#anyway. sorry for talking about a media franchise i know nothing about. it will happen again
jinxedshapeshifter · 29 days
the amount of "actually Billford isn't canon because Bill was using him for his own gain" i've seen on Twitter is fucking insane. I HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN GRAVITY FALLS. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT. but "it isn't canon because character A is using character B as a tool" is NOT how you determine whether something's canon or not lol.
list of ships that fall under "one of them is just using the other"/"this is so obviously one-sided in some way for the sake of proving a point:
Lloyd and Harumi from Ninjago (arguably)
Kai and Skylor, also from Ninjago, started out as "Skylor's using Kai's attraction to her against him to manipulate him" then turned into a genuine relationship because Skylor was also being manipulated and used
I THINK this was the case with Tigerstar and Leopardstar in the first Warriors arc but I might be misremembering
The Erazor Djinn and Shahra from Sonic and the Secret Rings
Angel and Val from Hazbin Hotel
This kind of dynamic is implied on some level in Helluva Boss with Chaz's relationships with Moxxie and Millie
a relationship being one-sided or manipulative doesn't suddenly make it not canon. hell, someone can be manipulative towards someone they genuinely love. manipulation in fictional relationships doesn't indicate their level of canonicity, it just means the relationship isn't healthy
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Guys, i wanna preach something to y'all.
If you really love a character and if they are really important to you, but you feel like a large majority of fans treat them poorly and they mischaracterise them. Don't be scared to talk about it.
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This is not even focused on Splatoon, no, this is just in general. If you genuinely love a character so much and they are treated in a way where you feel like it doesn't represent the character's true personality, events, arcs, etc, then speak up about it. Make a post on any social media platform or forum. Speak your peace, share your evidence, do what you can to say "hey guys. I think you should all take a second look at this character i really like! They have some cool stuff about them that not a lot of people talk about!"
I think a really great example of a character who's been really mischaracterised is Deadpool. In the comics he's a sad clown sort of guy where he hides his pain, suicidality and depression behind jokes and 4th wall breaks. He's a bad dude who tries his hardest to be a good person, but he fails over and over again and he doesn't believe he can ever be loved or respected. He's funny but he also has depth and layers which is so important to create an everlasting character. Or at least that's what I've heard he's like from comic fans. I haven't read the comics but i plan on to some day because I'm fascinated by his depth and i wanna experience that.
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However in his first major solo appearance, which was the game, he was treated as only a loud mouth jokester who sees every woman he comes across as "awooga! boobies and ass!!!!" and all the depth and nuance is gone. Even though they had a comic writer who worked on Deadpool comics for years, he didn't fucking ATTEMPT to give the character any form of intrigue. Just... nothing. Only memes and pop culture references that'll become dated in 5 years.
And a lot of people think that's just who Deadpool is... That's how so many people got introduced to this character which caused misinformation to spread about him for so long... And that fucking sucks dude.
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Thankfully the movies have some form of an emotional center with Wade and Vanessa's relationship and they give the character... SOMETHING!!!!! At least the comic fans seem to be pretty okay with movie Deadpool from my knowledge, which is good.
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Do you guys remember when Pearl and Marina used to be treated like this? Pearl as some big forehead joke of a character, while Marina was some bimbo with huge honkers and a giant waist.
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Oh yeah, this was how they were treated for years. I remember it man, i fucking remember it all. I was there. Sorry to tell the new fans who joined from Splatoon 3. Even after Octo Expansion gave them detailed backstories and further explored their personalities, they were still mischaracterised as flanderised jokes and nothing more in the community.
But after people took the time to get to know these two, after people spent 7 years with them and discussed the interesting things about them online, they are now portrayed significantly better than how they used to be treated in the community and are celebrated as some of the best characters in the franchise. As they fucking deserve to be treated. Fans don't treat them as jokes anymore, casuals don't make tired old jokes anymore. Everyone loves these two now and for the right reasons.
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And all it took was a small section of people to praise their best attributes and eventually overshadow the misinformation about them. Pearl is celebrated because she is genuinely a great character with a heart of gold and a want to care for the people around her. To make every day chaotic and to have fun with her CANONICAL GIRLFRIEND!
Marina is celebrated as a character who autistic people can look up to and find comfort in. AND THAT IS FUCKING AWESOME!!! AND IT ALMOST NEVER HAPPENED! If no one bothered to look deeper at her character then maybe many peoples lives could have never been changed for the better... Isn't that crazy to think about?
If you can change one person's perspective on a character you love, and they feel that energy and they wanna help you share that energy with more people, then i think you've done something truly amazing. Eventually that shit is gonna spread further and further AND FURTHER!!!!!!
Remember when Shiver and Frye were treated as jokes similar to Pearl and Marina at the start of Splatoon 3? Frye with her big forehead jokes and people calling her ugly due to... well... i'm gonna make some wild accusations here but... there might be an undertone of racism when people call Frye ugly... like... i'm just saying... I'm scared of what these people think about Indian women in the real world... What views they share about them... Frye is inspired by Indian culture and by proxy, Indian women. I'm just saying...
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And, of course, fans gooning over Shiver because god forbid a woman exposes her midriff and has curvy hips... ugh...
BUT THANKFULLY IT'S CHANGED NOW! Lots of people see Shiver as a silly yet fun character who has the potential for depth down the line, which people are excited to see. People adore Frye and love her personality and her family.
There are people out there who say that Frye is actually cute and beautiful, AND YOU KNOW WHAT!?? I FUCKING AGREE! If people didn't share their love and takes on Frye then maybe she wouldn't become my favourite Deep Cut member.
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Now... To tie it all back to me, I'm seeing this change in perspective for a character.... with Callie Cuttlefish.
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During the years 2017 to 2022, Callie was always mischaracterised as some airheaded idiot who ended up getting herself "kidnapped" and "brainwashed" and had to be saved as she was some stupid helpless victim. This was seen in official material and fan comics too. I remember it man, i really do. Hell it STILL happens till this day. That fucking summer 2024 Nintendo magazine? Jesus christ dude...
But now? That perspective is changing... Sure not everyone is gonna fully agree and there probably isn't gonna be massive change in official media, social media such as YouTube and twitter, and of course wikis. Not everyone is gonna know about what Callie is truly like and what she has truly gone through. But....
That's okay.
I really don't wanna come across as some sort of gatekeeping fan, i really hate those kinds of """fans""" so much. I just wanna educate and share my love for a comfort character of mine. Eventually the perspective shared by me and others will be spread to other social media platforms and many more people. Because that's how the internet works baby!!!!
The perspective that Callie was just a girl suffering from fame and loneliness, a girl who wanted an escape from it all, a girl who went under hypnosis to numb her pain and stay in the corruptive darkness she built up for so long, a girl who wanted to help her enemies rather than stay in her current life with a cousin who isn't there for her anymore... A girl who didn't need to be saved, but a girl who needed to be reminded of the good memories she had with her cousin, to remember what she truly stood for and the love she wants to share with everyone via music... A girl who just needed... a fresh start....
She was never kidnapped despite what official sources say... She was never brainwashed despite what they tell you... Callie had agency... Callie was suffering... Just in a more nuanced and fascinating way.
that perspective... is spreading and... I'm so happy about it...
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Anyways, that's all i have for you guys. Please share your love for a character with others, share your unique perspectives to the world, you have a voice, USE IT! I DON'T CARE IF IT'LL REACH TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE! ONE THOUSAND! A HUNDRED! ONE PERSON! DON'T FUCKING MATTER!
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ghostybreads · 1 year
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hello!! i absolutely don't mind! this is such a cute question, i love talking about my interests 🥰 the top few are my absolute all time favourites, but otherwise no particular order! Put under a cut because I rambled a bit!
How to Train Your Dragon
I'm so so obsessed with this franchise, I'm not even sure where to start on why I love it. I actually have a toothless tattoo! and like, six toothless plushies that my friends and I call the council. The show race to the edge for it is one of my favourite parts, but nothing will top the first movie for me. There's just something so magical about it. It's truly beautiful, every time I watch it I genuinely feel like my heart is soaring <3 A lot of people don't know that the shows exist but I think they're so good and silly, they're such a comfort for me.
This is a manga I always end up going back to again and again. I'm sure people have put it better than i could, but it reflects a very real and flawed human experience (despite the vampires lol). It feels like each and every side character gets so much depth, and everyone has their own journey, and its a very sympathetic and nuanced with its antagonists. The main pair grow SO much as people over the course of the story, and they build up plot twists so fucking well, ive watched it unfold and still felt like it was all planned from the very beginning. Also has british vampire catboy who goes 'meow' in the most serious deep voice ever, my beloved.
The Legend of Zelda
I'm counting this as one because I feel this way about most of the games, they're all so special to me in different ways. Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom I've loved playing, I felt so immersed in the world in such little ways, and all the small interactions with the people in that world felt so real and made me care about it. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are also so incredible and such wonderful stories, and I have such a soft spot for Skyward Sword, idk I couldn't choose a favourite if I tried. I've loved them since I was a kid so its hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that draws me to them.
Jing Wei Qing Shang/Clear and Muddy Loss of Love
TOXIC LESBIANS. I fear that since i've read JWQS no sapphic media will ever be good enough for me again, its insane how perfectly to my taste it was. The main chara can telepathically communicate with horses in an otherwise normal non-fantasy world and there's no explanation or even plot necessity for it, its so perfect for me. Qiyan, the MC, has so much gender. She's a malewife, she's a pathetic boyfriend, she's a lesbian, she's a boygirl, she's everything. The premise is that Qiyan, in her quest for revenge, ends up accidentally in an arranged marriage to the daughter of her enemy. And despite falling in love with her, she continues with her revenge anyway, prepared for the love of her life to kill her with her own hands when its over. There's so much emotion on both sides, its overflowing love and hatred and anger and bitterness and affection all at once. It truly is a whole journey to get through and I've been a changed man since.
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Another one I'm so batshit over that I don't know if any series will ever replicate. They're so insane. Shen Qingqiu's unreliable narration is so funny but also so fascinating to unpack, there's so much to read in what he doesn't say. It's so funny, but then when you think about what's really happening, it's kind of horrifying, there's this constant whiplash. The whole premise of one persons impact changing the story, the very narrative itself, is sooo important to me on so many levels. Bingqius dynamic is so incredible to me too, they're just so insane and so much fun to read. They've always stuck with me.
I LOVE MILGRAM it's a song story project told through music videos and audio dramas! The producer is one of my favourite artists, DECO*27, and every song is consistently a banger. Every character has such an interesting, nuanced story, and as the audience you're challenged to figure it out yourself based on the clues, and your interaction decides where the story goes. It's so much fun seeing a new MV come out and everyone come together to theorise and discuss. It's still ongoing, and very easy to get into, so I always recommend it! My favourite prisoner is Fuuta :)
Okay look. The question said favourite media, not explicitly media I thought was good. It is a show that is very very dear to my heart, and I think it fucking sucks after a certain point. The PREMISE is so so good, it had so much going for it on concept, and the characters carried it. I got so attached to them, I love their silly dynamics and they're so funny. I really do love the first few seasons, and I love the potential for what it could've been :') I very frequently text my best friend to rewrite parts of the lore.
That's 7 in detail, and the bonus additions are: Natsume's book of friends, good omens, and word of honour!
Thank you for asking!!! 💖💖💖 I don't think my thoughts were very comprehensive but I had fun, I hope they make some sense??
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shihalyfie · 2 years
I don’t remember whether you’ve discussed this before (and I’m really sorry for bringing it up again if you have!) but why do fans believe that Frontier “killed” the Digimon Franchise?
I noticed you mentioned recently that the creators believed the franchise was on its way out anyway since Tamers, plus I recall that Savers came three years or so after Frontier ended. Since I wasn’t active in the fandom during those discussions, I’m curious to know why fans used the drastic term “killed” when talking about Frontier. I’m guessing it has a lot to do with Frontier being the only season to not have the classic “partner Digimon” concept?
It's really nothing more than faulty logic. Frontier was the last series before Digimon anime screeched to a halt (at least until Savers). So that means, clearly, it didn't do well enough for the franchise to continue. If it had done well enough, they'd have made another series, but they didn't, so that means it was a failure and killed the franchise. Makes sense, right?
Well, technically, it is true that Frontier did badly enough that the franchise died for a time. That's not actually false. It's also true that a yearly anime like Digimon not getting renewed for another year is a very bad sign, and that ever since Frontier the franchise has always been in serious danger of dying, with Savers, Xros Wars, and Appmon all being false starts that never succeeded in fully bringing it back. But it's also true that in order to have saved the franchise from the downward spiral it was already deep in by the time of Tamers, Frontier would probably have had to perform some kind of absolute miracle to save the franchise from not dying. It takes more than just a year to kill a series! Let's look at Digimon toy sales figures from Adventure through Frontier:
Adventure: 16.0 billion yen
02: 14.2 billion yen
Tamers: 7.9 billion yen
Frontier: 4.5 billion yen
So yeah, Frontier's figure is undeniably bad, but a basic understanding of economics tells you it just happens to be in the unfortunate position of being the last one to take the fall in what was already clearly an exponential curve downwards. (In fact, I had the benefit of recently speaking with a Japanese Frontier fan -- and reading their posts even when they weren’t directly talking to me -- who said that they remember Digimon merch lines already starting to die out when Frontier was starting to air, meaning that it was in that self-feeding loop downfall position where they weren't producing the very merch that was supposed to help it gain revenue. We've still never gotten a complete soundtrack release.) And these things fall outside the purview of just Frontier too, because there were also the issues of:
Changing family structures leading to lower viewer ratings and other issues across the board for all anime from all companies
The Pendulum Progress (the V-Pet that Bandai released during Frontier's era) completely bombing, especially due to Bandai's attempt to venture into the Southeast Asian market being handled clumsily
The Toei Anime Fair (that is to say, Toei's structure of showing back-to-back short movies in theaters, which all Digimon movies were released under up until Frontier) bombing at an abysmal one-fifth of the previous year's revenue, resulting in Toei never holding another Anime Fair ever again (previous Toei Anime Fairs with Digimon usually involved sharing with a major big-ticket franchise like One Piece or Doremi, but here it was really just…uh, Kinnikuman)
Basically, it was just a disaster in all directions, so, again -- while Frontier may have been one of the last straws, it also probably would have needed to pull some kind of amazing miracle to yank the franchise out of that rut.
Now, keep in mind that the "Frontier killed the franchise" mantra mostly came from a fandom from 10-15 years ago, when a lot of fans were probably teenagers who didn't know or think much about how anime or media mix franchises are produced, but unfortunately this fanbase does tend to have a lot of preconceived notions like those that a ton of people just…never bothered to reconsider even after they became adults and should know better. And to be fair, not everyone happens to know about the above franchise statistics, and some of them were only translated, let alone released, very recently. From my understanding, the Japanese fanbase seems to have less of a perception that Frontier was the sole perpetrator, if only because they have easier access to said statistics.
But, well, you know, as much as it sucks to think about, a lot of people in this fanbase love to be rude to Frontier, so the idea of it as a "franchise killer" conveniently suits that angle, especially because Tamers also has a tendency to get put on a sacred cow's worship pedestal (and a lot of Tamers fans wouldn't dare admit that Tamers was just as big of a part of the problem, at least in terms of financial performance). So Frontier's an easy scapegoat. It's the weird series with no partner system! (Insert any complaint anyone has about Frontier's writing.) Clearly that must have made it able to singlehandedly tank the franchise in one fell swoop, and the Digimon franchise would have totally still been a profitable behemoth if they hadn't made it! Right? Yeah, uh, no. That's not how it works!
Now, as for the question of whether Frontier would have been successful if it'd come out under much better circumstances...well, of course, we'll never know. Media mix franchises have so many parts that the answer could probably honestly be anything. But to end this post on a happier note, the Japanese Frontier fan I spoke with went to DigiFes and wrote about the experience. They were worried about whether this year’s DigiFes would be popular when it was mostly about a movie with very little info and an anime series that hadn't had much in 20 years, only to have their fears completely blown away with how absolutely wild and feral the crowd went at everything, especially Miyazaki's performance of The Last Element. Which also led to their conclusion: Frontier has been getting so much love this year because, quite simply, it has a lot of fans who love it. That much is undeniably true, no matter what.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Can I request a celebrity AU with Elizabeth Olsen and Female Reader? Where R is Vision in the MCU. And like throughout a series of interviews and behind the scenes shots, you can see how the two actually fall in love in real life. And in like the final interview they ask “Are you two dating?” And this time they can finally say yes
Hello darling, how are you? I hope well. This took me a while, and i’m not sure you’re even going to like it. But i hope you do. It was honestly kind of strange to write for Lizzie, i kept mistaken the name as Wanda. Also, i changed your idea a bit, because i could find the right way to write the interviews. But anyway, here it is. Good reading.
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Elizabeth Olsen x Reader - Love is outside the screen
Summary: The one where Reader plays Vision in the MCU and she falls in love with her co-worker Elizabeth Olsen.
Warnings: None.
Words:  4.308 words  //// Read on AO3
Marks:  @wandamaximoffpuppy
Part. 2  || Part 3
Eight years ago
Your agent was calling you for the third time, and you thought you should answer before you lost your contract.
Letting out an impatient sigh as you reached for your cell phone, you left it on speaker.
- Hello, Sara. - You say with a slight irony as you relax your body in the water of the jacuzzi again.
- It's not polite to ignore someone who keeps you employed. - she said irritated, making you laugh.
- Sorry, but I told you I was on vacation. - You reminded her. - And what did you keep doing? Oh yes, calling me.
- Don't be so grumpy, woman. - She replied with a light humor in her voice, and you could hear the clatter of keystrokes, suggesting that she was working. - I have an opportunity for you.
You raised your eyebrows in curiosity, but said nothing. And by your silence, Sara kept talking.
- Tell me, have you ever thought about being a superhero?
You let out an incredulous laugh, thinking it was a joke. 
- I'm not going to make any weird latex movies, Sara. - You warn her, and she lets out a laugh.
- Actually, honey, it's Marvel.
You blink in surprise, and then turn to rest your arms on the edge of the jacuzzi and look directly at your cell phone.
- What are you talking about? 
- Ah, caught your interest, huh? - She remarks. - You actors are all the same, one famous name and you fall to your knees.
- Sara...
- No, it's okay. - She giggles. - They want a openly queer actress to play a lesbian heroine, I think. And then they called me.
- Wow, Marvel doing something like that? - You comment. - It sounds like a lie.
Sara giggles.
- It pays well anyway. - She says, and then a notification pops up on the screen. - I just sent you the script. Let me know if I can confirm your audition.
You let out a sigh before saying goodbye and hanging up, grabbing your cell phone to read the script.
It is the scene description of your character's appearance, and there is also a note for the chemistry test. You bite your lips thoughtfully. You were known in the media for roles in international, indie and cult films, mostly lesbian romance. You had a few academy nominations, and had been awarded twice by the critics. Superheroes were not really what you were looking for. But then you remembered how much you missed having a lgbt reference in media like this, and then you are sending a message to your agent confirming your audition.
You are twiddling your thumbs in your dressing room. It must be the ninth interview in less than two weeks. Letting out a sigh, you stand up, momentarily looking at your appearance in the mirror. The make-up team did a good job, you look well. And then you are walking outside, to the dressing room next to yours. 
You knock on the door, and are soon answered. But Elizabeth doesn't smile when she pulls you inside.
- Hey, Lizzie, what's up? - you ask worriedly as you close the door. The next second she's hugging you tight, and you sigh. - You're anxious, aren't you?
- I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my mouth. - She grumbles and you start stroking her back, trying to calm her down.
- Remember that exercise we practiced, okay? - You ask her tenderly as you move your feet so that you move together toward the sofa in the living room. You break the embrace slowly, to sit Lizzie down on the couch as you kneel in front of her. She looks on the verge of tears, and you place your hands on top of hers. - Breathe with me, okay?
It will take you many minutes to calm her down, but you don't care. And then she smiles, and brings your foreheads together.
- Thank you. - She whispers before kissing you. She walks away too quickly in your opinion, but you can't say anything because the producer is calling you next, announcing that the interview starts in two minutes. You smile at Liz before getting up.
Seven years ago.
You had just finished filming your last scene in Age of Ultron when your agent called you. Scrolling your finger quickly across the screen, you answered while your cell phone rested on the table in your dressing room, and you kept your hands busy trying to pin up your hair.
- I'm leaving the studio, Sara, what's up? - you told her.
- I wanted to congratulate you on the affair, although I'm surprised it happened so quickly. - She says and you frown in confusion, finishing up with your bun. You pick up your cell phone next.
- What are you talking about?
Sara giggles, and sends you an attachment. You pull your cell phone away from your ear to look at it. It is a photo of you and Elizabeth, your teammate and romantic partner in the franchise, taken the same day you discovered Liz had social anxiety and took her out for coffee with you to take her focus off the celebrity world for a while. The paparazzi managed to capture the exact moment when you kissed her on the cheek in farewell. 
- This is all over the gossip sites as Marvel's mysterious romantic couple. - Your agent commented, and you rubbed your fingers across your forehead in irritation.
- You want me to publicly deny a relationship, is that it? - you ask, walking around the dressing room and gathering your things.
- What? No! This is great for advertising. - she says with slight excitement in her voice. - Especially after the movie comes out! Fans love couples who fall in love behind the screen.
You roll your eyes, switching your cell phone to your ear.
- I'm not going to make a relationship contract if that's what you're thinking! - You say with irritation and can imagine Sara rolling her eyes on the other end of the line.
- Yes, yes, we've been over this, Miss Morally Correct. - She scoffs lightly. - But I really called to talk about the premiere. We have details to discuss.
Sighing, you ask her to wait. Then you finished putting your things away, and grabbed the phone as you walked out the door.
Six years ago, California
Interviewers can be motherfuckers when they want to be, you thought as you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to keep your face impassive as you watched the woman in front of you list the "missed moments" from the Avengers set. You knew that your agent had talked to the show's staff about the authorized questions, and yet here you were on live television, having to declare whether the timely photos taken on the Avengers set meant that you had a secret relationship with your best friend Elizabeth Olsen.
A slideshow was playing on the screen behind you. There were pictures from the footage, many where you and Liz were laughing together, or having lunch together. There were some where she was sitting on your lap, or vice versa. Your expression softened when you noticed one where she was looking at you adoringly. It was so strange to be an artist sometimes. You smiled politely at the presenter.
- Come on, Ellen, you know how these things are. - You said. - Things are different on camera, Lizzie and I are friends.
The audience let out a chorus of displeasure, and Ellen laughed lightly.
- You know that many of the fans would like this rumor to be true, especially since you two play a couple and you are openly queer. - She says, and you wiggle your fingers in your lap, uncomfortable with where this conversation is going, but you nod in agreement. - Furthermore, you say that the paparazzi cameras are deceiving, but what about the stories you post on your personal networks?
She asks with a chuckle, and then other videos are playing on the screen, and you force yourself to smile and watch.
The vast majority are harmless, and platonic. You spend a lot of time at Liz's house because when she moved in, you were her reference and tour guide, and so you got into the habit of checking up on her. And then you became friends and you spent more time at her house than at yours.There were many videos and pictures on yours and her instagram where you two were tending a garden, playing board games, cooking together, or watching sports.  You bit back a smile as you watched the memories through the images. 
- See?It's hard to believe that this is just platonic. - Ellen insisted again, and the audience laughed.  You tried to cover it up with a smile. - But since you claim to be single, we're going to play a game now. It's called "Who Would You Rather?
The audience applauded and you giggled, straightening your posture in your chair. And then the studio screen had a sign with the name of the game.
- It's very simple, you just have to choose which of the artists you would rather. - She explains, and you blink.
- Rather what?
Ellen lets out a giggle, and you understand, nodding in embarrassment. The audience laughs. The picture changes to two pictures.
- Who would you rather, Scarlett Johansson or Chris Hemsworth?
- Wow, that sounds like a trap. - You comment awkwardly, making the audience laugh. And then you bite your lips. - I think Scarlett.
Ellen gives you a suggestive look, and the audience chuckles, you force yourself to imitate them. The picture changes again.
- Scarlett or Sebastian Stan?
You laugh, smoothing your hair slightly.
- I don't know, I think Seb. - You answer. And then the picture changes again, and you want to run away when the audience gives a chorus of excitement.
- Sebastian Stan or Elizabeth Olsen?
- There it is the trap. - You comment clumsily, causing the audience to bust out laughing. You swallow dryly and look down at your lap before saying. - I'd say Elizabeth Olsen.
You played for a few more minutes, and then the game ended with you choosing Elizabeth at the end, which got the audience cheering and celebrating. When the interview was over, Sara was calling you, and you were massaging your forehead when you answered.
- I thought you said you two weren't dating. - She teased, and you grumbled in irritation. 
- I thought you had discussed these matters with the staff. - You retorted, slightly irritated. - She only asked me about Lizzie and dating the entire interview.
- Honey, you're America's sweet couple. - She sneered. - Ellen wants viewers and will ask the questions that the audience wants to know.
- That's ridiculous. - You said and then sighed. - Why did you call me anyway?
- I have your new shooting location, so get your coats and jackets ready.
Six years ago, Berlin.
You are laughing at Anthony's imitation of Robert. Sitting in the shared dining hall, you were having a good time over lunch with your other colleagues while you were recording Civil War.
And then you were in scene again, many minutes later, and you found it strange that the nervousness was crossing beyond your character during a specific scene in which you were counteracting with Elizabeth. 
You saw her laughing at a comment your character made, and you should have this expression of surprise and embarrassment, but you didn't even have to act it out. Your cheeks reddened naturally at the image of Liz laughing. And then the director said cut when you were done and you were rushing out to clean up your makeup.
Later that day, after the shoot was over, the team wanted to visit a local pub, and you accepted the invitation, ignoring the previous event, and smiling when Elizabeth touched your arm to get your attention.
- A toast to the Avengers! - shouted the camera crew chief when you were all gathered at the bar, you thought maybe he had had too much to drink, but you joined in the toast. 
You stood next to Lizzie and Chris at a table while sipping a dark drink that might have been craft beer, or something German.
Your cell phone vibrates with a notification and you choke in surprise at the content of the message. Sara had sent you a note from TMZ, stating that your secret romance with Elizabeth Olsen was threatened because you had been seen leaving a coffee shop with Katie McGrath. 
Chris and Lizzie look at you curiously, and you just lay your cell phone down on the table for them to see while you turn the entire glass of beer in your mouth.
- Wow, so your type really is super heroines. - Chris commented with a smile, and you laugh, pushing him away slightly. 
- I swear, I can't be seen talking to any woman that she is automatically my girlfriend. - You say irritated as you put your beer glass back on the table. Your gaze returns to Lizzie, who has picked up your cell phone from the table and is reading the news. Then she hands the phone back to you, and gets a strange look on her face that you can't read very well, but she forces a smile.
- At least you cheated on me with a pretty girl. - she says and you frown in surprise. Chris laughs at the joke, but before you could have any other reaction, the rest of the team is joining you.
Five years ago, California.
You gave up fighting the questions about your relationship with Elizabeth. They would happen anyway, whether your agent talked to the teams or not, so you just smiled politely when you told people you were just friends and remained truthful in your statements. 
Usually the interviews with Lizzie were easier, because you went into protective mode and your brain was ready to give sharp, snappy answers to keep Elizabeth from being embarrassed. 
So here you were on the Night Show, with one of your favorite interviewers, and your best friend by your side. Jimmy was asking good questions, and he was funny. You hoped he wouldn't ask anything too embarrassing.
After many questions about employment, and worldview, which was refreshing, he finally asked you about the rumors of your secret relationship.
- Girls, you know that the public wants to know. - He began with a smile, and you laughed lightly, exchanging a look with Lizzie. - And actually, we have arguments this time.
- Here we go. - You commented with light irony which made the audience laugh. 
Your latest posts on instagram were visible on the big screen.
- Last Tuesday, both of you posted these stories on your personal accounts. - Jimmy started with excitement. - And it rocked the internet completely, because the location was visible on your instagram, Elizabeth.
Lizzie let out an embarrassed giggle.
- Well, if the public's doubt is whether we were together there, they can confirm it. - She said, and Jimmy let out an excited exclamation. Lizzie waited for the audience to stop their celebratory chorus before speaking again. - But this was a special celebration, since it was my birthday. 
- And I took her on a trip to Mexico. - You completed the story with a slight smile. The audience let out a chorus of happiness and you looked at them in confusion. - Guys, friends do this!
Jimmy and the audience laughed for a moment and then the image came off the screen.
- Come on girls, you're giving us material. - He remarked with a smile. - And you're still going to deny the relationship like you always do, I imagine.
You and Wanda exchange a short chuckle.
- Look, Jimmy, all I have to say is that Lizzie is amazing, she really is. - You saw yourself confessing. - Anyone would be lucky to date this brilliant, spectacular, sweet, fun-loving woman. But that person is not me.
Jimmy lets out an exclamation of sadness along with the audience, but then they applaud your words, and you smile wryly. You risk a glance at Lizzie for a second, and she has slightly flushed cheeks, and looks surprised at your words.
You ignore the nervous feeling at the pit of your stomach, and decide to keep your posture polite as you answer the next questions.
Four years ago.
You had to kiss Lizzie. And then you shook your head. No, not you. Vision. Your character, Vision, had to kiss Lizzie's character, Wanda Maximoff. And you repeated this like a mantra as you walked from your dressing room to the set.
The day you read this scene, you smiled politely at your agent, and disguised any apparent nervousness. And then you spent the last few weeks pretending that if you didn't think about it, eventually the director would make a change and the scene wouldn't even exist. But here you were, trying to have one last drop of professionalism.
You weren't even recording the scene officially, it was just the rehearsal of lines and marking, and you had sweaty hands. 
As you walked through the studio, the staff smiled and greeted you, and then you spotted Lizzie and ignored the uneven beating of your heart.
- Let's get started girls. - announced Russo as soon as he caught sight of you. He signaled for you to follow the team's prearranged schedule. You smiled at Lizzie as you took your place. - We can test the order of the scene directly. I need to know which angle is best to have Vision ask Wanda to stay with her.
And then you started recording. And now you were Vision. There was no time to think about how naturally your hand fit into Lizzie's, or how good it felt to feel her hugging you. And then Russo shouted cut again.
- That's pretty good. - He commented, looking at the monitor. - Let's shoot the stone scene okay, then the action scene.
The scene started, and you said your lines the way you were supposed to. And then you were looking at Lizzie, and she kissed you as the script said. You held the sigh in your throat, and pulled away. Vision doesn't sigh, so you shouldn't either. And then you are smiling as written, and the director closes the scene again.
You were getting pretty good at hiding how affected you are by Lizzie the more you kiss her onstage. And then you wrap up the day's shooting, and you are mentally exhausted. You want to sleep in your dressing room, but you decide to go home.
And as you are walking back to your car, Lizzie calls out to you.
- Hey, partner. - She greets me by walking beside you. - Don't you want to go for a drink tonight?
You let out a sigh, ignoring the urge to shout that you would go anywhere with her, and thinking about how tired your body is.
- I'm exhausted, Lizzie. - You tell her, and she looks upset, but you add with a smile. - But I'll take it if it's something at your place.
Lizzie's face lights up quickly, and she nods, and then says she'll leave something in her car. She returns when you are already in yours.
- All set? - You ask to confirm, and she smiles and nods. And then you start the car and drive out of the studio.
Lizzie turns on the car stereo a moment later, and you begin humming the song.
- You've been distant lately. - She comments distractedly as you drive away. - You know you can talk to me, right?
You smile, ignoring the feeling in your stomach.
- Yes, Lizzie. - You say without taking your eyes off the road. - I'm just busy, that's all. It's nothing.
Lizzie makes a noise of agreement and looks away. You think maybe she believes you're not telling her the truth, and you feel guilty. So you decide to change the subject.
- How are things at home, Liz? Are Mary-Kate and Ashley well? - you ask, and she looks at you quickly.
- Everything's fine. - she says, and then she bites her lip. - Did I do something?
You frown, glancing quickly at her before looking down the street again. The light was red. And when you turn your head toward her, she lets out a sigh.
- You don't talk to me anymore. - She says seriously, looking at you. - Since Berlin, you're just distant. Always busy, and with ready-made answers. And now you try small talk, even though you hate it. I wish you would tell me what I did wrong.
Your heart is racing at the accusations, because she is absolutely right. And then you swallow dry, and prepare to speak, but then Liz is pointing ahead, the headlight has opened. And you have to drive, and she crosses her arms and looks away to the window.
You drive the rest of the way to her house in silence, and when you park the car in the driveway, she mumbles a goodnight before getting out. 
Squeezing the steering wheel in your fingers, you take a deep breath. And then you get out of the car, and the noise of the door opening surprises her because she turns to look. But you are walking toward her, and raising your hand to the back of her neck, bringing your mouths together. Lizzie chokes in surprise, but in the next second she melts against you as she kisses you back.
You part breathlessly, holding your foreheads together.
- I am in love with you. - You confess. - I'm sorry I was a complete idiot, but I was terrified.
Lizzie giggles, kissing you again quickly before hugging you. And then she is breaking the embrace to look at you, a shy smile on her lips.
- I'm in love with you too. - she says. - I'm glad that's the problem and not something else.
You laugh, and kiss her one last time before entwining your hands and walking toward her house.
You decide to take things slow, so naturally, two weeks later, you ask her to be your girlfriend over dinner. Lizzie smiles all night, but you know that if this is a secret, she can't wear the ring.
Public relationships mean contracts, and agents, and unwanted questions, and lots of opinions about your lives. And you two wanted to keep that to yourselves for the time being.
So when directors comment that your onstage chemistry is amazing, you two just nod and thank them. When the interviewers ask if you are together, you deny it as before.
The first time you sleep with Lizzie, you almost break the bed. And it's all right, because you two are laughing with happiness and pleasure, and she pulls you in for another kiss. And you entwine your hands, the commitment rings on your fingers.
A year and a half later, you are getting very busy with your participation in a youth series, and there are many rumors that you are dating your co-star, so Lizzie is jealous and you can't blame her. 
You decide that the secret cannot go on any longer, at least not to your friends and employers. So you talk to Lizzie, and you both call your agents. Sara laughs for ten minutes when you tell her, but she is happy to talk to Lizzie's agent. You are not public yet, but it is important that all parties are in agreement. You hate bureaucracy, but you don't mind as long as Lizzie's hand is in yours. Your friends are very happy, and the other cast members tease you constantly about it.
When you shoot the last movie, you think you are going to be fired because your character has died. But then you and Lizzie get a series together.
You try not to overthink how you will deny the rumors on television, but Lizzie kisses you on the cheek and tells you that you will face it together. 
It takes three more months for you to propose. You think your chest will explode with happiness when she accepts.
And then you are calling your agents again, and Sara almost faints when you tell her that you got married in secret at some registry office in the Caribbean and she needs to get the paperwork sorted out. When you get back to California, there is a small ceremony with your family members.
You and Lizzie are sitting side by side in the interview. The questions about WandaVision are over, and now you know from Jimmy's expression what he is going to say.
- The last time you were here, I had only an instagram post as an argument for your secret relationship. - He says, making you, Lizzie and the audience laugh lightly. - But now I have talked to the production and they prepare a presentation.
- My goodness. - You remark, making him laugh. And then he waves to the big screen, and you try to disguise your nervousness.
A presentation of images began to play to the audience to the sound of "honeybee" by the band "The Head and The Heart". There are several studio shots, from photo rehearsals to behind-the-scene moments. There is a picture from the day you met, from the first cast test, from the Avengers taping, paparazzi shots of you laughing in the parking lot, or in the open areas. There are pictures of you walking around Los Angeles together, pictures of your rides, or your travels. There are clippings from instagram stories where you spend time together, laughing and hugging. The presentation ends with the BTS photo of WandaVision from the first day of recording where you have your arm around Lizzie, and the two of you are laughing.
You clear your throat away the emotion, but Lizzie wipes her eyes lightly.
- That was very beautiful. - She comments as Jimmy hands her a piece of tissue paper. The audience bursts into tears of excitement.
- I guess we can get to the part where you deny everything now can't we? - Jimmy jokes and you smile and straighten your posture.
- Actually, Jimmy, we have something to announce.
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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[BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost]
REMEMBER BACK WHEN WE GOT INVITED TO A MASQUERADE??? And we figured out the masquerade guests are definitely the sacrifice meant to summon their eldritch deity and that the party will probably be the location of the final ritual? ANYWAY WE’RE CRASHING THE PARTY, which means we need costumes.
The party is Alice in Wonderland themed; Sammy hasn’t read the book but got kin-assigned the March Hare by Joey, so naturally i’ve been doing nothing but drawing this loser in a dapper rabbit costume for an entire week
Anyway have a little smattering of out-of-context quotes from session 11
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] Sammy just has no magical powers. [Jack] YET. [Sammy] Yet. Correct. ...He doesn't want any. [GM] Half of him doesn't want any. [Sammy] That's... accurate, yeah. Half of him ALSO wants the OTHER half of him to stop having magical powers. [Jack] No Magical Girl transformation? [GM] *laughing* Is that what that is? [Jack] I'd watch a magical anime where the main character drugs themself and then becomes a weird... religious... madman! [Sammy] That does sound compelling! Maybe you should see if you can find a franchise that contains that element, and then become a big fan of it and draw a bunch of fanart for some reason. [Jack] Yeah, I dunno, I mean... it's so tiring getting into new media, I need to get a friend who will drag me into it. [Henry] And then you guys can start a roleplaying game with it and drag me into it! [GM] There's an idea! [Jack] Yeah! Someone should get on that! [GM] And if there was such a theoretical game... people might have to figure... what they're doing when they wake up!
[Sammy] We were put in a situation before where we were told that the only thing we could do was kill the host, but we found a way around it last time, [Peter] What way was that? [Sammy] Complicated.
[GM] Henry is the first to notice the apparent cultist, camping out, looking tired, trying to spot you guys. [Henry] Uh, Henry is just going to tap Sammy on the arm and point him out. [Jack] Bros! You've got to unionise! Look at these working conditions! [GM] Maybe one of these days you won't spot them, right? Hope springs eternal!
[GM] Okay, you can make an intimidate! [Sammy] Okay! *rolls* FIFTEEN IS -- this is the only thing Sammy's good at now -- fifteen is a hard success!
[Jack] I'm proud of him! [Sammy] Someone has to be.
[GM] Allison chats with everyone, and gets you into the costume room! Everyone seems relatively friendly! [Sammy] Except Sammy. Sammy doesn't seem friendly.
[Joey] My idea was, Joey would be Mad Hatter -- [Sammy] Because he needs a hat, [Joey] --Yeah, so he can have a hat -- I was thinking Sammy could be the March Hare, Jack could be White Rabbit, and then Henry could be the Dormouse, [Sammy] Yes! And then the Haiti boys are all the Mad Teaparty, which is great, because the Mad Teaparty is canonically trapped in a time loop. [Sammy] Because we tHOUGHT ABOUT THIS TOO MUCH,
[Jack] Kin-assign Pete! [GM] He's content to wear anything that looks like it fits him, as long as people aren't trying to push a co-ordinated effort. [Joey] (Pete can be Caterpillar,) [Jack] Catter-pete-lar [Sammy] Oh my goodness. Completely unnecessary. [Jack] This is a pun that Jack might make, out loud, to Pete [GM] Pete laughs, despite himself! [Sammy] I feel like, Jack would make this pun, and then Jack would be SO pleased with himself that Pete would laugh, because Jack was so happy about it. [Jack] Yeah that sounds canon. ....It IS canon!!
[Jack] You can like, actually pretend to be people who decided to come to this party to enjoy it, and not just steal and/or murder!
[Henry] I want someone on the help, because I feel like we would have more control if we had someone on the inside, [Henry] And Henry does have a very forgettable face, apparently!!
[Joey] What are the staff wearing? Target red shirt, khaki pants? [Sammy] Perfect! Everyone will fall for it! Based on my experience wearing red shirts into Target!
[GM] I guess this does mean Joey misses an opportunity to dress up Henry. [Joey] *excited gasp* Wait, wait, [GM] What? [Joey] Sorry, this has nothing to do with anything that's happening right now in the roleplay, but I just suddenly realised that (1) when Henry got married, was Joey his best man, and (2) did Joey get to pick out his tuxedo for him [Henry] UHHHH... I feel like, Henry usually defaults to Joey for outfits and stuff, but he would hesitate a bit to ask his best friend who has an obvious crush on him to help dress for his heteronormative wedding!
[Joey] There probably is at least one of the wedding photos where Joey is insistent on standing very next to Henry -- while Henry's next to Linda! -- but, [GM] ...but also, Joey is here, [Joey] But also Joey is here. [Sammy] ...absolute disaster of a man... [GM] But the tuxedos look good! [Joey] Yes. Henry was properly fitted.
[Sammy] I don't want a full-- I don't want a freakin' fursuit, because-- [Henry] (FNAF in the distance)
[Sammy] But I feel like, since both White Rabbit and March Hare are, like, dapper rabbits, they could do something like, yeah, splicer mask and also a hat. [Jack] I mean, Jack's not opposed; Jack likes hats. [Sammy] Jack absolutely should have a hat, I agree. [Jack] He's getting so many hats! So many hats, and so many boyfriends, [GM] He can't be stopped! [Jack] >:3c He shouldn't be stopped.
[GM] I'm still just stuck on the phrase "Dapper Rabbits."
[GM] If Joey and Allison are talking further away, I guess it's moot. Though Allison did see Prophet Sammy! He changed in her room. [Sammy] Well, nobody explained him to her. Sammy just showed up the next day and hoped that we wouldn't talk about it, and then we didn't! It was great. [Jack] Sammy's over here, hoping that Allison is distracted by Joey so that none of this conversation is being listened to, [Jack] MEANWHILE, smash cut to the other side of the room, where Joey is explaining SillySam,
[Joey] A lot of Joey's lack of giving information was to keep her out of it, and not paint a target on her back... but now? She has a target on her back, so... Sure! You can also sacrifice yourself, for the greater good!
[Sammy] I'm sure someone in this party will thank Allison. It won't be me. But I'm sure someone will.
[Henry] Henry's already smearing his blood on people, he's gonna agree to whatever at this point.
[Sammy] DEFINITELY not a cult, now hold still while we put this guy's weird glowing blood on you, it's fine. [Jack] Welcome to the flock!
[GM] What does this mean for Prophet Sammy's sacrificeability rating on Henry, though? Now he's potentially long-term useful... [Sammy] I mean... [Jack] The Prophet isn't here so he doesn't need to know about this! [Sammy] ...I feel like, if something has greater value, then it's an even more impressive sacrifice. That's why you sacrifice an unblemished sheep, traditionally. If it's not a blemish-- [Sammy] Like, that's most of what he was worried about, like, “does this make you not fit for sacrifice.” But if it's actually a really cool thing, ...!
[Sammy] Sammy's nervous. [Jack] Jack is also nervous. [Henry] Henry is also nervous! [Jack] Oh, that's always a good sign, [Joey] Joey's going to be confident! [Henry] ...Of course he is. [Joey] Someone has to be! [Jack]...is he "Confident" or "Confident (Fast Talk)"? [Joey] YES. That last one. [Sammy] *muttering* That's the best we got, unfortunately.
[Sammy] If Jack or Henry express nervousness, Sammy agrees with them. If Pete is nervous, then Sammy will very aggressively say that Joey knows what he's doing.
[Sammy] Allison, don't use a spell to bind people's souls together in order to avoid crunch,,, [GM] You never know when something might be handy! [Sammy] I mean, [GM] Waste not want not!
[Henry] Does Henry have to draw in blood on himself...? [GM] No, Henry has a lot of his own blood on his person.
[GM] Aw, man, Bendy should've commented on the rabbit outfits! I'm sure he'd find that hilarious. [Joey] ...why...? [GM] WHY? It's just objectively funny! No additional reason is needed!!
[Joey] Joey will go through his notes, and confer with Henry and Bendy on, okay, shall we try this, and see if we can help Bendy as well? [Henry] Henry is down to try! [GM] Bendy is worried about Henry overexerting himself. [Henry] ...Henry is down to try!
[Jack] Worst case, Jack looks at the symbol, and then he can be seeing-eye rabbit for the rest of the group!
[GM] Norman wonders what the plan is! [Henry] Bold of you to assume,
[Sammy] We're having such a good sleepover! We did a weird blood ritual, and we're braiding each other's hair~ [Joey] Having a fashion show, [Sammy] Yeah! We went out and got clothes, [Jack] Can't believe Joey called a boy, [Sammy] Gotta ask Joey about the boy he likes... wait, no, don't do that. [Jack] I'd say it's time to play seven minutes in heaven, but I think we, we did that early. [Sammy] WE DIDN'T DO A VERY GOOD JOB,
[GM] Norman wants to see how this plays out. [Joey] Okay, well, try not to get sacrificed, then, [GM] He laughs, and thanks you for the advice! [Sammy] *Hypnos Hadesgame voice* "Try not to get sacrificed, okay?"
[Henry] Allison is very helpful, and not weird at all!
[Joey] We already have the banjo case full of ritual circles, and Joey would rather have the emergency circles than Sammy carrying around bOTTLES OF INK. [Sammy] WHY, WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT THAT TO BE HAPPENING? WHAT WOULD BE THE PROBLEM WITH THAT,
[GM] Make a sanity check! [Jack] Wait, what's happening? [Sammy] Joey was trying to think too hard.
[GM] Sammy does manage to catch that there's a little-- next to the kitchen, when you go into the place where they're serving food, there's a sign that says "Sheep Shop" over it. And there's a person wearing a sheep mask, handing out food. [Sammy] OKAY, THAT'S FINE,,, I don't feel like Sammy has actually read Through The Looking Glass, so I don't know if he knows why this is happening. I think he's just concerned. [GM] Excellent. Ideal response.
[GM] And Joey has NEVER seen the symbol EVER because he's incredible at not looking at creepy symbols! Which you wouldn't expect. [Sammy] I'm sure Joey will put this in his autobiography.
[Jack] :/ No Hashtag Gay Rights at this party,
[GM] Seems to be another party-goer; in fact, you recognise the voice! [Joey] Ohhh. Kyle -- I don't know his actual name, but -- [Sammy] (Dennis!) [GM] (Yes, that's-) [Joey] -- Kyle.
[Henry] Henry is going to try to sneak up on Moonlight while he's distracted! [GM] OH! ...Okay! He's very distracted, Sammy just screamed! [excited noises from everyone beCAUSE NO ONE EXPECTED THIS] [GM] You successfully sneak up behind him! [Henry] I'm going to grab the staff! [GM] Make a Brawl check, with advantage! [Sammy] (He has SO many limbs that don't work my dude, you got this,) [Henry] That's a success! [GM] You snatch it! [Henry] I RUN!!!
[Joey] We're just both escorting Jack, now. [Sammy] Would you say Jack is late, for a very important date? [Jack] Well YEAH, his Face Removal was scheduled like 2 dreams ago!!
[GM] He'd have to roll for it, to see if it felt familiar to his trip to Carcosa. [Jack] Extreme success! [GM] Then he would pick up that familiar feeling! [Jack] Oh, nice and homey at this party! Really nice. Nostalgic! It's been a while. [Sammy] Hm, [Jack] Maybe he should go play the piano, for old time's sake! [Sammy] NO
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wickedpact · 3 years
so netflix just announced the schedule for that fan event on saturdays and now its official: there wont be a tog panel. charlize will make an appearance though, alongside other 5 actress in a panel about action movies. there's a moderator so its most likely gonna be a general discussion about the genre with an emphasis on female protagonists - she's certainly going to talk about andy and nile's characters as well as her experience as a producer - and maybe there will be a comment or two about the sequel, but i feel like nothing too specific or revealing and more like a brief statement. i hope i'm wrong tho! i mean they did kinda hint that there would be new content at the panel? (or maybe it was never gonna to happen and we're just clowns being baited yet again).
anyway, i keep wondering if its a case of netflix not giving a shit about promoting the movie, or if it there's another perfectly reasonable explanation for it and i'm being super extra about it.
because really, netflix has a lot of fucking money and they dont usually spare it on their marketing campaigns. and still we get nothing. not before the film came out (if i didnt have access to the gays from tumblr/twitter i would have never even discover the film - it had me at the joenicky gifs, obvs - and still, i had to introduce it to so many people from inside the community who had never heard of it.) and not even after people started engaging with it, basically begging for some crumbles. not a single photo or video of cast together, not any deletes scenes; we're all starving here!!! in fact, netflix just released the raw footage of an audition/chemestry test featuring the actresses from fear street vs the actual scenes from the film - including some dialogue that was cut from it which reveal some background info about the characters - so clearly they understand the appeal. SO WHY CANT WE HAVE THAT
[nonetheless i'm a fool who still hopes that someday we're gonna get more content of them together (i want behind the scenes footage! i wanna know more about their experiences training and shooting the film! i wanna hear funny stories from the set! i wanna see them teasing each other in several languages! also would sell a lung to watch luca and marwan taking part in back to back chef!). ]
anyhow, i honestly find that even when we take into account the global pandemic and its effects, the publicity was kinda wack; we can basically count on one hand how many interviews were made while they were promoting the film.
and i truly dont get it!!!!!!! im not even speaking as fan here. the old guard has the potential to be a hit among several demographics; now that disney took away what used to be netflix's flagship content the competition has never been more fierce in the superhero/ish genre!!! and its not like we're talking about some low-budget film cmon its a significal production with both experienced and emerging actors. its chiwetel ejofior ITS CHARLIZE FUCKING THERON. anyway my point is that in a time when movie theathers were closed and streaming reached its peak tog could - SHOULD - have been much more popular.
SO LIKE. WHY?????? does it have anything to do with skydance and copyrights? re: interviews, can it be that the cast just didnt sign up for this (is that even a thing? i dont know anything about the film industry, clearly)? unlikely for a movie that big i would guess but who knows??? i mean contrary to some hollywood folks most of the cast is extremely private and discrete people (GOOD FOR THEM) so perhaps they have some reservations about it? or we're really just the poor bastards that end up being obssessed with a media no one gives a fuck about it and thats it? WHYYY
p.s.: sorry for the word vomit! this was not supposed to be an essay i just had to get this off my chest and you're the most welcoming blog around these woods. thank you for the tea (or is it coffee? heh) and the biscuits and for always indulging our passionate rants. HAVE A NICE DAY I LOVE YOU
re: TUDUM, geeked week mentioned there will be a little interview thing for greg & leandro so i have a feeling if anything of tog importance will be discussed itll happen then
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but yeah i get what youre saying; sometimes i wonder if the reason that theres like no bts content is bc it just.. .doesnt exist? just people didnt film things like chemistry readings or the like while creating tog and thats why theres been basically no crumbs? (but then again, it was gina who took it upon herself to post the hair & makeup test footage AND theres at least one deleted scene that we know of thats never been posted so maybe not)
and yeah it does seem so bizarre since tog got such a big response from audiences (it was one of netflix's most watched original movies!) and critics did actually like it, unlike some of netflix's most watched originals. PLUS it has that ✨ Franchise Potential ✨that everyone has been searching for as of late and it also gives netflix their sought after Woke Points. idk it just seems like they should be leaning into tog as hard as they can but it feels like theyve been largely ignoring it. i mean i get the holdups in regard to finding a new director but other than that the response from netflix has been so underwhelming
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emma-what-son · 3 years
(Echee post) Did Emma Watson actually graduate from Brown University? Special treatment at college?
Posted on November 8, 2015
*PS this is a work in progress, will take a few days to get it in order...so apologies if it is incomplete Intro Emma has been talking about how important education is to her since she was 10. Even during the first interviews for Harry Potter promotion, back in 2001 for Philosopher's Stone, she was adamant about going to college. She's continuously said how important college/education is throughout the Harry Potter promotion years, but does what she say match up with what she actually did? She was playing along with that bullshit "Classy, educated" image she and her PR team (like her publicist Luke) have crafted for her, the one where she claims she is exactly the same as Hermione, the beloved character from the Harry Potter franchise. Course though, she's contradicted herself on that multiple, multiple times - sometimes saying she's exactly like Hermione, and other times claiming they're extremely different. There was some extremely strange stuff going down with Emma's Brown University Education though....as will be revealed below. And you'll have to start wondering if she actually did graduate or how much, how extensive and enormous, was the amount of special, unequal treatment she got for being a celebrity and a feminist (College campuses love pandering to social justice warriors/feminists - part of it is a natural love for them and another part is Obama forcing them to through the OCR and Title IX) Emma's Education Emma entered Brown University the Fall of 2009. Brown is a private, 4 year university/college in America. Emma entered Brown as an international student studying on an F-1 Visa. Okay Emma didn't do much BS during her first 3 semester (Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010) at Brown and seemed to study there like most normal students, but it's after the first three semesters that things started getting extremely strange and Emma started telling a whole bunch of lies. Emma constantly raved about how awesome college is and gave every single impression she was going back to Brown in Spring 2011. getSurrey November 2010: getSurrey: Will you carry on acting? Emma: I will keep on acting. I’ve just been in a film called My Week With Marilyn. I’ve just finished shooting that. But finishing university is a priority. But I hope I do lots more things. I don’t really want to be put in a box – just yet. I’m not exactly sure. University Magazine Interview by Colin Turner (November 2010?): (Okay just note that this interview came out in June/July 2011 for Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 Promotion, but Emma mentions in the interview she just finished filming My Week with Marilyn, which happened in November 2010. Uni magazine is this student run magazine, so I'm assuming they don't do monthly issues (don't have the money/people for that) so it takes them several months to release an issue.) Colin Turner: You’ve gone to university, obviously, do you imagine taking up acting in the future or are you just seeing what happens? Emma: I just did a movie, finished something last week, “My week with Marilyn”, which is exciting. No, I think I’ll just keep doing things. But my education is my number one priority at the moment and everything else comes around that really. Parade Magazine Interview November 2010 (Emma Watson's Campus Confidential, interviewed by Jeanne Wolf): "I get some amazing offers to act, and sometimes it’s hard to say, “No, I’m going to stay here and do my homework.” People are like, “What do you mean she’s not available?” I may do some theater next summer, but this college experience is really important to me, and I won’t give it up for anything. I’m not going to school just for the academics–I wanted to share ideas, to be around people who are passionate about learning."
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Echee says: Okay, notice how in November 2010 and even right up until January 17, Emma claims/gives the strong impression she's definitely going back to Brown University for the Spring 2011 semester. Big lol at the "this college experience is really important to me, and I won’t give it up for anything" two months before she did. By the way I have to mention the whole "Sorry for long absence from here - so much to do and so little time to do it in before I go back to school! Hope you're all ok x" was originally a tweet from Emma's @EmWatson twitter account but after she left university she deleted it lol. The picture I posted is from the official (that's why there's the blue check mark) Emma Watson Facebook page run by both Emma and her team. I guess she forgot to delete the facebook post after she deleted her tweet. For Spring 2011, the first day of classes was January 26 (per the academic calendar). Yet even at January 17, Emma stated she was getting ready to go back to school, hence her "so little time to do it in before I go back to school!" How the fuck can she be confused 1 week before classes start whether she's taking a personal leave of absence or not? Brown University Personal Leave of Absence Deadline
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Brown University 3 types of leaves of absence
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Okay, so of Brown University's three types of leaves of absence, Emma took personal. The deadline to declare you're taking next semester off is December 1, hence the Brown policy "If you are planning to take leave for the spring semester (Semester 2), you must declare by Dec. 1st." Either Emma was lying and trying to delay revealing she was taking time off to do her Perks of Being a Wallflower filming and BS Lancôme makeup and perfume work (very possible since she lies so much), or she was honestly undecided until right before, and thus requested special, unequal treatment that despite her missing the deadline, she should be allowed to take a leave of absence. Anyway I think it was special treatment from Brown allowing their publicity cow to get what she wanted. That means she was clearly lying in her January 17 tweet about going back to school.
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This from Amanda Foreman, Emma's interviewer, for Emma's Vogue Magazine July 2011 interview: Emma struggled valiantly to fit everything into her life, becoming increasingly exhausted, until over Christmas advisors at Brown suggested that she take a leave of absence, a turn of events Yates was not surprised by. Notice how the Vogue article says it was "over Christmas"....Christmas Break for Brown starts after December 1, the deadline. First off, unless Emma's doctor signed off on it, then it was NOT a medical leave of absence, and her advisors gave her special treatment since she missed the personal leave of absence deadline already. And You know December 25 is over 3 weeks after the December 1st deadline, so that's an amazingly long extension despite the severe, absolute terms of "You must declare by December 1". Anyway, wowza, off to a bad start....getting special treatment when you're quitting school temporarily. Well, whatever, it's equality feminist Emma Watson that we are talking about here. She runs her mouth off talking about feminism and equality and whatever but like most Western (usually Caucasian) privileged feminists, have no idea what she's talking about. Despite Brown's Spring 2011 semester starting at the end of January, Emma kept quiet about all this until March 7, 2011. She announced it on her website EmmaWatson.com (which is now defunct and shut down): Here's her statement on March 7, 2011: As you know, I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything. But recently I've had so much to juggle that being a student AND fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible. I've decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on Harry Potter (the last one comes out this summer) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects. I will still be working towards my degree … it's just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought : ) Hope you are all well! Thank you for all your continuing support. Emma xx.
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On February 10, 2011 (well after the Brown semester had started), Emma confirms on twitter that she will be filming Perks of Being a Wallflower, which interfered with Brown (Brown school date ends May 20, Perks started filming May 9) and she had also already had various talks and was close to finalizing a deal with Lancôme. And she knew she would have to do some filming work for Lancôme commercials in the coming months. At this point clearly she was taking the semester off and yet she didn't announce it until March 7, 2011. Why'd she wait an entire month??? Why be so secretive of it? Just like how a week before classes started she was claiming she was getting ready to go back to school. And then why wait another month before she and Harry Potter publicist Vanessa Davies, release more details of this leave of absence? April 23, 2011 Press Release to Associated Press: LONDON (AP) — A spokeswoman for Harry Potter star Emma Watson says she will be transferring from Brown University to another university in the autumn. Vanessa Davies denied reports that the 21-year-old actress was "bullied out" of the Rhode Island university, saying there was no truth in reports by a number of online publications who cited classmates and "insiders". Davies said Saturday that Watson, who plays Hermione in the wizard movie series, has decided to pursue a different course not offered at Brown. She added that the star "has absolutely loved her time at Brown" and made many good friends there. Watson has recently taken time out of her studies to focus on her movie career. She has said that her first days in college were difficult. Davies did not identify the university Watson will be transferring to. Emma releases a statement April 30, 2011 on her website EmmaWatson.com (now defunct): I felt the need to let you all know the reason I took a semester off from Brown had nothing to do with bullying as the media have been suggesting recently. I have never been bullied in my life and certainly never at Brown. This "10 points to Gryffindor" incident never even happened. I feel the need to say this because accusing Brown students of something as serious as bullying and this causing me to leave seems beyond unfair. Please don't try and speculate about what I might do in September - no one can possibly know because I don't even know yet! Like my other fellow Brown students I am trying to figure out my third year and whether or not I will spend it abroad (this is common).
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If you wondered why Emma let Vanessa Davies announce the transferring information, instead of Emma just announcing it on her website a week later, it's because Davies is head of publicity at Harry Potter, so they were working out how best to frame the narrative that Emma is still a hardworking student. Don't forget, ~200 million is spent on Harry Potter marketing for HP Deathly Hallows and Davies is part of that team and one of the heads. Warner Brothers had to protect their little cash cow until the movies were over and Emma couldn't damage their profits. Also, the Harry Potter spokesperson, Vanessa Davies, says Emma will be "transferring" but from Emma's own message (and it's later revealed), she was actually only just studying abroad, not transferring. Weird. April 2011 Associated Press Interview: I just knew I was going to be beating myself up because I wasn't going to be able to be doing the best that I knew that I could at school or in my job. If I'd been getting B's or C's I would've been really upset. Wonderland Magazine February 2014: You realize you can't do everything. I really did think I could do it all - commute back to the UK for Potter filming and press, then go to Brown for finals, and keep up with my friends and family. You can't do it by the way. You do have to take breaks. It's how I became interested in meditation and yoga. I developed bedtime rituals. Elle Magazine UK November 2011: Of course Harry Potter got in the way, with its relentless round of reshoots and promotion, meaning that Emma had to temporarily halt her studies at the start of this year. "I was basically commuting across the Atlantic. Taking a semester out wasn't what I wanted to do, but I am still enrolled at Brown." Collider.com Interview with Steve Weintraub November 14, 2010: Well, I keep trying to but she keeps finding her way back into my life. I still have two movies left to promote, and they’re still cutting and editing Part 2 so I might have to do some more voice recording and other stuff for it, so it’s a very gradual goodbye. I’m being eased out of it gently........I mean we are special, it is Harry Potter. But we only had two days—I was being sarcastic (laughs). Sorry, I have to like fill that in because otherwise it will be written, “we are special!” (laughs). But yeah we only had two days to shoot it and we needed so much more time than that. So yeah, we have reshoots at Christmas. So it’s not over. It’s not over yet guys! Echee says: Okay, what? Notice how in Wonderland Emma claims she was busy filming for Harry Potter and her Elle Magazine interviewer claims the same. Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 filming ended in June 2010, and then for less than a week they had to reshoot the epilogue in December 2010 (they reshot around Christmas time, so Emma had already finished her Brown Semester). They re-shot the epilogue because the makeup/CGI made the actors look elderly instead of middle aged. Also, HP and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premiere was July 15, 2011. Generally press begins one month in advance (though you might do some magazine interviews 3-4 months in advance). Emma was not seen at any events/doing press until beginning of July 2011. She was stuck in Pittsburgh doing Perks of Being a Wallflower filming (which took place from May 9 to June 29, 2011) Emma was also filming for and doing work on her Lancôme stuff in March/April. How can she claim she was too busy during the Spring 2011 school year (which was from January 26 - May 20) with Potter filming and promotion? She did none of that. The overlap she had with school and non-school stuff was Perks filming and Lancôme filming/promotion. It had NOTHING to do with taking time off for Potter. Plus she was negotiating those deals for Perks in January 2011 and for Lancôme in December-ish. There was ZERO reason for her to take time off from school, but she did, because she was desperate for fame/money, and she blamed it on Potter to hide the truth. PopSugar On-Set May/June 2011 Interview with
Shannon Vestal Robson: Shannon: Have you read the book, and do you feel pressure to live up to it? Emma: I read the script first and then I read the book. It was so funny because I read the script and I came back to Brown and I told my roommates that I've just read this amazing script, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and my friends were like, "Oh, that's my favorite book. So jealous that you get to play Sam. If I was ever going to be in a movie, if I was ever going to play any character ever, it would be Sam. Notice how Emma mentions going back to Brown and asking her Brown roommates (Scout Willis, Madison Utendahl, etc.) about the book. So even during the Fall 2010 Semester, she was secretly thinking of filming Perks next year. And remember the interviews I posted above (from November 2010) where she claimed education and university came first? BS. She was already planning back in September 2010 (when she went back to Brown) about leaving next year. Also, remember this. Emma is claiming she was overworked with Brown and Potter stuff.....why in September 2010 was she looking at possible filming projects that would coincide with Spring 2011 Semester and Summer? If you claim you are overworked, why are you looking to add on more, extra, unnecessary work. She was also negotiating her Lancôme deal in December 2010 as well. Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 New York City Press Conference July 2011 (Listen at 17:30): "I'm going to Oxford, in the fall, to study English for a year. Just to explain, I haven't left Brown. I'm still enrolled at Brown, but I'm doing my third year abroad. Studying at home, abroad, for me. So I'll go back to the States to do my last year. I took a semester off but my A-Level credits actually count as an advance-place-me-out-a-semester so I'm no further behind, I'm still technically going into my third year. So, yeah, that's that." Something to remember is how Vanessa Davies (when the Harry Potter spokeswoman announced Emma was transferring from Brown in April)says "Watson, who plays Hermione in the wizard movie series, has decided to pursue a different course not offered at Brown". On Emma's EmmaWatson.com website in the FAQ section (undated), she says this: I was seriously torn as to whether to stay in the UK or go to the States as let's face it the UK has some of the best universities in the world. But, ultimately, I loved the course at Brown and really liked the idea of experiencing a different country and culture - and I must say I've never been happier, I absolutely love Brown. So strange how Emma + her Harry Potter spokesperson contradict each other. Emma claims she purposefully chose Brown (instead of staying in the UK for university) because she loved Brown's course, but then the spokesperson said the reason Emma is transferring is because Emma was sad that Brown didn't have the course she wanted to take. Emma reveals in the press conference that she will be studying English a Oxford. The thing is, Emma was and did graduate as an English Literature major. So Brown did have the course she wanted to take (which is what she earlier said). Okay so Watson claims here that despite taking an entire semester (3-5 classes) off, she's no further behind than the rest of her classmates. Damn, this girl must be such a hard worker to not fall behind. Still, is she telling the truth, lying as usual, or begging/threatening Brown University to give her special, unequal treatment? Fact checking Watson's "advance-place-me-out-a-semester" claim Brown University Office of the Registrar - The College, Advanced Standing Guidelines
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Anyway, there's a lot of information and I only parsed out a bit of it, but here's a quick summary. Basically, to graduate from Brown University, you need to take a minimum of 30 classes during your college years (can be at Brown or other approved colleges) and also a minimum of 8 semesters. Just to mention, A-Levels are the UK equivalent of American Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. Also, when Brown says "credits" they mean courses/classes. So, yes, Emma told the truth in that her semester standing is no further behind because her A-Levels counted as an extra semester. However! Emma is still behind in total number of classes taken because A-Levels do not count towards your degree requirement of 30 classes/courses. So she needs to take more classes per semester than the average person since she's behind.
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Vanity Fair May 2010 Interview: After shopping classes, she settled on European women's history, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and acting. “I think actually I'm the worst person in the class,” says Watson cheerily. So in Emma's first semester (that's the time period they're talking about), Emma took 3 classes - women's history (lol at this feminist class), Ovid, and acting. Brown requires students to take 3-5 classes a semester and so Emma took the bare minimum....kind of super lazy for someone so excited to get to college and start learning and whatever else she's been spouting for years. Okay, Brown's most basic, elementary requirement that ALL students have to fulfill to graduate is to take 30 classes. Since Emma only took 3 classes her first semester, that means 30 - 3 = 27 classes left to take over 7 semesters. Since Emma took a semester off but claims advanced standing, meaning she wants to graduate in May 2013 (September 2009 - May 2013), that means...... 27 classes over 6 total semesters. 27 / 6 = 4.5 classes per semester This I will go into detail in below, later, but just a heads up, Emma also took the Fall 2012 Semester off in order to film Noah. Because Emma had enough A-Levels, she did indeed get 2 semesters of advanced standing, but to graduate in 6 semesters means...... 30 minimum classes to graduate / 6 semesters = 5 classes a semester every semester Brown only allows you to take a max of 5 classes a semester and since Emma only took 3 classes her very first semester at Brown, it means it's impossible for Emma to graduate by May 2013 without special, unequal treatment....special treatment being either lowering the required 30 classes or allowing her to take 6 classes a semester, but come on, Emma is super lazy and unprofessional. Can you honestly see this girl doing 6 classes a semester when she lazily only took 3 classes her first semester? Freshman year is the easiest you know.... And their 30 classes requirement is their most basic requirement - to let her worm her way out of it would be absolutely disgusting.
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katukutataka · 4 years
KH Theory: Kairi’s Grandparents
So last night Square Enix released the 4 new characters for Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road and everyone is flipping out. So am I since we’re all waiting for Dark Road to come out as well as other Kingdom Hearts games.
There’s already people throwing their theories and ideas that I thought I should tell mine as well before June 10, when we’ll be given a little more information. 
Based on the title of this post, I won’t be just talking about Kairi’s grandmother. 
Since the release of the photos and names of the new characters in the photograph, a lot of people are speculating that Kairi’s Grandmother could be Vor
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[image provided by the Dark Road Twitter page]]
Now, Vor appears to be the youngest of the group in the photo. I say “appear” because if anime has taught me one thing, it’s that the seemingly young looking person is actually the oldest...But for this case, it could that Vor really is the youngest. 
Let’s just go with the latter for now. 
A lot of people on Twitter, Tumbr, Reddit, kh13.com and Youtube are theorizing that Vor could be Kairi’s grandmother. 
YouTuber HMK, ProdigyxCD, SHARKTANK, VTNVIVI, and others also agree with that theory, or at least point it out from their observations. Specifically because of the Norse meaning of Vor’s name.
[Name Information provided by Leamax on kh13.com]
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So that would make sense as to how Kairi’s Grandma knew about the story of Light and Darkness that’s mention three times throughout the franchise:
1) Birth by Sleep: Kairi asked her grandmother to retell the story of Light and Darkness
2)Kingdom Hearts: Sora witnesses a flashback to Kairi and her grandma sitting in the Radiant Garden Library
3)Kingdom Hearts Unchained X: when you first download the game, a pop-up book version of Radiant Garden appears. Kairi and her grandmother are shown while the story of Light and Darkness appears in white text above.
If Nomura intends to use the meanings of the Norse names literally, then Vor has vast knowledge of not only Darkness, but also about Light. Maybe more so than Master Xehanort? 
“The gift of Providence” is interesting to me as the latter means “the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power”, “God or nature as providing protective or spiritual care”, “timely preparation for future eventualities” [Google Dictionary]. 
Could it be that Vor was preparing for what was to come around 75 to 85 years into the future? Could it be that she was going to prepare Kairi for the events that took place before KH1? 
Another thing that people are using as “evidence” is the similarity of Vor’s face to Kairi’s grandmother. More so about the smile and the eyes. 
People are saying that the smile between the two are very similar.
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(i’m sorry about the small image. Literally just cropped it from the image provided by Dark Road Twitter page. Pic of Kairi’s grandma found on Google Images)
I suppose the smiles do look very alike, but it could be a trick of the eye and the inner desire of wanting this to somehow work is affecting us. 
The other thing that people are saying are similar are the eye colors:
On Vor’s image, her eyes are more green while Kairi’s grandmother is more blue. Indigo,if you’re picky. 
Now I know that sometimes the color of one’s eyes may “change” colors depending on how light hits it. For example, dark brown eyes can appear light brown in direct light or black in the shade. Green eyes tend to have to accent colors like a light brown, which is hazel-green eyes. Sometimes people will have a blue tint in them, blue-green eyes. Yellow is also seen in the mix. Sometimes when a baby has either green or blue eyes, it changes colors as they get older. It’s rare in those cases but still can happen. And yes, there are people with completely green eyes only even in adulthood. 
Given that this Tetsuya Nomura’s concept as well as the meaning of eye colors, the affiliation of Light and Darkness present in one’s heart can change their eye colors (and hair).
The main example of this is Young Xehanort, where he had silver eyes. But because of the Darkness, his eyes became more amber yellow. This has become a trend for fans to distinguish who are “good” and “bad”.
I will add in that that’s not the best way to tell if a person is good or bad as there are characters who have amber, yellow, light brown eyes.
So let’s break down the possibilities of the eyes between the 2 characters:
1) Vor’s eyes are green from a young age. However, if her eyes changed as she grew up, they became more blue, indigo colored, which is what Kairi’s grandmother has. 
2) If Light and Darkness are affiliated to the change of eye colors, then it’s possible that Vor’s eyes changed to more blue-indigo colored because of the abundance of Light (assuming).
3) It’s very possible that Vor and Kairi’s grandmother are TWO DIFFERENT women. Therefore, the color of the eyes mean nothing for the relation. 
The 3rd possibility would lead to “Master Ava is Kairi’s Grandmother Theory” and/or one of the many “Dandelions is Kairi’s Grandmother Theory”. 
Like, there’s so much that we don’t know about Kairi’s family and their backstory that many people, myself included, created fan-theories that relate to the Foretellers or the Dandelions somehow. Especially since the grandmother knows the story of Light and Darkness. 
I have an idea that I’m not sure if anyone else has spoken about on a media platform. If there are people out there that has a similar idea, please let me know so I can give credit! 
My idea banks off of Kairi’s GRANDFATHER. 
I know. A real stretch, but it could still be possible. Let me humor you. 
Let’s say the 3rd possibility is true: Vor and the grandmother are two different women. So, what of the grandfather? Who was he? Where was he? Did he pass of age or after The Fall of Radiant Garden? Who knows. Maybe Nomura didn’t think that far for Kairi or anyone’s family background...or did he? 
Anyway, if the grandfather is one of the Dandelions who avoided the war or is a disciple of the Dandelions, then he met the grandmother at some point, fell in love, married, had kids, then had a grandchild. During all that, it’s likely that the grandfather told the grandmother the story of Light and Darkness as a legend that will be passed down through the generations. 
Perhaps some of you thought of another person who’s also featured in the photograph:
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Yup. I went there. I’m putting my idea that Bragi is potentially Kairi’s grandfather. 
I mean, his Norse meaning of the name is:
[Name definition provided by Leamax on kh13.com]
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His name means “Poet”. Creative with his words with the knowledge of poems and songs, it’s likely he told told of the story of Light and Darkness the same way that Kairi’s grandmother told before. 
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[Kairi’s grandmother story dialogue provided by u/blackdragoon747 on a reddit thread, “Kairi’s grandmother story (KH3 Theory) [Discussion]]
The story is told in a vague yet meaningful way. Something easy to tell the generations to come of what happened. Yes, I realize it ‘s not a poem so the relation between this and Bragi is small. But what if Bragi told the grandmother this version of the story because of how it was told to him by his Keyblade Master? Possibly the same Master who taught all 6 of them? 
I will admit that the Bragi’s orange hair is giving some “evidence” that he’s related to Kairi. It’s a stretch since the grandparents don’t have to have red hair to be related to Kairi. It’s likely that one of the Kairi’s birth parents had the same red hair color as her. I just wanted to throw that idea out there. 
I remember seeing an idea with art by laizy-boy (one of my favorite KH fanartist) where what if Xehanort was Kairi’s grandfather? Laizy-boy created Masako, an O.C. portrayed as Kairi’s grandmother, where she met Xehanort and Eraques when they were young. It’s hinted that Young(er) Xehanort had a crush on Masako in Laizy-boy’s artwork. If that was the case, then Master Xehanort was a fucked up grandfather to do what he did to Kairi in KH3. 
(I’m still salty that happened even if Kairi got her sweet revenge in Re:Mind!)
I wanted to mention that because I just remembered that and thought that if some people thought the possibility that Xehanort was Kairi’s grandfather, what about Bragi if not the former? 
There is notion that Hermod could also be a candidate, but I personally don’t think so? if you do, let me know! I’m always happy to hear what others think otherwise! 
There may be people who think that Urd is Kairi’s grandmother too, but I’m not sure. 
Anyways! This post is rather long as it is so i’ll end it here. Let me know what you all think! Send me your questions and I might make another post tomorrow after getting more info. 
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“i’m sorry, i didn’t know”
prompt: “i’m sorry, i didn’t know”
whumpee: kyle valenti
fandom: roswell new mexico
hi hi i bring again whump of a character that caters probably only to Me!!! i absolutely love kyle and alex so much and i like to write them sweet...there is plenty of pain in here tho!! def pre-ship vibes but you don’t Have to read it that way?
It hurts. A burning kind of pain that radiates out from his right ribcage all throughout his torso, hot and constant and spiking in intensity whenever he tries to breathe. Broken ribs, he thinks, dismally. Why? Anything but broken ribs would be fine. Pretty much any other kind of break can have something done about it. But for this? He can take a couple ibuprofen and set an ice pack on them and get back to work. 
Not that he particularly should, with broken ribs. A few days off is wise, as is getting checked out by a colleague, but to be honest he doesn’t feel like telling anyone. He doesn’t have any internal bleeding and nothing’s poking out of his skin, so he’s fine. He’s fine.
Except that his whole chest hurts every time he breathes, let alone speaks, or, god forbid, walks. But he has to do all three of those things, because he’s got work today, and then he and Alex are hanging out tonight. He’s not about to skip either of those things.
Work sucks. There’s no sugarcoating it. He hides his injury as well as he can, excusing his awkward posture, slight limp, and occasional wince as being products of a late, sleepless night, and if his colleagues doubt him, they’re kind enough not to say anything. 
Everything goes about as well as it can go until around lunch. He’s operating, a procedure he’s done so many times he could do it in his sleep, but he can’t fully extend his right arm or he’s pretty sure his whole chest will tear in two. He tries to ignore it, but he swears he’s on fire, and he drops his scalpel right on top of the patient. 
Nothing bad happens, but a fellow doctor gives him a curious look. He reaches for the scalpel and can’t quite hide a wince as he stretches out his side a little too much.
“Are you alright, Dr. Valenti?”
“Fine,” he says, a little more snappishly than he’d intended. He bites down on his lip to stop himself from making any more noise and stubbornly blinks away the tears of pain that have formed unwillingly in his eyes. 
The rest of the procedure goes off without a hitch, but Kyle can’t quite escape from the other doctor afterwards. 
“You sure you’re okay? I saw you wince when you reached for that scalpel.”
“Yeah, it’s nothing,” he says, as casually as he can, not wanting a repeat of his reply from before. “Just slept a little weird.”
“Thought you didn’t sleep at all.”
“Barely,” he says. “I barely slept. What I did get...not the best.”
Evidently this is a sufficient explanation, as the other doctor leaves him alone to go grab lunch. Kyle is definitely not hungry, so he skips out, hiding in the locker room until his break’s over. 
He gets home shortly after six, now slightly hungry, but unwilling to eat, lest it cause him more pain. The whole drive home his seatbelt had pressed against the lower side of his ribs, jostling them whenever he’d come to a stop. It hadn’t bothered him too much that morning, but evidently all of the ibuprofen is wearing off. He just wants everything to stop hurting.
He limps his way through the door, not bothering to take off his shoes or remove anything from his pockets. He makes a beeline for the bathroom, where he again takes too much ibuprofen and carefully lifts up his shirt to inspect his injury.
His entire right side is a vivid purple with the occasional splotch of red. It’s slightly swollen and excruciatingly painful to touch. God, it hurts. 
He very slowly makes his way to the couch, stopping by the freezer for a soft ice pack. He lies down carefully and places the ice pack onto his ribs, through his shirt so as not to freeze his skin off. Which would be just what he needs, he thinks. 
The light contact of the ice pack hurts like he’s been punched, and its steady pressure is almost unbearable. He lets out a groan of pain and finally gives in to the hot tears building behind his eyes. Even so, he leaves the ice pack on. It’ll help in the long run, and he’s still got things to do today.
Things which he could very easily cancel. He could text Alex and tell him he’s just not feeling well tonight, but then Alex would ask what’s the matter? and probably get concerned for him and Kyle really doesn’t want that. So he’ll suck it up. And he’ll ice his damn ribs. 
At 6:30, Kyle lifts himself up off of the couch as gently as he possibly can. It hurts anyway, but slightly less thanks to the time spent with the ice. He’s wearing the clothes he’d worn to work, which are slightly out of place for the Wild Pony, but there’s no way he’s changing again (into and out of his scrubs had been painful enough, especially with the added pressure of making sure nobody was around to see the rather horrific colors painting his torso). So the work clothes stay on.
He climbs into his car, wishing he didn’t care so much about his own personal safety as he buckles his seatbelt, which again presses itself uncomfortably against his ribs. He drives, doing his best to make the ride as smooth as he possibly can.
He arrives at the Pony five minutes late and slightly sweaty and feeling fairly awful. Still. He can’t help smiling when he sees Alex sitting in a booth, waving at him. He nods in response, not wanting to lift his hand. 
Kyle sinks down into the booth across from Alex, hiding a wince. 
“How was your day?” Alex asks, as one of the waiters comes up to them.
“Pretty boring. One surgery, a consult, no emergencies.”
“That’s good,” Alex says, as they order their drinks and some snacks. 
Kyle nods. Neither of them says anything for what feels like an age. It’s awkward. He can practically feel the tension in the air. But he really doesn’t want to talk. It hurts. 
“So…” Alex says, but evidently can’t think of anything to say after that.
“So,” Kyle replies, softly. He blinks hard as a slightly more intense wave of pain hits his side. Their drinks arrive, and he takes a big sip, hoping to cool off his ribs from the inside.
Which does not happen. In fact, the movement only makes them hurt worse, and he knows he doesn’t hide his wince.
But Alex, apparently sensing that Kyle doesn’t want to talk about it, doesn’t push. God, he’s so nice. And here Kyle is, acting like he doesn’t care about anything and not talking just because, what? His ribs may very well be on fire?
“Hey, I finally watched Star Wars,” he says at last, grinning, stubbornly ignoring the spike of pain in his ribs. 
“Oh really?” 
“What, you don’t believe me?”
“Tell me one thing that happened.”
“Let’s see...some planet got blown up.”
“You’re going to have to be a little bit more specific.”
Kyle racks his brain. “It was red?” he says, at last, not entirely sure of that fact. “Winona Ryder died,” he recalls. 
Alex laughs out loud, and Kyle can’t help grinning along. “What?” he asks. “What’s so funny about Winona Ryder dying?” 
“Kyle, that’s Star Trek. And not exactly the best Star Trek, either.”
 “Oh.” He smiles a little more. “Which is the best one, then?”
Alex goes off on a fair tirade of the various pieces of media in the Star Trek franchise. If Kyle’s being honest, he only follows about half of it, but Alex is clearly into it and kind of ridiculously passionate about which show is better than which other show, and which character was done so poorly in this rendition, and it’s incredibly endearing, so Kyle just pays as much attention as he can, asking questions whenever he feels able. 
On top of it being nice to hear Alex so enthusiastic, the conversation is also a nice distraction from the pain in his ribs, which has only increased due to all the talking. The fire has spread out and gotten hotter and he can barely stand it, but focusing on Alex helps. 
Their food arrives. Alex chews a fry thoughtfully as he explains the merits of The Animated Series. 
“...so there’s these close-ups, right? And it’s like, their entire face fills the screen at this dramatic moment, and…”
Eventually, Alex runs out of things to say about Star Trek, and Kyle runs out of questions to ask to keep him going, and the conversation, rather unfortunately, turns to him. 
“You haven’t eaten anything,” Alex observes, and pushes their basket of fries closer to Kyle.
“I’m not really hungry,” he says, though he carefully picks up a fry. He is hungry, truly, but he doesn’t want to figure out what it feels like to eat with broken ribs. 
“You should still try to eat something,” Alex points out. “You look a little pale.”
Kyle pretends to be affronted, throwing the fry very lightly across the table, where it lands on Alex’s lap. 
“Nice try,” Alex says. “Eat something, Kyle.”
He’d sigh in exasperation, if it weren’t for the fact that it would hurt like hell. He very slowly picks up a fry and bites it. Not too bad, he decides, swallowing. And yeah, that hurts a little more. He barely stops himself from putting a hand to his side in an effort to make the pain stop. 
He doesn’t eat any more. Alex doesn’t try to make him, though he does reach out a hand across the table, putting it to Kyle’s forehead.
“I’m a doctor, Alex. I think I’d know if I was sick.” 
“Hm,” Alex says, like he doesn’t believe that. “Maybe you’d know it,” he continues. “Don’t know if you’d do anything about it.”
Kyle can’t fault his logic on that. Not when he’s sitting here with broken ribs that hurt and hurt and hurt, because he hadn’t wanted to tell anyone and he hadn’t wanted to cancel on Alex. 
Their conversation moves on from that naturally enough, and eventually they find themselves at a natural stopping point. They pay for their food, and Alex stands up. Kyle takes a second to build up the strength to make himself stand, and then does it, shutting his eyes instinctively against the pain. 
Alex’s hand is on his arm when he opens them. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks, looking like he’s not going to believe Kyle’s answer.
“I’m sure,” Kyle says. “I’m so okay. I’m super.”
“Sure,” Alex replies. “That sounded so convincing.”
“I’m fine, I swear.”
“If you say so.”
They make their way out to the parking lot, where Alex leans up against the driver’s side of Kyle’s car. 
“I’m not letting you get in until you tell me what’s up with you.”
Kyle is so not in the mood for this. He walks around to the passenger side, intending on climbing across. Which is a really horrible idea. He gets one leg over the center console and reaches out an arm to balance himself, and his whole world goes white with pain. 
He slowly sinks back into the passenger seat, feeling his body shaking involuntarily. The too-familiar hot tears of pain are pouring down his cheeks, and he’s trying not to take the shuddering breaths his body so desperately needs, because they’ll only make the pain worse. 
Alex’s hand is on his arm again, and then Alex is turning Kyle’s body so he’s facing out of the passenger door, towards him. Kyle knows this only because he can feel a slight breeze on his face, since his eyes are screwed shut against the pain. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Alex asks, and his voice is as soft as anything. “What’s wrong, Kyle?”
He can’t speak. It hurts too much. His face is burning from tears and from shame and his chest is burning with horrible pain and it hurts so much and he just wants it to stop and -
Then it’s worse, it’s worse, it’s so much worse. Alex’s arms are around him in a gesture that would be the most comforting thing in the world were it not for the sheer amount of pain their presence is generating. He must scream, because all of a sudden Alex’s arms draw back. 
Kyle risks opening his eyes, hoping Alex hasn’t left completely. He doesn’t want to be alone. 
“Kyle, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”
He nods, minutely, and sees Alex’s face fall through a haze of tears. It’s not your fault, he thinks desperately. You didn’t know. 
“Are you hurt? I mean, were you hurt before?”
Another small nod.
“I’m sorry, Kyle, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” Alex sounds pained, almost like he doesn’t think Kyle will believe him. 
That gets through the pain enough to let him speak. “Not your fault,” he whispers. “Didn’t...wanna tell you.”
Alex shakes his head. “I should’ve seen that you were hurting,” he says. “And then I went and made it worse, thinking your pain was just emotional and that maybe you just needed a hug.” He scoffs, like he thinks that was a stupid line of reasoning.
“Alex,” Kyle says, forcing his voice to be a little stronger. “Shut up. Y’ were helping.”
Alex sighs in defeat. “Okay,” he concedes. “Not my fault.”
“Mine,” Kyle says.
“That’s not how this works,” Alex protests. “How is it your fault?” he asks, after a beat.
“Stupid,” Kyle mumbles. “Fell ‘n hit my ribs...knew they were broken...didn’t tell anyone.”
“Kyle,” Alex says, a mix between exasperated and worried. “Why not?”
He’d shrug, were he physically capable. “Didn’t want to.”
“What do you want me to do?” 
“Don’ need the hospital. Nothing to do about it. Jus’...wanna go home.”
“Okay,” Alex agrees, not even for a second insisting that they do anything else. “We’ll leave my car here. Give me your keys.”
Kyle lets go of the keys he hadn’t realized he was still holding. They’ve left red marks on his palm where they’d dug into his closed fist. 
Alex takes the keys and very gently pushes Kyle’s body to face the front of the car, and then brushes his hair off of his forehead with a light touch that feels like the nicest thing in the world to his warm skin. Alex starts the car, reaching across Kyle to buckle his seatbelt, which now presses against his left side and is a great deal less painful. 
“So it’s your ribs,” Alex says, after they’ve been driving for a few minutes.
“And they’re broken.”
Alex leaves the conversation at that, though something in his tone tells Kyle they’re not done talking about all of this. The rest of the ride home is quiet, though not uncomfortable, except of course for the pain, which still increases every time there’s a slight bump in the road or the car changes speeds. He’s crying again, though it’s entirely possible he never stopped. 
They reach Kyle’s place, and Alex helps him navigate his way to the door. It’s an incredibly painful journey, but Kyle tries his best not to lean too heavily into Alex, mindful of his leg and not in the mood to be the cause of any more pain. 
Alex slips his hand into Kyle’s pocket and grabs his house key, then wraps his arm around Kyle’s waist as he starts to list to the side. He inserts the key into the lock and turns it, then leads Kyle inside and directly to the couch.
Kyle very carefully sinks down onto the couch in a sitting position. He hears Alex walking around, apparently gathering...things, and then sees Alex standing in front of him with his arms full of various medical supplies, food, a bottle of water, a blanket…
He moves to say something, but Alex interrupts him. “I know you said you can’t do anything about your ribs, but I’ve got some ice for any swelling and some pain meds and some food and water because you really do need to eat, and blankets so you can sleep out here…” He trails off. Kyle gives him a little smile, for once glad there are still tears dripping down his face, so Alex won’t see him again tearing up at his sheer kindness. 
Alex gets to work in a very businesslike manner, stuffing a pillow up against the arm of the couch and guiding Kyle to lie back against it, picking up his legs and setting them onto the couch. He pulls off Kyle’s shoes and very gently undoes the buttons of his shirt, until it’s open enough to reveal his bruised side, which can’t look any better than it had earlier, if Alex’s horrified gasp is anything to go by.
“‘S bad. I know.”
Fingers gently touch the bruise, not hurting as much as Kyle expects. They’re cool against the burning feeling, and they don’t press into it. Alex drapes a soft hand towel over the bruise, then lies an ice pack atop it. 
Kyle is familiar with the sensation, having done a similar thing earlier, but it still hurts. He sucks in a sharp breath, which of course only exacerbates the pain. 
Alex’s hand moves to his face, cupping it with that same gentleness. “I know it hurts,” he says, “but it’ll help. You know that.”
“Yeah,” Kyle whispers back, because he does know. That doesn’t stop it from hurting, though. 
As though reading that thought, Alex holds out an opened bottle of ibuprofen. “You’ve probably taken way too many of these today, but I trust you’re not going to overdose.”
He lets Alex shake two of the pills into his hand, which he very carefully and slowly reaches up to his mouth. He swallows the pills dry, which is a terrible mistake. He coughs on them and feels his ribs explode with pain again. He groans. He is so damn tired of this. 
Alex’s hand is back, wiping away the fresh tears of pain from his face. “Easy,” he says, and holds out a bottle of water. Kyle takes it with a shaking hand and can’t find it in himself to be embarrassed when Alex’s hand joins it, helping him lift it to his mouth. 
He drinks a little water and feels the pain minutely recede. Alex pulls the bottle away, and Kyle leans his head back into the pillow, closing his eyes.
“I’m not gonna make you eat anything right now,” Alex says, and he holds up the assortment of items he’d brought from the kitchen. “But I’m guessing you haven’t eaten anything all day, so when you wake up you are going to eat. Okay?”
Though it’s phrased as a question, Kyle knows full well it isn’t. “Okay,” he agrees. 
“Good,” Alex replies, and puts a soft hand in his hair. “Now sleep. I’ll be here to remind you of that promise when you wake up.”
 thanks so much for reading this!!! like i said i am a huge sucker for kylex and i love them so so much :) i hope you enjoyed!
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 4 years
/PAVLOVEWHORE/status/1315759891668242433?s=20 on twitter
oh her (she also thinks b is grooming kids because his music is appealing to them, the puppet, etc, and thinks grooming means... culture appealing to kids and younger adults? when it means a significantly/much older person building a relationship with a kid, introducing them inappropriately to sex eg porn, pornographic phallocentric sexuality, in order to sexually abuse/exploit them. so she may be suggesting that b’s doing it so he can have more kids to abuse a la the anon accusations). if you (general you, not the anon specifically) read ronan farrow’s catch and kill you know rich men protect themselves by doing crazy shit (spying, ndas, trashing accusers, blackballing women who rejected them or spoke out about sexual assault, catching and killing accusations) and this new accusation is in that same boat of crazy shit... but a non-plausible crazy shit. 
why would someone rich (unless this was happening vices era and before, when b and sarah were far from rich) bribe FANS to have accounts online smack talking breezy, dallon, accusers, etc. if so, they’re doing a terrible job, because there is so much shit being said about b, and now sarah, it’s unreal. (with zack, there are both substantiated and unsubstantiated, anonymous claims. i find some of the later claims plausible. he’s being taken far less out of context than b is. i don’t think he’s absolutely evil, but he’s clearly sexually harassed breezy, has been sexist/misogynist on his twitter, etc. i’ve talked about this more my tag for him.) i’ve come across comments on twitter, instagram, etc where two to none of the claims made about him are true the rest are... idk where most of this bullshit comes from. i’m tempted to do a debunker side blog here (eg the plausible, implausible, true, definitely false, etc). the rumor mill is really something. especially in the age of social media online.
i don’t think sarah and zack would do this. as we have seen over this summer fangirls (and boys) turn on their idols like WHOA. gives one whiplash just looking at it. it would be profoundly STUPID and shortsighted to use fans, because today’s fan is often tomorrow’s basher. fans also have no... loyalty in a sense to their celeb (eg it’s not like a religion, political belief system, country even), no job on the line, no contract, no lawsuit worries... all it would take for this to come out if it were true is someone within that circle of fans getting bribes to smack talk breezy to turn on sarah and/or zack and blab to others, show screenshots, etc. it could NEVER be private very long. even not turning per se, but just realizing it was wrong and sharing the convos, etc they had with them publicly. fans also LOVE talking about and showing the contact we have with our chosen celebs and celeb adjacent people, posting about it publicly. seriously, it is so foolish to try to have private GROUP convos where people bribe TEENAGERS and 20somethings with merch, tickets, photo ops, private photos of b, etc both on the levels of the youth and frequent fickleness of fans (how many leave an artist/show/fandom/franchise/etc after months, a year, a few years...), plus the outrage culture/cancel culture going on where some of the outraged are former fans, etc. 
even employees who agree to spy, hack, create fake personas online and in person, etc can turn on their employer, but someone who’s just there as a fan? there is literally not just no guarantee it won’t be found out, it probably fucking will. and quickly at that. the question is more when than if.
this situation, if it did happen, is also plausibly someone pretending to be sarah and/or zack and catfishing fans. chelsey was mentioned, and frankly... this is in her wheelhouse. she has extensively impersonated b and others online, for a few years. she has also hacked accounts and gotten photos/video of b that were supposed to be not public. and another important question, did these freebies eg ticket upgrades, photo ops with b, materialize? or did they not happen? the fact that some girls can be seen on the tour vids doesn’t prove they got them as a quid pro quo in exchange for slandering others and defending b online at all. (btw, the fact that there are chelsey defenders absolutely ASTONISHES me. wtf. there’s a lot we don’t know with breezy, b, etc so i can see to some extent people based on part of the picture, siding with “one side” and deriding the other, but with her? how? what?)
i know this is a crazy fucking idea on twitter for sure, and probably elsewhere online, but one (like me) can like both breezy & dallon AND brendon & sarah. fucking deranged, isn’t it, in this polarized fandom/these fandoms. b is getting the worst of it, but breezy is getting a lot of shit too. and i feel sorry for both of them in particular. again, the rumor mill: assertions of fact without evidence, even people coming forward with their names/faces, being spread around like wildfire and taken as confirmed, undoubtedly true fact eg the claim that breezy said that b knew about all the sexual harassments by zack of her the whole time (eg how could he have? eg how would he know what zack texts her? he obviously would have known some of it but those likely seemed in line with the joking around they did, would be my guess. i also think his anxiety and trying to fit in can come into play. he may have been a bystander to things zack did that crossed lines eg with breezy, idk. speaking of speculation, here’s me doing it. i also don’t think b did nothing wrong, and i’ve also talked about various things when i’ve come across them that i’ve had a problem with. 
there’s also aspects going on that i want to delve into, but i’m debating eg that one young male fan who’s apparently friendly with breezy and dallon now but used to be obsessed with b (including making sexual comments to him on twitter, wanting to look like him) and is claiming zack took advantage of him (jobwise). seems to be a history of mental instability there and a serious lack of boundaries. it’s not about monstering him; i feel bad for him. 
edit to add i’m still reading things on twitter, what i can find anyway, and another thing i’m ambiguous about discussing is breezy’s dms with others because ppl are posting screenshots. obv there’s more to read there too. in one she thought zack was doing the getting fans to target her and dallon thing in exchange for perks eg meet n greets. the closest she’s gotten to saying anything bad about b was saying he wasn’t always sweet (didn’t say if it was to her and/or dallon) and that she thinks he could have changed, that i’ve seen posted anyway.
also, there’s posts ppl are screenshotting of breezy from years ago to say how gross or disgusting or whatever she is and i’m just like “she’s so saucy, i love her.” it’s mostly pg level stuff too, and mostly about dallon, or brallon. like i said before, notice how what damns breezy (being sexual) excuses zack to many people. at most he’s an “old school roadie” who might have an apology to make, they dunno, but not really, people are so sensitive and breezy is a bitch who is to blame for everything. (seriously, there’s people who think she started it all eg the firezackhall tag, and somehow the accusations against b too. fuck outta here.)
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sunkissedpages · 6 years
We’re Only Kidding Ourselves- Part Six || Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: Sat down with my rose water candle lit, James Taylor record playing, and cherry coke and finished this sucker. Don’t let the beginning fool you 👀
Prompt: Enemies to lovers au (from @marvelellie‘s 1k writing challenge!!)
Summary: You work as a production assistant for the Spider-Man: Far From Home crew, or rather as Tom Holland’s handler. The two of you don’t get along very well to say the least, but you won’t quit and he can’t fire you so you’re stuck with each other.
Warnings: swearing, angst god why am I such a dramatic ass bitch I thrive on it
What I listened to while writing: ...the twilight score (the only good thing that came out of that franchise was the music don’t @ me) I listened to A Nova Vida 3 times in a row. Also Tiny Meat Gang which if any of you read this part of my intro regularly I’m so sorry my music taste is so fucking weird if you couldn’t tell already and TMG takes the cake.
Word Count: 3k
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
“Y/N?” Tom asked, breaking the silence.
“Don’t sleep on the floor tonight.”
You froze, only 93% sure you’d heard him correctly. “What?”
“You slept in like six sweaters last night, you’ve been taking ibuprofen all day, don’t make yourself miserable again by sleeping on the floor.”
You stood unmoving, still all the way across the room with your arms crossed. Tom was way more observant than you gave him credit for. “Tom, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” In fact, you were almost positive it was a terrible idea.
“If it makes you feel better, I’ll sleep on the floor tonight, but as your boss I’m demanding you sleep in the bed,” he insisted.
“You know you’re not actually my boss, right? And you have a concussion there’s no way you’re sleeping on the floor,” you sighed and gave in “but if it’ll get you to shut up we can share the bed.”
You turned off the light and made your way to your side and hesitantly climbed into bed next to him before settling under the covers. There went your heart again, pounding rapidly in your chest, and slowly what had been a comfortable silence slipped into an awkward one. Both of you were lying on your backs, completely stiff, totally uncomfortable. You’d been tired after watching Titanic, but now you were wide awake. It was just like last night and you were about to give up and move to the floor again when Tom spoke suddenly.
“We should order waffles in the morning.”
You wanted to laugh. You had been expecting him to say something serious about how this wasn’t working and one of you should move to the floor, but instead that came out of his mouth.
“I don’t know, I just feel like the waffles here would be good,” he laughed.
He must have hit his head harder than you thought. “Okay, yeah sure we can get waffles,” you agreed. “Goodnight, Tom.”
“Goodnight, y/n.”
You woke up to sunlight, not your alarm. Tom had opened the curtains and the light was streaming in through the window, directly into your eyes. Slowly, things came into focus. Tom was getting ready in front of the window, making him look like a silhouette against the pink sunrise. You watched him throw a t-shirt over his head and roll a pair of socks on. You didn’t know what time it was, but you could tell it was the early from the way your body protested when you rolled onto your other side, away from the sunlight.
Tom turned around when he heard you moving. “Oh, sorry did I wake you?”
You rolled back over. “No, it’s just the sunlight.”
“Sorry, I’ll close the curtains when I leave. We’re not called for a few more hours if you want to go back to sleep. I’m just headed to the gym. Do you want to come?”
“No thanks, I’m good.” You couldn’t tell if he was just being polite or extending a genuine invitation, but running around after Tom’s ass all day was workout enough. Of course, you kept that bit to yourself. “Are you even supposed to be working out with your head and stuff?” you asked, concerned that you’d get in trouble he didn’t rest for as long as possible.
“Doctors said I’d be fine today,” he shrugged and slung a backpack over his shoulder.
“Okay, well be careful, have fun and all that jazz,” you said and waved a hand in the air noncommittally, already half asleep..
“Get some more sleep, sounds like you need it.” Tom said as he put on his sneakers. “When I come back I’ll have the waffles.”
So he remembered that. Half of you wondered if he’d just said it in a sleepy haze, but you were happy he was following through. Tom closed the curtains as promised before he left and you fell back asleep almost immediately.
When you woke up again it was to the door slamming closed. After you realized it was only Tom you relaxed a little. His hands were full of takeout boxes and you could hear the music blasting from his earbuds.
“You hungry?” he asked and only got a groan in response. You held a pillow over your eyes as he opened the curtains to let the light in again. He shook his head, but smiled at you as he sat down in the armchair in front of your side of the bed. “Here,” he held one of the boxes out to you, “you don’t even have to get up.” You didn’t move. “Come on, y/n, your food is going to get cold.”
You sat up at last, squinting in the bright sunlight, finally getting a good look at Tom. He’d discarded his t-shirt in the time he’d been back, presumably while you had the pillow over your face, and was now sitting shirtless in front of you. His shoulders and arms glistened with a fine sheen of sweat and his damp curls stuck to his forehead stubbornly. 
“You okay?” he asked, holding your food out to you and cocking his head to one side. You realized you’d been staring.
You chalked it up to being tired and took the food from his hands. “Yeah sorry, still waking up.”
“I didn’t know what to get you, so I got you these.”
You opened the container and peered into it. Inside were two chocolate chip waffles with strawberries on top. “These are perfect, thanks.”
“You want syrup? I have a bunch of the little packets.”
You made a face. “No thanks.”
Tom stared at you in disbelief. “You don’t like syrup?”
“Hate it.”
“Figures,” he scoffed and you rolled your eyes. “You hate everything good.”
He was joking, but you fought a frown, suspecting that what he said had some truth behind it. Sometimes it did feel like you were the villain in Tom’s eyes, always on his ass about schedules and social media. It was kind of your job to take the fun out of everything, and you supposed he had a right to be frustrated about it, but you still felt the sting of every snide comment he made to you. 
As you ate your waffles you gazed out the window, watching Venice wake up. The city was drenched in golden light that made everything look like an old movie. The canals were already bustling with produce salesmen and friendly neighbors greeting each other. Excited families of tourists walked up and down the sidewalks with open maps trying to get a head start on the day. In the building across from yours, women leaned out of windows to hang laundry or water plants. It looked like the intro scene to a classic romance. You snapped your attention away from the window when you felt Tom looking at you.
“Are you okay?”  he asked for the second time.
“Just people watching,” you shrugged, skirting around the question then changed the subject. “By the way, why are you lying to Harry and Haz about the rooms? I didn’t say anything to them about it, but figured we should be on the same page.”
“Oh, uh, the pair of them have big mouths and I didn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
You almost choked on a strawberry. Tom had lied because he thought someone would assume you and him were sleeping together.
“If anyone thought that, we’d just tell them the truth, obviously.” 
“Yeah, but once it got out people’d assume the worst and you’d get fired, or even blacklisted,” he explained.
You hadn’t even considered the possibility of consequences to sharing a room if people found out. Wasn’t having to share it with Tom at all punishment enough?
“What would happen to you?” you asked.
“Probably nothing,” Tom admitted with a shrug.
“What the fuck? That’s not fair.”
“I know, but you’re the handler. Maybe I’d get fined.”
“That’s fucked up.”
Tom leaned back, brushing the damp curls off of his forehead. “Anyway, that’s why we can’t tell anyone.”
“Okay, good to know.” You looked down at your half finished waffles. “You want these? I’m full.”
“Sure, thanks.” Tom took the container from your hands and immediately ruined your leftovers with three packets of syrup.
You thought about yesterday, how easy it would’ve been to ruin your career with a few little words. “I wish you’d told me not to say anything sooner, I could’ve fucked that up for both of us.”
“Sorry,” Tom said sheepishly. “It’s just awkward to talk about, and honestly it’s fucking sexist, but it’s the industry.” Tom finished scarfing down your waffles then looked at his phone. “Fuck,” he said with his mouth still full, “we have to be ready in 20 minutes.”
That sentence didn’t mean much to you, but Tom launched himself out of the armchair and began rifling through his suitcase frantically. He let you brush your teeth and hair before hopping in the shower, something he probably should have done much earlier. Getting ready didn’t take much time for you now. You usually just threw on whatever and Harrison’s hoodie over top so you were pretty much dressed and ready by the time Tom was done showering.
“We’ve got five,” you informed him as he shook his hair dry with a towel.
“Yeah, I know,” he snapped.
You pursed your lips, but kept your composure. “Okay, well I’m going downstairs. We shouldn’t go together.”
Tom didn’t even acknowledge he heard you or say goodbye as you let yourself out. You’d never met a boy so obsessed with his appearance.
Most of the cast was downstairs already when you got there. Of course Tom was the only one missing. If he was late everyone was going to be even more pissed at him than they already were.
“Wow, y/n, we beat you for once,” Haz joked when he saw you.
“Haha,” you said, genuinely trying to laugh, but ended up sounding like a robot trying to imitate human sarcasm.
Harrison scrunched his eyebrows and pulled you to the side. “You okay? You’ve been acting really weird lately.”
“Would you believe me if I told you it was the time change?”
“It’s only an hour different from London, but yeah I’ll believe you if you want me to.” You smiled thankfully. Haz had always been there to talk if you needed, but never one to pry, even when he knew something was up. “How’s Tom?” Haz asked, changing the subject for you, not knowing it was going to make you even more flustered than you already were.
“What, why would I know how Tom is?” You were definitely sweating.
“You were supposed to be checking up on him to make sure he’s resting.”
“Oh yeah, he was fine when I last saw him.” You weren’t technically lying, but Haz only stared harder at you, his icy blue eyes trying to read you. It made you feel guilty about keeping things from him. 
“You sure you’re okay?”
You were saved from answering when Zendaya appeared behind Harrison and grabbed him by the shoulders and greeted you both.
“Y/n, please tell me you’re going to the thing tomorrow night,” she said. “Don’t leave me alone with the boys.”
“What’s wrong with ‘the boys’?” Haz protested, while Z nudged him playfully.
“What thing? I thought tomorrow was an off day.”
“Yeah we get the afternoon off, but there’s a party at some bar late tomorrow night. It’s one of those mandatory press outings that get publicity for the movie.”
You were familiar with these events because you were usually forced to go. The last one had been bowling back in London where you weren’t even allowed to participate, but had to monitor everyone’s alcohol intake and social media posts for the night. Harrison had hung out with you out of pity, but the rest of the cast kept their distance from you, the chaperone, and you couldn’t blame them.
You automatically dreaded the thought of having to go to this party. It sounded a thousand times worse than the bowling thing, but forced a smile for Zendaya anyway. “If it’s a publicity event, I’ll probably be there working.”
“Thank god,” she cheered before shifting her gaze over your shoulder. “Well good morning, sunshine.”
Tom had appeared finally and smiled brightly at her, an expression you’d only seen him give Zendaya. He looked at her like she hung the moon, which was fair, but for an actor he didn’t hide his infatuation very well. You fought the urge to scoff. Zendaya could do way better than Tom.
“How’s your head?” she asked him.
“Like nothing ever happened” he replied and knocked on the side of his skull as proof.
“Yep, he’s still a dumbass,” you added under your breath earning an elbow in your side from Tom.
“Fuck off, y/n.”
“You first.” 
To your surprise, Tom chuckled. “Good one. Are you sure I’m the one with the concussion?”
“Oh like yours was so original,” you shot back. 
Tom didn’t respond, but rolled his eyes through a smirk.
Now that Tom was downstairs everyone could get to set. Apparently the first scene of the day was taking place on some sort of tour boat, which made your job a lot easier because Tom was stuck on a boat. All you had to do was make sure he stayed on the boat.
Honestly at this point you had no idea what this movie was even about. There were about thirteen kids on that boat and you didn’t know what any of their characters were, aside from Peter Parker. You were so removed from the production process by now that you were almost always lost during filming.
Today you, Harry, and Harrison were stuck inside a random building with a bunch of crew because they had to clear so much space for a clean shot of the boat on the canal. The three of you practically lived behind the monitor these days. You all were making up your own dialogue for the scene being shot because the only people who could hear what was going on had headsets. Technically, as a production assistant you had a headset you could use, but this was more fun.You called Jacob, Harrison took Tom, and Harry claimed Tony.
Your Jacob voice was absolutely terrible. “I’m Jacob and I hate this fuckin hat, Ned would look better with a bowl cut,” you said in your lowest possible register.
Harry and Haz burst out laughing, getting some annoyed looks from the director of photography and digital intermediate technician.
“Something Jacob would say, but definitely not like that.” Haz teased. “His voice isn’t even that low, y/n!”
“Okay fine, you go.”
“Uh, I’m Tom and I can’t keep my mouth shut during interviews.”
“Or ever,” Harry added and you were surprised that sentence hadn’t come from your own mouth.
“How do you sound just like him?” You shook your head in wonder. If you had your eyes closed you could've sworn it was Tom standing in front of you and not his best friend.
Harrison cleared his throat. “I’m Tom and I don’t need a fucking handler, god I’m twenty-two for fucks sake.”
“Heard him say that before,” you groaned.
“Keep going, Haz,” Harry encouraged.
“Yeah, I have a handler, but y/n’s on her goddamn knees for Jon Watts and he fucking buys into it. It’s the only reason she hasn’t been fired!”
“Wait, what the fuck, Harrison?” you felt like you’d been slapped.
“Dude.” Harry shook his head.
“That’s not funny! Did Tom actually say that?”
Haz and Harry went stiff and silent in front of you. You had half a mind to go outside and yank Tom off of that fucking boat yourself, but you needed to know if it was true first.
“Great fucking job, Haz,” Harry muttered.
“So he said that about me?” You looked back and forth between the two of them, daring one of them to answer you. Hesitantly Harrison nodded. “When?”
“The first day in Venice, when he had those meetings.”
You wracked your brain, trying to think of when Tom had the opportunity to talk shit about you to the boys, but you were with him the whole day.
“How is that possible?” you demanded.
Harry opened his mouth to answer, but Harrison gave him a look like a warning. Harry continued anyway.
“In the groupchat.”
In that moment you felt everything slow down. The roaring of anger in your ears halted, your breathing slowed, time stood still.
“You guys have a groupchat to talk shit about me?” Your voice was much quieter than it had been less than a minute ago. The sentence sounded ridiculous coming out of your mouth. 
“It’s just our groupchat it isn’t meant for that or anything,” Haz mumbled, finally speaking up.
“Not specifically, but it happens anyway?” you assumed out loud. Neither of them denied it. “When did he send it?”
Haz shot Harry another look, which he ignored. “When he was in the meeting.”
“So he sent that when we were all sitting in the hallway together and neither of you bothered to say anything to me?”
“What were we supposed to say?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe: hey y/n, your boss is a huge fucking dick maybe quit while you’re ahead so you don’t look like an idiot when all of this blows up?”
“Y/n, you already knew he hated you, why is this a big deal now?”
But you couldn’t exactly explain that you were so upset because you and Tom didn’t really hate each other as much anymore and bonded over Titanic and waffles, and shared a bed, so you just started taking off Harrison’s sweatshirt. It felt like it was suffocating you now.
“Y/n what are you-”
“You can take this fucking back.” you shoved the sweatshirt back into Harrison’s arms and started towards the doors. 
“What? Y/n, can we talk about this-”
“You didn’t want me to report him, did you?” you cried. “That’s why you really didn’t tell me?” Again, you received no answer.
“Where are you going?” Haz asked, pleading, but you didn’t know. All you knew was that you needed to get out of here.
“Don’t follow me.”
You burst out of the building and onto the streets of Venice, your heart being pulled in a thousand different directions. Traffic moved around you effortlessly, like you weren’t even there. The hotel. The airport. Tom. What was going to be the least painful?
Son of a bitch this is late I’m v sorry!! But um wow what a ride, who let me have a computer?? It’s very possible this has typos, also sorry for that. 
Forever Tags: @mischiefmanaged49 @bookingbee @cloverrover @captainbuckyy @perhaps-he-schnapped @awkwardfangirl2014 @the-queen-procrastinator
WOKO Tags: @parkerstylesperalta @everythingbooknerd @marvelellie @splashofbi @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @timelock97 @ohheyitsem @starsholland @honeymoonparker @zeenee @musicgirl234 @brozekey3215 @tryn25 @gracie4290 @lovinnholland @bluparisdeux @summernykole @sherlocksangelinwonderland 
Send me an ask to be added/dropped from a taglist
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echthr0s · 5 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2019 | vii. + viii.
Talk about special interests. What does having special interests mean to you? Talk about your current special interests. Or talk about past special interests. What’s the most unusual special interest you’ve had?
*makes bets with the inworlders about how long this post is going to end up being*
Honestly, special interests is a contentious topic for me these days because it’s become painfully clear how much more difficult it’s become for me to dive deeply into a thing and be unabashedly obsessed with it. I was very obsessive with my SpIns as a teenager and young adult, but after enough discouragement and mockery (and, admittedly, after the fallout that happens from having actual human beings that I know in person as my SpIn and having no sense of decorum about it...), I think my fire died down a lot. Also, Real Life(tm) started to intervene with a real vengeance and stole all my energy and I’m only just now getting some of that energy back.
It does frustrate me that I can’t go off about stuff I love the way I see other people doing it. If I don’t passionately love things and make those things a part of my identity to the point where I am known by those things, then am I even a person...? (That’s really an anxiety of mine.)
But I do love things, passionately. I do. I just have a hard time expressing it as freely as I want to. My most enduring SpIn is The X-Files, which I’ve been obsessed with since I was 12 (I wasn’t even allowed to watch it. I was just... somehow obsessed with it.). I’m about to start a rewatch, in fact, and I feel like I’m glowing on the inside just thinking about it. Another enduring SpIn is music in general -- I’m like a dragon with music. I devour it with infinite greed. I wish I could live in it forever. I guess I kind of do.
All of my SpIns except for death and death accessories (yeah, I guess that’s an SpIn now) and mythology are media -- books, tv shows, movies, video games, or music. Some current ones other than the aforementioned are American Gods, the Elder Scrolls franchise, the Dragon Age franchise, and Grey’s Anatomy. Oh, John Wick, too! And Darren Aronofsky films! Yeah, okay, I really do love a lot of things.
I’m not sure I’ve had any unusual SpIns, nothing overly specific or particularly obscure. I guess the... most troublesome one I’ve had is when I fixated on a teacher at the high school I was attending. I think normal people call this “hot for teacher” but... who knows, really. Who fucking knows. Anyway, I’m so sorry, Mr S. But thank you for being kind about it.
Talk about ableism. Have you ever faced any ableism for being autistic?
People that have been mocking or discriminatory towards me were not doing it because they knew I was autistic. I didn’t even know I was autistic. They did it because I was weird, and I didn’t act the way they expected, and I was unaware of how uncanny-valley I was as a person. They did it because I was an easy target, because I was non-confrontational, and because they knew no one else would fight on my behalf. Whether that was “ableism” or not doesn’t really interest me. But it was fucking mean, and puerile, and small-minded, and if I hadn’t been autistic, they would have found some other reason to ostracise me. Because that’s what people like that do. So, you know.
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dukeofriven · 6 years
Hussie, Hitler, And Boy I’m Tired
I said earlier that I didn’t want to put on my hip waders and muck about in the Homestuck tags. *pulls off hip waders* I went anyways. I went even though I was feeling pretty good because I had a nice dinner and got to watch the New Years Bake-Off special. I went anyways, and I did it for you, my eight followers who aren’t pornbots. It turns out the Homestuck fandom of Tumblr is as scary and hyperbolic as ever, and has taken one lousy bit of badly written crap and extrapolated that backwards into ‘Homestuck has always been a racist anti-semetic pile of garbage and everything about it is terrible and Andrew Hussie needs to die.” I’m not paraphrasing, by the way. Someone out there is chanting ‘die Andrew Hussie die,’ because he had the gall to... clumsily dunk on Hitler like a fifteen year old trying to impress his English teacher with edgy comedy? This new stuff is too dumb to be offensive, especially in an era with, y’know, Hitler-praising alt-right Neo Nazis actually being mainstream media figures.  Hey Tumblr fandom? Can you... mm not chill, chill’s not the word I’m looking for what is it... oh yes. Can y’all fuck off for once?
Tumblr doesn’t deserve to enjoy things because it doesn’t know how to enjoy things responsibly. It lurches from adoration to hatred without pause, and as a writer it gives me nothing but an anxiety. I cannot produce anything imperfect, I cannot ever write crap because if I do then all my work will be tainted by it forever. On Tumblr you are always judged by your worst effort, which is a fucking god-awful standard for large media franchises of any kind. You know who one of the greatest, most thoughtful, socially-driven authors of the twentieth century was? Terry Pratchett. You know what’s kind of sexist and lazy and awful? The Colour of Magic. You know what’s weirdly colonialist and smug and all-around shit? Snuff! Neither of those shitty books invalidate the forty other Discworld novels. The existence of Anchorman’s bloviating nothingness doesn’t erase Will Ferrel’s warm and desperately human performance in Stranger Than Fiction. The Forced Kiss Equal Romance kiss in Blade Runner doesn’t erase the rest of the movie piercing question on the nature of what it means to be human. And on and on and on. Andrew Hussie’s sneeze-shart dogshit history rewrite that was so embarrassingly bad it got pulled from the internet didn’t erase Rose/Kanaya, or gay Dave, or Joey Claire tap-dancing her little heart out to try and defeat a monster. And even if Andrew Hussie does a JK Rowling and produces nothing but ill-thought-out crap from here until the day we all die in the great Disney Final Merger of 2023, it still won’t invalidate the good moments that made you happy. I mean if Andrew Hussie toddles out of retirement onto a talk show in a bathrobe to discuss his new revelations on the Puppetgrandmasters of Scion who all have worryingly Semetic names, I’m not going to be so naive as to pretend that his earlier media can be consumed in some kind of vacuum, that the future cannot affect the past. but I am saying that the good that happened in it - the things that affected you in positive ways - are not ethereal. It mattered to you then, and that’s okay. Tumblr’s hyperbolic responses seem to be rooted in embarrassment and self-flagellation. People seem so terrified by the thought that anyone might associate them as a fan of something - gasp - linked to controversy that they... well, they say shit like “die andrew hussie die.” Hey dude. Hey. You need to redirect that anger, my friend. There’s actual Neo-Nazis in the streets. On the TV. In the US government. I guess what I’m trying to say is... Woof. Okay. You know, to give Andrew Hussie partial credit here, its nice to see someone actually write Adolf Hitler the way he really was - a pant-shitting constantly whiny toddler of a human being who endlessly threw tantrums and got to where he was largely on the strength of other people’s bad decisions. Remember kids: the biggest myth Neo-Nazis have ever perpetrated is that Germany under Hitler was well-run, well-organized, and anything other than a collection of squabbling dysfunctional fiefdoms run by party hacks propped up by a bureaucracy and military too bound by inertia, ego, and cultural racism to do anything to stop a lunatic from ripping their country to shreds. That whole ‘trains running on time’ thing? It’s nonsense. Go study the conduct of the war once Germany had exhausted all its pre-war stockpiled resources and ran out of useful shit to loot, once it had to start relying on its leadership for the things that make wars winnable - supplies, reinforcements, fuel, winter clothing. Watch the way from 1942 onwards Germany stumbled from one disaster to the next, as Hitler fired more and more generals and drew more and more authority to himself and his fellow party cronies. Hitler should not be feared as a man of competence or skill - he was a buffoon, a clown of a human being fuelled entirely by petty, vindictive spite and an unlimited capacity for cruelty. And before anyone goes ‘well if he was so objectively pathetic how the fuck did he take over Germany’ I direct you to google the last two years of American politics and the words ‘Donald Fucking Trump.’ [I recommend, on these war subjects particularly, Sir Antony Beevor’s bleak and sobering works, particularly Stalingrad, Berlin: The Downfall 1945, and Ardennes 1944: Hitler's Last Gamble.]  Sorry this... kind of got away from me somewhat, but I really hate it when people get mad that someone didn’t take Hitler seriously (and, to be strictly fair, this is not what everyone is mad about in regards to Andrew Hussie, either). You should never take Hitler seriously. Take hate seriously - take violent words, and calls for purity, take his ideas of superiority and racial preeminence and anti-semitism seriously as the evils, the horrors as they are. But the man himself? He literally stank - a combination of his halitosis, chronic flatulence, and was constant diarrhea. [I am not exaggerating] He was a sad pathetic clown, and Andrew Hussie chose to write him as such. He just... went too far. It happens. It’s not good writing. It’s fucking shit, to be honest. Boring shit. The Minions movie decided to have the Minions sit out the entirety of WWII by having them get stuck in a cave or some such. Honestly that’s a better option than what Andrew Hussie went with - and ‘be more like the Minions movie’ isn’t advice I give that often. You want to be disgruntled that an author wrote something this bafflingly tone deaf and tedious? Sure. I know I am. But to chant for his death? Are you fucking kidding me? Look! Look out your window at those marching Neo-Nazis trying to establish a white supremacist state? What the ever-loving fuck are you people doing in here getting ready to string-up a man whose crime was making Adolf Friggen Hitler too petty???????? Tumblr. Tumblr, for the love of god this has to stop. This ‘Ceasar’s wife must be above reproach’ shit has to stop - it’s killing fandom, it’s killing good media critique, it’s burying proportional fan response, and its just exhausting. Why can’t you ever just let something be lousy without it being literal death warrant? There’s real demons out there - I can see them out the window, and every time I turn on the TV. Maybe - just bloody maybe - not every single crime deserves the exact same level of disapprobation and punishment? Maybe we could read some content and say “boy that sure had some lousy implications and also was just really poorly written” and then... stop there? Wouldn’t that be nice, for a change? We could dislike something without feeling like it required activism on our part. We could say ‘this piece of media was shit, but it didn’t advocate for a white ethno-state, so I will continue to think of it only until the end of this sentence.’ I am not advocating for an end to media criticism for anything that isn’t openly hate speech (but if you think that I am I am going to assume you’re already so needlessly enraged about this whole matter that I’m a bit puzzled why you’ve bothered to read this far since its obvious we don’t agree on many fundamental issues.) What I am calling for is the end to death threats against people who don’t mean you harm. Because that’s lunacy. That’s beyond the pale, actually, that’s really disturbing and sickening and you should seriously reconsider your relationship with media. Because there are people out there who do want to hurt you. Their lives are fuelled by hate, their philosophies are driven by it, as are their politics. I assure you that when a time traveller steps through a portal trying to prevent the rise of ‘the great Trump War of 2020′ the inciting incident will not be ‘Andrew Hussie trivialized the holocaust by citing its origins as a grudge Adolf Hitler bore Albert Einstein over a rivalry in secret clown ninja school before being taken on as an agent of a baking-obsessed alien space witch and bumped into power by the Peters principle.’ Because just by writing that sentence I have already reaffirmed a very simple truth: this is way, way too stupid to give the slightest shit about. So let’s tell Andrew Hussie that his new work is... mmm.... kind of like a shit if a shit had a shit that was itself shat out by a shit and then vomited on by another shit who had eaten nothing but shit since Sunday. Let’s tel lhim “hey dude, your clownish work summoned the spectre of anti-semetism, and you can do better.” Frankly, I think that message was already sent, since in the two hours between me going to make and eat dinner and then coming back to my computer, the new material was discovered, read, disseminated, and removed. Two hours. Sure, maybe a bit of lag due to what does and does not hit my feed but come on - this all took place in an afternoon. It’s already down. Our voices were heard - we didn’t think this was very good, and apparently Whatpumpkin agrees enough that they didn’t mount a defence of it. Rather than take the next logical step, though - which seems to be calling for the death of Andrew Hussie and removing all of Homestuck from the internet and maybe nuking Toby Fox from orbit just to be extra-sure? - we could do... something else. Talk about the release date for Stranger Things, maybe. Track down some local Neo-Nazis and punch them. Read some Antony Beevor books and really educate ourselves on what a smelly fuck-up Hitler was so we can chant that at Neo Nazis at their next rally. Or you could watch the New Years Bake-Off special. It was pretty good.
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csykora · 6 years
i don't know if you know the answer, but if you do, would you mind explaining why some Russian names are always transliterated the same way (like Никита to Nikita), but some very much aren't? i've seen Evgeni, Evgeny, Evgenii, Yevgeni, and Yevgeny - is one 'more right' than the others?
Thanks for asking! You’re right, there’s some whacky variation in the League right now, and it’s something I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while.
(I’m going to focus on North American English speakers: if you’re not, sorry! The basics should still apply and make sense.)
The NHL follows the International Ice Hockey Federations 2011 standard for transcription of Russian names. Probably.
The NHL is a loose confederation of franchises. Historically, it’s been up to each team what they wrote on their Russian players’ jerseys. A lot of their creations were more artistic than phonetically accurate, but the surname would stay pretty consistent for PR and jersey purposes. First names were a free for all, with the team and official NHL media or licensed materials like video games all spelling them differently.
It’s still technically up to teams, but since 2011 the League is pushing a little harder to pick one spelling and stick with it across all media, and to have the spelling reflect how the name should be said.
Any Russian player who came over before 2011 is grandfathered in as whatever spelling they were assigned at the time, for PR reasons. (Like Craig MacTavish being the only one on the ice without a helmet, but less horrible.) Anyone who debuts in the League today should, theoretically, be assigned a spelling that follows the new rules.  
The IIHF transcription standard has three basic principles:
Sound-emulating: Yevgeni instead of Evgeny
Simplicity: Yevgeni instead of Yevgeny, Alexander instead of Aleksandr
Consistency: same spelling for same name (and different spelling for different names)
What does Russian sound like?
This is one of my recital pieces, Tchaikovsky’s Moy geni, moy angel. Music is a great snapshot of the sounds that a language likes to use, particularly the vowels. Listening here, you’re going to hear a lot of “eh” and “ooh”, a lot of soft schwa sounds, and no “ae” or “oh”—the only long vowel is “ee”. You might pick up an odd nasal quality to a lot of those sounds, as if the singer is actually say, “yeh” or “yoo”.
Russian has different phonemes than North American English. A phoneme is “any of the speech sounds which are perceived to be a single distinctive sound in the language. An example is the English phoneme /k/, which occurs in words such as cat, kit, scat, skit.” There are a couple Russian consonants that seem to give English-speakers trouble (most obviously Ж in hockey fandom. The (Y)evgeni(i)ys just have to go and confuse North Americans more by also calling each other Женя, “Zhenya”, which fans often try to say with a G or a J sound. It’s pronounced like the S in “pleasure” or “treasure.”) But mostly, it’s all about the vowels, which don’t line up with English spelling or pronunciation very neatly.
In North American schools your teacher probably talked about how English has long and short vowel sounds.
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And Y does double duty, as a mystery vowel and a consonant that can jump in before or after other vowels.
You’re not really going to hear any long vowel sounds in Russian, except for ē. Instead, Russian has hard and soft vowels:
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The hard vowels are close to English short vowels. The matching soft vowel is pronounced pretty much the same but you glide into them with a “y” sound.
So Э and E are  “ĕ” and “yĕ.”  
O and ё are “ŏ” and “yŏ.” 
(Standard Russian speakers splinch O and A (“ŏ” and “ă”) into a schwa sound, a phenomenon called аканье/akanye.)
And so on.
The exception is Ы and и, who are both shifty characters. Ы drifts between ĕ and ĭ,  and и moves between ĭ and the long e sound.
(“и” also happens to mean “and.” You’ll hear hockey players, especially Kuznetsov, make a sort of horrible high-pitched eeeee sound all the time in interviews. That’s Russian Hockey Player for “…uh….” )
й is the Cyrillic character for the Y-consonant sound after a vowel, as in “Moй/Moy”. The symbols ь and Ъ can also appear on their own, and they palatalize the consonant before (adding a sort of Y twist to the end of it), or explicitly forbid you from doing that. This sound is rendered with a J or a Y after the consonant in different Russian transliteration systems. The IIHF uses Y.
So when we get transliterating, we’re going to have to have Ys all up in everything.
This is where the many Yevgenis come in. 
Every Евгений is best said as “Yev-gen-ee-y.” (I’d say it kind of ends in a little Y twist, but that’s because it’s kind of easier to say and a Cyrillic spelling artifact. You say “Yevgeneeee” or “Yevgenee-y” depending on your natural voice and how quickly you’re speaking.)
You don’t necessarily say the first syllable with a heavy Y like “yeah,” but the glide has to be there. “Eh-vgen-ee” would be an entirely different name, spelled Эвгений. And Э just isn’t a very popular sound in Russian: only 2 male names start with it. Maybe there’re some hipster parents out there naming their son Эвгений right now to annoy people, but otherwise, no.
Since Y is playing an important role in the basic vowels, we don’t really want to use it to represent the long e sound the way it sometimes does in English.
So “Yevgeni” is preferred over “Yevgeny” or “Yevgeniy.” Yevgeniy is the most technically accurate, but let’s be honest, North Americans are going to pronounce them all the same and the second two are just way too much Y.
The one time you will see reliably Ys standing alone is in patronymics. Yevgeni Kuznetsov’s father is also named Yevgeni, so his full, intensely boring name is Евгений Евгеньевич. “Yevgeneey Yevgen-ee-e-vich” is not exactly a delight to have to say. The suffix -евич/-evich means something, so you don’t change the letters in there, but you can drop the last vowel of the first name and palatalize the last consonant, making it into an easier “nyuh” sound. So it becomes “Yevgenyuh-evich,” which we can transliterate as Yevgenyevich. 
With a name like “Aleksandr,” the IIHF standard says go ahead and spell it as the familiar “Alexander,” because you’re gonna pronounce the two the say anyway.
So every Евгений whose name is pronounced the same way should be spelled the same way—and players whose names are pronounced differently…should be spelled differently.
Семён и Сёмин
The IIHF standards were introduced after feedback from Russian players, most directly Semyon Varlamov.
By 2011 the NHL had officially spelled Varlamov’s given name, Семён, as:
and of course, Semen.
Ah, cross-cultural respect.
Listen, the fact it’s Varlamov makes that feel just. But it was being done randomly to everyone. 
And it was especially on the nose because Varlamov was on the same team as  Алекса��др Сёмин—Alexander Semin.
Semin’s surname, Сёмин, is pronounced something like “Syaw-min”. (Akanye turns it into an A-sound, which is how his nickname, Сёмa, is pretty much pronounced “Sam,” rather than the way North American fans probably read it when they see “Sema.”) Under IIHF rules, his current KHL jersey is spelled SYOMIN.
But when he entered the NHL someone said, “That sure looks like an e to me,” and wrote down “S-E-M-I-N” Few years later that same spelling wizard looked at Семён (pronounced “Sim-yawn”) and said, “Man, I got this.”
Team officials, media, fans, even their teammates read the Latin spellings, naturally assumed their names were pronounced the same way, and went around calling both of them the same thing. Someone yells something that sounds like “semen” in the locker room, or on the ice in the middle of a game, and both of them have to turn around.
Semyon addressed the pronunciation with media, pointed out the confusion with his own teammate, filed paperwork to officially change the spelling (because he had to do that, the League had functionally taken away his name), and contacted the IIHF to ask them to step in, which they did.
(Semin did…nothing, because he would literally rather turn into a snow leopard and run away to nap in the sunshine and eat flowers and squirrels and live in the forest forever than talk to an official. So his name is still spelled SEMIN.)
More “Right”
Pronunciation isn’t a moral issue. As we grow up, our mouths learn to shape the phonemes we’re using all the time and our brains trim away the nerve connections for making sounds we don’t need. Some of us can learn some of those back, and some of us can’t, and we certainly can’t learn very well if we don’t have examples and help.
And it is strikingly hard to find that for Russian in North America.
Until the ’90s, management and especially announcers had no way to hear names pronounced before they had to try to spell or say them because there was no real cultural exchange between North America and the USSR: no TV, no radio, no way to hear the voices of Russian people except briefly on the ice. Miracle had Al Michaels recreate his goal calls because at the time he’d only had a hasty list of the Soviet line-up that he begged off the officials, and he took a wild swing at Vyacheslav Fetisov. A decade later Fetisov came to America and we were able to hear him speak and learn his name.
It’s unimaginable now, but when Ovechkin was drafted, many broadcasters were calling him “Alexander ov-itch-kin,” not “Oh-veh-chkin.” Because they actually did do their homework: they were trying to listen to Russian-language broadcasters and recreate their pronunciation. If you hear a Russian speaker say it, the middle vowel does sound a lot more like an I than a drawling North American “eh.” But then we all said it a thousand times a day and our mouths settled into sounds that are comfortable for us.
Which is fine, we’re not in any way Wrong for calling him “Oh-veh-chkin.” Just saying a Russian person’s name differently than native speakers say it isn’t a horrible thing. (‘Native speakers’ of every language fight each other all the time, too.) What matters is respect: trying our best to transliterate and pronounce a name shows that we’re listening to that person and we’re valuing them.
I think it says something that it’s still hard to hear any Russian in North America, it’s still hard to learn these names, and so we still say them in a very North American way.  Even if we’re not the ones making it, the Russian voice still mostly exists in our consciousness as a joke.
Sometimes that joke feeds into innocent not-quite-accuracies. And sometimes like with the Se(i)(y)(o)mi(y)(o)ns, it feeds something that feels a little…less of us.
It’s been 16 years* and we’re still turning their names, one of the few personal things they were able to bring with them to the foreign world of North America, into dick jokes. It’s hardly the worst insult in the world or in the NHL: making each others’ names into dick jokes is hockey players’ primary sport. It’s just that the foundation of the joke is, “I actually didn’t take the time to listen to you say your own name,” and that makes it seem small of us. And it seems smaller after they made repeated requests and took legal action to ask for their names back, and we’ve not only kept doing it, most of us don’t know or remember that they asked us to stop.
some very much aren’t
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It’s worth remembering Russians still make up a small percentage of the NHL, and most of the active Russian NHLers came over before 2011.The Russian voice in North American hockey is still small. So the spelling of Russian names is still controlled by North Americans NHL officials, and it’s a small and wild pool of possible spellings. Change comes slowly, if it comes at all.
Most of the new prospects’ surnames do seem to have been effectively standardized, but I’m not really sure where future Yevgenis stand at this point in the NHL. Евгений Свечников is the newest I know of: under IIHF rules he’s Yevgeni Svechnikov, but it seems he’s still being spelled “Evgeny” in the NHL. Because it’s such a common name and several Yevgeni-spelled-Evgenys have been high-profile players, we’re all already used to seeing Evgeni and Evgeny, and NHL officials might easily choose to keep using them for PR reasons.
This was fun! somebody ask me about nicknames or patronymics or the Czechs next, please. I need to keep expanding my embarrassing tabloid glitterbomb vocabulary.
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normalcartoonic · 3 years
You can’t please everybody
This is a followup to my last post I made.
So in the last post, I already published two of the humanization pictures of a Mr. Men character (both safe and lewd, alts not withstanding) and once they’re posted on DA that I won’t do anymore on that take.
I was blocked by zanymonsterman/ticktacktickle (not exactly a friend, but still) saying that I didn't learn my lesson, despite the fact I stated "So any future humanized Mr. Men pictures made after the two Miss Calamity pieces I drew a month ago (both safe and the explicit one) are not gonna be in that format anymore, and would go back to the previous style as it's more safe compare to the real human designs." The one Miss Calamity I posted a few days ago was the last picture I would post publicly as it's already been posted on twitter before my apology. So it was thanks to this miscommunication that we are no longer friends. I tried responding back, but the user blocked me on all social media just recently and he left a server were both in. Was it a dick move on my part? I don’t know, maybe it would’ve been better off if I would’ve posted both pieces as the same time before I found out what the artist heard what I drew, just don’t post them on DA or if I never found out about the artist in the first place.
I think just trying to do another humanization take of the Mr. Men characters was a bad idea, and I wish I never heard of that artist. All it did was burning bridges between the three of us. And I don’t care if you said I was in the wrong. I understand the boundaries of OCs, but the issue is that Miss Calamity is a character from a show, so is it alright to draw pictures on that take of the character (safe or lewd)? And even then, I had no way to contact the original artist who made the human designs as they blocked me before I drew the designs. If I had some proper communication between me and the original artist who made the design, maybe things would’ve been different. I know some of you are saying “You should’ve just not bother with the design”, but the thing is that I like how the human take of the design and I couldn’t stop thinking about drawing it. Maybe it would’ve been better if I just drew it safe, but because no one told me about the artist beforehand, I had no reference on how they are aside from what they draw. And again, I’m sorry about this whole thing and I wish I could go back and prevent this mess, but what’s done is done.
I think that’s the problem with the Mr. Men fandom is like nowadays as it’s not as good as it used to be in the late 2000s as I felt like the users there were able to express a lot of things. But now it’s more on being secretive on telling certain users on who should they should only be with as I feel like it’s just forcing people on who they should only be friends with rather than just let them pick for themselves. I understand that we should try our best to keep kids safe, but the Mr. Men franchise is already 50 years and adults can like it as well if they want. I just feel like the fandom needs to be restructured in a way that anybody can be allowed without drama. But we don’t live in that ideal world.
However by this point, I just give up pleasing people on what I should draw or not. All I said was that after I post my next piece based on the take of the character, but that person didn’t read what I said before and just blocked me on all platforms. I just felt like the relationship we were trying to build upon was just nothing but hatred considering we had different paths. And I understand that they doesn’t want to do with anything with me anymore even before the drama.
What’s this mean for me? At the moment, I already put the humanization Miss Calamity pictures in deviantart storage for the time being after that mini rant the user placed onto me, but the damage is already done (whenever or not I’ll put them back online is up in the air as I feel like that user isn’t gonna talk to me anymore). I know some of you in the other servers already think I’m a bad person and don’t trust me even before the drama, but by this point I don’t care anymore. It’s the internet; everybody is gonna be iffy on who they want to talk to especially what’s going on in the world. All I want is to draw pictures on a underrated show that was mishandled by the company that owned it at the time and I feel like people telling me on what I should draw or not is just dragging me down. I just felt like this whole situation would’ve been handled better if I had contact with the original artist if it was okay to draw their take of the characters.
After what happened in the past few weeks, there’s some lessons I learned. Never draw someone else’s take of a character (regardless if they don’t own the character) unless they said it’s okay or they already NSFW on them. Never let people force you to be whatever they want you to be (safe or not). Not everyone wants to be friends with you and as Phil Vischer said, “You can try pleasing some people, but you can’t please everybody”.
Anyways, that’s all I have to say. I just want to point out that I admit the mistakes I made and I’m sorry again if you were hurt and you don’t trust me. And that’s fine. I learn from someone who apologized to me that “you don't have to accept this apology. But I hope things are going well for you”. There are some things I know was wrong, but I’m only human and we make mistakes from time to time and learn from the mistakes. I wish I had better actions that would’ve prevent some of this drama from being worse, but what can you do? Nothing I can do about it except for make better choices and move on. I just want to forget about this drama as I don’t want this to be dragged out anymore as I want to focus on other things.
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