃ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sƃuᴉɥʇ ƃuᴉʎɐs ɹoɟ pooƃ s,ʇᴉ uɐǝɯ ᴉ
SA: mine. simply means disdainfully superior. disdainful aide.
SA: can they not read it that way?
AM: Again, honey. Stop that. Really. ITS HORRIBLE.
DD: oh dear i am afraid my eyes are crossing far too much to read that right now!
II: Oh, I don't know, it has its own charm.
SA: Is it actually that hard for you to read?
SA: it's. easy.
ID: nah, they're all machines and junk pris.
DD: well not if i turn my palmhusk upside down!
SA: hm.
SA: i didn't even have to turn it upside down...
DD: which i am doing from now on when that comes up
II: Mine is quite to the point about my job.
DD: then maybe you are very talented sa! ^_^
ID: you get used to it.
ID: if you write like that all the time.
DD: it is difficult for me but i guess i could do it if i focused really hard its just a little bit bothersome at the moment because ive been up for ages and i just had a burger (with cheese like you said id!!!!) and i think i am experiencing what people call a food coma
AM: I dig it. Straight forward. Classy. Clean cut. Uhg. I could just LOSE IT but I won't I'm not the jealous type sweety. It's a good name Indrid. Keep it. Never change.
II: Well, possibly one day if I change positions?
II: I would like to be a colony law enforcement head.
ID: hahah, was it good dd?
DD: and ooh are we talking about quirks??
ID: tags and their meanings mostly.
ID: but my tag had to do with my quirk.
SA: there are. so many officers or officer related people here.
DD: it was super good!!!! i asked for it rare like you guys said and it wasnt as weird as i thought it would be though the lettuce was a lot crunchier than i expected and i really liked the pickles but i like pickled things in general
AM: A promotion? Change it. ASAP. In that Case honey. AM: DD where'd you get it from if I may ask? What was the rating of the place? Lots of people there babe? how about the ingredients were they fresh and non-GMO?
ID: along with the fact that i'm an oppositional jerk.
ID: wtf is a gmo.
ID: and why do i need none of it.
II: GMOs aren't so bad, though some companies are rather...mm, overbearing about their guidelines.
DD: i am afraid i do not know all of that am i was too tired to check very much and i am new to this town so i just went to the closest sandwich shop nearby and it was just a local establishment!
II: Genetically Modified Organism.
DD: also gmos are great!
AM: BAd things sweety. Not good. Bad news. Stay AWAY from the GMO if you want that waistline to stay TRIM.
II: ...
II: anyway
ID: i mean starvation keeps me pretty fucking trim.
DD: i mean i think you really are misunderstanding the nature of genetic modification but um
DD: oh dear
DD: starvation??
ID: from time to time dd, it happens.
DD: !!!!
DD: thats really distressing!
DD: why are you starving??
ID: .....
AM: Hadean. That's effcient. Do you like eating tho honey? I got some amazing things I could send your way from a GREAT subscription box from this ADORABLE startup company if you want any.
ID: because of a lack of food/money for food?
ID: i like not being called honey because it comes off as kinda fucking creepy to have a stranger calling me honey.
DD: yes please take ams food maybe i should send you some and oh dear i thought they meant if you liked honey as in the food i
DD: oh dear
DD: um!!!
DD: are you starving right now???
II: GMOs aren't necessarily unhealthy.
ID: nah i'm not starving right now.
II: They can be, but it's not a given.
AM: Got it babe. noted. Write here. Sticky note ready. You want the snacks or not though? They're TRENDING like MAD.
ID: i'm fine with. non trending.
ID: my lusus always taught me not to take candy from strangers and all that.
II: Your lusus sounds like a good parent.
DD: okay i am very happy to hear that and i know we are not really that familiar with each other but maybe do you think if you are ever starving you would be comfortable with messaging me because i know you were uncomfortable earlier but really in the end maybe being a little bit uncomfortable is better than starving and um
Am: I mean in that case I've got LOADs of garbage from last weeks delivery cause let me tell you, LET ME TELL YOU. They didn't get the memo that KALE not the next super food. So it's just....there uhg. I can't even look at it Hadean. Tragic
AM: You sure ?
SA: oh my god.
ID: wtf is a kale.
AM: Power Green.
II: An uninspiring plant.
AM: Truer words have never been spoken Indrid.
AM: Awful. Just Awful plant.
DD: do they pickle it??
AM: It's Dried Kale chips babe.
II: Well. I'm sure it inspires someone.. But I've never found it to be very tasty. Give me a lovely spinach and lettuce salad any night.
SA: it is usually roasted or sauteed or dehydrated.
DD: pickled seaweed is nice DD: also just plain salted seaweed
DD: oh
DD: i do not think i have ever had a dehydrated food ever
AM: You want these sweetheart? I dont want them in my SIGHT anymore. Uhg. just god. Eyesore
II: Perhaps I could force-feed them to prisoners as a form of interrogation.
DD: i am okay!! i just had a burger for the first time and i think that is enough adventure for now really
DD: also everyone is calling it gross so probably i would not like it
AM: Do whatever you want with them. but here. Listen. Just listen all of you. Let me...give you this charitable donation of these chips.
AM: I get them off my hand you get chips for free everyone wins.
SA: no.
ID: i'm gonna go ahead and pass.
II: Haha
II: In truth so must I, for I'm not even sure I would be there to pick them up.
II: I travel too much.
AM: Sure thing sweet cheeks. Anyone else? I have no qualms on tossing them I really don't but Halvea said I can't toss the box here at the office so I'm just sitting on it now.
II: They'd sit in my hive and my lusus would probably get into them.
II: Or Cyan, which would be terrible.
II: ...you know Halvea?
II: Or rather. Is that a tealblood Halvea?
AM: Honey I more than know her. She's my boss!
II: Oh. Interesting.
II: Are you a legislacerator too then?
AM: Oh god no babe.
AM: I'm the secretary.
II: Ah, I see.
II: I have met one of her neophytes, so I wasn't sure.
ID: =:???? the fuck is halvea.
AM: Her secretary. I'm not up and giving this skill of management to anyone.
AM: By the way.
II: She is a very enthusiastic tealblood legislacerator!
SA: Oh, halvea is.
AS: I believe.
SA: ignore that.
II: And yes, she goes by IJ.
ID: oh. that one.
AM: Yes correct again babes!
II: ...though, I do find it interesting she keeps a _purple_ secretary.
ID: i mean probably makes her feel fancy?
AM: Speaking of one second. Just sit tight I got some papers to give her. they came in. I hate them and honestly COULD and SHOULD shred them they're useless but she wants ALL her paper work apparently.
AM: BRB babes
II: Didn't you want to pursue a different career, AM?
SA: we're all booth babes now.
ID: you gotta wear the vent pants pris. =:P
DD: ooooh omg ive always wanted to be a booth babe
DD: just for a little while you know
DD: it seems fun!!
ID: i was a booth babe for a day.
DD: and you get to wear pretty clothes
DD: omg
DD: omg omg
DD: what did you wear??? was it fun??
SA: the day i wear the vent pants is the day i am lowered into my grave.
ID: i wore a hooker outfit and threw knives.
DD: vent pants are fun because they are really silly!
DD: and oh my goodness that is one terrifying professional model look
DD: what were you selling?
DD: did you stab anybody??
II: I'm assuming they did, given the fight.
ID: nah it was a contest on accuracy.
II: Oh, haha
II: Silly me
ID: the fighting came later!
AM: Alright honies I'm back. Uhg. And indrid sweety, listen. I do. I AM. I'm going to be the next rock n roll star just you see I've got some nice TUNES coming up honest.
SA: I almost won.
SA: I would like everyone to know this.
SA: since Hadean seem sto gloss over it was a contest with me in it.
AM: Oh? Deets honey. Deets.
ID: but i was the one who walked away with the giant monkey. =:P
II: Oh, that's a nice career. I do enjoy a nice rock ballad.
ID: ...i wonder what happened to that monkey.
II: ...giant monkey.
SA: yes but I was the one who got to cuddle the giant monkey.
DD: oooo DD: i have always been very impressed by accuracy and fighting in general i am afraid that i am not much of a fighter myself but i suppose it is not relevant to my profession really so it ends up okay
AM: Nevermind it sounds horrid.
SA: did... did you not get it from pheres's booth?
ID: it was a stuffed giant monkey toy.
II: Oh, I see
II: Wait, why did you get that for knife throwing...
ID: ...pris i have a broken arm. there was no way i was hauling it.
SA: because i bribed the owner.
II: Pfft
SA: yo could have told me, I would have gotten it...
SA: 😦
ID: i forgot, sorry.
DD: oh my goodness that all sounds like it was a lot of fun!
DD: and adventurous haha
AM: Damn. Cold honey. Cold. Need a shoulder to cry on or embroidered kerchief there prisma honey?
ID: i was gonna get it but then things got awkward at the stall anyways, sooo.
SA: I will cry on hadean or sipara if i require a cry, thank you.
SA: But I am incapable of crying anyways.
SA: so it does not matter.
SA: thank you.
AM: It's a waste of time anyway!
II: oh dear
AM: I like your style on that.
ID: what do you do when you get an eyelash in your eye. =:P
DD: oh my goodness
SA: I remove it with my fingers.
AM: You get the surgery to stop it or what babe? Let me know give me the numbers.
SA: what do you do>
SA: No.
SA: I was lobotomized.
ID: i curse a whole fucking lot and rub it until it gtfos.
SA: are you happy now.
AM: Ah. Intense.
DD: i cry a lot but its usually hard to tell because i am underwater though i suppose that will not be the case anymore but also not being able to cry sounds awful how do you express your emotions otherwise
II: Oh dear
AM: Sweety, DD. Never got your name by the way honey. You just. You know. Deal with it. Not then. Eventually. It's fine.
II: Are you all right, DD?
DD: i think i am not very good at dealing with it eventually instead of then but that is okay
DD: and what do you mean of course i am! DD: i am not crying now!
II: Well, I meant in general, but that's good to know
AM: You'll get the hang of it I believe in you sweety. Really. You've got potential there. That hue of yours. Comes with some NICE talents.
DD: and oooh that is right i was going to say earlier when we were taking about handles
ID: except for tears of joy over how good the burger was, obvs.
DD: hahaha i did not cry over that but i suppose it was pretty close! DD: it was a very nice burger!!
SA: that is a good thing to cry over.
DD: oh but yes my name is in my handle i am dazzle!!
AM: Hadean, have a sense of proffessionalism. Crying in PUBLIC is tABOO.
SA: your name.
AM: Good to mean you Dazzle. Really just. DAZZLING.
SA: is dazzle.
ID: uh when you're a fish you can do whatever the fuck you want in public.
DD: the daft is not part of my name that is just something my friend jokes about sometimes
DD: omg haha thank you am ❤ ❤
ID: you gonna tell a seadweller to stop crying in a store?
SA: they probably would honestly.
DD: and um yes my name is dazzle technically it is my last name but i think it is charming so i go by it anyways!
DD: my first name is laurel but that is not as fun
II: I think Laurel is lovely.
SA: laurel is preferable.
II: The flowers are very nice.
SA: but it is not my name.
II: But Dazzle is nice too.
AM: Laurel Dazzle. My, my you have just got LOADS of charisma dripping from everypore huh?
AM: I like it. Good name. I'll remember it. taking a REAL note of it babe.
DD: oh um DD: i mean i enjoy dazzle but if you dont like it you can call me laurel i guess i do not really mind that much
ID: daz it is.
DD: and oh my goodness i suppose i have a lot to live up to am!
II: Whatever makes you feel most comfortable!
ID: so we got daz, ind, and ash i guess.
DD: omg haha daz sounds lovely <3 DD: people dont call me that much anymore but when they did it was a friendly nickname so it is nice to hear again
AM: Ashley babe. make note of it back it's polite.
DD: but also i think i did not get your names sa and id!!
Am: Ashley. Honey. I like to keep a professional amount of distance at all times it's more comfortable that way babe.
ID: hadean.
AM: No ash.
DD: hadean!! DD: that is a very lovely name and i am happy to have learned it thank you!!
ID: keep calling me babe and honey and shit, i call you ash in return.
ID: dwi.
SA: "keep a professional distance" calls everyone ash.
SA: I mean.
SA: sweetheart.
SA: I'm. my phone is blowing up.
II: Dearest fellow castemate
AM:Fix that honey. I know the name of a GREAT guy to get that fixed for you. Trust me. Just PM sometime I'll give it to you. Shit we could get coffee sometimes Prisma babe. Anyway we'll talk later. what is it castemate hmm?
DD: is prisma sa??
DD: that is a very colorful name!! DD: prismatic even ❤ ❤
ID: yeah that's pris.
SA: ...
AM: The actual honey of the group HA.
SA: .........
ID: call him it pris.
IJ: Why are you harrassing people on your work hours.
SA: call him what.
ID: hahah, teal boss salvation.
ID: and ash pris. the only way he'll learn is if you annoy him with nicknames back.
SA: Oh no.
SA: I'm mad at DD.
II: Ah, hello Halvea.
SA: not Ashley.
II: Oh dear.
ID: oh.
ID: the name pun?
SA: it disgusts me.
II: Ah, I can see why it would.
ID: good ol' hadean. haven't had a pun yet.
IJ: Hello again In>ri>. I am sorry if my accountant has been bothering any of you, he is quite a blabber mouth in an> out of person.
SA: bean.
DD: oh no wait what why are you made at me what did i do i am sorry
SA: we can call you. bean.
SA: sweetbean.
ID: bean isn't part of my name.
AM: Listen, honey. Halvea. PLEASE use a better title that's so STIFF.
DD: oh the name pun um!!!
DD: i am very sorry i was trying to be friendly and i didnt mean to be offensive
IJ: When you stop calling me 'honey', how about that.
ID: there you go pris, he apologized.
SA: mmm
SA: thank you.
DD: i just meant you know prismatic is another word for colorful so mayb it would be nice to call you that but in retrospect it was tasteless so i will not do it again
II: ...it might be best if you stopped while you're ahead, Dazzle.
II: It is good to have apologized but usually less than preferable to ah, draw out the topic.
ID: so, uh. deep breaths pris.
II: I know you meant no harm, so let's leave it at that.
DD: oh um okay!! DD: i will shut up
ID: i will say it once more in this chat, i'm sorry should not be followed up with an explanation.
II: I concur with Hadean.
AM: Babe, Halvea. Come ON. Don't DO this right now please. I'm telling you look. Here I'll put the phone down huh? AM: Prisma, Indrid, Hadean, you sweethearts were digging my compan right? Dazzle sweety?
II: It certainly provided something new to the chat.
DD: oh i mean i was just DD: i mean i wanted to explain in case he thought i meant it maliciously not like DD: i mean DD: i DD: i am going to go back to shutting up now!!!
II: Oh, ah -
AM: Oh wow hm. Look at that.
IJ: I wasn't saying that you can't talk to others while working. I was explicitly talking about harrassing. Especially some of my fellow co-workers.
AM: Listen, sweethearts lets not drag on the illfeelings-- AM: Co-workers?
AM: Also I'm NOT harassing.
ID: i felt pretty harrassed at the amount of nicknames being spewn out around here.
AM: Hadean.
AM: Hadean you're not helping there bud.
IJ: In>ri> is one of my co-workers, yes.
AM: I offered you KALE Chips pal.
ID: which are apparently a shit food.
AM: OH-- ARE THEY? wow HAH. Oooh. Alright well. Here. I'll get them a coffee later when I get yours how about that? There bygones be bygones, honey.
AM: It's only shit because that fad FADED.
IJ: Kale isn't so ba>. It's also frie> Kale.
ID: man even in hot water you call the boss honey.
ID: i don't know whether to admire your gall or... pity your stupidity...
AM: I gladly invite you to SHUT.
SA: they were so sauve a moment ago.
ID: mmm, invite me to what?
ID: more harrassment?
IJ: They seem to lose their cool aroun> me. For whatever reason.
AM: Please. Buddies. STOP
AM: I _am perfectly cool_
ID: sure you are ash bud.
AM: HEY. HEy here's a thought a good idea. An AWESOME IDEA. I get you that coffee Halvea. INDRID what kinds do you like.
SA: it's like watching. a train. go off the track.
ID: uh-huh, i gotcha ash.
SA: are you quite okay?
IJ: No bu>s in this chat room. Smoking wee> is still illegal in my juristiction
II: I greatly enjoy a nice caramel frappucino.
SA: w ... what.
ID: bud as in buddy there uh.
ID: ij.
AM: Yes. I get that Halvea but again I must state it's not a PLANT it's a WORD.
ID: what ash said.
AM: I'LL BE BACK. Coffe run. Haha. Important. Wow . Yep.
ID: =:)
SA: I thought those wre called joints.
ID: careful not to spill ash!
II: Oh dear, they seem upset.
II: Hopefully they recover.
IJ: Bu> is usually refering to a piece of the marijuana plant, that woul> then be groun> up an> smoke> in what is calle> a 'joint'.
SA: are you this pedantic about all words?
IJ: He'll be fine. I pay him by the hour.
SA: flower buds...
IJ: Someone has to keep the reins in check here.
ID: well we are allll fine upstanding citizens around here.
IJ: The excessive number of Ls in that sentence lea>s me to believe that you are full of shit, mister.
ID: really though if you can restrict him from being able to type honey somehow.
II: Oh, I'm sure ID is a stellar example of Imperial citizenship.
IJ: >oesn't make him any less full of shit.
II: Really? I've found him quite enjoyable.
ID: i can be full of shit and a stellar citizen!
ID: isn't life funny.
IJ: Either way, I can't restrict anyone from typing anything, but I can give him a socially acceptable punishment for >oing so in the future.
SA: public humiliation?
IJ: Either way, I can't restrict anyone from typing anything, but I can give him a socially acceptable punishment for >oing so in the future.
IJ: Not quite that, no.
ID: ....no more coffee breaks?
II: Gracious, Halvea. So what if the boy is a bit overenergetic? What are you going to do to him?
SA: remove his snapchat filters.
II: Ha
IJ: I am not going to give him a punishment too cruel to fit the crime we are talking about here, In>ri>
IJ: I'> mess with his computer if it wasn't a work computer.
ID: i say no breaks. gotta make up the time he spent dawdling on here. =:P
ID: he did a loooot of dawdling.
IJ: >espite his outwar> nature, Ashley usually >aw>les becuase he gets his work >one quickly. If not a bit haphazar>ly.
SA: so they are secretly very intelligent.
IJ: He's not incompetant, yes.
ID: just bad at listening to boundaries.
II: I hardly imagine you'd employ him if he was.
II: He _does_ seem like he could use a bit of advice on how to interact with strangers.
IJ: Perhaps if he keeps this up, I'll have him have to work un>er Sappho for a >ay. Make him run his legs instea> of his mouth.
II: Haha, that hardly seems a punishment to me, but she is certainly enthusiastic and would keep him on his toes.
ID: yeah never leave him alone with a valuable witness, he'd ruin 'em.
ID: unless he's part of the intimidation tactics i guess.
IJ: Maybe have him work in the gym for a few hours, then? Man>atory gym room time.
ID: never a bad idea to have him able to run when he needs to!
AM: Okay hey. I brought my phone to the shop and they messed up my order, bummer right? But listen so they're remaking it and Halvea sweety. They have a special. A SPECIAL. Don't hate me now but, look listen everyone EVERYONE will back me up on this. It's a limited edition Lestat special a Lestat's whatever who cares. Not super sure what it's about but it sounded NEW and EXCITING. SO I got it for you. There all is forgiven honey.
SA: ...
II: Isn't he one of those rainbowdrinker characters
SA: it never ends.
SA: does it
II: Gracious, and we already got into such a discussion about them
II: Haha
IJ: Can you tell me that in Alternian English, please.
II: Apparently in the world of marketing it does not.
ID: it probably means you'll be getting a jade and/or rainbow colored drink.
IJ: ... I sai> I like my coffee as black as asphalt.
AM: Listen. I know. but. Here are you following me?
AM: Follow this idea. I get you that...BUT
AM: I also get this.
ID: so ij. if you need a new secretary, i learn fast.
AM: A sort of...chaser.
AM: Hadean would be awful he doesn't know your schedule and he starves so honestly your secretary wouldn't be as fit or toned as requried. NOW THE ANYWAY. I got it and here I'll send a picture.
ID: i don't order awful hideous drinks so.
ID: and really starvation is the best motivation to do good at my job.
acousticMedusa sent LESTAT_HELLA_MARKETING.jpg. it's basically that unicorn frap but idk black berry and pomagranate colored instead
ID: ahahah oh wooowwwww.
ID: so ij i don't have a resume, is that fine?
AM: Shhh shhh listen. it's great. I heard it's great. There's SO MANY reviews on line. And it's GREAT for pictures and publicity.
AM: No it's not you unprofessional-- no it's bad.
AM: I had an EXTENSIVE resume.
ID: i mean i'm forseeing an immediate opening in the next few minutes so.
AM: You couldn't even triangulate the perfect restuarants to have for breakfast,brunch, lunch, midafternoon mimosas, AND DINNER I bet! It's very important okay. Meetings NEED places like those reserved in advance all within close distance to eachother to ENSURE it's not exhausting but far enough to allow a walk for digestion.
AM:_important skills Hadean babe_
ID: sink or swim world out there ash, i think i'll manage.
AM: not to mention where to go for closer drinks after!
AM: Ashley.
ID: mmhmmm. ash.
ID: leyley better?
AM: Too cutesy it doesn't go with my rocking and rolling vibe okay.
AM: Ashley.
ID: ..................................................................
ID: ..........................................
ID: ash.
AM: 👀
II: I once heard of someone with the nickname 'Ashling', but I suppose if you don't enjoy cute titles.
ID: shouldn't he be returning with your coffees.
AM: It would take a special sort of someone babe. Gotta stay professional, you and me. Halvea's laws.
ID: man i hope your whatever it is doesn't get cold ind.
AM: I brought a reusable thermos for Halvea's drink it'll stay hot as the suns above. I care about the environment HADEAN.
ID: i mean is there a themos for ind's drink too.
II: Ah yes. Extremely important.
AM: You have to plan ahead for this sort of work to be a proper secretary. And no theirs is a COLD beverage why would I ever put that in a thermos the whipped creme would get SLUDGY FAST.
AM: I strictly ordered theirs to come after mine which had to be remade.
ID: psst ind is yours a cold drink.
II: What if I wanted a thermos regardless.
II: What if I just love thermoses that much.
ID: some of us love sludgy cream!
AM: It should be it's a decent degreed day, and a nice ice drink perks on up at this hour-- I really would've appreciated that before hand Indrid. NOTED then. Babe really. Tragically sorry about that one won't happen again .
AM: No, no. No one does. It's just not. It's not kosher.
ID: ind he's saying you aren't kosher.
II: Hahahaha
ID: hella rude right there.
AM: Listen. hadean. Slander isn't a cute look babe.
II: I know. I am so deeply offended.
ID: i'm just translating what you're saying ash.
ID: stop offending the lady.
II: Hadean, ever defending my honor.
ID: i'm the valiant rust in shining armor right here.
II: Hahahaha
ID: trying to secure my new cushy secretary job.
AM: If you're unhappy I'll gladly bring you this businesses card. Call, complain, get a free sludge mountain. It's PEACHY KEEN BABES.
ID: i mean or she could call up ij and complain about you~
ID: tsk tsk, all caps and everything.
AM: Don't you DARE.
ID: soooo rude.
AM: Don't do thsi HERE and NOW.
ID: ind i'm gonna need to lodge a complaint.
II: Oh, goodness, and I was _just_ going to call Halvea and tell her all about how very sad I am.
ID: sweet serendipity!
AM: HONEY HADEAN. DARLING. LISTEN. There's time to scream until we're RAW in private but for NOW hey. Keep it PRO yeaH? YOu DIG?
II: Eerily mysterious, isn't it, Hadean
II: How fate aligns
ID: oh i'm alll pro ash sweety!
AM: Babey cakes. hadean. Kindly. Ever so kindly and gently.
ID: you need to stop taking things so personal. =;)
II: Oh my, it _is_ getting personal isn't it
AM: I'm going to my desk. You can get your drink from my desk Indrid.
II: Gracious, I may _swoon_
ID: wow, can't even deliver the drink ind.
AM: I have to leave this establishment IMMEDIATLEY. BRB
II: I know, I am so put out.
ID: make sure to put that in the report.
II: Oh I don't think I need a full report, do you?
II: Merely a tragically written post-it note.
II: Displaying my sorrow.
ID: oh god it's this one again.
II: I can't say I've met them before.
ID: well i guess with ash gone i gotta get my kicks somewhere.
ID: redlegs. been called worse i suppose.
ID: uh-huh. introduce yourself to ind you caps-broken dork.
II: That would be me.
ID: uh the purple in the chat too.
ID: my patron deity is myself.
II: And haha, I am no deity.
ID: i'm fucking holy as fuck right here.
ID: bow down fuckers.
II: I suppose technically it would be the messiahs, but I am not particularly fond of them.
II: ...I misread that
II: Anyway.
ID: man you're a bright one.
II: Spring fling and boxcars?
II: Unusual nicknames.
ID: i mean i'm redlegs now so it seems to be their thing.
II: Haha, oh dear.
ID: uh my friends are cool af.
II: I have lovely friends!
ID: 'as fuck'.
II: Take them out to eat, or to some place we'd both enjoy.
ID: uh we watch movies and eat and tonight sips brushed my hair out for me.
II: ...oh dear, no, that is not what that means
LA: >8C
ID: ughhh i think she's been hit in the head a few times.
ID: once really hard maybe.
ID: ....no.
ID: we buy food and eat it like normal trolls.
ID: because when i only want one burger i'm not gonna fucking slaughter the whole hoofbeast.
ID: ...how do you save the meat.
ID: and when i don't have a fuckass amount of salt laying around?
ID: exactly, so i'll just buy the one burger instead.
ID: can't be wasteful.
ID: i'll buy whatever the fuck i want. dwi.
ID: i establish friendship with my fucking charisma and charm.
ID: that sounds like a fucking porn star name.
ID: saying af does not mean actually fucking.
ID: needs you do not satisfy with friends.
ID: that's what hookup bars are for.
IJ: Someone shoul> tell In>ri> that if someone is claiming a lawsuit against her, tell her I sai> "His case >oesn't stan> up."
ID: will pass the message on ij.
ID: sorry la, everyone's just working on a big case.
ID: gotta get everything ready for the hearing.
ID: gotta file allll the orders.
ID: submit all the evidence.
iD: brush up on their opening statements.
IJ: Turn the volume >own, ki>.
ID: i don't think she can.
ID: so i can only drive her out with legal jargon.
ID: did you submit your all-caps writing form.
ID: by abusing whoever else showed up.
ID: unlawful use of winking.
ID: that's a sentence for you.
ID: do you have any witnesses you'd like to submit to the court la.
ID: any evidence?
ID: i see, the verdict is...
ID: you're a fucking garbage can of a troll.
ID: guilty on all charges, book 'em.
ID: they usually do fight.
ID: but that's what the stun batons are for.
ID: someone drag this yellow carcass out of the chatroom so she'll stop making everyone leave.
ID: the talent of being unbearable to be around, congrats.
ID: i have nothing better to do. unlike the hard workers of this chatroom.
ID: and ash i guess.
ID: work smarter, not harder.
ID: be amazing.
ID: being terrible.
ID: and surviving.
ID: mostly the fighting.
ID: better some nights than others.
ID: gee, why didn't i think of that.
ID: yup, soooo much better than everyone else i was able to have an alright conversation with.
ID: wowwwww.
ID: can i grab you by the horns and put you in a wood chipper.
ID: ....how about you go play the quiet game.
ID: i bet you can't win.
ID: man you're right. i'm outies.
ID: wooowwww.
ID: i sure the fuck know how to pick them.
ID: ...though i guess i didn't pick her so much as have her forced on me. =:/
ID: man it's safe to come back folks. =:/
AM: Is it though, Hadean.
ID: of course~
ID: enjoying your horrible coffee concoction?
LA: ARROWS!!!!!!!!
AM: What do you mean horrible? I mean the first one was horrible, lords help me. But the second make was much better---
ID: =:I
AM: Another honey but one that needs to lay off the sweets.
ID: ...all coffee concoctions are horrible, duh.
AM: And pray tell, how did you come to that conclusion babe? I'm all ears. I'm clear for ten more minutes before I need to file a few things. Come one. Walk with me talk with me. Or well not walk we can't walk baby but HA you get metaphors right? Some good hyperboles? Shoot Hadean, shoot.
ID: i mean caffeine doesn't do anything for me so really it's all overpriced shit water to me!
RR: hey hey hey how's my favorite chatterboxers today
AM: Eegad what ungodly coffees are you drinking, honey? My god I'm telling you, just TELLING you right now, you listening? Listen. You. ME. I take you to a PROPER coffee house. We load you up with a shot of pure south eastern alternian espresso and you'll FALL IN LOVE.
RR: Whoa there RR: At least buy that expresso dinner first
ID: i mean no, caffeine literally doesn't work for shit on me.
AM: No babe, don't gotta it's pre wined and dined don't worry about it.
AM: We pay extra for it. Not a big deal.
RR: Damn that expresso is a cheap little diamond ain't it
ID: i get a few minutes of feeling weird and then it's pretty much gone.
AM: Ah. Bummer. Real bummer jeez. How the hell do you stay up? I mean I can't get through morning calesthetics without a good cup.
ID: the fuck is a calesthetic.
AM: And going to hot yoga without a mocha in hand? PLEASE. IMPOSSIBLE.
AM: Morning routinely exercises to get yourself limber.
RR: Dude do you live and die by a cup of java
RR: Kneel down and worship a coffee tree
AM: I do. It's important. I'm busy baby. Listen, you listening? Okay listen up. I need it! Everyone does. Gotta keep your machine of a body going with some electricity a good buzz babe.
AM: Without the worship.
ID: man i guess i've just been living life all wrong ash! thanks for opening my bulbs.
RR: Hey doll this is sounding like the real business RR: Hook me up with some of that jazz if you're offering
ID: oh my god is this a match made in the festuring chute of the mother grub.
AM:You're welcome Hadean. I'm glad we came to a good conclusion with this meeting I was scared it was going real sour you know? And that's just no good. How about we grab closure dinner sometime. I'll have my information forwarded to you sometime. AM: Of cours it's real business babe. I don't dawdle in fakesies 100% authentic inside and out honey.
RR: Aw Hads RR: Palerino RR: You gotta wake up and take a deep whiff of the mocha sometimes, you know?
AM: I'll send you my info too. I like your spunk, rusty honey.
AM: Coffee meeting all of us, it'll be great!
RR: Well beat me daddy eight to the bar RR: Where do I grab myself a cup
ID: uh-huh. you don't want to take me to dinner because of how fucked up i got you earlier do you?
ID: because if you think i'm not as bad, if not worse, in person you're dead wrong.
AM: Spicy. Don't believe it Hadsy but we'll see. Keep talking I'm listening I promise. PROMISE with a capital P you catching that? AM: RR let's get this on the right foot gonna need your name honey. Won't know what sort of suit I'm looking for without a name.
ID: uh-huh. jeesh ashy you just want me to dirty talk on the chat now or fucking what. nikola is too young for this sorta stuff.
AM: Nikola? Sharp name for a sharp troll. But listen. Is Hadsy there right Nikola pal? How young we talking? I can't meet up for coffee with interns you got me honey?
RR: Haha I ended up with the fabulous moniker oooof RR: Nikola
RR: Who are you boss
RR: Too young? RR: Hads man you don't even know how old I am
RR: I'm halfway to 9 by now
AM: Halfway to 9-- It's Ashley by the way Ashley Sireno. Mister Sireno's find kid.
RR: I ain't been 6 7 or 8 on the dot in a looong time
AM: You keep that head up highbuddy I'm sure you'll earn that closer meal some day.
RR: What business are you in boss RR: Sounds like a jitterbug of a career if you get to go on a coffee bender by the day
ID: man nikola act your age and stop eating expired snacks.
AM: Climb that ladder, buddy. It's a tough world but you keep that suit pressed and it gets better trust me. Make some connections good ones. Real good. And everything just FALLS into your lap like with me bud.
ID: hahhh. he's no boss.
AM: I'm a Secretary pal. Easy peasy.
ID: he's a glorified paper pusher.
AM: Hadsy. Buddy. Babe. Sweetheart.
AM: I do much more thanthat.
ID: i mean. job so easy a rust could do it, huh ashy boo~?
AM: I've even got a uniform.
RR: Hey nothing wrong with a desk job RR: It puts bread and coffee on the nutrition surface
AM: Oh I don't eat bread it's got too many carbs honey.
ID: you probably look hideous in it.
RR: It's a figure of speech doll
RR: I ain't talking literal bread
AM: I look GREAT actually. I'm not feeling the teal vibe honey but if I put a good neutral in with it and a pair of my valentino slacks it really comes together babe.
RR: Hot diggity damn I'm swooning over here
RR: Swooooon
AM: Oh I see. Good one Nik. HA. But no really I do this job to kill time. It's good to get outside. Meet people. Important things you know.
AM: Swooning?
AM: HAH. Bud. I know it's hard not to but Listen. You taking notes here? I think you're more fitted for your age bracket.
RR: What? A troll in uniform is a good look on anybody RR: Even ol' Hads over here
ID: i have no idea what valentino slacks are but i bet only tools wear them.
RR: Pffft man don't take it seriously
ID: and that they are...
RR: That's how I talk to everyone
ID: last season.
RR: And on tonight's show we take a gander at the sick flame war that's burning all across our great Empire
AM: Hadsy babe I throw out last seasons clothes every season. Don't you I mean it's...pretty natural?
AM: They get too worn and really it's just not worth keeping babe.
ID: uh-huh. people throw them out and you dig through their dumpster and pull them out and wear them.
II: I believe I may have just startled another passenger with my laughter.
ID: it's okay ashy babe, we all know now.
II: How many lowbloods have you met, Ashley.
AM: Hadean I don't think you can read well Babe I'm concerned. How are we gonna keep our lunch date now if you can't read the address honey???
AM: Uh
AM: Should I be keeping count?
AM: They're all pretty low on the rung usually, overly abundant really. It's a little hard to count them all.
II: ...
AM: Now TALKING to one that's a little fewer so I guess these two are the most recent babe.
II: ...oh _dear_
SA: we all know what now?
RR: Whoooa there it's getting pretty heavy on the wine in here RR: Don't know how we're handling this berry platter
ID: ahahahah yep i'm gonna break ashy's nose for him.
SA: 🖤?
RR: Hey hey RR: Nobody gets a fight here unless I get to add live commentary on the show
II: I shall politely look in the other direction.
ID: he can have an overabundance of blood clogging his nose holes.
RR: I'm picturing it now RR: Special tonight: The rustbucket and the secretary go to war RR: It's a battle of the wits! RR: Who'l be the top dog tonight? RR: Tune in to find out!
SA: or just 🥊
AM: My nose? Hadean sweety I dont think you can afford the bill! Besides I'd rather you didn't honey I've got great symmetrical features as is I need to upkeepthat.
ID: nikola did you even comment on my last fight.
RR: Oh wait that was you wasn't it
ID: nah, kiss your straight nose goodbye.
AM: Oh the real honey comb is back. Hi darling.
RR: Uh RR: So how IS your arm doing?
SA: I'm back and my attempts a code communication are being ignored
ID: i already got ii's blessing.
SA: I even though this one through
ID: 🥊
RR: I missed some of it because I was kind of distracted helping keep Lokkic's friends from black killing each other so
SA: 👌
AM: that's not physically possible honey but listen I wouldn't really recommend that. Maybe instead we could listen to tunes sweetie? I'm GREAT at the guitar.
RR: Hey, there's always room for music on the show
SA: oh no. Once you start a fight with Hadean there is no escape.
ID: i'm breaking your nose.
SA: only confrontation and pain.
ID: it's happening.
II: I'm afraid the fight must be carried out
II: Binding legal contract
AM: No.
ID: scared?
AM: Absolutely not you'll hear from Halvea about that contract!
ID: poor little purple.
II: Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind me borrowing you for a little demonstration in law.
ID: oh! ij said there's no case ii.
AM: Hadsy I'll show you how little I'm NOT.
AM: Wait what
ID: i was supposed to pass the message on.
SA: Hadsy... wow.
SA: 😂
AM: No, no you're wrong. Haddy honey it's fine. You misheard.
ID: no i did not.
ID: straight from the teal lips to my ear.
II: Gracious, are you disgracing Hadean's trustworthiness?
AM: Horrendous. Just Horrendous. Lies.
II: I am abashed.
ID: that'll earn him another nose hit.
SA; Ashley just cease speaking and accept your fate.
AM: I wanted a simple lunch date now this. Saddening. really I thought we could have a good business talk. Maybe get you a tie and a REAL artisan meal, look at your portfolio but wow. Bodily Threat. Awful.
AM: Prisma sweetheart I can't.
AM: In all good consciousness.
ID: i'll steal your tie when i'm done beating you up. it's fine.
ID: i mean ii is this the backbone your company wants to show?
II: What are you going to _do_ with that tie, Hadean
II: Haha, Halvea and I don't work for the same firm
SA: wear it with Emerel shirt presumably
II: I work for Stanse Advoco, not her.
SA: there nothing else to wear it with
ID: he won't accept a fight from a rusty. i think his boss should know his cowardice.
II: I know her through one of her acolytes, Sappho Wilcox.
AM: M...My tie?
II: It _is_ somewhat unbecoming of a purple to not take a challenge.
ID: it surreee is!
SA: Ashley if you pay me a suitable amount I'll fight Hadean for you as your champion
AM: It is real silk from the Prada line --And I never said no to a challenge just questioning the sanity of it!
IJ: >on't kill my accountant, please.
AM: Oh honey that's real cute but I don't quite swing to that tune. I dont need a cronie.
II: Oh, we would never dream of it.
ID: i won't kill him!
II: Merely challenge his skills a little.
ID: just break his nose!
SA: I think the consensus is he's doing it himself
RR: Hey ash stop by my hive sometime if you're bringing coffee RR: It ain't nothing fancy but it's guaranteed you won't get beat up there
RR: Honestly it might be your best hiding place
SA: I'm not a cronie
IJ: I was able to get him for cheap, I >on't want to sen> him in for repairs.
SA: well now you're on my shitlist too, Ashley
AM: I might take you up on that, we need to get you properly suited up. I don't hide tho bud. AM: I am not cheap Halvea.
ID: a broken nose wouldn't affect his performance.
II: Hahaha, oh dear
ID: hahhh. cheap!
RR: Ohhhh baby now you're on the shitlist RR: That's some real serious business right there
AM: I didn't even do anything babe! Hads is stealing MY tie for devious deeds babe
II: Whatever did a purpleblood do to come for cheap?
AM: Listen. Listen. It's not cheap pay.
ID: i challenged him to a fight and he's backing out. so probably his cowardice affects his pricing.
SA: 😂
AM: I'm NOT backing out hadsy Honey.
IJ: He looked like he just got out of schoolfee>ing so I thought it woul> be nice to give him a job.
II: Oh, that was very kind of you, Halvea.
ID: great ashy! i'll get to teach you a lesson in lowblood relations!
AM: You want a sample of these tunes you'll get them.
AM: I hope you're ready for a good rolling Had babe.
SA: wait
ID: ahahahahah
SA: Hadean what is the matter with you you have a broken arm
ID: he's still wet behind the ears that's pathetic.
ID: it'll heal on the way pris!
SA: when are you scheduling all this
SA: on the way to where? Where does Ashley live?
AM: Oh I've got time between the next filing and a fax. Come on sweetheart let's DANCE.
ID: sorry ashy babe, you're gonna have to wait for your asskicking.
IJ: You are not getting bloo> on the fax machine.
RR: Well I'd love to stay and talk RR: But I've got a show to run and scripts to write RR: Tune in later! RR: See you around folks
II: Those _do_ take forever to clean, it's true.
SA: goodbye strange radio individual
II: I remember when the photocopier got gummed up. Terrible.
AM: Toodles Nikola.
ID: bye nikola, you rust traitor.
AM: I'm not fighting ON the fax machine honey. What implication are you getting at here HUH? I'm saying we go outside. I bring my guitar we have a jam sesh.
II: ...a music duel?
II: Oh my, that's novel.
AM: Oh no honey.
SA: I am going to die of embarrassment
ID: give those sweet coords ashy babe, i'll swing by special for you in a few nights~
SA: do not
SA: he can't fight anyways.
EB: I wxuldnt advise getting dxwn and dirty with the fax machine EB: She pxsts the results everywhere yxur superixrs are lxxking
II: ...gracious.
ID: i can too pris. hush. i'll heal on the wayyy.
AM: A few nights? I'll be beyond warmed up by then BABE. Bring your best HADSY.
SA: it will not. And even if it does, your psionics and such are still ruined, aren't they?
ID: nah i charged up.
IJ: Psionics aren't the only thing that's ruine> right now. I >i>n't nee> this look into my accountant's hatelife.
SA: regardless there's no point chasing down an indigo at a legislcerators office just to break their nose
EB: Sxunds like i walked intx the event xf the sweep EB: Where dx i buy tickets
II: Haha oh my, Halvea.
SA: you missed it it was last week
ID: hope you like psi ashy!
II: You are certainly quite open about poor Ashley's inclinations.
EB: I missed it EB: Well damn give me a rundxwn here mellx yellxw EB: Yxu cant keep me in the dark xver here
AM: Halvea please it's not that raunchy. Just a bit of a duel. HA.
SA: I swear to god Ashley if you give him your coordinates
EB: My pusher dxesnt dx well with suspense yxu knxw
II: Oh, nothing has happened, EB
II: But it might
AM has sent AlleywayBY GOOD COFFEE SHOP .coords
ID: yessss.
SA: I'm telling Sipara to keep your dumbass home
EB: Xhhhh shit EB: Stream that fight sxmebxdy
ID: sips cannot stop me.
IJ: Just please, >on't kill him. Then I'd actually have to kill you. An> that'> be unfortunate.
ID: no killing!
II: I'm sure Hadean will be careful.
AM: No killing.
SA: that's what you said about the duel with Emerel
AM: Just some good tunes Halvea. I love playing for others you know that honey.
ID: and em only kinda died pris!
SA: which was "aalso just good fun"
SA: you almost died you fuckwit
EB: Xnly kinda died EB: It happens all the time
EB: I remember last time it happened tx me EB: It was a great day really
ID: almost! it's fiiine.
SA: 🙁
AM: Yeah honeycomb. C'mon it's just a little play.
AM: Just sit back, relax have a listen babe.
AM: And throw some fists.
EB: Yeah buddy its xnly almxst EB: What fun is life if yxur friends dxnt almxst die
SA: no. He's had plenty of play and it wrecked his arm and scared his friends half to death.
ID: i'll heaaalll.
AM: You jealous there honeycomb ?
ID: it's just a purpleblood pris.
SA: and let me not remind you what you felt during that fight that I also felt
EB: Better dx a better jxb xf keeping an eye xn him then
SA: because it wasn't any sort of good fun
II: Well, to be more specific, it is Ashley.
ID: well i'll repay you by feeling smug when i break his nose!
SA: I'm not jealous of anything.
SA: if you go there I'm going with you
IJ: Oh, >on't ruin his uniform either. At least make sure it stays in one piece.
AM: Oh? You two tied or something Hadsy? Listen babe. I'm up for a round but you do gotta let a boy know these in advance.
ID: a little bit of blood is fine tho?
EB: This is warming my pumper xver here EB: Real txuching friendship
AM: I'll take it off before Halvea. Listen. I got it special. I dont plan on ruining my few teal jackets.
ID: it's fun if he sees the stain and remembers i wrecked him.
IJ: >on't tell me about your hate life.
SA: Yes. Only if you wreck him
ID: and a good reminded to not underestimate anyone to boot!
SA: which you won't
AM: I'm getting wrecked?
SA: because I'll be holding you back
ID: you're totes getting wrecked.
AM: So both of you will be there then?
ID: no holding me back pris, this is h a p p e n i n g .
EB: Except yxur friendship is getting wrecked by the purple guy EB: This is turning intx a real mxvie plxt here EB : Any xf yxu ever think xf gxing intx acting
SA: it's not happening
AM: Hell honey it'll be a real moshpit won't it?
SA: you aren't completely healed and you won't be for longer than it will take to get there
ID: i heal quick pris, i proooomise.
AM: Halvea I request an evening off for a few hours to do this in a few nights!
SA: excuse me, my what is getting wrecked?
EB: Id prxvide the mxshing music but i cant even scream right EB: Shit xutta luck xn my end
AM: I got the pipes for all genres babe I got it covered.
SA: hadean
EB: Awesxme nxw all yxu have tx dx is sell tickets
ID: so punch you in the throat as well as the nose, got it.
AM: listen. Babe. Prisma. Take note, get yourself a pen and paper. NOTES. It's fine. Chill we're not grubs right?
AM: A simple meeting of the minds. thats all sweetheart
SA: you shut up
IJ: As long as you >on't come back >ea> I guess. Takes up one of your sick >ays though.
ID: yeah pris, we're meeting up for a quick lil fight.
ID: ...and when i win i'm taking his tie and his wallet.
EB: Xhhhh its getting hxt and heavy in here EB: This might just turn intx a prxper blitz yet
SA: again. This is exactly. What you said about Emerel.
SA: we learn from the past, Hadean.
AM: That's fine I'll pencil it into my calendar then! Hadsy promised no death so nothing to fret over. Besides Halvea honey I've got this. Have any of my songs disappointed HM? I could bring so much peace after a bit of tussle after one.
SA: 😰😰😰
ID: i learned not to fight in a ring where you have to play by the rules.
ID: this is an alleyway fight!
ID: this is my jam.
SA: that is even worse.
SA: because you weren't even using rules in the other ring.
AM: It's by my FAVOURITE SHOP don't worry Prisma baby.
AM: We'll get a good cup, some mineral water after. Right as rain.
EB: Yxu knxw
SA: don't tell me not to worry. You didn't see him after the first fight.
ID: i was far more concerned about not messing emerel up. that counts as rules.
EB: I think there's sxme miscxmmunicatixn xn whx is fighting where here
SA: and then you killed him
AM: Press Hadean's shirt. Look I'll take good care of your boy here honey.
ID: that fight was a fluke. this one'll be better.
EB: Are yxu breaking faces xr drinking fancy xverpriced water
II: Why not both
SA: Ashley is too pretentious to say fight in conventional terms
AM: both sweetheart. Doing both. It's business you wouldn't understand.
EB: Sxunds like business where yxu get ripped xff fxr water tx me
ID: and i'll use the pretentiousness and stick his instrument up his chute! everyone wins.
EB: What even makes high class mineral water different from well drinks
ID: except ashy.
ID: he loses.
SA: it doesn't matter! He's a damn indigo he is by nature pretentious
II: Well, thank goodness I escaped.
EB: Whxa there remind me nxt tx get xn yxur bad side
AM: I'm not pretentious I simply know where I belong and FIT IN babe.
AM: Conforming isn't so bad sweetheart.
SA: will you please just listen to the reason of something other than your fists and temper.
EB: Yxu fit in exactly where yxu shxuld fit in
EB: With the pretentixus
SA: for five seconds.
ID: i'll make your nose conform to my fist!
SA; at the very least until you are completely healed.
AM: I'd like to see you try, Had honey! See if you can even still do it after a few notes. I promise you'll just love my headliner~
EB: Uh ID EB: I knxw I'm a stranger and all but I think yxu shxuld dx sxme listening tx yxur buddy there EB: He sxunds pretty wxrried abxut yxu
ID: fiiiine. i'll wait a week and then i'll be good as new.
AM: Not a business partner of my babe. It's fine. Maybe we can reconnect these business relations after.
EB: And like hell alsx break sxmething sx dx that listening thing
ID: ash! gonna reschedule your nose surgery in a week.
AM: After some long talks and deliberation.
AM: You are going no where near my nose!
SA: 😰
AM: Just go for I don't know an ear babe, it's hip to have crooked ones now, or like an ankle.
ID: if you're a real good boy i'll smash it flat for you.
AM: I hope you dig long naps sweetheart.
SA: Hadean...
AM: Prisma babe listen. We know how this debate whent and what shares he's buying tonight.
AM: The stock market is closing babe.
AM: And the totals are in.
SA: I don't care what you say you are utterly irrelevant
AM: We're having the funds withdrawn in afew days while they're at all a all time HIGH BABE.
SA: you are some prissed up high blood picking unnecessary fights for your vain ass ego
AM: A done deal.
SA: sit down and shut up
EB: Xkay wxw EB: Just stxp grapeseed EB: I live fxr drama and im getting a headache listening tx yxu
ID: don't worry pris, i'll give him an extra kick for you.
AM: Not stopping now honey. Listen EB you wouldn't understand this talk either. So calm down for a bit and sit back and watch?
II: ...your condescension is not helping matters, Ashley.
EB: I understand the sweet sweet xdxr xf bullshit
EB: Yxu smell like a whxle lxt xf bullshit friend
II: You do know everyone here can understand you perfectly well, yes?
AM: I smell like Dior no. 55. EB.
SA: you don't need to do anything for me except remain in one piece until you are better, and then some.
EB: Fxr the recxrd I'm in training right nxw purple guy EB: I understand plenty enxugh tx knxw when i see a man well xn his way tx getting his ass kicked
EB: Man i cant wait
ID: i'll be in one piece in a week pris. you'll see.
ID: i'm sturdy.
EB: And yxu EB: Shut up and listen tx yxur yellxw friend and stxp being stupid EB: Yxure gxing tx kill the pxxr guy frxm stress
AM: You were so excited a second ago? Wanting a refund now babe? Bad choice honey a lot of returns aren't honored anymore. Bad business practice.
II: I don't think that will exactly make him inclined to listen to you, EB. I trust Prisma and Hadean to settle this themselves.
EB: Xh believe me EB: If i feel like getting a refund EB: Ill get my refund EB: And yxu wxnt ever see it cxming ;)
SA: it doesn't matter how sturdy you are, we know that. Save your battles for when they matter. Not some chai drinking nobody secretary.
EB: Well cxnsidering i appear tx have walked intx a chat full xf angry kids
SA: at least apply a logical value to it
ID: chai drinking nobodies are fun to fight.
ID: that's my logic?
SA: youve never fought one
ID: i've fought lots of nobodies!
ID i just never asked if they drink chai.
SA: and it didn't do anything for you except get you on someone's worthless shitlist!
AM: I am far from a nobody babe.
AM: Just saying.
ID: you're below a nobody, lbh.
SA: nobody cares what you are assclown
AM: ASsclown...HA
ID: please pris, it's ashclown.
AM: Oh that's rich. Try better babe. I wanna hear the next one from Hadsy unless he wants to be a coward like he called me earlier for not wanting to in the first place.
SA: he isn't a coward
AM: There you go had honey.
SA; he's smarter than this, though
SA: and he knows it I'm sure
AM: is he honeycomb?
AM: He called me a coward for not wanting to ruin my slacks and goated me on. I think he wants a concernt.
ID: ....i mean pris this is what i do like. alll the time.
AM: So I'm accepting. I scheduled it and i've got a sick day off.
EB: Whx wants pxpcxrn
SA: I know it's what you do presumably all the time. I've known you long enough to use deductive reasoning
EB: Because i think we need sxme pxpcxrn in here
SA: but that's no reason to go chasing after it after you've already gotten hurt this once, even if you will be better "in a week", which you won't
ID: hope you have more sick days, you might need them to fix your snout~
ID: i will too.
SA: I'm going to slap the shit out you
AM: Won't be needing them babe, trust me. Good business men always have trump cards honey.
ID: no you won't. =>:I
SA: 😰😰😰
EB: Hey grapeseed EB: Yxure a man whx likes tx dx business right
SA: please
EB: I have a prxpxsitixn fxr yxu
AM: And what's that anonymous babe?
EB: Xf the business variety
ID: pris. i'll be fine. will nightly progress reports of my wounds make you feel better?
EB: Yxu cxme and tangx with me and my buddy. EB: Yxu win, yxu can gx at whxever yxu want after, including this guy. EB: We win, fight with him is xff.
ID: what? no!
ID: fuck off eb, this is my fight.
SA: only a little. I don't want you running off to fight some random member of this chat, again, just so you can potentially get hurt badly again.
EB: Excuse me im dxing business deals xver here
AM: I don't want a go for sport babe. This is deeper at this point. I've got a strong connection here with Hadsy. A business one. Look at us. This level of BUSINESS CASUAL we've moved past last names even! Listen honey. I've got this scheduled for him but you show me your MOXIE and I'll consider it.
EB: Sx yxure scared to take xn a pair xf little lxwblxxds EB: Wxw
EB: Yxur ancestxrs are smiling xn yxu
AM: Oh babe no not scared.
AM: I'm making sure my meetings don't overlap. You understand right busy schedules.
AM: I'm not rejecting you babe I'm storing your resume for later honey.
EB: Uh huh EB: Sx yxu cxuld take a sick day fxr him EB: But nxt fxr us EB: Hxw predictable
EB: I guess yxu just dxnt have it in yxu tx make a gxxd schedule
AM: I've known him longer honey. Nothing personal. I don't even know who you are gimme a name sweetcheeks.
EB: Eberic
ID: eberic fuck right off.
AM: Eberic...alright I wrote a note. Pen to paper right here stuck it on my computer.
AM: But I really do have to give little HaHA dibs first here though honey you understand right?
EB: Yxud best make time fxr me grapeseed EB: Because this guy wxnt be up fxr anxther week
EB: Whereas me EB: Ready anytime
ID: ash bash is sooo on.
AM: You do make a good argument Eberic babe. You got a rebuttle for your tardiness Haddy?
ID: eb is just doing this out of some sort of pity towards me.
ID: and isn't actually doing it for any hateful motives.
ID: they're playing you.
EB: Dxnt flatter yxurself babe
AM: Do you need pity honey?
EB: I aint dxing this fxr yxu
ID: i don't, but they think i do. which is sadddd.
AM: I mean you DID have your ...I think underling try to talk you out of this? You let your cronies talk for you babe?
ID: and fuck off eb, i called dibs anyways.
SA: what's sad is if Ashley goes too far I can crush his trachea by thinking about it.
ID: prisma is his own troll and-
AM: you got good ears Prisma honey?
ID: pris.
EB: I dxnt even knxw yxu EB: But i figured since xur esteemed highblxxd is willing tx fight EB: I cxuldnt pass up the xppxrtunity tx see hxw great he is in persxn
SA: 😨
ID: he's a shit highblood that i'm going to beat up.
EB: Im first up xn the schedule man EB: Let me take this xne
SA: don't goad him for having friends that care about him.
ID: fuck no. fuck off eb.
SA: I know Hadean could fuck you up if he wanted to. He's a psion. You're below us.
ID: #psimasterrace
AM: You think you're so high and mighty for lowblood poor bred powers babe! I'd rethink that strategy if I were you babe.
SA: poor bred
SA: oh.
EB: Exactly why yxu shxuldnt waste yxur time with him EB: And instead shxuld thrxw a little nxd my way
SA: 🤷‍♀️
SA: It's fine.
SA: I don't actually mind all that much.
SA: literally.
ID: see, this is why i'm breaking your nose.
ID: that way. for the rest of your loooong life.
SA; Hadean
AM: Bring it babe.
ID: you can look in the mirror and remember the rusty smashing you. =:)
SA: at least tone the vitriol back some please
SA: I'm exhausted this is hard for me
SA: you would know that
AM: Nah I need to know his play by play honey. Let my competition spill their secrets.
ID: go to bed pris. I'm obviously not rushing out to fight him tonight. we agreed in a week!
SA: I cannot rest knowing there is something I must do.
ID: all you have to do it go to bed pris.
SA: and I don't know what will happen if I leave. He is determined to keep escalating this despite getting what he wants.
AM: I hope you're ready to get rocked haddy honey.
AM: Haha
AM: Man this is the best business day I've had in ages babe, listen you're a fun toy I like this.
SA: he isn't a toy
ID: woowww i'll rock your nose with a brick.
II: ...you are being rather rude, Ashley.
EB: Dude just listen tx yxur buddy EB: Hes nxt telling yxu tx back xff because yxu suck even thxugh yxu dx EB: Hes dxing it because he dxesnt want yxu hurt again EB: Since that scares pexple whx like yxu
AM: ✨ Indrid honey for you. I'll see the light and tone it down a knotch.
II: I do appreciate it.
ID: pris and i made an agreement eb, it's fine.
EB: Sxunds like he dxesnt agree
AM: I'm just so ...on air did you read that? I'm meeting a ruffian for a coffee concert. I'm having a ball babe. A bit of something to spice up the agenda.
SA: we talked about it.
II: Oh, I understand. It's all new and exciting.
SA: I still don't approve.
SA: but I trust him to be careful and less reckless than last time. 😰
ID: see? allll fine.
AM: We'll be careful babe. See all safety precautions. I'll bring a med kit. It's fine sweetheart.
AM: Good aftercare.
ID: bring lots of gauze for your snout.
SA: if this ends in 🖤 you're both dead to me
II: Gracious.
II: I certainly hope not.
ID: do nooot worry pris.
II: This is not how any good pitchrom starts.
ID: i'm not desperate.
II: Ha
SA: 💚😂
AM: Oh babe don't go planning my future for me. I haven't finished getting together everything for Halveas fiscal quarter even yet.
II: I can see how that might strain you.
SA: actually Ashley I am a clairvoyant.
SA: I can read your future.
II: Does his nose break.
SA: very easily, actually.
II: I ask out of only morbid curiosity.
AM: Haddy you better dress nice babe.
AM: It's bad to show up to a meeting in business casual.
AM: Otherwise I'm going back to work.
SA: 🤷‍♀️
ID: oh i'll have something special for you~
SA: you don't have anything nice to wear.
SA: at all
SA: don't lie
AM: ❓
SA: now you'll have to wait until we go shopping.
SA: 👍
ID: oh yes i do~
SA: ...
AM: !! Exciting honey. I'm just TICKLED....well not pink that's not my hue and really babe listen, a bad expression. Blase even. i hate it. So here instead I'm just babe, i AM bursting in blackberry hues. Eh, we'll workshop it honey we'll get the best team on the job for that one. Don't forget make up haddy. An a good slick back hairstyle is good.
ID: i have ass-length hair.
SA: you're tacky and I hate you
AM: That isn't professional.
AM: I can trim it while we duel babe.
AM: Or after ! I can take you to my favourite new burlesque barber shop.
AM: It's very new, very popular.
AM: Great ratings online.
ID: my hair is prof af.
AM: Is it for pulling babe? because that's what that comes across as in a fight, plan smarter honey I don't want this to be easy.
SA: no hair pulling.
SA: at this point I may as well say "no" every minute it would More or less suffice the entire conversation. It isn't going to change for the next hour.
SA: you aren't going to say anything new. Or unique.
SA: I don't even have to look at my phone...
ID: hahhh. you can try to grab it, but it just gives me more openings to break your nose.
AM: Haddy sweetheart want to make this private? Coordinate a bit babe. Less confusion the better.
ID: aww pris intimidating you? alright honeygrub, we can go where the big bad pris can't snark at you~
AM: Sweetheart he's just not with this company's vibe is all.
SA: no
AM: Bringing the vibes down.
AM: Like that.
SA: and you're ruining my evening but we can't all get what we want.
II: Personally I think Prisma has an applaudable amount of sense, but I am merely a bystander here.
SA: I appreciate this.
II: I do my best.
SA: Hadean don't leave this chat
SA: don't do it
AM: Indrid what happened to good old fashioned caste solidarity babe?
SA: it quits existing when you're an insufferable prick.
SA; even your castemates are embarrassed by you
II: I believe I can be quite capable of supporting my caste and others at the same time.
II: I am talented.
ID: pris it's fiiine. i'm not going anywhere tonight.
AM: I know you're talented honey. I won't argue that of course. Why would I? I have no reason to.
ID: even if i did i'd never reach the city to fight him tonight anyways!
SA: I meant verbally in a private chat but that as well
AM: I just want a smidge of back up maybe, sweetheart.
ID: indrid do you want any of my punches to be dedicated to how many times he's called you annoying nicknames?
SA: i feel as if indrid has wisely washed their hands of this
II: I've heard far worse, really. _Much_ more embarrassing. I don't mind.
ID: well imagine how sad they'll sound with his snout broke!
AM: 😃
ID: ps make sure that everyone at the firms know he got it broke by a maroon would you?
AM: I wouldn't.
AM: I'll say I tripped babe.
ID: i was talking to ind.
AM: I'm rather beanpole-ish it's believeable.
ID: not you ashy~
II: Well, Ashley, I do suppose it _is_ my place to assure you that I will think no less of you if you lose.
SA: he's not even going to acknowledge the fight, why bother.
ID: shocker, the world does not revolve around you~
AM: Oh there's no losers here sweetheart I'll assure you of that.
II: Oh?
II: Interesting.
AM: Indeed right?
ID: he'll acknowledge it to himself every night pris.
II: I confess you _have_ piqued my curiosity.
SA: impossible you know they have insurmountable disbelief
SA: Hadean you should rest. You have to heal.
ID: ...pris. you can't disbelieve a broken snout.
ID: i'm up to speed heal pris.
AM: I'm glad to hear that Indrid I'll leave your wit to fill in the blanks of what I mean however honey.
II: A man of mystery, hm?
ID: a man of shitty fashion sense and narcissism.
ID: ftfy.
SA has sent IMG_049.png. It is him, making the saddest harp seal eyes imaginable. For him, at least.
AM: I can't lay everything out on the table yet, honey. Like I said trump cards!
AM: What is this.
AM: Babe is this you?
ID: priissssss.
II: Oh, well, I suppose that's fair.
SA: Hadean.
ID: i didn't even know your face could make that. face.
II: I _do_ expect grand things now, though.
AM: As you always should!
SA: what do you mean is it me?
II: Gracious, you DO look upset, Prisma.
AM: It's uncomfortable.
SA: it can if I focus extremely hard. But only voluntarily.
II: Should I? That sounds exhausting. Whatever would I do if I were constantly waiting for something momentous to occur.
SA: my natural expressions are minute and subtle. I do not respond to emotional stimuli facially.
II: I would constantly be anticipating the next thing. Eventually I would become numb to it all.
AM: Is it picture sharing hour now honies?
II: It was earlier actually.
AM: Darn i was out getting coffee.
AM: Ah well.
II: I feel I shouldn't recycle the selfie I used before, and I look too tired right now to take a good one.
AM: Another surprise for Haddy I guess?
AM: indrid please we both know that's a lie but do as you want babe.
AM: I could also bring you concealer.
II: Haha, aren't you a flatterer.
AM: And makeup and some eye cream and a cucumber mask?
ID: pshhh you'll get to look at my face when i'm beating yours in.
II: That does sound nice.
II: But I'm on a train right now.
AM: Bummer honey.
SA: actually they won't be able to as the eyes close on reflex to protect themselves
AM: You're just so sure of yourself that you'll get the first hit huh babe?
AM: It's cute really.
SA: Ashley if your ego were any bigger I am certain your own reflection would murder you
ID: ahahahahah.
AM: Or something else babe but I'm at work and I feel Halvea has a 3rd sense for everything I do.
ID: i'll get in the hits that count, don't worry~
SA: how is this still entertaining for you both
SA: how are you not bored
SA: you have what you want. Shouldn't that be the end of it.
SA: until the due time
AM: Are you jealous prisma honey?
SA: I don't feel jealousy.
AM: edgy...
SA: what part of lobotomizes fails to reach your mind.
AM: you should market that I hear that's really selling now
SA: I am not edgy.
AM: I didn't take note so i forgot.
SA: it's not an act
SA: it's a reality
AM: mmmhm
II: You _do_ know lobotomization's effects, don't you, Ashley?
AM: I mostly want to know what haddy's wearing so I don't clash.
AM: So I don't care at the moment it's not a priority I'll pull up a search later though.
SA: you're an absolute idiot
SA: but yes! I am edgy
II: Well, it does take some reading time to devote, that's true. I'm sure your work is important.
ID: don't worry, i'll swear something your shitty purple blood goes well with!
SA: everything i do is to recklessly gain the attention to others
SA: and then push them away to show how
SA: cool and impressive I am
AM: It's very Halvea has a lot of paper's to go through daily and trolls to deal with.
AM: I take pride in this work Indrid honey.
AM: I'll wear something that doesn't show blood easily then. Couldn't you have been a higher hue haddy babe? Then I wouldn't have to look into a synthetic blend...
II: Well, that's good. If you didn't that'd be unfortunate. Every firm troll should be enthusiastic about their duties.
II: If not, why be here?
AM: Precisley, Indrid.
ID: maroon is the best. so. no.
II: Well, you could always complain to the mother grub, Ashley.
AM: Or at least pretend for gods sake the rest of us don't want that negativity around it gives fine lines to the face.
AM: I'd rather not a brood mother isn't on my list of sights to see.
SA: go to bed before you do get wrinkles
ID: i'll give them more to worry about than wrinkles.
SA: what is it you say to me
SA: something
SA: hush up
AM: Say my name sometime Haddy.
AM: This is beginning to feel one sided.
ID: pshhh. ashy sweety buns, better~?
ID: you just love the sound of your own fucking name.
SA: why don't I get cute pet names
SA: solve that one for me
AM: !!
ID: because they're mocking names pris.
SA: I don't believe he thinks that
SA: I wish I had the monkey to hold
SA: that might be vaguely nice
AM: i think whatever I want to think babe.
AM: Keep that up though Haddy and maybe I'll let you actually GET a punch in.
ID: uh-huh. talk's cheap ashy boo.
ID: cheap like your shoes.
AM: Do you even wear shoes Haddy...
SA: dumpster diving. Sachs fifth
ID: of course i do~ i'm not kicking your ass bare, that's just asking for diseases~
AM: Mine are LV's babe, the only shade of red I wear besides your hue come a week from now honey.
SA: wrong shade of red
SA: you'll ruin them.
AM: Mmmm mMmmm HMMM
ID: it's cute that you think you'll bloody me~
SA: Hadean.
AM: Facts. Facts is the right word Haddy.
SA: that would make that sentence grammatically incorrect.
SA: you are stupid, aren't you.
SA: Hadean sleep
SA: so I can sleep too
AM: Shut.
ID: facts is i'm gonna wreck you.
SA: bed
AM: yep I'm satisfied bed it is. Goodlight all
II: I think sleep is a wonderful thing.
ID: i'm goooinggg!
SA: 💚💚💚
AM: Heal fast Haddy.
ID: dream about me ashy~ =:P
AM: So you can get new wounds!
SA: don't dream about him
AM: You're not that lucky honey.
SA; it will be weird
II: Prepare well, Ashley.
ID: nothing compared to what you'll get~
AM: Will do indrid.
ID: get wrekt.
II: Ah, but don't you want him to be fresh for your fight?
II: All dewy-eyed and clean-faced?
AM: Regardles I'm going to be he's crippled and apparently hive grounded so it's fine.
iD: get wrekt in your dreams of me.
SA: bed
AM: hohohoo
ID: fiiine!
SA: be quiet ashy
AM: Good light this time, Haddy. But not truly.
II: I don't think that will do anything, Prisma. But good light, all.
AM: I dont take orders from you I'm not on your pay roll prisma.
ID: g'light ashy, try to keep up with work tomorrow for once!
II: A fact for which I am sure we all are grateful.
SA: you seem to follow hadeans just fine though
SA: 🙃
AM: Quiet you.
ID: i know how to unlock purple bitch mode.
AM: Uhg.
II: You two keep telling each other that like you think it will work.
SA: oh is that a soft spot of yours
AM: Get to rest all of you honies. JEEZ
ID: i'm going. later. =>:D
SA: if I see one of you start typing again
SA: ...
SA: 🍾🍾🍾
AM: ...
SA: ashy is back for more of their lowblood kink
SA; do I have to tell you to go to bed too?
SA: shh that's a bad indigo
AM: Gross don't say that get to rest.
II: I have a thought. We all count to five and get off.
ID: log the fuck out already ashy you fuckhead.
SA: it won't HADEAN
SA: what are you, a toddler?
SA: this is truly what pitch fights are made of
SA: screaming incoherently until you get your way
SA: go the fuck you sleep you petulant child
ID: i hope you're exhausted tomorrow and you can't work and you get fired.
SA: you too Hadean
II: How about you all get off or I start clogging the chat with legal code, which will put everyone to sleep anyway.
SA; it wouldn't work on me
II: Everyone except Prisma
SA: I'm already awake again
AM: I already rear it all day Indrid
AM: *read
II: Sigh.
II: There goes my usually foolproof threat.
II: What is a woman to do.
ID: i'll power through it out of pure fucking spite.
AM: Put haddy and Prisma to sleep first then I'll rest.
II: Well, I suppose it's a contest to see who can stay up the longest then.
SA. An infant
II: I hope you're all ready to party.
SA: are you proud of yourself, Ashy?
SA: this is what you've reduced your caste to
AM: When I'm last troll standing yes babe
SA: childish bickering over who has the last laugh
ID: you'll be the first one to fall you mean.
SA: honestly pathetic
SA: Hadean go rest
AM: You're first to fall Haddy, you good at polishing honey?
SA: hush
ID: hahah i'll polish my fists on your nose.
AM: You hush
AM: Cute.
SA: shh
AM: Or whatever descriptor
ID: you suck.
AM: Godddss just go to rest both of you
SA: it's not clever anymore you two you're rehashing old insults you've been using for the last three hours
ID: go drown.
SA: oh does the idea of having raccoon eyes bother you?
SA: I'll drown you Hadean
AM: no I know the splendors of makeup
ID: makeup can't fix ugly.
SA: im drowning him
AM: 👹
SA: look he's still going
SA: god this is hysterical
AM: as are you babe
SA: hush
ID: 💢
AM: if I get another nickname I'll rest.
SA: hush
AM: how about that
SA: just command him to sleep
ID: bulgewaffle.
SA: he clearly can't resist it
SA: Hadean you are a fucking idiot
AM: horrible i want a better one
SA: just keep him up all night
SA: let him be stubborn
ID: ashy you sugar-crusted diamond encrusted piece of hoofbeast shit GO THE FUCK TO COON.
SA: go on, I'll stay
AM: ah much better
SA: 😢
SA: im disappointed in you
ID: aren't we all.
SA: if only because you're wittier than that
ID: i'm running on fumes cut me some....
ID: slack.
SA: I told you to sleep
AM: no slack
AM: YOU sleep Prisma
SA: oh look who broke their end of the deal
ID: go the fuck to sleep you nooksnorkling buffoon.
AM: it wasn't legally bindig
SA: now you're a liar and a bad businessman
AM: im
II: Ashen, ami
SA: it was in writing, that's binding
AM: amazing
II: I will give you as many nicknames as you like
II: Also coffee
AM; oui indrid
SA: don't encourage him I want Hadean to rest
AM: it's not the sammeee
II: If you gracefully take the initiative
II: And I shall depart as well
SA: if we leave they will not
ID: ghfddddddddd
SA: shh
AM: very well indrid
II: Good light!
ID: glght.
AM: lig
ID: fucyo.
SA: this is going to be a pitch thing. I feel it in my bones
SA: 😩
SA: It was nice being friends while it lasted 🙄
SA: ugh
0 notes