#anyway thank you anon ily i hope engineering is fun
marnz · 1 year
This is not gonna be super helpful, but the skillset you described is pretty useful anywhere so don't undersell it - e.g. I'm a mechanical engineer and while there is also a lot of physics and math understanding involved the core of every good engineering organization I've been in are the systems engineers that get to know who's working what components, what's important to them, and mediating any conflicting priorities that result. Less personality based than what you may be used to, but just an example (I'm not suggesting you go to engineering school; it pays well afterwards but is *rough*).
anon this is really helpful and interesting...like for example my dad was an electrical and mechanical engineer and really wanted me to be an engineer but while I am not super interested how items work, I am more interested in how systems work?? Or organizations?? Sometimes I feel like the thinking is the same whether it's an engine or an agency. The mosaic is very important to me in that regard, but this isn't a skill I know how to articulate well on my resumé. I admit that I do use this skill in my current job (paralegal) but not as often as I would like. is there a job that's a systems engineer for people?? i will have to research
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headcanon-baby · 7 years
dear mr. min (fuck me, fuck you) pt. 3
jimin regrets everything in life. including sending the lengthy, hormonal, angst-filled shit letter to his future boss aka Agust D aka ‘mr. min’ aka, “fuck you joonie hyung, why can’t you have uglier business friends????” AU that literally nobody asked for.
a series of ‘professional’ e-mails and texts between park jimin and a certain mr. min (as well as their totally useless ‘best friends’).
chapter summary: agust d doesn’t give a shit, doesn’t give a fuck. (except he does when it comes to cute boys in B&W filters and adorable Tinder profile descriptions) (again, this chapter is brought to you by very-done receptionist lee jihoon. he regrets everything, including fucking his boss at the age of 17.)
(one anon asked me why they couldn’t read the 3rd chapter of this fic so i clicked on the link and found out the url suddenly couldn’t be found. so here’s the reupload!)
to: <agust d ride my d> from: <parkjimin>
subject: i'm so sorry!!!
dear mr. min,
this is jimin (the one who sent you the disrespectful email). and i would like to formally apologize for the way I reacted earlier this morning. i was drunk and while i know that that's not a good excuse for drunk texting I would like to say I'm really sorry again and please don't think badly of me because of this. if it's possible, i'd like to make it up to you with some coffee?
(i promise i'm not trying to bribe my way into your good books. i swear.)
yours truly, park jimin
"boss, you've got an important email."
"who is it? i'm busy."
"scrolling through tinder and super liking every gay guy you see isn't what i'd call 'busy' boss."
"get to it, brat."
"it's that guy again. he asked -"
"just reply with something to show that i actually care."
"you su -"
"just go," yoongi waves him off as he aggressively super likes a hot guy with a B&W filter and the cutest eyesmile he'd ever seen. what was his name...? 'park jimin'? and what was up with that cringey 'i was born in busan first'...?
(still. how darling, yoongi thinks as his stare lingers a little longer at the way the man's tongue darts out of his teeth and honestly dies a bit inside because wow.)
how fucking adorable.
"who's it this time, boss?"
yoongi sighs deeply, which could mean two things: either namjoon broke something extremely, irreplaceably expensive (eg. yoongi's phone, yoongi's patience etc.) or -
"yah, i want to nail him to my desk, jihoon-ah."
jihoon - predictably - cringes at the sentiment. he knows what it's like being 'nailed' to min yoongi's goddamn work desk - or the aftermath of it anyway. there's lube running down his ass cheeks, his hair stinks of spunk, and at the end of the day he's given a lingering reminder of the 'event' in the form of dark hickeys splattered across his neck and finger-shaped bruises on his hips.
he fucking loved it. but he's never going to tell his boss that. he already had enough stroking of his oversized ego.
(and his diiiiick lol.)
"that's nice boss."
"how come i've never met such a person in my entire life, jihoon-ah? it's a conspiracy, i tell you. so many gay fish in the world and i fall for the bisexual one."
lee jihoon is speechless when he glances at his boss's new phone from the side and silently, wordlessly wonders if his boss even bothers to look at his email recipients.
"boss - "
"shh. go back to work jihoon-ah. your boss is in love."
...if you even bothered to read your emails, you'd probably love him - and his ass - even more, jihoon thinks dryly as he works up a devious smile and waltzes back to his desk with a plan forming in his mind.
"have fun on tinder, boss."
"oh trust me, I will."
jihoon can't help his smile turning into a full on smirk as spins in his chair, cracks his knuckles and double-clicks on park jimin's latest message.
now, who said being a receptionist didn't have its perks?
time for some fun, jihoon awakens his inner taehyung and cackles evilly as he begins rapidly typing back a reply.
to: <parkjimin> from: <agust d ride my d>
subject: re: i'm so sorry!!!
dear park jimin-sii,
it's alright! i forgive you. everyone's entitled to a day of bad life decisions. i have them 24/7. in fact, why don't we reschedule your job interview to next week, so i can take you up on that coffee date? i've heard of a great cafe at garosu-gil if you're interested. (it's a cat cafe, actually. if it's too expensive for you i could pay for most of it. i'm not a stingy old grump like you think i am.) hope to hear a reply from you soon!
P.S. you have a great ass. do you model?
yours, mr. min
family support group
squishy mochi <file attached>:    
to: <parkjimin> from: <agust d ride my d> subject:re: i'm so sorry!!!
squishy mochi i DON'T KNOW??? WHAT TO SAYY??? like THANK GOD?? HE'S NOT ANGRYY??
wow, fantaestic baby to be fair, you've gotta great ass
jungshook i can attest to that
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ too much information my child
squichy mochi well you dumped this great ass so sux to be you <:
jungshook oh my god LET IT GO
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE is anyone going to mention how jimin wrote 'sucks' as 'sux' like some emo teenager
joon.ie how odd
joon.ie yoongi doesn't normally reply back unless its on tinder and he's got a hmu and then he'll reply even faster than how long jungkook lasts in bed
jungshook h HYUNG
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ BURN
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE as quoted by tae ""throwin shade further than my GPA""
wow, fantaestic baby ^^^
jungshook #stopbullyingthemaknae2k17
squishy mochi #how about no lol
squishy mochi back to the point
squishy mochi should i??? like??? reply?? what if i get rejected??? i don't think my body can handle another hookup with a questionably 'platonic' best friend again
wow, fantaestic baby ooh, is it my turn yet?
wow, fantaestic baby *still midkey offended that u picked the baby over me last time*
jungshook oi
squishy mochi i was thinking more of hoseok hyung actually
squishy mochi nevermind tae you can go next
wow, fantaestic baby rEKT
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE :<
squishy mochi don't be sad hyung i'll give u a bj later okay? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE ♥♥♥♥♥ thanks minnie ily
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ sometimes i forget minnie isn't actually a pure cinammon roll irl
squishy mochi wanna fuck my thighs tonight, hyungie? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ yes please
joon.ie hey
squishy mochi threesome? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
joon.ie that's better
jungshook what's wrong with this fucking family
"you really need to stop hanging out with jackson-hyung, hyung."
"really, why's that mingyu-ah?"
"your evil smiles are starting to look like his."
"i'm OFFENDED," jackson shouts over from the 'engineers meeting' (which was code for poker with doritos as betting chips) with an exaggerated body wave.
jihoon wants to reply when bambam the cleaner slides out of the closet and dabs aggressively with jackson.
"lmao," joshua from the technical department says loudly as he passes by not giving a fuck.
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