#anyways *rubs hands* I finally have time to draw transformers hehe
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chara-55 · 2 months ago
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No doubt he's a Megatronus merch collector
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thebladeblaster · 4 years ago
Pokémon: the Vanguard Descends The Movie: Celebi Lost In Time (Part 2)
“Alright. Alright…”, Aichi replied half asleep, waving away Emi as she put her hands on her hips.
In Galar...
“Soon, the attack on Kakusa to retrieve master Gin’s family will be commenced.”, a Team Asteroid grunt said to another.
“Did you hear? Kakusa had the audacity to show 003v on tv dressed as Santa Claus.”, another grunt said.
“That’s probably just a stupid rumor.”, the other grunt replied.
“Hey has that plant always been there?”, the other pointed.
A pink potted flower sat next to the window seal. As the other grunt looked over to it had disappeared and the other grunt jumped. Out in the sky Celebi flew and was pink for some reason.
“So, that’s where she is Kakusa. 003v might also be there as well…”, Celebi thought as she flew by a ship.
Sharlene gasped as she saw Celebi from the ship’s scope.
“Celebi!”, Sharlene gasped.
She went to get Leon and her sister Jillian.
“Are you sure it was Celebi? You said it was pink.”, Jillian questioned.
Leon put his hand on his chin pondering before closing his eyes.
“I can feel it. It’s going east.”, Leon said.
“East huh? Are we going after it?”, Sharlene asked.
“I think I know where it’s going. Kakusa is east of here. If that’s really it’s destination we can’t follow. We were ordered not to attack till the planned time. However...we can send someone there. This is good opportunity to test the limits of the proto-dark balls.”, Leon said, before pulling out a phone.
“Why are they still prototypes anyway all of the tests have gone well?”, Jillian questioned.
“They have to be as strong as possible to be able to subjugate even the strongest of wills.”, Leon replied.
In Kakusa…
Celebi descended down on the coast of Sanctuary town. When she touched the ground she transformed to the winged girl from before in a flash without the wings though.
“I’d draw too much attention if I flew. I’ll have to walk around on foot.”, Celebi said to herself.
She looked around noticing various Pokémon scurrying onto the coast of Kakusa.
“If that monster is really here I can’t let him destroy this sanctuary.”, Celebi thought as she started walking.
At Histue Middle…
Aichi had just finished school and felt a bit exhausted from dealing with all the fans.
“I’ve gotta ask Kourin how she handles this.”, Aichi thought.
His expression lit up and he smiled as he saw Soul Saver in the distance, bolting towards him full of energy as usual. He felt a bit of spring in his step as well now.
“Haxorus! (Hi mommy!)”, Soul Saver greeted.
“Hello Soul Saver. You definitely have way more energy than I do.”, Aichi replied.
He got onto Soul Saver’s back and started to ride her home. He stopped when he saw someone he didn’t recognize waving at him to get his attention. Aichi stopped before the person wondering what this was about. The person was the redhead from back when Sanctuary town was taken over by Ren.
“Hey, you there, champ! I want a battle!”, the redhead said as he pointed at him.
“Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus! Haxorus? Haxorus? (Battle! Battle! Yah! Can we battle mommy?)”, Soul Saver asked.
“Alright. The elite four still aren't complete anyway and I accepted challengers who didn’t have all eight gym badges.”, Aichi replied as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Alright!”, the redhead replied.
“Well, I guess we can battle in the clearing near route 1.”, Aichi said.
At route 1
Aichi dismounted Soul Saver and stood across from the redhead.
“So, what’s your name?”, Aichi asked.
“Ishida Naoki.”, the redhead replied.
“Okay, Naoki. I’m Sendou Aichi. Let’s battle!”, Aichi replied.
“Go, Gauntlet!”, Naoki called out, throwing out a Gible.
“A dragon type huh? That’s pretty rare. Let go, Soul Saver!”, Aichi replied.
Soul Saver came forward prepared to battle.
“Were not about to lose to a steed! Gauntlet use dragon breath!”, Naoki said.
“Haxorus. Haxorus. (I’m no mere steed.)”, Soul Saver replied, puffing out her chest where the dragon breath hit which simply dispersed against her chest.
Naoki gaped at the level of power being displayed especially since the move should be super effective.
“It just brushed off my guy’s strongest attack by flexing?!”, Naoki gasped.
“Soul Saver use iron tail.”, Aichi ordered.
Soul Saver smacked the small dragon Pokémon with her tail which hardened to be as strong as steel. Gauntlet fell over fainting instantly from the attack.
“Damn it!”, Naoki cursed.
“Is something wrong? I can heal your Gible.”, Aichi replied, waving his hands.
Naoki recalled Gauntlet frowning.
“It’s not that.”, Naoki replied as he walked away.
“Wait!”, Aichi replied.
Naoki’s widened as the distance between them was closed in instance while he wasn’t paying attention. Naoki jumped a bit surprised how fast Aichi was.
“Why did you challenge me?”, Aichi asked as Naoki looked away with his hands in his pockets.
“I dunno. It was stupid considering you have six fully evolved Pokémon.”, Naoki replied.
“I guess I’m stupid too because I did the same thing in my first battle.”, Aichi chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
“No way!”, Naoki replied with shock.
In Sanctuary town…
Celebi walked throughout the town in her human form, looking around. She gasped as she saw Emi in the distance who was on her way home.
“Emi! Emi! I finally found you!”, Celebi said as she ran up to Emi.
She froze noticing Emi looked rather young compared to how she remembered. She looked back at her with a confused look.
��Have we met?”, Emi asked.
“I-I…”, Celebi trailed off, not knowing what to do.
“Did I go the past?!”, Celebi thought.
Emi noticed how troubled and awkward the other girl was feeling.
“Umm...did you mistake me for someone you knew? I’m Sendou Emi, what’s your name?”, Emi asked.
“S-Sendou? My name is Shuka...just Shuka.”, Celebi now known as Shuka replied.
“I haven’t seen you before are you new here?”, Emi asked.
“Yes, I just came to Kakusa uhh...Sendou.”, Shuka replied as Emi giggled.
“No need to be so formal. Sendou is my family name you can just call me Emi.”, Emi replied as Shuka blushed in embarrassment realizing her mistake.
“I can show you around if you want. I don’t have any plans today.”, Emi replied, she froze a bit realizing the girl seemed strangely familiar.
She had definitely seen her somewhere, but she couldn’t remember where. She cocked her head and put her finger under her chin as she tried to think of where she had seen Shuka.
“That would be nice. Thank you.”, Shuka replied a bit nervously, still feeling awkward.
In Galar…
“So, you want us to get Celebi for you? We’re not exactly your lap dogs.”, a male voice said from the phone Leon held.
“That’s true. Your group is separate from us, but I am aware that you have worked with 004a in the past. It’s not an order more of an offer. You can even keep Celebi if you want. I simply believe it would be a great test for the proto-dark balls and once their complete your organization will receive a generous donation of them.”, Leon replied.
“Interesting. Those dark balls do interest me along with acquiring a mythical Pokémon. You have a deal 002f.”, the voice replied.
“Great.”, Leon replied before hanging up.
“You aren’t serious about giving them dark balls and letting them catch Celebi are you?”, Jillian questioned.
“They won’t catch Celebi as long as 003v has anything to say about it. But, they will still be able to test the dark balls and I can get some more info on 003v’s current strength. I intend on sending some Intelions to spy on 003v as he fights the rare hunters.”, Leon replied.
“You're so smart, master Leon!”, Sharlene replied.
“Don’t forget we’re supposed to call him 002f, Sharlene!”, Jillian replied.
Near route 1…
Aichi and Naoki sat down on the grass. Soul Saver laid down on her stomach next to Aichi.
“Man that’s so crazy! You challenged a crazy strong guy in your first battle? You’ve definitely got some guts!”, Naoki laughed.
“Hehe. Well, everyone’s gotta start somewhere. To be honest I was super scared throughout my whole first battle. That’s where everything began for me.”, Aichi replied.
“You really are different from how I remember.”, Naoki replied as Aichi looked over to him surprised.
He then finally noticed his Miyaji middle uniform. He then was able to put two and two together from there.
“Oh!!! You're from Miyaji. I didn’t notice at all.”, Aichi replied.
“Yeah, in case you're wondering we never really interacted face to face, but I knew of you.”, Naoki explained.
“That’s a relief. I felt really awkward thinking I had forgotten you or something.”, Aichi replied.
Naoki looked at Aichi’s Histue uniform a bit sadly.
“I really should have done something. I was a big kid. I could have stopped those jerks who always picked on you. It got so bad you had to change schools for middle school.”, Naoki replied, lowering his head.
Aichi put his hand on his back.
“It’s alright. Besides everything’s fine now.”, Aichi assured.
“How can you forgive me or any of those other jerks from Miyaji so easily?”, Naoki questioned.
“It was a long time ago. Besides what would being angry do?”, Aichi replied.
“I guess you’re right. As for your question earlier I challenged you because I saw how much you had changed back when you saved Sanctuary town. I thought maybe battling had something to do with it so I tried battling you to see if I could change too. It’s funny I never thought I used Gauntlet again after I gave up on being a trainer years ago.”, Naoki replied.
“I’m glad we battled Naoki. You know I think I can help.”, Aichi replied.
“You think you’ll have time when you're the champion?”, Naoki questioned.
“We’ll I’m not busy everyday. I only attend meetings once a week and we’ll besides that I’m still looking for someone to fill the last elite four spot and it’s not like I spend all day doing that.”, Aichi replied.
“What happened to the elite four?!”, Naoki questioned cluelessly.
“Well.. 3/4ths of them were Team Asteroid so they left. I got Mamoru and Kazumi to fill two of the spots.”, Aichi explained.
“Wasn’t the Mamoru guy champion before? Who the heck is Kazumi?”, Nadoki asked.
“Yeah, Mamoru was champion before Ren was. Kazumi is actually a rather new trainer. He started a couple of weeks ago and he got all eight gym badges rather fast. When he heard about the elite four problem he offered to help out by filling one of the spots.”, Aichi answered.
“Oh, yeah you mentioned that earlier.”, Naoki replied.
“Yeah, it’s not as urgent as the seventh gym leader problem was. Thankfully I convinced Kyou to become the seventh gym leader. Not a lot of people get as far as the elite four as they do to the seventh gym.”, Aichi replied.
“So, what do you plan to do to help me anyway?”, Naoki asked.
“I dunno, but I’ll think of something.”, Aichi replied honestly as Naoki sweat dropped.
In Sanctuary town…
Emi and Shuka walked around the town with Emi showing her the various places in the small town. They got some Boba tea while they walked around town with Emi paying for the tea.
“You really are too nice Emi.”, Shuka said.
“It’s nothing. Besides the boba tea here is really cheap.”, Emi replied.
The two girls smiled at each other giggling.
“You know this has been a lot of fun though it started out awkward. I wonder if we’ve really met before. I had this strange feeling when I first saw you that I couldn’t place.”, Emi admitted.
“Really?”, Shuka questioned.
“Yeah, I don’t know why I’ve lived in Kakusa for most of my life so that should be impossible.”, Emi replied.
Shuka was silent pondering what this meant. If she was sent back in time Emi should have no recollection of her at all. Despite dealing with time travel before she was still puzzled about her situation. She didn’t have this problem before because she only used to show up during peacetimes. She had no idea when or where in when she was exactly. It couldn’t be a completely alternative universe or she wouldn’t recognize her.
“If I knew where Dran was I’d ask him. As the time legendary he knows way more about this than I do. I can simply travel through time, but I can’t control it the same way he does.”, Shuka thought.
“Yeah, it’s strange. I feel like I’ve met you too.”, Shuka replied.
“You even knew my name which was kinda weird. Maybe we have met somewhere? Or it’s just some crazy coincidence?”, Emi questioned.
Emi looked rather confused when Shuka suddenly froze. Shuka glared at whatever she was looking at and Emi turned her attention to what she was looking at. Her eyes widened as she noticed Aichi walking with some scary looking red headed boy and Soul Saver who had a little Gible riding on her head. It looked like the two dragon Pokémon were getting along chatting about something. She grew more confused when Shuka got in front of her, raising a white staff that seemed to come out of nowhere.
Aichi suddenly froze, much to Naoki’s confusion. A rainbow spiral briefly appeared in Aichi’s eyes which he thought was a trick of the light. Aichi suddenly turned his attention to two girls who had soba tea and one who held out some sort of staff.
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razorblade180 · 6 years ago
Can we have more of Kairi talking to Sora in the first game. I want to see her reactions to Riku stealing the key along with Donald and Goofy abandoning Sora.
*Let’s be real, I was gonna do this anyways lol*
[Nerverland, Big Ben]
Sora:*Watching the stars*
Kairi:Well that’s another world saved by you and your big heart.
Sora:Yeah, too bad it cost me catching up to Riku again. I can’t believe he found your body; I was looking for it everywhere.
Kairi:Yep, he always seems to be ahead of you. What’s the score between you now? Like seven to thirteen; you have some catching up to do.
Kairi:....hey I was only joking around. You’re doing just fine; so what if things look bad? I’ll put my faith in you every time Sora.
Sora:Why’s that?
Kairi:Because you always keep going no matter what you lazy bum. *cheesy grin*
Sora:....*smiles* Thanks Kairi, you’re right. *Jumps off the ledge and flies* If I can believe in flying then I can believe in saving you; both of you.
Kairi:That’s the spirit!
Sora:Donald, Goofy, let’s get going! Our adventure together is just getting started.
Goofy:Garwsh, Sora seems ready to go. I wonder what’s gotten into him.
Donald:Who knows with him.
[Hollow Bastion]
Sora*on his hands and knees, staring at a wooden sword*......
*the rushing water drowning out the sound of three pairs of foot steps leaving*
Kairi:Sora? It’ll be alright..... things just got a bit more challenging than we-
Sora:You should go with them....
Sora:It only makes sense. Your body is somewhere in here, Riku has the keyblade now with Donald and Goofy; I....*tears hit the ground* I can’t protect you without-
Kairi:*squats down, try’s to see his face*Sora, you don’t honestly believe the keyblade got you this far do you?
Kairi:Before you even knew it was special I have watched you face anything that tried to stop you because that’s who you are; that’s who you’ve always been. A stick could’ve appeared in your hand and I bet you’d defend our home just the same.
Sora:*wiping his eyes* But....
Kairi:No buts! *trying to hold his hand* I didn’t put my hopes in you because of the keyblade or because my heart so happened to find it’s way to you. I did it because I’m always gonna believe in you. *red*
Sora:*taking a deep breath* You know....Riku has every advantage right now over me?
Kairi:*chuckles* what else is new? Never stopped you from trying before; I guess right now he had fourteen wins to your seven. I wonder if you can catch up. Only one way to find out.
*Beast walks by him before falling*
Sora:*runs to him* Hey you shouldn’t be moving; you’re hurt.
Kairi:(Already thinking of another’s again)
Beast:*gets up* Belle’s here somewhere. I refuse leave until I get her back; what about you?
Sora:Me?.....*grabs wooden sword* I’m....I’m here to get somebody who’s very important to me too. No way I can stop now.
Kairi:There’s the Sora I know.
Riku:Quit while you can.
Sora:No way, not without Kairi.
Riku:The darkness will destroy *dark suit forms over him*
Kairi:Watch out Sora *sees a looming darkness presence behind Riku* I don’t know how to explain it but I don’t think he’s alone. I feel something, sinister.
*tension rises in the room*
Riku:You know I thought you of all people would’ve rushed to help get her back; yet every time you actively went against me. Not only that, you never seemed too surprised about anything I said regarding Kairi.
Riku:You know where her heart is don’t you?
Sora:*biting his lip* I.....
Riku:I knew it *channeling fire in his hand* I bet you were having a good old laugh watching me search aimlessly huh!? Why keep it a secret?
Sora:You didn’t make it easy to tell you! Kidnapping princesses, working with Maleficent, controlling heartless.....! You’re going about this all wrong.
Riku:Where is she? I’m not gonna ask again.
Sora:........don’t do this. *shaking his head*
Riku:Too late *chucks a dark fireball at him*
*Donald and Goofy both block it*
Goofy:You didn’t think we’d just stand there and let you get hit did ya!
Donald:Yeah! Orders or no orders, you’re still our friend.
Riku:So you would betray your king?
Donald:Not in a million years!
Goofy:But we’re not gonna betray Sora either hyuck.
Riku:*agitated* Ugh so what Sora? You may have them by your side but you still don’t have a real weapon.
Sora:Doesn’t matter; I don’t care if I have a keyblade, wooden sword, stick, or even my bare hands. I’ll never give up as long as I have friends to protect; friends that stand by my side no matter what. They’re the only power I need *readies the wooden sword*
Riku:Huh....woah! *kingdom key pulling away* tsk oh no you don’t! *holding on*
*keyblade warps to Sora*
Kairi:looks like we called it too early; the score is actually eight to thirteen.
Riku:*summons soul eater in a fit or rage* Like I need a thing like that!
Sora:Now I’ve done it; let’s see if I can get to nine.
Kairi:I bet you can. *touches kingdom key, it glows and transforms into Destiny’s Embrace* let’s knock some sense into him.
*Riku banged up and bruised, dark suit fading*
Riku:*huff* *huff* Tsk...*runs off*
Sora:Guess I’m up to nine now. *desummons keyblade* let’s just see how far I go.
*the dark chapel*
Maleficent:This is how far as you go child.
Sora:It’s you, what did you do to Riku?
Maleficent:Do not take such a tone with me boy. I have done nothing to Riku; I’ve only helped him realize how much he can be when he abandons meaningless ties like friendship. Look how far he’s come; the door to darkness is almost mine!
Sora:Tsk! *everyone draws their weapon* We’ll stop it; we’ll stop you! Then everything can go back to normal.
Maleficent:You dare defy me? ME, THE MISTRESS OF ALL EVIL!? *green flames erupt*
Kairi:She looks tough. Nothing you can’t handle though; after all the creatures you’ve beaten.
Sora:Right, let’s do this.
Maleficent:*limping out of a portal*
Riku:Do you need some help?
Sora:*running out of portal* Get back here! Huh, Riku? *notices keyblade*
Donald:Is that...?
Riku:Yes, a keyblade. This one however has the power to unlock people’s hearts. Behold!!! *stabs Maleficent*
Kairi:What goes around comes around...*sees shadow figure get more prominent* (what is...who is that?)
Riku:Open your heart...let it become one with darkness itself! *vanishes*
Maleficent:*laughing* This is it....darkness; true darkness! *explodes into a pillar of darkness and flames.*
Kairi:This might be bad....
*a dragon appears from the fire*
Kairi:This might be really bad!!!!!
Sora:You draw the line at dragons? I’ve fought sea monsters, genies, tons of heartless. This isn’t too bad. *dodges fireballs*
Kairi:Sora....this is a dragon!
Sora:I was more afraid of the jaguar. I got this; just watch!
*Maleficent fading away*
Sora:*Burns and smoke on his clothes* Okay.... that was a little tough. Luckily....*smiles*
*a light flies around him and fixes his injuries*
Sora:Thanks Tink!
Tinker Bell:*pokes his nose and vanishes*
Sora:Well? What do you think about that?
Kairi:*amazed* I think.....I think that should count as win number ten against Riku.
Sora:*rubs his nose* Hehe I’ll take that.
*Sora walking into the final room, princesses in capsules*
Kairi:*chills* I guess if we’re gonna find my body then this is the place. I can’t believe someone would do such a thing, starring at.
*sora notices the stairs*
Sora:I guess we go futher in. *walks away*
Goofy: *knocked away by a barrier*
Kairi:Uhhh Sora I think-
Sora:Kairi! *running and picks up her body* I found it! I got your-
Riku*sitting on top heart emblem* Took you long enough Sora.
Kairi:Sora what’s going- *gasp* *sees the silhouette as Riku* That’s not Riku anymore.
Sora:Not Riku? Then who is this...!?
Riku:Judging by your response you are aware the princess’s heart rest within you.
Sora:Princess? Kairi’s a princess!?
Riku:Since birth *looks right her* How are doing princess?
Kairi:He can see me!?
Riku:I can hear you too. You’re completely visible to me unlike your friend.*jumps down* Who would’ve thought casting you out from your world would’ve bore such fruitful discovery. A vessel and a keyblade; I’m quite fortunate...
Kairi:You’re....your’re the reason I was found on the islands? *stepping back* Alright that’s enough; just who are you!? You’re obviously not Riku.
Ansem:I’m the one who’s gonna open the door. The man who’ll dive as deep as can to seek the the darkness within; my name is Ansem. Now give me what I want... *points keyblade at him*
Sora:What are you- *grabs his chest in pain, falling to his knees*
Kairi:Sora!!! *slightly fading* Stay strong!
Donald:*Jumps at him* That’s it!
*Ansem hits him out of bounds*
Ansem:You got far but now it’s over. Surrender the princess’s heart or.....oh? *smirking*
Sora:*rising up* You....You didn’t think I was gonna make it easy for ya fight? *points his keyblade at him*
Ansem:Fine.....have it your way! *swings*
Sora:*Blocking it immediately. Sparks start to fly*
Kairi:Sora this guy is dangerous! You gotta....
Sora:I promised I’d protect you now matter what. *pushes him away* That’s what I’m going to do!
Kairi:....please.......don’t go off and die on me you hear!!? *glowing*
Sora:Got it! *teaming with light*
Ansem:Hmph, foolish boy. If you’re gonna struggle though please do your best to entertain me.....
*ansem drops his keyblade and fades away*
Sora:*huff* hey we’re not done here!
Donald:Sora close the keyhole, quick!!!!
*Sora tries to but nothing happens*
Kairi:It’s not gonna work; without me I don’t think it’s complete.
Sora:Sigh, guys without Kairi I can’t close it. We need her to free her heart.
Goofy:How do you suppose we do that?
*Sora looking at Riku’s blade*
Sora:(A key to unlock hearts, maybe....) *walks to it*
Kairi:What are you doing?
Sora:*grabs it and points it at his chest*
Kairi:Sora stop!!! Wait just a second here; you don’t have to go this far for me. We can figure something out right? *tears welling up* maybe if we look through Ansem’s reports again we might be able to-
Sora:It’s okay Kairi. A promise is a promise right?
Kairi:*crying* Not if this is the price of keeping it. Who knows what could happen; I’m fine being like this. If it means your safe then I will stay like this forever! *breathing rapidly*
Sora:...It’s funny how things work. I haven’t been able to see you this whole time but can picture exactly what you look like. But now that I’m ready to say goodbye *looks to his left* I can see you as bright as day. *smiling* beating Riku and saving you; twelve at of thirteen ain’t bad. *stabs himself* cause I still feel like a winner...
[Traverse Town, secret tunnel]
Kairi:Hey Sora...
Sora:*walking in* Kairi? Didn’t think I’d find you in- ow!
Kairi:*eyes puffy as she hits him* I can’t believe you’d do something so....so reckless! You scared me half to death. *hugging him*
Sora:*frowning* I’m....sorry *hugs her back*
Kairi:Promise me you won’t do something like that again?
Sora:Sorry, that’s a promise I wouldn’t be able to keep. When you’re in danger I’m always gonna do what ever takes . *red* you’re....precious to me.
Kairi:That goes both ways you idiot. I.....*grabs his hand* I want to always stand by you......
Kairi:You’re going back to Hollow Bastion aren’t you?
Sora:I still have a job to do. Riku is out there and I still have to lock the keyhole. Kairi I need you to sta-
Kairi:Don’t say it...*holding his hand tighter* we got this far sticking together. Why can’t I be there for the end? *looking down*
Sora:*holds her hand* Just because we’re separated doesn’t mean we’re apart. No matter what I’m gonna hear you rooting for me; keeping me going. You’ll be in my heart every step of the way.
Kairi:.......you’re so unfair *holds up her lucky charm*
Sora:What’s this?
Kairi:If you can’t promise me you won’t do something dangerous, then at least promise me you’ll always come back like you did this time? This lucky charm took forever to make and I expect it to give it back to me.
Sora:*takes it* I promise. Hey, maybe when I get back I can finally say I tied with Riku hehe.
Kairi:You’re already tied with him...
Sora:Huh? But the score is twelve to thir- *kairi kisses his cheek*
Kairi:*blushing and pushes her hair behind her ear* Looks like you’re all tied up..... pull ahead of him for once okay?
*You’ve obtained Oathkeeper*
[The End of the World]
*Kingdom Hearts closing and Sora running to Kairi*
Kairi:Sora? How did I end up here? Did you beat Ans-woah! *platform being pulled away*
Sora:*Grabbing her hand* He’s gone; the worlds are safe now.
Kairi:Then what are you waiting for!? Jump over here! Wait where’s Riku?
Sora:Somewhere......and we’re still kind of tied so... *looking down with guilt, trying to find the words to say*
*platforms pulling apart*
Kairi:Sigh......*smiles* I understand, can’t have that now can we?
Sora:*looks up in shock*
Kairi:I can wait for the charm to come back. *hand shaking* Just be safe okay?.
Sora:*tearing up* I’ll come back to you, I promise!
Kairi:I know you will....
*lets go of his hand*
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aengus-og-babie-blog · 7 years ago
Brighter Imagination
Castiel x Reader
Summary: Y/n is a witch that has acquired a magical pencil that brings all of its drawings to life. She’s been feeling lonely and out of place because so she turns to her lively drawings for companionship. However, a certain curious angel finds Y/n talking to her sketchbook pages. He becomes concerned, as well as cautious when he realizes the drawings are filling Y/n’s head with lies.
Warnings: swearing, mild angst, it’s kinda weird and silly
Word Count: 2173
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I run down the bunker stairs in rage. I can practically feel the steam flying out of my bright red ears. However, Dean stops me before I can get out of reach.
“Dammit, Y/n! Just listen to me!” He yells, clearly not in the mood.
“Why should I? You’re just going to criticize me for using my god given powers for good!” I snap back. I understand the boys’ reasons to be wary of magicks, but they know me. They should trust me. I’ve never given them a reason to not trust me.
“I know, but that doesn’t give you the right to take an evil witch’s shit! Who knows what it can do?” Dean argues.
“It’s a magick pencil, Dean. It’s supposed to bring the drawings created with it to life. See? I know exactly what it is and how to use it. There’s nothing inherently evil about this artifact. It’s merely how it’s used.” I defend myself, trusting in my magickal knowledge.
“Y/n, we know you can handle anything, we’re just worried.” Sam justifies his older brother. Despite that, I’m still fuming at the fact that they really don’t trust me with anything remotely powerful. I bet they think I’m going to lose control and hurt someone. I know what I’m doing. I’m a strong witch that’s fully in control of her powers.
“Thanks, but really it’s fine. I promise not to draw anything dangerous and blow up the goddamn bunker.” I finally storm off to my bedroom, needing to be away from the boys right now. I love them like they were my real brothers, but they really knew how to make me feel like shit.
A few days passed since my finding of the magick pencil, but nothing has happened. I’ve begun to believe the pencil was a fake until something scared the shit out of me. I started just by drawing simple doodles of cats and frogs, hoping they would jump off the pages and act as cute little creations. When this didn’t work, I began to draw more realistic looking pieces. I drew plants and books, but still, nothing came to life. Out of curiosity, I started sketching my favorite angel, Castiel. I knew his delicate face like the back of my hand, as I’ve spent so much shameless time staring at it. I didn’t go into much detail, but Cas was definitely there on the page in front of me. I wished for it to come to life, just to blink at me or twitch its nose, but it did nothing. I let out a heavy sign disappointed that the artifact was a dud, so I throw my sketchbook onto my bed. Walking over to the rest of my magickal artifacts, I scold the little pencil.
“You could have sat nicely up here with the rest, but no! You had to be a fake. Now I have to tell the boys and watch their smug shit faces.” I growl, tossing the pencil into my trash. I walk out, sulking into the library to find Sam and Dean. Sam is on his laptop researching for a new case. Dean is sitting with his legs up on the table, beer in hand, yapping at poor Sam.
“I told already told you, I can’t just be lured in with pie! I’m stronger than that. I need to be romanced first, at least.” Dean defends himself.
“Dude, you got caught by werewolves because they knew you liked pie. It’s your thing, your weakness.” Sam chuckles. I clear my throat, turning both of their attention to me.
“Yes, hello. I sadly must report to you that the magick pencil I found was a dud.” I inform the brother.s
“A dud?” Sam inquires. I sigh audibly.
“Yes, a dud. A fake. It doesn’t work. It’s a piece of shit regular pencil.” I hear the two of them sigh in relief. “What the hell guys? I’m actually upset about this!”
“Sorry, sweetheart, but that thing could have been really dangerous. We’re just glad that it’s not and that you’re safe.” Dean says with a sympathetic look on his face, but also a shit eating grin.
“Well, thanks. Glad you care.” I spit out, marching back to my room. I just want to forget about this whole thing. I wish I had never picked up the goddamn pencil. “Stupid piece of shit!”
“Woah! What’s that language for?” A strange voice asks. I let out a yelp, scanning my room to see who that was. No one was there.
“Who said that?” I ask defensively, holding out my hands ready to produce magick protection.
“Uh, down here,” The voice says. My eyes follow, and I spot my sketchbook.
“No way!” I run to it and to my surprise it was my drawing of Castiel that had come to life. That’s odd since the drawing didn’t sound like him that much. It was almost too peppy.
“Yes, hello! It is I, your humble drawing!” He says excitedly. I pull the sketchbook closer to view all of the moving details of my work. His eyes blinked, mouth moved, and whole being seemed to even breathe! It was incredible!
“This is amazing! Except, how come you didn’t come to life earlier?” I ask.
“Well, it’s not exactly instantaneous. According to my knowledge, your drawings must be of something you already know and it takes a while for the magick to fully connect the whole drawing. Creation isn’t easy, y’know!” He replies.
“It’s not creation, merely transformation. Using magick in this pencil to give life-like properties to a simple drawing.” I inspect the drawing more, fascinated by the way it moved on its own. I wanted to know more about how this magick worked.
“You’re prettier up close, too.” He laughs, making me blush.
“Oh, I wasn’t,”
“It’s alright. I can see why you drew me.” He says mysteriously. I was going to question him, but he continues. “Anyways, I heard you were quite upset just now. Why is that?”
“O-oh, well… I got in a fight with the boys because they think I’m not capable enough to handle the magick of the pencil…” I explain.
“What? But you created me so well! How could you not be capable?” He defends me. I smile, appreciating the support.
“Hah, yeah I know, right? They said it would be dangerous and that it’d create something evil.”
“Evil? Do I look evil to you?” I laugh and shake my head ‘no’. There’s no way Castiel’s face could look evil to me, anyway. “I think they’re just jealous. They know they could never be as powerful as you to create such an amazing thing such as me!”
Jealous? I can hardly see Sam and Dean as the jealous type, but perhaps he’s right. They said they don’t want me to become too powerful to the point I couldn’t control myself, but maybe they just don’t want me to get stronger than them.
“Maybe you’re right. Hehe, thanks. You at least made me feel better.” I thank my drawing.
“Of course, creator. I hate seeing you upset. You look so much more beautiful with a smile on your face.” He compliments me, making me blush again.
“Oh, stop.” I giggle.
“I’m serious! I want to make you smile all the time. I can tell the real Castiel can’t make you smile like I can.” This concerns me.
“Well, I wouldn't say that…” Castiel does make me smile, and I love it.
“Not in the same way, I bet. Has he defended you like I have? Or does he side with them?”
“I guess he sides with the boys. He hates whenever I get into dangerous things.”
“Exactly! He thinks you’re too weak to handle it, but I know better. I know my creator is strong enough to handle anything.”
“Hah, thanks. I think I like you. I’ll keep you around for a while after all. You’re the only one that seems to be on my side.”
“Sam? Dean?” Castiel comes into the bunker with a bag in his hand.
“Yo! Oh, sweet! Is that pie?” Dean excitedly gets up to snatch the treat from their angel friend. Sam gives his an unbelieving look. “What?”
“I also got beer and a pumpkin pastry for Y/n. Where is she?” Castiel asks, looking around the room for her.
“She’s sulking in her room,” Sam explains, continuing his research.
“Sulking?” Cas asks sadly.
“Yup. She found some stupid pencil on the last hunt we were on. It was a witch’s so she thought it was magick or something.” Dean says, starting to devour the pie.
“She said it was supposed to bring the drawings to life, but it was a dud,” Sam says with a frown. Castiel didn’t like the idea of Y/n sulking, so he decided to check on her.
Walking down the hallway to her room, he stops when he hears whispering. It was Y/n and someone else. His heartbeat raced when he thought of her and some unknown person in her room. Despite his fear, he knocks on the door softly.
“Go away, Dean! I know you’re just gonna rub the pencil thing in my face!” I quickly hide my sketchbook, just in case he decided to come in anyways. However, it wasn’t Dean stepping into my room. “Cas!”
“Hello, Y/n. The boys told me you were upset about a magickal pencil.” He explains, walking over to me. He sits next to me on the bed. The big dig from his weight causes me to roll closer to him.
“Oh, yeah. I-it’s no big deal. I just mistook it as something uh… special…” I could tell Cas knew I wasn’t being totally honest. He seems to be able to read me like a book.
“May I see?” Castiel asks gently. I had forgotten I had thrown away the pencil until now.
“Uh, sure…” I hesitantly go to grab the pencil out of my trash bin. Handing it over, Castiel turns it in his hands to inspect it.
“I believe you’re wrong, Y/n. There’s definitely something powerful about this pencil.” He turns and sees my sketchbook hidden under my desk. “May I test it on that?”
“U-uh, sure…” I panic, but I can’t say no to him. I try to flip to a different page before he sees, but my drawing speaks up.
“Hey, you! Leave my creator alone!” He growls. I facepalm.
“Who said that?” Castiel asks confused.
“I said it, you brooding chicken!” My drawing insults Castiel.
“Hey, watch it!” I scold him.
“Is that… your drawing? Talking?” Cas asks bewildered. I nod, showing him the drawing moving around and making faces.
“You better leave my creator alone or I’ll fight you! You boys haven’t been giving her the respect she deserves!”
“What is he talking about?” Castiel asks me, clearly upset by my drawing’s words.
“You don’t think she’s strong enough for magickal artifacts! You don’t let her go into dangerous situations because you think she’s weak! You don’t want her to become more powerful than you so you put her down!” The drawing exaggerates for me. Castiel stands there staring with wide eyes.
“Do… do you truly believe this?” He turns towards me with broken eyes.
“W-well, not exactly all of that, but…” I stutter, now embarrassed by this confrontation.
“I don’t let you into dangerous situations because I don’t want you to get hurt. I care too much about you to willingly let you do something that can hurt you. I know you are strong enough to care for yourself, but…” Castiel stares straight into my eyes.
“Y-you care about me that much?” I ask.
“Of course I do, Y/n. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.” The honesty in his eyes fills me with joy. I never knew he felt this way. “I know Sam and Dean feel the same way, but I specifically can’t lose you.”
“Oh? And why is that?” I giggle, already knowing the answer.
“Well, I’m quite fond of you, Y/n. I make it my goal to protect you at all costs.” He reaches out to hold my hand.
“Excuse me? My creator doesn’t need you! She’s perfectly happy on her own with me!” My drawing butts in again. I grab him and crinkle him up, tossing him into the trash.
“It’s a shame you had to get rid of him. I especially liked that you had drawn me.” Castiel smirks.
“Oh, shut up!” I tease. Instead, he pulls me into a soft kiss. His lips are rougher than I thought but still perfect. We pull away and smile at each other.
“Let’s just keep this between you and me, okay?” I ask sheepishly, not wanting the boys to have more to make fun of me for.
“Alright. My lips are sealed.” He agrees. I pull him in for one last kiss before going back out to the boys, Castiel close behind with our fingers entwined.
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