#any asks in response to this post will be ignored unless they are very funny or extremely stupid (and thus also funny)
candyredappledragon · 9 months
h-hi! the name is kieran. nice to meet you! ive been here for a bit and uhm.... sadly figuring out how to use this site! ( kind of afraid of interacting with others especially but im trying my best to not be easily scared ! ) i am not familiar with technology and or online things/words so please be patient with me. i know there are other kierans here too and honestly theyre pretty cool! ....d-dont tell them i said that. im not really a battler so if you are trying to look for one then im sorry to say that you will be disappointed but you can ask the others though. really sorry
..uh thank you for checking my blog— furret youre on my facEXSFDGCVHH
Tumblr media
🍎 Please no genuine anon hate, nsfw, or anything really bad. ( You can be mean to Kieran! ) Pelipper mail is okay ( but malice is off for now ). Sapient Pokemon or the likes of interacting are fine too, Kieran is too much of a goofball to notice it. Please don't give him Pokemon the thought is appreciated but if you do they'll turn into stickers lol.
Please don't be weird. I'm serious. As well PLEASE be patient with me and not be pushy. I'm trying my best!
This Kieran is in AU as to what happens if Florian doesn't lie to him about Ogerpon and whatnot! Kieran still doesn't get Ogerpon and is fine with it ( kind of, as in this made him feel inferior to having friends and will always be chosen over by other people. ) His way of thinking is that maybe he should try to be nice and kind to others so that will help him get friends as he sees Florian do this the same to others. ( The only thing Kieran thinks he's not good at is having a funny personality. He is very awkward in person. ) Blueberry Academy was hard on him as he was almost practically as ignored and students tend to forget he is the champion because of his cowardly personality. Florian took over later as champion. Okay there.
(By the way this is a summary please don't hurt me. 💔)
Plus I will try to draw for asks but they won't be the best but surely will motivate me to draw! If there are no asks then I'll just draw daily things with Kieran so it's a win-win for me!
💥 This Kieran doesn't like to get involved with stuff so feel free to drag him into antics! He isn't the one to approach people either so if you are wondering why I don't start convos with other blogs with asks that's why. ( I'm shy too. ) He's a bit of a coward online and in person but he won't shy away trying to be friends with others.
🍎 Posts are tagged to make things easier! Feel free to block one of them to make your experience smooth!
Art related: art tag , art reply , daily Kieran art
Text related: text reply/reply text , text ask , text post , ooc post , reply reblog
Other: long post
Anything you want to be tagged? Please let me know! :)
"Can we use your art?" Feel free to use the art or whatever! Don't need to credit and I prefer not to be credited. You can edit it too! Idgaf just no bigotry. :,] "What do we call you and do you have pronouns?" Uhm, you can call me Eight or any other version of the number 8 itself. [ Ex: Ocho, Hachi, Acht, etc ]. No pronouns! Refer me to by name or just call me mod or some other third thing lol. "What art program do you use?" Clip Studio Paint! "Are you okay with collabs?" Of course! Please feel free to message me anytime. :] "What time do you post art/responses?" Uhm....... anytime to be honest? My sleep schedule is ABYSMAL. I am very much online unless I'm busy doing comp. "Are replies time sensitive when interacting with this blog?" Nope! Take your time with your replies. I am pretty chill and everyone is pretty busy with real life. Fair warning I'm a ditz. :( "Why did you make this blog?" To draw Kieran a thousand times over until I'm dead lol. ( Even if it isn't posted on this blog!) And world build my stupid au. :u I'm just currently on a small burnout on drawing. I'm sorry. :c
"Is this a sideblog?" Yeah, you are never going to find out my main!! It's very cringe ( it has different media art ). I will interact with my other sideblog with thoughts and reactions at times. [ if you are curious @/hahahasquib ]
"Do you like Kieran?" No. ( Yes. A normal amount. )
62 notes · View notes
inawickedlittletown · 6 months
I'm On Trial Waiting 'til the Beat Comes Out (buddie one-shot)
Notes: To begin I want to say this fic was inspired by a post I saw on here a little while ago. So I want to give credit to that post and to @smilingbuckley for the premise. It was too funny not to write it. About halfway through writing this I also became aware that she had written and posted her own fic (which I will be reading asap).
“There’s someone here to see you.”
“To see me?”
Bobby looked a little apprehensive. “Well, they want to start with you. Said they want to talk to all of us.”
Buck finished tying his left shoe. “Okay…but what is this about?”
“Professional Standards Division,” Bobby said. “Is there any reason they may need to speak with you, Buck?”
Internal Affairs is back at the 118, this time dealing with a more personal matter. The question at hand, are Buck and Eddie in a romantic relationship?
Words: 8,023
on Ao3
It happened on a Tuesday.
Buck was in the process of getting his shoes on, when Bobby rapped on the glass to catch his attention. He was ready to make excuses for why he’d arrived a little late, but Bobby spoke first.
“There’s someone here to see you.”
“To see me?” 
Bobby looked a little apprehensive. “Well, they want to start with you. Said they want to talk to all of us.”
Buck finished tying his left shoe. “Okay…but what is this about?” 
“Professional Standards Division,” Bobby said. “Is there any reason they may need to speak with you, Buck?” 
It had been nearly a month since their last visit from internal affairs. Buck thought that things had been fully cleared up especially after they all got praised for the acquisition of a chopper instead of promptly fired. He couldn’t imagine that it was somehow coming back around. He couldn’t think of anything else, unless there had been some kind of complaint. That did happen on occasion, but it didn’t require someone from the professional standards division to come down. Usually it was just a conversation with Bobby. 
“I have no idea,” Buck said. 
“Well, head up to my office,” Bobby said. “I’m sure it’s nothing.” 
Except that from the way he said it, Bobby clearly didn’t think it was nothing. He also definitely did not know what it was. 
Assistant Chief Gilbert was someone Buck had met maybe one time and it had definitely happened at a multi-alarm fire where everything was chaos and there was no time for real introductions. She sat behind Bobby’s desk, leaning back in the chair and eyes trained on a tablet. Her eyes flitted up when Buck entered, but returned back to the screen for a long moment. 
“Firefighter Buckley,” Assistant Chief Gilbert said.
“That’s me,” Buck said. 
She smiled, flashing very straight and very white teeth behind the red lips. “You can sit. I don’t think this will take long. It is necessary.” 
“May I ask what this is about?” Buck asked. 
Gilbert sat up, leaning forward. “Something has been brought to my attention that couldn’t be ignored. There is a reason that family members working for the LAFD don’t usually belong to the same firehouse, why it’s a bit murky when things like this do happen.” 
“If this is about Chim and I — I mean, he’s not even my brother-in-law yet. And shouldn’t he be—”
She cut him off with a shake of her head. “No, Firefighter Buckley, this is not about Firefighter Han. This is about you and Firefighter Diaz.” 
Buck had no response to that. His mouth was open, but no words came out. He could only stare at her, surprised and shocked because…what did he and Eddie have to do with anything. 
“Eddie and I aren’t related,” Buck said, when he finally found words. 
“That is not what I’m saying,” Gilbert said. “What has come into question is the existence of a romantic relationship between you and Firefighter Diaz. It has been observed and documented and there are just too many instances that have made this a concern. So now, there are questions to ask to determine if keeping you at the 118 is viable.” 
“No,” Buck said with a shake of his head. “We’re…no, we aren’t together. He’s my best friend. Nothing more. I don’t know why anyone would think we’re dating. That’s crazy.” 
Gilbert frowned. She touched her tablet and seemed to scroll. “For now, I have a few questions. This is an investigation, Firefighter Buckley, and for now we have to go through procedure.” 
“Right,” Buck said. 
No one ever talked about the politics behind the LAFD. The hierarchy that was put in place so that the whole thing ran smoothly and all the divisions that made it all possible. Buck was but a speck in the whole grand scheme. 
“Are you and Eddie Diaz in a relationship of a romantic nature?” 
“But you are very close. Close enough that you would take guardianship of Eddie’s son if the worst happened?” 
“That’s true, but…”
She waved him off. “Is it also true that everyone considers you the boy’s second parent?”
“Not really. At least, I didn’t think they did.” 
“Does Eddie?” 
“Uh. No.” 
“Is it true that when Firefighter Diaz was shot, you took care of his son?”
Buck nodded.
“Is it also true that you are on his son’s emergency calls list?”
“I guess so,” Buck said. “But, any one of us could have stepped in to take care of Chris. That time it happened to be me.” 
“Moving on from that, is there a reason that the two of you carpool nearly every day into work?”
“To save on gas money and pollute less?” Buck said and it came out like a question. “And it’s not every day. It’s happened every once in a while.”
“According to your files, carpooling doesn’t make sense unless you’ve moved. Are you in the habit of sleeping at each other’s places?” 
Her stare was piercing as if she was waiting for Buck to give up and tell her what she wanted to hear. 
“Sometimes I crash at his house after babysitting his kid. Or when it’s too late and I’m too tired to drive to my apartment.”
She made a humming noise. 
“Many saw the incident a few years ago with the well. Your reaction when Diaz cut the rope was well documented. It was all over the news. I just find it interesting that you are clearly so emotionally involved.”
Buck let out a breath. “He’s my best friend.”
“It’s not just on your end. His reaction when you were struck by lighting cannot be ignored. Not to mention everything that occurred during the tsunami. I am well aware of how closely firefighters work, the familial relationship that can develop through the shared experiences, but you two are different. So, the truth now, Firefighter Buckley, how long have you and Firefighter Diaz been dating?” 
“We’re not,” Buck said. “Eddie is my best friend. He has a girlfriend and until about a month ago so did I. This is insane, you can ask anyone, we are not dating.” And out of some sort of desperation, he threw out: “In fact, you can ask Tommy Kinard.”
Gilbert looked thoughtfully at him. “That is your final answer,” she said with a hum. “I will be speaking to everyone in the firehouse as well as Firefighter Diaz. We will get the truth and there will be consequences if anyone is lying.” 
“I’m not,” Buck said. 
“Can you describe your relationship with Firefighter Buckley,” Assistant Chief Gilbert said. 
“Well we work together and I consider him my closest friend,” Eddie said. 
“Right. So, you spend a lot of time together outside of work.” 
Chief Gilbert had that quality about her that explained exactly how she had made it to the position she had and perhaps even how she was involved in the Professional Standards Division. It was in the way her eyes narrowed, looking like a disappointed parent waiting for their kid to come clean. 
“I mean, how much time do you spend with your best friend?” Eddie shot back. “Considering the amount of hours that we work, we do spend quite a bit of time together outside of work. I also see a lot of Hen and Chim. We’re all very close.” 
She nodded. “Okay. So I’m here to get to the bottom of things and there are a few things I’d be glad to have cleared up.”
“Sure,” Eddie said. 
“You changed your will, at least in regards to your son,” Gilbert said. “You named Firefighter Buckley as guardian to your son in the event that you couldn’t care for him.”
“That’s true,” Eddie said. “There is no one else I would trust with my son. I see nothing wrong with that.”
“There isn’t. I just find it curious when you have living parents and siblings.”
Eddie nodded. “You haven’t met them,” he said with a slight smile. “And my son has CP. It’s not a burden, but that does mean that he is not like other kids. My sisters have their own lives and kids. My parents are only getting older and Chris requires more than they could give him. Not to mention they are all in Texas away from his friends and his school and everything I’ve worked very hard to set up for him.”
Chief Gilbert actually smiled at that. “You believe Evan Buckley would be best for your son.” 
“Absolutely,” Eddie said. 
“Is that because the two of you are dating?” 
Eddie chuckled. “We’re not,” he said. “For one thing, I have a girlfriend. For another, Buck is straight.”
She eyed him for a moment and Eddie couldn’t identify what he was seeing. It was as if she was holding back from saying something. 
“I’ll even give you Marisol’s number. She’ll be happy to talk to you.”
Chief Gilbert nodded. “That would be helpful.”
Eddie looked through his phone and Chief Gilbert handed him a piece of paper. “I am curious why this is coming up now? Was there a complaint or something that made the division concerned?”
She took the paper when Eddie handed it back to her. “I’m not at liberty to say. What I can say is that some have observed your closeness and they are concerned.” 
“Some,” Eddie said. “Did this happen at a call? Was this—”
“I really can’t say, Firefighter Diaz. I will ask once more, are you and Firefighter Buckley in a romantic relationship? Just know that there will be consequences if we find out you have been lying to us. This is the time to come clean.” 
“We are not dating,” Eddie said. 
She hummed in response. Eddie stood to go. It had been mostly painless, if perhaps insulting to have someone think that he was lying about something so major. That he and Buck could be dating under everyone’s noses and managing to keep it to themselves. 
He had made it to the door, before he decided to turn back. “What happens now?” 
“We will be investigating this further. If you and Buckley are just friends then nothing. We will be speaking to everyone at the station, as well as a few others.” 
Eddie gave a nod and then he walked out. 
Having dealt with internal affairs during her tenure as a temporary Captain, Hen couldn’t say that it hadn’t unnerved her when Bobby said someone wanted to speak to her. 
“Is this about that guy again?” Hen asked. 
“Nope,” Bobby said. 
“This better not be about the going out to find the cruise ship thing.” 
“Better if you just go and talk to the Assistant Chief.” 
Hen narrowed her eyes. She had spent most of the beginning of her shift going through the stock of supplies on the ambulance and hadn’t even been aware that anyone from the Professional Standards Division was present in the firehouse. If she had, maybe she would have been more prepared. She wondered who they had already spoken to. 
“Fine,” Hen said. “Have you spoken to them yet?” 
Bobby shook his head. “Not yet.” 
“So you don’t even know what this is about,” Hen said. 
Exactly because she had known Bobby that long, Hen could tell that he was bothered by the whole thing too. 
“She’s waiting in my office,” Bobby said. 
Hen headed up. Assistant Chief Gilbert was someone Hen was actually very familiar with. When Hen first met her she’d been rising in the ranks, becoming the Captain of her own firehouse at a time when Hen was only just getting her feet at the 118. Athena had introduced them and impressed upon Hen how much the job wasn’t an all boys club. 
“I admit, I didn’t expect you,” Hen said. “How are you, Amelia?” 
“I’m well. And you?” 
“Good. I guess I'm confused. What is this all about?” 
Amelia motioned towards the chairs in front of Bobby’s desk and Hen took a seat, lifting an eyebrow in question. 
“Well,” Amelia said, “we have reason to believe that Firefighter Buckley and Diaz are involved in a romantic relationship.” 
Hen couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Wait…wait, what? Buck and Eddie…no, that’s definitely not true.” 
Amelia relaxed back into the chair. “This isn’t a joke, Hen, there really is a concern.” 
“Well, there shouldn’t be. Buck is like one big giant puppy that’s finally found a friend willing to deal with all his excitement. Not to mention there is no way that boy is in any way queer. The amount of women he’s slept with. It’s gross. He broke up with his latest girlfriend a little over a month ago. I would know if he was into men…and I would definitely know if he and Eddie were a thing.” 
Amelia made a humming noise that made Hen narrow her eyes in suspicion. Was there something that she was missing? 
“Where is this coming from?” 
“It’s coming from a place of concern. Look, workplace romances…they happen. They just cannot be allowed to interfere with the work. We’re firefighters and that means our work is life or death. I’m just here doing what I need to do in order to be sure everything is running without issue.”
Hen nodded. “I understand that. I do. I also know they’re not dating and that the two of them work better together than apart. I would know, I was their Captain for a time. There’s trust and there is a connection that is only forged by doing our type of work. It’s like me and Chim. They are just best friends.” 
“Could you say that with 100% certainty?” 
Instead of answering, Hen shot a question of her own. It wasn’t that she was doubting Eddie and Buck or even questioning if in some way they were managing to pull off such a lie, it was just that LAFD wouldn’t involve themselves in such an investigation without something to go off of. 
“Why are you so certain they are dating?” 
“I’m not,” Amelia said. “It’s all the little things adding up.” 
“Such as?” 
Hen wasn’t sure if Amelia would tell her anything, but then Amelia leaned forward on the desk. 
“Okay, to start it seems like they are raising a child together more like two parents than a parent and a friend or uncle. There is all the time they spend together in and out of work. There’s the many incidents where one has been in danger and the other has acted rashly. They are each other’s emergency contact other than your Captain. Diaz has made Buckley his kid’s guardian in the event that he is incapable of caring for him.”
Hen sighed. “That doesn’t really add up to anything. It just shows they’re really close. Come on, Amelia, you’re not insinuating that they are deliberately lying to everyone about dating. Buck is a horrible secret keeper and so is Eddie.”
Amelia looked, if nothing else, a tad apologetic. “Having spoken to them, no, I don’t actually believe they are dating and lying about it. I do have to conduct all the interviews. But from one lesbian to another, maybe they should be?” 
At that, Hen burst into laughter. She couldn’t stop laughing. The very idea that Buck and Eddie could be together like that seemed hilarious even though…well, they did do all the things that couples did. Whenever the 118 got together outside of work — usually at Bobby and Athena’s — no one was surprised when Hen arrived with Karen, Chim with Maddie, and then Buck with Eddie. 
Then there was…well, Hen and Chim had joked about it at the time, but Eddie had been really bothered when Buck was with Taylor. Eddie hadn’t been too happy when Buck got together with Natalia. He had disapproved of Buck being a sperm donor. If Hen didn’t know better — which she did, thank you very much — then Eddie had been jealous. And as for Buck…wasn’t he possessive of Eddie at times?
She must have been silent for too long, because Amelia coughed. 
“You see it too, don’t you?” 
Hen shook her head. “I see what you mean…but I don’t think that they’re together or that they have feelings for each other. I mean, are either of them even into men?” 
Amelia lifted her hands placatingly. “Maybe pay them some more attention. I’ll move on to my next interview. Give my best to Karen.” 
“Will do. We’ll do dinner or something soon.” 
Amelia nodded with a smile. “I’m never wrong, Hen,” she added as Hen made it to the door. 
Chim was on the phone with Maddie when Bobby motioned for him to go with him. He got off the phone with a quick goodbye and put his attention on Bobby. 
“What’s up, Bobby?” 
“Your turn,” Bobby said. 
Chim had seen Assistant Chief Gilbert arrive, but he’d kept his curiosity to himself while Bobby talked to her and then watched as Buck headed into the office. He’d come out with a frown, a bemused look on his face. It had been especially telling that something happened because Buck didn’t go find Eddie and instead he walked elsewhere. Then, he saw Bobby send Eddie in. He came out shaking his head. Hen went in, took the longest, and then came out smiling. 
“What’s this all about, Bobby?” 
“Just go in there, Chim.” 
Assistant Chief Gilbert was looking at a tablet when he walked in. Chim took a seat and waited for her to be done. 
“Firefighter Han, I hear congratulations are in order. You’re getting married soon.” 
Chim grinned. “Thank you. We’re deep in the planning stages.” 
Chief Gilbert nodded. “I know that you’re marrying Maddie Buckley. You work with her brother, Firefighter Buckley.” 
“That’s correct.”
“So out of anyone in this firehouse, you should have the most contact with Firefighter Buckley. He is your fiance’s brother and uncle to your daughter. So, you would know if he were dating someone.” 
Chim was becoming more and more confused. This was not going in any direction that he could have predicted. 
“Sure, but Buck wears his heart on his sleeve and isn’t shy with sharing sometimes more than any of us want to know. And no, he’s not dating anyone. His last girlfriend lasted a few months. Before that was Taylor Kelly…the guy doesn’t have the best taste. And I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure he hooked up with Tommy.”
Chief Gilbert raised an eyebrow. “So, he and Firefighter Diaz aren’t in a romantic relationship?” 
Chim knew suddenly exactly why Hen had been so amused when she was leaving the office. He barely held back a laugh. “Oh…now this is something I won’t be dropping any time soon. You seriously believe Buck and Eddie are dating. That’s…yeah, no, that’s not possible.” 
Chief Gilbert sighed. “So I’ve been told.”
“They’re very close,” Chim said. “There is no denying that, but they aren’t involved. They’re just the type of friends that no one really has past childhood. You know, the best friend that you need in order to do anything…attached at the hip. That’s them. They are never going to live this down, though.” 
“Your fiance would say the same?” Gilbert asked
Chim nodded. “Just think of them this way, they could both get married to other people and somehow they will still spend more time with each other than with their wives. That’s just Buck and Eddie.” 
Gilbert shook her head. “If my wife spent more time with someone else I’d be concerned, wouldn’t you.”
“Well, yeah,” Chim said. “I see your point.” 
“I do want one more thing answered.”
“Sure,” Chim said. 
“What do you think about how close they are? I mean to say, has it ever affected their work?”
“They’re close. We’re all close. And no, it has never affected the way we do our jobs. I dare you to find any firehouse where the firefighters don’t consider themselves family. Buck and Eddie work well together, they barely have to speak to know what the other is thinking…no one is safer than when the two of them are performing a rescue.”
“That’s all I needed to hear, Firefighter Han. I will be in touch with your wife.”
“I won’t even tell her you’re coming,” Chim said. 
Chief Gilbert rolled her eyes. “One last thing, could you see a romantic relationship forming between them at any time.” 
“I — well, I don’t know. I mean, if the Tommy thing happened then Buck isn’t as straight as I thought—”
“This is Firefighter Tommy Kinard?”
Chim nodded. “But I don’t know for sure that anything happened. It was just a vibe.”
Ravi gave Amelia a curious and rambling answer when asked about Buck and Eddie: “Well, when I was new they were all kind of a legend and I did think they were maybe together and no one talked about it. I mean, you’ve seen Buck, right? He’s a bisexual disaster. But then there was the blackout and I met Ana. I thought she was Eddie’s wife and Chris’ mom. I was wrong…but that kind of ended right after the blackout. And when Eddie was working at dispatch, Buck was kinda difficult to work with. They’re super co-dependent and I think Eddie really had something against Taylor. To be honest, I’m pretty sure they hate each other’s girlfriends. Of course, the whole Natalia thing was weird because she’s a freaking death doula. Like what is the point of that, right? And I don’t think Eddie and Marisol are gonna last much longer either. She stopped by the other day and there was just some kind of tension. Does that answer the question?” 
Amelia didn’t know what to say to all the information given to her, so she just nodded. “So they aren’t dating now?”
“No. No. They would make a good couple though…right? Buck’s practically already Chris’ dad. He even signs his permission slips sometimes when Eddie forgets. And I know Chris’ school called him instead of Eddie once when Chris was sick.”
After Ravi came other interviews. She spoke to almost every firefighter at the 118 from both shifts. Answers ranged. Some were staunchly against the idea that Buck and Eddie could be anything other than platonic, some shared their own insights to how Buck and Eddie were perceived. A couple were even sure that of course they were dating and had been for a while. Someone even brought up what had been dubbed as “the divorce” when Buck had filed a lawsuit against LAFD and Eddie was angry and sullen for days specifically about not being able to speak to Buck because of it. 
In some ways, it made her day far more amusing than most, and yet there was probably a pile growing back at her desk that she could have been taking care of. 
When Assistant Chief Gilbert arrived, Bobby had been surprised. He was even more surprised when she gave him very little explanation other than informing him they were investigating something and that he needed to see each of his firefighters starting with Buck. He watched as each of them walked in to see her. Some interviews went on for a while and others ended quickly. 
By the time that Bobby was called into the office, she had spoken to everyone and they were several hours into their shift. He wasn’t surprised at the lack of calls, assuming that dispatch had been told to not send any their way unless really necessary. It had to be serious. 
“Captain Nash,” Gilbert said. 
“You can call me Bobby,” he said. 
“Bobby, then,” she said. “I did not expect to meet you under these circumstances, but here we are.” 
“Here we are,” Bobby said. “And why are we here?” 
He could tell that she was tired. She had hardly left his office since she arrived, he figured she probably had to be hungry or thirsty.
“I held off on talking to you, Captain, because I wanted to get to Firefighter Buckley and Diaz first. There has been an allegation that they are involved in a romantic relationship. And upon our initial investigation it did seem like that was a possibility. They have denied it. So has mostly everyone we’ve spoken to. As far as I’m concerned, I believe they are telling the truth. What do you think?”
“I think I want to know where that allegation comes from,” Bobby said. “They aren’t dating. I know my people, Chief Gilbert, and if they did ever become involved, they would have told me. Not just because I don’t think either of them could keep it secret, but because they know the importance of the job.”
Gilbert sighed. “We had to look into it. If you recall, a month or so back there was a different investigation involving Firefighter Wilson — Captain Wilson at the time.”
“I’m aware,” Bobby said. 
It had been one of the many things he and Athena had gotten back to after the failure that had been their honeymoon cruise. He thought that Hen had handled everything perfectly. Most especially in regards to the rescue she had enacted that saved him, Athena, and several others right on the heels of that.  
“Someone had a concern after that night. As far as I know they were interviewed together and they were observed to be a little too close. They started to investigate and then there was a complaint that came through. There is one other thing, Taylor Kelly’s book. I’ve emailed you the file.” 
Bobby tried to hold in the sigh. “That book is drivel,” he said. 
“Perhaps,” Gilbert allowed. “That doesn’t change that she had a particular insight into this firehouse due to her relationship with Firefighter Buckley.” 
“Can’t deny that,” Bobby said. “And that very relationship should tell you he and Eddie are not together.” 
Gilbert looked more amused than anything. “At this point, I think you are all hiding their relationship fairly well or that they are just that oblivious.”
Bobby blinked at her. “What does that—”
“Nevermind,” Gilbert said. “I think I have everything I need. I also expect that once they do figure out they’re head over heels you will have the right forms filled out and filed. Retaining professionalism while at work will keep them both at the 118. If there is one thing I’ve taken away it’s that they really do make a great team.”
After her interview, Maddie was still wiping tears of laughter. She was also rethinking a few interactions. Her brother had never said it, but that didn’t change how she had caught him watching other guys back when he was a teenager. Not that he had ever pursued a relationship with a guy. Maddie had her suspicions about the influence their parents had had on Buck. She also had her suspicions about Buck and that guy that helped rescue Bobby and Athena.
And then there was how flustered he’d gotten that time shortly after Maddie had arrived in LA when Eddie’s name came up. She had to remember that Buck and Eddie had only just met then. There was no one that could deny Eddie was hot. Her brother certainly couldn’t have ignored it. 
Chim had told her at one point about how Buck had reacted to Eddie at first and suddenly she was starting to wonder. 
It had been years since then, but sometimes infatuation didn’t fade. Buck and Eddie were really close. They were both too dumb to try and hide a relationship…but maybe they were both dumb enough to hide what they felt about each other from each other — and everyone else. 
Seeing as her interview took place at dispatch, Maddie had wound up telling Josh all about it. 
“That is wild,” Josh said. “I always did suspect your brother could be attracted to men. You know, I thought you were trying to set us up that one time, but then I kinda figured I had no chance because he was so into Eddie.” 
“Really,” Maddie said. 
“Yes. And it’s not like he doesn’t have a chance.”
Maddie needed to talk to Chim. Maybe even Hen. They had to compare stories. 
Athena heard about it from Hen when she and Karen were over. 
“I think Amelia has a point,” Karen said. “Eddie has always given me a bit of a not-straight vibe.”
“Really?” Hen asked. “I don’t think so.” 
“Oh, come on,” Karen said and she looked between them. “Then again, you were married to a gay man and had kids with him and you have always had horrible gaydar. Remember how shocked you were the first time we ran into that guy that used to work at the 118. What was his name—”
“Tommy,” Hen said, thoughtfully. 
“Kinard?” Athena asked. “But he’s not—”
“He was making out with a guy,” Hen said. “Yeah, I was surprised too.”
“Huh,” Athena said with a laugh. “Fair enough. But that doesn’t change that Buck and Eddie are not a couple.” 
“Currently,” Karen said. “But if I were an outside party looking in, it wouldn’t be a hard stretch.”
It was a hard thing to wrap her head around, and yet she knew that Karen had a point. It was just that sometimes she did still think about Buck like the dumb kid that didn’t know to keep his mouth shut. The one that slept with anything that walked and that grew into someone she could respect. Then again, maybe it did make sense. Athena did have her experience with Michael to go off of. Maybe Eddie was the same. Maybe he had decided to push that part of himself down in order to prioritize being a father. 
Over the years she had gotten to know a lot about the firefighters from the 118 and she admired Eddie for his efforts as a single father. Her own experience as a mother had made her conscious of how much Eddie put on himself and so she knew with perfect clarity how much Buck shouldered for Eddie. It wasn’t surprising that someone looking in could see them as a family unit. Maybe they were. 
“What I want to know,” Athena said, “is why this is in question now.” 
“Amelia didn’t say,” Hen said. “I think someone else in the division raised the question the last time they were at the station.” 
Athena nodded. She didn’t like the sound of that. It was one thing if something had happened out on a call. She wouldn’t have been concerned if the whole thing came up after Buck did something seriously risky just because he could and it was tied somehow to Eddie’s well being. That was practically normal for them. This was seemingly out of nowhere and if it originated with internal affairs then someone up high had some biases they had to check. 
“Maybe Bobby knows more,” Hen said looking just past Athena where her husband was surely standing. 
“Knows more about what?” 
“About the whole thing with internal affairs,” Athena supplied. 
Bobby’s smile was amused. “Well, she doesn’t think they’re actually together. Someone from internal affairs did have some suspicion. They were interviewed together and they raised some flags. She also mentioned Taylor Kelly’s book.”
Hen snorted out a laugh. “Taylor’s book. Wouldn’t that prove that Buck has awful taste in women.”
“She sent me the file,” Bobby said. “I guess she wanted me to know where it was all coming from.”
“And?” Karen said, leaning forward.
Bobby smiled. Athena was almost sure that he was going to deny them the info due to some sort of confidentiality thing. 
“There was a complaint. It came from someone at a call. A week or so back. I don’t know what call it came from but they observed Buck and Eddie being a bit too close and decided it was unprofessional. Looking at what they wrote, it wasn’t the closeness they were complaining about as much as the idea that it was two men.” 
Athena felt a jolt of anger go through her. Of all the things…that was not what she expected. She could tell that Bobby felt the same way. Hen and Karen had their own restrained anger. In their line of work they encountered so many people, it was hard to avoid the bigots. Having to rise up and be the bigger person against someone racist, homophobic, and so many other things. 
“And they took that seriously,” Hen said. “Seriously enough to investigate?” 
Bobby nodded. “Well, I don’t know what they saw or heard the night they questioned everyone the last time they were at the firehouse. Chief Gilbert just says even in her file that someone raised some concern.” 
“And Taylor’s book,” Karen said. “What about that?” 
“There are some listed chapters and pages. I don’t know.” 
“Maybe it’s time one of us read it,” Hen said. 
“So, it’s all over?” Buck asked. 
He and Eddie were seated across from Bobby. They hadn’t even made it out of their street clothes before Bobby was pulling them into the office. Buck hadn’t known what to expect, but it had been a few days since the initial investigation began and he was ready to hear how it ended. 
“Basically, yes,” Bobby said. “They’ve concluded that they were wrong and that you are not romantically involved.” 
“Good,” Eddie said. “Because we are not.” 
Buck gave his own nod. 
“Is that all?” 
“No,” Bobby said. “I wanted you to know the reason why they made that assumption.” 
“What is it?” Eddie asked. 
Buck leaned closer, paying close attention to Bobby. 
“Someone made a complaint after a call we responded to. The complaint had nothing to do with our response or the level of care. It was about your closeness to each other. It mentioned perceived inappropriate touching and flirting and they overheard you talking about Chris. Whatever the conversation was, it led them to believe you were a couple. This person then took it upon themselves to complain. It was uncalled for, biased, and it wouldn’t have happened if you were a man and woman.” 
“Wow,” Eddie said. “That’s insane.” 
Buck just shook his head. “A homophobe strikes again.” 
“There’s more,” Bobby said. 
“What else could there be?” Eddie asked.
When Buck looked at his direction, he could see Eddie fidgeting with his hands. It had been strange, the last few days. The thing was that Buck was still a bit shaken about the whole thing. Not that it happened or that he and Eddie were questioned. After all, if one wasn’t guilty, one had nothing to fear. It was that it had brought a few things forward in his mind. Things that Buck used to explain away…that he had literally just shoved down and ignored. Things like how ridiculously attractive he found Eddie. And how maybe his desire to belong somewhere that had made him jump at the chance to be so involved with Christopher and Eddie wasn’t just because he wanted to belong anywhere, but because his family was Chris and Eddie.  
Buck found Bobby looking at him. 
“What is it?” 
“Have you read Taylor’s book?” 
Buck shook his head. “She sent me a copy. Even signed it. It’s probably still sitting on my bookshelf gathering dust. Why?” 
“Internal affairs used it as evidence,” Bobby said. 
Buck couldn’t help but laugh. Eddie next to him was silent. Even though he had never said it, Buck knew that Eddie had been happy after Buck and Taylor were over. The whole thing had been some attempt at having someone and she was someone that knew him and accepted him. It was just that Buck had forgotten how she could be and focused instead on the vulnerabilities she had shown. 
“No wonder this went nowhere,” Buck said. “I guess I’m glad it’s all over.” 
“Me too,” Eddie said. 
“I think we all are,” Bobby said. “Go get changed before a call comes through.” 
Buck followed Eddie out. They hadn’t talked about it. The day of the interview, Buck had been left overthinking everything and then after Assistant Chief Gilbert left, they’d had several calls to keep them busy. By the time their shift was over, Hen and Chim had been teasing them about the whole thing and it had just been easier to laugh about it. So, they just didn’t talk about it. 
Instead, they went home and the next night when Buck went over to Eddie’s, Christopher was around and there was no point in bringing it up. 
“It’s a little funny,” Buck said as they made their way down to the locker room. “Them using Taylor’s book.”
Eddie turned back to look at Buck. “You really haven’t read it?” 
“Nope. I’m curious now, like what could she have put in there about us.”
“I don’t know if I want to know,” Eddie said. “Can you believe how seriously they took that complaint, though? It’s insulting. It wasn’t about the job…it was just some bystander observing us and making a judgment based on their own biases.”
“It’s crazy,” Buck said. 
They had changed around each other so often that it was normal for Buck to just strip off his shirt in front of Eddie. He caught Eddie’s eyes as he reached for the door to his locker and saw the moment that Eddie’s eyes went lower, looking at his bare chest. Buck didn’t move, frozen as Eddie seemed to check him out. When his gaze went back up to Buck’s face, his eyes widened as he realized what he’d been caught doing. That was followed by his face going just lightly red. 
“I—” Eddie began and coughed. 
Buck finished dressing, letting Eddie have his dignity while in his mind he tried to figure out what he could say. 
No sooner had they both finished getting into their uniforms before the call came and they were rushing to the truck. It would have to wait. 
They were called to a car accident. Minor injuries, but one of the drivers was trapped in her car and he and Eddie worked together to get the door off and help her get out. Considering the last few days, they kept some distance and spoke only about their task. 
By the time they got back to the firehouse, Bobby needed Buck’s help with preparing lunch and Buck thought that Eddie looked a little relieved. He felt a little of that too, even while deeply aware of the tension between them. 
“What’s going on, Buck?” Bobby asked. 
Buck took a breath. He had known all the way back when he was a teenager that saying anything about how interesting he was suddenly finding the boys in his class alongside the girls wouldn’t go over well with his parents. And since girls were just as appealing, Buck had leaned into that far more. It was only after he’d left home that Buck had given himself the permission to explore. It had always been lowkey — hook ups and one-night stands. Never anything serious. Not even his last hook up with a guy. With Tommy Kinard. 
“Bobby, I’m bi,” Buck said. 
Bobby set down the knife he was holding, turning entirely to look at Buck. “Thank you for telling me.”
Buck let out a breath. “I’ve never really told anyone before.”
“Why not?”
Buck shrugged his shoulders. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re telling me now. Can I ask what brought this along?” 
Buck didn’t answer for a while. He looked around at everything that Bobby had set out but couldn’t actually connect it all to anything in particular. 
“I guess it’s about Eddie,” Buck said. 
Bobby hid his reaction well, but Buck knew that he was likely shocked. “Is this because of the investigation?” 
“Yeah. I just…I guess when you’re in the middle of it you don’t really notice. He’s the person I look to, you know, like I rely on him. And I know he does the same for me. There’s Christopher. There’s all the things we do together, we’ve been pretty much going on dates every single week for the last who knows how long. I’m at his house more than my own. What if…what if we are in a relationship and it’s not that we’ve been lying to everyone or keeping it hidden, but that we’ve been lying to ourselves too.” 
Bobby grasped him by the shoulders. “I think you need to talk to Eddie. Do you have feelings for him?”
Buck let out a huff. “Yeah. I do.”
“Then you know what you want. And the one thing I didn’t tell you earlier is that Chief Gilbert will fully support you if you do start to date. She won’t make either of you leave the firehouse.” 
Buck hadn’t even been worried about that, but he was glad that he didn’t need to be concerned. It wouldn’t have stopped him, he realized, if one of them did have to transfer to another firehouse. 
“Now, come on we have to get this food ready.” 
“Thanks, Bobby.” 
He was spotting for Chim and trying his hardest to forget about that moment in the locker room when his eyes had lingered for too long on Buck. It was just that usually Eddie tried not to look, he tried not to show his appreciation for his best friend’s body. He would have to be blind to not know how gorgeous Buck was…made even more so by his personality. Buck was unattainable, though. 
“You’re distracted,” Chim said. 
“I guess,” Eddie said. “I’m just in my head about the whole thing with Chief Gilbert.” 
Chim grinned. “I still think it’s hilarious. Of all the things they would want to investigate, that’s what they go for. Did you guys ever find out why.”
“Some homophobe made a complaint. And someone that came here the night they were looking into Hen thought we were a little too close. And something to do with Taylor’s book.”
“Wow,” Chim said. 
“Yup,” Eddie said. 
“It’s crazy, but you know, you and Buck are really close. It wouldn’t be the worst thing…”
It would be the best thing. If he allowed himself to, Eddie could picture it. Buck already fit so perfectly in his life — in Christopher’s life. And how much would change between them? The physical aspect…the fact that Eddie could hold Buck, could kiss Buck, could take Buck into his bedroom and explore every inch of his skin? 
“He’s not into men,” Eddie said. 
Chim turned fully around to face him. “Are you into men?” 
Eddie knew he was blushing again. “I’m…I mean I’ve never but yes. Yes.”
Chim grinned widely at him. “I think shoot your shot, Diaz.” 
“I just might,” Eddie said. 
The next time he saw Buck, it was at lunch. They sat next to each other as usual and Buck didn’t shy away from Eddie. Instead, it seemed like he was sitting even closer than was normal for them. 
They went on a few calls after lunch. A little boy stuck in a tree, a hit and run, and a grease fire at a restaurant. One of their less hectic days. By the time they were changing back out of the uniform, Eddie felt nervous. He grabbed Buck’s arm as they were stepping out, realizing that even if this wasn’t pressing he still probably would have wanted to spend time with Buck after work. 
Buck turned to look at him with a smile. 
“Do you think…can I come over?”
“Sure,” Buck said. His eyes were glinting. It made Eddie want to lose himself in looking into them. “Want me to drive?” 
Eddie nodded. He was distracted the whole way there, keeping his eyes away from Buck and wondering just how badly he was about to wreck his friendship with Buck. He followed Buck up to his apartment in the same way. Eddie had always liked Buck’s apartment. It was just simple and very very Buck. He felt his nerves ease as they walked in.
“Beer?” Buck asked. 
Buck took as long as he could getting them beer out of the fridge. He found Eddie had wandered out to the balcony and it felt as good place as any. Devoid of distractions in some ways. When he stepped out, Eddie turned to look at him and Buck smiled as he handed him one of the bottles. Buck set his own down by the foot of his chair. Eddie took a gulp and Buck watched his throat, the way that his adam’s apple moved. 
“This has been an interesting week,” Buck said.
“I’d say,” Eddie said. “Made me think, though.” 
Buck’s eyes didn’t waver from Eddie. He could see something like hesitation, and something like hopefulness. 
“Me too,” Buck said. “I didn’t think about it, you know, we’re just kinda like that.”
“Right,” Eddie said. “And what if…what if—”
Buck reached over, grabbing Eddie’s hand. They touched all the time, a hand on a shoulder, a pat on the back, even a hug on occasion. Touching his hand felt different, charged. 
“What if they’re kinda right,” Buck said. 
Eddie let out a breath. “Yeah.” He turned his hand, palm up and Buck’s fingers intertwined with his. “Buck, next to Christopher, you are the most important person in my life.”
“Oh,” Buck said. 
Maybe it wasn’t insane to think it could work, that they could take their friendship to a whole other level where all the things they did together and for each other actually meant everything. It wasn’t hard to imagine.
“I’m…I care about you, Eddie,” Buck said. “I think this could work. Us.”
Eddie was the one to lean over, hovering so close to Buck and waiting for Buck to react one way or another. Buck was the one to push forward and draw Eddie into a kiss. It felt right. Buck by his own admittance had kissed a lot of people. More women than men, and there was a difference, but kissing Eddie was just more. 
Despite having been the one to start the kiss, it was Eddie that led it. He sped it up, or slowed it down. He was the one to lick the seam of Buck’s lips and to lick in and Buck lost all thought. He could taste the beer Eddie had drunk and he lost his mind because it was hard to process that it was actually happening. 
Eddie pulled away, but he was slow to do so, staying so close that their breaths mingled and that their noses brushed when Buck moved back. He knew that he was smiling wide and that it wasn’t a smile that was going to go away any time soon. Their hands were still entwined and Buck felt grounded by it, knew everything was real because he could feel Eddie. He pulled Eddie out of his chair by pulling at their joint hands and Eddie followed inside wordlessly. 
They didn’t make it too far before Eddie stopped and pulled Buck to him, wrapping him up in a hug that led to kisses down Buck’s jaw and then their lips meeting again. He could get lost to the feeling of Eddie pressed against him…to the experience as a whole. Eddie’s smell, his taste, the way that they fit together. 
“What are we going to do now?” Eddie asked. 
Buck, from the driver’s seat glanced over. They were just five minutes away from the firehouse. 
“I mean, with work. Are we going to have to actually hide this?” 
Buck laughed. “Now that would really get us fired.”
“I’m serious,” Eddie said. 
“We’ll have to fill out some forms,” Buck said. “It’s not a big deal. The big deal is we finally figured this out.” 
“Yeah,” Eddie breathed. 
Assistant Chief Gilbert was not surprised when she saw the email with the newly signed workplace romance paperwork sent from Captain Nash. It was quicker than even she’d expected. 
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diovstheworld · 1 year
Never forget la squadra's canon gc!!! Can you write some hcs about how each of them act in the gc plz?
ahhhh of course i can! this request honestly came at the best time bc i was thinking of doing a post like this and i was already making a post about their typing styles so i’m gonna combine them all in one! thank you so much for requesting and i hope you like! also side note, this is a modern take on the group chat rather than of the period golden wind is set and ALSO i’m sorry some of these are shorter for some of the characters :(
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
proper punctuation and capital letters at all times when he’s typing
he's not one for using abbreviations very much but he does use some of the ones that formaggio has taught him
tries to keep the group chat strictly for work purposes but it never stays that way lmaooo
doesn’t really understand the memes that are sent and usually responds with a ‘???’
he’s not really one to use emojis, i feel like he would be a little confused by them
some of the others try to teach him but it never goes very well
he does use the knife emoji a lot though
his response time to messages varies. if it’s something important, he’ll respond quickly. if it’s something dumb, like a meme or something that he doesn’t feel needs his input, he’ll take longer to reply or just read the message and not reply at all
probably the tamest in the group chat
he’s the type of person who misses a lot of messages and has to scroll back so far to see all the chain of messages he’s missed
middle aged woman type texting tbh Imao
just like risotto, he has full proper puntuation and capital letters in his texts
uses text abbreviations even though he doesnt use them correctly Imao
just like risotto he’s not great with emojis but he does use them
but he uses them in completely the wrong way which is always making formaggio laugh (i think these headcanons i have are heavily based on the fact i see prosciutto and risotto as the mum and dad of the group lmaooo)
takes his time with typing so it normally takes him a while to respond to the chat
isn’t a fan of the memes that are sent in the chat mainly because i feel he would have a strange taste in memes (facebook mum type memes tbh lmao)
always types in lower case (he's just like me for real)
loves to send memes
probably the worst for responding
he very often leaves the guys on read which results in the boys having to harass him with messages until he answers them
always making fun of prosciutto for taking so long to type
also always making fun of any meme that isn’t his lmao
but he secretly finds a lot of them funny and even saves a lot of them
always giving nickname suggestions for the other members
big user of all caps texting to be honest
regularly asked if his caps lock button is broken lmao
another one who also loves sending memes to the group
sends them at the worst times though. the other members of the squad regularly get annoyed at him for sending memes at 4am
very active in the group chat but has a bad habit of ignoring work related messages from time to time
always the one to take the conversation topic off of work and onto something completely unrelated
when he’s not sending memes, he’s normally documenting his whole life to the group tbh. he’s sending pictures anytime he sees a cute dog or cat on the street or if he sees something funny out in public
basically just constantly spamming the group chat lmao
also always giving nickname suggestions for each of the members
another all caps enjoyer actually
except he actually is yelling unlike formaggio
again, likes to send memes but his taste in memes is awful lmao
he answers messages pretty quickly i think to be honest
i think in general he’s very active in the group chat and basically reads messages the second they come in unless he’s busy on a job
also probably harassing the group chat a lot when they don’t answer him
and since he’s impatient it’s only going to be a few minutes before he’s sending follow up messages lmao
also always gets irritated by formaggio’s spamming lmao
also practically lives in the chat at all times and is always active
was the one who made the group chat for risotto (because i think risotto wouldn’t be too good with technology lmao) and is definitely a co-admin
always giving the members different nicknames and changing the name of the group chat
and risotto always has to change it back lmao
i also think he would type in lowercase
which i feel would annoy prosciutto which is also partly why he does it lmao
has definitely sent nudes to the group chat before (he says it was an accident but no one believes him)
always replying with a lot of laughing emojis to all the memes that are sent
i think he’s pretty quiet in the group chat. he doesn’t say much but he’s always reading messages
always leaves likes on messages too to let people know that he’s definitely read them
sometimes he feels to awkward to respond or doesn’t know what to say so that’s why he likes the messages instead
but he always responds to prosciutto and risottos messages first, all the others are secondary
unlike formaggio and illuso, pesci is making cute and nice nickname suggestions for the group chat
also melone is probably always scarring that poor boy with some of those photos he sends lmaooo
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chevelleneech · 4 months
If you have been in any part of the 911 fandom this season, on any social media platform the show is heavily discussed on, I know for a fact you’ve seen fans calling for Edy to be fired. Same goes for Ryan, which has been happening for the last four years. If you haven’t seen either, why did you decide to involve yourself in the conversation regarding Lou?
That man is 40 years old, and while it’s been discussed that he might have changed in the last decade, although unlikely given his comment on how Tommy was just “teasing” Chim and Hen, most people did decide it was whatever. Wrong, but likely to go ignored by the network and other cast members since it happened years ago. However, he decided to double back and down on his past behavior, by being ableist not even 24 hours ago.
Now, I don’t know much about the previous supporting cast, because I stepped back from show in s4/5 when Ryan put his foot in his mouth. But I have seen it said both Carla and Ana’s actresses were homophobic, but I also haven’t seen proof of that nor anyone actually support those women coming back to the show. So the consistency is very much there. Same goes for Rockmond Dunbar being fired. He’s anti-vax and homophobic, and not a single person wants him back. In fact, people are actively asking for him to be recast, because we miss his Michael, and his bond with Bobby.
So what makes Lou different? Thus far, the only people being advocated for are the white actors, and while I do understand and have said myself Ryan’s actions seem the most redeemable, isn’t it funny how a white (although Latino) actor gets to stay employed after a racist (even if mild) rant? How a white actress (although Latina) gets to be transphobic and stay employed all season? Yet Rockmond was fired. The actress playing Ana was fired. The actress playing Carla was either fired or significantly cut back on being called to set.
Mind you, I’m not advocating for any of them, because fuck their bigoted views, but let’s keep it real. Tim and co were not part of building an inclusive set, and it shows because Hollywood is Hollywood. Actors are the biggest grifters, but there should still be a line, right? 911 doesn’t have one for the white staff, and I’ll be shocked if anything actually happens to Lou, but let’s not pretend, okay?
If you like him and see no reason to stop, good for you. I can’t tell you who to support and who not, but again, stop the pretend. Lou’s a dick, based on what he has posted on his own social media past and present. It’s that simple, unless he can prove he was hacked on Twitter, but conveniently chose to open up IG and delete the exact photo the hacker brought attention to with their response. Which I doubt. He’s as chronically online as all us other late gen x, millennial, and early gen z folks are, and could have deleted the stuff a long ass time ago.
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obsessive-ego · 2 years
Sweet Dreams part 1
Musical Beetlejuice x reader (reader has a vigina, no gender terms)
summary, beej gets a wet dream while spooning you
ever since you earned beetlejuice's respect with a sucker punch to the jaw when his simple jump scare went wrong, the ghost had weaseled his way into your everyday life, hanging at your apartment while Lydia was in school.
your friendship with the demon was an odd one, he seemed to take great pleasure in messing with you, making lewd jokes at your expense or just straight up scaring you, as annoying as this was to deal with, his nonsense was always funny in the end, especially when it was directed at someone else.
Beetliejuice had made movie night a weekly tradition in your home, and would normally end up crashing on your couch, sometimes he'd sleep, sometimes he'd just mess with your stuff, it was an odd thing to get used to, from living alone in a small apartment, to having a very loud wild card of a house guest, and yet you loved it.
But honestly having a demon spend the night at first was very nerve-racking, you would text Lydia for help on what to do with him and she would leave you on read as if this was something they planned, probably, knowing her. The first few times of having him stay over were fine, albeit anxiety inducing, even though beetlejuice was respectful, in his own way, as much as he would push and point, there felt like there was a limit to how far he'd go.
But away from your eyes he started pushing his luck, as expected, while you slept he would watch, no ill intentions, Beetlejuice liked watching breathers sleep, and you were his faveourite, kind, creative, tough, he could go on and on, not that he would every tell you in a serious tone. you never caught him, you were a heavy sleeper and the ghoul would always duck out before you woke up.
But then he pushed his luck again, a little harder this time, 
it was another end to a normal movie night, it was very late and you were already dead asleep in bed with the demon in question standing at your side.
'bet it'd be alot cozier with them under those covers huh?' he muses to himself 'they're so oblivious, they wouldn't even notice' and with that thought he crawled in next to you, and God slash Satan he was right, breathers are so warm, this was like heaven or as close as he was gonna get.
The next morning came faster then expected, beetlejuice was so comfy, he ended up spooning you and forgetting to duck out before you woke up, which lead to a very long lecture on boundaries where the demon only chuckles with
"you know i'm just gonna keep snuggling up to that warm body babes, and besides i'm not doing anything dirty to ya, unless you ask me nicely~" he coos with a wink, then cackles at how fast your face turns red, he loved how easy you were.
Another thing to add to the list of things beetlejuice does that you get used to. it was weird being spooned by a demon every other night, but you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you feel warm and cozy, so you accept this fate.
Tonight was like any other post movie night, being dead asleep with beetlejuice spooning you, it wasn't uncommon for you to wake up in the middle of the night for a moment from a shock of anxiety forgetting you had said ghoul beside you, but tonight was different, when you woke up in the middle of night, it felt strange, not beetlejuice's arms wrapped tightly around your waist, that was normal, no, what shocks you out of your sleepy daze, was the hard thing pressed against your ass, this had to be a joke right? he was messy with you right? he always pull shit like this to get a rise out of you.
you nudge the ghoul, but he gives you no response, he was out cold, snoring away, fuck. 
What the hell is a person supposed to do in this situation?! you decide on to pretend this didn't happen, yeah, that’s the safest, least embarrassing choice right? yeah. with that thought you try to ignore this little issue and try to fall back asleep.
Then it starts, you gasp throat, beetlejuice began to slowly bump into you, rutting his hips into your rear, you could feel him jabbing your ass, he was dry humping you, fuck, this sure as hell wasn't a joke, not even he would go that far, this was real he wasn't messing with you, this can't be ignored, as embarrassing and wrong this whole thing is was, in a twisted way it was kinda hot.
you had to wake him up, you can't ignore this or worm away from his grip, thanks to his strong arms wrapped around your waist. your snapped from your panicked thoughts when a low groan accompanied by light panting rang in your ears
It was kinda funny beej didn't need to breath but yet mimicked the behavior, but now wasn't that time to laugh about that
This was it, you have to wake him up, this is too much, a werid mix of panic and arousal fill you, you lightly clear your throat-
Fuck, he was  thinking of you? that's even worse, was he trying to kill you?! this so wasn't fair, you liked beej, you liked him a lot, the way he'd make you laugh, his stupid smirk he would wear when he'd tease you, his cool mood ring hair, and his stupid sexy gravely voice, fuck.
As if on cue beetlejuice began picking up pace, moaning a little louder, babbling your name. the room was now illuminated by beej's hair, a very bright magneta, his hands traveling from your stomach to your chest, you felt like you were gonna snap
This wasn't fair, this wasn't right, and yet you were burning, you could feel how wet this whole thing was making you, would it be so wrong to release some of the tension?
Before you could even finish that thought you gasp, Beetlejucie now moving at a punishing pace, you felt as though you were going to go crazy with his cock pounding roughly against your ass, his whining didn't help either. you had to wake him up, right? yeah it would be awkward, and embarrassing, but it was the right thing to do. right? Right?!
It felt like an eternity before you built up the courage to do so, taking a deep breath to yell for the ghoul to wake up, but he stops moving and groaning, now only soft panting, did he finish? which a slight movement of your hips, you received your answer, yup, wet...
Yhe lighting for beej's hair slowly began to dim and return to its default green, as you lay there with a massive pair of 'blue balls' you try to fall asleep and forget what happened, you decide it's easier for the both of you to never ask or tell beetlejuice what he did and how you were awake, cuz lets be honest he probably realized what he did when he woke up.
sometimes its better to play dumb.
"What's ya up to sweet stuff?"
You look back to see Beetlejuice standing against the door frame of your room
"I'm washing my sheets" you say plainly, you didn't really want to spend another night in his mess,
Beetlejuice stiffens at your words only for a second "that so? Have fun with your boring breather things babes, daddy's going scaring" in a puff of green smoke beetlejuice vanishes, off to terrorize your neighbors
You sigh, thankful he decided to give you some space to go over the events of last night again in your head
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Putting this below a cut as it’s long and is a response to a callout of me. If you'd like to ignore, I wouldn't blame you. Currently rebloggable; will be made non-rebloggable if people cannot behave themselves.
This is in reference to this post. It’s also going to reference ongoing, though, to be honest, relatively minor harassment by at least one other person who ships Imogen and Laudna.
The person making the callout came to my attention shortly after Laudna’s death, in which I came across this post while looking for content on Laudna. I recognized this was in reference to these posts from me, and I've kept an eye on them since. I finally blocked them about a month ago in the hopes that if I did so, they’d stop obsessing over me as they have since their very first post; they even say they made this blog because of me. Unfortunately, they seem to only have escalated in this obsession. 
[Sidebar: it is very interesting the inciting cause was that I seemingly liked Imogen more than Laudna, and now I don’t like Imogen enough, when I’m pretty sure I’ve been about the same on Imogen throughout, but that’s a tangent I’d love to get into another day.]
Anyway, here’s what’s I've done:
I post my opinions a lot on my own blog. This is how blogs typically work.
In those posts I sometimes disagree with statements I’ve seen other people in the fandom make, in a general sense.
I truly almost never reblog someone else’s post with commentary outside of tags unless it’s their reblog on my original post, which is what has this person in a snit right now. (Note: it is not even their post.)
I sometimes disagree with people who ask me questions in my inbox
I don’t find im*dna compelling
That’s it. You’ll have to take it on my word, but I do not send anon hate or indeed any questions other than the occasional ask meme. This is a side blog (which I’m open about in my bio), so I don’t even post replies. It’s reblogs with tags and original posts and that’s it. I don't consider myself an arbiter of the fandom (I actually, in one of the two posts from me linked above, outright say I'm not) and I doubt anyone thinks that of me. I write meta and funny posts and I reblog things. That’s it. Any popularity I have stems from that alone. Honestly, I’d be more popular if I did post positive things about im*dna.
It is not policing or shutting someone down for me to express opinions - even if they are in disagreement with other people’s. It is not policing or harassment to respond to comments on one’s own posts. And it is the tantrum of a spoiled child to claim that it is.
For those wondering: in terms of shutting down and harassment, another blog unrelated to the person I'm linking above (here shown reblogging my post) regularly harasses not just people who don’t ship im*dna, but people who don’t ship them in the same exact way they do. I’m pretty sure this is their side blog, incidentally, given the patterns of fandoms they’ve been in, which, if true, would mean that the second post is block evasion since I’d blocked them on their other one. 
Now, obviously, that’s only one case, and a couple bad apples in a large ship says nothing about most people, but here’s the truth of the matter: despite the harassment above and the general victim complex on display here, Im*dna is far and away the most popular ship for Campaign 3. A check of other popular C3 ships did not even give me a tag follower count. It’s also worth noting Laudna is by far the most popular of the C3 characters; FCG and Chetney don’t even get follower counts on their tags. Im*dna has almost as many fics as some canon Campaign 2 ships do, after far less time. If such a thing as a fandom arbiter existed, and I were one of them? I’d be failing miserably.
Here’s the other truth of the matter. I don’t have any secret insight into Marisha or Laura’s decisions nor any control over what happens in canon. I could stop posting today and it wouldn’t change a thing about what happens on the actual show. I think it’s worth considering why someone primarily known for textual analysis isn’t terribly enamored with a ship, the bulk of the canon content of which stems from unseen backstory or scenes when one of the parties wasn’t even there, but if you're into it? Go ahead.
You know those videos in which a dog is desperately trying to reach something outside of its cage, and they pan out to show that the door is fully open? This is me telling you the door is open. No one is forcing you to see my posts and no one is stopping you from saying what you want. You’re getting in your own way and making yourself mad. If that's what you want to do, that's fine, but leave me out of it.
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inchidentally · 6 months
more tricky asks! again, bl 'wank adjacent' to not see these <3
(gonna lump these all together since it's the same topic)
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I had no idea that leap was even made aslfgslajfgajsl yea it's just Lando being Lando! but hopefully if ppl know they're just being silly about rpf then that's fine. only a problem if they're truly thinking it's real.
these posts are also infamously bat signals that pro athletes do to let hookups know where they are
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again like, I'm gonna assume that the dando ppl I follow are all fully aware that rpf is just for fun and not real. but yea those people you linked to (from what I remember, you sent this weeks ago I'm sorry!) are actually insane. even ignoring that Lando and Daniel choose to not see each other or interact for months ?? Lando literally went out of his way to say that he and Martin wanted to get out of Bali (do NOT quote me but I saw some ppl say they got robbed again? or their friends did?) and their Finland trip wasn't due to start yet so they decided to spend a day and night in Perth with Daniel. this was very much a Lando and Martin thing and it's funny and slightly tragic for ppl who keep trying to write Martin out of this.
there was also an entire group of Daniel's friends staying with him as well lasfljsagf how is any of this romantic or sexual unless Lando was the party bottom
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honestly this is why I was surprised to find out there were dando truthers at all ?? when he does the exact same act with most of the men he meets why randomly decide that him doing that with Lando makes it a legit gay relationship alsfgsjlagflagf. I'm also not heterosexual so I cannot convince myself that Daniel's "gay" stuff is actually gay ! that man couldn't be more typically Aussie straight guy who almost veers homophobic with doing the gay shtick he does for laughs.
it's also where Martin has clearly struck a chord of unwelcome reality with the carlando and dando rpf truthers bc oops here's an example of someone who could in every way actually be a secret gay relationship of Lando's based on what they consider to be "evidence". I do not think they necessarily are in a relationship and will not makeassumptions about sexualities etc. but Lando, Carlos and Daniel literally friendzone each other and see each other as bros who pretend gay shit for a joke. they're also happy to not so much as think about each other for months on end let alone even see each other for anything other than F1 travel or group trips. but Martin? is in Lando's life significantly bc he actively chooses to be! when the season ends, for two years now he and Lando have done the thing all the drivers do with gfs and wives and spend almost every moment with each other on getaways! Lando liked a comment calling Martin his wag and didn't make a joke about it! they don't do anything bromancey or fake gay together! Lando genuinely gets bashful and quiet when asked about Martin! they're not bound together by work responsibilities and most of their time together is created in the small spaces their different careers allow! they're both actually single!
again, I am not wanting anyone to actually push this ship directly onto Lando or Martin or their personal content anymore than they already are. but I do have to laugh when I see two rpf ships fighting it out for who Lando wants more when like. if you apply real life logic and not manufactured bromance, Martin is the only candidate !!
and can I just say again thank fuck landoscar fandom doesn't do any of this shit and loves Martin and norrix and can multiship for fun godddd
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I have a totally innocent and casual habit of reading gossip pages and let me tell you the rpf truthers revealing themselves when they push the "PR" and "beards" angle to try and get rid of Heidi and Rebecca lasgflsagfjagfsa. then the wailing when something inevitably destroys their conspiracy theories !! what's even funnier is that on multiple occasions Lando is found to be happily hanging out with Carlos and Rebecca and Daniel and Heidi. almost as if he's just a mate of theirs can you imagine ????
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re the submission: I'm leaving those links up bc I know those ppl aren't taking any of this seriously and are just posting cute content - which it is! <3
but yea sadly there's people who see guys like Oscar and Martin as a "threat" to their rpf ship for various reasons (ironically, one of the main reasons being they don't play gay for a joke or do bromance stuff with Lando) and invent entire narratives around it. as you said, believing those narratives would mean believing Lando is the absolute worst of the worst and would paint him in a terrible light ??? even apart from it being wattpad levels of absurd
it's also just funny bc Oscar's Lando fanboying on social media included him liking carlando and dando content as well as Carlos and Daniel content. our boy was chronically online between karting and F1 and he was agreeing and playing along in both the circumstances you listed alhfalfhsafhsa literally why do ppl want this stuff to be so angsty for no good goddamn reason it's intended to be fun by all involved
and the second ask oh fr, even just bringing up maxiel it's like damn that shits all over dando alfhsalhflasfhal. ironically norstappen shits all over dando as well. but even apart from rpf Daniel is so in the public eye that everyone already knows who he considers his true closest friends and that Lando and the F1 drivers are all firmly in his work friends group.
side note you do wanna ask the ppl who are actively hating on Martin how they explain Daniel being tight with him before Lando was ???
I totally get needing to vent babes but my constant reminder will be to use this kind of stuff as a means of pruning your fandom experience. blockity block block anyone being this unhinged. Lando is on Raya, Daniel is in a ltr with Heidi, Carlos' family are welcoming Rebecca in more and more and Martin is... someone extra special to Lando. what that is defined as is known only to them &lt;3
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ovaryacted · 1 year
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This is an 18+ blog, crude language and mature topics will be a regular occurrence. Minors should not be interacting with anything NSFW that is uploaded on this page. Minors should also not be interacting with me personally, requesting anything, or talking to me about sex & kinks (unless it comes from an educational standpoint, then I can make an exception depending on what it is).
Anon hate and discourse have no place on my blog, and I ask that you have your age visible on your account. This is a safe space for all people (LGBTQ+, POC, neurodivergent people, etc.) If you are racist, homophobic, zionist, islamophobic, sexist, fatphobic, an incel, a pedophile, a proshipper, a kink shamer, or are ignorant and/or bigoted in any way, I will block you.
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✩ ─ Requests are closed, as I already have set ideas I want to write for and generally don't take requests. However, I will allow thirst messages in my ask box and I am open to writing drabbles/smaller pieces for things that suit my interests.
✮ ─ I usually post whenever I can or want, I don’t have a set posting schedule. I have a life and a full time job outside of this blog, so usually if I am not consistent with posting or I am not as active, it simply means I am busy.
✩ ─ I am often loud in the tags and enjoy using memes and gifs as my reaction to things. I like being funny on the timeline, so be prepared to see me being silly on here since I don’t take shit seriously.
✮ ─ I am always open to meeting new people and my inbox and ask box are there for interactions. No pressure of course, but if you have any questions or want to know more about me and the stuff I write, feel free to shoot me a message!
✩ ─ Don't just like my work, reblogs and comments are always greatly appreciated and help creators stay motivated to create more!
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CONTENT: smut, fluff, angst, etc. I focus on afab fem reader & gender neutral reader. When I write anything NSFW, especially BDSM, it comes from a place of knowledge and experience, and I value and support kink exploration. I make an effort to show healthy/accurate/inclusive sex practices and I am always open to criticism, recommendations, and additions so long as it's respectful.
I will write things that include dark content, gore, violence & things that are considered "taboo" like age gaps & abuse of authority. When I do, I will always have warnings and disclaimers so please do read them beforehand. You are responsible for the content you consume.
MOST KINKS: Dom/sub dynamics / femdom / impact play / Daddy & Mommy Kinks / PinV / Anal & anal play / DDLG & MDLB / knife & gun play / blood play / period sex / sex toys / squirting / cum play / spit play / foot fetish / breeding kink / cockwarming / breath play / degradation & praise / threesomes / somnophilia / overstimulation / dumbification / dacryphilia / orgasm control & edging / marking / voyeurism / exhibitionism / bondage / pet-play / age-play (with exception) / monster-fucking / bodily fluids (piss & vomit with exception) / CNC & free use (with exception) / more that I may be missing
DARK CONTENT EXCEPTIONS: Dub-con & Non-con / Psuedo-incest (depends) / yandere & stalker / some DDNE content / I don't mind exploring the taboo or other dynamics, just depends on what it is.
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Incest / pedophilia / hardcore rape or non-con / child & animal abuse / underage scenarios or aged up characters / bimbo! reader / domestic abuse & hardcore violence (unless it’s part of the plot) / race play / scat / necrophilia / limbless / intense bodily torture / beastiality (this doesn't include the omegaverse or monsters, I'm open to that with exception).
I won't write for male gay or trans characters. This is out of respect for people who live that experience and want to see a proper representation of those identity/relationship dynamics. I feel that I will do a disservice in properly depicting those very real experiences as a cis woman, and I advise readers to find writers who cater to their wants & needs.
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©️ ovaryacted 2023. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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angels-heap · 4 years
Oh no, I’ve realized that people are right. Freemance does have a 20+ year age gap and a potentially awkward father/child element to it. It’s kind of just a weird thing to ship in general. ………………………… By Freemance people mean Gordon Freeman/Eli Vance, right?
Oh, of course. Like, ew, why would anyone ship Gordon and Eli when it’s so obvious that Eli wants him to date Alyx? 
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jade-parcels · 3 years
A cheeky lil part 2 to the casino owner Diluc post from last night (sfw)
❤️ part one ❤️
After your first time together in the dark, and the handful of other quick flings following that, Diluc just cannot get you out of his head. When you leave the casino to go to work or go out with your friends, he finds himself sulking. Working isn’t nearly as fun when you aren’t around, it’s just meeting after meeting, signature after signature. By the end of the night, his back is killing him and he’s starving. What he wouldn’t give to take you to dinner, face to face, and get a massage before bed. Now that’s a dream alright. A dream he truly wants to act on. He picks up his phone, intending to ask you to meet him at a restaurant here on casino property but he abruptly stops, feeling his face heat up as he realizes he just can’t. It’s frustrating that his shy nature is getting in the way like this… though he does have the right to be nervous
What if you didn’t like the way he looked? What if you didn’t like that he was the owner of the casino? He’s sure you’ve seen him on a magazine cover or on a morning talk show at some point, what if you didn’t want to be in the public eye the way he was? That part is a tad funny, he can go on a celebrity talk show to promote his casino but he can’t walk up to you to ask you to dinner. None of his previous relationships have gone well. He really wants this to work!! So instead, he asks again to meet you in the safety of the dark in your room, promising to bring snacks and drinks to share
He’s noticed that your meetings get awkward when you aren’t fucking. Cuddling and drinking is only so fun… You two can’t watch movies because of the light from the TV. He can’t watch any of the videos you want to show him on your phone…because of the screen’s light. He mumbles apology after apology, feeling increasingly guilty for being such a bore tonight. Especially after you had such a fun time shopping with your friends- you couldn’t even give him a proper fashion show without the lights on
You keep asking when you’ll get to see his face, telling him how your curiosity is killing you. It’s killing him too, he wants to see you up close too. Sure he’s watched you from afar for awhile now- it isn’t the same. You text him funny pictures of celebrities you ‘think’ he looks like, each text further off than the last until you’re comparing him to superheroes and cartoons, earning an eye roll emoji with an ‘I can assure you I look nothing like that one’
His official face reveal 6 days later is not very thought out, it’s spontaneous and very out of character for Diluc but this is the only way it would have gotten done unless you took initiative and turned the lights on yourself.
You don’t hear from him all day except when he sends you $16 for sunscreen and a margarita to have by the pool. You spend your day hanging around the property, chatting with the bartenders and other guests, recommending which restaurants to go to and which games to play since you practically live here now. You try texting Diluc throughout the day, not getting a single response. Even when you send a picture of yourself in your bathing suit, all you get is a ‘read 3:48pm’ underneath your text. With a huff, you shove your phone away, deciding to ignore him for the night. Two can play at that game.
You decide to go to bed early, tucking yourself under the thick duvet, scrolling through some celebrity drama site, losing track of time, not noticing as the hours tick by. Your eyes start to close on their own around two in the morning and as you start to drift off with your phone in your hand, it starts to ring. Ugh… it’s him. You answer with an annoyed and drowsy ‘what do you want’. Your admirer awkwardly clears his throat and you hear fabric rustling in the background ‘good evening to you too, love’ you roll your eyes, rolling over to lay on your back ‘whaaaat? I’m tired, what do you want? Don’t you know how late it is?-‘
‘I can’t sleep’ he sighs, there’s more rustling on the other end and you come to assume that he’s shifting around beneath the covers too ‘I didn’t mean to ignore you today, I apologize. May I come sleep in your room tonight?’ Part of you wants to be petty, to say no and hang up so he can get a taste of his own medicine. However…Having a strong, warm body to cuddle up against does sound nice. So you agree, telling that he can let himself in. With that, you set your phone aside and go to sleep.
Diluc’s executive suite is two buildings over, he didn’t want to risk having you set up in the same building as him. It takes him about twenty minutes to get to your room. He quietly slips inside, ducking his head down in case you look up, and locks the door behind him. He knows his way around your room by now. Your bed is six steps forward, two to the left. He sheds his clothes, sliding beneath the covers beside you. Diluc smiles softly to himself as he presses a sweet kiss to your forehead, earning a content sigh from you. He doesn’t bother waking you up, he didn’t come here for anything but sleep, so he pulls you over to rest your head on his chest, holding you close as he drifts off to sleep
You wake up with the sun, the golden rays bright enough to pull you from your sleep. You open your eyes, holding a hand up to block the light, and you’re met with a toned chest beside you. Your eyes wander over the expanse of pale skin, watching as the body beside you rises and falls with each breath. This is him… the realization hits you hard and you slap your hand over your eyes, wanting to respect his privacy despite your curiosity.
A warm hand grabs your wrist, giving it a gentle tug ‘you can look,’ he whispers ‘it’s alright, love’. So you do. You take your hand off of your face, sitting up to get s good look at him. He’s…handsome. You already knew he would be. He’s got a wrong build, a nice jawline, gorgeous eyes. His red hair is tousled and his cheek sports a red line no doubt caused by a crease in the pillow he slept on. You’re left in awe, only able to mutter out a soft ‘wow’
He lets out a drowsy chuckle, reaching up to cup your face ‘i could say the same about you… You’re even more beautiful up close’
You two spend the day together on the balcony, in broad daylight, talking all about yourselves. Diluc finally tells you his name, talking about his family name and the brands associated with his last name. He tells you about how you caught his eye, how you made him want to spend every last dime he has on you. He talks about his pet turtle that lives back at his swanky, studio apartment in the city. In return, you talk to him about your job, where you went to school, what your friends think about this ‘good friend with money’ situation, earning a shy smile from him.
After that, you two are practically inseparable. Diluc moves you out of your old apartment and in with him at his own. You say goodbye to presidential suite No.15 and say hello to the executive suite in building 3 where you two stay when there’s business to take care of at the casino. You get to sit in his office with him whenever you want and if you want to, you can kiss your old job goodbye. He’s more than happy to support you, he doesn’t even want you to have to work <3 what a gentleman
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Head injuries & passing out!!!
Some realistic aspects of whump you’re probably glossing over/conveying incorrectly Part 2
just some realistic medical accuracies that will bolster your whump writing, and the category is...
the dazed and confused:
a person can experience a lapse in consciousness or lucidity when they receive a traumatic head injury or their bodies are put under severe stress by something like an extreme condition or nasty illness. both symptoms can occur from many different injuries/ailments ranging from blunt force head trauma, drug use, inadequate sleep, malnourishment, physical exhaustion... the option are really endless and not much is out of the realm of possibility in regards to being medically accurate.
a rapid increase in blood pressure is the nervous system’s vasovagal syncope response, also commonly referred to as passing tf out. fainting itself isn’t inherently harmful or dangerous if whumpee gets themselves to the ground before its lights out. pretty much unless the whumpee is in a hostile environment where they don’t have access to food, water, or medical supplies to care for their wounds or sickness, they will be ok and should come to rather quickly!
if the whumpee is exhausted, whether it is because they have physically exhausted themselves by working too hard, not taking the time to properly recover after a fight, disregarding healthy sleeping and eating habits, ignoring a cold or viral bug because they think they can just tough it out etc. they can function in a haze for a pretty solid amount of time before their blood pressure will eventually plummet where the blood vessels relax to reduce resistance in the flow and all of the blood in their body races to their head at once to try and quell whatever is wrong. this will probably come at a breaking point or at the mention of exerting themselves intensely once more. they might be faced with a flight of stairs, or the alarms are going off for another mission, or their superior won’t end the meeting and they didn’t succeed in grabbing a seat before they were all taken. before this they would’ve been sluggish in their movements and sick or tired-looking. they would probably have to ask someone to repeat themselves because their brain is lagging and they can’t grasp whatever’s been said on the first go. they also would experience moments of lightheadedness that would stop them in their tracks and have them searching for purchase on a nearby wall or table as they ride out the blood rush in their ears that is similar to what you might get from standing up too quickly, except this would happen randomly. they might not have a large appetite that day and be uncharacteristically thirsty. there will be moments the whumpee or caregiver finds them swaying unsteadily where they’d be urged to sit down before they collapse. the whumpee would be grumpy about this but they’d listen because at this point they are aware they could very well pass out. too many moments like these and they actually do.
the textbook first aid response is to raise their feet above their heart by either lifting them or elevating them on a higher surface, this gets blood flowing on a path of least resistance to the brian and will help them recover quicker. they should stay on the ground or move into the recovery position on their side until they feel better, then they should move into a sitting position and acclimate to that before trying to stand. they will probably be weak and shakey after this and should go rest and eat something before turning in for the night.
if the whumpee has a head injury, passing out is very dangerous and a type of triage would be to keep them awake until they are evaluated properly. concussions occur when the brain quite literally rattles around in the head a tad too aggressively. this can be caused by violent shaking or what might even be considered a minor blow. think two football players clonking helmets and how when their bodies are thrown back by the force, their brains would be jolted forward in their skulls. this can result in pretty sever concussions that impede cognitive functions without drawing a drop of blood, occurring even within the confines of reinforced protective gear. confusion and disorientation as well as an unpleasant or throbbing pressure would be the first symptoms to present themselves with this type of blunt head injury. memory loss and an overall altered perception of reality could be documented for the first stage of recovery, short term events would be lost on the whumpee and they might find themselves suddenly having no clue what day it is or where they are. they would be sensitive to light and noise and any sort of intense movement depending on the severity of the concussion. and any increase in such would make them dizzy, nauseated, or even lightheaded.
the window of danger for falling asleep or fainting after getting concussed usually passes after the 24 hour mark post injury. the caregiver would likely have to wait up all night shaking awake a lethargic and possibly incoherent whumpee, maybe even taking shifts with others until they don’t think the whumpee would be at risk of not waking up. this type of injury might take months to fully heal from and is very inconvenient and uncomfortable for the whumpee leaving space for a lot of additional hurt and beautiful moments of fussing over/comforting.
head injuries that result in wounds will bleed a horrifying amount for even the tiniest of cuts, the same goes for facial wounds. this is because they are like a million blood vessels up there to get more blood to the brain. so if you have a heavily bleeding head wound... the blood flowing there will be leaving a lot quicker than the body can replenish it and can delve into a dangerous amount of blood loss pretty quickly. any blow to the head will jar you temporarily and leave you virtually incapacitated even if you don’t fall down or lose consciousness. think being paralyzed in sudden and excruciating pain after hitting your funny bone, it passes quickly, but for a solid minute you’re definitely seeing red. a whumpee that gets their head split open can keep fighting on adrenaline as long as they aren’t rendered unconscious right off the bat, but the longer they rely on energy reserves, the more blood they are going to have lost and the harder they’ll crash once they’re safe or the fight is over. the whumpee along with whoever is around them after they receive this hit might think they are relatively okay since they didn’t collapse on impact, but crashing will look like stumbling back to the mode of transport, not being able to stand up after they finish the bad guy off, staring off at nothing while a wave of malaise washes over them once they look at the blood that comes away from the wet spot on the side of their head, etc.
shock is also a silent killer and plays large part in the dazed and confused bit of a flesh wound like this. any type of wound that bleeds for more than a minute will be accompanied by an assortment of shock symptoms like trembling, becoming cold, sudden weakness, incoherence, all to varying severities that coincide with the amount of blood loss sustained, so once again the longer the whumpee pushes or avoids treatment the worse it will be. immediate triage would be to have the whumpee sit and keep them warm with body heat or a blanket as well as keep steady pressure on the wound, additionally it would be ideal to get a bit of sugar in them and have them sip water to calm them down and keep their mind level. remaining clam and warm is really the most important aspects of staving off the worse symptoms of shock like slowed heart rate and shallowed breathing, which isn’t passing out exactly, more like their body slowly shutting down. a whumpee with this type of injury also wouldn’t really pass out in the dramatic way you think of if they didn’t on initial impact, it’d look more like their legs giving out in the middle of their stride, their weight slowly increasing in a friend’s arms during a congratulatory hug, or rushing for the nearest seat after getting a head rush and suddenly very woozy.
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rengoku-loves-you · 3 years
This is such a weird request, but can you do the reader doing a break up prank on our sun, kyo? (Weird ik I just kinda wanna see how it goes XD)
(hi hun! don't worry about weird requests, this made me laugh when i read it! though it probably doesn’t show... i probably made it a bit more emotional and angsty than you were hoping, i’m sorry about that ^^; it hurt my little kyo-loving heart to make him sad tho, i almost couldn't bear it but that was the way it flowed :'D thank you so much for your request! ❤️️)
kyojuro x reader (in which you make up a break-up)
warnings: miscommunication, prank (accidentally) gone too far, angst?
"i think it's best if we don't see each other anymore."
kyojuro freezes. he'd been in the middle of cleaning his sword, wiping away the remains of the demon he had slain during his last mission, when you dropped that bomb on him. you don't even have the decency to look at him, sitting across from him with your eyes closed and your legs crossed like his. practicing your breathing, supposedly.
"what do you mean by that?" he asks slowly, very sure he's heard you wrong. his hearing has always been a little faulty ever since that one disastrous mission. "you're my successor! we could hardly not see each other anymore, your training is nowhere near complete. unless one of us goes blind!" he smiles, and you blink open your eyes. you don't look as amused as he hoped you would.
"i mean we should break up," you say bluntly, and that. that slaps the tentative smile right off his face. for a long moment, it's silent.
"ah," he says, quiet. his gaze flicks away, down to his sword, and he mindlessly starts cleaning it again before his hands start to shake. he forces his lips upward again, ignoring how they tremble. "i... if that's what you truly want, i understand! i will not pressure you to change your mind! you know what you desire better than anyone!" and he doesn't say any more, scrubbing the rag over the blade over and over and over again.
"okay," you say shortly. "thank you for understanding, rengoku." he gives a single nod, and you close your eyes again. rengoku. you only called him that when he was in trouble. otherwise, it was always kyojuro or even kyo.
it stings.
it stings a lot, even more than the bite the demon had taken out of his leg during the mission. in fact, his heart hurts so bad that he doesn't even notice when his eyes start to sting as well until tears are dripping onto his sword, smearing when he tries to rub them away.
"i'm just," you start to say, and then you inhale sharply, cutting yourself off. he doesn't hear what you say next, because he sobs at the sound of your voice, and his sword falls to the ground in his haste to scrub away the shameful, selfish tears. when he feels your hands on his shoulders, he jerks away.
“i’m fine, i’m okay!” he insists loudly, dodging your touch again when your fingers brush his cheek. he’s trying so hard to keep the smile on his face that it only makes his eyes water more. “i’ll stop in a moment, i apologize for this!” his voice wobbles, and he roughly scrubs at his face for it, trying to tamp the emotions down. he isn’t even entirely sure why he’s crying like this. you’re still his successor, and you’re not so cruel as to treat him coldly even after you break up. he knows you’ll still be friends at the very least. it’s not as if you’ll really never see each other again.
but you were his first, the only one he dared to let in so deep into his heart even though he knows the risks, because he believed in you and your ability to stay alive. he believed you would succeed in becoming a pillar, flame or otherwise, and just like a moth to a flame that spark inside you drew him in. you were natural friends, slipping into dating territory without either of you having to ask.
(”dating” being a relative term, of course. neither of you have much time to indulge in silly, normal dates, so you steal kisses, stay for dinner, and spend the night when you can.)
he feels like a child again, freshly abandoned, scorched inside with grief and burned outside from the flames he recklessly practices with. only this time, the external burns are your fleeting touches as you try to calm him down, saying words his ears refuse to let him process.
“i’m fine, i’m fine,” he persists, hoarse now that he’s nearly cried out, and you fall quiet. his entire face feels hot, a mixture of his aggressive rubbing, the usual post-breakdown flush, and shame. you’ve given up on helping, standing worriedly at his side with your hands wringing. you watch him take shuddering breaths, somehow still with that damned grin on his face that looks nothing but painful. 
“i apologize,” kyojuro begins, because he knows all his crying did was make you feel guilty and the last thing he wants is to make you feel responsible for him and his silly emotions.
“it was a joke,” you say weakly, and he blinks, water catching on his lashes as he gazes at the wall.
“what was that?” he asks, tugging the handkerchief from his breast pocket. you open your mouth, but then he blows his nose, loud and obnoxious, and you shut it again. you wait until he folds it back up, sniffing once, before he grips his knees with his eyes so wide that if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was waiting for someone to cut his head off. “i don’t think i heard you correctly. can you repeat that?”
“it was a joke,” you say again, lamely. “i-i didn’t expect you to take it so hard, especially not that fast. i thought you were gonna act all pouty and give me those sad eyes that you get whenever i don’t share my sweet potatoes with you. then i’d say i was kidding, and we’d kiss and laugh ‘cause we’re too perfect together for that to happen. it was supposed to be funny. i’m not that good at lying, kyo.” you kneel next to him, bowing your head. “i’m sorry.” even as the silence stretches, you don’t dare look up.
“well,” he rasps, and you jolt when you feel a warm hand fall on your head, “i suppose i’m just that terrible at understanding jokes!” when you dare to lift your eyes, he’s smiling at you. genuinely this time, small and still mildly tearstained. “there’s no need to apologize! i was the one who overreacted!”
“kyojuro,” you nearly whine, because he’s only making you feel worse. “it was a mean prank in the first place, don’t you dare start apologizing to me. i’m the one who should be apologizing.” he chuckles, his hand sliding to your upper arm and tugging gently, and you immediately lean into him. he wraps his arm around your shoulders, nose pressed to the top of your head, and you loop your arms around his waist.
“if you say so! i won’t argue with you!” he brings his other arm up, and then he’s practically shuffling into your lap, squeezing you tightly. you let him, even though he’s heavy and nowhere near acceptable lap-sitting size, because you can still feel him shaking and you know he needs the comfort.
“i really am sorry,” you mumble against his shoulder, fingers toying with his belt. “i’ve never seen you cry like that.”
“i’ll forgive you,” he says, “under one condition!” you don’t hesitate to nod. right now, you’d probably do anything he asked, if only to ease the massive pit of guilt in your stomach just a little. he pulls back, hands gripping your shoulders, and gives you another smile. more of a smirk, really. then he leans close to your ear, hot breath ghosting over your skin, and you shiver.
“never, ever leave me,” he whispers, lips brushing your ear when he speaks. “otherwise...” you close your eyes, feeling your cheeks warm, but force yourself to keep still. he sighs, pressing his nose into the crook of your neck, his hands slowly wandering down to your sides. “otherwise, i’ll cry. i’ll cry myself to death! then you’ll really be sorry!” his fingertips dig into your sides, and you gasp and jolt at the sharp, ticklish pain.
you really should’ve known.
“kyojuro!” you halfheartedly shove at his chest, and he falls back, laughing. his voice is still a little thick, and his eyes are raw and he’s still shaking like a leaf, but he leans in and kisses you anyway. that’s all the forgiveness you two need for now.
(he tastes like salt.)
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attllhak · 3 years
Adoption AU - Wild and Warriors: The Epic Quest For Taco Bell at 3 am
@tortilla-of-courage so you mentioned you’d be interested in my Adoption AU one-shots, and now that things have calmed down in my house a bit I figured I’d post the first one-shot I wrote; the one about Wild and Warriors going for a Taco Bell run. Theoretically, I was going to do a one-shot for each grouping of boys, as an introduction, but I don’t think that’s happening anymore. Either way, here’s the first thing I wrote!
(And, anyone else who would like to be tagged if/when I post more for this AU, let me know here and I’ll make a list or something)
“anyone know any good substitutes for love and personal fulfilment?”
Warriors sent the tweet without much thought. He didn’t actually care about an answer, he just felt like venting about his most recent break up in a vague way, and thought he was being funny. He could already see Legend rolling his eyes.
His phone dinged a few times, one reply from Twilight, asking why he was up so late (which he’d responded to with the same inquiry, which had Twilight going silent), one from Legend mocking him, one from Hyrule trying to actually help. He was surprised how many of his brothers were up at this hour.
He dropped the phone on his bed, rubbing his eyes. He wasn’t actually all that tired, probably a consequence of having all afternoon classes and a habit of leaving his work to the last minute. Eh, the first year was supposed to be mostly parties anyways. (Not that Time would ever find out he said that.)
His phone dinged again and he groaned, eying the clock and the small bottle of melatonin next to it. 2:43 am. He should sleep. He didn’t have anything tomorrow, he finished his last final earlier that afternoon, though, so a few more minutes couldn’t hurt.
He picked up the phone and woke it up again. He blinked a few times at the new reply.
“crunchwrap supreme from taco bell”
He ignored Twilight yelling at Wild for being up, as apparently Wild did have a final tomorrow still. Not that Wild was paying any more attention.
He snorted, hitting the like button on Wild’s tweet and clicking off his phone. He reached up to stretch, yawning as he did. He eyed the melatonin bottle again. Technically, he didn’t need the supplements to sleep, but with how messed up his sleep schedule was, they did help him knock out when he planned on sleeping at a reasonable hour. This wasn’t a reasonable hour, but sleepiness hadn’t set in yet either.
Before he could decide, his phone lit up with a text notification. He tilted his head back and pointed his phone down to look at instead of dropping his arms.
Gordon Ramsey 2:44 am
lets go
Warriors blinked once. Then again. He unlocked his phone to type back.
what?????? go where?????
A second passed when he got a reply.
taco bell
for your substitute for love
since you got dumped and need something
oops was that too soon
Warriors blinked at the screen again. Wild lived twenty minutes away from the university Warriors was attending, and the nearest Taco Bell was no closer. Plus, Time had revoked Wild’s driving privileges after he crashed his bike into the barn and broke both and his arm. There was no way Wild was getting to the university, much less a fast food joint. Especially at this hour.
and how do you plan to do that? You aren’t allowed to drive yet Mr. Broken Arm
you have a care
That was a very good point.
you are suggesting that I drive 20mins outside of town to pick you up, drive another 20mins back into town, then drive around downtown until we find an open taco bell, at 3am on a school night before you have a final?
There was a few seconds pause, just long enough for Warriors to consider that he’d given up on it.
we wont be driving all over town
i googled it and found one
its like 10mins form your collage
Warriors considered that.
twilight won’t be happy
only if he finds out
Wild made a very good point.
how do you plan to get out of the house without him noticing?
i have a window war
The response was so immediate, and he was probably sleep deprived enough, that he burst out laughing when it sent.
He clicked his phone shut and shoved it in his pocket, grabbing a jacket and his scarf on the way out of his room. He was struggling to shrug them both on at once when he realized his roommate was still up too. There was a tense staredown as their eyes met and they both froze.
Volga broke the standoff by closing his book. “And where are you going at this hour?”
Warriors considered that. “My brother bribed me with food to break him out of the house,”
“At,” he glanced at his watch, “two forty-nine am?”
The silence was tense.
Volga sighed and opened his book again. “Don’t crash and die, I’d hate to have to get a new roommate when I’ve finally gotten used to you,”
“Don’t burn the dorm down while I’m gone,” Warriors joked back, finally getting the fabric to work with him.
“It happened once, and it’s not like you’re any better at cooking!”
“I don’t set what I make on fire, and then freak out and throw it when blowing out that fire doesn’t work,” he grabbed his keys from the dish by the door and waved behind him.
“It happened once, Link!”
“And it’s why we order out now,” he grinned, ducking out the door. “See you later, Volg, be back in an hour or so,”
He could hear Volga’s angry shout through the door, so hurried down the stairs to the ground level as quickly as he could, before Volga woke their neighbor again.
He was still giggling when he got to the parking lot. Volga was just too easy to rile up.
The cool night air woke him up a little more so, and he took a deep breath as he located his car. A hand-me-down vehicle, he inherited it from Time when he was old enough to drive. Mostly this was so he could stop asking everyone else for their cars when he wanted to go somewhere. A little elbow grease however, and no one could tell it was at least 20 years old and not fresh off the lot. He made sure none of his brothers were allowed to drive it, especially after Wild got his bike stuck in a tree, or Legend crashed into a lake, or Twilight picked up drag racing, or Wild got his bike stuck on the roof, or Hyrule lost his car, or Four rolled his truck, or Wild and the barn literally last week. A lot of the crashes in the family came from Wild going ‘oh yeah? Watch this!’ now that he thought about it. It was a miracle he still had the same bike.
The twenty minute drive to the farm was pretty boring, nothing of note really happening.
He turned off his headlights as he pulled into the drive, not wanting to wake anyone, especially Time, up. He shot off a quick text to Wild when he parked.
A window opened and Legend’s head poked out to glare at him. His phone dinged.
Royal Pain 3:12 am
what are you doing here?
He glared back at Legend and typed out a response.
taco bell run
Legend glanced down, presumably at his phone, then back up a Warriors with an incredulous expression.
at 3am????
and if so why are you /here/????
Warriors pointedly looked around the house where Wild emerged from the bushes. Said brother grinned and popped open the passenger door to climb in.
“Hey,” he grinned. His hair was a mess, with at least two visible sticks stuck in it, and he was still in his sleep clothes. Despite this, he seemed fine.
“Legend has us made,” Warriors nodded to their brother, who was still glaring with his head out the window.
Royal Pain 3:15 am
twilight won’t be happy about this
Warriors frowned, trying to shield his phone from Wild as he typed back.
twilight won’t know
Warriors did not like the look in Legend’s eyes as he got the next text.
unless i tell him
Warriors glared up at his brother, working his jaw.
what do you want?
He hated the pleased grin Legend shot him.
the most expensive thing on the menu on your dime
Warriors shoved his phone away with a growl, flipping off the overly smug Legend as he put the car in gear. “Asshole,” he muttered.
“What was that about?” Wild asked.
“We’re buying him food too now,” Warriors growled, flicking back on his headlights.
“Oh, cool,” Wild leaned back into the seat and pulled out his phone. “So the Taco Bell we’re going to only has the drive thru open, and it’s just off main street,”
Warriors nodded, focussing on the road and not that Wild had found the aux cord.
About thirty minutes later, as Wild finally turned down the music to provide directions, he snapped and turned to Warriors mid direction. “Do you want to sign my cast?”
Warriors blinked. “Maybe when we stop, I’m not crashing to sign your cast right now.”
Wild nodded, and pointed across Warriors at the street they had to go down.
They pulled into the drive thru and ordered, then had to wait for the very expensive thing Legend wanted. Warriors turned to Wild as the car idled.
“Do you have a marker?”
Wild blinked at him, then brightened up and offered out a sharpie and his right arm. The cast, under the signatures and well wishes of their family and all of Wild’s friends, was painted in very poorly drawn flames. Warriors raised an eyebrow as he searched for a clear spot to sign.
“Hyrule painted it for me,” Wild explained with a grin.
“Ah,” Warriors hummed as he finally tracked down an empty space by Wild’s elbow.
He scrawled out his name, not much room for anything else, and then handed the capped sharpie back to Wild while he twisted around to accept the food from the drive thru worker.
He shot off a text to Legend to let him know they had his food, alongside an upset emoji. Legend sent him a devil face emoji back. Wild dug through the bag for his food, sharpie stuck in his hair alongside the twigs, which seemed to be multiplying.
Warriors rolled his eyes and pulled back onto the road.
At some point, Wild pulled the wrap out and handed it to Warriors, who ate one handed as he drove. Wild was right about one thing, the wrap did taste very good.
He pulled into the drive of the farmhouse, headlights off, just as he finished off the wrap. He phone dinged the second he put the car in park.
Royal Pain 3:58 am
where’s my food bitch
Warriors looked up to the window where Legend was leaning out and glaring at him.
Wild laughed at the surly look on Legend’s face, climbing out and taking the bag with him. “I’ll feed him,” he promised, grinning. “Thanks for the trip, War!”
“No problem,” Warriors grinned back. “Just make sure you get to bed once you’re inside, so Twi doesn’t suspect in the morning,”
Wild gave him a thumbs up. He shut the door a little too hard, making Warriors wince, and bounced up to throw the bag up to Legend. Legend caught it the second time, when Wild opted to use his not broken arm to toss it, and disappeared inside again. Warriors’ phone dinged again a few seconds later.
Royal Pain 4:00 am
thanks pretty boy
your secret is safe with me
for now
Warriors rolled his eyes and sent him a thumbs up back, then pulled out of the drive again to head back to campus. He was actually starting to feel tired now, so he figured he’d get home and just crash. It’d be like, 4:30 in the morning by then, and he was pretty sure Volga would be asleep. And if he wasn’t, they had a rule that after 4 am until 7 they were allowed to ignore each other, so it’d be fine.
Volga was asleep when Warriors snuck in, passed out in a chair with the book on his chest. Warriors took the sight in, then sighed.
He dropped his keys in the dish, then pulled off his jacket and scarf to hang in his room. He grabbed a bookmark off his shelf and wandered back out to pull the book off of Volga’s chest and set it down so the spine wouldn’t crease. He left Volga like that, however. He didn’t want the books to get damaged, but if Volga was dumb enough to fall asleep in the common room without a blanket, then he deserved what he woke up with.
He was very lucky that Warriors was too tired to find a sharpie.
He fell asleep before remembering to take off his shoes.
The next morning, so about noon, he was woken by Volga pounding on the door to put his phone on silent.
His phone buzzed on the desk next to him and he pulled it off and up to his head, hitting answer before looking at the contact.
“Hullo?” He slurred, still half asleep.
“Twilight knows,” Legend greeted him.
“What?” Warriors sat up, groaning as his back complained from sleeping on his stomach all night. It took a second for his brain to catch up.
“Twilight knows,” Legend repeated. “Hyrule sold you out, unintentionally, and I can hear him selling you both out to Time,”
Warriors blanched as the words registered. “Oh shit,” he threw himself out of bed, hissing as he realized he slept fully dressed, and scrambled for the things he’d need in order to flee. “How long?”
“Twenty minutes if you get lucky and Wind pulls through, less if not,”
Warriors cursed under his breath as he changed his shirt and tried to make it look like he hadn’t been sleeping in what he was wearing. “Thanks for the heads up, I’d say I owe you but,”
“You’d rather not owe me,”
“Look, if you get caught and cave, I go down too. This is self-preservation. Don’t cave and we’re even.”
“Got it, I won’t,”
“You better not,” Legend hissed. “Good luck,”
“Thanks,” Warriors nodded, even though Legend couldn’t see him.
He tossed the phone on his dresser as the line went dead and he went about trying to comb through his hair so he looked presentable.
A hard knock on his door came a few seconds later.
“I put my phone on vibrate, Volga!” He shouted through the door. “You can drop it now!”
Warriors paused, then opened the door. Lana, Impa and Artemis waited on the other side, Volga glaring at them and hovering behind them.
Warriors blinked dumbly at them. “Uh, hi?”
“Hi Link! Good morning!” Lana grinned and waved at him.
“It’s noon,” Impa reminded the group, eying Warriors up and down.
“Oh, right,” Lana nodded, then went back to grinning at him. “Good noon, Link!”
He snorted and shook his head to clear it. “Good noon to you too, Lana. Can I ask what you’re all doing here?”
“We were hoping you’d join us for something,” Artemis smiled at him, also looking him over, trying to find whatever Impa had picked up on. “We’re going on a small road trip since all our finals are over, and we were planning on hitting a few different cities over the week,”
“Mhm,” Lana nodded quickly. “We’re leaving today, and are taking no calls until we get back, and we’re camping in the car, which is why we’re using my van, and we were hoping you’d come with us,”
“I’m in,”
The three girls blinked at him. Maybe he answered too fast, but taking no calls, meaning no contact with his family, for a week gave them time to move past this, and he really didn’t want to deal with a lecture from Time. His friends just offered him asylum, whether they knew it or not.
Impa narrowed her eyes. “What happened with your family?” She asked, already onto him.
“Nothing that’s my fault,” he responded, ducking back into his room. “What should I bring with?”
Lana listed off what they figured they’d take and he pulled out a suitcase, nodding along as he started packing. He fired off a text to the group chat as he grabbed his jacket, tossed over one arm, and wrapped his scarf around his neck.
World’s Best Captain 11:39 am
Leaving on a road trip with some friends. Be back in a week, but I can’t take calls until I’m back. Don’t kill each other!
He put his phone on silent and slipped it into his pocket.
He might have a hellish text backlog when he got back, but it’d be better than the lecture from Time. And besides, he got to spend a week with the best girls he knew.
As far as he was concerned, everything worked out win-win for him.
Wild was right, the crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell did work wonders in supplying love and personal fulfilment, even if not in the way he meant it.
He made a note to get Wild something as thanks while they were out. Maybe some crash pads. Goddesses knew that his brother needed them.
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Still loving Komahina and I also love hurt/comfort sickfics so this was pretty inevitable. Nagito is very good for sickfics. Anyway, I wanted to show these two trying to navigate a bad illness and all the frightening and sometimes embarrassing things that come with that. Post-hope arc again. With fluff because I can’t NOT do fluff. I hope you enjoy it - Circle
Also on A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34280557
Warning: descriptions of vomiting (I didn’t describe the puke itself or anything, don’t worry, I’m emetophobic myself) and high fevers/vague descriptions of medical procedures.
Hajime noticed at the beach this time - and just like every time, he kicked himself for not noticing before he’d made Nagito leave the cabin. He thought back to when Nagito stumbled as they walked across the island, about how he’d chased every meagre bite of breakfast with a gulp of water like it was difficult to get down. Hajime hadn’t been vigilant enough, and now they were sitting together on the sand and Nagito was leaning far too heavily against his shoulder.
“Nagito?” Hajime said cautiously. When Nagito turned his head, Hajime hastily put a hand to his forehead, managing to catch it before Nagito veered away. “I knew it. You’re burning up.”
Some old routine. Nagito would deflect, then grow self-deprecating; Hajime would shut that down, then begrudgingly carry Nagito back to their cabin. They’d done this dance together over and over, whenever Nagito’s weakened state and illness made something like a common cold seem as serious as smallpox.
It didn’t seem so bad for the next couple of days. Nagito had a fever, but it was a low one, and he ate when Hajime asked and seemed alert and talkative. Hajime felt comfortable leaving him in the care of their friends while he went to Mikan for medicine and advice - though his friends proved to need supervision of their own. He returned to his cabin just as Sonia and Gundham were leaving, reassured when Sonia reported that Nagito wasn’t any worse. At the time, he didn’t notice the splashes of brown paint on Gundham’s bandages or Sonia’s dress.
Hajime stopped short when he stepped over the threshold. There was a gigantic swirly witchy symbol covering almost the whole wall above the bed, the heavy smell of paint in the air. Nagito was peeping over the top of the bedsheets, eyes sparkling.
“What the hell is that?” Hajime couldn’t even sound angry. He was just bloody tired. Why were the Ultimates so dramatic?
“Sonia and Gundham did a ritual for my good health,” Nagito explained. His lip twitched and Hajime knew he was fighting a smile. “I was so honoured to have two Ultimates working to help me that I thought it’d be unspeakably ungrateful to protest.”
“Oh, shut up, Nagito! I can see you just think it’s funny,” Hajime snapped. Nagito snorted and disappeared under the sheets, spluttering.
Hajime sighed and took another look at the giant eyesore on his wall. At least it was painted fairly neatly - and he knew Gundham and Sonia’s hearts were in the right places even if this particular stunt was irritating. He supposed they were trying to help in a weird way. Sonia went along with anything Gundham said, and Hajime didn’t expect Gundham to know you shouldn’t paint giant symbols on other people’s walls without permission. Gundham navigated social interactions like he was going into battle; Hajime doubted he would ask permission for something he clearly saw as a good deed.
“Doesn’t it make your boring plain wall more interesting?” Nagito piped up.
“Don’t push your luck, Nagito.”
“Right. Who knows what pushing my luck will do.”
Later on, Hajime would worry that he’d jinxed them somehow, that whatever strange force was behind Nagito’s Ultimate Luck was malevolent and wanted to teach them a lesson for mocking it - because that night brought disaster. Nagito was usually exceptionally clingy when they were in bed, often to the point where Hajime got so warm he had to pry him off, but now he curled up right on the very edge of the mattress, well away from Hajime. Hajime knew he was awake from his strangely measured breaths and his unusual stillness; Nagito was a restless sleeper. He frequently kicked Hajime in the night and rolled right on top of him and yanked the blankets away. Sometimes Hajime felt like he’d get more sleep on a busy runway as airplanes roared overhead.
Hajime poked Nagito in the back, careful not to tip him right off the bed. “Hey. What’s up?”
He didn’t get a response. Hajime sighed. “Do you think I’m stupid? I know you’re not asleep. You never sleep like that. So what’s going on?”
He wound his arms around Nagito’s waist and tried to pull him closer to get a better look at him, but Nagito winced and slapped his hands away with surprising force. “Don’t,” he gasped, curling up even tighter. “Don’t press…”
“What? Is it your stomach?” This was new. Nagito had been off his food lately, but then he frequently found it difficult to eat. “Do you feel nauseous?”
Silence. Getting information from Nagito was like getting blood from a stone sometimes. Hajime felt Nagito’s forehead in the gloom. His fever had definitely gone up and his skin was clammy. Hajime let his fingers trail down Nagito’s cheeks to his jawline and felt along his neck - the lymph nodes were so swollen they felt like two throbbing ping pong balls.
“Fuck,” Hajime muttered. “I thought we might get through this one without anything too bad.”
He was expecting some strange rambling about how this bad luck would inspire them to hope for good things in the future, but Nagito still didn’t speak. He rolled over and shuffled across the bed, tucking his burning head right under Hajime’s chin. It worried Hajime more than any words could; Nagito didn’t actively seek out comfort unless he was feeling really terrible.
“Hey,” Hajime mumbled, having to spit out a mouthful of Nagito’s unruly curls. “Ugh, your hair keeps getting in my mouth. Look, I know you’re sick and I’m sure it must feel crappy, but you’ll be okay. You’ll probably feel better by tomorrow morning. Right?” Hajime knew he sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well as Nagito.
More silence. Hajime could feel Nagito shivering, and wound his arms around him quickly. He usually teased Nagito for being so chilly all the time, needing his jacket whenever the sun dipped behind the clouds and getting goose pimples in the air conditioned cabins, but it didn’t seem remotely funny anymore. Nagito trembled like he was buried up to his neck in snow, but he certainly didn’t feel cold.
“You’re burning up. Fuck, I think I need to get Mikan,” Hajime said. He felt a hand shoot out and grab hold of his t-shirt, clinging for dear life. Hajime knew he could easily pry Nagito off, but he couldn’t bring himself to try at a time like this. “Okay, don’t freak out. I’ll stay. But I’m going if you get any worse.”
It was after midnight when the vomiting started. They’d already been in the bathroom since eleven, huddled together on the floor by the toilet, sharing a blanket. Nagito kept sleepily begging Hajime to go back to bed and leave him there, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Shut up,” he mumbled. “Don’t act like you wouldn’t be here with me if our roles were reversed.”
“That’s different. You’re you and I’m me,” Nagito whispered. He let his burning head rest against Hajime’s shoulder despite his pleading.
“It shouldn’t be different though. It’s not different, not to me. You’re sick and I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway if I knew you were in here on your own feeling miserable.”
“You have such a kind heart, Hajime. To think you could care so much about someone as worthless as I am.”
“Nagito. If you don’t stop that I’m going to shove your head down the toilet and flush, no matter how sick you are,” Hajime threatened. “You’re not worthless. For the millionth time.”
“You’d think you’d have got tired of saying that by now,” Nagito said.
“I have. Very fucking tired. But I’ll keep saying it until you believe me. Now shut up and try to get some rest. And let me know when you need to throw up. You’re in a position right now that would have you puking down my front and it’s making me nervous.”
Thankfully, Nagito was exceptionally neat about it when he did have to lean over the toilet to vomit. Hajime hooked his white curls back behind his ears and tried not to groan too much. It was unpleasant, obviously, but it was clear Nagito was the one suffering the most right now. He didn’t need Hajime moaning in his ear for him to hurry up - and as the minutes ticked by Hajime found his embarrassment and mild disgust morphing into anxiety. He knew Nagito hadn’t had much to eat these past few days, but the retching and heaving went on well after Nagito had nothing left to bring up. Nagito’s cheeks grew flushed and blotchy, and it wasn’t long before Hajime was the only thing holding him up over the loo, his arms wound around Nagito’s chest. He could feel Nagito’s heart pounding hard against his arms, on and on.
“Come on,” Hajime said eventually. “I’ll get you a bucket or something. You’re not really throwing anything up now anyway. You need to lie down.”
Nagito didn’t respond. He was breathing heavily, his face dripping with sweat. He was gripping the porcelain so hard his knuckles bleached white. Hajime had to pry off his fingers one by one.
“Come on,” he repeated. “I’ll get you something to wipe your face. I know you feel miserable but you can’t stay tethered to the toilet until you die.” He scooped Nagito up into his arms, cradling him as carefully as a newborn. Nagito felt frighteningly hot and damp.
Shaky arms wound around Hajime’s neck and a weak, hoarse voice whispered into his ear. “Death would be welcome at this point…”
“Stop it,” Hajime said firmly. “Don’t go all melodramatic on me. You sound like Gundham.” He carried Nagito to the bed and ran a cloth under the tap. “Here. Shall I do it for you? Then you don’t have to sit up.”
Nagito didn’t react, staring up at the ceiling. He seemed to decide to ignore Hajime at will, and it annoyed him almost as much as Nagito’s self-deprecation.
“Fine, don’t talk to me,” Hajime snapped. “I’ll scrub your face like a baby if you’re going to act like one.” Despite his tone, Hajime ran the damp cloth over Nagito’s skin with unbelievable care and tenderness, going carefully around his eyes and mouth.
Nagito’s eyes flickered over to him. “Well, Nurse Hinata, what’s your diagnosis? Is it curtains for me now? Is this world finally finished with me?”
“No! God, I’ve never known anybody so dramatic,” Hajime said angrily. “It’s just a little stomach flu or something like that. Don’t be so stupid.” He was almost shouting now. It was far easier to get angry than to admit to Nagito that he was scared too, that the knot of panic in his chest was getting tighter by the minute.
Nagito stared at him pityingly. Hajime wanted to slap him and clasp him close all at once.
“I’m going to get Mikan.” He turned to leave, but felt a clammy hand grasp his wrist and hold it with a surprisingly firm, desperate strength. Hajime turned back. “Nagito..?”
Nagito had his head bent, his lips pressed together. He didn’t speak, but he clung to Hajime’s wrist so tightly his fingernails dug in.
“But we need help. I’ll be as fast as I can, I promise. I’ll run all the way,” Hajime tried.
The hand squeezed even tighter.
“Oh fucking hell,” Hajime groaned. “Okay, I won’t leave. But we still need help, so you need to let me go for a second, okay? I promise I won’t go past the door to the cabin.”
A pause. Then Nagito slowly unclamped his fingers and let Hajime break free. He immediately flew to the cabin door, opened it wide and took a deep, long breath inwards. “HEY!” he bellowed, as loud as he could possibly manage. His voice boomed through the still night air. “WE NEED HELP! COME OUT AND HELP US!”
He yelled the same simple lines over and over until a door opened. He’d rather hoped for somebody sensible like Twogami or Mahiru; he ended up with Kazuichi. It made sense really - the sensible people would be asleep at three in the morning, and Kazuichi’s cabin was directly across from Hajime’s.
“What the hell are you screaming about, Hajime?” Kazuichi whined, scrubbing his eyes. His hands were covered with oil and he smeared it across his cheeks. It looked like he was wearing bad war paint. He’d doubtless been hunched over some project he was working on. It usually annoyed Hajime to see his friend neglecting vital things like sleep for his machines, but he was grateful for Souda’s insomnia tonight.
“Kazuichi, come over here, I need your help. Nagito is sick. Like, really sick. I need you to go get Mikan. Please.”
“What? Why can’t you do it?” Kazuichi said indignantly.
“I just… I don’t want to leave him alone, okay?!” Hajime muttered, flustered.
“Awww, Hajime! You loooove him,” Kazuichi cried, spluttering with laughter.
Hajime heard Nagito snort behind him too. He must’ve heard. He felt his cheeks flush crimson. “Kazuichi, will you just fucking go before I throttle you!”
“Stop yelling at me, I’m doing you a favour!” Kazuichi cried, looking wounded - but he ran off in the direction of Mikan’s cabin obediently.
None of them slept much that night. Mikan worked diligently, trying antibiotics and saline drips and ice packs, but she couldn’t get Nagito’s fever down, getting more and more tearfully apologetic as if she was personally blighting him herself. “His fever is dangerously high. We have to find a way of lowering it,” she muttered over and over like a mantra, shaking her head.
Anti-nausea drugs stopped the persistent stomach pains, but Nagito was clearly far from comfortable. He stopped smirking and teasing Hajime, stopped laughing at Kazuichi’s silly jokes. He stopped putting himself down and babbling about how the four Ultimates were so full of kindness and hope to be fussing so much over someone like him. He just stared vacantly up at the ceiling, his eyes foggy and over-bright, his cheeks flushed.
They each toiled in their own way until dawn, when they finally collapsed with exhaustion, squashing up together on Hajime’s bed. They lay there undisturbed until Twogami came looking for them, concerned by the absences at breakfast. He shook Hajime awake, wanting to know why there were four people curled around each other like puppies on his bed, but all Hajime could focus on was Nagito. His head was resting on Hajime’s chest, burning hot through his shirt. The fever was still there. He’d woken up but the nightmare was still going.
It was a mercy that Twogami found them. He sent Mikan off to sleep in her own cabin and made Hajime give a detailed account of the previous night (he let Kazuichi remain asleep at the foot of the bed. Twogami knew he wouldn’t sleep again if he was disturbed, and he wasn’t in the way).
“If he gets any worse, we might have to contact Future Foundation,” Twogami said thoughtfully. “They’ll have more complex medical equipment.”
“We don’t need them,” Hajime snapped. “Especially Makoto.”
He’d thought Kazuichi was still sleeping, but he snorted. “Because Nagito gushes over Makoto. That’s why you don’t like him,” he mumbled sleepily, sitting up.
“Shut up, you hypocrite. Why didn’t you like Gundham before?” Hajime argued.
“I don’t know why you get so fussed, Makoto looks a lot like you.”
“He doesn’t!”
Twogami sighed and crossed his arms like an exasperated parent. “If you two want to bicker you can go do it outside. Nagito needs peace and quiet.” He sounded like a parent too, and the other men quietened immediately and focused on Nagito again.
Nagito didn’t seem to wake up properly. He could open his eyes (though this looked like it was taking an extreme amount of effort) but he didn’t speak or even react very much when somebody spoke to him. He barely blinked when Hajime tried to make him sip water or Kazuichi tapped on his cheek and called his name. Mikan was forced to give him fluids intravenously. When the afternoon brought no improvements, Hajime let Twogami contact Future Foundation for better medicine.
Hajime spent another anxious, sleepless night desperately holding Nagito - though he didn’t feel like Nagito. He hadn’t spoken a single word all day, and though Hajime was trying to be optimistic, he could feel panic pooling in his stomach like oil. Would the medicine get here in time? Would it even work? Nagito was so sick, as sick as he’d been with that awful Despair Disease. Hajime remembered how he’d left Nagito alone then; he wouldn’t make that mistake this time. He’d be there for Nagito - if he was even aware of Hajime at this point. It seemed less and less likely. He wasn’t even opening his eyes now. All Hajime could do was hold him, hold onto this lifeless, unresponsive husk that sucked in shallow breaths far too fast. He wondered if the real Nagito was somewhere deep inside, floating aimlessly, or if the fever had fried his brain completely and obliterated the strange, smart, fascinating person Hajime knew. No, surely he was being stupid. It couldn’t be that bad, right? Unless Mikan and Twogami were just being tactful. Maybe they both expected Nagito to perish and just didn’t want to snuff out Hajime’s hope. He clutched the burning body tighter.
“Don’t you dare die,” he whispered fiercely, cupping Nagito’s cheeks. “I mean it. Not after everything that’s happened. You can’t just give up now. You woke up once before. It took you the longest of everyone, but you still came back. Do it again, because I’ll lose my fucking mind if anyone else dies. You’d better fight this.” His eyes burned. Several tiny droplets of water fell onto Nagito’s face.
Hajime waited. He silently begged Nagito to open his eyes, whisper something coherent, clutch his hand… but nothing happened. Hajime held him all night, terrified of drifting off to sleep in case he woke up and found Nagito stone cold and white and still. He’d found Nagito dead once. Bloody and bound, his eyes bulging with pain… No. It wasn’t real, even if it felt real. It wasn’t real it wasn’t real it wasn’t real.
Morning brought the stronger medicine from the Future Foundation. Twogami explained what it was and how it worked, but Hajime was so fuzzy-headed with lack of sleep and stress that he didn’t take any of it in.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Twogami said doubtfully. “Mikan set up the IV so you don’t have to worry about anything. You could leave one of us here, go get some rest.” He tried for ten minutes to convince him, but Hajime shook his head.
“I can’t leave him. Not until he’s better.”
“You’re so stubborn. At this rate we’ll need to start nursing you along with him,” Twogami muttered, but he left them alone. Mikan left as soon as she could too, apologising even more than usual. Maybe Hajime had been glaring at her? It wasn’t her fault, he just had a splitting headache, but he obviously couldn’t leave to go apologise. Not now.
Time had started to blur. Minutes crawled by like days, but then suddenly an entire hour could disappear in a second. Hajime stayed sitting by Nagito’s side, periodically holding his hand, begging him to squeeze his back. Nagito lay still, but his breathing had evened out considerably since he’d been given this new medication. Hajime tried tickling at his cheeks and smoothing back his hair and Nagito twitched and sighed - tiny reactions, but they were reactions. Hajime hardly dared let himself hope and he definitely didn’t dare let himself sleep, though he was so tired now he had shooting pains behind his eyes.
Later - much later - Kazuichi came back, bringing Hajime toast and coffee. He looked startled by the state he was in. “Good God, Hajime, you look worse than Nagito!”
“Thanks a bunch,” Hajime grumbled. He didn’t touch the toast but took a grateful gulp of coffee.
“Seriously, bro, when did you last sleep? Or eat? Or… shower?” Kazuichi asked, sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed.
“That’s rich, coming from you.”
“Have you seriously not slept since he got sick?”
“How can I?” Hajime snapped. “Will you please stop bleating obvious questions at me, Kazuichi. Yes, I’m fucking tired and hungry and I look like shit right now, I know. But I’m trying to make sure my boyfriend doesn’t die right in front of me, so forgive me if I can’t give much of a fuck about anything else! I don’t have the energy to deal with you right now. So can you please just shut up or fuck off!” He was practically screaming by the end of it. Part of him really wanted Kazuichi to yell back, start a real fight; he was so tired and so frustrated and it was so easy to take it out on Kazuichi.
But Souda didn’t argue. He didn’t speak, but his eyes filled up and he ducked his head to hide his quivering lips. Hajime felt a sudden wave of shame wash over his head. He didn’t want to make Kazuichi cry (even if that was pretty easy to do).
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, putting his head in his hands. “Yes, I’m tired. Tired and miserable. It’s not your fault.”
“I know you’re tired. I thought I could stay here. Keep watch over Nagito for a bit. You can sleep next to him,” Kazuichi said, his voice cracking.
Hajime felt worse than ever. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He grabbed Kazuichi and pulled him into a clumsy hug. “You’re a good friend. Better than me.”
“I’m your best friend, right?” Kazuichi asked hopefully. “You’re not just being nice? Am I actually just annoying?”
“You are annoying. But you’re still my best friend.”
Kazuichi grinned. “Okay. And you’ll get some rest now? I think you really need it, Hajime. You’re so grouchy when you’re tired.”
Hajime rather wanted to grumble about that comment, but he didn’t want to prove Souda’s point. “You’ll wake me up if anything changes with Nagito? Even something tiny. Even if you’re not sure it’s a change, can you wake me up to check?”
“Yes. God, you’re worse than Peko with Fuyuhiko. Do you really love him, Hajime?” Kazuichi asked.
“Look, we’re not at a pre-teen sleepover, Kazuichi. I don’t want to sit here with you and gossip about boys,” Hajime said, shuffling close to Nagito. He wasn’t sure - maybe it was wishful thinking - but he thought Nagito’s body was slightly cooler.
“See what I mean. Grumpy,” Kazuichi mumbled.
Hajime didn’t bother to reply this time. He didn’t think he’d manage to get a wink of sleep with all the stress and worry, but he was out like a light almost immediately, so exhausted he didn’t even dream. He wasn’t sure how long Kazuichi kept vigil at their bedside (several hours, he guessed. Kazuichi was a good friend) but he was gone when Hajime opened his eyes. The silvery dawn light was filtering in through the windows, bathing their furniture in a soft glow. Something was burrowing into Hajime’s chest like a small animal.
“Nagito..?” Hajime mumbled, still half-asleep.
“Of course. Who else do you invite into bed, Hajime?”
“Nobody, dumbass.” Then it clicked and Hajime was instantly awake, peering through the dim light. Nagito truly was awake, looking very pale and sleepy and weak, but his eyes were open. Hajime clutched onto him at once, holding him as tight as he dared. Nagito felt as fragile as glass, like he might shatter altogether if Hajime squeezed too hard.
“Careful, you’ll yank my IV out,” Nagito mumbled, but he buried his face into Hajime’s shoulder too. His skin was still clammy, still warm, but not that terrifying burning anymore. Nagito felt clammy all over. “You should wait till I’ve showered before we do all the tearful reunions.”
“Shut up. I need a shower too,” Hajime said hoarsely. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “Fuck, it’s good to see you awake and talking.”
“How long was I out?”
“Several days. How much do you remember?”
Nagito paused. “I remember the night Mikan and Kazuichi came. It gets a bit muddled after that. Someone tried to make me drink quite a few times. Nothing much then. Except…”
“Perhaps I was dreaming. I couldn’t imagine somebody caring so much for someone like-”
“Oh Christ, I haven’t missed that,” Hajime groaned. “Just tell me what you remember!”
“You. Your voice, telling me not to die. Though it sounded more like you were threatening me not to die. And something dripping on me.”
Hajime felt his face flushing. It seemed like years ago that he’d hovered over Nagito and frantically begged him to keep fighting. “Trust you to remember something embarrassing like that.”
“Were you truly crying?”
“What else would I be doing? Drooling on you?”
“You hardly ever cry.”
“I’ve never seen you that sick before,” Hajime admitted. He held Nagito in the hug so he couldn’t see his face. It was somehow easier to blurt it all out in the gloomy morning half-light. “It was… fucking horrible. I didn’t dare sleep. I haven’t felt scared like that since the simulation. I thought I was going to lose you… just like Chiaki.”
There was a long, pregnant pause. Hajime could feel Nagito’s breath tickling against his neck.
“We smell awful,” Nagito finally whispered.
Hajime started spluttering with laughter. “For God’s sake! Can’t you ever be serious?”
“You know I don’t have any idea how to comfort people. But… you shouldn’t worry so much when I get sick. Not just because I’m me, but because my luck usually comes through for me eventually. It hasn’t let me die yet. Well, except in the simulation.”
“Shut up. Don’t talk about that,” Hajime said quickly. “Izuru has luck too. So that should mean I’m stuck with you forever.”
He rather expected Nagito to shoot back with some sort of self-deprecating response like “poor you” but Nagito was silent for a while. He was practically in Hajime’s lap now, his skinny legs wound around Hajime’s waist.
“Thank you.”
“Hm?” The words were so quiet Hajime barely heard.
“Thank you for taking care of me. Nobody has ever done that before,” Nagito said, his voice as light and delicate as the dawn. He still found it so hard to accept things like this. He’d spent so many years building walls around him and then Hajime had come along and blasted through them in an instant. Nagito felt raw and vulnerable and exposed - but there was a warm feeling in his stomach too, new and unfamiliar.
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” Hajime promised.
“You’ll probably have to. My immune system is awful.”
“Then I will. Needing things isn’t bad, Nagito. You’re not meant to do things all alone.”
“The thing we need right now is a wash.”
“Yes. We’d better get that over with first,” Hajime agreed - but despite their words they both remained in their embrace, clinging to each other with desperate strength, long after that sun had risen properly.
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mellometal · 3 years
Is it time to tear ANOTHER Dhar Mann video to shreds? YOU BET.
I've been sitting on this one for a bit because I wanted to make sure I talk about this tactfully. The subject of parents abandoning their disabled children is a very touchy one.
Parents abandoning their disabled children simply for being disabled is way too common. Like, I understand that not everyone has the resources to care for a disabled child (which is why you reach out for help, and why people like me, who work with disabled people, exist), but it doesn't mean you just walk out of their life. There are exceptions, like if you truly didn't want children or something like that, but just flat-out walking out of your kid's life BECAUSE they're disabled is fucked up.
I know someone personally whose biological mother abandoned her when she was born. Why? Because she's disabled. Physically, and mentally, to a point. I work with this woman on a daily basis. I don't really know WHY exactly her biological mother abandoned her, but I do know that her being disabled was part of it. It's sad. It doesn't affect her, thankfully. I'm happy that she's got her biological dad, her brother, and another maternal figure in her life, at least.
ANYWAYS. Before we get to the topic at hand, I need to put an obligatory trigger warning, like I do with EVERY Dhar Mann post:
This post will be talking about parents abandoning their disabled children simply for being disabled, treating disabilities like they're tragedies (in this case, we're talking about autism...again), divorce, and some SPICY ableist bullshit from an allistic (nonautistic) PIECE OF SHIT.
If any of this triggers you or makes you uncomfortable in any way, you don't have to read this post. This isn't worth putting yourself in a bad state mentally. I would never ask for any of you to put yourselves in that position all for a post. Put your mental health and well-being first. Consume media that sparks joy for you.
As far as my response goes, it's definitely more calm than normal. Funny....since this video is about autism spectrum disorder again. (Third time's the charm, huh, Dhar Mann? NOT.)
The video starts off with these two parents (Gwen and Allen) in a psychologist's office. The psychologist tells the parents that their son (Chance) is autistic, and she tries to explain what autism is to the parents, but Allen cuts her off. Why? Because he teaches at a prestigious university, so he AUTOMATICALLY knows what autism is from that fact alone.
Um, excuse me? Just because you're a teacher at a prestigious university, it doesn't mean you're an expert in everything. It doesn't make you an expert in ASD or anything like that. Unless you SPECIALIZE in that area. Even then, shut the fuck up. The people who know about being autistic are AUTISTIC PEOPLE THEMSELVES! SHOCKER.
Hey, Dhar Mann! QUIT WITH THE VIDEOS ABOUT AUTISTIC LITTLE WHITE BOYS AND YOUNG WHITE AUTISTIC CISHET MEN! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT. It's annoying, ignorant, and it feels like you're doing this on purpose at this point to piss people off. If you're so uninformed about autism in women and girls, FUCKING ASK AUTISTIC WOMEN AND GIRLS! DO BETTER RESEARCH THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE AUTISM SPEAKS. The Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary People Network (AWN) are great organizations to go to for any kind of research on ASD in women and girls. STOP GOING OFF OF THE BRAINS OF AUTISTIC WHITE BOYS AND AUTISTIC WHITE MEN.
I don't feel I need to go too deep into the fact that autistic women, autistic girls, autistic nonbinary people, autistic BIPOC, autistic AAPI, autistic LGBT people, autistic teenagers, and autistic adults exist. Y'all already know.
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Gwen asks the psychologist if that means Chance isn't healthy. (I understand not knowing about autism, but don't treat it like it's a terminal illness. Please.) The psychologist tells her that Chance is fine, but he just learns differently and might need more support compared to his peers.
Yeah, autism can affect how you learn about certain things (limited and repetitive patterns), but there are other disabilities that can affect learning as well. Like how dyslexia can affect your ability to read, dyspraxia can affect your ability to do math, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can affect your ability to focus or on impulse control. Autism affects how your brain is developed, it affects you socially, behaviorally, and how you communicate.
Allen is upset, says that he can't have a son "with a learning disability" (ASD is a neurological disability, not necessarily a learning disability), and treats Chance like he's stupid for being autistic. Gwen tells her husband that autism doesn't make you any less intelligent, WHICH IS SO FUCKING TRUE. ABSOLUTE FACTS. I was totally with her until she began that little monologue with "Just because a person HAS autism". SAY "JUST BECAUSE A PERSON'S AUTISTIC" INSTEAD! IT'S NOT HARD. PERSON FIRST LANGUAGE ISN'T WHAT EVERY DISABLED PERSON PREFERS. Allen says that "they could have another kid" and "put Chance up for adoption". Gwen obviously wasn't down with that. Allen gives his wife an ultimatum that it's either HIM or their son Chance. Gwen says that she can't choose between the two, but she will stand by her autistic son. Allen gets up and leaves the office, saying he wants a divorce.
Years pass by, Gwen is single and taking care of her autistic son Chance, and Allen has a new life with a ✨perfect son✨ (Samuel). He never mentions the son HE abandoned (Chance). He's completely forgotten about Gwen and Chance. (YOU OWE SO MUCH CHILD SUPPORT, ALLEN.)
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Hey, Allen, how much do you wanna bet that your ✨perfect son✨ Samuel is autistic too?
There's the SATs, they're announcing a winner, and guess who it is? IT'S OBVIOUSLY CHANCE, OF COURSE. He's got the highest score in the country, with Samuel in second place. Allen is PISSED.
Chance gives a speech about how his mom really helped him, he struggled with autism, how Allen LITERALLY ABANDONED HIM, and THE CROWD GOES FUCKING WILD. Samuel, instead of being a sore loser, APPLAUDS FOR CHANCE. Stay humble, Sam.
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My thoughts on the video? If you cannot tell by my tone throughout this post, IT WAS DOG SHIT. This video was insensitive to the true reality of parents abandoning their disabled children just because they're disabled. What do I expect from Dhar Mann at this point?
Here's my response to his video below. Don't worry, I will fully type out my response soon for anyone who cannot read the screenshots easily. It's a lot easier for me to do that on the desktop site than it is for me to do it on my phone.
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For anyone who can’t read my response, I’m typing it out for you. Like I said, it’s easier for me to type it out on the desktop site than it is for me to type it out on my phone. It’s a real royal pain in the ass. But because I’m trying to make my posts easier to read for people, I’m doing this anyway. /lighthearted
First, second, and third screenshots (broken up into paragraphs):
Hey, listen, I appreciate the message you’re trying to go for, but can you please stop putting autistic people into a box? Can you stop treating being autistic like it’s a tragedy? Not every single autistic person is a little white boy in elementary school who’s considered “wild and unruly” or “super quiet and makes no friends”, nor are they a young white cishet man who’s a super genius or is how Chris Chan was before she came out as trans. (For anyone who doesn’t know about Chris Chan, there are many documentaries people have made on YouTube, and I highly recommend Geno Samuel’s docuseries, if you’re really interested in learning about Chris Chan.)
Autistic women, girls, nonbinary people, BIPOC, APPI, LGBT people, teenagers, and adults all exist too. 
It’s very apparent now that you get your resources from Autism $peaks, a hate group that spends the vast majority of their money on funding eugenics instead of helping autistic people like they claim, claims that only little white boys and young white cishet men are autistic and ignores all other autistic people who don’t fit that description, have no autistic people on their leader board or on any board for that matter, have members who have actually fantasized about k1lling their autistic children, treat autism like it’s a tragedy or a disease someone can catch (completely false), act like autism should be cured (there is no cure, and ABA therapy is a total shit show in itself), and treats autistic people like they’re broken and need to be fixed. Also, not every autistic person is a Super Genius(tm). That’s so demeaning to autistic people who aren’t seen as intelligent in any way. I’m autistic and seen as smart; however, there are subjects I’m stronger in than others.
If you can’t handle the possibility of having autistic children, or just disabled children in general, DON’T HAVE CHILDREN. If you can’t handle working with or alongside disabled people, including autistic people, maybe find a different profession. Even if you do that, you’ll never get away from disabled people. Disabled people aren’t a disease. We’re human beings just like neurotypical and able-bodied people.
Fourth and fifth screenshots (broken up into paragraphs): 
I would highly suggest getting resources from reputable organizations for ASD, such as the Autism Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) and the Autistic Women and Nonbinary People Network (AWN). Talk to any autistic person who isn’t a little white boy or a young white cishet man. 
Instead of using the puzzle piece, which is a symbol that many autistic people, myself included, are offended by (because of Autism $peaks and other organizations before them using it, plus it symbolizes that only autistic children exist and that we’re “missing a piece” like we’re broken), use the rainbow infinity sign (for all neurodivergent people) or the red and gold infinity sign (just for autistic people). Instead of “lighting it up blue”, light it up red or gold. Do both if you want. 
I’m actually really sick and tired of seeing just autistic little white boys and young autistic white cishet men being represented in the media, and y’all manage to fuck that up too. 
Before anyone mentions Sia’s movie “Music”, that’s also very poor representation of autistic girls. Besides, the actress who played the autistic girl isn’t even autistic. She MOCKED autistic people. I know she’s a kid, but that’s still super fucked up. I hope she’s able to turn that around. 
If anyone would like to discuss this topic with me or ask any questions, feel free to. I’ll answer as best as I can. Thank you and have a good night.
Before I get attacked for mentioning Chris Chan in my response, I bring up Chris Chan because allistic people think that every autistic person is like her (especially before she came out as trans). That person is part of why I wasn't open about being autistic or talking about my diagnosis until this year. I didn't want to be grouped up with Chris Chan because I do have very similar interests to her, I've been seen as cringey for having said interests, and just the way Chris treated autistic people who were formerly diagnosed with A$p3rg3r$ $yndr0m3 (like I was) really made me feel even more alienated.
Also, S1a supports A$ (Autism $p3aks). She's not a very good person to support. Some of her music is good, but her as a person....no. Her movie "Music" was gross, from what I've read about it and seen pictures of.
If you've read this far, thank you so much!
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constellationmelody · 3 years
Beauty and the Guard AU
An AU on Beauty and the beast but there’s no beast unless you want to count belos as one but he’s not the focus character Hunter just refuses to take off his mask the whole time.  
Takes place when luz is trying to save Eda from petrification, Luz strikes a deal with Belos, Giving the portal but manages to destroy it. She’s instead taken captive and warned by Belos that if she escapes, He’ll send an army to capture not just Eda but everyone she ever met and befriended. 
- Has to stay in the Castle as to answer Belos’ questions about the human realm and any other information gathering.
- Hunter is assigned as her chaperone but not all the time. Not when he’s on missions. Steve fills in. 
- Luz agrees with Hunter to not ask about his mask. She says that she doesn’t have a desire to get to get to know him and Considering how the majority of citizens are under the monster category, she understands that he doesn’t want anyone to look. Hunter is not sure if he’s relieve that she will keep her promise not to look under his mask or feel insulted that she basically called him ugly. 
(Long post)
- When not 'helping’ Belos information gathering, She puts to work as a cleaning lady, Luz is furious about it. She can’t believe she has to clean more there than she does at home in a dusty castle. The other cleaning witches can do their job well with magic, meanwhile it’s all manual labor. Not to mention she shares quarters with them and they snore.
- Tries to convince Hunter to let her go out even if its around the castle grounds, of course, He says no and shuts down her attempts.
- While doing her cleaning duties, Luz wanders around the castle to look around any valuable information on Belos for any way to help eda/or whatever without the Golden Guard following her. She finds the forbidden library and is amazed by the goldmine of BI’s forbidden knowledge! She only gets to look through some books before she gets caught by Hunter which he angrily yells at her about being in a place where she’s not supposed to be in. Drags her out and locks the library.
- She tries to run away but often gets stopped by Hunter, the threat of going to the dungeon doesn’t scare her (”I escaped there like twice”). He relents and allows her to go on these ‘adventures’ when he’s not in a mission, He finds it to be fun but would not admit it.
- Luz manages to get the freedom to go back to school but is secretly spied on by Hunter, though he sometimes get caught by the monsters or students roaming around. Hunter picks her up after school. (weak sauce, idk what to put here to make it more interesting)
- When he’s not chaperoning her in the outside world, Hunter gets envious how much fun Steve is having with Luz when they go on an adventure. Detailing their bounty adventures, using the snails to shop and buy things. He can’t really do much about it but when he does go, Steve gets sad; Luz promises him that she’ll get him souvenirs.
- Somehow finds out that Hunter is a magicless witch and Luz shows him that she can do magic through glyphs. Hunter is amazed and they start geeking out about it until he stops himself since it’s a forbidden knowledge.
-  Luz had succeed running away from the castle but its to the beach to stare at the boiling waters. She tells Hunter that the castle life was suffocating her and needed to go out. Hunter stayed with her until they were ready to go back. 
- Hunter secretly takes her to the forbidden library to cheer her up so she can learn more and the boiling isles history. Hunter is happy to have someone with the same interests as him to talk to about wild magic. Gets more comfortable around her and talk in secret more about it. During their time together get bond over varies subjects, the library becoming their sanctuary when its not in use, which is most of the time. They share about each other’s realms constellations, history, what kind of magic is around, creatures and about the titan. Luz scolds him for this, referring back when he got angry at her for being curious when he basically did the same thing in secret.
- After some time getting comfortable and know each other through mutual interest and deep talks. Hunter gets bothered that since she doesn’t know his name, She has no choice but to call him by his title. When they are coming back from doing errands, He tells her his name and she’s allowed to call him by it when they are together/in private. His heart fluttered when he hears her say his name.
- Luz starts to grow feelings for him despite not knowing what he looks like. She had opportunities to see what he looks at the times when he’s asleep during their time in the library or when his mask gets knocked off during a temp job but kept her promise to not look at his face which leads to uncomfortable situation where she accidentally gropes him when she was looking for him to give him his mask back, luckily never below the belt. What she finds is his built felt normal. No hidden spikes, slime or what-have-you to suggests that he’s in the monster/demon category. Hunter obviously flustered. 
- (Following the plot of Hunting palisman w/ some changes to the plot cause obviously Eda)  At school Luz can’t find the palisman that suits her and is upset about it. Hunter, although he still hesitant about his feelings towards wild magic, tries to comfort her. (convo from the Hunting palisman) Luz  talks about What happened at the school, and questions Hunter about how he manages to know what he wanted for his future and How he came to the emperor’s coven, to help her get some guidance from him. He tells her about himself and lack of future and Although she isn’t sure about hers, at least she gets to choose. Luz feels sad for him and hugs him. Hunter melts in her embrace. 
- Just as he’s about to fall asleep in her arms, Rascal pops out of his hiding place and gives Hunter a heart attack. Rascal chooses Hunter to be his palisman. Obviously Luz feels a bit disappointed that hunter got his palisman when he doesn’t want it, the look of uncertainty he has with the palisman makes her determine to get him used to it. She can always be a teacher since she has experience with Owlbert.
- With his new staff that he’s still unsure of, Hunter decides to take Luz out somewhere out of the ordinary routine after school, somewhere special (think like events like the wailing stars but something else) but that turned romantic. At some point he slightly lifts his mask to kiss Luz’s hand. She’s obviously swooned. May have peeked and sees that he has loose strand of medium blond hair sticking out and that his Lips felt like normal. Starts to think he looks like more like human(or witch?) like some of her classmates.
- They become even more friendlier as it becomes a usual thing for them to be seen together in the castle when Luz is or isn’t working, even the coven members are noticing this, especially Kikimora. Coven leaders are just shocked that someone liked him enough to be his a friend. 
- Kikimora start planting seeds of doubts in Luz’s mind about whether Hunter really is being her friend or just fulling his duties as he was told by Belos. What if their talks where his manipulative ways to get her to tell him about her and other information gathering. Was he really talking to her as she clean because he’s really saw her as a friend or just keeping guard to make sure she doesn’t run away. Kiki does this to mess whatever good thing Hunter has since she can’t kill him.  Luz tries her best to ignore her, rationalizing that that’s quite an investment for Hunter to go through to manipulate her.
- Somewhere a long the line, Luz finds out the truth about day of unity and the truth of Kikimora’s words of Hunter’s actions that she assumed was just lies that Kiki told her. She’s hurt to think the guy she grown to love had any knowledge about it and betrayed her. “I though you were a good guy [mentions all the stuff they do together and such] I guess You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” It kills him when she said that.
- alternatively he finds out that she has the key to the partially fixed portal door. Is conflicted on whether to break their bond for belos or not especially after learning that she’s homesick and wants to see her mom again. Fought with Kikimora over it with lead to Luz finding out their fight and gets heartbroken that Hunter has it, assumes the worst that kikimora was right.  Again, “I though you were a good guy I guess I was wrong. You’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard.” His feels his heart breaks. 
- Luz gets rescued by Eda, Lilith, king, hooty, her friends. Hunter doesn’t try to stop her but apologizes to her for everything and for what it’s worth, he’s happy to got to know her and that he loved her, whether she feels the same or not. Luz obviously shocked but couldn’t give a response because the gang were fleeing.
- Back in the owl house, Luz is a mess because of the mixed feelings she has for hunter. In one hand, she knew him as this cold person who was very dedicated to his job while the other as an intelligent, funny, (other more things) and is confused on which hunter is the one she grown to love. ( Feels devastated about it because she thinks that he faked his feelings for her to get knowledge on the key or whatever although hunter didn’t really know she had it.)
- Lilith is dumfounded that Luz has feelings for him because she known him to be a brat. Luz argues that He is but much more than that. As she explains why, she gets hits with the epiphany that she does indeed had fallen in love with him. Eda laughs, “Not sure If I approve catching feelings for your nanny, I thought you were being tortured or something but I see now what you have been really doing.” wagging her eyebrows. Luz: “They have me clean the castle from top to bottom! By hand!” “I don’t approve then.” Luz shares her knowledge of wild magic with the group that she learn from the castle’s library.
- Weeks later, Luz tries to sleep but hears small knocking on the window, She opens it and sees Rascal with the key with him and a note from Hunter apologizing again for what happened. Belos doesn’t know about the key. She sends a note back, telling him to meet her. 
- idk how they makeup. (Working on it) Luz walks up to Hunter and asks if she could take off his mask which he agrees to. Luz takes his mask off and smiles, “well look at that, Magenta eyes. You aren’t ugly as I thought to you were!” hunter frowns, “But you’re handsome as I imagined,” leans up and kisses him first. Hunter tosses the mask away for good and hugs her close to kiss her better. Luz pulls back,  “and... I love you too.” Hunter isn’t sure what his new future holds but knows for sure that Luz is a part of it. 
( Had an idea in an alternative story plot around the part where they went out to a ‘date’. They confessed their love and started to kiss lol imagine them having to use a blindfold to keep her eyes closed. But it was a bit too sensual? Or Sensuous? It just didn’t fit in the flow of the storyline. Why did this became a dabble? )
Hunter, for the first time, gets self conscious about his looks. He tries not look into mirrors, though hard when his mask reflects the face he tries hard to avoid looking at when putting it on, He doesn’t really thought much about his looks, except for the scar that’s plastered over his cheek. The ugly scar that he rather forget he has.
As Hunter looks down at Luz’s face, blindfolded to prevent her from accidently opening her eyes during their ‘make out session’, He’s starting to believe that Luz lied about being magicless. He can’t help but feel enchanted over how beautiful she looked by the way the moonlight cast a heavenly glow over her cute features. He can only imagine how her eyes would look like if she didn’t have the blindfold on. “I wish I can stare into your eyes,”
“Why can’t we?”
“You know why”
“Right, I’m not allowed to look under the mask.” she pouted.
“And... well,” Luz attentively waits for him to continue, “I may not look... pretty as you think I imagine. If that makes any sense.” He sheepishly confessed
As Luz wraps her arms around his shoulders, Hunter feels her hands feeling up up his neck, tenderly cradling his face. Hunter fails to resist the blush spreading across his cheeks and the warm pleasant feeling in his chest
“I have other senses to “see” you,” She says sliding her fingers along his jawline, “Strong jaw, ... No scales, or slime... just soft skin” 
She found one patch on the left of his face in particular that caught her interest but before she could take her time to feel it, Hunter quickly shook her hand away from it. Sensing its something he feels uncomfortable with, she decides to leave it alone. 
She continues, “I can hear your voice; sound hot,” He suddenly felt shy at the comment. He was always self-conscious as he has been told that it was annoying. He felt relieved that it wasn’t the case for her.  “Heh, Thanks”
“I can smell you, " She nuzzles against his neck and scrunches up her nose, “... you need a shower.” Hunter frowns, that was certainly killed the mood a little. She pulls back, “But I like that you smell like pine forest sometimes,” weak save.
 “And,” she hums as grazes her thumb over his lips, licking her own. Hunter subconsciously sucks in his breathe, feeling himself getting hotter by the second.
“I can taste you.” finishing off her sentence by pressing her lips against his; briefly misses his lips by kissing the corner of his mouth before correcting herself. 
Hunter smirks in amusement. 
Alright, He admits that was pretty smooth of her to end it the way she did, even though she fumbled at the end. 
He feels a bit confident on that fateful day where he feels brave enough to show her his face, He just hope it lives up to her expectations despite her reassurance to the contrary. 
Luz, on the other hand, is glad that he’s feels like a normal person underneath the mask, she can’t help but feel a bit disappointed that hunter possess no fangs. 
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