#antis kindly don't interact
emperorundying · 10 months
The Locked Tomb Dashboard Simulator
💎 saintofawe ☑️ Follow
It always astounds me how dreadfully boring pre-resurrection media sounds.
💎 saintofawe ☑️ Follow
"And then he loved him but only in the Spanish dub" why is the dub only kind of span.
#our dear necrolord is reminiscing about his 'Favorite Johnlocks' again #duplicitous sluts please interact #i need a fucking break
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🦷 gleam_of_a_jewel Follow
"Don't transvestigate religious figures" Cyrus the First had a pussy and I will die on this hill.
#gem.txt #before tower dickrider anons infiltrate my asks #my great great aunt was a distant relative of his cavalier #also i'm right
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💉 se7en Follow
for important necromantic research 😇
🧠 scapulascissors Follow
half these people have not been heard from in thousands of years i don't know whether those dicks are really at their peaks anymore
👾 nyecromansea Follow
Where's my "Anyone-But-Two-Pump-Chump-Gaius" option?
🧟 graveyardshift Follow
#they HATE to see a girlboss win #miss second saint to serve the emperor undying please girl just one chance #yes she's missing yes it's because she's in my bed every night #what about it
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💀 towerofficial ☑️
In response to any concerns about a contagious black goop spreading to The Houses, The Tower would like to emphasize that this is not currently something anyone in The Houses should worry about. It is under control, and remember that tomorrow is Resurrection Day!
👤 necrodykez-deactivated-1678946
👤 resurrectionbeastmode-deactivated-1678579
👤 edenite-ally-deactivated-1678613
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👤 isaac-in-the-bathroom-deactivated-1694730
👤 girlboy-of-the-sharpest-edge-deactivated-1672894
👤 blasphemiec-deactivated-1691082
💀 towerofficial ☑️
S. Time is a flat fucking circle.
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🫀 chussy Follow
anyone else feel like the anti-nine-houses rhetoric on this site has skyrocketed since the princes were crowned? i don't want to say it's lesbophobia but.....
👤 antizombieactivism-deactivated-1947582
Are you fucking serious???? Not everything is about sexuality holy shit can you think critically for two seconds, The N*crolord literally has been fucking over planets for millennia.
🫀 chussy Follow
that legit does not account for the rise.... idk im just saying
#tell me you hate butches without telling me you hate butches #embarrassing!!!
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☠️ is-the-emperor-undying-dead-yet Follow
still no
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wondercourse · 3 months
y'know what a big pet peeve of mine is?
the phrase "this isn't for you" appended to "pro-/endos dni" on posts about trauma. usually trauma recovery. not necessarily about CDDs (though i'll get into why that's ALSO fucked up in a bit), but just about trauma in general.
i am a big believer in curating your space. i curate mine; i don't like how aggressive syscourse tends to be, so i don't engage in it in the way people may expect me to with my username being "wondercourse" lol. i don't really care what "side" they're on, what matters to me is how they treat others. it is okay for you to set boundaries surrounding your interactions with others, including those you don't want to interact with. i'm not saying you shouldn't do what you need to do to feel comfortable in your space.
but why not leave it at "dni" (this is also about the "fuck off" tag but that's a whole different conversation)? why append "this isn't for you"?
that implies that whatever kind words you said in that post, whatever encouragement you wanted to give, whatever "positive" thing you were trying to do, isn't deserved by the people you don't like.
even if someone who identifies as endogenic is a trauma survivor, "this post isn't for you".
even if they're person with a CDD who happens to "believe in" and/or support people who identify as endogenic, "this post isn't for you".
if you are "wrong" in someone's eyes, "this post isn't for you".
honestly, to me, it minimizes the words. they're not actually for all trauma survivors. they're not for all people with CDDs. they're for the ones that you find palatable. and that's...uncomfortable, to put it as kindly as i can.
and it's so unnecessary. it is not equivalent to just saying "dni". you are NOT the arbiter of what people deserve or don't, especially when it comes to trauma support/solidarity.
and maybe this is just me misinterpreting the phrase! but it just makes me skin crawl. like idk if there's really a way to justify it that would make me go "oh, i get it" because i don't (but i'm open to discussing it). why not treat each other as human beings deserving of respect and healing?
anyway, this has been a long enough post. i'm tired. i don't know if this even bothers anyone else. but it bugs the shit out of me.
oh, i was going to keep this in the tags, but this is something i want people to see: i mostly see this with people who identify with being anti-endo. but if you identify as pro-/endo and you do this "this isn't for you" thing on general positivity/recovery posts, then this is also about you. and if you don't, then it's not lol.
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harocat · 4 months
One thing that really bugs me is how over and over I see all these blanket posts about what 'fandom is supposed to be', and they always have so many notes and like... fandom is not supposed to be anything? I'd argue it's supposed to be fun, but beyond that, there's never been a set 'thing' fandom is supposed to be. So you always have people arguing that their approach to fandom is the one true way, and that fandom used to be like this (as a fandom old I can confirm this is 95% of the time not true), and it's almost always just what their personal preference as an approach is.
A small example; people in fandom did not 'not used to care whether their ship was canon or not'. Large swathes of fandom have always cared about that, because people have always shipped in different ways and for different reasons. For some fans what is in the text is most important, and they enjoy this!!
People did not used to just ignore it if you had different character and ship preferences. There were entire communities decided to defending characters that got a lot of hate. I'm sure we all know about the anti character communities and sites too.
Antis are also nothing new. While I do agree there has been a big uptick in moralizing shipping preferences in recent years, I remember having the most vanilla ass ships in the world repeatedly called 'abusive'. I ran a community for the most canon, most 'wholesome' pairing you can imagine in the early 2000s, and I got doxed for it. Fandom has always been like this!! The moralizing is worse, but it is not new.
Fanfic has never just meant to be an exploration of what canon did wrong, or even what canon left out. These are two common approaches, but just as often it boils down to 'idk I want more with these characters' or even 'this is a love letter to canon.' There's a mindset that fanfic is meant as a fuck you to canon, and sometimes sure, it is. But that's only one approach, and many, many fans approach it differently.
Also, since very early on, kids have been in fandom. If it 'used to be an adults only space', it was only at the very beginning. This isn't me berating people who want adults only spaces in fandom, by the way, or telling people they need to make things kid friendly (you absolutely do not). It's just saying that kids are not interlopers. They are meant to be here as well, and they should be treated kindly when and if we do need to interact with them.
I think most of what I mentioned in this post is good. I think it's great that there are fans who care about what ship is canon, as well as those who don't. I think it's great that people approach fic with totally different mindsets and goals. I think it's great that for some people, fandom is a place to explore fetishes, and for some it isn't (this isn't inherently moralizing either, some people just have other interests in fandom, or they're ace/aro/etc. and it affects their preferences). I think it's great the kids and teenagers find joy in fandom. Obviously I do not think the ship wars and doxxing are great.
I just don't like when people say 'fandom is supposed to be' or 'fandom used to be' because as always, your experiences are not and never will be universal.
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domesticatedfemcel · 3 months
send a still/panel/whatever of your f/o interacting with another character, along with an image of your s/i, and i'll try my best to edit the other character into your s/i!!!
~~ antis please kindly don't interact with this post ~~
!! proship and neutralship safe! !!
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unforth · 2 years
Heyo Danmei Fans and Twitter Refugees!
Do you love danmei? Do you love fanart?
Hi, I'm unforth, and I also love danmei and fanart, and I wanted to just make a huge gorgeous pile of art and roll around in it so I've made and run for years eight, yes eight, side blogs of danmei art, all with the kind of organization and searchability that twitter can only dream of.
So, if you want to flood your dash with fanart (or if you're an artist and want a little assist getting more eyes on your work now that you're posting here - you can DM me or @/me), why not consider giving a follow to...
Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/The Untamed: @mdzsartreblogs
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing/Eternal Faith: @tgcfartreblogs
Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong/Scum Villain's Self-Saving System/Scumbag System: @svsssartreblogs
Erha he Ta de Bai Mao Shizun/The Husky and His White Cat Shizun/Hao Yi Xing and Yuwu/Stains of Filth: @erhaartreblogs
Daomu Biji/The Graverobber's Chronicles/The Lost Tomb/Too Many Other Names to List: @dmbjartreblogs
Zhenhun/Guardian: @zhenhunartreblogs
Tian Ya Ke/Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor and Qiye/Lord Seventh: @tykartreblogs
Literally Everything Else I Can Find (especially works by Meng Xi Shi, works by Priest, manhua on Bilibili, books by Fei Tian Ye Xiang, books by Please Don't Laugh (so yes, baihe too!), and so much more): @cnovelartreblogs
All blogs run on a queue; I post at a "the queue will last for 7 days" rate that changes more-or-less every day and varies from 30 to 40 posts a day (mdzsartreblogs) down to 1 to 2 posts a day (zhenhunreblogs) and everything in between.
Note that these spaces are all ship and let ship, don't like don't interact, and pro-kink. (I won't reblog everything, but I do reblog almost everything, and even if I'm personally too uncomfortable with something to reblog it - I SUPPORT YOU.) I tag extensively - you can check the pinned post on each blog for currently used trigger warnings (they're consistent across all the blogs) and many of the other tags I use for characters, ships, etc., and I strongly encourage you to use the tags to find That Rare Thing You Love, and also to blacklist anything that's not your thing. Antis kindly fuck off challenge.
Welcome to Tumblr (or welcome back, as the case may be), don't be a stranger, like and reblog works to support artists, and have fun!
(help signal boosting much appreciated. <3 )
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mx-werebat · 3 months
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// pt: before you interact / do not interact //
Disclaimer: our dni only usually applies to follows and direct interactions, however we do hold the right to block liberally :>
// pt: dni //
Bigots (racists, queerphobes (includes aphobia!), antisemitists, intersexists, ableists, etc.), fatphobes, kink / nsfw blogs (we are hypersexual), anti endos and sysmeds, identity policers of ANY kind (as long as the identity isn't problematic), rqs / transIDs, proshippers, disordered abuse believers, anti-kin, pro/neu/complex contact harmful paraphilias, SH / ED centric blogs, anti self-dx with research, syscourse centered blogs and singlets who involve themselves in syscourse
Dni Explained (link)
Thin ice:
People who censor filter tags, those who refuse to translate typing quirks
Dnfi (do not follow if) your blog is centered around the omegaverse / misceverse, or a yandere blog. We're very uncomfortable with those types of things.
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We are physically nonhuman collectively, and consider ourselves a bat. Just a bat.
We prefer not being mutuals with anyone who can't handle what we post about, or our mental stuff. We tend to a vent a lot, and we have an organization tag that can be filtered if it becomes too much.
If you have a problem with our behavior, we'd prefer you shoot us an ask or a DM. We'll get to ya when we can. We also ask you remain civil while doing so.
Our co-host, Ula, is very uncomfortable with doubles. This is due to her narcissistic personality disorder. We understand that it may not be a choice, but we ask that others respect Ula's boundaries. Ula has exceptions but those are very rare.
Ula tends to emotionally bleed on me (Laura, the host) a lot, which can cause things. We may ask to be left alone during those times so we can get emotions under control.
We are very.. Controlling about how others portray Draculaura at times. This is probably due to our npd and me (the host) being draculaura fictionkin wise. We try not to talk about it because we don't want to be an asshole, and understand we can't do squat about it. We'd appreciate patience with this.
We are NOT anti kink. However we are hypersexual and that can be triggered easily! We ask mutuals kindly to filter tag any kinky things for that reason.
Pearl and Ula don't tend to use tone tags, so please ask for clarification on their tone if it's needed! We're unsure why they don't use them.
We have npd. We've done all the research we could and refuse to get professionally diagnosed. We're not in any financial state to get diagnosed and fear being discriminated against.
We don't like being called people. We prefer beings, entities, or creatures.
We try our best to stay out of discourse.
Ula gets uncomfortable being compared to her source counterpart as well as seeing her source counterpart's boyfriend.
We're uncomfortable following anyone who selfships with Draculaura, Frankie Stein (<- Monster High), Pearl, and Spinel (<- Steven Universe)
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[ dividers by @/adornedwithlight ]
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lafemmemacabre · 2 months
🕯️🪦 G A B R I E L 🪦🕯️
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🦇 TME • they/them (ENG) & elle (ESP) • 32
🦇 Lesbian • femme4butch • married 🥰 (April 12th, 2024)
🦇 Chilean • mixed non-Black Latine • ENG & ESP
🦇 Hellenic polytheist 🏺🏛️ (Culturally Catholic)
Aphrodite & Ares devotee // Hera, Persephone, Dionysus & Hermes worshipper.
🦇 Goth since '07 • HEAVY preference for 90s goth
🦇 Autistic + multiply chronically ill + ambulatory rollator user (aka I'd love to use it full time but right now it's impossible 🫠)
🦇 Communist • anti-psychiatry • feminist
DNI ~ Not that it stops the wrong people, but...
No lesbophobes, misogynists, biphobes, transmisogynists, transphobes or homophobes.
No transandrophobia bros.
No racists (including antiblack poc), antisemites or zionists. No US or otherwise imperial core chauvinists. Your lives aren't more worthy than those of the global south.
Very much uninterested on liberals interacting with me or my posts, for the love of God please leave me alone.
I'm very against the whole m-spec "lesbian" bullshit and no you will not convince me that it's #Valid. I'm not interested in the politics of the validity of identity labels, I'm only interested in labels in their capacity to describe our positionality within hierarchies of power and oppression. Lesbian identity describes specific gender relations within our established patriarchy, and part of those gender relations is as women or women-adjacent people who do not willingly form sexual or romantic relationships with men outside of sex work or other similar survival needs.
I'm similarly opposed to TME people claiming the transfem label. Fuck off.
If you're an able-bodied person who thinks physically disabled people have it somehow easier, are more believed, or are given more compassion/sympathy, and/or you co-opt our struggles, kindly kill yourself. <3
If you're someone who thinks misogyny is Oppression Lite™ also kindly kill yourself yes even if you're LGBT/disabled/etc. I don't care. Die. <3
I'd rather swifties stay the fuck away from me purely because you're all insufferable even if the mediocre white woman you all were worshiping wasn't a snake billionaire polluter bully.
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rainderthesomeone · 4 months
Meet the BLU team!
I figured I should make this so everything is a little more easier to understand when it comes to Blu such as personality and behavior, also its some lore insight.
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Blu Soldier the Leader of Blu team, Strong, Durable, and actually has a brain unlike his red counterpart, when not on the battlefield he regularly disappears here and there, no one knows where he go's, he's quite dopy when it comes to social interactions, but he his very very loyal, a trait that is seen with red soldier.
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Blu Demo is the complete opposite of Red Demo, he doesn't drink, he doesn't have wisdom or honor, and he doesn't play with swords, he carries sticks of dynamite and takes his role in Blu very seriously, he's a rule fallower and doesn't take kindly to his team relaxing or mucking about, don't piss him off, due to this aggressive personality he has become second in command by default.
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Blu Medic, is also the opposite of his Red counterpart, While Red Medic is frolicking in the battlefield as blood is spilt or experimenting on his team with animal organs and playing god, Blu Medic is quite, calculated, and flexible, he can be seen in the background using actual medicine on his team, he is quite aware of his surroundings and is by far the smartest of his team, and has a moral compass that's somehow intact, he is quite anti social and slightly temperamental when it comes to carelessness, he has fallowed the Hippocratic oath to the finest detail, though due to this passive nature he cannot defend himself and is a easy target without his team, the closet to a friend he has is Blu Engineer and Blu Soldier, though he sees there friendship as buissnes oriented
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Blu Sniper, A great hunter and Surprise ambusher, but despite that he is very unprofessional when it comes to his job, he loves the thrill of the hunt, and has quick reflexes but in personality...he is quite brain dead, he cant read a map, awful with directions, can get winey when he doesn't want to do something, clumsy, and has little in common with his Red counterpart, he also has the need to upstage Red Sniper in every way.
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Blu Spy, A slippery, Sneaky, little snitch, While Red spy is collected and straight faced, Blu Spy takes great pleasure in mockery and humiliating his targets, he is by definition a Sadist, and a narcissist, more narcissistic than Red Spy, everyone in his team hates him and he hates them, in his free time he stalks his team and gathers dirt on them and anything that he can use against them to blackmail them, so he can control them in order to gain more power and influence within the team, he is a backstabber and doesn't play fair, but when caught red handed he flees like a coward or a child in trouble.
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Blu Pyro, he is a friendly fella, and he is quite fluent in English and speaks quite well, the most innocent one, cares about his teammates, motherly nature, worries about them, puts them all first before himself, people pleaser, hates violence, but if told he has to do it he will do it.
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Blu Scout, is the only one in Blu similar to his counterpart, he just dosent have a crush on Miss Pauling or an interest in women, loudmouthed, and respectless, dosent know what a comic book is or who Tom Jones is (how dare he)
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Blu Engie, as of late incredibly grumpy, no longer being pushed around, is the one pushing people around, secretive, not content, developed a rebellious personality as of late, planning something.
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Blu Heavy, Simple minded, brute, always go's into hand to hand combat if given the option.
I reworked some of there personality traits and looks to make them more diverse instead of having them always being aggressive and spiteful which was there original personality traits, since originally the story was going to have a slightly more darker undertone when it came to the Blu's.
they are all clones of the Red Team, Blutarch wanted to defeat his brother so why not clone a team of mercs that are perfect and capable as Red team, to make the playing field more fair, (that and the Administrator had something to do with this)
if you have any questions about them let me know, I wont be able to give a clear an answer to some things since that would spoil the story a little bit :)
Edit(redid some of the bios have at it :) )
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shellxrls · 5 months
babe r u okay we haven’t seen you for ages :/
SORRY NONNIE. i feel like i shld do a clarification post cuz i've gotten a few asks and i feel kinda bad for leaving u guys in the dark 😭. i've just been putting this off cuz i've been tired and stressed coupled with other reasons (that i'll explain) that make me not want to publicly interact on this blog:
recently i've noticed such a large uprise in hate on this app (ranging from pro-israel/anti-palestine posts to mutuals outside of my fandoms being called aggressive slurs to ppl within the obx fandom consistently expressing opinions of dislike and resentment to authors for simply writing what they want) - also largely made up of anon asks with the foundation of racial or sexuality based hate (which i won't go into depth ab but ppl definitely pick and choose who to send hate to based on those factors - pisses me the fuck off more than anything bcuz i don't come on this app to be bombarded with racism and reminders of my racial perception in this world, regardless of whether its directed at me or mutuals).
another thing, (which ik has been said forever but continues to remain important), the lack of support and interaction for/with writers on this app is definitely very discouraging. i no longer feel supported by the community i've created and the truth is i need that interaction to keep writing and engage my motivation otherwise i feel like what i'm doing on this app is pointless.
no one logs onto this app to listen to me rant ab personal issues, and so i wont' go into extensive detail - but i've consistently used tumblr to escape my personal life, and the burdens and stress that come with. ofc i'm a writer, but wayyy beyond that this is intended to be my safe space where i can enjoy and simply be myself and let go of personal stress as well as interact happily w like-minded ppl. due to this, i've made an effort to take time out of my own life and duties to write and to interact because of the community. recently however i find myself more and more anxious to even open the app and look at my notifs, and whenever i do open the app i make myself feel bad by comparing myself to other writers - which is completely normal occasionally, but at this point its not as easy to shake considering all the factors listed above. its unfortunate to say but it simply hasn't felt worth it to be on this app and interact for while now for me.
before anyone says i'm being too sensitive or its my sole purpose to write - pls remember that this is entirely my blog, i can choose what my motivations are for being on this app and its not a stretch to kindly ask for more in terms of stopping hate and simply being more supportive if u do genuinely like an author and their works.
ultimately i've been both a fan/reader and a writer on this app for multiple years atp, i can understand both perspectives but i've honestly never felt this disconnected and upset ab a blog before. I understand that not everyone is to blame, and i'm sorry to those who've been kind & active supporters, but my public interactions have been limited and may continue to be bcuz i feel v unsure & stagnant atm.
the only 'exception' to this is my mutuals, i love them all obv and their works, & so i'm continuing to interact w them as per normal, and so i am active on the app & i'm definitely not entirely gone by any means. if anything i just need a few more days to reconsider, but we'll see.
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ducki3xd · 3 months
Okay this isn't the kind of post that I usually like to make, but I'm going to do it anyways
We are pro-research self-dx and a self diagnosed traumagenic system (since we physically can't get a proper diagnosis for multiple reasons)
We run a discord server with a few of our friends for systems, alterhumans, sfw regressors, etc and had a little run-in with an anti-self-dx person
We tried to kindly explain ours—and other's situations (which we don't have screenshots of sigh) of why we're undiagnosed
The screenshots below are of their response to our headmates Slade (who talked to them) and Exe (who banned them)
If you think it's fucking okay to do shit like this, don't fucking interact with us. This kind of shit is absolutely terrible and was completely unnecessary.
Yes, all of these accounts were the same person.
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Now you tell me how our existence is hurting the community.
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Why hello there!~
It's me, the one and only Glisten!~ I found out that there are a lot of fans of mine on this site, and so Vee (with the help of her adorable Toon Handler) kindly helped me set up an account!~
I've opened my ask box to you, dearest fans, so you can understand more about the fabulous mirror himself~ ✨✨✨
I-Is anyone there?
H-Hey it's Glisten... I don't h-have much time but... Please... Just don't leave me... I don't want to be alone... It hurts...
Hey! The creator here!
You can just call me Newt, or Ash. I don't mind. This is a fictionkin blog where you can ask Glisten/Twisted Glisten, one of my highest kins. Unfortunately, Tumblr is a wild place so I'm gonna have to lay down some ground rules.
- No heavy gore or NSFW
I'm a minor and I don't need creeps on this blog. Please be humane. I don't mind keeping things light (e.g light mentions of gore, flirting, innuendos) but if things get too out of hand I won't answer the ask.
- No forcing me into ships or into shipping anyone
This is a kin blog so obviously I have memories of being Glisten as well as thoughts and opinions on certain characters. While you're allowed to ship what you want, please don't drag me into things. You're allowed to ask me about my opinions on certain ships but please don't harass me.
- No toxicity
If I see any harassment, arguments or just any toxicity in general, be prepared to pack your bags and disappear just like bald Dandy's hairline. A happy ask blog means a happy creator and I don't want to get mad at anyone.
- DNI Criteria:
Okay I think you know the drill. Pedophiles, zoophiles, homophobes, anti-kin, transphobes, literally any hater on the LGBTQ+/Kin communities.
Now that the bad stuff is out of the way:
Who's available for asks?
Glisten ((always speaks in pink))
Twisted Glisten ((always speaks in red))
Who runs this blog?
Any ships?
I am indeed a Rodger kisser (Rodger x Glisten)
I think that's it
Is the ask box open?
Yes! Feel free to interact!
Oh btw all asks will be answered as Glisten unless you specifically state that you want to talk to both, Twisted Glisten, or if it's OOC.
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 9 months
We are The Hadal Zone, a mixed origins gateway system here to talk about plural stuff or whatever else!
Collectively we go by he&/they&, but please remember to use individual headmates' pronouns when possible!
But first! Anti-endos/anti-nontraumagenics, this isn't your space. Fakeclaimers, this isn't your space. Kindly fuck off.
Our simplyplural: The-Hadal-Zone (feel free to add us!)
If you suspect you know us IRL, do not talk to us about it, do not interact with this blog, try to forget you even saw this. Thank you for understanding.
Hosts, misc extra info, & tagging system below cut.
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(Userbox source) (acc deactivated, it seems.)
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(Userbox source)
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(Pronoun userboxes source)
The hosts:
🌨️Cloud - Host, he/they/it/xe, human-ish. Genderfluid, bisexual, aromantic.
🌲 Forrest - Caretaker/co-host, he/they/it, cryptid/goat/thing. Transmasc, gay, aromantic.
📼 Jonathan - Archivist/Anxiety holder/co-host, he/they/any, human(?). Agender man.
🐧 Freminet - "Co-host in training," he/they/it/drip/frost, human. Boyflux, greysexual, gay.
Other info:
We are also AuDHD and we have anxiety. We mention this because we have great difficulty initiating any form of social interaction, it's... Just extremely difficult for us, due to extreme anxiety.
We're very open to making friends but we won't be the one to initiate. Drop us a comment/ask or DM if you want to be friends, we're 100% open just shit at starting things.
(We'd prefer other system friends but singlets can as well ofc, so long as they're respectful.)
Surprised we had to say this at all, but we're shipcourse neutral. Honestly it has nothing to do with this blog so we don't care to share our full opinions, either side of the shipcourse can interact but if you're especially active in it we'll probably block for comfort.
"#[headmate emoji] || [name] [pronouns]" - default
"#[headmate emoji] || [name] Reblogs" - for teblogs
"#🌊🕯️ || System" - Post is more a collective thing.
"#>❓" - Unknown/Blurry headmate
"#>❌" - Intentionally anonymous headmate
(formerly known as the Candlelight Collective.)
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askjamesonjackson · 2 months
["Welcome one and all! Welcome!"]
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This is a Rp/Ask blog of Jameson Jackson from Jackspeticeyes Egos with my own headcanons of JJ since there isn't much on him but I try a follow canon close as possible.
Here's my ref/headcannons for JJ
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Important information to know:
No nsfw please, mention of gore(images will get you blocked) is fine but I am a minor and nsfw is nsfw for a reason plus JJ is aroace(in my hc)
Don't be a asshole for no reason, jokes are ok but as long as their light jokes. Telling me I'm cringe and stuff isn't fun and this account is suppose to be fun for me and y'all (that also counts towards making fun of my grammer)
I will not take ablist or homophobia kindly, these are my headcanons your free to correct me if I get something wrong but if you go out of you way to shame me for headcannoning a character as aroace I will block you
I do not like Antidapper, if you are a Antidapper shipper I kindly request for you to not interact with me
(Antidapper is the ship between JJ and Anti /info)
Do not demand for your ask to be drawn, drawing can be a stress relief for me but it can also cause me a lot of stress, I draw responses I find cool/interesting and responses that would inform you all more with a funny image paired with it. If you want to request something for me to draw you can ask on my main account or through discord
If you want to rp one on one in dms, my dms are open on discord (discord is maxtrash101)
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As you've probably guessed from the title, this is a tournament for Doctor Who OC's! I'm going to edit this post whenever something changes or comes up, so pay attention.
Submissions are closed!!! Sorry ya'll. I've added one of my oc's, but I won't be saying who it is untill they lose/win. I also added Odhrán Catton ( @bodhrancomedy ) because I just love them.
We've got a bracket of 32, with four Rounds and a bonus poll for third place.
Some General Rules
If you're transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, aphobic, fatphobic, islamophobic, anti-semetic, racist, sexist, ableist, or any other shape of bigoted asshole, fuck off and don't interact with this blog ever. Thanks. If you're trans, gay, bi, ace, other types of queer, fat, muslim, Jewish, poc, feminine/female/afab, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent; this is a safe space. You're welcome here.
The usual, this is just a funny tournament, no death threats or anything stupid or You Will Be Blocked
I love hearing about your OC's so infodump all you want please!!!
I've seperated things into tags, feel free to block/follow any of them
tournament related things - dw oc tournament
polls - dw oc poll
asks - dw oc ask
And, of course, the mandatory @'s:
@drwho-shipbracket @companion-showdown @doctorwho @doctorwhoblog @doctorwhoproblems @dw-companion-outfits-bracket @oc-ships-fight-to-the-death @oc-siblings-bracket @ocshipsmackdown @dt-oc-tournament @villain-oc-tournament @transfemswagbracket @original-character-championship
If you could kindly reblog this please?
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kanaehokariswife · 7 months
Introducing: me and my wife, Kanae Hokari
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I've not really tried to actively put myself out there in the self-ship community much before, but I think this might be a fun way to do so. I adore CLOCKUP's game euphoria to pieces and Kanae Hokari even moreso. I'm 100% proship and kindly ask please don't interact with me if you're an anti or believe that enjoying taboo fiction = real life interests. I'm too old for that shit. 18+ only please, I'm in my mid/almost late 20s.
Anyways! I met Kanae back in March 2012 right after a pretty traumatic incident and watching the freshly-released episode 2 of the OVA. In April, I played the source material, the wonderful eroge made by CLOCKUP. The storyline was fascinating, the characters intensely endearing in their own ways, but more than anything... by the end of it, I realized I truly fell in love with Kanae. I could dive into so many reasons why, but to be honest many are spoilers and my brain can only put out "hehe love my wiiiiife" at the moment. I'll write followups as to why I love her sometime!
This blog will contain spoilers for CLOCKUP's eroge euphoria, but I will be tagging them accordingly. Still, you may see them should you choose to interact here. Nice to meet you all in the self-shipping community! I hope to make friends who understand what it's like to love a character to such a deep extent. I'm okay with doubles and such, so no worries on that front!
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wifeicide · 10 months
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☆ ⌒ Welcome to her ceremony 。 THE BANDAGED WIFE — GUIDELINES — OFFERS 。
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Hello ! Here is some short information about The Suicidal Wife !! She is bi and genderfruct , my pronouns are it/she/they/meow !! I go by the names Exxentia ( or Exxen/Exxy ) , Yada and 5875. The mother has many media appearances but the mains are Dazai Osamu , Nikolai Gogol / Mykola Hohol , Ace Trappola and Azul Ashengrotto ! She kindly asks for those that are the four of them irl to not interact with her ♪ Meow is a syshost with BPD , NPD , HPD and Narcolepsy !! Her main is @heartpaint if anyone would like to chat !
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The Imperfect goddess does NPTS , rentry graphics and layouts! She does any sources and characters unless it's problematic. Be as specific as you'd like! She doesn't mind ^__^
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My dni is simple . . Basic dni criteria , doubles of the four listed above , you call yourself the lover / #1 lover/fan (anything romantic really) of Chuya Nakahara , Jamil Viper and Fyodor Dostoevsky , you demonize cluster b disorders , you steal graphics/ layouts , you don't give credits , Endo sys , boyfriends webtoon fans or support problematic creators , fyolai / skk antis (sorry)
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