#anyway as a psa
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franeridart · 1 year ago
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The Housecat Philosophy - Ep 37
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wdapteo · 3 months ago
hey everyone be careful
I don't know if anyone has talked about this, but lately this has been happening in other fandoms too. There'll be these bot accounts that straight up steals people's posts and adds "expand" "read more" "continue" as a link in the end of the post - DON'T CLICK ON THAT, it's most likely a malware or something of the like.
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so if you see a post like this: no profile picture, something that looks reposted (I've seen this happening to artists too) and a link at the end, even if the post has tags, that's a bot. Block and report it.
stay safe, and I hope @staff finds a way to stop these bots soon!
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redthemarten · 1 month ago
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A birthday gift I drew for a friend, who celebrates surviving another year today!!! (they're the one who plays HSR not me;;;)
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wigglybunfish · 10 months ago
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Designs for the funky humans of PreservationAux, Perihelion, + one very tired SecUnit and a monstrous Research Transport AI.
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faerygardenparty · 3 months ago
Idk it just annoys me as someone who was heavily affected by a mass shooting and had to suffer through a media parade of “he was just a poor bullied mentally ill kid who sat alone at lunch 😢” nonstop right after not knowing if I’ll ever see my friends again, only for THIS to be the fucking case where all of a sudden everyone grows a conscious and decides we’re not allowed to sympathize with the killer, like fuck right off, I spent the latter half of high school wondering if I was going to be next, there are still days where I can barely stand to be out in public places, I don’t actually give a shit that billionaire CEOs with their private security teams are crying about how scary it is and they don’t know if they’re going to be next and how we should all feel so so bad for them, that same sympathy was never extended to me or my loved ones so why should I give it to them?
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pixlime · 2 years ago
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not to be the kinda guy that steals jokes from twitter but-
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danmei-obsessions · 3 months ago
“Cherry and Joe were designed to look good next to each other.”
Mhm and Joe was designed to be the opposite of Adam. Adam, who wears red and has blue hair. Joe who has green hair and wears orange. Two complimentary colors but applied in opposite locations. They are visually contrasting and polar opposites of each other in design and personality.
Meanwhile cherry’s pink hair and joe’s green hair shows they’re different, but the application of the colors mean they compliment each other.
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wyllaztopia · 3 months ago
2025 is coming so i let my friend @kayseeye [new agdt mod and assistant!!] clear agdt's askbox
as devastating as it was to see a bunch of creative remarks and asks go down the drain - let's be real, i won't have time to answer them with how linear the story is becoming for ease of access [goodbye 500 asks... though kacey took screenshots of drawings you guys sent in our inbox!!!]
hooowever, there's also another key reason we had to clear the inbox
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[^ satire btw]
very long and convoluted psa/ramble about this matter ahead! but also slightly important and i encourage you to read it if you think about using agdt's inbox as a way to vent or share things about your irl troubles
some people treat the blog's inbox as a venting area
it doesn't really make me uncomfortable, it's just something i prefer not seeing. i don't like sharing or being shared personal information especially from an anon or a stranger
this doesn't go for just agdt - it goes for all blogs you interact with: please don't make yourself vulnerable to a stranger on the internet. you are putting yourself in a dangerous spot.
if you need escapism or help, turn to a professional or someone close - going to a stranger can go horribly wrong in two ways: you make them uncomfortable and subject them to a responsibility they never signed up for, or you let someone use your vulnerabilities and personal information against you.
i can probably count like 100 or so asks of people sharing something overly personal and asking for comfort. i don't hate it, i'm not mad, i'm just worried and i hope the people who send them become aware that they should not send those asks knowing that if they're answered, they could be answered publicly with everyone and their mama being able to see that vulnerable moment in that ask.
"just ignore them, wyll! besides, you didn't have any rules abt yo blog anyway, yo!"
nah, i'd win
can't exactly ignore them when it's been almost a year of young impressionable users over sharing to a stranger who answers asks publicly [along with the fact that i hardly see people talk about this matter when it comes to rp/ask blogs.] also so they don't do this to another askblog that has another impressionable youngin running it and publicizes asks that contain personal life info.
we don't add rules to asks on agdt because we can pick and choose which ones we answer. a set of rules isn't going to stop an asshole from breaking them so i'm not wasting my time trying to enforce one. and that's not what i'm trying to do in this post either. i'm putting this out there because i don't want people making the irrational decision of making their life and weakest moments accessible to people who want to use it against them.
i'm not trying to make a big deal out of this either. i can just skip or delete asks that i know i shouldn't answer or won't be able to. but that's my side of responsibility as someone with a platform. i want to make it clear that the audience that decides to interact with these kinds of blogs should be aware that just because you're behind a screen and concealed by an internet persona, that doesn't mean you're any safer from other people using your vulnerabilities against you.
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sukuna-dees-nuts · 1 year ago
this is for @nessieartss!! based on this (it was me that asked, surprise) and also the first part of this art
i hope you enjoy!! older brother sukuna lives rent free in my brain right now and i love him being a bastardman
“Ay, what the fuck was that?!” Sukuna shouts as Yuuji cackles in glee. His character races into first place, winning the Grand Prix. Sukuna' goes from first place to fourth. “You threw a red shell right after a blue shell! That's fucking cheating!”
Yuuji shrugs, lounging back against the couch and drops the controller next to him. “Don't hate the player, hate the game,” he says with a grin and pulls out his phone. “Those dishes aren't gonna wash themselves.”
Sukuna grunts as he tosses the controller onto the coffee table. “I hate both the player and the game.”
“And the game hates you!” the younger boy calls out after his brother's retreating figure.
Turning his attention back to his phone, Yuuji’s grin melts into a soft smile when he sees Yuko's name on a Snapchat notification. He glances over his shoulder to make sure that Sukuna is still in the kitchen before tapping on the notification. It won't be anything inappropriate, but he knows for a fact that if Sukuna saw that his younger brother was texting a girl, Yuuji wouldn't hear the end of it. 
The Snapchat shows a picture of a latte with the classic tulip foam art and a caption that reads: ‘I think I'm finally getting the hang of this latte foam art!’
Yuuji holds his phone out to take a picture of himself, giving Yuko a big smile and a thumbs up. 
‘That's so good!! Ur a professional now. If I ordered one, would u make me a cat???’
“Yo! Can I put this cast iron pan in the dishwasher?” Sukuna asks from the kitchen. He waits for a response and gets nothing. “I’m about to put this pan in the dishwasher!” Again, no response. Rolling his eyes, Sukuna makes his way back out to the living room. “Dude, if this pan gets ruined, it’s gonna be your fault—”
Sukuna cuts himself off when he catches sight of a picture of a girl on his little brother’s screen. Immediately, he reaches over the couch and snatches the phone out of Yuuji’s hand. “Oh! Who is this?” he gasps, bringing the screen closer to his face for a better look. “Do you have a girlfriend little bro?”
“Hey!” Yuuji scrambles, turning around to lean over the back of the couch in an attempt to grab his phone back. Sukuna places his hand on Yuuji’s forehead, keeping him at arm’s length as he looks over the picture. “Give me back my phone!”
Smacking Sukuna’s arm away, Yuuji vaults over the back of the couch and decides to try and wrestle his phone back from his brother. It doesn’t work, however. The two grapple for a few moments and the next thing Yuuji knows, Sukuna has his arm wrapped around his brother’s neck, holding him in a firm headlock. It isn’t enough to hurt him, but it’s enough to keep him from trying to escape, knowing that it’s futile. 
“Who is she, huh?” Sukuna presses as he slides Yuuji’s phone into his pocket and begins rubbing his knuckles on the top of Yuuji’s head. 
“I’m not gonna tell you!” Yuuji laughs, trying in vain to smack Sukuna’s hand away from his head. 
“Well, I’m not letting you go until I get some answers,” the older boy states, rapping his knuckles against Yuuji’s forehead. Then he pinches Yuuji’s nose. 
Weighing his pros and cons, Yuuji relents. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you! Just let me go.”
Sukuna snorts. “Nah, if I let you go right now, you’ll just try to punch me and I won’t get what I asked for.”
Yuuji groans. His brother knows him too well. “Her name is Yuko. She’s just a friend. I haven’t asked her out… yet,” he grumbles the last word.
Satisfied, Sukuna releases his hold on his brother and hands Yuuji's phone back. 
In the midst of the struggle, Sukuna hadn’t noticed his own phone had fallen out of his pocket. It dings and Yuuji is the first to snatch it off the ground, curious to see who would be texting Sukuna. His jaw drops at the name displayed on the lock screen.
Sukuna quickly plucks his phone from Yuuji’s hand and goes back to the kitchen as Yuuji shouts after him, “Dude, why is Megumi texting you? And why is there a heart next to his name?!”
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sirmanmister · 10 months ago
Hey guys!! I’m pretty sure the majority of you are from mainland America so you don’t have the opportunity to see the northern lights, like, ever. Tonight you can!! Possibly. There’s a pretty severe geomagnetic storm going on and it’ll be hitting pretty darn south and a whole crap ton of people that have never seen northern lights, might be able to see them!!
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I highly encourage everyone in the red/yellow lines to try to take a look tonight! I grew up with northern lights literally in my backyard and they’re just such a pleasant sight to see. According to the weather network it’ll go down as far as Alabama!
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daisynik7 · 1 year ago
attention fellow horny bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes:
there is a nsfw VA that I am deeply, DEEPLY obsessed with at the moment: DeepChoiceVA on r/gonewildaudio.
I just listened to this today: [M4F] Creampies and Donuts (reddit link, +18). I kid you not, it's a little over 15 minutes and I swear I [redacted] at least three times.
He's got a deep voice, but not too deep; it's slow, lazy, and just plain sexy. His dirty talk is so so good, he's out here saying things like, "your [redacted] looks so good split open around my [redacted]" like SHEESH I'm sweating, I'm taking notes for future use because my god it's so good. Credit to the script writer u/qmalice because they are a genius writing this god-tier script.
honorable mentions: [MMM4F] A Pool Party Turns Into a Fucking Competition (reddit link, 18+) - this is how I first discovered him, and honestly, I couldn't get my mind off of his voice specifically. also, threesome, of course it's good.
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blueskittlesart · 5 months ago
hey actually i do feel like i should make this post because people are so often surprised when I mention that my instagram is monetized. any business account (you can tell that it's a business account because the bio has a subtitle labeling the type of business they are) that has over 10k followers on instagram is eligible for reels monetization and any account with over 15k is eligible for post monetization. There is no requirement to disclose whether or not any given post is monetized, and every post is monetized by default when you opt-in to monetization. be cognizant of what you see and what you like. the payout system is engagement-based and rewards ragebait and engagement farming. and if you are a small artist or content creator, DO NOT let large business accounts repost your work without compensation. they are making money off of you and hoping you won't notice.
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thepictoblr · 8 months ago
for the sake of proving a point this screenshot has zero mods active but its actually incredible that this is a glam you can wear in ffxiv now
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(Far eastern schoolboy's hat + gomphotherium thornvest of casting + calfskin rider gloves + light steel subligar + no.2 type b boots, for the terribly curious)
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t1oui · 6 months ago
yeah yeah yeah regulus not believing james likes him because james is a prankster. how about james who can't believe regulus likes him because he's too much for people
james who hides his emotions and pretends to be happy all the time so he isn't too much. james who lily broke up with because he was too much. james who is scared to be excited because he doesn't want to be too much. james who tells regulus all this because he's convinced nobody can actually like him for him. regulus who likes him anyway. james who starts opening up more after they start dating. etc etc etc
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mellomadness · 9 months ago
psa from your local artist: it is ALWAYS morally correct to flag ads for ai art creation programs as “malicious” or “inappropriate” ESPECIALLY on tumblr :)
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capseycartwright · 9 months ago
buddie are far too endgame shaped for me to believe they’d end up with anyone else. like you could write a fic where they have entirely different endgame partners than each other and i’d be like oh cool you’re setting up a buddie affair storyline i’m down. like my brain simply refuses to comprehend the possibility of them being endgame with anyone else. buddie or bust baby ! buddie or bust ! !
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