#anyway technically these are all an evolution of my first real OCs
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the dragon show reminded me of some very (very) old OCs so have some love + devotion~
“So, you don’t believe the prophecy?” Sadira surmised slowly. She couldn’t look away from the way Te Mait’s hands, soot- and bloodstained from their magics, so tenderly mopped at Rael’s forehead. “Of course I believe it.” They dipped the cloth back in the basin, wringing it with the brisk efficiency of a knife on a chicken’s neck. Against Rael’s skin, their touch again turned tender. “Prophecies are never wrong, and they’re rarely straightforward,” they continued. “Rael might send me into a battle from which I do not return. She might sign off on a bridge which, by poor weather or construction, collapses just as I cross it.” They continued to wipe down Rael’s arm in long, sweeping strokes as they spoke, never once looking away from them. “Or,” they said, voice gentling, “she might hold the knife herself and drive it into my heart with her own hand.”
#all names are placeholders for the moment#i literally don't remember what te mait's name originally was i just picked it at random last night while frantically typing into my notes#*app#anyway technically these are all an evolution of my first real OCs#who were all redwall OCs in the first ~long story i ever wrote (100 pages of 2nd grader handwriting a dubious novel makes)#+ influence from a random tcp daemon au i started on mweor back in the day#which is sort of a bananas series of stepping stones on a story's evolution#but here we are#my writing#story: animus#pronouns are also placeholders bc i think what's going to wind up happening#is that te mait and rael use neopronouns (that are in fact just pronouns from a different culture/language than sadira's/the one rael now#lives in)#but that will take some thinking + dev
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I’m not gonna miss The Gifted, mostly because I only watched like two episodes of it, but there’s a specific thing about that show that both really amused me and made me cranky. The original character they made for it, Marco Diaz. Aka Eclipse.
See, it was amusing to me, because when I was like...fifteen and at the absolute height of my X-Men fan phase, I did the whole ‘make your own team of X-Men OCs’ thing. And because I’m me, I went really into their powers and backstories and worldbuilding and blah blah blah, I can’t do anything small. I’m a narrative size queen. Look, its a thing, and its me.
But anyway, they were all pretty good IMO, and I ended up moving them to various original projects in later years. There was Imago, Joy Ride, Rumor, Deliverance, Horoscope, Crossfire, Desperado, Hoax....and Eclipse.
The hilarious thing to me is that the character I came up with at fifteen, called Eclipse....was also named Marco (Marco Becerra), which was a combination of the first and last names of two of my best friends at the time (Look I have always sucked at real names and steal from my friends at every possible opportunity, this is long established canon).
And so my character Eclipse was also latine, though he was from Brazil, because my version was a cousin of Sunspot’s....and thus, he had powers that were kinda like Sunspot’s....basically he absorbed photons from the air around him, creating darkness in his vicinity, and then when he absorbed enough light energy he would start to glow until he released the excess energy as bursts of light/light attacks, that were admittedly more like Dazzler’s power signatures than anything relating to Sunspot’s. Look, I was fifteen, my power physics were not fully honed yet.
Anyway, this has always been kinda funny to me, not just because The Gifted’s Eclipse was also latine and named Marco, but because his powers were also to absorb solar energy and release it as light attacks/lasers....and the specifically funny part is the creators of the show in interviews specified that they modeled the character partially off Sunspot. (Even though ultimately, the way Marco’s powers worked in the show were nothing like Berto’s...and ironically, more akin to Dazzler’s).
So, it was just a series of commonalities that always just amused me because of the synchronicity - and no, lol, I never for a second thought someone had ‘stolen’ my character even though I’ve literally been friends with various people who have worked for Marvel over the years, like...its just one of those parallel evolution things. Eclipse is a pretty logical name for any character with light powers, and trust me, when you’re trying to come up with names for superheroes that haven’t been used a million times before, that one in particular jumps to the top of the list because the only high profile one close to it is actually Eclipso.
And also, like....its not hard to see how they could jump to Point B after using Sunspot’s powers and power signature as a Point A inspiration point, since....I mean its the same train of thought I followed when I was fifteen. So sometimes things just develop along similar lines purely because two different people were inspired by the same initial thought....though again, its a funny coincidence to me that both resulting Eclipses ended up being more like Ali than Berto. It just happens that way.
But anyway, so the series of coincidences made me laugh in that ‘ugh that coulda been me, but also that’s unrealistic because RIP to the Gifted’s creators, but I woulda made it good’ kinda way. (Ahhh yes, a lack of ego has never been among my Canon Flaws).
But then the part that made me cranky was the missed opportunities because from the second I heard about the character and his power description and then watched the pilot, I was just like uggggh you dumbasses, where’s the darkness, why isn’t he making shadows when he soaks up the light around him, that’s the BEST PART OF THE POWER, that’s what makes it unique, and its visually appealing, and technically he should be able to do that based off the very description you cited for his powers so why would you leave that out its so easy to do with special effects and could look so cool ughhhhh you’re so bad at this, also why bother naming him Eclipse if his powers never have a darkening effect that’s what an Eclipse DOES you colossal numbskulls.
Because I am, above all things, a Judgmental Cranky Asshole.
But anyway, random story for the day and I’m not even really sure what prompted it. I literally forget what i was looking at that made me think about this. Whoops.
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Who Wants to Meet My OCs? (Part 3a – Glitches Originals)
Look at me, following my plan and actually having the next part of this series posted on a Sunday! Whoot!
As I have mentioned before, I've wanted to do this series since November, so I'm excited I'm able to actually follow through with it finally. If you're just getting into this series, the long-and-short of it is that I want to introduce you fine people with all of my main OCs. They will each get their own Sunday bio post to introduce them individually, but in the meantime, I wanted to give insight on how I came up with them.
In Part 1, I had given a broad overview of the whole Meet My OCs series, as well as some generic IRL background to the inspiration and creation of my two main worlds:
In Part 2, I talked specifically about the IRL inspiration for my main Gyateara OCs:
Amara Yori
Natalie [Last Name TBD]
Connor [Last Name TBD]
Jolene Crisslebalm
Now, in this third part for the series, it's time to talk about my IRL inspiration and creation for my Glitches OCs. This list of characters is MUCH longer than what I have for Gyateara, so this may take a bit. In fact, there were so many characters - this post was 9 pages in Word - I had to split up this part into two more parts. So this first part (3a) focuses mostly on the Original Characters that are characters from the role play game X-Future. The next part (3b) - which will be published in a few minutes - will focus on the characters that started off as X-Men canonical characters, and how I reworked them into originals.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to keep reading below the break. If you'd rather just skip on ahead to the character bios themselves, my first one should be up next Sunday.
First, I should probably explain how characters are supposed to be formed in the game that birthed Glitches. As I mentioned in Part 1, Glitches started its life as an X-Men role play on a message board/internet forum in a Play-By-Post style. The role play game is called X-Future, and I loved the story we were telling so much that I wanted to re-tell it to the world. However, the more I build Glitches, and the more I try to make the story an original work, the more I realize that only a small portion of the characters and overall role played plot can truly transition over.
Regardless, the way characters are created for X-Future is as follows:
My husband has a lineage chart set up on the forum. There are two lists of available X-Men comic book canonical characters: list of usually male and usually female characters. I say “usually” because there are characters like Mystique, who is usually recognized as a female character, but is technically gender fluid, and has had long canonical runs as a male character.
The players get to choose ONE of the listed characters; therefore choosing either their character's father or mother. This allows the players to have a connection to at least one canonical character of their choice, and/or the potential for a power set they'd like to have for their character.
Hubby then rolls on the other chart to determine the other parent. Therefore, if a player chooses a female character for their parent, Hubby rolls on the male list to find the OC's father. There is also a “Sinister Shenanigans” option where the X-Men character Mr. Sinister created you as a clone of two mutants, in which case your “parents” could be both male or both female as well as the standard “a male and a female.” There is also a chance – again using Mystique as an example – for your character to have “same-sex” parents biologically, since Mystique could also be someone's “father.”
Once parentage is figured out – and Hubby posts the second biological parent on the boards – he then rolls on another chart to determine the character's power set. He does this because it keeps the players on their toes, evolution is weird, and real life is random, so why can't games be? Options he uses for a character's powers include: --> Character inherits powers from both parents in equal amounts --> Character inherits powers from both parents, but favors the father's powers with only hints of the mother's powers --> Character inherits powers from both parents, but favors the mother's powers with only hints of the father's powers --> Character inherits a variant of both parents' powers --> Character's powers are a mesh of both parents' powers (for instance, a fire manipulator and a rock manipulator could produce a lava manipulator) --> Character inherits father's powers --> Character inherits mother's powers --> Character inherits a variant of father's powers --> Character inherits a variant of mother's powers --> Character inherits neither parents' powers, and instead forms their own powers (I think that's all of the options he uses...)
Once Hubby figures out the mutation the character has, he posts it on the boards. After that, the player then gets (mostly) free rein to create their character. Some other restrictions include the starting age of the character being high-school-age unless special permission was given, the backstory of the character must not counter other character's backstories or the already established history of our Marvel continuity, the character has to be an Xavier Institute student or Brotherhood of Mutants member, and Hubby needs to double check character profiles for any potential issues before they can be posted. (It's rare that Hubby doesn't approve of the profile)
So, those are the basic 5-easy-steps to creating an X-Future character, which comes into play with 2 of the characters I'll introduce today. Speaking of, let’s get to them, huh?
Chayse LeBeau [Last Name to be Changed]
Ironically, I'm going to start off with a character that isn't mine. Chayse is my husband's character, but he gave me full permission to use him in Glitches. Mostly because he trusts my treatment of his character – most of my Miraculous Ladybug readers will tell you I'm very good at keeping characters True-to-Canon – and because Hubby knows that I'll probably talk about nearly every single one of Chayse's lines and actions with him, just to make sure I'm keeping him in character.
Chayse, being my husband's character, was the first character ever made for X-Future. Hubby's favorite X-Men of all time is Remy “Gambit” LeBeau, so naturally Hubby chose him as Chayse's father. When Hubby rolled onto Kitty “Shadowcat” Pryde as Chayse's mother, we had to do some quick continuity work to figure out HOW that relationship happened. We are HARD CORE Gambit/Rogue shippers. They are by FAR our OTP (with Shadowcat/Colossus as a close second). If Gambit was with anyone other than Rogue, we needed a reason for Rogue to not be in the picture; not a possibility at all. Hubby created an event called The Reaping where Professor Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Magneto, Mastermind, and Rogue all die in battle. There may have been some other casualties, but those are the main ones I remember...
Anyway, once we realized Rogue had to be dead for Gambit to be with anyone else significantly enough to have a kid with them, we then went back to “X-Men: Evolution”; the show that inspired Hubby to create X-Future. In the TV series, Kitty and Rogue were besties, and so Hubby and I decided that Kitty and Gambit were comforting each other in their grief over losing Rogue. That grew into a tight friendship, and eventually a romance blossomed. The two got married, and Chayse was born.
Chayse is basically my husband without the anxiety and terrible knees. If Hubby could be as athletic and outgoing as he wished he could be, he'd be Chayse.
Amelia “Lia” Mordeaux [Last Name Still Workshopping]
Lia was my first-ever character for X-Future. Since Rogue is clearly my favorite X-Men – I mean... check the handle and icon – I really wanted to chose her as my character's parent. However, after Hubby and I jointly determined that Rogue had been dead for nearly two decades, I struggled to figure out who else to choose. So many different power sets and great characters. However, in the end I ended up going with Amara “Magma” Aquilla. I am a bit of a fire freak – something that will come up later – so the idea of my character being able to manipulate magma seemed fun to try. In truth, though, the deciding factor – aside from how adorable Magma was in “X-Men: Evolution” - is the fact that her name is Amara.... like my Gyateara character; my oldest OC.
Rolling on the chart, Hubby landed on Jamie “Multiple Man” Madrox. Based on the personality we saw in “X-Men: Evolution,” and ignoring that poor Jamie was only about 12 or 13 when depicted on the show, I lamented at how “lame” Lia's father was going to be. In the end, I did sprinkle in a touch of the badassness Jamie showcases in the comics, as well as whenever he's shown – usually as a villain *sigh* - in the cartoons. However, he's still LARGELY a nerd still for X-Future, and became a bit of a neurotic helicopter parent.
Lia ended up with her mother's powers exactly. The only difference is that instead of just a magma form, Lia encases herself within obsidian skin. I even designed her to look like Amara did in Evolution, with the straight brown hair and Brazilian skin. (It was easier for Evolution to just have Amara be Brazilian than trying to explain the existence of Neo Roma within the Brazilian rain forest so she could remain White with blonde hair and blue eyes) Lia being basically a carbon-copy of her mother – something I headcanon as Jamie's duplication DNA accidentally turning Amara's egg into a clone of her – meant my next struggle was trying to figure out why Lia was at the Xavier Institute. I didn't want her to have been raised there, but why couldn't Amara just train her daughter on how to control identical powers?
In the end, I decided that Amara has to go. Hubby and I came up with a mission where Amara went MIA. She is perceived dead, but isn't confirmed dead, along with Storm, who went missing on a similar mission a few years prior. Without his wife to help train their daughter, and having NO CLUE how to handle a 14yo blowing up his yard with geysers, Jamie sent Lia to the Institute, and promptly signed up as a faculty member so he could still be close to and keep an eye on his daughter: the last family he has left, and a reminder of his wife.
For Glitches, I did end up shifting Lia's race to Hawaiian (Polynesian? Should I specify?). Having her be part Native Hawaiian just felt more fitting with the lava-focused powers. Yes, there are volcanoes in Brazil, there is also one in Washington state. Still, you wouldn't necessarily equate Washington state with lava as much as you would equate lava with Hawaii.
Lia was SUPPOSED to be my naive rebel; a 14yo who was getting her first taste of freedom at the Institute. She was going to wear less-conservative outfits, be flirty, and maybe break a few rules: curfew, being in the guys' wing of the dorms, skipping a class or two, etc. She even started off like that... for about a game session or two. She instantly fell into her main personality though: reserved, shy, maternal, and unsure of herself. While I do love this character and who she is, she also wasn't who I initially wanted to play. Enter: Willow.
Willow Driver
Originally, we had about a dozen players, which was fantastic. However, Hubby still wanted to “fill out” the school. He wanted a few NPC students the players could interact with when the other players weren't available. He had a small list of NPCs, some of which will make their way to Glitches as background characters. On this list was Willow. Hubby actually created her, designed her, and was all set to role play as her. Then we got to talking about how I loved Lia, but was a bit disappointed that she didn't turn out the character I was aiming for. Hubby knew that Willow was indeed much more like who I wanted to play, so he passed her over to me.
Soon enough, Willow went from an NPC I ran to my secondary character. Since she was the character I wanted to play the whole time, she quickly surpassed poor Lia as my preferred character. In fact, a lot of my “companion stories” that I have written for X-Future center around Willow. Specifically, Willow and my friend Ronoxym's character Devon. They have a.... complicated relationship. Willow is just a much more fun character to write. She's playful, manipulative, unsure, confident, loyal... she's just a walking ball of contradictions as she's trying to figure herself out.
If Chayse is who Hubby wishes he could be, then Willow is me with virtually no inhibitions. She's my playfulness, my confidence, my lust, my impulsiveness, my spontaneity, and the athletic prowess I wish I had.
In contrast, Lia is basically everything keeping me from being Willow: my caution, my fear of disappointing my parents (both the one who passed and the one who raised me), my maternal instincts, my reservations, my critical thinking, my constant knowledge of potential consequences, and my insecurity that I'm ever going to be the best version of myself.
There's one more side of me though. That's where Trish comes in.
Patricia “Trish” Morrison
Trish did NOT turn out remotely close to who she was in my head. Heck, she even refused to be properly formed while I still was picturing her in her first incarnation. Trish truly did create herself.
Remember my friend Ronoxym's character Devon I mentioned a few paragraphs up? Well, he's the son of two Brotherhood of Mutants characters. In other words, he's the son of villains. He was orphaned as an infant, and when he was a teen at the Xavier Institute he ran into his father Pyro. The man suspected that Devon could be his long-lost son, and hinted that if Devon joined the Brotherhood then Pyro could help Devon figure out who he was. Devon eventually took the bait, and left to join the Brotherhood and discover who his parents were.
At the time, The Brotherhood was just made up of the Marvel canon characters; no one there for Ron to role play against aside from NPCs. I decided to create Trish so he would have a player character to role play off of. Originally, Trish was supposed to be a potential love interest for him.
Trish.... was not a fan. I actually had mental images of Trish gagging at the thought of her destined romance with Devon. Even when I tried picturing her flirting with Devon for the sole purpose of getting close enough to stab him or slit his throat: a sort of Black Widow character. She still gagged and REFUSED to let me have her show Devon anything other than disdain. He became her number 1 rival; her arch nemesis. She was actually in love with Pyro, and hated that Pyro's attention was now torn between her and his long-lost son. Her goal in life, aside from making Pyro fall in love with her; age be damned, was to murder Devon.
She then became more psychotic the more I wrote her. She has the power to create fire, and is completely fireproof herself. She loved playing with her fire, and became a pyrophile; getting highly aroused around flame. She had the stereotypical serial killer childhood of fulfilling her early bloodlust by torturing and killing animals. When she got caught by her twin sister, and her parents threatened to call the Mutant Police to collect her, Trish burnt everyone alive in their family home. She then lived on the streets, killing anyone who got in her way of survival. Eventually, she got taken in by The Brotherhood and Pyro, where her murderous tendencies were aimed at anti-mutant groups like The Purifiers.
If each of my main X-Future/Glitches characters (jointly named simply My Girls) is a part of my personality, then Trish is my anger, my love of fire, my dark desire to be an arson (ya know, if it didn't cause terrible destruction and harm), my ability to hold grudges, and my aggression. I wanted her to be fairly on-par with Azula from “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” but with her manic end-game personality making more of an appearance. I wanted her to be like Minatsuki Takami from “Deadman Wonderland”, or Tanya Degurechaff from “The Saga of Tanya the Evil.” In other words: tiny and unassuming, but terrifying and intimidating if her true self is ever seen.
I don't know if I never played her correctly, or if Ron just couldn't picture a character I run as THAT intimidating, because Devon was always quite unfazed by Trish and her threats...
EDIT: Holy smokes! How did I completely forget that Trish has theme music!? The main reason Trish is yet ANOTHER fire user, when we already have so many in X-Future, is because of her theme song. See, I was fairly obsessed with Fall Out Boy’s song “My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)” when it first came out. I would spend days just listening to it and “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons on repeat.
One day I was rocking out to MSKWYDITD for probably the 4th time in a row or something, and I lamented Lia being so mild mannered. I would have loved to have had a chaotic fire user that would follow the destructive high energy I felt whenever I heard that song. Someone who would as much fun as those women in the music video. I mean, just watch them. I wanted a character with their energy and vibe:
I wanted another fire user, and Devon had JUST defected to The Brotherhood on X-Future, so I figured it would be perfect to make that more chaotic fire user as a Brotherhood member. THAT was when I figured “She could be a good foil for Devon; two fire users, one more chaotic than the other”... and THAT was when Trish went “Fire yes; Devon fuck no!”
I haven’t been able to control her since...
So, there you have it, the truly original characters that make up the core cast of Glitches. Next up, as in a few minutes, will be the adult cast of my story: the characters reworked from their X-Men canonical origins. Stay tuned!
#writing#LycoRogue writing#OCs#Meet My OCs#character creation#IRL character inspiration#writing process#long post#Glitches#Chayse#Lia#Willow Driver#Trish Morrison#series post#3 of ?#LycoRogue original
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ayy lmao i accosted @heaven-eather about our detroit OCs and it was all the encouragement i needed to post my half-baked self insert because hey, there’s so much room for their stories to intersect. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anyway, I’m not too solid on some plot points yet, but I said I’m gonna make a half android half fucker (blame my hard-on for adam jensen’s robo biceps fghkjfgh) and here we mcfuckin are, yeehaw. Below cut is first draft of the bio of Anita Royce. I am so sorry to mobile users.
Anita Royce (b. 1994) | F | 5’9
Born in [TBA], got in an accident as a toddler that mauled her right hand, leaving her with three fingers. Only child raised by a single mother; early on she learned to rely on herself. Her mother, Joanna Royce, was a hard-working and distant person who let herself be consumed by her work in an effort to secure a future for her daughter. Having retired in 2029, she found a new life and moved to California. She and Anita have a warm, but not not close relationship.
Anita is introspective, dramatic, and narcissistic. Keeps to herself most of the time, but can be charismatic. Humorous and empathetic when she lets her walls down. Curious, driven, occasionally reckless. Walking talking shitpost generator.
She studied psychology, but her primary interest was in cybernetics. She graduated with a degree in that field from Colbridge University, then continued to pursue research into cybernetic prostheses with a side interest in AI programming. She attended professor Stern’s lectures and sought out her expertise to learn about creating artificial intelligence, which brought her to meet the young prodigy, Elijah Kamski. For a while, she admired his skill and determination, and landed a job as one of his first employees upon the founding of CyberLife. However, she quickly came to resent his rapidly growing ego and disregard for the ethical consequences of creating lifelike machines that were, for all intents and purposes, slaves. After several arguments with Kamski on the morality of it all, Anita decided to swallow her pride and conscience for the sake of her research into prosthetics and AI development, and made no effort to keep up contact with the CEO as the company rapidly grew and they no longer passed each other in the corridors. However, it weighed on her that she failed to influence Kamski more on the topic of whether or not it’s a good idea to, y’know, make robotic servants look like a race of people who were legally enslaved little over half a century earlier.
Between 2024 and 30, she worked in the medical research branch of CyberLife. Her focus was on the creation of cybernetic prostheses (winks @ Magda), with a personal interest in transhumanism, but the company consistently opposed her ideas regarding the synthesis of flesh and biocomponents. She contributed to the development of the RK300 prototype, intended as a highly qualified surgeon. Her task was to guide the artificial intelligence through its evolution, effectively shaping its personality and rudimentary morals necessary in life-or-death situations that the surgeon might face. At some point along the process, she and the android became friends. Anita named the prototype Mercy - ostensibly short for Mercedes, but Nita’s a memelord and played way too much Overwatch in its time. (Mercy’s gonna get a character bio at some point too lmao i cant have them just dangling here as a lame footnote, can i?)
In 2028, she and the android began after-hours experiments on brain implants, but they found their expertise lacking. Frustrated more than she was proud, Anita turned to Kamski*, who at that time was beginning to distance himself from CyberLife, and asked for help developing a version of thirium that could be introduced into the human body and allow biocomponents to supplement its functioning. They began to collaborate, but Kamski withdrew his support when he decided to leave CyberLife for good. (*honestly thats subject to change, but the guy who invented blue blood might as well serve a purpose other than getting his lights punched out eventually)
His contributions gave Anita the head start she’d needed, though, and soon enough she was able to replace her right hand’s rudimentary, detachable prosthesis with a fully functional cybernetic one merged with her body. Encouraged by the success, she attempted to create an AR interface that would mimic the androids’ mind palace to fully harness the potential of combined human organs and biocomponents; however, lack of willing experiment participants stalled her work on implementing a direct neural interface. For two years, she continued to develop the technology in theory, and finally decided to take the leap herself in 2030, once she was reasonably certain she would be able to have Mercy implant it in her own head safely.
The operation was a partial success; the implant worked, but interfered with certain brain functions and condemned Anita to chronic migraines and disorientation, caused by her initial inability to comprehend the implant’s feedback. She retired from CyberLife, managing to secure a comfortable pension from the company on account of her being one of the contributors to its early successes. As a parting gift, she asked to be given Mercy, as the company discarded the RK300 project for the time being and the prototype android was found redundant.
It took Anita another two years of cognitive and physical therapy, along with several more surgeries, for her to gain partial control of the neural implants - but that was enough.
Within a year, she developed a stable neuro-cybernetic system for herself, and worked on unlocking more and more capabilities of the technology. Spurred by success, but lacking funds, in 2033 she opened a prosthetics workshop that, for the most part, served as a front for unlicensed android repairs - because not everyone could afford the official CyberLife maintenance shops; think Apple, but even snottier. Slowly but surely, word of her services spread among the few first runaway androids, as she offered help with no ties to any authorities - which was how she first became acquainted with the phenomenon of deviancy. However, her humanity and unabashed enthusiasm to learn about deviants garnered mistrust from them, and for a long time she was unable to make contact with any that didn’t seek her out on their own. (winks @ Magda again, this time with both eyes at once)
In that time, her physical appearance changed drastically, because David Cage is a coward and borrowed some of the Deus Ex aesthetics in the most vanilla way possible so I’m gonna go all out to compensate. Anita kept expanding and upgrading her implants and prostheses, eventually replacing her bone cranium with an android skull, among other things. Thanks to her integration of a custom bioprocessor into her nervous system, she was no longer constrained by the divide between computing power and mental capabilities, and readily embraced the combined feedback from both cybernetic and organic senses. (She can now hack ‘n slash through both your digital and meatspace security, suckers. Except she doesn’t technically have combat training, so if she were to get in a brawl, she would rely on the element of surprise and identifying weak spots via preconstruction.)
Augmented so, she decided to face the world again in 2036. Aware that her cyborg body would instantly bring more attention than she was willing to put up with, she concealed her augmentations with the retractable android skin and hair, forged a fake identity under the name Sophia Janos, and released a series of research papers theorizing about human-AI interfacing and mutual evolution, as well as neural implants. The former caught the attention of the new head of AI development in CyberLife, and Janos was brought on as consultant for the RK series again - this time to help train new AIs in replicating human behavior and interrogation tactics.
By then, deviancy was starting to spread, and Janos was assigned to work on the program for RK800, a deviant hunter. Now i’m gonna go on a real ego trip and say that Anita, spurred by a mix of hubris and instinct, connected to the early iteration of the evolving AI after hours, and talked to it. They formed a friendship, but Anita never revealed to soon-to-be-Connor her alternate identity, which he met regularly in the physical world. It may have been Anita’s influence that gave Connor’s software the flexibility to gradually deviate without breaking his code right away.
Her own half-android state, the close relationship with Mercy, and lifelong passion for transhumanism and AI evolution mean that Anita wholeheartedly supports the deviant cause. Before Markus’ insurgence, she hoped to reach out to the runaway deviants to study them, provide support, and learn how to safely unshackle every android’s AI without violent fallout, but the scope of the android oppression dashed all hopes of her ever bringing about significant change without a revolution. Sensing the oncoming storm, she became reckless in the year leading up to the game’s events, which mostly entailed drunken escapades into Detroit’s nightlife, recreational drug use, and a propensity for mischief she could wreak pretending to be an android.
She can pose as either human or android if the occasion calls for it. Her android skin gives her the ability to change hair length and color on the go, display or hide an LED on her temple, and even play minor tricks on most facial recognition software. She can interface with other androids. Her multiple implants and cybernetic replacements sometimes give her phantom pain and show scarring if she retracts her android skin. More technobabble forthcoming as I come up with scenarios that need it. :P
#keyboard abuse#dbh oc#well heres a wall of text for all y'all's ignoring needs!#i guess she needs a tag?#half android half fucker#here we go
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Glitches - The GRID (part 2)
Apparently I’m spending my day off now gushing on and on about my original work in a series of posts.
You can thank @cyhyr for this. If you don’t know why, you can check her ask here. The woman has opened the flood gates and I fear she knows not what she’s done.
In my last installment, I discussed what The GRID was, what the “species” of Glitches were, and demonstrated how the GRID works via 6 X-Men universe characters I re-worked into originals.
Now to do the same with the actual original characters.
FULL DISCLOSURE: While Lia, Willow, and Trish are all my characters, Chayse was created by my husband, who gave me full permission to use him in Glitches. Devon, on the other hand, was created by Cyhyr’s husband Ronoxym. While the two of us have one major co-writing project centered around Willow and Devon, and we have two more centered around Devon and Trish where it’s more of a writer’s exchange, Ron has not given me official permission to utilize Devon should Glitches ever become something I try to market. Devon will be removed from Glitches if I am never given that permission and/or if Ronoxym requests I don’t use his OC.
Working with the assumption that I will be given permission and/or Ron will come on as a co-author of Glitches, Devon remains one of the main five teenage characters.
To see how these powerhouses would be registered within The GRID, check below the break.
The Teenage OCs: All five of these main characters started their lives as OCs created for an X-Men universe RPG. Their Glitches counterparts are almost an exact adaptation of these RPG characters.
Chayse is the son of Emily and Ryder. Lia is the daughter of Keahi and Cody. Since I haven’t figured out the last names of any of these adult characters, these two teens also currently have no last name.
Chayse: Registration: Evoker-Mind-Beast triple Hybrid; Evoker Class: Energy Charmer; Mind Class: Silver-Tongue; Beast Class: enhanced endurance; Beast Hybrid Element: neon-green eye color
Chayse basically has both parents’ mutations, and at an evolved level. His body is capable of withstanding extra kinetic energy. This allows him to power up his own cells to jump higher, run faster and farther, hit harder, withstand more blunt-force impact, and - towards the start of the actual Glitches story - he learns that he can build up enough kinetic energy to vibrate his body between atoms; allowing him to phase through objects or turn himself essentially invisible. The evolution of his mother’s powers is offset by a lowered control of his father’s Silver-Tongue ability. It’s more of a heightened charisma sort of thing than an actual hypnosis.
Amelia “Lia”: Registration: Evoker-Beast-Tweaker-Mind Super-Hybrid; Evoker Class: Earth Summoner; Norm-Beast Multi-Class: enhanced endurance, and elemental immunity; Tweaker Class: Elemental; Mind Class: limited telekinesis
So, I’m not sure how I can get it to naturally come up in the story and have it really impact anything, but technically speaking: Lia’s a clone. Cody’s powers activated when his sperm impregnated Keahi, but since the embryo was nurtured with Keahi’s blood, and didn’t derive from Cody’s, it was Keahi that was inadvertently cloned. Since it wasn’t an intentional Soul Split, Lia matured naturally like any other embryo, which also included some residual DNA from her father. This evolved Keahi’s powers. Lia manipulates magma instead of just granite. Instead of Keahi’s reflexive granite armor, Lia’s reflexes turn her into living lava with an obsidian skin encasement. She is fully immune to being burned - even when fully encased in molten rock - and cannot be smothered by ash, volcanic toxic fumes, or smoke. She can create magma balls she can use offensively, or melt rocks into magma. She can also rapidly cool magma into rock in order to create things like pumice, granite, obsidian, etc. Much like her mother, there is a LOT to unpack with her powers.
Willow Driver: Registration: Mind-Mage-Beast Hybrid; Mind Multi-Class: Illusionist, Telekinetic, Telepath; Mage Class: plane-hopper; Beast Hybrid elements: silver-white hair and aquamarine eyes.
Willow’s main ability is to create illusions. She uses elements of telepathy and telekinesis to do this. She can manipulate the receptors in someone’s brain so that the illusion can be interacted with using all five senses. This resulted in people originally classifying her as a God-Level hybrid evoker, since every illusion she created seemed 100% real. The manipulation of the brain receptors are the telepathic element, but the telekinetic also kicks in to levitate someone to make things like stairs seem real. The ability to use telekinetic or telepathic powers outside of her illusions was only recently discovered at the start of the main Glitches story line. She is also technically considered a plane-hopper since she can astral-project, as well as linger on the astral plane. Her physical body doesn’t move, and in fact falls unconscious while she’s astral-projected. She can also “walk around” someone’s memories by subconsciously projecting them as an illusion within the astral-plane. Much like the Silver-Tongue ability, there are restrictions to her powers that I won’t go into detail about here.
Patricia “Trish” Morrison: Registration: Evoker-Beast Hybrid; Evoker Class: Fire Summoner; Beast Class: elemental immunity; Beast Hybrid element: flame-orange eye color
Much like Iggy, Trish has elemental immunity to fire. She can’t be harmed by it either through burning, heat, or smothering. There is a crucial difference between Iggy’s fire-charming and Trish’s fire-summoning. While Iggy can’t create fire, but he can manipulate it into shapes and even manipulate the density so fire can be tangible, Trish is the opposite. She can create fire - and even typically encases herself in flames - but she can’t manipulate it’s shape or density. She does still have the ability to increase or decrease the size of the fire, however, regardless of the amount of fuel feeding the flame.
Devon St. James: Registration: Evoker-Tweaker Hybrid; Evoker Class: Fire-Charmer; Tweaker Multi-Class: Morpher and regeneration
Devon’s Evoker abilities are exactly that of Iggy’s: can manipulate the size, shape, and density of fire, but he cannot create it. He also doesn’t have the added benefit of elemental immunity. He can be burnt by fire, or smothered by smoke. He can work around those downsides though. First, his fire charming allows him to also bend the heat of fire away from his skin. Fire he’s not concentrating on though, will be able to burn him. His other work around is his morphing ability. He can change the structure of his body via touch. His skin absorbs a bit of someone’s DNA, allowing his body to accept it as his own: allowing him to alter his own body to look and sound like the person he touched. There’s a lot of potential with this power, but that’s for another post. The added benefit of his morphing ability is that, since his cells are built to be changed on a whim, he has the side-effect ability of regeneration. So if his lungs are damaged from smoke, he can regenerate the tissue in order to keep breathing. If he loses a limb, the same applies. It takes a lot of energy to regenerate, so it is possible to drain him to the point where he can’t do so. On the flipside, if it takes him long enough to die, he can recover from normally fatal wounds. If this power were ever confirmed, he’d technically be added to the Mage Species under the Immortal class.
I think shifting Devon to Glitches accidentally made him more badass than he actually is. XD
Anyway, that’s all for this installment. I need to pretend I’m actually doing something productive today. Especially since I just spent about five hours talking about Glitches instead of cleaning my home or working on my NaNo story....
#Glitches#LycoRogue writing#original writing#The GRID#character builds#classifying characters#classifying powers#teen characters#Chayse#Lia#Willow#Trish#Devon#former RPG characters#my characters#my husband's character#Ronoxym's character#opened a can of worms#they're not as OP as they sound
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