#anyways i feel like this would be a like super defensive high stress thing since nadders arent particularly agressive
saturnniidae · 2 months
Thinking about my 'Nadders being able to mimick human speech like parrots' concept again but with a slightly darker take on it?
Deadly Nadders are a fiercely loyal species and are social, so what if when they perceive a threat to their flock they gradually learn to lure people away using human voices (likely the sounds of children or people calling for help) to either A) if you're lucky, just get tricked into walking to the edge of the forest/area so you don't find them, or B) get lost in the woods so the Nadder can spineshot you out of sight.
I also think Changewings could do something similar considering their gaze is hypnotic (in the comics didn't Hiccup get hypnotized by one and almost walked off a cliff?)
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rhys-ravenfeather · 9 months
In Defense Of Kevin McCalister
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WARNING: Super long, pointless rant/character analysis about a now 33-year-old movie coming up.
You have been warned.
Also, disclaimer: it has been years at this point since I've seen Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, and I'm like 99% sure that Home Alone 4 is set in the Bizarro Universe, given that all the original characters are played by new actors. So I won't be counting the events from either of those movies for this post, just the first movie. Also, for that reason I'm just going to keep referring to Marv and Harry as the 'Wet Bandits' throughout this whole post, instead of going back and forth between calling them that and the Sticky Bandits.
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Anyway! It's December now, and I think at this point everyone and their dog theorizing about how Kevin is a psychopath, or sociopath, or grew up to be Jigsaw (no, really, for those who don't know that IS an actual theory) because of the torture he put the Wet Bandits through is almost as much a holiday tradition as actually watching the movie.
But I finally got to rewatch the movie recently, and I have a few thoughts.
I. The McCallisters
So um, I don't know about you guys, but from what we see of the entire extended McCallister family at the beginning of the movie, they kinda seem like a lowkey toxic bunch:
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Okay, maybe 'toxic' is a bit much--to their credit, there are a lot of extra people in that house, they're about to go abroad for a trip, so it's not surprising that everyone would be stressed out and tensions are running high.
But that doesn't make their behavior right.
Early on, we see the family, kids included, pushing their stress and misery onto each other, and especially onto Kevin. Granted, Kevin himself is kind of a brat at the start of the movie, but guess what?
He's still an eight-year-old kid.
He's the youngest, at least in his immediate family, and the whole night he's either ignored by the adults, insulted by his siblings and cousins, no one bothers to help him pack, and he's told he'll have to bunk with his cousin, who is a bed-wetter. That's a LOT for a kid to deal with, and with everything piling up, can you really blame him for snapping over something as simple as a cheese pizza?!?!?
So to sum up: This eight-year-old boy spends the entire night getting dumped on and looked down on by all his older family members, and in the one moment he finally dares to retaliate, it results in a mess that gets all of them even angrier at him, and he's sent to his room angry and upset, and feeling like all of them hate him.
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You're really going to tell me that none of you ever had an experience like this with your families as a kid????????
Can you really blame him for wishing his family away after a night like that?!?!?
Also just a quick side note: Someone else pointed out that, well, Kevin thought he made his family disappear. So it's not really surprising that the kid would probably think he's tough enough to take on two grown adults after that.
Now, that all being said, let's talk about:
II. The Wet Bandits
Look, I'm not going to act like I didn't wince watching some of the torture Marv and Harry went through, especially Marv stepping on nails and Christmas ornaments...talk about agony of the feet (don't boo me, that's the actual trope name!)
But there's one teeny, tiny little thing I think most people tend to overlook when talking about these guys, and the hell they went through...
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We literally start the movie with Harry pretending to be a cop to get information on the McCallister's home, and their security defenses, so that he can rob the place with Marv later.
And okay, to their credit, it's not like the pair start off trying to hurt Kevin right off the bat.
Doesn't change the fact that they were still planning to rob his home, and very likely WOULD hurt him if/when they found him in the house they were planning to rob.
And yeah yeah, the McCallisters seem to live in a rich neighborhood, and seem very well-off themselves, but you can't tell me that you would see THIS outside your house:
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And NOT get scared, especially if you were a small child left at home with no family to help and protect you.
Kevin doesn't go full Jigsaw on them right away--in this scene, after tricking the pair into leaving by turning the lights on, he runs and hides under the bed, like the scared child that he is.
To address another post that I've seen once--'KeViN cOuLd HaVe CaLlEd ThE pOlIcE aNy TiMe!' No. He couldn't have. The phone lines were down.
Also, the police, for most of the movie, seem uncaring at best--when his mother calls the police to get them to check on her son, they all but roll their eyes when talking to this worried, scared mother who wants to make sure her son is safe, and while a police officer DOES come to check on the kid eventually, Kevin is still too scared from seeing the burglars to answer the door. Because, again, he is a confused, scared child.
And again, the very first 'police officer' we see in this movie is revealed to be one of the very criminals trying to rob his house.
And yet, when the kid accidentally steals a toothbrush (because he was scared of his neighbor, who was in the store with him), a cop goes after him.
Oh yeah, and it's not like Kevin goes full torture technician on the Wet Bandits the SECOND time they come around either--just uses a lot of dummies, cut-outs, and strings, as well as Christmas music, to make it seem like the house is full of people.
Then the Wet Bandits find out they've been had.
And it's then, and ONLY THEN, that Kevin turns his house into a Saw trap--remember, these grown men are dangerous criminals who fully intended to rob his place, and again, it's not a stretch of the imagination to think that, even though they didn't want to hurt him originally, they wouldn't have ANY PROBLEM WHATSOEVER doing so when they came to his house again after finding out that he tricked them.
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grizzlyofthesea · 2 years
Some ROTTMNT Headcanons
These are just some ideas I've come up with for fun. I may update this post as I form headcanons for more characters. Or, since it's already so long, I'll make new ones for each set of characters.
If you have any you'd like to share, feel free to comment!
DOB: December 1st, 2003
Bisexual as all heck, with a slight preference for men
Cis guy; pronouns are he/him
Undiagnosed autism; flew under everyone's radar since he's high-empathy and masks pretty well
Lashes out when overstimulated; worst case scenario, can destroy a lot of stuff in a little time
Favorite sibling order: April, Mikey, Leo, Donnie
Very good at sewing
Has amassed a collection of over 50 teddy bears, some of which are vintage and/or rare
OBSESSED with professional wrestling
Surprisingly knowledgeable about classic horror movie monsters
Loves 80s fashion
Wears that x-shaped bandage on his plastron all the time to cover up a huge childhood scar
Has a habit of chewing on stuff when stressed
Doesn't have a social media account, but supports all of his siblings' endeavors
DOB: October 21st, 2004
Gay as all heck; Don Suave was his awakening
Cis guy; pronouns are he/him
Will fight anyone who tries to exclude his family from pride events
Undiagnosed ADHD; didn't really draw attention since it's inattentive-type
Tends to zone out during conversations, even ones that interest him
Favorite sibling order: Mikey, April, Raph, Donnie
Loves 90s fashion and pop culture
Jupiter Jim may be his favorite comic book hero, but he loves comics in general.
Also a huge anime geek, with his personal favorites being Sailor Moon, Sonic X, and JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Quite famous on TikTok as sketch comedian/"cosplayer" N30n_L30n
Totally abuses his teleportation powers to go on free outings/vacations
The undisputed king of April Fool's Day
Really wants a pet bearded dragon
DOB: December 25th, 2004
Splinter and Leo always do the whole "This is your birthday gift and your Christmas gift" thing to him. He hates it.
Aroace and/or fictoromantic asexual as all heck (goes back and forth between the labels)
Nonbinary as all heck; pronouns are he/him and they/them
Diagnosed with autism at around 3 years old
Super sensitive to texture and temperature
Favorite sibling order: April, Mikey, Raph, Leo
Has built a backup tech-bô in case another Krang situation happens
Did their own laser eye surgery when they were 11 so Leo would stop teasing them about looking nerdy
Thinks cryptocurrency and NFTs are stupid
April has dragged him into the insanity of the FNAF fandom, and now he won't stop talking about the crazy lore.
Runs a gaming/science experiment YouTube channel as Bootyyyshaker9000; doesn't have many viewers or subscribers, but loves to make videos anyway
Monster High is their guilty pleasure
Treats S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and the P.S.D.D. (Personal Slumber Defensive Device) as his beloved sons
DOB: March 16th, 2005
Polyromantic demisexual as all heck
Cis dude; pronouns are he/him
Diagnosed with combined-type ADHD at around 5 years old
Releases a lot of his energy through his art
Favorite sibling order: Leo, Donnie, April, Raph
Loves glow sticks, fairy lights, and other luminescent decorations
Runs a surprisingly popular art/baking Pinterest account as Flavorville; also considering extending to Tumblr
Obsessed with horoscopes, and kind of into some new-age spiritual stuff
Unironically loves the Twilight saga
Chose to decorate his plastron with stickers because they're easy to switch out if he ever wants a change of aesthetic
Dr. Delicate Touch is his response to being ignored/talked over as the "baby" of the family.
Did most of the graffiti in the lair
Owns Heelys, but can't figure them out for the life of him
DOB: May 11th, 2002
Basically Splinter's adopted daughter/the turtles' adopted sister despite both of her biological parents still being present in her life
Lesbian as all heck
Trans girl; pronouns are she/her
Still has a spiritual connection to Karai and some leftover powers from the Season 2 finale
Favorite sibling order: Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Leo
Admires Warren Stone for his confidence on camera and sharp fashion sense
Avid indie horror fan; especially applies to FNAF, DDLC, and Fran Bow
Loves extreme sports, especially whitewater kayaking
Regularly visits the Hidden City with Sunita
Won't touch most formalwear with a thirty nine-and-a-half-foot pole
Gets special treatment (i.e. actual high-quality meals) from Baron Draxum at school
Helps Todd with the puppies every weekend
Often uses the special hover bike battle shell that Donnie built for her to stand on his back and T-pose on the others
DOB: April 24th, 1955
Pansexual as all heck
Neurotypical, but neurodiversity runs in his family
Got Donnie and Mikey to a doctor for official diagnoses through his superb disguise skills (see: average teenage boy Randall)
Still not entirely trusting of Baron Draxum, but begrudgingly accepts him as a second parental figure for the turtles
Favorite child order: April, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, Leo
Runs a moderately famous TikTok account as Randall; likes to troll Leo in his comments, but it's ultimately loving/playful banter.
ADORES Studio Ghibli films
Chose the turtles' bandana colors by spinning a wheel
Became shorter over the years as a side effect of the ooze/mutagen causing his DNA to more closely resemble that of a rat
Originally wanted to be an opera singer before he discovered his passion for acting
Taught Leo how to dab
Basically a father figure/cool uncle to Cassandra
Still keeps in touch with Piebald
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feral-dumbass · 4 years
Speak of the Devil
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James “Bucky” Barnes/ Female Reader
Summary: You tag along with Bucky to a undercover reconnaissance mission at a goth club. Smut ensues. 
Includes: Degradation, Choking, little bit of slut shaming, unprotected semi-public sex, hint of cockwarming, dirty talk, oral
Words: 4,307
A/N: This is my first fic I have ever posted on here. I hope I included all the warnings correctly. Not sure if I need to include fingers in mouth, but that happens. Title credit goes to the Misfits. Tagging @gagmebucky​ and @babybluestan​. Thanks for giving me the guts to post this! I am so thankful for you guys. 
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The bass of Molchat Doma vibrates the walls as you search for Bucky. When you stepped into the goth club on 66th street, you were more nervous than you liked to admit. The club had recently gone under new management and is rumored to be a place for arms trafficking. It is ingenious, actually. Under all the makeup and leather, anyone could hide their identity. Take Bucky for instance. Tight jeans, a black t-shirt, some eyeliner, and a leather jacket down to his calves, Bucky is unnoticeable. Also, helps that the most identifiable thing about him is covered under gloves. Don’t even get started on the leather band and silver chain wrapped around his neck. You need to fan yourself just thinking about it. 
You also look quite different from your usual lab coat and safety goggles and Bucky has certainly noticed. He could not keep his hand off your thick fishnet covered thighs the whole way here. 
With a kiss to your cheek, Bucky had left you at the bar to check out the area. That had been twenty minutes ago and sadly, people were starting to notice you too. 
You felt eyes on you as you mindlessly scrolled through the meme group chat. Peter and Shuri were having an entertaining fight on who sent the best memes. You couldn’t handle the creepy feeling anymore. You were ready to show this creep the pretty switchblade Bucky got you for your birthday. Chin raised, your eyes met with green ones across the bar. You tried to give your best resting bitch face with dead eyes, but he only smirked and took that as his cue to swoop in. You slammed cash on the table for your blood red drink and slipped into the crowd before he could make two steps in your direction. You went down a hallway in the back which led you to your latest predicament. Where the fuck is your thick ass boyfriend? 
You have enough PHDs under your belt to know not to yell out Bucky’s name. Searching for his wide frame under the neon lights is the only option you have left as you pass the restrooms. You think finding a 6’2” man would be easy, but apparently, every alternative person wears 5 inch platforms. Not like you can really blame them. If they weren’t so expensive, you’d be Bucky’s height too right now. 
As you fill with envy for people that can fit into knee high platforms, an arm wraps around you and yanks you into a unisex bathroom. “It’s me.” Bucky’s deep voice assures before you can even start going through the defense attacks he taught you. You slip out of his hold and turn around to face him. Ignoring the fact Bucky has taken off his jacket and his muscles are now stressing the seams of his long sleeve shirt, you cross your arms. 
“Where have you been?”
Bucky blinks confused before finding his answer. “Bugging this two floor building. Why? What’s wrong?” You will tell him sooner or later. Might as well do it now. 
“Nothing. It’s just, uh, a skeevy man was staring at me far too long. We made eye contact and he tried coming over.” 
“Did he hurt you because I will-” Bucky’s already heading for the door before you squeeze his arm. 
“Bucky,” you laugh astounded that he’s so ready to fight for you. You didn’t even give him a description. Bucky lets you pull him back to the center of the room. “I slipped through the crowd before he could try anything. I’m fine.” 
“I promise. I’m fine.” You stand on the tip of your toes to kiss Bucky’s cheek but he turns his head to kiss you instead. He kisses you deeply just long enough to leave you wanting more.
“You still have your knife right?” 
“Yes, you dork.” He visibly relaxes at the confirmation. You take a hold of his chin and turn his face towards you. “You do realize you have cut on your cheek right?” It’s not too bad. A medium cut surrounded by bruising. Super serum is probably at work already healing it, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful. It’s not like you’re left with the best of first aid in the bathroom. You head to the sink to wet a paper towel with soap and water. 
“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” You glare at Bucky through the mirror. “I don’t suggest going three doors down. A couple of guards are sleeping on the clock.” He walks over and cozies up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he kisses your shoulder. “Is that really necessary. I think there’s more pressing matters to attend to.” He rolls his hard on into your ass as he kisses across your shoulder and up your neck. 
“Really?” You pry as you wring out the paper towel.
“I have been hard since you walked out in the commons.” Your face gets warmer at his confession. “I mean-” Bucky groans as he looks down at your fishnet covered legs. 
“While we’re on the subject, the eyeliner is working for me.” You’ve piqued Bucky’s interest. He meets your eyes through the mirror again. “You should wear it more often. You look so much like-”
“If you say Chase from the Covenant, I’m leaving.” Life drains from his eyes as he speaks.
“Like a man who can get into my pants.” 
“Nice save.” 
“Anyways, I say fuck it. Let’s do it.” Bucky’s eyes light up with excitement. “But clean the blood off your face first.” Bucky takes the paper towel out of your hands, scrubs the line of dried blood off his cheek, and throws it in the trash can before you can blink. Bucky turns your face to meet his lips not even a second later. He kisses you even deeper than before slipping his tongue in your mouth. You lift your hand to thread through Bucky’s hair. At the feel of your hand in his hair, he breaks away. 
“No. No. Keep your hands on the sink. I think this could be fun.” He grabs both of your wrists and places your hands on the edge of the sink. He’s moving your hair off your neck before his lips connect with it. “So pretty, baby. Is this all for me?” He mumbles before placing a hickey on your neck. His hands squeeze your thighs before snaking up your torso and kneading your breasts through your top. Lost in the pleasure only Bucky can give, you assume his question is rhetorical. You learn it wasn’t as he stops his ministrations. “Is this mine?”
You scramble to find your words. “Yeah.” Your voice cracks. “Yes.”
“Good girl.” He looks directly into your eyes through the stickered mirror as he unzips the front of your top. Bucky brings his gloved hand up to your mouth. “Bite,” He mumbles before planting multiple kisses on your neck. 
You bite down on his index finger and he pulls his hand away, leaving the glove in your mouth. He quickly takes the glove, stuffing it in his back pocket, before his right hand is kneading one of your bare breasts. You sigh at the feel of his calloused hand on your soft skin. You get a moment to enjoy the feeling until Bucky is lifting his other gloved hand toward your mouth. You get the memo without having to be told. You help tear off his glove for his metal hand and he’s stuffing it in his back pocket again. Instead of going for your other breast, two of Bucky’s metal fingers tap on your bottom lip. 
It is not like you to deny him. You take his fingers in his mouth and suck on them, giving them the same attention you’d give his dick. Bucky leaves the growing patch of hickies on your neck to growl at the sight. “Such a fucking tease.” His metal fingers press down on your tongue making you take his fingers deeper. He let’s up when he knows you are about to choke. “Can’t wait to get inside you, but first I want to see you cum on my fingers. Would you like that, honey?” His right hand leaves your chest and plays with the hem of your short skirt. 
With his fingers still in your mouth,  you nod, widen your stance, and back your ass up into his crotch. He chuckles lowly right next to your ear before his right hand is yanking up your skirt. Your skin tight skirt barely budges with one hand. 
“You gotta be kidding me?” Bucky takes his metal hand out of your mouth and uses it to yank up your skirt. You pray to whoever’s listening that your horny boyfriend doesn’t rip your bottoms off. It’d make getting out of the club a lot more messier. “This skirt is annoying me. You’ll just have to be naked for a week to make it up to me.” Thankfully, your skirt moves up your body to bunch at your waist. You don’t have time for a witty retort or to even think about how you were airborne for a second before Bucky is digging his metal fingers into your sex. At the feel of fishnet over wet folds, he pauses. “Wait, are you-”
“Not wearing panties? Yep.” 
He lets out the longest groan to date. “You’re gonna kill me.” Bucky tears open a hole in your stockings at the apex of your thighs before massaging and digging into your sex with vengence. “That’s what you’re gonna do. Forget all the highrisks missions. The stupid fucking guards. I’m gonna die because my girlfriend can’t wear a fucking decent pair of underwear.” Bucky groans and he’s… he’s being unfair as two of his thick metal fingers slip into you. He knows how much you love it when he uses his metal hand. Bucky is using it against you to sear his touch into your brain. You throw your head back onto his shoulder as he reaches sensitive depths inside you. His right hand goes back to kneading your chest.
“Wearing panties makes it harder f-for… for you to fuck me. Need to be prepared for your horny ass 24/7.” You pant in between words. Bucky raises an unimpressed eyebrow. The speed of his pumping fingers quicken to the point where the both of you can hear how wet you are over the distant music. “W-when are you not… horny?”
“I’m not even going to entertain you with an answer when I have this wet pussy to play with. ‘Sides, I’m not the one who sounds horny right now. “ Bucky’s metal thumb rubs your clit. “I’m not the one desperate enough for my boyfriend’s cock that I'll spread my legs in a public bathroom. Honestly, you just went with it? No second thoughts?” You’re too overwhelmed with pleasure to even bother a response. Bucky clicks his tongue. “That’s not good girl behavior. More like slutty behavior.” Bucky’s eyes light up with an idea. “Be a good slut and cum for me.”
“Bucky,” you gasp pleadingly. 
“C’mon, you heard me. Cum for me. It’s the least you can do.” He’s sucking on a pulse point on your neck when you go rigid underneath him. You cry out as you reach your euphoric high. 
“God damnit, you’re so gorgeous when you cum.” Bucky makes you feel the full effect of your orgasm as he continues to pump his fingers and rub your clit. You have to practically tear his metal arm off you to get peace. Both of his hands leave you and you can hear the tell tale sound of his pants being undone. 
You get a small amount of reprieve before Bucky is rubbing his dick through your drenched folds. His thick cock stimulating your sensitive nerves. Bucky’s steel toed boot nudges your stance wider and he’s dipping into your entrance just enough for you to start to feel the intoxicating stretch of him. You’re arching your back at the burn when he pulls out suddenly. You sputter as you try to find your words. 
“I don’t think you really want my cock.” He goes back to spreading your folds over his cock. The tip runs across your sensitive, overworked clit every once in a while.
“I’m literally on display for your fucking dick right now.” 
“Then say it.” Bucky nuzzles your neck and blows cool air on the patch of hickies. 
“Bucky, please fuck me. I’ve been wet since you mentioned you had to wear a leather jacket. Let me have it.” 
Bucky snorts at that. “My sweet slut. Always so ready and willing for my cock.” 
“Only a s-slut-” Bucky slides into you slowly making you feel every massive inch of him  “- f-for you.” You whimper at the feel of him as your back arches. You're trapped in between Bucky and the sink. No choice but to feel all of him. 
Bucky rumbles right against your back. “My own little whore. I like the sound of that.” He tests the waters by thrusting shallow. You’re convulsing around his cock. It always takes a few to get used to the initial stretch. He groans. “Always so fucking tight. My own personal heaven.” He hasn’t been able to stop his little thrusts, addicted to the feel of you. 
“B-Bucky,” you gasp strained. “P-please, move. Do something.” 
“Look at you so desperate for my cock. I love it. Such a good whore.” He pulls out and you could cry until he’s thrusting back in, knocking the wind out of you. You gasp, collecting enough air for him to knock it out of you again. Again. And again. It’s not before long, Bucky is setting a brutal pace and all you can do is take it. You are going lax as the pleasure makes your extremities tingly. Bucky is pretty much the only thing holding you up as he brings three of his right fingers towards your mouth. He doesn’t even have to tap on your lips. You open your mouth for him to slip his fingers inside and suck on them. Bucky’s eyes zero in on your pretty lips wrapped around his fingers. 
“What a good slut. Such a good girl. I love you so much.” His metal hand gently wraps around the base of your neck. His index finger and thumb stroke the skin right underneath your choker causing goosebumps to break out. “This looks so pretty on you, baby.” He kisses the spot your jawline and neck connect before continuing. “I think we both know how much better my hand is wrapped around your neck though.” He gives a light squeeze, slightly cutting off your blood flow, and grins at you. A broken moan leaves you as drool pools around his fingers starting to drip down his hand and your chin. “So fucking stunning. Should have got out my phone before we started.”
A light, airy feeling starts to creep into your head, kind of like your floating. Bucky’s pace never lets up and you’re close. So, so close.  A few more thrusts and Bucky is reaching new depths. You’re knuckles strain as you grip the sink hard. 
“Shit.” He grunts. His fingers press down on your tongue not give a fuck if you gag. Your eyes widen as his warmth floods you. Bucky’s pace slows and he’s pumping his hips shallowly while he cums.
 As much as you love the bare feel of him, you’re pissed. You were so close to an orgasm and he stopped. It was without clittoral stimulation too. It was gonna be groundbreaking. You actually gag on the pressure of his fingers down your throat and smack his wet wrist. He quickly takes his fingers out of your mouth and apologizes. You can’t believe you're stomping your foot while still on your boyfriend’s dick, but there’s a first for everything. You’re actually pouting as you cross your arms over your bare chest and jut out your lower lip. 
“Bucky!” You wait for him to take his eyes off your ass and meet yours through the mirror. 
He smacks your ass, squeezes it, and hums, mildly distracted. “Yeah?” He glances up and does a double take. “You’re pissed?”
“Uh yeah. Do you know how close I was before you ruined it? I-” Bucky takes his hand off your throat and uses both to dig his thumbs in the dip of your back as he shushes you.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’ll make it up to you.” You’re frustrated and slightly on edge when Bucky slowly pulls out. “Don’t get more upset, but that was literally the hottest thing we’ve done. You have never looked hotter.” 
“Why would I get upset when I feel the same.” You begrudgingly agree. 
“Oh my god, you’re gonna hold not letting you come against me. You’re such a baby.” You open your mouth to defend yourself, but Bucky turns you around and lifts you on to the edge of the sink before you can start. Butterflies erupt in your stomach at that manhandling and you ignore it. While you avoid his eyes and glare at the wall over his shoulder, he wipes some of the drool off your chin. You melt on the inside and try not to show it. If you look in his eyes, you’re going to forgive him. If you look into his eyes, you’re going to forgive him. “This is ridiculous. When have I ever left you hanging? Don’t you think maybe I had a plan?” Your eyes slowly slide over to his. His eyes, still darkened by lust, bore into you. “I don’t want to see you cum on my cock through the mirror. I want you to face me, eyes rolled back, mouth gaping as I repeatedly reach all the sensitive spots inside you.” 
“You’re the one that’s the fucking tease.” You smack his broad chest. He takes your hand and kisses each knuckle. His hand then goes to knead your thighs dangling off the edge. 
“So, what do you say? Second round?” 
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but I’m sexually frustrated and still slightly mad. Fuck me before someone comes in.” He wedges himself between your thick thighs. Bucky leans down to kiss you and you thread your fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck, happy to get to touch him.  He eventually stops kneading your thighs, just feeling the texture of the mesh stretched across your skin. 
Bucky groans as you nip at his lips when he pulls away. His head drops down and shakes it in disbelief.  “You need to wear these more often.” He looks very serious at you and you would snicker if you weren’t about to fuck. You do smirk at him though and swirl his hair between your fingers. 
“You gonna fuck me in public more often if I do?” You wipe some of your burgundy lipstick off the edge of his bottom lip as you ask. 
Bucky’s Adam’s apple bobs as he gulps. “I-is that what you want?” He’s grabbing your ass and pulling you closer to the edge. You can feel his hardening cock against your hip. You’re so close to Bucky, you lean in just a few inches to press your chest against his and whisper sultry in his ear.
“I am constantly ready for your cock. Twenty four seven. Name a place and I’ll spread my legs. So fucking big. Feels so damn good.” You kiss right underneath his ear and then move a few inches down to suck hickey on a soft spot of his neck. With super soldier recovery rate, it won’t last long, but it sure does rile him up. He moans and it echoes off the linoleum poster covered walls. You love the vibrations underneath your lips as he tilts his head to the other side. You know his eyes are fluttering as you can’t help but to give him a few others hickies next to it. 
You lean back to admire your handiwork. Purple blotches litter his neck in between smudges of burgundy lipstick. You’re pretty sure you’ve wiped off all your lipstick on Bucky. His blown out pupils watch you like a hawk, hands digging into your ass. He’s rubbing his hard on into the crease of your stomach and thighs and he doesn’t even know it. “C’mon, I want to feel the ache of you tomorrow. Fuck me like the whore that I am.” You feel a chill run down his spine before he finally takes action. 
He rolls up his sleeves and of course, because your chest is now facing him, he needs to leave a few hickies on them. As he guides his dick to your entrance, you wrap your legs around his waist. Bucky momentarily ceases the hickies to watch your puffy folds easily accept his wide cock. Both of you are groaning at the feeling. 
“Your pussy’s so wet for me. Fuck.” Bucky’s too turned for a filter. You keep your edging comment to yourself and kiss his sweaty temple. The edging thoughts stewing inside are knocked out of you as Bucky fingers trace the place you two are joined. He uses the excess of your combined wetness to rub your clit. Pleasure makes your toes curl. 
“Not what I meant when I said fuck me, Bastard.” You can’t get Bucky to move his hips without falling on your ass. He seems perfectly fine to have you warm his hard dick as he kisses and leaves hickies along your collar bones. Your free hand grabs his bicep and you’re close to coming already. 
“Yeah. Your bastard.” You can feel him grin against your skin. You’d comment if you weren’t about to cum. 
“C-close. Please don’t stop.” You gasp out, begging as the rise of your orgasm hits. You’re squeezing Bucky while in your peak. He almost groans as loud as you’re moaning.
“You’re so gorgeous. Love when you convulse around my cock, honey.” He kisses your cheek momentarily before going back down to your chest. He starts pumping his cock in and out of you. This time literally knocking the wind out of you. You’re oversensitive from your orgasm and he never truly let you come down from it. Bucky is certainly making his promise. You’ll feel him in your guts for the next few days. Your hands run through his hair and pull on the ends. His mouth finally detaches from your chest as he moves with your hand. He lets out a full blown out moan that makes your heart pound. Bucky always lets out the filthiest moans when you pull his hair. You fucking love it. His metal hand leaves your ass. He grabs a hold of the edge of the sink as he pace picks up. 
As much as you love filling all your wet dreams with the hottest audio ever, you don’t have the strength to keep your arm up for long. Your hand drops to his back. His muscles ripple underneath your fingertips as you dig your nails into his back. Both of you panting into each other's ear. Your legs shake at the approaching orgasm. 
“I know you’re close. Be a good whore. Cum on my cock. I’ll wait for you.” He rubs your clit even faster. 
“FUCK.” You’ve never been happier for loud music blasting through the club’s speakers. An intense orgasm takes over you. White dots fill your vision as tears collect at your waterline. With how hard your gripping his cock, Bucky isn’t far behind. He can only get in a few more thrusts before he’s cumming again. He bites into your shoulder and groans. Shivers wreck down your spine as his warmth fills you for the second time tonight. Bucky lets the sink carry his weight as he grips it hard. 
There’s a groaning protest before a chunk of the sink falls off. You’re there to block him from falling. He pulls out and moves you closer to the other edge, away from the crime scene. You look over your shoulder. Thankfully, he didn’t break off any of the major plumbing parts. Water spraying everywhere would make looking yourself presentable a lot more harder, but maybe that could have been your excuse. Oh well. 
You turn back to Bucky. He’s still holding on to the broken piece of sink. Both of you break out into giggles as he throws it in the trash. 
“I can’t believe you did that.” You’re grinning ear to ear as he tucks himself back into his boxers. 
“I can.” Bucky shrugs. “I don’t think you get how tight you get when you cum. Me breaking things during sex is not new.” 
“My back. Our nice bed frame. The ottoman in the commons… Can’t forget the multiple tables. Shout out to Tony’s dented Acura hood.” You pull Bucky’s shirt to get him closer to you. You kiss him before he speaks. “Are you trying to seduce me?” 
“If you fuck me again, there won’t be a sink left.” 
He hums and rubs your thighs. He’s definitely addicted to the feel of the fishnets stockings. Good luck trying to get his hands off you for the rest of the day. “You have a point.” He drops to his knees. 
“What are you doing?” He’s spreading your thighs wide in front of his face.
“I can’t let my cum drip down your legs out there. That would be irresponsible of me.” That's all the explanation you get before he’s burying his face in between your legs, stubble scratching your inner thighs. You gasp as he licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit. Fuck what he said. You’re the one that’s gonna die. Bucky is truly your horny bastard. 
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 years
dex, team bicycle
the following bullet fic has been in my drafts for over a year now and tonight i remembered it existed, read it, and decided to post it. why? who knows. don’t ask questions. just ~enjoy~
so i got an ask about how anon trusts me implicitly when it comes to writing bc they believe that dex is the team bicycle and eventually ends up with nursey and thinks i’m down with that too and tbh they ain’t wrong so like
here’s a bullet fic instead of me doing any of the work i SHOULD REALLY FUCKING BE DOING okie
first things first here’s the dealio this is crack-ish but also not so crackish that my dumbass couldn’t see it happening so let’s just suspend some disbelief and have a good time
first time dex hooks up with a teammate it’s not at a kegster
maybe a little later he’s a little too tipsy at a kegster not really knowing his own tolerance for tub juice yet and he’s dancing, a little more white boy than maybe one would like but he’s having fun with it and that’s half the game, and he’s sweaty and maybe some glitter from other dancers has rubbed off on him and he’s glittery and shining and he catches someone’s eye across the room (holster, i’m thinking holster) and holster sees him and thinks fuck and dex is maybe really into how big holster is and just like follows him up to the attic when holster grabs his wrist and pulls because why not--
but this is not about that (at least not yet) this is about how dex, new to samwell and ncaa hockey and everything, wants to be the best he can be in everything so naturally he goes to the best person to help him with every thing (for school he gets tutors and goes to tutorials and goes to all the profs’ office hours, for social stuff maybe he trails ransom around idk (that’s for later)) but for hockey he obviously goes to the person you go to when you need help with hockey
jack likes hockey. jack likes people who like hockey. jack likes when people are really into hockey
so when the little angery frog that seemed real appreciative of his butt on hazeapalooza comes to him with this frowny face determination asking how he can be the best player he can be, a part of jack’s brain that’s very quiet and seldom acknowledged goes “huh.”
and maybe they start meeting up for their own practices, practicing drills and plays so dex can get his speed up and reaction time down and just get better and jack’s benefiting from it too in a way, like trying to help a defensive player makes him have to switch up his thinking about things a bit and it’s helping his defensive play on the ice
and so this goes on for a bit and maybe they build up some inside jokes in between all the intensity and maybe there’s some playful moments in the locker room when they bump arms or throw a few chirps around and it’s cute okay and not too serious, jack isn’t in love with the kid (he’s a kid, lord, okay a lil problematic but if y’all know anything about my oc luke dex has Problems with Authority figures so whatever)
but the truth is jack doesn’t really have many people he’d be comfortable “relieving some stress” with, like there’s shitty but he’s ridiculously straight, and Camila went and got herself a girlfriend so that’s no longer a thing, and dex is there and eager and fun and
and long story short they end up fucking in the locker room oops
it doesn’t happen too many times after that, maybe once on a roadie, a few times at the haus. it’s fun, not in a laughing way or whatever, but it’s casual and it’s nice to get off and it doesn’t make jack any more anxious and dex is probably working through some issues he has with tall dark haired captains and they both get something good out of it, which is the point, anyway
and it ends maybe before winter break, either jack decides to focus on the nhl and his thesis and dex totally understands or dex realizes that maybe his thing with dark haired captains isn’t completely healthy and ends things but either way it’s nbd and no one on the team ever really knows, though it’s not like they lie about it either but who’s gonna ask, right?
and so dex and jack were fuckbuddies. for a time. noice.
now let’s return to that kegster scene, hmm?
so the way i picture it is dex hooks up with holster at a kegster, realizes it probably wasn’t the smartest idea he’s ever had but doesn’t completely freak out because holster’s a relaxed kind of guy, dex is sure it won’t get nuts
meanwhile holster wakes up freaking out because he just fucked ransom’s frog and that is so not cool so then he panics and avoids ransom and dex for like a week and then decides okay okay it’s not a big deal he just won’t tell anyone, it won;t happen again, it’s fine
and then he walks in on dex hooking up with ransom and he’s like Wow Okay So the Fine Thing Didn’t Work Out Huh
turns out while holster was freaking out ransom was really mopey about it and dex, not really knowing how to fix it, tried to comfort him and ended up... in bed
look this version of dex is a little thotty and knows like two ways of comforting people and he didn’t think getting drunk in the middle of the day was a good idea
and so long story short after some brief HUHs going around dex ends up hooking up with both ransom and holster for a bit (sometimes both at once!) and eventually the both-at-once-stuff makes ransom and holster actually acknowledge the feelings they’ve mostly been ignoring since their frog year and they explain this to dex who’s like okie bc he’s really only there bc they’re both hot and so ransom and holster get together and dex sometimes helps them out on date nights and that’s about it
lbr tho they never tell anyone how they actually got together bc they would never live it down so they say nothing and dex doesn’t either bc it’s not his relationship and the world goes on never knowing
so now we’re getting into the middle of spring term dex’s frog year and he’s kind of maybe sort of acknowledged that he has some kind of emotions about nursey that aren’t helpful so he’s attempting to repress real hard, but he’s also learning to repress less about other things, specifically his enjoyment of baking.
yup. you guessed it.
so he starts helping bitty in the kitchen A Lot, and sometimes they talk and sometimes they don’t and sometimes they talk about important things but most of the time they don’t, but at this stage in bitty’s life he is crushing very hard on a certain dark haired captain and that’s kind of really apparent in, like, everything he does so it takes dex maybe two weeks to realize what’s going on
and okay so it’s a little awkward bc 1-the fuckbuddies thing but also bc 2-dex knows how it feels to have feelings for a friend and it kind of sucks like a lot and he wants to make bitty feel better and yeah maybe this is another case of dex being bad at comforting people with his clothes on
but maybe also one day they’re talking about relationships/being gay idk something and bitty maybe casually (southern euphemistically) mentions that he’s never, erm, never quite, uh, never  done the dirty with a boy and maybe he sounds a lil embarassed about it idk and dex’s I Can Fix That brain switches on and he says, “I can help.”
and bitty’s like. what.
dex blushes and clears his throat and says it again. “i can help. i’ve, uh, done it before, and i can, like. show you.” then he pauses and, very uncasually, says, “casually.”
bitty, also pink at his point because he’s a sweet southern boy who doesn’t speak of such things, asks, “you’d be willing to do that?”
dex nods. he does not say that he’s done something like that before. he very pointedly does not say that.
and bitty, well, he’s pining and he’s been at college for a year and a half and the most action he’s ever gotten was with that boy who puked on his shoes and, you know, he came to samwell so that he could be who he is and maybe this is a way he can prove to himself that he is being true to himself.
it also doesn’t hurt that dex is v pretty, okay, bitty loves a boy with big shoulders and freckles.
and so dex and bitty start hooking up.
it’s somewhat like my The Arrangement fic where dex is sort of “showing bitty the ropes” but bitty, lbr, he’s a quick learner and he did his research so it very quickly just becomes hooking up for the sake of it
and it’s good. like. really good and both of them are benefiting from having someone to escape from their ~feelings~ in and bitty’s more comfortable in sexuality (like, his sexuality not his gayness ya feel me?) and everyone’s having a great time
then they lose the playoffs and emotions run high and bitty realizes how decimated he’s going to be by jack leaving and they don’t really have a conversation about it (let’s be real, neither of these boys talk about their feelings, at least not at this point) but dex goes home that summer with the understanding that he and bitty are no longer doing the thing, and that’s okay with him, really, because maybe now his feelings for nursey are becoming More of A Thing Than He Was Hoping They Would
of course bitty gets with jack at this time, so he’s kind of through the roof, and if, maybe, they have a conversation about their ex’s/past lovers and find they have.. more things in common than expected, well, at the least it’s a bit of a laugh and at the most well. let’s just say sometimes a ginger is mentioned in their bed WHATEVER OKAY MOVING ON
dex comes back in the fall ready to suppress the fuck out of his emotions and play some damn good hockey and who appears but this super eager tadpole
this now plays out as the first two chapters of my The Arrangement fic, though i guess now for canonical reasons whiskey ends up with lax bro and not tango, but that’s alright, we’re good at working on our feet here
for those who haven’t read the fic, dex shows whiskey how to gay sex while simultaneously gaining his trust and encouraging him to bond with the team and for personal reasons whiskey is a little shit but not as much of an asshole as he was in canon (look i love the guy but he’s a dick) and anyway go read my fic it’s good i promise #selfspon moving on
the latter half of dex’s sophomore year is spent mostly Not Pining for nursey and getting closer to him, friend wise, until the whole dib-flip, living together situation occurs, dex has a Freak Out, and ruins things a little
..this is getting off track, but long story short, his captains kiss each other on live tv and dex’s family starts to suspect that all those rumors that drifted around him in high school may have more truth to them than they’d been hoping and dex has a less than great summer break, coming back to school in the opposite of a good mindset
nursey also has a not great break (his parents are fighting, then he comes to school and breaks his wrist and can’t play hockey) and well we all know where this ends up
this leaves dex in a very mopey gross state and who to help someone feel better in their time of need than the sweetest little waffle you’ve ever seen in your life?
yes, it’s time for Hops.
now, this is a rather short lived affair, but over thanksgiving break, the entirety of the haus goes home to their families except for dex (who says he can’t deal with bus fare, and begs off any offers of help) and hops, who technically isn’t in the Haus, but stays there for the break while his parents are on a work trip during the holiday
dex ends up finding out just exactly how College Hockey Boy hops is when he almost burns the kitchen down trying to make a grilled cheese and dex decides then that he has to help this boy learn how to human, so they spend the first two days together with dex teaching hops all the basic skills dex thinks someone should know
this is included but not limited to: how to cook without making fire, how to change the oil in your car, how to hotwire a car, how to fix various different appliances, how to take the optimal notes, how to basic code, and how to sort and do your laundry
hops is enjoying the crash course (kid is just grateful to finally know where the detergent goes in a washer) but also, like, lbr. watching someone be competent in a thing--esp a thing you are yourself not good at--is a giant turn on, and so after two days of watching dex be really good at adulting, they settle onto the couch after doing the dishes and hops just gets on his knees and--
we aren’t smutting here on good christian tumblr but boy. hops is an eager kid.
anyway they spend a week fucking and then stop because hops falls in love with a girl in his intro class and then spends the next two months asking dex for advice on how to woo her, even though obviously chowder would be a better bet.
then comes the playoffs and everything is heating up and they’re on roadies nearly every weekend, still keeping up with their coursework, and it’s A Lot, and dex is really feeling it this year, especially with all the shit bitty’s been getting, and one night, on a roadie, he and bully get back to their room and dex collapses with a groan on the bed and bully, chill as anything, is like. “you seem pretty stressed. wanna fuck?”
and, you know what? dex is still his thotty (though more mature) self and he’s like, life sucks a little right now, why not get off
and so he does.
he and bully hook up through the playoffs and into the post-season (that post-final game sex is A Lot my dudes lemme tell you) but then dex gets elected captain and something twisty in his chest tells him that he should not be fucking someone on the team, especially not an underclassman, when he’s got that authority over him, and so he breaks it off with bully
who is pretty chill about it, since he’s bully, though he does miss the sex. the sex was p good.
and, to be quite honest, that’s it. dex wouldn’t fuck any of the baby frogs for the same reason he broke it off with bully (also ngl the senior-freshman thing doesn’t do it for him anymore) and so dex goes through his senior year of college without having any fuckbuddies--his first year of college so far, actually, where he doesn;t
the end
lol jk he and nursey start hooking up and it’s a Whole Bundle of emotions
in keeping with the rest of the fuck buddies, dex thinks that this is just like all the other times and nursey has no reason to think dex wants anything more and like. the sex is good, like very good, and neither of them are complaining per se but they’re also in love and haven’t said anything, and i imagine there are some ill-timed confessions prior to the final game of the playoffs and then they win another ncaa championship title and have sex in a janitor’s closet (but like,, emotional sex) and they live happily (thottily) ever after
i also like to imagine that there’s a point somewhere down the line when they all meet up for a reunion and something happens-- probably ransom and holster get a lil tipsy and finally tell the truth of how they got together-- and everyone basically does the spider-man meme but with “wait-you had sex with dex? i had sex with dex” and nursey--who knows bc dex told him when they finally got together-- is just sitting there all smug with his arm around a steadily reddening dex bc he’s fucking proud of the fact that everyone knows exactly how good his boyfriend is in bed
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Can I get an imagine where the reader meets lila, and even tho she knows she's a liar and manipulative she knows there might be a reason behind it and she tries to befriend lila to break down her walls and be the friend lila always needed since everyone hates her, reader gets backlash for being friends with lila. Especially from marinette but lila hold reader close since reader is the only one who believes in her and gives her a chance even after everything she has done?
A Second Chance
summary: just the request!
words: 2.2k (my longest yet!)
warnings: she/her pronouns used and female reader implied, talks of bullying, mentions of lunch and eating, marinette is kind of out of character but eh, being sad, but happy ending kind of. you’ll see what i mean. if there’s anything i missed please let me know!
^^also if you catch any spelling errors or anything like that!
a/n: i really am so sorry that it took me so long to get to this. i currently have two more requests that i’m going to try and get out by the end of the week. i did get rid of a few requests, so if what you sent in isn’t one of the next 2 works i put out, i’m super sorry. i just wanted to have a clean inbox and had to get rid of the things that i just couldn’t motivate myself to write. i really hope you guys understand. i’ve just had writers block and be super busy. anyways: i hope you guys enjoy! it’s the longest work that i’ve posted so far!
also yes i am posting this at 1:30am :)
Y/N had just moved to Paris a couple of weeks ago, and had just started settling into her new school. She didn’t really have any good friends yet, but she was starting to get more comfortable with the people in her home room class. She especially liked a girl named Marinette, and wanted to be better friends with her. She seemed super nice and they shared similar interests. Y/N was getting good grades, retaining the information, and became more confident. She was just overall happy with how things were going for her right now.
They say it isn’t truly high school without a challenge, but Y/N didn’t think that she’d have many issues at this school. Everyone around her seemed really kind, the work was fairly easy, and at first things didn’t seem super eventful. Well, aside from having super-heroes, and akumas, and a super villain, etc. But everyone told her that she’d get used to it eventually.
One day during lunch break, everyone was crowded around the front entrance of the school. Y/N wondered what everyone was doing, so she went over to the crowd to check things out. She slowly but surely maneuvered her way to the front of the crowd, and was a little surprised to see what seemed to be a normal girl. Not a celebrity or anything special, just a regular student. She hadn’t seen this girl before, so maybe not even that. Maybe she was just visiting. Then, the girl started talking to the people in the front of the crowd.
“Yes! Prince Ali asked me to come live with him in the palace. Of course, I didn’t accept. I just couldn’t leave all of my fellow students here without me!” Y/N immediately thought that this girl was delusional. She listened for a minute longer, but the girl’s story was getting super boring and repetitive. After a couple of seconds Y/N just couldn’t take it any longer, and went to lunch normally. As soon as she reached the cafeteria, she spotted Marinette at the table she usually sat at. She approached Marinette and asked if she could sit with her.
“Of course! I was actually waiting for you to show up. I know this is where you usually sit, not in like a creepy stalker way, but yeah! I figured it was a good place to wait. What took you so long?” she asked as she tilted her head, a look of confusion on her face. Y/N replied, “Oh, some girl claiming that Prince Ali wants her to live in the palace with him was rotting people’s brains with her obviously fake story near the front entrance. Seriously, how do people buy that crap? It’s like they just brainlessly listened to whatever she was saying. It’s-“
“Wait, wait, wait. did the girl have straight, brown hair, with bangs? Probably wearing orange with polka dots? Green eyes?” Marinette cut Y/N off. “Yeah, sounds accurate. Why?” Y/N questioned. Marinette rolled her eyes and appeared to be frustrated and annoyed. “Lila’s back from her ‘stress relieving vacation’ with the royal family!” Marinette said the last part in a high pitched voice, batting her eyelashes, and holding her hands together by her face, obviously mocking the girl. “Lila?” Y/N asked. “Yeah, she’s a student here. She’s in our home room actually. I swear, she can’t speak one sentence without lying. It’s a serious issue. It’s just so frustrating to see people eat up everything she says like they’ll never eat again.”
After lunch, Marinette and Y/N went back to Ms. Bustier’s classroom. They found their seats, and waited for the class to start. Suddenly, Y/N remembered that Marinette said Lila was in this class too. She didn’t see her, so maybe Marinette had gotten it wrong. She sure hoped so. From what Marinette had been saying about her, Lila didn’t seem like a nice person at all. She just seemed annoying and rude, not someone Y/N wanted to be around. Just as Y/N began to relax, thinking that Lila surely wasn’t in her class, the last group of people walked in. And guess who was in the middle of the small crowd, probably sharing more of their far fetched tales? Lila.
As soon as everyone was in their seats, Lila started talking louder so people could hear what she was saying. Everyone quieted down, as if they were eager to listen.
“Yes! Sometimes I wonder why I said no to the offer, since everything is so wonderful there! The architecture, the food, the people, the plants and animals... but then I remember how amazing you all are, and I remember why I’m needed back here in Paris!”
“Please...” Y/N said quietly to herself. “Are people really buying this crap?” She thought. She looked across the classroom to see Marinette getting visibly angry.
Y/N gestured for her to calm down, but it was too late. Mari had had it. “Lila, would you just do us all a favor and shut up?!!” Marinette raised her voice on the last part, which startled everyone a little. Even Ms. Bustier. “Alright, alright class. Settle down. We’re going to begin class now. Marinette, please don’t raise your voice again.” The teacher warned. “Yes ma’am.” Marinette responded, and then slumped in her seat. Y/N looked up at Lila, and noticed that she looked upset. Like, genuinely sad. Not “oh everyone look at me I need all the attention cause I’m sad.” She looked like she was really hurt. Y/N wondered if maybe lying isn’t all there was to Lila. Maybe she just needed someone to listen. Maybe Y/N was just too nice. But her mind was already made up. After school today, she was going to talk to Lila and see if she could get anywhere.
The bell had just rung, and everyone was gathering their things. Y/N started walking out of her last period, when she spotted Lila sitting by herself on a bench.
Y/N took a deep breath, and then slowly approached Lila. As soon as Y/N got there, Lila looked like she was ready to gather her things and get up and leave. “Wait!” Y/N called. Lila looked back and then started to put her things back down. “What do you want? I’ve kind of had a long day and I’m about ready to be done with it.” She said angrily. “I’m Y/N. I’m new here, and I’m in Ms. Bustier’s class with you. I was there when Marinette shouted at you today, and I just thought you looked upset and might need someone to talk to. I know you probably have your own friends and stuff that could listen but I just wanted to let you know that I could listen if you want me to.” She took a breath after finishing her fast-spoken, rambly sentence.
“To be completely honest, I don’t have many friends.” Lila said looking more sad and upset than angry. “You seemed pretty popular during lunch. And at the beginning of class earlier today.” Y/N said, now sitting down on the same bench as Lila. “That’s popularity for you. Those people just listen to what I have to say because everyone else does. They aren’t my friends.” Lila said, almost hurt by her own words. “Those things you were saying today, were they really true? Not to be rude, but they were a little out there.” Lila took a deep breath and then started speaking again. “They were half true. I did visit the Prince’s country, and everything really was beautiful, but the truth is I never even came in contact with the royal family.” Lila sighed, and looked at the ground. “You’re probably gonna go and tell everyone now, right? Tell them I’m just a liar? I bet you’re just like Marinette aren’t you? Little miss perfect going to snitch on someone just for wanting some attention. Well people listen to me more than they listen to you, so you better watch what you say!” She was now standing, right in front of Y/N, all up in her face. Lila started to tear up a little. Y/N noticed this, and was quick to stand up herself and put a hand on Lila’s shoulder. “I wasn’t gonna tell anyone. No need to get defensive. You seem really upset. I feel like this is about more than just what Marinette said today.”
Lila took Y/N’s hand off of her and sat back down. Y/N quickly sat on the bench too. “I’m sorry, I’m just... I don’t get a lot of attention or approval anywhere but school. It’s almost like I’m forced to come up with all of these fairytales of what I wish my life was, just so people listen for at least a few seconds. I just wanna feel liked. And I don’t get that anywhere but here. Sorry, sorry. I know you don’t wanna hear my full life story.” Lila gave a sad little laugh and took a breath, before starting up again. “I really do need to find some friends, don’t I?” She was once again looking at the ground, but after she finished speaking she started to look up at Y/N.
“Then let’s be friends. On one condition...” Y/N said. “You need to cut back on the lying. Especially the ones that hurt people. Marinette was telling me a little about you at lunch today, and most of what I heard wasn’t good. The things you say matter. They have power and people pay attention when you speak. You can use that power for good instead of bad.” Lila giggled a little. “You know you sounded really cheesy, right?” Y/N started laughing herself. “Just a little cheesy. Now come on, it’s getting late. They probably won’t let us stay in the building for much longer.” Lila checked her phone and saw that Y/N was right. School ended at 3pm, and it was going on 3:30. They picked up their belongings, and walked out the school. They waved goodbye, and both went home knowing that this was the start of a good friendship.
Weeks passed. Lila hadn’t spread a hurtful rumor since her initial conversation with Y/N, and things were going great with lying in general. Sure it still happened here and there, but not nearly as much as it used to. Y/N wasn’t getting along very good with Marinette nowadays, but she decided that it was for the better. Marinette had her friends, and didn’t need Y/N the way that Lila did. One day, Y/N overheard Marinette talking about Lila to a small group that consisted of Nino, Alya, and Mylene. Y/N walked over, just to see what was going on. “Hey guys! What are you talking about?” She asked, as if she hadn’t already been listening for a minute. “Oh, nothing, just your new little friend over there.” Marinette said as she rolled her eyes, and gestured towards where Lila was laughing with a small group of people. “I honestly don’t understand why you guys don’t like her. Once you get to know her, she really isn’t that bad.” Y/N defended her new friend. “Please Y/N, we all know you’re only friends with her because no one else is. Face it, she’s a bad person. All she ever does is lie, manipulate, and hurt people. You should just end it now before she hurts you too. Honestly, she-“
“You know what Marinette? Maybe Lila just genuinely didn’t know better. Have you been paying attention the passed couple of weeks? They’ve actually been trying to be kind and making friends. Maybe she hasn’t been the best in that past, but you need to grow up and move on! Seriously, what are we, 10? Look around! Just over there people are laughing and having a normal conversation with her. She isn’t lying, she isn’t being rude, she’s just laughing and having fun! Maybe if you gave her a chance, took the time to get to know her, and stopped being so closed minded, you’d see that she’s really a cool and fun and interesting person. Even when she isn’t lying! Just get over yourself already, okay?” Marinette was shocked, and a couple people nearby who had stopped to listen were shocked too. One of those people being Lila. Y/N just kind of slowly walked away, hoping that not too many people noticed.
Later in the day between class periods, Y/N was walking when all of a sudden they felt someone hug her from behind. She looked back and realized that it was Lila, and she was smiling. Y/N turned around and Lila let go, only to hug them again from the front. “What’s got you so happy?” Y/N questioned. “I heard what you said earlier. It’s really all because of you. I’ve never had a friend like you before. I’ve never had a true and real friend. Thank you so much for giving me a chance.” Lila said. There wasn’t a trace of any lie in that sentence. Lila was so grateful for Y/N, and Y/N was equally as grateful for Lila. They both needed each other so that they could discover what a true friend really is.
andddd that’s a wrap! if you made it to the end i hope you enjoyed!! requests and still open, and my writers block is completely cured, so if you send something in it should be up soon. have a lovely day!!
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muwur · 4 years
Since requests were open I was wondering if I could request father headcanons for iwai + ushi + atsumu 🥺 btw your writing is vv tasty n I can’t wait to see you write more !! Keep up the good work n stay safe !!
haikyuu daddee headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for iwaizumi, ushijima, and atsumu
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.4k words
a/n: omg u called my writing taSTY Dx i cri tySM 💞 that is a high compliment for me AHAHAHAH ILY and ty for the request! 
also my lovelies i m back i m sry i was gone so long feojfe i miss yall <3 here u go enjoi, this was fun to write lmk if yall want more characetrs AHAHA
current listen: accidentally in love by sHREK AAHAH jkjk i mean counting crows, they cant take that away from me by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong, love the way you lie by eminem and rihanna
requests: open!
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✧ prePARED daddy
✧ picked up on this parenting thing p fast, also does a lot of research so he’s ready to face any situation
✧ teaches his kids how to behave n respect others
✧ also makes sure they know not to talk to strangers and teaches them some self defense
✧ be warned these kids are packing a surprise can of whOOP ASS,, dont fuck w them,, plus u wouldnt want buff daddee iwa on ur tail
✧ honestly his kids would be ANGELS ,,, n thats cuz he treats them all so w e l l
✧ mans is ATTENTIVE. he asks his kids about their days, their interests, and encourages discussion about their fEELINGS 🥺
✧ always offers them really valuable and light-hearted advice
✧ and gives them the love and transparency we all wanted but never had--
✧ however his kids are easily (n negatively) influenced esp when uncle oikawa comes to visit--
✧ but mostly bc iwa gets annoyed and slips out a lot of curse words and a “shittykawa” and then his kids started calling oikawa that and now it’s ingrained in them forever fjoefefgfvi (*distant phlattykawa crying noises*)
✧ gives them LOTS of head pats and ruffles as signs of affection
✧ PACKS THEIR SCHOOL LUNCHES and ensures they eat a balanced meal
✧ attends all their games/events,, will get a bit rowdy hype them up
✧ def lets his kids sleep with him when they’re having a bad night or woke up scared from a nightmare (and waits for them to fall asleep before going to sleep himself fojref)
✧ when they were babies he usually succeeded to get them to stop crying by pulling funny faces, showing them their favorite cartoons, or humming a lullaby
✧ when they get older,,, u bet iwa would be suPER protective esp when their kids start being iNtErEsTeD in other people
✧ you: “iwaizumi, they seem like a really nice kid, though”
✧ iwa: *sitting with you in the car, across the street from the ice cream parlor your child said they were at, and spying from the window* “you can’t trust everyone, of course they seem ‘nice,’ they just want our approval”
✧ definitely did not interrupt his child’s potential first kiss at their house’s doorstep by slamMINg the door open “sUDDENLY” cuz he “hEard TheIR vOicEs and THougHt TO lET them In”
✧ effectively traumatized both kids
✧ tho he felt bad after n u made him go apologize so he did (and he was forgiven, only if he agreed to never spy on them again--)
✧ doesn’t stop him from scrutinizing every person yalls kid introduces to you tho
✧ overall a super supportive dad, 11/10
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✧ ok dEF does not know much about parenting ,, at first
✧ stared at his child like ???nani when you both changed their first diaper
✧ also had plenty of staring contests with his babies ,,, called it bonding
✧ was curious and tasted baby food once,,, immediately regretted it
✧ once put a volleyball next to his child, who attempted to bite it, and took it as a sign that they liked it
✧ after sum time n practice, his mind becomes split between “how to volleyball” and “how to dad”
✧ catch him in the kitchen wearing an apron and whipping up his kids’ favorite smiley face pancakes 😤😤
✧ has an amazing ability to get his kids to stop crying, does really simple things like give them their favorite toy or place a gentle hand on their hand or attend to their needs (mans can tell if they want food or needa poop) and they calm down immediately
✧ carried them on his shoulders once and now they never stop asking him for shoulder rides (not that he minds anyway)
✧ if theres two kids he can probs carry one on each shoulder cuz cmon ,,, have u seen this man
✧ always goes to every performance/game/event his child takes part in
✧ man smiles so soft™ when he goes to the 1st grade play and sees his kid’s name in the program next to their role as “townsperson b” (next year, they upgraded to “singing carrot” in a play about the food pyramid)
✧ if his kid ends up enjoying volleyball, he will teach them e v e r y t h i n g they need to know
✧ but is overall super supportive of anything else his child pursues and doesn’t push anything onto them, would rather let them choose what they want to do
✧ had n o idea what to do when his kid asked him about the birds n the bees asfghkl
✧ couldnt sleep one night thinking about it and just randomly asks you while yall laying in bed in the dARk like “so our child asked me how babies are made and I told them they came from watermelon seeds” (you: 👁️👄👁️ “come again”)
✧ you: *at the grocery store with your child*
✧ child: *hands you watermelon* “I want a little brother!”
✧ you: “haha of course honey” 👁️👄👁️ what do i do (*later to ushijima* “duhfojhguf we needa get another baby i promised our child a younger brother fohurof” ; ushi: “wat” ; you: “itS YOUR FAULT”)
✧ yall eventually tell them not every watermelon can produce babies only really special ones that are really hard to get fhuoefkfotfi theyre not ready for the truth
✧ another great daddee, we stan
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✧ knew parenting was stressful esp with bABieS but was like eh it cant be that bad right
✧ think again
✧ g o o d b y e  s l e e p
✧ develops phat bags under his eyes, responds with a weak “aha im fine just that parenting life and the kids ykNOW” whenever his teammates ask if he’s oKAY
✧ tried to tempt his kids to eat their mush baby food by trying it himself, nearly gagged but was able to say “eughh yuMM”
✧ loves to lift them high up in the air, even throws them up a little and nearly drops them (yall almost died from feAR but babie was having so much fun,,, yall agreed to be just a bit more careful)
✧ rlly bad at getting them to stop crying, gets very stressed when he’s exhausted every option he can think of then calls you over for some help/advice (you: *immediately calms them down* ; ratsumu: “how--”)
✧ calls up osamu a lot to ask him how to make food ,, then simps whenever his twin brother comes over and the kids are in love with this man and his cooking (”dad why cant you make stuff as yummy as this”)
✧ very affectionate with his kids, gives them lots of hugs and kisses on the forehead
✧ plays with them a lot! whether it’s sports, just dance, animal crossing, or UNO, yOU NAME IT WE PLAY IT
✧ also has no mercy when playing competitive video or board games,, has made them cry more than once LOL
✧ so sometimes he toned it down n let them win,, until his kids actually got better and DEMOLISH him every time
✧ is cool with his kids cursing, just as long as they don’t do it in front of their teachers LMAO
✧ plays innocent when he gets a call from school saying his kid was using ‘inappropriate language’ and is like “whaaat? my child? im not even sure where they learned that, maybe check if the other kids in class are saying those things, too--”
✧ reminisces how much nicer his kids were to him when they were younger and all the time they spent together,,, bc now that they reached their tEeNS they want alone time
✧ wants to be B) cool dad so he tries kinda hard, esp in front of their friends but his kid’s just like dad pls dofjrgjigtgro
✧ also very supportive of whatever his kids want to pursue and dedicates time to help them in whatever ways he can (whether that be to help them practice, make sure he can provide transportation, get them supplies, etc)
✧ always playfully competing with you to see who’s the “better” parent (you win by default)
✧ PROTECTIVE dad and will easily intimidate ANYONE who crosses his kids
✧ takes sum adjustment and mental resilience but daddee atsumu perseveres  😤 absolutely loves his kids and would do anything for them  
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Swearing, a complete crack fic.
Song to Set the Vibe: Break Shit ~ Jasiah
Request: Reader gets extra homework from Snape and drinks redbull to finish it, she then freaks out becaue of overintake of caffeine
A/n: this is a crack fic plain and simple, kinda fun to write, I used it as an excuse to bash Snape and Pansy. It's not edited so ignore spelling and grammar(Ps I'm in love with Shigaraki Tomura so if anyone can help me that would be great)
    You rolled your eyes aimlessly flipping through your potions textbook in hopes to find something worth your time inside of it. You found nothing but continued to scan the pages, thoughts wandering to random topics. You groaned wondering if you could catch Harry’s attention from across the room. You cursed Snape for separating you, now you were stuck next to Pansy Perkins, someone you would sooner pitch from the autonomy tower than have a civilized conversation with, although you doubted she was able to have such things. You let out another loud sigh as your stares into your boyfriend’s head gave you no reaction. 
Pansy turned, glaring. You stuck your tongue out at her and she scoffed turning away. 
    “You’re disgustingly childish.” she spat inching her seat away from you. 
    “At least I’m not in love with a boy who finds me annoying and borderline repulsive.” You shot back. 
    She scowled back at you, “Shut your filthy mouth, you know nothing about me.”
    “I know you’re an uppity bitch.” You shrugged back grinning. 
    She let out a high pitched shriek as you struggled to keep in giggles. Eyes snapped toward your table and you looked towards your desk-mate pretending to be shocked by her outburst. 
    “Ms. Perkinson, is everything alright?” Snape was clearly uninterested in her answer. 
    For a second you were sure she would snitch on you but she decided to keep her dignity intact and shook her head. 
    You snickered, waving to Harry who rolled his eyes playfully, a small grin on his face. 
    As Snape went back to his lesson you smirked at the red-faced girl, “Wow Perkionson you truly decided to keep your pride on that one didn’t you?” 
    She responded with nothing no longer playing along. 
    “That’s something I would have done, you know us prideful Gryffindors. I suppose you were placed in the wrong house.” You continued to bait the girl. 
    She scoffed again, “I was put in the right house, thank you very much.” 
    “Oh sure, you were.” You bit your lip in thought before an idea revealed itself. “Oh my Godric, Draco is totally staring at you.” You gasped in mock surprise. 
    She snapped to attention spinning around to look where the blonde was seated only to find him asleep at his desk. You laughed quietly as she spun around to glare at you again. 
    “I’m only kidding of course,” You chuckled, “I’m sure he would rather stare at a troll’s ass than you, I know I sure would.” 
    Her cheeks blossomed with red anger, her eyes narrowing to slits as you held back barking laughter. “Shut up.” Her voice was shaky with fury. 
    “Ooo, looks like I’ve struck a nerve.” You jeered happily. “ ‘fried Darcy is never gonna love your little pug face?” 
    Apparently you took it too far because the girl leapt to her feet swinging her wand at you, “Flipendo!”
    You flipped straight off your chair and was flung into the desk next to you, a splintering pain shooting through your back. You didn’t let it show laughing as you stood “What?! Can’t take the truth pug-face?” You snatched your wand from your robes, “Tentaclifors!” 
    Pansy’s head was replaced by a large grey tentacle in seconds, “At least now you’ll look better!” You barked in a wide grin. Laughter and shouts echoed around you but your joy was cut in one swift flash. 
    You turned to see your professor, his anger quite evident amongst his dull features. 
    “Ms. Greengrass, please escort Ms. Perkinson to the hospital wing.” He snarled as you bit back a giggle. 
    “Since you seem to find dueling with a classmate while I’m teaching so amusing, y/l/n, I expect six pages on the essay due tonight instead of two.” He snapped. 
    “But she fired first!” You defended.
    “I simply do not care.” He responded, “I want six pages.” 
    You glared at the man mumbling some unpleasant words under your breath before taking your seat again. At least you only had ten minutes of class left. 
    Saying you liked to procrastinate would be an understatement. You were wildly in love with procrastination. You were an absolute expert at finding anything but your work to do. You shoved the essays and worksheets to the back of your mind and instead helped the twins with a prank or read a new book. You could close off the bad thoughts of school work like a pro, even Hermionie’s nagging couldn’t get you to work until the sunlight had faded and the stars were visible in the sky. 
    You had once again followed through on your usual routine and now at ten at night you were finally beginning to start your hours of work. 
    You groaned, “How can our professors be so cruel? This is a wildly unfair amount of work.”
    Hermione rolled her eyes, “Maybe if you had gotten started on it right away then you wouldn’t be so stressed right now.” 
    “Whatever.” You mumbled. 
    Harry who sat beside you, his head on your shoulder, arm around your waist peered at the textbooks you had placed in front of you. “Don’t you have that essay from Snape too?” 
    You whimpered, the sound of a wounded animal, “I totally forgot about that.” You buried your head into the dark-haired boy’s chest, “I’m so fucked.” 
    He chuckled earning a glare from you as you pouted up at him, “Sorry,” he murmured, “You’re just so cute.” 
    Ron groaned, “Can you not do that in front of me?” 
    Harry rolled his eyes, “Don’t be jealous Ron, green is not a good color on you.” 
    “I am not jealous.” He scoffed. 
    “Whatever,” you whined, “Someone help me. I’m gonna pass out in like an hour.”
    “That’s your own fault.” Hermione pointed out, you ignored her picking up your transfiguration notes and beginning to scribble down answers. 
    Three hours later you were completely exhausted. Both Hermione and Ron had retired to their beds. Harry was beside you struggling to stay awake as he poured over your Defense Against the Dark Arts paragraph. Your eyelids felt too heavy and your mind was fogged over, memories smeared in the mud of fatigue. You were at your breaking point. 
    “I haven’t even started that stupid essay.” You whimpered, eyes suddenly pricking with tears. You hiccuped choking back sobs, “I can’t do this.” 
    Harry sat up rubbing his eyes and stumbling towards you. He sat next to you holding open his arms as you buried yourself into his embrace. You let yourself go, tears spilling down your cheeks onto the boy’s shoulder. 
    “Y/n/n.” He whispered causing you to look up at him. He cupped your head in his hands using his thumbs to wipe your tears, their cold temperature feeling refreshing against your hot sticky skin. “You’re gonna be okay, I’m gonna get you an energy drink and you're going to be just fine. I swear.” 
    “Energy drink?” You tilted your head in confusion. 
    He nodded, “I’ve got a whole bunch of them up in my room so I can stay up.” 
    “Okay.” You mumbled leaning into his touch which was so cruelly torn away from you. 
    “I’ll be right back.”
    Harry stumbled back down the stairs with a brightly colored box a few minutes later. You investigated one of the cans he had given you and frowned.
    He nodded, “Yeah muggles drink the stuff all the time, it's like super-powered coffee.” You shrugged, cracking open the can to a small fizz, “Careful it tastes like shit.” 
    You took a large swig anyway cringing at the taste but ignoring it. 
    You heard the hiss of carbonation and glanced over at Harry who was about to take a sip of the liquid. “Harry, go to bed, I’ll finish this myself.” 
    He glanced hazily at you, “Are you sure?” 
    You nodded, taking the drink from him, “I’ll be fine.” 
    “Okay.” He spoke hesitantly standing, “Love you y/n/n.” He placed a kiss on your forehead. 
    “Love you too.” You responded “Goodnight.” 
    He disappeared upstairs and you took another sip. 
    Harry awoke the next morning and clambered down the dormitory steps to find you pacing and what seemed to be mumbling to yourself. He scrunched his brow and continued across the room looking down when he heard a loud clang and felt something bounce off his shoe. It turned out to be a can that was sent rolling across the carpeted room knocking into three others on the way. 
You had now noticed the boy’s arrival and turned to greet him, “Harry!” You yelled a bit too loudly, “Thank Godric you’re up! I’ve been waiting for ages.” You scampered across the room laughing a bit. Harry noticed the almost hazy look in your eyes immediately, dark circles also accompanied them. 
“Y/n how long have you been up?” He hesitantly asked, not really wanting to hear the answer. 
You glanced down at your watch and did a bit of math, “26 hours give or take.” You were bouncing on your heels. 
Harry’s eyes widened, “You didn’t sleep at all?” 
“Couldn’t, that shit really works man,” You spoke too quickly, “Like really works” 
“Exactly how much did you have?” He wondered in part amazement part fear. 
“Umm like all of it.” You responded as you walked away from him and began to pack up your stuff in a rushed manner. 
“All of it?!” Harry choked out his eyes glancing around the room finding far too many can littering the floor.
You nodded, “Yep, yeppers, sure did. In fact, do you have any more? I think I might need to ride this high for a few more hours.” 
“Y/n, I’m not giving you anymore that is extremely unhealthy,” Harry said, watching as desperation filled your eyes only to be replaced by determination. 
You sprinted towards his stairs, tripping on one but standing before you could even feel the bruise begin to form on your knee. 
“Y/n/n what are you doing?” Harry called after you, “Hey get down here!” 
By the time Harry managed to make it up the stairs you had already pulled another box of the drinks from under his bed, ripped it open and was drinking a can. Ron who was shirtless apparently changing stared at you in horror. 
“The hell y/n!” 
You laughed, “Bug off Ron.” Your voice was so rushed it was almost inaudible. You then ran from the room dodging Harry and stumbling back down the stairs. Harry chased after you frantically. “Y/n!” 
You laughed again, “Let’s head to breakfast Harry!” You then skipped out of the portrait hole. 
By the time potions rolled around you had finished off almost all of the cans in the new box you had stolen before Harry managed to snag it from you. You were still hours from crashing and insisted on running on your good feeling. Literally. 
You sprinted through the halls not much caring about the students and teachers you bumped into. You ran straight through Nearly Headless Nick and shrieked at the icy temperature you plunged into but kept running. You reached the dungeons in record time before running into Malfoy who cussed at you. 
You turned to face him in a whirlwind, “You know Draco, I think I’m quite a nice person but you make me just want to break your nose.” You said it so matter-of-factly his eyes went wide and you were gone before he could answer. 
You made it to the potions room and burst inside Harry wheezed for breath at the door deciding he needed to work out more. 
“Snape!” You called loudly plopping onto your desk and removing your papers, scrawled in messy handwriting. 
“It’s Professor Snape.” He corrected you in a snarl. 
You blinked owlishly at him tilting your head to the side, “But I’m not a professor.” 
Snape frowned, dropping his mouth to say something but before he could, you lunged at him, shoving your homework into his hands and laughing wildly as he stumbled backward. 
“Y/l/n what on earth is wrong with you?” He spat. 
You shrugged, “Redbull.” 
“What is a Red Bull?” he scoffed. 
“A potion.” You responded and Harry snorted, “You haven’t heard of it? It's something muggles made, it helps keep you awake when your dickwad of a teacher gives you extra homework.” 
Snape’s face flashed, red anger crawling onto his pale visage, “10 points from Gryffindor for insulting a teacher.” 
You snickered, “Make it twenty you greasy hairball.” 
He did. 
Pansy found sitting next to you extremely difficult, you continued to pick at your desk, leg bouncing absentmindedly as you hummed a song. 
“Have you gone insane y/l/n?” she asked in a hushed whisper refusing to meet your eye after yesterday’s duel. 
“Yes.” you confirmed loudly, “I was forced to look at you.” Snickers and laughs echoed around you and you smiled smugly. “I can’t even imagine what it's like for poor Malfoy when you shove yourself into his face every hour. No wonder he constantly looks like he has a broom handle shoved up his ass.” 
This caused Seamus who sat a few seats from you to laugh so hard his eyes began to water as his deskmate Dean chuckled helplessly. 
“Y/l/n!” Snape hissed, “Do you think this is a comedy club?”
“Considering you’re the one in charge it should be.” You answered. “But you aren’t very funny, so maybe not.” 
Seamus howled slamming his hand on his desk as Ron damn near fell out of his chair. Gryffindor lost more points and Harry decided to never give you an energy drink ever again. 
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outerbonks · 4 years
complicated - jj maybank
Thanks for all the love on my last post, I really appreciate it ♡ let me know what you think of this one and if you think I should make more parts :)
Summary: You're a kook and JJ doesn't like you at all. That's what he wants everyone to believe anyway.
Word count: +2K
Warning (s): swearing, drinking
Masterlist ♡
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Music pumped through the boneyard as you danced around with your friends, being a kook, you tried to avoid being on the pogue side of the island as much as possible, but keggers in the boneyard were impossible to pass up.
For the past fifteen minutes you'd been lost in the music, dancing and singing, admittedly buzzed from all of the cheap beer you'd drank throughout the night.
"Y/n! You came!" A voice called from behind you and you whipped around to see your friend Kie smiling brightly at you.
Giving her a big hug and returning her smile you nodded, "Yeah, great party!"
Kie was a sweetheart, you'd met her in school after her falling out with Sarah Cameron in the ninth grade, she was a breath of fresh air compared to some of the other snobs that attended the private high school and you both got along like a house on fire.
There was one issue with hanging out with her outside of school though. That issue was that her friends hated you- well, not all of them, only one of them actually, but he really really really didn't like you.
JJ Maybank has been a dick to you ever since he first met you. You don't remember doing anything to have pissed the hotheaded boy off but you never let his hostility fly.
Whenever he had something to quip at you, you had something just as snarky to throw back in his face. He didn't know anything about you yet felt the need to run his mouth about you as if he knew all of your deepest darkest secrets, when in reality the boy probably didn't even know your middle name.
At the beginning of your little rivalry with JJ, you had tried to be the bigger person and show him that you weren't like the other kooks. Of course he was having none of it.
So when Kie grabbed your hand and exclaimed, "Come sit with me and my friends!" Your stomach dropped and even in your tipsy state you knew that it wasn't a good idea.
"I dunno, Kie. I don't wanna fight with anyone tonight…" You trailed off with a pout, you'd had a shitty week at work and tonight was supposed to allow you to unwind and not be stressed out by a boy who hated you for reasons you didn't even know.
"Look, I'll handle JJ if he says anything okay? Just please come on, John B said he missed you." Kie pleaded with you, a triumphant 'yes' exiting her mouth when you sighed in defeat and began walking with her in the direction of her friends.
When you got to the boys who were all sat on logs, John B perked up, the tall boy immediately standing up to greet you with a hug.
"I haven't seen you in forever! Why haven't you been hanging out?" John B asked you with a concerned face, holding you at arms length.
"We've been super swamped at work, lots of new people coming in for the summer so I picked up a few extra shifts to help out." You explained to him but turned your face in the direction where the scoff had just come from.
"As if you need any more money than you already get from mommy and daddy." JJ grumbled sarcastically, looking to get a rise out of you.
You meant what you said to Kie earlier about not wanting to get in a fight, you were too tired.
"It's volunteer work, actually." You muttered bitterly before taking a seat between Kie and John B.
Most of your weekends and now weekdays since school ended for summer were spent volunteering at the old folks home on figure eight. It wasn't too stressful, you get paired up with an old person and you keep them company for the day, play board games and do things for them. It doesn't sound so bad, is exactly what you were thinking when you applied for it, but the hours were long and the nurses that worked there were assholes.
You'd dealt with enough snarky douche bags this week, you didn't want to have to deal with the blond boy too. You'd be using energy you just didn't have.
Luckily the conversation moved on quickly and you were all laughing at something Pope said.
"Do you want another beer?" John B asked you, standing up.
"No thanks. I think I've had enough." You giggled up at him and he nodded his head in agreement with a smile before heading to the keg.
Once he left, JJ wasted no time in stealing his seat and plopping down beside you.
You let out an irritated sigh but didn't say anything, you knew what was about to happen.
"Want a hit?" He asked, showing you the joint he'd rolled. You couldn't help but look at him in confusion, him offering you anything other than a snide remark was uncharacteristic.
"I guess." You responded unsurely, only to get a click of his tongue in return, "Damn sucks you don't have a joint then."
In all fairness you should've seen it coming. Rolling your eyes you turned your face away from him as he lit up the weed.
While you were ignoring JJ and enjoying a conversation with Pope and Kie you were interrupted by a Touron who tapped you on the shoulder.
"Hey." You couldn't lie, the boy standing in front of you with a shy smile on his face was gorgeous.
You smiled brightly, looking up at him from your spot, "Hi there."
JJ watched with narrow eyes as the guy rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I was wondering if maybe you'd want to dance with me for a bit?"
Before you could even respond, JJ threw an arm around your shoulder casually and looked at the poor boy dead in the eyes, "No. She doesn't."
It was your turn to narrow your eyes as the boy scurried away.
"What the fuck?" You seethed at JJ, knocking his hand off your shoulder and turning to face him.
The boy in question shrugged his shoulders innocently, "Didn't think you wanted to dance."
"How the hell would you know what I want? You don't even know me." The words were laced in venom and it was clear that you'd finally had enough, not allowing the blue eyed boy to get a word in as you exploded.
"I get it, ok? You hate me and that's fine. But don't for a second pretend to know what I'm about because you don't know shit about me." Your jaw was clenched and you delivered your words through gritted teeth, poking his chest roughly as you spoke.
JJ scoffed out a laugh, grabbing your wrist to stop your relentless poking, "I know exactly what you're about, princess."
Looking at him with pursed lips you snatched your wrist from his grasp and crossed your arms over chest, "Tell me." The demand came out stone cold and JJ's face was covered in confusion, "What?"
"Tell me what I'm about." The boy stared at you in bewilderment before cocking his head to the side and nodding, "Alright."
JJ cleared his throat before he started rattling off reasons as to why he hated you, "You're just like every other kook on this island, a spoiled brat who gets everything handed to you."
Shaking your head at his answer you leaned closer to him with a glare that made a chill run up his spine.
"No no no. We all know what a kook is JJ, no I want you to tell me what I'm about. C'mon, what's my biggest fear?" You pushed at his chest again, enjoying how he swallowed thickly and stayed quiet.
"What age was I when it all started going wrong? Why can't I wear dresses to parties? Huh?" The boy kept quiet, he didn't have an answer to any of your questions and the point you were making started to dawn on him.
"Come on! Since you know everything about what I'm about you must know the answers." 
JJ let out an aggravated huff and threw his hands up in defeat, "Well I don't, alright?" He shouted defensively.
Giving him a fake smile and nodding you stood up, towering over him now.
"Right. Because you don't fucking know me. So stop acting like you do when you've never even bothered to get to know me." You spat at him before storming away.
Kie and Pope watched with dissatisfied looks on their faces, "Man, you suck do you know that?" Kie sighed out as she watched you get smaller and smaller.
"Also you do know Y/n is like the sweetest person on the planet right?" John B chimed in, returning from the keg.
"Why do you hate her?" Pope asked, tilting his head in confusion, JJ not liking you had just been something they all accepted and never questioned.
JJ shrugged, chugging his drink and tossing the cup to the side, "She's a kook." 
Kie scoffed this time, "Yeah and? Everyone else loves her. I don't get why you always have to make her feel bad, she tried really hard to get along with you." 
JJ's feeling towards you were complicated, the rudeness between the two of you had admittedly started off as just banter and when he realized he'd been enjoying the back and forth a little too much he needed to regain his distance. No way in hell could he fall for a kook princess, even if you were one of the nicest people he'd ever met.
He's never felt bad about the remarks he threw you or arguments he caused because you always gave as good as you got. It pissed him off because it only made him admire you more. He didn't notice it was taking a lasting effect on you until your little outburst.
To top things off, Kie, Pope and John B were always gushing about how much fun you were to hang out with and how they wanted to hang out with you more often, truth be told he'd love to see you hanging around more but his pride just would not allow him to get close to you.
"Look, if it would make you all chill out I will go and I will propose a truce so you can all go back to macking on Y/n in peace." The boy offered and was met with a chorus of thank yous from his friends.
He had to jog up the beach until he eventually found you sitting on the sand, close to the shore line with a bottle of water, attempting to sober up before you went home.
"Hey, princess." JJ said, voice flat as he sat down beside you on the cold sand.
You glanced at him briefly and sighed, "I'm not up for a round two."
The boy shook his head, staring out at the ocean thoughtfully, "That's not why I'm here."
Furrowing your brows you turned your face toward his, "Then why are you here?"
He ran his fingers through his hair then met your eyes, "I'm sorry that I'm an asshole."
He never usually apologized, but then again, you never usually snapped either so you were both full of surprises tonight.
"I'm not sorry for snapping at you. You deserved it." You replied softly, returning your gaze to the water in front of you.
JJ let out an airy laugh, nodding in agreement. 
"I don't hate you by the way." He confessed quietly.
"Then why are you so mean all the time?" You asked in return.
Instead of answering your question he posed a new one to you, "Do you wanna know what I'm about?"
You nodded, determined to get to the bottom of the boy beside you.
"I'm about keeping people at a distance. I do that by being an asshole. I'm about caring too much about my reputation to let myself be nice to you." To let myself fall for you. He wanted to say, but he couldn't put all of his cards on the table like that.
Nodding in understanding you let out a weak, "Pogues vs kooks… right." You knew for a fact that if you were considered one of the pogues JJ would've never had an issue with you.
"Right." The boy confirmed with yet another nod of his head. 
A silence settled over you both before JJ stood up, dusting himself off, "Come hang out with us this weekend. The others want you to be there."
Giving him a weak smile and a nod you watched as he walked away. That boy would never fail to confuse you.
You just hoped that now that he told you he didn't hate you, that maybe he'd start acting like it.
Part 2
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reineyday · 4 years
bnha characters as volleyball players (au headcanons)
i have never in my life played volleyball outside of gym class and the occasional beach jaunt, so this is all based off of what i learned from haikyuu LOL
anyways, this started as tags from this fanart by @syblatortue​ of deku, kacchan, kiri, sero, iida and shouto as vball players, and then it got away from me so if you wanna read 2.9k worth of headcanons about powerhouse athletics high school UA then go ahead and press “read more” :)
deku's the calculating setter like kenma and he fanboys over stats from the international to the national to the high school
kacchan used to make fun of him and look down on him bc he used to think too much on court to move properly, and as a kid kacchan used to think that it was spiking or bust so he always gave deku grief and bullied him over being slow and weak
in middle school kacchan was a starter since first year and eventually became the ace but deku was always second string setter
his athleticism was nothing to write home about but he was just good enough to make the bench
in their middle school tournament their starting setter got injured and deku had to step in to set for a match for the first time ever
powerhouse volleyball high school coach yagi toshinori is watching and he sees all the aborted plans in deku's setting choices
he sees the gutsy sets that miss and the one successful dump he did that threw everyone off-guard (even deku himself), and yagi remembers what it was like to be hungry for volleyball seeing the look in this kid's eyes and he recognizes the brain on him
their team loses there though bc the fact is that deku wasnt athletic enough to do it and kacchan is yelling and deku's crying
but yagi approaches deku (who freaks out bc all might is THE legendary vball player of their country, and the nation was SHOOK when after getting severely injured by a malicious spike in the wrong place he chose to coach high school vball, even if the school was a powerhouse school and also his alma mater lol)
but anyways deku babbles and fanboys even through his tears and says he got into UA but he's not sure he can make the vball team, and yagi says he sees the potential in deku's plays and if he trains hard every. single. day. from now until the tryouts at UA, he might make at least the bench
(cue montage)
kacchan is angry to see deku at tryouts and fuckn RAGING when deku more or less keeps up bc deku got buff since their last high school match
unfortunately for kacchan he is actually the one most familiar with deku's playing since they trained together in middle school too, and he almost pops a blood vessel just thinking it but ever since deku started actually being able to get to the ball in time, vball has been more fun ‘cuz the things deku ends up doing are fucking batshit crazy and his sets are begrudgingly his favourite to hit
deku sets right where kacchan can just hit the ball as violently as he can, and it sounds like a bomb goes off when the spike hits the ground
(kacchan also obviously has the best serves and he mixes it up with the power ones like his ap shots, or floaters when he's strategic; he knows how to read the opposing team and either wait or serve really fast and serves up high to blind them like his flashbomb explosions, and he’s really arrogant about his serves but at least he can back it up as per classic kacchan)
anyways they become a really intimidating duo, apart but especially together, because despite the way deku still occasionally cowers from kacchan’s rage and kacchan is often yelling and antagonizing deku, they can read each other really smoothly on court and they match each other really easily, and they both go for the really gutsy shit no one else would think to try (like samu and tsumu going for the freak quick with samu setting kind of gutsy)
kacchan is also antagonizing af and calls the other team extras lol
but yeah, those two along with renown olympic vball player todoroki enji's son shouto are the three most intimidating first years at UA
enji has a very aggressive playing style and where he targets people on the opposing team specifically to make them sweat, makes them feel like he’s hot on their heels even from the other side of the net, always glaring, always strong
shouto hates it and hates the way his dad made him train day in and day out just because he had a good reaction time and instincts for the ball when he was young
fuyumi and natsuo were slow as kids and got immediately dismissed bc of it bc to enji if they werent athletic enough for the ideal vball playing style as children then theyd never be athletic enough to beat all might’s vball career and metrics in the future
touya was fast enough but he overtrained and strained his knees and then continued straining them to play anyways till they were permanently damaged, and by the time he graduated middle school, his doctor put him on orders to never ever ever do anything that might be overly strenuous for his knees ever again
anyways, shouto plays very cool and detached, like even when he spikes the ball right into your face you’ll feel like he wasn’t looking; he’s a middle blocker like suna, stays calm but uses his whole body
deku eventually convinces him that playing with fire every once in a while, especially when he spikes, can be a good thing because at the end of the day, his dad may have taught him the tricks but it’s shouto himself who’s playing, and so it’s not his dad’s style, it’s his own
also the spikes just aren’t as good or as psychologically effective if shouto’s not 100p IN it when he goes to spike one of deku’s demanding sets
and im gonna say shouto is ambidextrous but more comfortable with his left hand in this volleyball au because shouto’s left side is his fire side, and it’s more parallel to the character to make his more aggressive spiking hand his left one but still have him be able to use his left hand for spikes too (it’s also SO stressful for opponents bc angles)
also yes he does indeed only play with his right hand (his ice side) when he gets into UA, and is initially very hellbent on proving to his father that he can become a pro vball player without being as aggressive as enji on court and without using his more dominant hand, the hand that his dad’s been focusing on whenever they trained at home, the hand he’s spent hours and hours spiking and serving with since he was like five years old
one day deku notices shouto’s writing with his left hand and then connects the dots and sort of badgers him into spiking one of his sets with his left hand too and then yeah shouto tells him his life story and deku manages to emotionally coerce him into being okay with his left-handed spikes
(shouto also feels better about it when deku points out the left-handed angles thing)
so yeah that’s the big three scary first year starters: calculating and gutsy deku, who occasionally makes plays so gutsy he’s at risk of twisting one of his limbs in a very scary way (he’s always bruised in weird ass places from volleyball); raging, aggressive but also cunning kacchan, who is undoubtedly the loudest on any court he’s on, and ambidextrous hot and cold shouto, who does a pretty solid general defense with little holes but has scary aggressive spikes
btw shouto’s got a fanclub and they call him the volleyball prince
also at one point they totally play a practice match against shiketsu and UA loses bc inasa starts antagonizing shouto for being exactly like his father (inasa asked for enji’s autograph after a match once when he was a kid and got rudely blown off) and shouto gets offended and starts targeting inasa and then they get outplayed (it was a close match though ‘cuz both of them couldnt get their heads out of their asses and both their teams were suffering as a result)
alrighty, the other players in that fanart lmao!
kirishimaaaaa my dude my bro, super solid libero, always pumps up the team, and his defense is unbreakable! will receive even the scariest, most powerful spikes and smile cheerfully through it; will always insist that you’re manly for playing with everything you have and never letting fear get in the way of going for it
his middle school had a huge and scary substitute gym teacher who didn’t have mercy and spiked hard right to the faces of the students, and kiri really wanted to run forward to receive the spike and yell about how unfair this teacher was but he froze because the spike seemed unforgiving and if he received it wrong, what if his nose broke? what if he fell and broke something from the impact? mina didnt pause though and she received the spike and told off their substitute teacher and then reported it to their homeroom teacher and it was so manly of her, he promised himself he would never hesitate just bc of a scary spike again
btw mina’s all-around athletic and could probably make it onto the girls vball team but she’s probably on the UA dance team (UA is a powerhouse school for many sports, and theyre famous for their athletics department bc they often hire (former) pro-athletes to teach and coach)
iida comes from a family of sprint runners and he’s the one they trust for the most running; he’s their first year decoy and he’s fast af for such a big guy, and he often also provides extra block support from zooming left and right
also enjoys helping out the managers and corralling his team into being good students; he’d offer to tutor kirishima but kiri seems to have fun trying to be friends with bakugou lol; he makes it known that he’s there if kiri wants some extra patience to go along with his studies though
sero guess blocks so accurately people like to say that he’s got tape coming from his elbows, bringing the ball straight to his arms so that he can block; actually he’s pretty known for having weirdly accurate control bumping the ball back from places other than his hands (esp his elbows though), like he’s just so aware of his body, and he uses everything he can to keep the ball off the ground so he’s good at general defense
some other people i wanna mention:
aizawa’s their supervising teacher and the first year homeroom teacher (he gets to hear bakugou explode both first thing in the morning AND right at the end of the day, oh joy); all might just coaches ‘cuz he does other former pro stuff during class time, so he somehow ended up in charge of the volleyball club after the previous teacher stopped being able to
he never went pro but he’s a black belt mixed martial artist, and he still does those parent-child karate classes with hitoshi (who is now close to black belt and on the demo team, since they’ve been doing this since hitoshi was like five) and eri (who just got her yellow belt! aizawa is soft)
only hizashi, nemuri, oboro and his kids know this but he’s also REALLY good at doing aerial silk and he looks graceful af when he does it
hitoshi started kinda learning aerial silk when hizashi took him to a rock climbing place that had the silks on the ceiling (dont at me, there’s a place EXACTLY like this where i used to live lmao) and found out they offer classes there, and hizashi laughed and said “yknow your dad is pro at those right”
ochako is their first year manager, and when everyone is confused about kacchan continuing to call deku something so mean, she talks about how the nickname is cute and gives off the impression that he’s trying his best and when deku grins and blushes and seems to be happy with it, the whole team starts calling him deku with the same intentions and fondness behind it
every time other people hear UA calling their starting setter “deku” theyre so confused
nejire is the third year manager leaving and she does gymnastics and dance outside of school
mirio is the ace and his thing is that he is very strong and very precise, and he moves like he phases through the other players
tamaki is a middle blocker that can adapt all kinds of playing strategies pretty fast as long as he’s got time to digest them and decent food in his stomach—he’s a great decoy ‘cuz his spikes are hard and he’s pretty fast too, and while he prefers read blocking, there are a few times he guess blocks and it’s accurate af and kinda scary honestly
tamaki and mirio are also pretty fearsome ‘cuz people start off scared of mirio’s power spikes and serves (btw his goal is to spike a million service aces LOL), and then tamaki kind of surprises them ‘cuz he seems to be able to just? do everything??? (and theyre extra surprised bc no doubt he’ll be talking himself down and doubting himself before the match and the opponents will think like “oh good he’s mentally weak” and he kind of is but also holy shit??? we got blocked AGAIN???) and so they sort of only keep a peripheral eye on mirio while they start focusing on tamaki, and then all of a sudden mirio’s not where you thought he was and how’d he get there so fast and there other players in the way??? and then mirio spikes one in
this isn’t really related to anything else but you BET mirio can bend low and do insanely accurate bump receives from pretty close to the ground like! his thighs and knees are legend
we don’t really know any second year bnha students, but i’d like to think their starting team isn’t just first years, so i’d say like… hm or mb tamaki is starting setter (all the stuff about adapting and easily digesting strategies still applies, as well as his flexible skillset, it just now includes setting) and mirio is his ace, but all might puts deku in a lot more than you’d expect a bench player to be subbed in not only ‘cuz it shakes up the other team to see such a meek-looking kid do these gutsy-ass sets, but also bc it’s good for tamaki’s mental health that he feels like he’s got a really great setter right there supporting him as well, even though he knows (objectively) that he can hold the fort on his own
so yeah, id say tamaki and mirio for sure starters (mirio is captain), kirishima’s a starter (he’s always been really good, he just used to get a little scared off in matches sometimes, but since the thing with mina, he’s been really gunning for it, and also conveniently their last really good libero graduated the year before and they didn’t really have a good backup), shouto’s a starter (he’s lowkey mad about it bc it feels like he’s fulfilling his dad’s legacy and he doesnt want to be), and probably two second years, that feels fair
bakugou’s benched bc his temper’s still a little too unwieldy for the court (much to his dismay), sero’s still patching up holes in his defense, and deku could stand to watch other people’s playing styles, but u bet theyre all fearsome af when theyre on court: deku seems to be the only one that seems to be able to bring out shouto’s terrifying spikes for now; after their first qualifiers, rumours fly around the vball circuit about his angry pinch server that’s so mad he’s not a regular, he takes it all out on his serves and rip the team that has to try and receive them
well okay, so bakugou is the only that i can qualify as actually fearsome bc even when he’s being intimidating sero is a pretty chill dude, and deku looks too nice to really be scary so the opponents usually arent scared until he starts playing and then for them it’s just this internal monologue of “what the fuck? what the FUCK???”
and sero, while chill, is the type to be aggressively cheerful and grin really wide after he blocks and gives you, the opponent, really supportive feedback that sort of still offends you but in a way you cant refute because every word he said was nice and his demeanour was nice too and yet? you kinda wanna strangle him??? and then he laughs winsomely and blocks your next spike too (like, “awh i noticed you have a tendency to follow here when xyz happens, but better luck next time right? that’s usually a pretty good play”)
and of COURSE their school banner says “plus ultra”
ANYWAYS i went OFF lmao i can’t believe i really wrote 2.9k of headcanons for this
i have waaaay more ideas about what the rest of the class and other characters are up to in this au that is powerhouse athletics high school UA so if for some reason you got all the way to the end then thank you and please interact if you wanna talk more about it!!!
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yoon-kooks · 5 years
Blood to Spare
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Pairing: Prince!Jimin x Knight!Reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Royal!AU
Summary: When a malicious threat is made against Prince Jimin’s life just hours before Garreg Mach’s annual ball, it is your sworn duty to accompany him as his date and ensure he makes it through the night unscathed. For as the Prince’s personal guard, you must be willing to cut down any blade that takes aim at him, even if it’s your own heart.
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: blood, death, fingering, unprotected sex, it’s honestly super vanilla
A/N: wooooooo 2020 is finally here and so is prince jimin;;;;; this fic is based around fire emblem three houses, but you don’t need to know anything about the game to enjoy the story! but if you do love fire emblem like me, you’ll pick up on some references here and there. also lmk if you guys are interested in a prequel and sequel! ++special shoutouts to @d-noona and @scalbra​ for the love and support💖
You examine the bright red trail streaming down the set of ribs in front of you. The boy lies there in pain, but you offer him no sympathy. It’s his own fault, after all.
“Agh!” He tightens his fists as you press the weight of your body down onto the wound. And if the pressure alone is not enough to make the boy beg for mercy, you know what is. Alcohol and ointment seep into the depth of his gash until the burning sensation draws the response you’re looking for. “Is all of the pressing and stinging really necessary, Y/N?” he yelps.
“It wouldn’t be necessary if you had been more careful like I advised, Jimin,” you shake your head, bandaging up the boy’s disinfected ribs. “But we can’t afford to have our beloved professor and future ruler of Fodlan bleed to death after a mock battle with his students. Especially not with the ball tomorrow evening.”
In the land of Fodlan, an annual ball is held during the Ethereal Moon to celebrate both the year’s end and the founding of Garreg Mach Monastery. For this year in particular, it is crucial for Fodlan’s Prince Jimin to be present and act as a bridge that unifies the continent’s three main nations: Adrestia, Faerghus, and Leicester.
And although you despise formal gatherings such as this one, it is your mission as one of the Knights of Seiros and Jimin’s personal guard to ensure that the Prince is well and able enough to fulfill his political affairs for the night.
“Speaking of the ball, I have yet to find myself a date,” Jimin says as he reclothes his upper half. “It seems no one is interested in sharing a dance with me…”
You know that’s a big fat lie. Jimin may not be the only professor at the Officers Academy, but he is certainly the most popular one amongst both students and faculty due to his charm and royal status. Even back when he was a student himself, he always seemed to have everyone wrapped around his finger. Everyone except you. Though you suppose that’s the reason you were appointed to be his personal guard since becoming a Knight of Seiros.
“That’s too bad,” you say. Again, you offer no sympathy or solution to the boy’s misfortune.
“Well since all of the Knights of Seiros have to be at the ball anyway, I wouldn't mind if you were my date, Y/N.” He tilts his head to the side and smiles, as if that’s going to make the offer any more tempting.
“No thanks. My job at the ball is to protect you, not dance with you,” you shake him off. This isn’t the first or last time he’s tried to make a romantic advance on you. The naïve teenage you might’ve been swooned, but ever since devoting your life to protecting Jimin, romantic affairs have become of little significance to you. “And besides, if you’re not in immediate danger, it’s better for us to keep a distance at the ball.”
Jimin’s smile fades because he knows you’re right. It would reflect poorly on Fodlan’s future ruler to be associated on an intimate level with someone who lacks nobility and a crest. With a heavy sigh, there’s nothing the boy can do but concede defeat to your rejection. You, on the other hand, have more to say.
“Rather than worrying about finding a date to dance with, keep in mind your responsibilities as the prince. Tomorrow is an opportunity to build a stronger relationship between-”
“-the three nations,” he interrupts your scolding to end the conversation. “You don’t have to remind me, Y/N.”
It is not often that the Prince speaks with bitterness towards you. You don’t take personal offense from it, though, because you know it comes from a place of built-up stress and frustration. To be born into a position of power has its cons too, and you know better than anyone that this isn’t a path Jimin would’ve chosen for himself.
Still, it’s your duty to make sure the Prince is properly fulfilling all of his duties. And sometimes he needs to learn to set aside his personal feelings, just as you’ve done with yours.
“Very well,” you say, stepping out of his room. “I’ll see you in the morning, Your Highness.”
When morning comes, the walk to the Knight’s Hall feels exceptionally long and quiet. Students are rushing to set up last-minute décor and finishing touches before sundown when the ball is set to begin. However, all that chaos and chatter is drowned out by the piercing tension between you and the boy you’re escorting.
It’s clear he’s still mad at you. Probably because you last referred to him, not by name, but by status. Ever since you became his personal guard years ago, he’s always encouraged you to simply call him Jimin. It took a while, but you eventually picked up the habit and noticed the delight on Jimin’s face whenever he heard his name. As far as you know, you’re the only one who drops the formalities with him.
But because you had purposely called him “Your Highness” out of spite, you’ve now reopened the gap between you and him. Like cutting back into an old scar.
You’re thankful when you finally reach the Knight’s Hall and your fellow Knights of Seiros waste no time in filling the void of silence that had followed you into the room.
“Early this morning, a student found this letter posted on the doors to the Entrance Hall,” Seokjin hands you a torn parchment paper to look at.
“We cannot allow the nations of Fodlan to become one under the absolute rule of the Central Church here at Garreg Mach. We urge the Archbishop to consider canceling the annual ball, and with it, the meeting between Adrestia, Faerghus, and Leicester. If not, we will have no choice but to burn the bridge that seeks to unify Fodlan as one. Peace shall never be found in an allegiance that blindly sides where power lies.”
It only takes a second for you to piece together who the target in question is—the bridge that seeks to unify Fodlan, Prince Jimin.
“They want the ball cancelled or they want the Prince’s head,” you grind your teeth.
To an extent, you understand the point of disagreement between political views. The current rule, for example, does not exactly favor the Crestless or have plans of changing that any time soon. Even if Fodlan were to unite as a single nation as it had hundreds of years ago, the divide between nobility and the Crestless would only continue to increase.
That being said, a threat on the Prince’s life is enough for you to set aside your own feelings as a Crestless. If someone is willing to go as far as point their blade in Jimin’s direction, they are already dead in your eyes.
“I’ve already spoken with the Archbishop and she wishes for the ball to proceed as planned. For all we know, this could be an empty threat. I doubt the enemy has the means to break through our defenses,” Namjoon says. “However, we, the Knights of Seiros, will still need to be on high alert to ensure the night runs smoothly.”
“Understood,” you say, glancing at the boy whose life is on the line. “I will not allow anything to happen to the Prince.”
“Actually,” Namjoon continues, “the Archbishop has requested for you to act as Prince Jimin’s date for the night as a precaution to any assassin that may be lurking from within the monastery.”
“Understood,” you say again, but with an awkwardness far worse than the silent void from earlier. The last thing you need is to act all lovey-dovey with the boy you just rejected and are not on good speaking terms with.
Once the other knights have left to stand guard and investigate the origins behind the letter, your mind starts spinning. You don’t want to formally attend the ball, you know nothing about the proper etiquette of nobility, Jimin probably hates your guts, you don’t know how to dance, you have no gown to wear, and Jimin probably hates your—
The boy motions for you to follow him, pulling you out of your daze and into town to grab all the essentials for the Garreg Mach annual ball.
Several hours later, you sit in the Prince’s quarters, staring at the long flowy gown you’re supposed to be wearing. As a knight with a commoner upbringing, the occasion to wear such a fancy garment never arose, so you feel a bit perplexed with what to do next. For starters, you don’t even have a clue how to get it on.
“Do you need help?” Jimin raises an eyebrow at you as he straightens up his royal blue uniform, one very well suited for a prince.
“I got it,” you shake your head. Succumbing to the Prince’s assistance would only be a sign of weakness. You’ll find a way to figure it out on your own if it means avoiding Jimin’s gaze as you struggle to get the dress on. “Just turn around for a second and don't watch me from the mirror either.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” he hums, lowkey throwing shade as he turns his back to you. You haven’t yet apologized for calling him that, but he’s definitely making sure you’re aware of it.
You bite your tongue until you’ve stepped into the dress. It still feels a bit loose, but you put it on to the best of your ability. When you give him the okay to turn around again, the first thing he does is crack a smirk.
“What?” You shoot him a dirty look.
He gestures for you to come closer and spins you around. As he reties your dress’ complex ribbons from behind, you feel the gown becoming snugger in the appropriate places. Very slightly, you feel the cold tips of Jimin’s fingers tickle your skin as he ties the last ribbon at the back of your neck. You don’t say anything, but your body reacts accordingly.
“Oh? Someone has goose bumps,” he snickers, spinning you back around to face him. Before you can blame it on his cold hands, he gives you a good look from head to toe. “The dress looks pretty on you, by the way.”
“Thank you, Jimin.” More than his compliment, you’re thankful that he’s at least speaking kindly to you again. “And my apologies for yesterday.”
The chilling tips of his fingers have since wandered up to your cheeks, and the only reason you don’t swat him away is because it’s something he’s done since the two of you were little. He cups your cheeks and gives them a gentle squeeze before jumping back to the conversation as if it were nothing. You’ve never questioned him about it, but given the context of all the times you can recall, you assume it’s his way of showing forgiveness.
“I should not have lashed out at you in the first place. The thought of becoming Fodlan’s ruler is just… a lot for one person to bear,” Jimin finally releases your cheeks and backs away to the edge of his bed. “But that’s why it’s a relief to have you with me at my side tonight.”
“That’s what I’m here for. Not just tonight,” you remind him. “Always.”
“Yeah, but it’s not every night I get to see the cold-blooded Y/N all dolled up and without a swor-” He cuts himself off when he sees you lifting up the skirt of your gown as if you’ve forgotten a (handsome and needy) boy is still in the room with you.
You’re so focused on trying to hide your trusty Hero’s Relic sword, Blutgang, beneath your dress that you do not realize how much of your lower body you’ve exposed. “A knight can never be without their blade.”
“What if it tears the gown open…?” Jimin’s question gives the illusion of concern, though he probably would not be opposed to that scenario.
“It would be embarrassing, but I’d rather be embarrassed than unprepared,” you blink at the boy.
“I suppose you’re going to stick the whole Aegis Shield down there as well then?” He blinks back. You know he’s trying to clown you, but it’s also no secret that you’ve never been without the shield since it was gifted to you from the Prince himself.
You shake your head. “It’s too big to hide. I don’t want to stand out anymore than I already will.” Because amongst a crowd of nobles and royalty, a Crestless like you will be no more than a fish out of water. Even the most beautiful gown cannot hide that reality.
“If anyone says something about you, I’ll-”
“You’ll smile and move on because you have a reputation to maintain,” you finish the statement for him.
“Will you really be okay with that?” Jimin frowns.
All you do is nod. You don’t need protecting or for your feelings to be spared. It’s your job to defend him; not the other way around.
As the sun sets later that evening, you follow the Prince’s lead into the glamor and prestige of Garreg Mach’s annual ball. Aside from keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, all you need to do is act pretty and proper. You’ve learned at least that much after observing the event from afar all these years as a Knight of Seiros.
You don’t hold his hand, but rather, you hook your arm around his. If you were truly in love with your date, you’d much prefer to intertwine your fingers with his and never let go. That, to you, would feel more comforting and secure. But love is not the game you’re playing.
As Jimin makes his rounds to greet each and every guest, you evaluate their individual intentions. Fortune, luxury, reputation, power. From years past, you recall that many female guests had also made romantic advances on the Prince through not-so-subtle caresses, bedroom eyes, and the like. The way you stare at them with such intensity of judgment must be quite intimidating because not a single romantic advance is made on Jimin this year with you beside him.
Even through the casual, yet all important, gathering of Fodlan’s leaders, you observe no sign of suspicious activity and sense no danger to the Prince’s life. The King of Faerghus, the Emperor of Adrestia, the Leader of Leicester, and Jimin all chat as though they are one big happy family, each expressing interest in moving forward with the unification of their nations.
If the letter turns out to be an empty threat as Namjoon suggested, perhaps the unification of Fodlan can be settled without any casualties. That would be the best case scenario, though you’re still skeptical that anything could ever be that simple.
Once handshakes are exchanged and the meeting is adjourned, Jimin sends his fellow leaders off with that charming smile of his, and you try to do the same. You wouldn’t exactly describe your own smile as charming—“forced” is probably a better word for it—but it seems to be satisfactory enough for all but the Adrestrian Emperor.
She doesn’t say anything, but her long stare in your direction tells you she knows something. Whether it’s that you’re the only Crestless in attendance, or that you were once a child of Adrestia, she finally returns a smile similar to your own before heading back out of the meeting room.
“That went pretty well, didn’t it?” Jimin pulls you in closer to him as the two of you step back into the lively reception hall where most of the guests are gathered. When you turn to face him, he radiates. Part of you wants to mention the off-putting vibe you got from the Adrestian Emperor, but a larger part of you wishes not to put a damper on Jimin’s high spirits. So you keep your mouth shut.
Besides, you believe the Emperor’s intentions, if any, are not directed toward the Prince. And that assumption is quickly confirmed based on the gossip now floating around amongst the noble guests.
“What business does a Crestless have with the Prince?”
“Prince Jimin can do so much better.”
“I heard that’s the one who slaughtered an entire army with a stolen Hero’s Relic.”
“The one also responsible for Prince Hoseok’s death?”
“Such a sinful Crestless exists?”
“At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who he’s fooling around with. As heir to the Fodlan throne, there’s no way anyone would allow him to marry below nobility.”
You do your best not to roll your eyes at the comments made about yourself. They don’t upset you, but you are annoyed. You certainly do not need to be reminded of your worth, your sins, or that Jimin would be better off with literally anyone else as his date. You don’t need to hear the very thoughts that have haunted and tormented your mind for as long as you can remember.
They don’t know your whole story, and you don’t care to share it with them either. Let them think what they will.
You suddenly spin Jimin in front of you, close the distance as much you can without kissing his ear, and whisper, “Can we get a change of scenery?” The boy agrees and pulls you away from the festivities of the ball.
“I wish you didn’t have to hear all that nonsense,” he says after closing the door to his quarters. Luckily, his room is not too far from the reception hall.
“Oh, I wasn’t bothered by that,” you shrug, unhooking the sword from the garter on your thigh and leaning it with the unused shield. “I just wanted those foul guests to believe we eloped or something. Maybe they’ll start a rumor about that too.”
“Y/N,” Jimin sits you down on his bed, “I can tell when something bothers you, you know.”
“You start acting petty out of spite.”
He’s not wrong. Your pettiness is one habit you’ve never been able to shake from your soul. “Regardless, those nobles can think or say whatever they please about me. Nothing will ever change the worth of a Crestless anyway.”
“It shouldn’t matter if you bear a crest or not,” he says softly.
“It shouldn’t, but it does. It matters plenty to the nations of Fodlan. Crests hold a lot of power, which means bearers are not exiled from their own bloodline, they are not expendable objects, and they do not have to fight for their right to exist. If not for the Central Church, you and I-”
“You and I would not have met.” He’s wrong.
“We wouldn’t have met under these circumstances, but we would’ve met,” you say, “as enemies of war.” Because had the church not taken you from your birthplace of Adrestia as a child, you’d surely want to stop Fodlan’s unification like the ones who wrote that letter.
“Then I’m forever grateful we met the way we did,” Jimin leans over you until your back is down against the bed. From above, he has you in a place of vulnerability. “Because I will always fancy you more than any bearer of a crest.”
From below, you look up into his eyes and find solace in the one person you want to trust. It’s just a matter of accepting that solace and allowing yourself to trust enough to let him in.
Before you know it, soft caresses of the Prince’s lips invade your skin. He starts just below your cheek and works his way down your neck, leaving a trail of kisses as he goes. Your chin lifts and tilts on its own, as if to uncover more skin for the boy to please. He thankfully picks up on the cue and tends to your needs.
At the same time, you struggle to downplay the desperation in your body. You shouldn’t be having an intimate moment with the Prince when you’re supposed to be protecting him. After all, it’s wrong to be so lustful for a forbidden affair.
But the feeling of him against your bare skin is painfully addicting. The more he kisses, the further you want to go.
“We shouldn’t… be doing this…” you manage to say against your desires.
“What should we be doing then?” Jimin’s fingers run through your hair as he waits patiently for a response, but even the most innocent touch is making it hard to think. You only have one thing consuming your mind, and it isn’t what you should be doing.
You reach for his ruffled collar to pull his body down closer to you, practically reducing the space between you and him to nothing. To answer the boy’s question, you start unbuttoning his uniform from top to bottom. After tossing the princely uniform aside, it only takes him a second to rid you of the gown that had seemed so difficult to get on.
Without thinking, you pull him back on top of you. You’re aching to be touched, you need to be relieved of this unbearable heat, and you’ve reached the point of desperation where your legs are spread out as wide as they can go.
“You poor thing,” Jimin teases, staring right between your thighs for the longest second until finally swiping a sample of your glaze. He makes it a point to show you how wet you’ve made his fingers before sucking them off with a naughty smirk. “Is this what years of lusting after me tastes like?”
You hate that he’s very much aware of the feelings you had for him at one point in time. However, those feelings have since become much more complex. You’ve done your best to block out any romantic feelings and channel those lost emotions elsewhere for the sake of protecting the Prince. So what does that really leave you with?
“Aah…!” A moan escapes your throat when Jimin’s fingers give you another pleasant surprise down there. Only this time, he strokes you in a circular motion, over and over again. Your breathing quickens to the rhythm of his touch—he’s taken control over your body’s sensual instincts. And every time he casually brushes against your erect little bud, a wave of sensitivity makes you gasp out in pleasure.
Though your eyes remain shut for the most part to cope with the immense pleasure, you do catch a glimpse of the Prince’s now swollen cock. Either he’s been multitasking while pleasuring you, or the sight and sounds of your feverish state were more than enough to get him hard. When he stiffens and moans upon your sudden touch, you know it’s the latter.
As you glide your hand up and down his length, you angle yourself right beneath him to be in the optimal fucking position. With your free hand, you use your index and middle fingers to spread yourself open, and, with the other, you direct and ease the handful of cock into your entrance.
Once Jimin’s in deep enough, you let go and soothe the throbbing of your excited clit. As you take your time in building up the intensity, you glance up at the boy to make sure he’s watching you play with yourself. The sheer arousal reflected in your eyes seems to encourage him to start thrusting in and out of you to build up his own climax.
As your fingers continue to tease your clit and Jimin’s length continues to run through you, the sensations become so overwhelming that you can no longer tell where they’re coming from. Your entire body feels hot and tingly as if the sex were a wildfire that spread from head to toe. The only difference is that you wish the flame would never go out.
Based on how much Jimin’s moans have increased in volume and frequency, you can tell he’s as close as you are. You at first try to keep your fingers in rhythm with his quickening thrusts, but the rhythm is lost when the fucking becomes driven by total lust and no thought. Still, you manage to hit your high just before he reaches his.
For a long while, you lay there, waiting for your heartbeat to calm as Jimin does the same from above. If there was ever any tension, sexual or not, between you and the Prince, it’s certainly gone now. Looking up at the boy now, after the waves of sex have finally settled, you feel at peace. Even if it’s short-lived, you have to be content with the intimacy you were able to spend with the boy you once loved.
So when he goes in for the long-awaited kiss, you have to interrupt him. A kiss from the Prince would be asking for a little too much on a forbidden night of many other sins.
“I should go back to being your guard now,” you say softly, scooting your ass over to change back into the gown. “Then we need to return to the ball. I’d hate for assassins to attack over there while we’re here in the middle of… this…”
But before you can hop off the bed, Jimin stops you in your tracks. “Don’t worry, the assassination attempt won’t happen.”
“How can you be sure?” you ask in genuine curiosity because there must’ve been something you missed.
“Because I was the one who faked the letter this morning.”
You freeze. Why would the Prince ever want to fake an assassination threat on his own life? You can think of one reason, but you really hope that’s not the case. “Jimin, if you faked a dangerous situation for the sake of getting me to attend this damned ball with you, I won’t forgive you.”
When he fails to give you a response, you ball your hand up into a tight fist and start putting on your usual knight uniform as opposed to your gown. You can’t believe you allowed yourself to be so foolishly deceived.
“Y/N, wait-”
“Do you really not give a damn about your own life or duties as the future ruler of Fodlan?” you snap. “I’d rather give my life for someone who prioritizes their responsibilities for the sake of the entire continent than an entitled little prince who’d forgo all of that for someone born without a crest.”
You’re mad at not only the Prince but also yourself. You thought that after being so blinded and betrayed by trust once before, you’d never forget the fatal consequences of opening your heart to anyone. Trust and compassion have only ever brought you despair.
“If the assassination threat was all a hoax, I suppose my protection is no longer needed for the rest of the night.” You pick up your sword and slam the door behind you, leaving the shield behind once again.
You escape to the woodsy outskirts of Central Fodlan south of the monastery. The area may be recovering now with young saplings and shrubs as small animal families return home, but you still remember the scorched land from years ago when the first war you fought in took place. No matter where you walk, you stand on the soil once soaked in the blood of your enemies and allies.
But before the war, you had often paid visits to this secluded part of Fodlan whenever you needed time and space away from the monastery. There, you had first encountered a kid around your age who was kind enough to befriend you, despite your differences. It’s a shame you can no longer go back to the time when you could ignorantly trust in people without worry. And even if you could go back, you’d do everything differently so that the Prince would not have had to suffer the desolate fate you bestowed upon him.
It’s all your fault for carelessly putting your trust in others.
When you find a tree tall enough to lean against, you unsheathe your sword and examine it under the moonlight. The reddish brown sheen that reflects in the light is not rust, but your sins. It seems the blade will never be rid of the blood that tainted it on that day.
“It’d be best if we could lure the Prince and his guard away from the festivities.” Your sharp ears pick up on a small troop of rogue soldiers headed in the direction of the monastery. It sounds an awful lot like an assassination attempt.
From behind the tree, you try to figure out what the heck is going on while also deciding on the best course of action. Why are there foreign soldiers going after Jimin if he said the threat was a fake?
…Unless he was lying about that too.
You groan silently to yourself. For as long as you’ve known Jimin, he’s always been quite unpredictable to you and his actions are often questionable until you get an explanation. Perhaps there’s a better reason for his lie this time. But for now, you have to find a way to lure the soldiers away from the innocent guests at the monastery.
Just then, you swing your sword around at the slightest brush against your shoulder, but it turns out to only be the foolish Prince everyone’s looking for. You lower your blade.
“What are you doing, walking out here without a guard?” you hiss.
“Actually, I’m looking for my guard who seems to have abandoned me,” he says with the Aegis Shield you had left behind.
“That’s what you get for being an irresponsible Prince.” You keep your eye on the soldiers. “But before I smack you in the head for that, we have to do something about that troop over there.”
“They don’t look really tough, though.” Jimin takes the opportunity to lean right over you against the tree, but you aren’t quite ready to start accepting his flirtatious antics again.
“But that’s what makes it suspicious,” you blatantly ignore his failed kabedon. “They know they won't stand a chance against the Knights of Seiros, so why even bother?”
“It could be a trap?” he suggests. “Or maybe they have other intentions.”
“Whatever the case, we’ll stop them here and now.”
You make sure the Prince has a sword of his own before shoving him out from behind the tree. If the rustling of dead leaves did not already capture the attention of the soldiers, your shouting and waving at them does.
The alarmed soldiers quickly shift their sights from the monastery to you and the Prince. As soon as they begin to charge, so do you. Unlike many royal guards who stick close to their highnesses, you do not. Jimin may have lived a life of luxury as Prince, but you’ve made sure he learned how to fend for himself. In fact, he was the one who suggested that you teach him proper swordsmanship in the first place—perhaps one of his many elaborate schemes to get closer to you.
As soon as you clash blades with a soldier brave enough, you recognize the enemy troop is no pushover like you and Jimin had anticipated. Though they have the appearance of commoners who’ve never held a weapon in their life, the power behind their swing is comparable to your own. And it doesn’t quite add up.
When you’ve suppressed several soldiers, you glance over to Jimin exchanging blows with an assassin who has a more proper handle of his blade. Jimin’s golden shield blocks many of what could’ve been fatal blows, but its weight also hinders his movement against the nimble assassin.
You rush over, whipping your sword at the assassin to push him back from Jimin’s vicinity. Once you engage in a long drawn sword exchange with the assassin, you’re taken back by the familiarity in the energy he emanates. It somehow feels like the power from the Crest of Fraldarius, the very crest that Jimin bears. But that can’t be the case when crests are inherited through specific bloodlines by chance. And as far as you know, this random soldier has no blood connection to Jimin or House Fraldarius.
Either way, you eventually gain the advantage and pierce the enemy as the curved blade of your Blutgang bleeds once more. Crest or no crest, the enemy nor the Prince can keep up with the mercilessness in your every swing. In what feels like minutes, you’ve cut down the entire troop aside from the few that Jimin could handle himself.
You stare down at the body of the soldier who had given Jimin an exceptionally hard time. “Did you notice that this one had-”
“The Crest of Fraldarius,” Jimin nods. “There’s no mistaking it, but somehow it felt off.”
“Like it wasn’t the real deal?”
“Like it was a crest that didn’t belonged to him.”
The boy’s suggestion gives you something to think about. You wonder if the other soldiers also had crests of some sort—crests that were not rightfully theirs. It’s as if they were once Crestless who somehow extracted and obtained the power of a crest. Perhaps by the means of the most sacred and darkest of sorcery.
Just when you’re finally able to lower your sword, you raise it again to guard against another unwelcomed guest. With a stream of dark magic striking the earth in front of the Prince, you dash over to shield him from any other potential impacts. What you get instead is a mysterious hooded mage who doesn’t seem interested in challenging you. The magic that radiates off him is far stronger than any of the other soldiers.
“Well done on putting a stop to our little assassination plot,” he says. “But it seems we’ve already gathered a lot of valuable intel on our real target.”
“Who’s your real target then?” Jimin asks.
“Someone who can wield Hero’s Relics and slaughter crest bearers despite bearing no crest of their own.” The mage looks first at the bloodstained blade in your grips and then directly at you. His eyes are not so different from your own—empty.
Rather than the Prince’s head, they wanted you.
But why?
Before you can ask the man, he disappears into the unknown along with the bodies of his fallen soldiers. And although the outskirts are quiet once more with only you and the Prince, you keep your eyes peeled and wait a good ten seconds before sheathing your weapon.
You try to make sense of the enemy’s true intentions from a rational perspective, but the mage’s words still do not sit well with you. What exactly were they planning on doing with you, a Crestless who can wield Hero’s Relics and slaughter crest bearers?
“I won’t let them have you,” Jimin nudges your side, whilst holding the Aegis Shield out in front of you and him. “I’d even die for you.”
“Oh, how the tables have turned,” you play along with his dramatic scene just for a moment. Something about the boy makes you forget about your worries, your pain. “But please never die for my sake, Jimin.”
“Then how about I live for you?” he asks.
“Live first for the people of Fodlan,” you respond, hooking your arm once more around his. “Shall we return to the ball now before everyone wonders where their Prince ran off to?”
“No need. I already properly excused myself from the ball for the rest of the night.” Jimin frowns when you unhook your arm faster than you can swing your sword. “But I would like you to escort me back to my quarters.”
“Fine,” you agree. “But on the way back, you need to tell me why you lied about faking that real assassination threat.”
So he does.
“I still think it was a stupid move, Jimin.”
“I just wanted to take your mind off of your knightly duties without worrying about my safety for once! I thought you’d feel more comfortable with me if you knew my life was not in immediate danger,” he waves his hands in defense. “I didn’t think you’d actually abandon me.”
“Well sorry for thinking you made up the threat just so I’d sleep with you. You made me believe you weren’t taking the nature of your job seriously, and that the future of Fodlan was doomed with a ruler who thinks only with his cock,” you jab lightly into his ribs, forgetting all about the wound from the day before.
“Worry not. The future of Fodlan will always be my first priority,” he assures you. “But you are also part of Fodlan’s future, aren’t you? Doesn’t that still make you my first priority then?”
“When you put it that way, I guess so,” you say, though you genuinely wonder about that. Because as a Crestless, you’ve never felt like you belonged in Fodlan. “But just know that you needn’t go that far for me, Jimin.”
“And you needn’t act so tough all the time, Y/N.” He wants you to know that you can rely on him, that you can be vulnerable, and that he’ll protect you just as you protect him. You understand all of that, and yet, it’s still easier said than done.
Once you safely escort the Prince back to his quarters, you think you can finally relieve yourself of guard duty for the night and put some real thought into the mysterious mage’s intentions. But you’re wrong.
“Let me clean up that wound on your cheek before you go,” Jimin air-pokes the high point on your cheek.
“I didn’t realize I was cut there in battle…” you say, letting the boy reel you back into his room.
You sit patiently on his bed as he searches for a bandage, but you wouldn’t put it past the senseless Prince to not have any medical supplies lying around his quarters. You’re the one who’s usually tending to his wounds with your own first-aid kit anyway.
When not a single bandage is found, Jimin walks back over to you and pinches your cheeks together just as he had earlier in the day. You don’t quite understand the context this time, and especially not after he sneaks a kiss onto where your supposed wound was.
“That should heal the wound.” The smile on his face is too smug for your liking.
Very quickly, your face turns into a big fat pout. “If you continue to lie and fool around like this, you’re going to end up like the boy who cried beast.”
“For as sharp as you are in sniffing out an enemy, you sure are gullible around me, Y/N,” he teases.
“That’s because I want to believe that everything with you is real,” you say, “even if it can’t.”
The boy’s smile is quick to fade.
“Just kidding,” you shrug, getting up from the bed. “Anyway, I should get going now. Goodnight, Jimin.”
He doesn’t stop you. He can’t stop you because he knows you weren’t kidding about wishing for a fate that wasn’t meant for you. And that’s not something a kiss could ever change.
While you’re glad Jimin will be taking responsibility in prioritizing Fodlan from here on out, you still have much to be concerned about. Your presence has only complicated matters when the Prince is someone who thinks with his heart, not his head—to the point where he’d give up everything for you.
You’ve tried to make him set aside his personal feelings for the sake of Fodlan’s future, but it’s apparent that he cannot separate you, the one he wants to protect, from Fodlan, the land he needs to protect. He cannot see that, no matter how much he wishes for things to be different, you and all the other Crestless will never truly belong in the future of Fodlan—the Fodlan he will soon lead.
If you were to leave his side, perhaps he would be able to see that he’s trying to make the impossible possible. After all, unless Crestless are able to prove their worth to the nobles of Fodlan, they are worth nothing at all. The only way to prove your worth is to be merciless, tough, and to spare no blood. And maybe only then would Jimin be able to fully realize that this is where your two paths diverge.
It’s only after you’ve walked out and closed the door that you leave the Prince with one last thing to consider. “I know my place in this world, and it’s never been with you, Jimin. Even I’m not that gullible.”
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nymp21 · 5 years
Secret Crush
You’re the youngest Danvers (Alex biological’s sister) and you move to National City to study. What will happen, when you’ll find out you have a crush on one of your teacher. And that teacher is Lena Luthor herself. Your sister besfriend.
Gifs are not mine
Pairing : littledanvers reader x Lena Luthor
Warnings : English is not my langage and eventual smut later in chapters
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Part 1
  You were currently eating your breakfast with energy when Kara came of the bathroom. She was making up her hair. « Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you at Uni (Y/N) » « No thanks Kar’! I will go there by bus. It will be more normal than being drop by Supergirl flying » you laughed. « I meant by car » she responded, rolling her eyes. You were leaving with your sister for one week now and you could say Kara was very cool !That’s why you pick your super sister when you had to choose where to live during the semesters of your degree. And because Alex was living with Maggie so…technically you didn’t have much choice. You were preparing a master degree both in litterature and business (you wanted to be an editor.) and National City had got the best college to finish your studies. Today was the first day of the semester, and you knew you would have so much works to do to succeed and pass. « Anyway, do you need something for lunch ? O can make you a sandwich » « With butternutt ? » « Of course ! Who do you think I am ? » she said with an amused smirk. You smiled at her response : « you’re the best sister but don’t say that to Alex, she will be mad at me. » She chuckled and started making your food for lunch then she gave it to you. You took it, thanked her and grabbed your bag. « See you later Kara » you said. « By sweetheart… call me if you feel nervous or anything » « Kara i’m not a kid who is afraid of the first day at school anymore. » « Maybe, but you’ll always be our little baby danvers » she said with a smirk. You groaned and closed the door behind you when you heard her laugh. She is such a dork. _________________________________________ It was the last course of the day. Your firsts were very interesting and you find yourself doing some research at the Library between two of them. You were so concentrated, you didn’t see the time fly and you were late. So you ran in the corridors of the college, cursing between your teeth for being such an idiot ! You opened the door of the room, where were sitting the others students who stared at you instantly. You were quite shy in public so you felt embarrassment rushing through you. « Well ! Welcome to business course. Glad to see you know punctuality. » You turn you head to your right, to see the most beautiful woman you ever met. Her eyes piercing as hell were as blue as the see that you could drown in them. Her hair was perfectly made, and her lips were as red as a rose. She was breathtaking, and you didn’t know how to make words. And you were blushing with shame as you heard some of the other students chuckle at her ironical comment. « The cat got your tongue ? When we are late, we apologise. »she said. And you seemed to come back from your starring « I’m sorry I was in the library, I didn’t see the time. » She starred at you with a strange smile on her lips and you felt more uncomfortable. « Well, Miss I’m happy to know that you seem to be a good student by already making research at the libraby. » You heart skipped a beat. Her smile were so intimidating and… sexy. What!? Stop thinking with your hormone (Y/N) ! She is your professor for godsakes! « You can sit. As I was saying to your classmates,I’m Lena Luthor. I will teach you business course this semester. » Holy shit ! Your professor was Lena Fucking Luthor ! Not only one of the most intelligent woman of the city… even the world -You have read all her articles and you admired her - but also Kara’s best friend ! She was supposed to present her to you tonight at game night. She had said : « I’m sure you will like each others. You have so much in common . Yeah… the college for example. Man this will be so awkard ! Plus, you didn’t imagine that your sister’s best friend would make you blush so hard. She was very intimidating in her black dress and high heels. Your shyness was showing as you set at a free chair trying to be discrete. « As you may know, I’m the CEO of L-Corp which means I can handle a society. » she continues as if nothing as interrupted her. « So I expect you to be as serious as possible this semester. I will show you any mercy. » If her smile could make you think she was kidding, her eyes were dead serious. Then she began her lesson, with some definitions. You were happy no one were paying attention to you and, you show yourself very attentive, because you didn’t want to make her say any other comment about you. She was very passionate and interesting as you could imagine. Kara was right when she said she may seem cold at first. She seems so indeed. But when she talked about her job, she has a bright smile. The two hours spent like it was ten minutes and then you were getting out the room, deep in your thoughts. How would you do to avoid game night ? Because you couldn’t do game night with your professor right ? This situation was making you uncomfortable and stressed for an unknown reason. Well, you were not a relaxed person and this would be awkward. Plus she made you blushing and you hoped she didn’t notice it ! Yes she was very intimidating and you were very very embarrassed in front of her. —————————— The doorbell rings and Kara opened the door as you put the chips in a bowl. You didn’t succeed to avoid game night. Kara was good at convincing you with her puppy eyes and her « please, please, please,please,please,please » so annoying you were obliged. You sighed as you put the plate of pizza on the table, with the chips. Luckily for you Lena Luthor hasn’t confirmed her presence tonight. Apparently she wasn’t sure she could come. Kara was upset bit you were relieved and hoping she wouldn’t make it to game night. But you were stressed anytime the doorbell rings. Winn was already there. You liked him. He was your favorite nerd. You had many things in common and he was like a brother to you. « Hi Winn ! » you heard « Hi baby danvers ». And you feel Maggie kiss your cheek. « How was this first day in College. » « Great » you responded. « Just great ? » she frowned. « She didn’t say much to me earlier. Maybe she found a boyfriend or a girlfriend and it was love at first sight» said Kara ,bringing the wine Alex had give her on the table and smiling at you. You rolled your eyes. Kara and Maggie were constantly teasing you about a potential boyfriend/girlfriend. The Did want to see you with someone. This was quite annoying, and they knew that. « Maybe some wine will make you talk » Maggie said with a smirk. « Oh no Sawyers I forbid you to get my sister drunk tonight !» told Alex as she embrassed you in her arms. « Hi sweetie. Don’t let them tease you. » « I don’t. I just plan to bit them at the game tonight. » « You wish baby Danvers. I improved myself since last time and you’re not ready for my skilled in monopoly. » You laughed. Maggie was a total looser in monopoly because she didn’t like the game. But you appreciated the effort she maid to try to win. You knew she wouldn’t make it. You were unbitten at this game. But in opposite she was an absolute killer at Jungle Speed and Kara was the queen of the time’s up. « How can you improve skills at monopoly… it’s nonsense » comment Winn. « (Y/N) is just better than you. Accept it. » You smiled wild at the comment and out your tongue at your sister’s girlfriend. 
“So childish” She replied. 
Then you heard Lena came in the apartment. Honestly, you didn’t know why you were so embarrassed. You didn’t know if it was because of her humiliated yourself in the morning, because of her finding out that you were her best friend’s little sister or because of the strange feelings you had around her. “Hi Kar’. Sorry I’m a bit late.” “Not at all !” your sister replied. “Plus we were teasing (Y/N) about her first day at National City College today. She didn’t tell that much” GREAAAT ! Thanks Kara. You felt Lena’s gaze fell on you and you refused to look at her. But you clearly heard her smile in her comment : “Is that so ? Well I can tell you that she was late at business course today.” Ok now you were blushing hard. And you saw confusion in your sisters eyes. Confusion that vanished as Lena added : “I Know it, because i’m her professor. We met today, although she didn’t tell me she was a Danvers.” This time you looked at Lena, and to your surprise she was smiling warmly at you. “So nice to meet you (Y/N) Danvers !” “Oh hum nice to meet you Miss Luthor.” “Please call me Lena.” “All right... hi Lena.” And then, Game Night began. You first played at Uno, Maggie won with a big satisfied smile. Then you started the serious game : The monopoly. The game lasted one hour and half and at the end, there were just you and Lena. You were surprised that you didn’t feel awkward anymore. On the contrary you were concentrated on the game and motivated to beat your sister’s best friend. But she had the same motive. This was tense until Lena took your last streets and you didn’t have any more money. “I... lost ?!” you said at disbelief. “I knew you couldn’t win tonight Baby Danvers !” told Maggie. “Oh shut up !” “ To your defense (Y/N) you played well and wisely. And as your teacher I couldn’t lose could I ?” You looked at Lena which blinked at you with a smile. You blushed at the compliment and you didn’t see that Alex noticed this but she didn’t tell anything. Then you helped Kara store the room. You decided to do the dishes. You were washing the same bowl for like 2 minutes, lost in thoughts. The evening went better than you’re expected. Lena was very nice and you enjoyed played with her. You almost forgot that she was also your professor because she didn’t act like she was. You admired her more than before. She was very smart, her warming smile was so beautiful. You became to realize that you were crushing hard on her... Oh God, why ! Later everyone was leaving. You waved at Winn, took Maggie and Alex in your arms as they left the room. Lena was the last to stay. “Well, it was very amusing Kara, as always.” “Thank you for coming. I’m glad you could meet (Y/N). It’s crazy that you’re also teaching her business. I hope you’ll tell me if she causes you some trouble.” She was kidding of course. You were quite serious at school and she knew that. Lena smirk at you. “Oh she’ll behave I swear. But I’m glad she is my student. She is smart.” You blushed hard at her comment et they smiled at you. “Yeah, She is.” Kara responded. “Well I gotta go. See you later Kar’” She enlaced your sister et then came to you. “See you at college (Y/N) hope you won’t be late this time, or I’ll have to punish you.” She said with a smirk and then kissed you on the cheek. The teasing and the kiss made you so dizzy as she left. Yep you were crushing hard. God you were in trouble.  
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idreamtofthereaper · 4 years
Moon Taeil as your Ex (Clarity Oneshot)
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NCT 127 // NCT DREAM // WAYV // Clarity Main Masterlist
A series of oneshots for different groups, for each member, wherein instead of them being your boyfriend, how they will be as your ex.
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How did you Meet?
he was simping for you
you were dubbed as mini Irene
both of you are considered to be one of SM’s top beauties 
and ice princess
you were also called the backstage idol since you weren’t really an idol and was just a stylist for SM’s artist
most specifically NCT 127 
taeil was one of the artist they told you not to talk to or even go near
not because he was a playboy or anything
he was actually one of the softest, sweetest and kind-hearted in the company
they were just preventing you, the almost emotionless princess, to hurt taeil
you would never
“Yn, do you know where I could get some Bindaetteok?” A voice suddenly asked while you were fixing their stage outfit for tomorrow.
You already who it was by the soft voice, but when you turn around it was confirmed that it was Taeil. He was wearing some sweats and a hoodie, very casual and simple.
“Ahh, wait. I know a place 4 blocks down, I’m not sure if they’re still open though.” You said with a little uncertainty, you fished your phone from your pocket and checked the time. “They’re still open, they’ll be closing in 2 hours.”
“That’s great, thanks! Do you know anyone that could drive me there? Our manager just called it a night and I don’t think I could go there by myself.” He said, his face now lighting up.
You signaled him to wait by holding a finger up and asked your little gc of NCT’s staff, asking who is still in the building but then found out everyone already went home. 
You look back at him after sending a ‘Okay thanks.’ in the groupchat, phone still in hand. “No one is here anymore, but I could take you there if you want. I’m done here anyways.” 
Taeil’s face brightened at this and nodded. “As long as you could recommend me the best Bindaetteok and you’re really available.”
That night, Taeil saw a different you and you let out your ‘non-professional’ self. The both of you exchanged numbers and ever since then, SM’s little ice started to melt.
What Happened?
it was already a year since the both you and taeil became an official couple
you being you and taeil being taeil, it was super lowkey
people didn’t knew the both of you were even talking, let alone being together
everyone, including the members, only knew about it after a month when you and taeil went out to get ice cream
“Taeil never went out to grab ice cream with us on a random 10 pm. At this point I’m going to assume both of you are dating.”
“We’re not, we’re already together for about a month now.”
you weren’t new to the entire dating and couple thing, you had some fair share of relationships in the past
but no one as known as taeil
the constant hiding and being lowkey not really stressful for you, you liked it
you didn’t mind NOT showing affections and acting all cutesy lovey with taeil
but months in, taeil opened up about how the both of you were acting like plain best friends and it was kinda bothering him
“Honestly, Haechan probably kissed me more in a day than you did in 2 months.” 
you found this absolutely funny
but then felt a little sympathy sooo you agreed to be more affectionate
not too much but you know, affection that could clearly make people go  “oh definitely they’re dating.”
after that, you slowly warmed up more but taeil definitely was winning the race
and you just couldn’t keep up anymore
The Break Up
“I want to break up, I’m sorry, I just really couldn’t do this anymore.”
“Wait, why? Is it something I did?” 
You really shouldn’t be doing this on a hallway of SBS, for Inkigayo, before his performance. 
But in your defense, it’s better than later on when he’s in high spirits. 
“You can’t even look at me.” Taeil said, his voice shaking as he examined you. 
It was true, you couldn’t even look at him, only on the floor or behind him. “I’m sorry, I don’t know how else to say it-”
“But that wasn’t my question, why are you breaking up with me?” You only looked at him. Your eyes conveying not sadness, but guilt and ‘please let’s not do this I want to sit down.’
You were about to answer when Taeil’s name was called. “Come on, we’re up in 10.” Taeyong called out upon seeing the both of you, still fixing his in ear as he then walked away. 
Taeil only nodded then his attention was back to you. “Why are you breaking up with me?”
“Please just go and perform first, I don’t want you in trouble.”
“After my performance, we’re going to have a long and serious talk.”
You left the station before they could even perform, saying you weren’t feeling well
you never answered any of his calls and texts after
you moved into a friend’s house not wanting to see taeil on your doorstep
you never came back to work, you went AWOL
not long after, your termination letter came in
and taeil never bothered you again
The Aftermath
it wasn’t hard to search for a job especially since you were an ex sm employee
yg accepted you as soon as you applied
you then became a part of blackpink’s stylist team
which means even if you weren’t part of sm anymore
you were still backstage in award shows and music programs
meeting taeil was inevitable
but it seems like taeil was avoiding as much as you were
most of the people from sm really
it kinds stings, especially after bumping into your old friends at Music Bank and heard that people were talking shit about you
saying how you were cheating, was in it for the money, for the clout
obviously, it hurt but it didn’t affected you that much
you wouldn’t let it
“But girl, Taeil wouldn’t even let those people finish their sentence when he’s around. I’m not sure if I should be happy or not about that, you really left a mark on him.”
that one affected you
you were at the cafeteria of Show Champion
just finished up with bp’s outfit so you were kinda done with your job
“Hey, it’s been a while.” 
Immediately, you shot up as soon as you heard his voice. Spinning around with the can of soda you got from the vending machine. “Hey, yeah it’s been a while.”
Taeil only bid you a smile, you just standing there. “Yn-”
“I really can’t talk right now.” 
“Okay, I just need you to move. I want to get some Orange juice.” You felt embarrassed by this, nodding your head continuously and moved, taking a step to the side. “Don’t worry, I wasn’t expecting an explanation from you anyways. Nice seeing you again, yn.” He said, bidding you a goodbye as he fished his drink at the bottom of the vending machine.
You watched as he left, opening the bottle before taking a swig. “Taeil, I’m sorry.” You said, not to loud to grab other people’s attention but enough to grab his. 
He stopped in his tracks, turning around to face you. “You said that a year ago, it’s evident that’s not the ones I want to hear from you.”
“I’m sorry for leaving, especially without explanation. I’m sorry for being a coward and never faced you again. I’m sorry for breaking up with you without an explanation.”
“Will I get one now? Because if not this entire thing is useless.” Taeil said with a scoff, taking a step closer to you.
With a deep breath, you answered. “This is cliche, but it’s true. You were just too much for me, I couldn’t love you the way you love me. And it’s suffocating and unfair. You don’t deserve me, and I don’t deserve you.” 
You watched his expression, not really sure how you’ll paint it. After a long pause, he nodded and chuckled. “I fell too hard for you, now I’m broken.”
He left after that, and a rock seems to be lifted from you and you were able to let out a breath you didn’t notice you were holding all this time. 
You weren’t sure if he has forgiven you, but he shouldn’t. You will only feel worse if he forgave you.
But in some ways, you were happy about this. Taeil deserves to have some clarity.
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icharchivist · 3 years
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my ask! 😊
Now... How much, out of 10, are you of each summer troupe member?
I hope you also find this a fun ask to answer!
ahah sure <3 thanks for sending them and well, indulging in my answers!
i do find it fun to answer it's just that i worry my justifications may be too much infos ahah
anyway for summer...
for the vague notes: Tenma: 1/10, Yuki: 4/10, Muku: 7/10 Misumi: 2/10, Kazunari: 8/10, Kumon: 3/10
under the cut for more justification (again which are infos about me so go in with caution)
if we don't see again under the cut, now i say, take care! :3c
(Links: Spring, Summer, Autumn , Winter ranking)
Tenma: 1/10. I don't. think i actually relate to Tenma all that much dKLJFDLFK I think all i can really relate to is that he loves his friends even if he doesn't really know how to show it at times. I adore him but i really don't know if i have anything in common with him DLKJFDKLF
Yuki: 4/10. Yuki's interesting to me because i was a lot like him when i was his age, actually, but i'm so different now that i can't say i relate to him as much, but i still see my younger self in him? When i was his age i was really rejected by my peers for a lot, lot of reasons, one of them being the way i decided to dress (though it was not like. the worst reason. i think?). Early teen i was a recluse but at 14, i developed thick skin and would snap back at people pretty easily, i would try to stand out proud about who i was, that doing stuff i enjoy is worth going through this sort of humiliation. There is a lot about Yuki's defense mechanisms, from his sass to the way he tries to keep people at armlength, that brings me back to middle school. He's healthily growing past that in a way i don't as much relate to (took different path and all) but it makes me happy to see him grow and feel safer. So it's a weird one to answer to ahah, when i was 14 i'd say i would have given him maybe a 7/10? but nowadays maybe just a 2/10 just because now i dress very cutesyly and always wear dress and stuff, or the fact i don't feel interested in being in romantic situation myself. i'll make it round at 4/10 for that.
Muku: 7/10 Oh, to be an anxious romantic with passions for lovestories and blaming yourself for everything you ever do because you MUST be doing something wrong. I feel that. I relate more with Muku now that i did when i was his age for instance ahah but yeah that'd be the gist of it. Also relating to his habit to get lost in his own fantasy world, in unrealistic scenarios, wanting to be something you can't realistically be. I do relate to how much he loves lovestories though (like i just mentioned tho i just. don't like the idea of being in one irl. so i really love stories much more about it where i can explore all of this in a safe way with no engagement ahah) But for various reasons (from his athletics to the confidence boost he can get) i can only give him that much point LDKJF
Misumi: 2/10 Misumi's complicated to discuss for me DKJFDFLK but as for what i relate about, some elements about his family life hit ways too close from home and i don't like thinking about it too hard, it's too real dLFKJDFLK. Other than that one of the major thing i can relate with for Misumi is the way he's genuinely taken aback when people say they care about him and his health because he's not used to his family doing that for him, and that he's been really lonely because he's been considered "weird". While not to the same extend though i do understand the happiness of seeing stuff you care about somewhere (though for me it may be plushies kjfdhdf) but really not to his extends
Kazunari: 8/10 oh yeah we're in it now he's one of the first chara i actually projected on hard (because i didn't think about whenever i related to spring charas before and he was before the slaps in the face). Anyway i too, am a massive people pleaser who don't really know how to voice my own opinions on stuff when it's not too important. I'm indecisive as hell when i don't have a strong opinion about something and i will generally just be trying to go with the flow. I've been trying to work on that those past few years and be a little more assertive, but so i can also relate to how Kazu tries to push himself out of this comfort zone in later plotpoints. As much as i think i'm more assertive now it's a constant work and it's not always linar. I don't like upsetting people, i'm extremely conflict avoidant, and i always feel like i have a responsibility to keep up a cheerful Face. I was a very quiet kid then a very quiet teen and i didn't have much friends then, until about high school, where i was finally in good surrounding at school and made a lot of friends, though i do keep my friends at a distance in general and wouldn't say i form. very deep relationships. so like him. though different reasons why. When i was in high school i was so much more loud and i faked a lot of confidence i didn't have and pretending to be always happy and unbothered by anything. It completely disappeared after high school though, i'm. so much more calm in general nowadays. anyway, turns out people always complain i'm very loud when i do talk especially if it's something i'm excited about (which is something i'm super insecure about when people points it out but LDKJFLDF ANYWAY). To that i'll just add too that i also pursued art school and art cursus but i stopped because [spoiler alert for why i relate to Kumon]. When Kazu ends up showing his enthusiasm about art it brings me back to back then tbh. Even though i don't do art anymore i'm really appreciative of that in general. Points off because of how social he can be or how he seeks getting into social situations like. Nope. Not for me. But i'm happy for him.
Kumon: 3/10 this kid is too energic he exhausts me just when i see him, so in general i have to keep the number low because. Kid. I can't keep up TwT. That said the two things i'd relate to with Kumon is, first, his geeky side in general which is very cute. A bit like Muku, in the way he lives in his own fantasies, though he's more ashamed than Muku to talk about it and i relate to that too bc i refuse to share what my fantasies are about DLKJFLDKFJ. Second, as i first hinted at, is that i had to give up a lot of what was important to me because of my deteriorating health, more specifically, illnesses related to stress that made themselves.... too dangerous for me to ignore. I gave up art school because a deadly skin sickness i had developed because of stress was eating my right hand (well not just there but it is the biggest problem) and by the end of my first year i couldn't hold a pen anymore. It was only one of the various illness i had manifesting from the stress, but i stubborningly tried to ignore the others and push through and it's just that this one was not ignorable anymore. It crushed my spirit ngl and it was even worse realizing i didn't manage to bounce back - i haven't drawn anything since, and i can't use my hand at my full capacity so i can't do other stuff to bounce back - and i'm stressed about getting stressed and triggering back all those illnesses and so i end up even more stressed and yeah. So when Kumon's fevers hit and it's explicit that it's due to his stress while still being very real and not something he can ease off just by "calming down", and that he can get stressed about his fevers triggering, and Juza talking about how he worries that if Kumon's sickness acts up it might break his spirit, it. hit very very close from home ahah. Tho despite the long entry i don't relate to anything else about Kumon, he's too energic, too athletic, has a good relationship with his family and all that jazz i can't relate to ahah. But yeah this one was. A Painful thing to have to face back dLKFJDF.
So yeah in general i can say that i don't relate as much to Summer as i can relate to for Spring or Winter. I see more of my younger years in them (to some details here and there) so there's also a much bigger distance with what i'd relate to them about.
but yeah that'd about sums it up o7
Take care :3c
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Survey #349
“we’ll meet again, when both our cars collide”
When was the last time you had a PopTart? It's been many, many months. Do you like hot chocolate? Well duh. Who made you laugh the hardest today? I haven't really laughed today. Who was the last person to promise you something, and what was it? Hmph. Would you ever jump into a fire to save your bestfriend? I know I would. Do you have a callus from writing too much? No, I only have calluses on my feet from when I used to walk for hours on end. They just never permanently went away, even with grooming. Who is someone you’ve made a bad first impression on? I dread to guess what the girl Jason dated after me was told about me. I shouldn't care at all, but I do. I have every reason to accurately be defined as "the crazy ex," and I fucking hate it. Who is your best guy friend? Girt, a friend from high school. Do you read cereal boxes while you’re eating? I did as a kid, but now I don't. I just kinda stand and eat. What’s the last thing you accidentally (or purposely) burnt? I kinda burnt the roof of my mouth on pizza the other night. Do you know anyone with a lip piercing? Me, haha. I know others, too. What did the last tattoo you saw, look like? I don't remember. Have you ever given birth? NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Do you enjoy making out? I mean if I'm in the mood to and I love you, yeah. Why exactly do you take surveys? "I genuinely like doing them and they’re great for venting and sorting out thoughts and whatnot. I can just ramble and get things off my chest." <<<< This right here covers it. As well, it's just a boredom killer. And I happen to be bored very, very often. Rockband or Gutair Hero? Both are great, why choose just one? What are you listening to right now? Halocene's cover of "Helena" by My Chemical Romance. It's beautiful. What kind of energy drinks do you drink, if any? None, because I just can't do energy drinks. They taste like pure poison to me. Have you ever been swimming in a river? No. Swimming in a river sounds pretty dangerous... Does your alarm clock wake you with music, or with an annoying buzz sound? Music. When you broke stuff in the house as a child, did you blame it on siblings? I'm hoping you don't mean breaking deliberately, 'cuz I wasn't that kind of kid. But anyway, I don't believe I did. Did you make it all the way through the Oregon Trail game? Yes. I was obSESSED with those games as a kid. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Which one are you more scared of? Tigers, probably. They're so stealthy and, while I may be entirely wrong, seem like the top candidate of the three to attack a human, be it for food or defense. And have you SEEN the muscles on a tiger? Christ. Describe the best use that you’ve found for duct tape: Uh, taping things lmao. Do you wrap gifts or use gift bags? I use gift bags, because I can't wrap for shit. What fast food place do you avoid at all costs? Arby's is really gross to me. Are you afraid of deep sea creatures? Just giant squid... *shudders* Have you ever agreed to purchase something on Ebay and got scammed somehow? No. I did, however, purchase something on deviantART and never got the product. It was going to be a present for Jason. In dA's defense though, I've bought like... two or three other things from there, and there were zero issues. It's really about the people you trust. If you get a call that says “Unknown”, do you answer it? Nnnnope. Do you have any bobble head figures? No. Have your parents ever left you somewhere without realizing it? I don't think so. Have you ever been in a tanning bed? No. Did your last kiss mean anything to you? Well yeah, I wouldn't have kissed her otherwise. Would you say that you have a nice smile? No; I've been self-conscious of it since I was a kid, mostly because one of my eyes looks more squinty than the other, but they both are to me. I've always said I look high when I smile lmao. Is there an ex you want to make up with? My mind immediately screams "Jason," but I know that's a horrendous idea. Our last talk ended peacefully and even with care and good wishes, and I need my fucking impenetrable head to accept that's where it needs to end. He does NOT need to re-enter my life. It would be so bad for me. Do you remember how you felt on 9/11? I have no memory of it, if I'm being honest. What outfit makes you feel the most attractive? None. Other than yourself, who knows you the best? Really? Whoever reads these lmao. What’s one complaint that you have about school? Common Core and how every student's school experience was not tailored towards their unique goals. Like they try to cram a shitload of identical and usually useless information into a kid's brain to make them a jack of all trades, you could say, but not enough information they need to properly pursue their career future. It causes such an unnecessary amount of frustration and stress. I have many, many complaints about the education system, but this one tops the list. What do you do while you’re on campus but not in class? Back in college, I would just do stuff on my laptop. Do you know anyone who has Autism/Asperger’s syndrome? Yes. Are you open to a same-sex relationship and why or why not? Well, considering I'm bisexual... Do you remember life without the internet? No. Have you ever found yourself to be ugly? I've gone my entire life thinking I'm ugly, if I'm being real. What is your state’s minimum wage? $7.25 a fucking hour. :'''''') Is there something you want to say to someone but can’t/won’t? There's a few people. What is your first memory of being in a hospital? Considering my mom worked at the local hospital when I was a kid, I remember being there quite, quite young, playing with my older sister in Mom's and her coworkers' room. I think Nicole was too young to really "play." Do you have any relatives with red hair? No. What is something good that has happened to you in the past week? I got my first Covid vaccine. My arm hurts like a motherfucker now, but to protect my mom, it's worth it. Please get vaccinated. How much was the rent/mortgage at the cheapest place you’ve ever lived? That's never been my business. Have you ever been to a gay pride parade? No, but I would go to a local one if I could actually walk five feet without being in serious pain and sweating like a pig. Do you still keep in touch with your very first best friend? We're friends on Facebook, but that's it. What was the topic of the last conversation you had with your dad? I can't remember, but it was recent, because we all met at Ashley's house for Nicole's birthday celebration. How often did you visit your grandparents when you were growing up? Pretty much never, given they all lived no less than like, 10 hours (via car) from where we lived. My immediate family are the only people in NC. When two family members are fighting, what do you usually do? Stay out of it, but admittedly try to listen just to know what's going on. Do you like the smell of men’s cologne? Yeah. What’s your all time FAVORITE freezer food? Do you eat that a lot? I survive off of microwaveable freezer food, so this is very hard... uhhhhh... perhaps this Banquet bowl meal that's mac 'n cheese with spicy chicken. It's absolutely delicious, like you'd never guess that sucker was just popped in the microwave. I'd say I eat it a moderate amount; it's a reliable option if Mom's not cooking and I'm really hungry, because it's super filling. Do you like documentaries? Have you ever watched one and find it boring? I enjoy them, particularly when they're about animals. Were you ever a fan of macaroni & cheese? Do you like Kraft dinner? Ha, speak of mac 'n cheese. I love it, and Kraft makes it fine. Do you burn incense? Not as much as I used to. I love the smell and just general vibe, though. What would you consider an unacceptable first date? Going to a bar or something. Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? In the head, anyway. Is there anything currently bothering you? Multiple things. Would you say that you’ve got something ‘special’ about you? No. Do you like things vampire-related? I don't really have an opinion on vampire stuff. Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past? I don't care. Have you ever been to a casino? No. What’s the last thing you wore a costume for besides Halloween related events? Back when I still took dance classes and we had the yearly recital. What does your father do for a living? He's a mailman. What’s the last app you downloaded on your phone? Haha, I re-downloaded this ollllldddd game I had before, Nyan Cat: Lost in Space (or something like that?) for my niece to play. She's hooked on it now. Are you in any discomfort right now? Yeah; as I mentioned, my arm really hurts. What do you know the most about? Of all things I know, almost certainly meerkats. Are you seeing anyone? No. Have you ever hooked back up with an ex, just for sex? Was it a mistake or no? No. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using a phone in class? No, because I didn't use my phone in class. Have you seen all the Shrek movies? No, which is a fucking crime. I need to see the last one. Have you ever finished a whole video game? Plenty plenty plenty. Do you know anyone with a pet snake? Yeah, myself included. If you had to live in an extreme environment — think Sahara, Antarctica, under the sea, on the Moon— where would you want to live? Why? Probably Antarctica. I'm sure it would be unpleasant, being that cold, but I feel there's more you can do about being cold than being in the scalding heat of, say, the Sahara. Living on the moon or in the deep ocean sounds super sucky. How was your day overall? It's been okay. Not as bored as usual, at least. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Like... zero. I want to say my dad, and I almost do, just... nightmares make that very, very difficult. Plus his past. What does your mom call you? Normally just "Britt." Write a sentence in another language: Oh god, my German is so rusty... uhhhh... Hallo, ich heiße Brittany, und ich bin 25 Jahre alt und wohne in North Carolina. I think I got the grammar right? Have you ever sent an X-Rated picture to someone? No. Even if I was comfortable with my body, I would be way too paranoid to at any point have a naked picture on my phone, even if I deleted it. Like, hello blackmail, but also, nothing you delete is ever really gone permanently. What big city do you live near? Raleigh is like an hour away. Do you like breaded chicken sandwiches? omg YES Is there a Sonic in your area? Yes, it's my favorite fast food joint. You have GOT to try the pretzel twists with cheese dip. Have you ever gone to a thrift store? Yeah, I love 'em. Do you think Johnny Depp is attractive? I do. Are you happy with the state you live in? No, not at all. I hate this place. Bunch of homophobic, racist rednecks. How many times have you seen the opposite sex naked? It's not like I counted every time I saw my ex naked over three and half years lmao. How many times have you seen the same sex naked? A few times. When days go by, do you cross them off on the calendar? I don't use a calendar. Are you currently counting down to something? If so, what? MY TATTOO APPOINTMENT!!!!! :''') I know I can't stop talking about it, but ugh I'm so excited. May 19th, c'mon already. Do you pay rent to your parents? No. Do you dye eggs for Easter? I used to as a kid. Not so much anymore. Are you in debt right now? For what? Oh god, I don't want to think of this. Would you ever work night crew? I really, really wouldn't want to. Humans are diurnal for a reason. Being awake in constant darkness would depress the fuck outta me, and it'd feel so lonely, with everyone I know asleep. Who was the last person that lied to you, or that you can recall lying to you? What did they lie about? How did you find out they were lying? I don't remember. Has anyone ever called you ugly, straight up, before? How did you react to this? No, not to my face. Who is the most stubborn person you know {excluding yourself}? MY MOTHER.
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cake-writes · 5 years
Six (2/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Bucky), Eating Disorder (Reader), Fluff, Slow Burn, 18+
Summary: Bucky knew that there were more important things for him to worry about. Of course he did. He still had to work through the horrors of his past, never mind his present, which was the exact reason why he honed right in on your petty bullshit. You distracted him from the things he didn’t want to think about. You also drove him up a fucking wall.
Part One / Master List
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The morning after The Incident (because you were still too proud to admit that you actually fainted), you decided to make him breakfast as a thank you. Despite all of your issues with the end result, you found it relaxing to cook. Therapeutic, almost. Like nothing was wrong with you.
It also felt nice to do something good for another person. Dopamine was in short supply, and you were running on fumes and misery.
You’d just started plating everything up when Bucky came into the kitchen, right on time. Another sleepless night by the looks of it, too. It certainly didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that he never slept well. Not only were there always dark circles under his eyes, but you knew how much he tossed and turned. You'd witnessed it firsthand during the handful of times the two of you had shared a motel room. Of course, the fact that you usually spat nasty words at each other well into the early hours of the morning never helped matters any.
At some point, however, some small part of you had started to feel bad for him. You weren’t sure when – probably sometime after you read his file and found out what, exactly, he’d been through.
Maybe Bucky needed the dopamine, too.
Glancing over at him from the stove, you offered a casual, “Morning, Barnes.”
The surprise at your choice to strike up a conversation was evident on his face, but only for a split second; then he seemed just as casual as you. “Morning.”
That was when you started to have second thoughts about the whole ghastly affair. You’d never gotten along with him before, so why were you trying now? But you shoved the too-full plate at him anyway, before you could change your mind. It was piled high with bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast – enough to feed an army, or maybe just a super soldier, and he gave you a wary look.
“For yesterday,” you explained. When he hesitated, you rolled your eyes in annoyance. “For fuck’s sake, I didn’t poison it. I’m not an amateur. Here.”
Then you held it out a bit more pointedly as if to say, See, I’m not a complete fuck-up. I can be nice.
His eyes searched yours for a moment or two until he finally took the plate from you with an awkward, “Uh, thanks.”
Unsurprisingly, he set it down on the table at his usual seat, where you’d already laid out a fork and napkin. Even though the two of you had been in a perpetual state of arguing for the last six months, you knew him well enough. Not only did Bucky Barnes never waste food – especially not a home-cooked meal – but he liked routine. You wouldn’t go so far as to say he needed it, but even you could tell that it helped him adjust.
What caught you off guard was that he didn’t sit just yet. Instead he stood there, unsurely, watching as you pulled a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. As unnerving as that was, you somehow managed to fill up two glasses without spilling a drop.
Then you spared another glance up at him as you screwed the lid back onto the bottle. When you caught him staring, he quickly looked away.
“What?” you asked in exasperation, putting the bottle back into the fridge.
“You just… You look better today. I’m glad.”
At that, you nearly dropped the glasses as you made your way to the table. Thankfully, he seemed to miss it, finally having taken a seat.
He was glad. How on earth could he be? He couldn’t stand you.
“Thank you,” you said a little too haughtily, setting his glass down in front of him before you sat down on the other side, putting a proverbial distance in between you both – but not even a sip of orange juice could alleviate the sudden dryness in your throat.
He nodded to the glass in your hand. “Is that all you’re having?”
“I’m not a breakfast person.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it did kill the conversation.
The silence that befell the two of you certainly wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, either. Neutral. For once, the two of you weren’t fighting and it hadn’t taken a battlefield to get either of you to cooperate.
It was actually kind of nice.
Taking another sip, you gazed out the window as he quietly worked on the too-large meal you made. If nothing else, he’d always had an appetite and you secretly envied the way he could eat so much and not gain a pound. It made you wish you were normal. As it was, having juice instead of water was enough to stress you out.  
The day was beautiful, you found, nice and sunny and if you didn’t feel like you’d been hit by a train, you would have gone for a run to enjoy the weather – and to burn off the calories from your liquid breakfast.
Of course, what you were really worried about was where to go from here. You’d hinted at things yesterday that you’d never told anyone else, and you weren’t exactly sure what to do or even how to talk to him. It was him, after all. Bucky Barnes. Your worst enemy.
“Not that I don’t appreciate it,” he began carefully, almost like you'd take offense, drawing your attention away from the lovely weather, “but you didn’t have to do this.”
In the muted sunlight, his eyes were truly stunning: a gorgeous pale blue, just like the cloudless sky outside. There was an unrecognizable flutter in your chest – appreciation, perhaps – to which you responded more dryly than intended, “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to.”
“Why?” he asked. There it was again: his curiosity. This time, however, he seemed a little suspicious, too. It made sense. You weren’t exactly a friend.
For a moment, you weren’t really sure what to say. Was it a peace offering? Possibly. It was also a thank you; you’d already said as much. You were more for grand gestures than words. Not that cooking breakfast was a grand gesture, of course, but the sentiment was the same.
So you shrugged. “You carried me up to my room. Couldn’t have been easy.”
His stupid comment that you’d been dead weight had been stuck on a loop in your mind since yesterday. It bothered you, but you’d never admit it, especially not to him.
Bucky paused, fork in mid-air, to study your face again – unsettling, just like before. You felt like he could see right through you, something he only further proved by asking point-blank, “Is that why you’re not eating?”
You immediately tensed. “What?”
“You’re light as a feather, doll. I didn’t even break a sweat.”
If nothing else, Bucky Barnes certainly didn’t mince words. That had always been one thing you couldn’t stand about him, not to mention the exact reason why you were always on the defensive. He was also far too observant for your liking.
This time, however, it didn’t bother you nearly as much as it should have.
You let out a noncommittal hum in response, resting your chin on your hand as you peered back out at the clear sky. Although you’d spoken the words a hundred times before, the lack of malice in your tone felt unfamiliar – almost warm. “Not your doll, Barnes.”
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To say that the next few days were tedious would have been an understatement.
You’d been relegated to desk duty for an indiscriminate amount of time while you underwent tests and scans in the medical ward. Just because you’d been discharged didn’t mean that they were done with you. You did have a concussion, after all, and Dr. Cho wanted to make absolutely sure you were fit for field duty before she signed on the dotted line.
So far, she wasn’t convinced – especially because you’d lost five pounds since your hospital stay and, if you were being honest, you were in pretty rough shape. Unfortunately, you weren’t an honest person. You kept your troubles bottled up inside until they spilled over in the form of a too-hot temper, which you hadn’t had the opportunity to exercise lately.
It certainly didn’t help that Bucky was nowhere to be found. He’d left for a mission shortly after having breakfast with you, and he hadn’t been back since. Normally you’d enjoy the peace and quiet and lack of bullshit, but you just felt anxious. You didn’t like it.
Filing papers and typing up emails was boring, and your thoughts kept drifting back to him, wondering where he was and when he’d be back. It wasn’t like it was classified information – well, it was, but you had a clearance – and eventually you looked it up because you just needed to know. You weren’t sure why. Curiosity, maybe.
He was in Belgium.
You’d been there once before on one of your first missions, with him, Steve, and Natasha. On the flight home, you binged on so many Belgian truffles that you made yourself sick. Didn’t eat again for a full month after that.
It looked like his mission was pretty run-of-the-mill: extraction and interrogation. Shouldn’t have taken more than a day or two, but now it had been nearly a week. At least he was with Sam and Clint, but it must have gotten hairy if they weren’t back yet.
You probably would have been sent along too if you were in any condition for it. You didn’t like that, either. Not being out in the field made you feel like you were wasting your time.
Needless to say, you weren’t taking well to desk duty. You were going stir crazy, as a matter of fact. You liked to be active, not just because it burned calories but because it was cathartic. You enjoyed getting out and about, going for a run just to enjoy the tranquillity of nature surrounding the compound. A hundred acres to explore, and you were trapped indoors with your anxious thoughts.
“Steve,” you whined, using your feet to push off the floor and roll your chair over to his desk. “Isn’t there anything else I can do? I’ve just about typed my fingers off.”
“Not my problem,” Steve responded automatically, still focusing on the paperwork in front of him. It certainly wasn’t the first time you whined to him, but his patience had no bounds.
You groaned. “Then can I have a half day? I hate this. I hate being stuck in here when I could be out doing something useful.”
At that, Steve finally looked up from his paperwork to you.
You knew you sounded like a spoiled child, but you really did hate it. Filing was useful, of course it was, but your skills were better suited to the field and you felt well enough to go on missions again. Dr. Cho was just being difficult.
While you couldn’t manipulate your doctor, Steve was easy – all you had to do was pout and he’d give right in, the big softie that he was.
“Yeah, yeah, alright,” he said exasperatedly, and you jumped up from the chair in excitement.
“Thank you! I’ll make up my time tomorrow.”
“Go on, get out of here.” He gestured to the door, almost shooing you out. “Enjoy the weather for me.”
“Will do,” you called over your shoulder.
It wasn’t a secret that you liked to run.
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And, of course, that was exactly what you did.
You finally returned to the compound around dusk, after your legs were once again thoroughly fatigued. Because of your stupid behaviour after being released from medical, you hadn’t been able to exercise much over the last few days. Your body was too sore.
Thankfully, you were in much better spirits now. Runner’s high may have contributed to that.
Wiping your face with the small towel around your shoulders, you jogged your way up the stairs to your bedroom, attempting to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of your stomach growling. You couldn’t allow yourself to eat, not when you still hadn’t burned off those ten thousand calories from days ago. You’d barely eaten since, and the fact that you’d already lost some weight had no impact on your resolve. There was always more weight to lose.  
On the floor in front of your bedroom door was a small brown box tied with gold string, one you recognized immediately.
Belgian truffles.
Even just seeing the box made you nauseous because you knew what it contained. Well, you couldn’t just leave it there as tempted as you were to do so – so you picked it up, and noticed a small yellow post-it attached:
Thanks for breakfast.
There was something about Bucky’s messy handwriting that made your heart warm, but your thoughts were already focused on something else entirely. Even if Bucky had remembered that you liked these particular truffles, and even if it was incredibly sweet of him to bring some back for you, it set you off all the same. He didn’t know that they’d triggered a binge the last time. Of course he didn’t. You didn’t share your eating troubles with anyone, especially not him.
Not that it mattered.
Your runner’s high was gone in an instant, replaced with stupid, irrational, uncontrollable panic. You couldn’t have these here.  You’d eat them. You’d eat all of them in five fucking minutes. You’d shovel them into your mouth like a maniac, and then you’d get sick all over again. Each one had to be at least a hundred calories, and there were twelve of them.
The walk to his room was brisk, punctuated by swear words muttered under your breath. With each step, you only got more and more irritated. He hadn’t even signed his name. How arrogant. It was obviously from him, but that didn’t matter either. All that mattered was that you needed them gone.
You were pounding on the door to his bedroom before you even realized it, palm hard and unyielding against the wood. “Open up, Barnes. I swear to god, if you don’t open this god damned door—”
Predictably, it opened, and you came face-to-face with those gorgeous blue eyes of his – but there was no time for appreciation, not now.
“Take it back.”
Then you shoved the box out towards him.
Bucky glanced down at it for a moment before he looked back up at you in confusion. Your face was flushed, but it wasn’t because you were happy. Far from it. You were angry.
“It’s for you,” he said blankly. Wasn’t it obvious?
“I don’t want it,” you spat, voice full of vitriol. Now that certainly wasn’t unfamiliar to him, but it still took him by surprise. “Take it back.”  
Hadn’t you liked those truffles the last time? His memory wasn’t exactly the greatest after, well, everything, but he could distinctly recall you eating a whole box of them – a whole box that looked just like that one. He remembered it because of how happy you’d been at the time. That was always a rare sight for him, because all he ever managed to do was upset you – sometimes intentionally, but usually not.
Just like now.
“Why don’t you want it?” he asked, still not quite understanding. If it was anyone else, he’d probably have taken offense, but it was you and nothing you ever did made a lick of sense to him. This was just another example of it. 
Even still, there was a certain look in your eyes that unsettled him. Panic. He’d seen it before, usually whenever he got on your case about wasting food, but he’d seen it that night at the gym, too. Something was wrong. Something was always wrong when you looked like this, but he could never figure out why.
Then you spoke so quietly, he might have missed it if his senses weren’t enhanced. “Just take it back. Please.”
The way your voice broke on the last word was what prompted him to take the box from you, hesitant, unsure. He didn’t know why you didn’t want it, but it bothered him. It always bothered him when you were like this, especially when he was the cause. Any other time, he understood enough; you hated to be nagged about things, and he got on your case pretty frequently.
This time, however, he didn’t have a clue. 
“Thank you,” you told him, and spun around on your heel to leave – but his free hand caught your wrist. Your skin was so hot to the touch against cool vibranium and he realized, then, how delicate you actually were. Your wrist was so small that his fingers overlapped quite a bit.
“I’m sorry,” he found himself saying, but he didn’t know why. All he knew was that, somehow, he’d offended you. Was it because he was the one who gave it to you?
That was when you offered him the ghost of a smile, one that made his heart ache just a little. You never smiled at him. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Bucky. This is all me.”
If he didn’t do anything wrong, then why—?
“I appreciate it,” you continued, pausing to worry your lower lip in between your teeth. “Really, I do. I’ve just… I’ve got some issues. Nothing worth talking about.”
And if he didn’t know the feeling. That was exactly how he felt whenever he went to therapy.
“You’re upset.” The way he said it wasn’t accusatory, but gentle. “Isn’t that worth talking about?”
At that, you snorted derisively and pulled your wrist free. “Not with you.”
Now that pissed him off. It must have shown on his face, because you immediately grimaced. 
“Shit, I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I mean…” You looked away, chewing your lip some more. Nervous energy. He knew it well. “You’ve been through a lot. My problems are pretty stupid compared to that.”
His tone held a slight note of annoyance. “It’s not a competition, doll.”
When your eyes met his again, he noticed that you seemed a little less panicked, a little more… open, if he could even call it that. So he took a calculated risk.
“I’ll listen.” When you tensed up at the suggestion, he quickly added, “If you want.”
You were considering it; he could see it on your face plain as day. And then, just as easily, he watched you make up your mind, watched you put your walls right back up like they’d never been down to begin with.
“Maybe another time,” you told him with another rueful smile.
“Sure,” he replied, but he wasn’t sure at all.
As he watched you walk away, for the first time all he wanted to do was help you. He just didn’t know how. 
Later that night, he received a text from you. He rarely received any, let alone from you and on the rare occasion you did message him, it always pertained to a mission. This one didn’t.
Thanks for remembering.
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Part Three
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