the-soobin-network · 4 years
perfectly perfect | choi soobin (extra#1)
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the one where he gets jealous
➴ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader ➴ Word Count: 1.2k ➴ Rating: G ➴ Genre: Highschool!au, Jock!Soobin, fluff, established relationship!au
a/n: this an extra part of my series Perfectly Perfect. It happens after everything. Please check it out, as well as the collaborative series ARCADIA ACADEMY, which Perfectly Perfect a part of. I just got so much feels from Popular Jock Soobin from the Drama MV i just had to.
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“I think it would turn out better if we distribute these like—-“
“Like this, babe?”
“Perfect,” Y/N smiled, nodding satisfactorily. “and stop calling me babe. Do we even have enough brochures?”
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
Run Away | Prologue
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It is so much easier to get people to hate something than to believe. Part of the Grimoire Series
➴ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader ➴ Rating: R-16 ➴ Word Count: 1.1k ➴ Genre: Twisted Fairytales, Yandere ➴ Trigger Warning: Death, mild making out, massacres. Like a lot. Betrayal and deception to the nth level
a/n: this just the prologue, so no warnings for this but the actual oneshot is gonna be one big ball of disaster.
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In the middle of the night, nobody expected there to be such a ruckus in the palace castles.
A princess, decked out in commoners’ clothes with dirt and mud on the hem of her dress, cursed and mumbled as she was forcefully brought to her room.
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
👓 seesaw 🕶
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↳ Pairing: Yeonjun/Soobin (?) x Reader
↳ word count: 2.5k words
↳ rating: uhhhhhhhhhhhh PG-16
↳ genre: fluff, this is so cheesy and cliche, lil cringe, light smut bro 😭 let y/n have her sexc time, jayce is going to die today by the hands of her anons.
↳ trigger warning: panic attack not explicitly mentions but described a little (it’s the scene they’re acting), bIG ANGST, sadness and pining. 
Special Note: To the people who I told that Serendipity is the title of my written chapter, and then was told: “I lied, Serendipity is not the title of my written chapter” after a few hours,,,, surprise!! ❤️ i lied again. it is. It’s like Taehyun, half of the things I say are real while the rest is bullshit. I love living like this.
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
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↳ after a heartbreak you find yourself in a small town looking for purpose. you find employment with Choi Soobin and his impressive ancestral home. when you start to fall in love again, there’s no way for you to predict what you find in the depths of the home and Soobin’s mind.
➤ hanahaki au, angst
Word Count:3,052
Warnings: drinking (reader gets shmashed), vomiting, reader is very hard on herself, crying, swearing, mentions of pain, mentions of surgery, arguments, anger, Soobin’s temper is short as hell,Soobin is probably hiding something, it’s getting really angsty guys
A/N: Here’s another Windflower chapter! I can’t believe I’m writing the fifth part of this already. I still love this series so much I can only hope all of you are liking it just as much!
Luckily, Soobin was much too caught up in worrying over your injury to realize the way you winced with every wrong movement. There was absolutely no way you could let him know that you were growing flowers for him. The best you could do for now was push him out of your room and try to give yourself some space. 
“Soobin,” you rested a gentle hand on his thigh as he rambled about his encounter with a rude teenage worker at the hardware store. “I think I’m gonna take a shower, okay?” 
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
Run Away | Grimoire Series
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It is so much easier to get people to hate something than to believe. Part of the Grimoire Series
➴ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader  ➴ Rating: R-16 ➴ Genre: Twisted Fairytales, Yandere ➴ Trigger Warning: Death, mild making out, massacres. Like a lot. Betrayal and deception to the nth level
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
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⇢twenty: I was so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.
⇢twenty one: because I love you, asshole!
⇢thirty five: please, shut up so I can kiss you.
[11:21 am]
You were skipping class with Soobin. Again. No, it was by no means the best idea, but the two of you could only take so many Shakespearean writing lectures every few weeks. So instead you holed up together in his surprisingly clean dorm room and squeezed onto his twin bed to watch television together. Some days, it was nice just to take a break from the world and lay down next to your best friend. It was even nicer when your best friend looked and acted the way he always did. While you had put on your favorite show and settled into his chest, Soobin scrolled through Tik Tok with his sound on low, trailing lazy fingers through your already messy hair. 
“I can change the show, if you want?” You offered, feeling bad that you were essentially taking up his TV for a show he wasn’t interested in. A deep coo fell from his lips and he gazed down at you. 
“It’s okay, I know you love this show. Plus, the skipping was my idea this week so you can pick the show. When you force me to skip physics next week so that we can go to dinner together it’ll be my turn to pick the show.” 
You chuckled at him and snuggled further into the fresh scent of his hoodie, one that you’d gotten him for his birthday. 
“As if I’d ever have to force you into skipping physics.” Clearly not liking being called out, Soobin just huffed and went back to his scrolling until his stomach let out a growl that was only amplified by your close proximity.
Giggling, you poked at him through his sweatshirt and heard him whine in embarrassment as you put on your best high pitched voice that you would normally use on animals. 
“Hello Soobin’s tummy! Are you hungry?” Soobin covered his face and began pleading with you to stop, which only urged you on even more. “Did he forget to eat breakfast again? How rude! How about we ask him if he’d like to go get some lunch?” As if the organ were actually listening, it grumbled again and Soobin actually whined out loud at the sound. 
“Okay, we’ll go get lunch!” You declared, bouncing off of his bed and going for the door without even consulting him. 
“Hey, where are you-” he began, scrambling to smooth down his hair that had been mussed up from the pillows. 
“Bathroom!” You called, giving him a placating wave before bounding out of the room. 
When you returned, he was mostly dressed, just fussing over the laces of his shoes at his desk chair. You waited patiently but couldn’t help but notice the odd way his hands seemed to fumble. 
“Are you okay?” You took a step forward to see if you could detect anything else. Maybe he was feeling sick and the stomach grumbles you mistook for hunger were pain? 
“I’m-” his head rose and you noticed just how close the two of you were. Maybe six inches remained between the two of you. He licked his lips and you held on to the worry that he was sick for a few more seconds until you felt his lips press against yours. You wanted to back away, panic and ask him what the hell he was doing but the only thing your mind could process was the shock and pleasure of him kissing you suddenly. Once the rest of your brain caught up, you pushed against his chest and halted his movements. Soobin’s entire face was flushed as he bit into his now swollen bottom lip. 
“I saw a Tik Tok thing where you like…kiss your best friend and see if they…like you back?” You saw his mouth moving, but the time it took to hear and process the words seemed delayed. Before you could come up with a good response, you gingerly touched your fingers to your lips. They felt different, good. But Soobin took your silence the wrong way and began to panic. 
“Oh god. I knew this would end badly. I was so stupid,” he took three huge steps back from you, as if your body was radiating harmful waves. “I was so stupid to fall in love with my best friend.” His voice was fragile, and although the last sentence was certainly meant for only himself to hear, you took personal offense. 
“Don’t call yourself stupid, Soobin,” you took a step forward to close the gap, “because then, by proxy, I’m stupid too. And you know I hate being called stupid.” You saw his eyes light up as he began to get the undercurrent of your words. “And I’m not stupid because I love you, asshole.” The need to see him smile and lift the tension out of his hunched shoulders had you throwing in the out of place curse. 
“Well I wasn’t sure if you…you know, felt that way. I’ve been sitting on this for months, Y/N and I was so scared you would hate me and I would lose you and then college would suck and who would share a pint of ice cream with me at 3 am and then-” He stopped his nervous rambling at the feeling of your hand on his cheek. You gave him a small, reassuring pat as you settled right in front of him.
“Please. Stop talking so I can kiss you.”
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
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⇢ninety six: just hold my hand, please.
⇢seventy eight: stay, for me.
[8:30 pm]
You stared at the movie Yeonjun was hovering over on the screen, horrified. When Soobin had invited you over for a movie night with the rest of the boys, you were excited for the time to relax and unwind. Now, the oldest boy was laughing manically over the fact that he had won the heated game of rock paper scissors that allowed him to pick a movie. This movie. A horror film that you had seen one time before and swore you would never watch again. You squirmed in your spot on the floor padded with comforters and blankets and leaned your face into Soobin’s shoulder. 
“Soob,” you whispered, “I don’t like this movie.” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes even though you could already hear the beginning of it starting. He soothed down the hair on the crown of your head and kissed your forehead softly. 
“You’re not a scaredy cat, are you?” he was obviously teasing you just to get a rise, but even just the sound of the movie was ramping up your nerves. 
“Fine. Then I’ll just go home.” You were being stubborn, but you would have done just about anything to convey just how serious you were being. He was pouting immediately, hooking a finger under your chin to level your eyes with his. 
“Stay,” his deep eyes flicked between yours, “for me.” The sweet timbre of his voice began to crack away at your resolve. You knew that he had invited you over at this moment in an attempt to capitalize on his free time, and you felt horrible at the idea of leaving over a movie that spooked you. After a dramatic sigh you folded to the sweet look in his eyes. 
“Fine. But I still hate this movie,” you pushed your face back into the comfort of his chest as Beomgyu gasped at the beginning of the scenes that had gotten stuck in your head for weeks. Soobin sensed your tensed form and gathered you into his lap with ease. 
“Anything I can do for you? I would offer to take you into my room but all of my bedding is on the floor right now,” he managed to pull a quiet giggle from you as you hummed in thought. 
“Just hold my hand, please.” 
His fingers entwined with yours in seconds as you curled into the security of your boyfriend. You could bare the movie like this, you thought. 
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
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⇢seventy five: trust me, I know what I’m doing. mostly.
⇢ninety nine: isn’t this like, illegal?
[9:34 pm]
“Isn’t this like, illegal?” your voice was barely a whisper as you watched Soobin jiggle a key into the locked gate before pushing it open. He giggled softly before linking your hands and pulling you behind him gently.
“No! I told you I talked to my boss about it.” He lead you through a patch of well manicured grass until you came face to face with the sight of a large, sparkling in ground pool. Your eyes widened at the way the dim lighting highlighted the smooth surface of the water you couldn’t wait to disturb. For weeks you had been bugging Soobin to get you into the fancy country club he worked at so that you could take a break from the oppressive summer heat.
Tonight, he had finally managed to convince his boss to let him in after hours so that the two of you could have a late night swim. You dipped a single toe into the pool and squealed in excitement. Soobin’s nose scrunched with a laugh as he lifted his shirt over his head and eased himself into the pool. From his lower vantage point he watched you take off your outer layers until you were finally ready to hop in the pool beside him. A wide grin split his face and you couldn’t stop yourself from mirroring the same look.
“Come on in!” He opened his arms wide in a clear invitation. You took a second to look up at the wonderfully starry sky and try to hide a smile at the pure joy your boyfriend was radiating. “I’ll catch you,” he cooed, wiggling his fingers in the same grabby hands motion that toddlers use when they want picked up.
“And I’m supposed to believe you’ll catch me?”
“Trust me. I know what I’m doing!” Soobin shuffled closer to the edge of the pool, seeming to judge the distance between your spot on the hard edge of the pool and where he was standing in the rippling water. His eyes shuffled back and forth several times before he seemed to find a spot that he deemed would be the best for actually catching you from the air. He let out a nervous chuckle.
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
Hi! I’m Rina (@btxtreads). My ult is TXT and my bias is Soobin, though I do constantly get bias-wrecked by other members from time to time. I like coffee, BTS, and dystopian stuff. Which is why I write a lot about end-of-the-world, magic thingies. I love Social Media AUs, so I write them a lot. I create a lot of Soobin imagines of different kinds. In joining this server, I hope to share my passion for writing and TXT to everyone. 
Nice to meet you all and hoping to share a lot of good memories with you!
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
Hello! I’m Blu, aka @yawnjunie. I like reading, writing, watching dramas, and giffing. Most of all, I like making txt-related content and supporting our boys with fellow moas. 
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
We would like to apologize for the delay on our second round of acceptances! We have been super busy but we are both getting our feet back on the ground to keep the blog up to date! Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work harder and make the network better!
-The Admins
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
We as admins would like to thank everyone who applied! Please keep in mind that if you were not accepted this round, there will plenty more chances to become a member in the future.
Below are the users who have been accepted to the network as new members!!
We are so excited to welcome you into the network family, and can’t wait to see how you bloom.
Please follow the rules below in order to confirm your place as a member.
Reblog this post.
Link our network somewhere on your blog ( We’ve already showcased you on ours! :D ).
DM any of our wonderful admins for the discord link if you haven’t already received it.
This round has been accounted for on our events section on our blog (that’s on PC view), and the next round will be uploaded to the events section once the admins settle on a date. Keep an eye on this if you’re going to apply again. For now, that is all. Again, thank you to everyone who applied and for those of you who were accepted, we’re thrilled to have you!
- The Admins.
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
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Soobin x reader
Genre: fluff, a little angst in this one, reader catching feelings 👀, hanahaki!au
Word Count:3,945
Warnings: swearing, mentions of an injury (nothing serious), I didn’t proof read (surprise!)
A/N: here’s the long awaited (by some) part 4 of Windflower! I’m getting really excited about this as we’re reaching somewhat of a turning point. I cannot wait to see your reactions to the twists in the coming chapters hehe. Anyway I hope you enjoy & leave feedback if you want to!
If you had thought the humidity the day you arrived in town was bad, you definitely were not ready for the sweltering heat that permeated the air today. You had awoken surprisingly early and found that the sun was shining in vibrant rays into your room. In your drowsy state you had enjoyed the heat, even curling deeper under your covers as your body surfaced back into reality. If you listened close enough, you could hear birds chirping outside through the closed windows and you briefly wondered if you should spend the whole day cuddled up with your pillow. The silk sheets could only shield you from the radiating heat for so long, though. Soon enough, the gentle heat that had caressed you awake settled into your skin and made you feel suffocated. Flinging your sheets off only gave you a bit of relief as you realized that there was almost no cool air in your room. Upon peeking outside, you noticed no evidence of the gentle summer breeze you had come to love. Every single plant in the yard stood still as the sun beat down on them. Sweat was beading on your forehead and the back of your neck in uncomfortable patches as you headed for the bathroom. Thankfully, the tiles were cold under your feet, and the small relief washed through your entire body.
You started the water for a cold shower, hoping to drive away the heat that the day had already provided as early as 8am. As small droplets of water splashed onto your skin, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the kind of weather you should come to expect from the tiny town. You decided you’d have to ask Soobin once he got up. 
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒔𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 .· 。˚✩
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→ hugging you a little longer than usual
→ getting food after practice ends and telling him about how proud you are and how amazing he is
→ burying your head into the crook of his neck
→ when he watches you work on something and sees how concentrated and driven you are - it makes him inspired to be a better boyfriend for you
→ running back for one more hug
→ feeling his heart swell seeing you and his members bond so easily
→ when you stop ranting to ask if you’re being annoying, but there’s no way you can annoy him because everything you do is so adorable
→ when he’s having a bad day and as soon as you’re in his arms, all his worries seem to go away and he couldn’t be happier
→ calling him when something exciting happens, knowing that he’s the first person you want to tell
→ simply talking but getting lost in each other’s eyes
→ being in a crowded place but making it seem like you two are in your own little world
→ when you’re on facetime and not one word is spoken but you can’t stop smiling at each other and neither of you know why but it just feels so right
→ sharing a song with him and remembering to play it the next time you’re together
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
Apartment 370
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Soobin x reader
Genre: enemies to lovers!au, neighbors!au, arguments, petty behavior, swearing, fluff
Word Count: 3,062
Requested?: yes
Warnings: none really other than swearing and Soobin kind of being an ass. I also didn’t proof read or edit this, as per usual.
A/N: To be honest I’m feeling a little unsure about this? I loved the concept and I’m very glad that a lovely follower requested it but I feel like lately all of my writing has started out really well and then just got progressively worse? Like all of the endings I write are just kind of lame? Just a weird insecurity I’ve been encountering lately. So please leave me some feedback on what you think about this!
You loved your apartment. It was small, but just right for you to live in. The shower had hot water, your bedroom had a beautiful window for your plants to sit on and the wifi connection was always working well. You even only had to travel up two flights of stairs if your elevator stopped working. There were a lot of pros to living at your complex. But there was one, massive, glaring and obnoxiously loud con. Choi Soobin. When he had moved in next to you, you tried to be nice. You knocked on his door and introduced yourself; making some kind of lame joke about borrowing sugar. 
He didn’t laugh. He just introduced himself back and apologized for not having any sugar. Apologized? Had he really missed the joke that bad? Your delivery had been impeccable. Despite his charming face and annoyingly adorable style, you decided there was no way you could be friends with someone who didn’t understand a classic joke. 
Soobin must have decided there was a reason he didn’t like you either, because just about a week into being neighbors he began to wreak havoc. He played music as loud as it possibly could be at the weirdest times of the day and yelled at his television way too much no matter what he was watching. It seemed like every day you had to storm over and knock on his door to complain. This went on for weeks until he finally agreed to stop when you threatened to involve your burly landlord in the matter. 
For a few days, you enjoyed peace and quiet. You came and went from work without seeing him, took naps in silence and remembered how it felt to cook in your own kitchen without the sound of a twenty something year old man screaming at reruns of Survivor as background music. 
As they say, ignorance is bliss, because little did you know Soobin’s silence was about to erupt into a new, massive volcano of stupidity. One night you woke up around 4 am to the sound of scratching coming from the wall that connected your and Soobin’s bedrooms. You were already annoyed at the fact that you had to be up at 7am to pick up an early shift for your slacking coworker, so you didn’t have it in you to just roll over and go back to bed. You couldn’t have if you wanted to anyway because the scratching noises were only getting more and more persistent. You flung yourself out of bed with a groan. Pets were allowed here, and it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that Soobin had gotten a cat who decided to be a little extra scratchy. 
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
Hi! I'm Miya, the crackhead behind @startxtline. I feel happy when I write especially for TXT despite that I get lazy sometimes. I'm glad to be accepted in the network and I also hope that you'll like my content, let's continue to love and support TXT!
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the-soobin-network · 4 years
Hello! I’m Kat aka as @bloomingjun on tumblr. My pronouns are she/her. I’m a Scorpio, my favorite beverage is Sprite, and this is my favorite emoji -> ✨
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