#any borges gif icons
dan6085 · 1 year
The Star Trek universe is a vast and complex science fiction universe that has been explored across multiple TV series, films, and other media. At its core, the Star Trek universe is centered around the idea of humanity's exploration of space and its encounters with new civilizations and technologies. Here are some key aspects of the Star Trek universe:
Federation: The United Federation of Planets is a coalition of planets and species that serves as the primary governing body in the Star Trek universe. The Federation is committed to peaceful exploration and cooperation with other civilizations, while also defending itself against threats.
Starfleet: Starfleet is the space exploration and defense organization of the Federation. Its members are trained to operate starships, explore new worlds, and defend the Federation against threats.
Alien species: The Star Trek universe is home to a wide variety of alien species, many of which have become important characters in the franchise. Some of the most well-known species include the Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, Ferengi, and Borg.
Starships: The Star Trek universe features a wide variety of starships, ranging from small shuttlecraft to massive starbases. These ships are equipped with advanced technology, such as warp drives, transporters, and replicators.
Technology: The Star Trek universe features many advanced technologies that are central to the franchise's narratives. Some of the most well-known technologies include the transporter, which can instantaneously move people and objects across vast distances, and the replicator, whichcan create almost any object or material from raw matter.
Time travel: Time travel is a recurring theme in the Star Trek universe, with characters frequently traveling through time to fix historical events or prevent disasters. The franchise also explores the idea of alternate timelines and parallel universes.
Exploration: The Star Trek universe is centered around the idea of exploration and discovery. Characters often travel to new worlds and encounter new civilizations, learning about their cultures and customs along the way.
Philosophy: The Star Trek universe also explores a range of philosophical ideas, including ethics, morality, and the nature of humanity. The franchise often poses thought-provoking questions about the nature of existence and the role of technology in society.
The Star Trek universe has spawned numerous TV series, films, books, comics, and video games, and has become a cultural phenomenon with a devoted fanbase. Its enduring appeal lies in its optimistic vision of the future, its exploration of complex themes and ideas, and its colorful cast of characters who have become beloved icons of popular culture.
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gigiofrph · 4 years
By clicking  here, you’ll find 150 gif icons of the brazilian digital influencer Any Borges. All these gifs  were created by me ;; so don’t steal them, claim them as your own or include them in other hunt. I will be grateful if you like it or if you think it is useful!!
Clicando aqui, você encontrará 150 gif icons da digital influencer brasileira Any Borges. Todos esses gifs foram criados por mim;; portanto, não os roube, os reivindique como seus ou inclua em outras hunt. Ficarei grata se você gostar ou reblogar se você achou útil !!
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wildishmazz · 4 years
The lost sons of “Picard”
The very first teaser trailer for 2020’s “Picard” ended with a hint of the iconic Ressikan flute theme from “Star Trek: The Next Generation”(TNG) episode “The Inner Light”. This classic episode featured Captain Picard experiencing an entire lifetime from a long lost civilisation, in which he lived as a man who - unlike Picard - married, and had two children. Patrick Stewart has named “The Inner Light” his favourite episode of TNG, on the basis that he got to work with his real-life son(Daniel Stewart, also an actor) in it. So by referring to this episode musically, the trailer seeded the idea(in a meta way) of sons being lost to another life, long gone.
The trailer released on the 18th of December, 2019, introduced us to this new face:
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He’s clearly a Borg drone, and one we’ve never seen before. Images of him appeared under a voiceover from Picard, the words “I was haunted by my past, but now I have a mission”. Single frames of this new drone alternated with single frames of long-established and beloved TNG character Data.
Now, I’m no media studies buff, but I’m pretty sure that when you have 750 frames(at 25 frames per second) to make a teaser for an upcoming show, you don’t waste any of them giving full-screen close-ups to irrelevancies. And you wouldn’t interleave a major character with an unimportant one at such a speed that they almost blur together; equal screen time gives them equal weight. This teaser gives this new character equal importance to Data, as well as positioning them on opposite sides of the screen so that they appear to be having a quickfire conversation. That’s pretty high billing. Initially, it looked like he was supposed to be Locutus, the Borg drone Picard became in TNG’s “The Best of Both Worlds”. That was a time in Picard’s life that left him scarred and traumatised; a haunting past. But Locutus looked like this:
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Note the different appliances stuck to his head. When you get a proper look at the new drone, one that lasts for longer than .4 of a second, you can see that he isn’t Patrick Stewart. He does bear a bit of a resemblance to him, enough that you might be forgiven for mistaking them as he flashed past; although not as much of a resemblance as he does to Daniel Stewart. He was hitherto unseen, but reminiscent enough to seem familiar, and his inclusion in the trailer implied that he was significant.
When the show aired, the full musical theme for the series took its melody from “The Inner Light” - but not the “Skye Boat Song”-inspired tune of the main title. It is built around a melody played by Batai, the son played by Daniel Stewart. The entire orchestral theme for the whole “Picard” series points back to the son Picard had in another life, when he was someone other than himself. It’s not just one instrument, one penny whistle dressed up as a Ressikan flute; it’s a whole orchestra playing the same tune, because Batai was not the only lost son.
Almost every major character(and some prominent supporting roles) in “Picard” had a lost or broken parent/son relationship as part of their tragic backstory.
Elnor(dubbed Romulegolas by tumblr the moment we saw him) was a child refugee, orphaned by the destruction of Romulus.
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He was raised by a sect of warrior nuns, with no father figure; except, for a while, Admiral Picard. Picard, whose protestations that he didn’t like children never really bore out, bonded with him. He read him “The Three Musketeers”. He taught him to fence. When he was suddenly called away by the destruction of the shipyards of Mars, he promised to return. He didn’t. Not for another 18 years. To Elnor, not only were his biological parents dead, but his surrogate father had abandoned him.
Seven of Nine lost her adopted son, Icheb.
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Icheb had come aboard Voyager many years before, the oldest of four prematurely activated Borg drones who, once rescued, were put into Seven’s care. She helped to deassimilate them, and rehabilitate them from mindless drones to independent individual children. Three of the four were dropped off on a planet in the Delta Quadrant with the family one of them had originally come from; but Icheb remained aboard all the way back to Earth. Icheb was murdered, broken down for his residual Borg implants piece by piece by a black market parts dealer; but worse than that, Seven had to perform the coup de grace herself, after he begged for death in her arms. She was just too late to save him.
Raffi Muziker lost her relationship with her son, Gabriel.
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She had fallen deep into conspiracy theories and substance abuse, so determined to prove her conviction that there was a Romulan conspiracy at play surrounding the Martian sabotage that she neglected her family until, eventually, they gave up on her. When she tracked down her son, and his pregnant wife Pel, he refused to reconcile with her. They remain estranged as of the end of the first season.
Cristóbal Rios lost a father figure, Captain Vandermeer of the Ibn Majid.
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Rios consciously thought of his captain as his father, going so far as to nickname him “Pops” in his head. Vandermeer was ordered by Starfleet to kill two passengers on his ship. He carried out this order, but then couldn’t live with the guilt and turned his phaser on himself. Rios had to clean up and cover up the whole affair, and was then discharged from Starfleet.
Deanna Troi lost two sons.
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The first, decades prior to “Picard”, was an alien consciousness who wanted to learn about the people on board the Enterprise by being born, living, and dying as one. While he only had her DNA(which raises some interesting implications about her own biology, but never mind that right now), and was definitely conceived without her consent, Ian Andrew Troi II was her son and she had every intention of keeping and raising him as such. Unfortunately, this was back in the days of syndication, so he died at the end of the episode. The second was Thaddeus, conceived the more traditional way with husband Will Riker. He got sick with a degenerative disease which might, perhaps, have been treatable had there not been a ban on synthetic lifeforms and the [technobabble] they could provide. The Troi-Riker family moved to the planet Nepenthe which, like the planet of the Ba’ku, had regenerative/healing properties. This was not enough to save his life.
Picard also lost Data.
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At the end of “Nemesis”, Data slapped a prototype site-to-site transport beacon onto Picard’s chest and activated it, before blowing up the ship he was on to destroy it and its crew, eliminating the threat of the Remans and Picard’s rapidly disintegrating clone Shinzon. Picard later described Data as being like a son to him. This came as something of a surprise to some TNG viewers who thought that maybe this should have been mentioned at some point in the last 33 years, but it was explicitly stated in “Picard”, so now we know. Picard also probably gets half a point for the death of his nephew, René Picard, in “Generations”, and for the “son” who showed up in TNG wanting to connect with him but turned out to be an unwitting fraud.
So, quick question:
What’s up with this guy?
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We have a thread of lost or damaged parent/son relationships running through almost every notable character in “Picard”. We have the musical reminiscence to the son Picard had in a different life he once lived, which still sometimes haunts him. We have a new Borg drone who looks uncannily like that real son, who could have been created from DNA the Borg still had from his days as Locutus, whose fate is unknown because after that(scenery-chompingly melodramatic) entrance above, in which Picard’s arrival on the Artifact seemed to trigger him to activate, we never saw him again.
Why was he not the resolution of the lost sons arc?
I suspect that at one time, he was. I suspect that, on the cutting room floor, there is a story about the Borg. A story in which, perhaps, a new Locutus was cloned and matured by the Borg, but the cube he was on got Admonished and he ended up in stasis for years. Several background actors were paid extra to look confused and say “Locutus?” when they saw Picard - that could have been indicative of the fact that as far as the deassimilated, former Borg drones they were playing were concerned, Locutus was supposed to be in suspended animation several dozen decks below them. It would have been cheaper and as effective for the final product to have them just stare at him, or double-take, and have the actor who was already being paid to speak explain “They still see Locutus”, so why spend the money?
Maybe because all of that investment in the Borg cube, that impressive CGI and extensive physical set, was originally for something more specific than the place where ingenue Soji just happened to start her story. Maybe the son of Locutus was supposed to wake up and start assimilating people, building up a micro-collective, and have to be stopped. Maybe interfacing with the cube and overruling him was the only way it could be done without killing him, and Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One, ended up being the only one who could do it. Maybe a certain character death, too pointless to be called tragic in the version we saw, would have happened for a good reason; or at least, have had an impact on the plot.
Perhaps, in this lost story, all the victims of lost or broken parent/son relationships discovered this drone, this Locutus 2.0, and came to a decision: not this one. This son will not die, will not be abandoned. This prodigal son will be brought back into the fold.
That’s my theory about the meaning and intention of the lost sons of “Picard”. They were pointing towards the lost son of Picard.
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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In celebration of Latine Heritage Month being September 15th-October 15th, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 250+ Afro Latine faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Marina Miranda (1932) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Petrona Martínez (1934) Afro Colombian - singer. 
Alaíde Costa (1935) Afro Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Elza Soares (1937) Afro Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Tia Surica (1940) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Neusa Borges (1941) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Dja Marthins (1943) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Leci Brandão (1944) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Susana Baca (1944) Afro Peruvian - singer-songwriter.
Zezé Motta (1944) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Maria Bethânia (1946) Afro Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Rosa Marya Colin (1946) Afro Brazilian - actress and singer.
Eva Ayllón (1956) Afro Peruvian - singer and composer.
Lauren Vélez (1964) Afro Puerto Rican - actress. 
Lorraine Vélez (1964) Afro Puerto Rican - actress. 
Rosie Perez (1964) Afro Puerto Rican - actress and singer. 
Judy Reyes (1967) Afro Dominican - actress. 
Melissa De Sousa (1967) Afro Panamanian - actress.
Gladys del Pilar (1967) Afro Ecuadorian - singer and dancer.
Gina Torres (1969) Afro Cuban - actress. 
Ebelin Ortiz (1971) Afro Peruvian - actress, singer, and tv presenter.
Ilia Calderón (1972) Afro Colombian - journalist. 
Tina Ferreira (1972) Uruguayan [Afro Uruguayan, Spanish, possibly other] - dancer, vedette, and journalist.
Trina (1974) Afro Dominican / Afro Bahamian - rapper and television personality.
Evelyn Lozada (1975) Afro Puerto Rican - tv personality and model. 
Aida Rodriguez (1977) Afro Puerto Rican, Afro Dominican - comedian. 
Brandi Quinones (1977) Afro-Cuban-Puerto Rican - model.
Sasha Campbell (1977) Afro Costa Rican - singer, journalist, broadcaster and television presenter.
Rico Nasty / Maria-Cecilia Simone Kelly (1997) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Taís Araújo (1978) Afro Brazilian - actress.
Grasie Mercedes (1978) Afro Dominican - actress. 
Alejandra Robles (1978) Afro Mexican - singer and dancer.
Dania Ramirez (1979) Afro Dominican - actress.
La La Anthony (1979) Puerto Rican [African, Spanish, possibly other] - tv personality. 
Tatyana Ali (1979) Afro Panamanian / Indo Trinidadian - actress and singer.
Bernice Burgos (1980) Afro Puerto Rican - model. 
Reagan Gomez-Preston (1980) African-American / Puerto Rican - actress.
Adriana Sage (1980) Afro Mexican - actress, model, and former porn actress.
Emayatzy Corinealdi (1980) Afro Panamanian / African-American - actress.
Ericka Cruz (1981) Afro Mexican - model and Nuestra Belleza Mexico 2001.
Christina Milian (1981) Cuban [African, some Spanish] - singer and actress.
Dascha Polanco (1982) Afro Domomican - actress. 
Goyo (1982) Afro Colombian - singer. 
Yaya DaCosta (1982) Afro Brazilian, African-American, Cherokee, Irish - actress and model.
Irina Castillo (1982) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: icastillow).
Johanna Santos Polanco (1983) Afro Mexican / Dominican - model.
Maluca (1983) Afro Dominican - singer.
Tessa Thompson (1983) Afro Panamanian / Mexican, Irish, Scottish, German, English - actress and singer-songwriter.
Karla Cubias (1983) Afro Salvadoran - singer.
Dolly Castro (1984) Afro Nicaraguan - instagrammer (missdollycastro).
Yamilka Pitre (1984) Afro Panamanian - singer.
Danay Suarez (1985) Afro Cuban - singer and rapper.
Maria Mena (1986) Afro Nicaraguan / Norwegian - singer-songwriter.
Joseline Hernandez (1986) Afro Puerto Rican - tv personality, rapper and actress. 
Leiomy Maldonado (1987) Afro Puerto Rican - model, dancer, and choreographer. - Trans!
Jhené Aiko (1988) African-American / Japanese, Dominican [Spanish, Afro Dominican, possibly other] - singer. 
Heather Hemmens (1988) Afro Costa Rican / English - actress, director, and producer.
Brenda Kellerman (1988) Afro Costa Rican - actress, model, and tv host.
Joan Smalls (1988) Afro-Virgin Islander, Irish / Puerto Rican [Spanish, Taino, Indian] - model and actress. 
Julissa Calderon (1989) Afro Domnican - actress. 
Sessilee Lopez (1989) Afro Dominican - model.
Arlenis Sosa (1989) Afro Dominican - model.
Julieta Rada (1990) Afro Argentinian / Afro Uruguayan - singer.
Iza / Isabela Cristina Correia de Lima Lima (1990) Afro Brazilian - singer. 
Amara La Negra (1990) Afro Dominican - singer.
Lais Ribeiro (1990) Afro Brazilian - model.
Nitty Scott (1990) Afro Puerto Rican - emcee.
Massy Arias (1990) Afro Dominican - fitness coach and Instagrammer.
Stephanie George (1991) Afro Haitian, Afro Dominican, Salvadoran - actress (Instagram: stephshaygeorge)
Luz Pavon (1991) Afro Mexican - model.
Yomatzy Hazlewood (1991) Afro Panamanian - model and Miss Panama Universe 2014.
Scharllette Allen Moses (1991) Afro Nicaraguan - model and Miss Nicaragua 2010.
Denise Mercedes (1991) Afro Dominican - model. 
Kay-Lani Martinez (1991) Afro Puerto Rican - YouTuber.
BIA / Bianca Landrau (1991) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Tylauren (1992) Unspecified Afro Latine - Instagrammer. 
Destiny Frasqueri / Princess Nokia (1992) Afro Puerto Rican - singer. 
Monica Veloz (1992) Afro Dominican - Youtuber and Instagrammer. 
Daymé Arocena (1992) Afro Cuban - singer.
Efrangeliz Medina (1993) Afro Dominican - actress and Instagrammer.
Jewellianna Palencia (1993) Afro Guatemalan - YouTuber and Instagrammer.
Kimberly Noèl (1993) Afro Cuban, Costa Rican, Puerto Rican, Italian - model, youtuber, and tv personality. - Trans!
Yindra Zayas (1994) Afro Cuban - actress. 
Cara (1995) Dominican [Afro Dominican, Arawak] / German - instagrammer (miscarolf).
Yorelis Apolinario (1995) Afro Cuban - dancer. 
Mairaly Rodriguez (1996) Afro Dominican - model, actress and YouTuber (Instagram: harmonicurls)
Deja Good (1997) Afro Panamanian - model and youtuber.
Natalie Whittington (1997 or 1998) Afro Panamanian - model.
Tania Teyacapan Garcia (?) Mexican [Pame, Huastec, Apache, Guachichil, Afro Potosina] - model.
Cyn Santana (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - singer. 
Anji Ray (?) Afro Panamanian - actress, comedian, and writer.
Barbie D’Ebano (?) Afro Nicaraguan - model and Miss International Queen Nicaragua 2018. - Trans!
Carmen Angulo (?) Afro Ecuadorian - actress. 
Miroslava Morales (?) Afro Panamanian - actress, singer, and director.
CeCe Suazo (?) Afro Honduran - actress, director, and playwright. - Trans!
Elena Heart (?) Nicaraguan [Afro Nicaraguan, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified Asian, German] - actress and photographer (instagram: elenaheart). 
Kenia Melissa Martínez (?) Afro Honduran - model, Miss Honduras Universe 2010, Miss Honduras International 2009, and Miss Honduras Earth 2008.
Lauren Lewis (?) Afro Nicaraguan - YouTuber and model (instagram: laurenlewiss_).
Kathryn Allison (?) Afro Mexican - actress and singer.
Calma Carmona (?) Afro Puerto Rican - singer. 
LATASHÁ (?) Panamanian, Jamaican - rapper.
Lisa-Kaindé Diaz (?) Afro Cuban, French, Venezuelan - singer (Ibeyi).
Naomi Díaz (?) Afro Cuban, French, Venezuelan - singer (Ibeyi).
Alba Ramos (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (sunkissalba).
DioMara (?) Afro Panamanian - singer (Instagram: diomara_d) 
Sherrerazade (?) Afro Brazilian - model (Instagram: preta_zade).  
Julissa Prado (?) Afro Mexican - Instagrammer and business owner. 
Bethany Dani (?) Afro Cuban - actress and model. 
Alexis Garcia Rocca (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Youtuber.
Flora Sofia (?) Afro Brazilian - model and actress. 
Raissa Leme (?) Afro Brazilian - model. 
Deja Ma'rie (?) Afro Puerto Rican - model. 
Paula Almeida (?) Afro Beazilian - model. 
Nikki Brath (?) Afro Panamanian - model.
Illy Perez (?) Afro Cuban - model. 
Ana Flávia (?) Afro Brazilian - model. 
Letty Bridges (?) Afro Cuban - model.
Daphne Lee (?) Afro Panamanian - ballerina (Instagram: daphne732)
Mel Burgos (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (rock_yo_rizos).
Darlen Cachos (?) Afro Brazilian - Instagrammer.
Elizabeth Acevedo (?) Afro Dominican - writer. 
Dayana Copete (?) Afro Ecuadorian - model (Instagram: dayana_copete).
Tyrah Monique (?) Afro Domonican - model (Instagram: tyrahmonique). 
Ilianna Ayala (?) Puerto Rican, Bolivian - model.
Briana Camille (?) Afro Panamanian - Instagrammer (therealbrianacamille).
Priscilla Flete (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (shinestruck).
Juliet Cee (?) Afro Cuban - Instagammer (iamjuju_).
Denisse Myrick (?) Afro Dominican - photographer and Instagrammer. 
Ada Rojas (?) Afro Dominican - Instagammer (allthingsada).
Rocio Isabel (?) Mexican, Hondoruan - Instagammer (risasrizos).
Cristina Gomez (?) Cuban, Colombian - Instagrammer (barbie_conga).
Veronica Bonilla (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (brooklynpetite).
Luciellen Assis (?) Afro Brazilian - Instagrammer. 
Erika Parker (?) Afro Panamanian - Miss Earth Panama 2017 (Instagram: erikaparker_).
Farah Vergas (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (farahpink).
Briana (?) Afro Costa Rican - model (Instagram: blvckxeuphoria)
LouLou Gonzalez (?) Afro Panamanian - comedian, actress and writer. 
Linda Elaine (?) Jamaican, Mexican - Youtuber (Instagram: iamlindaelaine)
Janibell (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (janibellrosanne)
Silly V (?) Dominican, Puerto Rican - model and actress (Instagram: sillyv83)
Coral (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (curlswithcoral) 
ChimiMari (?) Guatemalan, Hondorean, Belize - model (Instagram: marirocks17)
Noelia (?) Afro Dominican - Instagrammer (Instagram: curlelia)
Yarith Ceron (?) Afro Mexican - model (Instagram: yarithceronen_)
Jorly Flores (?) Afro Puerto Rican - model and artist  (Instagram: jorlyfloress)
Reina Powerlifts (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer (boricuareina7).
TheCurlyBella (?) Afro Puerto Rican - Instagrammer.
Angelica Guillen (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model and blogger (Instagram: angelicguillen)  
Imgeishaaa (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: imgeishaaa)  
Carla Parra (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: carlaparraxo)  
Krystal (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: __keysopendoors__)  
Devri Velázquez (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - model (Instagram: devrivelazquez)  
Thati Nava (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - dancer. 
Jenelle Simone (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - actress. 
Lady Dane / Dane Edidi (?) Afro Cuban, Unspecified Indigenious - author (Instagram: ladydanefe) - Trans! 
Melania-Luisa Marte (?) Afro Dominican - poet and performer. 
Antombo Langangui (?) Afro Colombian - singer (Profetas).
Jahaura Michelle (?) Dominican, Puerto Rican - writer and journalist. 
Dr. Miguelina Rodriguez (?) Afro Dominican - author. 
Zahira Kelly-Cabrera (?) Afro Puerto Rican - writer and artist. 
Karmenife X (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - comedian. 
Janel Martinez (?) Garifuna - entrepreneur and activist. 
Miss Rizos / Carolina Contreras (?) Afro Dominican - entrepreneur and activist. 
Janai (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: iam.melanin.monroe).
Karissa Hall (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: freakfrika).
Carmen Drayton (?) Afro Panamanian - Miss Grand Panamá 2019.
Leydis González (?) Afro Panamanian - Miss Darién 2019.
Luisa López (?) Afro Panamanian - beauty pageant contestant. 
Ryll (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: _empress_ryll_).
Indira (?) Afro Panamanian - model (Instagram: indira_anahg).
Danlu31_ (?) Afro Panamanian - model.
F - Athletes:
María Isabel Urrutia (1965) Afro Colombian - weightlifter.
Sibelis Veranes (1974) Afro Cuban - judoka.
Yumileidi Cumbá (1975) Afro Cuban - spot putter.
Osleidys Menéndez (1979) Afro Cuban - track and feild athlete.
Izabela Campos (1981) Afro-Brazilian - shot putter and discus thrower.
Caterine Ibargüen (1984) Afro Comolbian -  long jump and triple jumper. 
Idalys Ortiz (1989) Afro Cuban - judoka.
Rafaela Silva (1992) Afro Brazilian - judoka. 
Simone Biles (1997) African-American / Afro Belizean - gymnast. 
Dominique Miller (?) Afro Mexican - surfer. 
Jamie Ramirez (?) Afro Domomican - cheerleader (Instagram: jamieramirez91)
Papá Roncón / Guillermo Ayoví Erazo (1930) Afro Ecuadorian - musician, singer, and marimba player.
Yaphet Kotto (1939) Afro Panamanian Jewish / Cameroonian Jewish - actor.
Rubén Rada (1943) Afro Uruguayan - singer, percussionist, and composer.
Billy Cobham / William Cobham Jr (1944) Afro Panamanian - drummer-songwriter.
Ruben Blades (1948) Afro Cuban / Colombian - actor and singer-songwriter.
Manuel Monestel (1950) Afro Costa Rican - musician and researcher. 
Alvaro Salas (1953) Afro Uruguayan - drummer.
Ruben Santiago-Hudson (1956) African-American . Puerto Rican - actor.
Prince Whipper Whip (1962) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper.
Isaias Gamboa (1963) Afro Costa Rican - music producer, songwriter, musician, arranger, author and filmmaker.
Eddy Vasquez / Antonio Eduardo Vasquez (1964) Afro Panamanian - tv presenter, radio presenter, and speaker.
Sen Dog / Senen Reye (1965) Afro Cuban - rapper.
Pablo Molina (1965) Afro Argentinian - singer and percussionist.
DJ Clark Kent (1966) Afro Panamanian - DJ and producer.
Mellow Man Ace / Ulpiano Sergio Reyes (1967) Afro Cuban - rapper.
Gringo el Original / Jaime Davidson (1968) Afro Panamanian - singer.
Tyson Beckford (1970) Afro Panamanian, Jamaican [Afro Jamaican, Chinese] - actor and model.
Akinyele / Akinyele Adams (1970) Afro Panamanian / Costa Rican - rapper.
Rolando Boyce (1970) Afro Panamanian - actor.
Richard Barker (1971) Afro Ecuadorian - actor and presenter. 
DJ Black / Ricardo Alexander O’Neil Weeks (1972) Afro Panamanian - rapper-songwriter and DJ.
AZ / Anthony Cruz (1972) Afro Domincian - rapper.
Erik Griffin (1972) Honduran [Afro Honduran, Indian, Spanish, possibly other], Belizean, Jamaican / Irish, possibly other - actor, comedian, and writer.
Tego Calderón (1972) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper and actor.
Matt Cedeño (1973) Afro Cuban / Scottish, Irish, English - actor and model. 
J. August Richards / Jaime Augusto Richards III (1973) Afro Panamanian - actor.
Japanese / Leavitt Zambrano (1973) Panamanian [Afro Panamanian, Japanese] - singer.
Laz Alonso (1974) Afro Cuban - actor. 
Samo / Samuel Parra Cruz (1975) Afro Mexican - singer-songwriter.
Latin Fresh / Roberto de los Ríos Reyes (1975) Afro Panamanian - singer.
N.O.R.E. / Victor Santiago, Jr., (1976) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Jim Jones / Joseph Guillermo Jones II (1976) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper.
Immortal Technique / Felipe Andres Coronel (1978) Peruvian [Afro Peruvian, Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, French] - rapper.
Ricardo González (1978) Afro Ecuadorian - actor.
Swizz Beats / Kasseem Dean (1978) Afro Jamaican, Puerto Rcian, Irish / Unknown - rapper.
Don Omar (1978) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper and actor.
Gunplay / Richard Morales Jr (1979) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper.
Aloe Blacc / Egbert Nathaniel Dawkins III (1979) Afro Panamanian - actor, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer.
Uncle Murda / Leonard Grant (1979) Afro Panamanian - rapper and actor.
Kafu Banton / Zico Alberto Garibaldi Roberts (1979) Afro Panamanian - singer.
Sacario (1980) Afro Panamanian - rapper-songwriter and filmmaker.
Joell Ortiz (1980) Afro Puerto Rican- rapper.
Kalimba / Kalimba Marichal (1982) Afro Mexican / Afro Cuban - actor and singer.
Lloyd Banks (1982) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Kid Cudi (1984) ¾ African-American, ¼ Afro Mexican - rapper and actor.
Roofeeo / Jahphet Landis (1984) Afro Panamanian - DJ, drummer, and music producer.
Taxstone / Daryl Campbell (1985) Afro Honduran - tv personality, podcast host, twitter personality, and former rapper.
Eddy Lover / Eduardo Mosquera (1985) Afro Panamanian - singer-songwriter.
Big Baloy / Eric Homero Baloy Mosquera (1985) Afro Panamanian - singer and composer.
Kevin Gates (1986) Afro Puerto Rican - rapper. 
Casanova / Caswell Senior (1986) Afro Panamanian, Haitian, Jamaican - rapper-songwriter.
Niv Acosta (1988) Afro Dominican / African-American - actor, dancer, and choreographer. - Trans!
El Boy C (1988) Afro Panamanian - rapper.
Laith Ashley (1989) Dominican [Afro Dominican, Unspecified White] - actor, singer, and model. - Trans!
Sarunas J. Jackson (1990) Afro Panamanian - actor.
Rome Flynn  (1991) Afro Cuban, Irish - actor.
Dave East (1988) Afro Domincain - rapper.
Sebastián Yatra (1994) Colombian [Muisca, Tahamí, Afro Colombian, Spanish (Andalusian, Aragonese, Asturian, Basque, Canary Islander, Cantabrian, Castilian, Extremaduran, Galician, Leonese, Valencian, possibly Catalan)], Peruvian [Quechua], Italian, Portuguese [Azorean, possibly other], French - singer-songwriter.
Robert Vernon (?) Afro Cuban, Colombian / English - actor.
Donaldo Prescod (?) Afro Panamanian - actor and filmmaker.
K-per Lucem (?) Afro Hondouran - singer. 
Cimafunk (?) Afro Cuban - singer. 
Eli Vazquez (?) Afro Puerto Rican - producer at Pero Like.
Sessle (?) Afro Cuban - singer (Instagram: ssarpy_)
Bryce Lennon (?) Unspecified Afro Latine - singer (Instagram: brycelennon)
Lateef Santos (?) Afro Brazilian - Instagrammer (lateefcrowderdossantos).
Pablo Fortaleza (?) Afro Colombian - singer (Profetas).
Franklin Tejedor  (?) Afro Colombian / Unknown - musician (Mitú).
J-Dan (?) Afro Panamanian - recording artist (Instagram: jdanistheman).
M - Athletes:
Luis Felipe Gutiérrez (1988) Afro Cuban - sprinter and long jumper.
Carolina Hoyos (1978) Peruvian [Afro-Peruvian, Quechua, Spanish] / Ecuadorian [Quechua, Italian, British] - Two-Spirit (She/Her/Her’s) - actor and singer-songwriter.
Indya Moore (1995) Dominican [Afro-Dominican, Taino], Haitian [Afro-Haitian, Taino] / Puerto Rican - Non-Binary (They/Them/Their’s) - actor and model.
Liniker (1995) Afro Brazilian - Genderfluid Trans Woman (She/Her/Her’s) - singer.
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Afro Puerto Rican, Creole / Chiricahua Apache - Has stated they have a complicated relationship with gender (They/Them/Their’s/She/Her/Her’s) - actor and model.
DJ Precolumbian / Chaska Sofia (?) Peruvian [Afro Peruvian, Quechua] - Genderfluid Trans Woman (She/Her/Her’s) - DJ.
Li Benedetti (?) Afro Brazilian - Non-Binary (They/Them/Their’s) - youtuber.
Mariah Carey (1970) Afro-Cuban, African-American / Irish - singer - abuse allegations. 
Zoe Saldana (1978) Afro Dominican, Afro Puerto Rican, possibly Lebanese and Haitian - supports James Gunn. 
Rosario Dawson (1979) Puerto Rican, Cuban, including African and Taíno / Unknown - actress - supports Donna Hylton.
Karamo Brown (1980) Afro Cuban, Afro Jamaican - tv host, reality tv personality, and author. - About Sean Spicer: “He’s a good guy, really sweet guy”.
Naya Rivera (1987) Puerto Rican, German / African-American, Afro Puerto Rican - abuser.
Iris Beilin (1989) Afro Panamanian - youtuber. - Did a “Native American”/”Pocahontas” (a real life 12 year old girl who was kidnapped and raped) “inspired” makeup tutorial.
Cardi B (1992) Afro Dominican, Afro Trinidadian, Spanish - singer - said she drugged and robbed men. 
34 notes · View notes
buildercar · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.buildercar.com/eight-great-finds-at-the-galpin-auto-sports-collection/
Eight Great Finds at the Galpin Auto Sports Collection
As the old saying goes, enjoy your job and you’ll never work a day in your life. From what we could gather after spending a few hours with Beau Boeckmann, president and COO of Galpin Motors in Los Angeles, and his team, this is a group of folks who embody that mantra. In fact, as Boeckmann and some of his crew walked us through Galpin’s shop and automobile collection, explaining where this barn find came from or how long that restoration took, they were having so much fun reminiscing they forgot we were there half the time.
In addition to his day-to-day duties, Boeckmann also serves on Ford’s product committee and was the first-ever recipient of the Petersen Automotive Museum’s Visionary award. He is the definition of a car guy. Aside from Galpin Ford being the No. 1 volume dealer in the world for Ford cars and trucks, Galpin Auto Sports is a full-service automotive shop that will take on just about any project, from fabrication to restoration to repair. They pride themselves on working with orphans, unusual one-offs, and special cases. We can attest to that. When we were there they had everything from the first Saleen S7 produced in for service to a ’51 Muntz that was being overhauled and prepped for sale.
Then there’s the Galpin collection, which is as quirky as the guys who run it. A more singular collection of cars may not exist in the U.S. It’s not open to the general public, but if you’re a Galpin customer you can give them a call to schedule a tour. (These guys are so cool they might let you poke your head in and take a peek). At least it’d be worth a try.
1965 Shelby GT350 Garage Find
Not so much a barn find as a garage find, this all-original 1965 Shelby GT350 was originally sold by Galpin. Rediscovered in Burbank where it had been stored for some 40 years, Galpin eventually reacquired it for the museum. The original 289 cu-in V-8 engine that made a whopping (for its day) 306 horsepower has only 44,000 original miles racked up. Other than a major tuneup, it miraculously didn’t need a lot of work. The brake system was overhauled using original parts, fluids were changed, the wheel alignment was set to spec, and it was ready to go. It features the original Wimbledon White paint with Guardsman Blue stripes that have just the right amount of patina. The interior is also all original. Other components include a four-speed Borg Warner T10 transmission and 9.5-inch Kelsey Hayes front disc brakes. Anyone in their right mind would pony up big bucks for this prize horse.
 Von Dutch Toad
No, Von Dutch wasn’t just a logo on trucker hats that Ashton Kutcher wore when he was punking celebrities circa 2003. Kenny “Von Dutch” Howard was a legendary artist and creator and an integral part of the Kustom Kulture movement in the 1950s and ’60s. To make his road Toad, Von Dutch used old road signs, Harley Davidson parts, and a BMW Isetta engine. He taught his kids how to drive in it and used it to go on beer runs. Boeckmann digs that it has a little of everything Von Dutch was famous for: the eyeball painting, the mechanical work, and the pinstriping and louvering on the bodywork. It represents several of his unique art forms all on one car. Von Dutch was something of a da Vinci of the garage — with a sharp sense of humor. JL Box was a pseudonym he used that stood for Joe Lunch Box. The collection also has a collection of his tools in addition to his gorgeous Jaguar XK 140.
Liberace’s Zimmer Golden Spirit
Boeckmann first heard Liberace play when he was 9 years old at the MGM Grand hotel and casino in Las Vegas. Impressed by anyone who’s a master of their craft, Boeckmann instantly became a fan. “Excuse me while I change into something a little more spectacular,” Boeckmann says with a whimsical flair as he dances in front of us like Liberace gliding across a stage in a mink coat. Everyone has a hearty laugh at Boeckmann’s expense as he does. When Hemmings offered up Liberace’s 1981 Zimmer Golden Spirit, one of the first ever produced, Boeckmann jumped at it. And it gets more attention than he expected. In case you didn’t know, a Zimmer is essentially a loaded V-8 Ford Mustang with a wheelbase stretched to 142 inches and dressed up, well, like Liberace. “It’s so awful, but I appreciate awful. Awesomely awful,” Boeckmann says. It comes with a plaque on the glove box stating it was especially built for Liberace, as if there could be any question.
Ed Roth’s 1956 Shop Truck
The restoration of Ed Roth’s 1956 shop truck was actually a restoration of a restoration. A true barn find, the truck was found in Oklahoma and had been painted green save for the grille and the taillights. Dave Shuten, the custom shop foreman for Galpin Auto Sports, did all the resto work, first taking it back to what the original truck would have been, then restoring what Roth — the iconic artist, cartoonist, illustrator, pinstriper, custom car designer, and Rat Fink creator  — did. Some things look wrong, but they’re dead right. Brand-new and unmolested, the truck was Neptune Green. Shuten taped it off exactly the way Roth had done and then painted the flames, the pearl, and the stripes. If you look closely, you can see a green glow between the bed and the cab in places where original paint remained. Robert Williams, founder of Juxtaposed magazine and Roth’s art director from the early to the late ’60s, was brought in to help recreate Roth’s original artwork on the dash. The shop truck is Roth’s last vehicle to have been found.
 Winfield Truck
Even though a father shouldn’t pick favorites, Boeckmann says the Winfield truck is his. Lost for about 25 years, it was found parked in the middle of a field in Nebraska. When we ask Boeckmann what specifically makes it so special, his reply is definitive: “The whole thing is special. The design is well executed. The louvering is perfect. The paint, the woodwork, it’s the whole package.” The truck is back in its original color. Hot-rodding legend Gene Winfield, who built the 1935 Ford truck (which was restored to its original glory by Gary Hatfield), had painted it blue in order to take it back on the circuit because he couldn’t take the same truck to the same car show without doing something major. Complete with a 1946 penny glued next to the gas tank, this truck certainly was one lucky find.
Ed Roth’s Orbitron
This Ed Roth one-off was found and rescued from Juarez, Mexico, where it was being used as a dumpster outside of a sex shop. The front of the car was torn off because, the story goes, the owner at the time got trapped in the bubble. When he kicked the bubble off and they tried to tow it, they ripped off the front of the car. As Boeckmann does with most of his special projects, he reassembled as much of the original team who worked on it as possible in an effort to get the car back to its original state. Though Roth passed away in 2001, most of the Orbitron team was still around. Joe Perez reworked the interior in the same garage where he did the initial work in 1964. Painters Larry Watson and Billy Carter restyled the exterior to spec, and designer Ed “Newt” Newton oversaw the entire project, making sure everything was just right. The hardest thing to find was the retro television inside the car. The three colored front headlights were intended to emulate the tech of the day, which was the color TV. Color us impressed.
Mach IV
Gary Weckesser’s Mach IV was originally built as an exhibition car for Weckesser to run the drag circuit from 1969 to 1975. Galpin did all the original servicing on this special four-engine Mustang. After some time, Galpin had lost track of this one-off wonder and called Weckesser, inquiring where it had gone. Turns out it was hiding out in a trailer in his backyard. Weckesser got it up and running again and brought it out for SEMA in 2013. Boeckmann brought in the original painter/pinstriper and gold leafer from 1970 to redo the original paint. As if this Mustang needed anything else to make it more special, all four engines work back to back with a single clutch. Boeckmann estimates the engines combined make an insane 2,000 horsepower.
Micro Minis
Necessity is the mother of invention. Microcars seem to be excellent illustrators of this adage. The Scootacar was the product of a British company of the same name that made the three-wheeled micros from 1957 to 1964. It was a division of The Hunslet Engine Company, an outfit that originally made locomotives. As the story goes, the first Scootacar was built because the wife of one of the company’s directors needed a car smaller and easier to park than her Jaguar. Roughly 1,000 in all were produced in several variations.
Messerschmitt, no, not the metal band but the name of the cute three-wheeled bubble car, was developed and sold by the German aircraft manufacturer of the same name in the wake of restrictions placed on the company after World War II. About 40,000 of the KR200 model you see here were built from 1955 to 1964. During that run, a slightly modified version of the KR200 ran for 24 hours straight at the Hockenheimring and broke 22 speed records in its class.
By the late 1950s, BMW’s automotive operations were flagging, and it was looking for a way to revive its fortunes. Microcars were popular at the time, so BMW set its sights on Italian microcar phenomenon Iso Isetta, eventually buying the rights to the brand and producing its own version of the car using a modified version of its motorcycle engine. It turned out to be a moderate success for the automaker. You’re welcome, current Bimmer owners, because this micro effort helped get Bayerische Motoren Werke AG back on its feet in a macro way.
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nosensedit · 5 years
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any borges | reblog or credit on @alohomorxs
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 110+ Cape Verdean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Ana Firmino (1953) Cape Verdean - singer.
Sandra de Sá (1955) Brazilian [25% Afro Cape Verdean, 71.7% Afro Brazilian, 1.1% Unspecified Indigenous Brazilian, 2.1% Unspecified European, 0.1% Unspecified Other] - singer-songwriter.
Maria de Barros (1961) Cape Verdean - singer.
Pebbles / Susan Lynne Semedo (1964) Cape Verdean - actress and radio personality.
Fantcha / Francelina Durão Almeida (1965) Cape Verdean - singer.
Karin Mensah (1965) Cape Verdean - singer and educator.
Maria Alice / Maria Alice de Fátima Rocha Silva (1971) Cape Verdean - singer.
Anika Noni Rose (1972) Cape Verdean - actress and singer.
Blu Cantrell / Tiffany Cobb (1975) Cape Verdean, African American, Narragansett / Italian, Scottish, French, German, English - singer-songwriter and producer.
Nancy Vieira (1975) Cape Verdean - singer and composer.
Suzanna Lubrano (1975) Cape Verdean - singer.
Lura / Maria de Lurdes Assunção Pina (1975) Cape Verdean - singer.
Sara Martins (1977) Cape Verdean - actress.
Sara Tavares (1978) Cape Verdean - singer, guitarist, percussionist, and composer.
Milka Loff Fernandes (1980) Cape Verdean - actress and tv presenter.
Carmen Souza (1981) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Jenifer Solidade (1984) Cape Verdean - singer.
Tatiana Silva / Tatiana Silva Braga Tavares (1985) Cape Verdean - model and Miss Belgium 2005.
Mayra Andrade (1985) Cuban [Cape Verdean] - singer.
Jennifer Dias (1985) Cape Verdean - singer.
Ashley Holliday / Ashley Holliday Tavares / Ashley Popelka (1985) Cape Verdean [Afro Cape Verdean] / Bohemian Czech, German, Austrian, English - actress and director.
Débora Gonçalves (1985) Cape Verdean - singer and basketball player.
Leila Lopes / Leila Luliana da Costa Vieira Lopes Umenyiora (1986) Cape Verdean - actress, model, tv host, and Miss Universe 2011.
Cyann Ribeiro (1986) Cape Verdean - actress, singer-songwriter, model, and author.
Sara Santos (1986) Cape Verdean - actress.
Brandi Marie / Brandi Marie King (1988) Cape Verdean, Ivorian, Mexican, Portuguese - actress, model, and web star.
Elle DaCruz (1989) Cape Verdean, Portuguese - model and tv personality.
Analicia Chaves (1989) Cape Verdean, Portuguese - model.
Elle Varner / Gabrielle Varner (1989) Cape Verdean [Afro Cape Verdean] / African American, Swedish - singer.
Samira Vera-Cruz (1990) Cape Verdean / Angolan - actress, director, producer, and editor.
Chelsea Tavares (1991) Cape Verdean - actress and singer.
ARI / Aeriél Miranda (1992) Cape Verdean / African American, Creole, Cherokee, Jewish, Portuguese, French, German - actress, model, and filmmaker.
Elida Almeida (1993) Cape Verdean - singer.
Noe Milk (1994) Cape Verdean - porn actress.
Mai-Lynn Yim (1995) Korean / Cape Verdean, African American, Irish - actress and model.
Brigite Jazz (1995) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (brigiteeeee).
Ângela Maria Fonseca Spínola (1995) Cape Verdean - model and Miss Portugal 2005.
Andrea (1995 or 1996) Cape Verdean - youtuber (CurlsBeauty).
Shawna Rose (1995 or 1996) Cape Verdean, Cherokee - actress and model.
Samora Smallwood (?) Cape Verdean / Unspecified - actress, director, and writer.
Tirzah Evora / Tirzah Ellen Evora (?) Cape Verdean - actress, model, and Miss Cape Verde 2011.
Melanie David (?) Cape Verdean - actress, singer-songwriter, and blogger (instagram: iammelaniedavid).
Africa Miranda (?) Cape Verdean - actress, spokesmodel, and producer.
Diana Lovell (?) Cape Verdean - actress and model.
Vanessa Borggea (?) Cape Verdean - model and Miss Cape Verde 2006.
Celina Pereira (?) Cape Verdean - singer and educator.
Geneva Maccarone (?) Cape Verdean, Italian - actress.
Kathlyn Celeste (?) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (kathlynceleste).
Leniza Evy (?) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (leniza_evy).
Belinda / Belinda Lima / Belinda Lima Francis (?) Cape Verdean - singer.
Nadine Fortes (?) Cape Verdean - instagrammer (vaidosadmais).
Patricia Neves / Patricia Alves (?) Cape Verdean - actress and costume designer.
Gardénia Benrós (?) Cape Verdean - singer.
Diamond Dos Santos (?) Cape Verdean, Belizean, Dominican, Brazilian - musician (instagram: diamdada).
Bela Duarte (?) Cape Verdean - singer and painter.
Sara Morgado (?) Cape Verdean - model.
Joyce Delgado (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2018.
Cristilene Pimienta (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2017.
Cristy Spencer (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2013.
Joceline Fortes Rocha (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2009.
Zamise Fonseca (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2008.
Jocilene Afonso (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2007.
Tânia Neves (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2005.
Wilsa Fortes Pina (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 2002.
Carmelinda Gonçalves (?) Cape Verdean - Miss Cape Verde 1996.
Beautyxskillz (?) Cape Verdean - gamer.
Maggie (?) Cape Verdean - bodybuilder and instagrammer (blibram).
Alexandra Santos (?) Cape Verdean - model (Instagram: asantos._).
Dany Silva (1947) Cape Verdean - singer, composer, and producer.
Eddy (FMG) / Eddy Fort Moda Grog / Eddy Fortes (1950) Cape Verdean - rapper.
Johnny Rodrigues / João Rodrigues (1951) Cape Verdean - singer.
Leonel Almeida (1952) Cape Verdean - singer.
Boy Gé Mendes / Gerard Mendes (1952) Cape Verdean - musician.
Val Xalino (1953) Cape Verdean - actor, singer, producer, and recorder.
Vasco Martins (1956) Cape Verdean - guitarist and pianist.
Mirri Lobo / Emilio Rito de Sousa Lobo (1960) Cape Verdean - singer and composer.
Ramiro Mendes (1961) Cape Verdean - singer, artist, and author.
Bau / Rufino Almeida (1962) Cape Verdean - musician.
Michael Beach (1963) Cape Verdean - actor.
Tito Paris / Aristides Paris (1963) Cape Verdean - singer, guitarist, and bassist.
Izé / Mário Lúcio / Lúcio Matias de Sousa Mendes (1964) Cape Verdean - actor, singer, composer, writer, and painter.
Teófilo Chantre (1964) Cape Verdean - singer.
Benzino / Raymond Scott (1965) African American, Puerto Rican / Cape Verdean, German - rapper, producer, and record executive.
Tó Cruz / António José Ramos da Cruz (1967) Cape Verdean - singer.
Stomy Bugsy / Gilles Duarte (1972) Cape Verdean - actor and rapper.
Jacky Brown / Jacky Teixeira (1972) Cape Verdean - rapper, singer, and presenter.
Tcheka / Manuel Lopes Andrade (1973) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Gil Semedo / Gil Semedo Moreira (1974) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter, producer, and music executive.
Izé / Izé Teixeira (1974) Cape Verdean - singer.
Nelson Freitas / Nelson Zé Ferreira (1975) Cape Verdean - actor, singer, producer, and recorder.
Boss AC / Ângelo César do Rosário Firmino (1975) Cape Verdean - rapper-songwriter.
Gilyto / Mr. Entertainer / Gilyto Semedo (1976) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter, dancer, producer, mentor, and cultural activist.
Milton Lopes (1977) Cape Verdean - actor.
Hernani Almeida (1978) Cape Verdean - guitarist and pianist.
Elizio / Mister ODC / Di Cabo Verde (1979) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter.
Masspike Miles / Miles Wheeler (1980) Cape Verdean / French - rapper and singer.
G-Amado / Gonçalo Jorge Amado da Veiga (1985) Cape Verdean - actor and singer.
Roberto Xalino (1987) Cape Verdean - actor, rapper, singer, and producer.
The Afro Boy / Luis Borges (1988) Cape Verdean / French, Swedish - model.
Deivys Nicola / Deivys Nicola D’Almeida (1997) Cape Verdean - youtuber (D Rock TV) and instagrammer (d__rock).
Lisandro Cuxi (1999) Cape Verdean - singer and dancer.
Drew Fonteiro (?) Cape Verdean - actor, dancer, writer, and illustrator.
A'Ali de Sousa (?) Cape Verdean - actor and filmmaker.
E-Life / Elvis de Oliveira (?) Cape Verdean - rapper and radio DJ.
Manu Lima (?) Cape Verdean - musician, composer, interpreter, and author.
Luis Alves (?) Cape Verdean - actor.
Ashar Medina (?) Cape Verdean, Surinamese - actor, director, and writer.
Don Xavier (?) Cape Verdean - actor, motivational speaker, author, and entrepreneur.
Leroy Gómez (?) Cape Verdean - singer-songwriter and saxophonist.
Jovino dos Santos (?) Cape Verdean - actor, composer, and interpreter.
Nelvino Lima (?) Cape Verdean - actor, radio presenter, and travel blogger.
Michael Monteiro (?) Cape Verdean - actor, stuntman, and screenwriter.
Curlyheadedbrownboy_ (?) Cape Verdean, Unspecified Native American - model.
Dj Viesel (?) Cape Verdean - DJ.
Gany Fernandes (?) Cape Verdean - model (Instagram: therealgany).
Amber Rose / Amber Levonchuck (1983) Cape Verdean [Afro Cape Verdean, Portuguese], Scottish / Ukrainian, Irish, Italian - actress, model, and talk show host. - Sexist and homophobic comments.
13 notes · View notes
tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 170+ Angolan faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Anna Deavere Smith (1950) African-American [including Angolan, Cameroonian, Congolese, Ghanaian, Igbo Nigerian, Ivorian, Senegalese], British, remote Scandinavian, Finnish, Russian, Italian, Greek - actress and playwright.
Angela Bassett (1958) African-American [including Bantu Angolan, Beninese, Cameroonian, Congolese, Ghanaian, Ivorian, Malian, Nigerian, Senegalese, Togolese] - actress.
Ana Magalhães (1960) Angolan - artist.
Ana Clara Guerra Marques (1962) Angolan - dancer.
Patricia Miranda Pacheco (1972) Angolan - tv host.
Nayma Mingas (1974) Angolan - model.
Manuela Paulo (1978) Angolan - actress.
Tânia Burity (1978) Angolan - presenter and radio announcer.
Yola Semedo (1978) Angolan - singer.
Bruna Tatiana (1978) Angolan - singer and composer.
Mina Andala (1979) Angolan - actress.
Yola Araújo (1979) Angolan - singer.
Dicla Burity (1980) Angolan - actress and television host.
Patrícia Faria (1981) Angolan - singer and broadcaster.
Tatiana Durao (1981) Angolan - actress, singer, model, and tv personality.
Celma Ribas (1982) Angolan - singer, songwriter and businesswoman.
Zenilde Josias (1982 or 1983) Angolan - Miss Angola 2005.
Pearl / Jandira Sassingui Neto (1983) Angolan - singer-songwriter.
Silvia João de Deus (1983 or 1984) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2004.
Mel Gambôa (1984) Angolan / Romanian - actress, tv presenter, radio presenter, and producer.
Heloísa Jorge (1984) Angolan - actress.
Ciomara Morais (1984) Angolan, Macanese, Portuguese - actress, model, and director.
Jurema Ferraz (1985) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2010.
Isménia Júnior (1985) Angolan - model and Miss Angola Universe 2006.
Leila Lopes (1986) Angolan - actress, model, tv host, and Miss Universe 2011.
Ary / Diva Ary / Ariovalda Eulália Gabriel (1986) Angolan - singer, dancer and choreographer.
Neide / Neide Van-Dúnem (1986) Angolan - actress and singer-songwriter.
Ivanita Jones / Ivaniltan de Fatima Lorenco Paulo Jones (1986 or 1987) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2010.
Nelsa Alves (1987) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2009.
Lesliana Pereira (1987) Angolan - actress, model, and Miss Angola 2007.
Titica (1987) Angolan - singer and dancer. - Trans!
Érica Chissapa (1987) Angolan - actress, reporter, and presenter.
Leslie Pereira (1987) Angolan  - television presenter and actress.
Anna Joyce (1987) Angolan - singer.
Micaela Reis (1988) Angolan / Portuguese - actress, model, tv host, and Miss Angola 2007.
Nádia Silva (1988) Angolan - actress, presenter and model.
Aline Frazão (1988) Angolan - singer.
Selda / Guiselda Tainara Salgueira Portelinha (1989) Angolan - singer.
Helena Moreno / Helena Morena (1989) Angolan - actress.
KeyLiza / Kisita Elisabeth Massamba (1989) Angolan, Dominican - singer, dancer, DJ, composer, beatmaker and record producer.
Stiviandra Oliveira (1989) Angolan - model and Miss Angola World 2006.
Maria Castelo (1989 or 1990) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2013.
Canicia Rodrigues (1990) Angolan - singer and tv personality.
Marcelina Vahekeni (1990) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2011.
Birgite dos Santos (1990) Angolan - model and Miss Angola World 2008.
Halona Vog / Halona Vouge (1990) Angolan - porn actress.
Imanni Da Silva (1990 or 1991) Angolan / Spanish, Portuguese - actress, model, Super Sireyna Worldwide Angola 2018, Miss International Queen Angola 2012, artist, and writer. - Trans!
Edmilza Santos (1990 or 1991) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2012.
Sharam Diniz (1991) 3/4 Angolan, 1/4 Portuguese - model and businesswoman.
Vaumara Rebelo (1991) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2013.
Maria Borges (1992) Angolan - model.
Zuleica Wilson (1993) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2014.
Rose Bertram / Stephanie Bertram-Rose (1994) Angolan, Senegalese, Portuguese / Belgian [possibly Flemish] - model.
Ana Liliana Avião (1994) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2018.
Deolinda Kinzimba (1995) Angolan - singer.
Luísa Baptista (1995) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2016.
Whitney Shikongo (1995) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2015.
Lia Tchissola (1997) Angolan - actress, reality tv personality, and model.
Nelma Ferreira (1997 or 1998) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2018.
Lauriela Martins (1998) Angolan - model and Miss Angola 2017.
Blésnya Minher (1998) Angolan - model.
Katiana Bonifacio (1998) Angolan - instagrammer (kxtbonifacio).
Judelsia Bache (1998 or 1999) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2017.
Amilna Estêvão (1999) Angolan - model.
Catarina Matos (?) Angolan - actress.
Luiana Bonfim (?) Angolan - actress.
Catarina Sousa (?) Angolan / Portuguese - actress.
Luisa José (?) Angolan, Cape Verdean, Cuban - model (Instagram: luizellajose).
Dinamene Cruz (?) Angolan - television host (Instagram: dinamenecruz).
Lauriane Almeda (?) Angolan - Miss Global Angola 2019 (Instagram: laurianeofficial).
Shanty Franco (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: shantyfranco).
Tifeny Moreira (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: tifenymoreira).
Cleide Afonso (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: cleide_afonso1).
Jurelma Zau (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: jurelma_zau).
Irina France (?) Angolan - singer.
Sónia António (?) Angolan - singer and tv presenter.
Eli Cruz (?) Angolan, Portuguese - model (Instagram: elizty).
Tati Mussendi (?) Angolan - model.
Ermelinda de Matos (?) Angolan - Miss Angola Earth 2017.
Sompa António (?) Angolan - model.
Eliane de Sousa (?) Angolan, Portuguese - model and Miss Globe Portugal 2017 (instagram: eliane.de.sousa).
Lukenny Shazad (?) Angolan - model.
Sandra Paula Mainsel (?) Angolan - tv presenter.
Telma de Jesus Sonhi (?) Angolan - Miss Angola 2004.
Ana José Sebastião (?) Angolan - Miss Angola 2003.
Celma Antunes Carlos (?) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2003.
Geovana Pinto Leite (?) Angolan - Miss Angola 2002.
Rosa Mujinga Muxito (?) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2002.
Hidianeth Luisa Cussema (?) Angolan - Miss Angola 2001.
Alexandra Da Rocha (?) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2001.
Eunice da Cunha Manita (?) Angolan - Miss Angola 2000.
Deolinda Manuel Vilela (?) Angolan - Miss Angola World 2000.
Egídia Torres (?) Angolan - Miss Angola 1999.
Lorena Silva (?) Angolan - Miss Angola World 1999.
Emília Guardado (?) Angolan - Miss Angola 1998.
Maria Cortez de Lemos (?) Angolan - Miss Angola World 1998.
Master Kamosso (1927) Angolan - musician.
Ruy Mingas (1939) Angolan - singer.
Bonga / José Adelino Barceló de Carvalho (1942) Angolan - singer.
Eduardo Nascimento (1944) Angolan - singer.
Filipe Zau (1950) Angolan / Cape Verdean - composer.
Sam Mangwana (1945) Angolan / Zimbabwean - musician.
Filipe Mukenga (1949) Angolan - singer.
Waldemar Bastos (1954) Angolan - musician and singer.
José Neto (1955) Angolan - actor.
Jorge Melício (1957) Angolan - sculptor.
Nelo Carvalho (1959) Angolan - singer and guitarist.
Orlando Sérgio (1960) Angolan - actor.
Arnold Vosloo (1962) South Africa Afrikaner [Dutch, some German, Swiss, distant Danish, remote Angolan, Malagasy, Indonesian, Indian, French, Norwegian] - actor.
Don Cheadle (1964) African-American [including Angolan, Bamileke Nigerian, Ewondo Nigerian, Tikar Beninese, Masa Beninese, Guinean, Liberian, Senegalese] - actor, producer, director, and writer.
Eduardo Paím (1964) Angolan - musician.
Fidel Nadal (1965) Angolan, Argentinian - musician and songwriter.
Domingos Ferreira (1967) Angolan - actor and poet.
Dalton Borralho (1968) Angolan - actor.
Big Nelo / Emanuel de Carvalho Nguenohame (1970) Angolan - singer.
Chris Tucker (1971) African-American [including Basa Nigerian, Bamileke Cameroonian, Biaka Central African, Ewondo Cameroonian, Chwabo Mozambican, Mbenzele Central African, Mbundu Angolan] - actor and comedian.
Paulo Flores (1972) Angolan - musician.
Eric Santos (1972) Angolan - actor.
Gutto / Bantú / Augusto Armada (1972) Angolan - singer and rapper.
Sérgio Tavares / Antonio Sérgio Tavares Campo (1972) Brazilian [Angolan, French] - reality tv personality.
Hoji Fortuna (1974) Angolan - actor.
Don Kikas (1974) Angolan - singer.
Celso Roberto (1977) Angolan - actor.
Dog Murras / Murthala Fançony Bravo de Oliveira (1977) Angolan - singer.
Valter Carvalho (1978) Brazilian [Angolan] - model.
Elizio / Mister ODC (1979) Angolan, Cape Verdean - singer.
Diamondog / Edgar Capacassa Feijó (1980) Angolan - rapper.
Fredy Costa (1980) Angolan - actor and model.
Yuri da Cunha (1980) Angolan - singer.
Anselmo Ralph (1981) Angolan - singer.
NGA / Edson Wildbrand Silva (1982) Angolan - rapper.
Matias Damásio (1982) Angolan - musician, singer and songwriter.
C4 Pedro / Pedro Henriques Lisboa Santos (1983) Angolan - musician.
Maru Lukama (1984) Angolan - actor.
Kid Mc / Kid Sebastião Manuel (1986) Angolan - rapper and composer.
airesNObeat / Aires Walter Francisco (1987) Angolan - singer.
Landrick / Lando Samuel / Lando Ndombel (1989) Angolan - singer.
Claudimar Neto (1989) Angolan - dancer.
Daco Junior / Sebastian Da Costa (1990) Angolan - rapper.
Reis Fernando (1993) Angolan - youtuber and choreographer.
Done Lema (1994) Angolan - actor.
Mylson / Edmilson de Carvalho (1994) Angolan - singer.
Yxng Bane / Larry Kiala (1996) Angolan / Congolese - rapper.
Josivênio Canga (1996 or 1997) Angolan - model and Mister Angola 2019.
Jorge Antunes (?) Angolan - actor and tv host.
James R. Baylis (?) Angolan - actor.
Miguel Francisco (?) Angolan, German - actor.
Coréon Dú (?) Angolan - creative director, producer and singer.
Biura (?) Angolan - singer (Instagram: biurazona5)
Paul G / Paulo George Marques Joao (?) Angolan - singer, producer and dancer.
Abel Dueré (?) Angolan - singer.
Hamilton Cunha (?) Angolan - model and Mister Angola 2018.
Liceu Vieira Dias (?) Angolan - musician.
Elton Neto (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: mister.elton).
Pedro Armada (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: pedroarmadaofficial).
Mauro Lopes (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: mauroolopes).
Nsuka Bula (?) Angolan - model (Instagram: nsuka_bula).
Ze Augusto Pedro (?) Angolan, Portuguese, Ukrainian  - model (ze_augusht).
Bráulio Henriques (?) Angolan - model and Mister Angola 2017.
Maurício Eusébio (?) Angolan - model and Mister Angola 2016.
José Arnaldo (?) Angolan - model and Mister Angola 2015.
Jorge Martins (?) Angolan - model and Mister Angola 2010.
Marlon Pacheco (?) Angolan - beauty pageant contestant.
Jose Marta (?) Angolan - beauty pageant contestant.
Idalecio de Oliveira (?) Angolan - beauty pageant contestant.
Boventura Jose Maria (?) Angolan - beauty pageant contestant.
Armando Alexandre (?) Angolan - beauty pageant contestant.
Almeida Mussapana (?) Angolan - beauty pageant contestant.
Isaias Cassenda (?) Angolan - beauty pageant contestant.
Pitchu / Pedro Pereira (?) Angolan - bodybuilder.
Morgan Freeman (1937) 7/8 African-American [including Angolan, Congolese, Igbo Nigerian, Shong Guinean, Tuareg Guinean], 1/8 English - actor, producer, and narrator - Accused of 8 counts of sexual harassment and said that racism doesn’t exist today (plus that people can “look at him” as an example to show that).
Chris Rock (1965) African-American [including Angolan, Beninese, Congolese, Guinean, Liberian, Nigerian, Senegalese], some English - actor, comedian, producer, director, and writer. - Anti-East Asian “jokes”, sexist “jokes”, and used the word “r****d*d”.
Candice Swanepoel (1988) South Africa Afrikaner [Belgian (Flemish and Walloonian), Dutch, French, German, very distant Angolan, Ethiopian, Indian, Indonesian, Norwegian, English] - model. - Cultural appropriation.
Behati Prinsloo (1988) Namibia Afrikaner [Dutch, Frisian, French, German, distant Kenyan, Latvian, Finnish, remote Angolan, Malagasy, Other Unspecified African, Indonesian, Indian, Chinese, Swedish, Danish, Swiss, Belgian (Flemish and Walloonian), Norwegian, Portuguese] - model. - Cultural appropriation.
9 notes · View notes
tasksweekly · 7 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring and @olivaraofrph​​​ for helping compile this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 950+ Brazilian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Ruth de Souza (96) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Dona Ivone Lara (96) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Tônia Carrero (95) Brazilian - actress.
Fernanda Montenegro (87) Brazilian [½ Italian [including Sardinian] / Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Marina MIranda (87) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Etty Fraser (86) Brazilian [Polish-Jewish, English] - actress.
Danuza Leão (84) Brazilian - model, socialite, journalist, writer, and actress.
Eva Wilma (83) Brazilian [German, Ukrainian Jewish], Argentinian - actress.
Maria Alice Vergueiro (82) Brazilian - actress.
Alaide Costa (81) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Elza Soares (80) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Aracy Balabanian (77) Brazilian [Armenian] - actress.
Suely Franco (77) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actress and singer.
Marilu Bueno (77) Brazilian - actress.
Tia Surica (76) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Neusa Borges (76) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Helena Ignez (75) Brazilian - actress and filmmaker.
Dja Marthins (74) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Leci Brendao (73) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Zeze Motta (73) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Eliana Pittman (73) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Gal Costa (72) Brazilian [Spanish] - singer.
Wanderlea (71) Brazilian [Lebanese] - singer.
Edyr de Castro (71) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Maria Bethania (71) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Rosa Marya Colin (71) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Susana Goncalves (70) Argentinian / Brazilian - actress.
Regina Braga (70) Brazilian - actress.
Catia de Franca (70) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Marília Gabriela (69) Brazilian- journalist, interviewer, actress, singer, television presenter and writer.
Imara Reis (69) Brazilian - actress.
Alcione (69) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Ana Maria Braga (68) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian] - television presenter and journalist.
Isis de Oliveira (67) Brazilian [German, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Sônia Braga (67) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - actress.
Sônia Braga (67) Brazilian-American - actress.
Simone (67) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Elba Ramalho (66) Brazilian - songwriter, performer, poet and actress.
Maria Zilda Bethlem (66) Brazilian - actress.
Bruna Lombardi (65) Brazilian [Turkish, Italian] - actress and model.
Baby do Brasil (65) Brazilian - singer.
Watusi (65) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified European] - actress and singer.
Vera Fischer (65) Brazilian [German] - actress and beauty pageant titleholder.
Veluma (64) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Tânia Alves (64) Brazilian - actress, dancer, singer and businesswoman.
Angela Correa (63) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Sandra de Sa (62) Brazilian [25% Black Cape Verdean, 71.7% Unspecified Other African / 2.1% Unspecified European / 1.1% Unspecified Indigenous / 0.1% Unspecified Other Race] - singer.
Maria João (born in 1955) Brazilian - former model.
Solange Couto (61) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress, model, and singer.
Iara Jamra (61) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Fafa de Belem (61) Brazilian [Portuguese] - singer and actress.
Nádia Lippi (61) Brazilian - actress.
Mii Saki (61) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Christiane Torloni (60) Brazilian [Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Lília Cabral (60) Brazillian [Portuguese / Italian] - actress.
Velina Hasu Houston (60) African-American, Pikuni Blackfoot, Japanese, Chinese, Native Hawaiian, Cuban, Argentinian, Brazilian, Armenian, Greek, German, English - writer.
Elisa Lucinda (59) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Catarina Abdala (58) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Luci Pereira (57) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Carla Camurati (57) Brazilian - actress and filmmaker.
Fernanda Abreu (56) Brazilian [Portuguese / Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous] - singer.
Daude (56) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Tássia Camargo (56) Brazilian - actress, director, and producer.
Lisa Ono (55) Brazilian [Japanese] - singer.
Margareth Menezes (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Luíza Brunet (55) Brazilian - former model.
Xuxa Meneghel (54) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, likely Polish, possibly other] - presenter, actress, singer, and businessperson.
Zezeh Barbosa (54) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Claudia Ohana (54) Brazilian [Jewish] - actress.
Bianca Byington (54) Brazilian [French] - singer, songwriter, classical guitarist, and former model and actress.
Débora Bloch (54) Brazilian [Ukrainian Jewish] - actress.
Gloria Pires (54) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - actress.
Debora Blotch (54) Brazilian [Ukrainian Jewish] - actress.
Andréa Beltrão (54) Brazilian - actress.
Izzy Gordon (54) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Patricia Pillar (53) Brazilian - actress.
Marcélia Cartaxo (53) Brazilian - actress.
Regina Casé (53) Brazilian - actress, comedian, television host, and director.
Virginia Rodrigues (53) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Juliette Binoche (53) French, Belgian [Walloon], Polish, 1/16 Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Fernanda Torres (53) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Miwa Yanagizawa (52) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Roberta Close (52) Brazilian - model. - Trans!
Luma de Oliveira (52) Brazilian [German, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress and former model.
Daniela Mercury (52) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese] - singer and actress.
Sandra Corveloni (52) Brazilian - actress.
Cristina Sano (52) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Linda Perry (52) Portuguese, Brazilian - singer, songwriter, and record producer.
Mart’nalia (52) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Sophie Ward (52) English, Scottish, 1/16 Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Maria Ceica (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Malu Mader (51) Brazilian [Lebanese, Portuguese] - actress.
Bebel Gilberto (51) Brazilian - singer.
Rosalia de Souza (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Iara Lee (51) Brazilian [Korean] - filmmaker.
Badi Assad (50) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - singer.
Paula Burlamaqui (50) Brazilian - actress.
Bianca Byington (50) Brazilian - actress.
Helena Fernandes (49) Brazilian - actress.
Olga Souza (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Italian] - singer.
Simone Moreno (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Alexis Dechamps (48) Brazilian [Belgian, Russian, German, Argentinian] - actress.
Lica Oliveira (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Dira Paes (48) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - actress.
Paula Lima (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Leona Cavalli (47) Brazilian - actress.
Eda Nagayama (47) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Karina Barum (47) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actress.
Ana Carbatti (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Luciana Gimenez (47) Brazilian [Lebanese, Spanish, Portuguese, possibly other] - model and show host.
Cláudia Abreu (47) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Adriana Lessa (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Vivianne Pasmanter (46) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actress.
Valeria Valenssa (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model and dancer.
Maxine Bahns (46) German / Brazilian [Portuguese], Chinese - actress and model.
Fernanda Takai (46) Brazilian [Japanese / Portuguese] - singer.
Leticia Sabatella (46) Brazilian - actress.
Christiana Kalache (45) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actress.
Ivete Sangalo (45) Brazilian [including ¼ Spanish, Portuguese, minor Unspecified African and Unspecified Indigenous] - singer, songwriter, actress, and television show host.
Gabriela Alves (45) Brazilian - actress.
Vanessa Lóes (45) Brazilian - film and television actress.
Guta Stresser (45) Brazilian [German] - actress.
Marina de La Riva (44) Brazilian / Cuban - singer.
Isabel Fillardis (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Leticia Spiller (44) Brazilian - actress.
Maria Fernanda Candido (43) Brazilian [Italian] - actress and model.
Adriana Bombom (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and dancer.
Eliana Michaelichin Bezerra (43) Brazilian / Ukrainian, Russian - actress and singer.
Thalma de Freitas (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Juliana Martins (43) Brazilian - actress.
Flávia Alessandra (43) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Márcia Imperator (43) Brazilian - actress, model, TV-personality and adult actress.
Angélica Ksyvickis (43) Brazilian [Italian, Croatian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Moldovan, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Piquerobi] - presenter, actress, and singer.
Danielle Winitis (43) Brazilian [Polish, Russian] - actress and singer.
Preta Gil (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Filipina] - singer and actress.
Ana Paula Arosio (42) Brazilian [Italian] - model and actress.
Vanessa Pascale (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Maria Clara Spinelli (42) Brazilian [Italian] - actress - trans!
Gilmelândia (42)Brazilian - singer, actress and TV presenter.
Cacau Protasio (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Camila Morgado (42) Brazilian - actress.
Carla Cristina Cardoso (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Giovanna Antonelli (41) Brazilian [Italian] - actress, television presenter and producer.
Nivea Soares (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Sheila Mello (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Portuguese] - actress and model.
Karina Bacchi (41) Brazilian [Italian, Spanish, Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Simone Zucato (41) Brazilian - actress, theater producer, translator and medical doctor.
Joana Prado (41) Brazilian - model.
Vanessa da Mata (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Other] - singer.
Maria Rita (40) Brazilian [Portuguese] - singer.
Maeve Jinkings (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African, English] - actress.
Vivi Fernandez (40) Brazilian - model, actress, dancer and former adult actress.
Susana Werner (40) Brazilian [German] - model and actress.
Camila Pitanga (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Fernanda Lima (40) Brazilian [Catalan, Portuguese, possibly other] - actress, model, businessperson, journalist, and television host.
Carla Cabral (40) Brazilian - actress.
Camila Pitanga (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Pitty (40) Brazilian [Italian] - singer.
Cris Vianna (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Tania Khalil (40) Brazilian [Syrian, Spanish] - actress.
Nega Gizza (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Daniele Suzuki (40) Brazilian [Japanese / Italian, German, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Patricia Abravanel (40) Brazilian - presenter and businesswoman.
Adriana Alves (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Valesca Popozuda (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Leticia Birkheuer (39) Brazilian [German, Austrian] - model and actress.
Gaby Amarantos (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Michelle Alves (39) Brazilian - model.
Dani Ornellas (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Carolina Dieckmann (39) Brazilian [German] - actress.
Gaby Amarantos (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Regiane Alves (39) Brazilian - actress and former fashion design model.
Juliana Baroni (39) Brazilian [Italian] - actress, dancer and singer.
Amandha Lee (38) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Portuguese, Unspecified African] - actress.
Tati Quebra-Barraco (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Kiara Sasso (38) Brazilian - actress and singer.  
Daniela Cicarelli (38) Brazilian [Italian] - former fashion model and TV show hostess.
Negra Li (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Ana Carolina da Fonseca (38) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Karin Hils (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Liliana Castro (38) Brazilian / Argentinian - actress.
Samantha Schmutz (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African, German, Austrian] - actress and singer.
Daniela Freitas (38) Brazilian - model.
Luciana Mello (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Japanese] - singer.
Morena Baccarin (38) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actress.
Caroline Ribeiro (38) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - model.
Taís Araújo (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Austrian, Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Amanda Francozo (38) Brazilian - model.
Juliana Paes (38) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Unspecified African, Portuguese, Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress, television presenter, and former model.
Ellen Rocche (38) Brazilian [Italian] - actress and model.
Katiuscia Canoro (38) Brazilian - actress.
Anelis Assumpcao (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Fernanda Tavares (37) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Rita Cassia (37) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African] - actress.
Geovanna Tominaga (37) Brazilian [Japanese, Italian, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Priscila Sol (37) Brazilian - actress.
Simone Spoladore (37) Brazilian - actress.
Marina Glezer (37) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actress.
Tracy Trinita (37) Chinese, Brazilian, Indonesian [Kalimantan, Minahasan] - model.
Jordana Brewster (37) English, Scottish, Irish / Brazilian  - actress and model.
Viviane Porto (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Milene Uehara (37) Brazilian [Italian, Japanese] - singer and model.
Mariana Aydar (37) Brazilian - singer.
Camila Guebar (37) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - model and actress.
Mary Sheila (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Fernanda Machado (37) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Cinthya Rachel (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Ceu (37) Brazilian - singer.
Adriana Lima (36) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, Swiss, Unspecified African, Japanese] - model and actress.
Bruna Ferraz (36) Brazilian - adult model, pornographic actress and TV-personality.
Roberta Santiago (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Fernanda Motta (36) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - model, actress, and television host.
Quelynah (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Marcelle Bittar (36) Brazilian [Lebanese, Portuguese] - model.
Vanessa Jackson (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Lea T (36) Brazilian [Italian] - model. - Trans!
Renata Sayuri (36) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Ana Cláudia Michels (36) Brazilian [German] - model.
Mariana Nunes (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Gianne Albertoni (36) Brazilian [Italian] - model and actress.
Sabrina Sato (36) Brazilian [½ Japanese / ¼ Swiss-German, ¼ Lebanese] - presenter, actress, comedian, reporter, model, and television personality.
Ana Hickmann (36) Brazilian [German] - model, TV host and businesswoman.
Nadja Haddad (36) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Cleo Pires (35) Brazilian [Spanish, Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Marina Elali (35) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab / Unspecified Other] - singer.
Julia Melim (35) Brazilian [Italian] - TV host, actress and producer.
Ana Beatriz Barros (35) Brazilian [Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German] - model.
Marcelle Bittar (35) Brazilian [Lebanese] - model.
Cristina Lago (35) Brazilian - actress.
Roberta Rodrigues (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
MariMoon (35) Brazilian - youtuber.
Aparecida Petrowky (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Dani Calabresa (35) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Ildi Silva (35) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Dutch] - model.
Ana Braga (35) Brazilian - model.
Aline Nakashima (35) Brazilian [Japanese / Portuguese] - model.
Yzalu (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and rapper.
Taina Muller (35) Brazilian [German] - actress and model.
Lucy Ramos (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actress.
Paola Oliveira (35) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, Spanish] - actress.
Aline Wirley (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Giselle Itie (35) Brazilian / Mexican - actress.
Nancy Randall (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] / African-American - beauty pageant titleholder.
Marjorie Estiano (35) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Camila Alves (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese, possibly other] - model and designer.
Ana Paula Araújo (35) Brazilian - model.
Juliana Alves (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Mariana Weickert (35) Brazilian [German] - model.
Ellen Oleria (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Vanessa Giacomo (34) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Cris Noronha (34) Brazilian - model.
Suyane Moreira (34) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous Amazonian, Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Letícia Persiles (34) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Sandy Leah Lima (34) Brazilian - singer-songwriter and actress.
Gracyanne Barbosa (34) Brazilian - model.
Alice Braga (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese / Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified Non-Portuguese European] - actress.
Tata Werneck (34) Brazilian [German, Spanish] - actress.
Yaya Dacosta (34) Brazilian [Unspecified West African] / African-American, Cherokee, and Irish - model and actress.
Isabeli Fontana (34) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Natalia Nara (34) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - actress and model.
Priscilla Meirelles (34) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model, host, actress, environmentalist, and beauty queen.
Marli (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Flávia de Oliveira (34) Brazilian - model.
Priscila Marinho (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Alinne Moraes (34) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Carol Nakamura (34) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Raquel Zimmermann (34) Brazilian [German] - model.
Lidi Lisboa (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Thaís Pacholek (33) Brazilian [Polish] - actress.
Fernanda Andrade (33) Brazilian-American [Italian, Spanish Portuguese, Spanish, Swiss, and possibl Native Brazilian] - actress and model.
Daniella Sarahyba (33) Brazilian [Lebanese, Spanish] - model.
Cintia Rosa (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Fabiana Semprebom (33) Brazilian / Italian - model.
Sheron Menezzes (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actress.
Juliana Martins (33) Brazilian - model.
Paula Fernandes (33) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - singer, songwriter, and arranger.
Carol Castro (33) Brazilian - actress.
Raica Oliveira (33) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - model.
Fernanda Vasconcellos (33) Brazilian - actress.
Lovefoxxx (33) Brazilian [Japanese / German] - singer.
Luiza Possi (33) Brazilian [Italian] - singer.
Li Martins (33) Brazilian [Japanese / Unspecified Other] - actress and singer.
Daniella Sarahyba (33) Brazilian [Lebanese, Galician Spanish, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Cindy Mendes (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Débora Nascimento (32) Brazilian [Italian, Unspecified Indigenous / Unspecified Black] - actress and model.
Natalie Nunn (32) African-American, Brazilian, Mexican - television personality.
Tasya Teles (32) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] / Ukrainian - actress.
Erika Januza (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actress and model.
Jeisa Chiminazzo (32) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, German, possibly other] - model.
Bruna Surfistinha (32) Brazilian - blogger.
Leilah Moreno (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Natalie Morales (32) Puerto Rican / Brazilian - journalist.
Izabel Goulart (32) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Luiza Valdetaro (32) Brazilian - actress.
Ariela Massotti (32) Brazilian - actress.
Juliana Schalch (32) Brazilian [Swiss, Portuguese, Italian] - actress.
Juliana Imai (32) Brazilian [Japanese, Portuguese] - model.
Thaila Ayala (31) Brazilian - actress and model.
Camilla Belle (31) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, Unspecified Indigenous] / English, German, French, Unspecified Native American (Unconfirmed) - actress.
Lucy Alves (31) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Rafaela Zanella (31) Brazilian [Italian, German] - model.
Nanda Costa (31) Brazilian [Lebanese, Unspecified Other] - actress.
Giselle Batista (31) Brazilian - actress.
Monique Alfradique (31) Brazilian - actress.
Aisha Jambo (31) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Michelle Batista (31) Brazilian - actress.
Alice Dellal (30) Iraqi Mizrahi Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Sthefany Brito (30) Brazilian - actress.
Elisa Volpatto (30) Brazilian - actress.
Cintia Dicker (30) Brazilian [German] - model.
Akemi Katsuki (30) Brazilian [Japanese] - model.
Andressa Urach (30) Brazilian [Italian, German] - model, businesswoman and reality television personality.
Maria Casadevall (30) Brazilian [Spanish] - actress and model.
Adriana Birolli (30) Brazilian - actress.
Carol Abras (30) Brazilian - actress.
Caroline Trentini (30) Brazilian [German, Italian, possibly other] - model.
Jarina De Marco (30) Dominican [Taino, Unspecified African] / Brazilian - singer.
Isis Valverde (30) Brazilian [Italian, Celtiberian, possibly other] - actress.
Tigarah (30) Japanese / Brazilian - rapper.
Lua Blanco (30) Brazilian - singer and model.
Bruna Abdullah (30) Brazilian [Lebanese / Italian, Portuguese] - actress.
Maria Gadu (30) Brazilian - singer.
Karol Conka (30) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and rapper.
Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (30) French, Brazilian, Cree (Unconfirmed) / Scottish - actress, DJ, singer, and television host.
Bruna Erhardt (29) Brazilian [German] - model.
Dandara Mariana (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Luma Costa (29) Brazilian - actress.
Meisa Kuroki (29) ¾ Japanese / ¼ Brazilian - actress, model, and singer.
Lisalla Montenegro (29) Brazilian - model.
Kana Oya (29) Brazilian [Japanese] - model.
Renata Kuerten (29) Brazilian [German, possibly other] - model and television presenter.
Jacqueline Sato (29) Brazilian [50.41% Japanese / 32.9% German, Spanish, Portuguese / 11.47% Unspecified Middle Eastern / 4.95% Unspecified South Asian / 0.27% Unspecified Other Race] - actress and model.
Barbara Fialho (29) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Maddu Magalhaes (29) Brazilian - youtuber and actress.
Anna Tokiko (29) Brazilian [Japanese / Unspecified African, Unspecified European] - actress.
Mel Fronckowiak (29) Brazilian [Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, possibly Italian] - television host, actress, singer, fashion blogger, model, and writer.
Maiara Walsh (29) German, Irish, English, French / Brazilian - actress and singer.
Yasmin Brunet (29) Brazilian [Argentinian] - model and actress.
Angela Park (29) Brazilian [Korean] - pro golfer.
Flavia Lucini (28) Brazilian - model.
Louise D'Tuani (28) Brazilian - actress.
Solange Wilvert (28) Brazilian [German] - model.
Bruna Tenório (28) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified European] - model.
Pathy dos Reis (28) Brazilian - youtuber.
Caroline Francischini (28) Brazilian [Italian] - model.
Yani de Simone (28) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and model.
Lais Oliveira (28) Brazilian - model.
Tammy Di Calafiori (28) Brazilian [Italian] - actress and television host.
Emanuela de Paula (28) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, Dutch, Unspecified Indigenous] - model.
Juliana Lohmann (28) Brazilian - actress.
Sophie Charlotte (28) Brazilian / German - actress.
Luana Tanaka (28) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - actress.
Aline Weber (28) Brazilian [German] - model.
Akemi Darenogare (27) Brazilian [Japanese, Portuguese] - model.
Mariana Molina (27) Brazilian - actress.
Lais Ribeiro (27) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous, Portuguese] - model.
Letícia Colin (27) Brazilian - actress, singer, and presenter.
Gracie Carvalho (27) Brazilian - model.
Nathalia Kaur (27) Brazilian [Indian / Portuguese] - actress and model.
Bruna Schmitz (27) Brazilian [German, Portuguese, possibly other] - surfer and model.
Mizuho Lin (27) Brazilian [Taiwanese-Chinese] - singer.
Natascha Piva (27) Brazilian - singer.
Bianca A. Santos (27) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, possibly other] / Cuban [Spanish, possibly French, and other] - actress.
Martha Streck (27) Brazilian - model.
Yanna Lavigne (27) Brazilian [Japanese, French, Spanish] - actress and model.
Bruna Hamu (27) Brazilian - actress and former model.
Eunice Baia (27) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Bianca Bin (27) Brazilian - actress.
Catharina Choi Nunes (27) Korean / Brazilian [Portuguese, Spanish] - model.
Jasmine Tookes (26) African-American, Brazilian, Barbadian, Unspecified European - model.
Jéssika Alves (26) Brazilian - actress.
Bárbara Evans (26) Brazilian - actress and model.
Sophia Abrahao (26) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Angélica Kvieczynski (26) Brazilian [Polish, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - gymnast.
Mariah Buzolin (26) Brazilian - actress.
Aline Dias (26) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Daiane Conterato (26) Brazilian [Italian, Polish, possibly other] - model.
Sky Ferreira (25) Brazilian [Portuguese] / Ashkenazi Jewish, Cheyenne, Scottish, English, French, Irish - singer, songwriter, model, and actress.
Mallu Magalhaes (25) Brazilian - singer.
Jessica Ellen (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Daniela Braga (25) Brazilian - model.
Camila Finn (25) Brazilian [German] - model.
Kaya Scodelario (25) English / Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actress.
Agatha Moreira (25) Brazilian - model and actress.
Jamily (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Kefera Buchmann (24) Brazilian [German, Portuguese] - actress and vlogger.
Barbara di Creddo (24) Brazilian - model.
Iane Cardoso (24) Brazilian [Macuxi] - beauty pageant titleholder.
Jessie Rogers (24) Brazilian - youtuber, former porn actress.
Anitta (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese, possibly other] - singer and songwriter.
Luisa Arraes (24) Brazilian - actress.
Malu Rodrigues (24) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Vivian Amorim (24) Brazilian [Portuguese] - model and youtuber.
Gizele Oliveira (24) Brazilian - model.
MC Carol (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and rapper.
Laura Neiva (24) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, possibly other] - actress and model.
Bruna Linzmeyer (24) Brazilian [German, Portuguese, Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - actress.
Giovanna Lancellotti (24) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Mariana Santana (24) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, possibly other] - model.
Nah Cardoso (24) Brazilian - actress and youtuber.
Laura Neiva (24) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, possibly other] - actress and model.
Juliana Paiva (24) Brazilian - actress.
Manu Gavassi (24) Brazilian [Italian] - singer and actress.
Jeniffer Nascimento (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Camila Queiroz (24) Brazilian [Portuguese, Japanese] - actress and model.
Lini Kennedy (23) Brazilian - model.
Karol Queiroz (23) Brazilian - model, instagrammer, and youtuber.
Angelica Erthal (23) Brazilian - model.
Camila Mendes (23) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, possibly other] - actress.
Elen Santiago (23) Brazilian - model.
Bruna Vieira (23) Brazilian - beauty guru youtuber.
Ani Mondjardim (23) Brazilian - singer.
Mia Goth (23) English, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish, Brazilian - actress and model.
Bruna Lirio (23) Brazilian - model.
Bruna Rocha (23) Brazilian - singer.
Habiba Da Silva (23) Brazilian, Lebanese, English - beauty guru youtuber.
Caroline Ferreira (23) Brazilian - singer.
Ana Julia Dorigon (23) Brazilian - actress and model.
Luma Grothe (23) Brazilian [German, Japanese, Unspecified African, possibly other] - model.
Isabelle Drummond (23) Brazilian - actress.
Ari Westphal (23) Brazilian - model.
Julia Goldani Telles (22) Mexican [Spanish, probably other] / Brazilian [Italian, probably other] - actress and ballet dancer.
Raissa Santana (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Cindy Mello (22) Brazilian - model.
Marina Ruy Barbosa (22) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Flavia Pavanelli (22) Brazilian - beauty guru youtuber.
Ana Hikari (22) Brazilian [Japanese, Portuguese] - actress.
Isabella Santoni (22) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Ludmilla (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Isabella Ridolfi (22) Brazilian  - model.
Heslaine Vieira (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Marcela Ohio (22) Brazilian - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Larissa Murai (21) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress and singer.
Alice Wegmann (21) Brazilian [German] - actress.
Isabella Scherer (21) Brazilian - instagrammer and actress.
Marina Nery (21) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - model.
Hanna Romanazzi (21) Brazilian - model and actress.
Julia Abe (21) Brazilian / Japanese - model.
Marina Moschen (20) Brazilian - actress.
Barbara Valente (20) Brazilian - model.
Louane Emera (20) German, Polish / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - singer and actress.
Letícia Medina (20) Brazilian - actress.
Giullia Buscacio (20) Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian - actress.
Barbie Ferreira (20) Brazilian - model.
Valentina Sampaio (19) Brazilian - model and actress. - Trans!
Sasha Meneghel (19) Brazilian [½ Jewish, at least 1/16 Italian, Portuguese, likely Polish, possibly other] - actress, model, and athlete.
Samile Bermannelli (19) Brazilian - model.
Ariel Moura (19) Brazilian - model. - Trans!
Maju Trindade (19) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese] - model and youtuber.
Waleska Gorczevski (19) Brazilian - model.
Alissa Salls (19) Brazilian - model and instagrammer.
Monalysa Alcantara (18) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Yogi Keira (18) ¾ Japanese / ¼ Brazilian - singer.
Aira Ferreira (17) Brazilian - model.
Ana Giulia Zortea (17) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and pro swimmer.
Larissa Manoela (16) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Livia Inhudes (16) Brazilian - youtuber.
Giovanna Chaves (15) Brazilian - actress, singer, and model.
Júlia Gomes (15) Brazilian - singer and actress.
Giovanna Rispoli (15) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Any Gabrielly (15) Brazilian - singer and actress.
Dhu Moraes (born 1953) Brazilian - actress.
Camilla Amado (born in 1942) Brazilian - actress and teacher.
Giovanna Ferrarezi (?) Brazilian - youtuber.
Vic Hollo (?) Brazilian - youtuber, former viner.
Victoria Brito (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Lorena Maraschi (?) Brazilian  - model.
Bruna Meneghetti (?) Brazilian - model.
Hanne Linhares (?) Brazilian - model.
Sage Galesi (?) Cheyenne, Apache, Lakota Sioux / Brazilian [Unspecified European] - actress and singer.
Gabriella Nunes (?) Brazilian - model.
Thalissa Teixeira (?) Brazilian - actress.
Mariah da Penha (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Laryssa Dias (?) Brazilian - actress and dancer.
Branca Feres (?) Brazilian - synchronized swimmer, model, and actress.
Bia Feres (?) Brazilian - synchronized swimmer, model, and actress.
Christiana Guinle (?) Brazilian - actress and producer.
Cristina Lark (?) Brazilian - actress.
Nelson Sargento (93) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actor.
Leonardo Villar (93) Brazilian - actor.
Pedro Farah (91) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Clementino Kele (89) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Tony Tornado (87) Brazilian [Unspecified African] / Guyanese - actor and singer.
Lima Duarte (87) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Isaac Bardavid (86) Brazilian [Turkish Jewish] - actor.
Mauro Mendonca (86) Brazilian - actor.
Joao Gilberto (86) Brazilian - singer and guitarist.
Silvio Santos (86) Brazilian [Sephardic Jewish, Greek, Turkish] - tv host.
Sergio Ricardo (85) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor and filmmaker.
Monarco (84) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Othon Bastos (84) Brazilian - actor.
Ary Fontoura (84) Brazilian - actor.
Milton Gonçalves (83) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and playwright.
Bira (83) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Tarcísio Meira (82) Brazilian - actor.
Ken Kaneko (82) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Jose Mojica Marins (81) Brazilian [Spanish, possibly other] - actor.
Zuzuca do Salgueiro (81) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Reginaldo Faria (80) Brazilian - actor and film director.
Wilson Moreira (80) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Reginaldo Faria (80) Brazilian - actor and director.
Daniel Filho (80) Brazilian [Catalan] / Argentinian - actor.
Amir Haddad (80) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Martinho da Vila (79) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Dom Salvador (79) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Ivan de Almeida (79) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Antonio Pitanga (78) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Erasmo Carlos (76) Brazilian - singer.
Jorge Mautner (76) Brazilian [Austrian Jewish / Yugoslav] - musician, actor, and filmmaker.
Roberto Carlos (76) Brazilian - singer.
Laerico de Freitas (76) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and musician.
Ney Matogrosso (76) Brazilian - singer.
Gilberto Gil (75) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Jorge Ben Jor (75) Brazilian [Ethiopian] - singer.
Caetano Veloso (75) Brazilian - musician.
Nei Lopes (75) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Pedro Ortaca (75) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - singer.
Milton Nascimento (74) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Dori Caymmi (74) Brazilian [Italian / Unspecified Other] - musician.
Paulinho da Viola (74) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Ney Latorraca (73) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor.
Chico Buarque (73) Brazilian [Portuguese, Dutch] - musician and writer.
Geraldo Azevedo (72) Brazilian - singer and guitarist.
Lucio Yanel (71) Brazilian / Argentinian - musician.
Jose de Abreu (71) Brazilian - actor.
Joao Bosco (71) Brazilian [Lebanese] - singer and guitarist.
Gaucho da Fronteira (70) Brazilian / Uruguayan - singer.
Gesio Amadeu (70) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Gilbert Stein (69) Brazilian [Egyptian Jewish] - singer.
Luis Vagner (69) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Tony Ramos (69) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Paulinho da Costa (69) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Luís Melo (69) Brazilian - actor.
Jose Mayer (68) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actor.
Jorge Aragao (68) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Antônio Fagundes (68) Brazilian - actor.
Djavan (68) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Dutch] - singer.
Raimundo Fagner (68) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - singer and actor.
Neguinho da Beija-Flor (68) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Daniel Benzali (67) Brazilian [Jewish] - actor.
Joao Mulato (67) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified European] - singer.
José Dumont (67) Brazilian - actor.
Ricardo Blat (66) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Jose Augusto (64) Brazilian - singer.
Sergio Assad (64) Brazilian [Lebanese] - musician.
Gelson Oliveira (62) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Nego (62) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Beto Barbosa (62) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - singer.
Cosme dos Santos (62) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Skowa (61) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Walter Salles (61) Brazilian [Portuguese, distant Sephardic Jewish, possibly other] - filmmaker, film producer, and editor.
Romeu Evaristo (61) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Fernando Meirelles (61) Brazilian - film director, producer and screenwriter.
Gil Brother (60) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Patricio Bisso (60) Brazilian / Argentinian - actor.
Ciro Pessoa (60) Brazilian - singer, guitarist, and poet.
Fausto Fawcett (60) Brazilian - rapper, actor, and writer.
Fauzi Beydoun (59) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian] - singer and guitarist.
Arlindo Cruz (59) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Walter Afanasieff (59) Brazilian [Russian] - musician.
Amin Khader (58) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Guy Ecker (58) Brazilian - actor.
Serginho Meriti (58) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Chico Diaz (58) Brazilian / Paraguayan - actor.
Sergio Kato (57) Brazilian - actor.
Carlos Takeshi (57) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Arnaldo Antunes (57) Brazilian - musician.
Leo Jamie (57) Brazilian - musician and actor.
Sergio Kato (57) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Marquinhos de Oswaldo Cruz (56) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Andre Mattos (56) Brazilian - actor.
Frejat (55) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - singer.
Ze Miguel (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Ivo Meirelles (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Dany Roland (55) Brazilian [French, Portuguese, Italian], Argentinian [French, Portuguese, Italian, Egyptian] - musician and actor.
Lenilton (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Vitor Ramil (55) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - singer.
Nasi (55) Brazilian - musician and actor.
Carlinhos Brown (54) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Marcos Palmeira (54) Brazilian - actor.
Mauricio Mattar (53) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actor.
Ailton Graca (53) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Alexandre Frota (53) Brazilian - actor and former model.
Carlos Sato (53) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Chico Cesar (53) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous] - singer.
Daniel Munduruku (53) Brazilian [Munduruku] - writer.
Claudio Botelho (born in 1964) Brazilian - actor.
Adriano Garib (52) Brazilian [Syrian, Lebanese / Italian] - actor.
Octavio Muller (52) Brazilian - actor.
Alvaro Tito (52) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Carlos Saldanha (52) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - director, producer, and animator.
Eduardo Silva (52) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Andre Abujamra (52) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian] - musician.
Maricio Goncalves (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Marcelo Yuka (51) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - drummer.
Sebastian Soul (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and singer.
Flavio Bauraqui (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Irmao Lazaro (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Enrique Diaz (50) Brazilian / Paraguayan - actor.
Delicio Luiz (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Toni Garrido (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actor.
DJ Jamaika (50) Brazilian / Jamaican - rapper.
Sergio Loroza (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and singer.
Silvetty Montilla (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - drag queen, actor, and singer.
Pit Passarell (49) Brazilian [Argentinian] - musician.
Serginho Procopio (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Marcelo D2 (49) Brazilian - rapper.
Otto (49) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Dutch] - singer and actor.
Edi Rock (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Kleber Lucas (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Matheus Nachtergaele (49) Brazilian [Belgian] - actor and director.
Thaide (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper and actor.
Max Cavalera (48) Brazilian [Italian, other] - musician.
Pericles (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Ndee Naldinho (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Vanderlei de Lima (48) Brazilian - pro long distance runner.
Max Cavalera (48) Brazilian [Italian] - singer and guitarist.
Mr. Catra (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
David Brazil (48) Brazilian - actor and promoter.
Ice Blue (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
X (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Luciano Szafir (48) Brazilian [Jewish] - actor and model.
KL Jay (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Thogun Teixeira (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper and actor.
Anderson Muller (47) Brazilian [Lebanese, German] - actor.
Netinho de Paula (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actor.
Ines Brasil (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African, German] - singer.
Seu Jorge (47) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - singer.
Alexandre Nero (47) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Mano Brown (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Fabio Lago (47) Brazilian - actor.
Xandre de Pilares (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Fabio Assuncao (46) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Marcelo Batista (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and rapper.
Gero Camilo (46) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Portuguese, Dutch] - actor and singer.
Caco Ciocler (46) Brazilian - actor.
Marquinhos Gomes (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Andre Matos (46) Brazilian - musician.
Ed Motta (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Lui Mendes (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Murilo Benício (45) Brazilian - actor.
Black Alien (45) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Eriberto Leao (45) Brazilian - actor.
Jacare (45) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and dancer.
Rogerio Flausino (45) Brazilian - singer.
Rappin’ Hood (45) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Nicolas Trevijano (45) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actor.
Max Viana (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Emanuel Rego (44) Brazilian - pro volleyball player.
Leandro Hassum (44) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Japinha (44) Brazilian [Japanese, Italian] - musician.
Saulo Vasconcellos (44) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Marcelo Falcao (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Juliano Son (44) Brazilian [Korean] - singer.
Dexter (44) Brazilian - rapper.
Bukassa Kabengele (44) Brazilian [Congolese, Belgian] - actor and singer.
Xis (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Selton Mello (44) Brazilian - actor and director.
Sergio Menezes (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Robert Scheidt (44) Brazilian [German] - pro sailor.
Felipe Duarte (44) Brazilian - actor.
Reynaldo Gianecchini (44) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
BNegao (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Octaviano Costa (44) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - actor.
Jaime Camil (44) Mexican [Egyptian, possibly other] / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor, singer, and host.
MV Bill (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor, rapper, and filmmaker.
Adriano Cintra (43) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, German, Portuguese] - musician.
Lino Krizz (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer, rapper, and actor.
Dudu Nobre (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Antonio Pedro Tabet (43) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Afro-X (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Bruno Campos (43) Brazilian - actor.
Belo (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Gabriel o Pensador (43) Brazilian [Italian] - rapper.
Criolo (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer, rapper, and actor.
Anderson Silva (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - MMA fighter.
Rodrigo Santoro (42) Brazilian [Portuguese, including Azorean, possibly other] / Italian] - actor.
Alexandre Barillari (42) Brazilian - actor.
DJ Marky (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Sergio Abreu (42) Brazilian - actor.
Ken Chang (42) Brazilian [Taiwanese-Chinese] - actor and singer.
Buchecha (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Ferrez (42) Brazilian - rapper and author.
Jair Oliveira (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Japanese] - singer.
Gustavo Kuerten (41) Brazilian [German, some Polish and Austrian] - retired tennis player.
Malvino Salvador (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Portuguese] - model and actor.
Alexandre Pires (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Vladimir Brichta (41) Brazilian [Russian, German] - actor.
Leo Maia (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Malvino Salvador (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Portuguese] - actor and model.
DJ Patife (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Bob Burnquist (41) Swedish, Brazilian - professional skateboarder.
Pregador Luo (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Curumin (41) Brazilian [Japanese, Spanish] - singer.
Kamau (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Wagner Moura (41) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor.
Kamau (41) Brazilian [Kenyan] - rapper.
Gustavo Haddad (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Daniel de Oliveira (40) Brazilian - actor.
Andre Sa (40) Brazilian - pro tennis player.
Théo Becker (40) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor, model and singer.
Daniel Bueno (40) Brazilian  - model, reality television personality and actor.
Leandro Firmino (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Henri Castelli (39) Brazilian - actor and model.
Ivan Miyazato (39) Brazilian [Japanese] - musician.
Ivo Muller (39) Brazilian - actor.
Mouhamed Harfouch (39) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Leandro Firmino (39) Brazilian - actor.
Thalles (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Thiago Lacerda (39) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Matheus Rocha (38) Brazilian - filmmaker.
Lazaro Ramos (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Bruno Santos (38) Brazilian - model.
Max B.O. (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Marcos Veras (38) Brazilian - actor.
Gustavo Gianetti (38) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor, model and singer.
Andre Marinho (38) Brazilian - musician (Br’oz).
Anderson Lau (38) Brazilian [Chinese] - actor.
Franco Finato Scornavacca (38) Brazilian - singer (KLB).
Naldo Benny (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Pedro Andrade (38) Brazilian - actor and model.
Lazaro Ramos (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Thierre Di Castro Garrito (38) Brazilian - actor and Mister Brazil 1996.
Dan Nakagawa (38) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor and singer.
Marcos Veras (37) Brazilian - actor and filmmaker.
Caio Blat (37) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Catalan] - actor.
Fabrizio Moretti (37) Italian / Brazilian - musician and songwriter.
Rocco Pitanga (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Francimar Barroso (37) Brazilian - MMA fighter.
Dado Dolabella (37) Brazilian / Spanish - actor and singer.
Bibiano Fernandes (37) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous Amazonian, possibly other] - MMA fighter.
Diego Miguel (37) Brazilian - model.
Caua Reymond (37) Brazilian [Swiss, Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous] - actor.
Anderson Freire (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Rodrigo Hilbert (37) Brazilian [Polish, Italian] - actor and model.
Moufid Aziz (born in 1980) Brazilian [Moroccan] - model.
Rafael Verga (36) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian] - model.
Bruno Belarmino (36) Brazilian - actor.
Maicon (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - professional footballer.
Leandro Finato Scornavacca (36) Brazilian - singer (KLB).
Sergio Marone (36) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
Elano (36) Brazilian [German, Italian, possibly other] - retired footballer.
Juan Manuel Tellategui (36) Brazilian / Argentinian - actor.
Michel Teló (36) Brazilian [Italian] - singer and songwriter.
Jhean Menezes (36) Brazilian - musician (Br’oz).
Andre Ramiro (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and rapper.
Hermann Nicoli (35) Brazilian - model.
Vinicius Machado (35) Brazilian - actor.
Rafael Zulu (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Luis Lobianco (35) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Bruno Gagliasso (35) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
Ibere Thenorio (35) Brazilian - youtuber (Manual do Mundo).
Fabricio Boliveira (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Anderson Varejão (35) Brazilian - professional basketball player.
Thiago Frago (35) Brazilian - actor.
Babu Santana (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Rodiney Santiago (35) Brazilian - model.
Marcos Pitombo (35) Brazilian - actor.
Adriano Bolshi (35) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Marcos Pitombo (35) Brazilian - actor.
Oscar Tintel (35) Brazilian - musician (Br’oz).
Paulo Nagamura (34) Brazilian [Japanese, Italian, possibly other] - retired soccer player.
Bruce Driscoll (34) Brazilian - musician.
Alexandre Rodrigues (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Rolan Bell (34) Brazilian [Jamaican, possibly other] - actor.
Antonio Campos (34) Brazilian [Portuguese, Sephardic Jewish, possibly other] / Italian/Sicilian - director, screenwriter, and producer.
Akihiro Sato (34) Brazilian [Japanese] - model and actor.
José Carlos Moreira (34) Brazilian - professional sprinter.
Dani Alves (34) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, possibly other] - professional footballer.
Fabio Porchat (34) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Alejandro Claveaux (34) Brazilian [French, Spanish] / Uruguayan - actor.
Marcelo Melo (34) Brazilian - pro tennis player.
Thiaguinho (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Romulo Pires (34) Brazilian - model.
Jonathan Haagensen (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Norwegian] - actor and model.
Joao Vicente de Castro (34) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Ryan Hollweg (34) Brazilian [German] / White [Unspecified] - professional hockey player.
Obina (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous] - professional footballer.
Fabio Lucindo (33) Brazilian - actor.
Lucas Silveira (33) Brazilian - musician.
Thiago Santos (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Junior Lima (33) Brazilian - musician.
Sergio Hondjakoff (33) Brazilian [Russian, Portuguese] - actor.
Miro Moreira (33) Brazilian - model.
Robinho (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - professional footballer.
Bruno Finato Scornavacca (33) Brazilian - singer (KLB).
Richard Brancatisano (33) Brazilian [Italian] / Other Unspecified - actor.
Mateus Verdelho (33) Brazilian - model and rapper.
Yuri Nishida (33) Brazilian [Japanese] - singer.
Lucas Gil (33) Brazilian -  model and Mister Brazil World 2007.
Phellipe Haagensen (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Norwegian] - actor.
Gabriel Totoro (33) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Evandro Soldati (32) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - model.
Tiago Splitter (32) Brazilian [Ashkenazi Jewish, German, possibly other] - professional basketball player.
Andre Ziehe (32) Brazilian - model.
Jui Huang (32) Brazilian [Taiwanese-Chinese] - actor.
David Correy (32) Brazilian - singer.
Emicida (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Rafael Lazzini (32) Brazilian - model.
Taio Cruz (32) Nigerian / Brazilian - singer, songwriter, record producer, rapper, and entrepreneur.
Rafael Infante (32) Brazilian - actor and musician.
J-Son (32) Brazilian / Swedish - rapper.
Rincon Sapiencia (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Rodrigo Calazans (32) Brazilian - model.
Ronaldo (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese] - footballer.
Rafael Cardoso (31) Brazilian - actor.
Gregorio Duvivier (31) Brazilian [Belgian, possibly other] - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Edilson Nascimento (31) Brazilian - model.
Projota (31) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Bernado Velasco (31) Brazilian - actor and model.
Rodrigo Massa (31) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Jonas Sulzbach (31) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2010 and reality tv star.
Jayme Matarazzo (31) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
Klebber Toledo (31) Brazilian - actor and model.
Reinaldo Dalcin (31) Brazilian - model, mechanical engineer, and Mister Brazil 2013.
Diego Hypolito (31) Brazilian - pro gymnast.
Harry Louis (30) Brazilian - actor, model, and musician.
Cesar Cielo (30) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - competitive swimmer.
Alexandre Cunha (30) Brazilian - model.
Rômulo Arantes Neto (30) Brazilian - actor and model.
Caio Cesar (30) Brazilian - model.
Icaro Silva (30) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and singer.
Joe Penna (30) Brazilian - youtuber.
Franklin David (30) Brazilian - model, reporter and DJ.
Jesus Luz (30) Brazilian - model and DJ.
Marcello Melo Jr. (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor, singer, songwriter, musician and model.
Willian (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - professional footballer.
Fabio Audi (29) Brazilian - actor, filmmaker, and musician.
Darlan Cunha (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Kondzilla (29) Brazilian - youtuber.
Leo Santana (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Thomaz Bellucci (29) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - professional tennis player.
Tiago Abravanel (29) Brazilian [Sephardic Jewish, Greek, Turkish] - actor and singer.
Wesley Safadao (29) Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Douglas Silva (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Thomaz Bellucci (29) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - professional tennis player.
Felipe Neto (29) Brazilian - youtuber.
Michel Gomes (28) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Caio Castro (28) Brazilian - actor and model.
Alfred Enoch (28) English / Brazilian [Afro-Barbadian] - actor.
Gui Fedrizzi (28) Brazilian - model.
Daniel Matsunaga (28) Japanese / Brazilian [Unspecified European, possibly other] - model and actor.
Gusttavo Lima (28) Brazilian - singer.
Ian Matos (28) Brazilian - professional diver.
Leo Rodriguez (28) Brazilian - singer.
Micael Borges (28) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor and singer.
Anderson Tomazini (28) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2015 and actor.
Marco Pigossi (28) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor.
George Sauma (28) Brazilian [Palestinian, possibly other] - actor and musician.
Arthur Aguiar (28) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Charles Oliveira (27) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - MMA fighter.
Renato Ferreira (27) Brazilian - model.
Lucas Malvacini (27) Brazilian - model, actor, youtuber, and Mister Brazil 2011.
Arthur Zanetti (27) Brazilian [Italian, Spanish, possibly other] - pro gymnast.
Guilherme Leicam (27) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Vini Uehara (27) Brazilian [Italian, Japanese, possibly other] - singer and model.
Gabriel Burger (27) Brazilian - model.
Lucas Feuerschutte (27) Brazilian - youtuber.
Felipe Martins (27) Brazilian - professional footballer.
Mateus Solano (26) Brazilian [Italian Jewish, possibly other] - actor.
Lucas Bernardini (26) Brazilian - actor.
Marcelo Chierighini (26) Brazilian - pro swimmer.
Peterson dos Santos (26) Brazilian - professional sprinter.
Humberto Carrão (26) Brazilian - actor.
Alok (26) Brazilian [Italian, Lebanese, Portuguese, possibly other] - DJ and producer.
Marlon Teixeira (26) Brazilian [½ Portuguese, ¼ Unspecified Indigenous, ¼ Japanese] - model.
Lucas Montandon (26) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2014 and actor.
Fiuk (26) Brazilian [Armenian, Spanish, possibly other] - singer and actor.
Luan Santana (26) Brazilian - singer.
Arthur Sales (26) Brazilian [Unspecified European, possibly other] - model.
Jesuita Barbosa (26) Brazilian - actor.
Alok (26) Brazilian [Israeli, Ukrainian Jewish, Latvian Jewish, possibly other] - musician.
Francisco Lachowski (26) Brazilian [Polish / German, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Conrado Dess (26) Brazilian - singer and actor.
Mauricio Destri (26) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor.
Luccas Neto (25) Brazilian - youtuber.
Yudi Tamashiro (25) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - singer.
Jessey Stevens (25) Brazilian - model and instagrammer.
Neymar (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese, possibly other] - professional footballer and actor.
Chay Suede (25) Brazilian - actor.
Nego do Borel (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Rodrigo Simas (25) Brazilian - actor.
Pyong Lee (25) Brazilian [Korean, possibly other] - actor and youtuber.
Lucas Medeiros (25) Brazilian - model.
Rael Costa (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - model.
John Guidetti (25) 5/8 Swedish, ¼ Italian, 1/8 Brazilian - footballer.
Arlindo Neto (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Kim Freire (24) Brazilian - model.
Antonio Carlos (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Pablo Morais (24) Brazilian - model.
Leo Bruno (24) Brazilian - model.
Sergio Malheiros (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Isaquias Queiroz (23) Brazilian - professional sprint canoeist.
Ricardo de Souza (23) Brazilian - professional sprinter.
Jonathan Couto (23) Brazilian - singer (P9).
Thiago Braz da Silvia (23) Brazilian - professional pole vaulter.
Caique Gama (22) Brazilian - singer.
Whindersson Nunes (22) Brazilian - youtuber.
Ghilherme Lobo (22) Brazilian - actor.
Thiago Modesto (21) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - singer.
Matheus Santana (21) Brazilian - professional swimmer.
Lucas Dambros (21) Brazilian - model.
Rafael Vitti (21) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor and musician.
Pedro Afonso Rezende (21) Brazilian - youtuber (rezendeevil).
Vitor Assan (21) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - singer.
Marco Tulio (21) Brazilian - youtuber (AuthenticGames).
Nicolas Prattes (20) Brazilian [Austrian, Portuguese, possibly other] - actor.
Vyni Takahashi (20) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - actor.
Rafael Lange (20) Brazilian - youtuber.
Diego Francisco (20) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
John Klarner (19) Brazilian [German, possibly other] - actor and model.
Lino Facioli (17) Brazilian [Austrian, Italian, Portuguese, German, possibly other] - actor.
Jean Paulo Campos (14) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor and singer.
Caian Maroni (?) Brazilian - model.
Gabriel Vieira (?) Brazilian - model.
Alexandre Malaquias (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Edilson Ferreira Leite (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 1997.
Lucas Facchini (?) Brazilian - model.
David Y.W. Pond (?) Brazilian [Chinese, possibly other] - actor.
Ramilio Zampiron Junior (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2000.
Lucas Cristino (?) Brazilian - model.
Gabriel Loureiro (?) Brazilian - model.
Vinicius Ribeiro (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2008.
Da Ghama (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - guitarist.
Bruno Endler (?) Brazilian - model.
Gabriel Gomieri (?) Brazilian - model.
Rael da Rima (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Willian Rech (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2012.
Andre Bona (?) Brazilian - model.
Diego Fragoso (?) Brazilian - model.
Rafael Portugal (?) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Diego Galante (?) Brazilian - instagrammer.
Carlos Franco (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2016.
Davi Sabbag (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Uo).
Mateus Carrilho (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Uo).
Dan Rodrigues (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Celso Otoniel (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Murillo Santos (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Davison Lopes (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Paulo Victor (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Josenel Santos (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Manoel Junior (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Kew Malta (?) Brazilian - model, actor, dancer, and singer.
Igor Von Adamovich (?) Brazilian - singer (P9).
Guilherme dos Santos (?) Brazilian - musician (P9).
Pe Lu (?) Brazilian - musician (Restart).
Nelson Meirelles (?) Brazilian - musician.
Marcelo Lobato (?) Brazilian - drummer.
Lauro Farias (?) Brazilian - bassist.
Ebel Perrelli (?) Brazilian - musician.
Thales Silveira (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Mario Lobo (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Alexandre Bicudo (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Misael Barros (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Aguinaldo Filho (?) Brazilian - actor.
Liniker (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - Genderfluid - singer.
Pabllo Vittar (22) Brazilian - Genderfluid - singer.
Alessandra Ambrosio - appropriation.
Hailey Baldwin - appropriation.
Gisele Bündchen - racism.
Henry Zaga - not black but took a black role in New Mutants.
Bruna Marquezine (22) Brazilian - not indigenous but took an indigenous role.
Luis Salem - is a cis man but took a trans woman role in O Cla Das Divorciadas.
Luis Miranda - is a cis man but took a trans woman role in Geracao Brasil.
Aggro Santos - accused of two counts of rape.
Arthur Mariano - made anti black racist “jokes”.
Fellipe Arakawa - made anti black racist “jokes”.
Henrique Flores - made anti black racist “jokes”.
Pe Lanza - accused of beating own mother.
Giselli Monteiro - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Bruna Abdullah - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Izabelle Leite - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Gabriela Bertante - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Carol Duarte - is a cis woman but took a trans man role in A Forca Do Querer.
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nosensedit · 5 years
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any borges | reblog or credit on @alohomorxs
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