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andro-dino · 11 months ago
heya, I think your vampire and school au for takasakyo pretty cool and want you to ramble more about it. mfb school au's are endlessly hilarious to me, so how are they're doing?
WOOOO YEAHHHHH I LOVE TALKING ABOUT THIS AU‼️‼️‼️‼️ I will start by saying the first thing I made for it was this fic (which was originally gonna be a mini comic but I didn’t feel like drawing it)
I’m pretty sure I came up with this au in the first place just bc I was thinking a little bit too hard about sakyo’s fangs and then that led my brain to go to vampires, and now we’re here. The thing that I thought abt that I find really amusing (which is what mostly inspired the fic) is like, a subversion of the usual vampire trope of biting on the neck, bc when you really think about that, tis a tad bit intimate and also probably not the most convenient, so I had it so that Sakyo bites Takanosuke on his arm instead (much to taka’s surprise). I also did that kinda thinking about like, actual blood drives and stuff, and I’ve personally never donated blood but they have opportunities to do so at my school sometimes and I know they always give people like snacks and juice afterwards, so I thought it’d be cute to have Sakyo do that to.
In general Sakyo’s character is probably the thing that’s most different in this whole au because although I tried to translate some of his actual character arc and motivations into the context of him being a vampire, it’s a very different lens overall. and like also yk it’s just me making Sakyo a lot cuter just for my own funsies BUT THATS THE LESS IMPORTANT PART. in the actual series his motivations are a lot more “because I’ve inherited dragoon and am ryugas successor it’s my destiny to Cause Problems On Purpose and be stronger than everyone and fuck everyone else up and be a loner and I’m gonna take pride in that,” but vamp Sakyo feels a lot more shame in being a vampire so his motivations are more like “it is my destiny to be this horrible monster and despite the fact that I don’t really like most people anyways, I don’t really wanna cause any real harm either so I’m gonna Cause Problems On Purpose so that they stay away” yk. And also again the aspect of him not drinking blood often basically makes him hangry like all the time so that also adds to the Issues.
I feel like the context I’ve built up in my head is kinda vague in all the ways I’ve tried to post about it but like, the idea was that similar to the anime, in Sakyo’s pursuit of causing problems and just being a general asshole, all the same people who he battled during his introduction also got into trouble with Sakyo at some point during the school year. I made this joke to some friends I was telling about this au but like, Sakyo through and through is a dorkass loser. In the show, people take him seriously bc he has the bey and the power to back it up, but outside of that he is SO lame and such an edgy teenager, and in this au, he has the exact same attitude he usually does except now he doesn’t actually physically fight people to the same degree so everyone basically just sees him as this edgy emo asshole who hisses at people in the hallways yk. And so everyone just kinda avoids him bc nobody likes him. Except for Takanosuke that is, who still has his whole thing with Sakyo and ren, and similarly, becomes intrigued with Sakyo afterwards. Call it intuition or something, but immediately after actually having an interaction with Sakyo, he can sense that there’s something else that he’s not letting on. That’s when he starts following Sakyo and trying to talk to him, but Sakyo continually ignores him. It’s after school one day where he finds Sakyo in like, an alley or something, basically doing as bad as he could possibly be doing, and at this point Takanosuke’s already been connecting some of the dots, but seeing Sakyo as he sees him there is the final confirmation in the realization that he’s a vampire, and that kinda explains a lot for takanosuke. It makes all of Sakyo’s strange behavior and aggression make sense to him and he also realizes, seeing the state Sakyo’s in, that he’s really just hungry, and feels compelled to help. That’s when they make their whole deal and their friendship begins.
It’s funny because Sakyo has like absolutely no idea how to go about any of this now, both because he hasn’t really had a friend in like ever, but now that he has a steady source of blood, he doesn’t really need to be doing like everything that he’s been doing, and doesn’t really know how to go about that. At school, he really only hangs out with Takanosuke now, and basically everyone else has taken notice to it and how he’s basically changed completely pretty much over night. A lot of people start drawing their own conclusions. If Takanosuke’s with his other friends, Sakyo usually stays on his own somewhere else, unless he really needs a refill, in which case he and takanosuke will go off on their own somewhere so that no one else sees that. Everyone else still has no fucking clue that Sakyo’s a vampire. This does not help with the conclusions (I really wanna make a mini comic about this too)
In general, the two become pretty attached at the hip for the most part. Their arrangement basically bonds them for life in vampire culture or whatever, and in turn, Sakyo becomes pretty protective of Takanosuke. I think it’s both an instinctual “defending my food” kind of thing, but also a way of keeping their deal even. Takanosuke gives Sakyo blood, and in turn, Sakyo becomes very loyal to Takanosuke. This is mostly where the “uncharacteristically cute and caring” Sakyo characterization comes in. This is another one I wanna draw but this not only comes in the extremes of “is this guy bothering you do you want me to kill him for you,” but also in little ways, such as the post-bloodsucking juice boxes, Sakyo offering to carry Taka’s bag or walk him home, general things like that. It kinda catches takanosuke off guard bc he really wasn’t expecting much in return, but Sakyo insists on it. And again, to people with zero context of their dynamic, this is all VERY interesting.
Thinking about later down the line, although idk how it’d really happen, I think Zyro being Zyro would eventually find out about Sakyo being a vampire as well and help him out if he ever needed it. Perhaps it could start a chain reaction of people suddenly becoming a lot more tolerable of Sakyo, ensuing even more kooky hijinks involving Sakyo suddenly needing to understand how to have a social life
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kyri45 · 5 months ago
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 08/10✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
Anonimo ha chiesto: I feel like in cannon baby MK was the kind of kid to eat glue, mainly because he hatched from a rock and doesn't know what anything is.
isn’t it like how all babies are? I think I also used to eat glue
@purpleprinceblood ha chiesto: In the spicynoodles bit where you explain how Red Son was charmed by Mk's beautiful personality and kind nature (/silly), you said Mk is Demi sexual Do you have other sexuality headcanons for the cast, or is it just "they're gay for each other"?
Pan for Mei, Bi for Redson, both Wukong and Macaque are in a way pan, in the sense that they don’t really care about gender, but are only gay for each other.
@kehideni ha chiesto: Whatever happened with never drawing a background ever again? :D On a more serious note: may we know the exact relation of DBK and Chiyou(did i spell that right?)? I'm just the nosy type :3
Chiyou has 72 brothers, one of them is an ancestor of DBK
@marcusalexander ha chiesto: I have a question is spider queen in your comic, and if so, is she like a part of the team or enemy or anuite? I'm just curious since she isn't that evil. By the way, I love your comic shadowpeach parents
The AU is set after S5, so I guess she’s enemy
Anonimo ha chiesto: Macaque HAS to be doing a little happy dance in the bio parents AU that murder isn’t considered distinct from self-defense Imagine being like… a legitimate threat to the world around you, and getting put down to defend it, and then being hailed as “the less bad one” because you were killed But this also means that MK probably views himself as a murdered for killing the LBD/Azure Lion too cause again “killing in self defense/defense of others= murder
most likely MK feels super duper guilty for what he did, and will continue to be until he get some extra comfort.
@goldenthecat ha chiesto: I'm wondering, since you watch lmk do you watch other Lego shows too? Like Ninjago or friends
does having saw the ninjago movie and a 4 hours video essay recap about the first 14 season count?
@haruwashere29 ha chiesto: Did wukong put his head over macaque’s chest to hear his heartbeat? 😭😭😭
Anonimo ha chiesto: You said Wukong is warm , change my mind that macaque has absolutely put his cold feet straight on wukongs back while he was sleeping not just cause he was cold but because he thought it was funny
hehe he has cold feet poor boy.
@og-glitch-punk ha chiesto: I'm haunting you at thisnpoint im so sorry but your lmk comic gives ideas and thoughts bro lmao /gen SO HERES ANITHER THOUGHT... If you technically think about it, MK is basically an clone (not but words are EHHH) of Sun wukong because they came from the sane rock. But what about our spooky Macaque? We have no knowledge of how he came to be but we all may assume it's the same way with MK and Wukong. but.. BUT. If Macaque had his own stone somewhere in the shadows then what if there's an basically MK but Macaque verison? Even if not, that would be wild to think about lol
like a slightly more emo version of MK? Something like the OK KO situation?
Anonimo ha chiesto: Hello I just wanted to say I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR COMIC it's sooooo good I'm obsessed and the recent part... I have no word only emotion Even though I use Tumblr for a while I still getting use to it so.. do you know any other Shadowpeach comics? I couldn't find any 😅
mmmm @kristea9ay is doing a shadowpeach parent story that’s really cute!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I NEED to see wukong and macaque having a cute moment and accidentally touch each others tails yk? 🥺🥺🥺 (and mk quitting is a stab to the chest, i dont think there is anything worse in store... Right?... RIGHT?!)
at this point they ain’t touching the tails “accidentally” anymore these bitches are too gay I can’t anymore-
@amyrosewithoutshadow ha chiesto: I think the next one that will need Sandy is Wukong, lol I always thought about one thing, how Wukong deal with traumas and crises? We only saw him dealing with it during his sleep, but what about a daylight crises? Love your art 💞
he has a “I can do it with a broken heart”-by-taylor-Swift-masking situation.
@alizardonfire ha chiesto: I understand why MK doesn't want to be their successor mostly because I think he needs time to think about all of it. There's a lot to unpack! I love how wukongs more shocked about it. And I think macaque kinda saw it coming?
i think Mac forseen that MK would have changed his view on Wukong for sure. But he didn’t know in which way.
@siennabanana ha chiesto: HDBDJDBDHSHDV NEW HEADCANON UNLOCKED: sometimes he misses his human form but he doesn’t tell wukong and macaque bc he feels like that would be an insult to them and plus he still thinks his monkey form is cool but eughhh dysphoriaa
awwww he might be sometimes! Good thing they are starting to hang out outside FFM as well!
@blazerratbluefire-blog ha chiesto: If Wukong ever manages to be able to control his kaiju form, I could easily see Macaque's kaiju form using him as a bed, and along comes MK wanting in on the action. Then, he proceeds to lay on top of Macaque, squishing him with his kaiju and making a wholesome monkey family bonding session. With Wukonh laughing that Macaque is being squished. Just a funny thought I had.
oh my I think he would be waaayyy to big for the other two ahah
Anonimo ha chiesto: For your LMK shadowpeach AU will Ironfan be making up for all of MK's birthdays she missed? (Dropping off a mountain of presents at FFM?) (My partner joked she would give Redson in a box, not in a bow or anything just in an open box like a cat.)
she would probably make a courtnapping room for her son to gift him, and Red Son would die from embarrassment right there.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Dose macaque sometimes cook for MK and wukong since wukong tends to eat his fur/hair and macaque fonts approve of it
I think yes, he would cook probably really basics but nutrient-full meals, the few times they don’t eat noodle from pigsy shop
Anonimo ha chiesto: TCan we get Red Son and MK Angst because Red Son technology tried to kill MK a lot of times?
just bc of the AU main plot I don’t think so, also bc at this point traffic light trio are all friends with each other.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Speaking of birthdays, I assume Pigsy and Tang celebrate when MK showed up in their life or a random day when MK first asked about his birthday. Would Wukong and Macaque ask Nuwa the day he was put in the rock/broken out of it (I assume he came out and was immediately brought to Pigsy the same day but idk) or is that sort of a sore subject still, with the whole harbinger thing?
I think the best thing would be to celebrate it the day they found it!
@yuk1yun ha chiesto: Giuro che è un mese che provo a rendere il mio cosplay di mk simile alla tua au (perché anche se è semplice è stupendo), ma non so come fare le orecchie... Sono di nuovo qui per dirti quanto adoro la rua au btw :)
Anonimo ha chiesto: I'm just waiting until Mk realizes the other things Wukong and Macaque did, yk like what Sun did to Redson, what Mac did to some of the monkeys all that
I think with time MK will slowly learn everything, but for example I guess now Red Son and Wukong are at truce
Anonimo ha chiesto: I'm just obsessed with your shadowpeach comics!!✨✨ But heey~ how about bai he!? l think it will be super amazing if add her in the future to this little cute monkeys family
awww baby!! I hope she went back to her family honestly! But I also hope sometimes she visits MK!
@yainmy ha chiesto: Oh gods I when I found this bio parents au I got HOOKED. I love it so much and the shenanigans and the angst are just *chef's kiss*. I have some curious questions if you don't mind me asking, but if a similar situation happens in the future like when mk got baby-fied, but instead his forms get split up (human and monkey demon) would he have that child crisis of fear "if im not this certain way they wont want me as theirs anymore", considering he is still learning about the whole monkey business? Also in a shenanigans sort of question, I don't remember how stone monkeys are made in their world but it would be hilarious if mk asked wukong and macaque that since they both are male and they technically "had" him then does that mean they can give him a sibling if they wanted? Sorry if it's to long of an ask 😅
i think MK would mostly feel a sense of loss for the fact that in a way, things should have been like this, like when he “hatched” Wukong probably would have found him if it wasn’t for the fact someone or something brought it to Pigsy shop. He would have grown up with someone who could tell him how to be a stone Monkey and teach him his power. Surely, I think Wukong wouldn’t have been as good as a parent as Pigsy, and MK doesn’t regret a bit how things actually ended up happening, but it’s a bit of a case of “sometimes I imagine how my life would have been if it went this way”
Anonimo ha chiesto: I know it's a bit out of the scope of your comic, but I'm wondering if Mei's design is just stylistic additions as if they were always there due to her dragon heritage, or if you have any ideas of scenes that took place as she grew more dragon features?
she started to grow more and more into them after she was accepted by her family sword and started to use her dragon form more and more.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Do you ever think Macaque and Wukong argue over who the little monkeys on the mountain like more? Like Im 100% sure Macaque wouldn't really care but the idea of not being the favorite bothers Wukong
the monkeys go crazy for soft fur Mamacaque. Wukong will always be pissed at this.
@snsp6 ha chiesto: do u like the hc that Mac has naturally snow-white fur? cs when u showed him wo glamours I realized that u don’t rlly color anything so I wanted to ask if it was still black or some type of mix between the two
akjdkajsbkaj I love for that shit YES. Yeah I don’t really colour my comics but yeah he cover it with glamour
Anonimo ha chiesto: I don't think MK ever really acknowledged that Wukong is a person, still a glorified deity. As mentioned MK hasn't really read the actual book and really didn't know his flawed side. MK has seen the worst parts of Macaque and still accepted him.
and now he knows about Wukong worst oarts and still accept him :D
@alistairliddell ha chiesto: What is FFM?
Flower Fruit Mountain
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thatsexcpisces · 2 years ago
Astrology observations pt.9 🌌💙🌀🦋
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Disclaimer: again, these are just my experiences and personal observations on things I’ve encountered, I’m not a professional astrologer or saying that these are always correct.
Virgo risings have such a naturally beautiful “clean girl” look or are a perfect example of the “clean girl” aesthetic
Gemini and Pisces mercuries have a true talent when it comes to lying. They’re amazing of thinking quick on their feet or making up lies to get out of something because their excuses are so damn CREATIVE
I’ve noticed that almost every Pisces moon has puppy dog eyes. (Especially the men) It’s so easy for me to spot Pisces moons or other water moons because they just have these adorable doe eyes or their eyes look like those of lost puppies idk how to explain it💀 this is specifically something I see the most in cancer and Pisces moons, Scorpio moon’s eyes are also “puppy dog” but more intense.
Ex.) Michael Jackson, kanye west, and Ben stiller all have their moon in Pisces and they just have THAT look. Yk what I mean?? 💀
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Capricorn Venus/Venus in 10h house people tend to kiss up to those who are popular or have some sort of prominent status because they want to be around people they think will make them look good
People with the same element of their rising sign tend to become friends or attract each other.
• For example, earth risings May tend to attract friends or become friends that have earth rising top. (Cap, Virgo, Taurus rising.) I’m a Libra rising and my closest friends have usually been other Libra risings and Aquarius risings.
People with Virgo in the big 3 are goody two- shoes
Most Libra moons I’ve met have luxurious or comfortable home lives like they may have a good relationship with their family and are the type to have an aesthetic home routine (ex. My friend has a Libra moon and her family always bakes together or they sit and watch a movie together at their mountain house and drink hot chocolate & shit like that lmao)
Pluto in 2h people truly are obsessed with their money and possessions. As someone with this placement myself, I can say that the most Pluto 2h thing I did was hide even the smallest amounts of money in the most secretive places so they wouldn’t be stolen, not sleep unless I found that necklace or top that I realized went missing, and literally got in the faces of people who owed me money until I got that shit back😭
why do so many sun in Scorpio men get rejected so much by girls😭 this is just something I noticed but most of them tend to feel unlucky in love either cause they’re very active pursuers when they’re interested in someone and sometimes come off a bit too strong and then they end up feeling insecure abt themselves after getting shut down by their love Interests. They’re so hot tho
Venus-Neptune aspect people: how’s it going idealizing and fantasizing about your crush that are really not as amazing as you’re making them seem?
Scorpio Venus people’s flirting style is staring at you intensely but not approaching you or saying anything
Leo risings and moons would rather swallow a jean jacket and DIE then to have people see them at their worst or see that stuff they’ve been bragging about and “good stuff” happening in their life that they talk about to people to impress them and be popular, is not actually true or happened lol. They’re always keep that perfect image of themselves to others
Capricorn risings have this face where it looks like they literally couldn’t care less about you or anything you’re saying. Or they just look bored of being in your presence and wanna leave
Don’t piss of a Gemini moon. They take revenge through their biggest strength: gossiping and then spreading that shit. They’ll have the whole building hate you a day later over some rumor they made up of you and managed to convince others is true
If you have Venus in your 12th house you’re gonna go through many karmic relationships in your life time
Libra risings can be the darkest or shittiest people on the inside but that Venus-ruled aura or just their looks or the way they carry themselves will literally make people delusional into thinking they’re an angel on earth
Pisces in big 3 culture is being told “why is your head always in the clouds? ” or “are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Constantly because those daydreams will literally get the best of them
Aquarius And Capricorn men when they were younger give me the vibes of those nerds in school who literally don’t care what anyone thinks and won’t have an issue calmly roasting or talking back to a bully but would never be able to physically fight them instead they just use sarcastic and monotone sentences to win. 💀
Fixed sign moons especially Scorpio moons attract so many people who are possessive and obsess over them
If a Sagittarius moon feels betrayed by you or is angry with you to the point that you did something they can’t ever forgive, they won’t bother getting revenge or being upset and shady with you. They will simply just erase your existence from their life and forget about you. They can still act nice and behave normally with you but that’s only because they master indifference and the concept of acting like you just came and left, which will hurt you the most.
I swear Mercury in the 5h or 8h people house think about sex on a daily basis omg
Aquarius and Sagittarius Venuses always attract each other somehow. They’re a good pairing
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luvleyaru · 5 months ago
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First of all I'd like to give credits to all the PPL on Tumblr who posted abt their waiting rooms, TYSM & ILY. 🩷
My waiting room features/script.
★ waiting room pt1
★ there will be a Portal door in my wr that leads to my cr.
★ I can easily shift to my wr whenever I want with intentions only in less than 10 seconds.
★ my wr will be perfect exactly how I want it to be. Super cozy, HEAVENLY, and just perfect.
★ the bed will be super comfy and awesome.
★ I can manifest anything I want in my wr with a magic wand 🪄 and it'll make a sparkly noise as well.
★ there will be a tv on which I can watch anything (shows, movies, past, future or present of any drs, basically anything)
★ there will be a beautiful magical library with all and every type of books from all realities. (Fictional and non fictional)
★ my house, or let's just say everything will be clean. All the time.
★ there will be absolutely no bugs or insects. Only butterflies and cute and clean animals. Which I can talk to and they will love me.
★ I'll look, feel, smell clean & fresh at all times.
★ any food, snacks, drinks, etc etc will be available in a pretty cafe next door AND also in my kitchen and cabinet. (Vegetarian.)
★ the food/snacks/drinks/anything edible will always remain at it's said temperature and will never go bad or expire. (I can change the temperature if I want tho)
★ I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight, feeling sick or full. I'm not a picky eater.
★ I will feel safe and comfortable at all times. Nothing can harm me ofc.
★ I can function without journaling, unless I wanna write down.
★ a wishbook. (Pretty one fr) (No one can read or write in it except for me)
★ digital clock that shows me the time of my wr and cr. Time ratio is 1 year in my wr is equals to 1 minute in my cr/Dr.
★ the house resets on its own after I leave (cleaning, restocking etc)
★ I won't get my periods in my wr.
★ MASSIVE walk in closet with every single type of clothes I would like to wear. 💅
★ I can never lose or misplace things.
★ I'm super creative and have patience.
★ I can never get sick, hurt, or die in my wr.
★ I'm mentally and physically stable + healthy.
★ I don't feel overwhelmed, confused, anxious, uneasy, uncomfortable in my wr.
★ I have perfect senses.
★ I'm super smart, great at analysis, great memory, + more skills.
★ everything is peaceful and heavenly in my wr.
★ magic and superpowers.
★ I can say anything and make is appear/happen/change with the wand.
★ portals/doors for any reality I make/or wanna shift to, I can easily make and delete these portals.
★ I will not age in my wr.
★ I can look at Pinterest or any other app and make that things appear/happen/change.
★ I can change the weather at will.
★ an appearance changing mirror.
★ a book with answers to any questions I have. (Basically I'll write my question and it'll produce an answer that will be TRUE.)
★ a book with the opinions of people have of me.
★ a book with all the people who had/have a crush on me or ATLEAST thought I was pretty (gotta know)
★ a whole ass detailed analysis of my personality, vibes, aura, etc (I NEED to know what I'm like and who I am? 😭)
★ it's my worry-free zone.
★ I can waste my time here without ever wasting it.
★ a mall, best mall ever in the entire universe. (Like I said, the products or anything can not expire or go bad)
★ i can see + breath underwater and I know how to swim.
★ all my shows, anime, movies, manhwas, mangas, completed with as many seasons/chapters I want, and it'll be to my liking and If I do change smtg abt them it'll change in my cr too.
★ shows, movies, songs and allat are always entertaining and songs always sound new everytime I hear them (never get tired of them yk)
★ surrounded by nature and just beautiful views.
★ lifatube, lifagram, lifaflix, lifascript, lifadesign, lifaplay immerse, lifaplay infinite, lifasmaus, lifaffs etc etc (uh my mind knows what I mean)
★ lifa app, lifa journal + lifa pen, and more ++
★ LILA (TYSM FOR THE IDEA) my personal ai assistant robot who'll help me with anything I want and will understand me deeply. I just need to call for her and she'll immediately appear in front of me and etc.
★ good wifi 24/7.
★ a Tv in which I can see future, present, past of any dr, cr and allat.
★ in my wr I can see my life (of cr) as a show/series or wtv (from my birth to present yk) and get to see all those edits, comments and posts abt my character (me in my cr) etc.
★ my house is obviously super big, always clean, comfy, and just perfect for me and to my liking.
★ I'll never feel lonely, alone, unsafe in my wr.
★ my wr will have everything I desire and more, and it'll be all clean and organized and allat
★ I'm the only person in my wr if I ever feel lonely I can just script and manifest someone here for a bit. It'll be all so peaceful.
★ using my phone, watching shows or anything will NEVER leave my brain fried out or exhausted or anything instead I'll just feel better.
★ good attention span, and I can read any book in less than an hour and actually remember what I read.
★ rage room, arcade, pool, superpowers testing room, portals room, cinema room, gaming room, and more unexpected but fun rooms (surprise me lol) etc etc.
★ also, in my portal room, there will be fun drs to which I can shift to if I'm bored and allat.
★ my bedroom will be PERFECT. with the bestest view ever.
★ intrusive thoughts will never manifest.
★ I can think of things to script that I wouldn't have thought of in my cr.
★ it'll all feel so natural, normal, and just peaceful.
★ I can manifest things for my cr/dr from my wr.
★ I have my exact copy of my phone and laptop (but yk completely setup) in my wr.
★ my wr is easily accessible from any dr and cr.
★ a multidimensional robot therapist who understands me deeply and allat lol
★ whenever I shift to my wr I'll feel the softest bed under me, and smell vanilla and just feel at peace.
★ a website where I can enter any prompt and It'll generate a whole movie/show/ animated/live action and allat.
★ an ai roleplay website that writes the perfect responses for u and never break character. And more.
★ lifapedia, wikipedia for shifters.
★ I can fly, teleport, use telekinesis and more superpowers.
★ nothing can get dirty or expire or go bad.
★ a dustbin that have like infinite storage for trash and shi idk.
★ my wr will be exactly how I want it to be like and even more better.
★ Ghibli studios vibes
★ my subconscious mind will fill in any other things/details that I forgot to write.
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z0mb1epuzzy · 1 year ago
Vox relationship hcs !! SFW & NSFW (Gender Neutral)
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Warnings: Val mentioned. (joking)
- Vox is obviously a guy who needs some validation, he won’t admit it - but the second you tell him how handsome he looks or how good a job he did on the air that day, you notice his mood is overall… better.
- Naturally the other V’s will still be involved in Vox’s life. Velvette adores you, probably treating you like a friend who just happens to be dating her coworker more than anything. Valentino seems relatively indifferent, he tried his little flirting routine once or twice, but the second Vox snapped at him for it (Yk that scene where he gets all up in his face and says “VAL”? yeah, that type of snap) he backed off, promising you some “good work” if things didn’t work out between you and vox.
- In terms of your actual relationship, the parts that go on behind closed doors and whatnot, he’s a lot softer than one may expect. Once he drops the whole “hotshot celebrity overlord” act, he’s shockingly.. sweet? He secretly enjoys just spending time cuddling you. (his head on your chest? your head on his? he honestly doesn’t mind either way.)
- If he ever catches you eyeing something in public, he always finds a way to get it for you. You mention a shirt you thought was cute? Suddenly he’s bringing you home said shirt in a nicely wrapped little box. He calls it a “lucky coincidence.” (all he wants is to make you happy, so a couple hundred dollars in whatever knickknacks make you smile is nothing.)
- still not over the alastor thing.
NSFW: (the part you’re probably here for)
Warnings: NSFW (ofc), vibrating dick?, semi public, oral, some little sprinkles of power bottom vox, masochism(?)
Kinks - masochism (biting, scratching, whatever), dacryphilia (loves fucking you to tears bc i said so), DEGRADATION (giving, not receiving), praise (mutual), semi-public, maybe some temp play?
- Oh, your poor holes. all of them. The second this man gets off work and you hear him grumbling under his breath? just know you’re probably gonna have jello legs for a few hours (minimum.)
- Vox probably has a pretty high sex drive, not quite as high as someone as angel, but after a tough day at work, dealing with whatever bullshit man - tantrum val had, having some kind of annoying glitch with his systems, whatever is enough to irritate him.
- If you ever come and visit him on one of those days, thinking it would be a fun idea to visit him at work and maybe tease him a little, just prepared to be fucked over a desk or against a wall. he has no patience.
- If you’re someone with fem reproductive bits, be prepared because sometimes this man does NOT have the patience for a condom. (pullout game is awesome though, so that’s a plus)
- on a good day, a day where he gets to spend his time with you alone, no work or distractions, he will take his time with you. On days where he can take his time and go nice and slow with you, running his nice sharp fingers over your thighs, (maybe using some of that electricity to give you little shocks…if you’re into that) telling you how beautiful (or handsome ofc) you are, just really nice foreplay…. before you’re inevitably destroyed by his cock. (and yes, it vibrates.)
- PRAISE+DEGRADATION. “You’re such a good fucking slut for me, you know that?” or “My good fucking whore.” type shit
- He’d absolutely love receiving head, though… for obvious reasons GIVING it may be a bit complicated. When you give it though, vox WILL melt for you, groaning and cursing under his breath, when he gets close he can’t help but grab your head and face-fuck you, pulling you off his cock last minute to release onto your face (if you’re okay with that - he’s fine with your mouth too.)
- This man is fully willing to pound the everliving soul out of you if you’ll let him, but if you ever decided to take control for a night…. he’d act opposed, but you can see the intrigue on his face. (definitely ends up blue-screening) when this man is on the bottom he gets LOUD, though he’d probably get pissed off and take control again if you teased him enough.
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slowcatsisland · 28 days ago
Some physical headcanons for Zoro 🥰🙏
Roronoa Zoro; Physical Characteristics Headcanons
A/N: yes
His pre timeskip color palette was PERFECT
His hair genuinely looks like a mint chocolate chip green and it’s because of the sun. The more sunlight he receives the lighter it makes his hair look (it got really dark during the timeskip because of Muggy Island’s climate but is progressively getting lighter currently)
When he was young his hair was more of a grassy color
His hair is really thick and surprisingly soft despite how spiky it can look, Luffy likes messing with it when he’s bored (yk when a guy gets a buzz and when you run your hand over it one way it’s soft and then the other it’s prickly? That’s kinda like Zoro’s hair no matter how long he grows it-he also doesn’t ever grow it that long)
His hair takes a long time to grow in general he cut it all off once, never again
(Yosaku, Johnny, and himself all shaved their heads together once when they were growing up. Prolly something to do with touching their mental fortitude and trying to become with the sword or smth. Zoro found out that he has a weird, rectangle head shape without hair to frame it and refuses to lose all his hair ever again)
His hair can’t hold a curl for shit
He smells like steel and iron. He also probably had a strong natural musk bc of his hygiene (bro needs to shower more)
His facial features are so sharp. From his defined temples, the bald patches of forehead along his hair line, his jaw, nose, even his eyebrows and cheek bones all collectively make his face full of sharp lines and cuts
(I’m so not a fan of how rounded he looks post timeskip, especially in Egghead and I mean u could argue that it makes him resemble a tiger more but just guyss)
He actually has more Asian facial features than shown in the manga/anime imo
His eyebrows are either the same light mint green his hair is or they’re a green so dark they look black from afar I just can’t tell which it would be
He has serious threaded eyebrows. Law might have 90s eyebrows to an extent but Zoro is on a whole other level. He never does anything to them either, he’s actually had a whole conversation about this with Nami (she’s envious)
Zoro has a slight concern about accidentally getting his eyebrow hair shaven off somehow and them never growing back
He has long eyelashes but they’re straight so you don’t see them from the front (his side profile is beautiful-)
His eyes look like they turn upwards but it’s subtle
His eyes are a shade of gold I tell you!! It fits with his whole ‘tiger’ as his animal thing so well
Also also yk how guys in One Piece don’t rlly get their eye color shown unless it’s a specific frame in the anime at least? That happens with Zoro during his fight with King I’m like 90% sure
They’re a type of gold that matches the darkest shade of his earrings
I’ll forever believe his eyes were meant to be gold
He’s got that epicanthal folds trust
He under eye also has that slight puffiness to it too trust trust trust
I heard a theory abt how in his closed eye post timeskip is another soul (one of his swords) and if/when he opens it it’ll be ringed I feel like that’s worth putting here
His scar along his eye is actually a really clean cut with minimal texture differences I guess? If you run your finger across it you feel the ridge of the scarring but it isn’t messy like how Luffy’s under eye scar is
His nose is like, idk sturdy I guess? Yk his live action Mackenyu’s nose is a perfect reference imo
His lips downturn so it looks like he’s frowning or brooding a lot even when he’s not (Sanji’s threatened to fix his face countless times)
He has a scar on his bottom lip going to the end of his chin from getting cut by Kuina when they were using real blades against each other (one time Franky thought Zoro was really messy when they were eating a type of pasta that Sanji made and told him to wipe his chin..nothing came off)
He also has a cheek scar from Kuina on his right cheek going from the center of it to just below his ear (it’s really faint)
His neck has uneven flexibility because of his lack of visibility on his left side (he can turn it around like an owl to the left)
He’s naturally tan but he also soaks up sunlight like a sponge and almost never burns
Pre timeskip Zoro was obviously more lean but he was still the most jacked person on the crew. His muscles were probably more noticeable pre timeskip due to his tighter clothing than they are post timeskip even though they’re bigger now
He’s pretty well proportioned torso and leg wise, not like some of the other characters such as Sanji, Law, or Nami that are mainly legs.
Yk bros back is a holy sight
Pre timeskip he had defined abs but post timeskip he has a healthy layer of fat covering them slightly (Sanji has him on a meal plan, Zoro’s unaware he’s on said meal plan)
Bro lowkey everything about Zoro is just big post timeskip
He’s still the same height, but pre timeskip Zoro looks taller than post time skip Zoro (the muscles and baggy clothing make him look more blocky)
I feel like comparing him to 2000 Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine in Marvel’s X Men or Mackenyu for pre timeskip 👌
Then post timeskip Zoro is more comparable to say 2014 Dave Bautista’s Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy
His stomach scar is actually rough like Luffy’s under eye scar because of how it was healed and it’s probably pretty sensitive I’d assume
Bros legs are built so sturdy. If Sanji’s legs are like pillars of steel then Zoro’s legs would be bricks of iron if that makes sense
His hands are plenty calloused along his palms
He also has a good amount of smaller slash-esque scars from training with real blades along his hands, arms, and quads
It was easier for him to move around quieter pre timeskip but he’s still considerably quiet when he’s walking around
I feel like he’d be ticklish or skittish, mainly around his sides just cause he doesn’t receive physical affection that much
I feel like I could talk abt him forever
Mwah 😽
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justcallmesakira · 1 year ago
Dazai x reader valentines
Dancing under the rain after valentines dinner. The reader isn't good of a dancer and doesn't like getting drenched in the rain.
Sypnosis: You hated the rain and getting drenched and you were not really a good dancer until you lover forcefully brought you out to have a quick dance.
Dazai x reader
Genre: fluff, romance
A/N: hi there I am rlly sorry it took me so much time I know it's past Valentines but yeah yk mental health heehe♥️
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You and dazai were on a date at a nice cafe for valentines
It was cloudy all day but the atmosphere was filled with love and cheesy couples. You could smell coffee and cheescakes too.
Both of you talked for a long while. None of you could care less about what was happening around.
"Say say, Bella! Do you like dancing?" Dazai asks you with a childish tone, one containing flirt and excitement.
You paused for a moment.
"No not really, I am not that good fo a dancer" you non chalantly speak out. You never liked those cheesy romantic waltz moments. Especially since you were not a great dancer.
If anything, you would question why they do those childish acts especially in public.
"Awwwh why donna'? It's so romantic! Plus I am sure you can dance with those amazing leather boots. Hah like that one girl from titanic"
Osamu exclaims and make a fake put, he probably knew why and the reasons but of course like the man you knew he will question you about it.
You shot him a small glare as much as you wanted him to have a nice dinner date on this day you prefer staying put in your comfort zone.
The weather soon started to deteriote even more. The moons dimness was also starting to hide behind large sets of clouds.
The evening clouds still looked pleasing. The heaviness of the blocks of soft clouds hovering over the lit buildings of yokohama and the light breeze brushing past your clothed skin made the scenary even more appealing.
It seemed that it will start drizzling soon.
"Oh god i forgot my umbrella...Though we are not going anytime soon" you spoke your thoughts out aloud as your coat shifts with you leaning against the chair to check whether it was really raining or not.
You brought back your head inside the shade of the coffee shop, the spalshing of water was reaching both of your shoes and creating a puddle to which your lips ticked.
Dazai noticed this and instantly arised from his seat with a big smile.
"Osamu?.." you called out when all of a sudden he grabs your wrists and brings out of the shade and out to the airy night.
You could only yelp in surprise as dazai takes your hand in his and grabs your waist tight.
The njght street barely had anyone present except a few lights on here and there which also turned off. The whole crossroad was empty.
The rain splished and sploshed on the footpaths and tall architectures it was hard to hear almost anything except clattering and the sound of water droplets hiting steel cold iron bars.
The thunder made sounds like a piano falling from wooden stairs as the rain poured like steel rods. Even so Dazais body moved along with yours.
What a beautiful and eternal moment but you didn`t like this, getting drenched in the rain and all of this.
As you wear taking in the natures features, completly mesmerized you sensed back to the scenery in front of you as Dazais bandaged arms guided your waist and body creating smooth movements of a dance.
''Samu! Calm down!!" you had to scream out because of the sound of both of your shoes clacking against the road cement mixing up with the clatter of the down pour.
"I wont belladonna! Just keep following my steps" he shouted back with a smile as he twists you around with a spin, your wet body moving itself with each sound of thunder. He danced with you and you did too, like a marionette.
Your head was slightly dizzy because of your wet hair and you hated this but seeing that smile on his face as he clasps your hand tighter and guides your foot to each side of the road just feels...so warm even though your soaked in water.
With each step you could feel your body adjusting to his craziness.
Finally after you swallowed your own spit you took a brave step and moved along with him, grasping his body for slight support.
A step over there, Another over there... A clack over there, Another thunder there... With two hands held together swifting here and there...
Your feet and hands felt elated.
"Dazai.." you huffed loudly as you tried to keep up with his energy. "This is stupid, why are we even continuing this?"
You questioned him even though you were starting to get the hang of it.
To which dazai only chuckled "But.. "
"I set fire to the rain! And i wanna watch it burn on your face!!"
He shouted out loud with his caramel voice echoing the hidden moon and skies. Such a soothing and melodic voice...
He twirled you around round and round, brought you close to his cold body and spun you again, clasped your hands and let them go only to bring it back.
The street lights flickered the weather only turning darker and gloomier but the thunders didn`t bother the two lovers dancing crazily in the middle of the road.
You only heaved a sigh as you put your whole energy on your steps and danced with him.
A dance under the rain wasn`t so bad after all especially one with your boyfriend.
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A/N: if this flops i am going down the stairs like the piano :/
Divider crds!: @plutism
Tag!: +@riiwritesz @elizais @biscuits-spooky-corner @silverbladexyz @darling--angst-archived @saelique @ruanais @chuuyasboner @tojifile @yosanosboner @lanterndove @extemporeies @atlasnessie @heartsfourdazai
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https-evan2 · 1 year ago
grover requests huh? I gotchu! here's two ideas for grover, you dont have to do both, or any. but since you were asking for requests; 1. Grover x Child of Demeter!reader. (next one is more detailed :)) 2. Grover x reader who isn't too fond of nature, scared of it, even. Grover tries telling reader about how lovely it is, and tries to get them... more comfortable in outside environments <3 hope u have a lovely day!! stay nuts and berries!! (the titans curse reference...)
I’m going to go with the second one but might do the first one later because i love ‘em both
no pronouns gor reader + no description of appearance (my fics are for everyone)
warnings: poor grammar and misuse of punctuation. Excuse me if grover is ooc!
requests are OPEN
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You tried to keep your cool every time you went out with Grover but no matter how hard you tried you just could never seem to get over your fear of the wild. It terrified you just the fact that you didn’t know when or if something was going to jump up from bushes or if you’d be stepping on ground wasp nest.
You managed to avoid forests for most of your life still going outdoors just in the more open parts. But now it’s near impossible because you just so happen to be dating the lord of the wild, Grover.
You love him so much but he never realised how someone could fear nature and all its critters.
You tried spending most of your dates in your cabin or around camp but Grover was a bit bored of it.
He loves you so much so he wouldn’t even say anything at first but later when he got selected for the role of lord of the wild he realised just how much time that he couldn’t spend with you because of your fear.
He tried talking to you snd trying yk get over your fear for the entire time of your relationship but now he felt it was extra important.
One evening he tried to show you how beautiful nature could be instead of explaining.
“Grover i don’t like this…” you stammered as you were clinging onto him as if your life depended on it. With every move you jumped closer to him and you couldn’t bear to leave his side as you were shaking in his arms.
“Sweetie it’s fine, everything is completely okay” he reaffirmed as he rubbed your back tracing circles around your skin. He sat down and picked up a pretty big bug.
”look! It’s a praying mantis! This little guy has given everything hes got to the ecosystem without even knowing it! Isn’t that amazing that this small critter can help maintain all this” Grover exclaimed obviously passionate about the wildlife
“P-put it back on the ground please its legs freak me out”
You, still being absolutely terrified tried to not step on the bug he just showed you know it would decrease the chances of marriage by 50% and maybe a break up.
“T-that flower is pretty” you stutter pointing at a wild pansy. You might find nature terrifying but you had to admit thst it could be beautiful.
“And so is everything here you just got to look for it” after Grover made that statement he took your hand and you started walking around just looking for the smaller stuff as Grover pointed out some of them snd facts about them. You loved seeing Grover really get into a subject that he’s passionate about. He could easily be pushed aside at camp but when it was just you and him he felt like he wouldn’t be in the shadow.
“hey Grover, are these safe to eat?” You point at a bush of lingonberries.
“yeah there should be a bunch of edible stuff around here i like to go here when I’m hungry before dinner”
“Grover, you’re always hungry”
With that you both began picking berries and other edible goodies. When you were done you ate them together as you looked for animals around.
Safe to say nature wasn’t as bad as you thought
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whchenlvr · 2 years ago
Okay idk if you’ve done this already but I’ve been thinking about what pet names the Eungang boys and/or Union boys would use? Like babe, doll, baby girl, love, etc? Feel free to ignore if you don’t like it obviously lol, no worries!
Love your posts btw, thanks for all you do!! 💖
i’ve been wanting to do smth like this! thank you for the request 💞
pet names ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ sweethearttttt
➤ something about grey calling you sweetheart just gives me butterflies because i feel like it’d only happen on rare/special occasions
➤ "are you okay, sweetheart?" "you did great, sweetheart i'm really proud of you."
donald na
➤ straight off the bat, donald is 100% the guy to call you darling
➤ i’ve used this pet name before in previous headcanons bc MMMH
➤ "where do you think you're going, darling?" "evening, darling. miss me?"
ben park
➤ babe!!!! there is no doubt he IS a babe boy
➤ i know i use babe for ben all the time but !!!!! you can't tell me he wouldn't call his s/o babe. it's such a term of endearment for him like he just loves calling you babe
➤ "need anything from me, babe?" "babe! it's so boring here without you :(" "babe, you look so beautiful."
jake ji
➤ my love/lovely. it’s cute! and jake is certainly cute
➤ yk i feel like this would be a joke at first. he’d call you his love to tease or annoy you, but over time, it becomes natural
➤ "my love! you're home!" "how was school, lovely?" "love, love! new comic out tomorrow!"
wolf keum
➤ i don’t think he’d use pet names often, but one he’s grown quite fond of is doll
➤ it’d slip out when you’re most intimate with each other, like when he runs his fingers through your hair or when you’re just laying in bed together
➤ “tell me who did this, doll.” “thanks, doll. i owe you one.” “if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me, doll.”
gerard jin
➤ no cause gerard calls you honey and it’s the cutest thing
➤ gerard is such a dork okay he’s adorable and honey or hun just becomes such a soft part of your relationship
➤ “you’re the best, honey.” “listen, hun, before you get mad, it was teddy’s idea—“
dean kwon
➤ i think he’d stick with a classic and call you baby
➤ idk dean seems like a classy dude like yes he can be playful about it but babyyy babyyyyyyy
➤ "hey, baby." “can you help me with something real quick, baby?” “baby, when someone threatens you with a knife, you’re supposed to run the other way!”
teddy jin
➤ rat. jk… jk :)
➤ i’m actually not sure. i think teddy would tease you with something like kitten, but in actuality i like to think he’d use something like sunshine <3
➤ “hey kitte—ow!” “can you pass me an ice pack, sunshine?” “i swear, sunshine, if they make you cry again..”
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a-d-nox · 2 years ago
hey do you happen 2 know anything ab asteroid bella square ascendant and trine sun ? ive been searching evrywhr n ppl r mostly only talking ab bella conjuct asc etc. does it being square ascendant mean the beauty is downgraded; ugly ? 💀 since yk bella conjuct enhances the beauty and in my mind square just immediately equals 2 "ugly"/ downgrade lol
bella-asc: negative aspects: these people can be very uncomfortable in their own skin for a majority of their life, relying on the validation of others but not turning to themselves for validation that they feel beautiful (advice: you must do what makes you feel comfortable and confident in your skin, not what others tell you to, in order to master the stunning, shell-shocking confidence of this hard aspect). they can feel as though everyone is looking at them with judgment/scorn, but, in reality, it their own internal philosophies that is projected onto others - advice: be careful with how you analyze others, it breeds your own insecurities oftentimes. it's likely that these people have unconventional beauty that is not "mainstream."
bella-sun: positive aspects: chances are their ambition, caring nature, positive outlook despite the cruel reality of the world, and/or ability to express themselves so freely makes them a very beautiful person to be around. not all beauty is external often it comes from the inside out (i'm saying this as an aphrodite square chiron person)! these people appear to be positive and to nearly glow. everything about them is radiant and youthful from skin and hair to their internal state of mind.
my unpopular opinion: WHOEVER is out here saying that bella conjunct asc is the prime beauty aspect needs to knock it off. i don't like seeing asks like this where people believe they are a "downgrade" or "ugly" because y'all obsessed with conjuncts. reminder: a conjunct is the long sword of the astrological verse - it is both the positive and negative. the peaceful and the abrasive. branch outside of just the conjunct world; believe it or not there are a lot of aspects that are quite lovely.
return to nox's guide to metaphysics
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tarncore · 3 months ago
Okay like genuinely can society just kill themselves
This morning I cleaned out all my jewelry, accessories n stuff and I found a whole bunch of old stuff like my elf ears and fake bangs and emo ass jewelry. And I was looking back and I was like damn bro I miss my confidence, I know I have a lot of confidence compared to other people but like 2 years ago I genuinely did not give a fuck I miss that so much 💔 I was feeling hella cute n shi and then my mom told me I need to shave my armpits. What the fuck mother. Thank you for making me insecure 💗 i did shave them I fear 😿 but like honestly, who in the world is staring at my pits, who gives a fuck. Like if they were unshaved it was clear I didn't give a fuck so why does she, she wouldn't say anything like that to my brother. What is wrong with women having body hair, like it's literally natural? That's my body protecting itself from the world, but oh no, a women couldn't protect herself she needs her fucking prince charming. I mean icl I don't mean like I wouldn't like a man/woman to protect me but like it shouldn't be expected yk like I can still protect myself idk it's probably not that deep but like I'm not an object on display to look pretty and shit. Tbh the hairless beauty standard is lowk feeling like internalized racism in society idk like ion know but it feels like white supremacy propaganda but I'm probably just on a tangent criticizing everything in the world I'm going too deep.
Also my friend just said that I'm so pretty and that no one but me could pull off elf ears hehe :3
When I was on a walk at the beach it was so so fucking disgusting there was this car with like 4 guys and they slowed down and shouted at me and said “you're hot” while I was taking a selfie. What the fuck. They all looked atleast 18, I'm literally just a fucking child 💔 like wtf i skedadled so fast out of there and I was crying and shit. This kinda stuff makes want to die, okay like honestly what those guys did wasnt that bad like I've lowk seen worse. But like, I don't know why I feel like this it really wasn't that bad. I think it's like the helpless feeling 😕 and like thinking about all the things that could have happened if I didn't leave, if it was me like 3 years ago I would have probably frozen up or something :c and then I started thinking about all the yucky wucky things people have done to me I'm so disgusted how could they, how could I let them… and the most fucked up part is that when they said that at first I thought it's my own fault bc my dress was pretty short and people don't usually say stuff like that if I'm like fully covered and stuff, but wtf why would I even think that. What the fuck was that victim blaming “she was asking for it"ahh mindset, in no fucking universe would that be my fault. I was minding my own business walking in public property and I did not deserve to be treated that way 💔it hurts me so much to think that I thought I did deserve it. What happened to strong opinionated Tarn? I'm better than this, I'm smarter than this, I know I deserve respect.
random notes app ranting, there was more but that part was a bit more personal so yeah
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queenofthyme · 7 months ago
Okay this is kinda funny to me but I actually just finished binging your fic (did a descendants marathon, started mid D3, got genuinely interested in RoR, read the rest with bleary eyes and bated breath into what is now 4 am) and. I. I kid you not I was internally lamenting the lack of spicy scenes because you wrote the teasing incredibly well and. Well. I wasn't going to say anything bc ppl are completely within their right to not write something BUT then I saw your post and now that I know(1/?
(cont) and now that I know that not only is it maybe an option but that you'd be willing to write it let me just say. On my knees pleading. I was craving some MalxEviexUma content and you wrote it *so incredibly well* and it was such a delight to read. I appreciate you taking the cheating seriously and I really like how you handled the variety of queer revelations happening in this fic. Genuinely it is because of authors who write characters so well like this that I feel less isolated in my experiences
(cont) especially since things revolving around my identity and sexuality have been pretty present the past few months, and it's almost relieving and somewhat cathartic to get to read characters experiencing similar situations and getting to be accepted and also get together with their beloveds. And also have gay (dragon/tentacle/) sex lol. I like how you took your time with each of the characters to make their conclusions feel natural and anything but rushed, and I really love what a good grasp (3/?
(cont) you have of their voices. I could hear each of them (especially Uma) distinctly in my head the whole time, and could visualize their faces and movements so well because of how you wrote them. Character voices are hard, so many kudos to you!!! You really did a good job staying true to them! Also, somewhat but also not surprisingly, I was not having an easy time finding content for the three of them (or even a few of them) and sometimes when you're low on fics the ones you find aren't the most polished, but yk you take what you find or you make it yourself! But!!! That is not the case here! You wrote a beautiful and enjoyable and fucking sexy fic that exactly hit the spot for me and was a thrill all the way through. You do not know how many times I had to keep myself from jumping ahead or reading to fast to enjoy it because I was so excited. Also the only reason I'm not commenting is bc I don't have an ao3 account set up for this blog yet so I'm bothering you in asks instead!
I would like to be very detailed in my appreciation of how you wrote each character but I seriously need to sleep and I'm probably taking up to much space, so let me know if I can come back and rant to you about your fic in your ask box or if you would prefer me waiting till I can comment on the fic itself :3Thank you SO SO SO SO MUCH for writing such a scrumptious fanfic and for sharing it with the rest of us! /Grins/ Have a delightful rest of your week!
(final. Sorry it got split up! Tumblr was being an ass and giving me a word limit so I switched for Easter so I didn't have to verify w every ask and it fuckin dropped both problems lmao)
This is how you leave a comment, folks. If it's not 4 asks in my inbox when I wake up I don't want it.*
People like @gayafsowhat who leave comments and asks like this are the backbone of the fanfic community. These asks have sat in my inbox for a like a week because there's literally no way to adequately express my gratitude so I'll just say simply: thank you. ❤️
Also authors, if you are hesitating about writing for a smaller fandom or rare pair, fucking do it. Yes, I get more kudos on my drarry fics, but the enthusiasm and support you get from people when you write for pairings with less content is equally fulfilling (if not more - see giant comment above holy shit!??!?).
*This is obviously a joke. For the record, I gratefully accept and apppreciate comments in any format. ❤️
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drarrily-we-row-along · 1 year ago
Hello, I've been a big fan of your blog for at least three years now but I wanted to ask what you recommend to people thinking about posting their writing/art online?. I'm a poet and I really want to post my work online but I'm terrified for a number of reasons. Mainly, about not being able to grasp people's attention. (And my work being stolen/ reblogged w/ credit but yk). I love your work and would really like to get your opinion on this.
Hi there lovely!
Thanks so much for the ask, I'm genuinely honored to be sent an ask of this nature; I'll do my best to give you my thoughts on the subject. <3 (I got a little long-winded, I'm really passionate about this. tldr; sharing a piece of yourself in your writing is absolutely terrifying but you should do it anyway.)
When I first started posting my writing (7 years ago?!) in the Sherlock fandom, I was so afraid that people were going to be mean. Literally the only way I could start posting was by telling myself that if everyone hated it, I could just delete it and pretend it had never happened. And I was terrified when I started posting drarry stuff on this blog and I told myself that if even 10 people liked it, that would be enough (I couldn't have imagined how many people would engage with this blog and my fics). Over 350 stories (ranging from 50-100k words) later, I still regularly get nervous about posting things.
I don't know how to get people not to steal other peoples' work. I don't know how to stop ai bots from consuming writing/art and popping out soulless shit because of what it consumed. There are no answers that I can give you on this front.
And if I'm being honest, I don't have the foggiest clue how to grasp peoples' attention. The follows this blog gets and the posts that get attention continue to be a mystery to me; I can't ever guess which things will gain traction and which stories will go dark (and sometimes I get pissy about it- my fic on AO3 with the most kudos is a stupid 1k story that I wrote in 30 minutes while stories that I've spent literal years writing do half as well, but I digress). And there are stories that I see other people writing that I'm obsessed with- their prose, their imagery, their crafting- that don't receive anywhere near as much love as they should and I can't understand that either. It often seems like there is no rhyme or reason to what "does well" and what doesn't.
Which is why I can't let myself get caught up in which stories are well received and which aren't. For me, writing and sharing things can't be about what will get the most reach because I can't base the story's worth (or my own worth) off of that or I'd never post anything at all. Don't get me wrong, I love for my fics to receive kudos/likes, comments, and reblogs- it's a euphoric high. But in the end writing has been about giving myself permission to be free to be an entire person without the constraints I put on myself day in and day out. It's been about putting into words all of my darkness, my fears, my failings, my desires, my wants and needs along with all of my beauty, and strength, and joy, and hope. It's been putting my heart down on a page and believing that the response I receive is less important than the process of self discovery. Over and over, I've written myself the life I want to have; I've written the type of partner I want to have, the type of partner I want to be; I've written about healing and self discovery. Writing for me has been a way to fall in love with myself over and over again, to heal woundedness, to offer myself some hope, some comfort, a dose of encouragement and bravery, a little bit of tenderness when it was scarce.
Reading fanfiction when I was in my early twenties saved my life. I'm not saying this to be dramatic, it is actually true. Reading fanfiction saved me from an abusive relationship and helped to keep me from going back. Reading fanfiction taught me what it meant to be loved well and it changed my standards for myself forever. Part of my desire to pour back into this community stems from that. If there is even one person whose life can be touched in that way, who can realize how lovable they are, who can see how they deserve to be treated and loved, my time was well spent.
I'm not saying that has to be your reason for sharing the gift of yourself. We all write and create for different reasons. But I do believe that all humans were made to create and we were all made to share ourselves in what we make. Share your words for you. Share them as an act of rebellion. Share them as an act of war or change. Share them as a way to express the deepest emotions of your being. Share them because they are a part of your own soul. Share them as an act of self-love and a way of honoring the unrepeatable, beautiful person that you are. Whatever your reason for sharing your words, make it a reason that is about you. You deserve to be seen and loved, to be known in a way that can only happen when you give yourself permission to be vulnerable. There are, in my humble opinion, few things that bare your soul the way that sharing something you've created does. Love yourself enough to give yourself away.
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magister-avalon · 2 months ago
Initially tempted to side blog reblog but I want it here cause this is how I go about things and it's one of the main reasons I'm able to see everything as beautiful yk. Once you start, it feels impossible to go back. It's also why I can't be angry about anything for longer than a few minutes, a day tops but unlikely.
And by extension since avalon is my self insert in terms of personality, yeah, that's how she goes about maneuvering life. Never assuming malice, and if forced to assume, it's to assume ignorance. Never assuming the bad but easily assuming the good.
Y'know that saying about how if something seems too good to be true, it probably is? It's like that, but the opposite while still being true to the initial statement; if it seems too bad to be true, how can you be so sure that it's done out of malice? you probably aren't seeing the whole picture, and gotta rotate it in your mind like I do with mirael.
Avalon can sleep soundly at night cause she doesn't inherently view things as malicious in nature. She even sees berial as a cat and attempts to pet them when they aren't expecting it (even though they always expect it cause it happens so often)
The hypogeans, the war, and just everything that's caused loss, while it makes her sad, she looks for a way to see things in a way that isn't malicious. She assumes both sides had their reasons and were valid for it and there was no other way. The results are depressing but she finds happiness in the fact that everyone on both sides gave their all for what they believed in even if she didn't agree.
“no one’s ever mad at me unless they tell me so” is the best assumption i’ve ever made
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6eetle · 1 year ago
Quickie thing i'm gonna blog about today teehee
it gets a little personal so if you dont wanna see allat i'll just put it under the cut
So like, this has been something that's been on my mind the past few weeks just as a floating concept in my mind. But today, my mom was looking at me try on a new coat. She asked me to come closer so she could examine it better so yk, i did, but then her attention drew to my face. She placed her hand on my cheek and when i looked at her she had a look of like?? absolute concern? Bewilderment, even! Why? Facial hair. Not enough to be considered a beard or anything but enough to be noticeable. She was all like "is that your hair?" (as in my actual head hair) and i was like..no? its like she didnt wanna believe it. No way! your DAUGHTER whos a GIRL has MAN hormones running through HER body! SHE isn't supposed to have FACIAL HAIR!
And I mean, technically I shouldn't have facial hair. I only have it because of PCOS. But then I think back to everything and the several cycles of denial, self-consciousness, confusion, and all the negative things I've thought about regarding the way that I am. The way my body works. And at some point I sorta just. Broke that cycle? I mean, it's still insanely difficult to accept sometimes when you pass as a woman to everyone on the outside but the INSTANT they see little ol me with some thick sideburns they get a worrisome look. Almost like they pity me! I've been told so many goddamn times as of recent years.. "Ness, you don't look like a woman! :(" "Ness! Here's some tips on how to shave!" My whole family looks at me like it's some horrible disease and that I just live in total absolute misery with a little extra hair lmao. I've even had a little kid come up to me and ask "do you have a beard?" and then it just felt like the whole room had eyes on me. But one thing I've noticed about it all is that I don't really care..? Heck, I even like it a little! But because of my own family always giving me weird looks for embracing something that's a normal bodily function by nature I feel insecure about it anyway. Not for myself, but for others. Because fuck dude!! maybe they're right! I don't pass as a woman! I mean I'm not a woman to myself, I identify as nonbinary with maybe a little bit of femininity in the mix, but that doesn't matter because they don't like it. because they think it's unnatural and is a problem that has to be treated.
And it's like. Idk man i'm so sick of being pitied and treated like some poor soul who doesn't know how to take care of themself. What I do with my body is my business. Why does it concern you??? Why do people always look at me and are so fucking put off by that small little feature about me? Always cherry-picking what should and shouldn't happen with my development. I didn't choose to grow the hair, I chose to keep it. And I'm going to continue to keep it because at the end of the day I've accepted it's a part of me. And it's super fucked that they only see me as some anomaly rather than a being who can, like everyone else, develop parts of them that are natural in a biological sense, but not natural to gender roles, beauty standards or whatever. Traits that are "ugly". It's super disappointing. Like yeah I'm beautiful until I start growing a beard or something i guess
This isn't necessarily a vent post I would say. In fact, I want to be positive about it! Because I really wanna emphasize the idea that no one should be in charge of the way you look, or the way you decide to love your body. Despite what's "wrong" with me, I'm totally fine, because i allow myself to be. Life is so much more peaceful when you don't got a bitch in your ear telling you things you already know!!!! Telling you to shave and look more lady-like!!! I think I'm winning tbh :3 Oh I don't look like a perfect soft-to-the-touch skin "not a hair in sight" girl? Sexcellent.
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wormieapple · 1 year ago
yk, a hc i’ve had floating around in my head for a while is abt cas n his wings, but also abt the angels wings in general. cause it was such a missed opportunity to not go into the slightest detail abt heaven’s hierarchy or yk give us anything other than head on shots of cool shadow wings except for like two(2) scenes.
i think it’d be nice if they have any small amount of detail throughout the show, like maybe cas tells dean one day when explaining how it is his wings work that all of the angels wings are different based on their position in heaven. Cause we know there are scribes, there’s the garrisons, arch angels, cupids, etc. so what if their wings were differently shaped/coloured based on their station. Like the arch angels could have the classic multiple fluffy white wings as they’re the closest to god, a signifier of divinity, with each arch angel having different wings for different purposes. maybe the scribes wings are like ostrich wings in the sense that they never really leave heaven and thus they don’t really need to fly and haven’t for a long time (i think that would’ve been a neat plot point for metatron, not being able to use his wings in heaven or while he’s acting as a refugee on earth so he takes away the wings of the very angels that forced him into hiding all these years. as a nice added layer to his plot thread.) Nephilim wings would definitely be different from every other type of angel wing, i feel like the human part of their biological would definitely effect how their wings develop but i still haven’t quite decided in what way.
And then the garrison would have black wings, strong and fast, built for soldiers. they execute the will of heaven, the wrath of god, and their wings reflect as much. maybe when a member of a garrison is assigned their own command they gain an extra silver plating to a few of their wings, either naturally occurring or given like a metal or a badge as a signifier of their status. and when we meet cas his wings are much the same, he is a leader of a garrison mostly well revered in heaven by those who don’t remember his transgressions, his relentless sympathies. but his wings become a reflection of those sympathies, as the more he cares abt humanity humanity runs off on him as a growing tiny to the tips of his feathers. a dull hue of colours that slowly start to shine through on his wings like an oil spill and every time this happens Naomi knows she has to take him back in to get “fixed” again. something that happens to cas’s horror, a mar on his otherwise perfect wings in which he tries to repress and erase. and when he meets the winchesters and they show him exactly what there is to see in humanity the slow spread of colours is worse than it ever has been and no amount of mind scrubbing seems to keep it away. as cas rebels, as he gives everything for dean and sam, his wings growing hue spreads to the base of his wings and grow in intensity. they’re still black mostly, but his love shines unmistakably on his feathers and by season 11-12 only now he’s lost his wings and is truly acknowledging how important the winchesters are to him can he see that the state of his wings prior to the fall was something to be proud of. Maybe he tells dean as much as he’s reminiscing abt how beautiful his wings once were after he’s lost them, stumbling a bit over how to words why exactly his wings changed in the first place.
this is way longer of a post than i thought it was gunna be but that’s my cas with colourful wings hc because we deserved to see more of how the angels actually work. i really wished we saw more of how the angels wings really looked like, which we got a glimpse of when dean was possessed by micheal (one of my favourite special effects in the whole show). i wished there was a glimpse of any other angels wings, or any mentions of them like ever. i can’t believe we just moved on from all of the angels losing their wings so quickly, unacceptable. it also would have been a cool, slightly more visible way to showcase cas’ descent from heaven, the crack in his chassis. really i’m just a sucker for visual cues in media and it really would’ve been a gorgeous way to show his character arc. curse the tiny visual effects budget, curse the writers lack of regard to the angels and their wings.
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