#anyway uh hmm. lots of. thoughts today huh.
rierice8 · 9 months
Am I pretty?
Just some drabble cuz I really wanna get railed by dan heng while I’m in a skirt even though I’m a guy…fuck thats so hot- (new not-so-new kink???)
Warnings: feminization, use of princess, good boy, slut and doll, creampie, described as rough sex
Word count: 866
Dom!Dan heng x sub!male reader
You walked out of the bathroom, covered in a blush. Your boyfriend had thrown you carelessly a bag full of clothes he bought for you in belobog, which you only realised was some lingerie and a miniskirt after you agreed to try it on for him.
That dirty minded fuck.
As you walked out of the bathroom with nothing but the lingerie and the small pink skirt on, Dan hengs face was, unsurprisingly, still stuffed in his book.
“Ahem…” you cleared your throat to get his attention. Dan heng just hummed before answering,
“Let me finish this page.”
You scoffed before walking to him and snatching the book from his hands.
“I got all dressed up in your perverted outfit and I have to wait till you “finish this page?” No fucking way. Look at me. Am I pretty?”
He laughed lightly as he looked over your form. The way the see-through lace bra laid over your flat chest, or how the skirt was barely covering your ass, how your abdomen was fully on view for him, along with the rest of your thighs and chest.
“Hmmm…is my princess feisty?”
He chuckled with a smirk.
“Yes, though, you’re very pretty, I’m glad I thought of it.”
You just blushed and furrowed your brows.
“Huh…? I…thanks uh…just shut up and fuck me then! It seems like thats the purpose of this outfit anyway!”
You huffed as you crossed your arms. Dan heng just smiled and ran his hands down your chest, pulling you down to sit on his lap on the edge of the bed he had been sitting on before. You just followed his lead, sitting on him as he lifted the bra strap ever so slightly before letting it snap back against your skin.
“Good boys don’t demand for things, they beg.”
He said into your ear as you moaned a bit from the sting.
“Fuck—fuck uh- Plea-please? Please fuck me? Please Dan heng, please?”
You begged as you tugged at his pants. He was still fully dressed and you were left in such a slutty outfit.
“Hmm…maybe…are you all prepped for me or do I need to do it,”
He asked in a whisper. Fuck how did he know that you’d already gotten off earlier today before he returned?? You bit your lip.
“Uh…a…a bit. Earlier…”
Dan heng smirked as he kissed your neck, before biting it, causing you to moan out.
“Mmh, perfect, then I wont bother.”
You swallowed hard, sure you’d done it but it’d been a couple hours, maybe it’d be a good idea to—
“Don't think baby. You can take me just fine like this, yes?”
You nodded eagerly, forgetting all your prior thoughts as you saw him unzip his pants and drop them to the floor, his boxers immediately following.
“Fuck- I need it please Dan heng…”
You whined as he pushed your panties to the side, running his hand along your cock for a bit before he lined himself up with your ass.
“W-wait- what about—”
“The skirt stays on.”
He said as he started pushing in. You moaned loudly at the stretch, it stung a lot but it could’ve been worse. You were both too desperate to have spent any longer to begin with.
“F-FUCK! Shit that- shit that's good…!”
You moaned.
Dan heng finally buried his cock in your ass fully, waiting for you to give him the sign to move. After a couple of seconds you nodded and he started moving. He didn't bother to start slowly, holding you by the waist and pulling you back down on him to make your hips meet his own as fast as he could. You threw your head back, moaning loudly.
“Shit!! Shit shit shit that's- mmh!! too much!!”
You whine out in between moans as he railed into your ass.
“You’re such a pretty slut like this, getting fucked in your brand new skirt? You’ll get it all dirty, princess”
He whispered into your ear as he kept his erratic pace.
“Mmh!! Fuck! I bet you were—NGH!—thinking of this all day—fuck!!”
You managed to get out through all your moans, trying to tease him despite slowly getting your brains fucked out.
“You know me too well…all I’m ever thinking of is you in a pretty skirt getting stupid on my cock,”
He grunted as he reached his hand to your ass and squeezed it. You whined a bit at how rough he was treating you. It was just too much for you. His nails digging into your skin as he moved to make out with you, kissing you hard and shoving his tongue into your mouth, biting your lip and swallowing all your moans.
You clenched around his cock but it didn't slow his pace at all, only making him speed up and fuck you harder.
“S-shit Dan heng!! I-I’m gonna cum— I can't—!!”
You moaned out as he grunted and thrusted harder, hitting you right in your sweet spot, making your face scrunch up as you came hard on his cock. A few thrusts after, Dan heng came inside you. You hummed at the feeling of being full, it was always the best when he came inside.
“Oh don't think we’re done yet, doll. I’m gonna fuck your ass all night.”
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karasukarei · 22 days
Wind Breaker Drama CD vol. 2 - Oedo-style Fuurin Tale (Part 4 - final)
Translation masterpost here!
Part 1 here! Part 2 here! Part 3 here!
Special thanks to @orewing !
Scene 12 – 21:53~24:40
Choji: That’s great, that’s great! Ume-chan is really strong!
Umemiya: *panting* (t/n: this is really hot) You too Tomiyama! 
Sakura: Come at me again with all your strength!
Togame: Igoatama (t/n: literally “the guy behind”; this is Togame’s nickname for Sakura here instead of othello)... You’re stronger than I expected…
Hiiragi: Umemiya! Sakura!
Choji: Eh? Your friends are here?
Togame: There should’ve been a lot of our guys downstairs too…
Enomoto: If it’s those guys you’rrrrrrre talking about, we’ve cleaned them up!
Hiiragi: Yeah. Surrender now.
Togame: Ehhh? As expected of Fuurin-gumi. You guys are as strong as the rumours say.
*sheathes / drops sword*
Umemiya: We didn’t come to fight with your for the sake of it. I don’t know what your motive is, but stop your evil act of taking haori from samurai right aw-
Choji: Ah! That’s fine!
Umemiya: Eh?
Choji: We’re not taking haori anymore. We were looking for a legendary haori, but we don’t need it anymore.
Everybody: Huh?
Togame: Huuuuuuuuuuh? (t/n: it’s a suuuuper long and slow “huuuuuuuh”. Like a tortoise) Wait, why? You were saying you wanted it so badly just now, right? That’s why we’ve been working so ha-
Choji: I had a suuuper fun time fighting with Ume-chan today! But if I get the haori and become stronger than anyone else, I won’t be able to have fun duels with Ume-chan anymore, right? I thought that’ll be really boring!
Togame: Ehhhhh…?
Umemiya: I don’t really get it, but does that mean you’ll stop coming to wreck the town?
Choji: Yup, I’ll return all the haori we took too!
Umemiya: Oh, is that so? Then as for this incident, let’s just drop it here?
Hiiragi: *with his stomach in anguish* If you guys are fine with it that’s alright.
Kiryuu: Eh? Eh? So we’re really just going to end it like this?
Suo: Looks like it.
Sakura: Anyway, what’s with this “legendary haori”?
Choji: Hmm, recently when I was in town, I heard a rumour! A legendary haori that raises your strength, and makes you stronger than anyone else when you wear it!
Tsuge: What’s that!? Sounds real great!
Choji: Right, right?!
Togame: When I went to ask around, it seems that the samurai who was wearing that haori was in the next town over, and Choji came to look for him.
Kiryuu: So that’s why you were taking the haori of samurai..
Nirei: But in the end, you never found it right? I heard rumours that you’ll recognise it right away, cos it’s a flashy pattern that you rarely see in Edo.
Suo: Ah! Could that haori be…?
Scene 13 – 24:40~end
Umemiya: Alright! Wait there a little till the camera is ready!
Nirei: Understood!
Hiiragi: Even then, who would’ve thought that the legendary haori Tomiyama was after was Nirei’s haori?
Nirei: Ah, ahahah… hahaha…
Tsuge: But in the end, that’s just a regular, flashy haori right? Why did so many rumours spring from it?
Nirei: Uh, that’s… Before I joined Fuurin-gumi, I wanted to at least look like I was a strong person, so I wore that haori. And when I wore it i really looked like I was stronger and I was really happy, and when I was speaking to the people in town, I told them that I was overflowing with power, that I felt strong just from wearing it, and things started to get mixed up.
Kiryuu: So while you were telling many people about this, the story got twisted more and more…
Suo: And it turned into the rumour of the haori that makes you stronger than anyone else when you wear it, right?
Sugi (?): How foolish…
Nirei: I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused!
Umemiya: But we managed to have a meaningful exchange with Shishi-no-Kashira when we previously had no interaction with them at all, it’s all thanks to Nirei’s haori!
Nirei: Umemiya-san!!! *one the verge of tears*
Umemiya: When we spoke they seemed like really interesting fellows too, next time let’s go visit them!
Sakura: But we can’t interfere with my settlement with Togame.
Hiiragi: Looks like we’re getting more troublesome things now.
Enomoto: Since we’rrrrrre taking photos today, arrrrrren’t you wearrrrring that haorrrrrri?
Nirei: Yes! I’m still weak and can only be on lookouts now, but from now on I’m going to work hard so that I can properly protect this town!
Hiiragi: That’s a good ambition.
Nirei: Yes!
Suo: Bye the way, hasn’t Sakura been wandering around here for a while now?
Tsuge: It’s his first time in a photo studio.
Sakural: This isn’t a place I’d just go to like that!
Kiryuu: Is the photo today to commemorate the end of the Shishi-no-kashira incident?
Umemiya: Yeah, there’s that too, but the main reason we’re coming to take photos is to commemorate Sakura and friends joining Fuurin-gumi!
Sakura: There’s no need to take photographs just for this!
Umemiya: Ehhh? It’s fine isn’t it?
Nirei: I’m really happy about it! Sakura’s really happy about it too, right?
Sakura: Eh?! It’s not like I’m happy about it…!
Suo: You’re not really honest are you?
Sakura: Shut up!
Kaji: The camera is ready.
Umemiya: Aight! Ok everyone! Gather here! Sugishita too, don’t leave any gaps, come right here!
Sugi: Yes…
Umemiya: Right! We’re taking the photo now! Smile everyone, don’t move! Thank you!
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finnsbubblegum · 2 years
Becoming Mrs. Miller {Part 2: Moving In} (Joel Miller x Reader)
Pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: 18+, mdni, domestic joel, smut, hickey kink, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys) (lmk if i missed any)
Summary: Since your first meeting with Sarah, Joel finally asked you to move in and he helped you move your stuff. 😏
Words count: 1.7k
A/N: Hi! I got some ideas and decided to make a part 2 for Becoming Mrs. Miller. But it can also be read as a standalone. I might make more chapters too! Stay tuned and hope you like it!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
It was very unusual of Joel to ask you out for a fancy dinner date. He was always the type of man who loved simple dates. Your dates with him had been movie nights at his place, getting drinks at the bar, meals at unfancy places and picnics with Sarah. So you were looking forward to your date tonight. The two of you arrived at the restaurant he had made a reservation for. You ordered steak and Joel cut yours into small pieces so you could eat it easily.
“So, I was thinkin’.” Joel passed you your nicely cut steak.
“Hmm?” You looked at Joel and took your plate.
“What do you think about moving in? It would be nice to have you in our home.” Joel sounded nervous and his fingers were twitching.
“What? Are you kidding me? That’s great, Joel. I thought you’d never asked.” Your voice was high as you were excited by his proposal.
“Oh my God. Thank you. I was nervous.” Joel sighed in relief.
It has been a few months since you met Sarah for the first time and Joel finally asked you to move in. And you couldn’t wait to move in. The picture of living with him and Sarah under the same roof had always been in your head.
“Should I start tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, baby. I’ll help you move your stuff.”
You finished your dinner and Joel drove you home. He kissed you on your front porch before he drove back home. You couldn’t sleep that night because you were too excited about Joel’s idea of moving in. You forced yourself to sleep until the sun rose so you jumped off your bed and started packing your stuff. You started from your most important stuff and put them in boxes. You heard Joel was parking his truck and looked at your door. Joel let himself in with the spare key you gave him.
“Hey.” You greeted Joel and continued organizing your stuff.
Joel walked to you, put his arms around your waist and gave you a kiss.
“You’ve packed a lot.” Joel put his hands on his waist as he saw there were a lot of boxes.
“Woke up pretty early today. Couldn’t sleep ‘cause I was too excited.” You smiled and looked around your messy house.
“Can I move these to the truck?” Joel chuckled and pointed at a few boxes that were fully filled.
“Yes. All of these are ready to go.” You pointed to a stack of boxes.
Joel carried the boxes and moved them to his truck. You took a box and followed him. 
“Here.” You passed the box to Joel.
“Hey. Let me do it. Don’t carry heavy stuff.” His tone was so soft. It made you want to hear his voice every second.
“Yes, sir.” 
You went back inside to continue putting your stuff in the boxes. You stared at him as he carried three boxes at once, sweat on his tight black shirt. You were drooling because he looked so sexy in your eyes.
“What are you starin’ at, Miss?” Joel caught you staring at him.
“Nothing.” You tried to hide your smile and grabbed some clothes to put them inside the box.
“I caught you starin’ at me, baby.” Joel put his arms around you from behind and whispered to your ear.
“You got me, Joel. You looked so sexy moving those boxes.” You stroked his forearm on your stomach.
“Uh-huh. Why don’t we take a break then?” Joel kissed your shoulder from your back.
“I think that’s a great idea. I’m starting to get bored anyways.” You smirked as you turned to face him.
You leaned the back of your thigh on the table and put your hands on the table slightly sitting. Joel chuckled and cupped your jaw with his big hands. He rubbed your cheeks with his thumb and kissed you. You smiled as he kissed you. You put your arms around his neck dragging him closer to you. Joel put his hands on your waist and lifted you to the table. You gasped as the sudden movement. 
“Are you gonna do something to me, Joel?” You smirked at him.
“Yes, ma’am. We will have to be quiet in the future since Sarah will be around the house most of the time. So today I’m gonna make you scream as loud as you want to, sugar.” (Reference from that viral tiktok edit by dvcree of Agent Whiskey 🤭)
“Please, Joel.” You begged Joel.
He smirked and kissed your lips roughly like he was hungry enough to eat your lips. You felt one of his hands slowly snaking to your breast under your shirt. He squeezed your bare breast, kneaded it, and you moaned. You pulled your oversized shirt off and now you were sitting on the table almost naked, letting your breast free, only wearing your black lacy panties on. It made Joel drooled over you. His eyes widened as he couldn’t wait to eat you. But you didn’t want him to eat your pussy yet so you pulled him closer to you with force and kissed him tongue to tongue. He understood and continued squeezing your breast and playing with your nipple. The two of you were wild. It felt like you were fucking before the world ended. 
Joel moved his way to your neck, kissing it to leave a mark. You moaned and pulled his hair. He moaned. He stopped to catch his breath and looked at the hickey he gave you. 
“You’re mine.” He smiled, caressing the red mark with his thumb as he was proud of leaving a mark on you. He wanted other men to see it so they knew you were his. 
“I’m yours.” You smiled at him.
After he had his moment admiring you, he looked at you up and down. You couldn’t wait for him to be inside you.
“I need you, Joel.” Your heart was racing and you begged him.
“Not so fast, baby.” 
He smirked and started to kiss you from your shoulder, chest, upper stomach, lower stomach and made his way down slowly. He finally reached the spot where you wanted him to touch you. His eyes looked hungry, pulled your panties hurriedly and threw it away behind him. 
“That’s so sexy, Joel.” You laughed, covering your face with your hands. 
“You liked that? I’m sure you’ll like what I’m gonna do to you now.” He stroked your thighs up and down.
He smirked at you and spread your thigh with force. You gasped at his rough move. His thumb started circling your clit slowly while the other hand rested on your thigh squeezing it. You moaned and buried your face to his fully clothed chest. His circles started to move faster and your breathing was getting shallow.
“Joel!” You screamed, squeezed your eyes and threw your head back.
Joel smirked as he loved seeing you enjoying what he did to you. He started to finger you with his thick fingers. You moaned as he entered you. He moved his fingers in and out with a beat. You moaned and he added another finger in. You squeezed his shoulder as his fingers slid in and out. He kept sliding and curling inside you, hitting your G-spot. You panted and you could see your slick dripping. He pulled his fingers full of your juices, looked at you and sucked them. You shook your head in awe and stroked his head. 
“I want him, Joel.” You put your palm on his bulge that was eager to be free from his pants.
“As you wish, beautiful.” You helped unbuckle his belt and he tugged his pants away. 
You were drooling as you finally saw his big and thick cock free out in the air. That beautiful thing was what you had been waiting for throughout the day. Joel got even harder when he saw your eyes in love with his cock. You pushed all your stuff on the table to make a room for you, making a mess on the floor. He understood your sign and grabbed your shoulder and pushed you to lay on your back on the table. You chuckled and spread your legs to give him a way to your entrance. Joel touched your pussy and stroked his cock with your juices letting a pre-cum out. He groaned and teased your pussy up and down with his tip. You squeezed your thigh and he brushed his tip to your clit. 
“Ready for me to be inside you, baby?” 
You nodded hurriedly and bit your finger. You couldn’t wait for him to be inside you. Joel pushed himself to your entrance slowly. 
“Joel!” You gasped as he was stretching you.
Joel moved slowly and grabbed your other hand that was resting on your thigh. You squeezed your eyes shut and clenched his cock.
“So fucking tight, baby.” Joel hissed.
You couldn’t answer him as your mind was blank, but full of pleasure. You moaned so loud and made sounds that Joel loved.  And you wanted more. 
“I love it when you make that sound for me, baby.” Joel praised you.
Joel raised your leg to his shoulder, pulling you closer and thrusted into you faster and harder. He moved his other hand to caress your breast. He loved pleasing you. Your moans got louder as you felt pleasure running through your veins. Joel groaned and shifted you to your back so you were in a crawling position like a baby on the table. He spread your cheeks and let himself in. You moaned as he squeezed your cheeks.
“Fas-faster, please.” You begged Joel.
Joel nodded and held the back of your neck. He started getting his pace and thrusted into you faster. Then he slapped your ass.
“Fuck!Fuck!Joel!Joel!Joel!” You screamed so loud as you were close to your climax.
“Wait for me, baby.” He kept fucking you hard.
“I can’t hold it, please.” You shiver and begged him.
“Fuck! I’m close.” He panted and his thrusts were losing beat.
“Jooeel!!” You screamed as you reached your orgasm.
Joel hissed as he felt your juices warming his cock. He rested his hands on your back and groaned. He shifted you back on your back. Lifted your leg, bent down and kissed your inner thigh.
“Such a good girl for me.” He leaned in and gave you a kiss.
“You too, Joel.” You smiled and caressed his jaw. 
The two of you sighed and looked around.
“What a mess.” You chuckled.
To be continued...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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bitsauur · 2 years
nasty (m) (f)
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a/n: inspired by this, this, and this.
pairing: soft!boyfriend hyunjin x scheming f!reader
word count: 2k+
cw: nsfw mdni, nail kink, established relationship, handjob, blowjob, leg humping, a pinch of angst
You could read hyunjin easily like a book.
You could already tell how much he liked you before he even confessed. You could see how his eyes would twinkle when you asked him to open that tightly shut jar for you. And when you two fucked, you could tell how he found it harder to hold back his cum every time you rake your nails from his chest to his abs.
You knew a lot of things about him even before he could say it, and even if he couldn't find it in himself to say it.
Today, you test out one of your theories about your boyfriend.
"What's this?" he holds your hands to his face, as you lay your legs comfortably on his lap.
"You mean, my nails? I had it done yesterday," you wiggle your fingers in front of his face, giving him a good view of your manicured nails. you carefully eye his reaction.
"You like the extensions?" Of course he would. You made sure to choose it just the way you thought he'd like it.
His lips part a bit. It takes him a few seconds to reply. Hyunjin half-heartedly breaks his trance from your nails and places your hands on your lap. "Uh-huh. Looks good."
You slyly stroke his wrist, making sure to drag your nails gently on his skin. "You love it?"
"Mm..." Hyunjin tries his best to sound less excited. He doesn't know how to let you on about his kink without sounding like a creep.
"I know what you're thinking," you shot him a suggestive look. You could see your boyfriend tense.
"We don't have to--"
"Were you thinking of letting me do your nails like this?" you squealed in faux excitement. In hyunjin's eyes though, you looked too thrilled for him to let down if he told you that that wasn't the case. So he willingly puts his hand on top of yours.
"You read me so well, baby." he smiles.
You give him a peck on the lips before leaving the room to grab your nail kit. When you get back, you see Hyunjin sitting too tensely on the couch, feet on the floor.
"You okay, jinnie?" you bring him out of his thoughts. "Oh," he looks at you and gives you a smile. "Course. Now c'mere and give me the best nails of my life," he pats the space beside him as you walk closer.
Hyunjin could feel his breath hitch when you sit on the floor in front of him, innocently positioning yourself between his legs.
You pretend to be oblivious to his reaction.
When he felt your nails dig into his thighs in your attempt to move closer, he lets out a quiet gasp.
Fuck, he'd hate to have a hard-on in front of his pretty little girlfriend who just wanted to paint his nails for him.
"Hands on your lap, jinnie." Hyunjin tries his best to innocently adjust his shorts before placing his hands on his lap. You don't miss this, and you almost had the urge to say something nasty. You bite your tongue.
You hold his hand steady while slowly painting his nails. You would intentionally brush your nails on his thighs, pretending to adjust yourself. This earns you a cough from Hyunjin. Minutes pass, and with every feeling of your nails slowly moving closer to his inner thighs, he feels his blood rush down his dick.
"W-Wait.." Hyunjin tries to hold your shoulder. "Why don't we take a break for a while, hmm?" he suggests with a pleading look on his face.
To his surprise, you give him a tired nod. "My neck was hurting anyway," you stretch a little. "Mm sleepy too," you lay your head on his thighs and look up at him with a sly smile. "Why don't we sleep here together? Please jinnie?"
Hyunjin could feel his throat dry up. "Uhh.." He badly wanted to hide his hard-on from you, but he couldn't leave you like that. Not when you were looking at him like that. You could see the torn look on your boyfriend's face.
"Oh.." Hyunjin sees your face fall. "...you don't want that?"
You stand up and prepare to leave. "It's okay. I'll just sleep in my room--"
"No! No." he stands a little too quickly to grab your wrist. Hyunjin could see you avoid his eyes. He cups your face gently. "That's not what I meant, love. I'm sorry I made you feel that way," he searches for your eyes again, but you stubbornly avoid them. He pulls you into a hug.
"S' okay now," you murmur while you buried your face in his neck.
He pulls away from the hug. "Why don't I lay down then you lay on top of me, hmm?" he whispers in your ear and rubs your shoulder.
You nod, and you both walk back to the couch. He lays himself down and pats his chest. You slowly lay down on top of him. If you could feel his hard-on, you made no mention of it. Instead, you bury your face in his chest.
For a while, his warmth makes you contemplate going through with your plan. A tinge of guilt swirled in your gut. Your innocent boyfriend clearly has no single clue of what you were trying to do. But that guilt also makes you want to go through with it, wanting to please him as a reward for being so, so good to you.
He starts rubbing your back slowly, making you purr in his chest. His touch moves down to your shoulders to your arms. He stops.
"Your arms are cold baby," he tries to look at you.
"I'll warm you up," he hugs you tight then rubs his hands all over your arms again to give you a little warmth.
"My hands are cold too," you whine.
"I'll warm them--"
"Should I put them on your cock?" you drop the words you've been itching to say while drawing circles on his chest.
"You--what?" he looks at you, wide-eyed.
"I said," you raise your head to look at him. "Should I put my hands on your cock?"
"A-aren't you--I-I thought you were sleepy?" he says in a soft whisper. His mind raced to imagine different images of you--you in front of his crotch, you stroking his thighs with your nails, your hands wrapped around his dick.
"Mm..I am.." you slyly trace circles on his chest. "But I'm cold, and.." you drag your nails down to circle his nipples. "Don't you wanna warm me up with your cock instead, jinnie?"
"God.." Hyunjin lets out a shaky breath. You could see your boyfriend's expression shift from shock to wonder, his pupils dilating in the sudden change in your demeanor.
"How are you like this..." he covers his face with his hands, trying to calm himself down.
"How are you so..so..sweet, and so, hot?" he removes his hands from his face and cups your cheek affectionately for a while.
"Fine. Have my cock then, baby,"
You shoot him a sweet smile, "Love it when you say yes to me,"
You drag your nails down beneath his shirt and sensually rake your nails from his stomach down to his pelvis. "You love this too, right?" you purr.
Before he could respond, you run your hands down to his clothed cock. You palm his cock and he lets out a desperate moan. You slowly go down on him.
With your face in front of his crotch, you slowly remove his shorts. You gasped when you saw a wet patch on his boxers. Fuck.
"This much for me, jinnie?" you say, giving him a delighted look, just before latching your lips to his clothed cock.
"Fuuuck.." hyunjin moans.
You suck on it for a little bit before giving it a few kitten licks. You look at his face and bat your eyelashes innocently at him. "Need this off, jinnie, help,"
He quickly removes his boxers as you take off your top. He returns to face you, cock in display. "You gonna suck me off, love?" he says with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Later," you lick your lips while leaning in closer to his thick cock. "Mm, s'too big...wanna have it so bad," you say as you drew gentle circles on his pelvis, making sure you were gentle with your nails.
"Look closely, jinnie," you slowly wrapped your hands around his cock. Your cold hands fondling his cock makes your boyfriend's hips twitch. You look up at him, and the look on his face is nothing short of entranced.
He takes in the view you give him. There was something so arousing about having his lover's hands with polished nails around his dick. Just when he thought you'd move, you teasingly give his sensitive cock a blow. He bucks his hips unconsciously.
"Fuck you're so cruel," he whimpers.
You give him a sly smile before moving your hand up and down his dick. Hyunjin lays his head back as he listens to your nails click against each other while jerking him off.
"Ngh..just like that," he closes his eyes. "so good, good girl," you stop for a while and swirl your finger gently on the tip of his cock, making his hips tremble.
He opens his eyes and looks at you while you play with his dick. "Can't believe my girl's this nasty," he rubs your hair affectionately. You look up at him to see his lips part, hair sticking to his face, and sweat making his chest glisten--the sight making you even wetter.
You continue jerking him off while humping your clothed pussy on his calf. Hyunjin moans when he feels you lick a stripe of his cock, down to his balls, while your hands play with his tip.
Slowly, you take his dick in your mouth as your hands move to palm his balls.
"Oh fuuck, good girl," he says, as he showers you with more praises.
He bucks his hips to meet your lips. Your warmth makes him embarrassingly close to cumming, but he tries to hold his load from blowing in your mouth. You could feel your boyfriend try his best to hold on. "S'okay jinnie, want you to cum when you want,"
"No.." he looked away, flushed.
"But i want jinnie's cum," you whine.
"Fuck," Hyunjin's dick twitches and you desperately rut your pussy on his legs, wanting more friction. "Want your cum," you say.
You wrap your hands back to his dick and move. Hyunjin decides to let loose, getting more aroused with your nails near his cock. He thrusts his hips up to meet your movements.
"fuck, just like that, like that.." the feeling of your warm mouth on his cock and your pussy on his calf drives your boyfriend to thrust his hips desperately. He tilts your chin and gives you a messy kiss.
"Close, close," he whines near your lips.
"Uh-huh? you cumming for me, jinnie?"
"Yes, yes," he blubbers. You giggle from the fucked out look on his face, all because of your nails. "Cum for me jinnie, cum," you urge him.
"Ngh," his hips buck up and freeze, ropes of cum shooting from his dick. "fuck, ah," his hips jerk a second time, more cum oozing from his pink cock.
"S' a lot jinnie," you coo and continue milking his cock. You hear your boyfriend whimper from the overstimulation.
You stop jerking him off, giving him a peck on the lips. "That was hot," you told him.
Your boyfriend tries to catch his breath and lays his head on your shoulder. "Fuck, you were so good," he praises you. He peppers your shoulder with kisses and rubs your hair with affection. "Let me clean you," he grabs a tissue from the table and wipes your hands.
"Good?" he asks and snuggles back to your side. You giggle and drag your nails on his back. He stops and looks at you. "Wait...you knew, didn't you?" he looks at you suspiciously.
"Knew what?" you blink at him innocently. He squints his eyes until he realizes something.
"You didn't cum." he states.
You nod and pout. "Want more..can we, please?" you whine.
He chuckles and pushes you to lay on your back while hovering on top of you.
"Will fuck the nasty out of you, then,"
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was this too nasty? i have nastier works here!♡
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
here’s a cowboy eddie thought inspired by listening to the dracula podcast. thinking about how eddie would totally say “that’s my brave girl”, about just about anything. learned a new skill? that’s my brave girl. did something you were nervous about? that’s my brave girl. had a whole nervous breakdown and are now all watery eyed in his lap? that’s my brave girl… he’d probably punctuate it with a kiss on the head, too.
anon ur brain is so big... full of incredible thoughts... luv it 🫶this one kinda got away from me lmao but i hope you like it anyway | fem!reader x cowboy!eddie, kind of suggestive at the end
"Missus, Missus!"
Henry skids to a stop in front of the bar, where you've been scrubbing at a sticky spot for the last five minutes.
You drop the rag into the bucket and wipe your forehead with the back of your hand.
"Ain't you s'posed to be in school, Henry Sherman?" you ask, hand on your hip.
"Aw, it's too hot for school, Missus," Henry whines. "'Sides, Mr. Porter gave me a dime to be the lookout for today. Guess who just rode in?"
"I dunno. Mr. Leland?"
Henry makes a face. "The postman? No, no. That ain't exciting. Guess again. You got one more guess."
You smile and lean against the bartop.
"Hmm... fastest gunslinger in the West?"
Henry nods eagerly. "Uh-huh! Mr. Hellfire's back!"
Your smile drops. "What? Henry, are you sure?"
Henry bounces on his toes. "Yes, ma'am! He just rode in ten minutes ago. Asked specifically for you. He's at the inn right now."
"Oh." You pat your skirt down like Mr. Hellfire's just walked in. "Uh, thank you, Henry. Here's a nickel."
You flip him a coin. Henry catches it happily.
"Alright! 'M gettin' a peppermint stick."
"Don't spoil your dinner," you say distractedly, sliding off your apron and walking around the counter to get your bag.
Henry hangs behind, drumming his fingers on the stool.
"Are you gonna marry Mr. Hellfire?"
You miss a step on your way out the door, catching yourself on the side of the building.
"What—why do you ask that, Henry?"
"'Cause you hang out with him a lot, even though people say he's bad."
"He ain't bad," you say softly. "People just talk too much."
"I know that," Henry says. "He brought me real cowboy boots for Christmas. Bad people don't give Christmas presents."
You chuckle and pat the top of Henry's head.
"No, most don't."
"He gives you lots of gifts too," Henry continues. "And Mr. Porter told me that men only give gifts to women they're gonna hitch their cart to."
You shake your head. "Henry, please don't repeat anything Mr. Porter says."
"Is it true?"
You roll your eyes. "I'm sure he thinks it's true."
"So you ain't gonna marry Mr. Hellfire? 'Cause I think it'd be real fine if you did. He's got a good horse and a big hat, and he's nice to me an' the other kids. And he brings us caramels!"
"Caramels? Don't buy peppermint sticks if he gave you caramels, Henry."
"I'm savin' those for later," he says, and you know he won't.
You go inside the inn. Eddie's hat is on the table next to him. His dark curls are pulled back into a ponytail. Sweat has gathered on his brow and in the dips of his collarbone. Your heart lurches. It's been a month since you'd seen him; you were starting to think Eddie would never come back.
Henry's sister, Sally, is sat at Eddie's feet, alongside a few other children. Eddie has his guitar out, quietly singing. You lean back on a table and listen to his crooning.
Henry eventually loses patience, though, and goes up to his sister hallway through the song.
"Sally, c'mon. Momma said we needa be home by supper."
Sally glances at her brother and pouts.
"He singin'," she says.
Eddie catches your gaze. You wave awkwardly. He beams and winks at you.
Lord, you're hungry for this man.
"I'll sing again tomorrow, Miss Sally," Eddie tells her sweetly, and drops a wrapped caramel into her tiny palm. "Any song you want. Alright?"
Sally seems to find this trade acceptable and holds Eddie's knee to stand. She walks to you and gives you a quick hug, then leaves with her brother.
"We wanna hear another song!" one boy shouts.
"Yeah, play it!"
Eddie looks at them, and you can tell his resolve will slip. Horses and kids, his only weaknesses.
"Y'know, last I checked, school isn't over," you say, brow raised. "Don't y'all have somewhere to be?"
They turn to you with wide eyes.
"Don't tell Teacher, please!"
You tilt your head at the door. "Then you'd all best get a move on, hm?"
They scramble for the door and you only feel a little guilty at the empty threat. But then Eddie stands, body long and lean, and you don't feel so bad.
"You run a tight ship, peach," he says, striding over to you.
He's always dressed in black. You've never seen him in any other color. If you'd been given any good sense, you might take that as a warning. Might heed the whispers that fly through town every time Eddie returns.
But you hadn't come into this world with any damn sense, and you don't intend to find any now.
"I've got to when Mr. Hellfire's in town," you say, leaning back on your hands. "You've made quite the reputation for yourself."
"Oh, I know," he purrs, leaning in close. "Brave girl, going toe-to-toe with the no-good devil that sweeps through."
Your heartbeat soars at Eddie's honeyed voice. He lightly presses his mouth to yours; barely a kiss. It leaves you breathless all the same.
"Ed—" you start, reaching for him.
Eddie takes your wrists in his hands, rubbing the insides with his thumbs, one leg between yours.
"Hm, baby? Whatcha need?"
"Want you to—"
He tilts his head. You anxiously look around, not wanting the innkeeper or anybody to catch you tangled up with the one person you definitely shouldn't be.
"Go on," Eddie says, breath tickling your neck. "My brave girl's gotta ask for what she wants."
"Want you to–to love on me."
"Ain't you sweet," he whispers, gently cupping the back of your neck. "Well, since my brave girl used her words so nice, of course I'll give her anything she wants."
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scurvgirl · 2 years
Some Uncle Grog fluff for your Sunday. Shout-out to all my fellow dyslexics out there.
Anyways, here is little Wolfe De Rolo bonding with his Uncle Grog.
While Vox Machina wasn't always together anymore, there were times where they made sure to be together. Winter's Crest was one of those times. Grog was in Whitestone Castle, getting ready to head out to the bakery before probably working out with the Whitestone guards - gotta remind them that defense isn't ALL in the guns.
Grog walked through the hall when his ear twitched at a noise. Huh. That was weird. Curious, he turned and opened up the door closest to him. It was closet, full of mostly blankets but also Wolfe.
"Oh it's just you, Uncle Grog." The boy sighed.
"Uh what do you mean by that, just Uncle Grog?"
"I mean you're not...one of them."
He sighed again, "My tutors. Leona....my parents."
"Hmm, Percy has been in a pissy mood lately."
Wolfe shrugged, "Mum's pregnant, he's always in a mood when she's pregnant. But that's not why I'm in here. Look I just...I just can't do school today."
"Oh, well you want to go out with me? I was gonna pick up sweets then hit some stuff."
Wolfe's eyes lit up, "Yes! I'd love to do that!"
"Alright! Let's go, little buddy."
"Hey! I'm tall for my age!"
Still small to Grog but maybe Wolfe was right - he wasn't gnome sized even. "Medium buddy!"
They headed to the bakery, picked up a bunch of bear claws then headed to the training yard.
"Alright, boys put down your little fun sticks - time to practice some REAL combat!" Grog shouted, ready to get a nice brawl going when...hm. Wolfe was here. Vex had two, no, THREE rules for the babies. One, no beer. Two, no brawls. Three, no house of lady favors. It limited Grog severely BUT maybe...maybe he didn't need to brawl but show Wolfe some beginner steps. Percy certainly didn't seem to be training the boy for anything for guns and school. It occurred to Grog then that he could teach Wolfe how to be strong.
"Make room for the...little lord Wolfe De Rolo! Today, he learns how to be strong!" There's a pause before the guards hollar and hoot in agreement. Wolfe smiles brightly up at Grog which makes him feel a weird warm tingly feeling in his chest. Not bad, kinda like when Pike heals him but also not like that. Cool.
For the next several hours Grog showed Wolfe how to train. They did push ups, sit ups, pull ups...lots of ups, not many downs. He even showed Wolfe how to properly hold a sword and how to punch without breaking your fingers.
Grog called the end when Wolfe started looking like he was maybe a bit in pain or too tired. No sense in making his nephew hurt.
"Alright! That was good! Keep working out like that and maybe you'll be as ripped as me one day."
"That was intense but good. I liked it, I think my body may feel different tomorrow - but this was good. What do we do now?"
"Now we go to the bar! Like strong men do!" That earned Grog another bright smile and warm feeling in his chest.
They headed to a tavern where Grog bought himself some ale, a giant sandwich and....a giant sandwich for Wolfe too.
"You got a weapon you think you would like?"
Wolfe smiled, "Mum has us practicing the bow, which I like. But...I want to try an axe."
"Atta boy!" He reached over and clasped Wolfe's shoulder. "So, you gonna tell me why you didn't want your parents and...others to find you today?"
The smile on Wolfe's faded and the warm feeling in Grog's chest was replaced with a twisty feeling he did NOT like.
"Oh, did you poop your pants or something?"
"No! Nothing like that. I just..." Wolfe sighed, "everyone in my family is so smart. Dad invented guns and mum is so, so good with money and Vesper knows so many languages now. Leona reads so fast, and even little Danny is beginning to read. But...I'm not like that. Reading...is so hard, Uncle Grog. It doesn't make sense in my head, the letter and the sounds... they thought my eyes were bad like Leona but nope, it's not my eyes. I'm just...not smart."
The twisty feeling in Grog's chest worsened. It reminded him too much of the hard parts of being in Vox Machina, of always being around smart people.
Wolfe kept going, "But...maybe I don't need to read. Maybe I can just be strong! Like you, Uncle Grog!"
That...felt wrong. This was Percy and Vex's boy, and more...Grog hated he couldn't read for so long. Hated books, hated words, hated...his brain. Wolfe shouldn't go through that.
"We worked a lot on being strong today. You did some really good work. But being strong isn't all about muscles." He said carefully, thinking about Earthbreaker Gruun.
"It isn't?"
Grog shook his head, "Strength is about doing hard things. Doing things that make you work. You don't get strong by doing easy things. You get strong by doing the work and...and standing by your friends because sometimes that's hard too.
"Sure, you could get all muscly like me but you have to ask, Wolfe - where does your strength come from?"
Wolfe was silent for a long moment before he sniffled, "I don't know, Uncle Grog."
"That's okay. You can answer that later. But first, reading is a challenge, yeah?" Wolfe nodded. "Meet the challenge. Beat it. And if what you're doing isn't working, then WE can find a way that does."
"Okay...will you help? I don't think I can do it alone."
Grog smiled at the boy and clasped his shoulder again, "Of course. And when you need a break, we can BREAK stuff!"
They finished their afternoon meal before heading back to the castle. Halfway there, a familiar, pissy voice came in over the earring.
"Grog Strongjaw, tell me you have my son with you."
"Hey, Percy. Yeah, Wolfe's here. We had a good man day!"
"MAN DAY?! Did you take my son to a brothel?! He's NINE, GROG!"
"Relax! We got sweet, hit stuff, then got sandwiches at the tavern."
A long suffering sigh phased through the earring. "Just...bring him home."
"Already on our way."
Wolfe looked up at Grog, "Is he mad?" Grog shrugged.
"He'll get over it. Hey, you wanna ride on my shoulders?"
"Hells yeah!" Grog hoisted him up and they finished the rest of the walk this way with Wolfe peering down at everyone who was suddenly much shorter than him.
They reached the castle, which meant meeting a pissy Percy, a perturbed Vex, and put-out tutors. Grog took the blame - he wanted some alone Uncle Grog time with Wolfe. He could take his friends' annoyance. Leona and Vesper took Wolfe aside to go play upstairs while the grown-ups stayed in the study.
"So uh, Wolfe told me that reading is hard for him."
Percy waved him off, "Yes, we know, we are working on it-
"Well, it's not working. I'm gonna stay to help. Show him what worked for me."
Vex looked at Percy and shrugged, "He makes a good point, darling."
They all talked a little longer, working out what Percy called "logistics."
Before the children went to bed, Wolfe ran over to Grog and gave him a hug.
"You're the best uncle, Uncle Grog. Thank you."
Grog held him a little tighter. He was a good uncle. That warm little feeling in his chest returned in full strength.
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twistedtalking · 1 year
Elloo, can I request 5 random twist characters of your choosing respindinv to being called "hello bbg 👈👈"
-sincerely, Nigel :))
Aww, you requested~
Thanks for requesting! (unlike a certain someone who promised to request something november pa)
5, hmmm
Well, lucky you! The 1st years, my babies, are 5. ...Well, except Ortho....and Grim...
How about Heartslabyul instead?
Fair warning: I will be writing this as them knowing you for a while now. Like, besties level for Ace and Deuce. Also, I'll add the romance to this post in a later date.
I do not condone yandere behavior in real life
It's just something i find really fun to write
TW: manipulation, gaslighting, Isolation, Riddle losing his sanity(all 3),
Okay, now onto the prompt!
Riddle: Baby girl?! Have you no respect?! Rule 574 of the queen of hearts, "You shall call your queen a nickname on tuesdays" . Today is Friday, Prefect. Breathe in, breathe out. Well, as this is your 1st offense, I won't get that mad. But if you do it again, it is OFF WITH YOUR HEAD- Wait, you don't have magic. Nevermind. Just, don't do that again. At least, not on Thursdays.
Trey: …hi? (Mumbling) what just happened…
Hey QT pie!Oh,BTW the dormleader's looking for the Adeuce Duo. If you find them, text me ASAP, k? OK,c u. Cay-Cay signing out.
Ace Ace: Good day, dumbass 3. Dumbass 2 is over there Deuce: I am not a dumbass! Ace: Ace: You THREW me up a CHANDELIER without thinking about the Landing! Deuce: That was months ago Ace: You thought trees weren't alive Deuce:… Prefect: So who's Dumbass 1? Grim? Ace: Me, obviously. Cause I'm number one! Prefect: The number one dumbass Ace: Yeah- Ace: HEY!!! Deuce Deuce: BBG? Huh? What does that mean? Ace, smirking: It means Bad Breath Guy Deuce: What?! But I brush my teeth thrice a day, otherwise Clover-senpai(Trey) would kill me. Unlike Ace. Ace: Hey, I do brush my teeth, twice! Deuce: Never seen you do it Ace: Well, I do. You're just blind, Deuce. Deuce:Hey- Cater: BBG means Baby Girl, Deuce-chan. What, you think I called Trey-kun bad breathe? Cater: Like, I value my life/hj Adeuce duo: WHAT?! Adeuce: Well anyways... Deuce: YOU WERE LYING?!?! Oh wait, when do you not. Ace:Hey- Deuce: Well then, um... Deuce: You my homie too, Prefect. - -
Baby Girl?? BABY GIRL?!?! Who taught you that word? Was it Ace?! CATER?? (Mumbled)Breathe in, breathe out, Riddle. Sevens, give me strength.
My love, there are hundreds of other terms of endearment yet you choose BABY GIRL?!?! Breathe in, breath out. Dear, PLEASE choose another nickname. For the sake of my sanity. Prefect: what about shortcake? Shortcake?? Short- (Breathe in, breathe out) That...would do. Just, do not call me that in public...please.
Hello...grape pie?
Pft. Hehehe.
Hello, orange juice. Hello, Lemon pie. Hello, Cutie cakes.
Hmm, actually, I like the last one.
Alright, from now on your name's Lemon Pie. Hahaha, Hey, put the frying pan down!
Heheh, I'm just joking...Lemon Pie.
Cater: Oh hey, QT~ Didn't notice you were here already. Hon, you got to stop sneaking up on me, Hehe. (Prefect: Okay, what happened?) What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened!Everything's picture perfect! (Prefect: .... ) Nothing gets through you, huh. Well, Trey just posted a pic on magicam. Not like a pie photo. It was a photo of him, Riddle, and Chenya. I guess I got a little jealous, heh. Sometimes I wished we didn't move a lot when I was young. Maybe I would have gotten childhood friends...Huh? What's that? Spicy Ramen?! Heh, you really know me best, don't you. ...thanks. For everything.
Hi honey cheeks, love of my life, bane of my existence, darling, Sweetheart, you're always right.
(Prefect: what did you do)
Nothing! How dare you think I would do something idiotic.
…Okay, I may have forgotten to do the assignment for history of magic. PLEASE LET ME COPY YOUR ANSWERS! TREIN'S GONNA KILL ME!!!
(Prefect: you're an idiot)
I'm YOUR idiot~
(Prefect: So is Deuce)
Deuce?! Nuh-uh. I'm much better than Deuce. He's an idiot. I'm a smarter idiot. Big difference. Plus, I got boyfriend points.
So Dear, would you please give me your answers~
You betrayed me. I thought you loved me. Was it all a lie? You don't deserve me. Goodbye.
(Prefect: stop being so melodramatic. Here, the answers. Don't make it obvious though, okay?)
Riddle: If it was anyone else, who called me that,
But as it is you, I suppose I could let it slide~ You'll attend the next unbirthday party, my Rose. I've already prepared your attire. I can't wait to see you there~
Well Prefect, I thought I was the one with the bad jokes in this relationship, haha.
Did you learn that from Cater, love?
Sometimes I feel like you spend more time with him than you do with me...
...Uh, never mind.
Love? I didn't call you love, what do you mean?Hey, I baked your favorites. Here, have a bite. Yes, I know you have somewhere to go, But one bite wouldn't hurt, right?
Don't worry, you're gonna LOVE it~
Cay-Cay, your bae-bae:
Hi QT pie!
Hey babe, you accidentally tagged Deuce-chan instead of me in your post. Y'know, the "Best Boi" one. Don't worry, I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes. But be careful next time, ok. Oh, you seem agitated. You ok? Someone just txted you a threatening message?! They're gonna spill the tea to the Octotrio?! OMG! Don't worry, Cay-Cay can solve this mess. You can trust me~
Oh, Hey, Prefect!
You're late. Almost thought you wouldn't show. But I knew you wouldn't throw away an opportunity to spend time with your favorite person.
(Prefect: Deuce ain't here, though?)
I meant me.
That wasn't funny, Prefect.
(Prefect: sorry)
Well, you should be. You hurt my feelings!
Don't worry, I forgive you.
I, the oh-so-gracious Trappola, forgive your sin~
(Prefect: *eye rolls and smirks*)
See, you're smiling again! It suits you way more than that worried face before.
I love it.
Hehe, I didn't say anything. You're just imagining things, Prefect! What did you thought I said? Aww, you won't tell me?I thought we were close~
Hey, why do you look so worried?
(Prefect: It's been 5 minutes, but Deuce still hasn't arrived)
Deuce? Oh, don't worry about him. He's probably of to do extra work for one of the teachers. Y'know, honor student and all that.
Let's just enjoy our time together. It's way more fun with just the two of us anyway~
(Prefect: And Grim!)
Yeah, and Grim...
And you have reached the end of this post!
What? Were you waiting for someone else?
Deuce? Who's Deuce? You must be hallucinating. There's no one named like that here.
He doesn't matter anyways...
Daily Bible verse of the day(yes, I'll be doing this from now on):
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes:
first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Romans 1:16 NIV
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"Big Time Battle of the Bands", Chapter 10: Big Time Fight
Shortly after Katie's tiff with Bitters, Jessica was scanning the vending machine. "Hmmm..." she hummed to herself. "What do I want today?"
James smoothly slid up to her side, startling the daylights out of her. "How about a pipin’ hot slice of..." He leaned against the machine and pointed at himself. "...James Diamond?"
Like a train, Jessica was hit with déjà vu from the day before. She quickly squashed the thought. "Um...no." she replied, much to his surprise.
She put a few quarters into the machine and pulled out the packet of Fruit Smackers. Noticing that James had disappeared from her side, she turned to walk away.
Jessica gasped as she collided with a muscled chest. James, who had been working up the courage to say more, looked equally startled. Both of their hearts raced as they stared into each other's eyes.
Her lashes fluttered for a moment before she mumbled, "Uh, sorry," and backed away. James laughed skittishly and cleared his throat. "Y-yeah! No, it—it's cool! Anyway, uh...I thought you should know that Hawk is Satan, and you should run for the hills while you still can." he stumbled out.
Jessica's face congealed into a half-shocked, half-angry expression. "Wait, what?! You know, you’ve got a lot of nerve! Mr. Hawk is a wonderful man. He made your dreams come true, and you never even thanked him." she exclaimed.
"Oh, interesting. Well, let me tell you something." he said sarcastically. "Life with him wasn’t a ‘dream.’ It was a nightmare. He tried to pull me away from my friends. Know what else Mr. Wonderful did? Kidnap us and tie us up!"
She scoffed. "Do you honestly think I’m gonna believe that?” She crossed her arms. “Wanna know what I think? I think you want my group to pull out of the competition because you know Big Time Rush is gonna lose." She gave him a self-satisfied smirk.
James let out a high-pitched yelp. "Hey, my boys and I could out-sing Cross My Heart any day of the week, missy!" he fired back.
Jessica sighed and began walking backwards down the lobby, keeping her eyes on him. "Thanks for the ‘advice.’ But you can just stay away from me, okay?"
He glanced behind her. Katie had finished setting up her trap for Mr. Bitters. "Uh, Jessica?"
"My friends and I are big girls, and we're willing to take our chances." she continued, still walking backwards.
James gulped. "O-okay, but—"
"Not another word, James!” she cut him off. “You wait. Mr. Hawk is gonna make us staaAAARRRS!!"
Jessica had tripped over a wire, which Katie had stretched between two posts. Fruit Smackers went flying as she fell flat on her back. She stared up at the ceiling, groaning. That's when she noticed the white spot on the ceiling. To her horror, the spot was rapidly getting closer. It landed with a loud splat.
The people around her roared with laughter. She coughed and sputtered, furiously wiping whipped cream from her face. Mr. Bitters approached her, looking concerned. He smiled and handed her a T-shirt. "Here. Consider it compensation." He continued on his way, whistling cheerfully.
Behind a plant, Katie gawked from under her tree hat. She swiftly tiptoed away.
Jessica looked up to find James awkwardly staring at her. "Well, I bet you’re seein’ stars right now, huh?" he joked lamely.
She glared daggers at him through the cream that dripped from her forehead. He nervously brushed past her towards the elevator, leaving her alone on the carpet.
James rushed into the Crib, slammed the door, and leaned against it. Logan was sitting on the sofa. He was tinkering with some cardboard and paper, obviously in the middle of a project. His concentration was immediately broken by the door slamming.
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Fanservice." he greeted dryly.
"Uh, hey, Logan! What—what's goin' on?" James said, sensing some hostility in the air.
"Oh, nothing much. Just, you know, been waiting for you to get back and help me, like you promised you would. So what were you doing, hmm?" Logan said. "Showin' off for your little gang of groupies again? Selling more 'Fandanas', perhaps?" He mimed a derisive pair of air quotes.
James looked offended. "For your information, I was trying to make Jessica see the light. Turns out, she likes staying in the dark. Then things got...complicated, so I left."
Logan burst out laughing. "Oh, suddenly you can't work your magic on a girl? What's the matter, James? Has the 'Diamond' lost its luster?"
"Hey! At least I talk to girls, and cater to my adoring public." James said angrily. "And while the Palmwoods is suffering, all you seem to care about is school and stupid projects!"
Logan was off the sofa in an instant. "Oh, give me a break!" he exclaimed. "You're the one who doesn't have your priorities straight. All you're doing is using the concert as an excuse to build your personal fanbase!"
While this was going down, Kendall and Carlos cheerfully walked in. "We did it, guys! Every single ticket has been sold!" Kendall said, grinning from ear to ear. Their smiles froze as they stared from Logan's scowl and crossed arms, to James' hurt and angry expression.
"Ooh...a stare-down! We haven’t done one of those in a while! Can I join?" Carlos blurted out. Logan shook his head, maneuvered around James, and slammed the door to his room.
James turned to them, wearing a look of outrage. “Well! You try to give your band a little ‘focus’, and someone’s always gotta be there to shoot it down!” After defiantly tying on a blue bandana, he stormed right past them.
The remaining two blinked at each other. "That was weird." Kendall noted. He regarded the box in his hands.
"But we sold out! Woo-hoo!!" they whooped. Following a happy dance, they took two chocolate bars out of the box and heartily chomped on them.
Cross My Heart was rehearsing in the spacious Apartment 5E. Hawk had done everything (bribery) to ensure the place looked as lush as possible. He didn't want his blossoming group to lose their worship of him.
"Oh, those Big Time Brats are going down." Jessica sneered, her freshly (and vigorously) washed hair swaying gracefully as she danced. The laughter from a couple hours before rang loud and clear in her ears.
The other girls looked at her, surprised. "That sounds a bit barbarous." Elena admitted.
Mikee turned her red baseball cap to one side and agreed, "Yeah, it sounds kinda mean, too!" Elena rolled her eyes.
"You have to remember, Jess, this is for the Palmwoods. No one is a winner or a loser here." Chloe reminded her. Jessica hesitated, unsure of how to respond.
"Shorty, red tracksuit! Millie, right?" Hawk called, pointing at Mikee. She seemed to be the most adept dancer; she moved rhythmically and enthusiastically.
"It’s Mikee, sir." she politely answered.
"Right. Listen, I'm not feelin’ it from you. Have you always been so...tomboyish?"
She stopped dancing and shifted uncomfortably. "I...guess?"
"Well, it’s clashing with the whole image." Hawk snapped. Mikee blinked, taken aback. The others glanced sympathetically at her.
"And you," he yelled, pointing at Elena. "You have the worst case of pigeon toes I've ever seen! How do you expect to follow in the footsteps of Destiny’s Child or the Spice Girls if you can't even follow your own footsteps?"
Elena looked positively mortified. "Uh...um...I-I..." she stuttered.
Chloe was quick to stand up for her. "Hey, I'm sure the Spice Girls weren't born naturals, either! Learning all this choreography is hard. Especially since the concert is tomorrow, and we've only been practicing for two days."
"And you!" Hawk shouted. "You are too naïve. You know nothing about the real world of performing!"
A few strained moments passed. He sighed, shut off the music, and rubbed his temples. After a calming breath, he smiled. "Listen very closely. Our main objective is not money. Not flashy cars or jewelry. The only focus is letting everyone—especially Big Time Rush—know that there is a new sheriff in town. And that sheriff is you.
"So, I want you chicks to inject your heart, your soul, your every fiber into this performance. Understand? Now," he announced, turning the surround sound system back on, "let’s start over. Jess! We’re gonna kick this off with that showstopping solo, honey.”
The four girls looked at each other. Obediently, they resumed their choreo. After all, if they wanted to make it big, they had to trust Hawk's instincts.
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taiyaki-translations · 5 months
A Gift to Spring Breeze - 5
Season: Winter Characters: Mika, Arashi, Tori, Subaru, Mao, Eichi Translator: taiyaki-translations
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Mika: Nnah~ It’s been busy all afternoon, but I can finally take a break~♪
To be honest, because I had’ Naru-chan by my side as an assistant, I was able t’ feel a little less nervous… 
Arashi: Oh my, I think Mika-chan did a great job today. When you were teaching everyone how to make those handicrafts, you were the gentle and patient “Mika-nii.” 
Although the snack making area run by “2wink” was very lively, there were still a lot of people who chose to learn how to sew plushies and make other simple handicrafts from Mika-chan. 
This shows that you are more popular than you think you are. So please show a little more confidence ♪
Mika: Ehehe, thank ya kindly Naru-chan…♪
Arashi: …Mika-chan. You look like you’ve had something you’ve wanted to say for a while now?
Mika: Hm… Well, I wanna apologize to Pretty 5 for lyin’ before… 
I didn’t want my personal affairs to affect everyone’s mood while shoppin’, but instead I made you worry about me for so long. ’m really sorry!
Arashi: Don’t worry about it ♪ As long as Mika-chan realizes, it’s fine. For us, it’s more troubling if an important friend is going through something but doesn’t say anything to us.
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Tori: Uh huh! When my sister had that marriage meeting that time, didn’t my seniors actively share my worries with me? So, I also worked hard to help organize and oversee the charity fair this time!
And with this opportunity, I also bought a set of Eichi-sama’s treasured teacups! I’ll be sure to care for them as if I were Eichi-sama himself, they’re priceless!
Arashi: Haha, I feel like Tori-chan is somewhat similar to Aira-chan in this way. 
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Mao: Hello~ Kagehira, nothing unusual happened during the handicrafts activity, right?
Mika: There were no problems~♪ Or rather, everyone’s enthusiasm to participate gave me a shock, and the materials I ended up bringin’ were not enough. 
The kids in my hometown are definitely gonna be happy receivin’ so many thoughtful New Years gifts… This was definitely somethin’ I couldn’t have done by myself. 
Ikkun, thank ya kindly fer yer help in comin’ up with such a good idea ♪
Mao: Haha, no need to be so formal with me~
You also worked hard, Kagehira. The producer and Tenshouin-senpai just bought everyone a lot of snacks from the stalls, and Yuzuru also helped prepare drinks. You can try them in the rest area.
Tori: Ehehe, then I’m going to go and treat myself to some sweets~♪
Arashi: Oh my, Tori-chan, wait for me~ I’ll go to the producer with you ♪
Mika: Speakin’ of which, why is Tenshouin—...senpai here!? Didn’t that guy already graduate?
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Eichi: My my, no matter what you say, I can be regarded as an alumni of Yumenosaki. Kagehira-kun, it’s sad hearing you say that. 
Mao: Ahaha… Actually, some of the things for this charity were provided for by the Tenshouin Conglomerate… 
Eichi: Ahem. I just heard that a charity flea market was going to be held here. I thought it sounded interesting, so I decided to participate. 
After all, I’ve spent a considerable part of my life in the hospital. It’s regrettable that I haven’t had a lot of chances to experience a normal youth as a student. So I’m seizing every opportunity I can now to make up for it ♪
Mika: Seein’ as Tenshouin-senpai also made gifts fer the kids, I’ll let it go… Anyway, the charity fair will be endin’ soon.
Eichi: Wrong. The most exciting part of the event has just begun ♪
Mika: ……?
(Wait a minute, I’m hearin’ some familiar voices from afar, callin’ out “Mika-nii”...)
(But there’s no way. The kids should be waitin’ fer me back home?)
—Huh!? Is this just my imagination? Is that really everyone runnin’ and jumpin’ towards me? 
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No no, of course I’m happy t’ see ya all… But you couldn’t have used yer pocket money t’ take the shinkansen to sneak over and see me again, right? 
Hmm…Ya received free tickets in the mail back at home, ‘n when ya got off the shinkansen, they also took ya onto a chartered bus to get here? 
But who would have taken the initiative t’ invite ya over? Could it be… (looks over at Mao)
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Mao: It’s um, it’s… (looks at Eichi silently)
Mika: (...What? How is it possible? This person is suddenly actin’ all kind-hearted, what on earth is he up to!?)
Eichi: Haha, Kagehira-kun, your thoughts are displayed clearly on your face. 
It was indeed me who arranged to have the children sent to the academy, but the people who made the suggestion were Mao and the producer.
Mao: …Actually, after listening to Kagehira talk about the orphanage the other day, the producer and I both felt that the kid’s biggest wish was to see you. 
So, this would be the best New Year’s gift for them, right~?
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Mika: Um, um… I, I don’t even know how to begin t’ thank ya fer this… 
Subaru: Hey, Mikki~ Now’s not the time to be crying!
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“Hello kids! New Year’s is coming soon. We will celebrate with you in advance here with singing and dancing ☆”
Mika: Eh!? When did Akehoshi-kun suddenly appear? Please don’t hug me so tightly~? And when did music start playin’?
Subaru: Ahaha, let’s not worry about that for now! Look, the kids are clapping their hands happily and looking at us expectantly! 
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Mika: (...That’s right. Seeing the kids like this, I immediately remembered.) 
(When Oshi-san was about t’ graduate, I finally found my dream ‘n what I wanted t’ express in this world as an idol—) 
(I wanted t’ be the light in the hearts of these kids. I want them t’ know that the stars in the night sky can be caught…!) 
Mao: ~......♪
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(As expected of Subaru, he brought everyone into his rhythm in the blink of an eye.)
(Of course, all of this is what we arranged in advance. It seems that Tenshouin-senpai deliberately kept Kagehira in the dark.) 
(In name, Yumenosaki’s student council were the ones solely responsible for hosting and organizing this charity event.)
(Many things that needed financial support, such as picking up the children from the orphanages, supervising and transporting the donations, and other such tasks were done under Tenshouin-senpai’s instruction.)
(In exchange, the agency arranged for professional videographers to focus on filming ES’s performance, especially those of idols under StarPro, at this charity event.) 
(Including the scenes of the idols happily getting along with the kids, it will be included in news reports that will be broadcast in the near future.)
(After discussing it with the producer, we figured that this would not have any negative impact on Yumenosaki and the orphanage in Kagehira’s hometown, so we accepted this condition.) 
(In this way, they can create a positive and caring image of the agency, increasing its influence in the idol industry— this is probably what Tenshouin-senpai was planning on, right?) 
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Eichi: (Mm. You’re right, Mao.)
(But that’s just the basics of what you can achieve by organizing a charity event. You’re missing out on a very important point.) 
(“Valkyrie” once made a splash at the Antique Fair a while back and won over a lot of new fans.)
(Therefore, using the orphanage that Kagehira-kun used to live as a starting point is sure to add a lot of excitement to the story.) 
(Although it is taking advantage of Kgaehira-kun’s popularity, it’s fundamentally a win-win. After all, he is the main protagonist of this event.) 
(“Valkyrie” is a unit that gives the world an impression of “noble art”, and has an inaccessible aura. However, the warmth that Kagehira-kun naturally shows in front of the children will show a so-called contrasting charm.)
(In any case, if you only consider the immediate benefits, you can’t be considered a shrewd businessman. Actually, I am investing in the future of the idol industry.)
(Kagehira-kun is like a hero to the children at the orphanage. There are many children who will aim to be like him and aspire to become idols.)
(Just like when I stayed in that dark hospital ward all day long and the figures of those idols on TV were like the dazzling sunshine outside the window, it brought me new hope at the time—)
(These children who have come all this way, their eyes full of longing and hope, are trying their best to absorb the heat and light released by the idols right in front of them.)
(Although technology in this era is developing rapidly, no matter what other methods are available, none of them can replace the real experience of seeing a live in person.) 
(I believe that today’s scene will be like the warm spring breeze that will melt the winter snow, gently pouring rain onto those young hearts, so that the seeds nurtured within them can take root and sprout—) 
(And then one day, more idols will emerge in this world who can bring happiness and smiles to people.)
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Alfie Solomons- Love At First Sight Pt3
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"Tea?" Alfie asks as I walk downstairs
"Please" I smile at him as he places a cup down "thank you"
"Your brother rang this morning. Wanted to know how you were doing"
"More like checking that in behaving and not flirting with the workers" I chuckle I pick the cup up and blow on the hot drink before taking a sip
"He did warn me, yeah that you had a way with speaking to men"
"Oh he warned you did he" I raise an eyebrow "Tommy has always been very protective"
"Ah that's brothers for you. Never had a sister, but if I did yeah, she wouldn't be allowed to speak to a lad right"
"I've never understood how men think" I shake my head siping the rest of my tea
"Now. No business today..."
"No business?" I question
"No. Sunday. Day of rest. So. What would you like to do?"
"Oh erm I'm not sure"
"Well what do you normally do?"
"Tommy doesn't really do time off from work, but when I have a spare few moments I usually go horse riding"
"Got no horses myself, but I know a place”
"How was that?" Alfie asks as we arrive back at his house
"Lovely thank you Alfie. The last time I was able to ride like that was before the war. Before..."
"Before your brothers left"
"Before I left. I was a nurse during the war"
"Why did you stop nursing?" I give Alfie a shrug
"Tommy needed help with the business"
"You do a lot for them brothers of yours"
"Because I love them"
"You love them? your brothers are fucking in...."
"Insane?" I cut Alfie off "yeah I know" I stand in front of him and lean up to his ear "and so am I"
"Is that right"
"Uh huh now I'm hungry let's go and get some food"
Weeks have passed since then. Alfie was on Sabini's side for a while till Tommy threatened him. Now Alfie is back on our side. Campbells dead and so is Sabini. I haven't seen Alfie since I spent the weekend, and while I thought this would be good to get him out of my head... turns out the man won't leave my thoughts. And I must not be out of his because we have been phoning on another and just the other night he phoned me asking to meet him half way between London and Birmingham
"YN!" I hear Tommy shouting me from down the stairs
"What?!" I shout back
"Get the fuck down here. Arthur's been in another fucking fight!"
"Bloody hell" i mutter and run down the stairs to see my brother covered in blood "ya know what I think I'm going to go live in London with Ada"
"Not with a certain Jewish gangster" John sniggers
"Shut up. I was only at his house because of him" I point to Tommy who's stood in the corner of the room smoking "now hold still while I clean you up" I tell Arthur picking up a clean rag
"At least this sisters actually a nurse" John comments
"Still can't believe Ada says she's a nurse" I laugh while I clean up Arthur "now your nose isn't broken, but your going to have a rotten black eye"
"Hmm" I turn to face Finn
"Do you miss it. Nursing?"
"A little yeah. Miss caring for people, especially the babies, but I'm needed here to help. And anyway whose going to keep you lot in check and patch up your scrapped knees, because lord knows your brothers are useless at that" I ruffle his hair
"Why don't you just go back? Polly can look after us"
"Very true, but I'm happy working here in the shop" I finish up cleaning Arthur and throw away the rag "now stop getting into fights. All of you" I look around at all of the boys "now I'm going to uncle Charlie's and curlys to ride" I tell the brothers before taking my coat
"It's getting dark YN. Go tomorrow"
"I'll be back later" I say leaving the house.
"You were right" I look at Alfie confused as I enter the car
"About what?"
"Your insane"
"That Mr Solomons I am, but you must be more so meeting up with a Shelby sister. Tommy will have your head, as will Arthur"
"What about John?"
"He'll probably laugh then dispose of your body"
"Delightful" I lean on and place o kiss on Alfie's cheek
"Don't worry. I won't let them"
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fiercynn · 1 year
so @manogirl, @inventedfangirling, and @sharingfandoms all tagged me in the thai ql favorites tag game (thanks friends!), and i wasn't sure if i had enough to say about shows other than bad buddy to do it, but i figure you can't ever talk about bbs too much amirite
favorite thai ql: yeah so it's bad buddy, surprise surprise. i watched it all in the course of like 36 hours in february 2022, not long after it had ended, and it has been thoroughly stuck in my soul ever since. i've watched it so many times and in so many pieces that i couldn't even guess at a number. i've posted...uh...200k words of bad buddy fic in the past year and half? the obsession is real. it's just such a perfect mix of antagonistic and silly and tense and sweet and heartbreaking and healing that i keep going back to it over over. i love its narrative arc, and i love its little details, and i love all the ways we get to keep reinterpreting it over and over in fanworks. and i love the people i've met in the fandom, which is really hard to separate from the show! i've made really close and awesome friends here, which seems extremely fitting tbh. so yeah anyway i like that show a lot
favorite pairing: seems obvious given my previous answer, but patpran, followed closely by inkpa! idk i just think they're both neat and extremely in love
favorite character: parakul siridechawat. he's just so in love you guys, even when (he thinks) it's hopeless. i love a character who pines. my sexuality is pining actually and pran's might be too (jk i love pran for many many many reasons but this is the one i felt like talking about today)
favorite side character: i think it has to be a tie between mae from 3wbf and longtae from a tale of thousand stars...two very different characters! i love mae in all her complexity, her efforts to be good and kind and empathetic that are interrupted by the death of the one person who was good and kind and empathetic towards her, and her search for revenge once he's gone, and then her ultimate realization that she needs to stop the cycle of violence even if it takes one more act of violence herself. meanwhile i love longtae because he is sweet and funny and adorable and such a good friend to literally everyone in pha phun dao and also it's khao, how could i not?
favorite scene in a ql: so if i type the letter "y" in my browser, the first search result is the youtube link to bad buddy episode 5 part 4/4. does that answer your question
favorite line in a ql: i thought i was going to struggle with this one but it came to me instantly: uncle tong from bad buddy saying, "you might think one man can't change the world. but i want you to know that this world can't change someone like me either." have i mentioned i am both queer and work in climate activism for a living
most anticipated ql (& why): 23.5 degrees the series!!!! i was already one million percent there for milklove but the recent confirmation of viewjune is just like the icingest of icing on the cake. i'm so fucking stoked you guys
i'm sorry i'm not going to answer the question on guilty pleasure series because like @manogirl i do not believe in the concept, nor the ones on healthiest vs. toxic relationships because i simply do not feel like it <3
most underrated series: hmm, most of the thai ql series i've seen are too well-known/watched to count for this. like would we call gap the series underrated? probably not, right? maybe...triage? but i personally felt like triage got pretty uneven in the second half...idk this is the problem with having mostly stuck to gmmtv huh
i really have not kept good track of who has done this meme already so ummmm @citystoryscapes @mahuhumaling @melto @mousieta @incandescentflower @galauvant @dancing-out-in-space
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blahpanblah · 1 year
Day 7: Celebration
Birthday Cake’s and Thank You’s
“Hey Metal, I just realized something,” Amy asked the robot while he was sitting on her couch politely. “Do you have a birthday?”
Metal tilted his head, clearly confused.
“Y’know, the day you were born, or uh, created, if that’s correct.”
Created? If that’s a birthday. Metal believes he knows the date.
Metal grabs a piece of paper and pen and writes something down. He then shows it to the hedgehog. 739 days ago.
“That’s a lot of days… When was that?” Amy pulls up a calculator and quickly does the math. “Woah, that’s about two years ago! Except it’s one day–” She gasps, and it was possibly the loudest gasp Metal has ever heard.
Before he could react, her hands were suddenly on his shoulders. “Your birthday is tomorrow!?” Metal nodded. This wasn’t something he expected to recall today. “MY birthday is tomorrow! We share the same birthday!” She shakes him as if he was acting hysterical.
Her hands quickly come off as she then stims her hands as she paces around the couch. “Oh, should I get you something? But I don’t know what to get you. What could I get you? OH! OH! I know!” She quickly runs to her fridge, opens it, and brings out ingredients.
Metal stands up, and without needing to see him, she yells, “SIT DOWN! I’M MAKING YOU SOMETHING YOU CAN’T SEE!” At the sound of the order, he sits back down.
The robot calculated the minutes; approximately 83 minutes had passed before Amy left the kitchen and brought out a single layer of blue and black cake. “Here you go!”
Metal once again tilted his head.
“Oh! See, it’s cake! It’s something you usually eat on birthdays and, uh…” She looks at his mouth and sees that there is none there. “You can’t eat food.”
A fact Metal knew and loathed all too well.
Amy looks down on the ground, ashamed. But gets another idea. “Oh, well.” She returns from her kitchen and brings a candle and a lighter. She sticks the candle in the middle of the cake and lights the candle.
She clears her throat. “Happy Birthday to you~” Metal is taken aback as he sees Amy begin to sing around him. Why was she doing this? Is this something you do during these days?
“Happy birthday, dear Metal~ Happy birthday to you!~” Once she finished singing, Metal was about to signal her why she did that. She booped his forehead. “Now, make a wish!”
A wish? He had heard that wishes are just desperate childish pleas that children make. That’s what I heard from the doctor, at least.
He didn’t have to signal to her that he didn’t fully understand as she answered him. “Y’know, like, something that you want in life. Something you want to be better. Or something you want to keep?”
Hmm, something you want? After thinking it over for a moment. He tapped Amy’s arm.
“You got it?”
He nods and picks up the pen and paper to tell her. She takes them away from him. “No, no, no! Don’t tell me! Or else it won’t come true!”
That seems… unlikely and also childish. And yet, he still didn’t want to risk that.
Metal nods once again as Amy blows out the candle. The robot then picks up another paper and pen and writes something down.
Why have cake?
“Oh, that’s what people do for birthdays. Give the birthday person a cake, put a candle on it, and sing them the song!”
That doesn’t make much sense to Metal, but that could sum up many things Metal learns about.
Wait, is that why…
“You don’t mind if I have a piece of this, do you?” Amy asked, already having a knife and fork in hand.
Metal is let out of his thoughts as he shakes his head. It would be wasted anyway.
“Oh, thank you! I have one heck of a sweet tooth.” She then sticks her knife inside and quickly takes a bite out of it.
Metal wonders to himself. Tomorrow is her birthday, huh?
“Move farther to the right.” Metal walks behind Amy with them holding her shoulders. “Your other right.”
The both of them were walking in the woods after Metal had proclaimed they had a surprise for her in the forest. And when she showed up, they immediately put a blindfold on her head, walked behind her, and told her to walk in a specific direction.
And that’s what they were doing now as Amy struggled to walk in the right direction. “If this leads to where you finally kill me, I’ll whack your head.”
“I’ll kill you if you don’t speed up.”
“I’m blindfolded, you bucket of bolts!”
“Then speed up, hedgehog!”
For around four years now, the two have been giving each other small birthday parties to celebrate their friendships. And both would usually give each other gifts for the day and keep each other’s company. Amy had suspected that this was what this was about.
After a few more minutes, Metal pokes Amy’s face. “Now take it off.”
“Wow, very nice of you.” She unfolds the blindfold as her eyes settle on the bright sun. She looks down and sees a picnic blanket in the grass in the middle of a plain filled with flowers. Amy’s memory begins to refresh. “Woah! Is this the same plain we saw when we first met?”
“Precisely, I’m surprised you still remember that.”
“Why wouldn’t I remember that?”
“Well,” Metal walks to the other side of the blanket and sits down near a nearby picnic basket. “With your memory being as bad as it is, I supposed you had long forgotten it.”
“Oh, go choke on something.” Amy sits down across from them. “This wouldn’t be for my birthday today, would it?”
Metal’s voice box mimics a gasp. “Goodness, don’t tell me there’s only air in that head of yours.”
Amy flicks the robot’s head. “Well, what’s in the basket, gothy?”
The robot grabs the basket and opens it. “Consider this not only your birthday gift but as a form of apology.” They take what’s inside of it out and reveal that it’s a small strawberry shortcake.
Amy gawks at the cake mouth, smiling from ear to ear, “Oh my gosh, my favorite!” She squeals. “How did you know it was my favorite?”
“Are you asking me how I knew the flavor you keep “slyly” bringing up is your favorite kind? No idea.” Their voice might not always be the most emotive, but Amy knew a sarcastic comment when she heard one.
“Seriously though, when did you learn to bake? I thought you said cooking was, and I quote, “Useless skill” to have.”
“Admittedly, it is something out of my skill tree, and I considered it foolish to learn. But I still decided to make you one anyway. Although it ended up being utter garbage, even rats wouldn't eat it.”
Amy looked down at the cake. It looked fine to her. More than fine; it looked delicious!
Metal’s red eyes don’t meet her green ones as they look away at the green grass, away from Amy’s gaze. “...That was three years ago.”
The hedgehog’s eyes widen. What did that mean?
“I remember throwing that attempt away and simply giving you roses for your birthday.” If they could, it felt like they would sigh. This isn’t something Metal would typically admit. And it was baffling to see them so open with Amy. “If your memory isn’t as dense as you make it, then you would remember the same thing happening two years ago and last year. Because I kept failing to make you something so simple.”
Well, Amy wouldn’t say that it was simple. But she didn’t say, “It seems like you got right this time.”
Metal still doesn’t look at her. “Not precisely.” He said, a lot more shy than usual. “I knew this wasn’t something I was skilled in. So, after kicking myself for it. I promptly asked two of your companions to assist me. Cream the Rabbit and Big the Cat. ”
This was when Amy was amazed. Metal had talked with Cream and Big, yeah. But to ask them for help for something, nay, for Metal to ask for help on anything, was astounding.
“That’s really big of you to do, Mets.” Amy compliments.
“Don’t make go admitting it to the entire world.”
“No, I just… didn’t think you would do something like that.”
Metal finally looks Amy in the eyes and sees the sincere eyes they're so used to with her. “I tend to surprise.” That is all they could say.
“I have to ask, though,” Amy rubs the back of her head. “What is this an apology for?”
Some form of air leaves Metal as they roll their eyes and look at her. “Are you really that dense?”
“Before we were acquainted, I smashed your cake strawberry shortcake with my fist. Do you seriously not remember that?”
Oh, that! Amy does remember being upset about it. Although less sad and more angry at the robot.
“And here I was trying to be the “bigger person” as you say, and you don’t even remember it!” Metal looks away from the hedgehog and crosses their arms.
Amy snorts, “Well, no one asked you to do this anyway, so you didn’t have to!”
Metal’s head snaps back toward her. “Of course, I had to!”
Amy slightly backs down. “Why’s that?”
The robot looks slightly surprised at her and then at their own words. They weren’t expecting to say that to her, nor for it to come out like that. But it’s out now. And they weren’t going to stop. “After everything you’ve done for me, and I mean everything, you think I wouldn't want to say thank you?”
The pink hedgehog stares at Metal as they let out their statement. “I owe so much to you, Amy Rose. You helped me get into hobbies and have interests I never would’ve thought of having, you made me see the world in ways I never imagined, and you not only made me realize who I am, but you also made me realize I wasn’t some lowly copy of a lowly person!”
Amy’s eyes begin to water up as the robot goes on. She wouldn’t comment on the fact that they called Sonic lowly. She let them continue.
“So are you indeed so airheaded to not think I would not only at least appreciate it but to find a way to thank you?”
The robot stares at the hedgehog as a single tear falls down her face. She wipes away another one before it could fall down. “W-Wow, Mets. You sure know how to make a lady cry on her birthday.”
Metal’s screen eyes shrinken as they realize what they just said. Out loud, too. “I didn’t mean to… I wasn’t…” They wanted to tell her they didn’t mean to make her cry. But for the first time, Metal didn’t know what to say.
“No, no, it’s fine. Just never figured you thought of me that way.” Amy rolls her eyes. “I mean, I’m not stupid, so I suspected it. But I never thought it was this much, y’know?”
The taller being didn’t know what to do then, but once she was done talking, they did and immediately did it. They rushed over to their side and hugged her. With Metal’s arms wrapped around her, their steel cold parts embracing her fleshy warm ones. “Of course I did. You’re my friend.”
Amy wraps her arms around them as they do the same. “You do know I’m not taking you to a concert after this, right?”
“I know.”
Amy doesn’t hesitate to squeeze them back after that. Patting their back a few times. Even after dozens of upgrades, Metal’s body could never handle her strength. “Well, thank you for the gift.”
She then unwraps her arms from them. “Alright, enough of that. I want some of that cake.”
Metal raises one finger. “I do have to ask you to not ask me to sing for you.”
“Oh, c’mon! Not even for…” Amy then makes the closest attempt at puppy dog eyes. “Your best friend?”
“First of all, no; second, I’ve never said you were my best friend, only a normal friend.”
“Seriously! No offense, but do you really have any other friends you would consider closer to you than me?”
Amy's shoulder bumps them. “Then c’mon. For me?”
Sigh, the things you do for friends.
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roxannarambles · 2 years
I don't have fic to post today so you get just some silly Nemona x Juliana shippy headcanons
Juliana feeling really shy and giving Nemona a Luvdisc on Valentine's Day as a gesture to confess her feelings and Nemona just being kind of confused and slightly disappointed because Luvdisc is a really weak pokemon and not viable in battles but she's polite about it anyway bc it's a gift and she loves her friend
Juliana trying again and giving her an Applin which Nemona gets more excited about but still doesn't understand it's A Message
Juliana giving her a Swoobat but that doesn't work either
Juliana capturing Unown and giving Nemona a full team of six that spell out "I LOVE U" and Nemona is just like "huh, that's a lot of Unown, thanks?"
Juliana [internally]: @&*$
Juliana finally confessing properly and Nemona is like "OH . . ." and she is overwhelmed and asks if it was ok if she spent some time thinking about it and Juliana says yes, of course, it's totally fine no matter what you think, I just wanted you to know
And Nemona has never thought about, like, any sort of romance stuff before (she thought maybe she was ace or somethin, dunno, just never appealed before) but. The more she thinks about it the more she realizes wait okay I. Have been feeling about my best friend in certain rather intense ways that I hadn't really put a label to. But now. That I think about it, hmm . . .
And comes to a Realization but is freaking out because now she doesn't know how to say it. And she arrives at Arven's dorm room and is like YOU GOTTA HELP ME
Arven, somewhat bemused, "just tell her you like her back! why are you freaking out, you already know she feels the same!"
"but it's not that easy aaaaa I'm not good at discussing FEELINGS"
Arven, "Oh my god. Do you want me to tell her?"
"Oh my gosh, would you?!"
"I was JOKING!"
"oh" she looks sad
"Nemona, be serious. I don't think you really want me to be the one to tell her, do you?"
she sighs "I guess not, yeah."
anyway she eventually works up the nerve to go and tell juliana and she's SO nervous so at first juliana assumes she's nervous about rejecting her and jules is like "it's ok, nemona, I know what you're gonna say, you don't have to feel bad about rejecting me I understand, we'll still be friends I promise" and nemona starts replying to just the first part "oh thank goodness I don't need to say it," and jules is like "I might need to uh. take some time though to . get over it" and nemona is like "WAIT, reject you?! no no no no, I didn't-- that's not what I was gonna say!" and she finally spits it out and they are. both such blushing messes over it.
"what. do we do now."
"dunno, can I hug you?"
"of course silly"
and juliana is like
"I am totally fine with going at whatever speed you are comfortable with, I am happy just being w/ you"
And Nemona agrees and is like 'okay thank you yeah I think I'm good with taking it a bit slow, this is pretty new to me' and jules is like 'yeah, totally, we can go at your own pace' but then after they hug Nemona is just like
"can I kiss you"
"o-oh! that. pace sure picked up!"
"sorry, sorry!"
"no, no, I-- I wasn't complaining!" and she laughs and they kiss
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paleparearchive · 4 months
Thoughts Written in A Letter
Bazille's initial 4★ story (2/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: museum entrance (morning) ; Renoir, Monet, Sisley & Bazille's room | Characters: Bazille, Sisley, Aoi/MC
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Aoi: Bazille-kun, you examined Gauguin-kun yesterday, right? Courbet-kun told me about it.
Bazille: The correct term is "put him to bed," not "examined". He has neurogenic gastritis. There's not much I can do.
Aoi: But you wanted to become a doctor, right, Bazille-kun? Having such a person nearby is still a relief… uh…
Bazille: Hey, are you okay?
Aoi: … Yeah, I'm just a bit dizzy. I think I'm just a little tired. I think… I'll feel better after a little rest, so…
(Uh, oh no… I'm losing my strength…)
Bazille: Deputy!
Aoi: (Ah… Bazille-kun's voice, it's so far…)
Aoi: Hm… Uh, huh…? This is…
Bazille: Our room.
Aoi: Bazille-kun…?
Bazille: Don't you remember? You collapsed while you were talking to me.
Aoi: (Come to think of it, suddenly it was as if everything went dark…)
Bazille: I actually wanted to carry you to your room, but I can't just go into a woman's room without permission. So I brought you here.
Aoi: I see, sorry for the trouble…
Bazille: Seriously. Here, give me your hand.
Your pulse is... normal. Fever is a little high, but nothing to worry about. You've been moving around a lot these days. Perhaps you're just tired.
Aoi: Tired… I didn't notice it at all…
Bazille: Seriously, you. Taking care of yourself is part of your job, right? No matter how busy you are, your body should be your capital in everything you do. Get into the habit of resting properly.
Aoi: Uuh… You're right…
Sisley: Bazille, you can't talk to a sick person that way.
Aoi: Ah… Sisley-kun.
Sisley: Thank god you're awake. I brought you a wet towel and an ice pillow. I will keep water nearby, so if you get thirsty, please drink it.
Aoi: Thank you.
Sisley: Don't mention it, I only brought them like Bazille told me. It was Bazille who brought you here and who cared for you until you woke up.
Bazille: … Hey, don't say anything unnecessary.
Sisley: Fufu, but it's true, isn't it?
Bazille: A-Anyways! If the fever persists until tomorrow, you should go to the hospital. For now, take a good rest today and let's see what happens.
Sisley: I would really like to take care of you too, but I have a part-time job after this. Sorry.
Aoi: No, don't apologize. Thank you to you as well, Sisley-kun.
Sisley: You're welcome, take care of yourself.
Alright, Bazille. Please take care of the rest.
Bazille: Yeah.
Hey, are you hungry?
Aoi: Hmmm… Not really, but I think I could eat a little.
Bazille: Then I'll bring you some porridge. Because it's best not to take medicine on an empty stomach.
But before that…
Aoi: (Ah, cold…)
Bazille: I changed the towel for your face. Let me know if there is anything else you need.
Aoi: Thank you, I don't think there is anything in particular I need right now.
Bazille: Alright. Well, I'll go get some porridge.
Aoi: (You could say Bazille-kun is a diligent person… I'll let Bazille-kun spoil me today so that I can get better soon.)
Aoi: (Hmm… Now that my stomach is full, I'm starting to get sleepy…)
Bazille: Your fever is… still high. If I were a doctor, I might be able to cure you faster…
Aoi: Bazille-kun…
I'm glad you became an artist, Bazille-kun. Otherwise I wouldn't have met you and the wonderful artwork you have painted…
Bazille: Is that so…
… Come on, you're already sleepy, right? Take it easy and sleep plenty.
Aoi: Right… Goodnight…
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akihabaradivision · 5 months
ARB Birthday Special: Nikki Yoshie
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~~ May 13th ~~
"Games have so much freedom. You can go anywhere you want."
Login Lines:
"A click here, a click there, and... done. I now control over 99% of the finances from Norinchukin Bank here in Tokyo. Now then, send and... transfer complete. You're welcome, Diabla. ...Hmm? An email? Probably just another subscription. ...Wait. It says... 'Happy Birthday, Nikki.'"
"...Oh right. Today is my birthday, isn't it? ...Peh, not that I really care, to be honest. It's just another day, to be honest. ...But I guess I may as well make an effort to be joyful."
Voice Lines:
"I've gotten a lot of emails and text from my friends and fans wishing me a 'happy birthday'. I question how most of these people have gotten my number, but I suppose that's what happens when you're famous, I guess. Still, it's kind of ironic that so many people like me now when they didn't give a crap about me when I was younger.
"My mom and dad called. They both wished me a 'happy birthday', which was nice, I guess. They asked if I wanted to go out today, but I told them it was fine since I know they both have work. They still sent me some cash and paid off my rent for the next month. I keep telling them they don't have to do that, but... well, it keeps cash in my pockets, I guess."
"I called my younger brother after I was done speaking with my parents. He was glad to hear from me. I asked him how things were at his school, but... he didn't elaborate, which is a sure sign that he's still having problems there. I may have to call in one of those favors that Scorpion Den owes me and find out who it is exactly that's giving him so many problems."
"Keiko? What are you doing here? ...I just figured you'd be too busy with your manga and schoolwork to visit. ...Let me stop you right there: if this is another attempt at trying to get me to join university, then the answer is 'no', it will be 'no' again the next time you ask, and any other time after that. ...Whatever. Did you come all the way here on my birthday to say that?"
"A gift from you? I shudder to imagine what it is. ...What the heck are these? Workout bands? Keiko, in what universe would make you think... ...Uh-huh. Fine, I'll take them, but don't count on me using these things, or not giving them away the next chance I get. ...Blame yourself for giving me a crappy gift."
"Hmm? Oh, hey Criss. What are you...? ...Criss, you have exactly three seconds to let go of me before I hurt you. One... two... thr... I don't care how long we've known each other. If you know me so well, then you also know full well that I don't like being touched, not by anyone. ...Yes, I'm quite fine with being a 'meanie'. Now, if there's nothing else..."
"Oh, a present? Gee, what could it be? ...Oh, a... a handheld retro arcade machine? Hmm... well, I do enjoy playing old games some of the times, I'll admit. ...Yes. Yes, I do like it. A lot. Thank you, Criss. Really, this is... this is nice. I'll definitely use it. ...Criss, I said I don't..." *Sighs* "Fine, you can get one hug. No more, understand? ...Okay, that's enough. Now, let go."
Keiko Lines:
"Hey Nikki, happy birthday. ...I put my work on my manga on hold for a bit. And as for my schoolwork, I already completed it. You know, speaking of schoolwork, have you given any thought to..." *Sighs* "Fine, but I'm telling you: you are wasting your life away by not taking advantage of this opportunity. Someone with your smarts could do a lot at school."
"Anyway, here. Happy birthday. ...They're workout bands. Now before you start complaining, hear me out first. You probably don't know this or care, but sitting for long periods of time in the same position can give you very bad hip and back issues. If you do, at least, ten minutes of hip flexor exercises with these bands, they'll eliminate most standard gaming-induced hip and back pain. ...Look, just try them out once, okay? ...You'd sell a gift that I went out of my way to get you? Why am I not surprised, Nikki?"
Criss Lines:
"Nikki! Happy birthday! ...Come on, let me hug you a bit longer! ...Okay, okay, fine! Sheesh, we've known each other for a long time, Nikki. You should be used... Ugh, you're such a meanie, Nikki! Anyway, happy birthday! Yeah, I noticed before you seemed upset cause one of your favorite sites where you play arcade games was shut down, so I bought this. ...Aww, no problem, Nikki! I'm glad you like it! ...Yay! Hugs!"
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Ancyra, The Land of Pirates - Day 3.
EMMA : Wow, this place is amazing!
ELMA : Heck yeah it is! Feels like a super-duper date spot, doesn't it?
Today, Elma and I, who were working part-time at an amusement park, were exploring the park before our shifts began to get a feel for the rides and attractions. 
EMMA : I wonder where Searle is working?
ELMA : Hmm~ Come to think of it...I forgot to ask. But, if we just keep walking around the park, I'm sure we'll bump into him at some point! He does stand out like a sore thumb after all!
STELLA : If we were to hide scouts on the premises, our best option might be the restaurant—On the other hand, if we were looking to invade, we should secure the souvenir shop first.
YAMANE : Hehehe. Ah, the ride known as the Merry-Go-Round will leave a memory to be cherished forever! It is truly sublime! Spinning, spinning, memories so beautiful! Each one pointing toward a Merry Bad Ending! Ah, I'm getting emotional!
EMMA : (Those two are as lively as ever...)
ELMA : Yo! Isn't that Daste over there?
EMMA : Oh, you're right. What do you think he's doing?
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SCAR : Ah, it's Emma and Elma!!
DASTE : The hell're you two doin' here? Thought you said you were working.
EMMA : Yeah, we are. Technically. We're doing some reconnaissance and enjoying the amusement park for now. 
DASTE : Are you kidding me? That doesn't count as work! Anyway, I just came to check out this joint. I'd rather be somewhere quiet, but Scar got all hyped up so I decided to let him blow off some steam.
SCAR : There might not be anyone exciting to open up, but there are plenty of things I've never seen before, so it's fun!
DASTE : What's so fun about goin' on a ride and just spinning around in circles? Seems lame to me.
EMMA : (He says that, but his eyes are watching the rides closely. It seems like he's not entirely uninterested after all.)
SCAR : Oooh! What's that over there!?
DASTE : Geez, can you shut up!?
EMMA : That's the children's area I think.
ELMA : I heard they have a panda-themed ride in there. You can control the steering wheel! 
EMMA : You sure know a lot about this place, Elma. 
ELMA : Haha! Well, this amusement park is like super famous, you know? I always thought it would be fun to come here someday when I got a girlfriend~
EMMA : Is that so? And yet you wound up coming here because of work...
ELMA : Ah, don't worry about that! It makes me so happy I got to come here with you! Though...It would be a lot better if we came here and didn't have to work, huh?
EMMA : Hehe, yeah, you're right. Let's work hard at managing the guild and maybe we will get the chance to come back one day! 
ELMA : Ugh, it's gonna suck having to leave...
STELLA : Mistress.
EMMA : What's up, Stella? Did you finish mapping the area?
STELLA : That was done long ago. I just wanted to point out that I saw Searle over there.
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BOY : Hey, can you tell me about this crab next professor!?
SEARLE : Sure~ I'd love to! This crab turns bright yellow on a night with a full moon, but—
ELMA : So this is where you've been, Sa-Kun! Is this some kinda sea creature exhibit?
EMMA : Did that kid just call you professor?
SEARLE : You two are here too~! Yay~!!
ELMA : Good to see you, Sa-Kun! What job are you doing?
SEARLE : I'm...Not realy sure...They just told me to hang around near the sea creatures. I feed the fish and teach visitors various things about them.
EMMA : So you're a tour guide? 
SEARLE : I guess so! Being called professor sounds so cool and makes me smile really big! And sometimes, I take the big turtles out for a walk~! Oh! Sorry, hold on a sec!
Searle rushed toward a young girl who was standing alone looking up at a large tree inside the amusement park. 
SEARLE : Hello there~ Are you lost?
GIRL : No, I'm not lost. It's just...My balloon flew away...
ELMA : It's stuck on one of the tree branches. Uh oh, that's a tricky spot! If we try to get it by shaking the tree, it'll probably fly right up into the sky.
SEARLE : Hmmm.....Ah! I got it~ I'll get it down for you. 
GIRL : Really?
SEARLE : Yep! I have a friend who is really good at coming up with plans!
STELLA : !!!
SEARLE : Hey, Stella. I want your help getting that balloon down.
STELLA : You are challenging the law of physics. I'm not a gymnast—
SEARLE : No, no~ I just want you to form the strategy, Stella. 
STELLA : Hmph. Such a foolish boy. In that case, leave it to me. 
STELLA : There you have it. The balloon was successfully retrieved. First off I calculated the position of the balloon, it was approximately 30 degrees from the terrace on the second floor of the restaurant—taking your jumping ability into account, the solution was obvious. 
Thanks to Stella's plan, Searle successfully jumped from the terrace to the balloon, retrieving it and returning it to the young girl. 
GIRL : Thank you, mister!
SEARLE : Yep! It's all thanks to my friend here~
GIRL : Then I should thank your friend too!
SEARLE : Don't worry, I'll make sure to tell them! Be careful not to lose it again~
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STELLA : ........
EMMA : Hehe, Stella is amazing as always. 
STELLA : It's all just a matter of refining strategies. 
ELMA : Always so modest~
STELLA : Who's being modest!
SEARLE : Stella~! Just say "thank you"~!
STELLA : Hmph. Everything went according to plan.
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