#anyways ignore me i forgot to tell u last week and i wanted to post an update abt how she was doing then realized. u guys don’t know wtf i’m
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birthofvcnus · 1 year ago
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okay so this happened last week and today the lady came back and i’m so happy about it because i got to check on her (she’s doing better! she had issues moving around for a couple of days because her body was stiff and it ached but she’s okay now) and we hugged and it makes me warm inside to know what despite us being complete strangers this lady and i love each other deeply and i’ll always carry a little part of her with me in my heart
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year ago
I love how seriously you took the Radqueer God thing and ran with it, when it was mostly me poking fun at an anti-endo saying something really stupid, and asserting that I was treated as a literal God by a community that I'm not even a part of.
Really shows how desperate you all are.
But yeah, that's something else I forgot to mention! After I criticized your hate subreddit's hit list, you guys started "deepdiving" my account through years of content to find reasons to attack me and put me on your hit list!
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Surprised you didn't toss in the part where I bragged about teaching people to dissociate and hallucinate.
I mean, you guys browsed the Sophiecourse tag, right? It's the second one over if your browse by top. And I even went through all the trouble of sending that anon to Dia asking what "lie" I told just so Dia would post that screenshot to try to prove me wrong, and I could reblog it and help solidify that into the syscourse topic of the week.
they were not changed for you specifically.
Right. Of course. Let's do a comparison real quick of the people on your hatesub's hit list?
TheASystem has 1.1 Million followers on TikTok.
DissociaDID has 1.17 Million followers on Youtube.
Frgmntdpsyche has 179.5 thousand followers on TikTok.
Then there's me with my measly 1,800 followers on my small Tumblr blog.
But sure, totally wasn't changed for me specifically. 🙄
So wanted to add that you were approved for the list not due to your follower count but specifically due to the extremely dangerous things you have been proven to support and encourage
Sorry. No. That's not how that works.
The entire rationalization for okaying this in the first place was that it would be allowed as long as long you were targeting "public figures." Remember???
From u/Goat_Alter's original post:
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The entire reasoning for the 10k follower rule was that the moderators decided only "public figures" would be accepted.
If you're saying that follower count and popularity aren't a reason I was added, then it sounds like you're admitting that I wouldn't actually qualify as a public figure. And your whole hit list is just completely arbitrary and can target anyone you don't like for any reason you decide.
I also wanted to mention that the specific person you have been mocking for their "reading comprehension" in previous posts suffers from multiple TBIs and is genuinely offended you mocked them for their reading comprehension
You seem to be referencing this post.
Funny how you ignore that I only mentioned reading comprehension because of the one user's "reading comprehension has never been higher" remark:
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As far as I'm concerned, they made it fair game.
Actually, do you REALLY want to be arguing that criticizing reading comprehension is ableist? Have you ever done a search of "reading comprehension" in that server of yours?
You know what they say about throwing stones in glass houses, right?
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(Context: This was about Jennifer Freyd who was a CSA survivor who has never reported ritual abuse. I swear everyone in that server who attacks people's reading comprehension is projecting.)
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I believe that last one is from u/Goat_Alter too, the r/systemscringe mod who made posts announcing their hit list! Wild isn't it?
(And also again feels like projecting. It's true that I have repeatedly said it's an r/systemscringe server. As far as I recall I've never said it's an "official" server for the subreddit. But it was promoted in the sub, links directly to the sub, and shares multiple moderators with it.)
Anyway, moving on from pointing out your massive hypocrisy... because lets face it, none of you have enough morals or standards to care...
If you actually read my post, I make it clear that I don't actually think it's a reading comprehension issue. At least by the point they were misquoting the sources.
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I can fully accept that they have a disability that makes it hard to comprehend some text. I even acknowledge that this would be an easy mistake to make.
I... have a much harder time believing that their disability causes them to quote something verbatim while conveniently cutting off parts of the same sentence that would contradict what they're saying.
At that point, they're not making a mistake anymore. They're obfuscating facts to appear as if they're in the right.
We're new to Tumblr but saw a lot of posts of yours under the plural and pro-endo/endo-safe tags; apparently there's a lot of shade being thrown at you from other platforms? We don't look on r/disordercringe or r/systemscringe so we don't know what the conflict is in detail, but anyway we just want to say to stay safe and thank you for standing against sysmedicalism. 🩵💙
Thank you all very much! 💖
If you want the short version for this feud: They're subreddits designed around mocking systems. I decided to start responding in turn a long time ago.
Recently, new mods took over r/systemscringe who announced that they would be undoing rules against censoring systems. These rules were put into place by past mod teams and were intended to prevent harassment of people posted there. The solution of the new mod team was to, essentially, create a hit list of acceptable targets to mention without being censored.
At the time they were considering this, they were going to make a rule that people on their hit list had to have a minimum of 10k followers. Something I, with only 1,800 followers, would NOT qualify for. But because I dared criticize them, the r/systemscringe mod team declared me to be a "public figure" and added me to their hit list.
That's the basics of it, anyway. 🤷‍♀️
Details honestly don't matter too much. Most important thing is that now there's a flair with my name on it on r/systemscringe, people there will likely be mentioning my blog by name from now on pretty regularly, and when any cringizens are curious and go to look me up, first thing they'll see on my pinned is a list of r/systemscringe lies with academic sources to debunk them. 😁
Thanks again for the support! And have a wonderful day!
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chironshorseass · 4 years ago
I u want, could u mayhaps write about annabeth seeing percy after a long time apart and realizing his voice grew deeper? I saw a post about it once and I think u would nail it perfectly<3
TIME PASSES SO QUICKLY AHH but here it is! I also got another request of pre-relationship percabeth and let’s just say that y’all read my mind. Also sorry that I can’t seem to write anything under 1k words 😩
read on ao3
“So I heard Percy’s coming today,” Silena said casually, holding a basket against her hip.
Annabeth yanked one of the strawberries so hard that its leaves came along with it.
“He is?”  
She didn’t try to shroud her excitement like she would’ve done, not too long ago.
“Yeah. Charlie told me.”
She felt a twinge of jealousy that Percy hadn’t even mentioned it to her, but she quickly clamped it down. It wasn’t his fault. Not entirely, anyway. They’d IM’d at the beginning of their semester as freshmen, but then it had gotten to the point of him mentioning Rachel all the time, and then the year had gotten busier, and…
Well, they’d lost contact.
Realizing she’d zoned out, she blinked away the fog from her eyes.
“But honestly I wasn’t supposed to tell,” Silena was saying. “He said something about it being a surprise or whatever. I just wanted to see your reaction.”
Annabeth must’ve been doing something strange with her face, because Silena gave her a smug look, raising her eyebrows. She was used to her doing that, so she didn’t mind.
Well, maybe a bit.
But the daughter of Aphrodite already knew everything there was to know about her feelings for Percy. Probably before even Annabeth first realized that she was in love with her best friend. So again, it was pointless to hide from her.
“So.” Silena bumped her gently on the shoulder. “What are you gonna wear?”
Annabeth lifted her sun hat and stared at her for a couple of seconds. The latter looked as perfect as ever, despite the grueling sun. With her pink crop top, mini shorts, perfect makeup, and her dark hair pulled back into a low bun, Annabeth had little doubt that she could help her choose a different outfit other than her torn camp wardrobe. But, still, this was Percy.  
Her best friend.
“Mmm...no, it’s fine. We’ve got to finish the south side of the strawberry fields, so, we can’t lose time, ya know?”
Silena gaped at her, then scoffed.
“What am I going to do with you, Chase?” she muttered, crouching to the ground again and shoving her hands into the foliage. “But whatever—it’s your call. Like, you’re so pretty that you actually look good in that sorry excuse of an outfit.”
Her eyes roved over Annabeth’s shirt and jeans. She felt herself blush at the attention.
“Hey, is that blood?”
“Uh...Maybe—but it’s old! Don’t worry.”
“A lost cause, I tell you.”
It had been too long since she’d caught a glimpse of that tell-tale curve of the shoulders and those raven curls.
Percy was early. Most of the summer campers always came the next week or so from this one, but she wasn’t complaining about his untimely arrival. Not when he looked that cute in his school uniform and with that ridiculously messy hair.
She regarded him from afar as he chatted with Beckendorf by the Big House porch, a bag slumped over his shoulder. Something about him—in the way he laughed or how he suddenly looked taller—made her stomach drop like a volleyball, made every blade of grass seem brighter.
Running up to him, she yelled, “Hey, stranger! Why so early?”
He turned to the sound of her voice, flashing her that crooked grin of his. Gods, she’d missed him.
“Hey yourself!”
When she finally reached the two boys, she skidded to a halt in front of Percy and gave him an exaggerated once-over.
“Why’d you still have your uniform on, Seaweed Brain?”
“Do I?” he gazed down at his white shirt and gray pants. His eyes flicked to her again, smiling sheepishly. “Oh. Kinda forgot I had it on, I guess.”
“Man, I’ve already told you,” Beckendorf said. “Leave the fancy shit home.”
“I forgot, okay? You know I hate this stupid uniform.”
In her honest opinion, the uniform seemed to be quite the opposite of stupid. Really, it should've been a crime to look that good in white and rolled up sleeves.
“Yeah, whatever.” Beckendorf glanced back and forth from Percy to Annabeth. He smirked and patted Percy on the back. “Anyway,  I’ll leave you to it.”
She watched him stroll to the Big House and step inside. He’d probably been here—with Percy—in the first place because of a favor from Chiron.
They stood there, letting the silence build up.
His eyes were warm, green like the shallow sea. Annabeth had always thought that she’d get used to that color, that luminescence. But she never did. Every time she peered up at them, it felt like the first time all over again. She could drown in those eyes and beam up at the fading sky and not beg for breath.
But now, it was worse. It was worse because she could tell that he’d grown. Actually grown. She didn’t quite know how to feel about the fact that his voice had abruptly dropped at least an octave lower than from last summer and that from now on, she’d have to lift her chin to meet his eyes.
“You’ve changed,” she blurted out.
She probably winced a little. Hopefully, she’d sounded casual.
“In what way, exactly?” His mouth twitched into a grin, cheeks dimpling, and her nervousness faded to a quiet buzzing. “That I’m finally taller than you?”
She pushed him away lightly to cover up the flush that was surely painting her cheeks a light pink. This was stupid. He was just being stupid. It was just Percy, for gods’ sake.
“Yeah, taller than me by like, an inch.”
“Admit it, you’re jealous.”
“I hate you.”
That was a lie, and Percy knew it.
“No, you don’t.”
“How am I supposed to keep things out of your reach, now?”
“See, that’s the point. Now I get to pick on you. Shortie.”
Annabeth stuck her tongue out. “You’re such a child.”
He laughed again, giving her whiplash from how different the sound rang in her ears. His laughter had always been a comfort to her, something that made her chest warm and gave her the motivation to try and let it out of him, again and again.
And it still was.
But this new laugh, however, had a richness to it that she felt down to her toes. He threw his head back, eyes crinkling like they always did. And yet, she found new angles to it. Saw a strange glow. He stood under the spotlight of a brand new theater, making everything he did seem like something new and foreign.
It dawned on her that she was staring like an idiot, even after Percy’s smile had faded to a lingering tug of the mouth.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, plain and honest. In many ways, he hadn’t changed. Not really.
“Me too.” Their eyes stayed interlocked for a couple more seconds. She cleared her throat. “Have you, uh...told Chiron you’re here?”
“He already knows.”
“Psh. So am I the only one that didn’t know about you coming here?”
She didn’t mean to sound so accusatory, but there was no backing out, now.
He ducked his head. It was barely recognizable, but she could always tell when he was blushing.
“I...well, you know, wanted to, um—surprise you.”
Another awkward pause.
Percy scratched the back of her head. “Do you, uh...wanna walk with me? To my cabin?”
“You know,” he said. “My mom made you cookies.”
“Are they any good?” she teased.
He turned to give her an incredulous look. “This is my mom we’re talking about. Of course they’re good.”
“Okay...well, what are you waiting for? Hand them over, Seaweed Brain.”
“In a sec. I’m too lazy to open my bag right now, in the middle of camp.”
As they walked, Annabeth noticed how heads turned when the campers got a good look at the two of them together. Most of them just stared at Percy. They passed by some of her siblings carrying spears; she saw Malcolm wink and felt herself blush again.
“Anyway, you wouldn’t have guessed what I got on my finals,” Percy was saying.
She glared pointedly at Malcolm, then whirled her head to look at Percy again. “What’d you get?”
“Oh my gods, Percy. Just tell.”
He smiled and gave her a sideways glance. “You’re no fun.”
But even if he said it casually, the comment dug deeper than she would’ve liked. Did he think Rachel was fun? She decided not to dwell on that.
Annabeth was the one talking to him. Not Rachel.
He glanced at her once, but seemingly decided to fix his gaze forward. His eyes sparkled in a way that she knew meant he was trying to hold back a grin. He’d failed in the attempt, though.
“Okay, I’ll just say it: A ‘B’ plus.”
Her jaw dropped. “Percy!”
“Yeah,” he laughed.
“Oh my gods!”  
Clarisse, standing by the Ares cabin, mimed Annabeth, mouthing her words and making kissy faces. She mostly ignored it, too distracted on what Percy had just said.
Her heart swelled at the thought of all the work he must’ve put himself through.
She grasped his arm. “I’m so proud of you, Perce.”
“Yeah, me too. Paul helped, though. And mom.”
“Give yourself some of the credit.”
He sighed happily. “I guess I can say that I didn’t cheat. Well, maybe a little.”
She tried to shove him, but he danced away.
“Ohh, don’t tell me that you’ve never cheated on anything.”
“Okay.” She rolled her eyes. “Like maybe once or twice.”
“But whatever. You got a ‘B’ and that’s what matters.”
“Yeah. It is.”
They smiled at each other for a second, then, he shouldered his bag and stopped by cabin three. The abalone shell seemed to glow brighter when he stood next to it.
Before she could stop herself, she said, “We should celebrate.”
He lifted one of those thick eyebrows of his and leaned back against the door frame. “What do you mean?”
“You know…” she kicked some of the stray pebbles from the ground, suddenly flustered. “Your grades. It deserves a celebration, don’t you think?”
His face lit up once more. “Oh! Yeah, like a picnic or something? We could eat the cookies Mom made—unless you want them for yourself, which is fine—”
“No!” She bit her lip. “I mean—sharing is cool. I’d like that.”
Annabeth decided it best not to visibly cringe at herself. Who’d even say “sharing” and “cool” at the same time?
Luckily, Percy nodded along with her. “Okay. Cool. Wait—that reminds me…” He unzipped his bag, hands already roaming around inside it. “Ah, here it is.”
He took a take-out like box with red flowers painted around the sides. They looked handmade. She accepted the gift with a smile.
“Who made these?” she asked, examining the paintings closer. “They’re pretty.”
When she saw his smug look, she didn't have to think twice about who had decorated it.
“I did,” he said. Her expression must’ve still been akin to impressed shock, because he chuckled. “What? You think I can’t be artistic?”
She shrugged. It was a simple fact, really. “Since when did you learn?”
“Uh, Rachel taught me.”
He nodded tightly.
Right. While she’d lived on the other side of the country, alone and with a family who still wasn’t that comfortable around her, he’d been off with his new mortal girlfriend. And how much time must it have taken for Rachel to teach him how to do those precise brushstrokes? To combine those colors properly? Days or more, she knew.
They’d been busy.
She pretended not to care, anyway, opening the box to check on the cookies. “They, um...They look good!” She met his eyes so that he could see just how sincere her words were—because they really did look divine. Divine and blue. “Give Sally my thanks. And you must’ve worked really hard on this. So, thanks also.”
Annabeth noticed how he relaxed at the change of subject. Idiot.
“I will. And nah, it was nothing. I just really wanted to, um, to contribute with the gift. I guess. And mom loves you, so…”
“Loves me more than you?”
He snorted. “Probably.”
The edges of her mouth quirked up. “So...when are you up for that celebratory picnic thing?”
“Uh...from what I remember, I think my schedule’s got like, free time at around five. That sound good?”
Her mind buzzed through her list of daily activities, relieved to find something else to think about other than the awkwardness that now lingered in the air.
“Yeah, I think I’m free at five, as well. Tomorrow, right?”
“Sounds good to me.”
It wasn’t the same. That, she could tell.
She bit the inside of her cheek, watching him fight with Clarisse. So they’d go on a picnic together. Big deal.
She’d just barely stepped outside cabin three when Silena had dragged her away, begging for every detail.
Annabeth wasn’t going to lie: she was excited. More so than she’d let on. And yet, she wasn’t sure if he liked her that way.
Not with other girls fanning over him, now. Girls like Rachel.
How could she have let him go so easily? How was this the first time in months since she’d last seen him?
She’d spent the day pretending it was fine. Her heart ached whenever he was near, but it also hurt when he was gone. She couldn't have it both ways.
So yes, everything was fine.
Maybe if she said those words enough, then she'd start to believe it and stop with this feeble act of hers. This pretending that none of the shit they’d been festering against the other mattered. And in the process, also pretend that these new feelings she had for him—that didn’t feel so new—never existed in the first place.
Then again...what was she thinking?
This was her best friend. Her best friend whom she’d tried to kiss about a year ago and who hadn’t even breathed a word about it since. Who talked to her like he was stepping around eggshells. Who was clearly not interested in her in that way if what she suspected about Rachel was true and who had suddenly become one of the most attractive guys in Camp Half-Blood.
She hated this. This sensation of her heart beating faster, her breath coming short. Her brain fading any thought away, leaving it lustrous with the image of Percy. Percy this and Percy that. His stupid smile and his stupid laugh and—
Ice-cold water struck her skin, stopping her thought process short like a shock wave.
“Sorry,” Silena said, not actually sounding sorry. Stray water dripped from her hand. “You were spaced out for a while.”
Their canoe boat rocked back and forth along with the gusts of wind.
“Okay,” Annabeth said, glaring at her friend. She wanted to wipe that cheeky grin off her face. “Now you’re just asking for it.”
With a sharp, practiced tug, she flipped them over. Silena’s screech died when they hit the water.
She resurfaced, spluttering, splashing Annabeth again and again.
“You little shit! I am going to kill you!”
“What?” Annabeth laughed, choking on water. “I thought your makeup’s waterproof!”
Silena threw more water at her.
“Your point?”
And okay, maybe they looked like fools fighting in the middle of the lake, laughing and joking around. But it was fine; no one was there to witness it except perhaps the naiads and the cicadas that roared in the woods along with the rogue monster.
Well...there was one person.
But the girls didn’t have the mind to notice him.
Percy sat on the back of the pier and smiled, shaking his head.
Maybe someday, they could move on from this strange faze. From skipping around each other, then acting like friends all over again.
The sound of the conch horn in the distance brought a reluctant stop to the chirping of the crickets. Dinner time.
He stood up and made his way back, wishing that just maybe, he could be brave enough to tell her how he felt. To unashamedly look at her and no one else as though she were the fading sun, inviting for the naked eye to gape at directly as it caressed the sea and the tree tops while coloring the sky a deep purple. To kiss her in front of all those stupid people and hug her and make her laugh and smile, all golden and beautiful.
Rid himself of the worries, once and for all.
But it couldn’t be.
Maybe, just maybe…
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years ago
Disorder (Yuta x reader)
a/n : contains sensitive topic about eating disorder, do not read if it’s triggering or uncomfortable for you :”) 
I do not personally support this topic, but last time I worked on this and I don’t know why I post this.. just tell me to delete this if this is too controversial I’ll take it down.
don’t force yourself 
The dark cloud loaming on the sky is terrifying enough to make you crouch under your blanket as you mutter prayers so the lights won’t go out and the thunder won't surprise you.
However the cold feeling creeping on your feet and hands should be the real deal to worry about. You shake under the blanket, hiding more under the fluffy linen if that is possible. Your lips tremble, chapped lips, and icy blue in color.
You know he won’t like what he sees. Yuta will never like this state you are in, but no matter how much you want to stop it, you can't.
Your body refuses the tiniest amount of food forced into your mouth. It happened three months into your marriage with Nakamoto Yuta. World's famous idol, actor, heart stealer. Life was perfect with Yuta before the marriage announcement. You love him, he loves you… his members are all supportive about his relationship. You're healthy and Yuta loves you for everything you do.
That was until Yuta got his first major role in a drama. The drama won a lot of awards, thanks to your husband's wonderful acting skill as a mafia and the perfect chemistry between the doll actress and him. You need to admit you're jealous of her, but the problem doesn’t come from the actress nor from Yuta.
Your husband is still loyal to you, he takes the marriage vow seriously… you actually do not have to worry about Yuta falling out of love, you clearly can see his love grows more and more each day to you. It's already your second anniversary!
It was the fandom, the talk of the town, the tweets of the bullies that broken you. You know you're not the perfect girl to marry the oh so perfect Nakamoto Yuta. No, you're not ugly or fat. You're fit, you’re healthy, you look fresh. You have a bright smile, cheerful personality, and kind heart. You have your own charm, the glowing smile that makes Yuta bears with the harsh schedule every day. Your hugs bring his broken pieces back, and your laugh it makes Yuta realizes no matter how hard life is, he will keep striving for you.
But the comments of the web, of the unknown faces caught you. Crept slowly into your mind and ate your heart bits by bits on lonely night when you have to fake a smile over calls and videocalls with Yuta.
“(Y/n), I'm coming home In two weeks! The world tour is tiring, but it's worthy!” Yuta one night greeted you over video call. He was unwinding from the tiring show and you were getting ready to work in your own company.
You always put a smile to him, no matter how harsh the comments of the world is whenever people brought up Yuta's marriage with you. The comments are always about how unsuitable you are to be Mrs.Nakamoto.
At first it just hurts, but as you try to ignore them, you just think and think more about it. What if they're true. What if the world really hates seeing you by his side. What if one day you're just going to ruin everything Yuta worked hard for?
With Yuta's tight schedule with comeback and more drama, you found yourself sleeping by yourself and eating by yourself. The lack of companion after coming back from a tiring day makes you skip dinner and directly go to bed.
You thought, skipping dinner will not trouble you, Yuta won’t know and you'll just ignore the pain. You skipped dinner not to lose weight, mainly because you don’t feel happy eating alone. And this happened for a while. You don’t drink anti-acids even when you feel like throwing up at nights, you don’t feed your grumbling stomach when they beg for solid foods. No, you lost your appetite. For weeks, the only thing you have in the morning is just water, one small apple if you really cannot help it and on lunch you try your best to only consume little to none food. Did you lose weight? Drastically! Not in a healthy way, you're not proud of your body. No, this lost of appetite doesn’t make you happy. You don’t feel like living.
“(Y/n)-chan, have u had dinner?” Yuta called on his last week of tour. It has been almost four months since he left for the world tour. He'll have another one month away to finish the closing tour.
You lied and nod your head “Yes, what about you?” Yuta couldn’t see your dining table, you just put your face there.
“I am having breakfast! Anyways, make sure you're eating enough… your cheeks are gone honey!” Yuta looks concern, but his smile is still there coz he is always treasuring the short time he has to call and see you.
“Well, it's the camera maybe. Good thing right?” you try to laugh it off although you know you really lose weight.
“No, I love your glowing cheeks! Don’t tell me you're skipping meals" he suddenly opens his eyes wide.
You chuckle “No. Don’t worry Yuta.”
He grins “Then what did you eat? Why you never show me?”
You are taken aback “Uh I've eaten it.”
Yuta doesn’t give up “Next time, send me a picture okay so it feels less lonely! Gomen, I have to go rehearsal! Byee love you!” he closes the call after you bid him goodbye, goodluck and a love you.
You walk to the mirror in your room. Grimacing at your skeletal body. You were fit and now you look sick. Your skin doesn’t glow, your lips are chapped, and your hair looks dull. No matter how hard you try to bring your glossy hair back, the lack of nutrients won’t allow you.
You hate your current state, you look horrible. Thin body but with a very dull skin, pale lips, unlovely eyes. You look like a walking zombie. Your nail and hair vitamins did not help, the polished healthy nails are now chipped and broken.
You tried, eating some foods, but your body throws them back out. Your friend suggested going to the specialist, but you're too stubborn and shy to go. What if someone caught you on camera, what will the world say about Yuta? About you?
Yes some people know about you. Your wedding picture was published online, you were pretty back then! Some fans supported you, but after they realize how regular you were they started comparing and regretting their idol's choice.
You go to work with your big clothes, trying to hide your sick appearance but everyone in the company realizes you're not doing good.
“Yuta will hate me,” that’s all you can think about when you close your eyes and force your light head to sleep by yourself in the big room while wishing you can still see the sunlight and greet Yuta.
What you fear the most, happened.
Yuta got home to you, shaking so bad from the lack of food. You're working too hard and forgot all the meals. You only drink water, and Yuta got home from his tiring tour to find you laying almost lifeless on his bed.
“(y/n)?! What joke is this?!” he lightly slap your cheek to wake you up, but your breathing is slow and your eyes are heavy.
Yuta rushed you to the hospital and all you remember was the worried look he has once you opened your eyes.
“The specialist said this is not something new. For you to reach this state of disorder, they said it has been at least two years. Why have you never told me? Why?” Yuta asked first thing first when you woke up.
You cried, feeling bad to see Yuta this worried “Gomen, I'm stupid Yuta. I skipped dinner… and it became a routine.”
Yuta shook his head “You were lying to me…”
You cried, unable to deny him. He stayed silence and a tear fell from his face “Why do you lie? Why are you killing yourself? Do you not love me?”
You shake your head furiously “I love you yuta! I love you so much! But it’s lonely without you.”
Yuta trembles upon your remark. Is he the reason you're like this?
Yuta feels bad about your condition, he wants you to return to your healthy self but the doctors all tell him it will take time and patience and a whole lots of determinations!
The medics have to give you fluid foods which sadly you cannot deny. For a week you live from the liquid nutrients injected to your body and for the next month you're forcing yourself to consume food at least a real food.
Yuta takes a break from his promotion, making sure he is with you throughout the process. You feel bad for him, feel pitiful about your condition yet at the same time you hate yourself.
“It's awful Yuta.” You sob as you sit on the toilet floor, after barfing away your dinner once again.
“I'm just wasting food.” You desperately cry and Yuta's there to lend you his shoulder.
“No. Come on, it's not everything! At least your stomach is learning to work and digest again. Come don’t cry my beautiful princess.” He brings back the name he used to call you back on the younger days. You asked him to stop calling you princess after you get older and feel shy about the nickname.
But hearing that from Yuta's own lips, with pure sincerity when he is standing by your side makes you determined to overcome this together with him. For you and for him. For many more memories to make with him and for your future.
“Thank you, Yuta" you whisper before closing your eyes and leaning to his chest because you feel weak.
Yuta kisses the temple of your head “Always and forever my princess.” He hugs you closer to his chest and picks you up to carry you to bed.
“We'll get over this together okay?” You nod “Promise?” he shows you his pinky
You hook your pinky to his “Promise.”
“I love you not for how you look but for who you are.” Yuta slowly say that when you're falling into sleep.
You smile knowing this silly storm in your head will slowly fade with Yuta’s sunshine in your life.
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dokidokey · 4 years ago
cabbage babies
- when bokuto, your usual customer and friend who is a sunshine on a rainy day comes to your store looking like a hurricane brewing, he realizes that maybe getting rejected was for the better.
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pairings: bokuto koutaro x kayla (reader)
genre: fluff, angst, f2l
warnings: swearing, an asshole for a customer, a pinch of jealousy, pining, bo gets rejected lol
word count: 4,941
notes: @janellion KAYLAAAAA SORRY THIS IS SO LATE this is inspired by that post u reblogged before, that hcs of hq boys bringing u flowers and bokuto gives u succulents instead! i can’t stop thinking about that :( this is a very very very late happy birthday post (* ̄︶ ̄) happy late late late birthday kayla baby the love of my life i hope u like it (。’▽’。)♡
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“Hi Y/N!” Bokuto Koutaro’s voice booms inside the small space of your shop. You look up from the small succulent you are transferring to a bigger pot and smile up at him. “Can I get one of those cabbage babies again, please?”
You throw your head back to laugh, the familiar name he adapted to calling succulents creating a wave of nostalgia to wash over you. The first time the bubbly boy entered your shop and looked for cute, small plants to give to this girl he likes, he pertained to succulents as cabbage babies.
“Hi!” His voice had boomed inside your little shop on a sunny, Tuesday afternoon. He was wearing a loose white shirt and some jersey shorts, a bag hanging on his right shoulder. He anxiously fiddled with his fingers before locking eyes with you. “Do you, uh, have those. . . those plants that look like cabbage babies?”
It felt as though your brain malfunctioned for a brief amount of time. “What?” You said, and you felt more dumbfounded than he was that moment. The boy with gray streaks on his hair looked down in embarrassment. “Ah! Forget I said anything, I’m so sorry, I’ll just leave!”
“No, no, no!” You were quick to scamper over the counter to stop him from opening the door and fleeing. You were. . . quite intrigued about these - these cabbage babies. Sure, many other customers came into your shop calling all kinds of plants these weird names but cabbage babies is new. You’ve never heard that before. You found it quite endearing.
“Can you describe these. . . cabbage babies to me?”
The man happily did with his eyes bright, hands animatedly flying everywhere. You took that time to take him in and you realize just how tall he was. You barely reach his shoulders. God, this man was huge. His arms were nearly popping out of the sleeves of his white shirt. You had to remind yourself that you were supposed to help him with this cabbage babies situation and totally not to admire just how attractive he is.
Or both. Both could work. You were a proud multitasker
He stopped mid-sentence to fish his phone out of his pockets. “Here! Sorry, I forgot I had a picture of that. . . This! These things!” He flips his phone to show you the screen and it displays an arrangement of different kinds of succulents. You almost slapped your forehead for being so slow. Yes, of course, cabbage babies. They did look a lot like cabbage babies.
So you led him to the small entrance of your shop after locking the doors. Not very convenient, you know, that if this overly-enthusiastic man is somehow hiding some ill intent, then you’re screwed. But you can’t think of him that way with the way his smile widened when he entered the small greenhouse in the back of your shop, littered with everything green and growing. He was so eager to jump from plant to plant to examine each one.
“Oh, this one is pretty!” He exclaimed, pointer finger caressing the soft pink tips of the succulent. He looked at you with a smile. “What’s this called?”
“That’s a Sunrise.”
Bokuto bought the little succulent in a pot, bouncing on the ball of his feet as he cradled it in his hands. He asked you what your name was and you asked him his, and that was when he said it was for this girl he likes. You were thinking about how lucky this girl must be, having a guy like Bokuto liking her so much that even the mere mention of her name has his eyes twinkling and his overall demeanor changing in excitement. All the while you were writing his receipt and his little reminder on the neon green sticky note he spotted on your desk and gingerly pointed to, claiming his penmanship is shit and what if she thinks it’s ugly?
He stuck the little note on the pot and went on his way, waving you goodbye. He came back the next week, talking your ear off about how much she liked the succulent. He purchased another one that day, a small cactus called Bunny Ears. He came back the week after that, and the week after, and the week after, buying a Kiwi, Mexican Firecracker, and Afterglow, in that order.
Now Bokuto is here again, his familiar bag draped over his right shoulder, clad in a white shirt and the same jersey shorts he wore the first time he came here.
“What would you want this time?” You ask, wiping your dirty hands on the apron wrapped around you and pushing the greenhouse door open. Bokuto follows you, eyes raking over the countless plants in the small space like he’s seeing it all for the first time. He hums and walks over to the rack of succulents in the corner.
He’s just staring at the pots, hands on his knees, worrying his lip. You’re worried too because Bokuto is quiet. It seems a little uncharacteristic of him to be quiet, especially if it’s about these plants that he loves giving to this girl, who you learned is their manager after a few late walks, talks, and eating out together. You also learned that he is a member of the MSBY Black Jackals, which you have heard before but aren’t that familiar with because you have little to no experience or interest in sports.
“Hey, Bo?” You’re a few steps away from him, fiddling with your fingers. “Is, um, something wrong? You’re so quiet.”
His smile is back at the sound of your voice, like you just pulled him out of this headspace and in his usual, cheery voice, says, “I. . . kind of, want to take her out on a - a date. You know,” he huffs out a breath nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “I feel like she’s not getting the hints of these gifts so might as well tell her I like her and go for it, right?” He beams.
You nod and tell him yes, that’s great, ignoring the way your chest tightens, brushing off the fact that you, unfortunately, like Bokuto Koutaro. He isn’t that hard to like, anyway. His energy is so infectious, along with these little antics that are quite too much but you very much adore. He’s told you one time how some people think he was too much, like Bokuto was something they should but cannot keep from their palms. And they are right. Bokuto is too much, but for you, it is in the best way possible.
You actually met two of his friends before when he asked you if you wanted to eat somewhere after you closed your shop, two weeks ago. He took you to this restaurant called Onigiri Miya, who he said was owned by his teammate’s twin, Atsumu. There, you met Akaashi Keiji, his old setter and vice captain from high school. In the end, Osamu didn’t let any of you pay, saying everything was in the house. You insisted though, of course, but Bokuto, with a very pleased smile, shushed you.
Akaashi even thought you and Bokuto where in a relationship, which hurt, to be frank, on your part, because Bokuto was so quick to deny it. He received quite the judgemental raise of an eyebrow from the younger boy and just a frown from Osamu when he revealed who he liked.
You came back to Osamu’s restaurant just last week, and you love every food that man makes. Literally heaven on earth.
“I’ll drop by again later. Do you want to go to Osamu’s again?” The spiky-haired man who kind of just broke your heart asks. “My treat!” He says proudly, then his smile falters. “If she, uh, agrees, that is.”
You hum, stepping closer to him to take a look at the small grasshopper resting on the large leaf of the Golden Pothos next to your rack of succulents. You were about to answer him when the bell signaling someone entered your shop rings. Bokuto forgot to lock the door, great, and you frowned at him, which he responded to with just a smile before you both went inside.
There’s a man wandering the small space of your shop, whistling as he looks around with his hands tucked in the pockets of his pants. Despite the negative energy this customer is radiating, you have no choice but to accommodate him. “Hello,” you greet politely, putting aside the plant bag where the succulent you were transferring before Bokuto came was placed. “How can I help you?”
“Oh, this shop’s got a cute owner, alright,” he chuckles, and you might as well have screamed at him to leave. But you plastered a tight smile on your face as you ask again, “is there anything you want? A plant, maybe? I have-”
You don’t get to finish what you want to say when the sound of his lighter flicking on cuts you off. Your head is quick to turn to Bokuto, who has a frown on his face. You clear your throat and point to the No Smoking sign hanging beside the door.
“Uh, sir, if you don’t mind, if you’re going to smoke, please do it outside. This is a non-smoking area.”
He puffs out a billow of smoke and it takes everything in you not to scream at him to get the fuck out. Customers that do not consider shop owners’ signs and policies are not and never will be welcome in your store. Before you can talk again and try to send him off as politely as you can, Bokuto beats you to it.
“They said get out if you’re going to smoke.”
You almost lose your mind with how serious and scary Bokuto sounds. You always see him with this giddy and happy aura around and to hear him be this serious for the first time is quite unnerving. You are so lucky to not be on the receiving end of this. . . this Bokuto.
The suspicious man clicks his tongue, inhaling and exhaling another puff of smoke. “Ah, too bad. Is the little shop owner taken?”
You purse your lips momentarily before firmly pointing at the door. “Get out.”
“Not the best way to treat a potential customer, hun,” he smirks. Your eyes zeroes in on the ash that falls on your tiled floor. If this fucking man does not leave in the next two minutes, you swear yo-
“Just leave, man.” There Bokuto is again. You thank all there is to thank that Bokuto is here. If this man came in here without him and just you, you aren’t sure what you would do. It’s not like you to judge people easily, but you are always quick to sense if the person is genuine or not.
The man just raises his eyebrows at Bokuto before his eyes flits over to you. He says nothing as he turns on his back and pushes the door open. From behind you, Bokuto notices how you visibly relax as the man slowly disappears from your line of vision. You turn to him with your eyebrows in a pinch. “I’m so glad you’re here, what the fuck, if that man came in without you I’d probably lose my mind.”
Bokuto just smiles, adjusting his bag on his shoulder before placing a large hand over your head and patting the top of your head.
“I told you, you need at least another staff here in case things like that happens again,” he looks pointedly at you before adding in a low voice, “but that should never happen again.”
“I know,” you roll your eyes, putting your hands on your hips. “But I can’t find anyone yet. That’d be more convenient because I’ll be able to entertain more than one customer at a time.”
Bokuto brushes past you to lock the door and walks back inside the greenhouse, immediately cradling a Blue Rose. A grin blooms on your face as you call, “maybe you can drop out of that volleyball career and help me instead.”
There is a brief pause in your surroundings, as if what you said stopped everything and you’re wondering if you somehow stepped over a line, that maybe Bokuto took offense in what you said, but he turns back to you, smiles and says, “yes! I love these small plants, anyways. Maybe I’ll grab Hinata with me and there’ll be three of us.”
Oh. Oh wow. Bokuto is inspecting the tiny plant in his hands with stars in his eyes. He looks ethereal under the sunlight filtering through the glass, his features looking a little sharper than usual. How lucky, you think, that in less than eight hours or so, the possibility of him getting together with their manager will become higher. There’s a little voice in the back of your head quietly wishing it will end up opposite of what Bokuto wants, and you’re berating yourself for being selfish. You’d like to keep Bokuto to yourself a little bit longer than this. You’d like to keep Bokuto without the thought of him sharing what little time he has for you with his girlfriend.
The guilt only intensifies when he locks his gold eyes with yours, eyebrows quirked upward. “Or I can also bring Miyoko-san! We’ll grow cabbage babies together and maybe expand your shop so you can have more plants.” He says it all as if it will happen. As if he’ll really drop his volleyball career to take care of plants with you instead.
You just smile softly, wringing your hands together and trying to keep your emotions at bay. “Are you taking that?” He nods, and you tilt your head to signal him to follow you back inside. You take the stack of sticky notes, which grew a lot more thinner since Bokuto showed up, waiting for whatever he will say for you to write. To you surprise, he holds his palm up, and you look up at him in confusion as you place the paper in his hands.
“I want to write it this time,” his eyes crinkles in delight, “to make it a little more special for Miyoko-san.”
There goes your heart breaking all the way. God, why can’t you have someone like Bokuto do that to you? Why can’t Bokuto do that to you? The things you’d give to experience what it’s like to have him fawn over you like this.
“There!” He rips the small note and sticks it to the ceramic pot. “I hope she says yes,” he frowns, and your melancholy is quickly flying out the window when his hair droops. Nothing in this world will make you panic more than the sight of his usually spiky slacking.
“I’m sure she will!” You’re scampering over the counter the way you did when you held him off the first time he came here. “She’s wasting such a precious person if she ever says no, you know. She’s very lucky to have you. I’m sure she knows just how lucky she is to have you like this as you are.”
Your words didn’t go to waste as Bo’s vibrant smile blossoms on his face. He’s pulling you into a tight hug before and he’s out the door before you know it. You’re left here once again.
Being alone wasn’t so. . . so lonely before. But ever since Bokuto frequents your shop before and after practice, whenever he leaves, it’s as though he is leaving behind a great hole no one can ever fill in. Like he’s taking all the space from you to make you realize just how lonely it is without him.
So you wait, like you always do. You wait for the excruciating eight hours for him to come back and talk about whatever it is that happened during their training. You expect him to come bouncing inside the store all sunshine and wide smiles, but as you’re mopping the floor, the glass doors open and Bokuto Koutaro looks the saddest you have ever seen him.
“Bo!” You shuffle to set the mop against the wall and take his face in your palms. “What happened? Why are you so-”
“She’s dating ’Tsumu,” he whispers dejectedly, his forehead finding its way on your shoulder. There’s an audible gasp from you as the weight settles on your skin, and you notice then that he is still holding the small potted plant he bought this morning, the sticky note nowhere to be seen. You gently take it from him, your fingers brushing against each other before he links his pinky with yours.
You wonder if Bokuto can hear just how much your heart is bartering against your ribcage; or if he can feel the rush of blood through your veins; or maybe he can feel just how stiff you are from your posture. But you let him curl his pinky finger with yours, your other hand cupping the ceramic pot.
“All this time. . .” His breath is hot against your skin. “They were together all this time and I didn’t even know.”
Your voice is soft as you ask, “how did you know?”
“Saw them kiss,” he mumbles.
If this is what it’s like having Bokuto all to yourself without the thought of sharing his time with his girlfriend, then you take it back. This is so much worse than what you expected and the guilt in your chest for wishing he somehow gets rejected is enough to choke you. Just how cruel can you be to ask for his dedicated time when it would mean he will hurt like this?
“Bo,” you whisper. He says nothing. “Bo,” you try again, and this time he hums. “Look at me, please.” The ruffle of his hair as he shakes his head tickles your neck. You have no choice but  to cup your right palm on his cheek to lift his head up, the back of your left hand holding the ceramic pot making contact with his other cheek. There is a glossy haze in his eyes as he stares at you, looking like a lost puppy with the way his hair is frowning.
“Now who’s this sad little guy in my shop, hm?” You pat his cheek gently. “I’ll treat you to some ice cream,” you offer, completely disregarding what he said this morning about going to Osamu’s again. You’re pretty sure seeing someone who looks like Atsumu at this moment is not a good idea. Bokuto’s lips are still curled down and you bring your thumb to the side of his mouth, softly pushing the end at an upward motion. “My poor boy.”
You’re kind of bitter, to say the least. Of what though, you don’t know. Or who. But as Bokuto walks beside you all quiet with his hands in his pockets, an aching hatred blossoms at your chest. You know it wasn’t that girl Miyoko’s fault, or anyone, really, but you don’t know how to project the bitter feeling it leaves in your stomach. Bokuto, of all people? He deserves to be happy. If happy means having a girlfriend and his time and attention for you decreasing, then you’ll gladly take it.
You push the doors of the ice cream shop a few streets away from your store, going for the booths at the back. Bokuto is still quiet and you’re close to pulling your hair out because his silence is choking you. You sit down beside him after handing him his “whatever, you can decide” ice cream.
“So. . .” You start, lightly stabbing your cup with the plastic spoon. “Are you okay?”
That is the dumbest question you have ever asked.
“No,” he mumbles, his own spoon dangling on his mouth, “but I will be.”
God, yes, you can almost cry from relief. At least Bokuto is not as beat up as you thought he is. You hum, taking a bite out of your dessert and turn to look at him. “There are plenty of other people who will be more than happy to love you, Bo. If she’s happy with Atsumu then that is good, right? Maybe she just isn’t the one for you.”
There is a faraway look in the ace’s eyes and you wonder if he even heard what you said. You got your answer when he says, “I know.” He pauses, then sighs, and looks at you. The frown on his face is gone, but he isn’t exactly happy either. There’s just the littlest hint of a smile on his face. “I know, Y/N. And I don’t know, I’ve been having these. . . these weird feelings lately?”
Your eyebrows rise at that. What now? “Like?” You softly prod.
Bokuto groans and presses his forehead on the table, his arms covering his hair. “No,” he whines, “I don’t want to tell.”
You scoff, slapping his arm. “What do you mean you don’t want to tell! You say things like that and now that I want to know more, you leave me out?”
He groans again. He honestly just sounds like a big baby, which he is, but you don’t mind because he’s slowly reverting back to his usual self. “I don’t know if I like someone else or not.”
Okay, wow, well, that kinda stings.
“I’m not sure yet so I’m not going to tell you!”
You huff, dipping your spoon in his cup and spooning a decent amount of ice cream off. “Okay, yeah, whatever, but you better tell me soon,” you glare.
You actually would rather not! But if that person is the key to really make Bokuto happy, then you’re all for it.
It is kind of crazy, and scary too, thinking about how Bokuto was just another customer on that certain Tuesday. The one-time buying turned into daily visits, and daily visits turned into dinners, strolls, to meeting his friends. You didn’t see that far into the future to even consider that Bokuto will be this important in your life, yet here you are. 
And there you are when he invites you to one of his volleyball practices because Hinata’s been pestering him about meeting you. You meet Atsumu and their manager, Miyoko, who is a total sweetheart. And there isn’t even tension between the teammates, all of Bokuto’s heartbreak quickly passing. Oliver, the team’s spiker, even hit you accidentally on the back of the head one time, which resulted in the whole team fussing over you.
It’s been over three weeks since Bo came back to your shop looking like hurricane personified. Today is another Tuesday, a rainy one at that, and you’re fondly looking outside the window as raindrops pelt the ground. Your surprise is evident when you see Bokuto waving at you outside.
“What are you doing here?” You ask quizzically, watching him shake his umbrella before stuffing it on the rack. He grins at you, all sunshine and happy. “It’s my day off!”
“And?” You rest your chin on your palms.
“I’m gonna buy cabbage babies again.”
It pulls a lighthearted laugh out of you. It seems so long ago since Bokuto came here, usually asking for his cabbage babies and nostalgia swallows you whole. It comes with the cold, hard realization that cabbage babies mean he is going to give this to that person he likes.
Your heart cracks in time with the lightning that lit up the gray surroundings.
“So when do you plan to tell me about this person, hm?” You inquire, standing up from your seat behind the counter and opening the greenhouse door. Bokuto follows after locking the entrance.
“Soon,” he says, giddy, “real, real soon, I promise!”
Real, real soon before your heart breaks again.
“Pick away,” you gesture to the succulents awaiting him, and he picks out an Aloe Vera and a pink succulent (not Sunrise.) “You want that?” He nods. You both go back inside and hand him the sticky note that’s been collecting dust on the corner of the counter. Bokuto is extremely hyper today, almost shaking in his giddiness. You huff, resting your face on your palms once again. “You buy cabbage babies but don’t tell me who it’s for. Okay. I’m totally not upset.”
Bokuto’s laughter fills the quiet of your little store, his head thrown back as he rips two notes and sticks it to the pots. “Real soon, Y/N, I promise. Just wait.”
You’d rather not, but you pout in reluctance, nodding. “Ju-”
“’Tsumu’s calling!” He shouts above the loud ringing of his phone that interrupted you. “What? But it’s our day off,” he whines on the phone, and you take this time to admire him again - the quirky arch of his brows, his bright, golden eyes, his lips that almost never loses that smile you love. He’s literally so breathtaking and you have to slowly let this man go despite never having him, in a romantic sense, in the first place. You have to tell yourself that having him like this, as a friend, will be more than enough.
He frowns at you as he ends the call, grabbing his umbrella. “Something came up and now we have a meeting,” he informs, and you purse your lips and nod in agreement.
“You take care,” you bid softly, waving a hand. Bokuto waves too before he’s out of your shop and into the rain. You sigh sadly, staring off outside, the gloomy weather worsening your melancholy. You don’t know how long you’ve been thinking or staring before you lean back on your seat, and it’s then you see the little Aloe Vera and succulent Bokuto purchased, staring at you. You slap your forehead in disbelief, a humorless laugh bubbling out of your throat.
“What the hell, Bo,” you mutter, curiously scooting forward to read the little notes he carefully wrote out earlier. Nothing in this world could have woken you up from your shock, your little heart stuttering in your chest. You shake your head, close your eyes, before reading his writing again.
aloe you vera much, Y/N :) says the sticky note on the Aloe Vera pot. i’d love to raise lots of cabbage babies with you ♡ says the other one.
“Fuck,” you squeak, taking the plants in your hands and reading it again. “Fuck, what the fuck.”
Your hands are shaking as you reach for your phone, ready to call him and demand just what the hell this trick he is pulling but a customer suddenly barges in, and you have you act normal through the chaos in your mind as the old woman asks you three dozens of small, ceramic pots, two dozens of brown, plastic pots, and seven pieces of large pots. After successfully entertaining your customer without breaking a pot despite your shaking hands, you call Bokuto.
He didn’t answer your seven calls.
You had to wait three ungodly hours before he came back, a soft smile gracing his face. “Hi,” he says quietly, gauging your reaction, “did you see the-”
You kiss him. After almost two months of meeting him, you finally, finally did what you wanted to do four weeks ago. His lips are soft on yours, a little hesitant at first, before you move your hands from his cheek to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. There’s a sense of urgency in his kisses, a little rushed, a little fiery, but it was perfect.
He pulls away and nudges his nose on the side of yours.
“You saw, huh?” He huffs lightly.
“I did,” you reply, just as quiet.
“Been wanting to say that since the ice cream shop.”
You pinch the skin on the back of his neck and Bokuto yelps. If you only knew this is how it will end, you would have wished he told you about it right then and there. You would have wanted to know it then. But soon never came this early, and you’re thankful you didn’t have to wait eight, long hours like when he has trainings.
“So the call?”
His eyes are crescent moons in the middle of noon. “No meetings, all plans.”
You shake your head in light mirth and disbelief, pecking him once on the lips before untangling your arms on his neck. He kisses the tip of your nose affectionately before you could fully pull away. Your heart clenches in your chest and it hurts so good. You finally have Bokuto, you couldn’t ask for more.
You grin as you stare up at him, eyes looking like two little hearts. “Aloe you too vera much,” you sputter between giggles. Red smears Bokuto’s neck and ears, and your giggles turn to laughter. He kisses you to shut you up, which is, unfortunately and fortunately, successful.
“So,” you start, wringing your hands together, just wanting to be clear between what this is between the two of you. “Are we, like, dating?”
He tilts his head. “Gotta take you out on a date first though, right?” He beams, and you smile shyly, stomach fluttering with the idea of going on cute, little dates with him.
His phone rings once again, and he scowls as he sees Atsumu’s contact displayed on the screen.
“What do you want?”
“Are ye guys finally dating?” Asks the setter, and you plant your face in your palms in slight embarrassment. It only heightens when you hear Hinata’s bubbly voice in the background.
Bokuto laughs, a warm sound that surrounds the small space of your shop, battling with the gloomy weather outside. “We are,” he smiles, softly grazing his thumb on your cheek. “We are.”
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more notes: if there are errors i am so sorry i wrote the first half of this panicking because i missed kayla’s birthday and the other half earlier at 4 am because i can’t sleep lmao
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serena-hart-09 · 4 years ago
A Story’s Analyzation Chapter 2 : A New Morning, for Old Evenings...
It seems I completely forgot to add notes (and one more tag) to the last chapter.... *slowly runs away embarrassed* Please excuse me of my mistakes, this is my very first work..... And yes, I don’t have an editor. All the typing and editing is done by me..... so expect some (maybe a lot of mistakes) in my works. As it is, I am posting all the other chapters from ao3 and finally post the new chapter by tomorrow..... I hope you enjoy this chapter! Have a great day ahead! (P.s. I would really like some fic writing advices/suggestions!)
“What is this a set for a horror film?” Mc says looking at the mansion in front of them. It was a big mansion but it felt cold, creepy and too much eerie. “Mc, this the House of Lamentation.” Satan says while looking at them with curiosity. Mc lets out a small “oh”.  Mc looks at Lucifer and asks him, “Hey, what about my stuff? You know like clothes, etc. etc.?”
“They are already transported in your room.” He replies as he unlocks the door.
“Eh? Really?”
After entering all the other brothers except Lucifer and Mammon retreat back to their rooms. “We’ll meet each other tomorrow, sweetie!” Asmodeus looks at them with the same sparkling eyes from before. “Yes, we will if you stop trying to get in my pants for a damn second.” They say uninterested not even looking at him. “My how cold!” he continues with very concerning face as if saying ‘Challenge Accepted’. He gives them a flying kiss before finally going back in his room.
“Be very careful with that one, human.” Mammon says while looking at them seriously. Mc looks at with shock, “Aww, it seems u care for me!”
“Wha- I don’t!”
“You do!”
“Shut up, you crazy human!”
Lucifer coughs loudly to get our attention, “We shall now show your room, come follow me.”
“Alright!” They say with a cute face. Lucifer looks at Mammon who is blushing and mumbling how cute were right now.
“This is your room.” Lucifer looks at them with a smile who is ignored by the said human who is excited as a child on Christmas. “Woah! This is so cool!”
Lucifer doesn’t know if to feel offended or to smile at their cute excitement. While being lost at his current confusion, Mc’s voice draws him back to reality, “Hey, is there anything else I need to know?”
“A-ah yes, your RAD uniform and other clothes are kept in the closet.” ‘Di-did I just stuttered?!’ Lucifer thinks to himself. “Tch” he looks at the wall of vines as if to will them on fire for this embarrassment. He then looks at Mammon who was behind him was trying his best not to laugh at his brother. Lucifer glares at him which makes Mammon feel as if he lost 100 years of his life. All while this is happening the human looks around the room. They finally look at the RAD uniform in the closet. “What in the hell is this, monstrosity of a cloth?”
“That is the uniform, stupid human.” Mammon looks at them snickering.
“If this is a uniform, why is it so……” Mc drifts off as they don’t have words to describe the uniform. “Seriously, whose design is this? Most importantly, who approved of it?”
“Stop complaining about the uniform. You will wear it even if you don’t like it.” Lucifer says with ‘oh scary and commanding voice’. Mc sighs, putting the uniform back in the closet. The look at them.
“Uh, guys?”
“Aren’t you going back in your rooms? Because I am gonna change out these clothes.”
Both of them look at them with shock as if they remembered something very important, they forgot. Lucifer says nothing but a small goodnight. Mammon stutters out how it’s the human’s fault he forgot.
“They are quite cute!” Mc thinks aloud after finally searching for their clothes and changing into them. ‘Well let’s see what happens tomorrow……’ they think as finally slumber takes over them.
“Good morning…” Mc says finally coming down in the dinning room from their room and also from finally wearing the disaster of an outfit that is called as the uniform in this place.
“Good morning Mc, Darling!” Asmodeus calls them across the table. “Good morning and please leave me alone if you are still trying to get me on your bed, cause I’m not in the mood.” They say as they take their seat. “Well, good morning to you too, Mc” Satan speaks as he enters the room, they nod at him with a smile. “Good morning, Beel.” they say as the said man in eating his breakfast with a lot of speed. Beel too, nods at them as if say ‘yeah good morning’.
“Good morning, Mc.” Lucifer greets them across the table sitting on the chair like a king drinking his coffee, “the one thing I forgot to mention was that we take turns in the kitchen to cook for our daily meals. Now that you are also a resident of this house it’s only fair for you to take a turn as well.”
“Ah, yes I will.” They say with a tired smile.
“Hm? Did you not have a good sleep?” he looks at them.
“Do you want to hear me complain about the uniform, again?” Mc dead pans at him. Some small snickers and laughs could be heard from the residents sitting the room.
Lucifer looks around the table as if something is missing, “brothers, where is Levi-”
Just then the door opened with a loud bang. ‘Seriously, they should stop entering dramatically with a bang. Does this family have drama in their veins instead of blood?’
“MAMMON!” the new male with indigo coloured-hair is angrily walking towards Mammon who is flustered. “Ah, here comes the tax collector” he says while trying to run. But before he could he the man is already at Mammon’s throat; he goes on about saying how he wanted his money back from Mammon so he could buy a figurine.
“Mammon, Avatar of Greed, what have you done now?” Lucifer asks pinching his nose bridge.
“Avatar of Greed?” Mc asks.
“Yes, Mammon’s the Avatar of Greed and the second eldest.” Satan fills the blank in Mc’s question.
“Second eldest?”
“Yes, we are seven brothers in total. Lucifer the eldest of us, Mammon the second eldest, the guy who is trying get his money from Mammon is Leviathan third eldest Avatar of Envy, me the fourth brother, Asmodeus the fifth brother and Beelzebub the sixth brother……” Satan says with a hushed voice while looking at them with a serious face.
“Wait, but you just said there are seven of you-”
“GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY YOU GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SCUM!” Leviathan….?..... screams at the top of his lungs. This makes Lucifer angry and lash at them “BOTH OF YOU BE QUIET! I’VE TOLD YOU A THOUSAND TIMES NOT TO FIGHT DURING MEALS. IF YOU CONTINUE THIS BEHAVIOUR, I’LL HANG BOTH OF YOU FROM THE CHANDELIER FOR REST OF THE WEEK!”  this seems to quieten down both of them and they sit down.
After a moment of silence……
“Aaaah! Lucifer a stranger! Why is a stranger here?!” Leviathan screams yet once again while pointing a finger at Mc. Lucifer holds his head in his hands as if contemplating his life decisions.
This time, Asmodeus decides to fill in Leviathan with the information and explain it to Leviathan in a very excitable tone even talking about how they did not got seduced by him and how ‘he will change that’. Leviathan looks at Mc as if looking at a tiger in a zoo for the first time and trying to ask ‘this one doesn’t bite right?’
After eating his breakfast, he goes back to his room it seems, while the others gather near the front door. Mc asks Mammon if Leviathan doesn’t go to RAD. “……He doesn’t like crowds.” Mammon answers as he looks at Leviathan’s room door with a frown.
“So, how was your rest of the first day here?” Diavolo asks with an excited tone and a giant smile. Currently Lucifer, Mc, Diavolo and his green-haired butler Barbatos who Diavolo finally introduced to Mc are sitting in the gazebo- like place in a garden between the RAD building and the Royal Palace.
“It was good. I am excited for the days to come.” They say as they sip the tea that Barbatos made. ‘I should probably ask him the name of the tea. It’s really nice.’ Regardless, of the first impression that Barbatos had it seemed that he was polite if not a little friendly with Mc.
“Great! Anyways, what do you in Human World Mc?” you can literally see the stars of excitement in his eyes, “Pardon my excitement, its just this is my first time talking to a human!”
Mc chuckles at this, “I don’t do much, I am scientist, I create some magical implements for the officers at the place I work at.”
“Oh? What is this place you work at?” Lucifer asks curious at the mention of magic.
“Was it not mentioned in my file? The student file, I mean.” they look at him with a question mark on their face.
“Ah, no. It wasn't there for some reason.”
“Lucifer that is dangerous you know. I mean what would happen if it wasn’t me but a mob boss or someone dangerous?” Mc tells Lucifer in a slight teasing tone.
“But anyways, what place do you work in?” Diavolo with a bright voice trying to change the subject.
“Hmm….. Let’s say a police force or the Organization but instead of arresting those without magic they arrest the ones that misuse magic for their own good by destroying people’s life in the process. I help them by creating new useful implements and providing with said implements.” They finish as the bring the cup to their lips to drink their tea.
Diavolo looked like he was over the moon after hearing the new information. While Barbatos’s expression was unreadable. Lucifer was between curious and doubtful.
“I do write Novels under an alias as well.”
“Really?! What type of novel? What is your alias?”
Mc smiles at this, “That’s a secret!”
“At what position do you stand in the Organization?” Barbatos asks with a knowing smile.
“Ah, one of the Founders.”
“Founder? You created the Organization?” Diavolo asked excitedly.
“Yes, with my friends to be exact. After graduation my friends and I used to work for another police force until we revolted and things went a little out of control. When things became normal, we created said police force or rather the Organization.”
“Why did you revolt?” Lucifer asks them with an unreadable expression.
“….. Many people died even some my family-like friends too………. that place….. abandoned us to die…..not only that the killed a lot their own officers……we didn’t want more people to die that’s why………” they answer with sad and longing voice.
“Mc…. I’m sorry.”
“Ah, no don’t be you just asked it out of curiosity.” They give him a small smile. He continues to look at them, at their eyes to find an answer if they were really alright. They too look at him with concern in their eyes.
“Ahem.”  Diavolo’s voice removes both of them from their trance. “I truly apologize if we resurfaced some not so good memories.” He gives them an apologetic smile.
After that, they talk about everything else to change the topic from the past.
Mc happily talks about their favourite cuisine form the human world, and promises The Fantastic Three, that they will make it for everyone to taste. They also talk about their favourite cake and pastries all while Lucifer looks at them with softness in his eyes. Diavolo of course notices this and smirks at Barbatos.
Barbatos can feel the literal excitement of his Young Master. He sighs internally knowing of what’s to come…
Just then a pair of new people enter in the room. One them speaks “Greetings Lord Diavolo, Barbatos and Lucifer.” While the other one is hiding behind him  
“Yes, Good Afternoon Simeon. Mc, this is Simeon one of the exchange students from the Celestial Realm.” Mc extends their hand, “I am Mc, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Simeon.”
“Likewise.” Simeon shakes hands with them and smiles.
“Ah, it has been while, Chihuahua.” Lucifer’s smug voice is heard
‘Chihuahua?’ they think themselves.
“I TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES I’M NOT A CHIHUAHUA YOU DAMN DEMON!” a childlike voice screams at him as a new person comes in Mc’s view. ‘Wait, a child?’
“Ah, this is Luke the Chihuahua, Mc. He’s the other exchange student from the Celestial Realm.” Lucifer says with a smug expression.
Mc looks at Luke. Luke looks at Mc. Mc walks over to Lucifer-
“Do Not Insult My Child.”
‘Seriously, did they lost all sense by bringing a cute harmless child in such a dangerous game?
Well, this story is quite chaotic….. it seems none them even realize that the Organization’s name wasn’t even mentioned. Well, I shouldn’t complain after all it does gives me an advantage for cutting some slack……
Huh? Who are you?
Oh, I see its you.
Tell me of your day, how was it?
…. Hm? Confused, are we?
It’s alright, I know who you are……….
Reader~. hehehe’    
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imaginethathaikyuu · 5 years ago
dono req for @omgaspers !!! thank you for making a donation and letting me write this for you in return! i rlly hope u like this pre-relationship fluff hehe
if you would like a personal scenario, headcanon or a match up, please visit this post for information on charity donation requests
daichi sawamura x fem reader word count: 2115 warning: slight angst, mentions of a previous bad relationship
A break up with your boyfriend was imminent. All the signs were there. Big and bright green, like a highway sign reading: “BREAK UP - Next Exit.” 
You had been ignoring these signs for miles. But at some point, it was like someone else took the wheel from your hands and jerked it in the right direction for you, forcing you to take the Break Up Exit to Heartbreak City. 
Now that you were there, you couldn’t understand why you had been avoiding it for so long. It wasn’t so bad. At least here, in Heartbreak City, you wouldn’t have to worry about seeing your ex ever again. 
Maybe the fact that he didn’t care enough about your relationship to even be kind of sad that it was over should have hurt more than it did. Really, it was just a cherry on top of the bullshit you had dealt with from him over the previous two years. Besides, him not caring about you had become like a second career to him. You had come to expect it.  
So he didn’t care, not when you were together and definitely not when you were apart, and maybe he had every right not to. Maybe you were in the wrong for expecting him to. Maybe you were always destined for heartbreak, because, in his words, “you don’t know how to be in a real relationship.” 
Maybe. Are real relationships meant to feel so lifeless and draining? Are real relationships supposed to be a chore? 
Is it normal to fight with your partner every day?
Are you meant to beg your significant other to love you?  
You thought you knew the answer to those questions. You thought you were always in the right. 
But if that’s what a real relationship is - lifeless, draining, fighting, begging - then you didn’t want one. 
You forgot how nice it was to meet with friends at cafes or parks or shops - that sounds silly, doesn’t it? But you had been so controlled in your previous relationship that fighting to meet with a friend just wasn’t worth it, so you never even tried. 
It’d been over a year since you had last seen Sugawara. He was your best friend in college, and though the friendship fizzled out for a bit, he was more than excited to see you again. 
So you planned to meet at a small and warm and newly opened cafe, and you were way too happy to be there. 
Until Sugawara did what he always does. 
“So. I have this friend.” 
He watched your face drop and knew that you were likely considering running out, so he put his hands over yours and said, “Wait, just hear me out!” 
Sugawara loved playing matchmaker; it was his greatest hobby in college and apparently, he hadn’t given it up. In fact, he had spent twenty minutes bragging about getting two of his current co-workers together. Maybe you should have seen this coming. 
“He’s a gem.” 
“Suga -”
“Just one date!” 
You took a deep breath. “I don’t want one date, Suga - I don’t want any dates. I’m sure he’s great, but -” 
“Just meet him! Please, do it for me. You’ll love him, I promise you will. It doesn’t even have to be a date!” 
You didn’t have a good feeling about this, but post-break up you rarely had a good feeling about anything. And you hadn’t replied, so Sugawara kept talking. 
“You guys can meet up here on Friday for coffee - it can be a nice meeting, not a date! I swear, you’ll fall for him in like a month, he’s so perfect for you - if you don’t I’ll buy you coffee for a year. But I’m confident, so I don’t think I’ll be doing that any time soon.” 
You couldn’t hold back your smile, because Sugawara was being way too serious about this. 
“Want to see a picture of him? He’s super hot, I swear.” 
You shrugged and Sugawara was already looking through his phone, and he quickly shoved it into your hands. The photo on the screen took you a minute to digest - the man was handsome, with brown hair and the kindest eyes you had ever seen with a smile to match. Despite how nice he looked, he also looked incredibly strong. You weren’t sure what your type was, but this man definitely qualified. 
Sugawara took his phone back from you while giving you a knowing grin. 
“His name is Daichi.” 
It should be easier to wear the clothes you want to wear. You don’t have to worry about being shamed for wearing a dress that’s too short anymore - yet you can still hear him telling you he doesn’t like it. 
You wear the dress anyway, and wonder when those thoughts of your ex-boyfriend will go away. 
Though it’s warm outside, you don’t mind the warmth of the cafe. It gives the shop an inviting, familiar feeling, and you feel comfortable there. 
You’re looking for a table rather than the man you’re supposed to be meeting, assuming he’d be late - another habit you’d required from your old relationship. But you’re shocked when you find him, Daichi, sitting at the table by the window. 
When you approach him, he stands up and gives you a big smile - it looked genuine and nervous. 
“Hey,” he said, “you’re Y/N?” 
His voice was deep and smooth and you were sure you could listen to him talk forever. 
“Uh - yeah,” you replied. You were being awkward, but Daichi was doing a good job at ignoring it.
He shook your hand, and it felt like you were greeting an old friend rather than a stranger. He introduced himself, even though you already knew his name, and he invited you to sit down, even though you were going to sit down anyway.  
“I haven’t ordered anything yet,” he said. “I thought we could order a pastry to try together - have you been here before?” 
Your search for words to say was shorter than you thought it’d be. “Yeah, once. With Sugawara.” 
Daichi snorted at the sound of his friend’s name. “Oh, Sugawara. I love him, but he’s…”
You laughed. “I know - believe me, I know.”
It didn’t take you long to figure out what Suga meant by calling Daichi a gem. Even when he wasn’t smiling he looked like he was, that’s how kind he was. Any time you spoke, he was happy to listen, attentive and ready to give a reply that was only encouraging you to tell another story. He told you to order whatever you wanted and meant it, and then he ordered the same for himself, saying he trusted your judgement more than your own which made you both laugh.
And he was definitely easy on the eyes. 
But you were still wary. You still didn’t know him well, and he was either completely faking it or way too perfect for you, you couldn’t tell. But his laughter seemed so real, and so did the stories he told; it was hard for you to doubt him even though you wanted to. 
After an hour, your pastries and second rounds of coffee were finished, which meant the date was coming to a slow end. You were surprised at how sad you were about that. 
“Thank you for this,” Daichi said, and you were preparing for him to tell you this wasn’t what he’s looking for, or try to lure you to his apartment for a one night stand, or something equally scary and appalling. But he did neither. Instead, he said, “Maybe we could have another meeting next week, same time and place?” 
Your eyes widened. “Sugawara told you, didn’t he?” 
“I - I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You tried not to cringe at the thought of Daichi knowing way too much about your past relationships and current fears, but it was hard. “You’re a bad liar,” you said with a snort. You were sure he was about to question you about your past, even though it wasn’t even all that interesting. 
But just like he’s done the entire date, he caught you off guard. 
“Is that a yes?” 
You looked into his hopeful eyes and for the first time in months, you felt just as hopeful. 
“Yeah. It’s a yes.” 
Same time and place, next week, the week after, and the week after that. For a month straight, you met Daichi at that same cafe and sat at the same table at the same time of the week. 
One thing did change every time, though. Daichi never let you order the same thing twice - he said he wanted the two of you to try new things together. And you liked the sound of that, so you went along. 
And he made slow advances. Actually, he didn’t make any advances - the two of you had only held hands, and that’s because on the third date you were more frustrated than afraid and decided to just do it. Daichi’s cheeks turned blood red, and you decided it was worth it to do something scary just to see him flushed. 
On the fourth date, he’s the one who held your hand, which excited you more than you thought possible. 
But you didn’t do much talking. Not until the drinks were empty and Daichi had been giving you a look you didn’t want to see anymore. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, voice quiet and emotional. He was running his thumb along your knuckles. 
“Yeah,” you replied. It was honest but it wasn’t, and you weren’t sure how that was even possible. 
Because you were having fun with Daichi. You loved seeing him every week and you loved texting him on the days you didn’t meet. You loved it, but you were scared of it, too. You had spent this time looking for signs that weren’t there and subconsciously following rules set by someone who wasn’t in your life anymore, and you didn’t know how to break those habits. It felt like it should be easier. 
You looked up to see Daichi watching at you, looking at you as if he knew something you didn’t. He probably did. 
“It’s okay,” he continued. “If you’re scared or hesitant, it’s okay. We can always slow down, okay?” 
“It’s not that.” 
You wanted to laugh at yourself and you wouldn’t be surprised if Daichi did, too - but he only listened. 
“I don’t want to go slow, but I can’t help being… scared.” 
“Hey,” he said again, just to get you to look up at him. “I was the captain of my high school’s volleyball team, so believe me, I’ve learned patience.” 
You laughed with him, remembering the stories he’s told you about the kind of people on his old team. You knew he had a point. 
“But… I’m serious,” he went on to say. “If you need slow and patient, things will go slow and I will be patient - okay?” 
That was all you needed to hear. He seemed like he was being sincere, and you were getting better at believing what he told you. 
Daichi gave you no reason to doubt him, so you didn’t. There were no bad signs - you had been double checking for them. You had to let yourself go with this, because if you didn’t, you’d lose something good. 
That’s why you asked him to walk you home that evening. And when you got to your doorstep, you swallowed any residual fear and asked him to kiss you. 
He looked like he needed to be convinced that you were actually asking him that question. He said, “Are you sure?” and instead of answering with words, you answered him by kissing him yourself. 
And it made you want to cry, because you forgot that kisses were meant to be sweet. The last time you kissed someone, he was just trying to shut you up during a fight. 
No, this kiss was the opposite of everything you knew kisses to be. It was slow and soft and delicate; Daichi was squeezing your hand and you were squeezing his back, making him giggle against your lips - simultaneously melting your heart. 
And it ended far too quickly. 
You stood and looked at each other for a moment, and you thought that it should’ve felt awkward, but you couldn’t have felt more comfortable. 
“Next week, right?” he asked. “Same time and place?” 
He had a habit of asking, just to make sure. You always gave him the same answer. 
“Of course. Same time and place.” 
When you got inside that night, after refraining from kissing Daichi again, you called Sugawara, just to let him know that he was right. 
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yume-fanfare · 4 years ago
hi i am that anon from like 29th Dec (last dang year) who said i read ur tsuki no hime and loved it and that u understand Aizou. i have read more of ur stuff since then and now i NEED to ask you for writing advice, on both characterization and general writing tips since I didnt mention it before. Sorry about that! i just forgot i sent an ask and i do not get notifs at all (or does anon asks not get notifs?) Also, ART STUDENT! That's why the nice art and art leaning!! I feel smart for sensing it
oh yup, tumblr doesn't send notifs for anon asks! but i'm glad you did see the answer anyway
this post is hideously long, so answer under the cut!
so, on characterization: it is mostly a matter of what would they say, rather than what you want them to say. the joke about "the characters do what they want to" instead of what the writer wants is pretty much true if you want them to be in character lol (that's why sometimes a little bit of OoC isn't too bad)
checking the source material is the most important thing: look at prior similar interactions the characters have had and how they reacted
this is kind of hard with LIPxLIP, as there aren't that many translated texts about them but with honeyworks the most canon and reliable thing to use as reference are the mvs. the mvs are drawn in a way that can pretty much be understood even if you don't have the lyrics, and sometimes it's even better if you can't read them, to properly focus on the images better
look at their expressions closely: while aizou is always explosive in his anger, yuujirou often has a more indifferent expression. so, when they fight, aizou is probably the one to blow up first while yuujirou maintains his composure better. it's kind of the classic "this was only a brief passing panel but i am going to expand on it" www
but the thing about fanfiction is that it's always a bit of a character analysis in itself. you don't start writing having already a color-coded folder of possible situations and reactions a character would have for each setting. you just throw the characters in a scenario and then think from there onwards, and eventually you'll be able to have the folder of situations and what you think their reactions would be like. (though, this links back to the prior point, if the characters have gone through a similar situation in canon, use that as guide! plus, finding little references to canon when reading is always fun)
for general writing, i'm going to mostly talk about my own experiences and process! i'm in no way a professional though
the basic is reading a lot. not just books but also fanfic. in fact, since you're writing fanfic, i Encourage you to read fanfic. even if your story ends up novel length, the way of treating the story is different from that of an actual novel. for example, because you're working under the premise that everyone knows the characters already. the general style of fics is different as well.
in fact, the style is the main reason i'm saying this slfkslfkslkf
read a lot of stuff and find a style you like. think of it as sewing together pieces from here and there to make a frankenstein amalgamation: this person's metaphors, the comparisons from here, the descriptions from there
personally, i adore the "long one-shot with a long title formatted (like this)" fics that are mostly feelings and descriptions and as little dialogue as possible, and some that occasionally play with the "show don't tell" rule, and some months ago i read a book whose descriptions amazed me because you could feel what the character was focusing on the most, rather than being general descriptions of the situation (i actually have a lot of thoughts about descriptions but that's a post for another day). but also i really like dialogue and plot-driven stories, descriptions can get boring and before trying to break rules, you have to be really good at following them
but, let's go step by step: developing an idea
for this i'm going to mostly reference the multichap i finished a while ago as an example
i started with just a few vague concepts in mind: non-idol au with aizou who does some sport and likes music but is insecure about his singing and yuujirou who does some music related thing and encourages him to sing in a way that's somehow related to the hozier song to noisemaking (sing), because it's what inspired me to write in the first place
then, from then onwards i wrote down what would happen in the first chapter of the story bullet-point-list-style, including things like the roommates part or the clubs the boys were in (at first yuujirou was in the choir club lol the change was a last second decision that idk why i took) and then bits of dialogue here and there that would be The Turning Points. those first dialogues were for the fight at the end of ch 1, the apology-date in ch 3 and then some vaguely unused ones for the "yuujirou encourages aizou" part, as those were the first key moments i thought of
because, since it's enemies to friends to lovers, an important aspect was character development
not all fics have character development bc not all of them are long enough (if you're aiming for short and sweet then there's no need). but if they do, i recommend you write down how the character was at the beginning of the story and then how they were at the end and then fill in the middle later, think of what those key turning points that made the character change were (the more little things you add, the more gradual it'll be)
samishigariya illustrates this very nicely: the song starts and finishes with the same lines, but the ending ones feel more light-hearted. the beginning has pre-arisa ken and pre-getting-along-with-yuujirou aizou, when they were the lonely people the title mentioned, and the ending, when they're not lonely anymore. the in between can be seen in depth during the other songs: ken before arisa was a playboy who didn't take love seriously, but after meeting her he realized that games were not all there was to love; and aizou used to be quite cranky and high-key a loner, but then he "meets precious things and knows of love". i will not elaborate on that because this isn't an aiyuu post but Oh You Know
for the fic, aizou would go through that same process, more or less: someone who doesn't really form meaningful connections with people but who, in the end, would end up having quite a bunch of people who care about him as his relationship with yuujirou advances too
since the relationship was the main focus, i wrote a very simple outline for how it would develop throughout 5 hypothetical chapters that was just: 1. civil w each other but mostly bad > 2. bad > 3. half friends > 4. pining > 5. date
and then with that in mind and the bullet point list, the final basic outline ended up like this:
Tumblr media
there were scraped ideas and ideas that made it in later, but i believe having a simple outline, a bare skeleton to add things to, is important. stories need continuity, development requires a prior buildup
it's especially important in multichapter fics where you post as you write, you need to have a more or less clear idea of what's going to happen because you can't ignore scenes you've already posted
shorter stories don't need it as much, you can think as you go, but it's still helpful to know where you're going with things to avoid getting stuck
and, on getting stuck: don't be afraid of deleting things. if you can't figure out how to continue things, then delete the situation and start again. it might feel like you'd be wasting time but in the end, it is so much better than being stuck on the same scene for weeks
in fact, you don't have to write in order. jump to the next scene and you'll figure it out later. you Can write the scene you want to write and then build everything else around it
it's normal to write a scene and then realize it would make more sense later in the story, or that it would be better if you added another scene earlier, or sometimes you just find it easier to jump from one part of the story to another. rely on your outline to keep track of what you've written, what you have left to write and what's the best way to arrange your story. make your story understandable
which bring us to editing
there's a lot of much better posts on editing stories, but yeah ctrl+f is your best friend: don't repeat yourself too much. and be sure to vary sentence and paragraph length, as well as sentence structure, to give dynamism to the writing
now, i've mentioned before the show, don't tell rule, but i'm going to talk a bit more about it because it's quite important
once again there's a lot of posts that explain more in depth what it is, so i'm not going to expand too much on that, but, very basically, try to avoid things like "then some time passed and they became friends". explain it: what happened exactly? how did they become friends? if it's important, show it to us, instead of summarizing
since things like these make the story longer, it also gives room for more development and proper explanation for things that happen
for example, the fic was originally going to start with them already in the room, and the whole situation would have been explained in a single paragraph somewhere, but by actually adding the scene where they first arrive to the dorms and argue with the lady at the main desk, the story flows better and it let me actually describe their first meeting
and uuuhhh i think that's all? this took super long to write i hope i didn't forget any super basic stuff lol
i want to add that for enemies to lovers i greatly recommend this post bc it's super good but yeah i think that's basically it, if you have any more specific questions just shoot me an ask
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misterbitches · 4 years ago
Hello! @flootweed replying to the post from before. the long format was killing me. why does tumblr look like this...
I haven’t watched episode 8 yet...or have I? If it’s the most recent one. No.
Is the hornbill a bird? It probably is but I have a terrible memory and I’m dumb so. I skipped the last few weeks because I’m scawwed. How are you liking it? I did see someone say that the hornbill makes sense (without knowing what it is...at all) bc heart transplant patients only live like 5-15 years after but someone in those comments pointed out that he was so young when he got his and that’s pretty rare so he has a higher likelihood of survival. Frankly, this is the only way I will proceed. Since when did shows ever care about the heart transplant health? Never and it needs to stay that way!
What did we think of ep 6? LMAO. I need opinions! And omg it makes me feel special when I can point things out to people because I so...rarely get to LOL. Editing is like one of my favorite things ever so I can be super particular about it but I try to do the thing you do when you’re supposed to see if it works within its context. I’d like to go in with scissors and glue but alas. 
THe mic covering....the rustling....it’s like guys...please. Ironically the audio today wasn’t great. I don’t know why. IDK if you watch c-dramas but I am not even sure what’s worse between them because they dub their dramas. But actually no it’s best to have the dubbing because even tho it is painful they have to put a lot of effort into it. LOL. 
Right? @ Aey! It’s just weird if they would show us more about what he’s done instead of saying he’s done sth bad and not even explaining that....like you could even do some shitty exposition. I think if he is to be a true villain then we really need to be privvy. All the warnings make it seem like he’s a fuckin’ serial killer so when we get the scene of him at home it’s like....actually this is really serious? Maybe his pain is like...for a reason. Althought you won’t even TELL US WHAT HE’S DONE WRONG BESIDES BE JUST FUCKING WEIRD AND ANNOYING! So from what we have it’s just a realllllllll fucked up sad person lol. god i forgot about the dinner! and i totally agree. he really needs them to succeed. i like your theory because it would make the scene where he like blocks the twitter user make more sense. he also says they dont really know each other etc so it’s realllllyyyyy probable that he just sees it as a way out. if not then we shall pretend u wrote it :)
god yea i wouldnt say it is art but i also guess we technically have to since it is technically. in the way that technically performance artists are artists but mostly i uh technically ignore them. Also one of my fav BLs is called the best twins. If you do not know what it is I will not elaborate further.t 
i want to know more abt poli sci majors lmao but they sound DRAMATIC/ hopefully most ppl in ur cohort arent losers! 
hahahha i understand. there was just a thing on twitter about DSA and then the day before about reading discourse. the same thiings. over. and over. and over. and over. we are our own worst enemies but also our own best friends? but i hate tankies and that wont change. but hasan’s a decent guy. he said sth abt black ppl during biden’s primaries in GA or whatever and i was like chill. but he’s insecure and has adhd which means ur more open to being wrong and changing otherwise u will suffocate and die. 
and totally about hiding fuck ups. i’ve tried really hard bc of organizing IRL to like...be honest, question, etc but also like...approach it naturally? because if you’re trying to be perfect and so worried you’ll fuck up you don’t realize that puts  more stress on you, makes you seem like a robot, and could potentially not make you realize the mistkaes you made. also if we’re privileged in certain spaces there is just no possible way we won’t get something wrong. im light and i know that honestly any way to speak up on colorism is going to be difficult and that’s a space where i have power so i just have to figure it out. we should be uncomfortable because we have to sit with unpleasant feelings and sort through our own whatever. that just makes the next time even better and people can trust u more.  i think some people sweat it sooo much or maybe they think their personal life and what theyve been through is more the norm? on the other hand people can be sf reactionary in the worst way and idk what their issue is. there was also a user who said sth very inch arresting about tankies which i thoroughly enjoyed (how like violent lefitsts or tankies / ppl who are like ooh a gun whatever just want to be violent in another space so they have shit tendencies from jump and nothing of substance which i think i agree with tbh fo ra lottttt of ppl. like their anger is actually like “no im about to beat that ass” instead of what we actually want to get done) 
sort of in the same vein re: taking it easy...we coudl all be more understanding too. to slow it down like you mentioned about not being privvy to fucking eveyrthing and saying anything on our mind. i saw this person talk about y2k which was a huge deal while happening bc it was the turn of the millenium (bruh were u even alive?) but this twitter user grew up in a super super SUPER religious household and was like why do ppl make jokes about Y2K it was insanely traumatizing? though my first instinct was confused ive tried hard to like look more before i judge especially thanks to a friend of mine. turns out that with the further reading the more we found out he was just really traumatized; it was very common in religious households to be afraid of 2000. so we could have come at him with no understanding and he could have thought that everyone had the same experience with that year that he did. his feelings sit precedent though but i think it was just very hard for him to fathom. 
i didnt reply bc he didnt need that and what could i have said? he’ll see what the truth is with exposure and unfortunately this was something he really did go through. 
and that’s what makes most people think others could be over the top. because it sounded ridiculous but then it was this huge traumatic thing that we could have never known about. so maybe when someone sounds like actually crazy they have an explanation? of course some ppl are just batshit or annoying but that’s anywhere not just leftists it’ just means more i guess when a ~~librul is annoyed~ but it can be easy to want to make fun of ppl too. lmao.  basically what i am saying is the internet? especially twitter? for leftists? in this economy? bitch it’s the wild west out here.
i am 29! idk if i said it or not. i am OLD u probably werent even born in the year i was talking about wah. i know not old-old or old at all but compared to you i’m due for a colonoscopy.
omg i hope u can get vaxxed soon! are you wfh rn? i hope ur also not in a bad state as in state state not state as in ur being :| bleh what a fucking time. it sucks that you have to fucking do work. well unless u like school. which i hope u do. i just assume everyone hates it cos i did lmao
was it the lindsay ellis drama? that bitch is dumb. if there was other drama oh wait the drama i was referring to it all happened on the same day. idk book twitter that well but i saw something from someone who was abt that shit and wowie! the american people are not that.....intelligent to put it lightly.
i’ll get better. ppl tell me they miss me and im like aw. i have insanellllyyy bad insomnia and a lot of stuff happened this year HOWEVER I SLEPT FOR TWO DAYS FOR 8 HOURS AT A REASONABLE TIME. im a new woman.  anyways you too! i hope ur not too burnt out with school. we just dont know when the burnout is or we just dont know we are burnt out until we are. the panaramiciccici hit and all the things i was ignoring kind of just fell on me and sooo much happened at once. and frankly it’s hard to take care of ourselves. lord. 
Like if you aren’t interested in expanding on the issue in a way that hasn’t been done before all you gotta do it like… spread resources and donate if you can. I dont see the point in having to say something about every issue especially if you (not at you specifically just in general) aren’t immediately impacted by the issue. Like is the 14 yr old white marxist named sarah on twitter really gonna have meaningful insight on anti-asian violence ?
this is part of why i cannot telecommunicate. i dont want to do shit on the internet. i am able bodied so i know that this time has been of such ease for other people. but mentally i just can’t. i don’t have a comment on hand like that and i hvae no desire to engage with ppl that way. i am a super super super solitary person but thats bc it’s MY time so when it’s like all this effort with other people i dont ever want to be alone. it’s the same with the way i approach filmmaking. it isnt a sole thing so i hate it not together. that’s part of how u can get so sucked in and repeat doom scrolling. i was in this webinar last may after [redacted] and this black woman prof said “read with a community and talk” because otherwise she said we are torturing ourselves. you can’t carry that weight all on your own. unfortunately i hate zoom, discord, slack, signal, whatsapp, facetime. you name it this panera has made it evi.. L
you make a really excellent point. i think the young young gen zers are really really just interesting because it’s like this whole new world for them with leftist politics and they just can’t grasp the horrors of the world and the kind of freedom being a leftist can bring. and so many people don’t grow out of it. those people so happen to be the “least productive” in terms of how much time they spend IRL withe these issues. naturally, younger kids are gonna have a harder time. they are not as mobile as well so the internet becomes this place. but then it’s this echo chamber. and many times just things posted without sources. and social media NEEDS that to exist.
i think of the irony of leftist kids on tik tok and while i am happy it’s reaching them it’s just....different. very different. the growth of social media is so good but also so fucking sad, it’s too much! i think the point about not writing everything is major. even i have to do this which is part of the disappearing.y ou need to detach and make sure your head is on straight again. but when you think eveyrone has to be privvy to every thought and you can’t just sit back....which twitter and social media doesn’t encourage. you have to join in. that’s often why when i have something to say it is dense because i don’t feel like repeating it. ever. lmao ust ever. i cant pay attn. social media is a fucking minefield for my brain u can get so lost in it and absorb it but once u start talking you may not be able to stop. 
i think a big part of that is it not being a leisurely thing but sort of just in our lives always. this sounds like a grandpa rant but ykwim. We dont have to see the same thing over and over again. And eventually it gets sincerely diluted or its diluted bc of capitalism or whatever. Or if theyre very young or maybe they don’t have like the greatest way of sharing the knowledge? then it can be butchered. I hope this is making sense...i’m talking beyoond the boring surface-level milquetoast shit. i see really ahistorical stuff on there from leftists (like this thing about NK + africa and it being a beneficial rship as opposed to a um not beneficial one. and it isn’t.  beneficial but this young black girl was talking abt it and noname rtd and i was like it’s just too complex. there’s no good/bad here just bc it’s not america. dont get me started on this.)
but Lol that was kinda off topic but I think what I meant in my last reply about not turning off the voice in my head is about when I consume media, not necessarily when I’m online talking about. Even if I have criticism for something, I’m usually pretty chill when consuming fandom content bc I think being serious online all the time is kinda boring. Like sometimes I’m analyzing theme and shit but really most of the time im memeing.
exactly.........gotta laugh. thats why sometimes im like i cant think lmao. unfrotunately i have been ARGUING with ppl on the internet for rly no reason when  i could have replied to ur very nice fun wholesome message. i love torture. i miss memes.
“ i think the people who get the least enjoyment out of that are those so obsessed with getting upset with anyone thinking outside of their lines as if it equates to them “ EXACTLYYYYY
kekekekeke im glad u got it. it’s like with conservatives throwing around snowflake. now im beginning to question who the real complainers are. 
LMAO exactlyyyy. i posted a screenshot of this writer from twitter saying that exact thing. Like first of all, I’m...an adult? and if you are as well uh? i’m sorry for you but are we 12? But how is it affecting u this viscerally? And if it does why dont u...do...research? pihgofuaipoajghou but honestly everything u said. we’re trained to go into it with nothing. i was only around ur age when i started to get more serious about this stuff but you’re like lightyears ahead of where i was at 21. did i say this but i’m in iww and literally i can tell u in 2016 i did not think 2019 me would be in a union bc i told my friend in a train station that we don’t need unions. i was 23...but the thing is i didnt know what i was talking about. at all. and i knew i didnt know and she knew i didnt know and now i am the clown.
also yes at critical engagement. i had to learn so much through experience and this is tuff that i coudlnt be shielded from. there’s an empathy you kinda have to develop and this understanding that you move through the world as this person who is “nowhere and everywhere; nothing and everything” so i’ve always had to think about things differently just to survive. that’s also what can drag a lot of people towards it like theres so many black kpop fans bc i think a lot of the pain in SK can be mirrored (sort of) through our history. and theres currently a history now but it had to be forged. uh what was my point oh yea however i wouldnt have been able to move further if i didnt have my background to go off of  bc i knew something was off when i started getting into all these things (ill give u a hint) but if i had no prior knowledge and didnt have to think about it then the critical approach is either stale or stupid. 
i had to research but i dont understand how ppl are so bold with little to no research and understanding? thhey just inherently know with also like ZERO experience in what they need experience in. engaging critically means “how i see the world” with dashes of trying to be open adn understanding or whatever. actually that’s another thing like being afraid of criticizing things bc theyre foreign to you so u give it a pass (like we discussed) but it doesnt hAVE TO BEEEE JUST REAAAAAD and then take all the info ur teensy brain and apply it. be a normal human being and dont be fucking rude and racist. thats it! u can complain abt literally anything without being a dick.
as we start with LW and end with LW.....what do we think (i asked this already) omg please share wbl thoughts i THINK i know what ur talking about. well it could be two things; their rship when they came back and the physicality and then pei shou yi. i almost dont even want to use my brain to fucking look at that. i think wbl can get away with more bc of visual~*~*~* reasons (like literally, the look of the show. there’s more space to get lost in the frames. many thai dramas are a lot more literal? this isn’t the right word but it’s very heavily character focused particularly bc of $ i think) though good production also underscores flaws so i am also wrong. but like do u know what i mean? u have to kinda focus on it? or maybe it’s just cos like.....ur so used to it in thai bl idek. i’ve seen tw bl ofc. 
look i swear i will justify this forever bc there are some things we miss right but if u feel like someone’s a bad actor....theyre bad. it’s about tone movement etc etc etc and since most thai bl productions have 0 interest in that....well. they take these newbies and put them in these situations. we dont understand thai but if we see them and we’re like “wow this is really bad” then they’re bad lmao. IDC i will never be like cos idk what theyre saying NO WHY HE LOOK LIKE A ROBOT???????? DOES HE EMOTE? why is he CRYING WITH NO TEARS? and it’s not even a total requisite to cry with tears(i mean for me it is) but it’s just like what is happening on ur face right now young man????????
the inflection stuff is very valid ooh good point tho but that’s only a part of the piece. plus we get used to the way they communicate. like the ppl from sotus were prtty bad. i dont like that show but thats an ex of ppl liing the actors and the person i thought was better other ppl dont think that? well apparently hes a shitty guy but. um. so when theres decent acting its so glaring.
although i must say even tho i dont care for 2gether anymore and would never like to be reminded about its existence (only bc i just cringe lol) i honestly....didnt think bright was a bad actor? but people keep saying he is and i am much more inclined to believe them than myself. though i am not often dickmatized that could have been it. until he opened his mouth and ruined it and then i stopped paying attn.
although honestly i’m so much more critical than i could be positive. i have ben stumped for the last day about how i wasnt mad at his acting in the show. is it me? is it him? who’s......the wrong one.....(me) 
oh shit they have been denied? i haven’t been paying attn to whats been going on recently. i just got into it on MDL because of snowdrop. sometimes i literally cannot engage bc ill just be like alright well im black so this power button in my head is going off when ppl talk abt that shit. back in the day when kpop jawns were saying some real outta pocket anti black shit (now everyone is slick with it) it’d always be THEY DONT HAVE GOOGLE THEYVE NEVER SEEN A BLACK PERSON but really it’s like no...maybe they are just racist? that’s ok too.
also the past 2 weeks have been um atrocious bc how fucking easily people fell into the pit of white supremacy and started to turn their ire towards black people and making a competition between our groups just like they wanted. it’s not about the women who are dead anymore, who were sex workers, their womanhood, being asian, being poor anymore. it’s about how much black people get attention and why people only pay attn to us. i am not feeling very generous this week for ppl to excuse that hsit.
on a lighter note, ppl say that abt the whole husband and wife thing. i dont know how to explain how angry that shit makes me but maybe it’s because i do not want to think of my body in relation to a fucking penis at all hours of the day. if bls could kindly not do that it would be nice lmao 
yes there are a lot of those. who are only there to gawk lmao. and just idk worship bc of the cult of personality thing bc of how weird and open they have to be as actors. some of the others are people who /think/ theyre really smart (i think im asmart but i also think i am very dumb and i have adhd to prove that MEDICALLY!!!) but are actually not? or their observations arent great? or idk if they are they arent interesting? but i think well..........we have more refined palettes :P
jk also theres just different personalities. you and  i mesh more bc we have a lot of the same beliefs and are coming from the same place. that makes it easier to understand as well. i really try to remember that but some people are really weird so. again just...the perception of certain things even down to acting skills. but i also dont like.......believe this genre can really do anything at all. on one hand i want them to do it right bc it’s a piece of work so they should. be proud of it. cos most things arent advancing us bc representation and culturalism are a lie bla bla. it’s just that when the depictions are negative or not done well it adds to the problem as opposed to the things that are well done are fairly benign and can’t really pull us back (perf example is the black panther film. i woudl definitely not say it was transgressive as a literal work but visually it’s just stunning. and it’s sad that it’s stunning and surprising but still with basically an all black cast of mostly dark people abd like what it means in the zeitgeist yes. it’s also just a good movie. but it’s still imperialist prop and unfortunately and this is fucking pathetic to say it “opened eyes” in other countries where they hate black ppl and ignore their own racialized minorities HENNYWAYSSSS a better ex is moonlight except moonlight isnt mainstream and is indie tho...still thru a funnel of capital bc a24 but who cares bleed the fuckers dry is my motto. my point is moonlight is both a great work and doesnt bring any failures to the table and its existence helps in ways outside of art but they arent the defining things giving us material advancement sooooo i mean it’s complex (this is my conclusion to everything um guys it’s complex) 
er i had one more point in conjunction to above. oh yea so i like dont need all these extra things to make it progressive. like people really want more women in the show and i am honestly like i really dont. i dont want them to actively do this. if they cant do it naturally then let someone else do it. i am not asking for more bc i dont want it from them. when something comes along i embrace it but i do not see why women should be represented when the genre RELIES on patriarchy. there is no complete satisfying existence for the women in these series. i dont want it. i dont ask people to show us~*~* or respect~* like fuck no the people who make it make it and hopefully more will make it in the future but i will not beg bc THEY DONT WANT TO DO IT SO WOULD FORCING IT MAKE IT BETTER? just fucking leave them out entirely. that’s the answer if theyre gonna make nasty female characters then those bitches can geaux. we have other plcaes to be. booked. and. BUSY!
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heartshappedballoons · 4 years ago
#C3 - Van
PS: Hi, me again. I forgot to post last week, but here’s the chapter. Sorry any mistake hope u enjoy <3
- Hi Anna
It's Abby
This is my new number :)
 Three messages, that was all there and the only thing he understood was Anna, Bob's girlfriend, Van had never noticed that her number and his were similar, but it didn't matter at the time, he tried to answer the message and retiring, the new tour started in a month and I didn't want to risk getting sick during the last few rehearsals.
In the morning of the next day, Van decides to go for a walk, even with a thermometer measuring 50F. Put on the thicker coat and head out to the nearby park. He went down the street, greeted some neighbors who passed by and sat on a bench, took a cigarette and a lighter, swallowed hard and with his eyes turned to the sky, blew smoke from his lungs. It was still winter, the icy air enveloped his face making the edges turn red, the park was enveloped in a thin layer of fog that he thought he enjoyed a view like him and people exercising, like Bob, who ran past Van and noticing his presence, he took two steps back and sat down beside him on the bench.
- Hey man, what are you doing here? - said the curly-haired guy while removing the headphones
- Nothing much, taking a walk, thinking about life and you?
- Insomnia? - Van nodded and the curly guy grimace - I always run here in the morning, breathe fresh air, de-stress, y’know? You could do it sometimes. Anyway, do you want company at home?
- No need, I still go to a place before and then I go, thanks - swallowed the cigarette and exhaled
"Okay, see you later," said Bob before running again.
He decided to stay five more minutes to finish his cigarette and then he went to the coffee shop two blocks away. The bell at the entrance signaled his arrival, sat on the counter and ordered a pure double coffee. "If I haven't been able to sleep at night, it's not during rehearsals that I'm going to be able to, so at least I can wait until I get home" he said to himself.
Two seconds later, the doorbell is heard again, this time with two women. Van recognized the voice of one of them when she approached the counter.
- Hi Van - Anna said resting her palm on her back
- Hi, what a coincidence. What do you do around here? - greeting her with a hug
- I work in the office nearby, I came with my friend Abby to pick up some orders - he pointed to the pale blond girl sitting at the table nearby. Abby?
- Oh... She's Abby. She texted me the other day thinking it was your number.
- Oh really? And she didn't even tell me anything - Anna pretended not to know what it was about - I'll see it better. See you, Van.
Abby had blond hair, the pinkness of her cheeks and nose indicated the sensitivity of her white skin, her eyes that were hidden behind the thick lenses brightened with the sun changing from brown to hazel. She was buried in two thick high-necked coats that prevented her from seeing her mouth, as she passed through the door she left a trail, the mix of floral and woody that quickly hooked Van. The two seconds it took to register this information were enough to make him run out the door with a cup of coffee in hand, but without leaving a $ 10 bill on the counter.
Standing in front of the store, he looked both ways and there was no sign, it was not so difficult to lose sight of both, since the street was not very busy and Anna was wearing a red overcoat. He ran from end to end in search of the girl, until he found the two waiting to cross the street. He slowed his steps, took a deep breath in an attempt to catch the air, and approached the two women.
- Hi ... My name is Van, you texted my number wanting to talk to Anna. You are Abby, right?
- Yes I am, why? - Said with a confused expression after looking up and down the stranger who had touched his arm.
- So ... I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime? He didn't even finish speaking when Anna pulled Abby by the arm and shouted across.
Friday? What day was it today? He checked his cell phone. THURSDAY. Anna did not seem to regulate very well when proposing the meeting so on the eve of that. Minimally Van would schedule for a Saturday or Sunday, after all, the band's rehearsals could not stop and he could not miss. "I hope she didn't take this seriously," he thought as he retracted his way home, sipping the now warm coffee.
The rehearsal filled the afternoon and almost everyone's night, it was 9 pm when they got home. When the door was open, everyone threw themselves on different pieces of furniture and let out a groan of tiredness and then immediately laughed. Johnny proposed to order food since he had no desire to put his culinary skills into practice, Benji agreed and joined him in scrolling the app bar. When he realized that they were alone, Van jumped from the chair where he was towards the couch where Bob was on his phone.
- Hey man - he said throwing himself on the mobile
- Oh, hi
- So ... I wanted to know can you give me Anna's number?
- For what? Bob asked with a raised eyebrow, taking his eyes off the screen and concentrating on Ryan's face.
- Calm down, it's nothing like you're thinking. A friend of hers texted me by mistake and yesterday I met them, but I didn't even have a chance to talk about it.
- Abby, right?
- Yes, how did you ... Of course, I had forgotten that you and Anna... hm.
- Also, but Anna and I are trying to bring the two of you together - the curly-haired man smiled and turned to the small screen.
- What?? he exclaimed after settling on the sofa. Johnny and Benji look in the direction, but ignored right away.
- Seriously, I kept telling her about your situation with Emily, then she gave this idea, I thought "why not"? 
- Really, why not? - putting his hand on his chin
- But man, I don't want you to feel obliged to anything and such, it was just a joke, we didn't even know if you were really going to meet
- Relax, man. I want to meet her and now? What do I do?
- Well, I believe that Anna must have already commented on your meeting, right? He straightened his spine and pushed his glasses back with his index finger.
- Not much, she only mentioned before pulling Abby to cross the street
- Okay, so it will work like this ...
Bob told in detail everything,he and Anna had planned for the past two weeks. In the end, Van agreed and two joined Benji and Johnny for dinner. Japanese food and pizza.
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anonbebe97me · 5 years ago
Somebody Else (Changkyun Short Story || Part 2)
Tumblr media
Pt.1 ||
Warning: some smut; will label parts accordingly.
“You’re in love with somebody else. Maybe I can offer some help; get over them by getting under me…”
“Y/N,” Changkyun’s voice is a low whisper, “Stop…” he pulls away and looks at her.
Y/N is breathless and her nose and lips are red from the blood flow to her face, “What?”
“I- I don’t want to do this while you’re sad. It’s-it’s not right,” He sits up, turning his back to her slightly, “I’m not that kind of guy.”
She bites her lip, embarrassed and feeling rejected- for the second time tonight. 
“Yeah, I understand…” She sits up and avoids looking him in the eye, “it would probably end up being a stupid mistake anyway…” 
He looks at her, disappointed by her words.
“Just go to sleep. I’ll take the couch…” He says, standing up and walking over to a small closet and taking out a pillow and some blankets.
She nods silently, pulling back the covers, but pauses before getting in,
 “Do you have any clothes I can borrow? This dress is uncomfortable,” She says.
He briefly glanced down at the dress; clinging to her body, every curve outlined perfectly- too tight to dance in, too short for church. 
“Yeah…” He looks away quickly, trying to keep his word.
He walks to his bed and bends down to open one of the built-in drawers. He focuses all his attention on taking out a shirt and sweats; trying desperately to ignore that her smooth, toned legs were so close to his face, and if he were to look up-
“Here,” He stands up quickly, and hands her the clothes.
She nods and grabs the clothes from him, still trying not to look him in the eyes.
He lets out a deep sigh and drops onto the bed after he hears the bathroom close. 
“What the hell…” He mutters in disbelief as he replays their kiss.
Picking up his phone, he unlocks it to find a bunch of notifications from the groupchat with Shownu and Kihyun, and then some from Jooheon.
Shownu: Did you see the post?
Kihyun: Dude… wth is going on? They’ve known each other for like what? A week?
Shownu: It may as well be a week.
Kihyun: Poor Y/N… 
Shownu: Changkyun, where are you?
He sighs, exiting the chat. He can’t deal with them right now… He taps on Jooheon’s conversation.
Jooheon: Are you okay? You seemed weird on the phone. I wanted to invite you out for drinks, on me. Help me celebrate, asshole
Changkyun rolls his eyes and tosses the phone across the room to the couch. 
When the bathroom door opens, he looks up.
If he wasn’t already having a hard time holding it together… he definitely is now.
His shirt is big on her, and goes just past her finger tips in length- and the sweats…are in her hand.
He swallows and looks down, trying to pretend not to notice, “Sweats didn’t fit?” 
She shakes her head, “No, but it’s find- I’m wearing my own shorts,” She raises the shirt up slightly to show him the tiny shorts she’d been wearing under her dress.
He nods, “Cool. Toss ‘em to me, I’ll wear them.”
She nods and then pauses for a moment, “Changkyun,”
He looks back up at her, “Yeah?”
“Catch,” She balls up the pants and launches them at his face, more forcefully than one might imagine for just a pair old sweats.
“Hey!” He laughs.
She smiles and crawls into his bed, “You’re welcome.”
And just like that, the awkwardness and confusion seemed to dissipate between them.
He chuckled softly as he walked over to turn the lamp off.
“Good night…” He says into the darkness.
“Good night, Changkyun…”
Sun pours in, shining on Changkyun’s closed lids. “Mm…” He whines, slowly coming out of his sleep.
He blinks a few times, adjusting his eyes to the harsh light. He gets up and walks to the window, irritatedly sliding them closed. 
Looking over at the bed, he notices it’s empty. He looks over and sees the bathroom door closed, and he assumes she’s probably inside. 
He sits back down on the couch, and rubs his face. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the t-shirt he’d let Y/N borrow the night before, folded neatly and placed on the bedside table. 
“Huh?” He walks over to the bathroom and knocks on the door. When he hears no answer, he turns the knob slowly and opens it up;
He scratches the back of his neck and walks over to get his phone from the floor next to the floor. Three missed calls from Jooheon, one text from Y/N.
He opens up her text first.
Y/N: Hey- had to go take care of some stuff. I didn’t wanna wake u but dnt worry, caught an uber. Ttyl.
Sighing, he moves on to the missed calls from Jooheon. He braces himself for the call; Jooheon’s always been a morning person.
The phone rings once, twice, and on the third, Jooheon answers- as expected, his voice is chipper and riddled with excitement.
“Finally, dude!”
It makes Changkyun want to gag.
“Hey…you called?”
“We’re gong to breakfast.”
“I’m not sure I’m really up to it-”
“Shut the fuck up. We’re going. Get dressed, I’m on my way,” Jooheon hangs up before he can say anything else.
“Ugh…” He groans and tosses his phone next to him. 
He lazily throws on some clothes and stares at himself in the mirror as he brushes the alcohol out of his mouth. Though he isn’t hungover, he feels like trash. 
His phone lights up and he picks it up;
Jooheon: I’m outside.
Changkyun rolls his eyes and shoves his phone and keys in his pocket before walking out of his apartment.
Jooheon talks the entire way to the Denny’s Diner. He goes on about his fiance; the details of how he proposed, her reaction… a bunch of things Changkyun can’t quite bring himself to care about, because all he can think of is Y/N crying her eyes out last night at the bar.
“Are you okay, man?” Jooheon stares at him from across the table.
Changkyun looks down at the mug of black coffee in front of him.
“Jooheon…I want to be excited for you…”
Confusion fills Jooheon’s face, “What do you mean you ‘want to be’ excited for me?”
Changkyun brings the mug up to his face; the smell alone begins to wake him up. 
“You’re my best friend. I love you, man. I want no more than to cheer for you, and tell you that I’m happy for you- but you’ve only known this girl for a few months- don’t you think you’re going a little fast?” 
Jooheon stares back incredulously, “I mean, sure we haven’t known each other for a long time, but love doesn’t know time-”
“Don’t give me that shit,” Changkyun rolls his eyes.
“What shit? I love her. She loves me. I want to marry her- and either you’ll support me, or you won’t. It’s not like we’re hurting anyone-”
Changkyun slams the mug down on the table, and the few people eating around them turn to look toward their table.
“You know damn well that at least one person is hurt by the decision you’re about to make,” His eyes are filled with disdain for his best friend- a friend he’s starting to feel he no longer recognizes.
Jooheon leans back in his seat, “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Oh really?” He leans forward, “Then tell me…why was Y/N the only one you didn’t tag in your engagement post, huh?”
Jooheon’s expression is a cross between guilty and sad, “I…forgot.”
More lies.
“Look, I didn’t invite you out here for you to bash me. Don’t I deserve to be happy? This is the biggest commitment I’ve ever made- shouldn’t I get to enjoy it?” Jooheon’s feeling sorry for himself, and it disgusts Changkyun.
“Then let me save you the money and leave now,” He gets up and throws a twenty down onto the table, “I’ll talk to you another time.”
At the bar last night, Changkyun wanted to take Y/N’s pain away- and if yelling at Jooheon is anything close to that, then he’ll do it.
Y/N sits, biting her nails as the anxiety builds in her chest. She’s non-confrontational by nature. If there’s a way to avoid argument or disagreement, she’ll do anything to do so- but this is one confrontation she can’t run from. Not this time…
“Y/N?” Jooheon asks, surprised to see her sitting on the floor outside of his door. He’s carrying bags of groceries, and his keys are in hand, ready to unlock the door.
“H-Hey Jooheon,” She puts on a small, fake smile.
He notices, but pretends not to, “What brings you here today?” He’s trying to sound casual, but he’s nervous. 
“I uhm…actually wanted to talk to you about something.”
He nods, not looking up at her, “Alright…come in.”
He unlocks the door and leads her into his apartment. It’s much bigger than Changkyun’s, and the furniture is a little more sleek, “What’s up?” 
He won’t meet her eyes, and she can tell he’s tense.
“I won’t be long… I just…I need to get this off of my chest…” She stands in front of him, and this time, he has no choice but to look her in her face…and what he sees in her eyes, breaks his heart.
“I’ve loved you for most of our lives. Everyone knows it. And even though we’ve never talked about it, Jooheon…I know you’ve known for a long time as well…”
“Y/N, I-”
“Don’t interrupt. I need to get this out.
I’m not telling you this because I’m expecting you to choose between her or me. In fact, I’m positive that you’d choose her, and that you’ll choose the next girl, and the girl after that.
I don’t want to be in denial anymore.
And I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide or tiptoe around because of me.
I just want you to know…” Tears well in her eyes.
Though the words coming out of her mouth are painful to speak, they’re equally freeing as well.
Jooheon’s heart is heavy, and he wants to hold her in his arms the way he usually would during a difficult moment.
“I want you to know that…I’m letting you go.”
Her heart feels immediately lighter than before.
Jooheon opens his mouth to say something, but she quickly turns around and walks out of the door before he can utter a single word. 
She doesn’t want to hear it.
Just like Jooheon, she’s made a choice as well;
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Dammit, I said I’m coming!”
Changkyun swings the door open, ready to snap at whoever dares to disturb the peace and quiet.
And there she is.
“Y/N?” He asks, confused.
Without a word, she quickly walks in and shuts the door behind her. 
He’s about to say something else, but before he can, she’s crashing her lips against his- and this kiss is different from last night’s;
It’s passionate, messy-
He can’t think, can’t rationalize…
all that exists is her body pressed against him and her hands entangled in his hair.
“Changkyun...fuck me,” Her breathless whisper triggers a part of him that last night, he was able to successfully contain,
but now, he’s sober minded and the taste of her tongue in his mouth is too delicious to ignore any longer… 
“We can skip the wine and dine, go straight for the wind and grind; she wanna come, I can make it happen- fuck trying.”
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frightgothcar · 6 years ago
HEY! Hey, you, reading this!!! I fuckin love writing but what I need to be able to write is a little thing called approval!! If you like this please comment and/or reblog!!!!!!!!!!
Area 51 au thingy. Danny/Wes. Songfic? Not really but the whole idea came from this song. V is based off of @its-towarzysz (main)/ @we-all-horny-here (sanders sides sideblog)/ @cockworktower (dp side blog) you should check them out, they make hella good content. Thanks to all my friends who helped me with motivation/proofreading. Tw for Death, Blood, Guns, and Violence. (Tell me if I forgot anything). I love this pairing and the lack of content sparks deep anger in my soul!! :)) Thanks for reading, enjoy!!
EDIT: Posting this on ao3 also @/godcannotdefeatfanfic 
September 20th, 10:30 am
Area 51
Wes Weston had nothing to live for. Ever since his Mom had gone out for cigarettes on his 6th birthday and never come back his life had been a constant downward spiral. Maybe that was why he was in the middle of the Nevada desert, preparing to attempt to rush a highly armed government facility with a million other suicidal Millenials.  
He fanned his face with his hand. It was over 86 degrees and he was practically melting in his Casper High spirit T-Shirt and blue jeans. He contemplated getting into his pickup truck and blasting the a/c but considering he only had a quarter tank of gas left, and it was a good 20 miles to the nearest gas station, he decided against it. Instead, he got onto his phone and texted his friends for the third time that morning. 
Basketball-Boi: where r yall? its hot.
Phurry: we’re just driving in!! Do u see us?
Basketball-Boi: uhhh whats ur car look like
Phurry: the silver one
Basketball: V there are like a million silver ones what kind of car
Phurry: uhh Val says its called a subaru we’re right by a black car
Red_Huntress: They’re standing on the roof and waving. Can you see us now?
Wes looked up from his phone to see a person, about his age, standing on the roof of a silver Subaru, wearing a black band t-shirt and neon green booty shorts. Their long blond ponytail swished around their face as they jumped up and down excitedly. A girl stepped out of the car and began scolding her friend. She was wearing a matching red pair of shorts, there was black lettering on her backside that he couldn’t quite make out. He began waving back, which only excited the blond more. They lept over the brown-skinned girl and bolted towards Wes.
“Ready to fuck some aliens, Basketball-Boi?” They pulled him into a tight embrace.
“I was born ready!” He laughed, “How are you, V?”
“Pretty gay, thanks for asking.”
Wes opened his mouth to speak but V cut him off with an excited shout.
“Oh! That reminds me!” They slipped their arms out of their backpack straps and dug through the mint green bag for a minute before pulling a pair of hot pink shorts, “I wanted us all to match! Made ‘em myself!”
They flipped the shorts around to reveal ‘100% Nasty’ embroidered onto the ass in black. They then turned around to show off their own message, that read ‘Trash Man’.
“I made one for Val too, c’mon, we have to wear them!!”
Wes grabbed the shorts and held them to his hips. “Is this what you needed my measurements for?”
They nodded enthusiastically, “I was gonna make us team jackets, but that’s so cliche.”
“Huh, I mean, don’t get me wrong, these are… great, but are you sure pink is my color?”
V rolled their eyes, “Of course I’m sure, Wes! Just put them on, you’ll see.”
Wes sighed and walked behind his red truck for some privacy, not that there was much of that, the field was crowded with cars. He pulled down his blue jeans, thankful for the breeze on his legs, and pulled on the shorts. They were a perfect fit, clinging to his waist, and resting on his barely existent hips. The feeling of showing so much skin was odd to him, he’d never worn anything that short in public, but the look on V’s face made it all worth it to him. They didn’t laugh like he’d been expecting them to, instead clapping their hands and going on about how relieved they were that the shorts actually fit. He did a quick turn for them, and they nodded in satisfaction.
“I think it’s about time we caught up to Val, did y’all remember to bring soda?”
“Only the finest Mountain Dew the 7/11 could provide, M’lady,” V grinned. 
“Than shall we be going, M’lord?” Wes held out his arm.
“Indubitably.” V linked their arm through his and they wandered through the crowd, searching for Valerie’s silver Subaru. 
“Wes! V! Over here!” Val called, waving the hand that wasn’t holding a Mountain Dew at her friends. The two of them waved back and jogged toward her. 
“Hey Val, long time no see,” Wes grinned as he pulled her into a hug.
“I missed ya, Weston,” Val reached up to ruffle his hair, but Wes dodged, pulling her into a headlock instead. 
“Missed ya too, Grey,” He gave her a noogie and released her, leaving her free to jump onto him and boost herself high enough to get revenge.
“Aww, adorable! Old lovebirds rekindling an old flame?” V fluttered their eyelashes at their friends, who immediately recoiled.
“Ew, no! Wes? If I had to pick a guy, maybe. And that’s a hard maybe. I’m too gay for this.” Valerie picked up her can from the hood of her car and took a swig.
“Yeah! She’s like my little sister!”
“Hey, I’m older than you!”
“By like two weeks!”
V broke into laughter, “Cool it lovebirds, I’m only joking.”
Val and Wes rolled their eyes at V, who was now on the ground, rolling with laughter. 
“Permission to pour some soda out onto our hilarious friend’s head?” Val asked teasingly.
“Permission granted! Fire at will!” Wes saluted. Val tipped her can enough to sprinkle V with the sticky green drink. They got to their feet, still laughing, and lunged for Val’s can. They knocked it backward, spilling soda all over Val’s shirt.
“EEK,” She squealed, “You’ll pay for this, Trash Man, If it’s the last thing I do!” 
She tried to push the can towards V, but they still had a grip on her arm. They tugged the can back and forth for a few seconds before it crumpled under the pressure.
“Shit!” Val swore, letting go of the can and cradling her palm. “I think I cut myself.”
V dropped the can, game of tag forgotten, and crowded next to their friend. Wes joined their huddle. 
“I think I have a first aid kit in my truck. How bad is it?” He asked.
Val opened her hand to reveal a small, but deep wound on the side of her palm.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, this is all my fault, if I hadn’t-” V began.
“Naw, it was as much my fault as yours. Anyway, we were having fun, and it’s really just a scratch. Keep focused on those Aliens, Private!” Val reassured them.
“Aye aye, Captain!”
Wes walked back to his truck, ignoring the stares of passerby. He grabbed his first aid kid (thank god for boy scouts) and walked back to Val’s car.
“So,” Wes ripped open a disinfecting wipe with his teeth and got to work cleaning her hand of blood. “How’s your dad?”
“He’s doing-” She drew in a sharp breath as he dabbed along the wound with a clean wipe. “Fine. The new job’s working out great, he’s happier than I’ve seen him in a while.”
Wes nodded and began wrapping her hand in gauze, “I’m glad. He wasn’t himself when you left.”
“It really all did work out for the better, didn’t it,” V smiled and handed Wes a length of medical tape. “Oh! I forgot! Val, show Wes what your ass says!”
She groaned, “Do I have to?”
V scowled, “Of course you have to, it was your idea!”
“I was just joking!”
“Tsk tsk, I think you’ve known me long enough to know that when it comes to cursed content, there are no jokes.”
“C’mon Val, it can’t be worse than ‘100% Nasty’,” Wes smirked.
V gasped dramatically and feigned offense, “You’ve wounded me! I work so hard, and for what, ungrateful friends?”
“Fine, if it’ll make you happy I’ll show him my ass. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She winked at him before turning to show her backside. Black embroidery spelled out ‘Booty Hunter’.
Wes burst out laughing, which quickly turned to hysteric noises only vaguely resembling laughter, squeals, and snorts with shrieking giggles between them. V and Val couldn’t help but join in. The second one of them stopped laughing someone would whisper Booty Hunter and it’d start all over again. 
“Okay, okay,” Wes gulped in air, “We- hic -should calm down now.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Val wiped a tear from her eye, “I am the Queen of Calm.”
V got to their feet and dusted themself off. “Totally calm. Calmer than a… something calm.”
“When does the raid start?” Wes pulled out his phone and checked the time. 12:00.
“Around, 12:30ish, we have time.” V waved their hand.
“I dunno, it’s already 12, maybe we should start getting ready.”
“What do you mean it’s already-” V snatched the phone from his hand, “Huh. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.”
“Wait, get ready for what exactly? I mean, we’re here, we’ve got our shorts on, there’s enough Mountain Dew in my car to drown an elephant, what else is there to get ready?” Val questioned.
“Uhhh, I dunno, stretch?” Wes shrugged, “It just feels like we’re forgetting something. What exactly is the plan for this whole thing anyway? Are there gonna be waves? Do we all go at once? This is a pretty poorly organized event.”
Val shrugged, clearly unphased by the lack of organization, “We’ll just go when everyone else starts running. I’m sure the start of gunfire will tell us when.”
“Look, if it’s making you so worried, we can stretch before. I’m sure everything will be fine. Plus, we all get alien Girlfriends, so it’s a win-win!” V put their hand on his arm. Wes smiled thankfully down at them.
“Yeah, that’s probably it. Yall must think I’m being a nitpick-”
“Not at all! You’re probably right, after all, it must be at least a mile to the base from here, and we can’t let cramps keep us from sweet sweet alien romance.” Val propped her leg up on the hood of her car and pressed her head to her knee, “Plus that’ll give us an advantage over the Kyles.”
V nodded and fell into a lunge, “We’ve been training since July for this, can’t let it get away now because we forgot to stretch.”
Wes bent over and touched his toes, “Thanks y’all, you’re really the best friends I could ask for.” 
The screech of a megaphone rang out through the valley. A voice came through the static, “Raiders! Get into position, we’re storming the gates in exactly fifteen minutes!” 
A cheer broke through the crowd as people began chugging what was left of their sodas and migrating towards the front lines. 
“Well, this is it I guess. If I don’t make it out of the raid, put this on my tombstone.” Wes gestured downward, where he was holding his hand in a circle. 
“Dammit!” Valerie chuckled as Wes gave her a playful punch in the arm. 
“You’ll never take me alive!” V shouted and sprinted forwards as Wes moved towards them.
“On your marks!”
“Wanna bet on that?” Wes shouted back, weaving through the crowd to catch up with them.
“Get set!”
V pushed forward, using their small frame to their advantage, easily losing the taller one in the crowd.
The mob roared, then began thundering forward, but the deafening sounds of the people were nothing compared to what followed. Thousands of guns began firing at once, hitting everyone and everything in the vicinity. Wes watched with horror as the first wave of people were mowed down right before his eyes. A flash of neon green caught his eye through the carnage. He ran towards his friend, who was standing, paralyzed, next to a few other survivors. He shouted their name, and just as they turned their head another hailstorm of bullets rained down. The first one embedded itself right into V’s chest, right above their heart. Wes sprinted to catch his injured companion, but by the time he got there the life was already draining from their eyes.
“V! V, can you hear me? Don’t go into the light, hold on, ok? You’ve got this, V, answer me!”
He pressed his head to their chest, a weak heartbeat answered him. “It’s gonna be okay. Shhh, you’re okay.” 
Something wet dripped down his face, and he realized he was crying.
“...Wes,” V rasped out, then began violently coughing up blood. Little flecks of red peppered Wes’ face like freckles. “Fuck an alien for me, okay? Can you promise me that?”
Their body went limp in his arms. 
“V? V! V, wake up, please, that can’t be it, please V, you’re only 17, please!” He shook their corpse, but to no avail. V was gone. He closed his eyes and let out a shuttering breath before standing up, still clutching their body in his arms. 
“Second wave! On your marks!” The megaphone blared to life.
The crowd let out another, less confident cheer. After seeing all the carnage most of the raiders were less enthusiastic to ‘see them aliens’. But this time Wes had made up his mind. He was going to make it into that Government facility, and he was gonna burn that motherfucker to the ground.
“Get set!”
He laid his friend on the ground and pressed a kiss to their forehead. If it wasn’t for the massive amount of blood they could’ve been sleeping.
Wes screamed with all the anger he had in him and charged forward. Bullets rained down near him, but this time there were less of them. This time he had a chance. He saw the gate coming closer. He was only 50 feet away, he could make it! He hopped over the fence, ignoring the blaring of sirens, and kept running. He pushed his way into the building, where, surprisingly, there was no security. It looked like they had invested all their soldiers into protecting the outside of the base. His adrenaline rush began to slow down. He dragged his feet down the linoleum hallway, looking at his bloodsoaked hands. 
“What the fuck just happened?” He whispered to himself, still shellshocked. A flicker of light caught his eye. Grateful for a distraction, he turned his attention to what looked like a futuristic control panel. The buttons were labeled in some sort of code, their luminescent surfaces grinning up at him.
“Looking for me, Short-Shorts?” A calm voice echoed through the hall. Wes whipped around, ready for a fight.
“Why so on edge, Ginger? Surely I’m not that intimidating.” It purred.
“Who are you?!” Wes shouted. He winced at the echo. Did he really sound that unhinged?
“On your left.” 
He turned and found himself face to face with the most beautiful boy he’d ever seen. He looked about his age, maybe 17. His skin was tan, but had a slight blueish tint, as if he’d been without oxygen for a while. Poking from his tuft of pearly white hair was a pair of blur antenna. He had a small build, maybe 5 feet tall at best, but was floating at eye level with Wes. Speaking of his eyes, they were quite possibly the most gorgeous thing about him. He had eyes greener and glowyer (is that even a word? Either way it was true.) than toxic waste, his pupils were like a cat’s, slit down the middle. He was clothed in a baggy black prison jumpsuit. He looked almost alien. Wes realized with a start that he must be an alien. 
“Are you done staring?” The boy asked, snapping Wes out of his trance. “It won’t be long before the guards realize you’re in here, and I’d rather get out without a bullet hole.”
“I- I don’t- what are you?” Wes stammered.
“I’m Project Phantom, or Danny if you prefer. What’s your name?”
“I’m… Wes?”
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starcatcherscenarios · 7 years ago
Imagine :
Imagine being in love with your best friends boyfriend, Bobby.
( y/n = your name. y/b/f/n = your best friends name. )
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• all three of you guys were friends, the closets set of friends anyone can have.
• you met y/b/f/n in second grade, you became friends with her after she stood up for you when you were being bullied.
• she’s kind, funny and a very lovable person so you two got along very well with very few fights.
• then here comes Bobby.
• a transfer student in the sixth grade and you always saw him alone.
• you didn’t want him to be alone so one day you sat with him during lunch offering him a friendly smile.
• your friend follows you of course, because she felt the same way.
•and then the dynamic duo became the three musketeers.
• T I M E J U M P
• so it happens that your best friend and Bobby started devolving feelings for each other and never told you.
• you obviously caught on tho, like, please the stares? And the obvious glances?
• you pretended to be obvious to it though, because you’re that good of a friend
• her and Bobby started dating during sophomore year and have been dating for one year.
• at first you are ecstatic for the couple.
• then as the relationship progressed, you were often stuck in the middle of the relationship problems.
• “well he said he didn’t mean it. Maybe you two should talk?”
• “n o ! He wants to act like that fine, you tell him that I said, he can find himself some other girl.”
• you always hated relaying their messages to each other.
• most of them you always ended up siding with Bobby because, most of the fights were cause of her assumptions.
• but Bobby always ended up apologizing first.
• “Bobby, she kissed a n o t h e r guy! Why the hell are you saying sorry?”
• “she’s right, I haven’t given here much attention lately. Plus, she said it was a dare.”
• however! Pass the fights they were an okay couple.
• except you couldn’t help but think you and Bobby had more in common.
• and like fate brought it, you spended more time with Bobby and enjoyed his company.
• you loved hanging out with him and his friends.
• speaking of his friends, they were kinda surprised he didn’t pick you.
• “but didn’t Bobby said that y/n was—”
• “Hanbin shut up.”
• “okay but, I’m sure he said that he thought y/n was—ow! Did you just kick me?”
• “junhoe said to shut up right?”
• this obviously made you curious but you ignored it because, you didn’t care. Bobby always says positive things about you.
• yes it was very positive :)
• anywho! You and Bobby had started to secretly go to the movies, arcades, ice rinks, and small cafés every time you guys hung out whenever your best friend cancels their date last minute.
• he even joked about having more dates with you than y/b/f/n
• which was true. He spent most of his time with you rather than her.
• suddenly, on a random night you went out on a date with a guy who liked you.
• “shut up, he’s almost here.”
• “he’s going to fall for your charms.”
• “ha, that’s what Bobby said last night.”
• at that moment your best friend didn’t like the fact that you told Bobby first.
• so after that first date she started acting cautious/suspicious around you.
• she started dragging Bobby away from you and you didn’t really know why.
• so after 2 whole weeks without hanging out with Bobby it dawned on you.
• “ geez, she’s hogging him. He’s my friend too!”
• “yeah but that’s her boyfriend.” One of Bobby’s friend reminded you.
• that comment made your blood boil. You didn’t know why it made you upset or something.
• you talked to Bobby about abandoning you and you two set a date where it be only you too.
• so when he showed up at your door in a newly bought outfit you wondered why because you guys were only going to the amusement park.
• “y/n I’m sorry but y/b/f/n rescheduled our date to today. “
• “no it’s okay, girlfriend comes first.”
• after apologizing one more time he left and you stood there behind the door crying.
• and that’s when you realized.
• spending loads of time with Bobby.
• laughing and having fun with him. Loving the way he would give you his jacket in the cold nights.
• the little winks and cheesy one liners he would throw your way.
• his smile being the highlight of your day, cracking whatever type of lame joke just to see it again if he was upset.
• you didn’t mean for it to happen.
• but you knew, you started to fall in love with Bobby.
• you spent the next week avoiding your best friend and Bobby. Only talking to Junhoe because he was a close friend.
• “maybe you should tell them. Be honest.”
• “no! I’ll lose them both. I rather keep it from them and try to move on from Bobby.”
• “that won’t work?”
• “junhoe it has too! He’s with her for god sakes! I feel terrible just knowing I love him.”
• and so you did. You tried going on dates with some guys who had interest in you. Even going to those blind dates people kept talking about.
• they were nothing compared to Bobby though.
• finally after what seemed like years, your best friend cornered you at your own house, trying to figure out why you’ve been avoiding her.
• “just tell me! Is it cause of me and Bobby? Being together?”
• “ no it’s not. “ yes it damn was
• “well then?”
• in the middle of the interrogation, Bobby hopped in not knowing what was going on. You forgot he knew where the spare key to your house was hidden.
• “you guys okay?”
• “babe, something is up and I’m trying to figure out what. She won’t tell me!”
• “F I N E! I’ll tell you!”
• well you kept it inside for this long. You mentally patterned yourself on the back for keeping your feelings shut.
• “listen, it just happened okay? I fell in love about a month ago......with Bobby. I fell in love with your boyfriend! I didn’t mean for it to happen but–but it just did. I can’t control how I feel okay?”
• you started to get choked up meanwhile your best friend was getting heated. She wanted to shout and curse at you but she knew deep in her heart, it was going to happen sooner or later.
• you took one look at Bobby, who was just as shocked, and you headed for the door. You left the two in your room as you cried out your soul walking away from the house.
• you were pretty sure you just ruined your friendship.
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*CREDITS TO THE GIF OWNERS* Wow a pretty length post, at least to me, cause I did this on my phone 😂 anyway I hope you guys like it. Part 2? 🤔🤔 — Admin Kass
P.S: I wanna say, yeah, it was based on a personal experience 🙃
P.P.S: already have the last two planned but idk if I should do it. Let’s see how much love this gets then I’ll decide 🙂
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moonxtokki · 4 years ago
I Choose You
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The weather was scorching hot as Synx rolled on his bed from corner to corner. He thought maybe, just maybe he will find a position that is cooling and would be able to fall asleep again. However, no matter in what position he is in, it’s still hot. He got up and sat on his bed as he sighed loudly. He unlocked his phone as he saw a notification from Piper a few minutes ago.
From: Piper
To: Synx
Right, how can he forget that there’s a shiny event today? Surely he should have remembered with how Piper was bugging him about it ever since last week. Synx likes to say that he’s a big fan of Pokemon GO and he is doing his very best to collect all of the Pokemon to complete his Pokedex. Although in the beginning, he never did see the fun in the app and proceeded to ignore the hype of it. Piper, however, was very…fanatic about it. She would show off to Synx the number of Pokemons she collected and how far she traveled for a certain Pokemon. She prided on how her Pokemon is defending a gym and never had a loss. Therefore, naturally, Synx was curious and gave it a go. The moment he threw his first Pokeball, he knew he was going to be sucked in on this hype and honestly he sort of understood why.
He looked at the phone again to see that it’s already 11:35 am.
“Shit, I’m late.” His eyes were wide as he flung his blanket away and ran to the bathroom. He showers as quick as he could, even almost slipped in the bathroom. He was late to a study session which is supposed to be at 12. Another notification pinged as he hurriedly put on his pants.
From: Piper
To: Synx
So have you met up with Ash yet? You’re not replying so that means you either haven’t woke up or you’re being the late idiot that you are.
Synx rolled his eyes at the text and reminds himself to delete all of Piper’s Pokeball on the app when he has the chance. He grabbed an energy bar from the fridge and bolted out the door. He rounded the corner and managed to catch the bus. The bus was a bit crowded but he managed to find himself a seat and plopped down near the window. The phone pinged again and he knew it would be from Piper. He put his phone away as he tears off the wrapper of the energy bar. He took a bite of it and he could taste chocolate and nuts in the mix. It could be Scre’s but he could buy him another one anyways. Although, he will get an earful from his hyung if he knew he was late to his study session.
This time his phone rang and almost made him dropped his energy bar. He looked at the caller and had a flush creeping up his neck. His heart thumped lightly as he watched his phone ringing. He cleared his throat before he answered the call.
“Hello? Synx? Are you on your way right now?”
“Yeah, I’m on the bus right now. Although, I did woke up kind of late today. I might be a tad late today. Sorry hyung”
“No no, it’s chill. I was just calling to make sure of your whereabouts. Take your time yeah?
“Alright, I’ll…see you later.”
Synx hung up the phone and slumped down his seat.
That was so lame. Oh god did I stuttered? I think I sounded normal.
He rubbed a hand on his face as he continues munching on the energy bar.
“God I’m such a loser.” The wrapper was crumpled and kept inside his bag. He’ll find a trash can soon and throw it away or it would end up being in the bag for another week. He can be forgetful sometimes. The weather is nice currently, it was hot earlier in the morning but it fanned out to be warm and Synx could feel it on his cheeks too.
Remembering that he hasn’t replied Piper, he unlocked his phone to read the recent text that was sent.
From: Piper
To: Synx
Bro? U dead? What about ur study date??? I even sacrificed our shiny event for this. We could have gone hunting D:
From: Synx
To: Piper
Yes, I’m alive you dumbass. I’m on my way to Ash’s house now AND NO IT’S NOT A DATE AND THIS IS UR FUCKIN FAULT
Synx might have regretted telling Piper about his little crush towards Ash, no actually he did regret it. He doesn’t need to be reminded that Ash will never date his ass. This whole situation is Piper’s fault anyway, he will definitely delete all of her Pokeballs. Maybe even transferred those new shiny she has to himself.
“Have you ever thought what colours would smell of?” Piper said as she studies the colour of a leaf she picked up.
“What the f- No? Why would I want to know that Piper? Finish your homework! We have like 10 minutes more.” Synx sighed as he erased his answers for his homework for the nth time.
They are currently in the library doing their homework instead of being in the café.  Both of them were up late catching Pokemons in the park last night that they well…forgot about their homework.
“Okay, but have you ever thought what green might smell like? Will it smell sweet? Because nature colours and all or it could be like vo-“
“SHUSHHHH” They immediately get a collective of shushing from the people in the library, Synx mouthed a sorry at them and glared at Piper. “What? I’m not the one who shouted.” Piper gave him a teasing look. “Are you done with yours anyways? Why you’re bothering me”
“I’m actually done way before you. I did it last night actually.” Synx stopped mid writing and slowly looked at Piper. “You what?”
“I’m done with homework last night. After we caught that Eeevee, I straight away went home and did it.” Piper grinned almost mockingly. The blood drains from Synx’s face as he realized what just happened. He grabbed Piper by the collar and shook her.
“Y-You said you will do it with me! You promised we will suffer together!” Synx whisper shouted in panic.
He could see the mischievous glint in Piper’s eyes and he knows he is doomed. He can’t do this homework on time and he would get an earful from his teacher or worse maybe detention. He still has 3 more questions to go and 10 minutes left on the clock. Maybe if he-
“Um excuse me?” a voice suddenly interrupted his train of thoughts. Synx turns around and his breath stopped as he takes in the person in front of him. He wonders if his hair looked fine. Does his tie look neat? Does his breath smells okay?
“Oh, hello Ash!” Piper said cheerily to the person.
“Hey Piper and Synx.” Ash smiled but had a certain look on his face.
“What brings you here hyung?” Synx said trying not to look directly into his eyes.
“You guys are being a bit noisy here, the students are complaining. Be a bit quiet yeah guys?” The smile reaching his eyes this time. Synx loves that smile, it’s his favourite kind of smile.  
Ash is the librarian in charge of the day and he honestly maybe want to hide in a hole and never come out. Ash must have thought he was being a nuisance but his kind and angelic hyung does not even look annoyed. That made his heart go pitter-patter. His thoughts were interrupted when Piper spoke. “Alright Ash will do! But I was wondering-“
Piper side-eyed Synx and he felt shivers ran down his spine as Piper gave him a weird smile.
“Yes Piper?”
“Well Synx here has problems doing his homework and we were wondering if you could help. Since it is English and we know you’re good at it!” She grinned unnecessarily wide. Synx at that moment wanted to strangle the life out of Piper.
“Oh? Sure, I’ll have a look at it for you.” Ash sat at a chair in front of Synx and started examining the questions.
In 10 minutes time, they were able to finish the problems and Synx felt a boulder size burden was lifted off his shoulder. He has never felt like he wanted to kiss the hell out of Ash for helping him. Could he do that maybe? Would Ash allow it?
“As expected of English genius Ash, that was fast.” Piper was about to clap but was immediately stopped by Ash and then he puts a finger to his lips shushing Piper. Is it wrong for Synx to think that was attractive? Maybe it was wrong, he should stop thinking about it.
“T-thank you for the help Ash hyung. I really appreciate it. I don’t know what I would do without you today.” Synx smiled widely happy that he gets to see this side of Ash.
“No problem, if you need help with your English you can ask me anytime.”
“Cool! I mean… I would definitely do that.” He did a finger gun lamely at Ash and it earned a stifled laugh from Piper.
“Hey, don’t we have a pop quiz next week? This is a perfect opportunity! Ash can help you with your sorry ass.”
“Well I-“
“I can help you if you want Synx.” Ash gave Synx a reassuring smile.
Synx got off the bus as he readjusted his sling bag and loads up the direction that Ash had given him. He looks around and started to walk through the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood seems nice and has a lot of beautiful greenery. He had never been here before and mind you he is an adventurer who goes out every night to poke hunt. Suddenly, he wonders if there is a Pokestop nearby, he whipped out his phone and loaded the app. To his surprised, there is indeed a Pokestop near the area and it is full of shinys.
“There’s a shiny Absol ! Oh god, I need to catch it. I have to, this study session can wait.”
He just needed to walk a bit further and that is what he did. Synx thought about all of the shinys Piper has caught and thought that this is his only chance before going to Ash’s house. The map also indicates that the Pokestop is in the same way as Ash’s house.
His journey soon led him to stop right in front of a house with a yellow post box. He was elated and thought,” Aha! Shiny Pokemons here I go !”
He tried swiping the Pokestop logo first but it seems that he was just a bit far from the Pokestop point.“Damn it, it’s in this person’s garden. Why is the Pokestop a garden ?! Okay, it’s fine I can just catch some shiny and go.”
He tapped on the shiny Absol and tried to catch it but to his surprised…he was out of Pokeballs.
“What?! No no no, I have to catch it !” he frantically tried flicking his empty Pokeballs in hopes that maybe his phone glitched. Lady luck sadly was not on his side and his shoulders slumped in defeat. Suddenly, he had an idea. His sight slowly panned onto the house he was in front of and thought of the Pokestop that was just in this person’s garden.
“Maybe…the owner would understand. It’s not my fault his garden is a Pokestop.” Synx breathes in and rang the bell to the house.
“Coming !” a voice from the inside calls out.
Okay okay, I’ll just say it straight to the point no problem. This is easy.
He heard the door opened and he immediately look down to get himself ready for his speech.
“Oh Sy-“
He didn’t lift up his head, he doesn’t want to see the look on the owner’s face. They must think he’s childish or just another annoying kid that’s bothering him on this Pokestop. However, he heard a light chuckle instead.
He lifted up his head and watched the owner of the house laughing…well, Ash laughing.
Synx felt flush crept up to his neck and is now covering his face. He has never felt this embarrassed in his life. He doesn’t want Ash to think he’s some lame Pokemon geek fan, there’s no way Ash will like him now.
“Hey trainer, I really wouldn’t mind you using my garden,” Ash said still laughing and was that a subtle wink he saw.
“No hyung, I’m sorry that was ridiculous of me. I’m sorr-“
“What are you saying? I’m not mad Synx. Actually, I’m in the midst of…catching a shiny too.” He grinned sheepishly. In Ash’s hand, his phone was on the Pokemon Go app and it shows that he just caught a shiny Pikachu which is a very rare shiny.
“Woah hyung! A Pikachu shiny is so rare!” Synx in his excitement snatched Ash’s phone out of his grasp to marvel at the rare shiny.
“Um...Synx can you-“
“Hyung ! I can’t believe you caught this! Can I screenshot this? I have to sho-“ Synx stopped mid-sentence when he saw the Pikachu’s nickname.
“Wait…that’s my name.” He slowly lifted his head to look at Ash. His cheeks felt hot but Ash looked embarrassed too or maybe shy? His cheeks also had a tint of red and he was biting his inner cheeks.
“Well…I guess you caught my heart?”
0 notes
nostaligic88 · 5 years ago
!I’m not sure why I’m writing this, but I feel like I have the need to do it anyway.
I have my therapy appointment tomorrow, so I want to discuss about what I’ve been through for the past two weeks for preparation. 
I want to start off with what happened today (7/27) because it affected me in a way that made cry:
I came to work ready to do my thing but we all detected Citlalli was off. It doesn’t take words to realize that. Body language is inevitable and shows what the person is feeling. But long story short, Elliot talked to us at the end about what happened. I found out that I hurt Alisha because of my tone or something else. I take full responsibility for that because that it never my intention to throw her off. But i did. But a part of me blames Citllali for starting off bad because she does not allow us to help her out. And that ticked me off because when she gets like that she literally shuts down and work becomes unpleasant and harder. I told her that but she does not apologize at all. Instead she does what she always do, walk away in a bad note with the “fuck it i quit. bye.” that’s just so unprofessional because we will see each other all again on Friday and we just want to get finish our tasks the best way we can. Leaving on a bad note doesn’t allow that for happen. I apologized to Alisha as soon as I felt guilty. She said is okay but is truly not. I just want her forgiveness... but I also forgive myself.
On our way home Elliot and I discussed about our day and other stuff and we went home on a good note. Him and I tend to discuss and talk things out because that’s just the kind of persons we are for some reason. He said interesting things and I take note of them. Things like: I should eventually talk to my mom and my brother. Things like: Im my own person with my own opinions. Things like: He went outta pocket. Things like: He definitely sees that and that has almost everything with the way he treats me with violence. Things like: he has anger problems. 
I got home. I said good night to mother. Then it was just me thinking about Citllali and Alisha....thinking about my family... thinking that I have to face them....eventually. Thinking about why am I in this position....I felt so stressed about it that I cried. Sitting on the couch, resting my head in my hands, letting my tears pour over my cheeks, I surrendered to my feelings. I was asking for help. I found myself asking for Jesus Christ to come help me because I want to keep living. I have a future and I want to be in it so come help my lord and guide me through this turbulence for I know is temporary. I did this because I have faith...for my future ya know?
I was overwhelmed at that moment of surrender. I grabbed my laptop and here I am... typing, writing about my day because I want to go to work on Friday better than I have before. Please Lord I want this. Help me. 
Well that was today... but I want to write about one more thing. I want to write about what happened to me this, Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday. Just facts. 
Sunday afternoon, I asked if I can ride with Edgar and his friends (nothing new) and he said yes. As I was getting ready, putting on my clothes, grabbing my camera, and all that, Edgar tells me “come but don’t come here with your bad vibe.” I said “what? what do you mean?” I was hurt. “I don’t know” he said. “But thats what angel and charlie told me”
“About what?”
“They said you was mad at them giving them a whole nasty atttiude that day on the garage?”
“Because I was on the phone? thats my garage anyway I can feel whatever I want. In fact, they were the angel was the one giving me a whole attitude as if I cant act all surprise for seeing them in my garage?”
Edgar ignored me and walked away.
I stayed home and I didnt go. I was upset. I was angry. I was hurt. I felt betrayed. I was fed up. Home alone... I wrote a facebook post about it.
I wrote what happened exactly in two paragraphs with the intention of having my brother read it. 
He found out and sent me an very rude and abbrut text message, calling me childish for writing it on facebook. (right but lets not forget your hyprocite ass for writing a whole IG post about Saul xD but thats fine right because is you? no...) I dont feel sorry for chosing the way I express myself because after all I am a writer and you my brother are not a listener. You are not. Because I have SEEN it myself. In fact, you wholly admitted that you thrashed your bike in front of your ex just for “talking heavy” (that is a clear anger problem)
and yet, you demand me to talk to you. No brother. I deserved an apology for disrepecting me.
That was Sunday. 
Monday came and I woke up to Angel confronting me “hey you got a problem with me and edgar? wassup? whats up?” all confrontational and shit. Excuse me? what do you have to do with me and edgar? nothing. so shut the fuck up. yall are exactly alike. impulsive. emotional. act based on emotional state and dont use ur brains. your like little babies. fuck off. get blocked.
This proved to me that Edgar talks shit about me to his little teenage boys. I know thats true and i don’t forget that day you humiliated me infront of them and my boyfriend because I forgot my wallet.
I do not forget that day you demanded money aand interrp[uted my therapy session 
I do not forget thart day you fucked made me and amy whole fmaily sacred as shit because you broke th4e law lost 2000 dollars from my pops and you gegt away wit it!@!!!!!!!!!! AND I SUFFER FROM NYOUR DISRECXPECT. I9M FUCKING DONE!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU1!!!!!!
Let alone how you treated my brother luis over the uber accounts!!!~! I WAS NOT IN FAVOR WITH YOUR BEHAVIOUR BUT YOU ALWAYS GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING. is my family that made you like that but you must be blamed for it too. 
You betrayed me after all that i did for you, You talk shit behind my back because what? i dont pay rent? you claim you’re better than my family but youre a machista for saying that. because youre the breadwinner you entitiled to disrespect your sister=? you might have learned that from my father. but i wont let you do it again to me. 
i have endured phsyucal violance from ym father, my mother, my brother tony. and im tired of being bullied by you. im your sister. love me. respect me. u have a choice. 
Last thing, you disrespected me and my boyfreidn at the same time with that message. How dare you talk to him like that? You don’t even know him. When have you ever found me talk to you girl like that over our own problems? I never because I know respect. Would you like that to happen to you? Tell your girl about our problems? I don’t tjhink so becuase NO ONE DOES. 
In the end, “I’m thankful. Because now I know what I must do”.
0 notes
lonelypond · 7 years ago
Casual Lunacy, Chapter 19
Love Live, NicoMaki, 4K, 19/?
Full Moon, Full Impact, not so casual. Why yes, I did name this chapter after the playlist I wrote it to. Rain currently only a metaphor.
Werewolf In The Rain (I)
Maki woke up, strange smells, musk, magic, vanilla, peach, lavender…Nico smells…she was…Maki sat up, a sheet falling from her torso, blinking…Nico’s bedroom…why was she in Nico’s bedroom? The last thing she remembered was getting sleepy watching a movie. Maki had been worried about Nico canceling their coffee date at the last minute, the thought that Nico was not as eager to see her as she was to see Nico kept looping. And anyplace she went on campus, if Nico was anywhere, Maki was too aware of who she was with and often, what she was saying. All of Maki’s senses had locked on Nico. Werewolf dating…or mating, to be more accurate, Maki realized as she dropped back onto Nico’s bed, clutching a pillow. But that wasn’t human dating. Human dating was slower. Rin and Hanayo had gone slower because they’d met so much younger. Pre puberty. Maki ran a hand over the curve of her hip, imagining Nico’s fingers there instead, inhaling the heady mix of Nico smells that seemed to go right to her core. Definitely post puberty.
Maki rolled over to check the time, no clock, but there was a note taped to the speaker where Nico recharged her phone, “Hey, Pretty Girl, don’t panic. Nico will have to leave for class in the morning so if I’m not here, I’ll be back soon.
We didn’t sleep together, Nico stayed on the couch. You didn’t hurt anyone. I texted your mother so she doesn’t think you’ve gone missing.
See you soon. Nico will bring clothes.
P.S. Nico left you a sandwich ; ) ”
A sandwich? Nico taking care of things. “You didn’t hurt anyone.” Had she tried? “We didn’t sleep together.” Did Nico want to? “See you soon.” Nico sounding so reasonable. Maki growled. At herself. Again. She was not a problem to be handled by other people. She didn’t know exactly what happened last night, or how she had ended up in Nico’s bed but it had been a long time since she’d been so out of control as to have no memory of her actions. Not a good thing at all that it was starting again now, with Nico. Not acceptable.
Maki knew where she had to go.
Two and half hours later, Maki pulled the car up to the Nishikino’s Wisconsin lakeside cabin. She was starting to feel the effects of the full moon, tingling under her skin, urging her to just change and run until she got what or where she wanted. Grabbing the duffle from the backseat, she hurried inside, locking all three of the bolts and quickly checking the windows and the back door. Secure. She was safe here. Her great-grandfather had built it to keep her grandmother safe and her father had updated the locks when Maki had begun her transformations. In her normal werewolf form, Maki could figure out some doors or switch back to human long enough to work a handle. In her moon buzzed werewolf state, Maki would just get increasingly frustrated and tear through everything in the cabin until she wore herself out and slept. That would be tonight. She’d left a note for her parents explaining, but she’d only left a brief response to Nico’s note. Time to text.
M: Hi Nico. I’m sorry I left so abruptly. Thank you for taking care of me last night.
N: Where are you? I sent you so many texts. Nico was worried ಠ_ಠ
M: Nico has to worry too much about me. It’s not good ●.◉ I’m in Wisconsin.
N: Why the heck are you there?
M: My family has a werewolf proof cabin.
N: oh
28 Hours Ago
Maki’s phone buzzed as she was leaving class. Nico. Her heart skipped and her smile was wide when she answered, “Hi Nico!”
“Hi, Maki! You sound good.” Nico chirped. “Sorry I fell asleep last night. Nico was exhausted.”
“You had a long day.” Maki paused, ruffling her fingers through the hair at the back of her head, “And I made it longer. Sorry.”
“It’s ok, Nico’s always glad to see you. Nico would just like,” Maki heard Nico take in a long breath and her voice dropped to a seductive purr, “to kiss Maki without chewing on fur.”
Maki snorted. Leave it to Nico to mix provocation and complaint in an irresistible and irreproducible concoction. So very U-Nico.
“Just thinking how u-nico you are.” Maki decided to tweak her GIRLFRIEND.
“Ha.” Maki could picture the half sneer on Nico’s face, “Leave the puns to the professional. Nico will handle it.”
‘Nico can handle anything.” Maki shifted her bag, preparing to head outside, to her next class.
“Sometimes Nico makes a mistake.” Nico sounded guilty.
“What happened?” Maki stopped, unaware of how she was half blocking the Harris Hall doorway until someone pushed into her. He cursed, she growled.
“Something wrong, Maki?” Nico, concern in her voice again.
Maki bounded down the stairs, feeling like a howl. One more class and she could see Nico, “Just a traffic jam. Everybody’s rushing to their next class. Are you?”
“No. Nico is preparing for an important meeting with her adviser that she forgot about until she looked at her schedule this morning. It starts at,” Nico hesitated, “2:45”
24 Hours Ago
Time to work on her Cognitive Psychology Paper should be a good thing, Maki knew. She was starting to get far enough behind in her reading that she’d have to devote some extra time to schoolwork. She rolled restlessly across the spare bed in Hanayo and Rin’s room, ignoring her open textbook, while Hanayo watched curiously over her glasses, distracted from her laptop.
“Something wrong, Maki?” Hanayo half closed her laptop.
Maki jumped up to a seated position, “Restless. Nico was supposed to meet me, but she forgot an appointment.”
“Do you have a date tonight?” Hanayo wondered.
“No. Nico’s too busy. She has rehearsal or work all week.” Maki was now actually standing on the bed, reaching up to the ceiling, then hopping a little to see if she could palm it.
“Is this the first full moon since you started dating?” Hanayo frowned, debating whether asking Maki to watch her actions would trigger a mood change.
“Yeah, why?” Maki stopped bouncing to stare at her friend.
Hanayo considered how to phrase her next statement, “Rin gets very active sometimes.” Hanayo glanced at her phone, “But track practice should tire her out. Maybe you should take a run.”
Maki jumped, the bed creaking, pulling her knees up like a cannonball dive and landing hard on the floor, “I’m fine. I need the energy to study. I can pull an all nighter. I’m behind in all my reading anyway.”
Hanayo glanced at the book Maki had forgotten on the bed, then back to her friend, “Reading isn’t much fun sometimes.”
Maki laughed. Hanayo thought it sounded frenetic. “After Rin and celebrity websites, books are your favorite things.”
“But…” Hanayo leaned forward.
Maki shook her head, “I’m heading home. Tell Rin I’m sorry I missed her.”
“Ok.” Hanayo’s eyes dimmed as her internal argument continued, then she stood, “Maki…” Maki turned, head tilted, lavender eyes flashing and Hanayo got a vivid flash of her wolf form, “Be careful.”
Maki smiled at her friend, “Keep an eye on Rin. I’ll be fine.”
The door shut and Hanayo had to force herself to stop staring anxiously at the Cognitive Psychology text Maki had left behind her. Maki had more control over her changes than Rin, surely everything would be fine.
23 Hours Ago
Nothing was fine. Nothing felt fine. It had never been like this before, Maki realized, the restlessness, the needles under her skin, the urge to change, to run, to howl, to…Maki didn’t even have words for what she felt, something inside was using hammers of adrenaline to persuade her that only in wolf form could she be fully articulate, throat open, fangs gleaming, eyes emerald daggers, voice a roaring demand…and then she would pick up Nico’s voice or scent and her heart would add another hammer, pounding in her chest, blood pounding in her ears, saliva gathering in her mouth, tongue constantly flicking out, ears straining for any syllable from Nico, muscles tensed…maybe a shower would put up a barrier, driving out other sensations, outside sounds, leaving Maki with just the pounding of water…she sprinted upstairs, throwing off clothes, turning on the shower, chill or burn, which would help, both, back and forth, panting, it had never felt like this, the moon, alive, calling…oh gods, was that what Nico saw, the moon alive, crawling, underneath, hairs twisting out, Nico, no, don’t think about Nico now, Maki dug her fingers into her thighs for the distraction of the pain, doubling over, water pounding off her back as claws drew blood and her body hit the bottom of the tub, and there was only time for a breath and a whimper before she was thrashing, too wet to find footing on slippery porcelain, desperate to get away from the water and the pounding…
Kashima was waiting for Nico. Since their session Sunday, Kashima had been filling Nico in on all her hopes, dreams, aspirations and ongoing flirtations and Nico was starting to realize how Maki felt about Kashima’s cologne. The cloying essence extended through Kashima’s conversation and clung. And yet, on stage, a switch flipped and she was Dracula. Nico aspired to that level of concentration, the charisma to pull the world into any performance with her. Some nights, Nico could feel it, but she never really got a full charge without an audience presence. Kashima only needed a bare stage. Nico was impressed. Kashima seemed to have no self awareness when she walked out into the lights, somehow, there was only the script. And the character. Nico vowed to memorize faster. Kashima was already off book and her hands and gestures were becoming an integral part of the character she had developed.
“Nico is impressed by how fast you got off book.” Nico zipped up her parka and pulled her mittens out of her pockets, Kashima held the door open, a black scarf with a thin green stripe wrapped around her throat and tucked into her camel hair coat.
Kashima nodded, “Always do. Now I can spend that time reading up on illusionists and how they misdirect people with their hands. Hori, the set grad assistant, suggested it for Dracula.”
Nico chuckled, breathing in a last bit of warm air before she stepped through the door, “You’re going to learn card tricks?”
Kashima leaned over, she was even taller than Maki, and with a sparkle in her green eyes, ran her fingers through Nico’s hair and around her ear, pulling out a quarter, “Coin tricks.”
“Clever.” Nico winked, “Distracts from the biting.”
“Exactly.” Suddenly Kashima’s hands were grasping Nico’s shoulders and Nico felt herself being forced forward as Kashima tilted her head, voice dropping, “but the audience will see all the tricks the fair maidens don’t.”
Nico felt the shiver and snapped, “Kashima!” Kashima’s hands fell and Nico stepped away, “We talked about this. Only onstage and only in character.”
“Method acting is fascinating, don’t you think.” Kashima raised a hand to her chin, looking the very picture of brooding romantic thought.
“No.” Nico raised both hands, flicking them out, exasperated once again by what had started out to be a perfectly normal conversation with Kashima, “Just no.”
Kashima shrugged and whistled the theme from Jaws. Nico sighed. A howl suddenly sounded, angry. Nico recognized a few of the notes as it carried.
“Kashima, I have to go back inside. Go home by yourself. Now. Really fast.” Nico turned around, facing in the direction of the howl.
“Nico?” Kashima touched Nico’s shoulder, Nico pivoted and pushed the taller woman away, “Just go. Please. Now. Turn into a cloud of bats or something.”
Kashima’s teeth gleamed in the moonlight and she swept her coat out around her, swooping away, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mina.”
“Flee, o fiend of darkness!” And Nico turned back, bracing for impact. It came sooner than expected, a cold, Maki weight, soggy???, whining, growling werewolf sniffling all around Nico, tracing Kashima’s trail. No greeting, which confused Nico. It looked like Maki, although the color was off because of the wet. She must be freezing. What had happened, had she fallen into the Lake? Maki seemed tensed to spring and she was pointed in the direction Kashima had gone. Nico stepped closer and Maki whirled.
“Maki?” Nico’s voice was soft, a question. Maki snapped back. She was trembling, probably from cold. So Nico’s reply was sharper, not louder, but demanding attention. “Maki.” The werewolf tilted her head, sniffing Nico, growling at Nico’s left ear where Kashima’s touch had lingered with the coin, eyes completely luminous green and narrowed, no recognition. Nico calmed her breathing, telling herself not to panic, took a mitten off slowly and reached out a hand, Maki skipped to the side, wary.
“Nico is back to being the most frightening thing on campus. “ She grumbled, glancing up, glaring at the bright moon, “Nico blames you.”
“Princess.” No response. Nico couldn’t leave Maki like this and there was no guarantee that this Maki would follow her anywhere. “Hey, Pretty Girl,” Nico hummed “I Get No Kick” and Maki’s ears perked up, “can you follow Nico into the theatre where it’s warm? Nico thinks you might be freezing.” Nico kept humming, Maki’s eyes were now tracking her every movement, Nico hoped Maki would follow her. Nico took a tentative step backward and Maki shadowed the movement. “Nico should start carrying jerky around. Come on, pretty girl.” Nico would have to remember compliments got Maki’s attention, even in this state. Nico continued with the “Anything Goes” soundtrack and opened the door. Maki began to sniff more rapidly, drawn to the warmth. Nico hoped Tsubasa wasn’t around; Maki was likely to have a visceral reaction to her as well. “Come on, pretty girl, Nico needs your help.” Nico urged, sotto voce, Maki looked at her and Nico almost saw a glimmer of reaction. Nico reached out her hand again and Maki skittered to the left. Nico pushed the door as open as she could and stood in front of it, willing Maki forward. Maki sniffed the ground, finding a scent she liked, and barrelled into the building, Nico in pursuit.
“Maki!” Surprise at Maki’s speed prompted a shout from Nico, struggling with a parka not designed for rapid movement. Maki slid to a stop outside the costume shop, howling.
“Quiet down, Maki.” Nico was trying very hard to keep both panic and irritation out of her voice. This was frighteningly different from her previous interactions with Maki in wolf form, no eye contact, no acknowledgement of Nico’s statements, only the barest, most intermittent flicker of any awareness at all. Why the costume shop? Nico wondered as Maki kept throwing herself at the door, until Nico reached for the handle, which caused Maki to shy back. Nico opened the door a little, Kotori was still working. Kotori? Nico frowned. Had she left that big of an impression on Maki at the party? Nico drew the line at Kotori poaching her girlfriend for further polyamorous fun. But Maki ignored Kotori and headed straight for the tote bag laying on a table so Nico recalculated.
“Nico?” Kotori stepped off the pedal of her sewing machine, sounding curious, staring at the intruder in her space.
“What do you have….” And suddenly it clicked for Nico, “Umi gave you a sandwich, didn’t she?”
Kotori nodded. Maki had grabbed for the bag but it slipped to the floor. Nico grabbed it and ran for the door, turning the corner, seeing a room, opening the door to check that no one was inside and pulling out the sandwich and tossing it into the room, Maki leaping after. Nico slammed the door, sitting in front of it, taking a moment to breathe. Well, at least Maki was more attracted to Nico’s cooking than she was to Kotori. That was something. Nico snorted, but such a small something right now. Unzipping her parka with one hand, Nico took her phone out of its sleeve tech pocket with the other. Multitasking and the werewolf girlfriend. Maki was whining behind the door. Probably freezing, but Nico wasn’t opening the door until…
Kotori had also followed Nico, but not at werewolf speed. Her eyes were suspicious, “Nico?”
“Give Nico a minute.” Nico dialed Umi’s number, “Umi, it’s an emergency and I need a favor….bring my car to the Wirtz Center and any of those sandwiches that are left and grab my longest scarf or a rope of something…oh, wait, Kotori can probably find me something….yes, Kotori’s here…yes, you can bring Honoka…..yes, it’s about her.”
Nico glanced up at Kotori, “I can never thank you enough for introducing me to Umi. Also, she says she’ll see you soon.”
Kotori pursed her lips, “'About her’?”
“My…” Now Nico was on the spot. How hard not to slip into a lie, how easy to stumble without any answer that sounded right. So she skipped to the next item on the list. “Right now, I need to get Princess calmed down.” Nico stood, determined, “that’s the first thing. Can you find something I can use as a collar and not ask questions, Kotori? Please?”
“Sure, Nico.” Kotori’s voice was breathy and soft. Maki’s howls got louder and sadder. At least she wasn’t sounding angry, that encouraged Nico.
“It’s all right, pretty girl,” Nico whispered in a pause, knowing Maki would hear her, “Nico will take care of this. Umi’s bringing food and we’re going to take you home and dry you off.”
Nico waited for a response, a howl, a whimper, a whine, but there was none, just the sudden sound of a body knocking through seats. Nico felt lonely. Would a howl reach Maki, the Maki inside there somewhere? Nico leaned against the door, forehead pressed against the metal. Were there tears? Of course not, Nico would insist. Nico can handle this easy. A future star of stage and screen surmounts all obstacles with style and panache. A full moon crazed werewolf girlfriend? That’s nothing compared to an empty Sunday matinee theatre.
“NICO!” Honoka’s shout echoed, giving Nico time to whirl and wipe a quick hand across her eyes. Umi was running alongside Honoka, her pace even, but the mechanics of her stride restrained.
“Here are the sandwiches.” Umi handed Nico a lunch cooler. Nico opened it: half a dozen left, that should be enough.
Kotori returned with a long piece of braid, which Nico knotted a loop in as Honoka rushed to embrace the fawn haired woman.
Nico took Umi aside as Honoka and Kotori chatted. Nico kept her voice quiet, “She’s not like she was, Umi. She doesn’t respond to me when I talk. I’m not even sure she reco….”
Umi made a sympathetic rumble, then stayed right on topic with a question, “Which is why the sandwiches and the car. So how do we do this?”
Nico had been planning so her answer was quick. The sooner they all got out of the building the better. “I’ll open the door. Honoka can hold out a sandwich and I’ll slip this around her…” Nico held up the braid, wincing at the thought of calling it a leash or a collar, “Then we lead her out to the car, where you are with a couple of sandwiches…”
Maki howled, interrupting, she sounded impatient. Nico knew more delay would be counterproductive, “So we get her into the car, carefully, take her home, stash her in my bedroom, dry her off and call her parents.”
Umi frowned, “Can’t we take her to her house?”
“Nico is not leaving her unsupervised tonight. Nobody seems to care.” Nico felt her own anger rise. Who doesn’t have a plan for a werewolf daughter? Not irresponsible dog ownership, irresponsible parenting. Maki could get hurt. Or sick, Nico thought, remembering how drenched her fur looked.
Umi nodded, aware of how much concern Nico was still hiding. “Give me 5 minutes to put the car outside the nearest door. I’ll text you.”
Nico handed Umi 2 sandwiches, “Thanks, Umi.”
“You’re welcome, Nico.” Umi hustled off, with a calm certainty Nico appreciated.
A group of random students wandered by and Nico waved. Honoka jumped out to hug a friend, but Kotori pulled her back, shushing her. Nico walked over to them, handing Honoka a sandwich, “We’re going to walk Princess back to the car, Honoka. Give her the first sandwich and then lead her out to the car with the others.”
Kotori kissed Honoka on the cheek. “Be careful, sweetie.”
“Don’t worry, Kotori. Umi and I can do this. See you later.” Honoka gleamed, unwrapping the sandwich as Nico prepared to open the door. Nico turned the handle, pushed the door with her foot and there was a rush as a dark red head popped out of the door, nose eagerly searching for its target. Nico slipped the braid over Maki’s neck in one quick motion, holding her breath as the werewolf snapped in irritation but then Honoka shoved the sandwich into Maki’s mouth and took off down the hall, waving another one, pieces of ham falling to the floor and being slurped up by what was an apparently starving werewolf. Nico was keeping up with Maki’s pace, not willing to get involved in a tug of war. Honoka turned the corner and then, there she was, opening the door to the outside, Maki picked up her pace, now half dragging Nico, but then there was Umi, who had braced herself between the car and the now open door and used what looked like a karate throw to shunt Maki into the back seat of the car, diving in after her. Nico let the braid go and followed Honoka into the front seat, Umi used her arms and torso to create a moving barricade to prevent Maki from leaping over the front seat. Honoka put the car in drive.
They had wrestled and coaxed Maki into Nico’s bedroom, although once she realized where Nico was trying to make her go, Maki had become more cooperative, jumping onto Nico’s bed and even standing still for half a minute while Nico tried to towel her off. But still no affection or playfulness, just watchfulness as Nico tried to look as harmless as possible and ignore the fact that all of her things were getting damp, grimy werewolf all over them. Nico had taken a moment to crouch down in front of Maki and try to capture her head again, to make eye contact, but Maki had raised her snout, pulling back her ears with a squint, tail slightly curled from the middle, looking ready to bolt again so Nico backed away. Finally, after circling the room several times, stopping once or twice to sniff curiously in Nico’s direction, Maki curled up in front of Nico’s closet, on Nico’s best outfit for winter cuteness. Maki so needed to spring for a “Take Nico shopping date” after tonight. Nico stood in the door for a minute, considering the picture as still entirely green eyes stared into hers for a brief moment, before the werewolf tucked her head into her side.
“Get some rest, pretty girl.” Nico slumped and shut the door, realizing how tensed she’d been keeping her muscles.
Umi was on the couch, Honoka sprawled across her. Both exhausted. Nico imagined she looked battered. Umi pointed to the table. A mug, full of hot chocolate, and some leftover banana bread had been put out for her, “You probably need the calories, Nico. Is” Umi glanced down at Honoka, “Princess all right?”
Nico nodded as she drank the warm liquid. She’d gotten so cold. And wet. Steaming shower was the next step. But first, forgetting she had an audience, Nico dropped her chin down, hands wrapped around her torso to stop the shaking, cinching her eyes closed so no tears could start, first Nico would feel just a little sorry for herself that at no point had Maki let Nico reach out and hug her, at no point had there been that connection Nico had always felt, even before Maki had revealed the truth. That lack left Nico with such an empty feeling in her chest. If Nico were a werewolf right now, howling, the sad would bounce in that hollow, desolate space, bruising her heart as the notes made their way out of her throat. And, as if cued, the actual werewolf howled from Nico’s bedroom, the lost sound a forlorn echo of Nico’s ache.
A/N: Howdy. Things get a little out of control this chapter. Apologies if you get thrown by the slight time skip from the last chapter, but I think the disconnect adds to the mood this bit needs.
I keep promising you a fave fic list so I’m just going to list titles here until I do a proper list, if you need links, let me know. These are long term memory mostly, not more recent examples – and I probably missed a few: anything arcanine, 24 Visits, Doctor’s Orders, nikoxnii Tumblr shorts, Restless Sleep (more NozoEli, but the NicoMaki is fun), You’ve Got To Be Kidding, How To Handle a Nico, Interview With An Idol, Buy Your Love, and The Number 54’s Harry Potter AU
Here’s the playlist, I’ve just been putting it on shuffle starting at the end so there’s no rhyme or reason in the order.  What’s your favorite stormy mood song?
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