#anyway thats all for now thank you for being patient with me
acekindaneat · 13 days
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~ 80's Retro! ~
i also drew a version with serizawa just in the tank top 😉
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seeing his bare shoulders and that loose tank top did something to me
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justablah56 · 2 months
hmm I think instead of feeling bad I will simply project this bad onto The Character . for funsies .
#just blahs#not gonna do anything abt it bcs idk how i could but ovuehncke sparrow with scrupulosity ocd <3#just consider with me sparrow being terrified of accidentally saying anything wrong or offending literally anyone#and her completely accidentally saying smthin offensive and trying to figure out how to properly deal with that#without just making the whole situation about herself rather than the person she actually offended#bcs shes afraid that makes her a bad person who just didnt care enough to be aware of herself#gets a bit venty past this point but guys im literally pinky promising you rn I'm ok and ill figure it out please no one bring it up to me#and nobody think about the fact that im projecting rn just think about sparrow ok#this is my way of dealing w similar stuff w/o making it about me bcs ik that thats a shitty thing to do and i need to work it out myself#aughhncns literally every time goddamnit . i accidentally do smthin wrong and then someone (very kindly !!!) tells me hey that was wrong#and then i have a breakdown about it and feel bad and overthink it for the next like week#jesus fucking christ ok it's fine im being patient with myself and i know no one thinks im a bad person#and i know that they know i didnt mean it#and i know that i did say smthin insensitive and thats just something i have to be aware of#and the fact that i said it doesn't mean that im a terrible horrific irredeemable person#i'm trying my best now to be aware of it and be better and think abt whst they said and that's all i can do and thats ok#its fine .#anyways .#also hi cookies if you see this genuinely thank you for telling me tho like i do appreciate it and i am ok dw
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palebloodpresence · 1 year
what if i said my genuine opinion of "rom the vacuous spider" is that she's actually not like, peaceful because she's stupid, she's just extremely fucking chill bc she's so enlightened. like she WILL defend herself but really she just wants to hide in her cool lake world and hide dark rituals
#idk i have crazy amount of thoughts on rom lately (makes a post thats half tags) (im sorry in advance)#like that she was blessed by kos.... now how you interpret HER and her relationship w the fishing hamlet may vary but like#kos strikes me as sympathetic towards humans (who are not hunters. it is the HUNTERS nightmare. though ive always wondered)#(why are there research patients there? what did THEY do?)#(anyway. idk i like to think that rom was very kind (if a bit. dumb maybe? but like tbh thats so subjective.) and thats why kos blessed her#thats extremely cheesy and sappy for bloodborne ikik but like. ye#though ive also seen other theories on how she might have ascended that ARENT related to kos giving her eyes#or ones that focus on the cut content abt kos being ebrietas's name at one point in development#which has VERY different implications (+ tbh? more likely#ebrietas has a more confirmed affinity for helping humans and also the whole 'altar of despair' grieving#(which re the character model: tbh i think its MEANT to be rom#but they didnt design it very accurately)#anyway thats all thank u for coming to my impromptu ted talk#OH WAIT edit i forgot to add i think we should consider WHO is calling her vacuous. the brygenwerth scholars? we know SO little about#1. who she was#and 2. where she earned this title. for fucks sake shes not even that spider shaped. whos to say this moniker is accurate?#not trying to start shit. i would love her even if no thoughts head empty#but like i hc her as niceys idk
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strwberri-milk · 15 days
Hi, good morning/ afternoon/ evening. I've probably read all of your work on LnD, and I love them all. If it's not too much, can I request like the boys getting a call/update from MC after a disastrous wanderer attack on the city after not being able to contact them?? If possible, established relationship😅 ... thank you for your time!
im glad you like all my writing for them!! im so aefjaweofaw please give me the next main story update - also theres lots of references/imagery of death so if youre not chill w that i will see you tomorrow [salute] - theres also some very very slight references to their myths!! it feels a little ooc to me but thats bc. i think theyd be a little ooc when faced w a tragedy like this!! i hope you like it anyway <3
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Zayne holds his breath every time a new patient is admitted. The hospital is busy with all of the patients that are coming in with the disaster, a mixture of those hanging on and people running up to him because he's the closest doctor in the vicinity to confirm death.
He volunteered himself to do triage because he was convinced that he'd be able to stop you from dying, that if you came in through those doors he'd be able to separate his love for you from the mind that studied all those nights but that's impossible - he only got here because of you.
His mind runs circles around himself, almost separated from his body as he tries to figure out why you weren't there. Hopefully it's because you're fine - you don't need medical attention or the medics on site were enough for you. However, he knows there's an equal chance that it's just because a doctor onsite was able to confirm your death and now you were in some bag, stored away with the others waiting for him to come identify you.
When he finally gets a moment to himself he obsessively checks his phone, praying to something that might take enough pity on him to listen at the very least that you'll call him. Minutes turn to hours as he's called back to work. Silence is a commodity now as he's stuck in the theatre, only able to go home after he's exceeded the legal amount of hours he's allowed to work in one night.
The long turned cold water hits his muscles as his mind wanders in the quiet of his home. You still haven't called - nobody's called. He understands that surely, all of you are busy but he's been there when the calls have had to be made. To hear the sobs on the other side of the phone as a squad captain confirms the death of another hunter as they softly ask if they'd like to see the body. He's also seen the calls when the bodies are far too mangled, a sight that no loved one should have to bear. He's waiting for it, almost falling in his haste to grab his phone once it finally rings.
Your number pops up, the letters of your name taunting him as he tries to answer it. He's about ready to throw his phone on the ground from the water on his hand refusing to make picking up the call an easy feat.
"Hello?" Zayne asks, an uncharacteristic shake in his voice.
"Zayne! I'm okay!" you say, voice sounding a little weak but definitely better than he could have ever anticipated.
"Zayne? Honey? Hello?" you ask when you're met with only silence, now beginning to grow anxious yourself. You knew he must have been busy - you were too - and you thought he was safe. He should have been, you'd heard no reports of the hospital being attacked.
"You're alive," he chokes out, falling to his knees.
"Of course I am! Things have just been chaotic so I haven't had enough time to call you until now," you explain, continuing to talk to him.
You hear rustling on the other side of the phone, trying to get his attention again before he cuts you off.
"Where are you right now? Home?"
"Oh - yeah I'm on leave now. Most of us who were in active duty are to let his recuperate. How come?"
"I'll be there soon."
He hangs up immediately, leaving you a little stunned. You decide to clean up a little, having nothing else to do really until he comes over. Zayne never acts this impulsively so you assume that the day with no contact really wore on him.
Once he arrives you open the door for him, planning to apologise for the lack of contact when he almost throws himself at you. You hold him back just as tightly, a little shaken yourself as you close the door after him. You realise that for whatever reason he's soaking, unsure if you should confront that but you decide to ignore it.
He leads you right to your couch, too exhausted to even find your bedroom as he buries himself against your chest. It's not the normal way he lays with you - typically he likes to hold you - but you know not to bother him now. You can't deny you were worried about him too, knowing he probably put in a bunch of overtime at the hospital.
He holds onto you tightly, measuring out the beat of your heart. It's the only way he can remind himself that you're still alive, that the two of you have one more day together.
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Xavier has never felt like he wanted to die more than in this moment. One minute you were running with him, trying to stop the Wanderer from attacking the group of civilians the next you're totally gone. Logically, he knows you're most likely fighting a Wanderer by yourself and you can handle it but somewhere he's convinced you'll die without him at your side. You've proved yourself more than capable but he worries about you all the time - he knows how to fight these things, he's been fighting them for far longer than you have - and if you died here he'd have no more reason for living.
He practically goes beserk, tearing into each and every creature with the hopes that one of them can take him to you. With each failure he starts to spiral, standing atop a pile of rubble as he watches the recovery teams start to spread into the city. It practically took an entire squadron to force him to go home, promising him that he'd be the firs t to hear once they found you.
You were diligently following Xavier when you noticed another Wanderer going after a child. You knew that he'd panic once he couldn't find you but you couldn't just abandon them. You tried to tell him you'd be splitting off but over all the screams and screeches he couldn't hear you and you couldn't waste any more time trying to get his attention.
You were able to defeat the Wanderer but not before sustaining an injury that made it too difficult for you to continue active duty, taking the child to a safe spot and staying with them until help arrived. You ended up passing out from the pain shortly thereafter, waking up a day later to Tara in your face heaving a sigh of relief as she called for a doctor to come check on you.
Your body was simply fatigued and after an extra day of monitoring and ensuring you were receiving everything you needed to make sure you wouldn't collapse again when you get home. You nod, knowing what procedure is at this point. You reach out for your phone once the doctor leaves, knowing that Xavier must be worried out of his mind.
You're right, of course. He's laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as he waits for someone to call him. He saw the scale of disaster this attack was, knows that everything is absolutely awful and he's not the only one waiting for news but every minute that passes is another minute you could be trapped, praying that he's coming there to save you.
He decides to ignore the strict orders he's gotten, suiting up to go help the recovery efforts. He was going bad staying in bed all day, unable to get a wink of sleep as pictures of your suffering flash across his tortured mind. Working on pulling valuables and any remnants of life is depressing on a good day but right now it's downright torturous. He can't help but think that the next thing he pulls out is going to be your hand, severed far from your body.
When his phone rings everything disappears. He quickly picks up, steeling his expression to avoid making things worse should someone look over at him. He doesn't even notice who called him, just hoping that it was someone with news.
"Oh! You picked up fast. Are you just sitting at home then?" you ask casually, so casually he thinks it's almost cruel. How could you act so nonchalant about the fact that you held his life in your hands, that you are the only thing in this world he can bear to wake up for?
"No, I'm helping the recovery efforts despite orders. I...it was too quiet at home," he offers as an explanation and you hum. He can imagine you nodding, tapping your chin as you think to yourself.
"If you missed me you could have just said so," you tease, hoping that the ease in your voice will make him relax.
"Of course I did. Is that even a question? Are you able to take visitors?' You know what, doesn't matter. I'll just wait there until you are. I'll see you soon love."
He hangs up quickly and you know that he'll appear in the hospital within the next two seconds with that uncanny ability of his. You straighten yourself out a little, knowing that you were injured but not wanting to look like a total mess.
You can hear his footsteps running up to your door, slamming it open as he catches his breath. You've never seen him out of breath before - maybe he's much more tired than you initially thought.
"You made it," you laugh, making a slight sound from the impact of him practically jumping at you, holding you tightly as he buries his face into your neck.
"I was worried about you," he says softly, looking up at you. "I thought you'd been hurt, badly. And I wasn't there to protect you."
You sigh, helping him sit down into the chair at your bedside. You offer him your hand which he holds gratefully, never taking his eyes off of you.
"I know. I'm sorry. But look, I'm okay now, aren't I?"
He ignores the pain in his chest, trying not to imagine how heavy your hand would feel in his if you really had drawn your last breath. That weight is far too familiar to him, haunting his every thought in the hours that passed between then and now.
"You are. And I'm going to make sure you stay that way," he promises.
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Rafayel didn't even know there was an attack until far after it. He knew you were working and that sometimes, you'd accidentally go MIA. You'd already texted him before your mission anyway and then he got drawn into another project of his and completely lost track of time. It's not until the next day that he finally sees his phone and the message from Thomas telling him not to come into the city for supplies for a day or so.
He immediately starts looking through articles, scouring pages that are constantly updating the death toll in search of your face. He curses himself for not paying attention earlier - every minute he wasted on some stupid was another minute you could have spent at Death's door, all because he allowed himself to forget that nothing matters if it's not you.
It's obsessive the way he looks through all of them, calling your phone non stop all the while. Every time he gets sent to voicemail he feels his breath get knocked out of his lungs, resorting to blowing up your phone with texts. When it's clear you aren't replying he grabs his keys to drive into Linkon despite Thomas' suggestion, knuckles white on the steering wheel as he heads to the hospital.
Even in all the chaos people can't help but stare a little as Rafayel makes his way to the counter, demanding someone tell him where you were. He's really trying not to be a brat, promising you that he'd be nicer to people but when it's your life on the line everything is up for debate. He goes through any and every possibility, figuring out what he can do to guarantee your survival.
Unfortunately for him, he gets escorted out. Jenna tries to calm him down, telling him that he'd be the first to know if they had any updates on you. Right now everything was just far too messy to know anything about anyone and there was a good chance that you were just being treated at a different hospital than usual due to the high causality count. He doesn't take no for an answer and manages to strong arm the name of the other hospitals you could have been sent to, starting up his car again right as his phone lights up with your name.
"What do you think you're doing not answering your phone?!" he yells, making you flinch.
Rafayel's never been mad at you, certainly not to this extent but you know that it's because he's anxious. He immediately catches himself too and you hear it, catching the sound of his hands against his steering wheel as he takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. Just - where are you?" he asks, sounding so exhausted that you feel like crying.
"I'm okay Rafayel," you say instead, adding the name of your hospital. He's immediately driving over as you talk to him, keeping your voice even.
"I was split up from the group is all, then triaged at a different hospital. I'm fine though - I managed to just sprain my wrist from overexertion so I'll have a sling for a bit-"
"You're staying with me then. I'm not having you stay alone with a broken wrist. Knowing you you'd do something dumb and make it worse," he scoffs, trying his best to drive safely to see you again. You don't bother to correct him, knowing that's the least of your worries.
You fall quiet, not sure how to respond. Rafayel has always been good at masking how he feels, rarely showing you what he's hiding behind his mask. Now he's an open book, making it clear that nothing will be okay until he sees you again.
"Okay," you agree, leaning further back into the pillows of your hospital bed. "They wanted me to be released into the care of someone if I could anyway. That's why I was calling you - that, and trying to return all your missed calls."
"Thank you," he says so quietly you barely hear him over the sound of his car.
"Of course my love," you say just as softly. "I knew you'd worry as soon as you saw the news."
Another moment passes between the two of you. Rafayel thinks his heart fell out of his chest - or it would have if it was still his to hold. Instead, it's beating firmly in your palm, only able to do so under your affections.
"Rafayel, I'm really fine, I promise. I'm just hungry. Let's get something for dinner, yeah?" you offer, hoping to redirect his energy.
"Yeah," he replies, exhaling deeply.
"Anything you want my beloved. Just name it and it's yours."
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writingstoraes · 1 year
hello! for the ig imagine, can i request charles with a medical student reader? maybe she's in her final year before residency and even though charles has no clue about medic he still tries to help her with studying. thank you!
patient 🩺
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!medstudent!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: whew being a pre med student ngl this fueled my delusions a lil (jk) anyway i hope u like this, anon 🤍 thank you so much for requesting! i also tried to stick with ig posts since its been so long since i did one thats mostly ig posts hehe
about: supportive charles and his future doctor of a girlfriend!
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liked by charles_leclerc, isahernaez, franciscagomes, and 21,991 others
yourusername officially on my last hospital duty before graduation! can't believe i have spent 4 tiring yet meaningful years of medical school, still feels unreal. couldn't have done it without the love and support of the people i hold dear to me 🤍
charles_leclerc So proud of you, amoùr 😘 Je n'ai jamais douté de toi. I never doubted you
yourusername thanks for being my first patient, baby <3
pascale_leclerc Congratulations, dear! We miss you!
carlossainz55 The group finally has a doctor! That means unlimited recklessness 😎
pierregasly Remember how we always wanted to try riding a bike on the roof
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liked by pierregasly, arthurleclerc, carlossainz55, and 50,223 others
yourusername a seperate appreciation post for the love of my life — who's witnessed all my lowest lows and highest highs. despite his own busy schedule, he still managed to fetch me from uni/hospital, prepare breakfast for me, and even help me study.
i guess i owe you a ton for all the cancelled dates and postponed plans, charles_leclerc? 💋
ps. the second picture is charles asleep on my shoulder after he helped me study three subjects for a major exam that went on for HOURS. i think i underestimated just how much he loves me :)
carlosluvr GOD i need me a charles right now its bad enough my pre med is killing me
hamiltonmerc Charles out here setting standards ridiculously high there really is just one of him huh 🤨
charles_leclerc Would do anything for you and you know that ❤️ (Honestly got to a point where I memorized some of what you were studying)
carlossainz55 Woah there Mr. Doctor?
charles_leclerc I think I can give you an injection now, mate 😄
carlossainz55 No thanks I still love my life
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen, arthurleclerc and 1,445,211 others
charles_leclerc So incredibly lucky to be with someone as intelligent and hardworking as you. I promise to be with you every step of the way in full support and ready to shower you with love ❤️
Kinda afraid of needles but if you need to practice, I'm always available. Wake me up when you need someone to quiz you or make you coffee. I love you even when you're frustrated when you're practicing your sutures.
tagged: yourusername
charlossf23 You're telling me Y/N has Charles and all I got from medical school was anxiety
yourusername still need you when i study for the boards
charles_leclerc Working on the flashcards already, chèrie 😘
pierregasly Carlos and I are on the roof tell Y/N to bring her medical supplies
yourusername please get down from there
charles_leclerc added to his instagram story!
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tagging: @slytherheign
notes: god pre med is hard wish i had someone like charles 😔 i hope you liked this, anon! thank you so much for reading 🤍
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
okay so i had a silly idea and i needed to talk it out… what about… some fun during sex like it’s not embarrassing but you’re there fucking and then start to joke around and laugh or argue for fun… while fucking at the same time…. with the monster trio + law…. please timi ily 💞💕💓💗💖💘💝💞💞💝💖
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“𝔽𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝔻𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕖𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞”
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its not a silly idea lowkey reminds me of them funny moments of sex i did w them but anyways i Immediately thought of the different possibilities with Luffy🌚
Black Fem Reader
Ft. Sanji, Luffy, Law, Zoro
CW: Sex, but clumsy sex, laughter, established relationships
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One of the best things about sex with Luffy is that there is never a dull moment.
He makes sex so intimate yet exciting and most of all funny and sweet
For example, Luffy noticed how sore your body was from a very intense battle days prior and he suggested in giving you a massage since you always begged him to give you one
“Let me give you a message!”
“….a what.”
“A message! that thing you been asking me to do where I put my hands on your back—“
“Yeah thats what I said!”
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You got naked, and Luffy didnt understand so he got naked too. Not necessarily questioning him, he was sitting on top of you, dick on your ass as he casually rubs oil on your back while you lay on your tummy.
“Mmmm thank you, Lu. You’re really good at this.”
“Don’t sound so surprised! You always said I’m good with my hands, like when i finger yo—-“
It was a surprisingly nice silence between you both just for a while , but of course, Luffy being a guy, and with the slight friction and sounds of your pretty moans he started to get hard.
Luffy can usually ignore his boners but in his mind he doesn’t see why to do so if you’re both naked and in bed.
It was silence for a moment, you didn’t bother to open your eyes, being patient to hear what he has to say, instead you feel something tap your buttcheek.
It was Luffy. Non verbally asking to fuck you by slapping his tip on you.
“Yes, Lu.” You sigh playfully to his request, he giggles, thanking you for letting him slide himself inside you, he hovers over your back a bit, both hands forming gripping your ass as his hips thrust up into you like a dog. You’d be a liar to say his whimpers and pants from behind wasn’t riling you up more.
“Right~ there ah!~” The sounded of skin slapping as his cock dragged in and out, slightly hitting that small sweet spot on the left really had you so close to cumming until—
Luffy’s hands slipped, the oil and precum that was mixed on your ass caused him to lose balance and fall atop of you, and to make matters worse he slid off your wet body to then fall off the bed, holding your waist to bring you down in the process.
So here you were, now on top of Luffy, oily, naked and on the floor of the rug. You both stare in confusion for a moment not registering what happened after you both shrieked. The silence overtook the room until Luffy began to burst out laughing with you.
“Why did you fall?!”
“Ion know..” Luffy kept giggling looking down at your lower body, adjusting you to slide back down on his cock, because sure you both kinda ruined the sexual mood, but that doesn’t stop him. “Just ride me then like you did last week.”
You groan, he was so exhausting, and as much as you wanted to protest, he smiled at you, his hair reverting back to it’s fluffy curly state due to sweat. Luffy kisses your lower lip and lays his head down to thrust up into you.
You didn’t mind at that point to finish sex on the floor.
It was Luffy after all.
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You and Zoro always bicker when like this and something doesnt go either of your guys’ way.
You both could be doing doggy style and Zoro gets pissy because you’re not letting him “do all the work”
It still ends with you both fucking like rabbits, but it’s still such a funny sight to see
“Are you trying to suck the soul out of me?!” Zoro literally was pulling you off his overstimulated dick since you wanted to suck him through his next orgasm, his face was so red and hot you nearly felt bad for how much you gave him a blissful sting after just orgasming.
“Yes, actually…” You smirked, small string of your spit and his cum falling down the corner of your lip, Zoro rolls his eyes .His shakey hand touches your face to wipe the fluid off your face to then put his thumb in your mouth.
“Shut up.” He grumbled, you roll your eyes, arms crossed between his legs suckling his thumb, you whine feeling Zoro place you on your back, upset you no longer have his digit swirling around your slutty tongue. “No more of that shit with you.”
“What shit.” You pout.
“Being so fucking pissy when you don’t get your way.”
“I always get my way so of course I’m ganna be pissy when I—AH~!”
Zoro wraps your thighs around his waist, you don’t even know when he pushed his way in your pussy all you could do was quickly grab onto his shoulders.
“Y-you! Fuck— asshole!” Complaining yet non stop moans hit your green haired boyfriend’s ear, you could feel his sly smirk against your neck while you try to get him to slow down.
You hated how easily he can make you melt once he is on top of you, his weight against yours, grunting and breathing harshly, almost as if he was trying to prove a point he begins talking in between strokes.
“You’re always—-so fucking—-annoying when you don’t listen to me.”
“Fuck! You! I don’t have to listen to shit!”
“Oh yeah?”
In an instant Zoro presses his lips against yours, allowing one hand you move your head closer as he forces his tongue inside you mouth, and just like he predicted you couldn’t help yourself but to latch onto it moaning.
“You’re so full of shit—MMPH!”
You can keep talking your shit, it doesn’t matter to Zoro, he loves it actually, your words as naughty as your body begging for more and he does just that.
You both don’t know what it is about acting out this love/hate relationship during sex, but it fuels you both into some of the best moments in bed, with even sweeter moments afterwards, wtih Zoro holding you close against his tired worn body, and your limp one, kissing you lazily as he praises how well you took him.
That man really falls for you harder each time.
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It’s kinda common for you both to have a few hiccups when having sex, he still has his moments where the overwhelming pleasure of you naked and touching him gets the best of his actions.
You wanted to ride him, Sanji was always trying to be “against” it only because the mere thought of your breast jiggling in his face, your pussy around his dick and your ass slamming down on him gets him in a very shocked state where he can’t even produce coherent words
He’s afraid he wont be able to last long.
Not like you care, you loved seeing him crumble under you.
“Pleasseee, please please pleaseee.”
You never really have to beg much for Sanji to say yes, but for this case you do and finally after 45 whole minutes of naughty touching and kissing behind his ear as he was in the kitchen he agrees
So, you did the usual; sucked his dick, praised him, got him way more riled up than needs to be and you decide its time to finally sink down onto his dick.
Well you do and not even 2 bounces in he is whimpering like a slut, and cumming like a whore.
“Wait wait wait waitttttt—FUCK!” Sanji holds you down, the harsh grip on your waist as his own hips stutter slamming up into make you cry out he leans into your breast, breath barely escaping his mouth, “You’re too good at this…”
You roll your eyes, your blondie actually looked cute so worn in the face already , sucking your bottom lip as you feel him twitch inside you, his cum making a mess of your thighs.
“You came alot…” You kiss and rub his head, you can hear him pout, Sanji felt embarrassed, usually he is able to at least TRY to not cum before you, but it was all too overwhelming for him.
“It’s okay, Ji…” You laugh picking his head up to cup his blushed cheeks, “I’m glad I make you feel good.”
“You make me feel like I died and went to Heaven but….”
“Your pussy is a damn weapon of itself.” He mumbles, covering his attitude by smothering his face back into your breast, You let out a chuckle , his vulgar words during sex never cease to make you turned on and flustered, considering he tries not to speak such filthy words outside of the bedroom.
“Just relax we have all night——MMPHH!?”
Amazed by the swiftness of his speed, Sanji already had you on your back, small light kisses against your lips he looks down to realign himself.
You moan softly, feeling the way his tip was wiggling against your sensitive clit, your noises bring his eyes to snap at you, Sanji always had a tendency of seeing your face the moment he pushes himself inside.
“You don’t have to—ah!” Throwing your head back on the fluffy pillow, the shift in his hips bring you to nip at your lip,
“Dammit I wish you could see your face right now.” Sanji whispered against your lips, his damp hair tickling your cheek, “You’re so fucking hot.”
Your mixtures of moans and giggles were intoxicating to the man, wrapping your arms and legs around him you crack a smile, “You’re so —-cute…”
Sanji blushes, once again feeling himself get close, he buried his face in your neck, breathless laughs hit your skin as his thrust transition from fast and shallow to deeper and slower.
You hum in content, rubbing his nape, “You’re cuter….way cuter….” Sanji finally lets out holding your hips to rock against his. You both coming close to a blissful orgasm to share together, he finally collapsed atop of you, peppering your neck in kisses, praising you softly.
“Thank you for the meal…or whatever.”
You share another laugh with him under the covers.
He was so cute when he got like this. And it was all for you.
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You are just a little shit and he knows it.
You always have to make him more stressed than what he is
Law swears up and down you get off to annoying him more than actually fucking him
Like now.
Law agreed to let you sit on his face, it’s been a rough day for you both but as doing so you nearly kill him.
“Why are you trying to suffocate me.”
“Because why?!”
“….you made me upset.”
Law knows why you’re “upset”, so he groans,
“I told you Bepo needed me. I’m here now arent i?”
“You love Bepo more than me just say it.” You pouted, your thick thighs beside his face as you sit bare naked atop of him.
Law sighs, his hands creep to your hips and traces shapes on your fatty dark skin, “C’mon….sit again. But don’t fucking kill me this time.”
You turned your head, huffing, you weren’t actually upset but being a brat came second nature to you. And Law knew it which is why when you got like this, when you didn’t “get your way” he took matters into his own hands.
Or moreso tongue.
Pushing your lower body back on his mouth he looks up at you, his eyes peering up to grab your arms and guide them against the headboard to hold yourself up.
“S-stop—ah! Stop it im mad at y-yyou.” You rocked your hips, trying to move away and yet the flat of his tongue gliding and sliding against your slippery slit just turned him on more, just enough to pull out his own dick to stroke it.
You turn to notice, “Pervert!”
Law winks at you, “Then do it yourself. I felt you clench anyways when you seen it. So who’s the real pervert?”
“You fucker—“
Pushing you lower against his mouth and holding down your thighs, you felt the vibrations of his groans, your pervy tatted boyfriend always gets so caught up in tasting you, that you nearly get lost in the pleasure yourself.
You reach with one hand to stroke his shaft, grinding against his nose, hearing the wet sounds below you.
“I’m still—hm! mad at you!”
That earned you a smack to the ass, “Yeah yeah be mad and cum on my tongue.” Law muffled on your clit, you wanted to curse him out so badly, and almost like he read your mind you could feel his 2 thicker fingers stretch your tiny hole, bringing you closer to,
“‘m close!” You moaned out picking up your pace with your hand so he can cum with you.
You could hear his whimpers and heavy breathing, making a mess of your palms and knuckles as he bucked into your touch, You knew he’d be super sensitive right after cumming, but you decided to turn yourself around and “clean him up”.
“WH-WAIT WAIT WAIT—FUCK Y/N!” Law’s voice broke trying to sit up, feeling your slutty lips sucking and licking his twitching tip, “N-NOT NOW!”
“Mmhmm” You hummed mockingly against his shaft, “I’m just ganna clean you up.”
He knew exactly what you were doing, and as painfully good as your mouth felt he couldn’t submit so easily to your demise, so he “returned the favor”, by moving you back on his face.
“St-stop it!”
“What?” Law teased, before giving your clit a kiss, “I’m just cLeAnInG yOu Up.”
The sheering competitiveness of you both lasted a while on who can make who cum first.
It was a tie.
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ma3mae · 1 year
Hello!! I hope you are doing well, wanted to say I love your work !!
Can I request how the BSD boys (Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Chuuya, Fukuzawa etc) would react to gf!fem!reader saying “I am just a hole” after they did something attractive? Something fun and suggestive ehehe~
No brain, just horny!
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Summary: No one cared about you being down bad for you bfs since everything's mutual, right? (Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa)
Genre: fluff, maybe crack, def suggestive themes, maybe a tiny tiny bit of smut. Who knows 💀
Warnings: yall gonna be horny after this 🤓
A/N: was kinda difficult to think of fitting scenarios but i had fun writing this!! Also thank you for loving my work, anonnnn 💕💕💕💕
Part 2
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Dazai Osamu
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okay okay so lets say yall are at the ADA office
hes done with annoying the shit ouf of kuni and now hes just sitting on the couch, literally bored out of his mind
Kuni tells u to tell "that dumbass idiot of a boyfriend🤩" to finally get back to work so u go up to him
u know that scene where he leans his head back onto the grave and slowly tilts it back down and opens his eyes while having that soft smile on his face? oda's only purpose was him dying so we'd get that scene, crying fr 😭😭😭
Yeah hes doing exactly THAT as he notices your presence infront of him, flashing you a smile and only for it to spread even further as he notices your dazed face 💀
"Oh, bella? Too lovestruck to talk to me, I see. Can't help it that I'm just so hands-"
"I'm nothing but a hole for you"
his eyes are fking bulging as he hears you say that infront of him
ACTUALLY shocked that you had the guts to legit say that outloud and luckily no one rly heard that except him he wouldnt mind if the whole ass office wouldve heard that, we KNOW 💀
you manage to get a good laugh out of him before he just shoots you that god awful handsome smirk before he suddenly stands up
Towering over you, he leans in and whispers "Never thought you'd be so dirty to say stuff like that during working hours. Not that I'm complaining! I'm glad to have such a strong effect on you, bella~" got me blushing fr😳😳😳
Its too late to realise what you've just said. Your fate has been sealed.
no jk but nah nah he wont stop there
Youve awakened the fking horny beast in him and how could he refuse his love offering herself so blatantly while your coworkers were literally in the same room?? 🤩😋
He just takes your hand as he proceeds to leave the office
Kuni just yells "Oi, where the hell do you think you're going?! Only told you to tell him to work! Not join his stupid shenanigans!! 😡😡"
YOU KNOW that ur bf just turns around and shoots him that annoying ass smirk, only to say
"But Kunikida, we are off to work actually! Nothing you'd be able to do anyway. Tell me when you've found something interesting in all that paper work of yours! Can tell you that our job will definitely be more fun than that~ 😁😁"
You can only give poor kuni a sheepish smile as atsushi just deadpans at the both of you, muttering a "good luck 😐" towards you as your bf just drags you to his car because your job's gonna be too loud to do at the ada and going home wont be an option since dazai's not patient in that sense 💀💀💀
Already sending prayers to you for having to go back to "work" while being sore af and dazai looking like he got out of a 10 day wellness vacation 😭🥲🥲
dazai's actually gonna spare our poor kuni by kinda doing some paper work but our man will be forever traumatised bc hes not oblivious 🗣️
Especially after seeing your neck littered with hickeys 😭😭 u cant hide them, youve got a damn mosquito as a bf 💀
kuni just tosses a bottle of water your way without looking at u bc he thinks its not modest to shamelessly look at them 😤 I LOVE U KUNI
"thanks, i guess" is all you'll hear from him bc at the end, you DID get dazai to work but at what cost 😭
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Kunikida Doppo
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Flabbergasted. Shocked. Disappointed. Shamefully not too hard to turn on. 💀
His first reaction is gonna be like u just told ur mom u forgot to do the laundry 😭
DEF gonna scold your ass off for saying such things in such an inappropiate setting
its not your fault hes being so hot during work 😤😤😤😤
Tell him off for being so handsome!! 🤩
Wont stop his scolding but u cant take him serious when hes fumbling over his words
Still manages to thank you for ur compliment even though its embarassing af 😭 no way would he refuse such kind words from his love 😋
So anyway it could go two ways with him
The first would be if yall wouldnt be alone at the ADA
You go up to him to ask him about a report you need help with
Ive never seen kuni tie his hair up but... imagine catching him doing that...
With the hair tie in his mouth as he pulls his hair back and like...
It makes u think of the times you'd yank it back during yk what 🤭
So he notices you gape at him and is all like "🤨 are you alright?"
Cue to you just uttering "Damn, kuni. You only gotta ask. Am just a hole for you anyway" out of nowhere
LMAO you can just hear dazai cackling from the couch as your bf just looks at you like 😳 with his mouth agape and everything
Dazai just walks up to you to pat your shoulder
"Kunikida, you've got quite the daring girlfriend!" "SHUT YOUR ANNOYING MOUTH UP"
kuni just quickly ties his hair back and BROO he nearly feels so violated and exposed 😭😭😭😭
Why would u do this to him AT WORK 😭
Ngl u and dazai prob team up to annoy him to death like hes just so fun to TEASE 😤
Anyway he just tells you to get back to work and when u tell him you need some help, he begrudgingly does it bc its important but you can still his hands shake a bit and his face is red as he tries to give you advice on ur work skskksks 💀
Be ready to get scolded for HOURS when yall are on ur way home 🤓
But dw u know how to shut his beautiful mouth up 🤭😋
But if you do the whole thing while yall are alone at work bc kuni decided to stay a bit longer then THATS a different story
Lets say he does the same thing again as above ^ and u say the same thing
He'll def turn a bit red and tell you that you cant say stuff like that during work!
"But kuni, we're alone and no ones gonna come back anyway. It's nearly 8pm after all."
The sun's setting and the only light that softly illuminates the room and it just steals ur fking breath bc 😭 hes so gorgeous with his hair open 😭😭😭
But u can still see his gaze on u, making ur knees weak bc BROO
horny jail for kuni too????? 💀💀💀
jk but he'll clear his throat and just say "a work place is still a work place so i cant let this inappropiate behavior just go like that..."
You're like standing infront of him and he grabs you by your waist, softly kneading it as he tells u to sit on his lap 😭
"Will teach that mouth of yours how to behave. Maybe after this you'll be a bit more tame. Think that idiot has been a bad influence on you like he has with everyone but don't worry. I'll be sure to teach you everything again."
I'll let you imagine the rest here 🤭🤭
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Edogawa Ranpo
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man just wants to eat his candy in peace, get ur horny ass away from him 🤨🤨🤨🤨
u thought dazai's a whole bitch???? Nah nah this is a MAN CHILD right here
This man wont give u what u want, nah he'll let u suffer alone LOL 💀💀
if this happens at work then 🤷 honestly depends on what mood he is i think
its a hot day in yokohama and the air conditioning is not rly helping yall
so u kinda wanna go grab some ice cream during ur break and u dont need to think twice about asking ur bf to go with u
fr he'll be SO annoying if u dont take him with u 💀 but dw he obviously knows why u r approaching him rn 🤩
but he takes a while to catch on why u just stopped and looked like a fish rn like a combo of this :0 and 😳
he just goes "🤨"
"Damn, the bathroom's close. 'am just a hole for you anyway so let's go" u legit go 😨 after realising what u just said
How no one hears that, idk but this hoe DEF heard u well
U r even more scared bc he just sits there and doesnt react but oops
only needs some sec before he opens his eyes and smirks at u 🤭
"Eh~ You've got guts, Y/N. Saying naughty stuff like that during work hours. Not that I mind though. Just shows how smitten you are by the World's Greatest Detective~"
He just waves a finger at u like you're a lil kid getting scolded rn 💀
"Ah ah ah, don't try to refute that fact. Can't blame you for your reaction after all. It's still funny to me that all it took was me losening my tie, gliding a hand through my hair and open up a button of my shirt. ~ "
He just gets up and gives you a peck on your cheek before walking ahead
"I still want that ice ream though! If it's good then I'll give tending to your needs a thought!" 💀 THIS BITCH
but dw he'll make sure to show u how smitten he is after that bc ur mouth just tastes better after some sweet ice cream, right 🤓??
but u know whats the best combo with saying that sentence?
a jealous ranpo 🤩
like ok quick scenario
lets move this outside of work, ok?
So yall are walking around and some random dude decides to hit on u and hello 🤨cant he see that u r legit holding hands with the world's greatest detective??
u kindly tell the man to fuck off but nah hes not letting u chill
wraps protectively his arm around ur waist, clearly showing him that YOU. ARE. TAKEN.
"with that scrawny lookin dude???" bro hes got a death sentence 💀
time for ur bf to show him his skills 🤭 which means threatening him to expose everything about him
immediately tells him where he lives, what he does for a living, where he likes to shop, where his parents live. E. V. E. R. Y. T. H. I. N. G
he just smirks and puffs his chest slightly out as that dude just fking runs off bc id be terrified too 😨
He deserves it tho ✋
"What a fool! Thinking he could challenge ME?! The greatest detective to ever live! See how terrified he was!" hes fking cackling before stopping as he sees ur face
brothers and sisters, we are LOVESTRUCK
and that hoe cann see that right away 💀
"Thank you..." like should we say how hot that was???? maybe 😳😳???
"And?" AH obviously he got us 😭
but we too embarassed to say smth but NICE, theres a nearby alley so u know where hes dragging us 🤩
Pressed up against the wall and hes just centimeters away from u as he asks again
"That wasn't everything you wanted to say, right~? Of course you find me" hot" but just wanna hear it from you, love."
"FUCK, am just a hole for u" 💀😳
goes wide eyed for a sec before chuckling and saying "Well, that wasn't what I wanted to hear but I'll let it count!"
His eyes travel down your neck before finally saying "Hm, I've got an idea in how to make everyone know that you're taken. I deserve a little treat after having saved you, no?" 🤭🤭🤭 got me blushing fr
Anyway problem solved, no one made moves onto u after that and it might turn into a habit before yall go out for the next times 🗣️
But no one's complaining hihi 🤭🤭😳
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Fukuzawa Yukichi
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oh god where do i even begin 💀
i gotta hold myself back from getting off topic when it comes to HIM 😭
honestly this man has seen and experienced so many things, u gotta do a lot to catch THIS man off guard 💀💀
bro he had to deal with mori's ass in his 20's for too long and STILL deals with it till this day 😐😐😐😐😐
not to mention the agency is like his fking orphanage at this point 😐
Already enough that his first child is still a child with his thirty years of living on this damn planet 🤓
lets say u work at the ADA as well and now yall r holding a meeting to go over some details for a random mission
Idk if its just me but... the way he sits there and is leading that whole shit, telling em what to do and how they could handle it the best way, while encouraging everyone to work hard n stuff... idk....
Its just so HOT 😳😳😳🤭
like hes so charismatic, fuck dazai, yall cant compare ANYONE to this man 😭😭😭😭😭😭 no wonder everyone follows him, id lick his shoes too 😭😭 HORNY JAIL FOR ME?????
anyway he dismisses everyone and the both of you are the last ones to be in the room bc u r just sitting at the table and staring at him like 😳
Dw my girl, hes been noticing the way you've been looking at him the whole time
"Is everything alright, my love? You've been staring at me for quite a while now."
"N-No its nothing 😳"
nah no need to hold back bc we know our knees r gonna buckle the second he takes ur hand
his eyes slightly crinkle at the end as you can see amusement dance in them
"I know that look when something's on your mind. I'll respect your decision to not tell me but I'd like to know what it is."
honestly your red face is already proof enough whats on ur mind but how can u hide it when hes just looking at you with such an intense gaze UGH I LOVE THIS MAAAAAN 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"W-Well the way you just handle everything with ease even though its a lot of pressure and i dont know...it's just really admirable but also hot when you tell them what to do. wouldnt mind you doing that in the bedroom too, you know. id be a hole for u anytime like this... "
u tryna mumble that shit out of embarassement but he clearly heard you 💀
And he does go wide eyed out of surprise because DAMN thats still pretty straightforward and was kinda the last thing he'd thought you'd say but honestly... he doesnt mind it 💀
in facr hes liking it a bit too much for himself 💀💀 but who is he to complain? Especially when his lover is being so honest with him?
" So you want me to be a bit more authoritative in the bedroom? I-It might be a bit awkward for me to do so but if it's something you desire then we'll gladly try it out together. We should be done with the mission around the evening but if not then..."
you feel his hands gently cup your face as he presses his lips against yours before pulling a bit too soon for your liking
"Then I hope this will suffice until then. I'll be sure to thank you for your patience after everything's over."
We WILL wait for him OKAY 💀💀✋✋✋
he just strokes your hair lovingly as you try to hide ur face bc hes just too blinding
anyway as the both of u get ready to leave, yall just hear quick shuffling behind yall bc OOPS
"😳☺️🤭😏" u can choose which ADA member would make which face 💀💀💀
ngl u prob sometimes call them ur children and BRO
ranpo actually annoys u for some candy ngl 💀
u once punched dazai's gut bc yk he'd ask the stupid question like
"if you're our mom, would that make you a milf?"
send him back to the MAFIA trash can he came from 🤩🤩
jk but might write a oneshot about him even tho hes difficult to write 💀
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will def do a part 2 of this bc it gives me an excuse to simp for these men 💀
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bedoballoons · 9 months
I can wait until you finish all your previous request before mine.
Maybe if you have time and motivation after finishing all that request.
May I request;
Modern Au! Where Sumeru Boys tells their s/o if they ever miss them just give them a called. Just one step out of the house and closing the door, his phone start ringing only for his s/o calling him and being dramatic saying stuff "COME BACK!!!" "I MISSS YOU<3" and they probably just sweatdrop at this because they were just planning to go out just for a while
Thank you for being so patient and don't worry, this idea gave me a ton of motivation, because.. OH MY GOSH THATS SO FREAKING CUTE!!<3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Miss you already~༺}
CW: Fluffy!! Modern AU! Kaveh calls the reader honey! Reader is tilted so no one gets who's talking confused!
(Includes: Alhaitham, Tighnari, Kaveh, Wanderer, and Cyno!)
When Alhaitham suggested you called or messaged him whenever you were missing him greatly, he hadn't expected to see your number show up after only being gone two minutes... certainly you couldn't be that lonely already... right? He sighed, answering with a quiet, "Hello?" It was like he could hear the smile that played on your lips when he actually picked up and the happy tone of your voice actually did make him feel a little homesick, "Alhaitham you should come back, I miss you!"
"I haven't even been gone 3 minutes..."
"You say that like you think 3 minutes isn't forever!"
"I'll be back soon, I'm just going to the store."
"Well let's talk on your way there then, I miss you being with me in person, but hearing you talk can quench my addiction for the time being!" He chuckled slightly at your words as if they were silly, but ended up going along with your plan anyway, chatting with you the entire walk to the store, even during shopping and the walk back, until he was home with you once again, holding you in his arms while you told him over and over how much you missed him.
Tighnari pulled his phone out of his pocket, aware it had buzzed three times now with new messages and he hadn't even made it a quarter of the way to his destination, had he forgotten something? As far as he could tell he wasn't missing anything, he typed his pin and your messages became visible...leaving him shaking his head with a flustered smile.
You: Come back!
You: I miss you to much already!
You: Pleaaase!! I'll make you cookies!
He was seconds away from typing his response when you started calling, leaving him no choice but to answer with a slightly sarcastic chuckle, "You couldn't even last 2 minutes could you? I'm starting to worry you're obsessed with me." He could hear your laughter on the other end and it made his heart skip a beat, maybe he was just as obsessed with you as you were of him.
"You're only now starting to worry about that!? You should come back home and we can talk all about your worries!"
"I'm just returning my book, I'll be back soon."
"I wasn't lying about making cookies..."
He paused mid step thinking about making the warm desserts with you...technically the book wasn't overdue, he could turn it in tomorrow and then he'd still get cookies...
"I know your considering it! Come back! I'll give you extra kisses too!"
The fox sighed in defeat...extra kisses winning him over as turned around.
Kaveh smiled at the screen, his favourite picture of you displayed alongside your number as the phone rang, he hadn't even made it out of the driveway yet and he could still see you through the window, but he'd made a promise to answer no matter what, after all, he never wanted you to be lonely, "Hi honey..."
"You kept your promise!"
"Of course I did! I do have to get to work though and you know I can't call and drive."
"I know...but I just, missed you already! And knowing you're going to be gone for work all day...I'm going to miss you so much!"
He glanced at you through the window again, noticing the genuine sadness flick across your features at the thought of him being gone all day and he had to admit, it made him want to stay, "I'll call you when I get to work and then you can message me all you like, I'll answer the second I can."
"I promise...I love you honey."
"I love you too!"
Wanderer knew this was going to happen, he regretted his words the second they left his lips and as he stared at your number, the annoying song you'd chose for your ringtone playing loudly for everyone to hear, he wondered what had ever made him think this was a good idea in the first place, still he knew if didn't answer he you'd just keep calling, so begrudgingly he picked up, "...hello?"
"Whatcha doin..."
"You know full well I'm walking to the laundromat to pick up our laundry."
He listened as you giggled in the background and for a split second his annoyance ceased to exist,...you really had such a effect on him, stupid human, "How about...you come back and we get the laundry together! I can help carry!"
"I don't need help."
"...just come back so we can walk together. I miss you."
He rolled his eyes at your neediness, despite also finding it kinda cute, "I'm not walking back just cause you have separation anxiety."
"Finnnnne but you better answer all my messages then!"
"...just so you don't miss me to much."
Cyno had just barely shut the door behind him when his phone started ringing, he didn't even make it one step and you had already tested his suggestion?, "Is everything alright?"
"Yep! I just missed you!"
"I haven't even left our doorstep yet..."
His cheeks blushed slightly as he glanced through the window in the door, smiling at you while you waved at him, "You're right I have no argument, seems I'm at a loss for words. You could even say I've lost my window of opportunity to come up with some."
You rolled your eyes at his pun and yet still ended up giggling for some reason, "Yeah well then... you could say I'm waving my flag of victory! My reward...one more kiss?"
Cynos eyes met yours and he nodded in response, "One more kiss.."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 1 month
ok the askbox is open. im taking this opportunity to say ohhhhh im going crazy over the narrative constructed here. specifically with how audience (anon) interaction is intertwined with the main conflict.
because its like.. we are inherently a BAD THING. yes, some of us are actually malicious, but even if we do have kind intentions, and only want the best for ragatha.. just being there is a negative impact that outweighs any positives. we are a parasite, after all. and technically, the only positive action we could do is to simply.. stop engaging. leave the askblog alone. leave ragatha alone. except we could never do that, because we're too curious now, too attached- we want to see how the story continues, how it ends. we cant leave well enough alone, we just have to know. we need to know. so the cycle will continue nonetheless due to our nature. and we have to watch as our main character, the person we're rooting for, gets worse and worse. knowing that its our fault, because we're choosing to engage. we're choosing this path of pain. because we're curious, and that curiosity would kill us if we didn't feed it.
and of course its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things lol. no hate btw. im here enjoying it after all! though honestly i say that like this had any opportunity of existing outside of the askblog genre... or even the tumblr landscape itself- i feel like the anon feature itself is also a big part of this sort of narrative, as it allows those actively malicious anons to be even nastier. because it distances us from our actions. like.. we're given a mask, something that obscures our true identities (both to the other askers.. and to ragatha to an extent, as most all look the same to her. who knows, maybe that one supportive anon trying to cheer her up is the same one also encouraging her downfall! she cant tell!)- a thing that wipes our hands free of any consequences. a chance to become faceless and untraceable- so of course some people will indulge. be as horrible as possible. because, hey, its not like you'll be getting any consequences for it! no way to trace it back to you! no way to be held accountable! you can just sit back and watch the fire you made grow higher. more bright. thats the main goal, after all- to make a spectacle! to move the story along and make it exciting! thats the only thing that matters to you. that its entertaining. not the people you'll be harming in the process.
anyways sorry for the fucking. essay. in your askbox. i like talking and also i fucking love dissecting meta-aligned narratives like this. gggrrggrgrgrrrr chewing on this blog like a chewtoy. i hope everyone gets worse and this whole blog blows up!!!!!!!
i can't stop giggling at ' its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things ' . this was really originally supposed to just be a silly blog with little story but here we are . you really won't get this anywhere else
i get pretty happy when someone dissects this silly thing so no need to apologize !! i'm my own harshest critic when it comes to this blog so it's often difficult for me to grasp what meaning people get out of this lol truly thank you guys for wanting to see my insane , Unhinged ideas come through
and i love the dissection on the mean anons - a lot of this thing hinges on actions having consequences after all ! every little thing will have an impact on ragatha's mental state . i'll say i think the anons have potential to not be as harmful - as there was a point in the blog's time where they acted more like inner therapists to ragatha than reality-bending beings of chaos ( good times ) . it just really depends on being patient with an actually mentally ill person like ragatha - it does fascinate me how people's frustration with her echoes real life mental health situations .
but yeah thanks !!! i'll be kissing this essay and pinning it on the refrigerator that i call my brain (:
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starleska · 1 year
I hope you had a lovely trip! Hopefully this doesnt seem too demanding, but do you have any jack horner headcanons you're willing to share? Romantic, perhaps even yandere/possessive? Or just general headcanons? If not thats perfectly okay!!!
d'aww thank you sweet anon, i had a great time!! although i am very sleepy now 😴 i'm not even gonna lie to you, i whiled away the train journeys by gazing out of the window and thinking up little meet-cute scenarios with Jack 😂😂
oh HELL yes!! don't you worry, that's not demanding in the slightest - i'd be happy to oblige 😉 honestly this has steered off more into backstory/total fanfic territory, but i hope you like it anyway. i’ve written this with a bit of a feminine-leading-nickname bias, but this is for all readers!! i’m nb myself 🥰 feel free to substitute certain names for others 🔥
'Big' Jack Horner x Reader romantic/yandere headcanons:
historically, Jack hasn’t had much interest in romantic dalliances. coming from an upper-class family with a great deal of wealth means he received plenty of offers even when he was young, from hopeful families wanting to marry into his lucrative business. however, Jack always found the suitors from these families dull and predictable; they knew exactly what to say and how to say it, and their compliance infuriated Jack to no end. 
as a result, throughout his teens and early twenties Jack mostly abstained from romantic connections. it was at this time that he began to increase in size: he shot up like a weed and bulked out enormously, which greatly increased interest from a variety of parties. this came alongside his succession to the head of his pie business, and the flourishing of his criminal empire. although Jack was propositioned left and right, he only engaged in the occasional date and/or lay, and considered them to be stress relief. 
as his obsession with collecting magical artefacts and increasing his power grew, Jack’s dim view of romance as nothing more than fairy tale junk - something he has come to abhor - solidifies into a type of confident nihilism. he believes that he is simply built different, and that truly powerful figures don’t concern themselves with such trivial matters. that is, of course, until he meets you. 
at first, Jack is horrified. first, he believes he has fallen ill; why is his heart beating so fast around you? why does he feel hot and sweaty and clammy all at once when you pop into his thoughts? this quickly descends into a type of paranoia: he is convinced that you must be some type of magical artisan, one who has cast a spell to drive him mad. we know Jack isn’t the patient type, so he confronts you, dragging you into his office and threatening you with the business end of the Huntsman’s Axe from the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale.
rather than the reasonable reaction of terror and attempting to escape, you stammer and blush, almost hyperventilating at the proximity. he’s so much larger than you, and it takes everything you have not to melt into his arms. you manage to tell him that you find him impossibly charming, and just being around him makes you feel lighter. this takes a moment for Jack to process. he questions you repeatedly: “You find me attractive?” “Y-yes.” “You’d like to become an item? With me?” “Yes, sir.”
once he is certain that there is no trickery afoot, Jack is ecstatic with you. the full extent of his smarm and arrogance pour over in waves. Jack is not a man prone to embarrassment , and he makes no secret of your relationship whilst going about the daily business of running his criminal organisation and pie factory. he freely plays with your hair, rubs your shoulders and gives you kisses in full view of all his workers, much to your humiliation, but the way Jack looks at you with approval after every  teasing show of affection makes it all worth it. Jack’s staff even give you a  nickname: The Baker’s Wife. 
in no time at all, Jack becomes your fiercest protector. someone calls a rude comment to you in the street? they’re found the next day, strung up by their thumbs outside the village walls. a debt collector comes to harass you and your family? how interesting: they choke to death on a pie, overstuffed with plums. you soon find that members of The Baker’s Dozen are assigned to keep you safe: following you around his mansion and accompanying you outside without so much as a word. you try to question Jack about these events, knowing in your heart he is responsible, but the way he tells you, “No one hurts my princess,” makes your heart squeeze. indeed, day-to-day Jack treats you like royalty: only the finest garments, cuisine, and entertainment for the love of his life. 
however, in private, Jack lets his sadistic side shine. he is delighted by how easy you are to fluster: how a filthy whisper or a well-placed touch can make you tremble and squeak. he enjoys your size difference, playing with you as if you were a doll, and he chuckles darkly whenever you squirm. there’s nothing he loves more than pinning you against a wall with a blade, enacting the predator/prey dynamic he knows you enjoy so much. he leans in close and breathes into your ear, telling you how small and helpless you are, and how easy it would be to rip you apart. he relishes in making you beg to be touched, how much you crave his silver tongue and those awful, atrocity-stained hands. Jack tells you that you are his, forever, until the day you die: and that is something you love more than life itself. 
hope this is what you were looking for, anon 😉
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jimhopperlova · 5 months
sexting | david harbour (18+)
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gif source: the redheads diaries
omg hi you party people!! i am back (finally) with a special spicy multi series that hopefully you all will enjoy!! im very excited to write again and i miss you guys so much!! let me know if you want any requests.
Pairing(s): pervy!david and bratty!femreader
Warning(s): flirty texts, masturbation (f), masturbation (m), phone sex, squirting, degradation
Summary: when going out to a employee party at a local bar one night, david saw you amongst his female coworkers and hadn’t met you before. that night, he made it his night’s goal to retrieve your number one way or another.
‘Hey there.’ you received a text from an unknown number after you had gotten home. living in a one bedroom apartment, you were hardly able to afford the place all to yourself. but you could atleast go out with your friends who were having an employee party at the local bar. your friends were all supportive in the most ways they can, even bought your drinks for you. despite you not being an employee, your friends still wanted you to go out with them and have some fun. you wre blessed to have great friends. after getting out of the shitty night club outfit, you plopped on some pajama pants and put on an oversized t-shirt.
you then opened up your phone, looking at the number with the text message. who was this? you tried your hardest to think, but nothing was popping in your head. you were skeptical, but decided to reply anyway.
‘uh.. hey there. who’s this?’ you replied to the message. you didn’t think they would text back right away, so you sat your phone down. you grabbed the remote and before you knew it, your phone dinged. you picked it up and read the message.
‘My name is David. I got your number from your friend, Missy.’ this now mysterious man replied. you facepalmed yourself at your friend, kinda creeped out and also angry at your friend. you quickly dialed up your friend, hoping she would answer.
“(y/n)! what’s up?! i’m drunk as fuuuuuuuuck.” your friend missy giggled into the line and you rolled your eyes at her response.
“thank god you’re home. hey, uh.. i got a message from a.. david. do you know him?” you asked missy who only giggled, before letting out a hiccup.
“ohhhh… david. he’s fuckin’ hot. he had his eyes on you, missy. oh wait, m-my name is missy. haaaa!” missy laughed and you wanted to punch her in the face for being so drunk. “buuuut.. y-yea. david works in the office. he’s uh.. the-the psy-psy… fuck. oh yeah, psychologist! yeah, t-thats the word.” missy explained, and your heart pounded. the man that’s a psychologist is single? and yes, your friend missy will fuck anything that walks, but.. if she exuberates on hot (and she’s drunk), that means he’s hot. right?
“oh.. okay, thanks missy. eat some bread and get your ass to sleep.” you told her before saying goodbye and hanging up. you lifted your knee up to your face before resting your arm against the knee. you absentmindedly started to bite your nail, deep in thought. this texting could be fun.
‘hey, david. i’m (y/n). why did missy give you my number?’ you asked david, before you left the messages open and waited patiently. you watched the bubbles appear almost immediately, as if he had been waiting for your response.
‘I saw you in the bar, and you looked beautiful. Thought I would shoot my shot.’ david replied. you didn’t even know what this man looked like. you had an idea.
‘well, mr. david. i don’t know what you look like. send a pic?’ you texted, kind of nervous. what if he wasn’t hot. what if he wasn’t what you had pictured in your mind? you had pictured kind of chisled, maybe had a little beard. you hoped he looked atleast decent. suddenly, the bubbles were typing and then there was a picture.
‘Currently sitting here enjoying this Ben and Jerry’s. Cigarette’s fake lol.’ david replied, and you couldn’t help but look at the picture.
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you tried to identify every single thing about this man. his beard, his hair, even tried to get a glimpse of his chest. he didn’t send a flattering pic, but maybe that was how he was. goofy. that could be even better.
‘oh wow, mr. david. who knew a psychologist eats ice cream in bed after drinking at 1 o’clock in the morning? 😜’ yes. you were being flirty. but you couldn’t lie. despite the act of trying to be goofy, you could tell this man was hot. even better, he was your type. despite missy in her drunken state, she knew exactly what you were looking for.
‘So Missy told you my profession. What do you think of that?’ david asked you, and you couldn’t help but blush. of course this man has money, but you didn’t give a single fuck about that. in fact, you more were thinking of how good of a person he was for trying to help people.
‘i think it’s great what you’re doing for people. i’m sure you went through school for the money, but psychologists are one of the greatest gifts on the earth. especially for the kids. you are a brave man, mr. david.’ you replied to him, and more bubbles popped up. you were quite excited to continue this conversation, and you really didn’t understand why.
‘Well I do what I can. I like making people smile and helping them. Say, where’s my pic? I sent you one.’ david asked, and you got nervous suddenly. should you send one? you ended up doing so, of you in the oversized t-shirt and the long pajama pants. you held up a peace sign, showing you were getting ready to sleep. you sent the pic in nerves and once again, david replied almost immediately. ‘Haha. Sleepy already? I thought I could talk to you more.’ david replied, and your face instantly blushed.
‘yeaaaaah. i was the dd for the night. those girls drove me crazy.’ you replied.
‘Oh yeah. Your friends are quite the chatty ones.’ david replied before you saw the bubbles yet again. ‘Well, I’ll let you head to bed. I’ll speak with you tomorrow. Sleep dreams.’
‘you too. nice talking with ya.’ you replied to david before setting your phone down. you trotted your way to your bedroom and got comfy in your queen size bed before shutting your eyes softly. you couldn’t help but think of david now. was he wanting to get to know you? you hated to admit it but you pictured him in bed with you. you just met him and you’re already thinking of that? perv.
the next morning came and you yawned, stretching slightly to try and wake up. you need a shower and you felt gross. but before that were to happen, you wanted to check your phone to see if a specific someone messaged you.
‘Good morning. Just picturing you here with me. 😉’ the text was sent at 7 o’clock this morning by david. it was currently 8 as you had slept in, and you didn’t work today. your face emitted a deep blush and you realized you had to meet him in person soon.
‘good morning. oh really? well we will have to change that soon, shall we?’ you texted him back before going into the bathroom. you brought your phone with you so you could listen to music. the main reason was to text with david. you started to undress yourself before receiving yet another text.
‘Yes, indeed. Where’s my good morning pic?’ david texted you, and you instantly giggled. your current self was undressed, and you thought that you shouldn’t take a picture of you naked. who knows what he would do with that.
‘well, i’m a little.. preoccupied at the moment so you’re gonna have to wait. besides, i didn’t get one.’ you texted back and he instantly read it. after a moment, the bubbles popped up yet again and he replied.
‘You want a good morning pic? Why didn’t you just say so?’ and then he sent one. it was a picture of him laying down in what you presumed his bed, visibly shirtless this time. he had a smug smirk on his face, and that made your face beam. ‘Send a pic of you right now. I did it, so it’s only fair.’ he replied afterwards, and your face was still red. you conteplated, before emitting a fuck it attitude. you sent a picture of your shirtless self, using your free hand to cover up your nipples.
‘there, ya happy ya big goof?’ you texted him back and it took him a minute to respond. the longest he took was at this moment.
‘Very much so. Thanks for the trust.’ david replied before he continued to type. ‘What are you doing that’s having you strip?’
‘jumping in the shower. i won’t be too long.’ you replied, and you scrolled up a bit to look at his smug smirk. you imagined him doing that right now, considering the flirty texts you were sending back and forth.
‘Ah, shower. Well try and not think of me in there. 😉’ david texted before you emitted yet another deep blush. you hadn’t even met this man, and here you are. basically being all googly eyed in response to his pictures and statements.
‘no promises. 😜’ you replied before setting your phone back down. you got undressed the rest of the way before jumping in the shower, feeling the hot water embrace your naked body. it felt good, almost too good. and despite david not telling you to think of him, you did. your hands roamed your body, picturing it was him im your mind. you reached your clit, and started to rub along the sensitive flesh. you rubbed circles, moaning softly at the way you felt yourself getting hornier by the minute. you imagined his beard tickling your neck as he laid kisses along your jaw, trailing down your body and to your breasts. you imagined him licking your nipples, caging them with his teeth softly. he bit down, but not too hard. you moaned some more, touching yourself to the thought of him. you were already getting close, just from the thought of him.
while you were preoccupied, you heard your phone go off. you tried not to think of it, and continued your masturbation party. little did you know it was a text from david, and a very specific text.
‘Do you want me to come over there? I’ll make you feel good.’ was what it read, but you didn’t know it yet. little did you know, david was also rubbing out one to the thought of you. he just imagined how good you would suck his cock, and how good you would take it. he imagined you being tight, almost like a perfect puzzle piece that he’s always longed for. when he didn’t get a response, he texted again. ‘No response which means you’re.. busy. Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?’ he texted you, and felt his own self beam with excitement. he finally set his phone down to leave you with your shower as his hand continued to stroke his cock. it was so hard, throbbing with need. he wanted you so bad. he knew you didn’t know him though, and you would be weirded out he had imagined.
to his surprise, you responded to his text already. despite you being in the shower and thinking of david, you couldn’t help but respond. you poked your head and arm out of the shower, drying off your hand in hopes to not get your phone wet. you read the texts and honestly.. you wanted him over here. but not yet.
‘mmm. what is it you think i’m thinking of?’ you texted back david, and to that he instantly replied.
‘Oh I think you know. Are you thinking of me pleasing you right now?’ david asked you, and you waited a moment to reply.
‘and what if i am?’ you asked. david typed with his free hand, slowly continuing to stroke his cock while he texted you.
‘I could call you, and tell you all the things I want to do to you. That is.. if you want.’ he replied. a phone call? you didn’t think it would be this fast that you got to hear his voice.
‘let me actually shower real quick, and then.. we can call.’ you replied and set your phone down. you took the fastest shower you have ever took before. your heart was beating fast as every minute past. you cleaned every part of you, trying your best not to take too long. finally you were finished. you decided to not get dressed in your day clothes just yet. you imagined you were about to.. touch yourself. ‘okay, i’m back in my room all showered. call when you went.’
upon seeing you respond, david immediately gave you a call. you watched the number pop up and let in ring for a moment before you picked up and put it on speaker.
‘uh.. hi?’ you spoke. you could hear david’s low but beautiful chuckle before he responded.
‘hello. how was your shower?’ he asked through the phone. his voice was intoxicating. his voice was low but yet had personality in itself. you definitely could cum to his voice.. if that’s what you think was about to happen.
‘it was um.. it was good.’ you responded. you heard his chuckle again, before he responded.
‘don’t be nervous, just relax. what are you doing right now?’ he asked through the phone. you swallowed past the nerves that formed in your stomach before you responded.
‘just.. laying here.’ you giggled out and to that you heard his chuckle again. he liked to laugh it seemed.
‘yeah? what are you thinking about?’ david asked you. his hand was on his continuing his movements from before, listening to your soft voice. he imaged your moans in his brain, and he was dedicated to make you feel good. as much as he could, anyway.
‘um.. y-you..’ you replied hesitantly. david smiled like he was a kid in a candy store again. from that sentence alone, he continued to stroke his cock, nice and slow.
‘mm.. and what about?’ he asked you through the phone. you had to bite your own lip from letting our a squeak from how sexy he sounded. you reached down to touch your clit, before rubbing soft and slow circles. you accidentally let a moan slip from your mouth, and david had to chuckle of course. ‘ah. i see.. what do you want me to do to you?’
‘um.. f-fuck me..’ you spoke just above a whisper, just enough for david to understand. to that statement, he added more pressure to his cock.
‘yeah? how do you want me to fuck you? from behind as i pull your hair? or missionary, so i can look at that beautiful face becoming undone in front of me?’ david asked you. you had to really conceal your moans now. he was talking so dirty, that it was driving you mad. you wanted to see him in person, but.. this made you feel so naughty. so dirty.. like you shouldn’t be doing this.
‘i w-want you to.. fuck me from behind, david..’ you whispered out. in that moment, he knew exactly how freaky you were. he liked that. he wanted you to be his personal little fucktoy. ‘i want you.. to use me..’ you continued, and david let out a soft groan. that made your tummy flip, imagining him groaning against your ear as he pounded into you from behind.
‘who knew you were such a whore? just wanting to get fucked..’ david groaned out softly as he continued to stroke his cock. this time, he was going even faster now. ‘go ahead and enter a finger. i want to hear you moan for me..’
‘y-yes, sir,’ you shivered with anticipation before you slowly entered a finger inside of yourself. you let out a soft moan as you continued to picture the man entering one of his own from the other side of the phone. you just started talking to this man last night and you were already dripping to the thought of him pleasing you. were you really that desperate? ‘o-oh.. david.. it feels so.. so good.’ you sighed out, and to that he let out a soft moan of himself. david has never done this before, and it was really helping him get close. closer to cumming than he would have thought.
‘i like it when you call me sir. it really makes you that much more desperate..’ david spoke lowly as he grunted while stroking his cock. it was much faster now, and he was working up a sweat. he was going to cum soon, and he wanted you to know. ‘enter another finger, babygirl. i want you to imagine that i’m fucking you.’
‘oh- f-fuck..’ you whined out as you slipped in another finger. with the continuous motions of you entering two fingers inside of you and one rubbing against your clit, you were getting close. ‘s-sir.. i’m-i’m getting.. c-close..’ you whined out, wanting to let david know.
‘cum for me, babygirl. whenever you’re ready. i want you to scream my name as loud as you can.’ david groaned out, as his dick was throbbing of more, but it knew that this was the best it was going to get. just a bit longer..
‘david! da- fuck!’ you yelled out, feeling that knot start to untie. before you knew it, you were screaming with pleasure, the juices from your pussy squirting out of you. ‘oh my-fuck..’ you sighed out.
‘yeah? fuck.. you did so good.. so-fucking good..’ david groaned out. when he knew when he was about to cum, he made sure to angle his cock onto his stomach. ‘i’m going to cum for you. where do you- do you want this cum?’ david continued to growl out and you instantly obliged with answering.
‘in my mouth, sir. i want to taste every drip of you..’ you moaned out. david immediately pictured your mouth gaping wide open, ready for his seed to spill all over your tongue. with that in mind, he came all over his stomach, his cock twitching a bit as he slowed down his jerking. you could tell he came with how vocal he was, and that made your pussy wet again.
‘fuck.. you did so good, babygirl,’ david spoke lowly as his breath hitched. he sounded like he was out of breath, and it was all your fault. ‘we should do this in person sometime, no?’
‘yeah, that would be.. that would be amazing.’ you replied. you really wanted to meet david in person. you only gotten a couple of pictures, and maybe that isn’t what he looked like. you were almost positive he was telling the truth, though. you were also out of breath, panting a bit as you looked at the soaked juices on the bed.
‘well. tomorrow’s friday, so i don’t work saturday. why don’t i take you out tomorrow night? 8 o’clock?’ david asked through the phone. hour face immediately brightened up, emitting a deep red. again. your heart thumped in your chest as butterflies hugged your stomach.
‘yeah, that sounds.. that sounds great. can we make it for 9, though? i have to work until 7 and i want plenty of time to get ready for you.’ you asked david, and to that he chuckled.
‘of course, i will wait as long as i have to. you have a great day today, and i’ll continue to text you if you let me. besides, gotta shower myself and head into work. it’s my own practice, so i make my own schedule.’ david chuckled and to that you giggled.
‘well i’m super glad you made it this far to where you don’t have a boss. you have a good day too and please.. please text me.’ you told him. and to that he smiled and said a goodbye and hung up. your chest tightened and you realized something. you just came from just a man’s voice.. no, you squirted. what will happen tomorrow night?
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goofy-art-stone · 6 months
(about the new ep on solarballs yall watch if if you haven't)
The fact that I am happy that Earth finally reunited and THEM! they all reunited. But to be honest I was expecting more from Venus and Mars on Earth, Man☹️ But anyway, I have high hopes for them to be friends again and for Mars to become Earth's best friend once more. (I know it will take time, but I just want them to be together again despite them not being friends anymore) anyway
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Also Earth in this was so cool. I mean it's kinda cool.
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BUT THE BEST PART IS THAT EARTH FINALLY APOLOGIZED. like The creator of Solarballs said in the comments section of the new episode, "thats one way to take Titan out of the hate loop" so yeah that kinda works🤷‍♀️ but I then know it was just Titan being manipulated. Am glad he manages to forgive after all that Earth said. Also am wondering even if I predicted the moons getting in trouble am more thinking about the moons rights? (Like I said from last post of what I talk about maybe Titans old plan of the revolution was talking actually work..that probably would be funny if that happened LOL all that for nothing.)
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(Insert Triton looking for Jupiter and Saturn am too lazy to get that photo)
I was like screaming in where the fudge did Jupiter and Saturn go like THEY DISAPPEAR RANDOMLY LIKE ASTRODUDE WTF? also am wondering what Triton just saw, maybe the dwarf planets or anything else. It's just so Exciting and also how cryptic it looked on that scene. But, thanks to the leakers being a huge B🤬, the moon revolution part 4 will be delayed or late. DAMMIT THANKS A LOT LEAKERS. I just hope all well for the creators and that the leaking exclusive scenes will go down soon and for the better of Solarballs in the future. Anyway the episode was great. JUST HOPING A LOT, hoping that Venus, Earth, and Mars could go back being friends and Earth and Mars being 'best' friends again I guess because their divorce sucks. (Am a big marth shipper) .
Before Titan could stop the whole violence moon revolution thing these clowns b couple came up.
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ANYWAY the new episode is a 9/10 for me. Now next stop we'll have to be EXTRA EXTRA patient for the other new episode(thanks to those leakers😭)
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bioethicists · 1 year
hi i hope you dont mind this question. i assume because you are anti psych/mad liberation (me too) you probably also get the pro psych reaction of "thats dangerous" and "its not all like that" and the accusation that acknowledging the fact that psychiatric and therapy "care" is so bad will make people quit that care and they will inevitably get worse and it'll be your fault? im an anti psych blogger and this really messes me up because my whole thing is that i DONT want mentally ill ppl to suffer, and thats the whole reason i AM anti psych. and i am afraid ppl will somehow be harmed by me telling the truth or making (evil!) generalizations about psych professionals, etc.
to me it seems incredibly reactionary, usually comes with a moral panic flavor, and is chock full of victim blaming cliches. it seems to me that it hinges on the fear and threat of 1. a Crazy person rejecting treatment and 2. a Crazy person rejecting authority, so again, it seems to be based mostly in stigma. and yet it does seem true and possible that ppl will be influenced in ways that turn out poorly and i dont want that to happen either. and yet again, framing it like "dont tell ppl what health care to pursue" is a misnomer since psych care is simply about social control... and that facade of health care just protects them from criticism in a bad faith way cause it makes you look anti vax adjacent and telling ppl not to see doctors. im not really interested in telling ppl what to do when it comes to accessing psych care, but my general analysis is that: is refusing psych care possibly dangerous? yes. is getting psych care also possibly dangerous? yes.
anyway the main question is if/how you deal with this. both intellectually and emotionally. cause i think its possibly the hardest part of sharing anti psych views in public. it makes me feel guilty and afraid. and i think making splicing disclaimers sucks and is stupid. so idk. thanks for reading.
first of all, i absolutely do experience this + it used to piss me off more than it does now but now it mostly makes me sad. i think you summed it up so well when you said that both refusing + seeking psych care can be dangerous.
part of it is that, the deeper i root into my belief in bodily autonomy, the more i stop punishing myself if someone takes a good faith, well-phrased assertion i've made + spins that into something harmful which i never said or intended. i am very deliberate to only spread information that pushes for expanding + critiquing methods of healing, stressing that my goal is to free people from suffering, not compound it.
i know that some people who are struggling with paranoia or self-destructive impulses read mad liberation talking points (often finding their ways to the more conspiracy fueled or recklessly phrased ones) + respond in ways that end up harming them, like cold-turkey going off antipsychotics or firing their entire treatment teams to take sketchy supplements. it does make me very sad that this happens, because like you said, i want these people to be happy + not suffer.
however, i rarely see comparable conversation about how people take the logics of the psych system and use THOSE to harm themselves. many people with similar traits to those who do what you are describing are just as likely to use the logics of psychiatry to punish themselves or distance themselves from others. they use 'coping mechanisms' punitively by becoming obsessed with 'clean' eating/dieting, organization/academics, being the Perfect Patient. they tell others + themselves that they are neurologically incapable of love or healthy relationships or pleasure. they isolate themselves because they believe they are fundamentally toxic or abusive. they dismiss their emotions as "just symptoms" + actively chastise themselves or try to train themselves out of experiencing any anger towards others or even any negative emotions at all. they admit themselves to psych wards frequently not out of a reasonable concern that they will hurt themselves or others but because they believe they belong in a psych ward any time they are experiencing symptoms. the list goes on.
all of that being said, i do experience genuine concern that people might read what i write + because of self-hatred or intense paranoia, read some sort of mandate or advice that isn't there + end up in more pain. because this exact thing also happens with psychiatry, which the naysayers you describe above are not concerned with, i don't think they're actually worried about hurting people. they are worried about Crazy people Not Getting Help. it comes from a place of paternalism + fear.
another, more positive aspect of it is that i do genuinely believe that many people are not being helped by their treatment teams but think they Have To be in therapy or in a hospital or on meds despite them not helping because that's What You Do. so they have been sitting around waiting for five years of therapy or their seventh ssri to start doing something meaningful. some of them just needed to hear: you don't have to do this; it might not be the right thing for you. i actually think these people are really well-served by hearing about anti-psych/mad lib stuff + them quitting therapy/meds/treatment ends up allowing them to look for other pathways for dealing with emotional suffering.
ultimately, i think mad liberation that focuses on true autonomy + total liberation of all peoples provides a clearer path forward for people to return from these places of intense paranoia or self destruction. i think we are all so used to being deprived of autonomy that, when we first get it back, we often stumble with it or try to provoke someone into taking it away from us. that is just going to continue to happen if we respond to it by making autonomy conditional. a LOT of us feel like we're not allowed to heal if it's not a moral mandate, so hearing that it isn't feels like nobody cares. we have to find new ways of showing that we care which don't involve exerting power over others.
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
The Phantom Queers Notes
Thanks to the ever patient Cap for putting up with me gushing about them nonstop! Love you cap
Anyways. Ahem.
Firstly; the Noir's mural. I said it was based off of official art from Mementos Mission? Yeah so I wanted to add that image to this post so anyone who hasn't seen it can see it and know what I meant
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So it's like this. But with more vines.
And now onto the notes
Haru's dad slowly adapting to his daughter being with someone like Makoto and just,
Okumura: invite your wife to our next brunch. I'm ready to have a meal with the person who makes you glow
Haru: are you ready for that? Neither of us want to push you
Okumura: I'm ready. I love you, and you love her so much. It's about time I let you show me such
This is after like. Eight years of him knowing Makoto. There were some very awkward talks in the beginning but mans did his research! He knows how to be respectful!
He even frames a photo of their little family and keeps it on his desk, with little trans and lesbian flag stickers in the corners. He updates it every year as his grandsons grow older
Teenage Makoto and Haru going to see a spy movie as their first date as girlfriends, Makoto nervous because sure Haru knows she's trans already, but what if-
They end up making out halfway through in the back of the theatre.
Haru: this was lovely! We should go on some more dates, yes?
Makoto: y-yeah! That would be very nice,
And Haru gives her a goodbye kiss, a full one right out in the middle of the street, waving her fingers with a little wink as she gets on her train, Makoto just standing there watching her new girlfriend walk away with her heart beating out of her chest
Their first place together is a dorm at university. They push the beds together to make a double, though they sleep so closely they'd only need a single. Little flags on the bag of the door, little polaroids from dates and hangouts with their new friends on a wall, the way Makoto's study space is sparse, with clicky pens and things to safely chew on, and Haru's having plants and life and so many colours-
Makoto finding out Haru's actually pregnant and just. She's so relieved. She didn't ruin it all for her love,
But Haru would've been so happy either way, even if their kid didn't have Makoto's eyes or, like their second and third, her rebellion and cute little nose-
Okay gonna lay out the sons real quick! They have three sons; Seiji is their first born, has Makoto's sharp red eyes, Haru's curls, and a general softer shape to him. When he's like middle school age he goes a bit emo, remains into dark colours and music. And he loves to cook! Loves food
Then there's the twins, Kazuto and Hiroto. Dark curls, Haru's softer eyes, but they have that Niijima spark, they look more like Makoto did as a kid. Identical twins too! Pure evil. Menaces. Cunning and with sharp grins, their moms are lucky they aren't into arson
Sae, just barely out of university, now the legal guardian of her little brother and just. Sitting there as this little middle schooler comes out to her, and-
Well. She has to do everything she can for her sister.
Makoto: here, let's look at my childhood photos
Hifumi: you, do that? Look at photos from before you transitioned?
Makoto: it's different for everyone. I'm fine with it, I know Yusuke has a select few saved, Futaba doesn't like it for other reasons-
Makoto: I did change my name though. We have nothing that remains with my dead name on it. That is where I draw my boundaries. I cannot handle hearing it on my worst days
Hifumi: I see
Makoto: it wasn't me. And while I'm not as feminine as you or Haru, I'm still a woman
Hifumi: I'm starting to make sense of this all, thank you so much
Makoto: that's what family is for, sis
-new note-
Haru: if you want to discuss, hm, reassignment procedures, with someone, I know Yusuke is rather open about his. He'll even give you his professional's number
Hifumi: why are you saying it that way?
Haru: Makoto has, a thing with. *Hospitals*. So, I tend to reword those things
-new note-
Makoto: I'll wake up early and make Haru breakfast in bed for our first mother's day, I'll have the little one strapped to my chest nothing can go wrong!
Hifumi: what happened to you
Makoto, sitting on the kitchen floor covered in flour and butter, her infant son playing with Johanna on the couch: I tried to cook with a baby. Help me please
Hifumi entertains the baby while Makoto makes a plate of scones, an omelette, and a little fruit salad for her wife
"I just get so distracted when he's with me. I lost all focus"
"yeah but the flour?"
"I was measuring it. Saw Seiji clap. So, I clapped."
Haru wakes up to her son giggling on Makoto's side of the bed, her wife tracing soft kisses up from her hand
"happy mother's day, baby"
"Happy mother's day, Love"
They both have the day off, and just spend a nice day with their lil guy
Haru: if this is mother's day, I wonder what you'll do for my birthday?
Makoto: ah, well Seiji won't be helping me with those plans. That'll be a very special night out, just us two. After a morning with his plans of course
Haru: I'm so lucky I have you,
Makoto: sjdbskdhxidbdj baby,,
-new note-
Makoto: happy birthday baby
Haru: you, bought that small building between us and the shop next door?
Makoto: let's go inside and you'll see your gift. Full home gym, with a little sauna and hot tub room in the back
Haru: ...not gonna lie Love this looks more like a gift for you
Makoto: did you notice the lounge chairs? This is a private show for you~ I know you hate coming to the gym to watch me, so-
Makoto: you can have a private showing whenever you'd like, baby. All for you
Haru: can we, have a go right now?
Makoto: of course. Are you okay with me working on arms and upper body?
Haru: YES
haru just in her lil lounge chair aggresively sipping water
cause shes thirsty
(green was Cap akfhdj)
Staring at the back muscles
Makoto has to wear a long sleeve shirt to her run with Ryuji the next morning. Normally she runs in the like, sports bra thing. But her arms, back, and abs are. Covered. From Haru enjoying her gift
Haru: I'm gonna kiss every muscle on you
Makoto: oh wow
Ryuji: whyre you wearing a shirt? You hate the sweat cling
Makoto: Haru's birthday yesterday
Ryuji: ...fuck I forgot to get her anything she's gonna kill me- wait. GROSS DUDE DONT TELL ME ABOUT-
Makoto and Haru at like a parents night for the preschool Seiji goes to just trying to ignore the straight gossip going around all around them
One couple: hehe we're trying to give her a sibling, trying for a baby is soooo much work
Makoto: ...they're just openly admitting they fu-
Haru: shh, Love. I know. Don't get too stressed though, you have to be in good health for our appointment tomorrow.
Makoto: think we should tell people we're also trying? But heavily imply we're just fu-
Haru: yes. Absolutely. Put your hand in my back pocket, I'll leave a little mark on your neck-
Makoto excitedly explains this at the appointment they go to the next morning, she's had to take those. Relax pills before so she's a lil loopy, and Haru just smiles so tenderly as they run the tests on her wife. She loves their little family,, so glad the medical field has a way for them to have kids (I'm making shit up idk man. Au magic this world made it possible I don't wanna think about it too hard)
Makoto: ...do you also find it weird we only have sons
Haru: shh don't think Love. Happy moment, no gender thoughts. Hold one of the twins, be mesmerized by the baby
Haru adores her wife and their sons so much. Even if their oldest turns emo and the twins are feral demons
Akira: when I first met you two you were getting the drunkest out of the group at every night out, dancing all over each other- I'm pretty sure you two were making out more than you weren't
Makoto: I remember our uni days, ha
Haru: mm, good times
Ann: you guys were. All over each other then
Haru: it was our first time getting to be open about us! It was exciting.
Makoto: we're just as all over each other now, we just know how to close doors
Ann, three drinks in: you think that's all we do on that couch?
Yusuke: ...I think we need to sober her up before my roommates kill each other
Akechi, already grabbing the hose: on it
Ann and Ryuji, very wet the next minute:
Akechi: problem solved. Hey, lesbians. If you get too handsy you're getting sprayed next
Haru holds her hands up in the "don't shoot" position
Hifumi just sits to the side and drinks with Futaba, watching them all
Futaba: you want to stay on our couch tonight? Going home with Mrs and Mrs "Horny Drunk" won't lead to good things for your mental health
Hifumi: ...please tell me you're not speaking from experience
Futaba: me? No. Goro? Oh yes. Watching him be unable to look at either of them for four months was hilarious
Hifumi makes it back home around noon and notices only Makoto is in the house space
Hifumi: hey, where's Haru?
Makoto: hm? Oh, she's working downstairs. Want some tea? I can make you a plate of eggs?
Hifumi: Haru out drank everyone, how is she functioning?
Makoto: she's somehow immune to the hangover. Nah, I'm kidding. She drank water between every drink. Then it was the Gatorade and coffee mix, with a plate of my "Hangover Eggs". Neither of us have ever had a rough morning. Not since the first month of uni
Hifumi: ...I'll take a plate of the eggs, please
The day Haru finds out she's pregnant is. One of the best days in their household
She and Makoto had been having monthly appointments with their doctor over the last year, and. She'd felt off since the week after the last one but- she thought takin the test was wishful thinking
But the eight tests all read positive and- man she's gotta think of a way to tell Makoto
Before she gets a chance some dude tries to rob Noir's, barely nicks her with his knife but she goes to the hospital as a precaution cause tetanus
Makoto gets a call from one of the workers telling her her wife is at the hospital, they were robbed, and she gets there and is so relieved to see Haru looking alright, just some bandages around her arm, and Haru just Smiles
Eventually a doctor comes in to give Haru the all clear, but he pauses before they leave like: oh, and we did check. You're coming along just fine
Makoto: what does that mean?
Doctor: the pregnancy. Ms Okumura is early on, but all is going well
Makoto: ...it worked? Youre-
Haru: surprise?
Makoto is excitedly telling everyone for the next few months. Sure Haru was the one who wanted children more of the two, but that doesn't mean Makoto didn't want this. Her wife is pregnant! They're having a kid! And by some miracle, it's their kid
Ann: wait. How
Yusuke: but. You're on estrogen? There should be no way-
Shiho: ...Ryuji, stay on point here
Haru: science
Makoto: lesbian magic
Goro: I'm not watching your little spawn
Akira: dibs on godfather!
Futaba: in surprised you kept it a secret this long. Both of you suck at secrets
Makoto: no we don't
Haru: ...love you accidentally told me you were going to propose three days before you did it
They're much more open when they decide to go for a second kid, mostly because they're more convinced it'll work this time
Ryuji: gross
Ann: we already went over this. Science baby. Not like with straight people
Ryuji: but still
Makoto: you've known us for like ten years. How are you still like this
Makoto: so stop thinking about it?
Ryuji: ...oh.
Then there's a bit about Ann and Shiho, how they decide to have a donor baby, and. End up with Triplets. Two daughters; Asami, Nikko. And then a son, Tsukito
Makoto: Seiji, turn off the TV, go play with the trio
Seiji: but mom, they're playing field hospital again. They're gonna make me the patient
Makoto: buddy, sometimes we have to make sacrifices. You and I will have a day to ourselves if you do it, okay?
Seiji: can we go to the farmers market?
Makoto: uh sure
Seiji has the red eyes but the twins are pure evil
Makoto: Kazu, Hiro, how did you get up there
The twins, literally on the roof: climbed
The twins have the like innocent Haru smile. Devious
There's cunning behind those eyes. They have the Niijima mind
Kazu: mom I don't feel good
Makoto: oh no, what happened- ...why is there a pencil in your arm
Hiro: hi mom
Makoto: ...both of you. What happened. Why are there pencils in your arms
Kazu and Hiro: we wanted to see if we could stab each other hard enough
Makoto: get in the car we're going to the hospital
Kazu: we're going on a hunger strike
Hiro: we want the bigger room. There's two of us
Seiji: I'm older. Nice try.
Kazu: we will make you give in
Hiro: I'm studying up on CIA torture tactics
Kazu: we both take martial arts. You will give us the room
Seiji: oh yeah? You think I won't survive? Try me
Makoto: baby the boys are waging war
Haru: eh, they're tire each other out. Feel up for a workout?
Haru, who was working the shop downstairs: Love? What's wrong
Makoto: I lost the babies
Haru: ...what
Makoto: I didn't think they'd figure out how to open the door i- baby the babies fucking got out-
Seiji: they're under the couch they just opened it and went under the couch
Makoto: what did we do to deserve this
Haru: I mean, we did fuck at a party and break the urn with someone's grandmother's ash's in uni
Makoto: oh yeah. And then we blamed Goro
Uni Makoto and Haru are just. A different breed. Them in high school was sweet, them after is domestic with a hint of spice, but. The in between.
They all go to the grand opening of Noir and. Just stare at how normal the two are
Ann: no visible hickies... It's a miracle
Akira: I can't believe it. They've been tamed
Haru: hi darling, think you'll lie on your stomach for me?
Makoto: ngh, wait, its-
Haru: don't think about it. We'll get your shot over with quick, and then we can have the day in bed. I promise. We took today off for a reason
Makoto: nooo I don't want it,
Haru: you're just saying that, you love you. You won't be the you you worked so hard for if you weren't brave enough for a little shot
Makoto: ...will it be quick?
Haru: I'll even numb the area with ice
Makoto: and we can kiss all day?
Haru: whatever you want
Makoto: fine. Give me the e,
Haru: you call me baby and yet,
Makoto: OW
Haru: that's the ice, Love
Haru: there, all done.
Makoto: did you use the
Haru: yes, I used the Buchimaru band aid
Makoto: I love you so much
Haru: I love you too
Makoto: kiss time?
Haru: I suppose~
Makoto later on: hey, thanks for not listening. I'm already feeling better
Haru: I know darling, it's hard to stab you sometimes but I know it's what makes my girl happiest
Makoto: mm,
Sae: since you two are going to be rooming together when you go off to uni, it's time I passed on the torch
Haru: oh?
Sae: Makoto is a coward about her hormone shots. No matter how much she says she doesn't want it, she does. Unless she has a serious conversation about detransitioning on a non shot day, don't listen. Give her a lollipop or something, anything else to focus on. She does best lying down. She can't kick you if you sit on her calves-
Haru: i- have you been doing this all this time?
Sae: yes. And now we will have the awkward experience of me helping you give her the shot. It'll be weird. But it'll be your responsibility as her partner
Haru: I'm ready, Chief
Makoto: hey, sis- Haru? Wait, no
Sae: yes. Pants off. Lie down.
Haru: will you lie down for me my Love?
Makoto: ...uh yeah
Sae: pants.
Makoto: bite me.
Sae: Makoto, you know this is what's best for you
Makoto: lies
Haru: I'll hold your hand if that helps? And give you a kiss after for being so brave?
Makoto: you're much more convincing than sis
Sae: alright Haru, that's it. You did it, congrats
Makoto: I'm dead. You killed me
Haru: you're rather attractive for a corpse
Sae: I'm leaving now. I'll bring home dinner. Don't do anything stupid
Hifumi: oh I do my own shots
Haru: my wife is just a big baby about them, and I mean that affectionately
Makoto: yeah I. Don't do well with anything of that sort
Haru: our fertility appointments are. Very planned. She takes one of those relaxation pills before we go
Makoto: it's tough but it's worth it for the chance to give Haru anything she desires
Makoto is the most doting wife while Haru is pregnant. Foot rubs, vitamins, skin creams and talking to their son every day
"today your mama gave your mom her shot. That's right, your mama shot me"
"just kidding kid. She helped me feel more like myself, and I love her so much. You've got the best mama ever"
"They have the best mom too"
Haru: ...Makoto?
Makoto: it's 2 am,, what is it baby?
Haru: I want. Cold soba noodles
Makoto: easy enough,
Haru: covered in chocolate
Makoto: ...
Slow dancing in the kitchen, Makoto behind Haru, hands entwined over Haru's dark apron, heads leaned together
Makoto: a night to ourselves,
Haru: Hifumi moved out a year ago, and the kids are staying at the Quad,, so it's just us
Makoto: shall we treat ourselves? I can make you steak? Break out the good wine? We can have a nice bath, turn in early for some, us time
Haru: can you make baked potato with the steak?
Makoto: anything for you
Haru: carry me to bed later?
Makoto: of course
Buff Makoto and her pudgy baker wife, And their emo chef son and two demon spawns
Thinking back to scared little high school Makoto, more scrawny than anything, and petite Haru seated beside her, their pinkies barely entwined, both blushing and looking away
To Uni them, with Makoto playing rugby recreationally and Haru being very much a fan of that, them making out and boinking literally anywhere possible, somehow like top of their classes while still going all out for the fun side of things
Makoto being very awkward with Haru's dad.
Kunikazu: so. You are. Transgender?
Makoto: yep.
Kunikazu: you want to be, a boy?
Makoto: w-wrong direction, sir
Haru: you can't do anything, father. I love her.
Kunikazu: I see
Makoto: ...can I go home? And hire a bodyguard?
Kunikazu: I suppose you two can live together. Just. I do not want a surprise grandchild
Haru: that's not even possible
Makoto: yeah I'm leaving
Haru: father and I will be having monthly brunch
Makoto: oh, joy,
Haru: just us. You're not invited
Makoto: ...did he-
Haru: I uninvited you
Makoto: I love you so much
Haru: no marks, I'm seeing my dad tomorrow! Makoto-
Makoto: but baby,
Haru: ...no visible marks at least
Makoto: ...fuck I forgot the rule
Haru: it's, well. I didn't try to stop you,
Makoto: your dad is gonna murder me
Haru: he won't, he likes you, he's just. Still in his learning phase
Makoto: yeah but you're gonna walk in tomorrow looking like a dalmatian
Haru inventing the Gatorade coffee in university after a night of. Heavy drinking with her girlfriend. Waking up and feeling like death itself and just. Trying to make coffee but she's barely looking and brews it with. Gatorade instead of water
Haru: I know you spoke to Yusuke, but Makoto gave me permission to tell you about her surgery experience
Hifumi: oh?
Haru: she had top, which I'm sure you've noticed by now. She likes to ditch the shirt more than usual
Hifumi: yes
Haru: but she had such a horrible time recovering she cancelled for bottom and just. Never got it
Hifumi: oh. And she's okay with that?
Haru: it works for her. Makoto's never been, violently dysphoric about her body. Not since I met her. Her voice was one thing, but now she's at her best
Hifumi: thank you for sharing, and tell her thanks too
Haru: of course! And let me know if you need someone for care afterwards or to drive you to and from
Haru dealing with miserable Makoto post op from top and just
Haru: my poor girl,
Makoto: I'm dying,,
Makoto: but at least I'll die with boobs,
Haru: okay let's give you some more pain meds, HEY DONT TOUCH, MAKOTO-
Makoto: ow,,,
Makoto: I just wanted to feel,
Haru: I know you and your hands, but give it some recovery time, please
Sae walking into Makoto's room during their first sleepover in high school and just. Seeing the two all curled up, the content looks on their faces, She sees Makoto stir and the minor look of horror on her face at getting caught by her sister but, Sae just smiles, whispers a loud goodnight, and turns back
Haru nuzzles closer, and Makoto just. Smiles.
Them watching Seiji in a school play and just trying not to fight the group of mom's at the back of the room who are chatting
Makoto: the disrespect-
Haru: Love his line is coming up, make sure the camera is on!
Makoto: wait, shit, where did the twins go?
Haru: ...we can worry about bailing them out later
Surprisingly that's it?? But one last joke Cap made that I felt I needed to share
"of course Makoto's trans her Persona is a Transformer"
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
please tell me the otto and reinhard rare pair analysis
HAH thank you for asking because your ask is finally pushing me to finish that analysis 🙏 ok lets get into it… this is. a very long analysis!!
so firstly—the suwens and astreas have briefly crossed paths before. i cant 100% go into detail because i still havent finished the wilhelm and theresia centric ex novels, but rezero wiki says this about ottos grandfather (yaktol):
Tumblr media
(veltol and tishua are theresias parents btw)
theres also the fact that the suwens’ hometown is picoutatte, which is historically where stride vollachia caused A Shit Ton of chaos that the astreas and wilhelm had to fight back against. wilhelm and kurgan (someone close to stride) dueled there, and then theres the fact that stride not too long after that summons a dragon in picoutatte using the sacrifices of twenty Divine Protection holders T^T on top of causing a shit ton of other deaths as well!! so like—yes suwens and astreas have kind of sort of briefly crossed paths apart from the suwens definitely knowing the astreas because the astreas are Famous.
ok now moving on to otto and reinhard specifically—they parallel in a lot of ways, and the first way is their families. the suwens are an established and decently well known merchant family based in picoutatte, known as the commercial city. the astreas, of course, are well known for the sword saint line and are very much a warrior family. the roles and career paths otto and reinhard go down follow in their family’s footsteps Exactly, but of course the key difference is that otto has a loving family.
the thing with ottos divine protection is that it wouldve been Extremely easy for him to go insane with it, and iirc there Have been other people than otto to get his divine protection and then Go Insane, so theres a sense that otto turning out mostly alright is a Rarity. and i think that makes sense, because a dp where your senses are Constantly Overwhelmed from birth because of all the constant noise from animals? like otto is right in saying thats literal hell. and thats not to mention that sometimes animals and nature are Brutal, so little kid otto is taking in All of this. but i think otto in large part turned out alright because of his family. they were patient and loving with him and his parents took him to every doctor they could in order to figure out what was bothering otto. his older brother oslo eventually taught him to read and write and Communicate and like—i think its SO telling that oslo and oslo and otto’s parents START CRYING when otto starts communicating by writing down “thank you for everything” to them. like they care for otto and this is such a Huge Milestone on top of those sweet words after otto hasnt been able to respond to any of them, so Of Course the other suwens get emotional. and in general otto being Plagued with bad luck and getting into All Sorts of Trouble, including being chased out of his own hometown by assassins, is like. the suwens are again patient and loving with otto and try to help him out the best they can (such as when they got him merchant connections after he left his hometown so he could be a traveling merchant). theres also frufoo, ottos ground dragon (whos BASICALLY family to him, given how much she acts like a grandma and how close they are), who was most likely acquired by ottos family since iirc ottos known her since he was a kid!! and then otto also Chooses to become a merchant like most of his family. ottos younger brother regin becomes a vet (which is a decision inspired by otto because regin grew to love animals because of otto!!), so otto Really was not required to become a merchant. but he chose to Anyway because thats his passion and thats where his skills lie in.
and in regards to reinhard, well. ok we all know how awful his family gets towards him, but similar to otto—reinhard is born with divine protections. Many of them. and they all affect how he sees and experiences the world, similar to otto, but to a more Extreme extent in ways different to otto. like reinhard in that sense Isnt unlucky like otto is. i mean ottos luck had him in situations like nearly drowning as a baby or falling down stairs (implying that otto mightve been one of those kids that gets scrapes and bruises everywhere bc he keeps getting into shenanigans akdndn). but reinhard because of his dps has basically No Normal Experience. like he doesnt get sick. he doesnt get physically hurt in a lot of ways. etc etc. reinhard also has the ability to get ottos exact dp if reinhard ever gets into a situation where he specifically needs it. but reinhard of course doesnt have a choice in so much of this. otto of course didnt choose to be born with his dp, but he learns to function with his dp and use it to his advantage (including making animal friends!! like frufoo!!) with the help of his family. reinhard is. well because of his family situation and DP situation hes been Almost entirely on his own his whole life. and reinhard IS on his own because of how. special. he is. that and he of course has Zero say in whether he wants to be the sword saint or not. the world has decided that for him and he Has to do it. theres no choice there. otto and reinhard both have the legacy of their families behind them, but otto embraces it and reinhard is Forced into it. reinhard Suffers because of his familys legacy. meanwhile, the reason why otto manages to go on with his life as a mostly hopeful person is Because of his familys love!!
additionally, reinhard and otto grew up lonely. like reinhard only makes his first friend, julius, when reinhards fourteen. and ottos first Human friend is subaru, when ottos like twenty!! otto of course struggled to make human friends as a kid because he was behind in his social development and also accidentally did shit like Summon a whole Swarm of Insects into his town, so no duh otto didnt make human friends T^T for otto and reinhard its hard to make human connections when your dps make you So Different from the people around you!! how do you connect with others then? except ottos dp is in of itself About connection. his dp is entirely based on the ability to communicate—with animals, yes, but we see him make all kinds of animal friends throughout his life. again, frufoo’s his lifelong ground dragon companion, and otto often calls on the help of animals (who CHOOSE to help him). so otto wasnt Entirely lonely, especially when he had his family, hence why he very much did not turn out Super depressed as a teen and adult. reinhard of course was Very Lonely. on the other hand.
that, and i think it cant be denied that reinhard and ottos later connections to subaru are in some way Special to them. subaru was the one person who had no idea what the astreas and sword saints are and just saw reinhard For reinhard, which reinhard probably latches onto a bit, especially given the fact that reinhard just claims subaru as a best friend when the two havent even interacted that much in the main route? when you factor in reinhard if from lost in memories, subaru being special to reinhard gets clearer too—reinhard in that route just constantly comes to subarus aid EVEN IF subaru doesnt even call him. reinhard basically acts like a puppy eagerly following you and wagging its tail, and subaru is special because of his Particular attitude of being so Loud and Bold. which is also what draws otto to subaru!! otto specifically was captured by the witch cult and subarus decisions in main route lead to him being saved, and then later otto notes that from the moment hes met subaru, subaru acts like theyve always been close friends—which of course endears otto to subaru. to the point where otto RISKS HIS LIFE in sanctuary helping subaru and then he chooses to follow subaru into emilia camp. i think that the thing with reinsuba vs ottosuba is that reinhard wants friends and to be Equal and close to someone so badly, while otto was pretty decently content being a traveling merchant for years with just frufoo at his side. subaru, like many other people, looks Up to reinhard… but theyre not exactly equals because of reinhards status and power and reinhard is painfully aware of that. otto and subaru on the other hand are arguably the closest to being equals out of everyone, i think—in status and power levels and intellect and the roles they play in their camp. and by arc 5, reinhard is aware of otto of course being the emilia camps internal affairs minister and also being a close friend to subaru—and speaking of the reinhard-otto rarepair, i do think reinhard might even be a little bit jealous, if you really want to go that route. otto is a close friend and Equal to subaru. reinhard wants that so badly because no matter how much he registers his friends as his equals, his friends dont usually tend to see Him as an equal. and to otto, subaru is HIS closest friend!!
also speaking of arc 5. OTTO is the one that breaks up the hostage situation with felt and heinkel and reinhard. and because otto broke up that situation somehow, reinhard was able to finally join the fight in arc 5. theres an otto side story where felt and reinhard take the time to thank otto for this too, but like. can you imagine being otto and walking in on heinkel holding felt and reinhard hostage….. thatd be so incredibly awkward…… but anyway!! i think it is so horrible and funny in the context of reinhard-otto wkdndnd. otto is the one person who saw that shit happening and helped reinhard and felt out there hah.
but also speaking of arc 5. otto chooses to pick up roswaal’s burnt book of wisdom and otto decides to RESTORE it. otto bringing that damn book to priestella is also what helps draw the sin archbishops to the city??? and the reason why otto does this is because he doesnt trust roswaal and otto wants to restore the book just to read it and then destroy it so no one else gets to that info. and otto keeps the fact that he has the book secret for A WHOLE YEAR. otto has a habit of doing shit like this—doing things that HE thinks is best with barely any regard for anyone else—which reinhard cant afford to do. reinhards the sword saint and hes under the control of the kingdom and he Has to follow orders. meanwhile otto gets leeway because hes 1. very much a normal guy in comparison and 2. because hes “Normal”, hes hidden in the background both literally and Narratively and so he can just do shit like keep the book of wisdom just for his own reasons. Without As Much Personal Consequence. like reinhard does what he thinks is best too, but he cant afford to Not think of others bc his inherent power (and also family trauma…. and being brainwashed by the kingdom…) makes him painfully aware that the consequences of his actions are going to be significantly High if he fucks up. and quite frankly ottos morality is like. he has the morality of a chocolate eclair and im only half joking. well, more specifically, otto follows and treasures merchant ideals—which MAKES SENSE bc he Is a merchant from a merchant family—but he also denies knightly ideals. like with a Passion. otto doesnt see the point in living for ideals and then going out of your way to help others at a Detriment to yourself. like otto is very transactional that way—there has to be a benefit of some kind to him. if youre kind to him, he’ll repay you. if youre cruel, he’ll Also repay you in some way. and then on the other hand. you have reinhard. reinhard’s EVERYTHING is all about knightly ideals. he is THE pinnacle of knightly ideals. he HAS to try and save everyone even if its a detriment to himself and he doesnt even Register it as a detriment to himself because this is just his duty and his purpose. all this shit that otto does with the book of wisdom and then later otto’s Everything in arc 8 with how he supports the idea of just going back to lugunica and letting all 50 million Vollachian citizens figure their shit out by themselves—reinhard WOULD NOT agree. at all. otto chooses like the ten people he cares about the most and decides very pragmatically that everyone else is Less Important. and yeah of course reinhard has people he cares about More, but reinhard 1000% WILL go out of his way to help others. reinhard WILL try to help his family even though theyre shitty to him. meanwhile, if youre shitty to otto, hes either gonna say fuck you and leave (see: greed if) or hes gonna find a way to fight back against you. like unless hes held captive in some way with no hope of freedom (or if youre emilia camp and he Cares about you and knows you also care about him), hes not gonna take poor treatment without at least a Bit of a fight (and even if youre emilia camp, otto WILL complain the ENTIRE TIME and will not shut up <3). reinhard though? yeah emotionally hes gonna fold like a wet blanket the moment youre even Remotely mean to him.
but like adding onto the idea that reinhard would not Approve of otto….. OTTOS AN ALCOHOLIC. LIKE. like theres no question about it, otto canonically drinks when hes stressed out and the others call it his “drinking time” 😭😭😭👍👍 like ottos anxiety is out of wack (his stomach apparently hurts + theres the implication hes lost weight from stress wkdndnd) and im 100% sure he self medicates with alcohol. so like i Imagine the moment reinhard gets to know otto on a deeper level then reinhard is not gonna be happy about Any of the above info (ottos alcoholism + chocolate eclair morality). reinhards gonna be like “wtf otto :((( :<<<“. like hilariously speaking i think reinhards gonna give more shit to otto than heinkel akdndnd like otto is CLOSE to subaru and i think reinhard after being helped by otto especially is also like haha otto seems alright!! and then the moment reinhard learns more about otto its gonna be like. words cannot describe it let me find a reaction picture.
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BECAUSE LIKE i think reinhard would trust otto a bit like in the sense that yeah otto is trusted by subaru!!! otto aided in the siege of priestella!! otto helped reinhard and felt!!!! and then otto turns around and does Questionable things and reinhards like “noooooo wtf is this :((((“. its like a weird mini betrayal HAH, is how i imagine reinhard/otto as a rare pair. like i think theyre gonna BUTT HEADS. the idea of otto being one of the only people reinhard comes close to disliking is Hilarious to me. like of course reinhard isnt gonna give heinkel shit bc reinhard is 1. brainwashed into thinking everything is his fault and 2. thats his dad. reinhard sees otto though and reinhards like WHY ARE YOU LIKE THAT :<<<< YOURE LIKE THE BAD PARTS OF MY DAD. and then like subaru and felt are like the good parts of his dad. bold and passionate. otto meanwhile is Petty As Hell, complains a lot, and is an alcoholic akdndnd which is Also like reinhards dad. rip reinhard. otto is the functional alcoholic foil to heinkel ig 😭👍
meanwhile ottos thoughts on reinhard are like—theres a wariness and intimidation i think, because YEAH reinhards the sword saint and otto of course knows that, but im pretty sure otto just thinks reinhard Is a wet blanket after walking in on the felt-heinkel-reinhard hostage situation. and then otto heard reinhard blaming himself for that afterwards. like otto Pities reinhard for the shit reinhard has to deal with, i think, and on a deeper level i think otto could be weirdly endeared to reinhard. i mean otto already cares about One stupid hero complex knight (subaru) and otto Already cares about another stupid hero complex person too (garfiel) (also emilia <3 who has a lot of parallels to reinhard anyway!!). ottos gonna be like god reinhards so fucking stupid. i cant Exactly leave him alone…. like we see otto having sympathy for emilia before he even meets and gets to know her, so i think itd be similar with reinhard. otto would get that reinhard doesnt Exactly have a lot of agency, and of course astrea family drama Is Loud As Hell so otto has pity for reinhard of course. otto with his healthy familial relationships is like WOW that sucks. so like i think the rein-otto dynamic is reinhard being like “ew otto :<<“ and being Perhaps a bit passive aggressive while ottos like “GOD hes just like my entire camp!!!! stupid and naive!!!!!!! i cant NOT leave him alone actually!!!!”. which is fucking hilarious to me akdndndnd
and. lastly. prophecy of the throne shows a more in depth look at reinhard and otto meeting each other in one scene—of course those versions of reinhard and otto are slightly different because prophecy of the throne is AU arc 3, but like i think its interesting to factor in bc its reinotto crumbs!!! like reinhard is like “oh subaru whos this? :o” and ottos like panicking and freaking out hes like “WHAT?? WAAAA ITS THE SWORD SAINT?? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM RN???” bc hes literally meeting a celebrity rn and subaru did not tell him shit and reinhards like “haha if youre friends with subaru you can just call me reinhard 😅” like the reinotto meeting is the most awkward funny shit of all time wkdndnd. so im sure the rest of their dynamic is gonna be awkward and messy 👍👍 and if reinhard ever gets ottos dp too, they can go and awkwardly hold hands and go out squeaking at animals together LMAO. theyre both so cringe fail that their dynamic is gonna be the most cringe thing youve ever seen 😭😭
and adding onto my hypothetical breakups tier list post. yes i do think they would try to pretend nothing happened. reinhard manages bc his whole thing is that he seems unfazed by things (is actually Not Unfazed). ottos whole thing is that he seems like a crybaby, is a crybaby (without actually crying that much), but is also decidedly Secretly Insane the more you look into him bc of how he Literally and Narratively hides in the background a lot, so ottos just gonna be getting drunk and then blabbing about reinhard to everyone who comes near him akdndndn. otto and reinhard are both Emotionally Messes when they dont seem like theyre as messy as others but theyre MESSY!!! theyre gonna be messy!!! im not sure how reinotto would ever start but like you could shove them into shenanigans together and they could get up to the Stupidest shit and thats how they grow a Weird Relationship out of it wjdndn. otto being otto is probably also like “this is GOOD politically bc cultivating a good relationship with felt camp and the sword saint is very important!!” while reinhard is head empty and going “ah yes otto 🙂 subarus other friend!!”. and i would Love to explore more of what their dybamic would be, yes.
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piffany666 · 3 months
(I came up with this and now im making it everyone's problem)
Back when warden was working for the department and vega was their "patient"
Warden: Epiphany. By Inchoate.....W. I was not expecting this, this was so much more, you have stayed the hungry hunters, you have locked deaths door. For all your skulking, slinking, sneering, for all I was...fearing. I was not expecting this. For you to step into the light and reveal yourself. I see you. I see the lamb you hide under the wolfs skin i was- ahh!
Cutie: warden! What are you up to?
Warden: haha!...umm nothing! Notes! J-just umm going over some of our little friends downstairs' notes! C-can i help you?
Cutie: i thought id see how being isolated from everyone else in the department is treating you
Warden: oh? Thats...thats kind (?) Of you
Cutie: anything on your mind?
Warden: oh plenty; dealing with the fact that the place i work for imprisons my own kind, vega being....vega you know the usual. I was actually thinking about visiting aria but well...work and plus somtimes the d(a)emons there can be a bit-
Cutie: yeah thats great, anything els?
Warden: what...?
Cutie: oh come off it warden, i saw you in the brake room the other day
Warden: how do you mean...?
Cutie: look, every day we get thrown with the next mortal terror to deal with, were always being brushed off our feet! The other day me and sweetheart where stressing out about the next big disaster and you could hardly be bothered by any of it, you where just there, staring wistfully off into space while running your finger around the rim of your mug!
Warden: i was.....detracted
Cutie: you like somone!
Warden: WHA- I! T-thats! I-i mean i-i really don-
Cutie: called it! Sweetheart owes me a 5ver! So~ who is it~?
Warden: i dont have to tell you anything!
Cutie: is it the head of the department?! I know youve been talking about them a lot lately
Warden: i-is this an interrogation now?!
Cutie: so it IS the head of the department!
Warden: i-its no! I-its not the head of the department!
Cutie: alright alright! Were getting somewhere! I-its not agent is it? (Agent from the audio "a matter of urgenc" - the one with the southern accent) oh warden you could do better better i mean did you see what he was wearing the other day?
Warden: i-its not agent and I don't want to do this! OK? Now if you could just let me-
Cutie: sweethearts taken but that doesn't necessarily mean it's NOT sweetheart~
Warden: NO NO
Cutie: wait are you being so dodgy about this because it's one of us?
Cutie: laughs* IS it sweetheart? Is it!?
Warden: I'm literally begging you....
Cutie: realises* alright fine fine have it your way keep you precious secrets but between you and me can I at least offer you a bit of advice?
Warden: I get the feeling you're going to anyway
Cutie: look nobody's going to notice you if you don't notice yourself first
Cutie: OK look that came out wrong but what meant is take care of yourself because I know you Warden you will give yourself away until there's nothing left of you to love
Warden:......thats not fair.
Cutie: oh its true and you know it.
Cutie: look I'm telling you this as a friend just think about it OK? Whoever this is they'll see how great you are not because of what you have to give away but because of where you stand firm and after all of Well whatever the hells been happening here you deserve something for yourself
Warden: hey that- that really means a lot thanks i- I will think about it
Cutie: good alright well I'm gonna head out
Warden: take care of yourself too
Cutue: Always do~ pew! pew!
Warden:....right where was I? Oh yeah yeah OK.
I was not expecting this for the sharp pain of jaws to give way to you-
Cutie: Sorry, sorry! Hey... it's not me, is it~
Warden: Oh would you stop!?
Cutie: cos if it is you know~....dance cards open~
Warden: just go away! Just go away!
Cutie: just putting it out there! Alright, alright.
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