#anyway carry on. go swim through the tags if you feel like it but this is absolutely not a requirement :3
chaoticspacefam · 1 year
[SMALL Update] FINALLY sat my ass down and got my tag directory sorted
Yes it's been like 2 or 3 years. No I do not have a proper excuse other than "I didn't feel like doing it until now" lmao BUT at last the Tags page is DONE and no longer "coming soon!" :)) It's fully hyperlinked and complete now (barring a handful of ask/submission and character tags; which are only not linked rn because they have no posts in them. I'll update them as and when they get their first posts <3)
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Mer!MC Headcanons - Younger Brothers
All right, here are the rest of the brothers. I don't think I'm gonna break them up like this again, even if they are getting stupidly long lol. I like having all the bros together, I think.
Anyway, here we are with mer!MC from the human world randomly showing up in the Devildom. I quite like how these turned out, which surprised me. While I might do the side characters on my own, I am easily persuaded by a single comment/tag/ask lol.
read the older brothers here and the side characters here
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GN!mer!MC x Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, & Belphegor
Warnings: none
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Satan wanders after a cat and ends up in the farthest reaches of the Devildom forest. He loses track of the cat, but he finds you instead. You're sitting beneath a small waterfall in a fresh water pond. The moment you catch sight of him, you duck behind the sheet of water. He keeps his distance at first, not wanting to frighten you. He's curious about how a merperson like yourself ended up all the way out here. The cat wanders back around, so he sits on the bank with it, petting it quietly and waiting for you to come out of hiding.
You can't resist the pull of a cute little cat sitting there, just waiting for you to pet it. You venture out, finding yourself less wary as Satan smiles at you. He lets you dry your hands on his sweater before you attempt to pet the cat, just in case it doesn't like water. It purrs happily as you scratch under its chin.
He takes the moment to ask you about yourself. When he finds out that you're from the human world, he frowns. You don't belong here in the Devildom. He knows that, but he also doesn't know how you got here or how to get you back. From that moment on, he returns regularly to the forest. The cat sticks around with you so he brings it treats and brings you books. You get hooked on them, reading every one he brings, but your favorite thing is when he reads to you. He discovers you're especially fond of pirate stories and poetry about the sea.
Satan debates with himself about whether or not he should help you find your way back to the human world. In the end, he asks you directly. And he believes you when you say you want to stay with him. It's a relief and he didn't quite realize how nervous he was about you leaving. Won't you allow him to sit here beside you every day, MC?
Asmo is doing a beach side photo shoot for a swim wear company, but takes a break to walk through the waves for a moment. He's far off from the group of demons he's working with when he notices the flash of your tail in the sparkling ocean. He's mesmerized almost instantly. What beauty! He wants to get closer, so he wades out quite a ways. He's so entranced by the shimmering glimpses of you that he loses his footing and gets pulled beneath the water.
He struggles, knowing he's too far away from the others for them to have seen him go under. But then he feels arms around him as he's pulled above the surface. He gasps in heavy lungfuls of air as he feels himself being carried. He manages to rearrange himself in your arms princess style as you swim him back to shore.
Asmo takes a minute to recover himself, but then he's staring at you with wide eyes. You're halfway out of the water, the waves lapping gently against your beautiful tail. He can't stop himself from touching you - gentle fingertips across your cheeks, through your hair, and lingering on your scales. He stops thanking you only long enough to tell you how gorgeous you are.
He comes back to the beach without the photo crew and he always finds you waiting. He brings you trinkets and his heart soars when you present him with a handmade shell necklace. He wears it whenever he returns. When he finds out you're from the human world, he sighs. The humans wouldn't know how to appreciate something as beautiful as you, MC. Won't you stay here and let him admire you a little longer? Every time he comes back to see you, he's flooded with relief that you're still there, waiting for him in the glistening waves.
In an attempt to shake up his usual routine, Beel adds swimming to his workout regimen. He's been doing laps in the RAD pool, but he notices that there's something unusual going on. He can't quite figure it out, but he feels like someone's watching him. Eventually, he sits on the steps that lead into the pool and just asks out loud if there's anyone there. He's surprised when you surface from the deep end. You've been hiding in the shadows of the deepest, darkest part of the pool.
Beel waits for you to come over to him on your own. You do eventually, cautiously. He finds out you're from the human world and that you have no idea how you ended up in the RAD pool. It was likely some witch's spell gone wrong. But you're here now. And he can't stop staring at you. You're beautiful and strong and even if you're a little shy at first, you open up to him soon enough.
He comes back every day, of course. And you impress him by beating him in every swimming race. He can't keep up with you and while that's to be expected considering you have a tail and all, he's still amazed. You tell him about the world you left behind, details of the human world he never knew. If he starts to look sad because he thinks you miss your home, you splash him with water. Things quickly devolve into a splash fight, both of you laughing as the water flies around you.
Eventually, Beel realizes that you can't stay in the pool forever. It's too small and he sees the way you gaze off out the windows of the gym forlornly. He brings you to the ocean, carrying you himself, placing you gently in the waves. You get to choose if you'll stay at this Devildom beach for a while or if you'll swim off into the horizon, never to be seen again. Whatever you choose, MC, he will always cherish your time together.
After hearing about how clear the skies are out on the ocean, Belphie rents a boat and goes sailing. When he's far out to sea, in a place where the waters are relatively calm, he stops his boat so he can look up at the sky. He's so focused on the constellations that he doesn't quite realize where he's stepping and he backs right into the railing, nearly falling into the water. He catches himself, but finds he's staring down at the dark ocean's surface. He sees the watery reflection of a few of the brightest stars, but there are two that seem too bright. As you come closer, he realizes that he is looking into two shining eyes.
Belphie backs away as you emerge from the water, resting your arms around the railings so you can see him clearly. He didn't think he would see a merperson out here. A few questions reveal that you're from the human world, uncertain of how you found yourself out here in a place of eternal night. Your tail flops up on the deck and it's like a mirror, reflecting back the brilliant pinpoints of the stars.
He sits with his legs dangling off the side of the boat and traces the constellations on your scales. He's pleased with the way you shiver at his gentle touch, the way you listen to him tell you about the constellations and their stories as if his words were keeping you alive.
He purchases his own boat and keeps it docked nearby so he can take it out into the depths to stargaze with you nearly every night. You never express a desire to return from the world you left and he never brings it up. He wants you to stay here with him. He can't stop thinking about the stars that are your eyes, MC. He dreams about them when he sleeps. You've embedded yourself into his heart, like you've made your home there in the Devildom sea.
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older brothers | side characters | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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bakugosbratx · 1 year
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Tw: NSFW 18+ Content. Yandere themes, suicidal thoughts and attempts, religious beliefs, heaven and hell au, hunter and prey trope, noncon, abuse, foul language, choking, degrading, etc.
Words: 2.1K
Not beta read
A/N: this took me way too long and I’m sorry asdfghjkl. This is for my twinie’s poppin’ cherries collab. Hope y’all enjoy!
Tags: @nymphoheretic
JJK masterlist
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That is all you keep telling yourself when your legs want to give out. Your lungs were practically shriveling in your chest, your rigid breathing choking you with each long stride through the dense dark forest. Still, your will to get away from this evil being was too strong.
You must fight.
The mud caked your bare feet as you continue to run, periodically gazing over your shoulder to see if he is behind you. Though you could not see him, you knew he was lingering. You knew better than to fall for a faux sense of security. The beast was cruel like that.
Peaking over your shoulder one last time to see if you can see the demon, you lost your footing on a log that blocked your path. “Shit!” You screeched as you fell to the moss covered ground below, your kneecaps being scraped from the bark of the log.
Anger consumes you as you hear the devil’s hysterical laughter echo the forest. You could not pinpoint his location, but you knew he was too close for comfort. He was everywhere.
“I will not submit to you!” You call out into the darkness, your nails digging into soft green plants below.
“Then you better continue running.” The cocky male retorted, his voice so close to your ear you could feel his warm breath. Though, when you quickly shift your focus to where he should have been, he was nowhere to be found. The hairs on your body rose, kicking in what was left of your adrenaline.
Finding your way back to your feet, you continue running into the never ending night. Laughter and red eyes peered from multiple angles, trees falling all around, and one almost landing right on top of you.
Shutting your eyes tight, preparing from impact, a large pair of muscular arms lifted you into his grip. That was a much worse feeling than being squished by a humongous tree.
“Let me down, you damn devil!” You demanded, clawing at his bare flesh with your nails as well as kicking him. “Is that anyway to thank me for saving you from a falling tree?” The male, who you knew as Sukuna, responded dryly, opening a portal back to his domain.
“You didn’t save me! I wanted to die! You should have let me, damn you!” You hiss in frustration. You have not been in Sukuna’s captivity for very long, but you knew for sure that you wanted out and after so many failed attempts of escaping this beast, you knew the only true way out was death. A death that you are always so close to, but Sukuna will never give you.
Sukuna carried you to the hot spring that was near his bedroom. “Get cleaned up. You smell like a wet dog.”
You opened your mouth to have a sarcastic comment, but decided to keep it for a rainy day. Sukuna usually didn’t care about what condition you were in when he threw you back in your cage. You could not recall the last time you had a proper bath since in his captivity so you were not going to argue with him.
“You got twenty minutes. Don’t do anything stupid.” Sukuna ordered, dropping you into the warm depths below without warning. You contemplated staying down there until your heart stopped beating, but you knew Sukuna would just save you at the very last second. It wasn’t worth the energy.
Swimming back up, you gaze around through the mist that illuminated the room. Sukuna wasn’t in view, but you knew he was somewhere, watching. He always watched you even when you thought he wasn’t. No thought goes undetected, no action goes unnoticed, and no word falls on deaf ears. Sukuna was always around.
Bathing in silence, all of the dirt that has collected on your body washed away. The magical properties of the hot spring have returned any hair on your body back to its natural beautiful state. Your unmoisturized skin turned back to its soft ways before you got captured. For once in weeks, you felt like you again.
Twenty minutes came and went quicker than you would have appreciated as you heard Sukuna’s deep voice echo the room. “Your twenty minutes are up, brat. Report to me at my throne.”
You arched a brow, never being requested to visit Sukuna at his throne. Was he trusting you to make this journey on your own to him? Is this some other test you are unaware of? Either way, you had no choice in the matter.
Stepping out of the water, you attempted to cover yourself. “The bastard didn’t even give me a towel.” You muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes. You should have known he was not going to give you any sort of clothing or covering for your naked body.
“Don’t keep me waiting.” Sukuna impatiently reminded you. Rolling your eyes once more, you exit the hot spring and walk through the bedroom your large metal cage was located in. This was also where Sukuna would “sleep”. The room was very nice. It was one you wouldn’t expect from a devil like him.
The floor was a red velvet that matched the comforter on his gigantic bed. It was bigger than any bed you have seen before considering Sukuna was very large in his natural form. There wasn’t much lighting in here, but Sukuna was only there to deal with you or go to sleep. So, the lighting didn’t really matter. Still, to the unknowing, the room looked like a sex dungeon and you would soon find that out as well.
Walking out of the room, you stroll over to the king who sat on his throne. His chin rested on his palm as he peered down at you. “‘Bout time you showed up. What did I say about keeping me waiting?”
Intimidation filled your lungs. Any remark you had vanished as your eyes met his crimson ones. Something about the way Sukuna sat on his throne reminded you of your place. It also didn’t help that you are naked. This was all a tactic to remind you of your place which is beneath him.
“Got nothing to say, hm?” Sukuna smirked, seeing you choke on your words. You could not even respond before the devil was right beside you, circling you as he gazed over your naked body. Taking in a huge whiff of you, he chuckled. “No matter how hard you try to hide it, your purity always seeps through.”
“W-What?” You stammered, already not liking what he is implying. Is he just saying it to get your riled up? To fall into another one of his wicked mind games?
Sukuna grabbed your chin as he peered down into your beautiful irises, “have you not wondered why I brought you here? I thought you humans were somewhat curious,” he hushed you with his long, cold, black talon on your lips, “you think your virginity will get you into heaven? With a blood as pure as yours, they would be stupid to turn you away.”
Sukuna’s eyes darkened with lust, “that’s why I must taint it.”
Your pupils widened as your bottom lip quivered. “P-Please, don’t d-do this.” You whimpered. This only fueled the devil more as he licked your tears.
“Even your tears taste pure.” He hummed, his crazed laughter echoing your mind. The daunting evil that took over you as the demon grabbed you by your throat to his bedroom.
Throwing you onto his bed, the wicked male’s tongue worships every inch of your body. His venomous saliva stings, your skin reviving a burning sensation as if it was in the sunshine too long. This can’t be how you let him win, Y/N. You must fight.
You have to stay pure.
Kicking, screaming, punching, anything you did was useless. This only amped up the Devil even more as he rested in between your legs, his shiny white fangs grazing across your sex. “I shall now feast on what’s mine.” Sukuna smirked, his tongue gliding over your bundle of nerves in between your folds.
Sukuna’s tongue swirls over your clit, your back already arching as you grip the sheets with your fingertips. A hollow moan fell from your breath, tears pricking your eyes. “P-Please, stop.” You whimpered, disguised as pleasure more than pleas for him to quit. You have never experienced this type of sensation before. Sure, you have masturbated, but the overwhelming beauty and pain never felt like this.
Sukuna made sure to pleasure all the right spots. Two fingers slipped into your entrance as he enjoyed every second of you. Knuckles deep, they curled and sent your eyes rolling in the back of your head.
“F-Fuck.” You mumbled out, mentally cursing at yourself for finding any sense of joy in this. He was invading you in so many ways. What was even worse is that your body caved and creamed all over him. This was just the first step to ruining what is left of your innocence.
Sukuna made sure not a drop went to waste as he gobbled you up. You hated that your body went against your mental commands, but you were slowly falling into the palm of the devil’s hand. Your purity slowly faded away as he removed his robe to reveal his huge cock that is now teasing your bundle of nerves.
“C’mon, y’know you want it. Beg for it.” Sukuna smugly smirked, seeing how much of a good girl you can be for him. He may have stripped your innocence away, but he expected you to have a tad bit left in you.
“N-No.” You whimpered in defiance, your body somehow too weak to fight against this beast that laid on top of you.
“Still got a little brat left in ya, huh?” Sukuna contemplated aloud with an arched brow. The gleaming crazed look that danced in his irises never vanished as well as his daunting smile. “Perfect.”
You could not even attempt to protest as his cock enters inside of your weeping cunt, your nails digging into the satin sheets for support. Your tight pussy could hardly adjust to his girth as he began aggressively stroking himself in-and-out of you. The tip of the monster’s cock was kissing your cervix with not a single ounce of mercy. The pain he inflicted on you was just feeding his sadistic side.
Just like before, your body was still operating against you. Each time his cock removed itself from your depths, your pussy begged for it back. The emptiness for those minor seconds was a sweet relief yet ugly despair you cannot seem to bare.
Your eyes were already rolled into the back of your skull when Sukuna grabbed you by the throat, bringing you back to reality. “Beg.”
You were too far gone to disobey the devil anymore. All of the submissive buttons have been pressed and now, you must obey your controller. “Please, Sukuna. Please fuck me. I need you oh so badly.”
“Atta girl.” Sukuna chuckled, readjusting himself to where you are now slammed down on his cock. “Ride me like the bitch in heat that you are.” He commands and as expected, you follow.
You never rode a dick before, but the way Sukuna had you split open on him, you had no other choice. His claws remained digging into your hips to help you bounce up and down on his pre-cum leaking cock.
“Feel what ya doin’ to me, brat?” Sukuna inquired as he watched you sheepishly nod, drool sliding down your chin.
Taking his left hand, he holds your chin so you are forced to meet his gaze. “I asked you a question, Y/N. Answer it.”
“Y-Yes, Sukuna.”
“And y’know what I am goin’ to do to you?”
You pondered for a moment, your mind too fuzzy to even comprehend his questions. “I-I—“
“I-I—“ Sukuna mocked with a condescending laugh to follow. “Fucked you dumb and I haven’t done much to ya. You virgins are always fun to ruin.”
Babbling incoherent sentences, Sukuna was not even going to attempt to find out what you were trying to tell him. Instead, his hand goes back down to your hip as he encourages you to keep riding his dick.
“Go on, y’know what to do.”
All Rights Reserved — I don’t give anyone permission to repost, distribute, copy or re-use my works in any way. Especially not on other websites such as Tik Tok, Ao3, Wattpad, etc.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Ryan Gosling/Beach Ken and maybe Simu Liu/Tourist Ken prompts. I don’t know, maybe some of these can be interchangeable between which Ken you want. Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these and I’d love to read it! 💕
1. Something similar to that scene in Toy Story 3: You’re a doll that’s one of Barbie’s friends. You’re not named Barbie, but have your own name. You don’t have a Dreamhouse like the Barbies but your place is cozy enough and you like it, having given it your own personal touch. You’ve had an unrequited love for Beach Ken but can’t compete with how perfect Stereotypical Barbie is. Besides, Ken is usually stuck to her side like glue. Wherever she goes, he goes. So you keep your feelings to yourself. You’re sure Ken only sees you as a friend anyway. But while Barbie is still in the real world, you’re horrified at Ken brainwashing all your friends as he turns Barbieland into Kendom.
With Barbie gone, he turns his sights towards you and keeps you for himself, wanting to make you either his bride-wife or long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend. The choice is yours, but you’re not leaving his sight until you decide. He keeps you confined in Barbie’s former bedroom of his now Mojo Dojo Casa House and tries to brainwash you too, but it doesn’t work because you already love him. You feel heartbroken and betrayed that he’d try to turn you into his mindless piece of arm candy or servant like he’s done to the other Barbies. You used to daydream about him finally noticing you and returning your feelings, about being wrapped up in his arms and kissed silly, but he’s becoming someone you don’t recognize and it scares you. You often lie awake while he sleeps soundly next to you in Barbie’s former bed with his arm either over your waist or behind your head. After who knows how long under house arrest, you break down and have a panic attack.
“I can’t take it here, Ken! I’ve always wanted to live together but not like this! You were wrong about me, about what I wanted. I do want to be with you, Ken, I do! Just please take me away from this, take me away!”
Your crying and hyperventilating makes him feel things he’s never experienced before. What is this pain in his chest? Is this…remorse? Guilt? He doesn’t like these feelings and wants them to go away. He wants to see you smile again. When was the last time you smiled? He’s horrified when he realizes he can’t remember. He holds you and caresses your hair as you sob, even as you try to struggle out from his grip and push him away or beat your hands on his chest in frustration. He’s begging you to breathe and cease your tears. As he tries to talk you down from your panic attack, he realizes what a mistake he’s made. Let him earn your forgiveness. Give him a chance to fix this. What can he do? Please, just tell him what to do to make it all better, to make you happy. All he’s wanted is love, he’s just been too foolish and focused on Barbie to see you were always there, already giving it to him. He was seeing things through tunnel vision but he can see more clearly now.
2. Write something for the Ken of your choosing with the Toy Story 3 quote, “She’s a Barbie doll, Ken, there’s a hundred million just like her!”
“Not to me there’s not.”
3. You’re a mermaid doll that Ken falls in love with. While he’s a land walker and you’re a sea princess, you make it work. He’s often carried you around bridal style to different places he wants you to see and lets you stay in his large swimming pool at his house or in the bathtub so you can spend more time together. Most often you meet at the beach during the day, but sometimes you’ve met on the beach at night after everyone else has gone to bed. You’ve spent many nights together around a nice campfire. Ken always tries to show off and impress you, and you’ve splashed him with your tail sometimes to be playful and flirty. You’ve shared kisses while going for swims together, gone on treasure hunts, etc.
4. You’re a human that Ken starts dating after the Kendom Versus Barbieland debacle. You never thought he was crazy unlike some other humans he’s met. You help him acclimate to the real world and stay by his side as he works to discover who he really is. He’s so in love with you he’s even taken you to Barbieland, regardless of what the suits at Mattel might have had to say about yet another human crossing over. What Ken was not expecting or in any way prepared for, however, was you getting sick. (Whether you’re sick while in Barbieland or the real world is up to you.) He’s unfamiliar with things like fever, headache, cough, etc. Nobody truly gets sick in Barbieland ever. They’re always cured within seconds. But this is the first time he’s seeing the full extent of sick symptoms on a human and it’s even more concerning since it’s all happening to you, the woman he loves.
He genuinely thinks you’re dying. He’s never witnessed death before and doesn’t really know what it is, but as beautiful as you are he can’t help but think you look like death itself and it terrifies him. Is it possible to die even in Barbieland? He doesn’t want to think about it. You ask him not to leave your side, but he thinks he has no other choice than to fetch Doctor Barbie. You do your best to calm him down as he begs you to hang on and wait for him until he returns. Don’t fall asleep just yet, he’s heard falling asleep can cause humans to slip into something called a coma. He’s not sure what that is either but it sounds really bad. Don’t succumb to your sickness and leave him while he’s gone. Please don’t slip away, he’ll be back with the doctor soon, he promises. He holds your hand. He kisses your forehead while he presses a cold cloth to it. Doctor Barbie uses everything at her disposal to make you feel better and Ken follows her instructions to a T. You assure Ken you’ll be fine, you just need medicine and lots of rest. Despite your many assurances, he’s still determined to watch over you 24/7 until you’re fully recovered.
5. You’re a doll and Ken dates you after working on discovering himself. What you’re not prepared for is the unexpected seasonal change in Barbieland as it turns to winter and becomes incredibly cold. It’s almost always summer here in Barbieland, but the Winter and Christmas Holiday Barbies are visiting and have brought the snow and cold with them. It’s fun for a while; You and the other Kens and Barbies experience snow for the first time and are shown how to make snow angels, snowmen, and have snowball fights.
But the cold eventually soaks through your clothes and seeps into your bones, becoming too much. So you and Ken retreat back inside and get the fireplace going. After you get changed out of your wet clothes, Ken wraps you in his mink fur coat when he realizes you’re still shivering. You’re so used to the summer sunshine weather in Barbieland that chilly winter is new for both of you, but maybe it’s not so bad if it means you and Ken can snuggle up together under the warmth of his coat and the many soft blankets while the fire in the fireplace burns. There was a special drink the Holiday Barbies gifted you too. Hot chocolate or cocoa you think it’s called?
6. You’re a Haunted Beauty Barbie like the Mistress of the Manor, Ghost Barbie, Vampire Barbie, or Zombie Barbie. Everyone else in Barbieland is either low-key or high-key scared of you and steers clear. Whenever you leave your haunted mansion or whatever you live in, none of the Barbies or Kens interact with you much if they can help it. They think you’ll put a curse on them or suck their blood or something, even though you’re actually harmless and really nice. It’s near impossible for you to make friends because of your off-putting appearance. You know you’re kinda scary looking with your gothic or Halloween style, but you don’t want to change it to suit their preference because you believe it’d be disingenuous to who you are. You’re actually kind of shy and introverted, usually sticking to reading books or making art. Beach Ken is the first person brave enough to approach you and talk to you like you’re normal. He’s nice to you and invites you to hang out with him, wanting to be your friend. Over time, you share your likes and interests with each other and your friendship becomes a romance.
Ken is happy to learn he was right about you and that you’re actually a very sweet person underneath your scary exterior. You introduce the other Kens and Barbies to things like Halloween and show them it doesn’t have to be scary, it can be cute and fun too! With things like pumpkin carving, dressing up, arts and crafts, candy, etc. One time you gave Ken a goth or Halloween makeover when he asked, since he was still trying to discover his identity at the time. He wasn’t sure if he identified with the goth or Halloween aesthetic, but he appreciated you taking the time to make him over. He really thought this new look was fun to try out! He wouldn’t mind if you gave him more makeovers in the future. You really are a pastel and goth couple and it’s adorable.
7. What if it was Ken who started having an existential crisis and dark thoughts in Barbieland because the human in the real world who was playing with his doll needed his help? He’s expecting a child, a young girl or boy with childhood trouble but is surprised when he instead realizes it’s you, an adult who’s Going Through It. When you finally meet him face to face, you can’t believe that he’s real, that he’s standing in front of you in the flesh. But only a Ken would probably wear outfits like what he has on now. It suits him though. You played with his Ken doll to escape reality for a bit and take a break from the stresses of being an adult, but it seems you’ve inadvertently poured your feelings onto him and they have seeped into his psyche. He’s experiencing new things like his eyes are leaking, he has feelings that there’s danger but no threat is in sight. What are these things and what do they mean? Crying? Anxiety? Seems like you don’t just need his help, he also needs yours.
While he’s in the real world, you take him shopping for some normal clothes, but he turns it into a modeling montage. You try to demonstrate how to eat and drink real food, but watching him reminds you of the dinner scene from Beauty and the Beast, etc. Shenanigans and Hijinks ensue and you fall in love along the way. After you show him your world, he takes you to his and gives you a grand tour of Barbieland (When Tourist Ken tries to cut in and give you the tour himself, your Ken tells him to back all the way off! You’re his girlfriend and he’s got this!) Your eyes light up in amazement much like how his did when he entered your world.
8. You’re either an equestrian in the real world or a Cowgirl Barbie with a ranch called Barbie’s Horse Adventures. Either way, you have pet horses and lots of experience working with them. You surprise Ken by bringing over 2 horses so you and he can go horseback riding. You teach him how to ride and he’s so ecstatic yet nervous because he wants to do it right. He wants the horses to like him. He feeds them treats and laughs at the feeling of their lips and big teeth against his hand. He pets their necks and helps you look after them. You go horseback riding either through beautiful forested trails or along the beach. It’s awfully romantic and Ken can’t help but lean forward in his saddle to kiss you while your horses are walking side by side. He apologizes afterwards, but you tell him you liked it. Your mutual love for horses is the starting point of a beautiful romance. He can’t let you do all the labor by yourself! He loves helping you around the ranch as a….What’s the word again? Groom? Are you married now!? Is he your groom-husband and you his bride-wife??
When your horse gets spooked and rears up on its hind legs and throws you off, Ken is immediately off his own horse and coming to your rescue. Are you ok?? Are you hurt? Let him look you over please. He’s not a doctor but he has some First Aid supplies in his saddle bag. When one of your mares gets pregnant, he’s so excited and wants to name the foal when they arrive. Both of you are by the mare’s side while she’s in labor and give her everything she needs. But for some reason, she’s suddenly not looking so well. You don't know what's wrong. It was moving along, then it just stopped.
“But her water broke, right?” Ken asks, petting your mare’s neck to comfort her.
“About ten minutes ago.”
“I think she's distracted.”
“By that colt over there. She keeps eyeing him like she'd prefer a little privacy.” Ken is already back up on his feet, urging the colt away. “Shoo! Get out of here! Give poor mama horse a break!” He comes back to your mare’s side and resumes comforting her. “There, that's better, huh? Now you can push your little baby out with some dignity.”
“She's doing it. She's pushing. Yeah. Here we go. That's my good girl. Ok, here it comes. Well done, [horse’s name]! It's a girl/boy, just like we were hoping for, Ken! Look how cute she/he is. She's/He’s so sweet. Welcome to the world, little one. What do you want to name her/him?”
“I have to admit, I'm amazed how great you were with [mare’s name],” you later commend Ken while you’re both watching her with her new foal.
“What can I say? We totally bonded.”
Ken is so proud and encouraging when the foal tries to stand up on its long gangly legs and walk for the first hours of its life. That’s his horse, and he loves them already. They’re gonna grow big and strong under his care and he’s gonna train and ride them once they’re big enough. He’s a proud Horse Dad!
9. You’re a child doll in Barbieland, so you never age or grow up. You’re perpetually young both mentally and physically. Barbie and Ken are either like your big brother and sister or your adoptive parents. Tourist Ken is like the Cool Uncle who tries to get you to like him more than Beach Ken by bribing you with ice cream for breakfast and other fun things behind Beach Ken’s back. Beach Ken and Stereotypical Barbie are great at raising you like a sister or daughter, but there’s not really much of you to raise. You’ve never grown bigger or changed. Until the human in the real world who’s playing with you starts experiencing puberty and having the weird thoughts and feelings that go along with it.
You become self-aware that you’re not growing and have the same confusing thoughts and feelings. You’re full of questions and become self-conscious about your body. You’ve lived here for years, so why aren’t you an adult yet like most of the other Barbies and Kens? You never really thought about it before, but you want to grow up. When Barbie moves to the real world and becomes human, you go with her. When you experience growth for the first time, you’re both excited and scared as your body and personality go through constant changes. When you visit Barbieland, you’re so excited to show all the other Barbies and Kens how you’ve grown taller and updated your wardrobe, among other things.
10. You’re Stereotypical Barbie’s twin sister but you’re a Plain Jane Barbie. You’re like the Mary Bennet to her Elizabeth Bennet. You’re not conventionally pretty, you have hobbies but aren’t exactly talented at them, your social skills are weak and your flirting game/love life are nonexistent. Your sister is a girly girl and you’re a tomboy. In the real world, Mattel said something about sisters who are total opposites being more marketable and selling more toys. You have a huge crush on Beach Ken, maybe you even love him, but he’s been pining for your sister for so long you doubt he’s ever really noticed you. If there’s one thing you are good at, it’s being invisible.
He’s always tried to impress Barbie or keep her attention on him. You’re so clumsy and socially awkward in comparison to your perfect and popular sister, you can’t count the number of times you’ve fallen flat on your face or otherwise embarrassed yourself in front of the other Barbies and Kens when you’ve tried to fit in or stand out in a good way. Your attempts to embody your sister have all failed and your friend group is small or nonexistent in contrast to her large social circle. But you’re still worried about her when her feet become flat and she keeps falling over herself. You try to console her when she gets cellulite and thoughts of death. She’s always been there for you when you needed her emotional support, especially when you finally confided in her that you have a crush on someone. You weren’t brave enough to tell her who it is, but she was supportive and encouraged you to go for it anyway. She gives great pep talks, so now you’ll do the same for her.
When Ken tries to turn Barbieland into Kendom and kicks Barbie out of her Dreamhouse, he lets you stay. You’re torn between them and don’t know what to do. You’re stuck in the middle of a conflict between the man you love and the sister you love, and you don’t want to choose one side over the other. The situation is made even more uncomfortable when Ken realizes his patriarchal brainwashing didn’t work on you like it did the other Barbies. You didn’t go with him and your sister to the real world, so he eventually puts together that your immunity must be because you already love him. This is not how you wanted him to find out about your feelings, but there’s no going back now. Your secret is out in the open. What happens next?
11. You’re a doll and the kid who was playing with you leaves you unattended and at the mercy of their younger sibling(s). In the real world, the little kids color your hair a bright unnatural color with markers and/or cut it in a choppy, messy style. They scribble on your skin/face and mess with your clothes. So in Barbieland, your appearance reflects that. When Ken (and maybe Stereotypical Barbie) see what’s happened to you and what a mess you are, they come to your rescue and you’re given a luxurious makeover. Your boyfriend (and bestie Barbie) do your hair, makeup, wardrobe, etc. They give you lots of personal attention as they fix you up and get you back to your normal, beautiful self in no time.
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs the Proving Lab
Welp. That happened.
And here we are - what's left of HADES. I mean, I'm surprised there's anything left of HADES at all, honestly. But I guess Sylens doesn't have so much a concept of mercy.
HADES, you are a shitheel. I mean, the Derangement and the Mysterious Signal probably contributed to that, but I don't think getting mucked with by Travis Tate et al helped all that much.
So ... wait ... Sylens, are you seriously telling me you left HADES alive (insomuch as an AI is alive) specifically so you could keep your word way back when you said you'd give me the means to destroy it? ...Well, if I'm running around settlements that look like Dreamer's Terrace, I guess it's fitting that I've got Fae-wording bargains coming from this dipshit.
And now you give me a schematic to let me ignite firegleam. Only when it suits you. Ugh, fine, I'll go hunt Leaplashers. (I hate Leaplashers.)
Best way to deal with Leaplashers - from the next post code over.
"Story and Easy Mode: you do not have to shoot off the power cores--" Can I ... do it anyway?
Right. Firegleam ignited. In we go!
So ... there was no mechanic for just ... letting me swim there? Really?
We're really hammering home the parallels between Sobek and Aloy, aren't we. Also ... why can I not punch Travis Tate in the face? I mean, really, I want to punch him in his face.
.........Well, this wasn't what I was expecting the "We still have dozens of hours of gameplay to give you so we'll contrive a problem" to be, but I'll take it. This game really enjoys kicking one in the metaphorical balls.
Sylens ... these are unknown quantities trying to come through the door, and you're not tellng me nearly enough, but I've done enough reading to know that the little you say you know? Is complete bullshit.
Yeah, see? Though now I'm almost regretting having crunched that particular Focus because I want a very good, very solid, "I TOLD YOU SO" right now.
(Also, if she was carrying around a spare Focus - or several, given what she told Varl at the beginning - why did she not do that six months ago? Or even when she discovered what he did to HADES? She knew Sylens had spyware! If she wanted to keep getting answers from him, she shouldn't have destroyed the spyware-filled Focus; she should have shoved it in a belt pouch and used a different one - at least until she wanted to pry answers out of Sylens again.)
...What the fuck are you people wearing? Did you get all your ideas on future fashion from Star Trek: TOS? That's tacky as fuck, guys.
Except you, Mini-Me. ...I have a Mini-Me. Great. And someone really needs to give you some actual shoes. Your feet must be cold.
(Yes, I notice this shit.)
Okay, these are not the machines I know, and ... yeah, I read a review at some point that talked about the "new machines" and how disappointing their designs were, and ... I get what they mean now. Robots should not ooze.
"One is trouble enough". Oooooh, Sylens, I wish I'd left you eavesdropping. Just because of how much you fucking hate being wrong.
Oh, so your horrible blingy jumpsuit has a forcefield on it. So this is going to be the most annoying fight ever.
...I get Aloy wanted information, but why was there no option to just jump in the damn water and swim?!? Why did she have to play some demented version of Tag to crash an entire ... whatever that fucking thing was when it wasn't even going to hurt him?!?
So jumping puzzle plus oxygen management plus stealth out the ass. This has been the most annoying fucking thing ever and I hate it. Good thing I'm way better at stealth.
...Crippling by Cutscene. THANKS FOR THAT.
Ah. Hi, Varl. Guess you're feeling better. I personally feel like shit. But I'm going to Do The Thing anyway--
Okay, that's fucking clever. The Utaru name their settlements for music because they remembered the old "do-re-mi" scale-singing from their ancestors' Cradle teachings, and let it live on in the name of their "land-gods". And this is the first civilisation that actually acknowledges what the machines were supposed to do. Everyone else treats them as a hazard at best; the Utaru worked in concert with them. So ... basically it's the Utaru that have it right. Neat.
Yeah, go be with your girlfriend, Varl. I will stay put, I promise. If only because a) the cutscene wants me to and b) I don't want to be that much of a hypocrite given everything I've said to you and Erend over the last little while. Also, c) someone ought to have a romance option that isn't one throwaway bit in the DLC.
Aaaaaaaand my ribs are better. And little green exclamation mark. Hi, Xenophobe Lady.
...Aloy? Why could you not just explain to the Xenophobe Lady what a 'thrush' is?!? Maybe she'd stop being such a bitch!
Right. I know there's all this saving-the-world stuff (though I have to admit I'm a lot less jazzed about that when I'm fighting Futuristic Techno-Gods or whatever), but I'm going to take a break and then I am going to go and ignite every bit of Firegleam I have passed so far. It has been taunting me.
(No, seriously, Futuristic Techno-Gods who bring all of the mindsets of the Old World with them? I don't want this. I am in this game for seeing how civilisations might shape themselves outside of the influence of the Old Gods - this is speculative fiction at its finest! And now you're giving me Futuristic Techno-Gods who are, in point of fact, generations old? And where were they all this time?)
Right. Yes. Break. Then, Firegleam and hunting. I ... am weirdly less jazzed about this game now that we're bringing the Old World this far into it. There's still enough for me to love, but none of it's the main plot. It's getting space-opera convoluted here - more clones, advanced technology, people treating the civilisations that formed without APOLLO as lesser--
...Wait. If we have APOLLO and DEMETER and HADES and HEPHAESTUS ... why do we have MINERVA? Every single one of the subordinate functions, and even the rogue AI Nemesis, were named for Greek gods, so why didn't they go with ATHENA?
Anyway, we're going into a vaguely colonialist direction far beyond shit like the Carja being stuck-up about everything and I am not sure I like it. Also I want to punch Sylens in the face for effectively arming the rebel Tenakth. What does he gain from destabilising the region? More to the point, what do these Techno-God dipshits gain from it? They have to be helping with that shit somehow.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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15 OC Questions!
I was tagged by the lovely @rebelangelsims (twice! But I'll happily do two of these!) I love this type of ask, where the character gets to answer the questions in their own words. It's a great way to improve (or create) narrative voice, and I love the challenge of making it sound convincing, as if the character really is answering it themselves.
Victor Okamoto-Nelson
Are you named after anyone?
Actually, yeah. I’m named after my mom. Her real first name is Victoria, which a lot of people don’t know because she’s always gone by her middle name, Grace. Anyway, if I’d been a girl, I would’ve been Victoria too, but I turned out to be a boy, so I’m Victor instead.
I'm also named after my dad, Thomas Edward Nelson. Thomas and Edward are my two middle names. I lost my dad when I was six, and it’s always meant a lot to me that I have his names because it's like I'm carrying a part of him with me no matter where I go.
When was the last time you cried?
Oh. Uhh… yesterday? I cry pretty easily, and it doesn’t take much. Yuri, my husband, likes to joke that I cry for everything, and he’s kinda not wrong. I mean, it’s not always full-on sobbing. In fact, it’s mostly not, but getting teary-eyed is still technically crying, so… yeah. I guess I’m soft, or I’m not very good at masking my emotions, or something.
Do you have kids?
No. Yuri and I don’t want any. We’re enough for each other.
Do you use sarcasm?
Not really? I think you have to be smarter than I am to use it effectively. Plus, sometimes it’s just confusing. And also, it sometimes feels kind of mean to answer people with sarcasm.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their physical condition. Like, if they look healthy or not, whether they’re fit or not and if they’re moving and talking and breathing comfortably. I know that’s probably weird, but it’s something I really pay attention to.
What’s your eye colour?
Blue. They're almost the exact same shade as my mom's. Someone once described them as 'oceanic blue' and even though I've seen the ocean before, I never really saw why that person made that comparison until I visited Sulani for the first time. Mine and my mom's eyes aren't just oceanic blue. They're Sulani ocean blue.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I don’t like movies that are seriously, intentionally meant to scare people. I enjoy some of the more campy horror movies, but I don’t want to see anything that’s gonna give me nightmares. Yuri also doesn’t like scary movies, so I never have to worry about sitting through one for him either. We both prefer happy endings, or at least endings where most — or even better, all — of the characters are still alive.
Any special talents?
I don't think so? I'm super awesome at snowboarding, but I don't think that's what you're asking. Yuri says I give really good massages. Is that a special talent?
Where were you born?
Willow Creek
What are your hobbies?
Snowboarding? Oh, you mean other than my obsession, right? I love cooking and baking. Is that a hobby? I like fishing, gardening and playing video games. Dog training is probably a hobby, right? I really enjoy working with the dogs.
Have you any pets?
Yes, we have two dogs. Rosie is a smooth-coated chihuahua, and Sango is a Pomeranian. When we move to our new house, Yuri wants to have chickens and maybe a cat.
What sports do you play/have played?
All the sports! Seriously, I haven't yet found a sport that I'm not good at. I love all kinds of sports and I've played a lot of different ones. My favourites are soccer, swimming, and of course snowboarding. Not to brag or anything, but I'm a world-class competitive snowboarder. Like, I mean... shredding is life. If I couldn't be on the mountain, I think I'd be super depressed, because that's one of the things that makes me feel most alive.
How tall are you?
Favourite subject in school?
Physical Education. I wasn't really that great in any academic subjects, but I liked P.E. a lot and I also liked Home Economics.
Dream job?
This is a hard one, because I think I have more than one option for my dream job. Like, my current job as a wellness coach and personal trainer is amazing. I love helping people reach their health and wellness goals. and I'm really happy doing this. But, even when I was in college, doing my diploma program in Health and Wellness Management, I was still thinking about my future career. I thought I'd like to be either a physical therapist or a nurse. These days, I'm leaning more towards licensed practical nursing, and maybe specializing in home health care. I think I'd be good at that.
I'll tag: @holocene-sims @theageofsims @ljfoxie @cawthorntales @dandylion240 (I know you've already done this) and @blithesomebawcock
Feel free to ignore this if you've already done it or don't want to. <3
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miss-ingno · 2 years
Love Me Forever (Or Not At All)
Fandom: 镇魂 | Guardian Ship: Kunlun/Shen Wei Words: 2.1k Tags: Vampire AU, vampire!Kunlun, human!Shen Wei, Kunlun raises Shen Wei, non-graphic descriptions of vampire sex, blood drinking, casual mentions of violence, power imbalance, Canonical Major Character Death, backstory
Summary: Kunlun always wanted a pet, but he didn't ask for a human. The kid grows on him, anyway. In more ways than one.
A/N: For @guardianbingo‘s square “Baby Shen Wei”. Read here on Ao3. Part of the All Is Written In Blood series. [Main fic | Ficlet 1]
Kunlun could feel the tension through the bond an hour before Nüwa and the contingent of vampires she took with her arrived back at the lair. Like his sisters and brothers, he greeted her in the courtyard. Unlike his flock siblings, he was singled out immediately by Nüwa's piercing gaze. She landed in front of him, her children scattering to make space. Usually, their dame was of an even temperament, but they could all feel her barely restraint temper.
More unusually even, she was carrying a bundle, plopping it down in front of him. Kunlun's nostrils flared as the scent of the small thing hit him. A human.
"Here," Nüwa said brusquely, pushing the child forward. It stumbled and fell to its knees before Kunlun. "You wanted a pet, well, there you go."
The small thing cowered before him, its eyes huge and wide.
"What am I supposed to do with… that?" Kunlun objected, his nose wrinkling. "It's too small to be worth more than a snack."
Nüwa waved him off with a dismissive snap of her wrist, a sneer twisting her mouth.
"What do I care? Just make sure it survives to adulthood," she ordered, stalking past him with a sweep of her long sleeves. Kunlun barely caught her mutter under her breath, "Shennong has some nerve, making such nonsensical demands."
Kunlun narrowed his eyes, his quick mind putting the pieces together. Lord Shennong had called for a meeting, and as he was the strongest amongst their kind, the vampire gentry complied. Like all those in power, Shennong too liked to rub his strength in the lords' and ladies' faces, reminding them of their place. Presumably, he'd decided on a competition this time, handing a human child to each flock and tasking them to raise it. For what purpose, Kunlun could only guess. Most likely, the idea of having the proud gentry raise their prey simply amused him.
"Rise," Kunlun commanded, and the child scrambled to its feet. He eyed its small frame, swimming in the robes it was bundled in. At least it had fine features, elegant eyebrows and cheekbones. It might yet grow up to be a beauty.
Satisfied, Kunlun nodded and turned on his heel, gesturing for the child to follow him.
First things first, he had to figure out what to feed the child. He'd been turned long ago, he barely remembered what it was like, but he had a vague memory of eating fruit and drinking goat's milk. Now, where to get a goat…
The child took to trailing Kunlun everywhere he went, sometimes literally clinging to his robes. His wide eyes took everything in—with fear or awe, Kunlun couldn't tell. It made it easier to look after the kid, though, having him stick close. Kunlun found that he didn't mind.
"The mountain has a shadow," Nüwa teased him at one point. "A little mountain ghost, hm?"
The nickname stuck.
Xiao Wei was a bright child, if shy. He would only talk to Kunlun and usually waited until they were alone. He had his hands full, between his fumbling attempts at raising the kid and fending off his hungry brethren when they got tempted by the fresh smell of blood (did all human children skin their knees or cut open their palms this often? Xiao Wei liked climbing rocks far too much for Kunlun's liking.) At some point, he realized that he'd gained xiao Wei's trust.
The realization hit him like a gut punch, as xiao Wei offered him a necklace made of teeth. He had no idea how xiao Wei had gotten his hands on them, ranging from animal teeth to demonic and vampiric fangs. It was a macabre gift, and Kunlun floundered, realizing his little ghost had grown up. He was nearly as tall as Kunlun, these days, maybe half a head smaller still. Kunlun had no idea how old he was. When did humans finish growing?
“Do you remember your life before you came here?” Kunlun asked him casually one evening, trying to hide how intently he was listening for an answer. He’d never thought to ask the kid how old he was back then, a fact he know regretted. He hadn’t asked much of anything, really, not interested in the sob story of some tiny human.
Had he always been so cruel?
“...not much,” xiao Wei finally said, slowly and carefully as if trying to gauge the right answer. Kunlun felt his stomach turn over with guilt. Seeming to sense Kunlun's disappointment, xiao Wei quickly added, “I have a younger brother.”
“Ah?” Kunlun perked up at the mention. Maybe he could reunite xiao Wei with his family, once this charade was over. He ignored the pang he felt at considering losing the kid – but a vampire’s lair was no place for a human. Already, his brothers and sisters were irritated with him for holding them back from an easy meal, only Nüwa’s sharp command holding them back. And once Shennong grew weary of his little challenge and withdrew his connection…
No. It was better for xiao Wei to return to his own kind.
The first time xiao Wei offered him his wrist, Kunlun refused.
Same for the second, and third time. After that, xiao Wei stopped offering, and Kunlun thought the matter settled.
He should have known better.
"You've done well, my child," Nüwa praised him. "Shennong was pleased seeing how well you've raised the human."
"Thank you, my lady." Kunlun bowed deep in respect. A measure of warmth filled his bones, knowing he had served his dame well. It finally settled his nerves, on high alert the entire time he’d escorted Lady Nüwa to Shennong’s court, to present their charge before him. Xiao Wei had been the healthiest of the children entrusted to the various flocks, leaving no one in doubt who won the competition. It left Nüwa in a great mood.
Xiao Wei was kneeling with his head bowed beside Kunlun, his shoulder pressing against Kunlun's thigh.
“Your little ghost truly grew up well under your guidance,” she mused, tilting her head as she let her gaze drift over xiao Wei’s bent form. A shiver of foreboding ran through Kunlun. “It’s almost a shame to waste such beauty. Oh well.” Flipping her hair over her shoulder with a dismissive flick of her hand, Nüwa bared her fangs in a grin. “As reward for a service well done, you may have the first taste, my child.”
"No," Kunlun snapped, and the hall grew silent. No one shifted so much as a finger, all eyes on their brother who dared defy their queen. Kunlun raised his chin under their regard.
"No?" Nüwa inquired, her tone deceptively mild.
"He's my pet, and his name is Wei. You gave him to me, and I can do with him as I like," Kunlun declared brazenly. He could feel xiao Wei startle at his new name. But then, Kunlun planned to offer him the bite, once he was ready, and Ghost was no proper name for a vampire.
"Wei…" Nüwa repeated, her glowing gaze shifting to xiao Wei. Kunlun had to fight down the urge to hide him from view with his cloak. "Lofty as your aspirations, my child. Very well. You have earned yourself a boon, do with him as you like."
Xiao Wei threw him a confused sideways look, but hurried along to follow him out of the hall, sticking close with all those eyes on them.
If Kunlun still had a heart, it would be beating rapidly in his chest.
The first time he drunk from his sweet xiao Wei, it wasn’t from the wrist but the thigh.
His flock mocked him for taking his pet to bed, but Kunlun could read the jealousy and envy carved into their disdainful masks. His xiao Wei had grown up beautifully, even Shennong had acknowledged it. Several of them approached xiao Wei behind Kunlun's back, cajoling and bribing and trying their best to seduce him, but xiao Wei calmly and politely rejected all of their advances.
Only one of them tried to enthrall him. Kunlun staked him through the chest, narrowly missing his heart, and left him stuck in the courtyard to wait for sunrise. A clear warning for his siblings to control themselves.
Arousal was an addictive spice, leaving a lingering aftertaste to the blood. During climax, it was near overwhelming: fresh and envigorating. Afterwards, the taste turned sweeter, almost as sweet as xiao Wei’s shy, pleased smiles as he settled into Kunlun's arms, sated and trusting.
Always so very, very trusting. It sat like a stone in Kunlun's throat, stealing any words he wanted, could say.
“Be mine,” he asked the next time, xiao Wei spread out underneath him like a feast, pliant as he took everything Kunlun gave him without complaint.
“Yes,” xiao Wei gasped, his legs wrapping around Kunlun's waist to better weather his thrusts. “Please, please, Kunlun, make me yours—”
“Forever,” Kunlun growled, pulling out despite xiao Wei’s best attempts to keep him. Dark eyes met his, pupils dilated with lust and gaze near feverish with yearning. Realization flit across xiao Wei’s face, so smart, always so clever, and his now, his for as long as they both lived—
“Forever,” xiao Wei breathed, arching his neck and offering up himself. “Yes, Kunlun. Yours, forever and ever, please…!”
It was tempting, but Kunlun had other plans. Instead of the neck, he ducked down and sank his fangs deep into the inside of xiao Wei’s thigh, drinking his blood spiked with arousal. Drinking him dry, to the last drop, leaving his mark to scar where no one else would ever see it, because xiao Wei was his, and his alone.
Then he sliced open his own wrist with sharp claws and offered it to his love as the light dimmed in his eyes.
Shen Wei walked stiffly across the hall on his way to the throne, shoulders straight and head held high. Whispers followed him as he stalked up to the throne, only falling silent as he turned around to silence them with his glare.
“Our sire is dead,” he announced, and the courtyard stilled the way only vampires could. Swallowing, Shen Wei added, “I am Kunlun's oldest and favourite. I will be taking over the flock.”
Shifting, now, the rustling of robes. Shen Wei stood cold at the head of Kunlun's flock, awaiting their judgement. Uncertainty whispered through the flock, several expressions closing off as he watched on, turning almost mutinous.
“You all have a choice. You may follow me – or leave.” Or they could challenge him. Shen Wei felt a twist of pain in his chest at the thought, but he didn’t allow it to show on his face. He would deal with them as appropriate: by killing them. He could allow no one to see him as weak at this crucial point in time.
Gongong was the first to leave. He’d founded his own flock already, it wasn’t really a surprise. Shen Wei never expected any of the flocks loyal to Kunlun to stay with him now that Kunlun was gone. Several others hesitated, until finally another left, and another. No words of farewell were spoken between them.
Finally, Daqing stepped up.
Pain lanced through Shen Wei, breaking his indifferent mask. He stared at Daqing, Kunlun's oldest friend and advisor. It felt like a betrayal, to have Daqing turn on him now — and yet, he knew better than anyone that he deserved it. After what he’d done to Kunlun, no matter how necessary, Daqing was well within his rights to leave him in disgust.
Daqing dropped to his knee, much to everyone’s surprise.
“Da-ge,” he addressed Shen Wei, his voice ringing out clear in the silent court hall, “I hereby pledged my fealty to you, Head of this Flock. As sure as the mountains stand tall and the seas fall and rise, I shall stand by your side.”
It wasn’t a vow of joining Shen Wei’s flock, but a variant of the ones pledged by a sire’s children who were starting their own flock. A vow of allegiance, of alliance. A promise of support.
Shen Wei swallowed past the sentimentality clogging his throat. “I accept your oath, loyal Daqing. Please, rise.”
With Daqing at his side, most others followed suit.
In the end, Kunlun’s flock didn’t break apart as most would have expected at his demise. While several of the older siblings broke off, more setting out to start their own flocks, almost all of the young ones remained, remembering Shen Wei as their Da-Shixiong and trusting him to lead them into the future.
And yet, Shen Wei’s heart was heavy. They didn’t know what happened to Kunlun, and it felt like lying to them to reassure them of their safety.
After all, it was Shen Wei who had killed their sire.
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hannahssimblr · 2 years
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15 OC Questions!
Nobody tagged me! I’ll admit it, but i want to do this anyway because it seems fun & a great way to explore a character. 
Evie Kilbride
Are you named after anyone?
Yeah kind of. Evelyn is a family name, and my mam is a bit obsessed with carrying on the tradition. I’ve a second cousin who is also Evelyn, and my great aunt on my mam’s side was Evelyn too. I’m the only one who has it shortened to Evie though. 
When was the last time you cried?
A week ago maybe? Everything makes me cry, I feel like I’m a huge baby. 
Do you have kids?
What? No... freaky. 
Do you use sarcasm?
All the time, I feel like my humour is kind of based on it.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their confidence. How they like, carry themselves into a room and how others react to their presence. I’m really drawn to that, like, how good it must feel to be noticeable. 
What’s your eye colour?
They’re green!
Scary movies or happy endings?
If you asked me a year or two ago I’d have said happy endings, but now? Scary movies. I’d love to say happy endings but they feel ingenuine to me, like girls like me don’t really get to have them, not in real life. If there was an option for an ambiguous ending I’d choose that. Something I’m slowly learning is that things don’t ever work out the same way that they do in films. 
Any special talents?
I suppose like, art? Drawing? But It doesn’t feel as special as it used to. 
Where were you born?
Tullamore, Co. Offaly. The dead midlands, voted most depressing county in Ireland. Pure bogland. 
What are your hobbies?
Um, hanging out with friends, watching movies, going out to bars, drawing... I used to run and swim, but not so much lately. 
Have you any pets?
Yes! My parents have a cat. She was potentially someone else's cat that they just started feeding so now she lives in their house. They named her whiskers, after the cat food brand. Extremely boring choice. 
What sports do you play/have played?
I used to play tennis after school, but I quit that when i was like 16. I’ve always swum and was on a swimming team for years, and I run too. Team sports were never really my thing but i like to stay fit all the same. 
How tall are you?
5 foot 6. Middle of the road, not short, not tall. 
Favourite subject in school?
Art is the only one I actually cared about. All I ever did was doodle in the margins of my books. 
Dream job?
Asking me about my future is a weird one. I don’t know what I want, I’m just getting through the day at this point. Illustration seems cool, like whether I’d be illustrating books or corporate graphics or a myriad of other things, I guess i’m just waiting for the right career option to present itself 
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brokenjere · 2 years
seventeen going under (j.f) (part 8)
seventeen going under (j.f)
AN: hey guys! I added a tag list for this fic, so if you wanna be added leave a comment on the most recent chapter or send me an inbox to be added! Thanks for enjoying💖
synopsis: Taylor’s in town, Conrad forgets Belly’s birthday, a mean game of chicken, and a long awaited kiss and run
i don’t wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck - the 1975 fallingforyou
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catch up here
I stayed home while Jeremiah went to get Taylor from the bus stop with Belly. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Taylor and any chance to avoid her was taken even if it meant she was shamelessly flirting with Jeremiah and I wasn’t around to gauge his reaction. But his reaction wasn’t my business. I made that very clear. 
I went into town to get groceries with my parents and watched as they acted like a newlywed couple picking out staples for their new home. I lagged behind like a puppy with too short of legs to keep up. Dad picked up something too sugary and Mom scolded him to put it back and when she wasn’t looking, he tossed it in the cart anyway and gave me a thumbs up. 
At home, I helped mom make a lemon loaf for Belly’s birthday. It was one of the only things she knew how to bake well and made it every year for her. As it cooled down on the counter, I added one candle right in the middle. Happy birthday, Bells. 
My phone went off in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Jeremiah: 
We’re going swimming in 10. Be there :)
I didn’t reply and put my phone back in my pocket. “I’m gonna go next door, okay?” I called up to my mom who was upstairs in her bedroom. She yelled back, “okay!” And I went out the back door. I didn’t really care to go swimming, but I had my suit on underneath my clothes anyway. It was a written rule that when in Cousins, you always had to have a suit.
I was still reeling from my talk with Jeremiah and took my time walking through the backyard. It all just felt too heavy for me to carry right now. I don't even know how I'll feel once I see him.
Jeremiah, Steven, Belly, and Taylor were all in the pool already when I snuck through our bushes. Belly saw me first, waving me down and calling out my name. I smiled and called out, “Happy sweet sixteen!” Steven and Jeremiah were hanging off the edge of the other side of the pool, talking to themselves. Jeremiah looked at me when Belly called my name and he smiled. Really smiled. Like nothing had happened, which I guess for Jeremiah, things were easy to let go of. 
“Are you coming in?” She asked, checking out what I was wearing. I shook my head but kicked off my flip-flops so I could sit on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water. 
“Why not?” She swam over to me as I sat down, the water hitting just below my knees. She held herself up on the pavement with her arms and she was getting water all over the place but I didn’t mind. 
I looked out at the pool where Jeremiah and Steven were talking when I arrived. They were now both staring at me instead of engrossed in whatever conversation they were having. I looked down at Belly instead. “Not in the mood. What are you guys doing?” 
“I think we should play chicken,” Taylor said as she waded in the pool, a big grin on her face. Belly smiled and agreed, swimming back over to her friend. I kicked my feet in the water as the four of them decided who was gonna be whose partner and Jeremiah kept stealing looks over at me and I kept dodging them. 
Belly got up on Jeremiah’s shoulders and Taylor got up on Steven’s and as they pushed at each other in the water, I watched as Jeremiah gripped Belly’s thighs. The way her legs hugged his upper chest and how, if she wanted to, she could run her fingers through his hair without even having to try. I was jealous of her in that moment. That she was that close to him. That her skin was touching his. 
“What are they doing?” I heard Conrad speak behind me. Somehow, he snuck in the backyard when I wasn’t paying attention and he was with Nicole. 
“Chicken,” I told him. He laughed a little and went to sit down next to me when Belly called out for Nicole. During the whole deb ball process, her and Nicole had kind of become close, I noticed. She had become close with all the girls, I think. Slowly. Without me noticing. 
“Aren’t you guys a little too old to be playing chicken?” Nicole asked, laughing through her words. I saw Belly’s face drop and Conrad stiffened next to me as he dropped his feet in the water. His calf was touching mine under the warm pool water. 
“It was Taylor’s idea,” Belly said. 
There was an awkward pause and then Jeremiah broke the silence, “wanna play water volleyball?” Before anyone answered, he threw Belly off his shoulders behind him and into the pool and everyone laughed and it was no longer awkward. Always the comedic relief. 
“Kind of rude of her,” I mumbled, only Conrad could hear. Nicole was taking off her shoes and setting her stuff down and Conrad glanced over his shoulder to make sure she didn’t hear. I didn’t care. 
“That was kind of rude.” 
“She can’t hear me.”
“So what,” he hissed. I looked at him and his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked more serious than I thought he would have and I recoiled into my body for a moment. 
“Since when don’t you side with your friends?” I asked as Nicole sat down next to Conrad, smiling because she had no idea what we were talking about or that it was about her. 
“Side with his friends about what?” Nicole asked. She wrapped her arm around Conrad’s shoulders and leaned into him, smiling. He smiled down at her and shook his head and we both said “nothing” at the same time. “Oh, okay," she mumbled, brushing it off.
I looked back out at the pool. The net was now set up and they had started playing their game and Conrad and Nicole engaged in small talk next to me but I tried not to evesdrop. I envied the time it was just the five of us. Me, Belly, Conrad, Steven, and Jeremiah. There was no Taylor crashing our party and Nicole would not be soaking up Conrad’s attention and it would have been me on Jeremiah’s shoulders. 
When we were younger, before all the hard stuff happened, chicken was one of our favorite things to play. Belly would go up on Conrad’s shoulders and I’d get up on Jeremiah’s and our hands would be really slippery and we would laugh too hard until our stomach cramped and I’d fall off of Jeremiah’s shoulders before he was able to catch me. 
Belly always described Conrad’s shoulders as a safe place to be. She said that Jeremiah felt too wobbly like she would fall and crash at any second but to me, Jeremiah was the most stable of them all. His were the ones I wanted to lean on. 
I stood up and started to pull down my shorts but Conrad caught my wrists frantically when he noticed. “What the hell are you doing?” He scolded, looking around at everyone. No one was looking except for Nicole, who was peeking at us but trying to look like she wasn’t. 
“I have a swimsuit on underneath,” I informed him, still trying to pull down my shorts but resisting from his grip. He looked over at everyone in the water, then back up at me, and released his grip. “What the hell is your issue?” I chuckled, taking my shorts off. 
Conrad shook his head and rang out his fingers with his hand. I took off my shirt and tossed myself in the pool. I felt Conrad staring at me the entire time I swam over to Jeremiah and Steven. “YN! Finally,” Jeremiah laughed, reaching out to me. I put my hands in his and he pulled me the rest of the way. I let my body glide through the water until it crashed into his chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around me and I couldn’t help but lean into him like he was an old blanket. 
“You gonna be on my team?” He asked into my now wet hair and I nodded. He twisted his fingers into my hair as he hugged me tight and that’s how I knew we will always be okay. 
I walked into Belly’s bedroom, towel drying my hair, as she and Taylor gushed on her bed about her birthday presents. I dropped the lemon loaf off in the kitchen as we ran through Susannah’s house trailing water behind us all. Susannah and Laurel yelled as we booked it up the stairs, the boys going left toward Conrad and Jeremiah’s rooms and the girls going right toward Belly’s. 
“Aren’t they pretty?” Belly asked, inspecting each of the pearls between her fingers.
It was a gorgeous pearl necklace. “Susannah gave it to me.” 
“You got to wear that tonight,” Taylor grabbed it from Belly’s hand and held it up to Belly’s neck where it would sit right above her collarbone. The white contrasted her skintone perfectly. 
“What else did you get?” I asked her as I sat down on the bed, bunching the wet towel up and putting it in my lap. She beamed and reached over her bed to her nightstand, opening the drawer, and pulling out a small box. 
“This is from Jeremiah,” she said, handing it over. I took the box from her and opened it. A car keychain. “Because he’s been teaching me how to drive,” she explained as she dangled the charm bracelet that rested on her wrist. I knew the bracelet. I knew Susannah got it for her a long time ago but I didn’t know he was teaching her how to drive. When did he have the time? 
“He’s teaching you to drive?” I asked, glancing up at her but then concentrating back down at the charm. It was silver and perfect and I ran my finger over it gently. 
“Yeah, he let me drive to get muffins one morning and I drove to go get Taylor.” 
I nodded and closed the box, handing it back to her. I don’t know why the bottom of my stomach feels like it’s on fire. A burning rage that made its way up my small intestines and through my chest making me feel like I wanted to vomit. “What did Connie get you?” I changed the subject. 
Belly looked down at her lap with the box in it and shrugged. Her hair fell into her face. “He said he forgot.” 
“He forgot,” she spoke louder, looking up at me. Her eyes were soft and sad like now she was finally really feeling the feelings of him forgetting. Conrad forgot? I couldn’t imagine him forgetting. The entire month of June, every year, he asked about Belly’s gift. Always wanting to get the perfect one. He was good at that: finding the perfect thing to make you feel all the feelings. 
“How could he have forgotten?” I asked quietly, almost more to myself than to Belly. Taylor clapped her hands and said, “who cares! He’s a dick anyway. Jeremiah and Steven mentioned Nicole’s having a party later. We’re gonna go, right?” 
I started to protest but Taylor held up her hand to stop me. “It’s Belly’s birthday. You wanna go Bells?” Belly looked between me and Taylor and quite frankly, I didn’t care if we went or not. Not really. Like Taylor said, it was Belly’s birthday. Hesitantly, she agreed. 
“After the dinner Susannah made, okay?” Belly conditioned. Taylor nodded eagerly and I excused myself to head home and get changed and showered for dinner but Jeremiah stopped me on my way down the hallway. 
“Hey, where are you going?” He was hanging halfway out of his bedroom, his bicep holding him off the doorframe. I could see his muscles, focusing on them before I even knew what was happening. He had a small smile on his face, his hair messily laying over his eyes and he was happy. Happy to see me. Happy I was there. 
“I was gonna go home and change and stuff. Just refresh before dinner, you know?” He nodded and held out his hand, his door swinging open, inviting me to take it. I did. “What?” 
“Come downstairs with me. We’ll watch a movie and hang out.” I hesitated to reply, looking away from him momentarily. He tugged on my hand a little bit and eventually, a smile grew on my face unwillingly and I nodded. “Okay, hold on,” he said as he went back into his room. My palm felt cold now that it didn’t have his in it. He grabbed some clothes out of his dresser and handed them to me. “Change into these. They’re dry,” he looked me up and down, “and clean.” 
“My clothes are clean!” My voice cracked and I looked down at the t-shirt and jean shorts I was wearing that were clean this morning when I put them on, but now the shirt had wet spots where my boobs touched from my wet swimsuit and my shorts were wrinkly, riding up my thighs and giving me a wedgie. Wet, damp swimsuit underneath it all. 
“Change,” he demanded with a laugh, pushing me into his room and shutting the door as he waited out in the hallway. I loved his room. Both this one and the one in Boston. Being in here was like getting a hug from him. Enveloped by his scent, consumed in his energy. I would drown in it forever if he asked. I exchanged my clothes and wet suit for his warm, baggy t-shirt and cloth shorts that were both too large for me. I tightened the strings on the shorts so they wouldn’t fall off and I bunched my clothes together in a pile next to his dirty laundry. 
“I’ll grab my stuff before I leave, okay?” I told him as I exited the room. His eyes slid over my body, taking in how homeless I look, probably, but he smiled. 
“Are you naked under those?” I scrunched my nose up. Partly in distaste for the comment and partly to give my face something to do other than produce a bright pink hue on my cheeks. 
“Well I’m not wearing my wet bikini, that’s for sure.” Jeremiah bit his lip but it happened so quickly that I think it might have been an accident. He shook his head and then took my hand to lead me down to the living room.
Jeremiah flipped all the lights off, closed all the curtains, and piled a bunch of blankets and pillows on the couch. I moved the giant ottoman to the couch, creating a bed for the two of us. This was how we always did movie nights. “Do we have snacks?” I asked. 
Jeremiah scoffed, holding his hand to his chest. “Do we have snacks? Would it be the Fisher house without snacks?” He trotted to the kitchen, pulling bags of chips and two bottles of sodas out of the fridge. I threw myself on the couch, wrapping myself up in the blanket. Jeremiah was next to me within seconds, handing me my Diet Coke and a bag of Sun Chips. I took them greedily and did a happy dance, making Jeremiah laugh. 
“What movie are we watching?” I asked. Jeremiah flipped through the channels on his TV, eventually landing on On Demand. It was something my mom would be offended by if she heard me call old school, but in the age of Netflix and streaming, On Demand was old school but it was our tradition. 
Jeremiah eventually found Napoleon Dynamite, a usual for us that we hadn’t watched in a long time. It was one of our favorites. I snuggled into the pillows and opened my bag of chips. “Can I have one?” Jeremiah pouted, eyeing up my bag. 
“You gave them to me,” I said, furrowing my brows. He shrugged and tried to reach for my chips but I swatted his hand away. He laughed and tried again until we were in a full on wrestling match over the garden salsa. His hands were attacking my hips, tickling my sides until I was hiccuping from laughing so much and I was pushing him away and off of me but he pinned me down. 
His fingers were interlaced with mine and he held my hands down above my head. His face was only inches away from mine and I bet he could taste the chips in the air between us which made me feel self-conscious. I swam in the blue of his eyes and he searched mine. My heart was pounding so fast I wondered if he could hear it. I wondered if he could feel it. “Jere-” I breathed but then he was kissing me. His lips were on mine and I was kissing him back. I couldn’t help it. His lips were soft and sweet and he tasted like Jeremiah, my Jeremiah. 
He ripped himself off of me when a voice cleared its throat from behind us. Jeremiah sat up, his hands no longer connected to mine. He was sitting on his legs on the ottoman in front of me, looking behind me toward the kitchen. “Conrad, you scared the hell out of me,” Jeremiah laughed. 
I sat up and looked behind me. Conrad stood there with his hands in his hoodie pocket and stared at us. He didn’t speak, just looked between me and his brother. His fucking brother. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. “Conrad,” I said. His eyes snapped to mine and suddenly, I was alone on an island. Water rushed over my body as it washed up on the shore.
I frantically started to grab my phone, shooting up off the couch. I could hear Jeremiah calling my name, but it was like it was off in the distance. He was a sailor, just him and his boat off in the ocean calling me out to sea. “I gotta go home,” I said, pushing past Conrad and out the door. 
The summer air hit me like a brick. It was humid out, the sun beating down on the pavement. I didn’t even realize I wasn’t wearing shoes. “YN!” It wasn’t Jeremiah. He didn’t come after me. Did I want him to? I think so. 
Conrad caught up to me, stepping in front of me to stop me from going further. “What?” I choked out. Conrad glanced back at the house. I almost did, too. To see if maybe he was standing on the porch watching us. Letting his big brother pick up all the broken pieces. Jeremiah was good at that. 
“What’s wrong?” He whispered, dipping his head low to match mine. I bit my lip and tried to look away but he used his fingers to guide my chin so that I was forced to read his face. His concern, sadness, and pain. It was all right there being served up on a silver platter. So unlike him.
“I don’t know,” I lied. “I just have to change, okay? Susannah will be home soon to start dinner, right?” Conrad shrugged. “I just have to go.” 
“Are you going to be at Nicole’s party?” 
“Are you?” 
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah. We’re all going to go. For Belly’s birthday.” 
“You forgot,” I whispered. I don’t know if that really even mattered at this moment. It wasn’t my birthday. He wasn’t mine to scold. He wasn’t anybody’s and neither was I. “You didn’t get her anything.”
Conrad looked stunned. His face changed from concern to irritation but only briefly. “I-”
“You never forget. She deserves an apology.” I stepped around him and ran to my house. My feet slapped the pavement but I didn’t feel the pain of the heat or the rocks beneath my feet. I didn’t feel it until I was in the comfort of my own bedroom. Until I was sobbing into my pillow.
@things-that-make-sa-happy @marajillana
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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kemakoshume · 3 years
𝚂𝚄𝙶𝙰𝚁 𝚁𝚄𝚂𝙷 (𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) — tw: drugs, threesome ✼:♡*゚✿
~ [for the "The More The Merrier" collab by the amazing, talented, wonderful @sinnerofthewalls] ~
a/n; no thoughts, 2:30 am, head empty. itafushi brainrot in full effect. speedran and wrote this all in one go [2.7k words]— written to this song ~
warnings/info: fem!reader (coded physically to be black but idc what you imagine, just don't be a dick about it), dwugs, sex on the drugs, safe drug-use etiquette, threesome, oral, p in v sex. boys kissin boys, friends being pals (basically a budding poly relationship sorta thing). not dc IMO but im adding my dc tag too anyway —tags: @anime-central @cursedarchiveblog— don't do drugs, this is an unrealistic work of fiction lmao. drugs are not worth the irl drama or turmoil ~
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Currently having nonstop thoughts about having a threesome with Megumi and Yuuji while you’re all hyped up on cocaine.
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After a long night out partying, you can't help but feel relief once you stumble into your shared apartment with your best friends, letting them follow you into your bedroom despite both of them also having rooms in your place. You can't even make it to the bed, instead choosing to fall straight onto your bedroom floor with the two handsome men alongside you.
Megumi would be saying something, griping about how his head is swimming a bit still because he might have drunk just a touch too much, while Yuuji would be rolling around, threading his fingers through the shaggy material of your large area rug, as bouncy and cheerful as ever.
You don't know why you said yes tonight when a girl in the nightclub toilets offered you a little dime-sized baggie, saying that she'd had way too much already, but you did. The contents were smooth and white and enticing enough to make your mouth drip wet with saliva at the sight. She'd gifted you pure ecstasy in a plastic pouch. What kind of person would you be if you said no?
The guys both blink at you like you had spontaneously grown a third head when you crack open your phone case, fishing out the little baggie from between the case and your cell.
You look between the two of them without explanation, reaching over Yuuji to grab your laptop from your nightstand that he's leaning against. You fish a credit card from the phone case wallet you took with you on nights like this where you didn't want to carry a purse, and you begin to break up the already pretty smooth powder into multiple lines.
"Is that what I think it is?” Megumi finally says, breaking the silence hanging over the room.
"If cocaine is what you think it is then, yeah. I'm pretty sure it's what you think it is," Yuuji replied back, scooting closer to you to watch what you're doing from up close.
You lean over him again, reaching into the deep recesses of your middle drawer to get your mini testing kit for the drug, making quick work of mixing a tiny section of the powder with the testing solution to make sure it is what the girl told you it was.
You always said you never really wanting to die alone if you could help it, but dying of a preventable overdose in your college apartment, and bringing your two best friends down with you too? Yeah, no. That wasn't a plan you had in mind.
So when the little liquid turns green and only green, matching the guide that directed you on what drugs turn the solution which color, you know you're in the clear.
"It's good," you announce, breaking the remaining powder down into lines.
The two boys look over at each other then at you, when suddenly Yuuji reaches down into his pocket, fishing out a dollar and handing it over to you.
"Thank you baby. Don't worry, you two don't have to if you don't want to. More for me," is all you say before dipping down to sniff up the white powder off the surface of your laptop case. You do so without a flinch, throwing your head back once you feel the drip begin to flow down your throat.
You see them knock their knees against each other, small smiles creeping onto their faces.
"Ah, what the hell. Worst it'll do is sober me up, best it'll do is get me high," Megumi says, plucking the rolled-up dollar from your hand so he can inhale a line for himself.
Yuuji follows suit, taking a line and a half all in one go.
You all take deep breaths, relaxing onto the carpet as you let the high creep in, since the buzz did come on quickly and rather strong.
"Oh fuck," Yuuji groans, letting his head loll back and he feels the drug begin to rush to his brain, "God that's good shit. Where'd you get this?"
You giggle, letting your eyes close as you lean back on your forearms, just... feeling it as you repeat the story back to him.
"Random bathroom girl. Too high, gave me the rest of her drugs for free. Blah blah blah."
Megumi chuckles to himself. About what, you aren't sure, and you're a little afraid to open your eyes at the moment to find out. Everything will be off-kilter and moving a bit too fast once you do, and you need one more moment of peace in the darkness behind your eyes before you subject yourself to that.
You aren't actually sure how much time passes, but you can tell the other two have grown a touch antsy with the new stimulating substance flowing through them.
You can feel a hand lightly grip the exposed skin of your thigh. Your dress is short enough that while sitting down the way you are, you're sure the two men can see the pretty cotton fabric covering the surface of your sex.
You finally let your eyes open, taking in the sight of your two besties sitting right up against each other. Their faces are only a hair length apart, their noses basically Eskimo kissing.
"Fuck, you look so pretty right now," Yuuji said, staring deeply into Megumi's eyes as his thumb began to caress the skin of your upper thigh.
It's not unexpected when they lean into each other, kissing to distract one another from the nasty nasal drip that had already passed for you. Or, they were just kissing to kiss, no distraction needed. They'd done it before. Well, kissing that is, not this specific drug. At least not to your knowledge. Other drugs though? They'd definitely done, and it had almost always ended in kisses then too.
There was something so intoxicating about watching them together. Their kisses are soft and sweet despite how hard the lines of their bodies were. Sharp jaws, firm muscles, long limbs, but still so pretty together. You can't help your gasp when the two men let their tongues loll out to tangle together among the slickness of their spit, their bite swollen lips coming together to make the most beautiful sounds.
Yuuji moans into it, rubbing his free hand up the length of Megumi's stomach, pulling at his shirt.
He then looks over at you as Megumi undresses, pulling you up and into his lap, between them, as he envelops your lips into a flurry of kisses.
"Fucking beautiful, both of you," he says between the kisses, holding you in his lap by placing his hands underneath your ass, grabbing as much as he can manage even with his large hands.
You feel Megumi slide up behind you, putting his body flush against your back and slotting his legs between Yuuji's so you're in both of their laps now, forcing Yuuji to move his hands up to rest against your thighs. Your hair is already up and out of the way in a mess of sweat-damp curls wrapped in a loose bun, but he still grabs your hair anyway, pulling your head back and away from Yuuji so it's resting on his shoulder.
The raven-haired man captures your lips in a kiss of his own, running one of his hands up your body from your waist until his hand is cupping your braless breast through the form-fitting fabric of your nightclub dress.
Yuuji is touching you too. Kissing your wrists as he makes his way up your arm, coming up until his face is right in front of both yours and Megumi's. He puckers his lips cutely, his doe-eyes full and expectant as he leans in more until he's breathing in all of your air.
"Jesus, so fucking needy," Megumi chuckles, grabbing his friend by the nape of his neck to pull him into the kiss. You all kiss back and forth, licking into each other's mouths and peppering kisses on any skin you can reach.
Yuuji takes off his shirt as well at one point, along with his pants, leaving him exposed in his snug forest green boxer briefs. His cock is hard and hung beneath the fabric and you can't help but gulp down your own spit at the sight of it. Who gave him the right to be physically jacked, with the sweetest personality you'd ever encountered, and have a huge dick?
It wasn't fair for one human to be that perfect.
It feels nice how warm to the touch he is as he rubs his body against yours. He supports your weight in his strong arms as Megumi lifts you to shimmy off his jeans as well, along with adjusting your bodies so that Megumi's back is supported on the frame of your bed. He groans into it when Yuuji sits you down to relax into his lap again, and you begin to absentmindedly grind against his length.
"You're both so hot right now, fuck," Yuuji moaned, sliding his hands up from the bottom of your dress, pulling it up until the relatively thin fabric is bunched up around your waist.
Megumi runs his hands along the lines of your shoulders, using his thumbs to pull down the straps until the top of your dress is also wrapped around your waist, exposing your breasts.
Yuuji slides out from under your legs, sliding his body backward until he's laying down on his stomach. He fumbles around with his hands, smacking at the surface of your bed until he feels the pillows hit his palm that he was looking for. He slides one under his stomach so he can lay comfortably, while he slides the other beneath your ass where you're hanging out of Megumi's lap a little.
"Before I begin my feast, would anyone else like another line?" he says, sliding the cocaine-dusted laptop over to where you're sitting on the clean surface of your vacuum-abused bedroom rug.
He uses your card to make three more lines, smaller than the first few but still hefty in their own right. He cranes down his neck to take up a line, pinching his nostrils closed as he leans his head back once the drip starts up again.
He hands you the laptop, letting you take your own line in with ease. Megumi has his arms wrapped around your breasts, only removing one of them to lean down around your shoulder, pressing his face against your neck to take his own line. He presses his finger against the laptop cover, collecting the last few morsels of the drug. Then he pushes his finger into your mouth, dragging the digit across your gums until you can no longer feel your own teeth.
He removes his finger once he sees a smile cross your face. You can see the numbness, the tingles, the ecstasy... all of it begin to cross both of their faces again as well. Yuuji's laughing, and now so is Megumi, so of course, you start too. Everything just feels so fucking good. It's impossible not to.
"God," you moan, the dopamine firing off at insane rates in your brain, "I need you. I don't care who, I just need someone in me. Fuck, I could cum just from your fingers at this point."
You're reaching your hand up to caress the side of Megumi's face, and he kisses the back of your hand.
Yuuji grabs a water bottle from somewhere, probably your dresser, and chugs it. He swishes the water around in his mouth for a moment before swallowing, trying to get the remnants of the drug out from his mouth before he goes down on you. Numbing up your clit by accident didn't sound like a good time.
"Hold her open for me Fushiguro," Yuuji said, reaching forward to pull you down further on the pillow.
Megumi had a pillow slid behind his back as well, so it's simple when he grabs your legs, sliding his own body down just a touch so that he can hold you open for Yuuji easily.
To be frank, it's almost embarrassing how fast you're cumming once Yuuji gets his mouth on you.
You're extremely aware of Megumi's presence holding you steady, and Yuuji tearing you apart. Megumi's hands are busy tweaking your pretty pebbled nipples while his mouth sucks and licks at the sensitive skin below your ear. While Yuuji's tongue is busy licking at your cunt. He's firm and precise in where he chooses to lick at your folds. Your clit was overly sensitive in the best way with the hum of the drugs flowing through your veins, making everything more sensitive. But when he starts fucking into you with his long tongue, using his thumb to swirl across the surface of your clit? Oh, you're a fucking goner.
"Aw, Yuuji, you're making our princess squirt already. Haven't even fucked you yet and you're making such a big mess on the new rug," Megumi teased, kissing at your neck as your back arched off of the man's torso.
You could feel the flood of liquid coming from your sex when you came, and it was indeed making a mess. All over the floor, all over your thighs, and all over Yuuji's face.
It shouldn't make you smile as hard as it does when he comes up for air, his face drenched in your slick, with the goofiest smile across his face once he realizes how good he made you feel.
"I've never seen her do that before. Gotta say, I think I'm a fan," he says matter-of-factly, coming up between your legs to kiss at your lower belly.
"Fucking idiot," you giggle, smacking the top of his head softly.
You're thrown back into the deliriousness of pleasure when Megumi snakes a hand up your body, coming up to wrap his hand firmly around your throat.
"Don't get too relaxed baby girl. We have so much more to do."
So, yeah, you end up fucking like little rabbits the rest of the night, even once the coke has eventually started to wear off.
The ecstasy surged through every neuron firing off in your brain, down through all the nerves in your body for the first two or so rounds that you had sex. Megumi fucked into you at a punishing pace as Yuuji lets his cock slide along your folds. He rubbed up against you that way until you came for them again, clenching around Megumi so well that he came inside you, filling you to the brim with his cum.
In the next round, Yuuji takes you from behind, fucking you like you were molded for his cock while Megumi lets you lean into him for support, kissing you as you took Yuuji's dick until you came around him as well. He was too big and his dick curved just the right way and you can't help it when you end up crying, yelling out in ecstasy as they both work in tandem to rip the third orgasm from you that night.
The last two rounds are all about you. How many times they can make you cum? Who can give you the strongest orgasm? All the while, the two boys are also touching each other. Kissing and caressing and milking each other for orgasms as well when their refractory periods are over and they're ready to go again.
It feels like a lifetime has passed when you see the faint beginnings of overcast daylight breaking through your windows. You're finally all tucked into bed. Begrudgingly clean since Megumi had forced you all up and into the shower for a lazy cleaning after all the excitement. Though, you can't complain too much. Not when you got to be cleaned and kissed and adorned by the two men as they showered you, and not when you got to watch as they kissed and took care of each other.
The comedown would be a bitch to deal with the next day. You can feel it coming on already. The frazzling in your nerves, the fog coming in to muddle your brain and make you feel as grey as the incoming cloudy sky, but that's okay. The morning would come with take-out breakfast and cuddles and comforting kisses. How could you not see the bright side in that?
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sooooo... what'd you think? lmk lmao. when i say i speedran this shit i mean i just finished writing and crossposting this and it's only 4:30 am. it was supposed to be a drabble but come on... my drabbles lately are never drabbles. oh but speaking of crossposting, this is also posted on ao3: here. i crosspost just in case something happens to this acct so go bookmark it if you want it just in case || taglist request || ~
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simpfiles · 3 years
Could you make a head cannon of silco x reader if silco got said reader pregnant, how would he react??
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lol i was already in the process of making these of type of hcs anyways so i’ll just group them up with yours. also gonna tag @helloworldhehr bc i know they’ve been dying for some pregnant reader.
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silco wasn’t trying to get you pregnant. he just likes it raw. there’s something so visceral about barebacking it with your nails scratching down any piece of him you can get a hold of. when you beg him to never stop, as if that was ever an option at this point.
when you tell him you're pregnant, he's stunted in all movement but his eyes. Those seem to look everywhere but you. "are you sure?" he asks.
he's not thrilled with the announcement or has much attachment to the child. jinx is a walking metaphor of the country and people he loves. your child is just proof that he doesn't fire blanks.
but he's a good man and decent actor. he kisses your temple and strokes the back of his knuckles down your cheek, soothing, and saying he'll take care of you.
jinx was harder to convince and silco already settling into a fatherly role by sitting behind you and saying nothing. sink or swim.
you really have to sell the idea of a baby sibling. it took forever for her to warm up to you, now she has to like another new person? it's too much. "but, jinx" you say exhausted, having gone through this run around all day. "this baby will be so stupid and can't even defend themselves. they'll need a big sister like you to help them."
silco's eyes lock onto jinx. the shift in her posture and mood not going unnoticed. only then does he stand next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "we're offering you a great responsibility because we believe you can handle it. do not prove us wrong."
the edgy teenager before you melts into a soft girl with big eyes. she nods with a meek "ok, i can do that." and you're left amazed by his control over her. will he hold the same power over your own child? will you get to share in that power?
he's always considered you attractive but he finds you ridiculously gorgeous while pregnant. your breast are bigger but so are your feet, hands and of course, stomach, but there's something so--divine--that pregnancy glow.
you're carrying his child. fuck. though he masks the cracks of fear well, he's scared. there's a thousand reasons why having a child right now does not fit in his timeline and plans. maybe ten years down the road.
you're carrying his child. FUCK! he's always been partial to marking you as his; bite marks that resembles his unique dental pattern. jewelry, adorning your body. his fingerprints transcript into your skin with blue and purple blotches. and now, his child growing inside of you. it gets him incredibly aroused.
lots of pregnancy sex.
he kisses your stomach tenderly, his hand sweeping over its swell. and when he feels a kick the cycle of fear and delight replays in his mind.
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emisanemu · 2 years
Give It Up For Fallen Glory
Gabriel x Plus-size!Female! Reader
(Word count: 4248)
(Rating: M)
(Warnings: strong language, blood, death, murder, just a lot of rough stuff)
(Description: Everyone has a story.)
Your fingers slide gracefully across the keys of your laptop, small 'clacking' sounds following each letter you typed. The lore website loaded slowly, your pen sat still on the table beside you, still warm from the notes you've been taking. You can smell the pungent odour of the fresh black pen ink, probably still wet on the paper of your little journal. You can feel the slight heat radiating from your MacBook, most likely from overuse, or maybe because you haven't replaced it in years. Your nose also catches the faint scent of your now cold coffee, long abandoned next to you as you threw yourself into your research.
      You were trying to find whatever information there was available on lake monsters, and besides catalogues of articles about the Loch Ness monster, there wasn't much to be found. I mean, who even believes in lake monsters, sure there's the occasional picture of some blurry log in a dark lake that people claim is some elusive cryptid. Other than that, you haven't found a lot of relevant information, at least not for the case you were looking in to. Young men, between the ages of 25 and 30 disappearing. They had all been swimming within the same area, streams and small rivers that all pour water from the local lake. Of course the first thought from Dean was a lake monster, for being a seasoned hunter, some of his ideas were a little...out there at times. Nonetheless here you were, wasting away in front of an old ass laptop researching lake monsters.
       Sam and Dean had gotten all "feded" up to go ask questions around the town. People are obviously more than willing to discuss lake monsters. Not. So you stayed back hoping to find a more reasonable answer, something with at least a few pages of credible research behind it but so far, no ball. Your eyes felt weary and your back ached from being hunched over uncomfortably in front of the small screen, your hands cramped up from taking useless notes. Man you really needed a vacation at some point, it would only be a matter of convincing the boys and Cas, well and your new tag along, archangel Gabriel himself. He has proven to be a helpful asset but also a major pain in the ass. He was somehow messier than Dean, leaving his candy wrappers anyway he went, angels don't even need to eat, you swear he does just to spite you.
         At least he kept himself sparse for the most part, he would either tag along with Sam and Dean or bother Cas who was always on some random heaven related mission. Thankfully that left you with down time, even if your downtime consisted of nonsense research. Sometimes you liked the nonsense, it was like a little unwanted learning experience.
       Speaking of unwanted. His voice sounded overly chipper, maybe even to the point where it was being forced. Now you just wanted to have a real lake monster come through the window and take you hostage, like a water king kong, except with drowning you instead of carrying you to the top of the Empire State Building. Or maybe you could just slam your face into your laptop hard enough it put you out for a few hours. Two unreasonable options but probably more enjoyable than a one sided flirty conversation with the faux trickster.
"Yes Gabriel?"
       You don't even pull your eyes away from your screen, maybe he'd take the hint and flutter off somewhere. That was only a hope, angels weren't much for subtlety, they were actually quite abrasive, except for Cas, he was more awkward than brash like Gabriel.
"Just seeing what the pretty lady was up to, which is-"
  He pauses for a moment to eye your computer screen.
"Sea monster research?"
       You could hear the amusement in his voice, it was kind of funny. A hunter with years of training and lives saved under her belt looking at articles about cryptids and fairytales. There was no perspective that could make this seem normal, it could only really be seen as funny, like some messed up comedy routine.
"Actually, it's lake monsters, which probably isn't any better now that I say it."
       You laugh a bit at the end of your sentence, trying to suppress giggles that were building in your throat. You finally turned around to meet Gabriel's gaze, the sea- erm, lake monsters could wait a second.
"Is there something that you want Gabriel."
        Your voice sounds flat and kind of annoyed, and your face definitely matches as Gabriel reaches to scratch his chin like some cartoon character. Gabriel was at times a living cartoon character, at least he was funny.
"Why don't you..tell me a story, your story."
        His statement comes out "matter a factly". But you just look and feel a bit bewildered, your story? The saga of your life? Or maybe why you're looking up damn lake monsters? But the look in his eyes answers your question, he wants THE story.
"I don't have a story Gabriel."
     The words roll of your tongue, a clear tell that you have said that same thing before, that you had brushed people off a million times. Why did he want to know? I mean he's an angel, he's seen all and knows all, he could just read your mind and figure it all out.
"Of course you do, all you hunters have one, some sobbing heartbreaking story of why you became a hunter, who or what brought you into the life and I know everyone else's but yours, so please, do tell."
       You could feel your jaw clenching, anger building in your chest, heat rising to your face. You wanted to punch him, how dare he ask you that, and especially like that. He was so condescending at times, like all the times he tried to be understanding it was a lie. You were practically seething, and for once, Gabriel looked scared, fear brewing in his honey coloured eyes.
"Go to hell Gabriel, I don't owe you any answers or any story or anything for that matter."
        Your words came out as venom, like the bite of a snake. Your teeth were grinding painfully, the enamel almost wearing off into your mouth, your throat felt dry and constricted. Your hands shook to an almost painful degree as you all but slammed your laptop shut, the noise echoed through the room, cutting through the uncomfortable silence. You could almost feel the wince that came from Gabriel as you packed your things into your brown side satchel, you just needed some air. At least that's what you told yourself, you wanted to run until your lungs burned and your legs were numb, to keep going until you collapsed into some ditch, somehow that would feel less painful than this moment.
"Hey, just hold on."
         Gabriel punctuated his words with his hand on your own, in some almost pitiful attempt of stopping you from running out, to stop you from hiding. This only furthered your anger as you slapped his hand away, your eyes shot daggers at the angel, you almost wished an angel blade would manifest itself, give you some comfort and freedom. You just wanted to be free from the prison of your mind, and you felt hopeful as you went to walk out the door. Your legs moved fast until they suddenly stopped, your whole body stopped, like a giant hand had wrapped itself around you keeping you firm in your place. You tried to move, to get to the door, to feel the air of outside on your skin but it was no use. You were trapped and immediately you knew why, Gabriel.
        His grace had wrapped around you like a cage, keeping you immobile, stuck just like you have always been. He had no right, no right to ask questions that didn't need answers and no right to keep you here.
"Gabriel, let me go right now, I've been plenty gracious to you but I promise you I'll do whatever it takes for you to let me go if you don't do it on your own."
        You meant every word, in this moment you could probably kill him with little to no remorse. That was a horrible thought but you couldn't help it, you felt naked and vulnerable, like Gabriel had stripped you down and thrown you in front of the eyes of a million people. It was like those nightmares where you show up to high school in nothing but your socks and shoes, embarrassing and horrible and just angry. In this moment though, your emotions were a bomb, and you didn't know which awful feeling would ignite it first. You had a suspicion it would be sadness as hot burning tears stung the corners of your eyes. A choking feeling was rising in your chest, creating a painful knot in your throat. It was rushing to the surface faster than you could push it down.
"Gabriel, please, let me go. You- you can't do this."
       You felt pitiful with the way your voice cracked as you begged, if you could get to your knees you would sing your pleas like prayers and hope they didn't fall into deaf ears.
         Gabriel came around to stand in front of you, his golden honey eyes looked stormy, like the eye of the hurricane in physical form. His pink lips were pulled into a tight line, eyebrows furrowed in worry. You had seen Gabriel in pain, on his knees begging for mercy but you had never seen him like this, with remorse brewing deep within his being. His contention almost brought you comfort, soothed the sinking feeling in your chest. Almost, but not quite. Even if he DID feel conflicted about his actions, at this moment nothing could calm the waves crashing in your brain, drowning any rational thoughts you were having.
"I'm sorry, I just, I didn't want you to leave. I know I pushed it but I'm so sorry, and I understand if you don't want to but you can tell me, I'll listen, I can help you Y/N."
       He sounded truly sincere, Gabriel never felt sorry, at times you wondered if he could even comprehend true human emotions. In this moment you knew he could, that he wasn't just being comforting or luring you into some false sense of security, he was being unabashedly honest. Even so, you couldn't just tell him, you're not sure you'd even survive explaining what the air smelled like on that day, but you yearned for relief, for someone else to feel your agony so you didn't have to.
"Gabe...I can't, I can't say it."
       You meant it, there was no possible way you could fathom voicing your biggest pain, but, you wanted to.
"You don't have to say anything, just let me see, it may be uncomfortable, but I won't do anything to hurt you, I would never."
        You knew what he meant, you knew what he could do, how he could save you from your own internal turmoil so you just nodded. A slow painful nod that helped tears finally drop from your already puffy eyes. Your eyes which allowed you to see Gabriel slowly approaching you, weary that you may change your mind at any turn, that you would you scream at him, but you didn't. You didn't even move as he placed a warm gently hand over your forehead and you were suddenly gone.
        Warm air blew through your clothes and hair, the scent of wildflowers and summer grass staining your body and travelling up your nose. You were surrounded by tall grass and little dandelions, birds chirped over head and the sun warmed your skin gloriously. You could feel the cold dirt beneath your bare feet, the foliage tickled your legs, but you loved it, you loved how the world felt on your skin, it was comfortable.
“Y/N, supper is almost done, bring yourself inside now.”
Her voice is sweet, a slight but barely there twang. She sounds like hot chocolate on Christmas, warm and inviting. You dust your small hands on your dress and skip to your front porch, it’s a white wooden wrap around porch, it shows clear signs of aging and weather damage but it still stands, strong and beautiful. The front door is slightly ajar, in front of it sits a straw like ‘welcome’ mat, the ‘W’ is slightly worn away so it looks more like it says ‘velvome’. You can smell the savoury scent of homemade cooking, it engulfs you as you walk through the threshold of the door. A dog greats you, she’s an aged sheep dog, slightly dull black and brown fur with small white patches scattered about. She is rounder, a clear sign she’s been well taken care of, her nose is black and also dry and her eyes droop with age. You spot the collar, ‘Maggie’. Your family dog, she’s beautiful, 13 years old but she stands firm, always protective of you, even if you have to care for her more that she is able to care for you these days.
She rubs her nose happily against your hand, tail wagging madly, flapping through the air in a way you find almost funny. You crack a little smile and scratch her head, she’s appreciative and gives your hand a happy lick as she wonders off into the kitchen, you follow close behind. Maggie plops herself heavily into her dog bed, head resting tiredly on her paws as she closes her eyes contently.
“Wash your hands before you eat, I know you were playing in the grass, dirt doesn’t go down well with supper.”
She speaks sternly but with a hint of humour in her voice. She isn’t facing you, instead she’s taking dinner out of the oven, she’s wearing a black dress with little sunflower designs and a little yellow cardigan. She also has a white apron resting around her waste, it has hints of what you suspect is flour on it. Her hair in pinned up on her head and she is wearing her reading glasses on the edge of her nose. They’re slightly fogged up from the heat of the stove but she doesn’t seem to notice. You take in her figure and notice the little flower earrings and locket around her neck. Her accessories are elegant, she speaks poise but also comfort, she has an ageless beauty, looking almost ten years younger than her actual age, the only thing that gives her away is the very few fly away greys she has in her hair.
You snap your gaze away from her, stepping up to the sink on your makeshift step stool, too short to simply reach the counter on your own. You take a few pumps of lavender scented soap into your hands and you flick on the sink, waiting a few seconds until it runs warm. Not cold or hot but a sweet medium, you rub the soap across your hands and wash them under the steady stream of water. You scrub until the feeling of soap is gonna, it’s only then you turn the sink off and step down. You turn to your right grabbing the hand towel that was set out for you on the counter, it dries your hands delicately and your place it gently on the counter.
“Now would you look at my beautiful little girl.”
You feel two hands pinching your cheeks carefully, she has a smile on her face, it’s exaggerates the few, if any, wrinkles she has around her mouth.
“Momma, I’m not little anymore.”
You cross your arms is faux anger and blush bashfully. Your mother gives you a light chuckle, her laugh sounds like music, it’s the only sound you’d ever need to hear again to smile. She pinches your cheek once more before stepping back to look at you.
“How can I argue with that face, I mean your growing up so fast, you might as well get yourself a little job. You may even be too old for ice cream after dinner huh?”
Your eyes light up and you shake your head, causing yet another laugh to fall from your mothers perfect almost heart shaped lips.
“No momma, I’m not too old for ice cream, I promise.”
Your use your fingers to represent you crossing your heart in a cute little promise. Your mothers nose crinkles up as she cracks another smile and takes you into her arms. She smells sweet yet elegant, like roses and honey, and her dress is soft, her hands rub gentle circles on your back with one hand and tucks your hair behind your ear with the other.
“Okay, go sit down and we’ll have dinner together.”
Her smile warms you and you scurry to your seat excitedly, practically bouncing. You love spending time with your mother, she’s your safe space, the only person in this world that you truly trust. She’s with you for breakfast in the morning, to watch you play on the old tire swing in your yard, to sit with you during dinner, and to tuck you into bed at night. She is your everything, ever since she brought you into this world she had been your grace, the shining light at the end of every dark tunnel. You look at her as she settles at the table, passing you a white glass plate and a fork. She scoops mashed potatoes and delicious smelling chicken onto your plate, your favourite dinner of hers. It looks so good, to the point your mouth is practically watering at the sight, but you don’t dig in, you wait for your mother to plate up her food. You had never eaten without her, you both had to have food before you’d even think about it, it was a matter of respect but also a matter of never wanting to leave your mother out of anything. You were practically her shadow, dancing gracefully with every move she made, never falling to far behind her, her footsteps were yours in every sense.
“C’mon, let’s say grace before the food goes cold.”
You guys aren’t to religious but even so every night you say grace, a trait passed down from your grandparents, a little prayer for good things to come. You enjoy the nightly ritual, it brings you a sense of calm and peace, so you take your mother’s soft hand into your own, you can feel the cold metal of her wedding ring. It’s a small band with a little but noticeable diamond on it, given to her by your father, passed down from his mother. You close your eyes and bow your head waiting for your mother to begin the prayer but she doesn’t. Instead you hear a sickening gurgling sound bubble from your mother’s throat, and her grip on your hand tightens to an almost painful point.
Your eyes fly open and fall onto your mother, the sight is something you’d never forget, not even if you tried. Sticking out of the back of head is the handle of a knife, the tip of which protrudes through the front of her throat. Crimson blood gushes from the wound and on to the table in front of you. You could throw up, your mother was still holding your hand and she was dying, right before your eyes and you couldn’t do anything.
“Momma, no, please.”
Your begging fell on deaf ears as her hand went limp in your light little grip and her head fell forward into the table with a disgusting thud. You jumped back, and straight out of your seat, it was only then you noticed the figure standing behind her. His hands were covered in blood and you could smell the distinct scent of cigarettes wafting off of him. He had a nasty grin on his face and a dirty scruffy beard. Your father. You hadn’t seen him in days, your mom said he was on some sort of business trip. God you wished he was on a business trip and not here, now cowering over you.
He took a dirty blood covered hand and grabbed your face, squeezing your cheeks roughly, painfully. You could feel your mother’s blood seeping into your skin, it was sickening, the worst feeling anyone could experience. The situation only heightened when he raised his hand above his head, ready to come in contact with you when a sudden shot went off. Blood and brain matter splattered onto your shocked face, coating your hair disgustingly. Your father’s grip completely loosened off of your face and he fell to the floor revealing yet another man behind him.
He was holding up a shot gun, which had a little steam of smoke coming from it. He was gruff looking, he had a light salt and peppered beard, wrinkles and scars adorned his face. He wore a plaid flannel and mucked up jeans with a pair of old worn brown boots. He was an intimidating figure but he dropped his gun and his face softened upon seeing you, and you finally screamed. A heart breaking wailing scream, tears streaming from your face as you fell to your knees, everything you knew was gone, ripped away in a matter of minutes. So you closed your eyes and prayed, wishing it was some kind of nightmare, that you weren’t just sitting here with your parent’s blood on you.
When you opened them, before you stood Gabriel, his hand had finally left your forehead and he had tears in his eyes. Clearly he was deeply affected by your story, by what horrors your mind had to live with every day since you were five, you had hidden it for twenty five years. He had finally let you pour it all out and you felt a weight lifting from you, the weight of the fact that you no longer had to carry the burden alone.
“W-was that Bobby Singer?”
Bobby. Or as you now knew him, dad. On that night he had been the one to kill your father, he had been following your father’s trail of bodies. Unfortunately he didn’t make it in time to stop him from making another one, form ruining another life. He had ruined your life and not under the influence of some demon, or shifter, he was completely and utterly him, an evil, sick man. It was just unfortunate your mother had found out what he was doing. He was the “Indiana Stalker” a monicker he had earned by terrorizing the college girls, leaving their lifeless defiled bodies in ditches. Bobby had been on his trail, he originally thought it was a hunt before realizing he was for more dangerous, he was human. He wasn’t driven by some supernatural urge to kill, he was just the pure embodiment of evil and Bobby had saved you. He made a decision that day that he couldn’t leave you, he couldn’t throw you into the foster care system, having to recount over and over how your father had killed your mom. So he adopted you, taking you in as his daughter and you have been living like this for years, never telling a soul what had really happened. It was a secret between you and your adopted father, well, until now.
Gabriel just continued to look at you in shock, not knowing what would be appropriate to say, I mean what could you say in this moment. He could only hold your hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back of it. Your eyes met his, a tear falling from your eye as he leaned forward to place his forehead against your own.
“I am so sorry Y/N..”
His voice was breaking as he spoke, and more tears came from your eyes. Your grief was finally being let go somewhere besides your bed in the middle of the night. You had cried yourself to sleep for the past 25 years, wishing to wake up and to be 5 again, and just to have it all be a dream, to have a happy family again. But you never woke up back home, you just would continue to spend every day as a hunter, hoping to save just one kid from the same fate you had fallen to. And you had, you hadn’t saved just one kid but thousands, a fact which you prided yourself on.
You look up at Gabriel, eyes locking onto one another and before you knew it you had leaned forward and connected your lips to his. You allowed your sadness to pool into the kiss, it was deep and emotional, fueled by grief and trauma. His lips were soft and warm and for the first time you felt safe again, Gabriel was your safety and he gave you what you thought you could never have again. Pure unfiltered love, with no hitch or pity behind it, just a pure form of love and you stopped wishing. You no longer wanted to be a kid again in this moment, you just wanted to be with Gabriel, to never let go of this closeness you felt. He was just everything perfect felt like, and you yearned for this more than anything, yearned for safety. Yearned for peace.
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meltingpotimagines · 3 years
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this boy
would fall head over heels for you so fast
just one day around you and he’s smitten
surprisingly not that obvious about it
he’s just a little happier and energetic around you
denki knows him well enough that he noticed and bakugo but he couldn’t care less
does his best to strike up a conversation with you
he really likes learning more about you
you’re just so cool and interesting to him
suggested a weekly game night just so he had an excuse to see you more
he knew you love hanging at the dorms so there was no way you’d miss out on this
what he didn’t know was you love it bc of him
i mean sure it was so much fun hanging with denki, and you had a blast jamming out to music with jiro and mina, but nothing beat being around eijirou
he’s just so upbeat and nice and funny
and kinda really cute but anyway
sat between todoroki and bakugo (which just happened to conveniently be directly across from you)
a vote had been taken on which game to play, and jenga won by a couple of votes
mina tossed out the idea for every piece you pulled, you had to choose truth or dare
honestly there was so much potential for this to go wrong and everyone knew it but i mean risk = fun right?
you’d all made bakugo promise not to blow up the whole tower if he got frustrated or lost 
all the truths were silly and the dares dumb
until it got to you
you successfully pulled a piece and decided it wouldn’t be too risky to choose dare, considering no one had dared anything t r u l y stupid
and immediately regretted it when denki gave you a mischievous grin
“i dare you to kiss kirishima”
eijirou stiffened as a blush spread across your cheeks
it’s not manly to force someone to kiss him!!
“you don’t have to-” “no... no it’s okay. i’m no wuss.”
just when he thought he couldn’t like you more
nervously watched as you got up and went around to where he was sitting
stiffened even m o r e as you gave his cheek a quick peck
“awww c’monnnn, at least do it on the lips!” denki you brat i love you
your blushed deepened as you two made eye contact
“is... is that okay?” “only if you want to”
he is a g e n t l e m a n and would never want you to do something you didn’t want to
i guess you did want to
because you kissed him
and ohhhh boy
sparks went f l y i n g
the electricity between you two made denki’s powers look like nothing more than static shock
the cheers and wolf whistles were nothing but white noise as you and eijiro stared at each other, shocked
“wow” “w o w”
best believe this boy took you out the very next day
nothing extravagant, just a cute lil ice cream date
he likes the little dates the best
they're definitely a daily occurrence until long after you two became official
but even after that you two started having frequent movie and cuddle nap dates
yes cuddle naps are dates and no one can convince me otherwise
prefers to be big spoon but is down to be little spoon
if he’s big spoon, he’ll wrap his arms around you and pull you into him, your face buried in his chest, his face buried in your hair partially because he really likes the scent of your shampoo
if you’re big spoon, he’ll snake his arms around your waist and bury his face in your neck, occasionally nuzzling and pressing kisses
will always make sure all the gel is washed out of his hair first so there's no risk of you getting poked
which is extra great bc then you get to play with his hair!
he loves the feeling of your fingers weaving through the strands and your nails on his scalp
also really likes when you lay on top of him
just gazes as you adoringly as he scratches your back
his heart swells if you fall asleep
knowing you trust him that much makes him feel so happy
plus you just look so cute when you’re asleep
bonus points if you have that cute soft snore
loves playing video games with you whether you actually play with him or just watch and support him
if you play with him, you're always his top priority no matter the game
battle games? he w i l l protect you
social simulation games? he'll do his best to help get you everything you want
puzzle games? you two are a t e a m you will figure this out together
if you're just there as support, you're still a priority
prefers when you sit on his lap/between his legs
will periodically kiss your cheek/the top of your head
doesn't matter how involved in the game he is, he will never fail to press a kiss
if you fall asleep, he'll make sure to quiet down so he won't accidentally wake you up
it's the funniest thing to anyone who catches him tho
he'll be absolutely raging but in the most hushed voice you can imagine or letting out victorious whoops but in Tiny
once covered your ears the best he could with his arm so he could be a little louder yelling at sero
mina managed to catch that on camera and posted it, tagging the two of you
have i mentioned this boy is a simp?
bc he is a Simp™
anything you want, you got
he sees something that reminds him of you? immediately bought it to give to you
half of his hoodies were already in your closet within the first week
he thinks you look so cute in them, especially if they're too big for you
the sight of you practically swimming in his clothes make his heart burst
periodically switches the half he gave you for the half he kept
basically when the ones he gave you no longer smells like him
it's great for him too bc the ones he get back smell like you
will pick wildflowers to put in your hair/behind your ear when you two go on walks
l o v e s giving you piggyback rides
also loves picking you up to carry you bridal style
even if you two are just standing
he just likes your smile and the way your eyes sparkle when he does
kisses your forehead a lot
sometimes quick little pecks
sometimes gentle, lingering kisses
whatever matches his mood in the moment
likes play-fighting with you
like fake wrestling
definitely lets you win sometimes
partially bc he'd feel bad if he always won but also bc he thinks it's adorable when you look down at him with that grin, so proud of yourself for beating Red Riot
was the first to say "i love you"
didn't really think much about it
he looked at you one day and felt his heart swell so he just kinda said it
but somehow it felt even more special??
like the way he said it sounded so sweet and genuine
as if it was the most natural thing in the world to say
and for him it was
he couldn't imagine not saying it
he loves you so why not say it?
especially considering just how m u c h he loves you
from then on says it all the time
you're cuddling? "i love you"
playing games? "i love you"
making tea? "i love you"
he just has to say it
he will as many times as needed to make sure you understand just how much he does
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lord-explosion-baku · 3 years
Trident Tale part 2
Mermaid!Shinsou x reader x Kirishima x reader
Warnings: adult themes (minors DNI)
Author’s note: sorry to those of you who have asked me to put on the tag list! I don’t do tag lists! But if you don’t want to lose this story, you can always bookmark it on AO3.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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Original image by @maewoahoah
Moving to an island where everyone is big on the surf scene and other oceanic happenings might not have been the brightest idea for someone so afraid of anything that has to do with water, but you make do by spending your days looking after the Bed & Breakfast, trying not to burn the house down when you fry a few eggs, and obsessively scrolling through Eijirou Kirishima’s social media page. He’ll never notice you, and you think you’re fine with that, until a mysterious force washes into Ms. Shuzenji’s pool after a particularly nasty storm.
Hitoshi Shinsou is a pain in the ass from the get-go, but you put up with him, fins and all, when he promises he can help unite you with your soulmate. The catch? The fish is hellbent on taking back what was stolen from him, and he won’t lift a gracious finger until he gets what he came for.
You’re helpless to lend him a hand, so long as you stay dry. Unless, of course, he has other plans.
You know how the saying goes: you rub his fins, he’ll rub yours.
The thing about being hungry is that you can sometimes convince yourself that you’re full. You can sip water, swallow your breath, pop a few mints in—hell, you could even pretend to eat. However, even if you might trick your brain, your stomach will still be empty.
By the time you finally get some real goddamn food in your stomach, it will be aching from being teased.
It feels like this is exactly what Hitoshi Shinsou has done to you. Teased you. He’d mentioned being one of Ryūjin, which you can only assume is something religious or magic. You know he’s a fish, and that he makes people’s skin glow when he touches them, and apparently his lips or his saliva can heal wounds. But he’s not yet given you any real goddamn food.
The jerk has been swimming circles around the pool, commenting on how disgusting it is being stuck with all the trash, and complaining about your poor hospitality, but has not yet told you what the hell he’s doing here.
It’s not like you ever asked for some creature to crash into Ms. Shuzenji’s pool. Maybe some people would be ecstatic over finding an actual merperson, but life isn’t all about singing songs and talking to seagulls. He’s definitely not an Ariel, unless he is in fact looking for a prince. With all his sass, you think he’s much more of an Ursula than a Disney princess. If he is a sea-witch, he refuses to tell you.
It won’t matter much by the time Denki gets here anyways. You had been honest when you said you wouldn’t put it against him to call some news station when he sees Hitoshi. You figure that after some science lab’s helicopters carried your intruder away to run tests on him, the fish-man will be out of your hair and a thing of the past.
Despite the cynicism crawling through your head, the thought actually makes a guilty pit form in the bottom of your stomach. A life is a life, afterall.
“At least tell me why you tried to…to…” Your mouth flattens when you recall Hitoshi leaning into you, his lips a whisper away from yours.
“To?” Hitoshi asks while he observes the wayward bra that blew into the pool with notable repulsion.
“To kiss me!” You bark out, ears warm.
“Oh, that?” He purses his lips, spinning the bra around in the water. Then, he’s contemplative for a moment, as if he’s thinking of an excuse that won’t make you angry. Or will. He seems to get a kick out of frustrating you.
“I suppose I should’ve considered that it’s not a social norm for humans to greet other humans with their lips,” he says with a cocky, probably lying smirk. “My bad.”
“You expect me to believe that mermaids kiss each other to say hello?”
“Not a mermaid.” The fish is all teeth as he regards you. “I’m one of Ryūjin. And I’d like to think that you’d believe anything I tell you, since you seem to know nothing about my people.”
“Because you won’t tell me anything about your people,” you mutter right before the house bell rings. Your heart jumps with a spike of panic. You haven’t thought about what you’re going to say to Denki yet. You begin thinking about science labs again, and that knot in your stomach tightens.
“Okay,” you say in a warning tone, “I’m gonna let Denki in now…”
“He’s gonna see you…”
“That’s the plan.” Hitoshi lifts a brow. “You’re not worried for me, are you?”
“I just think you should be more worried about yourself,” you say. “Humans aren’t…” There’s a pensive pause when you try to search for the right word. “Humans aren’t good.”
“Would you say that you’re a good human?” He asks.
What a question. You’d like to believe that you are, but you can’t kid yourself. Never one to be very self-sacrificing, you utter your next words with confidence. “Nope.”
“And yet, you haven’t done anything malicious towards me. Nothing, besides that half-assed attempt to kick me away from you, anyways.”
Rolling your eyes to keep your couldn’t-care-less facade up, you left the smirking merman to wade around in the murky pool. There’s not another second to think about what you could possibly say to Denki about your surprise guest, because when you enter the house, you see his face peeking through the side window next to the front door. You could see a drink holder and a Tiki Burger bag in his hand. His smile is bright, while yours is grim.
He pouts, seeing through forced body language, and proceeds to make a funny face. You let out a half-sigh, half-laugh. You might not be a good person, but Denki is. He’s an idiot, but you don’t think he’d ever do anything to harm another creature, mythical or not. This could even be fun to him. Exciting. Something extraordinary happened, and you’d been too scared to react to it appropriately, but Denki would be different.
Your changing emotions grow palpable when you finally reach for the handle.
“Heard you had some thingies that needed twisting,” Denki says as you open the door. He’s wearing his company’s shirt, a brown thing with the PoolPros logo on it, though it’s cut raggedly short to show off his midriff. He’s been particularly confident ever since he’d gotten his navel pierced, and happily showed off the topaz stone that Kirishima had given him. It hangs right above his buckle. It forces onlookers to look at his abs…or maybe his groin. He says it’s lucky, and you haven’t argued with him about it. You would probably call something Kirishima gave you lucky too.
In a flash, you’re grabbing him by his shirt collar and guiding him in and against one of the hall mirrors.
“Something’s happened.” The words immediately spill out, even while you still do not know what you’re going to say. You hope that if the right things tumble out of your mouth, Denki will get the picture.
“Uh…” Denki’s cheeks are red hot, reacting to your close proximity. “Was it a spike in your libido?”
“No, shut up!” You smack his chest and glance down the hall towards the back door. The pool isn’t in your line of vision, but just knowing what lurks there gets your blood pumping. “This is going to sound crazy, but I need you to keep an open mind.”
He bobs his brows. “For you? Always.”
After an exhale, you gather your composure, and tell Denki everything with as much eloquence as you can muster.
“There’s something living in the pool!” You bark out, erratic. “It’s big and it has zero impulse control and it’s rude! It talks! When it touches me, my skin glows. Then it tried to kiss me, Kaminari! And it’s rude!” You add that in again, because you cannot stress it enough. Hitoshi Shinsou is as unrefined as a piece of driftwood, and he had the audacity to make comments on behalf of your decorum. “It won’t tell me what it’s doing here, either. I offered to get it back into the ocean, but it said it wanted something else, but it won’t tell me what, and I don’t know what to do!”
Denki blinks rapidly, like his eyelashes are repelling every word you toss at him. There’s a beat, he swallows, then his lips tilt up into a knowing grin.
“Alright,” he says, “I see you.”
“You do?” Maybe you had to give Denki a little more credit. That hadn’t been your best description of a nightmare scenario.
“Sure do, little lady. This is some kinda belated birthday prank, huh? Thought you could slide one past me when I was least expecting it! I was thinking that maybe you just forgot about it, but now you’ve got something up your sleeve, don’t ya! Well cutie, I might be dumb, but I’m not stupid!”
Striding into the house, Denki places the shakes and burger bag onto Shuzenji’s kitchen counter. Shoulders deflating, you follow him while he fishes a few fries out of the bag. If he doesn’t get it now, he will soon enough.
“What could it be?” He ponders, tossing a fry into his mouth. He nods towards one of the cups and mumbles about a shake for you, then towards the back door. “Couldn’t be a party—it’s too early for a party. And you don’t talk to many people…”
Ignoring the slight burn, you front Denki, and extend your hand out to his. His eyes widen for a moment, he wipes his hand on his pants, and takes yours.
“I need your help, Denki. Seriously.”
“Yeah,” he says, a touch more reformative. “Okay.”  
What should’ve been some grand reveal, however, turned out to be anything but.
The pool being clean is the first thing you notice, as absurd as that is. It’s now half-filled, with only sprinkles of algae leftover by some miraculous clean-up. There’s no more silver fish swimming around, and all the trash that had previously taken sanctuary in the pool now lays on a mountainous pile with the bra sitting at its peak. Your guest is no longer in the pool—the very clean pool.
Denki chuckles and says, “well, this doesn’t look bad at all. By how hysterical you were on the phone, I was expecting something much worse. Oh! Hello!”
Your jaw drops as Denki waves at Hitoshi—a very comfortable-looking Hitoshi who lounges on one of the reclining pool chairs, head turned back like he’s sun bathing, one leg crossed over the goddamn other. Legs. Attached to feet—feet that definitely were not there when you’d met him.
Tricky, magic fish-man.
“Oh,” Hitoshi says, carefully considering Denki. “We have company?”
The ‘we’ in his statement doesn’t sit right with you anymore than his appearance does. He stands, and both you and Denki gasp when you see his new outfit in its entirety. It’s all royal blue, fine silks, and sheer fabric that only covers the places that would make Denki blush. Puffy, yet flowing sleeves connect to his now two golden cuffs. A heavy gold necklace hangs around him, and he’s got a light sash thrown around mostly his bare chest. A golden, v-shaped belt holds his deep blue harem pants up.
They are the gaudiest goddamn pajamas you’ve ever seen.
Hitoshi moves like water to face Denki, then firmly grasps him by the forearm, yanking the boy forward so that their lips are mere inches away from each other. Noting that there’s no glowing from their contact, you watch as Hitoshi’s indigo eyes slide from Denki’s lips, to you, and shows off a dubious glint.
“Whoops,” Hitoshi murmurs basically into Denki’s mouth. “I almost forgot that you don’t greet people like this here.” He takes a step away and smirks. “Forgive me. I’m Hitoshi Shinsou. You must be the pool guy.”
“Um, yeah. ‘M Denki Kaminari.” Denki laughs nervously. His cheeks burn red, and he keeps shifting his weight from one leg to the other. Grabbing onto your hand tightly, he starts back towards the house, towing you along, saying, “excuse us, we just have to—uh. Talk.”
In a tick, you’re whisked right back inside, in the land of private conversations.
“It didn’t look like that before, Denki. I swear to god.” You’re insisting as soon as the door is closed.
“It?!” Denki balks, his cheeks turning even more red. “Do you mean the pool or that hunk of a man hanging around your backyard?!”
“Both, I guess, but I wouldn’t call it a man! It had a giant purple tail before you showed up!!”
“That’s very rude, y’know.” Denki peers back at Hitoshi who’s lackadaisically cleaning his fingertips. “What are their pronouns?”
You imagine Hitoshi surrounded by others like him, all either screaming or clicking to communicate with each other in an inhuman language. “I don’t think pronouns matter wherever it’s from!”
“Hmm.” Denki slides the door open and pops his head out. “‘Scuse me, Hitoshi, what are your pronouns?”
Without missing a beat, Hitoshi answers him. “As in titles? You can call me Shinsou, but if you’re so inclined, I’ll allow you to call me lord.”
“Lord, of course.” More nervous laughter as Denki closes the door. “Lord. That’s a kink thing, right? It’s gotta be!”
“It’s not!” You bark, but Denki doesn’t hear you. Instead, he rushes towards one of the hall mirrors and begins fussing over his hair.
“I honestly can’t believe you did this. I mean, you, of all people. You’re braver than I gave you credit for. Coulda given me a heads up, though. I would’ve worn somethin’ nice. Or not come at all. I do feel like I’m intruding.” Denki’s eyes light up. “Unless this is for my birthday and you’re…you want me to join you?”
“You’ve lost me.” You're too busy trying to figure out what you can do to convince Denki that Hitoshi is a mermaid. You’ve considered pushing him back into the pool, but you don’t know if that would change him back to his sea-man state, or just make you look like a jackass.
“This is so weird. I haven’t seen that guy on the island before, and believe me, I know everybody. It must’ve cost a pretty penny to get him here. On top of everything else-“ He clears his throat- “how much is this costing you? Does Shuzenji know what you get up to while she’s away?”
It hits you like a freight train. “Oh, Kaminari…No…”
“The jig is up!” Denki stomps his foot defiantly and points towards the door. “You’re paying that man for sex!”
“God no!” The very idea that you’ve paid Hitoshi to be here, to touch you, flusters the hell out of you. If anything, you’d pay for him to leave. “You’d honestly think I’d hire a prostitute?!”
“Escort is the term they are using nowadays, and no, I wouldn’t think you’d hire an escort until now!” Denki scoffs, then moves his hand through his hair, exasperated. “The thing is, babe, you don’t need to. You’re cute and fun! If you got out every once in a while…”
“Fish!” You yell, cutting him off, because you’re not about to have another conversation about your hermit lifestyle. “He’s a fish, Denki! I didn’t fuck a fish! Nor am I planning to!”
Denki blinks at you. Not like before—not like he’s reflecting your words. This blink is more like a blink one would offer someone who’d been having an otherwise normal conversation, until they started talking about the earth being flat, or homosexuals burning in a lake of fire.
I’m not crazy, you think and will Denki to believe. I’ll prove it.
Before you can give Denki a play-by-play of what happened—properly this time, and not just your rambled recall—the door slides open, and Hitoshi steps in.
“May I enter?” The regal-looking man asks.
At the exact same moment you say, “no,” Denki says, “of course.”
“I was just hoping to find something to eat.” Hitoshi stops in the kitchen, arms crossed and expectant.
“You haven’t fed your hooker?” Denki whispers and it blows your mind that he can say hooker and you can’t say prostitute. “You can have half my burger!”
“Burger,” Hitoshi repeats the unfamiliar word, and looks around, probably wondering what it could be. Denki takes the hint and proceeds to fish his meal out of the bag. Overly familiar with Shuzenji’s kitchen, he finds a knife to cut the sandwich in two, then hands one half to Hitoshi.
Hitoshi frowns.
“I’m sorry, are you a vegetarian?” Denki asks, and you can tell he’s being overly hospitable in a house that is not his. When Hitoshi doesn’t answer him, but doesn’t stop frowning, Denki asks, “do you not eat meat?”
“This is meat?” Asks Hitoshi, shaking the burger in the air. Some mayonnaise-covered lettuce falls to the kitchen floor.
“I have to clean that!” You yip and wet a paper towel. When you’re on your knees, Hitoshi gives you a smirk of indifference.
“What, do you not have hamburgers where you’re from?” Denki asks, and when Hitoshi refuses to answer him again, he says, “the meat is the patty. It’s beef.”
“Beef.” Hitoshi begins dissecting the thing, throwing the bun halves, pickles, tomato, and lettuce all on the floor. You continue to curse at him while he sniffs at the patty. “What animal is this?”
“Beef is cow, dude.” Denki sounds more skeptical now, which you’d be grateful for if you weren’t already on your hands and knees, scrubbing ketchup out of the tile. “Man, throwing food on the floor is rude no matter where you’re from. Babe, you shouldn’t have to clean that up.”
“If I don’t, who will?” You ask, sardonic.
“There’s not really a floor where I’m from,” Hitoshi says once he swallows his first bite. He places the patty back onto the burger wrap, and steps away from his mess. “At least, there’s no floor when it’s meal time. We just let shells and bones float around until they go down to where they’ll eventually break down and decay.”
Denki asks, “where did you say you were from?”
“He’s a fish, Denki.”
“I didn’t.” Hitoshi gets down on his knees with a wetted paper towel of his own. He swipes at the places you’ve missed, then looks at you. “Tell me, would a not-good person clean up a mess that isn't their own?”
“It’s kind of my job,” you retort and stand so Hitoshi can finish cleaning. Instead, he stands with you.
“And what is his job?” Hitoshi nods towards Denki who looks more and more fretful by the second. “I assume he’s here to provide services. If you’re paying him, shouldn’t he be the one to clean for you? Prepare meals for you? Bend to your whims?”
Denki says, “I’ve got a couple jobs, but I’m not a housekeeper, no.”
“No?” Hitoshi gives out a terse laugh and hands the towel off to Denki. “Clean.”
Denki looks to you for an explanation. You’re about to chew Hitoshi out, when he again says, “clean,” but this time, there’s something attached to his voice. Something that is nothing, but also more. It sends goosebumps up your arms and compels Denki to fall to the floor and obey the command.
“Yes, my lord.” When Denki finishes cleaning and throws the rest of the mess in the bin, he looks at Hitoshi, eyes glossy, waiting.
“Fetch me some water,” says Hitoshi, and after another yes, my lord, Denki begins searching for a glass.
“Quit it!” You shout and very nearly grab on to Hitoshi’s arm, stopping only when you remember the glow and the prickles that accompany his touch. Decidedly, you hurry after Denki and grab the glass from his hands and snap your fingers in front of his face.
Denki blinks, and this time it’s not because he doesn’t hear you, and it’s not because you’re spouting crazy nonsense. He blinks, and it’s a revelation.
“Hypnosis!” Denki says the word like eureka! and you want to shake him, because he should be angrier than he seems.
“I’m surprised you understand or even remember that much,” Hitoshi drawls. “You’re more in-tune than you’d like people to believe.”
And I’m Mother Teresa, you think bitterly. The fish is contemptuous as hell, but he doesn’t read people well. To him, you’re good and apparently Denki’s a genius.
“How did you do that?” Denki asks with growing excitement. “When I was a kid, I was really into magic, but could never get any of the tricks right. You didn’t use any triggering noises or images or anything.”
“There is a bit of magic about you,” Hitoshi says like he’s thinking out loud. “Not enough to pull something like what I just did off unless you have the proper tide jewel. But you do have enough power to utilize a tide jewel.”
“Don’t do that again,” you warn, and pour water from the sink into the glass. There’s purified water in the fridge, but Hitoshi hasn’t earned it. “To Kaminari or to me. The difference between a house guest and a home-invader is who does and does not use hypnosis on other guests.”
“I wasn’t aware that hypnosis is a common occurrence in your residence.” Hitoshi reaches for the glass, but you hold it away from him. Casting out a withering look, he says, “I wouldn’t be able to hypnotize him again, even if I wanted to. Not for a while, anyways. Not without my tide jewel.”
“What’s a tide jewel?” Denki asks. “Is that, like, sea glass?”
Eyes flicking from the glass of water, to Denki, then to you, Hitoshi says, “he knows how to ask a question.”
The questions that you ask get ignored! But instead of saying that, you continue to withhold the water, and say, “then answer him.”
Mildly peeved, Hitoshi turns his attention back to Denki. “You say you have a couple of jobs. What would they be?”
“That’s not answering his question,” you mutter.
“I’ll decide whether I should answer him in a moment. Denki, if you will.”
“Oh, well…” The sheepish Denki brings his hand to the back of his neck, blushing slightly. “I’ve got the PoolPros gig, and sometimes I pick shifts up at The Salty Barrel. I sort of got an affinity for making drinks…and cooking…and fixing things, so they like to keep me around.”
Unamused, Hitoshi pries. “Anything else?”
“Sometimes I pick up odd jobs. Fishing and delivery. I guess I’m pretty dependable because of the boat.”
This catches Hitoshi’s attention. “You have a boat?”
“Sure, yeah. It’s nothin’ too special yet. I’ve been working on it, and it’s coming along, but it’s not ready for what it’s truly intended for.”
“Which would be?”
Denki looks at you and winks, making your ears warm. You know exactly why he got the boat.
“Romantic rendezvous.”
“I see,” Hitoshi says pensively. Then, his eyes go sharp when he notices you fiddling with the ties on your shorts. “Are you two mates?”
Denki lifts a conspiratorial brow towards you, before throwing his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his body. “Sure, yeah—we’re mates!”
You push away from him, and bite, “not those kinds of mates.”
Although nobody disagrees with you, you sense Denki sulking.
“Ah,” Shinsou muses. “You haven’t yet fought for her hand?”
Before you can groan at the idea, Denki laughs quietly, but his laughter quickly grows uproariously as he considers the idea. Soon, he’s gripping his stomach to stop himself from doubling over. You glare at his feet.
“As if there’s another guy to fight for her,” Denki bellows, wiping a tear away from his eye. “Maybe if she ever went out, but for now, the only person I gotta fight for her hand, is her!”
“Oh, I understand,” Shinsou says, eyes on you. “A battle to assert domination.”
Denki hoots loudly at the idea. “Looks like I’m screwed!”
To your growing agitation and embarrassment, Denki continues to laugh. It’s as if you’re not constantly shooting him down. You’re not pitiful. Not helpless. And you think you’d have some game if you put your heart into it. You just have a type, and the pool guy just doesn’t fit the bill, whether he’s handy or not.
There’s no humor to be found in Hitoshi’s eyes, though. He’s glaring at you, like before, only now he’s looking at you more like you’re a piece of meat—like he’s some kind of predator and you’re his newfound prey. You inadvertently step closer to Denki, as if he could be used as some sort of defense shield, then elbow him in the ribs, pretending that you’re not at all intimidated by this fish-turned-man.
“Nobody’s fighting anybody,” you say, keeping eye-contact with Hitoshi. You’ve been told before that the fact that you’re never the first to look away is a little off-putting. Hoping to have the same uncomfortable effect on your guest, you don’t even blink when you say, “I just have my eyes on someone special.”
At the same time Denki stops his laughing, Hitoshi narrows his eyes—not out of malice, but what seems to be curiosity. That’s as far as you’ll go with revealing any more personal information. You might not be physically spoken for, yet, but at least you’re emotionally unavailable. You vaguely wonder if those kinds of ideals are acknowledged by sea people.
“Yeah, Kiri,” Denki says with a roll of his eyes. So much for keeping things personal. “He’s not interested in dating anyone, though. In fact, he’s pretty much married to the ocean.”
“At least there aren’t other girls,” you say, and with a quick glance at Denki, you add, “or boys.”
Denki exaggerates a woeful, hand-over-forehead pose and cries, “at least we have each other!” Then, he places his hand back around your shoulders. Again, you scoot away from him, and this time, you catch Hitoshi’s lips quirk up, just a bit.
“Alright,” Hitoshi says. “I’ve decided.”
“Decided what?” You ask.
“That the two of you are going to help me.”
The fish-man moves to flatten the burger wrap down on the counter like a map, and proceeds to decimate the other half of Denki’s burger. Denki says, “oh that’s fine…I wasn’t that hungry anyways.”
“Help you with what!” You bark, practically starving for details. Despite Hitoshi and all that he’s done, your interest is piqued, and you feel as though you’re finally going to get to the meat of his situation.
Lining a few fries on the paper wrap, Hitoshi finally says, “a few of my worldly possessions have been stolen from me. They’ve been missing for quite a long time now, and I now plan to take them back. Four of the six items happen to be tide jewels. I figure those will be the easiest to locate and extract.”
Denki snaps his finger. “Tide jewels! That’s what we were talking about! What are those?
Dabbing his pinky into some mustard, Hitoshi says, “artistry…” He dips his ring finger into the ketchup and says, “reign…” he tears a piece of lettuce in half and says, “tide…” and finally, he rips some of the patty and says, “soul.”
“Artistry, reign, tide, soul,” Denki repeats, peeking over Hitoshi’s shoulder. “You don’t happen to be a musician, do you? A magician musician!”
“I’m a connoisseur, but not a practitioner.” Hitoshi breathes. “And you’re too close to me.”
“Well, you’re certainly not an artist,” Denki huffs, taking a few steps back. You move in to see what Denki saw.
On the wrap, the French fries have been warped to look like some sort of three-pronged fork. On the left prong, there’s a dab of ketchup, in the center, mustard, and the right has a piece of lettuce sitting on it. Connecting the three prongs is the bit of hamburger meat Hitoshi had ripped.
“Is this supposed to be a fork or a trident?” You ask, then kick yourself, because it’s obviously a trident. Duh. Mermaids. “Is that one of the things that have been stolen? A trident?”
Hitoshi says, “yes. All four of the tide jewels connect to the trident. With them, the trident could very well be one of the most powerful blessed objects on this planet. If it falls into the wrong hands, the results could be catastrophic.”
“Now, hang on,” Denki begins, brows curved into a frown. “What?”
“So good at questions,” you murmur.
“Each tide jewel has its own magical property. The names speak for themselves, but since the two of you are a little slow on the uptake, I’ll explain.” Hitoshi points at each different spot on his fries-trident, explaining what each point represents.
“The yellow jewel is for artistry and skill. Whoever wields it, whether in its natural form or attached to another object, will learn trades quickly, can craft almost anything at a master’s level, and they’ll have a more creative way of thinking.”
“The red jewel is for reign and rule. Whoever wields this can command any audience. Wars have been fought, kingdoms taken, and women stolen by the power of this gem. It’s almost the most violent of the four, but it can also be used to keep peace.”
“The blue jewel is for the tide. They used to be two jewels, one for tide-ebbing, the other for tide-flowing, but they’ve been molded together after another theft mishap. With the power of this jewel, one would be able to control not only the water of the sea, but water itself. This gem can create storms you couldn’t dream of. This is possibly the most dangerous stone if placed into the wrong hands.”
“Sir, that’s a piece of lettuce,” Denki says.
“Your burger didn’t have anything blue,” Hitoshi growls, “nor did it have anything purple, which brings me to the last jewel. This would be the soul jewel. It aids people with wishes, can offer good dreams, and can allow the wielder to see people’s auras, or souls. This jewel has stopped many malevolent unions in the past.”
Finally, Hitoshi turns back to you and Denki. There’s nothing content about his expression now. If anything, he looks grave.
“The fact that the trident is not in my possession has already had a cataclysmic influence on the world you know now. I need it, and the jewels, or else there may be dire consequences.”
Throat dry, palms sweaty, you swallow thickly, and allow yourself a moment to process all that he’s saying. It may be idiotic, but you believe him. Maybe if you hadn’t seen him in the water earlier, things would be different. You’d be more skeptical. But since you’ve already seen one impossible thing today—two if you're counting the fact that Hitoshi grew legs and magically poofed himself an outfit—you don’t think he’s lying.
However, Denki did not see him in the water. Which is why he’s the first to speak.
“Right,” he says, looking down on you. “Sorry, babe, but the marvel universe did it first with Thanos and his gauntlet. If this is supposed to be a scavenger hunt of some kind, can we skip the game, hints and all, and get to the dinner? I expect there’ll be candles and such for nighttime, so maybe you and I can hang out at the beach, sans the mean magician?” Denki looks at Hitoshi. “No offense, buddy. You could join us if you cheer up a bit. I’d never say no to a threesome with two equally attractive people.”
The water in the glass you’re holding begins to shake. It shakes, and then it moves, and then it lifts up into the air, snaking around like a gelatinous worm, and slowly makes its away to Hitoshi’s mouth. Never before have you seen anyone swallow menacingly, and this has changed it.
“I am not your buddy,” Hitoshi hisses between his teeth, “and this is not a game.”
“He just…” Denki begins stuttering. This isn’t something he can chock up to something as mundane as a magic trick. This is pure magic, and you feel less like a giant dork for how you reacted to Hitoshi showing himself to you, with how distraught Denki seems to be.
“I told you,” you say under your breath, “he’s a fish!”
“I am Hitoshi Shinsou. I am one of Ryūjin, and you will not desecrate my name or my people by belittling me or my power.” It hadn’t occurred to you until now that he’s not only speaking to Denki, but to both of you. The thought makes you shift with unease as Hitoshi’s eyes slide from your friend to you. “Not without consequences. I’ve been burdened with this purpose, and the two of you can choose to help me and reap the rewards that follow, or you can return to your miserable lives, loligagging and ogling the things you know you want, but are too lazy to obtain.”
At this moment, Hitoshi Shinsou seems ancient to you. Trepidation crawls up your spine, chilling you to the bone. You regret most of what you’ve said to him, even the things you’d thought he deserved. You have an inkling that if Hitoshi really wanted to harm you, or Denki, he would. Easily.
“Okay, well-“ Denki, again speaks first, thank god. “You didn’t say there would be rewards.”
Maybe don’t thank god yet. But before you can apologize on Denki’s behalf, the air that you hadn’t realized had got heavier, thicker even, lifts, and Hitoshi eases up, lackadaisical smirk back on track.
“You both wish for something,” he says. “If you help me retrieve what’s rightfully mine, I will graciously return the favor by granting your wishes.”
“We do?” Denki asks. It’s wild to you how easily he could jump back into conversation like this, although, when you look closely at him, you can see that he’s trembling faintly. “What do I want?”
“You wish for a boat,” Hitoshi says, “so I will give you a boat.”
“I have a boat.”
“I’ll give you a better boat.” Hitoshi seems to be enjoying himself now, even going so far as to lean on the table, picturing exactly what he’s describing. “A captivating boat that both women and men find irresistible. It will sail smoother and faster than the other vessels out on sea. You will never want or need for an upgrade for it will never wear or tear.”
“A super boat,” Denki muses, beguiled by the idea. It’s your turn to be skeptical now, because you haven’t wished for anything. At least, not aloud for Hitoshi to hear.
“Then, what do I get?” You ask, arms crossed. You can admit that you’re interested in what he might have to say.
“Oh darlin’, that’s easy,” Hitoshi purrs, and moves from the counter over to you. Slowly, like he’s savoring your anticipation. Lifting a finger to your arm, he slides it across your skin, watching as both the glow and the tingles return. You have to hold your breath to yourself from sighing.
“You want to be loved,” he says, “adored even. And not just by anybody. You want to be with your soulmate, isn’t that right. That may be why you came to this island to begin with.”
There’s no way he could’ve known that you’re new to the island. Nobody said anything about it. But he’s not wrong. Though you can’t say he’s right either. You came to the island in hopes to find…yourself. And though you haven’t yet found yourself, you sure as hell found Kirishima. And soulmate has a nice right to it.
“So if we help you find these gems—“
“—tide jewels,” he intervenes.
“Tide jewels-“ you roll your eyes- “then you will give Denki a super boat, and you will unite me with a soulmate?”
“Exactly,” Hitoshi confirms. “Easy peesy, isn’t it?”
“How do we know you’ll uphold your end of the bargain?” Denki asks, finally out of his super boat daydreams.
“I said you were good with questions.” Hitoshi smirks. “You don’t know. You can’t know. But you can either do this with me, and probably get a super boat and a soulmate out of it, or you can not, and get nothing.”
Denki side-eyes you, and you him. You hold each other’s gazes for a brief moment, and you already know how this would play out if you refuse. Denki would convince you to do it. You don’t do anything, he says with his eyes. Might as well hang around and see how this plays out.
“Fine.” Even though your good conscience screams at you to do otherwise, you let up. “We’ll help you.”
“Excellent.” Hitoshi beams, or at least, he beams in a way only someone who was just threatening two other people can beam. “Then we should start our search today. We’ll probably need to go into town and see if there are any supernatural occurrences or old folktales to check out.”
Going out to town is the last thing you’d planned on doing today. Or maybe the second to last thing you planned on doing. You have to ask, because if you don’t, you’ll go batsy.
“We won’t be getting wet, will we?”
Hitoshi scoffs, which isn’t an answer. Maybe you really don’t ask the right questions because when Denki asks, “you said there were six things you need to retrieve. What’s the sixth thing?” Hitoshi winks at you, and grins. And when he grins, your stomach aches.
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sofreddie · 3 years
Scent From Above 5
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Summary: Jensen finally gets what he wants.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Fan Reader
ABO BINGO: Marking
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Heat, Smut (Unprotected Sex, Mating, Knotting, Claiming/Marking, Breeding Kink), Dirty Talk
Word Count: 1,633
A/N: So this was only supposed to be five parts. But uh…there ended up being a double-dosing of smut (you're welcome). It also allowed me to squeeze in another @spnabobingo square - Marking - which, duh 🙄, why didn't I think of that before?! Anyway, so there will now be one additional part which will finish up the whole story.
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"Yours, Alpha," she breathed out, holding his gaze, letting him know she was ready, her skin electrified from his touch, her core throbbing for his attention.
"Yours," he responded, before diving in for an all-consuming kiss.
He guided her back until her calves hit the bed and she plopped down in a seated position. She looked up at him, stood before her in all his glory before her eyes traveled to the engorged cock that stood erect before her. She subconsciously licked her lips. Jensen chuckled as he wrapped one hand tightly around the base.
"You wanna suck my cock, pretty Omega?" he chuckled darkly, brushing the hair tenderly out of her face before tangling his fingers in the hair at the back of her head, "Open up," he commanded as he brought the tip to her lips.
She willingly obeyed, letting her Omega instincts take charge and placing her trust in Jensen. She opened her mouth and he slowly fed her his length until he was hitting the back of her throat. She hummed happily, hollowing her cheeks. He groaned, his hand tightening in her hair as he began pumping his hips along with her bobbing.
He was so wound up, and she was so fucking eager. He was so close to coming. He pulled her off of him with a pop and she immediately pouted.
"I wanted your cum," she whined.
"You'll get it," he promised, moving her up the bed to lay on the pillows. He kissed up her thighs, his hands framing her mound, "Gonna fill this sweet, little pussy, Omega," he took a deep breath of her scent and she blushed, enthralled and slightly embarrassed, "Claim you inside and out."
His tongue peeked out to taste her and she lost all coherent thought. He swirled his tongue around her nub, before flicking over it just once. He dragged his tongue down through her folds with a groan before diving deep inside her. He twisted his tongue, feeling her walls and tasting her slick. It was like her scent but concentrated. With fingers and tongue and unmatched enthusiasm, Jensen quickly brought her over the edge, wringing every bit of pleasure he could from her body as she thrashed and moaned.
While she caught her breath he crawled up her body, leaving warm, wet kisses in his wake and readorning her with his hickeys and love bites. When he reached her neck he settled his body against hers with a sigh.
He breathed deeply of her again. He dreamt of her scent. He clung to her shirt, desperately trying to wring every bit of scent he could from it. He nearly found himself in tears as its loss, affecting him in ways he'd never imagined.
He pulled back and focused his eyes on hers. She smiled warmly at him, her hands caressing him, her fingertips dipping into curves and lines with a worshipful touch.
He shifted his hips, dragging his cock along her folds before catching at her entrance. He locked eyes with her once more, cupping her face as he slowly slid home. Her mouth hung open in a silent gasp as he filled her.
She missed the feel of him inside her. She had played their weekend together over and over again in her mind. But her memories had let her down because he felt even more incredible than before, she was sure of it.
"So good," he moaned, gently kissing her neck where his hickey once lay. His favorite spot. His chosen spot, since that first night. He moved slow, their eyes locked as they simply felt and reconnected.
He wanted to take his time, to draw out every moment of their coupling. But she was still weak, her body desperate. He wanted to be a good Alpha and take care of her. She whined, clinging to him, needing more.
"I got you, Baby," he pecked her lips, turning her to her stomach and lifting her hips. She quickly and eagerly moved into presentation. He groaned at the sight, before hearing her whimper once more. The same heartbreaking sound she had made when he found her on the floor.
"I got you, Omega," he soothed her again as he took up his place behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her spine, before adjusting his hips and sliding home in one, smooth stroke.
She submitted to him completely and the Alpha rewarded her with the harsh and dominating pace her body craved. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his hands planted firmly on her hips, keeping her in place and giving him leverage.
He groaned as he looked down where they connected, seeing his shaft glistening from her slick. Her pussy clutched at him hungrily, sucking him in deeper on every thrust.
"Jay, please," she begged, almost sobbing, "Please, want your knot, want your claim."
He snarled and fucker her harder, "What was that Omega?"
"Alpha!" she corrected herself, so close to the edge, "Alpha please."
Jensen brushed her hair away from her neck, licking over his chosen spot.
"Gonna claim you," he gave a final warning, "Gonna breed you Omega."
She gasped and moaned as her climax crashed over her, his words as impactful as his brutal mating. As her walls clenched tight around his throbbing shaft, he bit hard into her neck. His knot swelled rapidly, locking them tightly together as his cum flooded her womb.
He bit down harder, his hips still erratically thrusting as he rode out the waves. He was lightheaded and swimming with euphoria as he finally fulfilled the bond his body was craving.
They both slumped forward onto the bed, Jensen's body covering hers like a blanket, but she clearly didn't mind. She was practically purring beneath him as he carefully cleaned his mark, lapping at the wounds. He was attentive, careful, and thorough.
By the time he was satisfied with his work, she had fallen asleep. He chuckled, before rolling them on their sides. His knot tugged slightly as he spooned her. He breathed deeply of her once more, already finding notes of her scent changing, adapting to include his claim, his essence.
He knew she'd need him again, and soon. But with their coupling complete, she was safe. She was his.
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Jensen smiled at Y/N as he finished washing the dishes. When she woke, Jensen made her shower and now was making her eat and hydrate. She whined cutely. But he knew there was more to taking care of her than just fucking her through her heat.
He was determined to show her that he was a good Alpha. That he meant his claim and stood by their bond. That he wanted her completely. He had been anxiously thinking about it since he woke.
"I want you to claim me too," he said once she was finished.
Her eyes went wide as she processed.
"I want you to know that I'm yours as much as you are mine," he explained, pulling her into his arms, "Whenever you have doubts, I want you to see your mark and know that it's real and I'm yours."
"B-but…most Alphas don't-"
"I'm not most Alphas," he stated firmly, kissing her possessively. She melted into him and he scooped her into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist. He carried her to the couch and sat down with her in his lap.
"This is familiar," she chuckled, blushing profusely.
"Should have claimed you then," he breathed out, dragging his nose along her hairline as he breathed her in, "Then we never would've been apart. Your heat never would've got so bad," his voice shook as he remembered how scared he was.
She cupped his face in her hands, her eyes studying his own before she kissed him tenderly. She held his gaze as she slipped his cock from his boxer briefs. Using her other hand, she slid her panties to the side before sinking down on his length.
"Y/N," he moaned as his hands clutched her sides. His head rolled to lay against the back of the couch as he adjusted his hips, "You take charge," he told her with a smirk, submitting to her will. He needed her to understand they were partners, equals, mates.
He never failed to empower her. To make her feel greater than she did before, sexier, more confident. She couldn't believe her luck in having Jensen as an Alpha. She was quickly becoming addicted to the way he looked at her with stars and adoration in his eyes. It was the same way she looked at him.
It didn't take long for them to climb to that high together once more, their bodies quickly learning each other and adapting. Her eyes locked onto his exposed neck, his words from earlier echoing in her ears in time with the pumping of her blood.
Her eyes flashed to his, barely open slits as he succumbed to the pleasure. He nodded at her, tilting his head a little more and using his other hand to gently guide her by the back of the head, encouraging her mark.
She kissed the skin reverently before parting her lips, biting down and breaking into the skin as they both fell over the edge. Jensen hissed, his hips stuttering and knot popping before he gave into his own urges, renewing his claim.
"Does it hurt?" Y/N asked after they cleaned the marks. Her eyes were glued to her claim.
"No," he promised, pecking her lips and pulling her flush against him as they waited for his knot to go down. He'd wear her mark proudly. It wasn't conventional, but he didn't care in the slightest what anyone might think. She was his, and he was hers.
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PART 6 (Final)
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