#anyways i forgot i was going to go eat LMAO thank you for the question !!!!
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xxplastic-cubexx · 5 months ago
i finished reading krakoa era and comic cherik are amazing SO i wanted to ask do you have any favorite issues/series i still don't really remember how to call it where cherik are also cool?? some iconis comic moments with them maybe??
im FARRR from finishing all of krakoa (ive probably barely even made a dent in this series), though i do think following the HoX + PoX issues themselves are great if we're talkin cherik-focused issues/books. i already said one of my fave aspects of cherik is their moments working together, so having a whole Omnibus dedicated to them Working Together and trusting each other (bonus points for Protective Erik with the Something Sinister bit) is already guaranteeing a sure spot in my Faves collection
one of my fave cool moments i've read so far- which is a moment i wager a lot of people can agree is Sick As Hell Visually if i may be so daring- is ABSOLUTELY this sequence from Inferno #4
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any time erik and charles get to do some bamf shit together it is IMMEDIATELY peak to me this cannot be disputed and i'd be lying if i didn't say i bought this run solely for this moment here (ignore the fact they fumble this fight horribly that dont matter they looked cool as hell for five seconds !!!!!!!!!!!)
i can't wait to read more and find even more moments i love and want to tape to my eyelids <3 !!
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perfectfangirl · 10 months ago
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep7
• the beginning of this episode shows two characters dressed in gear that's very ncr [new california republic] and to me, it's a very fallout: new vegas scene and fallout: new vegas thing • a father and son of lead farmers. depicted as honest, humble folk. oh cooper's here sitting at their table in their house eating their dinner 💀 • the man, adam, calls for his daughter, sandra. cooper continues to eat the delicious, nutritious meal. adam has a horrified expression on his face • sandra, a young girl, walks over and gives cooper something to drink. she... appears unafraid of cooper. she appears to treat him as one would a guest. cooper says "thank you, darling"--- i almost forgot about this but this was the nicest thing he has said post war to anybody in this show
• lmao the wasteland thinks so little of ghouls, this guy thought this man had cooked and eaten his daughter 😭 • "oh, wait... you thought...? come on now." cooper responds as he laughs at the thought, the wasteland and ghoul perception is that bad omg help • adam tells sandra to go outside. tbh i am starting to believe the theory cooper is much more nicer to women and girls than he is males but i digress anyways • cooper seemed to genuinely laugh and say a nice thing for once to someone here, the lucy juice must be working • "lead farming, huh? why, hell, i probably still got some of your lead in me somewhere." i cannot understand what cooper is talking about here. i was trying to figure if they knew each other like that but i wasn't connecting enough and feel like i am missing information again. • cooper and adam may seem to know one another but cooper came to ask adam about moldaver • "i'll tell you anything, as long as you leave us in peace." sigh
• adam looks like he has a scar on his face, wonder where he got it from • cooper inquires about how many kids adam has. adam reveals the oldest ran off to be a part of moldaver's movement and calls moldaver "that madwoman in the hills" • cooper asks adam if his oldest is named roofus. adam mentions he never said his oldest's name and cooper deduces the young male beside adam is tommy • tommy looks afraid and looks like he gulps as adam asks him "what did you do?" • cooper saying "well, you see, daddyo…" has got to be like the fifth time he says "daddy" in this show 😭💀, like what is his obsession with referring to people's fathers this way [time to hurt? probably because he's been searching two hundred years for the person who use to call him that so that word is always on his mind anyway 😞]
• cooper unfolds the letter and is it revealed to have a blood stained hole in it, adam's older son roofus got adam's youngest son tommy mixed in with moldaver's dealings, roofus was the one who sent tommy caps to pay a courier to transport siggi safely to moldaver • "but my problem is, by the time i got this letter off your brother, it was a little bit hard to read." cooper says holding up the bloody letter hole as he uses an eye to peer through it--- cooper you scary mf 😭 • "now, you give me the location, and i'll be on my way." cooper states. tommy tells his father sorry. tommy is so young. adam begins to plead with tommy to tell cooper the location. tommy replies "i didn't want to spend my life digging through dirt. i want to build something and we have the chance…" before tommy can say anymore, adam implores tommy "tell him what he wants to know! he's gonna kill us all! including your sister." [don't think i believe that last part but] • my question is… i wonder why the letter wasn't written in code… • "she's at the observatory" tommy says in the calmest sounding voice. moldaver's location is revealed just like that • how did cooper know that tommy would want to come after him? has he seen this movie before? • i suppose revenge is an obvious motivator for tommy on cooper for killing roofus but it not also being something adam or even sandra would pursue is interesting as well [they're not mixed in with moldaver and she's a young child he has to care for] • adam saying he won't ☹️ • before tommy can grab the rifle, cooper shoots him. cooper slowly gets up, reholsters his gun, gathers his things, puts on his hat, and departs without another word • weirdly not convinced tommy is dead, it looks like a shot to the shoulder. he just doesn't seem like it but i digress • adam is left crying with his sons' choices, being left only with sandra
• cooper continues his journey in the desert, his expression is a little enigmatic to me but. he inhales a chem under the baking sun • found it so curious cooper had the thought to take his hat off when entering someone's house? this was the first time. it got knocked off at sorrel's outpost and stayed on for all other indoor scenes. parallel this with him pre war going to moldaver's meeting at hollywood forever cemetery with a hot on and taking it off by the time the meeting starts [such a gentleman! 💀] • as cooper treks across the wasteland, moldaver speaking in the meeting in pre war is overlaid. almost as if he was remembering it • "what's it about california that we all came to this place?" i don't know but that place fucking rocks • cooper goes into moldaver's meeting with preconceived notions to begin with, he's already squirming in his seat when she begins her speech • "when you think of the promise of the american dream, you think of california. but it is just that, a dream. it's not real. we were told the atom bomb meant the end of war. that didn't work out, did it? we were told america's always getting better. it's always moving toward a better future. but the future is getting closer, and we can see it. their "better future" is a cliff's edge. and it's coming up fast, isn't it?" moldaver talked for a few minutes and told not a single lie. not a single one. • moldaver's quote in particular "their "better future" is a cliff's edge" is one of the most realest meta statements in the show, it's too good--- • "these soldiers that we're fighting abroad, their families, we have more in common with them than we do with the people here in power, the real enemy" is the final straw for cooper. he decides it's time for him to leave. but not before quipping "that's about all the horseshit i can take." • moldaver pauses her insightful and real ass speech to ask cooper what he said. so he repeats himself. moldaver hits him with a "i didn't realize america's favourite gunslinger was so sensitive". this draws a laugh or two from the attendants. it's poking fun at that manufactured hollywood persona of him being this manly man i guess. what i do take notice is that yes, cooper is sensitive. we know that. he is both sensitive about his principles and sensitive about the principles of others and the critique of such [i.e. the next conversation after this meeting ending up being about him figuring about him spying on his wife because moldaver asks him to interrogate his morality and barb's] • cooper then says "i have my principles, miss williams, that's all." isn't it crazy that cooper use to be someone that even when he disagreed with someone fundamentally, he was still respectful and decent? he had a whole argument with barb and she raised her voice more. compare when cooper got mad at lucy when his vials got crushed in the bait scene. he yelled then pulled his gun on her. lucy literally had to explain how absurd he was being in doing that because her not wanting to be bait and her using his bag to defend herself was not unreasonable. the gap is almost astonishing. that's the same guy. use to be. • [moldaver use to go by the last name williams, i see]
• cooper keeps responding but attempting to leave while he does but again moldaver pokes and prods. "uh huh. and those principles of yours, how much did vault tec pay to take them off your hands?" oh he's getting flamed now • lmao they show the meeting attendants playing tennis watching cooper and moldaver go back and forth • "well, this is america. everyone has a sponsor and, uh, i'm not ashamed to earn a living." "vault tec is the largest company in america. there's a lot of money in selling the end of the world." "well, i'm sure there's a lot of money in selling a political ideology that ends in breadlines." "fascist" is this not my college sociology class, good god--- • subtitles coming in clutch again! because the camera pans so i can't see who says it but i full well assume it was moldaver who called cooper a fascist, didn't even hear it the first watch • no wonder charlie intervened. it got a little heated forreal. didn't even know they made a near direct wwii? reference like that idk • charlie is so embarrassed, he says "this was a mistake. we'll be leaving" 😢
• if not for the "fascist" statement, i would've thought this was another tuesday afternoon for moldaver. but she thanks charlie for bringing cooper. then drops the plot twist that she knows barb like that • i do not! know! why they made cooper smile in this scene, but thank you director • cooper and moldaver take a walk and we discover that barb's division at vault tec acquired moldaver's research company. and before all this, they were developing technology that was hard to monetize. the cold fusion. the infinite energy. the reason for the entirety of season one after the bombs drop. still. • "that's what i was on the verge of achieving when vault tec swept in and bought up every company i'd ever worked for" [spooky af, fellas!] "every one of them? so what are you, a millionaire communist?" cooper sarcastically replies with. • moldaver then says "hypocrisy is like violence in your movies. if you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win." cooper then goes on "yeah? i, uh i got a little showbiz secret for you. a good bad guy doesn't see themselves as the bad guy." this show is sick because this could go for cooper, barb, bud, hank, lucy, maximus, the brotherhood of steel, vault tec, china, i could keep going, help
• moldaver says something else i find unsettling "america has been locked in a resource war for over a decade. vault tec bought the means to end that war, the same war you fought in. so they could put it on the shelf. all because it didn't fit into their business model." the revelation is nutty • moldaver basically asks for cooper's help in getting the resource back [by spying on barb] • actually super crazy how easy it was to get cooper to spy on barb but at the same time... he's been questioning and doubting. we all already know she keeps stuff from him. plus the "no dogs allowed in the vaults" was the tipping point • the way cooper looked at the listening device and his bewildered? smile slowly fades from his face once he realizes the implications • him responding with "good luck with the revolution" was funny gldldl • moldaver reveals the real reason people are being called communists "i'm not a communist, mr. howard. that's just a dirty word they use to describe people who aren't insane." • this whole scene still got me wanting answers for so much. i still want to know how moldaver made it to the wasteland and how is it that destiny placed cooper to help her get her resource back pre war but now in the post war wasteland, cooper is bounty hunting her. wouldn't be surprised if there's more moldaver flashbacks in future seasons
• lucy is unknowingly fucking up the rotation in vault 4. overseer benjamin [in a move that maybe should've happened to begin with 😭] shows lucy the tape of vault 4's experiment • "we let you into our home. tended to your wounds, gave you food and water." birdie informs lucy. second viewing makes me feel so bad for all that havoc they caused these already traumatized and victimized people like • "but you had to go to level 12" please somebody write them a review and change how y'all handle this for newcomers 😭 • lucy thinks the residents of vault 4 are taking people and experimenting on them. but she is wrong. she got it all wrong • overseer benjamin and birdie had to kinda retraumatize themselves and be vulnerable for lucy to get it • as the tape plays, lucy asks "what is this?" "your history" birdie says--- oof • lucy getting another disillusionment dose this time as a video of vault tec's fucked up experiments
• lmao the tape is so fucked up but funny--- doctor lloyd and doctor cassandra hawthorne are clinically insane scientists with no moral compass and a villain complex. ironically they starred in the vault tec vault ads with cooper, their vault being the one where they run a sort of scientocratic technocracy in the wake of nuclear warfare. their experiment did not succeed. or... maybe it did but not because of them but because of vault 4's victims and shady sands survivors • doctor lloyd begins the tape with "ok. overseer hawthorne. final log entry. at this point, it would be irrational of me not to acknowledge that these may be my last words" he looks scared but also frantic, like something is coming after them [and it so is] "but despite our results here, i want to reiterate that a society governed by scientists..." he is interrupted by doctor cassandra trying to barricade the door. she calls him "honey" hehehe "really is the ideal social structure.." it is not. 💀
• doctor lloyd, what he's saying, is like farce. how is this, a society governed by scientists an ideal social structure? when they are being revolted by the very people they experimented on • "what happened here should not be used as a case study for what happens when scientists are given unregulated control." lmao we know it is though • some of doctor lloyd's final statements being vault tec corporate managerial evil "and hybridizing humans with radioactive resistant species still has potential. our test subjects were less compliant than we expected" they could've used an ethics oversight committee but anyways 💀 overseen benjamin's great uncle peter ate doctor lloyd and doctor cassandra tf up • almost wonder if great uncle peter was the same gulper that swallowed siggi's head lol
• overseer benjamin is saddened by rewatching the footage as lucy expresses confusion between the tape and the scene she saw herself on level 12. "i don't understand, in the lab, i saw your doctors..." lucy trails before birdie finishes "trying to ease the pain of the poor souls your people lured into this place." now the operative word in this statement is "your". does birdie know what vault lucy is from and what it means and what they've done there? or as a shady sands surviving wastelander is she talking about people born in the vaults who got there because of vault tec? • birdies goes on "his ancestors were used as lab rats. by the original residents of vault 4. until the lab rats rebelled." • lucy feeling really stupid and bad apologizes immediately. lucy tells them her vault is simply not like this. overseer benjamin asks lucy what their vault experiment was. lucy states there is no experiment. again i say, vault 31, 32, 33 experiment is a success--- overseer benjamin and birdie exchange glances. every vault has an experiment.
• "your ignorance cannot excuse your cruelty. you have infected our home with violence." is such a banger coming from birdie, it's so therapized • birdie tells lucy she'll pay the price for all this, guards come and seize lucy, put a black bag over her head, and take her away. as lucy is hauled off from storage, she pleads with her captors "please, please, i'm a good person" look how slippery this slope has gotten • lucy wants to do the right thing. and yet. has found herself being the offender in this situation. • maximus is in the lap of post apocalyptic luxury as he sees lucy being lead down the hallway in front of his unit. he wordlessly vows to do something about it 🥲 [ok knight in shining armour] • the way maximus is eating the popcorn in this scene lgdgldlf
• meanwhile! a secondary character is in possession of siggi's head 😭 • dogmeat is pulling on the squire equipment thaddeus is dragging because siggi's head is in it 😞 • thaddeus has been hobbling across the wasteland with dogmeat and this squire pack, he stops to sit inside the trunk of a rusted car. the full extent of thaddeus' injuries are shown as he carefully exposes his mangled as shit foot • "oh shit. i'm gonna fucking die" thaddeus says realizing his foot looks so goddamn bad lmao 😭 • dogmeat being a dog starts licking thaddeus' eviscerated ass foot, to his disdain • thaddeus starts? berating? dogmeat? 😭 "you know what? if you were a person, you wouldn't have any friends, you realize that?" not a bully talking like thisss • thaddeus pulling out siggi's head "this stupid fucking thing. oh, you want this too, huh?" everybody wants this. guess what? it's mine." and not for long • "you think everything's for you. it's pretty selfish, actually, you know that? bite what you want to bite, go where you want to go. it's always something." why is thaddeus talking to this dog like this, like how lucy was talking to that mr. handy 😭
• i do not like that thaddeus stuffed dogmeat in the nuka cola dispenser leaving her to die--- this show had somebody eating another person's uncooked flesh but this move upset me because dogmeat ain't got opposable thumbs 😭 • sure thaddeus made sure dogmeat could breathe but he was annoyed with her, he so wasn't coming back 😭 like that's a baby • thaddeus' plan is to contact the brotherhood of steel about the head and gain glory from it • you know what's wild about thaddeus putting dogmeat in the nuka cola dispenser is that dogmeat could have easily attacked thaddeus and killed him before all this. so it's really so much she got stuffed in that thing, she was whimpering and everything, please--- • it's so curious that in this scene, it looks like it's both snowing and raining
• lmao so lucy thinks she's about to get executed for her crimes against vault 4 • also can you blame her? they're all chanting in a room with her restrained in the center across from a mf scimitar 😭 • while the audience is chanting eating popcorn, lucy is pulling at and gnawing at her rope restraints lgdgldfl • birdie begins during this time "we are all survivors here. lucky enough to have found this sanctum of peace. of tolerance. it doesn't matter where you come from or what you believe. you deserve safety. unless... you threaten that peace." looking back, birdie told not a single lie and again • overseen benjamin picks up the huge scimitar, raising it "for causing harm to a fellow survivor, you are hereby sentenced to death... by banishment." lucy flinches but then realises as overseer benjamin slams the apparently dull scimitar on lucy's restraints. this was all ritualistic and ceremonial gdldlldg • noticed the doctor lucy burned earlier is also shown in the crowd cheering, he has a patch on his face, he seems ok 💀 • lucy expressed surprise at them letting her go, them not exactly realizing where she's been and maybe assuming she's only just been mostly in her vault. "you'll be killed almost immediately on the surface by lord knows what." lmaooo "that's why we're giving you two weeks of supplies to take with you" 😭 • lucy is being banished and given supplies, it's so crazy like • [overseer benjamin thanks the vault dweller for handing him the supplies, so less of a jerk here lol] • they want lucy gone immediately tho 💀 • lucy realising by association for maximus so she says "my friend really likes it here. and he's a good person. he deserves to be somewhere nice and safe, like this. i know i'm not really in the position to be asking for favours but... can he stay?" lucy is really thoughtful and selfless here. but y'all knew that 🥲 • ironic that lucy is banished and attempts to vouch for maximus' character, meanwhile, maximus steals that whole vault's fusion core to rescue lucy--- guess who else getting banished 😭 • why is the room to the fusion core not guarded though fsgkdkg • lucy tries to warn maximus but he goes on a mini rampage in vault 4, causing chaos, throwing people around, wasting food, having residents cowering in fear. all this because he thought lucy was in a pickle 😭 • all maximus has to say for himself is "oops" and "sorry" and "maybe somebody check on him" and the guy is not moving lmao • out on the surface lucy and maximus argue about maximus taking vault 4's fusion core. backup power would only last a few days and lucy demands he return it. maximus' explanation is he needs the fusion core to power the power suit. lucy tells him giving it back is the right thing to do. maximus explains he can't be a knight without the fusion core. lucy pointedly tells him he's not really a knight if he steals anyways. • maximus wants to use the armour to help lucy and in relinquishing the fusion core back to vault 4, it may mean not finding hank. without a single moment's hesitation, lucy says "if my dad found out that i destroyed an entire community to save him, that'd break his heart."--- how cruel the irony and parallel and reverse • it makes her reaction at the observatory that so much more soul crushing knowing hank didn't think twice bombing shady sands. that he wrecked a whole community in regards to her. that she never even considered it meanwhile he's done it at least twice • lucy talks maximus into doing the right thing ™
• back in the hawthorne institute building, maximus drops the fusion core back to vault 4. lucy asks maximus "thinking 'bout those oysters?" "mhm". it feels like lucy wants to make it up to maximus, this whole thing. lucy's vault doesn't have oysters but they have canned tuna and she thinks maximus might still enjoy it. maximus isn't really thinking about what she's saying in the same way she is until • "i was supposed to marry a stranger from another vault. it didn't turn out so good." ☹️ • lucy continues to tell maximus "i don't have the best luck when it comes to strangers... i can honestly say you are the best stranger that i've ever met. you're a good person, titus. and if you wanted to, when all this is over, you could come and live with us in vault 33. with me." this scene is painful because, before the finale, it's all well and good. but maximus' web of lies and then the brotherhood of steel having cold fusion and on top of norm uncovering the crime of the century in vault 31, 32, 33 means this all was a pipe dream. it was so sweet. but vault tec is evil ☹️ • maximus finally breaks down and tells lucy the full and honest truth. "my name isn't titus. it's maximus. titus is the name of the knight who owned this suit before me. he was threatening me, so instead of helping him i watched him die. and i took his armour and i lied to you." the way before maximus did this, lucy told him to "just say yes" to her asking him to come stay at her vault 😞 • maximus doesn't think he's a good person. then lucy reveals she splashed acid in an innocent man's face. nothing stays clean up here • even after all this, lucy still asks maximus to come live with her in her vault 😢 • lucy been in this mf for two weeks lmao
• ok so i get why thaddeus was at the post apocalyptic radio station, because dj carl had a signal [and some pre war music] • thaddeus is listening in and i only noticed now that dj carl said he does not receive visitors to the station and this explains why it was booby trapped 😭 • the next shot is the snake oil salesman putting a gun to his mouth ready to put himself on a shirt. wild. he sees thaddeus and immediately runs after him to sell one of his disturbing little drugs to him • "don't kill me! i'm a doctor. i can help you." 😭 insane • the snake oil salesman called thaddeus' fucked up foot a "tattered tootsy" gfldgldgd • as the snake oil salesman explains his repertoire, thaddeus pulls out and cocks his gun, the snake oil salesman can see thaddeus do this in the reflection of the mirror on the mantelpiece. oof. "what's stopping me from just killing you and taking your whole thing of drugs?" thaddeus blurts out. somebody come get this mannn. snake oil salesman really has to tell thaddeus that only he knows which elixir will cure or kill him, thaddeus is crazy for pulling the blicky out like this
• thaddeus trading a fusion core for idk eternal life is somethin'. what is the snake oil salesman gone do with that? hmmm • i think the snake oil salesman gave him the real deal because a fusion core is like high payment • the concoction is like regeneration but tastes bad. almost thought thaddeus got poisoned he was coughing so hard, thaddeus' foot heals very well [but still appears broken] • the snake oil salesman tells thaddeus the radios station is near shady sands but thaddeus is like? it's radioactive there and the snake oil salesman is like "well, you don't have to worry about that anymore, do you, buddy boy?" ayyy lmao what did he give him? did he give him something to turn him into a super mutant? ghoulification? thing? why did he say this??
• back in vault 33, norm is feeding the imprisoned raiders everyday. then i notice they reprise "what a diff'rence a day makes" by dinah washington, same song used in episode 5 when vault 33 enters vault 32 where it's all been cleaned away, it's the coverup song • veronica is blamed for the raider prisoners being poisoned but i didn't understand why she was implicated, she didn't make or serve the food [sounds like a coverup] • but. rat poison is often slow acting. so this is why i think the raider prisoners were poisoned over time • "what did i tell you, norman? words have meaning" overseer betty tells him. i don't particularly think she had anything to do with this. steph on the other hand... • but isn't it wild overseer betty starts the "resettlement initiative" before hardly leaving the mass casualty event • [this is forced resettlement btw] • this show is real for realistically showing recovering from a baby by having steph icing her private area lol
• norm goes to visit chet and registers that chet has been moved to vault 32 [norm is losing a cousin and friend 😭] • i say steph was strategic with getting with chet because of the conversation norm and chet go on to have • norm asks chet "so you're gonna forget about everything we've seen?" then chet "i feel like this is a good moment for a fresh start." "you think so?" "someone obviously does." and i wonder who that someone is • norm is obviously, naturally, and rightfully upset at this. "you're a coward. you know know that, chet?" chet returns norm a smile laced with fear and astutely surmises "we all are, norm. that's why we live in a vault." chet closes the unit door ending the conversation with norm. • chet giving a succinct response to the state of affairs for vault dwellers that even norm himself can't escape still has me
• cooper is a bloodhound. he comes upon the dilapidated red rocket gas station thaddeus was at, sees some blood on the ground and tastes it. what for, your guess is as good as mine 😭 • cooper hears whimpering from the nuka cola dispenser 😭 he lets dogmeat out and says something unhinged "alright, let's go find your daddy" i can't tell if he's already dropping the accent here but 🥲 • in the past, not only are we greeted with another radiation king but also a scene directly related to cooper and his dog, roosevelt • cooper is taking hits off his old fashioned smoking pipe, reading a magazine, roosevelt laying in his lap. king starts eying barb's unattended pip boy on the counter • cooper bugs that bad boy while barb is none the wiser
• colour analysis time again! because they're wearing the same [and maybe the exact] colours and outfits from episode 5, barb is in all blue [no reds or pinks] and cooper is in his signature blue and yellow. janey appears to be in blue and yellow in this scene too! with mostly yellow like cooper. interesting. • cooper has full blown started spying on his wife but gets cold feet after gazing at roosevelt. "you're right, roosevelt. what are you thinking." cooper says, a mix between talking to his dog and himself 😢 he throws the listening device in the trash. cooper loves and trusts barb so much. too much. • the scene transitions to a dichotomy, barb restfully sleeping in bed, again none the wiser, not a care, it seems. then there is cooper--- nursing a cigarette, watching the vault tec vault 4 ad he filmed for the ill fated doctor lloyd and doctor cassandra. cooper cannot sleep. this is a metaphor for their individual consciences.
• cooper is outside now in the witching hour with roosevelt sifting through trash looking for the listening device. "no dogs in the vault, huh?" cooper says after finally finding it. cooper loved roosevelt so much, he was willing to upend his marriage and discover a corporate conspiracy over him, i could cry 😭 • cooper lovingly kisses roosevelt on the head and no sooner does the scene cut to post war cooper refusing attention from dogmeat telling her "i'm sorry, dogmeat, but you ain't him." cooper has all but dropped his accent when speaking this to dogmeat, his sad and hurt mask slipping • i guess dj carl was only booby trapping for angry critics because he let thaddeus use the radio to hit up the brotherhood of steel lol • thaddeus asking about the critics of dj carl's music with dj carl responding "oh, people get fully mad." 😂 now that thaddeus is healed, he's much nicer, even acting a bit cute lol • refinement and taste for the arts still being in the wasteland tho gdldflgdl • "great job on these bobby traps, by the way" 😭 and it's still got bodies in them, help 😭 • thaddeus points and says "that one's crazy", tears in my eyes. really is some shit out of the fallout games • dj carl goes "critics." shaking his head with thaddeus ironically saying "yeah. people just, uh, can't be nice" 😭 same guy almost shot the snake oil salesman before he cured him
• dj carl sees lucy and maximus walking up and asks thaddeus if they're his ride. thaddeus takes out his gun and dj carl is like "guess not. ok." and closes the window to his radio station quick lmao • the signs around the radio station say "no visitors", "no requests", "keep out", and "no trespassing violators will be executed" 💀 • lmao idk if he was panicking or what but thaddeus starts shooting and unloads his entire clip--- lucy and maximus are so fucking confused, checking to see if they've been hit, "god, i suck without a scope" thaddeus shot like fifteen times 😭 • lucy and maximus raise their hands after all that, lucy informs thaddeus she was the one who cut siggi's head off • thaddeus forgets where he is because he walks backwards into a booby trap and a whole. arrow. goes through his neck 😫 lucy is mortified and so am i ❤️ • when thaddeus tries to talk, it sounds gurgly, he doesn't get why he's not dead but takes the arrow out, lucy and maximus look like they want to vomit gldgldfld • idk how they can see from that distance but everyone notices thaddeus' wound heals up. maximus thinks thaddeus is a ghoul now [maybe a super mutant instead?] • "aw, i'm so stupid" i should've never trusted a doctor that smelled like that." please?? • dj carl opens the hatch to see the brotherhood of steel approaching then promptly closes it • lucy asks "the brotherhood is the good guys?" tell me why thaddeus and maximus was like "uh, it's a complicated organization" not them knowing this faction is 💀 • i realized thaddeus did a 180° on wanting to give the brotherhood of steel siggi's head because maximus convinced him he was some type of altered person [whether ghoul or super mutant] and the brotherhood of steel discriminates against both • maximus lets thaddeus flee, by taking the head--- thaddeus is so? because why did he tell lucy and maximus "uh, i'm sorry about... a lot of things and i didn't mean for... ok, nice meeting you. bye!" i cannot even explain how funny it is to see maximus pull a pacifist speech check by getting everyone out of that alive fldgdlfld • maximus buys lucy time to take siggi's head to moldaver while he uh lies to the brotherhood of steel to give her time to get hank, he gets a head from the radio station fdlgdlf • "find your dad. go home. that's what i want for you" ☹️ • "they're never gonna stop looking for the artifact" the brotherhood of steel always find out • lucy and maximus kiss like they'll never see each other again. the two heads in their respective arms also lock lips 💀 lucy and maximus kiss twice [this one's for you vaultknight] • dj carl opens his porthole and smiles. i am howling. • maximus is given something he's probably not had since childhood but anyways 🥲 • kind of a diss for overseer betty to say the people selected for vault 32 from vault 33 have "been chosen for agreeability, stick-to-itiveness, and all of the other qualities that make for a successful pioneer" what about the ones not chosen from vault 33? sheesh • woody gets cold feet, he doesn't want to go live in vault 32. but it is not up to woody--- he is stopped by vault guards. there is no choice [this is a dictatorship i guess] • they treat woody's desire to not be forcefully moved as an outburst by him. they wait for his dissent to turn back into compliance. it is crazy.
• who would have guessed steph would become overseer of vault 32 • norm has had enough and leaves the ceremony, the last glimpse of chet's face not unlike woody's had been • not sure how norm gets to slip by but he decides to play detective again at a terminal • under the guise of being overseer betty, norm pretends there's a problem as an excuse to talk to overseer 31 • this is fallout's version of the internet lol • noticing norm is talking to a brain in a jar, bud askins, is crazyyy--- idk how often overseer betty and him talk but bud fell for the bait quickly • norm posing as overseer betty goes to vault 31, watching it open as he once again is able to open a door with a lock he didn't even have to pick
• one thing about this episode i want to talk more about is the fact that yes, the wasteland is cruel and unforgiving and even still it can also be warm and loving and as evidenced by the survivors of vault 4, they were weird but nice. just like maximus said about lucy. they went out of their way to help lucy and maximus and those two could've spent the rest of their life there, probably. thank goodness the test subject victims revolted. they turned a hellhole into a home. • any other place, lucy would've been harmed for hurting an innocent person and the fact is that they banished her to the surface, let her live, gave her supplies 😭 vault 4 were the nicest, most compassionate people in the show. i really loved seeing a flower in the desert like that • vault 4 prospers not because but in spite of doctor lloyd's and doctor cassandra's experiments • i hope to see more of vault 4 • another thing i wanted to touch on was something i noticed for a few episodes now and i addressed last episode. and it's that poc in this show are the canary in the coal mine, the alarm system, for the going's on with vault tec and the larger societal conspiracy of greed and power grabbing through war. charlie, moldaver, birdie. to name a few. i could make more cases. but anyways, poc being on the ground trying to tell the world about self cannibalizing systems we live under falling on deaf and delusional ears are not lost on me
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rjschoicesstuff · 4 months ago
55 for Rippy/Gabe/Cas and Eli/Kieran
Thank u!!
Link to the questions
Late af reply cause I forgot I put it in my drafts lol 😭
Putting it below the cut because it got long
55. Who spoils who? Does their S/O tolerate it? Do they secretly enjoy it?
Ripley + Cas + Gabe:
I think they all do sometimes in their own way but I think Ripley definitely does it most clearly? Or it's more of a Pattern for her? Like consciously saves up money to be able to spend it on them lol. And giving gifts is Such A Thing for her. Like if she's out with Cas and Gabe and one of them sees something in a store that they like, she's like 'ok I'll get it for you'. Cas is the only one who protests but more in a way like 'I can literally just steal it, shut up. Pls let me steal it.'
I think she also really enjoys spicing up clothes for them, like buying Cas a jacket and adding studs and patches to it. Or thrifting a kinda ugly dress with a nice fabric and turning it into a two piece set for Gabe.
And at times I think she's the most Intense about it, idk how to explain lol. Like for example when they go to the autumn festival and she's spending the whole day winning stuff for them and buying food to share and stuff lol. And no one really even goes like 'oh let me pay this time' because no, she gets a kick out of it, let her do this lol.
I think Gabe enjoys planning out more ellaborate dates for the 3 of them and also just in general taking over and doing the planning so they don't have to. I think she also really loves cooking for them. Especially for Cas cause the things he still eats besides blood can be counted on 2 hands and I imagine she's just like determinded to help him figure out what else he likes. I imagine he eats v rarely (like skipping days in a row n stuff) and thats Okay because he's a vampire but she just thinks it's Sad lmao. And I think he protests a lot at first but eventually starts appreciating it + just the gesture of someone going out of their way like that for him I guess? Especially because I imagine that a lot of his caretakers when he was human treated it as an inconvenience that he had trouble with certain foods/textures and told him to just get over it. Like I think that's also why he was just relieved to be mostly done with food after becoming a vampire.
I think Cas is always a lot more low-key than Ripley and Gabe are I guess? But I feel like especially when doing presents on special days he puts a lot of effort into it. I think he does get Ripley and Gabe little things all the time but it's like always shoplifted lmao and especially Gabe is uneasy about that. I think nowadays they just kinda pretend like they don't know how he got it, like in the end it's not a huge deal. I think he also just always has less money to spend on things because he doesn't have a job like Ripley and Gabe and just does odd jobs for other vampires when he needs to save up for something. And I think Ripley sonetimes just leaves money in his pockets lmao 😭. I think he'd also get Gabe those lingerie sets when he has the money for it but like he's kinda spoiling himself too in that case 💀.
Kieran and Eli:
I think Kieran most often for sure but I know Eli would want to, I'm just not sure yet how/what he could do lol. I feel like he'd pick her flowers and stuff but it feels so Lame because I think she'd do more Grandiose stuff for him, even though ik she'd appreciate it anyway.
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patrickscervix · 4 months ago
omg thank u for answering my question!!! you did not ramble, it was all really interesting and i liked to see the process 💟
your comment about scents having the ability to change has me 👀 about joe’s comment on patrick smelling “better than before.” i was kind wondering about that, like if he meant when patrick was upset or if it was possible he was referencing pre-hiatus in some way and now i have so much more to think about
speaking of joe, on the piroshky marked with a ‘p’ that he ate, by chance, did the p stand for pork? because if so… lol. lmao even. you are so casually hilarious.
also, patrick is so funny being all, i’m a grownup, i can do everything myself, only to IMMEDIATELY turn around and be like wait, why is pete’s entire focus and attention not on me??? when he talks about managing any aspect of his life all i hear is Lil RT’s voice “i’m a big dog and i do big dog shit”
lastly, i can really feel how much longing he has for pete, despite trying to be really clinical and unemotional about it and to pretend he’s over it and it’s delicious. i’m in love with it.
please anon this is so kind omg 😭❤️ i’m glad it helped also!! and, yeah i’ll go ahead and expand on that lol re what joe said about patrick’s scent, someone in my comments mentioned it too which i’ve been meaning to reply to for months but i have the attention span of a small dog
so when he comments on him smelling ‘better than before’ he is talking about when patrick was angry; scents change with extreme mood swings/emotion in this verse and what patrick was sending out into the world at that time was that he was pissed off and his emotions were turbulent/all over the place and it reminded joe of his mom, who died a few weeks before the start of the fic. irl joe took some time off from the band to be with his family but went back to work soon after and iirc it was just an incredibly difficult time for him. but anyway joe is this fic is sort of…he considers patrick a brother but he also has a slight unrequited thing for him and it’s a bit of an oedipal thing, where patrick reminds him of his mom. short, fiery personality, mean to him, etc; usually i think this is more a latent thing for him but being so overwhelmed brings all of this upset to the surface for him and patrick being visibly and olfactorily pissed off at him is just too much all at once
and yeah it was pork 💀 i’m pretty sure joe said at some point that he eats pork and i think that his family does too (possibly? his brother seems to be more observant than he is so i’m not sure) which like, makes sense, he’s from the midwest, i feel like most jews in the us probably eat pork nowadays, but i kind of think it’s funny that comparatively, patrick doesn’t lol
PLEASE NOT LIL RT THAT RLY IS HIM 😭 i’m so glad this came across how i wanted it to lol he’s such a brat. like he thinks he needs to be independent because that’s what he Should do but pete has always been there and he flounders without him. pete’s kind of an asshole who’s always putting his foot in his mouth, and likes it when patrick relies on him, but also, he’s like, not wrong that that video probably wouldn’t have gotten uploaded if he had been the one mercilessly hounding their management team for updates about the situation, whereas patrick kind of just forgot about it
thank you again btw your asks always so sweet they really make my day 😭❤️
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divine-knight-hand · 1 year ago
My Paracosm's Tumblr Dashboard Simulator!!! ❤️‍🔥
Except none of you know my paras, nor am I going to give any context for these. *womp womp*
But, I basically saw this post and decided “Hey, lemme do that!” and then I did that.
Also, a good portion of my paras are primparas, but my fictparas will be glaringly obvious, so, yeah. If you know them, you know them. 🤷‍♀️
I spent way too long on this, lmao... Welp, enjoy! 😌
TW: some humor involving brief mentions of suicide, death, and doxxing
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Remind me again why our boss is asking us to make these social media accounts? Isn’t our whole thing, I dunno, subtlety?
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Well, with a user like that, I don’t think you’re doing very good at that, anyways… 😬
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Let’s not hash out the technical stuff 😅
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❤️ a-random-fan Follow
Anyone else ever think about how not-ember-blade and sweetest-otaku were born to contradict each other? Like, how do sisters with conflicting powers learn to not only co-exist, but thrive while working together? Especially when everyone expects them to tear each other apart? Truly, it’s wonderful to see…
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Dude, what the fuck? We’ve been past that. Find a new philosophy, Socrates- 💀
#and to everyone who still thinks me and my sister are gonna duke it out #stfu
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🐺 alpha-machine Follow
So, not-ember-blade… What’s the status on that date? 😏
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
My sister had to physically restrain me from typing “kys” before lecturing me on the importance of a “respectful no”.
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Well, it almost worked… 😅
#also please rethink the wording of your tags #I’m not even going to repost them #they’re really vulgar…
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💍 iron-wife Follow
mischief-incarnate, you didn’t happen to put itching powder in alpha-machine’s closet after his latest post, did you???
🐍 mischief-incarnate Follow
Do I look like I’m only capable of mere party tricks to you? Of course not! That foul mutt has magic to thank for any discomfort he may be experiencing. Magic woven into each and every thread, in fact~
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Every day, I fall more and more in love with you 😩
#marriage when?
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🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
Crippling anxiety? I barely know her! (Lying)
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
What does this mean?
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
#can someone go check if she’s okay? #I’m starting to get concerned…
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Can y’all stop asking me if arachni-kid is my son? It’s not even true, and his aunt is starting to ask questions…
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
One time, I saw you make him a Hot Pocket, kiss him on the forehead, and wish him luck on a test he was studying for.
🕷️ arachni-kid Follow
A test I passed, by the way! I forgot to tell you. 😅
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Awwwww! I knew you could do it, kiddo! I’m so proud of you! 🥹
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💄 hopelessness-hottie Follow
Look, not-ember-blade! It’s you!
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
I’m… pi?
🔦 endangered-observer Follow
Maybe she’s saying you are what you eat? 😅
🐍 mischief-incarnate Follow
I’ve not once seen her consume this mathematical notation…
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
You summoned all three of them and they still didn’t get it 😭
🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
That’s because they all share one brain cell 🤣
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🧹 friendly-maiden Follow
As much as I enjoy serving the new queen and princess, can I have not-ember-blade and sweet-otaku back? Please?
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Awww! We miss you, too! 🥺
#Please come visit sometime #okay?
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🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
Everyone talking about possibly making a poll to decide who the best sister is between not-ember-blade and sweetest-otaku clearly wasn’t here for the violent discourse that one poll between mischief-incarnate and thunderous-hero, and it shows… 👀
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Didn’t mischief-incarnate dox someone for telling people to vote against him?
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
No, no… That was me… 😶
#but can you blame me? #the bitch had it coming #spreading that harmful propaganda
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🍳 wary-chef Follow
Just saw someone cooking without measuring their ingredients. They should lose their cooking priviliges.
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
You rn:
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💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
I was gonna tell you to stop bullying my boyfriend, but- 😭
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⚡ thunderous-hero Follow
What are these "fan cams" that people keep talking about?
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Oh! You mean, those edits of us? I wonder how everyone got all that footage of us...
#It's actually a little creepy #How do they do it?
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🔦 endangered-observer Follow
Who... Who sent me this song?
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
I know I shouldn't laugh, but... HA!!!
#the whole polycule having daddy issues goes crazy
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hils79 · 1 year ago
Hils Watches Cross Fire - Ep 16
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Got to big up the Chinese healthcare system
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Okay, I wanted to talk about what an awesome badass Wang Kai's grandma is but now that I've paused LMAO that is clearly a young man in the passport photo
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Wang Kai always has to go that one step further. Grandma cut up her passport? Fine, I'm going to eat mine!
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Oh my god they all showed up to cheer for her in her race. I'm so emotional.
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Ooh it's rigged just like Lu Xiaobei's game in the first episode.
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I legit forgot Chu Ge was Cheng Hao's cousin
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I've seen videos of people fainting on rollercoasters but I've never seen it happen on a swing boat ride before
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If I hadn't sworn off shipping in this drama thanks to Xu Wei's betrayal it would be something like this: I ship Lu Xiaobei and Chu Ge, I ship Lu Xiaobei and Cheng Hao, I ship Su Jiayi and Wang Kai, I ship Su Jiayi and Chu Ge, I ship Cheng Hao and Li Hai Wa, and I ship Chang Sha with the whole team. So I def don't ship them all with each other but they are def a polycule.
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I really don't know how they're supposed to come back from this. They admitted to cheating, that journalist has a recorded conversation of them admitting to cheating. Yet somehow Xu Wei now owns a team and they apparently won the championship. It'll be interesting to see how they get away with it.
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Uh, it was printed in a newspaper? An Lan literally showed it to you a few mins ago.
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Yes. Yes, it is.
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Oh my god are you seriously hitting on her right now?
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Oh push her down the stairs. What a bitch.
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Or strangle her that also works
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Hmm yes I wonder
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Thank you to this girl for being the sensible one
And is her dad even a murderer? He was just a suspect, wasn't he? And he died before anyone could question him.
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Yeah, that is not how it works
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You all stayed away from her anyway! Lu Xiaobei is literally her only friend in this school
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Aww don't bully the poor sleepy boy
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Aww this sweet boy is drunkenly thanking everyone for being mean to him and helping him be better
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Okay, adding this to my ship list
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😭 Team means family
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Oh. My god.
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skullfacedog · 1 year ago
I accidentally stumbled upon a text document of my old journal thread from a therian forum from when I was a teen and now I'm going thru it bc I'm really curious of the signs I had headmates or repressed memories back then
-so far, I've described myself as "being able to switch personalities easily" and wondering if I was half demon or had a demon headmate all along that I didn't know about because I had multiple sides of me that felt very contradictory. I am hellhoundkin but I feel like a lot of the demonic feels I had as a teen have worn off a lot, especially since my mental health has gotten better.
it's crazy reading these old posts bc I'm like a totally different person now lmao. I rlly said "I have violent urges and it's hard to hold back from hurting ppl just to hear them scream" YOU COULDN'T EVEN HURT A FLY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUTTTT
-another thing that's kinda weird is that I was really obsessed with outer space at some point and mentioned that in my journal and mentioned questioning being stardragonkin but now it's like ?? I mean space is cool but it's nowhere near one of my main interests. I'm more of a fantasy person than a scifi person. naturey shit is wayyyy cooler than stars sorry.
-post about feeling sick for no reason like not having a cold or anything and being unable to eat but I thought it was species dysphoria??
-post complaining that I "don't feel like myself lately". depression or headmate??
-previously talked about feeling hellhound shifts that feel different from normal and kind of having a weird change in mindset. then in this post I mention I have a hellhound headmate named xarashi. that's them!!! that's the hellhound I "shifted" into!! also happy bc I fully forgot their name and it's been killing me that I didn't remember their name and just referred to them as "the hellhound headmate I had as a teenager". I wonder if they're still around but I feel like if I ask I would get an answer just bc I asked, does that make sense?? like I'm afraid my brain is making shit up but also, they were 100% a headmate at one point so it's not crazy to think they could still be there somewhere.
-also mentioned eshari who was a little demon girl headmate I had for a short time who was weirdly malicious. I distinctly remember like having a fight or something triggering me really badly with my internet friend and I just started feeling entirely emotionless and dissociatey and responded to my friend in ways I would not normally. and later I realized that was a headmate and tried talking to her. I genuinely thought she was an evil demon or something but I'm pretty sure she was a persecutor?? girl I'm so sorry I was so fucking dumb. anyway the lore goes that xarashi chased off eshari and kind of replaced her.
-not related to the general post idea here ig I'm just giving a live reaction at this point but I got to the point where I posted about meeting my ex abuser irl when we were dating and I said "I've never been that nervous in my life" "he kept hugging and petting me, it made me a bit uncomfortable bc I'm not used to him, but I liked it!" BITCH YOU ARE LYING TO YOURSELF BECAUSE HE LOVEBOMBED YOU AND YOU SO DESPERATELY WANT TO BE LOVED AND FEEL USEFUL YOU WILL CONVINCE YOURSELF YOU'RE OKAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATIONS!!! STOP!!!!!!
literally the next post I made was the announcement of our breakup LMAO
also I still wonder if he reminded me of my CSA abuser bc I was literally IMMEDIATELY wildly uncomfortable when I saw him for the first time irl and I've always kinda been uncomfortable around men with his body type, like kinda big and masculine and with facial hair. I could not date someone who looks like that and I swear it has nothing to do with attractiveness like I'm demiro I do not give a fuck if someone isn't the standard of attraction but I can't date someone too big and masculine bc they scare me?? I'm so thankful my partner is the same height as me and skinny and always shaves. I mean he's cute with facial hair at least, not like overly masculine.
-mentioned always having been closed off to my parents, not telling them that I wished I was a dog (in an otherkin way before I found the community online) or that I "didn't want to go to heaven". why was I such a weird ass kid lmao I remember I wanted to go to hell purely so that I could fight the devil myself and bc "heaven seems boring" ?? why did 7 year old me have like a self sacrifice complex or smth idk like I was OBSESSED with the idea of me going thru pain for other ppl even as a very young child. I have nooo clue if that could be SA related but it is certainly Odd
-mentioned being able to do a really good impression of karkat from homestuck (according to my friends) and wanting to cosplay him. I sorta wondered at the time if I had a karkat headmate bc I could like Become him really easily it was weird. and he has like the complete opposite personality of me.
-mentioned dissociation like. many times throughout the entire journal
that's all but I may do similar posts with some other stuff I can find online from my past bc I need to psychoanalyze myself and search for every little sign that something was Wrong that I didn't notice at the time. the internet being forever is a good thing for me rn because I threw out every single physical journal I had which makes me so sad bc I would've lovedddd to read my old cringey journals, not just to search for trauma signs but also for entertainment purposes </3
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chipistrate · 1 year ago
Is there something that says the animatronics are real in universe that I missed/forgot??
Yup! They are real.
The main plot of FNAF AR is that Fazbear Entertainment partnered with a company called "DLZ Shipping Solutions" to mass produce animatronic models, using recycled parts and chips from old animatronics as a reference. Those new models are then delivered to people who sign up to the Fazbear Funtime Rental Service, also known simply as the Fazbear Funtime Service. During the project, some vintage hardware caused a virus to appear in the system and make the animatronics go haywire.
This is all spelled out in the E-Mails you can receive. There's way too many to describe in detail, you can find them easily in the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Wiki if you're curious. I'll leave here some of the more notably quotes, showing how DLZ Shipping Solutions designed these new animatronic models (most of these are about Mangle because it just has the most detailed explanation lol):
As a callback to the classics, for a limited time only we are adding to the Eternal Package a recreation of the vintage "Mangle" animatronic!
I've been looking over those reports on the motility tests for the new model and I gotta say I'm a little disturbed. The original was purportedly able to move along the ceiling, and from what I'm seeing here, we're having issues getting our rebuilds to even move on level ground properly.
There's a huge difference between a new model based on the same bipedal chassis and one based on a... A spider? A tripod? The locomotion is completely different, which means the power needs are different, the hydraulic calibrations have to be completely redone, and the CPU has to be switched out for a newer one with a faster baud rate. And then on top of all that, we have to put together this "Controlled Disassembly" feature?
 I warned management that reproducing the more exotic endoskeletons would be a problem, and they decided to go ahead and put them on the schedule anyways. They're just going to have to live with the limitations of, you know, basic physics.
Toy Freddy is not safe to go out to the public. The interference happening with the upgraded facial recognition suite risks rendering all the safety functions on the users' handsets useless.
What do your people think, a computer controlled animatronic can somehow get into the holiday spirit and reprogram itself? It's just a machine controlled by a circuit board. It has to do what we tell it to and nothing more.
So, as you can tell from most of that, the animatronics in AR have to obey the laws of physics, have real endoskeletons that people have to put together, require hydraulic calibrations and real CPUs, and can be unsafe to the public. There's also an email mentioning how Springtrap smells but I don't have it on hand and I've already been writing this for way too long so Imma just leave that one for you to look for.
If we wanna include the scrapped emails, then there's also one talking about Bonnie EATING A STRAY CAT. Like, Bonnie, the robot, devouring a kitten whole. Again, I don't have it on hand so you're gonna have to find that yourself. Just thought it was worth mentioning.
I completely forgot about that last email you mentioned that was some wild whiplash LMAO
Thanks for the clarification though!! Guess my only question now is how Fazbear Entertainment keeps the cost of this kind of service manageable,,, They can create and ship hundreds of Springtraps to people houses, but having more than one Glamrock Freddy shell in case of emergency? Nahhhhhhhh who needs that
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yuneu · 3 months ago
Hey cutieee <3333 don't worry AT ALL about not answering right away. I had read that you were sick and I was waiting for you to get better before sending another ask anyway!!! I feel like I'm high and also miserably not functioning every time I'm sick, so I really REALLY understand that!!!
OMG your sister is not NOT right about Italians, you know LOL although this trick would work better in the south, or by the coast. Here's my advice that should cover pretty much all of us: talk coffee and wine!!!! LMAO
Ohhhhh I'm SOOOOO into poetry I love so so so many poets. One of my favorites has to be Mary Oliver. Cliché? Maybe. But I love her. And I also love Wislawa Szymborska. Some good ol' Italian Giacomo Leopardi is a sad, existential one I always recommend too LOL and another Italian one who recently passed away (😢) is Patrizia Cavalli. Love her poems a lot!!!! and I'm also soooooooo into symbolism. Baudelaire. Rimbaud. Verlaine. But mostly Baudelaire. And the romantics OMG love them too. Wordsworth, little darling of mine, take me on the coach with you while you cross the bridge and write the most beautiful poem ever thank you very much!!!! (You can tell I'm particularly into poetry, can't you? LOL) You talked about being the most basic bitch, but look at the basic bitch that I am!!!!!!!
Music and books >>>>> (and I would personally add movies, too. The Holy Trinity to me!!!!) That was an unfair question, I know. I apologize. You gave me artsy vibes too and I was curious about getting to explore this some farther!!!
Ooooh mirrorball, I relate. What you said, I relate to it!!!!!
OMG YOU CAN DRAW??????? 😭😭😭😭😭 CHARCOAL DRAWINGS??????? I *LOVE* THAT!!!!!! THIS IS SO COOL (I'm very much like Taylor when it comes to this, I'm very much *Stars. Do u like dem?* LOL)
I get that music-train thing. Cuz same LOL actually, living alone (well, not now cuz in back to my hometown for the holidays, but in general), I do listen to music A LOT. I listen to it when I cook, when I eat, when I clean my apartment, when I shower, when I do hobbies that don't involve sounds (I play instruments, I sing, I watch movies, I make silly little directing projects), such as crocheting or sewing or reading or embroidery or origami or some really fucked-up ugly painting cuz I'd feel the need to paint and then remember I'm really bad at it only midway and a full breakdown through it LOL
Anywayyyyy new questions:
First of all, are you feeling better? I really hope you are!!!! 🫶🫶🫶
Gonna go with some easier, faster this-or-that questions this time: tea or coffee? Sea or mountain? Sunflowers or roses? Tulips or chrysanthemums? Willow tree or cactus? Ice cream or popsicles? Sweet or salty breakfast? The Archer or Afterglow? Daylight or I forgot that you existed? 1989 vaults or fearless vaults? Red vaults or speak now vaults? Nail polish: yes or no? Folkmore photo shooting or midnights?
- Your Deer Santa 🦌🎅☃️
you know what i DO love talking about coffee… i shall try this on my milano trip 😙
i love that!!!!! i’ve been trying to read poetry in italian but my language aptitude is clearly not high enough because i just end up being so confused everytime 😭😭 oh baudelaire… such a fine poet. i’ve studied him so much in high school 😭 then it was verlaine they kept shoving down our throats again and again in my first year at uni lmaoo. my favorite work by baudelaire is definitely petits poèmes en prose (all hail the inventor of prose poetry). my literary love has been rimbaud since i was really young though! i have so many versions of his works, and i feel particularly close to him because my aunt lives where he grew up and wrote most of his poetry haha. my favorite poets altogether would probably be him, mallarmé and éluard. i got really into neruda and nicanor as well when i studied spanish literature. i feel like poetry is the one literary domain where you can’t be a basic bitch because there’s a reason the greats are so revered tbh
lmaoo i would say i can draw! everyone in my family is so talented when it comes to drawing so i’m nothing special lolol but i do love a good drawing! also i doubt you can’t draw! one of my professors who was a specialist of children’s literature always told us that most of the time when we think we can’t draw it’s because we can’t draw in a certain style (realism being the prime example). she digitalized a bunch of drawings that students who claimed they couldn’t draw did, added color, and it turned out it looked really good as illustrations for poetry books or kids’ books!
you play instruments and sing? that’s so cool!!! i’m so jealous!!! what do you play? what do you sing? 👀
1 - gradually getting better but yes!!! i still have a cough but i no longer feel like im on my death bed lmaoo
2 - tea or coffee (sorry italyyy)? Sea or mountain? Sunflowers or roses? Tulips or chrysanthemums? Willow tree or cactus? Ice cream or popsicles? Sweet or salty breakfast? The Archer or Afterglow? Daylight or I forgot that you existed? 1989 vaults or fearless vaults? Red vaults or speak now vaults? Nail polish: yes or no? Folkmore photo shooting or midnights?
these are such 👀👀 questions actually, what about you??? just realized i haven’t even asked you your favorite songs 😭😭 so tell me your favorites!!! hehe
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0creativity0 · 2 months ago
ACTUALLY HAVEN'T DONE THIS WAIT LMAO didn't even know these were a thing at all ok whatever let me uh let me do it thanks btw @realvicoba
PS : WAIT @sco1i tagged me too thank you too dawg I hadn't seen it jsksndonems
Last song : Ok so, I'm NOT proud of this but, I ought to be truthful. I get motion sickness which means I can't look at my phone on the bus or I'll throw up, yet I had to busy myself somehow while on my way back home, right, so I just listened to the entirety of Trapped in the Closet by R.Kelly, again (and I mean that, I know some of the tracks by rote). That doesn't really count as an answer to this question though, not in my book at least, so let's take into account what I listened to before that instead, which was Children's galop and entry of the parents from The Nutcracker. Don't know if that counts either though because it's just my alarm clock, so BEFORE THAT (😭) I listened to Forward Beckon Rebound by Adrianne Lenker.
Favorite color : Yellow, because I'm a free spirit. Seriously though I just love colors, all of them (except for gray, if that even counts) and had to pick one and the one that makes me happiest is yellow, so that's that.
Last book : Technically, L'ingénu by Voltaire, but it was something I read for class rather than for fun, so the last book I read for myself is called Les Nuées Livre 2 - Néro by Nathalie Bernard (frenchest french name), which I have not yet finished !
Last movie : Fall, or "The Big Tower" as me, my mother and sister have began calling it ever since we watched it, because we keep forgetting the actual name of the movie, even though it's the most simple and self explanatory, straightforward thing of all times. I also never watch movies so this was a while ago.
Last TV show : I've been watching Cunk on Britain, that's gotta count.
Sweet/savory/spicy : Anything BUT spicy, I have white girl taste buds. I also don't like eating, I think it's boring and overrated, so all of the options are sort of mid 😬
Last thing I searched online : "Movie with big tower" because I forgot the name of the movie again. Before this little game came to interfere with my search history though, my last search had been "Pokemon fish". I was looking for Bruxish whose name I needed to use as the punchline to a self deprecating joke.
Current obsession : Hunter x Hunter. Current is putting it kindly though. Past present and future obsession. I've been at it for years and it's not going anywhere anytime soon I fear. I need a therapist.
Looking forward to : Summer 🤞 I fucking hate cold weathers. Also getting my glasses because I can't see, and also the end of the semester so they quit shoving exam papers in my face left and right, but at the same time not because then that means less but more important exam papers will be near.
I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm too much of a pussy and this will keep circulating anyway since I wasn't the only person tagged before which means I'm fine and I'm not ruining no fun.
10 People I'd Like to Know Better
Thanks for the tags @gaiaseyes451 and @beerok23!💜!💜
last song: Gloria by the Lumineers
favourite colour: Red, like a deep luscious red that you know would taste good if you licked it. Don't act innocent, you know exactly what I mean by that. Red is a color that you just know tastes good.
last book: I am currently trying to read the Witcher series (per @lickthecowhappy's suggestion) so I am at the start of the Last Wish
last movie: Moana 2 (I have young kidsssss)
last TV show: My oldest is almost 10 which means she stays up late. Which also means I have so little time to watch adult things. So we've been watching the Office with her. I think I want to watch the Good Place with her next tho (I've never watched it!)
sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet followed very, very closely by spicy. Habanero maple syrup is one of my favorite things on the planet.
last thing i searched online: How to explain a 10 year career hiatus in a cover letter (looking to return to work since having kids. It's been an interesting experience so far).
current obsession: Have not moved on from Good Omens, but recently realized that my obsession may be more in my own little connected universe of fics that I wrote rather than the actual canon at this point😳. I'm sure once we get that first glimpse of red and white hair that will change very quickly.
looking forward to: Going back to work and having a more established adult life again, honestly. I've been so lucky to be home with my kids while they are young, but I am ready. And figuring out how my newfound passion for writing is going to fit into that new life of mine. Another big year of change over here for me, and I am eagerly looking forward to how the growing pains are going to make way for something beautiful beyond.
ten people i’d like to know better:
@addledmongoose, @di-42, @afrenchwriter, @haemey, @eybefioro, @alwaystuesday, @katspause, @alphacentaurinebula, @shadesofecclescakes, @ochre-sunflower and whoever wants to do it (but also feel free to ignore!)
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stillstuckin2000spunkrock · 2 years ago
Smitten Kitten (Lev Haiba x female!reader)
I think I’m going to post some of my old stories from a year or 2 ago. This one always stuck out to me because it was one of my more detailed stories. I believe I write this in about 4 days maybe? Anyway I know there’s not a lot of Lev Haiba fanfic out there so I thought I’d post it! Sorry if it’s terrible in advance lmao <3
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The final bell rang, signaling that class was done for the day. You scooped up your books and started to pack them away in your backpack, when you felt a small tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see a guy with spiky black hair, who looked like he just rolled out of bed. You stifled a giggle at how ridiculous he looked, “Can I help you?” You calmly asked him. “You’re a second year, right?” He asked. You sighed, you got this all the time. “Yes I’m a second year, and I’m in more advanced classes for my age.” You rolled your eyes and started to leave. “Wait! I was just wondering because we have a new member on the volleyball team who’s a second year and he needs a tutor.” You turned to face him “Why are you telling ME this?” The man sighed and rubbed the back of his head “Well, if he can’t get his grades up then he’s kicked off the team, and he’s part of Nekoma’s starting lineup so....I was wondering if you could tutor him?” You thought to yourself. You could use the extra cash to save up for that cosplay you wanted...”How much will I get paid?” You asked. “He’s loaded, so probably a decent amount.” The guy shrugged. “His name?” “Lev Haiba.” He replied. “Meet me in the gymnasium after school. You can meet him then. If they question you tell them Kuroo sent you. I’m the captain of the team so that should earn you entryway into the gym.” You nodded. With that the man (now known as Kuroo) gave you a wave and walked out of the classroom.
Later that day after all your classes were finished you headed over to the gym. You felt out of place walking through the building when school was out. The closer you got to the gymnasium the louder the squeaking of the shoes became. You slowly peaked around the door. Inside was a bunch of boys playing volleyball. They must be the school’s volleyball team. You never really paid attention to the sports world at school. I mean occasionally you would hear how someone got injured, but that was about it. “Oi! Katey! We’re over hear!” You glanced over to see Kuroo yelling across the gym to you. Does he have to be so loud? You walked over to him. You could feel peoples eyes all over you. “Woah! Who’s this babe?!” Some guy with a buzz cut yelled. You ignored him and pressed on towards Kuroo. “Hey, you came! I thought you weren’t gonna show.” Kuroo said. “Well I’m here. Where’s Lev?” “LEV GET OVER HERE!” Kuroo yelled. You winced at how loud his voice projected throughout the gym. You noticed a very tall, lanky boy make his way over to you two. “Y/n, this is Lev.” Kuroo said, introducing you to each other. “Oh! You must be my tutor!” Lev said. “Umm yeah.” You replied. You were a little shaken with his height. He was practically a giant! “Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself! I’m Lev Haiba!” He blushed, extending his hand out for you to shake. You took his hand and shook it “I’m Y/n Y/L/n.” “It’s nice to meet you! So, do you think you can help me?” He seemed nice enough..a little goofy though. “Of course.” You replied, nodding your head. “Great!” Lev cheered. “Do wanna meet at my place tomorrow night?” Lev asked. “I’d have to discuss it with my parents, but I’m sure it’s alright.” “Great! Can I put my number in your phone? That way you have my address?” “Oh sure!” You said, giving him your phone. You both swapped each other’s numbers. “Well, I should let you resume practice. Bye!” You said, Turing around and waving. “Thanks again!” Kuroo replied. “Byeee Y/n!” Lev yelled. You smiled to yourself, Lev seemed sweet..
The next day after you had finished eating dinner with your family, you headed over to Lev’s house. His house was close enough that you could ride your bike and get there in 10 minutes. When you rode up to the house you thought there had been some mistake. This house was GIGANTIC! You then recalled that Monday Kuroo had said that Lev’s family was rich. “If only I had worn nicer clothes..” you mumbled to yourself, looking down at your favorite sweater with disdain. Realizing it was too late to change now, you made your way through the wrought iron gates and up the smooth cobblestone driveway. You felt a little intimidated by the large mansion looming infront of you. With a deep breath you rung the doorbell. A few moments later you could hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opened and there stood a girl who looked around 20, and was very dressed up. “Oh Lev! Your girlfriends here!” She yelled, while beckoning you inside the doorway. You blushed at her choice of words “I’m..uh..not his girlfriend.” You chuckled nervously. Before she could reply you saw Lev bounding down a set of stairs. “Oh, hey Y/n!”Lev said. He then turned to who you assumed was his sister “And she’s not my girlfriend, Y/n’s just here to help me study.” You didn’t know why but you felt your heart drop when he said that you weren’t his girlfriend, like it was merely a question of the weather. It’s not like you cared, obviously you had just met the man. But the way he almost seemed disgusted by that idea kind of stung. His sister rolled her eyes, and walked away. “Sorry about my sister..” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Oh no, it’s fine.” You said. “So uhh nice place.” You said, surveying your surroundings. “Heh, thanks.” He blushed. “So uhh.. wanna go get started?” You asked. “Oh! Yeah right. Duh!” Lev said, playfully hitting himself on the head. “Follow me!” He said, leading you to the staircase. Wait! Were you gonna go IN his room!? He continued leading you up the rather large flight of stairs, and down a corridor till you stopped at a door at the end of the hall. “This is my room.” He said opening the door for you.
When you stepped inside Lev’s room, you noticed a lot of sports posters, books, trinkets, and a cat tower. “Do you have a cat?” You asked, nodding towards the tower. “Oh yeah! We have 4 actually, but the house is really big so they can be hard to spot sometimes.” You giggled. Lev smiled at you “You can have a seat on my bed.” He said walking over to sit on his bed. His BED!? Oooo boy... Every cliche Wattpad story you ever read racing through your mind. You cautiously took a seat at the edge of his bed, and opened up your backpack unloading your stuff on the bed. “Can you get out your last math assignment please?” You asked. Lev nodded and reached for a very crinkled sheet of paper. Oh boy. This was gonna be IMPOSSIBLE. You took the paper from him, and uncrumpled it the best you could. “Really?” You laughed, as you attempted to smooth it out on your textbook. Lev laughed and said “I know I’m not the neatest. You can probably see why I need a tutor!” Once you had finally made the paper readable again you started helping Lev. Turns out he was really bad at math. His score was horrible, he was a doodler, his notes were just chicken scratch, and he had a hard time concentrating. Somehow, you managed to get through the study session without losing your patience. When it was about 8:00 you and Lev had finished. “Do you understand it now?” You asked. “Kind of. But not really..” He awkwardly chuckled. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Yeah well keep practicing.” You gathered up your things, and Lev led you back downstairs to the front door. “I actually kind of enjoyed math tonight.” Lev said, smiling his goofy grin. You laughed “Well I’m glad you did!” “Hey, I have volleyball practice tomorrow, but do you think you could come over on Thursday to help me prep for the test?” You actually enjoyed yourself tonight, and you liked spending time with Lev. “Sure!” You said. “Great thanks! Bye Y/n!” He said, as you walked down the front porch steps. You turned and waved. As you made it back home safe, you saw your phone light up. It was a text message from Lev:
LEV: Goodnight, Y/n ;)
You blushed and giggled to yourself.
ME: Goodnight Lev :)
You didn’t see Lev throughout the week, so by Thursday you were excited to see him again. When you rang the doorbell Lev answered it this time. “Hi Y/n! Come on in!” You smiled and squeezed past him into the house. “How was practice yesterday?” You asked, placing your shoes on the rack. “It was alright, Kuroo wouldn’t let up on my serves though.” He said, frustratedly. You gave him a sympathetic smile “Sorry about that.” He cheered right up “It’s fine! Let’s go to my room.” You once again followed Lev up the stairway, and to his bedroom. “Oh! I have a surprise for you!” Lev said, stopping right in front of his door. “What is it..?” You asked cautiously. Lev grinned “Don’t worry it’s a good surprise!” “If you say so..” You teased. When Lev let you inside his room you didn’t notice anything peculiar or out of order. “What is it?” You asked. “Over here!” Lev said. You turned to see Lev in the corner of his room kneeling over a basket of...KITTENS!? You rushed over “Awww! Their adorable!” You gushed. “Yeah, one of my cats gave birth a week ago.” Lev explained. He then scooped a little white kitten with brown spots, and set it in your arms. “Awww!” You whispered, cradling the kitty in your arms. Lev chuckled, and rubbed the kittie’s head. “Y’know we can’t keep ‘em all..do you want one?” Lev asked nervously. “Really!?” You asked, excitement flowing throughout your body. “Yeah! If your parents say it’s cool you can pick one out now and take it home in 2 weeks!” He explained. “I’ve always wanted a cat!” You said, snuggling the little kitten closer. “I can take a picture on your phone so you can show your parents?” Lev said. “That’s a great idea! Here.” You said, handing him your phone. Lev took the picture, and you sent it to your parents, who agreed if you paid for it with your own money. “They said yes!” You cheered. Lev laughed “Alright, how about we play with them for a bit, and you can pick out which one you would like?” Lev suggested. “That’s a great idea!” 
You and Lev were having a fun time playing with the kittens. You were about to pick up a feisty orange tabby cat, when a sharp pain jolted through your leg. “Owww!” You exclaimed. “What’s wrong?!” Lev asked, all panicky. “Calm down. It’s just a scratch.” You said, setting the cat down so you could inspect your wound. Sure enough, there on your calf was a deep scratch. “Do you have any bandaids?” You asked, covering the scratch so it wouldn’t bleed all over. “Oh yeah! Follow me.” Lev said, getting up and walking towards a door on the far side of his room. He opened the door and inside was a small bathroom. All of a sudden Lev picked you up by your waist and set you on the counter, then went back to digging for bandages. He did it so casually, while your heart beat quickened a bit at his actions. “We only have actually bandage wraps..so can I..?” He trailed off. You realized that he meant that he had to wrap the bandages on for you. “Oh! Yeah, of course.” You blushed a little. Lev slowly took your leg and carefully pressed a cotton ball on the wound to weaken the blood flow. Your skin grew hot where he touched it. You let out a little hiss when he pressed a little to firmly. “Sorry, I know this stings.” He said, removing the cotton ball and picking up the bandage wrap. He cautiously started to wrap your leg up. You were surprised at how gentle he was being, after all Lev could be a little clumsy at times. When he finished wrapping the bandages around your leg, he leaned down and planted a quick kiss on your knee. Then, as if realizing what he just did, he quickly blushed and chuckled nervously saying “Sorry! Our mom did that to me and my sister when we were kids!” You cold feel your face flush about 20 different shades of red and pink. “No.. it’s okay. It was really sweet actually..” You whispered the last part. You looked up and locked eyes with Lev’s emerald ones. You both stared into each other’s eyes before you cleared your throat and said “Well, uh we should probably get some studying in!” Lev cleared his throat to “Oh yeah! Right. I wanted to show you my score on the homework today.” Lev awkwardly helped you off the countertop, and you both headed back to his bed to work.
You deadpanned when Lev showed you his “good” score on the math homework. “I wouldn’t call this good, but it’s an improvement I guess.” You laughed. Unlike yesterday, this study session was filled with awkward silences. Was it because of the almost kiss? “Hey Y/n?” Lev asked, breaking your train of thought. “Huh? Yeah?” You blushed at your awkwardness. “What do you think is a good goal for me to get on this test tomorrow?” He asked. “Hmmm...” you pondered that for a moment. “I would say at least an 85%.” Lev nodded his head in agreement. “So if I get an 85% or higher, can you come to my game Friday afternoon?” He wanted YOU to watch him play?! “I think that’s a good plan!” You smiled warmly. Lev grinned back that goofy smile that you loved. “It’s 9:30, I should be heading home.” You said, loading up your book bag. Lev helped you gather your things, and walked you downstairs. Just as you had finished saying goodbye, and were walking out the door, you turned around “Oh, and I thought about what kitten I wanted.” You smiled. Lev grinned “Which one?” “That feisty orange tabby.” You laughed. Lev chuckled “It’s a deal!” He said. Then you rode into the night, back home to your own house.
The next day you couldn’t help but hope that Lev passed his test. After lunch when you were exiting the cafeteria, you heard someone yelling your name. You turned to see a tall guy with silver hair, approaching you. It was Lev! You could tell because he was 2 feet taller then the crowd. “Hey! I passed!” Lev yelled, excitedly. “What?! No way! Let me see the paper.” You said, holding your hand out. Lev reached into his book bag and pulled out a piece of paper. You looked at it. Sure enough, there on his paper in red ink was a 89%. “Great job Lev!” You squealed, giving him a high five. He grinned from ear to ear. “So I guess that means your coming to my game, right?” Lev said, rather smugly. You snorted “Don’t get a big head.” You joked, flicking him on the forehead. “Ouch.. Y/n!” He whined. “Speaking of pain, how is your leg?” You instantly blushed remembering the kiss. “O-oh it’s better! How’s my kitty?” You asked. “That’s good news! And your kittens doing great. You should pick out a name!” Lev replied. You thought about it for a moment “Hmm.. what about Tigger!” Lev chuckled “Haha, that’s cute!” “So you like it..?” “It’s perfect.” He smiled. The bell rang. “Oh I’ve gotta get to class! My game is at 3:00 in the gym!” Lev said, rushing off. “Got it!” You called after him. You giggled to yourself at how scatter brained he could be.
At around 2:45 you entered the gymnasium. The bleachers were filled with people. Most of them wearing your school’s team colors, red and black. As you walked across the gym to an open seat, you saw Lev setting up the net. “What a great view..” you sighed contentedly, staring at his thighs. Just then he turned and caught your eye. He smiled and waved. You face grew hot, and you nervously waved back. You felt like the entire gym was staring at you as you made your way to a seat. 
The game was tied. If Nekoma could make this final score they could win! The whistle blew, Nekoma was switching a player in. But who? You peered over the person in front of you to see. It was..LEV!? You knew Lev didn’t do great under pressure, so why would they send him in? It was up to Lev to win the game for Nekoma. You found yourself cheering “I BELIEVE IN YOU LEV!” You blushed when the people sitting next to you gave you some dirty looks. Oops! You held your breath as Lev was getting ready to set. It was too much pressure even for you! You squeezed your eyes shut, and crossed your fingers. A moment later the whistle blew, and you could hear the announcer saying “The game goes to Nekoma!” You opened your eyes to see the crowd going wild, and the team high-fiving one another. Joy rushed through your veins, as you jumped off the bleachers and ran to Lev. Before you could even stop running, Lev scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. “You did it!” You squealed. “I know! I can’t believe it!” He replied. Just then Kuroo came by informing Lev that they had to get their stuff from the locker room. “Oh, sorry Y/n! I have to go. Can you maybe meet me outside in 10 minutes?” Lev asked, getting ready to run. “Yeah, of course.” You said. “Thanks!” He replied, bolting off. You wondered what he wanted to speak with you about...Honestly you were a little surprised that he had won. Lev could be clumsy and a little headstrong at times, but I guess when it matters he really pulls through. 
You were leaning against the cobblestone wall, waiting for Lev. It had been 15 minutes and he still wasn’t ready yet. Just then you heard the sounds of someone’s feet slapping on the concrete. “Hey!” Lev said, a little out of breath. “Did you run a marathon in those 15 minutes?” You asked, laughing. Lev smiled “Ha.Ha. Very funny. So uhh wanna go for a walk?” He asked nervously. What was going on? Why was he so nervous? “Sure.” You replied. You guys started walking. “So...you were amazing out there!” You said, smiling up at him. “Heh, thanks!” Lev said, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. “Y/n..I uhh..it was because of you.” “Because of me?” You questioned, very confused. “Yeah. I was worried but when you said you believed in me..I wasn’t anymore...Y/n I like you! And I was wondering if you wanted to maybe...go to the dance with me tomorrow?!” Lev blurted out nervously. You froze. Did he just say...? “Lev..I.. I like you too. I have since I met you actually..” You blushed, looking away. “And about that dance? I would love to go.” You said, smiling back at him. “Oh great! I was scared there..” Lev ranted. You giggled, and leaned into Lev as he put his arm around your shoulders. He walked you home that night. Just when you were climbing into bed, your phone chimed. It was a message from your now BOYFRIEND Lev:
LEV❤️: Hey, thanks again. I’ll meet you outside the school tomorrow. Goodnight! Sleep well!😘
ME: Can’t wait! I love you too!💖
The next night when your parents dropped you off at the school dance, you were nervous. What if Lev had changed his mind? What if he thought your dress was ugly? Just then you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You spun around to see Lev. “Wow..you look really beautiful!” He said. “I..uhh..thanks!” You giggled. “I like your tie.” You said, nodding towards his satin tie. “Oh! Thanks!” He said. “Are you ready?” He asked, taking your hand and kissing it. Your face flushed, and you nodded. Slowly Lev led you into the gymnasium, which was now turned into a ballroom. You had a fun time talking to his friends, and doing goofy dances to silly songs. The night was almost over when a slow song started playing. Lev looked at you, and grinned. You blushed. “Y/n? Can I ask you to dance with me?” Lev asked all dramatically, getting down on one knee. You smiled “Yes you may.” With that Lev wrapped his arms around your waist, as you attempted to reach
his shoulders the best you could. “Can you reach?” Lev chuckled, mocking your height. “In all honesty, not really!” You laughed. “Guess I’ll just have to do this..” Lev said, slowly leaning down towards you. You froze. Was he gonna KISS you?! You felt his lips meet yours, and your tongues collided. They danced around, exploring each cavern to behold.  And you and Lev spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing. That night was one of the best nights of your life. Why? Because it was the first time you kissed your husband.
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4dtk · 3 years ago
hello, i hope you’re doing well! can I request holding hands 13, hugs 34, kiss 7 & 31, and touching 38 with johnny? the plot could revolve them finally deciding that it’s time they’re ready to try for kids since they just moved into a new place! thank you <
got carried away. enjoy LMAO
hand-holding, 13: linking hands together during sex
hugs, 34: hugging while grabbing butt
kisses, 7 & 31: passionate kisses, gentle stroking of cheeks
touching, 38: stroking their leg
warnings/tags: dom!johnny, sub!reader, fem!reader, breeding/impregnation kink, daddy kink, brief cockwarming, cunnilingus/oral (f receiving), fingering, missionary, mating press, vaginal penetration
"how’d you like the place, mrs. suh?" you can’t help but let out a smile at the honorific, leaning into his side at the stunning place you’d manage to get. taking inspiration from pinterest, the array of options for you was blinding, but soon you settled on a style that you could both agree on along with the carefully crafted furnishings you’ve chosen.
"it’s so sexy," you whisper with a laugh, looking around at the pristine kitchen counters and overhead lighting. you’re saying it half as invitation, and you smile knowingly when johnny turns it around to compliment you.
"ya know what else is sexy?" rolling your eyes, you turn to face him to see a lazy smirk stretch across his face. johnny says nothing more and leans in gently, taking your lips with his in a sensual kiss that shows no matter how cheeky he is with you, the love that’s gotten him wrapped around your finger is undeniably unconditional. in a way, it was literal, too where the silver band wraps around your fourth finger as a reminder of your shared love.
your husband pulls away just for a second, "for how many times i’ve came in you, i was sure i would’ve knocked you up by now." johnny has the pleasure to witness the malfunction of your brain, unable to form any words at the casual sentence he drops about fucking impregnating you. he coos and lets out a giggle when you try to pull away from him in embarrassment.
"you-! you’re really not shy saying those kinds of things?!" playfully you push him away, ignoring the turn in your stomach when he had murmured with a low voice. his apology came in the form of kisses along your forehead right up to your lips where you melt once again into his chilling embrace, fingertips as cold as the arctic while his body emanated warmth. you never understood his body temperature, but you couldn’t care much when his touches leave traces of electricity along your skin.
johnny walks you back, feeling around for the kitchen counter that he accidentally bumps you against. with a muttered apology said in haste, your lover captures your lips with his even more hungrily, using the strength in him to prop you up onto the counter. reluctantly, he pulls away again.
"aren’t you an eager one?" his hand strokes the legs that accommodate him, spread to hold him as close to you while his forehead rests on yours.
"how can i not? you’re so tempting without even knowing it…"
you sigh affectionately, "is it also as tempting as kids running around in our new house?"
johnny jerks back in surprise. "you… you want to try, now?"
with a hesitant smile, you reply, "i mean, why not?" you’re afraid you’ve said the wrong thing when johnny’s surprised look doesn’t let up, but soon you’re met with his contagious laugh, looking at you like you were the only thing to exist in his world. his heart’s never felt so warm before looking at you as it does right now and he has to hold himself back from taking you then and there.
"now who’s the eager one?"
you fail to shove him away, a grin plastered on your face as your cheeks flare up completely now, "bitch, you were the one who made the lewd joke!"
"it was a fact," you roll your eyes for the second time that night, pulling him in anyway to smash your lips with his. you're needy, unable to keep your hands off of him even when your skin is stinging from the cold temperature of the marble counters. johnny groans softly into your mouth, pushing onto your hips more and more to feel any form of friction with you.
he picks you off the counters effortlessly with a tight arm wound around your middle and lazy pecks placed onto your neck.
"do you think we'll get a noise complaint tomorrow?"
pursing your lips and shrugging was your answer, impatient with the countless questions and quips johnny liked to do during your sessions. "okay, okay, i'll shut up." johnny knows you like the back of his hand. it's an obvious feat, certainly, since you decided to say yes to his private proposal on the top of an observatory. under the stars, where they had given their blessing.
johnny knows you like the back of his hand in that way, too. and you forgot how fucking skilful he could be when duty calls.
you find your brows furrowed and your hand clutching onto the sheets for dear life while johnny's tongue relentlessly flicks against your clit. he eats like it's his last meal, both hands holding your thighs open. the warmth of his tongue makes you shiver, already feeling your slick leaking in between your cheeks.
obscene noises bounce off the walls of the new place, sheets already messy from your constant thrashing although everything else — the cupboards, the bedside table, the vanity — looked untouched. at least now you know this innerspring mattress was a good choice.
"you- fuck, johnny!" your moans only fuel your lover more, who settles into a more comfortable position, suctioning your bud into his mouth. your body twitches so much that you can feel the tightening of his grasp on your thighs, stilling you into a thrilling sensation of oversensitivity even before he's got himself buried in you.
"argh- fuck, fuuuck, mhnh-!" johnny swears his eyes roll back at the way you groan out multiple please's, which merges with the whimpers for him to go faster and deeper just as he sticks a finger in. your cunt clasps around the digit easily, mouth now speechless from how deep he reaches into you. "oh my god, j-johnny!"
johnny slips in a second finger, and a second later, a third which you easily welcome with your sopping pussy. he pumps all three into you at an agonisingly slow pace, half focusing on the lewd noises coming from below him and half licking up the arousal that lingers around his lips.
the hooded lids of his eyes stare up at you like prey, lowering his tongue back onto your clit. the combination makes you unravel, little mewls escaping your lips that contribute to the heat of the room.
"johnny- please fuck- please- can you fuck me now? c-can't-"
he shuts you up by sucking harder, causing your thighs to close in around his head. your pleas is not lost to him, but you're more focused now on chasing your high selfishly with how fucking good he's working his tongue despite the slow speed of his fingers.
"impatient." lick. "little." lick. "bitch." lick. he's loving every second where he doesn't give into you. "plus, you're gonna have to do more than that, honey."
"i-i need your cock, please, johnny!"
tut tut. "wrong name, baby." you whimper when his fingers slowly slip out, teasing your gummy walls by rubbing at your hole. you hardly can form any words, but you try your best anyway.
"c-cock, daddy- want your cock so fucking bad-"
sinking further into the delirious feeling of pleasure, you're willing to let go of any dignity just to have him deep in you, shooting loads and loads of his seed where there's no room for you to not get pregnant. "ah- d-daddy, please- i need your cock to split me open!"
"n-need your cum." the fingers halt, johnny's eyes are filled with you splitting your legs wider and wider. your hole is begging for him, clenching around nothing as it leaks more and more.
he hardly can contain his excitement, pants shimmied down to reveal his tight boxers. it's straining against his already hardened length, and he sighs in relief when he finally pulls the last remaining fabric down showing his tip that's angrily red, aching to be in you just by a few pumps of his hand. "all for you, pretty girl."
the name elicits a bashful smile from you, "need a suck, daddy?"
johnny caresses your sensitive sex gently, "'s okay, just wanna be deep in you. ain't that right, babygirl?"
you can taste him on your lips as he kisses you softly, a hand reaching up to stroke your cheek with a ghost of a touch. his eyes soften just a little before he nudges it into you, playing with your cunt just a little that deliciously clasps around the intrusion. a long groan leaves his lips when he finally gets deep into you, bottoming out in no time. smoothly, he slips an arm around your waist, supporting your arching back that grinds to feel more of him.
"that's right, baby, just like that. moan for me." his thrusts start out slow and you want to cum just from those few movements, his shaft brushing up against your walls so obscenely. your moans are like music to him, lips occasionally lingering at his ears where your repeated calls of daddy, daddy makes his thighs shake and his hips stutter.
you're certain you're drooling by now, trapping the man with your legs. his hips move quicker now, muttering praises that has your pussy fluttering around him and arms curling more around his neck. the line blurs more and more and all that's residing in your head is how good he feels in you paired with the wet pap, pap, pap of his hips meeting your cunt. gradually, the knot deep in your tummy tights like a coil, aching for release.
"god! j-johnny... you're so fucking deeep... hah-" with a tongue lolled out, you can only mumble short sentences, sometimes choked out in a sad attempt to call out to your lover. "ah- i am, a-aren't i? can't wait to- fuck- pump you full of my cum. want you filled to the brim, you'd like that, yeah?"
like a broken record, there's a chorus of yes's that leave you, at the thought of seeing your pussy struggling to take the many loads of johnny's seed as you whine and thrash at the way he'd push it back into you. and that's exactly what he plans to do.
he grunts when you tighten around him, jerking and transitioning into shorter, quicker strokes, desperate for release until he finally bursts. head buried in your neck, hot breaths littering your skin. you're not far behind, toes curling at the immense pleasure you're experiencing that when it comes, you shiver at the way you come undone, relishing in the way johnny spurts the warm liquid into you.
you're left to rest for a minute, his cock still buried in you. he can't get enough of you, he can never get enough of you. that's why he finds himself fucking into you again, the amount of rest not doing much for your sensitive body. it overwhelms you so much that you can't help but let your wanton moans fill the room, riddled with not a single thought.
"you feel so good around me, baby." johnny takes your legs, lifting them up from the previous missionary position. his cock delves deeper the same time he presses them into your chest, eliciting a shameless cry from you, begging him to move. "just to be certain, hm? gotta be sure that you're full of my cum — so i'd have the pleasure of seeing your belly swell up with my baby, your boobs full with milk."
"plus, i'm gonna need to be sure that i'm gonna become a daddy." using an arm to hold your legs down, the free hand grasps onto yours that's holding onto the headboard. he misses the first time, but catches your fingers in time with his thrusts.
"daddy... hah- please, you're filling me up so g-- so good!"
johnny groans, impaling you with his dick with a speed faster by the thousands compared to the previous round. with your legs tucked snugly to your chest, you can do nothing but plead with your eyes for any sort of relief.
"cum- cumming! cumming! jo- johnnyyy..." with a scream of his name, you're gushing around his length, head making a terrible indent into the softness of your pillows. your mouth grows lax, drool leaking from all sides of your mouth before the other's thrusts falter bit by bit. you take his cock to the hilt, balls twitching from releasing into you.
"fuck, baby, take it- take all of it in your pussy." he shoots another load deep into your cunt and you feel sticky all of a sudden, coming down from the intense high of the dizzying state you were always put in whenever johnny was in you. with a kiss to your twined hands, johnny murmurs out i love you to your fingers, planting another kiss on the silver ring that you donned.
weakly, you reply. "love you too, so much." although, you're confused when the other doesn't pull out.
"it's a plug. so i don't have to worry about you not getting a positive on that pregnancy test." you giggle at that. giving into him even when your legs return to their natural state. tenderly, johnny manoeuvres you onto your side, his still hard length resting in you and his hands move to your ass, squeezing it that makes you squeal softly. "it's a win-win. i get a baby, and you won't have to clean the sheets."
"oh my god," your words are littered with laughter, exchanging small talk with the slowly darkening sky with the promise of a little one and a lifetime with johnny suh, the man who'd given you the stars and the moon if you'd asked.
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clouds-rambles · 4 years ago
hi could i request something for diluc, xiao, and maybe zhongli with an adhd s/o? if you're not comfy writing that dw tho!! also i wanna say you're my absolute favorite genshin writer, i love how you capture the characters' personalities. i get so excited whenever i see you've posted something kjzhjfhx ily
Lol basing this off my own experiences lmao so if you see some dyslexia related stuff don’t mind it lmaoo </3
I hope these are okay ^^;;
Find my favourite of the three challenge
Pairings; (Seperate) Diluc, Xiao, and Zhongli x reader
Keep reading under the cut!
Telling Diluc that you have ADHD is kind of an experience because he has no idea what it is and you’re horrific with explaining things with big words so the both of you end up giving up and seeing how everything goes.
Though after your bad explanation he starts noticing things that you do that you mention are linked with ADHD, the way you keep losing things about the house just for Diluc to find them on top of the kitchen counter not 5 minutes later.
When your brain cannot physically comprehend the block of text in paperwork you were just given to look at you go to Diluc so he can give you a summary about it then go about whatever is needed on the paper. Diluc tries to avoid giving you large chunks of text to read regarding his business, but alas, sometimes it’s completely unavoidable so he’s more than happy to help in situations like that.
Diluc loves it when you talk about your day and you end up on three different tangents which will never bring you back to the original point. He likes hearing you tell stories about your day, a smile never leaves his face when you do.
If you have something that your hyperfixated on Diluc likes asking questions about it just to see your eyes light up and rant about your current favourite thing.
Diluc also likes to pull strings to maybe get an early copy of your favourite book, or get the sword design you’ve been working on get forged just to see how happy you get.
You never actually tell Xiao you have ADHD, more he just notices things that mortals don’t really tend to do. Though it does take a while for him to notice these things thanks to his distinct lack of communication to mortals in general.
So to start with Xiao just presumes that all mortals just have a lack of object permeance. He finds it a little amusing to watch you look about his room at Wangshu to look for the one thing that’s most definitely in his line of sight. Though if you’re looking forever Xiao will give you a hand.
Xiao isn’t much of a talker, he prefers it when you talk to him. So if that means asking you about your interests and such just to get you to ramble about your favourite thing, so be it. He’ll even try to remember some of the things he mentioned just to see the way your eyes light up when he mentions it to you and you explain about it more.
Xiao will never admit it but yes, he does actually get very interested in whatever you’re interested about and may even ask to borrow the media that your interest is from to see it himself. The way you get extra exited when he mentions that is just a bonus to him.
If you ask Xiao to read a big block of text for you he’ll question as to why you need him to read such a thing, you’ll just reply with “It’s hard for me to comprehend big walls of text, it all jumbles up and I get lost on the page”. He doesn’t ask after the first few times, mainly because her forgot the first three or so times.
But, in the end Xiao is more than happy to read the walls of text for you, even if he doesn’t understand the context.
If you have a comfort food Xiao more than understands considering he eats a lot of Tofu when his karmic debt is weighing on his shoulder, and he finds comfort in it normally anyways. Xiao will make sure there’s always at least a portion or two of your favourite food in stock at Wangshu Inn because he knows the feeling of not finding the food he wants when he’s feeling down and overstimulated by everything existing around him.
If you’re easy to overstimulate in social environments Xiao can more than sympathise so if you prefer to eat a picnic in the wilds with him he’s ecstatic to comply. The moment you mention needing to go into town for stuff he always has to end the day off alone just for the fresh air.
The first time you mention having ADHD to Zhongli he nods claiming that it makes some of the things you do make sense. So, thankfully you don’t have to expose him to horrifically worded explanations like Diluc had to endure.
Zhongli has much the opposite of you lack of object permanence. And such Zhongli can easily help you find things you’ve misplaced, be it your keys. Or the fact your pouring yourself a second cup of tea because you simply forgot about the other one you just put down on the side.
Having an ongoing interest in history always works out with great conversations with Zhongli. You might mention something that you remember reading about in a history book and Zhongli is right there to expand your knowledge on the subject. You learn some cool new history facts and Zhongli gets to talk about something he’s incredibly well versed in
While Zhongli can’t entirely sympathise with comfort foods and food fixations he can however supply the foods you like so you are more comfortable. Zhongli tends to read your emotions, so when it comes to making dinner he always knows when you want your comfort food. If the day has already made you upset enough you might just cry at the gesture of Zhongli reading your mind.
Seeing as Zhongli enjoys reading pretty much anything, if you’re dumped with paperwork for whatever reason by the Adventurers Guild Zhongli is more than happy to read through them for you and summarise the papers for you before you sign it. What an angel <33
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ranhaitanisgf · 4 years ago
❝ three answers ❞ jyugo
[𖤐] it's 4am rn what did i just write....sorry about that LMAO if you want someone to blame blame sammy their the one who started all this. its all her fault. blame. them. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, i hope you guys enjoy this all the same, for my nonexistent nanbaka fans <333
[𖤐] this does contain a mention or a pretty major manga spoiler, so read with caution!!
❧ masterlist
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jyugo has never been one to want anything; it’s a fact that deep down, he’s always known. it was never something that bothered him too much, (maybe because he never wanted to think about it) and so he never really took the time to ask himself, ‘what do i want?’.
he answered this question for the first time when he almost lost everything he didn’t even know he wanted.
even when it was all dangling right in front of his face, even when he was about to lose the one thing he had wanted, his thoughts were still jumbled with confused thoughts and questions that didn’t clear up until he saw his chance walking away. his chance. a chance. i want…
“please!! give me a chance!!”
“...took you long enough…”
in that moment, when his number plate clanked against the stone floor, he suddenly knew how it felt to have the most important thing to oneself be almost taken away. in that moment, when he was given a chance, he swore that he would never let it happen again; that he would never let anything important to him be in danger, he never wants to lose the people close to him. he doesn’t want to be the monster that he was in the past, so he’s decided that he’ll do everything he can to protect the people he could never stand to lose.
the second time he answered this question is when he fell in love.
this feeling makes him feel like every other emotion he’s ever felt was fake; they all paled in comparison to this sensation. he still isn’t able to decide whether it’s a good or a bad thing, hell, he doesn’t even know what he should do with this feeling in the first place, (should he tell you? how does he handle it? it’s times like these when he wishes he knew his parents.).
he has never needed anything so badly that he would be willing to do anything to have it, that he would reach out for it so desperately that he forgets everything around him. he never thought that he would be able to experience such a vivid emotion such as this, and now that he’s feeling it, it almost feels like an amazing ride that he never wants to get off of.
i mean, how could he not fall in love with you? everything about you was just...amazing, (he wishes that there was a better word to describe you, but he doesn’t think there’s any words he knows that would be enough to do so). you had the kindest soul he had ever seen, always there for others and putting other people’s needs above your own, (he thinks you should worry more about yourself). he admired everything about you, and yet, what was holding him back? why would he avoid your gaze whenever you would glance over at him?
you can’t have them, you know that. you’re a monster.
oh, that’s right.
he almost forgot about it for a moment there, but how could he? the little voice in the back of his head was there to help him remember it; that little voice that sounded exactly like him, (he said that he would be able to control the elf inside him, but this was the sacrifice he made to have that control in the first place).
“hey, jyugo, is everything alright?”
“oh, sorry! you just seemed kind of down, like something’s weighing down on your mind...you probably wouldn’t want to, but you can always talk to me if you need anything, alright?”
just like that, you had saved him yet again, and you didn’t even know it. each time he was drowning in his own thoughts, you would pull him back out with just a few simple words. he would cling to them every time, holding onto them with such a grip that he didn’t even know was possible; you were truly something else, and he was forever grateful for it.
when he had finally managed to confess his feelings for you, (it was by accident, and it was caused by uno, nico, & rock) his world was turned upside down. he had surely thought that there was no way you could would like him back, there was no way somebody like you could love somebody like him, and yet, the words coming out of your mouth seemed to say something different.
“I-i really like you too jyugo!”
for a while, everything was perfect. now, he had everything he could ever want, and there was nothing that could take this away from him. sure, there was still the occasional incident, but as long as you were near, surely nothing would happen, right?
he’ll be able to grow up and go to an ice cream parlor with you and experience all the wonderful things in life with you, and he’s giving you a promise ring for now, but he swears that one day he’ll take you to a pretty spot with cherry blossoms and he’ll get down on one knee and ask you to marry him, and then the two of you would get married and you would yell at rock for trying to eat the cake before he was supposed to, and then he would take you to go do everything you’ve ever wanted to do and the two of you would buy a house and you would yell at him for trying to paint the walls himself, and it would all be perfect. for now though, he was going to savor every single moment with you; every late night that he spent having whispered conversations with you, every smile that you would flash his way, every time you would lace your fingers with his, he was going to have it for the rest of his life.
oh, how stupid he was to think that it could last forever.
he’s been left alone more times that he can count, so why was he so surprised when it happened again? maybe it was because it was his fault, or maybe it was because you didn’t want to leave him, you didn’t want to go just yet. maybe it was because you were slowly dying and there was nothing he could do about it.
“h-hey, stay with me, (y/n)! you can’t go yet, i-i have so much to tell you!!” he hurriedly pulled you into his arms, his eyes frantically looking over your body, only to find the color red slowly seeping through your shirt.
“you shouldn’t...cry, i think you look prettier when you’re smiling.” how could he smile in a situation like this?!
“w-we’re going to take you to okina-sensei, and he’s going to-”
“no, he’s not. jyugo, you have to keep going, alright?” don’t say that, it’s like you’re saying you’re gonna...
“stop talking like that, y-you’re not going to…”
“there’s...so much you can do with what you have...you’re special that way, so don’t go thinking that you need me to do what...i know you’ve always been able to do.” i need you though…!
“(y/n), p-please-!” no, stop looking at him with that smile on your face.
“ever since i saw you...i knew that you were different...thank you for letting me partake in a dream...even if it was for just a little bit…” stop talking like that, you’re not going to die.
“s-someone get okina!!!” you’re going to survive this; you have to.
“jyugo...hehe, are you going to...keep your promise…?”
“what? (y/n) please…”
“you said that you...were going to marry me, right?” please don’t do this to me.
“(y/n), w-will you marry me?”
“of course...i’ll marry you jyugo. hehe, i’m so happy right now...” even with the tears sliding down the side of your face, you were gently smiling up at him, almost like you hadn’t been coughing up blood just a moment ago.
“we’re gonna get married soon, and, and we’ll have a nice wedding and…”
“i know…” your hand shakily reached up to cup his cheek, the metal of the promise ring he had given you cool on his skin. he leaned into your touch, the tears in his eyes falling rapidly down his cheeks and over your hand. there was no way this was happening, not now, not to you...
“please don’t cry...can you please smile, one more time…?” it took everything in him, but because it was you asking, he was somehow able to turn the corners of his lips up just a bit, giving you a small smile despite the flood of tears pouring from his eyes. your gentle touch against his skin brushed his bangs from his eyes, a fond look in your eyes that were also flooded with tears.
“i’m so...happy right now...thank you for everything, jyugo, i love you...so...much…” the panic that was set aflame in his heart when he felt your hand drop from his cheek and when he saw your eyes flutter closed was akin to nothing that he’s ever felt before.
“(y/n)...? (y/n)!! don’t close your eyes, please wake up!! t-there’s so much i have to tell you, you can’t go yet! p-please…!”
why was it that everytime he found something that made him happy, it would get snatched away from him? was it these shackles? was that the reason why? if only he could have rid himself of this curse, then maybe he would finally be normal, maybe he would have been able to marry you.
the third time he answered this question, it was when he lost everything, and it was the final time he answered it.
howd i do 😃
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actualbird · 4 years ago
I like your analysis(es?) so much hh, and apparently my brainworm of the day is the NXX crew getting a flowering cactus called Karla, for some reason. It’s a therapy cactus XD. No other thoughts. - Book
thank you, Book!!! and also wait no get back here and tell me more
KARLA!!! KARLA!!! oh i love her already but please understand that i have so many questions and all those questions have accompanying THOUGHTS oh gosh okay let me just hm wordbarf both those things very messily, you know how i do things
what kind of flowering cactus?
there are so many, afterall.
given that vyn is into botany and gardening, i assume he would have a lot of opinions on this.
actually, ive met a lot of botany hobbyists in my life, and the snobbier ones among them actually HATE cacti (and succulents). theyd say stuff like "oh cacti are the in thing with the millenials these days, theyre the plant people get when they dont know anything about plants."
WOULD VYN BE LIKE THAT, LMAO????? he seems like the type to at least THINK IT.
but also deep down i assume vyn is like "a plant is a plant is a plant" bc among the sweeter botany hobbyists ive met, theyve got this notion that "as long as you help it grow strong through the challenges, u did a good job" WHICH....MAKES ME THINK....VYN THINGS....vyn is not going to admit it, he will never admit it, but hm. what a strange plant. shaped to protect itself yet in need of care all the same.....
ANYWAY if anybody is getting a premeditated-bought cactus for the HXX HQ, you bet that vyn will, one way or another, have some kind of say in what the cactus will be. if it isnt premeditated-bought, he'll definitely have many things to say about the cactus' future care
or does the cactus just kind of appear there? is it brought into the NXX HQ in the dead of the night like jesus in the manger? if that's the case, who brought it?
i think it would be artem. or, well, i think it would be FUNNIEST/PATHETIC-EST if it was artem.
let's just say that a non-NXX and non-MC person decides eyyy, artem, got u a gift, it's a cactus! haha, get it! bc ur a prickly unapproachable dude! and artem is like ".........." BUT LIKE IT'S RUDE NOT TO ACCEPT A GIFT EVEN WITH THE BACKHANDED CRITICISM OF HIS GENERAL STATE OF BEING
so he takes the cactus and like leaves it at NXX HQ because if he brings it to his apartment hes going to get vaguely annoyed by the cactus and what it supposedly represents and he'd want to set it on fire
(sidenote: cacti do not burn well, by the way, ive set some on fire for cacti funerals and sigh, you have to put gasoline on them for a good burn)
anyway he brings the cactus there, leaves it vaguely hoping that the air conditioning will like, kill it (cacti live in the desert, right? so cold...bad?) and then somebody else will go "where the fuck did this dead cactus come from, can we throw it away" and then artem can throw it away (ALONG WITH THE REST OF HIS EMOTIONS. artem...GET HELP....)
but that doesnt happen because get fucked, artem wing
who names it Karla?
naming a plant most often comes from somebody who has gotten VERY ATTACHED TO THAT PLANT. i first thought hmmm maybe it's luke, but then i remembered that luke has this HILARIOUS tendency of making comments about eating MANY ORGANISMS HE COMES ACROSS (ssr shape of you, he threatens to cook and eat goose, chara story ep 1, hes very happy at eating the cooked crabs for their crab crimes, sr aquarium date forgot the name, hes like let's eat seafood SURROUNDED BY HAPPY ALIVE FISH, luke....what the fuck?) so maybe it's not luke and that leaves...
marius von hagen getting attached to a cactus and naming it is SO FUNNY TO ME but also makes me soft. hes the first one who sees the cactus in HQ and is like "who the fuck left this here?" //big data lab googling what it is. "well good thing it's fine with cold temps wouldve died if not, you cant just leave a thing in a place...with no warning....with no help...thats tough....huh, thats tough, isnt it, cactus?"
am i saying that marius von hagen gets attached to the cactus because it vaguely reminds him of his own life story of being pushed into very stressful circumstances and essentially left to fend for himself? yeah. yeah. because im deranged
"the cactus' name is karla," marius says at the next meeting, spraying the cactus with a mist bottle. "be nice to her or else im biting you."
who declares it a "therapy cactus"? aka who realizes that literally EVERYBODY else on the team is, one way or another, projecting themselves and/or their desires onto the PLANT???
luke. luke does. luke has the habit of dissociating and spiraling at any given moment when he encounters anything even ADJACENTLY related to what hes going through (again, sr aquarium date, luke u were just looking at the jellyfish, WHY R U GETTING DEPRESSED PHILOSOPHICAL OVER LIFESPANS???? SIR, GET HELP.....), so like lol he can clock that shit in from a mile away because hes the worst offender of that too
he doesnt bring it up of course. i mean, im sure he thinks about it because it's just the right kind of shithead move to pull just in case the others try to push him around again but mc gets mad at him when he goes agent scary at the rest of the boys so okaaayyyy he'll retaliate against getting dunked on in a more...civil way. so he doesnt bring it up. he also doesnt bring it up because...
well, if it makes them happy, then it makes him happy. thats all that matters to him
"keep making them all happy, yeah?" luke absentmindedly says to the cactus one day. "i heard you guys can live for a hundred years."
the cactus, of course, does not reply.
mc gets very into taking care of karla. pls expect many conversations where the boys are talking about the "cactus" (theyre talking about themselves) and mc is just like "okay im 90% sure this is a metaphor, you guys aint slick, but i like this cactus very much and thats true whether it's a metaphor or not."
thanks for making me go insane over a cactus, Book. it's 8am here.
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walhalla · 4 years ago
AHSAKSHAK aight question for them pretty boys
to draken : do you know as much as people laughing at your bald head, a lot of them is thirsting over you ? LMAO DRAKEGG ASHAJSGAK I CANT
to rindou : its not a question but i just wanna tell you that you're really cute AHAKSHAKAHAA ily<3
to sanzu : damn boy you're so pretty wtf eyelashes routine ? anyways how do you feel about your scars ? i think its really attractive and makes you much more prettier😔❤︎
to hanma : bitch are you gay ? dont worry i dont have anything against gay people hun♡︎you can be honest , i wont judge you
koko : hello koko, so are you gonna talk about that one scene ? yk when you kiss you bestfriend ? also, if im your girlfriend , would you spend money for me ?
to inui : baby🥺😔you are so precious istg you deserve the whole world sweetie💕YOU. ARE PRETTY AND THE WAY YOU WEAR THOSE HEELS ? YOU ROCKING THEM BABE ILY
and lastly to my love, baji keisuke : I just love you so much :) why you gotta hurt my heart like this pls i want cuddles and kisses . i wanna hangout with you , ride with you around tokyo and eat peyoung yakisoba with you :') i love you baby♥︎, too much for my own good
draken: that wasn't my best look, I know, okay? it has grown back so there's no need to talk about it anymore. I'm glad some of you liked it, I guess. The good thing is, it grew healthier than it was. Bleached hair was a bitch, all dry and shit. It's so soft now. Wanna touch?
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rindou: uhh... thanks? I've been called many things, but I don't think I've heard that one. It's kinda refreshing tho... cute, huh? I can be much more than that, you know?
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sanzu: I was born beautiful, baby. I just wake up beautiful, there's nothing I can do about it 😌 and my scars, huh? I don't think too much of them. They've been there for a while so I'm used to it. I used to cover them with a mask, but I don't really care if people see them after all.
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hanma: gay, straight, bi... who cares anyway? not me. I don't give a shit if you're a man, a woman, both or neither, if you amuse me, I'll hang around you ~
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koko: I'd rather not talk about that. I forgot all about it, the past is old news. Money, on the other hand, is still very much my thing. If you're good, maybe I'll buy you something. What would you like? Come tell me about it and I'll see what I can do 😋
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akashi: I am single. I am not easy to please, after all. I'll consider telling you my age when we get to know each other, yeah? so let's go somewhere private and talk about that "railing", dear.
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inupi: oh... you think so? I'm not too sure about that, but thanks ❤️ to tell you the truth, I started wearing heels because of someone dear to me. He was someone I admired, so I think of it as kind of a tribute, I guess. They've grown on me though, I really enjoy shopping for new heels.
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baji: I'm sorry, 'kay? I'll make sure not to make you worry again *pats your head* wanna get out of here for a while? I'll take you on that ride, let's go!
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