#anyway I love when reigen shows off then eats shit
obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
near the end of the world domination arc, it’s so fun I forgot so many details. what’s that!? IT’S REIGEN WITH A GUN!!
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mobpsychoheadcanons · 8 years
Some thoughts on Shou
-Shou has many many scars on him all from his father. he sometimes just sits shirtless in front of a mirror and traces over them remembering what happened. Reminding himself that this is not normal. That this is not okay.
-Shou once saw Ritsu's father pat his head and Shou almost blasted him across the room before he realizes that it was actually an affectionate gesture.
-Shou has a very nervous habit of biting on his sleeves. The ends of his jacket are frayed and wet and disgusting and he doesn't remember the last time he washed it but he doesn't want to lose it. So he never does.
-Shou has received affection once, just once, from his father after his mother left. He was eight and he was in horrible burning pain and his father picked him up and carried him to the med room and wrapped up his injuries. It never happened again and Shou is almost sure that he dreamed it...but it's also a massive reason he sometimes doubts the abuse.
-Ritsu cries very easily. Shou laughs instead of crying. Ritsu wants to punch Shou in the face for making fun of his crying but then gets a massive pit of dread in his stomach when he sees Shou laughing off a stab wound or a broken bone.
-One time Shou did cry in front of Ritsu though...it started off as laughter that then turned hysterical and caused him to collapse on the ground shaking as he started sobbing between laughs and he couldn't breathe and he wanted to die because he broke down and...He kept saying that he was sorry for crying....Ritsu held him tight and tried to be comforting but all he could really do in his state of shock was to rock him and try his best to soothe him
-One time Reign tried to pat Shou on the Shoulder and Shou nearly threw him into a wall. Mob stopped him but Shou was so embarrassed he didn't come back for a month
-Shou uses memes as a way to cover for his emotional shortcomings and trauma
- Shou...knows how to dance...he learned...as part of his training???
-Shou is simultaneously afraid of touch and completely touch deprived so it ends up in this odd situation of "i can touch you but for the love of god please don't touch me.”
-Shou batterdick cucumber memes his father's name. He has over one hundred and twenty seven ways of saying ‘touch your toes sucky key.’
-Shou attempted to live with his mother....but....she kept trying to do things he wasn't okay with...but by that i mean...giving him rules and curfews and things Shou has never done in his life and he gets angry and he calls bullshit and he runs away from home to hide for a few days and she panics because she lost her baby again but Shou....is not okay...with being controlled...
-Shows mom still doesn't like seeing his power and everytime he uses it she makes a small uncomfortable expression and Shou begins to dislike them a little bit more...
-Shous hamsters are very well treated but at the same time...Shou is terrified to interact with them because he might hurt them
-Shou has a fully documented file on every injury, every scar, and every trauma his father has given him...he doesn't really know what to do with it...
-Shou just wants to hug somebody for hours on end. To feel another person's warmth encompassing him and keeping him safe...but he feels childish whenever he does because....who would even want to hug him??? he Should just get over it??? grow up???
-One time his mother dropped a pan and Shou nearly started crying....he hates...loud noises....he doesn't mind if they are natural like thunder...but...the sound of a pan banging against a floor...a door slamming...hands slamming on the table....it terrifies him.
-Shou hugs his pillow when he sleeps.
-Shou used to have a stuffed animal collection but his father destroyed them..calling them childish.
-Shou has a shit ton of money coming his way because of his father but....he doesn't really want it....it feels dirty and he doesn't want any help...from anyone
-Shou has exactly 0 social skills. He never learned how tf to deal with people. He just tried to make himself seem as big as possible and hopes things will go his way.
-Shou uses comics, manga, books and tv shows as a way of escapism. He surrounds himself in the stories so much that he used to call his father DR. Robotnick. (Sonic sat am ref lol.)
-Shou hates taking showers or baths. He feels entirely too vulnerable and sometimes he’ll push it off for a solid month before taking one.
-Shou has never had a good night's sleep. Ever.
-Shou has freckles. hundreds of freckles. they're all from his mom
-Shou wants to go to school with Ritsu but at the same time he's terrified to try.
-He's not good with people. his schooling did not keep up 100% with academics, he hates being told what to do ect ect...
-One time he hung around reigen and did a dumb doodle on a sticky note and reigen praised it and said it looked really good and Shou started crying....he doesn't know why. maybe it's because he's never been praised on his art before..
-Shou sometimes breaks into Reigen’s office to sleep on his couch. Reigen is mildly concerned but lets him do it anyway
-Shou is that person who always, c o n s t a n t l y, has to show somebody up. You ran a mile?? I ran two!! You're feeling depressed?? well my father ran a cult and tried to take over the world and constantly abused me!! He does not mean to be mean by it...but he's so used to his thoughts and feelings being completely invalidated that...he h a s to...you know???
-Shous relationship with his mother....hmm....It's kinda rocky. Like they love each other but they don’t really know much about each other anymore and she doesn't really like his powers but they still do try and they really do care for each other but there will always be this…...unspoken...gap....between them.
Why he never talks about his father...why she never wants to hear.
they hug and kiss and would do anything for each other...but at the same time...something unspeakable happened here and neither of them are willing to acknowledge it
[i say kiss because familiar kisses are a thing but i'm not 100% sure they happen out of the south so like;;]
-anyway if Teru and Shou ever start talking about their feelings they would get...so frustrated with each other. constantly trying to say who had the shittier experience because i feel like this shouuppance [pardon the pun] is a core part of their characters and honestly it would reach a point where they would fucking f i g h t.
But in the end it turns out being good for them because they had the chance to let off some of the steam that they’ve been building up and lets them relax a bit and they eventually realize they won't win against each other. They’re both too stubborn. and instead they start comparing stories and laughing their ass off about how fucked up they are.
Shou: And then he left me locked in that room for three days without any food lol!!!
Teru: Oh god, do i feel that!! I don’t have anybody to take care of me so It's just constant isolation and if I get sick, well then! I’m not eating till I recover!
[Anyway this post is 1000ish words long so i’ll cut it here lol, I have more Shou hcs that I’ll probably upload later~~ Thanks for reading!]
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avecorviidae · 5 years
Fic: Three - Chapter Three
Fandom: Mob Psycho 100 Rating: G Relationship(s): Kageyama Shigeo & Reigen Arataka Word Count: 1754
Ao3 Link
Parent-teacher conferences rolled around so quickly that Katsuko hadn’t even realized it was time until she saw the sign-up forms sitting on her desk. Well, this is going to be interesting, she’d thought, more dread than excitement. Still, sitting through explanation after explanation of why someone’s child had failed their last three tests or why they kept getting detention would be worth it if she got even one hint, one scrap of information about Shigeo’s life. Except that Shigeo had squirmed uncomfortably during her spiel, had come up to her desk after class with the signup form clutched in his hands and said, “Um, Miss Kano, both of my parents are out of town this week…”
Well, shit. An idea struck her.
“Ah, well, Shigeo, it is required that everyone’s parents come in.” It wasn’t; plenty of people skipped these things. It was only the delinquents and the star students’ parents who ever came in. Still, she continued, bullshitting like a champion. “Even if your parents aren’t able to come, I’m sure you have more extended family. It can even be anyone the school has listed as a contact.” Shigeo was blank for another few moments before his eyes lit up. “Oh! Alright, thank you, Miss Kano.” Sure enough, the next day, Shigeo had brought back his form filled out and signed by one Reigen Arataka.
Which may have, she reflected, been a bad idea, when she actually came face to face with the man. She’d seen him plenty over the course of the last two years, and listened to every story and odd anecdote about exchanges the office secretaries and other teachers had had with him, but she’d never actually spoken to the man himself. She felt that perhaps, she had not been adequately warned. Out of, well, everything, the thing that struck her the most was the odd way that he moved: an odd collision of tempos, a few deliberate steps followed by an abruptly rapid and fluid motion that was, in most cases, about 90% arm. Despite the air conditioning, a thin sheen of sweat was clear on his forehead.
Still, he sat across from her in the uncomfortable little classroom chair, leaning back with an ankle crossed over a knee like he’d been there longer than she had. He straightened his tie, the same pink one that he’d worn every time she’d ever seen him. She wondered, absently, if he ever changed clothes. “Well,” she began with her best first-day-of-school smile, “thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to come in, Reigen-san. My name is Kano Katsuko, and I am Shigeo’s teacher this year.” Reigen nodded, waving it off. “Yeah, sure, of course. Academics and stuff, it’s important.”
Katsuko bit back a wry smile. Reigen did not give off the vibes of someone who believed in the importance of a traditional education. “Quite. Anyways, there are a few things I would like to discuss about Shigeo’s academic performance.”
Reigen leaned forward, one elbow resting on his knee. “What, his grades?”
Katsuko nodded, and handed over the folder in her lap. It contained Shigeo’s tests from the last term, and a paper with his overall grades on it. As Reigen flipped through it, one eyebrow raised, Katsuko explained. “When it comes to essays and such, Shigeo is, at worst, overly concise, and his vocabulary is a little more simplistic than we’d expect given his age. He does get his point across, though, so he usually does just fine.”
Reigen snorted softly, muttering something to himself that Katsuko didn’t entirely catch, but she thought might’ve been “–does have a way with words, doesn’t he?”
She continued, “In sciences, he seems to be doing fine, with help from his brother.” About half of his homework was done entirely in Ritsu’s handwriting, but she and Toyoda had made a pact early on this year not to bring it up, for their sakes, and Shigeo’s. “The only… issue is with his math grades, which continue to be, well, fairly poor.” Numbers seemed like an abstract concept to the boy. Well, to be fair, they technically were an abstract concept, but Shigeo seemed to think in abstracts, could write about complex emotional concepts like love, loss, goodness, pride, in such a dry, blatant tone that she could swear he had formulas for them in his head. Plain facts like numbers, however, were lost on him.
Reigen gave a sharp laugh, more of a bark. “Well, no wonder. he’s showed me some of the work you send home with him. I swear, math wasn’t that complicated when I was a kid. Jeez, why would Mob ever need any of the nonsense with the letters-being-numbers thing?”
Something about that gave her pause. She had to tread lightly here. “Ah, I didn’t realize that Shigeo’s nickname was used in his… family.” She’d always assumed the nickname was derisive, the way the other students said it. Shigeo hadn’t responded to it negatively, but then, he didn’t seem to respond to much of anything.
Misstep. Something changed, just slightly, in Reigen’s expression, and then his entire posture shifted so that he was leaning back, one arm slung over the back of the chair, chin tilted up so that he was looking down at her with something defensive and sharp in his eyes.
“Well,” he said, and abruptly his voice was smooth, liquid silver. “He’s told me that he prefers it, so why wouldn’t I?”
Katsuko felt off-balance, like the playing field was shifting and changing underneath her feet as they spoke. She’d dealt with worse than this, though. She’d dealt with district board representatives, so she would not let this nonsense phase her. “No reason at all, sir,” she replied serenely, ploughing ahead. “If Shigeo is having difficulty with the work, and is unable to receive help at home, the school does offer after-school tutoring–” “Ha!” Reigen cut her off with another barking laugh. “Wow, you think he has time for that? I mean, between,” and at this, he started counting off on his fingers, “going to school in the first place, all of the homework, reading, and essays he brings home, the extracurriculars he’s expected to be in, the social life he’s supposed to have, his interests and work outside of school, actually spending time with his family, and, oh I don’t know, eating and sleeping, you really expect him to be able to attend tutoring?” Reigen tutted, wagging a finger. “Fact of the matter is, you guys expect too much out of your students. You’re not giving them any time to be kids, messing around and making dumb mistakes.” Reigen stood from the chair, heaving a sigh that had a weight of finality. As he made his way towards the door, he said, “Don’t get me wrong, I get the worry about his grades, but I’ll make sure he passes.”
District board representatives asking about pencil sharpener brands, she reminded herself. This would not phase her. Reigen was dead-set on leaving, that was clear, and Katsuko couldn’t blame him. The way things were run, there were more and more kids burning out every year, and while Katsuko did what she could, there was a curriculum to follow and standardized tests to take. Still, she couldn’t let him leave, not yet. “Ah, Reigen-san, before you go. I have been wondering about Shigeo’s,” she paused while she considered the right term, “extracurriculars. Because it seems to me that they’re causing him more stress than any of his assignments.” Sure enough, Reigen paused. When he looked over his shoulder at her, his expression had softened, but the emotions were no more readable than before. “Kano-san,” he said, voice soft like he was comforting an upset child, “you and I both have duties to Mob, and I’m going to ask you to believe that I’m fulfilling mine as best as I can, and I’m also going to ask that you trust me when I say that this is not something you want to get involved in.” Neither of them said another word as Reigen left, the door swinging shut behind him.
Interestingly, Shigeo’s next math worksheet was turned in, filled out in an odd hodgepodge of Shigeo’s deliberate, blocky writing, and Reigen’s slanted, curving script, and every single answer was correct. She was glad that she didn’t have to grade for showing work, because she couldn’t have deciphered the odd string of numbers leading up to the final answer if her life depended on it.
She’d watched Shigeo closely during the next math test and while he was still going through his nervous motions (biting at the skin around his fingernails, tapping one sneaker against the leg of his chair, floating his entire desk an inch or so off of the ground,) he was actually writing, as opposed to the blank staring that usually came with math tests. He was the last one to hand in his test, and when he did, it was covered in a series of odd little grids filled with numbers and variables, but the answers were… right, right, wrong, wrong but only because of a misplaced variable so partial credit, right, wrong, right, right… She looked back up at the grids, aligned the numbers to the problems, and found that Shigeo had discovered a shortcut, not one that she’d ever seen before, so where could he have… Oh, of course. She almost wanted to laugh; in trying to give Shigeo a cheat to pass his test, Reigen had inadvertently found a shortcut that was easy to explain, and showed all of the crucial parts of the problem. I might actually use this next year. When she handed back the tests the next day, she felt a pop of energy burst through the room, nearly startling her out of her seat. On instinct, she looked at Shigeo. Sure enough, his hair was ruffled, desk still vibrating with aftershocks, and he was looking at his paper with a small, wide-eyed smile. Considering it wasn’t really any of her doing, Katsuko felt oddly proud. Even as she watched Shigeo’s scratches heal into scars, invisible white lines and marks that dotted his face, his hands, even as she knew they’d keep coming back, and Shigeo would spend more often than not trying to sleep off the now-permanent shadows under his hooded eyes, she still felt… at peace, would be the best word. For the first time, it almost felt like Shigeo might just turn out alright.
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