#any sperm motility issue. What we do in this procedure
mayuris-posts · 2 years
#When faced with the reality that the failure to get pregnant is an issue that requires IVF or Test tube Baby treatment#the first concern is the cost of IVF. Patients take pains to locate the providers of 'the most affordable IVF treatment'#'cheap cost IVF treatment'#etc#not realizing that it is not IVF cycles that is the concern. They should be searching for the provider of 'the least cost to pregnancy'.#Which is actually more important#than the cost of a single IVF cycle.#In this video we will be addressing the different ways by which the fertilization can be achieved and how they are different from each othe#In ICF or Test tube baby process the sperms and the eggs are retrieved from the male and female partner respectively and made to fuse in a#Another procedure which is often been performed is ICSI#that is intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This procedure is very helpful in case of#any sperm motility issue. What we do in this procedure#is injecting the sperm directly over the egg that will ensure the fusion and embryo will be formed.#Going one more step ahead#is the discovery of IMSI#that is intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection. in this the sperm which is of a good quality is selected and made to fus#is transferred to uterus.#We may have a good fertilization rate or good success with ICSI#but sometimes the quality of the sperm makes lot of difference.#To overcome this challenge the IMSI#is a improved technology which came into existence#which has a good fertilization chances.#When the success rate is high#the number of cycles to achieve the same are less so the cost of such cycles are also less.#There are many cases#where the ICSI or IMSI can yield the positive results#when there is a problem or issue with the sperm motility or morphology.#Since it's a complex procedure#there are many components which affect the cost of healthy pregnancy.#We will see in detail about D3 ot D5 embryo transfer and success rate.
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Best IVF Centre in Thane: Advanced Fertility Treatments
Many couples who want to be parents face obstacles that prevent them from conceiving naturally. Through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) centers, modern medical advancements have provided hope and a solution. Thane is home to some of the best IVF clinics and IVF centers. In this article, we will take a look into the world of IVF and walk you through the process of locating the best IVF center in Thane.
Understanding IVF
What is IVF?
IVF is a medical procedure that assists individuals or couples in achieving pregnancy when natural conception proves challenging. It involves the fertilization of an egg with sperm outside the body in a laboratory dish. Once fertilized, the embryo is then implanted into the uterus, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.
When is IVF Recommended?
IVF is recommended in cases of infertility caused by various factors, including:
1. Female Infertility: When a woman faces issues such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, or ovulation disorders.
2. Male Infertility: When a man has low sperm count or sperm motility issues.
3. Unexplained Infertility: When the cause of infertility remains unknown after thorough evaluation.
4. Age-related Infertility: As women age, their fertility decreases, and IVF can be a viable option.
Finding the Best IVF Center in Thane
Research and Referrals: Before embarking on your IVF journey, it's crucial to do thorough research and seek referrals from friends, family, or medical professionals. Here are some key considerations:
Clinic Reputation: Look for clinics with a positive reputation for success rates and patient care.
Specializations: Some clinics may specialize in certain infertility issues, so choose one that aligns with your needs.
Location: Consider the location, as convenience can be essential during your treatment.
Cost: IVF treatments can be expensive, so explore the cost and payment options available.
Consultation and Evaluation: Once you've shortlisted potential IVF centers, schedule consultations with them. During these consultations:
Discuss Your Medical History: Be open about your medical history and any previous fertility treatments.
Ask Questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions about the clinic's approach, success rates, and treatment plans.
Meet the Team: Get to know the medical professionals who will be guiding you through the process.
Best IVF Center in Thane as per Google Rating
Progenesis Fertility Center: 4.9 Rating Based on 4500+ patient reviews.
Treatment Process
IVF treatment typically involves several steps:
1. Ovulation Stimulation: Medications are administered to stimulate egg production.
2. Egg Retrieval: Mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries.
3. Fertilization: The retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory.
4. Embryo Transfer: Healthy embryos are transferred into the uterus.
5. Monitoring and Support: Regular monitoring and support throughout the pregnancy.
IVF offers hope to couples facing infertility issues and provides a conducive environment with its top-notch fertility clinic in Thane. Remember, the journey may be challenging, but the joy of parenthood awaits at the end.
1.   How successful is IVF?
Success rates vary depending on individual factors, but Thane boasts several high-performing IVF centers with impressive success rates.
2.   What is the cost of IVF treatment in Thane?
The cost of IVF in Thane varies from one clinic to another. It's advisable to consult with the clinics directly to get accurate pricing information.
3.   How long does an IVF cycle typically take?
An IVF cycle can take four to six weeks, from ovulation stimulation to embryo transfer. However, individual timelines may vary.
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ivfcenterinindore · 10 months
Male Infertility and IVF: What Every Couple Should Know
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Infertility is a common issue for many couples, and even though it’s often associated with female infertility, male infertility can be just as much of an issue. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around half of all cases of infertility are due to male factors. Fortunately, there are treatments available, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF), which can help couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally. Here we take a look at what every couple should know about male fertility and IVF.
Male fertility issues occur when there is either an abnormality or a low number of sperm being produced by the testes, or if they are unable to reach their destination – usually due to blockages in the reproductive system, caused by infections or injuries, such as vasectomy reversal surgery that has been unsuccessful.
Male factor infertility can also be caused by hormone imbalances, which impact sperm production and quality resulting in poor motility, leading them to not reach their target destination - egg cells within the uterus cavity. Also, certain lifestyle choices like smoking, drinking alcohol, drug abuse, etc. could also lead to decreasing chances for successful conception.
Also Read: Gynaecologist in Indore
Fortunately, IVF offers hope for those struggling with this condition, since it bypasses these obstacles, allowing eggs from women's ovaries along with healthy sperms from men's ejaculate samples to get combined together outside the body under laboratory conditions, where they will form embryo(s). After the appropriate culturing process, embryos will then be transferred back into the woman’s uterus, where implantation takes place, eventually leading to pregnancy & childbirth.
This entire procedure requires coordinated efforts between the patient & doctor team, so it's important that both partners involved must understand the complete process before embarking upon the journey ahead. Couples looking for the best possible outcomes may consider visiting one of top rated IVF Centre in Indore which offers a comprehensive range of services related to Infertility treatment including IUI, donor programs & surrogacy services apart from conventional assisted reproduction techniques like Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) /In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Thus while choosing the right center make sure you do proper research work first before making any decisions because the success rate largely depends upon the expertise level offered at a particular facility.
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sushmitamukherjee · 11 months
Is IVF Right for You? Exploring Candidacy and Considerations
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a popular fertility treatment that has helped many couples become parents. But before you decide to pursue IVF, it’s important to understand the process and whether or not it’s right for you. Here we explore candidacy and considerations when deciding if IVF is the best option for your family-building journey.
First, consider your eligibility for IVF as some factors may make this treatment unsuitable in certain cases: age, medical history of either partner, sperm quality issues, such as, low motility or morphology scores, etc., anatomical abnormalities like blocked fallopian tubes or endometriosis can all affect whether a couple qualifies for this type of assisted reproductive technology (ART). Even if both partners are healthy enough to undergo an egg retrieval procedure and embryo transfer cycle at any given time there might be other reasons why they should opt against pursuing ART treatments altogether - e.g., ethical concerns about creating embryos outside human bodies; financial limitations due to high costs associated with these procedures; lifestyle changes that could interfere with regular appointments, etc.
If all signs point towards moving forward with an IVF cycle then start by finding a reliable clinic near you – preferably one, which specializes in infertility treatments such as Dr. Mukherjee’s renowned "IVF Centre in Indore". This center offers comprehensive care from pre-conception planning through post-delivery, follow-up services, so patients can rest assured their needs will be taken care of every step along their fertility journey. Additionally, look into insurance coverage options available, since most plans do not cover ART procedures unless, specifically stated otherwise on policy documents issued by respective companies/organizations providing them.
Once candidates have identified suitable clinics, they must also prepare themselves mentally & emotionally prior to starting any kind of fertility treatment, including but not limited to undergoing psychological counseling sessions where needed; researching success rates associated with chosen protocols/procedures based on individual circumstances; talking openly about expectations between partners involved & establishing clear communication channels throughout the entire process...etc. These steps help ensure everyone involved understands what lies ahead while minimizing potential risks associated with various stages leading up until delivery day arrives!
Also Read: Test Tube Baby Centre in Indore
Ultimately only you know what's best when making decisions regarding your own health, so take time out to evaluate pros vs. cons carefully before taking the next big leap towards parenthood via In Vitro Fertilization therapy!
About the Author:
Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee is a gynaecologist, infertility specialist and a well-trained laparoscopic surgeon in Indore with an experience of over 32 years. Over the years, she has helped plenty of women suffering from varieties of gynaecological disorders. If you are suffering from any gynaecological disorders, such as infertility, uterine fibroids, high-risk pregnancy, etc., do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Mukherjee.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
ICSI Treatment: A Solution For Your Infertility Issues
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The most fulfilling step in a couple's life is becoming parents. However, some couples are having difficulty having a baby and are missing out on this wonderful life change known as pregnancy. This problem happens due to infertility issues in both or any one of the partners. We offer a variety of techniques to help with infertility, one of which is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). If you have pregnancy issues and plan to undergo ICSI, here are all the details you need to know about the procedure. We have discussed the same with our eminent ICSI specialist in India. Keep scrolling to know more.
What is ICSI?
The head of the sperm must penetrate the egg wall and sperm must swim into the cytoplasm of the mature egg for effective fertilization of a man's sperm and a woman's egg.
If the egg wall is too thick to penetrate or the sperm are unable to swim in the cytoplasm of the egg due to motility difficulties, intracytoplasmic sperm cell injection(ICSI) may be the only option.
Also, read - IVF Pregnancy Guide for Aspiring Mommies
Why do you need to undergo an ICSI procedure?
If the male partner is facing reproduction problems, such as male infertility,
Semen of poor quality
Low sperm count, also known as oligospermia, is a condition in which the number of sperm produced is insufficient.
Asthenozoospermia is a condition in which sperm motility is reduced.
Previous failures of IVF procedures.
Teratozoospermia refers to sperm that are abnormally formed.
Infertility due to unknown reason
In most IVF situations, ICSI is performed in conjunction with IVF treatment to boost the odds of successful fertilization and pregnancy.
ICSI is sometimes used in reversal vasectomy instances to ensure that fertilization can occur without difficulties, as there is a risk of sperm destruction due to antibodies created by the male partner's body after the surgery.
Also, read - IVF Cost in Bangalore\
Conclusion-By simply packing their medical journey to India, infertility treatment can substantially benefit the patient with their orthopedic-related therapies. We also offer a comprehensive range of counselling for coping with emotional changes to our international patients.
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Fertility Treatment 101: What to Expect During the Process and How to Prepare
If you're struggling with fertility issues, you're not alone. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 10% of women in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant. There are many different factors that can contribute to fertility problems, including age, hormonal imbalances, and underlying medical conditions. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available to help couples conceive. In this guide, we'll explore the basics of fertility treatment, including what to expect during the process and how to prepare both physically and emotionally.
Common fertility issues and options for treatment
Before we dive into the specifics of best fertility hospital in Chennai, it's important to understand some of the common fertility issues that can affect your ability to conceive. One of the most common causes of infertility is age. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, and as they age, the quality and quantity of those eggs decline. In addition, hormonal imbalances, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders, can also impact fertility.
For men, common causes of infertility include low sperm count, poor sperm motility, and abnormal sperm morphology. Other factors that can contribute to fertility problems for both men and women include obesity, smoking, and certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
Once you've identified the potential causes of your fertility issues, your doctor can recommend a variety of treatments to help you conceive. In some cases, lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or quitting smoking, may be enough to improve your chances of getting pregnant. In other cases, medications or procedures may be necessary.
Evaluating your fertility health
Before you begin any fertility treatment, it's important to have a thorough evaluation of your fertility health. This may include a physical exam, blood tests, and imaging studies, such as ultrasounds or X-rays. Your doctor may also recommend a semen analysis for your partner to assess his fertility health.
During this evaluation, your doctor will look for any underlying medical conditions or lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your fertility issues. Depending on the results of these tests, your doctor may recommend a specific treatment plan to help you conceive.
Preparing for fertility treatment
Once you've decided to pursue fertility treatment, there are several steps you can take to prepare yourself both physically and emotionally. First and foremost, it's important to find a doctor who specializes in fertility treatment and who you feel comfortable with. Ask for recommendations from friends or family members, and do your own research to find a doctor who has experience in treating your specific fertility issues.
In addition to finding the right doctor, there are several lifestyle changes you can make to help prepare your body for fertility treatment. This may include eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco. Your doctor may also recommend specific supplements or vitamins to help improve your fertility health.
Finally, it's important to prepare yourself emotionally for the challenges that may arise during fertility treatment. This may involve seeking support from friends and family members, joining a support group, or finding a therapist who specializes in infertility counseling.
The fertility treatment process
The specific fertility treatment you undergo will depend on the underlying causes of your fertility issues, as well as your individual preferences and medical history. There are several different types of fertility treatments available, including medications, intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF treatment in Chennai), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
Medications are often the first line of treatment for fertility issues. These medications work by stimulating ovulation or regulating hormonal imbalances. They may be taken orally or injected, depending on the specific medication and the severity of your fertility issues.
IUI involves placing sperm directly into the uterus using a thin catheter. This can be done with or without the use of fertility medications. IVF involves fertilizing eggs outside of the body and then transferring the resulting embryos into the uterus. This can be a more invasive and expensive form of fertility treatment, but it also has a higher success rate than other forms of treatment.
ICSI is a type of IVF that involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg. This can be helpful for couples with severe male factor infertility or for those who have had previous IVF failures.
Success rates of fertility treatment
The success rates of fertility treatment can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, including age, overall health, and the specific treatment being used. In general, younger women tend to have higher success rates with fertility treatment than older women, due to the decline in egg quality and quantity that occurs with age.
According to the CDC, the success rates for IVF range from about 45% for women under the age of 35 to about 15% for women over the age of 44. However, it's important to keep in mind that success rates can vary widely depending on individual circumstances, and that fertility treatment is not a guarantee of pregnancy.
Conclusion and next steps
Fertility treatment can be a complex and emotional process, but with the right information and support, it's possible to navigate it with confidence. If you're struggling with fertility issues, don't hesitate to reach out to a fertility specialist for guidance and support. With the right treatment plan and a positive outlook, you can increase your chances of conceiving and starting your journey to parenthood.
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Benefits of Choosing the Best IVF Center in Bangladesh
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Healthcare businesses are an essential part of the economy, and the healthcare industry is always looking for new ways to improve patient care. One such business is IVF, which stands for in-vitro fertilization. It is sometimes referred to as "the final stop" on the infertile road. Most people don't realize that IVF is the primary and most successful option for many couples who struggle with infertility.
This approach is for those for whom conventional conception and pregnancy are impossible, such as same-sex couples or women with infertility diagnoses that make it hard for the sperm and egg to meet naturally. That’s why we have written this post for infertile couples so that they can learn about the advantages of choosing the best IVF center in Bangladesh.
What Is In Vitro Fertilization?
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a method that falls under the category of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Specifically, sustained progress advances reproductive technology to allow egg fertilization outside a female's body. Then, the specialist returns the implants when they develop into embryos.
How Does IVF Work?
IVF is vastly different from traditional approaches to the notion. The treatment will be followed by an infertility check in which your doctor will attempt to establish your sexual behavior and any specific causes for infertility. Specific tests that your doctor may want to do include a complete review of your current fitness. This will also involve examining ovarian function, identifying thyroid illnesses, and high prolactin levels.
Furthermore, your health practitioner may check for hormonal imbalances and metabolic abnormalities that impede IVF success.
Following the infertility exam and the understanding that IVF is a viable option, your health practitioner begins the process. The health practitioner explicitly removes eggs from the ovaries, then fertilizes them in the lab. Then, he places fertilized eggs in a suitable environment until they develop into viable embryos, returning one to the mother's womb.
Who may be the candidate for IVF?
When it comes to infertility, IVF may be an option if you and your partner are suffering from any of the following issues:
● Endometriosis: Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissues implant and grow outside of the uterus.
● Uterine Fibroids: Fibroids are benign tumors that grow inside the uterine wall. This condition can prevent fertilized eggs from implanting.
● Unexplained infertility: This occurs when no cause of infertility has been identified despite extensive testing.
● Fallopian tube obstruction: A fallopian tube blockage makes it difficult for the egg to be fertilized within the uterus.
● Impaired Sperm Production: Sperm with poor motility or abnormalities in length and shape may make fertilization more difficult.
The procedure of IVF?
IVF is a set of procedures performed outside of a woman's body. In this procedure, the eggs and sperm are fertilized in a laboratory setting. The following are the step-by-step advantages of IVF treatment:
● Infertility Diagnosis: To start your IVF treatment, the cause of infertility must be established.
● Ovulation Induction and Egg Retrieval: Ovulation induction is a method of imitating an ovary's ability to produce eggs. The egg retrieval method begins to evolve 36 hours after inducing the injection.
● Fertilization in a laboratory: Fertilization begins after extracting the eggs from the ovarian fluid. These eggs are then identified for fertilization with sperm in a liquid media.
● Embryo transfer to the mother's uterus: The zygote or fertilized egg is nurtured for around 2-6 days. After the embryo develops, it is transferred to the mother's embryo to induce pregnancy success.
Benefits of Choosing the Best IVF Center in Bangladesh
IVF is a safe and effective treatment option for couples facing various infertility challenges. The final benefit of IVF is achieving a successful and healthy pregnancy. We've covered a few of the essential advantages of IVF treatments in an IVF center in Bangladesh.
● Increases your chances of having a healthy baby
Babies born with IVF or other assisted reproductive techniques are often healthier. A study carried out on twenty IVF babies took a close look at infants born through IVF. They meticulously evaluated each individual's scientific and intellectual fitness and cognitive abilities. The data indicated that the infants were as healthy and cognitively active as they might have been.
● Decreases risk of genetic disorders
Genetic screening is a relatively new advancement in the field of medicine. It is a reasonable period that helps you to ensure that your child is born healthy. By using this period, you may ensure that fetuses utilized in IVF are free of identified genetic disorders.
Furthermore, it is significantly more helpful in diagnosing life-threatening scientific conditions like Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, and Tay Sachs sickness. A baby can catch certain illnesses if the guardian tests positive for them. However, in our day and age, such diseases may be easily recognized and treated before a baby is born.
● Decreases the probability of miscarriage
Miscarriage is defined as the loss of a pregnancy before the twentieth week. In Bangladesh, around 10-15% of identified pregnancies result in miscarriage, according to a study. The IVF method can reduce the likelihood of miscarriage.
● Ability to choose more healthy embryos
The IVF procedure also allows for pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS). PGS is required for the genetic profiling of embryos before fertilization. This method provides for a thorough screening of the embryo. As a result, the kid is not at risk of inheriting a chromosomal disorder or genetic abnormalities.
● Pregnancy at the selected time
People who need to be careful of their careers or develop other lifestyle conditions might use IVF if they require a child later in their lives. In the future, cryopreserved eggs or embryos can be utilized. Furthermore, you can choose a period frame within which you must be pregnant. IVF can also help you space your children in the best way for your family.
The cost of completing an IVF treatment
The final results of the IVF process can range from couple to couple. Moreover, the cost additionally relies upon numerous factors, including:
● Age of the mother
● Duration of infertility
● Type of infertility
● Cause of infertility
● Quality of sperm
● Endometrial improvement
Read Also: Tips to find a good IVF center in Bangladesh
Suppose you want to find an IVF Center with good infrastructure and great IVF doctors in Bangladesh. IVF treatment is a popular method. If you are experiencing any indications and symptoms of infertility, do not hesitate to see an IVF medical facility. However, IVF treatment in Bangladesh is a bit expensive. With its growing popularity, IVF has become essential to many healthcare businesses, providing valuable services to their patients.
The Article Was Originally Published at: ncespro.com
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globalivf · 2 years
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Global IVF
I.V.F. and inquiries arise in the minds of patients.
5 most common questions that people have before undergoing IVF.
What is I.V. F.and how its work ?
IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation. Transfer of a developing embryo into a uterus that has been prepared and developed (3- 4 days) in a specific laboratory by fertilisation of an egg and sperm outside the body. It is one of several procedures available to aid people who are having difficulty conceiving a child. IVF involves removing an egg from a woman’s ovaries and fertilising it with sperm in a laboratory. After fertilisation, the fertilised egg, known as an embryo, is returned to the woman’s womb to grow and develop.
2. How long does it take to conceive using IVF?
IVF takes roughly two months to complete. In roughly half of the cases, women under the age of 35 will become pregnant and give birth after their initial IVF egg retrieval and subsequent embryo transfer,
3. Why do people get IVF?
IVF is used to assist a woman in becoming pregnant. It can be used to treat a variety of infertility issues, including: The woman is of senior age Fallopian tubes that are damaged or blocked (can be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease or prior reproductive surgery)
4. Who uses IVF?
Infertility can be treated with IVF in the following patients: Fallopian tubes that are blocked or damaged. Reduced sperm count or sperm motility are examples of male factor infertility. Ovulation problems, premature ovarian failure, and uterine fibroids affect women.
5. Is IVF procedure painful?
IVF injections are usually not very uncomfortable. There is a stinging feeling, but nothing to be concerned about. The needles are far too fine to cause any discomfort. When administering the medications via injections, you can ask your partner or perhaps a friend to be by your side.
5 Most common Myth about IVF:
i) IVF is only for infertile couples.
ii) IVF can be done at any age.
iii) Multiple births are a result of IVF.
iv) If you’re infertile, IVF is your sole option for conceiving a child..
v) Fertility medicines are linked to cancer.
Why to choose Global IVF?
There is nothing new about going for IVF in today’s lifestyle; there are many unwanted or even unimaginable crises that occur, especially in women’s bodies. We at Global IVF provide the best services to each and every patient.Global IVF is a treatment that provides you pregnancy that occurs with many lady’s lady; it’s not only a problem with lady’s health; it’s also a problem with men’s health; to solve this, IVF will help you become a parent at the right time.
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How ICSI Treatment Can Help In Infertility ?
Being a parent is the most compensating progress in a couple's life. However, a couple of couples are encountering in having a kid and forgetting to experience this wonderful advancement of life known as pregnancy. The issue arises due to infertility that may be accessible in any of the accessories, or there can be additional reasons that are threating the pregnancy.
Infertility in legitimate terms is the inability to get pregnant ensuing to endeavouring and having unprotected sex for a year. Patients that can't have a child could be sterile.
To control with infertility, we have different frameworks, and one such is known as Intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI). Accepting you are encountering having the pregnancy and needing to go through ICSI, here are to a great extent the nuances associated with the framework, you need to know close by the conceivable outcomes getting pregnant that will help you with making an insightful decision.
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What is ICSI?
Expecting you've watched film of IVF, we're practically 100% sure it was undoubtedly ICSI that you were watching. That is because ICSI (also called intracytoplasmic sperm imbuement) carries the WOW part to the IVF world. Here we don't just give the egg and sperm to do their thing under the ardent lab lights, yet we give them some help. With ICSI, our scientists warily imbue a lone sperm directly into the egg.
Your doc could suggest ICSI expecting you have low sperm numbers or sad sperm motility or morphology. ICSI could similarly be on the menu accepting you have as of late had bombarded treatment, a vasectomy and a vain vasectomy reversal. Where male fruitlessness is the explanation for a couple endeavouring to consider, ICSI is likely going to be significant for the treatment show proposed by your essential consideration doctor. It's indispensable to ensure that ICSI is the right treatment choice and that it keeps an eye on your specific fruitlessness issue. Picking the right place for productivity treatment is key. Getting the right end is basic so starting with a middle that offers an extent of medications suggests your Fertility Specialist will explore what's going on and prescribe the right treatment method for managing help you start or foster your friends and family.
During an ICSI cycle, comparative as in an IVF cycle, we use implantations of a compound known as FSH (follicle strengthening synthetic) to enable a more noteworthy measure of the follicles to encourage mature eggs. These eggs are then assembled under vaginal ultrasound bearing - called oocyte (egg) get (OPU) or oocyte recuperation. It's every day an operation procedure which is normally wrapped up with a close by soothing and light sedation.
Whenever the egg and sperm have their radiance up, an Embryologist uses an extraordinary needle to get a lone sperm and another instrument to hold the egg set up. All of this is done under the power of an amplifying instrument since sperm are pretty much nothing, they shouldn't be apparent with the independent eye. The needle helping the sperm is implanted through the egg's outside covering and into the genuine egg. The sperm is continuously injected into the egg. We encourage the injected eggs in an incubation center present moment and the next morning your Embryologist will check for signs of treatment.
Basically the same as the course of IVF, in intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) the eggs or sperms are gathered from the accomplices to play out the treatment cycle, which denotes the essential distinction among ICSI and IVF.
Rather than putting a few sperms with an egg, in ICSI a solitary sperm is infused straightforwardly into the egg. A portion of the richness centers frequently suggest ICSI for each IVF cycle, while others normally hold the treatment for those experiencing basic fruitlessness issues. All things considered, the ICSI-IVF treatment has assisted numerous fruitless couples with encountering the delight of being a parent. All you really want is the right ripeness place in Jalandhar to make the treatment spot on for you.
READ MORE :-  Facts you should know about infertility
For what reason do we really want ICSI?
In the event that you are confronting the beneath referenced fruitlessness related issues, ICSI is the most ideal system for conquering these barrenness issues among the couples.
*The sperm count is pitiful and isn't adequate to perform manual semen injection, IUI, or IVF.
*The motility of sperm is exceptionally poor; that implies the development of sperm isn't ordinary.
*The sperm might have an issue while appending to the egg or while infiltrating the egg.
*The blockage in the male conceptive organ that confines the sperm from coming out.
*Whenever the past treatment process like IVF fizzled
*Recently frozen eggs are in use.
*At the point when the state of sperm isn't right.
What is the method of ICSI?
Very much like the standard IVF, the female accomplice is given richness drugs for invigorating the ovaries bringing about the advancement of a few mature eggs for treatment. When your eggs prepare for assortment, specialists recover the eggs with a short term interaction and freeze them for sometime in the future.
After the determination of the best sperm, the method involved with infusing the sperm straightforwardly into the egg, or cytoplasm is achieved.
Further, it around requires five days for the treated egg to develop, which takes in the lab, and from that point onward, the specialists move the undeveloped organism into the lady's uterus. And afterward after fruitful transplantation of undeveloped organism, the holding up period starts where routine tests are important to inspect the development of the hatchling.
What are the dangers related with ICSI?
Since ICSI treatment is like IVF, it brings every one of the dangers of IVF methodology with it. The risks of ICSI are marginally higher when contrasted with other barrenness treating processes.
Coming up next are the dangers that might win when one goes through ICSI treatment:
*The gamble of inherent handicaps
*Hereditary deformities because of infiltration of more fragile sperm exist.
So before you pick ICSI, we energetically prescribe you to, have a careful examination of the interaction and after appropriate discussion settle on the ideal choice relying upon your case.
The achievement pace of ICSI
Like the wide range of various fruitlessness treating strategies, the achievement pace of ICSI exceptionally relies upon the age of the lady going through the treatment. As a large portion of the examinations propose, the cycle prompts treatment of half to 80% eggs, and the possibilities of ladies getting pregnant are 25%.
The achievement rates change from one couple to another, and it relies upon different elements, so to anticipate the specific achievement rate will not do equity to many couples.
In this way, we prescribe every one of the couples to settle on your choice of picking ICSI solely after definite decisive counsel with your gynecologist.
Are you looking for ICSI Infertility Treatment in Indore. ICSI Treatment used has one pipette to hold the egg and another pipette to inject the sperm directly into the oocyte's cytoplasm.
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tryvexanaustria · 6 years
Protecvital Plus Review-Ingredients,Price & Where To Buy?
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From the time you could understand, you have been educated that vitamins are helpful for you. Mothers wherever all through the world encourage their children to eat their beans, broccoli, or carrots since they impact them to wind up tremendous and strong for muscle building. As adults, you have found that there is much truth to mothers' words. Without the benefit of vitamins, you would not have the ability to fulfill your most extreme limit, physically and sanely. The best way to deal with get these vitamins and minerals into your body is to eat the sustenance that will give you these things. Minerals are basic as well. They are required just in little aggregates and frequently get neglected. By eating the sustenance that were gotten ready for human usage all through the ages, you can be ensured to get everything that you require.
Job of Vitamin supplements throughout our life :-
Protecvital Plus : The importance of vitamins and enhancements in our regular daily existence has constantly been there, the more we know the better we are set up to use them in our eating regimens. Here are number of sections in a body structure that acknowledge a focal part in keeping up an ordinary and adjusted sound condition of a living thing. Vitamins, enhancements and minerals are the typical ones among those constituents to helping keep a sound perspective. Their trademark change is fundamental on the other hand; our body isn't fit for making every single one of them on the period of accounting of specific procedures for eating and living. This is the reason, different prosperity and health mentors embrace affirmation of vitamin supplements in our normal eating regimen plan.
What is Protecvital Plus ?
Prescriptions are made for human wellbeing reason. In the event that there is no medication numerous individuals are probably going to be dead. Pharmaceutical spare our lives and we ought to be grateful to specialists and scientific expert for this enchantment that a tablet spares our lives. Protecvital Plus is a German thing that will start working in thirty minutes and augmentation your noteworthiness, your execution, and your steadiness. Made out of 9 basic Chinese herbs and took care of with a brain, this condition has been exhibited to work and dried completely.
Elements of Protecvital Plus :-
Korean Ginseng Radix
American Ginseng
Wild Yam
Cistanche desert cole Ma
Schisandra Berries
Poria Mushroom
Longan Ari Fruit
Minerals in Protecvital Plus :-
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B5
Vitamin C
Vitamin E-Acetat
Vitamin H
Advantages of Protecvital Plus for man :-
Sound minerals and vitamins
Noteworthy addition in centrality
Unadulterated normal, secured and fruitful
Speedy acting
Improved prosperity and immune structure
Ousts mental and physical exhaustion
Extended beef grabs
Improves blood course
Extends the length of sex
Enhance sexual need, sharpens sensations
Significance of Minerals and Vitamins for man
Vitamin C :-
In "Vitamins and Minerals," Dr. Zina Kroner prompts that vitamin C is crucial for a strong heart. Vitamin C may thwart heart attacks and keep the delicate covering of the heart's veins pliable. An examination in the March 1997 issue of "BMJ" took after a social affair of modestly matured men with no earlier heart conditions. Examiners chose men with lacking levels of vitamin C were 3.5 times more inclined to appear no less than a touch of benevolence ambush. Men require 90 milligrams of vitamin C consistently.
Selenium for Healthy Sperm :-
Selenium is a basic mineral that may accept a section in heart prosperity, envisioning malady and controlling mental rot, be that as it may, more research is crucial, as shown by the Office of Dietary Supplements. For men, selenium is basic for lessening the peril of prostate tumor and for making strong sperm. A little report, disseminated in a 2003 arrival of "Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine," found 225 micrograms of selenium joined with 400 milligrams of vitamin E consistently for three months extended sperm motility and improved semen quality in individuals. Men should get no under 55 micrograms consistently.
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Vitamin D :-
Vitamin D is crucial for a few, generous limits, including bone advancement and cell end. An examination in the February 1997 issue of "Diabetologia" found that elderly men with vitamin D needs will most likely be glucose extremist. A more settled examination following 1,954 men, appropriated in a 1985 issue of "The Lancet," found an association between cut down vitamin D and calcium levels and a more unmistakable ordinariness of colorectal development. Another examination, dispersed in the February 2006 issue of "Journal of the National Cancer Institute," chose men with vitamin D levels of no under 25 nanomoles per liter streaming in the dissemination framework had less risk of getting or kicking the pail from stomach related developments. Researchers completed enhancements of no under 1,500 overall units step by step were vital to accomplish 25 nanomoles per liter.
Vitamin A :-
Protecvital Plus Review-The mixture term for Vitamin An is retinol. This vitamin is basic for sound skin and hair. Eyes in like manner advantage unfathomably from vitamin An, especially in the expectation of nyctalopia (night visual hindrance) by keeping up the prosperity of the light fragile hues in posts. Skin has a strong, sparkling appearance that begins from vitamin An, as does hair. Taken in supplemental edge, vitamin A can be taken in excess and cause horrible reactions. It is constantly a shrewd idea to take simply recommended proportions of any vitamins.
Vitamin B :-
B vitamins arrive in a couple of particular structures. There is B1 through B6 and B12, all of which will add to your extraordinary prosperity. Some B vitamins are helpful for enzymatic development. Inadequacy states of other vitamin B may be more clear in signs of sicknesses. Since B vitamins are water dissolvable, overdoses are not an issue. The best idea of Vitamin B begins from sustenance, as do by and large vitamins. You require Vitamin B for keeping up your DNA and your neurological prosperity.
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neelkanthhospitals · 3 years
Everything You Need to Know About Male Infertility
When the subject of IVF arises it’s more common for the focus to fall upon the woman undergoing the treatment; injections, egg collection, embryo transfers, and the absolute hope that within her body a miracle is about to occur.
But when her partner is male, how does he feel about the process and the important part he plays?
Most couples who have regular sex (every two to three days) without using contraception will conceive within one year. If you’ve been trying for that long without pregnancy happening, it’s worthwhile speaking to your doctor and visit the best ivf centre in gurgaon. They may use the term 'infertility' at this point, but remember that it doesn't necessarily mean you can't have children naturally; getting pregnant can take longer for some couples.
What are The Causes of male infertility?
Making mature, healthy sperm that can travel depends on many things. Problems can stop cells from growing into sperm. Problems can keep the sperm from reaching the egg. Even the temperature of the scrotum may affect fertility. These are the main causes of male infertility:
Abnormal bulging veins in the testicles, known as varicoceles, are the most common cause of male infertility, and can result in low sperm production and poor sperm quality.
The shape and size of sperm, known as sperm morphology, affect the sperm’s ability to fertilize the egg.
Chromosomal or genetic issues that affect sperm production may result in low sperm count and concentration in semen.
Low sperm motility (movement) also makes it difficult for sperm to travel to and penetrate a woman’s egg.
An imbalance in testosterone or other hormones.
A natural physical blockage – or surgical vasectomy – in male tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperm from the testicles to mix with semen before ejaculation.
Retrograde ejaculation, a disorder that prohibits semen from properly ejaculating outwardly, does not allow sperm to leave the man’s body.
Emotional and psychological conditions or spinal cord injuries may result in impotence and cause infertility in men.
Cancer treatment can cause male infertility (men preparing to undergo radiation or chemotherapy are strongly advised to consult a reproductive endocrinologist or oncologist regarding sperm freezing).
What are the symptoms of male infertility?
The main sign of male infertility is the inability to conceive a child. There may be no other obvious signs or symptoms.
In some cases, however, an underlying problem such as an inherited disorder, hormonal imbalance, dilated veins around the testicle, or a condition that blocks the passage of sperm causes signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms you may notice include:
Problems with sexual function — for example, difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated, reduced sexual desire, or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)
Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area
Recurrent respiratory infections
Inability to smell
Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
Decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality
A lower than normal sperm count (fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate)
How is male infertility evaluated?
Semen analysis in most cases is the first test you will be asked to perform. Semen is the fluid that is released when a man has an orgasm. Semen carries the sperm in fluids that should nourish and protect it. You will typically be asked to provide a semen sample by masturbating into a sterile glass jar. If masturbation is not culturally acceptable, your doctor can provide you with a special condom in which to collect semen during intercourse.
The following things are measured during the test:
How much semen you’re producing(volume)
The total number of sperms in your semen sample(Total count)
The number of sperms in each milliliter of your semen(concentration)
The percentage of sperms that are moving(motility)
If the sperms are formed at the right shape or not(morphology)
Further Tests 
You may need to see a fertility specialist at any ivf treatment centre in gurgaon for further tests and investigations if your sperm count is low. You may have:
a urine sample to check for retrograde ejaculation – semen is ejaculated backwards into your bladder instead of outside your body
an ultrasound scan of your testes – your doctor may suggest this if you’re not producing any sperm
tests for genetic conditions that may affect sperm production
If an underlying health condition is causing your fertility problems, treating this may improve your chance of getting your partner pregnant.
What Are the Treatments for male infertility?
Treatments for male-related infertility include:
Holistic fertility and lifestyle changes can alter such negative health habits as obesity, unhealthy diet and smoking, all of which affect fertility
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves the collection, washing (cleaning) and concentration of healthy sperm that are then placed directly into the uterus
IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an advanced laboratory procedure that involves the injection of a single healthy sperm into an egg to create an embryo, which is implanted into a woman’s uterus
Sperm retrieval for men who cannot ejaculate or produce semen involves retrieval of semen from the testicles using a small needle
Vasectomy reversal enables a man to once again produce healthy sperm in his semen
Sperm donation is the use of another male’s sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg
Hormone therapy and medications may be recommended to alter high or low hormone levels that affect fertility.
Post Treatment Care
Male infertility can often be fixed with an outpatient procedure. These are done under general anesthesia or IV sedation. While pain after surgery is usually mild, recovery and follow-up vary. After varicocele repair, your health care provider at a reputable ivf centre in gurgaon should do a physical exam. This is to see if the vein is completely gone. Often the veins stay enlarged since they are not removed during surgery but only closed off to prevent abnormal blood flow. Semen should be tested about every 3 months for at least a year, or until pregnancy. If your varicocele returns, or you stay infertile, ask your health care provider about ARTs.
We hope this article has provided you with much-needed information about male infertility and the procedures and treatments to be followed. If you found this blog useful please spread the word by sharing it with your friends, it would help us a lot.
And, finally, be sure to let us know what topics you’d want us to cover next in the comment section below. 
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
Sperm Donation In Bangalore | ElaWoman
What is sperm donation?
Sperm donation is a scientific system in which men donate their sperms to the couples to help them conceive a child. These sperms are applied for fertilization of the egg in women whose companions do not have the desired quantity of sperm depend or motility. Lower sperm depend and morphology hinders the technique of successful fertilization with an egg within the uterus of the woman.
Hence, in such instances, sperm donation method is usually recommended.
Who desires sperm donor?
The doctor shows sperm donors in the following cases:
When the male partner has low sperm rely (Oligospermia).
When the male associate has low sperm motility, this means that sperm, can not swim to the egg gift inside the girl accomplice.
Single girls who do not plan to marry and are opting for fertility treatments like IntraUterine Insemination manner can also utilize donor sperm services to have their very own infant.
Same-intercourse girl couples can also use sperm donor offerings for pregnancy. This will assist them to have a baby regardless of the absence of a male associate.
Strict legal guidelines are followed to make certain that the non-public identity and essential statistics of the sperm donor are safeguarded. So, nowadays anonymous sperm donors are in outstanding demand throughout one-of-a-kind parts of the sector. Do you need to donate sperm and eager to recognise the bodily elements associated with it?
Basic Requirements for Sperm Donors
Sperm donors want to meet certain necessities to make sure the success of fertility treatment. This ensures that the couple searching out a sperm donor reveals quality sperms that in the end cause a hit being pregnant.
The age of sperm donors wishes to be among 18-40 years.
Sperm parameters (sperm motility, sperm depend in addition to extent) ought to be in most useful range.
Absence of clinical and genetic issues.
They have to now not have any alcoholic or associated habits.
Should now not have any alcoholic
Most of the centers look for taller men to turn out to be eligible for sperm donation. Therefore, earlier than becoming a sperm donor, one should inquire respective health center for the height necessities.
Education is a concern for most of the couples. They need to have at least a college degree.
It is also to be noted that followed men have positive restrictions while applying for the sperm donor.
Are you deliberating the ways to reinforce your sperm depend? Then, don’t forget about to test out our article on Vitamins and Minerals to boom sperm depend.
Do you receives a commission for donating sperm?
Yes! Men who satisfy the above mentioned eligibility criteria ought to make use of the opportunity of donating sperm and making a living through it. The fee depends on several elements which include seems, physique, height and academic qualifications of the donor. The chances of selection of a sperm donor’s semen pattern rely upon the necessities of the recipient couple and their budget. It is usually encouraged to talk to a sperm bank or fertility clinic before signing any agreement for the sperm donation system.
Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre
Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre has been presenting great IVF care with across the world similar services and success fee. Our middle electricity lies in our potential to give our sufferers complete ART and allied offerings from primary diagnostics work up to strengthen fertility-enhancing endoscopic surgical procedures and in Vitro Fertilization strategies all below one roof. Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre boast of a group in a position and skilled docs and surgeons, nicely-skilled nurses, and a sensitive and worrying group of workers. Our operation theater and laboratory is prepared with the best contraptions stringent guidelines are accompanied to ensure sterility and asepsis. At Vardhan, we paintings hand-in-hand with you to make each phase of the method from analysis to treatment as predictable and at ease as feasible and it is one of the best Sperm Donation in Bangalore.
Shanthi Nursing Home
Shanthi Nursing Home in Uttam Nagar, Delhi is a pinnacle player within the class Nursing Homes inside the Delhi. This famous establishment acts as a one-stop vacation spot servicing customers each local and from different parts of Delhi. Over the route of its journey, this enterprise has set up a company foothold in its industry. The belief that client pleasure is as essential as their services and products, have helped this established order garner a giant base of customers, which continues to grow by way of the day.
Shanthi Nursing Home is a nicely-famend Multi-area of expertise centre positioned in Bangalore. It is located at 679, eleventh Main Road, 36th Cross, 4th T Block, Landmark: Opp to Post Office, Jayanagar that's an outstanding residential and industrial area of Bangalore. It changed into hooked up in 1989 with an intention to supply complete fitness-care offerings to sufferers and it is one of the best Sperm Donation in Bangalore.
GarbhaGudi IVF Centre
Garbhagudi IVF Centre is understood for its pinnacle-elegance treatment at low-priced prices and unheard of success costs. We had been capable of mirror this a hit model at all of our branches. Our knowledge in coping with infertility, our phenomenal achievement prices and our affected person care has helped us to grow to be one of the fastest developing chains of fertility hospitals in South India and it is one of the best Sperm Donation in Bangalore.
Garbhagudi Ivf Centre Pvt Ltd in Banashankari 1st Stage, Bangalore is one among the celebrated IVF Centres, having practiced the clinical specialization for decades. This scientific practitioner's health center was mounted in 2011 and due to the fact then, it has drawn rankings of sufferers no longer best from in and across the neighbourhood however also from the neighbouring regions as properly. This medical expert is talented in identifying, diagnosing and treating the diverse fitness troubles and issues related to the clinical field. This doctor has the considered necessary understanding and the information not simply to cope with a various set of health ailments and situations however additionally to prevent them.
Smile Baby IVF Center
Smile Baby IVF Center is a renowned Infertility Specialist In Bangalore.  Also popularly known as the Dr Mangala Devi K R Infertility Specialist In Bangalore. Bringing smile to childless couples with unmatched generation, superior infrastructure and first-class viable care. The Smile Baby IVF Center treats sufferers with high class offerings and specialized care. The programs provided are tailor made and smooth on pocket too. Dr. Mangala Devi KR is the main physician and infertility professional of this centre. She has been running inside the discipline of infertility considering the fact that a few years imparting worldwide requirements of care at less costly costs and with first rate success. Smile Baby IVF Fertility Hospital  is a renowned Infertility Specialist In Bangalore. Also popularly referred to as the Dr Mangala Devi K R Infertility Specialist In Bangalore. Bringing smile to childless couples with unequalled technology, superior infrastructure and the best possible care. The middle treats patients with excessive class services and specialised care.
Mannat Fertility Clinic
Mannat Fertility Clinic This method that we explore conceiving in an herbal way because the first choice. We have verified research that the human body can come returned to regular on its own. We paintings on Body-Mind-Spirit to discover the purpose of your infertility beyond biology. Mannat Fertility Clinic have found that terrible emotions or negative occasions of your lifestyles create organic disease to cause infertility. Nearly continually, this is reversible, we conclude for IVF and different techniques. We aren't an IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) factory. In reality, IVF is remaining alternative for us. So some distance we have completed maximum success in most cases combining recovery and training classes with our allopathy treatment. Even IVF fulfillment fee accelerated phenomenally the usage of those holistic strategies and it is one of the best Sperm Donation in Bangalore.
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priyaivf-blog · 5 years
How are the various tests performed before undergoing IVF?
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What exactly is IVF? IVF is a frequently used type of assistive reproductive technology. It involves a combination of specific directed medications and complex medical procedures. First, medications help to boost the development of eggs. The doctor then extracts these developed eggs and they are fertilised with sperms in a laboratory environment. One or more fertilized embryos are then implanted into the uterus. Medications continue and the pregnancy is carefully observed to detect any complications. Many patients require more than one round of IVF for successful pregnancy.
If a patient wishes to consider IVF as a possible solution for their infertility, or for other personal reasons, it is important to understand that it is a long, step by step procedure which must be followed in order to create the most risk-free environment with highest chances of conception. The tests undergone after the second step, the first being a detailed consultation with a doctor, who is likely to advise you on what he/she thinks are your best steps forward. This first step is important as once a doctor has knowledge about your medical and genetic history, there may be alternative tests that might be conducted. In vitro fertilisation best suits people who have the following issues:
In vitro fertilization is a long and complex procedure, the decision to undergo this procedure is dependent on a number of factors. There are a number of tests performed before undergoing IVF, which will determine whether or not a woman is eligible for IVF. These tests ensure that problems such as miscarriage, abnormalities in the embryo or any general infection or disease that could affect the health and chances of successful childbirth are ruled out to the highest extent. These tests can be split into several categories:
1.     Ovarian reserve testing: This involves a few simple hormone blood tests, which can give a doctor an idea of how many eggs there are in a woman’s body, the ovarian reserve. Three hormones specifically are tested, FSH, AMH and Esrtradiol. AMH gives us an idea of the number of eggs remaining, high levels off FSH often means a reducing ovarian reserve, which might affect the effectiveness of IVF.
2.     Tubal Patency test: HyCoSy, also known as Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography, this procedure is unique, normal ultrasound or x ray do not allow is to properly see and evaluate the condition of the uterus and whether the fallopian tubes are blocked or operational. HyCoSy is a specialised ultrasound examination which gives us a clear view of the fallopian tubes. A contrast agent is inserted into the fallopian tubes which allows the doctor to see. The result of this test is finding out whether or not a woman’s fallopian tubes are operational for an IVF .
3.     Semen evaluation: In the case where the sperm sample is being provided, a sample is provided and sent to a laboratory for testing. Shape, motility and concentration of the sperm are some of the things that are tested for. In the case where the male is found to have infertility, ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, a process where a single sperm is carefully inserted into each egg using micro-manipulation tools, can be done.
4.     Other options include Digital High magnification, wherein only the healthiest and best sperm are chosen for insertion.
5.     Prolactin test: Prolactin is a key hormone, vital in the production of breast milk. Too much prolactin in the body can prevent conception. The results of this test can allow a doctor to decide on what drug regiment might be best suited for each woman.
6.     Screening for infectious diseases: Doctors might screen a patient for HIV, hepatitis B, Chlamydia, Rubella and varicella. All of these diseases could post a risk to a growing foetus and could cause serious complications.
7.     An optional test that a doctor might conduct, in order to increase your chances and gain better knowledge about how your body works is known as a mock embryo transfer. A Mock embryo transfer appears as an option in the middle of your IVF cycle. A mock embryo transfer allows the doctor to identify the ideal route to use during the actual procedure. It allows the doctor to understand how the uterus might act during the actual procedure.
Based on the tests conducted, doctors can find information on what the ideal medications and regime the patient should follow, some of these include:
1.     Hormone related medications: FSH and LH, or a combination, is sometimes injected to stimulate ovaries. This encourages several eggs to grow at once. HCG is taken after a period of around two weeks in order to help the eggs mature.
2.     Premature ovulation medications: These will prevent the body from producing the eggs too soon
3.     Other medications include progesterone, in order to promote the lining of the uterus to develop, to prepare for implantation.
These are some important tests for IVF treatment and will be a part of a process a patient must undergo in order to find out if IVF is the best treatment option for you. It is important to discuss with a doctor what tests need to be done before IVF and share your complete medical history and family medical history, which the doctor will likely inquire about. Based on the findings there may be a number of other tests that may be required. These tests only ensure that you have the best possible chances of having a successful IVF if you decide that this procedure is right for you, it does not guarantee that the IVF procedure will be successful in your case. IVF still carry some risks, regardless of whether the patient has passed all the tests, some of the risks of IVF include:
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Related Post = hydrosalpinx treatment naturally
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What Causes Low Sperm Count and How Is It Treated?
Sperm quality isn’t necessarily something you think that that about often. However, if you and your partner want to start out or expand your family, the quantity and quality of swimmers you've could even be foremost on your mind.
While it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg, the journey getting there are often rough. The more sperm you've , the upper your chances.
Let’s take a far better inspect why you'd possibly have low sperm count, how you'll determine needless to mention , and what treatments are available to help boost your reserves or otherwise increase your chances of achieving pregnancy.
Causes of low sperm count
Low sperm count, also called oligospermia, could also be a serious explanation for male infertility. Sperm count is taken under consideration low if it dips below 15 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of semen, although the standard is around 75 million sperm per mL.
Risk factors include having obesity or overweight, having experienced trauma or surgery in or around the testicles, and taking certain medications. Other things which can put you in peril include exposing your testicles to an excessive amount of warmth or having other medical issues.
Beyond that, there are various causes of low sperm quality, which can be divided into three main categories: medical, environmental, and lifestyle.
A history of testicular symptoms, injury, or surgeries, also as genetic conditions like Klinefelter's syndrome , may increase your chances of getting a coffee sperm count.
Cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, can also affect hormone and sperm production. Radiation of the testicles directly damages the cells that produce sperm, while radiation or surgery of the brain can likewise cause low sperm count, as hormones produced within the brain stimulate sperm production.
Other possible causes include:
*swelling within the veins that drain the testicles, which is named varicocele and one among the foremost common causes of male infertility
*previous infections or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which may cause blockages, scarring, or other damage to the genital system
*issues with erections or ejaculation (For example, diabetes and spinal injuries may cause male erecticle dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation.)
*issues with the system
*conditions like CF or being a genetic carrier of CF may block sperm from entering the semen
*medical procedures, treatments, or medications for a variety of conditions, including some cancer, antifungal, antibiotic, and ulcer drugs
*previous surgery to the male genital system , like testicular surgery, bladder surgery, surgery for undescended testicles, hernia repair, and in fact , a vasectomy
You may be surprised to find out that ideal sperm conditions are slightly but blood heat , which is why the testicles are positioned outside of the abdomen .
Overheating your testicles can lower sperm production. this suggests that anything from frequently enjoying hot tubs to sitting together with your computer atop your lap may lower your counts.
Other possible environmental causes include occupational exposure to herbicides, pesticides, solvents, and other industrial chemicals or heavy metals. Exposure to radiation from X-rays or other sources may harm sperm production also .
Activities like heavy drug and alcohol use, also as using tobacco or vaping, may likewise lower sperm count. Anabolic steroids, which are usually taken to extend muscle mass, will nearly always shrink testicles and reduce sperm production. Marijuana and opioids also reduce sperm production.
Other possible causes include:
*testosterone boosters, vitamins, and pre-workout supplements marketed toward a workout crowd all may contain small amounts of anabolic steroids, which may impair sperm production
*jobs that need long periods of sitting, like truck driving
*emotional issues, like stress and depression, particularly if they’re future and severe
*body weight, particularly if you've got obesity or overweight, also can affect hormones
What about masturbation?
You may have heard that masturbating too frequently can lower sperm count. However, this study Trusted Source indicates that you simply can ejaculate daily and still maintain normal sperm quality.
Signs of low sperm count
You may not experience any signs or symptoms of low sperm quality until you are trying to start out a family. That’s right — the most symptom of oligospermia is infertility.
If your low sperm count is caused by an underlying condition — a hormone imbalance, chromosomal abnormality, testicular issue, or blockage — you'll experience symptoms associated with the condition, which isn’t an equivalent as having symptoms of low sperm count. These symptoms may include:
*low drive
*erectile dysfunction
*swelling or pain in or round the testicles
*less facial or hair
Diagnosing low sperm count
If you’ve been having unprotected sex regularly for the last year and haven’t gotten your partner pregnant, you'll want to ascertain your doctor. If you don’t have already got a medical care provider, you'll browse Dr.Alka IVF . In fact, you'll want to go certain a meeting sooner if you've got symptoms like trouble ejaculating, pain within the testicles, or previous surgeries.
Diagnosis usually involves a physical exam, medical record , and semen analysis.
We know — ejaculating into a cup could also be the last item you would like to try to .
A semen analysis could also be particularly helpful in receiving a diagnosis, as your sperm are often counted under a microscope and checked for motility (movement) and morphology (shape). Your doctor may even want to repeat the analysis to make sure consistent results due to high variability between samples.
You’ll likely be given a container at your doctor’s office. You’ll be asked to masturbate and ejaculate into the container either at the clinic or reception . If you decide to gather the sample reception , you’ll be instructed on the way to look after the specimen until you'll catch on back to the lab within an hour.
Other tests your doctor may try include:
*blood tests to see hormones or chromosomes
*ultrasound to see the testicles or prostate
*biopsy to guage sperm production within the case of blockages
Treatment for low sperm count
The treatment you receive for low sperm count will depend upon the cause. There also are some ways you'll change up your trying to conceive (TTC) routine which will make pregnancy more possible.
For instance , a varicocele are often corrected with a minor outpatient surgery, and former vasectomies are often reversed.
In other cases, sperm are often directly obtained for assisted reproduction procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF) by surgically retrieving it from the testicle or epididymis.
Infections within the reproductive tract are often treated with medications. It’s important to treat infections promptly. albeit an infection is correctly treated, sperm count might not always return to normal if permanent tissue scarring has occurred.
Issues with sexual activity , including male erecticle dysfunction or ejaculation , may answer a mixture of medication and counseling.
Hormonal treatments
Since testosterone and other hormone levels that are either too high or too low can cause low sperm count, addressing the amount with medications and other treatments may help restore fertility.
Remember that the utilization of anabolic steroids, testosterone, or maybe most over-the-counter testosterone boosters can cause infertility, so avoid these.
Lifestyle modifications
Things you can do reception to extend the chances of pregnancy with low sperm count include having sexual activity more frequently and timing sex with ovulation.
For example, having sex a day or every other day within a couple of days before, during, and after ovulation will help make sure that the swimmers who make it all the thanks to the egg get there at the proper time.
While you’re at it, skip all lubricants which will slow sperm travel. If you would like to use lubrication, try something like Pre-Seed, but use it sparingly. Despite the common misconception, even Pre-Seed can introduce a physical barrier if utilized in excess.
And avoid activities that raise the temperature of the testicles, like frequent bathtub dips, saunas, or steam rooms. Lastly, avoid excessive drug and alcohol use, also as workout supplements that are known to lower sperm quality.
 Alternative medicine
Although a spread of vitamin supplements are studied, antioxidants or vitamins may have a minimal effect unless you've got a real dietary deficiency.
Speak together with your doctor before taking supplements, as some may interact with other medications you’re taking.
Give it time
It’s important to notice that any treatments or lifestyle changes might not be reflected in your sperm count directly , because the time-frame of sperm production and transit is up to 2 to three months. As such, you'll not see a rise for 3 months, on the average .
Low sperm count and infertility
The good news is that having fewer sperm swimming around doesn’t mean it’s impossible to realize pregnancy — it's going to just make take a touch longer. Researchers share that unless your sperm count is zero Trusted Source, you'll still be ready to get your partner pregnant with time.
Statistics are hard to return by here, as just how long it takes depends on variety of things that are individual to you and your partner, including how low your sperm count is and the way healthy your sperm are.
For example, motility refers to a sperm’s ability to urge where it must go. If your motility is sweet , having few sperm might not be as big of a drag .
Your partner’s fertility affects the equation also , as does your ability to time sex with the ovulation window. Fortunately, you've got options if pregnancy isn’t happening.
Assisted reproduction
In some cases of abnormal semen quality, your doctor may suggest intrauterine insemination (IUI). At the time of ovulation, you supply sperm during a cup that’s then washed and concentrated. Next, the sperm is placed within the uterus employing a long, flexible tube.
If your sperm count is extremely low, in vitro fertilization (IVF) could also be a far better option. during this procedure, doctors give the feminine partner certain drugs to develop healthy eggs and retrieve the mature eggs surgically.
Meanwhile, sperm are often collected before time and frozen, or supplied fresh the day of fertilization. Your doctor fertilizes the eggs during a lab then transfers healthy embryos into the uterus to implant. This whole process takes around 3 weeks to finish .
While this assisted reproductive technology is that the best , it’s also the foremost invasive and expensive. consistent with Planned Parenthood, one cycle of IVF can cost $15,000 or more.
The takeaway
Couples can get pregnant with low sperm count. it's going to just take longer than you originally expected, and it's going to require seeing a doctor to ascertain how you'll improve your sperm quality.
Regardless, if you think you've got a problem , make a meeting together with your doctor. That way, you'll get a far better picture of just how low your count could be , what treatments are available, and whether you would like to explore options like or IVF to grow your family.
If your low sperm count is caused by an underlying health condition, your doctor also can assist you get the treatment you would like to alleviate the other symptoms you’re experiencing.
If you need more information about low sperm count low sperm count symptoms and causes and etc. You can go to this blog.
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itsmotherhood-blog · 4 years
Popular Infertility treatments offered in India & their Success Rates!
Infertility problem that affects people both physically and emotionally. Infertility is basically a condition where male and female facing issues in getting pregnant or even unable to conceive naturally. All around the world many couples are suffering from infertility issues. With the advanced technology of reproductive medicine can now be resolved and successfully treated any kind of infertility issues. India serves as the new hub for advanced fertility treatments and we have the best fertility centers that are providing word-class and professional medical care at affordable prices. Apart from various qualitative fertility treatments, India, and especially fertility centers in Hyderabad are the most preferred destinations to take up various advanced reproductive technology. 
If you consider the best fertility centre in Hyderabad then Motherhood is the perfect pick for any infertile couple who want to seek the best treatment and care. Motherhood fertility centre in Hyderabad is the most promising infertility treatment destination for a wide range of patients who are suffering from varied kinds of infertility issues. We are one of the most reputed fertility hospitals in Hyderabad where our fertility treatments are within your budget and also available world-class surgical facilities, technologically advanced labs. As the best fertility centre in Hyderabad, we provide superior quality medical care and service operations with the help of hands-on experienced infertility specialists. 
As the leading fertility hospital in Hyderabad, we nurture reproductive health and assisted fertilization services and our services portfolio involves popular and effective fertility treatments such as IUI, IVF, ICSI, surrogacy, egg donation, cryopreservation, and others too. The topmost fertility center in Hyderabad prioritizes patients and provides a relaxed, caring, and supportive environment. Our infertility specialists well-understand regarding your sensitive emotions involved in your fertility treatment and promise complete privacy regarding your information. 
Two famous fertility treatments offered in India
A wide range of factors nad positive outcomes is what making India as one of the prominent fertility hubs in the world. Our Infertility Doctors in Hyderabad contribute the most and making fertility treatment possible and successful for most of the infertile couples. 
IVF---IVF has gained huge popularity across the world due to its high success rates concerning the occurrence of pregnancy. We do have several IVF centers in Hyderabad where advanced IVF treatment is being performed by the experienced infertility specialists who are qualified in the field of genetics and embryo culture. 
Modern laboratory equipment and advanced tools of IVF centers in Hyderabad are used to perform the treatment. The embryos are being developed in contamination-free medical labs of fertility centers in Hyderabad with extreme care and under the guidance of experienced embryologists.  Later the process takes place inside the uterus of the female patient. 
The IVF has the highest success rates compared to other fertility solutions. This success also depends on various other factors such as age, lifestyle habits, family history, and others. Simply, the success rate of IVF is inversely proportional to the age of the women. 
The IUI in India is carried out with extreme care and precision. Motherhood IUI fertility center in Hyderabad performs IUI when the male partner’s sperms are not sufficient or even they are low motile in nature. Both male and female partners have to go through some basic necessary tests at the IUI fertility center in Hyderabad to determine the exact cause of the treatment. age affects the success rates of the IUI procedure. Whereas this procedure is higher in younger women.
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curraehospitals · 4 years
What Is Reproductive Therapy
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Center head : Good evening all, myself Center head. And I would like to welcome Dr. Garima Sharma. We are having, rather we are facing so many misconceptions and myths regarding the assisted reproductive therapy or the treatment, and for the same thing like clearing all our doubts about it, Dr. Garima is here. So, I again welcome Dr. Garima Sharma.
Dr. Garima: Thank you Center head. So, welcome all of you back. I am Dr. Garima Sharma, Consultant Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Specialist, attached to Currae Hospital. So, as very rightly said by Center head, there are a few general queries, myths, which are related to day to day procedures of ART, specifically IUI. So, we decided to let’s try to do justice in clearing all the doubts and myths and also bring about the various facts that are related to a very simplified treatment, which is called us intrauterine insemination. Thank you once again, Center head, for inviting me for this.
Center head: Thank you, Garima. Basically, we hear the word IUI, it is a very common word nowadays, so I would like to know like what exactly IUI means and who needs IUI.
Dr. Garima: Okay, so IUI basically stands for intrauterine insemination. So, as the very name suggests, the meaning is there in its name; intra meaning your inside, uterine is the uterine cavity, and insemination is installation. This is the procedure whereby the semen sample is prepared and this prepared sample is instilled into the uterine cavity of the female partner, using a very fine catheter. And this is done usually around the time of ovulation of the female and this is a day care procedure, which does not require any anaesthesia.
Center head: That’s so nice, but then how does it work, I mean how does IUI increase the chances of pregnancy?
Dr. Garima: Yeah, so before coming onto that question, it is imperative for us to understand who actually are the candidates or who are the couples who would require this kind of a modality.
Center head: Right.
Dr. Garima: So to list a few ones would be a couple where there is a mild male factor in terms of mild derangement in the semen parameters, whereby the count is affected or the motility or the morphology or a combination of them. Another couple who would benefit from IUI would be those who have unexplained infertility. So, when I use this word, ‘unexplained infertility’, these are the couples who basically have everything normal. When you investigate them in terms of biochemical profile, the ultrasound assessment, the semen parameters, the tubal patency has been ensured, but despite taking certain normal or the basic fertility treatments, they have not been able to achieve pregnancy, so this subset would definitely benefit from IUI. There are other couples: in few cases like females with minimal-to-mild endometriosis; couples facing issues with coital problem, this is something which we are seeing day-to-day, particularly with the working class whereby the couples have a travelling job, the couples don’t get time to meet during the ovulatory phase or because of the stress-related issues, there are certain erectile issues which these couples face. Another subset would be typically PCOS females who have undergone you know those basic fertility, ovulation induction treatments and still they have not been able to achieve pregnancy. So, these would be a few indications where I would recommend IUI as a treatment option for fertility management. So now, addressing to your next question, how does IUI… so I would not say how does IUI bring about success, I would say how does IUI optimize your pregnancy rate over and above the natural conception or the basic fertility management.
Center head: Right, right.
Dr. Garima: The idea is you are using a prepared sample and why do you need to prepare that, you tend to increase the intensity or the density of the motile sperm count and also you want to remove the seminal plasma which basically contains certain antigens that are detrimental to the success of the fertility treatment. Secondly, when I do an IUI, I said that the sample is instilled directly into the uterine cavity, so the idea is you want to bypass all those negative barriers which these sperms face at the level of the cervix.
Center head: Right.
Dr. Garima: Also, by this procedure, you are actually reducing the distance that now the sperm has to go and meet the egg in order to achieve the pregnancy. And last of all, because the timing is around the ovulation, so you are increasing the chance that the sperm meets the egg at the right time and that’s how all these four mechanisms will optimize your pregnancy chances.
Center head: So, it’s like assisting the sperms to just go…
Dr. Garima: Exactly, you are… it’s a…
Center head: Yeah, right.
Dr. Garima: It’s a kind of a supernatural you know intercourse, whereby we are pushing this sperm to reach its destination.
Center head: That’s very nice. Are there any conditions where IUI cannot be done or it is contraindicated and all that?
Dr. Garima: Again, this is a very gray area, but there would be two conditions where I would say straight no to an IUI: one where the female has you know blocked fallopian tubes, both of them are affected, and secondly with the severe male factor that is severe reduction in the sperm count, motility and the morphology. Other parameters like severe endometriosis, prolonged duration of marriage, IUIs can be attempted but with little less success rates.
Center head: Okay. So, it seems it’s like very useful procedure, but then like, does the female patient, like she has to undergo various investigations before IUI or the male partner has to… like what are the investigations?
Dr. Garima: So per se, for the procedure of IUI, you don’t need any specific investigations because most of these couples are already investigated for the same. So, we clinicians have a checklist whereby we ascertain that your ovarian function, the endometrial thickness on an ultrasound, tubal patency, and the semen parameters have been ascertained and then we go about the IUI.
Center head: Okay. Can be like just enlist few factors which might increase the success rate of IUI?
Dr. Garima: Okay, so there are huge… there are a couple of factors which determine your success rate, so I would broadly classify them into two categories. There would be factors which are static that is they are just there and you cannot do anything about them, so to enlist them would be age, like age of the female more than 35, a prolonged duration of infertility which is counted as more than 5 years of infertility, severe endometriosis or severe male factor as the cause of infertility, and higher BMI generally considered as greater than 30 kg/ meter square for the Indian population. Now, these are static factors whereby you cannot make much changes except for yes, of course, for BMI, you can still ensure weight loss regimes. But for the other factors, the IUI success rates are little lower. Now, coming on to the dynamic factors which we clinicians can do, so as to improve our success over in terms of pregnancy rates, would be what kind of a cycle do you want to do, you want to stimulate the ovaries or you want to take it a natural cycle. If you are stimulating the ovaries, how many follicles do you actually target during your stimulation, the semen parameters, the way of preparing the semen sample, the timing of the IUI, number of IUI attempts that you would advocate or advice to the couple before resorting on to the further advanced technologies, the luteal phase support, whether to consider a single IUI or double IUI, so these factors generally in the hands of a clinician can improve your IUI success rates when done properly.
Center head: All right. So as you said, like the ovulatory what we say like stimulation, is it like mandatory?
Dr. Garima: So, I would not say ovulation induction is mandatory, you can attempt a natural cycle IUI but this is of benefit to those females where the issue is with the male partner and all the investigations or all the tests for the females are okay. In other subset, we prefer doing minimal ovarian stimulation and this rationally attached to it. So the idea is that you want to have one or two follicles so as to improve your pregnancy chances and also this minimal stimulation will take care of your subtle periovulatory defects, which are not predictable on the routine investigations. So by these two techniques, the minimal stimulation improves your chances a little better compared to doing a natural cycle IUI.
Center head: Okay, but this ovary stimulation must be requiring some drugs, some medications?
Dr. Garima: Of course, yes.
Center head: So, like do those medications have side effects?
Dr. Garima: So, when we talk about the medications that we use to stimulate the ovaries, the idea is it’s very minimal stimulation that is to be considered in cases of IUI, because you want to form maximum of two follicles, thereby maximizing your pregnancy chances and simultaneously you want to prevent the multiple pregnancies. So, the drugs can be either oral or injectables. The short-term side effects are seen when it’s an unsupervised stimulated cycle, so you can have side effects like multiple pregnancy or hyperstimulated ovaries. So, a proper care and supervision during the procedure of stimulation is mandatory. Otherwise, there are not many significant long-term side effects attached to these medications.
Center head: That’s great. During IUI, we just covered the ovary part. Coming towards semen part, so what are the factors that will influence on the IUI procedure, like the semen factors?
Dr. Garima: Okay, so that’s one, the cornerstone, which determines your success rate. They are not defined cut-off points, which I would say that you know, beyond this, you will have a success rate, and below this, IUI will not work. However, through various scientific evidences that we have, we have certain threshold limits whereby we say, “Okay, if the values are above these threshold limits, you definitely benefit with your IOI and if the values are little lower compared to, in comparison to these threshold limits, the success rate diminishes.” So, basically talking about these factors, we take into regard four factors, the first one is you want to check the total sperm count in the native sample that the husband or the male partner gives, and the cut-off we take is 10 million per ml. The next one you want to assess is the total motility in that native sample and the motility threshold is greater than equal to (=>) 30%. Another important factor is the inseminating motile count, that is having prepared your semen sample, how much fraction of the motile count do you get, and generally, it is regarded that greater than equal to ( =>) 1 million is the count which is required for an IUI to be successful. And last of all, we don’t have to forget about the morphology that is the make of these sperms, so that has to be more than equal to 4% when ascertained by the strict criteria, this is basically the international WHO Guidelines, which have laid down certain paranorms to see the sperm morphology. Over here, I want to emphasize on the role of an andrologist, what we forget about is how important andrologist is, who gives us the semen sample which is going to determine your IUI success rates. Only those andrologists who have been trained and certified to assess the semen sample as per the WHO criteria are the ones which should be working in the Certified Fertility Centers.
Center head: That’s really a difficult job, I guess. You just mentioned in earlier, your lines, that the semen sample which you will be collecting, I mean it needs a wash.
Dr. Garima: Yeah.
Center head: So, why that wash is needed?
Dr. Garima: See, when you are using a native sample, okay, the problem with the native sample is: one, it can sometimes induce pelvic infection when instilled directly into the uterine cavity, and secondly, because the seminal plasma is still there, this seminal plasma has certain substances like prostaglandins, which are going to irritate the uterus resulting into uterine contractions and therefore reduced success rates. So it’s always imperative that you have to use a washed, prepared semen sample for the process of intrauterine insemination.
Center head: And what is the time, best time rather, to go for IUI post hCG injections?
Dr. Garima: Generally speaking, 36 to 42 hours after your trigger injection is widely acceptable norm, and there is no specific time limit that you have to do it at this particular hour, so 36 to 42 hours window is acceptable.
Center head: And once the sample is collected, like how long one can wait?
Dr. Garima: It’s better that you inseminate it as soon as the sample is ready, but then we say that for any XYZ reasons, if there is some delay, the delay should not be more than 2 hours, and during this particular period, the ambient environment which is required for the semen sample, that is in terms of your temperature, CO2 and pH, everything should be maintained.
Center head: You mentioned about single IUI and double IUI, so what is it and whether like double IUI is more beneficial for the treatment?
Dr. Garima: Yeah, I purposefully brought this question over here because there is a notion, “yeh dil mange more,” so you know, double IUI means better but the answer to it is “No.” The role of double IUI is only and only in certain cases where there is a severe male factor and the couple is not ready to go ahead with the advanced ART Technologies. In this condition, the second sample is taken immediately like within first 1 to 3 hours after collecting the first sample, and the idea is you just want to pool the sample so that you can have the maximum yield of the motile sperms and also it has been seen in these men, the second sample gives you little bit of motile sperm count. However, for any other condition, it’s the single IUI which gives you the success rate as good as the double IUI. The double IUI would only add the cost without giving anything much to it.
Center head: So, I think you have more transparent doctor, as the treatment part is… that’s really great.
Dr. Garima: No, it is, I think that’s important.
Center head: Yeah, that is very important. Another question that comes into my mind like, how many times one should go for these IUI cycles and/or then then when can move towards further treatment part?
Dr. Garima: Yeah, so again very important and a very practical question that has been brought into the picture is usually we recommend good 3 to 4 consecutive, stimulated IUI cycles before recommending any other advanced fertility management for these couples.
Center head: Okay. Another very common question which comes to the females mind is like if I am working then how much time should I take leave, how much bed rest is required, and all those things.
Dr. Garima: So bed rest, again big “No.”
Center head: Oh!
Dr. Garima: So, any prolonged immobilization or bed rest is not advisable. You have to remember, uterine cavity is a potential space, it’s a closed cavity, once we have inseminated the sample, you jump, you walk, the sample is not going to come out; so you are very well fit to go back to your work and resume your activities. Yes, of course, we do tell the female, not to go ahead with the weight-bearing exercises but her life continues the way it was before coming on to the IUI table.
Center head: That is really awesome, I mean really great tool. You said multiple pregnancy…
Dr. Garima: Yeah.
Center head: So, how much is the risk of multiple pregnancy?
Dr. Garima: So, if I am doing a natural cycle IUI, the risk is negligible. The risk averages between 5-15% depending on what drugs are you using to stimulate the ovaries. So as I said earlier also, any stimulated cycle has to be very well supervised because you want to avoid multiple pregnancy rates and simultaneously you don’t want to compromise on your pregnancy success rates.
Center head: Okay. So, as we said, like there are chances of multiple pregnancy or whatever, the babies who are born after IUI, so do we expect any abnormalities or anything like that?
Dr. Garima: Right… yeah, so that’s a question which worries any couple…
Center head: Yes.
Dr. Garima: …because at the end of the day, you want to take the healthy baby back home. So fortunately, all the scientific evidences that have been done so far, have said that IUI per se as a procedure does not cause any kind of birth defect or developmental delays in the baby. However, whatever pregnancy complications we see are mainly because of the multiple pregnancies rather than because of procedure per se, so you monitor the cycle well and avoid multiple pregnancies.
Center head: Right. So, like after hearing all these things, can we say that IUI is 100% successful?
Dr. Garima: There is no 0 and there is no 100% when we talk about any fertility treatments, starting from the basic fertility treatments to as high as IVF policies. When I talk about the success rates per cycle in an IUI treatment, the success rate averages between 15-25% based on all the parameters that I have discussed. So on an average when I say that good 3 to 4 consecutive cycles are advisable, roughly by the end of the 4th cycle, we expect 55-60% of the females getting pregnant, it can be the 1st cycle, 2nd, 3rd, or the 4th, which I cannot predict. But by the 4th cycle, if the female does not get pregnant, it is high time to move to the next line of management or to look out for other roadblocks for your fertility success.
Center head: Okay. So, I think we broadly heard about IUI and we learned so many things. So, what is the take-home message?
Dr. Garima: So, IUI is a very simple technique.
Center head: Yeah.
Dr. Garima: It’s non-invasive, quite cost effective, very minimal stimulation is required and therefore minimal monitoring is required. And side effects related to ovarian hyperstimulation and multiple pregnancy are also low So as a result of all these modalities, it’s quite a couple of friendly and quite a couple compliant modality of infertility regimes that we have to date. So IUI when done properly does bring us good success rates.
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