#anyway please. Support this 🙏🏼🙏🏼
mavspeed · 2 years
HEY EVERYONE READING THIS if you love witches/gore/horror/very sexy people PLEASE PLEASE tap into the The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself on netflix! season 1 is out rn and it’s one of the best YA fantasy shows ever made.
vfx, cinematography, acting, score, character development, lgbt rep etc are all 10/10 PLUS it has a bisexual black man as the lead who is the center of a throuple 🙏🏼 netflix has been horrid with marketing but I have faith in this little show (and it’s been praised by critics!) so lets get them their renewal 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
EDIT: it got cancelled and I expected nothing better from a streaming platform which actively kills its shows with people of colour at the forefront. anyway if you’re still planning to watch the show please do so because it’s genuinely good and the ending can be seen as definitive! congrats to the team for managing to make such an excellent show and they deserved so, so much better than being forced to perform in one MONTH and getting cancelled right after with no room to breathe
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
5/15 assorted candies: timestamp, mismatched shoes, sparkly clothes end everything else 🤍🍬
i honestly don’t know what’s going on. these two just happened to be in the same city for approximately 12 hours and after that it’s been sweet all over. 🤦‍♀️ just keep it rolling, we are all here to eat the candies.
let’s start with the shoes. the fairly odd parents themed combination lol. when i saw him wearing that, i thought he was gonna wear the same clothes he did for the MV. cause his shoes will kinda match that but nope. his outfit was totally different, but i guess the sparkly bits are kinda in the same color? anyway, the pink immediately reminded everyone of the pink jacket (p1) and all the cpn that is tied to that. it’s pretty much one of top cpn clowning so i’m just assuming everyone knows ok? but the fact that this pink shoes comes out after we speculate they spent time together??? i’m —- who gave you that???
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yibo often wears this brand (christian louboutin) and there’s another different cpn linked to that, but this one is so loud. it appears that these might be gifts from xz. he knows bobo likes green but he has to throw in the pink because he is disgustingly in love like that and it’s actually yibo’s color. fans are clowning that he can’t really do red and green, cause it might anger some people, so pink is the best bet. and they have history with that color so it’s better. plus when he was racing in zhuhai, photos of him riding the pink car ( evisu racing owner’s car ) was spreading. so maybe zz was like, oh, let me get the pink one. 💕 coincidence too that shoes cost 995 USD. 95!
THE COLOR OF LOVE IS PINK 🗣️🗣️🗣️ yibo said it himself so it must be true. and this is a guy who was wearing black/grey kinda monochrome shoes lately and now this????
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also, the sparkly sparkly and soft denim combo takes us back to something that xz wore before. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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the chongya pose too! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ EDIT: adding this bit, yibo official posted live photos of the performance on 22:50 which is 10:50 10/5???? and the first photo from that bunch is the chongya pose. 😌😌😌
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let’s not forget how his jacket is from the dsquared2, which has it’s own sort of controversial cpn 😂
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all these elements coming up today is 😭😭😭 and remember how xz posted his selfie at 15:15 it’s like he is showing his excitement and support for bobo’s performance this 5/15.
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bless beijing!!!! i hope they get to spend more time together please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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wingssinmotion · 5 months
🧚🏼 !! mutual aid request !! 🧚🏼
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I’m trying to get some more eyes on this campaign as the donations are still low (€600)🕊️
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This is baby Mila, her mother Mai and father Akram. They have lived in poverty for years and finally saved their money for a new apartment for their daughter to grow up in, they lived there *two* days before it was bombed and completely destroyed 🤍
They are now displaced and trying to evacuate out of Rafah. if you can share or donate, anything would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏼🙏🏼 she is @mayoshakhalel on ig, even interacting with her page on there is helpful!!
Mai and I connected through ig and it’s been weeks now and not a lot of interaction w her campaign. I really want to lift her spirits and help get her and her family to safety. They deserve so much better than this.
Please help anyway u can 🪷
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just-in-case-iloveyou · 11 months
i never posted my Atta Boy photos (hell, i barely took any in LA), but i figured closing night of their tour was as good a time as any. i had the most amazing time, and everyone was so unbelievably sweet and funny and kind. these were two of the most incredible nights of my life, and i absolutely sobbed after both shows. i love them so much.
also, thank you forever @cherished-little-cannoli for joining me! 💖
all my own photos. please don't repost without permission or credit 🙏🏼
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Bill Pullman was truly just the sweetest man. we chatted a bit about the show, and A Steady Rain, and you could just see how proud he is of Lew, and it's beyond wholesome. they're such a beautiful family. 💖
i'm including this photo from @pullman-lewis because Lewis is holding the letter i wrote him 🥹😭
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i'm also devastated that i wasn't conscious enough to get a photo with Graham Patrick Martin, who showed up to support Lew. when i told him i love how they support each other's endeavors, he literally said, "besties for life!" 🥰
(GPM also remembered me from A Steady Rain 😭)
Jamie Wollrab and Josh Brolin were also there, but i didn't get photos with either of them. in my defense, i find Josh Brolin wildly intimidating (for no reason. he seems lovely). i did, however, talk to Jamie again, and he's an absolute gem! 😊
anyways, i'll go cry in a corner now.
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Hello friends!!
This is a Polin adjacent personal post. I’m looking for some moral support, advice, etc. if anyone is willing to offer any
See below for more 🙏🏼
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So, I made myself some thematic Bridgerton Jewelry for funsies in April, and at the behest of some Internet friends, made some more in May
Soon enough, Season 3 Part 1 dropped, and I have since been in that BRIDGERTON BRAINROT™️ that I know we all suffer from
Unfortunately for me, my ADHD/OCPD ass always needs both my brain andddd my hands occupied, so rewatching S3 P1 a billion times somehow led me to create 120 extra Bridgerton themed earrings and 60 extra necklaces 🫢🫠
My husband is a very kind man that has watched S3 P1 with me 3 times already (and slept through more hahahah), anddddd he has let me litter our dining table and our ottoman in front of the tv with my jewelry stuff for weeks now
I promised him I’ll try to just sell some of this jewelry online so that this new brain rot / stimming hobby doesn’t bankrupt us, but I’ve been procrastinating on this soooo fucking hard because I’m scared of Etsy and also quite possibly the post office??? 🥲🙃 I know that’s incredibly stupid, but somehow my neurodivergent brain doesn’t know it’s stupid and she’s also just like aaahhh what if I put this stuff online and people actually buy it??? As if that isn’t the solution I’m looking for
Anyway, I’m just blabbing about my personal incompetence here cause I’d like some moral support or advise or someeeething if anyone cares to offer any 😭😭😫😫😫
My husband told me I’m just overwhelmed cause I have 180 items to post, and that I’ll get there eventually if I try to post at least 10 per day. My OCPD brain thinks that’s nuts (cause of the different theme breakdowns and mix and match sets I’ve made lol). Even so, I set out to post 10 today, and I’ve legit just been doing dumb shit like editing out my living room background from the photos I took, and adding Bridgerton inspo pics to the background and all that jazz, as if I’m some professional at this instead of someone who went batshit crazy stimming between S3 P1 and P2
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^That’s an example of my OCPD brain doing too much and why I’m sitting on a massive pile of pretty handmade things instead of posting them for sale 🙃
Please… someone that knows how to deal with this aggravating combo of ADHD and OCPD better than me…. SEND HELP!!???!!
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sepptember · 3 months
Dear friends and supporters,
My name is Nada, and I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a sense of urgency.
Here in Gaza, there is a small tent standing alone in the corner of a refugee camp. Inside it, I sit with my young children, trying to protect them in every way possible and provide them with comfort and safety despite the hardships.
My children and I are now in great danger and need your help to evacuate from Gaza to safety. The situation worsens every day with limited access to drinking water, food, and medicine, along with facing the horrors of war.
The war has swept away our homes and dreams, and now we live in a tent, surrounded by hunger, fear, and diseases. My youngest son suffers from hepatitis due to pollution and lack of healthcare.
The days pass very slowly, and the situation deteriorates further each day. The need for food, medicine, water, shelter, and safety has become nearly impossible.
I have launched a fundraising campaign to facilitate our evacuation to Egypt and to start our lives anew. The ticket price to enter Egypt is $5,000 for each adult and $2,500 for children.
Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a significant difference in our lives and give us a chance for a brighter future. With your donation, you can be the light that illuminates our lives.
Please save my children; I do not want them to die in Gaza. If I cannot survive, please do not forget them. Protect them after I am gone.🙏🏼❤️
You will not be forgotten, and neither will they. you deserve to get your family to safety, and I'll share this post rhe best I can. 🩷
As everyone who is reading this can see, this is Nada and she needs help to evacuate her and her family out of Gaza and into Egypt where it is safe. The borders of Egypt are incredibly expensive, and as these people are currently suffering through a genocide and lack even simple necessities, paying those expenses would be difficult for anyone.
She needs €16,000 (which is over $17,000 in US money) and she currently has €5, 718 ( $6, 120). She needs €10,282 ($11,000) more to reach her goal. If you can donate, even if it is as little as a dollar, that would be amazing. If not, share this in anyway you can so people who have the ability to donate, can. 🩷
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kayzthespaze · 2 months
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share an urgent plea for help. Due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, my family and I have been forced to flee our home and seek refuge in Khan Younis. My mother, who is pregnant, is in critical need of assistance to ensure her safety and the safety of her unborn child.
We are facing severe hardships and are struggling to provide her with the necessary medical care and basic necessities. I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's survival during this perilous time.
Your support in sharing our campaign on social media could make a life-saving difference. Please help us spread the word and gather the support we desperately need.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
I am very sorry, I cannot help you in anyway other than simply sharing this in hopes that someone who can help will see it and be inclined to do so. I hope you get everything you need, and find safety and happjness, and if there was more i could do, i would do it. I am sorry.
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mothcollective · 3 months
Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share an urgent plea for help. Due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, my family and I have been forced to flee our home and seek refuge in Khan Younis. My mother, who is pregnant, is in critical need of assistance to ensure her safety and the safety of her unborn child.
We are facing severe hardships and are struggling to provide her with the necessary medical care and basic necessities. I have launched a campaign to raise funds for my mother's survival during this perilous time.
Your support in sharing our campaign on social media could make a life-saving difference. Please help us spread the word and gather the support we desperately need.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Please help us by sharing the post on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . ❤️🙏🏼
"this fundraiser is vetted by nabulsi, fallahifag, el-shab-hussein, ibtisams, sayruq"
Absolutely! I sadly cannot donate myself but I hope this can help in anyway
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turtletaubwrites · 4 months
So... uh... it might be final edit time again... 😬
I am so behind on comments and tags, but I love y'all so much! I swear I'll come up for air soon. I just can't stop. Every time I stop, my brain starts writing more, so I have to go write it down.
The last time I had a big writing spree was for the first half of Numbers Game before the break. This story just owns me, I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️
Part 22 should be up in a few hours!
Below the cut is an update on my mental health in case y'all are concerned (I am okay!! 💜) (cw mental illness, cw bipolar disorder)
Is the writing spree from the ADHD? The Bipolar? The fact that I just really love this story, and am having an amazing time writing it? Or maybe it's the lil fairies in my backyard? Lol, who knows
I monitor these behavior changes to try to spot what my bipolar triggers are, and to mitigate "damage," or to just make sure that my loved ones and I are aware of what might be going on. I've only had one episode since being diagnosed and medicated three years ago.
Starting writing fanfiction in November is how we figured out I was in an episode because it's apparently not normal for someone who hadn't written anything in years to all of a sudden write and post 70k words in three weeks. 🙃🙃🙃
I am a bit concerned with this writing spree, but I'm trying to remember that I am allowed to be happy and enjoy things. I've struggled a lot with my identity, values, passions, and joys since getting this diagnosis. (Afraid that feeling good = bad)
I'll still be monitoring and taking care of me, but honestly, if I am starting another episode, then I'm so grateful that I have this hobby. It's a FREE hobby, where lots of supportive people interact with and enjoy my work, and provide the DOPAMINE.
Compared to the things I would become obsessed with during my pre diagnosis manic episodes, this is incredibly healthy/safe for me.
(For example: dropping out of college to attend a $10,000 hypnosis course that I learned about and signed up for within two weeks to meet their deadline - luckily that impulsive decision ended up working out great for me and got my business going, but yeah 😬😬) (lol, we used the money for our wedding that we still haven't had, and the rest on credit. This is why FREE HOBBY is so important to me, lol. So many other expensive obsessions...)
I don't want to romanticize it, but occasionally I forget that I might be manic, and I just get excited to talk about how into things I am. Please don't romanticize mania!! Even though I lucked out last time, it is often debilitating and life ruining. I'm so excited that I'm writing so much, but I would rather not be manic, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else!
Anyways, I AM OKAY.
If I am having another mixed episode, this is a safe thing for me to be doing. I'm having the best time writing this, and I'm so happy you're enjoying it with me! Thank you!! 💜🙏🏼
~ Lynna ✨
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charox5 · 1 year
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Guess what got a visual update? I started this small Project over a year ago and I’d like to think I’ve grown as an artist! So I had to redraw with bonus content! I don’t really have a story carved but more like scenes and fluff/humor. I’m not a writer 🥺 Please look forward for more to come! Hopefully a New page every month! Thank you for the support 🙏🏼
UPDATED: 10/06/23
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UPDATE 11/22/23 Can yall tell I’m not a fan of Swansea? Lol The betrayal hurt too much!
UPDATE 01/19/24
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I swear idk what I’m doing lol I wanna keep improving on my art so it feels inconsistent every time! I may keep going back to make changes.. Anyway sorry for the delay! New Page up! BTW… should I Reblog every time there’s a new update? Or leave people to find on their own?? I don’t want to add reblogs to the notes but idk
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*UPDATE* 2/25/2024 Ugh KittyEkon Jon is tooo cute! I giggled too much at this one lol Will Jon speak? Or will he let Geoff go till the theater!?
*UPDATE* 3/29/2024 I enjoyed drawing this one lol I thought it would be funny to give life to Edgar’s skull xD
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
💟 yh family concert vlog cpns & some yibo thoughts…💭💬
thank you to yibo-official for feeding us with some content this weekend. it’s been kinda quiet since friday, so this is a sweet treat for everyone before monday comes in.
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( excuse this very extra gif i’m using for this post. lol. i’ve just been obsessed w/ how yibo looks in this. the way he turned his head is so cute. soooo… ☺️ )
YBO is back. or the question is, did they ever leave? lol. ever since that news/rumor came out, together with the lrlg post, I was still 50/50. Because it’s hard to confirm things, especially ones that involve his career and what’s allegedly going on. However with the content that’s being released, from OnO to now, it has the same feel as the original YBO. who knows. I’m just happy, like everyone else, to see this kind of updates from his team.
Yibo is not really one to share much personal stuff anymore on his social media accounts so YBO is so important. Plus the fact that they regularly update their IG too ( remember to interact on their please! ) for us international fans gives them plus points in my book.
It’s also a relief to see the negative comments wind down to being non existent. I truly understand why some fans feel the need to complain, but ybo is not really that place. I personally don’t like the idea of acting like an anti in a space that represents yibo. that could just be me tho.
Anyway, I hope we get more! I wanna see the bts footage they have with BTF & One and Only! I feel like they spoiled us with HB’s 1 hour + BTS footage so we’re all expecting to get the same for BTF & OnO. BTF has some restrictions i guess with what they can share since some filming were done in military sites.
Now I wanna highlight this portion of the vlog, with WYB being in a good mood during the last part of the concert.
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This was the part where some people were saying that he looked ‘unhappy’, implying that’s because he didn’t wanna be there / cause there are mostly bxgs who attended. however, this clip, and a lot of the moments on the blog told a different story.
He was obviously not dragged in there — crying and screaming to perform. He was invested with his performance. He looked happy to be with his professional “family”. It’s an example of some fans having their own biased interpretation with this event. I respect those who decided to not attend, it’s their choice and money. But it was really irritating to see them nag and bitch about those who decided to support yibo. Plus it’s their own money. They can spend it however they want.
Funny thing is, those big name accounts who were so vocal about being against Yuehua Ent. & attending — did in fact, attend the concert 😂😂😂 so yeah. It’s an age old story. Don’t believe big name accounts, especially on weibo. These KOLs that “lead” fan opinion can be very shady. At the end of the day, we’re all here to support WYB and his projects in the best way we can. 🙏🏼
The fact that the video is 8:05 minutes long which is an example of how kadian/numbers are important. Well, not all the time, but the team takes that into consideration. So if you see them pulling a 10:05, that would be very sus 👀
As usual, some editing similarities….
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Again, editing similarities, even if there are so many could still be a coincidence but it’s fun to still pay attention.
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Also the details in YIBITO. He has the apple watch! I will never get over the fact that this “detail” is being highlighted like this when it is a popular cpn among turtles and we always look for it.
Some also noticed this “….” Which we don’t know the relevance of, but it could be a clue that LRLG is from Bobo’s team. This is unusual for me, cause ellipsis are usually “…” right?
I’m taking it as a galaxy brain cpn 🌌
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ZZ also allegedly got off work today at 19:22, and then ybo posts @ 19:36. Yes, WYB has his own team but since we CPN that their staff could overlap — this timing is interesting. Maybe it needed a final sign off from the other boss? 😂😂😂😂
SHOUT OUT TO BOTTLED JOY, cause WYB was seen using some during the bts. He also took one with him in the Thailand roadshow. So i guess it’s safe to say that he has a good relationship with the brand, despite what others feel about them. He wouldn’t be showing off if he wasn’t. I’m looking forward to his renewal with them and what new stuff & campaign will be in place. BXGs will surely be lining up to support.
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joocomics · 8 days
you asked for jooyeon being spoiled for his bday I GOTCHU! I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS!
i think when he is being spoiled he would definitely want u to take the reins (reigns? idk), so:
- making him sit in front of a mirror and watch himself while u sit behind him and suck on his neck while u jerk him off, using a lot of lube so he gets slightly embarrassed by the sounds and tries to hide his face or lean his head back into ur shoulder but making him keep looking so he can see how pretty he looks ✨
- riding him BUT… amazon position… (i had to google this the first time i heard of it but its like. reverse mating press.) and i think he would find it a little humiliating but in a good way. i saw someone else phrase it like this in smth once but i think he would both be embarrassed by but also like that he was being “fucked like a girl” 🤭
- calling him princess. that’s it that’s the whole thought
anyway. i think even tho he is usually a Brat when submissive he would like this and be a good boy for once, and just so whiny and pliant and cute 🥰🥰🥰
that was a lot but there u go i hope u enjoy xoxo
I’M BEING FEEEDDDDDDDDD 😭 oh wow you got me speechless with these i don’t even know where to start… what to say wow i want him sooo bad
he would love everything you said and the hot thing is despite him being a brat by nature these would make him fold so hard that even if he wanted to talk back at you or tease you in any way he wouldn’t succeed
THE MIRROR JERK OFF SESSION PLEASE 🙏🏼 love and support all your thoughts but this one just stuck with me fr pleasing him slowly and sensually while calling him the prettiest boy… cock worship, body worship, praise.. all of these would work in sync perfectly and i can only imagine how arousing his whimpers would sound and how his body would shake from the stimulation while you give him the softest kisses on the neck
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guglielmofinaue · 27 days
Hi 👋🌸,
I hope you're doing well. I need your Support for our new campaign . We’ve lost our home and jobs due to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in Gaza and are now living in a tent. We’ve started a GoFundMe campaign to escape the devastation and rebuild our lives.
Please check ✅ our story and support us through this link:
A 5€ will be sufficient and supportive to our goal.
If you can't donate, at least please share the link
Thank you for your kindness🙂
I don't have many followers here, but I hope this reaches someone anyway!🙏🏼🇵🇸
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igottatho · 28 days
Today my friend Mohammad Alwan was able to collect a quick emergency fund of $600 from the wonderful response of so many donors. Thank you to anyone who contributed in anyway, whether that be a share or a direct donation, I appreciate everything so much. I know the Alwan family does as well.
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This is a conversation I have with Mohammad today, about what he was experiencing in Deir al-Balah and a small encounter of his day, which I believe reflects his character. I hope you’ll take the time to read it 🙏🏼 you can find it in the text images above, or at the GFM in the most recent update.
Meanwhile the 1.8 million humans in Gaza have been ordered to evacuate into the areas around Khan Younis, and supplies continue to be stolen by gangs and other unaffiliated militia. The exorbitant fees of the marked up necessities must be immensely frustrating, and limiting.
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The video of the shelling which happened so close to the Alwan family is terrifying, and I try to imagine these around Mohammad as he describes the midnight he is traveling though to collect recent donations.
Add to all of this the drones and tanks, the terror must be constant, and each time he travels to collect a donation transfer, Mohammad takes a risk that he will be collateral damage or targeted, and maybe not return to his family, Samar and his little children.
If you’re able please donate, even $5 is worthwhile and every bit helps the Alwan family to keep living in Gaza, where everything has been demolished and a normal life. Thank you for reading.
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kayzthespaze · 1 month
I hope you are well 🌷.
I am reaching out with a heartfelt request for your support in a critical fundraising campaign that could change our lives. We have launched a GoFundMe❤️ campaign to gather the necessary funds to save my family and enable us to travel✈️ to Egypt. We are in urgent need of these resources to relocate and live safely.
Any donation🙏🏼, no matter how small, will have a profound impact and bring us closer to achieving this dream.
If you are unable to donate, please help us by sharing the campaign with your friends and family to expand our support network.
Can you my pinned Post? On my account 😞
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time and consideration. Your support means the world to us. 🙏❤️
Best regards,
I am so very sorry, I cannot help you in anyway other than simply sharing this in hopes that someone who can help will see it and be inclined to do so. I hope you get everything you need, and find safety and happjness, and if there was more i could do, i would do it. I am sorry.
Gofundme link: https://gofund.me/e4627906
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gracefullou · 2 months
Hello 👋 This is Moamen and his family from Gaza. Please help us evacuate to safety, complete university studies, and find a source of income after the destruction of what we own. We live in difficult circumstances and a difficult life 🙏🏼 ❤️ Please share and spread the campaign because I urgently need help and the matter is urgent. Because the campaign is going very slowly, there is no water and little food. Please donate and share please Moamen Majed, his four brothers, and their parents ($40/$30,000) - @moamenmajed-gaza
Of course! I wish you and your family all the best. Moamen's fundraiser has been vetted so anyone who sees this and can help in anyway, please do!
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