#anyway hope everyone has been doing well love you all my friends inside the computer xoxo
higherhell · 1 year
Lads...I have done it again... (unintended hiatus)
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alparlaboratories · 1 year
My OCs Masterlist
I got tired of having to look through my mess of a computer to find drawings and other stuff about old OCs and characters I might wanna use in the future, and I’m bored right now so I figured I’d make a list with all of my important OCs, or at least the ones that mean the most to me.
These are not ALL of my OCs, just the main ones for their respective stories/campaigns. But there’s still a lot, lol. Also I’m not counting Niss for this list, even if she’s an OC in my heart. You can learn more about her in my pinned post anyway.
(Note: Art is either made by me, my partner @pastlight or has been commissioned by various artists)
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You know how parents say they don’t have a favorite child? Well I do and it’s Metchi. ‘What if someone decided they wanted to do good purely out of spite and had pretty much everything stacked against them?’ I asked myself. ‘What if she was also a grungy trans girl who has no fucking clue what she’s doing and is constantly bickering with the deity inside her head?’ was the next question. And from that, Metchi was born. The willpower to burn a hole through Mt. Coronet yet the resources and energy of someone who considers cigarettes the most effective breakfast.
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He’s my PC from our current (in hiatus) Pokemon tabletop campaign. A Lumiosian street artist and Sky Trainer who enjoys throwing himself off of high places and being completely fucking incomprehensible to all who meet him. The only neurons in his brains are dedicated to serving looks, calling the wind to his command and delivering the most unhinged takes on the nature of human happiness he can think of.
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‘I would like to make a tragic character whose obsession with the truth will inevitably lead her to ruin’ I thought. ‘Oh, fuck’ Tulip replied. Out of all my stories, hers is currently my favorite from a writing perspective, and I owe a lot of that to Tulip herself, always willing to push and push until something pushes back, because it’s what she thinks she owes to the people who were just as unfortunate as her. And I love her for it.
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Hope and Hunter
These two come in a package deal. ‘Small town life-long friendship’ is something I’ve been meaning to try my hand at writing for a while, and though their story is at the very beginning, I like them quite a lot already. A lot of my personal history with friendships and growing up into your twenties is imbued into them, though they are cooler and dumber and more than willing to take those things to their natural extremes.
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Protagonist of my yet in-progress, unnamed visual novel I’m working on. She’s a sheltered Fae changeling with a death sentence hanging over her head, and a desperate desire to do as much stupid shit as possible before something ends up killing her. She has a bat and absolutely sucks at using it, and she’s hopelessly in love with both of her best friends. I love her deeply, and I hope I can share her with everyone soon.
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Absolute trash human being, possibly the worst woman in Sinnoh, lover of drama and shadow magic and also Dark Souls. What if an older sister was allowed to be as evil as her little heart desired? Well, that’s Shadi. Obviously there’s more to her, but I like making fun of her. I think she’s a funny character on her own right, except when she’s doing horrible shit to my other OCs, which is often. In any case, she’s one of my favorites to write for a reason.
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Eatos is... weird. They don’t have a set story, they kinda bounce around a few of my works being mysterious and off-putting and tricking people with smoke/illusion magic. They exist in the same universe as Ska, and in that world at least they’re a human with the power of a Fae artifact. I’ll get more of a chance to develop them someday.
8) (Really old drawing, I didn’t even have a tablet back then lol)
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Shadi... 2!
Yeah I have a few characters named Shadi, I just really like the name. Anyway this particular Shadi may be my first actual OC, back when I was... fuck, I dunno, fourteen? I don’t know how relatable this is, but she’s the OC that made me think ‘I’m gonna write her story and become a famous fantasy author and write a bunch of books and-’ and you know the drill. That didn’t quite end up happening, but I don’t regret it much. I did write a book, but my creative goals right now are very different from back then, and I’m happy with that. One step at a time. Still, I care a lot about Shadi for basically getting me into writing fiction, and someday I hope I can write a story that’ll serve as thanks for her.
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PC for another Pokemon tabletop campaign that unfortunately never progressed much. Which is a shame, because I like this guy, even if he’s so hard to relate to sometimes that I have trouble writing him. He’s nn ex League/army man who now lives peacefully in Pacifidlog alongside his Electrode called Maradona. He loves dogs to a comical degree (the only part about him I understand) and spends most of his time drinking beer, wishing he could drive fast vehicles and helping out Darya, his neighbor and aspiring contest star.
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Uh... yeah, we’re getting into the really old ones. I don’t remember much about Machi other than she was a hired killer and lived with a guy who did all her murder planning for her because the pay was good and he hated his job that much. It was from her story that Eatos came forth, so it’s a shame that they ended up being so much more interesting to me than Machi. I still like her, though.
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Listen, we all gotta have an edgy OC with a sword, and Tala was mine. Another PC for an even older Pokemon tabletop, maybe even THE oldest. I went around from loving him when I created him, to despising him a few years after and now kinda liking him again, just because he’s so ridiculous in his drama queen ways. He almost rivals Niss in that regard. But yeah, cool sword, tragic backstory, crabby personality, the works. What do you want from me? I loved that shit when I was a dumb kid.
Anyway... there are more of them, but these are the main ones I remember. Of course there’s also Reiko and Percy and characters like that, but they’re different kinds of OCs, and I already posted about them before.
No point to this post other than to have them on here for future reference.
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floralseokjin · 2 years
⤑ 9 months to fall in love 11.
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It seems like everyone around you is either already in love, or in the process of falling, and while normally you couldn’t give a damn, finding out the co-worker you’ve had a teensy crush on is dating someone else at the office seems to sucker punch you right in the gut. It’s stupid, and you’re irritated at yourself, but you can’t seem to shake out of the funk you’ve fallen face first in.
Feeling lonely and heartsore, and mad for no reason, during drinks with your best friend you spot a man at the bar. Tequila confident, you make your way over to the stranger, and successfully one thing leads to another. The next morning you leave before he’s woken up, feeling satisfied in one way, but still as discontented as ever. Telling yourself it was an inebriated mistake, you quickly try to forget about it.
Only, three weeks later that night comes back to haunt you – in a very unescapable way…
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pairing; kim seokjin x f reader au/genre; unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, romance (dare I say romcom in places), smut, angst, (melo)drama, dual pov words; 9,120
warnings/includes (!) Seokjin’s mom plays matchmaker 😬, as Yuna will say it’s one step forward, two steps backwards this chapter, but we still have cute moments, one (1) public erection, very mild angst(?) more like a little melodrama, a small mildly evil cliff hanger because it’s been a while 
⟶ ao3 link
*inspired by the manhwa ‘Positively Yours.’
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↪︎ series index
SEASON TWO ⇤ previous | next ⇥ 
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Seokjin paused reading, his eyes irritated and dry from staring at the computer screen all morning, and leaned back in his chair, automatically reclining slightly. Closing his eyelids, he rubbed his eyes with his fingers briefly before remembering he had eye drops in the top drawer of his desk. As he reached forward his cell phone started to ring, vibrating against his chest from its location inside his suit jacket pocket. He pulled it out, raising his eyebrow when he read the caller ID. 
“Mom,” he greeted curiously. She rarely called him in the day, knowing he was probably preoccupied with work. 
“Seokjinie,” she said, a musical lilt to her voice. 
Despite himself, his mouth lifted up at the childlike nickname. Although, on second thoughts, she only used it when she wanted something… He should probably start feeling suspicious. Instead, he asked, “How are you? Is everything all right?” 
“Everything is perfect,” she replied smoothly.  “I hope I’m not interrupting you.” 
“No, of course not,” he smiled. “You know I always have time for you.” 
“My youngest son, ever the charmer,” she gushed, continuing: “Any woman would be lucky to have him…” 
His stomach dipped a little then, something in the tone of her voice making him feel slightly apprehensive. “I guess so,” he forced himself to chuckle, and attempted to change the subject. “How’s dad?” 
She totally ignored him – or maybe she truly didn’t hear – and charged on. “Do you remember Mrs. Kang? She volunteers alongside me on Wednesdays. For the church luncheon club.” 
“I can’t say the name sounds familiar,” he admitted, now fully dreading what was to come next, because he knew exactly what it was. 
“You’ve met her at least once, Seokjin,” his mom chastised gently. 
“Have I?” 
His delaying got him nowhere. 
“Yes. Well anyway, she has a daughter. The prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Seokjin inwardly groaned, tipping his head back to stare at the ceiling, looking for a miracle. 
“She’s lived abroad for the past few years. For work. She’s a food blogger. A nutritionist! Isn’t that amazing?” 
With his eyes scrunched closed, he responded as enthusiastically as he could manage. Which wasn’t very. “Yeah, amazing.” 
“Anyway, she’s back home now. For good. And her mother’s let it slip that she’s looking to settle down, find Mr. Right.” 
‘Let slip.’ He doubted that. His mom and this Mrs. Kang had obviously been conspiring. 
“That’s nice for her. I hope she finds someone soon.” 
“Seokjin.” His mother’s voice was now low with warning. 
He sighed in defeat, unable to keep acting clueless. “Mom, I can’t right now.” 
“Why not?” she exasperated. 
Because I have a pregnant… he started to respond in his mind, but then stopped. What could he even call you? 
Not that it mattered. He couldn’t tell her yet anyway. He wanted you by his side when he did, and until you were comfortable enough to let not only his family know, but yours too, that wouldn’t be happening. So now he had to try and get out of this date some other way. 
“I’m just so busy.” 
It wasn’t a lie. He spent his days in work and when he could, his evenings with you. 
“So busy you can’t even spare a few hours to have dinner with someone who could turn out to be your future wife?” 
Seokjin bit back a snort. “Yeah, that busy.” 
“I know that’s a lie, Seokjin. Hoseok already gave me your schedule for this week.” 
“Oh, he did?” 
He’d conveniently kept that quiet when Seokjin had played golf with him all day yesterday… 
In his ear, his mom sighed. “It’s been so long since I set you up on a date. I’ve been patient, haven’t I?” 
In her defence, yes, she had. For her. She hadn’t meddled in his love life (or more accurately, lack of love life) since last summer. She’d lasted almost a year. It was commendable – almost. 
He shook his head resolutely. “I can’t go on a date with anyone.” 
That determination must have been heard in his voice too because there was a beat of silence, and then his mother asked suspiciously, “Why?” Before he could think of a reason, she was squealing, the high-pitched noise piercing his eardrum. “Oh my—Seokjinie, are you dating somebody?” 
Still wincing from her assault, he tried to correct her. “No, mom—” 
“You are, aren’t you?” she cut in excitedly. 
“No, I’m not. Please,” he breathed, trying to calm her down, while simultaneously feeling frustrated because he couldn’t explain the truth. “I’m not dating anyone.” 
Technically though, it was the truth. What you and he were doing was more than that, yet at the same time, it could very well be less. If that made any sense at all. No, he shouldn’t think like that. Let his doubts take over yet again. You were both on the same page. This both meant something to you. You’d already cleared that up over a week ago after dinner with Yuna and Jimin. 
“I just…” Seokjin tried again, rubbing a palm over his temple. “I’m not in the right headspace right now. I have a lot going on.” 
Again, that was technically the truth. He did have a lot going on. 
“But Seokjin, this will be great for you. Suzie could be the one.” 
“Considering I know nothing about her other than she’s a nutritionist and Mrs. Kang from luncheon club’s daughter, I don’t think Suzie is.” 
“Enough.” His mom obviously hadn’t appreciated his sarcasm. “Me and your father just want you to be happy. Like your brother is.” 
“I am happy,” he laughed absurdly. Then, trying to back his own corner, he added, “You can’t deny it, mom. Even you said so yourself!” She’d commented a number of times over the weeks how Seokjin seemed lighter and more content than usual. 
“But it’s not because you’re in a relationship,” she said slowly, as if trying to understand. 
“No. I don’t need a reason like that to be happy.” 
However, while it was true, he felt a little like a fraud. He couldn’t deny his recent spike in happiness was because of you and the baby. In a few months he was going to become a father. Things with you, despite his insecurities, were becoming more promising as the days went by. 
And just like that, the guilt set in. It hadn’t felt like a secret until now, just a piece of information he’d neglected to mention. He wanted to tell his mom about you, knowing that she would adore you in no time. His mom was the sweetest person he knew. Of course, the initial shock would be a lot, he wasn’t stupid. This wasn’t how she’d imagined things to go for him, just like he had never imagined it either, but once the news had settled in, once she wrapped her head around everything, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she wouldn’t welcome you with open arms. 
“But Seokjin,” his mom was saying now, “it’s been so long since you’ve had a girlfriend. Like a serious, steady girlfriend. Remember Naeun?” 
“We weren’t that serious,” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, the face of the last women he’d dated properly appearing in his mind. 
“You took her to the beach house.” 
“Only because you wouldn’t stop begging.” 
And we broke up a couple of weeks later…
His mother sighed wistfully. “Whatever happened to her?”
“I don’t know. We haven’t spoken since we split up.” 
“Oh, that’s a shame.” 
Seokjin gave a noncommittal hum in response, opening his mouth to try and escape this phone call, but she beat him to it. 
“So, Suzie. Can I pass your number over?” 
“No,” he exclaimed with a frustrated laugh. “I’m not going on any dates.” 
“Please, Seokjin.” 
“No. Not right now.” 
She was like a dog with a bone when she got an idea inside her head. 
“Just say you’ll think about it,” she tried to wheedle. 
After a moment or two, he gave in, just for a brief respite. “Fine. I’ll think about it.” 
Think about how to get out of saying yes, that was…
She squealed happily. “That’s great. Let me know your answer tomorrow!”
“I’ve got to go. Me and your father are going out for lunch. I love you, bye! I’ll tell him you said hi.” 
Defeated, he let it go, telling her he loved her too before hanging up. Phone gripped in his hand, he leaned back in his chair again, closing his eyes. He could feel a migraine setting in. 
“What?” you asked, bemused by Seokjin’s playful smirk as you made your way back to him on the couch. 
It was Monday evening, and, just like you’d been doing for the past couple of weeks, you’d joined him over at his place to help share his grandmother’s leftovers. It was fast becoming the highlight of your week – that woman could cook! Food always tasted better when someone else made it, and seeing as you hadn’t joined your father and stepmom for dinner lately, this was all you’d been getting. 
“What kind of water jet was that?” he asked before barking out a laugh. “I thought you were going to come through my ceiling.” 
“Jin!” you cried, absolutely mortified. You’d been peeing more than usual lately, which was mainly due to you trying to drink more water, but you’d also read that your uterus had long started to push on your bladder, so when you needed to go, you needed to go… Sometimes the flow was urgent, forceful. You just hadn’t realised Seokjin might be able to hear it. 
When he continued to laugh like it was the funniest thing in the whole world, you stopped abruptly, an arm’s reach from him, brows pinched together. When he realised you were annoyed, his laughter softened, but it didn’t disappear altogether. He outstretched a hand.  “Come here, I’m only teasing.” His voice was gentle, wheedling. 
You crossed your arms. “No.” 
With a whine, he lunged forward, grabbing you by the waist. “I said come here.” 
Against your better judgement, a smile tugged the corners of your lips before you let out a squeal when you found yourself dropping into his lap. It wasn’t the straddling you’d once imagined. Instead, your butt found purchase just above one knee, your legs resting over the other. Still, it was nice, even if you had to try and seem indifferent. 
“I need to go home now,” you informed him, trying your best to keep your lips a firm line. 
“No, not yet.” Seokjin squeezed his arms around your waist, and frustratingly, your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, betraying you. 
You tried again. “It’s not your decision.” 
His eyebrows ticked up, his plump lips twisting. “Seeing as I’m the one driving, yes, it is.” 
“I’ll get an Uber.” 
“No, you won’t.” 
Instant warmth started to spread through you when his lips found yours, his smile widening when you pressed harder. He’d won, and he knew it. He was weaponising kissing, which was frustrating, especially considering kissing him was already dangerous enough. Ever since you’d agreed to take things slow, i.e., not have sex, you’d both been actively and obviously, avoiding temptation. If either tongue went even a millimetre too far, it was over. Done. You’d draw apart and awkwardly try to start conversation about something mundane like work or the weather. 
It was tough, don’t get you wrong. You wanted nothing more than to shove your tongue so far down his throat you felt his uvula – well, not really, but you got the picture. You wanted his hands on you, his mouth on you, his di­—Okay, time to stop. Yuna hadn’t been the best moral support at first. “You don’t have to have full sex. Maybe he can just finger you a bit,” she’d suggested unhelpfully the day after dinner. You both had known getting to second base would never be enough, nor could neither you or Seokjin stop at that. So, as much as you’d love to be reacquainted with those talented, long fingers, you held strong and hadn’t initiated anything. Seokjin was right, if you wanted this thing to become something concrete and definable, being careful was a must. 
Besides, you still had your imagination. And your small collection of sex toys. You’d recently upgraded. Your purple bullet vibrator had served you well, but the pink glittery dildo that had arrived at your door in an unassuming brown box last week, now served you even better. You had no clue why pregnancy made a person so aroused, but then again, not every pregnant person had Seokjin as their baby’s father. You doubted they were going through the same thing as you. It was torture, and you were living it day-in day-out. (You made a mental note to google whether or not pregnancy also made you highly dramatic, because right now you were channelling your inner Yuna. God, that was a thought. Yuna pregnant. She would be insufferable.) 
Mid-kiss, you felt Seokjin’s smart watch vibrate against the small of your back, signalling he had a message. You lamented the loss of his lips as he broke away and lifted his wrist up to check. His relaxed expression quickly hardened as he read whatever the text said, his jaw tightening. Then, as if by magic, or just with inspiring self-control, he smiled at you, wrapping his arm around your waist again. 
“Who is it?” you asked curiously, fingertips unconsciously stroking the back of his neck. Sometimes it was strange to think how natural it had become to touch Seokjin like this. You couldn’t pinpoint the exact time of change, which told you it had happened gradually, imperceptibly, and now it was just the norm. 
For a second, you thought he might not answer, his hesitation visible. “My mom.” 
“Aren’t you going to text her back?” 
You hadn’t been expecting that answer, just because his reaction to whatever her message had said was the complete opposite of his reactions whenever he spoke about her. It was glaringly obvious that Seokjin loved and adored his mother, which should be a given for every man but often wasn’t. His disgruntled expression made you think something must have happened today. Maybe they’d had an argument. 
“Later,” he brushed off, leaning into kiss you again, but you pulled back slightly. Something was wrong with him. You could feel how tense his shoulders were under your arms. Not even having to use words, he answered your silent question – albeit it reluctantly. “She’s, uh…” 
No, scrap that. Not reluctant, awkward. 
He sucked in a breath. “She’s trying to make me go on some date.” 
You blinked, caught off guard. This suddenly seemed like an odd conversation to have while you were sitting across his lap, Glob’s finally growing home butting against his stomach.  
“It’s what she does,” he sighed exhaustedly, rubbing a hand up and down your back as if he thought you needed comforting. You didn’t. “Every once in a while.” 
You raised both eyebrows, the revelation mildly amusing. “Your mom sets you up on blind dates?” When he nodded, you laughed. Now your fingers were running through the long strands of his thick, tousled hair. “That’s pretty adorable.” “Yeah?” He seemed uncertain. “Adorable isn’t the word I’d use.” 
You sensed his displeasure again, but your mouth was moving without much thought. “Well? What did you tell her?” 
He stared at you as if you’d grown two heads. “No, obviously.” 
Even though it was obvious, you still felt elated. 
Seokjin ran a hand over your back again, catching your bra, although he didn’t notice. In fact, he was talking again, fingertips absentmindedly playing with the clasp, totally clueless. Your body was lighting up, but you ignored his touch with every fibre of your being, close to straining. “Only, she’s not taking it well. She thinks I don’t have a good enough excuse.” 
“What, a secret pregnant woman taking up your time doesn’t cut it?” you joked, then saw the look of dismay on his face. “I’m kidding!” 
He still looked panicked. “I didn’t tell her. Should I have? I thought we were waiting.” 
“No, we are,” you reassured, feeling a little sick now with the reminder that still neither of your families knew about your pregnancy. 
A few weeks ago, you’d been happy enough for Seokjin to let his parents know, but then he’d gotten it into his head to tell them together and now you were stalling for time. You didn’t know why. Apprehension more than anything. But also, telling his parents also meant you had to tell your father and Yeonja… Right now, you and Seokjin were in your own happy little bubble, the company of your annoying friends (yes, that meant Yuna and Jungkook) enough. You didn’t want that to change. You didn’t want what you’d so carefully built to change…
“I said I was too busy,” Seokjin was carrying on, pulling you out of your doom spiral. “But she’d already gotten Hoseok to give her my schedule…” 
“She sounds…determined.” 
“That’s one word to describe her.” 
“So, how many of these dates have you been on over the years?” you asked, more than curious to learn more. 
He visibly racked his brains. “At least a dozen? I limit her to once or twice a year. If she had her way, it would be every week until it works and I’m madly in love and married.” 
Just the thought of Seokjin falling in love with someone and marrying them brought out something primal in you. Something possessive. You swallowed the feeling down. Thankfully that had happened yet, else you wouldn’t be here right now, giving him a dead leg as your butt cut off the blood flow. 
“You’ve never had a successful date?” you asked as he readjusted you. 
“Not set up by my mom, no. Then again,” he muttered, “I don’t go on dates any other way.” 
“So either your mom has terrible taste or you have secret high standards,” you accused, pointing a finger at his chest. 
“I don’t,” he said, a smile playing on his mouth as he wrapped his fingers around your reproachful one. “And the women she chooses are perfectly fine, I just…” He shrugged, trailing off. Then, as if he remembered something, his eyebrows lifted. “Well, there was one” 
That possessive feeling came back with a vengeance. 
“We dated for a couple of months, but it fizzled out.” 
You already knew that Seokjin hadn’t had much relationship experience in recent years. Not properly anyway, ever since a serious relationship ended not long after AGS started to take off. Similar to you. Only the end of your relationship wasn’t because you were fast on your way to becoming a multimillionaire with no spare time to concentrate on love. No, the end of your three-year relationship with Taehyung had ended because he’d wanted to get married and have children ASAP, essentially turning you into a stay-at-home mom – not that there was anything wrong with that, if it’s what someone wanted, but that was precisely the issue. You hadn’t wanted that. You’d only recently graduated, your career just starting. Marriage and babies were the last thing on your mind, even if you did eventually want that with him. But he hadn’t been willing to wait no matter how hard you’d begged him too… 
“A couple of years ago,” Seokjin replied to your question. 
“What was her name?” 
“Why did it fizzle out?”
You were practically interrogating him at this point. If he thought the same, he didn’t let on, answering you without hesitation. 
“Me. I was caught up with work, didn’t really make time for her.” He sounded regretful, embarrassed even, by his past actions. 
You on the other hand were puzzled. In these past few months, Seokjin had never once neglected you. Sure, he was insanely busy most of the time, but he always took time out of his day to text and call you, and when he could, see you in person. Like now. The guy could probably be catching up on some well-deserved sleep right now, but instead he’d invited you over. Then again, you were carrying his baby, so his responsibilities were different. Maybe if you were simply just dating, you’d end up like another Naeun… You mentally shook your head. Why were you thinking that? If it wasn’t for Glob, you and Seokjin would never have seen one another again. Dating wouldn’t have been an option. 
“Well, you never know,” you smiled playfully. “Maybe this next one could be the one.” 
He simply stared at you in response, unimpressed. 
You opened your mouth again. “You should go” 
Now you were truly certain that you had two heads. 
You shrugged, sliding your fingers from his hair. They’d somehow been tangled in there this entire time. “If your mom won’t take no for an answer.” You held his gaze, hating that your next question sounded so vulnerable. “It’s just dinner, right?” 
“Well, yeah,” he replied awkwardly. 
“Then, what does it matter?” You tried to sound unbothered. Inside, you were slapping yourself silly. Were you really sending him on a date? 
“It doesn’t, I guess,” he agreed after a moment. Then he sighed. “It just seems like a waste of my time, though. I could be doing something else with my evenings.” His eyes found yours and you tried to keep your mind out of the gutter. “And…well, I don’t want to waste hers, either. She’s looking for ‘Mr. Right’ or whatever.” You couldn’t explain why Seokjin using air quotes was so amusing. 
“You never know, that might be you.” 
“____,” he warned lowly. 
“Okay. I’m just teasing.” You laughed, but it sounded a little forced. Clearing your throat, you leaned in and rubbed his shoulders comfortingly. “I just thought… If you go on this date, your mom will be pacified for the rest of the year.”
He tilted his chin, thinking your words through. One of his hands slid to your stomach, rubbing your tiny bump. “We could just…tell her about…” He continued his movements, letting them do the talking. 
“I just…” You swallowed the lump in your throat, anxiety washing over you in waves. “She won’t be expecting it now.” 
“She’ll never be expecting it,” he said with a slight chuckle. 
“I know that, it’s just…” 
Rationally, you knew the longer you put it off, the worse this feeling would get. You’d been psyching yourself up ever since Glob’s 12-week scan, but tonight felt like you’d walked into a massive brick wall. You’d just learned his mom liked to set him up on dates in her free time. What type of women were they? Could you have ever possibly made the cut? You doubted it. They were probably all high-flying jet-setters, rich and beautiful. Just imagining his mother’s reaction when he turned up with you at her door, nearly four months pregnant to top it all off, made you feel physically sick. Then again, maybe that was your insecurities talking. Time and time again, Seokjin had reassured you his mother was a lovely, non-judgemental person. You had no reason to disbelief him. It didn’t make sense. 
“All right,” Seokjin said softly, obviously reading your torn expression. He surprised you by hugging you. “We don’t have to right now.”
You immediately felt guilty, pressing the side of your face into his chest. You could feel and hear his steady heartbeat. “Seokjin, I’m sorry.” At this point, he should have started feeling irritated at you, instead he was being nothing but understanding. “I don’t know why I’m so worried.” 
“I know it’s nerve-wracking. I’m nervous about it too.” 
His words reassured you. His next ones, not so much. 
“I’ll go on the date. You’re right, at least I’ll be free for the rest of the year after this.” 
You had been the one to suggest it, but you knew deep down it was a stupid idea. You lifted your head. “Are you sure?” 
“It’s just dinner,” he shrugged. “I’ll eat, be polite, then leave,’ he added simply. 
Despite your mood, that made you snort. 
“What?” he questioned, bewildered. 
“I’m starting to understand why your dates never work out… Your priorities are all mixed up.” 
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The next evening, you were at home. 
Work had been particularly demanding today, just one of those days you guessed, so as soon as you’d gotten in, you’d rushed straight for the bathroom. Emptying your bladder first and foremost, and then running yourself a bubble bath. Now, you were in your comfiest pyjama set, the elastic waistband stretchy enough as not to dig into your slowly protruding stomach. You needed to think about making something to eat, but you were in dire need of groceries, never getting a chance on the weekend with Yuna’s dress hunt. She’d finally found something promising on Saturday, a sleeved, classic white dress with a beautifully detailed lace overlay. You were going back this weekend to try it again, so fingers crossed it was the one. Hopefully the torture would be over soon, but then again, after the wedding dress, the bridesmaid dress hunt would begin and that was going to be just as bad. Especially with your developing body. You’d be unable to try anything on and would have to wing it come April. 
You were hovering inside your kitchen when your phone started to ring from its place on the couch. It was Seokjin, and you picked up as quickly as you could.
“Hey, angel,” he greeted, catching you momentarily off guard. He’d never actually said the word out loud – or at least, in that kind of context. As in, not joking around. 
You ignored the butterflies and asked a pressing question. “Why are you calling me so early?” 
He laughed. “Do I need a reason?” 
“No, but…” You trailed off. He didn’t need one, no, it was just he usually only called after 9pm. You’d catch up for twenty minutes, maybe slightly longer, and then you’d go to bed. Recently, you were already in bed when you picked up his call. Your energy had bounced back since you’d entered your second trimester but come the evenings you were exhausted and couldn’t wait to fall asleep. 
“I was just wondering if you’re at home?”
“Yeah, I’m at home,’ you smiled, wrinkling your nose in confusion. Where else would you be? 
“Have you eaten yet?” 
“I was just searching my fridge for the fourth time this hour,” you sighed, ready to complain about your lack of groceries before you heard a knock at the door. “Oh, wait. Someone’s at the door. Hang on.” 
You shuffled into the hallway, your feet not wanting to participate, as you wondered who it could be. Another delivery? Had you ordered an additional vibrator in a hazy orgasm-fuelled hunger? You didn’t think so, but last night after you’d gotten home had been a pretty wild night with Sergio – the fitting name you’d gifted your glittery dildo. 
When you opened the door, your curiosity soon turned to bafflement. Seokjin was stood in front of you, still in his work suit, phone to his ear, his other hand holding a bag, the name of a fried chicken place just down the street from you printed across it. He tilted his head questioningly. “Who you on the phone to?” His voice filled the entryway and buzzed in your ear at the same time. 
“What the hell, Seokjin,” you laughed, hanging up quickly. “What would you have done if I wasn’t home?” (Not really a possibility, but still.) 
He stepped inside, kicking off his shoes. “Good question. I don’t know.” 
You raised your eyebrows. “And if I’d already eaten?” But you were already eyeing up the hidden contents of the plastic bag, the aroma of fried chicken giving you hunger pangs. 
“Not the worst thing,” he shrugged. “I haven’t eaten properly all day, I’m sure I could manage all this.” He shook the bag, cruelly teasing you now, but then he was stepping closer, his sock covered toes practically butting yours. “Hey,” he smiled slowly, leaning in to kiss you. 
“Hey,” you smiled back once he’d pulled away. 
“I’ll get the plates. Go sit,” he ordered gently, his hand spreading over the small of your back to nudge you forward. 
What a lovely surprise. You were grinning like an idiot as you parked your butt down on the couch and waited. 
“Did you have a busy day?” you called to him, taking the bag of food Seokjin had left in the living room, beginning to pull everything out. You probably didn’t need plates. You were going to inhale everything immediately. 
“Meetings,” he groaned from the kitchen. “So many of them. How was your day?” 
You could hear a cupboard opening, plates and glasses clanking, then the tap running as he poured you some water. It made you unexplainably happy to know he knew his way around your kitchen. 
“Not amazing,” you replied. “The client I thought was perfectly normal is actually a pretty persistent, whiny bitch. He’s been emailing be constantly for the past two days.” 
Seokjin appeared in the gap between your kitchen and living room, plates in hand, a slight frown on his face. “He’s not being rude, is he?” 
“No, he’s just… He wants to be updated on every miniscule step.” It was exhausting, to be honest, and very, very annoying. If he carried on like this, it wouldn’t be long before you ended up telling him to stick his personal trainer logo where the sun doesn’t shine. You took the plates from Seokjin, placing them on the coffee table as he went back for the drinks.  
“He doesn’t understand that he’s dealing with a very hormonal pregnant woman,” you continued when Seokjin sat down beside you. You enjoyed eating on Seokjin’s coffee table so much at his place, you’d started doing it here too. 
“Sucks to be him when he finds out,” snorted Seokjin, leaning down to speak to your stomach, his fingers grazing you softly. “And hello Glob, how was your day?” It had become a habit now, eager for your baby to recognise both your voices. 
“They’ve been an absolute menace today,” you informed him, covering his hand with one of yours, while the other impatiently reached for a piece of chicken. “I had to excuse myself at least five times to go fart in the hallway.” 
Seokjin immediately burst into laughter, much to your chagrin.   
“It’s not funny,” you rebuked, mid-chew. “It’s embarrassing.” 
“Everyone has gas,” he reasoned, trying to be sympathetic but it wasn’t working when he had tears of laughter in his eyes. 
“Not everyone sounds like a motorcycle taking off,” you grumbled, licking your fingers after making short work of that chicken.
Seokjin reached over you, piling his plate high. “You haven’t been blessed with Jungkook’s company enough.” 
You were nearly done eating when Seokjin started to shift uncomfortably, fidgeting almost. 
“I, uh,” he spoke, itching the side of his neck. An irritated red patch started to appear. “I let my mom know I’ll go on the date.” A pause. “It’s happening tomorrow night.” 
You tried not to let your eyes bulge. Tomorrow? You thought you had at least until the weekend to prepare yourself. 
“She acts fast,” you heard yourself say. Then, forced a joke. “And I thought Yeonja was bad…” 
Seokjin’s mouth quirked slightly as he finished off his chicken. 
“Then again,” you continued. “I guess I’m not in her company enough for her to start setting me up with God knows who.” Your laugh in no way sounded natural, too high-pitched. “Where are you taking her?” 
You wondered what this mystery woman’s name was, but quickly stopped yourself from asking. The less you knew the better. 
Seokjin shrugged. “I just picked this random place I’ve been to a couple of times.” 
“Nice,” you said, nodding your head slightly, looking down at your lap. Suddenly things felt awkward. 
That feeling didn’t shift for the next hour. You grew less talkative, pretending you were really into a random TV show that you’d flicked onto. In reality, you kept thinking about tomorrow night. Seokjin dressed up nice, at a restaurant, on a date. While you’d be at home probably waiting for a bowel movement. 
When it was time for him to leave, you followed him to the door, practically trudging. 
“Do I get a kiss goodbye?” he asked hopefully. 
It had become something of a little joke between you now, Seokjin always saying it when you said goodbye to one another, but it failed to put a smile on your face tonight. Still, you lifted your chin in silent permission, but you hardly kissed him back when he leaned in. 
With a soft sigh, he stroked your cheek with his hand, his fingertips tickling the shell of your ear. “____, I don’t have to go on this date.” 
“No, it’s fine.” You shook your head. “I said for you to go. I’m just being…” With a frustrated groan, you went silent. You were frustrated at yourself. You had no right to feel like this when you had been the one to tell him to go. 
“I can literally text her right now and cancel,” he continued, pulling out his phone from his pants pocket. 
“No,” you burst out, wrapping your hand around his wrist. “Don’t.” You sighed, rubbing your forehead, trying to make sense of your emotions. “This is her first date looking for something serious, right? If you cancelled, it would only discourage her.” 
Suddenly you cared a lot about this nameless woman’s feelings too.  
Seokjin barked a laugh. “It’s not going to go anywhere, so won’t that discourage her too?”
You levelled your gaze at him. “A mediocre date is better than the date cancelling last minute.” 
At least, you thought so, but maybe your reasoning didn’t make sense. 
“It’s not last minute.” – Seokjin glanced at his watch – “It’s twenty-three hours to go.” When you groaned, he pointed out smartly: “The worst thing I could do is stand her up, and I’m not going to do that.” 
“Stop,” you sighed. 
“Stop what?’ he laughed in frustration. “This makes no sense. She’s going on a date with a guy who’s hiding a pregnant—” He closed his mouth quickly, awkwardly dropping his gaze to slip his phone back into his pocket. 
You ignored the way your skin prickled. You didn’t blame him for shutting up like that. What could he call you? You guys were in some kind of limbo. There wasn’t a suitable word to describe your situation, despite how natural it felt most times. 
“It’s not doing wonders for my conscience, that’s all,” he admitted reluctantly, and you felt a pang of sympathy for him.
That’s what this was about? He felt guilty for deceiving someone. You brushed your own apprehensions, wrapping your arms around his waist. In a couple of weeks her date with Seokjin would be a distant memory, at the end of the day it wouldn’t matter. 
“That’s because you’re a really great guy,” you smiled up at him reassuringly. 
He cocked an eyebrow, sceptical as hell. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” you insisted, fisting the back of his shirt and shaking him gently. 
Seokjin draped his arms over your shoulders, kissing you again. When he pulled away, his eyes still looked unsure. “Are you sure you’re okay with it?” 
“I’m fine,” you reassured. “Honestly.” 
“Okay,” he sighed reluctantly. 
“Okay,” you forced a grin, quickly kissing him once more. “Bye.” 
“Bye.” He crouched down, whispering to Glob too. “Bye baby.”
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The next morning, Seokjin surprised you by asking to meet for lunch. You didn’t think you’d be seeing him again until tomorrow, but you weren’t complaining, obviously. You took the time to find out a little more about his date. Last night before you’d gone to sleep, you’d called Yuna and filled her in on the latest revelations. She’d been uncharacteristically speechless, before admonishing: “It’s basically one step forward, two steps backwards with you two!” You understood why she thought that, but it wasn’t like that at all. This date was just saving Seokjin from his mom’s nagging while simultaneously buying you time before you had to tell her the truth. Although, telling Yuna about everything unfortunately didn’t save you from her nagging. She’d been in your ear for ten minutes; in disbelief you hadn’t demanded every single detail from Seokjin. Name. Occupation. The time of dinner. The name of the restaurant. Her list would have gone on, but you sternly put a stop to it. 
However, this morning you’d woken up with Yuna’s voice still ringing in your ears. On second thought, it did make sense to put a name to the stranger who was going on a date with your…baby’s father… It also made sense to know where they were going to eat, for you know, safety reasons…
At first Seokjin tried to pretend as though he couldn’t remember her name, but you knew he was lying in an attempt to save your feelings. Which was stupid, her name wasn’t going to do anything to you. (Even though yes, you would soon find out, Suzie would be buzzing around your brain all day, so who was the fool?) She was a food blogger, and the restaurant had some fancy name you couldn’t repeat, so you ended up forgetting it almost immediately. They had reservations for 8:30. If Seokjin was wondering about your newfound avid interest in tonight, he didn’t bring it up. Which you were thankful for. 
When he insisted on walking you back to work, you keenly accepted, taking his hand and tugging him down the alley between Artkive’s building and the dog grooming shop next door when you arrived. 
“Where are we going?” he wondered, expelling a shocked breath when you circled your arms around his waist, under his jacket, tugging him to you in an attempt to make him back you against the wall. You were losing your mind. 
“Woah—” He tripped, not expecting your force, and placed a hand out in front of him, practically slapping the brick with his palm. 
“I’m giving you a kiss goodbye,” you grinned up at him before lunging. 
He was so taken back, it took a few seconds for him to reciprocate, but when you pressed your mouth harder against his, your tongue pushing past the seam of his lips, he woke up. The hand not braced against the wall, gripped your hip, squeezing firmly as he tilted his head and kissed you with determination, making you sigh in delight. 
You fisted his shirt before letting your hands explore the expanse of his back, then you let one travel to his stomach, feeling the covered muscles ripple under your chest. He let out a muffled moan, his tongue moving deeper into your mouth, and you started to get a little too excited. You hadn’t made out like this since the whole romper-breastmilk fiasco, which he had been polite enough not to mention again. However, you were acutely aware you were outside in broad daylight. In an alleyway, yes, but still mere footsteps away from your place of work. Seokjin on the other hand was gone. 
The hand on the wall moved to your back, sliding down before it cupped your ass. If your eyes hadn’t been closed, they would be bulging in shock. You didn’t recall him ever doing this before, except for That Night of course. He pressed you flush against him, grunting, and that’s when you felt it. His dick was hard. Very hard. You needed to big up your kissing skills more. You might be terrible at flirting, but your lips knew what they were doing. Obviously. 
Needing to come up for air, you gasped for it like a fish out of water, all the while Seokjin’s mouth pressed and moulded against your cheek and jaw. You clung to him, legs close to collapse, thinking if he were to ask to have you right here, right now, you very well might agree. But mercifully, just before his lips glided to your neck, he stopped, practically tearing himself away. 
You stared at him wide-eyed, your chest heaving slightly, as he panted for breath. “You’re trying to kill me,” he accused weakly, before puffing out an incredulous laugh. 
No way. He was trying to kill you. 
You bit down on your lip, not trusting yourself to speak properly until you took a deep breath. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” you managed finally, your attempt at sounding unaffected failing miserably. 
He leaned in with a smirk, his mouth ghosting yours. When he replied his voice was low and far too sexy and devastating for 2pm on a Wednesday. “Oh, definitely.” 
Your eyebrows lifted. Should you take that as a warning? 
You lifted yourself off the wall, putting trust in your legs. The area between them was hot, pulsing erratically. “Okay,” you breathed, plastering a what you hoped was a relaxed smile on your face. “Then, bye.” 
Seokjin blinked, gathering himself together, and returned his own very tense relaxed smile. “Bye.” He leaned down. “Bye, Globby.” 
It would have been cute if he hadn’t followed it up with a subtle-not-so-subtle dick rearrangement. You looked down at his crotch, he wasn’t fooling anyone. He had an impressive enough bulge flaccid, so erect he was even more eye catching. In the end, a gave up and took off his jacket, draping it over his arm to conceal the issue. 
“Enjoy your date,” you winked, then immediately regretted it, but waved him off all the same. 
He lifted his hand, a small smile on his flushed face, and then he was gone. 
You stayed down the alley for a minute or two, cooling down before you walked into the building. Somehow, you’d both been overly affected by that kiss, even though you’d only wanted to give him something to think about at dinner. You know, just to remind him what he had at home. A pregnant woman who he was sort of dating, sort of wasn’t, who he couldn’t even have sex with because you were taking things slow. You were a catch, right? 
“Good afternoon,” you smiled warmly at the security guard, even though your knees were still knocking together. 
He gave you a slightly odd look before greeting you back. 
You realised why when you slipped into the restroom before entering the office, in need of an urgent pee. Looking in the mirror as you washed your hands, you found your lipstick smudged around your mouth. You’d reapplied it after lunch, which had obviously been a mistake. But then again, you hadn’t been expecting to jump Seokjin down an alleyway when you’d done it. 
You cleaned yourself up and quickly got out your phone. How neither of you had noticed afterwards was beyond you, but then again, you both hadn’t been the most lucid after that kiss. You rushed out a text, and by the time you’d gotten to your desk, slightly breathless, Seokjin had replied. 
You may need to wipe your mouth… Sorry! 
Seokjin 2:02pm 
I don’t want to. Do you think I can pull it off?
You smiled to yourself, laughing silently. 
You were no longer smiling or laughing a few hours later. 
“You literally sent him on his date horny! What were you thinking?!” Yuna cried, all bug-eyed. 
“What? No, I didn’t!” you exclaimed incredulously. “He had my lipstick all over his mouth and he said he didn’t want to wipe it off.” 
She snorted. “Flex.” 
You shot her a glare, beginning to regret inviting her over tonight. The need for distraction was at desperate levels by the time you got home from work, anything to just not think about Seokjin on a date with another woman. However, that was all Yuna seemed to want to talk about. She was still mad at you for your “dumb decision.” 
Speaking of dumb decisions. 
“Let’s look her up on Instagram.” Yuna was already grabbing her phone. 
“No, let’s not do that. It’s weird.” 
But not as weird as her idea for her and Jimin to spy on him at the restaurant. (In disguises of course – as if that made it any better.) Thankfully the name had been too complicated for you to remember because she’d already told Jimin to cancel his plans for the night. Although, the mental image of Jimin wearing a fake moustache and Yuna in a blonde wig brought a chuckle to you. 
“How so?” Yuna asked, already on Instagram. “She’s a blogger, she wants people to search for her!” 
“I guess…” 
If you were being honest, you’d rather not know what she looked like, but then there was a part of you that was curious… Yuna’s reasoning seemed logical. 
“I’m doing it. What was her name again?”
“I don’t remember,” you muttered, getting second thoughts. 
She was already typing, saying the woman’s name aloud and slowly as she did so. “…Su…zie…Kang…” 
“Why ask if you remembered?” 
Yuna didn’t respond, but you could hear her nails tapping away at her phone screen. You didn’t dare look, finding the strings of your hoody suddenly very interesting. 
“Oh, wow.” 
“What?” Your head snapped up, not liking the tone of your best friend’s voice. “What is it?” 
Yuna looked up and lifted an impressed eyebrow. “She’s hot.” 
“Let me see,” you snapped, snatching the phone from her hand. 
You scrolled, feeling your stomach sink immediately. She was hot. Beautiful, really. Had a body to die for, a smile that left you dazed. She looked like fun, if her photos hanging out with friends were anything to go by, the life of the party. You hated parties. They were your worst nightmare. To top it all off, she was obviously a kind, good person too, a frequent volunteer at an animal shelter. 
“Yeah, if that’s your type,” you shrugged indifferently, passing the phone back to Yuna and swallowing your bitterness. 
“She’s definitely mine,” Yuna replied, mouth opening, practically drooling. She scrolled back to the top of Suzie’s account, and you noticed she had 2 million followers. Great. 
“We could be looking at Glob’s future stepmom right now.” 
You stared at Yuna, unimpressed. “Why would you say that?” 
She was joking of course, you knew that, but it still didn’t make you feel any better. Although, it was your own fault. You’d been acting unbothered by this date ever since you told her. Inside, you were anything but. You were Bothered with a capital, bolded, italicised, underlined B. It had taken you this long to admit it to yourself fully. 
“Because my best friend’s an idiot who sends her man off on a date with someone else for no good reason!” Yuna criticised. 
She wasn’t wrong. But instead, you shook her away. “He’s not my man.” 
She made a loud noise of disbelief. “How else would you describe whatever the hell’s going on with you two?” She started counting on her fingers. “He’s the father of your baby, he spends all his free time with you, he kisses you, he feels your ass…” 
You knew she’d use this afternoon’s public make out session against you! 
“He’s yours,” she stressed slowly. Your chest felt warm all of a sudden. “He basically said you’re building a foundation right now, and you agreed. At least, I thought you did until you sent him into this Goddess’s arms!” She held up her phone, food blogger Suzie’s beaming face mocking you. 
You no longer felt warm. Your voice was small when you asked: “You don’t think I’m a Goddess?” 
Yuna’s face fell, finally realising that maybe you weren’t as okay as you claimed you were with all of this. “No. No, that’s not what I’m saying.” She dropped her phone to the side of the couch, looking beside herself as she clung to you. “You are the Goddess of all Goddesses. Especially with this pregnancy glow going on.” She waved her arms, gesturing over your slouched and very cynical form. “You’ve never been hotter. Seokjin would be a fool to get lured.” 
“You’ve changed your tune.” You were unsure why you suddenly felt so insecure. 
“He’s head over heels for you! I’ve been saying it since day 1!” 
“I don’t know,” you mumbled. 
Yuna rested her head on your shoulder. “Ignore me. I’m sorry,” she apologised softly. 
You managed a smile, taking her hand to give it a squeeze. It wasn’t Yuna you were mad at. It was yourself. Why the hell had you told Seokjin to go on a date?! It made no sense. Were you really that worried to let his family know? This was starting to feel like self-sabotage. 
“It’s dinner,” you heard yourself say, trying your best to reassure yourself. “What’s the worst that can happen?” 
Yuna lifted her head. “Well…” She paused, then rushed out: “He could have some unexplainable enigmatic connection with her, have mind-blowing sex with her at a hotel and end up getting her pregnant… Globby could get a sibling before they’re even born.” 
She just couldn’t help herself. But somehow it cheered you up. It was so ridiculous to hear out loud it was physically impossible not to start laughing. “You know Yuna, you don’t have to voice every single thought inside that mind of yours.” 
She grinned mischievously. “But would you love me the same?” Then she joined you in laughter.
Yuna went home around 9pm and you had a shower, taking the time to shave your legs before getting ready for bed. You busied yourself with various creams, even painting your toenails (while you still could) as you watched YouTube on your iPad, anything to take your mind off where Seokjin was. Around an hour later, you finally climbed into bed and turned off all the lights, but no matter how long you laid there with your eyes closed, you couldn’t fall asleep. At eleven, you realised why. Seokjin always texted you goodnight. Your phone hadn’t buzzed at all tonight. 
With that realisation, you began to imagine the worst. It was stupid, and you knew that, but lying in the dark, it was easy for your thoughts to run away with you. Not that you didn’t trust Seokjin. You did. You didn’t actually think something could happen between him and this woman tonight. It was more so what you feared he might realise because of this date. 
What if he was so determined to do things ‘right’ that he was just deluding himself? What if he was trying to build something between the two of you that wasn’t really there? Trying to be a potential family only for Glob’s sake? 
You groaned, flinging your head back against the pillows. You were doing it again. Overthinking, catastrophising. It was obvious Seokjin felt something for you. Even you could see that. But the circumstances you were in made little niggles of doubt appear. 
You should have never told him to go on that date. 
What had you been thinking?! 
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Sometime gone midnight, you’d finally managed to drift off into sleep. It hadn’t been the most rested, but you’d still managed to get in 6 hours according to the fitness app you used. You still weren’t feeling much better than you had the night before, and while still arguing with yourself to get out of bed, your phone pinged. Seokjin’s good morning angel did little to make you smile. In fact, you found yourself growing irritated with him. Unjustifiably, seeing as you’d been the one to send him to that stupid restaurant you still couldn’t remember the name of, but you couldn’t help it. 
That was it? No follow-up text? No phone call? He was just going to pretend as though last night didn’t happen? 
Frustrated at your emotions, you angrily got ready for work, not bothering to reply to him. When you got into the office and pulled out your phone from your purse, you saw you had another message from him and a missed call. Instead of reading it, or calling him back, you put your phone on silent and shoved it into your drawer. You had a busy day ahead of you no doubt, filled with more emails from your personal trainer friend… You’d call Seokjin at lunch. When hopefully you’d be in a better mood…
The morning went fast, despite keeping yourself to yourself the entire time. Twenty minutes before lunch, you heard Mari gasp your name excitedly. “Oh, ____! Look who’s here!” 
Your head shot up from your computer. She was over by the reception desk, talking to Yeeun, which meant she had a clear view of the glass door leading into the room. You knew who it was instantly. Only one person could induce such a reaction from Mari. 
“Seokjin’s come to visit you!” 
The entire office – Seokjin’s Fanclub – started to buzz. You darted out of your seat as quickly as your legs could carry you. For some reason guilt and agitation were whirling around your stomach. 
“Let me open the door,” Yeeun rushed, standing up to leave her desk. 
You got to her just in time. “No.” It came out a lot sterner than you’d intended. You tried again, forcing a smile. “No, it’s fine Yeeun. I’ll go to him instead of interrupting everyone.” 
As you walked towards the door, you saw him stood outside, in a rusty brown shirt with cream polka dots. You’d never seen him wear that before. It looked good on him. But then you remembered you were still mad at him…because of something you’d done. He’d looked worried you realised belatedly, when his expression relaxed as he saw you approach. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked (more like demanded) once you’d opened the door and closed it behind you. 
He automatically reached for you in relief, his hands on your upper arms. “I’ve been trying to call you all morning. I was worried. I thought something bad had happened.” 
“My phone’s been on silent,” you replied, regret washing over you rapidly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.” Of course he’d worry about you and the baby. You spoke every morning. 
Seokjin’s brows furrowed together, as if sensing something. “Is everything all right?” 
“Yeah,” you brushed off, feeling uncomfortable. God, this was a mess. 
“It’s just… Has your phone been on silent this entire time? I always message you in the morning.” He tilted his head, waiting for your answer. 
The words were out before you could stop them, sounding immature and accusing. 
“You always message me goodnight too.” 
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Written 2022. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2022
682 notes · View notes
nojey · 4 years
reminiscing (fans 2)
dreamwastaken x streamer!reader
genre: angst pronouns: they / them word count: 2.1k warning(s): failed relationship, cursing
fans (part 1)
synopsis: after taking 6 months off from social media, you finally explain to your fans why you took so long and why you needed it.
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go live. *click*
you watched as your chat strolled in and viewer count go up. your computer screen illuminating your face in the dark room as your webcam caught the nervous look. you were shaking your leg up and down, a habit you caught whenever you tried to calm yourself down. 
“hi everyone, it’s been a while since my last stream, huh?” you dryly chuckled. “it’s been about.. 6 months since i last streamed and at this point i think i’ve taken enough time to correctly word how i’m going to tell everyone why i decided to take a break from streaming.” you said looking down at the ground and fiddling with your fingers.
“uh, donation notifications will be off for this stream and chat will be on emotes only because i really just want to focus on getting this out. but if you plan on donating, thank you so much, really, it means the world to me.” you said finally looking at your webcam and smiling a bit. you read a chat and answer, “yes, i’m doing okay. i just have a big announcement i want to say after i tell you guys why i took a break.”
you took a deep breath in and started. “ over a year ago, almost 2, i met this guy through a friend and we started talking. it was very little at the beginning but as little as it was, his texts always made me smile.” you scratched the back of your neck. “and as time went on, we started talking more and more and he just became part of my daily routine. when i woke up i’d see a good morning text from him, we’d spend most of our day being on the phone with each other, i was even on facetime with him most of my streams but i had an airpod under my headset so you couldn’t really see it, i almost always fell asleep on facetime with him. i really fell for this guy.” you fondly smiled, looking at your desk, where your phone used to be propped up and you would see clays face just looking at you.
“then we started streaming together. ‘omg he’s a streamer too’ yeah, and a lot of you probably know who i’m talking about at this point but i still won’t disclose who it is. i uh, got a lot of messages from you guys telling me that i looked super happy that stream and i was. i was always happy when i talked to him. but along with those messages i also got a lot of hate, telling me to stay away from him. it didn’t really bother me because i always get hate when i stream with my guy friends; i was used to it.” you said, taking a sip from your water then wiping the side of your eye as it teared up. 
“and today... i’ll be going on the dream smp! with the man himself, dream. dream, say hi now.” you introduced, you waited a few seconds but was only met with silence. you grabbed your phone and sent him a voice message, “clay! you’re on deafen! introduce yourself!” you screamed into your phone. dream then took himself off deafen and said. “hi (y/s/n)’s chat! i’m dream, i’ll be showing (y/n) around the smp today and we’re gonna get started on their house.” you smiled fondly when you heard him speak. “yeah! what dream said!” 
so you both logged into the dream smp, said hi to sapnap, and dream gave you a tour. you then started building your house in a forest, quite far from everyone else, “i don’t want anyone bothering you or ruining your house when you’re not on.” he explained. you told dream you wanted to build a cottage so if anyone does end up stumbling upon it, it looks welcoming to them. so dream started building your house for you even though you insisted you do it together. “dream! let me help, this is supposed to be my house.” you dragged. “well we can both decorate inside and make it our house.” you started blushing. “i guess..” you mumbled. you then started adventuring out to look for flowers and some things to decorate the house with.
you started placing flowers down into flower pots when you noticed something. “dream there’s only one bedroom.” you mentioned. he slowly turned around to look at you and quickly turned back and placed two beds next to each other. “this is our room, dumbass.”
later that night you checked your twitter dms and saw many people telling you to stop talking to dream and that you weren’t good enough to even know him. you sighed and powered down your phone.
“i think a few weeks after that he asked me if i could fly out to him and we’d meet in person. i was so excited i immediately started packing and i met him. it was amazing! i got to meet the guy i’ve been in love with for the past few months. i think it may have been a year already. but yeah, i finally got to meet him and being in his arms was the best feeling in the world, i felt so safe being with him.”
“it was the day after that, when he asked me on a date and i, of course, said yes. like who would say no to the person they fell in love with... so we went on a date and at the end of it we were just sitting on top of the hood of the car, eating dinner, watching the sunset and talking about a future we wanted together. and it may seem like we were moving fast but i knew 7 months into talking to him that he felt the same way about me. no matter if either of us disclosed it. i could tell and i knew he knew the same about me. then i went home and everything was perfect, i wasn’t his girlfriend yet though because we wanted to wait a bit.”
“that’s when everything went downhill, i think” you looked up to try to stop the tears from going down your face, but they fell anyways so you just let it be.
“we started streaming more and more and i started getting more hate than i usually got, this time getting death threats, people threatening to leak my address if i didn’t stop being friends with him. it was crazy but i was willing to endure it all for him. who cares what people on the internet are going to say to me? i really didn’t because i was happy enough with him that, that happiness overcame whatever type of hate i was getting.” tears kept falling from your eyes but you didn’t bother to wipe it, knowing it would just keep happening.
“dude you’re so annoying! you definitely cheated!” you screamed as you died. through your headset you could hear clay wheezing. “there was no way i was cheating!” he said through his laughs. “ask my chat, they saw the whole thing.” you breathed out, not wanting to believe him till a dono was sent to you, “yeah, (y/n) you just suck at this game,” you gasped, your jaw hanging then you started pouting. it was clipped and one of your viewers sent it to dream. he suddenly started laughing harder and you asked him why he was laughing, with a pout still on your face. “even your chat knows i didn’t cheat!” you started laughing too, till you read a message in the chat saying, “ew, their laugh is ugly. i don’t know why dream likes them.” you stopped laughing but kept a fake smile on your face.
“then he called me and he told me that he didn’t think we should be dating anymore, or even be friends. and i think it was because he saw the hate i was getting and he didn’t like that. he told me a different reason as to why he didn’t think we should date anymore but i didn’t believe it, but i let him go. because i was not going to force him to be with me if he really did mean it. “ you said, sniffling after so you didn’t sound too congested as you spoke.
after you hung up, you curled into a ball and cried. you cried, and cried, and cried. the feeling in your chest hurting more than you could ever imagine. you just lost the guy you wanted to marry, the guy you had spent over a year going to because of your problems, the guys you saw having kids with, the guy that made everything worth it. he was the only person on your mind as the pain in your chest grew. you tweeted and powered your phone off straight after. you didn’t want anyone messaging you asking what was wrong, knowing your friends they would do that. 
“so the reason i took a break from streaming was because of that. because i resented the people that sent me hate so much i couldn’t bring myself to stream. i didn’t resent them because they sent me hate. i resent them because the hate they sent me caused the guy i really wanted to be with to make me believe he didn’t love me like i love him.” now, you were sobbing, letting your cry’s out because you had been holding them in for too long. 
it had been a few months and you were on snapchat, seeing that you had a memory a year ago today, you checked it. “i think i literally met my soulmate.” with a picture of you and clay in a discord call. your breath got caught in your throat and your breathing became labored. your eyes started stinging as the tears started falling. it’s happening again, all the pain from the day you stopped talking to him came back and once again, you were crying into your hands and you couldn’t stop.
“i had always known that becoming a streamer i would get hate, but i never thought that i would get enough hate to prevent a relationship i really wanted to work. now all i do is reminisce of a guy i wish could be mine”
“streaming has brought me so many opportunities and i am so grateful for everything you guys have done for me, and for me to be able to do something i love and make money from it is insane to me. you guys have given me everything i ever wanted in life up until that point and i am so grateful and appreciative of that. you guys gave me friendships that i will never lose and never forget. so many of you have told me that i’ve saved you and changed your lives but trust me when i say you guys have saved me and changed my life too. i hope i repaid you back by making you smile, being your comfort streamer, and being a support system for each of you. but i think this is my end of the road. i fucking love streaming, i love you guys. but every time i click that “go live” button or even try to, all i think about is him and that’s too painful for me right now. maybe in the future i’ll find my way back here but i can’t promise that.”
“thank you guys, so, so, so, so, much for every single opportunity given to me, for everything. i love you all. my dms are still open. and this was (y/s/n), signing off for possibly the last time. goodbye everyone.”
end stream. *click*
a tear rolling down his face and falling onto his keyboard as he watched you finally say goodbye to your stream. it all just felt like you were saying your last goodbye to him again. 
for the last 6 months all clay could do was think about you and how he wished he just messaged you and told you he was sorry and didn’t mean what he said. that he misses you and he would quit streaming if that meant he could be with you. that all he wanted was to feel you in his arms again and just live out the future you two planned together. 
but if you just said goodbye to your chat for your last stream because you couldn’t stand the thought of him whenever you tried to stream. how could you ever forgive him?
the thought of never speaking to you hit him once more and again, he cried, sobbed, screamed, threw things, and even then, he knew.. you would never be coming back to him, with every fiber in his being, wishing you would.
taglist: @loxbbg @bozowrites @noahsfag @sparklykeylime @bi-narystars @axths @cheybaee @letsloveimagines @meatte @julesamen21 @classyunknownlover @bad268 @strawbrinkofdeath
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Congrats on 2k mama sweet,,,!! :))
Since there is no sk8 requests yet how about option 2 - Kaoru x reader <3 Had this thought after reading ur arranged marriage fic... how about at the start of the marriage reader thinks that Kaoru is cheating on her when he sneaks out at night but after he tells her about S, reader feels kinda silly for thinking so.. next thing you know Kaoru is taking reader to all the beefs as his lucky charm. Reader even has a matching costume and the others start calling her "Lady Cherry" or smth,, teaches reader to skate (she's lowkey jealous of carla >.<) + some domestic fluff (what if reader finds out she's pregnant....) This doesn't have to be connected to the other fic & you can ignore the cheating part if u like... :-*
A/N: :0 Lady Cherry is a super smart name!
other fic here
Please enjoy~🍰
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There he went again...
The sliding door of your shared room altered you from your sleep. This was the 6th night in a row that he left without a word in the middle of the night. The first 2 nights you thought he was simply tending to business and was just busy. After the 4th day, you were suspicious and a bit hurt. He did tell you he didn’t want to hurt you and treat you right....so where was he going?
This was another night he had gotten up, so instead of staying in bed you followed him. 
“Carla, make sure to lock the doors when I leave“ he said to his AI
“Yes, master“ you scoffed. You had to admit the stupid computer got on your nerves. He practically loved talking to her and every time she answered him, he gets all giddy. You were really jealous but you wish he’d get that way with you.  
Just as he was going to leave you called for him
“Kaoru?“ he froze and turned around “It’s late...“ you said coming closer to him. That’s when you noticed what he was wearing, he was in a sleeveless yukata with a black mask over his face, and a...skateboard?
“Y/N I...um...“ being that he can’t speak about S he was contemplating whether to tell you or not. But you were his wife and he wanted to be open with you on everything. However what you said next caught him off guard
“...if there’s someone else please just tell me...“ and the way you looked when you said it just broke his heart. Did you really think he was cheating? Even though this was arranged, he couldn’t ask for someone better to be his wife. You were smart, shy but bright, not to mention beautiful.
“Y/N“ he walked to you and rests his hand on your shoulder “I would never cheat on you and I assure you there is no one else.”
“Then why do you leave at night?“ you ask
“*Sigh*....I go skating.“ he said bluntly. There was nothing to hide from you and it was all true
“...huh“ he lifted his board for you to see
“Some friends and I go skateboarding in a secret location for races and such. We only go at night so we go unnoticed.“ he held up a small pin “It’s called S..now that you know you can’t tell anyone. Now go throw something on, we’re heading out.“
Just as he said you were heading out in the dead of night. And of course you had to ride on Carla, every time he spoke to her it was like he was talking to his crush. As you approach a gate with two guards he gives you a larger sticker of the letter ‘S’. You show them to security and make it inside where people had started screaming. You knew he was popular among women but this was more than you thought
“Lord Cherry!!” one screamed 
“Cherry” he interrupted 
Getting his bike to a stop he helps you off and says “we don’t use our real names here for security reasons. Here I’m Cherry blossom.” 
So what he was telling you was true. You honestly felt a bit silly for jumping to conclusions so quickly. Before he was off to what he called a ‘beef’ he introduced you to JOE. You were surprised to see the popular chef here as well, although you knew they had been friends for years. The large screen in the area showed you just how goof he was at this. 
He was fast but graceful, sharp an precise on corners. The crowd only cheered louder than before. 
“So, you’re the one he’s been talking about huh?“ Joe asked 
“He’s been...talking about me?“ you asked
He nodded “He was gone for like 3 days in a row not to mention he was brushing off more women now. That’s when he told us there was someone he wanted to be loyal to.” okay, now you felt really silly. After the race was done and over with Cherry had made his way back to you. He comes and embarrass you and whispers in your ear
“You brought me good luck.“ you felt your heart skip a beat from the feeling of being close to him
“oooo, look at Lord Cherry with his lady~“
“Shut up you big oaf!!“
During the next few months you had gone with him to almost every beef. You had even gained a name for yourself, ‘Lady Cherry’. You had become quite popular among some men there and even cherry’s female fans. He would usually bring you as his ‘lucky charm’, it was cheesy but sweet at the same time. They also had a habit of saying 
“The Cherries have arrived“ 
On his free time he would actually taught you how to skate, well he tried anyway. Balance wasn’t exactly easy and being from a traditional family, this was unusual for you. You’d be holding on to his shoulders while his hands held your waist
“Don’t let me fall“
“You’re doing just fine dear. Why don’t we try some tricks“ he offered  
“Are you sure you’re the man I married?“ you ask with a smirk
“The one and only dear“ he kissed your cheek 
It was honestly so cute to him. You’d have a scared but excited look on your face. Your cheeks would turn pink and it just made his heart fluttered. On top of all that you were willing to indulge in something he has loved from a young age. He always took you with him to each beef he attended. Both for showing you off an he is in love with the idea of winning every race for not just himself but for you as well.  
Although tonight you wouldn’t make it to the beef. He was going to race Joe but that was put on hold. You had been feeling sick all day and you just finished emptying your stomach. As much as you told him to go, he refused to leave.
“You’re my wife and you’re clearly not okay“ he said helping you up off the floor “you come before any beef or competition. Now come on, let’s get you to the hospital and get you checked out.“
A short drive to the general hospital was taken that night. No, he would not wait until tomorrow morning. He wanted to know that you were okay and didn’t have anything terminal. After speaking with the nurse and giving some blood and urine samples you both patiently waited. You leaned against him playing with the digits of his fingers. 
*Knock knock* “Ma’am we have your results” the doctor says holding up a couple of papers and even some medicine. “well, you’re clear for any terminal conditions or diseases. although you have some hormonal imbalances and some new ones kicking in.”
“Meaning?“ Kaoru urged him on
“Congratulations, you’re 4 weeks pregnant.“
“....“ you both sat in shock at the news. You were pregnant? Well, you two were active, and maybe Kaoru has his own little rituals. Either after or before a beef he’d get frisky and was set on pleasing you both. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that this would have happened, still it was shocking news
“These are some prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take for the month. Make sure to make an appointment to check on the baby alright?” giving you the vile of pills he takes his leave leaving you both in silence. What were you supposed to say? How were you going to deal with this? Were you even ready?
“-together.“ you didn’t catch his whole sentence 
“I’m sorry what was that?” you ask him
“We’ll this together alright?“ he took your hand in his “believe me I’m as shocked as you are but, we’ll figure this out together okay?“
“Alright“ you smile back 
“We should probably start with a bigger house for the three of us“
“Kaoru, come on it’s just paint I can-“
“You are not moving a muscle“ he cut you off “I want you to rest all you can. You’re making a baby and that’s enough.“
To say he was strict during your pregnancy was an understatement. As soon as your belly started showing you were no longer going to beefs with him. You were currently 6 months along, and expecting a girl! Kaoru was over the moon to know it was a girl. he would have been happy with a boy too, but a little copy of you was like a dream. He couldn't wait to see the little girl that would look like you and act like him.
Today was nursery day, which meant painting, building and organizing. Kaoru had you only fold and organizing the clothes and things while he painted. Of course being your idea you had called the boys over to help. Joe was building some stuff along with Shadow. Langa and Reki were actually helping to paint the walls. 
“I appreciate you guys coming to help“ you smile 
“Hey it’s no problem, at least you told us about it“ Joe commented. Oh yeah, he also wanted to keep it a secret so that 
‘the idiot wouldn’t ruin your pregnancy‘ which made you laugh for a good 5 minutes. But they were very good help and made the process easier 
“Hey so what are you naming the baby?“ Reki asked 
“Well, Kaoru kind of wanted to associate it with his skate name so we agreed on Sakura.“
“AAWWHH“ everyone said out load slightly teasing him. Without turning from the wall he said
“....I just wanted a beautiful name for her was all.“ although he was cold at times they knew he meant well especially for his family.  A while late Joe made a small dinner for you all to enjoy. You thanked them for coming over and you were done for the night. You were putting on some lotion over your rounded middle when Kaoru came behind you. He wrapped his arms around and over your own hands and rested there for a moment
“Who would have thought we’d be here huh?” You whisper
“In all honesty I was hoping for it” he admired “before we married you were described as a caring and sweet woman. But you were so much more once we were married. You’re compassionate, intelligent, stubborn, beautiful, and absolutely perfect” he said kissing the side of your head “and now, you’ve given me the gift of being a father. Thank you”
Turning in his hold you wipe away small tears “oh Kaoru , thank you too. You’ve treated me like I’m the only person you need. On top of that you take care of me but still give me my freedom. I love you..”
“And I love you” he rests his forehead against yours as his fingers trace over your baby bump.
I hope this was okay!❤️
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sleepy-belphie · 4 years
I have a request if you’re up for it. An MC who just arrived in the Devildom who’s lover just dumped them the day prior. The bros know MC isn’t emotionally or romantically available at the time but the bros still fall in love regardless. How will the bros handle the situation? Thank you! 🙏💗
Hi! I sort of took this idea and ran with it and wrote basically a headcanon short story for each bro lmao. Sorry I got a bit carried away but I hope you like this and it satisfies you! :) 
Also thank you so much @midnight-dome for the help with Asmo, you’re a lifesaver
Tags: @kawaiiblack
The success of the program depends on your wellbeing
So he checks in on you every other day like clockwork 
“Is there anything you need to make your stay more comfortable?”
You always say no
At first, he’s glad you’re staying in 
Because it means less trouble for him
But when you skip all of your classes one day, he comes to your room ready to give you a firm reminder of your tasks here
He’s about to knock when he hears you sob 
Now, Lucifer has heard a lot of crying in his life
But he’s never heard someone sound so completely broken
He shocks himself when he turns on his heels and walks away
He shocks himself even more when he texts the group chat and demands everyone leaves you alone for the day
That evening he comes into your room with a small plate of food
By then you were are least on top of your sheets
You knew he was gonna ask the same question as always
But this time, his words were different
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
He simply nods
And though he didn’t outright say what he meant by help, you knew
“I...don’t know?”
“Hm, okay. I’m going to listen to some music in my study. The door will be unlocked should you wish to join me.”
Then he’s gone
The few precious moments Lucifer isn’t working, he prefers to not be disturbed
So why on earth did he invite you to join him in his study?
He doesn’t have time to ponder it because the door opens and you come in with a blanket wrapped around you
The first night you both listen in comfortable silence
A few nights in, you start asking Lucifer about the records he puts on and he has no qualms educating you on it
On night 10 you tell him about the breakup
Once you’re done he, again, asks the same question
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
‘You’ve done more than enough to help me Lucifer, thank you.”
He finds himself blushing from the sincerity in your eyes and the warmth in your smile
That night you fall asleep before the record finishes
Surely you’d wake up aching if he left you in a chair
So he picks you up, carries you to your room, and tucks you into bed carefully
He tells himself he’s doing it for Diavolo
It’s for the program, this is his job
He’s gonna need time to accept his own feelings before he can tell you anything
For now, he’ll keep doing his “job” and spending evenings with you
He didn’t want to be your babysitter
He was a busy guy! He had stuff to do, money to make, things to steal
Some days he gets Beelzebub to keep an eye on you so he can do what he wants
One night in particular he heads to your room to make sure you won’t interfere with his plans
“Yo! The Great Mammon has things to do so don’t-”
He pauses when he sees you sitting on your bed with your headphones plugged into your laptop
He would have assumed you were just watching a sad movie by the tears streaks on your face
But the pain in your eyes…
He’s seen that look before
His brothers held that same look the day they fell from Heaven and lost Lilith
Mammon sits on the bed and you jump, finally noticing him
You expected him to make fun of you but instead, he grabs the tissue box on your bedside table and hands it to you
He glances at your laptop to see what you were watching and sees a paused video of you and someone else
You tell him about the breakup and Mammon listens closely
“What a jerk! Ya deserve better than that! I’d teach ‘em a lesson if they ever showed their face around here!”
You smile for the first time since he came in the room and he feels like he’s done something right
“How about we get some late-night food? I know a 24-hour restaurant with the best baked newt ever. Your treat.”
He’s shocked when you agree
He makes a point to hang out with you more often
He can’t recall exactly when you went from “a human” to “his human” 
Maybe it was when you held his hand while you erased all your photos and videos of your ex from your computer
Or when you texted him at 3am because you couldn’t sleep and before he could even think about it he was up and on his way to your room
Or when he spotted you in one of his jackets while walking home from RAD
But his greed was kicking in and he wanted you to be his and only his
However, much like he puts himself first, he knows you need to do the same
So though his nature and mind wants to kiss you silly and have you for himself
Part of him knows he’ll ruin things if he lets his greed take over
So he’ll fight his nature and try his best to be patient
He had been playing one of his games online
He’s on a big winning streak and feeling a bit cocky
He sees he’s been matched with someone else so he gets into gamer mode 
Then he loses the first round
He’s a bit shocked and pissed that his streak was now broken but he has to prove his superiority to whoever this opponent was
So he rematches them
And loses again
And again
He loses 7 rounds in a row
By this point he is fuming
So like any salty gamer he sends a very lengthy, angry message to their inbox
Accusing them of using cheats and hacks because there was no way anyone was more skilled than him at this game
He gets a reply a few minutes later
“Um.....is this Leviathan? Avatar of Envy? It’s MC…”
You knew it was Levi because his username is the same across all his social media platforms
Cue Levi barreling into your room a minute later
“How are you so good!? You’re cheating, aren’t you!? You cheater!’
You weren’t cheating, you just had been playing games day in and day out to distract yourself so you got really good at it
Levi all but demands you to come to his room and show him what you know
You were already playing all night anyway so why not play with someone? 
Initially, Levi would have you come over just to show him your tactics 
(Also to get some team wins on his stats because he never has anyone to play with)
But you were actually pretty chill for a normie
Maybe if he exposed you to his otaku ways you would take to them and he wouldn’t be the only one in the house anymore!
You don’t become an otaku but you do get invested in almost every anime he shows you
He starts inviting you over for midnight premieres of new episodes
He starts buying extra merch because what if you wanted one?
He was used to disproving looks from his brothers when he mass buys stuff from Akuzon
But you only smile and listen when he tells you about his new special edition item
You never once judged him and his unconventional ways
This epiphany makes him extra nervous for your weekly hangouts
It was only a matter of time before you came across a break up in an anime
When the episode ended you told him about your break up and how the protagonist reminded you of yourself because they also were taking a break from love
Levi has seen this anime before actually
He remembers how the protagonist reacted to a side character confessing to them and it went bad
So while he knows he likes you, he holds off on saying anything because the last thing he wants is to be a bad story arc in your life
Lucky for him he’s always a flustered blushing mess so you shouldn’t suspect a thing
He is the Avatar of Wrath so whenever there is rage, he is aware
He feels anger radiating through the house one day and thinks his brothers are just fighting again
Imagine his surprise when he realizes the source of the anger is coming from your room
He walks in and sees you throwing things around and screaming, your room was destroyed
He sees you’re about to step on some glass and instantly swoops in and picks you up so you don’t hurt yourself
But then you curl up against him and burst into tears
He stands there, not quite sure what to do 
He ends up sitting on the bed and letting you cry for a while
You word vomit about your break up and he listens carefully and notes the anger welling up inside you as you speak
He knows all too well what anger can do to someone and a fragile human shouldn’t have to go through that
“Would you like some tea?”
He can spare 30 minutes for some small talk with the human if it meant that you wouldn’t be left in your thoughts
You look at him like he has three heads but agree because your room is a mess and you don’t wanna deal with it right now
Tea time becomes a daily occurrence and soon enough it escalates to full-on hangouts
Going to the bookstore, going to cat cafes, going wherever you wanted to really
One time you both took a day trip to the human world
Lucifer wasn’t happy to find out his brother and you were gone for an entire day but he lets it go when he sees that you’re smiling genuinely for the first time in weeks
What Satan didn’t expect was how these outings made him feel
He finds himself distracted from his books because he can’t stop thinking about how cute you looked holding that black cat at the cafe
Or how happy you looked when you took him to that ice cream shop in your hometown that you really love
He wakes up and you’re the first thing to pop into his mind
He’s not dumb, he knows he’s fallen in love
But he also knows this isn’t the right time, you aren’t ready
So he’ll keep being there for you as a friend
And if you ever want him to be there as something more, he’ll happily oblige
There was a movie night at the House of Lamentation
Today’s movie was an action movie, courtesy of Mammon
Amidst all the face punching and explosions, there was a budding romance between the main characters
After the third obnoxious makeout scene, you leave the room claiming you need to go to the restroom
But you leave just a *little* too fast and Asmo can feel something is up
And he thrives on gossip so he intends to find out what is it
He leaves the room a few minutes later and catches you in the hallway, determined to get you to spill the tea
You tell him about the breakup
He wasn’t prepared for the tea to be so bitter
“Oh. Well, you know what’s good for that? Face masks!” 
He had to save face somehow and beauty was his default
He’s a bit shocked when you agree but you both ditch movie night to do face masks and talk a bit
He decides to share a couple of bad date experiences he’s had to make you feel better
“Trust me, you haven’t felt embarrassment until you have someone vomit Enfield brains on your new pants and shoes while at one of the hottest clubs in the Devildom.”
You spent the entire night giggling and listening to his stories
Devildom products are surprisingly effective on your skin so you keep asking Asmo to show you new products
Plus his company is nice
Self-care days become a common occurrence
Then those self-care days become self-care sleepovers
He starts intentionally waiting to try anything new because he wants you to be there when he does
He buys more of those scented candles you told him smelled nice
A few weeks later you’re having a self-care sleepover again and you have this really cute focused look on your face while painting your nails
He knows he likes you, but this was different than his usual attraction
He didn’t want to fuck you
Well he did but not just fuck you
He wouldn’t mind if there was something more
But you routinely ended your self-care nights by yelling ‘Fuck love!’ at the top of your lungs and laughing
So he knows now isn’t the time and he’s actually okay with that
You were a sight to behold regardless of his relationship status with you
But he hopes you’ll indulge in him one day
Mammon keeps pushing his human watching duties on Beel
But he doesn’t really care because he’s being paid in cheesecake
After his third day of keeping an eye on you, he notices you aren’t eating much
Being the Avatar of Gluttony, this is basically a crime
He starts bringing extra snacks with him when he hangs out with you
“I think the chocolate flavor is better than the vanilla. What do you think?”
He actually doesn’t have a preference 
He just wants to know which snacks you like more so he can bring more of them
He makes a game out of it so you don’t think about how much you’re eating
“It motivates me to work out longer when I get a snack, could you help me?”
You sit on his back and after every pushup, you both eat a bit of whatever snack he has
He keeps going until he thinks you’ve eaten a decent amount
Or you say you’re getting full
Belphie notices that Beel is refilling his snack stash more often but he doesn’t say anything
Beel feels an immense sense of accomplishment when you finish your plate at dinner a few days later
Soon after you tell him about the breakup
“It hit me hard but you made it easier to cope, Beel. These hangouts are the highlight of my day so thank you.”
There’s a certain pang Beel gets in his stomach when he’s really hungry
Somehow your words made that pang happen in his chest
But this didn’t hurt him, quite the opposite actually
He felt good, he felt happy
It was strange for his stomach to be the quiet one while his heart went wild
But this wasn’t a change he minded too much
He wasn’t sure what to make of it but he knows he wants to figure it out with you
And he’ll take his time doing so because he liked how things were now
He’s intrigued by you after the first week of your stay
He’s never seen a human who slept as much as he did
Frankly, he was impressed
Until Lucifer informed everyone about your recent breakup and made it clear to not upset you
That’s when Belphie realized these were not the leisurely naps he takes, but depression naps
One day he sees you sleeping in the living room and you looked so distressed
Sleeping was meant to be a peaceful state but you looked so unhappy
So he wakes you up
“You’re in my sleeping spot.”
You weren’t in his sleeping spot.
“Oh sorry, I’ll move-”
“You’re already here. We can both fit.” 
Before you can protest he’s all comfy next to you and falling back asleep
Having another person next to you was kind of comforting so you let it go and go back to sleep
What you didn’t know was Belphie could partially influence your dreams
He can make them more pleasant but he can’t control what you dream about
He knows it works when he wakes up and you have a relaxed expression on your sleeping face
You wake up soon after looking confused
“Good dream?”
“I think? I had a dream I rode a unicorn to the moon then carved my initials into it?”
Napping together in the living room becomes a routine
And every time you woke up you told him about the dream you had with a small smile
A few weeks later he notices he no longer has to influence your dreams for them to be good
So he leaves you be and instead curls up in the attic for his afternoon nap
He wakes up a bit when he feels someone lay down next to him
It’s probably Beel
“Why didn’t you tell me you moved napping spots?”
His eyes open and he looks over to see you pouting at him
“I just sorta ended up here.”
“Well, I can’t nap without my cuddle buddy now can I?”
You’re teasing him and he should be annoyed
But he’s blushing
He spoons you to hide that fact, resting his forehead on your shoulder
But while your dreams were getting better, it didn’t mean you were ready to move on
So he just enjoys his intimate cuddling sessions with you and tries not to think too hard about the fact that he really likes how your body fits against his
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 1
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello’s masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite, who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310, @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria. Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 1806
Additional note: I'm afraid I'll disappoint some of you. No more newspapers... The articles defined the setting of the story. From now on, it'll be a regular fic.
Hope you enjoy it nevertheless 🙂
June 2021
Ivar yawns, rubbing his eyes, when he suddenly hears the front door open. The next moment, Ubbe shouts, "Hey baby bro, we're home!"
Slightly confused, Ivar looks at the time on his computer. Stunned, he blinks repeatedly, shakes his head and checks the time again, now looking at his watch. "Guess I lost track of time," he mumbles as he realizes it's really 5:30 pm. He clears his throat. "I'm coming!"
Yawning once more, he wheels to the kitchen. Hvitserk waves at him with one hand as Ubbe greets him with a grin and Sigurd... Well, Sigurd ignores him, as usual.
"Hello boys!" Lagertha smiles as she also enters the kitchen. "Did you go to the beach this afternoon?" It's a rethorical question, since sand can be seen on the tanned skin of his brothers, shirtless and wearing only swimming shorts.
When she looks down at him, her smile becomes softer. "Ivar, you seem tired. Did you work all day long?"
He nods, glad that for once she called him by his first name and not by one of those stupid nicknames that she likes but that make his skin crawl.
"Yep," he shrugs without smiling back, "I made good progress. The new version of your website is almost done. It could probably be online by the end of the week."
His stepmom flashes him a beaming smile. "Great, thanks!"
The conversation then moves on to the subject that everyone in Kattegat has been talking about for the last few days: the midsummer party thrown by their neighbor Harald Hårfager. Every June, it is Kattegat's not-to-be-missed event, to which every resident hopes to be invited.
Lagertha is invited every year, yet rarely attends; his brothers wouldn't miss it, not in a million years; Ivar never went.
He listens with half an ear as his brothers prattle on about the upcoming party, while taking a seat at the large, wooden kitchen table on which Lagertha has just put cakes and drinks.
"What are you going to wear?"
"Do you think Marit will attend this year?"
"Hopefully the music will be better than last year."
"Can't be as bad! What was the name of that reggae band?"
For a fleeting moment, Ivar entertains the thought of attending as well. Not that he's dying to, but… Sometimes, he feels a little bit like Cinderella in this house.
Don't get him wrong, it's not that bad.
First, his stepmom is not–
Wait, wait, wait, is Lagertha technically his stepmom? He's not sure. After all, she wasn't when his parents were alive, she was just his father's first wife. Anyway, she may be his guardian now, but he sees her as his stepmom and he honestly doesn’t give a shit if it's a little weird.
Where was he? Oh yes, Cinderella.
So obviously, Lagertha is not a wicked, haughty and abusive stepmom like this Lady Tremaine of the fairytale.
Actually, even if it pisses him off to admit it, she's pretty nice, patient and composed. Does he love her? Let's not exaggerate – he doesn't. She may love him though, which is a little bit uncanny, if he's being honest. He was the favorite son of her nemesis. Shouldn't she hate him? He would, if the situation was reversed.
The truth is, when he was younger, he tried, he really tried to hate her, blaming her for everything and anything. When too much pain prevented him from sleeping, he let his imagination run wild. There, bound to his bed of suffering, he could see Lagertha cutting the brakes on his mother's car, causing her crash, causing her death.
Of course, even then, he knew deep down that Lagertha had not killed his mother; that the story he told himself was just the product of his endless nights of insomnia. But what can he say? He needed this. Because blaming Lagertha rather than admitting that his beloved mother was at fault – by being distracted, or by falling asleep, he'll never know – was easier for the heartbroken boy he was.
Anyway... So yes, Lagertha is definitely not an evil stepmother like Cinderella's.
Also, he doesn't sleep on a sorry garret, on a wretched straw bed either.
Actually, he has a very large room on the main floor, with a king-size memory foam bed, a walk-in – well, a wheel-in for his case – closet and his own, huge bathroom, fully equipped for his special needs.
Sure, the bathroom and the dressing room were already there when his parents were alive; however, the memory foam mattress had been Lagertha's idea.
Anyway... So yes, he can't exactly complain about his sleeping conditions, unlike Cinderella.
And obviously, he's not forced into servitude.
Actually, one might think so, but no, he's not. Sure, sometimes he works for his stepmom, like today. But so do his brothers. When she had taken them in, she was a powerful businesswoman, working twelve to fourteen hours a day. Once she had become their guardian, she had rearranged her working time and learned to delegate; but even so, she had often run out of time. Therefore, it had seemed normal to them – yes, even to him – to help her out, each of them according to their skills and abilities.
So, while Hvitserk almost always does the grocery shopping, while Sigurd vacuums and does the laundry, while Ubbe mows the lawn and trim the bushes, he, Ivar, runs her company's website and sometimes even does the accounting. And since he loves computers and numbers, it's not exactly a problem.
Anyway... So yes, he's not a slave in this house. Unlike Cinderella.
So, yes, to sum it up, he can't really complain and he's by far not Cinderella. And he knows it.
But... Yes, there's a but...
Sometimes, he feels trapped, as poor Cinderella must have felt.
Sometimes he feels like a spectator of a life he doesn't belong to.
Sure, he doesn't have to be homeschooled – but gods, he's glad he is. The reasons for him to be continuously bullied by classmates are endless. The simplest ones being: he is a cripple, an orphan, the son of a dead mob boss, the smartest one in the whole damn school, let alone his class. Take your pick. It's no fun, no fun at all. Being home alone is preferable to that alternative.
Therefore, barely leaving the house except for medical appointments, he has no friends. He doesn't do sports either – obviously – and yeah, he lives a lonely life, filled with video games and Netflix series. And he's okay with that. Well, most of the time.
Sure, his brothers, or at least Ubbe and Hvitserk, always try to include him as much as possible. But the truth is that because of his legs, there are many, many things he just can't do.
And the other truth, the less pleasant one, is that he partially did that to himself. He cut himself off from a world that hurt him, yet he still misses this world sometimes. At times, he blames himself. Because his life, honestly, is hardly what you would call a life, is it? Not when you're sixteen.
That's why sometimes, like now, he feels this longing, almost a need, to live. To really, truly, fully live. And that's why, for a brief moment, lulled by the light chitchat of his brothers, he considers attending Harald's midsummer party.
But he knows better. This life is not for him, never has been, never will be.
And so, shaking his head, he chases the thought away and, placing his hands on his push rims, he's about to leave the kitchen while the incessant babbling of his brothers goes on.
"I can't wait."
"Don't tell me! As every year, the most beautiful girls of Kattegat will be there."
"Remember that burger food truck? Best burgers ever!"
"I've heard Y/N would be attending this year."
"There'll be booze and girls! Sounds like Valh–"
Wait. His mind goes blank.
What? Did he hear right?
As he replays his brother's words in his head, it's like there's an earthquake happening inside of him.
He stops breathing. Blinks, then clamps his eyes shut.
When he finally manages to draw air into his lungs, he swallows loudly before asking in a weird, high-pitched voice, his heart pounding in his chest, "What– What did you say, brother?"
Hvitserk turns his head toward him and shrugs. "I just said there'll be boo–"
"No, not you!" Ivar snaps at his brother, pointing his pointer finger at Ubbe. "You, what did you fucking say?" Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Lagertha frowning – 'no curse words in this house, boys'– and even if he barely contains an eye roll, he still mouths a quick 'sorry' at her before rewording his question, impatience coursing through him. "What did you say, dear brother? Who did you say would attend?"
Stunned, Ubbe looks at him with wide eyes. "Y/N? I said Y/N would come. That's what I heard anyway. She's Harald's niece. She was here once, right? Remember her, baby bro, huh?"
But Ivar is no longer listening, the blood draining from his face. Y/N... Y/N... Fuck. Finally. Fucking finally. After so long... He may see you again. Wow.
I'll go! I'll fucking go!
He barely contains the words, suddenly acutely aware of the deafening silence in the room, his brothers shamelessly staring at him.
With her brows furrowed and her lips turned downward in a slight frown, Lagertha takes two steps forwards before crouching down in front of him. "Are you all right, sweetie? You're a little pale."
He barely hears when Sigurd giggles, "A little pale? He's greener than an alien!"
Lagertha shoots Sigurd a dirty look and then gently cups Ivar's cheek. "Do you know her, Ivar? Do you know Y/N?"
Overwhelmed, self-conscious, freaked out, caught off-guard, he doesn't know how to respond. Should he tell the truth? Should he lie? His brothers will mock him, for sure. What is the point of telling the truth? What good would it do? On the other hand, he could really use some advice. Yeah. Sure. Advice from Sigurd. Just the thought of it is enough to make him sick. Fuck, what is he going to do?
Rushed words are out of his mouth before he can even gather his thoughts. "No. No. I don't. I mean, yes, I think I do but–" He's being pathetic and he hates it. So after a sharp intake of breath, he shakes his head and eventually replies in a flat, calm voice, the white lie rolling off his tongue. "I know her, but I thought Ubbe was talking about someone else. Sorry."
With these words, he hastily leaves the room, his eyes riveted on his knees, his heart still drumming in his chest.
Y/N. Fuck.
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings
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wonder-kid-pugh · 3 years
This isn't Funny - (Rose Lavelle x reader)
Not really up to my usual standard but I thought I would post it anyways? Hope you like it.
April 1st also known as the worst day of the year for Rose Lavelle.
The day was just an absolute pain for the midfielder. It didn't help that being apart of the Uswnt also meant putting up with the multitude of pranks that you risk the chance of stumbling apun. Being teammates with people like Sonnet, Kelley and Pinoe didn't help either.
But they were nothing compared to Y/n
Y/n L/n, Rose's beautiful, lovely girlfriend was the worst prankster on the team. No one was safe from her pranks not even Rose herself. Rose was able to reel her in once they started dating minimizing the amount of pranks she pulled. She was able to keep her in line with the threat of no cuddles or kisses. It did help that Y/n's love language was touch and she would absolutely die if she didn't get her daily cuddles from her girlfriend.
But April Fool's was an entirely different story
April fool's day was the only day she had complete uncontrollable reign over her pranks. Within reason. Rose wasn't that dumb to not to set some ground rules. So when this camp happened to roll around on April 1st it was safe to say that everyone was on high alert for one of Y/n's pranks.
Rose gently cracked open the door to the meal room. She pushed open the door fully before quickly stepping out of the door frame. But she scrunches her face when nothing happens. "It's all clear!" She hears someone inside the room.
Rose pokes her head in to see the majority of the team are down eating breakfast. Rose walks in septical of the lack of pranks, "Nothing?" Becky shrugs, "We already checked the entire room as far as we know it's prank free". Rose frowns before shaking her head, "That's not possible. Y/n loves classic pranks there's no way she didn't at least put a bucket above the door or something!"
"Maybe she slept in too late to set it up" Alyssa suggests sipping her coffee. With a quick scan of the room Rose shakes her head again, "She was already gone when I woke up I thought she would be down here". Carli hums, "Now that you mention it. It does seem too quiet down here". Christen sends the midfielder a reassuring smile, "I'm sure she's fine Rose. I'd say she's just setting up some elaborate prank to pull on the team". Rose hesitantly nods, "Yeah probably".
Waving goodbye to the older players of the team she quickly grabs some food before heading over to her usual table. "Hey Rosie" Mal hums as she sits down across from her. "Hi" she says back while digging into her scrambled eggs. "Where's the devil you call a girlfriend?" Kelley asks.
Kelley, Sonnet, Pinoe and Ash were common targets of Y/n's pranks. Purely because when she first joined the team they saw her as the perfect target for their pranks. So Y/n saw this as payback and as it as justice for all the times they pranked the rest of the team. Rose secretly knew it was because she was staking her claim as best prankster on the team but she wouldn't tell them that and start a prank war because that wouldn't end well for anyone.
Rose bites the inside of her cheek, "I don't know..." Lindsey groans, "She's probably out setting up all her pranks for today". Mal pouts, "I hate April Fool's Day. I somehow always stumble into one of her pranks".
She did. She always somehow finds a way of walking into one of Y/n's pranks meant for someone else by accident. Like the time she borrowed Lindsey's hairdryer only to get a face full of flour.
They started strategizing straight away. It was common knowledge that Y/n loved classic pranks, all the old school ones. She always made sure to pull at least one every year. But then she always upped the antee with a more elaborate prank which would leave the team in stitches on whichever poor soul happened to stumble into it.
But as they started discussing ways of avoiding Y/n's pranks, Rose couldn't help but feel nervous. By the sounds of it no one had seen the forward yet today and that didn't sit well with Rose. Hoping to ease her nerves, she texted her hoping to at least know she was okay wherever she was. But as it was getting closer to the end of breakfast and there was still no sign of her and still no text telling her whereabouts, that's when Rose started to freak out slightly.
"You okay Rose? You seem really fidgety today?" Alex asked as she passed the midfielder who kept glancing at the door. Rose bites her lip, "I'm fine it's just I haven't seen Y/n all day". Alex gives her a small smile, "I'm sure she's fine she's probably setting up some pranks somewhere". Alex balances Charlie on her hip, "I just hope she doesn't have anything planned for me". Rose waves her off, "She doesn't. She said she didn't want to risk Charlie getting caught in the crossfire and thought you earned a break with your pregnancy and all". Alex grins and at the mention of Y/n, Charlie started to gurgle happily while clapping her hands.
Kelley whines, "What? That's no fair!" "Just because Charlie has Y/n wrapped around her finger..." Sonnet grumbles. Rose rolls her eyes at the two but Alex purses her lips. "Now that you mention it, it is weird...Y/n promised to take Charlie today while I organized some business stuff" Alex say to Rose. Now this causes Rose to frown.
One thing that everyone knew was that Y/n adored Charlie. She absolutely loves the child. She was always the first to volunteer to babysit her to give Alex some time off. And Charlie was always happy to see Y/n. It was extremely cute to see the two interact and it was clear that Y/n would do anything for the littlest Morgan.
And Rose wasn't going to lie, seeing Y/n with Charlie gave her major baby fever and found it extremely attractive.
Now this causes Rose to frown, "What? That doesn't make sense. Y/n never misses a chance to play with Charlie..."  Alex shrugs, "All I know is Y/n said she would take Charlie after breakfast". This didn't ease any of Rose's nerves.
Mal sends her friend a reassuring smile, "I'm sure she's fine Rose. Maybe she just forgot. You know how she gets on April Fool's". Rose sighs, "Yes but she would never forget about hanging out with Charlie. And she still hasn't answered any of my texts".
"Okay how about this. We give it an hour and if Y/n still hasn't shown up, we have a look around for her" Sam proposes. Rose bites her lip but nods, "Fine".
But one hour turns into two and Y/n still hadn't showed up. And even after searching the entire hotel, none of the team had found their missing teammate. "Nothing?" Rose asks as Christen, Tobin, Becky and Alyssa, the last group walk in. But they all shake their heads. "Sorry Rose still no sight of her" Tobin sighs.
"There isn't even a sign of a prank anywhere" Pinoe frowns. "That's unheard of for Y/n" Crystal comments. "She still won't answer her phone" Tierna sighs after trying to call the forward again. Everyone was quiet wondering where their lost teammate could be.
"Okay hear me out" Sonnet starts causing everyone to look at her, "could this be some complex prank Y/n planned? To get us all worried about her 'missing'" But Rose was quick to answer.
"No she wouldn't do that. She loves pranks but she wouldn't take it this far" Rose says adamantly. "Has anyone tried her apartment?" Christen asked. They all look between each other.
Christen sighs, "Okay let's go". Rose bolts up and is already out the door before anyone could stop her. Thankfully camp was in Utah this month. And due to Y/n playing for the Royals she had an apartment here for during the season.
Rose had a spare key just in case of emergencies which she decided this was one of them. But even as they walked in, Rose already knew she wasn't there. Y/n had a thing with silence. She grew up in a house with 4 brothers. She never got a bit of peace and quiet. She hated silence. It's a reason Y/n always carried earphones with her. When things get too quiet she starts playing music to fill the void. So when Rose walked into a quiet apartment she knew Y/n wasn't here.
Rose takes this time to try and call her again. But she sighs when the call rings out and goes to voicemail. When the voicemail beeps Rose sighs and rubs her temple, "C'mon Y/n this isn't funny anymore. I'm really worried about you. Please call me back". She ends the call and looks around the apartment for any clues where her girlfriend could be.
Christen and the others just send her sad looks though when they search the entire apartment but find no trace of the girl. Rose felt like tearing her hair out.
But then her phone rang
She didn't even check it before she was fumbling to answer it, "Y/n?!" But instead of the cheerful voice of her girlfriend, she heard a woman speak down the phone, "Is this Rose Lavelle?" Rose squeezes the phone tighter, "Yes this is she". "I'm calling as you are the emergency contact for Y/n L/n. She was brought in earlier today for a head injury".
Rose clasped her hand over her mouth trying to stop the gasp from leaving her mouth. "Is she okay?" "She's okay. A little roughed up but she'll be fine". Rose lets out a small sigh of relief, "What hospital?" After finding out what hospital she was at and telling the team they were quickly off again. Rose was already jumping from the car before Tobin had even come to a complete stop.
Rose rushes up to the reception, "Uh hi I'm the emergency contact for Y/n L/n. I got a call she was here?" The nurse nods and checks the computer before smiling at the midfielder, "If you would follow me".
Rose followed closely behind her. When she walks into the room she sees Y/n smiling dopely at her, "Hi!" Rose stares at her stunned for a second before she takes three quick strides to her girlfriend.
Y/n pouts as she rubs her arm that Rose just hit, "Why would you hit me? I'm literally in a hospital!" Rose sniffles as she slaps her arm again, "Do you know how worried I was? Why haven't you been answering your phone?" She  frowns as she takes Rose's hand in her, mostly to make sure she didn't hit her again, "My phone is shattered I couldn't answer it the screen was too destroyed".
Rose's eyes drifted up to Y/n's forehead to see stitches above her right eye and a bruise blooming on her jaw. Her hand lifted up to touch her forehead but Y/n flinched away. Rose frowns, "What happened?" Y/n pursued her lips, "I was jumped when I went out this morning to get supplies for April Fool's".
Rose frowns as her hand grazed over her bruising jaw but this time she doesn't flinch away and instead nuzzles into her touch. "I'm sorry for worrying you" Y/n whispers kissing the pad of Rose's thumb affectionately. Rose shakes her head, "I'm just glad your okay".
Y/n grins at her girlfriend, "I know it looks bad but I totally kicked their asses". Rose couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sure you did babe". Y/n raises an eyebrow, "Seriously I totally had them. They got lucky that there was two of them and they caught me off guard. Otherwise it would be them here and not me". Rose giggles and kisses her forehead gently, "Whatever you say tough guy".
"You know we would have enjoyed our prank free day if we weren't so worried about you" Sonnett teases. Everyone laughs while Y/n pouts, "I can't believe I missed April Fool's Day! I had so many good pranks planned!" The older players shook their heads at her while the younger players silently cheered at they wouldn't fall victim to her pranks.
"I know you missed April Fool's Day but I might know something that would cheer you up" Alex says stepping forward. Y/n's smile immediately brightens as she sees who sees the small child in Alex's arms, "Charlie!" The littlest member of the Carrasco Morgan Family gurgled and babbled happily and made grabby hands at the forward.
The team watch as Y/n blows a raspberry against the child's cheek causing her to sequel. They watched happily as their now found teammate plays with the small child. Rose couldn't stop the smile spreads across her face as she watches her girlfriend play with  Charlie. She couldn't help but think how great Y/n was with kids. Even though she scared the shit out of her today.
The one thing Rose did know was Y/n would be a great mother.
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
The one where the reader is a singer
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characters: HARRY x SINGER!Y/N
blurb: The reader is finishing up her brand-new album and as Harry comes to visit her on her last day of working in the studio, he gets to react to one of her songs, 34+35.
word count: 1.9K
author's note: HI GUYS! It’s been a week I think? Anyway, I’ll get back to school tomorrow so idk when imma post the next request but I’m hoping that it will be soon! Anyway, I want to thank y’all for the love and support on my writing and I hope that the anon who asked this likes it as much as I did. Never forget that you’re so golden and tpwk. AND ALSO, HAPPY 27TH BIRTHDAY TO HARRY!
    You took a deep breath right after asking for the track to be played again. To everyone else the track was perfect, but it was different for you. It just felt like something was missing and you didn't know what. And god, you were tired. You were so genuinely exhausted that if you sit up in a chair and stay silent for more than five minutes you'll simply fall asleep. You felt your eyes heaving at every blink of yours and it was only 5 pm, but you were in this studio for so long. You were inside this place for 36 hours now with no shower and no sleep. You did eat but now you were hungry again.Your shoulders were tensed up, and you couldn't feel comfortable anywhere. Not in the couch, not in the chair, not in the floor and not even stand up. All you genuinely demanded right now was to be home under your bed sheets curled up with your boyfriend of four years while taking many naps or watching many movies, but no, you needed to have this done. You needed the album to be done and were extremely thrilled to release it to your fans that were excited as well. But yes, you were so frickin' tired.
— Again... — You repeated after a long and sharp breath listening to some groans from your coworkers. You all have been listening to this one song for about an hour and a half now and you haven't actually changed anything yet. — I know, I know, and I'm sorry guys, it's just not right!
— Maybe you think it's not right, but it is and you're just making a huge deal about it. — One of your co-workers said. A girl, Lucy, one of your friends as well. You turned your head to stare at her face and gave her that glaze that made her shrug her shoulders because of it — Alright, I'm sorry.
— I'm not making a huge deal. It's just not right, and I feel like the entire album is so great and this is just wrong. Like... — You said standing up from the couch you were sitten in and walked to the table with the computers on to grab the one paper you used to write this song. You stared at it in your hands for a while as you read the letters. — See, here is the problem. So here it's "you drink it just like water" and then suddenly comes "so what you doin' tonight?", it doesn't make sense, there's something missing in here. — You go through the lyrics again as you hear more groans from the people in the room — And honestly, I'm disappointed with myself for the rest. I need to change it so badly, but I have no idea on how.
— No problem, love — You naturally said referring to his previous apologies.
   That's when you hear the sound of the door being opened. You rise your head to look at the door and see Harry, your boyfriend, walking into the room with some paper bags in his hands that contained burgers directly from In-N-Out, which was in fact your favorite Los Angeles burger place ever. He arrived in silence, trying not to make a noise for fear that you were recording something but you could note his surprised expression when he saw everyone was looking at him instead of recording.
— Sorry guys, I didn't want to disturb you. I was passing by and wanted to check up! — Harry said as he closed the door behind him and walked farther into the room. You smiled tenderly when you saw the figure of the man walking closer to you. You haven't seen each other personally in some days, and he consistently secured you so much spiritual peace, he just had such a light energy and it made you feel so good  — And also y’all had been stealing my girl for so long now! — He joked getting a slight laugh from everyone inside the studio. He approached you by wrapping your waist with one of his arms around your waist and sealing your lips together as he bends down a little.
— And Harry, technically she is maintaining us here and not the other way around — Lucy said in an ironic tone causing you to look at her quickly before letting out a deep breath and lowering your head by rubbing your sleepless eyes with the help of your hands, probably a negative result of sleep. Harry reflected the girl's words and then looked at you carefully before placing the bags on the coffee table that was next to the studio sofa.
— Why? What happened? — Harry asked encountering his gaze with yours as he crossed his arms and observed you raising your hand that contained the papers with the lyrics of your new song.
— I can't write a proper ending that I genuinely like! — You said, sounding frustrated to everyone in that room.
— The ending is good! — Another of your friends, Jaden, said as he got up and picked up one of the bags Harry had brought and then started walking again to sit on the sofa.
— Jaden, you in silence is everything to me! — You said in a mocking tone while running your hand through your hair — But you understand, don't you? — You asked Harry because he has experience with such a specific subject — It's not that it's bad, it's that I don't feel like it's ready!
— I get it! But have you already recorded? — Harry asked softly in his understanding tone. He more than anyone in this room comprehended exactly what you were feeling and he would do his best to help you since you did the same with him so many times before.
— Yes, twenty times! — Jaden murmured a little before taking a bite of one of the burgers that Harry had brought. Harry couldn't hold back the laugh when he heard the boy, as they knew each other well and Harry knew all his sassiness was based on nothing more than hunger.
— Let me hear it, so I can have some ideas to help! — Harry said looking at you, and then noticing your reaction. Your eyes widened at the man's request. It wasn't fear. It was just an apprehension and that made Harry extremely curious  — What? 
— Well... It's a little... — You said in a lower tone seeking your words.
— Promiscuous and indulgent! — Lucy and Jaden completed your sentence making Harry look at her and the boy sitting on the sofa and then Harry raised one of his eyebrows and looked at you with a smirk on his lips.
— Uh, is it about me? — Harry asked in a mocking tone, waiting for the answer that would raise his ego, of course.
— Look, let's not specify anything — You said quickly and nervously looking at the smirk on your boyfriend's face — Ok, Trevor, play the song right for the love of god! — You said getting a laugh out of Harry, Jaden and Lucy due to your despair in ending this matter.
    And Trevor did as you asked and put the song on. You sat down on the bench near the wall and crossed your arms while watching Harry's reactions. The soon as the song started everyone could notice your voice and the rhythm of it that matched the beat.
You may think I’m crazy
The way I’ve been craving
If I put it quite plainly
Just give me them babies
    You could notice Harry bouncing his head on the rhythm of the song as a sign that he liked it because you knew that he only did that to songs that he likes. And you also noticed a small smile when he listened to the end of this verse because he did remember all the times you both had talked about having a baby before.
So what you doin’ tonight?
Better say doin’ you right
Watching movies 
But we ain’t seen a thing tonight
    Again you noticed the smirk and you did smirk as well because you both knew the lack of ability that you had to watch any movie that lasted longer than two hours and you almost ended not watching anything.
I don’t wanna keep you up
But assuming can you keep it up
‘Cause then I’d like to keep you up
So maybe Imma keep you up
    Harry wasn’t looking at you, though. He was looking at the floor while bouncing his head and paying attention to the song as he was trying to catch the vibe of it and honestly you don’t know if it’s the song that had this vibe but he was looking way too hot to handle at this moment.
I’ve been drinking coffe
And I’ve been eating healthy
Know I get squeaky, yeah
Saving all my energy
    Now the chorus was about to start and you were actually excited and nervous to see Harry’s reaction of it. You two have been dating for four years now. He probably understood any little detail of this song more than anyone else.
Can you stay up all night?
F**k me till the daylight
34 35
    You started to hold back your laugh as Harry lifted his head up fastly with winded eyes and a surprised look so he could face you. It wasn’t actually your style to write songs that promiscuous so he was actually surprised at it even though he loved it. He had a smile on his face though and so did you. 
    The song kept playing as the words repeated itself and it stopped just after the second chorus so Harry passed his hands through his hair as you waited for his opinion on it. Honestly, Harry’s opinion about your music is extremely important to you because you cherish and admire him way too much and love his songs so you hope that he does too with yours.
— So... What do you think? — You asked anxiously waiting for his opinion. The truth is Harry had already listened to all the songs on his new album except this one.
— I like it! — Harry said with a smile on his lips making you breathe a sigh of relief — Maybe I can help write the rest, but they really didn't lie and it's great. The beat is good and the lyrics are catchy and everything will be fine. The point, my love, is that you are too worried! — Harry said as he approached you, placing his big, strong hands on your shoulders and massaging them lightly feeling all the tension in your muscles slowly dissolving — Relax, it's amazing! You got it!
   With Harry's help, you finished the song in less than an hour. When you recorded the rest and listened, you felt that now it was ready and now you could go home with him. It was simply incredible to know you could always count on him and to know that while you were together creativity would be present and life wouldn't be boring. After all, you had each other and had the art.
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dottielovegood · 3 years
ASMR - Chapter 4
Elriel fanfiction
About this fic:
Azriel can’t sleep Elain has an ASMR channel Match made in heaven (or you know, on youtube..)
You can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here and chapter 3 here
Read this fic on AO3
The following week, Azriel read Elain’s messages too many times to admit. He had answered her that “meat banjo” was, indeed, a vile word, and after that, they hadn’t really talked or texted.
He had saved her number as “Elain”, which had felt weirdly private. As if they were friends, which they were not. He was just her friendly helper, and she was his remedy for nightmares.
However, even though they didn’t know each other, Azriel felt an odd sensation in his chest when he thought about her. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought that he was missing her, which was absurd. But the tight little knot in his chest felt very much like longing. He tried to tell himself that this was weird and stupid. He knew that he had a crush on her (even though he hated to admit it), but he could also see that it was a pointless crush. She was an internet sensation, he was a boring IT guy. She was light and happiness and flowers, he was dark and brooding. She made people smile, he made people uncomfortable. And then there was the practical side of things. They had met on the internet. She probably lived on the other side of the country. Hell, she could even live in a different country for all he knew. She might have a partner already - it’s not like he asked. And, last but not least, she probably didn’t have a crush on him.
Before talking to her on the phone, he had just thought that she was a pretty girl that deserved kindness. But after their phone call, he had definitely developed a crush. Which was another reason why he hadn’t texted her. He didn’t want to bother her and he didn’t want to have this crush. He wanted to stop feeling like this for a girl he would never see in real life. Yet, every night before bed, he found himself on her youtube page, watching one of her many videos.
She uploaded a new video to Youtube every Friday, so when Friday came around, Azriel was itching to get home so he could go to sleep (he told himself that he was looking forward to sleeping and not to seeing her face).
However, he had an entire workday to get through first. The office was mostly an open landscape and Azriel’s desk was next to Cassian’s. The only person with his own office was Rhysand, which was fair since he was the owner of the company. At two in the afternoon, Rhys poked his head out of his office.
“You guys are still coming for dinner this weekend, right?”
“Yeah,” Azriel and Cassian answered in unison.
“I told Feyre that I would help her with the food,” Azriel continued.
Rhys looked like he was going to kiss Azriel. “Oh, god. Thank you, man. I was scared that we would have to repeat the Christmas dinner,” he said and shuddered.
Feyre hated to cook and Rhys did most of the cooking at home, but for some inexplicable reason, she always wanted to cook for holidays or family dinners. To everyone’s dismay. Christmas had been no exception. She had burned the turkey, added salt instead of sugar to the dessert and somehow managed to buy the wrong berries for her cranberry sauce. Luckily, Rhys had been prepared and bought a few frozen pizzas and some ice cream, so the day wasn’t that much of a disaster, but nobody wanted to brave Feyre’s cooking again.
“Why don’t you just cook?” Cassian asked without looking up from his screen.
“You know that she kicks me out if I so much as go near the kitchen when we have these family dinners. And since she started the hormone treatment, she has been a bit bitchy when she gets mad, so I’ll just do whatever she says.”
Azriel chuckled. He could tell from Rhysand’s tone that Feyre had been more than “a bit” bitchy.
“I don’t understand why she lets Azriel help, though…”
“Maybe because she knows that I’ll tell her to sit down with a glass of wine and a magazine, and then she can take all of the credit for the food?”
“Fair enough.” Rhys shrugged. “Just burn the food a little bit, or it won’t be believable.”
Cassian snorted. “No one would believe that something edible was made by your wife. Sorry.”
“She does make a great green smoothie, though,” Rhys grinned and held up his glass.
Azriel and Cassian looked at each other and had to bite their tongues to keep from laughing. The smoothie looked vile and smelled even worse.
After a few more minutes of small talk, Rhys went back to his office for an important phone call. “See you on Saturday,” he reminded them before closing the door.
Azriel and Cassian worked in silence for the remainder of the day.
When Azriel came home that evening, he made a quick pasta carbonara to eat in front of the TV. He was re-watching New Girl. It was his comfort show and absolutely nobody knew that he watched it (and had watched it multiple times). He would take that information with him to the grave. But it was fun and cute and sometimes he liked to imagine his friends as characters in the show. Cassian was probably Schmidt, because Nesta was one hundred percent Cece. Feyre was Jess, which meant that Rhys was Nick. And then there was Azriel. He wanted to say that he was a very cool character, but most characters on this show weren’t cool, and also, he was definitely Winston. Alone with a cat - sounds about right , Azriel thought to himself as he finished his bowl of pasta.
When the episode ended he just waited for the next to start. He didn’t have any plans for the night and nowhere to be. His phone vibrated where he had left it on the kitchen counter. He ignored it, feeling too lazy to get up. But then it vibrated again. With a sigh, he got up. He expected to see a text from Mor telling him to bring wine tomorrow, or maybe a strange meme from Cassian. What he didn’t expect was to see Elain’s name on his screen.
He could feel his heart in his throat as he read her messages.
Elain Hey, Shadowsinger. I’m uploading a new video soon. You should watch it!
Elain I hope that message didn’t sound creepy? I just meant that I think you might like it.
Azriel’s hands were sweaty.
Azriel You didn’t sound creepy at all. Of course, I’ll watch your video. May I ask what I can expect from it?
Just seconds later, Elain answered.
Elain You can ask, but I might not tell ;)
Azriel Should I be worried?
Elain Haha, no! I think it turned out great. You were my inspiration :)
Azriel could feel himself blush. He had never been someone’s inspiration before.
Azriel So, I’m your muse? ;)
Oh god, was that too flirty? Was the winky-face too much? He wished that he could take back the message.
Elain For tonight, yes!
Azriel stared at his phone, unsure of what to answer. Luckily, Elain wrote to him again.
Elain What are you doing tonight?
Azriel Nothing. Just eating pasta and watching TV. How about you?
Elain That sounds amazing. I have been editing this video for hours so I’m just tired and cranky, haha. I have just ordered a pizza and I think I’ll just eat it in bed as soon as this video has finished uploading. What did you watch?
Azriel If I told you, I would have to kill you.
Elain Oh, intriguing! Is it trashy drama? I bet it’s Grey’s anatomy! Or maybe… Love Island?
Azriel stared at his phone. Did she really think that he would watch something like Love Island?
Azriel I watched New Girl, okay. Don’t tell anyone.
Elain Your secret is safe with me! Also, I love New Girl! Especially Winston!
It felt as if someone was squeezing Azriel’s heart.
Azriel Really? Which character would you be?
Elain My pizza is here so I am going to put all of my electronics in a different room and eat my pizza while reading a good book. It was great talking to you, Azriel! Please tell me what you thought of the video when you have watched it.
Elain Oh, and I would probably be Winston’s cat. lol
Azriel almost dropped his phone. If he had to be alone with a cat for the rest of his life, he would definitely want Elain to be his cat , he thought to himself. Which was a weird thing to think about someone you didn’t know. Azriel dropped his head to his kitchen counter and took a deep breath before replying.
Azriel It was great talking to you too, Elain. Enjoy your dinner and your book :)
She didn’t answer, but she didn’t have to. Azriel was going to be thinking about her for the rest of the night anyway.
30 minutes later, he got a notification telling him that Flower Girl ASMR had uploaded a new video. The video was called “ASMR for IT-guys”, which made him chuckle. He clicked the video and Elain’s beautiful face filled his screen again.
“Hello, my lovelies, lovelies, lovelies,” she whispered in her microphone. “This week’s video will be a bit different,” she continued, slowly moving her hands in front of the camera. “This video was inspired by my friend who recently helped me with some computer-related issues, issues, issues.”
Azriel loved it when she repeated words like that. And he liked that he somehow was a part of this video. It was something that connected them. Azriel paused the video and got into bed, knowing fully well that he would probably fall asleep soon if he kept watching this.
He pressed play again. “So, today, I thought that we would try a few computer-related triggers. I have a keyboard here,” she said and started typing on a keyboard that was out of view. “I thought that I would say a few trigger words while typing them.”
She smiled at the camera and pressed a few more keys. “I just wrote my friend’s name, but you won’t get to know who he is. But you know who you are. Thank you for your help!”
Azriel felt all warm inside.
She continued the video. “The first trigger word is IP address ”. Azriel laughed as she repeated the word multiple times while typing quickly.
“And then we have, laptop, laptop, laptop,” she continued, and Azriel felt shivers go down his spine when she popped the p’s.
Azriel had never thought that he would fall asleep to someone whispering “HTML coding” in his ears, but here he was. Relaxed and ready to sleep.
All thanks to Flower Girl ASMR.
The next day, Azriel texted Elain that he had loved the video. He waited for hours, but no reply came. Maybe she just wanted to repay me for helping her? Azriel thought. Maybe she would stop talking to him now that he had seen the video.
The thought of never talking to Elain again made him feel a new kind of ache in his chest. An ache he didn’t want to feel. This stupid crush needs to end, he muttered to himself as he started to scrub his kitchen counter. He tried to ignore the feeling by keeping busy. He cleaned his apartment and did some laundry before heading over to his friends’ house.
Rhys greeted him by the door and ushered him inside.
“She started cooking like 15 minutes ago, please save whatever can be saved,” he whispered to Azriel. Azriel chuckled and made his way to the kitchen. On the way there, he passed the living room and stopped to greet his friends. He saw most of them on a daily basis because of work, but he was still happy to see them. Cassian and his fiancée Nesta sat close together on one of the green velvet couches. On the opposite couch sat Mor and Amren. Mor was one of the journalists at Velaris News, and Amren was an editor. They had known each other for years. Amren and Rhys had studied together at university, and Mor was Rhysand’s cousin. Once upon a time, Azriel had a crush on Mor. One night after one too many glasses at Rita’s he confessed his feelings to her and she had looked horrified. He had expected her to tell him that she didn’t fancy him and leave it at that, but instead, she had blurted “I like girls!”
Azriel was the first person she ever came out to, and he had felt honored. He also knew now that they wouldn’t have worked out together in the long run (even if Mor had been straight). They were just too different. She was energetic and outgoing and fun, he needed peace and quiet. But she was still one of his very best friends.
Amren on the other hand, he didn’t know as well. She had always been very private, but she was damn good at her job.
“Where’s Varian tonight?” Azriel asked Amren, trying to make small talk.
“How should I know?” she answered quickly. “I’m not his mother.”
Cassian stared at her. “But you are his girlfriend?”
She shrugged. “I don’t like to label things.”
Nesta rolled her eyes. Amren had lived with Varian for the past two years, but she was still reluctant to tell anyone about their relationship.
Azriel made his way into the kitchen, and from what he could tell, he made it just in time.
“What are you making, Feyre?” he asked, because truthfully, he couldn’t tell.
Feyre turned around quickly as if he had startled her. “Oh, hi Az,” she said and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.
Something was burning.
“I was trying to make lamb chops with glazed carrots, roasted potatoes, and salsa verde, but…” she gestured to the stove, which looked like a disaster.
Azriel chuckled. “That’s ambitious.” He lifted the lid from one of the pots and could clearly see that she had overcooked the lamb 10 minutes ago. Also, why had she made them in a pot, and not a frying pan? It would be inedible.
The potatoes were still in the sink, unpeeled.
She gave him a strained smile. “Will you help me?”
“Of course.” Azriel put the grocery bag he had brought with him on the kitchen island. “On one condition.”
“Anything.” She sounded desperate.
“Please, for the love of god, let Rhys cook when we come over. You really don’t have to show off. You are good at many things, Feyre. But cooking is unfortunately not one of them.”
She nodded. “I know,” she sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen island and buried her face in her hand. “I just...I need to be able to cook when I become a mother.”
Azriel took her hand in his. “You really don’t. Nobody expect fathers to be good at cooking, so why should every mother be good at it? Honestly, just let Rhys cook while you play with the kids.”
She smiled at him. “That actually sounds amazing,” she sighed.
Azriel started to pull out some ingredients from the bag on the kitchen island. He held up the tomatoes and the spaghetti, “How about some pasta arrabbiata with burrata?”
“Sounds fancy.”
He shrugged. “Everything sounds fancier in a different language. It’s just pasta with a spicy tomato sauce, and burrata on top.”
“Whatever you make will probably be better than that mess,” she said and glanced towards the stove. Azriel couldn’t disagree.
“Probably,” he laughed and got to work. Azriel placed all the pots and pans in the sink and started chopping the vegetables for the sauce, and in just 30 minutes, dinner was served.
“You are my hero,” Feyre said and kissed his cheek as she carried the big bowl of pasta to the dining room.
Everyone had already gathered around the table, wine glasses in hand. As Azriel sat down, Mor poured him some wine.
“This looks amazing,” Nesta said and Cassian nodded in agreement.
“Thanks, Az helped a little,” Feyre said and winked at Azriel.
“Just a bit,” Azriel said and took a sip of wine.
The conversation (and wine) flowed freely, as it always did. Cassian and Nesta told them about their wedding plans, Mor gushed about Emerie, a girl she was dating, and Feyre told them about life as a high school art teacher. Azriel would never understand how anyone could choose to spend their days with teenagers, but Feyre loved it.
After two bottles of wine, Nesta and Mor were in an argument about which animal was the cutest.
“No, I am telling you, Sloths are cuter than any animal ever,” Mor exclaimed. “Have you seen their dopey little faces?”
“Sloths? Really?” Nesta looked at her as if she had suggested that the sky was green. “Red pandas are way cuter! They are cute and cuddly, Sloths just look like every single stoner I went to high school with.”
They had been at it for 10 minutes, which Azriel found to be quite impressive.
“Can you both just shut up?” Amren gritted out. “The cutest animals are koalas. They’re even cute when they fight. I am right, you are wrong. Please stop this meaningless discussion before I die from boredom.”
Nesta and Mor looked at Amren, and then at each other.
“We obviously have to see Koalas fight if you want us to end this conversation,” Mor said.
Nesta nodded. “Obviously. Give me your phone, Az,” she said and reached for his phone.
“Why do you need my phone?”
“Because mine is dead and yours is right there on the table. Also, your screen is big and we need to watch this in full HD, for obvious reasons.”
Azriel huffed a laugh, unlocked his phone, and handed it to Nesta.
She clicked the Youtube app, and then her face fell. She looked at Azriel as if he was an alien, and then she showed the phone to Cassian who looked at him with the same facial expression.
What the hell had they found?
He didn’t have anything weird on his phone. And he sure as hell didn’t watch porn on it.
“What?” Azriel asked, and Nesta turned the phone.
Fuck. The last video he had watched was still loaded on Youtube, and of course, it was Elain’s latest video.
“What the hell is this?” Nesta asked, almost looking angry.
Azriel didn’t understand why she found ASMR so wrong, but he desperately wanted to explain himself.
“Well, it’s ASMR. It’s kind of… well, it’s hard to explain, but it helps me sleep and– “
Nesta interrupted him before he could finish. “I know what ASMR is. I am wondering why you are watching Elain?”
Azriel stared at Nesta in shock. Did she also like Elain’s videos? But that wouldn’t explain the anger and confusion.
“Do you...know her?” Azriel asked.
“Yes, we went to university together. She’s our florist for the wedding. She was the florist at their wedding, too,” Nesta answered and gestured towards Rhys and Feyre. “Surely you have met her?”
Azriel could do nothing but shake his head in confusion. If he had ever met Elain, he would have known. You didn’t forget a face like hers.
“Please tell me you’re not stalking her like some creep, Az. Honestly, her last boyfriend was the world’s biggest asshat.”
“I’m not stalking her,” Azriel blurted out. “I’m just watching her videos to fall asleep, I promise. I– I didn’t know that you knew her.”
Nesta eyed him suspiciously. “So, is this just a coincidence?”
He nodded. “Weirder things have happened,” he said, trying to lighten the mood.
Nesta glanced at Cassian, and then back at Azriel. “Fine,” she said after a small eternity. “You would probably be cute together anyway. Sorry for insinuating that you would be a stalker.” She really did look remorseful. “That wasn’t fair. I’m just very protective of her. She’s the nicest girl, but she has horrendous taste in men.”
Azriel couldn’t answer, because his mind was still stuck on the fact that Nesta said that they would be cute together. He wanted to ask Nesta why she thought that. He kind of also wanted to ask her if Elain lived here in Velaris, and what her favorite movie was, and if she, by any chance, had a boyfriend. But he refrained, he didn’t want to sound like a stalker.
“So, what the fuck is ASMR?” Cassian asked. “Is it like porn?”
Before Azriel could answer, Rhys said “It’s like porn for your ears, I guess,” and then the entire table was laughing.
“Nesta,” Feyre said when the laughter had died down. “Does Elain still have that cute, little shop on River Street?”
“Mhm,” Nesta answered and took a sip of her wine.
Azriel could kiss Feyre for asking. And if he wasn’t mistaken, he could see her wink in his direction before raising her water glass to her lips.
Azriel walked home that evening with a million thoughts in his head.
He made a list in his head:
Elain lived in Velaris
River Street was literally a 10-minute walk from his home.
Nesta thought that they would be cute together
This meant nothing
She probably didn’t even like him back
Just because they were in the same city, it didn’t mean that they would ever meet.
This was still just a crush
And it was probably one-sided
She hadn’t even answered his latest text message.
And as if on cue, his phone vibrated in his pocket.
Elain I’m sorry that I didn’t answer you earlier. I’ve been at work all day. We had a leak in the basement and everything was just chaos. I haven’t even checked my phone until now.
He mentally scratched number 9 from his list.
Azriel No worries! Did you fix the leak?
Azriel checked the time on his phone: 23.30
Had she dealt with this leak until now?
Elain Yes! But so many flowers were ruined (I’m a florist) and I had to remake a few arrangements for a wedding that’s coming up.
Elain I’m sorry. You probably don’t care. I’m happy that you liked the video :)
Azriel wanted to tell her that he did care. That everything she said was interesting to him. He would probably even find her Starbucks order fascinating. But that bordered on stalker behavior.
Azriel Again, no worries! Sometimes when you’ve had a bad day, you just need someone to vent to.
Elain Exactly! Thank you for letting me vent :) This day is finally over!
There was a selfie attached to the last message.
Elain was standing in front of a big window surrounded by flowers. She was wearing a white, oversized shirt and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked tired but happy. She was giving him ‘thumbs up’ in the photo and through the window, he could see the Sidra. They were indeed in the same city. It made him both happy and nervous.
Elain Sweaty but happy to be heading home :)
Azriel received that last message when he walked through the door to his apartment. What the hell was he supposed to answer?
But then he thought back to Nesta’s words.
You would probably be cute together.
So he took a deep breath and gathered all his courage.
Azriel You still look beautiful though
He stared at his phone. Would she answer? Would she block him? Would she tell him to stop being a creep?
Elain Thank you :) What do you look like? I might have forgotten ;)
Okay. That was flirty. Even Azriel could tell that that was a flirty text message, and he was usually oblivious to such things. He quickly walked to his bathroom (it was the room with the best lighting). He checked his shirt (no stains) and mussed with his hair.
“Good enough,” he muttered, and snapped a selfie.
Before he could chicken out, he sent it to her.
Within seconds, he received a reply.
Elain Beautiful!
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo Head Canons #2
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What’s up y’all! Thank you so much to the people who have given me feedback about what posts you all would like to see! This post will be about the “Adult Trio” and Leorio about how they would help their significant other with a subject in college. This one is a good suggestion! I’m going to incorporate fluff in this, as I am a sucker for fluff. I hope you all enjoy this! I most certainly do. This post is about 2687 words but don't worry, it's worth the read! These head canons came from my mind its a coincidence that some of these pictures match the thoughts. Portentous (old English) means wonderful or marvelous (in modern English) FYI: I am thinking about creating a discord server for both Voltron and Hunter x Hunter fans. I don’t know how to use the fancy perks of discord yet, so if you know how to and can help me out, send me a message! Alright, let’s get to it! Obviously these images are from Pinterest.
Discord Server for Voltron and HxH fans!
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“Mr. Leorio”, as we all know, is a sharp guy. He dresses in a suit, carries a suitcase, and wants to be a doctor. This man knows everything about academics, especially math and science. He will need to know these subjects to be a successful medical doctor.
Leorio received an A- in Calculus II and a B+ in Organic Chemistry. He was the only one that passed with flying colors while everyone else barely made it. He didn’t gloat in their faces but as soon as he got into the hallway he jumped for joy.
He was extremely happy about his progress and counted the days until graduation even though that was in 5 years. Wow! Don’t we love graduate school?!
He deserved the high grades because he spent countless nights studying missing parties, football games, and being with you just to make sure he was on the right track to graduating on time.
As we all know, Leorio wanted to pursue this career because he witnessed his best friend dying in front of him powerless to save him. The care for his friend would have been too expensive. Obtaining his degree was in honor of his friend; he’d save countless children, women, and men who’d all thank him for his hard work.
Leorio didn’t socialize much, but he did find himself hanging around a group of classmates that were a part of a co-ed fraternity that provided information on scholarship money for graduate school and job opportunities. This is where he met you. You didn’t want to be a doctor but instead wanted to be a computer scientist and decided to volunteer for this fraternity job fair.
As he rejoiced, his smile faded when he saw you walking down the hallway; tears falling from your face not caring who stared at you. He quickly walked up to you, put his arm around your back, and gave you a soft hug.
“What’s the matter,” he asks.
You were failing Calculus, a class you’ve been taking since the 12th grade but for some reason, you couldn’t pass it. Everyone else had A’s and B’s, while you had a D. D’s aren't accaetable in college; most make you retake the class.
“Don’t worry. I’ve just passed my midterm. I can help you study. You’ll pass; trust me.”
Later on that evening, he kept his promise but gave it a unique twist. He kept the lights off and lit 4 Yankee-sized candles in the room that smelled like Lavender. In the background, he had piano jazz playing on his speaker. You felt confused for a moment. You and Leorio weren’t necessarily dating but you both flirted with each other here and there. He wasn’t a social butterfly, but he felt comfortable talking to you.
“Um...what’s the music for?”
“It helps me concentrate. Believe it or not, it helps my brain flow. You like it don’t you?”
“No, actually I don’t.” Truth be told you loved it but you wanted to pull his strings a little. He looked up with a confused look.
“Ok. I’ll turn it off.”
“I'm kidding! It’s great!”
Whenever he cannot solve a Calculus question, he reviews similar problems from Algebra II. He applies this knowledge to your problem.
“Perform the indicated function evaluations for f(x)=3−5x−2x^2 . I’ll solve the first part for an example: f(6+t) simply means you will exchange “x” for 6+t. It will look like f(6+t)=3-5(6+t)-2(6+t)^2=-49 . You’d distribute -5 and -2 to the numbers inside of the brackets in which they are next to.”
Wow, that was easy! Wait, not he must think you’re stupid.
“You must think I’m stupid, don’t you?”
“Of course not! It took me a while to understand it too. You’ll apply the same knowledge for the rest.”
After what seemed like 4 hours (which was 2), you finally finished your homework! It was probably wrong but at least you made it past the 1st question! As you blew out the candles and turned on your LED lights instead, you see Leorio sleeping on your couch. Something about his soft face made you smile and place your hand over your heart.
“My little doctor,” you whispered to yourself.
“Well, come give this doctor some company then. I’m freezing over here!”
The throw blanket was large enough for you both. Snuggling on the couch was a great end to a stressful day.
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To everyone else Chrollo was “Boss” or “Boss Man” but to you, he was Chrollo. Big C was known for his love for poetry and language.
He read poetry any chance he had at lunch and even dinner. It had gotten so bad that you had to tell him for the millionth time “No books at the table!”
Given his past, he always read at least 2 hours a day or one book a week. Reading is what got him through the day.
He was staying in your dorm for the day to relax because he had taken and passed his midterms to. The young thief thought about hiding in the closet but he didn’t because he sensed that you’d be tense because of midterms.
As you walked through the door, you looked angry, so angry that you could punch a wall. He immediately rose to his feet, threw his arms straight out in front of him, and motioned for you to stop. You just stared at him blankly.
“Come here,” he said like you, on cue, melted in his arms. He was warm and the deepness of his cooing voice vibrated against your neck. “What’s the problem?”
“I’m failing this stupid Shakespeare class!”
“Yes and if I don’t pass this midterm I’m going to fail the class for the 3rd time. I want to drop out! Who needs this scam anyway?!”
Chrollo held you a bit longer until you were ready to sit down and get to business. You pulled out your college’s book about Shakespeare plays and how he used Old English. Chrollo was the perfect man for the job! He’s read Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet several times!
Chrollo read a few stanzas and explained them. He then had you read some on your own and explain them...still you can’t.
He notices the problem immediately. He catches you snuggling comfortably against his toned arm, nearly falling asleep.
Chrollo laid at the very corner of the couch as you lay horizontally placing your head against his chest. You were comfortable but you weren’t able to focus. He notices this and slightly demands that you go sit at the table. When it came to academics, he was serious.
For as long as he had been reading, he has an arsenal of vocabulary words ready to be of use. He created flashcards for you and had you flip them over for nearly an hour. You start to memorize the words!
But you’re not done yet.
“Say the word ‘portentous’.”
“No. Por-ten-tas.”
He moved his chair next to you, just an inch away from your face. He cups your mouth and moves it as he speaks again. This wasn’t a hard clutch, it was soft and he wasn’t irritated but he could sense that you were becoming irritated.
“Por-ten-tas,” he said again.
Instead of letting your cheeks go, his eyes diverted to your lips. They were moist and plump, ready to be met by his.
“Your lips are gorgeous. Kisseth me quite quaint.”
Oh no. Look at the monster you’ve created.
Chrollo created a reward system. Whenever he did things right as a child, he was rewarded with money and jewels. For every word you pronounced and defined correctly, he kissed you once. For each word you got correct in a row, he’d kiss you twice.
Soon enough he had kissed you so much that you couldn’t see straight!
The kisses worked because you passed your midterm! Each kiss placed a stain in your brain that made you remember the definition and how to pronounce it.
You and Chrollo celebrated by drinking champagne and listened to him read Sonnet 23 and 57.
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As unusual as it seems, Hisoka is gifted when it comes to Chemistry specifically. That is why you two work well together...there is some chemistry going on between you two.
His hair down and his glasses were his alter ego, it was something that made him act completely different than what you were used to.
When you all were freshmen, he would skip class, attend parties, and would be hungover almost every week but once he was called into the Dean’s office, he changed.
You slightly missed that edgy side of him, but you enjoyed having a serious beau.
Hisoka is a social butterfly and is the life of the conversation and you loved him for it but sometimes it was awkward.
While he was chatting away about Calcium (Ca) and Iron (Fe), you stood there nodding like an idiot. You had NO IDEA about what he was talking about and that is why you were going to drop your chemistry class.
“I saw an imbecile put aluminum foil in the microwave and it burst into flames. How did they not know that Microwaves are the radio waves falling under frequency around 2500 megahertz? Any metallic object detected by radio waves inside the microwave acts as a reflector of radio waves.”
You shove his arm hard. He was acting arrogant in front of his friends. You were used to this but it got on your nerves. You made mistakes, everyone does!...even those that almost burn down the entire dorm room.
You two leave the party and head to his dorm room. Once you were settled, you released a can of anger and threw it all over your boyfriend.
“Hisoka? You just humiliated me.”
“Oh? No one knows that I was talking about you, my dear.”
“Don’t ‘my dear’ me! I asked for your help and you’re ignoring me. I don’t appreciate that. I didn’t ignore you when you sprained your ankle, did I?”
“No, you didn’t, dear. I supposed I have a few hours to kill. What do you need help with?”
Hisoka’s way of studying was much different from other students. He exercises like crazy before he opens his textbook.
He listens to EDM instrumentals while on the treadmill and when he lifts weights. You weren’t standing there like a trophy, he made you lift too.
“Being healthy will help your brain flow more easily. Lift this dumbbell as heavy as you can.”
He ran a mile on the track upstairs. Sweat dripped from his face like he had been standing outside in the rain.
By the time you returned to his dorm, you were beyond tired. You laid your head on his pillow but just as you closed your eyes, he pulled you up on your feet.”
“Not on my watch,” he tutted. “It’s chemistry time.”
You were having trouble memorizing Chemical Formulas and this by far was the most difficult concept you had come across.
To make you stay awake, he turned on a bright LED light and faced it towards the table. The bright light nearly made your head fall off from the pain it reflected in your eyes.
Hisoka grabbed his book and began to write down the major chemicals on the periodic table and their charges.
“Pay attention to the following abbreviations and charges: Calcium is Ca, Chloride is Cl+2, Carbide is C+2, and Carbon Dioxide is CO+2. Read these over and I’ll test you again.”
He did just that but you still weren’t understanding. You were ready to give up.
Stupid scam. Why do I need a piece of paper to determine what I can do? You thought to yourself. Well, it’s obvious. If you can’t do the work now, what makes you think you can do it at a job? Harsh, I know.
“Let me try this,” He said. He carried you to his bedroom and gently placed you on it. He took off his shirt and removed his glasses. “Aluminum has a charge of +3 and Oxygen has -2. If there were three of me and two of my clones disappeared, how many of me are left?”
“Just you, right? One”
“Correct! Excellent.”
Wow, everything started making sense once he took his shirt off.
From then, he just inserted himself into the equation and then it started to make sense! He apologized for running his mouth earlier and promised to keep any more secrets between you two. The night ended with you sleeping in his bed wrapped in a cotton blanket just cuddling and that was it. And bam! You slept as sound.
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Dating the “hot” quiet history buff was a flex of its own. Sure Illumi didn’t talk to anyone besides you, but it didn’t matter. People swooned if he looked in their direction.
History was a popular major during your era. People were not like their grandparents; they wanted to learn about other cultures besides their own. Illumi’s specialty was in world history and civilizations. The class was very interesting to you but there was so much information, you could barely process it.
Illumi often wrote his essays in one day proofread and all! He often charged people to look their essays over.
One time he made $500 in one year!
Glancing at your transcripts, he notices that you have a C- and offers to help.
“Why are you looking through my stuff?”
Hey, he’s your boyfriend! But still, he should ask.
“Sorry. It was up on the screen,” he said, throwing his hands in the air.
You began to blush in embarrassment. The hottest smartest man in the building now knew that you were failing one of the easiest classes on campus.
Placing his thumb under your chin, he lifted your head to meet his gaze. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I can help you.”
“How? I am so behind! I zoned out after chapter 2!”
“We’ll watch a movie.”
“Oh, God! Not one from PBS is it?!”
“Yes. How else are you supposed to learn?”
He turns on the movie and allows you to lay your head on his shoulder but not too much. He is aware of your tricks and he wants you to pay attention.
Every 15 minutes, he pauses the movie and asks you checkpoint questions. If you got them wrong, you had to stand up with your underclothes on (t-shirt and shorts) in the cool room for 10 minutes. If you got the questions right, he allows you to lay more comfortably. You were already in your underclothes but you were under the blanket.
He made you write down key definitions and the embarrassment of each section.
After the movie, he blindfolds you and reads out a term. Surprisingly, you got them all correct!
As a reward for your past midterm, he takes you to dinner at a restaurant where he slips a promise ring on your finger containing your birthstone.
182 notes · View notes
baecvlt · 4 years
This Night Has Opened My Eyes
Kazuichi Soda X Reader
• smut !
• fem reader
• requested by my irl lmao (they also wanted some hcs so)
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“That asshole.. always getting in the way of Miss Sonia and I”
You smacked Kazuichi’s arm, scolding him,“You need to be nicer to him. He hasn’t done anything wrong”. We were in the Hotel Restaurant and it was obvious that Gundham and Sonia had gotten closer since the last trial. Kazuichi didn’t like that one bit. He sighed, taking another bite of food,“Look at him, though!”. He points at Gundham, who is allowing Sonia to pet his hamsters. “Only likes him because he’s a magical cult freak”. You shook you head, trying to explain.
“You think maybe it’s because, I don’t know, he isn’t weirdly obsessed with her?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What I said”
Kazuichi growled, his expression toning down when Gundham approached you both. “You and Kazuichi seem to be two peas in a pod. Tell me, are you both partaking in an intimate relationship?”. Kazuichi was about to get defensive, you just knew it. “What’s it to you?,” he said, fist clenched. Taking a step back, Gundham explains,“I have no such interest in such topics. Rather, Sonia was curious”. Kazuichi’s eyes lit up,“Sonia’s asking about me?”. Gundham cringed and scoffed.
“You’re getting ahead of yourself over pure gossip. Pathetic”
“Watch it, Houdini. I’ll fuck you up”
“Bring it then, you penniless, mediocre mechanic. I’m awfully frightened”
He launches himself toward Gundham, knocking him to the floor. Gundham gets a few small, yet hard punches in before Kazuichi lands the nastiest sounding backhand on his left cheek, making heads turn. As gasps can be heard around the room, Sonia runs to Gundham’s side as Kazuichi couldn’t handle himself afterward. “You! How could you?!,” Sonia scolded him. For the first time in forever, Kazuichi wasn’t having it. “How could I?! Fuck you!”. Kazuichi got up, leaving a hurt Gundham and an appalled Sonia on the ground. Gundham turned to you.
“Control your lab rat or I will”
You felt shitty, seeing Kazuichi go off that way. It wasn’t good at all, but by the looks of his response to Sonia, it seems to me like she won’t have to worry about him for a while now. He looked that mad. You thought to check on him, even if you were severely disappointed in him. You had no clue where to look for him and made a mental note of possible places where he might be: his room, Rocketpunch Market, and Electric Ave.
And so began the quest to look for him.
Checking in his room was too simple. When he didn’t respond, it didn’t surprise you that he wasn’t there. You knew he wouldn’t be. I headed off to the Rocketpunch Market. Even if he wasn’t there, you wanted to use the opportunity to buy him a bottle of Ramune. When you got there, there were voices present. That’s when you made them out to be the voices of Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, and Ibuki. “So we’re just not gonna discuss what happened back there?,” Nagito intrigued. Everyone sighed in relief. “Finally, you ask something smart,” Hiyoko said,“Yes, we should definitely talk about it! Kazuichi was totally out of line!”. You got closer to hear, without them seeing you. “Are you kidding me?,” Fuyuhiko spat,“I heard the whole thing. Gundham was being a dick. Had I been the one he disrespected, I would’ve killed that bastard!”. “Well, what did Gundham say?”.
“He called him ‘mediocre’, ‘penniless’, and ‘pathetic’. Kazuichi hadn’t once insulted him. If anything, Gundham approached him!”
“I don’t know,” Ibuki said,“That’s still no reason to be violent! Violence isn’t the answer, only heavy metal!”. “Ibuki, what?”. Ibuki shrugged. Nagito thought for a minute,“Did you even hear why the argument began?”. “Well, Gundham pressed him about his relationship with Y/N,” he said,“but Sonia had asked. He made a comment, hopeful Sonia was slightly interested in him. That’s when Gundham called him pathetic”. “Well, it is pathetic,” Hiyoko said,“But harsh”. The conversation then shifted to something completely different. “Why was he so defensive in the first place,” Hiyoko asked, adding,“he could’ve said ‘no’”. Nagito laughed, shaking his head. “Woah! A laugh like that implies, you believe there’s something going on there!”.
“Ibuki, always knows what to say. Always knows what I’m thinking”
“They belong together,” Fuyuhiko muttered,“Its obvious she likes him”. “Is it obvious or did Sonia tell you?,” Nagito asked,“Everyone, in 3..2..1”... and in union:
“Sonia told me”
Hiyoko laughed. “Yeah, but do you see how they look at each other when Kazuichi isn’t thinking about Sonia?,” she asked,“It’s funny, really”. You decided to come out and without saying a word, grabbed the drink and left. No one said a word as you walked by them. Pussies, all of them. Lastly, you took the long walk to the third island’s Electric Avenue.
Sure enough, there he was, putting together a computer (or a different device with a very small monitor of some sort; it looked handheld). You didn’t want to alarm him, for he might still be tense. You lightly tapped his shoulder. “Hey, Kazu”. He wiped his eyes rather fast, removing what appeared to be glasses. You knew he did this so he wouldn’t be seen crying. “Hi”. His voice was quiet and tired. You handed him his Ramune, making him smile. “What are you doing?”.
“Can I watch you?”
“You don’t wanna talk about anything?”
“Not unless you want to”
“Alright,” he said, continuing to modify the device,“Let’s talk”. “What are you doing to that computer-thingy”. He snickered. “‘Computer-thingy’...you’re cute”. Blushing, you were left dumbfounded. “Don’t say that!,” you scolded,“So what is it?”. “I’m making a radio,” he said,“The computer monitor part displays any words that have been picked up by the radio signals. I’ll also make it possible to communicate with them”. You were actually impressed by it.
“That’s so fucking cool”
There was a bit of silence, then he sighed. “Look, Y/N,” he began,“I’m really sorry about what happened earlier. I don’t know what got into me”. You shook your head. “You shouldn’t be apologizing to me,” you explained,“You need to apologize to Gundham.. and Sonia”. He nodded and mouthed an ‘okay’. He agreed that as soon as he saw him and Sonia, he would apologize. Now that Sonia was in the conversation, he got onto that topic. “Sonia and I can’t be,” he said,“I’ve always known this”. You raised a brow and asked why he pursued her for so long.
“She’s a princess. She’s perfect and kind. She never full on said she isn’t interested in me, so I figured she’d go out with me out of pity”
“But wouldn’t that be a loveless relationship?”
“Not everyone deserves to be loved. I don’t. What I fear more than not being loved is being alone”
“You’d rather know someone is there than to be loved by them?”
“Yeah, it’s fucked,” he admitted,“but that’s over now”. While you were screaming internally, you still felt terrible about what he said. If only he knew how you felt. The question is if he feels the same. “By the way,” he began,“I made you something”. There was a small box next to him wrapped in old newspapers and a ribbon bow. “You and Hajime have been my only friends- well, comrades, on this island. So, I made you both these communication devices!”. You opened the box and a small walkie-talkie device was placed. He further explained.
“They work anywhere on the island. Hopefully, when and if we make it out of here, it works everywhere else. So, y’know, we don’t lose touch”
“I won’t let that happen”
He smiled, warmly. He didn’t say anything else. You were both in a trance, looking into each other’s eyes. “Hey!”. Ibuki suddenly came running towards the two of you. You both snapped out of it, seeing what she needed. She fell in front of you, dusting herself off. “No time to waste!,” she said,“Sonia planned a party at the the Titty Typhoon, what a name for a club, don’t ya think? Anyway, its mandatory, so we’ll see you there at six. Ibuki, out!”. Before you could say anything, she ran off. “Well,” he began,“At least now I could apologize to Gun-dumb”. You sighed as he laughed at his nickname.
Parting ways, you headed back to ensure you could shower and ready yourself a little. As you did, you were grateful for the small moment with Kazuichi. Him not wanting to lose touch? Getting over Sonia. It all made you feel so good and now you were head over heels. Finally, you were ready. You opened the door and there he was waiting for you. “Hi, Y/N,” he began,“I was thinking we should show up together, y’know? Avoid awkwardness from earlier”. You smiled and nodded. “Great, come on!”. He grabbed your hand, dragging you along with him.
You got there a minute or two late. When you stepped inside, the music blasted as loud as possible. You noticed the stares from Nagito and Fuyuhiko. “You should find Sonia, then we can deal with Gundham”. He agreed, checking out the room. Finally, he spotted Sonia near the stage. Cautiously, we approached her. “Hello, Miss Sonia,” he said. She turned around, her rather happy expression turning into something bitter. “What do you want?”.
“I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier”
“It’s not me who you should be apologizing-”
“I also wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you that’s occurred from the time we’ve arrived. It was really inappropriate, so I’m sorry”
Sonia was no longer bitter, even if she had the right to be. She smiled, nodding,“Well, I guess when you’re being so nice about it.. yes, I forgive you. However, I really think you should apologize to Gundham”. Kazuichi agreed and explained to her that he was trying to find him. “Well,” Sonia began,“He hasn’t gotten here, but he will have gotten back any minute now!”. As if on cue, the doors burst open.
There he was, as tense as ever.
“Tanaka! I’ve been waiting for you,” Kazuichi said. Once in front of him, Gundham was appalled. “You again? I thought I’ve made clear that I was through with you!,” he scowled, shoving Kazuichi into the stage. “Gundham, let him finish,” Sonia pleaded. “Now you’re on his side? What’s wrong with all of you being so pathetic this day?”. Kazuichi got up, trying to explain.
“Just let me finish–”
“I have no reason to further discuss anything with a lowly, degenerate, and pathetic subhuman such as yourself”
“God, Y/N, I thought you were smarter, but now you’ve fallen for him? You are equally as pathetic!”
“Y/N has a crush on me?”
“God, yes, she does! She is in love with you, you fool!”
“She... loves me?”
Heads were turning and the eyes belonging to them all faced you. There were gasps at first (like this morning), but now there were whispers and small chatter. “Ugh! What’s with you?!,” Sonia yelled,“Kazuichi was only trying tl apologize to you!”. Gundham was the embodiment of the phrase “a face of regret”. “Y/N,” Kazuichi began,“Is this true?”. Your breathing was starting to get worse and worse as you just stood there with an answer, but no courage to confess. You had no other choice, but tear up and say “Kazuichi, no, I-”. You were at loss of words. Then, you ran all the way back to your room.
Once there, you slammed your door shut and locked. You paced around a little, attempting to calm down. When you couldn’t do that, you simply collapsed onto your bed and screamed into the nearest pillow. Your throat hurt and despite having screamed into a pillow, it was still loud enough to hear the scream bounce around the room. You cried into it, for about 5 minutes, moped for 45, then cried again for another 10.
Bing-bong, Bing-bong!
It was time for bed, now realizing that if you didn’t die in your sleep, you’d have to face tomorrow. That was something you didn’t want to do. You began to get ready for bed. Suddenly, there was loud and demanding knocking on your door. You prayed, hoping it was someone here to put you out of your misery upon opening the door, so you opened it without hesitation. To your dismay, it wasn’t the next blackened.
It was Kazuichi.
Your face was all red again and before you could say anything, he spoke. “We need to talk”. You tried shutting the door, but before you could, he forced his way inside. He locked the door behind him. “What?!,” I yelled,“Why are you still here? I don’t want to see you! I can’t-”. He grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. “You aren’t one for words are you?,” he asked and after seeing you blush, added,“Guess I’m gonna have to show you”. He lay you down and began kissing you; you didn’t hesitate against him and wanted this to happen for so long. His lips felt amazing on yours. He began to kiss your neck, stopping at your chest. He lifted your shirt up and pulled down your bra, sucking roughly on your tits. He then made his way down. All that was left was-
“Kazuichi, what are you..?”
He unbuttoned your shorts and pulled them down tossing them aside. Looking up at you, he moved your panties to the side and began to work his mouth on your pussy. You whined at the feeling, shifting a little. He held you down, his tongue focused on your sweet spots. “You like that?”. You hummed, nodding frantically. His arms were locked around your thighs to hold you down. You took off his beanie and pulled his hair. He sucked your clit, whining from his hair being pulled. You knew he enjoyed it as he began to be sloppy. He moved away and wiped his mouth before kissing you again. “Sit on my fucking face,” he growled. You saw the fire in his eyes as he said so. “Are you sure?,” you asked him.
You straddled his face and he didn’t wait. He went at it, desperately this time. You moaned as your legs shook. You didn’t just want to sit there and feel stimulation. Noticing the bulge growing in his suit, you grabbed his zipper and pulled it all the way down. You pulled down his boxers and his hard member sprung out. You stroked him gently and spat on his cock. You heard his muffled voice grunt, finally deciding to blow him. “Oh, fuck,” he moaned, his nails digging into your thighs. He thrust upward as you enjoyed him even more. This wasn’t your first time, but it was the first time it felt so good. You stopped riding his face and lay down. He took off his entire suit and boxers, positioning himself between your legs. You’d given a blowjob before, but never actually had sex. You wanted it so bad. He pulled out a condom, slipping it on. As he did, you wondered where he managed to get one. He teased you with his cock in hand, pushing only his tip in, making you whine.
“Oh, you’re so wet”
He shoved in, stretching you out. “Fuck me,” you cried,“Please.. fuck me so hard”. He thrust into you hard, just as you had asked. It hurt for a minute. You shook, attempting to overcome the pain. Kazuichi gasped, feeling your pussy spasm around him. “H-Hey, are you okay?,” he asked. You nodded, your eyes watering; the sensation was overwhelming and in a really good way. His cock grew harder inside you, twitching. His thrusts were rhythmic at first. You can tell he was holding back, he didn’t want to hurt you. He wasn’t hitting your spot like before, so you wanted to help. “Baby, i-it’s not- fuck!”.
“I know, I know. Let me just-”
His hips went from a direct thrust motion, to motion as if his hips were scooping upward. You arched your back as he hit deeper and deeper. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?”. You moaned a little louder, covering your mouth as you were embarrassed and afraid someone would hear what went on in your room. He fucked you harder and asked,“Why don’t you scream for me baby?”.
“Someone’ll hear us-”
“Rooms are soundproof, be as loud as wanna be”
With that, you begged him to fuck you harder. He lifted your legs over his shoulders. His trusts were so sloppy, so messy it hit all areas of your walls, tightening around him. Your eyes rolled back, near frothing at the mouth. “H-ah! I needed this!,” you cried. You put your legs to his sides, grabbing him by the throat and shoving your tongue into his mouth. He moaned when you did, your grip on his throat tightening. The asphyxiation only further excited his cock.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach grow, you knew you were close. “Hh-oh, God, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned. Your kisses grew more aggressive as you wrapped your legs around him, pushing his pelvis deeper into you. “Harder, please,” you whined. He nodded, pounding you mercilessly. Once again, you choked him, dominating him with your kisses. Your pussy tightened around him. You bit him, feeling his dick twitch again. He was shaking and gasped, shooting his load into his condom. He collapsed on top of you, pulling out of your dripping pussy. “Oh my god...,” You sighed wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with his pink locks. His head lay on your chest and his arms were wrapped around your waist all tight.
“I’m sleepy”
You smiled and kissed him. “Thennnn... sleep?”. He shook his head. “We just had really good sex imagine if I go to sleep after that?”. You snickered, making a deal with him. “Fine,” you said,“I’ll forgive it if you hop into the shower with me”. He got up so fast.
“Say no more, princess. Let’s go”
Afterward, you gave him a place in bed, snuggling up with him the throughout the night.
Third person POV
The next morning, Hajime walked out of his dorm. He thought to check up on Kazuichi, seeing how abrupt he left the party last night. He knocked on his door, waiting. Oddly enough, there was no response. Hajime looked around, noticing someone in the distance. There he was, Kazuichi, walking out of a girl’s cabin? Now, the cabin belonging to none other than Y/N! He saw them laughing by her door, Kazuichi smacking her ass as she walked in front of him. Hajime backed up fast, hoping he wouldn’t be seen. He then noticed that they were not headed to the Hotel Restaurant. Now, it was starting to get strange and he had to tell the others. Once they weren’t in sight, he ran to the stairs then all the way up.
“Someone’s late”
Hiyoko stared at him. Hajime, out of breath, shook his head. “Don’t be too hard on him,” Nagito said sympathetically,“It looks like he had something to say”. “Well, I was gonna say something first,” Hiyoko was defensive as she cleared her throat,“I think rather than worry about the next blackened, we should worry about who’s fucking is gonna keep us up at night because I could barely sleep”. “Fucking? You mean, like, I don’t know... sex??,” Hajime asked. The girl’s nodded. “See, last night,” Sonia began,“None of us could get any sleep due to such erotic noises that went on till early in the morning. “Ah, yes,” Nagito said so casually,“Then I do know what you’re referring to”. Hajime decided to bring up what he’d seen.
“Kazuichi walked out of Y/N’s cabin this morning”
Everyone was paying attention now. “Oh my god???,” Hiyoko yelled. “There could be an explanation to that, y’know?,” Mikan whispered. “There’s only one explanation when you see him groping her and he doesn’t get punched”. Suddenly, two people stepped in. “So sorry we’re late,” Kazuichi said,“Y/N needed help..with...a busted pipe!”. “Aren’t you the Ultimate Mechanic? I never heard plumber,” Hiyoko scoffed.
“I do it all. Tinkering with stuff here and there”
Kazuichi sat down, Y/N sitting at a completely different table. “So,” Nagito began,“That was quite the eventful night, right, Soda?”. Everyone looked around, having thought they had a world-less mutual agreement that it would be avoided as much as possible. “You mean with Gundham? I already tried apologizing, but-”.
“No, this isn’t about Gundham. This is about last night, last night”
“Nagito, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Nagito laughed, his hand motioning that he gives up and thats he’s over it. Gundham bit his lip, wanting to say something, eventually it came out. “Soda,” he whispered. “Yeah?”.
“You know for a room to be completely sound proof, not a single door or window should be open, right?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Go outside and let me know if Y/N’s window was closed last night”
It finally struck him. His face instantly became flustered. “Oh,” he mumbled,“You guys heard all that?”. Everyone nodded. “Don’t be embarrassed,” Nagito attempted comfort,“If its in any consolation, it sounded like it was good. Hell, even I’m a little jealous”. Y/N still had no idea. That was the case until Sonia had talked to her. “So, Y/N,” she sat down by her,“Are you and Kazuichi together?”.
“Why would you think that?”
“Well, last night we all heard, um, something”
“Well, it’s not that serious, but I do have a question”
“The rooms are soundproof, right? Well, are you sure you didn’t leave a door or a window open or something?”
Y/N choked on her own air. “H-How much did you hear?”. Sonia smiled nervously, laughing in a tone that was just as anxious. “Um, everything?”. Y/N put her hands over her face and screamed. Kazuichi approached her and kissed the back of her neck. “So, you fucked and that’s it?,” Hiyoko asked,“Like, nothing comes next?”. Before Y/N could answer, Kazuichi butt in. “T-That’s not true! I’ll take good care of Y/N and I’m gonna love her forever!”. He rushed his lips to Y/N’s, making her gasp. The tension and temperature grew within the room, as Kazuichi promised he wouldn’t let a thing hurt her.
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Birthday Gift
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Summary: If you told your younger self 4 years ago that you would be in a happy, long distance relationship with someone who lives miles away from you up till today, your younger self would have laughed at you. But here you are, 4 years later, happy and totally in love with the boy you met online after he randomly followed you on social media. But you've never once met him in person. On your 24th birthday, you were getting a birthday gift that you never thought you would receive so soon.
Theme: long distance relationship au, strangers to lovers
Genre: super fluffy
WC: 2k
Pairing: Bae Jacob x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! This has been in my drafts for quite a bit so here it is. This fic is too too fluffy, even for me who wrote this. Cobie is such a sweetheart, I can't-... Anyways, I hope you like this as much as I enjoy writing it! :)
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Being in a long distance relationship is difficult as it needs to have a huge amount of trust, understanding, discipline and a lot of reassurance. However, despite all the fights you may have due to miscommunications and most of the time just lack of physical affection, you still cherish and love your boyfriend very much. You met your boyfriend online as he added you on social media a few years back. You clicked on his profile only to see that he lived in South Korea.
He looks to be a professional dancer and also a full time student in one of the colleges there. Not to mention, super good looking too. However, you weren’t really expecting anything at that point of time only because you don’t really believe in long distance relationships. You’ve always thought it might be hard and that it will never last.
So you just accepted his request and followed him back. The next day, you were in class when you got a DM from someone. And since you rarely got a DM from any guys, you were surprised to see his username pop up.
You clicked the message after about 10 minutes or so to see what he texted you, thinking he was just another weirdo who wants to scam you.
His message said;
“Hello! I saw your account and I really love your content. I’m sorry if this is too weird. I understand if you don’t wish to reply.”
With that, you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as you didn’t know why but you began to type your reply, “Haha thank you! That’s so nice of you to say that.” You hit the send button and a few minutes later, he replied. That’s when you began to chat with him for quite a while before he asked.
“I’m so sorry, where have my manners gone? I’m Bae Joon Young but you can just call me Jacob. And you are?”
You replied to him with a smile as your fingers tapped against your smartphone, “I’m Y/F/N but you can call me Y/N.”
Ever since then, you have been chatting with him over DMs for quite a while, just to see if you can sort of trust and be comfortable with him or not. It took you almost 5 months to finally add him in your kakao talk.
Both of you have already done both voice and video call which means you already knew how each other looked and you seemed to have grown your trust in him. Jacob seemed like a genuine guy as you found out that he was your age internationally. Months became years and both of you have already introduced your partners to your parents.
However, at first, your parents weren’t too sure about this whole long distance relationship thing. But they didn’t want to disappoint you so instead of asking you to break up and find a local guy, they let you carry on with this relationship if you believe that it would work. Surprisingly, it took your parents less than a month to get warm with Jacob as they finally got comfortable every time he video calls you.
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It has been 4 years since you two agreed to pursue this long distance relationship as it marks your 4th anniversary today. You were just lounging in your room when Jacob decided to skype call you through his desktop.
You accepted the call as he smiled adorably into the camera and waved to you, making you giggle as you waved back. “Happy anniversary baby.” Jacob said.
“Happy anniversary my love. Where are you?” You asked.
“I’m in my dorm. Younghoon’s out with our friends.”
“Why aren’t you with them?” You pout.
“I wanted to celebrate our anniversary.”
“Baby, you didn’t have to, you could have called me after.”
“Don’t you want to see me?” He asked sadly.
“Of course I do. It’s just… I feel like I might be the reason why you may not hang out with your friends as often as you do.”
“Baby, listen to me. I’m so lucky to have you as my girlfriend, dang am I lucky to have you reply to my message 4 years ago. I never thought that we could actually last this long but hey, look at us now.” You smiled as you looked down at your hands, only to look back up and see him pout.
“I love you so much, you know that right? And I can never ask for someone to replace you.�� He said, making you sigh.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” You asked softly, making him chuckle.
“How I wish I could enter my computer screen and just hug you and kiss you.” He whispered, making you smile sadly, knowing that could never happen, or at least it wouldn’t happen any time soon. You continue talking to him until you fall asleep, making him chuckle softly at your figure. Looking at you through his monitor screen endearingly.
“Goodnight my sweetheart.” He said those last words softly before he ended the call.
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Days slowly became weeks and it was the same routine again and again but neither of you were getting bored or tired from it. He would always reassure you that he still loves you and that he would never hurt your feelings in any possible way. It was your birthday that day and your parents had booked a restaurant for you to celebrate and have your birthday dinner with your family, like how it has always been for the past few years.
It would be you, both your parents, your elder sister and her husband along with your 5 years old niece.
You chose to wear a white floral blouse with a pair of denim jeans as you paired it with your heeled sandals. You were in the car with your parents, on your way to the restaurant when Jacob voice called you.
“Hello?” He said.
“Hi Love.”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m heading to a restaurant with my family for my birthday dinner. What about you?”
“Oh wow. Where to, this time? I’m just out with the boys.”
“I honestly don’t know. They didn’t tell me.” You laughed as your mother then smiled and spoke up from the front passenger seat.
“Hello dear. How are you sweetie?”
With that, you scooted to the centre of the back seat and put your call on speaker mode. Just then, you heard Jacob respond. “Hello Ma’am, I’m doing well. I wish I could be there to celebrate with all of you.” Jacob said, making you smile sadly as your parents let out a soft chuckle.
“It’s okay son, one of these days, you’ll get to meet our daughter and us.” Your dad said as you could already hear a smile etching on Jacob’s lips.
“Yes sir. I hope so.” Your boyfriend said before you giggled as you turned the speaker mode back off before bringing your phone to your ears. “Hmm, babe I think we’re here. I’ll call you again after dinner okay?” You said into the line.
“It’s okay baby. Don’t worry. Have fun tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too…” You paused for a moment as he waited for you to continue.
“I miss you Jacob.” You couldn’t help but whisper as a tear rolled down your cheek, making him frown.
“Baby please don’t cry. Promise me you won’t cry.” He said, making you nod as you sniffled your cries.
“I’ll try.” You said as you then bid him goodbye before ending the call.
Your sister had already arrived as you and your parents went to the front entrance where a waiter was waiting. Your dad told him that they’ve already made a reservation under your dad’s name as the waiter checked his list and soon smiled at the three of you. “Right this way.” The waiter said as he soon guided you towards the back of the restaurant where there were private rooms with opaque curtains to block the view of those sitting inside.
You were walking last as you texted your boyfriend in the process.
Once you were at the booth, your dad asked you to enter first, in which you got confused but nonetheless did as you were told. However, the minute you pushed the curtains open, your eyes immediately landed on the one person sitting at the very end of the table nearest to the entrance.
You felt your whole body freeze as you couldn’t find the right words. He was there, right in front of you, in one piece. It was him. It was your boyfriend. He was really there physically. You couldn’t believe this.
“Wha- I- When… Omg… Omg…” You whispered as everyone laughed, only for Jacob to chuckle as he got up, making you feel so flustered.
“Happy Birthday my love.” He said, as he walked up to you but you were still frozen in shock.
“Surprise!” Your family said in unison happily.
You locked eyes with Jacob as he engulfed you in a hug. That’s when you began to bawl your eyes out against his shoulder as you could finally feel his arms around your body, holding you tight as though he was afraid of losing you. Jacob laughed softly as he let you cry into his shoulder, while he gently rubs soothing circles in your back to calm you down.
You had your arms wrapped around his waist securely, afraid that if you let go, he would disappear. “Shh, don’t cry baby. Don’t cry.” He whispered in your ear, only for you to cry harder. He laughed even more as your mother and sister were already tearing up at the side.
You pull away from him as he gently wipes your tears with his thumbs. “You’re here… You’re actually here…” You whispered, your breath shaky as he nodded, cupping your face softly in his hands. “Yes love. I’m here. I’m really here.” Jacob said, making you pout. Still unable to believe this was real.
Jacob smiled widely as he pulled you into a hug again, only for you to bury your face in his chest, feeling him draw lazy patterns into your waist. After nearly 30 minutes of you holding onto him and being in your own little bubble, the 7 of you finally settled down to celebrate your birthday dinner. After dinner was over, your parents offered Jacob to stay over at your family home for the next two weeks that he is staying here in your country before he flies back to Korea.
Jacob thanked your parents for letting him stay over as you couldn’t stop holding his hand. The way his hands fit in yours so perfectly as he showered you with so much love and warmth, just like how he did through all the video calls and texts.
That night when everyone had gone home, your parents knew that you probably wanted to spend time with him so they let him sleep in your room.
After both of you had already changed and were getting ready for bed, he pulled you onto his side as you rested your head on his chest. Jacob hugs you close as you tighten your grasp on his shirt. “What’s wrong?” He asked as he glanced down a little.
“I’m just so happy you’re here. I still need time to process this information.” You confessed.
Jacob chuckled softly as he whispered, “I’m really happy to be able to finally see you in person. This means so much to me.”
“Me too.”
Just then, the room fell quiet as you just looked into each other’s eyes, seeing the sparkles coating both your pupils as he gently caressed your cheek. Right at that moment, Jacob seemed to read your mind as he gently pulled you up a little. Without much words, Jacob decides to ask the one question that both of you had in mind.
“Can I kiss you?”
With that, you smiled shyly as you nodded. Jacob smiles in victory as he leans down softly to finally feel your soft lips on his and it has never felt so magical. Both of you took in this new feeling as he kissed you sweetly.
You spent the next two weeks with him, just making the most of your time. A month after he went back to Korea, it was your turn to give him a surprise visit as you managed to book a flight to Korea, asking for Jacob’s help to fetch you at the airport and bring you over to his apartment.
You stayed with Jacob for two days before surprising Jacob for his birthday party. Jacob did such a good job at taking care of you and making sure that you weren’t lost in Korea.
Despite the long distance, it definitely made you two grow stronger and gain even more trust in one another. It was a blessing in disguise that you accepted his request 4 years ago.
And you regretted none of it.
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es-kay-zee · 4 years
Lust | Lee Know x Reader
I had plans to make this kinky as all hell, but I somehow ended up going the opposite direction with this. oh well, it was still pretty fun to write. I’m also sorry if there’s parts of it (or all of it?) that don’t make any sense. I didn’t proofread it at all and my head was just empty while writing it.
I was kinda liking it at one point, then I overthought about it and now I think I hate it but I put in all this time so it’s getting posted. I just feel like it kinda went all over the place
 Warnings: officemate! au, sexual tension (maybe? Idk, i tried), fem! reader, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), protected sex (yay!) there’s like a split second of softdom! Minho, but other than that moment there’s not really any dynamics.
Requested: Yip
Word count: 4.6k
It didn’t take a genius amongst your co-workers to be able to tell what was going on between you and Minho. Everyone could see the way you looked at each other. They could see the way you took extra time at the printer, considering it was right next to his desk. You would stand there for longer than necessary, just watching him work. How his fingers would type away on his keyboard, the sleeves of his button-down rolled up to his elbows. God, what you would do to have his fingers inside you.
No, you can’t think like that. He’s just your co-worker. He may be hot as all hell, but this is a professional environment, right?
It was also painfully obvious to everyone how Minho looked at you the same way. Just as you would spend extra time at the printer, he would spend extra time at your desk whenever he had to hand you some files. He would try to make some idle chit-chat with you, but really, he was just staring at your lips the whole time. While you would admire his hands and arms, he would admire your lips. He often found himself wondering just what your mouth was capable of.
Don’t get him wrong, he didn’t only see you as some pretty thing around the office. He also admired your dedication and work ethic. He loved how much effort you put into your job to ensure you produce the pest quality of work. But he wasn’t stupid, he could see just how hot you are.
But he’s not allowed to think of you in that way. He’s not allowed to spend many a night imagining your hand, your mouth wrapped around his cock instead of his hand. After all, you’re just co-workers. And it’s all professional, right?
That’s what you both keep telling yourselves. 
It’s a normal Friday, not long before midday, and you’re zoning out at your desk, trying to figure out what the hell you were going to do over the weekend. You’d originally had plans to meet up with a few friends, but they all cancelled on you, leaving you with nothing to do on the approaching Saturday and Sunday.
You’re dragged out of your thoughts by someone waving a small folder in front of your face.
“Hey, earth to y/n?” You snap your attention onto the figure in front of you, quickly realising that it is, in fact, Lee Minho who’s standing at your desk. You hurriedly fix your posture, sitting up straighter and clearing you throat quietly before responding.
“A-are those some more files that need doing?” The way you stutter over your words has you internally cringing, hoping he can’t tell the effect he has over your body.
“Yeah, they’re the latest invoices that have come in. These ones need to be paid by Tuesday and then these ones need to be paid by Thursday,” he explains to you, holding up the two separate folders in his hands.
Reaching out your hand for the folders, you feel your fingertips brush against his once you grab them. You withdraw your hands as quickly as possible, feeling your heartbeat pick up slightly as the subtle contact. Your gaze lingered on his arms for a moment, his sleeves rolled up just the way you liked. Minho is so effortlessly attractive that it’s unfair.
You pry your eyes away from his forearms, away from the veins you can see running along his arms, instead looking at his face. The moment you look him in the eyes, however, you can’t help but think that maybe staring at his arms would have been the better option. His eyes were just as pretty as the rest of him, but the way he was looking at you right now, the way he was staring so intently at you, had you cowering slightly under his gaze.
“So, you had lunch yet?” he asks, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you, resting his hands in his pockets.
“Not yet, was just about to head up to the cafeteria shortly,” you reply, your eye focus being caught by his stance. You can picture it, him standing over you just the way he is now, hands in pockets, forearms visible, smirk on his face. Just imagining him standing there like that, looking down at you like you’re some sort of prey while you’re on your knees for him. Slowly undoing his belt and-
“Well, I was gonna head up now. Wanna join me?” you are once again pulled from your wandering thoughts by Minho, but the damage had already been done. You could feel your neediness throbbing in your pussy, your slickness slightly coating your underwear.
“Uh, sure,” you say, quickly locking your computer and grabbing your lunch.
You walk with Minho back towards his own desk so that he can pick up his own food before making your way up stairs to the third floor. Once you both make it to the cafeteria for the shelves. You grab your mug before making yourself a coffee, Minho doing the same next to you.
You both head towards a back corner of the large room, finding two seats at a small coffee table. A small conversation begins between the two of you, somewhat awkward, but not uncomfortably so. The occasional silences weren’t left empty, instead being filled with lingering glances at one another.
You make it through all your food and just over half of your coffee before it happens. Disaster. Minho has looked away from you for just a moment and the sunlight cascading through the enormous floor-to-ceiling windows hit him in just the right way. It made him glow in the light, distracting you while you took a drink from your mug. You weren’t focusing on anything but how delicious he looked in front of you, ending up with you tipping your mug up to far and spilling it all down your front and onto your lap.
Your small yelp snaps his attention back to you and you both just stare down at your soiled clothes. Heat rushes to your face when you realise the exact repercussions of what’s just happened, and the heat spreads when you notice that Minho has also realised it. Your white blouse drenched in coffee; the material becoming see through. Minho’s gaze lingers on your chest for a moment too long for between normal co-workers, your bra entirely visible through the now coffee-coloured fabric.
Minho clears his throat before speaking. “Uh- I’ll g-get something to help clean that up,” he stutters out, standing up as quickly as possible before rushing off to grab some napkins. It’s not long before he returns, a whole stack in his grip.
He places them on the table, taking his seat again. Picking a couple napkins back up he turns his whole body towards you. Your breathing stutters when he leans in close to you, your eyes looking deep into his as he freezes in place.
He’s torn. Torn between wanting to help you for your sake, wanting to help you for the sake of being able to touch you, and not wanting to overstep any boundaries. He can hear his heart hammering in his ears, and he wonders if you can hear it too. Especially with how close the proximity currently is between you two.
He takes a deep breath before making a decision about whether or not to help you clean up. He reaches his hand out, carefully beginning to dab at the spilled drink on your lap, fully expecting to be told to stop.
You tense under his touch, but not out of discomfort. It’s the way his hand moves along your thigh that has you frozen. Your thigh. One of the more sensitive parts of your body, and his hand is rubbing back and forth along it. The contact causing your brain to short circuit as you feel the heat begin to pool in your core.
“Um… Make sure to soak these clothes before you wash them. That should help get any stains out,” Minho says, trying to ease the tension.
“Oh, yeah, thanks. I’ll be sure to do that,” you reply, his voice snapping you out of your stupor. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to ignore your growing arousal.
Minho has to fight back his own increasing need at the sight of you nibbling on your lower lip, wanting little more than for it to be his own teeth tugging at the soft flesh. But what really gets him, is you taking a few napkins and beginning to dab at the coffee on your shirt, unintentionally pulling his gaze back down to your chest. Now he was fighting back groans, trying desperately to let the sounds die in his throat before you get the chance to hear them. That would be too embarrassing for him to handle.
It’s not long before you sigh a heavy sigh, giving up the hopes of being able to save your outfit and keep your presentability for the workplace, accepting it as a lost cause. Minho stops his own wiping at the sound, looking at you instead, waiting for you to speak.
“You know what, this is a mess. I might as well just head home for the rest of the day. There’s no point sitting here at my desk all day like this,” you say, looking down at your clothes. “Besides, most of my work is done for the day anyway.”
It’s only when you lift your head up when you finish speaking that you realise just how close Minho’s face is to your own. Close enough for you to feel his breaths against your cheek. Your eyes dart down to his lips, but only for a split second, not wanting to make your arousal so obvious. Minho, however, notices. But luckily for you, he decides not to say anything about it. Yet.
“That sounds like a good idea. Uh… here,” he says, removing his blazer jacket and holding it out to you.
You reach out and grab it, your fingers once again momentarily connecting with his as you take the item he’s passing you. You both rise to your feet and you give him a confused look, wondering why he’s handing you his blazer.
“I figured you wouldn’t want to walk around with a see-through shirt,” he explains in response to your unspoken question.
The heat returns to your cheeks at his statement, quickly pulling the clothing item on and buttoning it up, making an attempt to cover yourself.
“Thanks,” you say. There’s some part of you that doesn’t really want to cover yourself, that wants Minho to see you. But you push that part aside. After all, you’ve got to maintain some sort of professionalism. “We should probably head back down now.”
You both gather your belongings, taking your mugs over to the dirty dishes rack and placing them in along with all the other dishes. Yet another silence befalls the two of you as you make your way back down the stairs to your floor, the quietness neither comfortable nor awkward. Something in between.
Finally reaching your floor, you make a beeline for your desk, aiming to grab your bag and get out of here as quickly as possible. But before you grab your things and head into your boss’s office to say that you’re leaving early, you pause, turning back to Minho again, stopping him before he gets too far away.
“I’ll get your jacket back to you on Monday if you want. I’ll even get it cleaned to make sure there’s no coffee on it.”
He takes a moment to think, once again torn between options. One being just saying okay and letting you just bring it to work with you on Monday. And the other option… Well, if the way you were almost whining when he was touching your thigh earlier is anything to go by, then the second option might just work out for him. Fuck it.
“Or you could bring it over to my place? Tonight? I-if you want to,” he says, making sure to keep his voice only loud enough for you to hear, not wanting any nosy co-workers listening in.
Your entire body feels like it’s on fire as you think of the possible outcomes of you going over to his house, albeit under the guise of simply returning his blazer. You can already feel yourself growing wetter at the thoughts running through your mind. You blink rapidly, shaking your head slightly to yourself, remembering that you have to answer him instead of just standing there daydreaming all day.
“You’re in luck. I was gonna go out for a few drinks tonight, but my friends all cancelled on me. So, it turns out that I’m available,” you say, fighting hard to keep your voice steady and to not let on just how needy you were.
“Well, you could always have those drinks with me while you’re over,” he offers, stepping closer to your desk.
“I could.”
You both smirk at each other, knowing exactly what the outcome of tonight will be. Minho searches around your desk for a moment, eventually finding and grabbing a sticky note and a pen. He scribbles something down before handing it to you.
“That’s my address. See you at 7?”
“Sure thing, see you then.”
He smirks at you again before finally heading back to his own desk and you finally head off home, being sure to stop in and let your boss know you’re leaving.
Before long, 7 o’clock rolls around and you’re sitting in your car, parked on the road-side, opposite Minho’s house. Checking yourself in your rear-view mirror quickly, you make sure you look presentable before getting out of your car, his blazer draped over your arm. You’re somewhat nervous as you approach his front door, reaching up and knocking. It only takes a short moment before the door swings open, revealing Minho. He steps backwards, holding the door open as he gestures for you to enter. You step past him and into the house, taking in his appearance while he closes the door behind you.
His outfit is simple, a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but to you he looks damn fine. His jeans are tight enough to show off his thighs while not being too tight that it would create any struggle to remove quickly. That’s handy. And his shirt leaves his delicious arms on display. You look up at his face just to see him staring at you in the same way you were just starting at him. Like you’re the single best thing he’s ever laid his eyes on.
“Hi,” you say, bringing his attention back to the current moment. He blinks a few times, taking a moment to recollect his thoughts.
“Hey, you look really good.” He gestures towards your dress. You chose one that was simple, yet effective at its job. You wanted to wear something that showed off your legs, something that would get his attention. And judging by the way he kept looking you up and down, it was working.
“Here’s you blazer,” you say, holding it out for him.
“Oh yeah, thanks,” he replies, having already forgotten that he’d even let you borrow it in the first place. “I’ll just go put that away. Feel free to make yourself at home.”
He dashes off down the hallway, presumedly towards his bedroom. To take the moment alone to take in your surroundings, noting how Minho’s house had a very homely feel to it.
You take a seat on the couch while you wait for him to return. And it doesn’t take him long to do just that, already walking back up the hallway towards where you are. He heads to the kitchen first, grabbing a couple of glasses.
“I have some wine here. Want some?” he offers.
“Sure,” you say, knowing that soon enough the drinks will be abandoned in favour of other activities.
It’s not long before Minho approaches you, two glasses of wine in his hands. He hands one to you before taking a seat in the spot next to you on the couch. Directly next to you. He’s so close that the side of his leg rests against yours, but you’re not complaining.
“Try not to get too distracted by me again,” he says, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. “We wouldn’t want you to spill another drink.”
You both laugh at his teasing statement, but your mind focuses on the word again and you realise that he did know the causing of today’s earlier mishap. Well, that’s a bit embarrassing.
The next short while is filled with more idle chit-chat, a measly attempt at wasting time before getting down to business. The entire time you’re talking, Minho’s arm is resting along the back of the couch behind your head and he’s very shamelessly eye fucking you. In his defence though, you’re doing the exact same thing to him.
“Do you want another glass?” Minho asks when you finish your wine, placing his hand that’s not currently resting on the back of the couch on your thigh. You let out an audible breath as his hand softly caresses the flesh, the feeling sending pools of arousal directly to your heat. As his fingers slowly trail further up, beginning to disappear under the skirt of your dress, you know that he’s not really offering you another drink. It’s his way of moving the conversation along, of asking you if you’re ready to do what you truly came here for.
And you’d be damned if you weren’t ready.
His fingers continue to travel higher, skimming along your inner thigh, avoiding where you desperately need him. You bite your lip, trying to stifle a whimper. It doesn’t work, and it instead draws Minho’s focus to your mouth. And he’s back to thinking about your mouth, how your lips would feel wrapped around his cock. The idea alone has him growing painfully hard in his jeans. Hell, he’d do anything to have your lips on him, in any way.
“M-Minho, please,” you whisper, wanting him to stop his teasing caresses and finally touch you the way you want. The way you need.
“Please what?”
“Please t-touch me.”
“Touch you? I am touching you,” he says, stopping his hand’s movements and instead just resting it in place.
“No, please touch my p-pussy,” you say, your hands coming up to cover your face, embarrassment coursing through your body, causing your face to heat up.
Normally, Minho smirked at you, getting a kick out of how flustered you are.
“Ah, I see. Well, if you want that to happen then you have to prove to me how much you want it.”
And that has you whining.
You quickly manoeuvre yourself so that you’re straddling Minho’s lap, tired of waiting for him to provide you with some much needed friction. Your hands rest on his shoulders, his own flying to your hips when you slowly, experimentally grind down on him. Your actions get the best reward, in the form on a shaky moan from Minho, and that’s the moment you can tell that this whole thing is affecting him just as much as it’s affecting you.
When he told you to prove it, he was expecting you to just get more flustered. He certainly wasn’t expecting you to make such a bold move. You roll your hips against him again, this time drawing a moan from yourself. One of his hands slides up your back, grabbing the zipper for your dress and slowly sliding it down. Once he has it undone, he pulls the dress up and off your body, revealing your lack of bra underneath. Shit, he hadn’t even noticed earlier that you weren’t wearing one, he was too distracted by your legs. He looks up at you, his own lust-filled eyes meeting yours, watching you lean in closer to him. Closer, and closer.
And then your lips – those oh so pretty lips – were on his own, moving together in a rush of adrenaline and lust. There was no delicacy in the kiss, only pure wanton desire as your hands roamed each other’s bodies. You’d both been waiting for this for so long. Craving it.
His hands slide down to your ass, kneading the flesh. He’s quick to stand up, keeping you held up, your legs wrapping around his torso. He carries you down the hallway, only breaking the kiss for a split second at a time to make sure he didn’t bump into anything, before he would dive back into your lips. Your kisses were intoxicating, addicting. Minho just couldn’t get enough. Even when he finally made it to his bedroom, dropping you down onto the bed, he still doesn’t pull away. It’s only when you pull away for breath that he stops, you both panting deeply from the lack of oxygen for so long.
Your hands glide across his linen-clad chest, the fabric warmed from his hot skin. He groans lowly at your touch, desperately wanting more. One of his own hands finds it’s way to your breast, his thumb rubbing over the hardened nipple.
His touch is soft, gentle. He’s testing the waters, wanting to figure out what you like, what touches really get you going. He knows he’s on the right track when your back arches slightly at the contact, and he grazes his thumbs over the nub again, harder this time.
You can feel how soaked you are, your underwear beginning to stick to you uncomfortably. You buck your hips upwards, trying desperately to get some sort of solid friction going, the aching between your legs bordering on painful. Sensing just how strong your need is, Minho pulls away from you, moving down the bed until he’s laying between your thighs, his fingers already dipping into the waistband of your underwear.
He wastes little time in pulling the fabric down your legs and tossing them off to the side. And now, finally, after so long of wanting it, he’s able to gaze upon your pussy, glistening with your juices.
“Holy shit, you’re so wet you’re dripping,” he exclaims, looking up and making eye contact with you. And it makes you clench around nothing when you look at the man that’s remained on your mind with his head between your thighs.
“Only for you,” you reply, even your voice dripping with need. Minho looks back down at your soaked cunt and, in the split seconds before his touch, every nerve in your body and mind comes alive with electricity.  He licks one long stripe along your entrance, and the moan you let out is obscene. And he loves it.
Minho is filled with a new determination, a determination to make you moan over and over again. To have you feeling so good that you’re screaming his name.
He circles his lips around your clit, working the nerve bundle with his mouth while he brings a hand down to work your entrance. He slides a digit it, immediately curling it in search of your special spot. He quickly adds a second finger, continuing his search for your g-spot. He knows he’s finally found it when your hands go flying to his head, threading into his hair, tugging hard. He groans at the sensation, loving the way your hands feel in his hair. God, everything you do just turns him on, and he begins to unconsciously rut his hips into the mattress. He continues working your core while you moan uncontrollably.
“F-fuck, Minho. I’m s-so close,” you manage to whimper out, but he already knows. The way your walls tighten around his fingers over and over tells him everything he needs to know.
“Do it, baby. Cum for me,” he says, and you don’t have to be told twice, your orgasm washing over you with more force than you expected. He finger-fucks you through your high, only stopping when your body stops convulsing in waves of pleasure. He pulls his hand away from your core, a whine escaping you at the empty feeling. If he could make you cum that hard with just his fingers and mouth, how on earth are you going to survive cumming on his cock?
He crawls back up your body, placing his arousal-coated fingers at your lips. You open your mouth with no hesitation, immediately sucking the digits in, swirling your tongue over them as you sucked. The sight alone almost had Minho cumming in his jeans. For so long, all he’s wanted is your lips around some part of him, and while he also wanted to be graces with the visual of you sucking on his cock like your life depended on it, he was more desperate to just fuck you.
He wastes no more time in ridding himself of his clothes until he’s completely bare, reaching into his bedside table draw for a condom. positioning himself above you once again. He’s about to open the condom packet before you stop him, taking it from his hands opening it yourself. He moans when you slide the condom down his length, your hands feeling better on his cock than his own ever could.
The moment you lie back down, he lines himself up with your entrance, not wanting to go another moment without being inside you. He pushes into you, not stopping until his hips rest against yours, the room filling with moans as your bodies finally connect. His cock stretches your walls so perfectly, like two puzzle pieces made for each other.  
After a brief pause, he slowly pulls back you, only to thrust back into you. He repeats the motions, gradually settling into a solid pace, not to fast and not too slow, a perfect balance of the two.
He drags his lips up the soft skin of your neck placing sloppy kisses as over, being sure not to leave any marks. As much as he wanted to mark you where it was visible, he couldn’t. He didn’t want you to have to go through the hassle of covering them each day at work while you wait for them do disappear. Instead, he opted for sucking bruises into your collarbones and along your chest.
Your brain felt like static, unable to string together a single coherent thought as Minho continues to thrust into you, pleasure radiating throughout your entire body. The knot in your stomach grows tighter for the second time during the night, and from the way Minho’s thrusts are getting sloppier, you can tell that he’s close to his own end as well.
He slides his free hand in between the two of you, fingers finding your clit. He rubs circles into the bundle of nerves, and you feel yourself unravel, his fingers being the final to push you over the edge. And it’s your fluttering walls that has the same effect on Minho. You both ride out your highs together, him spilling into the condom and you around his cock. Your loud moans are music to his ears, while his are the same to yours.
Once you both come back down from your highs, Minho pulls himself away from you, quickly disposing of the condom before coming back to lay next to you.
Your body feels heavy, your brain foggy and distant, a tiredness falling over your entire being, exhausted from your orgasms. You groggily roll onto your side, curling your body up into Minho’s and almost instantly drifting off into sleep. He wraps an arm around you in return, feeling sleep approach for him as well. He rests his face against the top of your sleeping head, placing a chaste kiss to your hair. And just before he let himself fall asleep, he made sure plan out in his mind what he was gonna cook you for breakfast in the morning; pancakes.
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Shy (one-shot)
Synopsys: She’s shy. He likes her. She likes him. But every time something gets between the ex-Winter Soldier and the cute lab rat that works with Stark. The team has had enough of the pining.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
Genre: fluffffffff
Warnings: swearing, as per usual, nothing else really. Just some cute lil fluff I wrote (also this is defo not my best work :D)
Word count: 3042
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It was a seemingly ordinary day when the ex-Winter Soldier’s life changed forever.
        Bucky’d plopped down onto the sofa with a disgruntled sigh, making Steve smirk and divert his attention from the show on the TV to his friend.
        “You know, she likes you,” Steve said to Bucky as he sipped on his coffee giving him a side glance.
        Bucky just grumbled and crossed his arms, mind still reeling on the absolute failure that he had experienced earlier that day. It'd been a trainwreck of a mission. No lives lost, but he'd made an absolute fool of himself by making a few bad calls. “Who?”
        “Yeah, as if,” he snorted. “I mean I know she likes me, but she likes everyone. There’s not a single mean bone in her body.”
        “No, I mean,” Steve huffed placing down the cup before he spilt some of it on himself, “she likes you. As in she might want to pursue a relationship with you.”
        Bucky was choking on his spit the second the word ‘relationship’ came out of his friend’s mouth. Y/N? Liked him? As in more than a friend? He’d be lying if he said that thought didn’t send him over the Moon, but it seemed like such a far reach, especially with the interactions they’d had, that he had to give Steve a glare, especially with how she didn’t even give a single sign she might be into him. 
       He raised an eyebrow. “Because you’re the expert on flirting and getting it on?”
        “Wow.” Steve put a hand on his chest in mock hurt. “That’s a low blow. I might’ve not had any game when I was skinny, but let me tell, you after the serum th-“
        “When was the last time you went on a date?” Bucky interrupted his rant.
        His friend broke the eye contact and paused, chewing on his bottom lip before deflecting. “Look that doesn’t matter.”
        Bucky rolled his eyes so much he feared they’d be permanently stuck like that.  
        “What matters is that she likes you, but she’s too shy to do anything about it,” Steve stated.
        “We had a pretty good conversation a couple of hours ago.” They did. If you take saying 'hello', an awkward wave and bashful smiles as a conversation, then yes, it was very successful.
        “Shy doesn’t always mean ‘incapable of holding a conversation’. Shy can mean not talking about how they’re feeling or how their day is because they think no one cares or would get annoyed with them,” Steve said looking over his mug.
        Bucky was baffled. “How – why – how could anyone think she’s annoying? She’s – she’s amazing!” But that’s when it hit him - Y/N never looked him in the eye, she always apologized for talking ‘too much’, and at any point in the conversation, she always diverted the attention away from her or her troubles.
        “So…” Bucky swallowed hard. “You think I should go for it?”
        Steve shrugged. “I think if you don’t, you’ll never know what it could lead to.”
        It was about an hour later after his enlightening chat with Steve that Bucky found himself walking towards where their resident lab rat usually stayed at when he heard muffled cursing.
        “Work, you absolute piece of shit!” Y/N exclaimed each word emphasized with a harsh hit against a machine’s side. “Top-notch technology my ass!”
        “Everything alright, doctor Y/L/N?” His voice was gruff as he interrupted her conversation with the computer. 
Not that Y/N would ever admit it, but usually just his presence alone set her body ablaze, but this time, it was a distraction and not a good one.
        “Just fucking peachy,” she grunted and slammed her hand against the computer with every uttered syllable.
        “Alright,” Bucky chuckled and entered the lab. “What did that poor computer do to you, since you seem so inclined to completely destroy it?”
        “For starters, it decided to shut down,” she growled at the computer, and if it was alive, it would hang its head in shame. “Then, when I rebooted it, the files were not lost, oh that I could live with, but they were corrupted. Meaning I do have them, but they’re useless, and that means I have to redo everything.”
        “You’d have to redo everything if the files were lost either way.” Bucky gave her a small smile, teasing the woman as she whined.
        “Yeah,” Y/N threw back her head. “But it wouldn’t be as humiliating. I mean, if they’re gone, they’re gone, but they aren’t!” She threw the screen a scowl. “The files are there, just sitting… and useless… just like me.”
        “Well, I wouldn’t say you’re useless." Bucky smirked at her, and she sighed.
        “Please, do tell what I’m of use here right now, right this moment.”
        “Company?” It came out more as a question than a statement, and that’s when Y/N realized how much she’d rattled on, how much of his precious world-saving time she’d taken up by a stupid mistake she made.
        “Sorry,” she muttered, shying away from Bucky’s gaze. “Didn’t mean to bore you with my crap.”
        “You don’t bore me. You could never.”
        He had that love-sick look on his face as she gave him a small smile, and her eyes dropped back to the ground. Not that Y/N ever noticed, but Sam never stopped teasing him about that fucking look. The one where his eyes glimmered like stars in the night sky, and his lips involuntarily lifted up in the corners. More than once Steve had to tell him to close his mouth or someone would slip on his drool. And each time, Bucky would slap his friend on the back of his head.
        “I’m not drooling,” he’d contest and go back to watching as Y/N moved around the lab, delicate fingers replacing whatever was fractured in his metal arm.
        “No, saliva just generally spills out of your mouth when she’s around.”
        Bucky would just grunt and say, ‘fuck off’. But he couldn’t help it really. 
        “Anyway." Y/N brought him out of the daydream. “Did you need anything? Is the arm acting up again?”
        Although she'd never think that Bucky had any feelings for her, there was some suspicion rising in her mind. Tony was the acting engineer, but on more than one occasion he had called her up and asked if she was available to take a look at Bucky's vibranium appendage.
        “Need some assistance, sweets,” the genius would mumble, and then when she would slip into work mode, he’d slyly exit the room and leave the two of them alone. And given how Tony knew, Y/N’s primary thing was chemistry and using the nanotech for cell regeneration, not engineering, it raised her suspicion level. Especially when the super-soldier came to her lab to have a check-up on days Tony was out specifically. 
        But she would never do anything about it. He could be standing at the altar with someone else in white walking towards him, and even then, Y/N, knowing it was her last chance, wouldn’t move a muscle to say what she felt. How could she when Bucky was the walking epitome of a Greek God while she tripped over her own feet while standing? For fuck’s sake, the man even fostered puppies in his spare time as if his day job wasn’t saving the world already how could her watching cells split in a petri dish match up to that?
        “Oh, uh,” he stammered fidgeting with his fingers. “No, I uh, actually came to ask you something. Nothing work or arm… related.”
        If Y/N’s heart wasn’t already beating out of her chest, she was pretty certain she’d vomit it up with the way he was looking at her. “Sure,” she whispered. “Umm, what do you want to know?”
        He twisted a ring on his flesh arm. She had gotten it for him two years ago during a game of ‘Secret Santa’, which Tony promptly had added her to the list. It made her feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside for being included, but then dread settled in. What the fuck do you get a bunch of superheroes that could afford literally anything they wanted? And then she’d pulled Bucky’s name from the tacky Santa’s hat.
        It wasn’t bad enough he was her crush, now she had to get him a gift he’d actually like, and she could barely hold a conversation with him that didn’t involve Avengers stuff. But from the looks of it, he had enjoyed the jewellery immensely, as any time he came over for whatever reason, he was wearing it. He liked it so much there was a lighter line of skin underneath the ring where the sun couldn’t get.
        But the words wouldn’t come out of his mouth. Bucky just froze as Y/N stared at him with hopeful and inquisitive eyes. All the things he wanted to say and ask just vanished from his brain as if he’d been put back into that horrible machine that used to wipe his mind.
        “Buck?” Her voice was small as his mouth hung open like an idiot. But he didn’t even get a chance to collect himself when Bruce rushed in.
        “Sorry to interrupt whatever this is, but Y/N I need you. There’s a problem with the cradle.”
        And that was her cue. With an apologetic smile, she pulled off her latex gloves and rushed out of the room, but not before leaning back in through the door. “Hopefully I should be done in two hours tops. Raincheck on that question?”
        Bucky shook his head. “You know what, it wasn’t that important anyway.”
        Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, hand reaching out to touch him, but he pushed past her and was gone, leaving the woman a bit stunned, and in all honesty - heartbroken.
        The rest of the day she spent in utter confusion, and Bucky in self-wallowing. Y/N couldn’t understand what had changed his mind so suddenly, what she’d done so wrong, and Bucky beat himself up the whole time about choking and running away. Which is why Steve was absolutely done with it.
        As Bucky sulked on the couch, stuffing his face with M&Ms and the pop tarts he’d stolen from Thor’s stash, Steve with Natasha, Clint, Tony, Bruce and Y/N in tow, all came into the room. 
        Seeing her lab coat swish behind her as she walked, Bucky slid down into the couch even more, as if the granite gray leather could absorb him and erase him from existence. God, how he wanted to be erased from existence. 
        “Hey, Y/N?” Tony drew everyone’s attention as he handed a coffee to her. “Would you mind taking a look at F.R.I.D.A.Y’s intercom system? She’s gotten a bit rusty here.”
        “Umm yeah.” She nodded, kinda confused as to why she'd have to do it, but Tony was her boss, so Y/N rarely asked him much. Unless something he said was absolutely dumb. “Mind getting me a ladder?”
        With a wink from Steve, Clint nodded. “Sure.”
        But instead of just him leaving, all of the Avengers slowly started to ‘disperse’ throughout the living-room, before bolting towards the hallway and telling the A.I. to shut everything down.
        “What’s going on?” Y/N asked looking around the common room, spotting the bright fiery hair of Natasha as she rushed out of the room, asking F.R.I.D.A.Y to override the lock code and not let either of them out. “Why are the doors locked?”
        The smug smile she received from the assassin only infuriated Y/N more. “Tony!” she yelled through the glass, but the genius put hands over his ears and screamed back at her.
        “Not until he talks to you!”
        That’s when she felt someone towering over her from behind. 
Two beautiful Y/E/C eyes looked up at him as Y/N turned around, confusion swimming in her irises. Bucky almost swore he passed out just from that look alone. 
“Buck, what’s going on?"
        The second he’d seen the group walk in, he knew what was happening. He wanted to murder all of them. Rip them apart piece by piece, but not in front of Y/N. No. He’d do that in the middle of the night, blending into the shadows and delivering slow and painful deaths to all of the conspirators. 
        But at the same time, this was his chance. There was literally nowhere for either of them to run unless you counted jumping out through the window and the ninety-story drop, you’d face. Which seemed very appealing to him at that moment, but Steve’s words rang through his head – ‘You’ll never know what it could lead to.” And he hoped it would lead to something beautiful, so taking a deep breath, Bucky confessed.
        “Because I’m a coward…” he sighed, “and I can’t do it without someone telling me to.”
        “I’m scared,” it came out as a whisper, and Y/N had to take a step back hurt flashing across her face thinking back to all of the times they’d spent together, while in truth Bucky’d been terrified of her.
        “Of me?”
        Instantly he shook his head seeing the pain on her features, and once more Bucky scolded himself. “No… of what your reaction might be.”
        “Buck, you know I would never judge you. You can always talk to me… about anything.”
        “Yes, but this will change things.”
        “I don’t know… that’s what I’m scared of. I don’t want to lose you.”
        “Never. You could tell me you’re hiding a body in the tub, and I would offer you my help to get rid of it.”
        And it was this firm statement that solidified his decision.
        “Would you maybe,” Bucky exhaled deeply not daring to turn and look at the team that was gawking at both of them like hawks pressed against the glass, the same team that had bolted shut every door and window to prevent either of theirs escapes, “would you maybe want to go out… with… me… on a date?”
        Y/N was stunned. The cup of coffee she was still holding in her hand went slack, and it would’ve smashed against the ground had Bucky not quickly stepped forward and caught it stepping to stand in front of her.
        “You don’t have to,” he mumbled, looking at the milk infused drink. It was a light beige colour with a white foamy swirl in the middle like a little vortex that was sucking him in. God did he hope it would pull him in and never let out after what he was going to say. “It’s just that… I really like you.” There. Now it was out there. “I really like you. And not the way a friend likes a friend. I like you in a way that I want to hold your hand when we walk out together. I want to buy you coffee in the mornings and wake you up with breakfast in the bed and smooth out the hair that’s fallen on your face…”
        She wasn’t breathing as with every single word said Bucky seemed to move closer. “I think I might be in love with you, Y/N…” his hand gently lifted and cupped her cheek.
        She just stared at him, mouth slightly agape, shallow breaths escaping into the air as her heart beat out of her chest in a manner, she thought it might hit Bucky directly in the stomach. 
        “Say something,” he pleaded, blue eyes searching for an answer in Y/N’s Y/E/C ones. “Please.”
        “I – I don’t know what to say,” she whispered back. And it wasn’t because she didn’t feel the same, not at all. In fact, when he had started his whole confession, she felt like she was about to pass out from all the love that invaded her body, but the thing is - Y/N has never been good with emotions. She never knew how to process them, how to give the correct answer and make people happy. She was shy, awkward and a recluse. And now she was supposed to come out of her safety shell. Which is why for the first time in her life, she expressed herself with her actions by leaning up, grasping onto the nape up Bucky’s neck and pulling their mouths together.
        When her lips touched his, Bucky knew there was no going back. Not that he’d ever want to. He couldn’t help the giant smile that bloomed on his face, as he pulled Y/N closer to him, wrapping his arm one around her waist, the other trailing up to settle between her shoulder blades, pushing their chests together, so impossibly close an ant couldn’t crawl between the two. 
        It became even more of a beautiful moment when Y/N’s own lips pulled up in a smile, breaking the kiss apart, but leaving them grinning and feeling dizzy from the happiness. 
        “Guess we needed a gentle nudge in the right direction,” Bucky gave out a small laugh, both palms securely resting on Y/N’s hips and bringing her closer.
        “I’d say it was more of a shove with a rifle at our backs,” she said, holding onto Bucky’s shoulders fingers skimming against his clavicles and making his breath stop halfway to his throat. “Let’s… let’s go somewhere… the two of us without a bunch of people watching our every move.” Her eyes flitted over to where the rest of the team stood behind the doors listening in on the two, and suddenly the heads of their teammates disappeared from the view, making Y/N and Bucky shake their heads.
        “Yeah,” he chuckled, squeezing her side. “That’s probably the best idea. You truly are a dream, aren’t ‘ya?”
        Y/N could only chuckle and hide her face in the crook of Bucky’s neck as her hold tightened around his middle, and he responded much the same by weaving his fingers in the hairs on the back of her neck and pulling her closer if that was even possible, burying his nose in the Y/H/C locks.
        “Don’t go all shy on me now.”
        “Can’t,” she mumbled back. “You make me turn into mush.”
        Bucky chuckled, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s forehead. “A cute mush.”
        “Shut up!”
And he did by pulling her in for another searing kiss. God, how he loved his shy girl.
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Bucky tag list: @thunderous-flower @who-cares-rn​ @projectxhappiness​ @callmebucky-doll​ @coal000​ @killuaenthusiast @courtneychicken​ @sophiealiice​ @raquelbc2003​ @watch-out-for-thorns​ @potentially-kinetic​ @thatonegirljessy99​ @proxinge @bbkenna @buckysclub​ @ulired @fangirlofeverythingbasically @mrsalh32611​ @horrorx570ximagines​ @the-nargles-made-me-do-it​ @pooslie​ @itsisabelanotisabella @httpmcrvel​ @purplebananatragedy​ @pxrrishly​ @parker-barnes-af​ @skulliebythesea​ @california-grown​ @stevehesaidabadlanguageword​ @belongsto-prachi​ @hello-i-am-insane
Marvel tags: @nerissa98​ @happyseagrill​ @asguardiansoftheavengers​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @wishingforahome​ @pizzarollpatrol​ @desir-ae​
Forever tags: @lumelgy​ @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @breezy1415​ @crazy--me​ @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91​ @dalilx​ @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki​ @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @sweet-ladyy​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines​ @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @strangersstranger​
A/N: have you ever hated your job so much so, that you can’t sleep, can’t eat and basically live in a well of anxiety? and not because of the work itself, but because of that ONE PERSON that makes it miserable? Cause I do. And I can’t wait to get away from it.
P.S. sorry for being so pessimistic, but it’s just a nightmare.
P.S.S. feedback is always appreciated :) P.S.S.S. if you wanna be added to a taglist, drop me a message :)
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
May request prompt
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
For Haruka from i7 please?
7. “Even if we’re far apart, I’ll keep singing for you with all my love.” Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL from the lyric prompt list! thank you for your request!! i love haruka so so so much, he's my favorite character in i7! >< also! i'm trying a slightly new format that i'll be aplying to my future posts! i'll also start editing the old ones just beause,, yeah i think it looks cute. the colored letters aren't part of the format, but i felt like they fit here so lol on a slightly sadder note, the first draft of this got deleted on accident and i had been sulking about it for a while but lol here we are warnings: gn reader, light hurt/comfort, fluff, long-distance relationships, set sometime in the future of i7's story, though this is pretty much fluff without plot,,, word count: 1623 words
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"Up next are Natsume-san and Isumi-san, three minutes!" the voice of a staff member makes him look up from the screen of his phone, where he had been aimlessly scrolling down on his SNS while the hairstylists did his hair.
"Yeah, understood." He answers, putting his phone down on the table as a makeup artist retouches his makeup.
The young idol then walked alongside his unitmate to enter the dark stage, adjusting his in-ear monitor as he sat down on the chair preppared for him beforehand, surrounded by the expectant, excited whispers of the audience who waved their lightsticks in support for their favorite idols. Scanning the audience with his eyes, he clutched his microphone.
The spotlights landed on the two idols as the music started to play and they could hear the cheering of their fans before they quieted down, in order to hear their singing.
"I wandered, lost in my loneliness like a desert without roads."
Haruka Isumi didn't need anyone at his side to be the best, everyone will just drop him the moment the next shiny, newest toy appears in front of them. At least, that's what his experience had taught him.
"There, a single, tiny flower became the melody of love."
Then everything happened. ZOOL happened. But more importantly, you happened.
He, who didn't care for almost anything anymore, became infatuated with you. He fell in love with you, who always looked at him and appreciated him, you, who always supported him and never laughed at him.
"My tears suddenly fell, shaking the green leaves."
You, who helped him through each and every one of his worst moments and were there to laugh with him during his best moments, you, who were both his best friend and his dear, dear lover.
"Wow, 'the weaker you become...'"
You, who always supported him on his dreams and were the first one to congratulate him on everything he achieved.
You, who he was now supporting as you walked to your own dreams.
You, who were walking towards your dreams, far, far away from him.
"(So, don't look back)."
"'...the kinder...'"
You, who he hoped woke up earlier than usual today just to see him singing live even if it was through a computer.
"(Sharing, big love)."
"'...you'll become.' Your gentle warmth taught me that."
You, who taught him everything he knew about romantic love, who showed him that there was more to people than hatred and betrayal. So warm and gentle, you always made him feel like he belonged somewhere.
But you're not next to him, not anymore. Not physically, at least.
But, that's alright. It hurts, it hurts so much and it makes him anxious constantly even if he'd never admit it out loud. But that's alright.
"Like the falling rain, we are not alone."
That's alright, even if it hurts and it brings scary, unwanted thoughts into his mind, it's alright. It's alright, because he knows you're doing what you love just like he is.
And it's alright, because he's not the weak, arrogant crybaby he was when you met. He's stronger now, he has grown up, he's mature. He can handle this. He can keep this going. He can support you without crying every night for your absence.
"Beneath this wide sky, even if you're on the other side of the world, I'm thinking--"
"--of you again today."
It's alright, because he knows you've grown up as well, he knows neither of you is a stupid, oh so stupid and inexperienced highschooler like when you first met. He knows, you both can be stronger than this distance.
"(Unbalance, Unbalance)."
"Look, the crescent moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
He knows this, and still...
He can't help but get worried, sometimes.
"(Unbalance, Unbalance)."
"I want to envelop everything..."
He can't help but worry that you'll get tired of this. Tired of him always being busy, of your schedules never matching, of how he still has to keep you as a secret to protect you from the tabloids and his crazed fans. Worry that you might find someone who has less trouble giving affection, someone who can love you better than him.
Though all his worries wash away, everytime you send him a picture of his newest merchandise that just arrived to your apartment and a cute stamp through RabbitChat at ungodly hours for him, followed by the usual voice note saying 'i love you'.
He knows you have your own fears about it all, as well. But he's told you, over and over again, without ever feeling annoyed, that he only has eyes for you, no matter how many pretty actresses and idols try to snatch him away, the only person he loves in that way is you and only you.
There has never been anyone else but you inside his heart.
You're the only one Haruka wants to spend his whole life with, the only one who can fully understand him and love him.
"...Just as the gentle wind loves the sea..."
And no matter how longer you may have to be apart, how many people you both will meet and how many worries there will be in between before you can next meet again, he wants to and will make sure to remind you daily that he loves you and will love you until he takes his last breath.
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love."
He lifts his gaze to look at the camera with a content sparkle hidden in his eyes, once his next line comes around.
"I wish you--"
("I got a scholarship to finish my college studies overseas, Haruka!" You told him a couple years ago.)
("I'll be here waiting for you to comeback when you're ready." He called your name that night at the airport, hugging you close before you took off.)
"This seed of happiness that I touched exists to protect the person I love."
("It must be hard for you, isn't it? You don't need to call me every day if you're too tired to do it. I can wait for as long as you need.")
"Our words dissolve in the twilight."
("Nonsense! I... am, tired, but! You must be tired too, right? Get some rest, I'll hang up if you promise you're going to rest too!")
"That seed of happiness that you touched reaches out to someone I don't know."
("I saw that selfie you posted with those two from ainana, I'm so happy to see you really have friends!" "Why did you even doubt that?!" "I worry about you, since I can't see you everyday and all that...")
"Because the circle of love that connects us lights up tomorrow."
("I miss you." "I know, I miss you too." "Let's try to meet during my summer break?" "I already told you, didn't I? I can wait for as long as you need, dummy.")
"Look, it has started to rain."
("Isn't it almost midnight there? Go to sleep." "But I wanna talk more with you..." "You're so hopeless... Go on, sleep, I'm not going anywhere until you sleep." "Hehehe, can I get a lullaby from you before I sleep?" "There's no helping it, right? You really get needy when it's late at night." "But you love anyway, so it works out...~")
"I want to envelop everything, Shadow."
("...Yeah, I love you.")
"Today's live was amazing, Haruka!" Your voice tells him through the phone while he layed down on his bed, late at night in his timezone. "Everyone was so cool, but you were the coolest! The whole time you were on screen I was all like 'Yes this is my boyfriend just look at him go he's so amazing!!!'"
He chuckled at your words, a loving gaze softening his gaze while he listened to your voice.
"I know, right? Praise me more, praise me more~ But only after you tell me, did you sleep early yesterday to wake up early today?"
"I totally did! I wouldn't miss one of your shows if I can help it!"
Though most of the times you couldn't.
He still felt his heartbeat race up at your support.
"You're so cute, did you know that?"
"Eh-? Why tell me that all of a sudden?!"
"Because..." He yawned. "I want to." You went silent for a second, before speaking again.
"You're tired, aren't you? You should go to sleep..."
"No... wanna talk to you more..."
He can already hear your tender smile just from your words alone.
"Go ahead, Haruka. You did well today, you deserve some rest."
"Do I get a lullaby from you to sleep?"
You chuckled.
"Yeah, of course. You are so needy when it's late at night..."
"Like you're one to talk."
"I know, I know."
He smiles, hearing you giggle through the phone.
"I wish I could hold you until you fell asleep right now... But since I can, you'll have to do with me singing my new favorite song for you~"
"'s okay, I like your voice. I'd listen to your voice the whole day if you wanted me to."
"Then... I'll start..." You cleared your throat, and he couldn't help but smile to himself again when he heard the lyrics of his duet song with Minami.
You're not a singer like he is, and you of course haven't trained your voice for as long as he has, he knows that and he still loves the sound of your singing voice.
He drifts off to sleep with your voice as his lullaby, and he knows you both hold true to the lyrics for as long as you need to.
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love...~"
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