#any survivours?
sanctamater · 3 months
finally playing dao and why the fuck did i make amelia sprint thru ferel.den's darkspawn horde w like. a 7 year old.
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mexashepot · 11 months
I thought being back at the office would provide me with some escapism but nope, everyone's talking about the people whom they know who are held as hostages/were murdered/wounded as well as those who have been emergency drafted (=half of the office and like 35% of people under 40 I personally know...)
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vampean · 2 years
i think american “leftists” and their obsessed with ussr and soviet imagery is very weird and concerning considering how every single person who’s from a country which has been occupied by russia has a family member or knows someone who’s been sent off to gulags and camps or been arrested or killed by the ussr government lmao but to them it’s just a silly little joke hehe communism hehe 😝
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reflectionsofgalaxies · 2 months
EI rejected my claim and doesn’t say why, and I’m panicked and furious. This could mean I receive no EI support at all this month, and not only do I have rent to pay which takes almost two EI payments alone, I now have school costs as well.
I feel like the world is falling apart around me just as I started to move forward for the first time in eight years.
#this is probably the most. unsafe i guess. i’ve felt in months#i genuinely don’t know if i can handle all the things happening#losing our home. having to find a new place. my monthly rent at least doubling. the cost and stress of going back to school.#having to cut my hours once i’m back at work so i CAN go to school#no having any clue where my family is going to end up living#knowing that everyone in my family will be losing money after selling the house because we will all be renting#but it’s the only option because my mom doesn’t have enough money to survive on and the house half belongs to her#so she needs that money now#but if we could hold on to the house for even just three more years we would be in a much better spot financially bc#1. my dad wouldn’t be losing 2000+ dollars a month on rent 2. i wouldn’t be spending an additional 600 or more on rent than i already am#3. because they’re developing the area around our house the value of the house will increase significantly#but it’s just not a fucking option#because sixteen years ago i forgot my fucking lunch and a bus decided to total my mom’s car and leave her permanently disabled#and i thought i got over blaming myself years ago because i REALIZE how fucking stupid it sounds#i was a fucking child i had no idea me forgetting my fucking lunch would mean my mom got hit by a bus#but it did#i forgot my lunch and a bus hit my mom and she had to leave the career she loved#and because she wasn’t working she was crossing the street two years later and got run over by a FUCKING car#and because she got run over by a car she was told that not only would she not return to work in the next five years she would likely never#work again. and she would also live with pain so bad they would put her on medications so heavy she became a different person#a violent person who i was scared of and who she herself didn’t understand and didn’t like and who in her own words#would have killed herself if she didn’t need to take care of me.#and because she was now an unemployed and struggling TBI survivor she was in the back of a car coming back from the CtCB awards#for TBI survivours when the car she was in was hit AGAIN and she needed to be cut out of the back seat.#the universe sure has a sick sense of humour#and because of the physical and emotional and financial strain on the family my dad became more stressed and angry and took it out on my mom#and eventually (thankfully for their own health) they got divorced#but now we’re here. losing the house. all because of the most disgusting butterfly effect i’ve ever encountered personally.#and it was my fault#anyway. i’m not going to do anything stupid i know that won’t help anyone. but i still don’t exactly want to be alive rn.
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discworldwitches · 11 months
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[id: screenshot of a tiktok of a woman with the text: while you’re struggling to pay your rent this month I just want you to remember that israel gets subsidized housing, subsidized groceries, free healthcare, updated infrastructure because the USA and Germany has given them multi billion dollars in citizen tax money.]
this is a dangerous narrative. the “im struggling to pay my rent because of my taxes and my taxes go to subsidize cushy lives in israel” is dangerous and a short logical leap from “jews are stealing our hard earned money. the working class and poor are oppressed by jews.”
and that’s not how the money works, much of it goes towards the military and “aid packages” represent value not liquid cash (so weapons sent are represented in $$$ form.) and the state operates the way above bc ben gurion & co were socialists. plus, as far as i know, things are relatively similar to the uk with high costs of living but subsidized housing, public healthcare etc.
money from germany often does not go whatsoever into the pockets of israeli holocaust survivours (which is what it’s desiginated for as holocaust reparations (and bc companies that significantly contribute to the german GDP collaborated with nazis/used the labour of enslaved jews) ) (NOTE: it's military aid; money to compensate holocaust victims and survivors ended in 2018, which as i mentioned, did not go into individuals pockets) let alone israelis who are not survivours. many holocaust survivours living there live in poverty. there are literally videos of some picking through refuse produce.
it’s deeply heinous that palestinian american & palestinian german taxes go in part towards the weapons used to genocide palestinians including their own families. OP's post is not about that. she is not acknowledging that or really any connection between the USA and the occupation forces. instead OP is making it sound like israelis live comfortable lives with little expenditures off of the backs of american workers which is a few steps away from protocols shit at best. the idea that jews are enslaving or profitting off on those who are not jewish, especially the working class & poor, is textbook antisemitic conspiracy.
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herecomethatboi · 1 year
Dbd killers X gn!Reader
Tiktok on my foryou really fueled my writer-self and i'm not even sorry.
"Killer chases MC. MC gets cornered or sumthin and as the killer catches up, MC grabs him by his shirt/jacket/hoodie/thing, slams him into the wall behind him, tears his mask down and kisses him while leaning their full body weight on the killer.
Killer is like 🧍‍♂️
While MC just 🏃 to the hatch/gate."
Enjoy this silly thing and ignore any mistake I might made. English isn't my first language lol
You were the only one left. Meg was moried for looping Ghostface for too long and it pissed the killer off. Steve sacrificed himself to save you, since he was already injured and pushed you to run away while he got the killer's attention. Élodie finished the third generator before getting caught, and at that moment the only other survivour was you, who was getting chased by the Ghostface.
You got injured, but got away quick enough to heal yourself, hearing the entity finishing off poor Élodie on the other side of the map. You felt bad, since you could've saved her if it weren't for the killer lurking around the corner of the police station.
You huffed as you finished bandaging your arm and slowly started walking down the dark hallway, not making any sound in case Ghostface was near.
But luck wasn't on your side of course, since he appeared out of nowhere in front of you from the other room and you, by sheer luck got ahold of his shoulders and slammed him against the wall next to you, pinning him there.
You were shocked, as well as him, but to confuse him even further, you pulled his mask up to his nose and kissed him, while putting your whole body weight on him.
He dropped his knife in shock and just stood there, frozen in place. He didn't have enough time to react properly.
The kiss ended a few seconds later and you were gone, running down the hallway, to the main entrance, luckily finding the hatch there, making your escape easier than you thought ever was possible.
Even when you got back you brushed your fingertips against your lips, remembering Ghostface's taste. It was sweet and had an undertone of smoke. He's a smoker, but loves sweets, especially caramel.
The next time you met him, let it be trial or not, he gave you the same treatment, making the kiss last longer with lingering touches of his fingertips brushing down your spine, holding your face and touching your hips.
What was between the two of you was never talked about, but it was obvious for anyone that it was more than a game of cat and mouse.
The Legion, Frank:
One of the gate was already open, Yoichi got injured, but escaped.
Yui out ran the killer and got out as well and Feng was sacrificed already. Poor girl was trying to heal herself, since she had a medkit but made the mistake of making a noise, which alerted the killer.
That left you running from the Legion, trying desperately to get to the gate or at least find the hatch.
Another ding rang around the whole map, signalling the timer going even lower now and that the enitity is waiting to strike you and punish you for not escaping.
You felt it only once, but it was enough to not want to go through it again.
You jumped through a window, falling down from the second floor, making your landing more painful and slowing you down for a few second, which gave enough time for the Legion to catch up.
He walked toward you with such a cocky confidence that it irritated you. But, you got an idea, which made you seem scared, but actually tensing your muscles to get ready and wait for him to get close enough.
When he did, you grabbed him by the front if his hoodie and slammed him against the hay behind him, making him grunt in surprise.
You yanked his mask down from his face, not even giving him a moment to realize what was going on and you kissed him with so much force his knees buckled, you grip on him the only thing keeping him from falling on the ground.
You heared a whimper from him, but you were too focussed to truely do anything about it, or really realize what he just did.
You heard his weapon slip from his hand and that was the moment you pulled away and ran to the gate that was just a few metres away.
You made it out right before the timer went off, leaving Frank alone while he slowly slid down to sit on the ground and stare before himself in shock while panting and blinking like an idiot.
After he caught up about the whole situation, he had a little grin on his face and touched his lips, still tasting you on them.
He decided to wait for the next time he sees you again to give you a rougher treatment, as a thanks for making him realize something about himself.
Even if that something was a thing he swore he hated. Getting himself slammed against something solid was a new and exciting thing he wanted to explore with only you.
Michael Myers:
The two of you were staring at each other. Neither of you moving an inch, while making sure to note any tiny movement the other was making.
The others were dead already, only three gens done, which was a miracle when the trial was with Michael. With him, every single time only one gen was done, he somehow alway knew where everyone was and what they were doing. He finished everyone off with such quickness that even the Entity couldn't influence his perfect efficency.
Until today.
He was angry, it was obvious from the louder-than-usual huffs he was letting out, his shoulders more tense, his grip on his knife made his knuckles even whiter than his already pale skin was.
Something happened to him and you were the last one left, which meant torture until he was satisfied, not letting the Entity interviene.
Not like she ever did, but that's besides the point.
You held your flashlight, breathing as slowly as you could to try and react in time to at least give the impression that you were trying to run away.
You took a step behind you, there was a window, but even if you could just jump out, he would catch up and most likely make you suffering even more painful.
But you had an idea that Feng talked about jokingly. That is a video she saw where there was a girl running from a killer in a haunted house. But she turned around and slammed the masked killer against the wall, pulled his mask up and kissed him. Which made the killer stunned enough for her to run away.
You knew the element of surprise was everything, but Michael was stronger than a normal human, even stronger in trial. But you had to give it a try, for your escape at least or to gain time to locate the hatch.
You moved fast, jumped out quickly and dropped down, making you grunt but step away, seeing the killer climb out and drop down next to you.
You grabbed the giant man by his arms and with your full body weight, you slammed him against the wall behind him, his knees were bent, which gave you enough room to quickly as you could, pull his mask up and slam your lips against his.
Michael tensed up, his right arm shook with the amount of force be was gripping the knife, but he didn't move.
He was like a statue, too still to be human, but the surprise was enough for you to push him to the wall while you pulled away and ran as fast as you could.
You found the hatch without meeting him again.
You were the first person ever to escape the Shape.
Surprising everyone, being asked questions about the "how" and "why". You didn't explain, you couldn't.
And after that, whenever you had a trial with the Shape, you never saw him, but felt his gaze on you and you were always let go.
Why?...You never really got an answer, but on one part you were glad, and on the other you were embarrassed, since you knew exactly why he never approached you again.
What you didn't know is you became more of an obsession to him than Laurie, but a different kind.
A more possessive and dangerous kind.
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poppyflavour · 11 months
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Did someone said its Spooky-scary time?? I present to you class 78 Halloween costumes!
It took a while that's why I haven't posted any videos (but don't worry, I have plans for at least three of those as well as a short comic), even so it was worth it.
It was really fun to design these, I recommend doing these little desings while on art block, it helped me a ton. Of course they were messy at first but you can polish them up later
Of course I can't just leave my precious survivours out of it, they deserve a dress up too;
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A truly horrifying image.
Also a big thank you to @drawbauchery for helping me with Hifumi's anatomy. I know it migh seem like not very much but it helped me a lot, also she deserves to see the final product
Characters individually under the cut;
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ghostlycoze · 5 months
Introducing: Gooby Moon
So when I started getting properly into drawing I would draw a "gooby moon" as a warmup, and now she's suddenly become part of a Real Rainworld AU: Goobworld!
After developing the idea, a couple friends inspired me to make unofficial sticker sheets of "Gooby Moon", so here they are!
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She's from the goofiest little AU where they're all these silly squishy guys with mannerisms like a looney tunes character; pulling things from thin air, stretching and squishing and surviving everything imaginable, etc.
Nothing Bad Ever Happens, even though the main plot of the game is canon (Pebbles' rot causes no pain and is more like an annoying roommate, Moon's collapse causes no pain thanks to the mushrooms that grew over her having a pain-relief effect, Suns is forgiven and Sig lets go of his grudges), and it turns into an off-the-string AU where Moon, Pebbles, Suns, and Sig go on ~wacky adventures~ and avoid the main antagonist: the Rot! Which has... Basically just been watered down into a team-rocket style threat that shows up every "episode".
I have a few more unofficial sticker sheets planned, one of Moon interacting with the slugcats (Survivour, Monk, Hunter, Rivulet, and Gourmand), one with the other iterators as gooby-guys too, and some purely focused on little decorations like neurons that could theoretically be stuck around the moon-stickers to "give her some neurons" too. :D
...I don't actually know how to make these into stickers, but if anyone's got any cheap ways I could I would love to hear them!
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Sweet Release
Hey @h3apm3ch4n151m. Enjoy. ❤️
Warning(s): kiss, suffocation, the effects of the vacuum of space on the human body
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So this is it.
Here you are.
Your ship, completely destroyed.
You, the only survivour of the destruction.
And now you wait for death. You float endlessly through space, your oxygen slowly running out.
There are many ways you could die here in deep space. You could be pulled into the gravity of a planet... or, god forbid, a star or black hole...
However, what seems most likely right now is suffocation. It will be slow and painful, but hey, so will every other death you could possibly have in this god-forsaken endless void...
Suddenly, you notice something out of the corner of your eye.
It almost looks like... an eel, of some kind... or maybe a person... or maybe both...?
"Aaaahhh~ What a surprise this is~" A strange, almost ethereal voice calls out, presumably from that strange creature... "How strange, I don't see your kind thiiiiis deep very often~"
You freak out and reach to your waist for a weapon, but... unfortunately for you, all of the weapons were on the ship, and you didn't have any time to grab any... so, you just have to deal with whatever this thing chooses to do with you...
"A human, hm~? I wonder why you were so deep in my territory~" The creature giggles, and begins to wrap its body around you. "Mining operation to find stuff that doesn't exist on your planet~? Or maybe you were preparing for war, I've heard your kind really likes war~"
"Let go of me-!" You demand, wriggling in this creature's grasp.
"Please, we both know you're on the verge of death, so I have no reason to kill you~!" He pats you on the head. "So, you have absolutely noooo reason to worry about me doing anything to ya~"
"...so then, what do you want from me...?"
"I just want to talk to you, that's all! I don't get to talk to people like you very often, seeing as your kind live so far away from this area..." He sighs. "...not just your kind, practically no intelligent life lives out here, so I'm always so bored and hungry... aha, but now I have you to talk to~! My name's Floyd, by the way~! Tell me, why are you here? You didn't answer me earlier!!"
Well, he sure is persistent...
"If you really must know, my crew and I were searching for another habitable planet..."
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA-!" He bursts out in laughter, squeezing you a bit tighter with his long, slightly glowing tail. "Aaahh~ That's hilarious~ You're gonna die, and it will have been for nothing~"
"There aren't any habitable planets out here, none whatsoever~! Isn't that funny?? You were going in the complete wrong direction if you wanted somewhere to live~!" He finally stops laughing at you. "Say, Shrimpy, how many people were in that 'crew' of yours?"
"Shrimp-? N-never mind... whatever... anyways, there were..." You pause, thinking about everyone. All the people you knew on that ship, your friends, enemies, acquaintances... all of them, gone... "Including me... there were... 106 people on our ship..."
He begins to laugh again... a cruel, unending, boisterous laugh.
"S-sorry, sorry~ I hardly ever get to talk with people like you, and just... aaaah, it always surprises me how hilarious you are~ You're all so funny, and so pathetic, too~"
"Great, I get to be made fun of and laughed at in the last moments of my life..." You sigh. You're starting to feel the effects of your oxygen running out...
"Aw, sorry Shrimpy~ Tell ya what, I could make sure you have a nice time as you go out~" Floyd insists, moving so that you can see his face clearly.
"I highly doubt that you could give me a nice death..."
"We could kiss~" He licks his lips. "I could make sure it's really nice for ya! But... ehe, you have that stupid helmet in the way. Just take it off~"
"But... I-I'd die... horribly..."
"So? You're gonna die horribly anyways! Why not do this?? At least this'll be quick~"
Well, he does have a point...
This will probably be faster than suffocation...
"...alright then. Why not... I mean, not much else I can do..." You sigh, and bring you hands up to your head... are you really about to do this?
"Here, let me help ya~"
He places his hands on your helmet just as you do.
And then, the two of you pull it off of you.
You immediately feel the effects of the vacuum.
You feel like you're boiling alive, but it's freezing at the same time... your eyes feel like they're going to explode- no- it's your entire head...
Floyd presses his lips firmly onto yours.
You can practically feel the air being sucked right out of your lungs... soon, the deoxygenated blood will reach your brain... and then, you'll fall unconscious... and finally die...
Just twelve more seconds.
The kiss is amazing.
Strangely enough, it almost helps you forget about how much pain you're in.
And slowly, slowly, slowly...
You drift off into your eternal sleep.
"Shrimpy, wake upppp... I'm bored..."
You wake up on the floor of your boyfriend's dorm room.
"Agh, my head... what happened...?" You ask, rubbing the back of your head in pain.
"We fell asleep together watching a movie about space." Floyd tells you. "You must've fallen off the bed at some point, heh~"
"Oh... oh, I... I see..."
You stare up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking about that experience...
It was all... a dream.
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yanxidarlings · 4 months
I'm honestly really proud of the q community people have come together and are working on alternatives, so for those of you who are wondering in general what's going on, here's a little rundown of discord servers quotevians have created, what happened, and what's next.
What Happened?
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the Q mods are going to change their decision to remove the group, feed and message functions. These changes will come into effect July 1st, so there is time to archive and save what you need to.
There is a lot of discourse and theories going around as to what caused this, a common one is that a user threatened to attack the white house, and caused the feed to go down, but Q mods have confirmed that the changes have been in the works for months.
Why are these changes being made? No one really knows why the Q mods are making this decision, from the official news statement on Quotev, it said the group, feed and message features are being removed due to no one using them, but I'm calling bullshit because the vast majority of it's active userbase was either on there to socialise and roleplay.
According to the Q update announcement, there will soon be the option to download groups and messages, however the mods have not given us an exact date as to when this feature will be available, so if you have stuff to save, start doing so now.
What's Next
For the time being, many Q users are beginning to save and archive roleplays, messages, plots, ect. There are a few sites they're doing this on.
Discord has many features that make it convenient to save work, however on discord only text can be saved. If you are going to use discord to save, I would suggest creating your own personal server, and sorting stuff into different categories, and then placing things relavent to each category in channels.
Tumblr users are allowed to have various blogs which makes it a good option for anyone looking to preserve things like roleplay groups. However to my understanding there are daily post and blog limits, which might drastically slow down the archiving process. If you are going with tumblr as your option, then you are permitted up to 10 secondary blogs per day, and 250 posts per day per blog. Creating a blog is as simple as going to accounts and clicking the new blog option.
Google Docs
For those of us who roleplay on Q, this update is going to hit particularly hard. There hasn't been any official confirmation of journals being removed, however I and many other Quotevians are not trusting the mods, and are backing up journals. Google Docs is the best place to do this if you want to maintain any aesthetic layouts. Whilst it won't accommodate every layout, it does provide an easy and quick space to save journals. If you have a google account then docs should be available to you.
Archiving aside, there are talented Q users looking into creating a website similar to Q, which may be where Q survivors will migrate to. I don't know when the site will be up as of now, but I will post updates when they are available.
Discord Servers
If you were on when the first plane hit then you would have seen the link I posted to the initial survivours group. Since then various servers have been created, so here's a rundown of them and the links to join.
This is where the Q user who is looking into creating an alternative site is taking suggestions. I believe it's the largest server so far. On it there will be updates and there are many Q survivours congregating together. https://discord.gg/U6spt44E
Quotev Hub
This is the server that Q users on discord are using as a makeshift Quotev. It's basically the Discord Quotev server. It's the largest Q server I've found. https://discord.gg/ZJFDNE67
Quotev Survivors
This is the original server I shared. It's gained quite a few members and is being set up as another Discord Quotev. https://discord.gg/5qK7REz2
This is one of the smaller servers, but I'm including it incase you want to make sure you're in every server like I am. https://discord.gg/SbYkaD4D
Quotev Roleplayers
This is where roleplayers are gathering. If you want to advertise roleplays or discuss them, I would go here since it's aimed for that purpose in particular. https://discord.gg/jNp9D9Ma
That's all the updates I have for now. I know alot of us are freaking out and panicking, but just know you're not alone, and us Quotevians are going to get through this together.
Rest in Piss, Quotev (2010 - 2024)
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bugsprayyy · 4 months
Hunter headcanon time!! I think Hunter was meant to be omnivorous like Monk and Survivour but the rot growing required meat to be consumed.
To start it off, I'm comparing them to Rivulet and Spearmaster, our other assumed and confirmed to be bioengineered slugcats. Hunter doesn't have any characteristics of a bioengineered slugcat as both Riv and Spears have very defining and helpful traits that were given to them, those being Spearmaster's tail spears and Rivulet's gills. Both of these were designed with an idea in mind, something to make them stand out and be different from regular slugcats. Hunter doesn't have any of these, and seem like they were created to try to fit in with the regular slugcats or go under the radar.
(maybe Sigs was worried because of Pebble's last reaction to a bioengineered slugcat and didn't want them being Spearmaster'd, maybe he thought it'd make Hunter less appertising, maybe he thought there'd be less complications with creating something more like the wild slugcats or maybe he just made hunter like that just because)
While yes, Hunter has a back spear it's just generally considered to be because of the rot growing on their back.
Second point, hunter can't maul. We only have two other carnivore slugcats, Spearmaster and Artificer. Spearmaster can't be talked about because. They don't have a mouth but Arti does, and she can maul. She exclusively eats meat and larger prey animals like hunter does and she can maul, but why not hunter? Before anyone points out Gourm being unable to maul or Inv being able to, Gourm isn't strictly carnivorous and Inv isn't canon. We know that the rot consumes anything that moves and it'd make sense for a parasitic version of it growing on a slugcat to require meat too.
TLDR: Hunter can't maul like other carnivorous exclusive slugcats with mouths, doesn't have any special abilities like other bio engineered slugs apart from a backspear that most likely only exists because of the rot, the rot would be parasitic and would require meat to not eat it's host.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for not misgendering my friend's son or outing him as trans?
So this might require a bit of an explanation.
I (?M) found myself on this ship that was practically falling apart (technically it was not falling apart, it was slowly loosing all its power and very close to destruction) and non of its residents knew why, exactly.
Its a very large ship, so large that it seprated into what was basically towns and groups and was supposed to be livable, but resources were scarce because of the whole destruction thing, and it seprated into two main groups: towns people and the outsiders.
After getring stranded there I became good friends with this kid (I'll call him A) and I told him a bunch of prophecies.
When A got older, he became the mayor of the town, and when he invited one of his partners and her (AFAB) child they were attacked by outsiders, who killed everyone except for my A's child.
Years later my A's child found out he was trans, and changed his name. Then he returned from where the outsiders lived to the town and he wanted to make peace between the outsiders.
Then I gave A a prophecy that had A's child in it (to summerise, the prophecy said that if A listened to his son they would all be saved) but I didn't want to misgender him so I told A about a son.
A got really angry at me, saying he had no son, and the daughter he once had was killed by the outsiders, and he said he could no longer trust me.
While A did except his son into the town, he didnt listen to any of his requests in regards to the outsiders.
Then A and his spouses had to go on this trip to save the ship, because things were getting really bad , and left his son (whom he didnt know was his son) and this guy who I will call G (who is VERY racist towards the outsiders. I called him out several times but he just wont listen) to be in charge of the town.
When A was away his son decided to make peace with the outsiders and G seamingly agreed but when they were about to sign a peace treaty G started killing the outsiders and it turned into a war then A's son killed G and went to find his father, who nearly managed to save the ship with his spouses, and KILLED HIM and destroyed the ship, because he thought there was no hope for anyone anymore.
It took a while but eventually I was rescued. Im pretty sure the only other survivour is A.
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the-marron · 3 months
ooooh im so intrigued by "Godzilla au chapter 12" 👀👀👀 will you say a little more and/or post a snippet?
Hi~❤ I am glad you asked, now I can subject you to the ✨Luolin agenda✨ Thank you~
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It's a Weilan Derivatives ship that puts Lin Nansheng (the Rebel) and Luo Fei (Detective L) together and I for one am absolutely normal about this ship, thank you very much. The possibilities! They are both in Shanghai in 1930s, they are smart, devoted to their ideas but also so, so different at their cores that this seems like a match made in heaven, in this essay I will [ad break, Marron is removed from the stage off-screen]
Anyways, Godzilla au sadly doesn't feature any actual Godzillas 😒 But the plot of this story is heavily inspired by Godzilla Minus One, which is a great movie about war trauma, survivour's guilt and family of choice (or more like circumstance) that makes life worth living for, and considering well, everything that happens to LNS, he fits in this story very well. At this point, the fic is already very far away from the movie plot, but since the main points are taken from it, it still wears the name of 'Godzilla au' in my files 😅 It's currently being published on Ao3 as Unscathed.
And here's a snippet of the upcoming chapter 12 that I do not have the time to finish:
“Luo Fei is a private detective, as I’ve told you. He’s been on a trail of the same criminal for years, throughout the wars and even now, even though… Said criminal now has more power to silence him than before.” He tried to put it as vaguely as possible, but from the look on her face, he could see that Madame Qin understood him - her eyes widened slightly, her lips opening slightly in silent shock. 
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eternalhopeful · 5 months
blackout post bcx i got bored
plain text under read more like last time ☆
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cant believe im having to make this post but i do support the following. if you id as any of these get my page.
‐ transage : you are an adult
- transrace/ethnicity/nationality : same as this transracials, RCTA/ECTA people. you are valid. as a wasian person, i am extremely comfortable with all of these. you can appreciate and experience other cultures.
- transRAMCOA or anyhung of the sort : you would want to go through such horrific abuse. you are real actual survivours
its the same as transgender!! if transgender is valid so are these! being trans doesnt harm people. it is physically, medically, ect possible to be trans. you can change your ethnicity/race or your age, it is litreally possible.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
The Gym Membership - Part 27 (Crosshair)
Summary: Crosshair opens up about Avery
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Enjoy. I'm a little tired, so my brain is shutting down.
Thank you for being amazing.
Love oo
Italics - Flashback
Warnings: Mentions of gun shot wound, kidnapping, scrapes, bruises, wedding, IED, grief, medical discussions, anxiety tells, coping mechanisms, anger, disappointment, hiding from grief, emotionally and mentally. If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Crosshair took a deep breath before he began telling Tech, the story that was him and Avery.
Tech sat and listened patiently as Crosshair explained what happened to Avery. 
How they met. 
The first time she’d been  injured with his unit, Cross smirked as his forefinger and thumb rubbed back and forth, still remembering the gunshot wound on her arm, it was more of a graze, really. Whatever Layla had to say about it. 
Their first date. 
The moment he realized he wanted to marry her. It hadn’t been a particularly special day or moment even. It was just after she’d been rescued from being held captive for all of an hour, by insurgents who believed she was working for the CIA, where they got that information no one knew or understood. Thankfully, she only had minor scrapes and bruises. He remembered just lying beside her, watching her sleep as she curled into his side with a soft smile donning her face. He’d gently brushed her hair back from her face, and in that moment, he knew. 
He realized he needed her in his life. He wanted to wake up every day to her face and fall asleep every night with the weight of her in his arms. To feel her breath, against his skin knowing she was safe and sound. 
Then he explained how those eight months as her boyfriend turned into the most amazing eight months he ever experienced. He’d been happier and more at peace than ever before. 
Crosshair smiled as he recounted their wedding, a quick ceremony they decided to do via the internet. Within 24 hours of putting in their request with Courtly, they had an officiant and two witnesses provided by Courtly, all in all for just under 1500 dollars, they were married on base in the privacy of Avery’s bunk. It worked for them. It was particularly romantic, but they had a few days together at least. 
His tone took on a more solemn tone as Crosshair explained how Avery sustained her final injury. How her convoy went over an IED, and took out her entire unit. She’d been the sole survivour.
Tech listened with rapt attention, as Crosshair explained the moment he received the notification, the fear that gripped him when he saw her lying on the medical cot. A fear he never experienced before and never wanted to feel again. 
Tech, watched as his older brother, was holding back the emotional turmoil he buried for who knows how long.
His mouth gaped open in surprise when Crosshair finally told him the length of their marriage had only been two months before he lost his wife … his best friend to a coma she’d never wake up from. He listened as Cross went into detail about Avery’s final days, leading up to their present situation. 
Tech leaned forward, his leg bouncing up and down as his mind reeled over all the information he just learned, his hand clasped in front of him, as his elbows rested on his knees. 
His eyes carefully took in Crosshair’s demeanour, he noticed how his nails were filed down to the skin. It was a coping mechanism Cross developed during his sniper training, something Tech hadn’t seen his older brother do for a very long time. His eyes shifted to Crosshair’s face and noticed the dark circles under his eyes, from lack of sleep and the stress he was clearly under. He looked exhausted, tired, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. For the first time, Tech actually saw how much Crosshair had truly been carrying on his shoulders.  
“I know you’re angry with me. You can just say it.”
Tech let out a sigh, “Do you really think that’s what I’m feeling right now?” 
Cross simply shrugged in response. 
“I … I am feeling so many things right now…” he nodded as he listened to Tech, “Anger is one of them. I won’t lie and say that I’m not angry, however…” Tech stood from his seat and began pacing, “I am more disappointed that you felt and believed you couldn’t come and talk to us. Even if you didn’t want to talk to me, Hunter would’ve understood.”
He huffed in disappointment, “Do you honestly believe what Hunter lost and what I lost are on the same level? Hunter had years with Heather. They had a child. They … they had a life together.” Cross shook his head, “We didn’t have that, we had … barely two years before I lost her … she may have died just a few weeks ago …”
Tech shook his head, cutting Crosshair off, “He still would’ve understood. I would’ve understood.”
“It’s different for you, though”
“Because you and Kamarie … you had …she was your soulmate.”
Tech stopped pacing and turned to look at Crosshair, tilting his head, “You saying Avery wasn’t yours?”
Crosshair sighed in frustration, “That’s not …” he rubbed his eyes fighting back the tears and pain his heart was coursing through his system, “She … we…” He let out a shaky breath, “She was my best friend … she … she was … my world changed the day I met her.”
Tech took his seat on the couch again, as he looked at Crosshair, “I know how that feels…” Tech cleared his throat, “Kamarie … ahem! Kamarie had this way of … turning my world on its axis.”
Cross chuckled, “Yeah she did. Avery had this way of  - - bringing light into my life. Always … surprised me.”
Tech took in a deep breath, “Cross, I need to ask, did you feel we couldn’t support you? Is that why you didn’t tell anyone? Were you ashamed of us?”
Cross looked at Tech, narrowing his eyes, “Why haven’t you gone home?” He chewed on his cheek, as he began to answer his own question, “Sometimes vod’ika it’s just easier to hide… to avoid the pain … Not telling you guys … made it seem not real. That she wasn’t lying on a bed in the Veteran’s Hospital, day in, day out with no sign of waking up or improvement. It was easier to believe, I was still a single guy, out every night having fun, sleeping around, and not with a wife, I’d never be able to speak to again.”
He nodded in agreement, “I understand. However, you realize, you need to tell the family.”
Crosshair pinched his nose, “I know, I just don’t think I can actually say the words.”
“Consider this restitution for allowing me to hide here for the past six months” Tech pulled out his phone, and sent off a quick text message, several pings came back a few minutes later, “They’ll all be here in an hour. I do believe it’s about time we both stop hiding.”
Crosshair nodded, “Does that mean you’ll be moving out?”
“I’ll stay for a few more weeks to help you out. Plus …” Tech handed Crosshair back his datapad, as he looked at the headstones, “I like option three. From what you told me, it’s more her.”
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indigoraysoflight · 1 year
This One Is For Melissa Mcbride (And Her Fans ❤️)
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(original photo via @/calivero92 on IG)
Let me get straight to it. 
There should’ve been an official announcement of Melissa McBride’s return. After a lackluster final season, the absolute nightmare that last year must’ve been for her – she deserved nothing but joy, celebration, and endless praise for her in the media. Instead, her announcement was whittled down to a cheap click bait storm perpetuated by someone who had no right to speak for her (I don’t care how well-intentioned it may or may not have been). 
We all have some deep feelings about the Twitter storm + clickbait articles that followed yesterday. If you read the tweet in question and were hurt, angry, sad, confused, conflicted, or felt a mixture of everything – ALL YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. 
Let me preface this by saying I wasn't around for all that happened last year. But I have spoken to a lot of fans – many of them have emotional scars, asked reasonable questions, and were respectful towards people involved in the spinoff. From what I've seen, a handful of people crossed the line by harassing NR and threatening his family – that was vile and disgusting, and they should be called out for it. And they should’ve taken accountability for their actions. Nobody deserves that treatment. 
HOWEVER, bunching the entire fandom together with those few that didn’t control their vitriol and calling everyone “toxic” is infuriating and just plain sad. Especially when we remember that this relates to a TV show that THRIVES on showing us the gray areas of moral behaviour. 
These are the fans that put their wallets down to watch TWD. The people who passionately talk about their favourites, make fan art, write beautiful letters to the actors, and watch the shows to give them strength and hope in their lives. People who line up at cons, cosplay characters, buy expensive tickets and photo ops just to spend a few minutes with their favourite actors. 
But let’s talk specifically about Melissa McBride’s fans. 
My question is to anyone who believes all of Melissa’s fans are festering in toxicity – do you know what the fans she has ACTUALLY nurtured look like?
Let me introduce you. 
The majority of the fans that adore Carol are survivours like her. The type of abuse they face may have different names – but they resonated with Carol deeply because she showed them they were stronger than their trauma. Stronger than the people who caused those traumas. She taught them how to fight back. To rise up. 
These are some of the strongest, most vulnerable, perceptive, passionate, and empathetic people in the fandom. They’ve watched this show and looked up to Carol to get them through whatever difficult times they faced. Some are still deciding whether or not to subscribe to watch any future spinoffs.  
Here’s another question to anyone who believes the narrative from last year (not by Melissa or her reps) that was spread again yesterday – Do you *KNOW* Melissa McBride? 
Melissa McBride is the woman who has spent over a decade breathing life into Carol Peletier. She has shown us Carol’s strength, her raw vulnerability, and her tenacious spirit. Qualities that come from within Melissa that she harnessed to bring Carol to our screens. She is a class act. Everyone who has ever worked with her has called her wonderful and professional. She is charming, sweet, remarkably intelligent, and an extremely eloquent speaker.
And she can speak her truth for herself – when she wants to or if she wants to. 
She has written to her fans, and treated her fans with love and respect. She’s spent hours at cons speaking to them. With her performance, she has helped DV survivours leave difficult situations. She has inspired people to move through their traumas and get out of toxic situations. She even skipped the red carpet at the finale event to skip the limelight and go spend time with her fans. 
And through all this, Melissa has shown nothing but love, gratitude, and respect for her fans. She has been a beacon of light in the lives of her fans. And most importantly, she has taught us how to stand up for ourselves. 
Did they honestly think that when the time came to stand up for her – we would sit still? They better think again. 
Melissa McBride doesn't just deserve better...
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She deserves the goddamn world.
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