#anyway this is fun :)
pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game, please! AU where Yoichi, back in the Dawn of Quirks, discovers that he does have a quirk. He can steal the quirks from anyone he bites. Please.
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Ehehe ok, two people asking
1- Yoichi discovers this the first time he's kidnapped. (It's one of his brother's goons on order to scare him.) They cover his mouth with one hand, holds the other away from his face, igniting a fire on it and threatening to light the whole building up if he fights. Yoichi bites his hand at the same time his brother kicks in the door, so he assumes the fire flickered out in fear and barely even realizes his body runs a little warmer than it used to.
2- until a dinner with his brother turns into a screaming match and Yoichi slams his hand down on the table, ready to march out- and then smells smoke. AfO is stunned that his little brother has a metapower after all, and one... Familiar, to him, but Yoichi thinks it only makes sense and is so happy to finally have one of his own.
3- he talks about being a fire themed hero and teases that he should have had red eyes where his greedy brother had green. AfO doesn't want him to suspect that his quirk might be something more, so he acts like it's just a little fire quirk, nothing for Yoichi to get too excited about, it's not very strong and he's still sick, don't want to catch a fever.
4- but Yoichi did realize what his quirk actually was. He feigns ignorance as well, until yet another argument with his brother leads to AfO trying to steal his quirk- unsuccessfully. Yoichi bites him in retaliation. He can't steal anything from him either. AfO quickly locks Yoichi up so he can't interact with anyone he could potentially take a quirk from.
5- this leads to Second inheriting a stockpile of a couple powers from Yoichi (fire, and a limited stamina boost), as well as the ability to steal more by biting- but he realizes he can't use any he stole. When OfA is passed to Third, Third can use any quirks Second stole - but none from Yoichi or that Third takes. This continues until All Might, who's able to use all of the quirks in the stockpile, but can't seem to steal any. He wonders if the quirk is full. It certainly seems to be, and Izuku is under the impression he can't steal any more either, and wouldn't want to with how difficult balancing the huge amount of powers from All Might already is. That is until the Muscular fight, when Izuku gets desperate and bites- and is suddenly able to use the muscle quirk where the villain can't. (Izuku finds using any he himself steals easier than the ones given to him, but he's determined to figure those out anyway.)
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arinrowan · 7 months
So our apartment is old and the plumbing sucks, especially in the bathroom. We've been complaining for months and last month a plumber finally came out and said the pipes would need to be replaced. We didn't hear anything else, and checked back in with management. They then sent out a DIFFERENT plumber, who also said the pipes would need to be replaced. We checked back in with management. Anyway after several weeks of this, we were told the pipes would be replaced Thursday.
On Thursday, someone showed up and told us to clear out everything under the bathroom sink. We asked why, since the pipes in the hallway were what needed to be replaced. On further questioning, he didn't know our hot water was out. He made some calls.
After spending the day drilling holes in the hallway, laying pipes, and not telling us anything, they left around 7pm. Friday they showed back up, disconnected the water without warning, and that evening, told us it was fixed and to wait 20-30 minutes for the hot water heater to kick back in.
Several hours later, we had no hot water in the bathroom. Or kitchen.
Emailed management. Management said they'd send someone out Saturday.
Saturday, someone shows up and disconnects the water in the entire building. After several hours, my roommate checks in with him.
He's there to fix a leak the repairs caused. He doesn't know anything about the hot water.
We email management again. Around 9:30pm on a Saturday we get included in a text conversation with the building repair guy who starts complaining about the plumbing problems in a different apartment. He also insists the plumber is working on the problem 'right now'. At, you know. 9:30pm on a Saturday.
The manager tersely reminds him we're included in the text conversation and this is about the hot water being off for more than 24 hours.
He complains, again, that this building is old.
Today we were part of a different text chain, where we learned the hot water heater is broken and the plumber is replacing it. Or a part of it. Something like that.
And then finally: WE HAVE HOT WATER!!!!
However, I take some pictures of the pipes in the hallway to share with people, because I mean. Look at it.
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At this point several of my friends start screaming things like 'code violation' and 'bulging pipes' so anyway off to email management. Again.
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apreyess · 4 months
okay i wasnt gonna say anything but i was credit for my sleuthing. the garth-benny announcement happened in this spotify episode at around 16:56:
yes i updated the wikipedia page; yes i am so normal about this
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lookingforcactus · 9 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog: ep 1
This is so much fun. Nostalgia time. 13 year old me is LIVING
Warning for like whole ep 1 spoilers and all
Yusuke and Botan look great which I already knew going in from the gifset that informed me this show exists lol, but it's delightful, bc the characters in this show aren't necessarily the easiest to translate to live action
Botan is adorable. Her hair is adorable. And I'm delighted to see that Yusuke's hair is the Correct amount of Poufy
Plot twist: Kuwabara hot. He looks great actually. Translated nonliterally compared to Yusuke but v well. The actor is selling me on it too, fun casting
Kuwabara was always hard for me to watch in the original bc he set off my vicarious embarrassment soo hard. Glad they're less committed to making him the constant source of painful comedic relief here lol
Laughed out loud for real tbh
Idk if I'm a little disappointed he's not a baby but like live action would make that ridic hard to do in a lot of ways so I don't blame them at all. He's in his adult form which makes sense. Still damn glad they kept the pacifier it is RUINING his dignity and I love it
I also don't blame them for cutting the flying oar effects. A lil sad but the initial transition to Reikai looked great so they're forgiven
Yusuke. "No thanks." I knew it was coming and the delivery still made me laugh out loud. Just dropped it in there. Yusuke I love you please see a therapist
Fight scenes are v creative and p epic
Seriously they do a really good job of making Yusuke's fighting style as a human believable, fun to watch, and effective. He rly does come off as just kind of a natural fighting genius (with practice ofc)
Sakyo in ep 1? Weird but I'm not opposed. The wavy hair is kinda freaking me out though ngl. Smoothness was just such his THING in the show it's distracting
Really liked Yusuke's mom's introduction (not that it was flattering to her as a character) but I wish they'd done more with her in the rest of the ep. Her power hug at the end is great tho
Show's slowing down a bit but it's fine I'm still having fun, the nostalgia power will get me through basically whatever
NO PUU!!!! This is tragic but I Do understand this as an adaptation choice. Reluctantly. Tragic tho.
Bug under guy's face effect EPICALLY creepy
That said I keep watching the motion of him and the other demons in this ep and thinking about Hayao Miyazaki said about the disgusting cruelty of using effects technology to make the scary scary inhuman monsters just fucking. look and move like disabled ppl
Seriously I keep seeing flashes of the appearance and movements of people I know with developmental disabilities (particularly this one guy I know with cerebral palsy but also I've worked in care work for disabled adults and just kind of a lot of people in general) and. I hate this. Especially as a person who DOES have a (nonvisible) developmental disability myself. This is such a rising trend in horror/sff/fantasy tv/movies/video games and I hate everything about it. Hayao Miyazaki was right this kind of attitude and shit really is "an insult to life itself"
Anyway fight scene cool
I love Keiko btw. Her crying and blaming herself! Her face when Yusuke comes back! Also Yusuke "I'm not gonna die just bc you talked shit" pffft jackass (affectionate)
Kurama looks pretty good. Goki actually looks wayyyy better than he did in the anime imho, which I did not see coming.
Effects on Kurama and Hiei's fighting looks surprisingly great. They pulled off the rose whip way better than I thought they would, and did some great wirework with Hiei's speed and fighting style
That said....Hiei...oof. That hair was always gonna be a Challenge but I think their ambition here did uh. not play off rip. Hopefully it'll look better later on
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taniushka12 · 9 months
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maxgovroom · 2 years
we have entered the silly season but not for the drivers, for the team principals, and so far it’s been more shocking than anything the drivers have done even when you take into account the piastri-alpine-mclaren debacle
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firefly-fez · 2 years
okay i get what y’all mean about adhd meds letting you focus but not letting you control what you focus on. I was very specific about using today to look for placement and work opportunities and instead i have spent the last two hours researching ways I can contribute to the P4A this year
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sundayinthcpark · 1 year
wild how being active on tumblr means i actually have tumblr notifs
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remolupini · 2 years
My own Italian Remus headcanons:
First of all, his name is Remo (I'm not sure how to translate the surname, but it's either Lupino or Lupini)
He's from the South
Does not understand savoury breakfast, it just doesn't make sense
Every shop just closes to ealy in England according to him
Perpetually sniffly because of the cold temperatures in the uk
At 11 he though the height of comedy was translating people's names. The only ones that escaped from it were those with boring translations (Sirius becomes Sirio) or those whithout (Lily, it technically translates to giglio, but that's only for the plant)
He knows a fuckton of old british music because that's how his mom learnt English
Hope is like a weaboo but for England. Obviously Hope is not her name, it's like Cettina or something
Lyall doesn't know English. Nor does he want to learn. Unbothered king. His name is Francesco, but everyone calls him Ciccio. Or because of his surname, U Lupu
In Italy, wolves are not extinct like in the UK, so he has met wild ones before
He often starts his answers with sì, but the rest is in perfect English
He talks ridiculously posh, but that's just because his first language is a romance one
Everyone just assumes it's a good cook. Everyone is wrong
Everyone just assumes he's way smarter in Italian, but actually he's reached the level of fluency where he's an absolute idiot in Italian and keeps italianising English words instead of saying the correct Italian ones
He always complains that English swear words aren't enough. What do you mean you don't threaten to sodomize people's dead relatives? The worst you can say to them is to fuck off? Well that's not effective
Counts in Italian
Everyone compliments him for his tan, while in Italy everyone asks him if he's even ever seen the sun because of how pale he is
At first he used to switch to italian when tired or too in pain, but nowadays it's actually the opposite. It makes the moons with his father hell
Same with being drunk btw
His partner asks him to talk in Italian when they're intimate, he would rather die than comply
Reading books in Italian is now terribly weird and he will not do it ever again thank you
Except for Leopardi, he can always read his poetry. Isn't it terribly depressed? Yes and?
People debate about his accent all the time. It was declared "clearly russian" once. It's a bit concerning
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kenapiece-main · 1 month
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Can you believe I'm having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job
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forgetbeam · 3 months
why do i keep seeing whole videos on advice for artfight from “veterans” or whatever. here’s all the advice you need:
you don’t need to draw every day
you don’t need to fully render every drawing, sketches still count and the person receiving it will still love it
you don’t need a fully polished ref sheet for every single character, having a basic one or even just a colour palette along with whatever other art you’ve done works fine in most cases
you don’t need to draw a fully rendered piece every single day do not burn yourself out or injure yourself for funny little internet points good lord
boom done there’s your 15 minute video
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astriiformes · 1 month
Really says something about the dire state of offerings for men interested in sewing their own clothes that even searching things like "interesting men's clothing patterns" brings up articles with links to four or five whole websites that primarily offer admittedly nice but practically identical patterns for making button-ups and work pants and maybe a varsity/bomber jacket if you're lucky.
(Branching out into historical costuming for everyday wear is like your one shot at variation, and even then, the ratio of men's to women's patterns on every website is frustrating to say the least.)
Patternmakers as a trans man I am begging you. Give me a little more to work with here.
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keymintt · 4 months
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more public art! these fellas were printed on vinyl for the sides of a traffic cabinet
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daisywords · 11 months
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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arinmoss · 9 days
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painted Chappell again :3
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cainternn · 1 month
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deadpool and wolverine thoughts
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