#antisemitic islamophobic etc too
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Apparently something dangerous to do is to like a reel on Instagram that's a funny Christian thing. Like a meme about a Biblical story or whatever. Because then you start getting lots of Christian reels. And while many are great and funny, inevitably you will somehow get a reel saying that women shouldn't wear pants and that Harry Potter is demonic or bashing one Christian denomination (at the moment all the reels are bashing Catholics and saying they aren't Christian...which honestly is a WILD take for anyone that knows remotely anything about Christian history. I'm not even Catholic but I find that take wild and I hate needless bashing over different beliefs). But it means that you block a lot of that flavor of Christians because no matter what Insta will send them to you. Insta thrives on views and comments and shares so controversial reels tend to do well and get put on the feed to cause a stir. Thankfully I know how to block people :).
#christian#no but seriously saying catholics aren't christian is a hilariously wild take#sorry folks turns out christian history started the day martin luthor nailed the complaints. before that christianity wasnt around since th#days of christ & the apostles.#like wow. disagree with catholicism all you want but think of the implications of saying they arent christian#bc that makes no sense!#but also the new thing that christians do when they want to hate on another denomination is claim they arent christian. that seems new#i think it's bc there's been more of a push to be accepting of other denominations so if you want to bash on someone you have to claim they#arent real christians.#also i find that to be a red flag not just in terms of christianity. but if a protestant cant even handle catholicism existing they're prob#antisemitic islamophobic etc too#also about the harry potter stuff: even if you're anti hp due to jkr's awfulness you have to admit that thinking it's from the literal devi#is kinda wild#& also a problem bc if you're freaking out more about a fictional book than anything else maybe youre focusing on the wrong thiing#also it's the whole “fiction will affect real life” but instead of abuse or whatever it's sorcery
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Problematic and Bigoted Pagan Authors (and how to avoid them)
After what was pretty much a mess in a discord server I'm in over an author posting artwork containing Nazi symbols, I decided to make a post letting everyone know about certain authors and what to look out for. I will keep updating this list as I discover things!
Big thanks to @dvudushnydiaries for letting me know ab some Slavic Polytheist authors, as well as my friend Agnes for letting me know about some Irish Polytheist Authors too! <3
If you have any suggestions to add to this list, please let me know!!!
🛑 = Avoid as much as possible
⚠️ = Be very cautious around this author
Generally, here is some red flags to look out for:
Use of symbols associated with hate groups
Claims an (open culture) is closed via ethnicity, especially if these cultures or religions historically shared with other cultures.
Claims there is a "true" or "pure" version of a certain open religion.
Use of dogwhistles.
Writes historical inaccuracies, misinformation, appropriation, making up things and presenting them as fact, etc.
Refusal to take accountability for actions.
Any form of bigotry or discrimination
The list is under the cut!
Hellenic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Timothy Jay Alexander
creator of the "Pillars of Hellenismos", which have little historical basis.
Made homophobic and ableist remarks in a blog post, essentially saying that because ancient Greece did not allow same-sex marriage, that modern Hellenic Polytheists shouldn't too. In this same post he said that marriage should be for making a family, and that since LGBTQ+ people, as well as people with "physical deformities" either can not or should not have children, they cannot marry according to him.
The same ableist remarks listed above were used as reasoning as to why a disabled person shouldn't become a priest or priestess or any higher up positions due to not being in good health. This also reminds me of eugenics.
In that same blog post, referenced a group called YSEE, which is notorious for being homophobic, xenophobic, displaying nationalism among other things better explained in this post by @hellenic-reconstructionism
Books include: A Beginner’s Guide to Hellenismos - Hellenismos Today - The Gods of Reason: An Authentic Theology for Modern Hellenismos
🛑 Galina Krasskova
Numerous things have happened with this author, some of the most notable being selling "Bacchic Lives Matter" pins on Etsy during the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement protests, as well as defending a neo-nazi and fascist group, AFA, on a blog post
Some of her Hellenic Polytheist books include: Honoring the Mothers: Novenas to the Mothers of Our Gods and Heroes - Combatting the Evil Eye - Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology for Independent Goddesses - Out of Arcadia: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Pan - Guardian of the Road: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hermes
See Norse Polytheist section for her books on that.
🛑 Edward P. Butler
Supports Hindutva, which is Hindu fascism, antisemitic, as well as defends and supports Galina Krasskova.
Books include: Essays on a Polytheistic Philosophy of Religion - Essays on Hellenic Theology.
🛑 H. Jeremiah Lewis / Sannion
Neo-nazi, having nazi symbols on his blog. Also transphobic, islamophobic, and everything under the sun, really.
Books include: Ecstatic: For Dionysos - End to End - Everything Dances: Strange Spirits 3 - Gods and Mortals: New Stories of Hellenic Polytheism
Norse Polytheist Authors
🛑 Galina Krasskova
See Hellenic Polytheist section for details.
Her Norse Polytheist books include: Living Runes; Theory and Practice of Norse Divination - Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner - Neolithic Shamanism; Spirit Work in the Norse Tradition
Irish Polytheist Authors
⚠️ Lora O'Brien
Has a cultish following, thier followers and even themselves bullying and publicly shaming other Irish Polytheists. Often acts negatively towards the Irish diaspora. Has taught Irish Catholic practices, which are closed.
Runs the Irish Pagan School, which has similar rhetoric.
Books include: Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch - A Practical Guide to Pagan Priesthood
Slavic Polytheist Authors
🛑 Patricia Woodruff
Has a cultish following, often writes wildly inaccurate information. In a recent book she had completely made up a deity whose name means "swastika". Rated her own books on Goodreads, and publicly responded to any reviews criticizing her books.
Books include: Woodruff's Guide to Slavic Deities - Roots of Slavic Magic Book 1: Slavic Deities & Their Worship
🛑 Madame Pamita
Recently had a (now-deleted) post with an artwork containing various Nazi symbols, and deleted any criticism and seemingly refused to take any accountability. In DM's had repeatedly alluded to if you didn't follow her you "didn't know anything about Slavic Polytheism". Said to be friends with Patricia Woodruff
Books include: The Book of Candle Magic, Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft
🛑 Dmitriy Kushnir
Writes about Rodnovery, which many Rodnovery groups in the US and other countries often have ethnonationalist and right-wing connotations and ideology.
Books include: Rodnover
⚠️ Natasha Helvin
Misconstrues Slavic culture to be Wiccan
Says witchcraft are the "universal laws of nature" and that subjects of karma and divine judgement are solely monotheistic.
Claims to be an initiated Haitian Vodou priestess, which is doubtful.
Kemetic Polytheist Authors
⚠️ E. A Wallis Budge
Inaccurate translations of texts
Books include: The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Translation)
#hellenic pagan#hellenic polytheism#psa#pagan#irish polytheism#slavic polytheism#kemetic polytheism#norse polytheism
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g-d as an antizionist native jew you literally cannot win.
on one hand you'll have uber hardcore zionists & also technically, kahanists (because it's important to keep in mind that not every zionist thinks the same way & there's different types of zionism & to listen to jewish voices about this topic bc i'm tired of goyim speaking over jews on a term that jewish people created, but for the unaware: kahanism is basically a type of far right zionism that straight up is like "the land of israel should be for jews Only & anyone who isn't jewish don't get the same rights as jewish people",) who will believe that you're. somehow a "traitor" or "not a real jew/self hating jew" for y'know not. wanting to have your jewishness be associated with medinat yisrael (the modern state of israel, there's a difference between am yisrael, the jewish people, eretz yisrael, the physical land & medinat israel, the modern state of israel), specifically the government's actions against not just palestinians but others too or by simply saying that "hey man regardless of how you feel about zionism, it's a nationalist ideology that, like many other nationalisms, has harmed people & zionism Has harmed palestinians & they have every right to talk about it, just like the mayans & those at sbrenica who were also affected by it" & i was blocked by a zionist for saying that or denying palestinian indigeneity alongside jewish indigeneity (because some straight up just think that only jews are indigenous there which. just isn't true, jews & palestinians are literally related & they both have a shared connection to that land), making excuses for the israeli government & the iof's actions, & misconstruing land back shit into a violent movement when it isn't & even be islamophobic & racist towards natives including native jews who naturally feel a sense of solidarity to the palestinian cause because we know what it's like to be displaced & killed by an occupying government.
& THEN on the other hand you'll have many nonpalestinian goyische/nonjewish western leftist antizionists who think they somehow have a free pass to say whatever they want & think they somehow can't be antisemitic & racist just because they support the free palestine movement, some give a platform to well known bigots & antisemites who literally spout blood libel & antisemitic conspiracy theories & many don't even notice let alone care just because they agree with said people on other types of activism, supporting groups like jvp when it's basically the autism speaks for jews, engage in atrocity denial & terrorism apologia because nothing says resistance like cheering on violent antisemitism against jews (/sarcastic) you disagree with & thinking that groups like hamas, hezbollah, the houthis etc are based people when multiple palestinians from gaza & other people like iranians, syrians & yemeni have spoke up against them when hamas killed 1200 people, mostly civilians, but apparently that doesn't matter & throwing all their morals they claim to support down the drain & be antisemitic or islamophobic to innocent individuals who had nothing to do with the warcrimes being committed & excusing the inexcusable & justifying the unjustifiable, conflating jewish people with white european people, calling random ass jews "zionists" even when they say repeatedly that they aren't even for just calling out their antisemitism, literally using slurs used by the literal fucking kkk (i.e "zio" & any variants of the word), people waking up & graduating from the instagram-tiktok school of law thinking they know everything about this topic when they don't, people treating this very serious thing like a fandom with teams when people aren't your blorbos or celebrities, these are real people who are traumatized, grieving, suffering & dying, treat them like people, some people can't understand the very basic concept that you can fight for more than one cause & one community at the same time, they don't call out the virulent antisemitism in their own movement, deny jewish people Any type of connection & historical presence to the southern levant despite there being a fuckton of historical, cultural & archaeological evidence & straight up deny jewish history in the region, stay silent when there are jews literally being harassed, beat up, sexually assaulted, & murdered in the streets & mobs have already been targeting jewish neighborhoods & synagogues & almost nobody outside of jewish people are talking about any of this & almost none of these people are deconstructing their antisemitism & when that happens that just allows the far right to further advance itself & its agenda. because a lot of these people think they're immune to propaganda & antisemitism when they're really not because some people will straight up be parroting nazi shit & most people don't even blink an eye except for jewish people & most people from what i've seen don't do anything about this huge issue & these are coming from the same people who're like "punch all nazis!!".
& regardless of either side of the discourse even when we& say "hey uh. we& believe in ceasefire de-escalation humanitarianism accountability justice reparations & the hopes of saving as many lives as possible & we reject all forms of dehumanization, racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, xenophobia, harassment of innocents, scapegoating & collective punishment, every human life is precious & no one should have to fear for their life, we hold human rights to be universal & nonnegotiable, a value we hold above every movement, ideology or cause just as we've been taught by our elders, our indigenous beliefs & jewish ethics, we want liberation, safety, dignity & self determination & a homeland for everyone & we haven't made an exception to this topic" some people would probably just assume that we're "both-sideism" or being "centrist" when like. no dude that's literally just a humane take on things, not a neutral one & it's. really fucking weird that that's somehow a hot controversial take to have.
like. you get antisemitism from literally every possible side of the spectrum regardless of their politics, its insidious & it's not fun At All.
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About Me
UPDATE: Y'all lost anon privileges because you're too pussy to insult me and put a face to it.
I'm Geoff, a 22 year old history major and aspiring archivist. I use he/xe/xey pronouns, and I'm a crippled transsexual faggot converting to Judaism.
This blog, much like my interests, is very eclectic, and will largely consist of reblogs -- though I'm not opposed to making my own posts when the mood strikes.
I'm incredibly nerdy and love to ramble, so please don't hesitate to ask me about any of my interests! Said interests, along with more info and DNI, are under the cut. Also, please feel free to spam like and reblog, as well as message me!
* I am an adult
I'm 21, and will more than likely post adult content with NSFW text and subjects. However, I will never post explicit sexual content, gore, etc. This is your warning. Please keep this in mind if you choose to interact with or follow me!
* I'm disabled
I'm autistic, have ADHD, OCD, ARFID, BED, and OCPD. Physically, I have asthma, chronic leg and ankle pain that causes me to limp, dysautonomia, chronic fatigue, and suspected migraine disorder. I use identity first language (autistic man, disabled man, etc), and identify strongly with the cripplepunk movement. I personally don't care who uses the word cripple or identifies with the movement, but that's because I don't give a shit about slur discourse.
* I'm converting to Judaism
After five years of convincing myself out of it, I've begun the process of converting to Judaism, and will blog about it here. I have a sponsoring Conservative synagogue and will be beginning conversion classes in August. I will not share the name of my synagogue nor its location for obvious reasons. I do not and will not tolerate antisemitism, nor will I answer bad faith questions about Israel/Palestine. If you absolutely have to know my opinions, I'm pro-Palestine, pro-cohabitation, and politically anti-Kahanist and vehemently opposed to Likud and the Israeli government.
To my knowledge, I do not have any Jewish heritage -- both sides of my family are strongly Catholic and are from Ireland, Germany, and Poland. If there are any Jews in my family line, we either don't know about them or they converted to Christianity.
* I do not budge about my identity
I am a transsexual crippled faggot who supports dykes, trannies, cocksuckers, muffdivers, queers, fairies, aces, aros, and who, again, does not give a shit about slur discourse within the queer community. Don't try to start that with me. You will be blocked. I loudly and proudly support all good faith queer identities. Yes, even those ones.
* Interests
As mentioned, I'm a huge huge huge nerd! Right now I'm obsessed with Doctor Who (Five is my favorite), but I'm a big sci-fi/fantasy fan in general. I also love trains and sustainable urban planning and am prone to going on rants about the absolute state of train travel in America.
* Please ask me to tag things!
I'm really bad about tagging in general, so please ask me to tag any potential triggers! I will probably forget if I'm not explicitly asked. However, I will not tag any slurs that I can reclaim or use.
Exclusionists (ALL TYPES), antisemites/islamophobes/racists/queerphobes/ableists/bigots/etc, if you think queer is a slur, if you think minorities have to be "nice" or "polite" to earn your support, if you use "Zionist" to mean "Jew I don't like", antitheists, exvangelicals/exmos/etc who refuse to deconstruct their cultural Christianity, and probably more I forgot to mention. I'm not going to humor your shit. I will block you.
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she pinned on my intro til i post heya. feel free to read through my intro post... if you dare. have a swag day unless you bathe in bigotry, in which case i hope you bathe in different things in the near future because you smell horrible and no one likes you.
please note: please do not dm me asking for donations. i am sorry, but i am unable to donate to campaigns as i am a minor, currently have no source of income (will likely be years until im allowed to have one), and my whole family is also struggling pretty badly financially rn. i apologize deeply and pray you find peace and safety, and i will try my best to share campaigns when i can but beware my blog is not very popular and you’re likely better off going to someone else. again im sorry.
❂ Greetings!
✦ im Blue da ba dee da ba dai, or perhaps Bingle or Bingley if youre feeling creative. you could also just call me mishmash or webster or smth idc
✦ they/he/ey/cos/it, primarily they/he.
✦ transmasc enby, additional gender labels = genderfuck/genderpunk, androgyne, anarcho-queer. buncha jumbled shit
✦ orientation = panromantic, demiromantic, grayace.
✦ minor, dont feel comfortable stating exact age.
this blog is my main and only blog, so dont expect organization, but i will trigger tag when possible/requested to.
❂ Additional info
❂ Tags legend (some tags i may still be going back and sorting through, apologies for that)
#bingletxt (posts that are mine and no one else’s)
#go fund them (donation campaigns (may not always be on the gofundme website, but just all donation campaigns in general). please look through this tag and consider donating if you have the time/resources)
#sick art, #godly art (other peoples' cool art, used interchangeably, one isnt inherently better than the other it's just based on vibes)
#vent post (my vent posts, please feel free to filter this tag, i may talk about heavy/personal subjects)
‼️Note: i may reblog posts with nsfw/suggestive content or subject matter (for example, medical diagrams of private parts for trans reasons, artistic nudity, etc), ship posts with suggestive allusions (almost always in a comedic way), or make/reblog suggestive jokes. if you dont wanna see that ill always try to tag with #nudity, #artistic nudity or #suggestive. (plsplspls tell me if i forget, or if theres anything else you’d like me to tag, id be happy to ✌️)
❂ Fandoms
some of these i havent consumed in their entirety, ill mark them with purple if so
Welcome to Hell, The Owl House, Ace Attorney, The Amazing Digital Circus, Amphibia, The Amazing World of Gumball, Beastars, Cherry Crush, I'm In Love With The Villainess, Ramshackle, Heartstopper, Deltarune, Undertale, Bluey, Mob Psycho 100, Calvin and Hobbes
stuff i wanna consume but havent gotten the chance to
Madoka Magica, Sonic franchise (games + movies), Garfield (yes the cat)
❂ Stuff i don’t appreciate and will most likely block you for
i cant really forbid you from interacting with me at all costs but if you support/fit the description of any of these and still choose to interact, im prob gonna block you so be forewarned:
✘ pornblog-related anything. i am a minor, dont want to date/fuck you, and you will be blocked and reported (not in reference to blogs who occasionally post/reblog nsft content, im primarily referring to pornbots here)
✘ Conservatives/right-wing/MAGA imbeciles, centrists, homophobes, transphobes, zionists, antisemites/islamophobes (real ones, not Palestine supporters), radqueers/radfems/TERFs, predators, pedos, forced birth supporters, anti-neopronouns, anti-therian, beastiality supporters, sexists. (self explanatory)
✘ pro-sh or pro-ed blogs. (please seek help, please do not encourage others to do it, please do not interact.)
blinkie credit: blinkies.cafe
my pinterest
my ao3 (dont get too excited i havent posted anything yet)
#intro post#intro pin#introduction#pinned intro#blog intro#introducing myself#intro#pinned post#bingletxt
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intro post
this is a side blog and any follows/likes will come from my main blog firelordslove (which you could probably tell by the name, is an ATLA blog).
this side blog was created in october 2024, after I started to watch south park and I wanted an outlet to get me thoughts, opinions and feelings out. I am currently making my way through the show and as I continue watching I will be making "analysis" posts on characters/relationships/storylines/etc.
you can find a masterlist of my analyses, which will be constantly updated, here.
please note that all my posts are my own thoughts. while I do like to research my posts and ground what I have to say in the text, you are free to believe whatever you want.
I have been in fandom spaces since I was 13 years old (I am currently 26), and therefore I know the nature of these spaces. I have been there for the highs and lows, for all the fights and shipping wars of various fandoms. I'm not new to this, I'm true to this and therefore, I am treating my new interest in south park casually. I am too old for fights and I will not be involving myself in or starting discourse (although if others involve me, I will not hesitate to reply).
as for "ships", I do enjoy style, bunny and creek. however, I do not see the problem with most ships (other than one I don't like but I will not engage with any shippers or posts that I see and dislike. again, treating it all casually). as long as no one is sexualising the characters as minors or are bigoted when creating fan work, everyone can do what they want (that does not include any proships, I’m not a pro shipper).
minors dni, I know it’s impossible to make sure of this and I will not be rb-ing NSFW content but this is just a precaution to protect everyone. I’m very much an adult and I don’t want to form any relationship with people younger than me. also basic dni criteria; racist, islamophobic, antisemitic, queerphobic, zionist, misogynist, classist, etc.
I am also on ao3, where I have written two style one shots, you can find my profile here. I am currently in the middle of writing a multi-chapter style/bunny hadestown au and will be giving updates here. if you are interested in the journey, follow along.
lastly, if you have any questions, thoughts, feelings, opinions on south park just drop me an ask. I'm always here to talk.
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Currently housing insecure AGAIN after one of my roommates threatened me with property destruction if I renewed my lease at my current apartment, along with cussing me out, calling me names, etc. Same person is also massively antisemitic, islamophobic, racist (said he should be allowed to hate crime Black people for being “too Black”), homophobic (said he would assault any gay person for talking about being gay in earshot), called me a spoiled brat for NOT wanting to be threatened in my own house, and has sexually harassed one of my other roommates. I’m having a Real Bad Time rn.
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hello! I have many different names, but the one you can call me when in doubt is cleo!
This blog is a place for me to post about agere imagines, agere content, and my own journey with being a regressor!
I will also post vent content. If that doesn’t interest you/triggers you, all vents will be tagged with #vent #faevents #agere vent for your filtering preferences.
Key things you should know about me:
I’m 21 years old
I am polygender (they/she) and hate being called ma’am but don’t mind being called feminine pet names (e.g. princess, babygirl, etc.) (I prefer it 🥰)
I’m plus size (not that it should really matter)
I have ADHD, ASD, OCD, GAD, Major Depressive Disorder, Dermatillomania, Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder, cPTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder, and synesthesia
I’m bisexual and write about both men and women as daddy caregivers (women can be daddies, too!)
Now, recall that I said I go by many names. Here’s why:
I discovered I was autistic about a year ago. Since then, things have really changed for me. I’ve started to realize that things I’ve done in the past are actually just autistic traits, such as masking. I’m extremely high masking and would often attach names to certain “masks” I would put on around certain people. This habit has been going on for some time now and has persisted even into my regression journey, which only started becoming a huge deal over the past few months. I ended up associating different regression states/headspaces with names/temperaments, so that’s why I go by many names.
I’ll introduce them to you in a moment, but I want to clarify something right off the bat: I DO NOT HAVE DID. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a very different disorder that I am very passionate about advocating for, and I DO NOT want anyone to misconstrue my situation for something as complex as that. I’m simply on the spectrum, used to be a theatre kid, and have masked 95% of my entire life. Regardless of which name I sign off as, it’s still me, but please be aware that each name has a different age and temperament attached to it (that’s why I’m doing this in the first place.) Talking to me in my little space like I’m an adult can be very triggering.
Cleo 🍯🥀👻🐈⬛
Cleo is me when I’m big (so me writing this post). Posts signed off/on as Cleo indicate being an adult or mostly big. Posts will have appropriate grammar as I have a hyperfixation on it lol.
I (and the other headspaces) have a huge disconnect from our humanity/human bodies, so we don’t feel human. As the name of this blog suggests, I feel like a fairy or some kind of fae creature. Weird, I know, but a lot of people with autism have this same struggle.
I’ll make a get to know me post(s) in the future
Fae 🫧🌼🦋🍃
When I’m positively triggered into age regressing
Age range changes a lot but more likely to be a younger little
Jinn 🌙🐦⬛🍄🖤
When I’m negatively triggered into age regressing
Age range changes a lot especially depending on how triggered I am
Jinn does most of the venting
Sephie 🐶🌸🍬🧸
When I’m very little or even nonverbal
Probably won’t post too much when in my Sephie headspace, but if I do, it’ll probably just be images
I won’t respond to any comments in this headspace as I’m too young
(Short for Persephone)
That’s it!
I’ll make a trigger list eventually and tag it here.
Oh and also: it’s a shame I have to even say this, but DNI if you are racist, sexist, transphobic, terf, homophobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, Zionist, ableist, view age regression in a s3xually expl!cit/n.sfw manner, or any other bigotry not mentioned here. It’s not hard to respect others, so if you can’t do that as a bare minimum, then I don’t want you here.
Don’t make me uncomfy.
banner by nkitti!
#safe agere#agere#lgbt agere#autism agere#agere blog#agere community#agere caregiver#agere little#sfw caregiver#sfw littlespace#sfw interaction only#sfw agere#sfw regression#sfw little blog#sfw little community#sfw little post#age regression#age re safe space#age regressor#age regressive#age re blog#age re caregiver#little space#bisexual#autism#lgbtqia#trauma#nonhuman#otherkin
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About My Blog + Navigation
Name: you can call me Raven
Age: I'm in my 20s
Pronouns: she/her
I am a Muslim Arab.
My username means "Ground beef" in Arabic.
More important stuff after the cut
I post about multiple things, but right now I'm mainly focused on Palestine, Sudan,...etc.
My posts are most of the time serious but I still like to post lighthearted things from time to time.
I post in both Arabic and English.
**All the fundraisers I reblog are vetted but I DO NOT vet anything myself because I'm not Palestinian. If a fundraiser/list is not fully vetted, I'll state so in the tags of the post.**
Important Links. I'll keep it updated.
1) List of trusted organizations that are providing assistance inside of Gaza. List by @/tamarrud
DNI (Do not interact):
2) List of vetted campaigns. Post kindly compiled by @/tamarrud.
3) List of both vetted and unvetted but most likely legitimate Sudanese fundraisers. Kindly compiled by @/victormcdicktor
- Zionists
- Antisemitic people
- Islamophobes
- Anti-Arabs
- Neutral people
- Two-state solution supporters
- Those who only support "peaceful" resistance
- Anyone against liberation movements
- "Vote blue no matter what" folks
- Anyone who defends awful celebrities
- BTS and Blackpink fans (especially if you come from stan twitter) (I'm sorry but I've seen too much from y'all on Twitter—I gotta do this)
- Any kpop fan who doesn't hold their fave accountable and has used/is using Palestinian genocide in fan wars
- If you think boycotting doesn't work/are against the BDS movement
- Radfems (Radical Feminists)
(DNI list MAY be updated)
My posts do not have any CW/TW on them so proceed at your own responsibility.
My Tags:
1) Search my blog for #My Blocklist if you wanna find people to block.
2) #WitchyWitchy's Translations has my previous translations. I do not translate as much nowadays for personal reasons, but I hope to go back soon.
💚Read my description just in case I missed anything💚
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sorry if you've been asked this before, but what are some doberman breeders you personally trust? ive been saving up for years to get my own puppy, and i have already done research on a lot of breeders myself, but i would love your input too. if it matters at all, im looking for a pet, not a show dog, though i will be doing a lot of training :3
I don't do breeder recs because literally every time I do them- or even get this question- I get a frankly stupid amount of ridiculous drama and I'm very done with it at this point.
What I will recommend is doing your own research and making sure to buy from a breeder who is doing the following:
Fully health testing their breeding dogs. Embark! Is not! Enough! The dogs need to have their hips and elbows (shoulders preferred not required), eyes, kidneys livers and thyroids, and also most importantly have their hearts holtored and echo'd, as well as genetic tests for DINGS, vWD, and the DCM markers. ALL of these should be done, but the most important is truly the heart testing. If the heart testing is missing, I would 100% pass on that breeder. Over 50% of the breed dies from cardio problems with the majority of those deaths being DCM-related. There is no cure and no preventative or predictive method for ridding the breed of DCM, but it also causes sudden death, so doberman breeders NEED to be doing the best they can to make sure they are keeping on top of their dogs' heart health.
Some sort of breed-specific temperament testing. In dobermans there are several- the WAE, the ATT, the breed survey, some form of bitesport, some form of police/military/border patrol testing, etc. Remember that the doberman was created to be and always has been a breed for biting. "They are therapy dogs" is not breed-specific temperament testing. "They are good companions" is not breed-specific temperament testing. The breed is intended to bite. If you want a doberman, you want a dog that bites.
This requires a little pedigree knowledge, but personally I think it behooves everyone to look for breeders who are prioritizing pedigrees with higher -than-average lifespans (10+; average in the breed is 7.5 years) and who are prioritizing pairings that produce less than 30% COI. I also think you should see for yourself what the reported COD is for the dogs who have passed- any that seem very odd should be thought of as a DCM death (you wouldn't believe how many dogs in Russia are supposedly hit by lightning right at 5 years old...). Breeders that do necropsies on any dogs that die suddenly with no other explination (because otherwise it needs to count as a DCM death as that's DCM's calling card). And breeders that participate in projects related to genetic diversity and heart health.
Similarly this is less dog ethics and more human ethics but I think it is very important in this breed to make sure you are not buying from an obvious bigot. There are a lot, and I mean a LOT, of nazis and racists and klan members in this breed. This is not an exaggeration or hyperbole. There are literal nazis in this breed. There are literal klan members in this breed. There are a lot of QAnon people and Trumpers who support them. And there are a lot of homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemites, islamophobes, xenophobes, and misogynists in this breed. There is a guy who labels himself a wonderful family-oriented breeder who is a convicted pedophile. No, seriously, the case is public record and he was charged with the kidnapping and assault of a minor while he was in his mid-20s. You need to be careful, and you need to not just trust what people tell you about themselves.
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hi! i'm candy. i'm a trans girl, i'm asexual, and i like girls a lot
if i followed you: i'm a real person and not a robot. i will see everything you post. i will like (almost) everything you post. i will reblog stuff i want on my blog. i probably think you're neat but I'll never send you a direct message first
if you want to follow me: cool! have fun. i post lots of random things. there's a tendency towards vocal synthesizers, madoka magica, and izutsumi. some dungeon meshi in general but mostly izutsumi. there's plenty of other stuff too
dni: racists, transphobes, antisemites, islamophobes, etc.
i probably won't notice likes unless you do it a lot, i probably won't notice reblogs unless you add on, but i will notice follows
if i block you it's because i don't want you seeing my posts
oh also: ask box is always open so feel free to fill it with whatever
if i tag a post with #caramel it's for/about my girlfriend
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hi, its me medu! i used to be user(s) @aftvrglcw and @lcvender-hcze before i accidentally deleted my entire tumblr blog (clown moment) anyways, to track me i will be using #medu rambles, #medu creates tag. i will mostly discuss my fanfics here and i might have many unpopular opinions that i will be discussing so uh, yeah. y'all can't stop me.
fandoms i will discuss: asoiaf, succession, shadow and bone, musicals, mythology and history, shatter me, true blood, gilmore girls, 90's itv and early 10's itv, merlin bbc, hunger games, bridgerton tv series, criminal minds, skins uk, the vampire diaries and sitcoms.
dni if: homophobe, terf, facsist, antisemite, zionist, racist, pedophile/map, islamophobic, casteist, puritanical and/or support abusers and rapists (johnny depp, ansel elgort, james franco etc etc). stay away from me if you are a sanghi, please.
about me: hi i'm medu/med. 20+, born in the ideas of march, an engineering student and an underpaid intern. i usually use they/them pronouns. i'm bisexual and genderqueer. languages i know are bengali, english, hindi and a little bit of basic french. if you are over forty and under thirteen, please do not try to interact with me. also i still have issues with my dyslexia so i try not to not make sense but mistakes happen aha.
also: i make graphics here & here you can also find me here too my alt is @catelynakgae
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Hey I was wondering what your view on luciferianism is? I know a lot about theistic satanism (as one myself) and the horned god but not much on Lucifer.
That's a bit of a complicated question! I'll try to keep things brief so I don't end up writing you an essay, but I welcome any follow up questions if there's something I didn't go into/cover/explain.
My view on Luciferianism as a whole is that it's a very vague label. It can encompass a lot of beliefs, both theistic and atheistic (as with Satanism). In the past, I made myself this working definition.
Luciferianism is a religion or system of belief held by those that appreciate and strive to embody the traits typically associated with Lucifer as Lightbringer, such liberation and rebellion over blind faith and obedience, and a pursuit of knowledge or enlightenment. It can be theistic or atheistic, and typically involves an equal appreciation for the arts and science. Incorporating the occult or some form of magical practice is common among theistic Luciferians, but not a requirement.
How people then choose to put those concepts into action can vary wildly. For example, I'm personally of a belief that a focus on liberation, rebellion, a rejection of dogma, and a pursuit of higher understanding of the world around us should lead people to be more socially minded and aware of how many bigotries and biases are built into our cultures and our day to day exchanges. Meanwhile, many people who fall under the vague LHP umbrella (Luciferians, Satanists, etc) will regurgitate militantly evangelical talking points with a coat of black paint, use their animosity towards Christianity as an excuse to be Islamophobic and antisemitic, have incredibly homophobic or transphobic attitudes, so on and so forth. Everyone wants to think they have the actual enlightened truth, you know? I don't think Luciferians are any more or less immune to conspiratorial thought and systemic bigotry than the rest of the population.
I'll also give a quick list of what I (personally) think Luciferianism is not, or at least doesn't have to be, since there's some trends I see in discussions about it that I don't particularly like.
Inherently better or more thoughtful than Satanism. I often see the two described in contrast/opposition to each other, with the idea being that one focuses on the philosophical while the other trends towards being more carnal. I feel like the way they're compared gives an overly simplified view of both, and I don't like that I tend to see it written with the implication that Luciferianism is the more noble set of beliefs. I have my quibbles with LaVeyan Satanism especially, but they're far more to do with the writing that helped inspire it and how I see that put into practice by the Satanists I've known.
Automatically hostile towards other religions. This truly exhausts me. I think the harm that religious groups that have a massive amount of political or social power can inflict on individuals, communities, and even countries cannot be understated. However, I far too often see this devolve into animosity towards the very concept of that religion or the religious individual instead of examining what this says about power, control, corruption, the protection of abusers within their communities, and other important aspects of the issue.
Inherently demonic, infernal, edgy, and so on. I know this is a bold claim coming from me, given my personal aesthetic, and I have often been quietly irked by the Luciferians who try to push too hard in another direction and reject the concept that anyone should approach Lucifer as anything but a love, light, and knowledge Jesus alternative. However, I think a lot of people cling to the idea that a concept, deity, or style of magic needs to be appropriately "dark" enough to be incorporated into Luciferianism. The end result is a lot of appropriation from closed practices and very samey books or talking points.
If you wanted to take a look at some of my thoughts in great detail, I have a bunch of posts tagged as 30 Day Luciferian Challenge. Some of the links between them don't work since they were written before I changed my blog name, but I try to keep the tagging as coherent as possible. I stand by what I wrote (so far as I can remember) so they're a closer look at questions like who Lucifer is to me, what drew me to Luciferianism, my thoughts on the community, advice I'd give, that kind of thing.
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pinned intro
main: @lightboundhellhound
follows from: @lightboundsystem-main
my name is oz and you’re watching disney channel! /ref
this is a blog “run by” my various beanie babies (and beanie boo, teenie beanie babies and beanie buddies)
for sake of anyone who doesn’t enjoy unreality for one reason or another, i wanna be crystal clear about the fact that im an adult humanoid person with like fifty beanie babies because i have a bleeding heart for objects and i go to the thrift store too often. so yes, im a grown boygirlthing playing pretend with stuffed animals for all the internet to see. cringe culture will die, im not hurting anyone, so let me have some fun :]
(oh and i’ll try to keep the language on this blog like. PG13? damn and hell will be my limit, but if i let anything else slip just let me know)
“admin” carrd:
anyone under the age of 15. if you’re exactly 15 that’s fine, but 14 and below is too young for my comfort. i know this is a toy blog but honestly i don’t think 14 year olds should BE on tumblr skdjfkfk (tbh idk if 15 year olds should be either but i think that’s how old i was when i first joined so LMAO)
racists, sexists, antisemites, islamophobes, queerphobes, exclusionists (i loveee mspec lesbians/gays and all kinds of men and all the neopronouns and gender hoarders 🥰 etc etc)
zionists/anti palestine/pro israel
proshippers/anti antis, HP apologists, dream apologists
terfs/radfems/people who say they hate all men (man haters don't pass the vibe check)
anti endogenic systems (just accept the fact that the human brain is capable of things you don't understand and move on)
pro life/anti abortion
maps/pedos & zoos + their supporters (including those who think these are queer identities. no the hell they are not)
i hope you enjoy this silly little blog! 🥰
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general guidelines:
Most important; if anything I write ever offends you in any way, please let me know so I can change or remove it immediately. I never want anything I write to make anyone uncomfortable.
I'm a girl so most of my stuff will be x fem!reader, but you can always just specify if you want gender neutral reader when requesting.
Please try to be as specific as possible when your requesting something, I wouldn't want to write something you didn't ask for.
I'm a slow writer plus I'm still very busy with school, so please keep that in mind when requesting.
I write for fictional characters, not real people (I just can't do it good)
Nothing too crazy in terms of nsfw like extreme kinks, bodily harm etc. Feel free to ask me if you're not sure about something though.
If you're gonna be unnecessarily mean in my inbox or comments, I'll just block you.
DNI: ableist and/or discriminate towards disabled people, racist, transphobic/a terf, homophobic or in any way queerphobic, antisemitic, islamophobic, xenophobic, fatphobic, and any other basic dni criteria.
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About this blog:
-Hello everyone! I'm Faust, I'll mainly be writing reader inserts, gender neutral reader, male reader, female reader, trans reader, or queer reader!. This is an 18+ blog, even if it's sfw, I feel uncomfortable writing about older men to a young audience, if you send an ask and your age isn't in your bio or pinned post etc I'm deleting the ask sorry. (anon is on only for sfw asks and requests, if you want a nsfw request just use the public asks or put in your ask for me to post it without your acc's name or dm me). Feel free to request headcanons etc.
Always be respectful, i don't tolerate rudeness.
Please use tone indicators with me if you feel you'll be misunderstood.
I'm a full-time student, so i either leave all requests to write them in the weekends or in weekdays i have time in.
I do not support the American military, if you were/are/will become part of the American army, block me. If you're also pro-Trump, pro-Biden, or pro-Harris block me as well.
Pro-Palestine, anti-zionism.
If you are unwilling to or do not want to see politics, then this blog is not for you.
Here's my masterlist
Note on my age gap and dbf! fics
Note on cod
Note on asks and private messages
Note on anon asks
Important political rant about the cod fandom (please read before interacting with me)
The "lesser evil" is the genocide of Palestinians because you don't value their lives and think yours is more important than theirs. They're my siblings before you ever are.
-characters i write for:
White faced/mask Varre (elden ring)
Keegan P russ (cod)
Logan Walker (cod)
Simon "Ghost" Riley (cod)
Leon S. Kennedy (re4r coded specifically)
* characters i've written for and may right for again if you request:
Hank Anderson (dbh)
Pyramid head (dbd/silent hill)
*poly relationships i write for:
Keegan P. Russ x Logan Walker x reader (polyfidel triad)
* sfw familial stuff
-What i write for:
Nsfw: including kinks/fetishes
Hurt/comfort (beloved😍)
Found family (also beloved😍)
Kinks/fetish (depends on the kink/fetish)
Relationship fights (platonic/romantic).
-What i DON'T write:
Major death
Blood (i'm ok with it only if it's not too much, period blood is also fine)
Modern era (if plot takes place in the past)
Historical era (if plot takes place in modern times)
Minors x characters/ pedophilia
Period sex
Foot fetish
Age regression (no hate i just don't know how to write it)
Big age gaps (no age under 21 if the fic is romantic or sexual, no younger than 18 in other (platonic) fics) (this is excluding sfw familial fics, in which the reader can be teen!/kid!reader)
Hard choking
Hard degradation
Face slapping (sexual context)
Misogyny kink
Spitting kink
Barracks bunny
Anything that has to do with tiktok
Sex scenes with piercings
Knife play
-Dni: racists, islamophobes, anti-arab people, fascists, queerphobes, transphobes, zionists, antisemitic people, pro-life, minors, exclus, ai users, ableist, fatphobes, anti-kink/fetish, pro-trump, pro-biden, pro-harris etc.
-If you want me to write about something but don't know if i'm ok with writing for it just ask or private message me!
-Feel free to request headcanons and one shots etc!
-Everything will be tagged.
-(multi color dividers by saradika-graphics, light yellow divider by vase-of-lilies)!
Have a great day/night! ⚘
#mine#white mask varre x reader#elden ring x reader#elden ring fanfiction#white faced varre x reader#pyramid head x reader#silent hill fanfic#silent hill x reader#dbd x reader#dbd fanfic#dead by daylight fanfic#dead by daylight x reader#cod x reader#keegan p russ x reader#keegan russ x reader#könig cod#cod keegan#keegan russ#keegan p russ#call of duty x reader#simon riley#simon ghost riley x reader#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley#hank anderson x reader#leon scott kennedy x reader#leon s kennedy x reader#leon kennedy x reader#leon kennedy#logan walker x reader
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