#anyway!! thank you sm for this ask!!! i love asks so i was very eager to answer this haha
wickmitz · 1 month
any thoughts/opinions on vikdecai?
i don’t believe i have any complex thoughts that haven’t already been said by the community at large! mostly my opinions just correlate to a very fond i like them, since mordecai kneecapping viktor in order to save himself from having to hurt him later is really one of the first things that humanizes his character. makes you realize he’s not nearly as cold or practical as he tries leading you to believe -- a front that unravels further given his atlas obsession. and i like that! my favorite thing about mordecai is his subtle longing for the lackadaisy crew, how much he doesn’t wish to hurt them, and how venomously he loathes his current life … what he’s doing now isn’t what he wants to currently be doing, but merely what must be done for his goal, one which is already layered in lackadaisy sentiment. so his bond with viktor is important to me, given how much it highlights this inner struggle and earnest truth within his character. but then again, this can also be applied to mordecai’s relationship with mitzi, atlas, and ivy, so let me discuss them in a more romantic sense. which i’m sure is what this question is trying to get at!
romantically, i view mordecai and viktor’s dynamic as … favorable? it’s entirely plausible there were feelings there, an intimacy only they shared as men inside atlas’ arsenal, people who were entirely knowledgeable of the lackadaisy’s nasty underbelly. it’s their slaughter of people deserving and of many, many innocents that help their boss’s speakeasy run, and this violence ( this constant watching one another’s back ) would only breed closeness in spite of the horror it’s built on. and, of course, they have core things in common outside of their job and efficiency for bloodsport! like their love for family, their devotion towards those who matter most, and how out of place they equally feel on this soil - - in this world and era, where everything feels like it’s out to get them in some way or another. their ability to connect beyond their surface level traits and quirks ( mordecai and viktor are very much opposites on their surface, and they have a habit of bickering about these differences, albeit lightheartedly ) demonstrates the profoundness of what they have and what they’d do to protect it. they care for one another in little gestures, insignificant to most but in a way that truly matters to them … as they can see the genuineness in it, since they’re putting themselves into the careful actions and aren’t just doing things for politeness sake. for example, mordecai tries adorning them in matching cloth so they’re two equal halves, symmetrical, and then we have viktor who pocketed mordecai’s glasses to give him later when they were done with their mission. i like to imagine there are more things like this in their relationship! stuff that isn’t as severe as life or death, like saving your friend’s skin by a mere inch or dragging each other to a finish line every day. any of atlas’ men can offer that. it’s the extra things, done out of agency and personal desire, that bring them closer than any other regular joe on atlas’ payroll. it’s rather clear that they were close canonically, and that viktor was perhaps mordecai’s closest friend in a way that atlas could never be due to the pedestal he was constantly put upon. and while we have less insight on viktor’s feelings, i’d imagine the betrayal has never, and will never, fully heal. it is not a wound he can easily patch up, and it isn’t something one could just forget either. how can you dismiss someone who used to be your hands and eyes and ears? when you two functioned as another man’s extra body in your entirety? you may as well have shared a mind when out on the field, and that’s a closeness and a trust which is hard to lose. viktor hardly lets anyone in as is, just as anti social as his spectacles wearing companion, so to lose that in such a violent was is an unspeakable pain he bears, i’m sure. mordecai took whatever remained of his life from him with that shot. he’s permanently robbed viktor the ability to defend the last few hairs he cares to protect. his purpose is now up in the air. and all this anguish from someone he completely and utterly believed in … there is a lot of hurt, is what i’m saying. a hurt that’s too deep and life altering for it not to be supremely personal too. it’s deep and festering and viktor ignores it, and mordecai ignores it, mostly, but sometimes his paw strays near his wound and he itches at it, and it reopens the ache all over again. there is metaphor to be found there! an abandonment and a departure that leaves you bloodied from maiming or being maimed. it is very easily a multi-layered sentiment!
however, i could still take this or leave it romantically, hence my earlier statement of favorabe rather than unabashed gushing and swooning. this is a ship i like, but i don’t read mordecai as crushing on viktor per se? i’ve always viewed his extreme relationship with atlas as puppy love that’s half bred from devotion, something not entirely genuine but also still genuine enough, which makes for a nice parallel between that and rocky’s bond with mitzi. his rivalry with atlas’ wife and his oddities such as wearing his boss’s shirts read as girlish crush behavior, typical things one does when believing themselves enamored, you know? naturally his views and feelings for atlas aren’t quite that simple nor easy to parse, and i’m not trying to simplify them in any way! i just believe he had a torch for atlas, and thus didn’t carry another for anyone else, at least not as intensely. whatever feelings he might have for someone would always be second to atlas, who was his very reason for living and breathing every day, who was his answer and justification and eventually? his obsession. in many ways i think mordecai was too wrapped up in atlas to properly develop feelings for viktor, even if there were inklings of something inside of him. ironically, the term something is what i love using when thinking about him with viktor or mitzi. mordecai is something with those two, he feels something, an unlabeled sort of thing he can’t really reach -- perhaps he doesn’t even want to, scared of what it might mean, what it could say. and it is different somethings! they are not the same feeling, what he feels towards those two, but it’s not fully known to him in the way that his feelings towards atlas was. it is not as clear! especially now, with things as awful as they are and with mordecai so full of turmoil he’s forcing himself to not share. he also has an intense aversion to emotions, obviously, which doesn’t help matters lol. this man could find some of the closure he’s so desperately seeking if he took more than a glance inside of himself, but then he wouldn’t be apart of this tragic tale, now would he?
still, in a better world where the lackadaisy’s gaggle of traumatized characters are allowed healing without any casualties or major losses, then i’d enjoy seeing a viktor and mordecai slowburn. where they decide to remain steadfast by each other’s side like once upon a time before, and they deal with life as a unit. maybe when given the space for it, mordecai’s affection can finally cement into real love for viktor -- the romantic kind, something sappy and disarming and maddening all at once. maybe viktor will allow such indulgences, finally able to touch upon his heart again and use it in a way that he hasn’t gotten to in a couple ages. or maybe he won’t share the specific feelings that mordecai possesses for him, but he’ll enjoy creating an entirely new thing that’s only for them : he can compromise and he can bend if mordecai is willing to bend just the same. they certainly wouldn’t be your typical couple, their emotions too stunted for regular dates or typical pda, but there’s something more special and intimate to them carving out their own space, and thus having their own secret world. a mix of platonic and romantic affections, a healthy dose of selfishness and desire they couldn’t ever have before but now can hoard so entirely, in small bearable doses. and there will always be some things they both won’t ever be able to shake ( mordecai disabling viktor, atlas, viktor’s daughter, etc ), although they could manage these aches and guilt better together, which is the exact sort of happy ending i’d want for them. if i may be so indulgent myself haha ( <- person who knows lackadaisy’s ending will be mostly dark and tragic but likes playing around with hopeful scenarios and what-if’s regardless! )
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moonstruckme · 6 months
HII I LOVE YOUR WORK SM!! I literally can't stop reading them 😭 I love you so much for making all of them !!
May I ask if we could get more of shy Remus?? As soon as I read the first one I immediately fell in love !
Thank you so much!! 🫶🏽
Hi lovely, thank you! Sorry this took me so long, I've wanted to write it ever since it came into my inbox but it took me forever to come up with an idea </3
cw: very vague implication of smut
shy!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
Remus looks surprised when he opens the door, and immediately after that embarrassed. For what, you never know. 
“Hi,” he says, lips curving into a smile as if of their own volition. “Um, I haven’t missed anything, have I?” 
You laugh. “No, you’re fine. I was just nearby and thought I might return your jumper.” 
It’s a half-truth. You’re ambushing him and you know it, but Remus’ reticent disposition means you know next to nothing about his life and after weeks of dating you’re really itching for a peek behind the curtain. You’ve brought chocolate muffins to make up for it. 
“Oh, that’s thoughtful of you.” Remus’ voice is soft as always, that adorable smile still playing on his lips until you both hear footsteps bounding down the stairs inside. He glances behind him, moving a bit more in front of the door. “While you’re here, maybe we could go have coffee or—” 
“Who’s that?” 
The voice seems like a sound of much dread for Remus, if his expression is anything to go off of. He ignores it, speaking only to you. 
“Or there’s a park just down the way—”
“Remus.” It’s a different voice this time, yet the effect upon Remus’ countenance is the same. “Who do you have there?” 
“Hi!” you say over his head, mutinous. 
“A girl?” Remus’ entire body seems to sag in resignation. “Remus Lupin, stop hiding her from us immediately.” 
“Sod off.” He says over his shoulder, as brash as you’ve ever heard him. It’s a bit thrilling. 
“I will not. Reveal your secrets, you dirty dog.” 
You actually do feel quite bad for Remus, a blush spreading all the way up to the tips of his ears, but he lets go of the doorframe, letting himself be wrestled out of the way. 
“Hello.” A dark-haired boy weasels his way into Remus’ place, giving you a salacious up-down. You raise your eyebrows at him, delighted. So this is who Remus associates with when he’s not with you. “My, you’re a pretty thing. And you’re here to see Remus?” 
“I am,” you confirm. “I’m here to bring back his jumper.” 
“Which would lead one to believe, “a second boy appears behind the first, both of them keeping Remus from reclaiming his spot at the door, “that you’ve seen him before.” 
You laugh. “I have. We’ve been dating a few weeks now.” 
“Remus!” The second bellows, eyes blowing comically wide behind his glasses. “Weeks? Weeks, and you haven’t said a word. How could you?” 
“I don’t suppose you have a bit of time on your hands,” the first boy says smoothly. 
“I’ve…” You check the time. “I do, actually.” 
He grins, wolflike. You’re not sure who the prey is. You worry it’s your date. 
“Yes!” The one with the glasses is effervescent, brimming with eagerness. It’s contagious, you find; you’re smiling too. “You have to come in, please.” 
You’re dying to, but you peer past them, locking eyes with Remus. He looks to be wishing for a swift and painless death, but he gives you a soft smile anyways. Nods. 
“Sure,” you say, “I could join you for a bit.” 
Some of the boisterous energy settles as they usher you inside, the need for urgency vanquished now that they’ve got you in their clutches. Begrudgingly, Remus introduces you, and the other two hassle him about taking off your coat and showing you where to put your shoes before he gets a chance to do either. Soon you’re settled comfortably in the armchair they tell you is Remus’ favorite. 
“Can I make you a cuppa?” Remus asks, and James and Sirius both oooh as he rolls his eyes. You nod at him, eyeing the other two amusedly. 
“He must really like you,” James says, “if he’s offering to make you tea.” 
“Hence why you’re not getting any,” Remus says over his shoulder as he stalks for the kitchen. 
“Prick,” Sirius calls after him. “We didn’t want any anyways.” But he crosses his arms, sulking back against the couch cushions. James, on the other hand, leans towards you. 
“So,” he says severely, “what are your intentions with our Remus?” 
A quiet sound of distress comes from the kitchen, but you all ignore it. “Your Remus?” you ask. 
James nods self-assuredly. “We’ve known him since primary school. If you two get married, I’ll be the one giving him away.” 
You raise your eyebrows. Remus’ head pops out of the kitchen, glaring daggers in a way you didn’t know he knew how. “You will not.” 
“What?” James looks gutted. 
“That’s not the point.” Sirius waves both of his friends off, though James looks like he would very much like to continue on the topic. “Tell us about you two, gorgeous. Where did you meet, how long have you been dating, has Remus told you where he hides his chocolates?” 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Remus says, coming back with your tea. He passes it to you carefully, handle out, and both you and James hiss at him for holding the hot part. 
“We haven’t even gotten her to answer anything yet,” Sirius complains. 
“It’s not her fault you haven’t given her the chance.” Remus perches on the armrest of the chair. It's probably so he can avoid sitting next to his nosy friends, but pride swells in your chest anyway at being chosen. You take his hand, and he squeezes your fingers in response. 
Sirius coos. “Only a few weeks of dating and he’s already holding her hand. I’m so proud.” 
You grin up at Remus, knowing what you could say to really shock his friends but not wanting to embarrass him further. He’s already flustered enough that his scars stand out in stark contrast against his flushed skin, but his look softens as he meets your eyes. Something about him eases, a small smile curving his lips. 
You decide it’s permission enough. 
“You’ve been a bit bolder than that, haven’t you, handsome?” 
James and Sirius erupt in hoots and hollers. Remus looks like he might well fall off the edge of the chair for how stiff he’s gotten. 
“Sorry,” you whisper, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. It’s burning. “I’m not trying to torment you. We can go be alone in your room, if you like.” 
“No-o.” James waggles a finger at you. “Now that we know what you’re up to, you won’t be getting him alone in our house. You’re set on corrupting him!”
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stunie · 2 months
i was listening to after midnight by chappel roan and i just! imagined! tsubaki!
like imagine being out with a shitty boyfriend whose ignoring you at a bar and just
“i kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don’t mind- i love a little drama- let’s start a bar fight” and just!
i’m so down bad for tsubaki it’s a problem 😭😭😭
🥟 !!! this ask was such a vibe tbh i loved it this sm. you gave me a fun lil song (that’s now in my playlist btw) and a scenario anddd an awesome character ?? i had to write something :> thank u for dropping by !!!! tsubaki is such a lovely character <3 (u r even lovelier)
tasuku tsubakino (tsubaki) x f!reader. sfw. cw cheating (but ur technically not in an official relationship so…!?)
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“he’s not with you?”
you’re perking up at the familiar sound of tsubaki’s voice, doe eyes locked on his figure as he slides into the seat beside you before letting out a heavy sigh.
“this again?” he gestures towards your boyfriend, the one who was currently on the other side of the room— over there with another girl.
you’re as quick as always to start shaking your head in denial, hands balling up into frustrated little fists as you press them further into your lap— because hearing things like this never got any less embarrassing no matter how many times you had heard them.
and now that you think about it, it seems like tsubaki was always the one who was catching you at the worst times possible. it was always him being there with you as soon as your boyfriend was leaving you all by yourself again.
and actually… could you even call him your boyfriend? he never officially asked you out.
you can still remember it as clear as day— the very first time tsubaki had asked you if you were seeing anyone. the pause in your voice before you were sputtering out the most confusing response he’s ever heard in his life was all he needed to understand your situation.
you hear tsubaki let out a knowing hum from beside you as soon as your lips are tugging into that pouty frown that he’s grown all too familiar with. that boyfriend of yours— he thinks to himself, what a fucking waste. a pretty face like yours should never be given a reason to frown like that.
it would never happen with him.
“want me to keep you company instead?” he’s giggling when your lips fall open in surprise, deciding to push that bubbling feeling of frustration away for a second and really take in that adorable look you’re giving him.
“i’m more fun, anyways.”
“…h-huh?” you stammer, and the sweet smile tsubaki gives you in response does nothing to rid of your clear confusion. “isn’t that… you know?” you’re quickly looking around before you lean in, as if whispering a dark secret to your best friend, “..cheating? that’s bad.”
oh. you’ve always been exactly like that from the very first day he met you. almost painfully sweet and so, so very oblivious.. because this alleged boyfriend of yours clearly had a much different idea of what you two were.
tsubaki knows this because he’s always kept an eye out for you. you might be too oblivious to notice the men who’ve been ogling at you this entire time, but he’s not.
if your loser of a boyfriend wasn’t gonna protect you, someone else needed to.
“hm?” tsubaki’s fingertip presses into his bottom lip, head tilting to the side, “well, you two aren’t official, no?”
your pout deepens at the implication.
“it’ll be me,” he points to himself, “and you,” he flicks his manicured finger your direction, and you’re suddenly much more aware of how pretty his lipstick looks on him when his lips are moving like that.
“and i’ll give you a little kiss.”
“hm..” your voice comes out quiet and murmured when his hand comes to cup the side of your cheek, thumb stroking the skin as he leans in a little closer, eyes softening as he patiently waits for your decision.
“o-okay,” you finally nod, and he’s letting out an small exhale he didn’t know he was holding to begin with, “…and this is gonna make him jealous?”
tsubaki gives you an eager nod.
“he’s missing out big time,” he smiles at you, eyes flickering towards your boyfriend for a moment— making sure he gets a clear look at this before he’s delicately tilting your head up, closing the distance between the two of you with a kiss.
your eyes are quick to flutter shut as the familiar heat rises in your cheeks, and you wrap your fingers around tsubaki’s wrist to keep him exactly where he’s at. he’s gentle with you, but the soft whimper that slips out of you from the way he’s moving his lips against yours has his heart skipping a couple beats, his free hand now wrapping around your waist to bring you even closer against him.
“good,” tsubaki whispers against your lips between kisses, sneaking a glance at your boyfriend— who was now staring at you with wide eyes, “let’s show him just what exactly he’s missing out on.”
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tinypandacakes · 4 months
Helloo! I love ur fics sm u genuinely make my day better whenever u post. Ur such a talented writer and I can see how much work u put into ur writings and I admire u a lot. Ty for giving us some amazing art to read *chefs kiss* BUT ANYWAY enough of the sappy stuff lol I had a question abt König from ur series ‘Trapper Keeper’ and was wondering abt his past relationships or lack there of. Has he ever been intimate with another woman besides reader or were any of the women he has been with (if he has) were intimated by his size (also how big is he) and didn’t want to have sex?
Hi! Ahh thank you for saying so ☺️ you’re very sweet!
mildly NSFW and spoilers below for people who haven’t read yet ~
I’m not diving super deep into his social/sexual history in this story, but I HC König in his late thirties or early 40s. personally, I like him on the older end of that range, but I leave it vague so you can imagine what you like :3. probably some relationships here or there. he makes a comment about not meeting the right person when Hase asks if he has a spouse, so the assumption is he has never married.
It’s definitely possible his height and dick have intimidated partners in the past though 😭 and while he has learned to play nice through the years, his personality can come across as way too intense, so there’s that too
ive been trying to show that he’s definitely not some shy virgin, but it has been a while since he’s been with someone. Hase would assume that he’s probly only jerked off for the ~ two years he’s been at the cabin :( abusing his poor cock with his rough and calloused grip
He seems to know what he’s doing sexually but was rusty and anxious around her in the beginning [his hands shook the first time he undressed her when she was sick, when he touched her in the bath he was too rough/fast on her clit until she guided him] But now that he’s comfortable with her, he doesn’t want to take his hands off her. :3
He is not a sex god or something in this fic but is aware that he is bigger than average and doesn't want to break his toy before he's even gotten to play with it properly, y'know? That wouldn’t be fun for anyone. And the chase is half the fun, anyway….
But he is very eager and interested in making Hase pliant feel good! She is conflicted but internally admits to sort of liking it when he’s a little rough and scary, which :) suits König just fine :) because :) he does seem :) to have a teensy bit of sadistic streak in him…. :)
But really...it’s not his fault that Hase is so adorable when her big doe eyes are wide and full of tears, and she’s just looking up at him, willing and waiting for guidance 🥺 poor little thing...lost and confused. good thing König knows what she really needs 🐇💕
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legendofmorons · 1 year
hiii!! i'd like to say that i rlly liked your blog, so i wanted to make a little bit more specific request..? idk if youre alright with that but anyway…😣
id like to request a chain reaction/headcanon (romantic or platonic) with a fem! umbra witch! reader (from the bayonetta series) like she acts all baddass in the fight with her summons and everything, but she’s actually pretty sweet and nice with everyone??
pls be heavy on sky, time and twi, they’re my favs😣🙏
ANYWAYS TY SM FOR YOUR ATTENTION, sorry if was too specific/wrote smth wrong english is not my first language !!💗💗😊
Chain & Umbra! Fem! Reader
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This is such a cool idea! I've never actually heard of Bayonetta before, but everything I've learned while researching this topic has been pretty awesome. And don't worry about your wording - English is my first language, and I swear there are days I barely speak it.
Pairing: chain & reader
Rating: G
Summary: Headcanons for chain eith a fem! Umbra! Reader.
Warnings: Gun mention,
Other: If I missed any please let me know.
I'm not sure how exactly you get there but you're not keen on revealing your magic at first. Between your own experiences and the rules of your people it seems like a bad idea.
The boys are all pretty respectful of your space, especially when you bathe or change.
Time definitely has a way of helping soothe people- and he will use it on you if you're upset at all.
Wind might ask some personal questions, but it's in good spirit. If you ask him to stop he will.
When you explain what guns are they're all pretty interested even if Legend pretends he isn't.
The boys are all fond of you. You're kind, you're sweet, and you are always helping to take care of them. Why wouldn't they love you?
The first time you're involved in a fight, Time and Twilight are both too busy trying to cover you from danger to actually fight.
This means you end up using your magic and your guns to take down the monsters attacking you three.
Your demon is summoned as you continue fighting - leaving Time and Twilight both in awe.
I assume you treat your pact demon well so it genuinely cares about you and those you care for.
After you all slay the monsters, you bid your demon goodbye and then focus on making sure everyone is okay.
Sky is quick to make sure you're okay.
He asks about the demon and your magic. Very interested as he patches you up.
He just nods as you explain things.
The others all listen to, trying and failing at pretending they aren't.
Time is the first to apologize for underestimating you. He explains that he just wanted to keep you safe.
His exact words are, "I'm sorry I underestimated you. I wanted to keep you safe, but you died need me too. Thank you for helping us out."
He means it too. He's both sorry for his previous actions and VERY thankful for your help.
Twilight is quick to offer you water once everyone is patched up. Asking if your demon is from the twilight realm.
When you explain about Inferno, Twilight looks worried.
You're quick to assure him that you aren't worried.
Wild probably makes your favorite meal that night.
Twilight and Time both start to factor you and your fighting style into fights and planning. This allows them a lot of Lee way they didn't have before.
Sky starts asking you to teach him more about your culture. He's very eager to learn.
Overall, the boys realize the as sweet and genuinely wonderful as you are - you aren't afraid to kick some ass when needed.
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rodolfoparras · 11 months
I love Gaz so much, and Rudy too. Those two??? My god. I sometimes catch myself absolutely cheesing and grinning so wide when I think about them 😭😭 Then reality slaps me and I’m like “there’s no way I was just giggling over men.” ☠️☠️ Anyway I just wanted to ask if you relate, sorry if any of this made you uncomfortable!
First of all you didn’t make me uncomfortable sugar thank you sm for popping in!
Second of all let me tell you when I first got into cod I was so into Alejandro and Rodolfo’s character, yes ghost was hot and what not but something about Alejandro and Rodolfo especially their dynamic made my little pea brain rattle and they didn’t have those long cut scene compilations like 141 had so I’d do my best to get a feel for their personality from the little that I had and make up the rest in my head if that makes sense but I love Rodolfo’s and Alejandro’s dynamic I love how they have rather contrasting personality but work so well together Rudy acts with his brain, v observant and doesn’t let on his feelings too much while Alejandro acts with his heart, feels passionately and isn’t afraid to show it
Now gaz I don’t understand why he’s ignored by the fandom and the creators as well bc if you compare the old version of gaz to the new one you’ll see just how much depth current gaz has
First of all he’s handsome he’s literally that type of sergeant every new recruit would crush on not just bc he’s handsome bc he seems so kind and helpful I feel like even if you’re super shy or super outgoing you’d click super well with him I don’t even think it’s that he accommodates his energy to ppl I just think it’s who he is as a person like his energy works with everyone
Second of all his heart is so big throughout his cut scene you see just how much he cares for a random stranger with a 💣 strapped to them to the people he’s tasked to protect also in my opinion price and gaz are very much alike I think gaz reflects how young price must’ve been, fresh faced to the world and eager to save it, doesn’t put up with injustice and wants to change everything for the better and I think that’s why price listens sm to gaz and gives him a shot in sharing his strategies plans etc
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rekindlevn · 1 month
I played the demo for the first time, like, a week ago now, and I have to say that I'm OBSESSED?? The writing and art is so good?? (I may or may not have yelled at my screen a little bit when I realized I'd reached the end, so you can tell I'm very normal about it)
The boys all seem like they're really going through it in the demo, so I already feel guilty for having to pick only one of them in the first full playthrough 😭 (not quite guilty enough to hesitate in picking Niko though, I love Niko sm) but I still hope they're okay in the timelines without the mc :(
Anyways, I just wanted to say how excited I am to play it once it's out, and that all the ask responses are giving me life in the meantime!! So hyped for those new npc sprites now :D Best of luck to the team, and (because I know I forget regularly) make sure y'all are drinking enough water!! 💕
hello hello anon!
ahhh we are so glad to hear that you as eager as we are to utterly CONSUME their story!
we have answered a couple asks around the sorta 'where are they now without mc' and well, they seem to be just doing ಥ_ಥ
make sure to keep your eyes peeled with new arts coming soon for sure! we even have some sneak peeks coming from other artists and also writing coming soon too!
(and thank you, we really dont drink enough water at all. one writer survives on pure monster atm and they are hissing at the water; we are in the trenches here)
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part 2 for the hottie-cutie! actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart. but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong... but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map... and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack... 'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you. 'that was a long rant' and i love every letter. im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!! and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great. 'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad. 'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions. 'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war. SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it. like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel. 'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true. thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn. but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge. omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me! so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie! have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
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im so annoyed with myself because i was almost done with answering you then i pressed cntl z and everything disappeared fml
now im going to be sad the entire time i type this fuck off tumblr why are you so glitchy
actually we dont use the percentage system in ig all the post-ussr countries (mb not the more european ones but im not sure). but ig 70% is just average here? ig its barely the B(?), in our system its 4/5. or ig 0-50% is like 2/5 (bc its forbidden to give 1/5 *clown emoji*), 50-70 or 75 is prob 3/5, and 90-100 is the highest mark. dk if its stupid of us but yes. id really not say that all russian students are very smart.
T_T rip T_T HAHAAH wait its still so funny to me that 70 is average i gasped when i read this the first time T_T asian countries be like that ig HAHHAHH. i mean there are A LOT OF DUMB FILIPINOS TOO SO /: its fine theres a bit of dumb in the world but its so weird to me that our grades are so high standard. /: asians HAHAHA
but now i think that i didnt even knew filipino is based on tagalog... and that a lot of people are really arrogant bitches that would fight till the blood spills even if theyre wrong...
well now you know. people who are overconfident are airheaded /:
but yeah not to be a hater or anything but... i still remember that trend on tiktok where american teens were like 'give me antidepressants and coke and imma explode russia in a sec' and then they cant find the hugest fucking country on the map...
STILL AS DISTURBING AS WHEN I REPLIED TO THIS THE FIRST TIME T_T these kids (boys especially) need to stop glorifying war i cant believe this was a trend T_T also the map thing is so true and i suck at geography but i could at least point to russia come one
also T_T although im annoyed i have to type this all over again, did you know russia is bigger than pluto. i love pluto lets talk about pluto more next time when im not frustrated with myself for fundamentally deleting my entire reply T_T
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and im not even mentioning how they feel like their starbucks can help these sweet summer children to like... conquer, riot, attack...
L war this is why feminism is important, little boys think war is the only thing that is cool enough to be their hobby because its violent T_T
'YOURE SAYING WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL IN THE FUCKING PHILIPPINES IS WRONG AND THEY WERE LIKE YES' arrogant bitches TT 'i forgive them' its ok id hate them for you.
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'that was a long rant' and i love every letter.
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im so happy for you! you seem so passionate about the sandman, its cute. delightful to read youre happy! and really delightful to see someone being so happy about something so... simple? just being happy. this world indeed needs some kindness. im so happy for your excitement TT take all the time you need, your happiness is the priority!!
i did a whole rant about sandman but T_T next time. I REALLY WAS SO SUPER EXCITED ABOUT WHAT I WAS TELLING YOU AND I WANT TO TELL YOU BUT IM SO SLEEPY AND I DONT WANT TO PUT OFF REPLYING TO YOUR P2 T_T anyway i actually returned the books i borrowed the next day (which was yesterday) without reading them because my mom said it was too dark and i agree so i did BUT LSHAH I WENT TO THE LIBRARY TODAY AFTER CLASS AND READ THE MEGABIG ENCYLOPEDIA HARDBOUND SANDMAN COMIC with like 10 issues in it (which had everything in the series) AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH IT MADE ME LOVE DREAM SO MUCH MORE T_T
and gjdd as i was thinking about it, a recalled that in the very beginning of that your fic with daemon x niece reader where she doesnt need him, i felt SO strong about it being like... a half of that daemon idea i teased you... so like yeah. im waiting. but not asking you to speed up!! driving fast is dangerous, children. its a well-deserved rest (in a way). hope youll spend it great.
tell me about your daemon fic now IM SO CURIOUS NOW also as i said i zoomed read (and finished) that mega big comic book so im instead going to be writing sandman fics HAHAHH. i hope you liked my daemon x niece fic. i was surprised a lot of people seem to like it
'just cos ur in the bible doesnt mean ur a saint' i know?? but HFJSDJS it sounds so... like a wity line from this stupid films with the worst, the most dangerous, the filthiest mafia boss and like... just y/n... yeah thats it. and in the night theyre making out and things are getting hotter and shes like omg no i need to finish reading the bible and he answers her with this WITTY line. sorry. just my association. never intended it to sound bad.
HAAHH this doesnt sound bad it so funny actually. also I LOVE THIS CONCEPT i love me a good dirty mafia boss [quietly writes this idea down in my head]
'my teacher was nice and me and my friends were nerds' ahajsj were so similar TT like mother like cat TT the only exception i was usually the one who read a book and told about its plot to others but still was the one to answer most of the questions.
#twinlife u like me for real
'Under my Invisible Umbrella by Laurel Flores Fantauzzo. it’s a personal essay' omgomg it sounds interesting. like.. those books that are written by authors who lived in the country who started a war.
SORRY for this comparison but for me it sounds like it.
like smn whos seen as an enemy but there he is. its always fascinating to see yourself in a character/a book so im kinda.. glad for you. considering all it sounds strange but feeling a book is the experience to feel.
i get what you mean. its fine dont apologize. and yes it is so very nice to see yourself portrayed in media
'ANYWAY im hot. (:' well true.
thanks for the tiktok TT you really didnt need to do this but i appreciate your efforts sm TT thank you TT and yeeeah aemonds so funny TT and this guy is so accurately fanny TT
AT LEAST YOU SAW and found it funny <3
yesterday (or the day before yesterday yes thats it) all my classmates and the other parallel class made that ver deputy SO angry *clown emoji* it was the experience to go through.. actually its not an uncommon thing bc i remember no day when she didnt scream at smn.
T_T imagine living in russia and still being hotheaded. chill /:
but plugging the equipment? sounds like a good revenge.
omg im so eager to know about the works of your national hero! im eager to learn anything youre willing to tell me!
T_T I dont mean to be that person but im too tired to go on FUCK TUMBLR I HAD A WHOLEASS ESSAY ABOUT PLUTO AND AN ANALYSIS ABOUT SANDMAN CHARACTERS AND I WAS TALKING ABOUT OUR NATIONAL HERO JOSE RIZAL but now its gone and i want to sleep next time baby i wont cntrl z it T_T
so i always wait for you, hottie-cutie!
thank you my love <3
have a nice day/night! good luck with the classes or whatever plans you have! love you! take care<з
good night baby <3 i hope you have a wonderful day <3 im going to sleep now
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msookyspooky · 4 months
honestlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I AM SOOOOOBFHRWFEHSU HAPPY (also kinda sad bc of dewey, randy, karla and the kids) but jjfdjujdsjufdsjiuuof billy FINALLY realised!!!!!!!!!!
the SCENE WHERE HE WAS HELPING YN DRESS HER WOUNDS LIKE HAHHAHADJAIUHFUDSUUFSAI im kinda sad with stu but at the same time i get that thats the way he shows he cares, the way the killing would go shows he cares
anyWAYYYYSSS im soooo exiteddd hehehehe esp to see yn and gale or dewey meeting again maybe, like THE DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just wanted you to know that i fucking love your fic and i swear i check AT LEASTTT once a week if you have posted a new chapter or even just a little wip or something because girlllllll it has me on a choke hold for a LONG TIME i think im reading it since 2022 LMAOOOO I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH I LOVE LOVE LOVE UUUUU
OMG HI!!! Hi, hi hi, sorry this is late my weekend and the last day or two is ugh hectic 🥲😤
BUT FR!? I'm so flattered you've been here since 2022 my God I feel bad procrastinating writing this last year I'm so sorry! 😭 I APRECIATE THE LOVE AND SUPPORT SM AND ILY FOR THIS ASK 💘🥺
I'm TRYING to get back to at least every two weeks instead of once a month every other month bs (Sadly idk if I mentally can do weekly updates bc back then they were like 2k-5k words in 2021-22. Now, I aim more for 7k to 10k with these newer chapter being more climactic and other writing projects as well.)
There's going to be a decade time skip from 2011(Fours a Franchise) to 2021 (5 whatever I'll call it lol) so there actually might be a lot of one shots! Because that's a big chuck of time!!! I mean, a decade ago I was barely in HighSchool and it's like wow that much time went by!? so that's a lot of time to go by between YN and these two assholes no matter how it may turn out 😪🤔
AND NO I FEEL YOU!! Ik I probably shocked and irked a few folks but there is no way YN x Billy and Stu could EVER happen with Randy and Dewey in the mix. It's almost impossible because I cannot see either one being okay with us not killing them or at least sending them to prison (Especially Dewey which understandable) and YN was half ass living a lie with them anyways. The poor woman is under sm depression and stress that Randy's death and Dewey's rejection who else does she have but these two. And Randy was always meant to die the second I spared him in 2 I knew 3 or 4 he had to go and get this!
BEFORE 5 EVEN CAME OUT I MADE HIM HAVE TWINS WITH A WOMAN!! So I was clutching my face elated and eager to use Mindy and Chad as his kids instead of neice and nephew bc why not? It was perfect! And Randy's death is very important to YN's story so even if I adored writing him my mans had to go 🥲😞
NGL the best ending for our girl would've been Mark living, getting the boys arrested, YN lives how Sid did in these future Scream installments the end. But we're just unlucky af like that
And tbf Billy x YN x Stu is such a toxic love polycule like they hate but love they are almost codependent on each other because of circumstances yet resent each other. It's gonna be REALLY interested to write all this out (And hard to make believable 😭)
Anyways thank you and ily and i love reviews like this I'm so so glad you sent this to me I really do need and adore this to keep my motivation up!!! 💘💘💘
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sminiac · 7 months
hello! congrats on 400 followers, you deserve it a lot! <3 if requests are still open, can u pls write about piwon eating you out? thank u so much^^
also if it isnt taken, can i be 🦭 anon? :333
💌 — Ahhh thank you sm friend! It’s crazy isn’t it? You’re so sweet, of course you can, I’m so happy you’re here <33
Warnings — Smut focused, MDNI.
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⋆ Y. Keeho
Teasing, a complete ass matter of fact. He likes licking and kissing at your folds, your legs forced apart by his arms that hook on the underside of your thighs, forcing the impatient shifting of your hips to a restrictive minimum so he can keep his eyes on your face as he only dips so far out of your sight. Loves the anxious feeling of having his tongue working you into your orgasm while the others are still home, mean when it comes to you letting out soft sounds but simultaneously does his best to work those exact sounds out of you. He’s probably had a handful of conversations with Intak while he replaces his tongue with his fingers, pumping into you whilst talking casually through the door like you aren’t on the verge of falling apart.
“Keep looking at me, need you to or I’ll stop. Say my name the way I like too, know how hard it makes me.”
⋆ C. Taeyang
Eager, jumping at your every word. He likes when you tug and pull gently at his hair, has him whimpering wetly against you as his tongue laves and flicks at your clit. He’s incredibly messy, unknowingly leaves a spot of drool under you when you’re finished, asking if it’s your mess or his- even though he’s a big drooler, so obviously it’s his but he genuinely can’t tell because he doesn’t remember. Such a puppy when it comes to you being needy, you’re wanting to leave to return back to his room so you can finally feel him again? He’s rushing you back as soon as he can. Loves when his place is empty because that means he can be a little hasty, this results in him having your legs spread for him in the hallway, one thrown over his shoulder the other haphazardly keeping you upright.
“Can you do that thing with your fingers in my hair? No, promise I won’t cum this time, just please-”
⋆ C. Jiung
Focused, incredibly skilled with his tongue. Unlike Keeho he’s very generous, he doesn’t hold himself back for the sake of making you whine and thrash, he gives you everything he is, spoils you rotten, in the bedroom and outside of it. Enjoys being wanted but also wants you to be loud, to be unbridled by your reluctant habits of being diluted in efforts to be favoured, because when he wants you he wants every ounce of you. Morning head is a favourite of his, loves the domestic act of tracing your skin with his fingers in areas no stranger would be able to, how even in your sleep you chase after the feeling of him, draws out your orgasm to indulge himself frequently, makes up for it by treating you to a yummy breakfast :b
“You’ll tell me when it’s too much? You’re sure you can get a word out this time princess?”
⋆ H. Intak
Dedicated, completely and utterly to pleasuring you. The type to challenge himself to see how many times he can get you to cum by his tongue only, sometimes he goes into it whilst shouldering the burden of a tender jaw, but toughs through it because you’re just so reactive to his every touch that he needs more. Sometimes you think he might love eating you out a little… too much, because when he wants you he wants you, even if you’re in a public space, somewhere unusual, just hope there isn’t a semi-hidden space that he can drag you to so he can busy his mouth with your cunt.
“You’re funny thinking I’d stop even if we’re walked in on, you look hot like this anyways, who wouldn’t want to see?”
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
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springthings · 2 years
The good tidings start early. Stroke of midnight, Willow is up - of course she's up - and already composing a message to Allie to wish her happy birthday. Eager to be the very first to do so, she had the message pre-typed at 11:50 to be sure it would send exactly on time.
[ TO :  alliebean     ✉️        willow is typing . . . ]    
txt: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL GIRL <3 i love you so so so so so soooo much. i bet you're gonna be super busy today so i've actually got a few things due to arrive when the sun comes up so you can open all your prezzies and then go have fun!!! i hope you love them as much as i loved hunting them down for you!!
This text is followed by a selfie of Willow pulling a dorky face at the camera, lips pursed as if blowing a kiss to Allie through the photograph. Ser hair splayed across the pillow around her, shoulders bare and collarbones peeking into frame. There's a smile in her eyes.
As promised, the gifts arrive early in the morning. All wrapped in brown paper and purple string, Allie is gifted with a series of small things:
A floral letter set; parchment with dried flowers and melting wax and twine all secured nicely in a little box decorated with watercolour pictures of spring flowers.
A set of gel pens. These, Willow is particularly pleased with herself about, because they are not just gel pens, but fancy, glittery refillable gel pens. Sustainability is sexy!
Some little propagation jars, multicoloured and delicate and complete with cuttings from Willow's own houseplants! Plant babies!
The final gift is a little hand-bound I-O-U book, filled with things that Willow would probably do for Allie if she asked her enough times anyway, but this way Allie doesn't have to ask twice for anything! Little tokens of love, for whenever Allie needs them.
(belated) allie birfday 🥳🥳🥳, accepting always.
        when allie finds willow's message, she's sad to have missed it, but the feeling is swept away, a new one fluttering in its place as she continues to read the message, her initial impulse to reply subsiding as the anticipation and excitement about finding willow's presents.
        her door is the last place she checks, strangely closed and painting the rest of the home a few shades darker than usual, without the light flowing in from the open doorway that the fairy girl is used to. curiously, she peeks through the small window on the door, grinning brightly when she spots the four little boxes. after the careful extraction of string and paper, because it's willow and she couldn't bear to rip it, she's left with her four little pretty, sparkly treasures, and then she cannot decide what excites her more. she moves the plants to be with their new friends and gets them situated before she does anything else.
        it turns into the stretch and swell of time, and allie realizes that she's forgotten to text willow after a long conversation with their plant babies.
( sms 一 lolo!!!! 💜🌚🌧🌿 )   lo lo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 ( sms 一 lolo!!!! 💜🌚🌧🌿 )   youre so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! ( sms 一 lolo!!!! 💜🌚🌧🌿 )   thank you so sosososoosos much i love youuuuuuuuuu ( sms 一 lolo!!!! 💜🌚🌧🌿 )   but im not busy pls pslslseaseeeeee eplease pleaseeeee come overrrrrrrrr i miss you sosososoos much :(((((((((((( ( sms 一 lolo!!!! 💜🌚🌧🌿 )   come help me write letters!!! you can like teach me cause youre so good at it!!!!!!! and then im totes gonna write you one cause i love you ( sms 一 lolo!!!! 💜🌚🌧🌿 )   please dont make me use a coupon im the birthday girl 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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In His Arms
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Billy Russo x Female Reader. (One-shot)
Warnings: Insecurities, smut (18+), low-key mafia Billy, sex while cuddling, boob play, Billy does not shut up during sex, spitting, an obscene amount of pet names, bunny as a pet name, reader would lick his boots if he asked and I am proud of that.
A/N: I hope you absolutely hate this.
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Billy loves his girl.
Though he barely says it out loud, barely thinks the words- there are clear and concise moments that he knows it can be nothing else.
She feels like sunlight, she reminds him of flowers and she touches him so gently it reminds him of his fragility in her hands.
She is the driving force of his life, each move his heart makes is for her.
He loves her.
Plain and simple and scary.
Scary because he doesn't know what the future holds or if she'll even love him for so long and the thought sometimes suffocates him with panic.
She never leaves though, and there's an excited part of him that knows she never will.
So when she steps into his office with a frown in her face after her lunch date with friends, Billy knows that someone's about to pay hell.
He even cuts his meeting short, and knows Frank is going to ream him out tomorrow for saying, "Something came up I have to go." On his meeting with very important investors and hanging up without further explanation.
They're not that important anyway, not when his girl looks two seconds from crying.
You didn't even look up at him when you came in, too busy biting on your lip and looking down deep in thought. Words echo in your head, depleting every ounce of confidence you have until you're sitting still and trying to focus on little things that will take your mind off of the big things.
You should have maybe said something, defended yourself, but the words wouldn't leave your mouth.
Someone calls your name and you look up in surprise, a genuine smile automatically lifting onto your face.
"Hey Billy." You say, closing your eyes in bliss when his hands cup your cheek.
"Hey baby," he murmurs into your hair before giving your forehead a kiss, "You look so cute today." He compliments, rubbing the soft fabric of your short summer dress between his fingers.
He's rock hard at the sight of you, and he's hoping you don't notice. There's something so arousing about your sweetness, something so delectable about the thoughts of corrupting you that plague him at every waking moment.
"Thank you Billy, you look nice too." You say, admiring his three piece, black pinstripe suit that fits him perfectly.
He's gorgeous, the look he's taken on today makes your toes curl in delight. Black tie and a black pocket square, paired with a few of his favourite rings.
"Did you have a nice time at lunch?" He asks, and you stiffen for a moment, before smiling and nodding in an attempt to make yourself look content.
"Did something happen?" He asks carefully, and you shake your head swiftly.
"I'm alright." You say, a happy note in your voice, "Did your meeting finish already?" You ask, in an attempt to change the subject.
Billy knows something's wrong. Of course he does, but he doesn't pry, instead smiling and kissing you on the head again.
"I'm done working for today. Wanna go home? Or to the park?"
Your shoulders drop at the mention of the park, it sparks memory of only an hour before.
"Home. Please." You say, eager for the warmth of your own bed.
He takes you to his place instead.
"Billy?" You murmur, looking up at his apartment building.
He hums in question from the seat beside you.
"Thought you were taking me home?"
His hand is warm on your thigh as he gives you a little squeeze.
"Stay with me tonight instead."
You look over at him, thinking that you could tell him no and walk the few blocks extra it would take to get to your place. He looks so hopeful though, eager, and you don't have the heart to deny him.
Which was a problem, according to some people.
You step out of his car and he takes your hand in his and guide you easily to his place.
His hand smoothes over your back, his nose bumping your cheek.
"Sure you're okay?" He asks softly and you nod.
"I'll be fine." You respond.
You help him shed his jacket, smiling when he kisses your head swiftly in thanks and you fold it neatly over a chair.
When you turn back, it's to watch him shed his guns, emptying the clip before removing the holster, and then his shirt.
Your mouth waters when his chest comes into view, a heart-stopping expanse of protruding veins and corded muscle.
He smirks at your admiring look before he unbuckles his belt and pushes his pants to the floor in one swift move that has your eyes widening as you look away.
"Don't look away from me, baby. Want you to look at what you own."
Your mouth parts in shock, turning to meet his eyes, fiercely adoring and full of heat. You can't help looking lower to the growing bulge in his pants that just seems to grow larger under your eyes.
You want to drop to your knees in front of him and beg him for his love and attention, even though you know he's going to give it to you anyway.
But doesn't that prove your friend's point?
He'd get bored of you eventually.
Billy sees your shoulders drop and he knows, he knows, that someone's said something mean to you.
"Hey, hey, hey," Billy says, cupping your cheeks to get your attention.
"Am I weak, Billy?" You ask, with a soft voice, unable to meet his eyes.
"No, baby, you're definitely not." He reassures and watches in despair as tears swell to the surface in your eyes.
Your eyes squeeze shut and tears roll down your cheeks.
"They were so mean today," you get out before you're crying in his arms.
He crushes you to his chest, cheek against your hair as he maneuvers you both to the bedroom.
He sits you on the bed and you cover your face with your hands as you cry.
He helps you get undressed and covers you with one of his old shirts from the marines that he knows you love.
He brings a damp cloth, and gently sweeps the makeup from your face and your cries turn to sniffles as the cool cloth soothes your skin.
You marvel at the man in front of you, that went from sexy boss to still sexy caretaker in a matter of minutes.
"Do you-" a sniffle as he wipes your cheek, "Do you think I'm spineless?"
A pause.
"Definitely not, I've seen you stare down Frank when he wanted me to come in while I was sick."
You smile at the memory.
"Is that what happened today? Someone called you spineless?"
"Yeah." You say, smiling as he flips the cloth to a clean side to wipe gently at your under eye area.
"Said that, I'm spineless, and that, it's going to get boring for you and you'll probably leave." You look away away from him as you say it.
"I- I didn't know there was anything wrong until she pointed it out, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like it. I always avoid conflict and I worry about hurting people and I never give you any challenge. I'm vanilla."
"You're definitely not vanilla." Billy says quickly, and freezes when your eyes meet his.
"There's nothing wrong with being kind, baby." Billy continues as if he hasn't said anything. "You're sweet, and soft, and you're like a breath of fresh air. Being nice isn't a weakness."
He moves to the other cheek, after being satisfied that all the makeup is cleared from one side of your face.
"And as for spineless- definitely not. You just pick your battles very carefully. I've seen you defend so many things, and so many people and I think you're so strong." He continues.
"Thank you." You whisper to him and you want to kiss him but your face feels so swollen from the tears.
He helps tuck you into bed, pulling you into his body, wrapping your leg around his hip to keep you close.
Your fingers tug at the delicate sliver chain around his neck, twirling it around your fingers while you're deep in thought.
Truthfully, the only reason he wears it, is because he loves when you play with it, you always reach for his chain, even in your sleep.
It gives you comfort, and that's all he could ever want.
"She said I liked too many cute things, that going to the park was childish." You mumble, eyes locked on his chain.
"That I don't challenge you enough and I always tell you yes."
Oh, he was never going to forgive them. You might overlook it, but he was going to make it his personal mission to inconvenience these women that would try to tear his pretty girl down.
"She sounds jealous." He says, his emotions getting the best of him.
"I don't see why." You say, leaning into him more.
"Because we have something she can't touch. Something real and amazing and you're a good girl. And I love my good girl."
You look up at him in surprise.
"You do?" You ask, voice barely above a whisper and stomach fluttering with something hopeful.
He smiles, nodding.
"Yes. I love you."
You surge forward in what little space there is left, to kiss him. The love you feel for him is so strong that you swear it's going to rip its way out of your chest.
"Love you so much, Billy." You respond and he can only laugh into your mouth as you try to pull him closer into your body.
You can feel him hot and hard between your thighs and you can't help pushing your hips against his so that you're slotted against him perfectly.
"Babe." He gasps, breaking from the kiss to breathe into your mouth.
You let out a little laugh at his desperate and eager voice, rolling your hips against his rhythmically.
"What are you doing to me?" He groans, tilting his head back and you take the opportunity to kiss his neck and shoulders.
His hand grips the back of your head, bringing your mouth back to his as your hands wander over his skin. They reach the waistband of his boxers quickly, tugging at them in a useless attempt to get them off.
He smiles, and pulls away, which resuls in more whining.
"I know, baby, I know, let me get naked for you, yeah?"
You bite your bottom lip, nodding, and pushing your underwear down your thighs as well.
He gets naked quickly, and hovers over you to help you slide the soft material down your legs.
He removes the shirt he put on you earlier, and you arch your back so that he can unclasp your bra as well.
You love feeling his naked body against yours  and you can't resist pulling him into a tight embrace, meeting his lips after a few moments.
"Love you." You say into his mouth and his laugh is deep and whimsical.
"Good. Because you're stuck with me for a really long time."
His hands trace your body and reach up to cup your breasts gently in each hand.
You moan at the sensation.
"Sensitive here baby?"
"Yes." You say breathlessly.
His fingers dance over each breast, encouraging your nipples to pucker under his touch.
It feels so good, to have him explore your body.
You jerk in surprise when he pinches your nipples gently between his thumb and forefinger.
"Like it when I play with you?"
You nod your head mindlessly, the gentle tug and flick over your nipples goes right down to your dripping pussy and makes you feel so much more needy and swollen than you already are.
"Gonna come?" He teases with a tone of condescension, "Gonna have your pretty little orgasm while I touch you?"
"Yes Billy."
"You're just my sensitive little toy, hmm? Made just for me?"
"Yes yes yes, Billy."
One harsh roll of your nipples between his fingers and your back arches off the bed. You let out a long cry of bliss mixed with an empty feeling between your legs.
His torment slows to a stop, and he watches your body thrum with pleasure.
You take a second to catch your breath, and gasp suddenly when your legs are pushed upward to display your pussy for his viewing.
"Sweet little cunt." He murmurs under his breath and you can hardly decipher what he's thinking as he spreads the lips of your pussy apart.
You keep your eyes on him, but he only looks up for a second to make sure you're watching before he dribbles a generous amount of saliva onto your clit.
You gasp in surprise, feeling the warm slippery liquid crawl over your clit and down to your entrance. Your body aches for him so unbelievably much.
You murmur his name in surprise when he presses your lower lips together, smearing his saliva all over your most delicate parts.
It makes you feel so uncomfortably aroused in its perversion. You think you can feel his spit mixing with your own wetness- an aphrodisiac you've tasted from his lips many times.
He lets go of your legs to lean up and whisper in your ear.
"Gonna keep my spit nice and warm for me?" He asks.
You moan in delight.
"Yes sir." You respond eagerly.
His thumbs circle around your nipples for a second time and you whine in protest.
"Too sensitive, Billy."
He gives you a mean look then, moving so close that his nose brushes yours.
"Do I look I give a fuck?" He asks, not stopping his gentle, yet way too much attention on your breasts.
"Want you to come again, just like this, show me what a needy little baby you are for me."
"Billy." You whine and his smile is all teeth.
"Yes, sweet girl, give me another, come on..."
He doesn't relent, moving from barely touches to rough flicks of his thumbs until you're sure you're going to come again.
Your leg twitches, you whine in desperation, he only smiles at you.
You come.
Shaking and sniffling as an orgasm moves through you with a slowness that small waves do, after they crash harmlessly against the shore.
His hands leave your breasts, knowing from experience that he's just pushed the boundaries of your sensitivity and you need a few moments to recover.
But even when you feel too much, and sensation overwhelms you, and there are small sounds of bliss still leaving your throat, even then, you're still reaching for him.
You'll always want him, and he knows it.
Your hand on his bicep and you're tugging him into the spot next to you so that you can bury your head in his chest while your nipples still tingle from his attention. And while making you come is good, there's nothing better than feeling you reach for him.
"You're so good for me." Billy says on impulse.
The words go straight to your core.
"I am?" You ask looking up at him with wide eyes.
"Of course you are," he says, the warm breath touching your lips, "my good girl."
It makes you even wetter to hear it, to feel that comfortable headspace wash over you that has you wanting to be his good girl through and through.
He wants to fuck you, but he doesn't want to move from where he is right now, on his side, pressed up against you, feeling your heart beat against his. So he doesn't, he grabs your leg and pulls it over his hip, adjusting his body so that the head of his cock kisses the wet slit of your pussy.
"Ready for me?" He asks, and though you know the size of him is going to pinch a little, you still nod your head, too needy to think about his fingers.
His cock rubs your clit, and your eyes flutter.
"Asked you a question." He says.
"Yes, yes Billy, please fuck me. Please."
"Good girl." He praises, and you're rewarded with his tip notching at your entrance.
You take in a slow breath, always surprised by his size, but you're wet enough that he's able to slip halfway in without any problems.
It's the second half of his cock that he has to take his time to work into you, circling his hips and doing small back and forth movements to fit himself in.
You moan into his chest, the small moments of pain being overwhelmed by the pleasure you feel as his cock touches just the right spots inside of you.
He makes you feel full and stretched to the brim, and you give him a wistful smile when he kisses your forehead.
"Tell me when." He says, referring to your comfort level and readiness.
You take a moment to look into his dark eyes before nodding.
His first thrusts are slow and gentle, reminding you of how careful he is with your body to make sure you're having a good time.
It's you that has to ask fore more, pleading with him through gasping moans.
"That's my good girl," he says, increasing his pace a little, "Always asks for what she wants."
You try not to sob, but the desperation grows to be too much for your pleasure-filled body to handle.
Billy can see you slipping deeper and deeper, knows he has to keep you grounded to him as best as possible.
"Say it." He says, and your eyes focus on him for a moment.
"Tell me you're my good girl."
"Good?" You ask in a small voice and you're rewarded with a harsh move of his hips.
"Yeah baby, tell me."
" 'M good." You say and he groans.
"Tell me again." He presses.
"I'm a good girl." You murmur.
"Whose good girl?" He continues.
You take a moment, swallowed by the pleasure to respond.
"Your good girl, Billy."
"Yes you fucking are." He grunts, "keep saying it."
You chant it like a prayer- good, good, good, good- and each time it leaves your lips, you're rewarded with a thrust of his cock.
Your breasts are pressed to his chest, you feel like there's no part of your body that isn't glued to his. You lean closer so that you can suck small hickies into his neck.
He groans.
"My perfect little bunny." He praises.
You look up in surprise.
"Bunny?" You ask, and his hips falter their pace as he realises what he's just said.
"Yes." He says, confidently, "You're my little bunny."
He feels you clench hard around him and he knows he's got you.
" 'm a bunny." You murmur, moving your hips shakily, desperate to have him resume his thrusting.
He does, with renewed vigour, so turned on by the way the words leave your lips so innocently.
You're his good little bunny and he's going to ruin you, he's going to fit himself as deep inside you as he can go and give you everything you need, everything you ask for so that you never have to look elsewhere.
Your brain is mush, and you're so close and you know he can tell.
"Come on my cock, bunny. Make me a happy man. Come on, good girl, so good for me."
You bury your fingers into his skin, gasping out a cry as the most intense orgasm knocks you over.
You can hardly breathe with the force of it, and Billy doesn't stop fucking you, doesn't stop pushing his cock so perfectly into you until you're shaking.
He makes one last painfully deep thrust before he comes too, moaning loudly as he does. You moan when you feel him filling you to the brim, adding even more of himself inside you.
A minute to breathe before his lips meet yours passionately. Stealing what little breath you have left in your lungs.
"Not done with you, bunny." He breathes, kissing your forehead, "You're not filled with enough of me yet."
He takes his time, running his hands over your feverish skin, pushing the sheets away to help you cool down, kissing your body and returning your hickies with some of his own.
Only a few minutes pass before you're gasping as his cock pushes into you once again.
It's unbelievable. The way he's hard and ready to go again after such a short time.
You can't think more on it, because his hips are slamming into yours without mercy, wringing every drop of pleasure from you until tears are slipping from the corners of your eyes.
"That's it, bunny, cry for me." He hisses, the wildness being brought to the forefront of his brain.
He feeds off of your submission, on your sweetness, it makes him more feral, more aggressive with his touches.
"Do you love me, bunny?" He asks, and grunts at your teary nod.
"Say it." His voice is harsh.
"I love you."
Another rough thrust.
"Love you Billy."
He doesn't stop.
"Are you ever gonna leave me?"
"Never." You sniffle.
He sets a brutal pace and you're struggling to remember how to breathe.
A hand on your cheek and then his tongue in your mouth, and he's all around you and deep inside you and everywhere all at once.
"Be a good girl and come for me." He orders.
One stuttered breath and you obey. The first shot is like lightning with the way it cuts through every cell in your body. He comes with you this time, making you even more full, your head spinning with bliss and the taste of his tongue.
Unable to move, or keep your eyes open, you place a kiss to his bearded chin before your body goes limp with exhaustion and an overabundance of pleasure.
He chuckles, watching your barely awake form, your eyelashes flutter as you try to resist sleep, and he soothes you further by running a hand slowly over your back and kissing your shoulders. Your fingers reach for his chain, wrapping your fingers in the corded metal before you fall asleep.
You wake a few hours later.
Wrapped in his arms and surprisingly clean- with all things considered.
The sheets are soft and his body is warm and his skin is smooth save for those few scars littered around his body.
You make a small hum and he makes a little mumble in response, fast asleep as his arms pull you closer.
Outside, the rain falls gently, filling the room with a quiet hush. Thunder rumbles far off in the distance. You let the rain and the sounds of his breathing lull you back to sleep.
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chippedaxe · 3 years
𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒷𝒾𝒹𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝒻𝓇𝓊𝒾𝓉
┌─── ・ 。゚★: *.☪ .* :☆゚. ───┐
Warning(s): NSFW! Minors dni, coarse language, praising, virginity, crying, size kink, I didn't edit this.
Pairing: c!Dream XD x Reader
Synopsis: You two are forbidden lovers, A god can not be with a human. You give the god your virginity (the purest thing you can offer) in order to lose your mortality.
Pronouns: AFAB they/them
Word count: 1.5K
└─── ・ 。゚★: *.☪ .* :☆゚. ───┘
Your hands were soft and your skin was thin, this was another small reminder to the god that you are indeed a human and you (like any other human) are weak. "My dear, are you sure you do not require netherite armor? Your fingers are starting to bruise.." The god pondered with concern.
"My fingers aren't bruising, they're just turning slightly red from the cold. I'll be fine, stop worrying so much, it's not like I'm going to die out of nowhere" You shrugged it off and got back to picking at the grass "Why do you harm earth like that?" DreamXD flew beside you, his head rotating to look down on you.
"It'll grow back" you respond nonchalantly "That's not the point, why're you pulling it out?" DreamXD reminded you of a curious bird, "I guess I just like the feeling of ripping it out? I don't know, it's just a habit I picked up" You answered "You should stop or else the grass will start picking at you" The god poked at you jokingly "hey! Watch your hands" you pushed him away playfully.
DreamXD fell back into the grass and laughed "hah! You're my favorite little human, I love you" DreamXD reached out to touch your hair "I love you too, my god" you kiss his hand as it caresses your face. "I wish we didn't have to move around so much, I really enjoy these moments we have together" you sighed "I want to give you the world, I really do but I'm not allowed to have such affiliations with humans" The god lowered his head and turned away sadly.
"Then I wish I wasn't human, I'd be a stinking chicken if it allowed me to see you more, my love" you spoke your heart out as you were basically begging the god not to leave you alone "That's not how the world works, my dear. You can't just suddenly go changing what you are" DreamXD touched your face with his large hand "Why not? Why can't you grant me this one wish? You're meant to be a god, please do this for us!" You pleaded.
"I would get in a lot of trouble for doing such a thing to a human like you, why couldn't you of fallen for my human counterpart, my dear? Why'd you have to make this so hard on us?" DreamXD pouted "He's different, he's not like you" you quickly spat back out "you said you'd give the world for me!" you exclaimed "so- give me immortality! make me like you- what do I have to do??" You were trying so hard.
"I think.." DreamXD began to speak as he thought to himself, his wings lifted to scratch his head gently "yes.. That might work.." His glowing eyes glanced up to meet yours "I think if you give me something, I'll be able to turn you into some kind of higher being. I'm not sure what you'll be if you turn out to be a god or just some weird demi-god.."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him happily, you would give your god anything to be with him "Anything! What do you need, my soul?" you were so eager and precious "You're so pure darling~ But no.. I need something very important" DreamXD lifted your chin with his slender fingers and he leaned in to kiss you.
"Y/n, I need to take your virginity" your face went red as the god explained what he needed from you "It's one of the most purest things you can offer to a god which makes it so valuable, with your gift I will be able to bestow upon you an amazing blessing.." He held you in his many pairs of arms, you were so tiny and small compared to him.
"Anything for you.." You whispered to him, your hands wrapping around his neck.
DreamXD's hands moved under your shirt to touch your skin, he hummed in some sort of delight when he felt your warm chest "you feel so warm~" he smiled "DreamXD-" you breathed out his name as he was slowly touching and praising you. "S-Shouldn't I be worshiping you instead?" you gulped "No, don't worry about pleasing me, dear" he kissed your forehead and continued his actions.
The God had another set of his arms grasp onto your legs, his hands traveling upwards to grab onto the soft flesh of your thighs "ah!" you gasped meekly when his fingertips dug in gently. His other hands feeling up your chest and his fingers dancing along your back, trailing up your spine.
You sheepishly moved your arms from the god to unbutton your shirt, your chest now revealed to the god. DreamXD licked his lips before leaning in and peppering kisses across your collarbone and neck, his hands not leaving your soft mounds of skin. "DreamXD- you're so amazing.." you mumbled quietly.
"you're so soft and perfect, I couldn't want any other creature but you.." DreamXD closed his eyes and inhaled your scent. Your hands moved to start taking off your bottoms, your underwear sliding down with them "you're such a good human for presenting yourself to your god without him having to ask~"
DreamXD wasted no more time and his hand found its way to your clit, his thumb brushing over it gently which made you yelp "ah!" you jumped from the sudden pleasure. The God took notice of this and used one set of his arms to hold you down, another hand using its fingers to stretch you open.
You squealed and tried to move away "is this too much for you? We can always try another time" DreamXD offered to stop "No- No- please don't stop! I just.. I've never really put anything inside before" you admitted embarrassedly "I'll go a bit slower for you then, my dear" The god continued but slowly this time, one of his fingers curling up inside of you.
"I fear you're not going to be able to fit on my cock, you're so small compared to me and you're barely taking my fingers" You whined as you heard him say that, you wanted needed him to fuck you and take your virginity. "Please try!" You exclaimed while trying to fuck yourself on his fingers to make a point that maybe you would be able to take his big length.
"Y- you're a god.. Can't you do anything to help?" you asked "I can't exploit my powers for things like this" DreamXD crossed his arms, you huffed "p- please try to fuck me now, please" You pleaded "I worry I'll hurt you" DreamXD was hesitant "then I'll do it" you stood up in his lap.
You leaned forward and moved his cloak out of the way, your hands working the zipper down to let his cock spring out. Your eyes went wide as you saw how big he was down there, he was right! How in the fuck could you fit this inside?? You gulped nervously and slowly got on top of him, his rod sliding in painfully slow.
You didn't expect him to be able to bottom out but he finally did, his whole thing was now inside of you and you were on the verge of tears. "I can see that you're in pain, let's just stop, we can try another day" DreamXD wiped your tears away "It's fine- this is a normal thing, it's normal to hurt.. Let's just wait it out for a bit please" DreamXD listened to you and waited for you to get adjusted.
You tried to move while on his cock but it seemed close to impossible with how much he had you filled up "um.. could you please- f- fuck me?" You laughed awkwardly, you wanted to desperately take control and fuck yourself on him but you literally couldn't! "Anything for you my dear" The God moved so he was now thrusting into you gently.
You whined and squealed in pleasure "Ah! W0 Woah!" You squirmed in his touch, his hands were on your hips to keep you steady as he kept fucking into your cunny. "It feels so good, thank you so much for your perfect offering.. Your body is the most perfect temple that I've ever been in" DreamXD kissed you passionately as he kept going.
His hips shuddered against yours, his eyes dimming for just a moment as he was fucking you "ah.. So good, please cum for me.." DreamXD wrapped a pair of hands around your waist and another pair was playing with your tits, "I- I feel weird!" you told the godly man "that's good, release that pressure you have building up" DreamXD went faster as he was close.
You covered your mouth as your back arched, your legs were shaking so much as your pussy spasmed around his cock and you came. "FUCK" DreamXD cursed out as he came right after you, coating your insides with some kind of godlike sperm. "C- Can we be together forever now.. Please?" you huffed out on the ground as you tried to catch your breath "Forever and ever my dear, you're my god" he then gave you one final kiss as you drifted into sleep.
A/n: This is kinda my first post on here so sorry if it's bad 😢 It's also been a while since I wrote fanfiction and tbh I'm a bit intimidated??? Anyways thank u sm for reading !!
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falconcoast · 4 years
the parent trap | diluc x reader | three
three. dawn
you take your daughter out on a quick errand run around london, in which you think her time in america is starting to get to her.
warnings; none!
author’s notes; love love love this series sm! i hope you guys are enjoying it as much as i am. :D
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the summer weather provide a pleasant breeze as you talked amiably with your daughter in the kitchen. dawn was all smiles, kicking her feet as she sat at the island, small hands pressed upon the marble counter.
“so, tell me, darling,” you asked as you pulled open the fridge door, grabbing her a glass of juice. “how was your summer camp in maine? you have a little glow about you and your hair is light from the sun.”
“brilliant!” she chirped. “i went canoeing, learned how to swim, and i even got practice my fencing.”
“wonderful, wonderful,” you replied as you slid over the glass. she said her thanks before beginning to drink it. “i knew it was a great idea to send you there for the summer. i’m glad that you enjoyed it. ooh, and what about that girl you met? the one who cut your hair and pierced your hair?”
dawn choked on her drink, and you seized with worry, patting her back. “dawn? are you alright?”
she set down her glass, waving her hands. “oh, no, no, no! i’m fine! just a little hasty in drinking is all! anyways, about that girl,” dawn continued. “she’s an american. she was really funny, and she was smart, and she could beat me at poker. plus, she looked a lot like me! almost like a twin!”
“a twin? very funny, dawn,” you teased, taking her glass after she finished, placing it in the sink.
you were about to add on when you heard the footsteps coming down the hallway. a moment later, zhongli peeked his head into the doorway, phone in hand. “i hate to intrude, miss y/n, but your assistant is on the phone.”
“ah, thank you for telling me,” you said, taking the phone from his hand as he walked over to talk to your daughter. you watched as she shyly played with her hair, meek in comparison to her usual self around him, as you picked up the phone.
“miss y/n,” your assistant said frantically, voice shaking. “we have a problem at the studio. the photographer is having a problem with the accessories, and the model doesn’t agree because she says it’s quote unquote, ‘the worst veil possible’, and we just really need--”
“you really need me to pick and choose for you?” you replied with a knowing tone, to which your assistant sighed in relief.
“yes, please. i know it’s your day off, but that would be a big help.”
“of course. i’m on my way,” you said before clicking off the phone after saying your goodbyes. with a sigh, you faced the two. “i’ll have to go to the studio.”
“you really can’t seem to catch a day off, can you, miss y/n?” zhongli said with a shake of his head and to which dawn nodded eagerly. “i admire your ambition.”
“thank you, zhongli,” you smiled. “duty calls. dawn, would you like to come with me to the studio? once we’re done, we can hang out around town, if you’d like.”
“would i?!” she exclaimed, taking you and your butler aback with her eagerness. “i-i mean, yes, of course!”
her enthusiasm only made you smile as she hopped of the counter. “we have no time to lose, then. let’s head over right away!”
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phoenix bridal was a sight to behold. after years of hard work, your bridal shop was beautiful, with wide, arching windows holding dresses that you had hand designed. the one for a duchess right here in london, the one for the princess in greece, and the countless celebrities’ dresses you catered for had all adorned your mannequins once. as you opened the door, dawn seemed starstruck. her eyes were bright with wonder as she twirled around the studio, as if she were looking at it for the first time.
“it’s so pretty!” she squealed as she took her small hand in your own. you raised an eyebrow as you waved at your clients and employees.
“you say that if you haven’t ever been here before,” you joked, popping open the door to the back of the shop and to the studio. there stood your anxious assistant, who sighed in relief as you approached. waving her off, you looked at your model. she was wearing a wedding dress that you had designed with dawn before the summer had begun, making you smile. “look at that, dawn. that’s the dress we designed together.”
“w-we did?” she asked confused before perking up. “i-i mean, yes, we did! it’s as beautiful as we first planned it to be.”
“how strange. i believe that jetlag is getting to you. you were so excited for that dress to be made. i’m sort of surprised that you forgot,” you replied, before shaking your head with a smile. “nonetheless, we have a job to do. can you hand me a few safety pins, darling?”
“y-yes!” she squeaked, as you turned to your photographer.
humming, you began addressing the problem. “ah, i see the problem. so no matter the angle, the corset gets covered by the veil. but without the veil, she looks a bit bare. hm.”
“i have your safety pins, mother,” dawn suddenly piped behind you, placing them in your hand. you raised an eyebrow, looking down at the gold tacks.
“these are glass-head pins, darling, not safety. seems your time in america has rendered you a little bit silly, hm?” you teased before tucking them away. “it’s alright. how about something simple? get me a veil, whichever one you find the nicest.”
flustered, she only nodded, walking away. you turned to face the model and photographer again, analyzing how to make the dress look as beautiful as possible. “oh, how about this? turn a little to the left, but bring a hand up to your cheek. yes, just like that.” after a minute, dawn presented to you two veils. one had gold lace embedded in it, and the other was exceptionally long. “which one do you like more?”
“hm, i quite enjoy this one, the gold one,” she replied, a little sparkle in her eyes. you let out a little huff of appreciation.
“you really are my daughter, aren’t you, dawn? i like that one too,” you winked, taking the veil in your hands. you began placing it on the model’s head, adjusting it to fit her properly. “ooh, lovely indeed. alright, now, just as before. relax those arms, would you?”
the rest of the afternoon passed by relatively quickly. each time you looked over, she stared back with wonder in her eyes. she had practically grown up at the bridal shop, so you were confused as to why she looked at you so adoringly. nonetheless, you appreciated her eagerness. the afternoon consisted of looking at all of dresses, and deciding upon a name for the collection. with a start, you snapped your fingers.
“phoenix,” you suddenly said, as the photographer and model began wrapping up their session.
“yes, mother?” she replied before slapping at hand over her mouth, cheeks turning a bright red like her hair. you turned to look at her, thinking of her sister for a moment. imagine if it were actually phoenix, you chuckled softly, thinking about the single month you spent with her before your divorce. i wonder how she’s doing now. i wonder how diluc is doing, too.
“sorry, dawn. i was thinking aloud about what to call this collection. how does ‘phoenix’ sound to you?” you asked as she spun around in her chair, kicking her legs out.
“phoenix,” your daughter echoed, voice distant and she looked down. then, she nodded with firm affirmation. “yes, i like it very much, mother. it’s a pretty name.”
you looked at her, thinking once more of her twin. she must be so beautiful and all grown up now, you thought before shaking your head. wistfully, you wondered of the what would have been had you and diluc not gotten into such a messy fight all those years ago. perhaps you would be sitting in that grand mansion of his, running the ragnvindr business like you had planned in sunkissed afternoons long before you married. perhaps you would know how your other daughter was doing. perhaps you would still be hopelessly in love with him.
or were you perhaps still hopelessly in love with him, and had those feelings never gone away in the first place?
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“mother, don’t you ever think that designing all of these gowns make you want to get married? or at least think of the f-word?” dawn suddenly said, taking her hand as you led her out the door to the bridal shop. london was in the midst of its rush hour, workers heading home in the bustling streets. above was a brilliant blue sky and all around was warm weather that reminded you of an american summer that you had long ago.
you snapped your head at her, giving her an incredulous look. “what did you just say?”
“the f-word! father!” she exclaimed, eyes bright with excitement.
“oh, i see. that f-word,” you sighed out a breath of relief. “yes, dear? what about it?”
“i think it’s time you tell me about my father!” making you bite your lip as you crossed the road to the other side of the street.
“dawn, we’ve talked about this before. you were delivered to me by a stork on one fine, october afternoon, and—”
“mother, i’m too old to believe that story! who’s the man in that crumpled picture? the one with bright red hair and the red tie! you can’t avoid the subject forever; at least tell me what he was like.”
sighing out, you conceded. “well, alright. to be honest, he was a lovely, lovely man.”
“really?! did you meet him here, in london?”
“ah, no. he was an american on a business trip. we met on the qe2.”
“the q-e-what?”
“the queen elizabeth two. it’s an ocean liner that sails from here to new york city. there was a famous celebrity having her wedding on that ship, and i was just getting into the dress-making industry. the night before the wedding, during the dress rehearsal, i was seated next to your father. he was also catering, with his merlots and whatnot, and we hit it off right away. and everything else became a blur."
“really?! oh, how romantic! so, was it love at first sight?”
shaking your head with a smile, you looked at her. was your little girl so grown that she had to ask questions about diluc? it didn’t help either that she looked like a carbon copy of him. “i knew you were going to ask these questions one day. alright, enough. how about we get dinner so we can talk about your dad, now, hmm? seems all your time in the states has made you so curious about him.”
as you grabbed a taxi, you failed to realize exactly why she was asking all of these questions.
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taglist!: @asheseiler​ @syllything​ @dilucsz​ @hanniejji​ @lianabae19​ @catgirlwannabe​ @creamillabon​ @kouchuya @winterptilopsis​ @lowermoons​@chscklvr @nekonikoniko 
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sukirichi · 3 years
sukirichi’s 2.4k milestone event
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weee another milestone and nooo i couldn’t wait for 2.5k because i’m so excited and happy, thank you so much! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ including HAIKYUU this time around yeeeee! also i don’t have a restaurant aesthetic anymore, just kind of goofing around now! REQUESTS ARE OPEN. 
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before you request...
please read about my writings first! it will include the stuff i write and don’t write about. i’m more flexible in nsfw works, so if you really want to try for a kink, just send me in and if the idea is up to my liking, we’ll see how it goes! 
please be patient and nice! if i don’t like the tone of your request or if you’re ‘demanding’ me, aka, “hey, write this for me, this concept...” your ask will immediately be deleted!
no requesting of the same idea to other writers please!
please keep in mind i don’t do too much canon-heavy plots, aka really specific canon events and how they lead up to one another. i don’t read the manga for both jjk and haikyuu ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ
I do not do headcanons anymore. I’m not good at them LMAO.
i feel a lot more laid back in my writings now, so i’ll only be taking requests that i want to write for! the accepted requests will be listed down below as i organize them
you may refer to my first milestone event if you want more ideas for AU requests! you no longer need to include the numbers/spices/ingredients format used in that. just send whatever idea you want ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU. whichever idea i love the MOST will be turned into a series just because I want to try new things hehe!
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— characters i can write anything for (nsfw & sfw)
: gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, choso, ryoumen sukuna, nanami kento
: suna rintarou, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei, miya twins, kita shinsuke, oikawa tooru, ushijima wakatoshi, bokuto koutarou, akaashi keiji, tetsuro kuroo
— characters i can only write sfw for
: itadori yuuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuuta
: kenma kozume
— characters i’m MOST eager to write simp for
: fushiguro megumi, choso, naoya zenin, ryoumen sukuna, gojo satoru
: suna rintarou, kageyama tobio, kita shinsuke, oikawa tooru, akaashi keiji
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accepted requests: (only accepting the ones that interest me for now!)
favorites marked as ⭐
RYOUMEN SUKUNA: hello love!! i know it LITERALLY just came out but would you consider a pt 2 or a drabble for sweet lies? where megumi either catches her and sukuna or she genuinely starts moving on uasdfghj i'm convinced that megumi heard her fucking sukuna in the bathroom <3 anyways pls feel free to ignore me too
RYOUMEN SUKUNA: Ma’am , i beg of u ,,, spare husband! sukuna x wife! reader drabble. I just read your arranged marriage AU and lordddd i’m obsessed. How long did it take for him to take her virginity 😳? i’m so curious as to how that went down read here: black magic [02]
⭐⭐ RYOUMEN SUKUNA:  Yooooo how about Rockstar Sukuna seducing his manager ehehehehe~ 
⭐ RYOUMEN SUKUNA: Ok but... pirate captain Sukuna 👀👀👀 I’m havin some Thots ngl 🥵🤤 I can’t decide whether reader should be the first mate and they’re a kickass Power Couple 💪😎or if she should be a stowaway who gets found out and has to pay for her passage with her body 😩😉
OKKOTSU YUTA: We both be weak for yuuta and toge😩 congrats 2.4k btw. so i'll request that for the event! poly!yuuta and toge. i see that you only write sfw for them so fluff. u can think of anything you want for it..and yes we simp for both of them i love them sm🤧
⭐ OKKOTSU YUTA: Hi saw that your request are open and congrats for the 2.4k !! 🎊 if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that's his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it's y/n and she doesn't die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3 | kiss me more
⭐ OKKOTSU YUTA: Hi can i request a scenario in which inumaki and okkotsu gets hit with a curse(?) That makes them a clone but the clone is a kid and seeing their gf taking care of the baby please thank youuu
INUMAKI TOGE: Toge's S/O being so sad that even when he says "smile" it doesn't work( also saw that in TikTok)
⭐ INUMAKI TOGE: Hi can i request a scenario in which inumaki and okkotsu gets hit with a curse(?) That makes them a clone but the clone is a kid and seeing their gf taking care of the baby please thank youuu
INUMAKI TOGE: We both be weak for yuuta and toge😩 congrats 2.4k btw. so i'll request that for the event! poly!yuuta and toge. i see that you only write sfw for them so fluff. u can think of anything you want for it..and yes we simp for both of them i love them sm🤧
⭐ INUMAKI TOGE: Hi! Congrats on 2.4k!!🤩 For the event, may I request an au where reader is Yuuta's sister? Can be gn/fem reader anything is fine. And they fall in love with Toge? Fluff fluff fluff please🥺Maybe they meet one day when she went to visit the school? Or she's a new sorcerer. Aahhhh I can't think of anything so I'll leave it up to your wonderful mind😌 Thank you! And again congrats! | crush
INUMAKI TOGE: SUKI OMG SIREN AU WITH TOGE AND DEAF READERHis voice hypnotizes all who hear it but she’s unaffected and he’s shook lmao 😂 She teaches him human sign language so they can communicate 🥺 maybe when he realizes he likes her he brings her seashells and other shiny things from the sea floor and it’s so cute 🥰 just 🥺🥺 siren Toge 🥺🥺🥺 (DEBATING)
GOJO SATORU: Hello dear Suki! 🤗 congrats on your more than deserved milestone 👏🏼🥳 I know it’s not the restaurant aesthetic anymore but still, thank you for being a Michelin-star chef spoiling the fandom with your food 🤤👀 I’d love to request the following: ingredient 66 with sugar 8 & 9 and Gojou as cherry on top 🥰 some heavy angst with a happy / smutty ending. additional 🍪 for inspiration - „Best friends don’t look at each other the way you look at her. You never know what will happen, tomorrow might be too late“. Have a lovely day dear 💕
GOJO SATORU: Congrats on 2.4K!!!! May I please request a fic where the reader has like. Zero reaction to Gojo? And he’s kinda shook bc people either adore him or hate him, but here’s reader acting like he’s just a normal dude. And he starts falling for her bc he’s never experienced that before
⭐ GOJO SATORU: a reader that likes Gojo but immediately says N O P E bc they clock that he’s at risk of breaking their heart so they just try to avoid getting close to him despite being a teacher stuck with him a lot of the time. And Gojo is just like ??? But I like you??? Why are you always avoiding me? “I’m tired of you acting like I can’t commit to something. Committing to you is easy.”
⭐ GOJO SATORU: ♡Soft nsfw scenario with s/o and gojo while outside is snowing read here: cold
⭐ GOJO SATORU: Ohoho~ another milestone! Congrats~Can I get Vampire!Satoru x Monster Hunter!Reader where he “proves” to her that all of his victims came willingly(I think from the AU choice you’ll know exactly who I am lol 😉)
⭐ GOJO SATORU: hello! first and foremost, congratulations on reaching 2.4k! i love your writing and its just oh my goodness <3 your stories made my heart squeezed! second of all, i'd like to propose a request for a story. fluff/angst (up to you! your way of writing is just superb) mixed with nsfw gojo satoru. a modern business tycoon au where he just lost his wife and is overprotective of his 1 year old toddler. you're his new staff in the office and is treated badly bcs you know, new staff. one day, you stumbled upon your boss and his baby in a shop, who wont stop crying and he took an interest in you when you managed to calm his kid down. he hired you as his babysitter + made you move into his estate. from there, your life changed! also, thank you for accompanying my days with your stories, it's marvelous! 💕
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: okay i thought you might like this idea for the event (or maybe not lol) - naoya coming home to his beloved little housewife and feels like giving her a treat for being such a good girl.,,.,, read: man's gonna re-arrange your guts and have some soft moments with you after (not that he would ever admit that shsghshsj) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | good girl
NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: Stage magician Naoya and his cute little assistant, where every other trick works to undress or strategically rip her outfit so he can show off his little bunny to the crowd before fucking her brainless backstage
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE:  listen ,,,,, ur naoya hate fic goes crazy stupid may i add something. naoya being overprotective like reader is so pretty and many of the clan men look at them a lottttt and naoya out of nowhere will kiss you in front of them or will grab them in front the maids and workers. then reader becomes mad and they get into an argument and then hate fuck :D lmaoo  (THIS REQUEST PLEASEEEE SEND ME TO HEAVEN) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: Omg Suki! Congrats on the 2.4k! So uhmm I decided to take a break from the Kita/Naoya twin au angst 👉👈 idk if you are still accepting requests but HAS ANYONE EVER MENTIONED OR HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED SUGAR DADDY NAOYA????? 🥺 -🌸
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI: Megumi being insecure about his eyes because they are a very light green colour( like in manga) so he wears blue contacts( I saw that on TikTok and... big brain energy)
⭐ FUSHIGURO MEGUMI: SUKI, HI! First of all, congrats on 2.4K you absolutely deserve every single milestone coming your way 💞💞If it’s not too much to ask may I request a one-shot with megumi where he’s jealous that his fem!crush is spending more time with Itadori and sees how she enjoys his company a lot but it’s purely platonic? Reader likes megumi too and they both need that push in the right direction?Thanks so much if you decide to write this 🥺💖 I seriously love your writing and your big brain sm
CHOSO: Could you write something with Choso and the reader that has a toxic mother (if that actually exists.  She controls everything the reader does, and plays with her mind/ feelings making her feel like she's the bad one)?But after a fight with the mom, the reader has enough and just leaves deciding they will finally do what they want, ending up at a tattoo shop, where Choso is the tattoo artist.Ngl, i'd like this to be nsfw because i am thirsting for this man ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Don't really have kink preferences but if you could include size and breeding kink then i'd be hella thankful ☺
GETOU SUGURU: Yo how about a Victorian AU with Gentleman Thief!Getou and Debutante!Reader nsfw 👀👀 maybe she hears something in the dark and goes to investigate and gets pressed to the wall with a knife at her throat 👀🥵
FUSHIGURO TOJI: can we get a part two of the "lessons learned" toji fic 👉🏽👈🏽 maybe him fucking and overstimulating her so hard she cries and begs for mercy but no mercy will be given. maybe he uses the same handcuffs she used for him on her 🥰 maybe some manhandling cause im a hoe for letting a man throw me around
⭐ KAGEYAMA TOBIO (fckin finally): kageyama tobio x reader fic for mutual virginity loss? maybe they just haven’t had time with him being a fancy schmancy volleyball player, maybe there’s just nerves, i don’t know! i’ll leave it up to u babe <3
⭐ SUNA RINTARO: hi!! congrats on the 2.4k HEHE just wanted to request a suna and tattoo/flower shop au? idk just the thought of tattooed suna is like. mm yes
⭐ SUNA RINTARO/AKAASHI KEIJI: hi suki!! i’m so excited for your event! so i rarely ever see someone else who loves both akaashi and suna so i was wondering if you could write something for them! maybe apocalypse au?? or roommate au?? i was thinking y/n could have a relationship/be fuck buddies with one of them and some smutty exhibitionism happens with the other watching, and then some pining that ends in a threesome if you write those! if not, then just a smutty n filthy little love triangle that you can choose an ending for lol (a happy one would be nice bc my heart can only handle so much angst, but really it’s up to you and what inspires you!!) tysm for doing this event and always working so hard <3
⭐ OIKAWA TOORU: hi i love your writing!! can i please request work au (boss oikawa x secretary fem reader?) with degradation and him fucking your in the window 😭💗💗
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weasleypogues · 4 years
written in the stars (f.w. au) pt. 3
thanks for supporting guys it means sosososoososos much!!!! i love this little fic sm so this is so much fun! this is the final part!!! again requests are open <3 
taglist:  @daddystevee @nojamsonmytoast @thebadassbitchqueen @hogwarts-babe
hope you enjoy!! xx :)
masterlist. part 1. part 2. 
unironically, you felt the need for a towel for a quick second because of the sweatiness of your palms. you were walking towards the gryffindor common room with malia, jada, and cedric. excitement and anxiety were bubbling inside of you the closer you got towards the party. 
“are you sure theres a party? it sounds quiet?” jada asked malia, somewhat nervously. she had her eyebrows furrowed and didn’t want to make the mistake of four random hufflepuffs walking into the gryffindor common room.
“yeah, i’m sure hermione granger put up some kind of charm to keep out the noise. plus, (y/n)’s soulmate confirmed it anyways.” malia responded, sending a playful wink your way. a smile crept onto your face and it would’ve been your wand that you grasped your hand around in excitement but instead it was the marble and slightly cold pen. 
“balderdash.” cedric spoke to the painting. the fat lady looked at him and rolled her eyes, acknowledging that he wasn’t a gryffindor but if she heard the password she would let him in. the fat lady made a mental note to change the password on her own terms. the portrait swung open and you walked through a slight haze as if someone turned on the heater and you could see it in the air. as you passed that hazy barrier, the bass of the music vibrated through your body. the lights were turned off but charmed bright red lights took it’s place and the room was crowded.
cedric and malia broke off to say hi to a couple of friends. you made your way over to ginny weasley with jada by your side and tapped her on the arm, eager to say hi to your friend. there was a time during the triwizard tournament that you got on the same boat as her to go to the second task. you watched as she scolded her two brothers for being too mean when trying to sell their pranking candy and chuckled. you hopped on the boat with jada and another roommate and she was shy but wanted to hop on as well.
“(y/n)! happy birthday!! im so happy to see you!” she exclaimed and didn’t hesitate to pull you into a hug. you returned the hug and had a small conversation with her. however, you felt somewhat bad when she started a conversation and you couldn’t help but let your eyes dart around the room, as if there would be a bright sign and an arrow pointing over someone’s head that read “(y/n)’s soulmate!”
ginny noticed your distracted eyes and caught your attention again, “looking for your soulmate?” she asked with a smirk and her eyebrows raised. you felt your cheeks get hot and nodded before letting out a deep breath.
“i think he’s in gryffindor. seems to be somewhat forgetful of the common room password.” you announced and she laughed, playfully rolling her eyes.
“i know way too many people like that in this house. you’d think people would learn by now.” ginny joked. her next sentence was cut off by the unison yelling of two redheaded boys standing on the table with two bottles of daisyroot drought. they both shook them very hard and popped off the caps, spraying the crowd below them as if it were champagne, leaving everyone soaked. most students opened their mouths or cheered along. you laughed and rolled your eyes playfully, pulling out your pen and writing on your arm.
will definitelyyyyy need a towel after the stunt the twins just pulled
you laughed to yourself and stuck the pen inside your pocket and glanced back up at the twins, ready for another shower of daisyroot drought. while george had a giant smile on his face, fred had the bottle in his right hand and was using a free pointer finger to lift up the sleeve of his shirt on his left arm.
you felt a lump in your throat and intently watched him read it. you grabbed jada’s arm next to you as you were frozen watching fred read the sentence to himself and smirking.
“what’s up?” she replied, a little loudly over the booming music. 
“fred weasley.” you said loud enough so she could hear but in a good enough volume that people may not look over. this, weirdly enough, didn’t include ginny.
“what about him? did he get too much drought in your eyes?” ginny joked and laughed, but her smile turned into her eyebrows furrowing as she stared at your shocked face.
your eyes were still upon fred who was deparately patting around his shirt and pants, trying to find the pen he realized he must’ve misplaced. he looked frazzled and hopped down from the table.
“is fred- you know?” jada replied, eager evident in her voice and her eyes basically sparkling for you.
“wait, fred is your soulmate?” ginny basically yelled and you covered her mouth with your hand to get her to shut up. if you were wrong, that would’ve just been embarrassing. 
“i think?” you said, chuckling and your shocked face soon came to the realizaiton of how happy you were. you couldn’t stop your fingers from tingling and bringing the hand that was once on ginny’s mouth, back to yours. ginny was beaming and wrapped her arms around you.
“ugh i hope so! my future sister in law!” she exclaimed and you laughed.
“don’t get too excited, i haven’t confirmed it yet.” you reminded her, your face feeling hot at the thought of marrying fred weasley.
“let me go ask him for you!” ginny said, basically on her way to confront her older brother. you grabbed her arms, your eyes wide and shook your head.
“don’t! because if it isn’t and you ask him about it, that would be so embarrassing.” you stated, worry filling up the tone of your voice. you saw george getting down from the table acknowleding the disappearence of his brother and spotted some fellow gryffindors to talk to. although, you couldn’t spot fred.
“no, (y/n), you don’t understand! it makes sense! he mentioned to george today that he just started talking to his soulmate!” ginny reassured you and grabbed ron’s arm as he was innocently passing by.
“bloody hell, ginny! do something about those claws of yours!” ron whined and exasperated, glaring at his little sister.
“(y/n) is fred’s soulmate!” she said, her smile emitting towards his direction and his annoyed face turned into shock.
“wait! we aren’t totally sure yet!” you said, your heart rate increasing at the fact that at this rate, ginny would tell the entire weasley lineage before you could confirm it with fred himself.
“go up to him now! i don’t know how much longer i can hear of him talking about not knowing his soulmate, five months of talking everyone’s ears off. worst case scenario, he’s not.” ron said, basically screaming over the loud music. you laughed in response but took what he said in, everything was really making sense.
“what are you guys up to?” you heard a deep and familar voice ask from beside you. you looked up and your heart dropped for a second but slowly fluttered up as you identified that the man infront of you wasn’t fred, but george. you admired the similarity in features for a second before ron’s voice snapped you out of it.
“(y/n) is fred’s soulmate!” ron exclaimed and your hands lifted to your face in stress in an instant.
“merlin’s beard, are all the weasley’s this terrible at keeping secrets?” you inquired, your face going hot, for what felt like the 100th time since coming into the common room. ron’s face looked sheepish but you felt george’s eyes on you.
“are you serious? thank god, he never stops talking about you! let me get him, he can’t find his pen!” george said but you grabbed his arm before he could go on his journey to find his frazzled twin looking for his pen. you let out a stressed breath and paused.
“wait, he talks about me?” you asked, a gleam of hope sparkled in your eye. george smiled and rolled his eyes, “yeah, i never hear the end of it.”
your nerves felt calmer and you looked around. “fuck it, i’m going to look for him.” you stated, feeling a sudden gryffindor courage. fred’s siblings all had similar happy expressions and you chuckled, realizing fred didn’t only have an identical twin but basically an identical family. you glanced at jada and she gave you a thumbs up before you took off. 
it didn’t take long to find fred, seeing as he was above six foot and had vibrant hair. you saw him rummaging in open spots of the common room and under pillows and chairs. “lost something?” you asked, trying to sound unknowing. 
he glanced up immediately at the sound of your voice and a smile formed on his face at the sight of you. “to your surprise, i actually enjoy spending my time organizing furniture and making sure it looks up to par.”
you laughed at his joke and rolled your eyes, feeling as if your heart was going to beat out of your chest. “here, take my pen since you lost yours.”
fred reached out to grab it for a second before putting it together, “how did you know i lost my pen?” 
“kind of put it together that you could be a forgetful person. first the gryffindor common room password, than your pen...you have a track record, weasley.”
a smirk formed on his face and he was putting the pieces together. the smirk soon transformed into a softer smile and a sparkle shone in his eye at the sight of you. you drew a tiny heart on your wrist to see if it would show up on his, to prove your theory right. you saw glitter light from his wrist and your eyes met.
“i guess that settles the mystery.” fred stated, a giant smile on his face as the black ink disappeared from both of your wrists. “can i?” he asked.
he walked towards you slightly learning in before you smiled and nodded. he let his hands make their way to cup your face and pulled you in for a kiss. you felt yourself slightly on your tippy-toes and let yours hands make their way to his torso, deepening the kiss. you suddenly heard cheering and the both of you pulled away, calmer than before. you glanced over at the sound and saw cedric, jada, malia, the weaselys, and most of their friends cheering and clapping, excited for the two of you. 
your face went hot and you got slightly embarrassed at all the attention before letting your head burrow into fred’s chest, laughing. you felt his body vibrating at he laughed too, wrapping his arms around your head and pulling you somehow closer to his body warmth. 
“i knew it would be you.” fred whispered into your ear before planting another kiss on the top of your head. 
“it was written in the stars.” you responded with before leaning in for another kiss.
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