#anyway my depression is back and this was awful timing to learn abt it
tcmmykinard · 1 month
today i had someone call me from the hospital that my mom was in, telling me that the way my mom's stroke presented was unusual and basically asking me if i would give them permission to have my mom's brain scans be a part of an educational study and in the process of them explaining all of this, i was told for the first time which organs my mom was able to successfully donate AND i just got an email back that is supposed to have images of my mom's brain scans and just..oof. i'm not emotionally there yet to deal with any of this
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0v3rachi3v3r · 1 year
sometimes i think abt the (ex)friend i had from middle/high school all thru college
(it was intended to be story time but it ended up pretty high key Vent)
tbh i more or less dissociated from my ms/hs years so i didn’t even realise we’d been friends that long
i introduced her to my (then) Good Friend - he and i met bc we were paired in class (alphabetically close last name) and that was it, but we hit it off. he introduced her to his roommate and they had a dnd group or whatever.
fast forward a few years, height of covid, roommate graduated and was dating my friend for a year or two now, they have their apartment and whatever. bc i was kinda stuck in the dorms doing my masters online, they invited me to their apartment until covid was over and/or school was out.
i remember how they had a fight over me staying too long, financial stuff and all, after I stayed for about 2 weeks (“spring break” week included, since that’s when school was out and never came back)
but the other thing i remember was her, reminiscing about “the old days” how we were depressed n all that, how we were always putting aside our own sadness to take care of the other… but how that was over, “we made it,” she said with so much confidence… but i couldn’t be happy because i hadn’t made it, i was still there (mostly bc of my bpd/emotional disregulation which was rly bad bc my then-bf had just broken up with me a month or so prior) but i really just couldn’t feel like “we made it” and i remember feeling like she was doing that to low-key/backhandedly spite me. obvs i knew she wasn’t trying to, so i went along with it with a little “haha yea can you believe it” type thing…
i asked my family to pay for a plane ticket so i could leave so my friends wouldn’t be burdened by me, asked said friends for a ride to the airport. they insisted they won’t take any money bc i already helped with groceries by pitching in $100 or so, but I insisted and paypal’d them ~$200 anyways for letting me stay for so long (after I spent $300 for their dexacom and alcohol wipes that were sold out everywhere)
that summer i was down in the dumps like half my hs posting was in 2013-2015. by this time i’d known that living with family made me feel awful, but I had to bc financially i had no where else to go. due to my moods, i just didn’t have the energy to reply to friend when she learned abt me taking ASL as one of my courses online. she, as a CODA, was interested as well and wanted to help me practice signing. i went 3? weeks without talking to her because i felt like shit. when i finally had the energy to talk to her again, she’d blocked me. and i couldn’t message her back with the “sorry i didn’t get back to you, i was depressed af”
i tried talking to mutual friends - college bestie and his roommate - but nothing from roommate. college “bestie” told me about how i was a self centered brat (did not elaborate) and blocked me as well.
that “friendship decay” thing hit me really hard when it was going around a few days ago bc some people really do have friendship decay. if it was just her then that woulda been fine but she took most of my college friends with her. that, im not fine about.
i know you won’t see but an old mutual may so let me just say:
talk to both sides before you deem someone to be irredeemable and block them bc your friend said so. if $600 in 2 weeks is “selfish” then you don’t have the whole story.
i know it isn’t the case but it really feels like my only friends are from elementary or from my grad school years, and i absolutely hate it.
emotional permanence please don’t fail me
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howisavedtheworld · 3 years
enough | hanamaki takahiro
genre: heavy angst to fluff, a *lil* bittersweet lmao, timeskip!hanamaki takahiro x fem!reader/gn!reader, established relationship
warnings pls pls read: money problems, cursing littered in a lot of places, mentions of feelings like depression, exhaustion, loneliness, crying, etc., blood mentioned *once* (it’s from a callus, it is nothing extreme but i want to state it explicitly anyways) if there’s anything else brought to my attention ill fix accordingly
a/n: hi!!!! it’s been like two weeks since i’ve posted, i’ve been in a slump, but i’m going to genuinely try to be more consistent and kind to myself abt wat i create! also every thing i’ve ever written on here is ib my personal experiences
heads up tho, i havent read the manga and this is just my dramatized take on his life post-time skip and certain things may be inaccurate 
also proofread at 4 am lol
wc: 1385
if hanamaki takahiro were to say he’s “tired,” one would deem it a grave understatement.
he’s not just tired.
he’s drained.
for starters, he’s worked three back to back shifts and it was barely reaching wednesday. monday at the deli was tough, considering he spent twelve straight hours packaging and stocking prosciutto and mozzarella sandwiches and arranging bags of kettle-cooked chips by flavor across the aisles of the store.
tuesday was even harder, the double shift at the restaurant hitting his already fatigued body like a brick. it was tiring enough to run around speedily clearing dishes and wiping down tables for six hours but it was absolute overkill to then spend the entire night cleaning the restaurant and prepping it for the morning crew.
6:39 am.
that was when takahiro finally left the restaurant, forcing his sluggish sore limbs to make the trek to the train station for the long ride back home.
in truth, the word “tired” barely even scratched the surface.
but he needed the money.
he needed it badly.
bills were always lingering on the brim of takahiro’s mind: the rent, the light bill, the water, the electricity. it left with him the constant urge to move, to work, to always be on the lookout for his next paycheck.
and of course, this wasn’t the best arrangement nor was it the life he’d hoped for.
of course, regret encompassed him, bound itself to his very being.
he wished he went pro after his glory days at aoba johsai, that he’d tried a little harder to be something. maybe then he’d have the opportunity to play in argentina, to travel the world, or to get signed by a sports brand just for the sake of it.
of course, he always felt a pang of jealousy for the ones that made it big.
even the ones who didn’t.
the ones with stable incomes, who could sustain themselves with only one job, who owned compact sized cars, who could actually save a single dime with hopes of eventually going on vacation.
deep down, he was jealous of them, too.
and he wondered, as he finally stepped foot on the train heading north, feeling the ache in his heels settle, if this would ever feel like enough.
if working two jobs back to back would ever amount to any feeling of satisfaction, if it was okay that he would only ever be remembered as the guy who didn’t go pro, who never got his degree, who was barely getting by.
he really didn’t think so.
because how could it be enough?
how could he have nothing to show for the life he lived?
sometimes, takahiro felt almost as if he was cursed. that life had dealt him the worst of cards just to see him crack underneath the pressure.
a lot of times, he did.
he had his fair share of low moments: the time he found himself shedding tears in the back of the deli, hiding behind loaves of rye bread and cold cuts hoping nobody would catch him.
or the time he bandaged his own bleeding foot by himself at the restaurant because his calluses broke open and everyone else was simply too busy to help.
in these moments, hanamaki felt so alone.
as if the world had forgotten him, had continued to spin on its axis, leaving him alone to figure out its rotation.
in these moments, he really just wanted to run away from it all.
to quit his jobs and just disappear for some time.
but he couldn’t.
because hanamaki takahiro had also learned that in every shitty day or moment, there was a flip side.
there had to be a sliver of hope in the midst of darkness.
7:32 am. 
that was when hanamaki got home.
he stood for a moment, fumbling with various receipts and trinkets in his pocket before he finding his keys and opening the door.
it was quiet. 
he could only hear the whirr of the shaky air conditioner and the hum of morning birds outside the bay windows of the living room. he took one step inside, wincing at the ache in his legs and sharp jab of pain up his spine.
locking the door behind him, he slipped off his shoes before the silence was broken.
“baby?” your soft sleepy voice rang through the apartment, making his body jump.
he was sure you’d be sleeping by now.
“hey, babe.” he let out a exhale of relief that you were the source of noise. “sorry if i woke you.” 
you sat up from your position laying on the couch, shaking your head incessantly while wiping the grog from your eyes.
“no,” you quickly spoke. “i was waiting for you.”
his heart skipped a beat looking at you, your eyes half-lidded from exhaustion with dark circles underneath them, your hair completely disheveled from your awkward sleeping position on the couch, and you wore his old seijoh jersey that was too large and slipped down your shoulders, the hem falling just above your knees.
you looked at him, offering a soft smile before beckoning him over to you. “work must’ve fucking sucked, c’mere.”
and you were so right.
it was awful.
he took lengthy strides over to you before dropping onto the couch, his head finding its way to your lap.
your fingers instinctively reached to stroke his soft locks and he sighed, leaning into your touch.
“are you hungry?” you murmured. “i made udon earlier. it’s cold now so you’ll have to warm it up.”
he was hungry, desperately so after not having a moment to get even a small snack in at work, but he wanted to stay here for just a little longer, pressed into you, feeling the pads of your fingers against his scalp, smelling your conditioner and listening to the softness of your voice.
he shook his head, and you laughed, knowingly nodding. “okay, you can eat it later.”
“how was work for you?” he questioned, eyes fluttering closed at serenity of the moment.
you hummed, fingers still locked into his hair. “shitty. you know, usual bullshit with customers. but i think with my next paycheck, we’ll make the rent.”
his eyes snapped open to look up at you, and you were staring down at him, an excited smile on your face when you locked eyes.
and takahiro knew you had hopes and dreams, that you wanted to go back to school and get your degree and have a normal job, and eventually buy a house and car, and maybe have kids, but you always said that part wearily, claiming you both should start off the family off with a pet first.
he knew you wanted something different. you’d told him.
but even now, in this moment as he stared up at you, saddened by the fact that the future you hoped for was nowhere in sight, there was no inkling of disappointment in your eyes, no what-if, no questioning of if it was enough.
you looked at him like the life you had was all you’d ever asked for.
as if of course it was enough.
before he knew it, a single tear rolled down his cheek.
your eyes widened and you moved a hand to his cheek, wiping the tear away.
“i love you.” he stated, a few more lone tears sliding down his face.
your face softened before you squeezed his cheek with your hand.
“hey.” you beckoned him to sit up.
he followed, sitting up to face your frame on the couch. “don’t cry ‘cus we made the rent. there’s always other bills you can pay. if that’s what you’re worried about.”
and he laughed, nodding while tears spilled over his irises and he watched you through bleary eyes, wipe each one away and pull him into an embrace.
“i love you. you know that, right? i’ll always love you.”
hanamaki takahiro realized that in this lifetime, he doesn’t need a sports deal, or a compact car, or trips to argentina. even if life were to always be this hard, if he was always teetering on the in-between, if this was all the universe had to offer him, that was okay.
because it had granted him you.
and you, alone, were more than enough.
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selfcareparker · 3 years
(lovely anon) i'm so happy to finally be answering this oh my goodness hi gorgeous human being i feel that it has been too long 🥲 SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED SINCE THE LAST TIME I'VE WRITTEN ONE OF THESE HOW HAVE YOU BEEN
to answer the things you have said most recently- i'm so mad that spring break is over bc now i have to go back to life??? like dancing and school and shit that feels so unnessacry 😭 and like i can't just do nothing anymore? i was so used to it and now...... ugh. i STILL haven't played sims (i think it's because ✨depression✨ be hitting sometimes) lol but MWAHAH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR!AU AND THAT THEY HAD LITTLE BABY LEO!! i feel the name thing.. i just come up with something that sounds nice? i think leo is a nice name, it makes me think about lea michele and the fact that her son's name is Ever Leo but anyway. i don't name my sims after what i want to name my children irl either... idk why though. (i don't know why i'm telling you this but for boy names i love Liam🥰 and if i had twin boys i think i would do Liam and Peter though i am not married to the name Peter.... anywho)
LMAOOO the therpaist coming made me laugh thank you :)) i hope it's helpful? this may be tmi but i've only really had negative thoughts recently and not many healthy outlets so i'm hoping crossing one thing off this sad list will make me feel better :') i think during spring break my anxiety and my depression really spiked? idk, it comes in episodes but yeah THIS GOT REALLY SAD
i think a lot of things when i read your posts but i never say them hahaha so imma say it now: i googled what bon appetit meant ( i also just had to google how to spell it ) but ur right, i feel like bone apple tea makes more sense than bone apple teeth.. the "th" is throwing me off bc how i say it bone appa (like app-a) teet (like you're saying tit but teet lol) so bone apple tea makes more sense to me lol
i never know really know the time difference for anything lmao but est to germany (that's not gmt is it?) is like 6 hours wOAH so it's like 9pm while it’s 3pm here? wowee
i feel mega weird after watching this show called hollywood (darren criss is in it, so is laura harrier and a bunch of other people) but i don't like it💀 i feel really icky rn and idk why but reading your last response to my ask (?) always makes me feel better :')
i am doing what you said btw, i'm typing this on my computer first then gonna transfer it to my phone's tumblr lol but when you said a digital detox, it's interesting cuz i feel like i've been having one since tom's new project was announced? gOD i don't wanna get into it bc i get so triggered but i've been off of instagram since then bc instagram stans literally stand by tom through whatever even when something ain't right- i’m just gonna leave it there bc i’ll continue the rant, but yeah so i took a break lol
also heard abt your driving lesson thing (?) was it that bad? i can't find the old post but someone asked if you hooked up with your lesson person and i was sOOO CONFUSED LMAOO LIKE OK ARIA GET SOME BUT UHH HUH?
now to address the actual response HAHA the way you touch my heart :') by :') bringing :') up :') halle :') being ariel :') (i honest to God don't remember if i brought this up first, forgive me if i did, it's been a minute lmao) i'm always talking about it and i'm pretty sure my family is so tired of me talking about it lmao, but YEAH when i found out they weren't twins i was so surprised but idk why i always thought they were twins? but YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE WITH THE DISNEY TALK- everyone is always like "tiana is my favorite princess" and yea she's strong and stuff but...... she was a frog. for almost the whole time. it's about time we got another one!! i do agree with some people on the fact that disney should just make another black princess but halle is adorable and i was ariel on stage so it's already really special to me :')
yeah lol there are good times with my brothers but they make me mad for a good portion of the time (there's the 12yo vincent and the 7yo daniel but vincent??? psshhh he is a piece of work and i'm not sure how much longer i can put up with him HAJAH AND YES VINCENT IS THE ONE WHO WAS 👁👄👁WHEN I CRIED AND THE ONE WHO DOESN'T LISTEN TO MUSIC- writing this now makes it sound like vincent is awful. which he isn't... we're working on him ig. not to add to the awfulness but no, he listens to obnoxious loud VIDEO GAME MUSIC and won't stop when we ask him to stop... he gets beat up a lot) anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌
yeah let me know if you end up watching it (wandavision)! i think it's great but if you like it lmk!! tfatws is sooo good like PHEW i am honestly loving it. sidenote: j*hn w*lker makes me wanna jump through the screen and choke him to the ground. i was thinking right, and the falcon and the winter soldier (THATS SO MUCH EASIER FAJHKDAH) would techinally be like a 10 hour movie right? because every episode is an hour long and there'll be 10 episodes? like wow. i get what you mean though, abt the racism in the show etc, like looking forward to it but not like..... no i get what you mean i will not try and give another example lol but you make me wanna learn more languages like really badly (bc of what you said about the german to american translation) & if you end up watching hamilton PLEASE LMK ABT THAT TOO HAHAHA i love it so much, same thing with lion king lmaoo
speaking of germany, i was at lunch on saturday with my mom and her friend and we were talking about my schooling and like-- she planted this idea in my head lol like what if i just got my GED and went around the world (to england probably) to get a theatre experience??? and i think it sounds so cool but no where near practical lol, it's just..... the dream haha and i would then try and learn a language 😉
uh yes we absolutely should order basically a resturant meal at a cinema, how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?
also about cherry (which i still haven't watched yet lol) i got the timestamps from tumblr😌 i couldn't find them anywhere else, but i agree, i probably wouldn't even look twice at cherry if tom wasn't in it? like i liked tdatt a lot, but it's not a movie i would be itching to see ya know?
HAHAHAHA THE 24 HOUR NOTIFICATION- i think i have around 1030 hours on sims? but i've had it since 2019 lmao (reading the screenshots, yes u are 100% a genuis, i take screenshots too but on anon you can't upload them so i just read them and retype what i wrote lmao) i think the university experience in the game is fun, but time consuming and it's all work imo. idk why i do it so often tho 😭😭😭
and agreed!! when you're making good money in the game you have to find other ways to make it interesting. my cousins who play it just continously do "motherlode" and i'm like.... then what do you do in your game?? it just sounds boring to me... my current sims household, i had a famous comedian sim, her name was dylan, aND SORRY IM LAUGHING SO HARD WHILE WRITING THIS BC ITS A GREAT EXAMPLE OF THE UNI THING UNLESS IM JUST DUMB, she went to college for communications when i wanted her to be a comedian and when she graduated i realized that degree did nothing for the career 🥲 so yeah, i think i'm just dumb. but she had a kid in college, guy didn't stick around and she was pretty broke HA but then she got married to this (great) guy named steve, made good bank, had 5 more kids (two sets of twins and one more lol) but then she passed. uhm... yeah that's still an open wound . lol i'm kidding, but when you get rich like that, you have to find a way to make the game interesting and i chose a million kids.
(this was one giant paragraph until i broke it up uhh yeah) i seriously don't pay attention to the sims prices and just end up spending way too much money and not being able to finish the rest of the house😭 but then again, i'm so used to having sims live in apartments... if i end up building a house FIRST OF ALL it'll look like what you explained before lmao but i'll tell you if i actually end up building a house HAHA & planning out your sims game is so fun to me lol, did enisa and michael take in his daughter yet? i may be thinking too far ahead lol and i love that they fucked woohooed (i say woo woo lol) in celebration HAHA but when i was playing with this one couple i had them woo woo every night hoping the dude would have horrible pull out game and they would concieve, but one night they were too tired and i was like why? get back in there man. if i was in college and lived with my partner we would be fucking every night homie. be grateful. i have been talking a lot about sims, and like you said: enough 💀 i just love this game a lot 😭😭
SORRY LAST THING i think the sims romantic and sexual stuff is so nice bc its what i want?? LMAO IDK like the whole hot tub thing you're talking about- puh lease ITS JUST NICE TO SEE OKAY
i'm reading the german section over again and i said aloud "my german friend is so cool" lol (i was saying that to my brothers & i know they don't care LMAO) (& i'm glad the uni zoom call went well!!) so on a form, in german, it could possibily say Einführungsveranstaltungsteilnehmer because you would be a participant to an introductory event? i swear german sounds so cool 😌 but i love reading your german lessons!! it's really interesting, most of the time my brain can't comprehend it tho?? like that word makes sense to you, but i need a translation. like to be able to look at that and know what it says.... its just appealing and seems so cool lol i kinda wanna write something out in german but i feel that google translate will fail me. während googeln "google übersetzen" mein Computer war so verdammt langsam und es fühlte sich einfach wie etwas Gutes auf Deutsch zu sagen. ich bin nicht sicher, welches Wort ist "fucking", aber ich mag es lmao (did it fail me like i thought it would??)
LMAOOO THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP JUSTIN BC WHILE AT THE RESTURANT THEY PLAYED A JUSTIN SONG AND I IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT OF YOU AND THIS STORY😭 lol i was thinking it's depending on your age but not even that either... i really don't know.... but tom's fans are hollanders💀 i would consider myself one? he's the only person i'm really into like that (like a lot lol) so idk lmao (directioners 💔💔the pain is real)
LMAOOO (both of these paragraphs started off with “lmaooo” smh) "i like my men when they look like they are on the brink of death" PLEASE, i don't like pete's blonde hair... i just don't. i'm not sure if i wasn't watching the most recent snls but yea. my mom thinks he looks like trash, but i think he's okay? like he said staten island people just look like trash LMAO and I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN KING OF STATEN ISLAND GIRL I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! now i'm gonna make plans to watch it lmao, & yes agreed i find pete hot, don't ask why i really couldn't explain it to someone he's just .
my favorite songs from rex are from pony oh my goodness 🥺 anywho i'm gonna go eat cereal (i ended up eating bun and cheese instead) and listen to the Stormzy songs you recommended... aria. aria aria aria. i would like to thank you for introducing me to stormzy i- i don't have any words or any emojis to express HOW GOOD STORMZY IS. i hope he's popular in germany/the uk because i haven't heard of him but GURLLLL
one second - delicious i love it. it's really good. it’s not my favorite from the album, but its great.
superheroes - at first i played the non-explicit one (on accident) and wondered why the words weren't playing but i was reading them in the lyrics??? THIS ONE THOUGH??? IS THE BEST SONG I THINK I'VE EVER HEARD. i am so SO SO into black people empowering songs (like brown skin girl by beyonce) and this song???? PHEW I CRYYYYY ITS SO GOOD.... i was gonna quote some lyrics BUT THERS TOO MANY I LOVE, "i am young, black, beautiful, and brave" "black queen, you're immaculate, it's coming at the world, they ain't ready for your magic yet, and that was never your fault" THAT WAS NEVER YOUR FAULT- I ALMOST CRIED THIS SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL (i played it twice lol)
lessons is another beautiful one, like its slow and it feels intimate and nurturing and just OO chefs kiss, beautiful . like you can feel the apology and the regret... it’s so good
own it - OWN IT OWN IT OWN IT IS AMAZING!! swear you would catch me dancing to this song, this song is so fucking good i cannot comprehend like this one might be my favorite for real... "it's the way you wind up your waist, i'm so in awe, you never have to worry abt nothing, you know its yours, you know you own it" 🥲 i played it two or three times honestly
rachael's little brother - YES I DID LISTEN TO IT LMAO AND YES I LIKE IT, its a very complex song and it's very layered in terms of emotions i think and i really like that about it. i probably won't listen to it that often, but its really good. i would recommend this song to my "older brother" bc he would just absolutely love this
shut up - i was taking this song seriously (also very good) until i heard him say shu-T up LMAO, this one is good, i probably wouldn't listen to it 24/7 like rachael's little brother but honestly its still fire
before listening to blinded by your grace and vossi bop, i know you brought up the religion bit, i definitely don't mind that, especially because i'm Christian lol and i actually liked that he brought up God in some of his songs like idk i just like it🥰🥰
(i then went to bed after that lol but first thing in the morning i listened to superheroes and... that song is probably my favorite tbh, i was gonna write MORE quotes that i loved from it but, yeah no there's too many. if you want i'll tell you lmao but this is already so long i would just be quoting the whole friggin song)
VOSSI BOP IS A BOP (lol) I CANT EVEN LIE, i love a song that hypes up a dude's girl so the line- i love that my phone decided to fail to load the lyrics, lemme google it, okay the lyric "looking at my girl like what a goddess" i was like AYEEE its honestly just really good. and no one in america says "sauce" like "i've got the sauce" but now i do (thanks to love island and Nas from last season) and now stormzy so (also im gonna watch the music video for superheroes bc it looks great so 😛)
(because this is already so long i feel like i shouldn't finish the rest but . no i'm gonna do it)
now for blinded by your grace pt2 idk why i’m nervous lmaoo PAUSE I'M NOT EVEN DONE WITH THE SONG GIRL THIS SONG IS *chefs kiss* no words, speechless PHEW y'all gon make me start jumping around. why did i not know about stormzy before, he is amazing i- ok yeah i finished the song, all i have to say is that Stormzy is immaclucate. period. i am literally sending his music to all my friends he is..... amazing
you want my song recommendations 🥺🥺 hmm uh okay lol i listen to a lot of old music, whitney houston, marvin gaye, queen, celine dion, i love "more than words" by extreme uhmm okay, but for actual music i listen to on the daily? (this is a lot of different music like.... they do not go together lmao so be prepared) a song about being sad by rex orange county, betty by taylor swift and lover by taylor swift and... most of that album lol, treasure by bruno mars lmao, OOOO and versace on the floor by bruno as well, lazybaby by dove cameron, creep by tlc has been on repeat lol, deja vu by olivia rodrigo (i saw what you said about drivers license and AGREED LMAO but i like deja vu a lot more haha) and two albums that i listen to in general, rare by selena gomez and ungodly hour by chloe x halle 🥰 you don't have to listen to all of them or any of them lol but that's a sense of what i'm into :) so basically everything haha, i'm into literally every single kind of music really so i wasn't too surprised that i enjoyed stormzy :’)
HAHASBSJHAHA your h20 story cracked me up,, like "wow these actors are so dedicated, learning german just for us" 😭 the beauty of overdubbing
once again, math and maths, in my mind maths makes sense because its mathmatics, but saying maths doesn't feel right to me lol, like if i said maths i feel like everyone would look at me like ??? and yea i was taught it as math so its just more natural for me. but yes math/maths is disgusting, easily one of my least favorite subjects so .
mkay. i- the first time i read this i could not contain my laughter when you said the only pollen you know is sex pollen LMAOKOOSHBABJFAJF STOPPP I'M EVEN LAUGHING WRITING THIS,, anyway. wow! that's interesting, my dad (<<< mostly anything else) gets migraines from the sun and the heat and stuff, yesterday (sunday, i was outside for like hours watching my brothers play football, the american kind lol) i was in the sun for like ever and i got a headache😔
summer clothes🥲 i need to go shopping fr fr. for my birthday my mom and dad got me a giftcard like dedicated to a shopping spree and we've yet to go so..... i should bring it up to my mom lol, but!! i went bra shopping (ended up returning literally all of them cuz they honestly didn't work for day to day work? its a long story) and if i could i would walk around in this new "summer bra" i got, i would. it's so fricking cute and its really light fabric (which isn't perfect for my nipples but still) so i don't get hot in it, but that bra and some shorts would be perfect. its the closest thing to being naked so
IS THE BIRD STILL BOTHERING U ARIA, TELL ME NOW ISTG, i laughed really hard that the bird isn't stupid and is really trying to torture you LMAOO like i was rolling, it wants you to suffer, badly
when you said "mensus" it was still close to mens!!! latin speaking queen 😌😌
okay STORYTIME i was reading back your response and started (fake) crying bc i love you lol and my youngest brother (daniel) gon say "oh man, catherine's crying about something we don't care about, again" I--- i swear when i tell you about them they sound awful, but they aren't that bad, just the stuff i say about them is sounds really mean LMAO
but the thing you said about being kind, same, what i always say is: don't be the person that makes people say "i hate people" ya know? like there's no reason to be a jerk or anything.... but its true 🥺🥺🥺🥺 you are really kind and every time i talk to you i would like to personally fly to germany and give you a hug 💖💕💞💗💓💝💖💘
& i'm gonna show my stretch marks some love bc of you 🥺😭 i really hate how men have basically everyone conditioned that you can't love your own body </3 fuck them, y'all beautiful :')
also thanks for what you said :')) you literally are the kindest, sweetest person i think i've ever spoken to and i love you 🥰🥺🥲💓💗
READING YOUR TAGS HAHAHHAHA the spelling errors makes everything so much funnier. once again, i like your german lessons & yea!! i'm gonna play sims after writing this hahah
#catherine's tags are back #i don't think i've told you my name before?? #anyway it's catherine🥰🥰🥰 #i'm typing this on my computer (without emojis) and if i didn't edit this you would be reading shit shite like #heartface and pout and cry LMAO #yeah abt the tattoos #some stuff with my parents i'm like deal with it??? lol #my mom tells me "if there's something you enjoy or you like but i don't have the same opinion on it... why would my (my mom's) opinion matter? #and i love that #like i'm not gonna go and do whatever i want #but if my mom doesn't like that i swear (which isn't true just an example) #its like okay.... #but whatever #and your tattoo ideas sound really cute!! #and yeah @ your parents, i mean you aren't getting something wild #and the tattoo album>>> #i'm gonna look up ariana's butterfly tattoos just so i know what you mean lol #but i'm guessing you don't want something so incredibily simple, but not super like over the top? #correct me if i'm wrong lol #LMAO the tags were in order don't worry ! #and yeah lol ily2 <33 #and once again, again, sorry for this post JSHJS ITS A MESS AND LONG AS HELL #and you don't need to go in order of my post its literally longer than your german compound words #u're fine #also !!! while writing this the birds were chirping outside and i was like 😳 #and one of your fics (i’ve read all of them, i don’t remember lol) that valentine’s day one where y/n had lingerie on (the pancake one lol) #inspired me to buy lingerie #like when i look back on me “growing up” #that fic & basically you lol really helped with that #that made no sense and i don’t know how to make it make sense... but... yeah. like ily
hiiiiiiiiiii <3333
Dear catherine, 😌
(you have said your name before, but it wasn‘t like an introduction or anything i think you were talking about .... was it possibly the incident at the cinema??? And you said something like ‘calm down catherine‘ like you were telling yourself to calm down idkd dkdkkdkd anyway i didn‘t mention it cause i wasn‘t sure if it was an accident or not dkdjd but now i know 😌❤️ Catherine is such a cute and lovely name btw omg and so are your brothers‘s names 🥰
Sorry that I‘m answering this so late, it‘s been an emotional rollercoaster for me since last week but i‘ll get to that in a second lol
Sksklssk girl i haven‘t played sims in like 2 weeks now ekejdkdlldld ok that‘s not that long at all actually but i keep wanting to play but then i end up not playing for whatever reason, so no news about my sims game 😔 but i love the names Liam and Peter and for twins!!! That sounds really nice actually
okay i‘m trying to answer your ask in chronological answer even though i wanted to wait for the depressing stuff and write it at the end or something OKAY so. i thought that i‘d feel so good when i start uni and that i‘ll like... have a purpose in life again and just be happy (cause in the last year i didn‘t do much and i was depressed like half of the time lol).... anyway i kind of feel even worse now? 😭 i think it‘s because in my brain it‘s like: university!!! that means your life will change and it‘ll all be so exciting. and don‘t get me wrong it is exciting butttt..... idk the online thing is so weird cause you‘re not meeting any new people (i‘m introverted anyway but still lol) and it doesn‘t feel like you‘re listening to/talking to actual people cause it feels the same as just watching a video?
also i thought i‘d be busy again but i only have one lecture (90mins) a day and theres one day where i dont have any lectures at all and just one day where i have 3 hours but.... idk i mean i shouldn‘t complain about having so much free time but i just don‘t know what to do all day and in a pandemic there really is nothing to do but i also can‘t relax bc it‘s like during the week and i know i have uni the next day and .... yeah.
There‘s also this one assignment i had to do that took me AT LEAST SIX HOURS AND IM NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING????? so that was the only thing i‘ve been doing besides “going to“ lectures. for this one course we have to read two (really really long) texts (like it literally took me 3 hours to read them) and we‘re supposed to post it on this website that all the professors in our uni use. So after 5 days of anxiety (✌🏼) i posted mine this morning bc last night i realised that i didn‘t even know why i was having anxiety so i just posted mine today. The deadline is tomorrow at 12 and no one except me has posted theirs yet........ so i have anxiety again 🥰 cause idk if i‘m the only one who did it or if i even did it correctly
Edit while i‘m rereading this: my anxiety about uni is a lot better and i‘m not as d*pressed anymore maybe it was just hormones? idk but i‘m better so that‘s good
(I started writing this like 5 hours ago and then i randomly completely forgot lol)
I‘m in a better mood now though so let‘s move on from that (oh wait also, i think i‘m gonna see if i can find a psychiatrist bc with my anxiety symptoms (long story) i need to go to a psychiatrist, and so far i‘ve only gone to like psycholgists and it didn‘t help but i think that‘s just bc i was meant to go to a psychiatrist and not a psychologist so dldjdjsj
n e ways but yes you‘re not alone, ily, things will get better and yes i love you (i‘m not good at this type of thing🥲 but i‘d hug you right now if i could <3)
Yess i think the time difference between est and me is 6hours but gmt is uk time i believe? i think mine is called.... cet? For central european time? I could be completely wrong though lmao
Oof i completely forgot about hollywood, i remember when laura kept posting about it on instagram but i never actually watched it and i definitely won‘t now lmaodkdksjsn
Okay my driving lesson LEBDJDKDK I DID NOT HOOK UP WITH ANYONE AKSJSKSMMLM especially not my 40 or 50 year old driving instructor lol i like her but NOT LIKE THAT, the lesson was really really really good actually and i think i‘ll have my driving test soon, but i don‘t even remember why the anon would have thought that??? Oh wait now i remember okay KEKSKDLDL so during the lesson my instructor was like do you mind if i turn on some music? AND THIS WOMAN TURNED ON ONE DIRECTION I LOVE HER so i made a post about it and i said something about the song up all night and i guess i phrased it in a .... idk in a dumb way 💀 so the anon made a joke that i stayed up with my driving instructor all night and NO. No.
Wait did i read that right? YOU WERE ARIEL ON STAGE? SIALDBDJDKSLMSBDKDMDMDKDJSLSMDJFJJEDMBFEKLEFBJDLDVSIDLESKSKWKDKDJDOWNYUEKWNDUWLNSUFLWVSUDLEHDOENSIDBEISBEHENJELBSIEMWUDNRIW KB WOBE JO ON SBEUU HIII S HWS LV W ICH US KB okay this keyboard smash is getting out of hand but uh please do elaborate on that 💘😌???? Like you can‘t just drop that information and not say more??? I forgot if you‘re in like your school‘s drama group (is that a thing? lol idk anything about acting) or in an independent group? Either way - ARIEL that is so fucking cool
Your brothers loooooool, no i get it though obviously you love them and stuff but esp at their age children are so annoying so good luck with them 😭😭😭lmao
Yeah “anyway i imagine being an only child is really calming.. like you have time to yourself and its just you and your parents 😌“ yeah just me and my parents who constantly fight 🥰 lmao no i like being an only child, like i cannot imagine having siblings but i feel like if i had siblings i would be saying that i can‘t imagine being an only child so? but i do think it‘s quite different like i‘m trying to imagine having siblings and WHAT that‘s just so different omg i‘ve never really thought about it like properly ???
I saw a tik tok the other day that was like “sometimes i forget that my siblings have a life of their own. like i see them as side characters in my life“ and even though i can‘t relate obviously i felt that. lol, like i can really imagine how it feels idk what i‘m talking about like shut the fuck up, daria
(also my actual name is daria not aria but i dont like it, and also i wanted to be more anonymous on tumblr so now i‘m aria lmao. pls don‘t mention it though cause no one knows except for you and mel (peterbenjiparker) dkdkdkdnkdnd. but i‘m starting to identify with the name cause everyone keeps calling me that looool😭😭😭 (but i like the name, more than daria anyway? well it also depends on the accent, cause the way germans say daria is okay. the was Americans say it is also okay, but some of my family in England are from the north of england and i don‘t like how they say my name 💀 no offence to them(?) but yeah pls don‘t mention the name in your ask cause the chance of people seeing it is higher then (or if you want to say something about it just send a separate ask and i just won‘t post it (IDK what you‘d want to say about my name but yeah just in case slsldlldmsndnsns)
I‘m loving falcon and winter soldier so much but when i was watching an episode the week before last week (?) my laptop broke😭😭😭😭 during the scene where the dora milaje came at the end my laptop just shut down? And it had these lines all over the screen and i had to bring it to the shop where i bought it and they said it‘ll take 6-8 weeks to repair 💔💔💔 but at least it‘ll be for free, cause if i brought it back to apple it would cost like 400€ (i think that‘s nearly 500$) so yeah. but it sucks cause now i‘m “going to uni“ on a really old rusty laptop and on my phone which kinda sucks. oh yeah and also i can‘t watch anything on there 😭 i definitely want to watch wandavision but it‘ll have to wait🤧
Yessss you should def get your GED! I googled and I‘m still not entirely sure what it is dldks but from how you described it- YES!!!!!!
Idk if you know this? Like no idea if I‘ve told you this already (hmmm wait i feel like we talked about it actually?) anyway i was originally gonna go study in England, but for loads of reasons I ended up staying in Germany and I‘m def happy with my decision, but I definitely want to go to England sometime even if it‘s just for six months or maybe for my masters or something? And (obviously everyone is different) but i think everyone should go abroad and live in a different country once in their life, no matter if it‘s for school or what, and even if it‘s just for a few weeks. But i think that‘s something that you‘d never ever forget! And combining that with your acting/theatre??? You really would be living the dream 💘💘😌
how about burgers, chips (fries), and a large drink? any time next week works for me, should i pick you up?— sounds good see you soon 🥰🥰🥰
i used to be one of the people who‘d just do motherlode motherlode motherlode and just... what did i do? Why did i do that??? But not anymore lol. Like I said i haven‘t played sims in a few weeks but i‘ve been watching a few legacy challenge let‘s plays and usually i play with the aging off. So my sims just don‘t age 💀 but i could (should) turn aging on so that it stays exciting and i have limited time and everything. and once i get bored with my current sims i can just make them have kids and continue playing as their children when they get older- like recently i remembered that i haven‘t played the acting career in ages? and i haven‘t had a shop in ages? and i think you can even become a vet right??? like those are definitely some things i want to do in the next weeks!!! Also yes sksksjs i have a few hundred hours on sims as well (if not thousands 😭) it was just that one household that i‘d been playing with for 24hrs
AND GIRL SSKSKJD THE UNIVERSITY THING HAPPENED TO ME TOO, it was a while ago so i don‘t remember what degree and what job it was about but i made my sim study something for aaaaaages so she‘d get a better job from the beginning (you know what i mean like get in at a higher level)...... and i apparently studied the wrong thing cause i didn‘t get any benefits from studying and still had to start at level 1 and shit 🥴🥲
Oh also (this was like 2 weeks ago) Enisa and Michael did take in Michael‘s daughter and i think Enisa currently even has a higher/better relationship with the daughter than Michael but um💀💀💀 also i was hoping (since michael and enisa married (in their back yard i think lol) that the daughter (i forget what her name is😭) would have enisa as her step mom? Like you know how you can see the relationship and it says daughter or son or sister.. and i was hoping that it would say step mom but it doesn‘t say anything 🥲 but in my mind (and if the sims had proper family relations) she is her step mom😌 also Leo is a teenager now???? I mean I aged him up lol dkdk he was being too annoying as a toddler but i don‘t like children so i aged him up twice in one day and now he‘s a teen, but that means he can look after his half sister when she becomes a toddler which is good (the game recognises them as siblings tho even if they‘re just half siblings? why can‘t they have step family members in the sims🥲) okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
I‘ve been a bit sick these past few days and now i‘m getting a headache so i have to finish this response tomorrow 😭😭😭 </3
It‘s not tomorrow, it‘s 3 hours later but i‘m better lol
oooff when sims are ungrateful and won‘t woo woo (lol i like that) cause they‘re too tired like?? Be grateful that you‘re not living with your parents anymore 🙄 no okay dkdkdkdl idk if you play with mods (i don‘t) but i know there is a mod (or it‘s part of a mod idk maybe wicked whims?) where you can adjust the percentage of how risky a normal woo woo is, like you still click woo woo (3dksksks okay i‘ll say woohoo again— wait is that what’s it called? 😭) but there‘s like a 25% chance that your sim can still get pregnant just like in real life there‘s always a chance of getting pregnant even if you‘re using protection (just not 25% lmao) but yeah i personally don‘t play with mods sksk and you can always just click try for baby but it would be cool if you could add stuff like risky woohoo to the game without mods (i have no idea how to download mods and i play sims on a really really old laptop and sims is literally tje only thing that works on it anyway so—) i repeat my words from earlier: okay i‘ve annoyed you enough with sims ✋🏼
okay i‘m so sorry i‘m gonna watch fast & furious 1 now cause i need to watch f&f 1-5 until the 30th of april cause they‘re only on netflix til then (i mean i could watch them somewhere else but the quality is never as good) so i will finish this tomorrow after all😭
it is now 1 am, i finished the film, can feel a new obsession coming up again (i always have these f&f obsessions for six months before and after a new film comes out)
THE GOOGLE TRANSLATE wkekdjdj tbh it sounds like someone is speaking with some kind of foreign accent i guess that‘s probably because it just is a direct translation and so anyway slsjsj i don‘t know if you asked me what the word fucking is in german? like idk cause the translation is a bit weird but in case you asked lol sidjsjs theres not really a good translation like we just say fuck for fuck lmao, i don‘t know if you typed in fucking in google translate and it came out as verdammt? cause that means damn (or damned sksjjs) ummm yeah idek if/what you asked so imma move on🤧
I‘m not gonna comment on what you said about every stormzy song cause you already said all the important things but SKSKSJSJSKNSNDBDUDOENWBSLSKKHSULSLSKSBSJSKSK I WAS SMILING SO HARD WHEN I READ YOUR RESPONSE FOR THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH finally i know someone who loves him as much as i do 💘💘💘 also since you brought it up, i‘m pretty sure he‘s considered the most successful UK rapper or if not then at least top 3 so he‘s defffffffffinitely big in the uk, in germany more and more people are listening to uk rap too but not as much stormzy cause theyre dumb apparently 🙄 but anywY i‘m sooooo sooo happy that you like him. i think hith came out end of 2019 (i could be wrong but i think it came out on the 13th of december so (in a european way) you‘d write the date: 13.12 and obviously i don‘t KNOW this but i can definitely imagine that he chose that date because ACAB and yes, Michael. Yes. But he hasn‘t made too much music since then so i hope he‘s working on some new stuff 🤞🏼
Also i ordered the stormzy poster😌 also a nicki minaj one bc i decided i‘m gonna have one wall with red-ish posters (i already have two kinda red ones) and one with blue/green-ish posters (already have two) and i can add stormzy to the blue one and nicki to the red one, but i think that‘s it cause if my walls are tooo full it could look cluttered? I‘m not sure how that type of thing works lmao but my room is generally untidy so i don‘t want the walls to look unorganised too so i think that‘s it for now
I really want to finish this now but my brain is getting kinda slow and i need to sleep soon so this will have to wait till later after all 🥺🥴 (not that it makes and difference to you bc you‘ll see this whenever i post it buttttt i wanted you to know that i want to talk to you again but with my slow brain i‘m just taking too long to do it in one day😭😭😭 and i‘m so busy tomorrow hmm but i‘m sure i‘ll have 30 minutes to finish this then <3)
Okay wait I‘m so dumb I didn‘t realise I‘d nearly answered everything i could have posted this yesterday 😭😭
Oooohh that summer bra sounds so nice like if i was confident enough i literally would just wear a top that resembles a bra (or really is a bra lol) cause my tiddies always be looking amazing i‘m just insecure about my stomach sometimes 🙄🙄🙄 but recently i‘ve been loving myself more and more tbh 😌
also i hope you can go shopping for some nice clothes soon ✨😌
I‘ll be honest I haven‘t listened to your song recs YET but only because i wanna take my time with them and i‘ve been so busy and slso AJ tracey‘s album came out last week and I haven‘t listened to that one yet either so ekdkdj (he‘s also a uk rapper like quite popular and successful as well, but i feel like i‘m not gonna like his album cause whenever i‘m looking forward to an album it ends up being really bad and the albums where you weren‘t expecting it turn out to be bangers.... so yeah but i‘ll let you know when i listen to your songs!!!! :)
Omg i keep having to scroll up all the way to see the next thing you said so sorry if I completely miss some of the things you said😭😭
So when you sent this the bird was still bothering me oh my FUCK DKDLDMMDMDMD but now i‘ve been going to bed at like 1-2am so the bird is probably still asleep lool
Okay and for the rest of your ask my response is: 💘💖❣️💚❣️💛❣️💛💕💞❤️💓💟💞💕💕💖💘💝💟💟🧡❤️🧡💞💛💚💓💚💚💚❣️🧡💖💘🧡💝🧡💕💘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥰🥺🥺💘💘💘💘💘 (okay that looked cuter in my head i don‘t really like the green hearts dldkkdksndnd)
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 28
catch me completely ignoring dark cybertron lmao
yeahhhh so I'm just gonna skip dark cybertron bc no thanks. I did read the tf wiki articles for the issues tho, which is more than I did in the past, so at least now I kinda know what happened, though I had to suffer thru reading about dark cybertron to learn stuff about it. yikes. reading ABOUT dark cybertron further enforced my decision to not actually read thru it
anyways. the best part of dark cybertron was when chromedome threw prowl off that cliff. that was baller lmfao
a 1 page recap of dark cybertron is about all I can handle. thank you
ooh, the 6 months later smash-cut, I fucking love itttt
nautica’s here!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I love her. also brainstorm, and I love their friendship sm
hvbjdkhfbshdfj god I love them. they have such a fun dynamic 
everyone eavesdropping on a therapy session vhbhdjkhafbhkjsdf. hipaa laws mean nothing as usual 
the casual reveal of captain megatron, oh god 
the title fucking slaps, as usual. this is one of my favorites - ‘world, shut your mouth.’ great stuff, and a song title/reference to boot! and this being part 1: towards peace...chefs kiss
and then we flash back to 6 months earlier...yknow now that I'm rereading this, mtmte has a LOT of framing devices used - there's story-within-a-story, flashback/flash-forwards, storytelling with narration, etc...I love it
god hbvhjakdfbshjkdf rodimus saying ‘magic’ and then the little *magic = science rodimus doesn't understand HBGKJHSDBFKHJSDF my idiot boy ily
rodimus roasting prowl is my fav hbfjdkafshsbjkf ‘maybe the knights can help us find a cure for your personality’ ily sm
and then prowl agreeing w/rodimus a few panels later about megatron’s guilt...
optimus...don't you think that making yourself chief of justice is...maybe a bad idea...like, maybe there's a conflict of interests here...just a little bit of bias...a bit too much history, perhaps...
the fact that all the big roles in the trial were given to high-ranking autobots who were heavily involved in the war...I see that cybertrons justice system is as much of a farce as their medical ethics and patient confidentiality laws 
the ‘you BROKE the MATRIX’ panel is so good bjhkdhfbajskhdf
rodimus: LISTEN dad I just wanna resume my space cruise with my frat bro ship I have no interest in politics
psychiatrists HATE him! local former warlord refuses to recognize the validity of psychological analyzation of people’s actions
ravage casually breaking hipaa laws and chilling in megatron’s therapy session like >:3
I love rung...he’s so good at like, passive-aggressively cutting right to the heart of someone’s issues, and he’s so generally mild that you can’t even really get mad at him 
the sudden inclusion of megatron as a major character in mtmte is kinda jarring at first - mostly, for me at least, due in part because I didn't read dark cybertron so this is like, megatron’s introduction as a relevant character in general - but I feel like jro does a great job laying a lot of intrigue down from the very beginning w/his character - like, I already want to know more about what his whole deal is, even though we have, ostensibly, seen pretty much all of his story play out already 
rung name-dropping froid...i remember that made me lose my shit bc cmon. FROID....jesus christ
rung and megatron: holy shit! we’re suddenly being drawn in a 90s-esque sci-fi tron-looking retro-futuristic style!
interesting that megatron sought rung out, and not the other way around
RIPTIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite sharkboy is HERE
‘we’re not allowed to take anyone who might remind rodimus of prowl’ vhbhjdkshfbhaskfd brutal
I love nautica so so much. a perfect autistic scientist after my own heart
I adore that nautica brought chromia along for moral support
hgvbjdakhfbhsj and then swerve saying that rodimus hates ‘trisyllabic names’ and nautica is like....but....‘rodimus’.....
and then nightbeat busts in to get all bbc sherlock on they asses hgbfhjadkfbjaskdf
WHY was perceptor at the crewditions if he was already part of the crew lmao
ooof, and then we have megatron flipping out when chromedome, a mnemosurgeon, shows up
also damn the autobots were rlly like okay so we wanna speed this trial up so lets just like, probe megatrons brain, that seems completely ethical, especially when you consider the history of shadowplay and stuff that our previous government had
I know important stuff is happening but megatron is holding a CUBE and I love CUBES so I'm distracted by that. C U B E
and then right after a scene where we see chromedome willing to perform mnemosurgery again - despite rewind’s like, dying wish for him not to - we hear that he’s been locked up in his room rewatching rewinds goodbye message over and over again :( I'm fucking depressed
I love nightbeat, he’s so funny and kind of an asshole
and then you see more missing letters behind them next panel...clearly nightbeat is right and there’s a mystery afoot...OR somebody is fucking with the ship’s lettering as a prank, which is a plot point I would absolutely buy
yeahhhh skids is right, chromedome is clearly Not dealing 
the dramatic graffiti on megatrons door...I wanna know who spray-painted ‘die’ everywhere like they're reaper overwatch
oh god. whirl vs megatron
really cool red lighting tho
GOD its so brutal, all the stuff megatron said about how he told the cons not to kill whirl...and doesn't that end up being false anyways? so he was just saying it to dig at whirl, which is awful
also I'm never over the fact that literally everyone - including megatron and whirl - blames whirl for ‘turning megatron violent,’ as if the entire Point isn't that whirl was a tool for a corrupt system, and if it wasn't whirl it would've just been someone else, and megatron turning away from pacifism was inevitable given the circumstances, AND also a choice on his part, so he really only has himself to blame for his OWN ACTIONS
bye bye whirls right arm, see you in lost light 
‘people never stop changing’ that IS something I say all the time...damn you warlord grandpa! how can you steal my philosophies?!
ohhh man and then rewind’s goodbye message being different....oooh
AUGH the fact that whirl was basically trying to goad megatron into killing him, just like he did in issue 1 w/cyclonus...It Hurts Man
also I do love the hint at who he’s talking to w/whirl shooting megatron with the bow and arrow earlier, and we know that atomizer is a fan of those
ok, but here’s where my philosophy diverges - megatron talks about throwing away his past and starting new, but I think that you have to learn from and build on your past...either way, megatron’s arc is one that I enjoy greatly from a character writing standpoint, and I'm excited to get it underway, especially w/how controversial it is lmao
big ole double-page spread...I like how you can pick out individual characters in the background crowd, which is crazy cause that's a LOT of people. also how come cosmos is so HUGE
phewwww 4.6 billion cybertronians died in the war, that’s INSANE. that's like, an incomprehensibly huge number. is there an estimate for their current population? I bet its not a lot. no wonder jro leaned into reproductive themes so much in mtmte/ll - of course the continuation of your species would be a concern for many if your numbers have been that greatly reduced
optimus w/his fancy tyrest-lookin crown
oughdajbfsbdf and the fact that megatron ALSO murdered 100 BILLION non-cybertronians...bruh. I feel like they maybe should've dialed those numbers back a little to allow his ‘redemption arc’ to run a little smoother lmao. but also I admire the commitment either way
and then we end w/megatron doing captain stuff, and seeing The Coffin...and we never did see rodimus in any of the flash-forward parts of this issue, did we???? I love how concerning that is. where's my BOY
also of course we gotta remember the warning from way back at the beginning of mtmte: ‘don't open the coffin’....
and so begins mtmte s2! man I love s2. I love mtmte in general lmao. s2 takes on the impossible w/the whole ‘megatron redemption arc’ thing, and I know that’s like, a divisive plot point and stuff, but from a writing standpoint I enjoyed it a lot...I think it was pretty much as well done as it could've been given the enormity of the task, and I thought it was a really interesting direction for the story to go in 
also espec if it’s true that hasbro was like ‘hey jro put megatron in your story and give him a redemption arc’ rather than jro like, planning/asking to do it 
anyways. I doubt ill talk much abt the disc horse(tm) here bc this is just for fun and also my own personal opinions and whatever, but I for one am excited to reexperience this stuff 
so yeah s2 off to a strong start with some wild shit already happening! cant wait to read more!
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marionsblack · 4 years
Intro; Marion.
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❛ ☆ › landon liboiron & he/him male ‷ watch out , marion black has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 27 years old and celebrate their birthday on november 28th . they are from almira, WA, have lived in roswell for 2 years, and are currently working as a librarian at roswell high. one thing you should know about them is he has a two year old daughter named violet!
Marion Black was born to perfectly bland parents, in the perfectly bland small town of Almira, Washington (pop. 217). Growing up surrounded by more trees than children, Marion was always a pretty lonesome child, with a tendency to latch on to anyone who was kind and stuck around for more then a few weeks. A tendency that would follow him into adulthood. Almira being the small town it was, meant that everyone knew everyone's business. So when word got around that Marion's father hadn't come home from his current worksite in a few months, it was no big surprise. Teachers would stop Marion in the halls at school as ask after his parents with thinly veiled glee, eager to glean some exclusive gossip straight from the source.
But Marion knew about as much as anyone else did, and was no help to the local gossipers. His dad was just... gone, and his mother was a wreck because of it. By the time everyone had kind of accepted that Marion's father was gone for good, Marion had become largely self sufficient in hopes of relieving the burden of raising him from his mother. He picked up shifts at the local diner and tutored on weekends to make sure the lights stayed on and there was food in the house, and later to pay for the many prescriptions the doctors put his mother on; not that they seemed to do much.
When Marion was 25, he met a girl. She'd come bursting into the diner one night just before close, yelling wildly into her phone and very much pregnant. There was more life in her than he'd witnessed in his entire life, and he was half way in love before he even poured her tea. By some stroke of luck, Marion managed to talk to her and got her number. There was never really a friendship between the two; instead they jumped headfirst into a serious relationship. She had just moved to Almira, and Marion was quick to offer her the spare room in his apartment. His mother was hardly coherent enough to butt in and knock some sense in her son, and the locals were too greedy for drama to maybe let him know that generally speaking, you don't move in with someone before you even go on a date. He wouldn't have listened though, too blinded by first love. They moved in together and life was like a movie; they ate breakfast in bed, and danced in the kitchen, and went on silly dates into the surrounding forest to skinny dip and scream at the moon. The only real dark spot in their relationship was the baby. She flat out refused to talk about it, or even really acknowledge that there was a baby at all. Marion, in all his wild googling, had read about post partum depression, and how it could sometimes present during the actual pregnancy, and figured her indifference was not unusual. He took the lead with anything regarding the baby, prepping their apartment and making doctor's appointments, and dragging her to said doctor's appointments. He made potential baby name lists, and spent a weekend converting their walk in closet into a nursery, and when the baby was finally born, he was the first to hold her (the only one willing to hold her). After Violet was born, there was a direct change in their relationship. Everything Marion did was suddenly annoying, or stupid, or insulting. Violet was a serene infant, hardly ever crying, but any noise from her seemed to set off her mother. Marion kept the two apart as much as he could, still chalking her personality change up to post partum. He'd tried to talk to her about possibly seeing a therapist about it, but that had only resulted in a huge fight; her yelling and slamming doors, him trying to calm her down while avoiding whatever she could get her hands on to throw. She accuses him of awful, entirely fabricating things, says she'll kill herself if he keeps treating her this way. Marion didn't mention therapy again. As the years went by, Marion was forced to accept that the drastic change in his girlfriend's personality was nothing to do with post partum depression, and everything to do with her just being a bad person. Things he'd seen as endearing when they first got together he looked back on and saw them for the red flags they were. Her possessiveness wasn't so amusing when he was being accused of fucking the woman who babysat Violet every so often. Her impulsivity wasn't so thrilling when she disappeared for days at a time to party with friends he wasn't allowed to meet. The longer he stayed, the more trapped he became, and the more comfortable she got with her treatment of them. Marion learned to sense her moods, hiding Violet away if he had the chance to. He would have left ages ago ( he tells himself he would have left, anyways) if not for Violet. Despite her complete lack of interest or affection for her daughter, she never hesitated to use the toddler against him. He had no legal claim to Violet, after all. So what if he was her sole provider, and the girl hardly even recognized her mother? He's working a late shift at the diner, Violet at the neighbor's house, when he gets a call from the neighbor. She's frantic, but he finally gets out of her that Violet's mother is at the front door screaming and trying to break in. When he gets there she's just bashed in a window. Anyone on their street can hear the commotion, hear the screaming baby, but no one so much as investigates. It takes him what seems like hours but is only actually about 15 minutes to defuse the situation, leaving the neighbors with his meagre tips from that night's shift and a promise to never involve thme in his drama again. He packs a couple of bags in the middle of the nights and grabs Violet and the cash from the oatmeal canister on his way out the door. Fuck legality, he's not letting the shittiness of his life ruin his daughter.
So now technically a kidnapper and criminal, Marion picked the most random place he could think of to settle down and build a new life for him and Violet. He changed their names, spent a good chunk of their emergency money on new papers for them, and the tiny family of two settled down in Roswell. He took the first job that was willing to take him, set Violet up with a puppyish nanny, and now does his best to ignore the previos two years. As far as anyone in Roswell is aware, Violet's mother died recently and that was why they moved.
this got long af i’m sorry!! I’ve just had him for so long that i tend to go on and on abt him. but yeah, so hit me up for any plots or connections, I’m open to anything with my sad boy!
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astheravensighs · 4 years
F/O Asks to Rile Yo Up: 1 and 10 + Prussia
oh gosh those r actually very easy 2 answer for my hubs lmfaO thank u for the ask!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ there’s a LOT of tw content here so I’m gonna tag them as well as slap em up here in case i forget one!!
so warning for: tw nazi, tw misogyny, tw drinking, tw suicide mention, tw drinking, tw mental health, tw incest, tw hetalia ???? just general tw for like everything honestly sorry guys :O if i wasn’t on mobile id put this under a readmore just in case so pls be careful!! anyway here’s the Hot Takes!
1. a hot take abt this f/o
ok first of all. the official animation? the Source Material (tm)? ugly. he looks like he’s made of legos. like a minecraft skin. a fool. his english voice is also Horrific. 0/10. honestly 99% of the actual canon content of him i just.... i am Not Looking...... additionally: he definitely used 2 be... Problematic. like. v bad innapropriate jokes. a lot of ‘get in the kitchen’ type shit. he didn’t REALLY mean it but like... he’s several hundred yrs old that’s just. he didn’t know it was hurtful bc he’s absolutely a dumbass. he’s learned a LOT since ‘retiring’ bc he has nothing to do but Internet Around and he was like ohh. oh. so I’M the problematic fave. huh. he has made a great effort 2 unlearn the icky shit!! but sometimes it slips out and he feels AWFUL but hes rly trying i promise....
also: unhealthy coping mechanisms galore. boy drinks. i do Not like when peopl drink around me it scares the shit outta me i am the least helpful person 2 text if ur drunk and need help bc i will nope the fuk out and I’m SRY but i just can’t. deal with that lol. but he Really likes drinkin. refuses to go to therapy bc hes a stubborn dumbass. a LOT of compartmentalizing. he basically thinks as long as he’s not sad ALL the time then he’s fine, even if when he IS sad he is severely depressed and has full on panic attacks and breakdowns like twice a year (which is not tru fyi!! u dont have 2 be constantly sad to seek treatment!!! don’t do what he does he’s a dumbass)
2. what made you think ‘of course i had to like THAT character’?
shkahdkfjks the list is a mile long lol.... first of all. the one associated with nazis. of COURSE it would be that one. and obv in my hc he was and is NOT abt it but like. the amt of nazi content for him is deeply unsettling and i Do Not Like...... also: idk specifically why (tho i have a few ideas) but apparently hetalia is a v problematic show/fandom ?? which i wasn’t aware of ??? i watched it in like. 2008/2012 era-ish idk when exactly but i was DEF uneducated in the whole problematicness area so,,,,, of course i had to like the most problematic character in a problematic show what the hell. why. why am i like this. also he’s like. dead ? question mark ? or at least he’s supposed to be ??? so there’s always the potential he canonically disappears and i have to yank canon out of the creator’s hands and put him back 🙃 also the one that has a virtually unknown japanese voice actor so there’s like NO other content for his voice ugh ,,,,,, AND the actor in the stageplay just. didn’t capture him at ALL unfortunately so. not much good content other than fanart where everyone ships him with his brother 🙃
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actual session 8 notes
• I made a mistake
○ Mistake as in I came in late oops
• Anyways
• They're talking abt hair
• For sneak attack you roll 2d6 just a friendly reminder to yourself
• Now they're talking abt pranking ppl in the rides
• Now they're talking abt disneyland problems
• Now they're talking abt rollercoasters
• Jacob's fish ate each other
• Ok dnd time
○ "no worries" re: me being late s u r e ok nvm it's not depression time
• Passive perception checks and then we do smth idk
• Last session(s)
○ Downtime and then breakfast was bombed
○ Found out the attack was deliberate
○ Went to the one fancy villa house and got into a few fights
○ A nimblewright ?? Was responsible for the attack ig
○ We dipped and it's rainy
• The city is engulfed in thiccccc fog
○ Walking back to mirt's house
§ Lillian got prankt
• Lillian's sister has a guinea pig
○ Its name is buttercup
○ "buttercup dumpy tho" - jacob, 2020
• We're talking abt china's laws wrt eating dogs
• We're in the fog going to mirt's
○ Mirt's house is in sea ward, we're in north ward (a ward away)
○ If we just walk it's a half mile away
○ But there r streets so like a mile walk
○ Visibility is bad bc spring fog
○ Disadvantage on perception checks, visibility reduced to 30 ft
○ We're walking we get there
• Cel knocks
○ No one answers the door
○ Adam is making an investigation check
§ Does a short tour of the front, nothing out of the ordinary
§ Door is locked
§ Looking into the house there's an occasional candle burning by itself
□ Adam uses thaumaturgy to rapidly change the color of the lights inside to see if he can get anyone's attention
® Lights change color, nothing happens
§ Maybe we'll break in but cel will try the pebble on a window thing first
□ Throws, door opens and floon lets us in
□ Mans just got up
® We're a lil wet
□ It's abt 5am
• Short rest? There's no medium rest
○ I want cake I might make cupcakes after this bc I need cake sugar
§ I'll make cake after this and watch criminal minds bc it had me scream
○ We're taking shifts for keeping watch sleeping in mirt's living room w windows facing out onto the street
○ We're taking a long rest
• When cel is on watch she's just watching the door and windows
• Eventually renaer and floon get up n operate on a normal schedule
• Cut straight to wake up
○ Once we're all up it's raining
○ Hi jacob's dad isn't his name frederic ? Oh god I could b v wrong but I'm p sure bc when marguerite named the squirrel someone was like it's jacob's dad
§ "usually what I say should be cut off" - frederic, 2020
§ Aw bye jacob's dad
§ Jacob sounds exactly like his dad
□ Tb to the one time we were playing split the room on jackbox w my cousins and my dad and the choice was trading ur average newborn for an uber smart one or not and all of the cousins and myself said don't trade and mY DAD SAID TRADE
• It's pouring
• Mirt doesn't seem to b here but we can talk to renaer and floon
○ Gonna talk to them abt the mansion n ppl / things at the mansion
○ Oh a nimblewright is the one thing
§ Oops I accidentally googled it and turns out they're employed as bodyguards / assassins / spies
○ "renAer . Do u recognize this symbol"
§ He is indeed familiar w the crest
§ "well to me this looks like the house of grahlund (idk) ?? Or smth"
§ The houses of waterdeep
§ We're suss abt the book
□ We don't see any other black pages tho
§ Adam says the gnome was unfortunately barbecued
□ "trying to deliver the stone of galore" to us probs
□ Y would he deliver it to us
□ "bc mirt is relatively well known ,, this house is probs well watched"
□ The stone of galore v sought after by noble families apparenTly
□ The house ppl r embezzling that's y they want the rock
□ Had their robot blast our door for it
□ But now city watch probably has it
□ Theo remembers the one elven lady having seen someone run off
□ The zents want it, the nobles want it, the citywatch want it
○ So is the plan to go find a zent ??? Or what we'd learn if we went to the robot's location
§ I don't remember any frickin robot I'm just trying to pick up on context clues
§ Oh right grinda in mistshore ? 
§ We're gonna go find grinda
□ It's like around 4 in the afternoon
□ Sun not shining too brightly
□ Renaer not coming
® Ur leaving groot w renaer this time
□ Neither is floon, mirt mentioned he had to go do some business elsewhere
® Adam is currently suspicious of mirt
□ We need a ride
® We all dish out 3 copper for a taxi
® Dom dabbed and no one cares
○ Can u drop a message to the guy ?? Somehow ?? Somewhere ?? Just like ,, keep him in the loop ???? Ur confused
• Ok we pay
○ Adam is playing the uke
§ We're in the cab 
§ Imagine it's raining aggressively
§ A dwarf guild member picks us up
§ Ugh I want cake
§ Could I bake while playing hm
§ Cab driver has a rigging of sorts set up
§ I have to pee too
§ Any interesting looking ppl in the cab w us ?
○ A gnome w a fedora looking p drenched, dragonborn woman half sleeping kinda elderly, human man
§ Adam slaps the gnome, you stare at the gnome, gnome looks at adam and adam runs an insight check adam rolls 23, gnome tries to look surprised but looks like he's overacting
§ "there's not a lot of big ideas here"
§ "well that's obvious enough"
§ Gnome picks up on stare
§ You get the paper you flip it, you roll for insight gets 22
□ Takes the bait, looks at the paper; eventually human gets off
□ We're getting close to outskirts of dock ward, road is mud
□ At some point the gnome tries to start conversation
□ "say what's that you've got there"
□ "well I only saw him at the carnival that shows up every fall"
® Common in the autumn but not nowadays
® Would have to wait another summer
□ "are you a nimblewright fanatic sir"
® "all I'm saying is I like springtime rain as much as the next guy but when the wind season comes in it's kinda unusual"
® Gnome's name is elbridge
◊ Adam rolls for insight
} 25
} Looks like he's used to saying that name but it might not be his name
® "say I have some business to attend to so driver u can keep the tip just don't tell the guild" dwarf nods and slows the horses down, gnome gets off and dips
• Adam wants him to blow a nose
• "did he leave any little hairs" - marguerite, 2020
○ Cab driver shouts and says no stabbing on the cart
• We're in the dock ward, cart stops and dwarf leans over and makes us get out
○ Shakes his head and says we shouldn't go to mistborne
○ "is there any instruction you can give us for how to 'get there get there' because you're not 'taking us taking us'" - adam, 2020
• Aerana's leading
○ Dom sends a map
○ We're not standing on the muddy running water streets but on wooden planking
○ You have your dagger at hand
○ Beached ships but ppl living inside them probably
○ U can see there r some ppl peeking out of various doorways + shifty characters milling abt
○ Cel and adam r holding hands
○ Adam is sweating a lot but cel still holds it
○ At some point a dragonborn that looks like a sailor or smth w lots of battlewounds n tattoos looks p savage w dull brown color to scales, stands in front of u without saying anything
○ Ur like a lil shorter than humans and dragonborn r much taller
§ "I have business in mistborne what are you doing in my way"
§ Not so many city types
§ Adam mumbles smth under his breath
□ Asks adam what kind of business
□ "we're looking for grinda"
® Tries to appear jovial
® Says ah yes she lives here
® Dragon therapy
◊ He takes and puts to temple 
◊ U pay him 3 gold
◊ Grinda garloff
} Strange woman w a shed at the end of the dock
} Take a left here and follow the sounds of the waves
} Throws out a fourth
– Has many visitors w strange visitors
◊ Cel says she likes his tattoos
} "yes these r when I was sailing around the isle of chault"
• We follow his directions and eventually get to d1, we see ppl trying to set a fire
○ Walk down the dock towards d2, door to north of d2 has small assemblage of ppl
○ Can see up to 60 ft away some odd looking ppl
§ Four thugs bearing weapons; three humans w a dwarf barking instructions, attempting to break down the door to d2
§ Might b grinda's house but we really don't know
§ Adam spruces up the one fire of the dock workers
□ Cel lets go of adam's hand
□ They don't notice adam did it
• Adam tries to hear what the dwarf is saying bc it's rainy and doesn't hear anything
○ Lots of shifty ppl around
○ Some of them r watching the scene and also us
○ We approach the audience
§ Adam nudges the friendliest looking person
§ We all go up onto the elevated ship
§ Immediately ppl look at us suss
□ Confrontational almost and eventually a half-elf woman asks us if we're here to watch them string up grinda
® Cel makes persuasion check
® Isn't there another door ?
® Adam goes to cushiest looking person and asks y they're after grinda
◊ Old grizzled halfling answers adam and says grinda took smth she wasn't supposed to have
◊ "we're here to make sure that grinda doesn't escape unharmed"
◊ "we're pretty tough as well" adam says
◊ More ppl come over closer to us
◊ Adam asking how much it would be to outbuy
◊ "that depends on how much you're asking oh wrinkly one"
◊ Halfling confers w fellows
◊ Halfling appears to be a ringleader
} Says 15 dragons
– 19 for insight
w Confident guy, lived a tough life
w Ppl put their trust in him
w Halfling says 15 is bargain price
w Unsuccessful try to push the price down you all cough up 3 dragons
– They start distributing dragons
w Not used to containing excitement
○ After distributing money asks if we have a bone to pick with the xants
§ Adam's gonna play them a song and plays it so hard it casts shatter on the dock the thugs are standing on
□ Constitution saving throws for everything
® Two of the bandits and the dwarf fail their saving throws, other two succeed
® Tl;dr the dock - two of them r shocked so hard they're either dead or unconscious
® Dwarf Is particularly affected
® Dock they're standing on collapses
® Door blasted off inwards
◊ "that's a little trick I learned at bard school"
◊ Ppl on the boat have moved away
® Humans and dwarves screaming
◊ 3 left
} We're not killing them just going into the house
} Go to the side entrance
– V small room w all bare necessary fixtures
– Strange safes n intricate bolted locks
– Hanging talismans from the roof
– Nvm went too fast
w Aerana jumps and runs into a wall but you run into a cabinet
w 3 damage
w Human woman looks unconscious
w Adam casts healing word
w Resuscitates her
w Has mismatched eyes, one yellow other dark green
w V gray hair
w Doesn't look particularly old just has gray hair
w Startles when she wakes up trying to assess our intentions
w Adam tries to convince her the thugs outside tried to blow up her door
w 18 for deception
w Lie works
w "who are you people?"
® Theo asks if she knows anything abt this *pulls out paper*
◊ Affirms we're not w the xants
◊ "I appreciate what you did my name's grinda"
◊ Doesn't look used to talking to this many ppl at once
◊ Stands up and busies herself w putting the room back in order
◊ Looks like she had been barricading the door w stuff before everything was knocked over
◊ "you're telling me you just happened across this place and drove off some xants for some odd purpose"
◊ "actually we were looking for you" - theo
◊ Were told she might have smth to do w the paper
◊ "all the homies hate xanathar" - adam, 2020
} "I've had my dealings w the xanathar before…" admits she was in over her head
} Looking at the paper "so this nimblewright was instructed to drop off an artifact I was supposed to hold for the xanathars
} She got greedy bc she's a treasure-seeker
} The artifact is worth a lot
} "it's just what we do lady" - adam, 2020
} Adam is gonna charm her
– Adam tries to flex "what exactly what was the dangerous item that put a poor, poor, well-facially featured woman like you in danger" what is this jacob
w 17 persuasion
– Her expression changes a little
– It's the stone
w "I was attempting to attune with it but I was unable to in time"
w She put it in a hide hole
w Adam offers to trade hidey-hole locations
w She has a rat familiar and instructed it to take the stone to the city of the dead
w "can you tell the rat to bring it back"
• The city of the dead: mass cemetery where ppl of waterdeep bury their dead within city limits
○ Almost like its own ward
○ In the garlock? Garlof? family mausoleum
○ Adam gets her to pull out some of the items she's collected; some resistance
§ She comes back w a brass ring
□ Once one is attuned to it you are rendered invisible
□ "hold on to that for me hun and I'll come back"
○ Aerana is aware there are guards posted at night but it's a vast open space
• To the cemetery we will go
• Summary
○ Successfully dispatched the thugs
○ Gradually learning more abt the alleged horde of dragons
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murasakiyuzu · 6 years
List your top 5 Anime Characters, then tag 10 people
thanks for tagging me @glassmoonfortuneteller! sorry it took be a while to do this lmao -w-
in no particular order bc that would kill me:
1. Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!!)
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i love every single character in this heckin anime, but oikawa rly messes up w all my feelings. im too weak for characters w gap moe, even if its the ‘looks very nice, is actually a bit of a demon’ kind and not the other way around, lmao. the thing abt oikawa is that he twists in and out of himself; he is handsome, charismatic and endearing at first glance, but hes also cunning and easily overcome by feelings of jealousy, inferiority and egoism. even so, hes an observant and hardworking leader who places his strength on the strength of his team as a whole, never thinking himself higher than his teammates. oikawa looks like he got everything easily, looks like hes a genius, but everything he has he worked very hard for. oikawa built himself to be a winner but never got the victory he wanted the most. nothing w oikawa is as it looks, and that why i cant help but love him.
2. Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
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u knew he was going to be here, its gotta count for something that i, at least, didnt put him on number 1 too lmAO
just like oikawa, i fell victim to noizs gap moe as well. i mean, u give me a delinquent in weird clothes whos rude to everyone, pushy and even violent, and then turns out hes like a little kid at heart who buys foods without knowing their names, who doesnt know when to stop fighting bc he doesnt feel pain and no one ever cared abt his safety and thinks hes a monster bc of his insensitivity and silently suffers bc of it, ofc im gonna lay down my life for him. im gonna die for noiz ya hear me
theres not many scenes in anything that fucks me up more than the scene (that didnt make into the anime, sob) where he fights w aoba as theyre hiding in the oval tower, and then he tells aoba abt his insensitivity to pain and aoba pulls him down to him and tells noiz the world isnt as bad as he thinks and makes noiz slowly open up to him and learn from aoba how is it like to care abt someone else. its beautiful to see him, whos so young but is both hardened by the ugliness of the world hes seen and ignorant to the good things the world still has to offer, finally open himself up and make the first steps towards growth, and meaning to grow beside the one he fell in love with. im soft. my heart was found full of love.
3. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
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ive been in love w this woman since i first read the manga and when i watched the anime i died, thats the story
just like haikyuu!!, i love every single character in this anime, like, im physically Incapable of hating any of them. but olivier stands out for me. i think theres people who prolly had a bad impression from her as she antagonized ed and al right when she showed up, but young me was in awe of her attitude and her strong resolve in seeing for herself what ed and al were worth. shes known as ‘the ice queen of briggs’ and she leads her men with an iron fist, but its also clear that shes fair and values the life of every one of her subordinates, like when buccaneer and the others were late in coming back to the surface after their rescue mission and thought they would be left for dead, only to find that olivier had subtly made sure they would be received any time they came back.
her confidence in her own judgement, how she dealt w miles’ conflict as an amestris soldier and part ishvallan and the way she doesnt rly give a fuck abt whats lawful and correct and goes through with the things she herself considers right, are all things i love so much abt her. when i was a kid i even tried to get my hair to be like hers LMAO
tldr; queen of my life
4. Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)
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cardcaptor sakura was my first true anime. i did watch saint seiya and naruto on tv around that time as well, but cardcaptor sakura was the first one i actually watched in full and then rewatched again and again and obsessed over, lmao.
i was rly, rly young then. not a baby anymore, def; i was about 10-12? it was an age at which i was building my own personality. honestly, at that point in time i think i was already kinda Messed Up, lmao; id get on Moods and be rly depressed and then super cranky, and i was always socially awkward. sakura made a huge impression on me; it just seemed like her attitude made everything better. she talked to everyone and had lots of friends and it seemed like she had a lot of fun like that. i tried to be more cheerful like that (i wanted roller blades too but i dont live in a place where i can use it a lot, and my parents never bought it for me lmao), and while i never got the hang of being super bright to Everyone and im still kind of moody, i think she rly taught me to be lighter and not take myself too seriously, to always try to see the bright side of things and believe that everything will be alright.
5. Nino (ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka)
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thats not an anime a lot of people watched, i think, and on that note, if @ u all didnt watch it, GO WATCH ACCA ITS SO GOOD UR LOSING OUT???, so theres prolly not a lot of people who would put nino in their top 5 favorite characters lmao
but hes absolutely worthy of it. its fascinating to see the mystery of his identity and actions throughout the anime slowly unravel itself. i even wrote a oneshot that delved into what he was doing and what he was thinking as the events of the show progressed, trying to fill the blanks that the canon didnt show. ill try not to be spoilery w this one bc i want u all to find out for urselves, but i love ninos intelligence, his attitude and his strong loyalty, and in that loyalty, the conflict he feels between his duty and his desire. the episode that shows his past is one of my favorites bc its so heartrending. i love how naturally he fits in with jean and lotta and how the three of them look like a family. anyway, watch acca and love nino w me ♡
I’m tagging @lithuanina, @satyr-syd, @realm-of-spells, and thats it bc im not in contact w a lot of people and tumblr is apparently not letting me tag some others either lmao rip
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rekant-a · 6 years
CHARACTER SHEET repost. do not reblog.
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     jacqueline angela hall NICKNAME / ALIAS.     jack! GENDER.     girl-ish. she/her is fine and she’s comfortable enough being female-aligned she’s just not All The Way There HEIGHT.     5′0! she cannot stand it! AGE.    a very unfortunate topic to talk abt so i will say ‘early 30s’ and leave it at that ZODIAC.     cancer. libra moon?????? LANGUAGES.     just english
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.     as dark a brown as you can go without it being jet black. because there’s no ‘hair style’ / place for me to describe her hair i also have to say that her hair is chopped very messily - she usually does it impulsively / herself and then gets it fixed up so, realistically, not as bad as it could be. she’s got bangs + layers and the length is a little below her shoulders, barely long enough to put up but she manages it, somehow. i think soon she’s gonna go even shorter so stay tuned for that EYE COLOR.      very light brown SKIN TONE.       so pale it’s been joked about her being see-through. looks ill. might be. anaemia might factor into her consistently pallid state. burns, doesn’t tan. i also need to mention the abundance of freckles she has on her face, arms, chest and back :3 BODY TYPE.     pretty small, but soft around the middle. no curves whatsoever and prefers it that way. she runs often to calm herself down / channel anger + other unpleasant feelings so she’s got a runner’s frame + strong legs ACCENT.     sounds like she might be trying to unlearn a southern accent, which is very strange, because she lived in minnesota until she was 11. has absolutely no trace of that accent left VOICE.     soft, hesitant, like she’s afraid you’ll actually hear her if she speaks. she thinks it’s noticeably deep, but it isn’t DOMINANT HAND.     right. POSTURE.     slouched. standoffish. generally so that you won’t approach her, but look at you doing it anyway! SCARS.   big tw here for obvious reasons - a lot. brandings, a lot of lashes on her back, tiny scar on her cheek, mostly faded, probably not noticeable unless you get her in really good lighting + pay close attention TATTOOS.     no. afraid of needles BIRTHMARKS.      nil MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).      slouched posture, freckles, unruly hair, baggy clothing (a jacket like 10 sizes too big)
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.      waitress at a dingy little 24 hour diner where the coffee isn’t great and the eggs are like rubber CURRENT RESIDENCE.          a small, one bedroom apt that, for visual reference, is kinda close to zoe’s in h.ouse of cards (esp incl the little outdoor area) - she shares the burden of rent + utilities with her parents CLOSE FRIENDS.          BUNNY (regrettably)...trish walker and butterfly also get honourable mentions but there’s no chance jack would mention either of them to anyone asking RELATIONSHIP STATUS.             ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ FINANCIAL STATUS.               not super well off personally, but is supported in part by her middle class parents ... like, she has health insurance and lives by herself in new york, so. DRIVER’S LICENSE.               no! CRIMINAL RECORD.               she killed someone kjdhfgkjhdfg VICES.               formerly substance abuse (xanax), occasionally (more often than she’d like) binge drinking, uhhhh violence 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.               lesbian!!!!!!!!! PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.             submissive  |  dominant |  switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.             submissive  |  dominant |  switch. LIBIDO.                ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  TURN ON’S.               WE’LL GET THERE. MAYBE TURN OFF’S.              SEE PREVIOUS LOVE LANGUAGE.               Talking About Herself, Talking About Anything At All, Talking About Her Feelings...Being Comfortable Talking To Another Person In General...... small, chaste touches. sitting in silence. not feeling the need to shy away. any touching at all, tbh. uncertainty. GOD this girl is such a useless lesbian RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.               IDK BUT LIKE I SAID WE WILL GET THERE!!!!!!!
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.         god this is such a wild question and i dont really have an answer but i must, for my own sake, say running up that hill by kate b.ush HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.               running. working. would like to read more but isn’t great at concentrating on one thing for a prolonged period of time + sitting in a quiet room for very long. likes to sit and listen to music. gardening (has little succulents and a small herb garden) MENTAL ILLNESSES.             ptsd, anxiety, insomnia, depression, dyslexia PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.             anaemia, chronic fatigue, lasting effects of malnutrition throughout childhood: insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidaemia (elevated cholesterol), awful immune system, impaired function of her kidneys, also affected her reproductive system and her heart, brittle boned, prone to easy breaks and injuries, i’m gonna need to do more digging into the effects on cognition / learning difficulty but i know that there Is Some w jack so, that as well LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.            left. PHOBIAS.           enclosed spaces, the dark, suuuuuuper paranoid abt people watching her, uhhh people breaking into her house, also obviously kidnapping SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.             very low. she tries not to think about it, but she does dress and act in a way that looks like she’s trying to hide (because she is) VULNERABILITIES.            hmmm... you kno! poor impulse control / prone to violent outburst (we’re working on it) / heightened aggression, not picking up on certain cues / needing to Be Told exactly what one means in order to grasp it, easily overwhelmed, not handling experiencing her own or anyone else’s emotions well at all - prone to shutting down, escapism, her education was very unconventional so there are certain things she doesn’t know and certain things she knows that aren’t true because she was straight up lied to and she’s very insecure about her perception of this world and is doing her best to unlearn / relearn when and where she can, not very good at handling being laughed at + playful jabs
TAGGED BY.  no one.. but i will not be silenced TAGGING.   tag me if you do it!
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herotheshiro · 3 years
ok slightly unhinged anxiety abt fandoms/being online below. “slightly unhinged” bc it’s irrational anxiety to have not like it’s anything batshit crazy fyi. i’m sorry i have nowhere else to post this bc i am not writing abt this on main, putting this on a twitter thread, nor speaking abt it to my therapist despite having a call in the next hour bc i’m still to embarrassed to talk abt weeb/online stuff w them rn
i’ve been kind of low mood since this morning. i first found out an a/3 translator i follow on twt is in contact with and/or friends with another translator who i know ships b/ntm, and i didn’t really consciously respond at the time other than w dull disappointment but then i felt uneasy being on twt after that and it’s prob bc i’m like eh abt the 1st translator bc of their connection w the b.ntm shipper and i’m still anxious enough abt that ship that i get in a bad mood whenever it comes up even in passing or literally barely indirectly like this. i mean it shouldn’t be a big deal, bc (1) the 1st translator has never listed what they ship in a/3 (if any) so they could very well have been shipping invalid ships this entire time and i just never knew, but also (2) just bc you ship a pairing doesn’t mean you necessarily discuss it w all the ppl you contact in a fandom. and they’re both (good imo) translators so good to have someone to compare notes to.
but it just makes me feel meh bc i’m already eh abt the other translator despite knowing their (understandable as a fan) sometimes ulterior motives for translating some content and now i’m like man. ANOTHER translator to be side eyes about ?? it’s not like they put their shipping googles on when they translate tho unlike another (a 3rd diff one in this post) translator i’ve seen. and even if both of these translators ship b/ntm they talk abt it on separate accounts (the confirmed b/ntm translator does. idk abt the 1st translator and i didn’t dig into their main twt) so technically they do keep it away from non-shippers. and there are worse things to not be friends w someone over slash these are not even ppl i know personally, but man. it still bothers me a little. i feel like i’m getting a little better in my gut response to the ship and i prob should talk abt it in therapy but man i don’t understand ppl who are comfortable discussing it bc i still have some embarrassment/shame associated w being a weeb “publicly” even though i’m not into shady shit like loli secretly or whatever. even just telling them i’m on tumblr was so cringe lmao... i’m p sure they know what fandoms are bc they also see young patients but man. i still find it embarrassing to say that i like or even partake in that kind of stuff (fandoms, tumblr) like drawing fanart. anyway that’s a whole other can of worms (?) but yeah back to twt.
so i was scrolling on twt to kind of like forget abt the whole translator social network debacle and i started reading up on the controversy/recent events w princess mako in japan and wow reading both sides’ takes on the issue is so tiring... like there’s ppl who completely romanticize it being like aw hehe she gave up her status for love but then there’s other side who’s like yeah we’ve been against the marriage bc the guy is kinda shady and she deserves better. i mean personally wouldn’t wholly romanticize it when i tbh don’t know the full story and literally just learned abt the relationship today but also i’m weak to romance so i would just like to believe they do genuinely love each other as individuals... and like good for her for getting out of what is prob a really stifling situation w all the public scrutiny and attention but also it’s fucked how only the royal women lose their status when marrying a non-royal... basically just a ton of mixed feelings. and that kind of news spiral is partially why i took like a 2-month break from twt bc seeing those news stories can be so depressing either bc of the news content itself or seeing ppl’s takes on it or both. so yeah i just feel bad now. btw don’t ask me abt the princess mako stuff or my opinion bc idk tbh, plus it also brings in opinions on how japan’s current political sys works and i know there are STRONG opinions on that online and this is a fucking manga/BL review blog not current events/political blog. i just hope that the relationship works out bc if it fails ... bruh she cannot return to japan. she would be a social pariah fr and that sucks so bad to think abt
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misterbitches · 3 years
@flootweed ​
That's super fucking romantic? Like tragic but in a nice way. i love that shit. i'm a monogamous slut for romance pghiosuag even tho we have to learn to live alone too but it's just like the NOTION is nice?!??! awwww i told my mom that SOPHIE's gf was like "she died taking a picture of the moon" and how it was like idk. the gf was just processing it and she thought it was romantic and my mom was like "wow.....depressing" bc think she thought it was stupid millenial shit i was like no mother doent u see she died in the BEAUTY LMAO but then i told her jessica walter's husband died the year before and then she died and she was like "aw...kind of romantic" LMAOOOO i guess two people have to die. why did i tell this story? i am so sorry. the show ended today right (ep 10?) i didn't realize it was that short. so i hope it was a happy ending? (tell me) i understand why you love the atmos! it's like, not really been done. there's this BL that i hear isn't too great but it does take place in a rural part of thailand and there's way less budget. a lot of ppl seem to like it. ep 6 LW / LW in gen gotta be honest, rushed through it. i knew spoilers from jump cause BL spoilers are just absolutely nothing and sometimes ur just like i need to know. i do not understand the ~silently lookin 4 u~ trope it always backfires and is also DUMB. so happy about tiffy. a girl who likes girls but ends up with a man bc of mommy and also the man is ok....it's me. she's gorgeous and actually [h*lf] gay so it's great. god ok i feel so old again. lmaooo but i was like obsessed with lady gaga for that reason (dont ask...also how i got kinda popular on tumblr way back in the day) and shes just absolutely fucking beautiful and bad ass. (which kind of doesnt helpcos they r all skinnty but that's FINEEEE) right? i mean like i guess cos we knew abt it? i can see why he was so pissed off, too? i mean i'm so fucking like...sensitive to being told what to do so i was angry for him from jump. i guess i was also looking at it different wholetime cos i knew the spoilers? i'm assuming u did too lmao. so we knew hed be pissed and leave. and frankly that's what sib gets. just for you my friend i will watch it and update. i think MANY times in shows in gen but it is something you notice a lot in BL bc they are just absolute novices most times. in this case, gene's actor mostly well (and i like him as a person just cos he was on that thai 3 girls in a car show and used to date on eof them lmao) can act so i will look over that scene to see how sib's actor plays off him. but the pausing in between sentences or for so long even decent actors or actors doing better. kao is not bad, not great so they will talk slowly because dramatic acting but the problem is most times it's too long. even if the person is an adept actor it won't always work and YES THEN THAT MEANS THE EDITOR COMES IN AND SNIP SNIP SNIP! it's too long. and sometimes it just does not work even if you can act. but it is GLARING when they cant or are average (someoe said this about tharntype and my god lmao tharn..is...so...slow...in...talking...the actor idk his name it's one of em, the other one with the nose (type) is....different not better but he certainly does not talk as slow. they arent bad but they are not good so.) also sometimes they are forgetting their lines. some ppl find this charming. clearly we do not lmao. what is their relation? what is going on there? i don't have a problem with stepbrothers as long as they didn't grow up with that sibling bond. many times blended families really have to watch out for that kind of fraternizing but it's always when theyre older and teenagers bc they didnt grow up w/ each other....i mean they have chemistry so i'm whatever. but. hennYYWAYYYS.actually it's bc im an idiot i didn't read it as Mhok (singular) and aey's father. Yes and his sister who i think i may hate? im like bitch okkkkkk but. his name is lhong. and he is a psycho. i mean so is type. so. oooh it could be that he stole! but also i'm pretty sure cos hes gay lol or did they
not make that explicit? the thing is i had to skip through most of that scene too because the drama was WAY too much for me. too much. lmao. the sister thing i got and it made sense and iliked that. oh yea he is gay and they know. that's a big one.
haven’t watched color rush! did you like it? i have seen wyel, parts of mr heart, and ofc to my star :) 
ohhhhhh ok. i get you. yea he definitely wasn’t being ooc cos i think that....what u said. and also like....ugh i cant even think rn. i like sam lin a lot so i like gao shi de but i gotta say. lmao. hm. first of all. yes it is creepy what he did. it’s fucking weird. and sad that his whole life revolves around him. it’s not as fucking weird as LW but still like when he did the door thing. i was like UMMMMMMMMM cos i really didnt want it to be constructed. and when it was i was like imma suspend my disbelief. but if anyone dared...
and so what he did in s2 i think he just couldnt realize that he was loved back which is why it’s good he WAS ALONE for 5 yrs imo. but he gave shu yi 0 choice and for that i am pretty sure i would be even angrier. i do think though that the father’s role is pretty important but i can see how the show is like....letting that go? bc as fucking weird as GSD is, he was still like...20? i guess and shu yi’s dad is like. crazy? i am also like he really had to fucking start a company to get noticed like are u joking? is it also that easy? and also why? lmao i just. ugh. i think that probs bothered me the most...priorities.
i like the show! well idk if i love it but sure. i think it’s decent lmao. i understand what you’re saying. for here it bothers me less but i certainly don’t think it was OOC. immature and stupid but like...that’s.....what they are. i also don’t have a problm with the timing from a technical point.
however, when i started the show? i had NO clue what concept of time it was. and that was very annoying. tehy redeemed it bc of the comedy aspects (the first time shu yi sees shi de is so fucking good, i really loved the shot and editing; it’s hilarious and silly) and i started to go with the flow of the show through that. but the fucking concept of time in the show in general esp with repetitive outfits (i understand that they are more likely to wear multiple outfits as well, it’s just that you have to split it up or it i sconfusing visually and looks like the same scene twice or just a full day of shooting which it could be but then something should change in the clothes. this is just an ex~~*~*) and partof that is they have this already controlled narrative i guess. 
i have to admit as well...i skipped episode 1. and most of 2. i was like i rly dont want to see someone slap a pereson even if they were like. not together. it’s just not cute also not in front of ppl. and then when they were yelling and bla bla i was like listen ladies lets calm down. too much angst in a boring way. what they have now is good. also they should probably like estrange the father but i doubt they will. 
i cannot make up my mind totally now bc i see what ur saying i guess i just don’t feel that way as much but i guess i have to think about it more, too. i do think he was contorlling in getting him or like when he didnt want shu yi to find out whwatshisface liked him. i guess for me it would be if he is still that way in the rship. but even tho he’s at fault for what happened, i’m also like but his dad? but also like...did he try? why did he just stop contacting? but then i guess he emailed everyday? DO U C MY QUANDARY.
alsoi have to say i do not care abt their backdoor being opened lmao like wow business? no thanks
LMAO. did they cry a lot in UWMA? i only know the teamwin parts. which one is fluke the really pale one who died? idk what it is about that kid but i just cant watch him. it’s not his fault it’s mine.
DUDE i still dont understand the husband and wife thing and ive looked into it multiple times. ive kinda just classified it as one of those things that make me uncomfortable but arent problematic lol. it you have any insight about it id love to hear it tho !!
it’s stupid. that’s what it is (husband and wife.) it’s just something they say like many gay couples may use pejoratives in conjunction with them, the f word etc. or even imply something about being a top and a bottom. whatever. but these arent gay spaces or gay storylines. sure gay men may direct them but since BL operates and relies on patriarchy without a doubt and also stereotypes poorly kathoeys or won’t cast trans women in anything substantial and use them as jokes (and see this is one of those things where it’s like...ud never see this in the US tho like our concept of third gender or kathoeys but life stillBOOOOO.) so it’s just useless when they put it into the scripts because it’s for people to consume and lots of girls are. obviously. so the idea that if you are being penetrated and u r the wife and this is used like literally anywhere but not from gay or whatever men is gross. are cis women’s vaginas sieves to them? are trans women not women? do we have to categorize people by PHALLIC OBJECTS IN OUR BODIES SPECIFICALLY A WOMAN? it dont make no sense. plus really most ppl just experiment, there’s more ways than one to have sex, we have lives so most times it’s not just full penetration for hours anyway. it’s just so gross. like oh that’s really funny lol ur the wife cos his dick goes in ur butt XD i get it, same. i say “i’m wife’ whenever there’s a penis in me. fucking kill me. it’s not a big deal but it’s just dumb and gross. if they use it they could try and subvert it too like i like how my engineer has  a whole absurdly stupid episode about it. but in TT the dad says “if ur the wife i wont accept it” and i was like u know what gals? im good. goodbye.
pgojaihousgajigko THAT’S SOOOOOOO OOWIEOFUGHOIJ WEIRD. FANDOM IS REALLY WEIRD. i have read rpf and written it once upon a time but dont do it anymore  uch. i mean it’s weird. no doubt about that. invasive, weird, strange. but very unreal anyway. it is. plus i dont like celebs or fame and think of it as a gross capitalist scheme so i had to stop (also so weird?) but i know very many people like lean in. lean in. LEAN IN. this youtuber i watch did a video on like insanely popular ships (like that 1d one) and their insane fandoms and i just couldnt. it’s so embarrassing? and then they’re so bold????? about it? 
yea it would be cool (more queer men or visibly we should say or like out whatever.) but it doesnt necessarily mean that will be good or beneficial i guess? i mean like. i dont know. so much about the genre is about wish fulfilment for young girls. its literally selling some fantasies because the other thing is for BL (i read a paper on this...) esp for girls in more conservative societies they cna maybe replace themselves in the character? but they may not feel a threat as a woman or like their life will fall apart if they engage in sexual things with anyone really. and that’s where i’m like....for a lot of these are they just writing a story and just replacing two men? bc they also seem to think it owrks like that. and in a way that’s what it is bc of the writing and how they use certain terms. you can tell the piece is about pushing a product and less about the real affects of a story. i think ITSAY is a great example of a really intelligent great piece of work that contains multitudes. and the girl was amazing. it just depends on the goal. and for most of the ppl the goal isnt...to do anything. so i dont know. idk how to talk abt representation anymore. it both is and isnt.
 i really liked tingting from my engineer a lot (idk if u have seen) she’s so fun and unapologetic. i love how much she drinks and if someone tells her to be ladylike she says no. and i appreciate that in the show when girls were rude to her she said nothing about the girls but said “NO IM NOT LUCKY TO HAVE ALL MALE FRIENDS?” i really want to see her more in the next season. obviously tiffy is goat. super excited to see how their rship develops.
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aitian · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
5:43 am 12/29/2020
end of year.
feels right to revisit how i looked this yr on photobooth. most ppl only knew me through my webcam. i dont have many thoughts abt who i am or what im doing these days. mostly playing video games with alice. we smoked together a few days ago & i still feel like im in deadtime. like maybe i cant remember the important things im supposed to from the past. & rly existential lately. the panic is just in my throat, thinking abt how fast time is going & how there is no way back. i think there is a carceral logic behind the entrapment that all us depressed & anxious kids feel.. like the inadequacy of being alive, the failure to feel like a beautiful future is unfolding. im not sure anyone feels that way these days, & maybe thats why they r all holding on so desperately. all empires fall. im so grateful to be able to feel moms body & be her child these days. i just wanna lay my head on someones chest & feel good, warm, soft, coarse fabrics. also feeling anxious abt my classes, turning in the same essay that isnt rly an essay to all of my profs. oops. it was rly the best i could manage. vestigial body... i will finish writing smth i feel proud abt one day, & it will be written to myself. like this. 
idk when the last time i wrote was, but maybe i wanna talk abt my relationships. feels like i got a hard reset on my brain by smoking with alice. oh god. anyway i havent been talking to sherry & adele recently bc i just dont feel right around them. in november remembering again what it felt like to feel so unwelcome all the time, feel that energy & those manners replicated by them toward me.. ik i should just talk to people frankly abt the things im uncomfortable with at home now that i have so much practice doing it but i just dont want to. somehow it feels like they should all just know, that they are living alongside me all this time in various ways even if i am not saying things to them, & our actions that connect us in relationship are felt by them too. & there is some part of refusal to see the relationship for what it is. im not begging for some trans pity or for commitment.. those kinds of relationship arent real. what is real is wanting to spend time with me, wanting to experience some sort of exchange between bodies, wanting to walk toward near horizons. feels like everyone who listens & agrees when i speak just does it to be amicable. there are only so many ways i can reassure myself that ppl understand me for who i am, even when they are constantly being led astray to hurt me. like alice saying its good for doctors to have objective views of their patients, outside of any other relationship. mom saying that she trusted our teachers to teach us what we needed. getting weirdly gendered messages from friends at home, & never asked in good faith about how i feel. its rly so shitty that even questions like how was the day or what ru thinking rn or whats on the horizon r things they want me to ask, then dont want to answer, & make fun of bc they feel awkward saying anything. so stupid. its this kind of shit that holds me back from letting my desires be known, these rituals of repression & shame. & i always wanna hear ppls desires & then immediately regret asking to know that our relationship is in direct conflict with their utopias. so stupid.
today after dinner, which was in the late evening, mom & alice & i did some short yoga stuff & then we did silly lion dancing. im still sore. i stretched out everything that felt sort afterward. anyway, felt good to be goofy & sweat & breathe hard. 
what im feeling abt this year: - vestigial body x1000 --> dark room, heart beating fast, waiting & squeezing. theres that episode of midnight gospel when the dying dog/reindeer lady talks abt giving birth & dying, like squeezing & tensing & on no this moment will never end & then releasing & coming to rest & then all over again. & that is what i think abt every time i feel in panic now, or in a deep place of fear. there r some pains that cant be escaped, & they dont need to be. they r felt all the same.  - i made a new friend through q&a who is a kid im supposed to b mentoring. it just means that all relationships are reciprocal (i dont like that word either, but they r never simply one way or transactional) & we met every thursday during the school yr. i prepared short stories for us to read & writing prompts, & we wrote abt stuff.  - i just cant remember. all i remember abt this summer was going to stone valley with mom, feeling the sunlight & my tiredness (in an enveloping selse, toward my body & my spirit), playing games w sherry, playing some piano, & working on that fire emblem romhack. feels like the year went by so quickly. like i just had my birthday a few days ago, & now the new year means it is coming again soon. sometimes whole lives are vestigial. what is gruesome & magnificent abt that is that those vestigial bodies are hard to kill without clear intentions & collective effort. what sucks is the entrapment. i have been feeling this cant remember feeling in a bigger way, toward what my life was like before college, toward who i was in college now that i am so removed, & even more toward the kid whose world blossomed into smth they desperately desired & felt afraid of. middle school me would be horrified. maybe an even younger me would be proud, feel in awe or struck by the rightness of home. - i want to remember mom. the way she walks around with her hands in her pockets. 帅吗。:). how we skip/gallop sideways to avoid the wind on our walks, & she bounces when she walks like a silly kid. i love her. unruly gender, stubbornness of feelings, failure failure failure is why we r hurt but also why we r rly still allowed to be here. thinking abt moms essay, moving away from her grandma, thinking she would live together again someday. thinking abt how im home this yr, in a way i thought maybe i would never be ever again. its so cruel to leave love behind for the sake of a ritualized life i could never participate in. i wont do it. i just wont.
some feelings abt the coming year - i want to meet someone like myself & fall in love. deeply, with myself, in relationship. i wanna have sex too, & feel held in my being alive. i wanna be allowed to enjoy my body in even more regards like wearing short sleeves & feeling the sun on my arms free from dysphoria, existing in public not noticeably & feeling the evaporation of racial tension, waking up with that feeling of possibility, like i want to be alive & eat food & go outside & do those things in my body that remind me that i am a part of how the rest of this world is growing. i wanna be held in that knowing, together, of wellness & movement toward everything that means we matter to each other.  - playing video games has been so important to this vestige & i dont want it to remain that way. i wanna collect stuff & grow stuff in real life, & grow myself & my relationships too. its not living when its the mourning of the freedom i should have always had & should have every moment i am continuing to life unfreely. - i wanna do some stuff to express gratitude to the ppl i have continued some sort of relationship with. feel bad abt how no one has emailed me back in more than a month now. maybe wanna do a q&a chapbook or yearbook. complex feelings bc i am so not in relationship with the ppl i wanna care abt. it sucks. part of that is letting go of guilt too, & being real with myself abt how much responsibility is on the other body to make me feel okay in our relationships. its rly not my fault that, u kno.. everyone is used to making someone like me feel like shit. sad that my most continuous relationships this yr r with professors. those dumb feelings of obligation r killer. i guess im grateful to be legible in some ways, while feeling the intensely awkward unwillingness to be real abt our positions relative to each other. i think lots more happening in this regard in the coming months w classes, blk atlantic ecologies, maybe smth w prof lee. & sometimes thinking abt what grad school would mean. - i wanna feel slow, i wanna feel like myself, i wanna feel free. some feelings r sitting in the garden on my own in the spring, planting some stuff. thinking abt what it might grow into, coming back again & again. the sun ducks behind clouds & comes back out, & the world feels so light & passing by. & time feels forever, like i have so much patience to dream & breathe & observe. this is one of my early memories, watching shadows on the concrete/sidewalks at preschool, feeling warmer then colder then warmer again. i also wanna feel the kind of collectivity that makes me know we all insist on home. i want it to branch beyond this home that i know. & also mean that i will not throw this away. im thinking abt how to exist intimately with more than one person at once. it is smth i will learn as it comes into my life.
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patchworkstudies · 7 years
just sleepover-y in general: how's it going? are you doing alright? any fun stories/things that are going well? i rly hope so because you're super cool and i absolutely adore your blog (+ that vibrant colour scheme is on pOInt)
omg thank u for reminding me i’ve been meaning to to change my theme and reorganize it and revamp the color scheme to be brigter, i’m thinking black and white and gray and then the same yellow as my icon? idk lmk if u have theme recs or ideas abt how i shld do it
u so nice what the hecK?? im glad that smbdy as cool as u is out there giving the name grace a good rep. there’s actually been a lot going on in my life recently so im gonna put the rest under a read more bc idk how long it’s gonna get lmao
ok so. update on the Gay Shit: i think i talked on here abt the person i was dating?? the butch one?? anyways we r not dating any more. dont worry tho yall it was completely mutual and there r no hard feelings whatsoever. they said they didn’t have the ability to put as much into a relationship rn as they wanted, and im so so glad they’re putting themself and their education first. tbh, i also need to get back on track wrt school and studying, and as much fun as i had w them, i need to start devoting my free time to working, not just being gay and shit. i think what we both really need rn is a friend, and im so happy that they’re open to talking about shit and still want me to b a part of their life. i rly like them and i’m super excited to b able to watch our friendship grow and learn more abt them as a person without the pressures of a romantic relationship.
in terms of the Depression Shit i mentioned, things have been kinda looking up?? i’ve taken my prozac every day for almost a week now, which may not seem like much, but,,,, trust me,,,, it’s a big deal. i’ve also not been oversleeping as much and been noticing a lot more energy and excitement when thinking abt special interests, so that’s a rly good sign!! 
report cards came out and my grades were,, not ideal, but also nowhere near as bad as i was expecting considering that i’ve barely been able to do any work in the past few months and really haven’t studied more than three hours total this entire school year. thanks, depression. i’m still getting a c+ in math, which i’m a bit disappointed about bc i had thought i was doing better but i’m aiming to get it up to a b- at least by the end of the year, which i think is totally possible. i’m going to try to talk to my teacher some time next week and see if he has any advice, and do my best to make up as many homeworks as possible for partial credit and practice. i’m getting a b in chemistry, which was really surprising?? bc i’ve turned in maybe three homeworks so far this semester and we’ve had a worksheet due every night. i need to get it up to a b+ so i can take organic chemistry senior year tho, and bc i’m planning on going into science as a career and a shitty chem grade won’t be helpful for getting into colleges. as far as the fact that i haven’t actually learned anything this year bc my teacher is fucking awful and easily the worst i’ve ever had.. well, i’ll just have to self-study over the summer. 
another Big Thing in my life was a gala event i went to on monday night. i don’t have the words to describe it and i’ll probably make a separate post but just. wow. i’ve never seen so many trans people in one room. i don’t think i’ve ever had a conversation with a trans adult before then, either. at least, not one who was out to me. the afterparty makes me cry every time i think abt it because that’s the closest i’ll come to being in a gay bar for the next six years, and the energy was just,, so good,,,, an older gay guy complimented me on my necklace and i’m tearing up just thinking abt it like!!!!!! the Older Gays don’t think i look weird or out of place and there were so many people who tried to coax me out onto the dance floor and make sure i was having fun but were super respectful when i said i was a bit overwhelmed and would rather just stay at the side and watch and there was a really cute girl who was my age who had the prettiest fuckign dress and i really wanted to ask her to dance but uh... ok this is actually pretty funny. yall will not believe who i bumped into. my fucking therapist,,, who i had had an appointment with less than an hour earlier,,,, was also at this event. i dIED when i saw him it was really funny and tbh made me feel a lot safer like he’s the only gay adult i interact with on a regular basis, and therefore literally one of the only adults i trust wholeheartedly and seeing him happy and dancing and in his element made me want to cry for ten years. but yeah..... i see this girl and im like holy sh9t !!1!!1 bc she was so pretty and id overheard her saying that she was in ninth grade so like,..,., my age.,,.,..,., and i almost get up the courage to ask her to dance and i look over and. my motherfuckign therapist is standing like three feet away from her.
anyways im not going to ask a girl out in front of my therapist. i would not be able to look him in the eye ever again. also i didn’t know if she was straight. so i just had fun and hung out on the side of the dance floor instead, but i did get the chance to go up to her b4 i left and awkwardly compliment her on her dress and how pretty it was.. so better than nothing. also i got to wear formalwear that wasn’t a dress for the first time and tbh???? i never want to wear a dress again holy shit like i just felt so much more like me and i was so comfortable and this was honestly a defining moment of my experience as a butch. it was a rly gay outfit tbh like u kno those posts abt the intersection of butch fashion and twink fashion?? that was this outfit. it was this like rayon turquoise button-down with the sleeves rolled up and the bottom tucked into a pair of dark gray suit pants with a black belt and doc martens for shoes and my fav necklace which im pretty sure is this one in the black/gunmetal color. i looked so good ok the only things i’m a little sad about was that i haven’t gotten my binder yet so i couldn’t bind (i had to wear a bra instead of having a flat chest) and there was this red tie i got which i really liked but it didn’t really fit under the collar of my shirt bc it wasn’t really meant to b worn with a tie. and also my dad said the colors would have clashed but imho it would have looked gay and cool and just wasn’t his kind of straight fashion. but whatever, neither of those r a big deal, what’s important is that i had so much fun and felt so validated and safe and y’all should really check out the documentary Real Boy (link to the trailer) i got to talk to the guy it’s about and he was super chill and nice even tho i was super overwhelmed bc it was.. probably the first time ive ever talked to a trans adult who i knew was trans and who knew i was trans and just wow also he performed one of his songs and it was really really good so i’d recommend checking out his music (the song he did was for my family and i’m pretty sure he left half of the people at the gala in tears).
uh wow i’ve been writing this for like an hour so i should probably get started on work soon thanks for asking tho i hope you’re doing well!!!!!
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baileysouth · 7 years
PITCH WARS 2017 #PimpMyBio
First, I’ve gotta say: all the other mentee hopefuls are slaying their bios with ACTUAL WEBSITES and gifs galore. I am not so skilled in the ways of being Boss as Fuck, so I welcome one and all to my humble Tumblr Dot Com space on the Internet.
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My nom de plume is Bailey South, but a quick search will return woefully little on my exploits and infamy. Thus, the evil plan succeeds. You see, I’ve spent the last ten years writing all kinds of sordid fan fiction under another name.
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The kind of fanfic that received thousands of reviews and endless amounts of lovingly rendered fan art. People tattooed my words on their bodies. That is nuts. All over two college dudes doing drugs and really wanting to suck each others Ds.
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Sure, there was a fair amount of crippling depression and chaotic memetic desire thrown in, but I had no idea, when I was writing it, what sort of beast it would become. In order to gain some distance, I developed a shiny new name and brushed off the dusty outlines and painstaking map-making I made way back in 2005. There was magic! And a boarding school! It was basically Harry Potter! I tried for years to get things rolling with the manuscript, but I lost focus, then I lost interest.
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Fast forward to 2014. I have an idea one night, hating the mundanity of my existence and loathing the sight of the restaurant I force myself into day in and day out, smiling at strangers and putting on the Grand Show of hospitality. I’m angry and educated and tired, so tired, of doing nothing. I open a Word document and words begin pouring out. Those words eventually became my Pitch Wars 2017 submission: MINNOWS, speculative contemporary YA that is furious and philosophical and probably going to end up buried on my hard drive never seeing the light of day because agents hate post-apocalyptic YA right now. But I did it. I wrote it.
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I remember being in fourth grade and reading Bruce Coville’s Into the Land of Unicorns. I was all batshit about it and made a teeny-tiny pocket-sized book about unicorns, crayon-scrawled hard cardboard cover and all. In essence, I wrote fanfic. I wanted to create more, wanted to know more about these different worlds and characters. Even now, when I really love something and it ends, I just want more. Writing MINNOWS, for me, was about learning to love what I create, about wanting more of the worlds and characters I’ve created. 
Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab because holy world creating and Kell and the Londons and Rhy and it’s the first series since Harry Potter that had me THERE. You know where I mean. RIGHT THERE.
The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare because H/D fanfic writer turned YA fantasy dominator who the haters are gunna hate, but I love wholly anyway. Because HERONDALES and angels and demons and the entire chronology of Jem and Will as parabatai. I think about Will Herondale even now, years later, and hurt.
The Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman because gritty magical boarding school? Fuck yes.
Harry Potter series by…. you know who it’s by. Because I don’t care how problematic it’s supposed to be or why XYZ is wrong because of varyingly valid reasons. I love it because it changed my life as a junior in high school when I felt like the whole world was against me. Harry’s entire life, from his childhood to his destiny, was and is the most moving, soul-encompassing experience of my life thus far. I’m a Hogwarts Ravenclaw and Ilvermorny Thunderbird. My wand is 10 ¾" elm wood with a unicorn hair core. My patronus is a wild boar. (Which is HILARIOUS). I went to the California Wizarding World of Harry Potter last October and did magic in the streets of Hogsmeade with a bunch of ten-year-olds and LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT.
Fight Club and Survivor and Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. Instrumental in crafting my idea of what it means to write.
The Social Network by David Fincher. I tend to like directors’ entire filmography and this is definitely true for Fincher. Se7en, anyone? But TSN is spectacularly cast, searingly written by Sorkin, and just fantastic filmmaking. It’s smart and devastating. It’s compellingly told and so realistically depicted. And it’s a film about Facebook of all things. I was in Speech 101 in college and for our final we had to give a persuasive speech on any topic. The professor joked that it could be about saving the whales, politics, or even simply being a good person. The last bit got a huge laugh out of the class, like it’s somehow a joke to be a good person. Wrong. I picked compassion as my topic and received a standing ovation. Making something Big out of something not so big, making it into an amazing piece of art, that’s why I love The Social Network.
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The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky. Another amazing filmmaker with an impressive oeuvre (Requiem for a Dream, Black Swan, etc). It’s a love story at heart, but woven so intricately and directed so hauntingly. A true cinematic work of art.
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Sunshine by Danny Boyle. Great ensemble cast and a powerful message about awe. Boyle is another director with all sorts of staggering achievements under his belt (Slumdog Millionaire, 28 Days Later, Trainspotting).
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Dead Poets Society. Because gather ye rosebuds while ye may, carpe diem, O’ captain my captain, etc.
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Brand New. Literally my favorite band of all time. Jesse Lacey, you are beyond words.
The Receiving End of Sirens. Sheer beauty.
Gatsby’s American Dream. Thematically astounding with lyrical elements embedded both in my soul and in my manuscript! A band that writes practically a whole record on Ursula Le Guin’s The Wizard of Earthsea can do no wrong. 
and a whole slew of 2000s emo/punk/pop-punk/post-punk/melodic hardcore/pop-core like New Found Glory, Say Anything,The Starting Line, All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, Set Your Goals, Four Year Strong, Forgive Durden, This Providence, The Juliana Theory, Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, Allister, Further Seems Forever, Blink 182, Green Day. I lived in Los Angeles for the first twenty-six years of my life; I cut my teeth on Hollywood club shows.
I can’t whistle. So whenever Sabriel whistled instead of using her dope ass bells in the Garth Nix books, I was sad.
I wanted to be an English professor. I graduated summa cum laude from the University of California Santa Barbara (right on the beach, which was the setting of my aforementioned massive 133k fanfic). Then I went to a graduate school I hated because they offered me a scholarship, and I promptly dropped out after a semester.
I moved away from the endless independent contracting offered to me in Los Angeles and moved to Greenville, South Carolina for absolutely no reason at all other than I thought the Dawson’s Creek scenes shot in North Carolina looked pretty. Really.
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And that’s it. The gif threshold has been reached. Check out the other hopefuls on the Blog Hop HERE. Best of luck to all other Pitch Wars participants–we really are all winners. I mean, come on, WE WROTE BOOKS! WHOLE ACTUAL BOOKS! 
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