#anyone wanna donate??? haha
cornerihaunt · 8 months
oh you guys i had a Bad Day
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dave-the-timelord · 2 years
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calliopeseas · 2 years
loneliness is a hell of a drug and i get panic attacks when high
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brokenjere · 2 years
seventeen going under (j.f) (ch. 15)
seventeen going under (j.f)
A/N: so this is unedited and it's.......long haha i will probably edit it eventually but i wanted to get it out and i was happy with it so lmk what you think and if you wanna be added to the tag list :)
synopsis: deb ball volleyball tournament and a love confession
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catch up here
I told Susannah I didn’t want to play in the volleyball tournament. She was sad, of course. She begged me practically on her hands and knees, pleading with me that “all the debutantes are doing it” and “it would be good to give back” and “don’t you want people to remember you?” 
And honestly, no. I didn’t want anyone to remember this night except Susannah. If I could, I’d have dressed up just as nice and put Jeremiah on my arm and waltzed around the living room while she drank wine and clapped like we were little kids again rehearsing for our school musical. If I could, I’d burn this memory out of everyone’s heads. 
The volleyball tournament was where I drew the line. I will not be putting on baseball tees that were printed from some shady website with my name on it and I will not be making Jeremiah wear a matching one. I also am not the most athletic of the bunch but that was one of my last excuses. Jeremiah was, of course. I’m sure he would kill a volleyball tournament enough for the both of us but I could not, and would not, risk sand in my mouth in the name of Susannah Fisher. It didn’t matter that it was raising money for good causes. The good cause was saving my knees. 
She pouted for a while, asking me over late brunch again and again if I had changed my mind. I kept telling her no until eventually, my mom had to tell her to stop asking. “If you don’t be quiet, she’ll back out of the ball completely,” she threatened one day while we all stood around the kitchen island. I hadn’t threatened that, of course, but at the time Jeremiah hadn’t agreed to be my date so the thought was more than tempting. 
After that, Susannah stopped asking. She flaunted Belly’s neon green shirts that read TEAM BELLY on them and Shayla’s highlighter yellow one that read TEAM SHAYLA. Just because Steven had to wear it, didn’t mean I did. I smiled and nodded at her while she showed them off and then I disappeared in the backyard. 
I wondered if maybe I should be making more of an effort. Maybe I should have signed up for the tournament and wore an ugly shade of yellow too or maybe I should be spending more time with her while she baked in the kitchen instead of sticking my finger in the wet batter and licking it off like an animal. Despite knowing Susannah is nearing her end, it hasn’t quite hit me the way I think it should have. I think I’ll be living in denial as long as Jeremiah is in the dark. His ignorance is my ignorance. 
Despite not participating in the event, I still dragged Jeremiah along with me to watch.  He was going to go anyway, to cheer on Belly, but we drove together and grabbed lemonades the size of our heads and sat down on the sidelines. Susannah made an announcement, telling everyone how to donate and the excitement in her voice panged me with guilt and regret. 
“She loves these things,” Jeremiah said as he leaned into my shoulder. His mom was beaming on the court. Not even the giant microphone in her face could hide her smile. It was infectious and I’m sure, the reason every event every year was a success. 
“Did Conrad have to do this last year?” Jeremiah laughed and nodded his head, remembering. “I wish I had stayed to see it.” 
“It wasn’t that eventful. The only reason Mom made him escort Nicole was because her date dropped out last minute and he already knew the waltz.” 
  Susannah stepped off the court and announced the first team. It was a normal bracket style tournament. Two teams faced off and whoever won moved to the next round. So on and so forth until there were only two teams left. The teams lined up against the fence, watching each game as if they were studying the players. It reminded me of when Conrsd would play chess. How focused he would get on whatever move his opponent would make next. 
Jeremiah would stare off aimlessly into the distance, not paying attention to what Conrad or I did and then ask, “what happened?” But Conrad would stare. He’d plot. He’d stick his tongue out in pure concentration. 
“I hate sports,” I said out loud, making Jeremiah laugh. 
“I know you do.” “I’m just so bad at them. I have zero hand-eye coordination.” 
“You throw a pretty mean punch,” he added, throwing a smirk in my direction. I can’t help but turn a shade of crimson. When we were kids, I’d beat on Jeremiah relentlessly. Like a little kid on the playground being mean to their crush. I don’t know if I had a crush on him then but he often stole my cereal in the mornings or the candy out of my lunch box and made me chase him around for it until eventually I’d land a punch on his bicep. 
When we were fifteen, I actually punched him. It was an accident but it left a bruised eye on his perfect face. He was hiding behind my bedroom door, presumably waiting for me to come upstairs and scare me. He jumped out so violently and screamed so loud, my only reflex was to punch. Unfortunately for my hand and Jeremiah’s face, my punch landed exactly on his right eye. 
I scrambled to collect him off the floor, throwing out apologies as fast as I could. He was just laughing. “Holy shit, Yn. I didn’t know you could hit like that.” 
“You scared me!” I defended, holding him up as I walked him to my bed. He cradled his face in his hands and I pried them away so I could see the damage. It wasn’t much now, but it was bright red. The next day it was black and blue and Jeremiah told everyone he ran into a door. “Let me get you some ice,” I offered. Mom didn’t ask any questions as I collected a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and wrapped them in a dish towel. She just eyed me suspiciously as I moved through the kitchen. Upstairs, Jeremiah was still holding his eye. 
He let me press the peas to his face but took over the compress once it was comfortable. “I am so sorry,” I repeated. 
“Kinda hot,” he teased, bumping his shoulder to mine. How could he be so nonchalant? How could he be acting like I didn’t just assault him in my bedroom? “You could kiss it better?“ He offered when he noticed my face wasn’t relaxing. If I worried for him any harder, I’d develop worry lines at the age of fifteen. 
I scowled at his suggestion and he gestured toward my hand. “Let me see it,” he said. I gave him my hand and he inspected my knuckles for signs of bruising. “My face is pretty hard, you know. It’s the Fisher jawline.” 
“I didn’t hit you in the jaw,” I reminded him. He shrugged like it was all the same. “You’re gonna have a black eye.” 
“You’re gonna have bruised knuckles.” 
We stared at each other. Peas held to his face with one hand and my hand in his other. I started to cry and he laughed. He audibly laughed and then because I couldn’t help it, I started to laugh too. The tears dried up almost as soon as they’d arrived and then we were both cracking up on my bed. 
“Don’t remind me of that,” I said to him now. He smiled as if it was a fond memory. One he’d kept forever in the confines of his mind. Like a favorite beach trip or school field trip. 
“Just saying, don’t count yourself out so soon.” 
“Maybe I should take up boxing?” I asked, holding up my fists as if I was going to start fighting him. I shook them around in front of my face and Jeremiah used the palm of his hand to lower my weapons. 
“More like MMA. Could knock a sucker out with those.” I smiled, proudly. “Belly and Cam are up,” Jeremiah said, pointing toward the court. I actually paid attention now. Not that I really knew the rules to volleyball, but it was Belly after all and I should at least pretend to know what was going on. 
She and Cam move across the court with ease. They speak with their eyes, Belly telling him where to go and he does it automatically. They won. They won again and again until they didn’t. 
The fourth game down, after a winning streak that didn’t even break a sweat, the other team was kicking their ass. Cameron was fumbling over his own feet, barely scraping the ball with his knuckles. I was pretty sure he had a mouthful of sand at one point. “What the hell is going on?” Jeremiah asked, I think mostly to himself because it came out as more of a mumble than anything. 
“I don’t know.” I felt bad for the kid. Belly was competitive. Especially when she got in the zone like she was now. I could see it in the way her eyebrows furrowed and her cheeks puffed out when she breathed. She was fully prepared to do whatever she could to win. 
Across the court, on the other side of all the players, was Conrad and Nicole. They leaned against the rail, both a cup in their hands. They weren’t speaking, just watching the game unfold intently. Belly said something to Cam, pointing to a bench off to the side and then she was waving Conrad over. “What the fuck?” I asked. 
“What did she just say?” Jeremiah asked, sitting up further in his seat like he was watching a scary movie that was keeping him on his toes. They were talking to each other. She was pointing and she looked mad but I couldn’t decipher what was being said. Cam took off his neon green t-shirt and gave it to Conrad, who stripped off his own shirt and put on the TEAM BELLY one. Conrad. Always team Belly. “What is going on,” I mumbled. 
“Belly is about to win the damn thing,” Jeremiah boasted. He was happy. He was excited. He was proud. “Conrad is going to kick all these kids' asses.”
“He’s not even her escort, is that allowed?” I huffed. I crossed my arms over my chest. It was a defensive move, shielding me from whatever feelings were attacking my chest and whatever questions I was sure were to come. 
“Why wouldn’t it be allowed? It’s not an Olympic tournament. It’s for charity,” he said, playfulness in his voice. He was leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, and I could see the sweat that was dripping down his neck and under his shirt. I could see his biceps protruding from his sleeves like the shirt was way too small for him. 
“I’m just saying, kind of cheating to switch partners halfway through the game.” He turned around to look at me now and I recoiled into the bench. I hid my face with the cup of lemonade and averted my eyes to the court. They were killing it which just made me more mad. 
“What’s your problem? Don’t you want her to win?”
“Yeah but why does he need to be a part of it? Poor Cam was just pushed to the side.” I decided to focus on that. Cam. “He’s her boyfriend for crying out loud. I'd never do that to you.”
“Well, I’m not your boyfriend,” he pointed out. He wasn’t even watching the game at this point. I had his full attention. He looked amused, like me picking on Belly was funny. It wasn’t funny and I felt bad even as I was saying it but I was trying to place my angered feelings and I was placing them in the wrong spot. I was mad that Conrad was on Team Belly and not Team Me and I didn’t know why. He wasn’t even who I wanted. 
I was selfish. I knew that. It was a trait of mine I had been forced to come to terms with when I was younger and my mom would make me share with other kids on the playground and I would tell them the toys were covered in mold or dead bugs so they’d want to play with someone else’s stuff. I think it stemmed from being an only child. I never had to share or be selfless. I had whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it. I knew it when Jeremiah got his first girlfriend and I was so jealous, I wanted to break them up even though he was perfectly respectful when I was dating Elijah. I wanted all of it to myself. Both boys. 
“You could be,” I replied with a knowing smirk. Jeremiah let out a huge laugh. One that threw his body backward and forced his hand to his chest. “What’s so funny?” I asked, offended he would think this was funny. 
“Just a few weeks ago you were begging me to stop flirting with you. You said you needed space. And now you’re saying you want to be my girlfriend?” His eyes were shining with admiration, even as he called me out for my inconsistency. 
“I didn’t say I wanted to be your girlfriend, I just said you could be my boyfriend,” I clarified. I kicked my feet in the sand a little bit and watched as it covered my toes. “You know, if you wanted.” 
“If I wanted?” He was staring at me. I looked up. 
“If you wanted.”
Everything went silent. I thought I went deaf for a minute. Lost all ability to hear or feel anything in the outside world except the heat from his knees on mine and the weight of his longing gaze on my face. I didn’t even hear the crowd cheering for Belly and Conrad as they won the game. I didn’t hear them announce the next team. All I heard is Jeremiah saying, “well what if I want to?” 
I thought about my response. I could just word vomit everything I was thinking: then you’re my boyfriend. I love you. It’s a done deal, don’t ever leave. Or I could tease him like I usually do but that'd be cruel and unfair. So instead I said: “then we’ll talk later. In private.”
That seemed to satisfy him enough. He sat back on the bench, our arms touching and he inched his hand toward mine. He wanted to hold it and I let him. He laced our fingers together and even though it was hot and our fingers were getting sweaty, we kept holding them the entire time. 
The sun was starting to set by the time the last few games were being played. Belly and Conrad had done it - they were in the final bracket. My lemonade was gone, a ring of condensation was stained into the bench only to be dried up by the sun and then arrive again a few moments later. I thought about getting a refill or some water or something to replenish the hydration that was leaving my body with each drop of sweat. Even the shade of the awning that we were sitting under didn’t shield us from the heat but I had gotten up to pee more times than I can count while we waited for this dreaded tournament to be over so I decided against it. But now that the sun was going away, it was getting cooler. 
There was an orange hue to the world around us now. A soft glow illuminated Jeremiah’s face as he watched the game intently, smiling to himself as he watched his brother play. I had known these boys my entire life. Since we all in diapers, playing in the same sand box and then cleaning up in the same bath tub. It was strange to see them now, all grown it. It was strange to love both of them with every fiber of my being. It was strange to feel this strongly about the one sitting next to me now. But what’s stranger, was how their relationship developed over the years. From being tight as thieves as kids to now, what seems to me, almost utter strangers. 
There was no doubting the jealousy in Jeremiah’s eyes as he watched Conrad play. He couldn’t hide his jealousy from a hundred miles away since the moment he turned fifteen and they were no longer little kids, but young adults waiting to become Adam’s little robots. Since the minute Adam picked Conrad as the golden child, no matter how hard Jeremiah tried. And he tried. And that’s what hurt the most. Watching Conrad get everything Jeremiah wanted so badly: his dad’s approval, football super stardom, and throw it all away. 
I reached over and squeezed his hand. He sent me an appreciative grin and I gave it right back, but I could feel the sadness creeping up behind it so I looked away before it could show it’s ugly face. I wanted him, I knew I did, but I also knew that I had to tell him about Susannah before I could be with him. It was only right and seeing how he watched his brother now, with contempt and wistfulness, it pained me to know I was keeping a secret that could bond them again. They needed each other and if Conrad was going to be too stubborn to tell him, I had to. 
While the last game raged on, Jeremiah and I eagerly waited by the railing overlooking the court. I leaned into his arm and he welcomed me like a warm blanket. The up and down of his steady breathing kept me sane as I watched the same ball going back and forth and back and forth for the hundredth time today. He looked down at me and said, “it’s almost over. You’re so impatient.” 
“I’m just bored,” I said, letting out a groan. I turned over so my back was leaning on the railing and I was giving Jeremiah my full attention. “Besides,” I drag, “we need to talk. Remember?” Jeremiah’s eyes lit up. 
“I remember,” he whispered. He leaned forward, his hand on one side of me and his chest dipping almost too close to mine. “Wanna dip early?” A smirk curled up on one side of his mouth and the suggestion was tempting, but I shook my head. 
“It’s almost over, remember?”
“I think whatever we’re gonna talk about it is more exciting.” The twinge of amusement and flirtation was undeniable and I wanted to kiss him right then and there. Put my hands on either side of his face, pull him as close as possible and kiss him until I could no longer breathe. Instead, I put my hand on his chest and push him backward slightly. 
“Your brother is about to win a volleyball tournament, don’t you wanna watch?” I asked. Cheering exploded from behind me but it had been ongoing all afternoon, so I didn’t bother to even look. 
Jeremiah did look. He glanced up over my shoulders and onto the court and mumbled in disbelief, “looks like he just did.” 
I whipped around to see Conrad snatch Belly up in his arms and twirl her around. His smile was so big it could eat up the sun. I hadn’t seen him smile that big in months. Susannah made her way down the court, meeting them halfway with the trophy in hand. Jeremiah grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the sand. It kicked up as I walked quickly, trying to keep up with Jeremiah’s big strides. He hugged his brother and Belly was hugging Steven and I stood there, alone. Watching. 
It was warm in Jeremiah’s room, despite the dropping temperature outside. I laid on his bed, my feet kicked up on the headboard as Jeremiah rifiled through his drawers. I didn’t even know what he was looking for, only that he had been looking since the second we got back to the house. We had not brought up our conversation from earlier yet. It was like a big balloon in the room that sucked all of the air out of it and neither one of us wanted to pop it and the air any more muggy than it already was. 
“What could you possibly be looking for?” I finally asked. He was digging around a bottom drawer now, and groaned as he slammed it shut.
“Obviously.” Jeremiah moved to the closet now and ignored my sarcastic comment. I watched him upside down contently. I watched as his body moved, a perfect specimen waiting for his feathers to be ruffled. He threw out dirty clothes from the floor to the closet to the floor of the bedroom until finally, he dug something out. 
“Ah-ha!” He said in victory, rolling back on his heels. 
“What is it?” I asked. He stood up and when he turned around, he had a pink stuffed pig in his hands and a smile plastered to his face. I shot up, the world turning right side up. “Is that Porky?” Jeremiah nodded enthusiastically as he threw himself on the bed next to me. I grabbed the stuffed pig from his hands and admired it on my lap. “You still have this?” 
When I was a baby, my dad gave me a stuffed pig that I slept with in my crib. When I moved to my toddler bed, so did Porky. I carried him around with me everywhere. He dragged on the floor behind me, trailing along collecting dirt and germs but I didn’t care. He must have went through the wash at least three times a week. So much so, he lost an eye when I was six. I loved Porky more than anything. He was my best friend before Jeremiah was my best friend, really. I told Porky everything. When Mom made me so mad because she said I had to eat my vegetables and how frustrated I was that I couldn’t write my Q’s the right away. I told Porky everything until, eventually, I trusted Jeremiah enough to tell him instead.
When I was ten, I gave Porky to Jeremiah. I set him on this exact bed, almost seven years ago. He was disheveled, even then, with a missing eye and a chunk missing out of his ear and his light pink snot stained a dirty brown color. He was sitting poised in front of the pillows and when Jeremiah saw him he asked me, “what’s he doing here?”
“I want to give him to you,” I told him. “I don’t need him anymore.” Jeremiah gave me a questioning look, like he was unsure what exactly I meant or what he should do with the information given so I explained further, “I already trust you best.” 
“What am I going to do with this ratty thing?” He asked, picking up Porky by his chewed up ear with his fingertips. 
“As a token of my friendship,” I said to him then. Now, as I looked down at it, I realized it wasn’t just a token of my friendship with Jeremiah, nor was it the beginning of our real, true, best everythingship, it’s the first sign that I loved him. At the age of ten, it wasn’t anything more than platonic but if I gave it to him now, it would have my heart in it. 
“As a token of my friendship,” he mimicked my words from all those years ago into my ear. I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. “Of course I still have it.” 
I held Porky’s hands and made him dance a little on my lap. “I almost forgot about this thing.” 
“How could you?” Jeremiah asked, appalled at my confession. I laughed and set him down on the bed beside me. I turned to face Jeremiah now, his body was leaned into mine and he was watching me, his blue eyes staring into my soul. He was no longer smiling, not really anyway. He just looked happy. “Do you still trust me best?” 
I nodded and asked, “do you trust me best?” 
Jeremiah nodded in reply. He put his hand on my cheek, caressing the side of my face. His thumb felt warm. My entire body felt warm. Wherever his skin touched, mine tingled like he was leaving a million little kisses everywhere. There were stars in my blood. Closer, closer. He was inching closer and I knew what I wanted: him. I knew it with every fiber of my being and instead of following my gut and telling him the truth, I kissed him. 
I kissed him with everything that I had in me. His hands grabbed at me like he had been searching for me his entire life and now that he found me, he refused to let go. My hands were in his hair and his hands found their way up the back of my shirt, leaving a warm trail on my skin. I let him lean me back on the bed and he stopped kissing me, only for a moment, to look at me. His eyes were questioning, a quiet question if he should continue or not. “I love you, Jeremiah. I’m in love with you and I’m so sorry it took me so long to say it,” I confessed. 
His eyes searched mine frantically. The blue in his eyes were bluer. His eyelashes looked longer. His skin looked smoother. “Finally,” he said and then he kissed me again and this time, he didn’t stop other than to catch his breath or place kisses down my neck. He started with my cheek and then my jawline. I pulled at his shirt, wanting it off in a frantic wanting sort of way. I wanted to be closer to him. As close as possible. 
He sucked on my neck gently, making a moan escape from my lips. I pushed him off of me just long enough to take off my shirt and he mirrored my movements without question and when we collided back together, every inch of my skin felt alive. 
We were a tornado of emotion, a frenzy of every almost confession, secret emotion, and suppressed feeling either of us have ever had. I put every I love you I have ever thought since I was fifteen years old into kissing him. I let each word linger behind my lips. I wanted to explore his entire body. I knew what he looked like, for the most part. I knew how his muscles moved when he walked, ran, and swam. I could tell you exactly where his birthmark was on his lower back but I wanted to learn it in a new way, in this exciting way. 
He wanted to learn mine, first, it seemed. My lips felt swollen when he stopped kissing them but then they were on my collarbone and my chest and between my breast. The bra suddenly felt like an unwelcome barrier between us. One that needed to be removed, immediately. Jeremiah didn’t remove it, though. He moved his hands over my breasts and then to my back, lifting me closer to him. 
After his lips met every part of my upper body, he made his way back to my lips but he kissed me slowly this time. Sweetly, like he was savoring every minute of it. Like he was scared it would never happen again. The neediness of only a few seconds ago was replaced with a tenderness that I didn’t know I wanted. His hands moved slower as if he was trying to memorize the way I felt and his kisses were gentler. 
He didn’t attempt to take off my pants until I asked him to. I wrapped my hand around his wrist and guided it toward my shorts but he did the rest himself. He unbuttoned them with ease and it made me wonder if he had done this before and with who but that thought quickly evaporated as my shorts hit the floor. 
Everything about this felt right. His hands, his lips, the way he was looking at me, and the way that our bodies fit together like a puzzle. It all felt perfect. There was not a single thing about this moment I would change. Not the fact that Porky was digging into my back or the fact that everyone we knew was in this house just below us. All that mattered was Jeremiah, my Jeremiah. And my Jeremiah he would be - forever. 
taglist: @things-that-make-sa-happy@marajillana@calpurnia2002@revemixer@harrysswhore@liltimmyst@chickunn-nuggett
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lolothesilly · 4 days
1 Dollar Challenge + Raffle !!
Verified Gaza fundraisers link for those who don't wanna scroll: https://gazafunds.com/
So, money is short. For you, for me, for most people who don't own a multimillion dollar megacorp. And it sucks, especially seeing all these donation posts and thinking, "Fuck, I can't really help, and my followers probably can't either."
But when common people feel hopeless and helpless, the rich powerful assholes making our lives worse win. You can't control others' actions, only yours. And drops of water in a cup will, over time, fill that cup.
So here's what I propose: Every month, I'm gonna set aside some money. Sometimes it'll be $20 USD, sometimes $10, sometimes less, maybe occasionally more. But each 1 dollar will be donated directly to a different Gaza fundraiser, as randomly as I can do it to spread the money across different people. And I want anyone else who can to do the same!
I'm challenging everyone who reads this...
...to look at their finances, decide if there's any amount they can do without this month, even if it's small, and split it between random verified Gaza fundraisers. If choosing randomly is overwhelming just give the whole amount to one fundraiser, or buy an eSim or two, it's fine either way. The point is to keep engaging!
If you're just scraping by and can't set anything aside, I get it, just let me say this: Reblogging helps. I'm not gonna guilt you into reblogging, I think that's counterproductive as hell, but I just want to say that reblogging isn't pointless, so if you do reblog, thanks!!
Fundraisers link again: https://gazafunds.com/
-- The Raffle --
The more people who see this post, the more likely it is to reach people who can join in, right? So here's what I'm gonna do. Everyone who reblogs this and TAGS it with "Count me in" will be entered in a raffle.
On July 31 at 11:59 PM EST (my timezone), entries close, and by August 7th I'll randomly select one person to win $5 USD, and I will donate another $5 USD to PCRF. (That's not much, but that's kind of the point: drops in a cup will, over time, fill that cup. Plus I don't have that much in the first place haha)
Put "Count me in" in the TAGS, not comments! Comments won't be counted! This is to avoid obnoxiously long comment chains 😝
If you add a guilt trip to this post, I will block you and you will not be counted. It just drives people away, don't do it. This includes "DON'T SCROLL" or whatever.
If the winner doesn't have DMs or asks open, or doesn't respond to me by August 14, I'll chose someone else randomly until I find someone who does respond.
I'm not gonna scour through peoples' blogs, but if you're blatantly a zionist, antisemitic, a transphobe, or whatever other shit, I'm gonna disqualify you.
I'll try to work something out if it comes up, but if you don't have Paypal or some other way to receive the 5 dollar prize, I might skip to someone else, sorry in advance.
One entry per person. If you reblog this to multiple blogs, only tag "Count me in" on one of your reblogs. If I find out you're abusing this, you'll be disqualified.
No other requirements for entry, you don't have to donate or follow me or whatever, just reblog this post and tag it "Count me in", that's all. Good luck!
Fundraisers link one more time for the road: https://gazafunds.com/
Masterpost with more links and information: https://www.tumblr.com/hualianisms/751653830335381504/
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pocket-gems · 7 months
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I'm genuinely unsure what to do with this blog. Like I do wanna post SU art and I reworked on my style, something I knew I was rusty but dang not that muchh. Here's a WIP of Blizzard to show that yeah I do stuff-
I'm just unsure I guess, unable to focus on the current SU world and so unable to continue. So, requests are open! Never thought I'd say it again but ages have passed so things are calm.
Request rules:
-My own SU ocs
-Random gems that don't exist (labradorite, dumortierite...)
-Fusions. Gay gay
-Idk man just nothing canon or others ocs, im tired of problems
-Gem donations (yes this happened before)
Just any kind of question, I appreciate it haha. It's just nice to see if anyone still shows interest. Spam allowed as long as it's no hate (assuming there's any edkhgdwihg).
I also really REALLY want to judge character designs now that I have kkknowledge so if anyone wants me to critizice your SU oc you can submit the gem. Or not, do what you want.
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rosysins · 1 year
slight vent and update on irl situation ;;w;; !
So - as some of you may know my mom had passed last year in November 2022 due to ovarian cancer. That in itself, is another story of its own that I’m working through with my student psychologist right now. 
However, there is a lot of inner family turmoil thats a result of my mother’s death and it just seems like it snowballed since February of this year. If you guys wanna know the full situation go on ahead and continue or if you guys just want to listen to drama haha XD. I’m already broken beyond belief right now and its taking everything in my willpower to not just hibernate. 
- My family and I are muslims, but my mother was a convert. She was originally from a Catholic family and converted to marry my father. Because of this, my maternal family may not be aware of the customs surrounding islamic funerals and burials. One such custom, is that the belongings of the deceased must be given to family members or donated to people in need. My maternal family - particularly my grandmother, kept stalling and begged my father to wait/to not donate them yet. It wasn’t later that my father realized my grandmother was redistributing the items to her friends and people she knew (because she hates donating to people in need). My father donated all of my mother’s items without telling anyone and it caused my grandmother to freak out. 
- My father started dating again in January 2023 and ‘formally’ married in the end of January (the actual wedding happened in March - he never told me at all about this). My maternal family found out the same time they found out my father had donated all of my mom’s clothes, so they came to the conclusion that the ‘other woman’ was trying to actively throw out everything about my mom and replace her. They’ve turned my useless autistic older brother against my father and step mom.  - The family are continuing to feud over this and are actively pulling me into their messes as mediator, even though I was quite literally still grieving and trying to balance law school all the same. 
- And while thats all happening + on top of school stress and living situation abroad, shortly before I got back home to Indonesia, my step mom and dad kept hinting at me that they have something very important to tell me and that I should mentally get ready for it even though I was already mentally exhausted from all the other shit happening. 
- The thing they wanted to tell me about was one of my mom’s dying regret. That all this time my young cousin (who I actually call younger sister because we were raised very closely) turns out to be my actual younger sister. Her parents - Catholic sister from my mom’s side - couldn’t conceive so they, together with the same grandmother causing a fuss,  pressured my mom all those years ago to allow them to adopt one of her kids. Originally, they wanted to choose me, but I was already old enough to recognize who my parents were. So they ended up adopting my younger sister. My father wanted to tell her as soon as possible because it was my mother’s dying wish but her parents adamantly refused (despite the fact that they watched as my younger sister sobbed over my mom’s body, thinking the entire time it was her aunt) and right now, we’re working for a way for my sister to be able to meet my dad privately without their intervention so he could tell it all to her clearly. 
Yeah my life... I have no idea why it took this k-drama ass turn but I guess this is a good reason why I have never liked K-drama. So yeah! :’’DDD I tend to lurk and enjoy reading your RP threads! But damn, this was already too much for me and I just needed to scream into the void about whats happening in my life. I’m gonna adopt a cat once I get back to the Netherlands and no one can fucking stop me. 
I hope wherever you guys are, you’re doing a lot better than I am! 
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thatesqcrush · 9 months
Ali Stroker, Elizabeth Stanley & More to Join Arts Education Benefit Honoring Raúl EsparzaThe event will take place on September 20, 2023 at 6:30pm at The National Arts Club.
I knoooowwww, just a cool $500 for a ticket (that are now sold out, leaving just the $1K tickets). But it’s before my birthday! Anyone wanna donate?? Haha, jk jk.
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hekkoto · 11 months
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Hi guys, as you might know from my previous post we have some financial struggles + I hope to collect some money for needed equipment!
That’s why I made few HUGE DISCOUNTS for my commissions! Unlimited slots, just keep in mind that I make them in order of when they got paid. I will be super super grateful for supporting me in this hard time or sharing this to help me reach more people <3
Check out my links on linktree: https://linktr.ee/hekkoto here you can find all my sites <3 even smallest help means a lot for me <3
I hope to open my Kofi shop very soon, I will let you know what it will be done :>
Im trying my best to make any possible money cause without money I might be forced to give up taking medical care of my mental health and that can end quite badly haha
I know Im not big artist or anyone important but I hope to make this all work. Im tired of constant pain and despair ;-;
wanna support my evil dark empire? Im accepting souls on Patreon and Ko-fi! -> Hekkoto
Huge thanks to all of my Patrons and people who donate  🖤
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just tryna figure out my feelings by looking at other people’s posts and like platonic yes but not even platonic cuddling or anything i just wanna lie next to someone in bed and chat about everything and nothing until we fall asleep but don’t you fucking dare touch me rn cos i will fully freak out and yet other times platonic cuddling is so appealing to me like what please can i just make my mind up and stick with one god damn thing ig at least lack of sexual attraction is remaining constant but i still can’t decide whether i want romantic, platonic or just be fucking weird ass cat lady/person who lives on her/their own for eternity surrounded by books and nature cos that sure as hell sounds bloody wonderful but like maybe i wanna share that with someone in some capacity but also maybe only if they have a separate house from me who fucking knows just gimme some “normal person” feelings please thank you bye
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yellowmintea · 5 years
Small update, my goal here is to have at least 1 upload a week for the entire year! That's going to be pretty difficult considering how badly my inspiration comes and goes, and also the fact that my keyboard is running out of space for songs ;;;; But I will keep doing my best!
For an idea of how old my keyboard is, it uses floppy disks 😅 I will see if I can order some floppys or if there is an upgrade I can get for it to help with the space problem!
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Part Eight. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
warnings: swearing word count: 2k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream xf!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: ahehahehoho ik sapnap didn't fly to dreams house before they moved in together but this is a fanfic and therefore what i say goes and i say he did :) hope you enjoy!!!!!!
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"SAPNAP!" Y/n yelled into her phone, smiling against the cool device.
"Bugsy!" he said with a laugh.
"You're with Dream?"
"Yeah, you wanna say hi?"
"No, give the phone to Patches!!"
"She literally hates me. She runs away when I see her."
Y/n laughed and heard a voice of protest in the background.
"Dream claims it's because she's shy but she literally hissed at me in my nightmares so I think we have bad blood."
Y/n giggled and balanced the phone between her shoulder and cheek. "You're still on for Among Us tonight, right?"
"Yeah, why? What's up?"
"I was just checking since you're visiting Dream apparently. I don't want to take away from your bro time or whatever."
"Oh, nah, it's good. I'm only here so we can look at places to live together and stuff. He told you I'm moving in with him soon, right?"
"Yeah! That's awesome!"
"Yeah. But, yeah, I love playing games with you! Besides, he has his stupid George plug-in to finish still so I'll be bored. So yes, of course I'm still playing, Bugsy!!!!"
"I've never made a lobby before so I'm just nervous," she said, the feeling evident in her voice.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure none of them pull that stupid prank we pull with Quackity all the time when we tell him we're leaving and pretend like he's muted. It always drags on for like half an hour."
"Okay, good. I'm literally so scared already I don't need hooligans messing with me."
"Don't worry, I got you, Bugsy."
"Thanks. Hey, can you tell Dream he sucks?"
Sapnap groaned. "I don't wanna be your messenger for your love letters to each other."
"Sapnap!" she exclaimed. "No, just... tell him he sucks."
She listened as Sapnap's voice became muffled and she heard him relay the message. A loud, "BUGSY!!" was heard in Dreams voice and she giggled.
"He's dramatically appalled. He said—you know what, no. You guys can talk to each other on your own phones. I'm not being a delivery boy."
"Boo, no fun. I'll let you go so you can hang out with Dream but I can't wait for the game!"
"Me too! See ya Bugsy, love you."
"Love you, Sap!!"
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Y/n drummed her fingers lightly against her desk as she waited for people to join her stream. She was muted, her viewers only left with the sounds of the music she played and the image of her commissioned "starting soon!!" screen. She double-checked the Discord call she was deafened and muted in to make sure her friends were actually there before unmuting her stream and welcoming everyone.
"Chat!!" she announced happily. "Hi! Hello! Welcome one and all to my stream!" She glanced at the chat which was filled with welcomes and announcements of everyone's excitement. She thanked everyone that had donated and gifted subs before checking her surroundings, even though it wouldn't be shown on stream.
She was bundled in a hoodie, her comforter from her bed wrapped around her and trapping her in a cocoon. The lights were off except a candle on her desk and her fairy lights around her room. It was all very serene. She was ready.
A dono came through and she laughed at the question. "Why isn't Dream joining? Um, because he said no. He doesn't have time for me," she joked, recalling them teasing each other about making time for one another. "This just in: Dreamwastaken hates BugsyGames."
Moments later, a $20 dono came through from Dream saying, "not true".
"Dream!" she exclaimed with a laugh. "You can donate and stalk my stream but not play with us? Very rude. Get off my stream and go finish coding, nerd." Despite her words, she couldn't stop smiling.
"Alright, folks! Listen up, today is gonna be so fun. We got Karl, we got Quackity, we got Tubbo, Ranboo, Sapnap, George, Schlatt, Corpse, Sykkuno," she took a dramatic breath and paused, making sure she wasn't forgetting to mention anyone. "Okay? It's gonna be so fun and I'm very excited!" She glanced at chat and smiled at all the positivity.
user5: corpse!!!!!! T_T
user2: omg watch out dream, we got another faceless man he might come for ur girl
user7: omg is this the first time bugsy is playing with tubbo and ranboo???
"Yes, I'm very excited to have Corpse and Sykkuno play today! I haven't played anything with them or Schlatt yet but I have played Minecraft with Tubbo and Ranboo not too long ago. So it should be fun!! Okay, let's join the vc!!"
She typed in the text channel that she was joining before unmuting and undeafening herself. Her headphones were immediately filled with voices speaking over each other, one louder than the rest.
"—aren't, but come on, there has to be something! We aren't blind!" It was Quackity. "Well, George is colorblind but—"
"Hey!" George protested of Quackity's fit of laughter.
"I think they'd be cute," Tubbo said.
"Me too!" Sykkuno's sweet voice rang.
"Quackity!" Karl shouted, exasperated. "I promise you they aren't actually dating! Like actually!!! She's my best friend and she would tell me if something was going on!!" His voice was desperate, almost as if he felt like Quackity was doubting his friendship with whoever he was talking about. Wait, Y/n was Karl's best friend. Were they talking about...
"Yeah, that and I'm literally in his house right now," Sapnap said. "That's two people who are close with the sources who haven't heard anything. I've literally asked Dream straight up to his face and he said no. And he's a terrible liar so I would be able to tell if he and Bugsy—"
"Hi everyone!!" Y/n said quickly, snapping out of wanting to listen to the gossip when she remembered she was streaming. She was worried about how detailed everyone would go into their theories and opinions of what sounded like her and Dream dating.
Where did they get that idea? she thought.
She didn't dare look at her chat in case they picked up on what the boys were talking about, which was very likely.
Quackity and Corpse started laughing loudly at Y/n's entrance while Tubbo stammered out an awkward, "Hel-hello Bugsy!" as if he had been caught doing something wrong. Oh, Tubbo, my sweet son, you could never do anything wrong.
"What are... you guys, haha, uh... talking about?" she asked slowly, hoping they would lie if they were talking about what she thought they were.
"The weather," Sapnap lied.
"Uh, uh, uh," Corpse stammered with a small laugh at the end.
"Tax evasion!" Ranboo shouted.
"Don't let these pricks lie to you, Bugsy," Schlatt said casually, his mouth clearly full of food. Probably a corndog or quesadilla or something. She tensed at his honestly, praying he wasn't going to blurt what they actually— "They're talking about you and Dream."
"M-me and Dream?"
"Are you dating? Yes or no?" he asked bluntly.
"Wha—n-no! No, we aren't."
"TOLD YOU!" Karl and Sapnap both yelled.
"Can we just.. play?" she asked with a laugh. She usually liked chatting with everyone before they played things on other people's streams but she was certain the topic was going to stay on her and Dream and she didn't want that. Bugsy and Dream... that has a nice ring to it, she thought before shaking her head to rid it from her mind. Weird.
"I do have one question, Bugsy," Schlatt said. "Bugsy... what is that? All I can think of is Bugsy Siegel."
"Because you're the most New York New Yorker on the planet," she groaned with a small laugh. "Bugsy just sounded cute, don't compare me to a mobster."
"Then don't name yourself after one."
"Please can we play?" Y/n groaned. "I just wanna play."
"Me too!" Tubbo agreed.
"This is why you're my favorite, Tubbo."
"Yeah, let's get this shit over with," Schlatt sighed among all the agreeing to start. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
"TUBBO!" Y/n yelled as the defeat screen appeared. The boy laughed as he sputtered out a defense. "You and Ranboo?? My own sons?! How did you guys get away with that? I literally said from the beginning that it was Ranboo and NO ONE listened to me!!"
"Sorry, mother," Ranboo apologized before laughing.
"I don't trust women," Schaltt said.
"Schlatt, why would I target Ranboo or Tubbo if I didn't have solid evidence it was them? I'd blame someone like Sapnap if I was imposter, not my own sons."
Tubbo laughed loudly and George giggled.
"You can't be trusted, Bugsy!" Quackity yelled. "You lie every other goddamn round!"
"BECAUSE I KEEP GETTING IMPOSTER!" she defended as she raised out of her chair slightly. She had never been so angry than when playing Among Us. It was a dangerous game for her. Her covers were thrown off of her body, abandoned at her feet, and her hoodie sleeves were pushed up. Good thing she didn't use a facecam because she looked like she could murder someone right then. "I have no choice but to lie!!!"
A new game started and she relaxed at the sight of her being crewmate again. She had already been imposter three or four times and they had only played six rounds.
She headed straight for the reactor to do her first task, closing out to see Sapnap silently standing behind her.
"Ah!" she yelled, jumping slightly. "You scared me, dude. Why... why are you being so cryptic?" No answer. "Ssssssssap.....nap?" she asked softly, confused by his uncharacteristic silence.
George walked in and stopped. "Why are you guys just staring at each other?"
"I was doing my task and turned around and Sapnap was here and he hasn't said anything. Sap?"
Shuffling was heard from his mic before he started moving again. "Hey guys!" he chirped as if he hadn't been super creepy moments before. "I was AFK, Dream brought me Chick-fil-a."
"Oh," Y/n breathed. "You looked super sus for a minute there, bud."
"Nah, I just got food," he said, voice muffled by said food to confirm. "Dream! Come say hi to your girlfriend!"
Wasn't Sapnap one of the ones that literally just argued with the group that Bugsy and Dream weren't dating?
Without further explanation, Y/n could hear footsteps coming from Sapnap's mic before Dream's voice came through. "Hi, Bug. Hi, George."
Y/n laughed, glad he greeted George too. Maybe that's who Sapnap meant in the first place? Why did she assume they were talking about her? Ugh, everything was confusing when she had butterflies in her tummy at the mention of Dream's name.
"I'm his favorite girlfriend," George teased, circling around Y/n's character.
"Also his only girlfriend," she said.
"Oh also," Dream's voice appeared again. "Sapnap's imposter."
Y/n and George ran away screaming, heading straight for the emergency button.
Later that night, stream over and Y/n tucked into bed, she scrolled through Twitter and laughed at a Tweet Dream had posted. It was like it was made for her. She ran through her camera roll and found her favorite memes that applied to the request.
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She smiled widely and giggled at the butterflies in her stomach when moments later, she received a text from the boy himself. Looks like he wanted her number for more than just to make a cabin vacation group chat (which had yet to be made, she noted).
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tags: OPEN (at the time) (if your name is in BOLD i couldnt tag you sorry!)
@hydrate-tion​​ @loraleiix​​ @tinaswagbd​​ @charsdummb​​ @smileyyuta​​ @1ghoste1​​ @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge​​ @queestionmark​​ @carnations-red​​ @letsloveimagines​​ @the-fictionwriters-hairdo​​ @boiled-onionrings​​ @a-cryptic​​ @fee-btheweeb​​ @erwinss​​ @just-a-stan​​ @axths​​ @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad​​ @sometimeseverythingsucks​​ @powerpuffyn​​ @itshaileyn​​ @millavalntyne​​ @automaticcomputerpaper​​ @nikkineeky​​ @fivedicksinatrenchcoat​​ @sprucekot​​ @jabby16​​ @mae-musicbitch​​ @hungoverhellhound​​ @dreamyteam​​ @kuroo-icedtea​​ @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot​​ @fangeekkk​​ @haseulreturns​​ @queenwastaken​​ @peteysgf​​ @losingvienna​​ @bi-narystars​​ @zero-nightshade​​ @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime​​ @youhyakuya​​ @danny-devitowo​​ @clubfairy​​ @loser-keiji​​ @oi-itsemily​​​ @alm334​​​ @the-katastrophe​​​ @wreny24​​​​ @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @brendalopez99​​ @spacecluster​​ @justonemoreepisode​​ @strawbrinkofdeath​​ @aikochan4859​​​ @chaotic-tieflings​​​ @dreamsofficialwife​​​ @where-thesundoesntshine​​
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cowboyguts · 3 years
we need help haha 😔
hello i don’t know how to make posts like these but me and my boyfriend are struggling hardcore and all his paychecks vanish in mere seconds after he gets paid so we can have lights and water etc meaning we have no money for things like food and medicine to help my HORRID back. we are aggressively poor and work through our untreated mental illnesses just to survive and it makes me wanna rip my hair out lol! if anyone could help donate to the cause we’d be so fucking thankful and it would be a massive relief to us— any amount helps, seriously. reblogs help too
im real sad to be making this post but its worth a shot 😔 thank you guys 💗
Cashapp $JoGilcrist
pls don’t mind my full name lol
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Venti and Barbara: Relationship HCs
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of course^^ I think Venti and Barbara are really cute together haha. To be fair, this could have gotten really sad but I’m trying really hard to stop making everyone suffer.
I did no research on this. I just used whatever knowledge I had stored in my brain but my brain has been turned into mush. But I hope you still like it anon!
Lads. I’m so tired. That Venti, Dvalin, and Andrius one took so much out of me. Tbh I don’t know if anyone would like it since it’s such a rare pairing but I hope you did because I wanna turn into spaghetti. Damn, trying to use paint to make headers doesn’t really work out haha. 
Alright, today’s appreciation post goes to toxic-luck. I really wish I could tag these people but tumblr absolutely craps itself whenever I do it [which I don’t understand why and it makes me really mad] but hopefully you see this haha. 
Istg you and a couple others [I’m gonna be dedicating the next couple appreciation posts for you all^^ ] are actually speed it’s kinda scary but tyty 💕💕💕 I’ve seen you pop up a lot and I just wanted to let you know that hey, I like you and you’re a lovely person. 
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler​ @childelover @dilucsz
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Venti and Barbara: Relationship HCs
Barbara refuses and still continues to refuse that Venti is actually Barbatos. The archon that she has prayed and dedicated her cause to CANNOT be a alcohol obsessed bard that goes around pulling pranks on everyone. Her mental state would not be able to handle it. No matter how many times Venti tells her otherwise she suddenly can’t hear him. The acoustic’s in here are terrible or the wind is too loud where Venti himself knows that, no there aren’t any winds. He’s the anemo archon. He can do that. Barbara ple-
Despite how they seem on the surface, Barbara and Venti really like each other’s voices and fully admit to it. They have different styles and Barbara has even tried to hint at Venti to teach her his melodies that she still has troubles with. Barbara was kind of nervous to be teased at when she first approached Venti, since that’s just his nature. But to her surprise he was incredibly sincere and brought her to the Windrise tree to practice. He would strum his lyre while giving pointers to Barbara and it would a nice bonding experience for them that later turned into small lunch dates. 
Meanwhile, Venti think’s it’s so cute and fascinating that Mondstadt has evolved to where music has went from bards singing in taverns to actual concerts. Venti isn’t interested in the idol lifestyle but he enjoys supporting Barbara and carrying her voice throughout the winds. If anyone asks the acoustics are just that good in Mondstadt. You can thank the anemo archon for that and you should definitely buy a green bard a glass of wine for good acoustic luck. 
When Venti makes his special “A Buoyant Breeze” for Barbara he always makes sure to include the heart which makes Barbara flush pink and ignores it. Which leads Venti to pout and whine like an overgrown spoiled cat, even though he’s allergic to them, until Barbara gives up on her man-child of a partner and says that it’s the best thing she’s ever eaten as if Barbatos himself blessed it. She has to get on her hands and knees begging and pleading that “Venti please stop, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it and I will never disgrace the time and effort you put into making this hear-why are you laughing you tone-deaf bard?!” 
Venti is a bit of a troublemaker and thought that since Barbara was his partner, that somehow gave him free reign to do whatever he wanted in the Church. It’s always amusing to others, like Jean, when she sees her sister scolding an archon that no, he cannot burst into service because he was bored. Really everyone knows that Venti just misses her and uses any excuse to see her. They were basically praying to him so it was fine right? 
Barbara and Venti made an unlikely couple and appeared more like siblings with Venti’s constant teasing and Barbara having none of it. But when it’s come to pray in the Church, Barbara puts her heart and soul into everything which both makes Venti happy and sad. He’s happy that Barbara was dedicated to the Archon of Freedom but sad that he wasn’t exactly within her expectations. 
But Barbara has been healing people and making sure everyone was okay, that no matter how much Venti grins or smiles she knows. So she goes to the statue of seven in windrise, right under the giant tree, and prays out loud to Barbatos that she has the best partner in the world who was hectic, made her life a complete mess, constantly played pranks on her, and might be the cause of too many headaches. But that he was also talented and showed her that she had the freedom to pursue anything she set her heart out to do. That she loved him and all his teasing ways. 
Whenever Barbara has her 10 second bouts of sadness, a feather always lands next to her and tickles her face until she starts laughing. Then Venti will suddenly and magically appear and drag her off to a lively tavern where they can both sing a duet. By the time the night is over, she had forgotten what made her upset in the first place. 
I should probably mention that character x character fics/hcs are going to be a bit shorter than my usual posts. Sorry did I say a bit shorter? Because I’m down to dedicate another fic to this. I love them both. 
But feel free to send any other character x character if you have them. Honestly these are just crack fics. 
I really wanna see someone make a Barbara and Venti clip of them singing to “Anything you can do, I can do better” I would donate my kidney for that. Has that been made? I know someone has but I don’t think it was Barbara and Venti. 
I got one more pairing to write and then it’s time to commit sleep. For a whole hour. I need to learn pacing because I’m gonna end up collapsing into myself before I finish everything. 
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starbeyy · 3 years
how haikyuu characters would die on the oregon trail
this is so incredibly stupid. i guess you can imagine this as them playing the game but I like to think that it’s actually the characters in the old west dying from ancient diseases. it’s funnier that way. cw: cursing, lots of death (but it’s kinda funny)
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Hinata // died from cholera. shit himself to death. literally the least glamorous way to die when you’re traversing in search of a better life.
Kageyama // he got bit by a venomous snake but we all know he’s the kind of bitch to get bit by a zombie then not tell anyone, so he’s walking around holding his wrist and then one day he just kinda drops dead and everyones like 🤨 huh?
Tsukishima // literally a broken arm. you can die from a broken arm on the Oregon Trail. and everyone is like a little convinced that someone poisoned him to make him die quicker cause they were so tired of his bitching..
Yamaguchi // broke his leg from jumping into a lake bc he didn’t want to pay for the bathhouse; he limped too much and got run over by the cattle that was pulling his covered wagon :(
Nishinoya // died from exhaustion. he just went too hard for too long and then he tried to wrestle a gator and dropped dead literally immediately after. mad respect tho that gator had it coming ✊🏼😔
Tanaka // another tragic exhaustion loss, but it’s only because he tried to carry Kiyoko the entire way. she tried to make him just let her sit in the covered wagon, but he INSISTED on carrying her piggyback. he made a huge deal of his death but Kiyoko was just like “this could’ve been easily avoided”.
Ennoshita // poor thing was doing a great job, more than halfway there, then he got a fever. a fever put this poor mfer down. i don’t even know what to tell you he just fevered himself to death.
Asahi // he was an early loss. he didn’t want to drink any of the river water or eat any of the meat they bought from ~suspicious~ men on the trail so he eventually died from hunger and thirst. like, you gotta eat. but he simply refused.
Daichi // i genuinely think he makes it to Oregon but then, idk tries to build a barn and accidentally lets the wood frame fall on him. like everyone knows him because he braved the entire Orgeon Trail then got K.O.’d by some 2x4s. rip.
Sugawara //  he got measles. like who gets measles? you get it from contaminated droplets and Sugawara just can’t figure out where he might’ve encountered those. except for when he kissed that cow that he didn’t know was dead until he got really close. genuine accident, i swear.
Kuroo // cholera :( he was kinda peeved about it but Kenma caught him one night writing out a bunch of possible jokes to be carved on his tombstone. they ended up just putting the piece of paper on top of his burial spot and calling it a day
Kenma // actually makes it to Oregon. no one knows how, he didn’t even really try. he’s just really good at games, I guess.
Lev // another snakebite lookin’ ass. i think he genuinely just wanted to pet the snake and didn’t think anything of it when its butt rattled. he though it was an invitation like when cats purr. his body didn’t hold up much longer once the venom ran its course.
Yaku // honestly? madness. he didn’t die so much as he tore off all his clothes and abandoned his cattle and covered wagon to run off into the prairie and start his new life as a crazy mountain man. he just shouted “you’re all fools” one day and no one’s seen him since.
Bokuto // ate some bad wild fruits. it wasn’t hit fault, he was really hungry and he got too attached to his cattle and couldn’t bring himself to kill and eat him :(( but he had a nice little trippy moment before he bit the dust.
Akaashi // y’know what, I’m gonna say it, he makes it to Oregon. and he THRIVES. he builds his house and tends to his cattle. because that’s what he DESERVES. 
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa // HAHA he died of typhoid. and if you think this guy didn’t make the BIGGEST deal out of his death. it was absolutely shakespearean. like he was on the brink for three whole days. and he kept giving these long speeches to each of his friends and pretending to die in the middle. then he actually died in the middle of iwaizumi’s and it was kinda awkward.
Iwaizumi // I think he makes it to Oregon, but he like loses his arm to a bout of gangrene or something crazy. like it just rotted and then fell off. and now everyone in Oregon makes fun of him for only having one arm and it’s honestly kinda pissing him off
Kyoutani // let a snake bite him, just to see if he could take it. he could not. he died very shortly after but not before he could try to suck the venom out of his own arm. it was kind of terrifying, honestly. 
Yahaba // another brave soldier lost to cholera. no one knows how he caught it and he just kinda bitches about it all the time. Kyoutani pushed him out of the wagon once and he sustained some pretty nasty head trauma from that so it really sped up the process.
Matsukawa // he and Hanamaki thought it would be funny to eat literally any mushroom they came across. obviously this worked against them at some point and they both started dying horrible deaths.
Hanamaki // basically when he and Mattsun were on their deathbeads, they gave an engraving on a piece of wood for both of them to be put at the gravesites bc obviously they’re gonna be buried together. it isn’t until they’re six feet under and the pieces of wood have been stuck into the ground that the group looks really closely and sees that the pieces go together to spell “PENIS”. classic.
Ushijima // listen he just looks like the kinda guy to catch typhoid. but he doesn’t tell anyone that he doesn’t feel well, he just kinda coughs on the low and wipes the blood from the crook of his elbow. when he finally dies, everyone just kinda looks behind them and is like “where’s wakatoshi?🤔”. he’s dead, ya’ll, like four miles back.
Tendou // i’m sorry he’s got that sickly victorian child look you know he was one of the first to contract something deadly. i think he like caught multiple diseases. he was collecting them like pokemon: diptheria, dysentery, typhoid, you name it. the worst thing about him dying on the trail was the fact that his body couldn’t be donated to science. no one had any clue how he lived so long with so many ailments coursing through him.
Goshiki // he broke his arm. he BROKE his ARM and then DIED. yes, that can literally happen in the game do not ask me how. there was no foul play, no overexertion, he just 💀. sorry, buddy.
Atsumu // he drowned. you wanna know how?
Osamu // drowned while wrestling Atsumu. it was a friendly quarrel turned nasty fight as they rolled into the gross river water. everyone kinda stood around and watched but they couldn’t tell when the flailing limbs were cries for help rather than thrown punches. swallowed too much water. guess it’s better than contracting double-cholera with your twin brother.
Kita // exhaustion. this boy doesn’t stop walking. everyone is begging him to set up camp or lay in the covered wagon for a little while but he refuses, he just wants to keep walking. yeah he eventually just drops dead and everyone’s actually pretty sad about it.
Suna // the kind of bitch to fake diptheria. he acts all achey and feverish and says he just HAS to stay in the covered wagon. he says he can’t fish or hunt or do anything and then when someone actually catches diptheria, he’s forced out of the wagon bc he doesn’t wanna catch it. he does anyways. good riddance.
Aran // yeah he was the one who gave Suna diptheria. he didn’t mean to get it, but it was a little bit satisfying to watch Suna cringe as Aran gave him a big hug and called them “diptheria buddies”. they had a nice little double grave though <3.
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Liar: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader
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(gif made by @rudypankows )
word count: over 9k (haha)
a/n: this is very angsty and I barely edited because it's so long. I'm so sorry in advance, the ending kinda sucks. I hope y'all like it tho!
description: this is a one part imagine, involving JJ and the reader (y/n). The reader and JJ meet at a beach party one night and start sleeping with eachother, but only staying friends. Soon, they fall for eachother and a sexual relationship turns into a romantic one. But JJ is hiding something and once it is revealed, will they ever be the same?
You rarely lied. As a kid, you would get hives when you lied to someone; your guilty conscience affecting your body. Lying was typically a very hard thing for you to do. It meant you were betraying someone's trust, and since you couldn't bear upsetting anyone, you couldn't lie. It got you in trouble all the time but your inability to lie was also your greatest strength. People appreciate your honesty and found your personality magnetic.
With that being said, you lied that night and it didn't even hurt you. 
He had looked so good, you told yourself that. That was the problem. He had just looked so damn good that night at the beach almost anyone would lie to themselves to get him. Even just a taste.
You wanted to ignore him at first. Maybe if you didn't care enough, he wouldn't notice you. Because, god, if he noticed you, then he'd come over and then you couldn't promise anything. So, you averted your gaze and instead paid attention to Kie as she spoke, telling you about the newest charity she was saving money to donate to. You had, once in a while, glanced his way but he had always been looking somewhere else so you thought that he hadn't noticed your stares. Until, you had accidentally looked his way when he was watching you. You knew it was an honest mistake and something that eventually would've happened since you were looking so often, but you were embarrassed nonetheless. You were trying to convince yourself he didn't even notice you when he walked your way. You felt his eyes burning into you and you mustered every ounce of self control you had and didn't look at him as he walked closer and closer to you and Kie.
When he finally approached, he spoke to Kie first. "Hey Kie." His eyes drifted towards you again, this time a smirk evident on his face. Him watching you made you shift uncomfortably. You knew he was taking you all in.
Kie smiled at him and briefly hugged him. Then she looked at you, a nervous smile on your face, as she introduced you. "This is my friend Y/N. Y/N, this is JJ."
You nodded towards JJ. "Hi." That name sounded familiar but you couldn't quite remember. You went to the same school as Kie, you being a Pogue but getting a scholarship to the academy. You were an intelligent individual but you knew, when it came to boys, you were just about the dumbest person in the world. You'd probably sell your left kidney just for a kiss with this boy you had never met before. It was dumb, but you were a teenager and hopefully would grow out of it.
"Hey, nice to meet you." He extended his hand for you to shake.
You looked down at it and shook it, electricity coursing through your veins.
"What's your last name?" 
JJ smirked, sizing you up once more. "Maybank."
JJ Maybank. You had heard about JJ and the things you heard didn't necessarily put a good taste in your mouth. But who were you to judge? Besides he was hot, and you doubted he would ever go for you. This was a harmless feeling.
Except it wasn't. One second, you were talking to JJ about surfing and the next second he was asking if you'd like to come back to his place. It had all happened so fast you were sure you had misunderstood him when he spoke. But then he asked you again and you were surprised. What surprised you even more was that you said yes. 
"This is a one time thing." You lied to JJ, untying your shoes at his doorway. 
He removed his shirt, pushing his hair out of his face. "Okay." He was smirking at you as you undressed, almost as if he didn't believe what you said. 
You believed yourself that night, but soon came to realize that was so far from the truth. That one night had been amazing and you had thought that would be it. But it was not that easy. It never was with JJ. Before you knew it, only a week later, you saw him again. This time with a brunette leaning against him.
You had been invited by Kie again to meet John B. and Pope. You had gladly decided to come, partly because you wanted to meet Kie's other friends and also because you knew JJ would be there. But you hadn't expected him to be kissing someone else. Although you wanted it to be you, you knew that wasn't possible. Besides, why did you care? You were not gonna let some blonde Pogue mess with you. It was one night. It was amazing, but you had told him never again. 
Then, it happened again. You were talking to John B. about helping him fix his car when, out of nowhere, JJ entered the conversation. He stood beside you and barely spoke but you felt his presence and that was enough. Once you and him were alone again, the conversation was short.
"Hey." He stated, matter-of-factly.
"Hi." You replied, pushing the hair out of your face.
"Didn't think I'd see you here." JJ smirked, taking a few steps closer to you. You remembered how harshly you swallowed. Boys like JJ rarely made you nervous.
"Well I am." You said defensively. You weren't about to let this boy play you. "Sorry I interrupted your fun with the brunette. What's her name?"
JJ chuckled. "Lacey. And you ruined nothing. To be honest, I wish it was you."
And then, that was it. Again, for the second time, you were in JJ's bed. Your clothes had been torn off before your body had even hit the bed. Shortly after JJ's were too. You barely had time to think, let alone speak but you managed to in between kisses.
"This is the last time." You smirked, both of you now knowing you were lying. 
You wished you weren't lying that night. You wished you hadn't slept with JJ again. Maybe, you thought, everything that happened after would've been easier.
After that second night, you and JJ started a relationship. He wasn't your boyfriend, he made that clear to you. You hadn't really wanted him to be anyways. You had just gotten out of a long term relationship and didn't want your heart broken. You chose the wrong guy again because JJ loved breaking hearts. He did it for fun.
The rules were simple. You'd only call each other at night and you would leave right after. No real conversations, no love, just sex. And for a month, that was easy enough. You needed him during that month as much as he needed you. You weren't looking for something serious, just to fool around. You were sick and tired of commitment and heartbreak and just wanted to relax and have fun. JJ never had commitments and enjoyed the company. He hadn't had a girlfriend in ages and there was rarely a girl who wanted this kind of relationship. He was really happy to know that you were that type of girl. And he believed that as long as you continued to be that type of girl, this could go on forever. 
Except it didn't. 
You weren't really sure when everything changed but if you had to guess, you'd say it was the night he climbed through your bedroom window. 
Your parents were out on a date night when you heard tapping on your window. At first you thought it was the tree outside your room but when it persisted, you decided to look for yourself. That's where you found JJ, leaning against your window sill. In a moment of shock, you opened the window and pulled him through. You were so shocked to see him mostly because the rules had been that if he wanted to have sex, he had to call you first. You had just been on your phone and since you hadn't gotten a call or text, you wondered why he was here in the first place. You were so shocked to see him here you almost didn't see his face. But once you did, you couldn't look away.
As he took a seat on the edge of your bed, you gasped. Not only was his face covered in blood and open wounds, he clutched his right side, as if he had broken a rib. You didn't hate blood, you hated the smell. To you, blood smelled like old iron and it made you nauseous. You probably would've become a doctor if it wasn't for the fact that the smell of blood made you nauseous. Maybe it was all the adrenaline of seeing JJ outside your window or the fact that he was badly beaten up, but you didn't feel nauseous when you smelled the blood coming off him. Your mind was too busy to remember to be nauseous. 
You went to sit beside him, your hand coming to touch his face. "JJ..." The second your hand touched his cheek, he winced and pulled away.
"My dad got drunk." JJ stated, looking at his feet. He was clearly embarrassed and when you didn't speak, he continued. "I didn't know where to go. John B. is with Sarah and I don't wanna bother Pope or Kie."
You nodded. "I'm gonna get you cleaned up."
You knew JJ's dad was a deadbeat father. Everyone in OBX did. When he wasn't gambling, he was getting piss drunk in his home. A lot of people believed that JJ would bear the brunt of his father's alcoholism but you didn't want to believe it. You didn't want to believe that a father hurt his only child. Your parents weren't the best, being Pogues they rarely parented and you were frequently left to your own devices, but they never laid a finger on you. You didn't want to believe someone as seemingly happy as JJ would be suffering from physical abuse behind closed doors. Now, you knew it to be true.
You wanted to cry for JJ. But you stayed strong and fixed him the best you could. You got some disinfectant and a cloth, with tons and tons of bandages and got to work. First, you washed his face. As the water cleansed his face, your sink started to look like a crime scene. The amount of blood that went down the drain almost made you think that people's water was gonna start to taste like iron. Once his face was washed, you realized that there were only really two big gashes on his face. One, right over his cheek and the other on his forehead. With some disinfectant and bandages, you knew it would heal in a couple of weeks. As for JJ, you didn't know if he would heal.
"This is gonna hurt." You said as you held the cloth you soaked in disinfectant. JJ was sitting on the edge of your bathtub as you spoke to him. 
He nodded. "Got any liquor?"
You smiled, shaking your head. "Sorry."
JJ sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "It's whatever."
And with that, you started to disinfect his wounds. At first, he was wincing but the more you cleaned, the less he did. Finally, when the two wounds on his face were clean, you put three bandages on each wound. Then, you moved onto his side, where he was clutching it tenderly. You knew that this was way out of your area of expertise but you wanted to help the best you could. And you knew JJ would never agree to go to a hospital. 
"You gotta take off your shirt." You stated, pointing to the bloody shirt he still was wearing.
JJ smirked, looking down. "You want me right now?"
You couldn't help but smile. Even in this state, he could make you laugh. How was he so strong? "No. I need to see if you're hurt anywhere else."
JJ nodded, still smirking as he lifted his shirt over his head. "Anything to see me naked."
You were about to counter with a snarky remark, but you never got the chance. Your breath was caught in your throat when you saw what was underneath JJ's shirt. Where he was clutching his side, was a large purple bruise that expanded through his entire side. It was horrendous and you knew it would turn black before it started to heal but that wasn't even the worst of it. There were smaller bruises all over his stomach and back. They were small but you could tell they were large before and were just starting to heal. You wondered how you didn't see them before. It was dark when you were together but it couldn't have been that dark. Granted, you weren't really looking out to see if there was bruising but you couldn't believe that you had missed these before.
You were silent for minutes and finally, JJ spoke. "I never wanted you to see them. That's why I want to only see you at night."
You looked to JJ's face, his expression unreadable. Although he was expressionless, you were not. Your face was in a deep frown and there were tears pooling in your eyes, threatening to spill over any moment. You wanted to speak, but you didn't know what you could say. What was there to say?
Finally, you found your voice. "JJ..." Your voice was weak and soft, filled with emotion. You reached for his hand but when he realized you were about to cry, he pulled away.
"No," he said defiantly. "Don't get emotional. I'm fine." He was acting so strong. Why?
You nodded, blinking back tears. You refused to cry. "I'll get you some ice. Go lay on my bed."
You barely looked at JJ in the face as you left the bathroom to go get ice. This was too much for you, and it seemed like another normal Saturday night for JJ. You couldn't decide whether to feel so bad for him or angry that he wasn't letting you cry. You knew he was holding back tears, just like you, but he resented that you wanted to cry. You knew you weren't strong like JJ. All this time, all those beatings, and you would've cracked. You would've ran away or worse, but JJ kept going back. That night, your opinion of JJ changed. 
The rest of the night consisted of you icing JJ's side and not speaking. You tried to get him to talk but he refused. You started with asking him about why his dad was doing this and for how long but he wouldn't answer you. Then you asked what had happened this time but he didn't want to talk about it. He complained he was tired and just wanted to sleep. You knew this was breaking a rule, but you cuddled beside him, laying your head in his chest to hear his heartbeat. He seemed way more calm when you were beside him.
Finally, after an hour of trying to get him to talk, you spoke for the last time. "Why'd you come to me?"
JJ shrugged one of his shoulders, the other one not moving because it was under your body. "I trust you."
You were shocked but too tired to say anything. You just laid there with him, hoping that you helped take some of the pain away. You hoped you had made some type of difference but you knew that with JJ, you were never sure.
After that night, things were different. JJ started calling you less and less and when you called him, he started making up more excuses. Sometimes you both went a week without speaking to each other and then he blamed it on how busy he was. You rarely hooked up, and when you did, it felt different. There was way more kissing and the kissing was more passionate and longer. Before, you had raced to take your clothes off and now, you let JJ make the first move. You felt different and at first, you thought it was because you felt closer to JJ. He had come to you in a time of need and you now were considered friends. That's why you thought it felt different. But then, JJ started acting very differently and you knew it wasn't just you. He would stay with you afterwards. He used to get dressed before you had time to catch your breath but now, he lingered on your bed and near you. You knew he wanted to stay the night but didn't know how to ask. And you were scared to tell him to stay. You didn't want to scare him. 
JJ was not the relationship type of guy but that's basically what you were. You had stopped sleeping with anyone else entirely after that night and focused solely on thinking of JJ. You knew what a crush felt like and you knew that you were developing feelings for JJ. But, it was so hard for you to know if he felt the same way. Sometimes, you were sure he felt the same way. There were days where he couldn't keep his hands off you and was so passionate you couldn't stop smiling. Then there were other days where he wouldn't text you back and didn't answer your calls. You weren't sure if he was sleeping with other girls but you didn't want to ask. If he was, you knew it would hurt you. 
Three days before the incident, JJ was having one of those days where he wasn't talking to you. You had texted him to ask him if he was going to Kie's party tonight but he only read it and didn't respond. You had just seen each other the night before and he was so loving and passionate that you thought for sure he felt the same. He had even stayed to cuddle afterward and talk to you about his day. You were smiling and laughing with each other and you were starting to feel like a real couple. Now, he wasn't responding to a simple question you asked. You felt so defeated. You couldn't tell what he was feeling and you felt like you were being strung along. You wanted to sit down and talk to him but you knew JJ and he didn't like that type of stuff. For JJ to even say he was happy was a lot since he rarely talked about his emotions. 
That day, you felt used. You knew he was playing you. You convinced yourself, in that moment, that if he likes you he would've already told you. You convinced yourself he didn't like you. You told yourself, if he came to Kie's party, you would ignore him all night and talk to some other guy. There was no reason to wait around for someone who didn't appreciate you. 
So, as you got ready for Kie's party, you turned off your phone. If he was gonna try to call or text you, you would make sure you couldn't see it. It would be way too tempting to keep your phone open. As you buttoned your shorts, you continued to tell yourself that this was for your own good. There's no point in being with someone who couldn't even decide if they liked you or not.
When you got to Kie's party, you instantly looked for alcohol. If you wanted to distract yourself, alcohol was your best option right now. You were halfway done with your second cup when Kie found you. 
"Hey honey." She said, slowly taking the drink out of your hands. You fought her grasp for a second but when she started to glare at you, you let the cup go.
You plastered on a fake smile. "Hi Kie."
She threw out the remainder of your drink before hugging you tightly. "You're gonna need to be sober tonight."
You frowned, your brain already a bit foggy. "Why?"
Kie let go of you, glancing at the beach for a moment before looking back at you. "Rafe is here." 
You wanted to gasp, but it came out more as a hiccup. Unfortunately, Rafe was your ex. You were together for a year before he cheated on you with someone else. You and Rafe had many great memories together but they were all tainted by the fact that he had cheated on you. Kie had told you from the beginning that a Pogue and a Kook dating was not a good idea but you were dumb and did it anyways. The good thing about Kie is that she never said I told you so. She just hugged you until you stopped crying. Now, you had to face Rafe for the first time since you broke up months ago. 
Surprisingly, you reacted normally. You shrugged, looking behind you to John B., who was handling the keg. "JB! Can ya get me another cup?"
John B. looked over to Kie, who was glaring at him. John B. knew not to mess with Kie. He then looked back to you and shook his head. "Sorry."
You frowned, glaring at Kie. "Seriously?"
Kie just smirked. "You need to be on your best behavior."
You shrugged, a devilish idea popping onto your mind. "I will."
Kie frowned. "I know that look."
You smiled, the idea in your head about to turn into a reality. "Step aside."
Kie shook her head but you were quick to push her away and walk ahead of her, straight in the direction of Rafe. Kie followed behind you, pleading for you not to talk to him. You had never resolved your problems with Rafe and you knew that was something he wanted to do. So, in an effort to get a rise out of JJ, you were gonna talk to Rafe. You knew he was somewhere at this party and if he saw you and his nemesis speaking again, you hoped he would cause a scene. It was a shitty thing to do but it was the only way to know how JJ truly felt about you.
Once you got closer to the ocean, you spotted Rafe. He was sipping on a red cup, probably filled with beer, as he talked to Topper. When he saw you, he almost spit out his drink. You locked eyes for a moment before Kie stepped in front of you, blocking your view of him. 
"No way. He cheated Y/N." Kie said, grabbing a hold of your hand.
You nodded. "I know."
Kie had a confused look on her face. "Then why talk to him?"
You looked over her shoulder and started to watch as Rafe made his way over to you. "Because of JJ."
Kie looked even more confused for a moment but then caught on. She had only suspected that there was something going on between the two of you but had no proof. Your omission right there was enough proof.
"Don't do this." Kie argued again, trying to convince you that this entire situation was a bad idea. She had seen what a jealous JJ was capable of and she knew if he felt even some feelings for you, this would not end well.
"If JJ can't admit his feelings towards me, I'll just talk to someone you will." You said to Kie, finally looking away from her one last time. 
Right behind Kie stood Rafe. The red cup in his hand before was now gone and he was smiling at you. He had come tonight knowing you'd probably be here. He knew he had made a mistake and was willing to fix it between the two of you. You were always such a good girlfriend and he missed hanging out with you. He hoped you were open to fixing things too.
"Hey." Rafe said, causing Kie to turn around. She took one look at Rafe and rolled her eyes before looking back at you. You smiled at her and she sighed, walking away. Kie was done. If this is what you wanted, there was no way to stop you.
"Hi Rafe." You giggled, twirling your hair around your finger. You needed to be extra flirty with Rafe. The more you acted like you still liked him, you hoped the more upset JJ would be.
"I wanted to talk to you. I hoped we could talk about what happened." He said, stepping closer to you.
You nodded, holding back a gag. Truth be told, there was nothing on this earth that could make you like Rafe again. "Sure."
"I just wanna say how fucking sorry I am." Rafe began, grabbing your hand. You wanted to flinch but you didn't. "I was such a fool and I realize that now. I want you back Y/N."
You smiled, pretending to be happy with what he was saying. To be honest, you wanted to gag. The boy had cheated on you for half of your relationship with a girl that, as far as you knew, he was still seeing. There was no way in hell you would ever take him back. He didn't have to know that. You felt like it was justice now. Maybe Rafe was getting what he deserved.
Before you could speak and tell Rafe you were willing to give him a chance, you felt two hands on your arm. The hands grabbed where Rafe was holding your arm and ripped you both away. You recognized the person immediately. It was JJ, and he was fuming. He barely even looked at you as he made his way to stand in front of you, standing in between you and Rafe.
JJ turned to you, his brows furrowed and his jaw set. "What the hell are you doing?"
You rolled your eyes. "Just talking to Rafe."
Rafe moved from behind JJ to beside him. He grabbed a hold of JJ's shoulder and tried to move him. JJ didn't budge, still glaring at you. You knew it was working. Finally, you had some type of answer. JJ had unresolved feelings for you. Now, he just had to admit it.
"Why?" JJ questioned, glaring at Rafe for a moment before looking to you again. Although he was mad, you could tell his expression softened when he looked at you.
Before you could speak, Rafe grabbed a hold of JJ's shoulders and pushed him away from me. Then, Rafe spoke. "We're trying to work shit out."
JJ moved out of the way but only enough for Rafe to squeeze forward. You kept your eyes on JJ, who was now beyond confused. Rafe was speaking to you again but you tuned him out and watched as JJ tried to figure out why the hell you would want to work things out with Rafe. Finally, it seemed to click. When it did, JJ grabbed your hand and pulled you away from Rafe. Your hand felt as if it was on fire and you wanted to smile so badly but you kept the frown on your face. Rafe tried to follow you but JJ stood in front of him so your eyes were only on JJ's now.
As you looked into his eyes, he grabbed a hold of your shoulders and brought you close to him. "If you want to know how I feel, just ask me."
Rafe spoke up now. "What the fuck are you -"
"Rafe!" You spoke up, glaring at Rafe for a moment. You tore your gaze away from JJ for a moment only to finally give Rafe a piece of your mind. "I'd only get back together with you if we were the last two people on earth, and maybe not even then."
Rafe was taken aback. He had definitely not thought you were going to act so rude but you could care less. "JJ..." Rafe began to say but JJ ignored him. You didn't know why Rafe was so confused by JJ's reaction but you didn't care. JJ was about to tell you how he felt and that was all that mattered.
There was nothing for Rafe to say to make you like him and he knew it. So, with that, he turned and left. Finally, your eyes were back on JJ. 
"You have to tell me." You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
JJ smirked, cupping your face in his hands. "You have to ask me."
You rolled your eyes. "How do you feel?"
JJ smiled this time, pulling you closer. "I like you Y/N. A lot."
You smiled back, wanting to scream for joy. Finally, there was no more confusion. "I like you too. A lot."
Finally, the two of you kissed. There was no more confusion or lies. It was just you and JJ, kissing. This kiss was different. It was full of promises. You liked each other, for real now, and you were not afraid to admit it. This is what it felt like to kiss someone you liked you, wholeheartedly. Someone who wanted you. Someone who cared. It had been so long since you had kissed someone who had cared about you.
That weekend before the incident, was probably the best weekend of your life. It was just you and JJ the entire weekend. The first two days were spent at your house. You just stayed together, half naked, talking and laughing and watching tv. There was no drama or confusion. It was just you and him. The kisses felt so real. The feelings felt so good. You felt a little more whole. You felt as though JJ felt the same. Those two days at your house were not only passionate but they were also a time where you got to know one another. This entire time, the both of you didn't know much about each other. Those two days in your house were spent getting to know each other. You learned that JJ loved fixing cars and wanted to own a hot tub one day. You knew his favourite colour and his favourite sport. And finally he opened up about his dad. When the abuse began, when it got worse and even what instigated his father that night he came to your house. You didn't cry and neither did he. You just soaked in his words and let him say his peace before comforting. JJ had opened up to you more in those two days than he had since he met you. You knew why. It was because you finally were a couple and he finally could be honest with someone. To JJ, it was the best feeling in the world. But, even as he spoke to you, he knew he was lying between his teeth.
The third day, you both had been at JJ's house. His dad had gone south for the weekend to gamble so you and JJ decided to get some fresh air and stay in his backyard for the day. There was only one lawn chair in his backyard but you both made it work. JJ sat down on it as you sat on his lap and cuddled onto him. For a couple of hours, you just laid there with him, talking at different times about everything. You felt so free now and you believed JJ felt the same. You knew it was because everything was out in the open. Everything had been said and anything that hadn't was still being developed. Even if it was just you and JJ laying on a chair, you still felt excited. You were with JJ and not scared anymore. You knew how he felt and it just felt so good to be wanted. It had felt like it had been a lifetime since you felt wanted.
When the sun finally set, you knew you had to say goodbye. Your parents were probably worried for you and JJ's dad would be back the next morning. The weekend was coming to an end and you were so upset. You and JJ had been in this bubble the entire weekend and you didn't want to break it. It was so hard to say goodbye. It took you and JJ ten minutes to say goodbye. You made plans to see each other tomorrow but it still felt like such a long time. You stood on JJ's front lawn for ten minutes, kissing and hugging each other until you were the first to pull away. You knew if you didn't get home soon, your parents would ground you.
"I gotta go." You whined as JJ kissed you again. 
He wasn't letting you go. "No."
You pried away from his grip. You didn't want to leave. Being with JJ always made you feel better, even more so now. "I gotta. I'll see you tomorrow."
Finally, JJ lets you leave. With one last kiss, you turn away from him and walk away. As you walk down JJ's block, there's an evident smile on your face. You probably look like a crazy woman to the neighbours but you could care less. It had been a long road, through so much confusion, but you finally were with JJ.
You thought back to the time when you first met JJ. You had promised him it was a one time thing and you knew it was a lie. It felt like years ago when you first met him when in reality, it had only been a couple of months. You pictured his face the first time you met him. He had the devilish smirk on his face and his pupils were dilated. You remembered how you felt, and it didn't compare to how you felt now. You had never felt this strong about someone in ages and it felt so good to be appreciated. You had known that night, whether you'd admit it or not, that JJ was going to change your life. You had texted Kie that night and told her -
Your phone. 
As you made your way onto the steps of your house, you remembered you forgot your phone at JJ's house. Dammit. You sighed and opened your front door, hoping your parents would let you go back quickly to get it.
Thankfully, your parents were sitting in your living room when you entered your house. They greeted you quietly but you told them you can't stay because they remembered you forgot your phone at Kie's house. You had told them you were at Kie's house and of course, they believed you. Your dad warned you to be quick and soon and you promised that you would. You were out the door and down your steps before your parents had time to warn you again. 
Although it was inconvenient to walk all the way back to JJ's house, you couldn't help but smile. Not only would it be a cute surprise but you also wanted to see JJ again. You had missed him already. 
You raced back to JJ's house and made it in ten minutes, cutting your travel time in half. You were desperate to see him again, even if it was only for five minutes. Your excitement died down once you saw JJ's house. 
The first thing you noticed that was out of place was that there was a BMW in JJ's driveway. JJ didn't have a car, let alone a BMW. That was something a Kook had. You looked at the license plate and it seemed familiar but you couldn't place it. As you passed the car, you slowed down. Something about this car made your body go cold, even on a hot summer night like this. Your gut was telling you something, but you didn't want to believe it. 
You somehow knew that you had to be quiet. As you made your way up the steps of JJ's house, you tiptoed towards the door. The closer you got, the more you realized that the door was slightly open, a glimmer of light from the house spilling into the darkness of night. You leaned forward, peeking through the slightly ajar door, hoping to get a glimpse of what was going on.
"Don't!" You heard JJ yell, his figure coming into the limited space you could see. He was yelling at someone that you couldn't see.
"Why? Because you know she'll hate you?" The voice made you gasp softly. You knew who it was. It was Rafe. It was Rafe's car that was in the driveway. Why was he here? And who were they talking about?
"Shut your fucking mouth!" JJ seethed, grabbing ahold of Rafe's collar and finally pulling him into your eyesight. 
Rafe pushed JJ off of him, shoving him into the wall. You wanted to scream but you knew if you did, you'd never find out what they were talking about. "If you don't tell her, I will."
JJ looked so defeated. You wanted to reach out to him. "Please don't. I love her."
You knew who they were talking about now. It was you. JJ had done something only Rafe knew about. It was something he knew you'd hate him for. What could he have done?
Rafe played with his keys in his hand. "I paid you to go out with her only for you to break her heart. So she'd come back to me. What was so fucking hard about that? Not my fault you love her. I want my money back."
Rafe paid him? No. You couldn't believe it. Wouldn't. Everything felt so real. JJ's feelings felt real. You knew it was too good to be true. Even before he approached you for the first time, you had a feeling he would never like you. When he showed interest, you were surprised. When he approached you the second time, you were even more surprised. It all made sense now. Why was JJ so reluctant to like you, why he pulled you away from Rafe when you were trying to talk to him at Kie's party. He was playing you. But it all felt so real.
You must've gasped really loud because JJ and Rafe heard you from inside. JJ had swung the door open, scared to see who was on the other side. He knew if it was you, it would be over for him. When he saw you, crying, he realized what he had done.
When you saw JJ reach out for you, you moved away. He disgusted you. How could he? How could Rafe? Granted, Rafe was an asshole but at least he wore it on his sleeve. JJ had tricked you. And you could never forgive him. You backed away from both JJ and Rafe, slowly moving down JJ's steps.
"Y/N..." JJ began, following you down the steps. Rafe just watched behind JJ, clearly enjoying the misery he caused.
"Get away from me." You seethed, tears rolling down your face so fast. God, you felt sick. You felt so nauseous. Everything was a lie. 
"I'm so sorry." JJ frowned, tears in his eyes. He seemed to shrink down as he walked towards you. The closer he walked though, the farther you walked. 
"You liar!" You screeched, your voice raspy. You could barely breathe. It hurt so much.
JJ shook his head, his arms out towards you. "No, no. I love you Y/N."
You shook your head, wrapping your hands around your body, hugging yourself. You closed your eyes for a moment and stopped walking. This couldn't be real. You didn't want it to be real.
You felt JJ come closer to you, finally wrapping his arms around you. You let him embrace you, even if you didn't hug him back. This was the last time he would touch you. The last time he'd hurt you. God, you had been so stupid.
The hug only lasted ten seconds because the second you collected yourself, you pushed him away. He looked so hurt, tears running down his face. You wanted to hug him, you still had feelings for him, but you knew you couldn't. He betrayed you. He lied to you. 
"You're a liar." You said coldly, finally turning around and running away. 
You ran and ran and ran. Away from JJ's house and away from Rafe. Away from everything that you once loved. You didn't even stop to catch your breath, your mind wouldn't let you. You believed that maybe if you ran far enough, you wouldn't be in so much pain. You wanted to run away from all your problems.
You made it to your house in record time. By the time you entered your home, your parents were gone. They left a note on your bed saying that they went out for the night and would be back by midnight. You didn't care. You used to care. You used to leave you but it seemed as if everyone was leaving you recently. 
You curled up into a ball on your bed and closed your eyes. Once your eyes were closed, you blocked the images of JJ that flooded your mind. You remembered you hadn't gotten your phone but you didn't care. You just wanted to sleep. You cried so much your chest was starting to hurt and you knew the only way for all of this to stop, was for you to rest your body and mind. It was easy for you to fall asleep. Your eyelids were already droopy from all the crying that it only took a couple of minutes for you to fall asleep. Once you did, you slept the entire night. You started to dream about JJ, but you stopped yourself. Your brain wasn't ready for that yet. You needed time.
And this is where you were now. You hadn't talked to JJ in two days. Kie had come by to drop your phone off and she tried to comfort you but you didn't speak. It was hard to comfort someone who didn't want to be comforted. You felt so empty. You felt stupid too. You had been so eager to trust JJ, even when Rafe had betrayed your trust already. But you were a good person. You guessed this was your punishment. 
When Kie couldn't comfort you, John B. had tried to come over. At first, you didn't want to let him in, but with some coaxing, you finally opened your door to him.
You wanted to ask how JJ was but you told yourself you shouldn't care anymore. He wasn't yours anymore. He never was.
John B., tired of the silence, was the first to speak. "JJ is a wreck."
This got your attention. You had hoped he was. So were you. You didn't say anything to John B. when he said this, just nodded solemnly. 
"I've never seen him like this. He's really sorry." John B. said, sitting down beside you.
You scowled. "Did you only come here to make me feel shitty? JJ lied to me. He betrayed me. I could care less if he was dying."
John B. didn't even react to what you were saying, almost as if he knew you were going to say that. "Yeah. I know. I wanted to come to see how you were doing, but I'd be lying if I said JJ didn't want me to come to see how you were doing."
You looked at John B., the scowl replaced with a frown. "If he wants to talk to me, he can come here himself." You didn't want him to, but you knew the only way to end this was to tell JJ yourself. 
John B. nodded. "When can he meet you then?"
You had decided with John B. that you were going to meet JJ at the beach, where you first met. You guessed it was only fitting. You had gotten ready a couple hours before you were set to meet with him. You wanted to look a bit presentable, only to show JJ that you looked better than he did. Even if it was not true, you wanted to appear like you moved on. You put on some makeup and changed into a new tank top with black shorts, praying to God that you looked a little better than you were. You wanted to appear as if you had healed, even if you hadn't. 
Waiting on the beach was absolute torture. You had been ten minutes early which was your fault entirely. You wanted to have some control over the situation, even though you knew you weren't in control. As you waited, you began to feel yourself start to cry. You couldn't believe how much everything changed. Only days ago you and JJ were together and happy, and now you could barely think about him without crying. Everything has gone so messed up. Although you desperately wanted to go back to the time where you two were still together, you knew that you couldn't do that. You had the truth now and as much as those old memories were good, you didn't want to forget the truth. You would come here with only one purpose. You needed to end things with JJ completely.
JJ was late by three minutes. You wanted to be upset but you know why he was late. You knew he wanted to prolong this conversation because he knew why you wanted to talk to him. You were here to end things for good and JJ didn't want that. By the time he finally arrived on the beach, he prepared himself. You were doing the same. 
Once he was close enough, you spoke first. "Hello." You were cold as you spoke, almost as if you were talking to a stranger.
JJ knew he deserved this kind of behaviour from you but it still hurt him deeply. With every ounce of being he had in him, he replied. "Hi." 
"I think you know why I want to talk to you." You said, the coldness in your voice still evident. You are afraid that if he even showed a small hint of emotion, you would break down and start crying all over again. 
JJ nodded, tears in his eyes. He knew how stupid he was. When Rafe had come up to him before the beach party, he had been planning to take this other girl named Lacey out but he had offered JJ $2,000 just to break some girl's heart. JJ did that shit for free and to get money for it oh, it seemed like a deal. He slept with you once and although he felt something, he ignored it. He got his money but Rafe was still unhappy because you hadn't reached out to him yet. So Rafe told JJ to hook up with you a second time but this time JJ didn't ask for any money. It felt wrong in JJ's eyes. He actually had a good time with you. You were a good person and it felt wrong. But he liked you enough to continue sleeping with you. Not for Rafe, before himself. After that night where you patch him up, he knew he couldn't deny his feelings for you anymore. He went back and forth in his mind, debating whether he should pursue things with you or not. You had made it clear many times that you felt something for him and although he felt something for you, there was a little voice in his head telling him that what he was doing screwed up because he hadn't liked you at first. There were so many times where he wanted to tell you but he didn't want to ruin anything because for the first time he actually ever felt happy with someone. Then he ruined everything. And now you never want to speak to him again.
JJ wanted to explain everything to you in detail and try to make you understand the situation that he was put in. There was no point though. He still had done a screwed-up thing to you and he didn't deserve you. 
"After tonight, I never want to talk to you again." You said plainly, crossing your arms over your chest. The sun was setting soon and you knew you should be getting home. But you needed one more thing from JJ. "Why'd you do it?"
JJ had been looking at his feet the entire time but when you said this he finally made eye contact with you. "Do what?"
You let a tear slide down your cheek and you watched as JJ frowned even more. "Why did you just break my heart like Rafe wanted? Why did you string me along?"
JJ sighed, looking at the ocean before getting the courage to look at you. He had hurt you beyond repair. He knew that there was nothing he could say, nothing he could do, to get you to forgive him. So he didn't sugar coat it. He just told you the truth.
"I could care less about you at first. I had seen you hanging out with Kie so many times before that first party and I thought you were cute but you were Kie's friend. Then race told me his plan and said he'd give me $2,000 if I could break your heart. I never cared about anyone. I was selfish. So at first, I did it. And it was easy. But you are so easy to love Y/N. You're kind and gentle. You didn't ask many questions when I came over to your house that night covered in cuts and bruises. You never pushed me to talk about my feelings because you knew that was not something that I was comfortable with. No one has done that. And I realized what I had been missing. But Rafe realized that you didn't love him anymore. He tried to get me to do it again and even offered more money but something told me not to do it." JJ took a moment to breathe, looking at the tears sliding down your face. He wondered what you were thinking. "It's so easy to be with you. I'm not easy to be around. I'm selfish and I'm cruel. I'm reckless. But you love me so much that you were patient. I know I should have told you. But it was so easy to be with you, that I didn't think I would be able to live without you. I'm sorry."
You didn't know how to react. This was the most JJ had ever expressed his feelings towards you. You'd be lying if you said you weren't surprised. You didn't know if it was enough though. You wondered if anything he did would be enough. 
When you didn't respond to him, JJ knew. It wasn't enough. He loved you and he said all those nice things, but it wasn't enough. He was a liar and he betrayed you too deeply for you to forgive him. He understood. He didn't blame you. He didn't say anything else. He doubted you wanted to hear his voice ever again. He made no sound as he turned away from you and left. As he walked to the boardwalk and passed the beach, he couldn't help but cry. Although he had cried before, this time he knew it was the end. It wasn't enough. 
You didn't know why JJ left. You are still trying to take in all those things that he said and by the time that you did, you realized that he was gone. You scanned the beach in the boardwalk and finally found him a hundred yards away. He didn't want to forgive him. You had come here tonight to make him hurt. You had come to end things completely. You had told yourself that no matter how much he pleaded, you were still going to walk away. But as much as you didn't want to admit it, you knew JJ and you knew when he was lying and when he wasn't. He wasn't lying now you knew he wasn't lying when you guys were together. He had screwed up. He had started a relationship with you for the wrong reasons. But he loved you. He loves you so much that he was willing to walk away if that made you happy. But you realized it didn't make you happy. And you wondered why you wanted to walk away in the first place. JJ had done all that terrible stuff before he knew you. And although it would take so much time for you to completely heal, you need JJ. So you ran after him.
"JJ!" You screamed, running closer and closer towards the boy you loved.
JJ stopped dead in his tracks. He thought his brain was playing tricks on him. But when you called for him the second time, he knew it was true. You had chased after him. You still wanted him. What had he done to deserve that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
When he turned around, he saw you run to him. His tears instantly stopped and a huge smile fell over his lips. You had still loved him. You had run such a long way and JJ felt bad so he ran to you, trying to close to distance faster. Once you were close enough to touch, JJ reached out for you. When you reached out for him, he grabbed ahold of you, pulling you into a big hug. You both stood there for a moment, trying to catch your breath as you hugged. JJ was smiling so wide. 
Once you caught your breath, you let go of JJ. You looked at him, his hands coming up cup your cheeks. He was smiling so wide and you felt yourself smiling too.
"You're easy to love too." 
JJ didn't say anything, just pulled you close for a kiss. When your lips touched, you felt whole again. It would take some time but you needed JJ. And he needed you.
"I love you." JJ said, smiling wide. 
You nodded, pulling him close. "I love you."
And you both weren't lying.
taglist: @jjmaybanxx @teamnick
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