#anyway I have a lot of glee thoughts sorry about it
buildarocketboys · 2 years
Sam being friends with Marley and Unique is something that absolutely 100% does not exist in the show but absolutely 100% should have. But they're friends in my heart and that's what matters
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very tempted to write blaine being an utterly unhinged maniac for my halloween horror bingo fics
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t0rturedangel · 8 months
╭ . . . 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 ੭
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𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ; ♰ ৎ﹕𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴
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Okay, before I start- i know that hazbin hotel has a lot of good ass songs, and I want to make own little custom songs but I cant write songs for shit however I can write poetry (not well but I'm trying) so instead of writing songs for you, I'll write shitty poetry that does not rhyme. Also sorry if my depictions of love aren't good- i have literally never been in love before, and if the ending is rushed, I'm not used to writing so much in one setting
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There once was an Cherubim angel,
so gentle and kind,
perched upon a cloud
You sat on a cloud, smiling to yourself as you watched over all the different angels talk to each other about their duties- heaven was perfect, no- no not just perfect, heaven was a utopia. No angel can do any wrong, it is only virtue that existed upon these clouds and you were among these creatures of purity, you were one of god's creations just as all the other's were.
The clouds around you were soft, almost as if they were made of the soft silk your robes were made of, they were formed to bring comfort to any angel that came in contact with them and while all angels were already joyful, the clouds merely helped them stary from sinful thoughts.
She waited for another angel,
a Seraphim named Lucifer,
a friend, so close to her
You wondered though, were was lucifer? He was always about yet you didn't have any idea on where or how to find him. In all honesty, you found Lucifer to be amazing- his ideas, imagination, creativity bought stars to your eyes (figuratively, you had no iris or pupil- your eyes, more specifically your sclera, were a soft yellow colour with white swirls decorating them), to you his words were so brilliant, other angels couldn't even begin to speak or think the way he does.
He always came up with new ideas, new creations him, you and the other angels can create- can look after and love. You couldn't help but indulge in his chats with you- adding onto his ideas in anyway you can and while you personally thought your ideas weren't as amazing as his, to Lucifer your ideas were flawless- he always said that.
Lucifer was brilliant, he truly was- you could never understand why the other angels despised his thoughts so much.
Perhaps, the cherubim was in love,
perhaps she enjoyed Lucifer's company
much more beyond just meer friendship.
Okay, you needed to slow down- you were always thinking how great he was, maybe you didn't just like him as a friend... just maybe you liked him a bit more. Though, that way of thinking should stop soon- after all you have angelic duties to do! there is no way you can just abandon them just because you adored Lucifer....'s ideas.
You took a breath and got on your feet, spreading your wings (you had four wings, two on each side) so you could take off and start your work, however when you were jus about to begin to fly a figure rushed to you- wrapping their arms around your torso.
The seraphim appeared,
all smiles and glee
he held his friend closely
with tender, with care
Lucifer came out of no where, though his presence was welcomed warmly by you : who held him back just as tight. " Luci! " you grinned letting go of him, he had gotten there just in time- it was almost like he knew you were about to fly off, " [name]! Ha ha! how are you? " he asked holding both of your hands- a dorky smile engraved onto his face " Where have you been? I was worried " that was half-true, there was no evil (what even was evil? you didn't know, it doesn't exist not yet ) but there was a high chance that Sera was telling him off again.
" How sweet, but don't worry I'm alright cherub " he brought your hands closer to him- something that grin he held could only grow as the seconds passed by, seeming like he wanted to say something " Luci- I know that look in your eye, you've being creating again! Tell me everything ", your own smile began to grow as you squeezed his hand.
" You know me too well! Okay, so i was thinking of trying to make [ creature ], sounds cool right? well guess what else! " and with that he began to ramble about his ideas once more, with you chirping in some of your own ideas which made Lucifer sound even happier.
The two angels were at peace,
within the company of each other-
did they love each other?
would they dare say it?
You flew around with Lucifer, laughing together while yelling out some nonsense that seemed to only make sense to you and him- just you and him. Though your fun was quick to end when the two of you reached the tallest cloud in all of heaven and the two of you- both out of breath- fell onto it. " That was fun! " you chuckled, still trying to catch your breath " yeah! I loved that " was the reply, then silence fell upon the two of you. Though it wasnt awkward silence, it never was when it came to [name] and Lucifer- it was comforting and peaceful.
Though this silence was broken quickly by you. Over the last few weeks, months you were coming to understand your feelings towards the seraphim, and while you could easily deny them- to avoid them and focus of everything but that but you just couldn't, you sucked with feelings especially hiding them! and plus, how could you live if you didn't tell Luci how you felt " Luci... I " love you, those words were suddenly lodged in your throat and you couldn't let them be said- be heard why did that happen, you were sure you could say them- hell you said them before to people who you see as family!, "sorry what i meant was I- " loved you for so long now, I love you and I don't think I can ever stop loving you " loved that too- it was so fun! "
She couldn't say it,
she was too scared to tell her dear Lucifer
of her true feelings... though did he feel the same?
What was wrong with you? You couldnt say it, why? You loved Lucifer- there you admitted it in your mind but you just cant say it to him. You sighed and stared at your mirror- looking over your face, your long hair (angels all had long hair, it was one of the things that they always cared for and almost showed off)
Of course he did,
how could he not?
he loved her more than anything
she listen to his ideas, she added onto them
she never hated them, never judged.
but then, the high order formed the earth-
Adam and Lilith.
" [name? " Lucifer walked over to you, a smile on his face- though he always smiled, this smile seemed different in a way but you couldn't place your finger on it however that did not stop you from returning his smile " Luci! hey! " you grinned as he stopped just in front of you " [name]? do you know the two humans? " " Adam and Lilith? " " yes! Me and Lilith... are in love!"
he.. he loved the human Lilith? The one who ran from Adam (you heard of this from Sera, and while you acted disappointed you agreed with Lilith's decision of leaving Adam, you would have too), he found her and fell for her? .. how? she hasn't even existed for that long! How could you possibly fall that quick? it was impossible right?
It took you a few seconds to compose yourself so you can smile for Lucifer, though it didnt feel right " That's... brilliant Luci! I'm so happy you found love- how does it feel like? " and with that question you bared the suffering of listening to Lucifer, the one you loved, gush about Lilith, and you were almost envious of Lilith- almost hated her, you never met her and now dear god you probably don't ever want to. You had lost your Lucifer to her, though... you suppose he was never yours.
and with that,
those confessions of requited love
would forever be sealed away,
locked behind their grinning lips
though the perish of love was not their only problem.
Lucifer went too far,
he created evil through the second bride,
she bit the apple, she took the fall
and Lucifer and his love was to blame
though you would not let him be punished alone.
You too were part of this.
" No! " You screamed as you ran to the shaking Lucifer's side, almost trying to shield him from the anger of the higher order of angels. " Leave him be! He has done nothing wrong! " you defended him, still caring over your friend. Nevertheless, the angels did not listen to your words in the way you intended- they saw this as a further act of aggression from you as you also had a part to play in coursing dear Eve into biting the apple from the tree of knowledge of good or evil, you lead her to the tree, plucked the apple with Lucifer in tow and let her bite it. Now you and Lucifer were being punished, Lucifer getting the harsher side of it.
The angel was thrown to the depths,
to a world name named Hell,
where the only side of humans Lucifer was granted to see,
was the side he created.
You were also punished to fall,
tho to hell was too much they said
so you fell the half way
now for ever trapped in a dead land-
forever banished to be alone.
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𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 ⠆ ⸺ @reverse-soe @jellibean2018 @aliazy @sugarrush-blush @littledolly2345 @immahuman @marsilis
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astranva · 2 years
Sexiest Man Alive
Word Count: 1.3k
Category: Pure fluff
Warning: Nothing
Summary: In which Chris is 2022's Sexiest Man Alive, he can't stop talking about his actress!wife and son, and actress!reader already knows.
a/n: MY GOODNESS the amount of asks i received about chris’ new title, i had to come out of my shell and give you something about it! i received a lot of “how does pe!reader feel” and here you go, my lovies! 
Globally, people knew that you and Chris were the hottest couple alive. They had pictures, videos, and social media posts to prove it, and it helped that your high status was one that supported the fact as well.
“Can you hear me?” Megan, Chris’ publicist excitedly asked from his laptop screen, “Is Y/N here?” 
“Right here,” you called, carrying your 2-month-old baby boy, River, as you stood behind the couch and right behind your husband.
“What’s up?” Chris asked her.
“Chris has just got a new title!” She exclaimed with a beaming face.
“Come on, Meg, spill!” You laughed.
She laughed, “Well, say hello to 2022’s Sexiest Man Alive,” she pointed through the screen.
Chris’ eyes widened and as did yours, your jaw dropping, “No way! No way! Are you kidding?” You exclaimed excitedly, “Finally! Finally, finally, finally!” You laughed in glee.
“Oh man,” Chris laughed, blushing face looking from Megan to turning his head to peek up at you, “How can I ever compete with Paul Rudd?”
You laughed, carefully leaning down to peck his lips, “No competition needed,” you said before looking at your baby, “You hear that. Rivvy? Daddy’s the sexiest man alive,” you giggled.
It wasn’t even three days later when People magazine reached out to plan a photoshoot with Chris, your husband deciding to have it on your farmhouse where the both of you were staying for the year instead of having to travel anywhere and leave you alone.
It was no surprise that everyone from the crew was almost shaking at your presence, having already been nervous as was about being Chris but being around the one and only Y/N Y/L/N did a number on everyone, and it didn’t help that you looked like you were glowing despite having a simple outfit that everyone knew that only you could elevate. It felt like everyone was feeling lucky to witness you after your birth, especially since you had been on a hiatus ever since River was born and the world hadn’t seen you since.
“Sorry, can you wait just a second, please?” You held a finger up to the photographer, Michael Swchwartz, smiling when he nodded and gave you an “of course” before you hurried towards Chris, pushing back a piece of hair, “Know you’d hate it if you saw that little stinker,” you muttered.
Chris smiled, hand moving to your waist, “I love you.”
You smiled, moving your hand to his cheek briefly, being quick and swift as you pecked his lips, “Lucky me,” you said. 
Chris laughed, giving your hip a squeeze before you walked back to stand by the side, watching your husband pose for a few minutes before you went back inside to check on River.
It was an hour and a half later when Chris was changed from the outfits that he wore in the pictures, to a cozy sweater, sitting for the interview that everyone at their homes watched.
“What went through my mind?” He repeated the question he was asked, “My wife will be so happy,” he chuckled, “She’s proud of everything I do, but this is something that she’ll really brag about, although she’ll tease me a bit about it but-but she gets it, she gets it. She’s the most beautiful woman in the world anyway. Scientists proved it,” he smiled with a small shrug.
“Ha!” He laughed, “What would my middle school self think about this?” He repeated, looking down in thought, “Um, he’d probably be pumped because this probably would be the road to the cool table,” he nodded slightly, looking at the camera, “But to be honest, he’s been pumped for a while now,” he joked, raising an eyebrow with a soft smirk on his lips.
“First crush?” Chris repeated in the video, “Was probably-maybe, like, Winnie Cooper,” he answered, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry but I can tell you my last crush in a heartbeat only because I like to brag about the fact that I married my crush,” he teased, a small smirk on his face.
“My closest friends are my wife and friends that I’ve grown up with–kids that I’ve known since I was, eight, nine years old. That’s-That’s the beauty of my youth, that a lot of kids that I grew up with kind of stayed around Massachussets and all are still incredibly tight. We’re all married and have kids, or,” he pointed at himself, “Kid in my case. My-just my little buddy, River.”
About 4 minutes into the interview, and as Chris was talking about getting to play and enjoy Captain America, a loud baby cooing sound was heard, interrupting Chris before he laughed, “Riv has a lot to say about Captain America,” he said, looking away from the camera and towards you and his son who was in your arms, a smile on his face as he stared at Chris, “Hey, buddy, hey, hey,” Chris cooed, seeming to try to stop himself from standing up and walking towards his family.
5 minutes into the interview, Chris was excited as he replied to the interviewer’s question.
“Bobby, I love woodworking,” he answered, “I made River’s baby cot,” he said, “And I’m working on making a rocking chair for my wife and I. It’s-It’s actually coming along nicely. It’s starting to look great.”
“The amount of ones I post are dwarfed by the amount of ones I have on my phone,” Chris said as he talked about pictures he had of Dodger, 7 minutes into the video, “It’s been especially more and more after we had River because Dodger is like-he’s like a big brother now. He’s protective of River, he’s always sitting by his cot, or by Y/N and I when we’re with him. He’s always alerting us when River wakes up because-I know we're lucky but River hardly cries when he wakes up. Ever since he started getting more vocal, he’s been babbling and sort of-sort of singing, that’s what I say,” he pointed at himself with a smile, “So Dodger is always alerting us when that happens, like hey, baby is awake. Get him now!” 
“Yeah, our cat, Pam has been very gentle with River,” Chris said, answering a question that viewers didn’t hear, “I think I say this all the time but she actually hates me so–my wife is rolling her eyes right now,” he laughed, “It’s true! It’s true! But I’m just glad that hatred wasn’t extended to our son.”
It was almost 8 minutes into the video when Chris got sentimental.
“My wife, my son,” he began, “Seeing them happy, making them proud, that’s absolutely something I want. I think-I think, you know, I hit the lottery with my family,” he smiled to himself, putting both hands together as he sat comfortably, “You know, the love I found, the love we share, it’s something that’s also through my experience of long fourty-one years has also rang true that those things are the most important, so yeah. I-I love the idea of tradition, of ceremony, and I had the best one I can ever dream of with my wife. So, yeah, I’m-I’m really lucky I get to share my life with someone so incredible and now that we have River, the idea of recreating that is just-I love that.”
By the end of the 10-minute interview, Chris smiled, “I feel a deep sense of contentment with my life and my career, and as a result I think that takes a lot of the weird pressure off and now that my family and I are spending this time away from everything, I’m really excited for my life as a dad. It’s a new journey, I have an incredible partner who’s walking through it with me,” he pointed slightly to the side towards where you were sitting beside the videographer and away from the camera with a proud smile on your face that only the people in the room could see, “An adorable son, my new buddy,” Chris smiled, “I’ve settled into a nicer phase where I’m just happy being at home.”
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 23 days
ok so ive been rewatching psychoville and saw on the wikipedia that there were a bunch of websites made for the series (they were all written by reece and steve btw) which i've been looking through cos they are genuinely SO fucking funny & also just amazingly creative lol!
anyway i know people in the fandom probs already know about this (since the show came out literally 15 years ago pfft) but i thought i'd share some of my fav bits (but honestly would just recommend just checking them out if you haven't i have been crying with laughter for literally hours lol)
i will say that a lot of the media (videos, games, etc) no longer work on the archived sites rip but i'm sure people have uploaded some of the stuff (vids especially) to yt or other places lol
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so a) i love that we get some background stuff on jelly and 2) 'captain CRACKERS' bernie clifton's dressing room reference question mark ??????? (ofc bcdr was AFTER this but i know love the idea that mr jelly trained under len pfft)
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what that red raw stump do though 👀 (sorry pfffft)
mr jolly's website wasn't that interesting soz tho i did like him comparing being a doctor to being a clown lol
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the comment about fag bears did make me wheeze i'm afraid lol i also loved the blurry photos of lomax's commodities lol (kinda reminded me of the bit in tlog w/ that terrible old photographer guy lol)
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when i tell you i DIED with laughter at the 'now known as hull' bit like u just know reece wrote that bit pfft
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not really a funny thing but this poem written by david honestly kinda breaks my heart lol... i think it also a lot of additional context to david's guilt when he thought he'd killed his father(faver) because perhaps he felt guilty about NOT feeling guilty you get me? like, it felt to me that when maureen told david it was SHE who killed her husband, it didn't feel like he was mad at her for doing it, but more that she kept the fact from him. it's about... the mutual oedipus-coded obsession with one another that couldn't even be destroyed in death and in this essay i will....
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ghoul_lass23 is just like me but about tumblr lol fr
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nothing feels more cursed than the phrases 'the river minge has burst its banks', 'crying creamy tears' and 'fleshy rapunzel' (which i've just noticed they misspelt lol... don't think that was intentional lol?) so if i had to read this so do you <3
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the way that i kinda wish this actually existed tho pfft... also, it does kinda remind me of that video where jenny nicholson talked about that insane reality show 'opposite worlds' lol
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'cross between seven and glee' is honestly sending me pfft
also on this part there was a script from stinkfinger (which is a show mentioned on the show) which sounded suspiciously like a reference to tlc lol
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the less said about swastknickers the better
(will say i did nearly piss myself laughing at the nazi section of the hoity toity website lol which wasn't a sentence i thought i'd type today lol)
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i just love these kinds of jokes pfft
also the whole biography sections of each of the pantomime cast are fab lol tho i AM kinda pissed they made debbie from yeovil and yet didn't give her a west country accent lol!!! (i guess they thought it'd be a bit much w/ joy being bristolian but i'm still mad about it lol)
also i know people have probably already pointed this out but i do find it funny that brian in the in9 episode last night of the proms is a closeted gay guy who likes watching drag was probably a reference to brian in this show that was a drag queen like... is anything these guys do NOT a reference??? u know those gaylor fans who obsessively look for clues in her songs about her apparent secret sexuality? all i'm saying is that i think they'd really like the extended reece shearsmith & steve pemberton universe pfft
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all three of these made me cry with laughter lol
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ohh this is interesting lol so obviously they suspected that some people might be all 'um why didn't the sprinklers go off during the fire at ravenhill? plot hole much!' so they wrote this into one of the websites so they could be like SEE! WE'RE ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOU DUMBASSES lol
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both the jeremy kyle reference (remember when that was a thing? yikes... my mum used to watch his show CONSTANTLY...) and nurse kenshington's thoughts on david and maureen are interesting lol.. also there's a reference to the serial killer top trumps in this bit lol! (do people still play top trumps?? man i LOVED top trumps lol...)
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the entire sunnyvale care home section is so fucking funny (both the website AND in the show lol mrs wren/mrs ladybird face is unironically probably my favourite character on the entire show) these were just some of my fav gags lol...
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ok but why is this the SECOND reference to a guy punching a child who was apparently looking at his dick lol!??!! did this happen to one of you ??!!?!? reece did you punch a child ??!???!?!??
&&&& that's it lol
there were a few websites i didn't spend long on or generally weren't that interesting (coughmidgetgemscough) but honestly? i was really captivated with just how funny and well put together all these sites were! you can tell they had a lot of fun making it and i'm sure fans at the time LOVED being able to have this semi-interactive element of the show lol
there was just something so wonderfully late 00's about these websites lol i genuinely don't think i've laughed this much at anything in literal months and all of this is just solidifies that psychoville is a criminally under-appreciated masterpiece lol
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politemenacephd · 9 months
A Fortunate Mistake: Christmas Special
Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader (+18)
Word count: 14,000 Fluff + Smut + Angst Smut Content: Dry humping, oral (reader recieving), marking bites, voyeruism, possessive language during sex, rough vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, creampie
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You are a maintenance worker for the Spider Society, one who's been keeping your relationship with Miguel a secret for some time. The holidays are now just around the corner, and while everyone else is excited, Miguel seems to be struggling. You decide to try and help him out.
Note: this is based on my other fic, A Fortunate Mistake, and takes place between chap 8 - 9, but can be read as its own one-shot! There's just an established relationship here. Anyway enjoy hehe
‘Okay, hold- hold- HEY, hold it—!’
You strained your arms as your fellow maintenance workers called back, all straining in the exact same way.
You were currently hanging almost entirely vertically from a standard beam in the HQ lobby, a position that came very unnaturally to you as a human. However, you weren’t at liberty to think about that right now, as you were right in the middle of helping put up Christmas decorations.
This would usually be a relaxing activity, or at the very least a mildly inconvenient one, but for a society run by spiders the decorations had to be a little unorthodox. So instead of getting tangled in tinsel or vacuuming up pine needles, you were hoisting an entire tree up the side of the HQ wall to be stuck down at an angle.
You wiped your brow and tensed the rope one more time. ‘Alright! Pull up, up- that’s it!’
With a final grunt the tree slipped into the pre-bolted stand, and your co-worker rushed to solder it in. You loosened the rope at first just to be sure it was secure, and when the rope went slack but the tree stayed firm you threw it down entirely. Job done.
You dropped to the floor with a huff, leaning on your knees for support. The most you could manage in response to your co-workers’ cheers was a thumbs up.
‘Oh- god, fuck- okay! We did it! Good job guys, you—’
‘Hey! What are you lot up to?’
You glanced up to see Peter B. eagerly jogging towards your location, his eyes fixed on the tree. You offered him an awkward wave.
‘Hey! Peter, hi. We urgh- we’re just putting the decorations up. We’ve got like ten more trees to do but we’re halfway there, so, you know! Baby steps. Keep a- keep a positive spirit and all that.’
You expected to see Peter get excited over the decorations, but instead his smile faltered. 
‘Oh! I, uh- I thought, you guys would have got the memo!’
Your eye twitched as your own smile faltered. ‘The mem—the what? The memo about what?’
Peter physically winced. He knew already that he was going to be the bearer of bad news. ‘Aha, well… Sorry let me urgh, find it, just a- second- OH, HEY! How about you hold May while I get it out?’
As a last-ditch effort to keep you calm he grabbed his baby daughter from her carrier and thrust her body into your arms. You stumbled as May squealed and patted your cheeks.
‘Oof- Peter, uh- she’s lovely but—’
‘AH! Here it is!’
As you finally found your balance again Peter shoved a holographic message right into your face.
‘See? Uh- last minute change, elites said it was safer to do holographic decorations this year! So they’re just doing that. In fact, they should be about to—’
In the middle of speaking a low hum began to fill the HQ, drawing you both to glance upward. Just as he’d predicted the entire building was suddenly filled with bright, shining holographic Christmas decorations, ones that totally eclipsed the meager work you’d done.
Peter and May cooed with glee as the other spiders let out rapturous applause. You, however, looked utterly sour.
‘Oh my god… Well! Alright then. Guess I’m on lunch break early.’
You awkwardly handed Mayday back over to Peter and brushed down your clothes. He didn’t even seem to notice. You bid him goodbye and waved off the other workers, all of whom looked just as sour as you, before turning and heading for the cafeteria instead.
If you were off work early, you could at least make the most of the extra time. You could at least hope he was here.
You swung by the cafeteria and grabbed your usual to-go bag of empanadas. The girl you knew there tried to sell you on something new they were trying but you waved her off; you knew he didn’t like surprises, all he wanted was the same comfortable treat.
With lunch in hand you scaled the beams up towards the highest corridor accessible to the spiders. You ran down the corridor filled with anomaly cages, passed the go-home machine and down to the left. All the way through the eerie, empty space, back to the person you wanted to see the most.
Back to him. Back to Miguel.
You shoved his office door aside with dramatic flair.
You called out into the empty space and listened to the words echo upward into nothing. You noted that his desk was hovering about halfway up, but you couldn’t see him on it. Drat, was he busy again?
You turned a full circle in his room, awkwardly bouncing the empanada box on your hip. Where was he? Surely your luck couldn’t be that bad, right?
‘Up here.’
You jumped and glanced upward again. Ah, wait, there he was: one of his hands was draped unceremoniously over the edge of the floating desk, hanging limply with his claws extended. It seemed that your boss was lying flat on his back on the office floor.
As you went to put the empanada box in your bag for safekeeping a long string of neon red webbing cascaded down to the floor. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, but secretly you were glad. This was as open as he would be that he wanted to see you.
With your bag tight around your waist you grappled onto the web and began to crawl your way up.
‘Hey there beautiful man’ you whispered as you crawled over the edge. Miguel did not respond.
He was, as you’d expected, lying flat on his back on the cold metal of his office platform. His arms were spread out and his legs slightly parted, with his eyes closed and his brow knotted.
You scooted along the rim of the office until you were sat by his head. Gingerly, you brushed a lock of his hair aside.
‘Hey Mig’ you whispered.
His eyes opened slowly, filling your gaze with red light. You tried to offer him a smile.
‘Nena.’ It was all he said, and while it was said affectionately you could feel the strain in his voice. He sounded exhausted.
‘Yep, that’s me. I uh- I brought you lunch. Your favorite.’
You pulled out the empanada box and shook it, hoping it would cheer him up. Miguel slowly closed his eyes.
His grunt didn’t sound impressed. You put the box down beside his hand and leaned in closer. ‘You okay bud? You seem even more dry than usual.’
Once again he opened one eye, though this time he wrinkled his nose and brows. ‘Did… did you just call me, bud?’
‘Uh… yeah. Sorry. Am I, not supposed to do that?’
The two of you stared at each other for a good minute, lingering in that painfully awkward silence. You worried for a second he might get legitimately mad.
But, instead, the corners of Miguel’s mouth slowly began to twitch upward. His confusion turned to mild amusement, and a short huff of a laugh escaped his lips.
‘Ay, nena. I’ve missed you.’
You felt relieved. You glanced once at the edge of the office to make sure you were alone before pressing a tentative kiss to his forehead. ‘Sorry. I just feel bad, only calling you by your name all the time. I don’t have a cool nickname for you like you do for me’ you whispered.
You tried to pull away then, but Miguel caught you first. He used his claws to tilt your head down, pulling all the way until his lips hit yours. Your whole body went warm as he took one sweet and lingering kiss.
‘I missed you’ he repeated after pulling away. Your eyelids drooped.
‘I missed you too, Miguel.’
With a grunt your beloved pseudo-partner finally forced himself to sit up. He stretched a little as he struggled upward, and as always you were awe-struck by the sight of him. It never failed to surprise you just how large he was.
‘Mierda… Ah, you uh- did you say, you brought lunch?’ Miguel asked between rubbing his temple. You eagerly nodded.
‘Of course! Got your favorite this time.’
Miguel tilted his head to glance inside the bag you’d brought, noting the labelling on the side. You had, indeed, managed to get his favorite flavor for once.
‘Good girl, nena’ he praised, sounding genuinely surprised. ‘Thank you.’
You loosened up at his stoic praise, your grin widened until your cheeks hurt. Without another word you handed over his half of the food.
You settled into your familiar routine, swinging your legs over the edge of the platform as you divided up your share of empanadas in the box. You tore the container in half to make two little plates you could eat off of to save him the cleaning, and with your plate on your lap you sat shoulder to shoulder in that empty abyss.
Miguel grunted as he checked his.
‘You didn’t get these ones as well?’ he asked, gesturing to your plate. You’d stuck with the beef empanadas, the most common ones they had, over the cheese ones you both preferred. You just shrugged.
‘Ah, yeah, but it’s fine! I’m all good.’
‘You changed your appetite?’ he asked, probing further as he took a tentative bite of his own to check the temperature. You shrugged again.
‘Um- no, just, they only had two of the cheese ones left. That’s all.’
Miguel paused mid-bite, his eyes rolling over to stare you down. You gave him a lopsided smile.
‘You—’ Miguel stammered and swallowed hard to finish speaking. ‘You gave up your lunch for me?’
‘What? no! I mean I’m still eating, so… I didn’t, give anything up’ you replied in an oddly defensive tone. Miguel didn’t buy it though. He let out a soft sigh, his claws coming up to gently scratch at your scalp.
‘You soft thing’ he murmured. ‘At least someone cares about what I want today.’
You glanced up from relishing the intoxicating sensation of his thick, calloused fingers scratching your head, and noted the dour, bitter look in his eyes.
‘Ohhh, oh okay. What’s happened? Is it the elites again?’ you asked, whispering the last part as if one of them would hear. Miguel pinched the spot between his brows.
‘Ay por Dios- ah, yes. Yes, of course, it’s them. They’re insisting that they host a workplace, festive holiday party, even though I keep insisting we are NOT a workplace, we are an organization who need to be on the offensive at all times, and THEN they want to- do this, thing, where we all exchange gifts in secret—’
‘Oh! Secret santa?'
‘Yes, that. Have you done it?' 
‘Mhm!’ You hurriedly swallowed in order to explain properly, all while Miguel stared you down. ‘Yeah you uh- you get given a random colleague and you buy them a gift, so its fair, everyone gets one.’
‘Yes, it is- a fine tradition, for literally anywhere else’ Miguel scoffed. ‘If I’m too busy for you I’m definitely too busy for anyone else. And I don’t know what they want! How do I find out?’
‘Don’t you have access to like, everything and everyone on those monitors?’ you noted, waving a piece of empanada at his desk. Miguel shot you a disapproving look.
‘I use that to keep the multiverse safe. Not to- spy on my fellow spiders so I can find them an appropriate gift.’
‘Yeah, but… you’re not saying you CAN’T use it for that’ you insisted. Miguel’s eye twitched at your playful naivety.
‘You’re a menace’ he grunted.
‘A HELPFUL menace, with good ideas!’ you cheered.
He couldn’t help it; a small half-smile broke onto his face at the sight of your gormless joy, but it didn’t last long. The anxiety of his situation crept up on him mere moments later.
Miguel pushed his now empty box aside and sighed. While you were mid-way through your final bite he shuffled backward until he was slumped against his desk, his eyes once again closed to hide from the world.
‘I don’t want to go’ he said bluntly.
Oh boy, you thought. He was in a really bad mood this time. You hurriedly swallowed the last of your lunch, manically licking flakes of pastry from your fingers so they didn’t get grease on his suit, before crawling over the floor to his side.
He didn’t open his eyes for you but his hands did reach out to grope for your body. You squeaked as he dragged you in against his side, squeezing your upper torso against his. You were smooshed directly into his pec.
‘I don’t, want, to go’ he repeated with a hiss. You patted his chest.
‘I know big guy.’
For a while you just lay in his arms, taking in the brief respite of each other’s touch while you could. You didn’t exactly get a lot of time together. The occasional outing or the occasional night visit to his apartment was the best you could get, along with these lunch breaks whenever he wasn’t on a mission, so the chance to just touch him was one you couldn’t pass up.
He was so warm. You squished into his pec and felt his chest move as he breathed, his heartbeat thudding on your cheek. Your fingers idly fiddled with his suit while his claws scratched at your work pants.
That brief, fleeting moment of domestic bliss was intoxicating. You squeezed him lightly, and he squeezed you back.
‘Will you come with me?’
Miguel’s interruption caught you very much off guard. You gabbed a little as his eyes rolled open once more, now peering at you in earnest. He was pleading with them.
‘Please’ he said softly.
‘Ah… I mean, won’t it look suspicious? I’m not a spider.’
‘You’re my friend aren’t you?’
Your face went warm. ‘I… am technically your friend, yes. I suppose.’
‘So it’s not suspicious. You had time off work, I passed you in the hall and offered for you to come. As a friend.’
You smiled, your fingers now tracing down his chest. You thought about how good he felt under the suit. That rough skin, scarred and warm, covered in thick hair you loved to run your fingers through when it was late and you were cuddling.
You knew from his sad expression he was thinking of the same. The way his hand squeezed you over your clothes, it was clear he was fantasizing about the soft, thick flesh beneath, and how warm it was when he gripped it.
‘Friend’ he repeated, his voice a little husky. You felt him bury his nose into your hair, breathing in deep.
‘Y-Yeah. Friend’ you repeated back. In that moment you both felt the same familiar spark: that unquenchable, physical magnetism, that carnal yearning you couldn’t seem to stop. Miguel squeezed you tight.
‘You’re- such, a good friend’ he whispered. Oh boy, his voice was definitely husky now. You felt him moving, bending, slowly forcing you down to the floor. His lips went from your hair to your neck.
‘M-Mig, we’re at wor- a-ah—’
You squeaked as he began to suck on your neck.
‘Mm… Mm...’
His moans were muffled against your skin. You knew he was fantasizing about biting you. You were deeply flushed, torn between your physical desire and your anxiety over being caught, but as his hands began to fumble your shirt aside you felt desire take over.
You helped him open your shirt at the top, allowing his hand to slip beneath the thin fabric. He began eagerly squeezing your breasts as he sucked and kissed your neck.
‘Ah- Mig.’ You whispered his name intensely, only barely managing to bite down a much louder moan. His fingers were so rough on your chest, and he couldn’t stop himself gently teasing your nipples to try and get another whimper out of you. You had to bite your lip to keep them down.
‘Mig- please, careful—’
He groaned into your skin and shuffled, his enormous body shifting until he was directly on top of you. You had to breathe in deep as his chest crushed your ribs.
‘Mig- M-Mig—’
With a soft, satisfied moan Miguel began to dry-hump you over your work clothes. You could feel his clothed bulge desperately kneading between your thighs, eagerly pushing your legs apart so he could grind on your clothed cunt.
You lay back and struggled to keep quiet as he rubbed himself out. You could hear the distant laughs and shouts of spiders somewhere beyond his office, and there was a real fear in you that they could come in at any time.
But, you didn’t tell him to stop. Why would you? After all, you were a filthy pervert for the man, and part of you kind of wanted to get caught. Part of you wanted to be his.
You moaned softly as he ground his hefty bulge just close enough to stimulate your clit. You could feel your slick soaking your panties, and you knew he was probably staining the inside of his suit with pre-cum. You clung tight to his back as his weight crushed you into the cold floor.
You were only drawn apart by one particularly loud shout. It wasn’t calling for Miguel, but it was enough to make him release you and jerk his head up. ‘Fuck… fuck.’
You could see the disappointment in his eyes as he cursed. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and gingerly wiped his spit from your neck.
‘Sorry, nena.’
‘I-It’s okay, it’s fine.’
With a soft moan Miguel buried his face into your hair once more. You felt his claws squeezing your waist.
‘I’d love to bite you’ he whined.
‘I know’ you panted.
‘I’d love… to bite you, and suck, and have you walk around so everyone knows you’re mine.’
You felt him give one final, needy grind between your legs before sighing and withdrawing, giving you the chance to shuffle onto your elbows.
‘What have you done to me?’ he whispered with a slight chuckle. You hurried to smooth out your clothes. ‘What have I done- why is this on me? I just brought you lunch!’
Miguel bashfully brushed his hair back as you sat up. He couldn’t help himself from looking, especially at where your pants had come down in your frantic dry humping to reveal just a little part of your panties. He was disappointed when you pulled them back up.
‘Mhm. Exactly.’ He reached out and took your chin in his hand, pausing your manic attempt to dress. ‘No one else who brings me lunch makes me want to act like this. So, clearly, there’s something about you.’
‘Ahuh. Very poetic, sir’ you teased. His eyes were so soft in contrast to his otherwise stern expression.
‘Come with me. Please.’
You finally finished sorting your clothes and shuffled into a cross legged position, facing Miguel head on. He leant his head on his upturned fist.
‘What do I get out of it?’
He snorted a laugh at your answer. ‘Ay, nena… How about, best friend status?’ he replied. He was trying to be sarcastic but you jumped at the idea.
‘Oh- oh shit, really? For real? Alright. Done. I’ll see you there, bestie!’
Miguel scowled as he watched you jump to your feet. ‘Do not call me bestie.’
You looked over your shoulder as you scavenged your things, clearly displeased by his curtness. ‘What, not even in private?’
Miguel sighed, his hand flying to his face. ‘Ay por Dios- ah, fine. In private is fine, but not in public.’
‘Aww, Mig, are you embarrassed of me?’
Miguel’s teasing seemed to fall off almost immediately at that. He looked distraught. ‘I- no, nena, of course not. No. I just- look if you start calling me that, Peter will think it’s okay! I can’t have that happening!’
You couldn’t help but giggle at Miguel’s genuine horror. You had to force yourself to stop as you gave him a sympathetic kiss on the chest.
‘Okay. I will come to your work thing. I’ll uh- distract Peter by asking about his thoughts on baby car seats, or Jess on motorcycle maintenance. You can sulk in the corner until it’s over.’
Miguel’s smile was genuine as he gazed down at you. For just a moment, things seemed like they might be alright.
‘Thank you, nena. You’re an angel.’
It was roughly 1pm, and you were anxiously pacing about two corridors down from where you knew the Christmas get together was happening. You were here waiting for Miguel to show up and make your appearance seem organic.
You were still in your work clothes, which felt a little odd, but you knew it would look even more odd if you weren’t in them in the middle of the day. You also couldn’t be too close to the party or it’d look stranger still.
You sighed to yourself as your back hit the nearest wall. Here, alone, beneath the cold fluorescents, you pondered this weird situationship you’d gotten into.
You loved Miguel dearly, you really did, both genuinely as a friend and as something more complicated. You just wished you could be more open about it. It was hard to lie, hard to constantly be on the lookout for ways to be inconspicuous. It was exhausting.
You didn’t even entirely know why you couldn’t be open about it. All you knew is you trusted him, or at least, you wanted to, so what he said went.
Your mind drifted to his lips on your neck, and you absently brushed where he’d kissed you. You thought about his words, about how he’d whined over not being able to mark you with a bite. Your cheeks glowed in the cold light.
You wished it too, you thought. You wished for nothing more.
You turned to find Miguel watching you from the corner of the hall. He was in full suit, even wearing his mask, which you found a little odd. You smiled as he approached.
‘Hey, big guy.’
Miguel glanced about the hall twice to ensure you were alone before placing a single, cautious kiss to your forehead.
‘You ready?’
You could hear the annoyance in his voice. He was already in a foul mood. With both hands you reached up and gently tapped his cheeks, urging him to remove his mask. He reluctantly obeyed.
‘There he is. Beautiful man.’ You cooed softly as you stroked his jaw, and you watched as he closed his eyes in response. You clung to that moment together, that sweet single moment alone, until you were forced apart by the sound of another spider’s footsteps.
Together you walked into the open lobby.
It was packed with spiders from ceiling to floor, with people standing or sitting at every angle possible. Those holographic decorations were extra bright here, filling the white room with a bright arrangement of rainbow lights. It was excessively cheery.
The moment you walked in you were hit with the low buzz of spiders chatting and calling over each other. Someone somewhere was singing, a gaggle of Peter’s were trying to get the radio to play music, but someone seemed to have already dropped eggnog on the thing and now all you could hear was the occasional static.
You also noticed very quickly that everyone else was wearing some horrible Christmas sweater. That is, everyone but Miguel.
‘Miguel! Hey! There you are!’
You jumped as Peter B. dropped from the ceiling in front of you, his arms flying to Miguel’s waist before the man could even respond. Miguel opted to just stand stock still in his usual, stoic posture, while Peter squeezed his ribs to dust.
‘Oh, I’m so glad! Hey, I told you it was festive sweater attire—’
‘I don’t- own one of those.’
Peter huffed at Miguel’s curtness. While Peter tried to put on his most disapproving, disappointed dad face, Miguel just curled his lip.
‘I brought you one! For this EXACT event!’
‘I lost it.’
‘You lo- how?! You live and work in the HQ!’
‘I lost it’ Miguel repeated. You could tell he was speaking through gritted teeth.
‘I swear you are unbelievable sometim—oh! Hey, you! It’s you!’
Peter finally noticed you standing awkwardly at Miguel’s back. You were easy to miss, as your body barely came up to his pecs and his shadow was currently hiding much of your body, but Peter’s senses were keen. He turned his accusatory finger from Miguel to you instead.
‘Hey! Oh, it’s good to see you, how are you doing?’
‘Hey, Peter. I’m- good, I’m good.’ You forced a smile to hide your anxiety over being here. You knew you weren’t doing anything wrong but you felt so out of place in these big gatherings. You weren’t a spider, you barely knew most of these people, and of course you were harboring the guilt of your secret affair with their boss.
As if sensing the strain in your voice Miguel allowed his hand to brush your elbow. It was a small, barely discernible action, but it meant the world to you. It was all the comfort you needed.
‘I didn’t know you were invited though’ Peter mused aloud. ‘I thought it was just a spider thing.’
‘Oh, I was—’
‘I saw her walking by and she mentioned she was on break, I thought- she might enjoy this’ Miguel said, quickly dropping your alibi in the most monotone way possible. You just nodded along with his explanation.
‘Oh’ Peter noted, his finger slowly retracting. ‘So, you two do know each other?’
Miguel grunted, his brows knotting into that familiar look of mild annoyance. ‘Do we know- yes, of course we know each other. She cleans my office three times a week. I told you before, we’re friends.’
Peter nodded along slowly. He wasn’t saying anything, but of course his senses had peaked. He was curious in a way that was making Miguel squirm.
‘So you—’
The three of you turned in unison as a sharp cry filled the lobby. It was a baby’s cry, a sharp squeak of joy, one that all three of you instantly recognized.
‘May! May, no, you can’t be up there!’
The red-headed baby had found her way onto one of the beams and was eagerly crawling towards the fake holographic tinsel, trying to grasp it with her little baby hand.
‘NO! NO, honey, you can’t- you can’t touch that- I’m so sorry, I gotta go!’
Thankfully Peter abandoned your conversation to climb the wall in pursuit of his baby daughter. You sighed with relief, your hand brushing Miguel’s arm, but when you touched him you found he was unbelievably tense. You glanced up to find his eyes glued to the ceiling.
‘Mig?’ you whispered. He was grinding his jaw with his lips pursed, his eyes unmoving.
‘This is why I didn’t want to come’ he hissed. Before you could speak he’d pulled away to the craft table.
‘Ah- Mig, hey!’ You hurried after him, awkwardly sidestepping the other spiders to reach him. ‘Mig? Miguel? What’s up?’
You finally caught him as he tried to hide at the end of the craft table, shoving himself into the corner. You bit down any jokes you instinctively wanted to make about this enormous, gorgeous man trying to hide anywhere.
‘Mig, it’s okay. Talk to me.’
You sidled up beside him and glanced about the room, making sure no one else was coming over. You could physically hear Miguel grinding his teeth at this point.
‘I knew this is what it would be’ Miguel murmured. ‘I get invited out of pity. Everyone’s here with their friends, and their family, because that’s what its about, and they know—’
Miguel choked on the last word. You noticed his eyes were swimming ever so slightly.
In the corner Peter was bouncing May in his arms while trying to coax Mary to go beneath the holographic mistletoe. Jess was laughing as she held up a hologram, on which you could see the laughing face of her husband as he admired her stomach.
You suddenly noticed how many Peters, how many Marys, how many Gwens were spread out here. Everyone seemed so comfortable with each other, and many more were talking about visiting their aunts or parents.
When you looked up at Miguel again, he looked strained.
‘I- I’m gonna take a break’ Miguel grumbled.
‘Oh, already? Hey that’s okay. Do you want me to come?’
He shook his head. ‘No, I just- I need a minute. Alone.’
Without another word he turned and fled, rushing immediately to the nearest bathroom stall. He locked it hard.
Suddenly, you were alone too. You immediately felt your heart speed up.
Oh god, did you know anyone else here? You sort of knew Peter B. but he was busy with his family, and you sort of knew Jess but not well enough to just chat. Everyone else here was a passing acquaintance. You began to wander aimlessly from spot to spot as if to imply you knew what you were doing.
You stared at the food but didn’t partake in anything but a half-filled cup of eggnog which you sipped on for support. You passed by the secret santa board listing everyone intending to participate, just so you looked like you were pondering it with purpose. You noticed Miguel’s picture had been pinned up there, his sullen face lost amide a sea of smiles. You spotted at the top a big sign declaring that Peter B. was this year’s organizer. Ah, of course, it was Peter orchestrating all of this. You quickly walked away.
Eventually you just found a corner to skulk in while you waited for Miguel to return.
It was quiet at least. Peaceful. Calm. You could watch everyone else stand around and sing and watch May admire all the Christmas lights.
You smiled too as you watched her. It was hard not to. It was inevitable, though, that your mind would drift back to Miguel again.
You knew about Miguel’s past at this point. You knew about Gabi, about his loss, about his isolation. You knew it was hard for him seeing every other spider suffer but still ultimately have a family to go home to.
Had he ever experienced a Christmas with Gabi? Did he even get enough time for that?
You knew, deep down, the real reason he didn’t want to be here. It wasn’t the casual socializing or the fact they weren’t technically a workplace. Maybe those things played a small part in his disdain, but really it was clear that he couldn’t bear to be reminded of what he didn’t have.
You glanced to where Miguel had gone to hide, praying for the door to open. It didn’t. You sadly sank back into yourself.
‘Hey, what uh- what an interesting spot you picked.’
You jumped as an unfamiliar voice called to you from the right. It was one of the nebulous Peter Parker’s, a slightly older one it seemed, who’d come to stand beside you on the edge of the lobby. You forced a smile.
‘Hi! Ah… what- Can I help you?’
This new Peter grinned in a way that made you extremely uncomfortable.
‘Well, I mean if you’re asking. This is the right spot for that after all.’
Now you were sweating. Your eyes darting as he started to chuckle. Why was he laughing at you? Who was this?
You realized his friends, a group of other Peter’s, were in the corner giving him a thumbs up. Immediately your stomach dropped, and with bulging eyes you slowly looked upward.
There it was. Mistletoe. Your idiot self had wandered right under it without thinking.
‘Oh! Oh, oh my god, I am- I’m so sorry, no, I didn’t—’
‘God you’re adorably shy, especially for someone waiting underneath it’ this new Peter chortled. You felt your heart hammering. Oh god, where was Miguel? Where was he? You tried to lean and look for him in the crowd, but the new Peter suddenly leaned in front of you.
‘So, you were standing here for no reason?’ he teased. You stammered on your words.
‘No, I’m- I didn’t know it was there, I swear, I didn’t mean to be here—’
He reached up to grab the holographic sprig, taunting you with it as he waved it back and forth.
‘Hey, come on, you gotta follow the rules’ he chuckled. He must have thought he was being playful, just indulging in some banter, but you were horrified. You tried to step away.
‘No, no I’m not- playing around I’m serious—’
Your whole body jolted as you were suddenly thrust away from the older Peter. A giant, muscular, red and blue clad arm had swung itself between the two of you and embedded itself into the wall.
Miguel stared down at the man before him, his eyes burning red. His face had contorted with rage, and his claws had turned the concrete wall into dust where he’d struck it.
‘W-Woah, woah, you—’ The man tried to speak but Miguel snapped at him before he could give any kind of excuse. ‘What do you think you’re doing? She said no!’ he barked.
‘I thought- I mean she was under the—’
‘She said. No.’ Miguel was hissing so hard that spittle flew from between his clenched fangs. The man took a step back.
‘Boss, hey, come on—’
‘No. I won’t, come on. There is nothing else to say. She said no. I do not allow people, in my organization, who don’t listen to NO. Especially when it’s her—’
‘Hey, man I was just joking—’
‘Is anyone laughing?!’
Miguel’s sneer had turned into a disdainful smile at this point, a deeply sarcastic grin which bore no joy. Peter had raised his hands into a defensive stance at this point. He knew he’d messed up.
‘I do everything for you ungrateful people’ he seethed. ‘Everything. I give up- everything. And you’re trying to take the ONE THING I HAVE—’
Miguel paused his onslaught abruptly when a hand hit his shoulder, gently drawing him back from his rage. He turned, following the hand to its owner’s face, only to find Peter B. staring back at him with mortified eyes.
‘Mig’ he whispered. Miguel slowly darted his eyes towards the rest of the room.
Everyone had frozen in place to stare at the little mess you’d made. You cowered against the wall with your hands clutched to your chest, while Miguel just stared with his mouth agape. He was panting, his chest heaving as his anger began to slowly dissipate.
‘Buddy?’ Peter B. whispered. At this point the other Peter had used the distraction to flee back to his friends.
‘You okay, buddy?’
Miguel’s face began to warp. It went from rage, to embarrassment, to guilt, right back to rage again. He cast you a quick glance that you couldn’t discern before shoving his way through the crowd.
‘Hey! Hey, Miguel!’
Peter B. gave chase, and after a moment of being frozen you also followed suit. You both managed to follow him to the lobby door before losing track, as he used his claws to drag his body up into the endless sea of beams going up through the HQ.
You panted and stumbled to a stop beside Peter. You were both alone, standing in the corridor just outside the main lobby. You could still hear the gossipy whispers drifting out.
‘Shit… Shit, oh god- Mig’ you panted. ‘I’m so- sorry, shit—’
‘Hey, hey, don’t apologize’ Peter stammered. He was also out of breath. ‘Argh, god- I knew this would be a bad idea. I knew he’d get wound up.’
You panted once, twice, recouping your breath, before rounding on Peter yourself. ‘Then why did you do it?! Why’d you make Miguel get involved if you know he hates it?’ you hissed.
Peter held up both hands in defense. ‘Hey! I just- oh, god, I’m so out of shape- look, I’m not oblivious! I’m not tryna be mean, or rude, I don't even celebrate this stuff, but—I just don’t want him to be alone again.’
You paused your intended onslaught when you saw the sincerity in Peter’s eyes.
‘Alone, again?’ you repeated back. Peter nodded.
‘Yes! He doesn’t—he doesn’t have any family. Not here, not even in another universe, he’s… It’s a hard time of year when you’re alone, even for regular people, but, he’s—’
‘Anything but regular’ you murmured. Peter gave another grim nod.
You sighed, hard.
‘Look, Peter, we’re worried about the same thing’ you insisted. ‘But just- forcing him to spend time around other people who have what he doesn’t have, how does that help?’
Peter held up his hands in surrender. ‘Yeah, I- I know. I know. I just thought- Sometimes, when he looks at May or holds her, I catch him smiling to himself. I catch him making those soft little dad noises at her and, I just thought, maybe he wanted more of it?’
The mental image Peter was painting made your stomach knot. You could see it so clearly, Miguel’s old worn face lifting into a smile as May cooed at him, as she reminded him of those long dormant instincts. It made your heart hurt.
‘But then other times he- he looks so defeated, and I… Well, my good intentions don’t really matter, do they? Either way I screwed up. I should have just, locked you two in a room or something, eh?’
You blanched at his sudden curtness. ‘You- what? What, what are you- aha, what are you implying, Peter? There’s no—’
‘Shh, shh.’
You stiffened as Peter put one finger to your lips. ‘Don’t wear yourself out, little lady, I know what you and my dear friend Miguel are up to.’
You could feel your face getting warm, and you were sure he could tell. Peter’s stupid puppy dog smile crept back onto his face as he watched you squirm internally.
‘What I meant was, I should have just done what he wanted, not what I wanted. And I’m fairly sure all he wants is to sit in a dark room on a couch watching some stupid old soap opera film while you sit next to him and, I don’t know, gaze at him adoringly.’
Slowly your body began to loosen up. Peter was right, there was no point lying. You reached up to remove his finger from your mouth.
‘I’d have liked that too’ you murmured.
In that moment it didn’t feel like there was anywhere else to go. You’d hit a wall, and the two of you were forced to just pace in the corridor in thought. That was, until something Peter had said stuck out to you in retrospect.
‘Hey, um—’
You held up a hand, awkwardly gesturing for Peter to come closer. He obliged, his adorable puppy face tilting as you mulled over what you were about to do.
‘This secret santa thing, could… could you do me a favor?’
Peter’s eyes lit up. You hadn’t stated your intentions but he already knew where this was going. Yes, you and Miguel were meant to be a secret. Yes, Jess had stated very clearly that it wasn’t a good idea to indulge it. But god, Peter couldn’t help himself. He was a romantic at heart.
‘What kind of favor?’ he whispered.
You leaned in closer and whispered back. ‘You’re in charge of handing them out, right? I want you to shift the names around. I want you to give Miguel to me. Nobody has to know, cos... yanno, it’s secret, but… could you do that for me?’
Peter beamed. ‘I can do that one hundred percent, ma’am, without a single issue.’
You beamed back. ‘Perfect! Thanks Peter, ah- sorry for snapping at you earlier.’
‘Hey, it’s all water under the bridge.’
As Peter flapped his hands dismissively you gazed up at the beams above. You sighed again.
You were supposed to spend Christmas with your family this year like always. It’d been a while since you’d seen them after all, and it was always something you looked forward to when you got the chance.
But, you felt like there was someone who maybe needed you a little more this year.
It was Christmas eve and almost all of the spiders at the HQ had gone home. The place was eerily empty without the usual crowds. With heavy snow falling outside the place felt liminal, like a building outside of space and time.
It was in this sea of nothing that Miguel appeared. He was walking alone through the lobby at a speedy pace, dressed in just slacks and a t-shirt. He was trying his best not to linger. He didn’t like to think about how alone he was, nor did he like to dwell on the echo of his footsteps. The only man left, the only footsteps in the whole HQ.
The echo felt cruel to him. It was like laughter, reflecting back to him his own isolation. He felt so small.
He found his way to the elevator and rode it up to the tippy top of the HQ, and all the way up he mourned his situation.
He missed you. You hadn’t had time to speak properly after the party incident, and he missed you dearly. He was left to think about what you might be doing, somewhere far from here, relishing the holiday with family. What was your family like, he wondered? Mum, dad, both, neither? Did you have siblings to bond with, or nieces or nephews to gift presents too?
You were always so kind. So soft. He was sure you’d planned their gifts well in advance. He smiled at the thought of you panicking over gifts, or getting excited over whatever they’d gotten for you. He daydreamed about your gleeful, shining face beneath the glinting lights.
What a sweet, domestic image. He wanted more than anything to just cling to it for a little while longer, but fate was cruel. The elevator came to a stop and jolted him back to reality, as its doors peeled aside to reveal the empty corridor to his apartment.
His smile faded. He looked exhausted. With heavy steps he trudged his way to his front door.
‘I’m home’ he muttered as he pushed the door aside. It was a cruel routine he did every time he got back to his apartment, calling out to a family that didn’t exist. As expected, nobody replied. With a soft grunt he kicked off his shoes and began to fumble for the light.
‘Welcome back.’
Miguel jumped in his skin, his claws bursting out as his suit automatically covered his body. In a defensive position he slammed the light back on.
His narrowed eyes darted about the now lit apartment before falling on a single figure in the center of the room, a figure sitting perfectly cross legged on his messy couch.
His eyes widened. It was you.
‘You… nena?’
Miguel lowered his mask to reveal his utterly stupefied expression. You couldn’t help but smile.
‘Hey, aha- sorry for the uh, theatrics, but… I mean that was kind of the point, right?’
Your awkward laugh filled the apartment as Miguel tilted his head.
‘Why- why are you here? How did you get IN?’ he asked. As he phased away the rest of his suit you swung your legs over the edge of the couch, hands clasped in your lap. You were trying your best to look like you knew what you were doing.
‘Ah- you don’t lock your door, so- I just walked in.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You never lock your door’ you repeated gently. ‘You always forget, or you stay at work so late you never come back to lock it. You told me, last time I was here, remember?’
‘I… did, didn’t I’ he grunted. After a brief silent stare off Miguel turned and began silently taking off his shoes, leaving you sitting in the stillness.
You smiled to hide your anxiety. You couldn’t tell from his expression yet how he felt about your little jape, and you hadn’t even fully revealed your plan yet.
‘Nena, I am happy to see you, obviously, but…’
‘Obviously?’ you teased. He bashfully held up a hand.
‘Hey, come on, don’t start. You hid in my apartment without telling me, of course I’m going to be surprised, I would have jumped regardless of who it was.’
‘I know, I know, I’m kidding.’
Miguel shook his head. He looked exasperated but still mildly amused. ‘I am happy to see you, nena, really, but… as I was saying, why ARE you here?’
‘Well duh. I’m your secret santa.’
Miguel blinked. Now he looked even more confused.
‘You… Nena, you weren’t—’
‘On the ballot? No! I wasn’t. But SOMEHOW, I got on there! Call it uh- divine intervention, maybe—’
‘I’d call it Peter meddling’ Miguel grunted.
‘Ah, same thing! Don’t think about it!’
Miguel paused before properly responding to your shenanigans, opting instead to drop his stuff and slump onto the empty couch spot at your side. Your whole body bounced as he sat down.
‘Alright. I got it. So- Peter probably bribed you into spending Christmas with me, huh? Or did he blackmail you? Wait- nena, did he blackmail you?! I swear I will—’
‘What? No!’ You waved your hands and scoffed, quickly patting him back down from his brewing rage. ‘God you’re bad at this. I had a go at Peter for making you do holiday stuff when you were clearly unhappy, he said he only did it ‘cos he was trying to make you feel less lonely. So, I asked him myself to put me as your secret santa, and I planned this whole charade. Because I- also, want you to be happy, just, not by way of enforced socialization. I know you hate it.’
Miguel stared at you with his hand halfway down his jaw. He looked utterly stupefied.
‘You… I, will never understand you’ he said softly, the words barely a breath. You just kept your smile as wide as you could.
‘So- you’re—’
‘Happy secret santa!’
You interrupted Miguel’s attempted speech by dumping a huge wrapped present box on his lap. Miguel froze, his eyes locked on the box like it was a venomous snake, a perfect contrast to you as you eagerly slapped your thighs with excitement.
‘Go on! Open it!’
‘This- what is it?’ Miguel hissed. You reached out and incessantly patted his bicep.
‘It’s your- present! So open it! NOW!’
‘Okay! Okay! Ay Dios—’
With a soft grunt Miguel hurried to unwrap the box, shyly lifting the top flaps aside. He peered down into it while you clapped your hands beside him.
Miguel reached in and pulled out a handful of items.
‘It’s- so that’s that chocolate you mentioned months ago that you loved as a kid. The chilli one. I had to get it imported, I was SO worried it wouldn’t arrive but it did! Yay!’
Miguel slowly turned the wrapped candy over in his hand. ‘Nena, you—’
‘And that’s some new boxers. I hope you don’t mind, but I remember you said it’s the one thing you always run out of because you don’t wear anything else under the suit usually so you needed more— I made sure they were in your colors though!’
Miguel glanced down at the pack of boxers you’d brought him. They were, indeed, custom printed in red and blue. He just kept mumbling to himself, unable to form a real response.
‘And- I got you that copy of your favorite film, because I know you have everything digitized but you’re a sucker for just having things, it means Lyla can’t see ‘em, and… Oh, what’s that- OH! Yes, and I got you a voucher, for the canteen, I paid for like, a MONTHS worth of empanadas in advance so you or I can use those there for, like, maybe a week, knowing us.’
‘Nena, this is… really, thoughtful’ he murmured. You beamed.
‘At-at-at, it’s not over yet. And, finally, well… I thought, I could stay over, maybe. Keep you company. Spend Christmas here.’
Miguel’s mouth was agape.
‘Not like- I don’t want to um, make this more serious than it needs to be, like, this can be just a… friends with benefits, Christmas? I don’t know, what I’m saying is I just want to, you know, be here. With you. As a… whatever we are. For Christmas.’
Miguel, still stunned, slowly shook his head.
‘But, nena, your family—’
‘Ah, they’ll be fine! They’ve had me for every Christmas since I was BORN! That is like, an unfathomable amount of me to deal with’ you teased. Miguel’s solemn expression slowly tilted, his lips sliding into a half-smile.
‘Ah, so you’re offsetting their burden to me this year, huh?’
‘Mhm! You’re stuck with me.’
Bit by bit, Miguel’s heart melted. That cold exterior turned soft under your earnest smile. He slowly pushed the box of gifts aside so he could face you properly.
‘I- couldn’t think of a better gift, than being stuck with you’ he said. You felt a rush of warmth through your whole body, and instinctively tried to bat it away.
‘Aha, no, come on. Even the chocolate?’
‘It is, much, much better than that’ he said. His voice had gone unnervingly quiet, unnervingly gentle. You felt your heart flutter.
‘Well, I’m… glad. I’m, glad you’re happy I’m here. Now- do you wanna help me cook, maybe? I’m not sure what you’ve got but, we can make something work, right?’
Miguel nodded slowly. His eyes were utterly fixated on your face, on your little joyful dimples and wide eyes.
‘Sure. Sure, mi nena. I’d love that.’
You smiled so wide it hurt. ‘Mm. Good! Good. I’ll uh- get started then.’
Miguel watched as you scrambled to your feet and rushed to his tiny kitchenette. For just a moment, he decided to hang back. He was trying to hide his instinctual fear from you. He was happy, yes, deliriously so, but that scared him down to his core. He wasn’t supposed to be happy.
Had he let this go too far? He still wasn’t sure if any of this could get you hurt, if this somehow upset his canon. He was supposed to be alone after all, and yet, here you were.
With dilated eyes he glanced at the enormous glass wall overlooking the city. It was still snowing outside, heavy and hard, and Nueva was coated in a soft, dreamy blanket of white which glittered in the rainbow city lights.
It was beautiful. Serene. He bent and whispered into his watch.
‘Ah- are there, any anomalies?’
‘No sir, none.’
Miguel’s eyes softened a little. Huh, he thought, no anomalies at all?
‘Are you sure?’ he whispered again. Lyla flashed a small red X at him over the watch.
‘None! None at all! I already said that!’
Part of him wanted to ask her a third time but he stopped himself. No, Lyla was trained to know this stuff, she had to be right. That meant this, at the very least, wasn’t breaking his canon. For now.
He stole a glance at you in the kitchen as you rummaged through his fridge. Even that small, mundane activity, watching you forage around and tut to yourself, made his heart a little less heavy. In fact, it made it light. The sight of your face smiling, the way you bit your tongue to concentrate as you separated food on the counter, it felt like bird wings fluttering in his chest.
‘Ay por Dios- I’m too old to be doing this’ Miguel mumbled to himself, but despite his gripes he was just too intoxicated to stop. It felt too good to be this content, this flushed and flighty and nervous. If this was safe, well, perhaps he could just stay here. Perhaps he could just stay with you, just the two of you, in this sweet heavenly limbo.
‘Okay. Ah- thank you, Lyla. That’s all’ he mumbled. Miguel went to close the receiver, but he paused at the last second. He decided to whisper one more thing.
‘Ah- merry Christmas, Lyla.’
‘You- what?’
Miguel grunted, already embarrassed, but he repeated it again. ‘I- I said, you know—’
‘Yeah I heard you, I’m just surprised’ Lyla crowed. ‘What’s got you all soft and mushy? Finally feeling the spirit of the season?’
Miguel refused to make eye contact as Lyla appeared in holographic form, her eyes roaming his dumpy apartment. It didn’t take long for her to notice you in the kitchen.
‘You- ooohhh. Oh. I got it.’
Lyla shot him a smug grin as she tilted her glasses. ‘Maybe not the spirit of the season, but you’re sure feelin’ something, huh boss?’
‘Get- out of here’ he hissed.
‘Merry Christmas boss. You two be safe now.’
Before Miguel could snap anything back Lyla phased herself away. She even made a point of switching his watch off for him, a subtle indicator that she knew he ought to be alone with you right now.
Miguel took her advice and gently slipped his watch off. It would be fine on the counter. Now fully certain that the two of you were alone, he rose to his feet and joined you in the kitchen. He had only one thing left on his mind.
You were busy sorting out leftovers when you felt his shadow at your back. The weight of his pecs pushed in against your head as his hips brushed your rear, very lightly pressing you against the counter.
‘Oof- oh, hey! There you are, you okay?’
You tilted your head back, a goofy smile spread across your face, only to have it immediately wiped.
Miguel wasn’t offering his same slightly stilted smile. He had an expression that you were now very familiar with, but it wasn’t one you were expecting to see right now. Those half-lidded eyes, that open smile, the way his breath condensed slightly as it huffed between his bared fangs. You felt the red light of his gaze gawking at you, admiring just how small you looked against his chest.
He pushed a little closer and you oomphed again.
‘Ah- h-hey, Miguel, you—’
‘I didn’t get you a present’ he said slowly. You watched as each of his clawed hands came down on the counter, trapping you in. Your body trembled with excitement.
‘You- you didn’t’ you stammered back. He seemed to be enjoying your little quivers.
‘I feel bad’ he murmured. ‘Mi nena went to, such lengths for me. So I want to give you something too.’
You tensed up with anticipation. Your whole body was on fire, and you couldn’t wait to—
Right in the middle of your fantasizing, Miguel pulled away. You watched as he withdrew and hurried off to the edge of his bed.
‘Ah… Mi- ahem, uh- Miguel?’
He didn’t reply. He was busy pulling out a draw and rummaging through its contents. You watched in a daze.
After a minute or so Miguel finally hurried back to your side, his hand now held behind his back. You tried to put on a grateful smile.
‘Aha, hey, so uh- what, what did you—’
Halfway through speaking he interrupted you again, this time by forcing some unseen object into your palm. It felt cold, whatever it was. Hard and cold. He closed your fist around it with both his hands.
‘For you, mi nena. Okay, now… look.’
Miguel slowly withdrew his hands, allowing you to unfurl your fist.
It was a key. Or, more specifically, a keycard, used to swipe open doors in the HQ. You had one yourself for cleaning people’s private offices, but you’d never seen one like this. You couldn’t help but frown.
‘What- wait, wait is this your— is, this your apartment key?’
Miguel’s affectionate smile was answer enough. You couldn’t hide the flood of excitement and surprise that overcame you.
‘OH! Oh, I- are you sure? Like, really- you’re sure, Mig? I don’t wanna pressure you, like—’
‘I’m sure, nena. I’m very sure.’
‘Oh my god- but, again I just- are you ABSOLUTELY sure?’
Miguel rolled his eyes a little. ‘Yes. Nena, I am sure.’
‘But you’re SURE you’re—MMF!’
In a spontaneous move Miguel bent down and roughly drew you up into a kiss. He was ravenous enough that you dropped his key to the floor, and passionate enough that all your thoughts turned to mush.
You melted into his grip as he pushed you against the counter, uttering the weakest moan you could as he parted your lips and began exploring your mouth with his tongue. The little nips of his fangs, the way his tongue bullied yours until you were drooling down the side of your mouth, it made your legs weak. Luckily his claws were there to hold you up.
‘Mmm- mm!’
Without words he hoisted you into his arms, letting your legs struggle to wrap around his waist. He was too big for you to fit but he was strong enough to hold you regardless, and indeed he relished in the chance to sneak a squeeze at your rear as he did so. Your hands gripped his muscular neck for dear life.
‘Nena—' he hissed between kisses, ‘mi nena- mi nena.’
Your back hit the wall as he pushed you up. He was getting rougher. His teeth kept hitting yours as the make-out grew messy, and his claws were digging small holes into your clothes. You gingerly bit his lip and he returned the favor.
When he pulled back you were panting for air.
‘Mig—f-fuck, Miguel—’
‘No talking’ he barked, pressing a firm kiss to your neck. You arched it back so he could access it more easily, and with an approving grunt he ran his tongue from collarbone to jaw.
‘Unless you’re screaming for me, no words’ he hissed in your ear. ‘I want to show mi nena, why you’re the best gift I could get.’
As you tried to catch your breath he pressed his lips to your neck once more, gently kissing from spot to spot as if searching for something.
‘I want- to do something for you, nena. Something you said you wanted.’
‘You—what do you mean—’
He gave you no time to even respond before sinking his heavy fangs into your neck. All you could do was squeak.
It always surprised you just how big he was, how powerful. You felt his teeth moving beneath the skin as his lips sucked, a strange miasma of warmth, stinging pain and pleasure that lulled you into submission.
‘A-Ah- Mig—’
Your mouth fell open into a brainless gasp as he clamped his jaw on your frail skin.
‘Mm- mmm-‘
He let out a muffled moan as he started to slowly seep venom into your blood. The pleasure seemed to be too much for him as well, as he’d started to impatiently dry hump your body into the wall. Now penetrated on his teeth and crushed by his torso, you could do nothing but moan.
After god knows how long he retracted his teeth, carefully licking the wounds he’d left. You whined. You were lightheaded but not paralyzed this time, as it seemed he’d controlled the flow of venom. The rest was drooling down his chin and staining his shirt. He grunted and wiped it on the back of his hand, all while easily maintaining your weight with just one palm.
‘Good girl’ he groaned. ‘You okay?’
You gave a dreamy nod. ‘Y-Yeah… fuck yeah, just- you said, we couldn’t do that. I-It’s too noticeable.’
His self-satisfied grin made you even dizzier. ‘That’s my present to myself’ he purred, carefully admiring his work. Your neck was bruised and red from the hickey, with four clean marks showing his distinctive marking. He kissed each mark. ‘It’ll heal by the time everyone gets back, but, for tonight—’
You tensed as he leaned in, his breath brushing your ear. ‘You’re mine. And I will mark you as such.’
You whimpered at those words, something which stroked his ego to unimaginable degrees. He couldn’t contain his throbbing need any longer.
‘Now- let me give you your second gift’ he purred.
With your body suspended in his hands he began to teasingly rip each piece of clothing aside. He started slow, just using his fangs to gingerly unclasp each button of your blouse, but his cock was throbbing painfully in his pants at this point and the teasing was too much.
He resorted to just ripping it all to shreds, all while whispering that he’d buy you a new outfit.
Once you were fully naked in his palms he allowed his organic webs to stick you to the wall, with legs spread and arms pinned at your sides. He manipulated it to look like a shibari rope, perfectly highlighting each little part of you he loved. He whistled.
‘Gorgeous, nena. Mi nena hermosa.’
You were panting now, flushed and just a little shy to be no more than a display on his wall. You felt his clawed hands sink into your thighs as he patted them, enjoying the way the fat and muscle squeezed between his fingers.
‘Mine’ he whispered.
‘Ah- Mig—’
He crept closer and gently pressed his lips to your spread slit. His arm was hooked around your right leg, holding you close as he breathed you in. The feel of hot air hitting your clit made you squirm.
He repeated that word, once, with such vigor it scared you, before finally allowing himself to lick at your cunt. Your breathy moan filled his apartment.
‘Mig, f-fuck—!’
Your whole body shuddered as he began to messily make out with your spread sex, his lips and tongue ravenously moving between starving licks and hard sucking. You watched his head gently arch and bob back and forth with each movement.
Your clit was swollen at this point, with a desperate need to be touched, and each warm, wet, rough flick of his tongue was sending the most gratifying jolts of pleasure through your body.
‘Please, please, more’ you whined.
Miguel had tried to offset his own need by palming at his hard cock over his slacks, but he was just too aroused at this point. With a grunt he pulled back and manically ripped his pants down.
‘Fuck- you’re delicious.’
He jerked at his boxers until his cock sprung forth. You could see the little strings of precum already coating his lower belly and shirt, and internally whined that you didn’t get to lick them off yourself.
You watched as he started to stroke himself, his cock straining in his fist as he returned his tongue to your clit. You knew he was trying to make you jealous.
‘Eyes on me, nena’ he murmured, deliberately speaking close enough that you could feel his full lips moving over your spread sex. You squirmed in the bindings.
‘F-Fuck- you can’t show me that and- tell me not to look.’
He chuckled a little at your insistence. He couldn’t help but indulge. He was so used to despising his amalgamated body that seeing the way you foamed at the mouth for him was both arousing and comforting. He wanted to see you whine and strain, begging for his cock. He wanted to see you eye his muscled body like a starving animal.
‘My poor nena’ he cooed. ‘You want to look that badly?’
You nodded furiously. ‘Please- please, please—’
‘Okay. As you wish.’
With a smug final kiss to your inner thighs Miguel drew back from your body, instead bracing himself before you as he continued to stroke his cock.
You got a perfect view of his body like this, just like you wanted, but as punishment you were left wet and shaking with no stimulation.
‘M-Miguel, come on’ you whined. He shook his head.
‘No, nena, you get what you asked for.’
God, he did look good though. It was all you had to distract yourself from the aching throb of your clit as it begged for release.
You started by honing in on his face. That chiseled jaw, those full lips and narrowed, almond eyes, burning red in the dim light, it was a look that haunted your most perverse dreams nearly every night.
You swallowed hard and allowed your eyes to roam down. His body was just as enticing, after all.
His huge, sloped shoulders rippled as he rolled them, perfectly framing his fat, rounded pecs beneath his shirt. Your eyes drifted to the mounds of his abs, the way his waist and hips dipped in before sloping out to form his heavily muscled thighs.
You wanted to touch him so bad. You wanted your face in those pecs, you wanted your hands stroking the firm, sharp V cut of his pelvis leading down to what you wanted the most. His cock, now straining in his hand, thick and almost alarmingly girthy, its tip already glistening with pre-cum.
You strained in your web a second time.
‘Miggy- please, please, I’ll do anything!’
‘Muy preciosa’ he groaned. His own eyes were roaming now, eagerly gawking at your spread and naked body. You spied his cock throbbing as he looked at you and flushed, your skin glowing beneath the sweat now beading on your temples.
‘F-Fuck… this is so cruel—’
‘It’s what you wanted.’
‘I need you, please—’
‘Be patient, nena.’
He bit his lower lip as he started to peak, his own eyes glued to your spread legs, spying the little drips of slick sliding down from your desperate hole.
It was getting hard for him to hold back. He liked teasing you, yes, but it was almost painful to look and not touch like this. He wanted to bury himself in your hair as he rutted inside you, he wanted to bite your neck as he thrust your body into a mewling mess.
He wanted it. He wanted to penetrate you.
For just a second, in the heat and the passion and the peaking desperation, his mind lapsed. He indulged in that one perverse fantasy he tried his best to hide. He thought about cumming in you, and he thought about it sticking. He thought about cumming in you and knowing it would get you pregnant.
A low shudder ran up from his toes to his head, and he was forced to slow his fist to avoid coating the floor in his seed.
‘Fuck… fuck, okay. Okay. Teasing over.’
With a snap of his teeth he stormed back over and practically buried his face in your cunt. You jolted at the sudden intrusion.
Your pleading turned to mewling whines as his full, flat tongue began bullying your clit, eagerly rubbing and stroking that sensitive nub while his hands got busy. With one hand still fisting his cock he allowed the other to slide up and inside you, filling you with two of his fingers.
‘Be good, nena.’
You bit your lip hard as he started to move his calloused fingers in and out. His skin was rough as it stroked your cunt, and he made sure that you felt it. He wanted to feel you, wanted to feel every tensing muscle and throbbing nerve, every wet little inch of that cunt he craved so badly to possess. He wanted to imprint himself on your insides.
As he began to fuck you with his fingers his lips buried themselves back into your folds, sucking ravenously at your clit. The double pressure was too much for you to take.
‘Miggy—fuck, ‘s so good—’
You could see Miguel’s eyes glazing over. It was his favorite thing, to put your pussy on his lips and taste you, to feel your wetness on your tongue. The taste, the sensation, it all made him feel drunk, but it was also so vulnerable of you to let this monster put you inside his mouth.
His soft nena, his sweet nena, letting him eat you out. Letting him coat you in his bodily fluids.
‘Cum for me’ he grunted. His fingers began to speed up. ‘Cum- for- me’ he begged, aggressively licking you between each word.
You had no escape; you obeyed. You climaxed on his mouth almost violently, straining and spasming with each throb of pleasure.
‘Miguel- f-fuck--!’
Miguel groaned as he felt you gush over his fingers. His eyes were hazy, his fangs bared. It was too much.
In a blur he used his claws to crawl up the wall, positioning himself so that his pelvis fell between your legs. He pushed down and began furiously grinding his bare cock against your clit, ridding out your orgasm with you.
‘F-Fuck, careful- c-careful, its- sensitive- m-mm—’
Your pleading went unheard over his panic panting and grunting. You lay back and let him grind out his frustration, his need, and allowed yourself instead to lull in the pleasure of his overstimulation.
‘So… fucking, good… soft little nena, fuck- you’re delicious.’
With a soft whine Miguel dropped back down, idly cutting you free as he went. He caught your body bridal style.
‘Ah- well, I-I think your present beat mine’ you panted. You were still lightheaded from cumming and had a dumb little dreamy smile on your face, and all you could think to do was tease him.
Miguel didn’t laugh. Without a word he carried your body across the apartment.
‘Ah- Miggy?’
Miguel gently put your body on the ground, allowing you to steady yourself before moving away.
‘Put this on.’
You jumped as he began manically pulling one of his shirts over your head, one so large on you that it looked like a dress. The moment your arms were through the holes he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder again.
‘M-Mig? What- what are we doing?’
You oomphed as he lowered you back to the floor and spun you around. Your eyes widened; you were pressed right against the open window wall of his apartment. He pressed you into it, hard enough that your breasts and belly were squished against the cool glass. Even with the t-shirt on it was cold.
‘I’m showing off my soft little thing’ Miguel purred. You realized, then, that he was stripping the last of his clothes off behind you.
‘Not completely, of course’ he whispered in your ear. ‘Only I get to look at you naked. But… I will happily demonstrate that you’re mine.’
With another low grunt he lifted you back up. He kept one arm braced around your waist and the other on your inner right thigh, spreading your legs apart as he lifted you to the exact right height. The perfect height, where his hips could slot in against your rear and his cock could brush up against your slit.
You let out a soft pant. You were horrified about being seen like this, but, were you? Was it not causing your post-orgasm body to throb with absolute delight? Was it not causing our insides to tense with desire?
After all, you wanted to be his, didn’t you? You wanted that mark on your neck. You liked the idea, secretly, of everyone knowing what he’d done to you. You started to tremble with excitement.
His breath stirred your hair as he adjusted his stance. You could feel his bulbous member nudging at your pussy, begging it to take him.
‘Miggy- fuck, please, please do it.’ Your hole was clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled. Miguel chuckled.
‘What do you want?’
‘I want- I want you to fuck me.’
‘Who do you want to fuck you?’
‘F-Fuck- ah, M-Miguel, I want you to fuck me, please—’
The breath was knocked from your lungs as he forced his cock inside you. He had to push a few times to get deeper, gently but urgently coaxing your muscles to loosen up, but with a final sigh he pushed in and bottomed out. You winced, your fingers scraping on the glass.
‘Mm- good girl nena, that’s it. Just- stay still for me. You’ll adjust. Good girl. Good girl.’ He was already panting, his chest heaving like a drowning man taking that lifesaving breath.
You bit your lip until it bled. God, you could feel him sliding around inside you. His little explorative slips were creating the most toe-curling sounds; soft, wet squishing noises, mixed with the soft slap where he’d bottomed out and was hitting his pelvis against your rear.
‘You like that, nena?’
You manically nodded your head. ‘M-Mhm, mhm.’ 
Your legs were shaking. He was deep enough to hurt, deep enough that whenever you moved even an inch you could feel his cock pressing into those soft walls. He was stretching you hard; he’d filled all the space available and then forced you to make more. How did you keep forgetting how large he was?
‘Good, good.’ Miguel stretched his neck and settled himself into a more comfortable position. With both hands bracing your waist and hips, he angled himself to start thrusting. ‘Now, stay like that, and let’s give them a good show, eh?’
Before you could respond he’d started to fuck you, his hips bucking to get deeper. You moaned aloud.
He was rough from the start, eagerly rutting against your rear in a way that made the most erotic smacking sound. The glass was cold on your bare chest and belly as he pushed you up against it.
‘Shh, you’re doing good nena. You- feel so, so good.’
His breath condensed against the glass with each hard pump he took. Each rhythmic thrust was perfectly timed with his hot, heavy panting.
‘Fuck… fuck, you’re- so big—’ Your attempt at praise was jolting into fragments, as each hard slip of his cock was enough to wind you completely. Miguel’s grip tightened as he pushed you harder against the glass.
‘You’re so small, nena’ he purred. ‘How do you take it so well?’
You mewled as he angled himself to kiss your cervix, a sensation that ached while still being unbearably pleasurable. Your body was like a limp doll in his hands, stretched and fitted to his massive girth.
‘You’re mine’ he groaned.
‘You’re mine. Mine- mine—’
He gave three hard thrusts to match each utterance of his claim over you, each once drawing another loud moan from you. The city lights blazed around your body as he held you up and rutted between your legs.
Through the snow it was hard to tell if anyone could have seen you. Someone in one of the skyscrapers across the road could certainly get a view of your silhouette’s manically fucking against the window, and that was enough to make you clench.
You wanted to be his. You were his.
But then, right on the cusp of some utterly gratifying peak, Miguel pulled out of you. His cock sent a pool of slick dribbling down your thighs to the floor where it formed a small puddle, an embarrassing display of how much you’d been squirting.
Usually Miguel would have teased you for it, but he was manic right now.
‘Fuck it- I need to look at you.’
He pulled your body up bridal style and carried you back over to his unmade mattress, throwing you onto it with little delicacy or thought. He was too horny for that.
Now on your back he ripped his own shirt from your body and threw it aside. You didn’t even get a chance to speak. All you could do was moan as he split your legs apart and pushed in between them, easily slipping his girthy shaft back inside you with a guttural groan.
‘Fuck- fuck, you look so good.’
His eyes were fixed on you as he started to rut again, his hips bucking and smacking your pelvis until it was numb. Your hands flew up to his neck where you held on as hard as you could.
He wanted it all. He watched each part of you that bounced when he thrust into you. He watched your eyes roll and your coy little lip bites when your cunt squelched for him. He watched the way you winced and mewled when he kissed your cervix with his cock. His hands suddenly grabbed your wrists and pinned them down, forcing you to face him.
‘You like that, nena?’
‘Ye- f-fuck- yes, y-yes—’
You’d been fucked dumb at this point. You could barely get a word out. Miguel smirked.
‘Are you mine?’ he barked.
‘Say it.’
‘I-I’m yours, Miguel.’
His fangs flexed as he started to thrust harder. He pulled out all the way and then snapped his hips, penetrating your sopping pussy as deep as he could, until the overstimulation became too much for you and he resorted to just roughly humping with short, fast thrusts while halfway inside.
You were pathetic at this point. You’d drooled on his pillow and your slick was pooling on the unmade sheets. You’d cum a second time during his erratic thrusting, but you hadn’t even had the strength to tell him. All you could do was worship, meekly moaning his name with each thrust.
Once again, on the verge of climax, Miguel indulged. He just couldn’t stop that intrusive fantasy.
He pictured himself somewhere else, anywhere but here, holding you down in his hands as he fucked to completion. You were his, all his, and he didn’t have to hide you or fear you. Perhaps you were his wife, or fiancé at the least. He could be your husband. He was yours, and you were all his, and now he was going to finish in you. He was going to breed your perfect little body. He was going to get you pregnant, because you wanted him, and you wanted to carry his babies.
He bent back to watch his cock as it penetrated. He was thrusting hard and thrusting fast, desperately pumping back and forth.
‘Mi nena’ he whined. ‘I’m going to cum in you now, okay?’
You felt every curve, every inch, every throb as he got closer to his own climax. You could tell he was close because he was getting erratic. His rhythmic pumps were becoming animalistic.
‘A-Ah- please, Miggy, fuck- please cum in me.’
Your hands scrabbled to hold onto anything as his groans got louder. Those words from you were too much for him to handle.
‘Gonna- cum in you- so hard—’
With one extra loud groan he ejaculated, thrusting hard with each spurt to ensure it got as deep as possible. He wanted you to take it all, and you did. You were frozen in place, trapped, taking every inch of the larger man’s load. Those thick, white ropes filled every inch, all warm and wet and heavy.
Miguel whined as his thrusts slowed, until at last he rocked to a halt.
He’d done it again. He’d slipped back into the fantasy, imagining just briefly as his orgasm took over that he was breeding you. Now as he struggled to catch his breath, he felt that lingering guilt and shame.
Luckily, he had you here to wash away that guilt. He looked down and watched you pant beneath him, your lips parted and eyes utterly glazed over. Your muffled moans of satisfaction filled him with pride.
‘Good girl’ he whispered. He bent and pressed a kiss to your sweaty forehead. ‘I didn’t hurt you, did I?’
‘N-No, no, it… mm…’
You tried to speak but quickly collapsed again into a mushy pile of pleasure and exhaustion, something Miguel found very privately amusing.
‘Alright, just- stay still, I’ll, get you a towel.’
Miguel slid out of you carefully. He watched his seed drip out as he pulled away, clinging to his shaft and pooling from your hole. He heard you give another muffled moan as he released you from the heavy weight of his cock.
God it made him dizzy. Even knowing that it couldn’t do what he wanted it to do, it still made him rabid. As he pulled out fully he couldn’t help himself; he used two fingers to sneakily push some of his cum back inside you. It felt wrong, yes, but it felt too good to not do. It sent shivers up his spine, and even post-orgasm his cock twitched as he watched himself stuffing you with it.
With that guilty indulgence out of the way he did then do what he’d promised, pulling on his boxers and rushing to find you a towel while you lay face down in his bed. When he returned after a few minutes of looking for a clean one, you were still in the same position.
You awkwardly waved your hand to show you were alive. Miguel chuckled again. He gently bent at the knee and helped clean the mess he’d made of your thighs, all while you moaned and shifted in the sheets. He quickly tossed the used towel onto the pile already filling his hamper before crawling back into bed with you.
‘Mi nena.’ He immediately shoved his face into your hair, breathing in your scent. You squirmed until you were pressed right against him.
‘Hey there, bestie.’
Miguel snorted a laugh. ‘Alright. Fine. I did say you could do it in private.’
With a sigh Miguel rolled onto his back and puffed up the pillows at his back, allowing him to lie slightly propped up while you clung to his side. You nestled your cheek into his pec as your arm explored his belly.
You weren’t sure how long you dozed beside him. There was something especially comforting about lying side by side, completely naked and alone beneath a thin sheet, slowly warming yourselves off of each other’s body heat.
You were so cozy, for lack of a better word. You were safe, warm, wanted. And so was he.
As the sky turned dark and the snow gained a ghostly glow against the windowpane, Miguel gently shook you awake.
‘Hey, nena?’
You rolled your eyes up to his face.
‘You awake?’
‘Well I am now.’
Miguel’s half-smile betrayed just how uncommon it was for him to smile anymore, but as he watched your grumpy little face nestle into his chest it became a little easier to do.
‘I… ah, okay. How do I say this…’
He smooshed his cheek as he gazed into the distance, his foot nervously tapping on the mattress edge. You tilted your head.
‘You okay?’
He shot you a glance as his hand came down to his jaw. There was a strange intensity to his eyes that took you off guard.
Slowly, bit by bit, that smile returned. It was strained, yes, but soft as well.
‘I like you’ he said. You blinked.
‘You… what?’
‘I like you’ Miguel repeated. He sounded a little more confident this time. ‘I… I like you a lot.’
You blinked again, unsure of how to respond. You defaulted to that same awkward, lopsided smile he’d given you earlier. ‘Aha, oh boy. Uh- I mean I like you too, but that’s a bit—’
‘No, no.’
Your eyes widened as he put a claw to your lips, smooshing them shut. As he smiled at you again he tilted his head, a move so adorable it made you squeak. It was so oddly vulnerable to see such a huge, chiseled man beaming with his head tilted like a curious dog.
‘No. I know what you’re thinking. That’s what someone says when they don’t want to admit they love someone. It’s a cop out, right?’
You shyly nodded and shrugged, trying to downplay how you’d felt, but he didn’t seem offput. His smile widened.
‘I don’t mean it like that, and I can prove it, but- first, just hear me out, okay?’
You nodded again, and watched as Miguel withdrew his claws from your mouth. He slid them down your lips to your chin, carefully resting that hooked, curved point on the soft fat beneath, and with the slightest of ease he tilted you to meet his gaze.
‘I like you’ he said softly. ‘I like you, just- as a person. And I don’t know the last time I’ve admitted that. I’ve met… thousands, millions of people, across a thousand universes, and in maybe 0.001% of cases I realize, I like this person.’
You felt your cheeks glowing under the intensity of his stare.
‘But I like you, and worse, I like you so much more than any of them. You’re so, kind, and carefree, and interesting and funny and... I used to think you were naïve, but you’re not. You’re worried, all the time, like me, but you try so hard to still be kind. I don’t get how you do it. Maybe I never will, but- I admire it. I adore it. And, I adore you. You’re just, so… so, ah- what’s the word…’
‘Soft?’ you mumbled. He actually let out a soft chuckle at that, and this one wasn’t sarcastic.
‘Yeah. You’re soft. My… soft, thing.’
You felt the heat growing in your face, and with it the glow increased. You pouted to try and offset how obvious it was that you were fawning over him.
‘I- I like you too, beautiful man’ you replied.
Miguel’s smile widened until you could see his fangs. For just a brief moment, you watched those soft smile lines erase all the hard, angry wrinkles in his face, revealing a strange vulnerability beneath.
‘I love you, nena’ he whispered.
You were mortified. Not from the words, but from your reaction. A high-pitched whine escaped your throat as your whole body tensed, your heart thundering in your chest, and as you tried to bite it all down at once you nearly made yourself sick. It must have shown because Miguel’s smile immediately dropped.
‘Ah, nena, are you—’
‘YEAH I’M GOOD! I’M—FUCK—I LOVE YOU TOO!’ you stammered in a manic cry.
Miguel looked a little offput at first, clearly confused, but it quickly dawned in him that you were panicking. He snorted back a laugh as you buried your face in your hands.
‘Oh my god I’m so sorry—’
‘No, nena, you didn’t do anything wrong’ Miguel soothed. He put a hand on your back and began to rub, all while you continued to make muffled apologies into your palms. ‘You’re all good.’
‘I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry—’
‘Why are you sorry, nena?’ he asked. You felt him put a sympathetic cheek against the crown of your head. ‘Do you have any idea how happy that made me?’
When you continued to whine Miguel opted to just grab you, pulling your whole body into a tight embrace. He forced your head between his pecs and your arms to his chest, while his muscular legs came around to encapsulate your own.
As the snow swirled outside he cradled you against him, warm and safe, totally cut off from the rest of the world. You felt your eyelids drooping.
‘I love you’ you whispered. Miguel fought the urge to cry.
‘I love you too.’
Somewhere a clock chimed, beeping to indicate that midnight had passed.
‘Merry Christmas, Mig’ you whispered into his chest. He squeezed you a little tighter.
‘Merry Christmas, nena.’
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I think I did it again
I made you believe we're more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn’t mean that I’m serious
Sooooo here are my other thoughts about who Rogue is because I think about him a normal amount. Again, I haven’t read a lot of theories, it’s probably nothing new, just want to get it out of my head. I had this on my very popular three follower ig account before, but overworked it a bit. [Warning: even more meandering, I can’t keep up a straight thought to save my life, I’m sorry]
I know we all love our honest baby blue eyes not a lying bone in his body Rogue, but:
He is a bounty hunter after all, and kind of ruthless (using an incinerator when he has a big cool dangerous gun? Really?) and he could be much older than he looks to a human, and I don’t think you can have a long life of that kind if you don’t lie and cheat and use all kinds of tricks. I do think he’s generally honest (saves him the trouble of remembering lies anyway), and he’s emotionally open, but that’s not all he is. He kills people. If he was serious about pushing the button on his ship, maybe even with a smile. He’s not - that - innocent.
It’s been bugging me that the Doctor's saving throw of the psychic paper wasn't that convincing actually. So he had a proud little Timelord speech and scanned a few faces more, but Rogue was already dealing with cosplayers who went through several faces in one evening. Why does it still work?
The "new boss" Rogue mentions is for sure the same one the Meep was talking about. The Meep already said they were going to be interested in a two-hearted individual, so by now there's a bounty out for the Doctor, and it would be a big one. Which is of course what Rogue keeps an eye out for.
But Rogue doesn’t know that the man he trapped has two hearts, and the Doctor has got a brand new face (the same one the deep scan showed despite him being shapeshifter, but without the wig - shouldn’t it show a bird? Does Rogue already know that whatever he is, at least he’s not a Chuldur? Does he just enjoy making him scramble for something to save himself after the stunt with Kylie? Does he want to see if the Doctor has another cute little note for him? In any case, he has a certain glee… which is on the other hand pretty dark if he still thought he had a Chuldur and fully intended to incinerate him alive). So what makes him take the finger off the trigger?
David Tennant's face, of course.
Which is the face the Meep knew, and therefore the face every bounty hunter is looking for. And if there's one thing the Doctor can't do, then it's to stop talking, so he keeps confirming: Lord of Time. Gallifrey. Rogue remembers that name correctly later, maybe that’s a thing people with a working brain do, maybe he already knew it. In any case, instead of a lame old Chuldur, Rogue accidentally caught the biggest price of his professional life.
Of course he immediately goes along with the Doctor. He's not happy about letting the Chuldur live, but he's got something bigger in front of him, so he lets it slide.
The connection they have over their loss is real for sure, I don’t think he’s pretending here. The Doctor did his best to stir up the pain earlier. Rogue isn't opposed to a kiss, but it's also hard to believe he's completely smitten already just like that. Yes, I know it’s Ncuti I’m talking about. He would also realise that the TARDIS is the perfect vessel to have a quick escape with. So what does he give the Doctor at the next opportune moment? A tracking device.
[that part is maybe a bit weak, because him wearing the ring on his right ring finger seems like a sentimental thing, which could mean he either improvised drama in the ballroom with whatever he had, or he was honestly showing his feelings. But if you give someone a tracker hidden in plain sight, your target might feel more of an obligation to wear it if you romantically pulled it off your own finger, and it’s the obvious place to keep it until useful? Third possibility, it’s a tracker and sentimental, because he and his partner used those to be able to find each other in a crisis…]
It just doesn’t look much like an ornamental ring to me. Sure it has a caduceus sort of shape, but it looks so technical. More like the kind of thing a bounty hunter creates while tinkering in his messy spaceship to help him catch his targets.
I also think he gets caught up in the adventure and he’s genuinely excited to have someone again to do all the planning and running and hiding with. He’s grinning like a kid when they both storm out of the house, and he doesn’t seem to worry too much about the trap holding only one. That would be the kind of improvising he loves and he’s got someone clever to do it with him. He’s enjoying himself. That and the dance must be tugging on him in favour of the Doctor.
All in all though he hasn't fully decided what to do. He could run away with the Doctor, have a new person to travel with, a new life, go on adventures, and have fun. Or he could convince the Doctor to get back into his ship later. Because he likes what he does: delivering targets and collecting the money. He’s suspiciously good at using a passionate kiss to steal a trigger, why should we believe he didn’t use flirting as a strategy before?
He's got the tracker on the Doctor, they are about to catch the Chuldur too, but now the gut punch happens, and the Doctor loses another friend - or is about to, at least.
I think it’s only then, when he sees that the Doctor will rather put the whole world in danger than sacrifice his friend (as Rogue might do too, if he had the chance again) that he makes his decision - that the Doctor is worth it, that the brave friend he travels with is worth it (and he already confessed to the Doctor earlier that he does not see much sense in his own life, I need to hug him). That's the deciding factor he's looking for when he asks the Doctor, because it's ultimately the Doctor deciding for him (look at the intensity in his face when he waits for the answer). Maybe he used kissing as a trick before, but he’s tearing up here for a moment. He can relate completely to the Doctor’s pain. And he keeps looking at the Doctor’s lips for two seconds before he holds up the stolen trigger. That connection is real even though he was tricking the Doctor, and nothing will change my mind.
And maybe there's a chance this madman in his ‘dimensionally transcendental’ machine can still save him after all. I’m certain Rogue got that line very intentionally, to show he understands that the TARDIS is perfectly capable of picking him up in a different dimension, as long as she knows where to look. The ring will end up being the solution. So it’s not a complete sacrifice, but a high stakes gamble whether the Doctor is clever enough to figure it out, whether he can really move the TARDIS to his dimension, and whether he cares enough to try [getting emotional thinking that he might not have seen it as gambling on something of high value, somebody hug him please].
In short: Rogue was attaching himself to the Doctor because there’s a lot of money to be made, but gets freight trained by the full force of Ncuti’s charisma and reconsiders important life choices. Would happen to any of us.
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“But I thought the bounty hunter dropped into the void in the end”
“Well baby, I went down and got him for you”
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possumsandprose · 4 months
Hello, fellow Elriel!
This is your Elriel Month fic exchange announcement. Remember to not post this Ask until the days of your prompt (feel free to post your fic directly to this ask). 
Gifting: @slytherhys
Prompt: Endless Possibilities
Tropes: Fluff, Hurt/comfort, HEA, AU
Send @elriel-month an ask if you have any questions. Can’t wait to read it! 🦇🌹
Happy @elriel-month @slytherhys from your gifter!
This fic was inspired by a conversation I had with @shallyne a few months ago as well as my own desire to read a fic with Elain adopting a bunch of children. I hope you love this!
Warnings: nothing really, it's just a ton of fluff. Slight mentions of past abuse maybe?
Word count: 1.8 K
Loud shouts of glee filled the air around Elain as she pulled another sheet of muffins out of the oven. A small smile grew on her lips as she thought of the small children who would soon come charging in to grab the sweets before they were all gone.
Elain dusted her flour-coated hands on her apron, looking out the window and surveying the scene outside. Around 40 children of all sizes were out there, some Illyrian, some fae, and some were species of lesser fae that she didn’t recognize. That didn’t stop her from loving every child like her own, though. Small groups had broken off to play tag, while some of the older ones were playing something that looked like dodgeball.
Amongst the trees she Emeline, her eldest. With her black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin she was the spitting image of her father, and like her father wisps of shadows swirled over the surroundings. In Emeline’s arms was the youngest, Aurelia, at just 10 months old. 
A loud crash sounded from the entryway, announcing her sister’s arrival. Sure enough, when Elain peeked out of the kitchen, Feyre was on the floor, having tripped over a potted plant. Elain shook her head in amusement. Many words could be used to describe her sister, but coordinated was not one of them. 
Offering her a hand, Elain grinned, and the two walked to the back rooms of the orphanage together.
“Elain! I’m so sorry about your plant. I swear sometimes I could trip over the air. Anyway, I wanted to wish you a happy anniversary! I can’t believe you’ve already had your 50th anniversary, and that this place is now officially 25 years old. It’s so incredible what you’ve done with the place,” Feyre said excitedly.
Elain could hardly believe it either. 50 years since she married the love of her life, and 25 years since she’d begun to fulfill her dream. 
Feyre continued, “I’m delighted that this has turned out so well, not only for the sake of the children but for you and Azriel as well. I know you always wanted a big family, and all of the little ones are just like my own nieces and nephews.”
“For sure,” Elain replied, “I love each and every one of them. I’m glad I could make a difference in their lives.”
The war had been brutal on many families, leaving lots of children orphaned. In addition, lots of Illyrian children had been abandoned or abused by their parents for lots of reasons. The reason never mattered though, all were welcome here. 
The sisters reached the end of the hall, and Elain unlocked the double doors that led into a room covered in dropcloths, with easels and canvases already set out and waiting.
“Oh Elain, you are a dear. I about burned all those tarps in anger last time I tried to hang them up. Anyway, if you want to go give the little gremlins their sweets, I can get the paints out and ready,” Feyre said, already pulling things out of the supply closet.
Despite how busy she was being High Lady and all of the duties that came with being the mother of 4 children, Feyre always carved time out of her week to give art classes here, for which Elain was eternally grateful.
So many of the young found comfort in painting or sculpting, or whatever it was they chose. Others simply enjoyed the freedom that art allowed and preferred to go crazy.
Elain left her sister to it, returning to the kitchen and banging the loud bell by the window. Everyone turned to look at her, and she beckoned at them. Not long afterward a mad rush of people entered, and quickly everyone spread out onto the cushions, chairs, and couches in the living area. 
In the back was Emeline, though the baby had been passed over to her middle child, Edward. Being fully blind, Elain’s eldest was always very hesitant about being near the crowds, but Edward had a heart of gold and looked out for her at all times. 
They too sat down, and Elain left to go clean the dormitories. As she gathered up all the linens into her massive wicker basket, she thought about just how much the building they were in had changed.
Azriel had first told her about this place some 30 years ago, having found it while he was away on a scouting mission. He told her he’d gone inside and had found a small group of children of varying ages huddled by a dying fire. 
He’d immediately gone back to her and asked if she could make some food because all of them looked like they hadn’t eaten in days. That made sense, too, since in the dead of Illyria’s winters you’d be lucky to find even just one of the bony mountain birds with not enough meat on it for a baby. 
Elain had jumped into action, making her favourite hearty soup recipe, and while it was cooking she had gathered all the blankets, wraps, towels, and whatever else she could find in the River House. 
The children were at first quite scared, but eventually, after Elain (and Azriel, when he could) visited them for a few weeks they began to open up.
The eldest, Blair, was the unofficial mother of the group, and she was doing all she could to support the others. Blair had a younger sister, Sabeena, but the rest were all similarly abandoned or orphaned with nowhere else to go. 
Working as a maid and doing some other odd jobs got them a few small coins for clothes, but not much more. The dilapidated cabin, most likely once a hunting lodge, was in dire need of repairs, but it sufficed well enough to keep the cold out.
But as Elain found out, Blair had gotten faeriepox recently, a nasty illness that due to a lack of medical care had taken her out for weeks on end. And without the money she brought in and without local game to hunt, there was nothing.
Elain’s heart shattered listening to the story, different parts told by all the children. Most were Illyrian, with all of the females’ wings displaying the brutal clipping scars, though there were a few males in the group. 
After that, it had been her personal mission to provide for the group who, in Elain’s eyes, were now just as much her children as her own daughter. Rhysand and Feyre, once they’d found out about it, were only too happy to provide her with funds and support to transform the tiny hut into a huge building with proper insulation, real beds, running water, and a stocked kitchen.
Feyre had told her in private how much it reminded her of the cottage they used to grow up in, and Elain had to agree. The young ones hadn’t looked much different than she and her sisters used to when they were poor, and the haggard look of a person hunting for food that couldn’t be found was all too familiar. She suspected that was one of the reasons Feyre was so impassioned now about the restoration and upkeep here because Feyre rightfully believed that no child should have to experience what they did. 
25 years ago on this day, the orphanage opened its doors for the first time to anyone who wanted to stay. At first not much happened, but eventually people started to trickle in. Lesser fae with skin all hues of the rainbow, Illyrian children with scars so horrific it made Elain want to cry, even a few high fae, and though nothing looked physically wrong with them, Elain knew deep in her heart they had seen more than anyone should ever have to.
And that was how it was, 25 years later. Anyone and everyone was welcome to stay for as long as they wanted-whether just for food or to move in until they found a way to support themselves. It was the pride and joy of Elain’s life, running this place. She’d dreamed of having a big family ever since she was a little girl, and now, finally, it had come true. 
As Elain turned around, arms full with the baskets of laundry, she ran right into a solid wall covered in leather.
“Hello to you too, darling,” came the soft, melodious voice she loved so much.
“Az!” she squealed in glee, abandoning the basket on the floor in favour of jumping into her husband’s arms. He swept her up in a kiss, hugging her close.
“Happy anniversary, love. I can’t believe it’s been 50 years,” said Elain breathlessly. 
“It’s been the best 50 years of my life. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I thank the Mother and the Cauldron and whatever else is up there that I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” he told her. Even after all this time, Elain’s heart still fluttered like it was their first time whenever he said that he loved her.
Their moment was interrupted by a soft babbling noise down below, and Elain felt a tiny hand tugging on the hem of her dress. There on the ground was Aurelia, having toddled her way in to find them. Her tiny wings beat uselessly behind her, which never failed to amuse any of her family. 
Rhys had told her that Illyrians usually began to fly at around age 5, but until then her wings wouldn’t do much than make her more prone to accidents. 
Az’s shadows swirled down to meet his daughter as they always did, and she squealed in delight while trying to grab them. 
A soft smile flitted on the shadowsinger’s face watching his baby play with his shadows, and Elain thought back to the first time he held Emeline.
She remembered how excited he’d been when she’d told him she was pregnant, but also terrified at the prospect of being a father. He worried constantly that he would frighten or harm the child accidentally, no matter how many times Elain reassured him that that would never happen. 
It had never really sunk in, though, until the first time he held Emeline in his arms, and his shadows had come out curiously to investigate. Emeline had been born blind, and so watching as she giggled with the tickling sensation of shadows swirling around her seemed to finally have persuaded Azriel that he would not be like his father, and that he would love and care for his children no matter what. 
Azriel scooped Aurelia into his arms, and the three of them left for the dining room. They looked out at their big, happy family, and standing there, with her husband and her children, Elain had never felt more at home.
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 10
"The List" Or, as I like to call it, "Lucy has the giggles".
Y'all, this one SLAYED me, and I can't wait to jump in with you!
SPOILER ALERT: This Meta will spoil every delicious second of this episode and reference past material from the show (and will majorly spoil the end of the film Serenity. Sorry about that). Please proceed with extreme caution... or don't, if you are ready to be spoiled.
Shall we? Let's get things started!
Fashion Barbie Runway Show
Look, I had a couple Barbies growing up. And while they weren't my favorite toys, I understood the draw of dressing up your handsome Ken doll and fashionable Barbie in fun outfits. And, let's be honest, Barbie always had more variety than Ken.
So, it seems fitting that Lucy and Tim are struggling to choose the perfect outfit for their last first date ever.
Yes, I said it. Tim and Lucy are on an Endgame path, and they are completely aware of it.
Anyway, we see Lucy pull up every significant outfit she's ever worn around Tim (special shout out to the costume department for keeping those around and not selling them off, yet). There's the double date dress, the dance dress, and later the green dress from Lopez's wedding. It's a feast for Chenfordians.
SIDE NOTE: And we have to talk about Tim's bedroom. The crew put a lot of thought into it. Remember, Tim's been married before, and got to keep all the furniture. So, everything matches in tasteful, boring beige (as compared to Lucy's flamboyant, color-filled apartment).
I love that Tim has slippers. I don't know why that detail made me so happy (and the clothes sticking a little haphazardly out of his laundry basket in the closet), but those details help paint a side of the man we've never really seen before. Domestic Tim.
Tim's going through a smattering of the exact. same. shirt. in seventeen colors. And, look, I'll give him props that he has some variety in color to match whatever his date's wearing, but it's terribly on-brand to me for Tim to find the shirt that works and run with it.
Plus, this MUSIC!? "I was overthinking. Are we linking?" Tim and Lucy are definitely overthinking.
Side Note: I am LOVING how they are both tossing the discards on the bed rather than re-hanging them. Because they are so indecisive that they can't bring themselves to completely rule something out, even if they tell themselves that's not the one.
And Tim with the store-bought hangers that he never replaced? Because he probably thinks they're, "Perfectly fine hangers"? I was rolling.
Tim's finally had enough and he picks up the phone to dial Lucy.
Watch. Lucy's. Face.
Girlfriend knows she is taking forever to pick her outfit. She opts for the lie.
"Hi. I'm almost there." "No. No, you're not."
Look. At. Her. FACE! Look at that glee on her face. Because he knows her. She doesn't have to lie to him and worry what he'll think or how he'll react.
"No. I'm not. Sorry. Um, are you?" "No! Uh, look, does this restaurant have a dress code?"
See that twinkle in Lucy's eyes? It's the same twinkle when she laid hands on Tim's radio a few episodes back when he was newly single and she was about to be. Lucy's quickly cooking up a plan.
"Uh, no. I mean, you could wear cargo shorts, if you wanted."
Evil, evil girl. But, oh, how I love this. We're seconds into their first conversation of the night, and they are establishing right away that Tim and Lucy are still Tim and Lucy.
Yes, they're adding a layer to their relationship, but the underpinnings that have been so painstakingly stitched together over the past five-ish seasons remain.
"Really?" "Yeah, I mean, what does it matter as long as your comfortable?" "Nice try." *giggles*
Did. You. Hear. Her. GIGGLES?!
I know I'm pausing a lot on this Meta (and we're about a minute seven into screentime), but that's because this is so insanely delicious that I can't help myself.
I'm the girl who watched in agony hoping for Janeway and Chakotay to have an open-ended end to their romance only for the show to hook him up with 7of9 at the eleventh hour. Besides Mulder and Scully, that was my first major ship. And, to be honest, both left me with some serious trust issues.
So, I went into this episode hoping I would be wrong about so many things. And, folks, I was wrong about so many things. But, we'll get to that later.
Right now, our girl Lucy Chen is giggling because she tried a "gotcha" and he called her on it. And she is so relaxed in this moment that she can embrace the giggle without worrying about any of the boundaries.
Though there are physical boundaries in place (we'll get to those later), the emotional boundaries have completely come down. They're flirting. They're teasing. And it's all out in the open (at least between them) without restraint.
This is unhinged, untied, undone Tim and Lucy from an emotional standpoint. And it's f'ing beautiful.
Also, can we talk about Tim Bradford? I mean, we've seen him happy in relationships, before, but have we ever seen him beaming like this? I don't think so.
"That was clearly a test, and you should know better than to test the master."
Lucy's face is pure, "Yup, that's my boyfriend. He thinks he's so fly" and I am here for it!
Also, Tim in Gold Toe Socks?! I'm fairly sure that's what he's wearing, and that little detail of having super durable, super comfortable socks is so bloody Tim. We don't usually get to see his socks, and I LOVE these little details.
"What are you wearing?" "Yeah, uh, I don't know, yet. But I do have a lot of outfits that I am not going to wear. So..." "Look, well, we are running low on time. Traffic's getting ugly."
Oh, Los Angeles, how I detest your traffic. I once flew into LAX and my ride was two miles away when I called them from the street. Two miles.
One hour later they picked me up. I kid you not. Los Angeles traffic is some of the worst I've ever seen. I remember we went into the office (one of my clients) and it was a ten mile trip that took almost two hours. I am not built for LA traffic, and Tim's line sent a shudder of remembrance down my spine.
Lucy, my lady, it's time to pick a damn dress.
"Yeah, totally. I, it's silly, I just need to make a decision... Ah, yes! The green dress. It is decided."
It was the dress she wore the first time he asked her to save a dance... the first time she had the flicker that he was interested in her as anything other than a fellow officer and former boot. This dress holds significance between them, and it'd be lovely to rewrite its history so it's no longer the dress she wore when Jackson was murdered, but the dress she wore the first time she went out on a date with Tim Bradford.
"Great. Well, I'll see you soon."
He's imagining her in that dress. Remembering her in that dress. He couldn't help himself, even back then. He'd drank in every move of her hips, every hug of fabric against her skin as it swished toward her.
You can see that smile, again. The dazzler. He's dazzled by her, and they aren't even in the same room. That's the power this woman has over him. And he's done resisting its pull.
"Okay. Bye."
She hangs up on him and the music is soft, gentle, hopeful.
Then... nope. She yeets another dress onto the pile and we're back to square one.
The Most Romantic Restaurant in Town
Look, I don't know if this was the director or the script, but sweeping in on all those couples, and the flower arrangements, and the hanging, but dimmed lights? This is a couple's place. This isn't where you take your work friend for dinner. This is where you take your future wife.
And Tim's brought his future wife. But, oh, the boy is feeling awkward now that they're finally out together. Tim sneaks a look at Lucy and she chuckles. She can feel his unease.
"It's good bread." "Yeah. It's such a nice assortment."
Y'all. The Rookie team... we see you! We see you calling out the fan-created Crumb-o-Meter that made my first episodes watching this bloody ship all the more delicious. If you wanted us to know you're stalking our psychotic, borderline-obsessive *ahem* tweets and posts... message received. We'll keep up the good work!
But, seriously, in this moment the awkwardness is on point.
Transitions in life are tough. I'll be honest that with most of my boyfriends, I dove in. With Ernie, he asked to kiss me and we dated for two months (before he dumped me on my birthday over the phone the week of prom). With Sean, he said there was something between us and kissed me in his kitchen. That relationship lasted two weeks because he was moving away.
And before the summer ended, I was locking lips with Travis—whom I'd just met—and I dated him for over a year before realizing we had absolutely nothing in common and I was a stooge for jumping in without taking stock of the situation, first.
So when I met Matthew in the middle of my breakup with Travis... I wanted to do it differently. We spent the summer getting to know one another as friends. I took a romantic relationship completely off the table. Through emails (yes, email), AIM messages (I know... totally dating us), and group dates, I got to know him better and better. We had a budding friendship by the time we finally started dating.
Not the three or so years of Lucy and Tim, but I knew there was something different about my relationship with Matthew from the go. We took everything slower. And I'm so glad we did. It gave me time to savor every second.
Lucy and Tim both know that this is different, and there's a level of awkwardness there as two friends attempt the transition.
"Why is this so weird? We've eaten together literally hundreds of times." "Because our other meals only ever had the promise of being shot at afterwards, you know, not naked time."
I have to be honest with y'all, I did not see Tim saying that. This line leaked early via a journalist with an advance copy (so saying that it "leaked" isn't exactly true since it's the journalist's job to hype up the fanbase). But the journalist didn't attribute the line to either of them. I was shocked to find this came from Tim.
But in the face of the awkwardness they're feeling, it makes sense that he would be searching for words and land on the least romantic ones, God bless him. (Yes, this might seem like a variant on "God bless his heart" but, trust me, in the South they are two very different things. I truly feel for the guy!)
"Naked time? Please, I mean, we've seen plenty of naked people after we ate." "That's not what I-" "No. No. No. I know. I know. I know. I feel like I might... I might just need you to reset your expectations a little bit. You're not going to see me naked for... a while."
I have to stop this here for a couple of reasons. One, Lucy touches Tim's arm when she's saying, "I know". We watched in 5x08 where she struggled not to touch him when they were sitting together outside. Here, on their date, she isn't shying away from that. There's an ease between them, even as they're discussing what might be considered a delicate topic.
Two, I love the way that Tim smiles with her after "a while". There's an ease to it. I can see him having some naked time expectations after she bloody invited him in when they were both seeing other people. But he's listening to her, and he's accepting what she wants wholeheartedly, without question.
So, I don't think Tim was unreasonable in his thought process, originally. However, what I love about this is what happens next.
Also, I love the way that Tim reacts the same way he did to Chris saying he wanted Tim's thoughts—surprised, but ready to listen. It's those little details of this reset that mean so much to me.
"I mean, I don't want to rush into that. I wanna take things slow... go on this date, maybe a second date, have our first real kiss. I just don't think we should jump into bed together just because we know each other so well. Right? I mean, do you?" "No, I... Agreed."
I'm puddling on the floor right now. Y'all, you don't know what consent means to me. I have too many stories for this Meta (y'all'd be running away from me so fast because I wouldn't get to the Chenford for another six pages or so if I got started). But, as a victim of abuse, this is so important to me.
Lucy is setting the expectations here for her and Tim. And he's accepting and agreeing to them without question. This is how it should be, people.
Also, Lucy starts with telling Tim that he's not going to see her naked for a while, but she's also simultaneously telling him that someday he will. This isn't a short-term thing for either of them, and she's making that abundantly clear.
The one thing about Tim is that he knows about all of Lucy's previous relationships (save Nolan) that have happened during her time as an Officer. He knows that with Emmett it was all physical, basically. With Chris, they were "great together" but there was no substance. He's seen how she treats relationships, and, honestly, she hasn't done it with the greatest care or eye toward longevity.
In this speech, Lucy isn't only defining parameters for their physical/sexual relationship. She's also subtly communicating to Tim that she wants to put care into this relationship. She wants to build it up together, the same way they have their friendship. Lucy is telling Tim, "I'm in this for the long haul".
Watch his face just before he says, "Agreed". It's about more than just agreeing to what she's saying, and offering her that much-needed affirmation. It's about making their first major decision together as a couple.
She didn't have to ask him to chime in. Her body is her body and her choice. But she wanted to know that they were on the same page, and he had the opportunity to show her that he is.
In a long-term relationship, communication is the most important binder. Romance is great, but sometimes when you have flames coming out of your ears, you're not that interested in stolen kisses. Passion is great, but when you're cowering on the floor, breaking in half over tragedy, it won't get you anywhere.
Solid communication is the most essential building block to a relationship that lasts. And in this scene, Lucy has told Tim that's what she wants with him, and he knows enough to realize what she's saying beneath the words.
Lucy's face is filled with the same consternation as it was on "it's not worth the risk". She's worried how Tim's going to react. And both times, he reassures her.
It's so brief, so brief, but watch Lucy's eyes after he agrees (and this is all Melissa O'Neil). She's relieved.
As soon as they started talking to one another instead of making small talk, they returned to what has made them great all along—their foundation of understanding one another deeply, and not being afraid to call the other out, or reset the expectations.
Watch the awkwardness evaporate with that… It's the lack of communication that put them on edge. Well, almost all the awkwardness.
"Are you worried someone from the station's gonna walk in?" "What?" "You are!" "No, I-" "Wow." "What are the odds?"
I love this so much. Lucy's calling Tim out, and he's actually a little embarrassed. It's adorable. Tim and Lucy have completely gotten over the awkwardness.
Just in time for... I'm sorry. Are you for real? Seriously? I was just enjoying this adorable couple and y'all couldn't wait for the guests to leave for the night before having it out in the kitchen? Yes, the kitchen is a volatile place, but these two are dating here! Ya know?
Fine. Fine. Have your bloody knife fight. But did anyone else notice how Tim really really didn't want to get involved? He kept hoping for an outcome that wouldn't require them, but the second that dude grabbed the knife, Tim whipped out the gun and badge while Lucy went for a cloth napkin for the wound.
Truly, these two are a power couple, already!
"What are the chances someone from the station walks in now?"
And, too fast for real life (but perfect timing for the joke), the blue and red lights catch Tim and Lucy... red and blue handed.
Look, these two have got to stop racking up reports with both of their names on it when they're not supposed to be together. First Lucy's apartment when Chris was bleeding out, now the restaurant attack.
What on earth will Angela have to say to Timothy now!? (please, please let us find out, soon!)
And what is with these two and knife-attacks-to-the-arms ruining their moments? It's not a good trend.
But can we talk about Lucy's dress? YOWZA! When she stood up and I saw all the amazing back cut outs in addition to the front, I just thought, "Wow, Melissa O'Neil is FIT" and "Lucy looks incredible on this date".
Tim's no slouch, either! The patterned shirt he went with was the best thing in his closet we saw, and I'd kill to have a stomach as flat as Eric Winter's. Well, not kill. I don't want to be arrested while commenting on a cop show. That'd be a little too on the nose.
Before We Move On: I have seen a lot of feedback on the interwebs of people accusing Lucy of inconsistency between 5x01's "Do you want to come in?" and 5x10's "I want to take this slow."
First off, a human being can change their mind about a situation at any time and it not be considered a character flaw or "out of character".
Some nights I'll tell my husband, "As soon as the kids go to bed, you are mine" but by the time the kids go down, I'm too tired to move, let alone engage in "naked time". Does my husband accuse me of being an inconsistent character? Hell, no!
Listen, you can always change your mind about wanting or not wanting sex. We need to get rid of the mindset that if you were hot and bothered one time you're supposed to be permanently hot and bothered, or you're a tease or something. It's an insane way to interpret the situation.
Secondly (yes, I'm finally getting back to the Chenford), Lucy in 5x01 didn't know Tim was emotionally invested. She knew he was physically attracted to her, and she decided to take a leap in the moment. To live in that moment based on the information available.
Even when she's confessing in 5x08 that she's afraid of leaving her "safe" relationship for Tim because it could ruin the most important relationship in her life, she didn't know how he felt.
Yes, she is the one who shut down that talk in 5x01, but that's because she was assuming instead of listening and letting him finish. And assumption is when these two get in trouble (see "naked time" above).
So, in the fullness of her new knowledge, Lucy has made a different decision. She knows that this is endgame as much as he does (though I think he's still so surprised to see Lucy so at ease with all of it considering her history of keeping guys at arms-length after her ex cheated on her while she was living with him).
And it's perfectly okay to change your mind. Lucy changed her mind. Tim amended his expectations to match her wishes because when he does make love with her, he wants her to give herself fully with no trace of anxiety or fear holding her back. He wants her to feel completely cherished, and loved, and he'll wait until the moment she is ready. That is the magic of the moment.
Lucy Chen said, "Not, yet" and Tim said, "Understood. I'm not going anywhere" without saying so many words.
Tim went in with the knowledge that she twice jumped him (girl can be thirsty/assertive), and that she once invited him in.
It was definitely a possibility that they were getting naked after this romantic dinner. He was looking forward to peeling that skin-tight dress right off of her.
But the second she said that wasn't the plan, he rolled with it. And that's sexy as hell.
"This is not strange. Coworkers eat together. It's a thing." "At the most romantic restaurant in town?" "Right."
Our intrepid duo is scrambling. Lucy was making fun of Tim's paranoia over them being caught together, and within thirty seconds they were caught together.
And now it's the fallout. Before, there was no obligation to tell anyone anything or come up with a cover story. Now, they have a choice to make.
And I need to shout out to the director and DP for the staging of this scene. I love Tim and Lucy in their little spot, slightly removed from everyone else, and the sweeping shots where the noise picks up of the chatter of their fellow officers.
The fact that they have Tim and Lucy backed against the wall (heh) means that nobody can cross behind them, and the camera's positioned so we don't have people crossing in front of them. It allows us to focus on them singularly as a pair versus everyone else in the mosh-pit of police work.
"Well, I mean, we could come clean."
Watch Tim's face. It's not that Lucy's had to hide her previous relationships (besides Nolan... and I keep hoping Tim knew something at the time and didn't say anything because he doesn't want to talk about personal stuff in the Shop). But, Lucy's not one to bring dates to events and whatnot.
They've been on one half-date that was interrupted by an assault that resulted in an arrest. And Lucy's talking about letting everyone know that they are officially a couple. That's huge.
Tim can't believe what he's hearing. And even if it's not the right decision right now, it says something to him about how Lucy sees this... that she's not letting one botched date get in the way of them. She's not going anywhere. For goodness sake, she was the first to make them a "we" here!
But... still... there are some issues with coming clean.
"Are you ready for that? Are you ready for Smitty's commentary on us dating or the "ohs" every time we walk into the roll call room together?" "Or, we could lie."
Oh, honey, no. Look, you're a killer UC. We know that. But, when it comes to the people you know and love, you are a terrible liar.
My mind immediately flashes back to Season 1. "You're good at a lot of things. Lying isn't one of them." "You think I'm good at things? Can I get that in writing?"
Like, Lucy, honey. Nooooo. Let Tim do the lying for the both of you. He lied to himself for ages about how he felt. He's a much better liar.
And, to clarify, I understand why they feel they need to lie right now, and it's their relationship. But Lucy shouldn't be the one talking when they do it.
"Uh, yeah, we were there, uh, investigating a tip and then this whole other crime popped off." "Yeah, Lucy's C.I. was convinced they were dealing drugs." "What?" "What?" "Nothing."
Maybe neither of you is good at lying. Yikes.
"Boss wants to see you. Have a safe one."
Oh, Nolan, you don't even realize how scared these two are of walking into that office.
And, I must say that I was wrong, again. Look, folks, I admit when I'm wrong. It's hardwired into who I am because of how I grew up. When this scene dropped, I thought something might be missing, but now I see it was the way they edited the two shot to alternating one-shots that made me think I was missing something.
So, The Rookie, 2. Rachel 0. (and I'm going to lose again, at the end. Stay tuned!)
Tim holds the door for Lucy as they make the transition. I saw on Twitter that Eric Winter insisted on this, and looking back at their relationship, there have been several other instances where Tim has held the door for Lucy. So, this is absolutely in character, and I love that EW insisted upon it. Those little details make the character.
"I think you know how I feel about coworkers dating."
Yikes, Grey! Not even letting them settle into their stances before ripping the band-aid off. And, yes, I'm creating this commentary based on my first time watching the pan-and-scan version of this scene from Twitter.
Because, Rachel was not prepared.
Tim and Lucy glance at one another. Here we go.
"When I started, no one thought much of it. But things have changed. We're more aware of how power dynamics can skew things. Even the most innocent of relationships can be a distraction."
Watch Tim's hand slip off his watch as he fidgets. Tim can be very controlled, and very good at hiding his emotions. But I don't think he was ready for this conversation this soon. Lucy resettles over and over, pressing her lips together as the listens.
And this two-shot is so much better than the split screen they had to do for Instagram formatting. I love seeing the two of them together, united, but mirroring one another's positions while facing Grey—the authority figure behind the desk.
Right now, there's an inequality between Grey's position and theirs. Tim and Lucy are unable to sit and he is permitted to sit and lord over them, like royalty. Grey is the final word, and he's staring down at two very nervous officers.
"Hey, trust me, I get it. We spent 12 hours a day together. Feelings are bound to develop."
Tim looks over to Lucy. She feels his gaze and looks back.
"But we can't afford even the hint of impropriety." "We couldn't agree more."
"We". There it is, again. Some people put a lot of weight into this, wondering if Lucy is afraid that Tim is going to break it off. But I don't think that was ever the issue.
They both know eventually they won't be able to work together as they have... it's impossible. But they want this to last as long as it can.
Tim is saying "we" couldn't agree more. Not "I". Lucy doesn't have to worry about him giving up on her. But I think she knows he's willing to do whatever it takes for something he believes in—and he believes in them.
"Good. Look, I don't want to be the old guy interfering with peoples lives, especially their love life, but this whole Aaron and Celina situation has me worried." "The Aaron and Celina situation."
Tim's surprised face is adorable, but Lucy rolls with it fairly well. They turn to look out at Aaron and Celina. As they do, the camera shifts to a three shot, Grey now standing behind them. They're on a more level playing field, here, flowing with the scene.
Gosh, I love Robert Bella's style as a director. He really lets the camera breathe with the script. I haven't been this excited about a television director since Robert Duncan McNeil started working on Chuck after debuting as a director on Star Trek: Voyager.
Lucy sneaks a glance at Tim, trying to gauge his response before they turn around. He finally meets her eyes with a quick, "Well, that was close" look as they turn back to face Grey.
And, look, I think Grey is on to them. He's not a fool. But, he's also outlining a lot of thoughts in this scene, if we try to see it as him sending them a message.
He's not saying don't date. But he does remind them of the power imbalance (Tim's her SO and a Sergeant). Yet, he calls out the need for Aaron to establish his reputation and for Celina to get through her Probationary period without distractions.
Tim and Lucy will have to deal with their power imbalance.
"Oh, the irony." "Are you gonna talk to Aaron?" "About his love life? Can't wait." "When are you gonna talk to Celina?" "I can't tell her not to date a cop. That is so hypocritical. Oh, I'm gonna get Nolan to do it." "That's cheating." *giggle*
This whole exchange makes me so happy. Here are Tim and Lucy operating as a duo, tasked with a job, and Lucy finds a way to get out of the uncomfortable situation. Tim's "That's cheating" hearkens back to every bet they've ever made.
The subtitles have Lucy saying "mm-hmm", but I swear the first time I heard it (first thirty times I re-watched the scene), it was a giggle. I'm going with giggle.
Because this is the episode where Lucy has the giggles.
"You and Celina dating?"
And Tim, with the subtlety of a Rams fan at a 49er's bar on game-day, reminds us why there's no personal talk in the Shop. Tim's really bad at it.
I'm not going to transcribe Aaron's full response, but I love the way it set Tim on edge. I've talked, before, about how Eric Winter is one of those actors who acts through his fingers and toes. Bruce Willis is one of those, too. Just watch his feet in the early scenes of Die Hard. It's beautiful.
So, when Aaron starts talking about direct reports in a not so subtle hint that he knows all about those types of relationships, Tim gets nervous. It's not that he's afraid of being found out. But the more he's reminded of their biggest issue—one of them will have to leave.
And, don't get me wrong, the show'll probably find a way to work around that by taking Tim out of her chain-of-command but keeping him largely tied to the established team. But right now, Tim's fidgeting on the wheel.
And I swear when I watched it live I thought I heard the engine speeding up with Tim's anxiety.
"Remember this morning when dating in secret was our biggest problem?" "That feels like a million years ago."
Excuse me, ma'am, but isn't your camera on your chest recording everything you say!? I've always been worried about what they say near cameras, but Lucy's throwing caution RIGHT out.
"Did you talk to Aaron?" "Yeah." "And?" "He neither confirmed nor denied." "But?" "But he pointed out that it wouldn't be problematic because he's not her superior and doesn't fall in her chain of command." "Oh."
I get why they don't want to face it. Right now, they only see that as a separation. Those 12 hours a day where they've gotten to know one another, and have been able to see one another, and check on one another, and keep tabs on the other's welfare... gone.
It's a lot to lose even if they get to keep each other.
"Are you sure about this?" "I'm sure he's gonna kill her if we don't do something. Where's my distraction?" "It's ready and waiting."
I can hear Lucy in my head, "I don't like Plan B." But she understands that this is what needs to be done, and that this is their job. Sometimes, they have to put themselves in harm's way, and that a tragic occupational hazard.
But I love how this illustrates that they can still work together, even with the new layer to their relationship. Tim and Lucy are still Tim and Lucy.
"That's the signal."
And the trust that Lucy would be the one to hear the signal, and get everyone else ready to go. They've worked side-by-side for years. They have a natural rhythm there that's been earned. I totally understand why they don't want to lose that.
But it's inevitable... that day is coming. And neither can face it just yet.
"We both can't get out at the same time." "Okay, then you go first." "There's only room for one of us to be a hero, here, and I outrank you." "Sir, with all due respect, Lucy will kill me if I let you die, so I'm dead either way." "Get out of the Shop, Aaron!"
We've seen Aaron comment on the Tim/Lucy thing directly and indirectly, but this is flashing neon lights compared to those other times. He's basically saying, "She will literally murder for you, and I know it, and I don't want it to be me."
And I have to stop to applaud Aaron's ingenuity in finding a way to save Tim, too. Tim accepts his fate. He's military-trained, and he's a seasoned cop who understands the risks he takes every day.
But it wasn't his day to die, my friends. Not today.
"Well, I'm glad you didn't die."
This. Transition! I'm salivating over that transition from one scene to the next, through the glass. I'll admit, I'm a big fan of scenes that overlap and allow us to trade from one conversation to the next. It has always made me feel more like the world was real, and we were walking through it rather than bouncing around through non-stop scene-shifts.
No, you can't do this all the time. It'd become tired out. But, I love the choice, here. Again, I don't know if it was the writer, the director, or someone else who saw the opportunity and seized it, but I'm so glad they did!
"You owe me a redo on our date." "It's what gave me the will to live."
He's needling her. He's so needling her and it's so adorable. I know they have a lot of incredible scenes in this episode, but this one gave me all the feels.
This is secret dating era at its finest. Walking side-by-side and speaking words just for the other while knowing there's so much more going on under the surface. And I am here for it!
I love how he looks at her, waiting to see if he's going to get a reaction. Oh, she gives him a reaction!
"In my mind, I'm hitting you right now." "That's good to know."
Heart. Exploding. The cuteness!
PAUSE: Before we get to the end scene, can we talk about Nyla and James choosing Angela and Wesley to raise their daughter!? As soon as the conversation came up I was screaming at the television, "Pick Angela and Wesley!" And I'm so glad they did.
The power couples of The Rookie really got to show up and show out this week, and I wanted to acknowledge these four, too, even if they're not the focus of our Meta.
"I've been falling apart these days," says the music as we transition to a crane shot, establishing twinkle lights in trees (and those hanging bulb-style ones that I've been coveting for my new backyard ever since we moved in).
We sweep past the... is that a food truck!? Was I actually right about one thing in this bloody episode!? My only prediction that came true was that Tim and Lucy would try to have their date, things would go wrong, and they'd end up at a food truck. I'll take the win since everything else's been a loss for me, predictions-wise.
The Rookie 2, Rachel 1.
We sweep over to Tim and Lucy in the most casually-intimate (it's a thing) position with those high stools. Tim's got his let completely wrapped on the other side of Lucy's, and one of hers is crossed with a foot on his chair.
They don't wear fashionable clothes. Lucy's hair isn't styled. The conditions are less structured and more beautifully chaotic, like the twinkle lights dangling just shy of perfection—but no less perfect in that imperfection.
Tim and Lucy are at ease.
This is the heart of Tim and Lucy's transition. Before, they were trying to do it without all the information on the table, and within the confines of what they thought they needed.
Instead, they've found themselves in metal chairs exposed to the elements, facing the less-than-romantic view of a parking lot, and they couldn't be happier.
I must observe that they don't eat or drink a thing during this scene. The props are simply props, and I always find it fascinating when a scene calls for actual eating versus the implication of eating.
"Streets of Vietnam." *giggle* "That's where we ended up."
For some reason, the caption says "Treats of Vietnam" even though Eric Winter clearly emphasizes the "S" on "Streets".
But, if you're following along and hard of hearing or deaf, I wanted to make that clarification. His words, indeed, do match the signage on the food truck.
And Lucy is giggling, again.
"So, I guess this is our official first date." "Mmm, last night was. For sure. I mean, it's a better story for the grandkids."
Watch. Tim's. Face. He dated Ashley for ages before finding out she had no interest in marriage or kids—two things that mean a lot to him.
And Lucy, beautiful Lucy, is telling him on their second date that she can't wait to share this story with their grandkids.
And I've seen people say, "Oh, what happened to taking it slow?" Welp, you can be in an emotional place separate from a physical place, and that's just fine. She wants to savor every second of this.
This relationship is full of "last firsts". Last first date. Last first kiss. Last first time sleeping together.
If you knew that going into a relationship, wouldn't you want to savor every second? Really live in the moments to form lasting memories rather than rushing through?
"We've got grandkids, now." *giggle* "Nice."
Ooooh, the giggling has got me in a chokehold!
And I'm floored by the confidence Lucy has with Tim. Before, we saw so much hesitation from her in taking big steps, especially with Chris. Hell, I don't know that I recall her ever calling him her "boyfriend".
With Tim, none of that exists. Yes, they had some butterflies to get through in the beginning. But part of what makes this relationship work is how it has been earned and built.
They didn't start day one of their Rookie/TO relationship making moony-eyes at one another. They built layers over time, like the most beautiful crepe tower cake.
Yes, I know it's a weird metaphor, but I like baking shows. And the best part about a crepe tower cake is that you make each crepe one at a time before binding it to the others to form a stack. And sometimes the crepes aren't the prettiest. You might burn one a little. But it still goes into the stack, and it still helps build a beautiful finished product.
Tim and Lucy have built this relationship bit by bit. That's why everything rings true so effortlessly, now.
"Do not break into that car."
I. Started. CACKLING. Much as the cold open had me in stitches, this is the line that slays me every time. Crochety, worn-out Tim comes out on that line.
It's like, "Look, do you see this stunningly gorgeous, amazing, tough-as-nails woman beside me? I'd like to have one date, just ONE where I'm not pulling out cuffs for work purposes".
"Hey, moron!"
Foley artist, I love you. Or if it was recorded audio at the scene, I love whoever did that because even the SOUND of the metal clanging as the perp retreats had me in stitches. This was such a beautiful moment for so many reasons.
First of all, Tim is always going to be Tim. Thank God. I abhor when shows destroy the characters the second they get in a relationship (no, I'm not naming names... Metas make you squeel and laugh. We don't need the negativity, here).
Second, Tim just made the choice to be a man instead of a cop in this moment. Now, if it was a dangerous criminal, I'm sure Tim would have done something, as he did on their first date. But, for Tim "Supercop" Bradford to choose the girl... it's such a huge metaphor for what's coming.
Tim's job has seemed like the most important thing for so long, especially since he finally went after Sergeant, and continues to work despite being eligible for Retirement. But some things matter more.
Friends, Lucy matters more.
"You know, he's just going to break into a car in a different neighborhood." "Well, then some other cop can arrest him."
Pause. Just pause right here and look at Tim's face as he gazes upon Lucy. That twinkle is back in his eyes. And, yes, I'm aware it's probably studio lights set up for this shot. Don't ruin my magic!!
But Tim Bradford is finally looking into the eyes of a woman who will love him as much as he will love her. She will call him on his bullshit, care for his wounds, follow him into the fire, and stand by his side through whatever life throws at them.
They both knew that when they took this leap, they could never, ever go back. It's a constant plunge into the unknown, and with every level deeper they go, it only cements their bond.
Tim and Lucy were never going to work as friends-with-benefits, or a casual thing. They're Endgame. And they both know it.
He reaches for her face with his left hand. The same hand that wanted to hold her face the first time they kissed, but hesitated. He's telegraphing his moves and giving her space to pull back, to tell him to stop, to let him know she's not ready.
But Lucy is ready for this next step.
His right hand resting somewhere between her knee and thigh, the other hand tangling in her hair as he gently tugs her toward him, he leans in for their last first kiss—together.
And Lucy smiles before their lips touch, because this is so damn sweet. This is the beginning of yet another phase for them. And as they share that beautiful moment, we fade to black.
And here we have the last thing I was wrong about—the episode didn't end with Lucy covered in blood.
Look, I called the kiss (so I hope that balances things out a little), but I have a lot of ship trauma. For goodness sake, look at Wash and Zoe from Firefly/Serenity. He wasn't a leaf on the wind... he was a corkboard for the world's largest push-pin.
So, I was pleasantly surprised we faded out to black with our favorite couple intact and happy.
One thing that The Rookie has done really well with its core relationships is allowing them to face issues as a couple.
Nyla and James were rockstars at the bank, but they also worked through the very real issue of who should care for their child in the event of their death. That's something all parents grapple with.
And then Wesley and Angela working through the conversations of when (and whether) to add children to their family. I suffer from infertility, so all three of our children were planned for, prayed for, and provided by nice doctors with catheters and egg timers (I wish I was joking about that last part).
So whatever Tim and Lucy are going to face, I have confidence that they will face it together. They aren't going to suddenly stop communicating, break up, and date other people. This is Season 5B and as of yet, there's no assurance of a Season 6. It's the perfect time to cement them as a couple, explore the obstacles they overcome, and allow the fans to bask in the breadsticks (double breadsticks according to the Roll-o-Meter).
Because, y'all, we ATE.
As always, thank you for reading. This one was a lot of fun to watch and write. And, special shout out to my husband who let me squirrel away for the hour (which is right at our kids' bedtime) so I could squeal in real-time!
See y'all on the next!
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proxythe · 2 months
can i get your top glee headcanons??
or any glee stuff you just CANNOT stop thinking about
infodump pls king
i yapped so bad omg i’m serious … anyways here you go!!
i don’t have many specific hcs just kind of general stuff but let me get into this…
- bpd quinn fabray and bpd blaine anderson will always be famous to me
- bisexual finn & sam just real as hell… dare i even add bi4bi hudevans…?
- finntana bffs is literally my favorite thing of all time i fear </3 technically not completely hc since they’re actually friends but in my head they r Best Friends… its a need
- fuinn endgame 🙌 yall gotta stay w me on this ship fr hold on wait-!!!
- also technically canon friends but needed more quinncedes bffism ?? i still picture theyre very close. theyre occasionally lovers in my head as well
- i imagine college finn when i draw him but i love teacher finn bc i would die without the unique & finn dynamic in my head. hes her number 2 fan (kurt and mercedes are number 1). she is his favorite student TO ME!!!
- finn actually being protective and a good brother and friend is technically somewhat of an hc to me. they love acting like he’s an awesome friend but i always feel like it was never properly shown (aside from a few times, to my memory). needed him to whoop some ass protecting kurt at least once i fear!
- artana bffs… artie my beloved lowkey! i know him and santanas convos & texts are Crazy as hell… they love to talk shit it’s true it’s true…
- tina staying emo style wise is huge for me… i loved it so much on her… let her queen out idk.
- same w rachel lowk. her early season looks and outfits were soo cute, i always picture a similar style on her even when she’s older 😭 (honestly a lot of the characters s4-on i thought had kinda basic outfits ?? maybe it’s just me but idk. felt like they had more individual&unique styles in s1-3)
- honestly i mostly have so many friendship thoughts with no further elaboration. blaine/finn, britt/rachel, more mike/finn, more kurt/quinn, artie/mercedes, quinn/blaine ?!?!? def more but my mind is blanking…
- anything furt related i inject directly into my head and heart … siblings hit me in my chest like a bullet every time
- a more unserious one but kurt and quinn are literally sues gay son and thot daughter. her favorites i know this to be true
as for stuff i just can’t stop thinking about… oh you already know the first thing i’ll be bringing up…
- “can i show you something?… it’s my girlfriend. i used to have another photo but i like this one better” “why? she looks terrible” “cuz i think it’s the first one where you can really see her” TURN IT UP!!!😭😭😭
- “you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen in my life” …yall could never make me hate fuinn im sorry like look at the material
- finntana hugs, fuinn s4 hug specifically, furt hugs … its simple… finn hug = cinema
- quinn wanting mercedes there when she delivered her baby. this was serious for me
- “you’re gonna dance it with me dude” + him singing to kurt will forever live in my heart. mhm mhm lemme not forget my furt
- marley jake & unique. just pure bffism. theyre unique defenders 4L & i think thats beautiful as fuck
- “sam just tweeted that i smell good” “i wont stop til its trending” SAMCEDES!!! 😭😭😭
- sam’s “bring it” & finn’s “brung”
- samcedes, fuinn, brittana, klaine … my ultimate beloveds really. + jarley :-)
- and, lastly: “there’s only one person in this world who can tell you what you are” “me” “no, me. sue sylvester.”
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luvinelysia · 2 years
still have my heart.
[22.] private conversation
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"so, youre telling me you met alixia yesterday?" lumine said as she placed her drink onto the table. "and they were with kazuha?" lumine continued as you nodded your head. "looks like alixia is real after all" lumine sighed as if she was actually dissappointed. "there goes my chances of making fun of him" she said sarcastically.
you sighed at your friend as you took a sip from your drink. you invited lumine to hang out at a small cafe to talk (shit) about kazuha.
lumine's phone buzzed as she got up and finished her drink. "aether's calling me, i have to go now" lumine waved at you as she took her leave.
you sat alone at the cafe to sort out your thoughts and feelings. you were curious about alixia and kazuha. were they really a thing? being too occupied with your thoughts, you didnt even realize when a certain person approached you
speak of the devil and she shall appear
"do you mind if i sit here" alixia asked as they tapped their finger on to the table to catch your attention. you were startled by their appearance but agreed nonetheless
'wait- why did i even agree?!'
you sat by awkwardly as alixia tried to converse with you. "what a coincidence bumping into you here!" their tone full of glee. "do you usually go here?" they asked, trying to keep a conversation. "ah, well i usually go with my friend here to catch up" you answered, the awkward tension still not going away.
"oh? but you were alone when i saw you here?" she asked as you answered her. "my friend just left. i just stayed here to think about some things"
"whats on your mind?" you were taken aback by their question. why would they ask that? do they think you're that close for you to tell them what you were thinking?? but then again, you needed to get things out of your system... and alixia looks like theyre willing to listen....
"w-well,  i have an ex..." you paused for a moment but continued anyways "...and lately ive been seeing them with another person... and im not sure if they're actually dating or just trying to make me jealous" you confessed. you were a bit irritated at yourself for how quick you were to spill to someone you barely knew.
"well are you jealous?" they asked. although it was an innocent question you cant help to think that they were mocking you. 'jealous? me?? of course not! he should be the one to be jealous' you wanted to say. you grew even more irritated at the thought of being jealous. although the other seemed to misunderstand as alixia took your silence as a yes.
"you shouldnt be jealous after all if you are jealous youre just basically losing to your ex" you snapped out of your thoughts from their words. they were right. "its better if you look forward rather than behind and leave the things that bothers you! atleast thats what i would do" they smiled sheepishly, trying to give you advice.
you cant help but be comforted at their words. theyre right. maybe they arent so bad
you smiled at them. "right. thank you alixia. that means a lot to me." this time you smiled not out of spite.
"do you mind if we exchange numbers then?" you asked as you pulled out your phone. alixia nodded as you they gave you their number.
you and alixia bid each other farewell as you had to take your leave.
'maybe theyre not so bad' you thought to yourself
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masterlist; previous | next
NOTES; i need a proof reader bcs i never proof read my stuff plsplss 😭 help when was the last time i updated
TAGS [CLOSED]; @yaefics @miss-lovesick @lukhalm @munchymon @whats-humanity-lol @morgan-is-writing @aixaingela @aequha @monikidk @cameshitpost @bubblyclouds @softsonata @cridtiins @d4ngom1lk @ferumie @slvdsjjk @aeulia @apyrose @cheliope @serami00 @spookyrule @kayleigh-reuthlr @hiqhkey @yoimiya-m @yohoo-tehee @thenightsflower @dollpoetwriting @viovya @ishxmeru @still-dazai-simp-not-sorry @lunaflvms @shailuvs   @leathernourishingshoepolish @aethersluvrr @raideneiari @venus-is-incorrect @kazuhasdickwarmer @sunriabo @rinneamagisluv @saikiscleansink @ireallylikehamsters @krysstle @themusingsofmany @nejibae77 @ezri261 @ramenais @sukunasrealgf @venyan @ryhie @sketcheeee
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jokingmisfit · 2 years
Heyaa I was wondering if you could please write a yandere Silas from tvd fic?
Sorry it took so long to respond. I got a puppy, my phone got shut off, my puppy ate the WiFi, and I found out I was allergic to weed. Anyways I fucking got you! 😼
Warnings- Kidnapping, reader is a vamp, i don’t know how good i captured his character but i’m open to advice, idk but tell me if i missed something
What Is Wrong With You?
It wasn’t like my life wasn’t always in danger anyway, but something about this situation seemed much more… Deadly? Scary? I really don’t know. All I do know is that it felt like if I made one small mistake I will never see anyone other than this man again.
It made no sense! Why is a man who spent years upon years just trying to get this girl back just suddenly flip and turn that obsession on me? I just don’t get it!
I sat on the bed in the middle of the room. If I dwell on the interior it looks like it belongs in a castle. Dark blue tapestries and bed sheets with complementary white and grey color accents. I had to admit that the bed was more comfortable than any I’ve ever laid in. The room was like that of a dream. It doesn’t take away the fact I’ve been kidnapped.
I’ve been here long enough that I’ve just grown more confused and more bored. He won’t explain why he’s acting like this, and I don’t think he even knows.
The doors swing open showing a very happy Silas. He walks to me with what I only describe as pure glee.
“Good morning, Sunshine!~” he said, flopping onto the bed.
Sighing, I turned to look at the sky through the dark curtains. “I don’t like the day.” I don’t want to please him with too many words.
He turned to lay on his stomach. “Oh, don’t be like that. You know I can just read your thoughts.” He says.
I glared back at him. “What is wrong with you?”
Silas smiled and tilts his head in mock confusion.
“None of this makes any sense,” I say, “You are in love with Amara, that’s obvious. So why are you kidnapping me, calling me cute nicknames, stealing my daylight ring, tying me to this stupid bed, and wanting me to feel happy with your perverted flirts!” 
Silas stares at me. It’s a calm, demanding look. A large jump from his taunts and jokes. “You,” he starts, “are so kind, you always give people your hand even when they have a bad past. Even when you know they’re going to hurt you, you try to help them.” He grabs my hands gently. “Amara isn’t the same, she isn’t afraid to put herself first.”
I cut him off quietly. “She’s been through a lot.”
He laughs. “See there it is again always sympathizing. Strong yet so sweet. I hate to admit, but over the time we’ve interacted I’ve realized you are the true epitome of perfection. And to this,” He motions to the ropes and room. “I knew you would never pick me first. You’re too scared…” Silas smiles again and pats my leg. “But that's no problem, I'm going to get you good. It’s only a matter of time before you fall for my charm!”
He’s thought about this more than I thought… I don’t know what’s more frightening, him thinking this is alright or that he really thinks I’ll love him.
“Don’t be like that Dovey. There’s no need to be so negative.” He pouts mockingly. 
Silas stands and leans to kiss my cheek. I try to pull away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him.
He straightens. “Well I have some annoying friends to take care of. You’ll wait here for me won’t you.” He laughs harder and walks out the room.
I start to lean into the bed, but he pops his head back in. “Love ya!” He says with a wink.
I truly am screwed.
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bi-lavelent · 3 months
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem reader part 10)
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Warning:Fluff, Angst, Bullying, Cussing
I was waiting outside of Glee the next day for Santana. I had been doing this since I missed being in the class I would move in time to not be seen at the end but I could also hear a couple things like how Mr.Schue wanted them to do ballads for the week.
Damn are you kidding me one of the weeks I could actually sing I wasn’t allowed to be in the class I mean hell the only type of music I do song is county and heavy metal and a little bit of rap and hip hop. But I mean come on I deserved to be in that class I would blow everybody’s socks off. Too bad Rachel was the only one without a partner. Since Hope had decided to stay home and help Matt with his Spiderman problems. Maybe he had got bitten in his ear and it had caused for him to become a superhero. That would be cool you know if superhero existed Santana would make a hot black widow or a hot Miss America maybe then she could open a portal to where we could be ourselves. We had been secretly dating for the past couple of weeks. But god I think that I was falling in love with her. She would also make a hot Hawkgirl. Damn having sex with a superhero would be hot. Wait I was thinking about my sister and her boyfriend gross. I wish that I could sing a ballad with Santana everyone wouldn’t think that she was gay because they didn’t get to pick their partners. They would just think that we’re friends. I sat there waiting for Glee to end and when Santana walked out I walked out to the car with her.
“Hey hot stuff how was your day.” I asked
“Good how bout yours?” Santana asked as I drove out of the parking lot
“It was okay I’m just kinda bummed I’m not in Glee I know the chances are slim but singing a ballad with you would be amazing and they wouldn’t even know about us because we wouldn’t have an option but to be with each other.” I said
“Yeah well maybe we could sing a ballad together some other time right know I have to pick a ballad that would be good for me and Britt.” Santana said
“Mine Taylor Swift.”I said
“Oh my god yes. You know that your perfect” Santana said and then leaned over and kissed me
“I know I am.” I said
“What were you thinking for us if we were partners.” Santana said
“Oh I have list know for the ones that we probably could pull of together Delta Dawn. The ones that I really love Forever and Ever amen, Always on my mind, Concrete angel, Blue eyes Crying in the rain, Til the rivers all run dry, Live like you we’re dying. The ones that I would love to do but we definitely can’t do together because I don’t know how your voice would pair with heavy metal Nothing else matter, November rain, Fade to black and Mama said.” I said
“Wow you put a lot of thought into this.” Santana said
“Yeah well I had a lot of time well the human contraceptive fell in love with the teacher. Dude did you see the way she was staring at him it’s the same way I stare at you. The same way Puck stares at Quinn and the same way Finn stares at Rachel and sometimes the same way Quinn stares at Rachel. Oh trust me he gets students who have crushes on him all the time two years ago there was this nerd named Suzy Pepper she would write his name in hearts ask him inappropriate questions and made everyone else uncomfortable. She grew up on a farm and was very religious like super religious. Like she started the Celibacy club. She’s waiting for marriage. I wish I could go to the high school reunion in a while and ask her how that faired for her in the long term. Nothing against the Celibacy club babe. But why are you even in it I know that you had definitely fucked Puckerman before me. Which must have sucked if he was your first time your lucky he didn’t get you pregnant anyway She graduated that year. I think she changed her name to April something to sound better she’s going to John Hopkins medical center she wanted to be some kind of doctor. A surgeon I think.” I said
( I’m sorry I had too for those who understand the reference with April being from Ohio and her being on the show it can’t be a coincidence)
”Okay well how do you know that.” Santana said
“Cause I had fucked most people in the Celibacy club hell I had fucked almost every one in the school by my Sophomore year. Too bad the hot people came the next year. You know the hottest one I saw was one I was supposed to mentor her. I had to drop out last minute because I felt like I had a crush on her the second I saw her. She had long Gorgeous brown hair and a smile that could light up any room that she walked in.But I chickened out last second as I was walking towards her I saw one of my friends and sent one her to mentor her last year well I mentored her kid we promised to never talk about this with anyone ever.” I said
“Oh who were they let me guess Rachel or Mercedes. I need to know who it was so that I can be mad at you and them.” Santana said
“Here name was as beautiful as she was. When she laughed she made me laugh to I would watch from afar never really wanting her to see the way I blushed every time I looked at her and how the red on my cheeks depended every time I heard her voice. She didn’t know who I was but I kept my eye out for her to the point where I had her schedule memorized. I realized that I also started seeing her out and about ofcourse she never looked at me why would she.” I said
“Why would she not trust me it’s hard for me to take my eyes away from you.” Santana said
“It wasn’t last year.” I said smiling at her
“tell me who it is now.” Santana said
“Wow you really are clueless sometimes her name was Santana Lopez.” I said
“Wait me you were like stalking me last year.” Santana said
“I wasn’t stalking you.” I said
“You kinda were. Wait you were friends with toxic homophobic bitch.” Santana said
“Yep best friends.” I said
“What are you still.” Santana asked
“No ofcourse not I’m just waiting for someone who I put first and will also put me first. But everyone I find already has a best friend and I will always put them first and they will always put me in last.” I said
“Okay well what about me.” Santana said
“Yeah go see how Brittnay feels about that and then I would be your third maybe because you have Quinn after Britt and so you won’t work.” I said
“Oh you could easily replace Quinn even if we weren’t fucking each other.” Santana said
“Good to know.” I said
As we pulled up in front of the house I went inside to do homework and Santana also did the same going to her room. People at school Questioned if I was adopted by her family. As I had gotten close with her parents and it showed I wanted them to know that if she did come out and wanted to be with me that they’d be okay with us dating. I called my sister and put her on speakerphone as I got into my pajamas
“Hey” hope said
“Hey” Matt said
“Hi how you feeling.” I said
“They found eggs in my ear.” Matt said
“Hey buddy I totally understand price of living downstairs.” I said
”See she gets me.” Matt said
“I’m sorry that you have to go through that. How are your parents treating you with all of this.” I said
“Good what are they doing in glee has Santana told you?” Matt and hope asked
“There just doing ballads this week your not missing anything.” I said
“How’s the Lopez treating you.” Hope said
“There good a lot better than our family how have the Rutherfords been treating you?” I asked
I didn’t see that Santana had walked in and sat in the chair behind me
“There good can you believe these families eat food together and not just like let you eat anywhere.” Hope said
“It’s nice you know eating together and eating a dinner for the most part and not just our parents saying fend for yourself.” I said
“How long are you staying at the Lopez.” Hope asked
“I don’t know I hope they will keep me till I’m 18 and then I will get my own house and you can move there and will be safe.” I said
“We’re gonna be stuck in fucking Lima, Ohio aren’t we?” Hope asked hearing the sadness in her voice and the words made tears go down my eyes
“You can get out of here. Just keep at Cheerios don’t piss anyone off and get out of here. My last hope was Glee. Without it I will most likely never be leaving here.” I said
“We’ll have fun with Santana and the Lopez.” Hope said
“Have fun with the Rutherford and not to much fun with Matt. I can beat him up and he knows that I will go all boxing Y/N on his ass and she has no remorse.” I said
“You already we know we’ve hooked up you walked in on us once.” Hope said
“I screamed that I would be burning that image out of my mind and we would never mention it again.” I said
“I love you bye.” Hope said
“I love you too cherish being with the Rutherfords well you can we both know this isn’t forever will have to go back to our abusive mom and our neglectful father who is a pastor and won’t even talk to me without threatening to kill me.” I said
“Yeah I will cherish it feels good imagining they were my family. It’s just weird dating my brother when I think about it.” Hope said
“I’m doing the same thing here except the dating thing. Bye love you.” I said hanging up on her
“Your family doesn’t feed you and your parents abuse you?” Santana asked tears running down her eyes
“What you’re telling me your parents have never purposefully run you over with a car (I laughed) because you had an F? or called you a Cunt because you didn’t clean up your room? or tells you every single day that you don’t actually have friends because they don’t talk to you outside of school or Glee or that Nobody will ever love you because of how you act. Your father has never threatened to shoot you if you bring another girl home and he finds you in bed. Your parents didn’t send you off to a conversion camp to try to fix you but the only thing that happened was that you got raped by a camp counselor. Your parents don’t just leave you at home with no food when you were six and told you to fend for yourself.” I said starting to cry as Santana ran over and hugged me
“Hey Hey, Hey I got you. You’re safe here with me I will keep you safe for as long as I need to they won’t lay another finger on you I promise. I will try and help you get that house and protect your sister okay I love you.” Santana said
“You what.” I said
“Nothing.” Santana said
“Okay thank you. You are really the best secret girlfriend anyone could ask for.” I said
“Is there anything else you want to tell me I know that you have been keeping something secret.” Santana said
“I love you too.” I said
Next day at school (Thursday)
An announcement had come over the intercoms from one of the boys saying “We have an issue with Fags at this school we have found the solution everyone either look at the TVs near you or open your laptop and click on the link that we sent you.” The video of me getting rapped was on every Tv and everyone’s laptop.
“Shit,Shit,Shit” I whispered under my breath. I was at the end of the hallway in Mr.Schues room I started to run out of the classroom to the nearest exit he looked at me and I just pointed to the computer. As everyone turned to the TV’S or clicked the link I could see The incident happening over and over and over again as I ran out of the school and to my car and took off to the Lopez household and up to my room I hid in the bathroom so that no one would find me I stayed their all day long crying over the situation. Everyone at school had seen me get rapped I guess that it was no longer a secret that I could hold onto
Later that day in Glee.
“Y/N was hot in that video” Puck said
“Really Puckerman yeah I get she was a Jerk to us but a video of our Friend getting rapped was broadcasted to the whole school.” Rachel said
Mr.Schue walked in as the kids talked about what had happened.
“Look guys I get that everyone was excited to sing our ballad for Finn and Quinn. But I feel like we should focus on what happened today. Trust me when I say that I know that Y/N messed with a lot of us when she had her outburst. But she didn’t deserve this no one does and the fact that this happened is appalling.” Mr.schue said sitting down
“It’s all my fault.” Finn said
“WHAT DID YOU DO FINN?” Quinn yelled asked at him
“I was so mad at Y/N after what they did to me. That I told the guys on the football team who let it spread like wildfire. If I just kept my mouth shut this wouldn’t have happened to her.” Finn said
“Santana you live with her did she tell you anything.” Quinn asked
“No she just said that she didn’t like the campus. I know that she seemed off. I just thought that maybe she saw the father of her child. I didn’t imagine this is what happened.” Santana said
“I don’t feel safe you heard them and saw peoples faces. I’m scared that I might be next. I am also scared that I saw many women and men getting off to it.” Kurt said
“We need to suck up what she said about us and be there for her right now. She needs her friends who didn’t watch the video. Who are gonna stick by her side and protect her.” Mercedes said
“That’s easy for you to say she didn’t say anything about you.” Quinn said
“She right my marriage might be over, Quinn and Finn might be over. But she would have protected all of you and you know it.” Mr.Schue said
“Santana can we all come to your house.” Rachel asked
“I don’t want my privacy invaded but for Y/N I’d do anything.” Santana said
“Good we’re carpooling there now. She needs us now we’re picking up her sister and Matt if he can come and we’re going to comfort her.” Rachel said
“My dad can come get me and other pepole.” Artie said
“Mr.Schue, Quinn, Kurt. You’ll drive. I think that Kurt should go with the freshman first as they all have the best relationship with Y/N. Then Quinn can Drive Santana, Mercedes and Brittnay. You will all go and get as much Ice Cream and Chocolate and Movies that she would Like.” Rachel said
“and pizza.” Santana interrupted “she loves pizza”
”Mr.Schue you’ll drive Finn, Puck , Racheland Me. We will get there after we figure out how to make these assholes pay for what they did to her.” Mike said
“Artie can you try and pick up her sister and Matt and fill them in on what happened?” Quinn asked
“Ofcourse.” Artie said
“Y/N on three okay 1, 2,” Mr.Schue said
“Nope not doing that.” Puck said
“Uh uh” Brittnay and Santana said
“Okay let’s get going.” Santana said
“Kurt here’s my keys don’t lose them don’t steal them just go protect her with them pls and then give them back when I get there.” Santana said
Soon enough Kurt and the freshman pulled up in front of the Lopez house and got out of Kurt’s car. Tina jiggled the keys into the door and opened it up.
“Okay Tina go check down stairs, I’ll check upstairs and then we will both go upstairs and check.” Kurt said
“Okay” Tina said
They both went looking around the house running opening every door looking for me. Soon enough they went upstairs and checked in all the bedrooms eventually finding me in my bathroom with a broken mirror as I decided to punch it when I got angry. Kurt ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me as i cried into them. Tina sat in front of me handing me tissues.
A few minutes later Quinn pulled up to the Lopez household they ran straight in as Santana grabbed the keys off the table and put them in her pocket. She ran upstairs to my room and saw me and the others sitting on the floor. Kurt saw the worry on Santanas face and decided to get up and switch spots with her. I snuggled deeper into her calming down a little bit at the feel of her arms around me.
“Rachel thought that food would make you feel better.” Santana said
“Shiva” Kurt said
“Isn’t that when someone dies. I haven’t died.” I said
“Your innocence did” Artie said as he wheeled in having been carried up the stairs by Matt and Hope
“Oh..” I said before getting cut off
“That died along time.” My sister said cuddling into my other side
“We got you we’re not mad at you anymore. You need a support system and me and the others will gladly be that.” Quinn said
“Where’s everyone else.” Matt said
“There trying to figure out if there’s anything they can do about this.” Quinn said
“You mean besides send these assholes to prison.” Santana said rubbing my back
“They can’t go to prison.” Tina said
“Yes the can they put underage porn on the internet.” I said
“Who was underage all of the boys were 18 except the one who was filming was a sophomore.” Matt said
“I am I’m only seventeen I turn eighteen this summer and if you mean to tell me that the people who rapped me are adults than there In even more trouble.” I said
“We ain’t leaving you okay we all already called our parents and they are okay with us staying here.” Artie said
“What about your parents.” Hope said looking at Santana
“They’re out of town for a medical conference.” Santana said
“Are they ever home.” Tina asked
“Yeah actually they are. But that’s coming from someone whose parents just leave them for weeks on end.” I said
Soon enough Mr.Schue came by with Puck, Rachel, Mike and Finn
“Is there anything we need to do Mike asked we could kick there asses.” Mike said
“I’m not even gonna talk you guys out of it this time.” Mr.Schue said
“Did you guys find anything.” I asked
“Yeah the cops will be there tomorrow.” Mr.Schue said
“Look as nice as this is I just feel uncomfortable okay you all saw me naked.” I said
“We didn’t watch the video we saw who it was in the mirror of the bathroom. Heard what they said and turned it off before anything happened.” Artie said
“I’m gonna leave you kids be. I already contacted your parents and the school if you want to all take some time off to comfort Y/N.” Mr.Schue said
“I also called my dad you don’t need to go to work he will continue to pay you. But you don’t need to show up.” Kurt said
“Can someone go get the food and movies.” Santana said
“We’re on it” Finn, Matt, Mike, and Puck said
“Kurt are you doing okay.” I asked still snuggled into Santanas arms
“What about the other gay kids at school.”Kurt said “What about me if they did this to someone everyone in the school was scared in what stops them from doing it to me.”
“We will we’re gonna protect you two at all cost. We’re your own secret service.” Rachel said
“I just want things to go back to normal. I know you guys didn’t see me naked but everybody else did. I just wish that I had a Time Machine.” I said
They boys came up with the movies and the snacks as Santana picked me up and carried me over to the bed.
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Santana layer next to me in the bed. Hope and Matt layer on the flour with a pillow from Santanas bedroom. Mercedes, Quinn and Brittnay all sat against the wall. With a blanket they had found down stairs Artie sat in his chair outside the room. Tina sat on the side of the bed I was laying on with Rachel. Kurt and Mike sat in the doorway. Well Puck and Finn sat outside the door in the hallway. Mr.Schue came back to check on us a couple times.
I hade woken up in the middle screaming after having a nightmare about the event happening again. Santana shot up with me rubbing my back. As everyone else stated to wake up. I was breathing really heavy and was having a hard time talking.
“Is everything okay?” Quinn asked
“You okay Y/N?” Kurt said
“Did something happen?” Finn asked rubbing his eyes
I burst into tears as Santana moved over Quinn and Brittnay ran to me hugging me.
“Are you okay?” Mercedes asked
“I’m so sorry I just had a nightmare.” I said
“About what ?” Santana asked
“I guess I can’t lie to you guys anymore it wasn’t a nightmare I was reliving it. Everytime I close my eyes I see it happening. It hasn’t stopped it’s been happening since it happened.” I said
“Is there anything we can do to comfort her?” Santana asked looking at hope
“I don’t know usually her waited blanket calms her down. But it’s at our house.” Hope said
“Are you able to go back there?” Artie said
“I guess.” Hope said leaving the room
“Finn, Mike, Puck and Matt pls go with her.” Santana said
“Matt pls protect her from them.” I said he looked at me knowingly and nodded
“Is there anything we can do til then ?” Quinn asked laying her arms over my legs to try to calm down.
“I have thousands of blankets downstairs.” Santana said
“We will all go get them.” Quinn said
They all left and Artie rolled across the hallway to use the restroom.
“What can do for you baby?” Santana asked
“Human weighted blanket once the blankets on me can you cuddle me please.” I said
“Ofcourse.” Santana said
“How much of the video did you watch? Tell me the truth please.” I said
“Why are you asking.” Santana said
“Santana you were in the lunchroom you had access to TVs everywhere around you.” I said
“I watched the beginning and then I saw what they were doing to you and i tried to look away but no matter where I looked I saw what was happening to you. Why didn’t you tell me.” Santana said
“Because I was scared of how you would react. I was scared if you would say something like that’s every women’s dream.” I said
“We had sex that night for the first time. Were you just trying to wash them out or did you actually want it.” Santana asked
“I wanted it. Trust me if I could delete that day I wouldn’t because as horrible as it was the end of the day was amazing. You made that day change for me you turned one of the saddest most unsafe days of my life. Turn into the hottest, Sexiest, happiest most safe days of my life.” I said
“I love you.” Santana said
“I love you too.” I said
“Hey babe, Hey Y/N” Puck said as he entered
“Hi” I said
“Can you Scoot over so that I can kiss my girlfriend.” Puck said
“Sure I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” I said giving Santana sad eyes
I walked out and saw Artie standing at the bathroom door in front of the room I pushed him into it and turned on the light.
“What What What What?” Artie yelled
“How much of that did you see and hear.” I said
“YOU AND” Artie yelled
“Shhh be quiet.” I said
“You and Santana are dating each other.” Artie said looking at me
“Yes Artie you can’t til anyone she doesn’t want to come out of the closet yet.” I said
“I don’t wanna kiss right now I want to comfort my friend. Why are you jealous.” Santana said
“No not jealous. Just I let you spend time alone with those dudes during football games and I know they raped her because she was gay but what if they did it to you.” Puck said
“But they didn’t and she needs us.” Santana said
Soon enough I left the bathroom with Artie and headed back to the room everyone else was already in there laying down again. Except for hope and the boys. I laid down let me snuggle back into her. She wrapped her legs around me I quickly fell back to sleep.
During the night Santana needed to get up so Quinn Switched spots with her. It switched throughout the night and the next day by the time I woke up I was in Brittnay’s arms.
“Good morning.” Brittnay said
“Tell me it didn’t actually happen?” I said
Santana and Quinn were stood at the door. “It happened.” Quinn said
“Where is everyone?” I asked
“Some of them are out getting food.” Santana said sitting on the bed and pulling me close to her as Quinn sat down
“Others went to get clothes and supplies to stay here again.” Quinn said
“Me and Matt went to get your school work. The cops want to talk to you at the school.” Hope said
“No I can’t. I can’t go back there all the kids are gonna look at me. The Sam way Puckerman did the second he saw me. They all watched the video including him.” I said
“You knew he saw it?” Quinn asked
“He was practically undressing me with his eyes.” I said
“Could we get the cops here?” Quinn asked
“NO NO NO cops. I can barely talk to you guys.” I said
“Okay No cops.” Santana said
“We will go get you some food.” Hope said dragging Matt with her
I leaned over to Santayana and whispered into her ear “Damn I don’t except that this how the three hottest cheerleaders at school would be in my bed. I thought about this and I was never crying.” I said
“Shut up” Santana said
“What did she say?” Quinn asked
“Nothing important she just said that she feels safe with strong women only being in the room with her.” Santana said
“Two strong women one strong sexy Latina goddess.” I whispered
“She just said I told you not to say that.” Santana said
“Well thank you for the compliment.” Quinn said
“Why isn’t Brittnay talking.” I asked turning over to see a sleeping Brittnay
“She didn’t sleep last night a lot of us didn’t our parents keep coming to check in on us.” Quinn said
“How are you feeling?” I asked
“Finn told my family about the baby so know I’m living with him and his mom.” Quinn said
“Are you still selling the baby to Off her Meds.” I asked
“No your freak out made me realize how stupid I was being plus she was giving me no money.” Quinn said
“What’s it like living with your ex-boyfriend.” I asked
“It’s better than her living with mine.” Santana said
“Don’t worry I told them. We realized after your outburst that maybe a friendship that has a ton of lies isn’t a good friendship.” Quinn said
“Well maybe you should go for puck.” I said reaching down for Santanas upper thigh
“Yeah you can have him he’s not that good anyway.” Santana said
“Finns family is nice.” Quinn said
Later that day I tried to go downstairs and eat dinner with everybody when there was a knock at the door. We were all sat down talking and eating takeout from Breadstix.
“Wait so you mean to tell me that the school has been shut down because of the incident.” I asked As Mr.Schue sat down with us.
“Not quit its shutdown until we know that it is completely safe for everyone.” Mr.Schue said
“Well I guess it is a better time than ever.” I said
“For what” everyone said looking at me.
“I called Principal Figgins today we both decided to have me go back for a week and if it doesn’t do good then I will transfer to Crawford Country Day.” I said
“What’s that?” Kurt asked
“I’ve heard of it it’s a girls only private school with a no bullying policy.” Mr.Schue said
“How do you know?” Finn asked
“They’re against us at sectionals.” Mr.Schue said
“Wait that means most likely we will be up against each other.” Santana asked
“Yes” Mr.Schue said
“Let’s talk about something else.” I said
“Like what.” Hope said
“Like what this means because I don’t even understand why you all are here what the second I step back into that school will you all disappear again.” I said
“You’re back in Glee.” Mr.Schue said
“Wait really.” I said
“Yes even if you don’t stay we will all support you.” Mr.Schue said
“Let’s change the subject before she starts to cry.” Santana said
I through a Breadstix at her
“My dad is gonna stop by later. With your stuff. He went and emptied out your locker at school and work.” Kurt said
“Thank you.” I said
As time went on Mr.Schue left and we were all sat on the couch watching a movie. I was sat over by Artie. As Santana and Puck made out. Artie grabbed my hand and pulled me away from looking at them. Tina and Kurt were sitting in front of us on the ground at our feet. When there was a knock on the door Santana went up to get it. I walked into the kitchen which was just off the living room but not visible from the door. Kurt had walked towards the stairs which was right in front of the door.
“We heard that hot fag who was in the sex tape. Was staying here. Oh wow you got two of them here. Hi faggy (he waved at kurt) we want a time like those guys got.” The guy said
“Yeah no you’re not going anywhere near her.” Santana said
“Why are you a Lesbo to?” The guys asked
“If we were.” Quinn asked
“Yeah” Rachel said
“You think you could take all of us” Hope said
“She dosent need to be fixed” Mercedes said
“Well I could change all of you.” He said
“Get away from the girls.” Puck said
I walked over there they weren’t getting hurt to protect me
“Wait aren’t you one of the guys who were there wait you all were the guys.” I said
“Ready for round two darling.” He said as he pushed Santana to the side Quinn put her arm in front of you
“Aren’t the cops looking for you.” I said
“Why would we get arrested we’re a bunch of consenting adults. The sad thing is that you have a bunch of underclassman protect you.” He said
“Yeah well you see we all might be seniors but guess what you all might have birthdays after October.” I said
“Yeah so what.” He said
“I have a Summer birthday which means that I am only 17.” I said
“Shit.” He said
The football boys tried to tackle most of them given it was 4 to 5. The boys tackled most of them Mr. Hummel arrived just in time pulling up and seeing the guy running he tackled him.
“I’m gonna call the cops.” Tina said
As she called the cops Santana lead you over to the spot where her and Puck used to be sitting. You layer your head on her lap and the rest of your body went over Quinn and Brittnay with your legs going on Mercedes and your feet on your sister they put a blanket over you. Santana messaged your head something she usually only did after you guys had sex. The cops came and arrested the guys
“Is she able to talk right now.” The cop asked Mr. Hummel
“Yes.” I said
”Okay can everyone leave.” The cop asked
“Can someone stay.” I asked
“Yes but they have to be someone who you will be okay with hearing you talk about it.” The cop said
Pucks definitely out, So is your sister she didn’t need to hear it all. “Burt can you stay.” I said looking at him near the tv
“She needs her friends after this so if you guys could just go upstairs or downstairs or something.” The cop said
“What do you remember?” The cop asked
“I have blacked a lot of it out, but they didn’t cut anything out of the video.” I said
“You watched the video?” Mr. Hummel asked
“Yeah I know that I probably shouldn’t have but everyone had seen me weak and vulnerable I kept replaying it in my head but it kept stopping when they all had a sick inside of me and then it would start over again. I wanted to watch them leave the room. I want to watch them leave me.” I said
“Okay are you sure those guys were the ones that rapped you.” The cop asked
“Yes those face are burned into my mind no matter what I do.” I said
“Sir will you be okay if your daughter’s friends stay over.” The cop asked Burt
“Yes, now can you bring those guys away before I do something that I will regret.” Burt said
The cops left
“Why did you go along when they said I was your daughter.” I asked
“Look I know that you’re not my actual child but I love you and care for you like one. You treat Kurt like a brother. Also I have been here two days and I have seen every other kids parents except for yours and you are the one who are hurt. Clearly your dad isn’t willing to be manly enough to take care of you so you are our daughter. Trust me I love you like a child and I am sure that a lot of the other parents you know feel the same way.” He said
“Thank you.” I said hugging him and crying
Everyone came upstairs.
“We all need to get some sleep.” I said
“Boys you can sleep in the Guest room downstairs me and the girls will sleep upstairs with her. That way she feels safe.” Rachel said
We all went our different ways. I went upstairs and went to my room. Well everyone else went to Santanas.
“I’ll go first.” Santana said
she went down the hallway to my room. Came into my room and locked the door.
“Come here.” Santana said
I ran into her arms and we kissed each other.
“Your boyfriends here.” I said
“I know.” She said
“They why.” I asked
“Because I saw how me making out with him during the movie affected you and I wanted to apologize. It’s you okay trust me if I fell for a man he would be a lot hotter than Noah.” Santana said
“Who’s Noah? Oh my god is that Pucks real name.” I said
“You will never let him live that down will you.” Santana asked leading me to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
After I brushed my teeth she was brushing hers with the brush she kept in my bathroom. “You wanna take a shower together?” I whispered in her ear.
“Hell yeah will just have to be quiet.” Santana said
“Okay.” I said
We both got naked and jumped into the shower.
“We have been talking about men touching you all week and how to cheer you up. I think that I can remind you why you like women and cheer you up.” Santana said
As she got on her knees and started opening me up with her fingers and then putting her tongue inside me. She was in the middle of doing it when I heard the door open. I popped my head out the curtain to see who it was. Shit shit shit it was Puckerman
“Hey what do you need?” I said
“Oh hey Y/N do you know where Santana is.” Puck asked
I tried my best not to moan as she brought me to my climax.
“Yeah I asked her to go buy me some Carmel ice cream and a hot tea. Before bed she asked me if there was anything that I needed. She should be back soon. If you wanna go downstairs and play video games with the dudes I’ll send her down there when she come back.” I said
“Do you know how long?” He asked
“Well she was gonna walk down the street to the house her parents were staying at and drive with her dad. So I don’t know maybe like 30-40 minutes. If she comes here first I will be sure to send her down to you. Just pls no sex she is the first one protecting me tonight.” I said
“Yeah no problem. Thanks Y/N you are a really good friend.” Puck said as he left and shut the door
I gripped onto the sides finally allowing myself to orgasm.
“you taste so good.” She said coming up to kiss me
“No no no I had a full blown conversation with your boyfriend as you fucked me.” I said
”Okay so what do you want me to do?” Santana asked
“I don’t know. He can beat me up okay if he could til that you were actually here instead of at the store I would be dead.” I said
“Okay well you gave us 30-40 minutes I can think of several things I can do you just have to lie down.” Santana said
“You know I want that. But you can’t look like you just got out of the shower he will kill me.” I said
“Okay well we are finishing this when this whole situation is over. Okay the second it’s just you and me in this house we are having hot steamy shower sex.” Santana said
“Oh please yes.” I said
“I’m just scared okay come on there’s women letting you snuggle into them all night long and I’m scared you’ll fall for one of them. Okay you already have a crush on Brittnay and Quinn what if they develop feelings and you leave me.” Santana said
“I will never leave you I promise.” I said
“Oh really.” Santana said
How was I supposed to tell her that we only had a few months left this summer this June we would have to over legally.
“Yes” I said
Santana dried off and put some clothes on and went downstairs. I was laying in bed waiting for my Latina Goddess. When Mercedes came in.
“Hey chocolate angle. What’s up?” I asked
“There’s so much drama going on I don’t know who’s gonna stay and who gonna leave. Everyone except for Rachel and Finn. Have found out that Pucks the father. Because he told me and I opened my stupid mouth.” Mercedes said
“Well Santana might be mad at Quinn for sleeping with her boyfriend.” Mercedes said
Santana came up stairs “No Me Gusta , No me Gusta” she said crying as she went into the room and shut the door
“Well I guess I’m all yours still in secret but I am all yours.” Santana said smiling and kissing me
“Finally.” I said
I woke up in the middle of the night cuddling into I don’t know who I went to grab my water from the side of the better. Falling on top of the person.
“Babe what do you need? It’s me Santana” Santana said
“Oh good I just need my water.” I said
“We aren’t switching tonight we decided that since you were scared to sleep alone that we just shouldn’t switch. As you need someone you trust.” Santana said
“Good okay well I’m going back to sleep.” I said
The next day I woke up late in the afternoon as I had been. From all the crying. “Hey sleepy head.” Quinn said
“Coffee” I said like a zombie
“Do you wanna do anything today?” Kurt asked
“Coffee” I said like a zombie
Just as I said it Santana rounded the corner with a coffee for me
“You’re my favorite.” I said grabbing the Coffee from here
I sat down at the table with everyone. “You know we really do feel like a family like this. I feel like we are a family just one where half the people have slept with each other.” I said
“Oh shut up. Atleast we ask the people we like out.” Quinn said
“You try being gay every hot dude is straight.” Kurt said
“Yeah every hot woman is straight. You guys are the luckiest sexuality.” I said
“You’re hot and you’re a lesbian so there clearly are hot women who like women.” Puck said
“Thanks Puck but find another hot woman who likes women and we will talk.” I said
“There’s plenty of hot lesbian celebrities.” Rachel said
“Like who and don’t say Ellen or Portia.” I said
“Well there’s or there’s.” Rachel said
“Suze Orman , Cynthia Nixon” Kurt said
“K fine one. The gay community has plenty.” I said
“Sure we do like who.” Kurt said
“Ricky Martin, Neil Patrick Harris, Johnathan Groff, Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, Tab Hunter, Roman Novarro.” I said
“Okay well if we’re going that route you also got Audrey Hepburn.” Kurt said
“Not my type.” I said
“Hot, Can pull off short hair.” I said
“Yeah well.” Kurt said
“Face it most hot celebrity men are gay.” I said
“Most lesbian look like they crawled out of spending a week in Lowe’s .” Kurt said
“Lowe’s .” I said
“What?” Quinn questioned
“Kurt why did you do this?” Hope asked
“What did he do?” Rachel asked
“He said the word you know how you don’t say candy around kids. You really shouldn’t say the H word or the L word near Lesbians. You also shouldn’t watch the L word with Lesbians they go feral.” Hope said
“That we’re I wanna go today Lowe’s .” I said
“We don’t have a Lowe’s .” Rachel said
“No but Columbus does.” I said
“We aren’t going to Lowe’s .” Santana said
“Plssssss. It will make me happy.” I said
“Fine but only a few of us are coming” Santana said
”Okay I’ll go get my clothes on” I said running up the stairs
“Lowe’s is a lesbians Sephora.” Kurt said
“Nothing in that sentence made sense but I like Lowe’s so I’ll go with her.” Puck said
“Do you really think that it’s a good idea to go with your ex-girlfriend.” Artie asked
“Actually Wheels is right. But us footballers need to go just in case she runs into people from school.” Puck said
“Lowe’s is my happy place I could get lost in there for hours. My use to just drop me and my dad off when it opened and we stay there til it closed.” Matt said
“Okay well whatever makes her happy right.” Finn said
“Okay who’s coming.” I said as I looked for my keys
Once Matt, Finn, Puck, Mike and Me were in the car we drove off. Santana wanted to stay back with the girls and Kurt who were watching the notebook and getting a pedicure and manicure. That would suck on a Santana I guess you weren’t getting fucked anytime soon. Artie got picked up by his parents during breakfast they wanted him to go home and be able to function around normally.
We headed on the hour long drive. “Do you guys wanna listen to music.” I asked
“What do you have.” Mike asked
“Don’t judge me I have Nickelback, Limp Bizkit and Metallica.” I said
“Oh my god Yes. I thought that you were gonna say something like Justin Biber” Finn said
“I bet your girlfriend loves those first four words.” I said
“Are you kidding me none of the hot girls at our school will let anyone to fuck them.” Mike said
“Wait I thought that they were atleast giving it to the dude’s. I dated one of the Cheerios the one in the Neck brace for like 1 year and 2 months and nothing.” I said
“Have you pulled anybody.” Matt said
“Well I know that you have pulled my sister Matt and Puck pulled Santana. I have a cheerio who I have pulled.” I said
“So I guess me and Mike are the only virgins.” Finn said
“Speak for yourself buddy.” Mike said
“You’re a Virgin?” I said
“Not for the lack of trying.” Finn said
“Let’s just listen to music and not listen to Finsters pathetic sex life.” Puck said
“Puck you fucked his girlfriend don’t think that you can say much. Well you had the hottest girl in the school giving you access. Nothing against Quinn she’s okay but Santanas really hot.” I said
“Wow sounds like you have a crush on our girls.” Finn said
“They’re not your property.” I said “Also it isn’t for the lack of trying to get a crush on anyone else I just have good taste. Don’t worry we haven’t done anything.” I said
“can we just listen to the radio.” Matt said
“Sure.” I said
Popping in the disk for Limp Bizkit. With in seconds we were all singing along.
It's just one of those days When you don't wanna wake up Everything is fucked Everybody sucks You don't really know why But you wanna justify Rippin' someone's head off No human contact And if you interact Your life is on contract Your best bet is to stay away, motherfucker! It's just one of those days
It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit lettin' shit slip Or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit talkin' that shit
It's just one of those days Feelin' like a freight train First one to complain Leaves with a blood stain Damn right, I'm a maniac You better watch your back 'Cause I'm fuckin' up your program And if you're stuck up You're just lucked up Next in line to get fucked up Your best bet is to stay away, motherfucker! It's just one of those days
It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit lettin' shit slip Or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit talkin' that shit Punk, so come and get it
I feel like shit My suggestion is to keep your distance 'Cause right now I'm dangerous We've all felt like shit And been treated like shit All those motherfuckers that want to step up I hope you know I pack a chain saw I'll skin your ass raw And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break somethin' tonight I pack a chainsaw I'll skin your ass raw And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break somethin' tonight I pack a chainsaw I'll skin your ass raw And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break your fuckin' face tonight
Give me somethin' to break Give me somethin' to break Just give me somethin' to break How 'bout your fuckin' face? I hope you know I pack a chainsaw (what?) A chainsaw (what?) A motherfuckin' chainsaw (what?) So come and get it
It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit lettin' shit slip Or you'll be leavin' with a fat lip It's all about the he says/she says bullshit I think you better quit talkin' that shit Punk, so come and get it
We were soon coming close to the Home Depot. “Damn why didn’t you sing with us. During the Girls vs Boys week.” Finn asked
“Same reason Kurt had to perform with you guys. Mr.Schue dosen’t care what kind of voice you have. Even if I have a bass voice. (I imagine this character being able to hit almost every note but most comfortable at bass Tim foust level) What he told me was to sing at a higher range to match the girls. So that you boys had something to sing” I said
“But none of us can go that low.” Puck said
“Yeah well I won’t have to hide my ability if I switched schools actually I would be used a lot because they do Acapella.” I said
“What’s that” They all asked
“They don’t use any instruments they use there mouths.” I said
“So many gay jokes just popped in my head” Puck said
“You know I actually like having straight friends.” I said
We pulled into the Lowe’s parking lot around 3:00. We all entered and went our separate ways I found some cool lights that went on the ceiling they were meant for kids which I legally still was. I grabbed a Princes one, A space one, A car one and A couple that had music notes. I grabbed an extra Princess one for Brittnay and when I grabbed it I found a ton of superhero ones. I just decided to get all of them I pull all of the cases in my cart. They were only 50 cents each. I moved farther back into the store looking for stuff for my bedroom. When I went to the Key section. Santanas Dad had give me his since I moved in I might as well get one of my own. I walked over to the worker and looked at the designs.
“Do you guys add pictures to keys?” I asked
“Yes we can.” He said “Do you have the photo”
“Yes.” I said pulling up a picture of me and Glee Club
“Oh yes just send that to this machine it has the email on the screen.” He said
As it popped up on the screen. He asked “Who are those people.”
“The club I am in at school.” I said
“Oh what club.” He asked
“Glee club.” I said
“What highschool.” He asked
“McKinley high” I said
“Oh my god my niece goes there Santana Lopez.” He said
“Oh my god she’s in that photo.” I said
“Are you to close.” He asked
“Yes we’re friends.” I said
“Do you know this kid she’s letting live with them. That’s so sweet that they’re doing that.” He said
“Yes it is given that I am that kid It is extremely sweet of them.” I said
“Oh my god My brother love you he says he wishes you were part of the family. He sees you as a daughter.” He said
“That’s nice to know. Hey do you know if Santana would like anything here.” I asked
“Yes here’s your keys. I’ll lead you over to it.” He said
Leading me over to there summer stuff and over to a Dunk tank.
“Are you sure?” I asked
“She’s been saving up money for the past 4 years to buy it. It’s been her dream to have one since she was a kid.” He said
“Really it’s been my dream too. I just don’t have space for it.” I said
“I’m one of the drivers I could drive it over to there house and put it in there backyard if you can afford it.” He said
“Oh don’t worry I’m a senior and I got a job my freshman year that makes me 150$ dollars an hour and I have been saving so.” I said
“You must be really good friends.” He said “ Here’s the tag just say I need Lopez to drive it. I’ll give you a family discount.”
I went walking around and found the perfect gift for Kurt and Rachel a light switch with musical theater Quotes on it. I found lights for Wheelchairs for Artie since his went out and a cushion to make him more comfortable. I found a boyfriend pillow for Quinn. I was walking around and found the perfect gift for Puck was Light switch cover that looked like well looked like a dick. I found supply’s to build a portable dance floor for Mike and a mini fridge for Finn and one for me. A nice head lamp for Matt since I had broken his on accident. I found a decorative pillow set for my sister. I don’t even realize how long I had been in the store until I heard them say that they were closing in 20 minutes they closed at 11:00pm wow I totally lost track of time. Luckily I saw that the boys had too. I went and checked out. I saw Mr.Lopez and waved him over and asked him to drop the dunk tank and the mini fridges off tomorrow around 7:00am. I looked at the total nothing unusual from my usual shopping spree at Home Depot. It was only 4,000 dollars but it was worth the smile my friends would have. We all drove back and arrived at midnight luckily we had my key the boys went downstairs I locked the front door and went outside and out to the shed with Mr.Lopez and My power tools and started working on mikes dance floor. It was waist to add the hinges and the foldable part. After that I easily added the kick down stands and a handle. I had just started painting it when I heard the door open.
“Hi, what are you doing” Santana asked wrapping her arms around me
“What time is it?” I asked
”Four I couldn’t sleep without you.” Santana said
“Wow am I making Santana Lopez soft.” I said
“No.” Santana said
“You sleep without me all the time.” I said
“it’s different I know where you are.” Santana said as I continued to paint
“What are you doing.” She asked
“I can’t tell you the suprise would be ruined.” I said
“Go back upstairs I will be up there in 30 minutes. I love you” I said
“Love you too.” Santana said
I finished painting the board it roughly looked like
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(Pardon my bad art skills I just use them usually for construction)
I left it out to dry and head upstairs into my bedroom. I shut the door I took my clothes off threw a t- shirt on and went and cuddled into Santana. Setting my alarm clock to go off quietly at 6:00am. I went to sleep at 4:50 and got almost an hour and 20 minutes of sleep. Then I woke up to my alarm and headed downstairs. I made myself some coffee and drank it and then I ate a plantain. I headed outside and grabbed a table from the Garage and set up a nice area to eat and put everyone’s gift at there spot except for Santana, Finn, Mine, Mikes and Quinn’s. I waited until Mr.Lopez pulled into the backyard and dropped all the big stuff off. I knew that it must have waked a lot of people up. Luckily I had also Santanas dad get six dozen donuts and some juices. From actual good places not Lima.
Soon enough everyone started coming downstairs and heading outside.
“What is this?” Rachel asked
”it’s just a thank you for what you all did. We have donuts, Juice, Gifts that you will hopefully like.” I said
“What ever gift you think I would get for you is where you sit.” I said
“Hey do I not have a gift.” Mike said walking over too you
“The big platform over there.” I said
Soon Santana walked downstairs
“Hey Y/N do we have any gifts?” Finn asked and pointed between him and his ex-girlfriend
“Yep Finn I got you that mini fridge over there and I got you this I said holding up the boyfriend pillow.” I said
“What is it?” Quinn asked
”It’s a boyfriend pillow it helps during your pregnancy but it also really helps after if you just want something to hold in your arms.” I said
“Thank you it’s good to have someone who knows what I’m going through back.” Quinn said
“What is this?” Santana said walking over too you
“The suprise. I was working on Mikes dance floor last night and this is your gift.” I said moving out of the way of the dunk tank
“How did you know?” She asked
“I ran into your uncle.” I said
“Don’t worry they don’t know that it’s for you. I got you that mini fridge over there if they ask even though it’s actually mine now come on and let’s go eat donuts with everyone else.” I said
“Okay well I know that this isn’t a fancy dinner or anything but I have a toast. Thank you I don’t know how I would have made it through the past four days without you. Okay as I’m standing up I’m realizing how much this looks like a fast and furious scene except a lot more white pepole. Anyway you guys are my family and friends I never believed it when other clubs said that or seniors said that but you guys are my family. I can’t wait to be apart of it again even if I leave I need you guys by my side. This next week is gonna be the hardest week of my life so far and I’m glad that I can run to you guys if I need anything. I get that I am the upperclassman here but we’re all in highschool. Nothing changes the older you get time just goes by quicker I’m glad I get this year and hopefully next year being your friend.” I said
I sat down and put my hand on her hip
“Who am I?” She whispered in my ear
“What do you mean who are you?” I said
“You said this is fast and furious am I Mia or Letty.” She asked
Oh my god She was a Letty and I was a Brian. Lefty’s don’t need Brian’s they need Dom’s
“You’re a Letty. A hot ass Latina badass just like you.” I said
We all sat there having our family breakfast before the hell fire the next day.
“Hey Rachel how’s your crush on our teacher going?” I asked
“How did you know?” She said
“Because you ain’t the first before you guys started there was a really hot female teacher.” I said
“Why couldn’t I have been there.” Puck said
“She was a lesbian.” I said
“What happened?” Rachel asked
“Nothing she was an Olympic swimmer before she started teaching she taught for one year and then left to be a swimsuit model.” I said
“Oh so she was like hot enough to be a model.” Puck asked
“She was hot enough to be more than a swimsuit model if she wanted to be.” I said
“Damn” puck said
Santana started to pinch me I had clearly had gone too far. I wasn’t used to being in a stable relationship. I would have to get used to this. After breakfast everybody left.
“So what do you want to do before my parents get home tomorrow.” Santana asked
“I want to watch a movie with you if that’s okay.” I said
“You wanna watch a movie and make out.” Santana asked
“We’re not upstairs what if we get caught?” I said
“We can go watch on the Tv downstairs.” Santana said
“Awsome.” I said Grabbing a hold of her hand and pulling her downstairs
“What do you wanna watch?” Santana asked
“Transformers?” I said
“Wow did I just switch Puck out for a female Puck.” I said
“How are you not like Puck.” Santana asked
“four fold one I can’t get anyone pregnant, two According to you I am better at Sex than he is, three I will NEVER cheat on you and four I have you in my arms right now and he doesn’t.” I said leaning down to kiss her
“Cuddles?” She asked as she snuggled into me
“Yes Cuddles” I said
The next day
Was decent except for it being obvious that pretty much everyone was picturing me naked all day. It was towards the end of the day. I only had one period left so 50 minutes. I kept my head down luckily this was one of my electives. Which was weight lifting the room was divided into the boys and girls. I just needed a physical education credit and didn’t like working with others so I signed up for this. Which was only taught one period but anyone in sports had to take it. Which made me very uncomfortable as the dudes kept staring.
“Okay split up into groups of two so that you can have spotters.” Coach Sylvester said
“Hey Britt can you be my spotter.” Quinn asked
“Yeah sure let’s go find a Bench.” Brittnay said
“Looks like I’m your partner.” Santana said smiling
“They keep staring at me.” I said
I got up and walked over to the single bench in the corner away from the others
“How much?” Santana asked
“What are we doing today?” I asked
Santana came closer and whispered “We’re doing bench babe are you okay.” Santana asked
“150 lbs” I said
I said as I lied down on the bench
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked
”No the girls kept staring at me as I changed. I felt horrible. I expected it from the guys but not from other girls. One of them when I got naked shouted out the same thing that the dude said when he saw me naked.I think that I might just stay in these clothes til we get home.” I said
“No you’ll come into the sports side of the changing room.” Santana said
“You will get introuble.” I said
Sue was making her rounds “Hey coach?” Santana asked quietly
“Yes Santana?” Sue said
“Look with the video situation. Can Y/N change in the Cheerio locker room when it’s mine and Quinn and Brittnay’s time.” Santana asked
“Yes” Sue said
“Thank you Coach” I said
“Are you gonna stay here?” Santana asked
“You know I would but I’ve just wanted to cry all day today.” I said changing the weights for her
“Yeah well I will come watch everything you do with the private school.” Santana said
“I will come support you to. Nothing is gonna change much.” I said
“Are you kidding me I walk certain ways to my classes just so that I can see you.” Santana said
“Okay well we will see each other’s performances. Trust me you’re the only reason I watch high school football games and I will come watch sectionals. I will see you before school and after school and on the weekends.” I said
“I’m gonna miss you.” Santana said
“Can you do one thing for me?” I asked
“Of course what?” Santana asked
“Protect Hope treat her like how I would I need someone to protect her but also tease her.” I said
“Ofcourse I already pretty much do that. Let’s head to the Locker room we can’t be late to your first glee club meeting back and last glee meeting.” Santana said
We went to the Cheerio Locker room and changed. Then we both headed to Glee club.
“Y/N you said you have a songs that you wanted to sing.” Mr.Schue said
“Yes sir.” I said
You tell me it gets better, it gets better in time You say I'll pull myself together, pull it together You'll be fine Tell me what the hell do you know What do you know Tell me how the hell could you know How could you know
'Til it happens to you, you don't know How it feels How it feels 'Til it happens to you, you won't know It won't be real No it won't be real Won't know how it feels
You tell me hold your head up Hold your head up and be strong 'Cause when you fall, you gotta get up You gotta get up and move on
Tell me, how the hell could you talk How could you talk? 'Cause until you walk where I walk It's just all talk
'Til it happens to you, you don't know How it feels How it feels 'Til it happens to you, you won't know It won't be real (how could you know?) No it won't be real (how could you know?) Won't know how I feel
'Til your world burns and crashes 'Til you're at the end, the end of your rope 'Til you're standing in my shoes, I don't wanna hear nothing from you From you, from you, 'cause you don't know
'Til it happens to you, you don't know How I feel How I feel How I feel 'Til it happens to you, you won't know It won't be real (how could you know?) No it won't be real (how could you know?) Won't know how it feels
'Til it happens to you, happens to you Happens to you Happens to you, happens to you Happens to you (how could you know?)
'Til it happens to you, you won't know how I feel
“Can I sing my last song at the end?” I asked
“Ofcourse.” Mr.Schue said
“We have prepared a song for you Y/N” Finn said
Everyone in Glee club except you got down
And I never thought I'd feel this way And as far as I'm concerned I'm glad I got the chance to say  That I do believe I love you And if I should ever go away Well, then close your eyes and try To feel the way we do today  And then if you can remember
Keep smilin', keep shinin' Knowing you can always count on me for sure That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times I'll be on your side forever more That's what friends are
Well, you came and opened me And now there's so much more I see And so by the way I thank you
Oh and then for the times when we're apart Well, then close your eyes and know These words are coming from my heart And then if you can remember
Oh, keep smilin' and keep shinin' Knowing you can always count on me for sure That's what friends are for
In good times and bad times I'll be on your side forever more Oh, that's what friends are for
Keep smilin', keep shinin' Knowing you can always count on me for sure That's what friends are for For good times and bad times I'll be on your side forever more That's what friends are for
Keep smilin', keep shinin' Knowing you can always count on me for sure 'Cause I tell you that's what friends are for For good times and for bad times
I'll be on your side forever more That's what friends are for (that's what friends are for, ya)
On me for sure (count on me for sure, count on me for sure) That's what friends are for
Keep smilin', keep shinin'
“Thank you.” I said crying “ I’m gonna miss seeing you guys every day I wrote my phone number on the board and you all know where I live if you need anything.”
I walked over and grabbed the gutair and sat on a stool.
Daddy, I'm afraid, won't you stay a little while? Keep me safe 'cause there's monsters right outside Daddy, please don't go, I don't wanna be alone 'Cause the second that you're gone they're gonna know Before he went to bed he grabbed my hand and said
Just 'cause I'm leavin' It don't mean that I won't be right by your side When you need me And you can't see me in the middle of the night Just close your eyes and say a prayer It's okay, I know you're scared when I'm not here But I'll always be right there Even though I'm leavin', I ain't goin' nowhere
Dad, we'll be late, and Uncle Sam don't like to wait He's got a big old plane that's gonna take me far away I know I act tough, but there's a churnin' in my gut 'Cause I just can't call you up when things get rough Before I left, he hugged my neck and said
Just 'cause you're leavin' It don't mean that I won't be right by your side When you need me And you can't see me in the middle of the night Just close your eyes and say a prayer It's okay, I know you're scared, I might be here But I'll always be right there Even though you're leavin', I ain't goin' nowhere
Daddy, I'm afraid, won't you stay a little while? I never thought I'd see the day I had to say goodbye Daddy, please don't go, I can't do this on my own There's no way that I can walk this road alone Well, daddy grabbed my hand and said
Just 'cause I'm leavin' It don't mean that I won't be right by your side When you need me And you can't see me in the middle of the night Just close your eyes and say a prayer It's okay, boy, I ain't scared I won't be here, but I'll always be right there Even though I'm leavin', I ain't goin' nowhere I ain't goin' nowhere
“Okay well everyone go home.” Mr.Schue said
“You’re really not here. Anymore” Santana said putter her arm around me
“Your officialy our competition.” Kurt said
“Not until regionals they had to change groups so that we had more time to practice with me joining. I said
“Oh will make it to regionals and you’re going down.” Rachel said
“Bye guys” I said waving and dragging Santana towards the car
I pounce we got in the car I put my head in my hands
“Well this isn’t what I planned for this year at all. I planned on keeping my head down and not doing anything. I planned on staying here at McKinley staying in the closet and being single. But I will choose this everytime.” I said putting one hand on the steering wheel and holding Santanas hand with the other.
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thetisming · 1 month
i thought about this and then got mad so once again:
WHO MR SCHUE WOULD CAST IN & JULIET (seasons 1-3, so none of the new New Directions)
this is pretty obvious. yes i'm aware Rachel is white. unfortunately, as we know, this is not Glee. this is tbe Rachel Berry show.
Santana would be so fucking mad about this casting for many reasons, and both she and Mercedes would audition for Juliet but ultimately Mr Schue would cast Rachel. would she be any good? probably. does anyone want her to play Juliet? no. except for like, her, William and Finn.
you heard that right, folks! this man is ONCE AGAIN casting adults in a high school show! nobody likes this decision, but this man is evil i fear. she would probably be pretty good at least.
IF he doesn't cast Emma, he casts Brittany. Santana would want to play William if Brittany was Anne. maybe he would cast Quinn, i could see that
naturally, he would cast himself as Will. Santana would give him a lot of shit about it. straight up just fuck that dude, but he would definitely cast himself as Will.
MAYBE Santana would get to play him. maybe Mike Chang (he wouldnt want to). or more likely Puckerman. mayne Artie?
we all knew it would be him. he'd be....fine. probably pretty good. Brittany and Kurt would both audition, and truly the obvious choice would be Brittany because she genuinely would be so great. for Kurt, it'd be the same reason as WSS where he's 'too gay'. anyway i dont have much to say about this, finchel blah blah blah William does shit
i am sorry, but you know it's true. Kurt would play May, he would be chosen because hes effeminate, he'd be really mad about it cause he wanted to play Romeo. he'd probably be pretty good but that doesnt mean he's happy about it
this one DOES actually make sense i think, i could genuinely see Darren as Frankie. so i dont think anyone would be too upset.
i could also see him casting Blaine as Will, but maybe that's just wishful thinking
would i cast Mercedes as Angelique? maybe. is Mr Schue only doing it because shes fat and Black, rather than because she would genuinely be great as Angelique? probably.
he would totally ignore everything she says about why she should play Juliet and just. ignore how good she is in favour of Rachel. as per usual
i could see Mercedes as Juliet, and i could also see her as Angelique because she would do a great job!!! she would probably audition for Juliet but ultimately, this is the Rachel Berry show.
LANCE - ???
i genuinely have no idea who he would cast as Lance, but my mum says Ken Tanaka. maybe he would cast Puck or Artie? idk
Mike would be Kempe and Tina would be Lucy and idk about everyone else, i am getting very tired
thank you for reading my mini essay
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crehador · 6 months
Can I ask, if you have top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why love them? Thx :D
this is such a fun thing to think about but my brain of course is just going "ichisama ichisama ichisama" nonstop, but now i will sit down and properly try to think of a top five (like the top 10 characters ask, i'll limit this to animanga and possibly group some together; i'm also limiting myself to ONLY icsm from hpmi, or this whole list would be hpmi lmao)
1. in first place of course it is ICHISAMA FOR LIFE
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using this image yet again because well it's right there in my pinned and very convenient
i am a sucker for the dumb of ass kind of heart one falling for the bad boy with a heart of gold one, ESPECIALLY when they have the friends to enemies to lovers arc that ichisama does (ok the to lovers part is obviously hc only but hoo boy it is a strong hc)
what can i say about them really besides that i am writing a fic a day for them every day this year. i think that. says it all lol
2. gotta be koyanagi/kabakura wotakoi AND kashima/hori gsnk
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while i'm not saying they are identical ships they definitely fall into the same bucket for me, and boy oh boy do i love that bucket
kashima and hori make me belligerently delighted, and koyanagi and kabakura make me a special sort of feral that i don't even know how to start in on
i really like narumi and hirotaka from wotakoi too, but there's something about koyanagi and kabakura that gets to me way more. the geek4geek dynamic is just impeccable with all four of them but the
koyanagi/kabakura wedding just gave me a special sort of glee. i just don't think there's a single thing i don't love to pieces about them, their backstory ova only makes them better
3. saaaaaaya and yuusuke from neon sign amber (aka aokise knb)
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obligatory shoutout to the boys of my FAVORITE BL OF ALL TIME ok so like as far as bl goes neon sign amber is really not the most unique thing, i would say. but that's what makes it so perfect to me
i feel like a lot of outstanding bl are great in ways that are 'atypical' for bl, like how saezuru is bl, sure, but also comes with a genuinely gripping gritty yakuza plot. and many others that are highly praised tend to be praised by people going "oh this is good because it's not like TYPICAL bl" which i have feelings about but let's not get into that here
neon sign amber is my favorite because it is very much a typical bl, it has a lot of the typical tropes (guy who's been historically straight but is "gay for you" for example)
i don't necessarily love any of those tropes, but i adore what neon sign amber does with them. it is practically a cookie cutter bl, but its characters (despite existing for only one volume of a manga) live in my heart forever. it takes that "gay for you" trope and doesn't gloss over the problems that could arise in a relationship like that, instead actually addressing them in a way i found satisfying
saya especially is one of my guys of all time, and given that they're kind of obviously aokise i'm lumping them in here too. mwah
4. idolish7 YUKIMOMO MY BELOVEDS (e banri)
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thought about this one a lot because i feel like i normally like them in a... normal way, so do they really make the top five? but honestly i think they do
i love their stage gay married act and i love to think that's very much rooted in a foundation of they are actually fucking in love with each other. but just that would've made them a cute but not too memorable ship to me
THEIR BACKSTORY THOUGH. MY GOD. first of all baby momo looks literally just like tdd ichiro which is a. a lot. for me. lmao but anyway setting that aside
momo discovering revale at such a pivotal time in his life, being saved by them, becoming their fans, and then being the one to replace banri after THAT happened??? and then five years later feeling like he's running out of time with yuki and ad;slkfja;lkdsfj
i'm becoming incoherent just thinking about it. anyway i guess this is kind of an ot3 for me though i like it in very much a "we are a couple and we are, as a couple, dating banri" sort of thing (not because they wouldn't ever see banri as an equal partner but because imo banri has better things to do than get too involved in that lol)
5. this last one... is so tough... i think i'm giving it to VARIOUS RELATIONSHIPS IN TOKYO GHOUL
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ok this is absolutely cheating and ultimately i think what i would have to say is kaneki and hide because like. eat my face to survive is peak romance to me, sorry. as if it's my fault
HOWEVER there are just so many relationships in tokyo ghoul that i'm absolutely obsessed with. amon/akira and nishio/kimi especially!! amon and akira are so so so delightful to me, in a way similar to roy and riza fma, and nishio and kimi are just. i mean. again. eat me to survive. peak romance
(and i swear i'm not a nishio stan because of voice actor bias, i have not watched tokyo ghoul yet because i have been repeatedly and sternly warned away from it... nishio is one of my manga favorites even without the asnm factor, but good fucking lord does the asnm factor tempt me to watch)
the writing in tokyo ghoul is genuinely just so good to me. the main plot is fantastic but what really makes it is the relationships between characters, both romantic and not
(also a fan of the one-sided tsukiyama/kaneki thing going on but strictly as a one-sided thing lol, tsukiyama get wrecked (said with affection))
so i think that is. more or less where my top five would be. though it's like. it's hard. and probably always changing. those are the first beloved ones to come to my though so they will go in this post and i will smack myself in the forehead and be like "I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ______" as soon as i go to sleep probably
thank you for the ask!
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dotieeee · 2 years
The Dream That Got Away
Chapter 13
Pairing: Dark!Morpheus x You (no Y/N!)
This is a multi-chapter fic — Weekly updates (either Saturday or Sunday) because I found a rhythm of sorts lol
(The entire fic has been outlined, so I will see this to the end, you have my word)
Link to the Masterlist
Overall Warnings!! Take heed:
Morpheus is DARK – in canon, he changes for the better (or at least, tries to – but we don’t do canon lol, so he goes even more batshit crazy) cue obsession, manipulation, possessiveness, powerplay
18+ ONLY – explicit scenes will be present, some explicit language
DUB-CON and NON-CON scenes
Character death (sort of)
Creator vs Creation drama
And other dark stuff that may be added in the future
This chapter’s warnings:
graphic dub-con ahead - turn back now if this disturbs you :)
touch-starved Morpheus should be a warning of its own
PTSD and trauma angst, and selective amnesia (depicted creatively) resulting from trauma
reader still hearing voices
manipulation galore
You have been warned!! Proceed with caution!!!
Link to the previous chapter
Chapter 13: Under the Starry Night Sky
You whip your head around in alarm at the voice, a young woman’s, that had just entered the room and echoed inside the dungeon.
Impossible. Could she have –?
She stands in the corner of the dungeon twirling her wild, multi-coloured, shoulder-length hair, wearing a brown coat too large for her petite frame over her underwear and what seems to be a torn fishnet body suit. She has the appearance of a teenager, but there’s something about her that feels like she’s older than she looks – dangerous, powerful…  
“I don’t like being ogled at. That’s a funny word, but ‘gawk’ is even funnier, I think,” she says, her voice almost having the quality of a thousand colours in the spectrum. “I do that a lot, these days – think? Even right now, I’m thinking of thinking, while also thinking about what you’re thinking.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ogle, or gawk, or stare,” you amend, flashing her a small smile in greeting. “Lady Delirium.”
She ignores your greeting and favours continuing her line of questioning.
“I can also hear the Voice thinking, but it already went quiet.”
Your smile is wiped off your face at once at her words. Before you, Lady Delirium keeps muttering to herself, confirming what you had dreaded when she walked in.
“I hear voices all the time, you know. There’s that one from the butcher shop, then two coming from a saleslady at a posh department store – I never liked their clothes, they always look so, uh, posh-y, I don’t know the word really. Then there’s this one lady who can actually see me, except no one believes her. But the voice inside her talks to me too. Yours won’t talk now. Do you know ‘what’s here’?”
“I don’t know, actually,” you say slowly, trying to choose your words carefully. “You mean, you can actually hear it?”
Swaying on her feet, she starts creating bubbles out of thin air, popping them with glee. “Oh yeah. It’s not very friendly to me. Not yet anyway, they all become my friends in the end. What about you? Are you a friend?”
Caught by surprise at the question, you stammer, “I – but of course, i-if my Lady wishes me so,” you manage with a shy smile.
“Great!” Lady Delirium exclaims, taking both your hands in hers. Her wide, mismatched eyes look into yours with delight, and you return her toothy grin, even if you find her stare somewhat unnerving – it’s a stare that feels like it sees you bare, looking through and living in your innermost thoughts.
“I’ve heard friends help each other find what they lost. You see, we lost a brother,” she says as she quite literally drags you out of the dungeon by the sleeve. You both reach the foot of a staircase, presumably ascending to one of the main halls, where she stops suddenly, looking at you with doe eyes and a pout. “I tried convincing my siblings to help me look for him, but they all turned me away like I was a n-n-uuu-isaaance.”
Right before you, she pauses her speech as her hair transitions from her rainbow-coloured hair, shortening to almost a dull, badly cut bob. She pops a lone bubble dolefully, before asking, “Do you think I’m a nnuuu-iiissaaance, Mera?”
“Of course not, my Lady,” you reply with a soft smile, recalling a certain Endless who had turned away and rejected your pleas. “I know the feeling.”
“So, you’ll help me find my brother? The one we lost, I mean, not the mean one, or Destiny, ‘cause he’s not going anywhere, he never leaves his garden, you know…”
“I’ll help in any way I can.”
With a thrilled squeal, Lady Delirium lets go of you and climbs the stairs, with you following behind.
Shit. Suddenly, you remember: she can hear the Voice and she may very well tell her brother.
“Uh, Lady Delirium?” you call out to her as she wobbles in her steps off the far end of the hallway.
“Remember how you said we can be friends?” you start, shooting her a hopeful look. “Can you keep the Voice you heard a secret? Please?”
She turns her head at you, her mouth forming a comical ‘o’ at your request. Finally, she says, “Sure, I keep many secrets, I’m rather good at them! The people who see me tend to reveal stuff, and even if they don’t really like telling them, they tell me anyway. Even Dream has a secret, but I can’t tell you…” With a flair, she places her forefinger to her lips.
“Thank you, Lady Delirium,” you say with a relieved sigh.
Taking your hand once more, she walks on, turning right to another hallway you’re not familiar with. She continues telling you stories that don’t connect and don’t make sense, but you listen anyway, knowing she could teach you a thing or two.
“I know where we can start looking for my brother. He created the Abyss, and Dream offered it a place to stay somewhere here, in his realm, but I don’t really know where. But I’m close, I think? I just rowed to the wrong island, I think.”
“Hang on,” you wonder, your curiosity spiking. “Isn’t that just a myth? The Abyss?”
“I suppose it could be for someone who hasn’t really seen it,” she just replies casually.
After three of four left turns and five rights, you later find yourselves in the same hallway as before when you came out of the dungeon’s staircase.
“My Lady, I think we’re lost…” you comment, looking around for another way out besides what you’ve already passed.
Her only reply is cryptic.
“Being lost is only temporary, but if it isn’t, then maybe you’re meant to be there and you’re not really lost, I dunno,” she says with a nonchalant shrug. She then pushes the door to her left open and enters, with you trailing behind.
You’re greeted by the sight of the tall, all-black figure of Dream of the Endless, standing in the middle of the room.
“My sister, my Dream,” he acknowledges you both, tilting his head in his sister’s direction. “What brings you both here? Little sister, you know better than to enter my realm without consulting me in my Gallery.”
“But you weren’t answering, and Desire told me to ‘go away,’” she counters, her hair growing rapidly and turning ash-blonde with red and green highlights. At her brother’s hard, chastising stare, she continues, her voice quivering as if trying not to cry, “And Death is busy, as always, and Destiny just kept telling me nonsense, I couldn’t make out any of his words, and Despair told me to ‘give up’ but you know I can’t, I just miss our brother terribly and what if something bad happened, or something…so there.”
The Dream Lord sighs in mild irritation before pinching the bridge of his nose.
“We have been through this, little sister. Our brother does not want to be found. Now, I have my realm to attend to. Perhaps it’s best you return to yours.”
“I knew you’d say that,” she says with a dejected sigh. “At least Mera was kind enough to offer help.” She sticks her tongue out at her brother, before waving at you farewell and disappearing into a blinding, white crack in the space.
You had expected (or hoped?) to see Lady Delirium again, but you don’t see a single hair of hers after her visit. More than a month has since passed – but then again, you had stopped counting since the second week. You’re still imprisoned – in the castle and in your own mind. If you aren’t catatonically staring out to open the sea or the grey walls, or in bed, sleeping, you take to locking yourself up in the bathroom after your Dream Lord leaves for his duties. The Voice isn’t much help either. It has so far only spoken one thing since it’s been heard by Lady Delirium: the word ‘dungeon.’ Exactly what the fuck that meant, you had entirely no clue. Perhaps it isn’t really the Voice you heard, but you going out of your mind. After all, why would Lady Delirium choose to come to you, if you had not started going over the edge?
Having so much time alone by yourself, you had every opportunity to replay the events that had led to your imprisonment, but since that day you saw a vision of the blurry man in Ethan the Knight’s place, your memory has been coming in fragments, if not an entirely blank sheet. No matter how hard you try or how loud you scream, nothing would come, except distorted shapes and muddled emotions.
It has been hours since your Dream Lord left this morning. As you sit on the cold bathroom floor hugging your knees to your chest, crying desperately for any recall that wouldn’t come, it dawns on you that you had hit rock bottom and are in bad need of help.
You had called to him many times before. Will he listen to your pleas this time?
Dream of Endless expects that when he comes home to you and to the tower he’s keeping you in, he’ll find you on the bathroom floor sulking.
He had known for quite some time that you had switched from watching the sea melancholically to hiding in the bathroom whenever he’s gone away. He has watched you gradually spiral into depression at being left in the castle for long periods of time without anything to do besides wandering the decrepit fortress, and there are some days he wonders to himself whether he had gone too far in punishing you, if your recent brush with his sister Delirium is anything to go by. On those days in question, he would find his resolve weakening when he hears you plead so woefully beside him as he holds you close in the night, but of course, he never lets it show. In response, would only shush your crying in the softest ways he can – you had to learn, you had to live through your penance before he could shower you with all the luxury the whole of Dreaming can offer. He could not let you, his most beloved, walk away without so much as a slap on your wrist for defying his orders and daring to love anyone else other than him, to whom all your love, affection, and loyalty should belong. It had hurt him the way you continued spurning him, true, but your suffering brought him no joy. Also, although he had thoroughly taken boundless pleasure in every single night he had laid with you, it certainly does not sit well with him to have to force you to fulfil your duties to him, your King, as the King himself does to his realm. No matter: he is sure you will one day see the error of your ways.
And he had another reason for keeping you in the tower and away from everyone else: he knew from the very beginning that isolating you – when you’re still mourning the loss of that detestable mortal that dared keep you from him by way of that deplorable magic – would drive you to inconsolable spirits, and who better to save you from despair than him? He is aware he had started to chip off your rebelliousness, and you had started seeking him yourself to plead your case – he will take you back to his palace eventually, and if he does it at just the right time, he might be able to push you further into accepting your place beside him as his princess-consort.
Morpheus arrives on the balcony of the tower, tired from a long day and very much ready to spend the entire night hogging your warmth. He lets out an imperceptible sigh of relief – since he has placed you here, he has looked forward to coming home to you every night. He could just see how happy you would both be in each other’s arms under the pale moonlight of the Dreaming once he has reinstated your place in his own palace at the heart of his kingdom.
The instant he steps inside the room, he hears soft sobs coming from the bathroom. He reaches you in no time, sitting beside you on the floor and scooping you in his arms. It warms his heart the way you wrap your arms around him at once; he knows you’re starved for company, so he relishes the willing contact. He buries his face in your hair, greedily taking in your scent.
“My Lord, please,” he hears you beg against his shirt, your voice cracking from crying all day. “Please, take me back to the palace, I beg you. I’m trying not to lose my mind, but it’s just so damn hard when all I get to see is this stupid, decaying castle all the time.”
“It pains me to see you this distraught, dream of mine,” he replies softly as he caresses your exposed cheek with his forefinger. Has he pushed you close to your limit?
“Then, free me, my Lord…please,” you choke out.
Vaguely, he recalls the same words from a woman he thought he once loved: one he had sent to Hell for scorning him as you have done.
This time, could he find it in his heart to forgive?
But, this woman was nothing like you, the dream he had so lovingly and meticulously crafted to perfection.
Morpheus carefully chooses his next words. “My Mera, I do not mean to cause you so much anguish.”
Your voice comes as a faint whisper, but the subtle rebuke in it makes him pause momentarily.
“And yet you insist on keeping me here as punishment for something I can’t even remember…
“I know I did something bad, I tried to escape, but my memory – they come in fragments. And I try, but every time I think I’m close, everything becomes blurry again,” you say weakly as he feels your trembling hand crumple his shirt to try to stave off the fresh bout of tears.
“I just want to go back, please…”
Dream, lost for words, places a lingering kiss on your hair as he weaves his sand to send you to unconsciousness. If you were on the brink of mental collapse, he needs you in deep sleep to confirm his suspicions.
He had vowed to himself never to stoop so low as to dive into your mind, let alone even touch your thoughts, but he had to see for himself what your state of mind has become. Once inside, he immediately notices a barrier: behind it are memories of Oliver Chapman and all the time you spent with him – all of it he finds revolting and insulting, it actually leaves a bitter, lingering taste on his tongue. He watches every single memory with shaking fists, allowing his bitter jealousy to course through his veins. This is the first time he’s looking into your so-called love through your eyes, and he wants nothing at that moment but to squeeze the life out of the man that had stolen you right under his nose. He turns away when he gets to a kiss you shared at a bar – he might not help himself from spilling the mortal’s blood if he so much as witnessed another one, and a kiss you had willingly shared with him, at that. Seeing you readily run to the arms of that man felt like he had been stabbed in the heart – what he had sought from you, you had freely given to another: that fact alone is enough to make his Endless blood boil. He then remembers he has a nightmare he’s about to finish – it could be time he assigned that nightmare to torment only the human specifically?
Shaking himself from his train of thought, he remembers what he came here for – torturing the man can wait. He taps the glass-like barrier you had encased those abhorrent memories in.
Admittedly, he had thought of doing this himself just so you could forget your love for the cursed Chapman, but it seems like you had beaten him to it. You had apparently done this yourself subconsciously, likely in order to shield yourself from further trauma. Your own subconscious has declared that memories of your love for that mortal were a danger to your wellbeing, to which he agrees enthusiastically. He sneers slightly in mild amusement: he had powers that now could rival the Morningstar himself, so he could simply shatter the barrier without breaking a sweat. But, why would he?
He had, at last, gotten rid of his rival to your heart, and he didn’t even have to lift a finger.
Satisfied with this development, he ceases his connection to your mind and carries you to the bed, noting how you had turned so frail in your time here. He lays down on your side so he could cuddle you close and listen to your beating heart, which he knows one day will beat only for him.
Perhaps it’s time he takes you back to his castle. And if he plays his cards right, he would have you so grateful that he had finally come to your aid and you’d ultimately surrender to him fully, as he had always envisioned you would.
Morpheus wakes you up the next morning to deliver the news. He never tears his eyes away from the way your eyes slowly light up as the realization of freedom hits you, to the way you give him the warmest, most genuine smile he has ever seen from you since his capture. He tries not to be blinded by it, even as the smile is fully directed at him and no one else, like it always should.
“Allow me three days to ensure that you want for nothing in your return.”
Inwardly, he praises himself at the idea of making you wait a little more – he would build up your hope and excitement for your return, making you even more pliable to his wishes. He sees your smile falter a little at the mention of waiting, but what are three more days, when your King is at long last granting what you had so endearingly begged for?
He finds it difficult to keep his composure when you wrap your arms around him in a delicate hug – he just melts in it as he tightens the hug. He couldn’t help burying his face in the groove of your neck, inadvertently planting an innocent kiss. He allows himself a tiny smirk – everything is going according to his plan.
The ray of hope that filtered through the room in the form of your freedom was thin, but it was enough to brighten your room a little when your Dream Lord leaves for his duties. This was the only good news you’d ever heard since your imprisonment; you had not been able to stop yourself from impulsively hugging him at the height of your emotions.
It’s when he’s left, however, that the Voice makes known its opinion:
Don’t trust him.
This makes you wonder: is this promise of his another one of his cruel mind games? You know well enough of your master to tell that he can change his mind on a whim, and you realize he might just take it all back the moment he feels the slightest resistance from you.
But in all honesty, what else could you do, knowing he’s your only way out of this place? You release a heavy puff as you sit on the edge of the bed so you could compose yourself. If you could last the next three days being the demure subject and obeying your King’s bidding, he’d have no reason to go back on his word.
Either way you go, you’re screwed.
Thankfully for you, the next two days coasted by with nothing but your frazzled nerves to deal with. Your Dream King had been merciful enough to sense that you weren’t in the mood to sleep with him in any way, so he let you be, only holding you close to his chest as he waited for you to fall asleep. You had drowsily asked him a random question about how you hadn’t seen Jessamy; he had responded after a long pause about his beloved raven’s death at the hands of his captors. He had spoken with so much vulnerability, you actually caressed his face with your fingers to try and comfort him before drifting off. It was probably the only time he’d ever be vulnerable with you.
You watch the afternoon sun in the Dreaming slowly sink into the horizon, painting the sky and sea with a thousand shades of purples and oranges, signalling the kingdom’s passage to a starry night its King is partial to.
That means the monarch in question is about to arrive to spend his night with you in your prison cell.
Dream of the Endless appears on the balcony a little after the sun has fully set and the stars have begun glittering in the night sky. He finds you there, staring at the sea, and he watches you turn gracefully to acknowledge him, your silhouette standing out against the midnight blue sky. He feels his heart warm at the way you hold his gaze for a few moments – but then you turn away, breaking the spell. You’re still uneasy around him, it seems.
But, to him, it’s a simple fix: once he takes you back to his castle, he’ll never let you leave his side. You’ll have all the time in the universe to start warming up to him.
He approaches your side languidly, never speaking a word as he takes in the scenery, allowing only the hushed sounds of waves crashing against the rocky cliff to break the silence. This will probably be the last time in a long while that he’ll have you fully to himself – he knows other creatures of the Dreaming would take up your time, because who wouldn’t love their new princess-consort? – and so he just wants to savour this moment, and this night, with you.
Quietly, he looks up at the star-filled sky, fondly recalling a promise he had made to you in your sleep.
“A little more than a hundred years ago, I vowed that you’d fall asleep in my arms under the Dreaming stars.”
Morpheus turns to face you fully, and you do the same, perhaps out of habit, he muses, but you continue averting your eyes, looking at anything but him. This wouldn’t do, of course, so lifts your chin with a finger and, closing the distance between you, he kisses your soft lips, revelling in your taste. He feels your lips move against his, albeit shyly, but it doesn’t matter – it’s enough to fuel the fire stirring within him like only you could, and nothing else, no one else, could quell it for him. He cups your cheek and angles his head to deepen the kiss, allowing his tongue to repeatedly slide over yours as you bashfully try to keep up.
But a passionate lip lock isn’t enough – it’s never enough for him – he wants you, he’s always wanted only you, and he wastes no time wrapping his arms around your figure as his sand transports you both to a portion of the island he had prepared for this night. He places both his hands on your waist to steady you before you break your footing as you both land on the seashore. Reluctant as he was to break your kiss, he pulls away so he could carry you, bridal style, to the bed that he had fashioned out of his sand just mere seconds ago. Unlike the bed in the tower, it had no upper panels, allowing for an unobstructed view of the Dreaming’s dark, starry canvas. He lays you down on the silky covers like you’re a porcelain doll he’s afraid to break, before shedding these troublesome clothes he had with a wordless command. He gets on the bed, his thighs on both sides of your hips straddling you. He leans closer to you, his lips stopping just a hairbreadth away from yours, and he speaks:
“You will find that I intend to be true to my word.”
He then sits up, intent on admiring the way look, splayed out underneath him so exquisitely; with your chest visibly heaving up and down in anticipation of his touches, and your hair fanning out to reveal that beauty of a face he crafted. He needs to see more of you, so much more, and yet he gives himself the joy of untying your belt, the only thing that holds your dress in place, with the gentleness akin to unwrapping a fragile gift. Slowly, he peels the dress off, baring that perfect body he so lovingly crafted – it’s all for him to see, to taste, to take, and he plans on reacquainting himself with every inch of you as if he had not already done so almost every night for the past month.
With his hands, he traces every part of you slowly, remembering how he poured his heart out when he crafted you. He begins with your lips, still red from the kiss you shared, to your neck, which he laments is still empty of his marks – he must do something about that, but not a moment too soon. His fingers find their way to your breasts, lazily brushing over your nipples as they perk under his touch. But then, when you start trembling underneath him, he glances at your face: he finds your eyes squeezed shut, with tears gathering at the corners – you were trying to conceal your sobs from him.
Why do you cry so, when all he means is to give you endless ecstasy? Could it be that you still longed for someone else, when he had made it explicitly clear that you belonged to him? Could you be thinking of that mortal? His jaw clenches with ire at the thought, but he reels that feeling in – he is aware of how you’re subconsciously repressing the memories you have of that man, so he needs to think rationally and focus on you.
Besides, there is no one else who can pleasure you the way he does.
“No more of your tears, my little dream. Do not fret: I will make you feel good.”
It matters not to him the way you shake your head in denial – he bends down to kiss your tears away, before moving to capture your lips. He needs you to feel just much you’re sending him on edge with longing, and so he marks you: your jaw, your neck, your collarbones – he covers them in no time with angry welts as he alternates between sucking and biting your flesh. He could feel the blood rushing to his groin, but he sets aside seeking his relief for later, knowing you need it more than him. When his mouth finds one of your breasts and his teeth graze your nipple, you arch your back to him and moan. He bites down even harder, emboldened by your response, and moves to the other breast and lavishes it with just as much attention. The hand that isn’t squeezing your breast traces downwards from your stomach down to the mound between your legs, and he hears you gasp audibly before panting. Gently, he massages your folds, taking delight in the way he makes you wet and start squirming in his grasp. He’s thirsty, and only your nectar could fill him – he places one final lick on your breasts before caressing his way down to your folds. He parts your thighs, admiring the way your opening glistens with wetness. He makes sure he never breaks eye contact with you as he lowers down and starts delving right in.
The moment he starts lapping your juices, you let out a breathy moan and lift your hips to meet his mouth. Grabbing one of your inner thighs to still you, he parts your folds using his tongue and starts flicking your nub with it. The way you cry out makes his cock twitch in anticipation – he’s painfully hard now, but he knows he needs to hold out for you. He intensifies your pleasure by inserting his middle finger into your tight opening. You jerk at the intrusion, but he holds you still while he sucks your clit, sliding his finger in and out and enjoying the way you shake beneath him. Once he adds a second finger inside, he feels you tug his hair harshly. He lets out a pleasured groan and picks up the pace he set with his fingers. He knows you’re close, so he lets his fingers brush over your spot as the continues to suck in your sweet nectar. In no time, your thighs start trembling as you cry your climax out, and like a starved man, he laps up everything you offer him. He then leans back just in time to see you come undone, gasping for air as you finish. He withdraws his fingers from you, coated in your arousal. He gently opens your mouth and issues a command to lick it clean. It stirs him up further, the way you look at him with innocence as you suck them with puckered lips. When he’s satisfied with your work, he takes your hand and places it on his throbbing erection.
“Can you not see the effect you have on me, my Mera? No one else can make me feel the way you do,” he purrs, guiding your fumbling hand up and down his shaft.
But, like always, he wants his undoing to be after you had found yours multiple times, and he prefers being inside you as he does, so he releases your hand and lowers himself closer to your body so he could breathe you in. He clasps his length and uses it to part your folds before positioning himself over your slick opening.
Dream releases a sigh of relief as he slides inside your velvety walls – inside you is where finds his home – and how he wishes he could stay within you forever. He enters you gradually, but it’s pure torture for him to wait as your strangled cries die down, when all he could think of is taking you wildly, so he breathes heavily as he rolls his hips ever-so-slightly to seek some form of comfort. You’re so tight around him, he couldn’t help the groan of pleasure that escapes him as your walls clamp around his length. He begins with slow, deliberate thrusts, while he watches you fist the sheets beneath you. He takes your arms and wraps them around himself so you could hold on to him. As he sets a sensual pace, he drowns out your sobbing with his mouth and runs his tongue over your lips, tasting your salty tears. He knows your tears will eventually turn to cries of pleasure, so he needs to be patient. He continues this laborious pace of his to draw out your little whimpers while he licks and sucks on your jawline and massages your breasts. Eventually, he feels you instinctively meet his hips, so his thrusts become harder and faster, and you reward him by digging your nails into his back and moaning louder. He would never tire of hearing you make such sweet music as he hits your spot over and over.
He then hooks your leg around his waist to deepen his thrusts – he grunts with every roll of your hips together, and for a time, your bodies move in perfect sync. Within minutes, your screams of pleasure fill the shore, and he knows he’s about to bring you over the edge – so he grasps your hips and finally starts taking you in the rhythm and force he had craved since the beginning. He lets loose as his thrusts become more unforgiving, and with a harsh snap of his hips, you come undone beneath him, your body quivering all over as your walls clench desperately around his cock. Right before his eyes is a vision of you he burns into his memory: your hair damp with sweat, your eyelashes fluttering as your eyes close, mouth parted in desire as you scream obscenities into the night – you had never looked more ravishing in his eyes.
But he isn’t done with you yet, not by a stretch. He allows you to catch your breath, but only for a while – he then flips your positions over swiftly so you’re lying on top of him, careful not to pull out of you. He growls a command over your ears:
“Ride your King, dream of mine, and make yourself come.”
And like the obedient little dream you are, you sit up and start moving shyly on top of him, withdrawing from his cock and sinking back down. He watches intensely as you rock your hips, your breasts bouncing with every movement. He reaches up to cup one with his hand as his other digs into your waist so he could control your pace as he thrusts upward. You continue grinding into him until you come apart for the second time, throwing your head back so he could get a clear view of your neck and collarbones littered with his love bites. The sight is almost enough to bring him to the edge, he has to hold himself back, clenching his jaw and growling as your core tightens around his length – you, above him, screaming hoarsely in your passion, bathed from head to toe in the light of a billion stars: his ethereal goddess, his only lover, collapsing on top of him in full bliss.
Morpheus is done waiting, he decides. He slides from underneath you and helps you get on all fours, with your elbows propped for support. From behind you, he gets into position, lifting your hips further in the air, and sinks his throbbing cock inside you. His breath hitches at the way you readily take him in while you make a strangled noise at his intrusion. He senses that you’re close to being overstimulated by the way you try to wriggle away, but he grips your hips with bruising force to keep you in place.
He does not start right away – he just rolls his hips softly, even though it brought him endless torment, restraining himself like so. After a short while, he hears you whine and start pushing into him, but with a sadistic smirk, he holds your hips still.
“Please, my Lord…” he hears you beg beneath him.
Leaning over your ear, Dream whispers, “‘Please’ what, my dream? Use your words.”
“Get it over with, please, I can’t take it anymore,” comes your pained reply.
He just lets out a dark chuckle which makes you shiver. Oh, how he enjoys teasing you like so. “Those aren’t the right words.”
He hears you let out an indignant whimper, before letting out in an embarrassed whisper, “Please, just fuck me, my Lord, please…”
He need not be told twice.
“As my little dream wishes.”
With the force and speed only an Endless could muster, Morpheus ruts into you with wanton abandon, chasing after his own release. The way your core clamps around his cock as he pounds into you relentlessly makes him groan loudly into the night, while your hoarse moans and cries fill his ears, making for one sinful harmony. Not one to neglect you, he starts rubbing your clit, earning hoarse screams from you. He sets a pace you could no longer keep up with, so he tightens his grip on your hips as he pulls you towards him. He has only one thought as he focuses on the way his cock fully sinks into your body again and again: he will never take another lover in his lifetime, he will never want anyone else – he only burns for you, and he will continue to burn only for you even as the last star in the universe gives its last dying flicker.
He is close, and he can feel it; he starts losing his rhythm, his hips slamming into yours with strength that makes you buckle – as you climax beneath him, your walls clamp down on his cock with so much pressure, he loses control: with a roar that shakes the entire island and the ocean surrounding it, Dream’s orgasm hits him in shockwaves – time slows around him as he says your name over and over like a prayer to the goddess underneath him. He releases his seed and fills you up with it, while you clench and milk him for all he’s worth – he pumps inside you until he’s got nothing more to give, eventually stilling his movements, before you both collapse on the bed, with him rolling to the side, careful not to crush you.
Wasting no time, he pulls you close so you could listen to his heartbeat – will you pull away, like you always do? It always hurt him a little bit when do after you had shared such an intimate act, so when you stay limp in his arms, he holds you even closer, as he kisses you so softly, so deeply, letting his lips convey what he couldn’t with words. He then pulls away, sensing you were in no state to respond and strokes your cheeks while he watches your eyes flutter in exhaustion. You both listen to the gentle crashing of the waves on the shore under the starry night, the only witnesses to how he made love to you all night with an all-consuming passion.
Finally, he confesses into the night:
“I hold your heart so dearly, my Mera – would it be so much to ask of you to hold mine, too?”
But the only response he receives is your deep steady breathing, signalling you’d already fallen asleep. Nevertheless, his heart sings at his fulfilled promise. He has many more of them to carry out just for you, and you have nothing but an eternity ahead to open up to him.
The first thing that registers when you come to is the hollow pain in your lower abdomen. That had been a normal occurrence for you this past month since you had begun sharing your master's bed, especially from last night’s activities. You sit up, suddenly feeling a different set of sheets underneath you from the one you had slept in last night. You rub the sleep away from your eyes before looking around wildly, half-expecting you’d still be looking at the grey, stone-brick walls and grimy windows.
What greets you makes you jump out of bed and ignore the throbbing ache between your legs.
The room you woke up to is large and blindingly white, owing to the marble floors and walls and sunlight streaming from the windows spanning from the floor to the ceiling and the doors that open to an expansive balcony. You had slept and woken up to this a few times before and remember it clear as day.
You’re in your Dream Lord’s chambers.
You must have lost your mind at last, and you’re just hallucinating all of this, you think. This can’t be real, right? Could he really have brought you back, knowing how much you resisted him last night?
You wrap the silk sheets around your naked body and slowly saunter to the open balcony in disbelief.
But the scenery that unfolds before you do not vanish, as visions often do. With tears cascading down your cheeks, you stare with wonder at the beauty of the heart of the Dreaming like it’s your first time, finally convincing yourself that this is real thisisreal –
“My dream,” comes a deep, velvety voice from behind you.
Your creator, closing in on you, cups your tear-stained cheeks and gently plants a kiss on your forehead.
“You’re home.”
This confirmation is all it takes for you to burst into tears of unadulterated joy.
Do not trust him, is all the Voice says in your head.
“…I leave you in the expert hands of your headwaiter, Taramis. Thank you all for coming, and I’ll see you all at the party.”
With a final curtsy, you leave the parlour, mouthing thanks to Taramis, who gives you a little bow in response before his army of servers swarms the guests to take in their choice of refreshments.
It has been exactly six months since your Dream Lord has taken you back to his castle. He had since tasked Lucienne to train you officially for your new royal position, which you had of course passed with flying colours. Your master, ever with his fondness of theatrics and grand gestures, insisted that he host a party to celebrate your official ascent as his princess-consort. He had made it clear that day that there’d be no room for arguments, especially from you. So, today, the entire Dreaming is in a festive mood, with the entire palace staff, and in extension, you, running around like a headless chicken to greet and accommodate guests he had invited from different realms across the entire universe.
The day had not even started, and you already couldn’t wait for it to end.
He wouldn’t like it, of course, when he finds out you’d been helping, but it isn’t like there’s much of a choice: you had woken early, and when you saw that some of the guests had started arriving early, you had pleaded with Morwyn to help you dress and not tell a word about it to the Dream Lord, and ran down so you could help in welcoming them – goodness knows Lucienne is already swamped with work as she always is. And it wouldn’t hurt at all to leave a good first impression, right?
Great. You’re now simping for royalty you don’t even know.
After ensuring that the first batch of guests has been well taken care of, you had to let your master know that some of his guests have arrived, as it’s only polite for the Dream King to greet them himself, as the grand host.
You had received word from a frantic Lucienne that the King had an audience he attended to in his office in the library. You had found it odd that he’d be receiving company in an office he barely used, but then again, his oddities are by now, completely normal to you.
You reach the office in question, slightly surprised to find the door slightly ajar. Inside, you could hear your master in a seemingly tense conversation with someone sounding so vaguely familiar.
“…I let you retrieve it because I knew you were mourning, brother. But to go as far as to keep it to yourself and hide it from me? You can’t just keep doing as you please with it,” says the familiar voice, firm and chastising.
“And yet, I believe we had an understanding that you are not to touch it, most especially not in my presence, dear sister,” comes your Dream Lord’s much harsher, biting tone.
A heavy silence passes between the two, and not wanting to eavesdrop any further, albeit unintentionally, you knock on the door to make your presence known.
“Enter,” comes the terse command of your Dream Lord.
“I’m sorry to interrupt –” you start to say as you push the door wider, only to stop dead in your tracks.
Lady Death, with her kind, wide smile, brushes past her brother to approach you and hugs you warmly in greeting. You couldn’t hug back in your surprise, but she seems to think none of it. She pulls away, still with that comforting gaze of hers as she gives you an affectionate stroke on your cheek.
“I am so glad to have finally met you, Mera. My little brother has told me all about you.”
****************************** Link to the next chapter
Author notes on the Chapter:
To the anon who sent an ask about Dream's POV, thank you for reminding me that I have been neglecting our dear Morphy's POV for quite some time now, so this smut in his POV is for you!! I hope I conveyed his thought processes properly!!
On a side note, two Endless??! What could possibly be going on?
Plot also keeps growing, I thought I had only up to 17 chapters for this fic, but now onto 19!! Who woulda thought lmao
Author's notes in general:
Thank you, THANK YOU for reading!!
Please engage, comment and reblog!! I love feedback from you guys :) This is my first ever fic, so kindness is truly appreciated!
Thank you to my queen @queenshelby @endlessdreamqueen3 for encouraging me to pen this, as well as to my fellow Dark!Morpheus writers whose work I have thoroughly enjoyed and keep rereading :)
Post date: 1/14/22
Edit date: 1/15/22
Taglist: Just lemme know please if you want to be added, too!
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Genuinely sorry if I fail to add blog names that have requested to be part of this list, I forget (not as much as Mera, but hey)
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