#anyway all my opinion just had to ramble 😌
shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 6 months
Undead Unluck Week, Day 1: Favorite Negator
Hello, Undead Unluck fandom!! 😆 If I'm gonna be honest, I pretty much love every Negator that we've met so far (except for Ruin), but there are some that are my absolute favorites...!! 😁 Of course I love Andy and Fuuko, and Anno Un is MY BOY / THE GOAT; but if there's one Negator that I'd pick above the rest, it would have to be...:
Shen Xiang (Untruth)
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(I originally wanted to put my fanart of Shen here, but I'm still working on it...! 😅 Hopefully I'll finish it before the week is over!! 😁)
I remember when I first saw Shen in chapter 2, I was like: "Who is this goofball?" 🤔
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And as I continued to read, I was like: "I kinda like this goofball...!!" 😄 I mean, look how goofy this man gets!!:
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I also love fact that one minute, Shen looks like his normal adorable baby face on a bodybuilder's body in a fight, and then he'll look like THIS: 😵
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Speaking of Shen and fighting, one of things that we learn about Shen is that his dream is to be the strongest in all of creation...:
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I'm usually not a huge fan of characters who only care about constantly getting stronger because almost every time, if they lose a fight, they'll get upset about it and start to think that they are weak, so they train nonstop to become "stronger..." Though Shen does seem to have that similar mentality to "keep getting stronger", this was the moment that he felt different from a lot of those other characters in my opinion:
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He was smiling after he lost the fight and called the Union to come help in fighting / stopping Victor...!! 👀 I know that not every character that craves strength is a sore loser, but almost all of them have TOO MUCH PRIDE to let others help them in a fight!! 😤 So the fact that Shen had the Union come help was honestly really refreshing to me and it made me like him even more...!! 😄
One of Shen's standout moments has to be during the Summer Arc, where get to see his backstory and learn about why he wants to be the strongest in all of creation in the first place...!
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I'm not gonna get into too much as to why I love this arc SOOO MUCH (that'll be for another day 😉), but if it wasn't obvious, it's because Shen is the main focus of it!! 😍
One of the last things that I wanna talk about Shen is his relationship with Mui...!! 🤗 (Though, I'm probably gonna keep short so that I can bring it up another day...!! 😉)
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I just love how adorable their relationship is, especially whenever he calls her "Mui, my dear", IT'S JUST TOO CUTE!! 💗😍💗
Anyway, I think that all that I wanted to say about my boy Shen!! 😄 Sorry if this was a little bit too ramble-y, but I just love Shen a lot (and it doesn't help that I have a big stupid crush on this goober as well! 💗😌💗)
I'm gonna do my best to try and participate in all of UU Week 2024, so stay tuned!! 😊
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aboutyoutoo · 6 months
Question: rudolf's top 5 neuroses in your subjective opinion (can either be the ones that plague him the most or the ones you find most fun or interesting to think or write about) (can be in a particular order or not). Can be historical, fictional or headcanon 😌 the man is your oyster,,,,
ough this is a good question !! I'll probably base it on elisabeth!Rudolf and also whatever fictional version exists in my head because I don't feel like I can psychoanalyse the real one xD
also this was hard because I feel like in my head so many of his neuroses are linked together... or like it's a bunch of minor neuroses that are actually all just the same major one if you pull back the layers enough ajdhs but anyway in no particular order (under a cut because it ended up being a bit rambly):
Abandonment issues
Yeah this is an obvious one cuz it's a major plot point in elisabeth... it also makes for a really fun dynamic with Tod i think because then Rudolf gets to be obsessive and needy and clingy etc, and lets Tod kind of get away with anything because Rudolf just neeeeds to be wanted so he'll do anything to keep Tod around, and will keep going back even though Tod makes him feel like shit lol.
This one is based in elisabeth canon for obvious reasons xD (although I don't think the real one had a healthy relationship with sexuality either but for different reasons...)
But yeah my todolf fics I think will always have an element of Rudolf being Weird about his sexuality, both because I need some sense of historical accuracy always and also because I think it's just really fun to have a character be ashamed and insecure and weird about being gay ajsh sorry... this guy will be full of repressed gay Catholic guilt forever <3
Feelings of inadequacy
This one is mostly my headcanon I think but yeah....his terrible upbringing + abandonment issues + his father not liking him very much all just giving him a constant feeling of never really being Enough for anyone and also having a ton of imposter syndrome about his role as a political thinker and a scientist and a future leader etc etc. I like giving him a lot of insecurities because it means a lot of things for Tod to be mean to him about jshs. I also like the thought of his constant feelings of inadequacy being the cause of his humiliation kink akdjs... he needs therapy but he can't get that so he'll cope by sexualising the feeling of being Lesser.
Unstable grip on reality
This is something I kind of alluded to in my first todolf fic because I really like the idea of Tod just.. messing with Rudolf's head and having him constantly doubting what's real. Rudolf already has to deal with the cognitive dissonance of being so grounded and scientific whilst also having an imaginary metaphysical boyfriend, and I really like the idea of Tod pushing the limits of that. Appearing to Rudolf in a dreamlike way so he doesn't trust his own memories being real.... Rudolf seeing the Todesengels everywhere and thinking that it's Tod and then being all confused when it isn't him and then he starts doubting himself... yeah basically I just like the idea of Tod having Rudolf in a constant state of confusion and not knowing what to believe, fuck up his brain <33
Feeling hopeless
In more than one way. In the sense of looking at the world and knowing that he can't fix it and just being powerless and miserable. But also in the sense of feeling hopeless about himself. Like he knows that he's going to give himself willingly to Tod one day, he knows that he's going to kill himself and he's resigned himself to that inevitability, so he sees himself as a lost cause... yeah I like that.
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emily-prentits · 1 year
im rewatching greys and im fully on the meddison train which i never at all picked up on when i would watch before—callie owned me and calzona were so good before they got so bad—but now im like. mer x addy all the way. derek should’ve died quicker even.
not going to lie- i laughed reading this. i love getting anons like this i feel like we're besties just talking about our shared interest <3 the little things that make me go :DD
you have all the correct opinions about callie and calzona (i am still SO SAD over them. choosing to believe they are together w sofia in new york <3)
AND MEDDISON. grgh my BELOVEDS!!! i just updated my fluffy multi so i still have swirling feelings about them so i will try my best to be coherent but they are so!!!! can you believe i've been on my meddison bullshit since MARCH?? neither can i. what the fuck.)
meredith and addison had SO MUCH TENSION in the early seasons. like meredith?? just talking about how hot addison is?? all the time??several times in a season?? man. they don't write female interactions NEARLY as gay as they did in the early 2000s and its truly a loss for the gay community. "wore my new lipgloss bc his wife is isabella freakin' rosselini and im me" always makes me laugh sm shes so funny and for what? to NOT get with addison?? smh.
(dont even GET ME STARTED on that bar scene from addison's first return to seattle. THAT EYE CONTACT. i will be screaming about it FOREVER.)
correct. derek should have died faster so we could have gotten the elevator scene faster!!! lead in to the gayness 😌
and the later seasons.... yeah that elevator scene... god. they are so soft and there is so much! potential! for them to just be in LOVE! addie meeting the kids could be a PERFECT gateway for fic to be like after the kids were put to bed they kissed. i wonder if there are any fics of this happening actually...
anyway 😭 i am sorry ramble is over. but i would love to know your future thoughts about meddison if you have any!!! i love talking about them if you couldn't tell :))
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alphaofdarkness · 2 years
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Ah (〃´∀`) I love me a silly man who feels no pain, literally, my goodness ✨ and he’s a baker! He loves making bread, he want to have his own bakery! He GOT CERTIFIED TO BE A BAKER! 🥰 damn I love Hairo Rich y’all don’t understand—
Perdóname for all my rambles, I have a lot of thoughts in my head after rereading the whole manga~ enjoy the art! If you want to read my mess of rambles then go ahead I’m a mess (〃’∇’〃)ゝ
Also his relationship with Gugu and Tonari has me at my soul, from him defensive of Gugu and just jumping in to fight back his bullies, and especially with Tonari and I just feel it in my bones >:( they have a deep understanding of each other 🤧 Also! I definitely think if Tonari wasn’t hellbent on studying that one chapter she’d be scolding both Gugu and Hairo for getting hurt again, she was a doctor damn it, she knows how to heal 👀
Anyways I’m angry, I’m feral, IM READY TO BITE SOMEONE— okay ya paso, déjalo 😌 maybe it’s just me, but I feel like there should have been a bit more closure with the “small” argument Tonari and Fushi had over her friends during ch. 136.6. Like I know Fu mulled over it and they both apologized, I just feel like Fushi’s was definitely rushed and was kind of unfocused during her apology ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they had Nokker business to deal with ~ ; and then boom a whole 6 months after like okay passage of time happens and they are fine— BUT IM NOT lol and am expected to move on? ~ ANWYAS IM FINE I swear I apologize 🤧
It’s just my opinion and how I progressed through the chapters after; I’m happy they are good and well now clearly, it’s nothing major at this moment and just had to doodle some feelings over it. I just wonder how Tonari mulled over her feelings soon after that moment, like I know there is a chapter she is calmer about it and reflecting (and never noticed the soft smile she had at the thought of Fushi wanting to keep bringing them back after death like— feck me).
But anyways, just moments after the argument I mean. I know Gugu mentioned he was going to speak to her and I hope and wonder what he may have said to sooth her 🤧. I definitely thought and wondered what Hairo would say, considering their relationship. May not be a lot spoken, but the thought of him asking if she’s okay counts for me so I had to doodle it~
A note before posting after the fact: Fushi did also think of bringing her friends back when contemplating if they should take Black Hooded Guy’s powers~ 🤧
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Hi Crystal!
Just looked through your blog to see if I had missed any thoughts you shared on the album, but instead I saw you said you didn't post anything bc no one asked. So I came here to ask ☺️
What song surprised you most? What's your current top 3? What line(s) keeps rotating in your head? What stood out to you most on first listen? (Feel free to ignore the questions if you'd like to just ramble about the album in general. I just want to know your thoughts haha)
What did you end up thinking of the iHeartradio set list? I was surprised they didn't play Bad Omens and that Complete Mess was actually the only new song they played.
They really did look hot. Especially Ashton. I feel like it's always especially Ashton lmao.
I really appreciate you both looking for and asking my opinion! (And sorry for the delay in answering, omg this week has been a lot both IRL and in 5SOS-land 🫠)
Current Top 3 would have to be: Caramel, Bad Omens and... Moodswings? Either Moodswings or Red Line. (I should do the song sorter to see how I really feel I guess 😌) I don't know if any particular song surprised me but I think in general, I was pleasantly surprised at how much their lyricism has continued to evolve. There's so much symbolism and truly poetic imagery in this album, while still maintaining an accessibility that doesn't distract from the sometimes painful honesty of what's being talked about.
Which was another surprise for me: they talked so much about wanting this album to feel lighter and brighter than CALM, how they purposely wrote in major chords and keys, how that's what the world "needs" - and they accomplished that, this album is energetic and a delight... but also contains some of their saddest lyrics to date. 😅 I'm definitely not complaining, sad girl hours all day everyday, I actually love that juxtaposition, but that was funny to me.
Another pleasant surprise (for me anyways lmao) is how Ash-heavy this album feels - and I don't just mean how rhythm heavy it is or the fact that he actually gets lead vocals (that would've been enough though 😍) and is so audible in the group vocals. One of the things I've always loved about 5SOS is at least to me, I feel like they each have distinct songwriting/melodic voices and tendencies and so it's often apparent whose artistry is driving a song. And so to me, I hear a lot of Ash melodies and I see his large fingerprints all over some of these lyrics. Which makes me both happy and sad because like I said, this album is lowkey depressing as fuck but you know what, the man knows how to make beautiful art out of that darkness so 😌
I don't know if I'm ready to say it's my favorite album or their best album yet (historically I usually say YB is the fav and CALM is their best, for the record) but I am definitely very happy and very proud of what was accomplished here! 👏🏻👏🏻
iHeartRadio thoughts under the cut!
I really really loved the iHeart set! I saw them at Wango Tango (another iHeart event) and while I will never complain about seeing them live, their set there was... puzzling to say the least. Only 5 songs total and the only new song they did was Me Myself & I, which was only a few weeks old and had not received the radio exposure that Complete Mess had (and also a bit too mid-tempo for the set IMO).
I think they definitely made strides to correct those issues in the iHeart set and it was a dream! At a radio/festival show, the goals should be crowd engagement (which is why I think they mostly stuck to their best known songs) and giving a performance so memorable, no matter how many artists play, you're the one people go home remembering. For that reason, Teeth should always be in their festival set, even if people don't know it (and it seemed like a surprising amount did!), it slaps so hard, it's gonna be a moment whether you're a fan or not. I think they should also consider making Complete Mess a staple in that kind of set, it's also a great live moment and I think gives a good example of what kind of band they'd like to be seen as in this era. And I will never get over the fact we got No Shame/Easier/More at a radio show, that's nuts. It's what we (and More) deserve. 10/10.
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1d1195 · 7 days
First of all bestie you could NEVER make me hate you especially over a silly hairstyle! And if people end be up hating on you for that… that’s not it lol also this is gonna part 1 of my ramble 😭
ANWAYS I’m in constant conflict with how I feel about that mullet HAHA at first I was like “a mullet?! WHY?” But then I saw the vision and kinda liked it😔 and rn I’m not sure tbh! BUT I’m not sure if it’s bc he’s HARRY and I’m just kind “blinded” by finding him attractive in general lol bc he’s definitely hot no matter what in my eyes so idk lol plus I fear I’m so use to seeing so many people have mullets (I guess it’s trendy now?!) that maybe I’m just not as big of a hater as I use to be lol btw I LOVED the visuals you gave! That tattoo roulette pic has me STUNNED the first time I saw it! And I kinda love you’re not an automatic lhh lover🤭 though I am a fan of when he had a middle part, like for when he did SNL so idk about my opinion lol
I simply am lowkey sick of my phone lately so idk wtf is going on lol though I love polls! It’s interesting what people are thinking! I genuinely don’t remember exactly what was the last poll I got to vote on but I remember clicking on a Sun kissed option and I was in the minority of votes 😭
SAM YOURE GONNA KILL ME WITH THAT BREEDING KINK!!! I will simply cease to exist whenever we get to meet that Harry😵‍💫 I truly love how you write your Harry’s like i simply can’t!!! And bestie I love when a man is begging and just groveling on the FLOOR for forgiveness!! Very excited 😌
Omg you’re of course one of those people!! Honestly I would have been more surprised if babies WEREN’T drawn to you lol I’m sure it’s just a vibe you give off like babies can see your pure and sweet heart! In another universe you most likely would have had your Honey moment or like a daycare moment! And omg that’s absolutely such an adorable moment and such a good concept 😭
Financial anxiety is so REAL! Especially since you mentioned how growing up it impacted you a lot! And growing up poor too, i totally get it!! It’s a very conflicting feeling lol
Omg bestie you don’t even KNOW how obsessed I was with fucking true crime and like paranormal stuff growing HAHAHA the true crime stuff now terrifies me now bc HELLO?!? But honestly some of these murder mystery books I got to reread again are kinda still a slay lol but the pottery stuff I got really into it in middle school and lowkey stopped reading it when the pandemic hit lol anyways finished sorting out some books so I will be donating them later this week!
Agree about the AC!! Growing up in school there was NO AC and we had to constantly suffer with the heat waves! Girl you’re like a young millennial which makes sense you would be drawn to that aesthetic and there’s nothing wrong with it! If it makes you happy then there’s no harm!
I always get so sad/worried when my dogs are slightly off bc I love them 😭 When I tell you the first thing encounter I had with my finaid office I fucking CRIED! Had to wait on a fuck ass zoom for almost two hours only for a MAN to tell me it was my fault(it fucking was a mistake on their end) and to just get loans and a payment plan was my HELL!!! My mom had to calm me down it was so embarrassing lol Anyways I loved that you gave that feedback and honestly very you and I love that!
I actually decided to shorten the black dress to like my mid thigh!! Sounds short but I’m not tall so it will look somewhat okay lol and the second one is actually a dark blue dress that shimmers when it hits a certain light! It looks black but it’s actually blue and I’m excited to wear it! That one will be slightly above the knee! And maxi dresses are cute! And I bet they look cute on you!!
Hope you had a lovely weekend! Hope it was restful and fun! ALSO I hope your week is starting well!! LOVE YOU!!!-💜
I'm putting a cut here because I wanted to warn anyone else that reads our pen pal letters that I'm going to talk about audio porn a little lol what an ENTRANCE to this message idk if you'll even be able to tell where my train of thought came from to introduce it like this 😂
Number one--obsessed with two part asks hehehe I love this for us. SAW THE VISION. I'm glad you saw it I haven't 💀 I think I def have this blindness as well but it's so trendy rn and I'm just NOT hear for it. If my bf got a mullet I would shave his head tbh. I just think his hair looked stringy and needed a wash and I haven't forgiven him for that 😭 I wash my hair every day because Harry and I actually have very similar hair and if I don't wash it every day it gets so greasy and gross (and before anyone comes for me I KNOW it's because I wash it every day 🙃 but I can't do it. I just feel better when I shower so what am I going to do? I do so little for my own self care ANYWAY)
I LOVE polling everyone. I think it's so helpful 😭 and I agree, knowing what everyone thinks really helps inform my decision and focus to write.
HEHEHEHE you may have already met that Harry Not to out myself here but I recently downloaded Quinn which is audio porn and it's *mwah* chef's kiss. It's giving me all kinds of ideas for Harry and I like to find the audios where the guy is all worshippy of the girl. Honestly, I don't even listen to it for the porn part I'm just here for the plot 😂 there's a couple brother's best friend's ones that have me salivating to write something. I'm AMPED.
I think in another life I probably will open a day care. I should have just taught elementary school the way the gods probably intended me to but alas. Knock on wood my group is... don't want to jinx it but I will say I'm not exhausted right now (at least not from teaching).
I'm not tall either so I get it. I love a shimmery dress! That sounds so nice! I've been getting tons of compliments on all my clothes recently so I like to believe I might be figuring out my own sense of style. Even the kids notice and think I look cute which is not the point but I think it's nice they notice because a lot of these kids are so trendy and adorable. One of my students from a couple years ago should have won best dressed. She could have worn a trash bag to soo. She was so adorable and I would ask for her opinion about what I should wear to chaperone prom/homecoming 😂
I hope you NEVER have to talk to financial aid ever again 💕
I had a slightly busy but good weekend. I was very productive and I'm trying to keep pace because I fear October is going to be busy as hell 🙃
I hope your week is going well too 💕 LOVE YOU!
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retro-wallflower · 3 years
I think we all blame Merlin a little too much on things aren't exactly his fault. him being the main character kinda pushes the narrative into blaming him because he feels guilty, despite evidence to the contrary.
like I often hear people saying Morgana wouldn't have gone evil if Merlin had been more honest with her. but even though he kept his magic from her when she probably deserved to know, he still accepted her magic when she told him. she confided in him about her magic, her fears and her feelings on uther and Merlin was there for her. he listened to her and supported her, accepted her magic even though in Camelot most people wouldn't. having an ally like that in a place where there isn't many makes the world of difference.
after Merlin sends her to the druids, we don't really see her confiding in him again. she didn't have to feel quite as lonely as she did because merlin would've been there for her.
in the witchfinder, when Merlin is accused of magic, Morgana doesn't stand up for him. because one, she was likely in shock and two, she doesn't want to implicate herself. there's almost a sense of 'him or me' in the episode because when you're oppressed you're terrified you'll be found out. so both Merlin and Morgana don't make the most of a friendship which could've been so much more to them - they could've helped eachother feel less isolated, listened to eachothers woes, guided eachother from darkness when it beckoned.
Merlin doesn't take any action against Morgana, even though he's being incessantly told to, he shows her kindness. until in the fires of idirsholas. Morgana is on the precipice here, between good and evil - she knows she's the center of this spell but doesn't tell Merlin or Arthur. again, because she doesn't want to put suspicion on herself. merlin doesn't do anything to her until Arthur's life is on the line - he waits and waits until if he didn't stop this spell, Arthur would die.
in the later season we hear Morgana blame uther for what happened to her, then Arthur for following in his footsteps. she's bitter that Merlin poisoned her, but never brings up when she had the chance to confide in him, when he was her only ally. she doesn't blame him for her being alone, only for ruining her and morguese's plans.
but Merlin blames himself for all of this, for not being better to Morgana, for not trusting her with his magic, for making rash decisions and eventually for poisoning her. he bears the burden of how Morgana turned out, because he had knowledge she didn't. knowledge that could've changed things but, like Morgana, he was scared.
that's not to say Merlin telling Morgana of everything he knew about destiny and magic would've stopped her from betraying Camelot. I think Morgana was built to stand up against the oppressors, she always fought against uther when she disagreed with him. and this manifested over years of loneliness and fear that I don't think Merlin could've prevented.
it was a combination of choices from so many different people that led Morgana to join Morguese and those like her. while merlin undoubtedly holds some of the responsibility, it's unfair to say he was the catalyst for her turning to dark ideas when things that didn't even involve him (like in to kill the king) planted the seeds for her defection.
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disaster-j · 3 years
That's fascinating. Btw, my kudos to you for going in with that translation thingy, i wouldn't have the patience to xD
Since you said the story is so different, and here i just wanna hear someone's opinions since i usually suck at analysing stuff and writing, where do you think they might be headed. Obviously the social aspect is a fundamental key here, I'm talking more Sean White Black related situation. I'm honestly loving how Off's portraying his characters and i can't wait to meet Black. And how is Black like in the novel anyway, really curious ? Honestly i love the rambling so do go for it
Oh, not really relevant but I'm a J too, just spelled differently😉
I did what I had to do 😌
Ohhh yeah I think Sean is absolutely one of Off's best to roles to date. He's done such a great job at portraying the different sides of Sean- his hostility for Black, his softness for White, the way he cares so much about other people while always maintaining his calm and aloof demeanour around White. It's great!
As for where I think the show is taking it... well a full analysis would involve novel spoilers so I'll just stick with my interpretation of their interactions in the show. I think it's as Off has said in interviews before, Sean's confused by White. As I've said before, Sean and Black have a complicated relationship. They're quite similar in some ways and that's probably what often creates friction between them. They likely bonded bc of their shared passion for their mission and hatred for Tawee and Black did start their whole revolution. So Sean definitely would respect him bc of that, he put his trust in Black and then Black ditched him and got him suspended and now their relationship has soured greatly bc of it. When Sean is around Black now he feels anger over the betrayal, but his respect for him and their mission keeps him from denouncing their friendship. And then White shows up and Sean tries to be mad like he usually is but it doesn't feel right, bc White isn't Black and so White doesn't provoke that hurt, doesn't test their strained bond like Black totally would. So Sean can't stay mad around White and it confuses him and triggers his suspicions over "Black." I think that Sean will figure out White's not Black pretty soon, if he hasn't already. Not only has he been the most suspicious of White's actions since he showed up, but he totally caught him when he was on the phone with Todd. He literally asked him who he called, that wasn't a random question he heard him talking. Adding to that, White being so against their mission was a dead giveaway for someone like Sean, bc Sean and Black are the same when it comes to this and Sean knows it too- if Sean wouldn't quit over something like this neither would Black. So I think he either knows already or is well on his way to figuring it out. But all he's done the whole time is try to cover for White, saving him and deflecting Yok's suspicions, so it's safe to assume that his intentions towards White are good. He's a very caring person so no matter his relationship with Black, he would definitely take care of White while he's in such a dangerous situation. He's also tricky so I don't see him sharing his findings or even making it too obvious to the viewers that he knows. I think we'll be left guessing what he knows/thinks until the show either switches pov or he reveals it to White.
Ahhh all fellow Js are my friends 😌😌
Now for Black in the novel!
He's a volatile gremlin with trauma and mental health issues who thinks everyone is out to get him- tho in his defense, most people are -and only trusts three people in the world. White, Dane and Gram. I love him, he lives to make my life more entertaining.
In the book him and White had been separated since their parents divorced when they were 5 or 6 and even tho they would go to the same school they weren't allowed to so much as talk to eo. White once mentions that him and Black had to be careful not to get caught bc if their mother found out Black would get hurt. And that was when they were nine. Black was always protective of White bc White had asthma in the book, and was also a bully magnet, and would get sick/hurt often, but their separation really exacerbated his protectiveness to an almost unhealthy point. He couldn't let anything bad happen to White ever, almost obsessively protective of him. He also had a very skewed perception of the people around him and people in general, for valid reasons, and didn't trust anyone or anything. Which is why when he's attacked he thinks his friends betrayed him even though it is instantly obvious none of them even knew it happened when White shows up.
Black was also hella dramatic, always doing super extra shit like breaking himself out of the hospital, kidnapping his own twin, etc. It was kinda hilarious. I really hope he has more screentime in the show than he did in the book and I need to see him interact with Gram and the rest of the gang like I need air to breathe. Black is just such an interesting character I love him so much. He represents so many things at once: class disparity, poverty struggles, lifelong effects of childhood abuse and trauma, the rage against the Powers That Be, etc. He was already a pretty complex character in the book but he's gonna be even better in the show, I really cannot wait to see him.
The whole book was about White relearning who he and his brother are so it would only make sense that we get to learn about who Black is through White, Sean and Gram's perspectives in the show.
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dragonfsh · 2 years
OH BOY DO I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABT LANCE… FIRST OF ALL THATS MY MF BROTHER RIGHT THERE WE ARE REAL LIFE REDFIELDS ACTUALLY. but nah in all seriousness i adore lance in everything he does, his energy is so nice to be around. i will forever enable lance to do the things he wants to do even if he doesn’t pursue it for long. i don’t think i have gotten along with anyone so fast in my life we had barely even talked and immediately we were tighter than bark on a tree. attached at the hip. we are the same person. honestly though every muse of his are immediately my favs no matter what. i could have ZERO knowledge of the show/game/whatever and still be like WOOOO YES FUCK IT UP LANCE! i am so grateful to have met him and i can’t wait for the many many years of friendship with him. i’d die and kill for him/srs. i cant see my life without that mf in it and that’s a fact. life without lance is sad and grey but life with lance is sunshines and rainbows 😌 he also puts up with my many annoying ramblings abt how gay sugiura and ichiban are. He even lets me cry abt kuroiwa, that’s how you know he is awesome. i still can’t believe we went through every phase together in this short span of time and always agreed on every opinion we have had. it really feels like i’ve known him my whole life but in reality its just approaching a year. anyways this has turned into a word vomit of how much i love and adore lance… so i end it here :3 but just know i love lance w my whole being. everybody say ily lance @taaboh
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clown-cult · 3 years
You ship bubbline?? Yay! Sometimes I forget you’re a lesbian lmao 😂 on that note though, can you share your thoughts on some big wlw ships? You always have pretty solid takes.
Lol yep full blown lesbian here and yeah, if y’all don’t mind my rambling, here’s some I can think of.
Bear in mind that all these opinions are only my own and you can ship whatever you want.
Bubbline: obviously I love it. It has all the right build up, the characters are fleshed out and there aren’t weird toxic undertones that seem to show up in a lot of mainstream wlw pairings. I love the idea of Simon and Finn being their biggest supporters. My favourite Bubbline episode is probably Varmints. PB is a really important character to me and seeing her being able to be honest and vulnerable, especially with Marcy, was cathartic.
Korrasami: it’s okay I guess? I mean my problem is the same as a lot of people’s with it and that’s that it seemed rushed and came out of nowhere, not anything wrong with the pairing itself, other than Korra being kind of a dick for a while in the comics. So yeah, it’s a little harder for me to get into but I’m not mad about it.
Rangshi: now this I like. Again, there’s build-up, high and low moments and character development. By avatar standards, it’s a very mature, realistic relationship and honestly I love that for them, especially with how much bs Kyoshi had to go through.
Tyz*la: legit can’t believe they think they’re on the same level as the two canon pairings above. Makes me hella uncomfy on so many levels, as a survivor of an abusive relationship with another woman. Ty Lee doesn’t deserve that.
Mailee: now this is what Ty Lee does deserve 😌 Her and Mai cared about each other so much they were willing to risk it all to protect each other. They have such a genuine connection and I want them to be married ASAP. I have so many feelings about this.
Harl*yIvy: I just…it’s so overdone, it’s so badly done, why is DC determined to reduce Harley’s value to how quirky she is and whoever she’s dating? I don’t understand. Also Ivy has been…not so great to her either in the past.
Harley x Selina: Batjokes is basically canon so why can’t they be as well? Selina and Harley always have some of them most genuinely interesting, caring interactions when they’re together and Selina has defended Harley multiple times in the past against Batman, Joker and Ivy.
Cat*dora: so what I said about Ty Lee and Azula making me uncomfortable? Boot that up to an eleven here. Doesn’t help that Catra looks and acts a lot like my abusive ex. I ultimately couldn’t stay in the She-Ra fandom because of her and the ship and dropped out in season 2.
Kagura and Kikyo: another fan pairing but one that I’m honestly just so attached to it’s not even funny. I love the idea of them both managing to survive, get close and support each other. Maybe they run away, change their names and live somewhere where they won’t be used, hurt or scared ever again.
Ahaha anyway that’s my two cents.
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foegs · 4 years
hi jenna totovolff hope ur well. I would like to ask. Which F1 driver do u think is the smartest? Based off nothing but the vibes u get from them ofc. I ask only bc my friend asked me which driver I think is the best at math and I was like ummmmm ???? So would love ur input. Thank u I think u have probably noticed by now but I love to hear ur opinions on things love to read ur sentences 😌 ok bye ♥️ p.s. that video u rb’d of George saying ‘heyyy’ has haunted me ever since! merci beaucoup :)
I have a SEVERE love for the way you send me these long ask rambles, you always like Put In The Work to stay in touch and it means a lot to me because every time I’m like 
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I do be cared about by you <333
anyway I would have to think much about which driver is the smartest, not least because there are so many ways to be Snart (tm). it would be easy to pick the dumbest ones though. anyway I’m tempted to drop Daniil into contention here, mostly because he’s the Languages Man and I know for a fact that he actually knows how to read and like, does so on a regular basis. 
all of the drivers have a certain sort of analytic brain that can process data and that are probably very adaptable? just given the lifestyle and the job. and that in itself is a big kind of Snart
for a long time I had a fair bit of regard for Carlos because I knew he was one of the few drivers who focused on school and racing at the same time, because Carlos Sr. made him keep up both. however given what we know now, I imagine he’s smart in the same way as Those Guys in grade 12 Challenge + Change who talk too much and are like Well Why Do Non-Whites Score Lower On IQ Tests? Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings! so I think he’s pretty dumb 👊😔
in terms of lifelong learning, Lewis takes the prize. in 2017 Nico Rosberg visited Stanford allegedly to think about going back to uni, so I think his brain must be pretty big as well. Valtteri has never read a whole book in his life, so he’s not winning anything in the “well rounded” department, much to my hilarious chagrin.
Pierre’s girlfriend Caterina is studying aerospace engineering, so she’s smarter than all of them. George is like, boardroom smart and probably actually means it when he writes Proficient in Microsoft Excel on his CV, but I wouldn’t trust him in the wild. 
frankly I keep coming back to Daniil here as the person I’d probably choose to do a research study with, so he’s my tentative final selection. the things he talks about are interesting, he looks like he’d care deeply about formatting, and he also seems down-to-earth enough that he would understand why I’m working on the paper at 5AM the day it’s due at 8AM, and I could trust that I’d see his icon online in the google doc with me. thank you daniil kvyat. sorry to everyone else who ever writes papers with me. 
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