#Hairo rich
agrust-art · 1 year
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bestbonnist · 1 year
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The special illustrations for episodes 11-20.
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mantareys · 2 years
Tommorow im gonna drop a +1000 word Kahaku character analysis but you can have this for now
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For thoes who dont own the physical manga there are headshots of the main characters at the beginning of each edition and I just think the difference between vol 11 Hairo and vol 14 Hairo is funny
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Some future era shenanigans 🤍 I’m really loving the take on the most rest chapters concerning the future era! I like the dynamic of the immortal army and the new characters Doll and Kanitaro! I had a humorous thought after her little comment to Hairo as Eko showed her their little base home.
I’ve had a lot of thought on Dany’s outfit change and appearance during this arc and am still playing around with it. Though, thus far her under clothing is a tank top and comfortable pants she can move around in (more comfortable in her skin than she was in the past and early chapters of the modern arc). I’ve had an interesting take on giving her an upgraded headband that works to muffle intense sounds that would be distressing to her. Adjusting to her surroundings and her hyper senses.
Also revealing the muscles in her arms from using her archery skills 😌 she’s always had them, I’ve just never drawn her outside of her past arc outfit~
Last doodle of Ligard and Nightfall taking a nice nap after rescuing Kai and Eko~
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animehellscape · 2 years
Could you perhaps draw Tonari or Hylo from To Your Eternity? Your sketches look so lovely and cute of Ranpo and Atsushi! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Question... Hylo = Hairo? I'm bad with names and Hylo leads to Hairo so that is what I am assuming??
Also thank you so much! Those sketches weren't supposed to be so popular but they ended up that way! I have a warm-up doodle of Hairo for my answer, but if you clarify I'll make another drawing of him. Also, I've got Tonari already on my ask box so I'm gonna do something of her old and young. I'll tag you on that post when I make it, if you would like! Lmk!
Ignore that this is a little uneven, I didn't do any skeletoning, I just went in with colors and prayed.
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Send me more requests! I do every one related to the pinned list of fandoms! If I post about it, I will draw it!
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alphaofdarkness · 2 years
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Ah (〃´∀`) I love me a silly man who feels no pain, literally, my goodness ✨ and he’s a baker! He loves making bread, he want to have his own bakery! He GOT CERTIFIED TO BE A BAKER! 🥰 damn I love Hairo Rich y’all don’t understand—
Perdóname for all my rambles, I have a lot of thoughts in my head after rereading the whole manga~ enjoy the art! If you want to read my mess of rambles then go ahead I’m a mess (〃’∇’〃)ゝ
Also his relationship with Gugu and Tonari has me at my soul, from him defensive of Gugu and just jumping in to fight back his bullies, and especially with Tonari and I just feel it in my bones >:( they have a deep understanding of each other 🤧 Also! I definitely think if Tonari wasn’t hellbent on studying that one chapter she’d be scolding both Gugu and Hairo for getting hurt again, she was a doctor damn it, she knows how to heal 👀
Anyways I’m angry, I’m feral, IM READY TO BITE SOMEONE— okay ya paso, déjalo 😌 maybe it’s just me, but I feel like there should have been a bit more closure with the “small” argument Tonari and Fushi had over her friends during ch. 136.6. Like I know Fu mulled over it and they both apologized, I just feel like Fushi’s was definitely rushed and was kind of unfocused during her apology ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they had Nokker business to deal with ~ ; and then boom a whole 6 months after like okay passage of time happens and they are fine— BUT IM NOT lol and am expected to move on? ~ ANWYAS IM FINE I swear I apologize 🤧
It’s just my opinion and how I progressed through the chapters after; I’m happy they are good and well now clearly, it’s nothing major at this moment and just had to doodle some feelings over it. I just wonder how Tonari mulled over her feelings soon after that moment, like I know there is a chapter she is calmer about it and reflecting (and never noticed the soft smile she had at the thought of Fushi wanting to keep bringing them back after death like— feck me).
But anyways, just moments after the argument I mean. I know Gugu mentioned he was going to speak to her and I hope and wonder what he may have said to sooth her 🤧. I definitely thought and wondered what Hairo would say, considering their relationship. May not be a lot spoken, but the thought of him asking if she’s okay counts for me so I had to doodle it~
A note before posting after the fact: Fushi did also think of bringing her friends back when contemplating if they should take Black Hooded Guy’s powers~ 🤧
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ydotome · 2 years
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Kai, Hairo, Messar... Let's not forget them, okay? - Fumetsu no Anata e 2nd Season - Episode 15
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Started watching a new show.
So far we have the voice actors of Kokomi Teruhashi, Chiyo Yumehara, Celestia Ludenburg (anime ver.), and Aoi Asahina (anime ver.)
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mao22716 · 11 months
daydreaming abt historical fantasy au..... hcs under cut bc it will be a lot of text although a lot of it is based off canon
ok so maybe not the most creative idea but kurumi comes from a bloodline of witches except their family hasnt had powers manifest for many generations and the most is that they keep their young looks
however kusuo is the only one with powers and it seems that whatever powers previous generations could have gotten has been passed down to him instead (basically he has every power he has in canon)
also kusuo has powers bc hes transmasc lol
in this au there r mages who can control basic elements (fire water earth air wtv) and kusuo disguises himself as one of them bc witches aren't accepted in society
his work requires him to meet many ppl and some of these people get unusually attached to him and they continue interacting with him even though he doesn't say a word back to them
kusuo claims that he has nothing to do with them and they are a pain but somehow finds himself doing whatever he can to make them safe and happy
kuusuke doesnt have any powers but hes extremely smart and became an alchemist after graduating from a fancy school thing (i swear i know the right term but not now how embarrassing)
he spent his whole life trying to limit kusuo's powers and eventually remove them completely (same as canon haha)
he also wants to remove powers from other witches and mages while hes at it teehee (cute girl sticking tongue out image here)
btw he does a lot of experiments and some of them r not very ethical but dont worry about it lol
their grandma (i forgot her name srry :(( ) owns a famous boutique, kurumi works there too
moving on to other characters i was thinking saiko family is a royal family althogh they arent liked by the public bc of their attitude honestly if metori became the king the country is doomed
but that is if he didnt have the power of friendship
metori is the crown prince of the country and nendou is his knight
yes u read that right
nendou became a knight bc of his almost inhumane strength
almost got fired multiple times but hairo, another knight with the best reputation possible helps nendou keep his job
also a very kind person he will drop whatever hes doing to help ppl when they need it
he likes playing with children (fails many times bc his face is scary he is sad) and buying things from them even though he doesnt need wtv tjey r selling
one day nendou invites metori to meet his friends (almost got fired for the nth time. hairo is crying. keep up the good work.) and miraculously metori says yes since he has nothing to do and is somewhat curious about how peasants spend their time
somehow his friends are: kusuo, a mage who is just average but has genius alchemist brother
kaidou who is just some guy who really wants to be both a mage and knight at the same time but cant do both
and aren who came from a mercenary background but decided to become a knight instead and is quickly climbing the ranks
metori is very impressed with these people (except kaidou 💀💀) but it didnt last long when all of them act so god damn weird
they met at a bar, saiki brought a box of dessert from a cafe to eat, kaidou is sitting at a corner muttering something about having a hidden power and that he can destroy the bar rn if he wanted to and aren is normal but sometimes he says something scary every now and then
anyways they definitely hated metori but they warmed up to him after a few times meeting and they get to enjoy rich ppl luxuries
a few months later metori wakes up in the middle of the night in cold sweat when he realises that he is friends with those peasants and that he enjoys spending time with them
congratulations now u have the powers of friendship and character development
ok next teruhashi family is a high ranking noble family
maybe teruhashi family being low ranking nobles who r gaining a lot of popularity would be good too
metori is the crown prince and is constantly sending marriage offers to kokomi but makoto burns every single marriage offer letter from anyone (the only time kokomi is grateful to him)
kokomi and makoto r the most beautiful ppl in the country or perhaps the whole world and the kokomi objectification by men is even worse in this au so shes kinda fucked up inside
but dont worry !!! she does have awareness that she is going insane and makes sure to have some self care hobbies
which is sneaking out and interacting with people she wears a disguise that covers up her beauty so that when she interacts with ppl they respond back like shes just a person and this is important to her because it reminds her that life is not just get married have children and die
interaction with ppl as in just buying random things from whatever store she sees (she has 0 social skills if it isnt acting)
it gets even better for her when she comes across chiyo who is a low ranking noble whos title was bought instead of earned
when they first meet, chiyo deduces that kokomi is a noble from the way she talks and carries herself but doesnt know which family (it doesnt matter to her shes just excited to meet a new friend)
their first meeting is quite awkward bc neither of them know what to talk abt so they just sat together on a bench in silence for a few minutes
well its not that bad in the end bc chiyo decided they can go shopping or eat at cute cafes
kokomi started to get irritated (she was actually anxious bc she has never been treated as a friend before she just doesnt know) so she told chiyo her identity to see if chiyo will start worshipping her
chiyo needed a while to process but shes extra happy bc kokomi revealed her identity and chiyo took it that she wanted to be friends
she also starts talking about herself more and asking kokomi questions
this stuns kokomi as this is the first time someone was genuinely interested in her as a person
unfortunately she feels overwhelmed and goes home to rest (the whole time with chiyo just replays in her head constantly)
anyways they continue meeting outside and eventually go to gatherings and tea parties together
many ppl gossip abt chiyo not being enough for kokomi and when kokomi heard it the first time in public she broke her perfect lady act without thinking to defend chiyo (she almost started beating up ppl but she controlled herself so everythings fine :3)
i think i like kokomi x chiyo a lot do they have a ship name??
queer platonic kokomi x chiyo.....
wow this post is damn long
i actually just wanted to daydream of what kind of witch outfit kusuo would look good in
also im not sure abt kaidou in this au.... definitely a delusional person tho
maybe hes quite smart academically but i just dont have a clear direction of his role in this au
i will be surprised if anyone read this much thank u for reading my brain vomit
if u can tell i dont have much knowledge on historical settings lololol
i havent thought abt other characters much but aiura is definitely a witch who can do fortune telling
maybe imu is the leader of an information guild
akechi is either working in imu's guild or hes a detective
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creativia10 · 3 months
Shared Annoyances
Summary: Kusuo Saiki's school wins a trip to Karuizawa. During this trip, Saiki's group encounters Ouran Academy's host club members. Shenanigans ensue. At least Kusuo has found someone else who shares in his annoyance.
Relationships: Platonic Saiki Kusuo and Haruhi
Warnings: (minor) implied fear of homophobia, worry about manipulation
Wordcount: 4164
Notes: The poll results came in, so I think I will be posting Saiki K fanfics on here. When I was sick recently, I found myself rewatching my favorite anime 'The Disastrous Life of Saiki K'. As I was watching, I found myself thinking about how Saiki could be friends with Haruhi. They could bond over being annoyed with the people around them. It's always intimidating for me to post a fanfic in a fandom for the first time, so I hope you like it. I may have an idea for a continuation, that may be multichapter (or multiple parts) this time.
Saiki's school had entered an academic performance contest for a special trip to Karuizawa. Class representative Hairo's effective motivation for the student body aided their school's performance. So they managed to win the trip. This vacation spot in Karuizawa is apparently a popular visit for distinguished rich people. Particularly those whose kids attended the prestigious Ouran academy.
 The PK students were of course very excited. Kusuo was more going because of his parents’ insistence that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus, it would look strange if he didn’t go when literally everyone wanted to go.
So he found himself in a familiar scenario. He walked with a group through the shopping area, in a vacation spot. The idiots around him arguing about which places to go to. Somehow the girls were with them this time. The girls weren’t arguing as much as the guys were. The main consensus seemed to be they wanted to check out all the stores. Good grief.
The trip and food was covered, but individual purchases were not. There was no guarantee they’d be able to afford anything at the souvenir shops for rich people.
‘Damn rich people.’
Kusuo overheard among the many other thoughts around.
Just then a group of very attractive guys around their age walked over.
“I already told you, sempai. I really don’t want anything,” A brunette in their group was saying.
A handsome blonde spun around dramatically.
“Nonsense, my dear Haruhi! There are so many sights to see here at our favorite vacation spot. Surely there has to be something we can get you,” He said.
Haruhi just groaned in response. Apparently she was resigned to the fact that there was no use arguing against him.
The two groups paused as they came across each other. Saiki’s group was filled with thoughts about how these must be some of the rich boys who came to vacation there. How handsome they were, and how strange it was that one of them was dressed more casually than the others.
Whereas for the Ouran group, just thoughts about how ‘oh yeah, they’d heard there was a school that won a trip to come here.’ The Ouran boys were dressed much nicer. So it was probably pretty obvious that Saiki’s group wasn’t rich.
There was also a thought about if they still needed to hide that Haruhi is a girl around the group or not. Huh, so apparently they had been hiding that one was a girl. Kusuo wondered why that was.
The taller Blonde glanced to Haruhi and then back over to Saiki’s group.
‘I bet I can impress Haruhi by really catering to these commoners.’
He gave a charming smile and stepped forward.
“Greetings fellow guests of this vacation spot in Karuizawa!” He bowed dramatically to the girls of the group.
“I am Tamaki Suoh, an annual vacationer here. I also run my school’s host club. Where we serve entertain,” He reached forward and kissed Teruhashi’s hand (because of course it was hers)
,”The lovely young ladies who attend,” He said. The girls blush and cover their mouths with giggles. He handed her a rose.
Where did that rose come from? Does this guy just always have roses on him in case he comes across a pretty girl? Wow.
Teruhashi accepted the rose with a smile. Tamaki stood up again.
“We would be happy to give you a tour of the area and help you in any way in your time visiting here,” He said. He looked back at the other boys he arrived with.
“Right, gentleman?” He said.
The others except Haruhi all seemed to exchange looks with each other. Apparently catching on quick. A pair of identical twin boys with red hair quickly stepped forward as well and also bowed.
“Of course, Tamaki!”
“We’d be happy to help!” They each said. The second winking at the girls. The girls giggled again. The boys in Saiki’s group seemed unsure how to take this offer. Especially as the hosts were clearly flirting with the girls.
Haruhi just rolled her eyes at the boys’ actions. …her?...his?...theirs?...hm, Kusuo would use they in his head for Haruhi for now and wait and see how the others referred to them.
Teruhashi smiled at the hosts.
“Thank you so much for such a kind offer,” She said.
The hosts stared just stared at her for a moment with blushes. Even Haruhi, which had surprised Kusuo. Almost like they all weren’t used  to being floored by a pretty girl.
They shook their heads, and Tamaki cleared his throat.
“Of course! We love to assist,” He said, nearly losing his composure. Kusuo heard thoughts from the other hosts surprised as they noticed that as well.
The boys in Saiki’s group of course were not thrilled by the attention the hosts were giving Teruhashi. The only one who seemed to think of any of the other girls was Kaidou, over Chiyo. Although that had been slowly developing for a while.
“How about we start with the first shop here?” Tamaki asked. Teruhashi smiled and nodded.
“That sounds great!” She said. The two groups started for the first shop. There wasn’t enough room for everyone to enter. The PK boys seemed less interested for the moment anyways. Grumpy about the attention the hosts were getting from the girls.
Why did this idiot Tamaki think this would impress Haruhi? They seemed more annoyed by this than anything.
Kusuo waited with them outside. Haruhi also stayed out there. Tamaki looked back.
“Haruhi! Aren’t you coming in?” Tamaki asked.
“No thanks. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of room in there anyways,” Haruhi said.
Tamaki hmmed and seemed to think for a moment. Then he turned back to the girls he lead into the shop and offered to buy them anything they wished for in there.
“Oh, you really don’t have to do that, Tamaki!” Teruhashi exclaimed.
Tamaki bowed again, somehow despite the little space in the shop. Gosh, that guy was so extra.
“Oh please, it is no big deal to me! I’d rather be sure such lovely young ladies get the chance to have nice souvenirs befitting their beauty,” He said with charm. The girls giggled again.
Haruhi sighed and rolled their eyes.
Most of the girls were still shy about asking for anything. Even though Kusuo could see in their minds the things they wanted from the shop. It got to the point where the hosts, would start pointing things out and asking if any of the girls wanted that. It was mainly Tamaki and the twins doing this.
Apparently these guys picked up on what the girls had been eyeing. Eventually, the girls did finally admit to what they wanted. When the guys pointed to the right things.
The continued shyness about the offer was an act for Teruhashi. But they did all seem very appreciative to the host club members for doing this for them.
Haruhi wondered what the fellow hosts were up to with such offers. They’d never seen the hosts be so generous before. Then again, most of the time they were around other rich people and wouldn’t need to offer paying for things.
Damn rich people.
Still, it was surprising. Haruhi hadn’t really seen the other hosts pay much attention to other commoners. That is, aside from Haruhi themselves.
Kusuo internally hmmed. The hosts definitely weren’t impressing Haruhi in the way Tamaki had hoped in his daydreams. But it seemed he wasn’t too far off after all.
As the shopping trip dragged on though, Haruhi’s patience waned. Especially since Haruhi hadn’t really been interested in shopping in the first place.
Later on both groups made it to a bigger shop where everyone could fit inside without being squished. The other guys in Saiki’s group had a little more enthusiasm now that they could reach other souvenirs. Not as grumpy about the hosts’ attention as earlier, but it was still prevalent.
The size of this one meant there wasn’t really a reason for Haruhi and Kusuo to wait outside the shop this time.
Haruhi was standing in the back of the shop sort of just watching as the two groups went around the shop. Internally grumbling about how they were annoyed with the host club’s antics this time. Well, that was something Kusuo could understand in a way.
Despite Haruhi’s annoyance, Kusuo found their thoughts to be much calmer to be around. Compared to everyone else in proximity that is. So, Kusuo carefully walked over and just stood in the back with them.
He didn’t mind being by them too much. Something about understanding being annoyed with the people around you.
Haruhi glanced over to Kusuo. They were surprised that the quietest one of the other group stood by them. Then again, most of the boys had seemed a bit annoyed with the attention the hosts were giving the girls. Typical. Although, he didn’t seem interested in looking around the shop like the others were.
Kusuo was honestly more interested in special sweets he could get around there. Their groups hadn’t made it over to a sweets shop yet. At this rate they might not make it to one before such shops closed for the day though. Good grief.
It’s not like the hosts had made the same offer to buy things for the boys in the group anyways. Maybe they were worried about looking gay. It’s not like the boys were really complaining anyways. Well, maybe a bit in Kaidou’s thoughts, but the immature guy probably wouldn’t admit to such a thing. Maybe it was just because none of the guys had reacted as interested as the girls had. Again, probably because they didn’t want to seem gay or something.
Kusuo didn’t know much about the host clubs concept. From what he heard though, none of these high school hosts seemed to have a problem catering to anyone.
Back to his sweets preference though. The reason he didn’t go off on his own to get a treat he wanted anyways. He found he was unsure about leaving the chaotic groups. Because he couldn’t seem to help but be overprotective of these people who thought they were his friends. When did he become like this? He never thought he was that selfless.
Then again, one of the hosts who wore glasses kept looking over everyone in the two group’s interactions. Like he was scrutinizing everything. And Kusuo could hear how this Kyoya was analyzing how anything could be used to his favor and the host club’s. So yeah, Kusuo wasn’t a fan of that. He figured it might be best to keep an ear out for that guy. So none of these idiots get taken advantage of.
Anyways, Haruhi was wondering if they should try and say something to him. Kusuo found he didn’t mind the possibility of conversation too much from them. Although he’d still prefer the quiet.
“…you’re not interested in any of the stuff here either, hm?” Haruhi asked.
Kusuo paused for a moment and then shook his head.
“Hmm, same…I’ve uh, never really been a big stuff person,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo shot them a small smile at that. He understood that. Unless sweets counted as stuff in this case.
Haruhi sighed.
“Sempai and many of the other hosts always go overboard with this kind of stuff,” They said.
You’d think Tamaki and the others would catch on by now that stuff doesn’t impress me, they thought.
It sounded like those boys were rich idiots.
Kusuo was surprised that he nearly shared his own annoyances with Haruhi. That wasn’t like him. Maybe there was just something about Haruhi that got people to open up to them. That kind of reminded Kusuo of his mom in a way.
Haruhi glanced to Kusuo again.
He’s quiet. It kind of reminds me of Mori sempai.
Kusuo then got a mental image of the tallest host with dark hair. The one who seemed to hang around the smallest blonde of the group.
For some reason I’m tempted to ask if this guy wants to go somewhere calmer. So we can escape the hyper antics of our combined groups.
The thought was tempting to Kusuo as well.
“…can I ask what your name is?” Haruhi asked.
“Kusuo Saiki.”
“Ah okay, I’m Haruhi Fujioka,” They said.
“I know, or at least I caught your first name. That Tamaki guy shouted it a couple of times,” Kusuo said.
Haruhi huffed at the reminder and rolled their eyes again.
“Yeah, he’s always been…excitable like that,” They said.
That was one way to word it. He’s always so eager to impress me, and I just don’t get why.
Kusuo thought he had an idea. He may not have been interested in relationships himself. But even he could tell that Tamaki guy clearly had feelings for Haruhi. Maybe it was just from all the relationship stuff Kusuo had overheard through the years.
“…have you known them long?” Kusuo found himself asking despite himself.
“Just since I started at Ouran Academy. Although I do see them a lot as a member of the host club myself,” Haruhi said.
…wait wasn’t Ouran academy primarily a school for rich kids? Haruhi didn’t seem like they were.
“You’re probably wondering how I attend Ouran academy when I don’t seem like I’m rich, hm?” Haruhi said.
Kusuo blinked. Well, he supposed it made sense they’d be used to such questions. After a moment Kusuo hesitantly nodded.
Haruhi laughed a bit.
“It’s okay, I know a lot of people I encounter wonder about that. I got in through a special scholarship,” They said.
Ah, that made sense. Not to brag, but it was probably the type of scholarship Kusuo could easily get as well if he wanted to. But he didn’t, because he’d be sure to stand out from doing so and he didn’t want that at all. It was definitely an impressive feat though. Kusuo had respect for them to have such an accomplishment. Haruhi definitely earned their right for such fine education. Probably more than the other rich brats there who hadn't worked for it. Kusuo had never been very materialistic.
“Congratulations,” He said.
“Thanks, it took a lot of work. Even though things didn’t go the way I imagined they would at this school, I wouldn’t take it back,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo hmmed and nodded slowly after a moment.
There was another thing though. A scholarship student didn’t seem likely to end up part of that type of club to him. Even though Kusuo didn’t know much about host clubs. He found himself wondering how Haruhi even ended up part of such a club. They didn’t jump at the chance to cater to the girls the way the other hosts had. Then again, Haruhi not being a guy in the way the others were might be a factor as well.
“I probably also don’t seem like the host type, do I?” Haruhi asked.
…no fair. Telepathy was Kusuo’s thing.
Haruhi sighed.
“It’s a long story…but basically I broke an expensive vase in the host club, and I’ve been working as a host to work off my debt,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo winced at that. Yikes. That sucked.
“…yeah,” They said.
“Even though the other hosts can be a bit much at times, I suppose it could always be worse,” Haruhi said.
Kusuo just hmmed at that. He got some mental images from Haruhi then. Images of exciting things that had happened with the host club. Including one that was apparently Haruhi’s first kiss. It looked like it was an accident. It was also with another girl.
…Kusuo bet there was an interesting story behind that one as well. It did seem like both he and Haruhi didn’t get many moments of peace the way they both seemed to want. In a way it was nice to be around someone who understood. Even if their situations were different.
As tempting as it is to escape, I might actually feel a bit bad leaving them. Although really, I more just don’t want to deal with the inevitable freakout from Tamaki if I did, Haruhi thought.
Kusuo found he somehow felt similarly. Although none of the nuisances in his group seemed as dramatic as this Tamaki guy. Good grief. Something told Kusuo that guy would give him many headaches just from being around him a little bit. He was glad now he had put some distance between himself and the combined groups.
It seemed the others were winding down with their purchases from this shop. The hosts ended up carrying the bags for the girls that they bought for them. Except for the little blonde, but his tall bodyguard seemed to make up for it.
As they were leaving Teruhashi turned to Kusuo and smiled. He was a bit surprised she even bothered to give him any attention. She’d gotten plenty of attention from Tamaki after all.
“Hey everyone, how about we head to a sweets café next? Before any of them close. I noticed Saiki didn’t get a chance to get anything, and he always seems to be a fan of sweets,” She says with a pretty giggle.
Kusuo perked up at that. He was surprised by the offer, but wasn’t going to say no to such a thing. Haruhi raised their eyebrows at that, wondering about that interaction.
Unfortunately, all of them looked at Kusuo after Teruhashi said that. Great, more attention.
Tamaki thought about how sweet this girl must be to make such an offer for her friend.
Yeah, she doesn’t see him as just a friend. But again, Kusuo wasn’t going to pass up a chance to get some sweets.
Tamaki smiled and bowed dramatically again.
“But of course! I know just the place. Honey is a big fan of sweets as well, so we always make sure to stop by this place when we come to visit,” Tamaki said. The small blonde who must be Honey smiled and nodded,
“Yep!” He cheered. The girls cooed at his cuteness. Even Kaido seemed taken in by the adorable small boy. It was hard to believe this kid was one of the oldest. How was he so short?
Anyways, they made it to the sweets café in time. Thankfully not pushing it close to the closing hours. So they wouldn’t seem like jerks. There was one treat that really caught Kusuo’s interest. It seemed to be a very sweet coffee ice cream dessert. Teruhashi asked what he was getting, which he told her. Then she decided to get it as well. So did Haruhi. Then everyone was getting what he picked out. Really? Well, he supposed it was one of the more popular treats there.
After Kusuo got his ice cream, he had to figure out where to sit. At first he was going to sit by Haruhi, they seemed to hit it off well earlier. But then Tamaki was quick to sit next to them. Haruhi made an annoyed face, but Kusuo could hear they weren’t nearly as annoyed as they let on. Huh, maybe Haruhi did like Tamaki back. It was hard to tell. Although they did seem to feel bad that Tamaki might drive away their new friend. And well…they weren’t exactly wrong.
Teruhashi seemed surprised by who Tamaki decided to sit next to, but she didn’t let it show. She just gave Kusuo another smile.
“Hey, how about we sit over here Saiki?” She asked.
Tamaki seemed surprised that Teruhashi kept wanting to get Saiki’s attention. He wondered if it was similar to how he was with Haruhi.
Good grief. Kusuo really hoped this Tamaki guy didn’t try to do anything from this realization. He seemed like the meddling type. Kusuo didn’t need annoying people trying to match make him with Teruhashi. Talk about unwanted attention.
Kusuo knew it would stand out if he went to sit by himself, as much as he wanted to. Especially after Teruhashi made sure they went somewhere Kusuo would like. So he went to sit on Haruhi’s other side anyways. Figuring solidarity against annoying people would be nice.
Teruhashi was immediately jealous of who Kusuo sat next to. Even though she had been the one to suggest they sit there in the first place. He didn’t really get why though. She didn’t seem to suspect Haruhi wasn’t a guy in the way the other hosts were. Maybe just because Tamaki was already giving Haruhi attention.
But Tamaki was jealous of Kusuo sitting there as well. Good grief. Teruhashi sat across from them. The other hosts sat with the girls at other tables nearby. The Pk boys were almost on their own but still close. Despite the attention of the other hosts, Chiyo had ended up wanting to sit with Kaidou still. The hosts caught the hint Chiyo wanted to be alone with Kaidou, but apparently no one else did. As Teruhashi was wrapped up in wanting Kusuo’s attention again. Kaidou tried to tell Nendou to sit somewhere else. But because Nendou was an idiot, he wasn’t getting it. Then Kaidou got too flustered to spell it outright, much to Chiyo’s disappointment.
Kyoya cleared his throat.
“Excuse me, uh-“
“Right, Nendou. I believe this new couple may want to sit at a table with just the two of them,” Kyoya said. Chiyo and Kaidou both immediately got flustered.
“What!? N-no, we’re-“
“We’re not dating! It would be too dangerous with Dark Reunion after me! Uh, I mean-“
Crap. Chiyo has heard me talk about that at school, but I might look like a total nutjob in front of these guys now.
Kyoya raised an eyebrow at that and nearly half-smirked.
It’s very tempting to completely annihilate this guy’s childish views. But alas, Tamaki seems to prioritize the host club help couple. So not this time.
Good grief. Kusuo wondered if this guy would get along with his brother. He did not like that picture.
Instead, Kyoya glance at the redheaded twins. The twins soon shared a look and both smirked. It was a little creepy how in sync most of these high school hosts seemed to be with each other.
“Hey Nendou!”
“Do you want to play the ‘which one of us is Hikaru’ game?”
“Come sit at our table so we can.”
Nendou furrowed his brows in confusion. But the distraction seemed to work as he followed them over to that table.
“But I don’t know which one of you is Hikaru though,” He said.
“That’s okay!”
“That’s why you can guess in this game!”
“But I don’t know which one is Hikaru.”
“…that’s why you guess.”
“But I don’t know which one is Hikaru?”
Is this guy for real? Both twins thought at the same time.
Is he some kind of idiot? Yep.
They continued on like that for a bit. The twins getting more annoyed with the idiot and struggling to hide it.
Kyoya looked satisfied that the distraction worked. He winked at Kaidou and Chiyo before heading to the other table himself. Chiyo giggled and sat at the table with just Kaido.
Good grief. It’s not like they were completely alone anyways. Their tables were all next to each other.
Anyways, back to Kusuo’s own table. It was still a bit surprising to see Haruhi stare at Teruhashi for a moment again. Haruhi didn’t stay enamored though. Quickly getting annoyed again by Tamaki’s extra-ness around the very pretty girl. Was Haruhi jealous as well? They seemed more annoyed by Tamaki’s antics than anything though.
I see enough of his over-the-top-ness at the host club. And now I’m forced to be right next to him while he’s performing in such a way.
It probably didn’t help the way Tamaki was dividing his attention with Haruhi and Teruhashi.
At least Kusuo was able to enjoy his treat, it made all this worth it. Even if he would have preferred to savor it in quiet. It’s not like he got many chances to do that anyways though.
Haruhi and Kusuo thought the same thing for once.
Damn rich people.
Then Honey pulled up a chair to their table though, next to Kusuo and hopped up with his own treat. Apparently having a shared love of sweets made the shorter host think they should be friends now. Honey started to chatter to Kusuo about his own favorite sweets. Mori just stood behind Honey at first like a body guard, before Honey encouraged him to sit at the table with them.
Kusuo had overheard earlier how Mori wasn’t going to get anything at first. But then Honey prompted him to get something as well.
Apparently Honey and Mori joining the table brought the attention back to Kusuo. Now most of the others were asking questions as well, also about his like of sweets among other things. Good grief. He didn’t like the expectation to talk so much. People could be annoying.
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laevanders · 2 years
Thinking about a Saiki fic where everyone is kinda the same, but also slightly evil and that changes things...
Like this Kusuo would be more openly rude (like saying the things he thinks about everyone 'out loud') and not care of others didn't like him ( his love-o-meter is 20? that's great! He just wants to be left alone.) He does not get to be left alone, this is still Saiki Also he's still a tsundere and saying that he doesn't need friends, but still doing things for them
Now for the others Saikis, we could just exaggerate on things about them. Like, this Kurumi would still be super sweet to her family, but to everyone else she's kinda mean, and when angry she's worse than canon , she would have taught Kusuo to not use his powers only to keep he safe (maybe this make saiki use more his powers? Like not openly cuz that would attract people, but not really hiding it) Kuniharu however just encourage Kusuo to use his powers to his advantage, and help he's father of course. This Kusuo does not help.
Now to he's friends...
I think Nendo would be just like everyone think he is? Still more stupid than malicious, but now he will scare you for money and maybe beat you up. He doesn't do that often tho.
Kaidou would just think he's evil and the líder of the Dark Reunion. But he's still pathetic. You raise your voice and he will cry. There's a drop of blood at sight and he's fainting. But he's trying. Also he's backstory is that he probably was on the path of good but society made him realize that's no use and it's better to be the apex predator or you won't survive . Omg I love him
Teruhashi would still be doing her ✨pretty perfect girl✨act but now taking totally advantage of it, like getting things for free and using her fans to do stuff for her, she would probably be more involved with the kokomins. Now her motivation it's not only to make Saiki say "oh wow" bit humiliate him and make him beg for her attention or something like that (obviously it doesn't work and she grows out of it eventually, maybe)
It's kinda hard to think Hairo as evil, so he probably just scare people with his passion instead of inspire them, he doesn't notice it tho. But maybe he is more hot-headed too? It would combine with the fire theme he has
Yumehara is..hm...a yandere? Like it's not really that away from canon, she's already a stalker.
Mera is probably just more feral, and doing more violent shady jobs than canon
Kuboyasu is kinda the same, but let's say that he's motivation for getting out of the gang it's not because he wants to be better but cuz police it's on his back. But like I think I think he would go out of his way to protect the friend group, he would threaten anyone that messes with Saiki, Shun, Yumehara and Teruhashi (cause he sees them as more fragile or something) and for the kubokai shippers out there me he would think Kaidou story about being super evil really cute and teach him some intimidation technics or something cuz anything physical would fail
Now for people who I don't really know how to change
Toritsuka: cuz he's already...him. Saiki would probably kill him tho
Aiura: She's great and idk what to make for her to not be, maybe more egoistic? And not caring that all of her friends are like that?
Akechi, cuz he could probably stay the same and it would not matter that much, he's kinda creepy. But he could go like Chiyo and just evolve into a yandere or smh. But I don't wanna repeat things. Only it would fit Chiyo themes of being a secondary character hmmm
Saiko because he's rich, and rich people are automatically evil. And he already not that great, if you exaggerate him he would be kicking poor people for fun
Kuusuke: cuz I'm in doubt. Like it would be nice for him to be the "good one" to our "evil" protagonists or at least think of himself that way while being as a mad scientist as in canon. OR we could do de other way and put him to be fascinated by Kusuos powers of the destruction and see his brother as a evil warlord but wanting to be on his side being the two monarchs of the world (Kusuo does not vibe with any of these, and think they're incredible dramatic, also he hates his brother cuz he was probably called a monster in both scenarios)
Also extra for Hii, cause she's not evil, but her bad luck only affects others
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wildfire317s-oc-box · 2 years
My nicknames for the demon slayer / kny characters (probably gonna be edited as time goes on):
Tanjiro: checkers, fox-cub, country bumpkin #1, cannon-ball, simba, glitched eevee
Nezuko: dynamite, foxlette, bunny-rabbit, local cleric
Zenitsu: bug-zapper, sparky, thunder, lightning bolt, zen-, simp lord, timone, pikachu
Inosuke: piggu, oinker, boar-boy, country bumpkin #2, mankey, pumba
Murata: squeaker, lucky clover, mister nine lives
Genya: fluff-ball, grumpy gills junior, half 'n' half, hyena-boy, beastie
Kanao: lucky-flip
Aoi: lapis, sky blue
Sabito: sabi-, fire fox, soggy/sabi-fox, fox-boy, the ginger, local red-head, short-stack, short-king, secret weasly
Makomo: momo-chan, sky-fox, quick-silver, shorty, daisy-chain
Giyuu: shadow, shadow-fox, fox-fox, espresso-depresso
Urokodaki: fox-dad, old man river
Kyojuro: Ren-, K(i)yo, Phoenix, fire-chicken, owl boy, (my apologies in advance) donut man
Shinjuro: mega butt-lord, maltov, head-butt practice, gunpowder fuse
Senjuro: owlet, Sen-, baby-phoenix, sweet bean
Kanae: monarch, lilac, sweet one
Shinobu: lavender, butterfly, grumpy one, chihuahua
Sanemi: feral-ass, gremlin man, feral pomeranian, cottonheaded ninimuggins, cotton poof, grumpy gills senior, shouty mc-lionmane the second (the original being nishiki from tokyo ghoul), deranged dandelion, dunkass
Uzui: loud-mouth, gaston knock-off, bastard ass, obnoxious mf, tryhard ninja, man-hoe, rich prick, pickpocket-bait, spoiled jackass, captain crack-head, testiclies high dumbass of testosterone
Muichiro: Mui-, -chiro, misty, cloudy-boy, spacer, space-cadet, pedo-buster, smol-bean
Mitsuri: love-bug, melon-stripes, best-girl (of the humans), cat-girl, sweet-girl
Iguro: snek, sneky-snek, snake-boy, snake-charmer, zebra-stripes, duo-chrome, dress boy (you all know the dress i mean if you look at his entire color-palette), icyhot, sneaky simp
Gyomei: gentle giant, beastie-tree, tibetin-mastiff, the tall one, prayer beads, mister budda beads
Kaigaku: Kai-, evil-sparky, local rogue, invert-color-zenitsu, black-lightning, gender-bent azula, tiger-cub
Kokushibo/mitchikatsu: koku-, mitchi-, -shibo, sixer, moony, Kaigaku's dad, ponytail
Douma: frosty, blondie, ink-splat, great-dane, daki & gyutaro's dad, rainbow-brain, lounge-lion, kaleidoscope eyes
Akaza/Hakuji: cat-boy, tabby-stripe, raging-bisexual, pinky, -kaza
Nakime: Naki, rapunzel, mademoiselle noir, Naki-nak's
Hantengu: -tengu, murder-hobo, bird-brain, lord of bullshitery, han-, mousey
Gyokko: shape of water, fish for brains, dollar-store axolotl, house-plant, shitty-wizard, pedo-fish, off brand anish kapoor
Daki: material-girl, alt-timeline barbie (if you know you know), miss wears pink on wednesdays
Gyutaro: pretty paint-splatter boy, cutie-spots, pretty pretty gyutaro, floofy-hair, sharky, snarky-shark, gyu-, taro-taro, hyena-shark, hyena-man, mantis, floof-floof-cotton-poof, paint/ink splatter cutie
Enmu: enmu the tank engine, train-boy, emu, goat-eyes, (^w^)/OwO face, crazy-train, (in reference to his disembodied hand alone) off brand thing, HMS (his majesty's simp), the OwO translator
Ubume: n/a
Rokuro: geode, lower moon dad 2, rock-uro
Hairo: grouchy wolf, grumpy guns, dollar store cowboy
Wakuraba: elf-ears, off-brand legolas
Mukago: fuzzball, whiskers, fluffy-horns
Rui: spidy, spider-boy, ru-ru, rui-ru, web-slinger, tiny bean, smol gremlin, precious pain in the ass, adorable lil shit, squishy, squishy-cheeks, raging ball of white fluff, spidy/spider-paws
Kamanue: baby-dragon, kama-kama, kama, nue
Kyogai: tiger-stripes, tiger, kyo-, looks like a dad (not even kidding he looks very similar to my actual dad just put a goatee on him), mister its a kilt, captain funky music, big drummer-boy, lower moon dad 1
Tamayo: tama-san, tama-tama, the science queen
Yushiro: bratty-cat, simp king
Susumaru: maru, susu, maru-chan
Yahaba: triple a, mister hand-eye coordination, off brand death the kid
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bestbonnist · 2 years
Chapter 170
The title doesn't have a (1) on the end of it, which should mean that this is the only Chapter 170. But who knows, they've changed it retroactively before.
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I like how you can see tons of little screens popping up during the fight, because they always show up when a person's been grievously injured. That's how badly the doll is fucking them up.
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This would be the fourth time the doll has lost consciousness. Every time she does, she gets a flashback. Which we will hopefully get caught up on when she wakes up again.
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I really didn't realize this, but the group of bounty hunters and knife guy probably know each other, or are traveling together. Which is confusing to me because I thought knife was only looking for the doll, and the other bounty hunters don't think she has much worth.
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Messar appeared! Yay! But you know what's not yay? The rope attached to the bazooka and his distance from the ledge where it came from mean that Fushi only just resurrected him. The convenience of it makes it highly likely that he's gone back to throwing away his life just because someone can bring him back.
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Hylo, also, doesn't seem to care very much that he may have killed a man. To be fair, he doesn't seem to be a very good man, but Hylo in the past decided against killing a criminal during Renryrr. And then said criminal killed someone. Actually yeah, I can see why Hylo doesn't care very much. Where Fushi deliberately exposes themselves to other people's pain and maintains a belief that all humans are good, Hylo tried to do the same and ended up getting someone killed. And then, being the one to hand March poison on top of that.... he seems to be developing an immunity to giving a shit. I worry for his mental health.
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
nendo making hairo delicious protein rich foods also smoothies so maybe one day hairo will be able to keep up with him (also that guy is a disaster in the kitchen, little wonder he's not bulking up with those cooking skills)
and also ramen
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I really love Hairo/Hylo; I am shameless about it as he is so silly (〃・ω・〃) I got the thought of him petting my s/I’s spirit wolf companion, giving her some good scritches 🤲🏼
Nightfall loves good cheek scratches UwU if her owner trusts the young man, as does she 🥺
Also some silly shenanigans below~ Nightfall is very aware and intelligent 😌✨ She supports the potential relationship even if her owner doesn’t think of it~
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meeeeeeeep78 · 1 year
Saiki K murder games,,
the site im using:
heres the export code so you can use the same cast -
{"teams":[{"name":"NOTEAM"}],"chars":[{"name":"Kusuo Saiki","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["magic wand"]},{"name":"Kokomi Teruhashi","g":1,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["seductive","devious"]},{"name":"Riki Nendou","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["bulky","naive","pet turtle"]},{"name":"Kaidou Shun","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["goth","meek","ancient scepter"]},{"name":"Kuboyasu Aren","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["survivalist","bulky"]},{"name":"Akechi Touma","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["annoying","scrappy","wish ring"]},{"name":"Aiura Mikoto","g":1,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["cute","kind","wish ring"]},{"name":"Reita Toritsuka","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["annoying","scrappy","pet turtle"]},{"name":"Kineshi Hairo","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["leader","bulky"]},{"name":"Chiyo Yumehara","g":1,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["annoying","scrappy"]},{"name":"Imu Rifuta","g":1,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["cute","devious"]},{"name":"Metori Saiko","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["rich","rocket launcher"]},{"name":"Chisato Mera","g":1,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["unstable","scrappy","big stick"]},{"name":"Kusuke Saiki","g":0,"t":0,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":["inventor","survivalist","flamethrower"]},{"name":"Satou","g":0,"t":1,"pic":"defPic.jpg","team":"NOTEAM","perks":[]}]}
(couldnt get them images sorry) result of my first run of the game under the cut
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AIURA IM GONNA CRY AKECHI HOW COULD YOU (taking away his wish ring I'm so mad /j)
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Cant imagine this happening but bye saiko lmao
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GO NENDOU. GOOD BOY. also WHAT HELLO KAIDOU???? (i gave him an ancient sceptre he deserves to get some magic here yknow?)
Saiki turning Nendou into a sheep feels pretty accurate honestly. Into stone even more so, but a sheep works too. ..does the sheep still have the scar and buttchin? is his wool cut the same way as his hair?????
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BRO???? EXCUSE ME????????? HUH????? IMU WHAT?? HOW????
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the only part of this that feels canon is Kaidou writing emo poetry
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this is all reletively accurate, except for akechi not noticing bad food. and saiki turning saikos pancreas into cheese. that's not a possible apport unless you have a looooot of cheese.
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saiki after season 3:
me too nendou
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KAIDOU??????? WHAT????????
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imu. imu honey. honey are you okay. are you trying to prove yourself to teruhashi?? are you trying to show her that's you'd be a wonderful girlfriend by committing multiple murders????
also i love that 'sheep accident' is listed as a cause of death
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..oh no. the lesbians are gonna face off, arent they.
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OH. honestly i thought imu would 100% win bc. yknow lasergun. but honestly common Teruhashi W
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