#anyway i watched 10 things i hate about you last night and i think its made me more of a sap than usual. unfortunately
youssefguedira · 2 months
help i have to do stuff today but i'm stuck thinking about Them (people i made up)
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karvroom · 1 month
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10 Things I Hate About Katsuki Bakugo
⇦ 004. An Idiot with Money
005. The Beginning of the End
After school, Kaminari and Mineta stayed, in hopes of finding their (hopefully) savior. When they spotted him on the field with his punk friend, they took initiative. Jogging at the bench where Bakugo occupied, surrounding by fumes of toxins.
"Hey, how you doin'?" Kaminari asked as he came to a stop. Bakugo was taking a drag of his cancer stick, blowing the smoke from his lips. He took the cigarette out of his mouth, leaving it to dangle in between his middle and index finger. Kaminari smiled while trying to pick at the mind of Bakugo, "I had some great squirrel last night."
Consider Bakugo's attention grabbed at such an obscure sentence. Why was an extra like Kaminari speaking to him? They come from two different worlds anyway. Bakugo, an unpopular delinquent everyone steers clear of. Meanwhile, Kaminari was a chick magnet who basically "ruled the school". He whipped his head to the annoying blonde, furrowing his brows. "Do I know you?"
Kaminari's smile deflated, wanting to get down to business as soon as possible. He pointed toward a figure on the playing field, "You see that girl?"
Bakugo, annoyed, looked in your direction. The dark blue jersey you sported caught his eye. Your smooth (S/C) legs exposed to the sun and its heat. Your hair was pulled back into a ponytail, exposing the entirety of your warm face. Beads of sweat accompanied the heat which filled your face. You kicked the soccer ball to your teammate, shouting something to them that Kaminari and Bakugo couldn't quite understand.
"Yeah." Bakugo dryly replied, holding the cigarette back up to his mouth. What was the point of this conversation? He knew he should've went home instead of stayed after school; afraid of something like this happening. A man couldn't enjoy his free time on his on?
"That's (Y/N) Ashido." Kaminari explained, watching his classmate inhale the tobacco only to blow it back out into the air. He spoke in a more demanding tone, "I want you to go out with her."
Bakugo scoffed, an amused smile following shortly after. Puffs of smoke blew in Kaminari's direction as Bakugo spoke to him, "Yeah, sure. Sparky."
Even Bakugo's unnamed friend laughed, finding it hard to believe Kaminari actually thought he had a chance at making Bakugo actually go through with his command.
"Look, I can't take out her sister until (Y/N) starts dating. You see their dad's whacked out. He's got this rule where the girls—"
"That's a touching story. It really is." The pale blonde repeated the process of taking the cigarette away from his lips. He shook his head. Bakugo whispered teasingly to Kaminari, "Not my problem."
Kaminari knew Bakugo would deny his request at first, which is exactly why he came with a backup plan. Bribery, of course. "Would you be willing to make it your problem if I provide generous compensation?"
Bakugo dryly chuckled, "You're gonna pay me to take out some chick?" Kaminari nodded his head with a small 'mhm'. This lead Bakugo into a fit of laughter once more as he licked his dry lips, "How much?"
"Twenty bucks." Bakugo raised his eyebrows, turning back to see you on the field. He caught you at a bad time, watching you run into your teammate (playing the role of the opposing team). You knocked them over, quickly kicking the ball from in between their legs. The whistle blew at your foul. Kaminari and Bakugo's heads slowly turned back to meet one another's gaze. Kaminari sighed, "Fine, thirty."
"Well, let's think about this. We go to the movies, that's, uh, fifteen bucks." Bakugo looked away before standing to his true height. He really was intimidating to stand next to, even being just barely taller than Kaminari. Mineta cautiously watched his friend get sized up before Bakugo started to walk around him, "We get popcorn, that's, uh, fifty-three. And she'll want Sour Patch, right? So, uh, we're looking at seventy-five bucks."
"This isn't a negotiation. Take it or leave it, Trailer Park." Kaminari was quick with his comeback, trying to find a reason why this isn't a complete waste of his time.
Bakugo's wicked smile spread across his face, "Fifty bucks and we got a deal, Fabio."
Kaminari groaned, reaching into his front pocket for the bill to pay Bakugo. He wondered if giving this guy money was actually worth the hassle. The whistle blew as Bakugo graciously took the money from between Kaminari's fingers, stuffing it into his own pocket.
"Great practice, everybody." Coach Vlad exclaimed to the players across the field. You jogged in, wanting to grab your bag and go home. The coach called out to you as you passed him, "Good hustle, Ashido."
"Thanks, Mr. Vlad."
First thing you did when you got to the bench where your duffle bag sat was dig through the supplies. You eventually found your water bottle, chugging the warm water so greedily. You were parched after being outside for a total of two hours, practicing non-stop. You brought the water bottle away from your lips, twisting the cap back on. Setting the bottle on the bench as you packed everything else away in your bag.
Bakugo seized this opportunity to stalk closer to you. He slightly bent over to meet your gaze, gaining your attention. His voice was raised as he spoke, "Hey there, girlie. How you doin'?"
You were confused as to why he would be talking to you out of the blue. You squinted your eyes to hide from the blinding rays of the sun as you spoke, "Sweating like a pig, actually. And yourself?"
"Now, there's a way to get a guy's attention, huh?" Bakugo, once again, stretched to his full height. You were surprised by how much taller he was up close.
You scoffed, slinging your duffle bag over your shoulder, "My mission in life. But obviously, I struck your fancy, so, you see, it worked. The world makes sense again."
You started to walk away from him, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. To your dismay, he followed like a lost puppy dog. Bakugo looked almost desperate chasing you around. Others surrounding you noticed it too.
"Pick you up on Friday, then." He came into your peripheral view.
"Oh, right. Friday. Uh-huh." You humored him, continuing to walk forward towards the exit of the stadium.
"Well, the night I take you places you've never been before." Bakugo smirked. It was out of character for him to hit on someone. Usually, the girls (and some guys) would come up to him, begging for one chance. He would find it annoying, but now he's more irritated that he couldn't even win you over. Was his charm depleting? Was the dimple that appeared everytime he shot someone a wicked smile not enough for you to swoon over?
"Like where? The 7-Eleven on Broadway?" You sassed, swinging your arms dramatically. "Do you even know my name, screw boy?"
"I know a lot more than you think." Bakugo slowed his pace, falling slightly behind you.
You let out a breath of air, finding it amusing that he thought he really knew you, "Doubtful. Very doubtful."
You veered left, crossing over into Bakugo's path. You walked away, closing in on the exit. Bakugo watched as he let you slip through his sweaty palms.
⇨ 006. Several Assholes in One Day
taglist🫐 @katsukota @wheezdostuff @honeydwitch @chuugarettes @suckstobrlaurie @the-hangry-otter
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fuckyeahnightmares · 2 years
Skinamarink Explained (JK I won’t do that)
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I’ve been gone a while but that’s just because I’ve been Skinamrink’d.
What is this movie?
It was a viral sensation for a little bit before it hit Shudder and limited theatres (I saw it in theatres last night). Some people will say “know nothing about it, just watch it” so stop reading if you wanna do that.
It’s about two kids in a house looking for their parents and stuff around their house, such as windows and doors, start disappearing. It’s graiy as hell.
How scary is it?
I was scared. The whole time? No, I zoned off quite a bit, coming up with great ideas for personal projects, because man this movie goes on. Let it be known I did not take out my phone. But there were a few times that got me good, and I was scared later that night, and the story is scary to think about in hindsight. 8.5/10
Jump scares or nah?
A few, good ones. Cleared my sinuses.
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being Halloween Kills), how dumb were the characters?
They are kids! It’s also a weirdly told story so it’s hard to gather just how smart these children are.
Does the story make logical sense if you think about it too long?
This movie’s a good argument for me to get rid of this little section all together. It operates on a nightmare logic.
Ooh, this one is polarizing and I see why. My tattoo artist liked it, but she also said she liked boring movies. Unless you have the attention span of like, someone in the middle ages who threw around rocks for fun, you’ll be bored, but that’s kind of okay. Some guy blurted out at the end, “I should get an award for sitting through that.” It doesn’t reveal much about the characters, the setting, but for this I’m not sure it matters. Could it have been shorter? At least by 20 minutes. Did I appreciate it? Yeah, it’s so different from every other thing I’ve seen, and my mind can entertain me well enough for the brief lulls. It creates a vibe through basically grainy still footage and sounds.
And It’s scary. It pulls you into its liminal space. Confounds you a bit. It kind of lulls you in and then there are a few moments that oof. It really does feel like a childhood nightmare, so big kudos to the team for doing that. Anyways, it’s an original, go see it. Or don’t, you might straight up hate it. 7/10
Read below for some spoiler-y thoughts
I did feel real bad for the kids. This movie kinda evil, from Kaylee losing her eyes and mouth and Kevin seemingly getting stabbed over and over again in a time loop. Damn.
“Look under the bed.” Chilled the shit out of me!
That fucking phone jump scare. Gold.
I would have bodied that monster who could “do anything,” eaten him for breakfast, really
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sportsthoughts · 9 months
15 people 15 questions
thank you for the tag @couthbbg !!
1. are you named after anyone?
depending on which of my parents you ask either lucy pevensie (chronicles of narnia) or lucy in the sky with diamonds (beatles) i'm kind of good with either tbh
2. when was the last time you cried?
lol i watched the makeover episode of canada's drag race this afternoon while i ate my lunch and it had me in bits. this season has been a*
3. do you have kids?
not yet. hopefully in the next two years. my inspiration is my sister who has a newborn baby and is still plugging away writing fanfic. best believe if i'm fortunate enough to have a baby i'll be on here doing night feeds and shitposting.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
very keen gym goer and pilates doer but no fun team sports. did some dance as a kid. i love literally every sport though and will watch and enjoy any sport as a spectator.
5. do you use sarcasm?
does anyone answer this question with no?
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
physically - hands. not sure why
7. what's your eye color?
what's YOURS
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy ending. i am not joking when i say you could not pay me to watch a horror movie.
9. any talents?
i am the best houseplant gardener i know. i have never met a houseplant yet i could not revive or make thrive. at this point i maybe have like 50+ houseplants. hmu for gardening tips seriously. its a passion
10. where were you born?
England. not being more specific although if you followed this blog 5 or 10 years ago i actually used to have the name of my HOMETOWN in my blog title. I actually shudder to remember this. what was i thinking. at least i don't live there anymore lol
11. what are your hobbies?
watching sports obvs, pilates, walking, gardening, digital photography, reading, really want to do more crafty stuff but at the moment i struggle to make time for it even though i've hoarded a ton of art supplies. husband is trying to get me into gaming but honestly have 0 patience for it.
12. do you have any pets?
besides my houseplants no. not in a pet friendly house atm. would love a dog but i have to vicariously live through my sister and her cats.
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
call me crazy but legit all of them. my high school experience was actually pretty positive and i didn't really hate any of school except maths. favourite at a push was probably history although that was mostly due to a very foxy teacher
15. dream job?
feel like most of you know what i do for a job anyway and yeah, it's my dream job. wish i got paid slightly more for it but the work is a dream.
Tagging any of my followers, feel free to say I tagged you! Aaaaaand @heartsoftruth @carlando @geooooooorge @malkinse @queeerkings @cornerihaunt @prettyhockey @ferperss if you're in the mood!
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thegeminisage · 9 months
ok, its time for a QUICK tng update before xm*s proceedings. saturday we did "best of both worlds part ii" and "family" and last night we did "brothers" and "suddenly human."
best of both worlds part ii: I LOOOOOVED THIS EPISODE. mwah. EVERYTHING i wanted. creepy little cyborg implants. brainwashed picard. his beautiful perfect cgi tear (which may or may not have been cgi, this is a point of debate, experts please weigh in). data bravely doing a robot mind meld. 1000000/10 more borg episodes please please PLEASE
can you imagine if the borg has ben in tos btw. what a thought experiment, except for how i quite literally can't think about it or i'll get so excited i'll pass out
did guinan imply she and picard were lovers in this ep...girl you can do better
my one nitpick with william riker was him promoting that lady he hated instead of someone who deserved it, like worf or data. it probably would have given worf ptsd but can you imagine that enterprise having a captain and first officer being gay on the bridge again...wonderful. except this time there would also be deanna <3
"how much do you remember" "everything" AHAHAHAHA GREAT. GOOD. WONDERFUL. anyway
family: extremely unusual episode but i loved it nonetheless. i was really shocked worf's parents were so sweet!!! i fucking loved them. they're like the cutest people on earth i can't believe they raised such a taciturn and stoic guy like worf...
picard's family i wasn't sure about at first until the wrestling match in the mud. sometimes you need to punch a guy and his brother stepped up to the job admirably. i kept thinking he looked like michael caine, which would have been an incredible choice.
WESLEY.....................................................we don't need to talk about it
everyone's accents in this ep were wack. why does picard have a totally different accent from his brother. why is worf's accent different from his parents. ik its not that deep but its making me crrrazzzyyy
brothers: i didnt even get a look at the title of this episode before we started bc vumoo (the shady site im using to watch) doesn't display them but it was SUCH an unexpected pleasure to get a data episode
absolutely scuh-reaming at the ease with which he hijacked an ENTIRE goddamn starship. he's so competent i love that. a real "glad he's on OUR side" moment, not unlike spock commandeering the enterprise in "the menagerie" (rip i wish that had been a better episode).
lore grew on me really fast. i was neutral on him during his last appearance, the meme aside, but in this episode he was really fun and unsettling. brent spiner can do horrible, horrible things with his face
this ep felt a little cut off? i expected another confrontation with lore, a getting back of the chip, or at least some kind of burial or funeral for dr soong, but we just quit like 3/4 through the episode. maybe less time spent on the opening section of the hijack could have fixed this
anyway i love the foil between data and lore...one has support and the other does not...but it doesn't make sense for lore to get the emotions chip because it seems like he already HAS them??
oh yeah and data repeating "i am not less perfect than lore" got funnier EVERY time he did it. little man was really going thru it i was cracking up genuinely <3
suddenly human: this episode was wack
ok, did you guys read face on the milk carton when you were in school? i did when i was way too young to be reading it and it fucked me up real bad and i completely forgot about it until i watched this episode and then i got to unlock that memory in real time
anyway, while it is obviously the correct choice to return a child to their family when they are kidnapped as babies, it is also hugely traumatic for an older child to be ripped away from a loving home* and transplanted with strangers, which those books explore in horrific detail. so the whole episode i found myself going "i KNOW it's bad politics but could they not just CONSIDER leaving him with the only family he's ever known as a possible choice" and then they DID THAT and i wanted to be ill because it was obviously the worst choice in the world
* this is a different scenario than the first tng episode involving kidnapped children, which strongly resembled the residential schools from real life. THIS particular situation, minus the method of kidnapping (during warfare), more closely resembled the crazy cult shit happening in those books, where the kidnapped girl was being raised by people who thought they really were her biological grandparents and weren't bad people and her biological family also weren't bad people. a "no fault" situation EXCEPT FOR HE KIDNAPPENED THAT BABY DURING WARFARE.
anyway this is the second time tng has dropped the ball on this subject so i think from now on they should not do episodes like this anymore. really really really really bad.
NEXT TIME: "remember me" and "legacy"
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6.17.24 Monday
9:10 am
Still,have windblow...
Well, probably Ely is still sleeping... I need coffee, will just use this old drip coffee that I saw...
Still,angels everything is "intentional" on my loans and creditz why the Philippines is removing me on "work-force"? I'm a college graduate...
Did Mitch give me this "simple battery"? I wonder where is she now...
Best consume from the past years.... But no actual expiration that is coffee...
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Uncle DD and Aunt Karen are here again? Coz I know last night they went out and they are here again....
9:37 am
Still,have windblow...
Thank God for this great green ointment ( like my lil great green fingers). Barbie is back....Became Wolverina ;)
I need to maintain ointments coz I'm supposed to be Barbie....
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10:19 am
Still,have windblow...
It is really funny I say say that my persona is a combination of "cottage fairy & Cecilia Blomdahl".
There are days that I love to be calmed and at peace with myself and with hoping and praying a positive energies...
I do agree on "cottage fairy" that meditating and journaling can nourish your mind and rewarding for your spiritual needs.
But still looking forward for vanity and some progress in me... Cottage Fairy is an artist that she wanted to calm every woman in the world, to embrace the solitary moment of your life for you to learn to embrace yourself and understand your surroundings and to be able to fight the unfair negative energies in this world.
It is so funny that one of her fans asked her about her secret on being fit... I can really see her perfectly fit body but I see no muscle but perhaps it is hidden,underneath... ;)
10:56 am
Still,have windblow...
12:08 noon
Still,have windblow...
Hating some Eagle DJ's I'm not into super Tagalog talagah... I don't like this DJ POY teach him to talk in Taglish...
Anyways, I'm thinking of money and job and how to pay my creditz... I'm not for sale but I'm really a Barbie but singing for me is really a 10k pesoses, it is my emergency skill to pay on something... In USA they pull-up their shirt to get free stuff... Me? I sing from the soul to pay that 10k pesoses.
My nana is requesting for a "sungka" coz we used to play it... These days I really want to buy board games coz I used to have it way back... My other half-siblings here on my biological mother's side didn't know the value of board games. Board games are not only for kids but it is for adult as well... It is bonding, nourishing your mind to think like on playing "chess" or even "sungka".... Sungka is a Filipino wood game, it is not a board game... There are holes and each hole must have 7 shells that you have to maintain each hole to have shells....I was thinking if shells symbolize money.
I have no circle now and I was left behind here... One of the reasons I'm hating my some old friends....
Days and years that our family were on its peak of having a good life... I mean we were on the real upper middle-class....Our family used to play board games with our adult members such as our Aunt's and Uncle's and... We used to play charade as family bonding.
It is my frustration to have an upper friends again to grow and to have some vanity and adventures in life...
I don't know how to pay my creditz these days... If only I can monitize my story here hahaha I know the world doesn't like me.
I want my money back...
12:51 noon
I did click the "sungka" coz I pity my nana here... It is for her mental exercise,angels...
3:05 pm
Still,have windblow...
Hahaha Funny,I thought German, she is Spanish....
Garret is so white white....Spanish is yellowish skintone...
Why, is it they have the same face feature...
These are the circles???? Are they cousins???
German but Spanish???
3:14 pm
Still,have windblow...
I'm just really enjoying watching these people and their art is really artistic and creative. I have windblow and not really happy here,down here...
Having data or wifi is really an important thing for me to have... I'm so broke, I haven't seen the world since 2007 and I really do feel ugly,fat and old just for nothing..
They didn't tell me here in the Philippines that they are just wanting or planning for me to be ugly and fat and to make my skin ugly... I made a loan just to buy or creditz some cheap beauty soaps, lotions and some serums....You get my point angels....They remove me in "work-force"! What am I gonna do? I can't make a youtube coz I don't have money and I don't know the world hates me... But I still want my vanity and my progress as a "Child Of God"... I need to have money guys/angels!
Everything will be intentional angels...
4:01 pm
4:15 pm
It is so good to have a basement in the house... Probably, I can be a doctor again with Willa, Joyce,Rose and whoever I wanted on my batch mates.... We are all Biology graduate...
I chose my super close friends...Just a thought...Just a thought...
It is so good to have a basement in the house... I can go back to medicine school with my group without them I can't.... Only my Biology friends if ever...
Whenever my heart aches I just wanna study and learn and beautify but with my super close friends with Dr. Mitch???
Reserve my spot basement and attic...
I hate being flat and ugly....I will still do nose perfection...
4:29 pm
I feel so frustrated here in the Philippines....They didn't tell me they just want me to be ugly and fat and old for nothing since 2007... It is so funny that they remove me in "work-force" that I needed money...
Did Mitch give me this "simple battery"???
4:41 pm
Hey! Mitch I miss you... Where are you???
6:52 pm
I feel bitterish angels... ish ish... bullshit... I have no twin here....
9:40 pm
Bullshit to Cashmum very fakers loan app on chrome only... They need a payslip right away... I put I'm from ilocos...
I'm not stupid! Charge on ilocos! Supposed to be...Give me this moment Borgy to be a rebel in this country! No shame at all!!!
Don't dare to kidnap my cousin white Borgy! That cousin white is for me!
Clarissa Manotoc/
The rebel...
10:02 pm
Fakers cashmum... Will try the other loan on apps not on chrome...
11:12 pm
Still,have windblow...
Uncle DD and Aunt Karen went out again...
11:15 pm
I have skin discoloration due to my sweat rash... I wanna fix this skin patches at my back and nape... If it is hot, the itchy and sting sensation is returning... This is their plan to make my skin ugly!
11:25 pm
I wanna do gluta and I need creams to even out my discolaration patches at my back and nape...
This is their only plan to make me fat,ugly and old for nothing... I hate it!
11:28 pm
I wanna get ish2x... I want my power... Ish2x is my cousin white... I feel bitterish will still beautify myself!
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medicallymercury · 8 months
Liability (27/01/24)
Me and my mum watched The Big Night of Musicals before Casualty tonight because we are incredibly cool, and because we were watching all these musicals I got thinking about all the Holbyverse actors who have done stage stuff cause most of them have done something at some point. Anyway, did anyone know that Di Botcher played Madame Thenardier?????? I know there’s an audio recording of her in it out there and I’m now on a mission to find it like I was on my mission to find the recording of Milo Clarke as Max in TPTGW.
Because I’ve been so tired this week I haven’t really been following the spoilers, especially cause I wasn’t that excited for this episode based on its main stuff anyway. So when I went into IPlayer to watch it and Teddy and Jacob were the picture for it I was really pleasantly surprised (and then disappointed that they got like 10 minutes). Also because I’ve been so busy, I’m not gonna do my review for last week, sorry, I’m just tired and don’t have all that much to say beyond “hate the engagement being back on, loved seeing more Max and Dylan interactions but why no Donna mention?”.
Despite only getting 10 minutes of them, obviously and unsurprisingly my favourite part of this episode was Teddy and Jacob. Honestly, the episode wasn’t exactly full of competition for my ‘favourite part’ anyway but I think I would’ve enjoyed this even in an episode that had better other storylines happening. First of all, it was nice to see Teddy just doing his job and not anything that raises my blood pressure. Second, it was nice to see Teddy and Jacob just working together because I feel like the last time we got that was probably back in early Welcome to the Warzone.
I also feel like lately Teddy has seemed a lot more confident in his job which is surprising because normally when he’s going through it (which he currently is) then he’s also feeling on some level like he isn’t any good at his job.
Ngozi is actually so fun and brilliant and I love her so much. She has quickly become one of my favourites and yet we’ve barely met her yet. I appreciate her playing wingwoman for Cam but I also don’t think I really want him and Jodie to get together all that much anymore? She’s so ~Casualty~ and he’s still largely ~Normal~ and I don’t know if it would work.
Rash and Rida my beloveds, I’ve seen the spoilers for next week and I hope things work out for them. Rash’s storyline hits very close to home for me because my grandad had dementia and I just appreciate the portrayal even if it makes me sad.
I get that we are supposed to understand that Stevie is overdoing it and in many ways she is but if felt really ineffective to show that by having her think Harry was abusing his wife because who wouldn’t think that in that situation? Very reasonable assumption.
As I have repeatedly established, FAITH IRRITATES ME. But specifically it irritated me that she was acting like it was so unfair that she had to work under supervision as if she wasn’t STEALING DRUGS. The fact that she even still has a job is ridiculous but to be then acting like it’s so unfair that she can’t do her job like normal?? Consistent saying whenever she was on screen “YOU STOLE DRUGS!!”. No one trusts mee… you work in a hospital and YOU. STOLE. DRUGS.
On the spoilers: can Teddy not? Tired of him and Paige going back and forth, feel like they’ll probably end up getting back together at this rate. Don’t really like him and Jodie together. When I asked for him and Jan stuff this is not what I meant. Miss Sah.
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myhauntedsalem · 1 year
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My daughter said that there was a man hanging from our washing line, and when we went to look she said ‘It’s okay, he’s buried in the ground now’ she was about two and a half’.
Me: ‘Who’s the night night man?’ Her: ‘The night night man lives in our kitchen’.
“I work in childcare. A child once woke up from a nap, looked me dead in the eyes and quite plainly said ‘Everybody hates you.’”
“My friend used to volunteer at her mum’s primary school (ages 5 or 6 I think) and one time a little girl tripped on the playground. My friend took her inside and gave her a plaster for her knee and said kindly ‘Because you’ve been so brave, you can have your snack early. What would you like?’ The kid stops crying immediately, looks her dead in the eye and says ‘a rotten apple.’”
“I had a 4-year-old that I had never met run up to me very excited and say ‘I remember you from when I was big!’ I don’t believe in anything like that, but this kid was very sincere and refused to leave my side the entire visit.”
“My son once said to me. ‘I’m going to marry mommy when you die’. I said ‘alright, good night its bedtime’. He said ‘no Daddy, not good night, good bye‘. I slept with the door locked and one eye open that night.”
“Not to me but to my mother. I had a little brother who was blind by age 3 and had a brain tumor. My mother was feeding him oatmeal in the morning. He stopped and said ‘Aunt Mariam is here’ and pointed toward my mother’s bedroom. ‘She’s here for me.’ My brother never met Aunt Mariam, she passed away the year he was born. He asked to be laid on my mom’s bed and closed his eyes and passed away.” 8, “I lost my mom to a rare cancer when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter.. (she is now almost 4). Last week while making breakfast she was just babbling about nothing and randomly said ‘your mom doesn’t scare me’ and then just kept talking about her ponies and what have you. It REALLY caught me off guard.”
“My cousin who was about four or five at the time looked at me dead in the eyes and said ‘I’m a baby just like Satan was!’ “ 10.“I was dressing my then 3yr old in his bedroom when he turned to me and said ‘mummy can you close the curtains, the little boy and girl are scaring me’ I asked ‘what little boy and girl?’ ‘The ones outside my window that watch us’. Safe to say the curtains stayed closed.”
“When my brother was little he acted like he had angels talking to him every second. One day my mom overheard him say, ‘I can’t kill him! He’s my only dad!'”
“When my daughter was three she had an imaginary friend named Kelly who lived in her closet. Kelly sat in a little rocking chair while she slept, played with her, etc. Typical imaginary friend stuff. Anyway, fast forward two years later, the wife and I are watching the new Amityville (the one with Ryan Renolds) and our daughter walks out right when dead girl goes all black eyed. Far from being disturbed she said ‘That looks like Kelly.’ ‘Kelly who?’ we say. ‘You know the dead girl that lived in my closet.’
“My little brother’s imaginary friend, Roger, lived under our coffee table. Roger had a wife and 9 kids. Roger and his family lived peacefully alongside us for three years. One day, my little brother announced that Roger wouldn’t be around anymore, since he shot and killed him and his whole family. I don’t know if he remembers any of this, but his genuine lack of remorse was very disturbing.”
My brother had an invisible friend named Tony Rygel. He was 6 inches tall and was elderly. One day we found my brother crying in his room. Apparently Tony Rygel had passed away in his sleep. We buried him in a shoe box in the backyard. So basically we had a funeral, complete with a moment of silence, for an empty shoebox.
“I was seventeen and babysitting a friend of the family’s six year old. He’d been in bed a couple of hours and I just peeked in to check on him. He wasn’t in the bed and when I opened the door wider, I saw he was standing in the corner, facing the wall. Creepiest thing ever. I asked him what he was doing and all he did was turn around, smile, and put his finger to his lips as if to say ‘shhh.’ i asked him again what he was doing and all he says is, ‘leave us. it is the punishment.’
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abeinginsand · 1 year
:D Hi Countless! How about 2, 3, 7, 9, and 31 for Sparrow!
Heya Baba!! :] Thank you for letting me ramble about Sparrow once again hehe 2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Hm, strongest thought that comes to mind is that Sparrow loves his family (especially his kids) so very much, more than himself even. Also related, Sparrow and Rebecca having Normal as an accidental pregnancy isn't something awful. Maybe I feel strongly about this because...I was an accidental baby myself? But it kinda bums me out how harsh some folks on here were being about the reveal. Unplanned does not automatically equal unloved or unwanted is all I'm trying to say I guess.
3. Obscure headcanon Sparrow has always loved playing with his food, often using the edible materials to make mini food towers or little scenes or expressions. With drinks, he likes to mix them a lot to see the colors change or to making silly shaped stains on available napkins/his clothes/other material. As an adult, he still does this--just at home or when he's relaxing in the woods/park during a break (with picnic basket). Yes, he is one of those people who will press every drink machine option to get a little of each flavor in the cup. When he was little and left alone with other people's food plates, he'd start making art out of them too! He would then pretend he didn't do anything when the person returned and watch to see the reactions. He convinced a few of his elementary school classmates the school was haunted this way. 7. Age/height/weight headcanon So I think all the kiddads are in their 30s in s2, I assume Sparrow and Lark are 35? 10 in s1 and 25 years past... speaking of years, was listening to the uncut of s2 ep 1 yesterday and one of the things cut was Anthony saying it might be 30 years instead of 25. Height wise, I think Sparrow is like 5'9 and Lark's 6'. Sparrow closes his eyes to the truth and says he is 6' anyway (even now he still likes to match in some ways). Also, Rebecca is taller than them at 6'2. I don't have any specific weight hcs outside of Sparrow probably isn't that toned compared to Lark due to different fighting styles (hand-to hand combat heavy Lark vs Long distance caster Sparrow). Still skilled in hand-to-hand combat though when necessary. 9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character In the first ep, when Sparrow proudly talks about his doodler mascot design and also mentioned trying better next time about setting fires at the school haha. (I interpreted that last bit to be Sparrow talking at least, may be remembering wrong). The twins introduction in general seemed so fittingly chaotic as young kid characters. Kids will do the most unusual stuff (ex. being a menace to trees) simply because...why not! seems fun! I adore the whimsy and also understand Henry's frustration and concern about their actions too. 31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like? Chaosflower as the username, probably says "a beloved wolf" in the little blog descriptor along with whatever pronouns he's feeling that week. It would look pretty and/or cool palette wise with this night sky banner that has stars, a bright moon, various soft glowing flowers, and wolves walking along the path. Which looks normal etc UNTIL you zoom in and sees the skulls and debris laying in the sand and that some of the wolves have suspiciously reddish fur and glistening teeth. Also the banner has fake constellations that make various shapes...probably characters from shows/books/podcasts etc that he likes. He is so thrilled whenever someone sends in an ask commenting on the banner and is just waiting for the opportunity to explain in great detail all the info he put into it from the setting, the wolf names, to the meaning of each flower type. He also has a wolf icon--actual picture of a wolf with a pink rose on its head and what seems to be the unfocused image of a person (probs a teen) high-fiving the wolf. He wild shaped, posed, turned back into normal self and posed on the other side, stitched the image together. Its an art blog mainly where he posts fanart including animatics and lots of silly memes probably (&lt;-- based on the artist Sparrow hcs from the bonding with Taylor idea). I think he speaks a lot of Spanish daily (with family atleast) but mostly writes in English for school work etc. So he enjoys writing at least half of his tumblr posts in Spanish or with a mix of both languages. Probably makes wolf drawing tutorials sometimes, and of course he has a wolfsona of his own.
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schmem14 · 2 years
15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People (LOL no way I tag 15 people, but I’ll try)
No one tagged me, this just looked fun and I’m avoiding things while my minions watch Wall-E
1. Are you named after anyone? No because I’m the middle child. Which means I have the most popular girl name for the year I was born. YAY. 😬
2. When was the last time you cried? Last night. Mr. Schmem and I were having a pointless argument and I got very emotional. Don’t worry, we’re all good now, but splitting hairs when I’m in a bad mood is what I do best. 
3. Do you have kids? Oh, you mean, minions that look like kinda like me and talk back incessantly? why yes, I do believe I have some of those wandering under foot. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? When I’m pissed off, absolutely. I become a sarcastic hissing cat and I kind of hate that about myself, but it’s a coping mechanism and it gives me a dopamine high to be a bitch sometimes. 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?  It’s mostly subconscious and I’m a human so I definitely judge the book by its cover, at least for a millisecond before I decide whether to keep being judgmental, or feed myself the override codes. 
6. What’s your eye color? Blue, but not the pretty kind. The murky, grey-ish blue that looks blaaaahhh/colorless from far away. You have to get up REAL CLOSE to appreciate the shade of blue. Mr. Schmem likes it though, so that’s good. 
7. Scary movies or happy ending? Both. There is a time and a place, they are equally satisfying in their own context.   
8. Any special talents? Monkey see, monkey do. I’m one of those “jack of all trades, master of none” people who picks up new skills and tinkers with them until I feel like I’ve gotten what I wanted out of them before moving on. I think it’s my way of coping with the fact that I’m not much of a traveller (not ‘cause I don’t wanna be, but because of my adorable minion baggage and the fact that I’m a broke ass millennial.)
9. Where were you born? St. Louis, Missouri. I’ve lived a lot of places, though and I don’t remember it well. 
10. What are your hobbies? Outside of fandom??  Sourdough baking. Quilting. Knitting. Sewing. Hiking. Yoga. Reading. (I do 50 about books a year in addition to fic reading). Netflix and Chill. Cooking delicious food that my minions refuse to eat. Decluttering my house (I am an optimistic minimalist enthusiast who is always battling with holiday and birthday gifts and the thousands of papers they send home with minions from school.) Painting, sometimes, but abstract, not figure/portrait stuff. 
11. Do you have any pets?  No. Allergies out the wazoo here. Best we could do if we wanted is a reptile, amphibian, or fish. Hard pass on all of the above. 
12. What sports do you play/have you played? I suck at sports, mostly because I have no interest in them. If I did have an interest, I’m confident I could learn. I will not play volleyball though, under any circumstances. Too many broken glasses. 
13. How tall are you? 5'7″
14. Favorite subject at school? Science, specifically the life variety. Don’t even try to talk Physics to me. Oh! and I LOVED Statistics, surprisingly. 
15. Dream job? Since I burnt out as an educator, I’m literally open to anything flexible, that pays, and that I can put down at the end of the day and not think about until tomorrow. (mental health reasons)
Tags (feel free to ignore or participate!!): @the-francakes @sliebman10 @coconutice22 @broomsticks @defaultchaos1 @nanneramma @peachpety @lumosatnight @eggbagelsjr @millennialgrandma @eevans22 @dodgerkedavra @thebrokequill @emberandrain @holygnocchi 
I think that’s 15 but if I missed you, participate anyways and tag me so I can learn more about you! <3
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lokilickedme · 2 years
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I posted 1,532 times in 2022
333 posts created (22%)
1,199 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 393 of my posts in 2022
#hiddleston fic - 55 posts
#new chapter - 34 posts
#hozier fic - 28 posts
#the house next door - 18 posts
#writing stuff - 16 posts
#gandy fic - 14 posts
#here and there - 11 posts
#hozier - 11 posts
#rancho de la luna - 9 posts
#tom hiddleston - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#you've been blessed with my unexpected presence for an hour now blow kisses at my ass as i walk away because you won't be seeing me again
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I slipped my hands inside his coat and let them rest on his sides.  His ribs were heaving.  "The boys will go to sleep soon," I said quietly against the side of his face.  "CJ is faking it but once Connor settles in he usually blinks out like a flipped switch."
Thomas let out a deep breath.  It tickled my collarbone and all I could think about as it caressed my skin with its soft warmth was I want that all over me.
"I didn't do this to get into your good graces, Carly.  I certainly didn't do it to get into your bed."  He stepped back, very effectively putting enough space between us to slap a To Be Continued on the proceedings.  "I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"
Chapter 10 is up!
73 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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"There are five hands on site through the off season and our cook is no longer with us.  The agency hasn't sent a housekeeper yet so those are the two positions I have that are in need of filling."  She stared at me without blinking. "Can you do either?"
I nodded.  It was a lie, boldfaced through the anxious movement of my head in the affirmative, and I knew she knew it.
"I can do both."
I couldn't do either.
Her eyes narrowed, and the sharp clunk of the pen in her hand hitting the desk made me jump without thinking just how guilty that flinch made me look.  It was an earned guilt.  I could make a bowl of cereal and I could turn on a dishwasher.  Cook and housekeeper were words I assigned to other people, not myself.  But things had changed the moment I'd taken those keys off the table and gotten in that car and headed west to god only knew where without much to my name other than the shoes on my feet, and just about fifteen miles down the road I'd realized exactly how committed I was to this particular escape when I didn't stop the car and turn around.  There was no going back.  Cooks and housekeepers weren't other people anymore.
They were me now.
A cook and a housekeeper, wearing $600 shoes.
Chapter one is up!
76 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Last night Big and I sat down to watch our nightly movie together - after three very exciting nights of Robert Rodriguez films he’d decided he wanted something a little more cerebral and less adrenaline charged - and after a long debate on the genre he finally chose Sherlock, the series.  He’s never seen it before, although I watched it when he was a toddler and he remembered the theme music.  I enthusiastically agreed because I love that show and he’s a really smart kid, I knew he’d have fun with the mystery solving and heavy deductive reasoning because his head runs in that direction anyway.
Ten minutes into it he was physically vibrating.
“He’s like me!!”
Fifteen minutes in he was bouncing on the couch clapping his hands.
“Sherlock is autistic!!”
Twenty minutes in -
“He’s asexual too!!  Oh my god!!”
“He doesn’t understand other people’s emotions!!”
“He smarter than everyone else and they hate him for it oh my god mom it’s a real thing!!”
“He’s stupid about stuff he’s not interested in just like I am!!”
By the end he had a new hero and didn’t want to stop.  So we moved on to episode two, and only stopped once that was over because it was getting too late to launch into another one.  So guess what I’m doing every evening for a while?  Thank god for cheap box sets on eBay because I only had seasons 1 and 2.  And my kid is so genuinely happy and excited to find a show about someone just like him that he’s still gushing about it today.
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See the full post
84 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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Me and the absolutely lovely and adorable @texmexdarling 💚❤️💚❤️
102 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You guys like themed blank books/journals/notebooks?  Did you like Chemical?  Did you ever wonder what the sign out front of Tommy’s pub looked like?
Here you go  :)
233 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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misslauwie · 1 year
Been in a slump for the past 2 days due to the BB Hot 100 clusterfuck.
As a Jimin-bias I was saddened and disheartened by the opps that Jimin face.
Its been a roller coaster since he releases SMF pt 2 where ppl were shading on his autotune. But fortunately it didnt show up much on my TL. Hence I wasnt too bothered. Anyway for me the song resonates more than LC so at my age I dont really care about other opinion but my own for important things. People will have different preferences and you cant expect everybody to like what you like or hate what you hate.
And then the 10s encore happened. To be honest when I first watched it. I cringed and dread pooled in my stomach coz I just know he is going to be dragged over it. Nevermind the stunning performances he delivered in Musicbank. But he shut up the haters again with Lee Mujin accoustic performance and I was over the moon again.
And then Billboard Hot 100 happened and I literally cried while holding my phone and posting to twitter and stationhead because I was streaming there. Couldnt sleep even though it was a working day after that night.
Anyways the takeaway here is that. I know its cliche but I also need to remind myself that Jimin knows he's love by many. More than the hatred hes receiving. The fact that he tears up during the live after BB 100 also is a testimony how it was so unexpected & moving for him.
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We came down and moved on too fast from the #1 BB Hot 100. It should be celebrated more. I was reminded yet again that Jimin is the first Korean soloist to achieve that title in the last 6 decades where competition is intense and GP is bombarded with new content every other day and where content is heavily curated for the GP to consume. So lets not dim the light from that achievement.
During all these chaos, I remember a saying...
The greatest light cast a long shadow.
As much as I hate all these shades thrown on Jimin... A publicity good or bad is still publicity. & Jimin will become more popular, well known because of it. We as his supporters just need to share more of the good stuff so GP dont misunderstand him or receives the wrong perception.
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But I have faith in Jimin because hes known to break boundaries and delivers more than what is expected of him. He never overpromises and underdeliver. He always slay and perform.
Actually know BTS since 2018 but didnt become a fan until Sep 2022. Jimin was the one who hooked me from ON MV with his blue hair and just great dance performance.
I can just binge on his Lee Mujin performance. I do think he needs to release that accoustic versions to streaming platform. Its such a waste that I cant listen to it while I sleep. His voice is a lullaby for me.
I guess the whole point of this blog is to remind myself and everyone out there that we need to celebrate more on his #1 BB 100 rather than focusing on the negative.
I was thinking that we can do a legal recourse with regards to how blatant the discrimination against Jimin is. But other than signing a global petition to boycott BB, cant think of any other way. But this discrimination against a colored and non US artist and how Armys rallied and use different platforms to support Jimin is actually the first ripple of a stone drop in the lake. It might takes away relevancy of the ruling platform like YT and chart like BB.
After all consumer doesnt like being treated as fools. Im pretty sure even non-army who saw the blatant discrimination if they are rational will also see that this kind of monopoly is not good in the long run.
Changes always start small and then ripples to become waves. I believe in Jimin. I believe in BTS. I believe in Army. Lets pay the positivity forward.
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
15 character questionz!!!
got tagged by @afoolandathief and so iiiii tag @vacantgodling @atlasllm and @calicojackofficial if y'all want!!!
obviously for this i'll do dez and frank cuz....theyre the blorbies..tis long so im putting it under the cut
1 - Are you named after anyone?
Desmond: My middle name Oswald belonged to my grandad!
Francis: How the fuck should I know that? I'm pretty damn sure that my mom didn't even name me.
2 - When was the last time you cried?
Desmond: Last night :D
Francis: What the fuck kind of question is this??
3 - Do you have kids?
Desmond: I'M 14?!?!
Francis: *hyena laugh sfx crumpling to the floor etc* (no) (authors note: she's infertile and even then...really? both these kids would be horrible parents)
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Desmond: I don't think so? Mostly because I don't really understand when it's being used or why.
Francis: Only when I'm pissed off I think.
Desmond: But you're always pissed off?
Francis: REALLY.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Desmond: Usually what they're wearing, or their facial expressions! I get told that I stare a lot actually-
Francis: Posture, anything they're carrying, the way they walk and talk. Anything they have could be used as a weapon and someone who walks all intense-like could be a threat.
6 - What's your eye color?
Desmond: Dark brown!
Francis: Mine uuh squints are pink?
Desmond: It's like an intense magenta :3
Francis: What the fuck is 'maj-en-tah'?
Desmond: It's a pink! uwu
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Desmond: Happy endings! Life is kinda like a horror movie anyways, so I like to watch something that ends good for the characters…it kinda makes me feel like there's hope for me ya know?
Francis: I don't watch movies.
Desmond: You don't? I thought you'd kinda be a horror movie fan, 'cause violence and gore-
Francis: They freak me out anyway NEXT QUESTION
8 - Any special talents?
Desmond: I can take apart almost anything and know how it works right after. And, um, can eidetic memory be considered a talent?
Francis: Piano.
Desmond: Really?!
Francis: I hate playing it, so don't fuckin' ask.
9 - Where were you born?
Desmond: A small town right outside the DUSA, called Carbonville- its not on any maps, 'cause its considered uh, 'shattered' or 'black earth' by people here. I don't think the town exists anymore actually…
Francis: The NEC, so, here? Yeah here. Right on the fuckin' pavement.
10 - What are your hobbies?
Desmond: K'nex and erector sets, I also like reading comics and collecting figurines…oh! I also farm goldfish, my setup isn't as big as it was before but I have Oranda golds, Ranchu golds, and Black Telescope golds!
Francis: …I don't think I really do anything that can be considered a hobby…is drawing a hobby? I do that.
11 - Have you any pets?
Francis: FUCK no, I don't like animals. Besides its hard to have a pet when they all look like food to you, donchya think?
12 - What sports do you/have you played?
Desmond: I, uh, I don't like sports…
13 - How tall are you?
Desmond: 5'0" last time I was told…I think I'm a bit of a late bloomer hopefully…
Francis: *shrugs*
Desmond: She's 6'2"! Super tall :3
14 - Favorite subject in school?
Desmond: Biology! Its my best subject, next to chemistry.
Francis: I dropped out in like…1st grade. So…
Desmond: Chimera don't really have a lot of support in the education systems here- they're more like juvenile detention centers from what I've seen.
Francis: SHITTY juvie centers.
15 - Dream job?
Desmond: I think I'd like to be a biomedical engineer. I wanna make things that help people! If not then…I dunno. Is goldfish ranching a thing?
Francis: Pfft, I don't think about the future like that. I'm not gonna be here long anyway.
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melis-writes · 2 years
Hi Mel,I hope you are okay 💕
İ remember once you said that you never watched TGF 3 , it's my favorite part (I feel like I'm the only person in this planet who loves part 3 more than the first two ,maybe because I love the 90s pacino)
Spoiler alert
he divorced Kay in this part,she even married another one but I forgot his name but he was American, there was a part where an Italian song was playing, idk its name but it reminded Michael of apollonia, he even died in Sicily in the exact same place she died
"She was wonderful, beautiful. I loved her. And then she died. My trusted bodyguard planted a bomb in my car. She drove it before I did", that's what michael said, "I loved her" , I'm not saying he didn't love Kay or anything,he asked Kay for forgiveness and they admitted they still love each other, he loved both her and apollonia, even in the ending there was sequence that shows Michael dancing with three women he loved, Mary, Kay and apollonia, he first danced with his daughter, then his first wife, then finally kay
like i said before, I love him with both Kay and apollonia
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I'm surprised that no one brought this in any conversation about Michael, maybe he actually loved her, unlike the books
Anyway, it's my opinion, I even brought evidence, it's your choice if you think he loved her or not,TGF stans always have this Kay, apollonia fight anyways
(sorry if it was long, also I live in turkey, there's a time difference so you're probably asleep 😂)
Have a nice day💕💕
Hellooooo! ❤️ Yes, I’ve never watched TGF3 and never will (😂) but I’ve read it’s synopsis and my friends who’ve taken one for the team and watched it have explained everything in it to me. 👀 I think it’s very interesting Part III is your favourite!! That would be the first time I’ve heard someone say that and of course, there’s nothing wrong with that. 🫶🏻
I know I shit on the film a lot but pls, I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea; I’m not being hateful or judging anyone for enjoying TGF3, Apollonia + Michael, etc, I just love hyperanalyzing my favourite thing ever (The Godfather 😅) and putting my opinion out there. If you know me, you know I absolutely LOVE TGF2 to no end. ❤️‍🔥
If we take a look at the ending of TGF2, the last scene, a good 10+ years has passed. Michael’s hair is greying, he’s most likely in his 50s then, but he still wears Kay’s wedding ring. I suspect during Mama Corleone’s funeral times that their divorce was in motion but Michael didn’t move on. He wore the wedding ring for over a decade still, even though Kay did move on.
I feel Kay had to do what was right for her and her children. She gets so much slander for this because we see her doing it in Part II already. She, or Anthony and Mary could have gotten killed the night of the attempted assassination. While dealing with Michael’s lies spanning 7+ years, his criminality continuing, false promises and now Kay and her children’s life literally being in danger, the best thing for Kay to do for Michael was call him out on how their family was falling apart and life was getting dangerous.
The nasty rhetoric against Kay complains she did what was right for her, the children, AND Michael really. You caused so much damage for a decade that you’re losing your family now and yes, Michael deserves this because he didn’t deserve Kay OR Apollonia—in my opinion. Did Kay deserve to spend the rest of her life alone and in misery? Hell no!! Michael needed to realize he lost her because of his OWN actions. She practically told him! 😭
But I’m not disregarding Apollonia’s importance to Michael—not at all. The Sicily arc was impactful but it becomes laughable when I hear that Apollonia (a literal teenager more interested in the money and freedom Michael gave her) changed the trajectory of his life. The book details Michael always had that ruthlessness, coldness and cruelty in him. He joined the family business and knew whether he was exiled to Sicily or not that he could never go back and was neck deep in the mafia the moment he pulled that trigger on Sollozzo and McClusky.
I see the death of Michael in Sicily as purely symbolic. He is Sicilian after all. We see Vito come from the Sicilian countryside, leave, and Michael return there alone and miserable.
As for the quote about Apollonia that Michael said, the “loved” word I don’t see as genuine. Especially because it’s not canon, and personally I’m a canon girl when it comes to media I enjoy and love. Sure he “loved” her but didn’t love her, not like he loved Kay. Could he have if their relationship developed over time, they returned to the USA, and Apollonia actually showed a shred of interest like attraction or love to Michael in return (let’s be honest… nobody talks about Apollonia not returning any feelings back to Michael for some reason.)
The three most important women in Michael’s life is of course Kay, his daughter Mary and Apollonia. Apollonia was definitely important, but Kay was a lot more important and impactful to Michael’s life. Those two were really in love. Otherwise why would Michael go find her again and say:
"You were all that I loved and valued most in the world and now I'm losing you...I've lost you anyway; You're gone and it was all for nothing. You need to understand that I had a whole different destiny planned for us."
“I love you, Kay. Don't dread me, anymore. You know, every night here in Sicily, I dream about my wife and my children. And how I lost them."
The important thing is that analyzing and giving our opinions on characters, themes, anything is great and can be fun when it’s done respectfully. 💗 I’m all about that! I’ve seen Kay and Apollonia Stans fight/argue and… Yeah, I’m definitely not having any part of that. I just think it’s interesting to see someone’s POV, then agree to disagree in a mature, kind way. I’m not gonna fight over fictional characters personally 💀 but I really appreciate your input and opinion!! 👀👀
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lqfiles · 4 months
MY EXAMS ARE OVER 🥳🥳 the universe cheered !! I literally just gave my last exam this morning and it's 3:30pm rn we are so excited (the excitement will last a day until I'm bored)
I spent the day arranging my course material and being productive (felt nice) (because I know I'll rot for the whole break otherwise) anyway I have plans to be a girl (I'm just a girl) and order this really cute tote bag I saw online it was so cool
OTHER THAN THAT OH OH USER LQFILES I WATCHED A REALLY REALLY AMAZING MOVIE idk if you know about it. It's a Japanese movie called even if this love disappears from the world tonight and it's so 🥹🥹🥹🥹 it's so 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 heartbreaking. What if I collapse on the floor and cry. You should watch it ( of course you don't have to) if you're into sad soul shattering stuff (gonna go off a bit here and summarize the premise: there's a girl who has anterograde amnesia which is where your memories don't accumulate. So whenever she wakes up in the morning, she doesn't remember anything about what happened or what she did the previous day and this happens EVERY SINGLE DAY so she basically has to restart her life everyday. She keeps a diary in which she writes about her day every night before sleeping, and she has all these signs on her bedroom walls that basically tell her that she has amnesia and needs to read her diary to get to know about her life every morning. SO LONG STORY SHORT WITHOUT SPOILERS one day a guy comes up to her and fake confesses to her because some guys who were bullying that guy's classmate told him to do it in case he wanted his friend to stop getting bullied. He fake confesses to her and she SAYS YES and then they fake date, but for a while the guy doesn't know she has amnesia and then he finds out and that is where I'm stopping because everything else is like the main main plot)
Anyway it's so sad and I'm in love with it
I am also in love with renjun's cat stealing agenda and his and jaemin's dynamic they're so funny (OR RATHER YOU ARE SO FUNNY USER LQFILES 🫵)
anyway phew that was a lot (I hope you weren't alarmed by me suddenly yapping) I'll be activeee and interacting now that I'm not busy (!!) MUCH LOVEEE 🌷🌷🤍🤍🤍 I HOPE YOU'RE WELLLL
IM SO HAPPY YOUR EXAMS ARE OVER LETS GOOOO 🥳🥳🎉 how did you think they went? i’m sure you did well and i’m happy that you get to rest now ^^ does this mean you’re officially in your summer holidays now or just a smaller break? LMAOOO YOURE SMART FOR KNOWING YOUR HABITS AND DOING SMRH ABOUT IT because i know if that was me i would wait till last minute 😭
THE WAY I WANT TO BUY A TOTE BAG TOO BRUHH it’s so girly core and girlmaxxing and feminine and ughh i just love being a girl..
shatter shoul stuff WELL YES GIVE IT TO ME… i normally don’t watch movies or dramas (when i tell you.. i have not watched ANY classic movie, not even spider-man or mean girls or fuckass MOANA. name a movie and i probably haven’t watched it 😭) but i REALLY wanna start doing so, BUT THAT SOUNDS AMAZINF AS FUCKK WAITT i can already sense the angst and heartbreak from that poor girl i’m already tearing up 😭😭😭 (i’m dramatic) i’ll definitely write it down and try to watch it soon (if you can recommend me where to watch it i would appreciate it.. preferably i pirated website 🙏🏽)
haechan doesn’t HATE her but also doesn’t LIKE her yk? its mostly y/n who just wants him gone while haechan is just playing around at this point lmaoo. i’m glad you like the side characters too and thank yew for calling me funny you’re flatter me anon 😣 just say you wanna kiss me..
NEVER APOLOGISE FOR HEING A YAPPER I LOVE YAPPERS WE YAPPERS ALL NEED TO UNITE, can’t wait to see you again anon take care and enjoy your break ^^ <3
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returntosaturn271995 · 11 months
Tuesday, October 24th: The Crying Game
I truly am Pavolv's dumbest dog.
Within five minutes of sitting down to therapy, I start crying like the walls are emitting pepper spray. It's both a relief and embarrassing as I slowly collect tissues from my therapist into an ever-growing ball of Kleenex and mucus.
I hope there's never a murder in that building because, after a year and a half, it's basically coated in my DNA.
"Issues" covered:
The insane guilt I feel about "wasting" years of my 20s feeling depressed
Worries that my productivity is only temporary, and I truly am just human garbage
That I'm only as good as my last accomplishment
That I only have so long to fix my personality
The fact that I see my personality as something to be "fixed"
The fact that I still think I'm kind of right ^
Is it so wrong to want to love myself but also try to make myself more lovable at the same time? (Like I'm doing it for myself...so that one day someone can actually love me. I'm doing these things to feel more confident...because confidence is attractive.)
Thinking 28 means I've "run out of time"
Worrying is a form of avoidance
Learning to see who I am outside of what I've done that day, that month, that year
Remembering I still have made a fuck ton of progress
It's okay to notice depressive thoughts. That's not a slide.
Remembering there are aspects of my life that are successful
One of them being my job and waking up at 6 am for it
Another having good relationships with friends and family (no major interpersonal drama)
Massive fear of failure
Continuing to cut back on alcohol, (I retain my right to CBD, this is still California).
Issues not covered:
My low-key non-belief in romantic love
The not-unrelated recent emergence of my biological clock
How I dress better on the days I see her to look like I have my shit more together. Would a depressed person wear $150 wide-leg trousers from Aritzia? (ignore small iced coffee stain).
How just today I downloaded an app called "WaterLlama" for $9 because I can't be trusted with my own hydration or apparently my own money. (I am now peeing what feels like constantly).
How because her practice is in a normal office building, I regularly traipse by people after all the tearing up has given me "ham-sandwich-face". I then feel the urge to explain to them that actually I just paid to cry in therapy for $160 which is healthy. I'm not just some emotionally unstable girl who hates her job in this building. (Well, not this building anyway. And not at this job currently).
My on-going battle with Etsy's customer service department to escape fraudulent charges that were made yesterday.
I'm supposed to focus less on my daily goals being a metric of my self-worth...
But whatever I still did good things:
Cardio: Shin splint is back because I ran on it too soon, I hit my fitness goal by walking 4 miles to the beach. Great walk, beautiful view, 10/10 dog watching.
Work: Up at 6 am, powered through like a champ, and did 2 things I've been putting off which I consider high performance.
Cooking: Ate apples and overnight oats I made Saturday night, baked a chicken pot pie from Trader Joes.
Reading: I finished "Really, Good, Actually" and will be collecting its quotes to share here when I feel like it. Very quotable book.
Meditation: How what we love is what we dedicate our time to. I clearly like to meditate, read, cook, and cry in front of trained professionals. Oh and spending time with friends making fun of reality TV.
Yoga: I may not have it in me today for yoga. But I will attempt a relaxation one and tell myself I'm happy with any length of time.
Organization: The pile of shoes in my closet will be my master no longer. But again...going to let myself eat first.
Today's fragrance: Ameline by Phlur.
Current mood: Drained (but in a therapeutic way).
Now I'm going to fuck off, smoke a little weed, and enjoy some carbs.
That's how you win the crying game.
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