#anyways have fun ppl byeeee
woodlandscab1n · 3 months
Like a couple weeks ago I discovered a headcanon I had of Leon is literally just him having OCD and I laughed my ass off so now get fully inserted into my ships idiot.
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Anyways, Lethan would be the funniest about it, Ethan would be so confused with this man in their first days of living together and Leon might be doing certain stuff like making sure all doors are closed, making sure everything is readily available, touching certain stuff, as well as checking every room twice or thrice, making sure nothing is missing while he goes around the house getting ready in his morning/before his day starts rutine that's just so he knows this day is going to go well or at least with as less ppl hurt as possible. When Ethan points it out one morning, feel like he would be like, "what? just somethin i do to keep my mind calm" and Ethan's response would just be "erm. okay. sure... whatever 🤨".
I think Ethan might just observe but not really be annoyed about it. Leon already told him why he does it, which is to keem himself calm and Ethan doesn't see that being particularly wrong, even if sometimes it's kinda "weird". Man does what he gotta do, he guesses, plus kinda it's fun watching him pretty much do laps around the house.
It's until Leon looks visibly upset to do it, stressed, or needs to hurry up somewhere but he just needs to check, he has to do those things that Ethan brings it up again, saying that he doesn't need to do all that. I feel like that might really get to Leon, he's been feeling like the weight of the whole world is in his shoulders, like everything he does or not do is a death sentence for someone else, everything that's not carefully planned or done so he'd not respond well, not angrily but just, clearly this is something that he's not doing well with. Ethan might push farther although much more gently than before.
Leon does and doesn't appreciate that, while he likes the feeling of someone caring and being concerned about him, it's also something he sort of...feels new to outside of people like Claire and Hunnigan, and yet he still hasn't learned how to really react to it. I feel like Leon also has, much obviously, moral OCD as well so he's been trying to brush off intrusive thoughts about Ethan to the best of his capabilities for a while now as it just fucking kills him to think about them.
Aaand Ethan doesn't like that Leon is doing something to himself that hurts him in any way and that Leon continues to brush it off as if it doesn't hurt him despite obviously doing so, it frustrates him beyond belief. Him believing that if he doesn't do something "as simple as" making sure he touched every doorframe as he checked and double checked every room "might" make his day go bad or have someone hurt for some reason isn't good for him (me, the pyschotic delusional idiot, staring at him with a thousand yard stare).
So, this is when they have a discussion about it. Leon tries to the best of his snarky, nilihist ahh abilities tell Ethan why he cannot not do those things, what if, what if that intuition is true, what if he doesn't do it something bad does happen? what if he can't make it better and people are hurt due to him, due to his inaction? he could've prevented it if only he made sure he everything was alright and he was calm.
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Ethan's genuine reaction to that information.
While Ethan understands a part of that, as he also has trauma related to inaction from his part, if he only did enough and like the life of others are on his, he's also able to realize that "it won't help" to do those kind of stuff and he's much more focused on making sure other stuff that he knows will help. He also realizes that he's being a hypocrite, he also brushes off this kind of shit to not worry Leon or anyone. He can't allow himself too much, he knows he can't. Weakness and vulnerability is okay, but something that genuinely hurts him and that should be his problem to deal on his own? Yeah...
And I feel like that's when both Leon and Ethan realize the situation. Leon realizes how "absurd" that sounded, to be getting all up in arms about something like this, to think before to him it was equally as stupid and he still thinks it is but if he doesn't do it and something bad happens, the guilt will eat him alive and it already has been. He's trying so hard to amend his "sins" (religious trauma girlie omg 🤭) for not saving people he was supposed to every mission, for not doing it perfectly, for injuries, deaths, damage in general.
Ethan realizes this is really really important to Leon, he's able to relate to the sentiment and, it also hits close to home for him.
There's a deafening silence in the room.
Then Leon speaks up again, expressing his mot recent thought process. Which only makes Ethan sorrowful expression further, he doesn't really know what to respond, how to make Leon feel better. He wishes he could be smarter in this moment, that he knew best, but he doesn't. Not in this situation.
Leon tries to leave without a word more, but Ethan stops him, tells him that he understands the sentiment and he will try to make things easier for him, if he tells him how to. Maybe they could figure it out somehow.
That's when Leon softens and exhaustingly places his forehead on Ethan's. He doesn't have much to say, or anything at all really. He's just tired and so is Ethan. Both of their minds are so loud at all times, telling them horrible shit and yet they have to just act like it's not happening to not worry the other.
I think after this accident, Ethan will try to help Leon ease his worries by asking what he needs and so does Leon ask to him.
And then eventually these two idiots get stuffed into therapy because that ain't normal brother, by the lovely Rebecca and Claire. 😭
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somescenecatholic · 1 year
TODAY'S BEEN SUPER COOL SO FAR (plus rawr xd pic from yesterday)
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(read the text!! X3)
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I went driving today (last practice everr) and I during my 10 min break I went 2 a playground!!
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ANDDDD I wore this to youth group/sunday school yesterday!
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Sooo summers been pretty cool so far :DDD I got till August 28th then I'll be in ELEVENTH GRADEEEEE (I can't believe I graduate next school year it feels so dang weird!! Not ready for ppl to look at me like I'm some adult when I've just turned 18 and have no clue what's going on other than new fun at college and one more step closer to becoming an astronaut)
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puppersfluid8xd · 9 months
here’s my list of all my favorite death note ships and y I like them
lawlight: I feel like there’s nothing to say here bc it’s so obvious??? Like they’re so obviously gay and who doesn’t love seeing them be silly gay rivals?? I do think in a canon where L didn’t die they would be end game but idk how we’d go abt it *except* for like just serving time and giving up being Kira and then L and light become a thing (7/10 ship)
Lawlightmane: Shakaoshshhdkd I luvvvv this one bc I luv misa being happy and I also luvvvvvvv poly representation, however I do see light as almost strictly mlm or masculine attracted so I think his and misa’s relationship would be more like “she’s a best friend I wanna protect and keep happy so what better way to do that than being (one of) her bf(s) 🥰” like i think it would be mainly if not only platonic attraction on his side for misa, idk I can just never rlly see light w a girl, anyways I think in all other directions it would be fun and everyone would luv each other and it would be so cute (9/10 ship)
mellodramattic: once again I feel like there’s little to say bc it’s so obvious?? But they’re so cute and I luvv em and I luvv seeing em happy, although I do think they will get w other ppl for fun, I’m not sure if they do it together or if they find sumone one on one, yk however they want to be in their open relationship. I think they both know they want each other more than anything, and I think Matt gets protective of Mello and I think mello probably gets jealous, but they do still work it out and have fun w other ppl as a small thing (10/10 SHIP BBY)
lawtsuda: I luvvv lawtsuda I think it’s so so so cute and I think they’re both just silly lil ace neurodivergent bois who get each other and luv each other, they’re just bois being bois n they luv it and I luv seeing it (8/10 ship but i dont think they’re more canon than lawlight)
mikalight: I think mikalight exists in the canon where L does die, I think he’s almost a dream replacement of L for light. I mean they’re very similar, the black shaggy hair and the sharp attractive figure the strong sense of justice and the (mainly) monotone voice and their grip on controlling their emotions their smarts etc etc. I think mikami is a version of L that light at sum point or another wanted and yet eventually he realized that he liked all of those qualities on L bc L challenged light w them, and light eventually does end up luving mikami for mikami. he still finds mikami to be his type even if he can be a bit of a sad reminder of his dead luv L, but they’ll still grow old together in a nice house (or cell depends on how u see Kira’s reign ending) (8/10)
But mainly my favorite death note ship is almost any death note character (including Ryuk) X me <33 :P
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thedvilsinthedetails · 7 months
not making any promises at all but basically I used to sing a lot and I used to really love it but I lost confidence and sort of have been trying to get back into it now more recently (idk if ppl remember that little snippet of me singing mama who bore me that I posted a while back) and like…I might (if I do start covering songs more often and recording it) post some of my singing to my blog
would u guys like…mind that? If I did that
for the record I am not a songwriter nothing I post will be original songs and it is just for fun and also I might not do it but i thought since I wanna get back into singing (I fell out of love with it for ages but I’m kind of re-finding my love for it but my voice is pretty rusty from neglect and also yk I’m not very confident in it as I haven’t done it properly for ages)
also like…I currently don’t have a singing teacher (ik I shld start lessons again but my prev singing teacher was rlly bad, really mean and was the reason I lost all my confidence so I’m not that keen to restart lessons quite yet. Also she gave me like rlly bad advice like she was a bad teacher and some of the stuff she made me do actively harmed my voice so) so constructive criticism is welcome and if anyone can tell me what tf my voice type is that would be appreciated (I’ve literally gotten it all, most ppl call me a mezzo and call it a day but I’ve been told I’m an alto b4 multiple times and one time someone said I was a soprano which I’m defo sure is not true bc I cannot sing high for the life of me so yeah but still)
Not that I’m doing any of this now lol but like at some point I might post singing this is like a warning (not a warning but like for want of a better word haha)
Anyway I better stop procrastinating my hw lol byeeee
(EDIT: I just checked and the snippet of mama who bore me from spring awakening has like completely disappeared lol I didn’t delete it it’s just gone)
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allieebobo · 1 year
ALLIE OKAY SO I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO REPLAYING CT:OS (bc i never got around to the newest update) AND??????? I'M SO INSANE ABOUT IT (no surprises there tbh)
i just. i am absolutely floored at how u make all ur characters so loveable and just damn funny HAHAHAH like????? i love all their interactions and banter so so much >:) i just love the way u write it's witty and funny and genuine and has so much character but never overwhelming aughhhhh i love ur writing so much!!! the prose is my fave (which is saying a lot bc the mechanics are also superb)
the tennis mechanics are just plain fun like. it's a well oiled machine and so so so awesome to see in action!!! well balanced so that it doesn't feel confusing or unfair but still rewarding when u win!!!! also ur prose aughhhh thru good balancing of the mechanics but mostly your writing the tennis matches are always appropriately tense and important feeling and exhilarating and so so fun!!!!
also in love w literally all ur ros like????? rare is the interactive fiction where i adore ALL ros and want to try out all their routes and this is to do w ur great writing tbh like. they're all whole ppl and it's so cool to see them interact w everyone else!!
seriously like. i love rayyan w my whole heart; gruff, intense, and dedicated but clearly cares abt their family and friends (and, gasp, mc) adore the lil soft moments we get and also the really hot ones
and then sam???? okay look i'm the biggest sucker for friends to lovers and by god AUGHHH the pining. the care and affection that just oozes from every action and every word said. THE PINING
last but far from least G????? my annoying smartass bro i love G so alluring and so funny and goddamn smartass is the word for them
okay done gushing abt ct:os byeeee take care <33
Wait. Have I not replied to this???? I could've sworn I did but lo and behold I find this gem of an ask in my inbox again and it made me grin and twirl my hair once more.
So anyway, I never fail to be FLOORED by your messages--they are always so delightful to read. Every day that I receive one of these long-ass love-asks from you continues to be a good day in my book!
I am so glad you enjoy the mechanics because the matches always take a looong ass time to code! Too many branchy thingies. Also I have a ratty old notebook paper where I wrote how the stats would work and it's always so cool to see what I had planned for CT:OS almost 2 years ago now and how far it has come since then!
I LOVE that all the characters have gotten ahold of you somehow.
Sending you my love and wishing you the very best week ahead.
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tomatoart · 2 years
Hi hi!! your art gives me so much joy and warmth and energy I hope you're having a gr8 year so far + looking forward to more great art and stuff :))) p.s. about one of the previous asks, if you ever start a shop or anything please please it's such a good idea, I want to support you and whatever you make *shoving money at you* anyways have a good day okay byee
⁉️AUGH tysm... UNBELIEVABLE It means a lot that it can be special to you !! im rlly excited to see what comes out of the year community& art wise cuz so far it’s been really fun reading tags and comments n asks abt the stuff I’ve posted so far AND OF COURSE 🫂 I’m getting around to making it super soon it’s rlly funny bc ive always been like “augh I feel bad selling my art..” but after seeing so many positive comments abt it the idea of ppl carrying around something I made is so overwhelmingly cool to mwee 🦆 *shy* I’m grateful and v flattered you feel that wayy I’m hoping to put up those jerma stickers and some mgs and vocaloid ones I have in the works as well and whatever else comes to mind ^_^ as well as any pieces ppl would like as on demand prints yknow
:3 i hope ur day is going great too okieee byeeee
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smokeys-house · 2 years
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chengf · 4 years
true beauty wants what extraordinary you has..... but they’ll never be extraordinary you LMAGAOFMSGJAKFNSJFFJ
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jujutsubabe · 4 years
The lil Minecraft prompt was so cute gOD YUUJI U DORK 😩😩💕💕 But anyways since we need more gamer Yuuji- how about Y/N asking Yuuji to play those ROBLOX horror games with them
Yuuji is all like “You really scared of a kids game? Please I bet it isn’t that scary!” And then yall be playing and Yuuji ngl be shitting bricks at some of the jumpscares
-Gamer Yuuji Anon
I love Gamer Yuuji headcanons, Absolutle favs
honestly you wanted to have a cute typical couple moment
U wanted to play and have Yuuji protect u in the game while u screamed and hid ur face into his chest.
It was going to be a cute couple moment where u grab onto his sleeve and squeal while you give him an ego boost and tell him how good he is at playing these games! (Even tho you’re more than capable of playing urself 🙄)
That’s what. That’s what was supposed to happen.
So why was Itadori the one freezing up and covering his eyes while he had you do all the work
He guided your hands over the mouse and had you walk everywhere, he literally fought curses for a living, what was scary about 3D blocky characters lagging their way up to a screen with a delayed screaming sound effect😐🔪.
It was like a house and you have to go in each room to understand the story, but Itadori literally could not do it. He froze up and hid his eyes while you did all the work
He even had the nerve to jump when a jump scare happened, you cant even see what’s on the mf screen why are you flinching so hard.
Ok but like since yuuji actually loves paranormal things he loves those “based on a true story” games like HUH??? THIS HAPPENED??? DONT MAKE ME PLAY THIS TF???
(this man is still scared of herobrine)
Anyways you are reading the story and going through it when he’s like “oh yeah! It’s based on a true story!”
All of a sudden you are staring back, so close to throwing your mouse at him.
He’s smiling, “Isn’t that cool?”
“I’ve been making fun of the characters designs this whole time and you tell me now....?”
the both of you did not sleep that night, absolutley terrified slender man was outside or something
*cue Itadori getting random nightmares abt roblox Jeff the killer and herobrine chasing him LMFAOOO BYEEEE
That morning he sent like 200 *send this message to 15 different ppl or smiley dog will eat you*
like MF😐 if he doesn’t eat u I will tf.
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