#anyway i hate star wars nerds
ragnarssons · 1 year
the way so many people are complaining, like, “this season lacked of stakes” (because there was no death??) and it’s like... when did we become so addicted to cynical pieces of media, expecting characters to die, for a story to have “stakes” or any emotional payoff? why, tf, are there people who can’t settle for a (temporary, because there is a s4) clear-cut happy ending? and i find it particularly ironic considering s1 and s2 also end up on a clear-cut happy ending but somehow it wasn’t “a lack of stakes” back then... *rolls eyes* i just feel like so many people forgot what star wars is: star wars is luke and han strolling randomly around an imperial base and finding leia just chilling even tho she is the rebellion’s leader. them escaping because obi wan bee-booped the right button. star wars is a bunch of teddy bears saving the galaxy. star wars is anakin skywalker pressing random buttons on a spaceship as a 10 years old and winning a war just like that. star wars is jar jar dropping a ball out of sheer clumsiness and zapping a whole bunch of droids just like that. star wars is grogu being captured by imperial guards on episode 7 of season 1 and being rescued by ig-11 not even 2 minutes into the final episode. star wars is nanny ig-11 just zooming around nevarro destroying the whole imperial army without a scratch to him or yknow, the baby he carried with him. did people forget how the other two seasons were also completely “lacking dramatic stakes”??? because they’re just there, i watched the two previous seasons just before s3 and let me tell you: they’re the same. the arc is the same: grogu (din on s3) gets taken on the penultimate (or one before on s2) episode, somehow the search party does everything right and everything is solved by the end of the season. even more than that, on s1 kuiil dies on episode 7, here, paz vizsla dies on episode 7. so. no death??? why is it a problem now? like?? no stakes?? a whole exiled people finding their rightful place on their planet and ridding their homeworld of the invader that is the empire, wasn’t enough for y’all?? like i get it, y’all love the depressing era of andor and all, which is fine, to each their own. but why does it prevent other shows of just being what they want to be? yknow, potentially goofy and yknow, actually hopeful? because we know how cassian andor ends up. he dies. it’s horrible, it’s sad, it’s depressing. like, are we really out there pretending that din and grogu’s storyline wouldn’t be as fullfilling because they don’t die in what is basically an atomic explosion or something???
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serendipity0930 · 19 days
fellas is it mocking when you're surprised that someone does the thing they make fun of you for doing
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
My Golden Trio Headcanons (some modern some not)
Oddly good at beer pong.
One time caught the snitch in his mouth and almost died.
Is REALLY good at cooking(less headcanon and more actually canon)
Loves the rain, absolutely hates thunder.
Had American southern tea ONCE and never looked at Earl Grey the same way again (Hermione gets upset about it every time they get tea together)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Ron)
Is really good at drawing birds specifically.
He’s good at pottery but can only make bowls and plates.
Chess lover, both magic AND muggle(that’s canon but I’m including it anyways)
When Harry tried American sweet tea for the first time, Ron got to try fried butter for the first time too, he promptly inhaled it.
He hates crabs.
He often has stare offs with Crookshanks which either end with Ron getting mauled, or Crookshanks getting locked out of the room.
Is a DIEHARD Beastie Boys fan, Hermione introduced him to them and he hasn’t looked back since.
His favorite color is the exact shade of brown that Hermione’s eyes are :)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Harry)
Wears bright neon crocs, has worn them on dates with Hermione before, will wear them on dates with Hermione again.
Got a buzz cut one time and Hermione screamed in pure unbridled terror when she saw it(she did not speak for him for a week, he had to magically grow it back)
Bad at pottery but loves playing with the clay.
Aroace spectrum(because I love projecting onto characters and it’s canon in my eyes)
One time tried to straighten her hair and both Ron and Harry got scared when they saw it(it did not work)
Knows ALL of the Elder Scrolls lore
Has played Skyrim to completion over 19 times.(that is not an exaggeration, she’s pulled various all nighters)
HORRIFIC sleep schedule
Will not read romance, UNLESS it’s completely historically accurate.
Bad at drawing, really good at pottery oddly enough.
While she’s good at pottery, she absolutely despises the feel of wet clay, and then the feel of dry clay on her skin so she doesn’t sculpt stuff without gloves on.
Hates the texture of pasta, it has to be made in a VERY specific way for her to enjoy it.
Doesn’t like being smooched on the temple because it’s too close to her eyes and she thinks it’s unsanitary.
Had a seafood boil one time and was out like a light for a full DAY.
Tried a vegan diet for like a year but she accidentally ate a wet piece of ham in a sleep deprived delirium.
Beans on toast FIEND.
One time had a five day mental breakdown over magic and specifically quidditch brooms not following the laws of physics.
Dinosaur nerd.
Dr Strange and Reed Richards fan
Golden Trio:
They have a book club, Ron’s favorite genre is a mix between really cheesy badly written romances and westerns, Harry’s favorite genre is murder mysteries and philosophy, funnily enough, Hermione doesn’t like murder mysteries because she guesses the plot/plot twists and they’re always correct, she usually only reads non-fiction but she occasionally likes accurate science fiction and she also enjoys biographies.
Hermione once sat them down to watch a bunch of muggle movies, some Harry recognized, while Ron was just utterly entranced by the television, occasionally shaking Harry’s shoulder when something happened on screen.
While Hermione was finishing her seventh/ “eighth” year she was sent at LEAST ten letters DAILY, from both Ron and Harry.
They shared an apartment for like two years and would quiet often all sleep in the same bed.
That habit followed them into adulthood, and they occasionally sleep in the same bed.
Both Harry and Ron, along with Ginny, will flaunt Hermione being the minister, often.
Harry has forced the other two to rewatch every Star Wars movie, more than ten times.
Ron and Hermione broke up one time in their relationship and Harry was more distraught than both of them combined.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 7 months
Could you recommend me some enemies to lovers? I love this trope! Thanks for your work ^^
Here's quite a few suggestions, I forgot how much I love this trope. ~Jen
True Like (or Looks Can Be Deceiving) by dualwielding
Kurt loves his job at the off-Broadway theater. As for Blaine Anderson, Kurt might have to work with him, but he doesn't have to like him.
Feel my heart's intention by @kurtsascot
Blaine started to hate Kurt on his first day. And it was a shame, really, because they could have been cute together. 
Clinging to this hating game by notarelationship (justpracticing)
Based on this prompt from the Klaine-prompt-a-fic blog on tumblr:
Kurt and Blaine couldn't stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school.
Home away from Home by @lilyvandersteen
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
Make Food and War by @kirakiwiwrites
What if Blaine and Kurt met another way?  AU Meetings with the theme of: Food. We all know how our boys met on the show. For this creative challenge, let's play with how the boys might have met in alternate universes. And this time, use the topic of food to be the through line of your creations.
Living Haphazard By @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion Anna_Timberlake
Have you ever thought of getting cheated by a house broker and getting to know that you had to stay with another stranger who was also cheated? What if you are getting stuck up with the stranger in the apartment due to unavoidable circumstances? What if you hate him as well as have a crush on him? What if you had to fight your inner self and the stranger? What if he agreed on helping you which can only happen in dreams? This is a real living haphazard, isn't it?
The Hating Game by orphan_account
Blaine can count on one hand the amount of people he has hated in his life. But Kurt Hummel is definitely The Worst.
Or: That co-workers AU where they hate each other (until they don't)
Anyway, Here's wonderwall by @honeysucklepink
Inspired by the story of the Oasis cover band and pub goers who got stranded at a pub in a snow storm.
Adam Crawford is the proprietor of a tavern and music venue in the English countryside. Just before Christmas, he hosts a Battle of the Bands, unaware of a forecasted winter storm. A blizzard traps the patrons, the final bands standing, One Three Hill and The Warblers, and their bickering leaders, Kurt and Blaine. The two have been rivals since their NYADA days, but their friends and bandmates can smell the unresolved sexual tension a mile away. If circumstances had been different, so too would their relationship. So their friends decide to give fate a little nudge...
About-Face By @quizasvivamos
At the start of the Marching Band season his sophomore year, Blaine is the youngest Drum Major in McKinley High history. However, none of his peers believe he deserves the title, especially a handful of embittered upperclassmen, including one particularly stubborn Color Guard Captain, who challenges him in more ways than one.
Mendacious By @forabeatofadrum maanorchidee
Blaine Anderson is McKinley’s biggest star. Everyone in school loves him. And he’s gay. Blaine Anderson has what Kurt Hummel wants. When Kurt finds out that Blaine’s hoping for the same scholarship at the prestigious NYADA, Kurt knows for sure that he deserves it more, but no one seems to agree. There has to be something wrong with Blaine. If Kurt could expose that, it’ll all be over for him. With a scholarship at stake, Kurt’s willing to go very far to find some dirt on everyone’s favourite student.
Turn Into a Pose by @little-escapist
Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
French fries and Milkshakes by BlurglesmurfKlaine
Cheerio!Kurt and Nerd!Blaine don't exactly get along. So what happens when they get paired for a glee club assignment? They're polar opposites. They're voices shouldn't work together, neither should their personalities. Or their chemistry, for that matter. They're two very different things that shouldn't blend together, but do. Kind of like French Fries and Milkshakes.
Bites by foxxed
Kurt Hummel is a Chef de Cuisine with a tongue as sharp as his knife. But when the restaurant across the street finally opens, Kurt is confronted with an old culinary school rival - the always smiling and opera-singing Italian Chef Blaine Anderson and things are about to heat up faster than the average stove.
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ghostinthegallery · 11 months
Okay so about Orikan and Imotekh!
Yup, I continue to be the most hinged person on the planet when it comes to imaginary ancient Egyptian themed space robots.
But anyway, Orikan is canonically a member of Imotekh's court, and Imotekh might be one of the only people in the universe Orikan actually respects (or fears? It's 40k, close enough). Which is interesting because Orikan is An Intellectual with a healthy disdain for the military (probably some family issues there, he did come from a military family then ran away to go to star college). So why serve a soldier? I mean yes, Imotekh is one scary dude, but that's a boring answer. Naturally they've never had a scene together because GW hates me specifically.
Which leaves me to wildly speculate, and I think these two have some key things in common that really get to the heart of issues with necron/necrontyr society...
Because the thing is, necron(tyr) society might be one of the most highly stratified cultures in all of 40k. So much so that it was baked into their physical being after biotransference. The higher their social status, the better the living metal body they got. The more mental capacity they got. The more *free will* they got. We see in a Twice Dead King flashback that members of the nobility could and did kill anyone without consequence. Life was so cheap to the necrontyr that it didn't matter. Class mobility was and is not a thing.
Enter Imotekh, who started as a soldier and became a general and then a *phaeron*. He did the thing no one is supposed to be able to do by being just *that* competent and terrifying. Remember, Imotekh woke from hibernation because some Sautekh noble wanted to *use* him to get one up on their rivals in a dynastic power struggle. This guy really thought Imotekh the Gods Damn Stormlord would be so grateful that he'd just help this clown take over the dynasty? Yeah no, Imotekh offed that guy and anyone who wasn't going to vote Stormlord 4 Phaeron.
Which must have been pretty mind blowing for Orikan to see. After all, Orikan may be important, but (as Trazyn loves reminding him) he isn't nobility. A fact that matters in a society where status directly correlates to how much of a person people think you are. Other necron lords "use" Orikan all the time. For his predictions, during battles (seriously check the wiki, feels like the poor guy gets dragged out for like every necron campaign). Orikan may manipulate those nobles on a regular basis (aka "strategically editing" his prophecies) but he won't straight up oppose them. At least not without invoking Imotekh's name, as he does during the Court Scene of TI&TD.
Again, I don't think the two have ever interacted in the canon, but Imotekh respects Orikan's work enough to base battle strategies on his divinations (which is huge, as being a master strategist is the basis of his power). And Orikan doesn't bullshit Imotekh the way he does other phaerons who ask for his counsel. Is Orikan scared of Imotekh? Of course he is. Trazyn calls him out on this during War in the Museum. But I think it's interesting that these two characters are trapped in a cruel society determined to use them up and spit them out, and both of them have found ways to resist that. Ways that could set them at odds with each other (nerd v. jock false dichotomy) but don't.
I do wish there was more canon material to work with, because I am filling in a ton of blanks with my own interpretations. But hey, speculation is fun!
And if you want to see these two in a room together read my necron longfic on AO3 here (heck yeah shameless self promotion!)
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edwinspaynes · 2 months
Other than Star Wars, what movies or shows do you think Simon and Izzy like to watch together?
They both give off the vibe of adoring geeky nonsense, so I think they'd be all over a personal favourite of mine: Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Simon would absolutely love the special effects of the evil exes turning to coins, and Izzy would criticise everything that the characters are doing wrong in action scenes. Also you cannot convince me that Simon has not called Isabelle "his Ramona Flowers" and been met with an "I'm not your pixie dream manic girl," which Simon just loses it at because it's totally out of order since she just discovered the concept. Much like the book that is also a face.
In any case, another saga that I think they would enjoy is Lord of the Rings. I've never seen it, but I think it would be a movie that they like because of its classic nerd value.
I personally and selfishly want them to be Good Omens junkies and ship the Ineffable Husbands. I think Thomas and Alastair would likely be Good Omens fans if they lived in the present day, so I only hope that Isabelle will follow in her husband's tradition. I think that for a con Simon dresses up as an eerily accurate Aziraphale and Isabelle dresses as a Sexy! Female! Crowley, and they have a blast.
Another show that I definitely think Simon made Isabelle watch is Firefly, which got her interested in Joss's other work. When she learned about Buffy, it was absolutely something she HAD to see. They end up watching the entire show together. Isabelle strongly relates to Buffy in a myriad of ways, and Simon finds it so funny and cute.
They also definitely watch anime together, and sometimes they do so with Clary and Jace (since Clary and Simon are both anime nerds). My stupid little obsessed brain likes to think Simon appreciates the Classics and adores Urusei Yatsura, and Isabelle adores Lum and VITRIOLICALLY hates Ataru at first (but he grows on her). I think she'd adore Benten, while Simon would argue that Ran is the "hotter space babe". And Isabelle would be like, "Ran will kill you." And Simon will be like, "Oyuki is no better. You'll freeze." Which is true.
But anyway, they definitely have also seen every Ghibli film. Simon's favorite is Howl's Moving Castle, and Isabelle likes it but prefers Spirited Away because of all the monsters. It's like, an AU Downworld.
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freetobeeyouandme · 1 year
A My Little Pony Hypothesis
Wrinkle in Time posting reminding me I never actually posted my own My Little Pony hypothesis because I meant to post it as part of a larger analysis of dragons in ST and then never did. lol. Anyway, I think the thing they're referencing with WiT may be one of the kids in that book letting himself be caught by the hivemind to locate their father and then getting left behind during the rescue mission, forcing the protagonist to come back and save him with the power of love. And the MLP references in the show actually also suggest (and therefore support) this version of events.
So in the MLP episode "Escape from Midnight Castle" the ponies are attacked by the evil centaur Tirek who also kidnaps four ponies to turn them into dragons to pull his chariot so he can subjugate the whole world with his Rainbow of Darkness. His plans are stalled because one of the kidnapped ponies is too small and he can't turn it. Meanwhile the protagonist ponies go to find the Rainbow of Light and then go to Tirek's castle to free their friends. While infiltrating the castle Applejack is captured and turned into a dragon. The ponies manage to stop Tirek last minute by overtaking the Rainbow of Darkness with the Rainbow of Light, which also turns everyone back into what they were. And all the ponies lived happily ever after.
So what's that got to do with Stranger Things? Well, Dustin explicity mentions the episode in S3 when he’s arguing with Erica about her status as a nerd, because Erica is into MLP and since that has nerdy stuff like castles and dragons she is a nerd. Erica then embraces that identity, gets into DnD, and names her character after Applejack. Who then ends up defeating Vecna in the S4 game...which made me wonder whether the MLP reference is actually important foreshadowing -- and who then is represented by Applejack. Personally I think Will is most likely, because while “getting turned into a dragon” does fit Max in S4 I think Max is actually the too small pony from the initial four that get kidnapped: Vecna’s first attempt to kill her didn’t work and even the second one isn’t quite complete, he just separated her consciousness from her body by the looks of it.
This is also why I think it’ll be Will. At the end of S4 we see El trying to find Max to get her to wake up, but she can’t find her. That’s not gonna change by her trying harder in S5, so I think if they want to go find Max they need to go into Vecna/The Mindflayer’s head and find her there (and i think that may be one of the priorities in the first half of S5 because of the heavy Star Wars parallels we got elsewhere). And the only person who was part of it before is Will, so I think she’ll end up piggybacking in through his mind. Plus that would let Will’s promise of “fix it together” from 4.01 come true. It also resembles the way the ponies infiltrate the castle in MLP AND Charles Wallace letting IT control him so he can find his father. In both WiT and MLP this rescue mission doesn’t quite go the way it was intended. Applejack gets kidnapped and turned into a dragon and Charles Wallace is left behind as part of the hivemind while the other kids get out with their father. Both of them are later saved by their friends, Charles Wallace explicitly with love, and Applejack with a very thin metaphor for it. 
These themes are obviously also present in Stranger Things and people have already pointed out this similarity (and this potential plot) in relation to WiT, but I think it’s interesting to note that the DnD game which clearly foreshadows the events of S5 also references a piece of media that also has this type of plot. I also think the whole love vs. hate/anger thematic also points to Will because the topic of (romantic) love is important for his character arc in a way that it isn’t for others. El also wants love but her’s is familial and tbh with the return of Hopper I think her S5 arc will be taking the love she knows she has and turning it on Vecna. Will on the other hand is wanting, and I think vulnerable on that level -- but also a formidable foe once he realizes he can have everything he wants. Which is also a great way of involving their personal arcs and the love triangle in the supernatural plot. 
Tl, dR: I think the theory that the writers posting about WiT means Will is gonna help El find Max and then get stuck in the hivemind, needing to be rescued with (Mike’s) love are very likely because the show references an episode of MLP multiple times, including in the foreshadowing of the DnD game, in which that exact plot also happens. And I’m very excited about it because I have been turning this idea over in my head for weeks now and I love it.
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svartalfhild · 6 months
A Case for Jezri
Listen, I know how the DS9 fandom feels about Jezri, but I just wanted to take a moment to explain why I like it. I'm not asking people to agree; I just want to give it some love because there are things to enjoy and to explore in that ship that haven't gotten any discussion.
(Also why is 99.9% of the Jezri tag just people tagging their hate? Who raised y'all? Please be respectful towards your fellow fans who may not feel the same as you.)
I'm no stranger to finding my gold nuggets in the trash heap when it comes to Star Trek ships. I'm the type to find the things to love about something that was executed poorly by the writers. Datasha is my TNG OTP. Need I say more.
So don't think I don't understand some of the main objections people have to Jezri. I get it. I do. So with that out of the way, let's get into the good stuff.
Julian's personal story, particularly in the later parts of the show, has a strong motif of loneliness, which comes from two or three different aspects of his life. The first one is of course the fact that he's an augment. He's socially isolated by his mental and physical superiority. No one can keep up with him, and he has to diminish himself to fit in, especially before the truth comes out. The second is the evolving lives of the people closest to him. There reaches a point where nearly all of his closest friends are either married or in committed relationships, and he's the free floater who has to hope he can still fit into their lives somewhere. The third aspect is his own shit luck with relationships. No one sticks with him for very long for whatever reason. And there was the everything with Jadzia on top of it all. Poor man couldn't catch a break.
And then along comes Ezri. Quark is quick to treat her as same old Dax with a new coat of paint, for whose affections he immediately tries to generate competition with Julian, because he is a sexist little toad. Julian, to his great credit, is like "what the fuck, Quark" and makes it clear that he sees Ezri as a different person, not Jadzia 2.0 who he now has a chance with. Ezri is his new friend, and he's not going to be pulled into Quark's bullshit.
The writing is unfortunately rather uneven when it comes to showing us the establishment and development of that friendship, so we have to piece together the vibes from several disparate moments, some big and meaningful and others more incidental, but that's not too difficult for me. Fandom has done more with less.
Anyway! Through all of that, we kind of get to see that Ezri sees Julian differently than Jadzia did in a way that allows them to click very quickly. Jadzia sort of saw Julian as an adorable puppy excitedly wagging his tail at her (and by the time he matured into someone who was more her type, he'd stopped pursuing her and then she was with Worf). Ezri sees him as the charming guy who knows how to have a good time. It seems natural to me that Julian would quickly latch onto someone who thought his holosuite adventures were demonstrative of a healthy sense of fun and not a sign of immaturity. Ezri is literally the bad bitch he pulled by being autistic.
And they are such adorable awkward nerds with each other! The big eyes! The soft touches! The fumbling! The trying to keep things platonic because they just like each other so much that they're afraid of messing things up! The breaking down and making out anyway because they can't escape the vibes! *chef's kiss*
The thing that completely sold me on Jezri, though, was their moment together at the end of the last episode where Julian is mourning Miles' departure and feeling lonely and then Ezri rolls up like "Hey~!" and expresses the desire to have dinner and do holosuite adventures with him. That was so beautiful to me. Everything is changing and so many of his friends have left and it's the ultimate pit of loneliness for him, but then there's Ezri. He has her now and he's not alone and the war is over and there's hope and the start of something new and soft. I cried, y'all. Like maybe it's because I'm at a place in my life where I feel left behind while I watch all my friends move on with their lives, but man, the way Ezri represents the light at the end of a dark tunnel for Julian just got me so good.
Here are some of the headcanons I have to supplement the sparse canon material and give further depth and enjoyment to my shipping experience:
They're both bisexual.
Since they're both healthcare professionals, they have a lot to talk about where their fields intersect. They make a great team when they're working, but this also results in them developing a shorthand with each other that is somewhat infuriating for others.
Ezri's closeness with Julian allows her to better develop her friendship with Garak, and there are several times when all three of them get up to shenanigans together.
They sometimes get each other new tea blends to try as a fun little surprise.
Ezri tries to teach Julian some of the gymnastics stuff she remembers at least once with mixed results.
Julian particularly loves hugging Ezri, and she particularly loves holding his hand.
Julian persuades Ezri to read Lord of the Rings, and she gets really into it, so they end up doing a holosuite adaptation as Legolas and Gimli. Ezri plays with her beard a lot.
Quark fucking hates how cute they are and Kira makes a point to tell him about every sweet moment she sees between them just to fuck with him.
Ezri very much gets in on the Fuck With Section 31 train and helps Julian do spy shit. The criminal psychology knowledge comes in handy.
Anyway, these are my feels. Please don't air your grievances here. I just want to sail on my dinghy and hope someone out there is sailing with me.
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marvelislove10 · 1 year
Hello Stranger
We interrupt our semi-regularly scheduled Aaron Tveit fanfiction authoring for this bad boy.
Fair warning, I barely edited it and nobody but me has read it haha. Enjoy! Come yell about sports, broadway and fandoms in the chat/ask box!
She hated being the center of attention. She had never liked it. She was just a normal person with a normal job.
So as people bustled past her in the hallway, she did her best to melt into the cinder block wall.
She pulled her beanie further down her head and sniffled, her nose still cold from the freezing weather.
There was a sudden rise in noise and Charlotte immediately looked up from her shoes.
People parted like the red sea as the tall blonde walked down the hallway.
He stopped less than a foot away from her as he chatted with his parents. But for the time being she kept her distance.
But then Joe pulled away from his Mom and was looking around expectantly.
His gaze settled on the long-haired woman and Charlotte’s throat tightened to see how red those normally blue eyes were.
            “Hello stranger,” she said pushing herself off from the wall.
The Bengals quarterback reached for her and she wrapped her arms around his torso.
She heard and felt his shaky exhale against her skin.
            “You played really well tonight, Joe. You should be proud of yourself.”
Joe huffed against her shoulder and then stilled.
            “I can do better. I should have done better. I am better than that.”
She pulled back and caught his gaze, peeling a hand from his shoulder to gently touch his jaw.
            “Please don’t beat yourself up. Joe, please don’t.”
He inhaled shakily again, and she thought she could feel tears hitting her neck. She pressed her lips to the top of his head, and he finally calmed.
Joe pulled back and tried to subtly wipe at his cheeks.
            “I’m sorry you had to freeze your ass off just to see this shit result.”
            “It wasn’t shit. Yes, I’m mad that you lost of course but it wasn’t shit. And neither were you. It was just the Chiefs’ Day today.”
            “Lottie,” he grumbled.
She met his gaze and he still looked disgruntled. It was hard not to tease him, but she knew this wasn’t the moment.
            “I mean it. And besides, I’m from the Midwest Joseph. I can handle a little cold.”
            “So what you’re saying is that the cold never bothered you anyway?”
            “Did you just make a frozen reference?”
His pale skin flushed pink and that made her fight back a smile.
She looped her arms around his neck unable to fight back the smile any longer.
            “You’re a dork, Burrow.”
            “I know. But I’m you—”
His words cut off as she pressed her mouth to his.
She tried to keep the kiss short and chaste as she knew they weren’t alone. When she pulled back, she could feel his fingertips skating across her jawline and it made her shiver.
            “I love you,” she whispered.
            “I love you too. Are you flying back at the same time as my parents?”
That question made her reluctantly open her eyes.
            “In the morning,” she said quietly with a nod.
            “Alright. I’ll pick you up.”
            “You don’t need to.”
            “I want to.”
She smiled at him, and he smiled back.
The next morning, as she waited for Joe outside of baggage claim she couldn’t stop her mind from drifting.
She didn’t know how she had gotten here. Somehow she spent most weekends galivanting across the country in support of one of the most popular quarterbacks in the modern NFL.
If she was honest with herself, she never expected this would be her life when Joe had complimented her Star Wars t-shirt one day during their torturous summer math class at Ohio State.
She hadn’t even realized at the time that he was on the football team. He was just a cute boy who was clearly a nerd too.
It wasn’t until their next class that she had noticed the “Burrow” OSU football tag dangling from his backpack when he settled in the seat next to her.
But somehow here she was, grinning widely to herself when he pulled up in his black car.
She tossed her bag into the trunk, rolling her eyes at the boxing gloves scattered haphazardly, and then slipped into the passenger seat.
            “Welcome home.”
            “Thanks Baby,” she said.
He leaned over the console and kissed her. She let out a squeak of surprise though when Joe swiped his tongue along her bottom lip.
She felt her pulse begin to race as Joe’s tongue slipped into her mouth.
The moment was broken though by a loud honk behind them.
            “Shit,” she swore.
            “Guess we gotta go.”
            “Guess so. Take me home, please.”
It didn’t take long for Joe to park at Charlotte’s apartment. He grabbed her bag from the trunk and waited while she unlocked her door.
            “I’m gonna take this upstairs and change. Make yourself at home.”
            “After 6 years, don’t I always?” he quipped.
She rolled her eyes at him but pecked his lips anyway.
He took a moment to admire her ass and couldn’t resist the urge to let out a low whistle. Charlotte threw up her middle finger and he laughed, going for the fridge once she was gone.
When Charlotte returned in a pair of tiny adidas shorts and one of Joe’s old OSU t-shirts she found him sitting on her couch.
            “You made coffee?” she asked.
            “Mm. With booze.”
That made her smile and she plopped down beside him.
            “Ah so it really is the off-season then, isn’t it?” she asked as she took the second mug from his hand.
            “Yup. Plus I’m still fucking pissed that we lost.”
She frowned lightly and took a sip of the very strong, boozy coffee.
            “Yeah that really did suck, huh?”
Joe just grunted in agreement.
She reached down and turned on the tv, putting on some random movie. She took another long sip of coffee and then put both the mug and the remote down.
When she straightened up, an arm snaked around her lower back and tugged on her hip.
Realizing what he wanted, she spun herself around and straddled his lap.
            “How’s the wrist?” she asked gently.
            “Very, very sore. Doctors want to see me tomorrow. So no sex until we get the all clear.”
Her eyebrows pinched together at his words as her eyes narrowed.
            “Who says you always have to be on top? I’m perfectly capable of taking what I want.”
Joe’s eyes widened in surprise at first before a wry smile grew across his lips.
            “That’s true. And it’s usually fun when you do. But still. We better hold off.”
            “Fine. I’m too tired for pity sex anyway. Now, what do you want to watch?”
Several hours later, the couple had switched positions and were lazily spooning on the couch.
            “You should probably head home.”
He turned so that he was now meeting her gaze.
            “You know…If you had just moved in with me, I wouldn’t have to leave.”
She sighed heavily. The couple had had this argument a thousand times since the LSU grad had been drafted but her opinion still hadn’t changed.
            “Burrow. I love you. You know that I do. But I don’t want to be a kept woman.”
            “Lottie, you wouldn’t be.”
            “Alright, then you and your millions can move in with me.”
Now it was Joe’s turn to crinkle his eyebrows.
            “That’s what I thought,” she said.
Her boyfriend wasn’t vain, she knew that about him. She just knew that with his budget now it made no sense for him to leave the posh part of town for her clean but tiny apartment.
            “Joe, it just doesn’t make sense. You know it and I know it.”
            “I know but I miss you.”
            “It’s not like we lived together at OSU. And then you moved, twice might I remind you, and now I’m here.”
            “I know but—”
She cut him off briefly by kissing him softly.
            “Look. I know you’d give me the world if I asked for it. But I’m not here for the perks of dating the NFL’s newest quarterbacking prodigy, ok?”
            “I never said you were. I appreciate the fact that you’re one of the few people left in my life who decided I was worth it when I was a third stringer riding the bench. But Charlotte, I want to start a life with you.”
            “Then put a ring on it Burrow. And then we’ll talk.”
His eyes widened in shock.
            “I thought you weren’t ready.”
She shrugged.
            “Well I’m ready now. Like you said it has been six years.”
He broke out into a bright grin that made his eyes crinkle at the corners.
Before she could blink, he was sliding off the couch and bolting out of the room.
            “Please don’t tell me you have a ring already!” she called after him.
She heard a laugh from the distance.
            “No, I’m not that bold. But I have ideas,” he said when he returned to the living room.
He sat beside her, pulled her feet into his lap and then handed her a pile of papers.
            “What are…Joe. No, please tell me you didn’t buy all of these.”
            “No of course not. I just…” He trailed off and blushed a deep red color.
            “You’re blushing! What did you do?”
            “You liar,” she said with no venom in her voice.
But then she looked down and started to flip through the three pieces of paper he had handed to her.
            “I may or may not have asked my mom her opinion on what to get you…and your Mom. And asked your Dad for his blessing.”
Her jaw dropped slightly and Joe blushed harder.
            “You didn’t.”
Joe shrugged sheepishly.
She went back to the papers and slowly flipped through them. The ring on the second page caught her eye almost immediately.
            “This one. Or something like it.”
It was a traditional colored diamond cut into a pear shape. The band was a little untraditional as it looked like vines but that’s what she loved about it.
            “Alright, noted.”
She gave him half a smile which made him smile and then next thing she knew they were both grinning widely.
            “I can’t believe I finally got you to fold,” he said.
            “To be honest, it was never in doubt for me baby. I just needed a little bit of time. And you gave me that, so thank you.”
            “You’re welcome.”
He tugged on her ankles and brought her closer, pressing his mouth to hers.
            “Love you,” he mumbled against her mouth.
            “Love you too. Now time for you to go home. I unfortunately have work in the morning.”
            “Baby,” he whined.
Joe kissed her again and she melted.
            “Let me stay,” he whispered.
He kissed her again and she knotted her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
            “Yes!” he gloated.
            “But don’t bitch at me when I’m waking you up at 5:30 in the morning.”
            “I won’t.”
She raised an eyebrow at him.
He pecked her lips.
            “I promise.”
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amive2567 · 2 years
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Ingredients: Katsuki Bakugou x GN!Reader (fem bodied)
Contains: angst, death, reader dies, fluff to angst, mental problems/illness, suicidal thoughts, some dark stuff, pregnancy and a child,
Type of order: coffee (Angst), cupcake (oneshot), small hot chocolate (bit of fluff)
Words: 3259
A/n: I wanted to write angst again, so there it is. A special form this time. Diary entries. I hope you like it :) I recomend listening to All I want by Kodaline for the more painfull experience. ( I don't know how to put songs properly into a post so it looks a bit big, I am sorry)
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3579, Musutafu city, Endeavor agency
Hi, shitty book,
today we started our internship at the agency of icy hot`s dad. He is a dipshit, what he did to his family is absolutely crucial, but he is a strong-minded old bastard and an awfully good hero. (But All-Might is far better). He dragged us through whole Musutafu only to tell me how weak I am. Pah, but at least shitty Deku is worse (he didn’t tell us this but I am sure he is). Well, now we get to the point where things get interesting. We met other hero students from Ketsubutsu high. They had their internship at Backdraft’s fire brigade. They were trying to extinguish a burning office building but to no avail. Then the most beautiful person stepped in front, and without our interference, they just extinguished the fire. They were so talented it took my breath away and their H/C hair was just magnificent. (Don’t you dare call me a simp now, because I am not). Well anyways, they were pretty decent locking. We, or Endeavor, talked with Backdraft to discuss the incident. Icy hot, Deku and I just waited, but the shitty nerd had the brilliant idea to talk to this person. Of course, I had to talk to them first. So I shoved Deku aside and started talking to them. I got a lot of information about them, they are annoying and a chatterbox. At least they are kind and somehow stubborn. Their name is Y/N. I hope I will never meet them again. Another person similar to Kirishima would be a pain in my ass.
See ya
3581, Musutafu city, My house
Well, a book full of shitty feelings, I need to tell you a lot. It’s been two years. Shigaraki, AFO, and their goons had to put our world into misery. We fought in a fucking war with 17 and now I feel like an old man. At least all of our classmates survived, even Izuku. The last two years were a rollercoaster of emotions, I really realized now that my behavior was wrong and I put the nerd's life into misery, because of me he has an inferiority complex. I apologized and he accepted, even though he shouldn't have. I was a horrible person, treated people shitty just to get my own will. I nearly died, but who cares. Well after those horrible years, every one of us was forced to go to this stupid psych doctor, and since then I have been a bloody weakling. I cry more often than I want to admit. Argh, it pisses me off. Even though these years have been shitty, I finally met Y/N again. They got more handsome/pretty than before, and we’re visiting the same doc for our shitty PTSD and stuff. Every time after a session we met up for a small snack in a newly built coffee shop. They enjoy strawberry frappes with extra whipped cream. Horribly sweet is the best, according to them. We become something like friends, but I hate this. I don’t want to be friends with them. It just doesn't fit. They probably think I am shit anyways.
They make my heart race, and my cheeks flush red whenever I see them. They make me go insane, I always have those dreams of us kissing under the stars, but somehow they are in a relationship. Argh, so annoying. Well then we have to be friends I guess, I am not that shitty to let them cheat on their partner. I am so jealous, but I suppress it.
3581, Musutafu city, Coffee shop
Good news, or bad news. I don't know. I guess it's good for me but not for them. Their partner cheated on them and accordingly, I am the only friend they have. I swear to god I will find this stupid person and blow them up. How can someone cheat on someone so goddamn great? I would never. Besides that, I could never. One look at them and I am over the moon. I never imagined that I would ever talk about someone this cheesy, but they made me spineless. Only when I am with them of course, I do still kick villains in their asses. Maybe one day, when they are healed from this incident I will tell them, but for now, I will be their supportive friend. I am on patrol at the moment, so I have to get going.
3581 Musutafu City, My house
today Yn and I are visiting Izuku and Uraraka, to get some friendship bonding done, or as they call it a double date. Pathetic, we arent even dating. How could they call it this when they are the only couple. Anyways, we are going to an adventure park and I hate this. The huge rollercoasters make me feel uncomfortable. It's way too fast and too high. Just no, it's awful. But I don't want to look weak, even if I learned that expressing my feelings is not a bad thing. I am a hero. I shouldn't be scared of some shitty rollercoaster.
It was the most shitty experience I ever had. We rode the scariest rollercoaster in the park, and everyone fucking enjoyed it and I was screaming like a baby. So embarrassing. Y/N needed to comfort me, I enjoyed it but still. That's so weak of me. It's my job to protect them, not the other way around. I wish I wasn't such a weak and pathetic being. Well no I stop with the self-pity, that's even worse. I even didn't tell them what I feel for them, I was just so overwhelmed that I forgot it.
I fucking hate my pathetic ass.
3581 Musutafu City, My house
The Therapist wanted to see me more often, because of some sort of relapse. He doesn't have any clue what he's talking about. I am fine. Nothing bothers me, I just hate myself, what's the problem. I always did and I always will there is nothing to worry about. It's not like I want to die or something. Even though after some missions I think I should have died. YN got hurt last week. She only had a small concussion, but it was all my fault. I should have been hurt instead of them. According to my therapist, journaling and continuing to write in this shitty diary should make me feel better, but I don't feel any better. I still feel guilty for all the people I can't and couldn't save. I am supposed to rescue them. I am a soldier, not a whiny little brat. I haven't talked to Yn since they got out of that creepy hospital. They have this sad look on their face every time they see me and my heart breaks every time I see them, but if I would still talk to them and continue having feelings I would only hurt them. I just can't protect them, it would be better if I never met them.
3581, Mustafa city, Explosion agency
Yn confronted me today and to be honest they are so attractive when they are angry. They yelled at me for ignoring them for the past few months. I told them everything that I felt for them and what I thought would be the best. Even though they were furious about not telling them earlier, they comforted me (once again) telling me that I am not a God. I can't save everyone and it's not my job to do so, even though it's sad it's true. They promised to stay in my life and reassured me that they could handle themselves. After that I found a bit of hope, we skipped the talking phase and went over to dating. I listen to the advice of my therapist and try to do the things he tells me. It improved my mental state and I can now cope with little mistakes during missions. I no longer want to do reckless things to get hurt and I started to sleep better. I am currently reflecting on my childhood and improving things. I honestly tried to clean up my mistakes from my past. I talked with my mother about this and told her that I need a break from her. Yn was always by my side during these times. They are the right ones and I want to marry them, but that's something for the future. But for now, we need to heal our souls and become financially stable.
See you soon
3584 Hawaii, Our hotel
It's been a while, hasn't it? I haven't written in ages but now as I am finally mentally stable again, I thought about writing down what happens in my life and using this diary as an actual diary and not just some sort of self therapies. You will never guess what happened. I finally had the guts to ask Yn if they wanted to marry me and they said yes. I am so happy. They make me happy. Our wedding was incredible. Kirishima, my best man, put together an amazing speech. I tried to hide it, but I sobbed a bit. My favorite part was the wedding dance. That was when I realized I finally married the most perfect person in the whole world. Our vows were heartfelt and I will always remember them. I will remember how wonderful they locked. I will definitely glue a photo of our wedding onto this book.
At the moment we are on our honeymoon and I can't stop feeling happy. All the happiness that I never experienced, I experience now. Yn really makes me happy, their smart ass, their romantic side, their angry side, and everything else is what I love about them. Without them, my life would probably still be dark and sad. They lit my life on fire and I hope it will never extinguish. Never tell them I said that or well wrote it. They will tease me for being cheesy. We are thinking about starting a family, but for now, we will have a happy life together and when we have kids we still are as happy as we are now.
Bye for now, we will have some time for ourselves.
3585, Musutafu city, Bakugou household
I am back to write again and we finally got a dog and for my misfortune a cat. (Yn wanted it and they always get what she wants it's annoying, their puppy eyes can screw themselves) This bastard of a cat always wants to be pet. It just wants me probably because I am so hot (wink wink). Yn is happy with this shitty cat and sometimes I think that they love this animal more than me. It can be only one in this household to receive all their love and it's going to be me.
Another happy news is that Yn is finally pregnant. We don't know the sex yet but it doesn't matter anyway because we will love it unconditionally. The baby bum is not to be seen yet and no one knows because of the risky three months but I am so excited for our little monster. I should be careful how I call our little baby or Yn will scold me again for calling it a monster. Even though our little munchkin isn't even born yet, I love this child with everything I have. I never thought domestic life was something for me, but it indeed is. I would never do something different.
I will update you when our baby is born. See ya
3586, Musutafu city, Bakugou household
It's a girl. YAY. We finally can hold our little one. The birth was horrifying. Yn was screaming the whole time and they crushed my hand. I was so afraid that something would go wrong, but yn did so well. I love them both so much, my heart bursts with love and happiness at the moment. I really changed, haven't I? If I could tell my fifteen-year-old self that I would love my family and live a domestic life he would probably laugh and cringe. These past months, no years, since yn is by my side, were just too good to be true. It's like a dream come true. My feelings are flying all around and I don't feel like myself. Kiri already calls me soft. I am not soft, I just learned how to love correctly and how to express my true feelings. Hero work will now be extra difficult, I don't want to worry my little sunshine. She deserves the world and I want to live for her and guarantee her a beautiful life without pain (even though that might be hard).
I am the happiest man alive.
3589, Musutafu City, Bakugou household
My little girl can crawl now, and it's a pain in the ass. She is always on tour, through the house. Yn and I are always on track to keep her safe and it's exhausting. This little bundle is full of life and we can't get a hold of her. To be honest I hope she never loses this kind of liveliness. This child really is fulfilling my life. Hero work is getting more and more stressful, because of this one idiot who thinks he can just walk around and poison people, which results in many deaths. I hope I can fight him, to guarantee my little girl that she can live in safety. This bastard is causing a lot of losses among the heroes. Even Izuku doesn't know how to approach this fucking piece of shit. We will fight him at all costs. My girl will grow up in safety, I don't want her to experience the things I had to go through, the war, the abuse, the self-hatred, the depression, and all the other shitty stuff. A happy and fulfilled life is what she deserves.
It's getting late and I really should go to sleep, or Yn will drag me to bed, shouting at me for having a bad sleeping schedule. Even though they stay up all night to watch these ridiculous romance animes.
See ya
3595, Musutafu City , Hospital
It's been a while. There are some good news I suppose and a lot of bad ones. Our daughter got enrolled in first grade. She is really happy and bubbly just like Yn. Seeing her growing up lets my heart ache. One day she will grow up and become a successful and beautiful woman. I am glad that the current political situation is too hard to, understand for her, but I still notice that her parents are stressed and busy, but she still tries to cheer us up. Truly, she is an angel. The villain I told you about…. appeared and killed more than 100 people by now. We could get a chance on fighting him, but he couldn't get caught. Yn got hit by his quirk…. it is still not sure if the poison is out of their blood system, but it doesn't look good. They didn't wake up in the last 4 hours since the incident happened, but I need to be hopeful. They can't die, not now. Our daughter just got into school. I can't lose them. They are the light of my life. I just overcame the last rock bottom, I can't survive another one. Without them, the world would be dark and even our daughter could never fill the void that Yns death would leave. Even though I don't believe in god, I hope that some high might save them. I just want to take them home and continue living my life. The fight was hard and I couldn't even protect them. I was useless, just like I've always been. We still wished us luck to get out there safely, but we didn't kiss or said the typical I love you. I regret it so much. I want to turn back time, to say everything I want them to know. I love them so much, it is sometimes unbearable and without her, I would never have become the man I am now.
I will have to have hope, they will make it out alive.
3600, Musutafu, Bakugou house
They didn't make it. They died weeks after I wrote the entry. I couldn't tell you back then. I was, no I am a broken man. Only a shadow of the person I was. Their death had made me into the monster I was before I met them, I am coldhearted and stoic. I don't see the purpose in life anymore. Every day the pain clung to me like a nasty shadow. I want this to end, but I can't since Dn will suffer even more. Losing her parent took her bright soul away, and she now tends to become like me, and I really hope I can change that. I am a horrible person. She shouldn't be like me. She should be like Yn, kind, smart, brilliant, and overall wonderful. Maybe it's because I miss Yn so much that I want our daughter to be their replacement or it's my wish. I can't separate these thoughts anymore. I think I want both. Everything is beyond pointless in this life. Getting up, bringing Dn to school, and going to work. This cycle is more exhausting now than ever, there is no happy person to come home to anymore. No one asks what villain you kicked into jail or questions about the students from UA, who are doing their internships. I just want my happy domestic life back and my partner. I miss them so much, it's unbearable. It would be just better if I could be with them. It would be better If I died...
3601, Musutafu city, Bakugou house
I took revenge. The bastard who killed Yn is dead. I killed him with my bare hands. To protect my daughter and all the other citizens. I felt fulfilled for one second, but then I realized that this act would never give me Yn back. It was pointless. at least I got also hit with his quirk before he died. I am so sorry Dn for dying and leaving you completely alone, but I also couldn't continue this life without Yn. I hope you can forgive me... I want you to be yourself and fight for the things you believe in. I want you to be the best of yourself. Please don't be sad for too long. I was never the dad that you deserved. I hope Kirishima will take care of you...
Her weak finger caressed the blood stains on the wrinkled paper.
Tears clouded her vision as she closed the orange notebook. Her uncle patted her on the back and tried to hold her close. “Your dad really loved them. I am sorry. He just really loved Yn. The villain released him from his agony. It's not your fault you were so little you weren't able to protect them.” he tried to comfort her. But comforting was unnecessary. Her parents are dead, killed by a crazy poisoned guy. She hated this guy, even though her father already killed him. The diary should have been some kind of present from her uncle, but it felt like a curse. The rain pattered o both of them “Let's go inside or we will catch a cold. We can visit them tomorrow.” Kirishima grabbed her by her arm and got her away from the graveyard.
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donnerpartyofone · 30 days
Are you into sci-fi at all?
Sort of! I'm not primarily a sci-fi person, but I'll indulge. I prefer fiction that has to do with the imagination, the unconscious, psychological pathologies, those kinds of abstractions; I don't usually like it when fantastical fiction involves too many rules or tries too hard to rationalize itself. But a few years ago I went on a tear of watching old (1940s-60s) sci-fi movies and I was having a blast; I won't be able to remember all the ones I watched, but some hits for me were THE GREEN SLIME, GOG, DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS, THE COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK, I feel like I shouldn't even have to mention FORBIDDEN PLANET...that kind of thing is very entertaining for me (and I would welcome recommendations). Usually the sci-fi I consume has some sort of horror element to it, like DEMON SEED or PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES or CUBE or something. For a few years I was in this cycle of watching old genre serials like Outer Limits while getting ready for work in the morning, and I think I watched every Star Trek thing up to Enterprise, which I hated. I hated that very non-Treky theme song and all of the characters and the look of the show and its gross sexuality and like, just everything about it. I tried a little bit of Discovery and I found it really cutesy and cloying, it has that Joss Whedon fan service flavor that I find extremely condescending and unpleasant; not even the promise of David Cronenberg or Tig Notaro could make me stick with it. It felt more Star Wars-y to me if that makes sense--like it's trying to be hipper and sexier and more youthful and action-oriented maybe, sorry if I'm not being very articulate but to me the point of Trek should be that it's REALLY nerdy, dorky even. It shouldn't resemble in any way the sham "nerd" quality that the MCU has. Probably nothing beats the original series but there's also a special place in my heart for DS9 just because it has absolutely no semblance of coolness at all; it's extremely dorky, the designs are hideous, it just does not try to satisfy any popular standards of appeal whatsoever. That takes some guts and I appreciate it.
...I don't really read any sci-fi if that's more what you meant, I'm not a very good reader in general because I'm always consumed with some research project that sequesters me in a very specific knowledge silo and then I miss out on a lot of actually-good/important books and also reading just for pleasure. But anyway TL-DR I don't indulge in a lot of sci-fi because I'm not into fiction that is overly concerned with making its own logic so airtight, but I certainly don't abstain either! Rec's are welcome.
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rochenn · 10 months
saw a cool thing on my dash where people put their fanfic wips in a poll and write a sentence for every vote they receive, so thats what i'm doing here! details/writing samples for each fic under the cut
matters of consequence
forward timetravel au - dooku from the past is thrown into the clone wars, meets his future lineage as well as old friends, and is forced to deal with himself both literally and figuratively. this one is going to be so funny and so depressing (gen, T-rated, will probably end up between 50 and 100k)
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gone with the light
my MONSTER thought experiment that goes like "hey, what if obi-wan looks into krell after umbara and his research snowballs into him kinda falling and kinda teaming up with dooku and it ends up fixing some things?" (gen, M-rated, THIS ONE IS GONNA BE SO LONG I HATE MYSELF)
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under moon's eye
codywan old west au, local european star wars nerd goes insane while doing research on the 19th century american south and historically accurate cattle drives, nobody asked for an american gothic/nature horror romance on the chisholm trail but i'm writing it anyway (E-rated, this one is kinda fucked up by codywan standards ngl, im SO EXCITED)
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i am also writing a horror fic inspired by the amnesia games from cody's pov. it's not included here because it's currently kind of amorphous and kind of in german so yeah 💅✨️
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
Hi! Can i request a romantic matchup for star wars, hp marauders and DC? :3 (sorry if i make any mistakes english is not my first language :3) Anyways, about me: I'm bisexual and demisexual. She/her pronouns but neutrals are fine. Infj 4w3, big 3 are; gemini sun, taurus moon, sag rising. I have short dark hair and I loveeee to style it like marilyn monroe (I'm obsessed with old hollywood) I have olive pale skin and dark brown eyes, I'm 5'7 and skinny but not too much mostly because I'm a figure skater! idk i think im really pretty! Mexican with italian and native family. Older sister that basically took raised her little brother and depressed mom (damn.)I love my family and basically love human interactions lmao. Extrovert (? idk) my friends describe me as likeable, charismatic, clumsy, witty, confident, idealistic, caring and nice. I love making people feel comfortable and welcome. People that don't like me may describe me as argumentative, annoying, stubborn, greedy, with ego or even mean and i'm not going to deny anything of that tbh. I loveeee feeling pretty and I'm a girly nerd girl, champagne colors, black and pink are def my thing. I love political science, neuropsychology, literature, women history and pyshics. My specials interests are: old hollywood, star wars (mostly obi-wan kenobi lol) manifestation, barbie and Sylvia plath. And yes, I'm autistic but I work with it really well. I love to perform and all that stuff, I was in a band, playing guitar and singing, musicals, figure skating, ballet etc. I don't talk about my problems to anyone, i just write them down because i don't really like to worry people and i know it's not healthy but idc. I always manage to be optimistic but realistic. I'm a perfectionist and I reaaaaally hate doing something wrong so that's mostly when I have my mental breakdowns lmao. Quite touchy with people i really like, hugs, touching faces, playing with hair, toying with hands, but I always make sure that they're okay with it! Also i'm quite bubbly and flirty but I'm not really interested on someone(mostly because now relationships are really weird, help.), I'm really specific with what i want and i have high standards. I hate: thunderstorms(im really scared of them) crowded places were i'm alone, really negative people, pick me's, pumpkins, immature people, facists, last minute surprise, people with horrible communication skills. Sand and the beach. Maps and driving, unfair stuff, sexism and men being stupid. I love: summer and spring, animals, makeup, any kind of music but my favs are: mcr, britney spears, fiona apple, the cardigans, marina, lana del rey, ariana grande, nine inch nails, the cure and bikini kill. Stawberrys, gossip girl, mexican soap operas (I LOVE RUBI AND TERESA!!!) comics and nerdy stuff (It all started because i wanted to prove a boy that I hated that I knew more about star wars than him and I ended up watching all the movies, series and reading all prequels books lmao)playing legos with my little brother, baking and having debates with my literature teacher.
Hello! I'm sorry this has taken so long to get posted! I hope you like it nonetheless! (I also love old hollywood! I love marilyn, audrey hepburn, and cary grant!) Enjoy! <33333
Star Wars;
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
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🌙 You met Obi-Wan on a random planet that he was visiting for some undisclosed reasons; you were walking with your friends past him, and as you both passed each other, you made eye contact - the world seemed to slow down, your eyes locked on one another - love at first sight
🌙 You didn't see Obi-Wan until when you and your friends we drinking in the nearby cantina; your friends gestured to the mysterious man across the bar, and you followed their line of sight - seeing the man that you had passed earlier that day, your friends hyped you up to go over and talk to him
🌙 The conversation floooowed, and I mean flowed, the instant connection that you had with this man was undeniable and intoxicating - you couldn't get enough of his voice and how his words seemed to grapple and pull you right in; it wasn't until later in the night that you found out his name, Obi-Wan Kenobi
🌙 Months later, Obi-Wan, trapped in the Jedi Laws, tried to hide how much he enjoyed your presence, but it was difficult, in the end - risking his Jedi life and duty - he confessed who he truly was, but you still loved him all the same
🌙 Your and Obi's relationship was kept a secret, even from most of your friends, though Anakin quickly figured it out - you and Obi were a perfect match, always there for each other, always understanding and caring towards one another; you both loved each other to the moons and back... And then some
Harry Potter (Marauders);
James Potter:
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✨ You met James at Hogwarts, and you instantly felt a connection between the two of you - it wasn't long until the both of you were flirting with one another, joking around, having a few laughs; the feelings you had for each other were unspoken, but understood
✨ You and James were inseparable, whenever you could, you'd be together, joined at the hip, no matter the time of day - and you were always touching each other in some way, holding hands, playing with his hair, his arms around you; you'd often squish his cheeks together, James would always blush at the contact
✨ When spending nights together - either just cuddling or talking about your favorite music, comics, or your love for strawberries - and a thunderstorm arises, he is always there for you, distracting you or covering your ears while holding you; if a storm is coming, it's like a sixth sense
✨ During the summer, you and James meet up as much as possible - you get the opportunity to show him your favorite music, movies, and shows - sometimes if you're lucky, James let's you do his makeup
✨ James and your little bro would probably get along beautifully as well, and I would bet that James would love to play with Legos with you and your brother - even though he has no idea what they are in the beginning XD
Harley Quinn:
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♥ You met Harley at one of her roller derby games - being a figure skater, you enjoyed seeing people roller skate - you immediately caught her eyes as she raced around the track; your Marilyn Monroe styled hair was amazing to say the least
♥ She had to tell you how much she loved your hair, and she did after winner her match, meeting you out in the parking lot before you and your friends left; she made sure to compliment you (a lot), and even gave you her card, which you took with a smile
♥ Her card didn't have any number or address, so you believed that it was going to be difficult to find her, but you were surprisingly wrong - small world, even if it was Gotham - you met her at this small convenience store, where you found her waiting for a breakfast sandwich
♥ You and her decided to walk around Gotham together, but the outing was short lived as she was getting chased by like ten people - you didn't see Harley for a long while, but when you did, she had a Hyena and a kid (and a nice car)
♥ You joined Harley and Cassandra (and Bruce) on their adventures, stealing marshmallows from stores, going around town causing slight chaos, and just having a grand ol' time together
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fruity-phrog · 1 year
have any Colin and Michael headcanons or predictions about how they are gonna play out?
Anon idk who you are but I love you. Get ready for a long reply.
Okay, as I spent a while yelling about to my wife, I am not sure if Colin and Michael are a formed relationship or just friends with benefits. On one hand, the texts such as "thirst much?" seem very hookup like, but do you bring a hookup to a celebration with your closest friends? I don't know and it frustrates me. But I pretend they are canonically partners because I think it's so cute.
First off, a random headcanon is that Michael is a nerd. He loves Star Wars and the MCU and Colin knows fuck all about such universes. Colin, as we know, is not one to make use of the Richmond Braincell, but he'll listen to Michael rant with a completely blank mind.
Secondly, while Michael doesn't know anything about football he will turn the news on if he knows Colin's playing or doing an interview or something. Colin gets pretty flustered when he finds out Michael was watching. One of the reasons he goes out with Michael is his lack of football knowledge, but Michael's just sweet.
Another thing is Michael's schtick when he met Dani and Isaac and Zorreux; "May I spend all night talking to your cross-eyed friend while [Colin] hits on you...poorly". The pointed look at Colin, Colin's bashful laughter. This is what they tell straight people because this is what happened. Colin has zero swag and spent an entire night chatting up Michael's girl friend just to get to him.
I think these two cretins are adorable. Colin is obviously calmer and freer around Michael. On top of this, Colin already hates himself for making those comments and jokes. This is why I hope think they won't break up. I say this because I've heard people saying Michael will out Colin. No, I think he will be outed by two of Shandy's comments-
"Do something scandalous and go viral."
"Oi, don't be a dick, show some love on your socials."
(I quoted these from memory not sure if the first one is correct)
-and the fact that Zava left Sam's restaurant minutes after Colin and Michael.
Shandy is clearly an advocate of no press is bad press. She would think that a story like Colin's is a good thing. And so far, Zava has shown no outwardly dickishness, but he persists in taking over the team. So consider this - it was Zava's headlights that hit Colin and Michael in the alley. He saw them and took a picture. Sent it to Shandy, who prompted him to/agreed he should put it online.
The synopsis of the next episode is "With their season in a tailspin, Richmond try to right the ship against the mighty Manchester City. Off the pitch, everyone faces their own setbacks." If Zava and Shandy both act like dicks, this is a segway to resolving two issues - the issue of Zava taking over the team and the issue of Shandy ultimately hurting Keely's company. I also think, of course, Trent will get involved in the whole thing, and Keely will try to help as a bisexual woman in PR. So anyway. I don't think Michael and Colin will break up but I do think Colin will be outed. Why? Because he has been given no reason to think he's safe to come out.
Okay, I diverged a bit, but you get the gist.
OH also Colin will get angry at Isaac for the comments and will get to swear a lot it's what he deserves.
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ginger-futch · 4 months
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This is the original sketch of Sam (from the Return AU). In different clothes, because she's usually not wearing thousand-pocket chic; I was kinda going for 2005 tomboy vibes. Some fun facts about her below if anyone's interested (no spoilers for the AU):
She's bisexual; in-universe, it's 2005 so she's not super open about it, but it's something she's accepted as a part of herself.
Being a trans-racial adoptee, she's got some internal conflict when it comes to her sense of heritage and identity. Though her dad did try to get her in touch with her roots, his misguided attempts just made her more afraid of engaging with it, for fear of causing offense or playing into stereotypes.
She's a huge bionicle nerd, despite being a little old for it. Her favorite character is Vakama. (Really, she indulges in a lot of kids' media, in part because she missed out on a lot of normal childhood things as a kid.)
She honestly spent a good deal of her post-adoption years struggling to catch up to what others consider a "normal" degree of pop culture awareness, because the Playcare rarely displayed any media that wasn't Playtime Co. branded slosh. She had a very stressful first day of public school when she accidentally admitted she didn't know about Star Wars.
Her dad enrolled her in self defense courses, specifically Hapkido, to help her with her temper and discipline issues. It worked a lot better than he could have hoped.
She doesn't hate how she looks or feels in feminine clothing, but rarely wears it anyways due to how people act around her when she does.
She's got a talent for poetry, and got her scholarship through a creative writing project, but her major has nothing to do with either of those.
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ashbelero · 2 years
Consuming problematic content: A brief example from my husband
My partner is a comic book collector. I am a manga collector. Lately, he’s been poking around the manga section while I get books because I take fucking forever to grab shit, and because of that, he’s started getting into a couple series of his own. He now collects Food Wars, Witch Hat Atelier, and a recent series called Gleipnir.
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Gleipnir is... something. I’ve watched a couple episodes of the new anime with my partner and oh boy, is it a thing. The basic premise is that people get monstrous abilities by putting special coins in a vending machine, and the main characters are a boy who turns into a living mascot suit and the girl who gets in and pilots that mascot suit like a goddamn flesh mech. In the manga, she apparently does this naked because the suit is wet and slimy inside, but in the anime she keeps her clothes on.
The characters are in their 1st and 3rd year of high school, so... 15-18 or thereabouts, just from what I know about the Japanese high school system. And the books are rated mature and wrapped in plastic at the store because of the kind of content that’s in them, and because that was their intended audience. It’s a seinen manga. It’s not aimed at kids.
My partner was born in the 80′s and is therefore within the series’ target demographic.
When I asked him how he feels about the ages being so low in this extremely sexual title (because it gets hella ecchi), he just shrugged and said “I just pretend they’re in college. It’s not a big part of the story.”
My partner is not part of the anime community anywhere online. He doesn’t know or care about debates about “problematic” content regarding aging up characters. I’ve briefly mentioned issues that people have tried to bring up against me regarding things like “incest” between non-blood-related characters or aged-up My Hero Academia dudes, etc, and... he just kinda thinks it’s dumb and doesn’t know why I bother listening. “Are you doing anything illegal?” no. “Then who cares?”
He’d rather spend his time arguing with nerds about why having POC in Star Wars isn’t destroying the series and why sending hate mail to child actors is a dick move. Which admittedly affects real people, unlike the shit I get from anime purists.
It’s interesting to see what this argument looks like from outside of anime twt or whatever - and it looks like nothing. It looks like a guy headcanoning that the high school girl with her panties taking up the whole damn page is in college.
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uh... anyway Gleipnir is pretty decent, in case anyone was wondering.
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