#antisemitism m
mtsodie · 1 year
Nazi's? Wait last time I checked (admittedly a long time ago) the accusations towards vivziepop were more along the lines of like... Having a questionable age gap in one comic and generally handling sensitive issues poorly but nothing that extreme, can I ask what they did?
da post <- antisemitism and nazi shit ( note i have absolutely no clue who the person reblogging this is ... the og blog is completely gone . so )
tldr . drew art of a bottle of (??? no fuckin idea what it is . cant read the text ) dressed up like hitler . from a user named "i-hate-jewce" on a sausage party sideblog . also she was friends with that same blog and shipped her cannibal candy cane oc with a pastry oc based off josef mengele
i think thats grounds enough 2 call her a nazi
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
Very much not my normal posting but since antisemitism is very actively rising, I feel like it's worth it:
Pinely is a Youtuber who's been doing a series on conspiracy theories and antisemitism. He's Jewish himself and his videos do a good job at exploring how people fall down antisemitic rabbit holes and how conspiracy theories relate to antisemitism (he's one of the only people ive seen who, when talking about shane dawson, specifically called out how antisemitism tied in to his shilling of conspiracy theories to kids). He's also just very funny (in my opinion) and a Jewish, non-white, non-American commentary channel, which is rare and refreshing. If you want to learn more about antisemitism, his videos might be something to check out. I rarely ever see people call out antisemitism specifically in commentary videos even when they call out racism, misogyny, etc., which makes watching someone tackle antisemitism so head on very nice.
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feuilletoniste · 1 year
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There's this group of people, usually Western leftists, who tend to filter all global politics through the lens of "what if this happened in America?" regardless of the actual political landscape of the situation in question. So this is one of the two primary reasons that you get takes like the above, even while people who know literally anything about Israeli politics know that Israelis are absolutely furious with Bibi right now. There have been protests! He's under immense pressure from Israeli civilians who don't want Gazans massacred! Israel is not the US under Bush!
The other primary reason is, of course, antisemitism.
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noyatv · 2 months
Do these idiots not realize Hams is taking the aid for gaza?
probably not
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The audacity to be like "there's a problem with racism in transandrophobia discussions" while also unironically using the term "transandrophobia truther(s)"
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nohelpatall · 8 months
Hey, can i at least ask you guys to pirate the New season of stranger things if you absolutely HAVE to watch it?
Multiple members of cast and Crew are outspoken zionists and have either posted their support for Israel through its attacks on palestine, made up batshit crazy stuff to villanize palestinians and their supporters or mocked the victims of Israels attacks.
Everyone seems to be only talking about noah, but far more egregious, imho, is brett gelman, who seems fully off the deep end with zionist propaganda. And they still chose to have this side character come back (while getting rid of argyle).
But i shouldnt be surprised as the duffers are zionists themselves.
This is the last season, youre not running the risk of the show getting cancelled bc you Pirated, but we NEED Studios to see, that shit like this has consequences.
Please show solidarity with the palestinians.
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I mean come on, with a company that big you’re bound to have the odd dozen or so employees that participate in terrorist massacres. You just learn that if Steve in accounting asks if you want to see pictures of what he did over the weekend, you politely say no.
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knowledgequeenabc · 2 years
Helpful info I found being mocked by terfs, because they refuse to take antisemitism seriously. (Naturally). Go on and spread this version, please
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atundratoadstool · 1 year
I know you've listed the character ages already, but what about physical descriptions? I remember Van Helsing being described as having red hair and blue eyes and I know Lucy's a blonde, but that's it.
Stoker is both frequently very spartan in his physical descriptions of characters and obsessively interested in detailing their facial features owing to his zealous belief in the thoroughly racist science of physiognomy. Here's a breakdown of what we know in the text plus some notes on how these features possibly operate in relation to Stoker's views, experiences, and research:
[CW: Spoilers and a fair number of mentions of Stoker's inescapable racism/antisemitism under the cut.]
Jonathan Harker: Jonathan is barely described but in possession of hair that turns white over the course of the novel. He possibly has a beard or a lot of stubble following the unfortunate yeeting of his shaving mirror. Like many of Bram Stoker's hunky lawyer protagonists, he's more often describing characters than being described by them.
Mina Harker: She is described by Seward as "attractive," "sweet-faced," and "dainty looking." She also has eyes that blaze like "pole stars," which is a very common description in Stoker's greater body of work (See: Stephen Norman in The Man and Teuta Vissarion in Lady of the Shroud) and match with his rapturous descriptions of real world actress Geneviève Ward. While it isn't as common a denotation of willfulness and determination as aquiline noses, it's generally used to indicate female characters who are very hardcore and may obtain a gun. Her skin is light enough for the red mark she obtains to be clearly visible upon it, although I will note that Mimi Salton from Lair of the White Worm is both undeniably a Mina 2.0 and mixed race/darker skinned, which might be worth considering in the realm of headcanon given how frequently Stoker just recycles characters and their physical attributes.
Lucy Westerna: She's pretty, and her weight and appearance definitely fluctuates over the course of her illness. Her hair is laid out in "sunny ripples" while she's alive. She becomes a "dark-haired woman" while undead. This frustrates many many critics and commentators. It's been proposed that the "sunny ripples" just refers to the gloss on her dark hair. It's been proposed the blondeness/darkness hair is an indicator of her innate goodness/evilness... like Smurfette (which has--again--some Stoker-typical racist implications). The most obvious Doylist explanation is that Stoker cannot track characters' hair color much as he cannot track all his dates.
Jack Seward: Strong jaw. Nice forehead. Immense lunatic asylum. He's also mentioned as being thin in comparison to Renfield and Lucy thinks he's handsome (although obviously not as desirable as Arthur).
Arthur Holmwood: His hair is curly. He is tall. He is also a hottie, as attested to by Lucy and by Jack (who finds him very manly as he kills his vampire fiancee).
Quincey P. Morris: I haven't recalled or been able to look up any major descriptors. He apparently carries himself like a "moral Viking" (as Jack attests in the midst of commenting on yet another friend's manliness). I went into some detail as to how he reads in terms of race here and how it might mesh with Lucy's comparison of him to Othello.
Abraham Van Helsing: After the Count, he's the most thoroughly described character in terms of physiognomy, and that physiognomy... is more or less the spitting image of Bram Stoker as he describes himself (...you know, Abraham "Bram" Stoker, who has the same first name as this super genius great-at-everything character). He's got sensitive nostrils, big forehead bumps, a nice jaw, a big mouth, a strong build, and red hair. I wrote a comparison between him and Stoker here. I will also note that the forehead bumps are a phrenological feature denoting creativity and that Jonathan remarks that he apparently has eyebrows incompatible with self doubt.
R. M. Renfield: He appears to be swoler than Seward even if his swoleness is to no avail against Dracula.
Dracula: There is a lot to unpack with Dracula. He has an aquiline nose, which is one of the absolutely most significant recurring features in Stoker's greater corpus (See: The Judge from "The Judge's House"; Solomon Mendoza from The Watter's Mou; Don Bernadino from The Mystery of the Sea; Joy Ogilvie from Lady Athlyne; and Edgar Caswall from The Lair of the White Worm), and this trait was shared by his boss and Idol Henry Irving. It undoubtedly has physiongomic significance to Stoker, who seems to use it to denote command and leadership, although it is worth noting that Cesare Lombroso mentions aquiline noses as a feature of murderers and that many critics have pointed out its potential connections to Stoker's antisemitism (and specifically the suspicion regarding Jewish immigrants in the wake of the Jack the Ripper killings). Dracula additionally has a "domed forehead," which can paradoxically be associated in physiognomy with both high intellect and mental feebleness. His sharp teeth are a trait Stoker associates with "a militant instinct" (Lombroso, again, connects them with murderers) and are described in much the same way he describes Alfred Lord Tennyson and Sir Richard Burton's teeth, although he took notes from Sabine Baring-Gould's Book of Were-wolves in which sharp teeth are a werewolf trait. We also have pretty explicit evidence that Dracula's unibrow, pointy nails, and hairy palms are also from Baring-Gould. Overall, Dracula seems to be a real hodgepodge of physiognomic traits that seem to haunt Stoker's work, racist criminological theory, and actual folklore.
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floaty-pickle · 5 months
Ok so i wasnt gonna weigh in on this anymore, but i just had a tiktok with a couple thousand likes come up on my fyp where the person filming somehow spun the whole watcher debacle onto sara? Sara??? Whos not even a part of watcher? Like they were deadass talking about how shes probably behind all this and their proof? Apparently they have always gotten the ~ick~ from sara. Thats it. Literally what the absolute fuck. Like are we doing this whole shit again? Blaming and hating the wives/girlfriends of the people we stan for their mistakes bc we dont want to accept that theyre not perfect? Yes, Sara posted something on insta during that whole situation but it literally was not that bad. This is embarrassing, do better.
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iidsch · 1 year
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something something you won't avoid being sent to the death camp just because you coddle your oppressors instead of siding with other oppressed people something something you're not and never will be the exception something something first they came for the communists something something history repeats itself
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extasiswings · 5 months
wait, sorry you don’t support the student protests happening across the country?
I’ve never said that and neither did the post I assume led you to send this ask. What I don’t support is students using a foreign conflict with an extremely complex history that they have no connection to as an excuse to cosplay as revolutionaries and attack vulnerable minorities on their own campuses.
I support the cause of Palestinian liberation. I also support the general existence of the state of Israel and a peaceful two-state solution to conflict in the region, recognizing that we don’t live in a fantasy world and a country that has existed for 70+ years cannot simply cease to exist. I do not support violence perpetrated by Hamas or by the Israeli government. I support protests that are based in genuine advocacy and not antisemitism. All of these things are positions that can coexist.
I also used to be a college student. And I was a college student at a school where there was a Students for Justice in Palestine organization with a sizable student membership. And do you want to know the things that organization did on my campus?
They promoted antisemitic speakers, including those who engaged in Holocaust Denial. A main student leader in the org regularly engaged in Holocaust Denial. They “protested” the very existence of Jewish student organizations and events that those organizations put on despite there being zero connection to Israel. When Jewish students made complaints about antisemitism, they were accused of being racist. This list is just a handful of the awful antisemitic behavior that I observed during that period.
Tldr; in my experience, student activism on very liberal college campuses about I/P has very little to do with I/P or the actual cause of Palestinian liberation, and a lot to do with students finding a socially acceptable excuse to be wildly antisemitic while pretending that they’re not. And you’re going to have a really hard time convincing me that the current wave of protests, including the ones at Columbia referenced by that post, during which “protesters” have told Jewish students things like “go back to Europe” and have called on Hamas to murder Jewish students, are anything different.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
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insane takes from transphobes #72636363: trans jewish converts only convert because trannies are sooooo insecure and narcissistic and desperate for identity, not because of any positive qualities in judaism that might attract trans people looking for affirming spirituality. clearly this has nothing to do with tumblr being a website popular amongst both trans people and jews. also apparently trans people never convert to islam or bahai or buddhism or christianity, because that's definitely an unbiased observation and not just because this transphobe does not talk to trans people enough to experience spiritual diversity amongst trans people
(also, Islam has the Shahadah, & it's entire purpose is a (generally public) affirmation of identity, but uhhhh ignore that I guess)
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noyatv · 10 months
i hope when people say from the river to the sea, they know that the saying is an arabic translation of to water to water plastictine will be arab, which is a call for a jewish genocide
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
My thoughts on jewish politics are nuanced and convoluted in many ways, but if somebody comes at me with the idea of categorizing my thoughts as being in line with the "good jews" or the "bad jews," you've just got to assume I'm not One Of The Good Ones.
#jewish politics#jumblr#jew by choice#jewish conversion#personal thoughts tag#caveat that i am not officially jewish yet and some of y'all (antisemites) still treat me with similar hatred and jew hatred#for some (many) antisemites i'm already too far gone and frankly i'm glad. i'm glad to face their hatred rather than concern trolling...#...or the infantilizing antisemitic 'let me save you from the jews 🥺🥺🥺'. it makes me sick to my stomach either way but at least...#...with the outright hatred you arent trying to bullshit me. i despise when people lie to me or put on façades or use platitudes to trick m#i have never been One Of The Good Ones and i'm not about to start now basically#and i would rather stand with others/other jews (again im in progress but i digress) than stand a second near antisemitism 🙏#like i know at some point i'm probably going to have to have more concrete opinions but now isn't the right time for that#i try to educate myself but i don't for one second want to encroach. in many ways i guess i'm waiting until i am a jew? i dunno 👍#felt i should make this clear in case i do start getting the same shit the jews/fellow jews-in-prgress i follow are#thank g-d i haven't had too much shit on this account but i have already been barraged by actual tumblr nazis who called me the k-slur so h#that happened a While ago (again thank g-d) but that still cemented in my head that i am... maybe ig Too Jewish to ever be safe ever again#if that statement makes sense
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sebfreak · 9 months
yesterday some so called experts said in tv that they don´t think south africa will be successful because israel can argue with "they have the right to defend themselves".
yeah bro not sure if under defending is listed: torture, rape, killing citizens (kids, mothers, fathers), talking about completely destroying palestine, defame people to animals, taking back every right they have and so on
and the most important things: there is proof for every single thing.
so please be quiet with the : "oh it´s called defending."
it´s not defending anymore
it´s a genocide.
open your eyes.
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