#like something clearly happened to him young and he never rlly processed it properly
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psychoticwillgraham · 6 months ago
very tempted to write blaine being an utterly unhinged maniac for my halloween horror bingo fics
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babysizedfics · 4 years ago
i know u have the moving stuff going on so u can answer this whenever u get a chance but i got an ouchie so how would the boys react to getting an ouchie? does mama or papa give the boys bandaids? does ro ever get hurt and fall out of headspace? im just v interested! 🐝
We addressed Roman's reaction to getting a boo boo in this headcanon and now i'm gonna build on the virgil side of it!!
i just wanna mention that i hc adult virgil as being very good at hiding physical pain - like Too good, i remember we said once that he didn't tell the light sides about his allergy to eggs and accidentally ate some in pattons baking and had a reaction - but he hid it from them for a few hours until it got pretty unbearable. also he's just not overly aware of physical pain, i like to think its part of his autism that while he is hyPERsensitive to temperature and textures he is hyPOsensitive (less sensitive) to physical pain
HOWEVER we all know vee is very emotional and jumpy when regressed and i think being a baby makes him much more subconsciously aware of the fact that he can be hurt and relies on his CGs to protect him form danger
in both chapter 3 and 8 of little accidents you see Vee take a bit of a fall - once from tumbling down a couple stairs and the second time from falling out of logans lap - both times he is not injured but both time he bursts into tears from the shock of the experience
so adding pain into that situation i think would result in a pretty inconsolable baby vee :(
all of the family are incredibly gentle and careful and protective with vee and also he's low energy when regressed and doesn't tend to move around much, so him being hurt is a rare occurrence, luckily
but when it does happen..
vee will be silent for a couple of seconds - the calm before the storm - where his body is just shocked from the sudden change in sensation
and then his body will register it as Pain and will set off his panic and he starts crying pretty quickly after that - it starts out silent, or perhaps supplemented by muffled whimpers because his instinct to minimise his pain is still in place
but as soon as roman goes 'vee are you okay??' or logan goes 'Sweetheart are you hurt?' or patton goes 'oh my poor little baby' the waterworks really start and he starts sobbing and spluttering and whining because that last wobbly wall of wanting to hide his pain is shattered by his family's care for him
its rlly heartbreaking when anyone witnesses vee properly wailing while regressed, the sound is just so genuine and so clearly completely real for a baby who can't process pain that everyone HATES to hear it and make it their mission to stop it
Logan's top priority is always to check for injuries - if vee hit his head he will feel for a bump and ask some baby friendly questions to check for a concussion (you can never be too careful when vee is regressed and wouldnt be able to communicate his needs verbally)
then logan immediately picks vee up and carries him into the kitchen to the first aid kit - meanwhile calling for patton or roman to help him because he isn't as strong as patton, so he cant really move his arms while carrying virgil and needs help getting a bandaid
patton's paternal instincts scream I NEED TO HOLD MY BABY whenever he hears vee crying - all reason drains from his mind and it is pure instinct, he will literally drop anything he's doing (and has broken a couple of objects from dropping them in panic) and dash to his babys side, cradling him in his lap or bouncing him on his hip and cooing constantly, desperate to comfort his baby enough to stop crying
but yknow what logan's thorough checking for injuries and preoccupation with medical attention makes vee feel scared because its not soft, not comforting, it makes him worry he is seriously hurt
and pattons coddling is nice but it doesnt really make vee feel better necessarily, the tears continue because as much as pattons babying is comofrting and keeps him in that young headspace, it doesnt do much to change the situation
so with both caregivers doing these things virgil is as i said pretty inconsolable no matter what they do
But roman..
Roman is far more aware of his brother's needs than anyone realises. They spend a lot of time together while little, they're (as patton said in chapter 8) "practically inseparable" - and while they are almost always accompanied by one cg, theres just a special bond between siblings that can't be matched
even though they bicker a little and their needs and interests dont match up, they understand each other because theyre both littles, and roman is the closest to a childs mindset than either of the CGs
roman understands some things that vee says that the CGs dont oick up on - sometimes literally, he will undersyand a babbled word vee is trying to say because he understands virgils thinking process and that when logan mentioned the ocean vee saying 'woumber!' is him saying flounder, his favourite character from The Little Mermaid - also i accredit this to the fact that they are both neurodivergent!
and while they are big roman is surprisingly the one who picks up most on virgil being in pain - because he too tries to hide his pain behind a facade of bravery and indifference, he sees himself in virgil covering up his suffering, and when he notices this when theyre big he squeezes virge's shoulder gently and challenges him to mario kart - virgil always scoffs or rolls his eyes or something nonchalant and says yeah sure whatever, but he always squeezes romans hand back just as softly (thank you)
so, back to the point, little roman knows that the best way to get virgil through his pain is to make him smile and forget about it - so roman dials up his class clown energy when baby vee is hurt and it ALWAYS works
we mentioned in a couple headcanons before that once when virgil is crying roman sings the peppa pig song and adapts it so that it's their family saying their names and snorting like piggies, and in another headcanon we said that while vee is upset roman gives him little stuffie performances and makes them climb over vees legs and arms (it works because 1. its silly and he makes them dance and encouraged vee to interact with them and 2. the soft textures on vee's limbs distract him from the pain)
so while it is very important that logan is there to treat vee's injuries and patton is there to coo and coddle him, they only manage to get vee to stop crying because roman is such a good big brother 🥺
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