#anyway wHatever
femmeidiot · 10 months
sorry I always felt undesirable my entire life and it gave me kinks of wanting someone to desire me so extremely it's uncontrollable for them as if that's my fault
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marmastry · 8 months
A Team
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juricore · 10 months
ok to be fair when i watched utena for the first time at 16 i definitely didn't fully Get It. like i still walked away like Woah that was life changing but i missed some very big themes/points and that's why i think rgu really really improves upon and deserves multiple rewatches. and i also think that watching the apocalypse arc for the first time becomes very personal, you take away what you need to take away from the show (or at least i did at 16). so i WANT to give grace to people who may have misinterpreted rgu because it's a complicated show but if people are writing blogs or videos or putting out long form media called stuff like UTENA EXPLAINED 😱 and still fucking miss the point um lol actually
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sandymybeloved · 7 months
an incomplete guide to UNIT Dating
I recently made and gave this presentation, so the information isn't entirely complete, but here. Basically I looked at every story the Brigadier appeared in and (with the help of this TARDIS wiki article) tried to put a date to all of them. some slides are missing to fit this into a single post, but not many and none essential
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konohamaru-sensei · 10 months
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one thing you need to know about me is that I contain multitudes
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natjennie · 9 months
"thomas got no character development" maybe. or maybe the moral of his story is that it's irresponsible and unhealthy to attempt to completely deprive yourself of your feelings and much more productive to accept them as part of yourself and move on with your life from there. trying to go cold turkey on alison and then randomly picking another person to have a crush on only for it not to work is something we've seen thomas do before, which for some reason people decide to see as boring repetition rather than consistent characterization. but after that. did you miss the part where he stopped talking when she walked away, realized along with everyone else when fanny said "we're as bad as betty" and voted to go through with the proposal for alison to leave? did you miss the part where he happily waved her and her living family goodbye? did you miss the part where alison, old and gray, came back and mirthfully said "thomas, you flatter me" like. his passion for people and obsession with the idea of love wasn't gonna just go away. but he's learning to treat her with more respect, he didn't throw a tantrum or follow her around or go drown himself in the lake. just because he's not a completely different character doesn't mean there wasn't growth. watch season 1 episode 2 thomas say "divorce him, kill yourself, marry me" and then watch the christmas special again and tell me there was no development. come on now.
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tinyarmsmcgee · 1 year
It’s so annoying when a celebrity scandal comes out and all of a sudden everyone is like “omg I ALWAYS got bad vibes from them so I saw this coming.” I’m not denying that sometimes you have a gut feeling about someone and it’s true but there’s a good chance that you were always looking for a justification to dislike them and then it fell into your lap. And like I get it. I’ve totally been there but just own that instead of acting like you’re some brilliant reader of people.
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justsomerandomplanet · 4 months
If i have to see another womb profusion is geto's technique post i may become the joker
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idknotgonnapost · 11 months
when he says he wants a babe in the passenger seat but the only mf that’s ever in that chair is mac
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nessguts · 1 year
thought u guys might like to see this dumb lil animatic i made lmfao its pretty rough and i kinda gave up at the end but i worked on it for like 3 days so whatever xP
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umberspore · 5 months
i know that the gilear/hallariel baby stuff might be a bit but tbh i was hoping that gilear wouldve left hallariel at the start of jy
like gilear is a regular ass guy but he loves his daughter enough to go on a quest he knows hes hopelessly outclassed on because she wants him to come!!
he stays even after he dies!!! because he wants to support fig!!!!! and then theres hallariel, who spent fabiens childhood drunk and half present. who showed up in sy NOT to check up on fabien but to take cathilda (THE ACTUAL MATERNAL FIGURE IN HIS LIFE) i think because she didnt know how to cook or something??? like??????
i just dont see what someone as family focused as gilear SEES in hallariel
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vampir3kitten · 5 months
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would you like your gift wrapped?
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eddiesfagstache · 2 months
actually kind of hate the bucktommys plagiarizing eddie posts because canon has kind of already established that tommy is a lame mirror of eddie. army, cars, basketball, muay thai, etc.
literally everything tommy does eddie has already done, but better. god forbid they give tommy a mustache because eddie will walk into the next scene with a golden halo emanating from him like gay jesus and i’m being so for real rn.
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dixxiemaegraphics · 8 months
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No reason. Just wanted to display a nice angle to show all the… views.
In other news I guess this is the only man I’m ever drawing again. The brainrot is real. But he’s also a fascinating little 5’9” fuck.
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Avatrice 1930s AU snippet
Easy, Beatrice thought, kissing Ava. Easy, she thought, tasting Ava’s faintly buttery lips. “Easy,” she said aloud, and ever so gently tugged Ava’s shirt up and out from where it had been tucked into her shorts. Her hands slid easily over Ava’s stomach; both of them were hot and damp with sweat from the humidity. The contact did not make Ava shiver, but rather it made her fall further into Beatrice and sigh.
In a move similar to the one she had done in the morning, Beatrice slipped her fingers between the waistband of Ava’s shorts and the skin of Ava’s stomach. Again, Ava felt the hard press of Beatrice’s ring against her flesh, except now it was warm from their shared body heat, when in the morning it had been startlingly cool.
“Easy,” Ava said back, and she smiled against Beatrice’s mouth.
The deep, verdant peace of the greenhouse was abruptly shattered by a voice yodelling through the greenery. 
Beatrice and Ava, in their collective shock, leapt apart like two tightly wound springs.
Beatrice dodged the irises behind her by mere centimetres and only slightly clipped her ankle against the table. With that catastrophe avoided, she then promptly stumbled back into a hanging pot of dangling red hot cat’s tails, whose flopping tendrils slapped directly into her open mouth and made her cough. 
Ava did not dodge the irises; she careened back-first into the plant pot behind her, making it rock dangerously on its plate and crumble dirt onto her shirt.
Someone was walking crisply, though cautiously, down the aisle towards them. Ava extracted herself from the plant pot, hastily brushing her shirt free of loose soil and tucking it back in her shorts. She had no time to check on Beatrice because just then Michael appeared, shouldering through the jungle of overhanging flora and smiling broadly.
As soon as she saw him, Ava relaxed her shoulders and practically wheezed out, “Michael. You scared me.” Though Ava realised, belatedly, that it really couldn’t have been anybody else; she didn’t know many people who actually said yoohoo with a serious face –well, apart from Michael, apparently. 
“Did I?” Michael’s brows locked together as he gazed from Ava to Beatrice.
Ava had gotten over her shock significantly faster than Beatrice, and so she turned and began tugging at Beatrice’s sleeve to get her attention. “Bea,” she hissed.
“Yes? What?” Beatrice replied absently. She was in the middle of the arduous task of methodically picking little red bits of flower fluff off of her tongue and hadn’t quite noticed what was going on around her.
Ava shot Michael a quick apologetic smile that seemed to say, Oh, typical Beatrice. You know how she is, always grazing on the Acalyphas. Then she turned her back on him to collar Beatrice. “Michael,” she whispered savagely out of the very confines of her mouth, punctuating the two syllables with icy insinuation.
Beatirce’s eyes widened, and she peered over Ava’s shoulder to smile uneasily at Michael, who, entirely unperturbed, waved back at her with a winsome smile. Beatrice hastily spat out a few more bits of flower and moved to stand beside Ava rather than in front.
“Well!” Michael said. “Beatrice and Miss Silva! I’m glad I caught you both.” 
Beatrice gulped down a final mouthful of cat's tails and turned a concerning shade of grey. “Caught?” she said waveringly. Her voice had taken on the tremulous quality of an innocent man receiving a guilty sentence.
“I heard noise coming from the greenhouse and noticed that the door was open. I thought the blasted foxes had gotten in again.” Michael, as oblivious and jocular as ever, was bouncing merrily on the balls of his feet, looking pleased to see them.
Beatrice, whose brief fit of terror at the thought of having been caught red-handed spooning behind the curtains had passed, cooled into irony, and she said, dryly, “Our mistake,” which Ava promptly elbowed her in the ribs for.
“Was there anything you needed me for?” Ava asked. “Something about my proposals?”
“Oh, yes,” Michael said, snapping his fingers. “I mean, no. I’ve come to invite you both for drinks this afternoon. We left off so strangely the other day. Besides, you two are jollier company than Koi fish.”
Beatrice blinked aggressively in Michael’s direction, but Ava, taking her to the side again, smiled lopsidedly and said under her breath, “Come on, Bea. Lets.”
Beatrice shot a few more hostile blinks at Michael before inclining her head and saying, “Five O'clock.”
Ava broke out into an irrepressibly glorious smile, and, forgetting herself (or rather, remembering herself and why she liked Beatrice such a tremendous amount), she bounced up and gave Beatrice a smacking kiss on the cheek. 
Michael turned from where he had been inspecting a slightly crooked iris and clapped his hands. “Five O’clock,” he said. “Excellent. I’ll tell Gordon to set up the terrace.”
And so Beatrice was left gulping and blinking amidst the cat’s tails, trailing slack-jawed after Ava and Michael as the two of them discussed what cocktails they would mix.
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demonbarberofbeepbeep · 4 months
not sweeney todd but i'm just realizing how much i love the musical trope of a puckish political radical narrator mockingly describing the events around the female main character's life
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